Sunday Standard, 14 January 1951

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Sunday Standard
  • 15 1 Sunday Standard VOL. 1 NO. 199 SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1951. 16 PAGES TEN CENTS
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  • 351 1 Chinese Ask To Form Regiment In Federation Standard Staff Correspondent K! U VJI R, Sat. The Standard learns that t move i- being planned by certain Chinese leaders in ihc t I* ration :!'.rouuh the Malayan Chinese Association i,v Hrge (>o\t Tiiitu nt to raise a Chinese Regiment in \!.ilav;»
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  • 57 1 Standard Dakota Missing Singaj -uiard V:: vied m orning Bighi Mai Butl r- Province coast V from •raft by I :ated in f K S the Mata is < Kota an ir RAI the u an ning. D Lun ght was i I i longL night, Kot and P the
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  • 23 1 Spitfire Missing Near Hongkong AP) F Spitfire from Kai- refrom t for the -.vas una i led this name withg a lion to
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  • 27 1 I lan. "l3 API .ed here said Dr. ned C -cholar me amb:ts>ridor to had A the I N tional United States.
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  • 87 1 CAIRO. Jan. 13 (AP>— A BriR.A F. Vampire plane was in mid-.- c si >n with an Egyptian RAF Pury over the Sinai desert 25 miles east of Ismailia. a K A F. spokesman disc He added that both pilots were seen to bale out and
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  • 70 1 MB Malcolm MacDonaid, Commissioner General for South-East Asia, null!, who returned from his short Hongkong visit yesterday by BOAC Argonaut. He said that his talks with the Goyeraor of Hongkong I ->ir Alexander Grantham) and "his advisers were to k.ep in touch irith the present
    Standard  -  70 words
  • 351 1 LONDON, fa (ReuterJ fhe declaration issu last it by the Commonwealth Prime Ministers was warmly re 11 j this morning's British press. The Times claimed that the c iference was able to on I in many u d thai its k ai I influence
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  • 66 1 Standard Staff Reporter NINE identity cards were taken away from inmates of a house in Queen Street just before 11 o'clock last nighi by three Chinese, all of whom were armed with knives. Three Chinese held up another Chinese in a back lane in Cross
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  • 185 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 1.5 (UP) Senate Democratic leaders today fought oil efforts by th<> Republicans to prevenl President Truman sending American troops to Europe* Senator Tom Connally said that he would not 'put u;/ with a Republican move to by-pass his Foreign
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  • 109 1 VATICAN CITY, Jan. L3: (UP) A Vatican spokesman said today that while Rotary Clubs did not enjoy the 'spiritual sanction' of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholics may decide for themselves whether to remain m« mbers of the organisation. This statement was I made in clarification
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 1 dfdsafdasfdsfdsfsadf dfdsafadsfdsafdsafdsafsdvxbhhbns dsfdsfdsafdsfdsafdsa PANA
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  • 183 1 PARIS. Ja;i. 13 (AP) France urged the United States and Britain today to take a more conciliatory attitude in the Big Three's next note to Russia on a Big Four meeting, it was learned on Saturday. French officials believe a d aft, already
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  • 37 1 LONDON. Jan. 13: (Renter) Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan who has been attending the Commonwealth talks in London was received by King George VI at Buckingham Palace today.
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  • 471 1 Big Battle For 7 Vital Roads At Wonju Raging TOKYO, Jan. 13 AP) A great battle raged today on the snow-crested ground of central Korea for the seven vital roads that cross at Wonju. Allied troops stood firmly in a 15-mile line and battered back thousands of screaming white-clad Oriental
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  • 197 1 TAIPEI, Jan. 13 (Reuter AAP) Formosa welcomed the news of Senator Pat NcCarran's 81,000.000.000 aid proposal to Formosa. Deputy Premier Chans Li-sheng; said preparations for the counter-attack were almost complete. He believed if the counter-offensive gets started. Free China by mobili zing her manpower
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  • 250 1 TAIPEI, Jan. 13 (IT)— Admiral 11. H. J:i.-.v:t. the nited States senior Military \:sa<!w to I 'ni\u 1. i<;i(J l\\v I ni!< i <l Press t<ula\ thai it tli<- ChfaWM PoniWillinilil >rl out at tan time lor Formosa^ and fi^htinc *?::r;^. then the
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  • 182 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (AP) The former Commander of the U.S. Formosa Patrol said the Communists would find I invasion of that island a tough proposition Rear- Admiral Thomas Binford commanded the Seventh Fieet patrolling the Straits of Formosa from July to September. He told reporters
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  • 125 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (AP) American negotiators hope to evolve a treaty with Japan without calling a peace conference, then by sid >-st ipping the qu ;tion of \vh to invite Russia and R .-d China. This was mad? known by diplomatic authorities aftei
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  • 68 1 Montgomery's San Leaves For S'pore I >ND Fan. 13 c A -PiField larsl i -itgomery's 22-year-old son. the Ron David Montgomery. by plane for Singapore toda< work for an oil company. "Dad is pie. I I shall seeing sonv i," he Montgomery civilian life aftei his National Service lour months
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  • 93 1 Lord Msiverton Joins N itional Liberals LONDON. Jan. 13 B tei L >rd Milverl I Bri- tish Peci' who rose 1 cadet- I .i! Service to become sur-: Govern; i tfa Borneo, Gambia. Fiji, J:)m;'.ic.t and has left the Liberal Parts and joined the National 1. Lord Milvertor ■ok Sir
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  • 603 2 Inquest into Girl's Death While Under Anaesthetic No Malpractice, Rules Coroner Standard Staff Reporter THE DEATH of a 10-year-oid girl, Yeo Lee Siang, while under anaesthetic in the operating theatre of the Singapore General Hospital was yesterday described by Dr. Choo Jim Eng, who administered the
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  • 6 2 Proi. Mekie Replies To Mootatamby fdsfghfdshfdhsdfhfhjfjfgjfgjj
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  • 26 2 E Depart I E i i E st ated th at I -mis-ion I > in G En| S 1952 I b be made I
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  • 17 2 < .nil Stmt H til I He is 1 i I be selected lei I I
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  • 293 2 Frisby Pays Tribute To Tradition Of Catholic Schools Standard Slaft Reporter A TRIBI'TF to tbe grand tradition of service wfaieii i- \h \-i^ carried «>ul l»y Catholic sdiools to the paiblic til Singapore, was \>zu\ by the Director of Edacatton, Mr. A. V. Frisby, when he opened flu- new sl7">.(K)'>
    Standard  -  293 words
  • 394 2 'MORE PUBLIC FACILITIES FOR RFCRFATION NEEDED' DOES Singapore provide for t!i<« leisure of i\> people? This was one of the ten questions put by the Rev. Canon K. k. S. Adaaw klh*h he >pok«- on "Your Hone and LtiMjn** at the homing exhibition in the Victoria .Vlrmorial Hall. «'-»t<*r<i«y. Canon
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  • 148 2 THE rase ac.i n^t Squ;:<iro:i Leader Georqe Charles Winton of the R.A.F. who is L/iar under the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance, was i» p< :icd until Jan. 27. when it was mentioned before the Singapore Fir.-t Police Magistrate, Mr. H. A. Ferrer, ye terdaj. Winton
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  • 157 2 PONGGAL. the most popular j Tamil national festival, equivalent to the soring festivals of Europe, is being celebrated today in every Tamil home in Singapore. The Tamilian Association of Singapore celebrated PonggaJ Eve lasl night when they staged a well-attended variety concert under the
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  • 210 2 Standard Staff Reporter A PIANO-SOLO competition for amateurs, the first of its kind in Singapore, is being organised by the Chinese Y.M.C.A. The competition is open to members and the public irrespective of race, creed and sex. Five prominent pianists have bec-n appointed as judges. They
