Straits Times Weekly Issue, 28 May 1884

Total Pages: 14
1 12 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times. WEEKLY ISSUE. Xew Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Prick 4<» Cbkts VOL XL. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1884. NO. 3,264
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 607 1 NOTICE. Subscribers are requested to intimate as parly as possible whether they wish to pay their subscriptions m advence for the ensuing year, and tht ir attention m requested to the terms of subscription, which are i as follows J_ocal7Delivery. In Advance. Daily Edition I Wei- kly Edition. rVr Annum
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    • 472 1 Notices. Job Printing Department. This Department is now under the control of an experienced European Supreintendent, and iR capable of executing alorders for Bill» of Ladincr, Shipping Orders Rainess Cards, Bill Heads, Funeral Cards Ball Programmes, Manifests, Permits, And every description of Job Printing. 11 Collyrr Q-iay, Singapore, 17th December,
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    • 596 1 ;8>team g>bir> Compames, LINES IN OPERATION FROM SINGAPORE. To Batavia via Riouw and Muntok and back in correspond ptic*> with the mail steamers of the P. O. S. N. <"*oy., every fortni£ht. n Acheev and Poelof B^as via Penanq, Edi, Tklok Sfmawk, Samalano\n and Pfdir and back, every 28 dnya.
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    • 532 1 strain £>btp Compantrs Singapore for Riou was noon as possible after the arrival at Riouw of the steamer specified in service No. Ill A. and B. IV. Bank a, A. From Batavia via Mnntok for Palembang and back on the 25th of every month. N. B. There is also
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 688 2 YARHOW'S. SMALL STEAMERS AND STEAM LYNCHES, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR KTKEI,. Screw Steamers with y^eed ranging up to 2fi miles an hour. Paddle Steamers with draughts ranging down to (> inches of water. machinery constructed kok. k<>ats built abroad. YABROW CO., (Lite Yarrow Hedli^ ENGINEERS AN!) SHIPBUILDERS Isle of
      688 words
    • 757 2 itlisrellaueuu*. MANUFACru'.vp ONVY AT THK F![OSPHOi)YNE LAJSOItAToR Y. h 7 Dr. K. p.' LAL )R, Pay House, 32, Gaisford Str >et, Lc don, N. W. (The <v»le Proprietor and Original tr tot Ph<>s:hodyn»;. DR. LALOH'S PHOSPHODY>^ R.— from its immediate t'ffoeta in <-i-es n< Rx baustion, Lassitude, N'^rvou-* Debility and
      757 words
    • 723 2 attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, ard Spavins. «Jhloxoj)yne is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Goat, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, Ac. From Svnu>s Co., PhuriUiK- ut;i 1 Cb«tni«t«, MedioaJ Hall, Simla, J arm try 5, *80. To J. r. Davenport. Esq., 33. Great ElaMell Street, Bloomsbury, London. Dear Sir, W«> embrace
      723 words
    • 577 2 iHiwrllannnig.. Medical Faculty. Fraudulent Iunr are in no way n>. -^nizod by the Medina Profession, and are either Useless o sitively Dan^»n>U8. IMPORTANT TO MEDIC!I\K VK\ > IN INDIA AND THE COLO Certifi *Xe* under tb« Trades' Mark 38 and 39 Viet., have been granted the proprietors, Riving them 'the
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 16 1 At Pearl's Hill on the 28th instant, the wife of J. Burke, of a daughter.
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      • 26 1 Ax the Presbyterian Church, on Friday, the 23rd May, by the Rev. A. S. Mac Phee, FREDERICK HAVELOCK BrOOKSBANK to CAROLINA LINGARD, both of Singapore.
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    • 174 1 STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY, 28th MAY, 1884. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore 28th May, 1884. Glambier 6.20. Black Pepper 16.20. White Pepper, fair quality. f 25. Sago Flour, Sar Pearl Sago 2.70. Coffee, Bonthyne 1:1. Tapioca, email Flake 2 90. Tin ifj.2s. *Qs. Muletwist *k lbs. Shirtings 1.52_. 7€o do I.i 4
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    • 330 1 Per M. If, steamer Am, on tbe 23nd inst For Singapore. From ii g Rev. Father Oasimir Saleilles. From Saigon Mr. Hadel and Mrs Helene Crott. For Marseilles— From Yokohama: Mes srs. M. Stonagawa, P. Shonghimoto, Y. Sonoda, M. Fakei, F. Fakashima and Ktdi Chotaro. From Shanghai Rev. Father
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    • 1034 1 The last weekly Straits Times was dated Wednesday, the 21st May. The homeward French Mail steamer Ava was despatched on Friday morning, the 28rd, with the mails via N iples. The M. M. steamer S<i(/h arrived on the evening of Thursday, the 2 2nd, with the
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    • 530 1 GovtKN mKN r G lzettb, 23rd Mat, 1884 H. E. the Acting Governor has been pleased to appoint H. A. Thompson, Esq to be a Magistrate and Commissioner of the Court of Requests ior the Settlement of Penang. H. r_. the Acting Governor has been pleased to appoint R.W.Hullett, Esq.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 248 1 STEAM COMMUNICATION TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA. !1 HE West Australian Steamship Com- I jaoy's steamer NATAL," J. Wood, corn- mander, under engagement with the Straits and Western Australian Governments, is exnected toltave Singapore f«»r Fremantle, jailing »t Batavia, Roebuck Ray, Ooeaaek, Sharks Buy and Gerald ton, as notified belove:— PROPOSED TIMETABLE.
