Sunday Standard, 2 September 1951

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 15 1 Sunday Standard VOL. II NO. 63. SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1951. 16 PAGES FIFTEEN CENTS.
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  • 531 1 Biggest Display I Jet Power brills Crowd Standard Aviation Reporter PHIRTY-ONE thousand people saw the most t» »>f the four Air Days held in Singapore at Kalian^ \irport. It was rrttaiiiK a record,'* said smiling Mr, W DireHor of Civil Aviation. amounted to more than $25,000.
    Standard  -  531 words
  • 18 1 UK Bomber Flies Atlantic In 4H 19M FOUND- bruI R i i] :rom iln si »ame <j t>oo
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  • 94 1 More Bandits Talk Over Radio Ma laya lard >!.ut orrt*>pondent u MPUn Sal —The u ren possible for the ist« ting se i ice in se i {ran a over make I i lea by ar feature past oil e (reeks, bandits nave e to con e stenre in n
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  • 139 1 More Rubber WASHINGTON Sept 1 (AP).— The United States has contracted to buy about US $140,000,000 worth of rubber from Indonesia and Thailand and was reported negotiating with those countries for additional supplies. The agreement^ with Thailand and Indonesia become effective today and run
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  • 78 1 WELLINGTON. Sept. 1 (UP)— Prime Minister Sidney Holland's Conservative Government was returned to power with an even larger Parliamentary majority than when it ended 14 years of Labour rule two years ago. Returns from today's election showed the National Party had won at least 47
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  • 69 1 CRYSTAL BAY. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Sept. 1 (UP) Bobby sox idol Frank Sinatra, stricken on Wednesday by an overdose of sleeping tablets, denied attempting suicide after a spat with screen star Ava Gardner. Sinatra explained, "I just had a bellyache. Suicide is farthest from my mind."
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  • 129 1 TEHERAN, Sept. 1 (AFP).— It wan officially announced that the Iran Government is immediately to contact a foreign government likely to purchase Iranian A spokesman .said that henceforward no foreign intervention would be allowed to influence the Iran oil policy. This announcement rejects
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  • 68 1 80 Bandits Killed During August Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— More than 80 bandits were killed in the Federation last month. This figure however is subject to confirmation when all incidents concerning terrorist activity during August have been re ceived. In the 24 hours up to a.m. today, four
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  • 132 1 GENEVA, Sept. 1 (Reuter) The United Nations Economic and Social Council today adopted -i resolution condemning all attempts by Governments to in terfere with newspaper correspondents in their work. The resolution urged that "per son a I restraints be removed and sentences imposing arbitrary punishments be
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  • 85 1 MONTREAL. Sept. 1 <UP> Two thousand and one hundred tons ot newsprint is on its way to Yugosalvia from Montreal. It is the first shipment of Canadian newsprint ever to go to that country and was the share allot ed to Yugosalvia by the United Nations. Dr.
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  • 290 1 RAMANI SUGGESTS Standard Mail < !«>rr«r*|MM»<!riit KIT ALA LIMPI K, Sat.— Reference to "dodders' ■in the Indian concmunity was made today by Mr. R. Ramani. President of the Federation of Indian Organizations, who said that very few had the idea of avoiding to serve. Referring
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  • 183 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat A genuine step in the- righl direction is how 111 R Ramani. President of the Fv'deration of Indian Organise tions. described the Membeisystem of Government, urtien he spoke at the annual qen eral meeting here today He u uned Indians that
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  • 35 1 THE HAGUE. Holland. Sept 1 (UP» J. Van der Gaag. former Dutch Consul in Singapore has been appointed the first Legation Secretary in Rangoon, an official announcement .said on Friday night.
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  • 50 1 Standard Staff Reporter FOUR CHINESE school .student.- two from The Chinese Hit* i School and two from The Nanyang Girls' School wee detained t>y U»e Singapore Special Branch under the Eme: genrv Regulations on Friday No comments were made bj the Special Branch Chief cm the arrests.
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  • 382 1 Standard Sports Reporter BADMINTON officials and players, throughout Malaya, while agreeing that the proposals made to Singapore's VVong Peng Soon to turn professional showed that the outside world was placing some value on Malayan badminton for the first time, considered
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  • 109 1 U.N. Call To Egypt: Lift Blockade FLUSHING MF.ADOW Srpt T (EteuterK The Security Council toda} p<»nhcmneri Elgypi fof h*»? Suez Canal blocked** ol Israeli* bound ships and called «H1 hei to lift the restrictions .nune diately A resolution sponsored r>v Britain the Unilod States ind France v^s carrried by »»icnt
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  • 261 1 UN Investigators Reject New Red Bombing Charge TOKYO, Sept. 1 (UP) United Nations investigators today rejected the Communist charge that a United Nations plane bombed the Kaesong neutral zone before dawn and hinted that the Reds may have faked the "raid" as they iI.M once before. United States Air Force
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  • 93 1 WASHINGTON Sept. I.(AP). DS Secretary of Defence George Marshall indicated strongly las 4 night that plans for the defence of lan ope contemplate the use of atomic weapon*, directly against any attacking armies. This was revealed in an exchange of letters with Senator Brien
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  • 50 1 ROME, Sep: I <UPI A u- f strong earthquake rocked doe i of towns tcrojf central Italy today d.itnatfifi? homes, churches and convents aid causing thousands to ttee then homes in panic, Many people were hit by failing debut, bui no death* were Tamrla^^frt fHtrt"" iabora-
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 ■•V thelSa^s 1 4«i fidlf/if Hf I Jlfc jwhiffllin Mifi^Mr i fomous Cognac Provinc* of rh« traditional art «f 8 B brandy-making. There it no 4-YGUAW/ tnib d iAdilflUf finest french ■in ff COGNAC BRANDY > BORNEO /> T K^ompanu limited
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    • 9 1 gmiiißiilllg icelream l^^] OCKO SIORACf COCAMEMCS ITa /^C JQ
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  • 45 2 THUEE Indian labourers narrowly escaped death yesterday when they succumbed to carbonic acid gas while working in the hatch of a lighter uti Prince Edward Road. They were rescued by two fellow labourers. The gas emanated from a consignment of copra.
