The Straits Times, 6 January 2000

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Total Pages: 124
1 42 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 The Straits Times Established 1845 Thursday January 6, 2000 124 Pages m five parts MITA (P) 034/12/1999 •4wA Singapore Press Holdings publication DU Cents
    24 words
  • 494 1  - Asian bourses' record highs vanish DENNIS CHAN Singapore and Hongkong bear the brunt of selling, as stock markets fall m the wake of Wall Street plunge Bg SINGAPORE stocks suffered their third largest-ever points loss yesterday as the New Year cheer that propelled several Asian bourses to record highs turned
    494 words
  • 65 1 US TECHNOLOGY stocks extended Tuesday's losses m early trading yesterday with the Nasdaq Composite Index plunging 166.82 points, or 4.27 per cent, to 3,734.87 m the first half-hour of trade before retracing some ground. At midnight Singapore time, the Nasdaq was down 123.67 points, or 3.17
    65 words
  • 438 1  -  KAREN WONG *L A 38-YEAR-OLD woman, who called herself Datin Sharinah and pretended she was Brunei royalty, conned a diamond merchant out of over $7.2 million worth of jewellery and pawned it to support her lavish lifestyle. The merchant even let her take away
    ALBERT SIM  -  438 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 267 1 KEVf ENG SECURI'IJLKS RAID: White-collar crimebusters checking trades m a dotcom company' page 3 PHBJjJJ_JJ Jjijlli J Almost all stock markets m Asia tumbled yesterday J^i^L^grl^ following Tuesday's drop of the Dow by 3.2 per cent. aM ttw A New York's Kuala 4--&&-4g$^^MJL^r Mfc POW Hongkong Seoul Bangkok Singapore Tokyo
      267 words
    • 20 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 Til 8 ,l *****1"*****7 The Straits Times interactive: is available from 9 am.
      20 words

    • 472 2 12 killed in Colombo suicide-blast Mrs Bandaranaike away at the time of explosion at her office gates; top Tamil politician assassinated two hours later COLOMBO A woman sui-cide-bomber detonated explosives strapped to her body at the gates of Sri Lankan Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike's office yesterday, killing at least 12
      Reuters; AFP; AP  -  472 words
    • 435 2 'She is a brave girl and coping well after the incident. Qifa principal Lee SIX-YEAR-OLD Xie Yangyang's first day at school ended on a nightmarish note. She spent the night locked m a school bus. The Primary 1 pupil of Qjfa Primary
      435 words
    • 554 3  -  DERWEN PEREIRA Beware of anti-Christian action across Indonesia if nothing is done to stop Muslim deaths m Maluku, students say By IN JAKAHTA OVER a thousand Muslim students took to the streets yesterday, threatening to launch a holy war against Christians across Indonesia if Jakarta
      554 words
    • 353 3  -  TAN HWEE ANN IGNATIUS LOW *y\ and WHITE-collar-crime officers raided listed stock brokerage Kirn Eng Securities' office at Suntec City yesterday m a move believed to be linked to trades m a company. Sources said officers from the Commercial Affairs Department went to
      353 words
    • 73 3 Two passenger trains collided head-on at high speed at Asta m southern Norway on Tuesday, killing up to 33 people, including children who were on a shopping trip on the last day of the Christmas holidays. Snow and sub-zero temperatures, which froze water used to douse
      AP; REUTERS  -  73 words
    • 603 4  -  EDNA KOH Whatever you do, don't stand still, says BG Yeo, unveiling a roadmap to help SMEs tackle big technology shifts m SUCCESS OVERSEAS: Sweetmeat maker Bee Cheng Hiang Baa (dumpling) maker KongCuun SO WHY NOT CHICKEN RICE? 7 am surprised that our world-famous
      603 words
    • 485 4 People packed to US in containers HONGKONG Hongkong has been identified as being at the centre of an alarming new people-smuggling racket which packs mainland Chinese into containers and ships them to the United States. More than 60 suspected illegal aliens from China have been captured and four containers seized
      485 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 202 2 WlnW PSK£///£ MUSIS/ AWOW MWO'S C4U/M7 YEN WHEN YOU'RE ON THE UNE. firaa/ /raws. Teleshop has the widest range of jazzy Caller-ID on Call Waiting function* phones. So now you have the power to know who k calling you on the other line even when you 're talking on the
      202 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 614 3 t^- LOWESTPRICE^] Available only at all Wywy Shops Wywy Affinity Stores islandwide Vs^X ASQQQnett $oQQnett SlM** $41%* SlSlslslslS%SlSM^ H 000 ■W J PAMrrD lift*, li-I I F ericsson emcsson gl Good Price. Good Specs. Good Service. V (Qp^ to buy (f) sMcssoMH72fl iMcsso.l v r/cte ORIGINAL NiMH Battery Ranger i-Note
      614 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 582 4 mm^^ PROMOTION PERIOD: THU, 06 JAN 2000 TO SUN. 09 JAN 2000 {Siemens C 2588 £?xa& Ericsson TIOs fl^ h |CT\ Nokia 3210 'TradeinQfQQ LtM Trade |^Oaf /> J TTade <n Af^OOO Hssi^sWa_Bßß^ssßs^sls^MffHffß-^^ »> #00 f pz/o Lai pzJo B!BffyflfftT?BTßil gfl (Non Trade m at $288) I (Non Trade m
      582 words

    • 562 5 Lights, camera. Hijack! (The movie) Film makers are scrambling to be the first to produce a movie on the Indian Airlines hijacking, with up to three titles already registered NEW DELHI The Indian Airlines hijacking has triggered a scramble m India s film world to be first with a movie
      562 words
    • Article, Illustration
      79 5 AP Who will play the dashing pilot? 'The script is ready and I intend to sign a top star for my project within a few days. The whole film will be centred around hijacking and the India-Pakistan-Taleßan triangular issue. An Indian producer commentir g on Si* plains. One role that
      AP  -  79 words
    • 320 5 Two freed militants surface in Pakistan One seen m Azad Kashmir and another sighted m Karachi MUZAFFARABAD (Pakistan) Two of three militants freed by India m return for the release of 155 hostages held on a hijacked Indian plane have appeared m Pakistan, witnesses said yesterday. They said one of
      320 words
    • 531 6 Suicide bomber leaves the street m a shambles, with body parts strewn across the fashionable residential area and walls blasted by shrapnel COLOMBO Human tlesh and limbs were strewn across Sri Lanka's fashionable residential area of Flower Road yesterday after a woman suicide bomber staged
      AFP; Reuters  -  531 words
    • 279 6 Norway to play Eeace roker in Sri Lanka OSLO Norway, which helped Israelis and" Palestinians reach a historic 199.} peace deal, is trying to broker peace between Sri Lanka's government and Tamil Tiger guerillas, its Deputy Foreign Minister said on Tuesday. "We have had a shuttle between them," Minister Wegger
      Reuters  -  279 words
    • Article, Illustration
      265 10 ALBUQUERQUE (New Mexico) For 16 years. Mrs Patricia White Bull "slept" m a catatonic state, unresponsive to the world unable to speak, swallow or move much. On Christmas Eve, she suddenly snapped back to consciousness and is determined to make up for lost time. "Don't do that," she
      AP  -  265 words
    • 60 10 was' sleeping'... Her husband filed for divorce Mr Mark White Bull Sr had wanted to leave her. But now he says he will stay if she still wants the marriage. The son she hasn't seen or known grew up Mark White Bull Jr, whose Caesarean birth sent his mother into
      AP  -  60 words
    • 345 10  -  LOUISE BRANSON Two natural-food supermarket chains plan to rid their shelves of products that contain biotech ingredients Ihj IX WASHINGTON A BACKI.ASH against ge-netically-modified (GM) foods may be under way m the United States, with two natural-food supermarket chains announcing they were stripping
      345 words
    • 713 11 Chechnya war 'a ploy to make Putin President' The Kremlin appears to be focused on getting the Acting President elected, even if it takes the Chechnya war to do so, say analysts 'Specialists know that this kind of war is not possible to win. But victory is what the television
      AFP; Reuters  -  713 words
    • 89 11 THE hot topic m Russian political circles is the upcoming election and, specifically, how best the Kremlin can spin the Chechnya war to ensure maximum voter backing for the wildly-popular Mr Putin. The conviction gaining credence m Moscow is that the conflict was choreographed purely to
      89 words
      • 58 11 NY TO PAY $13M TO PRISONERS OVER RIOT NEW YORK state has agreed to Day US$B million (Ssl3 million) to 1,280 inmates caught up m the United States' deadliest prison riot. State police stormed the Attica Correctional Facility near Buffalo on Sept 13, 1971 to quell a four-day uprising. In
        AP  -  58 words
      • 45 11 PUNS FOR SECOND EUROTUNNEL EUROTUNNEL has submitted plans to the French and British governments to build a second underwater link between the two countries for either trains or vehicles. The company did not dis close how much it planned to invest m the project. AFP
        AFP  -  45 words
      • 44 11 THE Emir of Bahrain will visit Qatar tomorrow, a week after the Gulf neighbours agreed to try to settle a territorial dispute amicably. The row almost led to armed conflict m 1986 and has poisoned ties since. AFP
        AFP  -  44 words
      • 30 11 AT LEAST 10 people have died m a cold snap that hit Bangladesh this week. Dhaka was blanketed by thick fog yesterday. AFP
        AFP  -  30 words
      • 52 11 NASA'S Galileo probe has completed its latest observations of Jupiter's moons without encountering any problems from the giant planet's intense radiation. The spacecraft swung by the frozen world, Europa, then studied three minor moons Amalthea, Thebe and Metis before taking distant measurements of the volcanic moon,
        AP  -  52 words
    • 30 14 Prince William, who is popular among girls, greeting some fans during a walkabout m Cardiff on Sunday. He joked with New Year crowds about having a hangover. REUTERS
      REUTERS  -  30 words
    • 269 14 The woman tells judge that she thought the $1.16 million m her bank account was from a lottery win NEW YORK A woman who got more than US$7OO,OOO (551.16 million) meant for a United Nations fund when it was deposited mistakenly into her bank
      Reuters  -  269 words
    • 41 15 Last week, the Israeli army tore down memorials to Baruch Goldstein, who killed Palestinian worshippers m Hebron m 1994. Now, the Jewish group called Friends of Baruch Goldstein have admitted defacing assassinated premier Yitzhak Rabin's memorial plaque. AFP
      AFP  -  41 words
    • 198 15 Maps for Israeli pullout signed... finally WEST BANK LAND DEAL TEL AVIV Palestinians and Israelis on Tuesday signed the maps for a longoverdue Israeli withdrawal from a further 5 per cent of the West Bank, paving the way for a redeployment within 48 hours, the Israeli army said. The maps
      AFP  -  198 words
    • 637 15  -  LOUISE BRANSON Initial problems have been resolved, but a bard road lies ahead with Syria wanting the Golan Heights back and Israel under pressure from settlers IN WASHINGTON PROBLEM SOLVED The Syrians: Wanted to address what land the Israelis would give up.
      637 words
    • PEOPLE
      • 163 16 DONA MARIA WAS NEVER QUEEN MADRID Thousands of mourners lined the streets of Madrid on Tuesday for the funeral of Infanta Dona Maria de las Mercedes de Bourbon, mother of King Juan Carlos of Spain. By order of the King, Maria de las
        AFP  -  163 words
      • 100 16 LONDON Two British women have become the first women to walk across Antarctica to the South Pole, according to Britain's Press Association (PA) news agency. Ms Catharine Hartley, 34, and Ms Fiona Thomewill, 33, are the first women to have completed the entirejourney on
        AFP  -  100 words
      • 115 16 LONDON Britain's war-time Prime Minister Winston Churchill plotted to oust General Charles de Gaulle as leader of the Free French forces during World War 11, according to government papers released to the public. The documents showed that Sir Winston described Gen De Gaulle as
        Reuters  -  115 words
      • 69 16 MBABANE Swaziland's parliamentary Speaker, who has been asked to resign for taking cow dung from the royal yard, has insisted he did so m order to perform rituals to protect the King. An official from the Swaziland National Council said Speaker Mgabhi Dlamini said he
        Reuters  -  69 words
      • 38 16 Pro-monarchy politician Spyros Markezinis, 90, who sen ed briefly as prime minister during Greece's dictatorship, died on Tuesday. American choreographer Paul Taylor, whose tango has delighted audiences at the Paris Opera, has been given France's Legion of Honour.
        38 words
      • 35 16 Quotetcorthy I liave never considered myself glamorous. Thank God it aidnt happen to me until I was 30. Actress Annette Bening, on rum glad she is i .vat for her, fame came later m life
        35 words
    • 458 17 US Presidential Race Campaign aides hope the iconic senator's endorsement will erase the lead of the Vice-President's rival m New Hampshire opinion polls SOMERSWORTH (New Hampshire) Vice-Presi-dent Al Gore has won the endorsement of Senator Edward Kennedy, a US political icon, as he fights
      Reuters  -  458 words
    • 4 17 AFP
      AFP  -  4 words
    • 73 17 SO HE'S IRATE TAXI driver Usman Ahmed takes it easy on the bonnet of one of a row of cabs m Bombay on Tuesday, the second day of a planned week-long strike (top), while a passenger waiting m vain for a taxi outside the city's railway station looks disgusted (above).
      AFP  -  73 words
    • 222 17 CHICAGO A man who thought he had struck it lucky when US$B2,OOO CSS 136,366) was discovered stuffed m the fuel tank of his car is suing the federal government to get the money hack. The stash was discovered
      AFP  -  222 words
    • 385 13 HK denies it is a base for alien smuggling The director of the Hongkong Ship Owners Association blames China's lax standards at the loading docks for the recent spate of smuggling HONGKONG The Hongkong government yesterday rejected allegations that the territory was a base for trafficking m illegal Chinese immigrants.
    • 589 16  -  LOUISE BRANSON An End To The Tug-Of-War Over Six-Year-Old Castaway? His kin want him to stay on m Miami. His father wants him home. The US rules he belongs with his dad m Cuba /<v i\ U \MII\CTO\ 11 1 E US authorities have
      589 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 80 5 WmW^^^ s" 'v> x x I A^% O, d BL_v*>_bT _U fl JM*4J JUtl fl fl JU« J l^ i A communist who fought against mWwLj A woman st^c has awoken fly* Marcos dictatorship, ex-priest Balweg, lfl to find that her husband has filed for. AW rhiZ ?n I m
      80 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 351 6 EuropAce Washing Machine Enjoy up to $200 trade-in, 2-yr warranty 5 million air-bubbles technology. Don't miss it! Model EWM 9 100 i Rust-Free! Normal $1^99 ta^B^l^BasSta, M M del EWM 960 Ctnaa J n Normal: $699 Outstanding Features m\ •10 kg load capacity t "T^ody* Iff Fuzzy logic I m
      351 words
    • 49 6 The Online Market Place You kAvfc fkt good*, uit kAvt fkfc pUct. .^r T^***+~^ t^M- *^Lj j y^S^^Msf**^*^s^^»^^ m^ I /f P» til Special t&L\-L&\ bootU, comccx, inA^Azint*, compi/ftr*, Ct>x, rtcordx, Lt>4, Anfit^^ or coUecfor'x Iftm* And inAnjJ mort. Trade Smart. Trade Fast. Call 740 1253 or email
      49 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 396 7 I afl P*^" V J B-Bfa-Bfafam 1 .^«H| W^mßmmJk I 9 0A AM ■WW SUPER SPECIALS Nfe^ i > k ONLY ON FRIDAY JAN 7 2000 ||jll km£\ Specially for tomorrow Friday January 7we open our doors at 9.30 am, an hour earlier than usual. J£3 £jfcf J k a^r
      396 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 461 8 Bflflfla> flfl Br M ''^§SmHKR^M V P fl Bsßßal Basaftm 1 Bflßfll I —^^8888 l -^appsssj MWBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBBBBBBa BBBBBS— 1 W W SUPER SPECIALS V ONLY ON FRIDAY JAN 7 2000 />/ fel*r Specially for tomorrow Friday January 7 we open our doors at 9.30 am, an hour earlier than usual.
      461 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 483 9 BB^flssflßflfl Ba^^^^fl 'V' IB 1 T A flfl fl) J A. MB Bflk I flßi Bfl. fljfc aflfl Bbt BBW I J|(e|J|flfl"**fl B^"^aBBW w .I^^^BJBJBBfIBBBBSJBBIHBBn^'* |P^ .fIBBBB BflBW .^BBBBBBBBBBW .^BBBBBBBbW "^aBBBBBBBB^BBBBBBBBBPSaBBBBBBBBBBB^^^^M aflßfll bbbßN flfl Bfl fl P^tJ I flfj Bfl\ P^ flßflflflflV Baaflflfl BaaH flflflflf Baaflflf flflßßa* W Jt f
      483 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 276 10 .aflflflflflflflKT A 1 m -flfl-flfl-fIH i%' IQ|H |U J^^^^^ flft fl| fl| BL _BT flfl. fli BBflflJ flfl-flkv fl. BBBBV flfl flfl. JW TS>**^*" *^B L^flfl^Bßfll 8888. *i""' Baflflflflsflfl -fl^a I V flaf^l 111 flflflfli %W \J ~*V*- ~> ***^B only at robinsons Specially for tomorrow Friday January 7we open
      276 words
    • 87 10 Bl MURDOCH =^!br UNIVERSITY m r PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA Five-star rating for graduate satisfaction for five consecutive years (Good Universities Guide) Best teaching campus of Australia's public universities by a national survey of graduates Commencing on 8 Feb 2000 2-year modular programme For Business Diploma holders from local polytechnics; SIM
      87 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 52 11 .BBfll bF flflflflam /MP fjHnjaß^H WW^^ K^Hc A tT*l nttrOQQOQ I Afll Bfl^ fla BflrxO^^l B\l V BflV-^x fi /^flfll BB\ \>-B bbbbV J A\ BF/ I BBB?\ flflW. z' /flfll Bflßr-—/ —^iflfll BflflF )\/v SB /^H B\ \^^~-flfl Bflßß7L_/\ B (^SJ fKingKoir Valid From Friday Jan 7to Sunday Jan
      52 words

    • Article, Illustration
      88 12 United States immigration officials say it's like looking for a needle m a haystack, as more and more Chinese illegal immigrants try to 1 enter the US by hiding m cargo I containers aboard ships. These vessels sometimes carry up to 1,000 containers, stacked as high as 10
      88 words
    • 488 12 US officials who detained recent illegal immigrants say they come dressed m Nike tennis shoes and some had mobile phones and compact disc players Cargo 'class': US$3O,OOO Container 'class': US$6O,OOO LOS ANGELES Illegal immigrants being smuggled aboard container ships tend to be
      488 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 215 12 COMPAQ j^M BTwpßflfl i Afll KOkfl fl_flj j ml^ flajirt P^Vabl rLvAF Bfl lli flHßßßffv^ fIBB "flflflfla\\_^flflr^B^3Bflflßßß^*>flßflßW%lfe^^^^flflßßflT W ~-BB E6flP^ StS I -'hT^lj Intel 10/100 NIC with Wake On Lan Aflßfll BflflL B^BflflTflflßßr BBBBW^*.ABL^^flflflfll Bk AflflßflflV *RSR* f «^H BflV^Afll PB B^H Bflfl Rflflßßßflflfll I Bl ™BBBBF^fl^ fIBBBBfIfIfIBBBBBfIV j I-
      215 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 84 13 Harißaya JP weekend Special! vp STARTREK WORLDfI TOUR BR $19.99 nett ONLY ON 8 a 9 JAN Suntec City Opens Daily Ioam-1 Oprn Adult $39 Chiltl/ Senior Citizen Students $33 'Applies to both Adult &<:hild fare S l 9 99 tickets only available on 8& 9 Jan 2000 8t Suntec
      84 words
    • 124 13 ACCPAG* Corporate Series" 4.1 Microsoft Visual Basic" for Applications (VBA) 32-Bit Functionality Cross-Module Drilldown Component Object Model (COM) < Report Scheduling Pervasive. SQL 2000 Encryption Applets Microsoft- SQLServer E-Business Client/Server Object-Oriented E-Mail i a 1 With new ACCPAC 0 Corporate Series "4.1, evolving your business has never been so easy.
      124 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 268 14 -/flfll flk fl^ jacket-blouse J| k I^l *1 k viscose *Wr 8f fl X polyamide W l^j- jjj| m Ja B^ 9 k j! Iff JiPP X dress s1 4 .^F k mk jiaflflflfljf r fl>™ nflj i? m^r JeawT x •^^•flfin sac9o_^^ flflßßß TaTflafJaV^^^ro flfl^ Bflßßav 7 f5 f
      268 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 379 15 Rent. Lease or Buy a Xerox Vivace 450/455/550/555 Advantages of rental ,i mi— a *No "P'* B outlay, 100% iJi^^Ba^jflflfli aaiaa. tax deductible flflflw- I'O. idASrL eto UD 9 raae to better SBB_^ Jg model or add-on options V when volume increases I—~^3~^StW1 ~^3~^StWm more c °P ,ef wi cut
      379 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 235 16 AtW ITfll M^tl '< Iflflflfc .flflflflfl flaka «b 9 BflK^^i^^^^flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfltSflßSß^^^i^a^Hl H|y^f .^flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflß^[^[3 P^aS Ps3a^Tllafl!*aW«^ fl \^flflfl! flflfli \^H fln£ '»w Ai-»~ I^^TniEsiiio com ■■■■■■■■■■f^aßflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflkaflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflrflflflflflflflflf Bflflflfl BflßflaVa^. I W^^ flflflflfltaflß^ 'i/^HBfe 9BBflflßflflflflflflflflHflflflflflHflflflflHflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflHflflflflHflHflflflflflß AM IflflLa^at'flH na» flfl BH7flfl fly alßflflflflflflflflflflfllflflflflflflflflflflflH wwWJ^Mww^ikWkmW AW aX /v^ I WmMum M l fl Z k
      235 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 261 17 "a mam MLM* II IffIMPUTHB !,1 SOOtt CANON BJCBO BflHflH Aflß -vwihrkaßtaitoHiP-xßwtori**,.^ i tJ _lßflf bt TfltßTflfll rTlTOnirnßlWiTn I /iA Baaaaal flflfli flflfli flflfli W*^ X bundte a« prtn» V Laa»» l,- K^ r^ flflF .^H \V/ I *> to w-attM, oner «Mo>r/ ofln orhct Ms flfl WF TflM flflt^flfl^afll
      261 words

    • Article, Illustration
      687 18 Is the truth out there m China? SIGHTINGS IN 12 CITIES The state-run media are treating the sightings seriously and a magazine is devoted to research on the topic PUSALU VILLAGE Poor farmers m Beijing's barren hills saw it: An object swathed m coloured light that some say must
      AP  -  687 words
    • 325 18 The sect is suspected of concealing $82 million TOKYO Japan's Aum Shinrikyo cult, already m the grip of tough new legislation, now faces a wide tax investigation into its lucrative computer businesses, a report said yesterday. The doomsday cult which gassed Tokyo's subways
      325 words
    • 217 18 BEIJING Chinese police have arrested five managers of an illegal pyramid scheme which attracted nearly 50 million yuan (Ss9-6 million) from 10,000 people m five months. The Tanliya Pancake Company went into business m Shenyang, Liaoning province, on July 5 last
      217 words
    • 73 22 IT IS an ice-cold, ethereal world at the lighted ice sculpture at the China Century Altar m Yanqing, a northern suburb of Beijing. Yesterday, two days alter the county marked its Ice and Snow Festival, Beijing itself was snowed under with the completely natural version
      XINHUA  -  73 words
    • 395 22  -  GOH SUI NOI Rejecting China's unification formula, he declares that bilateral ties should be 'quasi international' m nature By TAIWAN CORRESPONDENT TAIPEI Turning away from a money scandal that has dogged his campaign for the past month, independent presidential candidate James Soong yesterday defended
      395 words
    • 459 22 November court decision on non-PRs causes concern HONGKONG expatriates going overseas for holiday need not worry that they would have trouble re-en-tering the territory, as a recent court ruling does not apply to them, the Hongkong Immigration Department has clarified. "The case to which
      459 words
    • 103 25 Bomb scare in middle of night RESIDENTS of the South Korean village of Paju take refuge m a classroom after being evacuated from their homes, following a bomb threat received by a nearby United States military base. More than 900 resident within a 1 km radius of Camp Edwards were
      103 words
    • 320 25 DMZ 'a prime spot for eco-tourism SEOUL The heavily fortified demilitarised zone (DMZ) dividing North and South Korea could one day become a prime destination for eco-tourists, Seoul officials said yesterday. The DMZ is a treasure house of rare animals and plants and can be developed into an eco-tourist haunt,"
      AFP  -  320 words
    • 369 25 It is the first G-7 nation to do so. m a move that could signal the opening up of the secretive Stalinist state LINKS: Other nations so far ITALY becomes the sixth European Union nation te forte diplomatic links with Pyongyang after Austria,
      Reuters; AFP  -  369 words
    • 379 27  - China endorses private firms to save economy The Washington Post In a remarkable acknowledgement that its state-run sector has failed, Beijing gives one of its strongest endorsements to private enterprise BEIJING Faced with a foundering economy that demands "urgent solutions", China gave one of its strongest endorsements ever to private
      379 words
    • 152 27 BEIJING China plans to split supervision of foreigninvested Internet companies between two government agencies, a magazine interview published yesterday quoted the Minister of Information Industry to have said. Mr Wu Jichuan told the magazine Caijing that his ministry will set limits on
      AP  -  152 words
      • 42 27 TAIPEI ALLOWS FREE TRADE OF FARMLAND TAIWAN'S Parliament has approved a law revision to allow free trade of farmland and permitted the state to establish an NT$l5O-bil-lion (557.9 billion) fund to help the agriculture sector, the Council of Agriculture saia yesterday. Reuters
        Reuters  -  42 words
      • 42 27 A RECORD 88 million visited shrines and temples across Japan during the first three days of the new millennium, police said yesterday. Annual pilgrimages to pray for good fortune are a common Japanese New Year's rite. AP
        AP  -  42 words
      • 60 27 AN OFFICIAL m China's Henan province has been sentenced to death for hiring another man to stab to death a colleague who had publicly accused him of corruption, the state-run Beijing Morning Post reported yesterday. Both the former city Urban Planning Bureau chief and
        AP  -  60 words
      • 43 27 THE death toll from a Chinese ship carrying 600 millennium revellers, which crashed into a freighter on the Yangtze River on New Year's Eve, has risen to three, the official Xinhua news agency said yesterday. AFP
        AFP  -  43 words
      • 33 27 POLICE have arrested a newspaper delivery man on suspicion of gross negligence for causing a fire that killed seven people m Japan on Monday. Asahi News Service
        Asahi News Service  -  33 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 273 18 H Las Vegas $999 Los Angeles $999 Seattle $999 Honolulu $1099 New York $1099 San Francisco 1 099 Boston $1199 Miami $1199 Orlando $1199 Once again, Northwest brings you some of the most competitive rates when you fly to the USA. But that's not all, each time you fly Northwest,
      273 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 324 19 A5O 4 pcs j£ H H ■BMHyHHHHMIHDfIfISBHHB^ Per TUMBLER SETS f H -f T W w Iflf wir r T I f^^r^^ set l J I mmmm\m*g[ Tal* JB\ Bfl\ flflV wA^"^^^^^^! |\flft AmaamWmmTmmTl I TjaflaO^^^A-^ V ••■•"•< xfllß. -^^^BfcN^SSB Taß»a»al^^^^ .^fl^flla^B^^^X. I sAmmt Aa. I U a^aßflflF^O :^< rurtv
      324 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 714 20 Wxm A FEAST FOR R CnlS] LalS] Lolß] Lol^l Lollsl SL^] LolJ3] BLTsIBIBJD <% LUNAR NEW YEAR M| lAf INJ^l^' -^IT "aMc a\a\a\a\a\a\^'\ s m^ l Mm U mU^ 15«. p^* yniiA DA f|| jfc/fll 4 60 .-4^^^^&^^^ r ■■wi^Ki Vflwl IOOg f' V; M^ U| Make the Year of
      714 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1046 21 THE DRAGON fISSS >uYiiß^Bnnim iTfli iiia T< Mi M-lflflpg^P Buy $8 worth of Yeo's, Pepsi or 7UP drinks HlimrWMS -j and stand a chance to win a Mercedes-Benz A-Class W iL^BST r2a .mmmmmmmamamt ■""PTTTI Bfl. flflflfl— fIT Iflfl i >aaa^^s^*%S V gflT^T*! << *fl\ TM I MAY aflaW flflk I
      1,046 words

