Streats, 7 November 2000

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Total Pages: 32
1 32 Streats
  • 22 1 STREATS Treats for the Streets TUESDAY 7 November 2000 Another quality publication of gjfg Singapore Press Holdings E-mail: MITA (P) 103/06/2000
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  • 521 1 IF you think the sound of the MRT train this morning is loud, talk to Mr Karuna Regupathy. Better still, ask his wife. She will tell you that when Karuna goes to sleep, nobody else can.
    Pic: ST  -  521 words
  • 84 1 momingrus/» PAY your car-park fees, get a plumber to fix a burst pipe or check out the coffeeshop nearest to your home as well as the bus service that will take you there all these and more at the click of a mouse. Starting yesterday, 54,500
    84 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 SQOO6 pilots 'very distress' Qjaptain foong Chee Kong is a shattered man. All three technical crew are in a very distressed state. They cannot believe that this has happened. They are currently receiving peer support and counselling. Mr Rick Clements, Vice-President of Public Affairs for Singapore Airlines SEE PAGE 2
      50 words

  • Streatsmart local
    • 244 2 THE Association of Muslim Professionals has modified its initial concept of a collective leadership for the Malay-Muslim community to a “consultative” one, after Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong objected to the idea. But the self-help group said it would deliberate further on the exact form of such
      244 words
    • SQ006CRASH
      • 281 2 THE boyfriend of injured air stewardess Farzana Abdul Razak knows what pain is. When he was eight months old, Mr Romie Siam was badly burned after a rice-cooker fell on him. Now 26, the food and beverage supervisor at the Malay Village in Geylang Serai,
        281 words
      • 261 2 INTERNATIONAL analysts yesterday praised Singapore Airlines for its handling of last week's jetliner crash in Taiwan. They said the airline's sterling reputation and share value were likely to emerge relatively unscathed in the long run. In its 28-year history, SIA had never directly
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      • 145 2 SHATTERED, distressed and uncertain about when they can return to Singapore. And worse, they face the agonising wait over whether they will or won't be charged. Latest reports from Taiwan quote the Aviation Council chief Yong Kay as saying that there would be an international uproar
        145 words
    • 281 3 NATIONAL University Hospital patients can now access their medical records through the Internet. This service will be extended to all clinics, hospitals and centres in the west run by the National Healthcare Group (NHG) within a year. NHG pays special attention to community health
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    • 206 3 AN ex-police inspector with previous convictions was sentenced to nine months in jail yesterday on corruption charges stemming from bribes he accepted from a Geylang loanshark. Royston Sim Bok Huat, 38, who was formerly with the Criminal Investigation Department’s Secret Society Branch, had denied taking
      206 words
    • 109 3 morningsmile. Walking to a department store's fabric counter, the pretty girl said,"l would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much is it?" "Only 1 kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with a smirk. "That's fine,"said the girl. "I'll take 10
      109 words
    • 201 3 MINISTER for Trade and Industry George Yeo yesterday urged the Eurasian community to work harder on mastering a second language. Eurasian students, he said, perform well in most subjects at school, ranking second after the Chinese, and ahead of the Indians and Malays. They are
      201 words
    • 122 4 onekindact- Claire Teo, 28, complex manager ONE day, I was in a hurry to withdraw $l,OOO from the ATM machine as my boyfriend was waiting for me in his car. While dashing back to his car after withdrawing the money, I heard a lady shouting at me. When
      122 words
    • 226 4  -  by Karen Wong A 16-YEAR-OLD boy on the prowl followed a lone teenage girl into a lift and molested her twice. Yesterday in a district court, Yahiya Mohamed Kazali was sentenced to undergo reformative training after he pleaded guilty to two charges of molest.
      226 words
    • 205 4 FOR some reason, four months ago an electrician called Wong threw away some pipes belonging to a plumber. The angry plumber gave Wong a right talking to. In no time a raucous quarrel developed, which disrupted work in the construction site where they worked. Four
      205 words
    • news scan
      • 121 4 A MOTORIST who drove his car and two passengers into a canal yesterday was arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol. The driver and his passengers, two sisters aged 32 and 33, suffered only minor injuries. The 36-year-old man lost control of
        121 words
      • 80 4 THE body of a man was found floating on a river in Sengang East Avenue on Sunday at 6.20 pm. Police located the body in Sungei Serangoon, after receiving a call from a member of the public at 5.06 pm. The deceased was slim-built and had
        80 words
      • 94 4 AYOUTH took advantage of a man’s generosity, and took off with his handphone as well. Huang Guo Liang, 17, approached the 23-year-old man and asked for water last Saturday at 2am. The victim let Huang into his house at Geylang Lorong 18 and gave him a drink.
