Straits Times Weekly Issue, 16 August 1883

Total Pages: 18
1 16 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series. Published for Transmission by Every Homeward Mail Steamer. Price 40 Cents. VOL. XXXIX. SINGAPORE THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1883. NO. 3,223
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 597 1 Local Delivery. In Advance. Daily Edition. Weekly Edition. Per Annum #24 Per Annum $16 Six Monthß 14 Six Months 9 Three Months.... 8 Three Months.... 5 In Arrear. Per Annum $30 Per Annum $18 Six Months 18 Six Months 10 Three Months.... 10 Three Months.... 6 Foreign Delivery Including Postage,
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    • 476 1 THE LONDON SINGAPORE ANTFOULING PAINT COMPANY, LIMITED. (DENNYS' PATKNT3). Incorporated under the Companies' Arte 1*62 to IBMO, the liability of Shareholders being limited to the amount of their shares. Capital, £250,000 m 250,000 shares of £1 each. First issue of 150,000 Shares at par. Payable ss. on application, lus. on
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    • 599 1 iHisirellaneou*. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advice to Invalids. If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of
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    • 482 1 iWiartUaneoua* NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are oonfidently recommended as a simple bu certaip REMEDY for INDIGESTION NORTON'S CAMOMILE PLILS are with I justice called the Natural Strength*ner of the Human Stomach.'* Acts; a powerful tonic and gentle aperients are mild m their operation and safe under any circumstances. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 614 2 jfimtllnntou*. 4 BEWARE OF IMITATIONS T EA and 1 ERRINS' sJAUCE. The Origin*] and Genuine. TTTORCESTERSHIKE bears theiut o«*raph signature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold whole sale l.v the Proprieton, Worcester; and Croese and BlackweU London X EA and PERRINS' Of Qroceti and <Mhnen throughout the
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    • 758 2 potters. THE NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Acts 1^62 to l^flO, wlerehy the liability of Shareholders is limited to the amount of their Shares. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. Subscribed Capital— £l,ooo,ooo SterU Una. Equivalent, at Exchange Five Shillings per Tael, of Taels. 4.000,000 Shanghai Currency In
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    • 682 2 notices. thereof, will be available for allotment by the Directors of the "NORTH-CHINA Insceance Company, Limited." Applications for shares from firms or individuals desirous of obtaining nn interest m the Company w hether shareholders m the NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMpany" or not. should be m the from subjoined, and addressed to
      682 words
    • 737 2 hotter*. the euro of I). I, flity. nC^TT^ Dise^es. Dy fl prpsi !t an-1 LivJß m all tbeir various forms TbepZ! and Certainty of it. r l<m j when the fin- of lif«. s.e mBt obel xn tl)(> s > '"1 th«- mind htm with the body, the man ig
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    • Domestic Occurrences.
      • 18 1 At WoocUide, on the morning of the 9th August, the wife of John Wilson, of a •on.
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      • 20 1 On the 11th August, at the Scotch Church, by the Rev. Mr. McPhep, Margaret Dowie Robertson, to William Douoal.
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      • 18 1 At Hamburg on the 7th of July last, Air. Edwaed Lambert, late of Singapore, aged 42 years.
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    • 167 1 THURSDAY, 16th AUG., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, SINOAPOBK, 16TH A.UGUBT, 18S3. Gambier 7.10. Black Pepper 16.«0. White Pepper, fair quality. 26. Sago Flour, Sar 2.80. Pearl Sago 3.175. Coffee, Bally picked 13. Tapioca, small Flake 3 50. Tin 29.75. iOt. Mule twist 95. Sfclbi. Shirtings 1.57 J. 7 do do
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    • 287 1 P«r P. and O. steamer Ancona, on the 9th inst. For Singapore.—From London Ser«^nt R. H. Reilly, Mrs. Foy and Mr. ob«ppard. From Brindisi: Mr. G. Gue"te. From Penang: His Honor Sir inomas Sidgreaves, Messrs. Jas. Wallace, Saver, C. W. Pock and E. A. Brown. *or Hongkong. —From Singapore
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    • 1419 1 The result of the commission recently sitting* m Penang on the question of Indian Immigration to the Colony and the Protected Native States, is embodied m an elaborate Note m the Government Gazette of the 10th instant, signed by the Hon. E. C. Buck, Secretary to
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    • Correspondence.
