Sunday Standard, 1 April 1951

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Sunday Standard
  • 14 1 Sunday Standard VOL. NO. 274 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, APRIL I, 1951. 16 PAGES— TEN CENTS
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  • 94 1 Iran Oil Spreading i K \V Iran. Mar. 31 y ;iionali-t agitators fanned llu- thuncs of antig rill reefing to a danst rou h** Friday nisht in r M 7 ..uthern Oil helds. Nr ik ,re makin S neyi Amanda wk&A mi-ht mean M.rrendrr by tlu- British ■1 <»t mbAmW
    94 words
  • 53 1 fl ter) put up K rean p<r Hind Gen. i s action in i ;ce offer N .-ions P.e-7 ke a .-tateMMM kfl the name N S -ro'.y- Korea. ere bea state- that s I -ganisation beh the col- ne i the
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  • 14 1 UP) today ugh u1 rhe govei stric- Japan, B i
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 1 Corporal Pauline and daughter Susie,
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  • 187 1 Mama Beats Daughter In Contest Working Girl Standard Woaaan Reporter SMARTLY I irmed WSC ra P Lim oi Si ial B nch beat her ri daughters, Suzie and Amy Chua, to be among the finalists of the I ea Woi king Girls' Contest held at Rallies Hotel terday Hus nd
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  • 77 1 THF. strike notice served on the Nal C bon (Eastern) g nuTe Bukit Timah; R .Si 4 re, by the Smga- Batte Manufactun »n on March 22 has iwn. ias announced by tne Commissioner for Labour yesterday. •a of the strike notice followed discussions beeen the
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 In a neat navy blue suit. Mr. 11. Kitahara. an official of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry, arrived in Singapore by BOAC yesterday to attend the second conference of the Consultative Committee on Rice tomorrow. Mr. Kitahara. an observer, was aetompanied by Mr. B. M. Jensen, of
    Standard  -  60 words
  • 178 1 30,000 Chinese Reds In PI MANILA, Mar. 31 (AP) National Defence Secretary Ramon Magsaysay estimates there are 30,000 Chinese Communists in the Philippines. He has recommended that they should all be deported as a threat to the security of thc Philippines. Councillor Chow Shu-kai of the Chinese Nationalist embassy, commenting
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  • 197 1 Standard London Correspondent LONDON, Sat.— The Financial Time I red editorially today that only America's Pre-i it Truman and Britain's Premier Clement Attlee can solve the problem of rawmaterial allocation The Financial Times, comment, ng on the breakdown of the Tin Conference in Washington
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  • 148 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Mar. 30 (up*) The United Nations Security today approved an Anglo-American resolution on Kashmir by eight votes in favour and three abstentions India, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. India's Sir Be.oogal Rau took the floor to announce that under the rules
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  • 75 1 TEHERAN, Mar. St < L p> r A co_f„ V.i s.! ah Mohammed Reza P ifievi's bride w w-undec .v." night m an attempted Sassination-the third to shake nation this month. The assailant, Army Corporal r u.fl vis arres ed immedi- "irfin:, a single shot
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  • 66 1 photo. In honour of the late Mr. Aw Hoe. former Managing Director of the Singapore Standard and Sin (hew Jit Poh. who died in a plane crash on January 13 last, a monolith was erected in the Haw-Par Villa. Pasir Panjang Koad. Picture shows
    Standard  -  66 words
  • 277 1 LOS ANGELES, Mar. 31 (Reuter)— Mr. John Foster Dulles, United States special Presidential envoy declared here tonight he believed Japan eventually would make an k indi>:>ciisal>l<* com ibutiori" to rcviona! •security in the Pacific. Mr. Dulles said the arrange- ment
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  • 80 1 ELEVEN people were ini volved in this crash. Ten I escaped unhurt with the eleventh, a girl Lau Jee I Siew. 17. only slightly in--1 jured on her head. Travelling in the car (overturned in the drain) were four men; and in the van, belonsin*; a bakery
    Standard  -  80 words
  • 121 1 Maudrene's Girls Will Aid School Standard Woman Reporter THE METHODIST Girls School Alumni of which Mrs. Lim Koon Teck is President j has approached Miss MaudI rene Yap to give a repeat perI formanee of dance items in rid of the Methodist Girls' School Building Fund. Miss Yap has agreed.
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  • 505 1 Two American Tank Columns Roll Over 38th TOKYO, Mar. 31 (AP) Two American tank rthwirm crossed the 38th Parallel today in a daring challenge to Chine-M* offensive buildup. One column crossed north of I ijonghti on the western front then pulled back before dusk three hours later. The other eroded
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  • 77 1 LAKE SUCCESS. Mar. SI (Reutep) Casualties suffered bv United Nations forces in Korea totalled 228.941. according to an informal survey released |by the United Nations Secretariat today The total number killed in action was 25,374, wounded 122.--394. and missing in action 75.--173. The survey was conducted
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 1 i ___g _a r ***ML m
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  • 209 1 Auriol Stresses New World, Europe Unity Makes Unprecedented Plea WASHINGTON. Mar. 31 (IP) -President Wfttt-f Auriol of France today called on Latin America to work with Europe to defeat Communism. Auriol's unprecedented plea was made under unprecedented circumstances. He spoke before the plenary session of the Foreign Ministers of the
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  • 231 1 Standard Staff Reporter THE crisis that has been brewing in Christmas [stand since September last over the lack of a Kathi may soon blow over The Chief Kathi of Singapore. Haii Ali Mohamed Syed Salleh, told The Standard last night that a new
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  • 68 1 I RANGOON. Mar SI IAP 7 Paul Rui gger. It tei International Red Cross mitu Communist China, today de- nied the reported Illness ol Chinese leader Mao Tze-tung Before he left by air Geneva, Mr. Ruegger told re-y-rters, "I have no reason believe Mao
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  • 73 1 WASHINGTON. M (Up|. A aundry truck collided with a limousine c F i journalists and Ji B t. Counsellor ot thi F e c today isine pi needing t Vincent Auriol's P vto Vernon where the I I te was seh< A i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 (I SMOCX/M/ i|\ fii N fWJirtOMLf \v_l ivv i w (>6*FUMIZ FROM FRZNCE a M >Ct a^A^A\mmM l '7'EO j&f mpan u ;>» >. rn i tea, iWgVJSmm
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    • 86 1 Wlz&t Quarter ESubb?rOutp;:t I C&1.0C0 Tors Standard 1 ami n < MTe&O 1 i LONDON, Sat Th- vorld output ol natural rubb 1 in the first quarbr ot 1: 61 t estimated at 109,991 tow or some 88,99i Ums bom thou thr.t produced in the t-aa-t'T ot 1959, the 1
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  • 212 2 THE Singapore Government is putting into effect a scheme designed to eliminate hoarding of building materials, in t lie fig tit against artificial shortage s. Discussions with building contractors representatives and othi r interested pari ii s have res ul l e d in this
    Standard  -  212 words
  • 293 2 THE SINGAPORE Government would sooner or later have to cal drastically pnblie expenditure, ami introduce as early as possible attractive premium loans to l Standard Staff Reporter These are among the major anti-inflation measures which are engaging Government officials and would be put to
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 2 photo. 15 OF THE 16 FINALISTS: From left, front row: Miss Eileen Tan. Miss Molly Lau. Mrs. Pauline Lim, Miss Elizabeth Hodge, Miss Daisy Frushtneit, Miss Gladys Goh and Mrs. Cynthia Koodravsev. Back row: Mrs. Yolande Edwards, Mrs. Queenie Wong, Miss Sally Cheong, Miss E. E. Fencott, Miss Florence Cheah.
