Straits Times Weekly Issue, 27 September 1883

Total Pages: 19
1 15 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. JNew series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. Price 40 Cents. VOL. XXXIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1883. XO. 3,229
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 611 1 plotters. Local Delivery. In Advance. Daily Edition. I Weekly Edition. Per Annum $24 I Per Annum $16 Six Months 14 I Six Months 9 Three Months.... 8 Three Months.... 5 In Abrear. Per Annum $30 I Ver Annum $18 Six Months 18 Six Monthß 10 Three Months.... 10 Three Months....
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    • 533 1 £>ttam &t)tp Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. C. Head Agency Batavia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. O. S. N. Coy., may
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    • 661 1 £>ttam *t)tp Companies* and back on the sth, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th of every month. N.B. The steamers sailing both from Batavia and Soerabaya on the 10th, 20th and 30th, shall also call at Cheribon, Tagal and Pekalongan during the favourable season B. The East Coast of Java.—
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    • 538 1 £>team £>fttp Company In the months of May, July, September and November, via Bima, Maoemeri, Larent'-eka. Timor Koepang and back via j Timor Koepang, Kotti, Savoe, Nangamessi and Bima. L Ist. From Macassar via Bonthain, Boelekomba, Saleyer, Sindjay, end Boeton to Kendaribaai and back in via the same places on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 588 2 iHtfttllanrou** beware of imitations T EA and 1 ERRINS' The Original and < Genuine. XTTOECESTERSHIRE O AUCE bears theautograph sig- nature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold whole- j sale by the Pro- j prietors, Worcester; and Crosse and Blackwell. London i T EA and PERRINS' DAI'
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    • 716 2 THE ONLY TRADE MARK— PHOSPHODYNE. Sanctioned by Her, Majesty's Government. Protected under the Trade Marks Act 38 and 39 Vict., ch. 91). HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND ENERGY. DR. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE. Twenty Years Public Test, and Thousands of unimpttacbabl* testimonials from all parts of the World, establish Dr. LALOR'S PHOSPHODYNE the only
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    • 890 2 Phosphodyne iu India: Treacher k Co Bombay, Byculla, and Poona Smith Btanistreet k Co., Bathgate k Co.. and Scott, Thompson k Co., Calcutta H. R. Maynard, Penang; R. Robertson, Ceylon; E. Gillon A Co., Lahore; O'Hara k Co., Baneralore West k Co., Madras E. Spechly, Kurrache^ Rangoon Dispensary. 215, Dalhousie
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    • 682 2 iHairellatteou*. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advice to Invalids. If you wi\h to obtain quiet, refreshing aleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguiah, to calm and assuage the weary achinga of protracted disease, invigorate the nervoua media, and regulate the circulating systems of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 698 3 LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Finest and Cheapest Meat Flavouring Stock for Soups, Made Dishes and Sauces Invaluable for India, as an efficient tonic I in all cases of weakness. Keeps good in the l hottest climates and for any length of time. s Liebig Company's Extract of M^at "Is
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    • 718 3 ißtsMlantoua. proceeded against under the Trades' Marks Statute, without further notice Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE En- riches the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves j and Muscular System, Promotes Appetite and Improves Digestion. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE Ani- I mates the Spirits and Mental Facultes, i a d hor <>»{?hly recruits and re-establshes. the
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    • 814 3 I Qort. j I The Albert Dock, opened in 1879, si- suated 275 feet to tbe Eastward of the Victoria Dock is of the following dimenH s >ns I Length on the blocks 470 feet breadth at entrance 60 Depth of vater on sill at or- iinary spring tid is
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    • 549 3 iHtireilaneous* THE LONDON A SINGAPORE ANTFOULING PAINT COMPANY, LIMITED. (DENNYS' PATENTS). Incorporated under the Companies' Arts ISol' to 1880, the liability of Shareholdrrs being lim 'ted to the amount of their shares. Capital, £250 000 in 250,000 shares of €1 1. Firet issue o/150,000 Share* at par. PayaMe or. on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 403 4 of theTHROAT v GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH I (B ertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AOAINST' SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT* ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ET^ A CmA They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. IVtOIDE