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    • 585 22 fl fl P fl Study Ch "PcntA, 7i?cdteiH /4u4#uUco, fl PI Curtin University of Technology Cowan University Murdoch University ____£B I University of Notre Dame V Al I University of Western Australia (UWA) fl fl Alexander and Murdoch Colleges £B LflflYY^fl I Canning and Tuart Colleges w\v mmmmmwm m U
      585 words
    • 181 22 _nui_l 72'Hx 12'0x36'W $90 JEW\ 72'Hx 12'Dx48'W $110 IM 'C--_l_rH 72'Hx 18'Dx36'W $95 72'Hx 18' Dx 48'W $120 72Hx24'0x36W- $120 [^JjJE Load: 100 kg I 'J I'M H fljHawU C^ 3ViI! [1 mM^JßtamtAmm**-. Galvanized and Blue Colour I m— 4 SheWs 5 Sherh 78 Hx12'Dx36'W- $93 $105 IL_ HI n
      181 words
    • 48 22 NEW ARRIVAL SALE UP.s>^Q OICHSON Now $69 J I f m mmmamAjM Medium I Executive I "^AjJM Chair %H 1 year Warranty j^^^^ RS3OO Jlk*A Ma4t± "f l^-t W**E9 fr^\ *RS2IO High Semi 4_____ U -^«L Leather 1^""* No $98 Chair 1 RAYMAX 127 Sim Aye Tel: *****34/*****84
      48 words

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    • 1707 23 ______l ml tUI kWiW J^_P"flflT\_^ II /mAmmW Amy*** _f I M\\mam9 )a^*mT wV^aPa^^mTl Mi W sr A,/ M" s Cwslomm Sdflmrtt Han Raya AWi/ Fifri _*__^____f/ 1 MIW M _r _B/7 s /fl mXLmm 4 S_r_. may* Ml Ei^J m Y~ -wv Mr Stor wm °T^_f w UsMfl M 8/,/200
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    • 216 24 \\Mr' ______H__|F^ Br _fl_fl SBm W? _b flfl BP^^ B_B nfl^^fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B- <?____l flßa_. s&Mt' fl Jl Br fll 1 "*Afc BE- Jiaam Sift* .__fl P fla^a_Hfl 7U^__H_____fl_F fll X f fl biIHB' 'iß_________Br IP jfl B&"' flP^ flflk. B^^^ flflk. jjP™' fl_ fl v--^^^^"-^» »~.t-~ v '^^a _B ______B^^ ___F_S
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    • 102 25 Let your Career Soar To A New Height with an AMERICAN MBA s *r~--' carbonoaic. lumois, U5>A AACSB/NCACS Accredited BBBP ifl > Bfl_P%_£ iwmm f SW&& B__v- MwWh** I *itMW»lm?t'3f^^ vA \s_J M Fully taught by university professors In Singapore Top 25% American Business School One of the few AACSB
      102 words
    • 227 25 b^^i hI B_______i__9_9 H H .fl_____________Hi fl Vi. At I aaa\ maaaaaM MamMaaaaaammMMM ■881 fl^f MMaaaaaaaaaaaw^ _wv/£sflßflfly& ~j Tfcß _^___^____^_-_h_h___HH <i-__^_________________HHH_H _S _H__n__t Sjj^jflflk jAammX \lT^^ _E^J____P_ __L __E \tY^ .—L___P_ti PaHlJyHt^ /^™_____Bt m m V* r _gj \m% Jk n__fl^ j_____^_____Mfl_liE__i_______________________BH HMD mW& fl BBJ _fl_fl*"^ B_VAl9l 9__fll-__il_ilP^i^ _0i
      227 words

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    • 279 26 I AtHP I Ik f_l P^^^^^B fl^^ —AwA HflßflflflflßßßflflflHflHflfl^B b__B l^__^___________________i IMP I J__P(fl t-T ~J~ ;-MBBM__k 91 1....H _H-____________________B ____________________________________________fl p^ I^____B ir_~: —^J Eflß I ■9 IHI---------91----------9 m\\\\\\\\m\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\mW I (Bb I bb_bMl -kfll I ___9" _____^________9____99 4 If y I Bflflflflflr j Bflj s| H' I flf _fl
      279 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 114 27 In! 1 MAJLIS UGAMA ISLAM SINGAPURA s (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore) y (English Friday Sermon r Timetable for Muslims January March 2000 p Al-Firdaus Moulana Md Ali Mujahidin Al-lstiqamah _ff| Al-Khair Al-lstighfar Kg Holland Hj Salleh Darussalam Al-Falah Pusara Aman Kg Delta Jamae Chulia Kg Siglap Kg Holland Kg
      114 words
    • 225 27 i W mmmw/t J H& 11 L flB vi i J i Bl \__9_9% i B """^fl W W mm uW N.^'J B__ _48 Now you can tell exactly when your heart skipped a beat. TYPHOON: PRE-pROCftAMMEd TIDES FOR 175 BEACHES TO BLOW THE COMPETITION OUT OF THE WATER. TSMP€ST:
      225 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 265 28 '^ffJ^WHHßJ^^^:' fflPWg^~^- y AmW :^MY' fl^flflaifl A' flfiol fl Iflfl- ■W^^^^^^t/^^^Bl^KM^AM^mlm^^^^^ mm^A _l^k___J K r^ m WEJMm\^^amm\ ii^l^- r '^3§|J||JP?^ .fl__i '^Pa_fife___^^Hßß fi flflflflflflflflflflflflflßflflßflflflflflflßßflflßHßa_fi__B_ E»_i§i§te_&&^' ■■•fr-^i--I-i^pP'^^ "ili^ k Tj y^ w^TTtom '^x^J^ i M^'sM •„_^^E_§^"_i%#' Aflßfl__^ B y___ "tM^ B^__J__B t'flw^ B- 7 JKP^ jfl j fi fl _L__v JBF
      265 words

    • 399 29 Decades of discrimination against Indonesia's ethnic Chinese will end when these laws are 'neutralised' THE CURBS: Linguistic, religious and cultural IN 1967, Indonesia issued a range of decrees limiting the use of the Chinese language and Chinese religious and cultural practices m a
      AP; Reuters  -  399 words
    • 226 29 JAKARTA Hundreds of people attacked the homes of several ethnic Chinese yesterday morning m Central Java, following a rumour that a drunken pedicab driver had been beaten to death by a local Chinese man, residents said. They said an angry mob attacked
      Reuters; AFP  -  226 words
    • 336 29 But Akbar warns Gus Dur is known for his quick changes JAKARTA Political and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto, saying he has "often been the target of rumours", joined Cabinet colleagues m dismissing talk of a reshuffle as being newspaper speculation. Indonesian House Speaker Akbar Tandiung and
      AFP  -  336 words
    • 109 29 AMBON As Muslims and Christians kept up their clashes m Maluku and North Maluku provinces, thousands fled the violence yesterday and sought shelter m the provincial capital and nearby areas. Officials said more than 10,000 people had taken shelter m mosques, churches, schools and military
      AP  -  109 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 255 29 Series Skxoge WtaUf Heomr Skxaot Water Healer Storage \Afal»r Heolor (10 15 i 30 kites E'iojJO GtaiKoldo StrmyHorizonlol Gtancaldo SarmVarhcal obov, s.nk under sink 30 (SO. 80 S. 100 hums) (SO. 80 100 Html P pirl,,ii "Get an Ariston or ;^m n jXi iT*T^^^T_l-_^________k I instam wow. Heater J j£f
      255 words
    • 332 29 I V\OUR Q M f 20TH Anniversary Celebration _b on /f# The Hour Glass ■ye b rs Showers Time w2&&_ Worth $150,000 Commemorating Two Decades Of Excellence. The Hour Glass, Singapore's premier chain of watch boutiques, celebrates 20 years of success with the widest array of finely-crafted Swiss timepieces of
      332 words

    • 602 30  - Rebel priest killed by own brother LUZ BAGUIORO A prominent dissident during the dictatorship of former President Marcos, Balweg was shot m cold blood m his family's ancestral home By PIIII.IPHINKS COftftl .POM) KM MANILA Ideology ruled the life of former rebel priest Conrado Balweg and eventually cost it. One
      602 words
    • 200 30 FORMER rebel priest Conrado Balweg was gunned down on the last day of 1999, just two days after his 57th birthday. His band of assassins wer** said to be communist guerillas led by his younger brother, Jovencio. Balweg and Jovencio last
      VALRODRIGUEZ; AFP  -  200 words
    • 248 30 MANILA Finance Secretary Edgardo Espiritu, one of the most respected members of the Philippine Cabinet, resigned yesterday m a move likely to reduce al-ready-sagging confidence m the government of President Joseph Estrada. In a three-paragraph "irrevocable" resignation letter to Mr Estrada, Mr Espiritu
      AFP; AP; Reuters  -  248 words
    • 205 31 UNITED NATIONS Crime is on the rise m East Timor, a continuation of the lawlessness that occurred after the territory's break with Indonesia, the United Nations reported on Tuesday. Incidents included fights between gangs, burglaries of homes of UN staff members and foreign aid
      REUTERS  -  205 words
    • 169 31 DILI About 200 people rallied m front of the United Nations headquarters m Dili yesterday to protest against the use of foreign workers on reconstruction firojects while most local abourers remain jobless. The first major protest against the UN's transitional administration was mounted by a coalition
      169 words
    • 502 31 Heat on NY firm runing sex tours to S-E Asia But prosecutor says there is no legal basis to charge the agency which has allegedly organised prostitution with minors m Thailand and the Philippines Bigger than drug dealing 'By some estimates, the sex-travel industry is bigger than the drug industry
      AP  -  502 words
    • 453 32 McCain would not be alive if a Vietnamese militiaman had not pulled him out of a lake after his fighter jet was shot down m 1967 HANOI Vietnamese militiaman Mai Van On might soon be able to say he saved the
      Reuters; REUTERS; AP  -  453 words
      • 34 32 VIETNAM'S Health Ministry has ordered an inspection of food processing firms nationwide after formaldehyde was discovered m noodles used to make pho, the traditional soup, the media reported yesterday. Reuters
        Reuters  -  34 words
      • 32 32 PHILIPPINES' Mayon volcano spewed ash and black smoke yesterday with no casualties reported. Vulcanologists have declared parts of the mountain unsafe since it became active m June. Reuters
        32 words
      • 66 32 TWENTY Muslim Maran aos tribesmen killed six peo pie and wounded five m an ambush of a commute mini-bus m southern Phil ippines on Tuesday, said a local army chief yesterday. After firing at the passing mini-bus m the town of Ta lakag m the
        AFP  -  66 words
      • 26 32 THAIUND EXECUTES MYANMAR NATIONAL THAILAND executed 60--year-old Myanmar national, He Win, on Tuesday for attempting to smuggle 11.2 kg of heroin out of the country Reuters
        Reuters  -  26 words
      • 55 32 THE RUSSIAN ambassador to Cambodia, Mr Victor Samoilenko, has complained about dead rats being hurled into his residence. It remained unclear who was behind the prank, said an official yesterday. One theory suggested it was a work of squatters near the residence venting their
        AP  -  55 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 297 30 ft A a_ If* aP M r--Sx. __&>% j. w <______! '■•^9®^^^^P«i^^»"^^S_||^^^^' <: 1 I +W sm T«-^___L V _T"fl-^ II 1 g _____Bfi____fl______<- -In W;-> <,;^^^^^^!^^^_fijg^ r ___JS I I—' v v I "^^^^^PL.- L^LwLLLLLv^v^ LLL LLLv^Nw'V w^v.;:i. m AUTOCAD A+ CERTIFICATION AUTOCAD 2000 Validates you as a PC
      297 words
    • 209 30 r\S}M resolution's YUftV-tfi St ADVANCED f-J PERFORMANCE CABLES 111 Component S- Video Cable d^ fr^ aWM Master webbed component video v p* < fi B ~P~ I >^_ cables meet the demands of DVD's J „|H& Ifl Bfl innovative technology with the fi^^flr- H| Ijj Em highest resolution and lowest-loss
      209 words

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    • 612 31 Regus is changing the way people work by providing fully furnished, staffed and equipped offices on flexible teims Your company can oe .__M_fc operational m Singapore or a choice ifi^**Jl__. of 200 centres worldwide, within 24 M hours AW MB Wm. Instant infrastructure, leading edge E technology and a professional
      612 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 150 32 <CZfL OSSB^^ Also available: At- SWSC2 5 Kg v i Detergent Dissolving Device NOW 5399 Detergent Dissolving Device Stainless Steel Tub •Fuzzy Logic NOW _J__l •Rossby Waterfall Wash „un C^MAGIC HAND^> Fuzzy Logic Waterfall Flow mmmmmmM%*MMmaW m f*\ma%*^am^mMm*Y ULa\J <C^MAGIC HAND^> Double Waterfall Flow -___2r 'Detergent Dissolving Device •Stainless Steel
      150 words
    • 238 32 fuiitsu ""Si rTTi Built-in 10/WOMbys LAN &V. 90/K56 modem M VJI I N^"""^^/ J fi Modular mobile slot for digital camera >»•— r* If L J /'f (-if/i weight saver), COOL, SLIM POWERFUL Lifeßook B-2130 Lifeßook S-4510 Lifeßook E-6530 Lifeßook C-6140 -^K^ESS* 0 Intel* Pentium* 111 processor Intel* Penhum* 111
      238 words

    • 167 33 Student raped by 3 men posing as police TAPAH An 18-year-old university student from Kuala Lumpur was gangraped by three men after being driven some ltiOkm to an oil palm estate m Tapah on New Year's Eve, Perak state police said. The Sun reported that her nightmare began about 10pm
      167 words
    • 272 33 PETALING JAVA The number of accidents on Malaysian roads will continue to rise during the festive season unless drivers change their attitudes, several groups have warned. They say that until this happens, no amount of publicity campaigns or warnings will help. National Institute of
      The Star; Asia News Network  -  272 words
    • 46 33 THE SUN The first victims m Penang of the Rent Control Act, which came into effect on New Year's Day. Under the Act, owners ofbuildings constnicted before 1948 are allowed to either increase rent or take over the premises from tenants for redevelopment.
      THE SUN  -  46 words
    • 337 33 In its move to curb overstayers, the Immigration Department is to pay for information leading to the arrest of those who harbour illegal foreigners KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia's Immigration Department is resorting to hiring spies to nab employers who hire and harbour
      337 words
    • 896 34  -  BRENDAN PEREIRA NEWS ANALYSIS %l IN KIAI.A LUMPUR While some quarters believe intensive jostling for the top two posts will split party further, others think democracy will suffer if there is no contest THE Mahathir-Abdullah Badawi tandem will face their first test of popularity m
      896 words
    • 139 34 JOHOR Umno leaders are at odds with each other over the state's candidate for the party's No. 3 post as there are now at least three of them vying for it. Acting Umno Youth chief Datuk Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, a Johorcan, said
      The Star; Asia News Network  -  139 words
    • 372 35 Bar Council says the government has promised to study lawyers' requests that a proposed contempt of court law includes provisions to cite judges KUALA LUMPUR The Malaysian government promised yesterday to consider lawyers' requests that a firoposed contempt of court aw includes provisions to
      AFP; Bernama  -  372 words
    • 141 35 KANGAR Perlis Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan X. is si m. who has been criticised for appointing his younger brother Ismail Kassim as his political secretary, yesterday defended his decision, saying the appointment was based on the wishes of the party. "Ismail should not
      Bernama  -  141 words
    • 41 35 HARI RAYA GOODIES FROM AFAR These soldiers posted m a remote area m Sabah have not been missing out on Hari Raya celebrations. An air-force Nuri helicopter was used to distribute festive goodies to soldiers m 10 such areas. UTSHAN MALAYSIA
      UTSHAN MALAYSIA  -  41 words
    • 266 35 PENANG More than 400 Penang Gerakan members resigned en masse, barely 24 hours after founder member Datuk Lim Ec Heong quit the party saying he "beh tahan liau" (Hokkien for "cannot take it anymore") with the party leadership. The latest exodus came just a
      The Star; Asia News Network  -  266 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 235 33 professional Diploma leading "Ranked Australia's No. 1 university of technology m to Degree completion the Asia Pacific region" Asia Week Magazine 1 998/99 if BCom |%f?i- V I m Information Technology f^^ j± HOT TOPICS INCLUDE: EE jrf^k E-Commerce |ava Programming Oracle Specially for: Polytechnic Diploma Advanced Diploma/NCC Int'l Advanced
      235 words
    • 172 33 You're Invited flflflflflflflV .'IIEI j d^^ TO OUR NEW BRANCH OPENING Time nam -6 P m AT BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA Venue Bukit Timah Plaza I j #01 -(^1 better cater to our growing base of loyal rrca Reception provided) j clientele, we are moving our resources to bigger premises with
      172 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 262 34 Noal Market Share m Singapore (Units) Source: Gfk Retail Audit Report Sept/ Oct'99 ■■■J! '»l J-— s-syy, .yy~w? 3^ ___^fl__l Bflflp^ \m\\ M_i_to Doublm washed. Double joy. bW7SCIS M^^m m^ m^ m m m^ mm l m MA Mm^^^^^^ aa^^^maMa\ Boomerang Pulsator I 5.5 kg Fuzzy logic control r i_nin
      262 words
    • 412 34 Institute of Advertising SINGAPORE WtaaaamaamWmmaM ■MKHnMHHßHnHaMHMaMHaHnHaMMMl Rfffni ww i_^* New c urse pJTiJ 1 Mm Additipnaj Diploma awaniwr** l^nipnißP wfjß WMW&M W> by ttie fntermatinnal <4 l IU Hid ah< I lr^l.itl] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wl IN] lk_t Advertising JtaciatiM, lllMßilitiiiiMaiiiiiiiM^^ JI The
      412 words

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    • 360 35 V t^OTp^^ffr^ afl^-- x-^mM\ aaaaam aaa B___ST flfl flflflP^ ''-^flflflflfl Hn iBI B_^ *_i < -<l^Bißßfl^B^fl^fl^B^B^flflH^flfl '"'^i^^^^ P Jj t $M jjij '^_BJBfe... >" X' K'' -vfli ■^w^ 'flfll "v__i ■1, *!flfli a^KV'" «£HfIHF »7 «l^H^H flyfi*-- ~_H MaUIM HE^ b«lfs% V ''fll ;^flflHfl¥^ |Bp J fey iS > W\
      360 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 105 36 QloUl Offers Pert* $418 Adelaide $4HB Melbourne $5^3 Sydney Brisbane $553 Frankfurt $333 Paris $333 London $S3S fcooU by We*Av\es<A<~iy IZ J^vuAwy, p*n.y by Fvi«A*iy |4 J^Htu-.vy, <*v\<A fv-<*ve« beftoe_v\ I J«*v\u*-ry S /\pri) ZOOO. C^ll Q<nvvf^s/3>rtHsU >Atvw*\ys o*\ 131 77?? ov see youv W<*V€) *ige*\f aovw. ww\w.^HHns-b*i.coin.S3 "TU« G^vvf^vs/BriHstv
      105 words

  • HOME
    • 444 37  -  YEOH EN-LAI She kept up a facade of wealth, living m two houses, but those on the same street knew very little about her not even that she had been jailed FOR someone with such an ostentatious lifestyle, Kalimahton Mohamed Samuri remained a mystery even
      STEVEN LEE  -  444 words
    • 557 38  - 2 of 3 Sarimbun recycling firms bite the dust DOMINIG NATHAN Only compost maker remains of three ventures on the former landfill. ENV has frozen land offers at the park Bu NOTHIN6 IS WASTED. LEAVES, ROOTS AND SMALL TRUNKS ARE TURNED INTO COMPOST. AND FOR THE LARGER TRUNKS, HE CUT
      SOMA TAN  -  557 words
    • 84 38 HOW IT IS DONE INSTEAD of cutting down trees, they will use wood waste to make their product, hence the name E-Coal. The wood waste is crushed to a fine dust and dried before being compacted into a log or briquette. Burning the briquettes without oxygen creates charcoal. The "green"
      84 words
    • 270 38 SPORE FIRM LOOKING TO REPEAT THAI SUCCESS YOU could say they have a hot product. Red-hot, m fact. Four Singapore entrepreneurs are planning to inject some high-tech R&D into the traditional trade of making charcoal, and give it a "green" twist. Instead of cutting
      270 words
    • 336 39  -  SITI ANDRIANIE Their Ramadan collection will benefit 150 needy Muslim children m the form of free bus-stamps for six months BREAK FAST _PVflflflVflP«flflfll s__E_____z___b_----J ABOUT L5O students will not have to pay bus tares for the next six months, thank, to a Ramadan toft
      336 words
    • 262 39  - MAS scales down on Y2K bug watch CHONG CHEE KIN RISKS to local financial markets arising from the Y2K crossover are now minimal, the Monetary Authority of Singapore said yesterday. MAS told The Straits Times that it would, however, continue to monitor the developments m the local and international markets,
      262 words
    • 78 39 BG Lee on his life and policies DEPUTY Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will speak on issues ranging from his personal lite to national poKcies m an interview to be shown on television. The first part of the interview will be shown today at 7.30 pm m Channel News Asia's
      78 words
    • 179 39  -  HO KA WEI A FIRM which distributes e-commerce software will equip Ngee Ann Polytechnic students with powerful web technology and help them put their e-commerce ideas to work. Intranesis Communications (IntraComm), which distributes e-commerce applications and services, made the commitment yesterday m a Memorandum
      179 words
    • 104 39 ORGANISERS of a Malay- Muslim fund-raising project found a $10,000 note m one of its charity boxes yesterday morning. If confirmed to be genuine, the crisp $10,000 note dropped into the Tabling Amal box at Tanjong Katong Complex m Geylang will be the biggest single cash
      BERITA HARIAN  -  104 words
    • 493 40  -  SHARON VASOO 1 used to be m the same gang but I left them m July last year. Theij were not nappy that I quit and they have been threatening me ever since. I never expected them to get back at meat a funeral, Mr
      493 words
    • 483 42  -  'Had he been dealt with at the time of the offence, when he was a juvenile, he would not have been liable to a custodial sentence. District Judge F.G. Rcmcdios noting that Peng was prosecuted only early las! year, two years after his offences.
      JEROME MING  -  483 words
    • 364 42 KTV PUB CORRUPTION TRIAL TELEVISION actor Terence Cao was apparently worried about the poor business at his disco and that was why he asked its security manager to help him boost the business. The security manager, Eugene Bernard Galistan, 31, who is on trial for
      364 words
    • 433 42  - 8 SAF women in team for E Timor KOH BOON PIN By EIGHT women are among the 91 Singapore Armed Eorecs (SAE) personnel who left for East Timor yesterday on board the RSS Perseverance to help m the United Nations' effort there. Lt Victoria Tan, 29, and the seven specialists
      STEVEN LEE  -  433 words
    • 365 43  - Man killed in robbery: She took stolen cash ELENA CHONG Her daughter, brother and nephew stole money from the elderly man who died after an assault by one of them A WOMAN pleaded guilty yesterday to receiving money stolen by her daughter, brother and nephew from an elderly man wno
      365 words
    • 113 43 THE accused admitted receiving $200 belonging to Mr Teo Sak Loke (right) on March 7 last year. Her daughter, brother and nephew robbed the man of $440 at the foot of Block 121, Bukit Merah View (abo**e). The elderly man died after an assault
      113 words
    • 229 43 SIX teenagers have been charged m court with causing serious injury to a 16--year-old girl by pouring hot water on her neck. The girl, Lim Xiv Xim, who is said to be "very ill", is m intensive care at the Singapore General Hospital. The
      229 words
    • 385 44  -  KRIST BOO At an international advertising awards, a homegrown company beats big players to bag the top prize lit. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE IT. YOU SHOULD FOCUS ON CREATING GOOD WORK, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU GET REPEAT BUSINESS.' Madam Doris Soh, on the
      JOSE RAYMOND  -  385 words
    • 241 44 'Advertising is like football Go for goal' DORIS SOH quit a partnership international advertising agency. Euro RSCG Ball. to set up her own shop. She did it because she wanted to get more involved m the creative process, she said. Madam Soh. 99, said she turned down an offer to
      241 words
    • 799 45  - Top SAF trio set for overseas training KOH BOON PIN The outstanding cadets will attend prestigious military courses m Britain, New Zealand and Malaysia By ON THE MOVE: High-flying officer cadets NEW ZEALAND Name: Officer Cadet (OCT) Abdul Hannan Jafar, 20 Where: New Zealand Defence Force Officer Cadet School 'I
      WANG HUIFEN  -  799 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 639 37 Band Clash ./T SAF Women For E. Timor Singapore Agency Is Tops Acymbalpl^eratatuneralwas _jW Eight women join their male _-^_Bl_fe. A small Singapore a^encv beats top ~^"4fis^fc a tacked bvhvo men from another band fcf counterparts as an SAF teamleft for f^JHMftjfftl international names to clinch top -dvertisiniz .•■■...<>
      639 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 282 38 fl____H^_H F ?V-_-__flfl^____j /WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY T V 0 CL3irth 15 Months 2to 3 Years I Development of brain cells W^^**^ My Brain Ororvth Spurt is the most critical stage of my brain fl Am B^ development. It started when I was still m your tummy, sometime fl flfl I
      282 words
    • 379 38 ECU offers a wide choice of Bachelor I Master I Doctoral degree courses m Electronic Commerce, Business Management, Computing/Information Technology, Marketing, Media/Mass Communications, Hotel Tourism, Psychology, Software Engineering, Science and Engineering? Our many services for international For more information on these students include help with off-campus *«*"»*>»■»_ recognised courses, meet
      379 words

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    • 541 39 Schools/tuitions Centres inquiries welcome Tel: *****12 Katong Mall #02-22 (Mon-Sat 11am 6pm) l__ I -flfl-fl k I \VA V Jf »V B I U mT M MY^ Ml* 111 Vfli _fl I MmW\ "^^^^■■■(J^^""™^^^^ WONT BURN i MAI EC IMTUC Cl/Vl nULcS IN I tit JlvT WM mm^%\ Jf
      541 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1351 40 Expressions of a j^s^**. Scholl wearer /_P^_S____ Cant seem to youi while walkine 'fading shoe retail shops you jf _HK flfl™^ ___>. hands on a pair of cool outsole is lightweight to and departmental stores Scb/ _Bvr flfl_ sandals that's really reduce toot tattgue Now Can't seem to get your
      1,351 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 156 41 __2__f^ Please call after 6.30 pm for Draw Results. Ilfamltawr oft Iflfftifnftigj gttfWfc cfc __a_«___ __^MlilW> ____t_M»k mm^- Calls at JQ( a minuta INFBIJIIC Asia One Internet Pte Ltd xT"^ No Entry To Aedes Mosquitoes IT^ H_-| rier Plying Insects jfffiffi^^^S^_ffl Advanced Technology Perfect De_u^^ Steady Aluminium Allc_^flijPS|^ Fibre Glass
      156 words
    • 291 41 Business jgS D ays P a __fc_S_i? Tlie JSfext Millennium Pleasure Who says you can't mix them... m Renewal s pa ciub, you certainly can. -__L^_3_ ___i -T_r_Mß_NC' _^i_j __M_**—^~ lIT ->— r»«-. '^Z^aammWf^ r Watch all your weariness fade HH S!^ away as you immerse yourself m _^_HP •^__v>
      291 words
  • Page 41 Miscellaneous
    • 508 41 WEATHER TODAY: Cloudy. Showers with thunder over HAZE WATCH aY, Abidjan 2VBC Cloudy Christchurch OV2X Cloudy Knching ffR Showers Pr^ne Ctoudy 29 many areas m the late and afternoon. Haze reading taken yesterday I V^J^v^^ U7m MrTK Cloudy Cotambo MM showers kuntmn, ff| Ctoudy P«r -m Cloudy £Q_ OUTLOOK:
      508 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 27 42 P JANUARY 2000 Sss 00/RM6 50 TU* lAf C ToOwKids- 7 tart^iouldn't talking %six years." wt*' rVIiICI IVll mLma l_" Jt» <w **3pf jj a~ A 1
      27 words
    • 133 42 i RENOVATION __v flflflfl flflfli _^_^_^_JH^__^_H_Hi No home theatre is complete without a SHAftP projector! Why settle for a 34", 48" or I Top-of-the-line XV-3410S *|fljf home theatre _________i _*#> LCD projector _-^__ll flIR _fl afl 600 ANSI AmWlkk- ■B^ Mfe lumens Hf f_fe|^KS-L j» brilliant even V |g jfe_r____
      133 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 307 43 f LATROBE EEM THE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY mM OF HULL 5-Star Rating for Educational Experience" -^n^^^V -d r■/ n h> The Good Univenitie. S3? l 1 lX S I)mMon l i bill BBA^MBA E-Comrnerce n'tAl MBA (General) Web Development 12 E? 2000 27,h Intake 28 Jan 2000 New Intake April 2000
      307 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 440 44 X J^bßt^ ji* ''< H_f _______ifll Ka__B l__-^______r^^^__ll_E_'^ *_S_____B___B«_ilr __^s_i_if*_?* JSrWBT _BB^_t_Bv tHP _^_^^l __?__Blfc-_t^- Mwiiif JS _a S JS _r ''ti*i'' fljpy^^^^"' Ji F^ a^f^' -Jf^ tf -^llpt '^^l®!^^ Itii «^_^M__PP<? M^^JFmmW _w_BßKf^_j_^- Aw w ■flflPflL'^, iLmMW -^iF'_*_ i "■"'"*s_n_3» v I"' WmMmv jA% _r *f "II MmW Hi__.
      440 words
    • 395 44 _J___LJL_________i i DRAW No. 01/2000 Ist prize ($1.5 million) 255 6695 2nd prize ($400,000) 303 5354 3rd prize ($200,000) 281 3456 10 JACKPOT PRIZES ($lO,OOO EACH) *****08 *****74 *****97 *****59 *****94 *****49 *****79 *****52 *****52 *****39 10 LUCKY PRIZES ($5,000 EACH) *****24 *****76 *****32 *****75 *****26 *****13 *****41 *****43 *****08
      395 words

