The Straits Times, 24 September 1992

Total Pages: 92
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1992 50 CENTS MITA (P) 27/12/91
    14 words
  • 573 1 Move is the first time a member nation has been removed from the Assembly UNITED NATIONS The United Nations General Assembly, m an unprecedented vote, has expelled the truncated Yugoslav state comprising only Serbia and Montenegro and said it would have to submit a
    Reuter; NYT; AP; Bernama  -  573 words
  • 28 1 Police took nearly two hours to round up "road hogs" m Clement! yesterday. ■Torn to Page 24 for the full story.
    28 words
  • 306 1 A BELL has been introduced to give legal status to the words "account payee" or "a/c payee" written on a crossed cheque, with or without the word "only" written on it. The Bills of Exchange (Amendment) Bill, introduced m Parliament on Sept
    306 words
  • 518 1 BONN German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has announced plans to curb the powers of the European Commission and the "overly powerful" Brussels bureaucracy, m an apparent attempt to allay widespread distrust of the EC leadership. Speaking on his return to Bonn from Paris
    AFP; UPI; Reuter  -  518 words
  • 408 1 LONDON France and Germany took on the might of the currency speculators yesterday m a battle to shore up the franc and save the crumbling European Monetary System. The central banks of both countries intervened on a large scale to buy francs
    Reuter; AP; AFP  -  408 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 121 1 jk Ohfc6^/&6f If 4^^L Beauty Ccrtlrc^y SLIMMING SPECIALIST Our system has been proven effective, fast :f% and lasting. You'll see results after every treatment. Call us (or a free consultation. Tel: 298 5438, 297 2595 '01-09. 15t Storey. Golden Mile Tower. k 6001 Beach Road. Singapore 0719 WITH OUR 38-I3SMM
      121 words
    • 92 1 US submits to UN detailed report on war crimes m Bosnia: Pg 6 Reflections on Spores self-help paradigm m BT today ISSUE No. 25 of Trends, an intellectual publication of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, appears m today's Business Times. This month's Trends features eight articles of current interest:
      92 words
    • 125 1 sWANK MAC* EDITORIAL: Page 28 Europe's 'defence identity* plans likely to be crippled: Page 6 £ir kiifia lo low I// /^^^^^m^. Panasonic kxf9ob $78 monthly SHARP FOI2O $66 MONTHLY ■me wvwv <sMni>« Panasonic up now SONY up. now ZIJZ KXT373 > 270 $235 SPP-L330 $450 $400 wmfuvwn *****3 KXT39II $330
      125 words

    • 252 2 Inspection unit to check ranking A Chinese teachers' union yesterday urged the Education Ministry to set up an inspection unit to ensure that secondary schools do not resort to unethical means to boost their ranking. Home, Page 24 Arts Centre: 'Similar' designs Three of the design concepts for
      252 words
    • 552 2  -  Ben Davidson By LAWYER P. Gopalan Nair was suspended from practice for two years and ordered to pay costs after he was found guilty of serious misconduct m deliberately trying to discredit former Attorney-General Tan Boon Teik. A three-judge court yesterday rejected Mr
      552 words
    • 506 2 HANOI General Le Due Anh, the architect of Vietnam's 1978 invasion of Cambodia, was elected yesterday to the newly strengthened post of president. According to the official Voice of Vietnam radio, he was chosen m a secret vote by the National
      AP; Reuter; AFP  -  506 words
    • 405 2 AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Paul Keating arrives here this afternoon (or a two-day official visit which seeks to foster closer ties with Singapore and the region. He will be accorded a ceremonial welcome by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the Is tana
      405 words
    • 484 3  -  Leong Chan Teik Priority will depend on grades m subjects relevant to course By After receiving his O-level results. Tan Beng Seng decides to apply to a polytechnic for an engineering course, although his academic strength is not m that field. His best tour
      484 words
    • 172 3 HONG KONG China's capitalist population has grown rapidly since private enterprise was permitted m 1979, pouring billions of dollars into state coffers, according to the Beijing-controlled China News Service (CNS). "The total number of industrial and commercial self-em- ployed persons m China
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 303 3 TOURISTS from certain countries may need a guarantor before they are allowed to enter Malaysia on a social visit pass, according to Deputy Prime Minister Ghafar Baba. The Star newspaper yesterday quoted him as saying that this was a way to check
      303 words
    • 181 3 SEOUL Japan will allow South Korea to take home the remains of some 20,000 noses lopped off m battle nearly 400 years ago. Japanese history professor Kirn Moon Gil of the Pusan University of Foreign Studies, told Reuters he has permission
      Reuter; AP  -  181 words
    • 480 3 THE Johor government will send an official letter to the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board m Kuala Lumpur, opposing its recent move to suspend issuing permits to Singaporean tour buses and rental cars. Berita Harian Malaysia yesterday quoted the Chairman
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 647 2 842 single women, 9 men only Matchmakers of Malay singles say more Malay women are finding it hard to get suitable husbands. Businessman declared bankrupt The 35 -year old Indonesian businessman is the central figure m the controversial Pulau Bayan Marina Club project. Details m an exclusive report m today's
      647 words
    • 90 2 Battle-hardened soldier shuns spotlight: Page 7 Rfl ijvl »jk^ 8 P V r^^-^ma^-^^oi mm UP TO 75% OFF WHILE STOCKS LAST lounges dining rASH ft PARRY TfinAY MATTRESSES SOFA BEDS lASH tf UAHHT lUUMT STOOLS CHAIRS ENDS MONDAY bookcases sideboards l-r-, n n m I PILLOWS DESKS 111 AND MANY
      90 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 -B 9__l_^ __A V-i _B_t_b!l_l I^^m _^_b^ v "w^i___r*^_H _^_p^__i _^_^^^_^_i _^b i '5» bj^ m^_j^^__^Afl r__W" _i I __r "^iS __k I B^. *___Ei^l Eh P B^ BP^^' w^^_f^_i _____i _B i_t_K-tc _^_b jj __^__S_^i_f__________* _____^1 It iS 1 1 _^_^^^_^_1 _^_^m_^_h_^_^_^_^_l p p __H b"* I _^Ez_^_^_B i__^_H
      192 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 189 3 WEATHER Showers over several areas m the late morning and early afternoon. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 25 mm. SUNSET today: 6.59 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.53 am. GLOBAL HEATHER Amsterdam 14/23 C Cloudy Madrid 16/30 C Clear Athens 18/28 C Cloudy Manila 23/31 C Cloudy Auckland
      189 words

    • 566 4 'Preventive deployment of troops better than peacekeeping' UNITED NATIONS The European Community and Russia have thrown their support behind the idea of a standing UN army amid warnings that unless the organisation becomes more adept at resolving disputes before
      NYT; UPI; AP  -  566 words
    • 354 4 Call for $240 m peace-keeping fund UNITED NATIONS Japanese Foreign Minister Mlchio Watanabe has urged a restructuring of the perennially-bankrupt United Nations, especially the Security Council on which Tokyo has long sought a permanent seat. He also proposed on Tuesday a start-up peace-keeping fund,
      Reuter; AFP  -  354 words
    • 461 4 WASHINGTON The US Congress on Tuesday set the stage for another veto fight over President George Bush's China policy by voting to impose restrictions on renewal of Beijing's most-favoured-na-tion (MFN) trade status next year. The House of Representatives approved the Bill on Tuesday
      AP; Reuter  -  461 words
    • 177 4 Balding? Listen to a little Mozart... TOKYO Worried about that bald patch? Forget those miracle cures advertised m newspapers: Just sit back and listen to a little Mozart. That at least is the advice of Daiiehi Pharmaceutical, a leading Japanese drugmaker, which is marketing a compact disc of Mozart's music
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 211 4 TOKYO Japanese stores began taking Russian Stoiichnaya vodka off the shelves yesterday after a warning that the popular brand could be contaminated. The Health Ministry ordered Liquor distributors to halt sales of the vodka late on Tuesday while it checked supplies for traces
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 598 6 Europe's 'def ence identity' plans likely to be crippled Officials attribute cause to crisis over Maastricht Treaty Significantly, there were no preparations for a new security initiative when German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and French President Francois Mitterrand held crisis talks on Tuesday on the changed EC priorities, aides said. PARIS
      IHT  -  598 words
    • 146 6 UK Labour Party 'no' to holding vote on Maastricht LONDON The executive committee of Britain's opposition Labour Party voted yesterday by an overwhelming majority against holding a British referendum on the Maastricht Treaty on closer European union. The idea of a referendum was rejected by 23 votes to 5 and
      AFP  -  146 words
    • 545 6 NEW YORK The United States, m a move designed to intensify pressure on Serbia, has submitted formally what it considers credible allegations of war crimes m BosniaHerzegovina to the United Nations. It also said on Tuesday that it was
      Reuter  -  545 words
    • 422 6 JERUSALEM Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres yesterday called for an unprecedented Israeli-Syrian summit meeting to advance Middle East peace talks. "I don't know if there's a chance but I know there's a need for it," he said when asked about prospects
      Reuter; AP  -  422 words
    • 131 6 BEIJING The number of people m China Infected with the Aids virus had risen to 932, a 50-per-cent increase from the official count a year earlier, the official Xinhua news agency reported yesterday. The figure was released by Mr He Jiesheng, Vice-Minis-ter
      AP  -  131 words
    • 584 7 Profile: New Viet President Key achievements Gen Anh (above) played a key role In the Independence straggle against the French, later against the Americans during the Vietnam War, and finally In the invasion of Cambodia In 1878. In recent yean, he has been an
      Reuter; AFP  -  584 words
    • 342 7 CANBERRA The Australian government might send a minister to Taiwan later this year, reversing its 20-year ban on ministerial contacts with Taipei, government sources said yesterday. Tourism and Resources Minister Alan Griffiths would be the one most likely to make the trip, the
      Reuter; AFP  -  342 words
    • 547 7 HK Governor calls for face-to-face talks with Chinese officials HONGKONG The Sino-British war of words over Hongkong's new airport project has intensified as pro-Beijing newspapers lashed out at Governor Chris Patten who hit back. His trip to China was also postponed. The
      AP; AFP; Reuter  -  547 words
    • 195 7 BEIJING China, for centuries a land of mandarins chosen through rigorous tests, has decided to bring back examinations and create a civil-service system, according to a report m the People's Daily yesterday. "Measures will be announced very soon, including a system of appointments
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 600 9 Mr Clinton says: 4 I guess I can't blame him. If I had the worst record of any president m 50 years, I wouldn't want to defend my record either.' Mr Bush replies: 'I've debated every time we've had elections, and we'll probably
      AP; NYT  -  600 words
    • 212 9 TOKYO At the age of 100, Mr Sanzo Nosaka is easily Japan's most famous and respected communist, a founder of the Japan Communist Party and the man who made it a prominent, if never very influential, political player. Qn Sunday, Mr Nosaka's legendary career
      NYT  -  212 words
    • 342 9 WASHINGTON Texas billionaire Ross Perot met Republican campaign chief James Baker and the Democratic Party chairman on Tuesday and raised speculation that he might re-enter the presidential race by saying that he made a mistake m pulling out m July. NBC News quoted Mr
      Reuter; AP  -  342 words
    • 174 9 LONDON Britain and India have signed two agreements aimed at fighting international terrorism and drug trafficking an extradition treaty and a pact on the confiscation of illegally -acquired assets. "The new treaty will prevent suspected terrorists from arguing that their
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 359 10 Kissinger denies Americans were left behind m rush to pull out WASHINGTON Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has angrily denied as a 'flat-out lie" claims that the Nixon administration knowingly abandoned American prisoners of war m its rush to withdraw from Vietnam m
      Reuter  -  359 words
    • 348 10 TEHERAN Amid continuing tension m the Gulf over the disputed island of Abu Musa, Iran has held a public display of some of its newlyacquired military equipment, including Russian-built Su-khoi-24 attack aircraft. At a military parade on Tuesday marking the
      Reuter; AP  -  348 words
    • 311 10 Statement of joint intent paves way for talks on military. deal KUWAIT CITY British Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind has signalled London's intention to supply Kuwait with military equipment while expressing concern about a threat from both Iraq and Iran. Mr Rifkind and Kuwaiti
      AFP  -  311 words
    • 159 10  -  KWAN WENO KIN TOKYO Beauty World, a Singapore musical which Is one of the highlights of an on-going Japan-sponsored festival showcasing Southeast Asian culture, ended a satisfying four-day run here yesterday. The musical, produced by the Singapore drama group Theatre Works, is due
      159 words
    • 336 10 BRASILIA Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Mello's lawyers have asked for at least two more weeks for the President to defend himself against corruption charges before a crucial vote on whether to open an impeachment trial. The request on Tuesday
      Reuter  -  336 words
    • 209 10 MARSEILLE At least 18 people died and several others went missing when flash floods and fierce storms swept the Ardeche and Vaucluse regions m south-east France, officials said yesterday. Dozens of houses were damaged or destroyed when fastmoving mud cascaded
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 125 11 TOKYO A high-ranking Japanese gangster wanted to quit his syndicate but apparently could not bring himself to fulfil his duty by cutting off one of his fingers so he had a doctor do it for him. Now police have arrested the doctor
        AP  -  125 words
      • 118 11 TAIPEI Thirteen people were killed when fire swept through a karaoke parlour m northern Taiwan early yesterday, said police. "When the fire broke out at about one o'clock this morning, many people were still singing inside the parlour and they could not escape," said
        Reuter  -  118 words
      • 58 11 MOSCOW President Boris Yeltsin has declared the Bolshoi Theatre a national treasure, Russian television has reported. The report on Tuesday said Mr Yeltsin had issued a decree formally making the historic theatre part of the national heritage. The move would spare the home of the renowned
        AFP  -  58 words
      • 52 11 His glass shield was pat up on Monday at the base of Michelangelo's statue of David, which was damaged when a man attacked It with a hammer last year. The shield prevents viewers from getting close enough to touch the masterpiece m Florence's Gailerla Deli Accademlft
        Reuter  -  52 words
      • 88 11 ROME Work on a major restoration of Rome's 2,000--year-old Colosseum, a symbol of the "Eternal City" and now m danger of collapse, began on Tuesday. The 57-m-high stadium, scene of ancient Roman spectacles ranging from gladiator fights to wild-animal hunts, has been blackened by exhaust fumes from
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 79 11 TORONTO A major Canadian bank said on Tuesday that it had started offering monthly cheque statements m Braille to help the visually-impaired. Volunteers with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) helped the the Royal Bank of Canada develop the statement, said CNIB spokesman Bob Elton.
        Reuter  -  79 words
      • 165 11 LONDON Ms Svetlana Stalin, daughter of the late Soviet dictator, is living m obscurity m a London charity hostel, according to a London newspaper. The Evening Standard reported on Tuesday that she moved into the home recently and was known there as Lana Peters, after the
        Reuter  -  165 words
      • 99 11 BOLOGNA (Italy) Italy's stringent spending cuts are threatening to hit its most-famous tenor, Luciano Pavarotti. Officials from the north-central Emilia-Romagna region have said the 360 million lire (*****,000) they agreed to pay him m July for a night's work is now too But regional president Enrico
        Reuter  -  99 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 LONDON BAYSWATER, 50 Kensington Gardens Square The Westbourne Final Phase 3 HR k i "111 Hi iHBsH* \"i'-'' WBfi) m MuWlJji,— Jr_j <■ w m m^m u£SiSM*6 -,l 1 linlfl i —I I^S£zQllߣf UB kSBBI MB} I > 4B* ;'.l 1 1 ~*a <BB *****S IBBBM ***** BBJ BhSmI^QI ImMMa
      188 words
    • 132 4 DOUBLE YOUR DOLLAR AT CHJR ANNfVERSARY SALE .aaaaWWWWWaWL f T^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^l^B- It ''^X M^JW f I IX LA iL^^aaaaaaaaaml W w m* J BF^djmaaaaaaamaittj^^. K&i&aatSH^. < i 4U^T f Iri^H I^^^S; V \k maaaWm VPr^fltfi II IVa \im\W |j fM ft > wk9*{. CfAdHtr Li J 7 iif':^:- y^;.-.;;._.; Pillow Cas«
      132 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1116 5 Bj^ BJ iJ«»k-,v!2Bf .T^^^^^aß B\a»aV^^^M ti I^^ '^bbbV bbwbbbl bbbbbw^ a bY J^^^ir^^ 1 P^ JjX^l BaW. 11l B^^JL- a^^ B^_^^ B^ B -^L a^ B^_^_^^_^^-l <^B^ -b«b^^bbbb! H^^^^^^^^? Kj£^Bt9&tiJ > I V '^JB^b^^K^V^X aaW HIH gL IBbbbbl bbs/ <A il ULam^Bl aMafl aW VBBuaBBB^^^^EaBBV I Bt 4t 4>^ ,S
      1,116 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 669 6 t^ irM «^^^ttv> iF >»3it\»3^^^v! Bffly^Wm«B^»^B»iiMJflyM>ML»Bß»^B LTx^^^r >|V7#\Bhl A^v.vyr W gift RwH HaM < Ti.^ r H«»' A^dßrw" +wPy*i£*&*4f BQlfl BIU njp|- BfclgFj^Miw^MßiliißiyUißiillißll^B P\ A Fypriitivp Thc stralts Times llf tAcuuiiYc This is not an insurance, ACCincn jl Development futures trading nor ULA^MtItD y V Programme real estates Programme. Where
      669 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 359 8 PAV92 (will /m IHr M\ N I Yes. we re well aware that the Singapore stock accessible to the small investor. balance. You can change your life cover, adjust your market first opened its doors some 18 years ago. Bigger returns, less risk. Expert fund manage- premium payment, top-up your
      359 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 416 9 a You Can xL w-'^fc Count -j^jir fcOnAitron W™ For Your TOTAL SUPPORT. At ALTRON, we provide you with all the support you need to pass the NCC Diploma m Computer Studies the stepping stone to a computing career. Dedicated teachers. State-of-the-art facilities. •Comprehensive curriculum. Excellent course materials. And strong
      416 words
    • 255 9 INTRODUCING THE NEW PERSONAL DESKTOP PRINTER BJ-20 FROM CANON. aa^_ amm^^ amimtma^ mm^ amam^ aamm^^ m "1 i i E ft BBBMmJife^lS^^^SLM^^^^vr^f^'^S I B^^^^^^^^^^^^ MT^^B^Blßr *^^i L^Bk .^B^B^BW^^^ ~^^t/of^^^^^^ Sb^BBH BBK B^PvV^ik' i^^r" Vfl B^Bl <% j^jt*\ IR^Ei^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^Bl THE ONLY DESKTOP PRINTER THAT CAN TRAVEL WHEREVER YOU WANT TO GO.
      255 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 146 10 YOUR GIFT FROM ARAMIS <mmm wsMm Wm Wf M mmrnM mmW^^'^Wmmm^ First CIaSS Traveller. Yours FREE With compartments with water-proof lining. The sturdy |H|H£H||HH any Aramis purchase of $70 or more. buckle conveniently becomes a hanging loop to fit At Tangs and Tangs Studio. on a hook or sho wer
      146 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 500 11 Saying ytJo to I COHCIOTiS Despite Aids, more than a third of the men who visit prostitutes here do not wear condoms. Some of the prostitutes themselves, do not insist. SHARON LOH finds out about Project Protect, organised by the Ministry of Health's Department of STD Control, which hopes to
      500 words
    • 165 11 Having had several successful intakes, the University of Dubuque, located m Dubuque, lowa (near Chicago) invites applications for its next prestigious MBA Program. This American University, founded m 1852, is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools the largest of the six regional accreditation bodies m
      165 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 224 12 GTC Printed comforter with bedsheet set: twin $1 33.90 >^y NOW $53, queen $184.50 NOW $75, king $199 r^^d^ flP^ X NOW $81 (Budget Shop, Level 4). B •f Level 4). w^^wffl I^^ lE& w /V 4Bv c BHb 3 v lL Canvas shoes NOW $16 .^B *w 9|. jj
      224 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 200 13 OTC Afc^^^g »r- NQW >2«S.yu >3 1. 80, quilt cover twin-king /C^S R"l^^^ss /i» ?f ss=: s 1 A\l k Level 3). '/A^riw' l^^^i^J^^J^Jj^ r (p-fJ^^^^jL4| J llß^^vAi^^^^^^BPl^^^^^ DELONGHI deep fryer with built-in 1 BAZAAR long-sleeved shirt $49 LESS 50%, timer NOW $229 (F-RM). Free oil double breasted jacket $53
      200 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 260 14 OTC PlaySUlt with CUtin \iji^flpl> sleeves NOW $35 .^(B^^^^^^^. T^J (Teen Girl's, Level 2). jr J^r^^^-^S^Ki^*-i^sy|^^ -+ji v/'^ ffFif^ >^1 Selected table cloth $39.55 NOW $16.90 1 j^B^ffl^^Bfflß^B (Tablelinen, The Basement). R cut D in*w _i- ,JL ji« SHERIDAN co-ordinated bedlinen (Galileo design with iS B. fl VI 200 threadcount):
      260 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 439 15 J^HB T**Jm k. B^^^TTl i^I^TB B^ iT^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^ T \^BH B^B^^^^B^bH B^B^' r jflli^ jL Jk rJL »v blbk^ 1 4 b^ $9 (Beach Dance, Level 2). BW^^-SS^^^ S'l iIISYTiIBBI ■> V „;^B 9TI 111 Hfl I 'XL'^bbQ^ljlT^^k' :^b^^" B $10.90 (Sports, Level 3). -^B mbblblblb^l bf^ B Ac fl fl
      439 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 275 16 Assorted silk ties NOW $19.90 J^^Bfe^, i^ m X (Men's Accessories, Level 2). jl ff^ \'Vt m^^^BF TffTTTTTT???T?TT???f?T ifl -42 IV -ft trnffilM I 2 piece GERBER B BEAR printed pillowcases jSSK^S M MM U L^Jll A B 1 14.90 NOW $7.4s(excludes pillows), printed ffllnNW §9 k£ M| B J
      275 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 435 17 J < /^t-' s)j i larar m I^7 "ffr 1111 I I "V I^b^ VI bJf CT J X^ tf I I I '818 J f B^BL^ *^B^B^BB^Bk i'aJf M I _J_JJ H I I B H I .^L^^^^^b^b^bW S iil>^F^^ fIX \m bT Vflft Sr .^^^^^^Bhß B^B^BW .^fl^B^B H
      435 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 344 18 i^^w Shjm^mI _^^tfBP^ BW^L^^i^H Hi Too much power with inadequate control To these improvements, our engineers is like a little knowledge. A dangerous thing. .^p":™ FM SIS ia X AWMf X auwcak and designers added more. A restyled grille. »ArtlT STOlCM UHlVt GALVANIZED BODY w In the new Audi 80,
      344 words

