Straits Times Weekly Issue, 20 October 1883

Total Pages: 22
1 18 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. Nkw Series. Published fok Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cents VOL. XXXTX. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1883. NO. 3,232
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  • 78 1 DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE .sTOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. Head Agkncy Batavia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy., may
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  • 317 1 Netherlands Indian Ports From Singapore let Glass To Riouw 8 Muntok 28 Batavia 48 Cheribon by direct steamer 60 m do via Batavia „67 M Samarang by direct steamer 62 m do via Batavia 71 SouraDaya by direct steamer 76 M do via Batavia „87 tJ Banjermassin
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  • 123 1 To Batavia via Riouw and Muntok, and back, in correspondence with the mail steamers of the P. 0. Company every 14 days, MACABSA& AND THE MOLUCCOS, via Cheribon, Sainarang, Sonrabaya, Bally Boeleling, Arupanan, every ten days. ACHEEN, via Penang, Edie, Telok-rio-mawe, Samalangan and Pedir, every
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  • 658 1 2nd hack on the sth, 10th, !sth, 20th, 2 r )th and 30th of every month. N.B.— The steamers Bailing both b in Batavia and Soerabava on the 10th, 20th and 30th, shall also call at Cherioon, Tagal and Pekalongan during the favourable season. B. The East
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 606 1 i 'Ottffs. Local Delivery. In Advance. Dah v Fpition I Wbfkly Edition. Per Annum 524 1 Per Annum $16 Six Months 14 Six Months 9 Three Months.... 8 Three Months.... 5 In Arrear. Per Annum $30 I P. r Annum $18 Six Months lft Six Months 10 Three Months.... 10
      606 words
    • 542 1 £>t*am £>f)tp Compames, In the monthBof May, July, September and November, vi i Hima, Maoemeri, Larentoeka, Timor Koepang and back via Timor Koepang, Kotti, Savoe, Nangamessi and Bima. L. Ist. From Macasair via Bontbain, Boelekomba, Saleyer, Sindjay, and Boeton to Kendaribnai and back in via the same places on 12th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 573 2 iHtsrellaneou*. L-. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS EA and 1 ERRINS' O AUCE. The < higinal and < tannine. VirORCESTERSHIKE OAUCK bears themtograph sig~ nature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold wholesale by the Pro.. prietors, Worcester; and Creese and B lack well London EA and PERRINS' QAUCE. Of
      573 words
    • 722 2 flollttz. THE ONLY TRADE >iARK— PHOSPHODYNE. Sanctioned by Her Majesty's Govern- Went. Protected under the Trade Marks Act (38 and 39 Vict., cb. 91 HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY, j DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. Twenti Years Public Test, and Thousands j of anim] oacbab)* Testimonials from all j parts of the World,
      722 words
    • 906 2 Phosphodyne in India: Treacher A Co >mbay, Bycnlla, and Poona Smith Stnnistrect Co., Bithgate Co., and Scott, Thompson .v Co., Calcutta H. R. Maynard. Penan gj R. Robertson, Ceylon; E. Gillon Co., Lahore; O'Hara A Co., Bansralore West A Co., Madras E. Spech- Korrnchee Rangoon Dispensary, 215, Dalhonaie Street, Rangoon
      906 words
    • 684 2 jb&ittlltmtow. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advice to Invalids. If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings' of protracted disease, invigorate the nervout media, and regulate the circulating systemt of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 632 3 MtettHmtow. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest and Cheapest Meat Flavouring j Stock for Soups, Made Dishes and Sauces. Invaluable for India, as an efficient tonic in all cases of weakness. Keeps good in the hottest climates and for any length of time. Lisbig Company's Extract of Mr- at, "Is
      632 words
    • 574 3 proceeded against under the Trades' Marks Statute, without further notice Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Enriches the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System. Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion. Dr BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Animates the Spirits and Mental Facultes, and thoroughly recruits and re-establshes. the General Bodily Health. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is the
      574 words
    • 552 3 iHtecellaneous. Tobaccos, Golden Leaf, Birds Eye. Turkish, Ac. Ac. Cigarettes, fine qualities. Hardware Department. Bedsteads. Iron of all sizes, and bedding made to ordor. Cookinsr Utensils, enamelled and plain. Chubb's Box Locks, Padlocks, Drawer and Desk Locks. Barron's do. do. do. Hink*s Patent Duplex Lamps, all sizes, Carriage Lamps. Paraffine
      552 words
    • 603 3 ftOtUtz. INDIAN STORES, WASSIAMULL, CHELLERUM Co. J^WFLLERS AND DEALERS In all kind of Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silks and other various Curiosities and Sundrv goods of the best and guaranteed quality. Silk nnd Thread Embroidery Works, Ac. 1 Sandalwood and Camphor Boxes. Indian Cashmere and Canton Crape Shawls, Ac, Ac.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 TREASURY of theTHROAP GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTII^TfON OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT>C, ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUIH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. m m 3VIOIDE OF USE
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    • 977 4 QUINA-LAROCHE Ferrugineux SYRUP In spite of the ever increasing success of the Xaroche Bark QUINA-LAROCHE wtilcti has been honored with a prize of 16,600 francs, a Gold XVledal, tc, there are many cases in which the Sensibility and Irritation of the mucous membrane^ may cause a preference to be shown
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    • 14 1 THE STRAITS TIMES WEEKLY ISSUE. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, 20th OCTOBER, 1883. ■■■■^■"■'•■■■^■■■■iMnaMßa&ai^aaßMB una. MM ra
      14 words
    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 57 1 On the 7th inst, at tbe Horel del'Eu.. rope tbe wife of Captain P. Rademakbr, of a son. A.T Tanglin, Singapore, on the llth icst. the wife of Walter J. Garland, Commissioner Public Works, Johore, of a daughter. At Selegießoid, on the night of the 17th October, the wife
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      • 19 1 I On the 12th October Richard G. Ja.mbu, ag d 4-2 years Penang and Calcutta papers please copy.