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 79 2 SITUATIONS VACANT R LJIRED experienced Lady L lisi A' so one La salary $160/SM respectively. Api E i 53 Boby de Silva cl Sn9opore 1! M thanks to »lTL%it/il JLr JHij bFOR THE WORLD'S BABIES daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. R. de Silva cf Singapore and has been
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    • 171 2 MALAYAN CHINESE ASSOOAnON MILLION LOTTERY Ist Prize S2r>o,ooo/. 2nd Mm JJ.hi. 3rd Prize 50,000/- 4th Prizi l>i 10 Prizes of 5,000/« £0 Prixes of 2,000 DEFINITE DRAWING DATE 2ht JANUARY, 1951 AT IPOH. j PLEASE APPLY FOR TICKETS f tin TICKETS: $1/- eoch ovoilobk at ALL BRANCHES or P.O. Box
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  • 474 3 munbjkljlkyuJKDF;LASDJKLFJDSAKFDSAFFF 1 -m Standard Staff Reporter RISING costs of building materials will not deter building progress In the Colony, declared one of Singapore's leading architects, Mr. Ng Ken" Siang yesterday when whether he thought the building situation now prevailing in the Federation will
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 3 THE HIGH Commissioner. Sir Henry Gurney. opened the new Artificial Limb and Orthopaedic Appliance Centre at the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday. Picture shows Sir Henry examining an artificial leg. Looking on are Mr. A. T. fellowship. Superintendent of the Centre; Mr. M. V. del Tufo and the Raja
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  • 349 3 'No Question Of Closing Varsity' F?is3ty Slephes To Paper Standard Staff Reporter IR. V. W. FltiSBY, Director of Education, •ore r.;ti;l vesterdav that ihcvc was no parallel thr recent I Diversity ol Malaya arrests ami those Singapore < Irinese Hiuh School and the Nanyang Srhool 1. i \tar resulted in
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  • 89 3 Rambutans Led To Boy's Death I 3 Tin I ill .it th;.u .In he .k somi miaiitiaw I bu\ lag be thought imH iel r. n fresh tree ■a Uk tree h»" went. li •is BBS] paukir.i; the > i h";i the branch .i hr w .:> standing i
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  • 100 3 'SCCC Is Not Interested In Politics' VPORE Chinese (Con e is not iti and would to be involved in Tai Siak lent of l .'.hen decomment on the on df the A .nese C rs of n of the P. I pointed out. such a decisi n the c <:.'.'-
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  • 41 3 INDIAN, Senathina- n D h a k, ad, was I point at Paya i m muog by Chinese and rob>:hina'than tried to blufl out but bei ere he > so. he was r.sked by who reiievOf h y.
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  • 23 3 New Restautant Opens In S'pore 3 A M hamed A.;. Commissioner r. Sulaiman 1 Thursday at the the new Jubilee a1 i Qter-
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  • 256 3 Standard Staff Reporter COMMON' rooms in student hostels of the University of Malaya lack the homely atmosphere which is so essential for 'he tired students seeking a few momenta of relaxation after a hard day's work. The walis are white-washed in hard C»] in and
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  • 165 3 Standard Stall Reporter THE SECOND annual general meeting of the Students Union of the University of Malaya will be held on Saturday, January 21 next. terday, the third Students j Council elected its n< w executive i committee, subject to confirmaj tion at the
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  • 218 3 CHINESE NEW YEAR Stamlanl Staff Ftrportrr CELEBRATIONS for this year's Chinese New Year ar<- expected to be on a lavish scale than previous years, in view of the present tra<l«' difficulties affecting the pori- of Sonili China from where Malaya u<*ts her supplies for
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 3 p, v io;o. MR I S SODIII (left), newly-elected president of Students Council of tht- University ol Malaya beins congratulated by the outgoing President, Mr. K. Kanagaratnam yesterday. Standard
    Standard  -  29 words
  • 157 3 Squatters Happily Resettled Standard Stiff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. About L'O squatter families living along Bukit Chenggang Road are now temporarily housed in a Chinese school in Denkil Village where the resettlement area is making rapid progress. The entire area has been fenced in and houses for these families are
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  • 117 3 Two Malayan Nurses For New Zealand Standard Staff Reporter TWO nurses from the Federation. Mrs. Jean Gerfa ide Bothaju of Kuala Lumpur and Miss Ooi Soh Ewe of Ipoh will leave Penang for New 7. on a scholarship in rie:/ try, in the Burns Philp Line".kur shortly. The nurses will
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  • 148 3 COMIC STRIPS START RUSH FOR CRAYONS Standard Siaff Reporter SMGAPOKC hook *tore» and stationers experienced an iMqwiHM mm! ru«.li for water colour-, pattefci and cra\on S durin- the pa -4 R« usdn for the rush i Sunday Standard con petition for the colouring of the DO] jjar comic strips. A
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  • 104 3 MORE than 34.000 mm Is were served to children's social centres by the Singapore Social Welfare Department, last year. December was an enjoyai 'O month for the cb becaust of the Christmas parties h were held either in centres <>r in the homes of
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  • 22 3 Mr. J. Linstead, BOAC I r East Area Manpger arri\ i Singapore by An day from Hongkong on a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 271 3 'rv-'VvCvQCvvvC'ivfr? O'' aw i XOCv ?C"Jwo C 1 'jwyC o >? '3" i V 'SOvMVjg-jgOOg^p^ 1 jpppQv'>Sx'^p<jwOc^> SflKnosSs'^Si'H?'?! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l'l'i'i'i'lsSs^^^wXri'i'iSi'i'i'ii'i'i'S 1 I vkS'l'J? 1 1 04 offl?v$vS?w*^v^rX? 5 §S 5t 5SI v J 55 wc» OC'vOOvC'vvOCv wv( I i i i i i
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  • 448 4 More Bandits Killed, Arrested Through Public Information KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. More bandits have been killed. Many more suspects have heen arrested. In Kuala Lumpur the police have arrested two important Min Yuen members. One of them Lau Aik Soon was formerly the chairman of the Kuala Lumpur working committee of
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  • 108 4 SEREMBAN, Sat.— The forests of Negri Sembilan may be broadly classified into three groups (A) The high forest I-1 which (with small breaks) runs from Jelebu to Tampin along the main range and watershed and along the subsi ;,ry Mani in range. This is mostly protective forest
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  • 101 4 SEREMBAN, Sat.— One d tor and two nurses from the World Health Organisation will Negri S- tnbilan in Feb- ruary to inaugurate the BCG campaign against tuberculosis. The State Medical and I m er, Dr. M. C. Mahon that it is intended to start immunising
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  • 56 4 NSYMCA Makes Good Progress Standard Stall Correspondent SERI [BAN, Sat. The Seremban YWCA, which was i last year, is, making progress. Classes are held every Thursday in the King George V School Hall. Tl centre made toy animals for sick children, at the festive season. Cookery classes are in progress
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  • 150 4 Hindus To Observe Thai-Ponggal Standard Stiff Correspondent seremban, Sat— An important Hindu fe^:vv. ThaiPonggal, will be observed in M rr v. It is the firsi day of the sacred month I Thai! In India Thai-Ponggal is of gn A sign Bcance to the farmer: for it s gnifies the ing
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  • 175 4 Standard SiatT Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Hearing was continued in ike Session < mirt today in the case in which a former European Police Sergeant, I). A. Jeffery faced a charge «>l rriininal breach oi t r n -t in respect OI paj i\uv
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  • 40 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Sultan of S i r, the .-;u Ampuan, and the Raja I a, accompanied by Daio a biD Da:o Abdul Razak, I i for Si: pore tomor: i will be a
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  • 41 4 SEREMBAN, Sat A I party to which other commun will be invited will be h< X- g] S i!an I ;n community at the NS here on Jp:i. Uti. on the! occasion of the anniversary oi Indian independence.
