Straits Times Weekly Issue, 7 February 1887

Total Pages: 18
1 18 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 38 1 The Straits Times WEEKL Y IS SUE Published fou Transmission by Every Homeward Maw. aavai authorities 1^ M M plosive examined atnar- "t-i-t ivho are stated to ha' ---X^Li 111. ppon it. It is fin-ill SINGAPORI], MONDAY, FEBRUARY
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  • 197 1 STRA IT S TIMES MONDAY, 7th FEBRUARY, 1887. LATEST MARKET QUOTATION. Si* Copr L8 2.10. I C TV 6.80 do. L«1 do. mod. flal do. sinai i p ai1 do. med. 6.80. tb'i 9.00 ti)t\ low 5U 4-73 do. ;tml On L lor do. hltu Private en 5. w do.
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  • 63 1 el o. st..;n, g u!1 the 3rd iust. From L Stanuard. j-'-* en 1 Frosa Colom Mr. Bombay Mr. aur. From Penang: Mrs. Merewether, M sett Brandt, I .ml Hocquard, 1 H ndon Mr. i and Mr. 11. \V. Psetl. Fi i) bay. Fi-oi Mr. Hogfiu. Vv,y M» 8S
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  • 431 1 Fhe vist homeward mail was the 3lsl ultimo per M. M January w. the 3rd i per P > I*. A this i I „v tii.. C\ \i brua i R ha* riven fi t 1( > ;lun of pirai Colon i British < The Qoverunieni
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  • 4049 1 Naval Ai J w nmin I hiekut s 1 1 >uiltj i ton h/ do.. clas m sj, vi bvthe I oil ships and m ur ingthetweiitv-t Britain has sp hear th;i; ml the SiuH) ha ded to take time by the k m the brationof H«t a Jubilee,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 tor.--' may Fe general I by meailsofanen^RTY FOR SALE, inventor, for whiebE BT PRIVATE BARGAIN jver steam an,] -;ui MAJESTY'S CO OF tor has patented l L.\ fte engine m CONVENIENTI'KI) ISLAM) of DAHAT. F\s> Sunday, -Bland, cxi mdibg to 587 acres or therei^rain was r :ei\ ules i>2 '*'ni
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  • 41 3 I' local i .1 ul)i thai i lie nil v c will Bmp Qoble cliarii her reign. In the Pr< I likely that, owing to I •■•nt terrible .11 be fixed, probably the 20th <>i June.
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  • 120 3 Tm: following Letter has been recei by Mr. F. A. Swettenham, the Executive Commissioner for the Straits Settlements and Native States, at the Colonial ;in<l Indian Exhibition Athkn leum !lub, Pall BCal London, S W. !>■.■. >„/„ 188$. Sir, Your ettera of the 14th instant ;i«l--dreMed to
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  • 226 3 on len down fiel I 1 ('S I 1 1 1 1 1 has a I wil hered The .1/^/-', Ipt ..n tin- !»th i ol 1.1 <lny-. with tramway and j to «>V miich u-'' >n. Ti into thr town has I n coimiii One Mian down frojn
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  • 433 4 A A v j tha h mat the tinni liul ap] ikl it ho] will >..,.- forthcomii I nder reman homicide to inimL Mr. Kynnersly k nvlm'u tii,- order GoM •!«l;n- „f invlimiuary L roduwd. 3 then m <m li cvi l( th papers I from Deli, and
    433 words
  • 597 4 Religions Life in Singapore Fifty Years ago. Tn D mibei Mowing hit-- memo nal ma writteu by one i liil B b D i for pui I fishing free port, fore mj an with g] ibscripti Singapore from plans hundred children [n ti Kcelleni Dr. < ]M V.d Bible m
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  • 119 4 REUTER' S TELEGRAMS. wa an Go I,: f the B tching th.--.t n Pa so\a d the speech from th.- throne after a Iv the House of I Emigrant Ship, the Ka Trinder Anderson A C 0.,) sank after collision off the Brazilian t '<• :,oi» persons drown.-d. London, 2nd
    119 words
