The Straits Times, 11 September 1995

Total Pages: 90
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 Tie Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1995 60 CENTS MITA (P) 026/12/94
    14 words
  • 646 1  -  Warren Fernandez BG Lee; Sustained growth needed to fulfil aspirations By 'It is right that we aim high, because it is within our reach to achieve many of these objectives. But I think we should also remember that there is
    646 words
  • 662 1  - Exec condos: NTUC housing co-op may tap HDB's experience Chiang Yin Pheng By STOP FOR A SLITHER: Snakes pythons to be exact made an appearance at a block party organised by West Coast Zone 1 RC, the very first stop in Minister without Portfolio Una Boon Heng's itinerary for the
    662 words
  • 153 1 OSLO One Asian Immigraat wu shet dead And fear were weanded in a street fight between gaags of Vietnamese and Myanmar teenagers la Oale early yesterday, police said. Twe fighters f ran each gaag were treated la heepJtal fer gvnshet wennda
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 612 1  -  Zuraidah Ibrahim Canadian Premier to bring this up during PM's visit By CANADIAN Prime Minister Jean Chretien said he planned to discuss with Mr Goh Chok Tong how his country could take best advantage of Singapore's dynamic growth and work together for
    612 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 King 3*o« MtnMHPH^RpLtd Everybody you know is here. .^slbbW A" «bw V AOi ■^»^BBBB»^^ '^Bflfiß J^ J CANON EEBBZD^^^ Thai Cmm DM-97nn itniai *m AAA j uy> nw up iw ow pnwnv numoajri ■na *uu icliibiilm. W— a calflßOi, wm* ttnn otock, mmm prni, and a m^rtc A currency coorwttr
      84 words
    • 17 1 More reports on National Youth Seminar: Page 24 Lim Boon Hong's ministerial walkabout More reports: Page 27
      17 words
    • 6 1 HI BiiBTiB8 i i8Ti81 f *****7
      6 words
    • 177 1 fc^ tMJSMIjkw KDK RHYTHM *2kk// /r IS VVVV^H •"joybraaw a* naturatM |^V^ B\\\\jaal Nature* own 1 Ryfttttm I^^P^^^^B flß^^r^liAdfl Br#«z» •wnulata* ttta |_r^^ d|B "V]j|nM^,;')''''^. natural oraaza you «aai V^S L •"l*WEp* t onaknaday tomaamat Q >x y ool n 9 »<*"• H *^r MOW Wtft M4MRS fa/< r<nji-| I
      177 words

    • 562 2  -  Irene Ngoo By But world economy likely to slow further ASIAN economies, led by dynamic East Asia, will continue to outpace the rest of the world with growth expected to accelerate to 6 per cent this year, a United Nations agency
      562 words
    • 256 2 MOSCOW Lawmakers ganged up on Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev on Saturday, demanding that he be fired (or allowing the West to run roughshod over Russian interests in the Balkan* In an unusually united action, the fractious Lower House of parliament, the Duma, voted 258-2
      LA Times; AP; Reuter  -  256 words
    • 415 2 'It is enough. It has come to the point where one EU country cancelled a visit by another EU country's prime minister. Both Sweden and France must be interested in cooling down a little, not to over-dramatise the situation/ Danish
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 563 3 TCKYO Outspoken Trade Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto launched his campaign to seek election as head of Japan's biggest political party yesterday after a young Turk emerged as a challenger. Shortly before the deadline (or nominations (or president of the Liberal
      Reuter  -  563 words
    • 359 3 NRW YORK Despite tobac-co-industry claims of making ■•*tfer" cigarettes, the rate of lung-cancer deaths among smdkers has increased dramatically in the past three decades particularly among women, a new study has shown. Even with the widespread introduction of filter-tipped, lower-tar cigarettes, the rate of lung-cancer
      LAT; WP  -  359 words
    • 319 3 A LANTERN festival celebration ended in tragedy early yesterday, when a family of six landed in a monsoon drain while on its way home. All but the father were injured and taken to Toa Payoh Hospital. The family was returning along Lentor Ave to
      319 words
    • 139 3 NEW DELHI India's spicy traditional snacks are set to enter the international consumer market, thanks to USbased Pepsico Inc. Pepsi India executive director Prem Kumar said yesterday: "We, as the global leader in the snacks business, feel it our responsibility to internationalise
      UPI  -  139 words
    • 321 3 BONN British and German police have arrested two men and broke up a fraud ring that would have created an j opportunity for billions in fraud against German tele- j communications company Deutsche Telekom, news re- ports said. The fraud ring, whose
      AP  -  321 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 Travel Agencies Must Grow to Survive Cover Story Big is Better: Mm \mmmmtttH mmV^m^ml 11 Travel Agencies Must vßmmHl s^B laV Grow to Survive m w.^JBH Business Focus A^HB "^-■1 j**** Rj J« Betting on Women's W WB J^M Wo^^^Lm^ Eternal Search for Beauty %J^sSl^ V«»^Jb^ T #!fc^§*' 1 Business
      141 words
    • 214 3 rm^F IBIVIEC n i^^^^^ CENTRE FOR EDUCATION EXCELLENCE Maj (NS) Shu Moo Chuen Board of Examiners MBA, BBA (Hons), Dip in Mktg (CIMUK), Prof Peter Arnold (University of Humberside. UK) Chairman CMC (Japan), Cert-in-Edn (Singapore) Prof R. Robertson (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia) Managing Director/Director of Studies Prof Paul Ryder
      214 words

    • 84 4 MEMBERS ef the HMB Daedatas' VMMt ■■■■lag team sUnding in formation after deoMMtratlag their skllb at the BMklaghamshlre County Show in Ay lesbury England, on Thursday, They then descended the mast The last of the M men to do no wm
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 513 4 Foreign ministers recommend asking Japan, US and Islamic nations to help as well SANTANDER (Spain) In their most optimistic tone on Bosnia for years. European Union foreign ministers have begun focusing on aid to help the ravaged region recover from years of war and
      Reuter; AFP  -  513 words
    • 322 4 It insults me because they are going to divide this country and it's not realistic. If there was going to be a division, what did we fight for? Why are all my friends dead in this war?' A young soldier in Sarajevo. SARAJEVO Yearning for
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • 90 4 SARAJEVO The I nited Nations has asked the Besalaa Serb* to give Its pfrawel mw to a hospital which It wu set— ed ef shnlHag ll— Serha saM If elvlliMM di<»d from UN artillery fire on Friday. The UN Mid
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 135 4 ROME The Italian Mafias vast business interests are losing up to US$25 million (5J35.2 million) a month and are likely to close the year in the red for the first time, according to a financial magazine. A study by II Mondo, excerpts of which
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 181 4 DHAKA Bangladesh's deposed President Hussaln Mohammad Ershad and his alleged female companion have been charged with swindling US$lO million (Ssl4 million) through the defunct BCCI bank, officials from the Bureau of Anti-Corruption said yesterday. The bureau, which filed the charge with Dhaka police, said
      AFP  -  181 words
    • 636 6  -  Irene Nqoo Dangerously high rate poses a threat to international trading system, says UN agency 1 3IRTY FOUR million peof e are out of work in the a tvanced industrialised econc aies and this dangerously I gh level of unemployment i threatening to undermine t
      636 words
    • 363 6 BtIpAPEBT There coaM have been hardly a safer S|m In Mm world on SaUrtd thaa Badapest's Thermal ftttel, where the world asoecmtlea of hedygwrds ceavdaed to talk shea. >Mr Taasas Leadval, exeeuf ve ptssldeat of the Hnngadaa Bedygaard Federatid^ smiled aa he
      AP; AFP  -  363 words
      • 67 6 The Clinique cosmetics firm paid a customer £75,000 (*****.000) compensation secretly for an allergy caused by one of Its products on condition that she did not speak to the press, London's Sunday Times reported. But a source within the company had revealed that Ms Marie Smith, 41,
        AFP  -  67 words
      • 42 6 Islamic extremists killed a Journalist for Algeria's state-run television and his wile, a technician there, security forces said on Saturday. This brings to five the number of people working for the media killed in less than a week. AP
        AP  -  42 words
      • 66 6 Photographer Mushtaq All died early yesterday in hospital in Srinagar of injuries received three days earlier in a parcel bomb explosion, doctors said. Mr Mushtaq. 30, a freelance photographer for Agence France- Presse in the capital of India's Jammu and Kashmir state for the past five years, suffered
        AFP  -  66 words
      • 41 6 Al-Faran guerillas holding (our Westerners hostage in Kashmir extended their deadline indefinitely as Indian officials said yesterday that talks were continuing. The deadline expired on Saturday evening but Al-Faran did not fix any date for a new deadline. Reuter
        Reuter  -  41 words
      • 64 6 rhe president of an Iranian bank who was convicted of taking part in wild parties had been given 40 lithre of the whip in front of his employees, a newspaper reported on Saturday I raj Mohammadi of the Sepah State Bank was also Jailed by a court
        AFP  -  64 words
      • 49 6 Russia withdrew some of its troops from Chechnya on Saturday under a military deal signed between Moscow and separatist rebels in July, Interfax news agency said. It said the Interior Ministry forces left their camp near the village of Assinovskaya 45 km west of the Grozny. Reuter
        Reuter  -  49 words
      • 49 6 Polish President Lech Walesa on Saturday became the first official contender in a presidential poll scheduled for November after gathering the necessary 100,000 signatures. He is likely to face challenges from former communist leader Aleksander Kwasniewski, former fHwiir nt Jacek Kuron and ombudsman Tadeusz 7-Hjnffrt AFP
        AFP  -  49 words
    • 298 6 Exxon asks for retrial in $7.4 b Alaska n oil-spill case ANCHORAGE (Alaska) Oil giant Exxon Corporation wants a new trial in the Ex- xon Valdez oil spill caapc claiming that some jurors disobeyed the judge's instnijp tions about discussing thjL case outside court and map** have been coerced in{^
      AP  -  298 words
    • PEOPLE
      • 141 9 Hurt in 1993 attack, she won a silver in last year's Olympics BOSTON Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan. 25, married her agent Jerry Solomon. 41, on Saturday in a church ceremony closed to the public. In a white satin gown with veil and train, she posed
        AFP; Reuter  -  141 words
      • 114 9 LONDON John Cairnrross. 82, the so-called "fifth man" of the Cambridge group of spies for the Soviet Union, has returned to Britain after 40 years in Italy and France and is writing his memoirs in seclusion, the Mail on Sunday reported. He was identified four years
        AFP  -  114 words
      • 107 9 LONDON Britain's Prince of Wales is "at war" with his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, over nature conservation the Mail on Sunday reported. Quoting sources dote to Prince Charles, it said that their relations, "never particularly close", had now reached "an unprecedented low" after the
        AFP  -  107 words
      • 129 9 Meanwhile QANQ ATTACK: At least 10 people were killed and four wounded when 30 men. said to be from a drug gang, stormed into an Independence Day holiday weekend dance in Rio de Janeiro, firing machine guns and tossing grenades. RECORD-SETTING CONGRESSMAN DIES: Former US Democrat Congressman Jamie Lloyd Whitten,
        129 words
      • 49 9 *This is a democracy, not a royal lineage. I intend to work and earn your trust your respect your vote/ Jesse Jackson Jr. 30, eldest son of American civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who on Saturday announced his candidacy for the Congressional seat that Democrat Mel Reynolds is leaving.
        49 words
      • 49 9 picture. Waiters and waitresses more than M of them rushing on at the the start of a three-km ran at the eight annual waiter's raee la Brussels on Saturday. They each have to carry three fall rlassns and a bottle sf wine to the finish. Reuter
        Reuter  -  49 words
    • 425 9 Plan for flights to most of the world ATLANTA Delta Air Lines and three European carriers have proposed a sweeping alliance to create an international business with US$l9 billion <5527.2 billion) annual revenue and flights to most of the world. The proposed linkup of
      Bloomberg  -  425 words
    • 422 10 PARIS French police have launched a hunt and promised "a big reward" for the capture of a key suspect in a wave of bomb attacks that has killed seven people and wounded more than 120 in the last six weeks. Television stations
      Reuter  -  422 words
    • 205 10 KARACHI A strike called by the ethnicbased Mohajir Quami Movement (MQM) paralysed Karachi yesterday, and at least five people were reported killed in the run-up to the protest. Reports said 15 vehicles were torched here by unidentified armed youths who took
      AFP  -  205 words
    • 381 10 PAPEETE (Tahiti) The French military seized a protest yacht carrying a group of seven legislators from Australia. Japan and Europe after it violated an exclusion zone around France's Mururoa Atoll nuclear test site in the South Pacific. A military official told reporters that commandos
      AP  -  381 words
    • 45 12 picture. A giaat screen pr«Jecti«g m Image «f P^e J»hn Paul II in Loreto, central Italy on Saturday, durin K the clmlbk cerenroy «f a >M th festival which was attended by an estimated 4M,m people and the Pope. Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 365 12 UN Conference on Women BEIJING Women parliamentarians yesterday urged the United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing to set up a mechanism to ensure that women make up at least 50 per cent of the world's national parliaments by 2005. The quota was endorsed
      AFP  -  365 words
    • 527 12 BEIJING Delegates at the Beijing world women's conference have reached agreement on about half of the contentious issues in a draft platform that will set a course for women's rights and equality for the next decade. officials said. The progress came despite a
      Reuter  -  527 words
    • 77 14 A HANGAR at an airport in the Caribbean island of st Martin in ruins on Saturday, after being hit by Hurricane Luis earlier last week. The worst storm of the season killed at least 15 people and caused heavy damage In the tiny islands of the north-eastern Caribbean.
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 324 14 PALO ALTO (California) Hightech firms, trying to head off strict legislation that could stunt the growth of the Internet, are teaming up to develop industry-wide standards for technology that allows parents to block access to cybersmut The consortium, whose launch is expected to be
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 227 14 IRA open to any 'reasonable proposal' for disarmament DUBLIN The head of the Irish Republi can Army's political wing reaffirmed on Saturday that he would consider aay "reasonable proposal" for an International commlssion on the IRA's disarmament Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams also said In an Interview In Dublin that
      NYT; Reuter  -  227 words
    • 508 15 Some consider Saddam's son-in-law a criminal •We refuse to replace Saddam Hussein with another symbol of repression. The opposition is almost unanimous in rejecting co-operation with him, because of his criminal past.' Mr Hamed al-Bayati, London representative of the Supreme Assembly for the
      AFP  -  508 words
    • 371 15 CAIRO Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi is seeking to undermine the PalestinianIsraeli peace accord by expelling Palestinian workers and their families. Palestinian and Egyptian sources have said. So far, only a few hundred Palestinians had been ordered to leave Libya, reports reaching diplomats here
      Washington Post  -  371 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 268 4 t i 'i| I p^ I I f T- __HPI- H I M MM M TTiere's no need to wean your fajniJy off K£&SSmX£&£l ft y M A fl M Iw deep-fried foods. Serve them no more than For stir-frying use just enough oil to avoid «4k VMI^ I twice
      268 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 280 5 You witnessed their achievements as the winners of The Rolex Polo Equestrian Championships 1995. e9 b^9 BYT Bk^Bß B^H B^K "'B^B^BbVI bV > > bI bVrolexbH SINGAPORE POLO CLUS \Q Urlu im\ A I tsf Rolex Gold Cup Polo Champions: Royal Johore 1 Hlblbj? **^^2^^Bißbbßl9Eb\ Bkl^^^C i^'^te > I^jHßbbl KJI
      280 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 623 6 Let PRIME Account take care of all your banking needs today nnlii"'if if in Komi HL^L^L^LIHPViMWiVIiWVHVHMVLVVVVIIBIMVVVVHIQQPHnVHIHHIHL^HL^L^HB All applicants must be above the age of 21 and have an annual income of not 2) Which language do you prefer for your ATM service? less than $30,000. There will be a monthly
      623 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 250 7 BV bW Bv ''^^Bl v ~kJk .^kl II II I T JIMbW I B^L^^Hl B^B^B^^k^ LI^bVb^BBLA. L^b^b^^^c^bh LW. IP^^^^^^^^^^^^B^Lt4bL^b^b!^b^b^b^b^b^b^bv^b^b^b^b!b^bV .^b^bb b^bv^^P^ Ty^^^p_WMl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D Ld^flß^Ll b^EH^LV L^bi With your banking needs taken care of, you get where you want to go quicker than anyone else JPP AA PRIME Account from Hongkongßank looks
      250 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 834 8 Q SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT The f' rsl educational and training institute in Asia to achieve SISIR ISO 9000 Certification J Legal Aspects 5 Integrated 2£S l sJ^" far "t l Sr (l Li < rfcl? I-v iki w i i> i a w /vn.^m.^ mkmn locker monages the Melbourne
      834 words
    • 406 8 m ***** in =r University of Technology Perth Western Australia Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies Ar^?* nlt l e8 I^ Bsl9n Bu «*n«*« Health Journalism Comr^rHI 6 2s!*2i °**i? n Mass Communication Planni^fwl^t 11 ***** Con »^"ct»on Management Planning Social Sciences Engineering Health Science Curtln University Staff will be available for
      406 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 383 9 THE MODERN SITTING Euro Task's Chair \J*I The ultimate ChOiCe tO ~mmm—^ match your living working IL environment. iai^iP i l^' ■K^^^^ The Euro Task's Chair is ergonomically fck^^^J^^Jpr conceptualized made with the extra comfort and convenience j| Ge/ 0/10 or more tor your home or office now. Ib^BBBBT!!^^^eKHHBI IV
      383 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 451 10 ill The British Council Saturday 16 September 1995, 9.00am 4.00pm mmamtmammmmm Course RegistrationMMHMMHi P |F fuLl-time ~2 W Call 473 6661 General English- Elementary to Advanced For those needing all-purpose English skills FCE Cambndge First Certificate Exam. SBW Preliminary English Test (PET) Preparation An intensive course for the Cambndge PET
      451 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 402 11 a^^ '*^Bd^BI^M^HHHHDbV^HHHHF HHHbI *^C*« *K£^^^9b^H^HHHHHHHBHHi^HHV^^^PVI^HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fll BB^^^^ *t* v■" Bb\ G^%^ BBflli BhHbBBBB^B^B^B^BhF bbHbb^b^b^b^b^bHHblb^^ Jbb^b^bHv 1" 5 Great Performers will feature three of the world's MasterCard Priority Booking Form X' r c STAGE Fax: 296 2670/292 7577 JaR BKV teremost musicians the world renowned violinist, Isaac Stern, Jean- 4Bf
      402 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 127 12 The Sony MMCEX9AV Is movie theatre sound. Just sound quality degradation for IB§N!!SN BEFITS Cl V r Httl bo o( tricks. connect it to your video or laser amazing acoustic results. In fact. B -^J B^^B d v rs 'o°o "«tts of power disc and you'll fttl as if you'rt
      127 words
    • 124 12 f (^or DiploaH Holders^ a Logical Approach to MASTERS DEGREE 12-moalh programme from UK/Australla Directed by the University's faculty l^nJMQVjHhfl djP^^jr^L UNF/ERSFTY J^2J"J I AlK>w dircct ««npl»«iforh»lf erf the I HBHBHmHm! (HRM) fram of Lmob I &npk«««e« oa iatflhcfal development and I im^HHl pnofettKnal competence Hi I liful I
      124 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 293 12 SIN6APORE Showers over several areas n |^B Huh Sunset today Ihe late morning and earty I J£ 704 pm afternoon I Sunrise tomorrow g Ml For an update on the local weater. cal 542 7788 AIW QUALITY PSI: 40 (Good) Atao}an 23/28C Shown Kuaki Lumpur 24/3X OowK AdMd* 5/I6C Omt
      293 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 123 13 llll^l^^AMiilll Two new Hi-Defin Epson. For photographic quality PvH^^^P^ly sharp prices. Two new Epson inkjets. Two new Epson breakthroughs. The A^Jpfecbterlto is a genuine price breakthrough, giving superb StyJus_Co!oU! with Hi-Definition MicroDot technology you sizzling colour graphics and laser-quality text EPSON gives you true photographic quality images, yet costs just
      123 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 723 14 Cash and prizes to be wonJL \T^ Runysu Hoinr marina *'****^^m» 9HKm« Presents The 2nd Riau International Open Sportfishing Tournament Featuring Billfish Release October 20th 22nd, 1995 Anglers .ire invited U> participate m OM of South I .«st Asias richest fishing competitions Cash and prizes to the v.jlue i>t SSIOO.OOO
      723 words
    • 26 14 9 1^ 9B^9ff^^jMpfaSßMP^fflWMJ^^ By vJ ""'^^^^BBWBBhß^Bß^Bß^Bßßßßß^^^^^^^^B^^^ \J i fi^ B^B^«\ B^^^ B^B^Hvv i B^B^l BIBbBbBBIBVV^^bAb^B^^B^BBB^^^ Bkl r **«t^ A usWh^j^il BBmI B^B^Z^Nk^3Bft^>. >4 >4BH^ ■^^^"^JfaaißßW^ *> bh^*
      26 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 244 15 <^At Marie France the important thing is not just After, but AFTER AFTF.R! 4tt^ 4ttL l*X*B*hmhip« 1 flj^H AFTER IV J HUH M*r.r^"<' iiV'JMyl^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Marie France \M* v^yn^Sß(^P^^^ k»-*|)s on working! llftk BAt4£tM*^HiiiAiii4UiliAUH When you reach the |l first rrwardmn sta^»- and get the figure you always dreamed of. the
      244 words

    • 203 16 HONGKONG More than HKSIOO million (SSIB6 million) is set to be spent on a new computer system to improve the use of the Chinese language in the 190.000-strong Hongkong civil service, the Sunday Morning Post reported yesterday. The move is the major recommendation
      203 words
    • 25 16 picture. Hongkong's Victoria Park awash in light from lanterns and candles carried by adults and children celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival on Saturday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 477 16 Deng's order used by Jiang to justify stand on Taipei HONGKONG Chinese pa triarch Deng Xiaoping has given a one-sentence instruction to President Jiang Zemin on the Taiwan issue "We must never let Taiwan run away." And Mr Jiang has invoked the instruction
      477 words
    • 138 16 TAIWANESE President Lee Teng-hui made a surprise visit U Quemoy and Pfnghu islands on Saturday. He was accompanied by Armed Forces Chlef-ef-Staff General Lo IVn-li, Llanhe Zaobao reported yesterday. A statement from the President's office said Mr Lee was touring the Islands
      138 words
    • 323 16 Taipei official leaves for US to push for UN acceptance TAIPEI Taiwan government spokesman Jason Hu left for the United States yesterday to seek support for the island's bid to join the United Naijons. defying China's demand that the island not be given any foreign recognition. "In the campaigning literature
      Reuter; AFP  -  323 words
    • 448 17 SEOUL A South Korean trade delegation would go to Washington this week hoping to head off US moves towards sanctions on its burgeoning car exports, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said. In a warm-up move, South Korea
      AFP  -  448 words
    • 398 17  -  Yap Gee Poh By EILEEN Chang, arguably the most influential of Chinese novelists since the '40s, was found dead in her apartment in Los Angeles last Friday. She was 74 years old. Chang, famous for her novels such as Red Rose. White Rose
      Undated file  -  398 words
      • 80 17 Two men and a woman were arrested and about 1.600 kg of illegal firecrackers were confisticated on Saturday by Hongkong police in the biggest seizure of its kind in recent years. Police discovered the cache in the New Territories during a routine search for illegal aliens from mainland China.
        UPI  -  80 words
      • 77 17 Taiwanese bakers have made a 5.2-tonne mooncake in a time-honoured ritual to celebrate the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. United Daily News reported yesterday. Thirty bakeries in southern Kaohsiung started making last week some 25.000 small mooncakes. made of flour with sweet red-bean stuffing, to form the huge mooncake. Kaohsiung
        Reuter  -  77 words
      • 77 17 The mystery of China's "Lake Tianchi monster" may soon be solved following construction of an observation post to try to identify the creature. The monster of Lake Tianchi in the Changbai mountains in north-eastern Jilin province, has been seen dozens of times by local people and tourists since
        AFP; China Deily  -  77 words
      • 59 17 Seven Japanese girls, employed by the China Eastern Airlines, have begun services as flight stewardesses on Shanghai-Tokyo and Shanghai-Osaka flights. The seven, after receiving special training for more than a month, are able to speak Chinese. This is the first time China employed foreign flight stewardesses under the
        Xinhua  -  59 words
      • 76 17 Three years of excavations by Chinese archaeologists has brought the oldest neolithic city ever found in China to light, in central Henan province. The ruins were found at Xishan mountain. 23 km to the north of Zhengzhou city, the provincial capital Archaeologists estimate that the city is between
        Xinhua  -  76 words
    • 236 17 TOKYO Japanese police said yesterday that they found what appeared to be the remains of the son of a lawyer who disappeared six years ago with his family after helping defectors from the Aum doomsday cult. Hundreds of police searchers
      Reuter  -  236 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 434 16 siftrS l»<1 IN I MVERSITY Oh rSTfTi QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY =JPP=| TECHNOLOGY Lgl*l| OF TECHNOLOGY WiM BACHELOR OF BACHELOR OF jjjjjn ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (Computer Sys. Electronic (Mechanical) SniJSS Comm. Electrical) A Unique Upgrading Opportunity For Holders Of the advanced diploma to Obtain A Prestigious Degree From Two Well Known Australian Universities.
      434 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 408 17 Self-Service LAUNDERETTE for the convenience of long term guests. Special Long Term Rate SSlos+++ per night in Superior Room for a minimum consecutive stay of 14 nights inclusive of: A welcome drink Daily choices of newspapers including Asahi Shimbun Coffee/tea in room Personal safe in room Shuttle service to Orchard
      408 words