    Standard  -  61 words
  • 169 2 'Help People To Help Themselves Standard Staff Reporter "HELP people to help them- es This is the object (^f the r Eastern Relief Fund <"■ mmitte<.' said Mr. G. \v. Webb. rhairman, when be laid the .undation stone of the Fund's l m Buildings at Kian -.».■>- lay. ocated ov.
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  • 33 2 The Kiwi Members' League will hold a picnic and social at No. 1. Tay Lam Teck Avenue on Sunday. April 8 A Fancy Dre<s Contest will be held in the afternoon.
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  • 90 2 Standard Staff Reporter THE THREE Singapore Chambers of Commerce have now agreed to suggest fair retail prices for a small range of essential goods such as provisions and tinned foods. Starting from next Wedn< lay these lists of prii es, subject to ap] r va]
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  • 211 2 Standard Malay Correspondent THE MALAY UNION, Singapore at it- twentysecond annual general meeting held at the residence of Che Fatimafa binti Haji Harun, J.l'., yesterdaj decided to forward the names of thru* Malaya to -it as nominated members in the Singapore Legislative Council.
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  • 376 2 Six Questio ns Flo or 30 Girls-Only 16 Qualify Standard Staff Reporter GIRLS TALL, slim, brisk and buxom yesterday answered six questions to qualify for the final round in the Ideal Working Girl Competition at the Raffles Hotel yesterday. Of the 46 called, only 16 were chosen. Among those chosen
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  • 76 2 MH LIM YEW HOCK. President of the Labour Party Singapore and candid te K< pel I Ustrict in the Incoming elections to the Li lative Council, will hold a series of election campaign meeti I tho H. R Road area, beginning at A m. P.M. Williams,
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  • 121 2 Police Radio Equipment The Finest' EQUIPMENT NOV/ IX use in the Radio Division of the Singapore Police Force "is said to be the finest and n i I up-to-date in the British E pire" said Mr K. W Calderwood, the officer-in-cl je of the division in a talk Radio Malaya
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 214 2 You are invited to hear the PUBLIC LECTURE D P n C I AIM lIRF D T Y LIDt K I T THROUGHOUT All TTI IP" 1 A Ik I !T\ ALL THE LAND by N. H. Knorr of New York nESIDEiVT OF WATCH TOWER BIBLE SOCIETY SUNDAY APRIL 1
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    • 205 2 ELECTION MEETING I Standard Staff Reporter 1 B MR V. P. ABDULLAH. La B bour Party candidate for Bukit Thi B Timah District will hold an Village B election meeting in In st B Buona Vista Road Social We fficials B fare Centre <. r^ mile stone, P.i>.r speak of
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 3  -  DAVID LAI-Cnnnil By iorry, tut the, re asHamcm to eot while you eight penn orths ore looking 0n
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  • 629 3 Don Ess Picks An Imaginary English Team For World Cup an World its pro'Coupe Rim t This «f the Intema--11 Federa- iOO, and played Rio de Englis a short t th« i ti V*i Wll J nary m Pro i ho to h of 81, wh
    629 words
  • 39 3 When Jocob Epstein, the fomou- sculptor, saw Sandra Do°ne, he begged her to pose for a bronze l°J. "Her lace is bee ,utiM ha. to Z« l*o, .rte Am Egon, who i, been asked t, pose
    39 words
  • 289 3  -  SAM DAWSON By NEW YORK. /^OLD is going artistic in a big and profitably way. Gold brings US$43, an ounce after being fixed up a bit for the free market. And Monetary Gold brings only US$35 an ounce. This eight dollars an ounce incentive
    289 words
  • 438 3  -  MICHAEL CONNORS Bj r.i'i i A I'll, wrote Dr. Samuel Johnson, "may be composed in verse or prose. It has no rule to restrain or modify it. except this, that it ought not be longer than common beholders may be expected to have patience or
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 Ifl iC^Ji^t^^^^ W^ m T" 'MMM— 1 irtft ffifl**j| 7"^djHr V <i\ '^^mX^^^^^^^^^^^^SmWUlmm. U ;> ""i^^^^^^^^__K ax r^ i_fc^ *^W «f C v ■*_^__W__^^^B_M_^_Pl__M_B^BP^^^_l _H__. _ErA I___BPl _E_H_ HP^^ .mm**^^ \ycio inc M CC/C/n/J Now in a red, white and blue tin, it's still the same FLIT you've Jm l
      82 words

  • 93 4 Standard Start Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat— The s* langor State Council today roved a supplementary al'o- m of $925,429 for services n Se ai gor under Clause 119 of the Federation Agreement The money was sought by the Selangor State Government r hemes including
    93 words
  • 82 4 SEREMBAN, Sat— The SI ndard i r tands that ti i 7 I- ing Hua of King d V* School Ser i > ban. th;: I son he Rev Mr. Y.Y. H i n:. Ang an mini c and Assistant Inspector of Chinese Schools in Negri Sembilan.
