Sunday Standard, 25 March 1951

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Sunday Standard
  • 17 1 Sunday TIGER Standard I VOL. 1 NO. 267 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1951. 16 PAGES TEN CENTS
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 1 c.. I* i! Fro- i b| thf* lalaya, ■ba S ..<»!♦' by -:i jrester- Standard
    Standard  -  15 words
  • 115 1 Standard Man Correspondent \l\ LI'MPI/R, Sat. A warning that it was ,t tor them to accept the changing of the name ited Mi lavs National Organisation to that of Malaya Nationalist Organisation was given by bin Ja'afai in his presidential address to > at
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  • 53 1 UMNO Adopts Motion To Run Lotteries KUALA LUMPUR, Sat, Tin- UMNO assembly at a conference today, adopted a motion to run lotteries on the lines of the M.C.A. lot- I teries to reimburse the ors;;jntvition's funds. The Singapore delegate, lmhe Sardim bin Haji Zubir. was the only one present to
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  • 192 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 24: ilP' Def, Se v George ed tonight that fighting men in Korea ind e s may get pew ■■■loped arms inciua- c weap 53 ■t ie efl rt put into i and deve. >p the g pay subsl inti
    192 words
  • 41 1 ind.ird Stilt Reporter v< Bed body of a male Chunese was Scked up bv the Marine Police ;ne P vesterdai Deceased was srey tro« ite shirt. 'police did not suspect any esi b S the Identitj ol tne
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  • 55 1 A distinguished gathering witnessed the official opening of the new swimming pool of the Chinese Swimming rinh in Sintranore vesterday afternoon. Seated in the front row wfrfn-m'he left isNlr. Aw Boon Haw, Bovenjing director of tlie Sin Poll Amalgamated Limited, publishers to declare the
    Standard  -  55 words
  • 352 1 Standard Staff Reporter WINNER ot tour gold medals at the recent Asian lames *\eo Chwee Kok, was officially the first man to .wim the length of the new °00 Chinese Swimming 21ub Pool alter it was opened by the Governor, Mr
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  • 69 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 23 (UP) It was officially stated today that the Soviet Government through hi Russian Embassy In New Delhi offered 50.000 tons of wheat to India in return for ra* jutl Last year and 1949 Russia gave India 50.000 tons of
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  • 94 1 PARIS. Mar. 24: (Renter) France's railway strike was called off today bul there was still confusion among strikers after the Government's new wage concessions. Non-Communist unions las: night decided to prolong the ra i] strike for another 4H hours but changed their mind Vl
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  • 63 1 SHANNON' AIRPORT, Eire. Mar24 (AP) -A search plane, hunting for a giant American fig Force transport which niched with 53 men aboard, o reported sighting ."qtfte o Sw" rafts bobbins in the C wate« of the Atlantic ofl Ireland. OQ soec i a lly
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  • 41 1 BUENOS AJRES Mar. <Reuter>- 'h^J disclosed IS?,SIc enev S y *pn«« pl.»f i» lake district. offldal a:^,o^u *Sf atoS w«k in research w«n „>o.- mentionnumbw (one newspaper menno^ ei 2.000* oi uerman y dnd tecliniciana
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 1 SIR John Hutchison, retiring British Charge d'Affaires to the Peking Government who leaves Singapore this morning lor London. Sir John, with 36 years of Far Eastern service, is going into retirement. He flies by BOAC Constellation, accompanied by his wife photo. Standard
    Standard  -  43 words
  • 83 1 KUALA LUMPUR. SatThough outnumbered by a large gang of bandits who attacked then- jungle camp some miles north of Rawang, a patrol ot RAF Regiment is believed have killed eight bandits m an action fought for two hours at dawn on Thursday. The
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  • 376 1 Reds Face Military Collapse TOKYO, Mar. 24 (Reuter-AAP) -General Douglas MacArthur declared today that Communist China laces "military collapse if the United Nations decided to depart from its tolerant ellort to contain the war in Korea The United Nations Supreme Commander made this statement before leaving his Tokyo headquarters on
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  • 70 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 24: (Reuter) The United States Economic Co-operation Administration reported I^\ that an airUft was .stated on Thursday to send supplies to HOOO Vietnamese war refugees in the city of Donghoi in IndoC! La^e quantities of medicine, clothing, food and insecticide are
