Straits Times Weekly Issue, 31 January 1887

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 20 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE Ser Published rog Transmission by Every Homeward Mai 1 VOL Xffill.l. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 3i
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    • 24 1 t '1 wife of K > son. Ige, on Tuesday morning, th e 2 r »{li instant, the wife of fci. L. M »l;mglitrr.
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    • 24 1 the 1 3 of Simla Jan»y tli- Elevd. Bryant YYonnaugapore, Bb i>st .a of Captain jEli:_Y. d 1 lliiuS, »>t* Liverp i 1.
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  • 71 1 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 31st JANUARY, 1887. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Co' Blar-k i /<) Flour. P See, B<T i I I do. o Tin k do. L Pri l J Ou India Bank Dem 2 Pi On R Pri- Us. On Batavia B Prix 3e Soverei^n^ LO. b Shar' ft Now
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  • 244 1 Thk lust homeward mail was despal ihed on the 24th instant, per P. S 0. steamer Kaiear-I-Hind. The M. Bf. steamer maddy arrived on the evening of the instant with the London mail of the 1> scember. The German mail steam- >r Euroj> ou tbe evening
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  • 183 1 Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased to allow and confirm the Ordinance No. VII of 1 $86, entitled An Ordinance to provide \'^i' the use of uniform Weights and Measures throughout the Colony." lt is herehy notified that the Governor ha.s been pleased to recognize
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  • 69 1 lt is hereby notified that the of State has been i end, w half salary, for three months from the listh instant, the leave of absence gran \Y. Birch, ni Colonial rv. I is h half ed to A. [t ,C L 1 be <*>th notified
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  • 135 1 We under the t ioi Capt tion of the 'pv of th< i jud ild appear tha this v >me tin reported the ira:ical attack on a nat mese v a ters, and t of the crew only o We now iix of the l»«'<'u apprehended and tha
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  • 163 1 The T mender i;. A-i..!. a the 2 instant. The French gunboat Cha I mmander Le < toree, arrived aj Hob on the 21st instant from Nagasaki, which port she left on the l~th instant. >mmander l>;lvi^. of H. M. 8. Daring, had received hia promotion, bu< he
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  • 4092 1 to-. lay Chin Mi < charged wit h Lij il ri v i 1 th mad, charged. a< 1 the I not suh he cha Ah Ten*4 ith t m a dwelliuir I U. 10. Pri was (i $10 or 3 we< taviiv thi I Ye I A
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 71 1 U fr if j«on. 'rl |BF cßaiaria Prom M -.rsellle. Mi>s Blam -V- Sai From M Mes: Mr. and L;1( Mr. and Mrs. Blanc. Grauier, and Chandie. -From Marseillas Mr. and and i-l.:: i. MrsAdard Jhildren. Prom Colombo: -^HV J bnann and J. Loren/.. Marseilles Baron I From Sm-/- Mr.
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  • 458 3 It will l>e observed from a telegram m the Ceylon Observer quoted below that Sir Henry Thurston Holland has been appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies. I Sir Henry Vice President i_\ S^B cii. His career^ (C^^flß Bod:- < .M asp
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  • 757 3 ■'th 1 i I > t his compa a m £1 Bhares. to acquire as, mineral and other land-, and timber rights m 1 1 North i > or else and to work and devel subre W. Tation Wi. I -halloa, artist 1 AS
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  • 1003 3 A writer m tin; United A Journal states Till about Java Tobacco was consid* >v_ mi: !"■<! to next BTat than the sam« wL Huence on W If felt. loolced WTy brought m the |F lu \i London by the owners Br against the NethtTW ,i Navigation
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  • 471 4 21st January.) We regret to hear that Mr. Justice Sheriffs connection with our courts here is aboul I i !<• lias cted mi exchange with a Judge m British Guia .1 1 li canm stand the effects this climate. Ii is bui scant praise !<• .r. Sheriff has
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  • 837 4 Parliament. London, 20th Jan. At v Cabinet Council held on Wednesday, tin- terms of the Agrarian Conspiracy Bill -I. I'll..; \i:i \m» TiJBl ttantinople, 21st Jan. In reply to the uotr from the Porte, the Regents have demanded guarantees for ih< i autonomy of Bulgaria, and mat the
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  • 646 4 The Singapore Debating Soei I i -.1 LT is with very great pleasure that we d 1( devote a number of the dumns of eveuiugs issue to Souut of th. proceedings of the Sin apore D •ty at the dinner given by them Thursday evening to a large numb.
