Straits Times Weekly Issue, 17 September 1884

Total Pages: 18
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 613 1 &otitCs. ivOTI E. Subscribers are requested to intimate a§ early as possible whether they wish to pay tbeir Hubn^riptions in advance for the ensuine: year, and their attention^ requestpd to th»> terms of subscription, which are as follows Jljocal Delivery. In Advance. Daily Edition Wet-ki-y Edition. Per Annum $24 Per
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    • 520 1 Job Printing Department. This Department is now under the control of an experienced European Supreintendent, and is capable of executing alorders for Bills 01 Lading, Shipping Orders Bu*iueßB Cards, Bill Heads, Funeral Cards a r ramm Manifests, Permits, And every description of Job Printing. 42 Raffles Plaae, Singapore, Ist July,
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    • 598 1 &>ttaa\ ;§>b(p companies* n Macassar via Samarang, Soerabaya, Bali Boelkling and Ampanan and back, on the Ist and 15th of every month. »t Palembang, fortnightly or monthly (according to inducement) and from Palembang on the 10th of every month for Djambie via Muntok and Moeara-Kompbh, and the same way back.
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    • 611 1 *fttp Companies B. From Palembang via Montok and Moeara Kompeh for Djambie and the same way back on the 10th of every month V. BOENEO'B W«BT COAST. From Batavia via Billiton and Pontianab or Smgkawang and back on the 15th of very month. VI. Borneo's South East Coast. From Soerabaya
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 695 2 iHisrfllnnrou^ YARROW'S. LAUNCHES, SMALL STEAMER AND -TEAM BUILt OF WOOD, IR^.v OK STKKL, Screw Steamers with Kpe d ranging up to 26 miles an hour, Paddle Steamers witli dr»u<;hts tanging down to inches of water. MACHINERY CONSTRUCTED FOR JJOAT3 BUILT ABROAD. YARROW CO., (L'-ite Yarrow A Hi-dlhy., ENGINEERS AND SftIPBriLHERS
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    • 796 2 iHtsrfllancous. JVt.VNUFACTUJfcED OSTLY AT THE PHOSJ'HOUYNE LABORATORY, by Dr. R. D. LALOR, B«v .House, 32, Gaisford Street, London, N. W. (Thf -'>'■■ Proprietor and Origin i tor of l'n< >> Im mi y no. DR. La LOB'S PHOSPHODYNE,— from i«k im-aediat" effects in cases -.t" Exbteusti ii -MHitude, Nervous Debility,
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    • 702 2 iflfecellaneougu that have occarred under our personal observation during many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and even in the more terrible forms of Cholera itself, we have wit nessed its surprisingly controlling powerW<> have never used any other form of this medicine than Collis Browne's, from < tirui conviction that it
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    • 477 2 iWt*tfHaraous.. Pimples, I-iperfect Nutrition, Premature Decline, a Dr. BRIGHT^ IMIOSPHODYN'E i. th.. B.^t Known Remed? foi Indigettion Ijiver ompl.ntrt, -ind all Fanot onal De. n»ntfeM|.'nt>» of ei'h« r s»>x. Hr. RHIQHT3 iMfOSPHOHYNE T1 benefici >1 eff.-cti of *ho Pbonpholy^ <«!-■ frequently ah »wn from the first day of |t« ■idnini-tut,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 381 3 Slxcth ki> Wjl&m. Ten rind Coffee Sv;rvioea, Epergnes, W«J« terb, Spirit Stands, Claret Jugs, Pickle Frames, Cupe, Mugs, Biscuit Boxos, Cruet I Stands, toe Jugs, t 5 po< n», Forks, Ac, Ac. Also, R-dgers* Best Table On tie v, Office Cutry, Penknives, Scissors and Razeis. Stationery Department. Books.— The latent
      381 words
    • 683 3 AVER'S. Cheury n ctokal. N.i other com] la Q9 D iheu hro I Htid in- t j rity of MitF' Th< r fa or <<>li. rns-ulf l" perhtpii from a t'ifl n* or odooj s.i H .xpopa e, is often but the begin in g .f K f a t«l
      683 words
    • 572 3 f ROW: ANKV kS3AR »IL priserves, strengthen-*, :nd b**otine« the har it contains no lead or mineral i irrrdientHr and can now be a)s > lmd in a g Iden coloue whirh is* specially suited for fair or gold >inhaired children moni Four sizes ROWLAND-' KALYDOR is a most ooolinjr,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 394 4 f TREASURY of theTHROAT^I I GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AOAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT>E, ANGINA* CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. m MODE OF
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    • 727 4 QUININE-WINE H It is an agreeable and doubtless highly efficacious remedy." (The Lancet.) This Vinous- Elixir is the most powerful and valuable of the preparations of quinine, asa strengthening and antifebrile restorative. Been employed in cases of weakness and general debility, loss of appetite, changer of life, fever nervousness, exhaustion,
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    • 146 4 1 55, rue St-Martin rue Qujncamoolx, 80 lannfactore if Combs, Brushes, Looking-Ghssct Shelves, Horn, Shell, Ivory, Bone and Wood. a i M E re now in i potiu >n to oon r ct to 8lip;« v s-euii-r^ j lihl'llß' t^*;th Co leirh»r «t th<* Mines at Mi ra r a'
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    • Bomestic Occurrences.