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    • 697 4 1 minium him iiuiiiin i QUINA-LAROCHE Ferrugineux SYRUP In spite of the ever increasing success of the Bl t rk (Q'WA-LASOCHB), SVS-JftH. been n °nored with a prize of 16,600 francs, a Gold Medal, etc., there are many cases in which the Sensibility and irritation of the mucous membranes mav
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    • 332 4 ■■I I J I lia/'i#wW!Jl K^ This (treat Household aTkdicin ranks amongst the leading necessaries oe llee. These famous fills purify the RLOOD. aud id n oet powei ullv. vet soothingly, on the LIVER, STOMACH. KIDNEYS, ind BOWELS, givi ig t rgv. and vigour to these great MATN SPRINGS OF
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 61 1 At tbe Church of St. Jose on the 25th Sept., by the Rev. Father N. I. T. Pinto, Georoe R*medios D Souza., to GuilHXBMINA Mary, second daughter of D. F. D' Rozario. At the Cathedral Church of the Good Shepherd, on the 26th Sept., by the Rev. Father Daguin,
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      • 38 1 On tbe 22nd August, at St. Mary's Vicarage, Paddington, London, tbe Rev. John Wall Buckley, m. a., aged 74 years, for over forty years, Vicar of that E lrish, und also of St. Philip's, Hall Park, ondon.
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    • 430 1 THURSDAY, 27 th SEPT., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 27th September. 18S3. Gambler 6 97 Black Pepper 16.7o. White Pepper, fair <iuality. 27. Sago Flour, Sar 2.72*. Pearl Sago.... A'lz^' Coffc Bonthyno 12.75. Tapioca, small Flake 3.10. Kn 75 Mule twist ■8*H)s. Shirtings .55. 7 do do }jgi 6 d<>
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    • 1058 1 A meeting of the Legislative Council is fixed for to-morrow, the only business in the Orders of the Day being the second reading of the Supply Bill for 1884. We understand, bowever, that three of the Singapore UnI official members of Council, the Hon'bles J. Graham,
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    • 138 1 11 K. the Governor has been pleased to appoint the Hon'ble I). F. A. Herve\ Resident Councillor <>t Malacca, to b« Commissioner under Indian Act No. X of 1837 and Ordinance Xo. XI of 1876Mr. H. O'Lougblin (on six months* probation) has been appointed Chief Clerk
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    • 413 1 A Gazette Extraordinary dated today notifies* 11. E. the Governor has, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, been pleased to grant to His Honor Sir Thomas Knight, I'hief Justice, vacation leave for three months from the 2lal September, to be followed by leave
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 96 1 FOR SALE. A Fiw Wffks with the Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. "Straits Times" Office, Sirgapore 26th April, I^B3. NOW READY. NOTES CF A dOURNEY Across the Isthmus of Kra, Made with the French Government Survey Expedition, January April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections, AND
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 100 1 }ja**engerd. Per P. and O. steamer Ancona on the 20th inst! For hingapore.— From Hongkong Mr. For Penang.— From Yokohama Ifr. Blom. From Singapore Captain Thackeray, Quartermaster Evans, Messrs. Thomas Tatlok, H. W. Fry, Radcliffe and Ser. geant Dipple. For Colombo.— Fv^m Singapore: Mrs. Prezadd Salis and infant. For Bombay.—
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    • 3019 2 Tin. total return of visitors to the RafLibran aud M in during th<' week ling Friday, 21st Sept ISSt), was 584. 11. M S Fly, Commander Hope, arrived at Bangkok on th*' 1 3tb instant from Singapoi <_iE> llalderman, the American Minister at Bangkok, has, we
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    • 215 3 A oenehai. meeting of the above Association was held at Messrs. Rodyk and Davidson's Office on the iSth instant, when there were present: R. W. Fowke Esq. (Chairman),Messrs. Rodyk, Liddelow, and Stringer, the Hon. the Datu Muntri of Johore, Tungkoo Abdul Madjid, the Datu Dalam, Inchi Abdul
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    • 394 3 It is with great regret we have to announce the death of one of our oldest if not the very oldest and most respected Chinese residents. Sk.vh Eu Chin died on Sunday night at eight o'clock, at his family residence. No. 1 1 Xorth Boat Quay, aged 78 years, fourteen
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    • 225 3 Ihe Times of Ceylon, in commenting upon the production of La Sonnambula" by Hawley's Italian Opera Company, tajsj The performance was a great j success. Signers Marchetti was, of COBrse, excellent. The cantatrice was vociferously applauded, while a floral I tribute greeted her as she was