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    • 4179 2 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 23rd May, 1884, was 577. Mr. A. B. Carlos has been appointed Financial Clerk m the Public Works Department at Malacca. Mi*. George Rap pa has, we are informed, resigned
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    • 1043 3 Hankow. Thk Hankow correspondent of the Shanghai Courier, under date 10th May, writes as follows concerning the opening of the Tea market and the quality of the leaf: HHh Mar. Musters of about 100 chops were placed on the market yesterday, and the market
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    • 184 3 f For Straits Times.) PARLIAMENT. Loudon, 'X\st Maj. The House ol Commons negatived the ameodoaenl excluding Ireland from the operation of the Reform Bill by a very large majority. Thk Sot DAM. London, Itnd May.— The Pall Mall I Gazette publishes a paragraph stating j that a British
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    • 2079 3 I From Ceylon aad Indian papers.) Calcutta, 3rd Maj/. p much excited and there was rush on the bank. The police were called m. I- said that Messrs. Sassoon and Messrs. Hum, Engineers, had large deposits m the bank. The latter firm are said to have 9 lakhs
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    • 423 4 Praiseworthy Vimlane. As may be gathered from our police court reports from time to time, the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company authorities are doing their utmost to root out from their premises idlers who, encouraged by the Chinese employes, enter the place and often take up their
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    • 356 4 1 1 is reported m Arab circles that one of the leading Arabians here offered the Government his services to effect the release of the Nisero's crew. He relied upon the great esteem m which he is held by the Rajah of Tenom, of whom he is
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    • 427 4 Oir esteemed and usually sensible and moderate contemporary, the Pinang Gazette, has allowed himself, m his issue of the loth instant, to be betrayed into a most uti warrantable and unprovoked attack on tbe Hon. Major McCallum, the Actiog Colonial Engineer. It appears that the water
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    • 288 5 The first of May, a day m the old country significant of golden buttercups, blush roses, and hedgerows m blossom, was announced at Labuan with thunder and lightning, such as the oldest inhabitant remembereth not. The country has suffered somewhat from a continuous drought during the last four or
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    • 302 5 North Borneo The progress of the territory, though apparently slow enough from a pessimist point of view, is sure ami steady the increased trade returns and fresb industries demonstrate. Each steamer brings a small consignment of immigrants to their friends m the new country the s. s. Amatista haviug brought
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    • 507 5 It has often been remarked by those who drive their own traps, that it is strange more accidents do not occur to Chinese and Native pedestrians, whose nonchalant, easy air, as they saunter leisurely along the middle of the street m crowds, is a source of endless
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    • 404 5 v Baron von Hamburgh," or, as one of the Ceylon papers styled him, w Barou Humbug," who impudently, under colour of being a wealthy foreign nobleman of estates as unimpeachable as his manners, victimised Ceylou society, has received his deserts. Jewellers and store keepers suffered considerably from
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    • 1097 5 -fIHUTSS of Proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Thursday, the Ist May, 1884. Commissioners Present Hon. Major McCallum, w.v. President. R. W. Maxwell, Esq. J. P. Joaquim, Esq. C. E. Crane, Esq. Dr. J. H. Robertson. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Read petition
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    • 1243 6 Sing tpore, "loth April, 1884. TO D Q pRKr-OUAVF. ESQ. itary to the Mm,.. Comms'rs, Singapore. Sir, The Municipal Engineer being ined to the h ese through sickness, requebted r_e to forward you the foU iowing* report for the information of the Munic'p il !omra era. Country
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    • 6037 6 Tuesday, _oth May. 1881 Present. His Bzcellei cy the Acting G nrernor. His Honour the Acting Ohief Justice. The Hon'ble the Officer Com. the Troops. the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Attorney General. -Cting Uolonial Treasurer, the Auditor-General. the Acting Colonial Engineer. the Commissioner of
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    • 5945 8 t Wednesday, 21st May, Before J. W. Norton Kyshe, Esq., '2nd Magistrate. The Late Piracy Case. ive Malays named Kuthol, Talip, Jalar, Song, Atem, were brought up and charged, at the instance of the Acting Superintendent of Police, Mr. H. O. Newlands, with piracy and murder on oth
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    • Correspondence.