    • 286 18 PHNOM PENH The Phnom Penh munu-i pal government has ordered English-language twchui in the capital not to discuss politics or criticise the government during their lessons, a local newspaper has reported. The municipality will also send "investigators" to English- language schools
      AFP  -  286 words
    • 88 18 TRAFFIC pallre setting atit •n mlttton reeently to pat stop to traffic vlalatlaas In line with Thai De put) Prime Minister Thaksin Shlnawatra's rampalgn la whleh •ffendera will find themselve« up before traffic r««rta. The gevenuneat aaM Uut week that the traffic CNrti w««M
      Bangkok  -  88 words
    • 368 18 As long as controversial revamp is carried out properly, says Banharn PRIME Minister Banharn Silpaarcha has said that he does not think a proposed Thai military reshuffle would pose any problems as long as it is carried out properly, in accordance with "principles and
      368 words
      • 36 18 Relative calm returned to East Timor's capital. Dili, yesterday after two days of rioting sparked by an Indonesian official's alleged insult about Catholicism. A resident confirmed that the situation had returned to normal. Reuter
        Reuter  -  36 words
      • 43 18 Cambodia and Vietnam have agreed to re-open a long-closed border crossing in Cambodia's southern province of Takeo The Cambodian Foreign Minister said this yesterday on his return from a two-day meeting of their Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation in Hanoi. AFP
        AFP  -  43 words
      • 34 18 Philippine Senator Ernesto Herrera yesterday slammed an administration-backed proposal to set up a national identity card system as "fascist". He warned that the government could use it to harass political dissenters AFP
        AFP  -  34 words
      • 60 18 Two high ranking Vietnamese officials will be prosecuted for allegedly embezzling cash and abusing their positions, a news report said yesterday The Vietnam Investment Review said they were Nguyen Van Tim, director of Ho Chi Minh City Park Co and Tran Huu Lac, director of the Trading and
        AFP  -  60 words
      • 34 18 A British owner of a bar in Pattaya was found dead in his home the Bangkok Post reported yesterday Police said Mr Percy Donald Rudd. 58. was apparently beaten to death AP
        AP  -  34 words
      • 48 18 A US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) team arrived in Manila yesterday Mr Fred Laird, the senior official in the delegation, said they would determine if efforts by Philippine authorities would enable it to regain its top category status stripped by the FAA two months ago AFP
        AFP  -  48 words
      • 44 18 Philippine experts yesterday ruled out any volcanic activity at Mount Parker after its crown crumbled, releasing lake waters which killed at least 64 people The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said "no volcanic seismic events have been recorded to date" AFP
        AFP  -  44 words
    • 167 18 BANGKOK The Thai army wants to buy 101 decommissioned M6O-3A tanks from the United States for U5569.7 million (5199.7 million) to upgrade its ageing armoured corps. It now has 287 M4l-A3 tanks that have been in use for more than
      AFP  -  167 words
    • 276 19 MANILA The Philippines welcomes outside powers joining in co-operative ventures to develop the disputed Sprat ly Islands, Foreign Secretary Domingo Siazon said yesterday. Indonesian and Philippine officials discussed the idea during bilateral talks in Manila last week, with the Indonesians citing Japan as an
      AFP  -  276 words
    • 139 19 MANILA The Philippines Is willing to allow up to tt,tM Indonesians who entered the southern island of Mindanao Illegally to stay there, according to Foreign Secretary Domingo Siaxon. The status of the Illegals, who Jakarta said numbered no more than IZJtH, was among
      AFP  -  139 words
    • 460 19 BOTEN (Laos) This remote Laotian village has become the largest, perhaps the only, car market in a region that embraces some of the most remote parts of Laos, China, My an mar and Vietnam. During a recent visit by a New
      NYT  -  460 words
    • 92 19 JAKARTA Religious leaders in predominantly-Muslim Indonesia have agreed to permit kidney transplants from deceased donors, the head of the Indonesian National Kidney Foundation has said. Mr R. B. Sidabutar was quoted by the official Antara news agency yesterday as saying that representatives of Muslim. Hindu,
      AFP  -  92 words
    • 64 19 MANILA A Philippine housewife and her three teen* age children were stabbed and clubbed to death in their home, while an 11-year old daughter was seriously hurt, police said yesterday. They said neighbours reported hearing screams from the home of Ms Nancy Payumo. 40,
      AFP  -  64 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 155 18 *2» Sa^k' VXCbw 1 I tBV I b^B b^H l?y^BMf{ .a frjf r I I sm3oßblbß^b^b^H^b^^bl^B^b^blb^d^b^bl b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^l b^bh b^H b^b^L^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bT ~:<"*i*>'^ 9 am I_^^b^m^ s^b^9 bt b^b^b^b^bl^b^b^b^bb^b^bbb^b^b^bVb^b^b^k" j«HBK Ms!SE&&l^^nu& Lmfll b^b^b^b^mS Lv ;V iTl' H I b^blL^b^b^b^Hb^b^b^b^b^bE I '^SPS^^HHHbHI b^b^b^b^b^b^b^blHb^b^b^b^b^blbHK T I ytt«Eß>e^ Man is sometimes tempted to sund back
      155 words
    • 34 18 K Baked Prawns With Cream Chilli Crabs ij^.^r^^P^ items Ample Parking Business Hour: 5.30pm to 11.30pm Palm Ulmnd Semfood 220. Stadium Road *****11 'T^ r««r te Mmcdonmld. KmUmng) .>^.l^lTz^ZT l>mii Wf^r Mat* C—M >«*»■! 1
      34 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 242 19 Let Natural Seaweed Give You The Skin You've Always Wanted Only At Bella Now we have unlocked natural BBIWPPIPI^H seaweed's secret to fresher, cleaner-lookinq skin Years of research in the New York ,/^^P^K ■^^^iKf-.-rfS laboratories of Repechage have produced an L 1 Ami *iiflj|^ improved four-way skin care programme a
      242 words
    • 471 19 As the leader in IT training. Informatics is fully committed to your success by providing the finest IT training and education in the region This commitment is fully attested by our recent 1 00% record at both the University of Curtin and University of Wales degree programmes Come sign up
      471 words

    • 478 20 Mahathir slams the press SHAH ALAM Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad has attacked the Malaysian as well as the foreign press for "championing the priorities of others and being eager to play up negative issues". He singled out in
      NST  -  478 words
    • 158 20 and the US SHAH ALAM The with drawal of the generalised system of preferences (O8P) from Malaysia wu proof that the IS wu Insincere and dishonest la Its deal lags with developing mUim, the Prime Minister said. The Su yesterday qneted Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir
      158 words
    • 204 20 BUTTERWORTH Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon has said that the Democratic Action Party (DAP) won the Bagan parliamentary by-election because of sympathy votes given by the electorate. But he added that the National Front's (NF) defeat would not affect the
      Bernama  -  204 words
    • 103 21 AWARD-WINNING actress S«fla Jam married Mecr Asnuui MsJiammad, M, aa slfleer fnwn a »Uck»r*«lßg firm, at her iißjJMatlifif'i lishsii Kaala Laaaa«r Satarday and retired tfm Mttflf. Sdto, t4, wh« pUy ed a prwtttatola Pmiusu, latert 4m... (Wmbum, Wife Aad Whtn), was T—d TV M— l
      Berita; Harian Malaysia  -  103 words
    • 389 21 Aids test before marriage KL serious about proposal Ministry says move aimed at curbing spread of disease KUANTAN Malaysian couples intending to get married may in future be required to undergo blood tests for the HIV virus that can lead to Aids, according to Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Siti
      389 words
    • 408 21 KUCHING Some Umno members are resorting to bribery and corruption to gain higher posts in Malaysia's dominant political party. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday. "Such practices in Umno, if left unchecked, could lead to the destruction of
      Bernama; AP  -  408 words
    • 314 21 JOHOR BARU A chartered helicopter ferrying Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Bandar Tenggara, about 79 km from here, to Kuala Lumpur on Saturday made an emergency landing at the Batu Berendam airport in Malacca. The Malaysian Helicopter Services (MHS) twin-engine Eurocopter
      NST  -  314 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
      245 words
    • 61 20 Kb You'll run out of H HH conversation long ■^BB before you run ■HBSB out of talk time. Despite its small size and weight (193 grams), the Ericsson GH 337 is crammed with 100 minutes of talk time. And with our larger battery, your conversation can last for more than
      61 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 507 21 THE UNIVERSITY OF HULL England 1927 g'OVIR 100 GMs, MDs, CEOs ALREADY IN THE PROGRAMME! "ONE Of THE MOST E STABI ISHED IN SINGAPORE" MBA B& First to otter TQM and a Systems Approach to realise BPffOfflS Problem Solving the management philosophy of the 1990s VHvWPa First to offer tintrepreneurship
      507 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 863 22 J/message to entrepreneurs who want more OUT OF THEIR BUSINESS B^- SBF B^^^k I BBBblbbbbßbb^lS@ >> bbß bbbbP ▼9^bH 1 I bbbbbbßßßibbl BBT I BB^r ■BB^^^^^^fc^B '■ej^^^^B^^^^^^^Bßl BBT^^V^^rSs^^^B^ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbßß^bbß) B^B^^ V Ib^H P^^p B^B^b^B^B^ B^Bm B^B^* BBv I Br^ bbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbßßß BBM -^^^bbßßL^^^m. BBBk_ h^Vaal J BBBB^mu IT y I B
      863 words
    • 263 22 DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS pßf s,*ffor4. bl r. ADMINISTRATION AND MARKETING UNIVERSITY IDKKI^.^^ Ranked among the top ten UK 9^**°%*, C»" i^r^Y" l^**'*" 1 fr °,'Tj MOft h '^■|Pl|pllt K^ universities for producing the 7^ f rt fj. i JSJ' °J J««i«JM (imimdiscipßno) ond Deakin most employable gradustes (UK National Employer
      263 words
    • 187 22 I WE PUT DACK WHAT NATURE M TAKES oFF jg\"js^ »y j^^ Whatever your hair problem, be it male pattern baldness, patchy hair loss, thinning hair, scaly or oily hai r itchy scalp or split ends... Act fast! At New Chain Hair Centre, our team of hair design consultants work
      187 words

  • HOME
    • 474 23  -  LESLIE KOH SHARON VASOO Taxi survival guide Why is it that just when you need a taxi urgently, they all seem to have disappeared from the roads? The Straits Times talks to regular commuters and taxi drivers to find out Reports bv and AT
      474 words
    • 217 23 TAXI drivers do not like driving in the rain, though this is when more people are likely to want to take a taxi. The rain cuts down on visibility, traffic slows down and cabbies claim business is also slower as there are fewer people on the
      217 words
    • 251 23 THE radio-taxi is a mixed blessing. Many are called but some may not respond. Taxi driver Abdul Hussein, 32, said radio calls were often unclear, or cabbies were unsure where the passenger was to be picked up. If they were not sure of the place, they
      251 words
    • 445 23 re=r, Orchard Road, City Hall, top hotels, Raffles IV. j Place, Clementi Road, Holland Road and m most MRT stations. CABBIES like Orchard Road, City Hall and other places where fares are plentiful and where they can often pick up tourists who make longer trips. In
      445 words
    • 684 24 'Nurture talented young people to do so, the country needs them' SINGAPORE would disperse it It produced a younger generation of talented people but could not find a team to lead the country, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday. It
      684 words
    • 275 24 THE Government will review the length of National Service stints every four to five years to ensure a healthy balance between the country's military and economic needs. Brigadier-General (NS) Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday. While the Government was
      275 words
    • 224 24 Of Pare Oasis or Housing Board Another pet concern among the youths was that of bousing. After listening to them, Mr Teo Hong Tee, a member of the Real Estates Developers' Association of Singapore, rose to say be was baffled. He could not understand why some Singaporeans were prepared to
      224 words
    • 395 24  -  Braema Mathi By *We have to break the mindset of what certain children are like and understand their learning differences.' -DrGohßan En* of the Education Ministry. STUDENTS who are weak in their studies are more creative but are low
      395 words
    • 473 26  -  Allison Lim By WAR survivors Ngui Jim Chiang and Heng Chiang Ki are happy tr see the flurry of activities this year to mark the 50th anniversary of the surrender of the Japanese to the British. Fifty years ago, both men were among
      473 words
    • 250 26 1 have always been prood of Mi courage, bat now, locking i iiilm I -l _<11l i^d pr^vHtsr sun, becaue it shows that thr {■•VBraaswrt and the people •f Blafafwe appreciate Mi contribution.' Mr Amarullah on his brother, Lieutenant Adnan
      250 words
    • 112 26 SIXTY-FOUR litterbugs worked in the sun to clean up seven town councils during the 19th Corrective Work Order (CWO) exercise yesterday. Dressed in fluorescent vests with the words "Corrective Work Order" printed on them, they busied themselves with rakes and brooms to clean their assigned areas of
      112 words
    • 733 27 Lim Boon Heng s ministerial walkabout Tfce Geventmoafa rupwn U (•rein aad l«cal critics: He was asked during the dialogue why the Government was prepared to hold a debate with New York Times' columnist William Safire but not with Singapore
      733 words
    • 619 27 DR CHEE Soon Juan said yesterday that Mr Goh Chok Tongs approach towards the Singapore Democratic Party's congratulatory gesture shows that the Prime Minister "cannot disagree with opposing views in a manner befitting the civility of Singapore". He said in
      619 words
    • 193 29 MRS Jenny Taag, $8, Jscged fer twe years Mthe«t leslag say weight, bat ever the past three months, she shed twe kJlegrams Jast by Eaaaj. p Yesterday, along with ifiH other walking entlmslasU, she toek part la UfeForee Walkßeebok at Maeßltehle Beservelr, organised
      193 words
    • IN SHORT
      • 79 29 Tender results ■available on the HDB J, a new electronic bulletin iinched by the Housing Board on Friday. Information on the sale, resale and rental of HDB flats, as well as updates on the upgrading schemes can also be found on the HDB InfoWEB. Applying for a
        79 words
      • 59 29 National Service registration (or Singapore citizens and permanent residents begins today at the Central Manpower Base at Depot Road. It ends on Nov 17. All males born between March 15 and June 8, 1978, inclusive, will be involved. They will have to register even if they have not
        59 words
      • 57 29 A 73-year-old man was found dead in his one-room flat in Block 75, Redhill Road on the evening of Aug 23. He was identified as Mr Lee Fook Seng. The coroner certified that he died of heart disease. Police are appealing to his next-of-kin to contact
        57 words
      • 62 29 A highly decomposed body was found floating in the sea off Raffles Lighthouse on Saturday morning. There were no identification papers on the man, but a hand-written address of one Irwan Effendi (Iwan) was found in one of the two wallets on him. Police are appealing for eyewitnesses
        62 words
    • 322 29 Some tips Varying the lighting aad noerlsg far different departments to create different mood*. Going farther afield to searee fer merchandise. Having more creative, less clattered predact displays. Recognising sales staff's efforts by patting up h«ge pictures of them on the walL
      322 words
    • 473 29  - S'pore needs more exhibition space Dawn Tan By SINGAPORE should expand its exhibition halls to keep the mega shows coining this way, says the head of the worldwide body of trade fair organisers. Mr Bryan Montgomery, president of the Union des Foires Internationales (UFI), said lack of space, not products,
      473 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 380 23 Looking At This Picture Could Win You Great Prizes. yv«ytioo f v- I vjui 1/ Irly V I ,mtWO I I Simply Answer This Question Correctly: Why Is The Third Pureness Bottle Upside-Down? Answer. A) It Has Made A 9O°TUrn B) It Has Made A 1 8O°7Um C) It Has
      380 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 206 24 At -k. JV^9 Ba^H Bt^B^B^BI^VH jß^Bhß^'^b^bl BBHbW.^^^™' B^ToA^Bl BT^^slß^Br^BOßJ^^^BW B^^^^^*^B»2^3Bj^^^Bßß^r^^^^^^^^^^^l^Bßll mm B^B^B^B^^^^BB BEB^B^Bwawaß^B^BM W J# €-»^*»MBBB**B^^^^^P*t^B^WP^^^^^BT»r3^^^r f vCbbRILIVI m^^^ oTawfl V^ a^ awaV SHH^ 7 rJHsSSa^ IbWbl B^^k_^. _A^B^B^BjH "t^^^^flKflSß^tta^*- ~*^Btk B^B^b^b^BbwJb^B^H a^BBL^AJ^SoawEaW JMBbL >oa^^ k^^^^^^^^Blßaß^BH BB^aW B^B^B^fr Bhß^Hßßhc9 b^Lw' *^«^^^^mßHH /V -i» B^B^Bh a^BV^^nßH B^B^Ba^k. Bf^^a\ 1 bWT^^^^B bVv
      206 words
    • 220 24 1 B^BM B^ ~\^^^S bwbwbWl Hong Kong Toys Gifts in Singapore I j SPECIALISED TOYS GIFTS BUSINESS GROUP TO H SINGAPORE AND MALAYSIA f 95 B[ 18 September 1995, 11 a.m. 7 p.m. y 19 September 1995, 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Le Meridien Singapore (Margaux Ballroom II Level 3) This
      220 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 430 25 JAKARTA'S MOST CONVENIENT HOTEL? OF COURSE! IT'S HOTEL CITRALAND What's the hotel in Jakarta renowned for its largest shopping centre, with over 250 exclusive professionalism and perfect location shops, more than 60 restaurants, supermarket, Of course! It's Hotel CitraLand. cinemas, discotheque and karaoke lounge. We are the closest International Class
      430 words
    • 443 25 SUNTEC CITY, SINGAPORE 1 3~ 1 5 SEPTEMBER 1 995 INTttNATIONAI SHOWCASE ON TtCHNOIQGY AND INNOVATION Ml Till Whether your business relies on the latest technologies and innovations or you just want to keep pace with the times. TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE "95 is (h< event you've been waiting for. H«fd in
      443 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 343 26 h^^^ tnot oJso treofs ond Smootw os silk. v OJ Ir^[^ I K^ Formulated for long lasting WL Created to truly core for the wear, Rouge Eclat delivers |fl lips, Rouge Eclat protects, pure brilliant colour. enhances and nourishes. Its light creamy texture Kj^^J^^^^^^M M Phytospheres, unique to simply glides
      343 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 462 27 Discover What You Need To Know, To Protect Your Exports Tomorrow Introducing TOE CE MARKING SCHEME BfIBBBSBB^BBBBBBHB^B^BBBBBBBBBBBBfIBBB^iBSBBBBBBSBB^BBBBBBBB^B^B^B^aa^' JSLZZ,**" 9 1 f re ul tion to """PtV with CE will have a tremendous impact for manufacturers, exporting their products to the European market. S^Hec mart!Jt tO COmP V Whh th Strlno#ot
      462 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 867 28 W ANOTHER TWO NEW CHAIN SHOPS OPEN FOR BUSINESS BHB^B B^ BHBB^^bI bV BbSBK I bl B^bb^^D bhb^bl b^F 'tBI HjL bwnHb^ _SmS^ "gf jHJBwBI H^^Bf *itfC* nß^a9 BP^BH L^ih. ■*<{ aHß^Hri^^BVir! B^B^B^BM VV^IVBUaB&idr^C. '"JIBW'V' MbGEbPI^BBBiV^^ -ltj bSbbbl ■a^HIR HMbbMJbwß^T bmbW bb^b^H ibbHl9^' t"^B 3^^*^ a^HpapWVJEcK **^3 BBrV 9BH S
      867 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 416 29 S BACHELOR OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Singapore National University of Ireland Bth Intake An 18-month programme Direct honours degree 12 highly relevant Oct 95 modules For holders of polytechnic diplomas or equivalent who arc above 24 years of age. BACHELOR OF BUSINESS s= (MARKETING) Nov 95 La TVobe University, Melbourne, Australia
      416 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 661 30 PRIMA FACIE, the Americans may have a point when they complain of South Korea running a closed shop in car manufacture and sales. But the example of the protracted United States-Japan controversy should surely advise US Trade Representative Mickey Kantor against again indulging in
      661 words
    • 97 30 ll we baild Information Infrastructure, then all kinds of information cnM easily eater and adversely affect the stability of Ike country and bring akosi negative Inflaeaees on the aatl— caltaral •Her." -B. J. Habibie. Indonesia s Minister tor Research and Technology, on why it is inappropriate lor a developing country
      97 words
    • 3 30
      3 words
    • 1371 30 Given Myanmar's troubled past, future volatility cannot be ruled out DESPITE the considerable international attention that surrounded the release of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, there are few signs of substantial change in the political life of Myanmar On the
      1,371 words
    • 592 30  -  Gareth Evans B? CANBERRA "France is the most brilliant and dangerous nation in Europe, best suited to become in turn an object of admiration, hatred, pity, terror, but never of indifference This week's nuclear bomb blast at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific has
      592 words
    • 1027 31 Next generation will pay for today's careless accounting Th« Economist ACKSON HOLE, Wyoming, has been 0 I swarming with bigV^ wigs this northern summer First. President Bill Clinton had a holiday there, and then a truly powerful American rolled up. Mr Alan
      1,027 words
    • 648 31  -  Tony Allen-Mills By The Sunday Times, London 'Sexual harassment claims have become the McCarthyism of the '90s.' Ms Linda Stasi, a columnist for the New York Daily News FOR years they have been depicted as beasts, perverts and cruel despoilers
      648 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 42 30 IfAssf Tfl ■•■ssssl Tei 730-5J97 ■WwW I U PsHsssl Dssft Til: 730-5747 r RFIPMIIfi T* 730-5328 *«-t1« ■IOIMI U9 PtssjOpsli Tst 730-5484 Altst offic* hours. 22.1*.- NcTIMHI sxsxi ssr s as ■worts* Tot 730*471 Nc7»MBl7 737-0011 Ute«fs«Pl«. T 730^416 Mis* H73Q-MM NK7IMWI
      42 words
    • 513 30 I Jilt "Bridge Your Business I I Diploma to a Recognised I university Bachelor's Degree" I Tasmania BBBpBMBBEL!L^IIK*ij^ I The University of Tosmaoio. *^^^^^^^M^^^if^l^T«ll|OMt^^^T^^^^^lJ; I Australia m association with SumbersKire if offers its well-established I Bachelor of Commerce Admifilon Requirements: degree m Singapore by Polytechnic diploma in Business Studies/Business Administrotion/
      513 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 377 31 counts in Before: j'l After: 8 weeks M. J Now; J& 2 months ago Weight reduced Weight We»ght.6()kg M W lo40k Maintained Waist: fl V L o^ 2o^ at 40 kg. 29 inches IB Walsl Total loss of Hips 24 inches 2Okgin 4 inches I Hips weight and Bustline: lIH
      377 words
    • 169 31 RrfT j^^a^^^^^B Full-Feature Thermal Facsimile i n»\ L M B I B^x u v^^BBiiLJBB LnnnHb^V. (jfen^B^lnnn^n^lllfl^J B^v »^^Bk^^^ I i I S^bl The stylish economical Sk NEFAX 226 from NEC A i^L^L^. TEL/FAX. TAD/FAX auto switching •Answering machine interface •One touch/Speed dialling lm< •Auto redialling. Auto Document Feed Auto Cutter
      169 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 258 32 MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE NOW AND WIN OVER $70,000 IN PRIZES! From now till 24th October '95, tune in to Channels 5 The 3 Grand Prize winners will be drawn from the and 8 for a special selection and a complete series TV commercial with the highest number of votes,
      258 words