      • 248 1 Sir, Fam a Hack owner and the following Ls a story of an every day occur. re nee. My hack was found by a white policeman moving slowly on the road and was immediately taken up, for obstruction; driver locked up m the
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 96 1 FOR SALE. A. Few Weeki with the Malats. la pamplet form. Price 50 cent* per oopj. "Straits Times" Office, Singapore, 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES <>F A JOURNEY Across the Isthmus of Kra. MADI WITH THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT Surtey Expedition. January April, 1«83. With explanatory Map and Sections, and
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    • 3875 2 HE British ateamer Pontianak, which rived on Tuesday from Pontianak, was sent to the quarantine anchorage. The total return of visitors to the liaffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday LOlh August, 1883, was 714. The steamer Fidra, 710 tons, Capt. Farmer, left Newcastle,
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    • 2053 3 IHK Bombay Chamber of Commerce nas been revising its tonnage scale It appears that after the Suez Canal was opened th e P. and 0 Company, then enjoying almost a monopoly of steamer accommodation, imposed a scale of 40 cubic feet to the ton as equivalent to
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    • 1686 3 jhe Ceylon Observer m its issue of the Ist August has the following appreciative critique upon Sir Frederick Weld's recent address to the Legislative Council. It is said to be good "to see ourselves as others see us, much on the principle
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    • 368 4 Dr. Simon and Dr. Kerr, having been requested by Government to investigate into the real facts as to the presence of worms m fish, which recently caused quite a scare here, and still prevents many otherwise sensible people from indulging m any fish diet, except from tins,
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    • 230 4 f*or Straits Times.) QUARAXTLNK IN ENGLAND London, Uh August.— A Bill for the protection of London from Cholera has been read a third time m the House of Commons. Spain. Tranquility has been restored m the town of Badajoz. Madagascar. London, 9U August.— Mr. Gladstone speaking at the
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    • 1965 4 London, 2\st July. Her Majesty's gun-vessel Frolic, 4 guns, has been ordered to Mauritius. Xaplea, 29tk July. Casamieciola, a town on the island of Ischia, has been almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake; the neighbouring villages have been severely damaged, and upwards of a thousand persons have been
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    • 2087 5 Copies of the Day The Financial Position of the Colony. (A retrospect of the last sixteen years.) It is now over sixteen years 9ince these Settlements were transferred from the somewhat lax and easy-going rule of the Indian Government to the sterner control of the Colonial Office, and from being
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    • 2170 6 The Official Note published m yesterday's Gazette, embodying the principle! on which emigration from India to the Straits Settlements will m future be conducted, is a long and elaborate one. It is signed by the Hon. K. C. Buck and Major
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    • 1846 6 A iißSTore of the Singapore Sporting Club was held m the Exchange building! on Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, the Hon. W. G. Gulland occupying the ohair, and there being also present, Messrs. John Fraser, W. B. 11. Carew, A. Dull', Cosmo (J. Paterqpn, Frank .1. Dickson,
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    • 630 7 Thk Government Gazette of India contains the following notification regarding the sales of Opium during--1884:— By Notification No. 1418, dated 10th March ISS3, by the Government of India, Financial Department, the Governor General m Council was pleated to declare that the total number of chests of Bengal
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    • 3614 7 The steamer Banykok, which arrived m harbour from Bangkok oti Suuday evening", brought the new Siamese Embassy to England and America which has been talked of for some little time back. The principal members of the Embassy are H.R.H. Krummun> Baohawocadet. Minister to London amd
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    • 4232 8 Dr. Atebs, the Colonial Sargeon of Hongkong, is a bold man, with the courage to give unflinching expression to his convictions, and, what is more, to back them up with irrefragable fact*, at the risk, no trifling one, of bringing down upon his devoted
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    • 5478 9 We have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt yesterday of the third number of the North Borneo Herald and Official Gazette, published at Kudftt, the capital of Sabah or North Borneo, °n the Ist July. We extract the following items of news Mr. A[fred Dent.— The arrival an 4
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    • 790 11 Tuk production of H.M.S. Pinafore by Pollard's Liliputian Opera Company on Wednesday uight was a perfect ovation. As soon as the doors were opened, there was a rush tor seats, and before the rising of the curtain the hall was crowded by a densely P*&ed audience, additional chairs