        94 words
      • 87 4 A 26-YEAR-OLD Thai worker died suddenly in his hostel room on Sunday morning, shortly after he shouted at the top of his voice. Janthasri Kreithong, a worker at Jetlee Shipbuilding Engineering Pte Ltd, was heard shouting at about 2.30 am on Sunday by other workers staying
        87 words
    • 29 4 IN the report “SlA’s s7m offer: Enough... Not Enough’ on Page 3 yesterday, the figure in the headline should have been $700,000. We are sorry for the error.
      29 words
    • 327 5  -  by Stephanie Goh Police seize 100,000 discs; nab 47 in swoop on housing estates PIRATED CDs may soon be a thing of the past. First, shopping centres like Sim Lim Square which were hotbeds of pirated software were cleaned up. Now, neighbourhood pasar
      Pic: Lianhe Zaobao  -  327 words
    • 60 5 Our weather girl says Chances are you'll have to lunch indoors today ‘cos there'll be showers in the afternoon and early evening islandwide. Temperatures will hit a searing 33 degrees Celsius and high tide will reach 2.3m at 8.05pm. Weather girl from Carrie Models Outfit from Giordano Raincoat from Sreats
      Pic: Francis Lee  -  60 words
    • Just a minute
      • 52 5 Senior citizens will have to fork out 10 cents for off-peak LRT rides. From today, concession fares for senior citizens will increase to 60 cents. Off-peak hours are from 10am to 4pm and after 7pm on weekdays, after 10am on Saturdays, and all day on Sundays and
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      • 29 5 This is Clean and Green Week. So do your part by keeping your neighbourhood clean, looking after public areas and the environment. You, too, can make a difference.
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      • 49 5 If you're into nature, head down to WOODWORKS Gallery at Robertson Walk and check out The Myrtle Breathes exhibition by Scottish artist Margaret Tray nor. She explores the spiritual connection between Man and Nature and uses luminous colours. On till Saturday. Admission is free. Call 887-0010.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 Sthjts HOTLINE 1800 844-5566 FAX *****22 E-MAIL ADDRESS 82 Getting Lane, News Centre, Level 2 5(*****7) CIRCULATION Customer Service *****77 MARKETING Vivian: 740 2067 Adeline: *****27 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RECRUITMENT ADVERT ISMENTS recruitment Look out for these treats inside! Word Game Have loads of fun with our
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 78 3 MeduCare now covers hand, foot and mouth disease. MeduCare is the first and only education savings plan that covers your child against hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD), in addition to other child-related illnesses. This new benefit is also extended to all existing MeduCare policyholders. iVleduCcire Call your Great Eastern
      78 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 177 4 Quest For Many couples today find it more tricky having a child than their peers did a decade ago.So find out how you can better your chances at conception, come join us for a series of talks on fertility and reproductive health. Visit to take part in our fertility
      177 words

  • Streatsmart column
    • 165 6 betweenthelines way Dr Cheong (Choong Kong, SIA vice-chairman and CEO) handled an indignant relative of a victim, a Mrs Tani, was admirable r his extended kindness, impressive. And when faced with a distraught and grief-stricken Mr Tan, Mr Rick Clements took a generous and noble
      165 words
    • 749 6 THE economy of the future is somewhat different,” he explained. “You see, money doesn’t exist in the 24th century The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.”