    82 words
  • 71 4 NS PLANS FOR YOUTH W EEK SEREMBAN, A full jramme has i g i Sembi i I V i i the SI You > coi A] ..3. i h W< i k will begin lly on the Station g in Seremban followed by Fair. e will also be dis] ys
    71 words
  • 409 4 Teach Scouting In New Se ttlemen ts, Gurney Urges Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Speaking at the annual general meeting of the Federation of Malaya Boy Scouts Association held today at the Victoria Institution, the High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, said: M There are great opportunities for the extension
    Kenneth  -  409 words
  • 132 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat A 1 resolution introducing the ting up of tiio ma< bin< ry for Municipal elections in Kuala Lumpur will be movi d at the next meeting of the Council of s ate Ol S .mor next moi The State Nationality Bill conferring national
    132 words
  • 64 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri The Kedah and Perils Police arc offering a reward of $500 for ni formation leading to the aires, of a Teochew Chinese, Choo Ah Ih e alias Ah lite alias See Gim Chaw, who is responsible lor the attempted murder of Lim Ag Leong. an
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  • 67 4 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Wed. An altei tion in delivery fees fi c di gs and cats will come into operation for a trial period ul six months starting April 1. The present and proposed scales of fees are, large dogs $2 proposed c 2. medium
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  • 294 4 Federation Bri efs THE examination for teachers of English in vernacular schools in Negri Sembilan will be held on April 2- 4 at the King George V School, Seremban. TAN KIM WAN, who pleaded guilty, was sentenced by Inche An.i ang Saith, the Seremban Magistrate, to three months rigorous imprisonment
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  • 276 4 Standard SiaH orreapoiwienl Kl \l.\ Ll M I i K. SaL (»<>■» ernm-iit temporary employees in ili«* Federation were i«»M al a dinner in Kuala Lumpur last night that th«\ could lie stronger as a bod) il tin formed themselves into a
    276 words
  • 45 4 Standard Stan" C esp KUALA Ll I S in thi State < of S< 7 7 Tun I $10,01 0 in 01 Ro* h I r ed $2.0i f th I f the < I Bi said thi consideration by the nittee.
    45 words
  • 108 4 SEREMBAN, Sat.— St- at the second annual conference of tho Port D branch of the Rubber Worki rs Uni m of South Malaya, Mr. P P. Naraya ia oeral retary oi tne Union, i. I estate workers tu u ivate thrift habit. He announced thai
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 PALMOLIVE BRUSHLESS jj |J f^__-_ I SHAVING CREAMjrm /_r^_Gf*_^^ Amm^^^mtj^mmmr*sr /smmm^TAmG+mmVmmlW// A^k^mmm^A __r Wmm^mW/// AWmW^mW K_/_F___ WWwr*/ yf^^/j(j^y ~no brush /±jj&s// needed! N^ Aw^ '^^mmm^r^ Pal::i> di\ c Brushlrss Shaving Then sha\ t* 1 It v 111 be the easiest, smoothes! __vc you eve* i*' had. And <ee how
      292 words
    • 241 4 /•_fc_'*'_#_l On board end on the o-ound c you will find Air Ccy!on sc-v yojr journey smcoth end crcah'ng new standards of fri personalised ottenhen. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS F 5, prince ST. FMGtt MU OR ALL TRAVEL AGENCIES 52 __T -f_fe _J&JBp A^ MyCOUGNT. stopped af once I j_ w
      241 words

  • 91 5 ENANG Sat.— A love which tarte i at the 'entre in T i I tt eight 1 S.G I 'i pilot the RAF. Butl s J .7 ter. if the S S [apon Singa] ti her Th i Rev. E. 11. M. G of the
    91 words
  • 31 5 POXTIAX. S it. A C to a ch ex■d to obtained Kui by putting in fear at Parit J i on 5 last yi llowed Lim Cheng bail ai
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  • 93 5 Standard Stall Reporter PONTIAN, Sat.— As a sequel to the discovery of 13 bags Siamese tobacco in Kukup estate, in the P il district. s:x Singapore Chinese, Ong Swee Liang, Yew Yong Kong Loo Chin Poon, Kio Kim Teck, Wee Leo See and Poh
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  • 60 5 FIN E D $2,900 Standard Stall Reporter PONTIAN, Sat— A Chinese, Soh Chu Woo who fared five chai of purchasing rubber without a licence was ore i to pay a total fi:. ol s X the Magistrate's Court today. Soh was stated to have gone round the village at 35
    60 words
  • 213 5 BIG PROPERTY SALE IN KL NETS M. KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Proceeds totalling over; one and a quarter million dollars have been realised from a big auction sale in Kuala Lumpur of properties belonging *o the late Mr. Wong Pak Choy, a well-known tin miner Properties which were soldi at this
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 5 photo Che Saleha of the Social Welfare Dept.. Kuala Lumpur, was entertained to dinner at Mohd. Kassim Restaurant bv her office mates in honour of her appointment as a member of the Selangor State Council. Before the dinner she was garlanded. The State Social Welfare Officer is seen on T-.v.ut.-m
    C.F. Larm  -  52 words
  • 179 5 'Chambers Seats Are Necessary Standard Staff Reporter MR. A. F. TAYLOR, deputy chairman of the Singapore Cham be r of Commerce said on Friday that as the whole edifice of Singapore is directly built on commerce it is simple common sense to have a representative from each Chamber of Commerce
    179 words
  • 281 5 Ki Al A LUMPUR, Sat The confident hope thai ni ■n>.*)er*-i;:p oi t lit- ?t.ii.v. .iv> o -tipcr.'tive dii.l7 Loan Soi 'ty's nembership tvould reach the .'.< n,) mark ,'t his yi ir, u.:> expressed bj the President, Mr. I). Mack, al the annual general
    281 words
  • 196 5 Co-op Chief Urges Full Support For Consumers Stores Standard Start" Correspondent KUALA LUMPLR, Sat. Full support by the members of ili«* Railways Co-operative Thrift and loan Society Limited lo the Government's proposal to form co-operative consumers' stores in the fmlu against the rising cost of living, was asked by Mr.