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  • 256 1 Threat To Indo-China Is Still There WASHINGTON, Mar. 23 (UP) American officials basing their estimate on the latest intelligence reports from the Orient asserted today that the danger of a full-scale Chinese Communist assault on IndoChina is as great
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  • 403 1 Mac A Orders 8th Army To Cross 38th If Necessary TOKYO, Mar. 24. (Reuter-AAP) Grim faced and seriningly untired alter a one-day tour of Korea, 71 -year-old Gen. Douglas MacArthur told a handful of correspondents at Tokyo airport tonight: "I've ordered the Bth Army to cross the 38th^ Parallel again
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  • 255 1 TOKYO. Mar. 24 [ReuterAAPi Vice Admiral W.G. Andrewes, Commander or the British Commonwealth Fleet in Korea, today paid highest tribute on the successful COoperation among United Nations Navies, and said: "We've learned a great deal from each other in the last nine months". The Admiral who
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  • 78 1 W ASH I N TON Mar. M i Renter) A 25 percent cut In deliveries <>! tj es and new passenger motorcars trom Ad: i:1. announced here by the National Production Authority. Distributors stocks wi Limited aftei that date to a 3Ud;<>
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  • 213 1 TOKYO, Mar. 21 (UP) lieai. <><•". Sr Rirharri (ialr. Director of British Military Training, sa'.<l totlay that he could see no reason wky the United NatkHM EishUi Army in Korea ihonld n<»i pndh i*»«- Orfncgiß "bark ami back ami hark.** -I think
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  • 98 1 Mac Arthur Offers To Discuss Peace TOKYO. Mar U < AP> General P»ftol MaiArthur today oflWcdl to discuss peace with the Communist Commander i n Korea and ordered Inited Nations troops to cross the 38th Parallel if necessary. Gen. Mat Arthur issued the offer and erder as ad vancing Allied
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 165 2 Standard Staff Reporter SEEING TO IT thai the 700 patients of the General Hospital get a balanced diet is ihe work of dietitian, Miss Elizabeth Christie. S:ie plans the day's menu and make-; sure that patients are adequately fed nutritionally and that food is
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  • 257 2 Sandard Staff Reporter MR. THIO CHAN BEE who i? contesting the forthcoming Singapore Legislative Council elections in Balestier Ward appealed to his opponents to fight clean ami pia.v fair" at a public meeting at Farrer Park yesterday. Mr. Thio was referring to tearing down of
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  • 53 2 A WOMAN, Loh Ah Cher was offered bail in the Singapore rhird Police Court yesterday when she admitted h ivinc a complete still and 3| gallons oi autiable samsu at her house in Telok Mata Ikan on March 22 Sftii ht i r; M e Wlis Postponed
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  • 50 2 BAIL OF $100 was offered to Chan Lin Gong aged 17 in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday, when he denied stealing lour meets of piping bci. mt:ing fa the Katong Girls' Cdnveni on Mar. 2.1 M T h( V e was Mourned to M«. STEPHEN LIU
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  • 47 2 TWO T ■YANESE. Liklee bin Dollah ata-d ;^o. and Kamis bin Ahmad, aged 20, were each fined |i0 in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday, for fightmg in public at the "junction of La.<t Coast Road and Tanjong Katcmg Road on March 23 last
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  • 382 2 Standard Staff Reporter FISH BREEDING is a thriving business today in Singapore. In thousands of homes in Singapore, children and grown-ups alike keep fancy-fish. Local trade in fancy-fish is incalculable. Singapore exports more tropical fish than she imports. Last year, the export to the
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  • 136 2 A GANG of local woodsmen are changing the view a1 many parts of the R.A F. Station at where they are busy feeing more than 400 old and dangerous trees. The wood will be usc< mainly as firewood, and wri ease Singapore'* fuel shortage
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  • 88 2 ANOTHER 28 SICK and j wounded soldu i a from I Korean war arrived at. Ghangi last evening by RAF. air ambulance 'plane from Japan. There were 12 stivviu r and 16 walking cases. Three of the United Nations were represented Britain (15 cases), France (10)
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  • 34 2 S« ven m< n and tw were each fined $20 s »apore Third P >lice C terday c gaming at 1 i Row 1 a1 Jr. a Hoad n March X
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  • 111 2 •V TWICE A WEEK, some" boys from the St. Joseph's Institution act as librarians to the 600 patients at the General Hospital. The 700 book Library at the General Hospital so popular with the patients receives outdated magazines from three leading bookstores in town.
