Straits Times Weekly Issue, 24 January 1887

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
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  • 35 1 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. MARRIAGE. Leogne—Rappa. On Tuesdaj the 18th instant, at St. Joseph's ('hureh by the Very 1 R' ion Nicholas 1. T. Pinto, Axi MICHiLSL LOHGUK to JOSEPHINJE ia. ehle.i daughter of the late Jacob
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  • 227 1 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 24th JANUARY, 1887. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. •Singapore 24th Jani \rv. 1> Pk Gambior S <lo. 0 1 do. No pr.-i. Baii PontlaiKi!: 9.80 Sa^r P. Ooffee, i Ta-pnx- i I do. med. flat do. tfmal] !>•■ ir] .,.»>. do. med. do 6.25. 9.00 Clovee tnboina 35 00.
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  • 746 1 The last homeward mail was despatched on tluj [7th iystaut p M. M. steamer f (resent mail is taken on i' P. >. b1 r-I-Hind. The London mail of ih<> 'J fcth i delivered on the morning of the -Ji>t < > Th 3 German mail
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  • 1509 1 tht rl/l ./I (l\. Jam. The Marquis of Lana downe has aed the oil Ihe appointment of iy of 9 which was m ale to him. as hi I Fat ier I I th if Jesus, an 1 L to the < !hurch ol the [mm i mlat
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 128 1 PASSENGERS. F.i I Fro I r. B. i J. ugarton L Mr. ii. A Shiell, M and 2 child lard, i I, J. Thierry, alt, J. wife, i I'm. i I »lave!le. V Ponthu Menier de St. i io B Le, Mr. and I Lamoi- dau and infant. From Pon-
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  • 3591 2 rnal < >tji"'i> I < s. 29th l> tBB6 1 1 Thihaudin has appointed tv< ,<i of tli :i of I 'aris, and imand of the garrison of Lyon*. Rear Admiral Zcdc has been appointed Admiral. 3rd J The official b journals annoum dorstancl •<1 M. Jul. i
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  • 355 4 The M. M. steamer Oceanien." Thk M. M. Co.'s steamer Oa'anie*, which arrived on the morning of the Lsth instant from Marseilles with t ln* Europe mail, is one of the largest and iiuesf steamers that have ever visited Singapore. Built and launched at the Company's yard at La Ciotat,
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  • 645 4 0» the 15th !>•■.•.. a new U-hed cruiser, the Narciseu*, i rmallv launched from the shipbuilding yard •>!' Earle's Company Hull, bj Sirs. Wilson, wif< Mr. r. Wilson, M.P. The vessel 300 feel long on the load-line, hat breadth "i 56 feet and a moulded depth <>f -7
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  • 936 4 Tlir Sarawak Oaaette Hrd January The Supreme Council was convened this 20th day of December, when His Highness the Rajah, who liad just returned from Brunei, gave the members an account of affair- m that capital, which however, he did not consider m a satisfactory state, and he
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  • 1008 4 Sn. John Popi H BNNI M intimated by telegraph, suspended from the i ercise of his functions on the 14th !>• Sir Hercules Robinson was sworn m as Governor, ad interim, at noon on the loth. Referring to this change, the M Kis < >z> ft'- says Upon the
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  • 691 5 Fhe Extrhm Orient notes the safe arrival m Europe of two tigers, and one orang utan shipped recently from Cochin China for the Acclimatisation garden m Paris. They had to l>e Landed at Toulon with the utmost precaution. The orang utan proved very ferocious at the time
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  • 782 5 H. M. S. corvette Champion, Captain A.T IWlett, which arrived on Wedesnday afternoon from Hongkong, has brought the crew (86) of the British steamer Stratkeden, stranded on the North Paracelles, on a voyage from Hongkong to Saigon. The following particulars have b.en courteously sent us for
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  • 544 5 The continental P a Yl J "mm seems to have escape English press, a sumni, l ,'^B agreement between the t ''—I^tl ment and the Messageries fT Some of the provisions will com\ it ti l^B with the new year and some m 1 ''1 many of them are
    Times Of India  -  544 words
  • 190 5 lh* Straitt Tim London, ith Jan. In Paris. Vienna, and St. Petersburg it is Bemi-officially stated that Prince Bismarck's speech io the German Parliament tends to secure the maintenance of pea Q :b najn 3ondon, loth Jan. The German Parliament voted an amendment io the Army Bill, granting