    196 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Mr. Michael Wee Sek Kay. y:)iin;, r <"st .son of Mr. Wee Beow Chye who will hr leaving by the Charon soon to study Medicine at Wesley College in Melbourne, lie was formerly a student of the Anglo Chinese School.
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  • 77 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Wong Ngee Fail and Lai Wee. Foe, who were found guilty oik the charge of unlawful posses-! sion of a lorry loa-d and scraps I weoo each sentenced to two yejp-' rigorous imprisonment bv Inche A. Kadir Yusof in the I Magistrate's Court
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  • 116 5 Standard Staff Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Seven bandit camps have been destroyed in the Federation by Security Forces. The camps were situated in Perak, Negri Sembilan and Johore. Planes of the Far Fast Air Force carried out an air sti ike on bandit targets in the Bahau
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  • 173 5 Standard st:ii Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. "The occupants of such ho i are merely committing icid 7 declared Mr. C. 6. Jennings, Municipal Architi I i today, before Inche Haron bin Haji Idris, when he n la eviction order for the occu- > pants and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 196 5 J J -Ti o_.7' 7^v v iBHk > V _fi__aL What do you know about END DO YOU KNOW tat ino > is cooling and refreshing, an unJ|^SSffi3? and old jP^^l D0 YOU KNOW I* anJ is a por^ ct cor 50/_ hi bottles for fasting freshness I Eno's Fruit
      196 words
    • 264 5 I——1 1 I /fflsV ASw 1 mOW There's a Lot of Satisfactioi Jn Knowing <>u (Jun Something Bettom Cyclists Know They Can Depend nn ffo MILLER DIAMOND Dynamo Lighting Sets Obtainable from Leading Cycle Dcate actory Kepreseittmtivei: T. V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG SS 1\ M !|oi!li
      264 words

  • 231 6 Frist Youth Forum Started In Penang Standard SialT Correspondent PENANG, Sat. Penang youths have made a major contribution in putting Malaya on the map, >i\id the chairman of the Penang Youth Settlement Council, Mr. S. A. Abishegam, at the inaugural meeting of the Penang Youth Forum, held this afternoon at
    231 words
  • 126 6 All B'worth Went To The Fair Standard Staff Correspondent BUTTERWORTH, Sat All roads m Butterworth town and ihe surrounding districts led to Club Road, half a mile from the Distrid Office, where the Malan Anika Warna (variet} nights) opened last night. The fair is beins held at the spacious padang
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  • 288 6 Standard Mall Correspondent PEIN V\<7 Sat. lu spite of the facl thai regular shipments oi consumer goods and raw materials having been arriving here lor tin* |m>t several months, commodity prices an- creeping upward. A few ]>ri<«* tags have made their appearance, Imii grocery money
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  • 137 6 Standard Staff < orrespondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. F i day 5 important dav in the I and Mrs. AC. S >i m, of Chan Ah Tong Sti e. t, K ta Lumpur. It was their r wedding anniversary and 11 fell on an important Hin-lu festival
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  • 88 6 Standard Sun Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Mr. Harold Shearman .M. A Ai ademic Adviser for Tutorial Classes in the University of London, who is visiting the Federation of Malaya under the auspices „f the British Council, will de iver a public lecture entitled "Adult F.duca- 1
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  • 88 6 Standard Staff Correspondent IPOH, Sat.— A verdld 0 J death by misadventure was returned by the Coroner, Che Bahaudin bin Yacob, at an inquest held into the death of a PWD labourer Katamuthu, um January 15. Katamuthu died as the result of a collision with a civilian
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  • 190 6 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG. S.* -7 I G.K Hender on, pr igrammi io Malaya. Pen; i killed when the car he was driving somersaulted af* r r passing the Penang Fre< fichoi a g <rn n Lane, on his way home in the
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  • 78 6 OFFICER bearers, for the newly formed Telecommunication Athletic and Welfare Association, K u a n t a n. are as follows: President— Mr. V.S. Sandosham: Vice-President: Mr. S Chelliah: Hon. Secretary— Mr MPS Panicker; Hon Treasurer -Mr P. Sivagnanam: Welfare SecretaryMr. Deva Das Devan: Tennis See
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  • 75 6 Standard Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sat.— A big fire in the early hours of yesterday morning gutted a cycle dealer's shop in Birch Road. Damage is estimated at $100,000. Besides the building, which was one of a row of shophouses. bicycles, lyres and other goods were destroyed.
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  • 79 6 Standard Stall Correspondent IPOH. Sat.— With the dateline for the impending strike of «00 members of the Perak Hydro Kmplovees I'liion drawing near, the Deputy Commissioner of labour, Perak. has asked both parties to place eW^oel^S^RPw^lrX^-J-^"* The Perak River Hydro Company maintains and supplies electricity to
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 6 Photo by I Miss Lee Swee Tuan who handles the accounts of the Lee Rubber Company branch in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. Picture shows her at work. Miss Lee i^h^damjjitjjriif^jr^md Thai.— H Gan Boon Eng
    Gan Boon Eng  -  34 words
  • 225 6 Standard Stall Correspondent IPOH. Sat. The territorial chief of Kinta the world's richest tin bearing; area— (he Tak bin Mohamed Vusof, Datoh Panglima Kinta, died at his home in Jalan Datoh. Ipoh, after a long illness, today. Che Tak succeeded his brother to the title.
