Sunday Standard, 22 April 1951

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 15 1 Sunday Standard VOL. 1 NO. 295 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1951. 16 PAGES TEN CENTS.
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  • 294 1 WASHINGTON, Apr. 20 (UP)— The Defence Department anteed tonijiht that an American military mission will be sent to X* to train and advice Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek's Chinese .naiUt forces m the defence of their island bastion. The Defence Department
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  • 120 1 I\\ WHNGTON. Apr. 20 (UP)— United States and Bri- -sentatives conferred today on the possibility of economic sanctions against Communist China. iish Ambassador Sir Oliver Franks talked for more U hour with John Hickerson. Assistant Secretary of In Far Eastern Affairs. Hickerson arranged
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  • 169 1 PERCY JOSEPH. Standard Staff Reporter 18-YEAR-OLD Chinese £irl was murdered |a-t -lit behind the Supreme Court building m bo Tourt and her father was injured when an Mu-lim went berserk with a parang. en was Lee Vat Lghter of 43-year- ang Lai 0 tftei
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  • 356 1 TOKYO, Apr. 21 (AP) United Nations troops early today drove up a 1,500-foot height m the seesaw fighting for Chorwon, 18 miles inside North Korea. Field dispatches said the enemy appeared to be slowly yielding m his desperate stand for that road
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  • 167 1 ELE DYEU, FRANCE, Apr.! 20 (UP) Marshal Henri Philippe Petain. 94-year-old hero of World War One and head of the Vichy Government m World War 11, was reported close to death tonight. Petain, ill of lung congestion j after an attack of pneumenia. j
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  • 73 1 LONDON, Apr. 21 (Reuter)— The Admiralty today withdrew from service the 16 sister submarines of the Affray which plunged to the bottom of the English Channel on Monday with 75 crew members. The Admiralty said the sister submarines would be kept out of service pending the result
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  • 75 1 HONGKONG, Apr. 21. CAP).— RAF. headquarters here said today Mr. Robin Taylor, member of a prominent British family, was a passenger on a Spitfire fighter plane which has been missing since noon on AMr Taylor, son of Mr. J. C T*vlor who was formerly agent
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  • 14 1 CAIRO Apr. 21: <AP)— The nnnuiar weekly Akhbar Elyom S3? 'fi 'aUoS^IH
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  • 91 1 Parents who think they have raised too big families and have too many mouths to feed should have feelings of relief after they see the above picture Here s a fam,ly of 22. comprising one-thirtyseventh of the population of Soldier's Grove. Wisconsin. USA. They have
    A.P  -  91 words
  • 387 1 Bill To Raise Rents Will Be Introduced InLegco On Tuesday Standard Staff Reporter BILL giving powers to landlords to increase rents of premises owned by them under certain conditions will be introduced m the Legislative Council on Tuesday. The Bill is entitled the Control of Rent (Amendment) Ordinance. 1951, and
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  • 48 1 THE ROYAL Air Forces Association, Singapore Branch will hold its Fifth Annual Dinner and Dance at the Raffles Hotel at 8 p.m. on Friday. Among those invited are the Air Commander m Chief, Air Marshal Sir Francis J. Fogarty, „n ri Aif nfflfor Commanding
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  • 114 1 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.—After nearly li hours' debate, no decision was" reached today at the General Committee meeting of the Malayan Chinese Association on a motion by Singapore to extend full membership of the MCA to all other nationalities. The motion was deferred
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  • 85 1 TORQUAY, England. Apr. 22: (AP) Thirty-nine nations Saturday signed an agreement to the principle of lowering world trade barriers and cutting international tariffs. They successfully completed numerous agreements with each other under these principles. The signing ceremony ended eleven months of negotiations m the
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  • 62 1 CLERKS and checkers emnloyed by the Singapore Harbour Board will be given a lurther increase of 10 per cent COLA m view of the mounting cost of living m Singapore. The Standard learned yesterday This is m addition to the first increase of
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  • 283 1 Standard Woman Reporter A 42-YEAR-OLD mother was deprived of her own first born child for six weeks— all because of a mistake at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital. The woman during that period fondled, fed and nursed someone else's baby. At the hospital when the mistake
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  • 142 1 Eighth Army Chief Tours Battle Front EAST CENTRAL KOREAN FRONT, Apr. 20 (IT) Lieutenant General James van Fleet, new Eighth Army Commander, returned from his first tour of frontline installations glowing with confidence today. He said. "I am delighted at this wonderful army of ours. Everywhere I go I'm encouraged.