    • 588 19  -  Paul Jacob Relations can help settle conflict, says Sudomo By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA Indonesia is ready to restore diplomatic ties with Portugal if Lisbon pledges not to interfere further m the affairs of East Timor, its former colony.
      588 words
    • 270 19  -  PAUL JACOB JAKARTA Singapore is always prepared to help Indonesia trace criminal fugitives whom the authorities here believe may be m the Republic, Law and Home Affairs Minister S. Jayakumar has said. Responding to questions from Indonesian journalists on Tuesday, he said
      270 words
    • 534 19  -  Reginald Chua Top-level shake-up of police force m the offing By Manila Correspondent MANILA President Fidel Ramos, responding to howls of outrage from the FilipinoChinese community after two Chinese teenagers were killed by kidnappers, yesterday pledged more government action and funds to crack down
      534 words
    • 219 19 MANILA Philippine polk said yesterday that they ha<! cracked a major international smuggling operation with the arrest of 10 alleged members of two Hongkong gangs tha' shipped drugs to the United States and Asian countries. Vice-President Joseph $k trada, head of a
      AP  -  219 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 465 19 L- TRADITION OF i^i^^i^^* EXCELLENCE 2885 People Have Graduated With The NCC International Diploma In Computer Studies at Informatics. So Can You. Over the years, Informatics has had Vj^3 j4 9 Wf3^[jfr Macintosh minkom P uters t0 c an outstanding record m preparing f%^MCv|L^ 7^^s* IBM Mainframe System all available
      465 words
    • 79 19 STYLE FOR THE EHMRGE I Ihl 1 r* s I Hk i A NEW AND EXCITING OG ORCHARD HAS REOPENED INCREDIBLE BUY SPECIAL BONUS Pay only $49 for a Tote M Hf Only At OG Orchard m w/K mm Bag worth $149 with $40 E| Pay only $2 for an
      79 words

    • 565 20 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia wants the operational and financial responsibility over the Straits of Malacca to be shared equitably among maritime nations, its users and the littoral states. Foreign Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said littoral states alone should not be left
      AFP; Bernama; UPI  -  565 words
    • 424 20  -  Paul Jacob By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA President Suharto would be asked to consider hosting the first summit meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) forum here m 1994, the government-linked Suara Karya newspaper reported yesterday. In a report from Tokyo, it quoted
      424 words
    • 107 20 JOHOR BARU An agreement to redevelop Gelang Patah, the site of Johor's second link to Singapore, would be signed next month between United Engineers Malaysia Berhad (UEM) and the federal government, Johor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday. He said that
      Bernama  -  107 words
    • 382 20  -  Tan Lian Choo By Bangkok Correspondent It will not be easy to work at a coalition. But I am confident this will not be a barrier because we all firmly believe m democracy.' Mr Chuan Leekpai. BANGKOK Thailand's constitutional monarch, King Bhumibol
      Reuter  -  382 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 562 20 Suharto to lead charge for change m developing world: Page 28 Belt up m the back. H££^f| To most people, the back seat is safe. Nothing conjunction with seat belts. Otherwise both child HHHBHHHHIHHHBkJH J^HHHHJ^HH^^^^hB^Q^^PS^HPRHwjB could be further from the truth. and seat will be flung about during an Occident.
      562 words

    • 283 21 CHINESE newspapers m Malaysia play an important role m promoting harmony among the different communities, according to Deputy Prime Minister Ghafar Baba. Speaking at a lunchtime gathering of Chinese newspaper editors m Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, he said that the racial harmony
      283 words
    • 257 21 JOHOR may make it mandatory for developers to provide telecommunications infrastructure m all new housing and industrial projects from next year, according to The Star newspaper. It reported yesterday that the proposal was aimed at checking long delays m extending telephone
      257 words
    • 74 21 Singapore Commissioner of Police Tee Tua Ba taking the salute at a parade during Ids visit to the Malaysian police headquarters m Bukit A man, Koala Lampur, on Tuesday. He was met on Arrival by Inspector- General of Police Tan Sri Mohd Hanlff Omar ami
      NST  -  74 words
    • 154 21 KUALA LUMPUR Muslim couples will be required to produce marriage certificates when checking into hotels or lodging houses under a proposed by-law. The Deputy Minister m the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Dr Abdul Hamkl Othman, said the proposed by-law
      Bernama  -  154 words
    • 160 21 GOLOK (loufiern Thailand) Malaysia and Thailand plan to have another entry point along their common border m twd years, according to the Vice-Governor of Narathiwjt, Mr Sawat Kritrajatanun. Speakiag W Malaysian reporters here After opening the Narathi#at /Marketing Fair on Sunday, he said the
      Bernama  -  160 words
    • 422 21 KUALA LUMPUR Solarvest Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based Lum Chang Croup which was awarded a %-year lease on 100 ha of prime land, on Tuesday said that City Hall deemed it made the best bid. The firm's officials
      NST  -  422 words
    • 280 21 Child-custody case KUALA LUMPUR A Malaysian prince wanted by the Australian authorities has been advised by a government minister against visiting countries having extradition l ies with Canberra, according to a press report yestenlty. Raja Xi marul Baharin Shah was titminded
      AFP  -  280 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 356 21 I ft A small selection of exquisite apartments m Block |g| By 1 are now available. But hurry, f J |X I to secure the unit of your choice. I I f P This unique development, ij il I #4 t I i just minutes from the Central I W$S
      356 words

  • HOME
    • 465 22 Campaign in housing estates to start next month 'I usually shop with a budget m mind. So, once I see something that I like and the price is right, I go m and buy it quickly.' Shopper Katherine Chan, a teacher, (left) who
      465 words
    • 96 22 A WOMAN who was sleeping next to her two-month-old daughter woke up to find the baby unconscious and covered completely m a towel. The baby, Leong Jiale, was taken by her mother to a clin- ic near their home m Block 304, Jurong East
      96 words
    • 164 22 THREE silos, each two to three storeys high, collapsed onto a parked lorry trailer and crushed it m a construction site near Changi Road yesterday. One of the silos emptied its con- tents, a cement-like substance used for stabilising soil, onto the
      164 words
    • 313 22  -  Eileen Lau By THE rarely seen Peranakan Indian wedding, m which the bride wears a saree and the groom a sarong, will be a highlight at this year's Deepavali Parade on Oct 3. About 25 Indian Babas from Gajah Berang, a Malaccan village where
      313 words
    • 440 24  -  Sumiko Tan By NOMINATED MP Kanwaljit Soin will start weekly Meet-the-Women sessions on the first Saturday of next month. Dr Soin, the only female NMP m Parliament, told The Straits Times yesterday that the sessions are to collect feedback on
      440 words
    • 526 24  -  Sunny Goh By A CHINESE teachers' union yesterday urged the Education Ministry to set up an inspection unit to ensure that secondary schools do not resort to unethical means to boost their ranking. The Singapore Middle School Chinese Teachers' Association, the largest
      526 words
    • 340 24  -  David Miller By ONE hundred pigs created havoc m dementi yesterday after a lorry transporting them overturned. The accident occurred around 6.30 am and reduced traffic to a crawl. The Malaysian-registered lorry collided with a double-decker bus at the junction of Clement! Avenue 6
      Wong Kwai Chow  -  340 words
    • 329 24 TO SOME senior Singapore tourism executives, the University of Surrey m England is the place to go for topflight industry exposure. It has been described as the Cornell of Europe for its tourism-related courses, Cornell being a prestigious American tertiary institution.
      329 words
    • 556 25  -  Julia Goh Architects' institute wants open competition to pick the best By THREE of the design concepts for the Singapore Arts Centre presented by the four shortlisted teams bear "striking similarities" to foreign projects. The Singapore Institute of Architects, which made
      556 words
    • 409 25 A FASTER and more hasslefree way of registering a change m address has been introduced m police stations and neighbourhood police posts (NPPs). With a new computerised method, there is no need to fill a form when recording a change m address
      409 words
    • 349 26  -  Rachel Tan By NINE- YEAR-OLD Jason Goh Mingyun envisaged a paradise of deep blue seas, sails and fishing-boats. This vision won him one of the top prizes at an international art competition. The budding artist from St Andrew's Junior School competed
      349 words
    • 541 26  -  Eileen Lau By MRS lAM spent three afternoons a week for the past six months comforting a bedridden cancer patient who was dying. Frustrated because she felt she had not done enough for the patient, she started snapping at her husband
      541 words
      • 138 26 For chef, bush food sure beats lobsters IF THE thought of tucking into insect pate makes you shudder, listen to what Chef Vie Cherikoff 37, a bush foods consultant, has to say. He said: "The Witjuti grub is an insect which lives m trees, drinking the sugary sap. But lobsters
        138 words
      • 73 26 A TAXI driver suffering from a severe asthmatic attack collapsed m his vehicle which crashed into a road divider early yesterday. Police said Mr Lav Bok Kiat. 46, was travelling along the slip road from North Buona Vista Road towards the Ayer Rajah Expressway when the
        73 words
    • 508 27  -  Ben Davidson By ANY confessions obtained from an accused by a police officer below the rank of substantive sergeant cannot be used as evidence m court, the High Court ruled yesterday. Justice Lai Kew Chai made this decision at the continuing murder trial
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      • 166 27 TWO Filipinos stole from tourists visiting Singapore's attractions one acted as the lookout while the other picked the person's pockets or handbag. The two, Marilou G. Mina, 35, and Arnel P. Pena, 32, were each jailed (or three years on Tuesday. Both Mina and Pena, here on
        166 words
      • 102 27 A MAN who produced his brother's identity card during a police check was fined $3,000 on Monday. A district court heard that Mr Passkaran K. Samy 28, gave his IC to his brother, Samy Ganapragasam, m July to register m the food rationing exercise. But
        102 words
      • 89 27 A BUSINESSMAN lost $10,000 m a game of chance called fan-tan, which involves matchsticks. Mr Aw Beng An, 32, lost the money when he gambled with Tan Jwee Kang, 57, unemployed, and his three accomplices. They were at the Duke Hotel m Meyer Road on June
        89 words
    • 293 27 THE naked body of a female factory boss from Johor was found m a reservoir off Upper Jurong Road with wounds possibly inflicted by a large animal, such as a crocodile. A coroner's court heard yesterday that Madam Tan Sua
      293 words
    • 390 27  -  Tan Ooi Boon By THE MAID THE RESCUER A FILIPINA maid, who said she had been abused, grabbed a diner's leg at a Punggol seafood restaurant and pleaded for help when her employer wanted to drag her back to
      390 words
    • 275 27 A MOULDER foreman who made 12 parangs, reminiscent of gangland weapons of the mid-*****, was yesterday jailed three years and ordered to be caned 12 strokes. Yeo Soon Huat, 37, made the metrelong parangs, which had blades measuring 65 cm each, for a friend named
      275 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 270 22 -^'■^jfc^M^^^B^^Hrj^B^B^^^^^^^^B^^^fc a? *f ms v^^p" iV^I^I wLj jfßy^ 1 2 4^ 7 k i 1 he 1 New lruriles Kestaurant. j /\Dsolutely 1 rencn. /\nd 1 urely A^agicaL An amazing transformation has taken place right before your very eyes. creations from the combined talents of our Consultant Chef, 2-Michelin Star
      270 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 88 23 NORTHWEST OPENS UP MORE U.S. GATEWAYS THAN ANY OTHER AIRLINE. Fly Northwest Airlines daily from 200 cities m the United States. All without now and you'll find out that getting to more Singapore and you're on your way to Honolulu, changing airlines, except for one that is. The U.S. destinations
      88 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 320 24 PREMIUM OffilH SAUCE mill HIM KEE We use more oysters m I til fife making our Premium 3 1^ Oyster Sauce, giving it jßjjflO^a its exquisite taste and KtWSt^tm making it ideal for I I cooking and dipping II It may cost more. II but it's worth it. II LEE
      320 words
    • 140 24 OUR DAILY SPECIALS g Yj USUAL SPECIAL (A Double Boiled Buddha A V^ lumps Over The Wall $40*+' $24*+ y. QQQ (PwProoo) F y\ V< Baked Lobster With /< >7 Supenor Soup m Hot Pot I^o++ SZ.ZU++ V X> |m (Per Tad) )O Braised Whole Abatone v 7 Vim Qv
      140 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 112 25 For Those Who Know THE VALUE —OF SOUND SSBHSI VASO j^HH^SHß^^^^^^^flg Integrated Amplifier HHIIBBMHHH^QPHHRi 2 x 50- watts FROM THE B&W UK II COMPANY Good looks, powerful HHHHH|HHHH|H and dynamic performance, I combined with musical I subtlety make this VASO IHI BhHHHI the ideal choice. BIBBS TU5 gHD|nEBOBLJ[LJ^^B^ Stereo FM
      112 words
    • 668 25 Who's the best person to determine how much you can borrow? When you get a personal loan from most banks, they INTEREST RATES decide how much to lend you. But at Standard Chartered we 1 to 2 years 5 50% o a believe you should decide. 3 to 4 years
      668 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 511 26 /K\ Bi .^m I jf Mj| ffa^g jf b^l I B^B wbmt I B^b^B I B^l m I th^^b Va^B Va^sW tA^bW fl tb^^v bI I wa^flV fl fl fl Bfl B r^^VHVMMgPBJ f i itt VH £m y mßi i^BV mßb \^^^^moßo* 11ll llKlimmm 0 BBflßttfl«ftw^ .^^Lir' v. .jt'-
      511 words
    • 406 26 NEWS I INF I B Spot anything ■^■■wwwuii xv newsworthy m your neighbourhood? Or you may have soms views mtUmJKkk to express. Call us at ■■■I 737-8700, the toll-free rTYfTTTV number, between 9am EAkXmmCiJahl and 5Dm rom M° nd ay 1 I to Saturday. $2 million plate for sale wi^^^Hr
      406 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 122 27 All functions function better at the Multifunction Centre sth Floor IMM Building We have the space and facilities to cater for conferences, seminars, banquets, dinner and dance, directors' meetings, training programmes, product launch, wedding dinners, birthday or theme parties and any other functions of all sizes. Just call us at
      122 words
    • 133 27 Cassardi menswear. The range is wide, the choice yours. Silk Ties Polyester Ties Business Casual Belts Leather Accessories Shirts Polo Tees Cuff Links Suits Pants Leather I L/AjOAlvUl I From $35 THE ITALIAN LABEL I Singapore: Available at: Allure Leather House. Manna Square Bee Kah Company, Peoples Park Complex Changi
      133 words
    • 495 27 H Comsertrac Tha Quality Computer School Since 1976 ■B ShBI j^^t fi^^ i^^^i ___Rc_g _hS_S____ B^r _C__ MR TEE TONG CHIEW. PRINCIPAL OF COMSERTRAC, CONGRATULATES MS NG LAYYONG.THETOP BCS I STUDENT Last year Comsertrac student was the top student m BCS Part I. This year both Part I II top
      495 words

