Straits Times Weekly Issue, 28 May 1890

Total Pages: 17
13 29 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 28 13 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Ssrie? Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mml Steamkb. [Pkicb 40 Cents VOL XL VI. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. MAY 28. 1890. NO. ;3,574
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  • 62 13 At the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, on Monday, (he 26' h May. by tho Very Revd. ("anon Delonette, Patbick d'Aea.nmo, Chief Post and Telegraph Master, Taipen^, Perak. second son of tlu> late ,7. M. d'Aranjo, Principal Ministerial Officer of the Sessions Court of South Malabar, India, to (.'.vi
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  • 30 13 At No. Waterloo Street, on tlio 23rd instant. GbACI DOROTSTT, th« hsloved and sMest daughter of Mr. JasMs T,. Beheecder, a^re<l 16 years. Peaaag and lit sub papers plea-
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    • 63 13 Market Qaotations. Summit- v o f th»> Week. Reutor'^ Telegram*. Local an'l Qeneral Now-. A I Nuts. The Turkisii War [mlemiuty. The Police and Gk>Ternm<mt. The Por;\* Railway. The Birthday Know, Reception and Ball. The Races. i fr.>ia P»?ia-i^. Malseea, ICasr, Johoro, BHSIII|,II>. P v:\k, Ac. r. rlu3 Week.
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  • 360 13 Singapore. 28th May. If Produce. Gambior 7 do. Cube No. 1 11.00. do. do No. 2 »1000. Copra, Bali 44J}. do. P.>ntian*k 4.00. Pepper, Black 1 Sasro Flour 2.«'5. P«Rr) R^go .i 2 7<>. Coffee Bali t 2^.50. Ootiee, Liborian 30.00. Tapioca, small flake do. do. Ist
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  • 329 13 Thk Birthday Review, Reeegtion, and Ball have all passed oft" successfully. On Wednesday, at the Pavilion* on the Explamide. H. the Acting Governor presented the Humane Society's Stanhope gold medal to Mr. William Meyer for rescuing human life hero a short time ago. Poster, the Selangor
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  • 466 13 i Far Strait* Tim**.) Russia and Tuhkk\. London, 20th Mnj. -Russia has j.ietented note to the Porte insisting upon the payment of the arrears ol the War intltunuity from the new lo;m. otherwise Etosaia will adopt other mettia G! hi: many. The Prussian War Minister demanda an additiou
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  • 153 13 Wk hare do farther police information about the murder of Biericaa, but from many sides there come i Kpreasioot of opinion that the murderers are Likely to hare come from Johore, where Iffencaa conducted quite a large practice m the Courts. Mucb satisfaction is expressed am the
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  • 292 13 Dubiwo the race- week the safe-burglars did no business, but last night they commenced business with renewed vigour, and, as usual, carried on their work m security and with perfect immunity from annoyance or interruption by the Police. The safe on this occasion was not removed
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  • 158 13 A dantk ni giTen m the Sergeants Hew, Tanglin Barracks, last eight, the hosts being the Warrant Officers, Stafi rgetnts, and Sergeants of the 2nd Battn. Northamptonshire Regiownt Although the invitations were issued for a quadrille party, the programme consisted principally of waltzes. The room was
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  • 169 13 There was launched on Sttuidw froso thejardof Messrs. Riley, li.ujivavcs&Co smart looking little steamer to the order ofLim Ah Bam and others. The dimeuI tionsof the resael are as follows Length I<><> t, between p rpendiculara 5 breadth 17 it. <lipt li moulded :>
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  • 117 13 Thk following are the orem f or the n of the Bowing Club which ait- to taLt place duria^r the first week m July. There is a good muster and pvoapectl arr very encouraging for the fours, but we should like to see more interest taken m
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  • 158 14 LOCAL AND GENERAL. WEDNESDAY, 21st MAY. The idea of faming a Stock Exchange for Hongkong has been abaudoned for the present. The name of Mr. G. W. Syiuons was accidentally omitted from the list of members of the committee of the Mutual Improvement Society. Bl mail advices we learn that
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  • 113 14 On the 14-tIi inst a. warrant was taken out by Mr. John Moffat, sub-accountant of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, for the arrest of A. M. Silva, clerk, ou the charge of stealing on the :51st August, 1889, the
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  • 138 14 Vhk SbIAHGOH UnaiKi The man Foster, committed for trial m m connection with the doable murder at Belangor, was brought before the Chief Justice and a special jury at noon to-day. The Attorney General Baid there was .1 deficiency m the proof «<n a technical point of
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  • 636 14 In honour of Her Majesty's hi the troops we this der command <>. ii. Cbu: face of H. E. the troops were on 1 md at daylight and when ti the .:i 1" ampUmsl itrt, and on if-- right w the artill while the Noi V. A.