  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 231 45 j|________!__:y_H^ mm 20-21 January 2000. SICEC. Suntec City ■I HlltW. or* SHRI members $669.50 Non-members $875 50 kjij y° UF Professor Randall Schuler HP Strategy. Rutgers University USA Visiting Professor at Nanyanq Mfj CSDItSI Technological University I J_ 7 Professor Naresh Khatri Strategy Managements Organisation. Nanyang Technological University Tine t
      231 words

    • The Straits Times
      • 585 46 SINGAPORE'S first home-grown desalination plant makes a large point about a larger issue. Life is impossible without water. The same holds true for international life. That being the case, the shortage of water imperils peace. There is no dearth of statistics to show just how alarming
        585 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 46
      1 words
    • 1212 46  -  EDWARD TANG I lI MI.ANOCOKKKSI'ONDKNT —.V *J C4.1l > l_/"_/"i_4.y J^ LJ.\_/ o _i WHEN will the general election be held? Some say after the March senatorial election; others hazard the middle of the year. And there are those who do not expect it
      MIEI  -  1,212 words
    • 1172 47  -  MICHAEL WALKER By IN MOM RUSSIA'S Acting President Vladimir Putin, 47, claims it is a coincidence that he succeeded Mr Boris Yeltsin, who resigned unexpectedly on Dec 3L "I never sought this (presidency)," he said m an interview with state ORT
      LUDWIG ILLO  -  1,172 words
    • 426 47  - Make or break: PM Obuchi's year ahead EDWARD NEILAN Bj_ TOKYO This is a make-or-break, all-or-nothing political year for Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi. He has the challenge and opportunity to become the most effective Japanese leader m a decade. All he needs to do is lead a recovery by
      426 words
  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 78 46 How to reach as After office hours, please call operators at 737-0011 NEWSOESK TEL: 730-5397 FAX: 732-0131 FOREIGN DESK TEL: 730-5745 FAX: 733-4120 PICTURE DESK TEL: 730-5328 FAX: 733-8295 EAST ASIA UNIT TEL: 730-5622 FAX: 733-4120 FORUM DESK TEI 730-5454 FAX: 733-2690 MONEY DCSK TEL: 730-5471 FAX: 733-4517 SPORTS DESK
      78 words
    • 28 46 l__A VJMyianhe Zaobao "w-- BH ~'u _X w J EAWA _FS__»' l i —1 __Jl^^ f ~J i W I! 3_9_l ,aa a.>Ba^nßßMawnaaH^n naaaMa^^^^^_ aHH aaaH.B«>* llBBlV,iaalv^ ,BllMa>a,>lß^^
      28 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 116 47 _jttl_l l__ _l MM lift ___Bt mW m 1 I aWM mm f mm _M ~^l He _H _fl _____fl X v _P^^ _____________________________B^ rv_____i ____fl_______________________________________F JP§§-fi&. 4B^> iffljfr" _P:'' »4pß^~Ml^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KsCflMH__i_lß_^ •/a^r _4_B H Hte?- \w? IB*''*' RHB ¥__cs3l_H_b^__|^B aa__>____rr MKffi| .^.y- .'^H^s^^SS^?' 3» _HF fll r Wherever you are,
      116 words

    • 437 48 IRKAD with consternation about the recent incidents where people were attacked and beaten up a lawyer outside a cinema and a doctor at a McDonald's outlet for simply trying to assert their civil rights. According to Tuesday's report m The Straits Times,
      437 words
    • 134 48 IT IS that time of the year again to pay the annual television licence fee. In the past, when the fee was introduced, I believe that television broadcasting was run by the Government, with no revenue coming from advertisement. Thus, the fee
      134 words
    • 364 48 THE CURRENT MARKET IS OLIGOPOLISTIC AND YOU NEED MORE THAN FOUR PLAYERS FOR IT TO BECOME MORE COMPETITIVE. I READ with interest that Sing Tel Mobile and Ml wanted the third-generation (3G) services only for themselves and Starhub 'No' to 4th mobile-phone player", ST,
      364 words
    • 112 48 HOW can a man, who tried to throw his former girlfriend from the 12th floor, be fined only $3,000? Shouldn't this be considered a "murder attempt He should have been put behind bars for years, on top of the $3,000 line. Consider this, Michael
      112 words
    • 107 49 1 AGREE absolutely with the LTA thai our roads are generally well-lit (ST, Jan 5). But there are some parts of roads that have poor lighting as a result of trees obscuring the lamp- posts with their branches. The stretch of the East Coast Parkway
      107 words
    • 243 49 NOW that the Singapore Exchange (SGX) has superseded the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES), presumably there will be a change of policy, moving away from the ultra-conservative tendencies of the past. 'These tendencies saw the SES needing to exercise complete control of every activity related
      243 words
    • 396 49 Calls seeking phone deposit get nowhere ~Y BOUGI IT a Nokia 6110 I mobile phone at a JL discounted price from Pacific Cellular Pte Ltd on March 26 last year, on the following conditions: 'The purchaser must remain a subscriber of the network operator for a continuous period of six
      396 words
  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 1210 48 The National University of Singapore Professional Diploma In Asia Pacific Marketing j I Jointly organized by NUS Extension and Marketing Institute of Singapore for Module Date Fee pro'essionals who wish to have a good understanding of marketing practices m Marketing Research 28 Jan 2000 $680.00 j the dynamic Asia Pacific
      1,210 words
    • 182 48 __________T^r j L" tp "-1 A _k_ w __i 111 I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^T IATIE ST Wmmmmy^AmXL _____________B l!_i_ I m .|i --1,, \^-**i*s >\i ____B i ik "^.w > »'_ss* i ___VT_______ _____HM__ a___ _r v TThi A _>*"<- fl-T imVTTW"^! I H ____fir<f _b b < TT* J w _^B i
      182 words

  • Page 49 Advertisements
    • 34 49 Classified First. /Veer/ to get something fixed? Or simply seek out a good buy? Your best bet: Check The Straits Times Classified First. |CATi».| Buy It. Sell It. Find It. v ._ti_on©and Q.IL JL
      34 words
    • 326 49 Get a TV for your living room. And we'll give you one for your bedroom. Em. 5-" HighScan® iooHz Projection TV iooHz Intelligent Mastering __B_SPi Convergence Freeze/Zoom J^^^^^^^^^^B^Hfl; X^ M Free TV M teletext M I Also jHH|^^^^^^^^^fl^^Bflflßi§ 46" HighScan® 100 Hz Projection TV (46RH8LS) I $3,799 i_^^H_iß_-_l___^r^ rr Free
      326 words

    • 595 50  -  CHAN TSE CHUEEN WOMEN AND SPORTS Women's group to attract girls to sports through holiday camps PHYSICAL education lessons m schools are boring, with overei. phasis on Eassing the National Aeroic Fitness Award tests. So ex-principal Carmec Lim wants to put fun back into
      595 words
      • 148 50 PERTH Defending Hopman Cup champions Mark Philippoussis and Jdena Dokic of Australia shrugged off sore muscles to beat Austria yesterday and earn a place m the second round of the mixed team challenge. Philippoussis, ranked 19. needed three sets to defeat Stefan Koubek, wearing down the
        Reuters  -  148 words
    • 386 50 ATHLETICS l____b_*_B PORT OF SPAIN (Trinidad) Ato Boldon and world 100 metres champion Maurice Greene will no longer train together m the build-up to September's Sydney Olympics. Trinidad's Boldon, the 1997 world 200 m champion, said he could not afford to be "bosom buddy" with
      386 words
    • 508 50  -  SANTOKH SINGH CHVJKK By 'THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association and its star athlete James Wong are at loggerheads. Although Wong has been back from his training stint m Germany for almost two months, there has been no contact between him and the national association. Instead, the Republic's
      508 words
    • 373 51  -  THOMAS KOH XX INC. A first for local and regional racing as STC gives its grass tracks a rest Bu THE Singapore Turf Club created history last night when it held its races on a sand track instead of on turf. It was also a
      TAN SUAN ANN  -  373 words
    • 412 51  -  NEIL HUMPHREYS SOCCER _<_ THE S-League will have itfirst World Cup coach this season. Tampines Rovers confirmed yesterday that Iranian Jalal Talebi nas signed a one-year contract with the club. He will take up the post later this month after his tour with the Iranian team m
      412 words
    • 260 51 LONDON Tore Andre Flo saved Chelsea once again as his team struggled to a 2-2 draw with Coventry m the English Premiership on Tuesday night. Twice, Coventry went ahead, through Belgian Cedric Roussel and then Republic of Ireland star Robbie Keane. And on both occasions, Flo
      AFP  -  260 words
    • 323 51  -  Los Angeles Times BASKETBALL LOS ANGELES The first time the Los Angeles Lakers played the Los Angeles Clippers this season, they had so much fun laughing during their blow-out win. But there were no jokes on Tuesday night. Well, at least for a half. The
      323 words
    • 646 51 SCORES STATISTICS BASKETBALL NBA: Indiana 116 New Jersey 111. Portland 114 Toronto 90, Sacramento 111 Cleveland 107, Vancouver 91 Miami 87, NY 96 Boston 88. Milwaukee 116 Atlanta 113, Minnesota 91 San Antonio 88, Seattle 103 Houston 96, Denver 98 Dallas 96, Phoenix 86 Charlotte 80, LA Lakers 122 LA
      646 words
      Reuters; REUTERS  -  449 words
      • 68 51 ARGENTINIAN soccer great Diego Maradona was Hospitalised under intensive care because of high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat. "He is progressing favourably and if no complications arisH, we anticipate only a briei Stay," Waldemar Correa, director of Cantegril Hospital m this beach resort city. said.
        68 words
      • 64 51 DENNIS CONNER'S Stars Stripes maintained its lead m the Louis Vuitton Cup semi-finals yesterday with a comfortable win over Bertrand Pace and his Le Defi Francais team. Italy's Prada Challenge, skippered by Francesco de Angelis, broke its mast on the first leg of its race
        64 words
      • 75 51 TWO women who claimed that Dennis Rodman sexu- ally assaulted them reached* out-of-court settlements, and a man who filed an assault action also agreed to a deal. A hearing m cocktail waitress Susan Patterson's suit against the former National Basketball Association star had been scheduled
        75 words
      • 57 51 VINCE CARTER'S dream of making the US Dream Team will have to wait four more years. Carter lost out to Ray Allen of the Milwaukee Bucks on a 6-3 vote on Tuesday as the nine-man USA Basketball selection committee selected the final three players for
        57 words
      • 44 51 MCILROY IS NEW IRISH SUPREMO SAMMY MCILROY, who played 88 times as a midfielder for Northern Ireland's soccer team, was named as its national team manager on Tuesday. The 45-year-old decided to quit as manager of English Division Three Macclesfield to take the job.
        44 words
      • 42 51 UNDISPUTED boxing heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis is likely to defend his title against Michael Grant m Madison Square Garden m April. "Both sides are eager for the fight to be made," said Main Events spokesman Donald Tremblay.
        42 words
  • Page 50 Advertisements
    • 108 50 W mWm^jffiWaWimWltim^^ H__r*______B___E___BF < fl_________i ________________fl"~_____r ~v____v They came galloping down the sandy track, making w ,_rty* IIRHHI _PP^^ ~"f i history m the process. And leading the pack was hot E lavourite Stellar Express. pack si BSE DRAW TODAYI Thursday, 6 January 2000 DRAW VENUE: Smgapor* Pools (Private) limited
      108 words
    • 207 50 SOCCER Pele's the all-time best _r E_s_B__flHH___P _B BBs^Blß _-_-_-_-_-_-___X _fl flfl F\ M ___________a_________B_B_'9 mt Bl lt^B&BBflBBflBflBBflB%i ____B_^ _Hfln_% BF* MMW H i^ _____IH___> -fl Ij __r^' ___B___Bh Ji __S_-________k Bk _T _flfr fl \mm\ __r Hhiß_-___B_lWflft 11^ __hH^HHkSHHHH^BB__SK-^* ___1 __B \~^_P^Hl______fl_i 81. _k l <s_7"K______ _H_ 49__P__________B B_
      207 words

  • Page 51 Miscellaneous
    • 57 51 LIVE ON TV SOCCER Italian Serie A: Inter Milan v Perugia (Ch 22, 9.55pm). FIFA World Club Championship: Corinthians v Raja Casablanca (7.15 am), Manchester United v Necaxa (tomorrow, 4.15 am), Vasco da Cam a v South Melbourne (tomorrow, 6.45 am) Ch 22 SAME DAY DELAYED TELECAST SOCCER Italian Serie
      57 words

    • 112 52 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7 ERNEST LAI MIN ENN has gone to be with the Lord on 4 January, 2000 Deeply grieved by beloved wife Chi,
      112 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      96 52 Empty-handed man arrives But for riches toils and strives Empty-handed he will go Living all his wealth below Travellers lodging for a night Must be moving with first light Strangers m this world we roam Looking for the eternal home SIM AH LEX Saved by Grace O Lord, teach us
      96 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      57 52 FRANCIS NEELANKAVIL AGE: 67 Departed: 30 Dec 1999 Mass was held on 31 Dec. 1999 at Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary, and cremation on the same day at Mount Vernon. Special thanks to: Rev. Fr. James Yeo. Rev. fr. Vincent Chee. Also thanks to Drs. Nurses (TTSH) all who
      57 words
    • 161 52 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want....Psalm 23:1 CHAN HUNG HONG 1.6.1922 4.1.2000 Safe m the arms of Jesus Sadly missed and mourned by Wife: Tan Luan Eng Sister Chan Kheng Mvi Children: Children's Spouses: Grandchildren: Chan Guan f.k Tan Lee Tian
      161 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      96 52 J LOW AH MOY AGE: 87 ssed away peacefully on 4th January 2000. Daughter-in-law: Jw Poh Keng Daughter: Son-in-law: (Phun Choy Ying, deceased) Low Fook Wing Grandsons: Granddaughters-in-law: PoonWaiTuck Choo Way Jiang Ricky PoonWaiWah Linda Low Larry Low June Teo Granddaughters: Grandsons-in-law: (Kristy Poon, deceased) Gerry Cheong PoonMeiFung Andrew Chia
      96 words
    • 144 52 850 DEATHS 850 DEATHS LIM AH CHEE AGE: 80 passed away peacefully on 4-1-2000. Wife: Tan Moe Eng Brother: Lim Tiong Hock Sons: Daughttrs-ln-law. Lim Seng Huat Goh Hwee Tin Lim Seng Cheong Kok Yuet Meng, Eileen Lim Seng Thye, Vincent Lam York Wah, Dorothy Daughters: Sons-in-law: Lim Poh Neo
      144 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      58 52 AC AL-FATIHAH X HJ. HOSNIN Bin HJ. ZOHRI AGE: 71 passed away peacefully on sth Jan. 2000 (28th Ramadan, 1420H) The family of Allahyarham would like to thank relatives and friends 'or their presence prayers, kind assistance and condolerces during their recent bereavement. May Allah Bless his soul. Amin. Blk.
      58 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      74 52 AL-FATIHAH RUJIAH BTE A. AZIZ (Mrs Kajairi Yadin) passed away peacefully on Wednesday, 5/1/2000. We, family of th* deceased wish to thank the caring doctors, nurses and staff of wards 58, 74 and 42 of SGH for their Kind assistance and support. Deceased will be buried today, Thursday 6/1/2000 at
      74 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      78 52 LEO TING WAH Age: 85 passed away peacefully on 4/1/2000, leaving behind loved ones. (Wife: Tan Jee Eng, deceased) >ons: Daughters-in-law: .co Chin Seng Jessie Tay Ah Cheng .co Chin Suang .co Chin Hai Teresa Hee Sye Ying .co Chin Tong Colleen Teo Siew Choo Grandchildren: Sue Anne, Sue-Faye, Brandon,
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  • Page 52 Advertisements
    • 20 52 Not dead, but passed beyond, The mist that binds its here. Into the newer larger life. Of that clouded sphere.
      20 words
    • 92 52 MORE OBITUARIES I ON PAGE 54 An unbelievable fellow with a good testimony *-^M©raHte^^^^>^ of degrees and works behind him, a good n{*3_/ <n} d a good attitude towards life. Although he wasn 'f perfect In Meilioriaill just as life was not perfect for him, -7- he left us a
      92 words
    • 24 52 dream of you. dear loved one. And see your smiling face. And know that you are happy In your Fathers chosen place. II II
      24 words

  • Obituaries
    • Obituary, Illustration
      57 53 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr Andre Heiniger m Geneva on Monday, 3rd January 2000. The funeral will be held m Geneva at the Cathedrale Saint-Pierre on Tuesday, 1 1th January 2000. As a mark of respect, Rolex offices will be closed m Singapore,
      57 words

    • 79 54 852 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 852 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Family of the Late PATRICIA LIM CHENG LIEW called Horn? to be with the Lord on 30 December 1999. gratefully thanks all relatives and friends for their love, condolences, assistance and donations during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Doctors staff of National Cancer Centre,
      79 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      100 54 The family of the late LIM KIM NEO DIANA who was called home to be with the Lord on December 30th, 1999 wishes to express our heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to all relatives, friends and colleagues for their kind assistance, attendance, condolences, prayers, donations and wreaths during our recent
      100 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      52 54 The family of the late Mary Chiang Neo Nya Departed 31st December 1999 wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to: Rev Fr Joachim Kanq, St Teresa's Church OLPS Bedok North Neiqbourhood Prayer Group 2 Relatives, friends and colleagues for their condolences, kind assistance, prayer; and contributions during their
      52 words
    • 40 54 854 CONDOLENCES 854 CONDOLENCES 854 CONDOLENCES 854 CONDOLENCES With Deepest Sympathy and Heartfelt Condolences to g The Family of the Late I DR. ERNEST LAI MIN ENN I j|j From the Management and Staff of I CATCHA.COM PTE LTD I
      40 words
    • 38 54 The family of the late LAWRENCE LEW CHONG FAH Departed on 29/12/99 wishes to express their leartfelt thanks appreciation to all relatives, friends, colleagues for their kind assistance, attendance, condolences, wreaths donations during their recent bereavement.
      38 words
    • 44 54 Tne Family Of The Late Julius Peter Lim Thor Tehr Departed on 3-1 -200U Wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all relatives, colleagues, friends, business associates for their kind assistance, attendance, condolences, wreaths and donations during their recent bereavement.
      44 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      34 54 In Loving Memory Of SOH HWEE KIANG Departed: 6.1.86 Not just today, but cve r day that i would have thoughts for you. Deeply missed by husband, friends end loved ones.
      34 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      46 54 In Loving Memory of FRANCIS IRWIN DECRUZ Departed 6.1.96 No pen can write no tongui can tell, My sad and bitter loss, But God above has helped so well, To bear my heav/ cross. Always remembered by wife children, mother, brothers loved ones.
      46 words
    • 82 54 856 IN MEMORIAM 856 IN MEMORIAM WILLIAM CHING CHEO MAH You gave your love so unselfishly. Memories of the cherished moments of the past, the blessings, laughter, Joys, and celebrations, all add up to a treasure of fond yesterdays that will keep the love we had In our hearts forever.
      82 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      22 54 In Loving Memory Of LIM SOO THONG, LEONARD Departed on 6 Jan 1995 Forever loved remembered by Sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews friends.
      22 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      27 54 sth Anniversary In loving memory of HER AH SEO Departed on 6/1/95 Five years have passed and you are always remembered by your husband, children and grandchildren.
      27 words
    • 57 54 856 IN MEMORIAM 856 IN MEMORIAM 3rd Anniversary In Loving Memory of REX KOH KIM CHUAN Departed on 6th January 1997 Rest m peace, dear loving father, Three long years have passed; You are gone, but still are living In the hearts of those who stay. Always remembered by Wife
      57 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      52 54 Ist Anniversary In Loving Memory Of UEWSHENKIEW lEANETTE (JANET) Departed: 6 January 1999 Upright and just m all her ways, Loyal and true through all her days, Silently suffered, patiently bore, God took her home to suffer no more. Always remembered By Chan, Lloyd, Lian, Linda, Bert, Kimberly, Nicholas, Vernon,
      52 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      30 54 ELIZABETH ASISHCGANADCr. A. ABISH€GANADEN In loving memory of our parents who went to be with the lord Jesus m 1961 1965 respectively. Remembered by Paul, Geoffrey, Felix, Esther, Alex Diana.
      30 words
  • Page 54 Advertisements
    • 35 54 V r. n There is a link death cannot sever, IOYe and f| remembrance j last forever. "In Memoriam" lender tributes 10 your loved ones. "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you remember.
      35 words
    • 95 54 880 FUNERAL DIRECTORS/ 880 FUNERAL DIRECTORS/ SERVICES SERVICES y^r^s. Dedicated Funeral Directors Since 1920 (^Singapore Complete services for Christian. Discount for NTUC members Buddhist. Taoist. Soka. etc. church 4 others. Au-cofd parlours, open 24 hrs. Qualified professional embalmers. Importad US and quality Photo enlargement, finished caskets •Florist service Columbarium A
      95 words
      5 words

