Straits Times Weekly Issue, 3 November 1883

Total Pages: 20
1 10 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 29 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New bekiks. Published kor Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamku. Prhi; 40 Ct >L. XXXI X. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1883. NO. 8,28 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 610 1 Local Delivery. In Advance. Daily Edition I Wefklt Edition. Per Annum $24 1 Per Annum $16 Six Months 14 Six Months 9 Three Months.... 8 Three Months.... 5 In Arrear. Per Annum $30 I Ver Annum $18 Si* Mbimths IS Ri x Months 10 dree B%>nths.... 10 Three Months.... 6
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    • 528 1 &>team &t)ip Companies. DB NEDERLA.NDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts witb the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. FTkad Aoenct Batayia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. O. 8. N. Ooy., may
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    • 661 1 attain £>frtp Companies. and back; on the sth, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th of every month. N.B.— The steamers sailing both from Batavia and Soerabaya on the 10th, 20th and 30th, shall also call at Cheribon, Tagal and Pekalongan during the favourable season B. The East Coast of Java—
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    • 532 1 strain »mp companw* In the months of May, Tuly, September and November, vi > Bitna, Maoemeri, Larentoeka, Timor Koepanß and back via Timor Koepan^, Kotti, Suvoe, Nanjfamessi and Bima. L Ist. From Macassar via Bonthain, Boelekomba, Saley«»r, Sindjay, and Boeton to Kendaribaai and back in via the same places on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 554 2 and 1 msJS^^^^ The Original and Genuine. T^nrORCESTERSHIRE OAUCE bears theautograph signature of Lea and Perrins -on a red label. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; and Crosse and Black well. London EJI and PERRINS' CJAUCE. Of Grocers and Oilmen throughout the world. Singapore Agents. Messrs. John Littlb Co. Singapore,
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    • 702 2 STHE ONLY TRADE MARK— PHOSPHODYNE. Sanctioned by Her Majesty's Government. Protected under the Trade Marks Act (38 and 39 Viet., ch. 91). HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. Twenty Years Public Test, and Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonials from all parts of the World, establish Dr. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE the only
      702 words
    • 895 2 &OttttQ. PhOBPHodtne m Tndia Treacher Co Bombay, Byculla, and Poona Smith Stanistreet Co., Batbgate <fe Co., and Scott, Thompson Co., Calcutta H. R. Maynard, Penang R. Robertson, Ceylon E. Gillon A Co., Lahore O'Hara A Co., fc Bangalore West A Co., Madras ;E. SpechIv. Kurrachee: Rangoon Dispensary, 215, Dalhousie Street,
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    • 660 2 iltetrrilaiiwf DR. J. OOLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE. The Original and onlt Gistuine Advice to Invalid 8 .-If you 3X ot o\>. tarn quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache relief from pain and anguish, calm and assuage the weary achin*. of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating syatemt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 635 3 iHfsrdlaneous. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Finest and Cheapest Meat Flavouring t 1 u,™? 8 Made DiBhes and Sauces Invaluable for India, as an efficient tonic n all cases of weakness. Keeps good in the .ottest climates and for any length of lme. jiibio Company's Extract of M-at, Is a
      635 words
    • 573 3 iKittrilaneira*. proceeded against under the Trades' Marks Statute, without further notice Dr BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE EnricbeB the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System. Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion. Dr BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Animates the Spirits and Mental Facultes, and thoroughly recruits and re-establshes. the General Bodily Health. Dr. BRI^HT'S PHOSPHODYNE is
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    • 498 3 iHtettilanrou*. Cigars, Manila, Havanna, Deli, Bur m ah and Coconada. Tobaccos, Golden Leaf, Birds Eye, Tnr- kish, Ac Ac. Cigarettes, fine qualities. Hardware Department. Bedsteads, Iron of all sizes, and bidding made to order. Cooking Utensils, enamelled and plain. ChubVs Box Locks, Padlocks, Drawor and Desk Locks. Barron's do. do.