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  • 106 6 Standard Staff Correspond i nl KOT A B AHRU, Sal Having completed three y< ar of jungle fighth .7. the Third Batt Regiment, is shortly proeei n ransfi r. During 1 1 I'• talion tu: K( peacefu 5' in the Federati u Be
    106 words
  • 73 6 Creole's Death An Accident Stand tr;] S: II oti It-nt PENANG. S The Pe C aer, Mr. D C. I. We ed ire e inquiry into the de il a i tie, A de R as^d 52. \\7 from sustained ito-cycle ed wit motoi B ick Kiln R F< '7
    73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    99 6 IPOH. Sal Inche H G Pr< of the PM!' is expected to be in Ipoh on April 4 i presidi lie inftieural eting of 1 P I i of the U on at the Malav Drivers' Assot tion in Ja Dato! MR C V MILES (centre) a senior
    Standard  -  99 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 292 6 II The ALL-WEATHER LIGHTER I with retractable windshield f^^f^^g^^ A popular RONSON kM^^L^^^^i with disappearing J l^l^^^r^f: windshield up. pro- H|l M&^i tccts flame from j|IB WE^^? blustery weather. |IB I ||^^lft| InJoors. windshield f ?P^|Ml»i JL down, a dressy acces- jj iKi*s^*^ isory of impeccable v taste. Avoid WHIRIWIND
      292 words
    • 81 6 CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE Cleanse th« t/item from blood impuritiei many jufferers from rheumatic ach«a and pains, lumbago, nt-critij, pim- f pn s. Doili and 'JBmmmm^' rr.irto- «kln **J^BB. ailment,, can derive great _S?- I; fi-'-^^-ji benefit from i th I well- /^-%-Sfr*^ 'f known medi- ,l*->o« le__ cine. A___J_BHm> The
      81 words
    • 192 6 J&^-^_ _B^ "j^W" l *'%k. WITH THE OLIVE OiL IN PALMOLIVE SOAP ter and Palmolive Soap skin ik u loveliness all over. Pa natural daih beauty treatment and su< As 9 V* tors haw proved, in 14-day test brings a loveliei complexion to 2 women 0 Jr* j 1 1
      192 words

  • 272 7 Standard Staff Reporter MALAYA'S trade boom litis year will be reflected in the number of orders she is expected to plaee at the British Industries Fair which will he open in London and Birmingham from April 30 to May 11. The Standard
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  • 165 7 Teachers Urge Price Con trol Standard Stall neporter THF SINGAPORE Teachers" Union in a unanimous resolution yesterday urged Government; to encourage the co-operative, and workers' consumer shops and to seek effective price-control to combat the rising cost of living. The resolution was taken at the fourth annual general meeting ol
    Standard  -  165 words
  • 195 7 MC Does Not Believe In Mud-Slinging Standard Staff Reporter REPLYING to Mr. CC. Tan's letter published in yesterdays issue of Tine Standard. Mr. G. 11. .Independent candidate for Katong District, said in an elecI tion meeting that he was "perj suaded to sign the recommendation for an increase ol
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  • 26 7 i The Singapore Straits Chi- nese Methodist Church Annual Bazaar will be formally declared open at 3 p.m. today by Mrs. R. L. Archer.
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  • 188 7 Have State Lotteries Paglar THE initiation of Suite lotteries to finance medical and health schemes of the Colony was advocated by Duto C. J. Paglar, the Progressive Party candidate for the Changi ward in the forthcoming council elections, addressing an election meeting on the lawn of the Serangoon English School.
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  • 27 7 MEMBERS OF THE Singapore Teachers' Training College will stage their first concert on April 3 at the Raffles Institution hall at 8.30 p.m.
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  • 487 7 SELANGOR KUALA LUMPER MADRAS: Road to Singapore ll an Berdosa 12.30. 530 and i) l> m. PWI1ION: Mara Bro* at the Cuius 11 a.m. The Fighting Bride 1 3. 6 30, 9 30 pan BEX: In the Foreign Legion 2 30. 6JO, MS P ODEON: 3 Darling Daughters
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  • 187 7 Standard Stall Reporter TODAY, for the first time in .iT years, a public address will he given in Singapore by a president ol tbe Watch Toner Society official representative «»l Christians called Jehovah Witnesses. Yesterday the well-known American lecturer and President. Mr. N.
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  • 139 7 Standard Stafl Reporter TRIBUTES TO a leading 'member of the legal proiession in Singapore Mr. C. V*. Miles. who is retiring after 48 years in this country were paid by j 17s friends and admireis, wh< n they held a tea party to bid him
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 693 7 BEST WARRANTED CAST STEEL I CIRCULAR SAWS FOR WOOD -**7 --^4ftmsP^~'< i^MP?.- ■J§f? i^*-^w*'^ '*^8H a* 'J^K^y*^^^; v *»^4 t A'AL v --c^^; s^jgsSM^ a ______*7A -7~ sp?7 A^Ba nan ufa* ////•,•;>.*- R H. WALKER SON LTD. 1..1...M Works Collob Mill Row, SHEFFIELD, 3. I hipment eompri>Aag •.■>," <•.)•■ g£
      693 words
    • 59 7 Tel: Address MATHUSHA' Phone ***** For Best Islamic Food :<E [jea ISLAMIC RESTAURANT Established 1021 793 ,797. North Bridge Rd. SINGAPORE r ihe founder and owner WL ABDUL RAHIM AN Supplier of Excellent Pood (Such as Nasi Beriyani (nd al! kinds ot Indian cm lies) for Parties in the Restaurant
      59 words
    • 892 7 \wm\mA\ teal "M"-**"* m Here's something joo r.-.i> reSaff (Bt Baeitai al>out LaatW r Aiihtkh's leading treain siiampoo now on nlo in your atom i^ ri LaiH.lio the oil tliat m nearest the natural oil in a liealthy K«alp rnciois LtMtt-e-CreOM with its lanolin -enriched lather artuallv MO I oil
      892 words

  • 150 8 TAY HOCK, a 43-year-old lorry driver, was ch.arged in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, with misappropriating 21 sheets ol il ber, entrusted to him by the Bian Guan Tra tins ompany at Thomson Road on March 5 It was alleged that at about 5 p.m.
    150 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 8 MISS SIIANTA KUMABI aged four-and-a-half, who gave an excellent exhibition of Indian dancing at Friday night's variety concert sponsored by the Tamil Methodist Church Choir. Stunta the daughter of Mr. s. K. P. Naidu «f Singapore did th«r Flindi Sainh.i with six-year old Navaiiillia Krishna.