    • Article, Illustration
      2 55
      2 words
    • 2 55
      2 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 55
      2 words
    • 3 55
      3 words
    • 3 55
      3 words
    • 3417 55 Transaction datt: Jan 5, 2000 A Adlusted for new Issues; Par value MSI unless otherwise specified P/C ratios are not adjusted tor currency differences. Lajt Vol N«t High Low Company Sal* COOO) P/E INDUSTRIALS Consumer Products 340 330 Apnomoto 330 0 2 0 9 103 91 Angkasa 93
      3,417 words
    • 108 55 Physical (SS) Tue Wed Kllobdr *****-*****53 **********.05 100 <J m 1525-1615 04 1504-1593 41 s °<J m 763-817.82 752-806.49 20 <J m 3OS-337.84 301-333.72 5 gm '6-100.94 75-98 88 1 <J m 15-35 02 15-35.02 Bullion coins (Ss/oz) Tue Wed Spore bullion coin 502-496 495-489 Canadian maple leaf 502-496
      108 words
    • 149 55 Foreign Currency Note Rates (9am, Jan 5) Buying OD Selling Singapore dollars to one unit of foreign currency Australian dollar 1.0780 1.0930 Canadian dollar 1.1290 1.1530 NZ dollar 0.8510 0.8690 Sterling pound 2.7000 2.7280 US dollar 1.6520 1.6630 Singapore dollars to 100 units of foreign currency Austrian schilling 12.27
      149 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 55
      2 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 55
      1 words
    • 1546 55 Jan 6, 2000 1 Managers' prices (Ss) JiJSSMfi^rJSSS^ya^ sY.wer'X'k CPF UNIT TRUSTS Atorfem Aim! M«t Alia LM ADerdeen Select Portfolio: Global Technology Fd!" 1.337 1.404 UK Blue Chip Fd!" 0.991 1.042 American Opport Fd 1.053 1.106 Continental Euro EqtyFd 1.199 1.260 Japan EqtyFd!" 1.653 1.736 Asian Fined
      1,546 words
    • 25 55 Open Clost USS/Yen 103.23 103.15 USS/SS 1.6575 1.6562 USS/HKS 7.7770 7.7773 AS/USS 0.6549 0.6546 Eur/USS 1.0295 1.0373 E/USS 1.6372 1.6408 Source: Nittan AP
      25 words
    • 398 55 Jan 5, 2000 1 HK$ ASM Pacific 13.00 1.20 Bank of Cast Asia 19.50 -1.65 C P Pokphand 0.22 -0.02 Cafe De Coral 3.10 unch Cathay Pacific Airways 12.30 0.90 CDL Hotels 2.60 -0.30 Century City Int'l 0.34 -0.03 Cheunq Kong Holdings 91.2S -7.00 China Motor Bus 51.00
      398 words
    • 41 55 Crude palm oil (MS/tonne) Jan 00 U6O (South) Refined palm oil (USS/tonne) RBD Palm Oil Jan 00 327.50 (seller) reb 00 327.50 (seller) RBD Olein Jan 00 347.50 (seller) Feb 00 347.50 (seller) RBD Stearin Jan 00 257.50 (seller)
      41 words
    • 19 55 Closing prices (USS/troy oz) Tue Wed Singapore 5.30-5.33 5.30-5 32 Mon Tim New York Closed 5.32-5.34 Source: ROTHSCHILD
      19 words
    • 10 55 Closing prices (Ms/kllo) KLTin 22 54(0.30) Turnover 67 (-12)
      10 words
    • 292 55 Jan 5, 2000 1 Rubber Futures (Closing prices) RSS 1 (Tonnes. S cents/kg) Month High Low Sett Vol Open Int FebOO 102.50 900 Mar 00 105.50 100 Apr 00 110.50 110.50 109.50 600 May 00 112.00 JunOO 114 50 Jul/SepOO 116.50 RSS 3 (US cents/kg) f>t)OO 60.75 60.25
      292 words
    • 398 55 Jan 5, 2000| Eurodollar 3-Month deposit (100 implied interest rate) Op«n High Low Sett £*t voi Jan 00 93.9850 93.9850 93.9750 93.9800 112 Feb 00 93.870 93.865 0 Mar 00 93.790 93.815 93.775 93.790 ***** Act Vol (Tue ***** Open Int (Tue ***** Sing Dollar Interest
      398 words
    • 175 55 Transaction date: Jan 5, 2000 1 52-WH Curr Last Vol Oay Gross Net M Cap High Low Company Traded Sale «or- 000 High Low dlv P/E $m(l HONGKONG STOCKS 365 173 CDU2000) HK230 8 78 4550 4 Cathay Pac 20c HK720 265 6 *****.4 Cheung KongSOc HK1780 240
      175 words
    • 91 55 On. 3 6 9 12 V»(u. Unit mth mtUs mths mths mths Call d*t* USS 5/, 57. 5-7, 57. 67,. 47. 07/01 M X 57. 57, 37. 07/01 4/. 5 7. 57. 57, 37, 07/01 Vk 57, 57. s'/, 67. 3V. 07/01 |y 4 A A ft
      91 words
    • 70 55 CRUDE PRODUCTS PRICES Crude/Product Monti* Change Prfct (US$) BBL BRENT BLEND Jan »0.5) 24.31 24.36 WEST TEXAS Merm Jan »O 46 25.26 25.30 DUBAI FATEH Feb »0 51 22.36-22 41 TAPIS kEND Jin »0.95 24 75- 24 85 MINAS Jan »0.85 24 00 24.10 NAPHTHA (CIF Jap) »2.50 228.50 230
      70 words
    • 3 56
      3 words
    • 4351 56 JJ-, Transaction data: Jan 5, 2000 1 MULTI INDUSTRY 52-Wk Curr Last Vol Day Gr's Ntt M Cap Wt Avq High Low Company Traded Salt »or- '000 High Low Dlv P/E $mil Price 182 67 me AcmaSOc 149 10 3087 151 141 10 12 2 246.5
      4,351 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 56
      1 words
    • 48 56 Change Straits Times Index 2391 03 -139.12 BT 08/ OS 621.00 167 00 BTCADI -*****.00 ***** BT 10 day MA *****.00 00 DBSsolndex 789.11 4111 OCBC 30 '7144 45.19 UOB Blue Chip 864 10 35.51 MSCI Singapore 325 36 18 08 SiMSCI Futures 324 60 19 80
      48 words
    • 103 56 MAIN SOO Up Dn Unch Up Dn Unch Multilnd I 18 0 0 O O Manufacturing 4 95 0 I 43 1 Commerce 2 36 I o 12 0 Tpt/Stor/Comms ...0 25 2 o 10 Finance 0 29 10 0 0 Construction 0 20 0 0 9 0 Properties
      103 words
    • 306 56  -  Leong Chan Teik MARKET REPORT INVESTORS are expected to stay cautious over the next few days and track the performance of Wall Street closely, say market experts. Despite the r>.. r i per cent tumble m the Straits Times Index yesterday to 2,391*03, investors
      306 words
    • 32 56 Med.aßinq 10c 31.103.000 BenefunHKlOc 29,520,000 HinqOoardUSlOc 28.272.000 ChuanHup 20c 25,664,000 Holunq Inv NTS 23,137.000|.ron 20c 21.922.000 G-:->mtlLtd2oc 20,739,000 A'i-. '/ehor HKISc 19.979.000 HfcliOc 19.754,000 o».r- L eCWOOI2IS 15.765 000
      32 words
    • 61 56 TURNOVER COOO) Main Sesdaq Total Mult, i 422 3? 422 Manufacture 248.821 95.706 *****7 rpt/Stor/Comms 62.038 1,349 63 387 gags is:§ss 283 3 4 2 v o« HotelWPsti 6 328 iooc 7 328 %52%1 5 7 51 ***** 6i 884 l?lt L 635.388 124.085 759 473 CLOB 29.194
      61 words
    • 1507 56 BONDS, LOANS WARRANTS Trantacttondatt:Jairg,2OOO| STOCK PRICES LEGEND NOTES Straits Times Index Stocks ad gives quoted nave a par value of $1 tad are traded m lots of 1.000 shares bt buylnq-ln each unless otherwise speufied s scrlpless and non CPF All shares a-e septets eicept Barw*. fujitec. IMC. kit Wood.
      1,507 words
    • 1159 56 52-Wk Curr Last Vol Day Gr rut M Cap wt Avg High Low Company TraOw) Salt »or- 000 High Low Div P/E Smll Prlc* MANUFACTURING 218 86 c •AS Auto 10c 179 -10 2187 180 171 lON 204.4 187 137 54 c ASJHldgs2oc 86 -1.5 31 90 86 3
      1,159 words
    • 616 57 Truckloads of cash are left untouched as the much-feared Y2K panic withdrawals did not come about ALL THAT CASH EUROPE The European Central Bank invites banks to offer U5535.7 billion (5559.3 billion) of fixed-term deposits at interest rates of up to :¥/< to absorb
      Financial Times  -  616 words
    • 476 57 IT'S LIKE EATING PEANUTS' WASHINGTON Mr Alan Greenspan, nominated Federal Reserve Board chairman to a fourth term by President Bill Clinton on Tuesday, said he had agreed to stay m the job m part because of the "unimaginable intellectual interest" of putting economic
      Reuters; Bloomberg News; AP  -  476 words
    • 242 57 NKW YORK The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) took a historic step on Tuesday by deciding to sell the Nasdaq stock market to raise US$l billion (SSI.7 billion) to help fight off rapidly growing competition from electronic network rivals. Its board approved
      242 words
      • 82 57 INDONESIAN President Abdurrahman Wahid is lobbying Members of Parliament to lire Mr Syahril Sabirin, governor of the central bank, said House Speaker Akbar Tanjung. Mr Abdurrahman cannot act directly against Mr Sabirin implicated m a series of scandals involving Bank Indonesia because tinbank is independent
        Bloomberg News  -  82 words
      • 86 57 5436 M REVAMP FOR DEUTSCHE BANK GERMANY'S Deutsche Bank has launched a 500 million d c v t s c h e m a r k (***** million) shake-up of its retail and online banking units, involving the loss of 1,200 jobs and the closure of 250 branches. Deutsche Bank
        Financial Times  -  86 words
      • 63 57 RENAULT, France's secondlargest ear maker, said it is m talks to acquire all or part of Samsung Motor as it seeks to expand its alliance with Nissan Motor m Asia. In Seoul, Samsung Group spokesman Ha Joo Ho confirmed Renault's statement, saying it has
        Bloomberg News  -  63 words
      • 41 57 I INANCIAL advisers of Thai Airways International ire proposing the sale of about -00 million shares this year, cutting the state's holding m the national carrier from 93 per cent to 70 per cent AP
        AP  -  41 words
      • 50 57 PLANS by Ansett Australia to buy new planes have stalled amid uncertainty over the group's ownership, industry experts said m Melbourne. Ansett, owned jointly by Air New Zealand and News Corp, was due to make a fleet renewal recommendation to its board by last month. Reuters
        Reuters  -  50 words
    • 425 58  -  NARENDRA AGGARWAL STILL STRONG Survey of purchasing managers shows robust growth for the 12th month m a row SINGAPORE'S manufacturing sector continued to expand significantly last month, a new survey of purchasing managers here has revealed. The country's manufacturing economy expanded by 59.8 per
      RAYMOND LEE  -  425 words
    • 368 58 Vikay 's white knight 'violated deal' VIKAY Industrial, wnich is under judicial management, has informed Malaysia's Lantech the white knight it found last year that it is m breach of contract with regard to its planned purchase of various Vikay assets. In March, Vikay struck a conditional agreement with Lantech
      368 words
    • Article, Illustration
      5 58 DAVID KWEK
      DAVID KWEK  -  5 words
    • 235 58 Share trading gets easier with new voice service THREE local brokerages yesterday became the first m Singapore to offer an automated voice-response share trading service as they gear up for greater competition m a more liberalised stockbroking environment. The service allows the clients of DMG and Partners Securities, Lim and
      235 words
      • 48 58 LUM CHANG Holdings has signed a memorandum of understanding with Lycos Asia to launch a Web portal aimed at the home renovation market. Homemakers can get information on renovation and product suppliers on tne site, to he launched by the first quarter.
        48 words
      • 73 58 BRIERLEY Investments, which is 7 per cent owned by the Singapore Government, will pay its shareholders their first dividend m 20 months as it completes its departure for Singapore. It had hoped to declare a three NZ cent (2.6' Singapore cents) dividend before its departure. The
        Bloomberg News  -  73 words
      • 33 58 KL GROUP TO SELL ISLAMIC BANK MALAYSIA'S Commerce Asset- Holdings has agreed to sell its subsidiary Bank Muamalat Malaysia, an Islamic bank, to the government for RM208.7 million (Ssyi million) m cash. Reuters
        Reuters  -  33 words
    • 274 58 HONGKONG Television Broadcasts (TVB), Hongkong's main free-to-air broadcaster, said it sold a 40 per cent stake m its satellite broadcasting unit to Malay sia's Measat Broadcast Network System for US$l5O million (*****.8 million) and will use part of the proceeds to set up a
      Bloomberg News  -  274 words
    • 71 58 THE PROCESS: The committee members are drawn from the board THEIR ROLE: To vet applicants for future board and top management positions. THE REASON: Help reinforce rnmspart^ncy and meritocracy at the bank. Dr Michael Farn will head the team. Mr Lee Seng Wee is OCBC chairman.
      71 words
    • 331 58 THIRD BANK FALLS IN LINE OCBC Bank announced yesterday that it was setting up a five-man nominating committee headed by Singapore Airlines (SIA) chairman Michael Fam. OCBC is the third bank to fall m line with a central bank directive to local banks to
      331 words
    • 527 59  -  CORNELIA TAN ON THE MARKET After a two-year break, the URA is offering three sites m Woodlands, Bukit Batok and Jalan Pari Dedap By THE first Government land sales since its suspension m 1998 is expected to draw a considerable amount of interest
      RAYMOND LEE  -  527 words
    • 551 59  -  COLIN TAN DBS LAND'S OFFER By [F YOU hold Hind Hotels stock, expect some urgent tapping on the shoulder between now and Jan 14. It could be brokers acting for DBS Land. It just might be worth your while to resist their purchase offers.
      551 words
    • 346 59 OWNERS of three sites m the Kallang, Novena and Balmoral areas have obtained unanimous support for their efforts to offer their homes for collective sale. In the prime Balmoral area, the 16 owners of Balmoral Park Maisonettes are offering their 58,158 sq ft
      346 words
    • 12 61 TAN AH TECK GETS HELPING HAND SME 21 Ji'iiJa'iiiillil, 111 Till fll
      12 words
    • 444 61  -  EDNA KOH Among the extras wanted are: a special bank to give cheap loans and easier buyback of shares for the firm Reports hi THE COMMITTEE ♦WHEN FORMED June 1999 ♦WHY SMEs are a pillar of tlie Singapore economy, making up more than nine
      444 words
    • PROFILE 1
      • 306 61 IT'S a sweet world for bakery and confectionery maker Primal )eli at least. The company a wellknown household name with 34 corporate and franchiscd outlets m Singapore is a mi xlcl of franchising success. Though set up only m \W2, it already has a considerable
        306 words
    • PROFILE 2
      • 267 61 VISION. That is what propelled Provisions Suppliers Corporation (PSC) into the big league where it is m today. Formed m 1974 by a group of far-sighted provision shop owners, the company can be credited with starting a new era m chainstore franchising. In 1J)82, it
        267 words
    • 40 61 Innovative SMEs that can harness IT, 'brand' their products or knowhow and distribute them well. Productive SMEs that use land and labour optimally, especially retailers. A knowledge-based, pro-business environment that creates a mindset for business and promotes entrepreneurship.
      40 words
    • 158 61 Key recommendations lAid for the company Get successful or retired businessmen to mentor CEOs of small firms. Set up an SME Virtual University on the Internet. Set up a centre for SMEs to share best practices. Set up one-stop support On mentoring It is a good
      158 words
    • 156 61 Coax retailers to restructure and revitalise their businesses. Upgrade construction how? Encourage SMEs to franchise On targeting retailers 'Small one or two-man retailers make up a sizeable portion of local SMEs. Many need to get out of 'crisis' mode that they lose out to the
      156 words
    • 69 61 Identify areas where local and foreign SMEs can join forces. Get SMEs to see the importance of branding. Speed up the use of e-commerce. Build worldwide a unique brand image for Singapore SMEs. 'Sell' SMEs as preferred partners to foreign companies. Set up a service to help
      69 words
    • 89 61 The idea is a good one, because foreign SMEs are good m certain areas that local SMEs are lacking expertise m. Local and foreign SMEs can therefore synergise and work together m Singapore to boost output to other countries m the region, including China which is a
      89 words
    • 15 62 STO C X VI AHK E T BLUES
      15 words
    • 40 62 AP Trader Robert Montgomery is a picture of shock m the Dow Jones pit at the Chicago Board of Trade as the Dow Jones dived 359.58 points and the Nasdaq index plunged a record 229.66 points.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 40 62 A Frankfurt bourse trader takes a deep breath as the German blue-chip DAX Index sinks behind him on the DAX index board at Frankfurt's stock exchange. The index fell more than 2 ner cent on Tuesday. REUTERS
      REUTERS  -  40 words
    • 32 62 This floor trader was all smiles al the Hongkong bourse on Monday (above), but yesterday (below), his face told a different story as the bear clawed Asian markets. REUTERS
      REUTERS  -  32 words
    • 404 62 London European shares extended their losses alter Wall Street opened yesterday, with the technology sector coming under renewed pressure following an early 4 per cent tumble m the Nasdaq. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also failed to live up to earner hopes of a
      Reuters; AP  -  404 words
    • Article, Illustration
      27 62 A CORRECTION? The fundamentals did not abruptly change from last week to this week. Ms Cohen, who is surprised by tli magnitude of the sell-off
      27 words
    • 567 62 Financial Secretary calls for calm, saying correction is expected; Taiwan bourse escapes unscathed HONGKONG Jolted by Wall Street's big drop, Asian stock traders staged a massive sell-off yesterday that threw Hongkong prices into free fall. Technology stocks, which had driven regional bourses to
      AP; AFP; Reuters  -  567 words
    • 568 62 Analysts unfazed by interest rate fears KEEP THE FAITH NFW YORK The spectre of higher interest rates drove Wall Street on Tuesday to its sharpest decline since 199H but not enough to shake the long-term optimism of many traders and analysts cited m news reports. The Internet news service MSNBC
      Agencies  -  568 words
      MIKE M DIZON  -  9 words
    • 696 63  -  LOH CHEN-YI By AMID the panic that ruled world equity markets yesterday, let us not forget a few simple truths: Financial markets invariably tend to over-react, whether on the upside or the downside; That is because the twin forces of fear and
      696 words
    • 437 63  -  CHEE JANN PERNG WHERE'S THE PANIC? By SINGAPORF retail investors have lost little of their appetite for the share market despite the sharp falls m regional bourses triggered by the overnight plunge on Wall Street. Dealers and remisiers said that there was
      437 words
    • 124 63 WHAT RETAIL INVESTORS SAY 'I bought on Tuesday and I am regretting now. But yes, I am tempted to buy again.' An unidentified investor 1 would love to go on a buying spree toclay too if only I had the cash.' An anonymous buyer WHAT AN ANALYST SAYS
      124 words
    • The Starits Times MONEY
      • 567 64  -  LEONG CHAN TEIK Analysts hail market plunge, calling it a healthy correction following overheating m the past few months FINANCE and technology* shares were hit the hardest m the market yesterday as investors booked profits after the shares' spectacular run-up m recent months. However,
        567 words
      • STI
        • 54 64 TOP RISES J«ns Ctnb Chart Semi Con 1060 30.0 2.9 JMHUS2SC4OO 400 K).O 2.6 NatStee»soc 350 10.0 2.9 TongMeng 300 6.0 2.C Dovechem 11l 5.0 4.7 Global Tech HMOc 238 3.0 1.3 Haw Par HC 20c 157 2.0 1.3 Vis 6%Srprfa22 103 2.0 2.0 Wepcosocsoo 64 2.0 3.2 Frt Links
          54 words
        • 57 64 TOP RISES J«5 Ctito H Frt Links WtOI 21.5 7.5 1.5 Dovechem til 4.7 5.0 WepcosOcsOO 64 3.2 2.0 Chart Semi Con 1060 2.9 30.0 Nat Steel 50c 350 2.9 10.0 JMHUS2SC4OO 400 2.6 10.0 TonqMeng 300 2.0 6.0 Vis 6%Srprta22 103 2.0 2.0 Global Tech HKIOc... 238 1.3 3.0
          57 words
        • 50 64 Jans Cwits PaciffcCentury 1890 400.0 17.5 SPH 3410 310.0 8.3 SPH WO 3410 260.0 7.1 Creative T 25c 2860 180.0 5.9 DBSCrp 2460 170 0 6.5 DatacraftKk 920 MO.O 13.2 SIA 1920 MO.O 6.8 SIA DBS CW*****1 1320 100.0 7.0 OCBC 1430 90.0 5.9 UOfl 1440 90.0 5.9
          50 words
        • 50 64 TOP FALLS JwS Cits S LCO«vWtOO '1.5 50.0 0.5 JC-MPHWtOO 2 33.3 1.0 GKGohWtOO W. 5 30.0 4.5 CoscolnvWtOO 8.5 26.1 3.C GPBWt 39.5 22.5 11.5 PaclfkCentury 1890 17.5 400 LKHWtOO 2.5 16.7 0.5 TIBSWtOO 23.5 16.1 4.5 Bank WOO 65 13.9 10.5 Bank Wt 63 33.7 K).O
          50 words
  • Page 55 Advertisements

  • Page 56 Advertisements
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    • 7 56 CATS. Buy It. Sell It. Find It.
      7 words

  • Page 57 Advertisements
    • 406 57 J^J&Sq^^ "^_T~^ :^rr IMPWH Airview PChez Bright ISt Thomas St Thomas »_e«o»o as^^-~~__J^ s^'?"/' H ■jttifl Apartments Mansions View S INDIAN HICH rl_?iir_— a RANCffORO COMMISSION --2!So A B C D /v -Sthß-T ?si/H___>^ V\ n ietai 63,2&4 34,402 21,228 8,23s j USB-Af-V /i* < C X^^^- DGP Plot Ratio
      406 words
    • 484 57 Singapore Electricity Pool Sale Prices 1/2 hour Ex »n'e 1/2 rxiur Ex Ante Period PoolSoie Per>oo Pool Sale a"a_^_^_i^_^_^Ha_^_^_^_^_n Ending Price Ending Price E7JICP lr_ W _____H_________n_________S____fi_ (s/mwti; r«j i mM J 103 6894 _b__HHfttes*Vß_^U__l^al 1700 103 6878 _i*> 1 _Ji *3_T H—M 0500 5 0557 730 ,03 6856 I
      484 words

  • Page 58 Advertisements
    • 240 58 "MAKE MONEY ON THE STOCK MARKET BY INVESTING JUST $20?" Attend our SiMSCI Futures Investment Seminar, More importantly, instead of having to stock-pick, at just $20 a head. That's where you'll learn how you are investing m the overall market movements of to profit from trading futures. With the Singapore
      240 words

  • Page 59 Advertisements
    • 617 59 (UhQ Redevelopment _^a^^M^ ■IJV^ Authority W f k^ v<r:«ONvs -l^ __k --Ull" II«SCH _B ~a____M_ S__B_k f\lr >^ ri, /s' Land Parcel A (Fanah Merah Rise) vf E "A\ C A kV^ Jalan Pan Dedap W^ Aj An lExce,le,lt Site ln rh e Heart Of An Established Residential Area plNr
      617 words

  • Page 60 Advertisements
    • 231 60 _H MMMMMMMMMM/ H_, Ik. i __k 4_____________S______________fl ____________B i m Si^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_i_______ BH^l^l^Ha. aHI^H^I^H^B -~'^aH^l^l^Ha^H^H^H_________________________________- _l iB JMMMMMm mWM XWMMI fl_ B ___B_____ _B _fl H 88 Sa w^^B JP B MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMw Share trading couldn't be easier. Or simpler. Just pick up a phone and dial a designated phone number. A
      231 words

  • Page 63 Advertisements
    • 110 63 THE GREATEST 810 BERTHAS EVER HAWK EVE TITANIUM WOODS AND IRONS __________ffl_fefe»_ m* __^P^^^^ R-k ■____> Jr _h tK^M.j? ___Sf^- -iway ..2T vH ___T MmW aaaamvC 5 S ~V ____Bifc-'V > S_^ I _H^\ _____kwN^A. _fc___\ *-i__, Precision and power. Innovation and elegance. T I > Confidence and control Combinations
      110 words

  • Page 64 Advertisements
    • 1046 64 MmW _H _fc^ l_^_^^^_ SIA chairman Michael Fam will jM Sm^f* i X-M DBS Land's revised offer for M__ W __VT Small and medium enterprises fjßHßTj^____ir grfflr_Kfl head OCBC Bank's five-man '4U Hind Hotels still looks cheap, '^►W |rrj would like an SME Bank to be set up 9R| SWSI
      1,046 words

  • Life!
    • 5 1 Life! The Straits Times jM^^^^^^^^^^^L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^E^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B
      5 words
    • LIFE! NEWS
      • 602 2 NOKIA SINGAPORE ART 99 Contemporary and cutting-edge art based on the theme City/Community by some 400 pioneering and emerging artists. Pick up an exhibition guide or call 3717-833. Core exhibitions are on at the Singapore Art Museum till Jan 30 SINGAPORE ART MUSEUM AIT SOCIETIES- WEEKEND SERIES Sim:
        602 words
      • 484 2 Grammy Awards Carlos Santana's comeback has paid off. He's up there with the best of them and 10 Grammy nominations LOS ANGELES Carlos Santana, whose career caught lire when he gave a scorching performance at Woodstock m 1969, received a belated tribute m the
        REUTERS  -  484 words
      • 192 2 Record of the Year: I Want It That Way," Backstreet Boys; Believe, Cher; Livin' La Vida Loca, Ricky Martin; Smooth, Santana; No Scrubs, TLC. Album of the Year: Millennium. Backstreet Boys; Fly, Dixie Chicks; When I Look m Your Eyes. Diana Krall; Supernatural, Santana; FanM ail,
        AP  -  192 words
      • Article, Illustration
        112 2 In the best new artist category, teenage pop stars Christina Aguilera, 19, and Britney Spears. 18, vie with R&B singer Macy Gray (left)', rap-rocker Kid Rock and a dark horse, blues guitarist Susan Tedeschi. Gray, a 30-year-old mother of three, had the industry buzzing over her debut album,
        Reuters; AP  -  112 words
      • HOT SHORTS
        • 140 2 LONDON England and Manchester United star David Beckham is used to taunts from soccer crowds. But his wife Victoria Adams Posh Spice of the Spice Girls has given them new ammunition by disclosing he likes wearing her knickers. British newspapers on Wednesday pounced on her comments
          Reuters  -  140 words
        • 170 2 IN YET another sign that the Hongkong Tourist Association (HKTA) might be ditching Hongkong actor Jackie Chan as its tourism ambassador, veteran actor Ti Lung has been chosen to represent the organisation m its new promotions. On Tuesday, Ti Lung turned up at TVB to rehearse
          170 words
        • 249 2 PARIS. Maine The motorist who hit horror writer Stephen King pleaded guilty on Tuesday to lesser charges under a plea agreement that will keep him out of jail. Bryan Smith pleaded guilty to driving to endanger, and a more serious charge of aggravated assault
          AP  -  249 words
      • 310 3 NEW YORK Rap mogul Scan "Puffy" Combs left a Manhattan court on Tuesday declaring that he is innocent of serious gun charges filed against him after a nightclub shooting. "1 am 100-ner cent innocent and the charges against me are 100-per cent false." he
        310 words
      • 477 3 TurnerFonda split up to find space Wedding Bail Actress and media magnate part ways after eight years of a highly-publicised partnership ATLANTA Maverick CNN broadcast mogul Ted Turner and Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda, whose union seemed made m media heaven, have announced they are separating because they need personal time.
        Reuters; AP  -  477 words
      • 71 3 Spring 1989: Rumours of their dating surface. March 8, 1990: Fonda takes the CNN tour and reportedly is escorted by Ted Turner himself. Dec 21. 1991: On her 54th birthday, Fonda and Turner wed. 1998: Turner -confirms that he and Fonda have been seeing a marriage counsellor.
        NYT  -  71 words
      • Article, Illustration
        2172 4  - Mrs IMF AUDREY GOH Tin: Woman Behind Michel Camdessus Brigitte Camdessus, wife of the head of International Monetary Fund, talks about her relationship with her husband, her work and future plans ?0 BRIGITTE CAMDESSUS 0N... HER PARTNERSHIP WITH MICHEL We have been a team for so many years. We met
        ANNE MIEK SMIT  -  2,172 words
      • 253 5  -  LYNN LEE Censors Pass Issues Vulgarities m Horn's latest album have been edited out but the tracklist is the same as the American one UNITED STATES alterna-tive-rock band .Corn's latest album, Issues, has finally been passed by the censors here. Released m the US on Nov
        253 words
    • LIFE!
      • 998 6 I just want to be Friends with my little girl again Celebrity Mum Four years after her highly-publicised break up with daughter Jennifer, Nancy Aniston is back m the limelight with a book on family estrangement SUM and poised with short red hair and an aura of calm, Nancy Aniston
        IPS; Daily Mail  -  998 words
      • 205 6 7 would say until Jenny was 25, she was seeking my advice a lot and I was giving my advice a lot. It's time now for her to really experience what she needs to on her own. What's good for
        REUTERS  -  205 words
      • 248 6 ON LOSING A DAUGHTER The pain itself doesn't dwindle, but m time the amount of weight it carries m your life seems to settle into a little corner. Tf you happen to resurrect it at any given moment, it is just as painful. To think otherwise is
        248 words
      • 427 7 Ramayana In Asian Art The tale of love and war m its various traditions is captured m a book. What is spectacular about it are fiery pictures of heroes found m art m the region RAMAYANA, the Indian epic of good prevailing over evil,
        427 words
      • 974 8 Turn off that cellphone Mobile Phone Nuisance US designers are buzzing with witty ideas that call for cellphone restraint especially at public places such as restaurants and theatres NEW YORK It was an interruption whose time is coming far too frequently. During a recent performance of Death Of A Salesman,
        974 words
      • Article, Illustration
        55 8 REUTERS Six-year-old Australian terrier Spinnaker riding a boogie-board designed for body-surfing, pulled by a motorised dinghy off the beach of Russell m the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, 270 km from Auckland on Tuesday. Spinnaker has been surfing the waves on boogie-boards for the last six years and
        REUTERS  -  55 words
      • Article, Illustration
        157 8 'I don't want to tell my grandkids one day: 'You know, Grandma could have been on TV.' June Tan, (ri^ht) lead actress on f( s J s drama series The Ride Home, on quitting her full-time job so she could concentrate fully on acting 'When I was
        157 words
      • Article, Illustration
        2 8
        2 words
      • 527 9  -  ARTI MULCHAND Kebaya Man Ivan Heng will reprise the role to test international audience with Peranak an traditions at the Hongkong City Festival. And he hopes to go global Bu EMILY is taking her Emerald Hill antics to Hongkong. Actor Ivan Heng will be reprising
        527 words
      • 91 9 HONGKONG is our way of testing out the material for an international audience, who may not know the traditions of the Peranakan and where Emily comes from. He hopes to stage the play m several cities m Europe, as well as North and South America
        91 words
      • 1151 10 fashion's FRAME Bidding Gets Haute Used clothes are now finding their way into famous auction house Sotheby's. Is this a signal that even garments are becoming a form of art? In the beginning, there was resistance even to the idea of couture as an art form, whereas today, the attitude
        Financial Times  -  1,151 words
      • 503 12  - EATING AIR, SEEING EARTH KARL HO Aerial Photography French photographer Yann ArthusBertrand has spent the past five years capturing the planet's curves and contours m over 70 countries bY FOR French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Earth is an artistic masterpiece. All the photographer can do is to try and catalogue its
        503 words
      • Article, Illustration
        260 12 a success." The photographer says he has always loved nature. He moved to Kenya with his wife, Anne, at the age of 30 to photograph a family of lions m the Maasai Mara Reserve. It was there, while leading tourist excursions m a hot-air balloon, that he discovered
        YANN ARTHURS-BERTRAND  -  260 words
      • 310 12 Magazine goes multimedia to keep abreast of competition LOS ANGELES After hastening the sexual revolution, boosting the career of Marilyn Monroe and revolutionising the adult entertainment industry, Playboy magazine, first assembled on a kitchen table m 1.953, has become the heart of a vast multimedia
        AP  -  310 words
      • 835 18  -  TEE HUN CHING Sakura's Joy Evergreen livewire Sakura Teng talks persistently about her 21-year-old daughter, Amy. who will star m a coming American movie, Miss Wanton SFXGCH 'The role is not a problem. I've always been good at screaming at people. Sakura Teng green
        TAN SUAN ANN  -  835 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 492 1 _*__i-_hHL MAYS 7W Turner CNN founder separates from wife Jane Fonda PACE 3 Wmmmfmamt)? W^mM F _flr ai fl It? fli a_k _-a_ _HBBis— s ■m_F_r_B/fl Mm m fl ■F AmMm -a-a^-V-B^UT s ._H_ _^B mm AawAwa am tJ_B ~_(~*-fl fl _~_t. ty_[ t_fl_^_BßV a BB >_l i _L _^_H_H_^H_^_^_^_^_^_^_^____^_HH^_B_hi_KMß_M_D_H_
      492 words
    • 22 1 BBHBBp mwMMy _»_JI MOVIES n n nr i m* i i a Sakura My daughters a star m coming film PACK 18
      22 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 R||lSr_^l__kTllllK_TC4S_F FT I 1! r _h Tin _i Business Hours: 11.30 am 3pm, 6pm 10pm V i^j_«9___ft__-' v _< at _^_^_nHr _s «^r __i v *T' iv\'ilw^_H__fc* ~^H ji*|Sr MK_aaaa7 1 ._^_B_9fe__l f* Braised Sharksfin (9C (Dorsal Fin) m Claypot W___El^^ 26 Amber Close Admiralty House, 345 9 Yung Ho
      178 words
    • 202 2 l__j__i__Sil_S t- WF 5402 5.0 Kg ____M____ Qnuiv| fc_te* -WFT6OII 6.0 Kg A *>^yy ONLY! -WFT7OI3 7.0 Kg •WF 5207 5.5 Kg ___T_J__ 'WF TBOll 8.0 Kg *\*W^. c -WFTIOOI 10.0 Kg -^rTmAi\ Fuzzy Log.c 3___E-tf* Fuzzy Control <%AOO Fully Auto TgfeHH--- Stainless Steel Tub '_fe_r___* 2-door fridge i -H9
      202 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 583 3 ADVERTISEMENT enrolled m a one-month Marie France Fast Fat-Loss program. ■HSfIHHM^ Today, 18 months later, she still maintains her slim figure. M|BH|^^ w^P-Mm tJ_BJ-_-_-__L ■ft-rJ-F. v 2? mI 1 i i Tavm l___l _B__B_K_!-F H_ V n mSSi wlt^ EFFECTIVE, NO NEED TO RETURN!" After JUSt One later, I've still
      583 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 TMMMMMmM Aw^^^^^^^^tT^^^^^^^^^^^^TaT AmW j^j^//#y/r/_f^y///#J-_M The only software that fits the Singapore^ School Syllabus 100% One lucky child m Singapore will get a headstart m life by winning a $10,000.00 cash scholarship. A special Millennium offer from Ednovation, J| _fc__^l every purchase of CMve SCDs pack between the period 1 January
      263 words
    • 47 4 The writer, a Singaporean lawyer, moved to the S alien her husband teas offered a job there. She is note working as a freelance translator. I.-mail i/our comments to ntlifeQsph.comM or u,o to our website at I ,eom.s<i for a link to the IMI 's irebsite.
      47 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 172 5 H limil ßilllHrnl -^^l l^^^l IwHrnßllllllllrß I L^B3iiiL___iJ I IMM 'Carpark Sales I Now till 02/02/2000, 10 am to 10 P m 1 g [^Location: Diagonally opp. taxi stand J Mi L_______sL Buy Dunlopillo Bed Frame H Extra Firm Pocketed ftH __f M Spring Mattress Wlm M Hi i. H
      172 words
    • 505 5 Blossoming Romance at the Copthorne Orchid > us 1 S recnc, _V- orchid blossoms and an auspicious <"--■ H koi pond set m a beautiful landscaped garden just the perlect place to hold your dream banquet. At the Copthorne Orchid, select from a variety of exQuisite Chinese menus prepared by
      505 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 lAmmmMmMmmWm All VAT ABALONE FORUM RESTAURANT Marina Square 6 Raffles Boulevard 190 Clemenceau Avenue #01-01/ 10 #02-1 42 Singapore *****4 Singapore Shopping Centre Tel: ***** 1 2 Singapore *****4. Tel: *****76 OPENING HOURS 11.30 AM 2.30PM 6PM 10.30PM I BEST WISHES ]_HaQflc£m_i_TX-ryi 2 Business As Usual During Lunar New Year
      229 words
    • 295 6 only yZOD "Optional Add I 5 for a projection table. mtW\ S H_P*4a"- KINDERMANN DIAFOCUS 8000 SLIDE PROJECTOR Permanent autofocus Lens 2.8/90 MC Halogen lamp 24V/ 1 50W interchangeable Universal magazine Single slide holder Emmmmmmmm mmmmmmm^ mmmm^ Free Gifts worth more than 1 45 Gepe 8007 Cut Attachment Gepe 6052
      295 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 471 7 [___il_D[gji__]___jl_D___j_g >— r i/v __i I SUPERSTAR I g_M>€MMllg EM j SPFriAI C PS T» V Wednesday (3 Days/2 Nights) HV K s V SmwBs v' Po/t /an^ />^l9_^V 2 Days/1 Night V X^ m^^gP Overnight Cruise to Nowhere C 3 50 Jar? 00 departure only 1-^a. ___td Frida y
      471 words

