Straits Times Weekly Issue, 17 January 1887

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 21 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE New Sekies Published fob Transmission by Every Homeward OMEW W VOL Xr.lll. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANI TAI{FA^
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    • 37 1 On the Uth January, at ffassim Hill, th« ?n Wifo of James Millkb of a daughter, stillI born. M At Johore Bahm, on Jan. 12th, the wife Dr. .1. P, A. Wihion, Medical 01 a daughter.
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    • 28 1 On iiw 1 -It Ii instant, at St. Andrew's Cat heß di-al STenerable A.rchdeacou Meredith^ >flß.v LTER S« H.M IDT, of Sill^l] Alm'sta Maria Velgb, <>f Malacca.
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    • 17 1 ■fiddle Roa.l on the lltli January, Basby, the second son of < 'n irles P. Pb aiT'"l
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  • 155 1 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 17th JANUARY, 1887. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore r LBB7 Produce. Gambior do. Cube No. 1 do. do. No. 2 3 Copra. Bali do. Pontianak Blact Pepper Sa#> Flour, Sar -J.I.V Pearl Sago Coffee, Bonthine -mall Flake do. do. Ist qualitj do. ined. flabdo. small pearl 6 do.
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  • 95 1 insi H. From Hoi 'i<l i and an i' Pi H Mr. F M burgh -From 8 :mu R'">. M. li. p.j., apnvau, and Mr. H. B. Mr. H Karr. Thouia>. London. —From Yokohama D. and child, and Mr. Johnston.- From Hioffo Rev. K. H. and Mrs. Davis, t>
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  • 355 1 Thk last homeward mail was despatched on the loth iustaut per P. Si O. iteamer |£u/-a/ and the present mail is taken on V' M. M. steamer >*■/■•, 7V. The LonWou mail of the 17th December was delivered on ifafc morning of the 1 ">tli instant
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  • 183 1 H E. 3 been pleased to appoini H. T. Haugfa on, Esq., be a Visitor itic Asyltim, Singap 11. A. t T.ri.'ii, I]^<j. fJ E. the I lor has been pleased to din for the year LBB7, the excl >v the adjustn aceou B with the
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  • 6267 1 "2:2 nd insT^^ S. Ht-roitiP ;iu<mß taut. 11. M 'a tr<W from Portsmouth Miefs for Sinu r a-^B M Cham- jl Vt V</\ and ing cification a^ ih a lr i£ t«-nt mflatin which is piV^MIV. Til." I ammonia, cai W is carried ill our th.' other is
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  • 107 4 Thi uts' Amateur Dramatic < Hub i, Tli" Buffs, -aw their third dramatic- entertainment, before m Feb. next, last Thursday night. The house -was < -rowdcd with soldiers an&non-eommissioned officers, as the entertainment was desi-n d ]»rincipallv for we hu iv drscnli.'d their K r:i tore
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  • 992 4 I vent of a n< w <>] eia company t<> always excites considerable inthe visits <,f these artistes are hI fur 11. A. v (l] U1 I >>< 111--kl« l Hall t.. In iir lit. ..{ruinperforn li^l, Opera Bouffe Company, which lias never played here h> Ithmigh
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  • 565 4 r lN}it' following Letter from Mr. H. Pm. tern to Mr. Frank A. Swettenham, C.M.G., ..11 the subject of j ling and sizing parchment Coffee m London, Ims been sent us tor publication. We recommend it to the attention of coffee planters m the Straits:— 38, Mi, i ring
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  • 694 4 M■•n of all pan v i would ad with regrei the telegram which a. published ■■i''!;iy announcing the d nth this :in<l ;i. om|>li»hed Doblemaj] bet:nov v a Stafford I fony w ill m of not one '>r i b< 3 .it m the froii! rank
