Sunday Standard, 28 January 1951

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 15 1 Sunday Standard VOL. 1 NO. 213 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 1951. 16 PAGES TEN CENTS
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  • 289 1 US Stands Pat In UN Move Against Peking SS, Jan. 2:. (AP) The United Suues ,ui its demand tor a quick United Nations ling < omniunisl Chinese ag^reaNon in bewildering welter of new "peaee si .a as an B M. C mittee to conand creal ission to g -he Ko■A
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  • 77 1 Standard Dakota Identified a the Sia en Standard L€ OQ a partj the :.g ten photo. < hh GorenMf of the Bank of Finland, MM CobfcoM who arrived in Singapore by ycstewUj oa a short visit. .Mr. Cobbold s sta: i y\r. MaUolm Mat Donald was d f-nqu '-bout the
    Standard  -  77 words
  • 454 1 American Units Push Within 13 Miles Of Seoul TOKYO, Jan. 27. (AP) A steel-tipped column of two U.S. assault eorps thrust to within 13 miles of Seoul today. A U.S. Eighth Army spokesman called the advance, along a 40-mile front across ankle-deep snow, a limited offensive. Already nearly 700 Communists
    AP  -  454 words
  • 72 1 A MANPOWER registration scheme similar to that which is being pushed in the Fede ition is likely to be introduced in •Singapore soon, it is reliably reported. The object of the scheme, it is understood, is to obtain personnel for the various civil and passive
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  • 35 1 WASHINGTON. Jan. 27: (Reuter)- The Atomic Energy Commission said today _that "one of the periodic tests" of atomic explosions was held today at the air force bombing range near Las Vegas, Nevada.
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  • 52 1 photo. Mamoru Shinozaki, convicted of espionage and sentenced to three years Imprisonment in Singapore before the last war, arrived at Singapore yesterday, on board the S.S. Shinyo M;?ru. He w:is not allowed to land. He is here seen with Captain Tetsuo Uchikawa awaiting the arrival of
    Lillian Buckoke  -  52 words
  • 209 1 Standard Stall Reporter THE p ition of a Tribunal to consider claims for compensation for injuries and pi perl 5 da mes as a result of the riots in Singapore on De» ■<•■■ r 11 and 12 is now under I active consideration by
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  • 260 1 Standard staff Reporter FIVE Chinese, In a private torcar carrying Johore and Singapore number plates, came to grief yesterday evening when they attempted to hold up a military lorry conveying ill REME Base Workshop employees to their respective homes after their day's work. The
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  • 28 1 LONDON, Jan. 27 (AP) British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, who is suffering from on umonia, had a "restless night," hi* physician reported today.
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  • 710 1 Shinozaki Says "So Sorry" Governmen t Banned His Landing Standard Shipping Reporter **!T HURTS in->i«l«" that I am no! permitted to jjo u-.hor;\** Matuoru Shinozaki. former Munieipal welfare chief in Singapore during the Japanese occupation, tohl The Standard on board ihe Oriental Steam Ship Company's h.JJTH ton Shinyo Maru wl>i<'li
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 Lieut. Commander J.W. Thornycroft. Managing Director of John I. Thornycroft and Co. Ltd., right, who arrived in Singapore by BOAC Coni stellation on a three day visit. He was met by Mr. E. M. Smith, General Manager of the Singapore branch, and J his wife. Standard photo.
    Standard  -  49 words
  • 171 1 A UCKL AN D NE W Z EALAND, Jar;. 27 (AP) Aircraft searched unsuccessfully all day today for lour, and possibly five yachts, mi.-*>iMg since soon after the stari of the Wel-Lington-Lyttleton Yacht Race on Tuesday. The race is about 2i)o miles, from
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  • 70 1 HONGKONG, Jan. 27 (AP>— Four more "'secret agents" ol President Chiang Kai-shek's Government UI Formosa were executed by Red firing squads in Canton today, a dispatch to the pro-Communist newspaper Ta Kung Pao said. The four were described as "trained career espionage agents of the
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  • 206 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (AP) Ptmliral Truman said here thai it ifl "vitally important that the leader- of Communist imperialism do no! miwjlitlrr thi* nation. a.s did Hitler and the kaUer** in the la»t t\*o World W ais. lii a message to the mutual Roosevelt
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  • 157 1 TAIPEI. Jan.. 27. (AP) -High official quarters here said th< had received reports that Red China leader Mao Tse-tung bad visited Moscow at Stalin's be- 1 hest and was now back in Peiping. But they conceded they could not vouch for the accuracy
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  • 60 1 Standard Stafl Krportrr A 35-YEAR-^LD Indian woman, Velakhi. was stabb d bv a Chinese m Johore Road last night The Police arrested the Chinese within a lew minutes of the stabbing. This same woman wai stabbed sometime In July ia-t year in Burma R>>jd
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  • 33 1 FOURTEEN identity cards were stolen yesterday lrom| Singapore residents by Identits card robbers. Ten cards were taken from two houses in the Gey lung area, while four others were stolen in
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  • 104 1 Standard Staff Reporter A MOTOR van carryinf Sing** pore i.< wspaperg to the Federation and its driver were detail ed by the police at a roadblock a! e if mi le Pasii Panjai if H >ad on Thursday night, n hen <ij lbs, of opium
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  • 28 1 SYDNEY. Jan. 27 (AP) Eight new eruptions occurred on "vlour.t Lamincton, New Guinea, within ten tninuta shortly before L4OO local tune today.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 626 2 1950 MALAYAN TRADE LARGEST IN HISTORY A II- Time Record BalanceFor Year Standard Staff Reporter MALAYA'S foreign trade in 1950 goes on record as the largest in her history. Complete statistics now available show exports were worth $3,959.9 million compared with imports valued at $2,891.1 million, leaving a favourable balance
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  • 488 2  -  GEORGE RASIAH SZDFCSF Standard Staff Reporter HELPLESS INNOCENTS By POVERTY, disease and despair stalk about a villa-e of 100 Chinese families living in dilapidated hut- at 10th mile Yio Chu Kanj: Road, Singapore A series of circumstances, including the recent floods which had washed
    Standard  -  488 words
  • 148 2 'Time Ripe For COL Increase Standard St.ttT Reporter THE TIME Is ripe for i of labour in the to grant a substantial in the cost of living .nee of their employees. Th b waa rtated by Mr. C. S. jr, S retary General of th Sing pore F< ti a
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  • 79 2 Standard Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Police disclosed terday an epidemic of thi fts of motor car tyres and wheels. The C.I.D. Chief. Mr. D. K Broadhurst issuing a warning to motorists to beware of this kind of thieving said there had been "several" reports of losses
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  • 335 2 Standard SiaiT Reporter THE MALAYAN Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve have performed useful service during the past four months patrolling the waters of Singapore to prevent illegal entry into the Colony* Tins was stated by the Guv- r ernor, Sir Franklin Gimson last night on the
    Standard  -  335 words
  • 41 2 Standard StatY Reporter SIR ESLER Dening, Britain's roving ambassador on a factj finding mission to South and ISouth-Easi Asia, leaves Sin- gapore this morning for a week's visit to Ceylon. He will then <A n on to Australia.