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  • 1590 5 London, :"*th lh. < led snowstorm which rag< (J reat Britain on Sunday n M gale with which it wasacc.];; V t rathe wiih the continent Wi V ded until Tuesday mormng,' throughout thc Pmted KingdoU blocked and traffic is still partialh The storms have been attended damage to
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  • 1861 6 Ofltoial Kncoiirau-i'iin'iit to Trade* January In June 1 SS( > a parliamentary paper was issued eni it led 'M ►rrespondence n !i of Diplomat ic and conitance t" British trade abroad," wh: ae t ini<'> of j less U issuredly command attention among th ia furthering imercial enter] >rinerly,
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  • 421 7 Ti fcftueut of Horse and m a KXrast majoi mi Tfretoiit I I Is attei fth-Auowled. or the ration of as K^jl was af tin p. onptiug of personal Bpiqii". inconvenient c ■uJieh duo- fi*. Tie* prohibito boi coupled with j on h Municipal (!omk s;
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  • 535 7 i. January 20. 1 In Deli, Chinese cjafi and persistent combination have once more scored i remarkable triumph over European disregard of the axiom thai Union is strength.* 1 For a Long while, coolie broken m the Straits, as is the waj with monopolists, had taken
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  • 1015 7 v T. January 'Jl.) POMKOBT among the mining products of tlie new French dependency is coal, found m widespread deposits which have lately been prospected by experts with Annamite and Chinese labourers. The result of theee researches under the guidance of experienced mineralogists from Prance,
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  • 165 7 (Translated Jo rti The Deli Cuurant m its ivti f or 188U, culls atteution to th< striking cireumstaoce of that colour Ldy prosperity throughout last year Elsewh Nctherlauds India, m Javaespe past year has proved to be aj»« broken disaster and advereitv niercial and pla uu the contrary
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  • 650 8 The legal advertisements which appear from time to time m our columns coneern--1 i iDg different trade marks to what a considerable exteut unscrupulous manufacturers iujure the trade of our market by shipments of worth' ods, under the cover of colourable imitations of wellknown trade-marks. It
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  • 2121 8 It I, and 1 and confirm i Annual Uo\ < on the table, and, having 1..-, n ]■< circulated anion^si mci read. The < !h airman address* -1 th ra and said thai \u> would mak< his rvm.n very brief, na most of the subjtvts \\h bad
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  • 482 8 Straits Tint**.) Comercio gives currency to a rusir that the intended Exhibition <»t Philippine products and manufactures at Madrid will imi l>* opened until the 17th b, thf anniversary day of King I. The central exhibition 3 workiug hard to I the display, with the i-v Government ai
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  • 1208 10 The news from Upper Burinah i> more satisfactory since the adveut of Sir Frederick RoixTts tlutn it was previously. The Mandalay Correspondent of t li< Ration Gazette writ. as follow!? Mandalay, Dtrember, tS&d. This is Christmas week, luit then.- is nothing going on up here that would remind
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  • 2879 10 First -Assizes, 1887. First Diy, Tttctddy January IRth. H Tho first Assizes for the year 1887 were opened on Tuesday morning at 11 a. m., by j His Houour Chief Justice Ford. A good number of members of the Bar were present and a full compliment of Jurors. There was
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  • 698 11 hold I. i should have urged 1 1, ish. s ai v iv ma. dua pr or, md ad vital mid be 1. and 11 i I circuiu s *on. that I ships which w hour I hat t one < Ihina wa ju-t einergi.i with France, I
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  • 303 11 1 the on Lsth December at I [nus 11-.--.i A Icock, ho presided, staI Hi" preseui was <mly the interim 'I there w;i^ go to >.ji>i; At ihe last an interesting ;in<l imp .=> 1 1 as to tl and development of the colony. He
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  • 1734 11 The correspondent of tin tersburg writes as follows on v The naval and general shiphuild this year m both t sia has been ill ,-on^ On the Neva below bri Iges which the able and eiitei p lain Ka\ has certainly made the ti r hinei it i kind
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    • 51 12 lent m coni the voyage of the Auttralind >m London to Singa] the proof a valedictor and congratu- your Tulloch. Tb< ated briefly the high appreciation .vt 1 the passengers ptain Tuil I od qualities, i oo well-known to need enumeration. Tours truly. V on.