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  • 226 4 Pabi i\Mi London, 7th Jan. Right 1 1 ward Stanhope has i- d appoii tary for War. Standard j»ul»: i paragraph stating that lir. Gladstone is inclines modify hii Home Rule scheme \s;th a to conciliate the Liberal Unioni Tin: \|i\ Lou Lord Idd- deign hftfl d, and
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  • 580 4 The Min Mr). v T. January H.'wf vfi: the retirement oi' Lord Randolph Churchill from Office m;iv regretted, the changes m the Ministry 1 hat haw since taken place have undoubtedly strengthened the (Jnvernnn'iit.. The isionaf Mr. Goschen to the cabUal mutt give gnat satisfaction to both con•erratiTe*
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  • 632 5 (8. T. January 10.) Tin-: case of the alleged improper loadof the steamer Ruby brought forwards entlv m our correspondence columns, however largely the element of exaggerati^.ni;o iiavr come into play m that particular instance, suggests unpleasani reflections. ?ie extent of the practice alluded to i&. he absence
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  • 567 5 18. T. January 11.) Captain Drake's defence published m our yesterday le will doubtless have aroused attention generally and been peruwith Interest. The extenuating circumstances thereby brought to light cannot fail to give rise to the impression that he has been somewhat hardl) dealt wit 1 1
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  • 404 5 (8. T. 12.) The full t. \t of the Secretarj o! State for the Colonies 1 circular despatch, regard" ing the proposed onference, fully bears out the favourable impression of i1 conveyed by t\u> Reuter'a telegram summarisii ontents. The preseni admin\s\ ration lias; evidently the interests
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  • 495 5 >'. T. January i > 'I'm: massacre on board the ketch off Joannei island recently nol our columm bids fair to be unpun ;(l -ut ov a man of war appearing off the locality where tnt outrage took place. The imp it v w which murders of
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  • 506 6 p (X. T. Janu try 14.) The disastrous business i] (pression bas hadaL:' t in rousing the H Government to a keener the need for Opening up uew outl< British trade. At the prompting of promiuent representative business men m Britain, it has ided upon publishing
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  • 1052 6 Minutes of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday, the 29th December, LBB6. mmiseioners l*r> went < 3, Dunlop. c.m.g. Preside) I Dr. T. I. R -well. P.C.M.O. J. IV Joaquini Bs. Crane, E The Biinutes of the last meeting were read and confirm •<!. Attention was called
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  • 1928 6 T. .1. l\i.\r.,iii;v V. In \M) Ai;m mi THE CITT. < >!)<• of ili«' mosl pleasa airy situations m which man might delight to dwell is thai occupied by Governaieni Souse and the Domain. The grounds i prising the Domain are nearly one hundred acres m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 2077 7 VI. Outlying Suburbs. Estimable render, before we turn to the busy side of our city, let us stroll out into the country and refresh our sight with the more diversified scenes that await us there. The city proper is spread over an area of about four square miles, within which
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  • 610 7 >or Mala Tlu- If which attracted i lar m the i !hief Jusi list the plaint .Mi- Abraham d'Silva, a Juryman, wa fined §5 for n.-n itteml H btequently excused tiitus«>lf. on o f ill-health, saying t iiat he I. me an operation*. Tin Chi. I -.iking his
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  • 770 8 (Tranthdetl for the Straits Times.) The sighi of Sir Stamford linttWs busl m the Library and Museum here, calls forth the following remarks from a corresSnt of the Javi who happened illy visiting Singapore. "There :is enough and to -pare for any admiration Hollanders may or Raffles.