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  • 255 14 H. I], tl c Acting Governor red fram informing him th en re of the honour of C. M.. Q-. |p, w ii. birthda lord ,W. Oxford -A.MiMd' I 18b Dur inaction L i o( Labaan and from v ruBranm froa an attack of -r which
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  • 83 14 The P. J. Carleton bas arrived from New York with 35,000 cases of petroleum. Passenger Lust. 4 Aurivals. Per Hebe from Deli, Mr. Venyuiiig. Vajirumku from Padang, Messrs. (iaggiuo, and Brockmau. Hanjermasfiin from Borneo port*, Messrs. Macßain, Howett, Peuu, Calliugham, Wilson, and Korake. BilUton from Klaug, Messrs. Bjrara,
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  • 586 14 Mk. Cook JUiD ME. DYER. The following luminary *>t" lecture delivers] last uight m the Priusep Street l>aba Chapel is printed thai people may know of the continued agitation still prooeeding against the opium trade. The statements seem to us to be }>ut Terj unfairly. The Rev.
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  • 512 14 IjALLA IvOOKH. The production last night o the burlesque Lalla Rookh" was more satisfactory than was the production of the higher-class opera of Monday night. Lalla Rookh," m short, is more within the compass of the company's powers, and there arise no opportunities of comparison with better
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  • 107 14 5• at the me aenf ol an bicfa might hm.\ i rious i ir^ge ottl tna m •v and ,lrifI that 1 Mr. Ltlegirl wen miiß-m »nir Cavauagh i ■I ;i- the >;> -t the h I ami COUI collisioa wi with i i'ldg- i
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  • 313 14 1 from out tpomdet Mahirra, 80M J/./v. -Another murder is reported, this time from the district of Truiikeruh. Sometime between 2 and 3 o'clock on Friday morning Jast, a Malay woman named Mali Bungha who, it is said, was living with aMalav named Haji Mohainat Tahir bin Savoosap,
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  • 176 15 11. M. S. Redpole leaves on Saturday morning for a cruise m the Straits of Malacca. She will also visit the Siamese Stat. 9 on the wesl with the H< a. A. M. Skinner on board. Sp» iai tea meetings to be held quarterly are intended to
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  • 247 15 Thi comic opera "Olivette" with its amusing compl s attraci I a large audi Hall last night, and for tbe first theii pea ranee th the Harry 8 fey ichieved a success always oscounting the fact that m tfa I panj tbei A. Santjey da tor
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  • 166 15 A Bill has been presented m the Hou>»" of Commons to amend the Law on the subject of the liability of Directors of Companies— -by providing that every statement made m a prospectus shall amount to a warranty, and that every director may be sued
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  • 164 15 ooionel Daalop. an.*., Inspector-Ge-ueial of Police (but for the last year acting as Municipal President) will retire at an early date from the Straits service U was Colonel Dunlop's intention to iiave gone on Leave and to have returned to complete an additional term of service
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  • 534 15 1 I amalgamation "t the North British and Glasgow and Southwestern Railway Companies, (here is published m the Fituindal New the following suggestion for the creation of a new Scottish main line— probably many <>t our readers know the districts mentioned m the pi
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  • 522 15 Joseph Foster, the prisoner iv this case who was re-arrested yesterday, after being discharged by the Chief Justice, was again brought up at the Police Court before Mr. Thornton this morning. It appeared that a letter had been received from the British Resident asking for the rendition
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  • 141 15 20th M y. tt. li. Tun Bbriham (the only sod of the Suit hy the next Pren -h mail. Tungko i Lieut I Johore A i-t i Hi Capi N (viand for some time. Saltao are told to hiua m Septeail 'inning i t October. jw nig] i|
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  • 210 15 own mdi nt. Mm 20tk May. -We have non come to the last. Jay of the Bulan Puasa. A salute of 17 guns will be fired at sunset m honour of the Hari Raya, which rirtoally commences this evening. The (Jowrument offices will have ten days' holiday. The
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  • 41 15 A It 111 VAI,s. Pot- Sappho from Kbiiitf. Messrs W E Maxwell, H >n'Me I). F Hin-.y. |fr. Mad Mra' Hornhy. Mis Spenee Mott, Mra Dunlop Mrs' Smelair, Messrs. Btx«i<Ula, Kui^ht Stop son. Fn>nch, Camming, MaUuurhnu, Hn d Uooper.