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  • 292 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Printers ihroughoul the Federation fate the probability of having to close down business unless something happens lo improve the present severe paper shortage which threatens to pal out of the trade the seores of small stationers and printers to be found everywhere. Two
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  • 135 4 Club House For Reading Circle In JB .TOIIORF BAHRU, Sii total of $10,155 has been r mised so far for the buil fund of the Johore Bahru Chinese Reading Circle. Tiio" Building Fund Committo yester 'ay announced that out of this amount a sum of $7,000 has already been collected.
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  • 63 4 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— At the end of October last year 133,936 certificates of citizenship were issued in the Federation. 48,48:* of these being in Perak. Of the 9.033 issued in that month 5.588 were for minors. The total broken up over nationalities is:
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  • 275 4 TheLaw Of The Bandits Standard Staff Correspoßdeal KUALA LUMPUR. Srf. 4k For the jiood of the party Communism demands that comrade* should be killed in cold blood. At least this is the law of the bandits in this country," aeeordinjj to one of them who has surrendered. Weng Ming. who
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  • 270 4 M V! H MPI R, S;:i. Judgment was reserved [nche A/mi bin Mohamed Jill Feb. 3 at th<- conclusion <>'. the case againsl the former prosecuting officer, YusoJ bin Bagoo, who was charged v.iih corruptfo accepting >.~>o from a Chinese. Cheah s iin^. Kh 10 Eng
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  • 62 4 Four Hurt In Car Mishap KUALA LUMPUR, Sal Four j Singapoi to a Chinese p■ e i r, ol Mersing, had a \•i i they v i from here to K At the Bth mile K the car s 1 I iwn a 10--ion, com n its h< The occupai
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  • 82 4 Kluang Town Baord Members KL.UANG, Sat. The following have been gazetted as members of the Town B ard, Kluang for the year. The District Officer, the Administrative Officer, the Senior Executive Engineer, the Officer Superintending Police Circle, the Elealth Officer, Mr. \V. \V. Lawrence. Captain Ahmad bin Md. Don, Dato
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 189 4 The King of Beasts rw'^M"\\ 1 ffli\\n i j x j SOLF IMPORT I- HS: /.£rr£ TRADF n S UMJTED 86A, ROBINSON KOAD SINCAPORE TEI li!\(,A r *r W A rER.PROOF J^l T^K't:.^ 21 li w ELS x\^\ y if<^ W^ ANT! MAGNETIC ffI B^l f LNCABLOC ""Hjy ObtainQ bie
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 502 4 FEDEIIATIOM DIAEY CITPITIfr^ < V 7 1 1 and 9. 15 p.m. Lido: This Side of the Law 10. .10 JCjIM; tin. J-> 1 O(Uiy Jcathay: (P.S.) When My Baby a.m Aloha (Malay) 12.45,3.15, mo.*, w ,/-h .1 r 7^l 1 7■• rt Smiles At Me 12.30 p.m. Cheah (3.30
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  • 177 5 Standard StifT Correspondent BUTTERWORTH, Sat. Th«' story of bow an 83-year-old Chinese woman, Teofa Ah liuan. who was describee! as deaf and of poor eyesight, *;js knocked down by a train near thr Bjikit mertajam Railway Station on Dee. 1 1 last wan told
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  • 44 5 I KUALA LUMPUR, E B- tween Kulai \n I Se lenak, a night, ttacked a Imi itary train fro.:. S ngapore ito Kuala Lumpur. The tire- was shot in the left ler and was taken to hospital by an amb i"!-o;n
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  • 39 5 SUNGEI PATANI. Sal V.T.M. Tunku Nong bin Tunku M I. Jewa, a Class II officer of Kedah Civil Service, has j been appointed as State Liaij son Officer (Chinese) Kedah. h effect from December 11, last year.
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  • 38 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. A ten-year-old Chinese boy. 'Tan Kee Lin, was knocked down by a motor van a< Jalan [Trus last night He sustain* j j injuries to his hen] n:;d ley. H condition is serious.
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  • 94 5 4 Months For Stealing Nuts Standard Staff Reporter PENANG, Sat.— Gan Phow I 18, who had two preis convictions for steal ipp I before Mr. E. M. S t od, today, on a similar charge He w ;ent< need to four iths 1 imprisonment to year's poli supervision. Tte pros*
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  • 61 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Ph recent ly retin n :i etary of the Kuala Lumour Municipality, Mr. r i". Nallathamby, was given a farewell tea parly by Municipal Commissioners and members of the staff at the Eastern Hotel. Mr. .\a!la;':a>:i!>y. who had served '-i? years with
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  • 352 5 TaiHock Ru bber Godown Razed Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sal. About 300 tons of rubber valued at nearly $1,000,000 went up in flames when fire broke out at Messrs. Tai Hoek Company Limited Rubber (iodown in Sungei Pinang Road early this morning. About 500 ton* of rubber
    Standard  -  352 words
  • 19 5 PENANG, Sat. An interclub ballroom dance competi- 'i »n will be held here during the Easter holidays.
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  • 56 5 TAIPING, Sat. Two Indians. Maniam (22) and Venggadasalam (27) who stole scrap rubber from the Taiping Rvib- j her Plantations were each sen- j tenced to one year's imprison- j ment by Magistrate Che Abdul A/.iz. Both accused were caughi by a Malay special constable
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  • 21 5 KOTA BAHRU. Sat. Che Kadir bin Abdullah, Inspector of Malay Schools, is on four i months leave.