      51 words
    • 1429 12 Consular Registration of British Subjects in Bangkok. I I i U] ua--1 ation to ma m r» d or 1 amidst excited b) 1 1 g 1 1 cure v< rl at un our first v 1. > in\ t'ecolh that of otl). opened by Mr. tm-. ting had oe
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    • 215 13 Your correspond' tit can si arcely b<' call. <1 a wiv keen observer, or he would have noti.-. d that the engineer's and mate's cabins are barely la i h for themsel when the occupant is inside the p'a< c is full. Business lakes me to
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    • 332 13 of I'll ijr and acj of ihi m.! era. w or the cc m the Aq na lie Sport on 3 Day last, n i being nit of the ra< c. challenge I the Zephyrs to row a fresh race, ;i challenge was accepted, but r
      332 words
    • 383 13 dir, In duly last the 1 directors of the Straits Insurance < 'ompany issued a circular to the shareholders proposing to form re Insurance Company to be worked m connection with the Marine ofice under the same Board of Directors, Btaff, and A-gents, md holding out to
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    • 224 13 Sir, Only the boys preparing for the Scholarship Examination have any notion of history. What is their notion To sl dl matTY p«' Th, being awa V tory. il no so wrong ;i notn 1 K..rthisgloriof: ll '*W Sureh not
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    • 108 13 A shareholder m ts li suran ant sun and it is refreshin m this 'ompauN to the Sii Collectively lli di this ii\ be taken as tin men m the place, and ti doubt as to the vallK \et v* no f c \t to providing 1 1
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    • 188 13 I have to return you mi thanks for being so good as to publish m\ two letters. I endeavoured to hit Harbour Office m both, but now another matter has come under my notice which is closely allied wdth tie Harbour Offici jde and deserves publication. The
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    • 112 14 On the next New Year of the thin I hope the Government will show the same kindness to tne Chinese community of this Colony. Y,>urs truly, A CHINESI INH4IUTAST. fcinLritpore. 21st Jan., 1887 Sir,— On l>ehalf of myself and some of my friends, I have to
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 427 14 1 1 Hp ria wi "dcdVu W ',1 „->' S AI. CONBIfI Bru ;it^: pni Jambie Jan. 11 Bun Hin A Co. drjHongkong Jan. BBunHin&< P Swatow Jan. 7 Kirn Cheng A Co. P London Dec. LM'at.n-.n. Sunon- Co. P^~ ..'J 1 Manila Jan. 9$ Pfi- L >- did.
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    • 98 14 CLEARANCES. Date Vessel's Name Flag Kr.. Ci Destination. jau. TT Cbeang Hock Kian Brit. str. W Hongkong and Shamfkai 1 1. Bai tan K k 11 Benmore Penang i Louisa HI Kl:m :inil Ju?r Baweau li tjeh rM It rdor 11 Mr! 1\ ioii 15 Fid< str. 1 r Lo
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  • 149 15 The Origin V'p^ Advice t,, lnv.'JT tl ,ilß qniet, rpfreshinff *^i^S.._'- 8 as^- i _>___.-i rt **f j w^m reliel from pam and 4 lft -V p^^ suage the weary aching iwefl 8 I,l >^B invigorate the nervi y^' 'urn rtn-ulatiii^ sv-r-'i vide viiin-M i-\ a moB covered by
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 211 15 /OW ELL CO. r CTIONEE];s, LLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE i il iv H il 0 _U1 In raeh cipsule i ult, I) •^"^V i ■the ■Aim., ivXaliirla, Ec zi". iches, IVTeu- V_^ KLralfrl;*. profuse trai piratioss; i\ m lul of touio and invigo- PARIS. 8. Rue yivienne. i CHAPOTEAUT'S Jepsine Pearls
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    • 568 15 OUBART«B Syrup of Lactopnospbate o! Lime f TwM** ThiB *l n •■richss the blood, Hji C^H fC^ir and stregthens and restores all the PI _Pif 1 I ITT Mtal ec r ies Ph»sphate of Lime l*mmijA*fL*i\J L» the substance roost necessary to f f CJ**r our existence, and is indispensable
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    • 226 15 -r.y, ill I'• 'nb vi as-riarent |ii is. anl 011 cars m r GRIMAULT Go, F NEW SUPERIOR PESFUMES FOH TIIK. HANDS.ES\Gi RIGAUD C° 8. Rao Vivienne, PARIS P*rfumtrt by appointment to the Royal Families of Spain, Holland and Greece MELATI of China. KANAN^A of Japan. CHAIKPACCA cf Lahore. YLAr.'G-YLANG
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    • 184 15 ft i AJ x_ m aith.,. m WM TV y y> i 'i»i«' y AL< i s y> U ±J XT mtata au* ractured "TV*- T ALOR'S y>U >YXF i mitm V in' Por AGENTS WANTED In tlie principal Eastern Torts for the sale on commission of LAMPS OF ALL
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 401 16 WT i j^r* I IL* W\' S P^ M I.AIXCKKS f^, t "tTP TO L'»; MILES AN linn:. Kil' >WN I" [NCHES OF WATKB. SHALLOW DRAFT ESPECIALLT W^ tU x NTAVIGATION W hi: BOATS BUILT ABROAD. ■TVoPLAK, LONDOX. K. i'is.«d l>\ th.- British _o\ .'nnnci-.t f«.»- the Nile •Ixpeditioii. w
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    • 502 16 SCHWEITZKHS COCOATIN Anti J I ARAXTEED PURE g >LUBLE COCOA OF THE I m .ITH OCT SUGAR ()R ADMIXTURE. riie Faculty pronounce it lhi> most nutritious, perfectly di^ostihlo beverap:<» for Bn i Lhnclieon. or Supper;" and invaluable for invalid-Hand Young children. Being absolutely ".-ill Cocoa," with the excess of fai
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