    • 572 33 Shortage of manpower in the broadcasting industry I shudder at NTU's announcement of a planned "eight -week crash course on the business". How much can be achieved in eight weeks? T REFER to the articles Broadcasting firms seek ways to address manpower crunch"
      572 words
    • 155 33 TO PROMOTE reading among young children, the National Library and it* branches provide commendable free services, such as story-telling sessions, (or the different age groups. The Jurong East branch library has similar services every Thursday at 7.30 pm and the session lasts about 15
      155 words
    • 232 33 FOR some years now I have been admiring and observing two beautiful and uncommon trees in the compound of St Andrew's Cathedral. But when I walked into the compound last week, I found them gone, destroyed over the past few weeks. They
      232 words
    • 337 33 AS THE queue for a new Housing Board flat is long, many young couples rush to apply for one without first finding out the consequences. My own experience goes back two or three years when I was still with my ex-boy-friend At that
      337 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 424 33 H --vr^ f^^ft^J '~^T M 5" aluminium construction H ti rV\ I'fllul Fxhfhitmn Hall 1 3T H A N N I V E R S A R Y H MM\ 111 \J|b^K^%B»\ tromJmromaUitmTSwhm LX 11 1 Dill On V\di\\ Mm mm vTm-J-A <<^bV^>^^^ 8fK8777a*****K77T7797T77T9^nrn7n rrusr name in aluminium grilles for
      424 words
    • 121 33 CANON COPIERS FAX UPORAOI TO PLAIN PAPIR FAX NOWI MO MORI ••RB-COPV Of! "PAOID COPY" CANON NP 6016 fc CANON NP 155 -:ssr^: r e^ C«S«Sr t .^«?.«Sf l lICOHFW74O C*NOH«.iUNPA«R COPKN CLCI CLCIO CLC2OO 4ft Pl AM COPffK tMirWWWfdl d>^ o«^^0 > *««c NtW PTC Rf UA»Ct Of FCf
      121 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 384 34 Give The Future Of Your Business "1 S ft U j r ISul BBii 1/[ n early 1996 an important piece of Singapore's history comes back to i_ m ii B TOLilj. I. |PPP^^ r of the former Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ) will 'h-H *s* _^_^_^_^_^_^_^L^^_l I
      384 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 358 35 restaurateurs. Chijmes holds a myriad of I^BHHH j yr% creative merchandising possibilities. It is the LJk K perfect setting for everything from specialty fcilJw*^^ "*"^^SsPSB£*r \il^Jf W~ shops to established names. And, Chijmes is \r P l^ :^yjw s. *ft L^ I HCS w) ln H^^»H L i! meant to
      358 words

      • 366 36  -  Cecilia Chan WUSHU By EACH time wushu exponent Ng Cheng Hye is injured, he is almost certain it is a prelude to a gold medal. The 19-year-old national serviceman became the first Singaporean to win a gold medal on the world stage when he
        366 words
      • 139 36 It's the G Connection thanks to Kama A BRILLIANT goal by Kamaruddin Ismail (above) gave the G Connection a 1-0 win over Pioneer Arsenal in the Reebok-Indian Association five-a-side Open category soccer final at Balestier Road yesterday. But the highlight of the evening was the Celebrity match between Reebok Invitation
        139 words
      • 234 36 RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil) Thirteen months ago he was a hero, hailed by his countrymen as one of the conquerors of soccer's World Cup 1994. A South American championship and what he considered endless criticism later, Brazilian national goalkeeper Claudio Taffarel has
        AP  -  234 words
    • 538 36  -  Santokh Singh Young lions need more tournaments LION CITY CUP REVIEW By The big question after Singapore's 1-0 Lion City Cup victory over Hongkong on Saturday is: Would the Football Association of Singapore continue to reap the benefits of Technical Director Barry Whitbread's development programmes and
      538 words
    • 362 36  -  Mahmood Gaznavi CRICKET Bv SINGAPORE failed in its quest to win cricket's Saudara Cup when it was handed a seven-wicket beating by Malaysia in Penang yesterday. The Republic, which resumed on 109-7 in its second innings, lasted only five overs in the first session be-
      362 words
    • 197 36 EQUESTRIANISM THE final day of the Rolex Polo and Equestrian Championships produced no surprises as national squad riders stole the honours in both the dressage and showjumping categories. Singapore's No. 1 rider Peter Abisheganaden emerged champion of the showjumping event astride Peshawar while Daniel Sitranen was
      197 words
    • 316 36 The German stint taught me that the greatest strength of a good coach was his ability to be firm yet caring.' Sies Senan. on what he learnt during an important training programme in 1963. SIES SENAN. coach of 12th Lion City Cup winner
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    • 333 36 BOWLING HOUSEWIFE Alice Tay staked a strong claim for inclusion in Singapore's national squad for December's South-east Asia Games in Chiangmai when she captured the Third Punggol Sea food Tournament of Champions title at Eastside Bowl yesterday. For the 34-year-old, it was her
      333 words
      • 64 36 SINGAPORE'S top woman shuttler Zarinah Abdullah lost to China-born Australian Yang Song in the final of the New Zealand Open badminton championships in Auckland yesterday. Yang, who had beaten the Singaporean in last year's Commonwealth Games quar-ter-finals, upstaged Zarinah again to win 11-4. 8-11. 11-5.
        64 words
      • 59 36 AUSTRALIA'S Sarah FitzGerald upset compatriot and world No. 1 Michelle Martin 9-6. 8-10, 2-9. 9-6. 9-4 to take the women's title at the PSA'WISPA JSM Japan super squash tournament in Yokohama yesterday. Jansher Khan of Pakistan proved his supremacy again by retaining the men's title at the expense
        59 words
      • 33 36 MANCHESTER CITY met Arsenal in a English Premier League soccer match yesterday. For the result, call The New Paper Infoline on 1900-*****13 after 6 am today Calls cost 30 cents a minute.
        33 words
    • 369 36  -  Joe Dorai By SURABAYA Two Singapore players were sent off as the Lions were beaten 0-1 by East Java's under-23 side in their friendly soccer international at Surabaya Stadium yesterday afternoon. Defender Lim Tong Hai received his marching orders for
      369 words
      • 79 36 SOUTHAMPTON'S Matthew Le Tissier has dismissed speculation that he might play in ternational football for anyone other than England. The Channel Islander is entitled to be picked for any home nation because none of his six England caps has come in competitive matches Since
        79 words
      • 72 36 A SOUTH Korean bantam weight boxer died on Satur day at a Tokyo hospital from brain damage he suffered in a Japanese title bout in Tokyo five days ago. Lee Dong Choon. 32. died of acute subdural haematoma after he remained unconscious following brain sur gery
        72 words
    • 518 37 Newcastle crashes to first defeat SOCCER English Premier League LONDON Substitute Ryan Giggs scored his first goal of the season to snatch a 3-2 victory for Manchester United at Everton on Saturday and put his team level on points with the leader of the
      AP; Reuter; AFP  -  518 words
    • 139 37 LONDON Club record signings Andy Cole and Andrei Kanchelskis will both miss their team's opening European ties after being injured in the Everton- Manchester United English Premier League soccer match on Saturday. Following the game, which United won 3-2. Cole was ruled out of Uniteds
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 285 37 EUROPEAN LEAGUES BONN Jurgen Klinsmanns first two goals for Bundesliga soccer leader Bayern Munich gave it a 2-0 win over Freiburg on Saturday. The former Tottenham striker's goals kept Bayern top of the German League with a maximum 15 points from five games so
      Reuter; AP  -  285 words
    • 761 37 ATHLETICS m«mi Uraaa Pita riMto at Utmem Cl—iii «u>) Mea's Michael Johnson (US) 19»see Mb: Benson Koerh (Ken) I 45 27 I,lMb: Halle Cebrselajsie (Eth) 7:35.90 Ijm Wmiliilhii: Mows Klpunui (Ken) 8 IMai kwtftaa: Mark Cretr (US) 1307 Pals writ: Okkert Brits (SA) 5 98m Lm( jaasa:
      761 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements

    • 255 37 850 Deaths 850 Deaths 850 Deaths TAN KING HOK AGE 57 passed away peacefully on (10/9/95, Sunday). Sadly missed by family and loved ones. WIFE: TickAhiMoi SONS: DAUGHTERS^ LAW Tan Bur So Wendy Tan Siong Hoon DAUGHTERS: Tan Chaity Tan Chiattee Body lying at Laguna Park, Blk. 5000D. Cortege leaving
      255 words
    • 125 37 850 Deaths 850 Deaths "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course I have kept the faith" 2.Tim4:7 WAN FOOK Ol Age 78 pasted away peacefully on 10th Septem bar 1998 to eternal rest; leaving behind loved ones to mourn her Brothers Strtaca In lew: Wan Fook
      125 words
    • 44 37 852 Acknowledgements 852 Acknowledgements THE FAMILY OF THE LATE CHEONG KUN FUN, WILLIAM Departed on 03.09.95 wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all rela tives, friends, doctors, pastors and colleagues for their assistance, condolences, donations and prayers during their recent bereavement
      44 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      95 37 MDM TH AN ANJ AN RAJ AMAH p<ii*d away paacafuWy on lya^W baMiid f»m* ly NasMabacv aMai ra)v#fivara %o CorUft war til Invt on 11 to Mount Varnon Cramatorlum at 2 30pm from Blk 22 Ktmpong ••tern MM Tal: *****M mu Wa R n bln >■■■■< MMy y—
      95 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      90 37 IGNATIUS THOMAS (ERNIE) Age 03 Mte: Obvta Julian n» tim: Edwin »od Lmh« OauaMf Evelyn MM Sh«p*«fd*on Nk o*«ft» An o« ody lylaa at «lk 417 J«f»»«»«» ft 41 110-MS. t 1100 lire Holy Trinity Church tharaaftar far Mount VimoM Crtmtto wtmm at 1«9O Krs Mall 2. NO
      90 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      69 37 ATHMA SH ANTI POOJ A V. THILAG APATHI departed 28.8.98 Til* fowtaty MriaKaa to thanh f lattw— A Wnil for ttloir cowdolancaa <»ri>| tHoir roKarumathi prayar t will b« hald on 1 1 »8 Intght) at ■Ik S2S. 03 23«. Soran goon A«« S, S'pora IMS followed by
      69 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 32 37 $8 SO per liop (Minimum 3 hoes) $27.80 per col. cm. (MMmumScmx 1000 $34.07 per col. cm. (Minimum 3cm x led) (Atow* ra*M afa Mb^Ml to OST) |cxta| OBITUARIES Forbookina enquiries, call
      32 words
    • 19 37 cuMvn sfcnon "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you remember... a«^^ 40^, ■^^^^■BBB3SWyßHKSßlwßa^a^a^a^a^a^BßHß^a^a^BfllßBiß .aaT^ aW'^^ '^■k h^fi£K^aS&Rß^B^B^Bflß^aßß^B^B^B^>Bß^n3aH^K
      19 words

    • 248 38 ATHLETICS BpNACO Mows Kiptanui 10 from the front on Saturday as African athletes en)£ed a cash bonanza at the (Sand Prix final '^The three-time world steeplechase champion won the men's overall title and total prize money of US$l3O,OOO ($182,000) for just over eight minutes' work on
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 416 38  -  Tan Thean Loon SINGAPORE ROUND-UP A PAIR of blinkers and a tongue tie did the winning trick tor racy mare Silently Yours in the $150,000 National Stud Farm Breeders' Vase at ibtkit Timah yesterday. The David Balfour-trained New Zealand-bred ran straight as an
      Zaobao  -  416 words
    • 196 38 NEW YORK Steffi Graf bottled up her emotions for seven winning matches at the US Open, but in the end she finally showed the stress and left the champion's news conference in tears after being grilled about her imprisoned father. The stoic German had spoken only indirectly
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 1200 38 RACE 1 RES TERMS DIV 4 1,200m FK RMS 57 (60-19) KMNg(IS) 3 2 1 15 SOnPAS9ONSS 5(17 10) Mentfert (13) 1 1 2 1 MSMKfiLENIS7<I3-5> Se4wan (4)12 5 3 Owjers in MaM»| orwar. SkyboN (94-26) Clapperton. Hard Rock I (63-21) AftMio. OMRty Cotecwan (141
      1,200 words
    • 438 38 TENNIS US Open German rates 18th Grand Slam title her best crown NEW YORK Steffi Graf has won the Grand Slam, the Golden Slam, 18 Slam titles and slammed more than US$l65 million ($23.1 million) in winnings into her account. But of all the thrills,
      Reuter  -  438 words
    • 258 38 DIVING ATLANTA Sun Shuwei of China scored 86 87 points with a reverse 3 somersault on Saturday to win the men's 10--metre title in the World Diving Cup. The Chinese also won the women's 3-metre synchronised competition, wrapping up the country's seventh gold
      AP  -  258 words
    • 272 38 NEW YORK Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras, the top two players in men's tennis, overcame tough challenges on Saturday and advanced to a showdown for the US Open championship early this morning. Agassi, unable to break Boris Becker's serve, found another way to win. taking the first two
      AP  -  272 words
    • 275 38 LADY LUCK finally smiled on Mark de Montfort at Bukit Timah yesterday. The Australian broke the jinx with his first winner on the track when Magic Guest just lasted by a neck in a four-way finish in Race 7. De Montfort rode as a visitor
      275 words
    • 312 38 ENGLISH RACING LONDON Lester Piggott. one of the greatest jockeys ever, is reported to have retired (or good. Piggott. who will be 60 in November, is quoted in The Mail on Sunday as saying "I am tired of the struggle to retain my
      Reuter  -  312 words
    • 963 38 RACE 1: W.ndrr Girl II jumped inwards tightening Mat Kilau on to The General 111 Shortly after. Mat Kllau checked off the heels of W«a4er Girl 11. who laid in Jockey K H Ng (Successful Partners) was dislodged after the winning post and was injured. He
      963 words

  • MONEY 5
    • Article, Illustration
      2 39
      2 words
    • 71 39 Uof EMm ST Mntruh 2129 35 6 45 SI FMance 4833/0 f 16 19 ST Hotels 2102 26 M44 40 St Ptopettie. *****7 608 BT Composite 205/ 7. -10 3/ BT MGA 962 91 M l3 Bt 08/OS 244 1 BT OW -***** -6/ BT 08V *****510 104/16 OBSCPfMei
      71 words
    • 63 39 -MM CIOB lip On Unch Up On Unch Industrial 26 109 4 56 2 Finance 11 1/ 4 0 13 1 Hot* 5 12 0 0 2 0 Propertes 3 9 3 0 1/ 1 Plantations 0 0 0 0 10 0 Mm* 0 0 0 0 10 MW
      63 words
    • 38 39 Heshe Hldgs 25c 47.964.000 Datapulse 5c 35.619.000 GoJdtron 20c 35.189 000 Gothrte GTS 20c 33.687.000 RFJMWt96 30 660 000 FuYuMfg 10c 27.129.000 Nippecraft 10c 24.557.000 Tuan Sing 25c 21.441.000 Goldtron M95 19.191.000 Asiamatru 50c 17.657.000
      38 words
    • 75 39 leut Market Fri Thur Industrials 97 513 m 83 760 m Finance 7 202 m 9 167 m Hotels 1397 m 1660m Properties 8 095 m 6 709 m Loans Stocks 18 840 m 18 39? m Plantations 1194 m 2 417m Mmm* 6.000 7.000 Total volume *****7
      75 words
    • 42 39 HIGH LOW Straits Times Industrials 1995 Higti 2246.25 (3/1/95) 1995 Low 1916.94 (23/1/95) All. .me High 2471.90(4/1/94) All time Low 64.83 (29/6/65) Brantts Tints Composite 1995 High *****0(5/6/95) 1995 Low 1799 33 (24/1/95) All time High 2398.87 (5/1/94) AM tune Low 64.83(29/6/65)
      42 words
    • 292 39 OCBC OUB UOB DBS TIB POSB KB DCPOSn MTES Savmts 3 I IH I I 2'« 3 htaC (JtDOVt I month 3V 3Mi 3V* 3 3V« 3V« 3 months 3V_ 3H 3H 3* 3V. 3V. 6 months 3V< 3H 3H 3* 3 3V« 12 months 4 4 4
      292 words
    • 503 39 ABN AMMO Banh MV AMA Bank Untftad 7«., A»ad inah Bank 7 Amartcan Exprass 7 Arab Banking Corp 7 Arab Bank PIC Hi ANZ Banking Group A*o«m Bank Ltd 7 Ban Htn La* Bank »i» BawcaCawwuißlaim Banco Ooßraa* 7 Banca Naaonata Dal lavoro SPA 7 Bangkok Bar*
      503 words
    • 607 39  -  GOH SOO MAY MARKET REPORT LOCAL blue chips, which have tailed the meteoric rise of Sesdaq stocks and second liners, are poised for a take off in the coming weeks, according to analysts' predictions. They see a cut in
      607 words
      • 159 39 MALAYSIAN stock prices ended the week lower last Friday amid fears of possible domestic interest rate hikes, with even the year's biggest new listing, Petronas Gas, (ailing to cheer the market "Investors were not willing to take positions strongly. They were treading
        AFP  -  159 words
      • 165 39 HONGKONG share prices jumped 2.1 per cent during the week on general expectations of further US interest rate cuts, dealers said. The key Hang Seng Index gained 196.74 points to finish at more than a month's high of 9393.21 on Friday Average daily turnover amounted to HK13.622 billion, against
        AFP  -  165 words
      • 38 39 SHARE prices closed higher on the London Stock Exchange on Friday. The Financial Times-Stock Exchange 100-share index ended 8.9 points higher at 3,554 5 points. Volume was 619.7 million shares compared with 691.1 million on Thursday AP
        AP  -  38 words
      • 181 39 THE Stock Exchange of Thailand Index fell 44.14 points, or 3.3 per cent, during a week of lacklustre trading to close on Friday at 1,275.68 points, brokers said. The average daily turnover was 45.9 million shares, the same as the previous week, while the average value of shares traded
        AFP  -  181 words
      • 137 39 THE Jakarta bourse underwent a widespread price correction last week as local buyers focused on smaller, cheaper shares, pushing the market's index down below the 500 mark. The Composite Index closed 2.4 per cent lower to 489.9 on Friday compared to last week's 502. Local investors remained active on
        AFP  -  137 words
      • 270 39 JAPANESE share prices continued to increase on the Tokyo Stock Exchange last week, buoyed by a cut in the discount rate and the dollar's rebound against the Japanese yen. "Investors generally welcomed the BOJ's decision to cut the official discount rate," said Mr Yasuo Ueki, an analyst at Nikko
        AFP  -  270 words
      • 144 39 AUSTRALIAN weekly share prices closed last Friday just 0 3 per cent firmer following a dull week's trading with few leads from offshore bourses. The All-Ordinaries Index, finished just 6.2 points, or 0.3 per cent, above the previous week's finish at 2,139 4 points. The bourse fell 0.4 per
        AFP  -  144 words
      • 196 39 STOCKS scored big gains last week on Wall Street as technology shares extended their gains and a strong dollar brightened the outlook (or traders. The Dow Jones index of leading industrials closed on Friday at 4.700 72 points, up 53.18 points (1.14 per cent) in the holiday-shortened week.
        AFP  -  196 words
      • 59 39 Greenback higher THE greenback was higher last week. Far East trading last found rests tance at 1 4300 This level will have to be broken for the greenback to gather upside momentum and to give a bullish bias to the price outlook and strengthen the chance of a
        59 words
      • 43 39 THERE was a lack of market activity in the ringgit This was echoed by a rather quiet week as it traded around with a tight 56.96 to 57 09 range. The anticipated test of the downside did not materialise.
        43 words
      • 63 39 AFTER the previous week's rally, the yen was back to the downside as the bears regained the upper hand. The Bank of Japan's decision to cut the discount rate to 0.5 per cent, from 1.0 percent,also put downward pressure on the yen in international markets. It fell
        63 words
      • 47 39 EXCEPT for a brief rally to 2.2184, the sterling was basically lacklustre for the whole of last week. The weekly chart returned to favour the downside again. Unless the sterling can recover above 2.2550, be prepared for a fresh round of selling pressure.
        47 words
      • 36 39 THE Aussie dollar moved back towards the 1.0600 level. It touched ***** before it rebounded to CT3O and appeared to have regained its equilibrium. It is now ready to push higher again.
        36 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 86 39 Office Filling System Balmar Markebng *3 K^ffttl^^^ TUDOR "N ANY PLACE -ANY TIME B^^^BBb^^^BsJ»«ml9 0 G V^kx q' lN *a /iff *^"^9 jD^^S^S^B^^ B^P^S^^^SJSJ B^S^S^B^H B^^^ I BTiv V H B^B^B^BJB^B^B^H i m^H^^ Ul« BB^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BB^^k^^b^b^^Bß 889 v p*^ f^V bT* H |l bW*^**" B^B^B^Bb^l *™*~T!! B 1 J 1
      86 words
    • 3 39 /s/^'O v TUDOR
      3 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 1096 40 HHj^HHHHHHHH 2 OPTIONS FOR EXTRA COVERAGE AT ONLY $250 PvVVSW^V BBBiflm^|HH HaHiH Faml| y Plu (Option A) ufe Plus (Option B) B^B^. a^B^af k^Lm 9 «^LI I a^^^^^H I k»i aV B^H 1.1 I HA■ BH B^l a^ai ■aft bb^bl bb^bb^bl bbHbb^bbl bHbb^bbl AS.UfeO l|f# AftatlifA<l me^Ha^a^a^a^a^e^a^a^a^a^a^a^amawa^a^awawkwemawawam m rsrrsrsL. H^H^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H
      1,096 words