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 213 6 FANCL products are so popular among Japanese"" consumers V It was in 1980 that FANCL was founded in Japan. The founder Kenji Ikemori simply wanted to help consumers suffering from skin problems resulting from preservatives, disinfectants, and various other chemicals contained in many, if not all, of the cosmetic products
      213 words

  • Streatsmart regional
    • 279 7 -AP \je don't know anything about that -Mr Estrada's chief aide Ronaldo Zamora denying reports that negotiations were under way for a graceful exit for the president MANILA A congressional committee began deliberating yesterday the impeachment of Philippine President Joseph Estrada, as noisy groups shoved and
      -AP; – Reuters  -  279 words
    • 143 7 -AFP PERTH A man died after an attack by a shark off a Perth beach yesterday, police said. The man, aged 49, is believed to have been the victim of a great white. The attack, about 30m offshore, was at Cottesloe, one of Perth’s
      -AFP  -  143 words
    • news scan
      • 95 7 AFP HONGKONG A senior Chinese official has called on the government of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to administer Honkgong better than its former British colonial rulers. “The world is still watching over you to see if you can run Hongkong well. All the people in
        '. – AFP  -  95 words
      • 140 7 -AFP SEOUL While North Korea’s propaganda machine tells the people about the triumphs of communism, its leader Kim Jong II is setting up an institute to study capitalism, an official of the South’s spy agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), told a meeting of overseas Koreans
        -AFP  -  140 words
      • 82 7 Reuters PERTH, Australia Australian police are investigating links between a motorcycle gang murder in a tiny outback town and two explosions in the town on Sunday night which destroyed a house and damaged a store. The explosions in Ora Banda, 500 km north east of Perth
        – Reuters  -  82 words
    • web cites
      • 59 8 It's hard to imagine that the Heaven above has a hand in determining how heaithy and wealthy you are. The ancient oriental studies of Chinese astrology and geomoney are explored in, where common questions are answered and various topics are discussed. Learn about your'Eight Characters'and how
        59 words
      • 62 8 Owning a piece or real estate or upgrading to a bigger one has always been the dream of many Singaporeans. Online help is available with the likes where besides trading of houses, there are also information on how to finance the new property, renovation, and other
        62 words
    • 237 8 Reuters JAKARTA Most Indonesians who responded to a survey want their President sacked. The poll result, released yesterday, came just one year after President Abdurrahman Wahid was swept to power on a wave of democratic euphoria. Sixty-five per cent of respondents in the Tempo newsweekly
      – Reuters  -  237 words
    • 190 8 -AP TAIPEI Lawmakers stuck to their threats yesterday to seek a recall of President Chen Shuibian, despite his apology to the head of Taiwan’s largest party. Mr Chen’s televised apology on Sunday was designed to soothe the opposition, which has accused the president
      -AP  -  190 words
    • news scan
      • 123 8 -AFP BEIJING China vowed yesterday to keep up strict controls to keep its vast population under 1.4 billion by the year 2010. State Family Planning Commission Minister Zhang Weiqing warned China’s large population could remain a major obstacle to economic development if it was not kept
        -AFP  -  123 words
      • 106 8 Bernama KUALA LUMPUR Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he is disappointed with the Dong Jiao Zhong’s opposition to the vision school concept. “If you want me to say that, I will say that. I am disappointed,” he said when asked to comment
        – Bernama  -  106 words
      • 67 8 -AP JAKARTA Rain-triggered landslides killed at least 52 people and buried dozens of houses on Indonesia’s main island of Java, officials said yesterday. Villages in Central Java Province were hit Sunday after two days of heavy monsoon rain, said Ms Ani, government spokesman in the town
        -AP  -  67 words
      • 71 8 Reuters NEW DELHI Eleven people were reported killed and about 25 injured in sectarian clashes in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. All India Radio said yesterday that the clashes between Shia and Sunni Muslim groups took place on Sunday evening at Mubarakpur near Azamgarh
        – Reuters  -  71 words
      • 95 8 Reuters COLOMBO A Sri Lankan man was seriously injured when he jumped naked into a lions’ enclosure at a zoo. The man was apparently offering himself up as a feast for the big cats. “The man... had written a letter before jumping into the enclosure
        – Reuters  -  95 words
    • 279 9 -AFP Teens in light plane lost contact with air traffic control after take-off SYDNEY A teenage pilot said he was “still shaking” yesterday after being guided to safety by the crew of a commercial jet through a mountain range as torrential rain fell.
