Straits Times Weekly Issue, 4 October 1883

Total Pages: 17
1 13 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published for Transmission by Every HomewXrd Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cent*. VOL. XXXIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1883. NO. 3,230
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 618 1 fiotires. Local Delivery. In Advance. Datiy TVdttion I Wefkly Edition. Per Annum $24 I Per Annum $16 Six Months H I Six Months 9 Three Months.... 8 Three Months... 5 In Arrear. Per Annnm $30 I Per Annum $18 Six Months 1* I Six Months 10 Three Months.... 10 Three
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    • 529 1 &>team &t)ip Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. 0. Read Agency Batavia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 653 1 &>team #&fp companies and back on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th of every month. N.B. The steamers sailing both from Batavia and Soerabaya on the 10th, 20th and 30th, shall also call at Oheribon, Taeal and Pekalongan daring the favourable season. B. The East Coast of Java.—
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    • 543 1 *team S>t)tp Compank** In the months of May, .Inly, September and November, via Bima, Maoemeri, Larentoeka, Timor Koepang and back via Timor Koepang, Kotti, 8avoe. Nannmeni and Bima. L 1st. From Macassar via Bonthain, Boelekomba, Saleyer, Sindjay, and Bo«ton to Kendaribaai and back in via the same places on 12th
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 4HtoceUan£OU3* BEWARE OP IMITATIONS T mania ERRINS' CIAT'PB. The Original and -c Genuine. bears t he autograph sig~ nature of Lea and Perrini on a red label. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; and Crosse and Blaokwell. London T EA and PERKINS' OAUOE. Of Grocers and Oilmen throughout the world.
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    • 719 2 Notices* THE ONLY TRADT3 ufAMK— PHOSPHODYNE. Sanction ed by Her Majesty's Gov srnment. Protected under the Trade Marks Act (38 and 39 Viet., cb. 91). I HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. Twenty Yens Public Test, and Thousands of unimpeachable Testimonial! from ail parts of the World, establish Dr.
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    • 889 2 PrfOB*HODYNE m India*:— T^eacher Co Bombay, ByouTlj, and Poonx Smith Stanistreet Co., Batbgate A Co., and Scott, Thompson <fc Co.. Calcutta H. R. Maynard, Penang; R. Robertßon, Ceylon; E. Gillon X Co., Lahore; O'Hara ft Co., Bangalore; West ,1 Co., Madras; E. Speehly, Kurrachee Rangoon Dispensary. 215, Dalliousie Street, Ringo^u
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    • 679 2 Miittllnmom. DR. J. COLLTS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Thb Original and only Genuine Advice to Invalids.— lf you wish to ob. tain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 631 3 iHtetrtlaneous. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest and Cheapest Meat Flavouring Stock for Soups, Made Dishes and Sauces. Invaluable for. lndia, as an efficient tonic m all cases of weakness. Keeps good m the hottest climates and for any length of time. Libbig Company's Extract of M at, "Is a
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    • 563 3 Mtettllzmou*. proceeded against under the Trades' Marks Statute, without further notice Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Enriches the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves and Muscular System. Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion. U* BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Animates the Spirits and Mental Facultes, and thoroughly recruits and re-establshes. the General Bodily Health. Dr. BRIQHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is
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    • 497 3 iHterrilaneous* Tobaccos, Golden Leaf, Birds Eye, Turkish. Ac. Ac. Cigarettes, fine qualities. Hardware Department. Bedsteads. Iron of all sizes, and bedding made to order. Cooking Utensils, enamelled and plain. Chubb's Box Locks, Padlocks, Drawer and Desk Locks. Barron'R do. do. do. Hink's Patent Duplex Lamps, all sizes, Carriage Lamps. Paraffine
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    • 566 3 potters. THE LONDON SINGAPORE ANTFOULING PATNT COMPANY, LIMITED. (DENNYS' PATENTS). Incorporate! under the Companies' Artt 1 562 tn I SBO, the liability of Shareholders being limited to the amount of their shares. Capital, £250.000 m 250,000 shares of £1 each First issue of 150.000 Shares at par. PayaMe sr. on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 r TREASURY of theTHROTT] I GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH I (Bertholet's salt) ARE THK BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT*. ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. s> I
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    • 653 4 QUINA-LAROCHE Perrugineux i SYRUP In spite of the ever increasing success of the Xiarocbe Bark (QUINA-LAROCHE), which has been honored with a prize of 16,600 francs, a Gold Medal, etc., there are many cases m which the Sensibility and Irritation of the mucous membranes may cause a preference to be
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    • 327 4 T^ This Great Household Mkdicik ranks amongst the i.kading nfckssaries of llfk. famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and irt most powerfully, yet soothingly, on the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, md BOWELS, giving t<>n»\ energy, and vnjoui to these great MAIN SPRINGS >F LIFE. They :m i confidently recommended aa a
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 19 1 At Mount Faber, on Friday, the 28th Sept., the wife of Mr. J. J. Cross, of a laughter.