  • MONEY 4
    • 436 41 LEADING Hongkong companies increased their payments to directors by an average of 39 per cent in the last financial year, accoruing to a South China Sunday Morning Post directors' pay survey. It was the highest increase since the study began in 1993.
      436 words
    • 263 41 KANGAR (Perils) Local fund managers were yesterday told to play a more active role in investments in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) in efforts to rejuvenate the lacklustre market. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Dr ARifuddin Omar said one of the main
      Bernama  -  263 words
    • 464 41  -  Choo Li Meng By THE Singapore-Shandong Business Council (SSBC). which has built up strong ties in the two years since it was set up. will need to devise new strategies to maintain the momentum in facilitating economic co-operation and communication between the two parties,
      464 words
    • 294 41 MELBOURNE Mr Solomon Lew, the embattled chairman of Australia's largest retailer, Coles Myer Ltd, has vowed to remain as executive chairman despite pressure to abandon this role, Melbourne's Sunday Age newspaper reported. "The board has decided there is no better person to lead the
      Reuter  -  294 words
    • 382 41 HANOI Vietnam wants to build a second refinery in the centre of the country, reports said yesterday, only days after France's Total group claimed the region was too isolated to make even one refinery pay for itself. Mr Ho Si Thoang, director general of PetroVietnam.
      AFP  -  382 words
      • 94 41 COLOMBO Sri Lanka's Ports and Shipping Ministry said it will go ahead with the US$75O-mitlion (SJI 07-billion) deal to modernise the southern Galle port despite a controversy over the award of the tender to a British-Chinese consortium "The government has not stalled the project ministry secretary
        Reuter  -  94 words
      • 74 41 BEIJING Foreign companies have agreed to invest about US$5OO million (*****.4 million) in more than 40 joint ventures with Chinese partners aimed at tapping the world's second biggest beer market, the official China Daily reported. The paper said total output of the industry reached 14
        Bloomberg  -  74 words
      • 57 41 MANILA State-owned Philippine National Power Corp (Napocor) is considering forming a joint-venture company with Indonesia's state-owned coal mining PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Assam. Napocor president Guido Delgado said formation of the venture was one of the options being studied by Napocor before concluding a long-term coal
        Reuter  -  57 words
      • 66 41 MELBOURNE Swiss bank Credit Suisse says it has chosen Melbourne as the Asia-Pacific regional centre for its precious metals business to run alongside existing centres of Zurich, London and New York. The Melbourne office, which opened as a bullion banking operation in 1968, will send out
        Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 234 41 In a global marketplace, a private bank should be more than global. In fact, we at Chemical know that private banking must start with a personal relationship, close to home-personal in its commitment to understanding you, your interests and your financial goals. Vtat is why everything we do is directed
      234 words
    • 170 41 L Putting Wood IfllaNpni«iGAsla3s The 7th Asian Intemattorvif^ vestry. Woodworking Furniture Supplies Exhibition Conference pF 21 -25 November 1995 r World Trade Centre Singapore (T Tha 2nd Aaian mnwaaonai »ianaßimant, Tiwftar Supply, Handing A ***^mt F^^^hf" Haid In conjunctton »»«h: Kr^^ FurniTckAsiaOS Tha 2nd Asian Intamational Exhibition of Machinery Accaaaoriaa
      170 words

  • MONEY 3
    • 406 42  -  Sim Wai Chew By AIR-CARGO movements at Changi Airport grew a healthy 13 per cent for the first seven months of the year, according to the latest figures from the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS). But total growth this year is unlikely to
      406 words
    • 435 42  -  Dennis Chan By THOMSON Multimedia will set up a multi-purpose research and development (RAD) laboratory in Singapore its first in the world to develop new digital products. The $2.25 million laboratory will be completed by 1997 but the first phase
      435 words
    • 519 42  - KL commercial property developers step up sales in Singapore Tan Li Eng By The market is becoming soft and developers are coining to Singapore to off-load their property/ An analyst MALAYSIAN commercial property developers prompted by the looming glut in the Kuala Lumpur market are pursuing sales in Singapore aggressively,
      519 words
  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 345 42 I HSBC FUTURES I I (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD I 1 opens for business today in its newly expanded premises in I I Hongkongßank Building at Collyer Quay. I Now, with its own self-contained suite of offices fitted out with I the latest equipment and technology, HSBC Futures is more read)
      345 words
    • 126 42 NATURAL MINERAL WATER Enjoy the prestige, image and appreciation of having an equipment that promotes a W77ffZFf\ better lifestyle Lip into real wdftdlPM class with OCEAN fc. f mineral water <SS^ < dispensers! <?s^V^S^ vm spin Throu^i years of experience M !JJ^ and product development, H«k^fn«ty OCEAN range of products
      126 words

  • MONEY 2
    • 275 43  -  Goh Soo May »y THE Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) is looking into improving the secernent system for share transactions by institutional traders on the exchange It is understood that the improvement under consideration involves cash payment upon the delivery of
      275 words
    • 824 43 Hotel Grand Central owns just one hotel here tacked away off Orchard Road, but it has quietly amassed a chain of 16 hotels with more than 3,000 rooms in Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, with three more coming up in Malaysia KALPANA R ASHI W
      824 words
    • 332 43 'I may be chairman but we are a team. My old man started everything. We are just continuing his work.* MrTu. HOTEL Grand Central has a rags to riches tale behind It It started with Mr Tan's father, Mr Tan Chee Hoe, who Ml Fuiian.
      332 words
    • Market talk
      • 324 43  -  Goh Soo May Compiled by ■HERE are several macroeconomic points which supJtort a cautious asset allocation to Singapore. First, although the absolute rate of Gross Domestic Product growth in Singapore remains high, the momentum of growth is likely to continue to slow into
        SALOMON  -  324 words
      • 206 43 IT IS a property counter rather than a retailer. With the closure of the loss-mak-ing specialty stores, retail becomes insignificant and should cease to be a drain on profits. Rental income from property, specifically Ngee Ann City, would be all important. This would provide a steady source
        VICKERS BALLAS  -  206 words
      • 329 43 SEKSUN has a diversified customer base of more than 100 active customers with exposure to each accounting for less than 10 per cent of sales. To be closer to the multinationals which are relocating to Malaysia, Seksun is building new plants in Johor and Penang.
        PEL SECURITIES  -  329 words
    • 146 43 HANOI An Indonesian and a Singaporean firm have aet up a US$l34-million (*****--million) Joint venture with a Vietnamese company to build a food-processing zone in the southern oil hub of Vung Tau, a news report said yesterday. The official daily Saigon Giai
      AFP  -  146 words
    • 151 43 ROBINSON and Company will open two Marks A Spencer stores in the Kuala Lumpur area next year. In Singapore too the group will set up two more outlets an 8.000-sq ft MAS store, and a 12.000-sq ft John Little at White Sands, a
      151 words
    • 41 43 Nat Mrvtaa art m Hapain Mm MteM iQinrtn ttala*. TV: Thta Mr. IT: ImImt. F: nMtTniitarta. *F ill t. k UN, It: Tm IiiimIiJ. *M» ■Mm aNn, (a): IjiHH tor Mrtp Imm*. M NrM 1 Jk fcfc NfM
      41 words
  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 47 43 Louis \iiitton V^^S^^^^^^^^^^^Jl Noe bag in Monogram canvas. I 111 i~ S Jflfl jA Saint-Cloud bag in Epi leather. tK^ ~^^>^^^gfr'W 2fe^^ A^mj Vwtton luggage and accessories are sold only in exclusive Ijhuis Vuttton shops tn Singapore: fUffUs Hotel Arcade. Tel: *****76 H///w» Htfr/ SV/>"W /*«*<*. W. *****20
      47 words

  • The Straits Times Money
    • 0 44
      0 words
    • 52 44 WEEK'S TOP RISES Cea*. HMua 1900/00 58 3 Tramaurco 1080 225 213 Sea Wew 1300 200 182 SPHFore«n 2040 90 4 6 BSemtawanc 2940 80 28 SMForeir 1260 80 6 8 Juror* S_p 50c 1060 70 71 Creative T 25c 1560 40 26 GCLta 3040 40 13 SPH 1240 40
      52 words
    • 53 44 WEEK'S TOP RISES CeaM HMm 1900 58 3 /00 Asumatm Wt 113 378 31 Trammarco 1080 263 225 Asiamatru 50c 155 230 29 See Wew 1300 18.2 200 BoMtoadco 202 122 22 QAFIMWI96 9/5 108 95 ST Aero 50c 174 /4 12 taem Sim 50c 1060 7.1 /0 SMFora*. 1260
      53 words
    • 61 44 WEEK'S TOP FALLS Cenh X BMI SIO (100) 9200 300 3 2 RothlwhSOc 595 180 23 2 Land 4 General 398 84 1/4 VandefHorst 695 60 /9 Van <ta H Wt96 575 50 80 IB' 442 50 10 2 ftasfcd Hw.u«i 412 40 8 8 OUBForemi 8/0 35 3 9
      61 words
    • 64 44 WEEK'S TOP FALLS Ceeta Reft Ms SOt 595 23 2 100 Scom HNp M 0 20 Keppel Bar* Bt 635 196 155 (tack 25c 66 18 5 15 Pan Pacific 25c 93 184 21 Lata 4 General 398 1/4 84 Unptaena TSB 6/ 15/ 12 5 faunae ltd 20c 6/5
      64 words
    • 517 44  -  Narendra Aggar wal By THE Commercial Affairs Department's investigation of listed property and hospital! ty group, ScotU Holdings, centre on certain investments made by the company in India, it was learnt yesterday. When asked to confirm this, a company spokesman said:
      517 words
    • 354 44  -  Ann Williams By LOCAL banks are waiting for the Government to unveil the legislation on executive condominiums before finalising their new financing [in lajM. say property sources. Sources say the Bill, which will spell out the property titles for this latest class of housing
      354 words
    • 222 44 LONDON Former Barings trader Nick Leeson said he wants to cooperate with banking regulators in their investigation of the trading losses he accumulated in Singapore, and said he had not been seeking personal enrichment. Leeson, in his Hist inter view
      Bloomberg  -  222 words
    • 807 44  -  Cherian George I TAKING STOCK i ■v THE opinion and editorial pages of The New York Times are not the first place one would look for endorsements of the Singapore system. That illustrious doublespread of newsprint is where columnist William Safire has periodically
      807 words
  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 349 44 Co jpOfMOfd ly tfie,4*ia*t Society I 7/ 7 rtf J JTMB^B^BB^BMB^BBfIBM^KM^Bi -^6 fc^B^W^ JK W fcß*M jW BBBBk. Irf V V B^V'V VWllrWlV W>^BS BJB/V IVB V^ W7 WB fwvrl B U^ .^BBBBB BBBBBk^^^«_ International, the SINGAPORE HAIR ft||^ EVENT must not be missed by I^^ m^ m^ m W
      349 words
    • 419 44 FOR THE BEST! From as low as $750 with all these value-added features! Caller Line /CcLI By Name N, V Identification y CLI Function Plus •^H^^k^ V Callers's Name Displav/ SIMSI Built-in Short Message b Service Function for OSM RoamCover X V Future Networking y 1 -y ear Guarantee in
      419 words

      8 words
    • Cover Story
      • 1352 2 CDL turns 4-star hotels to 5-star at 4-star prices I'LL TAKE BRITAIN, SAYS KWEK LENG BENG LISTED CDL Hotels International is poised to become the largest hotel owner in Britain by the year 2004, edging out even Forte PLC, which is currently in the top spot. Flush from the recent
        1,352 words
    • Life at Large
      • 469 3  -  LEA WEE DEAR Ada, there are a tew French hairdressers along this road, I wish you were here. Ted. These words were penned by a traveller on a postcard depicting Battery Road at the turn of the century. It Is one of 160 on
        469 words
      • 718 3  - Copyrights to be traded in next book fair KOH BUCK SONG *I strongly believe Singapore is the logical choice as a location to sell Asian publishing rights.' Wr Barry CUrte, martotinff dintftpf Gower Asm Pacific NEXT year's Book Fair will include a rights fair, for participants to buy copyrights and
        718 words
      • 664 4 ADJUSTING does net only mean settling for a small*, home or ear, say executives. It also means learning that: One mast lower one's expectations of a job and not he emotionally involved la m Work no longer takes priority over family and friends;
        LAT; WP  -  664 words
      • 831 4  -  KOH BUCK SONG MONDAY WITH THE annual literary avalanche, which the Book Fair brings to Life', threatened to bury one book which means a lot to me. Having given attention to more urgent events at the fair, it was only at
        831 words
    • Family
      • 588 5 Evelyn Yap finds out what Singaporean parents think about charges made by a Christian group in the United States LAST week, ft Vlrglnla-based anti-abortion group, American Life League, charged that Disney animated films contained sexual messages. Disney officials poohpoohed the
        588 words
      • 256 5 PRE-SCHOOLERS may soon be as familiar with Aunty Lucy as they are with Big Bird of Sesame Street, if NTUC Childcare Cooperative has its way Aunty Lucy, a pony-tailed, bespectacled character made her debut in the cooperative's first children's bosk at the Edufair book
        256 words
      • 341 5 AMERICAS children are turning to crime at such an alarming rate that juvenile arrests may double by 2010. the United States Justice Department said on Thursday, They are also more likely to be victims of crime, especially at the hands
        AP  -  341 words
    • Community
      • 607 7 Singapore model endures criticism and gossip in Malaysia. Tuminah Sapawi reports. JHHE Malaysian press came Bwn hard on Singapore SBbdel Norish Karman for hjSjSjswering reporters' quesmns in English last year. mS And even before she actjg& in her first movie, SayBan^
        607 words
      • 256 7 GIVING small loans to lift Chinese women out of pov,r erty is unheard of, but a remote district bank is setting trends in the country. Luliang, a poor and backward district in Shanxi province, is experimenting with microcredit targeted at
        Reuter  -  256 words
      • 954 7  -  LI Lien Fung Bamboo Green WHEN poor Jiujiu, Mama's only brother, failed in his venture of running a primary school, he was so hurt that he only wished to hide himself in a quiet corner and lick his wounds, but sadly he found no comfort from
        954 words
      • 735 7 ■-i to 585* DtyiKe (a) Bai Fai Bai Zhong Lesson 1 (a) Hitting the target at every shot H *t KM Lean l«.tittTtJ!ia±ft!lHi67. Jii JushuS, King ihurcn iiigc yue pii dangshang jingli de zhiwei H A I hear that Supervisor ICang will assume the position of manager
        735 words
      • 110 7 ttot# IM**fc#W- > rA -(2) i«. JU ii 1- W *H tt W li Mi et Hif tit* f^HWA/ H **H*«T if.iUj« til r««^ii riitnt n«j: m riL F?#* r>(i fUt^H^T) ift#«tffi fhftiffiieii I r* ttttfeM*H*'fltftJL«M *fcff]HW»tti > ift.'l-Ac JtLi. m (di tt it ffe mi m A:)7MJ«I fu^it fW
        110 words
    • Arts/Entertainment
      • 546 6  - Charming Chau's class act Chin Soo Fang Music EMIL CHAU LIVE IN CONCERT 95 Singapore Indoor Stadium Last Friday CALL it Emil Chau's own class of charm and charisma. The Mandarin pop singer whipped up a rowdy and unforgettable concert almost effortlessly when he came to perform here last Friday
        546 words
      • 540 6  -  Koh Boon Pin Theatre MASTERS OF WARD C: TROUBLED PATIENTS by National Institute of Education Literature and Drama Division NIE Theatrette Last Thursday IT WAS almost like going back to student days. Walking into a lecture theatre, sitting down on lecture the-atre-style
        540 words
      • 837 8 Exactly how far short of Its sexy pre publicity did the much-hyped R(A) Les Liaisons Dangereuses fall? Koh Boon Pin rates its stars harshly. What was promised: What was delivered: **Utir ©J LUITI. Possessing a generous bosom, an equally curvaceous body and a frosty voice, she blew hot
        837 words
      • 202 8 JUDGES at the Venice Film Festival in Italy crowned young Franco-Vietnamese director Tran Anh Hung with the Golden Lion award on Saturday for his film Cyclo, the story of rickshaw life in Vietnam, a former French colony. The closing ceremony was
        AFP  -  202 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 Copyrights to be traded at next Book Fair 5 Kwds ted v^^l J^^^^h cDL Hotds > which B^k hHH^H :^^L recently bought over the |S|HHB[^^9^^^^^^^^|^^HH^||j^^^^^H 16 -hotel Copthorne BH BH^^HH^^^H^H^H^^^^^^^^^^^^H chain, is now the third PQSwlffl SHbJJlH^^^^^^^HHr^hJHb^^^^^^^^^H biggest hotel owner BSlS^ESSiail ■VfwKlV P^^r in England. 'I don't see IILWiF^M?rS PVffflMWl
      372 words
    • 86 1 P^ I Singapore t^^w'jl model yCJ^M Norish E Sflj JHB proves ■ft w^ I her critics H wrong 7 r iS A^ ARE YOU MAKING THE bp4 fcWK right choice? May the rest of your married v Me as successful as the day you get married and hold your S
      86 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 254 2 Open Plan Workstations Specially Designed To Suit Your Office ■■^^^^^^^^Specialise in turn key projects^^^^^^^l^ -1.-J: U l--riSropbi^ T 'r ftwETSP MHBfIS^^^SE^yHBHHB^M^M^.^ B^^. B^B^Bhß^B^B^B^B^B^ Mobile W jßßm^^^kmSES^^^^ti I Pedestal $150 I 3 drawers y p joqQ K BHMiWWliiyi^^Bßi r MM B^BT^^^^^m« B9h fl I I BB I k I I BftJ
      254 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 519 3 ADVERTISEMENT LOSE WEIGHT IN I Tj^ ITS DEFINITELY 188 POSSIBLE! SUTSM! Our^^PlanwillMpyoulaepJimandhealthy. SMm Factor 4 from rT~T 1 3*y Programrna. I haxJ Franca is the latest slimming Belore >«^ lwnp«ton to anack plan for you Created 62 kg MJ^ or to at on '^Pulsa. by leading French scientists F U
      519 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 /^Jm%w\ chinisi <^^^T V DtVtLOPM£NT JPft ASSISTANCE COUNCIL The Chinese Development Assistance Council is offering a Skills Training Award to help Chinese workers attend a 5-day Forklift Operations Course conducted by Singapore Port Institute. tUGIBILITY Applicants should be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents with GCE O level with 2 passes
      294 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 154 4 THE HOUSE OF LIM GARFIELD jS^^ffJ^c^L* "I ITHM-SONH NW'URAL.W|ftV AND| [[yllgWO> WN6CIWGWH PROMINENCE] I *£gg:M gie S |1 /h£IIo,SIR.IM a) 1/ WHERE'S \/I vw S PEANUTS I "p^ 1 I M>-~^_p V ANSWER WRONfiT^B Lf^^M^THEORV.. |IN A CHESS WORLP^I V/WRM/fl*^/^-^ I I THE BORN LOSER CAPP 'SSf^r^f )^ft> I \^-h
      154 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 500 5 /L^^^fK CHINESE <M^^^ DEVELOPMENT \o^/ ASSISTANCE Wjr COUNCIL CDAC is offerins a Skills Training Award to help Chinese workers to attendee IT POWER course conducted by NTUC. y ELIGIBILITY Applicants should be Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents with GCE 'O' level with 2 passes or below education Applicants should not
      500 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 931 6 I2SE B8& MHTn^HiPA AIR cow jSfST" SSS I FRIDGE TOSHIBA I SHARP ai|S aMI; iiowiyg 7^^ *'l itu« i t I to»«bavci«~ "ll?!!!!^ I ■^■wmfww Sa^HHI^HH nHD washmq I wL\ wPtkm\ machine i I ~r— AW2SOO 2UQ I E-10 C-70 9^**^ XR-WKM AMtoltoMrM MbWZS./^ I I MM. b^. COCOWIOfWrw I
      931 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 364 8 hj to^^** kft^ %t _^^mßvlh^hh^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hh^h^h^blb I Get 25% off a year of BusinessWeek and receive your BBS «cJ9RL S QOSSffl handbook and CD free with >our paid subscription. SmR"^BWP ■JHLI Furtmti MTIU2S2M7M Swt cfeKkiMMy irtw it I jj* I^_\_\ r Z I 9k Ctarft (cfttct tM) *Ml*Cart n*tt .tawrteM Earns
      364 words
    • 180 8 l^n^l G** tf* fir** crock at emerging business opportunities. 'ShH^ Hg Sign up now! I^B BW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES K?™£ M IN PHILIPPINE REAL ESTATE I*/"! International Conference, Site Inspection Tours, LJF I I^J November 5 fo 8, 1995 *^±jlmm r^H Shangrl-la's Edsa Plaxa Hotel, Philippines \9 V U^M CENTER FOR
      180 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 402 9 The StraitsTimes APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES aj^ I EstaMMb Singapore since 1972, mart a wfceay o'wnea svMMiary or mrmmcjm imism. v.orpor*oon, i lapan, specialising in consumer electronics I I wawftictwiwg mi wgjmtring actMtfet. I We require: Male with Degree in Computer Science 1-2 years experience in AS4OO system Male with Diploma in Electronic
      402 words
    • 648 9 Are you doing nothing with your ASSETS and denying yourself the opportunity to become rich? We arc a leading American Multi-national company. We invite professionals to our career presentation on Saturday Sept 1 6, 1995. You may discover there how you could earn $50,000 in your first year or will
      648 words
    • 792 9 THE SOCIETY FOR AID TO THE PARALYSED invites applicants for appointment as C D THERAPY AIDE Qualifications Experience GCE O' or 'N* Level passes Some basic experience in nursing care preferred Main Duties Responsible for the physical care of disabled clients Assist in running the programmes and activities at the
      792 words
    • 391 9 TOSHIBA SINGAPORE PTE LTD it s Mult.-Nat.onal WnM Corporation manufacturing colour TVs and deaJing in m't'nm consumer products in Singapore We invite suitably s^sial J^"* l Cindld<(it to Potions of W+lllLllM Poty Diploma in Business Studies/Administration (Marketing Option) Min 3 years' experience in a sales related environment W^^MmM Knowledge of
      391 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 650 10 If you think you've got what it takes, here's your chance to prove it. I Reach Put your best foot forward and see us today TOP AHTS CUSTOMER SERVICE IT SALES COORDINATORS SALES COORDINATORS r^JST ASSISTANTS -Technk^lyHOcltned -Willing to peftorm shift duties T i frMT 7aZL!^c^ rurm #w^ to perform
      650 words
    • 144 10 Appointment Ads An Effective Contributor An established limber company witkmany overseas branches is looking for a highlalibre personnel to join us as.- I You will oversee the day-lo day accounting operations, assist in preparation of budgets and monthly analysis/ review of financial performances nftopcrating associates, and consolidation of financial datas
      144 words
    • 360 10 J Applications arc Invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the position for a Prestisious multimillion Refurbishment Project In Town. Project commences in September 1995 for a duration of approximately two years. The person required must possess a Desree In CMI/ Structural Ensineerins from a recosnised university. j I A
      360 words
    • 1195 10 JAPANESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY TEST 1 I language and mutual understanding among nations. I O""*™ 9 i2J^^?^^^S^2f^? l(lic^ ln r ~«*onal EcJucatkxi. Japan. I Education. Japan. Conductedby The Japanese Cultural Sodety. Singapore. I Test Date 10 December 1995 (Sunday) 10.00am. I Te.t Centre The Japanese School, Singapore 3-93-93-93 1 Registration Commences
      1,195 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 528 11 SLIT SAPPIIIRK PTE LTD I Incorporated la the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF FINAL |tf KKTINC. NOTK'K IS HfcftEßY CIVEN pynuant lo Sectio* M* of ike rompaitiet Act. Cap V) thai Ike Final General Meeting of tke Compa«> •illhcheWal 1 1 1 North Bndgc Road. «V> OOrVmmul* rM*/«. Singapore 061
      528 words
    • 719 11 THE BANHHUPTCY *CT wmMm <ACTi«o«iaaM THE BAHItmjoTCV RULES IMB In Bankruptcy RB: LIM THIAM PENG (NRIC No. *****532F) Judgment Debtor Exparta HONG LEONQ FINANCE UMfTEO (RC No **********) Judgmer; Crad-or, NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT ..^^TATUTORY DEMAND UNDER SECTION 62 OF THE BANKRUPTCY ACT 1 995 To: Um Thiam Pino lalery of
      719 words
    • 1179 11 MBf HOLDINGS BERHAD IMI Financial Highlights June 1995 The Board of Directors of MBf Holdings Berhad is pleased to announce the highlights of the unaudited results for the 6 months ended 30th June, 1995. BCSmSSfIH^fIBBBBBi 54 43 24 t*ptfrff%%i^4ti^i[ 89 71 26 vni 1.955 >13 646 486 >33 2.2 y
      1,179 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 34 12 A quick look I at the markets. For i financial M NT call 1900-913-0001, i I I t i at i I i I 30 cents |i a minute. i i i i i
      34 words
    • 102 12 Coi igf ritu la tio 1 1 s m to MR AW LENG HWEE Chairman of the Prefab Technology Group of Companies on being conferred the Bintang Bakti Masyarakat (BBM) Awarded By The President of the Republic of Singapore from Prefab Technology Group of Companies: Prefab Technology Pte Ltd Prefab
      102 words
    • 531 12 /■MlM^—l^^M^B^B^wl back by I H 'rT^ IO Iff^A *y POPULAR LJ^J W^% gJ l -L.' DEMAND I I j Hvilkß># v>uoj4nkv i|ni I IHllfßi^Wll S V k\<f**Cmtn I n IMMORTAL BELOVED (PG) Pi TODAY 11 00 1 30 6 45pm 'Every ticket counterfoil entitles you to a s"o^ LbJ H1
      531 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 465 13 BJiiilj Ppii| ~4IJI 3J7WJO »<WMDCCK> /00/ -flih- wmmripq w 515 730 CANtVkUNIfGI i»T A 3_B ..--.»W»'ya -««0,,W -30,30 3X 730 1 100 3:45 4:30 fls AN AWfUIY K ADVBffiW HAJ 1100 600 »O0 fSllwirll-T 1*45 -MO- 7-15- 9-» ROM 2BK) TO »«O K* ritnuNiM I0OKACMB) <ma»*»4Aj nun mn l3 73
      465 words
    • 679 13 11 0 0 OIOM BI'I'I'I'MIIH/I M< I SINGAPIMA new happy —l I j« Cht ia MO s-«a»«i soPM -t».^ NOW SHOWINO y^» j^2l A r L^jSs\ (PG) nowshowims rm-BMF^fMMi m ~^rm^~m) >^ HH o*** m "Maatamat' I fcr^^^iW^^n^V anaammvsmmm^i^B 1 M^%t fe fl fikWl ll fll I HwU •rinvll'llMl I
      679 words
    • 142 13 Stf INOIVIOOM CINCMA OtttCTOattS KJt SHOW TIMCS im'gssjMsfl arH wcfi^i I3fd~wliicr OiiyiTg^WW* MM »T CAIMT. EAtTMOM. MM. ™^^"^"*^^w The Ultimate moi mwuh «md Mcr» B^g^^^^JL, Action Comedy jI2TQT_^ dJOK^ j|b f W With Attitude! pPH ■TJj^JF N OW SHOWING r r— aJ mL v AT C Y "STSHW. MMJM VBHUN.
      142 words
    • 51 13 Kt our experienced lAifl JliT^*^ Bl 99 er Premises better Y^|^ service With several new experienced masseuses 5 wtxj are experts m the art mm 9 V\ \^^%r^ of "acupressure" massage mt 9 V'JlHliVCT^^^^^ To ease your tense muscles J 'liflri^^^--" and improve blooti c^rculatoo^ fl VKa^ Rooms with showers
      51 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 548 14 P^fl Iji l WM Ivfcj Multinational Management 3rd Intake (September 1995) The Graduate Diploma in Multinational Management is a 12-month programme specially designed to equip participants with the ability to handle the challenges of managing across national borders. Upon successful completion, students may be considered for entry into the 2nd
      548 words
    • 218 14 Eye on lifestyle Behavioural Research International Pte Ltd m Personnel Decisions International [22JT— J2EZ2JE32^J| Number of trade unions jflßll and membership r?Wf J "Si—- snVi 1 f T'nnTnTT[?ffi o« ICT^ i l l^l7l^' ll^lHll.^ tiMit Hm^^m^mcm^B ■■■■nwaH2i7 r 4» Pfffnfmrflifflffiß^^ aHHHBfIB 232,827 1 nWIMIIIIIiIBMiiiiI^^ Trade unions m Members IH9i9B^ For
      218 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1138 14 What's On Television PCDrnDMAUPCC 41 members of the Tashkent State Orchestra call GERMAN VIDEO ART 1992 94 'TV 1 I Ll\rUl\lTlHn VLV e J l a eon 5 °P 138 0608 Tickets for the matinee at $40. $70. Gocthc-lnstitut Art Gallery. #074)0 Finla>son (irecn I ill Sept 25. 5100.
      1,138 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 663 15 BBbh BLarsmV am —am BMBM^Omm sMBW «J^ I BBar^Eam BBaw tZ^ a^H LrSff mi BmmvSßmm^^Bmml b^Bbw_^bbi Bb\ VflF^gA^afl aaaavcß^Lß^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^Baaai Buy BRIDGESTONE now and you'll be driving off with more than just tyres. Now you get lot more for choosing a safer smoother ride with BRIDGESTONE From 1 August 199S to
      663 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 497 15 Television CHANNEL 5 S.OO AM AM Singapore (News maianw) SJB The 47th Annual Emmy A ajar da (Liw/vtntty) •11.00 SeN-A-Vlalon (Advertisements) •12.00 NOON News 5 Today *12.K> Tha Weigh To Oo (Instructional) Featunnj a tow fat Italian meal witti Caesar salad, hejht tettucme alfredo. pasta phnw vera and stvtova. 12.40
      497 words
    • 469 15 Television PRIME 12 9.00 AM CDIS 1.00 PM Home Shopping (Advertisements) 2.00 cms 4.00 Never Tha Twain Tha Walsh Connection (Comedy) AM Home Matters (Instructional) 540 Tha Health Show (Documentary) 5.30 Flavours Of Franca (Documentary) 6.00 Flavours Of Italy (Documentary) 6.30 Shanti < Tamil dubbed drama Maya decides to introduce
      469 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 63 16 150ml VhU W' f p I SupwHold B| 6.20 SftmStogpo yj #^P« OO—WnQUMd Hni/O b^Ssh^^^ fc iWH KMM KMtn Floor MMbItCM SiOU InMciadi I FREE I2sgx?» O«MS(MD Dettol Soap to r^ 18. 2a»x2K*)N«day Jft 0A "•b^^ 1 UioU FREE 10-sNio«tayMu I NKI DAY I I ••iteß' I KflcfDAY I D"*"
      63 words
    • 419 16 Every purchase of any Unilever products will entitle you to a Lucky Coupon. On peeling off the die-cut panels, will reveal whether you have won any instant prizes. Fill in the personal particulars on the entry coupon, secure the official dealers' chop and slot into a designated box placed in
      419 words
    • 73 16 ECON PHONECARD With every purchase of promotional items at Econ outlets, you will be able to buy an Econ Phonecard at $2.00 each. An exquisitely designed folder is also available at $0.50 each. While stock last! aviate** 40% fxf\ s 1 2.90 Eoon Phon«c«rt ySc^^SLi ml mi vEdB j BUY
      73 words

