Sunday Standard, 9 September 1951

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 16 1 Sunday tiger Standard VOL. II NO. 70 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1951. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 207 1 *h»\. >,-|»t. 8 (I P) Britain dispatched four more destroyers litemnean feel to the Persian Golf today to stand by for i»j British personnel m Iran m the event of an emergency. An Admiralty spokesman confirmed that four destroyers belonging
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  • 96 1 ,\i |n( t>. Sept. 1, i IP> The Oneral SecreHMTSC Peace iOnlVreiut' announced tonight is ■m sigi the treaty. inuni^t tountrie> of Ku.Njsia. Poland and ltd to sjive notifii M'ion they would sijjn. I :i !ii Australia, Belgium. Bolivia. Brai m tl a \loi.
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  • 46 1 Yoshida Says Sorry, Delegates Applaud vN* M i>. Sept H (I P) Peace conference I nations applauded the tiny dignified Mir** apologised tor the war he I rom j ti D fvho i 3 I to the 53 ie and isi E si like admire: o:
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  • 103 1 DJKARTA, Sept. 8 (AFPi Hongkong registered vessels Qying British flags are being detained m Tandjong Pnok Harbour charged with l:^'::i4 coffee and rubber from Surabaya to Singapore during the month of April, this year, a government spokesman revea ed here today. Wong Po
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  • 63 1 FORT DIX. New Jersey, Sept 3 CAP)— An F-94 Air Force jet 1 on a routine training Might exploded m midair on Thursday i and plummeted to earth m a rte: dive. T: c bodies of two crew members from nearby McGuire air base
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  • 10 1 KING BACK IN SCOTLAND •vimmi isi lota teh ta > mthe
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  • 32 1 LAS P A L M A S. Canary Islands. Sept 8. <AP> A bus toppied aver a 140 foot embankment Dear here last night, killing live ;*t;d injuring 48.
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  • 123 1 Shortage Of Men Hi Is Anns Drive LONDON" Sept a (UP) Bntain"s three-year-old £4.700.--000,000 rearmament programme has bogged down almost before it started because ut" the critical shortage of manpower, official reports disclosed today. These reports plus the shortage of raw materials and the winter threatened with too tittle coal
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  • 133 1 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA P I L A H, Sept. 6. The divorce rate among Malay couples m this district reached a new high this week and the Kathi who handles all divorce cases m the area is facing a big problem.
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  • 125 1 LONDON. Sept. 8: (Renter) The Soviet official news agency Tass today denied that there were any Soviet troops m North Korea. In a message from Moscowreceived m London it said the United Nations Information Department m Tokyo, and a number of British and
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  • 69 1 BERLIN. Sept. 8. (UP>— United States Army authorities announced today that an American soldier wa s shot without cause by an East German Communist policeman and died m a Soviet hospital on Friday. The Soviet expressed regret over the shooting and arrrested the "people's policeman." The
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  • 103 1 'A FURTHER sum of $43 was received by the Singapore Standard yesterday for Xwong Ah Chee, Singapore trisha-rider, who lost his life savings of $2,340 and $1,240 worth of jewellery last Monday night when burglars broke into his room m Serangoon Road. This brings the
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  • 40 1 LIVERPOOL. Sept. 8. (APVThe Battleship Duke of York and a cruise steamer with 950 persons aboard collided m the River Mersey last night. Fifty persona on the ferry uwe slightly injured, but neither vessel was badly damaged.
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  • 26 1 WASHINGTON. Sept 8 (APRILS, casualties m Korea now total 81.766, an increase of 344 since last week, it wa* announced ha< H jir, ~—^^^m
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  • 82 1 Three occupants of this Sedan escaped without a scratch when the vehicle crashed through a guard rail on a bridge approach near Liberal. Kansas, recently. The car bumped along parallel to the approach and wedged between side of 50-foot embankment and a bridge support. The occupants. Mr.
    AP  -  82 words
  • 212 1  -  By PERCY JOSEPH Standard Staff Reporter WOMEN ftefeamed ami men ghouted when fire broke oul m one of the upper rooms of ilie two-storeyed W omen's Volunteer Service Mess at Lady Hill Road shortly before 10 o'clock last ni*ilil. At the time of the
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  • 120 1 LONDON. Sept. 8 <AFP>— Minister of Defence Emanuel Shinwell today advocated greater collaboration between Britain and the United States as well as with Commonwealth countries. Speaking at a private meeting of the Labour Party, Shinwell said: "We must collaborate with the United States and with other
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  • 74 1 LONDON. Sept. 8. (UP). Czechoslovakia's Government was completely reorganized today following a purge of the Stalinist leadership ot the Czech Communist Party. The Prague Radio broadcast an announcement of the official Czech News Agency reporting government reorganization and creation of a super-ministry to control all branches
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  • 115 1 WASHINGTON. Sept. 8 <AP>— Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder of the United States made it clear yesterday that the U.b. will oppose any effort at next week's annual meeting ot the World Monetary Fund— or alter it —to lift the price of gold
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  • 298 1 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Owing to deadlocks which have resulted m past negotiations with the various services. the present Government negotiating machinery, The Standard learns, may be thrown overboard and it is likely that Government will introduce a new
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  • 354 1 Allies Destroy 1,600 Vehicles Within 2 Days TOKYO, Sept. 8 (UP) United Nations warplanes ran a two-day total of Communist vehicles destroyed or damaged to more than 1,600 with a new record bombing figure of nearly 800 on Friday, the Far East Air Force headquarters said today. The record for
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  • 350 1  -  OSWALD HENRY l(> PROTESTING auain-l the apparent apath\ diV played by the Singapore Gmrermwmti m raqpm i<« petitions Bubmitted during the pant thr«'»- MMIS, and charging thai decukms on viial MMtn affr<iin» ih<film trad** have been "iinr<>a*onahl\ delayed.**'* the Cinematograph E\hil»itor^* As^oeiation of Singapore and
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  • 48 1 HONGKONG, Sept 8 AP” Communist China's "nav\ tuu at least one .submarine. f c Hongkong Standard today quoted unnamed Chine.-* merchant seamen as saying The >eamen said during a re cent call at Dairen harbour they spotted a 30 to 40U foot *ub-