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      • 27 1 On the morning of the 22nd Sept., suddenly, on board the 8. 8. Normanby, near Batavia, Thomas Anderson, third Engineer, aged 41, a native of Newcastle.
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      • 29 1 At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on Saturday, September 29th, by tbe Revd. A. S. MacPhee, John Graham, Singapore, to Helen, youngest daughter of B. Bbown, Esq Pittenweem, Fifeshire.
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    • 167 1 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 4th OCT., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, Singapore, 4th October, 1883. Gambier 7.10. Black Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sago Flour, Stir 2.75. Pearl Sago 3.15. Coffee, Bonthyne 12.75. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin 29 50. 40e. Mule twist 94. 8J lbs. Shirtings 1.55. 7 do
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    • 698 1 The last weekly issue of the Straits Times was dated the 27th September. The Anadyr arrived on Saturday, the 29th, with the London mail of the 31st August, and the Rohilla came m this morning with the mail of the 7th September. The homeward P. O.
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    • 221 1 It is notified that the office of the P. C. M. O. has been removed from the Government Office building to the premises m Hill Street lately occupied as the Coroner's office. The following Notice from the Acting Consul General for the Netherlands is published Notice.—
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    • 400 1 Friday, 28tu September, 1883. PRESENT His Excellency The Governor. The Hon'ble the Commandant. i, the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Colonial Treasurer. >, the Acting Auditor-General. n the Acting Colonial Engineer. the Commissioner of Lands. n J. Graham. h G. M. Sandilands. W. G. Gulland. B. B. Read. n
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    • 461 1 We hear I'rom Singapore that H. E. Sir Frederick Weld will arrive m Penang about the 15th proximo, but unaccompanied by Lady Weld and the rest of their family. Her Ladyship purposes going home early next year instead of coming to Penang and spending three months at was
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 95 1 FOR SALE. A Flw Weeks with the Malays. Iq pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" Office, Singapore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across the Isthmus op Kra, Made with the French Government Survey Expedition, Januaky— April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections, AND
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 132 1 passengers* Per M. M. steamer Anadyr on the 29th September For Singapore. From Marseilles Hon'ble I. S. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Bonser, Mr. and Mrs. Kruese and child, Messrs. Kung, Otghton, Neer Kamp van Enbden, Weißsen Feldt, Neisterhaur and Mr. and Mrs. Kohler. From Colombo Mr. R. S. P. S.
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      • 45 1 nan, Miss Butland, Mr. E. Gkize, Mr. and Mrs. Bonabeau, mother and child, Mr. Siegfried, Sisters Marie, Josephine, Vincent, Theaphone, Helene, and Claudia, Revd. Fathers Ramon and Joseph and Mr. Hoflich. r For Yokohama. From Marseilles Messrs. Salcamai, Forjeta, Tangoutchi, Makino, Soffregen, Kommand and Wakamatzu.