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  • 122 1 Standard Staff Report! i IT WAS officially announced last nignt that visits to St. John'! [sland have been cancelled as a result of two outbreaks of fighting followed by an attempted hunger strike among the Emergency detainees on April 17 and 18 However,
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  • 118 1 GLASGOW. England. Apr 21: (AP) Two men were killed <i 70 hurt this afternoon when two special trains carrying soccer fans crashed near Pollokshields station. Most of the injured were minor, with 25 persons remaining m Glasgow hospitals after emergency treatment Both trains
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  • 80 1 A CALL for the formation of a new finite J Malay u Nitional organization or patty as the first and most practical step towards r»: k.rr; the who!? of Malayi on- to: ntry and on< people with one government, u:is advocated by Data
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 87 2 St.ind.ird Staff Reporter ANDRI w BENNCxT, 41-- ..r- E v ;>. r. n < s< atenced m the Singap >re Third Distd< I I url este day to 18 i U2 Imi ia o or v to be police supervis a %a sh I
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  • 187 2 Board Should Provide For A Tire Float 9 Standard Staff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Municipality may take over the running of the Singapore Harbour Board fire service, following a request made by the SHB, some months ago. The Estates and Fire Brigades Committee of
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  • Article, Illustration
    101 2 SCHOOLGIRL admiring a bust of Sir Stamford Raffles at the entrance of Singapore Raffles Museum is 17 -year -old Sally Ong of Penang. Daughter of the late Dr. Ong Chong Keng. former Penang Legislative Councillor. Sally is spending the week-end at Buk»t Serene as guest of Mr. Malcolm Mac
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  • 144 2 Standard v -;.itT Reporter lin Hr-t Singapore ti >\ rnuu ni-\ t it> d price it-t mhi be jvj dished In .be SI dard torn 1 1 on for the iruldance ol Ibe public, ompriNing (he prices of Btaplf branded rpoda E»ch as milk, milk prodocts,
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  • 159 2 Standard Staff Reporter AT LEAST 11OJMH) Ghincsc m Singapore nr»« eligible t\>r voting, but only about l.*> percent registered a> voters tluriii" the lnM Legidativc CooneU elections. •*ai«l Mr. (i. Thomson, Supervisor of Election*, \t'«»ici tla>. i Mr. Thomson was referring I the criticism by
    159 words
  • 71 2 THE fair retail price of coco- i nut oil In Singapore is $25.50 per 28 katty tin or $1 05 per bottle of katty 2 tahils. The Deputy Contr iller of Supplies has announci d thai owing to the continued I m the price
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  • 94 2 MR LO ns I w. ddesi 5m I the late Dr. J C T 1 1 I Mrs rhi\ si d nephew ::;e former Representative fl the Government of I- di 1 m I Mala} a, «as mai 1 led i M T .c: esa D
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  • 203 2 Standard Staff Reporter -YOU HAVE. m the Gurkha Police a. though they are from another land very great friends," Mr. Lee That, Officer m Charge of the Gurkha Contingent m Singapore, said m a i talk over Radio Malaya last i night. "They like
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  • 168 2 Standard Woman Reporter THREE hundred women y< terday met at the residence of the Indonesian Consul to commemorate the birthday of one who made it possible for Indonesian women to take ti r place beside ihcir men In The a anan who made it P
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 228 2 V^K^ > Ydurliocai?B;O.A.C Appointed -Agent— multiplied 1 3,500 1 times throughout theiworld— makes no charge for expert advice, detailed information or bookings by Speedbird to all six continents. 8.0.A.C. TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU 4^^^^ FLY BOA Information and B«H>Linjrs: Consult yooi u-ual Travel Aitnt>. Qantas Kmpire Airways Ltd.. So.
      228 words
    • 348 2 v cwatfs Your A smile will hp m trouble r an <) fhc minimi,. Throw away your V\ tOOthb^'> Old *«h,o«ed br«,h\v\\ the IWtfc I $«chow V\\ lg\ them th hi X TEK shorr-Kead t,M.Y\\ Mim Q n Ckifts where bulky brushes, mss H rtlAD€ MARK A JXm^h^X^ product The
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  • 295 3 'The Man Who Saved Mis Boss From Attach* Standard Staff Reporter CHUA KIM TEOW, 43-year-old former assistant cashier of Fraser and Neave, the man who saved his general manager from a knife attack last February, was sentenced to 18 months' rigorous
    Standard  -  295 words
  • 406 3 Mr. Mrs. Funk Tell Of Jap Experience Standard Staff Reporter AN EX-PRESIDENT of British North Borneo's War Crimea Courts, a retired magistrate as well as a civic leader of North Borneo, Mr. John Funk Sr., who ia now on a visit to Singapore with
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  • 269 3 Standard Woman Reporter MRS. LIXIEN WANG, the well known music teacher m Singapore has many talents. Apart from her music anil teaching Mrs. Wang still manages to find time to paint. Mrs. Wang has entered two of her paintings m the second open
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  • 126 3 THE TRIPLE crash incident mi n which two cars and an ambulance were involved m an accident at the junction ol Pnnsep Street and Selegie Road on the night of April 7 was recalled before the Singapore First Traffic Court Magistrate, Mr. S. Teh y ester
    Standard  -  126 words
  • 65 3 THE HELIOS which arrived here from Japanese ports and Hongkong brougtit as cargo 6 500 kegs of nails, 1,200 bales of newsprint and 3,500 rolls of galvanised wire. All the c£<rgo is from Japan. The ship landed here about 2,000 bales of textiles, about half
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  • 101 3 A MOVE to reduce the salaries of Legislative Councillors from $500 a month to $250, is being made by Mr. N. A. Mallal (City Ward). Notice of the motion for a resolution to this effect was filed by Mr. Mallal with the Clerk of the
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  • 69 3 THE DRENTE. a freight and passenger vessel which arrived here from the Persian Gulf and Indian ports, brought to Singapore 10.998 drums of asphalt, 11,430 baskets of Indian onions, -947 drums of linseed oil, X.842 bales x of cotton 400 kegs of paint. 291
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  • Article, Illustration
    313 3 CHINESE V.M.C.A., Selegie Road: Boy Scouts* basket ball team 5 p.m.; Table tennis 7 p.m.; Mouth organ band 7.30 p.m. Boy scout drill 9 lo p.m.; Cantonese service 10 a.m.; Khek service 1 p.m.; Mandarin service 4 p.m. OVERSEAS Pakistan League. Singapore: Celebration of "Iqbal Day" under chairmanship
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 For hotter Made with rich, rine tobacco, their unvarying j e\ re Hence provides so much more m smoking enjoyment. 1 1 111 O .ir rut-selling Cork-Tipped Cigarette m ibe World iM POUTED FROM lOMM)\, EXOLAXD *l Tin of s('s Sl.Bo Packets ot 10s. 35 cts. RATION 50s 52.05 10s.