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    • 213 1 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, Singapore, 20th October, 1883. Ctembier 7£. Black Pepper 17 00. White Pepper, fair (quality. '27 kSago Flour, Sar 2.7*> Pearl Sago 3^. Coffee, Bonthyne 14.30. Tapioca, small Flake 3 15. Tin 40s. Mule twist M. 8i lbs. Shirtings 1.524--7 do do 1.424 6
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    • 1141 1 The last weekly issue ol the Straits Times was dated Thursday, the llth October, but as it is timed for despatch by the homeward mails, the date of issue has been changed to Saturday daring the N. E. monsoon, the steamer usually arriving hereon Sunday. The
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    • 97 1 Government Gazette, 12tu October. H. E. the Governor has been pleased to appoint K. W. Braddell, Esq., to be a Justice of the Peace and a Magistrate for the Settlement of Penang. H. E. the Governor in Council has, under his hand and the Public Seal of the Colony, granted
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    • 482 1 Monday, 15xu Ociobeh, 1888. Hi- Excellency Thk Govkunob. His Honor the Acting Chief J ustice. The H on 'Lie the Officer Com. the Troopi. th*« Acting Colonial Secretary the lies. Councillor of Malacca. the Attorney-General. the Colonial Treasurer. the Acting Colonial Engineer. the Commissioner of Lands. IS. Bond.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 96 1 FOR SALE. A Few Weeks with thk Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. "Straits Times" Ofti Singapore 26th April, ISKi. NOW hEADY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across thk Isthmus of Kra, Made with the Frfn. h Governmknt Survey Expedition, January April, 1883. With explnnatory M;ip and Sections,
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 136 1 passengers;* Per P. and O. steamer Veroua, on the 20th inst. For Singapore. From London Mr. R. U. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bishop and Captain Powlett r. n. From Brindisi Dr. FraBer. From Venice: Mr. T. C. Loveridge. From Aden Mr. W. Tucker. From Colombo Mr. and Mrs.
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    • 7272 2 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 12th October, was 655. TuiT total return bf visitors to the Kaifles Library and Museum during the wefil ending Friday, 19th October, was The reinforcements for Tonquin by the French
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    • 278 4 (For Straits Times./ Thk CrsarrwtTCH. London \tith Oct. Don Juan. H&chness. Cosmos. Fh ln< i General Campenon has been appointed Minister of war. FkaN( I AND SP LIN. London, Wfh Oct. Tho French Government has declined further rep nation for the bad reception off King 1 Alfonso. The
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    • 1304 4 TSLSOBAPEIC Simmahv. I Wrom Ceylon and Indian papers.) St. Petertburg, 28rd Sfpt.—The exceptional police measures have been prolonged here for one year. London, 21th Sept.— A strike of fifteen thousand cotton spinners at Ashton-Under-Lvne, which commenced on the 17th August, was terminated yesterday. News from Ireland states that the Orangemen
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    • 1262 4 Thk Lands Department. Wi* append below the objects and reasons appended to the Crown Lauds Encroachments Bill, which was read a firs* time ou Monda) last, and they suggest a few reflections. It will be seen that the Hon. Mr. Bond, whose presence in the Council
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    • 4963 5 Among tbe papers laid before the Legislative Council on the '2nd inst. was the report of Sir Hugh Low, K.C.M.G., Resident of Perak, on that State for 188*2. Unlike its predecessors, this report descends into a great deal of petty detail, and is cut up
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    • 1300 6 A short time ago the somewhat novel announcement appeared in our telegraphic summary that the Bank of Bengal had taken up a loan of the Rangoon Municipality of four lacs at fi?e and a half per cent, repayable the half in five years, and the other half in
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    • 1542 7 The "Diario de Manila and the "Straits Times." Thk following article translated from the Diario de Manila,va which that paper reads us a lecture upon the duties oi journalists and especially upon the duties of nations, towards one another, strikes us as amusing- in face of the way in which
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    • 1649 7 The Government Land Purchase in Penang. The Penang Gazette, silent itself in the Subject, publishes the following somewhat caustic letter upon it over the signature of Common Sense and under the altogether inappropriate heading of The Emasculation of the Legislative Council. We welcome any Penanir expression of opinion upon this
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    • 770 8 The M unicipality. MtNTJTES of proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Wednesday, the 26th September, 1883. Com m issioners Present. Hon. Capt. McCalllum, u.e. Preaident. Edwin Koek, Esq. Syed Mahomed Alsagoff, Esq. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. MHpd letter from the (leneral Manager of the
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    • 7913 8 The Ceylon Obe erver publishes the following interesting information regarding the situation of affairs in Tonquin, furnished by Mr. A. R. Colquhoun, the traveller and Times correspondent in Tonquin, during a stay of some days in Colombo while waiting for the mail steamer, on his way home Mr. Colquhoun