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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 JM I ±~^s I Liriyt_?ro uCJSKt_?T _>|_)OS OGi Morlitofrnnorin T/-»rt I \VT-M j mm^immW I _fe^" y^_9_l^_B_^_^_J I > '.Jf _U_ X.' I B^^^H .J* I Barossa Coffee Table usocmx w9oBcmxH7scm I (with clear tempered glass) Mediterranean Tan Mediterranean Tan -^W f -f^ B I Barossa Entertainment Centre j J
      251 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 71 10 I^^^B *__Siß_^^^^ __S_B_H___H_L 3mmmMWm J_hl __<__i_^l_BMfcto»»_f___ \MmmY^^jLm^JLw^^ WHERE A 40t find BLISSFUL PRIVACY IN A CLUB OF This special membership includes: One specialised facial -^j_-_fl-^_-ii-_ Professional body massage jOO^ 1 Time Exercise membership Daily aerobics and yoga classes Aroma steambath Swedish sauna BEST SAVINGS EVER! it,. JOIN NOW! HEALTH AND
      71 words
    • 3 10 WWWr mWm ___H
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 195 11 _B _^_tt^ mm mmm __B_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^B w tls m yC// \/jMILaJ m _^|^H^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^K»_i r/l /m/m *mm j 1 IriLimph put a sparkle m your eye with the radiance, cf|3ic- 2000 diamond. Wi^v^s2oo Mrchase of "flSump! products, you stand a chance to wimFn exclusive Millennium Halln^aj|j^t |^s__q^ diamond ring. There are ninefßlrcarat
      195 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 Designer Fashionwear OcELIA LOE, CELIANA, ADDITIONS n I_W SALE YOU SHOULD NOT MISS! W^\ 10am to 7pm _^__^__^._B_^ #03-04 Orion Building fM Paya Singapore *****2 __^B Bus Bp _^_B fl _BI i!____B nm -^"■a___jP __H aaa-H B aB vp* _l_H_____l_H__R i 1
      42 words
    • 13 12 Yann Arthus-Bertrand's The Earth From The Air is available m all major bookstores.
      13 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 452 13 x*«___,. 4. B^ M r^^k _.^,.»a__, "FALL UNDER THIS ROYAI SPELL ___rß_k l^F* 1 *wV*- _fl_^ _l_r i_i fl -_H _Q r;^* Great direction, exquisite Ika m ___r __L V^4 jj| W COSTUMES AND SOME VERY FINE d_l f__l_^ N_C__f Ji___ 1 1 fT^l^^'i ACTING.ANNAANDTHFKINGIS Wl I S^m\\\\mmm\wi MMk 0^
      452 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1413 13 LIFE!* WHAT'S ON ARTS BULLETIN entertain you with music, drama, JN^J^ F* Jaols*noon -6omdailv(7 Dm for Sinaanore Inrtnn St <f ♦km moio listings on what's s«__m« 1116 Sllll|apof e'ElirOpe Artist Cheo Chai Hiang will public holidays noon 8 pm) fawening m the arts scene, turn T._ n v BuSinfiSS Forum
      1,413 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 304 14 HOW'S YOUR FAITH THESE DAYS? _Pp_i__k ii i i ir^Ai'l 4_fl_-' 1 I T©*. 7 \'maaaaaawaaajß^SKm i_ 1 ~"i»W I I i I s^^ *&_r^'' >:, W _S_E?-6*.* jHP >r^^' MWmr '^_uL-w_S_l <_*__ __^_i I i .-^^■F*^ <fl^^^^M|wa-^^B^k| r i I I y*^_ inranS UHr^iESk Ih^L BB^fc. i _B_m_Bß -wr.i
      304 words
    • 512 14 E_!_sa___ii EEEEBBBI ri^rMitu^, ir?'J;'ii_-Mua ASTIGM ATA mtm AOETRIOT ROCK aTY TO, c ,cs, AMY LOVING TROUBLE 7PR m 11.15,1.15,3.15,7.15,915 35 00,9 30 ADETRIOT ROCK CITY pg, c AMY LOVING TROUBLE 7 pg, m THE LEGEND OF SPEED, pgiu 1045,1240.235.935 12 50,3.15,5 15.7 25,9 40 1130.130,3 30,7.30.9 30
      512 words
    • 496 14 [baby SKIN COMPLEXION FOR YEAR 2000 1/Ciitle Street! _f --y.y^ tjr FfffjWTl ,v EJ^SE fIXe rS^E l_H_4wfi l _'W____l 8P^ v I+l=l Ladyßolex watch FREE C^ HlWrtK' For a limited period only For appointment ,A Jflfc n. call *****98 Jf fc^ 1, or *****89 J^ \Jlll(lJll No -i|* Cavenagh Road
      496 words
    • 423 14 .*m. l mmmm} _m^i*l F L- fi, -Bmt_F v_l fl __^__f!' «_B C_' Golden: l.3oJ3<l,*3'l.9J<>r>m.A psychiatrist wlm is an expert un serial killers turns out to *^HT_VI belh«munleTer_llhecau*A'heisiT_Acifv»(inu*n. p^ K<«_iUat(ur tjio»M haa— SdimUl_r Golden 1 1 .30 am, 1 .30,3 30.5 .30.7 30.0 'Apm! W~ jA\m^m^^m^Sm^^MW m *m [Two women
      423 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1354 15 fmmmmKmlSSmmW _T mfmmWTttTmmWl ™CT^_K' J r A A .fl IH \3^fl\7^^^Et»_[ f jfT^i 1 _F~ _T-% f 11-yLM*^^?t?-^n |U«ONG4GNEPItX LOT SMOfvfRS MML JURONG EAST ST I J TEL 5.9 J44J CHOA CHU KANG AYE 4 Tit 76) MM MY LOVING TROUBU 7 DETROIT ROCK CITY (032 1 29) (PO) (M)
      1,354 words
    • 784 15 _fll^_2 _BJ_k!»B«IPPBcV|pT^ MC^' iNf-T^n^B^v ahm_^_l _!_R— u—Wh^-^-^-^*. i iJmm» BST-Rj AmTmWA. ~S^K\_^__K_L*'^'^ Ye* .-x^* \^^_Bv7*^ _S_^_lv_"_F_#^ v. )_Bh_B SEwS B^CgLvw/Bw-^-BW Mm\ Mw^t v_TV^l^_^ _^_KiM^^^^B^r«V v **_^3W-H_vi— w_-wJ _Tiß^H_*_c^AiJc__P^^HfiHß_v V-v/V HH_. "*_rfv~ v s _^^^fi£SMi__%«a^^_. mMX v -^W. _^_^_^_t%_^_l -*_Ei__^_l _Z_^_t_* II I _!IOP^ "_K :r^ B Rbi^mb _-__^_iv_B_fi l__U_'V\V___-'T^»VY^_-^Bi\B. 3S_^E^_^B_Sl^']l'^
      784 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 421 16 AIR SALONPAS mjf I "Trust me. A session at Slimcare is v '^SgkWkm Jr **B session <\t slmn .ire studio is mk\ i^ -M S I uplifting, erjn more ways than one," *!r Ww V> A m nothing less th<\n iiplitiiii><. With Il _fIL _a_^__ S^ r y^tMmr I flfl
      421 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 875 16 TELEVISION B A woman's abusive husband is J___h ifl In this season nrpmir-rn i.i.,. niMr l^ <+ -7 v /v i- i i-. 1 rflL B m uiic*, season premiere, rLieanoi pi i*W Xiaoti Yvonne Lim) and Dekai murdered and this takes its toll on j^Hf (Canirvn Minlipim l,>fn I
      875 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 317 17 x ri^l^E -B_p_w___B/fk^ n I AQf i OENTRE FOR EDUCATION EXCELLENCE bb_B%#^ V* ENROL NOW fl %W% mm*&&^ COURSES COMMENCE NEXT WEEK D6T f iw_wS_B__jii s tiiiuTOiimfl v jft VALIDATED~AND ACCREDITED BY AUSTRALIAN AND BRITISH UNIVERSm_S~| f Diploma m f Diploma m f Diploma m f Diploma m f Diploma
      317 words
    • 124 17 fp 1 jl^E wjf a_ __t 'fj' k\\ ww\ *_r _L flfl v€# '■'\__L. /»v 1 the Politician... i2!rß__l^9 _B«^a_Br3n, Hit fl________Br<' flfl P Vjl*' n ifl s-~-_PB^___ Hhhßr 2 __-*_""i *--*c^_ BHNfIB_B~ ill il a il ii__^i__i_____*~~__i_Bl i B I l_i_S_F_-^BI---B_Bllflß_-_Bl I flflflflfl H»k_-_- rll_J H i a ___m
      124 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 844 17 TELEVISION ■■00 [6:30 [7:00 [7:30 [8:00 J8.30 1 9:00 9:30 1 10:00 10:30 11:00 j 11:30 NOON |12:30 PM 1:00 1:30 1 2:00 1 2:30 3:00 |3:3Q I 4 qq j 4;3Q 5 qq 5 30 isiness Morning Wheel Of The The Big Art Attack Kids At BlqKevin, Yin. Yang
      844 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 134 18 Its I I 1 Ifl ifl Ili I V _rr^ Ivlli 1 ffifl I flf fl 8 11 mII JflJ SI Hl S •'■fl.l- Wm HI. wmm flffS 111 J- -nr^ '^•_7 r PflF -B—Br**'" aflßSr J_#v" If CJl\_l j[ L_v,'_ AX l\3i J_*l Ct _\lCiC* L Hfaf f A
      134 words

