Straits Times Weekly Issue, 23 August 1883

Total Pages: 20
1 18 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Staits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series Published fob Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. [Price 40 Cbnti. VOL. XXXIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1883. NO. 3,224
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 599 1 Local Deliv*by. In Advance. Daily Edition. Weekly Edition, j Per Aduulu $24 Per Annum $16 Six Months 14 Six Months 9 Three Months... 8 Three Months.... 5 In Akkeak. Pt-r Annum $M) Per Annum $18 Six Months Is Six Months 10 Three Months.... 10 I Three Months.... 6 Foreign Delivery
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    • 485 1 THE LONDON SINGAPORE ANT. FOULING P\TNT COMPANY, LIMITED. (D^VNY^ P4TFNT3). Incorporate '.under the Companies' Artt 1 9fi2 tn 1 RQO, the linbQUn of Shareholders being h'ynited to the amount of their shares. Capital, Cl^O 000 m 250,000 abareeof £1 p«oh. First issue of 1 50,000 Shares at par. Payable <>n
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    • 600 1 ifltsrellaneous. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advico to Invalids. If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regul tte the circulating systems
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    • 482 1 iHterfUaneoutf* NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple bn certair REMEDY for INDIGESTION NORTON'S CAMOMILE PLILS are with justice called the Natural Strength*ner of the Human Stomach." Act a; a powerful tonic and gentle aperients are mild m their operation and safe under any circumstances. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 602 2 -m- «V BEWARE OF IMITATIONS E4and 1 fIRRINS' OAUCE. The Original and Genuine. TXTuteCESTERSUIKE OAUCE bears the autograph signature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold wholesale by the Prou prietors, Worcester; and Crosse and Blackwell London TT EA and PERRINS 1 yJ.UVE. Of Grocers and Oilmen throughout
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    • 759 2 fiotirra. THE NORTH-CHINA "INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Acts 1«62 to 1880, whereby the liability of Shareholders is limited to the amovnt of their Shares. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. Subscribed Capital— €1,000,000 SterU liva. Equivalent, at Exchange Five Shillings per Tael, of Taels. 4.000,000 Sh")"ihai Currency. In
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    • 679 2 thereof, will be available for allotment by the Directors of the "North. China Insuranck Company, Limited.*' Applications fur shares f'om firms or individuals desirous of obtaining an int« i r-st m the Company whether shareholders m fln> North-China Insurance ComI'any" or not. should be m the from subjoined, and »4d
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    • 763 2 the cure of Debility, Nervous and^ Diseases. Dyspepsia an 1 Liver rompUinu m all their various foi m*. The IVompC. and Certainty of its action is suchtK f when the fire of lif, seems to be dyi?-^ m the «y«t*-iP f and the nund sympathLnT with the body, the man
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 28 1 On Hip 22nd August, at The Mount, River Valley R »ad, the wif»» of AssiatJint Commissary-General W. H Cprt^tie. Commissariat and Transport St. ff, of a son.
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      • 115 1 Sturrock Dat.ton. At Rf. Peter's Cbnrcb, Fort. Colombo, on the 4th August, by the Venerable th^» Archdeacon <>f Colombo, John Patrick Siureock, Char~ tered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China, Singapore, to Edith Con~ stance Mary Amklia, elder daughter of E. Dalton, Esq., c k., c c.B. At
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      • 26 1 On the 16th July, at Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Edward Backhouse Eastwck, C.8., F 8.8., F S.A., &.c m the seventieth year of his age.