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  • 83 2 Standard Staff Reporter KESAVEN Sivarajah (26). tentatively charged with the murder of Krishnan Paramu. was committed to stand trial at the next Assizes after a preliminary inquiry in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday. The court was told that the police found Paramu lying dead
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  • 383 2 'Lift Building Ban For Peking Palace Stamlartl Staff Reporter MR. Aw Boon Haw, millionaire philanthropist, i- to appeal againsi the Singapore Government's refusal l*> grant permission for the building of a IVkiiiL' styled palace, estimated to cost well over half a million dollars, at
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  • 220 2 For the first time in Singapore, 16 about to be married Chinese couples, joined hands in a common effort to serve the community. The couples, who will be married at the same time on Sept. 15 at the Victoria Memorial Hall, helped to run
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  • 183 2 Standard Staff Reporter MR. T. M. RAMSAY, Joint Managing Director of the Kiwi Polish Company of Australia, who is on a short visit to the Colony, yesterday said that although Singapore lacks the industrial development that has taken place in Hongkong, his
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  • 126 2 Offence To Buy Unrationed Sugar— Govt. TO PREVENT Government imported sugar from falling into the blackmarket, Singapore Government has introduced regulations to make it an offence for any person to acquire sugar except by means of a ration card or a ?pr 1 permit issued by the Controller of Supplies.
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  • 47 2 KO SHIH, a 49-year-old Chinese woman, was charged in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday with ill-treating a 12--year-old girl Thung Swee Yir.g. who was in her custody in Singapore on Aug. 11. Ko pleaded guilty and was given $250 bail until Sept. 8.
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  • 45 2 LOH SEE HOCK <24V was sentenced to three months rigorous imprisonment, to be followed by 12 months police supervision, in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, for Misappropriating a wrist watch worth $45 belonging to One Choon Wah at Roehore Road on July 3.
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  • 217 2 Standard Staff Reporter MISS Dora Alliston, a slim, fair American girl who is in Singapore as a passenger on the Lloyd Triestino liner, Sebastiano Caboto, has fallen in love with Singapore's exotic orchids. She likes them so much that she has bought a selection
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 353 2 •I y MARRIAGE I>ATNAM-Savithni at bridal resftden on 3JL1&51, it Balang da Ceylon. Mr. T RatBan I Amalgamated Engineers Singapore eldest ton of Vtt H 9 masondram ".T ajan PensiMier) and Mrs. H S lasundram to Miss g d ghter ol Mi S H adurai her A C S Klanf
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    • 114 2 Arthritis Cause Fought in 30 Minutes By dissolving and removing the body poisons and acids that cause stiffness, soreness and swelling of Arthritis and Rheumatism the amazing new discovery Romind 19 bringing health and nappir.t-89 to thousands of one-time sniff frers. In 3*> minutes after the ftrst dose of Romind
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    • 215 2 Look at your smile in -i the mirror MAKE THIS PEPSOOENT I MIRROR TEST 1 (3Pf^\ I A* e y our teeth as /11./\%M white as hers f i \yl"f\, \^M^ii\ Your smile can't be trulv bri<: I /y/T. y^er^gjr^ unless your teetli arc tea 1 tonight- Smile into your
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  • 565 3  - BIG S'PORE DEMAND FOR PLEASURE BOATS Phillip Goh •More People Take Tj Boating, Fishing By Standard Staff Reporter GROWING population of amateur fishermen and soiling boat enthusiasts is causing a ■n iI d bocm in the Colony's boot building industry. As a result, it is estimated that builders along Beach
    Standard  -  565 words
  • 165 3 Standard Staff Reporter A FINDING of suicide was returned by the Singapore Coroner Mr. Choor Singh yesterday at an inquest into the death of Chew Ah Won. a 42-year-old maid servant, who was found hanging from the concrete ventilator supporters of her room at Lim
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  • 138 3 Standard Woman Reporter THE DIRECTOR ol Raffles Museum and Library, Mr. M W. F. Tweedie, who recently resumed duties after long leave in the United Kingdom, remarked that he was satislied with the amount of work put in during his absence this year. The programme
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  • 53 3 A TAIKOXG. Lim Ah Lee. was fined $500 in the Singapore Third District Court yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to having 500 leaf packets of opium on Ausj 24. Two others. Lim Sim Ming, and Tjou Ah Thiong, botn members of the crew were acquitted of
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  • 79 3 THE case against Leslie Marro. alias FW. Thompson, a 35-year-old European, who was flown in from Hongkong to face five cheating charges, was transferred in the Singapore Third District Court yesterday. Marrow claimed trial to all five charges of cheating four Singapore merchants of goods to
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  • 38 3 A s:^- YEAR-OLD woman. Low Ying, was fined $100 or one month's imprisonment in the Singapore First Police Court yesterday, for assisting in the carryins of chap ji ki lottery at South Bridge Road Sept. 1.
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  • 46 3 THE rubber market in Singapore was slightly steadier yesterday on a reserve of sellers. Prices were about 1J cent per lb above Friday's levels, first grade rubber tor September shipment being "quoted $1.48i per lb. The turnover of business was on the small side.