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  • 43 2 Had Meter Charge Tan Koek B<>k a^ed 22 was charged in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday, with fraudulently having an electric ampere meter, valued at $30 in Eu Tong Sen Street on March 22 last. The case was postponed until March 27.
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  • 101 2 MORE PA YFOR RAF (MALA YA) Standard Staff Reporter AN ANNOUNCEMENT is expected shortly of revised and increased pay rates for men of the locally-raised R.A.F. (Malaya). Men of this nine-month-old force are now passing: out in increasing numbers from the first stage of their training, and taking their places
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 95 2 JlPifip.* 1 brilliant m «lw K sculptured m V fe handle <M# n TRADE MAPK '>■/•&] ill fc- fe l^ 111 |r^' i f IL I II I I- Shave the easiest, most modern way -with PALMOLIVE BRUSHLESS SHAVING CREAM, 1 -h )/00r no brush i .\nii BO COLGATE PALMOLIVE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 161 2 Church Services For Easter ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL: ST. JOSEPHS CHURCH: Toluday- Hoy Communion 6 and day— 6 nd 7 a.m Low Mass: i a.m. Choral Eucharist 8.15 8 a.m. High Mass, 5p m Vesners a.m.. Matins .lo.3o a.m.. Holy and Benediction P Communion 11.30 a.m., Children's GEYLANG STRAITS CHINFSF Service,
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  • 85 3 Standard Malay Correspondent THE SINGAPORE Malay teachers' Union, at its fourth genera] meeting yesterday, passed a resolution supporting that o f the Federation Of Malay Stu<!rnts* Unions asking for a Malay chair to he established in the I niversity of Malaya. T H' meeting
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  • 150 3 Standard Woman Reporter JLST arrived on an inspection tour of Malay;. is the Associate General-Secretary oi the World's Alii an c e of Y.M.C.A.. Mr. S.C. Leung. Southeast Asia containing d half ot' the world's population .is his responsibility. The centres on his
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  • 89 3 MR. C R DASARATHA RAJ. Labour Party candidate contesting the Rochore constituency m the April Singapore Legislative i Council elections, will hold a 1 series of meetings tomorrow. He will start at 9 a.m. at the Sturrock Road to May Road wner Road, Tronoh
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  • 61 3 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE'S Pn i jressive Party will hold two election meetings todav, when Messrs. C. C. Tan. A. P. Rajah and V. Pakirisamy will speak. The first meeting will he held at Sultan Theatre, 13j mile West Hill, Seletar at 10 a.m.. the other
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  • 38 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Social Welfare Secretary, Mr. G.W. Webb will lay the foundation stone of the Far Eastern Relief Fund Farm buildings at Kranji off the ll| mile stone, Bukit Timah on .Mar. 31.
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 3 EX-STUDENTS of the High School, Bukit Mertajam, now in Singapore and Johore held a re-union picnic party to celebrate Easter at AlkafT Bungalow Ponggol Point last Friday. nR DENIS WRIGHT of the BBC Music staff, left a BOAC FrHvil in Singapore yesterday who is goin? to adjudicate the
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  • 90 3 DENIS Silverthornp. British wizard of ice skatinjr, and his Belgian wife. Miss Michelin Flon (stase name), ice skating ballerina yesterday's arrivals by BOAC Constellation from Calcutta. They are part of the Scandinavian Ice Revue, which is due to perform at the Capitol Theatre shortly. Denis won
    Standard  -  90 words
  • 196 3 VOTERS MIST choose their man not because he is poor or he is a Chinese or an Indian but because they think he is best fitted lor the purpose. This was stated by Mr. A. P. Rajah, a candidate for the Singapore Legislative Council
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  • 119 3 Standard Stiff Reporter MEMBERS ot the Singapore Admiralty Local Staff Union who recently rejected the $10 interim cost of living allowance, now fear that this award may be included in their pay packets ai the end of the month whether they like it or not. It
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  • 79 3 THE DEAD body of an unidentified young, well built Chinese man was taken from the water in the Inner Roads near Clifford Pier and brought ashore by the Marine Police early yesterday afternoon. There was no identity card on the body. The man was dressed
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  • 65 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE LABOUR candidate for the Seletar Ward. Mr. N. G. Nair, promised his supporters in a talk yesterday that he would strive for the betterment of the living conditions of the labouring classes if he was elected to office. Mr. Nair, whose campaign
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  • 335 3 Standard Staff Reporter ELECTION fever in Singapore reached a peak yesterday when six campaign meetings were held in different parts of the Colony. The meetings were held by three Labour candidates, Messrs. Lim Yew Hock (Keppel District), V. P. Abdullah (Bukit Timah), and N.