    45 words
  • 342 8 $1 ,500 ,000 Lies Idle With Govt. ABOLT A MILLION and a half dollars belonging to various trusts has been lying idle with the Offieial Assignee of Singapore for the last many years. This money administered by the Mohammedan and Hindu Endowment Board came into the Board's possession on occasions
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  • 146 8 March— Best Month For Heliconters A L4ST-M-NUTE <»!l to airlift a casualty from n junule cleariiig in Southern Pahang yealerdaj made Marrli a record month for tho helicopter Casualty Evacuation FKshl ol Far East Vir Force. The patient wa i the twi fth to be airlifted in the month, land
    146 words
  • 101 8 T E M PEST Fir.HTERB- IMBERS I ie RAF in Mala 1 busy day yesterday against ba it targets oper; ed in a combined att with R igand b imbers In N th-West Perak, and on a In Kedah. T the. A>. out in waves
    101 words
  • 96 8 Provident Fund Plan At tacked THE SINGAPORE Chamber of Commerce states that the pro- posed Employees Provident Fund m the Federation takes Little account of the length or quality of service of an employee. Mr. A. F. Taylor deputy chairman, in the course of his speech to the Chamber's annual
    96 words
  • 69 8 TO RAISE FUNDS for ihe dead-end kids of Singapore, the Council of Boy_' Town is planning to hold a Masquerade Ball :tt the Victoria Memorial Hall on June 2. Meanwhile the Council will receive from Shaw Brothers the full collections of Last night's Ice-Show at
    69 words
  • 209 8 SINGAPORE SAT BAC \hv greatest kliow thai ha* hi Show, pre-war, which pre Danny Kay*'. 11 is many years since Singapore has had the opportunity of seeing internationally famous arti_tes and comparisons are impossible lor this is the first time in the history of this
    209 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 8 MR. and MRS. James Ignatius de Ko/ario who were married at the Church of St. Joseph's Singapore, last week. The bride is the former Miss Patsy Mary de Vries, young est daughter of Mrs. F. A. de Vries of Singapore.
    40 words
  • 85 8 TAN KIM KENG aged U and Tiew C Le i e. 11, -jenie in the S 1 gap >e First District r. cr.:.: _e of pa ting eight Malayan ComPai ty p isters on the >tice boar*, of the Singapore v Fa T rters,
    85 words
  • 33 8 FOR HAVING 20 p :kets of du:: b!e ttes on M ch _»0 Hup Choon El Si Beng Hock aged _7 .70 in the Singapore T p lice Court yesterday.
    33 words
  • 135 8 THE TWO-MAN mission from the United States to survey Chinese education in the Federation cf Malaya, is expected to arrive in Singapore within a fortnight. They are Dr. W. M. Fenn, a distinguished educationalist and his asill six bungalows began "lasl" ment officials here on the
    135 words
  • 295 8 Imports Of Vegetables, Fruit Rising THE VOLUME of Singap bus ss oi Imported fruit v egeti i .es has mat increased as compared with I I year, due mainly to trie i sub la] quantities ot American grown, supplies which have ted this country via Ii konq. The American fruit
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  • 74 8 A WOMAN, Loh Ah Cher aged Cl was lined a total of (60 in the Singapore Third Police Conn yesterday when she pleaded guilty to having 34 gallons ot samsu and a complete still for distilling. The samsu and still were discovered in an attap hut
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  • 117 8 THE R.A.F. REGIMENT (Malaya) is to hold a recruiting campaign in Northern Malaya thi* week to enlist more volunteers for itn Squadrons. The Regiment an all-Malay unit with British oflieers and British and Malay N.C.O.'s— is primarily concerned with the defence of airfields, and is
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 LIEUTENANT NOEL T. Lopez of the Singapore Vol:. I er Cordis end his bride, Miss Dcpiirie Ircr.e Mollcr, daughter c Mr. and Mrs. G. Harris, icho were I lin Singapore yesterday. Tlie bridegroom is the ton of Capt. G.A. Lopez of 'he i R lent cn i Mrt I A
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 653 8 leslore Youthful Vigour Glands in 24 Hours w Discovery Brings Pleasures j^% Life to Men Who Feel Old *£jM outhlu! an.nnv.-cn? Do^yow y^~~^ M* mA^^AV ■r pa TT*e II- *^_^lfl_P^^ _K i.s J 'iA nf«^ Vor •3*' lo s rV^,". A__l M_^ urea .7 tho c:-covery c.' ""-aai Hi n
      653 words
    • 330 8 IVow I clean my brealh while I dean my teeth with COLGATE r2f DENTAL CREAM jf When you rat, tiny juices of food g-et ca lit .i your teeth. They came bad sstEATB ind I ay. Colgate DENTAIi crj am makes a i.ii kind ol >oam. This^deans right between your
      330 words

    • 2507 9 The Canals Of Mars Do Exist i\l H nearest neighbour beyond the earth in relation to the sun is Mars. More has been written about Mars than about any other planet, more than about all the other planets together. The volume of literature on a subject dors not always indicate
      2,507 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 /us ftrmous... .HGKiELEOHG J( f Singapore I I I mfm\^>BXi.n gfe_i N Singapore ,!v Penang. j I I wm^mmmmm^mmm^mm^m^^~— i STRENGTH .\j^^ a iUT illness My^^mi y Fll fwffi f J I i W_M-i riuhty is lowered and the bod~ tr^ needs help regaining its itrength, -_3 Kepler provide* the