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  • 163 5 Standard Staff Correspondent PENANG, Sat.— Mr. Ong Kent Seng, chiei clerk of the Municipal Secretariat, is on three mouths leave prior to retirement. He has been with the Municipality for 37 year.-;. Among the past Municipal Presidents he had served were Sir William Peel, whose son
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  • 233 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sal. About 1.800 people were screened in KuJiin yesterday. Two were detained. Eliese men wire taken into custody after an amusement n park was eordoned off. Three bandits on the wanted List were among a number oJ arrests made in the pasi
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  • 167 5 Standard Staif Reporter PENANG, Sat. While roadin'4 a newspaper in the front hall of his house in Sri Baliari Koad on the ni^ht of Dec, !8. a Chinese, Leong Sen?, heard a noise of something falling on the ground. Be later discovered that auoth<
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  • 32 5 I KAJANG, Sat. Mr. Muncha Sinsh of the High School yesterday took over duties a> Acting Headmaster from Mr. S.K. Ponniah who is soinc to Ceylon on three months' Leave.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 3rk tapped /W^^HV I I'.F.WARE OF IMITATIONS ASK FOR IT BY NAME, \M) BE SURE YOU GET, THE GENUINE. j (7) E$ IJKSiiM) I j THil LS^KtE &F TASTE k.-.uJNnUuU d LU, LIU. Ja ej !i 1 tun ers tS. Sons Ltd. CVMA amon? the world's \s. Th< :s magic
      252 words
    • 221 5 Jk PEDIGREE Britain's best M§^ folding BABY CARRIAGES wJ b^k! j OVER ]2 MODELS Made in Britain by 1" Lines Bros. Ltd., London. Obtainable from all Stores. Factory Representatives: T.V. MITCHELL CO., LTD. SINGAPOKt KLALA U "IPIR PKN XN(i =r t v. y\ 37 EVACUATED! AWAITS ATOM ATTACK iiV The
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  • 99 6 Citizenship Rule Is Clarified Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Federation Agreement does not require that applications for certificates of citizenship by persons able to speak Malay or English with reasonable proficiency, but unable to read or write one of these languages, should be approved before February 1, 1951.
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  • 172 6 Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. As a part of its contribution to the British Commonwealth technical eo-operation scheme for Asia, the Australian Govern- ment has offered to the Federa- tion of Malaya two awards ol i scholarships or fellowships this j year. The Australian Government
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  • 66 6 ChineseFaces Arms Charge KA.IAXG. Sat —The Circuit i Magistrate, Inche Anuar, committed Kong Kwee Fal;, alias Kong Fah Hin, to stand trail before the High Court, Kuala I Lumpur, on three charges ol carrying ammunition and firearms. The prosecution alleged that Kuni^ was found carrying a Japanese pistol, four rounds
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  • 45 6 Standard Staff Correspondent KLUANG, Sat.— .or stealing cash and properties valued at $40, belonging to Sain bin Kasman at the Animal Husbandry Farm, Ali bin Hassan was sentenced to 12 months' simple imprisonment to be followed by 15 months' police supervision.
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  • 267 6 Court Hears Of Bombing Threat By 'Man From The Hills Standard Staff Correspondent BUTTERWORTH, Sat. The story of a bombing threat by a "man from the hills" was related to Che Abdul Rahman bin Mat, the Cireuit Magistrate, in the Magistrate's Court, Bukit Mertajam. yesterday. Ihe accused in the ease
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  • 80 6 Standard Staff Correspondent SEREMBA N, Sat. The Stamford Club branch in Negri Sembilan held a party in honour of Inche Daiman bin Jamaludin, Customs Officer and vice-president of the club, who has been transferred to Singapore. Mr F. C. Arulandom was elected as vice-president in place of
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  • 104 6 standard staff Reporter JOHORE BAHRU, Sil A Malay lorry dri er and his Ch n. e atte tda i wnei 1 harg i in the Magistral V rt 1 y with the po ses ion of 8| lb. of opium pleaded not and claimed trial. They
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  • 31 6 standard s:;iff Correspondent KOTA BAHRU, Sat Che 1 mail bin Haj] Daud and Nik Hassan bin Nik AH, hospital ants, have left for Penang a six-ino-iih training < I
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  • 126 6 Standard Staff Correspondent KUANTAN, Sat.— Abdullah Gani bin Uyob and Talib bin Anda were charged before the Kuantan Magistrate for the theft of 14 pieces of rubber worth $28. They pleaded guilty and sentence was postponed to Jan. 22. The prosecuting officer, Inspector Kassim bin Omar,
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  • 75 6 SEREMBAN, Sat. Tahar b n Babjan, was fined $100 or six weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the Seremban Magistrate, Tuan Sheikh Abdullah, for .:o:n;4 criminal force on a Chinese woman, Tan Kim Soon, with intent to outrage he: modesty at 11 p.m. on New Year's
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  • 229 6 Standard Siaff Correspondent MALACCA, Sal. The jury retained a verdicl of murder and suicide \>\ a special constable, Sari bin Kgah, at tin* inquest inio hi* death and thai <>f lii* wifr. Mnni hiiitc Salekom. m Kat lella Estate <>u Nov. 21 laM. Yus
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  • 52 6 BROKE CURFEW JOHORE BA IRU, Sat. Three young Chinese, Vong Hock Bong, Mua Ngo Tong and Chong Nam, who described the nselves as shopkeepers, in the Magistrate's Court today were each fined $10 w'.ori they pleaded guilty to a charge of being found at the 16th miles*.'!u\ .Jakin Pontian during
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  • 71 6 MALACCA, Sat. Malacca has now appointed its Settlement Development Board and the members are: Messrs. A. K. Bain, Chairman: Hussein Ibrahim, Secretary, A. L. Barcroft, Goh Joon Ho, Haji Abdulrahman Osman, Haji Abdul Majid Hussin. C. S. Jayaswal. Capt. Mohamed Aii Maidin, Mohamed Yunus Mohamed
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  • 70 6 Standard Staff Reporter JOHORE RAIIRU, Sat. Special lecture classes on Surgery and Medicines are now being given to Johore General Hospital Nurses at the Pupil Training School. Dr. Yap, surgeon in charge of the Hospital, will conduct lectures on Surgery anu Dr. Wallace will lecture on Medicines.