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  • 41 3 MORE entries for the Singapore Junior Chamber of Commerce "Ideal Working Girl" contest. Entries close on Wednesday. MISS FLORENCE CHEAH. (above) 20 year-old salesgirl at Singapore Cold Storage. MISS (iERDA SAMUEL, receptionist at Hotel d<> L 'En rope.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 Qnalitv i, the sum 1 4*l^«mm« 44 ttlr lU^s- extra t l^cirPllC -nilini; addt-ii rare art- i».. ,i!,t. I€l I I 11 II 41 II 1 > i > k-- 1 ippeJ Cigarette in the World iMi<»itit:i» i ao>i iom»o\, i:\ul\.\u INDIGESTION /^h Relieved By ONE DOSE Jj& Don't let
      199 words
    • 342 3 Eighty Years of Public Service The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada continues to issue more new life insurance than any other Canadian company. During 1950 new insurance purchased from the Sun Life totalled Canadian 5441,098,69G an average of 51,736,000 each working day. Over the twelvemonth period the Company paid
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    • 268 3 BOOKS ON PUBLIC h^ALTH. Treatise on Hygiene Public Health B. N. Ghosh HM Textbook of Public Health Frazer Stally-Brass 18.0f Manual of Public Health: Hygiene C'urrie Mearns "AM Modern Trends in Public Health— Arthur Massey 30.W Preventive Medicine Public Health— Wilson (i. Smillie t"* M Preventive Medicine Boyd 24.0« Postage
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  • 192 4 Building Will Cost $150,000 KUANTAN, Sat. Kuantan is to have a new reinforced conerete mosque that is estimated to cost $150,000. The mosque will be sited behind the post office on land that has been alloted by Government. Announcing this plan at the Kuantan Malay Club.
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  • 206 4 Standard Staff Reporter MORE than r>o per rent of the 1.000 Federation Chinese who were left behind l>v the Tjitjaleii<tka. and are >\\\\ temporarily stranded in Singapore, will not he able to leave the Colony until the end of next month. About 4uii of them
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 4 PHOTO STUDIO. l.r«Mip photograph of the Muar Land Office Staff, taken in honour of Inche Ibrahim bin Abdul Majid, Assistant Collector of Land Revenue who is transferred to Segamat. Inche Ibrahim is seated sth from the right. Lim
    Lim  -  38 words
  • 194 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. "There has been some misconception about the Malays who were sent to Lamier in Parians". Mr. M. V. De! Tufo the Chief Secretaryi Federation of Malaya, told the press when he referred to Ma'ay detainees. These people were
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  • 92 4 Standard staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— A Malayan Council of the YMCA was formed today at a meeting of delegates from the Singapore. Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur YMCA's. The Council consists of the President Dr. C. P. Rawson. a Vice-President to be elected from one of
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  • 85 4 PENANG, Sat. The International Round Tables of Asia held their annual genera: meeting. The chairman, Mr. A. H. Duton recounted the many charitable deeds done by this youth organisation since it was first founded in 1945. Election of Office-bearers resulted as follows: Chairman: Mr. Teoh Cheng Ean
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  • 37 4 PENANG, Sat— The Service of Dedication of the Colours of the First Penang Company of the Boys Brigade will be held at the Chinese Methodist Church, Madras Lane, on April 8, at 6 p.m. I
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  • 120 4 Standard Staff Correspondent MALA C C A. Sat. The Settlement Welfare Committee, Settlement Youth Council. Malayan Chinese Association. Malacca Branch, and the Malacca Chamber of Commerce have applied to Government for a part of the reclamation ground just behind Police Headquarters for a Youth Centre
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  • 79 4 KUANTAN, Sat. A Cooperative Store to cater to the daily necessities of wage earners is to be established at Krai. This is the first shop to be started in Trengganu under the Co-operative plan. Krai has been selected in view of the town being a junction
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  • 135 4 Standard Staff Reporter JOHpRE BAHRU, Sit r< solution requesting the G r eminent of the Federation of Malaya to establish a .lined Educational Service s' .iar to that established in Singapore will be moved by Mr. E. P. Johnston at the forthcoming fourth annual
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  • 31 4 Mr. A. T. Aird has boon appointed to be a member of the Board of Management of the War Risks (Goods) Insurance Fund vice Mr. G. Child resumed.