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  • 644 8 Translated for //<»• Straits Times.) At Manila, tramways are getting into favour with the public to BUcfa an ti n1 that the int. nd< <l < itension of the lines to the suburbs of thai <-it 5 will pi still more advantageous. Rai and for additional Irnes have
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  • 2322 8 Parif, I>> n Merlatti' of tin;- <!.i_\ expin >\ a < eeni .if >'clock. The members of 1> Lical committee met, and demanded what irae lefi of their client I";, to last moment, the plucky [talian painter, as faggned iiis portrait m a dream, for t i ctaton
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  • 1574 9 The Chinese gambling fraternity have Itried their band at Police curn.j.ti.m at I ort Dai win with results the reverse of 'lit experienced m this quarter, judging l the report of the gambling commission. The North ritory Times gives following particular* The irrepfi Bsibeathen Chinee *Jbai
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  • 1432 9 The following from tin- Singii correspondent of th< Rangoon Times 4™ m be r«;id with interest Singapore, 7th l> yi> letter of I November has attracted the atterilioa erf »nd drawn forth something i rebuke. The pr««*.-nt Governor* ol Ceylon, Sir Cecil Smith, was spoken, or rather written
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  • 1061 10 The following letter from Captain John W. Drake, of the NormanUm, apj>ei»rs m the ,1 "/><"/ Herald Sir. Will yon kindly insert the following account of the disastrous calamity The wreck of the s. s. Nonitanton,' m your paper. Aj I have not been alLowed to speak
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  • 1184 10 ITbf following despatch has been ><-n\ by the Secretary of State for the Colonies the governors of colonies under rasponsible government. The Secretary ->f Si has also addressed a circular t<> the governors of colonies iu>t possessing responsible government, transmitting copy of ih«' despatch Ihm-n ing-ati BTov.
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  • 578 10 T, urant of the .nary ms 1 luit thf public there to feel not only satisfaction i what had befallen m that quarts ir, but also gratitude for from the daubers which threatened the [•hinting interest at the time of the A.chinese invnt ion. The latter proved to
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  • 731 11 tfall, Pi 743 I and Mil, n C John ti,- p! mand id, of theland th- imroei i m a a n:l--greatly distui >; 8 h Wi foi :t> possible to prepa ami tin. India ,h M,- :l .a v:iluvar India had actually to portoUi,!!- >*• hJ iM ti
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  • 2307 11 The P. O. Company.-Annual Meeting. meeting ol the I -nins s a1 the Mr. T. S irrag doption ii-.'.i m onr last liini. which w I m the i; '!d time it ;:il paid for -Mid it asily juid for m existing cir.•inn l! 'l ll;lVt them not much
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  • 1511 12 NEW VARIETIES. IV. i judge, tii<who bad ever •■<! m Singapore, predecessors on the judicial throne having been mere Recorders and 6uch like small d< This learned judge was aa faD of law !b he could possibly hold; lie was overflowii desire to make ssed example of somel "<r- or
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    • 644 12 The Singapore Correspondence of the "Rangoon Times." You have I >od enougl preface the reprii ua|M>r.' published m th< with the remark that it will 1.. inter I can assure you, Sir, i m question has been read with pa t'ul inter* si l<\ n the first pi le to
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    • 625 13 The Adminittration of British Justice in Siam. Her Britain] M i lent and Consul General n n to him on the 10th uli I i mi ich n as acquiesce i.i an* !!-t:., I ;,]v were to offer :;u\ thing approa lii I oppos i the to b I improper,
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    • 76 13 Dsab Bib, I Bee bj your valuable pa] thai Alpha 1 d the abovenamed Bhip passed throug N Harbour with gunpowder on board. Had Alpha and bis co-partners done their duty, they would have informed •tain of ill-- regulations of the port, ad i she would most certainly
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    • 124 13 m a Dutch historian singing the j»rais. II was Far t< o able an administrator t. find favor m their eyes; his rule m Java compared U >rably with theirs, bui when they talk of "filching" n'l, it is high time to prot< st. The Dutch had