      -AFP  -  279 words
    • 149 9 Oana-Antara JAKARTA Hutomo “Tommy” Mandala Putra’s legal counsel, Nudirwan Munir, said yesterday he will not surrender his client to the prosecutors until he is given the original copy of the presidential decree which contains the president’s rejection of Tommy’s appeal for pardon. “I will
      – Oana-Antara  -  149 words
    • 90 9 Stalagmite v stalactite BOTH are elongated deposits of minerals at points where slowly dripping water enters a void. Stalagmites build from the bottom of this cavity; stalactites hang from above. When the same dripwater source creates both; they may meet and form a column. Oscar trivia BY
      90 words
    • 160 9 AFP SHANGHAI A Shanghai businesswoman has been jailed for 15 years for paying two men to beat and kill an employee who defected to a competing company, a court official said yesterday. Xu Zhen, director of the Shanghai Changheng Cosmetics Co, was
      – AFP  -  160 words
    • Article, Illustration
      51 9 Sharp unveils the world's smallest portable mini disc recorderplayer with a long-playing mode. The MDMT77, measuring 71.9x16.8 x 78.7 mm, can record and play up to 320 minutes onto a conventional 80minute MD. The gadget goes on sale in Japan on Nov 10 for 46,000 yen (Ss74l). Pic:
      Pic: AFP  -  51 words
    • 110 9 -AP SYDNEY A Japanese backpacker died after rolling over in his sleep and falling out of a second floor window. Mr Atsuo Funakoshi, 26, of Kyoto, was sleeping in a top bunk near an open window when he rolled over and fell down onto the
      -AP  -  110 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 90 8 A CAREE Llj 11 Kwß as l:& I :v mm ■I Supervisors/ Protection Officers m*» 1 i m Singaporean/PR At least Sec 2 Education Speak and write good English Physically fit Fluency in Mandarin/Malay is advantageous PC literate Earn up to $1,900.00 per month (Plus CPF) Benefits Annual Leave/Medical Benefits
      90 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 410 9 25? Up Nokia 3210 Trade-in sB*# Saving Plan A s2B*# with purchase Package A: PacMobile FM Radio Handsfree Leather Case $6B Package B: Battery (C) Desktop Charger (C) $BB Nokia 8210 Trade-in $238 Saving Plan B s3oB*# with purchase Package A: PacMobile FM Radio Handsfree Leather Case $6B OR Package
      410 words

  • Streatsmart global
    • 255 10 -afp WASHINGTON The main US presidential candidates displayed their funny sides on Sunday, appearing on one of America’s most popular comedy shows. Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore, virtually tied in the latest Reuters poll, on Sunday forced their weary bodies
      -afp  -  255 words
    • 110 10 Reuters WASHINGTON About 100 million Americans are poised to cast a damning vote on the US political process tomorrow merely by staying home. Despite a presidential contest that could be the closest in decades, US voter turnout will be low perhaps with less than 50
      – Reuters  -  110 words
    • 140 11 iustbelieveit. Reuters KFAR SHOUBA, Lebanon Lebanese children captured an Israeli cow on Sunday which had wandered over the tense international border and said they would only hand it back in exchange for goats of theirs which had walked over the border to Israel. Witnesses
      – Reuters  -  140 words
    • 292 11 Wire Services LONDON Surgeons began a lengthy operation yesterday to separate conjoined twins whose fate had been the subject of a legal battle. Only one of the twins is expected to survive. A statement from St Mary’s Hospital in Manchester confirmed that the surgery had begun,
      – Wire Services  -  292 words
    • 144 11 Reuters NEW DELHI -A regional party pulled out of India’s ruling alliance at the state level yesterday following differences over who will rule a new eastern state. The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) party which spearheaded a movement to create Jharkhand out of the state
      – Reuters  -  144 words
    • news scan
      • 82 12 Reuters LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas President Bill Clinton will meet Palestinian President Yasser Arafat on Thursday and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak next Sunday. “The goal is to assess the situation on the ground and begin to find the way back to the negotiating table,” said
        – Reuters  -  82 words
      • 88 12 Reuters LONDON A local anaesthetic, a small drillhole in the skull and a syringe full of new cells may one day be all it takes to cure brain damage. Scientists are developing a new kind of “brain repair kit” using implants of mass-pro-duced cells to patch
        – Reuters  -  88 words
      • 74 12 Reuters LONDON British police are on high alert after intelligence showed that extremists opposed to the Northern Ireland peace process are operating in mainland Britain, the Times reported yesterday. Asked about the report, a London police spokesman said: “We wouldn’t discuss any security measures that
        Reuters  -  74 words
    • 219 12 -AP JOSHUA TREE, California In what may be the first such case in the US, a man is accused of murdering a 15-year-old with an overdose of the drug known as liquid ecstasy. An impromptu rave party in the Southern California desert five years ago was
      -AP  -  219 words
    • 60 12 Several geese on Sunday running in the annual Goose Palio in Mirano near Venice. Almost 130 geese covered a distance of 419 metres. The owners were not allowed to touch the birds, only guiding them with a stick. This year's race was won by a goose called
      Pic: Reuters  -  60 words
    • 130 12 Disney World rider steps out dies AP ORLANDO A tourist visiting Walt Disney World was killed after he stepped off a ride. The man was on the Splash Mountain ride when he suddenly stepped out of his boat and was hit by another craft, bearing down on him at speed.
