Straits Times Weekly Issue, 10 May 1892

Total Pages: 12
270 281 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 270 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. „srA»Ms,n.:,,, ls:?l.| Published kok Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamkb. [Price 40 Cents. VOL XLVIIT. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1892. NO, 8,670
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  • 88 270 THE STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 10th MAY. CONTENTS. Har* quotation*. Summary of the Week. Hputer \s 1 trains. >etl anil (jt'iicral News. •iaiiiMn. I!i" ti tinl).»r of Common-. m lv»l. African Affairs. Affair"! Rb Jelebu Report. ■rn< r rtiul Pahaog. tiite A ii n< m Britain. f i Paliitiir Bisiug. Jfows
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  • 416 270 Singapore, 10th May, 1892. Produce. ;4Jainhier. > Ido Cube No. 1. <V.>o. do No. 2, 7.90. Oopraßnl. 4.00. BWpi Pontiatiak, 3.55. Popper Black !U<>. ijfo Flour, Sarawak 2.80. fbarl Sago, :i.75. Bfce Lali, „20.50. HP*e Liberian, 152.50. Sfrpioca small Flake 3.75. do do let quality 3.90. do
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  • 358 270 SUMMARY OF THE WEE K. Pa hang advices report that tho Sultan has started witli an armed force to Semantan, aiid that he shows apparent «irntsfuess to put the rising dowu. Mr. Rodger and the Toh Rajah of Jellei accompany him. The tnsurqefttj an- repotted to be active iv the
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  • 454 270 (For Straits Times.) Italy and America. London, Brd Muj. It is stated that diplomatic relatiooi between Italy and th* United States hiv.- beea renewed. Tm; E&EDHILL M.UEDBES. The m m Deeming ar Williams has been found guilty of murdering his wife and children at Red hill and been
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  • 540 270 LOCAL AND GENERAL. MONDAY, 9th MAY. H. Iff. S. Hyacinth arrived this morning from Pahang. 'I'm: Colonial steamer Kortburgk left last 11i^1 11 for Kuala Pfchang. +> on Saturday, Mr. \Y. B. Maclare* woo the Rev. Mr. Reith'u handicap prise. .Mi:. Justici Wood arrived from 1\ uaug, m t lv'
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  • Page 270 Advertisements
    • 51 270 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspapsr i Asia, British India excepted. circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Pro; 3te:l States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Bo other Eastern newspaper has so wi lespread a
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  • 274 271 Tmk Japanese i-onclad ItmnkoKthima left on Monday afternoon for Yokohama. Father Baptist a, the vicar general, left yesterday afternoon by tbe Hye Leong on a visit of "inspection to the Portuguese mission m Malacca. A prominent Chinaman named Khoo Tiang Poh was lately buried at Penan g,
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  • 294 271 Hongkong has had tor sometime a rue Inquiry Ordinance which the Daily Prest finds to be most efficacious m its working and satisfactory m its practical results. Before the Ordinance was passed m the latter half of 1888, fires there hud become alarmingly frequent, the tire bell sounded
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  • 1043 271 The notices of motion given at the meeting of tbe Hongkong Legislative Council on the 25th April include the following one The Hon. E. R. Belilios— At the next meeting of the, Council I purpose to ask the following question: Will the Government acquaint the Council with
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  • 465 271 The rolling of ships m heavy seas, now that sails have been largely displaced by steam, has become a source of increasing discomfort and danger- With high speeds even the largest ships may roll heavily, an angle of roll of 40 deg. each way
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  • 1603 271 The number for May of the Malaysia Message, a monthly journal issued by the Methodist Episcopal Mission here under the editorship of Mr. W. G. Sbellabear is practically au opium number. Under the signature of J. A. B. C, it is stated that missionaries m these
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  • Page 271 Advertisements
    • 28 271 The Straits Times has the largest j circulation of any newspaper m Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. j 1-^an^^»» -^sa^Bsiß^B«^"^sß*s«Bßsaian»ai«aiß««ws»«annnn»
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  • 490 272 This Colonial Government inform us s quiet m Ulu Pahang. Colonel r visits Kuala Lipis this week, for a trip only. The latest news from Mr. ClifI is of the *2<>th April. Tut. m til despatched from Singapore to |flj6ndon, vi;i U-indisi, on the <>th ultimo jjjtg
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  • 150 272 The following (from papers by German tmail) is probably part cf the matter on which as we lately learned by telegram, the editor of the Couunonweal is being Surely tho>r who desire to ad can do as '"John Ft' t n did when, alone aii'l unaided, lie