  • 234 4 Ceylon Observer. London, 21ti Jan. -The NortA German Gcuette, announces the French Government is making purchases «>£ wooden planks iv Alsace with the evident objeci of establishing additional troops along the Frontier, beyond the capacity of the existing fortresses. ■NV'j ,is are pro i the Powers m
    234 words
  • 712 4 Enphi j tilway, m \m.]]v. &>* Ilis Ivo the above men politics B vi.l. >ni be The times are thai the situation v tern Europe has b come critical In the treme, with scanty prospect i preserved amid the jarrkh> inter ing into play. All these difficultly ing as
    712 words

  • 529 5 o. V. Jan uury 31. f J 11 c 'ani !it delivered by Ji m other day at Penai h 1 1 1< ii facts bearing upon the matter v tigation, m a rand explicit fashion, which enables public to fairly grasp the poi »me sal
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  • 288 5 i availal far l>ul>li< It p 'I'. i i < i i teh tradi employment i pato themup the latter colony, i 1 is r\|.. bat a Lavish display of ach products there would do Line. A mo-. m this direction a made by the Curator
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  • 247 5 (>. I \Yi: t\u> International I I to be laide this year. Hiis Exhibiti n< primarily m honour of 1! M jesty's Jubilee, bui m attainment, on 28th i> 1 tl»-' fiftieth S,,uth Australi i s il., ol the Colony happens li coeval with Her
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  • 779 6 int red froi a days lr itch au{ fore us T mn-C his |,n»- „n of W«hl^ -v, and bi inclusion thai the who <;il r; li traonlv rich m !ouv- :lu>v^- stored vi. m deposits mosi of pi wrhioli have hitherto h,, ;i beyond public kt
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  • 231 6 (N. T. February The state of things which lias culminated m serious charges <»n bo man; different ..units being brought against Sir John Pope Bennescy establishes fully the sil>ility of a Crown Colony Gk>vernor, d< poticallj inclined, misusing the autocratic power ut bis command to gratify the whim
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  • 834 6 111 of the lbth Janus notes the starting of .1 eolouisal ciation m France for the purp t boring emigration from that the French coloni. s. Anion- its M,,i nieml .s. N.-ral senators deputies belonging t.» various political tions, who. for tuit-e, have sunk party 1 fences forth,
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  • 1952 7 l>v T. J. Keauohran. The Ui n\ Regions of the City. As the l»ri^lit beams of the moraine sun pec], above the horizon, lighting all creation with their name, and inviting jjof man t<> rise and enjoy the l.almv air. I am passin.: over Cavenagh Bridge
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  • 1512 7 Ths Shanghai Mercury of th< 91 nary says: One of those trophes which appal by their uiie.vplß ness and attendant horror* oeeurred^H the morning of the :J.-th .January. TIM P A <> steamer X>ynii. with the mailJ for Shanghai, was. it apj eats, goiug half W slow" about half-past
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  • 853 8 Thk Con rr itr Haiphong anticipates bright results tt. the Colony from the expected opening up of the coal mines of Hongai m that quarter. The vague id.-as hitherto m the ascendant, hay,- given wav tt. an enterprising spirit which has. at length, taken shape m a determined
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  • 757 8 (Translated for fin BtraiU Timzs.) A i Manila, a mercantile Young Men's Association has been started, with a view t<> further tbeir commensal we] Hieing. M tiers have gone bo tar satisfactorily m tlir desired direction that rules have 1 n drawn up and a managing committee appointed.