      – AP  -  130 words
    • 49 12 gofigure. Durex survey What is the global average age for youths to lose their virginity? The average age is 15.9 years, which is the same in Singapore. Malaysians are slightly more conservative 17.7 years. Globally, three in 10 people found their first sexual experience disappointing.
      – Durex survey  -  49 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 285 10 Central Queensland Leader ill Distance U j j r j"' y W Where Students Come First. Education in Australia E4earning enhanced programmes Gets you ahead of others Our Degree courses now includes new e-learning features: Collaborative learning through online discussion forums with coursemates and local counsellors Download value-added course materials
      285 words
    • 214 10 sis GRAND PLAZA PARKROYAL #1,400 F&B Supervisor (Coffee House/Lounge) Hostess cum Cashier Junior Captain cum Cashier Steward cum Dishwasher Guest Services Agent Reservations Assistant Housekeeping Supervisor Public Area Attendant Cashier (Full-time) Cashier (Part-time) 5 pm 1 am shift Able to work at least 3 times a week Technician (Experience in
      214 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 Introducing Ladies Nile with free handphones to be won. Exclusively at Ridleys ANA Hotel on Tuesdays Europa's Beach Bar East Coast on Wednesdays. We don't stop at waiver of cover and 2 welcome drinks, you'll be entitled to a shot at the weekly I raw and who knows you'll walk
      156 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 30 11 famousfirst Hk n&sr cifKUrt-N/iviGftrtoN op gprjcp wns a®9«e” BY 7HL PHoeNtCtM* /WVtGflTO*. /PW//& fioocrr soo &o. m ■ir 9 z* v “V 2000 Copyright Duo International 1 3H-3H OlOdm O
      30 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 36 12 Can’t get €TWUOh of one? Ha™ another sandwich, free. mi mt s:.;. mm W/tey v Mmmmi (CRmfkm msnikuwlh mith m (ffumiChilaatts£iiM§ /0 jl> mud 0t (fWaiititfrim.W (M--IWlfawi) \S\ 4/naUMkaU(^^iUmi/mtl3ixpmielmmr^(Sena€tliSua}lig*rMMs)Maatatiofn^tltii^ Biuyv tHnmnm IKfffj.fimtiimih imShtu W) (mm, li
      36 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 229 13 TUESDAY Q 7 November 2000 Bella's Intensive Skin Care Week A r\ f r I! II A u Now/ here's a special promotion from Bella that helps you choose those much neglected areas where intensive attention will make the biggest difference. Our qualified skin-care professionals will give you a full
      229 words

  • Streatsmart people
    • 187 14 -afp LEIPZIG, Germany German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder was booed at a trade union congress as he tried to defend his government’s plan to part-priva-tise the pensions system. Schroeder, who also heads the ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD), was addressing more than 500 members of the Public
      -afp; Pic: AP  -  187 words
    • 165 14 -ap LONDON Author Salman Rushdie hit back at critics who say he is ungrateful to Britain although it spends money to protect him against an Islamic death edict. Iran’s late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had issued the edict against the author for allegedly committing blasphemy
      -ap; Pic: AFP  -  165 words
    • 83 14 BOND girl Michelle Yeoh has been nominated for Best Actress in the 37th Golden Horse Awards next month. She was picked for her role in Lee Ang’s Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. However, co-star Chow Yuen Fatt did not make it to the Best Actor list.
