Straits Times Weekly Issue, 9 August 1883

Total Pages: 14
1 10 Straits Times Weekly Issue
  • 27 1 The Straits Times WEEKLY ISSUE. New Series Published koh Transmission by Every Hoiiewakd Mail Steamer. [Trice 40 Cents VOL. XXXIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1883. NO. 3,222
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 563 1 NOTICE. From and after the Ist January 1883, the following changes will »>e made m the publication of the Straits Times. The subscription to the Daily issue will be considerably reduced. The Weekly issue will be published m time for transmission with the homeward mails, and will be of the
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    • 506 1 fK Su^ ii C mm unicationB wi)l always be thankfully received and prom ptl> at tended to We cannot undertake to return rejected commutations. We cannot undertake to give reasons for the rejection of communications that are addressed to us. THE LONDON' fc RINGA'ORE ANTFOULING K4TNT COMPANY, LIMITED. (DENNY?* 1
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    • 601 1 4Hi*ttllaneouo. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Original and only Genuine. Advice to Invalids. If you wish to obtain quiet, refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achings of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of
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    • 482 1 iHisrdlaneouflu NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple bn certain REMEDY for INDIGESTION NORTON'S CAMOMILE PLILS are with justice called the Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." Act s; a powerful tonic and gentle aperients are mild m their operation and safe under any circumstances. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 599 2 ißtsrellaneous* BEWARE OF IMITATIONS T EA and 1 ERRINS' O AUCE. The Original and Genuine. VXTOKCESTERSHIRE HAUCE bears the autograph signature of Lea and Perrins on a red label. Sold whole., sale by the Proprietors, Worcester; and Crosse and laßckwell. London T EA and PERRINS' AUCE. Of Grocers and Oilmen
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    • 779 2 plotters. THE NORTH-OH^^ INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Incorporated with Limited Liability under the Companies Acts 1^62 to IRPO, whereby the liability of Shareholders is limited to the amount of their Shares. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. Subscribed Capital— 1,000,000 Sterl. l>na. Equivalent, at Exchange Five Shillings per Tael, of Taels. 4.000,000 Shnnahai Currency. In
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    • 674 2 nouns. thereof, will h* 3 available for allotment by the Directors of the "North .China Insurance Company, Limited." Applications for shares from firms or individuals desirous of obtaining an interest m the Company whether shareholders m the NORTH-CHINA INSURANCE COMpany" or not. should be m the from subjoined, and addressed
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    • 760 2 flotuts. the cure of Debility, Ne^TlnT^ pise****, Dyspepsu an 1 Liver P,,n,«i m all their various forms The Pm P^ Bt| and Certainty of it. action'^ ,2l> when the fire of lil 1S to h e ""?>** m the system, and the m.nd symmttf nt with the body, the mar,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 804 3 IBorfts* fHB TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COM PANT LIMITED. The works of the Company art situat-d t Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz WHARF.— Affording berthagefor twenty Teasels at one time with sufficient water tlongside for vessels of the heaviest draught,
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    • 617 3 ffiorlu Warehouses, Sheds, or on their premiserWharfage, Laborage, Storage, Godowns or Warehouse rent, fire insurance, and any ath»»r expenses and charges, and for a general balance of account due to the Company. Further information, particulars and X ttes of charges, can be obtained at the Ooripany's O*t.^, No. 4 Colly
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    • 793 3 ifUsrrliaiuous. Preparation's with Liebig's Name. It may be remembered that some time since a controversy was raging m the medical journals as to the original inventor of a certain Obstetric Bag, wherein two eminent gynaecologists disputed the right of priority to certain improvements others joined m the fray and this
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    • 664 3 the only Reliable Remedy for Nervousness. Nervous Debility, Lassitude, Loss of Power, Depression, Female Complaints, Pimples, I>o perfect Nutrition, Premature Decline, &c. Dr. BRIGHT' 3 PHOSPHODYNB is the Best Known Remedy for Indigestion. Liver Complants, and all Functional Dtrangements of either sex. Dr. BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE.— The beneficial effects of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 339 4 TREASURY oftheTHROAT v GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet's salt) ARE THE BEST MEDICAMENT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT^E, ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. They are Indispensable to all persons who are obliged to speak frequently. m m MODE OF- tjse
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    • 683 4 OUINA-LAROCHE Ferrugineux SYRUP In spite of the ever increasing BUCO6BI of the Xiaroche Bark (QUINA-LAROCHE), which has been honored with a prize of 16.600 francs, a Gold Medal, etc., there are many cast's m which the Sensibility and Irritation of the mucous membrane- may cause a preference to be shown
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    • 308 4 This (h:i \i Hoi m-.hou) M KDIC|s NFCKSSARIES OK Tji' Thete famous l'ill> i t most powerfully thinsjly, on tin LIVEK, siuMACU. KI7)XEYB, vi.l BOW|-:i>. vinjj tone,, 'iifr^y. and dm bo these |?reat MAIN SPRIN< rh<>y tire c-.ntitU'Titly v.-c.ininended U%l^| failing remedj m ;tll <-tsos wh. tution, from whatever cjuisp,
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    • 20 1 Domestic Occurrences. DEATH. AT fenantr, on the 3rd instant, vtry ■uddeolj, Duncan Clkkk Peesqravk, Mnjoicipal Secretary aud H. Ms. Coroner.