      • 363 9 To the Editor of the Straus Times. Dear Mk. Bditok, Your correspondent M Justitia et Libertas" seems to me to be not quite certain in his own mind what lie wants to complain of in Mr. Kim Chiug's case, but being determined to find fault somewhere
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      • 356 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I hear several ugly rumours from Ceylon, which have a bearing on tbe labour question, as it affects one of the Native States. Desirous of knowing tbe truth of them, I take the liberty of asking if
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      • 1096 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I see m your issue of Tuesday, the first report of the Perak Tin Mining Company ;and after readingitover carefully all that I could arrive at was that after the Company working for less than a year,
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      • 264 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your hypercritical correspondent finds fault with me because I raised a question as to the ruling of the Acting Chief Justice m the Kirn Ching Concubine case. His Honor, according to your report, observed that Mm order to
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      • 424 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of Friday last, m a leading article defending the Hon'ble Major McCallum from what you style a most unwarrantable and unprovoked attack" of the Penang Gazette, you observe, speaking of the present Acting Resident Councillor of
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      • 270 10 A Policeman's Case." To the Editor of the Straits Times. SfR, I was this morning witness of a high-handed proceeding which may explain some of the cases of arrests by our native guardians of the peace on the charge of wasting water or the like. A policeman m undress came
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    • 19 10 Ayer's Sarsaparilla has 6uch concentrated, curative power, that it is by far the beet, cheapest, and surest blood-purifier known.
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    • 124 10 Hollowaif* Pills are the medicine most m repute for curing the multifarious maladies which attack humanity when wet and cold weather gives place to more j genial temperatures. In short, these Pills j never fail to afford relief m all the distur- bances of circulation, digestion, and ncr- j vous
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    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 301 10 CLEARANCES. Dats. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Captain. Destination. May 20 Sumatra P. O. str. Fairthough BombaT" H 5 0ng nn Brit.str. Siaker Sooloo via p. Cts May Flower Brit. str. Roberts Malacca Klang J 4 a P* r Dut. str. Hoffmann Batavia Martaban Brit. str. Carpenter J aVa Ports
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      • 1196 10 ARRIVALS. H F-AQ B -5 Vesskl's Namb. j awn Captain. Feom. Sailsd Coksionsss May 20 Patoeah Dut. str. 197 Roinda Palemb'g May 19 Boustead AC„ 20 Borneo Brit.str. 3i9 Edwards Borneo May 17 Boustead Acl 21 Hecuba Brit.str. 590 White Bangkok May 16 Mansfield Ar_ 21 May Flower j Brit.
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
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      • 411 11 ak. «ii Ammunition. ill -B, PowAQg Piece* taWvolveiS from first ela*Bf makers. Cartridges ;.rtridge rw s Wa^s. Percussion Caps, Gan Oil and all accessaries. PUou and Wilkes Allianct- Gunpowder. (Outfitting for Gentlkmen. Shirts, Collars. Scarves, Hats, Kelts, Braces, Gloves (nderolothing, KMndkerchiefs, Uml rellas, 'i ranks. Bags, Hoots and Shoes. A
        411 words
      • 713 11 very suit ible for nursery lamps, lighting passages lobbies, etc and adaptable to many purposes for which the common Night Lights are Maeless. Wo. I. holds Half-pint Foo^, besides Water. N". '2. TWh- carters Pint Food ditto. «o..T H Dfia Pint Food ditto. Clarke's 'V"ni' Nl|fht Lamps ditto. Pyramid Niuht
        713 words
      • 526 11 ifltsrellanrou*. is especially suited for fair or jjolden-haired children and peMuna. Fur sizes. AsV any de<W in Derfumery for Rowland*' article*. <>( '2 >. Hatt m Garden, London, »nn avoid spurious worthless iflftita. ti(.np. SinKK|...r». 2*tb JaB.ifSI 26 in. This Great Household Mkdkink RAHKfl AMOMQSf THK LIATCNQ* NKCESSARIES 01 LlFK.
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 401 12 y TREASURY of theTHROAT v GfCQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Berth.olet's salt) ▲RB THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT/E, ANGINA* CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. m »c _V_lO_D_33
        401 words
      • 666 12 rfP g i^j\ T?l>^ Bs»rue St-Martin rue Quincampoix. 80 ____h»a^m m. M _h I_b _f _F J __^__^_a_. IfjpAjjV** 'B I Ajj/M W I Manufacture of Combs, Brushes, Looking Glasses Shelves florD- shell« Ivor y'Bone aDd w ood QUININE--WINE It is an agreeable and doubtless highly Nt'TiOE TO' efficacious
        666 words