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  • 160 272 Ihe following is an extract from a letter of Kinsey, the timber manager of tho Pahmig loration and Development Company. lied, under date February 25th lam Bed to say the mill is now m full ewirj? cutting about 400 tons (timber) per month, Mid if
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  • 538 272 In the newly issued Straits Law Journal for May, theie appears the following.— The present scalo of costs has reduced Solicitors' remuneration to a minimum, but it u questionable after all whctl or this is in f he interest* of litiicmts. So Ion* a 9
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  • 487 272 S 'pping Go* Bth April.' Mr Ambrose tfi< tr > forwards us the following translatim of an article published b\the local newspaper, the Airintio.of the 25th ult. PubHeWeighing Office. —In consequence ol the repeated complaint* for short delivery of eoa cargoes .n the »ri of
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  • 1435 272 In the Presbyterian Church, last night, the Rev. G. M. Reith gave the concluding lecture of bis course on Church History, the subject being Scottish Church History from the Revolution Settlement to modern tines. The Revolution Settlement, be said, was accepted by the Scottish people,
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  • 727 272 /■'/•'//.•> tit, Tin,-* of 9th April.) Singapore, April s/A. Mr. Harris and Mr. Stewart, two Australians, m the r\>n-->t Rangers of Pahans*, m thu service of the K\|>' >ralion and Development Company of Loud m. were m ordered on Taeadaj
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  • 994 273 bupplemeuttrry t<> strait* limes telegrams. Via Ct ylon. London, 'J4th April. Russia has offered 10 advance Persia, on 'he security ofCustrm.B re i}>'^. a sum of 1 alf a mil ion sterling, at six p r cent, interest, for the purpose of paying off t !i> to' aec<>
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  • 132 273 We learn from native sourcei thai the sj.iiiiir rioecropeof the Kwanstung and Fokien provinces are likely to turn out aboa! the besi on record, [a all parts of these rovincet the paddy ia fl< nrishing and the farmers are j u bilant. rejoicing, ami exceeding glad.
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  • 364 273 A Ceylon View of the Military Contribution Question. 77 an ■>• »>/■* Cejflon In the Stiaits Settlements and also in a minor degree at Hongkong, the colonists p ead that their revenue ha* fallen in a very appreciable degree during the last twelve rrwnthfl, and thai the prospects for the
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  • 371 273 H. M. S. Plover Bailed to-aay to reiniorce the English fleet on the coast of Pabaoff. Mi;. Hervej, Resident Couu'illor. returns to Malacca to-day by the BilliUm. Mu. Biroh. of Malacca, lias been tp- pointed Acting Etesideal of Selangor, and will go there ai omv t.> take
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  • 154 273 Thb fa Your which Manila Lottery tickets find m Hongkong meets -with adverse com* intuit from the Dailjf Pnw which seeks remedy m the FOYerument of the latter starting an opposition lottery. It tabs the ground that If the local (torerolncnt were at lihvr*v to
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  • 178 273 The following circular was issued to-day. Friday Singapore, 54h May, 18!»l\ Sir,—I ani directed to inf< rm you that since my Directors' Report whs issued, it has been discovered that a sum of 5j<;,}»48.94, claims paid m London, which were included m our Aleuts' accounts for
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  • 319 273 THE STRAITS TIMES" FINANCI AL TELEGRAMS. RAI'H SHARKS. Brisbane, Friday. t>th M 12 }>. 1 The price of Raub Shares is: Sellers tif ternj #»n«fcji S;tl< i ne The last i.'l«'LTi;im was «]iit<*d ThurajjH the 28th April and th« prict's theu w» Sellem sixt<>. u)M-nw Huvcr- i'ii^H Silfs nonej The
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  • 561 273 Thk SiNiarcin: D<>«. HK«;n.ATiuNB J v nui'TlOl Thk proceedings of the Hougkon S.uH*\ lioanl ;ii it> sit t m.; <»n t li h \p^| contain the following particulars t;i iM drophobia case there: A ii d\ .li ophobia >m tlie mortality returns for the \ve.»k ftM^^H
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  • 493 274 Last night, m the Town Hall, Professor Douglas Archibald gave the first public exhibition m Singapore of the large Edisou's phonograph with which he is, and has been for the past two or three years, travelling round The world. The exhibition of the instrument was preceded by a
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  • 713 274 Mj|paKntf<<r's Report for the Tour Sfe«ks enUhis 2sth April. 1892, are honour to report the follow. 'grew made with the various mine during the past four -Having been called to Singapore sineM connected with the Syndicate, 1 up the battery and brought Si me the gold to the date
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  • 41 274 tS m \V. H. C. Dunkerlev who was fr< ouae up on Wednesday last from was detained by illness, armoruin^r to take up the work at -■a i fdral until the return of ArchL< :*erham. The Acting Chaplain |at Bishop's House.