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    • 160 1 THURSDAY, 23rd AUG., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, Singapore, 23bd August. 18S3. Gambier 7.15. Black Pepper 16.50. White Pepper, fair quality. 26. Sago Flour, Sar 2.70. Pearl Sago 3.15. Coffee, Bonthyne 12.75. Tapioca, small Flake 3 40. Tin 29.87*. iOs. Mule twist 95. 8* lbs. Shirtings 1.57*. 7do do 1.424. doT.Cloth
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    • 80 1 *> *ad O. sieamer Paahawur, on the *^aa inst' p or Singapore.— From Shanghai Messrs Deacon. From Hongkong: Mr. For Penang r^m Hongkong- Mr. Toon* Kee and wife. From Singapore Mr. J Morriaon. For Bombay— From Hongkong: Mr. and M^s. Demperfield and Mr. Chuck Ohee and wifp. For Brindisi.—
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    • 1804 1 After a period of rest, the Legislative Council resumed its sittings on the 17th instant, and has again met on the 20th and 21st instant, His Honor the Chief Justice presiding mi n the ahscnce of H. E. the Governor. The piineipal bciftinesfl has been th^
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 95 1 FOR SALE. A Few Wefkb with the Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. "Straits Times" Office, Singapore, 26th April, lbK*. NOW READY. NOTES (F A JOURNEY Across the Tsthmus op Kra. Made witr the Frfnch Government furvf.t expfdition. January April. I°B3 "With explanatory Map and Section*, AND
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    • 3306 2 The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 17th August, was 070. The departure from, Saigon of the French transport Mytho for Singapore and Toulon is officially fixed for the 18th instant. Mi-saits. Patersox Simons Co. have received
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    • 567 3 The following is the thirty-sixth report of the Court of Directors of the above Corporation to be presented to the ordinary half-yearly General Meeting of Shareholders to be held at the City Hall, Hongkong, on Saturday, the 25th August, 1883. at 3 p. m. Gentlemen,—
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    • 1536 3 The oxjenment recently tried by the Hongkong Government of taking the Opium Farm into its own hands appears to have already proved a triumphant success. In a leading article, congratulating the Colony upon the fact that the Hennessyan regime of procrastination, bombast, and do-nothingness has been
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    • 1102 3 The half-yearly Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders m this Company will be held at the Company's offices at noon on Friday next, the 24th inst., to receive the Directors' Keport and pass the accounts for the half year, and declare a dividend for the
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    • 980 4 We have received l»y the Shidh the Journal Offidel of the Ist, 4-th, Bth, and 11th August, and the Tndepeudant of Saigon of the 7th, 9th, and 11th August, but neither contain any news of any importance from Tonquin that is not already known here. We take the
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    • 383 4 Thi Hongkoi g Vail* Press of the L3th Au^u>t contain- the following from its own correspondent Haiphong, >th August— The bind of Chinese and other mercenaries riisd l»y Mr. Georer»-s left Hanoi yesterday morn. ing under the command of their leader and a French fti er
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    • 1509 4 Fiiidw, 17th Attgi bt, LBB3 Present Hii Honor tho Chief Justice. The Hon'hle the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Acting Attorney-General, the Colonial Treasurer. tlit- Acting Auditor-General. the Acting Colonial Engineer. J. Graham. W. G. Gulland. B ah Liang Seah. T. S. Thomson. His Honor the Chief Justice presides
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    • 969 5 Legislative Council. Monday, 20th August, 1883. Present. His Honor the Chief Justice. TheHon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary. n the Acting Attorney-General. ii the Colonial Treasurer. n the Acting Auditor-General. the Acting Colonial Engineer. m J. Graham. W. G. Gulland. n Seah Liang Seah. K. B. Bead. n T. S. Thomson.
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    • 114 5 fFor Straits Tnnex.) Parliament. London, Voth Aug. The Bankruptcy Bill has been read a third time m the House of Commons. France. The Orleans princes have been summoned to Frohsdorf. ZULULAND. London, tit// August. The Standard publishes a telegram that Cetewayo's men have defeated Usibepu, that Cetewayo is
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    • 39 5 London, l\it August. Asiatic Cholera has nearly disappeared m Cairo, and is decreasing 1 m Alexandria and the provinces. Parliament. A Home rule candidate Lynch has been returned for Slii^o l>v a lar<?e majority, defeating the Conservative candidate.