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  • 2995 15 {Written/or ike Btra Hates.) London, April -jnth. f ftO t swe than a week I had been looking wistfully at a particular corner of a Looking-glass iv which was inserted a conrteoua invitation iron, tli,- Her. the Bead Master of Harrow School to attend the eighth
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  • 140 16 Certain Straits Londoners offer to build 270 miles of railway m British North Borneo. Yestirpat afternoon as the steainshit Vidar was coming off the patent slip the yard of the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Compauy at TWnjong Rhu Hue toppled over and now lies oq her broadside.
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  • 560 16 "Paul Jones." la last night'i production of Paul /mm, the Optra Company were uudoubtedly teen lo better advantage than on any former occasion during their stay among us. A falling off m the number present was noticeable; l>ut those who did attend appeared to enjoy themstives, fur.
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  • 100 17 opera are attached to the character, and the ladjs voice was heard to great advantage her icudering of A little bird on weary wing ard Before the altar" being especially wottkj of notice. Miss IBABJ Sianky took the part of Paul /t«f«and tilkd itvervnicelv, bein^ letter peilfct.and ingood voice. Asßouillabai^e,
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  • 117 17 A bXNTLEMAM Well kIIOWU m Connection With Borneo baa applied for a oonmsion to construct a railway from Sandakan to Mempakol and other placet. The proposed line ".Mil be about 2Tu milei m length, and the projector it supported by influential Singaporeans m London. The
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  • 483 17 Form Again Claims to bk a British Subject. bribe Senior Magistrates Court this morning the adjourned enquiry into the extradition of Joseph Foster was proceeded with. Mr. New land applied for a remand with a view of having the prisouer again tried m Singapore, m the meantime
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  • 1322 17 A. M. Silva, clerk m the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, was charged on the 15th inst. with embezzling certain sums belonging to the Bank. Mr. Johnson prosecuted and Mr. Caldwell defended. Mr. Johnson said the prisoner was a clerk •n tlio Hongkong
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  • 10074 17 I n six, ipomi SroRTiN-i Cm i Si-iun,. Mkkiin. Fir*t Day. Tuesday. M (l Committee: J. R. Cuthbertsou 0 >u^lon. J. 0. D. Joms, J. p atou her, A. 1. Adams, J. Hoim and Major Ellis. 58th. J Stewards, Judge* Major rili* and A. F. Adams. HandicapfH n
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  • 288 20 following i.>t of Ihe bo ihoir stal)K-s, and tlhii running m tho tirst days 1 ra i -ml .li-.l Baron do Horn r 3 2 0] ilyn 1 B mbole uur i 1 2 1 Phantom 4 1 0 1 beri 1 ho vil 10 10 Oxford
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  • 459 20 We appeud a list of the jockies and 1 their several performances during the first three days' racing of the Spring Meeting Nellie Kt-ats Auricula. One of t h»- best races that has been seen here for many a loug day past took place between the second class
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  • 207 20 Ihe nui riaitora to the Rafted ami Mv- week It will be >een from our I the races, that the i and Agric-tla have bra m > the t v of Mr. J. A. Brown. We 1. > lYuaog the pair wil! „> their mutation. In t
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  • 95 21 ZDELZETIOItTS J^JSTJD The following list of Military and Naval officers invited to the Reception and Ball was placed, by a copyist's error, m the list ol those having the privilege of private entree Lieut. Col. Burton Bro ah and the oAoort of R. A. Lieut.