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  • 1427 8 Public -Warning and Public Lotteries. Thk following letter, addressed by H. E. th.- Governor's orders to the InspectorGeneral of Polioe, conveying IPs Excellency's decision on the Report of the Commission on Publi,- buniug and Public Lotteries m the Colony, has been publishei m the Government Gazettt for general information Colonia]
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  • 1526 9 Hit ■aJ ELEMENT OF PeNANO. W^h <l f i'l "f Janu-ary, IHB7. la/ Bfltwe li' W Alter Eoebjon, Plaintiff. W. A. B. Cullin, Editor of the Gazette, —Defendant. Hi%Honour Mr. Justice Sheriff.) jR-.-s Van Someran with him for Plaintiff. ■, Thomas with him)
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  • 6905 9 Thk following interesting paper was read at a meeting at the Conference Hall at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition on the 25th October, 1886, by W. B. Pryer, C.M.Z.S., F. 0.5., Australia! Ber Britannic Majesty's Consular Agent for Sandakan, Resident m the Bervice of
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  • 2053 11 Wlwrcas tin- JMuni«• 11 K.tool^B tho officer appoint. <} t\»r th.. n the Municipal Commissioners *'*^M of WaK's 1 i!..^«'^ now m course of i-oiistrueti< liority oi" ill.- said Onli i hat >r1 ion of the m tllf i.-: > 'stern I load Juncti< |>iihtraffie for ;i [n-nod ;>viI
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  • 206 11 The Mutual Trad roi Howard Y in m t hc-i*. I furn; i import: irtunate, but rare, individual with Hrit i.h subject nent unit Bou r l ie 1 sjich a tai from the Board ol' T 1 n K. H. I. G ,1 .-.I i rhe I rade betw
    206 words

  • 6816 12 Janu Hia t Justice Ford took his seal on tht Bench at 11 a. m., and resumed the heating of Cases on the calentlar. The case i Reg. i-. Ah Soh. The prisoner was charged with having on 1887, at Singapore, commit- ef rt.-ii), property Itelonging to
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  • 1516 15 IX. Th chbntic Bistort or the Gkn i;kn*-k ani» ihi Pig. In the brave daya of old whenever the < torerno' went a hunting tbe official mcmi took Mi*' field also. It so happened thai certain Governor wishtt to shoot one of the many wildpiga with whici our
    1,516 words
    • 365 15 Si My atten^B an article which ;i|« the 27th instant H t.'l.-rains. ami as -^H are < alculated to nuV-^M .[.lain. for t li« informal^ that the amount paid to vernmeut ami th<- straits '^^B more than defray the cost (I *'^B aer\ v with all the a< I
      365 words
    • 441 15 Sn: S have just received your issue 41 the < s tli infant.' and us no iutei whali'v.'i- m having an argument with i]. tain." 1 dediue to answer his letter further than reiterate statements printed ou the 3lsl ultii Any one feeling tin I interest
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    • 103 15 Sib, Tinned Meats baTe been Import '1 into the Str tits Settlements, >llv into tln> Colony of Singapore, for consumption, for man) uoan> years, w itl I 1 complaint from auy t'ae r poisont, or injurious eff< What 1 bave ,-lv Learned on some authority tlmt the isoDOUH
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    • 200 15 Omam >m. Will you kindly tell us what we are to 'I" we allowed to Bhoot them, for the Police will not catch them. The cumber of bullocks that are to be ieeo about the Havelock Road from morn i,, night is quite a peat to tli.>
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    • 149 15 repaiTH hour* a l^H' Singapore^ Sik, Since the passing of the Art m Singapore, abolishing compulsory pilotage, mauj commanders of vessela belonging to the colony or chartered by Chinamen m the colony, nave taken the advantage of occasional opportunities when there has been very little or no tide