      126 words
    • 68 3 An l^ As a liqueur, as a beverage, as a safe and quick stimulant, Hennessy Brandy is unequalled. /\M 0 RAT BAN 0 0 Gradient Density SunuJflsises A Extra Clare ProttQnn A X A oio available: Jj iVfc'H r VULVA OPTICAL CO., X U 71, HIGH STREET SINGAPORE Ehonc *****
      68 words

  • 602 4  -  ASTER GUNASEKERA^ I'^l FRIENDLMEST SPOt B> Swamp Becomes Granary Mamlarcl Staff Reporter TWJONG Karang has made Selan^or the fourth largest padi producing area m the Federation of Malaya and m doiti£ *o provides a fine example of the old proverb "Where there's a will there's
    Larm  -  602 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 Plationum^ MAOE IN TO ENGLAND jt/ /wORLD'MMmJW^ W jffl\ BALL-POINTS/ fjSr^r Pen. elegant. efficient. fJ^^r fh Ntckel-Silvcr push-on cjp: gold-tone .jf^^ «b. And the Pbtignum 6all-Pointcd Ink- Pencil *»ith ingenious, precision-fitted writing pent TwK« tKe normjl ink-cap JCitv. Refills fitted m a jiffy 60 cents. Both Pen and !nk-Pencil are
      370 words
    • 186 4 gf THE GUYS "IN THE Hq- jß ft dlh ¥W at- 9^3 9k^ fIBR9vT vG ft^^**Jie- *C < ■*-J' wiftn ft 1 A COUMMA PICTURE COMiNf. ro gJ! i laX ROYAL ,3 I- SI'RAIVA U C U A A kl I A, Rahman m J M A A N j
      186 words

  • 136 5 MALACCA, Sat.— The Set- en i v.\ ire Council ciis- t e I 541 food parcels m ra in March— 264 to the Ce] District, 51 to Alor G ijah and 13 to Jasin, V. sum ol $685 Er «n the Oan Eng S
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  • 32 5 PORT DICKSON, Sit -An- 52,000 has been added to .B c S Wan Scho©] Building 1 p »rt Dickson. TV.c amount ie 1 >tal collection to date ii 594.236 '.0
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  • 46 5 \T I .c annual general meeib held at the Bandar Peng- n C:uo. BatU PaJyt. t::e ring were elected officers tor mis year: --President D I Goodwin, Hon. bee- v Mr. C D. Hitchman. g k oon and Che Azman Abdul Ha:n:d.
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  • 15 5 THE Port Dicfcsoii, brunch o; ."p'irk SsVcrs Assor:n:ion has to declare StMMfav a
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  • 277 5 YOUTH Counen's ATM Is To Promote Racial Harmony In Malaya Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. One of the foremost aims of the Malayan Youth Council is the promotion of racial harmony through the youth of this country. It holds that a great deal ol the task of building up
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  • 184 5 Standard Statf Correspondent XL VI 4 LUMPUR, Sat. The Malay Regiment is makin- history. It has the distinction ol having killed and captured 234 bandits since the Emergency began, and, according to "Spotlight on the Emergency broadcast over Radio Malaya this evening, 'the Communists put the
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    • 113 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. Sat. Bong Kee Seong, a Civil Liaison Officer from Taiping, pleaded guilty before Mr. D. R. Home m the Magistrate's Court here to a charge of causing hurt to a Chinese girl. Chua Hui Huang. by firing one round from a revolver
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    • 26 5 INDONESIAN women m Penang yesterday celebrated the birthday of Raden Adjeng Kartini, a name which is connected with the emancipation of Indonesian women.