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  • 592 22 the Resident Councillor and the Military Commanding Officer, the King saw the sights of the town and neighbourhood, i and was to leave for Kedah on Tuesday and return to Penang on Saturday last. The Pinang Gazette hears that the Government has warned its subordinates that instant dismissal will follow
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  • 368 22 A Band <it Chinambn mukdke a Malay and Escape. About i o'clock on Saturday morning, a man named Hadjee Ah mat Meriean was attacked aud fatally wounded by a band of fifteen armed Chinese, who have succeeded m making good their escape. It appears that Merican
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  • 64 22 Mr. Jacobson, the Acting Second Magistrate at Penaug, comes iv for strictures from the Pinang Gazette for lack of discrimination m apportioning punishmeut to crime. For instance, a woman proved to have severely beaten a girl, alleged to be her adopted daughter, got off with a caution,
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  • 72 22 I>t last advices fioui Edie, fighting I on between the Dutch and the Achiii« se, who seem determined to allow them no re6t. The DuUh have permitted the export of pepper from there without extra duty, but the latter will be levied on supplies of thai article
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  • 97 22 Tin: Straits deni sees no good Penang froaa the opening of the Kamunting railway extension m Perak, led «<> be I link m the future live. Burmah. The mxt atinuation of the railway from Kamunting via Selams to th<- Prve River, n holds to be fraught
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  • 133 22 Thk exportation ot anus and ammunition from the Colony to N :herlands India has been forbidden for six months r from the Ist June next. The "Subscription Room" at Penang, Penang Dramatic Club, and the Kirn [tdu Choon Ciub at Singapore have been exempted from
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  • 1365 22 On the evening of Friday, the 23rd in st., His Excellency the Acting-Governor and Lady Dicksoii gave a ball m honour of Her Majesty's birthday, and immediately prior to the ball a reception was held. Those having the private entree, (whose names appear m another
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  • 431 22 Dk: Ifun tii quiri th< tad the result fa wl'll worth the thoi >!<■ !>eoti que .vorn ;it the Bill. c Ball the el .-.irked at the elal \u these uid m were verj l on the The hoi 6 I lofi yellow silk trimmed
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  • 289 23 11 Mikado." The comic opera Mikado was performed by the Harry Stanley -Company before a very good house at the Town Hall on Friday night, and, with the exception of the tinging, tin* production of the piece was very satisfactory. The Mikado is inch a well
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  • 76 23 ARRIVALB. Per Amherst from Malacca, Mr. Boswell. Zi£ P H £ro Klang, Mensrs. Ebhardt, RIIPM T Hroin Pahan tf Messrs. Messrs. Dunlop, and Palmerston. Schwalbe from Deli, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Sumatra from Deli, Messrs. Stephanie, and Tulle Calypxo from Deli, Messrs. Sahel, Abirson, and Tervogt. Carolina from
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  • 226 23 Sat urday's Performance. She 1 •>s Saturday night a good Ik. use witnessed the production of Sh?-?, a burlesque on Ki<l<T Haggard's novel. ihf Belle oftki Sc<i.<ni,. Miss Amelia Stanley a^aiu achieved a success her first ap* peara'. is greeted with enthusiastic applause, and m her songs "The Automatic Km
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  • 440 23 Tli«» Turkish War Indemnity. (Straits Tims* Mctij 21.) Russia has a long pending account to settle with Turkey, which the latter has shown uo hurry to pay. The last war between them resulted iv the latter being saddled with an indemnity of ,£32,000,000. Turkey loaded with debt aud counting