      83 words
    • 100 14 FORMER Category 111 starlet Ewong Yung Hung is leaving Hongkong show biz to get married. The sexy actress will be engaged to her Japanese boyfriend on Sunday. Yung, 30, said she is disappointed and frustrated with the Hongkong entertainment scene. “Maybe my standards have increased,”
      100 words
    • 287 15 -AP NEW YORK Madonna gyrated on stage for hundreds of fans lucky enough to score free tickets to a rare live performance. But the Sunday night event was far from a concert, as Madonna sang just a handful of songs from her new album, Music,
      -AP; Pic: AP  -  287 words
    • 181 15 -ap BATON ROUGE, Louisiana “Singing governor” Jimmie Davis, who wrote the smash hit, You Are My Sunshine, in the late ’3os, died on Sunday. He was believed to be 101. Davis parlayed smooth talking and singing into a political career, serving as governor from 1944-48
      -ap  -  181 words
    • 125 15 BERNARD Tan is sick of playing baddie roles. In TCS 8 drama serial, The Voices Within, he played a cop who tried to rape Ah Lian, played by Taiwanese actress Annie Yi. In another serial, Knotty Liaison, he was the heartless husband in a marriage
      125 words
    • 115 15 AMERICAN-BORN, Taiwan-based singer Wang Lee Horn was upset that his name had appeared on an Internet homosexual name list. Nasty remarks about his sexuality were also made on the website, according to a Taiwanese report. The boyish singer-songwriter moved to set the online record
      115 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 315 16 To Make The Right Choice, tsk For iht Right Name. 4 SELECTED PREMIUM LEAF m n i ihmt mi, Jo 1 4 is 0 uthentio. Real Brewed IS IS M a i*i < i i* No Preservative. No Colouring» V f FI 02 <* We've known all along that our
      315 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 85 17 Wl M mm WiM i -rngfe? $s plfJilllMi| isl A.. 4: fS;, i m «s i -i. LIWW- -S ':> gT'jSA A s t f isfe 1 IS.P** 4 zs, n wmmmmm a i M 'S gI I; T IS® a women on ladies nights at ghtspots and you will
      85 words

  • easy STREATS
    • 398 18  -  by by Cara van Miriah FACE it, Ladies’ Nights are known to pack the house with women, or babes, more than ladies. Almost 98 per cent of entertainment outlets today are offering free drinks to women. Actually, Ladies’ Night has become a daily affair. However,
      398 words
    • easyStreats tv
      • 532 19  -  Tellytubby gives MediaCorp's long-awaited gongfu serial, Lu Xiaofeng, the thumbs-up, and wonders whether its Taiwanese star, Jimmy Lin, has a missing twin wfaby /Yv/nnno by' Yvonne Kwok IT'S amazing what a moustache can do for you. I realised this only after watching Friday night’s
        532 words
      • channel scan
        • 58 19 7pm, TCS 5 More work for the angels as a black man is found mur- dered and Monica tells the townsfolk. Instead of taking action, they decide to hush it up i as Rosa Parks, the I mother of the civil I rights movement, is visiting.
          58 words
        • 35 19 9pm, Suria Local music gets a leg up with this talent contest. Six bands and five composers compete in this grand finale hosted by Zack Zainal and Haney Hadad. Who will win?