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  • 667 5 T. Jan nart/ 25. 1 m- cheaper laying down of goods m transit on laud has long been taxiim* the unity of inventors to some purpose, as evidenced by the mani devices to gain that end put forwards for public approval. They all so far hinge on
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  • 569 5 (N. T. Januarft v "W Tut: Chamber of ('ciiiii;ir!!^.vn j|J B Eteport for 1886 will uo douWflD^7^^ facto n to residents her.- and bouring ports, m ><> far as it cv »j that the association m question *****.. i i 1.. successfully to tread the path it str... into
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  • 1269 5 T. January J7 It will be admitted that the political situation of the present day is one of the utmost gravity. In our own country ire have just passed through a ministerial crisis from which the conservatives h daily I, say but it S<t I Mil !I
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  • 2660 6 M >nera 12th January LBB7. l>r. T. I R well, .1. P. i C. E Tan X b a Pc for P. i>n ;i elected i' dent, and, having duh returned tha for the cotnplimeni paid I chair. rea< Read 1 Kon'ble th< Co ni;i! the Go> the
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  • 598 6 h m question, that it is hard to understand what h>» is actually driving at with respect to tbe relations between Colonies Eind Dependencies. Are the ivsp tnsible colonial delegates alone to have the power of determining upon the form to betaken l»v the
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  • 4385 7 The dinner given hy this Societj on Thursday evening at th. Singapore Club was a great success. Ahout seventy m bers and guests tool th ir seats at the tables m the handsome dining room of the Club. Mr. A. Knight, the President the Society, acted
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  • 766 9 7 Jut tin St ,-ai/s TiuH 8. The hardness of the times does not stand m the way of journalistic enterprise m Java. Mr. I*. A. Damn editing a newspaper at Samarang. fell recently under Government displeasure for inserting an article which the powers that be took
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  • 747 9 Translated for the Straits Tiuns. Tm; Deli Courant gives particulars of the planters' meeting held there on the llth January, to fake action on the coolie brokers' question. The result is that the planters residing there have certified under their own haml that, as to cooperation, the) have
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  • 1758 9 Settlement of Pen v Edward E&oura, Plaim l« Against -1 S. Hok Canto,,." I). Mr.G. S ll.Cottlieb. Solicitorfor Plaintl 801 Mr. E. F.Thomas, Solicitorfor Defendant J DDOMENT. Delivered by Sis Honor Mr. Justice William Anthony Ma-grave Sheriff. Deputy .fudge, on the Joth January I s This is a claim
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  • 2339 10 Bfl-; a V/;' on-.- I, ,if, -Itu/ Jan. ISS/. The honli,i. r Wl" waoe onfounded with the Bou'landt en m the matter of banquets. W-"'- u r are the admin the Minissuddeu ris,- to populapuzzles the world but a nation must iTbisre always an idol to worship, as well
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  • 561 10 (Bntiah North The >•. x. Pah/mm experienced r weather on her la si from Sin jM.t-.'. The 'liin Mi ship i washed overbo ml. fortunately li he had tli" of m id t catch I of t he log liii" Capt. Bo ing promptly stopped the ship
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  • 2023 10 AMI IV M. <>1 IHI \IT\IN \N '■> |s or U-til of lifl< The S. S. Olympia which i Saigon to-day, brought on ton, the Becond mate, Mr. GK>"° kilor of th< Strathef al picked up m a life-boat at \\v n v^ 1 rr near Cape Padaran at
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  • 1122 11 (rrom „nr own correepondent.) Bangkok, I Ith Jan. 1887. Festiviti. Ceremonies, Processions, Parties, Ac., h been the order of the day for the last fortnight. An the I sth instant, the. "Gymkhana Association" held am. ther successful sporting meeting at Sapatome, which was patronized by the best of
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  • 468 11 Thi Madr M ill be following summaries ot 1 1..- terribli The lasi iv of tho old „a c <»i" the most appnlling "iMr ever befallen tho <-n; M idra* rat day l.ut ono of the Annual People's Park, and the