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  • 359 16 Sib,—" Passenger," m his saV H that a number of coolies were put ashore by the Police from the s.v. v j t is true, why was not a prosecution institu- ted for endeavourin- to evade the lav those who issued the ti lets mus been
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  • 420 16 Consular Registration of British Subjects in Bngkok. Sii c shall be grateful if jrou cau afford vi space for h few words m ant i (> Mr. Kerr's letter, published m your ot L9tb January, m which he'intimates thai eting of British subj 1»y whom we were appointed a committee
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 402 16 ARRIVALS. hi Flag 2 Vessil'l Kami:. T.,v, n.B-.r- Jan. 28 Isla de Luzon Sp.*i. str 25P0 M, i 1 28 jßembrandt Sit. str' 1239 wlSiam? ;'-,'>-! Dec. oE.*, H. Hinnekindl 28-Wne Sr ri. w S an 1 R ec 9 Simons Co. Ital 2" \> ?r**v 5 0 160
      402 words
    • 814 16 CLEARANCES. Da ki.s Kami A i."i<. 1 aciain Dsbtikatiom Jan. 27 ni- Brit.str. Jones London Wu »ie »tr. Muar ■Js .Mary Austin str. Pcott Muar Ann Craik Macaaaar 28 Lngruhao str. M issmann Penang ci lis Brit. str. I>. Padua Pakan I 1 •Js Eian Beng Onaa str
      814 words

  • 527 17 The Original a' Advice to Invalids* 1 1 -bJJSJ I quiet, refreshing aleep, ,JL ty s\ s relief from pain and angui; v^\,y* t suap-e the weary achings of .\y -j*^bV.^. invigorate the nervous media, Jl^,^ •> li^ft' circnlating systems of the hod j M vide yourself vvith that
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 243 17 PEERS, lE, &c M li:. Almeirahs lee Cheats Bedsteads (irom Jewel Ssi Bed-room Suites Japanese Set-eons Book C Lamps BookStands Linoleum Billiard Ta! Matting Card Tables Marble Sia l.s Chairs M Safes Chamber Cupboards < Hfice Desks Cabinets Office Chairs Chests of Drawers Punka Clothes Stands Piano Stools Couches Ruga
      243 words
    • 638 17 L OUBARPS Syrup o! Lactopbosphate of Lime Ck iwr\ 21 J h rorm t,0 o' the bou, aud V AM V/JJ/1 P*«te of Lime, it pradaall, wastes \.S I away, aad as soou as such sympnAlTm )°T re observed Dusarfs Syrup BONE 2S- b -A-8S mm. *w*mmn* Dusarfs Syrup is
      638 words
    • 257 17 II fine are mv im a phc* of SAA *m' l)?x a:tl UJ Vil foorty-eirtt I ts of the I'rhary "(ir^an, n |^h M inJ kin(l< GRIMAULT Co. Paris. Sold by all Chemists. p NEW SUPERIOR PERFUMES -"H FOH THE HANDKERCHIEF RIGAUD C° 8. Rue Vivienne, PARIS Perfumers by appointment
      257 words
    • 644 17 vT>i x^| lll» l-TI'TH *^^H I mark IH I'.iin nt lm* H_H r. .-.-.1..S fiillfr. tin <•_.'! I_y, j i .iii(xirianr)' of il I* _ilir,llv ih »'.s Sew N.T 'l.^H miii.' lhc Ml.xxl with its „'C^B 'ir,/ Vnre am! Ventre -> i aTr. sh Hrn I n „f I.if». from
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 410 18 I f .^"BPteT tl V Bit till' ill 'r4^§?~ PTtii.' s ■r>taiv Bnisus* i!<:AM LAUNCH] Bnnder" r, IN,; T<) 26 KILKS a.v m.n:. Pf-llto^ fitiJ DOWN TO <J INCHES 01 WATEB ri'^^KY SHALLOW DRAFT ESPECIALLY ■Rutin ,I,l !Vi-:k \a\ [GATION. ■ni'l\ vl^.b FOB BOATS BUILT ABROAD. ■f ac *Tde; POPLAK,
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    • 311 18 SCHWEITZER'S COCOATINA 1 [nti GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA OFT UAI,AA oit sn; A admix Th.> Faculty pronounce it the "niosl nutritious perfectly di* Luncheon or Supper;" and invaluable for mvabd* and roundel Beinir abeolutelv all C0e...,." with the excess of fat extracted, is four tn, of preparations thickened vet weakened
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