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  • 79 3 The Singaouie Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association noon quotations (per lb.) on Sept. 1 were:— Buyers Sellers TIN SINGAPORE. Sat. The price of Tin today was >44U>, per pieul Up No. 1 Ribbed Smoked Sheet 51. 49* $1.50* No. 1 RSS $1.43i $1.49* No 2 RSS $1.45 SI
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 3 photo by MR AND MR.r Lee Chee Ngai who were married in Singapore yesterday. The groom is a physiotherapist in the General Hospital. The bride was formerly Miss Choa Yoke Leng, daughter of Madam Lee Sin Cheng and the late Mr. Choa Kng Wan. The groom is the son of
    Standard; Chee Koon Lin  -  65 words
  • 369 3 MORE FUNERALS-MORE INCOME Standard Staff Reporter FIFTY-SIX-year old Low Weng is perhaps one of the few men in the world who does not mind seeing his life's work going up in flames everyday. Ever since he was a boy, he spent laborious hours
    Standard  -  369 words
  • 210 3 Tomorrow Is Black Monday Standard Staff Reporter TOMORROW is Black Monday for 50.000 English school children who will go back to school after a month's vacation. The majority of them will find an extra subject in their class time-tables, as all arrangements for the compulsory teaching of the child's vernacular
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  • 107 3 Standard Staff Reporter THREE new regional n tools will be ready in the early i>a:-: of next year as tenders liavc ilready been called for by the Government. schools are situated a; t)'i milestone. Pa.-;r Panjangi It L3] milestone Jurun^: and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 576 3 MtR CEYLON fcfcescr ftsr IN COMFORT ti Wv m m mm SLUMBER-LOUNGE ?S ij The world's mosi k modern contribution J. to Aircraft Sleeper v^« ffti fort gfe S DRAWING-ROOM COMFORT WB \^^\S MEANS MORE SPACE PER PASSENGER. w^^-^W SPECIALLY DESIGNED TRAYS, J UTENSILS AND FITTINGS r\\|B^-^. AFFORD DINING-ROOM EASE
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    • 215 3 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOCIATION MILLMN SWEEP TICKETS PLEASE APPLY FOR TICKETS EARLY TICKETS NUMBERED 1,000,00? 2,000,000 Ist Prize $250,000 2nd Prize $120,000 3rd Prize 50,000 4rh Prize 20,000 2 Prizes of $10,000 10 Prizes of 5,000 20 Prizes of 2,000 50 Prizes of 1 ,000 PRIZES PAID IN FULL Definite Dote
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  • 95 4 'Why Must Fences Go 7 Feel Back?' mdard Stall R«p>rt«r COLON IAI q,. g a will I i U I c Rati pa fen i lioi 4 hf ark ri tateresi G n1 .dI t Civ] A-. hi <■ letj < ahcrai* ao ftecni ■;•> daag i n ::i r
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  • 62 4 ki i i rd t ill K< portei ■> Meti tched n the li isited tbj s ned h A F R.A.A.F. trev (hers R a I :>•■■• on a bombt er wai ostration Ol the training period un- < el the M i
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  • 24 4 Musical Party's Annual Dinner Standard Stall Reporter v. \v Musi< I th a two-daj < I; Mr. < t Pasir 1 j I la tic and
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  • 223 4 THE COUNTLESS exhibits at the Kallang Airport han^: attracted thousands ot early arrivals at the Colony's fourth Air Day yesterday. There were m re things see ■<■•,■ and as a result the Royal Air Force personnel who ttende I the curious sr> tamd themselves
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  • 117 4 Standard Staff Reporter THF FIRST boy to go astray was Wahid bin Abdul Ghani, aged 3 Fifteen minutes after his plight was announced over j the public address system, his father came along and took him away. Some minutes after Wahid was reclaimed. four-year-old
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  • 47 4 THE STAMFORD Club. Sing npore. has been informed that the advice of the Public Services Commission on the Select Committees Report on the Unified Education Service is now in the hands oi the Governments ai Sineaoore and the Federation and is receiving their "careful attention."
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  • 35 4 THE second centre for Aduli Education. Class, run by the Bt k Rural District Committee. wii' be opened today at 730 p m. at the Arabic Scv ,i Haji Sallan, S Bedok Point
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  • 339 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— "lt is our duty to bring it to the notice of the Government that in a population such asthat of Mala>a, sub ect to any necessary safeguards for the economic* ly backward elates, the rule should be one
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  • 259 4 MIC Proposal 'Impossible' FIO Chief Standard Statf Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat The reason why the proposed merger uf the Malayan Indian Congress. The Malayan Indian Association and the Federation of Indian Organisations had failed, was mentioned today by Mr. R. Ramani. President of the FIO. when he addressed the general
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  • 106 4 Standard Woman Reporter MR. AXD MRS. S. C. Lu have jusl received word that their daughter. Louise Yte-teh. n recent Sraith-Mundt Scholarship winner, appeared in the Columbia Broadcasting Station's Network's programme "People of New York Louise is a post graduate student at the
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  • 86 4 A SPECIAL [rive Eor is for the Ist Singapore (Trafalf i Sea Scouts is being rganised by the Officers or the Gi up Appeals are being made to the public lor contributions, so that this Group will be able to carry on the good
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  • 55 4 CHINESE V.:.1.C.A.. Selegie Road: Boys scout drill y a.m.. Student mouth organ band 230 p m.. Boys scout basket ball 5.30 p.m Sttdent table tennis 7 p.m.. Chinese chess tournament 7.30 p.m.. Kheh service 9 a:n Cantonese service 11 a.m.. Mandarin service 7 pm. SA.T.A's Fun Fair: Mount
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  • 55 4 THE SINGAPORE Ratepayers Association has sent a letter to all members of the Rural Board insisting that its Bye-Laws were out of date. It suggested that the Bye-Laws should be modelled on those in England for the use of the local authorities. These suggestions are still
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  • 43 4 THE EXHIBITION oi paintings by the Penang artist. Mr. Yong Mun Sen. which is being held at Robinson's at Raffles Piace will be extended for another week till the Bth of September. Fifty new paintings have been added tu the exhibition.
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  • 45 4 THE Governor oJ Singaj :e has appointed Mr. G. W. Webb, M.C.S.. to be Registrar of Societies. A Gazette notification issued yesterday states thai the 'o!--iowing have been app< inted Inspectors of Schools: Mr. Chin Boon Kwong. and Che'' Abdul Karim bin Mohd. Sharif!