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  • Article, Illustration
    54 6 Little boys with bis ideas and they all concern the four Malay damsels you see in the picture, having a sea and sand bath on the beach at Kuala S. Api in Kelantan. In that state, the wide, sandy beach at S. Api is popularly known as the
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  • 671 6 Ipoh Girl Talks Red Leader Into Sparing Her Life Standard Stafl Correspondent IPOH, Sat. Communist propaganda apparently suffered a setback at the hands of a courageous Chinese woman, 27-year-old Miss Agnes Leon*?, whose doctrine on democracy v>n> >o judiciously drummed into the hear! of an already indoctrinated Communist leader that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 "LOOK! Her's Opportunity 11 > -.v is your luck"' Just sen 125.- fft colorful "atomic-curie iity" and step yourseH right t 0n Doot of Wealthy. WORLDWIDE BUSINESS Kuching, Sarawak. Dan't pat yourself on diet Build up a strong and healthy body Keep it in perfect state and you will have
      180 words
    • 196 6 >yr famous German \ir v r r Since 50 >«-ar»» ail o\<r tlic v« Sole Importers E. SUN TitiiD?*''; C B T ,TD. 57, ROBINSON ROAD I 11. ~FOR~AfR^C^DpnM£O^ROO^\ Two Co'our THERMO HYGRDGRAPH For Recording Temperature and Hum Manufactured By C. F. CASELLA b CO., LTD. LONDON Ex-Stock PRICE $225
      196 words

  • 2098 7 Mut:« «.l admiration? Mrs. Yap Phens Geci and General Danlop exchanging r:>p irtee .it <! iiigMer Mandrene's party last Tuesday. 41V r '(P. > af tej rs. i i- W v. Scorned the <■-•- :i meeting t< e Tr «va i rters so n an val. And
    2,098 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      104 words
    • 54 7 I Itutrt ih,i c ■J'nour irrrtt of i^t n.-.r, t 1/ V\ ffmd Ji-jr r 'Uf out) b*auty unh Ml J COLOR HARMONY MAKE 7 UP IJ /r/OCA fVLtsLU/ notir^ooo U ORCHESTRAL CONCERT! Al 1% H I I TONIGHT RAFFLES AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA Directed by Gerry Soliano also BILL PEARSON, Tenor
      54 words

  • 754 8 Ha ps You A Genius? THERE is nothing more painful than to be cornered by parents who think that they are raising a child genius at home. The unhappy victim is regaled with stories about the little toddler's many antics which testify to the fact that he is an unusually
    754 words
  • 1872 8  - Delayed Action Bomb In Dutch Guinea ANDREW Roth By LONDON. "JUST where is the uranium on New Guinea?" the young college student asked his grandfather during the New Guinea discussions in Amsterdam in December. "Uranium? Who says so?" queried his grandfather, the veteran parliamentary reporter (self-styled the "Unparliamentary Correspondent") of
    1,872 words
  • 778 8  - Pauline's Scarf Is A PYTHON! Douglas Howell By VT eight every night twenty-eight-year-old Adrian Darley takes ofl his coat and shirt, puts out Xigger. the cat, and brings in a snake called Rajah for his nightly CU< l< ile. Rajah is a 12ft-long python from th« jungles of India. But
    778 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 A A A a j. AAJ.J. J. AA, ,V AA A J. A A A •i 2I *3 STAINLESS STEEL •^'^•■fiT^^^S^^^ WATERPROOF R^CTfWr^W^^g^^ 17 JEWELS LEVER MBgj^ynJlßaiß NON-MAGNETIC a^jß^^^l^^^Bi s lOCK PROTECTED V v^-^ SWEEP SECOND Y*£W! jk*± -V^f 1% ASSORTED DIALS 16, < OLLYER «,K SINGAPORE^ I F^** v
      57 words
    • 51 8 MHYrHIR jAi y For (i: 'k ,;:ii j: ■"""*> '> "'f^^^E:^, Drop in »e at«- iu^i t V lQa"^>. R>.id AHMI \i \N SIT. I I A f C e When zn b jigapo r BEDROOMS WiTH BATHRCCMS ATTACHED s&*m%> A!R-CONDIT!CNED DOUBL r EFDROOMS RFDIFFUSION IN ALL BEDROOMS S F!RST
      51 words

  • 169 9 iKONG, Jan. (Reater-AAP) The Hong. I ...v tr. i:i»; \i r i'i UlCI! I ol C'Olll J>U I -OTV < I Brilisli subjcrls of boi|i ecxea of or ol 17 vesrs, nol later than Ft-b. 1. I*>.>l, been received ruinm. T) e concensus
    169 words
  • 23 9 RED CRAFT MASSING IN S. CHINA OX. 13 V .y Spok the have a number of China main- ha. F efing i ComS
    23 words
  • 16 9 Peking Reluctant To Risk Air Fleel AAP): tnt" t1 g Mao :cd fi^'r* dium s and
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 9 As t* :nds of terrorstric&en refugees fleeing from Seoul pack the road sou Ih ward, U. N. riflemen keep close watch from their roof barricades as they guard the retreat of U.N. forces through the Southern capital just before its fa!l to the advancing Red Chines" and Norili Korean forces.
    50 words
  • 82 9 CALCUTTA, Jan. 13 (UP): —The Kalimpong correspond-' ent of the newspaper Statesman reports that the Chinese Commir «s invading! Tibet are In 12 to 15 days 1 march of the capital of Lhasa. Ho >->id (■■nek Tibetan cavalry members of the Dalai Lama's persona] bodyguard prepared to
    82 words
  • 51 9 HONGKONG. Jan. 13 (t>P)— Authoritative sources said the massing of an estimated 200.000 Chinese Communist troops on the Inrio-China border had boon (•■■p. fir mod. They said the Vietrninh rebels had been sending air pilots across the border for training as well as
    51 words
  • 35 9 Prince Max Wilhelm of Sax- v. i unced his i in •:„■to be some a Roj i Catholic priest, has difd in Fribourg (Switi i) at tiie age of 80.— A. P.
    35 words
  • 32 9 The U.S. Marine Corps has started calling up 2.000 additional ground officers and 250 aviation officers from the reserve, mostly for "combat type" duty.— A. P.
    32 words
  • 133 9 WASHINGTON, Jan. L3 (UP) The House an. animouslj cleared th«* waj lor the Bwifi passage of (j.5.52,GQ0,000,000 programme to increase thr Navy's -irikin.' power by 17- new ships, Including a supercarrier a >*<" to handle atom-bombers* Without opposition tht Chamber agreed to take
    133 words
  • 69 9 Thailand Troops Stand Up Well To Korean Winter Thr.i troops who never saw be! >d 'ihc b:tter weainer <>r Korea well, Major-Gen. Pisit Diskul, their Commander said on a visit to Hongkong. Thailand has one infantry battalion, three corvettes and one transport in the Korean action and so far the
    A.P.  -  69 words
  • 85 9 Representatives of newspaper owners anci editorial workers in Britain have made public a proposed constitution for ;i Council to police the British press and improve its standards. Establishment ot the Council. consisting ol 2") men, was asked in July, Ift49, by a Royal Commission which
    A.P.  -  85 words
  • 27 9 ABOUT 23,000 tons of foodstuffs should reach Yugoslavia within 30 days as part oi the CARE programme of aid to that Balkan nation.- UP
    UP  -  27 words
  • 57 9 RANGOON. Jan. 13 (AP): Defence Attorney Kyaw Myint demanded American Dr. Gordon Seagrave's acquittal on three high treason charges, alleging he aided, comforted and encouraged Burma's enemies. He claimed that, i: by intimidation, the Doctor had been forced into certain acts, he could not be held
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  • 42 9 WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (UP) President Truman has signed a civil defence bill which is designed to gird America's cities against an atomic, gas or germ attack. It scis up a permanent civil defence administration with unprecedented powers.