      • 33 1 AT the Scotch Presbyterian Ohurch, on the 10th insr., by the Rev. A. S. M cPhee, B. D., jACXdON Milla.r to Jessie eldest daughter of William Baird, E6q Arcbiteot, Airdrie. Lanjirkab>re, N.B.
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      • 14 1 LT Tbe Grange. Tanglin, on the 18th Sept. 1884, John Anthony, agtd 27.
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    • 404 1 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 17th SEPT., 1884. LATEST MARKET QUOTATION Singapore, I^th September, 1884. Gambler 5.1,">. Black Pepper 17 374White Pepper, fair quality... 27. Sago Flour, bar a. Pearl Safro ;\5O. Coffee, Bonthyae VI Tapioca, small Fiake 2.75 Tin 25 50. 40s. Mule twist 92.:><». lb«. Sbirtipgs 1.55. 7 do do
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    • 843 1 Thk last homeward mail was despatched by the Mqwagcriei Maritimet strainer Yawg-TsJ mt 8 »i. m. on Friday, the 12th iustant. The (kms arrived on Thursday afternoon, the 11 th instant, from Marseilles with the London mail of the 15th August, and the P. and O.
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    • 781 1 His Honor the Chief Justice has, with the concurrence of His Excellency the Acting Governor, tixed Tuesday, the 30th instant, as the date for holding the next Criminal Assizes at Malacca. Her Majesty the Queen has been pleased to approve of the appoiutment of the Hou'ble
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 107 1 NOTICE. Messrs. Oamsron, Da.\'Loi> 00. hav. ine retir -A from the di mint of the > T^.rra TiMtfs th-i otfi a of the news-paperhMsb-en removed to Mesßrs. Hun Hin A Go's new buildings. No. 4-2 Raffles Place. All commnnicati »ns should be sent to Tb« Editor," at the above address.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 145 1 i)aootngero* Per M. M. steamer Yang Ts>', on the 12th mat. For Singapore. From Hongkong 10 Chinese atvidents From Saigon Mr. Errand. ftnPondichery.-- From Saigon Mr. t»el«4ln^ Madame Testat and Mtss Esquer. f*rf*rt Said.— From Shanghai: Capt. ie»re Chai Cosky aed Mr. Ismailot. For Saigon Mr. Payet. Mwa*ille». •—Erom Yokohama.
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    • 3626 2 The first prize of 500,000 francs in the Paris lottery has fallen to the holder of a ticket in India. The mail despatched from Singapore on the 14th ultimo per M. M. Co's steamer Sindk was delivered in London last Friday (12th instant.) Among the French
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    • 5751 3 The following special telegrams appear in the Daily Press and China Mail The Poet of Keeling Closed. Amoy, Uh September, 11.50 a. m.— The port of Keelung, Formosa, is closed. Desultory firing is going on. Another Serious Kiot. Canton, oth September, 10.20 a.m.— Riots have taken place at
      Ed; Pioneer  -  5,751 words
    • 217 5 He sat on the of 1 athing tub, His sleeves rolled up and his brawn arms bare He had not c^mo for hi-; daily scrub, Nor to sraoothe his dishevelled hair. Quick was his breath and wild A horrid knife lay at his sid Hit hands were
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    • 475 5 A Canton correspondent of the China Mail, writing under date 3rd September, gives the following particulars of the disturbance at Fatshan The rising of the Fatshan populace, intelligence of which was telegnphed yesterday, did not assume formidable proportions, the mob bemi* .jai^tly dispersed and order restored
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    • 565 5 r l\w Committee of Lloyd'f have received a letter from I *tary of the National Board of Marine Under writers at New 1 July 5, of which the following L take this opportunity forward by the mail, publications 1 measures of reform in Bills of I- tting
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    • 373 5 The following is a rough translation of the proclamation isssued at Canton on the "2()th August A joint proclamation issued b}- the four high officials of Canton offering rewardi to an i wiio shall succeed in capturii or destroying
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    • 541 5 There are now but four battalions guarding the approaches to the Kiangnan Arsenal and Lung Ilwa P twder Works, namely, one battalion at the West Gate, one at the South (Jute, one at the Xorth of tl ,al itself, and one at the Powder Works. Two weeks
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    • 1256 5 The latest received Dumber of Rangoon Times publishes the following information, which is startling if true Troublous times appear to be in store £o* j those now in power in Mandalay. A tele" i fr m Hal ntemporary. v d .ys ago abh< nnced f h*> f-
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    • 297 6 fFor Straits Tunes.) Fiance and China. London, \OtA Sept. The Parisian "National" states that the French Government contemplate the official declaration of war with China, and the convocation of the Chambers; that in this case France will abandon the occupation of Formosa and proceed to more importaut operat
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    • 207 6 From Ceylon papers. Berlin, 27 th Aug. Herr Braunschweig has been appointed German Minister at Teheran, and Professor Brugsch has also been attached to the Legation there. London, 2nd Sept. The Times publishes a telegram from Pekin stating that placards have been posted throughout the city proclaiming war
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    • 577 6 The Nisero Affair. The telegrams published to-day announcing the release of the crew of the Nitsero by the Raja!) of Tenom will be read with satisfaction. Every one must rejoice that the sufferings of the poor men are at an end, and that they will toou