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  • 299 274 A match under Rugby Rules was played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between teams representing Scotland, and England and Ireland combined. Scotland, baring lost the toss, kicked off against the green and during tbe tiist part of the sime the play was rery even, the superiority of the Scotch
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  • 455 274 Balnce Sheet at 31st January, 1891. Liabilities. To Capital fully paid up, 4.VHX) shares at $5 each $225,000 Dividends unpaid... 1,~*b4 Outstundw g drafts J.g Unpaid Doty and charges and sundry creditors 8.-i anee of Profit an.) Lost A,Count 9821,914 Assi By ••'•st o| land ami concession $75,000 cost of
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  • 77 274 I'kokeshok Douglas Archibald «^ave a second exhibition of the Phonograph, m the Town Hall, last uight. A number of I new selections were presented, and the entertainment was, as on the precedia evening, very satisfactory. The Phoooi j^raph will be exhibited for the last til m the present season, to-uight,
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  • Page 274 Advertisements
    • 1024 274 The Jelebu Mining and Trad ing Co., Ltd. Your Directors submit a statement of the Company's Accounts for tho period from sth August js!>l to 3Jst January 1892, being the ateond-balf of the third year of the Company's existence l>y the Chinese Calender. When the books were dosed the Company
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  • 880 275 Vegetarianism. Wednesday, ith May. The collectively aud individually attenuated ranks of vegetarianism bare received an interesting recruit, aud one of whom they mai be trusted to make the vor\ most. This is do less a personage than ih« i irife f Her Majesty's Ambassador at the Court <»f Vienna,
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  • 387 275 {Tkunday, stk May The report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce for 1891 cridcncci some activity of that association m looking after the interests of the mercantile community. especially as to the unsatisfactory working of the Bankruptcy Ordinance; aud the Chamber has induced the
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  • 295 275 (Friday, 6th May.) To-day's telegram that Mr. Johnston, the Commissioner of Nyassaland, reports the eutire pacification of the Shire and Nyassa districts brings word of an event as unexpected as it is gratifying. For the last few months, these regions have been the seat of trouble owing
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  • 204 275 (FruUf, <ith May.) It is understood that rebellious Malax* have been trouble between Trai and Baub, and m the neighbourhood of Punjom. Lt Menu bejoad doubt thai they hate killed lererai Cbinete coolies, aud there is tome raaeon to believe thai they have also attacked a party of
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  • 653 275 (Friilaif, t>th May.) The Jelebfa Mining Company bai beta foreordained by a wise and beneficent providence to shew that m the alluvial vallovs of the Malay Peninsula there aro M poten- tialities of wealth beyond the dream* of v avarice." It was Doctor Johnson who invented that
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  • 441 275 T he Governor and Pahang. (Saturday, 7th M gpj 11 K. niK(invEi:\()R is perhjjfl .-DW k ant that the almost unaniinoa^^H <3& the English population of &j^H afe that 11. E is neglect -ts.^JS Eugland m Pahani*. That opi^fl *«f «1«> not advance inereh ;i> our o^^H do we advauce
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  • 305 276 I Monday, !>fh May.) Thk tail that, as to-day's telegrams the British Government finds itBP" 8O embarrass -.1 by the stead v iutl iw of destitute aliens iato Great BriHpn as to think of legislation to check it, w the situation has changed hardly a month.