      202 words
    • 60 9 is one of your greatest I assets and must not he spoilt through pimples, red marks, blemishes and the like. Try PUROL POWDER which, through its unique composition, possesses great healing powers. Always keep a tin of PUROL POWDER on vour BORNEO SUMATRA TRADING CO [M] LTD The^ WATCH of
      60 words
    • 151 9 W-.X7 WEEK Solas? System's Showpiece Fly the fastest way to FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN by QEA and BOAC Constellation fw^lfl^^^ -^^f -with restful night stops /mWM* Plan now to fly to the Festival of Britain, #«3W_r*_BW__-__-*--_B_B_Bm IQSI Fvervwhere vou'll be "welcome to £L' to its Exh,bitions and Anmver- Modern hotel accomm
      151 words

  • 560 10 FilmMenCome Up Against 'Deaf Ear Of Evasion' Enfertainmenim. Duty r PIIE dilatorinoss of both ■1 the Singapore Governj ment and that of the Federa- tion with regard to the Question of Entertainments Duty is pointed out in the Annual Report of the Council of the Cinematograph Exhibitor's Association of Singapore
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  • 675 10 RADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE ENGI ISH PROGRAMME I7SN k(s. 11.61 metres) 1* a.m. Programme Summary; y.02 Waits Time; 9.36 April Fool's Day Serenade; 0.45 Intermeuo; 10 a.m News; 10.65 Radio Doctor; 10.15 Interlude irom Bawali; 10.30 Latin America on the Air; il a.m. The Adventures of P.O. 4<); ll.:ai
    675 words
  • 1264 10  - 'Deep Freeze Does The Trick OSWALD HENRY By IS the ice used in the rink by the Scandinavian lee Revue really ice? This is a question which many ask and to which I provided an answer almost three months ago in these columns. A repetition ol the process used, however,
    David  -  1,264 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 261 10 JL HONOUR COMES TUX Alhambj-A VM 6 ACADEMY AWARDS Starring Bette Anne f.eorge .Celeste <.-r\ llu?h DAVIS *B-.vriß S.WDIIRS HOLM *MEERILL AMAREOWI IHE SMARTEST. WISEST. BEST ACTED INiART AINMEM IN TEARS f BEST FILM for 1950. BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR 4_t George Samicrs. t BEST DIRECTION Joseph 1.. Maiilvienirz. j BEST
      261 words
    • 13 10 W FOR I CONSTIPATION tiwi fine^^^72» CHOCOLHTE^^ LBXHTIVE x^y FOB HP-OS BHP CHILDIt-tife^_^S_
      13 words
    • 196 10 Regular Season J STARTS TODAY 3 SlKms at 4M6.30.9m30 FULL 2-HOUR STAGE CAST OF WORLD KAMOI ICE-SK ITERS 1 24 DIFFERENT ITEMS SEATING PRICES $10-8-6-1 (Reserved); |2 (Im-rsn All Free I.i-t ft Cooeeaaion rates m-spended Weekdayi 2 SHOWS. 6.30 9 :>i Sundays .*i SHOWS t 1.0o 6.30 R 9 J
      196 words

  • 329 11  - Singapore Will Bid For 1958 Asian Games AAA Prepares With Eight- Year Plan KEN JALLEH By SINGAPORE Amateur Athletic Association is to embark on an ''eight year plan" which will raise the standard of the Colony athletics to international class in the next few years. Efforts are being made now
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 11 Champion Rifle Shot Champion woman rifle shot at the Johore Bahru Rifle hS. day, Mrs. Mohamed Said, wife of a Johore Malay government officer, recemnj, Her prize from the wife of the Mentri Besar, Johore.
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  • 111 11 SEREMBAN, Sat— Selangor were defeated by Negri Sembilan at Seremban today by two goals to nil. Selangor had the better of the exchanges tor the major part of the game, hut it was the brilliant goalkeeping of Sheik Mustapha that prevented Selangor from scoring. On many
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  • 238 11 HOME SOCCER RESULTS 1. OX DON. Mar. 31 (Reuter) Following are soccer results played today: ENGLISH LEAGUE FIRST DIVISION Asl m Vi ia 2 S'field Wed. 1 Blackpool 3 Stoke 0 n 0 W. B'wich 2 Charlton 0 Ports n »uth 1 (i M'brough 0 l x. wcastle t I
    238 words
  • 166 11 Sajarah, Signals Draw 1-1 HONOURS were scared In the Katong Sajarah to dub and the South Dis- si mas when they met m rSAFA g Division2 league fixture at the Geylang Stadium yesterr rho tmrp was one ail. mh ed r hit ttie posts and rebounded »nto play. The signallers
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  • 47 11 PHILADELPHIA, Mar 31 (APi— Jack Kramer and «icnnrc Gonzales last night reached Ste finals of the US$lO,OOO Philadelphia Inquirers World Professional tennis Round Re bin Tourney. They meet today for the finals, in which last yeai G t. ti'. '->i,sct K[ Jj^l
    47 words
  • 268 11 Indian Recreation Club who -'i^vided the bngg-t up- se t_ of the senior gAFA,^^. U p to now yesterday gowned another fancied side. BODCA *S:d n s BC w- two-nil and, ♦vJSfih tne opening score was a """T.. 1 the margin does penalty g-uu, j hni flatter
    268 words
  • 305 11 Eng Cheng In Form For SCRC TIME robbed RNAS Semoa-i wang of victory ni a fnendly Ticket match against SCRC, at long Lim Green yesterday. Chua Fr.g Cheng was in great ♦Arm taking 4 for 00 runs and later hit up 46 runs for his team. Batting first. Sembawang ae-
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  • 30 11 I SEREMBAN, Sat NA Indians beat the Gurkhas 6—o m the first division oi the N.b._.A. I eague yesterday. Tara Singh, Danapalan and Samanthan shared the goals.