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  • 60 5 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH. Sat. Mr. H.S. Leo. President of the Ail-Malayan Chinese Mining Association, left Ipoh this morning after a conference with representatives of the Perak Chinese Mining Association. It is learnt that Mr. Lee gave a confidential report of the recent tin
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  • 212 5 MB M C B SHEPPARD] latins British Adviser, Kelan,V"; will be leaving Kota k soon on transfer on the "4 S Sir. W. F. N. Cnurcmll to dinner on w esdas night by tne memSeS 5 the Kelantan Civil Service Association^ 818 KOXG CHENG WHUN. Dr on
    212 words
  • 146 5 Singapore Staff Correspondent IPOH. Sal. Mr. E. C Hicks, Senior Inspector of Schools Perak, today praised Singapore's ten year educational plan. Declaring open the conference of defecates from teachers' unions from Singapore and the Federation, he said: "I take my hat otl to Singapore
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  • 86 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. —A famous Indian magician, who istounded London audience witn his skill, 'which is totally different from the usual type Ol sfiee show, will help charity on May 4 at the Chinese Assembly Hail. Professor Palanisamy, a disciple of Swami Pithambar. one
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  • 62 5 KOTA BAHRU, bat. The newly-formed Kelantan CoOperative Stores Society Ltd.. Kota Bahru. which will oecapy the former premises of the Infant Welfare Centre near the Kota Bahru market, is open to the public and has a target capital of $100,000 at a dollar per shire Application forms are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 192 5 1. i Only Pain Reliever c Gaining Vitamin B f F A V t fi^ *^i *^o^^^ fIBK 9V aVH IH^BE&B 2839D81 uC "I nain toilet soaps limdemYlossom W^> r BLUE HYACINTH LEATHER ft I J HAIR •>., gel t«d about: Lu.stre-Crpme d, impiM m>w on Mh m your stores,
      192 words
    • 30 5 til l»!."> rel. «3B SOLE AGENT FOR •GOOD LUCK" 21 I. WATCHES, GERMAN 400 DAY CLOCKS. I Kidneys Musi Clean Oil Ackb chemist for cy««»- v Th<> Guar C*«rfl#AV ante*
      30 words
    • 453 5 DYNAMO LIGHTING SiT. Why do cyclists choose MILLER Lighting sets every time Because they recognise that the MILLER diamond is the hallmark of something just a Sold by Leading Cycle Dealers. F at lory Representatives T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. Singapore Kuala L;nnjMir IVnang a T.V.M.— 4BG ,J More goods
      453 words

  • 1613 6 \N r a juicy 16 oz. steak, grilled to order, and With an inch of tat, for dinner at 6 p.m.? It >o. hook ;t passage m. or join the own of |Im \wmt ill m IVesidenfl line ■an(icn^c r c argu linrr, l'r«*-»i<l«>nt Monroe Bit if
    1,613 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 s, f i f t?"!f i>p 1 If JB%>1/ I till' s <i*CiW' Si m il-^ rmv mini ik maktt sou look lovelier, more interesting an. l \\> us-- Make I gives '."u j natural, lawless, rx.mng than \ou r^rr dreamed wa» possildc M f-i'-M'n n-v-r v „r a-v PAPMUKI
      73 words
    • 159 6 The kindest p, 01 Us sooth'wp f Softness at bathtii c (n j V BABY PDWDEH THE BORNEO COMPANY m teo /V2?>^ rOR PERFECT^ i wß^\ ■*i«siy:isc [nTjl HI6HIY TE'ZKID >, c ruLLY qv: :d ci/ou fflargucrtmi I INCH: L L More beautifnl? Ofcourse! Noothernailpoi'" c*c ty r-'ce, Ic-.ds such
      159 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 31 6 -"> [now/ kK^mflHmZ^T hop? t^e H '^> Thing is v3*l» j HI I ""^^i^^^ gp^GErTiNG RNy where. C^ fTjKjS&mjL ■>.;/W r iv x'rwj Q loom jyr T K E^ wl 'r^|ps BB^^^B|P^ iUJml
      31 words

  • 325 7 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat. Street names are now being put up at tke New Settlement that is being hammered out from what was once the thick growth of shrubs, lallang and rambutan trees at the Green Lane Housing Estate, along Cheesenian Road.
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  • 253 7 Standard Staff Reporter ALOR STAR, Sat. The 100 year-olid Sri Maha Mariamman Temple at Alor Star is believed to be the oldest Hindu temple m Kedah. It is situated at Bakar Bata the original place of abode of the Hindu immigrants who first came
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  • 112 7 Standard Suit Correspondent KOTA BAHRU, Sat.— G. C. Nair, former postmaster, Pasir Puteh, was acquitted yesterday ol giving false information to B >x 5000, Kuala Lumpur, by the Pasir Puteh Magistrate. Nair, it was alleged, sent an tymous letter stating that the stafl of
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  • 15 7 FROM Sept. 1. 1949. the Federal Trerusury bias benefited by $32,907.50 m stamps.
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  • 62 7 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Ninety-three delegates from 31 Rural Co-operative Societies m Selangor met here today :to discuss the establishment of the Selangor Rural Co-operative Banking Union at Princes Road Malay School. The Mentri Besar of Selangor, Ra.ia Uda Bin Raja Mahmud. declared
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  • 171 7 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat There were 176 Trade Unions registered m the Federation up to the end of Last month, according to the, Re^istr^r >>t Societies, Mr. J. B. Prentis. Registration of further 33 Unions is pending. The total membership of all Unions
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  • 236 7 Standard Staff Correspondent PEN AN G, Sat. The action taken by the master of the motor vessel Corn fish m allowing hi* alien crewmen to land before checking by the Immigration officer* might have resulted m a very serious consequence said Mr. Lim Hock Chuan, Assistant
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  • 98 7 And Now stamp Photos Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat— As a boy, K. H. Chong was fascinated by photography. He experimented with a box camera and did his own developing and printing. Often, he had to deny himself many luxuries m order tp equip himself with the necessary materials.