    • 4 1 SKILLS UPGRADING BJ I^M^mßllWF^^M^BßrwwFMW
      4 words
    • 625 1  -  Patrick Wong Keen on improving yourself with new skills or courses that can boost your existing qualifications? Then you will be glad to know that there is a rich variety of skills upgrading programmes available today. WHEN Henry Brooks Adams wrote They know enough who know how to
      625 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 605 1 CLASSIFIED SECTION hish^of^^" How muchlre7ou ill More llOM^WtiJ^fl "'^vaff spending on poor j 1^ communication skills? I on envlronment? j 2 a- m prepares yoo tor the MgMy recognised ITE-CBB l Our Workplac. Communlc-tlon SklH. tU \\\t \sS^£SZ}*'S£gs!&£Bi\ high reC rWttnVlU COW Programme is specially designed to help j vltlkhv
        605 words
      • 276 1 CATS. 5r <mJ Ik CHINESE W •WT DEVELOPMENT v m^(^ ASSISTANCE J^Hr council CDAC Skills Training Awards are now open for application by ethnic Chinese workers who wish to attend the Jan 9$ intake of the following courses SStiSrINTUC 1 111 f T dmic 1 E* ll 0 <ITE) or
        276 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 401 2 fe^»tP^9 B JIBHr B J|^|^p^N a^P B jh|| FAX: 747-4622 CAT^. i^SBB^B^BBHaILIHLMKiULwsCiIi^ W BUSINESS, LANGUAGE A. SECRETARIAL STUDIES LCCI Business Diplomas (v^PN fl^r^X IAM Management Diploma ■^Va^LLjßi Private Secretary's Certificate Diploma g^3EL§!iP English Mandarin Courses '^■feS^^awn The finest quality teaching, the best resources, a wonderful atmosphere. TO yads show promise
        401 words
      • 624 2 l •»r\KT»M> Authorised Training ''""Nt lint imt i>M> im iim> \>si» Centrmtor iJ.i.iii.^ujmnuM 1 i;MJI JI 1M;M;?BWB 4t ff i^ M ,^,,,M^ U. Autodesk ssrms r*.v«* ■•■lam. Wl f> 1 "V, I' Or ••ilMt^lV. (i •v, ii n. \mmm—\m^> .x f^rnnri Mtr^ltfc.^M«^U«. ,i W WV, MmT««« M 4^_r MM V
        624 words
      • 475 2 HEY. GREEN -thumbed PERSON! Grass-p the gardening opportunity planted in Classification 689. o (Ja)tS)rinQ •EKT CATBJMM MNVKCS We offer attractive package* at reasonable price with specially imported cutlery from USA to compliment our wide range of theme colour*. Our excellent uniformed service staff will make your guest feel at ease.
        475 words
      • 548 2 8 Catering N€O OAROCN MSTM B>.«^ U for dishes S9. $10 buffet (free transport, tables drinks) High tea $4 BBQ S8 Free transport Call *****80 IEL J 84 0866 00) at CATIRS 20 pun/ $6 for 10 dishes High tea $2 50/ 6 items M.n 200 pax BBQ $9/ 9
        548 words
      • 817 2 64 CDa/LDs/Cassamaa/ Racords HARMAN KAROON AVR26 Protoow amplifier 9650 Panasonic LX K770 laser disc player $080 5 mths old In mint cond Tel 760 4631 alter spm 66 Club Memberships AIAMAMIII ALL OOLF Ok COUNTStV CLUB Til UP CSNTW GENUINE BUYERS/ SEUERS call 2 *****9 Uir.iOt OOLF Austin $17k. Ch.ngi
        817 words
      • 644 2 66 Club Matnbanhipt SICC. TMCC. RCC. JCC Sen.o sa. foreign, local ft corporate for sale Smgolf Services 73/7600 •6-MOLB OOLF Rmr. number Ship for sale Only $2*6 p/mth In terastad pr* pg 9SOOO 265 SOK MLL: AOMMALTY Club Pager no *****966 72 Musical Instruments UOBD JAPAN EXAM pianos Ysmaha. Kawai
        644 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 443 3 t0 AircofxtttionerW PMIfIINjNINtNIS SPtCIAI Off ER!» P^SAJaVO National TOSHIBA Fujrrsy Naßons) Sanyo rm ancon ihp SIfTS fMBonsJ Sanyo 1 to 2 (2fooms) ToahJba ito 3 (3 rooms) Inter oated plaaaa can LJKRAL AME PTC LTD. TX: 445 7288 P>*Ws*isisbT77^^ UAN XMM NBPAM CNMTNB We rapeir aM brands 1 Free checking
        443 words
      • 773 3 Hirconomonsrs/ Refrigerators AMCON.. FRIOOf WASHIR. VCR. tv. appiicances ft used Seta/ •nstaii/ repair *****03/ *****87 SPUT AMCON. UNIT. Instslls tion. rapeir. service ft overhauled. Tel *****26 W8 PNOVtM MLANDWNJB air con,l sve repair ft installation Oood rat**. CeN *****66/ *****57 7000 BTU. TBCO $040 rm aircon $830 incl instsllstion
        773 words
      • 903 3 108 Horn* Furnishing OMSCT MOM STV kitchen cabi net wardrobe $95 pLf Two yrs guarantee good workmanshtp No deposit 10 days delivery Pg 9U***** *****883 (Night) ■ACTON V PMCBI SHOWROOM standerdl Kitchen Cabinet $120 pfr With stainl*** steel trimming 5240 pfr *****186/ pg *****719 ■ACTONV Si SNOWNOOM Kitchen cabinet $66
        903 words
      • 590 3 114 House 114 House Renovation/ Decor Renovation/ Decor I 1 tt*ls "oust Cssjmt Heavy (ii^oTrtouaT^wnnumSaaf^^ I I Qfa»s(Bq«aisOai«| (2) SrtSujport Homagsnaou* ig MtnaiHouas S»Uart>M*i 13 InoftanmitorDoenlght (3) ChoppngSavSuppori 114 MigfOrMConsiTrlnwg I MonagawMiriir 15 JssisSam-Vhi (4> Coo^vSexs Support 1 16 3 pes f^atofi SosrJ Ooon I <„ 8 l r ir
        590 words
      • 180 3 3»O. VICTCmiA ST ♦02 28 mOUmt LAMOMAHK T«t: 2*l S«2O (3 Hnaal F«« 2*l 7e«4 i >< mm haoac MOt Ua, ttm. m-O+WIC 3'm $2 00(V 52.A80 4^m $3.25<V $3900 t-mi. $4.«XV S4JOO Lay taaliwaa^ aarqwit law 3 Mm. ft mlriiii tW.- t3 doo OID FLAT ■> $1 aOOI 1.
        180 words
      • 314 3 114 Hou.e Renovation/ Decoi T*XK CHAN RCNOVATION MOB) Licence NBVOBVIS2SZ 1 Culms— St #02 24 *^B9BJBMMMJ IWefy IVBW MJMP| I J T«L: *****4V* *****20 Fe« SS727SS Ceremic Broker 16 .16 18 i!8 Martok X Room $2000 $2701 4 Room BTTftfl 6390C 5 Room $4)8)00 $4)B*K Kitchen ft 2 toilet* ceremic
        314 words
      • 782 3 114 Houta r Renovation/ Decor iPtCIAI OFFIR FOR HOB HOUSfS Tel: 28*2178 2****** SfWM **VfVM aWntsl Ceramic ***** $3400 $4000 R»»*jar $580 $660 $1200 Special offer for old flat flooring 1 for 2 toilets ft kitchen, complete in 3 days ***** LATTICES VMKKWOEfIWNOCW WC6 RANGE Of 06SIGN G«l£ D6JKT fAOOtN
        782 words
      • 521 3 118 Plumbing 118 Plumbing I A.A. BROTHERS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I)Sp6C«te«lCtateoyßSkSM 6)fl*plWrrß?BrbBSn.Srtl 2) Mam ppe 4 mmhoi« crvjke 7) Tap Ffcattrn lolstDOW) 4)**m«*mlG*cr)okags olPVCs^ooppsriJT L^J^£f*jjgOPg*J>jjgg»_ HBp*WT*psK«atAo 9SfßOftoflos»| A. A. MaatHai ft PtmiAi,,, with 20 yeewe inparisnn BJaawaa 7/OS7BBS ISMr«7) TIM MOST CAPABLE PLUBMSW YOU CAN THUSTI Ml AMI TIM PPJOffSSIONAL* WHtN
        521 words
      • 617 3 WLIABLS PUB UCBNCI co. tractor 17/6*84 23/1/9*l to solv all water heeler/ dectneav plum) mg problems 2788 Race Court Rd 2******/ pg •300*7*8 (24 hr TAI TONQ SlaatHaal a Plumbs repair water h*at*rs 18 hrs Bi 740 to 1 318*. Badok Res Ri *****81/ 7****** (3/2367 4/2/M) SPf CIALISf IN
        617 words
      • 314 3 126 Child Cara/ Babysitting I") EURASIAN BABYSI I AVAIL, st Tempmes Interested I contact *****71 132 Hairdraasingy MswrCf T»)M CUTTINO/ TRIMMINO Grass lurfing. bush/ debris clear ance. hacking, demolition works Cheep/ immedtete G 7 2*80*77 J PfTHt B «4JVS sch 40% dit for hair courses Students Cut $5 I Perm
        314 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 579 4 I§ e M^ P ISO Don Help 150 Domestic Help 150 Domestic Help Av 'M> Available Available Available A •■^•■••l»« Laakaa ■■rM«t«-Chlnc«c Fillpiaa Indian ■O|JM^ V Wei trained maids Good work attitude Honest Efa^n f^^ riemant disposition Professional after sales service i? it^ff uy I lowhidgetl frqcir free renewal I
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      • 208 4 |-<w.^o»^a» MsMANPUJi) HViovMBNT Indonesian Biodata Avatlabt* PsrsonaWy lntarvi»w Owe* Arrival Lowar F«as Than Olhtn riNpioa m Myanma>aa Aiso Availabla f»o«y tsjMSri. #02 IS IfimiAlWaWm SIM MYANMAR INDONESIA 1 FILIPINO Work Permit cancellation renewal Pa— port motwai ***** 88 ?£nVXr Open M 7 pm (Mon-Fn) Ag SHIN JIN JiJfl AGENCY PA.
        208 words
      • 428 4 ISO Domestic Help ISO Domestic Help Aveilable Available mdlD FORCE INDO MAIDS SPECIALIST 6 Video viewing strict training/discipline English sjjeaking Ex-abroad experience Unlimited replacement For housekeeping/ Personal interviews babysjtting/care of jfiy^B-nr Saiafi sick/aged I([ C^M I No hldden COBt ffitaV" 7331 800 eßLsssssssf »06 15 Lucky Plaza jfrl SUNRISE EMPLOYMENT
        428 words
      • 655 4 ISO Domestic Help 150 Domestic Help Available Available a eaBBaIVSBBBBBBBBSBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBaBB aSSaamS»SSSmMaMaSSSSSSS»»SSSSS»SSaaSSSSS»aaM J Well trained I Filipino,Sri Lanka I Indonesian -rfoEsso L^fa/ds IV/rA? Passporj, fflj^nP TSti) Anifirfiry Prtpiititiii -^^S^^J i^\oo mf ji» laaje bie M W<W $200/- dtocounl on Agency FeJ|/^ f FREE repUcement f AvJ FREE medical (4 time*) FREE
        655 words
      • 305 4 I 3BJB^B^B^B^BBBBBBBBBBBBaaI IS2 Domestic Help i Wanted jBBIt 'IWHipinas •Can exit Manila >Can eut Mwy FASTESTVISA Fepma staff Most applicant are selected within 5 days Possible salary up to Peso 23 000 per month No termination. Bett service voted by most Filipino. 735-3536 MOMOKONO IMMIOIATI EMPIOVMtNT Salary $800 avary Sunday
        305 words
      • 434 4 154 Factory/ Warehouse Sales MIAMNOUSI CHAIMN6 HUH DRJSDS of lop quality back car biddings ranga of Slumbarlanc Simmons. Saaly. Ounlopillo. Kir^ Koil and mora Sngi. (l mai trass and Divan $200* par sal Quaan si/a $250* par sat Also S diffarant modals solidwood ram <nj taak/ nyatoh bads of all
        434 words
      • 698 4 106 Wanted B RtOUIRID UROINTLVI IT H. ONO-NANO Daxion or Racking f •yatams Piaasa caM SararV Eva at d 2******/ fa« *****55 SUV ft MU usad TV VCR v. daocam. hif.. fndga. wathar air jjj con Tal 2431*81 *****018 MM SUV ft sail CTV. HKI. Frtdga »s Waahar. gas cookar.
        698 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 340 5 203 Boom keeping/ SecretariaV *«e»ete»t taw<BBB as aaaN. AOOV Anaoanooy f»x/ Tele. Free ROC form friHoa For matton of co SIS6O *****31 SB) aBaML ADO J anewennoy IVPMS CaN 3236 J47 llm'i pTaia) 209 Business OppanrjuHlee WC AIM TO MtlF YOU ACNMVf YOU! COAIS SejNQNC PSOPWTY AND PfOPlf IQCtTMW. PAOIISSIONAHV
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      • 1000 5 209 Business 209 B«ieana>ss 209 Business 209 Business Opportunities Opportunities OpportunitJee Opportunities It your answer ,s yes irn-n f\ rl\T\ Su( Seminar yc>uovve it to yourself to M t f w<?d attend our Free Success Wb# J^\^ M .^aV Seminar and discover B IBi A«M \^°T Km Con J ef
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      • 573 5 Wl ÜBJOaaTAeta AMY sub-con tract (obs. cleaning protects, man age and maintain condo for long/ shon tarm For mor* details. lan at S6« 782 7 CaN Tel *****02/ Pg S4I2SS7S. AM enquires welcome LOAM TCHM DCUVCnV assign mant avail, for 20/34 ft lorries 1 with/ without driver Alan *****670 MAM
        573 words
      • 563 5 221 Computer Products/ Servioee Automatic Invoice Debtors Statements Sales Report Stock Control, etc (with GST) nCall 734 6885 f= Locaßy GST Report. Custom Forms, Mutt Currency. Stock Mo smew 4, ACCOUNTING Accounting ins C/W 9 DOS (At Ver 442 8JM.98 fj 00$ (AE) Ver 501 SIJS7SO X DOSIUS|VtrSOO $257 50
        563 words
      • 727 5 221 Computer 221 Computer 221 Computer Products/ Products/ Products/ Services Services Services I "I LEO^ DESIGNote K NOTEBOOK COMPUTER I INTEL 499 DX2-66MHZ 4MW250M8 MONO $1. 799 $1.832.97VL U INTEL 486 DX2-66MHZ 4MB/340M8 MONO $1,888 $1,944.64^1 WINTEL 486 DX2-66MHZ BMB/500MB DSTN $2.830 $2.933. 30\ I INTEL 499 DX4-75MHZ 4MBO40MB DSTN
        727 words
      • 368 5 1 MBBBaMsxsjMMMMMBMjBjjBBBBM I^BMMMMBMBMMMMMMMMB 233 Office Furniture/ 233 Office Furniture/ Furniahireje Furnishings Veriew Calsen V Al wisS Hyerewrk Model No 7760 j he»Geiieeey I UsuaTS2lB I ew* WVJe jsscki Uu I 4V bjmmmmW' It^bjbx TaS ie&^ kj^A^^ft^aV^ftr ■"^^l^^lModel No IMMMMjiMVl MMMMjiMV L U^oTs23B f VBJTV CNSAP. FACTOsTY direct sale new office
        368 words
      • 219 5 236 Industrial EquipmanV tupptUa UHO OffKt COWTAJNfPV 4 ft Paltets for sale Call *****13 for Mr Wong 239 Packing Storag*V~ Dalivary/ Removal fTTTTmTTTT¥fr3TT3 SpsKMiM In HoussVOmoa Piano/Oraan/Storage Package And Disposal Wm WEMENCf IVriISPOIsiIIE I WORKERS. FK£E QUOTATIOI r\ tVm#miMaj aMMfj] HOOSCMOLXV OW^ci SaaaiaHai In plan*V •rfljajn 9t sa*a rsjfwe)wl Eapariancad
        219 words
      • 1192 5 236 Industrial 236 Industrial Equipment/ Equipment; Supplies Supplies Price 595,000 Each Ncootiable Model: DH 22OLC Year Dec 94 Place No. 2 Surtgei Kadut Ave Y«w Tee Ind'l Est Date ft 11 Sep 95 Time 1 1 .0© mm Tel *****22 (Alan/Richard) ScEt7tsßfir D*livory/ Removal SAN MCNG MUAT BJOVSJR THAT CARS
        1,192 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1138 6 241 PHe«ee/ FaiesV 241 Phonos/ Fames/ Pasers/ tpaalsl Pagers/ Special Niimbefs Numbers p BID FOR SINGLE NUMBERS 1 TELEPHONE *****00 *****28 *****33 *****88 *****11 *****88 *****18 383 0404 383 6677 *****88 *****88 *****88 345 7878 *****66 353 5533 *****00 *****00 *****88 *****68 *****77 *****05 *****22 *****33 *****66 741 2222 741
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      • 961 6 30ft BMW For Sale 4/S4 IMW HSiS Coupa auto Full accaaaorta* 2 ownar* Dona 10,000km Aganl maintainad Sporty condition. Tal *****00 2/-SS SBJW S2S4 4 dr* auto COC 12/2003 Tai 1/"96 Naw intanor FuNy rabuilt Loan avail *****27 7rS3 BSSW SISI auto Ist own ar. Mm brand naw Nica no
        961 words
      • 715 6 312 Fiat For Sale 7rSS UNO tMI sdr 5 ipaad V9l Uno 1 0 5 door 1 ownar Showroom cond Had whita Loan/ trada in. Lot 3 Irving Road Tal *****00 Scott* Motor* 1 OWNM. M» 91 Uno 1 0 b <\, Taa 2/96 Naw 2K blua 100% baautiful Aafcmg
        715 words
      • 2806 6 316 Honda For Sal* 316 Honda For S«U 316 Honda For Sal* 316 Honda For Sal* 316 Hanaa Foe tala Study the box below. And compare our rates with others. The conclusion is clear: We have one of the best rates around l ■^■■b^JI yf^ No catch No l^aa Period
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      • 884 6 325 Morcodos For Solo "SO BBSRCSDSS 300 SOX AUTO 1 careful ownar Front/ raar alactric taat* Agant serviced Tax 2/98 Guarantaad original condition 3 months warranty Par n liming 4724 189 OWPNSR SMORATIOI '02 n^r Bent 300SL Auto laportt. 02 trans far Accident free Low mileage Nice registation Ong silver
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      • 1128 6 329 Msrcßdsß For Solo ■TOO OTOI Mercedei ownar Low mileage Warranty by CSrC Pr«« neg. Pg *****606 Sam 0/92 MSRCSDSS 2OOS auto 1 ownar. low mileage, la* 11/95 ahowrm cond $163,800 *****55 7/00 MIRCfOIS 100. auto COC Ui 12/95 White Mi f, $***** T»i *****23 7/00 SCM2 230S Converted E220
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 975 7 Mm— 4m ft UU 325 M*rc*d* S For S«l« 325 M«rc»d«« For S«l« 325 M«rc»d«s For Sale |fV^^9"^^^p^^P^^Pl^| Enioy a powerful head start buying your dream H m *^B j 1 car with these great incentives ■^fl|^^^|A^^^^^^^ta^^^^J Immediate savings with one of the lowest interest rates in town, m^^^^^mmm *^^j
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      • 775 7 9/00 LAURCL 2.0L. auto White Fuel iniectlon Naw tax. PARF S29K. Ask $36*. Owner *****062 O/Sa NISSAN PRCSCA I.BCTII suto. 1 owner S/rims. Beige. Like naw Tal *****287 *****16 S/S2 SUNNY I.SCX manual 1 owner Tax 2/98. Well maintained. Like new 882.000 Tel *****39 82 ALMOST SUNNY EX Saloon 1.4.
        775 words
      • 845 7 10/00 SURANU UMACY 1 0GL. auto PARF $29K Original paint Beautiful s/rims See to appreciate $68,800 Tel: *****76 MB '91 SURARU V.k. MM 5 dr Green S/rims Hi fi CO $34,800 Must view I Call *****00 spown issa vru mm i own •r. 5-dr Full eccoaaoria* Accidant freel Al cond.
        845 words
      • 761 7 344 Toyota For Salo PRO-SCLCCT TOYOTA CitHtod Pf a awwad Cars Includes These Extra Benefits 108-Poiw Quality Check 1-Year Comprehensive Warranty 3 Day No Ouieble Exchange 1 Month 1000-Km Inspection Tayeas 03/86 Corona 1.6 GL. auto Sl2BK* 10/83 Corona 1.6 GU auto. $112K* 07/93 Corona 16 GLi auto. $110K* OS/83
        761 words
      • 930 7 344 Toyota For Sala 12T82 CARINA COUPE < 6/2001. t/nmt Power window SBW plata Pg 9 *****72 1900 TOYOTA COROMA CD Auto Sports rims Beautiful condi tKKi Tal *****11/ 2 2 UMTS 'SO Starlet 10 6-dr Air con Hifi Ricardo teatt SIS 900 Selling cheep *****16 2 UNITS '82 Corolla
        930 words
      • 925 7 396 Off Peak Cars TTJT3TS*TToRSA™n^r™T owner, s/nms Eaty Paymant View 8 Lor 7 Geylang 7470M6 12TSS PROTOM WmA 1 5 Sell ing SSOK Contact pager no 52*3518 No dealers pit V94 HVUMOAI IXCIL 1 SGLSi 4 dr power steering. 1 owner Eaay Payment *****00 7rS2 MITSUBISHI COLT 1 tGLXi, t/rimt
        925 words
      • 638 7 357 Q Plate Car* O 90 NISSAN Sunny 1 6 Auto Tax new 1 ownar Well kapt Al cond $43K ono 9 *****53 Q 'SO NISSAN Pultar 1 4 SLX manual 1 owner Low mileage Baautiful cond 400 3000 O '91 NISSAN 2 0 auto A9S 1 owner Lowmileege
        638 words
      • 1321 7 377 Sluf^ 1 9 37? F«' 377 Car Financing »n»ur«nc« Inturanca Insurance I 5.0% p.a. monthly rest FIXED for the I Ist year and 0.25% above DDS Prime 1 I W^te for the remaining loan tenor. I CSIHtSE33I Rates S Option to lock in the interest rate for the initial