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  • 280 23 (bin/it? Time* May 22.\ Areca nuts which figure so largely among the exports of the Colony have lately been the subject of scientific* investigation m India. The uuts have long been an important commercial staple, but it is only recently that research has been made concerning them. The
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  • 640 23 (Straits Times M,;y The auuouucetnent made m our issue of j yesterday of the approaching rotiiweot of Colouel Dunloj) has naturally aroused BlVCfa interest as to what may lie done about the appointment of iospec- tor-geueral of the Straits Police. In ordi- nary circumstances the
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  • 475 23 (Straits Times May 27.) The resident engineer and traffic manager of the Perak Railway m bis report for last year, dwells upon its satisfactory workiug as shown by the receipts amounting to $82,600. an increase of 83,600 o?er the figures for 1888, notwithstanding a reduction of charges
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  • 245 23 M »■>!■. :jhtf, M The Sultan's yacht /'»!/<*«'» came m on tin* 22nd from .Johore for the purpoee of conTering .Mr. <-.irland an.] family to Johore. They loft oq the uitrht of the -'ord. We aiv all holiday making the B dent, the Oomnriesiooer of Pol; have left
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  • 1124 24 Sunday night. The Spring Race Meeting of 1890 haa come and gone, and from the opinions generally expressed it may be reckoned as great a success as any of its predecessors. The fields on the average were i?ood, and gome of the finishes excellent, and while supporters
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  • 819 24 S. C C. versus Tut Rf.ut. This all day match was played ,»n the Esplanade yesterday, and resulted m a draw greatly m favour of the risito The weather was fine but rather warm: the ground %vas not iv tirst-class condition, and the rain which fell shortly after DOOn
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  • 135 24 b r the relat ilential population vrli pore or elsewhere; onr holiday time not h<- so liv< as on former simi' aion i. The first of July^n fidenl i\ spokes ilic throngii t t tli i«> KUtDg terminal Whether this d will knell of Qoribund Bakit KuJll or
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  • 358 24 I of the i mMrcmtd High ings y in the oarried I at i dinner i vrill g br*on i,' ihe and D tbliu. ions of -a the '.'i'l Mr B*n»rj c will ition m the <>t' trie littlo t heir a wovld n the fi IV Plumb
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  • 923 25 The Alleged Embezzlement Case in the Head Office of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. On lt>th May A. M. P. Silva wm charged on remand with the Larosny of «*^rT«in moN"\s belonging to the Bank. Mr. Johnson prosecuted and Mi-. Oaldweld i defended. Tnoiun^ Jackson said 1 An the chief
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  • 182 25 (From (>ur<n'ii Corre'i^'iiJent.) \faiaeea, 98nd Iffcg, tB9O. -Th« case brought I.v bUttiah uhitty m the Magistrates' Court against Mutapah Chitty on^ Mutia Chitty upon no lets u .,\u 18 u-ges of criminal breach of I rust, forgery, i and cheating hai dismissed by tl'io Magistrate, M«-. Birch. Tlx>
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 373 25 •TiCE. j '"phE price Btrait* I fe i -A- For the daily issue >:_' I For the weeuj mm The subscription, which ta buyable quarterly nt advance, Ui< Ltd lee free de;irerv each aftt r and free delivery by I within the Strata Settlements and throughout the Protected States ol
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 870 25 ARRIVAIS H FlA<> Pom. CAWAI*. Fr.dM. Sailk .sio^fcM, 1 Q S t K*o I l^Pfetian.- Rrit.str. 8M Dunlop s :lin arang May I<J Tan Kirn Tian Son 19 Ophir Dut ifcr. 205 Kop*T Rhio May li» IJoustead A Co 1 19 P. H. Banfidd Firit -eh i \7X Tuoer F