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    • 1836 10 Ihe correspondent of the China Mail writes as follows Canton Monday, Ist Oct. The result of Logan's trial has spread in the city and suburbs like wild fire, and has greatly ex.. asp rate! th Chinese. They do not un„ de< stand English law and cannot
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    • 1645 11 Thk papers received by last mail contain the following curious correspondence respecting" recent events in Madagascar. We say curious/' because the correspondence explains nothing with regard to Admiral Pierre's highhanded proceedings and his reasons. There are only two conclusions which can be drawn from this correspondence, either Admiral
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    • 1262 11 The whole of India lias been convulsed since the beginning of the year with regard to the Ilbert Bill, which proposes to give Native Magistrates jurisdiction over Europeans. The Europeans object to a man, and all AngloIndian opinion is dead against the measure, and it
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    • 920 11 We have to acknowledge receipt of the annual report of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, the following extracts from which may be of interest to our readers generally, and more especially to Planters J Economic Plants— Attention has been given during the year t > various economic
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    • 7833 12 Fibst Day, Tuesday, 16th Oct., 1883. The first day's races of the Autumn Meeting were run on Tuesday afternoon, andnot withstanding an inopportuneshower, of rain that came on about 2 o'clock, making the roads very dirty, attracted a goodly crowd to the Grand Stand and enclosure.
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    • 1707 14 (Translated from Dutch newspapers.) Bataria. 'lith Septtmber. We h^ar v'w b pleasure tbatalin< st certainly a scientti investigation into the recent volcanic )V enoruen i i 1 Snnda Struts will be underaken by Wr. R. D W. Yerbeek, a first clhss uiuing ngneer, lately returned from Euope
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    • 1943 15 {Translated from Dutch newspapers.) Batavia, 6th October.— Tidings still come in hither from far removed countries regarding the effects there of the tidal wave resulting from the Krakatau outburst. That far within the Moluccas, on the Australian coasts, and also along the coast of the Malayan Peninsula,
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    • 1821 15 {Translated from Manila newspapers.) Sooloo (From a correspondent.) It is my intention, both in this lett- r and in succeeding ones, to furnish the readers of your estimable j jurn*l with particulars of any events happening at this station which may prove of interest to those who pride
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    • 2014 16 Translated from. Manila newspapers. Sooloo. Under date the 19th instant, a correspondent writes as follows from tbis station Nothing worthy of mention has happened in this Settlement during the interval since the despatch of my last letter. In default of available intelligence, I will proceed with combating a
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    • 1951 16 (From our own Correspondent.) September \T)th. Road-makiin: must be a science here every known plan has been tried on the streets Macadamising, stone and flag pavement, asphaltum in the state of liquid and powder, and wood in blocks of various dimension. The Empire inclined for Macadam, as by
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    • 1011 17 Haw ley's Ita lian Opera Company. Verdi's opera Ernani, one of the finest lyric dramas of that great maestro, was played on the night of the llth inst. by this company to a somewhat scanty audience. It is much to be regretted that such excellent entertainments, affording enjoyment of the
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    • 1049 17 Pen ang News. The Straits Times makes a mistake when it asserts that Geok Teat and his friends were the first Straits born Chinese to visit Europe. We can testily that Mr. K. S. Tat of this town went through Europe some three years ago. And Penang born Chinese have
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    • 578 18 The following has been sent to us for publication Not long ago at Singapore a steamer 'neath the flag Of Old Castile her anchor cast her Captain's name was Brag least that should have been his name, but as he had another, Nobody called him
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    • Correspondence.
      • 244 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sib, I have been, several times, to hear the Italian Opera company which we I have now amongst us, and have been, like all with whom I have spoken on the sub- I ject of the excellence of
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    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 777 18 ARRIVALS. b LAO M ViBBEL's Name. and Captain. From. Sailed Consignees. 5 Rio. t2 O< 10 Colaba Brit. str. 1115 Henderson Kangoon Oct 4H. Gray A Co. 10 |Glenfi-uin Brit. str. 1936 Xorman London Sept. IM\ Dyce A Co. 10 Emirne M.M.str 727 Barthelemy Batavia Oct. BM. Maritiniea. 10 Rrby
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      • 993 18 CLEARANCES. Date. Vessel's Name. Flao A Rio. Captain. Destination. Oct. .10 Liban Fch. str. Labie Saieon 10 G. G. s' Jacob Dut. str. de Hart Batavia 10 Graaf van Bylandt Dut. str. Swart Batavia 10 Annetin Ital. bq. Repetto Hongkong May Flower Brit. str. Roberts Malacca A Klang 11 Picciola
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