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  • 327 4 Standard Staff Reporter O.\'£ fine day between August 5 and f> this year while Ah Kwok 22, was doing his usual rounds lapsing his rubber at Sing Kim Moon rubber estate, he was confronted by bandits. At jrtst. the bandits used their usual sugar coated pil'
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  • 60 4  -  EVA CHONG. Standard By Woman R«*port«*r RESPONSE to the VW< A annual flag day was w: g <i yesterday. One of the helpers. Mrs. Elizabeth Ch y had her flags sold out in an hour. Women volunteers concentrated at KalLang Airport and saw Air Day at the same
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 283 4 THE TWOFOLD WAY TO A %i^&iJf^KE\ iß^t*^ [Vx'-^r-^yr i A lovelier, fairrr skin can be yours, if you \JH/tvkJ§M aJ^^>\ fl \r^*^ (s follow this famous twofold beauty care, yJ*(fflm&&Sw\?\ l^^^l2^^^P^ vcry skin nccds f:ro crcams one for W^ /y^^^^^^^S^ I cleansing, and one for protection. At night, ((J^-'^^^ y°
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    • 351 4 I CurPowztYOUR fOQWEAR BKO6CT Spore \n Brown Box with Crepe Soles I m^pt MiM\ S po r e K^tf .^^M&^^MM^Br Price wr .^MM^r^^lr^ '~~~~~~^^^^^mM^M^^^^^^^^ In Erown or Block Box Sides w>th Lcother Sole ond Heel For Doily Weor In Brown or Block Box Strong Lcother Sok ond Hctl. W/Ml
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  • 367 5 Lift It A t Once -Owners Standard StiifT Reporter IPOH, Sat.— The Perak Landowners Association today hit out at Government's Emergency (Control of Buildings) Regulations which placed "further difficulties in the way of progressive development of much needed houses" and which did not
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  • 343 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat.— A 57 year-old Hainanese seanun. Wong Ten-shen from the vessel Foo Mins said today that many Malayan youths who ran away to China early this year to avoid the manpower call-up are now disillusioned and yearning to come back. The
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  • 115 5 Call To Repeal BM A Law Standard Stafl Correspondent IPO! I. Sat. The Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce today expressed the opinion that the Road Transport Department Proclamation, promulgated during the British Military Administration, should be repealed ani substituted by a new ordinance. The Chamber save this opini<>n in reply
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  • 120 5 Noisy Driver Hauled Up By Mr. Voice PENANG, Sat— An Assistani Superintendent of Police, Mr. T. B. Voice, was the complainant in a summons case before MEr. D. C. L Wernham in the Magistrate's Court yesterday in which Saboo Hamid bin Naina Mohamed, the motorcar driver of a local lawyer.
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  • 95 5 Standard Stall Correspondent PEKAN Sept. 1 The Council of Religion and Malay Custom, Patiang, at a meeting yesterday recommended a revision of the salary scheme for officers of the Religious Affairs Department. ox It was also decided to introdouee. a Bill before the State Council to
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  • 121 5 Tree Crashes Kills Woman, Grandpa Dies TELUK ANSON, Sat.— An elderly woman, Piah binti Mat Arof. was fatally injured on Thursday evening at Degong Village, when a rubber tree fell on her home and pinned her underneath it. A Special Constable and some villagers hearing cries for help rushed to
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  • 45 5 IPOH. Sit— The Perak Boy Scouts State Association has decided t<> raise funds to build a Scouts Headquarters at Ipoh. A sub-committee has been formed to administer the project. It has been proposed to stage a Perak Gang Show to initiate the Hind.
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  • 166 5 DETERMINED to breed roller canaries locally, Mr. Tan Ghee Poh, the retired manager of a Penang English newspaper, has imported some of these costly birds by air from the United Kingdom and Australia. He and his wife find the breeding of canaries a very interesting hobby
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  • 150 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat.— Sentence of three }-ears rigorous imprisonment and a fine of $1,000, in default nine months r.i. was imposed by Mr. B. G. Smith in the Sessions Court today on Han Ah Kwang, formerly a restaurant assistant, who was convicted
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  • 226 5 'TEC EXPLAINS HOW Standard Slaff Correspondent PENANG, Sat. A running gun fight between a grey-trousered killer and Detective Corporal Tan Say Choon was described to the Penang Coroner, Mr. D. C. I. Wernham, at the inquiry into the death of Loke Ah Thong alias Jimmy Loke
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  • 28 5 IPOH. Sat.— Chinese press correspondents arid reporters met at the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce premises today and decided to form a Perak Chi:ie^e Journalist C!u:j.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 188 5 I ill for h*i Eno s lAiy It's good for I j••j A of sparkling I-XO'S first thing En .;.< yv^^dpT; l.- morning is good for Lie liver. It clears -vU] the h:ad in r.o time. The Stes4«, deansi::^ and refreshing to a nV*- J^C'VJ[i\ stale nast\' mouth. The non
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    • 155 5 JUVENILE WZ^Q TRICYCLE TRt-AfctC TRJCYCU 9« BRITISH MADE LINES BROS. LTDI On safe of c// leading stores Factory ReprcscaUUii es T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR l'iN\Nw I V I [-738 COUGHING b lIS DANGEROUS f\ Y^ Every time you cough Va"V f**~^^ your lungs are ttrained, \^^te-*^B^O
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  • 1449 6 'But For Scenery Give Me St. Moritz' LAKE COMO, Saturday. N it* way, ihi* i^ one of i li worlcPi nio-t fal»nloii« plao-s ami in it lies one of the world** OHMI fabulous hotels the famed ilia dTMe. It takes all sorts to make history. Originally a convent, it became