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    • 403 3 The Canton correspondent of the China Mail writes on 17th September Canton, 17 th Sept. The dreaded 15th has passed without any renewed attack j upon the foreign settlement. The rain poured in torrents nearly all day, and the Chinese streets presented a most deserted aspect. The
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    • 608 3 We are informed that the Cros>ley Telephone Company of London purpose establishing; a Telephoue Exchange in Singapore shortly. As they profess to be both able and prepared to supply a greatly improved service at considerably reduced rates half present rates are spoken of the movement is
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    • 1328 3 We take the following from the Japan Herald On Wednesday Aug. 22nd, the Mikado invited Sir Harry Parkes to luncheon with him at the Palace, when 11. I. H. Arisugawa-no-Miya and all the members of the Cabinet were invited to meet him. After luncheon, the Mikado made
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    • 756 4 The Cape Argus of the 31st July gives the following 1 details of the outward voyage of Carey, the Irish informer, which appear to be the most authentic account of the circumstances leading* to his assassination. There i seems to be no reason to think that his death
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    • 809 4 TosquN. The China Mail of 18th September publishes the following items from its Haiphong correspondent, writing on the 15th September: Wb -n- Jath as found in the I citadel of Hai-duong was being transported to Haiphong, an attack was made upon the escort accompanying it by
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    • 233 4 fFor Struts Times. j Tonquin. London, \\)tk Sept.— The French Press recommends a single command of the Expeditionary Force in Tonquin. j A reinforcement of 1,000 men have started from France. ArsTRiA. Troubles iu Croatia are quieting. Tonquin. London, )dl/i Sept. It is annouuee^ that General Bouet has
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    • 2168 4 i (From Ceylon and Indian papers.) London, 30M Augt. Professor Aldis, of Newcastle, has been appointed to the chair of mathematics at the University of Auckland, rendered vacant by the death of Professor Walker, who was drowned a few months ago, shortly aftar his arrival in New Zealand.
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    • 1869 5 The Gambier and Pepper Question. A considerable amount of discussion prevails at the present moment among the European Merchants of Singapore in regard to a proposal which has been laid before the Chamber of Commerce, and which we understand is to come before a combined meeting
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    • 787 5 During the last two or three months, a curious rumour has been current here, and caused some discussion, to the effect that His Excellency the Governor, who it is wo.i -known is a most zealous i atholic, had promised to present to Bishop Gasnier and the
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    • 1367 6 H. E. The Governor's Recent Tour in the Peninsula. H. E. the Governor, accompanied by The Hon. Dudley Hervey and Lieut. May ne, Acting A.D.O., irte<l fro;n Malacca on ihe o Ut July, driving, the first day, through the picturesque Nanning country as far as the Police Station on t
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    • 654 6 Last Friday's telegram announcing the supersession of General Bouet by j Admiral Courbet may be taker, to mean two things. The first is that^the present French Republic is as inexorable as its I prototype of 1 70S with regard to the success or non-success of its
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    • 739 6 On Wednesday morning Messrs. Jardine Matheson Co's. opium steamer the Moray, Captain Duncan, arrived from China en route for Calcutta. About 4 p. m. she was boarded by a European sergeant of police, armed with a search warrant for illicit chandu. The sergeant, after
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    • 486 7 News from Canton in the Hongkong papers brought by the P. O. mail steamer Ancona, come down to Thursday, the 13th September, when everything was quiet. Much indignation is felt and expressed in Hongkong at the disposition of Her Majesty's Squadron in China Waters by the Commander-in-chief
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    • 721 7 The Ceylon Observer publishes the following account specially written for it, of a Trip to North Borneo and the progress making there We got on board tbe S. S. Borneo (commanded by Capt. Edwards, and owned by Messrs. Ross <fe Son,), specially built, for the trade
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    • 528 7 Mr. Schuit, who was Lloyds' subagent at Anjer, and who was fortunate enough to escape, but lost all his property, has furnished Lloyds' Agents in Batavia with the following account of the destruction of that pretty port of call on the 27th August last On Sunday,