    • 1276 28  -  Paul Jacob He will address UN armed with a blueprint for action forged at NAM summit m Jakarta By Jakarta Correspondent Jakarta believes that it is now time for the developing world to exert its collective will, without being confrontational, and
      1,276 words
    • 728 28  -  Gerald Segal By HONGKONG It is often difficult to see a new balance of power when it is being created, but the events of the past few weeks are undoubtedly important steps m such a process. The cancellation of President Boris Yeltsin's trip
      728 words
    • 816 29  -  Tan Cheng Sun By IWAS intrigued by some remarks made by Mr S. Dhanabalan at a press conference on the eve of his resignation as the Minister for National Development. In reply to a question on whether some Singapore leaders were strongly against the West,
      816 words
    • 745 29  -  Clive Cookson By Financial Times A "MAGIC bullet" against cancer a drug that destroys tumour cells without harming healthy tissues has been one of the longest-postponed promises of medical research. Now at last, after four decades of patchy progress, several candidate bullets are
      745 words
    • The Straits Times
      • 696 28 IF FRENCH voters had said "no" to the Maastricht treaty even by the same thin margin that they said "yes", the results would have been clear. Rejection by France, a motive force behind European union, would have killed off the treaty. However, the opposite is not quite true.
        696 words
    • 98 28 "My main reason for hoping that the tabloids are not g*gged or made to behave better is that we shall thereby have lost our last reminder of how extraordinarily cruel and unpleasant the lower classes are." British author Auberon Waugh. "The excuse that used to be pat forward for Mr
      98 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 28
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 184 28 I Q B^B^bV.^^bS T "b^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Hb^bV W B^B^^B Ml fti W^^k mrn^m Ia v '"^/jB bb' "^B 38' ink. *S EV L><^fll ■k '^S BB^H BA BBBBBBB&. BB^^BpH BA BB^t bi BJBW 1 iV^vbSbH vl VB|(- r bh jfcv™^ -<'^Jn9 SOIE AGENT I Marlex Marketing Pt* Ltd Tel: 734 9696 Fax:
      184 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 394 29 fc^flj^ Computer* and Convnmcabons ■■i^.' —j^taiJiaMißl S^wMiiiCTl fcaMaiß ta» ■■iHMLifSN^^*' Bwsli I""-* <<■■■ h&^H L3W ssiai^i-Kv^. 1 ■■HEBPBSC^ 3 '^?^^^^Kgß^HM|^^^^Wß jg« *Mwßi^J > iK'w^BiP^a^a^aßßW :^ffair^B' ::^*r TK^> ''-^at*^«S«*"'^Si«" ;;^^^^^j^^^^^|^^wl^^Hj|^BP9\^t ■■■:>' '^^jJfllli^l i^i^Bi^^l b^b^hs^^LV: ji^K^x^^^B i^Bß^B^^^Sy^^^^^^ j l^ s^ •"^M ':i t j^^k bp^bwißb^b^blbbßblP^^' -^^hhp^^^ > 4^^ v ■^L^x^: s. BBg^^BK^Bß^B^B^B^B^Bß^BßßWrttthjWMMJlMfc^^^^^^^^Wb^Bß^Bßß
      394 words

    • 281 30 I REFER to the report "CDAC: Most who opt out are English educated" (ST, Sept 21). Let's face it. We are all Singaporeans, whether Malay, Chinese or English educated. I am one of those who chose not to contribute to the CDAC,
      281 words
    • 165 30 I READ with interest the news on the new law to deter littering and the proposed punishment for recalcitrant litterbugs. It would be interesting to know how the Corrective Work Order applies to a different category of litterbugs. By that, I mean
      165 words
    • 413 30 Superior Asian values' an idealised vision of conservatives ST, Sept If. I REFER to the article "Like it or not, Asian and Western values differ m fundamental ways" (ST, Sept 19) by Cheng Shoong Tat. The article leaves unaddressed the question which lies at the heart of the debate on
      413 words
    • 148 30 I REFER to the letter "Give levy to foreign maids at end of contract" (ST, Sept 23) by Mr Tan Boon Hui. I totally support Mr Tan's suggestion of returning the monthly levy to foreign maids at the end of their contracts. My
      148 words
    • 243 30 IT IS with great interest that I have followed recent comments by Government representatives on the rising cost of medical treatment m Singapore. I was especially pleased to see the MP for Leng Kee, Dr Ow Chin Hock, forecast that, as health expenditures
      243 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 794 30 A ™S2™ TRAINING SCHEDULE 1 M*M ASSOCIATION 0CT-DEC32 J OCTOBER 1)Bh»wWorfrB0fafrC^St*(30hra) 100ct-21Nty92(TwicewBeMy) E $350/1420 2)Ct<iC8teinOiceMwoBmertOD>n»(1O0hre) 12 Od 8 Mar 93 (Mon Thi) E $*****1200 3)BteiwCorni)erBalionandRe»^MaraQemrt 14&1S0d92(Wed&Thu> F $250*300 4)Mar^ngChjro8Efecliwfrgdays) 1S&160d92(Thu&Fri) F $*****50 5)(^rtic^^EiK>wWhiwASooltrCo<mreab(y(54^) 270ct-29Jan93ffuB&Fri) E $*****60 28Od-21DBc92(Mon.Wed.Fri) *E $*****1600 7) ISO 9000 QmH/ Systems Imdemerttione days) 29&300ct92(Thi&Fn) F $*****40 NOVEMBER
      794 words
    • 89 30 Business Times Indonesian businessman declared bankrupt The 35-year-old Indonesian businessman is the central figure m the controversial Pulau Bayan Marina Club project. Details m an exclusive report m today's BT Hock Lock Siew Why are corporate insiders raising their stakes m related firms? Falling rates m Malaysia An update on
      89 words

    • 419 31  -  Joe Dorai Nordin Kalil, Tamil Marren must undergo further tests SOCCER By STRIKER Nordin Kalil and defender K. Tamil Marren, who are among 10 newcomers to the Singapore soccer squad, will have to undergo further medical tests after being found lacking m stamina yesterday
      JERRY SEH  -  419 words
      • 123 31 South Korea makes it to World Cup South Korea beat India 4-1 to join Pakistan and Malaysia for the 1993 Junior World Cup hockey tournament m Terrassa, Spain. The Koreans packed off India m a blistering match m the Asian Cup tournament m Kuala Lumpur yesterday, to take the third
        123 words
    • 388 31 FOCUS: Bambang Suprianto INDONESIAN Bambang Suprianto, the Konica Cup defending champion, almost had his promising career cut short four months ago because of a freak accident. The 23-year-old severed the upper part of his right thumb when he caught it m a trolley after
      388 words
    • 818 31 Mea'i riaglea, Ist rd: Ardy Wiranata (Indon) bt Mohamed Sharath (Mdv) 15-1 15-1. Ong Ewe Hock (Mai) bt Tan Slan Peag (81a) 15-4 15-3, Wu Chang Rubn (Tai) bt Vow Caaag LJaag (81a) 15-2 15-2, Kirn Hak Kyun (SK) bt Ng Kok Men* (Sin)
      818 words
    • 571 31 PETER KHOO reports on the Singapore Konica Cup Badminton Championships at the Indoor Stadium Players having problems with air-conditioning 'It's quite bad. The draught is moving from the stands towards the centre of the arena. All of us players are having problems coping with it.'
      ALBERT SIM  -  571 words
    • 267 31 BARCELONA Olympian Hamld Khan easily breezed Into the third round of the Konlca Cop Championships the only male Singaporean to do so bat could find himself facing a whirlwind when he takes on China's world champion Zhao Jianhua tonight. Yesterday morning, Hamld easily disposed of
      267 words
    • 152 31 135-3 RUGBY SEOUL South Korea set a scoring record m the Asian Rugby Union Tournament yesterday with an amazing 135-3 win over Malaysia but still failed to make the final. Centre Shin Kon
      Reuter; UPI  -  152 words
    • 143 31 HOCKEY SADEQ RESHTY is the new secretary of the Singapore Hockey Federation with effect from yesterday. The ex-international replaces Ha r bans Singh Gill, whose letter of resignation was accepted by the SHF Council on Monday. But Harbans will remain as organising secretary of
      143 words
    • 510 32 Ruud awakening for third seed Baur HAKIKAT RAI reports on the Honda-Kah Singapore Open tennis championships THIRD seed Patrick Baur survived a Ruud awakening before advancing into the quarter-finals of the Honda-Kan Singapore Open tennis championships at Singapore Island Country Club last The man who made him labour 2hr 45mln
      JERRY SEH  -  510 words
    • 353 32 LENDL was barred from the Hsflda-Kah Singapore Tennis Otfen yesterday. And all because he flouted pro tennis' advertising rules. (Jo it wasn't Ivan the man himself but his name on the shorts of Singapore's Choo Wfci-Pin. The Mizu no-sponsored WeiPfjfk had come for
      353 words
    • 62 32 CENTRE COURT Brett Steven (NZ) v Wayne Arthurs (Aust) Lionel Roux (FYa) v Patrick Baur (Ger) v COURT ONE Roland So (RP) v Todd Nelson (US) Martin Blackman Lawrence Tieleman (US) v Todd Nelson (US)/Christo van Rensburg (SA) inMRT m,™ XM 3 <Au*>'*»-«-Kirn Bong Soo (SK)/Christian
      62 words
    • 222 32 SOCCER BUENOS AIRES Argentina's coach Alfio Basile, overjoyed at news of Diego Maradona 's return to soccer, said on Tuesday he would call the former captain to the national team for every important match. "I am choked with emotion. The world's best player is back,
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 95 32 angles, 2nd rd: Roland So (RP) bt Choo Wei-Pin (Sin) 8-2 M, Todd Nelson (US) bt Pietro Pennisi (Ita) 6-3 7-5. Brett Steven (NZ) bt Martin Blackman (US) 6-4 3-6 7-5, Wayne Arthurs (Aust) bt Roger Rasheed (Aust) 6-2 6-3, Lionel Roux (Fra) bt Kenny Thome (US) 6-4
      95 words
    • 394 32 ENGLISH LEAGUE CUP LONDON Troubled giant Liverpool battled from 3-0 down to snatch a 4-4 draw m an astonishing English League Cup soccer tie against little Chesterfield at home on Tuesday. The Third Division outfit embarrassed the Premier League side, which has been ravaged by injury this
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 389 32 BASEBALL American Leagae: Yankees 6 Tigers 5, Yankees 7 Tigers 4, Indians 4 Red Sox 2, Brewers 3 Angels 2, White Sox 8 Athletics 3, Royals 3 Mariners 0. Twins 1 Rangers 0, Jays 4 Orioles 3. National League: Reds 6 Astros 3. Reds 4 Astros 3.
      389 words
      • 78 32 Eighteen-year-old Benson Koeeh was revealed at the World Junior Championships as the latest find from Kenya's eternal fountain of athletic talent. Koech, who only started running the 800 metres this year, won the world junior title m Seoul m the third fastest all-time best m
        78 words
      • 67 32 The International Olympic Committee should be investigated for corruption, a Swiss politician said m Berne on Tuesday. Jean Ziegler, a Socialist Party deputy for Geneva, put down a parliamentary motion calling for a federal inquiry into the lOC. His call is based on the controversial book
        67 words
      • 57 32 Erwin Weber and Bruno Saby, driving Mitsubishis, dominated Tuesday's stage of the Paris-Beijing motor rally but could not dent the overall lead of Citroen rival Pierre Lartigue. Weber was first to the Great Wall of China, winning the 17th stage from Hami to Jiayuguan m
        57 words
      • 58 32 Veteran Spanish cyclist Marino Lejarreta has returned to road racing five months after a crash which nearly killed him and seemed certain to have ended his career. Lejarreta, 35, lined up at the start of the Tour of La Rioja, m Logrono, on Monday and finished the
        58 words
      • 41 32 Greece's Olympic 100 m hurdles gold-medallist Paraskevi Patoulidou said m Athens on Tuesday she was switching to the long jump. Patoulidou is the first Greek woman to win an Olympic gold medal and Greece's first champion since 1912.
        41 words
      • 48 32 Rory Underwood, the recordbreaking England winger who retired from international rugby union last March, has changed his mind. The 29-year-old fighter pilot on Tuesday made himself available for the November Test against South Africa, next year's Five-Nations Championship and British Lions tour of New Zealand.
        48 words
      • 98 32 The European golf Tour will start earlier than ever next year and may feature a major tournament m South Africa m January. Players will also have to play at least 11 Tour events to be included m the final Order of Merit rather than nine
        98 words
      • 68 32 Paul Gascoigne's comeback after 17 months away from soccer was shown live on television yesterday after a High Court victory by a satellite TV network BSkyß on Tuesday. The England midfielder, who snapped knee ligaments playing for Tottenham Hotspur m last year's English FA Cup
        68 words
      • 68 32 Kenny Dalglish, manager of English Premier League soccer club Blackburn Rovers, took his spending to around £11 million ($29.7 million) on Tuesday with the signing of Plymouth defender Nicky Marker. It was one of the Scot's more modest deals, with the £500,000 package being made up half
        68 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 183 31 HEROSPHCE Technology Helps This Bhll Defy Brrvity. i No, we're not kidding! To design Precept, Bridgestone pulled no punches. New Aero Dynamic (NAD) design technology, usually used to develop ballistic I missiles, was employed. The result is a ball that actually generates greater life m flight, reducing drag and the
      183 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 60 31 TODAY'S EVENTSI BADMINTON Konlca Cap prellm rd (SIS, 6.45pm). HOCKEY Krteadlk*: Singapore v Bangladesh Juniors (Delta SC, 7pm), Singapore Veterans v SCC (Padang, 5.30pm). SOCCER Part Leagae: Leo Shipping v PIL (PARC ground, 5.15pm). BATBWU 11-aslde Haals (Tampines Stadium, 5.15pm). TENNIS Honda-Kali Stegapare Opea (SICC, spm). VOLLEYBALL National Leagae: Safra
      60 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 34 32 *ACPUME yO<USJP<RJCE 17 YtS 'KESIS&S&.'BL'E, its yozi%s. See page nine of Life! ENERGY FOR THE WOJILD^ Lipovitan from Japan. Mpr^tfoS* 2.6 million people drink it evefydayr*"*' lE. *?> Pk yP*^ LIPOVITAN Your Source of Energy
      34 words