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    • 2316 2 The total return o!" visitors to the Uafrtes Library and Museum during the week 'tiding Friday, 2Sth Sepr I SS3, was 715. We are informed thai the new Government yacht <Sev/ #<7A" arrived safely at Colombo on Tuesday, and was to leave that night for Singapore
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    • 1342 2 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Rowing Club was held at the Tanglin Club, on the night of the 20th ult, Mr. C. Stringer presiding and there being some fourteen members present. Mr. E. .1. Nanson was elected President m place of Mr. Stringer, who had
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    • 872 3 New S. S. Governeur-Generaal S'Jacob. The Glatyow Herold of 25th August fives the following account of the irial trip of this vessel This fine steamer, built and engined by liessra. Caird Co., Greenock, for the Netherlands India Steam Navigation Com>any, proceeded ye«terd*y down the tirth >n her official trial previous
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    • 608 3 Senea-y whoever he may be, discourses words of wisdom upon the Gambling Question as follows m the London and China Express of the Slit August: Sm, On perusal of the debate on the Gambling Question m the Legislative Council at Singapore I cannot help remarking how weak
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    • 171 3 fFor Straits Times.) TONQUIN. London, 26U Sept. The Tempt states that under the influence of England, the Chinese have proposed the French annexation of Annain as far as the Red River, the remainder of Tonquin to be annexed by China, and the Red River to be open to
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    • 1271 3 {From Australian and Indian papers.) London, 2-4//* August. The Admiralty insists Jthat it is essential that submarine mines should be constructed to block the channels m the Australian harbours against hostile attack. The Victorian Government are about to order immediately two batteries of new Armstrong field artillery and
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    • 1010 4 We take Hie following telegrams from the Sydney Mail of the Bth September Port Moresby, via Cooktown, V&th Augt The Age correspondent has been plundered of much property by inland natives. This is the first trouble with the inland tribes since foreigners arrived on the island, and took
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    • 844 4 The Estimates for 1884. A Government Gazette Extraordinary was published on Saturday containing the Estimates for 1884 as, we presume, passed by the Finance Committee. They differ somewhat from what they j were as originally introduced on the 6th July last, the estimated Revenue being larger
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    • 1344 4 There can be no doubt that the Federation of the Australian Colonies is a near event of the future, and will form one of the most distinguishing events of the last quarter of the nineteenth century. It has been quickened by the recent outburst of French reet-
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    • 293 5 We have to acknowledge receipt of tbe Catalogue of tbe Flower Show to be held m January next. We notice it gives a liberal list of prizes for various classes, amongst which Crotons hold a conspicuous place, as they should do. Considering the care many of
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    • 346 5 The article headed Romanism m Singapore," extracted m our issue of the 25th September from the Christian Commonwealth y has excited considerable discussion here. It is there stated that Governor Weld has promised or given the whole of the gaol site, valued at $100,000, to the
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    • 2182 5 Legislative Councils in Crown Colonies. TtfK good folks of Mauritius are not satisfied with the constitution of their Legislative Council, which is the normal one for Crown Colonies with the Official element preponderating, and some months ago petitioned the Secretary of State for the Colonies for a modification reversing the
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    • 1735 6 The Volcanic Outburst in Sunda Straits. (By an eye-ivifness.J The "British ship Charles Bat, bound for Hongkong, it appears passed Krakatau Island while the volcano was m full outburst, before it sank below the r>ea, and encountered most copious ciowt of pumice stone, sand, and, her hull, masts, rails,
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    • 811 6 Sir R. T. Rennie, Chief Justice of H. M/l Suprerm Court m China, accompanied by Mr. H. S. Wilkinson, Crown Advocate, and Mr. Malcolm Jones, Clerk of the Court, arrived m Hongkong by the Djemnah on the 18th September on their way to Canton,
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    • 740 6 The Hongkong Daily Prat correspondent writes Haiphong 15th September.— Since I latt wrote to you the French have, I am sorry to say, been obliged to abandon the newly erected fort at Phalan, where they had placed two companies of infantry with artillery m fact, they
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    • 1053 7 The Djemnah has brought the Saigon hdepcndanl of the 18th, 20th, and 2lnd September from which the following items are translated and condensed m According to the most moderate calculations the Black Flags m Tonquin now number 20,000 at the least. Some months ago they were
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    • 1695 7 TPI lndepcndant publishes the actual text of the Treaty of Hue, as follows Voici le texte exact des pr^liuiinaires de paix sign» #> i ;i Hu«' le 25 aout dernier Entre les BouBsigne*s J. T. Harmand, oomuiissaire general plenipotentiaire de la Republique franchise, agissant au norn de