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    • 6953 7 By last advices from Batavia to the 15th September an American vessel had arrived there reporting that the Krakatau volcano was again actively at work. The Java Bode states that on the morning of that day several persons in Ba*avia heard
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    • 1760 9 The incident of the week, when the mail of the 2 1th August left Loudon, which seems to have attracted inordinate attention, was an article in the North German Gazette, said to be inspired by Prince Bismarck himself and to contain a significant threat to France. The
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    • 942 10 We translate the following items from the Independent de Saigon Saigon 11th September. The text of the preliminaries of peace signed at Hue on the 25th August is published in the Independant of 11th Sept. At Vinhlong on Saturday the Bth August, M. Geoffroy, Government assis-
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    • 857 10 The following is the telegraphic account of the affair of the 15ih August at Hanoi, sent home to the Times from Hongkong by Mr. Colquhoun, the special correspondent of that paper to Tonquin, who passed through here homeward bound the other day: Hongkong, 22nd Aug. I
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    • 959 10 The Hongkong Daily Press of the 15th September publishes the following from its own correspondent Haiphong, 11th September.— Since the date of my last letter more fighting has taken place above Hanoi. The French made an expedition on the Ist instant, about 2,000 strong, including the
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    • 3098 11 Supreme Court. In Criminal Assizes. Wednesday, 19th September. (Before Hi* Honor T. Ford, Pu.sne Judge.) Important Case or Breach or Trust. Yoh Chin Lok was charged with having, between 2nd October 1882 and June Ist 1883, being then a clerk or servant in the employ of Messrs. Martin Dyce k
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    • 3789 11 Soml short time ago we noticed the discovery of some oil springs in Langkat on the East coast of Sumatra by Mr. Zylker. This gentleman is turning, or has turned, bis discovery to account by tbe formation of a Company in Java with a Capital of
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    • 1054 12 Thk Deputy Secretary of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, in acknowledging the recipi from Mr. Edwin Koek, of Singapore, of a Wardian case of plants, forward* accounts of two of the meetiugs of the Society in Calcutta in June aud July last, from which
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    • 4435 13 PWe take the following items from the Sarawak Gazette of the Ist September Proclamation.— Know ye all men whom it may concern that I, Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, do hereby make known that during my short absence from Sarawak, dating from this 24th day of August 1883,
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    • 1925 14 Wl take the following items of Australian news and London telegrams from our Australian exchanges which come down to the 25th August The average time accomplished by the Queensland Royal Mail boats during the year 1882 did not quite come up to that of the previous
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    • Correspondence.
      • 240 14 Messrs. Sandilands Buttery Coy's Property. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sin, It seems clear, beyond doubt, that this property was purchased without the knowledge or consent of tbe Legislative Council at a price some $50,000 over what any outside buyer was willing to give, so that the only
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      • 294 15 Seizure of Chandu on board the S. S. Moray." To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your report of the case of alleged chandu smuggling in your issue of the 21st instant, appears to me to be somewhat misleading. I shall be glad if you will allow me to
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      • 269 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Dear Sir,— With regard to the articles on France and Germany, reproduced, in your journal of 22nd instant, will you in fairness to the German Press, kindly insert the following extract from the Reforme, said to be the organ of
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    • Page 15 Miscellaneous
      • 687 15 ARRIVALS. h Flag i j 5 Vessel's Name. and Captain. Fbo*. i Sailed Consionees. I 3 Rio. h Sept. Kon. Genl. Read Dut. str. r 427 Vincent Cheribon Sept. 17' Syed Mohsim. l» Siak Dut. str. 247 de Blinde Rhio :*,ept. 19 Boustead A Co. 19 Meinam M.M. str 809
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      • 964 15 Clearances. Dats. Vesssl's Nairs. Flag Rio. Captain. Destination. Sept. 19 Hector Brit. str. Xish lit Z Mercury Bnt. str. M artin D H 20 n ri l- S lr Pakan via P ort I 20 H^n^^" 20 J A !th D n V B f h K,>ntley Kbi? 21 iHtln
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