Straits Times Weekly Issue, 10 September 1884

Total Pages: 18
1 14 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homewakd Mail Steamer. [Pkhe 40 Cents VOL XL. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1881. SO. 3,27i>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 609 1 Halters NOTICE. Subscribers «re requested to intimate as early as possible whether they wish to pay their subHorinHonß in advance for the enpnincr y*»r, Hnd their attention'is requested to the terms of subscription, which are m follows .Local Delivery. In Advance. Daily "Edition WVjkly Edition. Per Annum $24 Per Amuim
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    • 512 1 Job Printing De pabtment. This Department is now under the control of an experienced European Supreintendent, and is capable of executing alorders for bills of Lading, Shipping Orders Bupiness Cards, Bill Heads, Funeral < 'ards Ball Programmes, Manifests, Permits, And every descr.ption of Job Printing. 42 Raffles Plase, Singapore, Ist
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    • 602 1 Attain £>J)ip Compaims* m Macassar via Samarang, Soer\b\ya, Bali Boeleling and ampanan and back, on the Ist and 15th of every month. Palembang, fortnightly or monthly (according to inducement) and from Palrmbang on the 10th of every m nth for Djambie via Muntok and Moeaka-Kompeh, and the same way back.
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    • 530 1 strain &t)is Companud B. From Palembang via Muntok and Moeara Kompeh for Djambie and tin samp way buck on the 10th r ev^ry mont V. Borneo's West Coast. From Batavia via Billiton and Pontiai or Singkawang aud back on the 15th of very month. VI. Borneo's South A Bast Ooabt.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 695 2 iHferenanemisi. I YARROWS. LAUNCHES, LLL BTEAMER AND STEAM [JILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEFL, Steamers with speed ranging up to 26 miles an hour. r 'addle Steamers with draughts ranging down to 6 inches of water. MACHINERY CONSTRUCTED FOR BOATS BUILT ABROAD. YARROW CO., (Late Yarrow Hfdlfy\ ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS
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    • 775 2 itttstoliaittous. MANUFACTURED ONLY XT THE PHOSPHOOYNE L\J {ORATORY, by Dr. R. D. LALOR, Pay House, 32, Gaisford Street, London. N. W. (The Sole Proprietor and Originator of Phosphodyne. DR. L\LOR'S PHOSPHOOYNE,— from its immediate effects in of Ex banstion, Lassitude, Nervoua Debility ;md Malarial Cisesia has Attained an FnormoiiH, Sale
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    • 707 2 itftscdlanrous. that have occurred under our personal observation during many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, and even in the more terrible forms of Cholera itself, we have witnessed its surprisingly controlling powerWe have never used any other form of this medicine than Collis Browne's, f rora a firm conviction that it
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    • 469 2 iW^rcllancou^.* Pimples, Imperfect Nutrition, Premature Decline, <fec. Dr. BRIGHT^ PHOSPHODYNFJ i s the Best Known Remedy foi Indi<f*»stion. Liver Oomplantß, and all Functional De. rancrement'a of either bpx. Dr. BRIGHT'^ PRO^PHOHYVE.— The hont-fi.M' (l fff^cts of the Phoßphodyne are fr^nentlv shown from the first day of its administration, hy a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 368 3 JJiLJKCTItU fLATtJU WAU. Tea and Coffee Services, Epergnes, Wuiters, Spirit Stands, Claret Jugs, Pickle Frames, Cups, Mugs, Biscuit Boxes, Cruet Stands, Ice Jugs, Spoons, Forks, Ac, Ac, Also, Rodgers' Best Table Cutlery, Office Outry, Penknives, Scissors and Razcis. Stationery Department. Books.— The latest Publications and Novels are received fortnightly. Office
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    • 700 3 AYER'S^ Hsir Vigor restores, with the glo?g and frephnesa <f you^h, faded r>r gr;iy hair to a natural, rid brown <*oior, or deej> black, may be desired By i's use )ij,'ht «.r •><! hair ra >y be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness ft^n, though not always, cur^d. It chocks
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    • 541 3 ROWLANDS' MACAS-AR T>lh r-ri-serves, strengthen-*, and beair fi 'he bar it contains no lead or mineral i er»dien k sr and can now he i's^ had >n a e Id^n colone which is^pp<'ci-<illysu ted for fair jrold mhaired children an ppr«on H Four sizes ROWL\NDS* K>LYDOR is a most cooling,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 of theTHROAT^ GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AQAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT/C, ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They ire Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently, MODE OF TJSE3 Take every day,
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    • 834 4 <'«^ m^llllfM /vi\ s rue St-Martin &^rue Qufncampoix, 80 fc 1 1 ill jjuT^U Haonfactore if Combs, Brashes, Lookinrj-Glassei W^^LAfJOCHEd^m W Shelves HorD shellf 1?ory Bone a(l Woo(1 QUININE-TVINS is an agreeable and doubtless highly COAU efficacious remedy." (Thp. Lancet.) We Jtlv n vV m a P0 8 tlorl ract
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 43 1 At the Hotel de la Paix, on the 6th September, the wife of H. C. fcYERS, iSelangor), of a Daughter. On the 3Ut August IsB4, at Malacca, the wife of rt, H Young, Dis;rict Surveyor, of ft Son. Ceylon papers please copy.