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  • 225 2 Standard Staff Reporter THE ARMY saved Pontian, the largest pumping station connected with the Singapore Water Works, from danger of complete isolation during the Johore floods last week by building a Bailey bridge within three days of their being called to lend a hand.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 *K J Ik »B Hq. Baby Penelope Wilton 4a^S^^ c SercmbGn O Ail thanks to PlfeA \|y Jt'll FOR THE WORLD'S BABIES Mrs. Wilton is extremely pleased with the progress Baby Penelope has made while on LACTOGEN. The cbove photograph was taken when Penelope was nearly six months LACTOGEN is
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    • 75 2 >"■"■■ *,v- AUSTRALIAN MATIONAL AIRWAYS PTY LTO. 5, PRINTK sr BDIGArOBI 111 ok \i i ti; i \(,r\( n ENG'KOE LEOfKG "Mm; ipsrc i p Pi CYMA la on I. test names m wat I name CYMA the watch wrhose unswerving technical excellence is I I own* rs people who
      75 words

  • 36 3 C RUE L TO DUCKS BECAUSE he tied the feet of; i dudes together. Lee Kian >ng ol Acres Estate, Changi id was fined $10 in the Sintpore Fourth Police Court yes-, terday tor cruelty. I
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  • 381 3 STARVING GIRL OF IPOH Standard Staff Reporter A (;IRI bandit, Moo Yoon Kiew, dubbed the "Starving Lady of Ipoh," was heard in a broadcast over Radio Malaya yesterday afternoon when she related bow she was left behind in the jangle by the bandits and nved
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  • 448 3 hgjn Standard Staff Reporter JUST BIGOTRY This, in a nutshell, was how some American graduates in Singapore described the critical remarks reportedly made on Friday by Mr. Patrick Anderson, lecturer in English at the University of Malaya on the '"typical' American university. Mr. Anderson
    David Photo studio  -  448 words
  • 80 3 THOUSANDS of children attending Singapore Mission Schools went to school yesterday, causing bus conductors and the man-in-the-street to doubt their calendar. The Standard understands that the Mission authorities decided to substitute yesterday for Monday, Feb 5, eve of Chinese New Year. This arrangements
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  • 214 3 Malayan Undergrad Criticised Standard Staff Reporter A CRITICISM that the Malayan Undergrade official publication of the student of the University of Malaya represents views only of a minority of the students was made by Mr. K. Kanagratnam, outgoing president of the Second Student Council, at the annual general meeting of
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  • 103 3 FOUND GUILTY of breaking into a shop and stealing $5,200 worth of bicycle accessories, a bicycle shop assistant. Goh Seng Huat, \v:-.s warned by the Singapore First District Judge yesterday that if he was brought up again for a similar offence, he would be sent
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  • 130 3 SEVENTEEN-year-old Abdul Mutalib bin Haji Salleh, described in the Singapore Reliel Court as "a typical loafer", stood trial yesterday on a charge of being a member ol an unlawful assembly during the last December Colony riots. A Volunteer Special Constable said that on Dec. li he
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  • 55 3 AIR MARSHAL SIR Francis Fogarty, Commander in Chief of Far Easi Air Force, returned to Changi b.. ir yesterday from Bai gkok where he has been visiting the Chief of the Royal Thai Air F<:ce. The Air Marshal, who was accompanied by Lady Fogarty, had
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  • 102 3 Aged To Get Free Food THE FIRST 2.000 Chinese' i.a> of 60 who visit i W >rld and New World P on Jan. 3d at 10 a.m. will l receive five kntties of rice. one h ittj sugar, a tin of con- si d milk, a towel and (2 in
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  • 67 3 VAMPIRE jet fishters and Brigand and Lincoln bombers of Far East Air Force were out on Friday Bight and again yesterday to make dummy attacks on the cruiser H. M. S. Jamaica, outward bound from Sin.^aport*. Flying from Island airfields' the 'planes shadowed and intercepted the
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  • 284 3 Standard Staff Reporter THE SINGAPORE Student Teachers' Association approved and adopted the draft constitution which was recommended by their Council at a general meeting I held at the Teachers Training College yesterday. The 200 memt>en of the A Delation present, however, successfully moved an
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  • 235 3 Standard Staff Reporter SOME 400 Singapore sr»dent trackers spent sleepless hours last Friday night— all because a departmental hitch threatened to leave their pockets empty Jor sometime, F d v was pay day at the era* Training Colleg the pay packets rcere not Concern
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  • 177 3 Here To Make Photographic Essay Of S 'pore Mr. Howard Sochurek. staff j photographer of Life Magazine. is now in Singapore to make a "photographic essay* 1 of Singapore and the Federa- tion. He will be assisted in this undertaking by Dean Brelis, the new head of Life*! Bangkok bureau.
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  • 99 3 KOR MOLESTING an 11 -yearOld European girt, 17-year-old Lim Tout; F>»:i was fined $150, or one month's rigorous imprisoi ment, in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. The incident occurred during the Air Day display at Kallang Airport on Dec. 9. Lun. who HTM standing behind
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  • 22 3 lam JU] MIANG wu fined $100 in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday lor being in possession of dutiable liquor.