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  • 1185 12 b '/•/< r to 1 hi? ive particulars of a dreadful id li VVal mouth m which 42 > wviv caused by tli*- steamer K< uu: run down on a dark it. As she we:il down frightful on board. vo wlio can instinct a: iwful m the eak
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  • 8488 12 Afternoon oj Second Day, Wednesday, l'.iih January, 1967. At 10 minutes past 2 \>. m. the Court reassembled. The Attorney General, before Mr. Groom opened bis defence, asked His Honour the Chief Justice to resenre the poini m quesm between his teamed friend and himself. Mr. Groom
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  • 1430 14 (London paper* -Iht l> r.) The political situation has divided at t with the weather during the week. Storms of ran* and almost unprecedented severity having interrupted telegraphic communici at borne and abroad, there has been the greater for sunni>.> and conjecture m the absence of positive new-
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  • 773 15 I |Va>-"Thi;k Story of Another r *a^ Guv f:i:n"K's Leg. ■iOok you, gentle readers, and observe iliat ■ries about Governor I re no small K r r concerning >iich a leg la no BBinary twopenny brew, but on the contrary j*Vs of the true triple X strike, got
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  • 558 15 VIII. F.A.S. The following lines ar-- quoted from Truth m the Btraitt Timet of the 18th January. I v mr Straita ho highly honoured, Mia you i < M.i.. > with loyal al tv title, nn,', Tiie Btraitt Timet is resposible for the different type m which "you never tried"
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    • 666 15 Sik, —The Celestial Reasoning Ajsocia^] tion is composed of < Ihinese clerl mi,. »>t mer. hunts. It <ao boast of m perior m debate to Fox, ami m eloquence to I Fitt and Burke. Chines,- being a barren language, the transactions of this body are carried on m English.
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    • 267 15 Th e Salinger Opera Company. Sir, I have seen a aragrapfa m b weekly j aper railed Ih< 88, dat< d lllikl ii era BoufEe Company, which you may prol al also sec. The faitgra^li iv <^ iron i tii« IV i tl matr-i i B derable hvarlv lV clerks.
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    • 224 15 The annual registerin uforced by 11 B. M. Legation m Ba which has Keen r h m valuable paper, has not oiily interest but a other oations who ha\ Consuls acci to the S Jourt. [f on il succeeds m such a charge, the annual report
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    • 618 15 Chines e Fire-works. s worthy townsman, Mr. L im-in late 1 I <■ lm <i uutv of this ■4^. $rtPP^i w at I V .on BeaWin'; tr c A- >, iaX d frh all the ln Hon. Secre|,ud opened the :J e Whether we S^iair W While ,-e.f we are
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    • 193 16 ird that 1 is obabilitj of < b Bridge being r ved and a new bridge built m I not 1 tmodate the ever in- traffic it has occurred hing 1 1 I rath.- which 1 m axi;z., at the 1: hen bu to and returning from
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    • 89 16 Dear c the Poli c >i taent Bhould 1 i of ricksha t r become ;i very Berious nuic traffic fjjei tabli3 ca irred o back to one of irar At ]■)-< ricks all over the r< ada and tbcv i licv run of your 1 :ili i be
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    • 82 16 11 that our ver estimable ild have been i ble time and •jaial Eng- upon to serye ii;:niv days ago > mg nid kuock- our Attorney m to staai of them was an It ll >Bt' tO other day, the other uiau of the Jury house-breaking
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 240 16 ARRIVALS. I Flag h Vsbsel'b Name. 1.,-. Caitain. 21 Berenice btinger Brandt a ol 5, 0n r° nSr^ |Bnt.ite. 73 Kar aHin&C. SK P „v rtr D.Simoi. Keroine i^- 001 L alfour !^aval Offi J M Churchill Bnt.--. Xl: J.,n. Jo ken Senu ,v t' lAmi1 Ami r LV Jan.
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    • 147 16 Oif 20 Wii ata lor land ill s an<l Jugra Shanghai Hei ni«M cc, 22 Shanghai a .nm 24 ,xig 24 M 26 Pyah Pekhet v LumuJ 3 'ira Pet JT -rtli JT N"*>- era *X Fail Pt IW SHIPPING IN T j A R R. BS. I>'ATl<| MEN-OF-W "i'l
      147 words