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  • 377 6 Wrong Man In The Right Coat I ODD^ STORIES I in the news 1 EADING a small boy by the hand a four-year-old girl walked to the boundary of a cricket field at Long Ditton. Surrey, where Bantams C.C. were playing Lambeth C.C. After parking the boy on the boundary,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 iILH ll AU AUSTRAIIA IS CELERRATING JI^AOSTRAIi 1 1 vi'^l^flfv) th s ffififa) year I fr RE[URN EXCURSION FARES 1 I BW -M &s&%£ QAHUS -80-AC MNTA? WmPIM AfRWAYS to parallel with bKITISH QVtRUAS AIkWAYS COB.PQ*ATtOH 1V""V U *.m« Mot.l. SMt.por* Book/n t Ajeutt i RytU Lum»«r-M Mt fl.l<i ft
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    • 135 6 ••••••••••#•••••••••••••••••••••0 •TIIDKICD jo^h. Victor •Radio Bass fl 5 c* w^K^^'^F ■P' VH %r I KIMiLJi fil H Ul 1 QoQt SB nil BS-awUB fes: i^^SKp'S^f Wl w*» 1 1 If Kh»bßl >L 'X^' > l§iPll fl^H M6Ctin ff S IUIfNCK f^K 3zr.- q 9sw cj i^ ■^555sbs^^^§ i skSB fls
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  • 1790 7 ROBERT (THE FISH?) And I IN the normal course of I py fills 1 would rather have kepi- mum about my fish or what approximates a fish. It is purely a personal affair between myself, the fish (or what approximates a fish) atod that lamp-post over there. There are some
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 Indoor 0 j i •.I vnitr (hildren have more fun at j a I with Indoor Games like these > 1 'VICTORY" (2 Zig sow Puzzles j Beautiful Sceneries, Warships, Flying j Boats, Animals etc. 0 II "m at so stork ,t 11 ide and exclusive range of A J
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    • 313 7 Loveliness for you .You can have the lovrli- ness of the Stars' Pure x. JB white Lux Toilet Soap will fc.^*^*^ '''-f^^^^^^^^s^ enhance the natural beauty of > your complexion, leave your skin soft CLAL'DFTTE Coi BtRT 1 and imooth. Just wash in warmwater Mys to you with the fragrant,
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  • 281 8  - STUDENTS FROM THE IRON CURTAIN NORA BELOFF By SIR ASBOI R(i. <> m col fJC ..'Hied to Strasbourg University w ii 1 J cpfii next academic term tor I exclusive use of student C m Igeea from behind the Curta in cc intries. J s- identa will move fronn DP
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  • 402 8 Sunday Standard Independent Morning ISeunpaper ONE noticeable characteristic of modern literature is its inability to move a reader to tears. A book can bring laughter or make us indignant or sad or sullen but we know of no novel of recent times of which any popular Sunday critic has said:
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  • 655 8 Johnson who was rugged masculinity personified. Tears come to the good Doctor's eyes when he recited a passage from Goldsmith's "Traveller." We are further informed that "when he would try to repeat the celebrated Prosa Ecclesiastica pro Mortuis', as it is called he could never pass the stanza
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  • 1891 8  - BRITAIN'S EMERGENCY MIDDLE-EAST "DOUGHNUT POLICY" Andrew Roth b* LONDON. IX the early thirties an American doughnut company distributed brightly coloured iinffles: As you wander on through i i e, brother. Whatever be your goal K e e p you r eye on th€ dough n ui And noi upon Oie
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  • 229 8 WASHINGTON. THERE'S an old saying in A America an example of how the common speech of America comes from the countryside rather than the town— "lts so hot you can hear the corn grow''. Now, however, an experiment has been made which is characteristic not
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 13 8 ammeter II u Write for new Illustrated \'f /AJ CATALOGUE ft^-^ I VJ/
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    • 324 8 .^EBS^sW SBsH BBBBSr .^^^^T Jk K /^v^A, t n You can't mistake /^A its character I^^^^Tiit You simply cannot mistake the superb nV. j Wei"; "'^>\ an d individual character of "Black line*. \tSS^ Blended in the special "Black ft Vbite" BLACK&WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY «?A* SccUt iA in the hUttefut/?
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  • 804 9  -  TERRY BROWN «> I THE POIGNANT DILEMMA OF is sc nei h up to ha ve (;>• he vt wept, LONDON 'THAT is the opening line of a poem 1 have just written It sums up the strange and tragic life I have
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  • 1067 9 HAWKINS finds a LONDON. SOME people may find it hard to believe that a little old lady who lives in a big house in 'one of London's most fashionable neighbourhoods is High Priest of a pink alabaster temple in Atlantis who has come to earth to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 167 9 PROGRAMME FOR 5 SATA WEEK j uiIHN Mil' FINFAI!!. ti^^jtfS A j;\!»\l!\|o\ i:\IIIBlTION EcKc 325 Tonglin Rood f O/i I 1 from 2.30 p.m. U M 'I&JgM Adul»s SI Children 50c. M SFPr. 4*/i o# 9.30 p.m. hmcm of rhe REX of Universal-International's GOES TO THE RACES" EPT. sth Commenting
      167 words
    • 25 9 j<iftpy ■'-•'•^^B^ MffifW gj I DREAM^IICE TOUJOURS SUNBLOOM TANGOLA PIQUANT BEIGE I immings mpt foofi ROBINSON Co v Ltd. I Incorporated In S> ill HUDSON
      25 words

  • 39 10 TOKYO. Sept. 1. (Reuter-AAP) Japan s bigtie^T whaling Meet •sinre the war will sail for the Antarctic in mid-October, the Kyodo new.s agency said today. The fleet will include 46 ships Jrom three companies. This Com-
    39 words
  • 887 10 gPOTLIGHT last week was turned on a tiny jiroup of coral isles the Cocos-Keeling group of 27 lying 700 miles south-west of Java, whose 66 year-ohl tie with Singapore will shortly be severed. With the transfer of administration to Australia goe» also the political and
    887 words
  • 688 10 By MICHAEL CONNORS Standard Shipping Reporter Can fish really "talk?" Do the denizens of the deep bill and coo in ''fishy" language, and chatter, and raise their voices iii an^er, just as humans do. According to Dollah bin Hussein, a forty-five year-old
    688 words
  • 176 10 I'ENA.Nii, Sat. The necessity of more Asians Joining an flying members of the Penang Flying Club which would have to depend on them in the near future, was expressed hy Mr. 11. Marsdcn, captain and honorary instructor of P. F. C.