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  • 144 1 JAP ASSETS Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH. Bat Commenting on the nrv.s thai Japanese assets m Malaya would be made available to the people of this country, Mr. Lav Pal; EChuan JP., President of the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce said that the Chinese should benefit
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  • 87 1 Thai Shippers Ired By Low Rubber Offers BANGKOK. Si pt S (Rf utf r) Shippers ar« crumbling regarding prices New York rubber dealers are offering for Thailand rubber. The recent I'nited StatesThailand rubber agreement provided that the United States would pay "world market prices" for purchases of Thailand rubber. However,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 64 2 A WOMAN, Lee Vim Chang, was fined $250 m the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, when she pleaded guilty to a summons charge of possessing poison without licence at Chop Yin Aye Chan m Boat Quay on Aug. 9. She admitted having 4530 tablets of
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  • 638 2  - COLONY'S HISTORICAL PAPERS TO BE MICROFILMED »j GEORGE RASIAH SlandarJ Staff Heporter VALUABLE original documents which contain the early hi&oty of Singapore and the Srttlements, now m the Government Arrhiveft at Stamford Road, are to he microfilmed, The Standard understands. Some of these documents have their original manuscripts m London,
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  • 51 2 DAUD BIN HASHIM (21 > was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by ne year's police supervision, va the Singapore Second District Court yesterday for stealing an RAF pay-book and some cloth- ing worth $50 at the Singapore British Military Hospital en i
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  • Article, Illustration
    96 2 MR. AND MRS. George Kenneth Armstrong ttbo were married m British North Borneo at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Labuan, recently. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. L. I. Armstrong and the late Mr. H. 11. Armstrong of Singapore, while the bride was formerly Miss Wilhelmina Beatrix Galistan.
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  • 240 2 'PAY INDIA'S CLAIM* Standard Staff Reporter THRF.E Singapore Legislative Councillors yesterday voiced their support of Mr. John Layeock's proposed motion at the next Council meeting urging Government to pay India for looking after and repatriation of Singapore Japanese internees m lhai country. The three are Mrs.
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  • 75 2 THE AIR Movements Section at Changi airfield one of the busiest m the RAF. anywhere m flic world has opened 114-hour canteen service for aircrews and passengers arriving m Si'ignpore. The Section handles passengers and freight for ail the "short" runs by RAF. transport planes m
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  • 151 2 Standard Staff Reporter CEYLON citizens who are also citizens of other countries will lose their Ceylon citizensnip status unless they renounce their other citizenship before the end of next year or m the case of minors before the age of 22 years. A statement issued
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  • 145 2 Postmen's Mass Meeting Confirmed Standard Staff Reporter THE GENERAL Secretary of P. and T. Uniformed St.- Union. Mr A.R. Kadiar, confirmed the report m yesterday's Standard that a mass meeting of the Union's members will be held some tirr.e m October. He% however, pointed out that the exact nature trf
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  • 56 2 LOH GUAN SENG pieariec 1 guilty In the Singapore Sectnd Pt-iice Court yesterday to four cnarges of criminal breach of trust. He misappropriated tour wrist watches and a g; !d rir^ beior.^ir.g to four different person*. Total value <>i tne properly was estimated to be $163.
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  • 47 2 FOUR CHINES!:. Torg Ah San <22>. Tar. Kirn Kcc (27\ Ong Chung Huat (25' and Ong Thin Scon (31) were discharged m the Singapore Fourth Pi ,cc Ccurt yesterday when the charge against them f< r e« mmitting robbery at Farrer Road, Singarore. was withdrawn.
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  • 227 2 11th YEAR OF BATTLE OF BRITAIN THE ELEVENTH anniversary of the Battlt* of Britain will be celebrated on Saturday morning with ceremonial parades at all the R.A.F. Station*, m Malaya. At most of the airfields planes will stage a fly-past m salute to those who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 137 2 n expert archer will hit the mark every time V To match the old proverb, our archer here is looking the part and is surely about to chalk up a good score! So, too. Tiger Beer looks the part (with foaming collar and dancing colours) m its own field of
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    • 154 2 Your smile will be m trouble ys3& W you en clean here (jj VXJ The extra \s/^ I*ooooooooo^" of mo<fcrn Tf vil (J toothbrush fits your teeth clew Throw #w 3 y r our %\\H»W» thoroughly old fashioned *>'"*\\ pr€V€nting v $cc now m. TEK sho.t-head \A\ Ava.tAht^ mi n
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  • 278 3 Govt. Urged To Set Aside Part Of Japanese Assets CLAIM FOR REFUND OF FORCED DONATIONS' Standard Staff Reporter A PORTION of the Japanese assets authorised hy the British Government to he distributed tor the benefit of the people m Malaya, should be set aside as payment for the $50 million
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  • 59 3 Standard Staff Reporter AW TEE YON'G (24) was sentenced to IS months" rigorous imprisonment to be followed by two years" police supervision, m the Singapore Third District Court yesterday for stealing two ceiling fans worth $330 belonging to the military ;*t Canterbury Roadr off Ayer Rajah
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  • 272 3 Standard Stafl Keportt-r SINGAPORE Marine Police have introrfiit't'd a new system to reduce lootinst from ship-- m tht* Singapore roads to the minimum. Picked ships are now visited by men from the Marine Station and presented with a complaint and information book. which solicits
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  • 123 3 Standard Staff Reporter The Controller of Income Tax, Singapore. Mr. A. W. Hodges yesterday assured the public that they are welcome during office hours to interview him personally m his private office m United Engineers Building, River Valley Road. Persona] interviews apply to
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  • 105 3 The rubber market m Singapore was quiet with prices approximately the same as Friday's closing levels Traders were cautious arid there was little inclination to trade. SINGAPORE. Sat.— The price of Tin today was $448£ pei picul. Down $12. NOON PRICES The Sins ioore Chamber of Commerce Rubber
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  • 50 3 FONG MOK CHAI (25) was sentenced to 18 months 1 rigorous imprisonment to be followed t^ two years" police supervision m the Singapore Third District Court yesterday foi stealing a car head lamp worth SI "1 m the b vi; lane otl Sa_;i> Street on Aug. 28.