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  • 183 7 Smugglers, Spivs Hit Smokers Standard Staft Correspondent KUTA BHAR s*l Buffeted between smug: and spivs, smokers m X' > Bharu are paytnff M for a tin ;of State Exprt. $3.50 Eoi j more popular brands like P.; yers and Gold Flake v packets of ten Rough Riders cost 50 cents
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 107 7 our iCJyp |^i3^^J^B"" -O ENSb»§S GiMHT PWTWORK. 6—12 5.50 hne just received a r.mge of British Make. Sheffield !ir Saws. Sizes. VI", 18". ,M". 30". 34". 3tT. VV\ 48". and W diameter. hrtkl Parti:uhrs Prites -0n HOCK JOO TENG C:, V>'2:\. North Bridge Road, MyCOUGHIg^ stopped at oncef^j People all
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  • 772 8 [LLNESS is a very serious thing and most people m this country recognize it as such. Having delivered ourselves of this very profound thought we will now so on to discuss some special aspects connected with sorry condition of being a patient \o&[ Asian countries illness
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  • 2319 8 We Need A New United Malaya National Party This important operation of resettling the squatters, Whose labours are essential to tht economy of this country, has had a steadily growing effect m making for the success of the war being waged against the Communist rebels by the security forces, which
    2,319 words
  • Article, Illustration
    287 8 AND HOW MR. HORWICH PUT AN .END TO IT NFW YORK. pOLOIBI'S discovered America, hut D:ivid Horwich has discovered the secret of how to stop snoring. New York advertising executive Horwich once snored so loirdly that he faced ihe alternative of bavins to retire to an uninh >l>ited island,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 15 8 ETCRNR £Jne precision iva/c/t j^^&ZdH'it' 'tince /556 "'^W^ offal $ak BHO J6 (CUy^P. QUAY SINGAPORE
      15 words
    • 104 8 AN ALLEN BURYS l l PRODUCT /or LaMLiOl Calcium deficiency I I si Colcyctic Tablets ore inciccttd tn of! ccr there is a deficieno of cdoum c- on.'iciparcd that cxtro demonds wul kf calcium reserves. Colcvdc Tablets ore chocolate coated ca!c<um m a rcadify cssimilable F*f« Tabiet provides calcium, phosphorus
      104 words

  • 307 9 Jumabhoy Objects THE PUBLIC WORKS.Committee of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners has agreed to the construction of a four-foot permanent central traffic* island alon« Kalian^ Road from kampong Bugis to the entrance of the Firestone Company's Depot. Financial provision, amounting to $17,000, has been
    Stand-ard  -  307 words
  • Article, Illustration
    212 9 Standard Stuff Reporter A COOKING STOVE which uses only sawdust and provides a strong lire for more than eight hours with five cents worth of sawdust, is now on sale m Singapore. A dem mstration oi this Indian stove, which is a household app iance m villages m
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  • 74 9 St:tPd;ird Stilt C lorrespondeiu KUALA LUMPI R S; Dv g i tuary this year, 16.928 Cor;- fie; it es of Citize p i issued m the Federation, b ing the cumulative I I 178.259. Oi this number 61,445 come from Pe";»k. Other State; i :e 2
    74 words
  • 262 9 Standard Staff RepoTter PEOPLE who have recently moved to the outskirts of Singapore Municipality, but whose homes actually are situated m the rural areas, are not eligible for registration as voters for the Municipality, The Standard was told. But they are eligible to register as voters for the Legislative
    262 words
  • 126 9 SHE WORKS AS RUBBER SELECTOR Standard Staff Reporter THE GRADE of rubber— and therefore the price depend on skilled woman workers like Ah Lin, seen m the picture here. She is one of the "selectors" employed by the Dunlop Rubber Company m their godown at the Singapore Harbour Board. The
    126 words
  • 260 9 JB Building Held Up By Materials Lack Standard Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Apr. 21.— The acute shortage of housing m Johore Bahru has been further aggravated hy the increase m the cost of huildini: materials am! ih«* influx of rural population affected hy the resettlement scheme. Johore Bahru with a
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  • 287 9 Standard M.iif Rrj>ort«r THE IDEXi [TV card m Singap pra I fool-proof against the p bilitj of ..'i alien h >odwinking the Registr; Centre Into issuing b card T:,t toreigftei > had into the Colony by nighl the bonier millio i ofifiv m i ire
    287 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 299 9 Ise 120 Film take II H 1 24 m. pictures WELMy SIX I < ns: Terionar 1:3.5 (rlvr^nßLa d^K l^- 1:75 mm. coated AJJ*~j&'\'-tf S^frflrc^M^^L'^ -Mutter: B. 1. >00 sn fl t inished with a bod\ Shutter release JL j^^^Tf an Ise Minicam Hash Gun tor taking Fft 3JP tlash
      299 words
    • 74 9 m^^LjA**r BL— BL_ m B I yl^^^ with A K/\LlIIVjrl I hi ii i roK \oi m min^sn VOIF SAIISI u:lloN XNI) I *U" km:r.[.\sh\(;.si;k\h:i; RALEIGH If^^sl f^ll W m:\\ \hi;. <>i imii \in.\.v For Maximum office Efficiency \v I 1 'w^ '>^ L \_^S ".Z__rW y/ I 5A* \fl
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  • 4 10
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  • 53 10 THE IT.S. NAVY has authorized production of a "sizeable quantity" of its new 1-717-3 Cutlass', a radical twin-jet, tailless, fifhter airplane. The Cutlass has a top speed of more than 600 m.p.h.. and is powered by two turbojet engines. The plane is shown during: a test flight m
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  • 335 10 Standard Shipping Reporter FIRST Brazilian oil tankers lo call at Singapore since the war the Salte 53 ami the Salte .1 1 wen m port last week. One of them, Salte 53 developed engine trouble and is lH'ina: repaired here. Those two
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  • 36 10 LONDON, Apr. 2: (Reuter)— The Polish Go\ ci nment is to bin I c Ami ua Sc intic Shipping 1 a Poland m retathe Polish 14 287 I m ",er B.t: -:y
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  • Market Reports
    • 116 10 RU BBER nnHE rubber market In SingaL pore v. as \erv qaie". yester;i. j Mfith only a small volume ol business passing. Quotations tern 'ed much the same as those preyai ing on Friday n a. Singapore Chamber >>: Commerce Rubber Association n n I es yesterday (Apr. 21) were
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    • 11 10 SINGAPORE, S Bbc i uraa c v m r. tu
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    • 42 10 W. little I usuu ss ..> rep trted m I le Singap :v pi klucc irkH S o^'e: d.'.v Business Ui c pi a v ii 1 1% rt ed a: tSO-1 2 C oil idlers q toled $84 .rid f.s wer
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  • 142 10 TilK Americas destroyer T S.S. Ln^ is one of the most popular ships with the men of the British Commonwealth and Allied Fleet m Korean waters, according: to Commander Alan Brockband. Fleet Naval Information Officer, now m Singapore. Reas m The destroyer* oama Lod ihe fact
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  • 318 10 Shipping Hold- Up. Blamed Standard Staff Reporter MALA YA N pilgrims going to Mecca next year may have to pay more for their shipping passages if the representations made by the Malayan Governments to Saudi Arabia to improve internal transport conditions m that country prove abortive. These bad transport conditions
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  • 26 10 FIRST ISRAELI ship LAUNCHED ROTTERDAM \qt 21 —For the first time since the reign of King Solomon, an I i ocean-gi ing esse was launche here
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  • 38 10 BUFFALO, New V k Apr 21: (AP) The cost pi producing super j t aircraft engines for at American bombers m reach an annual rate of USS 1.500,000,000 by 1952. a Genera Motors spokesman predicted.