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  • 194 276 A n -ndeut writes to the Hongkong I -'Wbaily J'rrss from Macao ou the Samshu I HRn as follows There is a determinaamoui,' the Chinese community here if the Samshu Farm is to be actually Established they are quite prepared to re X move their families back to Canton and
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  • 466 276 The usual reception will be held at Government House on Thursday afternoon the 12th instant at 4.45 p. m. The return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week was 1,069. Thk Russian cruiser Vitiaz, now ou her way ti> the Far Eas», is
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  • 326 276 Tin; Sourabaya Courani of the 12th ult. says \V<- bear from Uatavia that the QoYernme&i lias been petitioned for an extension tor three years of the coaling coutract forthenavv at Olehleh, which is now m the hands <>t Messrs I>e Lange 6k Co., without
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  • 536 276 A ,-> Day* Later ihm» Uy German Mail.) Lni -.■nflt Jprtl —Several dynamite cartridges fatre beta diieoTered mi tli»» Barcelona fctailway m Spain, supposed to have beea placsd there by the tuarchisfa with iuteut to \vr. rk a train An exptotive bomb Ins bsen found on .m
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  • 696 276 In the Deli Con rant of the 20th April, a correspondent describes what he saw on a tour aloDg the coast to find out how th estates there had stood the tobacco crisis. In Assahan, at Tanjong Balei, he saw au estate near Kwalu which, started at one
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  • 271 276 The Government Gazette dated yesterday but published to-day contains the following notifications The extensions of leave granted to the Hon'ble A. M. Skinner as published m March and April last commence respectively from the 20th March and the Ist May. Mr. Alan Lindsay Stewart is appointed Assistant
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  • 146 276 Returns from theßoedak mines m West Borneo show that from th»* l«»th March to the l^th April last. 4/>o tons of stooi crushed by the Lun Tian Kougsee yielded 77. H0 ounces of smelted gold and 11.48 ounces of smelted silver. The deposits worked consist wholly ol
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  • 1248 277 (Saturday, ?th May.) (From a Correspondent.) Pekan, Tuesday, sth Maj. 4 The Resident, accompanied by Mr. Tregarthen and others, went up stream on the Ist m the Sir Frederick Weld. The Resident's large boat which was towed up by the launch, took 30 of the Sikhs who
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  • 513 277 The military operations m the pirate fastnesses at Yentbe have bteu crowned with striking success notwithstanding the difficult nature of the approaches. That region consists of broken country overgrown with thick jungle, the heights being Studded with formications. The pirates m that quarter took every advantage of these
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  • 336 277 Thk handicap for the U-v. a. M. Etcith'a prize was completed on Saturday, with the result, that Mr. Maclaivn was first, with a handicap of 30, and Mr. L. Jenkins (handicap -V 2 Scores Tamil < oolio Desertions. The Pimm,/ Qeuetti m uotiug the fact that about fourteen
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  • 449 277 La«1 »r"- drovght »1 Biatn at least ti\,» million dollars. The Customs 1 91, just issued, >h(<w i Falling. t porta <>t' from I t.. 90 per cent compared with ili< preceding three year* being fire aud a milii us below tho* t 1888, three inilDnder
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  • 416 277 Thi: other dar we noticed rvct-nt tflH cessful operatious agaiust tin* piratesffl Tonquin by the French troops iu nioun-'i tain fastnesses at Yentbe. General Vovron commanded the field force which gradual]? converged upon the enemy's positious, aud brought artillery to hear upou them. After* preliminary skirmishes, ou
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  • Page 277 Miscellaneous
    • 178 277 PaaaeBfttr Lta4« Sappko from KI;tn^: Mrs. ('oatkin-. Mrs. Hi|fbnt, Mr«. D. J. Mat) "Ws. t From Malacca :—H'1mV E. E. Isemon^er. Per 8. -<. Bayrrn from Southampton: Miss Oliv.-. From Gonna: Mr. and Mr- Paftfl i'aivkou. I)i K. trust. .Mrs MayGorbach. From ('oloml.o Mr. E. RflaU tado^. JVlr. F. M
      178 words

  • 408 278 E Economical View of the Pultun? Rising Does it not now seem time that i situation m Pahang be considered m >o other way than has been the case up t 1 tbo piesent time? Much has been said kg} written as to the political aspect of n affair,