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 164 26 POWELL CO. AUCTIONEERS. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE, Ac, For s Alk Bfx>k C«nee L»mw Book S'*ads j. uo L Old Tabl^M MmrhCrsUb. CtfMl Ru«s Moilt :Safeo Cbawber Cupboards Off lc ft r))ai 9? bUjer PunfaihJ; 0 1 Cr,.n f Diui'jk' Tr tin-; Ti)iu Pn^U. THhi,, ZTHor,^ Door MM* T^lwSl**?** Qmtiuifa Bath-room) Whatnot*
      164 words
    • 463 26 UMHWMM) BRIEPMARKENT Converts, l\wikarten etc. kauft llaij.) Xa.u.ibu.ff (Saale) DeuUchland. lliiilt: M. i^*'"-'- iiS^^^i?^s? ?By^fi iF**^ ift DR. .T. COLLIS BROWNE'S HLORODYNE The Qbioival an:> m.v Ukhuivi to invalitls, J to obtain freshing sloop, free Eron bead» trompftifl tnd aa^oish, to oabn and v.viry aohingg of protracted disease tli" nervous
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    • 233 26 ASK I^O^, "Z^ ■BjLrfisiiils!\A iji l A i^ra*!^i »cc that o»aa Jar be&rn Baron Li«big'« oignun S^^t^ m Blue Ink across the Label B tnte ;k^* a£r^S u > ?&*>S®~^\J FINEST AND CHEAPEST I ff^^^^"^ C7 1 MEAT-FLAVOURING -V-~£T STOCK FOR SCUPS. A MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. iff InTaluable for
      233 words
    • 122 26 1 PELICAN BRAND. Axi and Stout. "^^^Ht }:XTAHLISHED ls^:||l|| Export Bottlk^s MAC?!f^c^ To vu V ART8 K7Ht Va 4 n^s'vi^f ORDERS RECEIVFD "^xSTEmS^ THKO ALL MER- < HANTB. First order of Meiir, MdtotirM CViitenniiil Exhibition 188-89, MACHEH a r, I 48 Duke Stkeet. LIVERPOOL, CNGLANI>. PRINTING FACILITIES. r 111 Pre>s
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 271 26 SHIPPING. Bllaa w..,,i a (h for Liv i po ii P. I- B 178, I Tnoer. I ram. i Co. for M I76GiUI d4Q .7.) RS BX D. fro,,. biro LOl don ana Ltd. kok,- I 6 Titan ,I^, for Deli,— 12 laafa ,y I I and 13 Cmm-uea !J.n;.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 451 27 HHBHBHBfIi ?^MWHBpHHfSB^WWBjB^BI the safest mixd S EBB hWI Bb> B ■K^M APERIENT FOR Ik 1 MLi( I HP JB an S^toV DELICATE CONSTI--ILk r^i »k r lß^Zs4Aj Z^LwU tutions, ladies, -M "flat HHHHHHHBVaiBHaI CHILDREN AND TT EMEDY FOR ACIDITY OF THE INFANTS, AND FOR S?oml c£ h?ab?Jvbn B headache, OOUT
      451 words
    • 457 27 i THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO |SSSjm£j^mS=SjSjSSjmmS|' Crab-Appl* Blossoms M ,^n i t^ijrp^ I M M f^^^^^^^^l i^ *^^^^^^y^^M^fiv^ (Rfgd. The fragrant, delicious, ]IBWA3JlJlC^^^»4lH^l^4fliJjjkSfiH and universally popular new per- g Ihlßh j^^BUP^JJWBJt J j t*ll^l^t*^ T i r^i mSi■"J ii I *ft fume of l^^SSJ&SSS^A^mnPmmkm'STSTwf^m The Crown Perfumery Co. j> jH|H
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    • 272 27 J J. KOTIOir, Chronomktek, Watch and Clock Marie, and Optician, Flint Street. Has al ways on hand a well selected stock of i Jewellery, Watchto, Ofeoks, Nimtical Instroments, Ac, comprising Knu-elets. Cru. Bro»K.hee. Ladies' Gold watchft. E"' 1 its' ditto. Lo-kets. watches. Mt rintfd. GteilMa oi> oka Wed.linjf ri^fi. KowiK-r-.
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    • 64 28 WEDNESDAY, 28th MAY, 1890. For Straits Times. The Silver Bill. London, 27th May. The Dally 2r*SM gtat<38 that there is a growing sentiment among the Republicans against the free coinage of silver. Rumours are current that President Harrison disapproves the Bill and that therefore, even if it pass
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    • 388 28 Edi, a name which has latterly come prominently before the public, ia a petty state on the East coast of Sumatra, a little to the North of Deli, and was formerly part and parcel of the Achinese Sultanate. One result of the war m Ache en,
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    • 374 28 The China Express of the 2nd May states that, so far, no intimation had yet been given about lowering postage rates to China and the Straits, though thos»> to Australia have already been reauood. Statistics of progress m Perak last year appear m the
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    • 89 28 The Company say that they have concluded an agreement with Mr.J. E. de la Oroix, the well-known mining expert, one of the rirst European pioneers of Malay mines, for takiu^ charge of the mining concessions of the eompauy aud superintending their prospection aud development.