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  • 325 11 Barnes Park W ins The Lincolnshire LONDON, Mar. 31 (Reuter)— Barnes Park,*" outrider, trained in Scotland won the uHoh.-h.n-Hand can over a male here today. The five-year-- U Wullah eame with a .tormina hm-l, to run ,„,.1,.r outrider KM ehanee Newton Heath by hai a Yet a third outrider, 66-1
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  • 169 11 PENANG, Sat. The LaSallian athletic sports, one of th<> biggest sports meetings tver to be held among the present and pa*t pupils of the Christian Brothers schools in Malaya, will take place at 3.30 p.m. on Saturday, April 7 in Penang. .his meet
    169 words
  • 76 11 SEREMBAN. Sat A goalless v was the result i match o Lived at Seremban I between the Selangor Authentics and the Negri Sembilan Authentics. On their way to the match tin bailers ese ped ii jurj w u their bus collided with a b Fiat car
    76 words
  • 241 11 Time Forces Draw In Padang Game LACK of time forced a dr; n iendly cricket match between SRC and SCC second teams on the Padang yesterday. Fast scoring was a feature of the match. The SCC declared at 121 I r tur wickets batting tor about one hour 25 minutes
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 531 11 All ABOUT EVE" CONTEST~| I WRITE A H Wm\ mm I i >^^ Sr WORD H J*^ APPRECIATION H dl 20 TH CENTURY POX'S I -.IJ.#_ ABOUT EVE^W 11 #V /lie* Followhifj H HEW FARRER "51" PRIZES I ,iiy .i-i! itoii feg montok li i> Siagapore. I o\. ro-nutrii \ll-l
      531 words
    • 306 11 ADVERTISEMENTS ENGAGEMENT r TJEH-LIM. The Engagement between Francis Kueh A-ee Huat, third son. ot the te -Air. Mrs. Kueii Ah B« I id Annie Lim Kim Gek se>nd daughter of Mr. Francis im Thiam Kok and the late [adam Lucy Goh Eng Neo of ingapore. TUITION >RIVATE and class tuition
      306 words

  • 330 12  -  OLLIE DAVIES By BUKIT TIMAH trainers, in the past, have always held their own at local meetings and the forthcoming Singapore races is not likely to be any exception to them, for among their 98 entries are many potential winners. I gain
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  • 181 12 TRAINER Daniels has two promising newco m er s in Corazon (Ellery.) and L'Apaehe (Straker). They did their three j very well to return 38 sees. Berubah (Straker) paced with Gaucho (McCloud) over tour in 45 sees. Amoy St ree'. Kingsgrove and Inky Bill were given
    181 words
  • 32 12 HONGKONG, Mar. 31 (AP) —A Manila schoolboys interP 'i" football team is due in Hongkong today. Weather permitting they will play an inter-port game with an all-star Hongkong team tomorrow.
    32 words
  • 76 12 Tre Asl >n A C te im ag linsl SCSA in the SAFA Div. 3A soccer league today at GeyI tng stadium will be selected from the following: Frank Tan, Lee Choon Meng. R ibert Taft, Anthony Le tig Chong Meng Francis Low. Lee Choc. Yi'.v. Lionel
    76 words
  • 802 12 Below arc weights for first dav of Singapore race on April 7. HORSES Cl.Ass l HORSES (LASS 3— Gambar Melayv i.;, i i in I tote Casting; In. 1- 1 Mile. I)iv 4_ 6 Fur|o Vote) 8.1 Abbeystead 9.04 \bbotsford B.l] Charlemagne 8.13 KvS _i S B
    802 words
  • 86 12 j KOTA BAHRU, Sat. As part of the programme to raise l funds for the Kelantan Securij ty Forces Amenities Fund and the Kelantan Amateur Athletic Association's fund, the sub--1 committee of these two bodies decided to hold a big Fun Fair at the
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  • 36 12 There are still a number of vacant dates for friendly soccer matches on the Padang with the S.C.C. Will Secretaries ol interested Clubs please address their applications to The Soccer Convenor, SCC. Esplanade, Singapore.
    36 words
  • 209 12 Waterloo Seen In Good Gallop AMONG long's horses Cape Horn, Shahpere, Abbott-ford, Wild Jinks, Waterloo and Perky Count caught the eye and it will not be long before they find Ii their winning turn. Cape Horn (Ayres) did a solo first round before he was joined by stable mate Linkshir
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  • 59 12 PASSES for Jalan Besar Stadium are not valid for today's game between Singapore Civilians and Army-Navy for the Joe Chapman Memorial Cup. Both sides will be very strongly represented and the proceeds will be donated to the Boys' Town. i Major-General D. Dun- lop,
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  • 103 12 i LONDON. Mar. 31 (AP) Tottenham Hotspur, the football club leading the race for the championship of the Eng- lish soccer league, lias calledoff its proposed trip to the Argentine in the summer. i A statement from the North London club Friday said the Board of
    103 words
  • 337 12 ONE OF Malaya's premier badminton parties Mayflower will hold its annual dinner at .V>7 Easl Coast Road, Singapore, on Apr. 7. and its annual general meeting the following day at 10 a.m. j i Members who wish to attend j and who wish to invite friends
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  • 118 12 PHILADELPHIA, Mar .1 CAP) Richai I (Pa Gonzales has driven a tennis ball 112.88 miles an hour for the fastest accurately measured speed on record, a scienti. t reported. Bill Tilden is credited witl h iving driven a tennis ball 15] m.p A in
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  • 30 12 TIDES TIMES HIGH TIDES at the principal resorts lo Malaya. TODAY: AM r.M SiniMpore MS 8.4S Malacca :ui |j| r«>rt Dickson r> it tt Port Vli.tru 2 <!<■ Penaac \um .-,4
    30 words
  • 49 12 ON AN RANGERS Tlie Onan Rangers held a tea party on the occasion ot the opening of their badminton section at No. 2 Carpmael Road by Miss Laura Lim, in the presence of their patrons, Messrs Tan Boon Bog, S. ft Alkali. Tan Gim Poh E. C. E Edlin
    49 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 228 12 do'U-Lo'M. 30 CU. FT. REACH IN REFRIGERATOR f—= 'I ,_=!> Standard j pjp Equipment In if"™ HOSPITALS dl I" m==MS= RESTAURANTS jr=^ *P gfa BOARDING HOUSES I 1 PROVISION STORES I >-| j j 1 BARS r*-i V All Metal Construction With Special Triple Thick Thermopane Glass Doors Ice-.Maker or
      228 words
    • 240 12 I' /5S "TIGEB" TYBES TUBES RELIABLE DURABLE COMFORTABLE ECONOMIC u SHCM YIP LEONG RUBBER WORKS H-captn End i. i„ i»n„, im x VI TA Ml MS G I VE Jv\ AtT A /f^M tuti^ IW MM ___________r _f// AS N v __r VITAMINS^v J™ 1 7 Only tne best that
      240 words