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    • 371 6 The home papers received by last mail shew more definitely, what has been foreshadowed by the telegraphic communications previously received, that the Government has been forced to adopt a firmer policy with regard to Egyptian affairs, and particularly with regard to the relief of General Gordon and his faithful
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    • 353 6 It is now nearly five years since the operations for carrying 1 out this scheme were commenced, and many people are beginning to grumble at the delay in gettiug the work finished. The delay however may be satisfactorily explained. In works of this description, unforeseen
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    • 384 6 The custom of presenting addresses to officials and other prominent citizens on the occasion of their leaving the Colony, although amiable, is liable to abuse. An official of rank who has by long and arduous devotion to his duties contributed to the prosperity of the Colony, deserves on the
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    • 593 6 Thi Government rule with respect to the payment of salaries aud other claims, that the pay warrant must be signed by the Head of the department against which the claim is made, before the Treasury can issue the money, however well it may be adapted
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    • 518 7 It is a great pity that something cannot be done to restrain the evil propensity of peripatetic money-changers tor taking in" strangers. When a mail •teamer or a transport from Europe arrives here a crowd of dealers and money-changers hasten to besiege the new arrival?, either on
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    • 319 7 Planting by Europeans in Singapore has so often proved a failure that it is satisfactory to be able to report iqj thing: favourable on the subject. We are informed that a few davs a»o ipinent of 400 piculs Liberian e was made by a firm here to theLondoo
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    • 1942 7 Translated from Dutch newspapers for the SUraiU Times. Batavia, 30th August. From the Master of the Government steamer Argus having reported fresh changes in Sunda Btmitf, people have been warned in the Java C rant against navigating between the islands of Krakatau and Sebessie.''— Batavia Randehhlad. We
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    • 1809 8 Before H. T. Haughton, Eeq Thursday, 11th September. 1834. Assault and Intimidation. This was a case in which Captain Stone, of the 8.8. Pearl, proceeded against Captain A. H. Tilly, pilot, for as.s I ciimic force on the night of 23rd Angust. There waB a cross case ia
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    • 1901 8 After the night cases had been disputed of, the >• M w.i.s lV&urnt d to., day. Mr. Frederick Bn-oksbank, chief officer < r r. Pearl deposed I dined wit It np M t<in on the night of the 23r i All4. in the hoase provided by the
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    • 716 9 drink with me. We h d i brandy and soda split. While w. re drinking, Captain Btone asked me why I had cot oalled on b »ard his ve^sl for the newspapers I bad asked me t > bring down for me. I replied that I had been in board
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    • 4364 9 {From our own Correspondent.) Paris, 2nd August. 11' 'twere done when 'tis done, then 'twere well 'twere done quickly." Such has been the opinion of the Government respecting the grave question of the revision grave, because full of the unknown. The revision of the constitution does not at
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    • 2060 10 In addition to the news we extracted yeot?r Jay from the Ch in a Mail of the ."3rd September! Captain Jacobs, of the s. s. GlenfinlaSy furnisjied the following information to the Daily Press of the lib instant The Chinese soldiers would not allow the Europeans
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    • 2544 11 We are indebted to the Ceylon Observer for the following extract from the Egyptian Gazette, containing much interesting information (From the Egyptian Gazette, 14M Aug. It is understood that before leaving for Egypt Lord Xorthbrook will be created a Knight of the Garter. Lord North brook will be accompanied,
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    • 570 11 This Canton correspondent of the China Mail writes as follows Canton, oth Sept.— The following notifications were sent out from H.Ii.M. Consulate yesterday for the information of English residents. yotijication. I— At the request of His Excellency the Governor General of the Lu Kwang, British subjects are hereby informed
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    • 1428 12 The following letter, from the chief steward of the Nisero, George Essery, has been received by his wife in Liverpool We can only get the chance of writing when the *****, placed over our master, chaoses to let one of his slaves take it to
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    • 283 12 From the Sarawak Gazette, of Ist September, which was received vesterday, we learn that a meeting of the Committee of Administration was held on the 30th August, when the following business was transacted, Letters are read from Hia Highness the R:ijrih informing the Committee th it the s.s.