          35 words
        • 109 19 9pm, Animal Planet (SCV 30) Animal Planet’s No 1 lure is Steve Irwin, host of Crocodile Hunter, who is known for his thick Australian accent and khaki outfits. What sets this apart from other animal documentaries is the sense of danger and excitement that Irwin brings to the
          109 words
        • Article, Illustration
          61 19 10pm,V V Entertainment (SCV 56) An international terrorist group infiltrates a TV station in Hong Kong and threatens to release the deadly Sarin nerve gas. Brash young cop, Kent, is assigned to k take them out, but first he has to 1 team up with an equally hardly
          61 words
        • Article, Illustration
          96 19 9pm, HBO (SCV 60) A toy company is about to sell a line of Good Guy dolls and the first one off the assembly line is none other than Chucky, the demonic doll possessed by the spirit of dead serial killer Charles Lee Ray. The evil crea-
          96 words
    • 508 21  -  personality speakinq by Lawrence Chau AFTER spending three months in Los Angeles and Toronto, I returned to see Singapore gearing up for the release of another local movie, Chicken Rice War. I haven’t seen the film yet but I do hope it doesn’t turn out
      508 words
    • 265 22 Just one iquestionu "I'D have to go with Al Gore. He was part of the Clinton administration and I think he's done a pretty good job.” Undergraduate Rakinder Kaur, 22 "GORE, of course. Bush doesn’t impress me much and his
      265 words
    • easyStreats sports people
      • Article, Illustration
        270 28 El Mouaziz writes same plot in New York win Reuters Kewyork Abdelkhader El pljaziz of Morocco has run Uy two of the world’s major marathons London and New York but he kept coming back until he had won them both. Abdelkhader, 31, pushed jjiaway from the lead pack
        – Reuters; PicrAP  -  270 words
      • 113 28 -AFP NEW DELHI Indian revenue officials will soon ask five national players charged with match fixing and corruption to pay up huge taxes. Officials from the Income Tax Department said they will “soon proceed” to collect dues from the five former captain Mohammad Azahruddin, Ajay
        -AFP; Pic:AP  -  113 words
      • 241 28 -AP BERLIN A German magazine reported on Sunday that Germany’s disgraced and dropped national soccer coach may have been fallen foul of a drugs incident before. Christoph Daum, who was dropped recently after failing a drug test, may have been forced to step down from
        -AP  -  241 words
    • easyStreats sports
      • 429 29 -AP ROME Udinese defeated Lecce 2-0 on Sunday to earn an undisputed lead in the Serie A standings for the first time in the 90-year history of the northern club. Udinese’s leadership also extended the surprising domination of provincial teams
        -AP  -  429 words
      • 453 29 LONDON If Peter Taylor decides to shuffle the cards for his first selection as England’s caretaker manager, no one should bet against a surprise call-up for Paul Merson and David James. A moment of sublime skill from Merson, 15 seconds from time, was enough
        453 words
      • 445 29 Reuters, AP KIEV Dynamo Kiev faces a serious injury crisis ahead of its final Champions League Group G tie against Manchester United tomorrow with three of its key players out for the season. Dynamo’s vice-president of football operations Josef Sabo said on
        – Reuters,; AP  -  445 words
      • 373 30 -AP PHOENIX After sitting out the final minutes of a game the night before for what Phoenix coach Scott Skiles perceived as too little effort, Clifford Robinson made sure he stayed on the floor against the Houston Rockets. It was good for the Suns that he
        -AP  -  373 words
      • 489 30 -New York Times ATLANTA After a summer of inhaling Tiger Woods’ exhaust fumes in golfs Major championships, Phil Mickelson decided not to waste his best remaining opportunity at East Lake Golf Club. Suffice to say, the return of the “Streakbuster” was impressive.
        -New York Times; Pic: AP, Reuters  -  489 words
      • 170 30 -AP JEREZ (Spain) Colin Montgomerie finally conceded that his time at the top of European golf was over at last week’s US$2.9-million (Sss- Volvo Masters here. Sweden’s Pierre Fulke won the tournament with a final-round 67 to finish with a 16-under-par 272 on
        -AP  -  170 words
      • 364 31 -AFP SONGKHLA Malaysia is determined to erase its nightmarish defeat to Laos at the 1997 South-east Asia Games in Jakarta with an emphatic win in its second Tiger Cup match today. The 0-1 loss was one of the worst defeats suffered in
        -AFP; Pic: George Gascon  -  364 words