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  • 223 3 C-G To Open Second Convocation Standard Staff Reporter THE CHANCELLOR of the I rii>er>ity of Malaya, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, will open the second (Convocation of the University in the Oei Tiong Hani hall of the Faculty of Arts Building at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, when five graduands will receive their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 197 3 <•- r" a:i desires to I titude tat the v 're-** o ns oJ sympathy j recent^ extend- i "Situations vacant r typist with fetaese Apply 1 :bi:c Insurance Bank Building. TUITION Radio Servic- given bv Ex. Engineer. BeSat, BL3O pm i Inclusive fees B x 1318 Spore. FOR SALE
      197 words
    • 6 3 A^AIM AV&EIA^IF IjJ TUF fiF^ISI^F n^^lfTY
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  • 240 4 ANOTHER $8 MIL. IN BACK PAY Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Government servants throughout the Federation will receive about 88 million as arrears under the Benhani Salaries Scheme which Sir Henry Gurney, announced will he put into effect immediately. The Standard learns that payments are being prepared but it
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  • 104 4 SUiviird Staff Corresp *ae»l KUALA LUMFUR, Sat.— Govcnmcni Staffs Associations in the Fe.ieraticn are considering the question ol forming re co-operative -'"res. but want G rnment assistance to g t a lars r range of goods, >.. a-; Msmasi of the Federal n and
    104 words
  • 96 4 JOHORE BAHRU, Sal A In :<v dip, a shooting gallery and >e- er other games of v- Ie t iced at the p to be he'd at Royal Z< Johore Bal i 5 th< Chiix se New Year —F: 8 and 1 —according I
    96 words
  • 109 4 B\ >impan£ Lima CTPnnAia BAN, S il:ne hear, ot S;. k ra his Balai in Seremban to Ob the visit to 1 i Friday pi .o and th cusi r- el t as the Telaga U 2— c ed to b that c!ea:
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  • 144 4 Standard Staff Correspondent SEREMBAN, Sat. In the, Sereml>an Hi^h Court, Mr. Jus-| tice Charles Abbott, dismis ed( th( appeal of Sin Yong, alias Chen IS' van against the convic-' tion and sentence of il: months 1 >rous imprisonment to be 1
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  • 113 4 Standard Staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRI.', Sat.— A< proposal to form a Co-opera-< live Society and set up a Cooperative Store in Johore 1 Bahru will be discussed at a Public Meeting at the Govern-' men! Building tomorrow a\ 4.30 p.m. The aim Is to
    113 words
  • 433 4 The i esi m patrol I( '< iti e s: idinc is it i >»i iMi t?n iiiv :t get ii .1 r J l MUM 1..' if .iiui u.i l\ ilpett, >u!> set tioa < > miM^cri
    433 words
  • 149 4 fled. The patrol, one of three combing a certain area of the Pahang jungle, was immediately withdrawn, having suffered three killed and four wounded, including an [ban tracker. This was the first of a series of incidents which led to tie loss of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 180 4 warJv® jffj?/%ss/JW& r &s££ &/FJT wtfMw unt/l she regained her energy ir ■vgrt\isH£i ij i H^Bf^ j^^T^^^^^^^H^HHHHßßjHß I /w^ doctor told //fj? i 10 A MOv un^Jm "™™fn< t A v 1 HH CUT MOWADAYS YOuVr^B SO TIRED. HBH P>^«^v fcOMTINJUED TIREDNESS kND\/ j$ IEATl EAT 0L T -'J ll|
      180 words

  • 116 5 BANDITS RAID SENTUL, STEAL OVER 100 I-CARDS Phoio bv Slandard Staft fieporter KUALA UMPIR, Sat.— More than ](N) »ialii»nal identity cards are believed to h&ve lieen •^Lf-ii away by six or seven armed bandits dmri«^ i raifi on th-r squatter selttenient in SrninL aln»j3 II vards i'rotii the Railnay Irislitnte
    Bastevn Photographers.  -  116 words
  • 360 5 CALL-UP NOT FOR SE RVICES Standard StaiY Bei»tter EUALA LTJKEPDK, S t.— T lece is no intention at present to direct persons for military service, says |jhe ComptrdHer of Mranpower,, in a statement today, i He stresses that regisl fl »n is bemi? ejected fhe object ol obtaining personnel for
    360 words
  • 62 5 Standard SUrff Rej)octw Li '3BPUR. S it.— A gby t ickle by a G:: i pei rptoue rtf a u bandit who was carrying a rifle i d rounfe f)i annnimitien 3u ■ng pe ras tn Be -tong a f'- s ag Alt »fi! "D" Company
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  • 60 5 JOHORF BAHBU, S it.— Seven .i i ire Chinese b iders were fined Bl 5 each uhenthey pleaded guilt} ng in price conti ed i -"icles witliout a price oon- i licence. were: Tee Kok fcee. Lam Sae Tee Sze Bi Long, Thiam L: i! 1
    60 words
  • 67 5 YOU NG CHINESE ON RAPE CHARGE Standard Staff C nnresno cl nt K v. ;.":-;tr Sal a young Chinese. Lee tCwui: V Lie: was toda.v charged in the First Magistr te*s Coort, «^ffih committing rape o:: a 12-year was said tn have takei p ic e *Un eMening at Bstu
    67 words
  • 67 5 FOUR ML'X were rineri SSO euc Sing tpora Fourth c >■;:•' yesterday Ear uamcofiee -'u>:> in Ti-.-Ti-panis Road on Jar.. "2\\. In *nother ca-%.'. three men wore fined Eor gambling in Changi p pofises&ten of 35 gadlone of trrtoxicati ug ;iu»r and one complete still aanutacturing liquor,
    67 words
  • 248 5 MamianJ Mail Orrrrrtipinnl ul KUALA LUMPUR, Sat, Hie Malayan Gkim»e Association lia> \wn\ a-k<d lo h»*lj» Government Ml tackling the i;i;mi Squatter Refietilemefil Programme m Johorc which i- like!} i<> l»t- hr!«l uj» i>»>iu^ to the presenl shortage <»i Imiitlinu material. Johore is
    248 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 5 Phi»!<>. A moup of Standard Mil stndetfts oi i:n^li>h CUOegE. J<»h«»re B:>iiru. Kim visited The SUndard office yesterdas on an cdiu •.•.t'on-ai tour. iAtr-einf left, second row th»- teacher of fee dtsi Mr. K. H. K.imuel who act -»r.:->ani d the >iiidi'ni^. Standard
    Standard  -  44 words