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  • 28 4 THE Municipal Commissioners Malacca, will have a suitable memorial, of those members of the Municipal Staff that fell during the War, placed in its Council Chamber.
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  • 284 4 HOCK Chiew of Paloh who acted as agent and corruptly gave S2OO to probationary Inspector Haron bin Md. Taib, as an inducement for showing favour to Yong Lai. was sentenced to five months r.i. and the $200 confiscated, by the Kluang Magistrate. ROSLY bin Dato Bendahara (17),
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  • 133 4 KUANTAN, Sat. S ilong bin Yusoff ha be< entei 'to seven y< ars hard for culpable homicide not amounting to murder of Che Ngah at Tanjong Lumpur in the Kuantan <i;s 4 rii-'. Justice F. A. Brlgg: at the K intan Court. Sulong 1 I
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  • 86 4 SEREMBAN. Sat N- Sen bi an Gov« e si ips are to be improved and tter facilities provided toddy dri At > meeting ot the Negi Sembilan s: te Council. the sum ol $20 000 app v d by the Finance Committee, »*as confirmed by
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  • 79 4 J< iIIOHF BAHRU. Sat Sevi en members of I le J tore Bahru Fire Service, received Defence Medals at a ceremony a: I e Fire Station on Thursday, from Tuan Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya. President, Town Boards. Johore State. The receipants were: Leading Firemen Mokhtar bin Haji
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  • 237 4 KUANTAN, Sat. Harun Bin Mat was today convicted and sentenced to be hanged under the Emergency Regulations for consorting with illegally armed people, on .Tan. 30 at Paya Rambutan, m Kunr;tan. A trooper of the 4th Hussar's said in his evidence that while patrolling with
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 178 4 X Your local 8.0.A.C. Appointed Agent— multiplied 3,500 times throughout the world makes no charge for expert advice, detailed information or bookings by Speedbird to all six continents. 8.0.A.C. TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU FLY' BO AC Information and Booking: Consult >our usual Tra\» A^cntv ljanta> I mpire Airways ltd..
      178 words
    • 312 4 Ifiat COLLII improve llu Four doors, four sperds, seating for four. <^ The world's supreme small car bfty with the BIG car features. Torsion bar independent iront-wheel suspension £:vcs m a controlled RIDE overall road sururt -s. f Chassis and body built as one unit lor added strength. Engine develops
      312 words

  • 2009 5  -  WILLY LEY text ey ILIUSTBAT CVS BY MERCURY'S HOT ENOUGH TO MELT EVEN ZINC IT has been said about astronomy that it is both an exceptionally accurate and deplorably unreliable science depending on what is in question. Ask an astronomer about the next eclipse that will
    2,009 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 220 5 i i to Change H 'Mm(t! s turn m xmdm ffe f t^ at n^cascsoutcx io. who at >~ I ba^ breath rr aiso jfcx, k '^ta*: stop tooth oecay 01k l "\^y tv foam gets i',to ATE R" THANKS TO Colgate dental cream A Clean Your Breath i^^tfßjk V
      220 words
    • 90 5 li YOUR OWN m photos on SCARVES, TIKS. \(H 1 HANDKERCHIEFS, fA-A Etc.. Etc. H AJr) Make i'p perfect A!*^ I permanent prints W 1 from your own negajj tives on scarves, tics. f^MJall handkerchiefs, table linen, pillow casings, etc. No particular photographic experience is necessary. It is simple and
      90 words
    • 192 5 On the Kangaroo Service to London... Tour Rome as our guest or Stop-over at no extra fare YOU may enjoy hours or days of pleasure in "the items] city" or poor way t« England or Europe on the Q.E.A.-8.0.A.C. Service [ran Singapore. \V -i'J cmtre of art and religion, storehouse
      192 words

  • 409 6 LONDON, Mar. 24 (Reuter) Today's inter-varsity boat race was declared no race after the Oxford boat had become waterlogged shortly after the start. Conditions were appalling with a headwind throwing up great white horses when the crews left the starting stake. The race will
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  • 297 6 Tigers Get Back Winning Form TIGER Sporting Association delighted supporters with a convincing two-nil victory over Rovers Sports Club in a senior SAFA league game at Jaian Besar -i Stadium yesterday. Strong favourites. Rovers were generally favoured to win. the mure so when they took the field with In^lis, former
    297 words
  • 229 6 FOR the first time in Malaya, pursuit cycling races were introduced in a two-day sprint grass non-championship meet j organised by the Singapore Racing Association at the Hong; Lam Green, yesterday. In spite oi the unruly crowd, mo.vt children who besieged the field, the