    • 15 1 CLASSIFIES 1 1 r^Jwj I v21 1 IwV 1 1 bTEJ^^^B^™^^""'^ Thursday, January 6, 2000
      15 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 653 1 XCVNJBKNMBM; (7j j£flHiMUMSb^ IHIlO »XTtr >J P' I riAWifinriQ ll'MSHf:) filial time HELP tL^M////(/, HDBf|at flj^ j I--J Lean, to speak Chilli hi ri* fllNillUliJl PICK OF TODAY'S^ Visit Classification iB^/V E^Sl Tender for Internet CLASSIFIED jJJ 506ifvouare Mr./* iS^ ciaffi^Sl. W»* "> "> >'««"• looking for a ■ftjbxfw awuithw
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 1945 2 yBUV IX SF 1 f IT FHVO IT' tJaR alaaf 4M t M. Mm, Ml MM M— f Jf\f^r/JjW ll n r* jjj V U- J o J _L_Lu U Mondays to Fridays 8.30 am to 6.30pm Have your "*M card on an <* Deadlines spm for next day s
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      • 2239 2 ■pus m lv -TWMrJi^'-fasws-g^^ Announcements Professional Personal Services Products 8 CATERING Anacl's. JB&*m% L Cliff Specialised m Locai International Buffet. Tea Reception. Cocktail. BBQ. Chinese New Year Menu Hotel Standard Food At Very Reasonable Price! 'Ali meat 4 poultry are purchase trom Halai Supplie* Mandarin Gardens __p_______E_ma A Traditional of
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      • 546 2 66 CLUB MEMBERSHIPS BUYING/ SELLING FOREIGN/ JAPANESE/ LOCAL RI PTE LTD Please Contact *****00 Singapore SISBK/ v $145K/ JCC SB6K/ RC SS4K/ i $06*/ Seletar $57K/ OCC $69K/ Keppel $43K/ Senl $IO9K/ Warren SS2K/ SI7K Malaysia/ Batam tesorl $t2.SK/ Tg. Puteri SI3K/ Puia. Spring $BK/ Octville S6K/ A ist n
        546 words
      • 727 2 74 PETS/ PET CARE DOGFOOO BEST OFFER town Pedigree 700 gm. %2 20. Nature Gift 700 gm. $1 60, Bush 700 gm Si. so. (Ail mm. 3 ctns.). Free Home Delivery Professional Cut with Transport Se'.ce $45 Only l Pets Station. Ter P*****3 SPECIAL PUPPIES PRICES! Russell (mini), Maltese, Shih
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      • 411 2 SM) AIRCONDITIONERS/ REFRIGERATORS iis h i TSCHUAa4IRCON kefrifitralor i. Uashin-J Maihii Registered Since 1981 i^^HDß^ Stainle*. Steel Brack*. I I for existing window unit I [^9333/*****_1] ______n_i__E3 SANYO DAIKIN NATIONAL TOSHIBA SAMSUNG FUJITSU *FRK VIEWING"- QUOTATION: •CIDB TRAINED WORKER MYEAR FREE SERVICING I Japan i Korea lAmencan Brand Brand Brand
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 477 3 90 AIRCONDITIONERS/ 90 AIRCONDITIONERS/ REFRIGERATORS REFRIGERATORS BY (iokg''lJokg} I■■ /^-___.~~"l I i Tfi |^rC!!!!HJ \m <m J KHKO'Cqke Dniihy (abinel I ■XiMCO-MeaiShomne *r~i if.'-!"! l'- A l l!'is-']l'fT 1 ,-/'I?JJJ -ffffm S*^ .-if/r- iKl.litiiiiil.'Uli-i'iMilY-i Vegetable**' T"^^^^"***BJ**__~ 9 NINE (S) TRADING PTE LTD Office Showroom: 7, Koki Bukit Rood 2 #01-03
        477 words
      • 405 3 All washlnq machines, refrigerators, commercial refrigerators Aircon rtpalrs by specialist REPAIR CENTRE Free checking Repair on the spot islandwide service Reasonable rates Guarantee after repair *****70/*****73 (Peter/ Asman) HOCK PENG AIRCON c Problem with your aircon. fridge washing machine? We specialised m repairs svcs c Free checking reasonable price, repair
        405 words
      • 658 3 92 CARPETS/ RUGS CARPET WAREHOUSE SALE Supply Install Office Carpet $0.90 to $1.80 Commercial Carpet Tile Rubber Studded Flooring Homogeneous Vinyl Tile P. Pet Grass Caipet Commercial Res. Vinyl Sheet Office Partition Ceiling Wallpaper Clearance $0 25 GILLIT TRADING PTE LTO NO. 21 DEFU LANE 9 TEL: 286 6873 FAX:
        658 words
      • 549 3 102 GARDENING/ LANDSCAPING TREE CUTTING/ UPROOTING/ trim minq. c.irpet/ cow qrjss turfing/ cutting, debris/ vegetation clear- ance, demolition, planting all landscaping works. Cheap, reli 1 able, immed. *****36/ *****492 CBE SPECIALISED IN TURFING. Carpet cow grass/ Grass tree cutting. Also supply plants. Mthly./ daily. Call *****52/ *****426 GARDEN STORAGE SHEDS.
        549 words
      • 514 3 108 HOME FURNISHING 108 HOME FURNISHING 108 HOME FURNISHING 108 HOME FURNISHING 108 HOME FURNISHING *lifii *3*% ____L _^^^^^^^^^^^_t?**i_— ___>>______S(N "ar^ __Jf AiiiitiWifl^^ W; sT"""**""*-^ Wut c< A mrs a/*.. nuiAiM*' fif"™"™~™~ >, J >— "•*"""»"»»**"V flf Available at all authorised dealers only. Hl r\ ****ili^H_______l IS attiAzSr *A ._..>_«?*
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      • 243 3 112 HOUSE CLEANING/ PAINTING CLEANING PAINTING. $100 onwards. Islandwide. Efficient service. Call *****085/ 9715 5870 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING. MARBLE tex. rockstone, cornies. Express service. Call: 398-1155 anytime. OUALITY WORKS HOUSE cleaning. 1 painting removal. For service, call 227 0530. HACKING, PAINTING S> Renovation works. Workers available. Please call 294-6261/ ***** 884
        243 words
      • 368 3 Personal Services Products 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ DECOR DECOR I '_L _fiH P_ln_J_________y__K__H —•—^n*^- -''TL" 3 V i 12ft kitchen for only $2388. Free slass door Wide selection of colours Specialise m wardrobe all kind of carpentry works at reduced prices from factory Whole house interior desisn renovation
        368 words
      • 181 3 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ DECOR sg_22_g4UN* 2«h<» t **B-9* 5 KM .-SSII KITCHEN FLOOR 700 rontitiooß .ym PARQUET PER ROOM 750 SINK SUPPOKI J^fl*r\ STOVE support! fJJ I CHOPPING 1 1 T 1 fr^i ■v. $5,000/1 Rm Enquiry Please Calls 342 4X23 24 Ku\ 342 4H25 Design 672 North Bridge Rd
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 879 4 Personal Services Products 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ DECOR DECOR l« TT^rrr^m Te1:*****2g Te1:*****59 «#o i 29 Bukil ii m. iii > i < > i* <■- -i ii > Stionnin-j C'cnirc Wt »ii«i Cc nI re l-aa i: -<*.-» SI •>«> I'm: 4<..ISSSK Te1:*****75 Te1:*****95 ii < >
        879 words
      • 273 4 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ 114 HOUSE RENOVATION/ DECOR DECOR CD qfommi~~mmmmmm^mmmmm nai mm Lexie I (eik 215 Ang MO KIO MOl-903 i !Tol *****59 Fax I *****87 S Maiovy Duly Ultra High o*nallga Ceramic Lominalt Boora^ 3PM 1388 1688 1 4PM $2388 $2688 i 1 5 PM $3388 $3688 I Kitchen
        273 words
      • 641 4 _______aa_. DESIGN MILLENNIUM CONTRACTS Office/ Home Renovation Interior Design Design Consultation Space Planning i Renovation Works Manufacture of furniture j Partitions. Carpets Painting All under one roof. F3x your floor j plan or call us for FREE dtsign consultations without obligation. Call *****04 H/p. 9666-2196 Fax: 3830-529 LICENCE NO. HB-07-2565H.
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      • 525 4 118 PLUMBING 118 PLUMBING NTUC INCOME 24-HR HOUSEHOLD SERVICES 788 6616 E-mail: household income. com. sg We provide 3-monrh guarantee Fre*r_n___Ess__T"< shower fFrj BCI__SNBbU flooring Preference Market ing Pte Ltd 2 Kallang Pudding Rd.#ol-02 Mactech Industrial Bldg. Tel: 742 4733/ 842 2773 Email: .sg ADVANCE PLUMBING (24-HRS) Prices At
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      • 425 4 120 TV/ VIDEO ON THE SPOT REPAIR FREE CHECKING SO Transport Fee Service for 21' 63' TV Hi-Fi System, LD/ CD/ VCD/ DVD Selling 2nd Hand CTV Buymq spoilt TV Video 24 hrs island wide service Fast, reliable dependable Lowest rates longest after repair guarantee m town Henry Vision 759-2498/
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      • 572 4 120 TV/ VIDEO 120 TV/ VIDEO _t* m ~7~* T_T*?_r i*-» B| TVsiJ 1J4''.63»1l J4''.63» 1^ 1 i-T nC SI Transport ) i OYRS SOCIALISE KAKAOKK.HOMI HIKAIKK SQIW TOShtba 15yrs experience repair on site n Lowest &no transport charge _f" -JA h-i, Aotnt lor Sony JVC P.oneer a, Eft \f
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      • 694 4 ISO DOMESTIC HELP ISO DOMESTIC HELP AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ~Youf FAMILY Deserves The BEST! [T^|J^ FILIPINA INDONESIAN bMHH MANADONESE SRI-LANKAN |L-ji\|<| An agency providing Indon maids mmmmMmmji for BET TEH HOMES WkW I V From Manado/Flores/Java ti^-^jfc_ lil %I The Mwtigts Personal!/ J o_JrV^ i^^^&S^^3 .ntervieMediseiected a__b____ v RV^HPn>i to your
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 1259 5 130 DOMESTIC HELP 150 DOMESTIC HELP ISO DOMESTIC HELP 150 DOMESTIC HELP AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE JIJI M i V"#-l f h =1 1 1 f 4m i,:|^ AfwAfm L_^__ fi] kIL -I lli_ I _k s! J Personally interviewed from provinces frequently I $UPER I fcHEAP airticket) E___________l___! Well
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      • 702 5 ,5 2 HELP 150 DOMESTIC HELP AVAILABLE AVAILABLE INDON MAID iTuS 4 months! FILIPINO AVAILABLE SH3--EI-31-H_SI-!__| return ait ticket lo JAKARTA al $39 t Remittance Ait cargo Service Available SINGAPORE SHOPPING CTR .05-29 BT TIMAH SHOPPING CTR #0444/35 FtWrmVa&i r _Tr^aT^ ftMIDFMCESSS &_fc_^--£-& FOC REPLACEMENT ___T*__2!_Fl rnKS-aECnONaENQLISHSPEAXINQ 31-*_a___6— ift_i includes
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      • 1943 5 Personal Services Products Business Services Products 166 HEALTH CENTRES 166 HEALTH CENTRES te-. *P* m n •^S-______*w*_ 'T~ i IS3^^ n~ -i lOir :_t}V\ CD 134 FACTORY/ WAREHOUSE SALES BICYCLE SALE! FULL range. Did mond back vectra full aluminium with suspension $799 Uoi *****03 AMK *****14, Tg. Katong *****69 SOCKS
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      • 390 5 209 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ▼___i^'^ SUCCEED WITH US We offer Career D.velopment Programmes, In house Valuation Support. Auction Tender Sales Opportunities. Proiect Marketing and Professional Talks Tan Meng Hok Roger Central Branch 325 9392 9678-9897 Join a Company that leads you to a successful Real Estate Business I! James Gan Ranald
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 640 6 Business Services Products 209 BUSINESS 209 BUSINESS 209 BUSINESS 209 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES 1-RA believes that buyers ana sellers trust and I J J respect our real estate specialists because we E^^^h-3 ,iie the only real estate company that provides _r"_'^*»»*^__r CUrrrCC CPIUVIKJ—LI7 the best service, best customer
        640 words
      • 571 6 GIVING YOU THE BEST OPPORTUNITY TO HAKE MONEY SSS INTERESTEO INVESTOR CALL FOR DISCUSSION CONTACT TANIA *****12 POOLING INVESTMENT RESOURCES For Maximum Gain Minimum Risk. We mvite investors to join us on Equal Participation .n Property. Stock Srvre Other investment Proiects. Small Medium size. EXPO INTERNATIONAL PTE LTO Call LAWRENCE
        571 words
      • 698 6 PRE-CHINESE NEW YEAR I 18th 31st Jan 00. People's Park arei Heavy crowd. Tel: 339-8765/ 9818 6921/ *****774/ 9793-9015 AGENTS WANTED! No assoc. fee. Ex penenced/ inexperienced Up to 95% commission Full support 2 mins. to Buais MRT. *****08 FER. PROPERTY AGTS. ATTRACTIVE scheme for team mgrs., experienced agts. Listed/
        698 words
      • 514 6 218 COMMERCIAL VESSELS ONE 300' BARGE OPEN AVAIL. FR. SPORE TO KALIMANTAN ON IST WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2000. interester* parties, pis corrl LABROY MARINE LTD. Mr Darren Yeo/ Mr Kelvin Lim Tel: 551-5900. Fax: 377-4414 TUG BOAT 4000 PS 1 2000 X 2 1. Free running from Irian Jaya to
        514 words
      • 650 6 221 COMPUTER 221 COMPUTER PRODUCTS/SERVICES PRODUCTS/SERVICES Finally, ElbX Motherboards has arrived m Singapore! EPoX MVP3G2 (AfA 66} EPoX 6VBA Pit/ IM/lwifl-K SUPER 7 ATX Motherboard rtomeWorid AnandTech Review Sep 07 1 999 X*°^sm °*V Comes m with Norton Anti-Virus and Norton Ghost Softwaie All products and company names are trademarks
        650 words
      • 582 6 PC REPAIR/ UPGRADE. Office Net working, IT Consultancy. Fast, reliable, friendly. Contact *****01 ISLANDWIDE i, FAST repair/ internet upgrade PC on-site to your satisfaction. *****912 Comware FREE TRANSPORT FOR monitor PC repair. Fast, cheap reliable. H/p 9765*0892 or pg 9803-7425 NETWORKING INTRANET nternet services, pis. call imart Technology at *****43/
        582 words
      • 343 6 233 OFFICE FURNITURE/ FURNISHINGS _^^^^^^^^^^^^^l RENOVATING YOUR OFFICE/ shop" '*cc estimate for fui *ion/ carpet needs. Tel *****7/ Pg *****058 CEILING, PARTITIONS, CARPETS, m eluding dismantling of partitions. Decovate Enterprise 38P3635 FREE QUOTATION FOR table, chairs cabmets other office iter; *****62/3 NEW OFFICE TABLE $78 computer table S5B, chair $45.
        343 words
        254 words
      • 744 6 HANDPOWER MOVER SERVICES Specialise m house/ office/ factory/ safe/ piano/ organ removal services Dismantling fixing up furniture Disposable house painting services Affordable rates with over 10 years experience free bo«es quotation Ple«» call: 392-1076 (24 hrs.) S_l PROFESSIONAL MOVER provide no obligation quota tions Fast, safe ef'ii-ient free consultation" 1
        744 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 643 7 241 PHONES/ FAXES/PAGERS/ 241 PHONES/ FAXES/PAGERS/ SPECIAL NUMBERS SPECIAL NUMBERS \K\\t\miJ^imlM _R__g_SPECIAL PACKAGE (For 3 Lines 5 Phones inclusive of inslollolion) Jor v < MAX CAPACITY 144 EXTENSIONS ALLOW W Sc J CONNECTION TO INTERNET, FAX ORj^j^T c-% CORDLESS PHONE £L^A\W <$?** *>__r CALL NOW! >^ < <__»_-r r LEDBURY
        643 words
      • 796 7 305 BMW FOR SALE n= BUyySmmmmmi^ All models makes PARF/ non-PARF cars CASH PAYMENT* *****203 David Chong Ylnchuan Motoring BUY SELL BEST DEAL FOR YOUR BMW Late models from '93 onwards 3, 5 7 series Hp *****063 Sin Thai Hin Motor Credit Pte Ltd BEAUTIFUL At COND. '86 model BMW
        796 words
      • 864 7 303 BMW FOR SALE 303 BMW FOR SALE L ■j^iXTTT^--^ m -VI !>7. 98, !>!> TOP frottiwi* Performonce Motors Soles Agent BMW3IB.A $175,000 8MW320.A $191,000 BMW323.CA $210,000 BMW 520.A $21 5.000 BMW 728iA $280,000 The New Millennium Special Package HT Highest Trade In Guaranteed (IT Free Gifts With Every Purchase
        864 words
      • 681 7 309 DAEWOO FOR SALE 1/95 RACER II 1.5 GSi 4-dr. Deposit $9K. 5 yrs x $624. Loar, $32,800 above. 61 Übi Aye 2. «0219 Automobile Megamart. 9am 9pm. '95 ESPERO I.SDLXI 4 dr 5 speed New 2K Blue/ Tax!! Selling cheap" l deposit S6.BK. Syr loan $38,800 only! No gimmick!
        681 words
      • 559 7 310 DAIHATSU FOR SALE '81 CHARADE COE 4/2001. Al en gine. No repairs. Asking $6.5K neg No dealers. Call Pat 9762 3586 7/97 MOVE 850 C.C. 1 owner, acci dent free. Seldom used Tax 7/2000. 554.8K 842 2942 BUDGET SPORTY 80 Charade COE 31/7/2000 New paint/ tax/ s/nms. $2000. 9609
        559 words
      • 671 7 313 FORD FOR SALE BEST OFFER All Jopone ,c Models ■(•Ma Steven Hay Motor Speed Trading SELLING CHEAP! 10/91 Telstar I.6GL manual 2 owners. New 2K sliver/ tax. Deposit $5.8 K. Loan 2 years. $21,800. Call *****111 now END 6/93 FORD Telstar TXS 2.0 i Auto. Metallic brown. Electric seat.
        671 words
      • 1048 7 Business Services Products Vehicles ■______H___i_______________Baj 316 HONDA FOR SALE '84 HONDA CIVIC 1 3. 3 drs. manual COE 1/2004. New paint. Power window. S/nms. Beautiful cond $23K. Downpayment $4K. Loan $19K. $550+ x 36 mths. 345-2296 MID '90 CONCERTO 1.6EX1 (Auto) New 5 yrs COE. Beautiful 2K paint/ tax/ 4
        1,048 words
      • 1013 7 316 HONDA FOR SALE 7/'B3 ACCORD I.6EX. New paint Tax 6/00. S/nms. COE 4/2002 Tip top cond 468-7111/9657-7688 6/90 HONDA ACCORD EX 2.0 Auto PARF $29K. Well maintained Ask I mg $*****. Tel. *****22 3/'B3 HONDA ACCORD. 4 dr COE 1 9/2001. Coed cond. $6K. Loan/ trade-in. $10 9K. 395
        1,013 words
      • 895 7 mmmmmimmmmmm ******mmmm Ma_M____a__^_^_^_ 317 HYUNDAI FOR SALE 317 HYUNDAI FOR SALE CO '1,1N.'.1rJ,:Hi|,__,,J.,,-1 c® New ye-*e epeemi sonata r*AckAe;e LOW INSTALMENT <!v?-^ LOW DOWNPAYMENT *-^»/j». -ll.'.fftalfl.aW ''**_____#R__fl_. JRV fSTmw^ Visit our New Showroom at: fc*»_fi 61 Übi Aye. 2 #01-06 Automobile "Hl"' VJ Megamart Tel: 347-7878 YOUR CHOICE FOR THE
        895 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 805 8 Vehicles 322 LEXUS FOR SALE 4/95 LEXUS LS4OO. Metallic green. I owner. OMV $80,684. Fully sve by agt. 100% accident free, Showrm cond. Call *****91 9/98 LEXUS ES3OO. 1 owner. 3 years Lexus warranty. Dark blue. Excellent cond. H/p. 9760 0898. '93 LEXUS LS4OO. 2 owners, OMV $69,597 Agt. maintained.
        805 words
      • 583 8 324 MAZDA FOR SALE 7/98 MAZOA 323 Famili 1.6 Auto. Silver. 1 owner. Tip top cond. $84 8K 0.n.0 Call 733 8512 MID '92 929 3 0. V 6 engine. Leath er seats. Cruise control. New road tax. Call 462 1182/ 9625 7673 '74 MAZDA 808 2 dr Hi-fi/ s/rlms.
        583 words
      • 787 8 325 MERCEDES FOR SALE 329 MERCEDES FOR SALE 325 MERCEDES FOR SALE 325 MERCEDES FOR SALE 325 MERCEDES FOR SALE __r The Revolutionary A-CIdSS. Come down to the showroom and test-drive the Mercedes-Benz A-Class, the first 1.6 litre m Singapore with so many innovative and attractive features. It is now
        787 words
      • 669 8 1/'9B NICE NO. 1 owner SLK 230 < compressor. Silver. Mileage I I 15,000k. m. Maintained by agt I $192K 0.n.0. Call *****80 SBV PLATE '91 230 E. Converted I E220 Model. COE 10/ 2002. OMV j $*****. Well Kept. *****22 6 MTHS. OLD Benz 5320. New Mod--1 el. Nice
        669 words
      • 324 8 SCA "92 BENZ 190 E. 1.8 Auto. Tip-top cond. New tax/ colour. Tel: 777-2118/9695-6866 11/90 BENZ E230 Auto. New COE. 9/92 Benz E2OO auto. 2 owners. SCZ plate. Well kept. 9682 2323 MIO '97 BENZ C2OO auto, sspeed, full accessories, C&C maintained. Low mileage. *****041 E2OO MODEL SCG plate 86
        324 words
      • 170 8 '90 MERCEDES 300 SEL. Fully auto. COE 7010. Al cond. Loan/ trade-in available. Hp. *****873 C2OO. 2/96. 1 careful owner. White. Low mileage. Nice no. Like new. $138K 0.n.0. Call: *****88 '85 MERCEDES 190E 2.3 Black. 16 valves Cosv/orth. In good cond. $21,000. COE 2002. 744-5575 MID '95 MASTERPIECE. 1
        170 words
      • 166 8 SDA PLATE! 3/95 Mercedes S2BO. Ist owner, nice no. Done 71,000 k.m. Tip top. H/p: 9673-3323 MID '90 E2OO, 2nd. owner. Nice no. 100% accident free. 118.000 km done. COE 30/1/'2OlO. *****82 8/96 BENZ E2OO. (W210). I owner. Low mileage. OMV $49K. C&C. Low deposit. $165,800. *****33 04/90 MERCEOES BENZ
        166 words
      • 260 8 328 MERCEDES FOR SALE 328 MERCEDES FOR SALE 328 MERCEDES FOR SALE i > Men edes Ben/ A-class of its own. *> _/0/_i Hk £1 K\ \\i§ I d :^Ela__> **9timmmT^^ '&'*mA ■l_je__lll 209 Pandan Gardens 61 Übi Aye 2 #01-04 Cycle Carriage Complex Automobil Megamart V CYCLE 8, CARRIAGE
        260 words
      • 175 8 2 DIGIT NO. '90 Benz E2OO auto. 2 owners. COE 1/2010. New tax Lot 3 Irving Rd. Tel *****22 '93 MERCEDES E2OO. 1 owner 16 valves. Silver, OMV $47K. Nice no. $92K. Tel: 467 2802/ 9620-2802 SCF PLATE. 2/'9l Mercedes E2OO converted, s/nms. 2 owners, nice i no. White. $61,800.
        175 words
      • 280 8 '90 E2OO AUTO. 2 owners, new paint/ tax/ COE/ interior. Al cond $98 BK. must view! 97 695 695 05/80 BENZ 200. Manual. Good cond. COE 11/2001. New paint. Rd tax 4/2000. Call 344-1422. 4/95 ClBO. AUTO. 1 owner White Tax 3/2000. Orig. cond. C&C mam tamed. Call 382-9311 Carlines
        280 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 406 9 323 MERCEDES FOR SALE '83 200. AUTO. New Mint. COE 07/2002. Road tax 02/2000 Sell mg $16,800. Call 9783 9195 '78 200, 2 units, manual/ auto, no repairs needed. $4 BK/ $SK, pis. call J L 274 3744. 5/93 MERCEDES I9OE. Su owner. Very well mamt 1 $69 SK Loan/
        406 words
      • 638 9 326 MITSUBISHI FOR SALE 326 MITSUBISHI Fo* SALE I I Euromobile X_!/ tHIII'S riIFOIMANCI IN OUI NA I Sr_Sl2B" <---■----- 8 GDI < A UxiiiES3oo,^ilDn_bZ7/14(A)t Emno 2 4(A). Horrwr 2 2/3 O(AJ. "■Ta > -fr-'_l_~_- Cawy 2Ul.lpuMi2.Ol*); ~-*iP_3_P»'* (HtolM,(mn)M Mil (Kotm 2 4 GOI, mW\ lovaf I 30VM). Nruan Sunny
        638 words
      • 449 9 '82 MITSUBISHI GALANT 1.6. 4 drs. P/steenng. COE 7/'2OOO. S/nms. 2K paint. $2500. Tel: 858-4583 9/95 MITSUBISHI SPACEWAGON I.BGLXi Auto. Low downpayment. i High trade-in *****417 Harith 12/'9B LANCER I.6GLXI auto, I own er, agt. warranty, just like new. Trade-in/ loan. *****13 '80 LANCER 1.4 4-dr. 5-speed. COE 9/2001. Aircon,
        449 words
      • 301 9 328 NISSAN FOR SALE 328 NISSAN FOR SALE <^L____. SUNNY (Nl6) 1.5/ 1.6 (M/A) SUNNY YIP (M/A) 'More Confidence COE Low Deposit High Trade m Acceptable Low Interest Rate 1 0riginal Made m Japan H 3 years warranty TEL. *****28 -/ITVnyi.l'.vii- !''!!K1 If. a TilPHf_rTTTl_nßll_r ,^Tr'V*_ A BETTER DEAL Toyota/
        301 words
      • 671 9 BEAUTIFUL '82 PULSAR 10 COE '2002. (4 units). New paint/ tax, Nice interior. Deposit $3800 Mthly $473 x 18 mths. Cail *****21. FREE TAX 5/2000/ transfer! No extra cost. $988 driveaway. 6 units '81 100A. 120 Y. COE 2002 near, i $6900. $388* x 16 mths. *****20 DEPOSIT $I6K ONLY!
        671 words
      • 551 9 328 NISSAN FOR SALE 3/92 PRESEA 1.6 CTII. auto, OMV $I6K. Flawless body. Deposit $7K. Jid Leong 779 1221/ 9619-1630 2/'9l COUPE NX T bar OMV $15K. 5/92 Sunny 1.6 auto. 2 owners. Well kept. New tax. 9682-2323 8/93 SUNNY 1.6 SSE, manual. OMV $18K. tax 7/00. accident free, low
        551 words
      • 506 9 330 OPEL FOR SALE OPEL SPECIALIST! BUY Bt SELL All makes models Let us view your car! Fast Results ***** 898. AUTO TOUCH 124 hrs) 1 OWNER. '98 Opel s/wagon 1.4 manual, power steering/ window, CD changer, metallic grey. $73,800 (OMV $*****). Lot 30 Kaki Bukit Carmart. *****201 Yeo 1
        506 words
      • 519 9 334 PROTON FOR SALE 4 UNITS 04/94. 07/95 04/96. Proton Wira 1.5 GLi/ 1.6 XL.. A/B. s/ nms. Hi-fi. Well maintained. No dealers pis. Call 370 8868 MIO '94 WIRA i 5. Auto Beautiful Chilly Red. Accident free Immacu late cond. See to believe Tip top. Loan/ high trade m
        519 words
      • 521 9 336 RENAULT FOR SALE •Terni*Fra* AlplnaPlua Countdown Card and Alplna Millennium Caah Card __*f FI| l1 "T". yM m\ Alpine Motors p_i_ '97 LAGUNA 3.0, V 6 White. Sun roof, cruise control. S/nms. Excel lent cond. Owner 9709-6726 3/'9l RENAULT 1.1 Campus 5. Manu al. 5 dr. Very good cond.
        521 words
      • 481 9 Vehicles 337 ROVER FOR SALE 1 OWNER. 2/96 Accident free Grey Tei *****87 1 OWNER 4/'9s>. Iric leather seats. CD changi bags Metallic gri 6/95 ROVER 4165L1. Rl OMV $19K Nice body No please Contact 9831 3657 7/95 ROVER 4165L1, I Low 1 OWNER 9/95 000 741 8888 BKW Car
        481 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 806 10 Vehicles 341 SUBARU FOR SALE 12/95 SUBARU IMPREZA I 6 Manu loor Full accessories View: 356 M. Alexandia Rl. Tel: *****77 8/93 SUBARU ECVT. Beautiful red Clean interior No repair needed Tan 7/2000. Tel: 344 8898 9/'9O LEGACY I.BGL. auto, white PARF $:9r\ Ni> interior. Asking $32,800 Beautiful cond *****35
        806 words
      • 504 10 342 SUZUKI FOR SALE 342 SUZUKI FOR SALE 342 SUZUKI FOR SALE I THE NEW CARRY 1 .3 VAN carry your business into the new millennium for just $48,950 (COE included). B_B^*-* l a I—Hal i__H___ Spacious cargo room 5 doors for easy loading and unloading ~^~^~^M MM_MMi___ii___^__i__H 1.3 L
        504 words
      • 360 10 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^B^ -^~^~^~^^^^^^^^^^^•^W MpMlafH^a^K y Am^^M^ma\^^rr m 9mmm\ *mW An <4 *^^__E_!_-____k' Am^wt^' -B-T^T^^^T-B Wk, -W mmWrTTTT^mmmmm Wk ©JSCD MOTOR I*JH J^ Emma Spado ipsum prado Cresu cefiro Harrier ilexusßXJOO Altezza nexus RS2OO: /^WLWgB/K" Supercharge. Esama Camry Pajero /i__iß_f. T Odyssey 1 Immediate
        360 words
      • 275 10 LATEST MODEL! 1 owner, 2/98 Camry Avante 2.0 auto. OMV $33,950 Nice no. 69' Depos. t $18K. View to believe! Loan 1 7 years. $107,800 Call *****666 IST OWNER. MID 96 Corona 1.6 au to. Grey. OMV $26,000. S/nms. CD changer. Excellent interior. Immaculate engine. Low downpayment. Must view! H/p:
        275 words
      • 743 10 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE 344 TOYOTA FOR SALE Lov^ Do^v^npay-rrierif-s2s,ooo/- $24,000/- $32,000/- $30,000/- "UUjJ__||iL__-__, 'A. N zJAWkW^ New Model Mitsubishi Toyoto Corona 1.6(A) Toyota Spacio 1.6 (A) Honda Odyssey 2.3 (A) Chariot 2.4 (A) _c__fc_g__L-__--_B_j-__-___ii--__r_L^ gni___E___E_illii Harrier 2.2 _^p^ Emma/ Lucida 2.4
        743 words
      • 580 10 1 OWNER 8/96 Corona 16 GLi auto. New model. Done only 60,000 km. G'tee. outstanding. *****68 9/'9B SOLUNA 1.5GL1. Auto. Tax 3/'OO Airbag. CD. 3 yrs. warranty. Done 20,000 km. Call 841-2200 '95 CORONA GLi 1.6 auto. Maroon. S/nms. CD changer, low mileage, Tip top. 841 8458/ 9816-1242 12/92 COROLLA
        580 words
      • 1255 10 33_ OFF-PEAK CARS |[__Oo___] BUY -ELI, AH Weekend I Offpeal^ Scrap Normal Cars Hq: Lot 7 Kallang Auto Centre Br: #02-06 Automobile Megamart Miss Ng (24-hours) t m ßßmmmmmmmmmmmmSL\ Ml/r/o _^^k? o\ti« HIGHEST OFFER BUY SELL ALL WEEKENDS/ OFFPEAK/ SCRAP/ NORMAL CARS *****19 Mr Soh (24-hour) Kang Rong Credit Pte
        1,255 words
      • 449 10 3«3 CAR CARE SHOPS DENTS MASTER REMOVES fen, l,ke magic also provide panel beating spray painting 50 Tagore Lane BB'o4 Pg ***** 777/553-2031 CHUA KAR ANN Spray Pa.ntng Ser .\e Supply spray Bodykits nodels of cars *****980 WE RESTORE SMALL dent, com size as featured m Tity Beat Estab lincfl
        449 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 521 11 352 LUXURY CARS 352 LUXURY CARS 352 LUXURY CARS 352 LUXURY CARS 352 LUXURY CARS 352 LUXURY CARS jfci^ Book the luxurious Chairman 400 Jiu>t fj 2&J&O0 an we will pay your fir jt instalment. CHAIRMAN In ai M *~****_Ktfvi_r ___P^mH^_________»»_ ~K ___M_M_i_H_MH-_si--_V_h _fl_A <^^J|^^^J^g_BM-----^eßs_MWe»W___^__J»*™ M JMM^mWAX MMMMMM e_o^ii*trfrlftlltf»*a^M»Biw I*.
        521 words
      • 195 11 381 SCRAP VEHICLES CALL *****27 CASH payment for all models of scrapped cars. 800 cc to 5000 cc HIGHEST OFFER! CIVIC. Accord. Concerto/ Corolla. Corona/ Astma. $12K $13K. Call *****333 now 1 HIGH PRICE! ALL scrap cars for Parf below IOOOcc. to 1600 cc./ COE rebates. *****91/ *****28 GENUINE BUYERS.
        195 words
      • 423 11 382 VEHICLES FOR HIRE i__£i M_J .AmmmJ A __MH|-4ifcW_ can^3sl3ll SIANG HOCK HARI RAYA ADILFITRI Special Packages! Balestier 256-2002 Ang Mo Kio 484-2002 Bukit Timah 467-2002 Jalan Sultan 298-2002 Jurong 565-2002 Kembangan 749-2002 KENG SOON AUTO. Weekly Rates From $348 and Daily From $58. Long Term Monthly From $1300 Special
        423 words
      • 185 11 362 VEHICLES FOR HIRE THIAM HENG MOTOR 10 ft 7 14 It./ Lorry/ pickup/ Panel van for rent. 4 Hmdhede Rd. Call: 469-5691. 363 VEHICLES WANTED VEHICLES WANTED! Extra *$2500* All model Japanese, Continental View: anytime/ anywhere Immediate transfer Confirmed on the spot. *****707 WANTED (All model vehicles) WE OFFER
        185 words
      • 1259 11 383 VEHICLES WANTED 383 VEHICLES WANTED Srv I I HELLO, ALL CAR owners!! Unbelievable prices! We buy your cars over the phone without viewing with confirmed many extra thousand dollars more!!! '91 to '96. COE/ without COE. PARF/ non PARF. Free valuation with fast results. Also pay extra price for
        1,259 words
      • 649 11 387 LORRIES FOR SALE 367 LORRIES FOR SALE ItttMa Engine flLgflp Attractive Paekao,. Auto Business Pte Ltd 55 Übi Aye 3 Mintwell Bldg TflflCHOnG A Fax: 846-3228 pwi 14.15 ft.Lo**« i 1 111i 1 1 k-vtA __tW^**i» NoneeOVPC TmrWwfwSW' 4' 1 4-1 5 ft. rW* dea -~j^gjj||Miyf» ______T\ P t£3
        649 words
      • 457 11 391 VANS FOR SALE WAwm RICKY TAY &f_fi MOTOR TRADING 111- ili'n I authorised dealer Low.' thxwntxaymcnt/ Un interest rate. High trade-in assured. Immediate delivery. 61 Übi Aye. 2, #01-06 Automobile Megamart 14 tipper Aljunied Road Lot 29 Afjnnied Uaed Car Ctr. I SUZUKI <-<»•<-<- ~,r Dealer Tel: 742-0220 <g*is__!sss_y
        457 words