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      • 39 1 FbaBer Barker. On the sth September, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by th.Hev. W. H. Gomts, b. d D. Mamson HkSSB, m. D., of Norih Borneo, to ADA fmLY, daughter of the late Alan Barker 8Q of Buntingfoid, England
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      • 38 1 CHURCH. August 31s*, at Singapore, Blizabetb, widow of Thomas Church, for Biany yea 8 Kesident Councillor of Singapore. At River Valley Road, on the t>ch insrtwit, Amelia Louisa, the beloved wife of Robert Anderson, a^ed 27 yeirs.
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    • 476 1 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 10TH SEPT., 1884. Latest market quotations Sihgapore, 10th September, 1884. Gambit; r 5.15. BUck Pepper 17.12*. fFhite Pepper, fair quality... Jo. Bago Flour, Sar 2. Pearl Sago j.50. Coffee, Bunthyne 13 Tapioca, email Flake 2 HO. Tin 25(>5. 40e. Mule twist 92.50. Si lbs. Shirtings 1.55. do
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    • 981 1 Thi 1\ and O. steamer Cljfde was despatched at 4 p. m. OO Thursday, t 1-th September, with the homeward mail via Brindisi, ;l d the Messaged^ steamer Yang. Tie iJ expected early tomorrow morning from China, and will be despatched on Friday morning. There has
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    • 222 1 Her Majesty has been pleased to allow and confirm the Ordinance No. I of lSBi, entitled MAn Ordinance to amend Ordinances VIU of ISGB The Gunpowder Ordinance), and VIII of 1872 (TheHar hours Ordinance). Her Majesty has been pleased to allow and confirm Ordinance No. 11l
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    • 320 1 Tile following cases are culled from the great number tried before Dr. Denuys, Acting Senior Magistrate, during this week Sept. 2nd. Abdul Satar pleaded guilty to a charge of theft, at 8 a.m. on the 31a t August, in ttochore road, and was tenteoced to 2 weeks' rigorous
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    • 197 1 POLiC<£ 00URT3.— SUMMUNI CABJCK TUEBDAY, 2ND BEPTBMBSB. Before N. B. Deunys, E»q., W. C. Browne, Inspector of Nuisances, vs Traganjan, Patrasvandian, ttadasah, Allapichay, Tan Choo, Uhinapen, Tan Kee, Ung Yung Soon, Tan Yong Seng, Govinden, Ariachee (f.), and lliji M.eydm, for not complying with a notice to thoroughly cleanse and
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 108 1 NOTICE. Messrs. Cameron, Dunlop Sl Co. having retired from the njauagetnent of the Straits Time*, the offite of the newspaper has been amoved to Me»sra. Bun Jtim fcOo'a new buildings. No. 42 Ruffles Place. All c ahuuld be sent to The Editor," at the above address. F. H. CAMERON.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 47 1 9aootngero. Per P. and O. steamer Brindisi, on the 3rd inat. V&r Singapore.— 'From London Dr. Hampshire, Miss J. Baird and Miss A. E. Barker. From Penanj? M^'S. Bonser, baby and amah, Colonel Bu^hurtn, Messrs. A. Fraser and A. E. Jansen, From Colombo Assistant Commissary General Clarke.