    176 words
  • 47 10 «r i p *u°? tr st bPtwein the ase old leisurely method or sail and that of a modern jet airliner is offered in this irX 8 ictu L e *"ow* a flve-miles-an-hour bar ff e aLJ|^Afl|mm^tuaryand the, 500 -miW -s an hour Comet
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 245 10 FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICE Ouect O»«rlo«d Son F.oncitco Lot Angele* All American 6 Conodion '.itie» Peiong P S'Koir S'P©« ROBERT LUCKENBACH Jl An«/4S«pt GIORGt LUCKINBACH 24/26Sept 27/28Ser 29Ser»/»Oo CMINA BIAR 24/26Oct 27/28Oct 290ct/!No> Accepting coryo tot Hon9kow9 Fa fuM oortkulon o' 3r v Corgo Deep Tanks ond Passenger Booing?
      245 words
    • 451 10 SAILINGS FROM SCANDINAVIA UK CONTINENT S'pore P. S'hom Ptr»o "NORDVEST' fo Bongkok G. 13/14 -FALSTRIA" tor Saigon Bangkok 2-4Scpt In Port > "PATAGONIA- tor Bongkok I Hongkong Monilo Kobe > Yokohomo 16-l9Sept 13-15Sept 9-12* > -NOROHVAL" for Bongkok 21-22Sept 18-2OSepi I "SELANDIA" tor Saigon Bangkok 13-14Oct 10-12Oc» 7-90 "PANAMA" for
      451 words

  • 812 11  -  OSWALD HENRY By •'IT'RANCIS GOES TO THE T RACES" (Universal-Inter-national) This is an amusing sequel to "Francis" the tale of the talking mule, and his war-time exploits in the jungles of Burma appropriately taking over from the point when Private Peter Stirling and
    812 words
  • 1170 11 SUNDA Y STAR DOUBLES 11 rpHIS week's -Star Double" J- could almost be a quis titled: Which one's Clark Gable? Hie Standard Film Editor is giving no secrets away as to how he worked the trick, and to confuse readers even more, has presented the "star" today as No. 2
    1,170 words
  • 425 11 KAOIU MALAYA SINGAPORE ENGLISH PROGRAMME »S4 in A: 41 m 9 a.m. Profframme Summary; D.OB Uornins; 9.30 Sons «'i »he Pioneers ami Roy Rodgers; am. Emergency News (K.L.)i I<> "> Radio Doctor; i(>.l"> Interlude from Hawaii 10.30 Desi Arne/ and his Orchestra: am. ihe Adventures of P.C.
    425 words
  • 659 11 Star Gazing with ORION JAN 20 FEB 18 (Aquarius)— The application at a little study during the course ot the next few weeks bring pleasing results. But you ri ist work hard, to receive the pleasant surprises in store for you. FEB 1!) TO MARCH 20 (Pisces):— This week will
    659 words
  • 125 11  - Today's Reading JEANINE VARNAL r: A NEUTRAL day. theogn the t jlJl atmosphere is pleasant. A «<><«<! f day for "lazing." dreaming andf planninic. and for sentimental questions. At the end of the afternoon, however, there wil bet a tendency towards irritability; minor accidents may occur 1 through carelessness. If
    125 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 271 11 ffj 5400 A l^ CONDiTiCWEO DAILY! 11 mi. 1.43-4.15-6.45 9.30 p.m ii i" opinion s is lift bcsl musical since iFT YOUR GUN"— AND THE CROWDS ARE CONFIRMING IT! '.7 It UK I IWfOBD SAKAII lit Kl fill. L lIQ\ iM AN NOW OPEN^^^^^rl Personal Appearance of \HSS FESTIVAL OF
      271 words
    • 287 11 i dttKfk ['Today at 9 a.m.J'PARADINE CASE"jj ft^M TODAY #W/ S^v». ar in ljl<> l*i<lure Alt 4*\ni>\i n JAMKS MASON b— »w tHt Flylflg Dutchman 1 JfECHNICOLOR! 1 (IMsMmM l>> Sliaw lir<)s LM.| I I r ftJsa *lmwin«: Malayan Film I nil* I "THE JOHORE GRAND PRIX" i \P\T I'llAXf'K
      287 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1902 12  -  Mara BY/8 Y/ ms like the s.x.r.A. Bail mi September i, is goii i be ;i !«>t «>i fun. (1: itting w't* 1 lr^ j i k Ibboti and Mis, j*( nn Oldh im yesterda} I |e irned thai twe bars in i e t Dp on thai rp
    Standard  -  1,902 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 108 12 i:' i \ntiT skin n t!,tirr r brighter, =^S h r^hrr ihmy-ri rr /«#t ri *> > jSs^-- nt>tt -i n -t ht-it itt I il jfefca.. 8 1 ——FACE POWDER JWIJBK. h I vr:'^^'.;'.:";^; 1 Bollywood fa thai v nr bea M] reall] needs. Exquisitely rcduM) s «'fi
      108 words
    • 281 12 Of coui>o, you wnnt to fed •elf -assured at "thoi€ certain times"; with the perfect Streamlined protection of MODtSS you'll be ready for work or play. Mod ess 4j> i MODES.- i utaMi lu B»'it Olvn on romf,>rt HI tf an<J fla' irvis tkOvtinrvn. <*4lvtir\tv». producr The BORNEO Co., I
      281 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 633 13  -  Franklin Williams by THIRTY-THREE nations have agreed definitely and ten others tentatively to attend the signing of the Japanese peace treaty in San Francisco on Sept. 4. This article gives the unique features in connection with the draft treaty. WASHINGTON. THE Japanese Peace Treaty represents an agreement
    633 words
  • 348 13 Standard 'Special' WASHINGTON. XHE Moscow meeting of Foreign Secretaries in December 1945 created a Far Eastern Commission. This new organization had "to formulate the policies, principles and standards'* for the fulfilment by Japan of the terms of surrender. The Commission consists of representatives of the countries principally
    348 words
  • 221 13 ed this advance payment an "act of unprecedented generosity." In addition, an estimated $65,000,000 in expropriated Japanese investments in the Philippines has been turned over to the Philippine Government and estimated $11,000,000 in equipment has been shipped from Japan to the Philippines. Deficit Japan's trade balance deficit for the
    221 words
  • 392 13 NEW DELHI. W/ITH general elections less W than five months away the leaders of India's omnipotent Congress Party stand hissing at each other like indignant swans. Nehru's resignation from the Congress Working Committee—the Party's executive -though as yet neither accepted nor rejected. is the latest and most