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  • 234 3 M. E. MAIDEEN Batrha. an Indian bus ronductor of the Singapore Traction Company, was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment for causing hurt to Chief Ticket Inspector Kenneth Kerr, at the conclusion of a summons case m the Singapore Relief Court, yesterday. In passing
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  • 72 3 MORE than seventy lots of household goods went under the hammer at Nassims yesterday and there was dose bidding for every item by the record crowd present. The goods included two sitting room furniture sets, teak tables, crockery, book cases iff boxes and radios.
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  • 339 3  -  By Chee Koon Lin Standard Staff Reporter OPIUM, according to Chinese superstition, can make you live longer than you should. That is If you know how to use it. The secret Is not m your eating it but m offering it as a bribe
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  • 197 3 photo. Standard Staff Reporter FOl R STALLS m the (ireat World Amusement Park were gutted, and a portion of the well-known Win«j Choon Yuen Restaurant and part of the Nankin Theatre were damaged, when fire broke out at the Park around 2 a.m.
    Standard  -  197 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 122 3 CLEANER SHAVES CLOSER SHAVES ME SHAVES i Blue Gillette blades ea ha^e the sharpest edges m the world. msi economical to us« because the> last the kmgc«j and give man> perfect rinves. I idl blade is as good a^ the nevi anu Oitir quality never vane*. 60 c Blue UC^
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    • 173 3 MODERN KODAK BOX CAMERAS EASY TO USE -INEXPENSIVE JO BUT H "^^^^^^^^^K 1 plunger shutHi I'nl IrJnHV^I ur release, t ■U^i (I Ik^^VdSi posur* lever 8;> r With clever built-in ■P'^?^^ portra r ler lever tor Hf f|lll|f/mßmJli^| t-me eXposures, takes ■Iw^l lILf^S B^M^^S^^^ SIX 20 BROWNIE I I IhP^
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  • 218 4 WillßeOnParWith lies tin UK, America Stan«lar<l Staff Correspondent M \L\ LUMPUR, Sat. Kuala Lumpur's nen irchnicaJ college tow whose <on I sl^" c i British Government has contributed $4,HSU,UUU will be i" no *>;«% behind any technical college m th, I nhed Kingdom or the United
    Army PR  -  218 words
  • 26 4 MR M R S. Panicker, chief elerli attached to the Telecoms Department, Kuantan, i« g iir q on lor.g leave to India shortly
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  • 120 4 Gurnoy Promises BUatfari >U» f Correspondent LUMPUR Sit An portunity for debate m Pedera Lei tiye C unal b >le question of the icj ii 5 tun- I .v Fed- Sii Henry Gurney. when he I 'the Lum— t a gradual eremonj to
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  • 28 4 Si md mi Stall arrespead< a! SEG AM AT. Sal I of the J re's 78th the district on Sept m T.:e I government offic i
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  • 563 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Reference was made to the experience of Banka Mines and the failure of nationalisation m England by the spokesman of one of the biggest milling concerns m the country today when his attention was drawn to Dato Onn
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  • 118 4 Appeal By 2 Dismissed Standard Stall Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.—Remarking that there was no justification to reduce the sentence, the Chief Justice of the Federation. Sir Foster Sutton, m the full Court of Appeal today, dismissed the appeal oftwoMaiays, Engku Ngah bi n Engu Mat and Syed Abu Abdullah bin
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  • 74 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUANTAN, Sat.-A pigling one Of a litter of six, born at the Liew Cha Voon's farm Gahng Besar, had two heads four eyes, two mouths, two noses but a normal body. Mr. Liew Cha Voon who has had three years experience m rearing
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  • 60 4 of T ?S XECUTIV E Committee «7 Smgapore Granite Quarry Workers' Union will meet today m*J eCl ?>f Wllelher Should meet the employers. Messrs Ewart and Company, tomorrow to negotiate over the Unionsdemand for increased wages for the workers. The Union has already served a 14-days'
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  • 262 4  -  Capt. D H. de T. Reade By THE British Army School at Headquarters Malaya has started its aui:<vin term wnh 157 children— boys and girls, on a co-educational basis. Mrs G. Dier. the headmistress, is on sick leai'e: she is the last of the former Queen's
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  • 136 4 JB Legal Adviser Leaves JOHORE BAHRU, Sat.— The Legal Adviser, Johore Bahru, 40-year-old .Mr. VY M McCalJ who is leaving Malaya lor gou± arrived w Malaya early m iy4<j as Assistant Legal Advise:. F.M.S. Mr McCall was caught during the Japanese invasion when he did his bit m the Volunteer
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  • 55 4 AT a preliminary inquiry m the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday, Bador bin Suicng was committed to stand tria, at the next Assizes on a tentative charge of raping a y ur.g Malay girl at the H.M. Naval Base m the small hours of June 14. The
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  • 53 4 IjNDER the auspice* of the Singapore Tamil Teachers' Union three public lectures will be given by Swami Satyananda on "The History of Tamil Language and Culture" at the Ceylon Tamils 1 Association premises, li Handy R, ja d today, torr °A^i and on Tu *«iay at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 37 4 THE Army Civil Service Union, representing nearly 14 000 civilian workers employed 'by Ihe Army m Singapore, "yesterday marked its filth anniversary Mi£ 3 dl n r al thc Victoria Memorial Hall last night.