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    • 5961 2 It is understood that Sir Benson Maxwell, late Proeureur-General at Cairo, will not return to Egypt. The dead body of a Chinaman was found i floating in the roads on Friday morning, I and an inquest will be held the same after- i noon. The Assizes
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    • 3083 3 The London corn it of the Melbourne Age writes: It will not be very soothing to Victorian amour proprr, to know th it but for his own disinclination Sir Andrew Clarke would at the presei t moment be Governor of their colony. The post was offered to him by Lord
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    • 458 4 Merchant* and Planters (hizq^^B <>» Thursday, 17th July, whils^B* m.itave, the j ;iiivrs of the line entertained at dinner the pftimajPsrii of the French gun vessel IJoursautf-M a very creditable style. One siderSßfce quarter deck was eouverted into a saloon, tastefully decorated with Hags, and t table laid for
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    • 193 5 Thjs following is the list of votes obtained by contributors during the second KMonin 1833. Spin 78 let Prize. ■Mjr 37 2nd Frize. Sero 18 Achmed 12 n Mara 10 Holly 10 May 8 Primrose 6 Boogum 5 Scissors 5 Macrama 4 Ivy 3 Annie L&wrie 3
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    • 2102 5 Thjs official liquidator of the Oriental &uik Corporation has appointed Oct. 28, nex% at one o'clock, at the Law Institute, Chancery -lane, to settle the portion of the European list of contributors, beginning with all persons whose surnames commence **b %ny letters of the alphabet from A
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    • 710 5 The Straits Insurance Company, Limited. Tiie third Ordinary General Meeting of this Company was held at their Offices, 42 Raffles Place, at noon to-day. There were present Theoior Sohst, Esq., Chairman John Anderson, Esq the Hon. G. T. Addis, T. S. Thomson, Esq., Max Behr, Esq., Quah Beng Heng, Esq.,
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    • 230 6 fFor Straits Times.) The Soudan. London, Zrd Sept. It is ollicially ■ttpfcinced that the Nile expedition ill start forthwith tor Wady Haifa. The Nile is rising rapidly. China \nd Japan. The reported declaration of war is Kl SSIA. London, Uh Sept. The Emperor of Kusiia ba» left St.
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    • 602 6 A BEL3CT appreciative audience, for the most part composed of the elite of the foreign population of the town, on Thursday night assembled in the upper room of the Town Hall, to hearjthe concert given by M. Maurel, and the two ladies associated with him. The attendance
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    • 609 6 From Ceylon papers. London, 19 th Ang tut.— X iw s fro m America states that a conspiracy has l>eeu discovered against General Gonzales, President of Mexico, and that two Generals connected with it have heen shot. Cairo, 2Xrd August. Ths Nile is rising rapidly at Assouan. Calcutta,
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    • 1206 6 London, 12th August. Mr. Gladstone stated in the House ot Commons last night that the Government had not yet decided it they would introduce a Federal Euabliug Bill when Parliament will meet in autuinu, and also in reference to their proposed protectorate over New Guinea, which
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    • 470 6 DoMBs-r| c Slavery. A writer in Llf e Pall Mall Gazett' lately interviewed Mr. C. H. AHfe zealous and indefinable SecrloMrf the Anti Slaver^ Society, with ence to the work L D d prospects df the Society. Mr. A11«L a fter referring to what the Society
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    • 1310 7 i Reuter'n telegram in yesterday's is-ih ■pms us that Japan has claimed sovereignty over the Looehoo Islands, and th«fc Chiua has declared war in consequence. Those who know the intense rivalry and even hatred existing between fiunaand Japan, and the intricacies of the Loochoo question, and also
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    • 1180 7 A report is in circulation that, in addition to the three Russian ironclads lately announced by Reuter as coming here from Russia to reinforce the Russian squadron in Chinese waters, two more ironclads have been ordered to make their appearance there. The question naturally arises why do
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    • 546 8 There are few places blessed with greater salubrity of climate, notwithstanding its steady heat, than Singapore. The thermometer from sunrise to sunset, stands at 80° to 90° in the shade, while iu the sun it mounts up to from 1 18° to 160° Fah. Situated almost
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    • 485 8 Any one visiting Singapore for the first time cannot tail to be struck with the singularly mean and narrow entrance to Commercial Square from the j European part of the town. A stranger wishing to go to the Square from, say, the Hotel de l'Europe passes the Government
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    • 597 8 The number of cases of soldiers committing offences against sobriety and good order has increased considerably of late. It is not difficult to discover the cause of this unsatisfactory state of things. At the bottom of all these sins of commission stands the two evil
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    • 1764 8 We attended the performance of the Members of the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club last night at the Theatre Royal, and were glad to tind that a bumper house greeted them. The play was The Wonderful Woman,' 1 by Charles Dance, the author of several pieces once
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    • 1324 9 Minutes of Proceedings of the Muni«>pal Commissioners on Friday the 22 nd ad Monday the 25th August, 1884. Commissioners Present Hon. Major McCallum, R. E., President. K. W. Maxwell, Esq. J. P. Joaquim, Esq. Dr. J. H. Robertson. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
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    • 1958 9 Singapore, }tth August, 1884. The Secretary to the Municipal Comm'rs, Singapore. Sir, I have the honor to forward the following report for the information of the Municipal Commissioners. Country Roads. Several of the sand roads in the country districts suffered severely from the heavy rains we hud