    42 words
  • 213 9 WASHINGTON, Jaa. 13,1 (UP): Former President Herbert Hoover claimed that I ivourabie aewspaper editorials: pro v e that "hinterland America" backs proposal inat America cut off military aid to Europe until the democracies there first safeguard themselves against Communism. In a letter to Senate*
    213 words
  • 438 9 C'wealth PMs Call For Talks With Russia, Red China 'Supreme Bud For Peace 1 LOM)O\, Jan. J3 (AP) Nine British Commonwealth Prime Ministers have called for an exchange of views with the leaders of Russia and Red China in a "supreme effort" to avert a new war. They explained their
    438 words
  • 5 9 Support For Last Appeal KLDFKFLDFKDLFKDLFK
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  • 76 9 PARIS. Jan- 13 (AP)— lrritated jv France's exclusion from the proposed talks among America. Britain. Russia and China, the Paris Government has informed Britain that she "would be glad 0 take part m any meeting "ailed to end wars and tensions n the Far East." French
    76 words
  • 158 9 OSLO. Jan. 13 (UP) Gen. Dwigfal D. Eisenhower, on an inspection tour of North Atlantic Pact armies, said here that lit* was encouraged by the spirit ami readiness of the small nations to stand up and defend freedom. King Haakon set the stage for Gen.
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 167 9 Violent 'flu Sweeps Worth England: Thousands Stricken MANCHESTER, Jan. IS fKm:<. r> Extern »ra\c diggers hi\«- been drafted le rrwMTlriici lu-rr t<« bmry victims <>f a >i<»i«ru infiunt/a epidemic Bwmepia|E tlio north of England. The cptdeinie, v t -i ifane I 'MM, threatens to cripple industry. Thousands oi people are
    167 words
  • 104 9 Air Force In Korea Begins Censorship TOKIO. IS (1 AAP) r force in K and Japan to lay began its own censorship Correspond* ts were told that, besides clearing stories with the Army "pn security division,** the^ now submit all air force to an ai? I ip. An air force
    104 words
  • 71 9 Bishop Quits In Protest CAPETOWN, Jan. AP):Bishop Gibson of Kaffraria has resigned his office because he says, he cannot conscientiously administer the church's new Law j permitting a man to many his deceased wife's sister. He and his wife will leave- South Africa for Britain next month.. Bishop Gibson is
    71 words
  • Article, Illustration
    37 9 photo Dr. Edith Summerskill. British Minister of National Ins ranee, who attended the reception fer the third anniversary of the Burmese Republic held in London, is HOI chattily with some of the Burmese at the reception. A.P.
    A.P.  -  37 words
  • 52 9 HONGKONG, Jan. IS, <R< AAP>: The Pi-King Gov< has cabled Japanese Pren Shigeru Yoshida protesi igaii rt death sentences p; i d un several Japanese union leaders for complicity in a recent 1 train disaster. The cable dsmanded that those under ai (---t ibe released
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 103 9 REFLEKTAE •/j imkdJjMA uAm Com cheapest among the C::ST GERMAN REFLEX |g! r CAMERAS f I N< -»^"^^^fe I.FNS F3 5 COATED f'jr^^*^^ SPEED UP TO 1 200 SKC "Hi I'3 WITH BUM IN i I \S2i sJtflf 4 '-^iif DOUBLE EXPOSURES 1 TV^r^*^ PREVENTING DEVICE i > DENTAL S
      103 words
    • 70 9 LADIES SLIPPERS j for comfort and warmth during leisure hours about 'he house or for the bedroom Black and Pink Slingback Quill ;>:>ers, a> illustrated. Sizes 3 to 7. ty Size- alto available Quilted Slippers with cuban heels and open backs. Colours: Red. Blue, Green and Pink. Also in Black.
      70 words

  • 286 10 'Chance To Get Commissions' Standard Shipping Reporter AN APPEAL to the Chinese, Indians anil Eurasians of Malayan citizenship to join the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve was made by Commander F. E. W. Lammert, eommandiii" the MLR.N.V.R. in an interview with The Standard yesterday. If
    286 words
  • Article, Illustration
    184 10 THE 35 Crr 1 cSßccrs and m»»n of the ill-fated T.l7Hton Kostis LOBOS who were rescued and brought to S'.n--5.i00r.» Ixst we 'k in the Japa ipn»- freighter Kosho Mara, will leave for <• ere in a s >e; 1-iliv ehari 4 si Air Fraaee Skjnastei n Toj»di..
    184 words
  • 43 10 TOKYO, 13: (Router A VP Government is d ms to create -1 "Japan Devement Bank* 1 to supply term loans to In lustries s 1 .as iron and steel, p r and j shipping, reports v e K> I news agency.
    43 words
  • 102 10 US NAVY TO BUILD 48 MINESWEEPERS TIIK I .St \a\y announced recently that because of ;:n **t:ruri»t military requirement 51 for minesweepers, it v>!n!<l iit'iiin negotiations immediately >viih prlyate Bhipbuilders for forty-eight bucii \«'sm'ls. Negotiations also wilJ begin with lour companies selected to build 113 amphibious vehicles. In addition, competitive
    102 words
    3 words
  • 55 10 Standard Shipping Reporter The Kah Poh, B^7 ton freighter of the Ho Chiang Steamship Company which returned to Singapore after developing online trouble a ciay out at sea, left port for Telok Betong via Tanjong Priok last night. The vessel returned on Friday and
    55 words
  • 257 10 RECENT development in au- 1 1 tometive re search in the United States are lea Ing to safer, more efficient, and more economical vehicles. Many of the automobiles, trucks, and buses produced this year will have mechanical changes resulting from this research. Already in produ lion
    257 words
  • 129 10 WASHINGTON. Jan 13 (UP) Small firms got nearly threefourths of the nation's defence contracts last year, but only onefourth of the total amount money spent, the Defence D*. partmi i > ported. Big business took the bu the defence funds, particularly on
    129 words
  • 28 10 NEW DELHI Jan. 13 ttU rte Britain and India beg; n -tiations yesterday for a bilateral air agreement. The talks are expected to last a week.
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  • 592 10  -  Ken Jallh )f7* Royal Flying Club has purchased five surplus aircraft and three spare engines from the Royal Air Force Disposals. The aircraft were flown in from Changi last month but require complete overhaul before Certificates of Airworthiness can be granted. One of th? aircraft was purchased on
    592 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 191 10 teg FAS! REGULAR TKANSPXCIFIC SBKVICI Direct Overland S.m rrjneisro l>* lageles \1! Amornaa Canadian Cities SS >\N ANGEI i) inCTORT" 12 IS Ja«. 1* Jan. 15 1♦ J !in SIS INUIW 11 Ml 38/31 Jan. tFeb. 8/S Feb. Arceptins rarxa lot H>:n?kon?. Kobe. Yokohama FA.T BBGULAR Si KVK r LS
      191 words
    • 499 10 SAILINGS FROM SCAN JINA via UK COW f WHO S'por*. V R hum I -.MEOVIA" for Ba^on Banekok 18 -IS Jan. M I ••INDIA'* for Bangkok. Hongkong A 1 ■RAVIBOSHA" for Hangkoak. Kol>« Ht Y<'>k'' am 1 lit-Ji rco. "LALANDIA" for Bangkok 24-27 Fek r«i. 5 ••KVLRNA\S" for Sa.^on <Sj
      499 words

  • SUNDAY Magazine
    • Article, Illustration
      13 11  -  DAVID LANGDON By "Okay, 111, it's a power-cut, not a fuse..."