    229 words
  • 213 6 THIS year's Malayan 'Congress' which opened on Friday at the Y. ML C. A. Singapore. has produced the most interesting and closely-contested tournament yet played io the history of the Malayan Chess. Bot>odi now leads with 3^. points in the Tiger' trophy championship having conceded only
    213 words
  • 199 6 LONDON*. Mar. 2.? (R. ;Vr > The following are football result.-. playoH today: ENGLISH LEAGUE FIKST DIVISION A: fnal I Portsmouth k: ickpool 2 Bolton B Lrnley 2 Chelsea Fuihara 0 Tottenham Liverpool l Cnarlton M mchester D. 2 Derby Middle bi ug l Stoke I Newcastle Su:idcrlaiid
    199 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 236 6 I ,«NEW ALHAMBRA Phone 6900 For Reservalions Supn.>ri»il by a 21-min. Cinrcolor S!iort: ''THE MAGNETIC TIDE" Morning Mitinee Tod.iv Jt Tomorrow at 9a.m. Pir miounts ill BUG GOES TO TOWN" Technicolor. I 10.43 AM.- I^o- 9.30 P. A M. CROWDS STILL A* sT rf^!G AS SAMWN! §amson battles a
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      232 words
    • 301 6 HH^n^nHHoHLflHr QJf /vJvMim! Jl^^^_ v^"*^^^9 Are you just wishing? Those new cars are really something!! And nowadays you can just about walk in and drive off In one IF you can atlord it. Will a promotion put a new car within your reacht I.C.S training may help you -et that
      301 words
    • 118 6 l«l Bff W bßb I ri.-n.i ,nd I r77«ni7~ «>" AIN'T HAY *^fw XT* 3^^ x With VERA-ELLEN-FLONA MASSEVMARION i; M Iltle is»>d thru rnitt'd Arti^iv CAPITOL RESTAURANT Cmnc Knjo\ fhe Ckcf*B SpecUJlti«*i ♦MIIK KEN I/ARC JIIIU I *KS( Al 1.01T.V LA < KKMI (Tookoti at \ollr laUr) Phone tt~)l2~>
      118 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 30 6 TiEfll§| HIGH TIDES at the principal rpsor't in Malaya TO I) A?: A.M. P.IVI Singapore 12.03 Malacca 3.20 3.25 Port Diekson 2.01 2.06 Port Sliam 7.00 7.20 Penang 1.42 2.08
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  • 670 7 NEO SWIMS HIS HARDEST 100 METRES HWEE K0K Singapore's Asian Games vv inner of four gold medals braced his slight, brown Dody before the Governor of Singapore and took the piunge into the Chinese Swimming Club's brand new quarter-million-dollar pool to give another thrilling performance— against himself. Neo was a
    Standard  -  670 words
  • 534 7 Malayan Golf H'OII, Sat. IVrak were behind Penang by 132 runs at the end of the second day's play in the interState cricket match here. Penang made 100 and 117 for nine declared. Perak replied with 14 and 41 for throe. Highlight of today's play was
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  • 155 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The former title h< Ider, R B. Lauriston, and R.R. Jackson returned the best figures today in the qualifying round of the Malayan championship. The holder, D.A o. Davies, ot Malacca, failed to reach the qualifying eight. The best scores at the turn this >>
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  • 87 7 SEREMBAN, S..t— Arrange- ments have been finalised for Seremban's great sporting event. the half-mile motor speed trial on t -e Rahang Straight in I Seremban tomorrow. On a egarded as the fastest in intry, motorists from all over the country will be co:n- '.ng to
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  • 419 7 THE first post-war match for the P. 11. Ilcndry Cup, between the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur Sinhalese, started at the St. Andrews Ground, in Woodsville, yesterday, with Kuala Lumpur Sinhalese leading by 13 runs in the first innings, at the end of the first day's
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  • 111 7 Inter -CRC Game Drawn PFXAXG. Sat— The two-day cricket match between the Penang Chinese Recreation Club and the Perak Chinese Recrea- j tion Club ended in a draw today. The home team totalled 230 runs in the first innings, Tai j Liang Keng made 10"). The Perak Club replied with
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  • 140 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Selangor Eurasians beat the Penang Recreation Club at cricket today on the SCRC ground by four wickets on the first innings. The PRC in their first innings were bundled out for 40 runs. CO. Labrooy, M. Shepherdson and G. Radcliffe bowled well
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  • 41 7 PENANG, Sat.— The YWCA triangular sports meet between Penang, Singapore and Seiangor began here today. At tennis Penang and Singapore shared honours with two games erich. At hockey, Penang drew with Selangor. There was no score.