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    • 1213 5 London, \~->th July. Tbe balance of the Western Australian loan of £254,000 for rail way construction, of which only C7l .."ii)i) was subscribed on the 10th inst., has been withdrawn. It is the intention of the Xew Zealand Shipping Company to increase their capital by £250,000, m order
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    • 627 5 Copies of the Day. Births and Deaths. The cjimrterly returns of the registered births and deaths m the Colony for the three months ended 30th Juno, which appear m yesterday's Government Gazette, are fuller than those formerly given, and which we have time and again characterized as misleading and utterly
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    • 894 6 On the 3rd August, instant began the Chinese feast of "all souls/ during which Buddhist and Tauist priests r. cite prayers to release souls from purgatory, scatter rice to feed starving souls or spirits, recite magic incantations accompanied by motions of the lingers imitating Sanskrit characters
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    • 664 6 Those who look casually at the progress of the Teluk Awr Reclamation works, and see the* tilled-in part gradually approaching that portion reclaimed from the town side, naturally conclude that the work is almost finished. This opiuion, however, will be changed on viewing the work from
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    • 872 6 The Johore Lama Planting Company Limited. Last Saturday afternoon, a part? of the directors of tins company, along with a few friends, left Singapore on a visit to inspect the company's estate at Gunong Pantie. At sp. m. they embarked m the steam gunboat Pulai belonging to 11. 11. the
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    • 1398 6 The s. s. Glengarry Case. Considerable interest ami excitement were created on Monday by the rumoured arrest o| the >. s Gltng trry m consequence ut a certain amount of opium which ffU believed to be smuggled having been found on board, <>n the arrival. Tlie three men who were
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    • 4604 7 We have to acknowledge the receipt from the Secretariat of lour new papers laid upon the Council table on the 1 7th instant. I. Local District Administration. The firs! is an additional paper respecting Local District Administration, m which the Senior Magistrate of Singapore, Mr. H. S. O'Connor,
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    • 1835 8 The "Leon XIII" Case in the House of Lords. llui sb of Lords. On *he 17th July the following interpellation took place m the House of Lords regarding the case of the three English Engineers of the steamer I \7//: The Marquis „f Salisbury, who rose to ask a question
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    • 5041 9 We take from our Mauritius cxohan^es, which comedown to the 1 lth July, a number of items regarding events m Madagascar. The London Standan! of the 20th July, it may be noted, published the following telegramfrom Berlin dated the previous day, regarding the amicable settlement of the grave
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    • 1302 10 The following m the latest l e published m the China Mail frj special correspondent at Haiphong:,? Haiohong, Ut August Thepn i^ram-. of the proceedings of the new sovemiiZ of which I gave a sketch m my last letter per S. S. Salfee, has since n
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    • 877 11 Thk Annual General Meeting of the Singapore Cricket Club was held at the Tanglin Club on Friday evening, the 17th instant. There were present Mr. John Anderson, President, m the Chair Messrs. Birch, Dickson, Drew, Major Grey, Messrs. Merewether, Mackay, O'Brien, 'Paterson, Ross.Stiven, J. M. Skinner, Talbot,
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    • 6504 11 Some Notes of a Voyage to the North Coast of New Guinea in the S.S. "Cleator," 1883. We left Ternate for New Guinea, and some of the adjacent islands accompanied by Mr. X a Dutch merchant who took with him abouf forty natives, chiefly pearl divers, and bird of paradise
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    • 892 13 On Tuesday afternoon the adjourned Inquest on the bodies of Abdul Salem and Kamit, the two men who were killed by the Teluk Ayer Explosion was resumed at the Government Civil Hospital before the Coroner, Dr. Mugliston, and a Jury consisting of the following gentlemen Hadjie
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    • 696 13 The Binning ham Daily Gazette of the 19th July gives the following account of a visit to Birmingham by Mr. Tay Geok Teat and Mr. Lee Cheng Van of this place Yesterday Mr. Geok Teat and Mr. Cheng Van, the first subjects of her
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    • 855 13 Who is he The World has a very readable article under the title of Coming Homey m which the writer points out with much force and truth the very great difference there is betweeo gT°^ n home nowadays from India or the Colonies and what it used to be forty
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    • 918 13 Wl take from the Times of the *oth July the following items of the latest uews received at home respecting the complications m Madagascar. Tb> collision between t lie French Admiral and Captain Johnstone of H. M. S. Dn/at/ appears to have takeu place on the 22nd Juue,
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    • 794 14 IHE Hongkong and Shanghai papers, received on Wednesday morning by the P. J£O. steamer Peshawur, contain no later n«m from Ton quin, or anything further regarding the relations between France and CBm. The North China Herald (Shanghfct) of the 10th August mentions a ruraotfr from the
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    • 761 14 W e take the following items from the Sum Weekly Advertiser of the 1 lth August The Court.— On the 22nd ult. H. M. the King embarked m the Rota] Steam Yacht, the Vesatri, and proceeded up the river to the pleasure palace at the island 13ang-pa-in. Having
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    • 777 14 Of course it does, and a little more so. At Wimbledon this year, the Scottish marksmen have been extraordinarily successful. Among the sixty who won the privilege of competing for the Queen's prize, no fewer than thirtvfour haiied from the M land o'cakes and not
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    • 636 14 CONSUL Teemlett, m his annual report to the Foreigu Office, gives the following- iuterestii)^ particulars of the trade ot Saigon, ToiKjuin, Cambodia, and also the eastern ports of Sia* during I^2. it is to be noted that the export of Rice this year is much
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    • 1495 15 {From our own Correspondent.) Paris, July 2\st. It is as plain as road to Parish Church, that the Suez Canal question is becoming one of high politics. A fairly selected committee of dractical business men would swiftly agre^upon the loan, the tariff, and the construction of the second
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    • 230 15 retary of haa pleased to extend, v. Uf salary, i'or live months, from the 28ih ultimo, the leave oi' absence granted to H. J. H. liiccard, i^sq., Superintendent oi Police, Singapore. H. E, the Governor ha s been pleaded to appoint E. M. Merewether, Hag., Coll«c-
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    • Correspondence.