      13 words
    • 1431 11  -  NORMAN SOONG One glaring feature is the lark of liaison among region's new nations By Managing Editor, PANA TOKYO. THE rising tide of Asian nationalism was the key factor governing the reactions of peoples and governments during the year 1950. In every
      1,431 words
    • 1391 11 Qon Ess Turns To Another Great Sport JAMES JACK HOUGHTON HARDY DAVIES KEENOR tour of the M.C.C. ".alia has rather :ed cricket in the public's eye. and and Scottish :ill has. for once. to take a Perhaps this of affairs is all to good and during the
      1,391 words
    • 284 11 WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (UP)— The Army has developed and used in hundreds of cases a painrelieving morphine substitute so good that 'pain just floated away on a cloud." The drug is isolevomethadonc, a synthetic made from cheap common chemicals known as nitriles. Army medics said
      284 words
    • 1444 12  -  JOHN CHIA IK2S WEEK'S SHORT STORY 'By J)KAT:I by misadvent- the coronei had I* would have been death by misadventure it h•- wife had not had a m^Uve -but she had. She i in love with another imn. Ted was his name. ..> present when S a's
      A.P.  -  1,444 words
    • 806 12  -  MOHAMED KEIR JOHARI THE STORY OF A CRIPPLED BOY AND HIS TALENT ■y 5 VUSOFF BIN ALI was J born 15 years ago on 2 the island of Pulau Sayak (off the Kedah 5 coast) a normal healthy child. There was no school on the
      806 words
    • 376 12 Nip and Wince In The 'Bad Old Days' ANGELA BEST READS A BOOK ABOUT CC' J JVEXT tim you stop in- to your feather-weight 5 bra and brief two- 1 stretch just thank your J lucky stars you didn't 2 live in the "bad old days"' in the history of
      376 words
    • 208 12 /'OR R I E GUNTER, 3, w; s n shsd to Dm in hospital a few minutes after having h< r tempei ai ti taken. She had swallowed the thermometer. m T>UEBLO (US.) police x caught tip a stolen cur, found a boy of nine wat steering
      208 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 66 11 EVERYONE knew that design prescribed not by i|:;.i i- r '^^1. '^SJjp" tf fashion bet by Sovsnd i iiiffi^-v 'ill iC-^ i-f^-Engineering Advances. Here z^ /VJ^P^? *^^»J i^^^^ it is Faster, Safer, more y^ fIL \^jH feT- S^Si comfortab'e end more Of^L :^^f*»-**^i«^*fe' If< F^jyr9 if If 1! r P
      66 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 46 12 Doctors say that Horlicks restores expended energy. Made from rich, full-cream cow's milk plus the nutritive extracts of wheat and malted barley, Horlichs has all the goodness of milk plus extra energy, creating nourishment. Horlicks is IOO?i nourishment. HORLiCKSjp FOR STRENGTH $S3sjEZj ENERGY <V^/>--^ HF. 2262
      46 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 85 12 fi££r/i/$/ jf if/ iff* fff& &/£rJt m^ how to gain extra energy {THERE -JOAVSV iFqi t! i»8 UJ 1 SORR>, GIRLS. < LET YOU DO^^^C^'vn^'Avfhvr'^^^ 4 ANOTHER SITTER ffl^ /^v U W k AGAIN TODAY. FACT IS. I'M TO()b c A m«\n^ "j A S[ <V^ i TIRED TO FLAY
      85 words

  • 505 13  - Such A Gay Wolf— But So Harmless! BRUCE EDGAR By i line-shooter. I'm maidens. a married Romeo I ausunder- I me tap wants to everyone and se, inc!u< any or fai who path during my s es— and the gii v; throw slave (and a aes, t-.igible ible) into daily
    505 words
  • 247 13 WIVES WHO THINK POISON IS IN THEIR TEA nS H 'EN. S science labora■i yestei W.ves Who v Are Being e s m a be said quite often art a po'.ice station j m rate* or a which I trying to so thei fl 1 to sip up by ignoring
    247 words
  • 685 13  -  Paul Jennings By an article, in jtions which are B h Council ed its complex of F ee of all baroque nmd the num of ion and the minilike Transand re k a splendid A- At any > u carry ful- or meal I one car e the
    685 words
  • 503 13  - Here 's A Bold Way To Check The TB Scourge MORRIS LINDEN LONDON. TOMORROW a delegation of Scottish doctors comes home from Switzerland. And. within fort> -eight hours, they are likek to report to Scottish Secretary Hector McNeil: "At all costs you must make arrangements to send Scottish sufferers from
    A.P.  -  503 words
  • 1002 13  - Arab Unity: Is It A Fact Or A Myth? PHILIP TOYNBEE By NOVELIST SON OF PROFESSOR ARNOLD TOYNBEE, THE HISTORIAN, WHO IS AT PRESENT TOURING THE MIDDLE EAST. J7VER since a few harsh lines were scored across the map of the Middle East during the aftermath of the First World
    1,002 words
  • 60 13 \t the moment, however, re is no sign that the Syrian people (or rather the inevitable Middle Eastern qualification that section of the Syrian people which is able to express its opinion) wants anything of the kind. Recently Xazim Qud i, the Prime Minister of Syria, has been
    60 words
  • 522 13 AREN'T MEN SHOCKING ACTOS! Says GEL 1 BEST TT makes mo sad to s< what shockingly poor actors men are in everyday life. Jusl watch any man who believes he I c hold of a women and see how he overplays it! The "man with charm,*' for instance. S< one
    522 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 1439 14  -  OSWALD HENRY SPOTLIGHT ON ENTERTAINMENT By FAMOUS taßel company conies to Singapore on Tuesday. And, for a limited seas«;:i. its members will perform both on the stage of the Capitol Cinema and the Capitol Ka'lroom in Singapore as well as at the principal show places
    Lillian Buckoke  -  1,439 words
  • 103 14 Th s U Anouk— the 18-year-old French girl wJm makes her debal tn British film* mid. IncMeaUlly, ha- hr tir>t starring rolt- in the Ronald Neame prodactfon "Golden Salamander" which uun ude th- North Vfrican coast oi Tunisia Her "break" came when she htm ipotted tn a
    103 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 18 14 f ,«iCH*S NEW iiICY fk^iZ i\Ai€TAtf P £flCl£ Iff) //I W€. QnftKf I jj THE GIRL WMOKNQMf j|
      18 words
    • 188 14 L^LjSSKOWSTOD£& D^iLY '<9BH *^^Bk^ yJ^Bv^^* .^HBVfc w^C i s"^lk»^ v 1 Universol-lntcrnafionol f.crijre Special Pre-Re'eose Screening of th LATEST LOCALLY FILMED I \L AY PIC Released tj Distributed by MR!'/, ■'■y'^O'^Byi^^ ii!l^f TJ^y jJrß^Bk^?Bihsv^^"^2sS^^ 't* *3 n9BBk. 3tKJ iSb m*Bi Sjl^ I J»; fll BBBBEMfI I^. SKX-yM > JrVX^^v ABBBHL«.-7»wUk-
      188 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 686 14 i Radio Programmes KADIO MALAYA S^tJSLxTSL SINGAPORE Ric-r A 7 m 45 y; -I^'^^ w (4M, and II 7 Hetr«l gjT^JrJt" ENGLISH PKOfiKAMME >!l 8 45 ."Hawaiian Airs"; 9 News m Amov And Catonese; tf.l.i '■> ain Pro(rmmme Summary; V.Qg Songa ol Canton: I p.m. News m V\a!l/ rime;
      686 words

  • 1480 15 HMS 'Malaya' Rugby Ffmr. KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Penang and Singapore, playing the 23rd HMS Malaya Rugby Final here this evening, made history, fighting a hard game to a draw. Each side scored six points, Penang from two penalties and Singapore from a penalty and
    1,480 words
  • 184 15 BOURNEMOUTH Badminton Party won the Singapore inter-party championship when they defeated Eclipse B. P. by the odd game in five but they j did not find their victory as easy as expected. Against Bournemouth's three "name" players Ong Poh Lim, Ismail bin Mar jan and S. A.
    184 words
  • 467 15 South Johore, GHQ Draw At Tanglin A PENALTY and a try, both coming in quirk succession ten minutes before the final whistle enabled G.H.Q. FARELF to hold South Johore V\ to a nine all draw at Tanglin yesterday. Each side scored two tries and a penalty. With the ground inches
    467 words
  • 302 15 LONDON, Jan 13 (Reuter) Following are soccer results played today: English League FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 3 Wbrough 1 Aston Villa 3 Fulham 0 Burnley 0 Huddersfield 1 Charlton 2 Sheffield W. 1 Chelsea 3 Newcastle 1 Derby C. 1 Liverpool 2 Everton 0 Stoke 3 M'chester U.
    302 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 480 15 I fVEPY CAMEKA ACCfSSORy IN ZASV PEACH... <y B i J i fA i <.■ > i hlJTOTin^a&B AMATEUR PHOTO STORES LTD. t>zM^ i of). North Bridge Rd S'pore Phone 6589 I USEFUL BOOKS H j.MMW- BUSINESS MAN'S (iI'IDK S 7.50 IMMING HI! UH KUAN CRAWL Johnny nller 6.30 )!»K
      480 words
    • 87 15 REX Johore Bahru Today at 1 1.30 a m. ALEXANDKK S RAGTIME BAND" TODAY 3 SHOWS 3.15 6.15 9.15. "BAWRE NAIN" (Hindustani) Atlantic Great World Today 3 Shows 3 k 9.15 "TAKE ME OIT TO THE BALL GAME" (Tech) Son New World. Today 3 Shows 3 7 9.15 TAKDIK ELLAHT
      87 words
      162 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 28 15 HIGH TIDES at the principal resorts in Malaya TODAY: A.M. P.M. Singapore 3.19 3.14 Malacca 11.48 11.11 Port Dkkson 10.29 11.02 Port Sham 9.20 9.56 Penang: 4.16 5..24
      28 words

  • 129 16 IPOH, Sat:— With the p.bsence nf outstanding horses, only the iovil ones were given fast work a* [poll this morning where the g g v;s yielding owing to (>-. oighi rain. T.-e best time waa returned by Best Bet <Percivi> who beat
    129 words
  • 454 16 Alec Bedser, warr Bowl Well At Hobart HOB ART, Jan. 13 (Reuter-AAP) After dismissing Tasmania for 192, MCC lost two wickets in scoring 18 runs before the close of the first day of their three-day match here. The tourists' opening attack of Alec Bedser and John Warr had quick successes
    454 words
  • 79 16 MADRAS, Jan. 13: ißeuter> Leslie Ames. England and Kent tn ket-keeper, won the toss to give the Commonwealth touring cricket team first innings when i three-day match with the Madras Governor's XI was bog in here today. The turf pitch at the Chepauk grounds w is
    79 words
  • 184 16 PLAYING in a heavy drizzle, the SCC 'A' team narrowly defeated the RASC "A" XV scoring e ght points against six, on the padang yesterday. The RASC were the first to settle down and soon opened accounts through a penalty which Gourlie converted from
    184 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 16 With badminton taking a firm hold among youngsters in Britain, there was a record entry for this year's All England Junior championships which are being held at Wimbledon. The picture shows five competitors enjoying the sunshine before the game, and from left to right, they are Valerie Clark, Ciro Cin
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • 328 16 THREE Singapore weightlifters have HOW passed the sta:n.iar<is >et up by the Singapore Olympic Sports Council in the iron game for the Asian Games to be held in Delhi in an unofficial try-out conducted yesterday at the headquarters of the Singapore Amateur Weight-lifting Federation. The
    328 words
  • 40 16 NEW YORK. Jan. 12 (UP)— Ezzard Charles of Cincn nati retained his heavyweight championship tonight by scoring a technical knockout over Lee Oma of Buffalo, New York, in the 10th round at Madison Saiiare Garden.
    40 words
  • 161 16  -  OLLIE DAVIES By AN unfortunate accident occurred yesterday morning at the Bukit Timah track, resulting; in the destruction of the racehorse Heidelberg and slight injury to* jockey Woods. This incident happened between the -i and 2 furlong posts when Some Class (Spencer) and Heidelberg (Woods' were overtaking
    161 words
  • 55 16 A LARGE gathering of members arid friends attended the tea party at the Gli Cafe yesterday given by the Marine Department Sports Club to commemorate the second anniversary. Mrs. 1. -me. Wife Of the Club's patron, Commander I. P. Lane. gave away the prizes to the
    55 words
  • 561 16 FOLLOWING are the weights for all the eisht races on the first day and five events on the second day of the Perak Turf Club January meeting. CLASS 2, DIV. I—l Mile and 110 Yds: Brave Wind 9.00 Kia Ora 8.10 Charlemagne 8.09 Little Ned 8.03
    561 words
  • 591 16 THE Singapore Recreation Club *Reds* scored a well-deserved one nil victory over the Police in the Bemi-| final tie of the SHA Knockout Tourney played at thej padang yesterday. The game was played under a heavy drizzle throughout. The ground conditions were not at
    591 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 188 16 IU \I C D WASHING nUUYER MACHINE SO OIK K Vrv S( > THROUGH -jV v r 7 v ft ])<M> i ii Li, WEEKLY WASH FOR fft^J^S^ll THE WHOLE /^^^^fi^^l ON VIEW VNT I ifi^ r J IMi: IN <H R \j EASY PA] U I> ARRANGED 1^ 8/
      188 words
    • 63 16 CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE Cleanse the system from blood impurities many sufferers from rheumatic aches and pains, lumbago, neuritis, pirn- Jt— L pies, boils and 'ffiKßJfct-' minor skin ailments, can J derive great p benefit from jt^ir..^ t this well- £™*or'~-i ty known medi- !i.y.°» |w^ The Genuine and Original "BLOOD
      63 words
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