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  • 500 10  -  KEN JALIEH H J^OCAL aviation circles are following with great interest a move m Europe and America whereby air travellers will have to sit backwards m planes— that is, with their backs facing the direction of flight. Recent tests m America have shown that passengers sutler no inconvenience
    500 words
  • 33 10 THE Singapore tin share market was firm yesterday with sellers somewhat re- while industrials were steady at quotations. The firmness m this section nt tho mirlfAt wqc at.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 253 10 FAST REGULAR TRANS PACIFIC SERVICI Direct 0*«Ho«d Son Francisco, Lot Angel*s All American b Canadian CMm Penang P Sham S pot* J L LUCKINBACH 24/26 Apr.— 27 Apr. 28/30 Apt ILIAMNA 5/6 May 7/8 May MATTHEW LUCKENBACH 22/25 May 26 May 27/30 Moy Accepting cargo tot Hongkong Kobe Yokohama FAST
      253 words
    • 35 10 -\A[ >,- n r """""V wjGgr o Emma CONDENSED MILK < i fiolf 0 SOLS IMPORTERS i LEYTE TRADERS LIMITED t«A. ROBINSON ROAD,, SINGAPORE TEL *****. It is specially prepared by "DE OMMELANDEN" CO-OPERATIVE FACTORY OF J
      35 words
    • 357 10 SAILINGS FROM b Pore p c h Nf "NORDHVAL" for Bangkok n Pt "°n, "PANAMA" for Bangkok Saigon Hongkong, Manila Kobe Yokohama CUS Ai "SELANDIA" tor Bangkok 22-24 uT^, J: 1 "MALAYA" for Bangkok, 3 Hongkong, Manila Kobe and Yokohama i,- ->n xa /vicuiNiA tor baigon (j Bangkok Ho«bur 9
      357 words

  • 639 11 New Building lechnique May Mean Cheaper Houses Standard Staff Reporter A REVOLUTIONARY j building technique which will help to build better, stronger and cheaper houses especially m the estates and mines of Malaya and for jniddleclass people m mnlying areas, has just been introduced by Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd. A
    639 words
  • 220 11 TWO SELL BOOKS TO PAY FOR SCHOOLING standard Stall Reporter TWO YOUNG industrious Singapore schoolgirls, Betty Liv and Edith Ho, walked into The Standard office yesterday, I smiled sweetly and en- quired: "Would you be 'interested m some books I for your children?" > Students at the Malayan Seminary m
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  • 28 11 THE Tamil New Year was celebrated at Saraswathi Tamil School Penang with prayers and garlanding ceremony. A light tiffin was served to »ll pupils and teachers.
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  • 111 11 THE ZINC SHED on the padang from which a roaring trade of cooked food was carried on during the night for the past many months has now been demolished following the publication of report m The Standard that hawkers are making a nuisance of themselves
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  • 191 11 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sal —Rearmament m Britain may hamper projects by estate owners m Malaya to build the Nissen type of huts imported I from the United Kingdom for t their labourers. > Corrugated iron sheets tor these huts, it is believed,
    191 words
  • 394 11 MR. AW BOON HAW has offered to donate JMPSSO,OOO,OOO to the new administration at the Sacred Infant Orphanage m Canton so that the important charity work may he carried on. Voicing his concern over the orphanage, which was built with his donations and later
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 277 11 LIVESTOCK REARERSI POULTRY FARMERS 1 Make your farming a PLEASURE Save your feeding COSTS Reap more PROFITS ITT* J M¥ VITAMIN D 3 F ood Supplement I 1/ a none which show* In. l\-i JV returns m investment as **«U33: JMV VITAMIN Da U^rM)ij\ nmnt ffi^tn.. Ltd. I l>eterinary Division)
      277 words
    • 110 11 I '^BBc hr 3c SB :^^^^l^iil^^^S ROME R» r iAnHI i# BH^^^9BBHHH^B&soffuv^. wwwcMo^^tv-' S po k t £#i CtVION AVSTMUAN NATIONAL AiRWAYS PTY LTD. 5, PRINCE SI SINGAPOHI TLI SIM BHB. Oil ALL TRAVLL iGBNCIiS •i i iJTI KM ISM AY "rf J I I AMPS fill A Complete and
      110 words

  • 1348 12  -  Oswald Henry By |)!I II VH has come to town m person] No, not tin* seductive Ht'tly 1 aitiarr of Ocil l>. DeMille's spectacle, but an equally personality m 21-year-old Cantonese star Chui Lin. Sht» plays iht* name rolf m tho play
    1,348 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
      389 words
    • 169 12 Colours Polishes RED TILE FLOORS CARoiNAL POLISH In AW, Grwft, Buff. Brawn, Cr«sm, Whit* an 4 Trontporem "t BLESS TUE DAY J 'r**i h^ i WROTE Q^^^^^dv^k A CONFIDENTIAL TRIAL It's odd how one simple action If you are modern-minded can bring such l^ag-lastinff enough to test the extra h^n^fitQ
      169 words
      201 words