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    • 460 7 On Monday night this far- tamed company gave the first of a series of performances m the Town Hall before a large and appre. ciative audience. The piece was Verdi's Grand Opera La Traviata. This work is so well known that it is needless to describe
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    • 636 8 Minutes of proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday, the 14th September, ISB3. Commissioners Present. Hon. Capt. McCalllum,n.E. President. Koek, Esq. Syed Mahomed Alsagoff, Esq. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Read the fortnightly Progress Report from the Municipal Engineer. Read letter from Vytiiingam,
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    • 1923 8 Singapore, Ist September, 1883. To The Municipal Secretary, Singapore. Sir, I h*ve the honor to forward the following: Report for the information of the Municipal Commissioners. Town Roads and Street*. The making up of the sides and sodding of the length of the Eoplanade newly metalled have
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    • 1748 8 Singapore in London {From our oicn Correspondent!) London, 31st August. While you are at this time m a feverish heat, discussing ominously the look-out ia Tonquin, and chronicling the terrible calamities m Jara, England, political, mercantile, and social, is enjoying a calm repose and passing the holidays, undisturbed by any
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    • 1744 9 Translated from Manila newspapers. uool.hj Oar <• nrespondeut at this station writes to I >llowa nnder date the 11th iostant .^ince the recent atr«... eious outrages by Moro fanatics, the settlement hero has been strictly guarded, the authorities having taken the m -st effeotlTe precautions. Information wis recently
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    • 1676 9 (Translated from Dutch newspapers.) Batavia, 15th September.— To^pj tfce Committee appointed to secure private contributions here for the exhibition at Cal cutta, forwarded for transmission thither, by P. O. steamer, .59 cases containing splendid samples of products, specimens of native manufacture, native tools, models, Ac. The collection
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    • 934 10 We take the following paragraphs from the summary of the Home News of the 31st August The Madagascar Imbroglio. The hopeful tone of the reference m the Qaeen'i Speech to the Madagascar question portended the release of Mr. Shaw, which was formally announced the day following the prorogation.
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    • 1652 10 {From our own Correspondent.) Bangkok, 217// September, L 883.-— Friday the 21st September, the thirtieth Birthday of His Majesty the Supreme King, was a cool and beautiful day. At daylight, noon, aud sunset heavy salvoes o[' artillery proclaimed to the people of Bangkok day sei apart for high
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    • 1575 11 (Before J£is Honor Mr. Justice Ford.) Wednesday, Sept., 26th. Important Decision v> to the Duties of Pawnbroker*. Bof.t Ah Sam, v. Scow Ah Lan«.. His Honor to-day delivered the following decision m the above case. This is an appeal from a decision of the Senior Magistrate
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    • 2244 11 (From our own Correspondent.) September igt. Beyond thecompast that is extended to prolonged physical luffering, the French nation has evio no interest m the demise of the Comtfl de C/hftmbord. He was known to the country >nly by name. a> a kind of relic of history. Che royalists
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    • 567 12 Wednesday, j«;th Septimbba. {Before N. B. Denny* EStj 3rd Mag id rate.) DihHoNEsr Stobi Employ] Song Liin was charged with being found m possession of Bto ea oroperty, kaowIBg tho same to haw boon stolen; and i Qg Chi wis charged with aiding and abetting m the offem
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    • Correspondence.
      • 554 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Early Bird, Breakfast Bell, and your other sporting readers may be inter- ested m learning how Hongkong sporting men get down ponies from Shanghai for their Races. Old Sportsman has the following remarks on the subject m that lively paper,
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      • 1022 12 Do the Editor of thf Straits Ih'mes. *iv,— Your remarks on the Old Gaol Site m your issue of the 25th will, J hope, brine the very important subject prominently to the notice of the public, who have been too long m expressing their wishes m
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      • 195 12 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Dear Sir, The way the Singap Volunteer Fire Brigade is being treated 1 enough to dishearten all the member! I willing to carry out the obj\vta of the Brigade. The tire-alarm by the gun* nw> st unsatisfactory they not only
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    • Page 13 Miscellaneous
      • 848 13 CLEARANCES. Date. vessel's Name. Flag R IO Captain. Destination. rj f^7 g£: I S3?- S2SST*"H Brit.str. Simpson Soural^yu 27 Duburg Ger. str. dchultz Penang Hope Brit. bq. Davies Havre Lido Brit. str. Lewis Saigon 27 Rudolph Ger. str. Wendt Bangkok Benmore Brit.str. Augustin Malacca Penan--28 Louisa 111 Brit. str. Harmer
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      • 387 13 ARRIVALS. m j Flao j Vessel's Name. and Captaik. From. feIUD Comtoirn.. Se r t {Channel Queen Brit. bq. 609|Le Qacheur H'k?ng E 8 26 Dacky Ger. str. lfifiHuthraann .Bangkok Sept. 21 Tye JooLeeV 2 L n° r Str l( 7 hultz F^« sst 19 Bun Hin A Co. 27
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