      • 849 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. SIR, Will you be good enough to allow the correction of several inaccuracies about the Police case before Mr. O'Brien, which have inadvertently crept m your issue of this evening r (1.) The name of the prosecutor w.i» Umachaimn Mitra and
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    • 932 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sib,— lt has long been a recognized fact that the telegraphic communication between Singapore and Saigon is m an unsatisfactory state. The cable between these two ports lies m a great part of its course upon coral
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    • Page 16 Miscellaneous
      • 771 16 ARRIVALS. m I Flag Vessel's Xame. and Captain. From. Sailed Consigners. 1 i Rio. g i 15 Bengala Ital. str 1081 Aufasseo Samarang lug. lSJMaack it Co. 15 Eg-eron Dut. str. 420 Saiidmann Batavia lug. 13 M. Maritimes. 15 Trait d" Union Pch. bq. 355 Renoif Mauritius July BE.4H. H*
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      • 1037 16 CLEARANCES. Datf. Vessel's Namk. Vukq k Rig. Captain. inatiok. Aug. 15 Kilwa Brit. str. Potta ilcutta ?ia portiP ir> lian^kok Sia. str. Boebrenter Bangkok J5 liaiubow Brit. str. .'lls Malacca k Klaag, 16 Shahjehan Brit. atr. Bulloch Penang 15 Martaban Bnt. str. Urinni Bangkok 16 Ghtnymede Brit str. Pox IMi
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 807 17 Docks* f fTB TANJONG PAGAR DOOK COM PANT LIMITED. Thk works of the Company are situated a t Tanjoncr Pagar, within one mile of the sj*d of Singapore, and comprise the fol- j tawing establishments, viz WHARF.— Affording berthage for twenty ren^ls at one time with sufficient water ti >n£fide
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      • 627 17 Borfc» Warehouses. Sheds, or on their premisefor Wharfage, Laborage, Storage, Godowns or Warehouse rent, fire insurance, and any ather expanses and charges, and for a gen^ral balance of account due to the Company. Furtner information, particulars and Rates "f ohrt-rgns, can be obtained at the Company's Oilu«, J\o. 4- Oollyer
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      • 795 17 iHtertllanrou*. Preparations with Liebig's Name. It may be remembered that some time since a controversy was raging m the medical journals as to the original inventor of a certain Obstetric Bag, whoroin two eminent gynaecologists disputed the right of priority to certain improvements others joined m the fray and this
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      • 665 17 iHfettrflantous* the only Reliable Remedy for Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Lassitude, Ijoss of Power. Depression, Female Complaints, Pimples, Imperfect Nutrition, Premature Decline, &c. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNB is the Best Known Remedy for Indigestfjn. Liver Complants, and all Functional Derangements of either sex. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNB.— The beneficial effects of the Phosphodyns
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 306 18 TREASURYoftheTHROAT GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT*. ANGINA* CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. 3VEOIDE OF USE Take every day, between
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      • 1043 18 QUINA-LAROCHE I Z^^'^^&Y Ferrugineux ill SYBUP In spite of the ever increasing success of the _Ldß* X.arocbe Bark QUINA-LAROCHII wblcb lias been honored wltb a prise W? i^Tw 1 of 16,600 francs, a ©old Medal, etc., there JkTtC'^Z^ 9Cm are many cises m which the sensibility and yk\-~^*<-z 9&£%%1 Irritation
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