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  • 44 4 THE TAMIL Methodist Church held a very successful bazaar and fun fair yesterday at Short Street. Mrs E S v co £v the raR d old lady" of the Church, decla/ed the bazaar open by cutting the ribbon across the Church hall
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  • 48 4 Singapore Shipping Reporter One of the biggest single shipments of British cars— 2l6 vehicles— arrived m Singapore yesterdayintheßlue Funnel 116 cars, station wagons and vans, followed by 61 Morris Minors. The rest of the vehicle, comprise Sunbeams, Humbers, J£g!sj e y«» n £Triumpb May-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 108 4 Ix C i\l I l\l _y^ry WORLD'S GREATEST LIGHTER jf •!=?^iMp In the limelight above I*- a "Whirlwind** the «(r j l^ Z^^^?***ffi****^ 11 -weather lighter with retractable windshield. -'Is ~'*^^3HiS A popular RONSON with disappearing wind•hield up, protects flame from blustery- weather. BANKER** fl Indoors, windshield down, a dress
      108 words
    • 261 4 J^ 100 H.P. SIX CYLIKn OVERHEAD VALVJ S CAB COMFOFT r b I i^J^^ M STBEIf6TII RE r rpvr CojJbcßffi^ CHASSIS FEAI .^bVM^ mSrf, lliflnm Bm" your DRIVERS want 1H 3 frncll come ir.;. ai:i< i creasr d 1■ serve ;< pt:.. The New 5 ton The greatest n MORRIS-CONNERCEAi
      261 words

  • 240 5 photo. photo. Jap Dumping Of Textiles Expected Soon Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat. A prewar textile merchant just back from a trip to Japan said that Malaya will become a dumping ground for cheap Japanese textiles after the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty. The trader
    Standard  -  240 words
  • 119 5 Standard Stafi Reporter KO SHIH, a 4y-y ear-old Chinese woman of Ainoy Street, was rined $25<i or one month's rigorous imprisonment by the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. P. Claque, yesterday, when she admitted illtreating a 12-year-old girl, Thung Swee Ying. The court was told that
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  • 78 5 Standard Start Reporter A 39 YEAR OLD Indonesian, Farook bin Mashrool. was charged m the Singapore Second District Court yesterday with causing the death oi Ng WFoon Cheong by doing a rash and negligent act not amounting I culpable homicide at Geylang Road on
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  • 511 5 Standard Staff Reporter A SURVEY <»f what were formerly prominent Japanese building* m the city of Singapore reveals that man) of them are now heinu used for purposes* entirely different to their pre-war use. Some of the present tenants of ".w buildings said yesterday
    Standard  -  511 words
  • 196 5  -  EVA CHONG By Standard Woman Reporter IN a small house m quiet River Valley Road, Singapore, a Parsee family has found "life" again. For they are refugees from Communist terror m China. Sitting with her 16-year-old son by ncr side, Mrs. B. unfolded
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  • 137 5 SIBSTATIONS In Singapore liable to load sherirtinK today. DAY Armenian street D.C., Tan €'li><* Place Fort Canning. Scan St., Waterloo St., St. Andrews' Ili^'h St. Stamford Kd.. AllMTt Street. New Ice Works, Firestone. Mackenzie Road, Kuklt Timah l»nmi)s, Balestter Road. .lalan Ampas. 8.M.8.C., Mcßitchie, BraddeU Kise. Seletar Pumps,
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  • 253 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Six-ty-two students of the Technical College, passed their exams and the occasion was marked by a graduation ceremony held today Following are the list of graduates who pa.ssed: FIRST CLASS. Civil Engineering: Chung Sooi Yin and Ho Cheon* Swee. Klocirical Engineering:— Lye Fah Yew.
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  • 196 5 Fishermen Strike: Fish Costs More Standard Staff Correspondent ALOR Star, Sat.— The strike by 250 to 300 Malay fishermen working for a Chinese enterprise at Kuala Kedah, largest fishing village on the west coast of Malaya, already has raised the price of fish sharply. The strike started a week ago
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 129 5 11 DELICIOUS CENTRES THICKLY COVE RE 0 WITH V, FULL CREAM MILK CHOCOLATE y/ -ors: SimE, DARBY v, ±i ->. m a**a sh A v+ir j- -*s «J» A A A'• > iIEGENTONEi The Finest Receiver I m the World" Specially designed for the Overseas listeners. modi i :i.\ 8
      129 words
    • 300 5 \sH^&Mi9Nlim isf^'tjy^irh Xl II I IK l\V/Lvl\" li KOLOK inked ribbons of lasting quoffty for use on oil typewriters ond other office machines ATTRACTIVELY packed m vacuum tins to retain the original freshness under all conditions. KOLOK have been famous for their TYPEWRITER, PEN, ond PENCIL Carbons since 1904, and
      300 words

  • 1365 6 IT A V THIS Is one of the loveliest places m Europe a 1 tiny landlocked bay flanked by pink, blue yellow houses, the piazza agleam at night with a thousand Janu-ms and the swinging lights of the luxury yachts m the miniature harbour. came
    1,365 words
  • 19 6 No use to. uging onvad n. fn m mhct t, 4* .ith H Upttmbt, 20*
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  • 433 6  -  Frank Robertson By JAPAN. ALTHOUGH Japan will lose ■^1- £350,000 worth of business a day if the Korean war ends, this country's economic recovery has been so rapid and substantial that this loss is not expected to cause serious hardship. Since the beginning of the Korean
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 NO SKIPPING. ..THE INK IS SPECIALLY METEREDI VI New World's most wanted pen... the only pen with Aero-metric Ink System I 1 1 New "51" now brings you the ultimate m writing I^l f* iZ* /^T* satisfaction. An exclusive new device meters the ink; JL dX Ix j I spinning
      96 words
    • 191 6 air ceriOM Takes a FIRST IN COMFORT yvifh WW m m mm SLUMBER-LOUNCE t A^^^^i^yiX modern contril ?ir> n mr^mrWf^m^^ drawing-ro^ ftyUHV^L^/ MEANS MORI i > >ir PASSENGER. SPECIALLY DEMGNf. i^yj V^^^/l\r\\i AFFORD 0 u \*^sm vA\\ AND comfort CONVERSION TO SLFIPir ?V^<3?^^c^ r IS WORLDS be V^OyyV^S.^>«^ ENSURES COMPLEX