  • 153 5 Standard Staff Reporter JOHOEE BAHEU, S.v. -A to stock-in-trade. buiMing ma and I caused by ihe recent flood is being aaaducted b- T i\- Jonore autnonties. It is believed ttial c^myr tion may be cmi:;idered the whole damage :ai ad by iho flood has "been
    153 words
  • 75 5 Sergt. Dies In Action KUALA LUMPUR S A On the 4 faa. 25l a pal (U 2 Scots Guards. Gperati Kuala Kubu Bhafu. found ciiinp under construction, v.' the cmoki 4 Sres still burn;, g \V':i:ie niiiv g camtioasly Er this camp ovei a trade tfarou^ 011 -o >o. a
    75 words
  • 13 5 PENANG, Sal A icok, i- nuud ;i >• 1 j T g
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  • 95 5 Standard Staff R«'p<»rl«T Four m©r< k itai'di!- w*N*B killed and two woun<lea in lit** !<-•!< ration in th< 21--;m>iii> up to 10 a.m. l«»«lav, l»rin«finu tit** l«»lal lor Hu»v«h»4v*»' total lia-*l 2W. Oti«* i(i<Mi;iii«Hl a* K«m»ii V. sevw i i isemi Raub, i >■••• pengiw o
    95 words
  • 24 5 CEYLON DA Y Staadard Mafi K^urir; 5 D Di the president as lion oi s Branch, have bssi i a dim I GriflH [no
    24 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 ir^? l^-*!^ %M i> w HTE TRADERS LIMITED OBINSO L ;-GaPORI«"!EL. ***** ~~e ALL'vVEATHER LIGHTER with retractable ,^v?i windshield l ss?s»^gra h disappearing fe*P^^^iF :s Mkhieid up, pro- j!|: f^p^i: flame frcrn blustery WLifHier ||1 !I||/'--.:cors. w.r.vishicld *.S i down. 3 dTc-.i'j tC'ic*- wfl»«.. lasfe. A Avo t a a>
      122 words
    • 70 5 J^^^A UmS^t 3 S^^jßjß^Sß^^^^ There's a Lot of SatisCaeti#a r h>yj:- >f_; n Some I him* Better, (.r(!i<f* Knau Can hi> nl On titMILLER m IMOND Dynamo Lighting Sb& Obtainable from Leading Cycle Dealers Fat io; v Rrprpsraiaiiv -s:— T. V. MITCHELL a CO., LTD. si%«.\3*(»{{i kim a i.mri i:
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 393 5 PT E D E R ATJOTJ^^^M „1 »»r 7 yly.-v 10.S8 and 12.::n p.m I 9.15 a.m. 3tAL>iO/J v I IHluy A:; "l-;.il j, ti.45 and 9.1"^ Sun: Elooa^g Low M (Cantata B:,: ;,t U,,, H a. m Mo. Lj* ••> "0 I.U «l U p,,l u.n.'se ><■■■»•- 'JJ2, 19/1?
      393 words

  • 262 6 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat. Heads of commercial houses and also the various 'chambers of commerce were asked to give their immediate and sympathetic consideration to the present •'inadequate" cost of living allowances granted to employees in commercial firms. This appeal was
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  • 197 6 Extend Your Sphere CO-OP MEN TOLD IPOH Sat The State Secretary, Che Mfastapha Albakri arged Co-operators §0 find out the reason and reme'iy the short -coming of the co-operative movement and provide the motive power for the accelerated proi;re>-s of the movement ><( that it would extend to every sphere
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  • 115 6 Standard Stall Correspondent IPOH. Sat Lack of publicity was given as the reason why the co-operative movement failed t*> catch in this conntry "B'..»u your trumpet and blow it hard." This advice was given by ihe State Secretary, Che Mustapha Albakri to CO-operators at their annual eonferi-.iee
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  • 46 6 Standard S< Torres lent PENANG, Sat. An official spokesman of the CID told The Standard today that some teachers and students of the Chung Ling High Srhool were questioned regarding Communist posters found in dormitories and classrooms of the school yesterday. They were released.
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  • 29 6 PENANG, Sat Officers for the Waterfront Workers Union, j Penang and P.W. will be elected by secret ballot at a general meeting to be hold hero tomorrow
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  • 73 6 PENANG. Sat. In view of the Chinese New Year, several Chinese commercial firms here have paid bonuses to members of their st;ifT. Messrs. Shaw Brothers organisations throughout the country are paying one month's bonus and most newspaper offices here are also paying bonuses. On^ of the
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  • 298 6 Regional Houses For Co-opera tors Standard Staff Correspondent Il'OH. Sat. A resolution calling for t li«* erection of a co-operative house in each regional headquarters was unanimously passed at the 14th annual AllMalayan Co-operators 9 conference hei<l in the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce today* Mr. K. Ayadurai, chairman of
    298 words
  • 1020 6 flood -Time In Kofa Bahru Means Holiday-Time Kv G. S. KING kOTA BAHRU, Sat.— Flood-time in Kota Bahra means holiday-time. It is an undeclared holiday. The Hood water seems to give a special delight to young ;i'm! old alike* \ou are excused from office or school and there is no
    1,020 words
  • 174 6 Standard Stan* Correspondent PENANG, Sal.—Municipal employees, numbering 2,800. will benefit from thtMunicipal Commissioners' decision to increase tho Jiiiih cost of Bring allowance a» from Jan. 1, 1951. Mr. S.V. Adams. Secretary and Treasurer of the Municipally, told The Standard today that the majority of
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  • 102 6 Standard SUfT Corrcsp m h»t PEXANG. Sat —A Malayan Branch of the Royal Marines Association was formed at a meeting held in Kuala Lumpur. The meeting agreed that a special branch welfare fund should be established for the benefit of Royal Marines serving in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • Glimpses Around Town
    • 6 7  -  LILLIAN jhgjhg
      6 words
    • 122 7 IT'S going 1 be Happj Ca ":'ear for three Chinese ie la *v < dari g the tin ••(.>■*. La ;j > *> IS token Ie" Bleed g p I La jr had Liters D the i Th; Chine 1 1 id I to these courageous
      122 words
    • 577 7 r |^l MPUSAM Do y—an f the sun shone. Fur the Czechoslovakia!! danc e r s Aiena. Jarmila. R^nata and Da i p«l1 a full h, r Rr perform in ii the Capitol Cinema! From 9 am. youths and g t in holiday atti re, sui
      577 words