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    • 171 1 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 9th AUG., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 9th August, 1883. IGambier 7.10. Black Pepper 16.^0. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sago Flour, Sar 2.86. Pearl Sago 3.15. Coffee, Bally picked 13. Tapioca, small Flake 3 25. Tin 30.10. 40a. Mule twist 95. 8$ lbs. Shirtings 1.574. 7do
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    • 763 1 Matters here are m a remarkably quiescent state. There are no questions of local or general interest agitating the puMic our Legislative Council is not sitting, His Excellency the Governor and family are still absent, and all is quiet and peaceable, the even tenor of our
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    • 269 1 H. E. the Governor has been pleased to appoint T. C. Bfogliston, E*q. M. R. C. S. L. 11. C. P., Her Bfajcwtj'i Coroner, to act as a Visitor of the Lunatic Asylum, Singapore, under Indian Act No. XXXVI of 1858. It is hereby notified that
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    • 217 1 c take the following items from the Peuang Times of the 3rd August. The Consuls had their flags half -mist on Wednesday, m mourning for the French Consul at Singapore, who died there last week. The Agent of the N. I. Steam Navigation Company takes over the s.
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    • 826 1 We take the following items from the Shanghai papers of the 20th July Tientsin. 12th July.—X. fi. Li Hung. chang took over yesterday, at 8 a.m., the seals of his office as Pai Van T;i Oh ing, Ac, or Grand Secretary. Since H. E.'a return here he
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 94 1 FOR SALE. A. Few Weeks with the Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy"Straits Times" Office, Singapore, 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across the Isthmus of Kra. Madi with the French Government Suryet Expedition, January— April, 1883 With explanatory Map and Sections, AND Appendix
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 192 1 passengers* Per M. M. steamer Ava, on the 3rd inst. for Singapore.— From Marseilles: M» sWB, van Horreminge, Meyer and brother, 'on Seutler, Ullmann, "Bode, Roebelin, Jpbaeppede Oberrieden, Beck and Wils >n. «om Naples Mrs. Gordon, Mips GrunJf r g and 2 children. From Colombo a«jsw. Sinclair, Topson and E.
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      • 38 1 MeRRm. Vinßon, G^nrilini, Mnrgaud. Pig"v, Servant, r^ Giaff^rv. Mr. and Mrs. Huyfezn and Mrs. d* GiaffVrv From Singapore Messrs. O. Fivre, L. F. Ziramermnnn, Daane, Himpton, G. A. M. van Ant?et and Madame Cazaban, 2 daughters and maid.
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    • 4115 2 During the month of July 557 men visited the Sailors' Kest. The total return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 3rd August, was 495. Col. G. E. L. Walker, Col. Papillon's successor as Commanding Royal Engineer m Hongkong and
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    • 312 3 The China Traders' Insurance Co., Limited. At a meeting of the ihtreholders of the China Traders' [nsurance Co. Limited, held m Hongkong on the 31st .July, the report of the Directors for the year ending 30th April last was presented and approved. The report says. During the period uaiier r<
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    • 952 3 The Overland Mail gives the following account of the terrible disaster on the Clyde at the Launching of the steamer Daphne A disaster unparalleled m the history of shipbuilding occurred, on July 3, on the Clyde, and has resulted iv the loss of 1 20 lives. A
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    • 711 3 The China Mail of the 27th July contains the following account of the total wreck of the steamer Spark t at R.BO p. m. ou the ~lst July on Cape Camij a point <>f the Lienchau Peninsula m Hainan Straits. The Spark fas a river
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    • 181 3 fFor Straits Times.) Parliament. London, *lnd August. The House of Commons has finally passed the Tenants Compensation Bill. London, $rd August. The (ioodwood Cup. 1 Border Minstrel. Carrieroy. .3 Dutch Oven. Pakuamfm. In reply to a question Mr. Gladstone declined to undertake that Parliament would be consulted before
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    • 2102 3 From Cry lon and Indian papers.) Melbourne, :\rj July. Representations were recently made to be Secretary of State for the Colonies that information had been received from one of the missionaries on the Island of Klato, m the New Hebrides, stating that the French are purchasing large tracts
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    • 428 4 TJio following tele^ram^ of English newfl are taken from the Queeuai 'antler of the lkh July. Si/Jnet/y 12/// July. Tlie steamship Nelson arrived this morning from Hongkong, Brisbane. The two elephants on board were safely landed, and toe one intruded for Sydney was removed to the elephant house
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    • 972 4 Oui Quarantine Station. Now that qunranti v is being mon generally enforced here, and is, m fact, forced upon us by the pertinacity of other nations m whose ports vessels from here would \w put to serious delay and inconveniences l>ut for our own precautions, it