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  • 357 278 T v i r < T i t L'be followii y explanation 111,1; la i>!. bave been ■ifapu. .it the 9 p -Ik «1 m the Hfc> r lusuraiice<' mpany's 1ln< >rt ;i 1 am, &c, J. Q&A HAM. L >re, May kh. Singapore, April 22nd
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  • 212 278 To thk Editor of the Straits Times.' Sir, I beg to call your attention to your report of the few words that I spoke at the Monthly Missionary Meeting on Monday, 2nd iust. lam reported to have said that my M party meant to gain the
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  • 548 278 W hat Interest Should House Property Yield To i iv: Editor 01 THI "STRAITS TIMBS." S:i:, I sup] Be 1 ought to begin by saying 4 Mv attention having been drawn but it wasn'l I generally draw my attention myself to all matters of interest iv your paper. I'll 11-I
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  • 356 278 The price of the Straits Times delivered free is as follows Within British Malaya. Daily issue per year 24 dollars. do do Vopy 10 cents. Weekly issue year 1(1 dollars. do do copy 10 (Mill-. Beyond British Malaya. Daily issue per year :*>o dollars. do d<> copy
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  • Page 278 Advertisements
    • 272 278 STABLISHXD RILEY, HARGREAVES CO. EVQIHEER8, [ROM UXDERS, BoiLEim.vKiiKs, Bsidgi Bi;i.i>i:ks, Shipruii.'. >, OBVSl i u<. SINGAPORE KWALA LUMPUR. Sliip Hnililimc Yiml. HIGH <lass STELA M V ESS B I .S always ander const ruction, from ."8 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of beet do-sign a:i«l finish. MACHINERY from
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    • 617 278 TION and ERECTION of BRIDGES, Saw, Rice and Oil Mills, Sinking Cylinders, Welle, and all kinds of excavation and concrete work SALVAGE WORK. Our plant include* a complete set of hydraulic Rivetting Machinery, Steam Pumps, Steam Cranes. Steam Rock Drills, Concrete Mixers, Tip waggons and Railway Plant. Diving gear and
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  • Page 279 Advertisements
    • 488 279 THE "DISPENSARY" Aerated Waterworks 18 1 sf WON V- V^^jSHHßlß^^. > 'C* il *«j£""' l c: if-*, witi (oUT 'MTi3 1 1 1 F 1 /I! 5 -Ml' -I j| '-^Bki 1 1 1 i 111 E iU' ii«Liii«'i il \Y v 'k*™**. '^^^ftlSl^jf^&^r^ 111 PROPRIETOR^^ Aerated Waters of the
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    • 573 279 YARROW'S SHALLOW DRAFT STEAMERS. -Tar QTBBNWHEEL STEAMERS have been found l>v experience to be the btM tyre of ves^e O for shallow river navigation, and of th»'s.> Messrs. Vahkow lia\ c eonatraeted I large nwiul>er of successful examples for all parts of the world. Veeselt on t)iis system an eonstruct'Ml.
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  • Page 279 Miscellaneous
    • 698 279 SHIPPING. Dader this heading tho following sbbreviatioM are n*o«l str. steamer; sh. ship; bq. barque; Brit, British; r.s. Dnited 8tai I Fr. French (i.T. Osi MSll Out Dutch A.<'., (i. <•. General eargo; dp. daek paamn$w\ T. Oneertaia T. P. \V. Tanjong Pa*ar Wharf; T. P. D.— Taajong Papar Dock
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    • 467 279 Armon >, [1 il. I,,, •.<:,:, j mo <j V-u Fork, -2:\\\ i oc. :n.- m t Behn Meyer a Co r. Rdt. 1 Ital. Iiij. I .ost) tons, Bo 'to. roin I i it h. Balla I vV Co. Poi London, u. B Is. Tmmbora, Dut. str. 851 tons.
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  • Page 280 Miscellaneous
    • 1472 280 ARRIVALS «Sfi j Flag I f Veshei/s Namf. 1 A Tonb. Captain Q~\ Rm May 3 Pen* Brit.Btr. 132 Hnbekoet 3 Kian Ann str. 101 Merrick 3 Ran co str. 368 Owen 3 Clirinnitz jGer. str.; 1745 Hellerich 3 Carlo Mainetto 'Mai. fcq. 908 Bolfrisao 3 Stratblovon ,Brit. str. 1589
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  • Page 281 Advertisements
    • 436 281 ■SfcAaWuklSfWU The Orioinai »nd Gem WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE in* i Sig h*k foi LEA PERKINS SAU C E WitUtalt, and for Export by (h* Proprietors. WorctsUr Grocers mtd OUmm throt '<!. RETAIL E"V E R, "S"WH E PI E. 82/6. Singapore Agents, JOHN LITTLE vV CO I— MB— aHW—Wß^JW^Tllffiy THE safest
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    • 833 281 Br.LalorsJPhosphodyne /JK^sk For THIF.TY YEARS las iraintaiced its world-iide lfjuiation tt^ Ui fj3*^M Best and ONLY SAFE RELIABLE PHOSPHORIC CURE for hram Wr- k^ VJ§ *sJL Paralysis, Sleeplessness. Harassing Dreams. Premature Decay of Vital 7^-*^ Powir, and all Functuil and Disc lsed Conditions of the System, vippcattg j***^- iBS^^S- u
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