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    • 744 3 potters. INDTAS STORES, WASSIAMULL, OHELLERUM Co. Jt-wellers and Dealers In all kind of Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silks and ot^er various Curiosities and Sundry goods of the best and guaranteed quality. Silk and Thread Embroidery Works, Ac. Sandalwood and Camphor Boxes. Indian Cashmere and Canton Crape Shawls, Ac., Ac. Nos.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 368 4 TREASURYofthe THROAT I GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH I (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST RE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY. APHT>£ ANGINA. I CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ET* ANCINA Thsy are indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. MODE OF
      368 words
    • 628 4 *»53^«4JiissMl»,iii.i»fcEK QUINA-LAROCHE I Perrugineux SYRUP In iplte of the ever increasing success of the laroche Bark QUOTA -X..AJLOCHB wnicn has been honored with a prime of 16,600 francs, a Gold Medal, etc., there are many cases In which the Sensibility and irritation of the mucous membranes may cause apreference to
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    • 278 4 |i:mHiiv/iVs\^jj|^j This Grkat Household Medicin RANKS AMONGST THE LEADING NECESSARIES OF LIFI. These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, aad ut most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, ind BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFEThey are confidently recommended as a neverfailing remedy
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    • 15514 1 Wednesday, 17th October, 1883. Present. His Excellency The Governor His Honour the Acting Chief Justice. lheHonble the Officer Com. the Troops. »t the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Res. Councillor of Malacca >i the Attorney. General, the Colonial Treasurer. the Acting Auditor- General. the Actiner
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    • 7319 5 er of Lands, in his opening address, bas alluded to the fact that, supposing we could eject these people, we have to put a watchman on every clearing, and the Chief Justice has sngested that his life would not be safe. lam quite of the same opinion. The country is
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    • 20 1 Domestic Occurrences. BIRTH. On jfee 29th Oct., at 94 Victoria Street the wife of Henry C. Hoqan, of a DaughTEB.
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    • 169 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 3rd NOV., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 3rd November, 1883. Gambier 7. Slack Pepper 15.50. Vhite Pepper, fair quality. 27.50. Sago Floor, Sar 2.75. 1 Sago 3.10. Coffee, Bonthyne 14.30. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin 28.b7i. 40s. Mule twist 94. 8* lbs. Shirtings 1.52*. 7 do do
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    • 923 1 His Excellency Sir Frederick Weld left this on Wednesday, the 24?th instant, in the Government yacht Sea Belle, for Malacca and Penang, accompanied by Mr. Geo. Browne, Private Secretary, Lieut. Cholmondeley, A.D. C, the Very Revd. J. E. TenisonWoods, F.L.S., F.G.S., H. Weld Blundell, Esq., and
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    • 408 1 The following Order of His Excellency the Governor in Council under The Inventions Ordinance" (No. XII of 1871) is published. Whereas Frank Gumm Bernard, a trader of Singapore, has filed in the Colonial Secretary's Office a specification of an in* vention entitled M an invention
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    • 333 1 The Canton Insurance Office, Limited. The following report tor presentation to the shareholders at the second ordinary general meeting of the Canton Insurance Office, Limited, held at the Offic General Agents in Hongkong on WedKpday, October 31st, 1883, at nooa The General Agents and Consult Committee have now the pleasure
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    • 189 1 Chia rim's Royal Italian Circus wa> crowded last eveniug, and the large audience which was present seemed thoroughly to enjoy the very attractive programme which had been provided. There were several features introduced differing from previous entertainments, and altogether the evening was most heartily enjoyed and the various performances were
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 92 1 FOR SALE. A Few Weeks with the Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. "Straits Time 8 Office, Singapore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across the Isthmus op Kra, Made with the French Government Survey Expedition, January— April, 1883. ith explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 180 1 Per M. M. steamer Amazone on the 29th October. For Singapore, From Hongkong Messrs A. J. Rodrigues, F. Goodwin, P. Kolheubuioh and Schepens. For Port Baid. From Hongkong Mr. Pernaus. For Marseilles. From Yokohama tyr. O. Franckekoja and 4 English sailors. From Shanghai Mr. and Mrs. Flesch, Mr. Harting Mr.
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      • 21 1 Mr. H. Price. From Penaner Mr. A. B St»pner>B. For Yokohama. From London Mr. and Mrs. Lowe. Freua Bombay Mr. Trenesbick.
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    • 2619 2 The total return of visitors to the >es Library and Museum during the ending Friday, 2nd November, 1883, was 803. eral Negner, at present in Algiers, has, we observe, from French papers, asked the Minister of War to be sent to Tonquin. i An inqu, st
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    • 207 2 The French mail steamer Amattone brought but little news from Saigon. Independent de Saigon of the 25th Ocb ber publishes the following two special telegrams, the rirst from the Agence Havas, and the second from M. BlancsuW, Deputy for Cochin China, to the Governor of Saigon Paris, 23rd
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    • 656 2 The Hongkong Daily Press of the 23rd October publishes the following from its own correspondent Haiphong, VJth Oct. Since my last, very little of interest has occurred here, Bac-ninh was not taken, because the French found it was too strongly fo rti^^H Heavy guns were mounted
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    • 186 3 fFor Straits Times.) Madagascar. London, 27th Oct. The British Government has accepted the offer of the French Government to pay Mr. Shaw one thousand pounds sterling accompanied by a suitable apology. Bulgaria. London, 2StA Oct. The Czar has recalled the Russian Aides-de-camp of the Prince of Bulgaria, and
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    • 476 3 (From Ceylon and Indian papers.) Bombay, 10th Oct. Two ladies at Nassick one Mrs. Woodward, the wife of the Collector, and the other Mrs. Silcock, the wife of the Assistant, Forest Department died on the Bth inst. from the effects of eating some Bombay oysters. Cairo, 15th Oct.