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    • 274 28 The Resident of Selansgor at home" on Board the Esmeralda. Yesterday afternoon the Resident was bone* 1 »>n board the oew Selangor Government yacht, where he was honoured by the prw i H. B. the Acting. TOOT and Lady EKeksOfL The party on board included those ■laying at < eminent
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    • 273 28 A fire was discovered shortly before 3 o'clock this morning on the premises 182, 183, and 184 A ab Street. The customary ftre signals were given from Fort Canning, and the steam fire engines from the Central, Police Bahru, aud Beach Road stations, together with a
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    • 95 28 (Revised for tin Straits I sdiHon.) The following n nts t >f Military hik! Naval officers invited to the <»n and Ball was placed, bj a cop rror, m the list of those havii' vjf }>rivat« i eni i Lit'Mt. Gol Burtou-Brown and th« nffl
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    • 138 28 Stanley's Opera Com pan y. LmCloohm o^ obmbtiij Les Cloches <l« i Cor was product d by theStaulej Hall )aM eight lu-i and preciatire audience. Mr. T. Liddiard as Henri. Marquis <i> OamsmU^ earned through hs p*rl rerj essfullj. M F. Fletcher as GaspaOrd, the miser, mad a d< cided
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    • 751 28 Tl 'H. The usual fortnightly meet *h(* Municipal Commisi c held m the n\oom, Towli Hall, yesterday i noon a: l! -I", Colonel Da o lop prosi< Iv addition m th»« I prei 'm Captain Cameron, Messrs. Outh■on, M; i d Jiak Kun, Tau Bt". Tlif minu were
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    • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 250 29 The half-yearly meeting of the Singapore Gas Company, (Limited) \v;is held on the 30th ult. ;it the Cannon-streel Dote], Mr. Robert Stannard Foreman presiding. In moving the adoption t.f the report, the Chaiiman remarked that the board had. In coneurre&ee with representations made at the last meeting
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    • 511 29 I 'in< m rial V, The HiipHrintondonl of this ooaiiain ,vpn,-u a« follows ior the mool I, 0 F.-bruaVv C mg the past month our process h*W. mch more Batiafactory than io January. Wo' neeu carrviup loss ii v H i,c) littl,. staa dint »i I ls iM
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    • 172 29 The s,uvi;u-y of the Central 80m.,, Company (Limitrd) announces that ad vices hHvo been „,,,v d and confirmed S??^ a^l !< tabuai, ;),at the sultan of Bmiioi bai extend d tbe term ot the mineral concession held b* the company to 100 year., and thai xclusive rights
      172 words
    • 1203 29 SnfptemetUary to btraitt Timm Telegram*. London, Iftt ln the Bone of Lorifa this eveni> g Wit v rose, replying tion regarding alleged mie-goffernmaal h v biraji Kho. admitad that t h»« laM report wa"> not airug.-tlu.r irtvunr;,!,!,., bat said the liovernment bad ».<» inte.-.tior, of Interfering :i seal
      1,203 words
    • 702 29 Thi present low quotations for Java tea have stinv.l up the planters there to put their bouse m order. The fall m prices has long l»een m operation and, all throush last year, the situation remained uuchanged. The planters, taking the alarm set to work growing the Assam
      702 words
    • 78 29 The v from B.iagkok report* fine weather throughout tb« passage. I'be I v ,c !»<>tli arrived Oardiff with A «.il. Pi LttT. Arrivals. •r lienfkali* fro v Muir, Mr. Sohr»j?»r. Singkep t rom r»liio, Mr. Van Etnbd^n. Aluter from M otittr, M, Ghupar. AToioi from MarH'ilies, Alr^.
      78 words