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    • 744 11 Singapore has enjoyed, during the past fortnight a series of operatic performances by this talented company that will long be reverted to with keen pleasure. The Town Hall has been crowded night after night as ii had never been crowded before, and the operas, put upon
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    • 577 11 In order that our readers may the more readily follow the plot of Leeoeq's Opera of Le Petit Due, played here by Pollard's Opera Company, we have been at the pains to procure a brief outline of it. The opera is full of ludicrous situations, interspersed with
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    • 2190 11 (Translated from Dutch newspapers.) Batavia 20th July. We congratulate Batavia on the arrival of tbe steamer Fiado with the first consignment of Australian frozen flesh meat. Yesterday afternoon bt hbout 3 o'clock the Fiado was moved alongside the quay at Tanjong Priok haviner aboard 50 oxen, 550
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    • 2306 12 (Translated from Java newspapers.) Batavia, 23 n? July. We received too late for insertion m our issue of Saturday last, the intelligence that the frozen meat from Australia was landed that da}- here, on payment of the import duty of G o/o on the value. We have
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    • 1980 13 (Translated from Spanish neivspapers.) The Mario de Manila of the 24-th July, furnishes the following intelligence from its special correspondent m Sooloo ''Sooloo, Uth July, 188?.— Yesterday at half past hix o clock m the morning the ortnser Vencedora and the gunboat Mindanao, having on board tLe Governor,
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    • 955 13 The London <m>l China Express of 13th July has the following >Udy 11M— In answer to Sir S. Northcote, who asked whether the Government had received any confirmation of the rumours afloat as to events m Madagascar, Mr. Gladstone said the Government had received information from
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    • Correspondence.
      • 225 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In your issue of 17th July there appeared a notice of the completion of the telegraph line from Saigon to Bangkok, m which it was stated that the line has been constructed by French Engineers, and
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    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 548 14 ARRIVALS. ri Flag j I Vbssil's Nams. and Captain. From. Sailxd Consicnkks. 5 Rxo. |g I Auc. Espana Spa. str. 1 736 San Pedro Manila Aug. 1 Borneo Coy. Ltd. 9 Benalder Hrit. str. 1330 Harvie Ainoy Aug. IP. Simons 4 Co. 9 Sherard Osborne Brit. str. 875 Worsley H'kong
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      • 1028 14 CLEARANCES. Datb. Vebsbl's Nam*. Flag A Km. Captain. D«BTnu mjr Aug. 9~~ Chi Yuen Chin. Btr Wallace HongkomT"" 9 Ruby Brit. str. Long Muntok J TPaW. 9 Propontis Brit. str. Heasley BataTia 9 Cberibon But. str. Steur Batavia 9 Siak Dut. str. de Blinde Deli 9 Arago Brit. s tr.
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 811 15 T*B TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK COM PANT LIMITED. 1 he works of the Company are situated Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise tbe following establishments, viz Wharf. Affording herthage for twenty rebels at one time with sufficient water i tloncfside for vessels of the
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      • 627 15 ftoflu Warehouses, Sheds, or on their premisefor Wharfage, Laborage, Storage, Godowns or Warehouse rent, fire insurance, and any ather expenses and charges, and for a general balance of account due to the Company. Further information, particulars and Bates of charges, can be obtained at the 1 -opHny's Otice, No. 4
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      • 794 15 iKtsrrliantous. Preparations with Liebig's Name. It may be remembered that some time since a controversy was rasriner m the medical journals as to tho nricrinal inventor of a certain Obstetric Bag, wherein two eminent gynaecologists disputed the right of priority to certain improvements others joined m the fray and this
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      • 668 15 iHisrcllaneous* the only Reliable Remedy for Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Lassitude, Loss of Power. Depression, Female Cosaplaints, Pimples. I-.iperfect Nutrition, Prsmaturs Decline, kc. Dr. BRIGHT^ PHOSPHODYNE is the Best Known Remedy foi- Indigestion. Liver Complants, and all Functional Derangement <>f eitber sex. Dr. BRIOHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.— The beneficial effects -if the Phosphodyns
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 300 16 TREASURY oftheTHROJT^ GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT/E, ANGINA,! CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. IVEOIDE OF USE t^nfif^nl d ?hJ>
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      • 1012 16 QUINA-LAROCHE <^!?b^ Ferrugineux w. 1 SYRUP 9sm*^ In spite of the ever inore.isn^ >ucross of the *^TM Larocbe Bark iQUINA-LAROCHE), m y Of 7^?^ \7blch lias been honored with a prize *^f/ filivJr of 16,600 francs, a Gold Medal,< Ii W^&la are many ca si's m which the Sensibility and
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