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 938 8 353 VsMoaso VVojatsMl A BEAimfOLV BEST OiAt ABSUTV TO ACCSPT AU CAMS ALL B*aM*D USSO CAMS ALL MAKES. ANY CONDITION CASM ON- TMC SPOT ALL STATION WAOOM Buy/ Sell PAM9V ■an PANT Car Good price for Honda. Toyota. Datsun. Maida. Nissan, Ford. Osihstsu. Suiuki Subsru Hyundai Mitsubishi Proton Saga. Jeep
        938 words
      • 1045 8 387 Lorrios For Sol* LORRIES AND VANS >- 'M Mitsubishi Canter 14' canopy SB Mania E2200 4dr van. Dieeei 88 Daihatsu Hiiet 10 Sdr van 84 Mitsubishi L3OO 5 door van '81 Oataun 120Y panal van iCCC) 81 Mitsubishi L3OO COE 2002 ISO Airport Road (Lot C. 3****** NBAM '84
        1,045 words
      • 1041 8 391 Vans For Solo IJSiß^jJJymi^^H Financing for New A Used Lorries, Vans, Ptck-Ups, Buses. *****98 ONLY ***** DO*VNPAVMINT for brand naw Mitsubishi L3OO panel van Patrol S, dieeei S-dr Power steering, aircon radio ca sane With g'taa COC Finance repayment upto 7 yrs. *****11 ArTOMPABLB S UMsTS. S3 Toy ota/
        1,041 words
      • 1027 8 393 MotorcyctasV Scootors For Sala 20TH ANNIVERSANY HONDA Goldwing 1 Sec Bidded no 1 ownar Hardly use 9607-1203 FO RXS $1800 nag Good en gine Pg 9 *****06 304 Motorcyclas/ Scootars Wantad FO YAMAHA TZRI2S/"'. V»v FK FZRISOV LCI2S $860 FF RXK/ P.GI2S $6*o FH Chopper Moto Guai 126/ Lavarda
        1,027 words
      • 632 8 402 DOl 08 City 402 DOl 08 City 402 DOl 08 City 402 DO lOB Citv 8. South West South West South West ft South Wait PTE APTS FUnt FTE ARTS lUnt FTE AFTf R.nt FTE APTS R.nt Seavlew Resort Condominium OCCUPATION nHaf mm "T^ IAJ9 28 mPI \m\ Located
        632 words
      • 607 8 404 DO9 10 Orchard/ TanglirV Holland PTE ATTB rUnt HOUANO PIAK. s*l titvM* 1* (W9BMMON 3* 1 »1 2.000 TMI aAIMONAI 4*l M.M* NASSNMPAMK 4. «a SOO C.At/kMIIA. 4*l 3150 sq ft > Low riaa apt. Baloonia* MUM 2IOUTUOKO 4. 97.500 CNATMJT. 3*l bdrma t7.MO *NtXFONDONnN4.i J7.200 PANOAH VALLJY panth**
        607 words
      • 1062 8 404 DO9 10 OrchardV TowfUiV MojHrihl PTE APTS PJotlt UVATRsATII RRMTAL •PCOALMT A liat of specieMv selected home* is wailing for you. Please call if you ere m naad of on* ••*****11 DIOMOND O€ ANO PROPRRI I PTI LTD Tito Cliym— 4*l $17 000 ArMdltMi <•• 612SW 610*1 10 Waj*T*r**.i
        1,062 words
      • 1113 8 404 DO9-10 Orchort To noJifV Holland r*Tt APTI llofrt D.OO RTVm VALLBY vicinity 1 rm* Fully furn Pool Renovated Quiet $3 2K Andric *****468 OH MVWM PT. 1360 sq ft 3 bdrm F/furn Pool High fir $4800 Or Yap *****75 Agt* welcome D.OO OH.VBJR TWR. 1 High fir Tip top
        1,113 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 1070 9 404 DOaVIO OiBtMMBV TmhbJlh/ M*Msw< PTt APTS FUnt TIARA 2 RM Mvd ftr Fum Excel lent facilities Immed $494)0 49*9747/ 9900-0010 agt 11 BAIBaffBJU. 1700 aqfl 3*l rma Facilities Avail Ist Oct $730* PMC 224-2000/ *****939 406 Dll a2l Humility BbV TaflaaaW s^ MßafßaaasHraW PTE APT! Woat KHCAM HOCK QQpjg
        1,070 words
      • 1093 9 410 015 16 Eatt Coast PTC APTS Rent O.l* BBAMO MB*). 3*l Spr. ngvale F/furn $3200/ Katong Pk Twr Avail 19/10 *****29 GMP 0.10 OAOTBBJI LAOOO9I M 3 rma. 1370 aq.ft FuM faciMWoa/ fum Windy ECP Uoyd Prop. BjQOOQOM O.l* 9A9188W LAOOO9I Town house s*l bdrm Rsnonalad. $7K FuM faoNoaa
        1,093 words
      • 845 9 414 Dl9-20 Stxanooon/ IHOfflSOfa PTC APTS Rent O 20 HrOH Fid Ph. 3 rma. F/turn Interested pg MW9407 O 20 TMOMSOM MJO. Furn 4»1 Condo lacilittes Amenrties $3300 MH *****79/ *****399. FUUarntKt PH. (OMAN Thorn son Vaohanl 1092 sq ft 3»1 Full lacitiaaa FMda *****11 416 022 2t Wooty Worth"
        845 words
      • 702 9 416 D22 28 Wettf North 416 022 28 r¥e«t/ North 416 022 28 Meat/ North 416 022 28 We.v North PTC APTS rUnt PTE APTS Rf»nt PTE APTS Rent PTE APTS Rent I Luxurious Condominium OCCUPATION I mbk.' raß I aV.v>-^ -Jal^N^' I I BBi I^b#)bV>«^. S&Sr I I I
        702 words
      • 499 9 0.11 OOTOMV. OCTACMCO bungww at Sima Rd F/aircon. s*l 'TO S^pool Piurn *****94 D.ll OCNTLf V9UA naw 3^ato ray aami-d. 6«1 2900 aq.ft. MRT $8 5K up 9824*418/ *****089 agi 0.11 OMCMO MM vicinity 3yatoray tarr Naw. Daaigntr kitchan badrma. *****36 tola agt. 0.11 TIIO—OII AMCA. 3 atoray aami-d. 4
        499 words
      • 830 9 422 HUDC/HDBApt. I For Rom APPROVED fXfC APT Blk 506A Sarangoon N Ava 4. high I fir wall ranovatad. f/furn.. split aircon $1900 nag. Oalight *****38 APf'SJOVBO 4/ 6-MM. Whampoa. Sarangoon. Pasir Ris. Hougang. Tiong Bahru. Jurong W Katong 3 rm Circuit Hd 284 3133 agt APa>B)OVH> 4 MB. Yishun/
        830 words
      • 656 9 422 HUOC/ HOB Apts For Rant MM BUt 141 B.*r<an St M Sfum 3*l. MRT Immad occupancy HOB approvad. 9509 5907 aot 6-RMyMAIS. TAMfMB. HUOC (MRT). taatawjßy ranovaMd. f/fum aircon.. immad. *****011 Makpora 0-RM PASM MS. Dasignar dacor. Tip top condition Mm* to Elias Mall Immad. 9-*****19 tola agt B-BM.
        656 words
      • 1645 9 424 Sarvica Apto 424 Sarvica Aptt 424 Sarvica Apis RENOVATED Kaf I 4> SUPERIOR PLAZA PAflFlf f A DkAVXt rLf\£~ f\ 1 Mi_lr I 1_ APARTMENTS SERVICE APARTMENT I J»V Enjoy the comforts security of home v J along Beach Road (outside CBD) and iCSjUV- v I fully furnished one
        1,645 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 2935 10 441 S^" 4 01 441 DOl-O«CHv 441 DoloBCity 441 DO l-08 City 441 DO lOB City 441 DO l-08 City *South-W»««t ft South W««t ft ft South West ft South West T Sato PTE APTS Sala PTE APTS Sala PTE APTS Sal» PTE APTS Sal* PTE APTS -S«
        2,935 words
      • 322 10 450 011 A2l NawtorV it Tkwahy Ctomaatl HOUSES Sato D 21 SUNS6T BUNOLW seller 4000-9000 sq.ft Few units Data 9*0001*3/ *****32 x I*. 461 Dll &21 Newton/ Bt Timah/ Clement, PTE APTS Sato fgmß Callyouf I 3l ERA Estate I >JQ Specialist or D.ll OM.STCAO VKW 860 sq ft 2
        322 words
      • 619 10 441 DOl-08 City South Weit l« FT! APTS Sal* CONVERSION GUIDE 01 01-06 02 07-08 03 14 16 04 09- 10 05 11 13 06 17 07 18-19 08 20-21 09 22-23 10 24 27 11 28-30 12 _31_-33 13 34-37 14 38-41 15 42 45 16 46 48 17
        619 words
      • 2279 10 450 Oil *21 Norton/ 450 Dll *21 IWtonV 450 D l l *2 1 N.wtcV Bl T m«rv Cl.rn.nt. It T,m*h/ Cl.rn.nti Bt T.m.h/ Cl.rn.nt. HOUSES Sal. HOUSES S.I. HOUSES Sal* Live in neoclassical luxury I|=§ 1 |i^»^*''r»i»*v i -Mfc^* *"^l^ flßl «4i J«*! lS^/ Z^^ UklmdMu,, Regal neocUsstejU W
        2,279 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 1099 11 441 01*16 Esst Cosst PTE APTS S4H> 0.18 CAST COAST Apt Talok Kurau Rd Walk up 3 rms Reno vatad FhoM S64OK 2986—2 Info O.IS PLARNNSO VALLSV. Grd flr mais 2200 sqft 3.1 f'hold Only 81 28M *****146 *****85 O.IS HAMAS TOWCR 3*l 2230 sqft Renovated M.<l flr SI 57M
        1,099 words
      • 1133 11 470 Dl9-20 SorsngoorV Thomson HOUSES Sals O/STORCY CORMCR TfMt Lim Tua Tow Rd Land 2800 sq ft Flr area 2000 sqft Newly ren voated 4 bdrms 1 maid's rm A 3 wash room SI 88M nag If inter ested pis call *****70 O.IS KOVAM Open hee 2 sto rey bunghw.
        1,133 words
      • 1131 11 475 D22-28 Mfost North HOUSES Sal* D 28 JUs. KBXIRJSO9M. S/ sto rey bunglw Like new 9283/ 3000 sq ft 6 rms landscaped gdn Christine Kow. *****814 ERA D 28 BASACA 2 units D/storey bunglw 6320/ 7200 sqft Wid« frontage Park 2 cars Quiet F'hold S3SBM up Agt *****741 0.2S
        1,131 words
      • 1239 11 492 HOB Apts For Sala (Awg Mo ttlo) JV, MM. CORMCR AM Kio 568. L shaped, renovated, unblocked. I singles eligible. Pg *****586 SR 3-8 SLK 453 Sm Ming Ava Blk 442 Sin Ming CT 51 Mid/ Low flr Chinees not eligible 9 *****60 1 3/ 3Va MM. AM. Kio.
        1,239 words
      • 1015 11 494 HOB Apt* For Sal* 494 HOB Aptt For Sale 494 HOB Apt* For Sal* 494 HOB Apts For Sale 494 HOB Apts For Sale 494 HOB Apts (Bishan) (Bishan! (Bishan) (Bishan) (Bishan) (Bishan) The Straits Times Classified PROPERTY GUIDE (HPB ESTATES) Lim Chu Kang J Y^Jjj n y J
        1,015 words
      • 757 11 800 HOI Apts For Sal* (Bt Ponianoy Choa Chu Kong) OOANO NOW 4-OM. 'A' CHOA CHU KANO AVI. S. Neirt to MRT Newly renoveted Living/ dining. Ceramic throughout. Cornices throughout. Built-in kitchen cabinets. AH races eiigiMe. ONLY BI7SK. AA Realty BBXSISO Sole Agt BT. PAMJANO S-OM. 43* high flr.. renovated,
        757 words
      • 785 11 902 HDB Apt* For Sale (OoytoiHj) rarbTy^TvaTT'^iylano Bahru 5 rm Panoramic seaview Well kept Amenities Convenient Must viewll Mult,p!«« 9-*****8? COMVSMMMT S-OM. SIMS Piece blk 52 Simple renovation Near amenitiea *****28/ *****083 EA. S24SK nco.i 4-OM. Comer Gey lang Bahru Blk 96 Well kept. Low flr 2 toilets Delight *****3*
        785 words
      • 777 11 906 HDB Apta For Sal* (Jurong) sIr^TToTEnTrTooJi l«y Bik 187 Renovated. High fir Windy/ bright Overlooking city viaw SII2K Harvest 346*8*8/ 9 4151*41 ALL JUHONO W. 5 T tlk 9M. high fir Windy, nicely done. Low caah Hurryl 441*001 AI aoie agt MST SWYI 4-MH. corner Jurong East St 21
        777 words
      • 773 11 514 HOB Acts For Sal* (Tampin*)*/ Simai) RARI 3 YRt Only 5 "I I|m pinat 491H high fir unblock Mov* in condition Naar ameni tie*. 9212*5*8 sola agt S T TAMPINIS 804 high fir 100% mova m Ranovatad Shop, mkt Valued S3ISK Sole Agt Co broke wtcorns *****06/ *****706 ■IST
        773 words
      • 845 11 518 HOB Apt* For Sal* (Yi.hun) ATTRACTIVI IXfC MAI* 3*4. low fir weM kept $460K negi 4 *A corner, blk 270 high fk No btockaga. aaavtaw 5255K nm. i 4 tlk 404. 254. high fir fl*OK up 861 666* 9«02 4256 Ruy. ATT7 IXK. MAM. Yrahun 36*/ 877 High fir
        845 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 1074 12 818 HOB Apt. Fo» $**e (Vs»»>u«, "I" BUI- 873/ 306/ 788/ 7M All units renoveted Move in cond Neer MRT /*****0V *****18 S-RM. 'I' ST. 61 blk 647 Reno vated. S mint to central Selling low $338K neg 9801 4319 egt 7 VRS.I S-RM. corner Vishun Ac cees area High
        1,074 words
      • 690 12 wet** Rooms Wf*snt#d (Wsmtt ROOMS WANTED UBIRRNTLY in Outram. Tiong Banru. Redhill. Bt Merah. Q towns. Ghim Moh. Clementi Cell *****22 Mr Hong ALL ARRAS Masterbdrms BncvfinQ f fTYB m COfl\ff>Of\ Ttn% f# qutred urgently *****86 ALL ARRAS. BUOGCT $300 8800 Sangie. couple A proleeslonai required rmi *****92 BRE ORAR
        690 words
      • 928 12 527 HUOOHDR Apts 827 HUDC/HDR Apts WNfcßtßel (Rent/ Buy) Wented (Rent/ Buy) I sHBHl •3rr>«» ~—.tt ti erist in HDB Resale Service for Buyers Sellers I •e-Service by experienced HOB District Team H Managers M aHsiandwide HDB Property Listing exposure R arProfessional Latest HDB POLICIES UPDATE I ••Direct Overseas HDB
        928 words
      • 903 12 HUOC/ NOR WANTCO in all areas Rent/ sale Owners pis cell *****40/ *****923 Wisdom I. ARMY UM (PR) with ready herd caeh urgently needs 3/ 4/ V mais. Owners call *****821 I AM LOORRBR urgently for 3/ 4/ 6 rmsV exec. meisV apt, in any ar eea. Owners, pis. cell
        903 words
      • 781 12 531 Factory Space 531 Factory Spaca 531 Factory Space For Wont For Rant For Rent Pantech Industrial Complex *y^*majajjaj|a^Jgjajw^jtocmjr|^ ,»,4,^y < ***Jß^£4^^>^^ < i .I^l n fiMfc a"*' MkA^a^^aA^^^Bv^BMriia^Bj^a^ Warehouse and factory space from 1,109 sq ft onwards Located at Pandan Loop with easy access by expressways and MRT 10
        781 words
      • 532 12 r O.M A.M. MO Ind Pk. 3. terr fly. 1200 sq.ft. with mtnmnin* fir > Takeover *****36 Kong Oust 0.2J LAM SOON Ind 1400 sq ft 1 Bt Batok fty 300/ 500/ 1000 sq ft I Hiiiview 380-2000 aq.fl *****11 W EUNOS FLATTfO FTY Blk 1016 corner unit 800 sq.ft.
        532 words
      • 641 12 532 Factory Space For Sab FOR SALE FACTORY AT Nf YTHAL ROAD JURONG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Land 8142.6 sq m Floor Area 3226 5 aq.m Tenure 60 years from 16.6 1688 Edmund Tie ft Company Call Industrial Dept at I 284 S22S FOR BALI IBPSPBJB6ON aNOUSTWAL F6t Freehold approa 5.000 sq
        641 words
      • 1150 12 532 Factory Spaco 932 Factory Spaca For Saia For Sala 12. KfiLLfIMQ WHY 5-storey light industrial building with showroom, office and warehouse space 60 years leasehold w.e.f. 1 Nov 1988 Land Area: 51 ,269 sq ft Gross Floor Area: 1 16,941 sq ft Excellent property as a regional corporate HQ
        1,150 words
      • 1187 12 534 Offica Spac* For Rant 0.00 OOCMAHO TOWCR. naar MRT 958 sqft Window* Cotnm 3 partitionad rooms $6000 p/mth inclusive of ma>ntananca Orchard Housing *****18/ *****567 Oil QOLOH9U. CTN opp Rava nua H'sa MRT 2 units 460/ 800 aqft f/ranovatad l$7OK) attachad toilat. P/Furn $5 30 psf Avail now! 363
        1,187 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 963 13 834 Office tpace For Hont O.SS f>ANKLANB SHOPS) Ctr 440 sq fl Carpeted/ partition Im med ***** Equal *****888 OOS PiACI CINTRi Near MRT 1444 sqft $3 60 psf onh/l Immedujl* Rightmenn *****82 Mb^MbmVJP*) LVMarveV* t#IW MtOO flr 881 sqft $8 20 psf p/rmfc Move m cond Beta 296 4807
        963 words
      • 1591 13 535 Office Spece 535 Office Space For Sale For Sele T' Prime Office Space For Sale "1 The Arcade •SuntecCity Chinatown Point Golden Mile Tower Far East Finance Mdg Tong Eng BJog The Octagon Malacca Centre Inti Plaza VaHout »li4* available For further information, please contact CtX\r\M Lim, Anthony Seah
        1,591 words
      • 738 13 537 Shop Space 537 Shop Space For Rent For Rent Afo^iha, £qua*<€, I N«w 4 storey food/entertainment complex. Marina LeisurePlex which is directly linked to Marina Square Shopping MaO I 60.0005f leasable area out of l?0.000sfm Food/Entertainment Zone' of the Shopping Mall I Anchor tenant is a mulb ctneplex wtth
        738 words
      • 845 13 For Bajlg) HIGHLAND JHPG CTN. 2745 sq.ft with basement store. 1760 sq ft.) Easy access from carpark For all trades Approved for Health Clr Sole agl *****83/ *****906 D.07 CHOICE LOCATION (1) 441 >q ft $962 p i f 12) Snack bar 226/ 462 sq ft $960 p lace escsia
        845 words
      • 599 13 538 Shop Space 538 Shop Space For Solo For tola Hi COURT SPACE 1 \J FOR SALE/LEASE W Specifications ARHA 1,409 sq m I (16.038 sq. ft.) I I ill. NOR7 M BRIDGE ROAD I I BASEMENT I. «O7 A/B/C I J PENINSULA PLAZA C&2* SoWAo^ncy ASIA ORIENT PtOPERTY CONSULTANTS
        599 words
      • 751 13 543 Warehouses/ Storage Space For Ront MACPHIRSON/ PAYA LEBAN Short term cheap rental Grd fir WereheeV fty Area 5000V 6000/ ***** sqft Call *****11/ 2*02*11 SB Phu. NBTW 9 STORIY WANIN'M space Avail at Peniuru Lane Total area approx 80 to 90.000 sq.ft. 10--storay office space appro* 2000 20.000 sq
        751 words
      • 677 13 543 Warehouses/ 543 Warehouses/ 543 Warehouses/ Storage Space Storage Space Storage Space For Rent For Rent For Rent cTr I L I N K WAREHOUSE COMPLEX 1 ft* Kf^ a^B^^j *W* Easy Access To The PSA Wharves. 8 storey complex designed to Maximum permissible live lood meet your warehousing needs.
        677 words
      • 402 13 558 Land O.IS FsNALLV. AN eirtra large 27.000 sq ft piece up for enbloc sale Teiok Kurau vicinity MRT Possible for about 40 units apt with pool ft lift Interested please call *****88 or fai *****74 ERA O.IS PeaM LOCATION. Selling only at $440 ps f Potential for •emi-d ft
        402 words
      • 565 13 873 Air Tickets ARCHIMLAuO PACKAQIS All. inclusive tour*, land arrange merits S E Asia. Turkey. Egypt Europe. USA. Australia,' New Z»« land Worldwide ticketing, cruise*, hotel reservations Coach charter to W Mm Call *****65 2 *****38/ 9 Open daily 9am 8 30pm iTA IMI Lucky Pla/a SUNMMMT TRAVIL *****71 Worldwide
        565 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 1081 14 Totif M1 Tow Ml Tour* Ml Tour* 581 Tour» 581 Tour* Srßßafnf&raK Hbh Ik I BaH BaaaaaaTf aaas! I is. 20. 22. 29 k Im^i tb» aaaf^M Vfl WV laawl DAYS I"" 12 9 MDltl 10 1 1 V Pl■ I Q Nf» Pal ■^^^^^vH aaaaaaW LaaaaaT aaaV Va? Only
        1,081 words
      • 456 14 581 Tour* 581 Tour* 581 Tours 581 Tour* k Ssma N g/ k'n^u PENANG LANGKAWI pen *ng/ PAMAI sabah i»,:Mnrm* n FUt!? ■^"IUHMIII LANGKAWI BALI f^jTrfiAi iwai 7^fMTI4VKi > T i Fill wl ajiyiffl special H 1 /fci LDMBQK luAjlffl^j KZ|^gyy^|| OnlySepl9Octl7 l KUbM| I W PVQ^kr-C^HI I*IN I Jiiun
        456 words
      • 108 14 I »i/20 Dhm r«S7VIM •20 LmH Imcli taon »lm •30 KMMHTIMUtMd ..1211 l»30 cy i y „S wJ •20 MM|MHHJ«« F,t7« I.TOMMftM SSV7» •20 HMUMini Hfl» •40 t* >.|m 30 P/Homan Frs9o. 30 P/Pgrnanooil Ffjl4s. 3DP/Aur FftlSs. 3DP/Tinooi FrSl35, 30P/Sibu ff|lM. 3DP/Besaf Fr $100. 20BatamMdia4'Frt101--20 Malacca _FrsM 20DesaruView Fr $110
        108 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 603 15 Ml Toura Ml Tevrt W% nun mo I Illif^^ i^ r1 O9*W PATONG 1 Rphuket f,#329-^ResortJ SHONG KONG <7 1 9^vm*H »BANGKOrVPATTAYAFr/299 5 H ONGKONG^SHENZHEN*MACAU #899 1 &PHUKET+BANGKOK/PATTAYA r569 HONG KONG+BANGKOK^AHAYA *9 1 9 t B ANGKOK/PAHAYA* RfVER K WAI r489 Wbl GENTMlGiowawqahapaiitiikiit r*l3O /3/4D CRUISE FOR FAMILY OF 4
        603 words
      • 614 15 606 PtslihlsmV 0O« Profassional/ 60« Professional/ lamtivi PasWam Executive Poertions Executive Positions UJ BE REWARDED FOR A !Sc CHALLENGING JOB! Wywy WonderSpace invites application* from suitably qualified candidates lo till C^^^\ challenging positions as oc: BMm Floor Managers t-«t— «l Hwl nMiujrrnrm of daily opamio— at Wywy WonderSpace Centre* fc—^^^
        614 words