    392 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 702 13 create*! to lioop you 9 111' y ARDLEY t ////^j4 LAVENDER Lavcndei g Pc^ r Pale a-, i thei toilet requisite* 8 3 OLD BOND STREEI LONDON I o thosp irho tmke ASPIRIN... MM wfco, from time to time, needs aspirin pain, I) \prin is an important introduction. t eoiisls
      702 words
    • 326 13 £'S From when 1 J y° ur baby fife tf weighs 15 lbs Zl) milk tCGth it «c^ are through As <;onn as your baby weighs f5 lbs., Stan giving Farex regularly c\cry day. Your baby needs Farex until all 20 milk teeth are through. Farex is the nourishing food
      326 words

  • 183 14 GOVT. CLAMPS DOWN ON KL HALL PLAN photo Refuses Permit For Badmintonßuilding KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Selangor will not have a badminton hall for some time yet as its present plans to build a $150,00(1 hall at Kam pong Utap, Kuala Lumpur, have been put in "Cold Storage." The reason is
    AP  -  183 words
  • 105 14 PENA N G. Sat. Penan s, Malays Qualified for the final of the Lnter-conun unity cup 1 soccer competition scoi ing a narrow 2—l win over t i t Indians tori a v The match was played on sod den ground Che Gui Ishak
    105 words
  • 72 14 MONTREAL. Aug. 31, (UP) Middleweight Laurent Dauthuille of Paris and Mori* real will seek a fight with Randy Turpin tor the Englishman's European title before the end of the year, his manager Andre Barrault said tonight. Barrauit said he had 1 ?en advised by the European
    72 words
  • 144 14 Depot In Strong Position Sionor Shield KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday.—The Police Depot were in a strong position with 223 runs for five wickets at the close of play today against the Railway Institute in the final of the Stonor Shield cricket tournament. Khoo Bin Kens <68> and R L Ehrke (35)
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  • 622 14 Beauties To Aid Pro Footballers LONDON, Sept. 1, (AP).— The way things are, it looks as if we shall soon be having a "Let's be nice to professional footballers" movement. Maybe, we shall get a Flag Day for them when the fans will be expected to drop some cash into
    622 words
  • 66 14 FORREST HILLS. New York Sept. 1 (UP) Frank Sed«man ot Australia entered the semi finals of the United States tennis championship on Fridav by defeating Tony Trabert of Cincinnati 3-6. 6-2, 7-5. 3-6, 6-3. Defending champion Art Larsen also reached the semi-finals defeating Gardner Mullov 6-8
    66 words
  • 85 14 THE Swedish Angel failed to turn up for his fight against the Australian Heavyweight, George Pencheflf at the Happy World i Stadium last night. George Zbisko substituted for him and was k.o'ed in three minutes by a hard drop kick on the chin.
    85 words
  • 368 14 Nene Outpoints Young Roberts I n Charity Match YOUNG Roberts (118 lbs.) who was listed in tfc The Rin" boxing magazine as one of the flyweight prospects for the month of July was outpointed by Little Nene (124 lbs.) over six rounds in a charity fight in aid ot the
    368 words
  • 328 14 LONDON, Sept. 2 (Reuter)— Following are results of soccer matches played today: ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 3 Sunderland 0 Blackpool 3 Wols. W. 2 Bolton W. 1 Manchester U.O Derby County 4 Stoke City 2 Fulham 3 Charlton Ath 3 Liverpool 2 H. Town 1 M.
    328 words
  • 22 14 THE Kiwi Members' League will hold a table tennis tournament today at the premises of the Queen Streot Boy» Club.
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  • 440 14 MAKING his bid for the Singapore Badminton Association junior singles for the third successive year, Sadaii bin Suro of the Merrytime Badminton Party over came George Tan (Seat Kim Cheng 8.P.) to enter the finals. Sadaii disposed of his opponent in approximately thirty minutes
    AP  -  440 words
  • 255 14 LONDON Sect i cAr»> Three at Bi itain bo tkmafca offered three differed the Randy T irpin-S .r ft, Robinson midleweighi til The bout is scheduled I York's Polo Grounds on Si bor 8 1! you like Robin I> n I you ran get I to ft
    255 words
  • 54 14 PLEASANTVILLK sey. Aug. II [OP) Katz. manager ol {ho sent ai Philadelphia welterwei Turner Gil. demanded I that either i hampion K lan or Billy Grahan be ed to meet his n>h^" i f near future or h t > v. Q qsk Pennsylvania Boxing Ijo sion to
    54 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 211 14 j& i rm J^^^^^ Jk 1 1 r ii :h u I i world -^1 roeiiH k» m-^B^H i •j^nn^ i jii i < i Km; I^JM t rlfiu» .rM.. Bfid t>"i illf iI- *il h c ••IHl'l> I* 1 FASTEST TO ANY ig^, >(K K POINT IN INDIA L
      211 words
    • 163 14 PUR@L I OINTMENT POWDER I BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING Co (M) LTO SINGAPORE PENANG K LUMPUP H.M. V. Radio MODFL 1812 HIRE PURCHASE ARRANGED. m s m s SOUTH ASIA TRADING COMPAN V 333.VICT0KH STkitt (lflA**BAisnc[T) SIM6AI">I>I 111 i. tw > "~^~~r^v~'r^v~"» J 'M'**M^-r^_o_rxn_n_n_n_n_n_ruo-i~Li~w'n_i-i_i~Lj T-r^-IMPERIAL LLATHER LINDEN BLOSSOM SLUE HYACIMft i
      163 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 36 14 fiDESJ||ii TlkJEfTPtlfH K»H 1 \\)\> ht tt't i" iim ipa esorts in Malaya TODAY: A.M I M. Singapore 1151 1127 Malacca 0314 8 45 Port Dickson (»7(>o 726 Port Sham <WJL' 634 Penang iH'S. 1 I 18
      36 words

  • 1365 15 i*erak Have Big Chance Far Historic Cup Final THE ODDS today are NOT in favour of Singapore however different might be the opinion of Singapore's multitude of supporters. This could be an historic game which Perak wins after waiting 20 years for the chance.