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    • 422 13 Sir, They had better leave school as d as tli.v are promoted to the Ist class, or after the) have been sometime m the •Jn.l <lass. but noi earlier. The) Deed no! I at school to learn Euclid and AJgebra, as
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    • 1406 13 Dear Sir, Api the morsa pointed out m Fable No. 2 ofrSaturday's \at I would kimllv ast you I Pollowing. A pam of gentlemen connected with shipping m the harbour were invited a Singapore gentleman fr) to a Christi dinner, the hour appointed was Tin p.m. Che party
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    • 181 14 Would von be i as to m your estimable paper the following f.-w lines. Iffany meaabers of the R. C. community are ;iii\; .iis to know how our boys of St. Joseph's Institution passed their examination. Rev. Brother Lothaire should have let us know the result. 1
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    • 239 14 •v amusing letter of (!aptain John R. B which you have lately published, inst« i a«l oi being a "reply* 1 to Pair Play," seems I strongly m Ins I support. Let us nts, viz.. that Captain BR^k was I issessor m 1 Xi rr ll'
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 132 14 ARRIVALS. FL4 4 Fb< Jan 7 X Jan. I 7 < I »v» Brii 1 IBf R 8 I Dec. m U Jan V *S Jan. ay. sti 50] Qi l>ip- !l lOKii luci 0 !l Dec. 3\V. Mai Co noiT !I(jd Dec 3 M Ui ■■i I o V
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    • 439 14 CLEARANCES. J Date Vessei.'k Name Flao Bio Captain Deminati J.-in. 7 Borneo Urit.str. Hide Bangkok 7 Bentan Miles Penang 7 Cheangr Hock C'u itr. Webb P«m M 7 Mary Austin Bco Muar 7 Penanfr Courtnej ribon and Samarang 7 Hone Ann ker k"k 7 McAlister rtr. Stratton M porti 7
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 371 15 A EEKS, BINGAPOE E B i■■ sts J o. 4 ff^eads iron Jewel Safes Bed-room Suites anese Screens -I^ook !ases Lamps k Book Stands Linoleitm N n Billiard Tables Card Tab]. fkarble Slabs <■ Chairs Mim: Sj n.iamber Cupboards Office Cabin. Office 'hairChests of Drawer- Punkahs Clothes Stands Piano Stools
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    • 827 15 OUBARPB Syrup of Lactopbospbate of Lime Vw J frSrv m■Mi Thu ra P "riches the blood, IM Yd H TCTVU aDd tln lhen< aad re«tores all the Fill/ 1 ITT Ul '"'f'"- Phosphate of Lime JL I**V V* the lubltJnc most necessary lo I f oor cxisteuce. and is indispensable
      827 words
    • 663 15 :::IMm Advieo to Invalid quiet, refreshing sle* relief from pain and an^ suapo the weary aehings*^" O invigorate the nervous mod A JL JL H eircnlating systems of tlie Im,^ vidc-yoip- .-if with that marvelivEHi tHoM.T covered by Dr. J. Collis Browi Medical Staff) to which lie ir a v<»—^—^^■——
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    • 406 15 IWil the 22n<l in^^^ 11. M.5. Heroine ;ui<mH Mli instant. 11 M s tr<W arrived i"n>]n rortsiiicunß olitary reliefi for Sin^u-^J 'fjitioii. Nt -H .M. S and •'> '..■/■< lf>:<t r t I^H \J JLi New V"ear itrnt, 1 in-- nt^B ■if J.iU- fj oi' !,■>> '•< 1 11 '>''■
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 322 16 9- BF r^i Kit LAUNCH K<-. TO 26 MILES AN HOUR. 4^T^ N T O 6 tNCHBS OF IfATBB. K u^HAU,m\v DRAFT BSPEOIALLf W-% Boats BUILT ABROAD. ■J^LAK. LONDON, I-. |m7-«l »>v tiir Britisli ;.iv.'nnr;.-nt for tlu»Niio .('(lition. w\ B^^JP t^w~?^P_^ the safest mild X .i^H A I JII L^fl
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    • 57 16 mas ailu of all agos; au fld M.Hi uNuj are unsun *or J even ASTHM GOUT, RHEUMATISM •""I erery kind oi SKIN DISEAS Eit 1,-,s never beer known to fail. The Pilis „,.i OnW-^ Manufactured gua^e. aimoat every lan ggLSj Tf- f thoa^resBis not •>.).,. Oxtonl Street, London, they are
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    • 429 16 apHWELTZER'S COCOATIXA. GUARANTEED LE CO< T1 QITALITY WITH AR OR ADMIXTI The Faculty pronounoo it the most nutritions, perfectly digwrtiMo buwnig^for Luncheon, or Supper;" and mralnable lor invalids ;hkl Young children. Boirnj absolutely "all Coooa," irith the excess of fat extracted, is four times tlir strength of preparations thickened y«>t
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