      191 words

  • 1939 7 IF ANYONE is interested m a camel (two-humped, Arabian variety) I have one for sale on a strictly cash and carry basis. I mean the purchaser must be prepared to undergo the little inconvenience of having to carry the beast himself. lam sorry about this but
    1,939 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 238 7 x fwl kl I I II V 2 SgHJI SUNDAY Sjj^^B NIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT v v x it SPECIAL! 7.30 P.M. tuld be a Sunday night cc for this gripping sermon ig message that holds the ■st ot all from the first minute A sermon young people THE SHOCKING STORY
      238 words
    • 117 7 Jot glamour that becomes you ixvJUvj t PERFUME LIPSTICK TALC COLD CREAM VANISHING CREAM I BRILUANTINE HAIR CREAM Int 1 BOURJOIS GRAFTON LABORATORIES LIMITED. SINGAPORE The name speaks for itself •■■■■■■■J Helps to cleanse the system 'SSJ^fr S from blood impurities J m Impurities m the blood may cause rheumatic
      117 words

  • Sunday tiger Standard Independent Morning Newspaper
    • 1974 8  -  LONDON. ••'rnK difference bi tween ii: h and Ameri< an policies m Asia i •■<-• ol I-•--i out's most nt< ig< nt MJP s i«, d dm "i- thai Hie Labour Government realizes thai while a Communist dictatorship would be reactionary t,t» p for Western Europe, a
      1,974 words
    • 1253 8 Time Marches Un While Malayans Stand Aside! iXNE tiling that we have found most puzzling m post-war Malaya is the increasing popularity of watches among the people. No longer is the possession of a watch a sign that one belongs to that class which takes a great delight m grinding
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1 8 Federation
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    • 436 8 You've still lime lo I! to Britain's Festival Fly to Britain by B 0 V" an<^ <*njoy all the fun Festival. lt*i m full until the end of September-and section* run well into later monthEverywhere you'll find colour, ptgattth bright li^ht*.. Scintillating new thtair. concerts, ballets, revues, exhibit!..Britain's many-sided life
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  • 213 9  -  AUDREY WHITING By PARIS. r PHE telephone operator m 1 the city's "Can I Hejp You?" telephone service said brightly; "Good morning, M.idame. can I assist you?" And. muffling a yawn at the other end of the line, a sleepy voice asked: Will you please
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  • 1135 9  - KEEP MOVING, GYPSY! ...or your old freedom is gone! LONDON. THEY told me to wait m a lane on the left of the Oxfordshire road running west out of Thames, at sunset* to meet a mysterious creature of the countryside whom three Ministries and a host of local authorities are
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  • 799 9  -  FLORA LEWIS By TEHERAN, PERSIAN leaders have privately expressed alarm at the mounting pace of Communist activities here. The possibility of a Soviet inspired uprising m this country i> taken much more seriously rmw than at any time since the Azerbaijan revolt m 1946. Compared
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  • 521 9 Aren' t you lucky to miss this... NEW YORK A FFW days after I return-t-A from my holidays bubbling over with stories. 1 got an invitation to a friend's house to tell about my nip. What happened. We spent the entire evening looking at television. This is what happens every
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 166 9 Wm\ GERMAN I *^Mg®s SOLIDA j ansco filmJ IU&ao a j v^«-j* fast Schneider I Kadionar 1:2.9j *.> mm J Ji( Prontor Super -liullit up to l/2.">0 j Jbj-^^^ uilh stlf timer flash J S] luhroiiizatioii ,\rr r«-a«l\ C«SC only $135.00 J.thes Dental Photo Supply, Ltd. Muldle Koad. Singapore. Tel.
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 137 9 m/IRY, MARY, QUITE CONTRARY- shps the life of the «rty/ whXTs^w ron;c;l iP lBl^™^^ THE DOCTOR'S ADVICE I tnd EM T RED i 21v£K 7Bf CM C^^^ SW USED TO dTV I MORC PART MIJM^H T.REDNJESS OOES M o^ OAUGHTERS TRODSLEmI I nA^OVGATALL^^^C Vj (soVuLL C^U^J I 'J 'S tAM
      137 words

  • 460 10 s ll \l'K of thing* l« MOM Sy«ln»*> to Singapore m u€»P ami from Shigaporf to Karachi m anulkr hop |n 'oanlrttntioin J hi* i* lfc« airrraft of tin- iniiiit-tliat*- fntun-. a I orkht^l rtpri -MMitatm* told nit- an«l our Dirrrtor
    460 words
  • 428 10 as the Skymaster (DC4> had its era "'The DC6 and Constellation 74i> era is already rapidly reclining, although these latter aircraft will remain superior until delivery of the newer types m 195.V He added that the development of both, straight jets and turbo-prop types will be closely studied
    428 words
  • 164 10 BO AC Make Big Surplus FOR the first time m its history, the British Overseas Airways Corporation m.ide an overall surplus of £122,000 m July, Sir Milo.s Thomas, its chairman announced yesterday. He added that the financial result.* for April. May. June and July this year were "by far the
    164 words
  • 17 10 More than 600 French troops passed through Singapore yesterday inthe 9.Q00- t^n ship Son-
    17 words
  • 245 10 THE United State* is stepping up quantity production of the fastest bomber m the world, the Boeing B-17 Stratojet, as a mighty ntep forward m the free world's opposition to the Kremlin's imperialism. A six-jet-engine, swept-wing plane similar m size to the fajned Superfortress, it is classified
    245 words
  • 709 10 MEDICAL officer* of Britain's Royal Navy are experimenting with new drugs to enable shipwrecked sailors to survive m boats and on rafts. Assisting them m tests of preventatives for seasickness, a number of Guardsmen recently acted as guinea pips." After being fed with sandwiches
    709 words
  • 80 10 WASHINGTON. <AP) Some 125. ships sunk oft US shores m World War II may be salvaged to help overcome shortages of steel, tin, copper and other critical materials. The Maritime Administration is backing salvage of two tankers located m 40 To 60