    • 245 7 CIGNOR Tir.o Cevenini, mimitrif, and hardworki- g Latin manager of Raffles Jl itel is congraJtul^aaog himell He deserves fuTJ praise for his New Year enterprise. Like many of us, Ti:;O thinks Singapore should be put on the map in a big way. It needs a
      245 words
    • 445 7 IF YOU Like the Jh4 of 1 moonlight oa water, an the distant blinking ul :i 3 1 >tted along the p-ila^o then th B Resthouse is your port of Last Satur lay night, spile th* torrential lo p.>ur. a few oJ bad the ur je to
      445 words
    • 359 7 BTTEASING the familiar shade of pink, w\ one automatically associates with Elizabeth AJrden salons the world over, Mrs. Ivy Etiiti recently took over the past of adviser and saleswoman 01 Elizabeth Ar -,vi cosmetics, at Maynarci's Pharmacy Ifrs. Btlin has spent many \vars in Australia, working and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 t-. O I *^W> £TW m VIRGINIA ROBERTS VTA-BLOND* BRUNITEX br fair h «o- Ji v/ /A-- SPECIAL ATTRACTION' at 9.J5 p. m. Rafries Augmented Orciiestra directed GERRY SOiiANO and SYLVIA GAREH, Lyric Soprano I PATERSOH BUTTON, Baritone __2I B OO K YOUR TABLE «»f— I Mill I M^^'^^^ >1
      103 words
    • 87 7 PEESEE SCHMIDT CHAN W!NG BI!iLD!N2. K. LUMFUR. GOWKS OF DISTINCTION Tel. 3463 i\'>l!\ii f>f)J<\ Newest i m 1 1. 1)111 r**-™" li «j^ Her Favo'i'f McKe-Up In I N( Gorgeous Gold entntiom HOLLYWOOD **A i *t8 n 'GOLDEN BOOK OF BfcAUTY H bcMM >■ o« Pa- CAc MdoeUp Rou|» I
      87 words

  • 811 8 r rHERE is no surer way for a man to develop an incipient inferiority complex than to find himself at a swimming pool amid a bevy of Greek gods in swimming trunks. Encased in expensivelycui and judiciously padded clothes, he may have CUi an impressive figure at
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  • 1056 8  - Commonwealth's Fractured Keystone ANDREW By Britain's difficulties are enhanced by the fact that she has little to offer and much to ask ROTH LONDON. 'THE British press and radio have for weeks headlined news about the missing Stone of Scone. But it is the condition of another "stone" which seriously
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  • 344 8  -  John Walters By New York, r\NE day recently Mr. Otio Lucas, aged forty-three, of New Bond-street, London, tottered ofl the transatlantic plane in New York with one hundred women's hats. Mr. Lucas will soon fly home with lighter Luggage and a lighter heart. For Mr.
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  • 80 8 Landing With 100 Hats cally about each. But I was so impressed by the model that i failed to notice the finer points of the hats. "All these are sold," said Lucas with a Napoleonic Wave of his hands towards the hots, "but many more get an idea for a
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  • 312 8 \I7ATCH that man in the corner of the bar. He is a nut-and-bolt salesman listening to a funny story. Soon he will give a brief imitation of a man being struck in the stomach. Then out with the little black notebook. "Say, that's a killer, George. Mind
    312 words
  • 353 8 Chorus "G i on, Joe We won't tell .1 s You b "Weil, no names no packdrill. This Chap who shall be Nameless, bee bee* It seems the other day It never fans. ■V* rpHERE is the "si out em I down" schooL This type is always
    353 words
  • 439 8 Thirst For Knowledge In Africa Paukk A New University In Wooden Huts IBADAN A YOUNG African arrived the other day at the new University College of Nigeria. He came to one of the professors. "Where", he said, "in this university can I rind wisdom?" He was from a distant village
    439 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 16 8 7r l^ < 4^ ETERNft-MflTie Wind Itself On 1 fc^JlSraH ttALr-iiE.lltlAG from Sifp»T aterproof **6"coLLy: /quay Singapore
      16 words
    • 81 8 yOYCQIR SINGAPORE S NEWEST 6 in H 1 fl l n t^ For quirk and good iunrli tny- I''1 I T~/V L y^'\_\ better in town. Mj Dinner Grille from 7.30 p.m l SsSS*.^ Our IWHMi f«i** Drop in «e are just round the co, -fJa-i^-- Stamford Road SSS^ ARMKMAN
      81 words

  • 244 9 Move To Muster Europe's Might Against Red Menace PARIS, Jan. 27 (AP) In a move to muster the soldiers of Europe into one army, under one commander, arrayed against one enemy Communism France has sent invitations to 1 L governments to discuss the proposal on Feb. 6. It is Europe's
    244 words
  • 177 9 TOKYO. Jaa 27 (UP)—Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru YiK u 'ia has urged the Japa-j J nese to handle the rearmameni j question carefully and warned 1 thai there always was the danger that it would again lead to aggression abroad and a military dictatorship at
    Reuter; AP  -  177 words
  • 216 9 US Freezes Prices, Wages WASHINGTON'. Jan. 27, (UP). —The government last night ordered a general wage and price freeze effective as of Thursday. Price controller Michael Disalle and Wage Stabilizer C}"rus Ching made an announcement at a joint news conference. Disalle said prices will be held at the highest level
    PANA Newsphoto  -  216 words
  • 522 9 ■f 9 JL. n^3 .-i Y i THE influenza epidemic and j pneumonia have killed 6,750 i people since the beginning oi December, official figures revealed here today. The figures only covered reports from 126 great towns With about 20.000.000 people in England and
    522 words
  • 112 9 LONDON, Jan. 27 (Reuter) The British Government has approved a plan to give the nu 1 in the Forces the right to appeal against court martial verdicts, it was announced today. At present, court martial findings are subject only to confirmation by the authorities. A
    112 words
  • 4 9 Bombs Rain On Target
    4 words
  • 552 9 War Not Inevitable But FOREST HILL. Jan. 27: (Reutei The British Prime Minister, Mi- Clement Attlee, reaffirmed bis belief last night that a world war was not inevitable. But Russian actions, he said, showed clearly the danger the Democracies were in if they had i ufficient forces.