    1,365 words
  • 995 15 PKHAK W It l.amler Goa'.keerer 19 3rears old a-.d baby' of the team Attached to the 42 Commando. R M When first seen In Ipoh ne was "us* mediocre but showed tremendous improvement Plays besl «n Inter-state games. undoubtedly best goalkeeper in North Malaya
    995 words
  • 201 15 Ward Wins Lotus Golf Tournament STONEHAM. < Southampton Aug. 31 (Re'Jter)— Charlie *ard of Littie Aston, played faultless golf to win the £1.500 Lotus gol] tournament which they ended here today. Ward, a member of Britain s Rvder Cup team had rounds ot 69 68. 65 and 68 t? total
    201 words
  • 37 15 NORWICH. England Sept I, (APi— Andre Laurent, oi France, yesterday won the 124 miles Nottingham to Norwich stage of the Dailv Express Tour of Britain' bicycle race. Laurent's time was 5 hours. 43
    37 words
  • 316 15 MAKES CUP DEBUT 20 YEARS LATE > BY A STRANGE coin- > cidence, one player who 1 was unavoidably left out 1 in the Perak team that played Singapore in 1931 has his Cup final debut now 20 years later. That player is Wan Kim Chan, i Perak's outside right
    316 words
  • 270 15 KUALA L'JMPt'R. Sat.— Al close of play in the Ruten* Shield Cticket fina; Singapore Malays had a lead of 19 runs after passing ihe Se'.angor total with half their wicket in hand. A feature of the match was the bailing of Aii Yunus who
    270 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 239 15 fag Buckskin and Canvas Shoes, S^", Pith Helmets, I* Belts, Cricket p a< js, etc. Snowene ,'Ulie cleaner DR IN BLOCKS s \>iirn on j^ la td. \r«>Ki i>i ISS9 \rtß!l NC t RMIIK SOWICE! i \n-i FAH A 5? S JEWELS J .-^s^^^. l>*«©r»tloD IKMW 40# DAY CLOCK rheumatism
      239 words
    • 53 15 SINGAPORE ACS TO HOLD SWIM CARNIVAL The Anglo-Chinese School. Singapore, will hold its 14th annual swimming carnival at the < Chinese Swimming Club on Friday, Sept. 14 at 2.30 p.m. There will be two events for old boys— 50 metres free style and 150 metres medley relay. Entries will be
      53 words
    • 116 15 VITAMINS GIVE jf%v Only the best that money can buy b L^.J good enough for you ALTRA Cod Liver Oil contains 08,000 Inr, Units ol L.'^L V n f^M^i^ Vitamin A and 18.000 Int. Units of V.u, ™f rOtettCif mtn O per ounce. Compare this vitamin aak lIIICD All strength
      116 words

  • 2019 16  -  OLLIE DAVIES Bv Favourites Topple At K.L. Races BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $*****0. FIRST PRIZE No. *****5 $152,140 SECOND PRIZE No. *****9 76,070 THIRD PRIZE No. *****0 38,035 STARTERS: *****7, *****0, *****5, *****4, *****1, *****3, *****3, *****8, *****7. CONSOLATION: *****0, *****8, *****6, *****1, *****5, *****8, *****9,
    Scoop's  -  2,019 words
  • 374 16 South China Beat Singapore 'A' 4-1 SOUTH CHINA soccer tourists in their fourth Singapore gjame yesterday defeated a youthful Colony "A" side 4-1 at Jalan Besar Stadium after !>eiiu». held to a I-I draw at half time. It was a hard earned victory for the tourists. For well over 40
    374 words
  • 156 16 Lim To Lead New League PENANGS prospect for the second Thomas Cup team, Lim Ah Soo. the schoolbov player who defeated Ooi Teik'Hockin the recent Malayan Badminton tournament, will captain will the Malayan Badminton League in a match against the Beacon Badminton Party of Taiping The match, which will be
    156 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 293 16 ELECTION I AUTOMATIC Mm i- !?•>** u Iff t ritrpj J I u /a/>/r 1/ I// H^//r/f Dealers a, CHUM CHONG- A i -ii!wJ»c- i AA AA A A A A ix A A -iib AA AA AAAAA A A AAA4A> NEW SOUTH WALES BLOODSTOCK AGENCY I Bloodstock and Pedigree
      293 words
    • 150 16 r~ -r i TIGER M RUBBER SHOES WEAR THE BEST! SHUM YIP LEONG BUBBEB WORKS 1 Stnraoor* ftsalf Loujpoi Ipob Hr C «ui«i ttuMerwortk Smarf set Sportshirts by ESSLEY 3 completely new styles have been received 1. As illustrated, with 2 plain pockets. 2. A dashing 2 tone slipover style
      150 words