  • 1194 13  - A MOWER WHO BETRA YED ALL OUR SONS ANDREW McLEOD By ADUMPY little woman of thirty-five who looks as if she has done nothing more exciting than stand i n a food queue has, according to a judge, "altered the course of history/ With her husband, tall, bespectacled, harmless looking,
    1,194 words
  • Article, Illustration
    598 13 PETER STEPHENS, m Paris, send this report of what a Frenchman thinks of th« British after spending five years m Britain. LTOVV are you Britons feeling this morning? Fine fellows? The salt of the earth? Good now let me hold a mirror before you. A French mirror which gives
    598 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 357 13 Shave the easiest, most modern way— with ALMOLIVE BRUS'HLESS SHAVING CREAM ,f-^ ■•A And see how fresh and com-EMm-KUIOLIVE PRODUCT iWtabl, your face feels afterwards! r^a— Tpg:"-^ SBC a^\ 1 E MMMHHUK^.. ILR lli a S k j. fl I m i—^^^y t P^Vi I, M^^Bf 1 J kcuA jfa*t
      357 words
    • 78 13 The WATCH of V/UALI I T LADIES GENTS ENSON 17 or ll JEWELS Obtainable from All leading Watch Dealers You are acquainted with Eczema's miser- able Itching and pain and you know how difficult It Is Id cure. Do you know how effectively Purol Powder combats this complaint? Purol Powder
      78 words
    • 242 13 KM4J IlHu^^^N^ AiL AUSTRAUA /S CELEBRATING JlffiiJ AUSTRALIA MWml this year V fIL jA En fete throughout 1951 for the ~551\v f j/S^h lK "^-S^^^^g^^^—^ commemoration of ita sUth Anniversary of f Bt ~^mWl I Federation, Australia welcomes you with an knpress>;v« feTT^r I W/ V programme of entertainment and
      242 words

  • 2009 14 Coastguard Survives Objection GREAT TREBLE FOR TULLOH AND SPENCER By OLLIE DAVIES IN a do-or-die effort jockey Ellery cleverly steered Coastguard first past the post and later survived an objection for alleged interference at the bend to win the fifth race at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. This was Coastguard's first win.
    2,009 words
  • 207 14 PENANG, Sat.— One of Thailand's star players, Chuah Kirn Huat was trounced by Penang's Thomas Cup hero, Ooi Teik Hock m straight sets 15-1, 15-8, when Penang Sin Haw met Hua Lien (Bangkok Chinese Combined) m a charity badminton match at Bangkok last week.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 190 14 MORE SHA YES mmm^^ m r The sharpest edge m the world Try a Blue Gillette BljJe to-day. Feel whai a smoother, cleaner shave its extra a4t Cts sharpness gives you. Then count I gQ 1 how man) more >haves you get V jr yL from each blade when >ou're
      190 words
    • 173 14 i £?™T*«^CtMd CONSTIPATION Reg ::r n,n a i Use Cwtkan stubborn Hchingsl stops the nchmc quick. 1 r t*- vj the >r I to a cicar betl! GIVES M RELIIF J BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $354,500. FIRST PRIZE: NO. 141G57 SECOND PRIZE: NO. *****8 THIRD PRIZE: NO. *****8 STARTERS: *****6,
      173 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 411 14 Radio Programmes RADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE ENGLISH PROGRAMME [MM fct-fc 414(1 metres) tf am. Programme Summary: V.O'i W'alti Time; 9 :50 Sons of the Pioneer* 0.45 Intermeizo; 10 a.m. News; 10.05 Kadio Doctor; 10.15 Interlude from Hawaii; lo.:to Latin America on the Air: 11 a.m. Having a Wonderful Crime; U.Ut Studio
      411 words
    • 413 14 iMcwi Round-up"; !».::o Radio Play Itt P.m. Newt m Teo(h«w and Hakka 10 l.» Teo. hew Drama-, lo 45 Operatic Airs; 10..». i News Suinmarv m Manda rtn. Xi ALA LtMPIK <2«W metre* A Mt;.> b cv« m 4l» oi hand 1 I S* a.m. Programme Summary; V o ->
      413 words

  • 272 15 ISOLD WATCH FOR SWIMMING STAR: SOSC TO DECIDE IB question of whether Singapore's Asian dames swimming star. Efea Chwee Kok can be presented with a gold vaftd without jeopardis;ri. his amateur status is h,' discussed at the Sintpore Olympic and ;\>r:> Council managentori committee meeting i Tuesday. If a decision
    272 words
  • 371 15 FINE contributions of 58 runs by tbe Singapore cricketer Cheong Tliiani Siew, and 42 runs by Chua Eng Cheng, were mainly responsible for the S.C.R.C. **A" beating the Singapore Recreation Club by four wickets m a match played on the Padang yesterday. Thiam Slew's innings
    371 words
  • 89 15 NEW YORK. April 20 <UP> Kid Gavilan. preparing for a shot at the world welter-weight championship next month, pounded out an easy 10-round decision over Aldo Minelli of Italy m a feature bout at the St. Nicholas arena. Gavilan. who is scheduled to tight NBA welter
    89 words
  • 348 15 KDON, Apr. 21 (AP) 1 ..>•■> footba'.l results BBC ttsna :ren:ionetl tSGUSE LEAGUE HKST DIVISION I Boh JO W. I Fulhain I l LiveTpo I II 1 Aston Villa 2 1 Charlt n Ath. 1 rhamH si ur l M*< ster U. 2 •j DertQ C. 2
    348 words