    • 381 33 850 Deaths 850 Deaths 850 Deaths 850 Deaths Mr Ong Beng Teck Age 66 Chairman of Chuan Hock Hardware Co. Pte. Ltd. Passed Away Peacefully On 23rd September 1992 Leaving behind Wife Mdm Goh Bee Choo Brother Ong Toh SONS DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW Ong Chuan Watt Wee Liang Ong Soon Huat Lim
      381 words
    • 421 33 850 Deaths 850 Deaths MDM. LIM PIAH IMM ACE: 76 Passed away peacefully on 22-09-92. lIUSBANDt Ng Low Hin, deceased) SIS IKK: An g Ah Woo SONSt DAUGIITER-IN-LAWt Ng Lai Seng Lum Ah Nui Wong Loy Fatt DAUGHTERS! SONS-IN-LAW: Ng Ah Gek Tan Kirn Seah Ng Ah Pin Ng Sin
      421 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      60 33 MR. JIMMY WEE BAN POH, PBS AGE: 59 m caii»<i to b with our Lord and Savior on 23 S«pt 92. Sadly (Ttitiod by: WNk Jenny Ngan Chat Lin Daughter: Pearl Wee Son*: Herbert Wee Ernest Wee Eric Wee Body raating at Blk 415. Euno* Rd 5. Void
      60 words
    • 109 33 The Family Of The Late BOH LEE Ml Wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Management, Union and Staff of The Oetz Corporation, the HQ NALCOM and Staff. NMB/ PCD, NMB/ OED, Staff of SATS Catering Services, relatives (especially the Cheok Family), friends, colleagues for
      109 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      109 33 Our Deepest Sympathies Condolences to The Family Of The Late YONG FUNG FUNG CINDY From: BOON SUAN AIK BOOM SUAN LEE LIM ELIZABETH LIM JIEW KENG N. SEGARAJASINGAM SANTA MARIA, BRIAN She Will Be Sadly Missed. SLEEP SWEETLY, CINDY The sky Is so high. The sea is so
      109 words
    • 100 33 851 Acknowledgements 851 Acknowledgements The Family Of The Late Mrs Lim Ewe Kooi (Ooi Siew Tin) Called Home on 17 Sept. 1992 wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all friends and relatives for their kind attendance and support during their recent bereavement. The Family Of The Late
      100 words
    • 151 33 852 Condolences 852 Condolences Our Deepest Sympathies and Condolences to our Human Resource Manager MR. SPENCER KHOO and his family on the demise of his father the late KHOO TENG KIM who passed away on 21 September 1992 from the Management and Staff of S.Q.S. SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD With Deepe«t
      151 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      257 33 m Food Memory Of JOHN LAI TUCK HOI Departed 24th Sept 1990 His life wu earnest, his action* kind, A generous hand and an active' mind. Anxious to please, loathe to offend, A loving brother and a faithful friend. Atw«y» wmminfid by ALL AIRPORT STAFF OF THAI
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 442 33 "Sweet little flower of heavenly birth, C \r\4 \*j\. Not dead but passed beyond She was too fair to bloom on earth, NX Tf#» «?^-Y The mist that binds ua here And, oh the wrench, an angel came, A^»(*M> I l£°^ he newer larger life. And took our dear child
      442 words
    • 48 33 Mrs Sybil Goonting passed away peacefully In New Zealand on 22nd September 1992 leaving behind In Singapore loving sisters, brothers-in-law, nephews nieces to mourn her loss. Funeral will take place m New Zealand on 24th September IM2. MAY SHE REST IN PEACE Call 737-1166 for your free booklet.
      48 words
    • 18 33 I SINGAPORE I CASKET For your moments of need I Open 24 hours Tel: 293 4388 i BBBl
      18 words

    • 483 34 SQUASH JOHANNESBURG Top seed Jansher Khan served notice that he is determined to regain his World Open squash title by destroying French No. 1 Julien Bonetat 15-9, 15-9, 15-10 m the first round on Tuesday. Jansher, the world No. 1, who lost the title
      Reuter  -  483 words
    • 84 34 First roand: Chris Walker (Eng) bt Derek Ryan (Ire) 15-10 15-3 15-12, Tony Hands (Eng) bt Mark Maclean (Scot) 15-13 15-11 15-10, Rodney Eyles (Aust) bt John Williams (Aust) 15-13 15-10 14-17 15-11. Sami Elopuro (Fin) bt Faheem Khan (HK) 13-15 15-11 154 17-15, Jansher Khan (Pak) bt Julien
      84 words
    • 178 34 JOHANNESBURG European style squash is set to unify with the American version, ending 100 years separation. Two different codes of squash developed at the turn of the century. This page of history could be turned back now that a proposal to take over the
      AFP  -  178 words
    • 215 34 JOHANNESBURG Two squash players taking part m the World Open championship were beaten up by four white men at an Irish bar m the city on Tuesday. Derek Ryan, the Irish No. 1, suffered face and shoulder injuries. Simon Frenz, the German No. 2 and
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 707 34 GUIDE TO YESTERDAY' S IPOH WORKOUTS Hfc'S GOT CLASS drew attention to his chances of a comeback win on Sunday with a dashing workout yesterday. Taken out by a riding boy, the four-year-old son of Thatching cantered one round, then strode out fluently over 600 m to clock 37.35ec. The
      NST  -  707 words
    • 154 34 HONGKONG China's southern Guangdong province is to ban betting on horses at its planned new race track, a semi-official Chinese news agency said yesterday. Wu Liang, vice-mayor of the provincial capital Guangzhou who is m charge of building the new permanent track, told China News Service that
      AFP  -  154 words
      • 162 34 Gold Cup Day at Bukit Timah last Sunday may have been both eventful and successful, but punters complained that they had and from our own observation great difficulties m placing their bets because of long queues, especially during the big race. Small wonder
        162 words
      • 87 34 A keen racegoer, notwithstanding her racing-expert husband's advice, went ahead on her better judgment to back Village Kid m the Gold Cup. She literally Jumped off her seat when the Australian-bred gelding hit the front 200 m out and beat off Wants A Gift to win.
        87 words
      • 103 34 At least two omen tips were given before Village Kid romped home m the Gold Cup. For those who attended the Piaget Singapore Gold Cup Hall of Fame awards presentation last Friday night, American singer-comedian Buddy Loren had m fact "tipped off" his audience of about
        103 words
      • 181 34 Sometimes communication between the Bukit Turf Club and the press is not all that it should be. Take, for example, last Friday's Piaget Hall Of Fame awards presentation. Although the BTC knew a day earlier that former trainer Eddie van Breukelen could not attend and receive the
        181 words
      • 93 34 Novice Tan accompanied veteran punter Chew to the Bukit Timah racecourse last Sunday. A "newcomer" to the game, Tan was all ears and overheard a punter telling his friend about Royal Scot being a "napshot" m the second. His eyes fell on Royal Escort, the first
        93 words
      • 154 34 Luck, more than anything else, plays the most important role m racing. Jockey Asogan Thangaraju will certainly testify to this. The Ipoh jockey was simply lucky that leading rider Azhar Ismail discarded winning Gold Cup mount Village Kid and opted for eventual runner-up Wants A Gift.
        154 words
    • 131 34 RAZMY ASHARI has quit the saddle after riding for more than 16 years. The 38-year-old rider handed m his resignation letter to Malayan Racing Association secretary Richard Poh about a fortnight ago. The former top apprentice has applied for a stable supervisor's licence, his first step
      131 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 629 34 ■^afl'^^^Sl^^^afl ■^B-LjL-J^J-LI.LJ 1 The Team Suzuki Motul Robo Bike Championships 1992 •ntaglne. Ist Luck y Draw Prlze 4D/3N Phuket holiday. You're a top racer like Kevin Schwantz. You're up 2nd Lucky Draw Prlze 3D/2N >-a n o^wl holiday. against some of the very best riders on two wheels _^^tA B^BBW
      629 words
    • 128 34 September 24, 1 992 SAVLON ANNOUNCEMENT Johnson Johnson has acquired the rights to the "SAVLON" trademark, used m relation to and m connection with Over-the-Counter (OTC) products, from ICI, for amongst others Singapore. Consequently with effect from September 01, 1992, we, Johnson Johnson Pte. Ltd. have appointed Diethelm Singapore as
      128 words