      • 719 11 391 VANS FOR SALE 7/93 NISSAN VANEnE petrol Air con Wei 1 maintained Selling $***** Trade-in/ loan. *****803 BRAND NEW RENAULT Kangoc Van 1.9 diesel Downpayment $2000 (r. $742 x 84 mths. Tel: *****35 10/91 TOYOTA HIACE. Petrol New paint Aircon. Well kept. Selling $***** Trade-in/ loan *****803 04/94 FORD
        719 words
      • 606 11 Vehicles 393 MOTORCYCLES/ SCOOTERS SOUTHERN MOTOR Blk 1006 MOI 10. Bt Merah Lan* 2 Call 273 0369 New Modal BURCMAN 400 DAYSTAR 125 STIIOOX CBRIIOOXXY .jfi infection) Ri-1000 shadow4oo cbr9oo dragstar classic cbuoo steed4oo zx9oob4 FORESIGHT 250 KTM2OO C 8750 XR4OO RVF4OO DUCATI4OO CBR4OORN WAVEIIO KTM4OOC4 DASHI2S NSRISOSP PHANTOMISO APRILIAI2S
        606 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 479 12 Properties 402 001-08 402 ***** 402 DOlOB CITY SOUTH-WEST CITY fi. SOUTH-WEST CITY SOUTH-WEST PTE APTS -RENT PTE APTS -RENT PTE APTS -RENT I I __T t__^BaaT*t"- '.aarPremier Location: centrally located m the city at Havelock Road. mmmWSS^' 1 T* «V >k For leasing enquiries: Apartments With C/**-_f siHwi^ Services
        479 words
      • 644 12 KENTISH LODGE. 2 bdrms. 1173 sq ft. Balcony with pool view. Good layout. New. P/fu'n. $2.2 K. *****025 OTZ TL D.02 SPOTTISWOODE PK. Near city, high fir. Fantastic view, 3 rms. i hall. Nicely renovated. F/ aircon. F/ furn. Tel. *****70 owner. TIONG BAHRU. Ntar city. MRT, mkt. 2 rms.
        644 words
      • 874 12 0.05 TAT LEE Court. 3 rm. apt. Full facilities. Near Japanese sch. Avail, immed. 9306-3477 Cyber. MORMANTANPK.PT. Blk. 2. High fir. 3*o. Pool/ greenery view. Morn, sun F/furn. John *****223 ERA i WESTCOVE/ WESTBAV, 2/ 3 bdrm. High/ low fir. Good location. F/fa- I I cilities. neg. Pg. 9704-3193 ANCHORAGE
        874 words
        908 words
      • 604 12 JUNIPER AT ARDMORE Exclusive 4 bedrooms apt. m The Ardmore Park vicinity Near Tanglin Amercian Club Area 3197-3520 sq.ft. With balcony Pool tennis courts MCL Land (Juniper) P/L Tel. 221-8111 D.IO PINEWOOO GDN. Modern 3 bdrms. with spacious living/ dining. Balcony overlook greenery. Condo. facilities $4200 D.IO BALMORAL. Renovated d/storey
        604 words
      • 1278 12 404 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ 404 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -RENT PTE APTS RENT i*-**i_ I 4*am WMwk mins. m Ore hard *i* i I f** i^^_| s »ipert>i\ furnished Bn~v^_ MH** xi Mt Housekeeping X __aj_? eoneierge sersiies E l_k lennis, gym K__|___ S V JmmV^rm\^^fh Br?
        1,278 words
      • 801 12 404 009-10 ORCHARO/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS RENT D.IO WING-ON-LIFE 3400 sq ft 4 bdrms. with attached toilet. Full condo. facilities. Rental $10X. 9667 2952/ 9 *****94 C&H ASPEN HEIGHTS. 2*l/ 3 1/ 4 1 Var ious units/ Valley Pk. 3+l/ 4+l/ Paterson Edge 3+W Mirage Twr. 3+l. Call: 7361-555
        801 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 1059 13 404 009-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS RENT 0.10. HIMIKO CT. 1200 sq.ft. 2+ 1 bdrms P/furn. Immed $1600 neg. I Agts welcome *****92 GRANGE HGT*../ ST. Martin/ Tulip Gdn./ ran Tong Meng. 4+l. $3.5K up Facilities. *****33/ *****52 ELIZABETH HGTS. 3+l all attached F ienovated P/lurn neg Do tlinn
        1,059 words
      • 1035 13 404D09-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -RENT KASTURINA LOOGE. 2 bdrms. High fir. Unfurn. S/pool. Unblocked. Good rental. Pg. 9293 6689 DW D.IO DRAYCOTT TWR. Renovated 3*l. 2800 sq.ft. High fir. MRT/ American Club. 9728 8768 PW KIM SIA COURT/ UE Sq. 3+ 1/ pool view. Partial/ f/furn. MRT/ amenities.
        1,035 words
      • 779 13 404 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS RENT D.IO SUTTON PL. Penthse. 4 rms. Small devt. Pool/ squash. Cosy gdn. 55.5 K. *****22 Comprealty PALM SPRINGS/ TANGLIN Pk. Near Orchard. 2 rm. Ground fir. Private garden. Rent neg. Pg: 9202 4196 UE SQUARE. 4+l, 1927 sq.ft. Full condo facilities. F/
        779 words
      • 1002 13 406 Dll 21 NEWTON/ BT TIMAH/ CLEMENTI PTE APTS RENT D.ll NEWTON VIEW. Beautifully renovated, like new' 2,000 sq.ft. 3+l. P/lurn. Goldhill Sq./ Novena MRT Glamo 299 1813/ Pg. 9203-9105 THOMSON 800. BRAND new. 1432 sq.ft. 3+l. Full condo. facilities. P/fjrn. Low fir. Pool view. HSR 9407-8810 ONLY $1800! 2+l.
        1,002 words
      • 944 13 406 Dll 21 NEWTON/ BT TIMAH/ CLEMENTI PTE APTS -RENT HUME PK. 11. Good Luck Gdn.. Montiosa, 3+l rms. F/furn. Facilities. Rent SI.7K up. Pg. *****520 UPL D.21 SI.6K HILLVIEW Green 3+l 1280 sq.ft. 1 yr. old. F/ furn. F/ air con. Full facilities. *****42 Kat's MORIMASA GDN. (NEWTON vincini
        944 words
      • 560 13 408 Dl 2-14 BALESTIER/ 408 Dl 2-14 BALESTIER/ MACPHERSON/GEYLANG MACr-HERSON/GEYLANG PTE APTS RENT PTE APTS RENT _/^_F ■iV y? CONVENIENT LUXURIOUS LIVING at AFFORDABLE RENT Brand new 3 bedroom apartments penthouses with breathtaking view Swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, gym, children's playground etc Near CBD, Aljunied MRT, entertainment, sports recreational facilities
        560 words
      • 949 13 410 015-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS -RENT DIS EASTERN MANSION Approx. 1300 sq. ft. 2 rms. P/furn. Immed. PIS. call: *****66/ *****01 PEBBLEBAV BEST UNIT 3+l+ family. 2175 sq.ft. Bay view. High fir. $8.5k. *****754 Other size avail. PEBSLE BAY. BAY view. 1377 sq.ft. 2+ 1+ balcony, high fir. F/furn.
        949 words
      • 981 13 410 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS RENT 2-RM. EAST COAST I undo studio avail. F/furn Facilities List of other areas avail. PM *****749 Joe NEW LISTING! TG. Katong walk up. Renovated Aircon. 4 rms $2200 Owner 9639 8652 PEBBLE BAY 2+l. Tower 1 Bay view. Fully furn. Full facilities
        981 words
      • 877 13 416 D 22-28 WESTS NORTH PTE APTS -RENT IPJFj Debenham I Tie Leung BEST *fc PRICE 3JP D.23 DAIRYFARM/ HILLVIEW Hgts Meraiodqe. 3+174+1. Full condo. facilities Rental fr $2k up 9663 6822/ 9494 8899 ET Co L______l TATA D.22 PARC VISTA. 3 bdrms F/facmties. 10 mms. to Lakeside MRT. Amenities/
        877 words
      • 660 13 Properties 418 MIXED DISTS PTE APTS -RENT COSY HOMES Various areas to suit your needs 53 Kovan Rd 3+l rm. 1500 sq ft Mayspnng 3+l rms. 1350 sq.ft Country Grandeur Luxurious 3+l. High fir. 1450 sq ft. 135 Braddell Rd newly renovated bunglw 4100 sq.ft Partial, f/ furn avail. D
        660 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 772 14 Properties 420 HOUSES FOR RENT 420 HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR LEASE M»»«+'»«W-*««««»«««««»»«m»0*>*«+»^^ Central Districts DHL eSG__ ___5 Dll Gentle Villas 4+l 4415/2948 Dll Hillcrest Road 3+ 1 2831/2800 Dl l Chancery Grove 3+ 1 1862 to 2594 39 Niven Road 3+l 1 2300 to 2700 Dll Shelford Road 3+
        772 words
      • 244 14 I—pip] SWETTENHAM ROAD 2-STOREY Bungalow 17.000/ 11,000 sq ft. P/ Fully furn. peaceful tranquil. $26K. 9605 2475 DW D.19 SIMON PLACE. 3 storey terr 1800 sq.ft. 6+l rms. All aircon. Granite living dining. P/furn. Asking $2200. Pg. 9214 1598 RPL BLAIR RD. 2 storey terrace. Conservation hse. with courtyard. 2000/
        244 words
      • 893 14 420 HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR BRADDELL RD. Refurbished cottage style s/stor-?y bunglw with patio. Dream ki'chen 4+l bdrms. Only $5000. *****75 agt. D.15 HEART OF Katong. Malacan Conservation hse. 3 rms Renovated. Aircon. Furn Pg *****805 D.ll D-STOREY BUNGLW. 3+ 2. P/furn Above ground pool for rent/ sale Tel: 9638-3016
        893 words
      • 729 14 420 HOUSES FOR RENT BRAND NEW SEMI-D. St Nicholas View 3+l 1 $3K. Sole agt. 9218-6629 D.19 PONGGOL RD. d/storey terr hse 3+l+l rm. Just renovated. Full amenities/ TPE. *****445 FRA D.lO CORONATION. BEAUTIFUL cor ncr terr. 3+l+ attic. 3400/ 3000 sq ft Nice gdn. $5500. *****63 0.05 PASIR PANJANG
        729 words
      • 825 14 422 HUDC/ HDB APTS FOR RENT ALL AREAS ALL TYPES HDB FLATS AVAILABLE FOR RENT 1-rm. I hall $700 2-rm. 1 hall- $900 3-rm. 1 hall $1100 txec. Apt./ Mais $1300 Tenants owners please call 448-7798 APPROVED 5-RM TAMPINES, unfur nished 4-rm approved at Buffalo Rd Other areas avail: Holland
        825 words
      • 908 14 422 HUDC/ HDB APTS FOR RENT 3-RM. T. PAYOH. NEAR MRT/ mkt. F/furn. Aircon. $700. Pg. 9566 0700 Agent. CCX/ JURONG 2/ 3 bdrms hall kitchen. Privacy. Furn./ unturn. Nora 791-0514 APPROVED 3/ 4-RM. Clementi/ Bt. Panjang. F/furn. Aircon. Near amenities. 295-1003/ 9709-3450 Minrt 4 'A' HDB approved Pasir Ris.
        908 words
      • 788 14 422 HUDC/ HDB APTS FOR RENT JURONG W. ST. 42. 4 rm A Near MRT Renovated. Aircon. F/furn. 3 bdrms. $700. *****44 APPROVED S'GOON N. Aye 1 Blk 114. 5 rm. Furn High fir. Good amenities. Immed *****576 NationwiJe WOODLANDS CTR. 3-RM. A Near MRT. Renovated. F/furn. 2 bedrooms. $700.
        788 words
      • 629 14 4*4 SERVICE APARTMENTS 424 SERVICE APARTMENTS Ml X l_rS ■T\ !3 H MMfT^^^^^^^ mmmttßmWSLr^s!* •Swimming pool, iacuzzi. f 2h V!r°? m IIL i Apartments V ith lully m health spa. gym. aerobics |T|i4|if mil _l studio and other facilities **> mmm mm m 1 -Week To Long Term Leases Available
        629 words
      • 525 14 426 ROOMS FOR RENT BESIDE BT. TIMAH Plaza condo. 1 rm. Aircon. Nice furn F/facilities For lady. Owner 9788-4184 BALESTIER. AMK. KALLANG. Tarn pines. Potong Pasir. Sengkang. Teban Gdn., Jurong W. *****853 RMS. $220. PASIR Paniang Rd. $250 Hougang Blk. 512. Corner unit. Bus-stop. Owne r *****75. 2 COMMON ROOMS
        525 words
      • 628 14 426 ROOMS FOR RENT RIVER VALLEY. NO Great WoriJ City Aircon. Furn. Can cook. Can agt 887 5355 BEDOK RESERVOIR BLK 625 Furn master rm Well kept. Convenient Amenities immed. *****872 1 COMMON RM. for rent m Hougang. Couples/ female Fl furn. No agts. please. Can Hp: 9833 1696 RMS.
        628 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 738 15 441 DOl-08 441 001-08 CITY &SOUTH-WEST CITY SOUTH-WEST PTE APTS SALE PTE APTS SALE CD BAYVILLE CONDO. 1260 sq.ft. New 3+l. Pool view Near NUS/ whole sale mkt town Best for own stay/ investment. F'hold. Cheap! $898,000 HARVEST *****318 CENTRAL GREEN PENTHSE. 4+l 1851 sq ft. N.S. facing Designer de
        738 words
      • 715 15 D.05 LANDRIDGE CONDO. Freehold 3+l +1. 1733 sq.ft. Tenanted till 2001. 9413 4212 D.OB BRISTOL RD. F hold. 3 bdrms. Near MRT. F/aircon. Well kept. S62OK. *****90/ *****669 agt. INTERNATIONAL PLAZA 1367 sq.ft 3 rms. High fir. Fully renovated. View to offer. 95*3-4655 DW. HERITAGE VIEW TWR. C 1195 sq.ft.
        715 words
      • 778 15 445 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ 445 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ 445 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND TANGLIN/ HOLLAND TANGLIN/ HOLLAND HOUSES -SALE HOUSES -SALE HOUSES SALE I fl _B^ W T__^^n I SITE AREA: 297 °0 sq.ft. approx j(H|^P^frw^^_jßH| TENURE: Leasehold 999 years DESCR,PTION: Double-storey >^_f-^ _y J as-- j bungalow sitting on a regular
        778 words
      • 689 15 tached. Aircon. F'hold. Prime sch./ quiet. Car porch. 9749-9741 UPL SHANGRI-LA VICINITY. 2 units semi-d. F'hold. 3-storey. Renovated. Price neg. HB 9222 2999 D.IO MING TECK Pk. Semid. 999 yrs. 3300/ 3200 sq.ft. 4+l. F/renovated/ aircon. 9805-7778 UOR 446 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -SALE PRIME CONDOS. FOR SALE
        689 words
      • 609 15 446 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -SALE S AfoKt^ Turnover $10 Billion H ■L __I 566 of ices worldwide fl j 100 years of eirpenencM B_v**~ Reliable Effective I Bo£^^ One that you can lr«H entnj st your home to 1 fl John Lee: *****878H Associate Director _l mm
        609 words
      • 596 15 446 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -SALE W- ERA ~1 BEST BUY UE SQUARE/ RIVERSHIRE al Valley Road. High floor. Bright and windy. Fully aircon. 1561/ 1679 sq.ft. Maggie 9494 2882 CRYSTAL TWR. D.IO. F hold. 3400 sq.ft. 4+l. Selling with vacant possession 52.35 M 0.n.0. for only $690
        596 words
      • 899 15 446 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/' HOLLAND PTE APTS -SALE D.tO HOLLAND CREST. 990 sq.ft. I+l bdrms. Double volume ceiling. Facilities. Walk to MRT/ Holland Village. Freehold. BY *****039 PALM SPRING. F'HOLD. 2 Year Con do. Pool view! Full facilities 3+ 1/ 4+l/ s+l/ Penthouse. 1496/ 1830/ 1970/ 2928 sq.ft. Y&Y 9709-7838
        899 words
      • 838 15 446 DO9-10 ORCHARD/ TANGLIN/ HOLLAND PTE APTS -SALE GRANGEFORD APT. Approx 1750 sq.ft. 3+l. Full condo facilities. Vacant possession. WK 7 33 5838 PALM SPRINGS Sole agent. (3+l) South facing. Pool View. $1 58 M Best Buy *****329 DW D.tO VILLAGE TWR. '800 sq.ft. High fir. 3*l. Nicely renovated. Full
        838 words
      • 802 15 450 D11& 21 NEWTON/ BTTIMAH/CLEMENTI HOUSES SALE 'REAL ESTATE Don't Miv HILLCREST RD. 6200 sq <t Elevat cd. Serene Quiet 2 storey detached Wide frontage. Near good sch. Amenities. 9326 6000 GREENWOOD 2. -STOREY HSE. 4550/ 2900 sq.ft. 4+ 1+ attic f'hold. Near RGPS. Face S. 4 cars HB *****401/
        802 words
      • 699 15 Properties 451 Oil 21 NEWTON/ BTTIMAH/CLEMENTI PTE APTS -SALE SHERWOOD TWR. MAIS. 3 bdrms Approx 1600 sq.ft High ilr Facing pool. Leasehold Facilities. View to offer Must 5e11' 9703 3870 C&H Rare Opportunity^^ LA SUISSE 11. 999 years lease *****q ft 3+lrm. spacious layout, quiet, open greenery view, movein cond.
        699 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 907 16 Properties 431 Oil &21 NEWTON/ BTTIMAH/CLEMENTI PTE APTS -SALE SHERWOOD TWR. MUST view' High fli 1420 sq.ft. 3+l. Face NS Bngl il lovely view, facilities. *****780 MAPLEWOODS. 990 SO.FT. 2 rms High fir. Renovated. Good view/ schs. Call Mr Wong 9200 9902. HUME PK 11, 1475 sq ft. 3 +1.
        907 words
      • 721 16 455D12-14 BALESTIER/ MACPHERSON/GEYLANG HOUSES -SALE URGENT SALE! D.13 MacPherson, Jin. Gembira. 2 storey terr. 908/ 1184 sq.ft. F hold with attic. View to offer. Eric Chew 9804 1939 D.13 BANK SALE SI.BM. One only j 2 storey bunglw. at this price! F'hold. 5275 sq.ft. unce sold, gone forever! HARVEST *****88
        721 words
      • 938 16 456 012-14 BALESTIER/ MACPHERSON/GEYLANG PTE APTS -SALE i #OPEN^ -HOUSEBY APPT. SUNOAY 9/1. lpm spm. Astoria Park. 1195 sq.ft. 3+l. Good cond./ condo facilities/ MRT 9330-4465 9678 8520 I 7jjT___| Convenient ATTRACTIVE SIMS VILLE. 3+ 1 1249 Pool view. F/aircon./ facil: J ties. Near MRT, sch.. mkt. Choice unit.
        938 words
      • 786 16 460 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST HOUSES -SALE D.15 T. KURAU. 3 storey Townhse. F hold. 1980 4-rm. 8 yrs Nicely renovated. F/aircon. Bright breezy. SI.IBM. 9305 9983 JOT I__2 Debenham I Tie Leung BEST JfIEL PRICE SENNETT AYE. 2-Storty Terr land 1844/ 2500 sq.ft F'Hold. Cosy 3+l rm. Quiet.
        786 words
        578 words
      • 368 16 461 015-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS SALE I[sFj Debenham J I Tie Leung RARE V&: OPPORTUNITY^ BEST INVESTMENT) THE Bay Court, f'hold. 1658 sq.ft. 4+l. 5 yrs. Face S.E. Near pool. Cosy. Foreigners eligible. S neg. Violet *****490 D.15 AMBERVILLE. 1668 sq.ft. 3+l. Facing greenery. Low fir. Single level. 99
        368 words
      • 404 16 461 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS SALE Debenham J Tie Leung PANORAMIC*©*VIEW J^m KATONG VICINITY. F'HOLD. Walk up Apt. 1200 sq.ft. 3 rms. Nice layout, i Pool view. Tastefully renovated. 100% move m. *****877 MOST GORGEOUS VIEW m the East'! i High fir. Waterside's champion unit! 2411 sq.ft. 4+l.
        404 words
      • 568 16 461 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS SALE CHEAPI MAKENA. 1658 sq ft 3+l. Blk 125, Greenery view. Facilities. F'hold. $1.45 M. Agt. *****53. MANDARIN GDN. 1528/ 1572 sq ft The Bayshore 947/ 1227/ 1432 sq.ft. Hurry! 9606 6945 P&H D.15 TANJONG RIA 2 rm 969 sq.ft. Low fir. Near
        568 words
      • 576 16 461 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS SALE D.15 EAST Coast Rd. Walk up Apt. 1410 sq.ft 3+l Renovated. Amenities. $700 K. 9213-5357 Agt. LA MEYER. UPP. mais. Pool view. 1432 sq.ft. 3 rms. Face S. F'hold. Don't miss! Daniel *****217 DW $520 P.S.FI MANDARIN Gdn. 4 units 1572/ 1745
        576 words
      • 581 16 461 Dl 5-16 EAST COAST PTE APTS -SALE D.15 FERNWOOD TWR. 1195 sc ft 3 rms. High floor. Full sea /iew j F'hold. Pg. 9307-5822 C 8 0.15 PARKEAST CONDO. Higi fir. Pool view. 1300 sq.ft. F'nold. 3+l. Easy access. Pg. 9304 9337 jgt MAKENA. CHOICE LOCATION. 1528 i sq.ft.
        581 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 874 17 466 Dl 7-18 CHANGI/ PASIR RIS PTE APTS -SALE ESTELLA GDN. 2 Odrms. 1141 sq.ft. High fir. Tastefully renovated. Best unit m block Just TOP View by appt Michael 9310 4456 RE/MAX MELVILLE PK. 1313 sqft 3+l. 2 bal conies. Designer decor. Fl facilities MRT. Asking $695 K. Good buy'
        874 words
        776 words
      • 460 17 URGENT NEWI 3' i Storey townhse. I F'hold. 1950 sq.ft. Near MRT. neg. Must sell! *****221 IDA D.19 GLASGOW VICINITY. D/storey f'hold. Renovated 2000 sq.ft. s+l. J $1.28 M. HARVEST *****525 PARRY PK. 3-STOREY inter, terr. 1680/ 2600 sq.ft. Open hse. Sat./ Sun. 2*spm. *****269 ERA D.19 REALTY PARK. 2
        460 words
      • 747 17 471 Dl 9-20 SERANGOON/ THOMSON PTE APTS -SALE F'HOLD. SIN MING Plaza 1076/ 1500 sq.ft. 21 3 1. Condo facilities. Shpg./ food ctr. *****066 UPL D.20 PEIRCE VIEW condo. Studio. 786 sq.ft. F'hold Well renovated. Pool/ St Nicholas. *****980 PRU EVERGREEN PK. JUST TOP. 1173/ 1076 3+l. High fir.
        747 words
      • 843 17 475 022-28 WEST NORTH HOUSES-SALE D.22 LAKESIDE GROVE (Coronation Rise). 3-storey semi-d. 2300/2922 sq.ft. Brand new. 6+l rms. Near Lakeside MRT. 9 *****38 ATP ftsl i D.23 VILLA VERDE (CCX) new 3 storey terrace. Various units avail. AC/ Tropical/ Mediterranean 1/ 11, roof gdn $IM up. *****685 Faber VILLA VERDE
        843 words
      • 718 17 476D22-28 WEST NORTH PTE APTS SALE D.28 GRANDE VISTA. 999 yrs. 1238 sq.ft. 3 rms. High fir. Renovated. Best view/ bright/ windy Choice unit. Facilities. *****343 Octagon I_7_ Debenham JJ I Tie Leung NEW USTING >T CASTLE GREEN. CHOICE unit! High floor. 4+l rms. 1410 sq.ft. Tenant cd. F/facihties. $880
        718 words
      • 922 17 476D22-28 WEST NORTH PTE APTS -SALE PARC VISTA. BELOW valuation 1055 sq.ft. 2*l. High fir. Move-in. Any offer considered. 9204-4727 ORCHID PK. F/ facilities. Penthse 1679 sqft 4+l rms. Reservoir golf course view. *****98 OMH REGENT HGTS. 1163 sq.ft. 3+l. Pool view Valued $710 K. View to offer. Call now!
        922 words
      • 863 17 488 HUDC APTS FOR SALE EUNOSVILLE MAIS. BLK. 832. Cor ner. High fir Bright windy Opp MRT/ interchange. 9211-1992 BP EUNOSVILLE APT. GROUND Ilr Blk 836/ Mais. Blk. 830. Mms. to mkt MRT. 250-4847/ 9254 6921 SERANGOON NORTH. HUDC Mais D/storey Blk 129 High fir. Windy Privacy. Bright OMH 9205
        863 words
      • 901 17 492 HDB APTS FOR SALE (ANG MO KIO) 3 'NG' BLK. 558 AMK Wen kept Near major amenities Price neg Page Patrick 9705 3363 PSP. 3 'NG' AMK Sik 649, high fir Windy. Unblocked. MRT. Beautiful ly renovated. *****68/ *****025 3 'NG' AMK Blk 151. high fir., no blocking, amenities/
        901 words
      • 930 17 Properties 493 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BEDOK/CHAICHEE) 4 A JLN. Tenaga b1k. 650 vated. unblocked, marble, valued 664 exec, apt Jin Damai. mid. fir spacious. 145 sg.m.. N.S. facmg 4'NG'BEDOKN Blk 121. (Dr to dr Bright/ bteezy. Good location/ amenities. Low fir Low cash' Must view! 9603 2255 Bestlmk 4
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
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      • 615 18 494 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BISHAN) 5462K ABOVE SECURES. 5 T corner Mk. 154, «07. New renovation. N.S. facing. *****506 ERA 3 'S' SIN Ming. Cash $18K. Blk. 406. High fir. Split aircon. Ai Tong Sch. i Hurry! Don't miss. 9805-3388 ERA 4 'A' CORNER 236. Bright, airy, spacious. Ideal
        615 words
      • 686 18 496 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BUKIT BATOK) f ™L^_T lo ___twlt_r^ _-i_r^ RT 5 T CORNER. Blk. 301. 3 mms. to Gombak MRT. High floor. Move-in. Unblocked. Sch. Mkt. Shops. Vai- ue $296 K. 9316-7777 Sabrina CASH S23KI 4 A' corner blk. 339. High fir. Totally unblocked. Well kept. Near
        686 words
      • 520 18 496 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BUKIT BATOK) 5 T BLK. 511. Low fir. Bt. Batok. 1 mm. to Little Guilin/ sch. Walking distance to MRT. 9525 7642 ERA 497 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BTMERAH/QUEENSTOWN/ TELOK BLANGAH Dont wLJMisL 3 T CORNER/ corridor 2 units. Blk. 128. Bt. Merah View High
        520 words
      • 666 18 497 HDB APTS FOR SALE (BTMERAH/QUEENSTOWN/ TELOK BLANGAH 3 'NG' BLK. 64 Telok Blangah Dr. j Sell with furniture. Move m. New valuation. Mid fir. 9565-2020 ERA 3-RM. BLK. 170 Stirling Rd. High fir. Upgraded. Renovated. Near amenities. Mins. to MRT. 9305-6423 3-RM. BLK. 82 C'wealth Windy. Upgrading. Near MRT/
        666 words
      • 714 18 aaaaWaaaaaWaM 500 HDB APTS FOR SALE (CHOA CHU KANG/ BUKIT PANJANG) CASH $65K ONLYI Exec Apt. CCX Blk. 554. 809. Totally no blocking. All bedrooms facing park. Renovated. Bright breezy. Near MRT. Must view! *****667 Rightmann ALL CCXI 4 A' Blk. 612, 206, 439. 51' corner blk. 433, 565. mid
        714 words
      • 1253 18 500 HDB APTS FOR SALE (CHOA CHU KANG/ BUKIT PANJANG) NEW LISTING! 4 A' CCX walk up. Blk 279. Mms to MRT. Good cond Amenities. 9326 6638 agt. NEW LISTING. EXEC. Mais. Pending Rd. Valued. Full amenities. Next to LRT. Best location *****657 CB NO BLOCKAGE, FACE s/pool. 5 rm.
        1,253 words
      • 970 18 501 HDB APTS FOR SALE (CLEMENTI/ WEST COAST) 3 T Blk. 19 Ghim Moh. High fir Unblocked Move m Near MRT/ mkt./ shops. Contra. Valued SI3BK. *****919/ *****197 DTZ TL 3 "NG' BLK. 520 West Coast. High floor. Windy. No blocking Near amenities/ schools. Valued Price neg. Can contra. 9300
        970 words
      • 978 18 501 HDB APTS FOR SALE (CLEMENTI/ WEST COAST) 4 'NG' PANDAN Gdn. Blk. 402 High fir Unblocked. Windy Near ameni ties. Can contra. neg. 9576 9/48 4 'NC' BLK. 324 Clementi. 3 mms. to MRT. Renovated Valued P-m t miss' Cindy 9263-9830 TMR 4 NG' CLEMENTI Blk 359. 100% move
        978 words
      • 892 18 504 HDB APTS FOR SALE (HOUGANG/ SERANGOON/ VIO CHU KANG) OTZ DEBENHAM TIE LEUNG LOR AH SOO •v corner Blk. 133/ 134/ 143 High fir Renovated ft HUDC blk. 144. high fir. ong HOUGANG ft 3 rm. Blk. 123. low fir Valued $135k, renovated Blk. 513. high fir Simple, well
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1206 19 504 HDB APTS FOR SALE (HOUGANG/ SERANGOON/ YIO CHU KANG) EXEC. APT. CORNER. Hougang Blk 628. High fir. Ceramic cabinet. Move m Valued 2""***** Ideal EXEC. APT. S'GOON N 542 Design er decor. Marvellous well kept. Dont miss' 9236 8883 WT EXEC. MAIS. HOUGANG 455 Valued 5442K Renovated. Windy/ quiet.
        1,206 words
      • 857 19 504 HDB APTS FOR SALE (HOUGANG/ SERANGOON/ YIO CHU KANG) 5 T CORNER S'goon. Aye 3 Blk. Mid fir Near MRT/ amenities. Valued 9616-3038 Agt. 5 T DRTO-DR. S'goon. Blk. 312. Low fir Well kept Near central/ amenities. 9515 3458 Sole aqt 5 T BLK. 527. High fir. Square hall
        857 words
      • 984 19 SOS HDB APTS FOR SALE (JURONG) Dont R Miss S_^ RARE! 4 'A' 361. exec. apt. 363 I Yung An Rd. 6 yrs 5-rm. Pt. Blk. Jurong East 219A, exec. mais. 216. MRT Price neq 899 6190 Angela. nflßStiS mrt 3 'NG' JURONG W High fir. Lift landing. Unblocked. Well
        984 words
      • 1061 19 SOS HDB APTS FOR SALE (JURONG) 3 'NG' BLK. 535. Next to corner. High fir Lift landing Near mkt/ I shop Must view! 9289 0288 Orion 3-RM. HIGH FLR. Jurong West. Blk 1 534 Windy, renovated Can con- tra. Pg. 9506 0345 3 'S' 492/ 3 NG' 520/ 3 A'
        1,061 words
      • 756 19 506 HDB APTS FOR SALE (KALLANG/ WHAMPOA) 3 'NG' BLK. 95 Geylang Bahru. High fir. Valued. Amenities. NTUC. Swimming Complex. Must view! 9403*1466 Jones Lang LaSalle. 4-RM. ST GEORGE'S bik.l Mid fir Beautiful cond Split aircon. Un blocked! Bright breezy Must View! 9603 2255 Bestlmk ANY OFFER CONSIDERED! 3 NG
        756 words
      • 597 19 512 HDB APTS FOR SALE (PASIR RIS/ CHANGI) BEST OF PASIR RIS 5 T b1k.630, abovi MM WOH move m. impressive decor, spacious, cosy, immed reon 5 'I' corner b1k.721, full marble/ aircon.. cosy, immed reQfl 5 'I' corner b1k. 763, Mqn Mi open view, spacious beautiful, cosy. 3+l. immed
        597 words
      • 1188 19 512 HOB APTS FOR SALE (PASIR RIS/ CHANGI) lE_j Debenham J I Tie Leung mmrnM Qfc DON'T *x MISS 5 'A' 5 T Corner blk 233/ 743/ M 4 Mid dr Move m. Unblocked/ imi'.-y l oyanq Pt./ West Plaza. Vjh»d View to offer. 9600-2955 5 T BLK. 736 Corner.
        1,188 words
      • 1055 19 512 HOB APTS FOR SALE (PASIR RIS/ CHANGI) 5 'A' CORNER blk 226 High/ low Hr. Split aircon 100% movem Near mkt./ sch *****756 RIC S 'I' PT. Blk 193. High dr. 3+l+ balcony. Bright/ breezy. Well kept Sch./ mkt *****368 RNA 5 T CORNER Blk. 724/ 747 mid/ high
        1,055 words
      • 890 19 514 HDB APTS FOR SALE 514 HDB APTS FOR SALE (TAMPINES/ SIMEI) (TAMPINES/ SIMEI) PJ^J^JS I" J I*7 i J w^Mrf-^fiWAM RU y 4M| 'Wishing you happiness& prosperity m the new millen Cl) f\ ___T _v_ _h__ v fs AYD 9608 ***** '.i ■J'-Ti-lI UI DEEN ***** 61 38| ICE
        890 words
      • 897 19 Properties 4 'A' TAMPINES Bik 347. 497 G. 265. Near MRT/ sch mkt. Un blocked. Price neg. 9748-1330 4 'A'/ 5 A' Dr. to dr. Tampines Blk 354/ 127. High fir. Renovated. MRT. Valued. 270 0072 Ideal 4 'A' CORNER BU. 164 Tampines Mic* fir. Renovated. MRT/ shops. All races.
        897 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 977 20 Properties 516 HDB APTS FOR SALE (TOA PAYOH/ POTONG PASIR) CORNER EXEC. MAIS, m Toa Payoh Lor I. Designer decor. Affordable price. David 9565 2020 ERA EN-BLOC BLK. 136. 3 I Toa Payoh. City view Near MRT/ shop. Enti tied 4/5 rm Mid dr. 9412 6430 ENBLOC... OWN A 40
        977 words
      • 860 20 517 HDB APTS FOR SALE (WOODLANDS/ SEMBAWANG) r_v_ NEW LISTING. MARSILING. Bl Exec apt. Seldom avail. Movein 10 mms. to MRT/ amenities *****331/ *****873 Exclusive 3'I'BLK. 12 Marsiling Lane. Valued SBBK Renovated. Upgraded/ 2+l. Near market/ amenities/ MRT Low cash! Jennifer 9534 2122 CP. 3 'NG' BLK. 221 23 Marsiling.
        860 words
      • 1041 20 517 HDB APTS FOR SALE (WOODLANDS/ SEMBAWANG) 4 'A' WOODLANDS icash $25K only) Blk 882. Unblocked. Mid fir 3+ 1. MRT. *****046 FT. sole agt 4 'A' BLK. 421 Mid fir Windy. Reno vated Near MRT/ market Good lo cation 9226 8148 PRU 4 T MARSILING. Renovated. Upgrading. Bright breezy.
        1,041 words
      • 768 20 518 HDB APTS FOR SALE (YISHUN) lambJ It NEW LISTING. DON'T miss' 4 S Blk 279. Yishun. High dr. All amenities/ sch. Motivated seller 9515 3873/ 9595 4331 Exclusive US SHK CASH ONLY! 4 A Blk. 776. Li landing. Unblocked. Pool view. Clean neat. Valued. MRT/ Northpoint. Serious seller. Hurry!
        768 words
      • 1139 20 518 HDB APTS FOR SALE (YISHUN) URGENT SALEI 4 NG'. Corner. Blk. 237 Near school/ market MRT. Can contra 9316 8720 LS URGENT SALE! BEAUTIFUL 4 A corner Blk 390. High fir. Bright breezy. neg *****998 DW $15K0NLY!4 A 118, 784. Highflr./ lift 4 S 663 marble/ move m. Windy.
        1,139 words
      • 730 20 518 HDB APTS FOR SALE (YISHUN) 5 T BLK 860 Nice renovation. Pri vacy. 10 mms to MRT Can contra. Tel. *****71 5 T CORNER Blk. 174. MRT. Valued S3OOK. Will accept your geniune offer Co-broke *****982 agt 5 T BLK. 870 Selling near valua tion. Don't miss 1 803.
        730 words
      • 895 20 527 HUDC/HDB APTS 527 HUDC/HDB APTS WANTED (RENT/ BUY) WANTED (RENT/ BUY) READY TENANTS HONGKONG/ Ja* pan/ Indon./ local urgently needs to rent 1-rm 1 hall/ 2-5 rms. Fast reliable service. Pis. call *****94 READY BUYERS URGENTLY looking for 4-rm. flats at 200 300 Series Tampmes. Above 6th fir. Owner