    552 words
  • 68 9 Mortar Fire Unleashed Avalanche BERNE. Jan. 27 (API The Zuo7 village council has disclosed that an avalanche which killed five people, includinff three boys, here last Saturday was started by mortar fire intended to brjn? down more threatening snow on another slope. The count il said, "It was impossible to
    68 words
  • 102 9 Ridgway Tells Why UN Army Is In Korea EIGHTH ARMY HQ, KOREA, Jan, 27 (UP) Lieut. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, commanding the Eight Army, in a message to all under his command, said. 'This has long since oeased to be a Sghl for i freedom for our Korean allies a'onn
    102 words
  • 105 9 CAIRO, Jan. 27 (R uter)— Sryia has called lor the margins ol the seven members of the Arab League, with a eom- population of neai y 40 000.000 Into one slate or federation. Nazim El-Kodsi Bey t) i Syrian Prime Minister, made Uie proposal In a memorandum
    105 words
  • 106 9 BONK, Jan. 27 (Router) The West Germ;, 1 r* I that General Eisentu has told We German officials that Heidelberg was being considered for the .V bi A: nies' forward headquartei According to DPA. (">• Eisenhower staled the main Atlantic Pact Headquarterf would be in
    106 words
  • 130 9 £3,600,000 DAMAGE BY AVALANCHES VIENNA. Jan. 27 (Router)— Austrian officials today put the damage done In Austria by week'* ftvaUtnch< ai b tween £2.500.000 and E 6Q0.000 Patrol of gendarmes i K Te still touring U valleys of the Tyr-i!. East Tyrol. Carinthia and SalzburfI province, bringing help to i
    Reuter; AAP  -  130 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 _£j t «:j I I xt afl xm mmi I 1 "i 4t'« a r im i I f M> 1 1 1 1 wibo !ii i£m ;ls 91 ■~H Bin i1 B '^^^b I'llfs 4^- ix-HJlißiVf Professional, Scientific and Educational Advancemer*! Greater Business Opportunities! Doubled Travel Enjoyment! %VJI Wider
      563 words
    • 151 9 li€iV€» You S€>€*n Tiit>s€> iivntiti'hahiv BJcjitf *>§•■% f 1 ijj ji I I I "5E *5 Jill i j I GENTRY I I {IH TABLE MODEL. From $75. If Jjl f 1 In Sterling Silver, Gold Plate 1 ivlll and Crocodile, Silver Plate, II I J<. K Gold Plate and
      151 words

  • 239 10 hgjnhgj The helicopter was ablei to land on a small patch of airstrip above the ilood water. In a little over an hour's Hying, the sick man a suspe~l-| ed fever case was safely ii* i hospital in Kluang. To have evacuated
    AP  -  239 words
  • 84 10 HK Controls Sale Of Penicillin HONGKONG, Jan. 27 R r- V.AP) The Hongkong G >vernment last evening took action to the ing price of penicillii followrtage rreate I Stat< export eml i ing under the emer Govei pos v>i<jn of th xcept by legit Din tor of Medical and th
    84 words
  • 42 10 6 Helicopters For Australia M E LBOURNE Jan. 27: -AAP;.— Australia v. n have <ix heli iters for \> and light-hou >e res ork, Bi e fight ing and iI r( y mi the Air Mini >- Mr. T. W. White announced \h re
    42 words
  • 109 10 MOSCOW, Jan. 27 (UP)— Russia has released figures froin which foreign observers I estimated i:' 1 1950 steel production at 28.000,000 tonslargest u nual production in Europe a'vi second only to the United States. The observers estimated thai Stalin's goal of 60,000,000 tons of will be
    Standard  -  109 words
  • 192 10 GKONG 27 (AP y 1 executi^ e on the Orient :pressed confidence yesterday I Japan wi\ goo whethei »i i war comes to Asi in near futun i U 1 >a\\ no e\ idence of tijii; i. i i mgkong busi'The Brij >h obviously ar« :ious
    192 words
  • 453 10  -  Ken Jallek SXIKT-.. a '7*.." ■.i.*^>*P^. t _B_t if_l_f I r "HE annual report of QanU;.^ Empire Airays for operations up to Dec 31, 1949 has been submitted to the Australian Minister for Civil Aviation. The report reveals that after taxe- bad b en d lucted, the company
    453 words
  • 186 10 OTTAWA, Jan. 27 (Reuter) Canada ha> agreod l<> relav imminration peatridions a^ain-.! Jniiia 1»\ throwing open her doors to i >0 ntnens of In<lia «*a« h y<*ar for permanenl residence i»i i!ii«* country. Tho agreement was reached in an exchange <v notes, signed by
    186 words
  • Market Reports
  • 33 10 The in Siii gap I 1 less n .< > Prices i^apore produce market vest (day were: Betel Nut $33 J2 1 ■-:br (Muntok SI 1 iwak While >, Sag 524 524 < S seed), iFi
    33 words
  • 70 10 i TOKYO, Jan. L'T (Re-Her-iAAP)— C me «na 'F leration of Bankers A 1-i tion m I submi randum t.> Mr- John F «ter 'Dulle United s- tte pre* len--1 tial envoy, rep tri K: od< 1 Its n 4 tion of St ate terimina i
    70 words
  • 196 10 A SMALL airplane that can be [dismantled and driven as an automobile will soon be marfcetcd in the United States. .The four-wheel "autoplane" I has I'scn tested for several [years and was recently approv»^i by the t T S. Civil Aeronautics i Administration. > 'i'Ue
    196 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 253 10 rAsn »r«HLAi ni vs pacific skkvice *i\ Sm Fraorfcra Loa \nselcs \meriraß Ciaadijo Cities i immxn m\m 2 i** 4• l A-, ».i:.." !<>r Boaskong Ki»bf. l'«»k«»Sjnna i \S'l K* .1 2*K S 1 ISA (WSSI COAST) PERSIAN I 15 ■<: j P MONJiKONCi P]!!i.!Pr i 4«f« A< i
      253 words
    • 291 10 SAILING^ fkOM 4CANJIN^t* UK o^ •INUIX tor Bangkok Houn^-jriK A: KAMRODIA- r H .'.neWcine' K :>e "!\i\\i»m- tot Bftttck'ok'i t^ r I()V <l V Sateoa -i R M ar 1 -V f SAILINGS TO CCNIINEN"! SCANDiNAVIA I«r < .!-.iim,. A«i. n Pi.rf haid irllllJ 4,, -mum*- ki b BS* r
      291 words

  • SUNDAY Magazine
    • Article, Illustration
      14 11  -  DAVID LANGDON Sy "Waste o' time, guv'. Train services cut to ribbons..."