      • 345 15 For reputed cargo drvtsion of an international airtne Degree holder Sales exp in airfreight or shipping industry preferred Outgoing personality Attractive remuneration package with air travel oonsaßl Call Patricia *****00 BTI CONSULTANTS Due to expansion a wal established co. ha* immediately vacancy for the following poet LCCI Intarmadiata/ Higher Accounting
        345 words
      • 809 15 606 Professional/ 606 Professional/ Executive PesWowe E aecut i v« Peertions *XL* Expanding CPA firm have) now H openings for the following staff 5 years j experience in audit firm f \M£ A Fresh overseas Accountancy Graduates \f d *> Accountancy Diptoma holders or GCE A 0 Bj u2 levels
        809 words
      • 376 15 PaiaMlaMta JAVA MAMMK LJMBS raquiras Dagraa/ Diploma in Macham cal Engrg. Good knowrtadoa of Claaarftca lion Sociatv Rutaa ft Statutory Rulas such as SOLAS. Fl Fl MANPOL ate. 'tmlluaiWi hotdtng Chiaf Engt tf^"» C.C.E (Ist Class) with ctaaigo offica i(f»*h*no» mm/ba conaidarad Min. 3 yaars shipbuilding aaparianca MAVAL AUCMITICT (SMa>
        376 words
      • 485 15 609 Enginooring 609 Engineering Positions Positions NEC An expanding MNC headquarters is looking for: ELECTRONICS ENGINEER Responsibilities: To source new electronic parts To audit new vendors To prepare bill of materials P re -requisites: Diploma in Electronics Engineering Male, age below 30 years Bilingual in English Mandarin PC literate Willing
        485 words
      • 270 15 612 IT Po*it.on. Si Ae>» i SISJIIC Experience in Window* programming/ Lotua C*—jaol Pftm <* iweHel S2K4SK DipV Degree in computer studies Experience m application syassm* de»eiopment Working experience of Turboimege. Po we mouse. Cotool in HP3OOOMPE/ IX environment Tel 22SSS11 e«t 22 SISSS S mttt*. Bonus System Operator Foreign
        270 words
      • 744 15 018 LsctMnnsy TsasMikj Positions An established organisation is looking for CMBLOCAM TIACMHtS taLatlaii Jin UKi Stglap Kts—i Bedokl Yistum (Behind MNT) Mm 3 GCE O level PtV Singapore ctnen Anreettve eeiery ■awellea Intereated please call Me MeV I BJeCMnat TSS-lISt. E stabltehed Child Care Centre at Orchard Hoed require* 1
        744 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 521 16 M4 22f 1 5 fWltlv# 24 ArVCwtHw §24 ArVCr^tiv. Posttions Positions Positions IKEA's fast-moving 1 Swedish home furnishings require creative people to fill the pftrm^fip^ positions of DECORATORS (DISPLAY) for visual merchandising in the Furniture and Market Hall Departments You must be knowledgeable in colour and form, able to produce
        521 words
      • 316 16 627 Marfcetinoy 627 Martietinoy CewsmiitWeaUows CaiwiaaiaiticaUuiia Positions PoeWom A 1 levei/Diptoma 1 year experience in Saks/Marteting Environment Wcaiant outaoins personality Enjoy workina in fest-paced environment mwtjm Interested, please WALK-IN for interview: mtk 134 »0< 30— J*ero* 4 I— t aHi—4 13 Singapore 000 134 A orca>sC7 1233 Ginvera >» <
        316 words
      • 762 16 £!SST. Communication. CommunfeatkM*. Positions Po»Mow« Positions I** Some jobs require A' Level. Diploma or */> Degree. Some places limit our age and many A» require experience BUT HALT! Good News now! We are an International Organisation with years of V proven record in sales. We believe in training and *<•
        762 words
      • 554 16 630 H-P-Woiw 630 Sato, PotHiont 630 5.1.. Po.i7l^T~ 630 S«l«« PciT^T" All Set For A Timely Career In Retail? D L S L,° W fferS y U another opportunity to excel. Vacancies exist in our htghlme watches department for competent individuals looking for an upward career m sales. Sounds like
        554 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 841 17 9akm 630 S«>«w Positions 630 S«l»« Positions 630 Sai*s Positions 630 Sales Positions Ride The Crest Of The Retail Wave There has never been a better time to join DFS. While others in die Retail Industry cut back, our success means that we are continuously expanding and growing to meet
        841 words
      • 293 17 I TOP 100 I FASHION I 1 immuduu **caiuyfor 1 *J» 4y if *.*twr* I* WmMnq Hour* 10 30am 9 30pm 5 •orfc-deyi ••> rotaang Sal Sun iPkMßHaMeyafl I Good stsrtng seiary lncer*MM .bene*i I'MuatbeSngaporsCaßsW Parmaoent Ra»»janl or Malayan FEMALE SALES COORDINATORS Expanding Property Co. invites applications for Sales Coordinator*
        293 words
      • 445 17 ft3o Sal— PosHions 630 Sal— Positions F&N COCA-COLA PTE LTD invites applications for the positions of: SALES PERSONNEL GCE O level certificate Class 3 driving licence Preferably with outdoor sales experience Bilingual and conversant with major dialects A company vehicle will be provided for use on the Job. WALK-IN INTERVIEW
        445 words
      • 496 17 630 Sales Positions 630 Sales Positions K I m^. K The French Fashion Store P£ 8 Calling all N Level 8 students... J We have immediate vacancies for: Jfik 5 (Full-Time/Temporary) (5 8 SALES ASSISTANTS WALK-IN INTERVIEW K g*» (Wttiaiyt) Itaf.-Ipa,,Jar»i-5 ni S Ttiei Personnel Department JB GALERIES LAFAYETTE PTE
        496 words
      • 404 17 630 Sales Positions j^PAMASOMIC^ JUNIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER Requirement M.n GCE N level Age 1 9 yr j and above Conversant n English Marxkxm Mature. Independent Pleasont Personality Good Communication Sluls SeneAri 5-day wori weei Training provided Provide Basic Satery Transport AMowonce Commission Uniforms provided Medical Hospiiolisation WALK-eN INTERVtEW FROM
        404 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 766 18 630 Salo* Positions 630 Sales Positions aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaZLZattlaaaaaaa^emasa- Michael Mowe a Associates ■BINriVIII Al% vW pVOVOOsI B 1-3 eJseOk). Issssslis trslsiss ♦eiOxii^^ I seaeaesxteat cearsas ler ts*^_a^a9^Ba^Boißßas sxrea a sxaa. fVOJMsToSJ m Secondary education J Pleasant and cheerful t CaM 47 ***** e*t 24/16 Us* for an j interview appointment. I
        766 words
      • 524 18 630 tol** Positions Well established company it looking for SALESGIRL Bilingual g> High Basic commisstons 0> Dealing with building materials CALL: 282-0621 or ■411-422 I SoOWfTOOf t W urgently requires OAUO ABOUT AWB Age 20 30 years Annual leeve Medical insurance weMi-in for en hssarvsew et •02 oe Orifcara- Point
        524 words
      • 867 18 630 Solo* Positions MMMMMMMMMMmM 5 FULU PART-TIME INSURANCE AGENTS e f ■cattent trasnsng e Comprehensiv* support *****06 Stngapore Oeeignar requires SALC* ASSIST AMTS (FeeVTlwss/ Pert Hsmsi 18 26 years of sgs Baste salary SOM commission Working area in Orchard Interested, pleass call 200-0300 for interview 00k. 0a KsOiiig OesirM tosvi*
        867 words
      • 630 18 633 Counter/ Telephone tales Positions LADY SMOf COUNTtH ■MMMOTCNS required Aoe below 33 Partway Parade/ Centrepoint Salary commnnon ■teaae camaet M233V0 636 Customer tervics Positions AI.THON. an cMabtuiml training <>f|wiiuihi<i offrnng butuwtt ami i.>xnpuiin( tiHincv u kiuking far cummiani and aMbmowtcamMatti fur eV fiillowing piMiiKM at our City and Jwm|
        630 words
      • 515 18 630 Customer Service 630 Customer Service Positions Positions Wa ore a property company Involved In property I management, development and Investment j Assist In co-Ofdlnatlon of pfomotionol activities with tenants such as organising exhibitions, fashion shows, entertainment, opening activities etc Liaising with advertising agency and relevant authorities. Attend to shoppers'
        515 words
      • 583 18 642 Hot«4/ lUstMjrant/ 642 Hot«V Restaurant/ 642 Hot«V RmtauranV LOMWf Positions Loung* Positions Loun«« Positions n K.M Ills is s|SuAF\->RI s GRAND HIsIORU HOH l m I IGHTINC PATRONs\uih MAN^ MEMORAHJ EXPERIENCES Wl HAS I 104 I I U.AMIY APIXMNIinsi His 12 FOOD tEVERAGI 01 111 Is IHi |i BUM
        583 words
      • 119 18 Nowty estaoMsned Part-time Hostesses Aoe: If 25 Weekday tn per hour WeeaenJ $80 per hour Bar Maid Salary: from ***** $1200 Part-time Walters Al applicants ptaase bring along paaaport sue pnoto Wait-in interview onty on 11. 12 A 13 September between spm-9pm at 200 Middle Road •81-00 Prime Centre. Singapore
        119 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 395 19 642 Na«aV ReatayramV 842 MetsV RaetaaramV Lannas Paalttana La«Mfa Positions THE AMERICAN CLUB urgently requires. WAITER/WAITRESS (FULL/PART-TIME) Secondary education Age 1 6 years above Must be abte to converse well In English BARTENDER I FULiyP ART-TIME) Secondary education 1-2 years experience In similar capacity Good spoken English ACCOUNTS CLERK (Temporary)
        395 words
      • 530 19 •42 Me«aV Restaurant/ 642 Hot.l/ R.,t.ur.nty Lonnae PaaWona Louno* Positions PETIT MONDE (Am associate wipiny of tmetan (3) UQ I WAITRESS/WAITER Rotating shift (No split shift) 10.30 am 6.30 pm; 2. 15 pm 10.15pm I BENEFITS for Full Time StaiK I Grovt salary $900 and above I Service points I
        530 words
      • 492 19 642 HoteV Restaurant/ Loung« Positions Wa are currently expending our operation and require candidates to fill the following positions <« seßvtcs »> WAfTSJisv WAimsssas Hmsl Training will ba provided WArrmsv waitw ssi s IPerttio»el On weekends only omven Possess class 3 driving lieence <« KITCHCN »> Able to understand simpie
        492 words
      • 636 19 648 Administrative/ 648 administrative/ 648 Administrative/ 648 Administrative/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions Clerical Positions Clerical Positions umui EXFKT GREAT THINGS The UMW Group of Companies in Singapore is a leading supplier of construction, material handling and industrial equipment and manufactures a line of aircraft ground support equipment for airline industry
        636 words
      • 200 19 •Best Rates* Best jobs •MANOAi-Ms*t^«mal« Clerk tor 2-3 months •BEACH RD Admin Assistant 2-3 months •JURONO- 1-2 monthsAccounts Dept. TO PAQAR*f^cepscoiW Clerk Temp to Perm PAYA LEBAR Admin Asst 2/3 months •PANDAN Accounts Asst Temp to Perm BOON LAY Accounts Asst Temp to Perm CMffIWBORVSaVICtS CTMUSmOTIOMM I g336-S3BB)| GCE 0
        200 words
      • 491 19 648 AdministrativW CUrical Positions 1) BCCMTAJIY T6 MO ssa— ossasoo S hand skill* MS off ea UC knowtadoa 2) QSJM9UU. SICNCTAMCB iMmtf S> Sawlarl SSISOS-SSXSOO PSO PC Irtaracy Town. Aiaxandra st accounts ixicunvt stissessiypo AWa to handia final accounn Mata/ Famala 4) SMK*MMO CO-OMO*MATOH MI4OS E«pariancad in documantatior ft L/C
        491 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 2021 20 l<>i «*!l? t^ Wlt tl < Administrative *48 Administrative 648 Administrative 648 Administrative 848 Administrative «48 Administrative 648 Administrative 648 Admin Ctfteai Position. CUrical Position. CUrical Positions CUrical Positions Clarical Positions Clerical Position. CUrical Positions Clsrical Portions CuJle.l Posrtlon. CtoricTl Poiltiens JAMK9EOMMOMATOW UJOOIaW PRODUCTION COOTWIICT $2000 SKWTARY StaOO-t2OOO KGIUAKFTWGEHC t3OOO-(4OO0
        2,021 words
      • 484 20 Lffl BB TrMMsnwMr V, H PT^a TOKYO BVOKANC (S) PTE LTD IbHbV 'Jurong Town. 5(*****3) ■j BbUHbI Tat: 2****** J urgently requires: M Holder of QCE ty/^r level or equivalent H ■J Preferably with some experience Good typing skins ■j Malaysians with 5 SPM credits may atoo apply. J f
        484 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 520 21 Ml AaswtwtsUaUMs/ 64t Admiwiatiattva/ Clerical PeeltJene Clerical Positions We are o propeHty company Invorvsd In property 1 1 monogament, development ond Investment. 1 Assist In the preparation of financial analysis reports and accounting of devetopment/copWol expenditure Maintain and account for revenue cotectton. GCE O 1 or N 1 level with
        520 words
      • 618 21 64« Administrative/ 649 Administrative/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions hum ik> m > r> aj I I tiplorn.i ii..l.J.rv (M.K A' *<>' or "V l«rvrl i i impiiirr lltrrau- \hii to lypr \i>i< i. -.iMiiMiiiK .in rtTrrUvrly in KnalMi A Mandarin Km* hclmmil Iravrra arr <-i< < >nnBKSKrTTM: fj •\u i
        618 words
      • 400 21 648 Administrative/ 646 Administrative/ Clorical Position* Clerical Positions I A Well Established Trading Firm in Kallang Way fcfc requires: A #J a> GCE O* level :?*au im-pO*!' *4Sr SALttco-ommTOl I'^zr Interested please call Cynthia at 29$ 6011 or walk-in to: Blk 141 Kallang Way, #04-04 Kolam Ayer Industrial Park Slngaporo
        400 words
      • 364 21 Established Trading company dealing with soldering equipment for the electronic industries requires: RSCIP NUMB 1/ CLERICAL ASSISTANT GCE -N' or -0' level Abie to type School leavers srs welcome Training will be provided ■WBWITS: Confirmation adjustment Medical benefit Hospitali/ation insurance coverage Sday week Working hours 8 90am to 5 30pm
        364 words
      • 498 21 643 Administrative/ Clerical Positions A Local Estab Firm requires 1. FEMALE DATA ENTRY CLERK Experience not essential Malaysians are welcome PC literate 2. HfCHUTTWIf NT ASST Able to handle administrative duties Experience not essential training provided Interested applicants, pis caH Agues Urn »< *****13 eatn. 22S on Man Frl. between
        498 words
      • 489 21 648 AdminiatrativaV C lorical Positions A well estab local construction co requires Aeaaexsta asxai Aalman Clarsi GCE *OV A* level Basic accounting knowledge. Familiar with ACCPAC computer system. Fresh ten leavers may apply Intereeted pis call •^Bj_ ia^a^R^Bxaital xS# flsßxl aMAAAj^ or writ* in with contact no to TV. si
        489 words
      • 435 21 M8 AdministrstivaV Clerical Positions An electronic co requires II GENERAL CLERK Must be able lo type Knowledge of computer Poaasss 5 SPM Interested applicantt pis come for an interview at Bsaasi M Ayar Ratal, Crass tut #04 01/04 llwgapsrs IMS4S Tel. *****M Trading Company at Eunos Indus tnal Estate urgently
        435 words
      • 390 21 648 Administrative/ Crfical Positions ADMMMTWATIVS ASSIST AN T nHswSw IM 4) P«*9oF£akAa;Vo Cat H/ 0 level Pleasant personality Female Chinese preferred Working experience preferred. fresh school leavers an also welcome iMarassaa* applicants may call 2M-4251 far a* kaSarvlaw CHINESE FEMALE CLERK With computer know)adge ft import/ export documents Attractive salary
        390 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 397 22 PHPNNtIIBIISUVSf Cl9)fiSSt F>SSWS9IS RESCRV ATTON CLBRK GCE HI 0 level With 12 years retevent expe rience Asa betow 30 Abte to work indapendentry a start work immediately Intsrsalad parties please Tel: 853 7373 for sppomlms* >l OCNC9IAL CLIRK Simple Clencal work required for *0 level 9 alary ***** to *****
        397 words
      • 894 22 64a Administrative/ Clerical Positions System integrated company located in dial 0208 urgently requires TEMP. ADMIN. CLERK for 3 month assignment 1 to 2 years experience PC literate preferably in MS Word sesacaasaa* te4. 324 4*83 exaViM •AB^%^^a^SßySSS^a^S^F^BSJBJ^B^B* SS—PMBjaW^^^F^^^J^P^BMJB BCBBxßT^^™^^^P^^P^^F"""flßMJBJ( SIRFF9MB EXECUTIVE (Tg. Pa gar/ S days! Female/ Any race 2
        894 words
      • 1032 22 648 AdminisirativW C tar i cal P^gjejows PERM. CHRMSI RECEPTION IST. (Beech Rd I *O* levels. WP. 2 3 yrs $1 2K I neg I S day* wk Tel *****00 05 Clifford Ctr RICIFTION9BT WALLANS BSC TOR). Ksyphone system Able to speak mandarin Temp to perm $1 2K *****33 Business
        1,032 words
      • 1012 22 648 Administrative Clancal Positions Toa Pay oh/ Shenton $860 $1040 5 day Pis call *****18 FAIISON CO. NMDS Bookkeep er (full sets/ Chinese) Eunos/ Shenton 5 day $1800* *****18 FIMALI AOMIN ASSISTANT required 5 days week. Town area Interested pi* as* call *****32 FEMALI A/CS. ASST at Bishen 1 yr.
        1,012 words
      • 518 22 646 Administrative; Clerical Positions 9 DAY WffK S9M $1 IK Cus tomer Serv Asm Bt Merah (arty race/ 0' Level/ PC) 254 1 909 6 DAY WCCK JI2OOV ReceptioniM cum Typist Chinese, presentable with typing Call Ms Ten *****66 6 DAY WCCK SI 300 Parkway Pa rade Clerk with basic
        518 words
      • 983 22 681 Secretary/ Personal 661 Secretary/ Personal Assistant Positions Assistant Positions An established local construction company in district 2572 is looking for self- motivated, dynamic individuals who is committed to high working standards for the post of CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY Diploma holders or its equivalent with PSC and minimum 5 years working
        983 words
      • 581 22 664 T«chnk«l Potitioni 654 Technical Portions 654 Technical Potitioni ?f Looking for a rewarding and satisfying MMPf H you are, wa want you to b* a part of our taam on Santoaa, Singapore a favourrta racraational playground. Waara looking _torwrtiHMt—tlc and mottvaiad candidate to Join u» am: You will assist
        581 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 942 23 H4 Technical hlWm N4 Teetaieei P^eMtoM 054 Technical Potitiont 654 Technical Position* fI^HSIHI^HHIBttBRSIAP A SALARY/ D Technical Operators auTw s ancej (1 2-hr Night Shift) PROVIOWA. Monthly Gross Salary: $1 1 20 £~f AT DESIGNATED f^ a PICK UP Responsibilities: *^WWA POINTS BT Verify, debug 3nd repair SMT boards as