    • 552 35 Beijing moves to safeguard market stability and restore flagging investor confidence BEIJING China announced plans yesterday (or three huge securities houses formed by state-owned banks to assert control over the country's stock and bond markets and restore flagging investor confidence. Xinhua news
      Reuter  -  552 words
    • 231 35 BANGKOK Hongkong, Taiwan and Western Investors have returned to Thailand's hoarse, a Bask of Thailand official said yesterday, helping to boost the market over 14 per cent since the start of the month. Investors and speculators from Hongkong and Taiwan have brought In
      AFP; Reuter  -  231 words
    • 252 35 BEIJING China's largest city Shanghai is booming, its gross domestic product (GDP) climbing 14.19 per cent m the first eight months of 1992 from the same period last year, Xinhua news agency said yesterday. This rate is two percentage points above the
      AFP  -  252 words
    • 172 35 SYDNEY Australia's largest bank, Westpac Banking Corp, said yesterday its Asl.2--billion (5H.92 billion) rights issue was likely to face a shortfall. "It is unlikely that all those entitled to take up rights have done so," Westpac managing director Frank Conroy said. The beleaguered
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 226 35 TAIPEI At least 65 of Taiwan's top 100 firms have invested m or have trade ties with China, highlighting the increased links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, a press report said yesterday. "Our statistics show that
      AFP  -  226 words
      • 120 35 TOKYO For the guest who has too much of everything, a luxurious hotel m Kyoto is offering special rooms with things taken away. The Miyako Hotel has removed telephones, clocks, radios and televisions from four rooms so that guests can enjoy quiet during their visit to
        AP  -  120 words
      • 91 35 BOMBAY Harshad Mehta, the "Big Bull" broker at the centre of India's worst financial scandal, was freed on bail of Rs 1 million (5561.440 on Tuesday after 110 days m jail. Bombay High Court judge M.L. Dudhat ordered Mehta released after his lawyers claimed he
        Reuter  -  91 words
      • 131 35 LONDON British Aerospace PLC, the country's biggest manufacturing company, said yesterday it will cut 3,000 jobs and close a factory that manufactured one of the most famous planes m aviation history, the Comet. BAe reported a pre-tax loss of £129 million (*****.43 million) for the
        AP  -  131 words
      • 110 35 HONGKONG Cathay Pacific Airways announced plans yesterday to shift a portion of its office operations to China, a possible start to an important new movement of jobs to the mainland's cheap labour market. While China has become an important manufacturing centre for companies looking
        AP  -  110 words
      • 56 35 PARIS French state-owned airline Air France said it reached an "important strategic alliance" with Air Canada. Air France said m a statement the link-up will enable the firms to expand their air service between France and Canada, increase their access to new markets and
        Reuter  -  56 words
    • 408 36 Panel to promote Republic as international procurement hub SINGAPORE, which aims to attract 100 international procurement offices (IPOs) by the end of this year, has set up an IPO advisory committee to help promote the Republic as an international procurement management hub. Announcing
      408 words
    • 131 36 A ONE-DAY symposium on manufacturing technology, entitled Manutech '92, will be held today at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Dr Cham Tao Soon, the NTU president, will open the symposium, which has as its theme Advances and Solutions m Manufacturing Technology. About 200 participants
      131 words
    • 379 36 AS THE economy matures and grows at a slower pace, the growth of conventional restaurants could also moderate further. But fast-food outlets are likely to do brisk business as a result of their growing popularity, especially with the younger generation. This was
      379 words
    • 81 37 SHARE prices sagged m Hongkong yesterday m lacklustre trading. The benchmark Hang Seng Index fell 27.54 points to close at 5,712.64. Turnover fell to HK11.653 biUion. "The market didn't react to any news, except to the weakness on Wall Street," said Mr Antony Burpee,
      UPI  -  81 words
    • 215 37 SHARE prices here closed narrowly mixed yesterday after selling alternated with selective buying amid the absence of leads from the Tokyo market which closed for a national holiday. Supported by some interest m component stocks, the New Straits Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index rose 11.28 points to close
      Bernama  -  215 words
    • 155 37 STOCK prices fell sharply on Tuesday after computer-driv-en selling hit car stocks. The selling began after an analyst for Wertheim Schroder and Co issued negative comments on major carmakers on Tuesday morning, predicting slow sales because of the economy. The selling came despite two relatively positive eco- nomic
      AP  -  155 words
    • 114 37 SHARE prices rose on Monday on the London Stock Exchange following a 1-point drop m British minimum lending rates. The Bank of England cut its base rate at midmorning to 9 percent from 10 percent, prompting hopes for economic revival m Britain's major industries. Base rates are now at
      AP  -  114 words
    • 74 37 MAJOR capitalisation issues gained m afternoon trading yesterday and their rises helped the stock index close higher, despite the number of declining issues outnumbering rises, brokers said. The SET Index ended 7.96 points, or 0.92 per cent, higher at 871.37 on heavy turnover of 17.88 billion baht. There were
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 65 37 STOCK prices strengthened m fairly active trade yesterday, boosted by strong buying interest m bank shares, brokers said. "There is active buying of bank shares, bringing most prices up. I think this is encouraging the market," bro- ker said. Brokers said foreign interest was firm but they picked only
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 100 37 A LAST-MINUTE scramble for bank shares Westpac was the only highlight m depressing trading yesterday, brokers said. Westpac, which was down to a low of AJ2.96 early m trading, shot up to a high of A53.06 m the afternoon after C.S. First Boston moved m to the market buying
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 16 37 THE Tokyo market was closed yesterday for a national public holiday. It resumes trading today.
      16 words
    • 529 37 Wednesday Sept 23 HK$ Allied Ind Int'l 0 65 -0 02 Allied Oversea 0 59 -0 01 Amoy Properties 6.25 -0.05 Asia Sec Int 1.45 -0.09 Bank of EA 34.25 -0.50 C.P. PC* W93 1.76 0.04 C.P. Pokphand 2.67 0.02 CDL Hotel 2.10 unch CDL Hotel W92 0.01 Cafe
      529 words
    • 90 37 Physical (Ss) Wed Tuts Kilobar 18,031-18.151 17,892-18,012 100 gm 1,809-1,834 1.795—1.820 50 gm 907—922 900—915 20 gm 360—371 358—369 5 gm 90—98 90—98 1 gm 18—26 18—26 Bdton coins (Ss/oz) Spore bullion coin 556—572 554—570 Canadian maple leaf 576—582- 574—580 Australian nugget 579-585 574-580 OUB toM options (US$)
      90 words
    • 13 37 Closing price* (MS/kMo) M. Tin 16.49 0.02 c) Turnover 38 4 tonnes)
      13 words
    • 20 37 (Official closing quotation, USJ/MT) Nttf Tun Cash 1257-1257.5 1264-1264.5 3 Months 1281— 1281 5 1287—1287.5 Settlement 1257.5 1264 5
      20 words
    • 23 37 Closing pnc«» (US$/lroy 01) Vted Tuts Singapore 3 85—3.86 3805 3815 Tun Mm New York 3.84—3 85 3.825— 3 835 Source: Rothschild
      23 words
    • 24 37 ( quotation. GBP/MT) Wed Tuts Cash 1406-***** 1398.5-1399 3 Months 1433—1434 1424.5 1425 Settlement ***** 1399 Source: Outokumpu (SEA.) Pte Ltd
      24 words
    • 224 37 RSS 1 Contract (S cenls/hf) Open Month Kfh Low S«tt Yol Interest Oct 92 0 0 140.25 0 1175 Nov 139.00 138.25 138.75 200 3425 Dec ***** 136.00 136.50 450 4350 Jan/Mar 93 135.00 135.00 135.50 300 ***** Apr/Jun 0 0 136.50 0 ***** Jul/Sep 0 0
      224 words
    • 41 37 Sap 23 ChMft NST Industrial 3299 42 +11.28 Hang Seng 5712.64 -27 54 Nikkei Average Closed Australian All Ord *****0 15.80 Oow tones (Tues) *****5 39 98 n3O (Tues) 1910.10 22.30 Jakarta Composite 297.85 2.25 Thailand SET 871.37 795
      41 words
      • 148 37 Singapore dollars to on* unit Of foreign currency Source: Standard Chartered Bank Indicated rates September 23 1992 Boyr t 00 St»* US dollar 1.5915 1.6095 Sterling pound 2.6194 2.7451 Australian dollar 1.1381 1.1724 Canadian dollar 1.2807 1.3096 HI dollar 0.8455 0.8750 EC unit 2.1153 Singapore dollars to 100
        148 words
      • 27 37 US) Opw Clme DM 1.4980 1 5025 Yen 121.20 121.35 SJ 1.6025 1.6022 HKJ 7.7300 7.7290 AJ 0.7246 ***** 1.6930 1.6888 Source: Astley i Pearce
        27 words
    • 294 37 OCBC OUB DOB DBS TIB POSB KB DEPOSIT RATES Savings 2V 4 P/ 4 2 IV* 2 2V« IVi Fixed deposit 1 month 2/4 2'/« 2>/4 2 2V4 2V4 3 months 2ft 2"/a 2'/j 2W 2ft 2Vi 6 months 2% 2V4 2% 2'/i 2% 2% 12 months 3
      294 words
    • 2338 37 Transaction Date: September 23,1992 <a Adjusted for new issue*. Par value Msl unless otherwise specified; P/E ratios are not adjusted for currency differences 1992 Last Vol N.I High Low Company Sal* (000) P/E INDUSTRIALS 221 164 AISBSOC 177 6 41 15 8 414 212 ASM 50< 244 14
      2,338 words
    • 102 37 Contract date: 23/9/92 cwkhcy 1 mth 3 mth s mth j mth 12 mth call vaiue MTE US$ 2H 2% 2'/i 2 /1 2% 2Vi 25/9/92 «V« 5 5 5 5 3% 28/9/92 WJ s'/k s'/i s'/4 s'/i 5 4'/s 25/9/92 STG 8H 8% 7% 7<K 7%
      102 words
    • 45 37 Crude p*kn ol (MS/tonm) Sep 900 (south) 887 50/890 (central) Refined palm oil (USS/temt) RBDPafcnOi Oct 380 (seller) NovDec 375 (seller) RBO tMein Oct 420 (seller) Nov/Oec 405 (seller) RBO Stearin Oct 325 (seller) Nov 322.50 (seller) Crude stearin Neutralised unquoted palm oil
      45 words
    • 78 37 CRUDE PRODUCT PRICES Wednesday September 23 1992 CRUDE/PRODUCT MONTH* CHANGE PRICE (USS* KTifLSP.. Mov +0-10 0 10 20 40 20.45 ££I.S££ WermtdWt +0.02 0.02 21.75 21.81 DWAIFATEH No, +0.15-015 18.50-18.60 "El ***** Oct 0.00 21.50 21.60 EX.™. /«c u. Oct OOfl 200 20 10 2*22"* < Cf la P«>) +0.05
      78 words
      • 32 37 Open rtfh Low Sett Est VoJ Ok 92 1 6700 1 6764 1 6644 1 6670 75 M» 93 1 6468 ***** «d <W (Tim) 1C. Open M (Tun): M.
        32 words
      • 40 37 Euromark 3-month deposit Open tt t h low Sett Est Voi Dec 92 91.64 Mar 93 92 05 km 9233 Upi 9250 Dec 9266 Mar 94 92 77 Jun 9279 Scp 9292 Act Wol (Tun): ML Opm M (Tun): 90.
        40 words
      • 54 37 Euroyen 3-month deposit Open Kfh Low Sett Est Voi Dec 92 4b 9647 96.43 96.42 400 Mar 93 96 5/ 60 57 57 210 km 96 37 %38 96 37 96 37 47 Sept 9611 Dtc 9582 M»94 95 56A 95 56 Jut 9534 Scp 9509 Act Voi (Tun): 7576.
        54 words
      • 31 37 Open High Low Sett Est Vol DkJ2 0OO823S 0 *****8 0 *****0* 0 *****9 139 M» 0 *****3 Im *****02 Act M (Twt): 1 12 Op«i W (Tan): 1S7
        31 words
      • 38 37 (US doln/DntxhennfV Op«i Mfh Law Sttt Est Voi Oet 92 0 6600 0 6606 0 6545 0 6575 330 Mar 93 0 6491 ftM ***** W ***** Ok ***** Ad \N» (Tow): 151. Opm M (Tun): 137.
        38 words
      • 97 37 Eurodollar 3-month deposit 1100 imphed mtertst ratt) Open «th Low Sett Est Vot Ok 92 9674 96 74 9668 9671 8700 Mar 93 96 65 9665 96 60 96 61 7300 km 96 34 96 34 96 27 %?8 5200 S«pt 9593 9594 95.87 9588 1500 Dk 95.36 9536 9528
        97 words
      • 44 37 Open Hfe h tow Sett Est Voi Oct 26 35 26 65 26 35 26.55 110 Aw ***** 2695 Ok 27 20 27 30 2710 27 10 90 »*»93 27 09 M> 2700 2647 Act \M (Tun): M Op« M (Tun): 2503.
        44 words
      • 34 37 Open High Low Sett Est Voi Ot»M 349 406 349 35 Dtc ***** f«kJ3 352 45 V 353 85 to* 355 35 Auf 357 05 Ad W (Twt): 100 Open M (Tim). 211
        34 words
      • 64 37 Simi Mm Met (22/9/92) 105 00 Open Wfh Low Sett Est Vol Oct ***** 106 70 105 70 106 60 340 i«w 101.80 102 70 101.30 102 70 300 Dec 98 50 99 40 98 50 99 00 80 ton 93 95 50 95.50 95.40A 95 40 100
        64 words
      • 77 37 OPTIONS Strikt prices which arc ctactt to Hie al-thc nwnty option Vol Op«n Int Cal Put Act Op«n Act Opm Vol MM M EurodoKar 0 593 0 865 furoyen 0 5168 50 1777 Nikkei Ckncd Oet 92 Call Ms Dm Dec 92 Euroywi Seft C>k Puh 9600 47 5 9625
        77 words
    • 40 38 HIGH LOW Straits fines Industrial? 1992 high 1545.92 (27/1/92) 1992 Low 1310.95 (18/8/92) All-time High 1607.12 (27/3/90) All-time Low 64.83 (29/6/65) Business fines Composite 1992 High 1333.08 (21/2/92) 1992 Low 1122.50 (18/8/92) All-time High 1435.43 (16/7/90) All-time Low 64.83 (29/6/65)
      40 words
    • 2369 38 Tran— ctton Date; 8apttnbf 23,1992 Of* T« Curr L..I Vfll Day Du Nat M C.p Low cod* Company Traded Sato +or- TWO High Lew P/E $mM 1000 Aetna 170 xd unch 9 170 176 12 2 10.3 110.4 210 210- 1142 Alex Hldgs 50« 210 60 306
      2,369 words
    • 39 38 Jurong Ship 50C 1,681 000 First Cap Wt97 995 000 Hotel Prop 757 000 NOL m 727,000 Haw Par 568,000 City Dcv 50C 531,000 Keppel C Wt 97 482 000 Keppel Corpn 481,000 f&N 452,000 NOL 439,000
      39 words
    • 35 38 Sector Volume Value Industrials 1.467 m 1.326 m Finance 150.000 656,845 Hotels 4,000 4,245 Properties 237,000 146,180 Loan Stocks 164,000 201,410 Plantations 576,000 1.447 m Mining 18.000 21.940 Total 2.616 m 3.804 m
      35 words
    • 528 38  -  Eddie Toh MARKET REPORT By TWO "Magnums" hogged the limelight yesterday as share prices closed mostly unchanged m quiet trading. The first involved companies linked to Malaysia's Magnum Corp, which saw a flurry of activities following the announcement that the Chinese
      528 words
    • 67 38 Total Market Ntd TufS Industrials 19.766 m 13 199 m I™"" 5.060 m 5.516 m tels 1100 m 1064 m Properties 2411 m 2 985 m Loans Stocks 5.218 m 5 137 m Plantations 4.671 m 323.000 Min n 8 171,000 334,000 Total volume 31.397 m 28.558 m
      67 words
    • 78 38 S*23 Up 22 ST Industrials 1330 06 1329 81 ST Finance 2538 34 2536 78 ST Hotels 982 90 981 80 ST Properties 658 20 658 37 BT Compostte 1163 95 1162.19 BT*GA 645 81 645 02 BT 08/ OS 271 260 BT CADI ***** ***** BL°R!r. +*****59 +*****19
      78 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 38
      2 words
    • 1814 38 Tran— ctton D«t«: 8»pfmbf 23, 1992 1M2 T«l Curr Lest Vol O«V Dlv Mat li Can Hi* Lo- Cod. Company Traded Sale <000 M»gh Low p7e £5 132 104 t 1 139 AISB 50« 104 12 0 14 4 100 7 57v* 37 t 1750AMDB50C 39v* xd 2
      1,814 words
    • 863 38 BONDS, LOANS WARRANTS c^c w r^EiS +or Sh^u. W 5? 68 59 1593 Ber|aya Grp Ln 60- -80 1507 Boiton Bonds 97 1506 Boiton TSH 97 25 8 1521 Burwill WI***** HK 19 386 210 t 1565 C&C Wt 248 +6 33 248 244 94 83m 1546 Causeway Loan 92-1
      863 words
    • 400 38 U shares quoted have a par vahie of $1 unless otherwhe specified. Adjusted for scrtynftits. H Tai-eiempted dividend P/E ratios reflect the last annual comoMated resuHs. P/E ratios and poss yields of foreipi shares are adjusted for currency deferences. Trustee stocks under CPF Approved Investmeflts Scheme, s Kripless tradhf.
      400 words
    • 231 38 Manager's prices for OUB Investment Mft MARA Bumiputra September 24 Union Global Fund 0 725 0 76V First B'putra 1.37—1.44 Union Spore Fund 084—0.88 Second B'putra 1.44 1.51 Shuintwm Ikut Tn»» Union lnmt Fund 0.92—0.96 Third Bputra 4.84—4.94 Mliapwe urn inBI Union Gold Fund 0 315-0 345fe Fourth
      231 words
    • 456 39  -  Chan Sue Meng NTUC Income hot on its heels with planned relaunch of rival policy By PRUDENTIAL Assurance Company Singapore is introducing a range of investmentlinked insurance policies that could be the start of a new trend m personal investment. Today, it launches Prulink Capital Account
      456 words
    • 276 39 ORCHARD Parade Holdings plans to enter into a deal on consultancy, management and technical assistance with major shareholder Ng Teng Fong's Far East Organisation. Under the proposed deal, Mr Ng's Far East Project Management Pte Ltd (FEPM) will undertake property development
      276 words
    • 222 39 INJECTING more colour and vitality into Singapore's housing environment this is the theme of the Housing Design 2000 conference to be launched today by the Minister of State for National Development, Mr Lim Hng Kiang. Jointly organised by the Housing Board and Real Estate Developers' Association
      222 words
    • 296 39 KUALA LUMPUR Kanzen Bhd is making plans for the nert stage of growth which will catapult the group into a MJIOO-million (5563.3-million) pre-tax profit company by 1998, group chief executive Lim Kirn Hong said. As a means of achieving a balanced investment portfolio, Kanzen hopes
      Bernama  -  296 words
    • 143 39 Hotel Prop appoints non-exec director LISTED Hotel Properties Ltd (HPL) has appointed Dr Lee Suan Yew as a non-executive director and member of its audit committee. At the same time, the company announced that Mr David Ban Song Long, director of stockbroking firm J. Ballas Holdings, has resigned as an
      143 words
    • 193 39 JAPANESE builder Takenaka Corporation has once again emerged as the lowest bidder for a job under the demonstration phase of the Housing Board's upgrading programme. This time, the contract is to upgrade 1,384 flats at Ang Mo Kio precinct. The board yesterday
      193 words
    • 391 39 AUCKLAND New Zealand brewer Magnum Corp said yesterday that it had achieved the seemingly impossible by losing money selling beer to Australians and New Zealanders, but vowed not to repeat the mistake next year. The New Zealand liquor group, a corporate relative of
      Reuter  -  391 words
      • 168 39 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES) has asked Sesdaq counter Heshe Holdings to explain why it fell short of its pre-listing target. The company's prospectus had forecast a net pre-tax profit of "not less than $10.2 million", but it achieved only a pre-tax
        168 words
      • 60 39 TOWN And City Properties has announced that the group's extraordinary item of $1.5 million m its latest half-year results ended June 30 comprised further provision that it had made m anticipation of future losses. It said the $1.5-million provision was specifically for the guarantee it had
        60 words
      • 103 39 KEPPEL Bank is cutting its prime lending rate by M -percentage point to 5.5 per cent today. Its fixed deposit rates will also be shaved by M -percentage point. They will now range from 2.25 per cent for one-month deposits to 3 per cent for deposits
        103 words
      • 71 39 RASHID Hussain Berhad (RHB) announced yesterday that it had sold its wholly-owned subsidiary, RHB Research Institute Singapore, to associate company RHB-Ca-thay Securities at cost. The institute, which has a paid-up capital of $2 and is dormant, will become the research arm of Cathay and adopt the
        71 words
      • 77 39 KUALA LUMPUR Hock Hua Bank Bhd has been recommended as a good buy, judging from its sound and stable financial situation and prudent management policies, stockbroking firm TA Securities Sdn Bhd said. In its review of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, TA Securities said that
        Bernama  -  77 words
    • 224 39 THE public is invited to submit written views on the Companies (Amendment) Bill to the parliamentary select committee set up to examine it. The Bill seeks to allow scripless trading m securities listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore so that transfers of shares can
      224 words
    • 337 39 LISTED GP Batteries International is hoping to develop and manufacture environ-ment-friendly batteries m Singapore and Hongkong. This was disclosed by Mr Andrew Ng, the group's new chief executive and vicechairman, at a press conference yesterday. The batteries, which will have a capacity
      337 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 114 35 STORAGE SYSTEMS SPECIALIST A full range of storage systems from conventional racking to automated storage systems I 1 "~f*l m /fl— I t 1 II La wk P8*""" '^i^)^r^hL^*^ i Mm"' UNIRACK Shelving Systems. Italy TORRI Mezzanine Flooring, Italy Bfcj I X II Vt ''KWIIIHiIi' j i I 1 1
      114 words
    • 169 35 rf&oaf7asb face-? Of?m> Yes! Salad and a whole lot more. The meal in itself, or with a fine entree ®ot Ponderosa is just part of of USDA-choice steak, chicken, fish our oll-you-can-eat Super Salad or seafood, the Super Salad Buffet is Buffet, which features over 60 delicious great value for
      169 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 547 36 ALBERTON Ss§T^nrfrnoTi Prnfpccinn^i I MANAGEMENT CENTRE L/OllglliaH rTOICSSIUIIdI Bj I SEMINARS FOR COMPANIES IN BEARCH OF EXCELLENCE I Seminar Leader. Nestor Mendes B.Sc 4 M.S. m Mech Eng. I I Mr Mendes has successfully designed and implemented significant computerised Maintenance Management projects. He speaks with great authority on the use
      547 words
    • 86 36 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITIES Thrifty is one of the world's largest and most internationally renowned car rental groups with over 800 franchisees worldwide. Thrifty Master Franchises are now available for the following South East Asian countries: Singapore Cambodia Malaysia Vietnam Thailand Burma Brunei Laos If you want to be part of a
      86 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 56 37 JAVANESE RIJSTTAFEL l|j p NIGHTLY SEAFOOD 1! r I'HiffPH'l'Hfl^lffT'i'iliT'ntTTiii 1 On Our Open Air Terrace I For rcarrraliom: *****11 at 17t/177 >4Lj COCKPIT HOTEL 'SSSJIS* (Tuikuit Oxley Ri*e/Pen«ng Rd J^-j^3X^Ti For Home or Office deliveries of: Straits Times, Sunday Times, Business Times, LianHe Zaoßao, Berita Harian, Berita Minggu, Shin Mm,
      56 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 146 39 mi BSSSC A Actual size FLAT 'PACKED* COMPACT The worlds smallest, lightest 2X Zoom with fully-retractable lens The new super compact 6M-311Z Big y^k Other features include: Mini Zoom from Konica not only J| Close-up macro-photography establishes new standards for compact- j bJ Infinity focus ness and lightness, it offers
      146 words