      14 words
    • 1220 11 fPon Ess Ht>vi4>ws Th*> I\>st $tcit**h**H the Third at Sydney, aha has retained ashes' and although ..her tests have be played, at le and Melbourne, of what has red mav not be t i m 9 rurally be I that England have <;. [n the first Bri ine,
      1,220 words
    • 203 11  - J.B.'s Famous Mosque Past Mid-Century Mark Bahashim Seedin Ey r PHE Masjid Abu Bakar, Johore Bahru, founded in 1900, will be 51 years old on February 2. It is named after Sultan Sir Abu Bakar, son of Raja Temenggo g Sri Maharaja, who was Sultan of Johore from 1835 to
      203 words
    • 1355 11  -  ALAN FAIRCLOUGH UK Govt. Committee Reports On: By BRITAIN'S broadcasting system is good, but there should be changes to make it a lot better. That is the verdict of the Beveridge Committee's report, published last week in two massive voldmes. Changes recommended are:— Radio: More regional services and
      1,355 words
    • 821 12  - Architecture Designed For The 'Whole Man' ALLNE R. LOUCHEIM Bn -'IN t ted to > m arch I ture dm the lamlin, architecture C imbia Ui k City, A I s«e g■ 1 i r disa n: h to a g ..ll K• a :y ksngeT en A ilv into
      USIS  -  821 words
    • 808 12  -  JOHN K. JONES |THIS WEEK'S SHORT STOkY By jJARRY FROUD'S big hands gripped the scat, he wanted to hold the controls to take over from Hie young Irishman be.-: id lie couldn't do it of course, it wasn't safe. Ever since he had blacked out on a routine
      808 words
    • 687 12  - Malaya 's Queen of The Shuttle Game KEN JALLEH FDSFSDFSF FDSF FDSFS The rime: An offernoon in 1 947. The place: Clerical Union hall, Rai-.goon Road, Singapore. The girl: Helen Heng. V FEW hundred sp i tators, cramped within the hall, forget time and discomfort as they find themselves thrilled
      687 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 60 11 jmT^^^*-* oT work... M^ •> S -^^K_'^^_ t r Versatility is cppiicoble to the -i# LAND ROVER in it's true sense, row universcMy acc'cimcd as the jwmßwi'* J^h best, oH-round, oil purpose vehicle m/Pm I l\\JVtK SSsS^SPrB *l "ii WMH 'f "%f^ sML. i' w Sole Distribtitort: SINGAPORE MALAYA BORNEO
      60 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 31 12 The famous a German Beer /s u hftSC Vs» v l^ jrs- y V'."> i 5 7". /?05 5 O 'V ROAD '3 i h C.4 5 fFI 3 567 J
      31 words
    • 34 12 I<lk k w V^ A _->r^ iisr vT _L \l& i fcaiaMaßp-WB-BB liS_l pit. r^^^#r^?_la^^^™^^^^^^^^r™^^_P_^iT^B^Ti Bi F (i\ fl I "4 *T# k'—afa fri r^^Tn' Be i i HI "I > V rfy __Ll^ii^^k mokhSh—b
      34 words

    • 935 13 a? i i S t,j? tJ__Wi__; w C_<^ N '1 B. KIIX. WAY i have the visit tnd K a of Li- r aeral or rather erdiawhich e ha] have b in tion: from ign in the S as beco US. D eH.Q.) THE
      935 words
    • 613 13 f in Tokyo y that the Chiefs of Staff an able to deal with MacArthur as with any fi commander indeed, he regarded as a first-ral mai r, fur he is taking i i lew and vnj ing them out. This is a trai on none could
      OFNS  -  613 words
  • 608 13  - Go On Susie Lose Your Temper! MARY BROWN By PVE always preferred brainy men to more br; wny ones, but I've no I tl clever ones have one unpleasant trait in n In a straight argument with their wives they can flick the vernal whip more exquisitely and more unerringly
    608 words
  • 410 13  - FANTASTIC! THESE MEN'S UNDIES John Walters < NEW YORK T'HARLIE is a solemn Wall 1 Street investment bro- ker. On Saturday he was in < the locker-room at the golf 1 club, undressing for a sbow- er. When Charlie slipped 1 off his trousers, the other fellows started hooting. I
    410 words
  • 107 13 Keep It Under Your Hat LONDON— Britain's young men under 21 want something very different from the headgear of their fathers, says a British hatter, Mr. Geoffrey Battersby. He has designed two new models to suit this modern taste. Both are of the "pork pie" t.vpe. One model is called
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 89 13 k*DONOVAN, accompanying a patrol in the jungle 4 Fi'om 'Almost A Sovereign 9 To An •Scqzsiescent Pentagon Subordinate 9 j 1 i^:: MICHAEL DAVED3GFJ MAKE SURE IT S A VERITAS. "350" PRESSURE LANTERN BETTER L!G!!T. LASTS LONGER A'' f Bridge f! id. i^- \t jj|| \V\I! MENU ft < O.
      89 words
    • 420 13 I Don't Mind ...SaysThe Girl Who 3 Poses For a Living W^^^^^ Aged 24, bust 34in., waist 24in., hips 35in. that's blonde, grey-eyed Adriennc, the girl who never appears as anything. but "A Men hare D been so curious about my k identity that they I as J traced me
      420 words

  • 1093 14  - In Defence Of The Bubla Ballet Revue OSWALD HENRY yril AT price fame? It seems to me that, no matter what the local film men Iry to do for their patrons, the public of Singapore is never satisfied. There will always he somebody in the crowd >vho likes to spoil
    1,093 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 272 14 T«»:l > 9 a.m.i ILi.n;; r. Bogart "TOk j 4>fe TIMES £3HH AY— STAGE at 1.00 6.;5.) <)..!(» p. m. ONLI B.M*'s CONTINENTAL REVUE Pr A 30 MIN. PROGRAMME I SLAVONIC Mill)t:\ *i% ifX 1 roi.Ki i/tAH SI. 11l I>l\<E ALSO "^^^^^x SALOBREMERO HIS BAND IS *Fsf 11.00 1.45 LOfl
      272 words
    • 331 14 f Sfomv 9 s J fBD^^I II SI T f DflflM hnHrAlvaa sULlcllllUul y "Where Evry Nile is New Year's Kic" J OPENING W£D 31st JAN. BOOK NOW GRANDIOSE FLOOR SHOW I ENTIRE BUBLA BALLET j FEBRUARY FESTIVITIES Saturday 3rd February EMBARKATION NIOHT V I wilh Hie l| BUBLA BALLET
      331 words
    • 184 14 C^X^J^Y TOD/Iyl 11 A.M.— I.IV— M.V- f,. ,Jv Mi The Gut*-And-Glory Story of The U.S Marines! 3 MAUREEN OHARA JOHN m* J&> Tripoli 'i j^^- HOWARD da'yiVA, v wV -"r, #^)V* I'h's! A:i Excellent Swimmin<: Shorl "Valet CHINESE NEW VEAI ATTRACTION THE PLEASURE'S All. its IN M \i i iS^^^S>^^r
      184 words

  • 2365 15  -  OLLIE DAVIES By MAKING his run in the home straight, the chestnut English gelding Lehombo successfully challenged the leaders, The Ram, Jungle Path half a furlong from home to win the main event over 1 j miles yesterday, the last day of the
    2,365 words
  • 401 15  - WILL THIS BE TURNING POINT FOR BOBBY NJOO? Herman Rappa SZDFDAS I Friday, at tin- Happy Njoo itclii of Banna t nio-i i—pwrtMrt Huh! < r <>i i 17 battles. ll m j'j-t a- important to Bobbj m it i- la N gpin, and I abroad. h is already r
    401 words
  • 139 15 Water-polo Men For Asian Games si\ IPOKE*S waterI i lot the A^ian j Its unnoum ''d j esfl tc'.iv evening j aftei i h !f hour trial I latek betwcci tuo se- I ■s veff played I Ike Singapore I Swimming lub pool at 1 Rfcm followinc: wt're >\ final!