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    • 300 3 H. E. the Governor's arrital AT PENANG. His Excellency the Governor arrived in Penang on the morning of Wednesday, the 31st October, at 7 o'clock, in the new steam yacht Sea Belle, Capt. Huddle, Commander. The vessel steamed into the harbour at great speed, and after
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    • 2051 3 The Encroachment on Crown Lands Bill has been passed into law and been numbered Ordinance No. X of 1883, and the circumstances under which it was read a third time are nearly as remarkable as those under which it was introduced and debated, inasmuch as its author,
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    • 1368 4 The Tamatave incident is terminated according to Heuter's telegram, l>ut we read that the Paris press condemned the apology aud the damages paid by ench Government, and this sug■te some reflections. The French press derided the Rev. Mr. Shaw's claims. The French Minister for Foreign Affairs, M. Jules
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    • 693 4 A xew and novel style of gambling, commonly known as the "Ring" lotteries, which seem to have bewitched tte Chinese and Natives, h;i<; lately been introduced in Singapore, and the immense protit they yield to the owners has induced several persons to invest in them. The first
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    • 736 4 The Times publishes the following account of Mr.. Gladstone's visit Copenhagen on the 18th September, and the unique Tiffin Party on boari the Pembroke Castle next day After a remarkably fast passage, the Pembroke Castle steamed into harbour of Copenhagen at sunset i the evening
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    • 1092 5 Yesterday's Government Gazettecontains, besides the notifications copied in yesterday paper, the C-^wn Lands En- croachments Ordinance as finally passed on the &6th instant the Act of Parliment, 46 and 47 Viet. c. 30, entitled u an Act to authorize Companies registered under the Companies Act, 1862,
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    • 2742 5 We have been favoured by Messrs. Martin Dyee Co. with the following account of the effects of the recent Volcanic Eruption in Sunda Straits, written by member of their firm in Batavia, who paid a visit for the express purpose to Merak and Anjer
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    • 2233 6 Translated from Dutch newspapers.) ihe Batavia Handelxblad of the 17th ;ober quotes from the Locomotief y a Samaraug newspaper, the following" article setting forth the objects and reasons of the commercial restrictions now enforcod throughout Acheen. 'Not to give offence to our British neighbour* and yet to
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    • 1842 6 [Translated from Manila newspapers.) A recent article in the Hongkong Daily Press asserting that the hate of the Moros in Sooloo for the Spaniard! is so intense that it is manifested on every available occasion, called forth the following communication from a correspondent there to the Diario de
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    • 5430 7 The principal incident of this mail's news is the outrageous conduct of the Paris mob towards the young King of Spain. It is almost incredible from its atrocious violence towards a strainger and a guest, aud it is so extraordinary that we take the
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    • 991 8 Fbidat, 26th October I*B3. PRSSEST. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secratar?. the Attorney-General. the ColonUJ Treasurer I. S. Bond. n J Graham. W. G. Gulland. R. B. Read. The Acting Colonial Secretary [irceiiUs The minutes of the previous meeting ire read and confirmed. The Acting Colonial Secretary laye
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    • 2249 9 (From our own Correspondent.) September, 2§th. When the question, "What to do with our Boys?" is the order of the day, M. Doublet is a veritable benefactor. He has examined all the trades and professions, sets forth the pros and conB and leaves parents to decide. Thus, to
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    • 484 9 Tuesday, October 30th. 188S. {Before H. T. Hwughton, Esq. Acting 3rd Magistrate.) Committed. Lee Ah Pah was committed for trial at the next Criminal Sessioua <m a charge of housebreaking by night. The pri was found, according to the evidence, tering a hou^e in Havelock Road on th
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    • Correspondence.
      • 1341 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. R> This Ordinance has, it is to be id, been so hurriedly run through the Council and turned out in its present crude state to enable His Excellence the Governor to go to the Peninsula and the Connaissicner
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    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 488 10 6'""w v* uiD outtcßßUj in titie tu prove croacnments, ana is tne aeienaanx; to nave H 1 FIiAQ Ej Vkssbl's Name. and Captain. From. Sailed Consionkis. 3 Rio. c-, Oct. Peshwa Brit. str. 1399 Carson Madras Oct. 12 Katz Brothers. Emirne M. M. str 727 Barthelemy Batavia Oct. 2n M.
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      • 892 10 CLEARANCES. Date. Vessel's Name. |Flao A Rio. Captain. Destination. Oct. 27 Sissie Brit. atr. Millington Pontianak 27 Pioneer Brit. str. Habekost Singorah 27 Norman by Brit. atr. Sorenaen heribon A Samaranff 27 Mercury Brit. atr. Martin Deli 27 Gleneagles Brit. str. Gasson Hongkong 27 Chow Phya Brit. str. Smith Batavia
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