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    • 1088 12 The subjoined items of general uews from the same source are of some interest From Barani we learn tlat e o^e persons from B laib (a river in Brunei territory a little beyond Raram) have taken reiu/e in th»» Baram district, and five hundred people of Tutong are expected to
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    • 1417 12 Under this heading we extract the following paragraphs from the London and China Express It has been currently reported that in the event of actual hostilities between France and China occurring, the gunboat Watchful, which has just been oornmis* sioned at Devonport, would be despatched to
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    • 376 13 Messrs. Wrn. (J. Hale CoV circular of Bth September, igves the following information concerning the Ssiffon rice market: Rce.— Th-> veatber since the date of oar last, Advices hit been more favourable for pl.-nting, hjA tV.iiH f,,r th« corning crop ar«' diminishing. Thedamage caused by th^ late
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    • 142 13 UE Amaiijl B ThEATHICALS. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—'- Mark Learn" should also digest, and the few trifling and chaffing criticisms 1 made the other day would not have disturbed his bile. However it may soothe his irritated nervous system to know that I was not
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    • 1169 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I noticed a paragraph in your issue of the Straits Times of the sth September, in which you state that the "Tasmanian Devil is the" rarest and most cu>'ious of animals, and if the creature arrive here safely then His
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    • 103 13 To the Editor of the Straits Time: Sih, In reference to my letter to you of the 2nd September, respecting European children at Pearls Hill, I am given to understand that a Bible-Class has been established there by a few charitable and Christian gentlemen, one
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    • 304 13 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Sib, I am afraid there is a new disease appearing amongst the cattle. Within these fourteen days I have lost six head. The symptoms are at first running of the mouth which soon breaks into a foam, the animal gradually getting
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    • 236 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. SIK, I note your paragraph regarding the proposed Bombay Exhibition, but unless they have a bettor system of management than the Calcutta Exhibition, I dont think they will obtain many exhibitors from the Straits. It is now seven months since the
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 336 14 Aug. 2 Agostino Merello do 3 Guiseppino Bertollo... Liverpool. 6 Georg do 7 Adele C. Cardiff. 7 Webfoot do 9 Madeleine Rickmers... do 11 Buck hurst do 14 Friedericke do M 16 Armonia do 18 Ellen Rickmers do 21 Pembrokeshire do CLEARED ANJER FOR ORDERS. 1884. Apl. 24 Ole Boe
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      • 335 14 fLottrrs. STBAM -OMMUN'icvrinv To WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Thf Wes' AMtmlinii RUnanibip Com p ny'H HtPHmer VAT\L." J. Wood com mind<"-, -inderencrMtrement with the Straits j and W-ntprn Australian C, wernmonts, j. j exnocted to leave Singapore for Prem»ntle I 3allmg at Batavia, Roebuck R J<y% Sharks Bay and Geraldton. as notified
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    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 1402 14 ARRIVALS. I lag h Vessel's Xame. and Captain. From. Sailed. Consionkks fi Rio- Sept. 10 Carriedo Spa. str., 670Gardequi Manila Sept. 3 Syme &Co 10 Batavia Dut. g.b 5i 0 Krabbe Batavia Sept. 7 Dutch Consul. 10 Banda Dut. g.b. 600, Moens Batavia Sept. 7 Dutch Consul. 10 Marchmi Ital.
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      • 385 14 CLK A RANGES. Date. Vessel's Namk. Flag Rio. Captain. Destination. Sept. 9 Phra Choiu Klao Brit. str. Stratton Bangkok 10 Hail Columbia Brit, sch Andersen ('otie 10 Rainbow Brit. Btr. Rozells Malacca k Klang 10 Hecuba Brit. str. White Bangkok 10 Sissie Brit. str. Roberts Johore and port* 10 Ulonfinlas
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