    80 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 T &3 3^y^^&a&» FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE D.rect O*e»lond < Son La. An,eU» All Xmencor 6 Cono*or 'itie Penang P Sham Spore j i GCORGE LUCK€NBACH 24 2CSep» 27/28 Sept 29 Sept 1 Oct CHINA BEAR 24Z5Oct 27/28 Od 29 Ocf 1 No, Accepting caiga fo» Howjkonc I
      209 words
    • 405 10 SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK CONI.k Spore P. S'Korv •PATAGONIA" for Bongkok Hongkong Manilo Kobe Yokonamo 17-20 Sept 14-16S p j, "NOROHVAL" for Bongkok 21 -22Scpt 18 20S tl •SELANDIA' for Saigon Bangkok 16-17Oef 13-15 0 "PANAMA* <or Bongkok, Hongkong Kob« Yokohomo 19-24Oct •FIONIA" for Bangkok 23-23Oct SAILINGS W CONCNfNI SCANDINAVIA
      405 words

  • 134 11 VM) here's what the mtmoranuUMi has to say about the British Cinem.ilograph Films Bill: 'In view of the fact that the B.M.A. Proclamation No. 54 of 1916 on the subject of the British Film Quota and other allied matters was out of date, a Select Committee of the legislative
    134 words
  • 705 11 Govt Quizzed On Entertainment Tax, Licence Fees, Films Bill, Censorship MOW MEN SEND COLONIAL SECRETARY ANOTHER 'REMINDER' 'THE Cinematograph Exhi- bitors* Association of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya, m a memorandum submitted to the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, yesterday, drawing attention to four matters affecting the trade that deserve early
    705 words
  • 303 11 COMMITTEE OH FILM CENSORSHIP THE film trade m Malayaafter a lapse of more than a year since representatives of the industry submitted a petition to His Excellency the Governor of Singapore expressing dissatisfaction at certain aspects of film censorship m the Colony— is
    303 words
  • 375 11 'TODAY'S Hollywood star featured m our "doubles" series is none other than popular pint-size A Paramount actress Mona Freeman who looks so young that she invariably finds herself playing: teen-agers roles m screen dramas. Her Singapore counte.-pari rather, a person whose facial features photograph similarly to
    375 words
  • 247 11 Relief Urged For Show Licence Fees? s > r rHE Singapore Government is again taken to task by the Cinematograph Exhibil rs' Association of Singapore and the Federation of Malaya m its memorandum submitted to Government yesterday with regard to police or show licence fees. The Association presented a petition
    247 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 204 11 H EDY DELILAH" LAMAUR T HE KIND OF GIRL YOU Sjjk 1 1 1 mttlr^M W i^b t*. i 'ill Jf I^^Sjßl^f j STARTS TODAY! I 1.45 1.15 6.45 X <).;]()P. M. 'AIR-COHDfTIONE!) jrW^% H--V1 MIDNIGHT A TLESDA V! M DATE HER by rin^insr 3400 IHl'l RANK prtsents i r
      204 words
    • 83 11 PHOMF U ***** fiEYLANC WT Today At 11.00 a.m. John Payne Gail Russell In "EL PASO" (In Cinecolor) Daily 2 Shows: 3.00 and 8.30 p.m. ALL MALAYAN PREMIERE Universal's Super Serial Showing Complete Serial of 12 Blood-Tingling Thrills! Next^Change: "SARGAM" A Spectacular Hindustani Musical Fantasy Of The Year Last 3
      83 words
    • 29 11 GRAND PKE -RELEASE MIDNIGHT PREMIERE GUTHAY TUESDAY YVONNEDe CARLO I ShepH^y PETER USTINOV I f% makes "*f^ Hf DAVID TOMLINSON yjjjjj <J}/ ROLAND CULVER wst lifjTjj v/iin toaW m^&rJ3!rivSi'6'ir9*s<i)
      29 words
    • 311 11 >.-^,-,— Phone Jl^Mr// 4042 TOl) ay T^-^ ti KM -r .-rt 1 1 1 .45-4 I DAILY fj j s lM^™^ H 3 I <i.30-M.3i Can Francis pick winno*/ uL^lftJimw Pist 7 straigfat races m a tow! f5~S*3|E V iwiAio O'CONNOR ptfcr LAURIE -t f R4BCK the_7S^m/ JTa/7 7/7 vow
      311 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1958 12 YY E had quite a distinguished VV i Is t of visitors m the Colony last week. There was the Maharani Saheba of Vizayana-ga-am paying Singapore a brief visit. Then cane India's Chief Justice. Sir Harilal Kania, and India's AttorneyGeneral Mr. M. C. Setalvad who dropped m on their
    C.F. Larm; G.S. King  -  1,958 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 271 12 flatters Impart a lovery took of loft. s»iin-«moothness 10 your sfc n wrth iha dtfTereni Face Powder, created by Ma* ff»<-fo/ Hollywood. See how it enlivens and enhance* the colouring* of you/ compteA»on and bnngj out your full, natural beauty. Onct you try the glamorizing Colour Harmony shade crrat«J expressly
      271 words
    • 231 12 if f i fA^ Imwliest finish to />j/A, //ro/ s^/V cot?/ showei if tfo kindest powder m the world BABY /t POWDER THE BORNEO COMPANY LiHITE) 0 1 SPEED GRAPHIC jfcL*. CROWN GRAPHIC JBBflft CENTURY GRAPHIC $900 to $1,600'AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. 109 North Bridge R<L S pen I'h .n,
      231 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 782 13  - What the Russians hear when speaks 200 M. In The USSR^hey'r&TheMQsTttgM Each Dawn LONDON. \T 4.15 a.m. the other day a red light winked m Studio 15 m the basement of Bush House, headquarters of the 8.8.C.'s Overseas Service. An engineer spun a record of PurcelFs Trumpet Voluntary and the
    782 words
  • 332 13 Wellington, N.Z. IT IS felt m many knowledgeable quarters that New Zealand should learn what lessons it can from Australia's inflation predicament. New Zealand is not so far along the inflation road as Australia. but there to no doubt that she is
    332 words
  • 330 13 TO ease Europe's shortage of newsprint. an expedition of- 300 Finnish wood-cutters and forest engineers has gone to the bleak coast of Labrador. Financial sponsorship for this venture is provided by a Swiss industrialist. Dr. Arthur Seigheim, while revenue from it will go to the
    330 words
  • 572 13 GENEVA, Sept. 8 (OFNS). Continuing inflation m Europe to-day is the result of internal factors and is no longer the product of outside forces such as the rir»iii£ co»>t of ran material*. This fact emerges from the Economic Bulletin for Europe, covering