  • The Straits Times Money
    • 69 40 ST Index UP I I I MAIN CLOB Up DnUnch Up On Unch Industrial 21 34 34 22 9 10 Finance 4 8 9 2 5 2 Hotels 4 3 2 0 2 0 Properties 4 4 4 2 6 10 Plantations 0 0 0 6 2 2 Mining
      69 words
    • 38 40 UOB Foreign 665 +25 DBS 1080 +20 DBS Foreign 1110 +20 Semb Shipyard 685 +15 Inchcape 550 +10 SIA 1310 +10 C&C Wt 248 +6 OUE 620 +5 First Capital 223 +4 Singmarine 50C 308 +4
      38 words
    • 39 40 Khong Guan 240 19 Spore BusF 500 670 15 Asia Pacific 1100 10 F&N 945 10 SPH Foreign 1250 10 Times Pub 328 6 F&NWt 125 -5 Keppel Corpn 570 -5 OCBC 950 -5 Robinson 645 -5
      39 words
    • 418 40 S'pore ranks second in world survey on economic performance Euromoney also lists Republic as Asia's second safest haven for investors and lenders SINGAPORE was ranked second worldwide, after Taiwan, m a survey on overall economic performance by Euromoney, the well-respected London-based financial magazine. The Republic was also voted as one
      418 words
    • 178 40 THE Consumer Price Index m August fell by a marginal 0.2 per cent over the previous month. But compared to August last year, last month's CPI was up 2.3 per cent. The decline m the August CPI over July was due to
      178 words
    • 38 40 NEW YORK The stock market declined m early trading yesterday m the wake of Tuesday's broad setback. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 10 points to 3,270.85 m the first hour of trading. AP
      AP  -  38 words
    • 271 40 Telecom may launch competition in mobile communications THE Government is looking into introducing competition m mobile communications services, m which Singapore Telecom has monopoly rights for the next five years. This means that other operators, for example, Hongkong's Hutchison Whampoa, may m future be given licences to set up paging
      271 words
    • 383 40 CHINA'S Shaanxi Province, which boasts an abundance of skilled manpower and research institutes, is urging Singapore investors to set up high-tech industries there. Shaanxi's Vice-Governor, Mr Jiang Hinzhen, yesterday said the province m north China ranks after Beijing and Shanghai m terms of skills
      383 words
    • 281 40 Talks on F&N revamp in KL still going on TALKS on the restructuring of Fraser and Neave's operations m Malaysia, which includes a possible listing on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, are still going on and have not been concluded yet. Soft drink group F&N said this yesterday m response
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  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 249 40 I H^^p v tT^B X i SSI I 1 9 1 f^«tf:^^l I h aku^tt^fe J tt£ I j v^^V^^^B B s al '-0/' WJB^^^f 2sm^sS _?i m H Mr IrfV"^ 1 jr iii fpJhfraf' i^' fift Cm mmm^B I^BB^^B^lBBv^^^H^H^B^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^m^h. > Jc^* 4B*c '^fIV9 S^B _^^H 'He surveyed the Saporiti
      249 words
    • 255 40 w v ji Hnf jr 1 *m\ <S mfr kil W El LJ^I SI FORTE L If ifi V i -*^«^H*" WYWY UJftf I HmK/ SJFORTEI SOLUTIONS PH LTD f^-^^l^-^-^l^M^-^-^-^B A. F^l^-I^l^l^p^Hl^-^-^^ Tel L 47 9 2 K t3B8 S Fax a 474 e 9323 WoTld S '^T^ W^ By
      255 words

      8 words
    • Cover Story
      • 778 2 THE fear of Aids is apparently not enough to make at least 30 to 40 per cent of men who visit prostitutes use a condom or for the prostitutes to insist that they do. Doctors and health workers at the Ministry of Health's Department of STD
        778 words
      • 607 2 Wrong ideas about Aids ALTHOUGH most prostitutes do know about sexuallytransmitted diseases and Aids, there were some misconceptions which came up during the Project Protect classes, said Dr Goh Chee Leok, medical director of the National Skin Centre. Some of these are: Some prostitutes still
        607 words
    • Society
      • 1104 3  -  Mardiana Abu Bator Care A WAS a classmate of mine, one of the most considerate boys m our primary school. He was so gentle that when we played hantam bola, he would not hit hard at anyone. Even if you were about 1 m away, he
        1,104 words
      • 739 4 The old is m at least for toys m the United States, as the recession pinches parents' wallets. 4 In recessionary times people tend to buy things that are simpler and which they are accustomed to. Mr Michael Goldstein, vice-chairman of Toys 'R' Us A WAVE of
        NYT  -  739 words
      • 374 5  -  Jenny Lam AS THE articles above show, Day One at your first job can bring on the shakes and shivers. But you can boost your confidence by reading how-to books, such as Talk To Win ($23.90) and Say It Right ($27.90) by American speech therapist Dr Lillian Glass.
        374 words
      • 1023 5  -  Jenny Lam Working Quarters SURVIVING THE FIRST MONTH AT YOUR FIRST JOB ■Be prepared. Research should start at the job interview stage. Make a mental note of how the interviewer and those working there behave, what they wear and the kind of atmosphere the company has. Tap
        1,023 words
    • Arts & Entertainment
      • 1353 6 Last week, we reported on whether author Gopal Baratham was right m rejecting a National Book Development Council award. Here, Dr KOH TAI ANN asks if Singaporeans are disqualified to judge his book as he has said he was writing for an international audience. Commentary Baratham could
        1,353 words
      • Article, Illustration
        760 7 John Bittleston, former chief executive officer of Cerebos Pacific, got on the podium last week to conduct the SSO. PHAN MING YEN meets the man who has had no formal musical training WHEN resident conductor Choo Hoey called upon "a new colleague and rising star" to conduct the
        760 words
      • 483 7  -  Alexius Perelra Budget CDs Beethoven. Symphony No. 6 Pastoral, Overtures Creatures Of Prometheus. Coriolan and Ruins Of Athens. Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic. DG Galleria. *****3-2. $20 Beethoven. Symphony No. 6 Pastoral Symphony No. 4. Toscanini/NBC Symphony Orchestra. RCA Gold Seal. *****-2. $19.90 WHO is better? Diego Maradona or Pele
        483 words
    • Fashion
      • Article, Illustration
        965 8 Australian artist Ken Done talks to DINAH LEE about his work and his impressions of Singapore. THE name of 52-year-old Australian artist Ken Done (pronounced "Doh-n") translates into the bright and colourful motifs which are captured m his paintings, and for which he is well-known. Elements of
        965 words
      • 185 10 Talking Point EXIT strident colours and harsh, sparkling, pearlised finishes. Enter 16 earthy, muted shades with a mattesatin finish. That, m a nutshell, sums up the Body Shop's new range of Colourings eyeshadow. Choose from colours like Barley, Almond, Nutmeg, Amber, Cocoa and Antique Gold. Some
        185 words
      • Article, Illustration
        263 10 SHORTS are a winner in our climate and the T-shirt-and-bermudas look is a practical choice for the weekend if one is not going anywhere special. According to Andrew Ho, the owner and buyer of Studio E.Fx boutique in Wisma Atria: "Yuppy types who shop for pants tend to
        263 words
      • 135 10 CALL it the poet shirt or the buccaneer shirt. Whichever name it goes by, it is white and ruffled and utterly romantic. The shirt was worn by men m centuries past and by both sexes m the '60s. Now, it has resurfaced for women as an
        NYT  -  135 words
      • 250 11 THIS season, vests are a hot fashion item, tying m with the androgynous look. Take your pick from clean-cut tuxedo and double-breasted styles to the more feminine wraparound and halter versions. Whichever style you choose, the vest is usually teamed with a crew-neck T-shirt, men's-style shirt, ruffled blouses
        250 words
      • 292 11  -  Dinah Lee Tried Tested WHILE lipstick is a woman's most basic makeup item,* used with or without other cosmetics, it is the brows that give accent and character to a (ace. Try making up the face beautifully but leave the brows untouched and take a good look into
        292 words
    • Community
      • 574 12 Golden Theatre, Singapore's grand cinema back m the '70s, has been turned into a theatre for stage performances. TEO TECK SOON reports on the change and looks at the Fuqing Mm opera now playing there. TAKE a closer look at the fine print on your admission ticket
        574 words
      • 233 12 THE Golden Theatre is currently featuring the Fuqing Mm Opera Troupe from Fujian province, China, m its newly-converted premises. Playing to full-house since last Friday, the troupe's one-week season will end tomorrow with a full-length piece called Gold Pot Romance. Tonight's play is Feminine Foes, a new opera
        233 words
      • 446 12 ONE of Singapore's oldest theatre groups wants to reach out to young drama enthusiasts with a new series of activities. Singapore Amateur Players, which is 37 years old this year, will get m on the act m a busy season from next month to
        446 words
      • 590 13 In a bid to preserve the traditional Malay sports of jong and kolek sailing, two competitions will be held at Sentosa this week. TUMINAH SAPAWI reports. DO NOT be afraid if you meet Saddam Hussein or Panglima Hitam (The Black Hero, a villainous character m Malay
        590 words
    • The Back Page.
      • 167 18 FOR some people, pigeons are nothing but a peck of trouble but this old woman considers them family. Photographer Joshua Tan captured the mood of the moment m a peaceful Tokyo temple, two years ago. "I was really amazed because the pigeons just crowded round the
        167 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 I A S H I U N Men's shorts take on a snazzy look I former I HpJMP^B i^k I^H j duQICtS fl HHHiiiHMi^^ sci up Photography: Steven Lee Where else can you ask the tram attendant for a Carpetbag Steak and Coonawarra Cabernet? '^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^b 2» ifr Ih^ W t*
      313 words
    • 5 1 WORKING QUARTERS Understanding corporate culture
      5 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 The Visible Difference Creme bonus offer pack A real bonus at $30 off! lVight now, you can save $30 on this Visible tMf c o Difference Creme Bonus Offer Pack. Normally <J" JB^K^^^^^ $95, it's yours for just $65 at OG People's Park gfe- *«fc and OG Elite. The bonus
      120 words
    • 48 2 The Biggest and Latest Full Color Copier to print up to A I size Enlargement to A 1 or larger. up to 1200% Reduction from A1 RAPID COPY SERVICE 1 ROCHOR CANAL RO. #01-08, SIM UM SQUARE, SPORE 071S, TEL ***** 18 THE COMPLETE FULL COLOR PHOTOCOPYING SHOP
      48 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 377 3 vxma^H^^kflr <^Fm FAR EAST PLAZA #02-05/07 MIDPOINT ORCHARD #01-10 SCOTTS ROAD T»l. *****69 ORCHARD ROAD T»l. *****60 LUCKY PLAZA B-31/32 &37 1 259 HOLLAND AVENUE ORCHARD ROAD Tel. *****66 —^m^^ (HOLLAND VILLAGE) Tel. *****82 YONEX AEROTUS 750 H^ GREEN TAGS, f fjf I fl« X~-^L^^.y^» v-'i; 1 -^M 3 Metal
      377 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 HI kfetew t* shy mup '~m I f _^b4b^bW. Cv* 1 jU jtf t^E bhL SflßHHtf 6f King Sz. Matt Divan 6ft King Sz Matt *$120onfy mi DC» Aft/ tt A slo9 Sx7sxB V HOC ji\AOl/t 42 x 75 x 8 01^!^ -$250 JDPICF $220 li^lZt Mattress Divan P^*'S^m B
      496 words
    • 44 4 lfi|fiß One Man's Destruction of the Environment Photographic Exhibition It |fj Sponsored by li^ffll COMMITTEE AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION IN IRAQ EXPO GATEWAY fej AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE IJT 1 MARITIME SQUARE JflL SINGAPORE 0409 ON SEPTEMBER 24 27 1992 HHIIIII i t f >
      44 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 109 5 ■p '*w C m jUSSKt^^^^ l owciGr. y '''>'■■ j f -'-^^^X i^r^ Clinique's newest friend for skin that shows oil or shine. Sheer, silky-feeling powder sponge-buffs to a delicate, matte finish. Downplays pores. Keeps skin looking-feeling-fresh, clean, cared for. And the effect lasts hours. Stay-Matte Sheer Pressed Powder. In
      109 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 153 6 THE HOUSE OF LIM GARFIELD It,LL IrVt rinlLn i -^fc~ v —y f I rAD&rfT\i> A I 1 A^ V^ 1 S^ "S^» nr 1 7 QNEr 1 /mli c wv i i iw-c 1 1 .^ri^ I L/at n\/' < v i lit A. w j^>» It J >l
      153 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 222 7 j B^hl Bi^F^ißLv lai /ifl I miss OTj v9l 1 1 I V^^^R alt I 1 gm^mm |v^ m^^ m .mt A Dark Circles A Double Chin A Pigmentation "H|r X I Ivt F^ f^ HAIIDI C DECWJfI I »x»i fTTWJiii^B I \<T. •> k^ I/UVDLE KtriUll/^ Kc?t I) Fj^
      222 words
    • 187 7 (Ml EVERY $50PURCHASE/^^B|B^^ THE MORE YOU DEPOSIT ENTITLES YOU TO PURCHASE, THE BETTER ONELUCKY DRAVV TICKET. THE CHANCE OF WINNING! i in urn 1.•_ '^^WiP 'i ff I ou want to create your 1 own style. You want p^,^^-^ \J§ /A i *fc_ I the best. And you "T w
      187 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 966 8 Summer's mnmM A «pf VLJnr>< i *-4TV^ SESSION Now, a beauty and health session, just for AND MORE GOODIES I !us ladies. To ask questions, or get facts DURING THE SESSION! I abouteverything.Frombeaur tips skincare fashion Show by Sngapore's t 7 7 top designer, Ester Toy. J methods, personal hygiene
      966 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 995 9 i q WfIPIU IVVII f lllvL 1 I NTSC playback Electronic eye 111 jfl ■A.^V IJf A VTI ft IIW k 1 A jU ■A^^^ /AI I I 4.^^ I PORTABLE CD I Remote control Headphone jack 1If11• 1I l TI*KM\I T T J r T ]I 4 ™JI 1^
      995 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 167 10 income only. Although yon can expect nothing leat than a 4 figure salary aa a diploma holder. Beauty therapy or Ettu cosmetology is also a k respectable profession jm with good career M M^^^' advancement Then, M :j£mltiSm' there s the job satisfaction 'Smtfmt m of providing a specialised illlHy
      167 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 270 11 A Massage For The Body j Starts FromThe Sole Experience thorough relaxation JtJ^w "^^Stw^JHl with the Japan-made Kenkoh L- .^dGz^ 4 70 Health shoes. Designed with *^^^\^iL^^^ I special insoles that let you select i from the soft, shock-absorbing _^^^r^ material or the natural elastic j(r X rubber spikes for
      270 words
    • 29 11 IE VITA PERONI j^^S^ H A 1 «< r^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^Hb| B -t^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l 1 HT TQWII I fill I 3 t~ 111 ji m. X ■Ik v f^ fl jfli ■Rfc^^B^ IJLvvivi
      29 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 322 12 Dlershfsl Ke Gu6qlng rl Taitai :Na shl nanmf-laoshao ai kan de Lesson 24 National Day biSoyan dangran shaobuliao l. K«w«n X Lesson 4t >^ T Wife These are performances which men and women, young Xiansheng Husband and old# to watch. Certainly they cannot be dispensed with. Taitai A jk Wife
      322 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 142 13 CABLE WIRE IDENTIFICATION |i\/l U^if^^^i^i^Mj MADE IN JAPAN Model H4Ol-7FC .|Afc— 4,"v^lmL (Table -Model) Why not mark your sleeve tubes yourself! w Feeder A hand-held Wire/Tube Marker For Job-site use. il^Ql /^Bs and Cutter mark as you need. Fast Efficient Permanent TT^US^ *^W *^L Mark direcUy on wire jackets, ties,
      142 words
    • 187 13 More than half a million Singaporeans travelled abroad last year. Many have become seasoned travellers, always seeking out places of interest to venture. Travel agents, cater to the needs of these travelling bugs. Sell them your holiday-making ideas m "Happy Holidays" m The Straits Times Classified and Lianhe Zaobao Mini-ads
      187 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 383 14 •JADE CLASSICS: OPENS TODAY! j_^_U94>s6B)^SHOWB 11.00, 1.30, 4.00^ 6.30 U 9.00 NO FREE LIST j I B^ B^ Til ■S^^faltrlcllTArtiilkri l| BBBfB/ X^HB I hC A f ?*«»<» Umier 21 Not Br^PHß^ B 1" I B^B B ML. IIL, .^BJ Fj BWTvVJb ;^^J^Byj|^ w:^^Bj^ JADE 1 CHANGI 2: OPENS TODAY
      383 words
    • 680 14 I NEXT CHANGE at CAPITOL r JBRZY ZELNIK JUSTIN DBAS ALICE AD AIR If ASHOOUSSTUDYIN )/^T^\ DBCADB«EWHH?E p >T^jC^ a LmrMtod By Aa>k Dr.bln.w) W 1 JaHBIH B I Bl V BbMrl^l r v w I H '"V iSt^M B^y x bß*SH^.^^^bb^^ .i^bbH^i^bQl I B _^9 Bk^^B^ B I FmV
      680 words
    • 186 14 I I GALERIE E C CLEARANCE SALE UP TO 80% OFF Up to 80% discount on furniture, lightings and decorative accessories by Fontana Arte, Sergio Tenzani, Seguso, Barovier Toso. Woka, Sawaya Moroni, Ceootti and otner fine designers. Whilst slocks last! 58 Tanjoog Pogar Rood Singtpore 0208 T«l: *****18, *****10 Fax:
      186 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 329 15 -V^BWtT^MMrW^Bflfl^^ I BBhBhBhBhBhBhBhBhJBBhJ I o/i^< *J i»«crtwri»«» BBiflyfemMMßH lIOIHmIISbu a KkaßHßßHflfnii^ I BBvKr/fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM I I DRAGON I BATMAN RETURNS (PG) I I DRAQON MM (PG) tor**™ I 1 Udtr.n .00, 1.36. 4.10. 6.45. 925 pm I I KMtey: n 36. 1 .40, 4 00, 7 20, 935 pm ROW. TRAMP
      329 words
    • 644 15 H^Ib^H2DIESjHK BEDOK I (*****05) 1.30. 4.00. 7.30 9.30PM RAJA (*****65) 1.00. 3.00 700 9 00PM BROADWAY 1 (*****94) 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 9.30PM ZENITH (*****19) 200 7 30* o mpm CENTRAL (*****57) 1.00. 3.30. 7.00 A 9.00PM YANGTZE 1 (*****29) 13o! 3305 30 730 9 30PM REGAL (*****59) 1.00. 3.00. 7.00
      644 words
    • 232 15 CATHAY 2 (*****00): 11.00. 1.30, 4.00, 6.45 9.15PM (NO FREE LIST) I There's nothing like a good robbery HUHUH I to bring a family together. S^AN OUSTIN «X J BCy^ CONNERY HOFFMAN MAnHEW IJI>«1U BRODERICK FAMILY BUSINESS 1. 15. 4.00, 6.45 9.30PM (NO FREE LIST) BEDOK 2 M A MASTERPIECE
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2009 16 What's On THEATBE Hs^s^s^sHsHsflsls^sHH pf*M^. s K u :ir N r P^a^ %ff» -**»*»*>«*<»* ■^^^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■H Tumadi Patn. On till tomorrow. MOONCAKE FESTIVAL Stars Birdshow with free-flying macaws. NAGRALAND CHINA TOURISM EXHIBITION 92 Upper Rotunda, National Museum cockatoos, pelicans and other birds perform Kallang Theatre Empress Place Museum 9am 5.30 pm
      2,009 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 153 17 Rowenta Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaners at Prices You Won't Want Rowenta Wet Dry \Q IVIISSi Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Sra mm A sssar*— Powerful motor j A W Powerful 1 100W maximum Recharaeabie suction performance battery Ajf'Qm Electronic operation k 1 A "Stop 4 Go 1 function 'Jl X/ 1 pp
      153 words
    • 538 17 THE TASTE OF FARMFRESH GOODNESS I Gift Certificate Ili^Sp^j 35C w^^'Sv^lbW I I Redemption SB^" j p* lo °g V |KJs<P'pw ioog p^v Redemption |^^^H I b%^L^Lbbblh^bb 1 j9M I \v >V Lf^^H I i^^B-' I l^aii ■9 BH bT -/r^^W k. X rare 7*v^i X H^^H I iCJCCfIOI flnfl
      538 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1367 17 Television Radio SBC 5 SBC 12 TV 2 CLASS 95 FM eVIHBIi^^BIHHIH9^HHHIHHHHH^HHHHHHHHHH^B^^^HH!IH m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m "^^v^h^h^^^^^b^B^BHl^^^^H^l^^^^H^^^^Bl^^^H^Hb^HHHH^9H 919]BiHI9flB^HHBlHHHHflHHHHHI^HHHHHH^^^HHBI^HHHIIH 7.00 AM AM Taxt (Stereo) 7.25 PM Opening, followed by Tha Nightly Buainaaa Report 4.50 PM Programme Summary and Quran Reading FM stereo ?'S 25^ < ak»u T ./c 1 (Info-educational/recorded via satellite) 5.00
      1,367 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 63 18 OCTOBER 1992 '^'fß^^^^^^^^H HOW NICE A£;fffpl^WP— DAIX*fTERS-«22?|^^F WOMEN WHO h^^ Jt^g^ ?g| i^Pv J^ll^^^^^H DON'T LET YOUR ll|^W %i RESUME DIE 4wH /iMK^m j\ pW^ jiff. WFm OVERCOMING MAUff]| JMp I INFERHUTY ?/J Qfl New treatments improve W: 1 sperm performance &i- >? r'"^S». "^HF'IBH '^1 I NEWCOLUMNS^^ A More
      63 words
    • 50 18 HI TECH SUPERSTORE Main Branch: Boon Building. 61 South Bndge Road. S.ngapore 0105 Tel *****24 *****50 Opening Hour.: 9 00am-6 00pm (Mon-Sat) Closed On Sun Publtc HolKlavs Orchard Road Branch: #01 23 25 Specialists' Shoppmg Centre. 277 Orchard Road S.ngapore 0923 Tel *****62 Opening Hours: 10 30am 8 30pm Daily
      50 words
    • 6 18 Television: Page Seventeen Comics: Page Six
      6 words