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    • 2197 10 {Translated from Dutch newspapers for the Straits Times.) The Batavia Handelsblad of the 2-ml August states that the blockade of Acheen will be kept up by H. X. M's steamships Koniug drr Nederlanden, Prins Hendrik, Koningin Emma, Leeuwarden, Bromo, Borneo Ban hi, Madura, Bali, Riouw. Bencoolen, Poutianak,
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    • 1570 10 I Translate/? from Manila ne> I, for the Sf raits Time*. Typhoon.— -The Director of tb<> < vatorv lias been so obliging as to us to (lay the following intelfiger nightfall on Saturday a cyclone w ed making its appearance to tl of Manila. It seemed at the
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    • 1265 11 The b. b. Glenfitlas, which had the most prominent position in the bombardment of I" .mow of all the non mbatant arrived here this morning from Hongkong. She left oehowon Ist September and Hongkong on September 4th, and through the courtesy of Captain Jacobs we are
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    • 751 11 E extract the following paragraphs from the latest received Penaog papers. The Penang Hum*/ of the -ird September Bays The dramatic performance for the benefit of the crew of the Xisero came oft' last night in the Town Hall before an exceedingly large audience. H. K. the Acting
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    • 815 11 The Penally Th/tts of the 3rd September publishes the following account < f the murder of a European in Deli by the Chinese coolies of his estate: Atrocious mil refer of a European by Chi nese coolies.— To the already many coldblooded crimes that have been committed in Deli
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    • 608 12 The Arsenal at Soochow will perhaps attract French attention ere long. The Courier says Eight fish torpedoes, manufactured at the torpedo works in Soochow, were tried by Wei Futai on the 13 tli inst., at 7 a.m. and all were tired oft" very satisfactorily. The fish torpedoes were
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    • 1746 12 It appears that th« Etajah of Tenom has taken up a differed position from that which he has hitherto been supposed to lake. He now taunts the English with inability to influence the Dutch to agree to liis demands. On 11th May he wrote to Mr. Maxwell
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    • 1037 12 The result of the official correspondence between the two Governnj^K was that on 26th July, the followi telegraphic instructions for their representatives in Acheeu were agreed upon Following action agreed to by British and Netherlands <Tovernments Article 1. Joint detii/ind t i be addressed to zfcujah for
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    • 1786 13 Yamen to the Foreign Powers. (From the N. C. Bai/y News.) Tung chou, ]6th Any., 4.35 p. m.— The lowing Memorandum has been received at the Foreign Legations: Pekin,j, 14th August, 1884Your Excellencies, Some time ago we addressed a note to Your Excellencies in regard to
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    • 704 13 Correspondence of the Daily Press. Bangkok, LOtf August. Yesterday morning the English community, or rather the people at largo, were struck by unexpected and at the same time very sad new*. The night before Mr. Henry Alabaster had died suddenly in a tit of
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    • correspondence.
      • 134 13 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Siu, By the piper who played before Moses, who on earth manages the painting of our public buildings? They an perfectly hideous, and if we go on in this iniinner, Singapore will be as renowned as "the Chamber of Horrors." Take
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      • 129 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Dear Mb. Editor, May I take the liberty of calling your attention to a slight error in your yesterday's The piece so excellently rendered bv Mr. Maurel and so much admired by all Avho heard it, is not the Pantaisie
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    • 440 13 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As many correspondents have given to the public, through your paper, several recipes for the ol hydrophobia, I think that it is my duty to acquaint your readers with the remedies employed in our missions in lVmquin These
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    • 377 14 Wanted Refreshments. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sib, I think nothing can be more delightful than a visit to the Botanical Gardens on a moonlit night, when the band plays. To those who are capable of appeciating beautiful scenery, and who love to meet and see their fellow
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    • 244 14 Defences. None save the strongest can with impunity pass through the sudden transitions from wet to dry, from cold to muggy weather ho prevalent during the autumnal and early winter months. Influenza, bronchitis, cough, sore throat, or quinsey will attack those most watchful of their health
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    • 97 14 NOTI E. SALE OF BILLITON FARMS. On Monday, the 15th eptember next, the Assistant Resident of Billiton will sell by Auction, on the usual conditions, at bis Office, at Tandjong Pandan. let The right to keep Gambl ing places for the games of Phoen tupko 2nd Toe rijfht for
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    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 742 14 STEAMERS EXPECTED. ISS4. Jmly 14 C. de Santander Santande*. 10 Moray Cardiff. 22 Kaiwan Glasgow. 26 Welcombe Antwerp. t 30 Isla de Panay Liverpool. H 31 Bellona Hamburg. 1 Vi He de Cadiz Havre. 2 Bothwtll castle London. 4 Imbros Hamburg. SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. 1884. May 2+ Marchini New
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      • 702 14 CLKARANCKS. Dats. Vksskl's Name. F lag A Rio. Captain. DKbTiNAnoN. i Sept. 3 Ranee Sar. str. Joyce Sarawak 3 Edward May Am. bq. Johnson Manila 3 R«ioa Mercedes Spa. str. San Pedro Manila 3 Bangalore P.O.str. Hassall Bombay 3 Bromo Dut. str. Dorssen Batavia 4 May Flower Brit. str. Morrison
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