    572 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 427 13 W'ltch DISPRIN' dissolve— auickly— completely if V-* >^^^^Sfcrf(***^^s^^^^^B "ft^ -jfc. Tiffin 'ff-fci^M^K^ I t'^BHß^^' no insoluble acid particles, it is more :he system thus relieving pain without tc lake Disprin is m water, though its effect will be the same whichever way "f its advantages over ordinary aspirin, used ifl
      427 words
    • 307 13 M YOU,too,may be one of the MILLIONS who suffer from VHAMIN&MINERAL^/fc/*7# !That is why you feel Worn out. Nervous, Irritable, Have head--aches, Lose Weight, Worry" M/> />»Mft/ Hfc/ A?c>f /<?d/M C.Happinesi Wfctr. voi. re u «r.i».. fee. t<er>oi, v b*ve maps'.' frtm *'tf Jc^n m iJu f Stl/m dill) »pcKi,
      307 words

  • 0 14
    0 words
  • 463 14 PENANG, Sat. A crowd of about 8,000 *aw South China heat Penang by four «joals to two m a thrilling soccer match played on > ictoria <;reen this afternoon. Th«- tourists gave a great display of accurate short naming ami fully deserved
    463 words
  • 231 14 i mN S MUSLIM A. en ten |uart< r its ol the Sing ip n c fcm ite it f Ass tciati »n Juni >r Cup lit! H they I v Club by I it the Ge nfl S1 i■ urn yes- v. iefe il
    231 words
  • 70 14 KIM A LUMPI'R. -sat Bheikh Ali of N»-q;ri Srmbilan. with 1! pointN. hrrWM" chamT> "ii m tht- hrst annual athletic rn.»-t:nK; of thr Malayan Telf«•iinmunications Athletic and Welfare Association which j-nMcluried here today. X R i asingam •>. Per ik nritb points ma -*o r.d The inter regiona]
    70 words
  • 326 14 LONDON. Sept, (Reuter)— Following are results oi soccer matches played today: ENGLISH LEAGUE— Ist Div. THIRD DIVISION (North) SLUTTISH LEAGUE "A" DIVISION SECOND DIVISION "B" DIVISION THIRD DIVISION (South) Aston ilia i Arsenal 0 Burnley 6 W Bromwich 1 Charli mi 4 M'brough 3 Chelsea J Fulham l
    326 words
  • 1 14
    1 words
  • Article, Illustration
    52 14 photo The 13th round of his fi^ht with BHy Graham at Madison Square Garden last week was the bad one for Kid Gavilan, pictured above at the wrong end of a right hook. It was a stormy rounr 1 for 'he Kid. but he stayed up and
    AP  -  52 words
  • 605 14  -  'SKIP' By LAST WEEK saw the opening of Selanjsor's Rugb} season when the Selangor Lnited travelled down to kin 11^ and beat the Klang Club by twenty seven points to three. The Selangor United fielded a powerful teym and the three newcomers, Williams
    605 words
  • 94 14 GEORGE PENCHEFF with three rocking drop kicks m round four ko"ed Baron Von Heczy m the main event of last nights wrestling at th e Happy World Stadium. It wa s on e of the best fights seen m recent weeks. Pencheff was very fit
    94 words
  • 49 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Two rugby matches were played m Kuala Lumpur today between the Selangor Club and the Services, and Klang Club and Selangor Eurasians. The Selangor Club drew with the Services, each scoring six points, while Klan« Club beat the Eurasians by 11 points to nil
    49 words
  • 619 14  -  DENNIS OH By SB A Junior Final SUADI BIN HAJI TAHIR of the Genlle B.P. last night lost the final of the Singapore Badminton 4ssosiation junior championship. Behind that defeat was the story of a quest which will be unique m Malayan badminton history.
    619 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 75 14 t m |ILJr\ 11 X^Pl^^x ALL AUSTRAUA /S CELEBRATING I Jlif AUST RAli A 'J}/J^m!<wi^- *1" 8 ffiM?4j year I I M y?BL it "^3B^ j I1 REIURN EXCURSION FARES j A< SINGAPORI $1,252 $1,526 1 Ij/^ KUALA LUMPUI $1,348 $1,622 (r vH* I i JihHnS-BOH'C I ««W*.T! pa,a// e
      75 words
    • 535 14 Taoderrtuas JfcyX •r« •ztr« M v^ A 4i.!1.,V i^>^ withCtio«» fT S'^ Talcum Fowd«r V v» coQb !>S v > dhiff dufiof <s r^>— •AdWMINtlMtiQf CO'-,' j«t lov, pffußW and •»qn', c v. Diabetes' Wh\ 1^ When I) i Diabel^ H,,f Feg give rou Get your Her your side I
      535 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 39 14 SAfA CUD MHdr final l Kot<! H, i rt tads v Sumo BoojA laris R|j furemg at J -trim Goud Meroonol f SCC IA oh SC RC tforried S f Green •""> jH encol >J „i n intei Service* FAREU
      39 words
    • 31 14 TiDE^K i^ i^jg* HIGH TIDES at the principal resorts m Malaya TODAY: AM f.M Singapore 03.50 3.11 Malacca 12.42 12.37 Port Dickson U.Vi 11.18 Port S'h:im 0i»37 10.31 Penang 04.40 4.50
      31 words
    • 606 14 $$$<Vt/ i- >*"* V •i.* <^ t-sSB x ;-:v *!fcv4^. V. > J>^V ■■^•Ll'.-r V .X x >:8» fM j A JAW MTO FEB IK (\quariu>): T^^\^fl€*«F™a; There are times when i s ra s JL W%t»C*Jr 9 difficult to differentiate between mend and toe but it is always giM
      606 words

  • 398 15 SELANGOR BADMINTON FANS GET A RAW DEAL NO OTHER sports association, anxious to do its hit for the youth of the country has obtained a rawer deal than the Selangor Badminton Association whose plans to build a badminton hall for Kuala Lumpur have been halted by a Government order. As
    398 words
  • 61 15 SEA SCOUTS from Leyton, Essex, look with envy at a model of a futuristic supersonic naval attack fighter exhibited by L. W. Harrison from Fulham, London, at the realistic Model Engineer Exhibition at London's New Horticultural Hall. It is complete m every detail even to
    61 words
  • 308 15 INDIA is confident of emerging victorious m her Pacific Zone final tie against Australia* Her hopes are placed on the three new players who ha>e been selected to replace the original members of the first Thomas Cup team. Except for Davinder Mohan and Henry
    308 words
  • 87 15 NEW YORK. Sept. 7 (Reuter) Maureen Connolly, the 16--year-old California girl who won the United States lawn tennis title on Wednesday was the second youngest not the youngest to wear the crown. Previously it was believed thai Miss Connolly, who was 16 years 11 months
    87 words
  • 36 15 SEGAMAT. Fri— The formidable Segamat Police XI were held to a goalless draw by the Chinese team at the padang here yesterday evening m a vital soccer tie for the Segamat KnockOut Cup.