      2 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 622 1 fe^-H S9 7o__7^LJ4l»^3-ttt- n fS==j«cwE lllimilu f n iC== rff 7 l\ I JOHNSONSBaby H'*M/400 m i »«rbqi/9sx isog aaafe I'"• O aTkl f aT" A 1/laV laO TraTkmVLr^ 1 P^^W^i S£** ShampMIGCF) -^L™ BBol^^ "B^s rusks $^20 f oia g| J 5>QiJtAKiNu TOyS^^ (Small) 19 CAQH SPHC 111 If
        622 words
    • 1189 2  - PRACTICAL OR VERSATILE S Kesava by Colour Your World The Way You Are fVloving to a new house or renovating your present home? Or is it that time of the year, when you are all out to spruce up your home before the seasonal year end rush begins, and you
      1,189 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 513 2 bWJbbV bm™^ 111 II m W \^T m^K §r^lW n£sJHBH| I 1% Mmm/ II 13 TZTT^T-^^W 7 A T^T/^WT ■^^■g^^^ j|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. ITS TIME S C L A^^^^ SR^BBbI I BBBBBbHbBBBBBBBBBBB^^^^^ L Bi \^^BBL^^^ -^BBBa I I I %i Zr^Bßß^ B^^^B^ Bat^^BßßߣL 1 1 v s^ts ofwy/ I B^BB^I B^B^^k^ j
        513 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 635 3 I BBiMBB Vf^^vj B Br I Bi^^» r^^^^B I BBHBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI^^BBBBBBBBfI > K i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. B Bi K> £i ff i BBfl 1 B '3 B&^_ \l# IV j I/ 1 Jnt i Hi! M 1 4 S H L^^^ //\H L Jj^ c^Jl*) l»- &:f y t ft -*W Bfi^^t.- &^«^bVb^^
        635 words
      • 358 3 li^^^CSl^*^^ "EASV-ORY" MULTI PURPOSE ■§■■■■0 I /S >7^^^^ CLOTHES DRYING SYSTEM ■tf s/ySy^S^ EXCLUSIVITY pI.nWJ «orldWK)». ///V\"f 1 111 Mnnlad BRONZE prm INVENTIMC -^HI^H £g& /^to< •'•'l t" 'M md C«fli!ic*« 0« Mtrit m Jl>*^ V W'^E< I BWI SINGAPORE DESIGN AMARO '^tfVI?9 W^v n SfJ.'i I I aj versatility
        358 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1156 4 I I Iv 3 1 \f I I 13 TTKir^\ A TTTr^XT I I I I wlP^\^ JL^b— >^ JL II > IVIUN v^y V 1 iv^yiN 1 c at -s- i I 'trait s time s' cla s s Tf 8 8,81 6B LIGHTING SUPPLIER 1 1 Good^ew* 416
        1,156 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 1221 5 P~ HHI ~**~"~B~M~M-H-H-M--^-i-iaa-_H-H_a-^_M_i_H_i-a-^ life LJO\ /fC FURNISHING &H I Ipigq nV^>aVJLC RENOVATION W\ I il_iJ^--^S\ I A S IM£ C IA L FCHJUS c) F THE STRAITS TlM\i S CJ LASSIFIHP 1 gj% __w m9'£ __P____^^_^\t^_r v I _B _R I I lof-nwoodl rf "1 away your old, I ?TinnT*nmfT^r^
        1,221 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1458 6 I i4-JBSS\:^ [__^A^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THE STRAITS T 1 ME^USSIFIE^n I r:T"" y I FAMILY LIGHTINGS I §5550^ I Vm^ itit i' II If 1% AM #^I b"bT b-bT building materials Hfe. VVrLI /r^ Ha f Price Oif er Store hi#i& Trrrr^^- desionconsrut n kM^/ O A7\/ C^ T pi I Durable
        1,458 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 4418 7 (WISSISHD 737-1166 ff£ bw^^ bW^^B K^^aa B^^ BBJ BB^ r\^ t "*^7 aw /v 5 V— »\j» Everything you bad always wanted m ai.OLcar is m Classification 334. 11 Lounges/ Discos/ 103 Aquariums 103 Aquariums RAINBOW AQUARIUM Special selection of high grade Koi from 42 cm to 53 cm. 27
        4,418 words
      • 747 7 145 Plumbing/ Electrical i I fri i i jj ft 1 j e j. *****69 -^«y«^V A Better Electrical ft Plumbing 24-hr. Emergency Service from $10 c Power failure It check wiring c Celling wall pipe leak c Repair underground pipe leak, heater, water pump. toilet cistern c Main pipe.
        747 words
      • 410 7 148 TV/ Video KO DEPOSIT) 12 payments only CTV $35 Video $32. Fridge $40. Micro-wave oven $52. Washing machine $35 Cooker hob $45. Alrcon $45 Trade-in acceptable Prompt delivery Tel: *****81/ 2. ON THE SPOT repair, all kinds of CTV. video, hl-fl Buy and sell. Tel: *****68/ *****52. WE ARE
        410 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 1367 8 170 Domestic Help 170 Domestic Help 170 Domestic Help 170 Domestic Help Available Available Available Available filipino J SR'- ''wpEifflffißTJM WORK PERMIT RENEWAHsfffII|B» jF- x^y^TRANSFER MAID JBufflj (Includes Bankers Guarantee and Insurance) L-^ff Hf^QS^S I 'Jm IsW I I fc T->l HJJI W W M W l^jst returned from Z
        1,367 words
      • 1182 8 170 Domestic Help 170 Domestic Help Available Available Humana Maids§ Serene Centre 5 Tel: 467 5991 S loecauseI oecause we help rum houses into homes. W *J6»»M Maids personally selected and trained 3 BLL^ta^^j^^M- Banker guarantee arrangeable t tfl^i^KSl- No advance airfare Cheap air ticket HRj^B^^n- Replacement guaranteed lj^^^M~^^^g^y Absolutely
        1,182 words
      • 601 8 181 Private Investigators KSSS ESTABLISHED SINCE 1984 undertakes various investigations at $80 short term $280 for photographs. We have professional expertise to serve our clientele with various investigation services by way of reliable discreet investigations. Matrimonial cases, divorce/ adultery evidences, tracing of missing person (s), commercial cases, mischief/ vandalism. partner/
        601 words
      • 738 8 200 Bookkeeping/ Secretarial/ Answering Services 17TH YEAR OFFER BELOW SlO c Co's Registration Address c Co's Answering Service c Fax/ signboard listing FREE c Co's name cards FREE c Co's letterheads FREE c Cos rubber stamp FREE 17 Yeera Income Tax/ Accountt/ Immigration/ Work Permit ceeet. CALL; 3 3 7
        738 words
      • 811 8 203 Business Opportunities If your anew* la YES, then you owe Mo yoursaff 10 IiARN now you w tot w*EßA,lhs Urge* heal Eatate Agency ki Asia w»h vm 3,000 otllcee work***. ERA it First to offer: ERA Reel Ettaielnetfutel USA) Sale* Syttem Training W-hrßejtftet Properly Search "o^Nyfo^yGuGe Magazine Home Protection
        811 words
      • 834 8 203 Business Opportunities REATTsTATE^UCENCEo'^r offer investors with capital on Joint venture or takeover. Propose b write to Raffles City P.O Box 1186. Spore 91 17 TAKEOVER 2200 SO.ft at Bt Panjang/ Jurong West. Suitable for dept store. Low rental. Come to blk 113 -01-522 Bt Merah View 10am. -spm. for
        834 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 1002 9 111 S? 211 cSr SS "'"_S 211 S« 11 BSS «ssws=_ 1 Book 3255 L I The first notebook with standard 120MBand it costs less than Compaq The superior notebook has now become m i i i the notebook to beat. Powerful, compact and built to withstand sudden knocks, it
        1,002 words
      • 270 9 Speatcabons *****5 L 25 Intel CPU 60MB or 80MB Harddisk 2MB RAMon board (Exp 8 MB) 64 Grey shade VGA screen Weighs only 4 71b (2 1 Kg) •OR DOS 6 0 Carrying Case EYE CATCHING SAIES PRICE I 6OMB Model: ONLY $2,350 BOMB Model: ONLY $2.580 Integrated Accounting Software
        270 words
      • 1449 9 JciTn.cs services From ji/UU onwards From onwards PACKAGE 1 (NB-SL/20) PACKAGE 2 (NB-SL/25) *****5L/2OMHz *****5L/25MH/ 2MB RAM (MAX 14MB) 4MB RAM (Max 20MB) Built-in 3.5" FDD Built-in 3.5" FDD 1 .44M8) 1 .44M8) Removable HDDs Removable HDDs 60MB, 80MB inrin rnnn "nnn m linf I 120 MB 120 MB V
        1,449 words
      • 832 9 ALL CANON COPIERS/ FAX Shraddar/ Kay JMJ Alarm Sy*tam RENT, LEASE. TRADE-IN OR BUY Canon copiar* «p«cial offar FC2/ PCII/ NPI9O/ 199/ 2019/ 3025/ 3229/ 3525/ 3725/ 3329/ 3829/ 1215/ 1318/ 2020. Da*ktop A3 mi copiar. raduca. anlarga $300 caah A carry, (wh.ltt stock* laat). naw fax $928. caah A
        832 words
      • 636 9 SCANFREIGHT PTE. LTD PMMM a International shipping a airfreight a packing warehousing transport Blk 531, Uppar Croaa Straat #03—95, Hong Urn Comptax Singapore 0106 Tat: *****80 (9 Hnaa) Fax: *****82. ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR hse/ Office removal, transportation, disposal It delivery service. Dally lncl. public holidays. Also specialised m piano/ organ/
        636 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 653 10 236 Phones/ Faxes/ Pagers/ Special Numbers m" a k: KEYPHONE SYSTEM AFFOROAILE mjjM WITH VOICE RECORDED ANN caix TELEDi The Architect of Voice a SONY For FneDemonstntion Csll lUNIWAY MARKETING PTE LTO I 20. Kramat Lane #04-12, I United House 5(0922) <^S^CSg^ MOBIL£ INSTALLATION CENTRE 5 YEAR PROBLEM-FREE WARRANTY NEW/
        653 words
      • 397 10 236 Phones/ Faxes/ Pagers/ Special Numbers AYOI OUNOMENT VTA 471 1733 *d Data Communications 240 Retail/ Food Stalls HOUGANG ONLY 24-HOURS RESTN. has lew units of food stalls (or rental Special rates given lo tho»« famous food hawkart Malay cuisine, for e.g. Mcc Slam, Mcc Rebus, Rotl Prata etc. $800
        397 words
      • 933 10 250 Other Business 250 Other Business Products/ Services Products/ Services S FOR SALE S ■i SURPLUS RAW MATERIALS m ELECTRONIC PARTS Approx. Qty ™"™i Interdyne Backup aaaaaw Tape Drive (20MB) lOK sets Mi 37-pin (D-Sub) ■J^j Cable Assembly 20K sets I* Transformer 1I 5/ fJHB 220 V Input. 1 2/24
        933 words
      • 819 10 330 Alfa For Sale X NEWARRJVAtSJ FOR LIMITED CARS ONLY! 0% SPECIAL INTEREST RATE MILAN AUTO" *****52 *****00 l> *****80 1 END -89 75 Twin Sparks. 2 owners Full accessories (worth $3000). Tip-top cond. Tel: *****76 MIO 89 ALFA 33 1.7 1 pte. owner. PARF $29K. Full accessories. Mint cond.
        819 words
      • 1985 10 334 Daihatsu For Sale 334 Daihatsu For Sale 334 Daihatsu For Sale 334 Daihatsu For Sale 334 Daihatsu For Sale P DAIHATSU CHARADE 1 .PL H ATCHBACK^ |H I I >er > tnin K > ou had alvNa > s wanted m a I.OL car but could not get until
        1,985 words
      • 542 10 340 Honda For Sale MID '84 HONDA Civic 1 Mil. manual. Page owner *****40 no agents MID. M ACCORD I.6EX. auto, pte.. accident free, full accessories, tax 1/-93 $46,600 *****56 MID 86 ACCORD 16 Manual 2 owners, tax 12/"92. full accesso- rtes. beautiful cond Tel: *****87 MIO '89 CIVIC 15
        542 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 2059 11 340 Honda For Sale 340 Honda For Sale 340 Honda For Sale 340 Honda For Sale Bai Bam. ■VfVpajw^BaT^BS^Bi I Bazaar -Si bbb .^aav^^Baa^ Bj^y a^aa^aaT a—^bbmbm>^-— >f4f4f4f4f4f4w \^b^^ ~^BB^Ba^Ba^Ba^Ba^Ba^^ bY bb\ .^^W^rl aa^Bß^Ba^BV bG Hl^^^W^^^^bß Lb^^Vl aa^La^LaV Bffj L^Hi^B^3ftl aam^BalßV.a^Baß^A^Bma^Bß^ I Ba^Ba^Ba^B NIF^ I^lh (I A bb^H Ja^Bflßß^Ba^B .^aaaw
        2,059 words
      • 367 11 344 Mazda For Sale All brand* cars All brand* commercial Also buy/ sell Any condition/ All Japanese makes/ Mazda Non-PARF/ PARF With/ without COE Kindly contact: Mr Roger Koh S J H Auto Day: *****05 (9am to 7pm) Night: *****50 (7pm to Upm) -90 MODEL. ASTINA 1.6, 16-valve. power steering,
        367 words
      • 1154 11 342 Hyundai For Sale 342 Hyundai For Sale 342 Hyundai For Sale 342 Hyundai For Sale Pay $9,508 now but your $663 monthly instalments* only next year! HYUNDAI EXCEL I .SGLSI 4-DOOR Multi-point fuel injected engine Catalytic converter Blaupunkt radio cassette Power tilt steering Power windows Central locking Tuffkote and
        1,154 words
      • 443 11 346 Mercedes For Sale 86 MERCEDES 2OOT Wagon Auto. EM beautiful white. New facelift, hi Immaculate cond. View: 921A Bt. N< Tlmah Rd Tel: *****22 Lo 0.1 86/ REG. '92 Mercedes 200T 1 Estate (Auto). Sunroof. '92 face- M lift. COE paid $25K. 1 owner, dr $132K 0.n.0. *****77/ *****62.
        443 words
      • 811 11 346 Mercedes For Sale 77 A 79 Merredes 200 manual. 2 owners COE till 2001 Tax 1/1)3. S Tims $368K It above. *****89 79 MERCEDES 200 manual 2 owners. Accessories worth $3000 Beautiful cond. $47,800 *****76 79 MERCEDES 200. manual. New upholstery' 2k paint. 4 headrest. Tax 7/"93. $45K Tel