  • 150 15 Standard Staff Correspondent MALACCA, Sat. Malacca Amateur Football Association has started a programme of strenuous training and proper coaching for its Malaya Cup tram. Seventeen footballers have been selected by the association for training. Wan Puteh, former Singapore representative, has undertaken the job of
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  • 184 15 The Island Club will hold an open invitation competition for the Eu Tong Sen Cup. Entries are invited for the competition which is open to members of any recognized golf club The qualifying round under medal stroke play will take place on Saturday afternoon May 12 under
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  • 215 15 SINGAPORE YMCA beat REME by 12 runs m a friendly cricket match played on the REME ground yesterday. YMCA, batting first, declared at 87 for nine REME went all out for 75. Ross took six REME wickets for 32 King, for REME took three
    215 words
  • 692 15 STAR GAZING JAN 20 TO FEB 18 (Aquarlii*): You should be careful not to miss opportunities that may well present themselves this week, you are being watched by our superiors who have m mind a better position for you. should you show yourself capable of undertaking it. FLB 19 TO
    692 words
  • 47 15 LONDON. Apr-. 21 CAP)— The 16th game ol the wo: id chess championships between Russian Grandmasters Mikhail Botvinnik and David Bronstein wm adjourned on Friday with the positions about eg la M i B i reported The t ant be played off today (Saturday
    47 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 200 15 SBk 'fl^^^BSV 3^mk^Sßv<BpJß^9bA2l3vß] .j. B^BBBflV^. I *s3t a*-*^ s v "ta ti I BBfißVEs^ I r I 4JK 5 '"flY^o''^^B^BV ■*-S.*;';^\ i > -> '<■ -tsK^v.*.'-'*? I SS y^. j^t W^fc v*J Bbß > SE* ""^^^^^p^.'*""*^* j| BBhl i_^Z sJJBCJEi^BMKs^^^^BBBj BBBk B^BBI i b^K^"^^ BhBW V *tj*~- r P~<^ ->-
      200 words

  • 509 16 SAFA's Talent Scouts Find A Goalkeeper photo. AFTER a thill first half m klucli thane was no score, yesterday's "talent-finding" friendly between SAFA "V" and Singapore Chinese developed into a thrilling itrtfggle* F ;:r goals were shared a fair enough result although SAFA might have won had Ihe team settled
    Standard  -  509 words
  • 239 16 IN A friendly cricket irame played at Shell Sports Ground yesterday the R.A.F. (Changi) beat Wanderers by 32 runs. The Airmen batting first went all out for 142 runs. Wanderers did well to return 110. Bowling honours went to M. Mahesan, who took five of
    239 words
  • 425 16  - UNLUCKY PERAK LOSE TO NS Slammin'Sam Q v IPOH, Sat. The better team lost. This was the unanimous opinion of critics and spectators who saw Perak being beaten by a solitary goal by Negri Sembilan m a friendly inter-State soccer match played here today. For nearly the whole period Perak
    425 words
  • 356 16 IIIFKF was promise of a clo?e fight iv the inter-servioes "Teat" natch between Army and Navy by the end of yesterday's play when Navy had scored 239 all out and Army m reply had put 87 on the board with one wicket lost. The match,
    356 words
  • 55 16 Racegoers who put their money as a place wager on Jaunty who ran second m the first race at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, had to lose $1 for every ticket purchased. This is the first time that a placed horse, apart from one that deadheated. paid less than
    55 words
  • 277 16 The Police cricket team beat R.A.F. Seletar at the Police Depot yesterday by six wickets m a friendly. 1 Batting first, the Police declared with 151 for five. S. K. Sundram topped the scorers with ■S8 runs while Kirn Swee was second best knocking 37
    277 words
  • 297 16 KAJANG, Sat. The final whistle a minute too early prevented R. S. Fyfe, playing tor the Kajang Police from completing a double 'hat trick* at Kajang yesterday when his team defeated the Beranang Town XI by nine goals to nil m a first division football
    297 words
  • 225 16 REME drew with BODCA m friendly (fame of cricket played at St. Ceorfes Road yesterday. Batting first REME c tiected 95 m 125 minutei a:;d declared for eight wickets. BODCA returned 70 HIM with two wicked m hand. R.K.M.F.: Frew or c Knnfta" b Wijeweera 14.
    225 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 129 16 "TIGER" RUBBER SHOES WEAR THE BEST! SHUM YIP LEONG RURBER WORKS IblMOft iHta U.p«, ipoh r |L KUds Hongkong A MESSAGE TO PA R E W 77/ A SPECIALISED Urn „f Skirt, I for BOYS from Bto If! I FRUIT of the LOOM The rcnge includes so.d colour RAY HAWAIIANS,
      129 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 30 16 TIMESiIS HIGH TIDES M the principal resorts m Malaya TODAY A.M. P.M. Singapore 11. 11 11.07 Malacca 8.04 8.28 Port Dickson 6.45 7.09 Port Sham 5.51 6.11 Penang 00.43 1.08
      30 words