      • 391 31 SONGKHLA Nazri Nasir has admitted that he was not 100-per-cent fit when he captained Singapore to a 1 -0 win over Cambodia in the Tiger Cup on Sunday. He said that there was still “a nagging pain” in his left thigh but he felt
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    • 235 20 IETHSTA/CECAREOFWCIRVAMD/MER PHIGH TEA Over 20 items at $12.80+ +per lead (Child below 11 years s9.oo+++ per head/ Available on Sat, Sun, Public Holiday. 12p.m. to 3p.m. IWeddirtylPackagefr Chinese Dinner From $338.00++-+ per table Buffet Dinner From s2B.oo+++ per person For more information, please call our F&B Department 337 2882 ext
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    • 515 20 s. If it's you you share Li Nanxi Your Daily Horoscope by Kelli Fox at AQUARIUS JAN 20-FEB 18 You can find a reason to smile no matter what expression others are wearing. You have an eye for quality and a nose for bargains. Hide the discount tag and
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 98 21 Long Jiang Sichuan Restaurant Abalone on the House Appetizer portion with minimum spending of 5520.00 and above per person ‘From Mon toThurs lunch only Our Unlimited A La Carte Buffet presents you with a variety of 48 delectable dishes... Mon Thurs Fri Sun Eve of PH Ssl6.oo SslB.oo Ss 22.oo**-*
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 215 22 Holiday Treat: Every day, 2 readers will win a 2DIN Kuala Lumpur Free easy package for 2. Indudes breakfast buffet transport (Sin-KL-Sin) msmmsst Use the questions to help you find the four hidden words in this word puzzle. 1. Gunung Raya Travel provides express coaches to main cities of West
      215 words
    • 47 22 Grand Prize 3D2N stay in Kuala Lumpur Win a 3D2N Kuala Lumpur Free and Easy Package for a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 kids). Includes daily breakfast buffet and 2-way transport (Sin-KL-Sin) Watch out for details on Saturday (Nov 11) CENTURY KUALA LUMPUR HOTEL t I
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 162 22 Foursquare Arrange the 16 letters into four letter words which read the same both across and down, like this: Here are the 16 letters for this week's puzzle and a clue to one of the answers but we're not saying which. (Clue: Was Aware Of) C E E I I
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 104 23 Ten winners will each win a $5O meal voucher the difference Exercise your eye. There are some elements that are different in these two pictures. Simply count the number of differences.' There are differences ram VILLAGE between the pictures. O Four QSeven A Nine r! B A Cain9oo-911-0005 by midnight
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    • 1587 24 Gas?)— El Bugis ia |o, iMM UA Bugis Junction 337-9655 Bedazzled Noon, 2.15 pm, 4.15, 6.45, 9 The Replacements 11.30 am, 2pm, 4.30, 7, 9.30 Loser 11am, Ipm, 5.15, 7.15 Time and Tide [Mandarin] 3pm Coyote Ugly 9.15 pm UA Beach Road 391-2550 Bedazzled 1.15 pm, 3.15, 5.15, 7.15, 9.30
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 403 25 The story so far Jia Yuzhen is a 69-year-old renowned antique dealer. He buys an ancient screen for US$3 million. A year later, jet black hair sprouts on his previously bald head, and he looks 30 years younger... Has Jia Yuzhen discovered an anti-ageing agent? Or, has he transcended time
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    • 227 26 TUESDAY Q 7 November 2000 1 ■all M B m %f§ WMF The story so far... Claiming that he had used the Seven Steps Ghostly Palms on him, Xiao Yuer told the young man to stand still or risk bleeding to death. The mischievous lad then told the young man
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    • 93 27 r* IsWSJK ~*ssm >1 i -^oK 2**^: L *<**♦. sir. r on :fc<5SM+H ±=^-$»nK ■1 v| mw sgnr® jgCW ;lm -BHKH HS3HC- t&si -<fc<K-33 gnfc!*K£s-< pir^is^ <V JT’.. .«IV -rSTi. 'ltn 6^5» Es* L :!SJ >,Xj, Y 1 3 til rtet B*~ g-KgSSOK-V a JW > r: r^C -< \n*>7
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  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 50 31 Inthelivingroom AMERICAN FOOTBALL NFL: Minnesota v Green Bay (Ch23,loam). SOCCER Champions League: Rangers v Monaco (Sports City, tomorrow, 3.40 am. Delayed telecast at 6am on Ch 23), Lyonnais v Olympiakos (Ch 23, tomorrow, 3.30 am). Tiger Cup: Malaysia v Laos (5.30 pm), Vietnam v Cambodia (Bpm) Star Sports Ch 24.
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 237 32 SB mm m K T m od y Car Skin a c Our consultants pursue the finest skin Hr contours you desire. ikun eiJiUEL uh to ?y0 rj rr srvYais i-Ui F)'U rr re programmes liejuve White program»!» aaaiiu uiiqu scis SUHI Lif rjll tyjj; -> ill! uwi > uiy
      237 words