        942 words
      • 800 23 854 Ttchnical Positions 654 Technical Positions 654 Technical Positions 664 Technical Positions Career A Beest.^^^rWjk .^m A a\ a\ S .^aV. .^aaV. SNR TECHNICIANS/ TECHNICIANS Kr (Day/ 3 Rotating Shifts) 7 Malaysians with Technical Diploma/Certificate with 5 SPM credits excluding English ■>■■»«««.....-... DAILY WALK-IN INTERVIEW BOILERMAN CUM "-*J J«~- *■>
        800 words
      • 397 23 664 TectwMcel Po*rtion» 664 Technical Positions SCI "1 A US$ BILLION CORPORATION Conduct in-house technical training for RB shopiloor operations Upgrade and prepare training manuals to meet new projects' speclflcaaons I Oiptoma/ITC/NTC 2 in an Engineering Proficiency In English Chinese languages preferred I Maintenance {permanent 2nd/ 3rd Shrft) ITC/NTC in
        397 words
      • 113 23 C-&MANFIELD-} I ASST/ENGINEERS I *ITC/ CMp7 Omtn In M«chanicaV| I Etoctronic«/tUctrtc«( CHEMISTS I *ocgrM m Chswliliy ■ASST/ SUPERVISORS! Oltv^OtpEl^trooics ENGINEERING ASSTS. •NTC/ITC/Op IlKtMnicaV Eicdhcs)/ Electronics PROJECT COORD. •Op in BMg Mgt M*d*null ELECTRICIANS E«p«n»ocan«»inogwortt TECHNICIANS (40 positions) MAINTENANCE •SERVICE •LAB •NTC/ITCMtctarwaV I Electronic*/ Electric*! I MACHINISTS |»NTC/ITC/macfioese<up wait aataoiianao rractaiOn
        113 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 559 24 —4 Ticimlisl >ssWsm t«34 Tsisiwlsal PssWsws I Moving You Ahead Singapore MRT Ud nv*as appkeaoorn tor WALK-IN INTERVIEW 11 SVT N 1 1) S9T K |Twi t «H) 9.00 mi to HOC noon; 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm TRAIN OPERATORS runcuOfls. Operate MRT trans and locomotives Requirements: 2 GCE Q
        559 words
      • 721 24 864 Taahaisel PaaWont «64 Technical Potitiont MICROFORM PRECISION I INDUSTRIES PTE LTD A) SALES CO-OHDINATOR At least GCE 0' level (Technical) Knowledge of MS office &V or Lotus/ Dbsse Min. 2 years experience in Precision Engineering or related field B) SOFTWARE DESIGN ENGINEER Diploma in Electrical/ Electronic Engineering Experience in
        721 words
      • 690 24 654 Technical Positions 654 Technical Positions I To debug PCBA failures, maintain ICT and functional I Testers I NTCmtlectrorwcs/ElectrKalorUxnevvithoutcertificaie I but with 1-2 yean relevant debug exp. may apply I To assist Supervisor in leading a team of production operators to meet production schedule Secondary education or NTC with min
        690 words
      • 623 24 654 Technical Positions 664 Technical Fsartisus aavvtlrfnalv conwnand c ffttrr m asVantaf^f a •UaNomuprovWrd ——188 r> WALK-IN INTERVIEW 1 1 Trademart Sinupore Pie Ltd j 608 Martin Road (Oft River Valley Clote) Hi Tel: 734 0711 H I But Wfvice: 19S. 1 19. 32. 54 (Stop Jt the Mormngiide/The R*%*\<*
        623 words
      • 479 24 664 Technical Positions DooyOap holders Frtsh/Exp in Structural/ Contract Admm MAE QA Ptetic/Air -con/LAN System/ Strm-con |RaD) Defj/Os? holders FftstVcxpnStypnQ/Martit Engr/Chartenng Gd rjottnutl tor Top Mgt •lTCl>p/otg holders •Frtsh/Exp in Telecoms/ IC/Racking Sys/Semi-corV Ajr<orvlnd »oam /Packagng •Olca/aov I Autocad/Pro-Ef ast Cad I- Fttth)EjipnMe^AJurnCaoy I Structural/Architectural/ I Elr/PCB/lrtanor/HVAC aprTTC hotdtn FreshvExp
        479 words
      • 577 24 664 Technical P«a4*JaxM A Well Established Engineering Consultant Firm requires the following position CIVIL STNUCTIMAL BMOsfSKN Degree or Diploma in Civil or Structural Engineering 2 years or more m Strjctural ft Civil Engineering Design Have a sound knowledge of the latest design codes and building regulations Class 3 driving licence
        577 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 418 25 —4 Tschwical Positions y^Plamec «n/ecsbn\ f Moulding Factory X RV*ae>sjßeaßmea^B>>> B xex._J A Experience work In PJfstlc Injection Mould ASH day work lnt ™**™*Pf#canta. pis walk-in or call pfsonalty at: R"R*"»» CsaitfsHe.l Ce (OSI requires i attor oNjaVaiiev AajCNTTSCTUSAi CO^ROSSATOR 3 LOSSY CRANK/ coeacasrrs pinhp OeSRATOR We omphaei/e on staff
        418 words
      • 558 25 W4 Technical Positions MecPOS Pta Lid urganMy requires cusToaaw sorvKf Dtptoma m Electronics Macintosh 4 PC knowiadga Good communication skills Class 3 driving licence Good prospects a attractive benefits tor the right cendideta Interested candidates (Mease write m or faa resume to sen iosi aea-eves Leaver OeHa fload i BjBJ
        558 words
      • 515 25 6M TaekeissJ Fssttiont 2 JH* DRAFTSMEN Jurong Autocad a must With ma chsmcai background Any race. sen SI SO3» Vanessa MMaSSSSi SAIeTT AaV SUfCR VtSOM required by MaE con tractor Urgent I' *****00 Chris. OAIAMTTTY SUSVSVOS SV4K a above Female Bldg/ Civil Fresh grade, ft T.mah 335M20 Jenny SMS. OMArrSaaXM
        515 words
      • 544 25 afaaaH aaalaV JSI fSv saW m V9\ II laa^ \HB I \l BaP*^MHk«ftß*ll 1 Jiirl JJ k W rv If f#^fjß DAILY WALK-IN INTERVIEW snr.technicians/ process inspectors Monday to Friday (9am Spm) TECHNICIANS Minimum secondary 3 spm The Recruitment Officer d>«y/3 Rowing thWt.) t^J^Z $I, oBopm SONY DISPLAY DEVICE (S)
        544 words
      • 169 25 A Matal Forming Co mvitas appiT cations for tna post of: W-ATTNQ WHIWO> With axpartanca in plating facility w# to wort ind p#oosntty Salary dapandmg on axpan anca fVafarabry »pacialtrad in gold plating Intarastad applicants, pis. coma parsonally to •WOOtTWf 8 lr»Tf I LTD. tafcyawg May Jw-on« tingapof UMII Tal:
        169 words
      • 356 25 j 7«.7.lSpai/7-a.7.ISM V**^^/^ I Minimum Primary 6 I 16 -40 years of age Secondary education with I year's related experience in a manufacturing environment II 7w. 7.15 pr0 II Minimum Secondary education I 7aZ^7ispai^"^^^^L I Secondary education wiih I year's inspection experience Kanfiai£n3E2aHa^a^l wfj%**^Qi 7 am -7.15 pm /7 pm
        356 words
      • 469 25 657 Production Position! KALLANQ/ JUftONO FEMALE OPERATORS BONUS $800 7am 7pm $81/ $66 ♦$2 ••em 9pm $86 Is2 9pm 7am $66/ $68 ♦$2 Transport provided Students weteome $8140 MALI/ FfMALI OPERATORS •onus $200 $130 7am 7 15pm $74.40 7pm 7 15am Ml 40 ■anaHM: 15 days, free transport. uni'otmi. medical
        469 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 2256 26 ••7 rVovuctMMi M7 PrtiMUltii 687 Production 667 Production 667 Production 667 Production 667 Production Production K"*."" Po««ion, Potion, Potion. Portion. Potion. SSSt Potftion, M? M? KSh^.°° l I MfcV 1 J^cß»^Bo^y .^tt- Iai^MMMMMMnMMMII H^^^ M^^^^^^M^B^^n^Mi _^5r M^^^^MMMMM^H^MMM»» A** .aMMßMMM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MMMW MwOo ■""■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■il^^^^^^^^^PV .aV^^MMMW^^^^^^^ E aft M aMMW «V'^ MMM^^^ bOMMMMMmMmMMMMMMmI I
        2,256 words
      • 430 26 ft«3 Warehousing/ Inventory Positions Inventory Positions REQUIKMENTS: Male, Singaporean or PR Secondary 2 education HNfHTS: 5-day week Free uniforms and transport WALK IN INTiRVIEW Mondays- Fridays SUMITOMO EUCTMC (S) PTE LTD I 4M 9P 15C lw «y. r«rof»9. 5(*****3) Te* o*sl 4477 SaS 2SS from Boon Lay Iwterchany f}| a
        430 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 551 27 leesjrtty Positiooe requirea ASST. SECUfIUTY OFFICERS (t«O0 to SIOSO> 12 hours permanent shift lOey/Nightl Marsilin«. Chai Chee. »»aair His. Toa Pavoh Jurong. Clementi. Tuas and Town Areas ■aSjswn H^crs)fT^smts HoeprlaHsation Insurance. GT Insurance A additional 810.000 Insurance coverage for confirmed staff Other attractive fringe benefits tSMBSJ Bass) 7 lsla#<e W—
        551 words
      • 612 27 1 72 2?2 mU tt72 D«»P«tch/ s P*«vr> Positions Dolivry Posttions llllllillllllllß^^ SEMBAWANG SHIPYARD Sembawang Shipyard is a mxW leader in the Shiprepair and conversion industry. We are seeking dynamic, sett motivated la^ papers lo join O4jrSrwfryard as: Secondary educaoon Abtoloroßrt and communic^ in English S-day week Attractive Bonus! Intereated
        612 words
      • 664 27 A72 DsspaUiV Pelivry Positiom An mtemetionel group of companies in Orchard Rd invHas applications for DfSPATCM RIOfRS tundayt off 8 hours rob Motorbikes provided AMe to work independently Attractive salary Sj incentive! offered Interested applicants, please ••elk in at 884 OBCMABO ROAD LUCKY PLAZA IBJBVDM 0*23 Claas 3 driving licence
        664 words
      • 420 27 •78 Driver/ Transport 875 Driver/ Transpon Positions Positions ""■■■■■■■■■■■■■■"■■■■■■■■■■■MMMMBjlblMßß la *»»*»»Maßßß^BMa^p^e a p^ej i^ej B a,,,^— mB Including Overtime Allowances REQUIREMENTS Male, Singaporean Completed N.S. Possess Class 3 driving licence Minimum Secondary 2 education BENEFITS ■H •5-day »eek Free uniforms and transport j WALK IN INTERVIEW Mondays Fridays I M
        420 words
      • 455 27 I CLASS 3« 4 I DRIVERS I required I I Speak simple English I I Chinees ft Matey I Age below 3S ej I 71U412 Experienced ft urgently I 'squired by an Office I Furniture Manufacturer I Salary $1300 Si above I Call SSJB 2877 I or walk in to
        455 words
      • 475 27 t 678 Driver/ Transport Positions OWVSJI CUM OCUVCRV. Clean dnving record Knowledge of »im pie English Pleasant a herdwork •ng Call 273 6473 lor interview 1042 Lower Delta Roed. MM-OS/IJ Tiong Bahru Industrial Estate Singapore *****3 PSA PfMSM MOVS.II Drivers re quired. Class 3 or 4 or S licence $2000
        475 words
      • 762 27 683 Part Tim./ 683 Part Tim*/ 683 Par Temporary Positions Timjtjx., miHim Tm ■•nMTTraaitiai I saury an--' < I ensure smooth hand-ow" s'shS rVHHH^^ L I Requirements: vyv I Walk-in Interview: I I 3am 4pm (Monday Friday) I or call 750 4246/750 4272 I for an interview appointment. I PI«JM
        762 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 1088 28 6*3 Pert-Time/ TlUMliaj, tH*.tK>n, Earn SISO approx No previous experience needed FuH training provided Work 2 3 hr*. daMy (Spm- 12am or 12am- 3am) F«e. eaM Jeesla Lk*W Hiyaiui al 22asteS«ae>. A MBU. IST AOLMMBO company urgantty looking for part timer* to perform simple duties for only 2 hr*. to
        1,088 words
      • 962 28 ~s3^aTTK3^^™ TsMDstaj, PseWses TMM*. ACCOUNTS ASST. (Out ram/ Genting Rd Woodlands) Partial a/cs PC literate 13 mthi Good rate* *****33 TIMF CLCPJKSV OATA Entry/ Shipotng/ Accounts Clerk required for 1 5 months Cell *****13 •08-07 Peninsula Plata TMM*. CUSTOMS*) SVCS.. Clerk and A/cs Clerk '•Quir* in Shwiton Way ft other*
        962 words
      • 973 28 689 Othor Positions —9 Other Positions 689 Other Positions Applications are invited for the following posts: 1) CLERICAL OFFICERS 4) TECHNICIANS (FuH-Time/PartTim«) 4 QCE O level passes including either a Technical At least 1 O 1 levei pass in English or Mathematics; or Science subject or Mathematics. OR O^ 3
        973 words
      • 232 28 WmaiWClaX) Cj««jdl -laattc m^c«ton atouhUng Company that nnultw •MatayFamaia Btondaiy adur— on I Must baabla to partorm OT S«ngaporaans A PR 1 -2 yaart working aspananca aa Production Ptannar Muat ba aoia to handki work praaaura I AM* to monitor Daily Production Scrtoduta and Output I Ma»a,TamaJa(2s 30yrso«) At lotUrt¥
        232 words
      • 875 28 689 Other Positions 689 Other Position* 689 Other Positions W At AT&T Microelectronics M I a high-tech IC manufacturing plant at Kallang Sector, we have the right environment for you to learn, grow and advance. Schedulers (Various SMffto Available The lob: Execute assembly, test and marking schedules Maintain troceability records
        875 words
      • 495 28 Othf PooltJom DO YOU LOVE PEOPLE Do you love working I with people? We are looking for a I dynamic lady to be our I OPERATIONS SUPER I VISOR for our teams in I some of Singapore's top I hotels. Experience in I beauty and body treat- I ments would
        495 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 540 29 OtJa— Pmtl^mm Sa9 Other Positions I An established pubhe-ttsted company in Jurong reQuires GCE 0' level/LCCI or higher No experience required Those with higher qualifications/experience will be considered for supervisory position No experience required GCE 'O'/'N' level Willing to work on shifts Fresh graduates are welcome to apply NTC 3
        540 words
      • 755 29 089 Other Positions PMOTOQFIAPMeU ASSISTANT I VaNd dees 3 licence GCE O level I Greet imareai in I photography Piaaaa call I "erfee* SSHaSe «•> *aae I PfUVATI OfcIBVCIIVM" FULL TIMi/ P AITT TIME Under ao special training pro gramnte Salary up to 11.800 IS years a above KOKUSAI SPCC
        755 words
      • 793 29 709 Commercial 709 Commercial 709 Commercial Courses Courses Cour—e VaYafafafaHaafaHßW (Eletwantafy Intermediate Advanced) 1 1 GrtHip of Schools eaajHaaa|ajHßHßajß^BapßHßßßßß^ ull Timt Part linn lJif^sMlT;V^e^i «fcw Waf CVrtificate/ Diploma Course B^SJ^S^SSBiII Olp lR Accountln 9 Busl ness Statistics p Oip in Marketing /PR •> English for Commerce ■9{MBiMf^*l Accounting Shorthand B&MHMitijl
        793 words
      • 362 29 709 Commercial 709 Commercial Course* Course)* I- Dip in Mf(t Principles (Full time) Dtp m Marketing (Full I tme) Dip in Accounting />ip mi Marketing (Part Time) b Dip in Business Studies (Part Time) I Experienced andQualified lecturers. Orchard p Area, Student Pass and NS applications. CauB3BsOOl SCHOOLFORADVANCEDSTUDIES 268 Orchard
        362 words
      • 439 29 712 Compute* Court** Gain a SIX MONTHS NCC DIPLOMA Wirti4other prcttifllous I.T. AWARDS iimUiiOHCouiiy hiUMNH Ofwy ovoiMiwf# of THiCe &m m 716 Foroign Education •TUOV IN U«A Enrollment available for Spring/ Summer IfM intake m State UnivwsKy of New York New Part/ and Unrversitv of New Haven Connecticut Call American
        439 words
      • 382 29 715 Foratpi KucstJsii 718 ferelaw Education tEDWARDS||SP||| ASTERN AUSTRALIA ■■■Ut>iUAu3Hßai I Appkcaoor* are invfced from GCE A •0' Levd rwWen for the fo*o*in) proawnmef ASSOCIATI MPLOHA IN C OMMI ICI Ltn»v«nitv-»nked 1 year proyawme leaomj to Snd year entry MO:MUIOOCH UMrUSITY ft ckfbMy for entry into uMrteny of wtsTOH austuua
        382 words
      • 63 30 856 In Memoriam 856 In Memoriam IN REMEMBRANCE OF OUR LATE MANAGING DIRECTOR STEVEN SEOW KHOON SENQ Departed 1 0 September 1 994 Dearly missed by Management Staff of Pioneer Die Casting Industries Pte Ltd PDCI Sdn Bhd In Loving Memory el MR. Q. DORAI Departed 11/WB2 Oearty ch«ri»hed by
        63 words
      • 66 30 TIM fa m 1 1 V Of theLa t KAM HONG YEE Alias KAM MOO UN Departed on ft/9/95 wish to express their heart felt thanks and sincere appreciation to all relatives friends for their kind attendance. assistance, condolences, donations and wreaths during their recent bereavement. WHti FiH
        66 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 464 30 721 Language Courses 721 language Courses Full-time Part-Time KngMaßi For For*.«fjacrs Spoken English TOEFL (USA) Spoken Mandarin GCE 'O' level Spoken Japanese Cambridge PCE 'AO' English/TOEFL Business courses Pkomu. s. Speech A Drama cimuetfor ckitdim art mbo avadobi* Student passes arranged, free of charge I a Elementary <c advance*) la>v*>la
        464 words
      • 468 30 MANOARSN CONVERSATION CLASSSS for beginner* Classes starting 14/9 Thurt. 7 9 pm. 23/9 Sat 2 4pm Beijing Lectures 734 4037 LTC (Orchard/ 9O^naTO9)l*9s)tf ENOLISH POR FOREKeNIRS/ Adults. Chines* Conversation Jurong East MRT *****88 727 Management Courses ASK HOSPITALITY MANAGE MBNT offers Full/ Part Tim* Hotel Mgmt Diploma (USA) Students enrolling
        468 words
      • 1453 30 730 Secretarial/ 730 Secretarial/ Typing Courses Typing Courses I st^at>l DOaf* BT>BBaf* OK LLul t-'^O Utl^. 9O REGISTRATION FOR EXAM REVISION NOW OPEN AT //^^k. SSXO (E«uNiihedinl97B) mSSjn 2T7 Orchard Road svM) I TcS^X Spectilutt" Shopping Centtt Sinppore 2MWB V^ I Telephone (65) *****85 Fax (65) 7.V***** 739 Other Career
        1,453 words
      • 782 30 786 Programmes For the Young JOVBMBCH LAMOUAOf SCHOOI For age* 4 12 years China** Enrichment Course Chine** speech ft drama. China** creetive writing Hartyu Pinyin Dedicated and qualified Be<|ing Graduate Teachers Fun and effective CeU MBB-828 eawve 88*Oan*»e- *o*«i WIIWWWB UNCIAL CLAM for Final Exam <f*ri 1. 2. 3. SI
        782 words
      • 1081 30 800-737- 11 66 nmTAiNiiENT J SZ£Z&Zr S Bakenat/natisMsssiis S a M fc j^^^^ SwTri-. 11 «ousas-SBJt 440 oi»»TNiZ,,B,T^,a.^ uiner tmeiTa»<iiei« l. m c^ .< u b Oiit2iNs«lon/BlTrr«)i/Cl«i«nt 1 i Pit Apts SaJs iproducts oy^o r: sa» fla*cta(MwMt>| 0 2 üßalsSßsr/Macphersw/ Antiques Co»acttrs Hams S2 Gayisng Aquanums M Salt 4* ArtstCrafcs
        1,081 words
      • 161 30 TIKRCNCI NMIAU lUe« in paaca dear ton Your loving mother IN LOVIMO MIMdIV ol Mark Whita Departed On 1 1 OS.S4 Remembered By Oeto AJ Reerty OBITUARIES For booking enquiries, coll 860 Funeral Directors/ MO FwMfal Directors/ Srvicea Services I Complete funeral arrangements for all religion I Exclusive VIP parlours
        161 words