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  • 323 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat— Several new records were set I up at the PWD Athletic meeting i here today. at which the best performance was A. Navaratnam's javelin throw of 117 ft. 7 inches which was five feet better than that set by Goh Sen^ Kuan. Sirlique
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 __i^_ PIANO TONING^ REPAIRS -4*4i_9S-3-iOH' ADD WITH ITS BEAUTIFUL CASE AXD GLORIOUS SINGING I rOU CAN S££ THESE WONDERFUL INSTRUMENTS ONLY at SEASON CO., LTD. US, North Bridge Road. ICE-SKATING NEWS e C Uin and Fernand Leemans t '.Y rid Champions) \HHI\ FT) SATURDAY: F1 in (Belgian Champion) )enn S
      239 words
    • 183 7 CLASSIFIED ADS. DEATH KECEIVED cal e from Ceylon that Mrs. S. Kylasam mother of Mr. K Nagarajah. A. T. S. office (7 Institute Road, Sentul) and Mr. K. Nagaratnam, Chief Accountant's Office, Malayan Railways K. Lumpur expired at O ylon. SITUATION VACANT \y ANTED young hardworking Laciy for general office
      183 words
    • 344 7 WAR AT t POINT IN INDIA \=-|lj Apply -Co airline or Otterttotmf jtjcnh. BHAR AT AIRWAYS ITD. 34 HUNES BUILDING- 9 MALACCA SJ PHONE ***** T.S. CANPATRAfA MALACCA ST. PHONE ***** FI ty I v) Your grandfather has such bright and perfect teeth, my son, because he has ilwa] i
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  • 2796 8  -  OLLIE DA VIES By THE race of the year the Perak Derby was won by Colonel Daly, the $30,000 horse flown specially from England to accomplish this mission. Owned by Mr. Yeap Kim Hoe, of Penang, and splendidly ridden by Crowe, Colonel Daly won
    2,796 words
  • 360 8 LONDON, Mar. 24 Following are soccer results played today: FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 2 Wolves 1 Burnley 1 Mchester U. 2 Chelsea 2 Charlton 'A Everton 0 Blackpool 2 Huddersfield 2 Derby 0 Wbrough 2 Aston Villa 1 Newcastle 1 Liverpool 1 Portsmouth 3 Tottenham 1 Sheffield W-
    360 words
  • 135 8 Tag Team Wrestling Thrills Stadium Crowd TAG-TEAM wrestling was introduced to Singapore audiences for the first time last night at the Happy World and it was a roaring success, inside and outside the ring. For nearly an hour the fans a full house incidentally were oil their seats, shouting and
    135 words
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    • 307 8 > We carry a good range of CINE CAMERAS and PROJECTORS Bmm 16 mm SINGAPORE PHOTO CO. 37-:^) HIGH STREET, M.NOAPOKL ANNOUNCEMENT!! f THE CHANGE FOR BETTER SERVICE. We are Proud to announce that \YF. C. NANG HONG «fc < O Kuala l.unipur. have been Appointed by TIIK GRAMOPHONE (>..
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    • 149 8 IP^ $W'-'^^f Jp S M j X it* jXh r it' c V i -ass I*.1 > tyi^jnAfe^y i LiJA' rr7 g l "TIGER" V CY< 11. TYUES TUBES RKIIABI I! IH It \F?I E COMIOIH \\»I I I <»n »M!< SHUM YIP LEONG RUBBER WORKS HHIHH R'ij'.i lunipur 1
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