    36 words
  • 109 15 NEW YORK. Sept. 7 il'P^— The United States Lawn Tennis Association said today it will be sometime next week before a team is chosen to tour Japan. The Association promised Japanese Davis Cup manager, Ichy Kumamai, that a team would be sent to Japan m
    109 words
  • 62 15 NEW YORK. Sept. 8 (AP>— Middleweight Walter Cartier. New York, wore down Billy Kilgore, Miami. Florida, with a vicious head and body assault last night, and then scored a technical knockout when the referee halted the bout m the eighth round. Cartier. 3—l favourite, weighed 162
    62 words
  • 263 15  -  Ollie Davies By YESTERDAYS track-work at the Bukit Timah No. 2 some very good times returned. The best was by Uninsured (Stracker) who did three m 35 3/5. Bright Eyes (McCloud) was m fine shape running three m 37 2/5 from a standing start. Brideford (E.
    263 words
  • 136 15 NEW YORK. Sept 7 (AP) British Wightman Cup players sailed tor home Thursday, shuddering at the prospect of havil g to play Maureen Connolly, 16--year-* Id U.S. tennis queen, for ■'maybe the next 12 years m International tennis competition."" Miss Connolly, whose home is m San
    136 words
  • 210 15 Gandhi Cup THE Singapore Cricket Club piled up a big lead with 358 runt) for eipht i wiokeis the firnl day V play against the Indian Association at the padang yexterday for the Gandhi Memorial Challenge Cup. Price did some great batting to collect 103 runs.
    210 words
  • 94 15 Railway Sports Meet KUALA LUMPUR, Bat— The Ail-Malayan Railway Institution's sports began this evening befcre a large crowd m g d weather Only finals a er e held today. Results Long Ju:r>p: 1 Abdul Aziz Omar, 2 X Mahalii g :> s Soosianathan 18 i. 9\ Putting the shot: 1
    94 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 269 15 i \sItKN OCI Scali Bridge Road v|\<; \PORItS I I'• 5> i >\i IK 1 \I*I-Rlr Nl t m UK f hi \n— C- 'AN DAY CLOCK Rheumatism Vanishes Like Magic I rcTv.ovir.g the U thai cause BKClllns of :.s an. na I lam the Remind is a and ha
      269 words
    • 387 15 TUITION V.M.C.A. COMMERCIAL A CLASSES: varancie* m morning and evening sessions m Shorthand and Typing etc. V.M.C.A. has been approved as a Centre for Pitman's Commercial Exams., and arrangements are being made to hold the Exams, very soon Apply V.M.C.A. "A" Ore hard Re: 1, Tel. *****. POSTAL TUITION: B
      387 words

  • 2317 16  -  Kew Gardens Wins Cup Trial By OLLIE DA VIES FAVOURITES had a good day on tha opening day of the Singapore Gold Cup meeting at Bukit Timah yesterday. There were five winning favourites Wellington ($l2), the Bosun ($2O), Sandown ($l2), Sealed Orders ($18), An-
    2,317 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 767 16 A»oi#n 1u th+ Sin*-** 111 ttt GRArsiD^PRIX I ELECTION I) Solr AgfDts: > CHUN CHONG I .">;{. South Bridge Kd.. Sinuapore T«L 69T0 t i c^a^ylTan ooooooo^ A (.nulteni Density *>uiiiilnsses f\ y h.xtrn Clare Protection A j tiiloblt \1 1 f) \i:n rmi\A opium, vo.. q! X II MM.
      767 words
    • 53 16 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $453,532 FIRST PRIZE No. *****8 $204,089 SECOND PRIZE No. *****5 $102,044 THIRD PRIZE No. *****9 56,691 STARTERS ($5,153 each): *****6, *****9, *****0, *****6, *****6, *****8, *****2, *****1, *****7, *****6, *****7. CONSOLATIONS ($3,401 each): *****8, *****2, *****6, *****8, *****7, *****1, *****4, *****7, *****1, *****5. DOUBLE TOTE: 261
      53 words
    • 116 16 RUBBER SHOES SHUM YIP LEONC RUBBER WORKS *<r»falinr» Ku»l»- luucui Ipoh <(•» 1 Muurr. Ktan? H'fifki'fi: Smart set Sportshlrts by c O o I cr \y 3 comple ely new styles have been wcctal 1. As illustrated, with 2 plain pockets 2. A dashing 2 tone slipover style Ititfi I
      116 words