    139 words
  • 136 15 AHK! MDE Jan. 81 Ren—l.uim some kern and te bowling on a -slowly pitch the MCC were ssed for Ml in their ■gs by the close of Um opening day of n f«»ur day match i ..tii Australia here J >' •\ic.hMCC batsmen g Si ■i
    136 words
  • 155 15 Collins Try Saves GHQ From Defeat A SPLENDID 1M yards spuri I if b- j we* q p< ists by Capt C Uins in the last two minutes -> .e game I day for G.H.Q. "A" in a robu.^t game of rugby against the R.A.S.C. "A" at Tanglin yesterday. Each
    155 words
  • 720 15 KADIO MALAYA SINGAPORE ENGUan PROGRAMME UKI Metres and 11/3 Mrtres) if uhi Programme Summarv !».O"^ Walt/ I nne: \>M Wilh a >milc .mi! A •>oiu-; 1". \t the Piano; 10 am News; M Jo Lieht Music; 10 M> latin Arneri ,an KhMhm: 11 ain Ihe Adventures' of
    720 words
  • 120 15 PENAXG, Sat— The Kinta Europeans beat the Penang Sports Club "A by six points (two tries) to nil in the final of the Penang Sports Club seven-a--side rugger competition which was resumed this afternoon on the Western Road ground In the final today, the Kinta Europeans
    120 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
      405 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 85 15 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $448,750 First Prize No. *****2 $129,625. Second Prize No. *****3 864,812. Third Prize No. *****3 $32,406. Starters ($3,600 each): *****9, *****2, *****3, I *****6, *****3. *****4, I *****4, *****9, *****8. 1 Consolations ($l,OOO each): *****7, *****3, *****6, *****7, *****8, *****6, *****3, *****6, *****8, *****1. < DOUBLE
      85 words

  • 35 16 .v VORK, Jaa 28, (UPI Kid C the number eighi c tntender stigC tonight by n itj 10 rouj I r s over middleweight I 1 f New York a1 M S.j..
    35 words
  • 497 16 KUALA LUMPI R. Sat.— ln tin- semi-final of the All Bines competition played here today, the Selangoi A!) Blue* played excellent Ku«:by to heat their Silica pore counterparts hy nine points (three tries) to thret points (penally). The game was played in s slight drizzle and
    497 words
  • 470 16 1st HALF DRIVE GIVES NORTH NARROW VICTORY Situation Well In Hand NORTH won yesterday's Malayan Rugby Union en d-of -season classic at Jalan Besar, beating South by 11 points (goal and two tries) to eight (goal and penalty) in a close game, keenly fought. Starting with a three points lead
    Standard  -  470 words
  • 106 16 PENANG, Sal Ooi Teik Hock the Penan* Thomas (up hero, has declined the Badminton Association of Malaya's invitation for a trip to England to compete in the All England championship-, this year. The invitation was sent through Mr. Tan Teik Lim, secretary of the Penang Badminton
    106 words
  • 100 16 THE well-known Choong cousms oi Penang will be seen in action in thousands of British homes next Friday. The BBC have arranged to televise the badminton match between the London Malayan team and an English side. E.L. Choong, E.B. Choon* and L.J. Choong will form
    100 words
  • 39 16 SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 27 (AP):— Jimmy Espiritu of Manila and Hay Ramires of San Jose, California, battled to a fourround draw in a fast tight here at Winterland Auditorium Fruiay night. Espiritu weighed 12U-lbs. Ramires 117
    39 words
  • 286 16 LOXDOX, Jan. 27: (Renter), THIRD DIVISION (SOITII) —-Following are results of FA UUII1 Cup and league soccer matches s°HB«nouth 2 Swindon 1 played today:- SS^ac 1 fe^ r* A SI Heading 3 p or t Vail 0 FA. Cup gggj r BSSSsT ta-J 0 fr
    286 words
  • 1112 16 i Carrel won the toss for North and he made South play against a slight breeze. The ground was soggy from rain which had fallen just before the match but conditions were otherwise excellent for a fast game at this period. Pennell kicked off for South. a
    1,112 words
  • 217 16 KING giAßts Kin? Kong and Andre Adoree sent spectators scattering and one woman into hysterics last night at the Happy World when suddenly during their big fight, they lost their tempers and fell out of the ring punching and kitkirm and all but using
    217 words
  • 52 16 PHOENIX. ARIZONA. Jan. 27, (AP>. Ryder Cup matches between the United States and British Leading professional golfers will be played in the U.S. sometime in the autumn, the Professional Golfers' Association announced on Friday. It added that the British could not appear until the autumn because of summer
    52 words
  • 64 16 MANILA, Jan. 27 (AP) The visiting Singapore football team tied one all tonight with a Manila club selection 11 at the Rizan Stadium in Manila. The Manila team lead 1-0 in the first half, but the Singaporeans drew level in the second half. The Singapore footballers
    64 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
      198 words
    • 205 16 4 s j j f '/t r> handy 2\xj f!■ 7 f i vru far l^rn hvdtg trhn unncs t o 1a k tf fi<j> nd pictures rPATBISO* SIMMS S C0 M; "^**w~Lrxrxn_rt^-xrv>xjn_in_rT_rxr-crx_»r»rx>-»^ <-■ n i "TIGEE" j j W^^/? r^£ BEST! SKUM YIP LEONG RUBBER WGHKS Mf P»W Ku.iia
      205 words
      21 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous