Straits Times Weekly Issue, 18 May 1892

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. [kfAHLISHED, LS:»l.| Published fok Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cents. VOL XI/VIII. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1802. IV O. 8.(577
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  • 52 1 The Straits Times has the largest circulatioa of any newspapsr iu Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Prote v \i States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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  • 102 1 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 18th MAY. CONTENTS. Market Quotation*. Summary of the Week. Renter's Telegrams. L« Mid General Ncwv German Colonisation. will ho do with It BBalinii P.> itics. Shelley. Tim Silver Conference. Th© Prop<i*od Municipal Offices. The PaiiHug Rising. Polit'f News. Supreme Court. The Assizes. Shipping New>. Passonjjer List. All"^'
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  • LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 18th May. 1892. Produce.
    • 76 1 do Cube No.' 1!.'.'.........'...'... 9^o. Copra Bali, 4.00. do Pontiauak, 3. .">•"• Sago Flour, Sarawak 2.80. Pearl Sai?o, 3.65. Coffee Liberian, 32.50. Tapioca small Flake, 3.75. ao do Ist quality 3.90. do med. flake 4.10. do small pearl, 3.65. i. do med. do 3.85. (i, Araboina 17.00. i. Benares 535.
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    • 78 1 0» London.— Bank 4 m/s 2/101. Privsvt»«'«/8..V..'.^/iii«2/iii. Do. 3m/a 2/10|@2/10J. On France. Bank d/d 3.58. Private 3 m/s 3.68. On India.— Bank T. T 222*. Private 30 d/s 226*. Q*Uongkong.— Bauk T. T P/o^. Private 30 d/s 2| o dis. On Java.— Bank T. T 174. Private 30 d/s
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    • 260 1 lnrtoaf Straits Tin (£1 pd) 40 cents, nominal. i SJun Ooldflelds (£1 pd 90 cents nominal. uurU Minas Ld. (£1 pd) $2 tellers. Jtftfea Mining Co. (|5 pd) t? *ck*u Pth&ng {£1 pd) V>k Pro*p«ctin* Co. (*lO pd) 98 •»C Corporation (|1 pd) $3^ «Bg C«n*r*l (Ml pd) 50e«nta
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  • 298 1 Nbws from Pahau^ speaks of the Sultan moving tgaintt the ex~Ora*g Kay ah with over oue thousand armed ineu. An engagement is reported iu which one of the ex-Ora*g Kayak'* sous is said to be killed aud another wounded. Mr. Rodger is with th^ Sultau. Disturbancei
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  • 397 1 t. (For Straits Times.) The Derby. London, 9th May.— The Duke of Westminster, the owner of Omit, considers that it will be next to impossible to run this horse for the Derby. The United States. Most of the Republican State Conventions have elected delegates to attend the National
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  • 296 1 LOCAL AND GENERAL. MONDAY, 16th MAY. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Wood made an order that James W. Birrell be committed to prison till purged of contempt. Mr. Donaldson made the motion, basing it on alleged contempt of court iu disobeying an injunction restraining Mr. Birrell from
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  • 170 1 Late T elegrams Via Ceyion. Mi fottrjM, .*rd Moil. Deeming was quite callous ou be in* sentenced to death. And declared in a rambling statement he suffered from lapses of me in or j, and was oblivious of the narder with which he wu charged. He farther Mid in
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  • 159 1 The following is a list of the cases to be tried at the 2nd Criminal Assize 1^ comMCDcipg before Mr. Justice Wood torn m row 'liia Soon Lai Gang Robbery Unknown, [deaf and dumb Theft Lew* All Ki Giving false information regarding death; Rstna'ai: Attempting t<» commit suicide;
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  • 205 1 The half-yearly general meetiag of the Singapore Cycliui* Club was held after u. very pleasant short run followed by a dinner on Saturday eveuing, some fourteen members being present. The Captain, Mr. D. H. Wade, took the chair. From the report of the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. F.
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  • 546 2 Meskks. Becher, Louis and Co. received the following telegram this morning from the Jalis mioe, Penjoui During the month of April the mill worked '2"> days, crushed 885 tons, yielded 300 ounces of gold. No news of importance.* 1 M. Pavik, the French Minister Resident at Baugkok,
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  • 150 2 Some days ago, says a Java newspaper, the Locomotlef, of April 28th, a man-of-war anchored for a short time in the North Bay of Pulo Way. Some of the crew tried vainly to make themselves understood by the population but afterwards it was found
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  • 898 2 Aii extraordinary general raeetinir of tli»* above company was held el London, en the 14tli April, to consider resolution to increase flic capital <>f the company by the creation of 25,«m0 now aharea of fl each. to lie railed preference shirks, and to confer on the holders
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  • 101 2 At a meeting of Marina Insurance Underwriters, held on the 11th April, it was decided, in consequence of some exceptionally severe losses, to materially iucrease the rates of premium for insuring tobacco in and from Java and Sumatra to Holland. A late heavy claim for JE16.000
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  • 1445 2 Thk Shanghai tfain fired off in weather i that is described ae most unfavourable for good shooting. Rain fell heavily ai times, and .1 dull li.i/o hung between the firing points and the target. Lieut. Rex eaptained the team. Captain Clarke was in command of tho
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  • 236 2 N C. O. *np Mkn of 58th. Riot. i'-> u a c. c. This match was played on SaturdJH afternoon ou the Esplanade,* and r« in an easy win for the S. C C. Od a very good wicket the N. C. O. and m< n •a- -iv
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  • 1235 3 SIE Ckoil Smith and Mr. Maxwull, TELEGRAPHING SEPARATELY. AIM'KAR to Differ on a Political Inkkrkxck. Replying to Mr. Osborn.- Morgan, Barou Heury de Worms said in thu House of Commons ou the 11th "jOu Saturday. 9th April, the S.vretary of 'State teK
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  • 1196 3 Mr Hen 17 Vaxley has addressed an appeal to ber Most Gracious Majestv Queen Victoria auilth.' Lords and Commons of England in which he nits: Having recently -]>mt sixteen days in Singapore, 1 fed ii iin«erative to brit>g the following particulars before your honourable Houses. The
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  • 1527 3 oy Pbockbdihos <u ihk Min i. ii' vi. COMMI*BIOVBBB ON Wi:i>nksi>AV. ■J7! n A PBIL, 1^!«-J. Pkksvni: -Tin' Prtsideal \i-\. Gentle K-.r: the Acting [ospector-Gtawal of Police H. H. Bfccard Km.; T. S h*t E> M C. K. Orane Esq.; the Bon'ble TanJiak Kim. A I. l)« ii.ililxni E*q.
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  • 496 4 The examination for the Queen's Scholarships was finished on Monday and the candidates from the Raffles Institution were granted a holiday yesterday. This morning, in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Bishop Gasnier sang a pontifical hi^h mass of requiem for bishop Puginier, vicar apostolic of Western
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  • 238 4 THH Amsterdam- Deli Company held its annual meeting on the 11th April.' From tinreport it appears that after deduction of losses sustained and writing- oft' tho reserve fund amounts at present to f>91,399. The Rotterdam-Deli Company has also published its report, according to wl i.-h the
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  • 60 4 (From our Correspondent). Kuala Ltonpor, Kith May. Oik new Acting Resident, Mr. \V. E. Birch, arrived last night; he declined a guard of honour and salute. Our wharves at Klang have never given satisfaction, but, some months ago, one collapsed and. a month' ;il: another; and now we
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  • 175 4 The Progre* de Baigon, in review of the policy cariied out by the (jrovernorGreneral of Tonkin, rays: As for the pacification of which so inacfa bluster was heard, in actual fact the country is all the time overrun by our troops— and by pirate*, who are followed all over.
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  • 200 4 We noted briefly sometime ago that an Australian Compauv were making aetive preparation* for the establishment of a regular line of cattle steamers between Port Darwin and Singapore, List Saturday, the b. Darwin arrived with the first Consignment of cattle. These rattle numbering 130 are from Messrs. <J«»lds.
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  • 411 4 The Deutsche Dampfsehiffa Rbederei, Kinghio Line, Hamburg, has published for 1891 the worst report which has ti r been given, rhe steamers brought twenty-five voyages to Japan and one with miners of the German Xaw t Chili profil i t m.594,753, while the new Snnda Line for
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  • 74 4 The Ontittiatitchr Lloyd says The i German flying squadrou, eoositting of the I frigate Leipzig (Oag-ship of Rear Admiral 1 von Pawelsz) and the coi vet tes Ab.ian- drine, Oiga, wid Areona, is expected on Shanghai about the eud of May, via Singapore. The
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  • 129 4 Thi strait* Independent of the ~th Miv finds it an absurd anomaly to appl? the English civil marriage law t»> Chinamen and other Eastern laces. It inttaocei a recent ease which was tried in the IVnang Supreme Court, tin* plaintiff, ail impecuniout Celestial, claiming from the defendant, a
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  • 169 4 \V.\i. H. BALI A Co.'s circular dated Saigon, 7th Maj, ttetet th;it the market continues firm in ipilt of full supplies of rice and the abattMC of any detnaud of consequence natives are not iuclined to part with their stocks, except at au advance, aud are
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  • 524 4 The Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak Interests Himself in New Guinea Missions. -I Dr. Montague, a New Gu missionary, now at (J.illi'. has iron.* through thrilling ex»«8 11 it »peaka well for his missionary m\ that he elects to reti ra to the same field uotw ithstaudinig the many hardships
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  • 233 4 H. M. JS. Rattler left to-day for Hong. kouj.' via Labuan.. Thi: rloo'ble Major McCallum returned from -M.ilar.ii yesteiday afteruoon by tlie Sappho. Tin: Russiao tntnapoH Etutsia !»>ft o» Tuetdav for Vladivostock, and tbe Buntina) ironclad Vladimir Alonomach left \.^vr- lav for < 'roottadt. Admiral Poaroier, Commander-
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  • 79 4 Dato Howard E. Ben tie v, with Dr. after intpectin^ the iromiu ri d nt i-ooli, •> ;it IVitu Pahat, arrived at M uir l'\ the 5,,,/,t,i<i i»u the ni^ht of the ritu iust. .ni.l 1.-tt a-.tiu t-> rrturn to Johore •u on flic morning; the 1 lth
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  • 169 4 authoi itative, advicea rman N v\ < uin< i iepi sent la ta turn for tl: st utatious admit thai 1 deal ot" malaria I rmd sickness amongst the native la: l>ut maiutaiu that the mortality HO m than in Bi iti>h N >rth B :i in
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  • 233 4 in ordinary meeting of the iVn Municipality held on tin- 2nd Ma i President said that, as it appea». d 'to him that hydrophobia was i xtiuct in the -land, it was necessary to reconsider the US, tin- muzzling ol dogs, in his opinion, being nc- longer
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  • 174 5 I Wednesday, 11th May.) Colonial Government inform us Mr Clifford is at Raub with Colonel Walker hat Mr. Clifford's brother, Mr. MrMenry Clifford of tho Suffolk Regi- a, I also there aud that Lieut. Reid ,tud will Lav.- to leave Pahang. The Pernk Sikhs. (By t el
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  • 796 5 i rom our Special Con-' s/. ../*</, nt. Temerloh, Thursday, sth May. {Delayed in trannmitbion.) Iffhe Sir Frederick Weld arrived here tbis evening (Thursday) at 10 o'clock HjT an uueveutful passage upstream. The journey occupied altogether five da :d was chitHv remarkable for its of iuteivst. Mr. Rodger
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  • 654 5 (JFVoM a Corretjiuudent.) Kuala Pa hang, Tuesday, tOth May. At the Kuala all signs of the late scare seeiu to have vanished, save for the appearauce of the stockade at the rear of the P. E. D. Co's. mills, and for the small fort at the end of the
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  • 210 5 Tuesday, loth May. Fr<n,< a Gorrt&pondt /</.) The Government launch Kth^l retained ou Saturday from the Ulu briugiug Mr. Duff of the Police. She goet tip a^ain tomorrow inoraiog taking itoret for the Ulu people. Ido not think she will be sent to Singapore for repairs just at present,
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  • 836 5 Wednesday. 11th May. The ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held iu the Town Hall vesterday afternoon, at '2.-UK There were present, Messrs. Alex. Gentle, (President), Th. Sohst, A. L. Donaldson, J. P. Joaquim. Cosmo G. Paterson, aud the Hou'ble Tan Jiak Kini. The unnutes of the
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  • 11 5 P.. IN amounting to 118,786.49 were pas* sed lor payment.
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  • 467 5 At the Pejsang Municipal meeting ou the lind May, Dr. Brown pn that uo farther action be taken in the clearing of thf fire-fool pathways. After the Municipal Ordinance came into operation in LBBB, prosecution! bad been commenced with t 1j object <»t clearing the veraudabs,
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  • 25 5 The M. ll*. mail steamer > n made the rau from Colombo to Singapore w less than five davs. Mr. A Mi> returned by the Va<jhali>n.
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  • 196 6 German Colonisation. (Tuesday, 10th May.) The German colonies in Africa have not. been quite a success, and that in New Guinea has shared a worse lot. With the latter regular steam communication is kept op from Singapore, and every effort has been made to path on colonisation in Emperor
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  • 929 6 {Wednesday, 11th may.) Such is the eonnuudrum propounded by a writer in the current number of the Edinburgh Review the "it" being Mr. Gladstone's hypothetical majority at the forthcoming General Election. Gladstouian speakers and writers profess to be confideut of their ability to sweep
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  • 247 6 (Thmndaf, 12th May.) The political crisis iu Italy which, as to day's telegram shows, Kiug Humbert is trying to solve by tending for Si^uor Gioletti, dates from the middle of List month. At that time, the ministry iu power, uuder the leadership of the Marquis di Kudini, had
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  • 947 6 (Thursday, l'Jtk May.) Two poetic centenaries, possessing but but little in common, are at present agitating the breasts of enthusiasts in Euglaud and France respectively. Do one side of the Straits of Dover ardent Republicans are preparing to commemorate the circumstance thai in 17i>2 were tirst beard the stirring
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  • 277 6 (Friday, lit/. May. j The iJi'.i of holding in mtl^^H confereuce on the silver qu -ion has found favour in the Unit win-. the dep; -i tin' metal threStus financial crisis. But nothing d am* of it until earh las* mouth, wh. 1 t«> the House of
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  • 288 6 {Frulay, LHth Mo It is to I),- hoped that IT Gvvernor will consider favourably t tioo asking that he will not allow block of buildings to ere grass-laud between the Town 1 roadway that passes the Cric Cu paviliou. For the purpose of askitf* ing the
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  • 334 7 Bangkok Timee 4th May. Work on the Korat Railway i* steadily goiug ahead. Between here and Avut ina the earth- work is being tli'own up, and two bridges have been commenced. A station is in course of erection at Bang-so, fonr miles out of Bangkok, and the
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  • 331 7 The Pinana Gazette liuds fault with the manuer iu which the higher appointments in the Protected Native States are tilled. It alleges Borne years ago, in 18S* if we remember rightly, the Straits Service petitioned the Secretary of SI Ve for increases to their salaries, and in
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  • 321 7 H. E. the Governor's reception yesterday was very uumeroualy attended. Among those present were H. E. the General aud the Hon'ble the Acting Chief Justice. Thh Memnon shootiug case has again been adjourned at Hongkong. Thk North Australian Butchering Company have now begun to kill their imports
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  • 554 7 The Prevalence of Cannibalism. Colonel Fkey, iu the Rent' tl>.< Vetu Maudes, draws, from his experience! in Tonquin, the following picture of the situation there Between Uie delta and the frontier of China there is an immense territory, about five or six times the osteal of the delta,
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  • 146 7 There has been transmitted to H. E. the Governor a rery influential) v signed petition, in which the petitioner! (being merchants, bankers, lawyers, and other residents of Singapore), deplore the proposal to erect Municipal offices on the plot of grass-land adjoining the Town Hall, Mho plot
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  • 40 7 TeLBQRAU from Ml. I>ibl>v to Ins directors (hited Raub 2.35 p. m., Tueeday, loth Hay R<iul> 1101, -Succeeded in towering water to pump. Rough cleaning up of battery yielded klO ounce* amalgam. Kmitnatbd quantity ft' •tonecruahed for above :>>•> tons.
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  • 649 7 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation v. Messrs. Jurado and Co Manila. Thi iollowiog circular which appeara to have been posted to the ihareholdera of the Bank is given with all reserve. The statements contain. «i in it are probably inoaecvrate and certain parts of the circular are omitted as
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  • 275 7 The Pinawj (> iz-ft< doubts the earnestne>^ of the Sultan ot" Pahang in moving a«;aiust the rebels then*, and looks forward to the Straits Government intervening with a Strong hand. It says that The country must ho j>a<'ifi»>d in one way or othnr, ami the murders t
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  • 680 7 Dividend* of 6~i <i,<<l .'.'> per Shareholders in tin- three principal dividendpaying Indian minin<r companies here no ••-.use fur d s^atiefaction, < -it her with the results of tli > last year or with those of the first three months of 1892. The Mvmit Company. it
    Financial News  -  680 words
  • 51 7 -<► I The consular register of British subjects this vear shows that then- are in Siain 99 English, 35 Scots, 12 Irish, four Weigh, two Canadiaus, two Australians, two Mauritians, and our Heligolander total 157. Twenty-nine of the lot hav«« wives here, eight of them Siamese B n kok Times,
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  • 545 8 The Hou'ble the Colonial Engineer goe lh -rtiv to I'euang on iuspeetion in duty. At 2.15 p. m. H.M.S. Plover was signa'led as coining in from Pabang. The Austrian corvette Fasana is expected here shortly from the Cape of Good Hope en route to the China Station.
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  • 157 8 Death of Captain Fa we us. We have to announce the death this morning of Captain William Fawcus ot the Telegraph Co.'s steamer Shetard Otbqrne. Captaiu Fawcus came out to Singapore about nine years ago as chief officer of -the Telegraph steamer Agnt* y of which vessel he was subsequeutlv
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  • 420 8 The Government Gazette dated yesterday but published to-day contains the following notifications Mr. H. A. O'Brieu Post-master General Straits Settlements, aets as Auditor-Geue-ral from the Ist instant. Mr. H. C. Niisati is recognised as Aetiug Consul (I-'iH-ral for China at Singapore. Tmk Hon'bk J. A. Hat wood
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  • 553 8 Scotland v. The World. ilanii Wins. The third aud last match of the season wai placed on the Esplanade List evening, the result being a decisive victory for Scotland by 11 points in <J 2 points Bcored by the World. Scotland played what may be considered their best
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  • 660 8 Telegrams from Spain announcing that an export dutv on coffee ha»\ oom€ into force at Porto Etioo, a Spanish posseslion in the West Indies, arouse apprehenlioot that the same tax will shortly be eitended to the Philippines. Thk Treasury Depart meut mteuds to borrow forty thousaml dollars for
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  • 737 8 The Courtier (V Haiphong of the 21st April contradicts rumours that the Go-vernor-General intends .shortly to return to France, t<> confer with tin* Home Government, and ask for tint her reiu force* ments Id the troops in Touquin. The Governor-General, so it seems, i> so much in accord
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  • 36 8 Some disappointment was t auaed bv the non-arrival of the English mail on Su'ndaj night. It is said that the IV a O. mail steauier Kohilla was burning poor coal and made slow progress from Penaug.
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  • 36 8 Tui Admiralty haw decided u> recomwissiou the gunboat Fiymy foi mother term of service on the Chiua sUtiou at the conclusion of her present commit which will expire in July. She will be efitted at Hongkong.
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  • 682 9 Ai>v: v 5 from Adieen to tho 27th April report- «tll to be quiet ;it headquarters, 1 tha.? the anued police can find q o ;v w a reach, as. owing to Ih«> fastmontb, the Acbiuese had slackened •veral stolen breechloaders n recovered through a friendly An iiuprovenieut
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  • 100 9 pleasing to hear (says the Shanghai (\*W r y) *^at a l eas^ oue Shanghai pHpp&uy ig doing well in these times of k* 8 8 and depression. It reported that lof Shanghai Sumatra tobacco in &Oi*ter<]aua have turned out very satisfac- v It hundred and fifty bales have pf*
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  • 1244 9 extracts from Mr. Ridley's Report. The Dumber of visitors t» the Gardens was as Krgo as on former yean, and t> ere weroan unusual number of Botanists, and Curators of Other Botanical Establishments, who visited the Gardens. It is .still fan ml difficult to prevent viMt'.rs from
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  • 107 9 Mr. W. H. Potts, Secretary of the Selaina Tin Mining Co., seuds to the China Mail the subjoined communication The following telegram has beeu received from Mr. Warren, who. by thr kind permission of the Hon. C. P. Chater, was engaged to inspect and report th» i properties
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  • 119 9 The Singapore Kit!*' Association shot for the Inter- port match at Tanglin on Saturday, an<l the shooting was bad as the folio wine scores will show It may l i that, although these results are distressingly bad, yet tb<> military members <>t' the team acquitted themselves w<»rst of
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  • 100 9 "Ovf.r 39" Unker :><•.•' Saturday's match was under the above title. The < >?er 30 M team do! very strong and were farther weakened through BaeborD and Koss being unable to play. On a good wicket the "Over 30s fl compiled the respectable score of 117. the principal contributors
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  • 138 9 P. H. Grant <>. ami b. Hinde «> C. Logan Law b. Higginbotham.. ;>2 Beyers b. Hind*' 7 T. Stevtns b. Higgmbothain *> Andrews b. Hnigh.. Mcrewetiier 1). Hi^iuboihain 5 Muglistonc. Btuco Norton, b. Cook. 18 Simon b. Cook.. 9 Qahagan not mu 2 BenjahVld run out .5
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  • 866 9 Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. The thirty-eigbtk culinary general meeting of the above bank was held at the Cannon-street Hotel, London, on the 2<Mh April, Mr. W. Paterson provided. The I hairnmi, in calling apon the Manager to read the notice convening the meetingaa> pressed the great regret
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  • 166 9 The. following absurd story that originally appeared iu an American cbildn mag* line, and wan copied, as a jest, into the Eastern paper* ia^now set forth nouslv iu the Parisian eOTOMpOodeuce of the Daily Nt-irs The king of Ham has just had a pavilion
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  • 89 10 (Manilay, 16th May.) H. M. S. Plover arrived from Pahang on Saturday aud there are now no war-ships ou the coast. The Plover brought backLieut. Jennings R. A. who has been on leave, and at Kuantan. It is not knowu whether the Sultau can depend wholly ou
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  • 2893 10 {From our Special Correspondent.) Temerloh, Monday, -'tfi May: As I told you in my last despatch the Sultan has issued his dbop sailing all his followers together at Temerloh preparatory to taking active measavsi against the ex-Orang Kayak in theSeaantan district but»beyond tins, matters ate practical!? the
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  • 963 10 Thk Hu: HI KeIaVIAXJ They Waver andFlke before the I he Sn The Mioxi-h r Reti P AS v N i Mr. Owex"> F«»ki ks Swiv rft AilflH I Rl W R •W H Ere FOEI» TH WAS NOMI li ut> ou tin* fifth day of
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  • 1215 11 (R&mter'a Telegram*, > Singapore, April ITth. Ir i» officially nnnounced that up to th-* I4*h instant, all was quiet ;»t Pekan, when- the Bri ish Resident remained pending further information. Mr. Rodger, 'iu coming down tin- river to Pekan, searched for
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  • 57 11 Thk record of tlie green was made on Saturday by Mr. G-iUespie, who went tbe round iu 39 strokes, thereby reducing Mr. J. B. Robertson's rouud of 40 strokes by one. We append the above two scores Mr. Gillespie's score 4, -4. 2, *>„">, 5,4.5, 5,=;>9 Mr.
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  • 210 11 (Pinang Gazette.) Fillis' Circus' tent was crammed from floor to roof on the 11th May, ou which occasion it whs auuounced that Mr. F. C. Berger, the proprietor aud editor of the Straits Independent, would enier the lions' cage along with the lady tamer. The lious'
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  • 536 11 Thc following petition was forwarded to H. E. the Governor on the 12th inst., as was uoted in our issue of the 13th To Km Excellency Sir Cecil dementi Smith, K»i<jht t Grand Cros* of the Moxt DUfinyiiished Order of Saint Michael and Saint Gmwge, Governor
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  • 48 11 The Selangor Gazette of the 13th May contains the following notification :—Consequent on the departure ou leave of Mr. F. G. Penney, H. E. the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. E. Birch, Acting Resident of Selangor. Mr. Birch arrived in the State on the 9*th May.
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  • 64 11 The Singapore Recreatioc- Club Tennis Tournament was concluded on Saturday last wheu E. Kappa an<*i D. E. VVoodford played off the final *^ie for the championship resulting in tbe former winning the Cup, scores beimg 3 sets to love. The winners of the other events are Single Handicap T. R.
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  • 1788 11 The thirty-fourth annual gen*ral meeting s>f the shareholders of the above bank was held at Um Banking House, Old Broad-street, E London, on the l!»th April. Mr.J A.Maitlaud presided. The Ch«irin%n, in moving the udop ion of th<* report and aeeouuts. said
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  • 21 12 The following gallowaya were measured at the Course yesterday. They are all returned as 14.2 Boo; Byhil Tolnnthe; Weasel
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  • 23 12 The Entries. The entries for the Singapore Sporting Club Spring Race Meeting closed at noon to-day, and they are as follows
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  • 473 12 FrR6L? ACE THE Maide Plate.— Value S&W. A Race for maiden horses. First PU& t0 ea "T 1 l^t. 71b. Second Class to clnL th wei K hts }lt whi<h they are entered* t£" first BftCond class ra<>e Distance. K Messrs. Chain* T,''i Iu K lestlMie
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  • 338 12 First Racd. The Roadsters' Handicap. Value 9150. A handicap for horses that haw ruu in the Roadsters' raea on the tirvt day. Instance. 1^ mile. Mcsera, Balfoar A. Pendek's Allatfappa. Mr. Talwen'a Melcdy. Mr. Sasada*! Hebe. The Springtield Mc^'s Corner Boy. Dr. K< clin's Qoodenoogh. Captain
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  • 285 12 First Race.— The Galloway's Handicap.—Value Sl5O. A Handicap for Galloways that hare run at this meeting Distance, R.O. H. H. tlie Sulltan's Sequence. Mr. Fitzmaurice's lolimthe. >Dr. Koehn'f Bender. fa Pa ton Kmr'a Ha/ledean late Weae.l. Se<I n V Race The Mkrchanis' Ouf— •lur 9350. A
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 268 12 BSTABLISHSD LB*s RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. Enuinkkks. Ibos A BmAtS F<>unpers, BOII.KKMAKiKS. BftlDOl BUILDERS, ShIIBUILDBftS, Gexkkal UOVTBACTOI SINGAPORE KWALA LUMPUR. Ship lluilclim; Yard. TXIGHdftM STEAM VESSELS slwayi under construction, from 88 ft. to 15<» ft. length of keel, of best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Board of
      268 words
    • 624 12 TlONand ERECTION of BRIDGES Saw Rice and Oil Mills, Sinking Cylinders, Wells aud all kinds of excavation and concrete work SALVAGE WORK. Our plant includes a complete set of hydraulic Rivet ting Machinery, Steam Pumps, Steam Cranes, Steam Roek Drills, Concrete Mixers, Tip waggons and Railway Plant. Diving gear and
      624 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 217 12 rasseiiKtr List. Akkivaks. Pers s. Japan from Calrutta Mr. WrightLieut W. A. Pat* rson, (t. J. Ga/al and s,>r, vant. Mr. E. S. Yahva, Mr. and Mrs. Warron and servant. Mr. Gallowaj aud child, Mr. Justi»'o Wood. Mr. Rodeaaa. P«m- 8. s. Warora from Calcutta: Mr. A. Gaurot. Mr. E.
      217 words

  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 875 13 SHIPPING. SHIPPING IN PORT. Under this heading the following abbreviations are nsed str.— steamer; sh.— sliip- bq barque; Brit.— British U.S.— United States; Fr. French j Ger. German Dut —Dutch G. c. General cargo d. p. dack passengers U.— Uncertain T. P. W.— Tanioni? Pagar Wharf T. P. D.— Tan
      875 words
    • 570 13 Marie^ Aus. str. 1,320 tons, Capt. Sehiott, From Port Kembln, 14th Apl. Coal. Borneo j Galatea, Aust. str. 700 tons. Capt. ftlitis. From Bativia, :{rd. G. c. I). Brandt Sc Co. For fiatavia, 21st, T. P. W. Ban Whatt Hin, Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Colonna. From Pontianak vim Sambas,
      570 words

  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1341 14 AKKIVAJB §Sj Vessel's Name. Tokb. Captain. From. Sailed. Consignees. O~ Rio 9 Janxn Brit.str.' 18G5 Hamilton Calcutta Apl. 30 S^rkies A Mose? 0 oienorchv str. 1822 Ferguson London Mar 30 Bouatea 1 A Co. 9 Futhol M'oeiti Dut.sch. 86 Naco<lah Pontianak Apl. 20 9 Diamond Brit. ?tr. 1030 Robinson Penang
      1,341 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 373 15 I |^^m^ W m B BpS bqkß The Okioixal bikl Genuine WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE r« Signature thu* Ask lor lea pe:rrins' sauce. Wtol***l* and for Export by the Proprietor^ n'ormter /W,r W^JhrW/, >Vc lf ffwrf fa 0 orrrs and Oilmtti tkfmtghoMi tke World. DETAIL EVERY^W-HERE. 2JJS; Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE CO
      373 words
    • 330 15 f^UINIUM WINE g^Jp OF LABARRAQUE unique preparation ol this kind, approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris, is the condensation of all the active principles of the Cinchona Bark. .4 few grammes of the Quinium produce the same fffect as several kilos of Cinchona. (ROBIQUKT, Professor tt the School
      330 words
    • 796 15 <• *u Dr Trade Mar k Phosphodyne is registered under the Trade Mark Act lor the Indian hmpire and attested for the seal of the registrar. Dr. Lalor s Phosphodyne /fe^X For THIRTY YEARS k»s mtintaired its world-mide TPTutafcn as tk« Qjfym Best and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CURE for
      796 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 459 16 POWELL CO SINGAPORE. Please read these few lines and bkak them in mind. OLR FURNITURE FACTORY is in Orchard Road, nud is the largest aud moat complete. It is supplied with steam pow»T to drive our Woodworking Machines. Saws. Lathos, &c, therefore Contracts and large orders cau be put through
      459 words
    • 622 16 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. STERN WHEEL STEAMERS have been found b? experience to bo the best tyre of vessifor shallow river navigation, and of tkm Messrs. Yakkow have construrtnl \um% tikmiber of successful examples for all parts of the world. Vessels on this system are constructed, when required, to draw
      622 words
    • 362 16 SHOW ro. i'j L,^ Us X .jC The Grown Invig oraJfg^flfc ing Lavender W&® Salts. 1U:... •Ss^l SLu.' |X delightful and erer nW papular SmeUiac s^ts and aiT' cabled— dorieer ajp.Tk^kh. 4 *3fa^. < t< <^ •'Very wln-re a«< a muM P^S^yi^B n ,f r slunir luxury. l^T "By leaving
      362 words
    • 439 16 REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER. 171OR 15 \ears tlie Standard, and to-d^ the most i»erf»ct development <a^H writing-machine, embodying th* latei^^H liighest aeliievement- of inventive an^^H chanical skill. Every improvement tlmt study and capital can -eeure is added ttKh« hkShngton The KEMIN(,TON une M nailed f<JH of manipulation, simplicity ot' e.»nst ruction,
      439 words