        895 words
      • 829 20 a a 331 FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT D.13 SINDO BLDG. 2808 sqft Ground fir. For showrm/ office. Good frontage Extra mezzanine dr. Avail. 12/99. Agt. 9618 7767 OFF PAYA LEBAR road. Fully fitted office with aircon. Attractive rental. Basement carpark Knight Frank 228-7332/ 228-7334 ONLY $1.10 P.S.F. Kaki Bukit. 2344
        829 words
      • 485 20 531 FACTORY SPACE FOR RENT D.14 GORDON IND. Bdg V Suitable for carpentry. Near MRT immed PM 9705 9221/ 791 3113 0.22 GUL CIRCLE. 10,800 sq ft suit able for storage/ light md with 5 ton crane. Call 861-5569 Mrs Tay UPPER PAYA LEBAR Rd. Corner unit fty space 2300
        485 words
      • 486 20 532 FACTORY SPACE FORSALE PRIME FACTORY FOR SALE Centrally located m Toa Payoh Purpose-buili part Span 4-storey •HDB3O-»yrswef 1 _*90 Land Area 37.671 sq ft •Built-in Area 50.653 so ft High power sniply 3000 Amps SOLE MARKETING AGENT Annie 9669 7328 JURONG FACTORIES FOR SALE 1. Juronq Standard Terrace ftys
        486 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 424 21 532 FACTORY SPACE 532 FACTORY SPACE FORSALE FORSALE Description :8 Storey Industrial Bldg with Dormitory Land Area :Approx. 6,392 sq.m. (68,803 sq.ft.) Gross Floor Area :Approx. 16,016 sq.m. (172.396 sq.ft.) Tenure :HDB 30 30 yrs w.e.f. 1/7/95 Remarks :1 0 minutes from MRT Ideal for Corporate Headquarters TENDER Closes on
        424 words
      • 410 21 534 OFFICE SPACE 534 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT FOR RENT Serviced Offices at Suntec Tower Three j Exclusively furnished executive offices/suites Professional secretarial and administrative support i Modern telecommunication sysiems Fully equipped boardroom and meeting room j 24-hrs access to your office Corporate Identity Services with personalised phone answeiing BUSINESSASIA
        410 words
      • 252 21 Near Tg Pagar MRT Attractive Rental Immediate Occupation Area: 549 to 1,745 ft 2 Enquiries: *****11 f p a 2nd fir., 1651 sq.ft. Carpeted, aircon., own toilet Immediate occupation For viewing, please Call 346-9060 or Pg. 9211-0086 __*jf*^ 800-1,800 sq.ft. Fitted-out units Near Raffles MRT Attractive rents Tel: 3303 505
        252 words
      • 779 21 534 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Areas 743 to 8000s Ample parking facility- Attractive rental package Interested cail UIC Development Pte Ltd 22Q 1311 NEXT TO MRT PRESTIGIOUS BUILDINGS RAFFLES PLACE $3.50 p.s.f TANJONG PAGAR $2.50 p.sf BUGIS $2.50 p.s.f CITY HALL $3.00 p.s.f NOVENA $2.80 p.s.f. ORCHARD $3.00 p.s.f. Sizes
        779 words
      • 762 21 534 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT SUNTEC CITY. 4800/ 5 Fantastic/ panoramic view. Nicely renovated. 6*l conference rm. Pq. Andrew 9320-9327 CENTRAL LOCATION AT P« Plaza. 355/ 882/ 1485/ 1776 sq.ft. Weil fitted units/ high fir./ sea view avail Near MRT. *****434 HSR JURONG OFFICE/ WORKSHOP/ ehse. 700-6000 sq.ft. neg. Good
        762 words
      • 763 21 534 OFFICE SPACF. FOR RENT D.20. UPP THOMSON. Near Sin Ming. Aircon. rm. $700. Immed. Sneraton. *****88/ *****728 1-12 MTHS. 100-200 sq.ft. fr. $200 $450/ mth. Own 24 hr access. Golden Mile Complex *****-226 OFFICE AT OCEAN Bldg. for sublease for 1 yr. interested call 429 0223 OFFICE SPACE IN
        763 words
      • 648 21 535 OFFICE SPACE FORSALE 463/936/1400/2357/ 3810/6168 sq.ft. HIGH FLOOR PANORAMIC VIEW GOOD INVESTMENT TANJONG PAGAR MRT GEYLANG SMALL BLDG. Near Stad. urn. Land/ bunt m. 2200/ 6200 sq.ft. 10 mms. MRT. F'hold. Ap proved for Association. 6 units office only. $2.5 M. Chane *****739 SIM LIM TWR, F'hold. 894 sq
        648 words
      • 354 21 537 SHOP SPACE FOR RENT 337 SHOP SPACE FOR RENT ALBERT COURT SHOPS Located at the junction of Selegie Road, Albert Street and Rochor Canal Road Office/restaurant/foodcourt space from 215 to 8493 sq ft. Ideal for retail trade, cafes, fitness centre, office cum showroom, training schooi, travel agencies and service
        354 words
      • 547 21 Properties L_J_]IPJ Excellent m Location JV^ D.05 GINZA PLAZA. CheatGood crowd. Or ex sting p.. for takeover. Hurry!! 955 SOUTH BRIDGE RD. N town/ busstop/ food ctr Huge frontage. 2200 sq.ft. With toilets All trades. Cheap! *****881 HSR INTERIOR DESIGNING ShO..«M takeover. 1000 sq.ft N vated Good frontage Free parking.
        547 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 656 22 Properties Travel Guide 537 SHOP SPACE TOR RENT PENINSULA PLAZA. 250 sq ft. Fac ing concourse. $1350 PLP 339 8825/ 9214 4880. FAR EAST PLAZA. *****0. 345 Immed. Facing escalator. Pis call Hp *****064/ Pg: *****451 180 BENCOOLEN ST. 112 sq.ft Heavy human traffic. Face escalator. TOP soon Any
        656 words
      • 276 22 538 SHOP SPACE FOR SALE °i 1 IV H** Conservation Shophouse For Sale By Tender Closing Date: January 6, 2000 at 3.00 pm Corner of Circular Road and South Bridge Road 2 storey with attic, renovated 999-yr. leasehold, 915/ 2,390 sq ft. CB Richard Ellis (Pte.) Ltd. Tel.: 224 8181
        276 words
      • 404 22 538 SHOP SPACE TOR SALE MOTOR WORKSHOP TO let at Blk. 1063. Eunos Aye. 4 Asking $80K neg. Interested parties, pis. call j H/p. 9664-2106. BLK. 477. TAMPINES St. 43. 1862 sq ft Tenanted approx. $9200 p/mth Good investment. Excellent frontage. *****023 RE/MAX SERANGOON CENTRAL BLK. 214 HDB d/storey shophouse.
        404 words
      • 570 22 538 SHOP SPACE FOR SALE BT. MERAH CENTRAL corner shophse 58 sq.m. Good location. Heavy human traffic 9605-3565 KELANTAN RO. HOB d/ storey shop hse for sale rent. 1378 sq.ft. Valuation $750K *****674 NR 2-STOREY SHOPHOUSE BLK. 632 AMK. Tenanted. MRT/ pte. residen Hal. Esther 9494-2211 ERA DESKER RD. 2-STOREY
        570 words
      • 792 22 538 SHOP SFACE FOR SALE D.03. OUTRAM RD. Ground fir. Shophse. 1530 sq.ft. Commercial food/ retail. 9594 0678 APC 539 SHOP SPACE WANTED READY CLIENTS WANT to rent/ buy shop space at ail areas. Owners pis pq: 9523 1206 Faber 540 RESTAURANT/LOUNGE SPACE FOR RENT FAR EAST SO. Opp China
        792 words
      • 726 22 550 PROPERTY 350 PROPERTY AUCTIONS/TENDERS AUCTIONS/TENDERS A nn*l r>r» 0n Thursday. 13 January 2000. 2.30pm HU_ iPUIi At Amara Hotel. Ballroom 2, Level 3 15C CAMDEN PK 2 sty bunglw with pool, 16,391 sf, f hold 34 SENNETT TERR New 3-sty semi-detached, 4277 sf, f hold 103 ELIAS TERR 3
        726 words
      • 478 22 560 OTHER REAL ESTATE D.19 KIM CHUAN Drive 10 units 3/storey terr 3300 sq.ft. each. Land 33.000 sq.ft. Enbloc $40K p/mth. Phil Serv *****88 3/STOREY F'HOLD BLDG. for sale. Sims Aye. opp. Aljunied MRT. Total build up 6684 sq.ft *****20 CR COFFEESHOP HOUGANG CENTRAL. Heavy human traffic! 9500 sq.ft. Tenanted.
        478 words
      • 913 22 573 AIR TICKETS HARHARAH TRAVEL $Q5/$l5O. Ban $260/440. Perth $450. Kathmandu $650. London $810 USA $810 Call us at *****33 rA 413 SAMUORA *****78 JAKARTA $145 Bangkok $245. Surabaya $335. London $810. New York $810 «05 13. Orchard Towers (TAB5Bi AUSTRALIA FR. 5560, t- i $199. Jakarta tr. $145. XL
        913 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 616 23 574 CRUISES 574 CRUISES fes^iM_i___n J.^_-— F 5 The Leading Cruise Une In Asia Pacific lAlUe* •M> -k- k—k/fn 1*1*9,9 m—ki m mnmrn: fßt| fif_Hl«_ lmt x Ui oH* „-mimt.mSM Im r+kt ImU,,, Ukrml ImU,,, m 7 a_ -6- STuperstar Virgo «tJ3> pl'.'i™*) pil d i'.«t.i ■3D P. Dickson &P.
        616 words
      • 804 23 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS Evei?Y--t>Y is at cuanßßetueifS taninc w tue €i__ai _ffci?s!!! PetPtH $496 AOeiaiDC $496 Meic.ui?ne $596 (Smiw sYoncv $596 H?iscane $596 w^ n?anicFwt $666 pai?iS $666 LaMrm BRmsHAirmA^"-* L.tlO-H $939 Call Chanßrothers at 535 5866,
        804 words
      • 250 23 Travel Guide I Global offers SptdAl A^f Art t>tAU ftskW l-tlt tVmtLbournL i^9X SqL\rsLs $^9X iJrUbAnt $^9X frAnHfi/rt* $SXX f ArU #1 X t Loim\or\ $919 *!>oot. b^ Uedne-tdAJ* 12 3Ant'Ar^, pAJJ b^J fridA^J \m 3An*.'Ar^, And frA»«l behjeen l!i And IS April 1000. ThLi offer doe* not- i.ncudt UA*tl
        250 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 1829 24 Travel Guide 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 3 1 P n USA Basic Package FrslssB L -> Airfare 4 nites accommodation transfers city tour I I Choice of city Los Angeles or Anaheim San Francisco New York r— i Vancouver LEJ 9D Western Highlights i Frsl92B Los Angeles Disneyland
        1,829 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 1752 25 "mß^mamaamamammaammaammmm mmmmm^ lm^ m]lmmmmmmmm^ mmmmlmmt ■■■■^■■■^■■^Bai^H aaaaaaammmm^^^a^^i^imi^i^mm iH^ißßßHi^Hii^Bi flaa^ a^ MßnaaaaMaß a^a^m^^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^ 581 TOURS SBl TOURS 981 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS fflilli vk^vi v^l 1 Wil 'jfimTJ II mmWW m ,HONG ltcw 8106 8 4 HqmH,t y 1 gVggggfcftftja
        1,752 words
      • 144 25 Travel Guide BANGKOK Accommodation, daily breakfast, return airport transfers Special Dep: Jan 7/21, (CDCTCI Feb 11/25 riALL t OAO Cit V 4 days from fJ HO V_ LUnChJ KO S^AAVJ! Accommodation, daily breakfast, return airport transfers. 3 days from JH I O HO CH! AAINH Accommodation, daily breakfast, return airport
        144 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 688 26 Travel Guide '^'^mammamamt^^m^^^tm^mmmm aMHHui^BBKiiaHH •■«B<*BKv l miM ■kmhmbmmmwm 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS _f_| fl^V^^^^^H P^^^l m t^\^mmmm\xxmtmma ▲^^j. I^J. I^aH |L?^^s. [aj______| B AM WrwvW'MfWM B^rm*^*Mmmm\M jiA^M^^mmm\xmWmmmm^Mii^ VPTtT C~fl J[< (tmizinq cTJutiluml %j^&^+**f(t& Mi c-/— J l |3 P I'jJ^ffl 4 r\Ui\ s f '1 ill
        688 words
      • 707 26 581 TOURS SBl TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS MALACCA €EZ© SU^ AY A^ftiMy, aSS^ A FAMOSA GENTING lagoon genting 7 CAMERON nm rsm mm gram f^p EBn^^piSß^______________ri 4fiS3!B^4H«ftßSsfe^S* fverland '^^'.Mt Sorak 0% Rock Moksukwon •|w Rim p<j Kwon Kurr- Seong jJ^ y$ jSSSg£^ r-**rZ\.*^JS»f <"^"' DE p Jan 3,7,8,1 1
        707 words
      • 323 26 581 TOURS 581 TOURS Your Travel Shop ;^P2O Waltz into Europe 9 Days Fullboarti Austria Czech Republic Include Vienna, Prague, Karlovy Vary, Czech Ski Area Trebon, Salzburg With Ski Region A Spa Town Guaranteed Departure 04/02/2000 m\ mn q (Limited Seats) SSIOUO Waltz into Vienna 30 Destinations At Your Pace
        323 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 821 27 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS i tr r f pw *v p e^* h J r !I!! Melbourne frs 1 098 I AdeTaide fr$,J7J Gold Coast frslo7B Sydney frs|o6B Hobart frsl34B Package Includes Return airfare knights accommodation Daily Breakfast Return transfers PLUS Choice of one of the following options
        821 words
      • 1270 27 mm^^^^^mm^m^^^^^—^ B^^^^ a^^ B^ B^ 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 581 TOURS 70» COMMERCIAL COURSES QD Dep Every Tue/Th,Sun 7o7'JWf/.r'-*i||| J> i» A> UD Al kQQ 4A e^STERA/ ffi*,.«.^«H Dep F, Sat AmmMmM W WV daily oep tISSS' lOd HtQHLtCiHT "rf A« A .1 F, J*J j ry..yy.^ wp 000 11
        1,270 words
      • 1155 27 Travel Guide Education Training aaaaai MIB m^ m^ mm^ m^—^^ m^^^^^^^^^ 712 COMPUTER COURSES 712 COMPUTER COURSES 712 COMPUTER COURSES i BHH^^^ i~ mH(i wWBHP^ Courses Available: MS Office Certificate m Advanced MS Office Desktop Publishing Internet (Adobe PageMaker) Web Design Certificate m Multimedia Java Script Authoring (Authorware) Keyboard (Typing)
        1,155 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 1058 28 Education Training 715 FOREIGN EDUCATION 715 FOREIGN EDUCATION 721 LANGUAGE COURSES 721 LANGUAGE COURSES BTrpp^t Wa\ kJ^JTf I WW F mmr 9 gim l^ msL m m 'I 'I ICI Dh Selegie Complex #04-277 A MRHQmJI*^ p gßEß^aa •"1 Dhob v Ghaut MRTNI 1 LFJUW STANDARD ENGLISH I smm aK^
        1,058 words
      • 918 28 736 TUITION 736 TUITION Try our highly aa l.iimetl and proven SAKAMOFO METHOD lor primary sc hool Mathemath i iM.O.E. approved) that helps your child to score excel m M.'therrutic s subjer I improves student's skill m problem sum solving c uitivates creative analytical thinking original unique teaching materials mer
        918 words
      • 546 28 736 TUITION ENGLISH PLAYS A VITAL PART To Education In Singapore Group Education For A Firm Grasp Of THE LANGUAGE m Tampinasßy Experienced Dedicated Teacher Call MISS WONG at 789-6385 Sec. l to Sec. 3 iwith follow-up to '0' level) Lessons Start On 8 Jan 2000 PRIMARY SECONDARY ALL SUBJECTS
        546 words
      • 1501 28 736 TUITION 736 TU ITION EXPERIENCED t RESPONSIBLE 1 1 EXPERIENCED LADY TUTOR speci male Tutor of ers Chinese tuition ai.sed m PSLE, Sec Chinese Cen \L J JJ 0 J Z J 0 ntereste a pis. tral district Tel: 9741 3697 call Ms Khor at 9847-0895 now 1 PHYSICS.
        1,501 words
      • 557 28 73« TUITION INTENSIVE LEARNING: PHONICS/ read. ng/ creative writing/ communication skills Pg. 9609 8342 LADY GRAO. TEACHING Sec 1 4 A/E. Phys. Chem Esther 561 9963 $40 PRI. $70 sec $120 JC All dists Home tuition *****91/ *****34 739 OTHER CAREER i DEVELOPMENT/ i EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES I IINTERNATIONALI f j||
        557 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 1176 29 Education Training 759 DESIGN COURSES 764 FITNESS/ SPORTS 764 FITNESS/ SPORTS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION r i Bachelor Degree m Interior/Graphic ShOftCourses^ I V *mW M° del V Af^w*^^S Making Freehand I ssssr m M£\&v l v ra? pyttidHHwyir DESIGN foi- OOCAOAC 779 MUSIC COURSES 785 PROGRAMMES ZOD*K»*»O c- FOR THE YOUNG
        1,176 words
        1,307 words
      • 1095 29 I ED§ -i SINGAPORE The Economic Development Board invites tender for TOl/00 "INTERNET FILTERING AND IP MANAGEMENT TOOLS." Closing Date Time 27 January 2000 (Thursday) at 11:00 am Eligibility EPPU/CMP/20 S2 and above Registered Document Fee $20.60 (Non-refundable inclusive of GST) made payable to "Economic Development Board" m either cash
        1,095 words
      • 750 29 f SINGAPORE PRESS HOLDINGS LTD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We will be providing a complimentary shuttle bus service from Aljunied MRT station (Aljunied Road bus-stop) to News Centre for shareholders who are attending SPH's AGM on Friday, 7 January 2000. There will be two pick-up times at 10.00 a.m. and 10.15
        750 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 651 30 RECRUIT M CLASSIFIED JOBS GUIDE 606 Professional/Executive 609 Engineering 612 IT 615 Lecturing/Teaching 618 Tutoring 621 Health Care 624 Art Creative 627 Marketing/Communication 630 Sales 633 Counter/Telephone Sales 636 Customer Service 639 Agent /Broker /Trader 642 Hotel/Restaurant/Lounge 645 Beautician/Hair Stylist 648 Administrative/Clerical 651 Secretary/Personal Assistant 654 Technical 657 Production 660
        651 words
      • 744 30 606 PROFESSIONAL/ 606 PROFESSIONAL/ EXECUTIVE POSITIONS EXECUTIVE POSITIONS ll M-FLEXH We are a multi-million dollar, one-stop manufacturer of flexible printed circuit boards with ISO 9002 and QS 9000 certification. In line with maintaining this high quality standard, we invite applications for the position of: WLm\^^^Wm\ m^^TmZ mm^^mmmmm\ Requirements: Minimum Diploma
        744 words
      • 622 30 606 PROFESSIONAL/ 606 PROFESSIONAL/ EXECUTIVE POSITIONS EXECUTIVE POSITIONS H OPSM Optometrists Asia's leading optical chain invites you to join our Singapore retail operation as: ■OPTOMETRISTS/ CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONER Relevant expenence will command higher pay. a Excellent opportunities for career advancement Attractive salary and leave package a Call Zaleha at *****63
        622 words
      • 511 30 606 PROFESSIONAL/ EXECUTIVE POSITIONS skinalee V/ GROUP Editors Degree m Moths and/or Science Excellent command ot the English Languoge Knowledge of editing Fresh graduates may also apply The post offers good career opportunities, remuneration package and benefits commensurate with qualification and experience Interested applicants, please call Doris Urn at tel
        511 words
      • 400 30 606 PROFESSIONAL/ EXECUTIVE POSITIONS I SEMITECH ELECTRONICS PTE LTD, offers you a I dynamic career with us Pre-requisite ITC/Diploma holders 2-3 years of sales exp m machinery and PCTB board assembly To be able to manage lead a team of sales starT to achieve sales m targets i Interested applicants,
        400 words
      • 1442 30 606 PROFESSIONAL/ 606 PROFESSIONAL/ EXECUTIVE POSITIONS EXECUTIVE POSITIONS PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE Raffles Place Salary S3.SK Degree 1 year experience Customer Account's Executive Full spectrum of hr lncl, MNC Management Consultants o ay ?i' ANY Of The Following Discipline Buk.t Merah 52K52 5K D Buvness $tua es ADMINISTRATOR D p(om3 A(tounfancy s^x^dSx
        1,442 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 1063 31 609 ENGINEERING 609 ENGINEERING 609 ENGINEERING POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS Over the past four Rr gM tllß&^^m decades, Lim Kirn Hai Electric -^tf&^flJHH^^^^^^^^H grew steadily its t I&^l reputation today as the leading xAwMk. group for multi-brands .mm MM. of electrical and control products A^A wm. The group's vision seeks to
        1,063 words
      • 299 31 612 IT POSITIONS We specialise m providing ACCPAC accounting solutions to SMEs and has vacancies for People with proven software sales track records accounting knowledge Working knowledge m NT environment, MS SOL, VB, Seagate Crystal report. Excel Macros. Web Accounting knowledge. Please email your resume to ADDON SOLUTIONS PTE LTD
        299 words
      • 1170 31 612 IT POSITIONS 612 IT POSITIONS Rh Rl'l (MINT StRVK ts aw; outstanding opportunities! ASSISTANT EDP MANAGER $NEG. Dip/Deg m Comp Science with exp m LAN environment Familiar with Win NT/Novell/UNIX SNR/SYSTEM ANALYSTS $3K $5K Deg m Comp Science with 2 3 yrs' exp m implementing supporting mfg and logistics
        1,170 words
      • 1445 31 61S LECTURING/ 619 LECTURING/ TEACHING POSITIONS TEACHING POSITIONS Afl ll M MATHEMATICS II ITION CENTKI A BL located at Jurong Hast requires \JP EisnanKHiiaia Vi To teach Pn Sec &JC level QUALIFICATIONS I Former school Maths Teachers 2. Dip. m Education or Certificate m Education 3. Able t») teach on
        1,445 words
      • 1229 31 •21 HEALTHCARE 621 HEALTHCARE 621 HEALTHCARE POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS SSI I -,1,75 Raffles Medical Group 1 We take Good Care of your Career flatf/es Medical Group is the leading private medical and v ifc h^lthcare provider m Singapore with more than 40 clinics across the island and with subsidiaries m
        1,229 words
    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 760 32 624 ART/ CREATIVE 624 ART/ CREATIVE 624 ART/ CREATIVE POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS URGENTLY REQUIRED! I DWEBSITE PROGRAMMER DESIGNER For those interested m the development creation of unique and exciting web-sites!! Work alongside highly experienced Creative Director. Hard work required, rewards guaranteed for results. For dedicated and committed persons only. Create
        760 words
      • 535 32 GRAPHICS DESIGNER REOUIRED by Design Studio for mhouse projects. Diploma Able to work independently. s'; days. Write-in to: HR Dept. 23 Ann siang Rd. (*****31/ Fax. *****22 INTERIORS ARTIST WITH 3D Max illustrative skills required by multidisciplmary design consultancy, 5 day wk., located m Int'l Biz. Pk. Near Jurong East
        535 words
      • 1332 32 Classified Jobs 627 MARKETING/ 627 MARKETING/ 627 MARKETING/ 627 MARKETING/ I COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICATIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS We Want You V hi will be covering the i it estate distribution, insurance, investment, retirement, business continuity, as well as trust /j^BaZ^ and tax planning As we are not
        1,332 words
      • 677 32 SSO SALES POSITIONS 630 SALES POSITIONS I We are a fast growing Company (5-day week. 8.30air..-6pm.) and Is looking for suitable candidates to fill the following immediate positions: SALES EXECUTIVE GCE 'A' Level/ Diploma or GCE 0' with mm. 2 years experience m industrial sales Experienced m Electronics industry will
        677 words
      • 477 32 630 SALES POSITIONS rA magazine subscription company is looking for f aggressive and hardworking individual to fill the position of ■■SHi I Experience is not a requirement as training will be provided School leavers are welcome Singaporean PR only I- BENEFITS Attractive package inclusive of basic and commission Incentive trip
        477 words
    • Page 33 Advertisements
        4,260 words
    • Page 34 Advertisements
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    • Page 35 Advertisements
      • 4137 35 Classified Jobs M2 ro°u T^ s T/ "•sss —saEßsssa DanR Vaf,,SrhiCa o( rm f™. I^SSSS^ Electron, Component. O,str. b utor li J| Zr^subl.shed IW \iOOkr,for:ndivcJd t flstn^a'eouTgO i ng ene'cet'C 111 II IN' bF^ subsidiary and a leading manufacturer Vt -i^^. UUUk_fl group of companies have A>?^ IUJI WUS PRINTED
        4,137 words
    • Page 36 Advertisements
      • 962 36 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ CLERICAL POSITIONS CLERICAL POSITIONS i|'i!'M.'i;i^iiiijHi p,uLu,em zr M PJJJ& 2 EXECUTIVES J J iTTT^B ourchasing/ shipping Kast^MiailwaiUi -.Tomer support activities purchasing lence of electronic nents .\ledge ot export shipment computer skills required Please fax resume to: The Admin Manager (Confidential) Alpine Electronics Asia Pte Ltd mmm
        962 words
      • 955 36 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ CLERICAL POSITIONS CLERICAL POSITIONS BRINK'S SPORE PTE LTD CASHIERS <4^>L_ I^m^mm •At ;east yrs experience JTT JLmmmmmmm At)le t0 hand,e bu,k cash TTl|»/ T Interested applicants are to mmm 3L I^^__^" submit their resume, photograph |«"^fci"» and expected salary to: f-a The Advertiser —-yf j \ZJZZZT"
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      • 1800 36 Classified Jobs 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ CLERICAL POSITIONS CLERICAL POSITIONS EXPERIENCE RECEPTIONIST RE- RECEPTIONIST. PLEASANT WITH QUIRED m Woodlands area. GCE 'N' good typing skills. Mm. GCE 0' levor 0' level with relevant expen- el. PC literate $1200 neg Bukit Tience Cheerful pleasant disposi- mah 6th Aye. Mdm Foo 464
        1,800 words
      • 950 36 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ CLERICAL POSITIONS IMMED. A/CS. ASST. -AR. Jurong, SI.SKSI.Bk. LCCI, accounting experience speak Chmese *****11 ADMIN. CLERK REQUIRED at Übi Some working expenence. Pls. call Janet 745-7757. 5 MONTHS BONUS! Sales. Admin.. Proiect, Customer Service. SI.IKSLBK. *****52 Sve Connections GOOD BENEFITS! SI.3K-S2K expen ence HR Asst Woodlands. Bt Merah.
        950 words
      • 1492 36 648 ADMINISTRATIVE/ 651 SECRETARY/ 651 SECRETARY/ CLERICAL POSITIONS PERSONAL ASSISTANT PERSONAL ASSISTANT POSITIONS POSITIONS 3/ 5 MONTHS. TEMP Admm Assts SBStrfUSntU aa utttttt ti »SSHWSMI swat sra j&,"s?: cs«™s affflffasra: t STS m SZ, s ZS^fSSr^^^ HR ASST. DIP./ A' Fresh grads Mandarin more Fax CV: 834-2873 Newton tS?o£°ec^ PCl
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    • Page 37 Advertisements
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      • 501 38 654 TECHNICAL POSITIONS 654 TECHNICAL POSITIONS [An Established Construction Company Requires I I•> Diploma/NCCS/ITC/NTC or its equivalent i I mt- with working experience m CE are preferred I I om- Fresh graduates are also welcomed S I ssr Possess Class '3' Driving Licence 1 I Interested applicants please call *****88
        501 words
      • 402 38 Parklane Shopping Mall requires NTC or equivalent Experience m bldg services Shift work required Write or call for appointment Tel 338 986$ MCST 561 35 Selegie Rd #07-00 S( *****7) Phamaceutical Company m Kallang area requires: LABORATORY ASSISTANT To assist m the quality control laboratory GCE A' (Science) or Poly
        402 words
      • 728 38 654 TECHNICAL POSITIONS JUNIOR SITE FOREMAN based m Or Rd site For internal archi tecturai works. Site experience preferred with relevant qualifica tions. Call Marshita/ Ran, tel: 897 7331 fax: 897 7330 LAB. TECHNICIAN URGENTLY re quired (Pandan/ 5 days). Dip. m CPT (Food/ Chemicals). Fresh qrad welcome. Chinese speaking
        728 words
      • 2710 38 657 Dnc,TVn^° N 657 one. D T V^c 0N 657 PRODUCTION 657 PRODUCTION 657 PRODUCTION 657 PRODUCTION POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS Responsible for visual inspection on fv\^ «(*> Daily meal subsidy semi-finished or finished panels to ensure that a. V#» **c i^k Job supplement they conform with the
        2,710 words
      • 511 38 666 SECURITY POSITIONS SECURITY GUARDS REOUIREO «06 15 M.i :wee Road 7 ***** b IMMEO VACANCY FOR cers interested, wak m tc i Aibe't CompieSECURITY GUARDS WANTED. 392 2755 SECURITY GUARDS required it New ton, AMK. East Ccast. R.ver vaiiey an app y. 296 0488 SECURITY GUARDS REOUIRED ll Hillview.
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    • Page 39 Advertisements
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      • 3460 40 Classified Jobs/Executive Appointments Executive Appointments 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS 689 OTHER POSITIONS M bhbbbbi^ ■oanoi a-aa nas-aß ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■R'^~ a company n Orchard An estab^snea foreign freight OUIREO M CHINIST CUM y*'* An established
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    • Page 41 Advertisements
      • 2076 41 Executive Appointments 'mmmmW^lmm^ M We are a cm^ a^ ofi n "9 con suttancy services m master planni ng, architecture ■ZOSB I IH )RII;N II I I S W Civl l d structural mechanical and electrical engineering, quantity surveying lUDilll 1 a d projeCt mana 9 ement services We 'd
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      • 639 41 EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES IN A WINNING TEAM w!A GribWes Patholo© of Australia is continuing to expand its pathology services Eajl throughoul Asia. It has established a service centre m Singapore and is seeking: *MM a Pl»'opnately qualified personnel tojoin tins dynamic srni.r mi SALES JVIARKETING EXECUTIVE Diploma/Degree m Medical tab Technotog)
        639 words
      • Article, Illustration
        466 42 Listening well is as vital to communicating as talking w ell. Believe il! "Most people never listen.'' the great American author Ernest 1 lemingway once complained. "1 like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully." When people aren't listened to. they get frustrated, invariably resulting
        466 words
    • Page 42 Advertisements
      • 364 42 Brighten the day. Can you? CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICERS S "l 0 !H, A: E T EN T ,0N POSITION B: CALL CENTRE/SERVICE CENTRE Temporary vacancies at Call Centre ess ugh ,elemarketing Sa e^rct,is vice ,o phone in and/or waikin e and R Sr s^ Z XmrnTSSm S==s,omer needs St^^ SES
        364 words
      • 71 42 JOBUNES New Millennium... ...New Job? Shaw Ctr -736 2022 Int. Plaza-226 1121 Jurong -*****33 Tampines-260 1221 Banking Di\ -*****21 ■a r. iiM.vrs.HM, a ►Japanese Speaking Jobs! Call 224 6864 Fax 224 9473 Jobs m Year 2000 Head office 222 3310 Branch oflxe 221 5518 Instant Perm. Jobs PPS Town 336
        71 words