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    • 2339 5 This month, throughout which a rigid fast is observed by the Mahomedans, ends to-morrow, and Monday ushers m the month of Sawul, or feasting, which follow the rigors and privations of the present one. This fast has been carefully observed by the Mahomedans m Singapore, m common
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    • 723 5 The Scientific American gives an interesting account of a series of testing experiments made by the editor of that paper upon a line wire between New York and Cleveland, Ohio, a distance of 700 miles. In a previous number the editor had intimated the alleged success of the
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    • 1799 6 Our Saigon exchanges by the Iraouaddy, which come down to the 28th July only, contain no news from Tonquin, but we take from the China Mail the 28th July the following letter from its special correspondent Haiphong, 24M July. Yesterday, the »23rd Jnlv, may b^ considered
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    • 549 6 Nature contains the following 1 notice of Baron Mikluho-Maclay, the Russian traveller and savant, who is well known here. He is at present m Sydney, ami has been present at the meetings of the Geographical Society there, which have been held for the purpose of forwarding the thorough
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    • 835 6 Li ast week we called attention to the build of a new steamer, the Brighton, that passed through here on her way to Sydney to be employed as a passenger boat m that spacious harbour. It seems to us that there is great room for improvement m the
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    • 1327 6 Pollard's charming Opera Company on Saturday evening reproduced oSe *rf% Princess of Trebizonde to a crowded m dience, who were much pleased witt pretty and amusing opera, m which comic powers of the various artiste* i given full scope, and kept the audience roars of laughter
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    • 1551 7 We take the following: items from the Sydney Mail of the 30th June New Guinea Exploration. Brisbane, 2.4 th June. Mr. G. Morrison, who was despatched by the proprietora of the Age to explore New Guinea, le f t Cooktown this morning m the ketch Age for Port
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    • 4318 7 ihe latest Australian papers received contain the following telegraphic summary of the debate m Parliament upon the annexation of New Guinea and the opinions of the London press thereon. There seems little doubt that the Austral ians will have their own way m this matter m the course
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    • 662 9 JULY 3IST, ISB*. TUEBDAY, {Before R. S. 0 Connor, Esq. Seuior Magistrate.) ASPINALL V. fc'COTT. This was a case m which Tnomas Aspinal!, Chief Engineer of the S. S. Pearl, charged Robert Scott, one of the In* apectors of Police, Singapore, with fl) wrongful confine tnent and assault.
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    • 1552 9 (From our own Correspondent.) Paris, 7th July. The importance that the death, or hopeless recovery, of the Comte de Chambord has taken m the political world here is significant. The disappearance of the Count removes the obstacle for the real fusion this time of all the royalists. With
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    • Correspondence.
      • 68 9 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Dear Mr. Editor, I have just heard that the Lilliputians give their last formance here on Wednesday next. Now come, Mr. Editor, and write a persuasive paragraph m your paper saying that the darlings must stay and give some
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      • 537 9 To the Editor of the Straitt Time*. Sib, In your Bangkok correspondent's letter of 28th {July published on the 2nd instant, it was stated that the telegraph wire from Tavoy to Bangkok would soon be completed, but that much had to be done before the line
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      • 588 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sib, Would you permit me, through the medium of your paper, to venture a remark on "Sceptic's" letter which appeared m your issue of the 4th instant respeotiug the Suropea Warders of the Criminal Prison, Singapore. These officers
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    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 681 10 ARRIVALS. I Flag j Vissbl's Nun. and Captain. From. Sailed. Cohsioxxm*. An*. 2 iChi Yuen Chin, str 1198) Wallace Ponang July SlfKim Clung C 2 Isabella Brit. str. S3 Jens Jambie Aug. 1 2 .»merBet Brit. str. 654 Ritchie Sumarang July 31 Lin Lan A ssie Brit. str. 66 Lee
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      • 1100 10 CLEARANCES. j Date. Vessel's Name. Flag Rio. Captain. Destinatiow.^ Aug. 3 Ban Yong Seng Brit. str. Bide Bangkok 3 Louisa 111 Brit. str. Harmer Malacca Klw»s 3 Pakan Brit. sir. Smith 1 4 k an via port* 3 Silverdale Brit. str. Martel Calcutta 3 Benmore Brit. str. Augustin Malacca Penaa»
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