        811 words
      • 593 11 348 Mitsubishi For Sale 2/85 GALANT 1 SGLS. red power steering/ windows/ lock, hi-fi, s rims, can loan. Tel: *****97 •80 LANCER I.4SL. 3 owners. sspeed. 2K paint, s runs Good cond $17,300 Tel: *****11 80 MOOEL (11/79) Lancer 1 LSI. 5-speed. grey, hi-fi, s/rims. COE paid Tip top cond.
        593 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 795 12 348 Mitsubishi For Sale 348 Mitsubishi For Sale 348 Mitsubishi For Sale 348 Mitsubishi For Sale 348 Mitsubishi For Sale a I^l /^H Some equipment optional. The all new Mitsubishi Lancer GLXi is now fitted with 16 valve 1.6 litre multi-point fuel injection engine. Power steering, power door locks and
        795 words
      • 628 12 350 Nissan For Sale tWu7s7R^!oHDX™Uun2792" Centra] lock/ window. S/rims. BeauUful cond. $*****. *****28 8/11 PRESEA CT II auto. 1 owner. Orig. accessories. Showrm. cond. $***** 0.n.0. Loan $04K. *****98. 10 MODEL PULSAR I.4SLX 1 owner, tip top cond. View Aljunled Used Car Ctr. Lot. 22 11 JULY PRESEA auto. ABS.
        628 words
      • 625 12 358 Subaru For Sale THREE GOLDEN STARS Buy k Sell/ All Subaru Vlkl M7O. MBO. JlO, 1000-1600 cc Any modal ol Japanaaa car* COE/ without COE All Sellers It Buyers CALL AMBROSE KOH 24 hit. pg. *****04 *****33 6/91 VIKI MSO 5-speed, latest model, s/rlms, alarm, power windows, sporty red.
        625 words
      • 520 12 360 Suzuki For Sale twin-cam, 16-valve, fuel injection, very fast car. Tip top cond. Downpayment $7K. Lot 3, 2 Irving Rd Upp. Paya Lebar. ALMOST 85 SUZUKI SA3IO sdoor. Full accessories. BeauUful cond. Can loan. *****07. WELL KEPT -85 Suzuki SB3OB GL, lady owner, showroom cond. Trade-In welcome. Tel: *****31.
        520 words
      • 647 12 362 Toyota For Sale We buy sell All TOYOTA Models Any Japanese Used Cars PARF/ non-PARF 'Q' plat*/ Commercial HUP HENG LEE ENT. *****48 1907 DECEMBER TOYOTA Cresslda 2.0 OLXI auto company director's car. Low mileage showroom condition. Tax 11/92 Tel: *****44 View Borneo Motors 33 Lena Kee Road NEAR
        647 words
      • 595 12 362 Toyota For Sale 2 UNITS COROLLA 1 3 UK GL New model. Tax 2/"93 Full accesorles $14,200 $15,800 *****56. 2/6S STARLET 1.0, beautiful white, s/rlms cassette, tip top. Trade In avail. *****00 Jessy 2/ *69 1 Owner. Corolla I.3XL. Accident free Tax 1/ -93. Blue. Tel: *****97 3 MTHS.
        595 words
      • 316 12 362 Toyota For Sale '90 SBM. IST owner. New model Corona CD. F/auto. Low mileage CD player. Accident free. *****11 364 Volvo For Sale •64 VOLVO 360 OLE. PARK $:>9kT owner, tax 3/93, agt. maintained. Beautiful cond. Full accessories, new no. plate. Tel: *****82/ Pg: *****07 VOLVO 360 OLT 7/83
        316 words
      • 1258 12 366 Other Makes 366 Other Makes 369 Q Plate Cars For Sale For Sale LATE -90, PORSCHE 9llc 4 Wry 17™l5ST5G75rs^sTHnTorsche CHENG YONG CREDIT EMT. low mileage. Agt maintained, engine Tax 4/93. S/rlms Un- o M, fr rt^ *w Pristine cond. Owner transfer- leaded petrol. A 1 cond *****65 «I«
        1,258 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 2483 13 369 Q-Plate Cars Q PLATE 8/11 Mercedes 200 fully auto (COE. paid $24,046) Tax 10/12. Original cond. Tel: *****79. Q PLATE 14 BMW 7281 auto, full accessories, excellent cond. *****72/ *****88 Eanslng Mktg. 'Q' 1 CO. owner. Mid. '88 Nissan March. I.OOL. 5-dr. 5-speed (new model). Tip- top cond. *****79.
        2,483 words
      • 2369 13 378 Motorcycles/ 381 Scrap Vehicles 403 Houses For Rent For Sale/ Wanted MJoT™2soTi427^so5 1 963™24™nT s=_______________________= Paying high price for any scrap/ _T^TJ^T_T^^S^^^^~^^~ used/ SZ cars. Wanted Corolla/ ■B^MB^BJBJB_B_BJB_B_B_B_| SELLWO YOUR _*E for cash HP. Carlna/ Accord/ Q' plate car trade-In. Scrambler Custom bod y for exDort (Also selllne) a___fl________________
        2,369 words
      • 891 13 403 Houses For Rent (Pists 09-11) D.lO LEEDON PARK. D/storey bunglw. 4+ 1 rms. 15,000 sq.ft. P/furn. Rent $9,500. DO: *****82 D.lO MOONBEAM SEMI-O. 3+ 1. Furn Big gdn 4,000 sq.ft. $3,300 Ashley 345-1966/ pg. 206-7615. 0.10 OFF HOLLAND Rd. renovated semi-d. Contact C.H. Llm *****59/ Pg. *****31 D.lO RENOVATED
        891 words
      • 806 13 405 Houses For Rent (Dists 21-28) D^TcTEMETfrrpK^osy^stor bunglw. Quiet nelghbourhoc Nice pool. 5+ 1 bdrms P/fui $8500 Jeff Realty: 253-3722. D.21 ELITE RESIOENCEI Bungl sprawling 30.000 sq.ft. land. LI Ing 5000 sq.ft Large pool, prlv cy. SJIB.OOO p.m. *****43 Lansal D.21 KINO ALBERT Pk Exclusl s/storey 4 study servant Nice
        806 words
      • 650 13 410 Apartments For Rent (Dists 01-06) ey 0.05 WESTPEAK. 3+ 1 rms. PUI. >d facilities. F/furn. $3500/ S3lOO n ConUnental Realty *****8S 0.05 $3000 HONG Leong Condo 3 w. bdrms. F/furn. 2 s/pool./ 2 tenIv- nls/ 2 squash. Tel: *****49. ale D.07 SEAVIEW/ CITY view, The Plaza, designer furn. MRT.
        650 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 1472 14 411 Apartments For Rent 411 Apartments For Rent 411 Apartments For Rent (Dists 09-11) (Dists 09-11) (Dists 09-11) .1 b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^Hb^^b^L^B i^B^B^B^B^BHKVr The Gallery Suite A specially designed art gallery m your very own suite one of the unique features offered by the most exclusive residential development m Orchard Road's neighbourhood.
        1,472 words
      • 990 14 411 Apartments For Rent (Dists 09-11) D.lO PINE WOOD GARDEN. 3 1 bdrms. with pte. gdn. 1600 sq.ft. Marble flooring. Full facilities. P/furn $5,000. ImmedlaU. Pg. "*****06 agt. D.lO SOMMERVILLE PK. Holland Rd. Cosy grd.flr. mals. with spaclous pte. gdn. Quiet. 3+l. 2,400 sq.ft. Beautiful cond. Pool/ tennis $6,300 *****52.
        990 words
      • 1003 14 411 Apartments For Rent (Dists 09-11) d^o™rTo7n^yT"beverTy™hhis" Near Orchard Rd. Luxurious 4 1 rms. High fir. Y> facilities $10,500/ $9,800. AP *****03 0.10 SOMMERVILLE PK. 2 unit! Mals. I+l P/furn. Cosy. Fabulously renovated. Best facilities $6500/ $7800. Vltallnk *****10 D.lO SOMMERVILLE PK. High fir newly painted. 2000 sq.ft. 3+l f/furn.
        1,003 words
      • 1032 14 411 Apartments For Rent (Dists 09-11) D^9TuTKT7LAZA™AprTTmT Central alrcon. F/furn. Near MRT $2500. Immed *****73 GE 0.09 MINS. WALK to MRT 2/ 3 i bdrms. Surrey/ Sophia Ct. others. $2500 $3000. Holland *****79 D.09 MORNINGBIDE 1722/ 2411 sq.ft. 3+l/ 4+l. Full facilities. $5500/ $7500. Hap Seng *****88 D.09 NEAR ORCHARD
        1,032 words
      • 939 14 411 Apartments For Rent (Dists 09-11) D.lO SOMMERVILLE PARK. Studio apt. Full facilities. Immediate Call Gloria: 353-2885 0.10 SOMMERVILLE, coay 3 rms 1300 sq.ft. P/furn Full facilities. Immed $3,500 LRE *****82. 0.10 SOMMERVILLE PK. Studio renovated. High fir./ pool view. Facilities. $2750. Gateway *****38 D.lO BPANIBH VILLAGE. Quiet facing. 3-bdrm.
        939 words
      • 892 14 412 Apartments For Rent (Dists 12-20) ATTRACTIVE RENTAL PACKAGES D.16 THE SUMMIT Upper East Coast Rd. Brand new 3• 1 apt. Fully/ Partial Furn. Pool/ squash/ tennis School/ shopping/ food centre nearby. Immediate occupation From $3,500 onwards Sol* Marketing Agent SPRINGLEAF AGENCY 538-1063 Member of Ban Hln Leong Group BAYSHORE
        892 words
      • 1091 14 412 Apartments For Rent (Dists 12-20) D.15 KING'S MANS. 1660 sq ft 3 1 Nf New furniture Pool, tennis an $2800. Owner: *****20 (3 lines) rei D.15 LAGOON VIEW 3I 1 high fir HI Sea view 1680 sq.ft Alrcon. $2300 Nl Available now! DLS *****28 x 5 al D.15 MANDARIN
        1,091 words
      • 944 14 412 Apartments For Rent (Dists 12-20) IwTrmTmaCPHERSON. Near nenltles F/furn. Alrcon. newly novated $700 Tel *****35. EWI S-RM. Sarsngoon North, icely renovated Furn 1 mined 1c Price neg Tel *****28 EP ISM RIS S-RM. (New) F/furn rcon Near amenities. $1300 •X Immed Delight *****38 ISW RIS NEW 4 bdrms 2
        944 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 628 15 413 Apartments For Rent (Dists 21-28) 0.21 CLEMENTI PK. Carriage hse 1 700 sq ft. 3 rms. F/furn. Full facilities. $3800 Tel. *****68 Agt. Oil CLEMENTI PARK condo 2100 sqft 3+l bdrm $4500 neg Immed Pg. *****18. C&H D.21 CLEMENTI PK. studio apt F/furn. Facing park. Vacant now $2500pm 285-7863
        628 words
      • 450 15 413 Apartments For Rent (Dists 21-28) 3-RM. BOON LAY Plac*- t (urn $750 neg Near cinema/ central/ shops. *****05/ *****17 Max 3-RM. BT. BATOK Near MRT. renovated. P/furn. Near shops/ mkt. $800 neg Immed *****43 agt. 4-A' BT. PANJANG Ring blk 434. new renovation, f/alrcon. F 'furn S$lK. *****29 C&H.
        450 words
      • 498 15 414 Apartments For Rent (Mixed Dists) PTE. APARTMENTS <F/ FURN.) Parkmw Mans.. $1650 nett Cilipoft, $1900 neg. Joo Chiat $2300 neg Grand* Vi«t« $2500 neg. Bayshora Park. $5800 neg HDB (F/ FURN.) 4-rm. Yiahun (2 units) $1000 nag. 4-rm. Hougang (lock 1 rm.) $1000 4-rm. Choa Chu Kang $1200 nrg
        498 words
      • 454 15 414 Apartments For Rent (Mixed Dists) RM CORNER. BT. BatokTlu' Panjang. 5-rm Exec Paslr Rls Tastefully furn. amenities/ MRT $1200 up Proflnders *****63. HDB/ PTE. $800 $3000. Any dlst. Furn./ unfurn. With/ without facilities. Immea Tel: *****05 HOUGANG/ YISHUN 3A\ F/furn Walking distance to Khaltb MRT. Immed. SRS. *****81 JURONG
        454 words
      • 410 15 414 Apartments For Rent (Mixed Oists) 5-RM. SERANGOON A WoodlandT F/ furn. Near Interchange. Immed. 758-1105/ 415-1305 Azura S-RM. SPOTTISWOOOE PK. $1950/ Bt Batok $1200 mid fir F/furn Amenities MRT CRE 235 9191. S-RM. ÜBI. MARSILING, Bt Batok furn.; Serangoon N Joo Seng Road unfurn $1100 up; 777-7701 418 Rooms
        410 words
      • 848 15 418 Rooms For Rent BT. PAtUMtoTßtTdlorUmale students single/ sharing. Muslim preferred. *****47 Yatte A-Z BUKIT PURMEI/ BISHAN/ A.M. KIo/ Clement!/ Khallb/ Boon Lay others. Call 4542-625 CLEMENTI FURNSIHED ROOM available for rent. Phone 778-2637.. CLEMENTI FURN. BIG room Quiet with backyard. $400. Call Mr. Chu *****12/ *****83 (home). COMMON RM.
        848 words
      • 847 15 421 Apartments Wanted (Rent/ Buy) LOOKING FOR TENANTS OR BUYERS FOR YOUR PROPERTIES? HDB HUDC *P*Apt>. 'Condos. Foreigners, PR with oath Fast reliable service Good Price Assured POTENTIAL BUYERS/ TENANTS want Apii Condos. m Di»t .9, 10, 15. 16. 2a READY CASH BD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT TEL: 345-2*55 GOOD NEWS! OWNERS,
        847 words
      • 881 15 421 Apartments Wanted (Rent/ Buy) HOB/ CONOOBV APTS. for rent' sale wanted by ready clients *****53/ pg *****24 Agent. INTERNATIONAL CO. REQUIRES HDB/ pte Any location Tel *****92/ pg *****32. JAPANESE COUPLE LOOKING for HDB. pte. apt. other accommodation. Promax *****38 (24 hrs.) JAPANESE ENGINEER ft family need HDB/ apt.
        881 words
      • 880 15 427 Houses For Sale 427 Houses For Sale (Dists 09-11) (Dists 09-11) HPj^^^a^^^^^^E^H 4fe* ffe H> tJB" if] f I I'll ajfJ*"^S| B^B^^^L^B^bl B^B^l^^^^' Jfc% I uiißSßf— pssser*** 0111 2 Bji CUL-DE-SAC Road o^v Neo-Classic design oc >\. Proximity to major trunk farrerro* x aoamrd roads oc the city cr
        880 words
      • 848 15 D.ll SEMI-D. 3200/ 2400 sq.ft. 4 P| rms. Marble/ parquet. F'hold. $1.2 M. Call Zach Assocs. Prop Consultants Valuers: *****38 0.11 D/STOREY SEM-0. 3300 sq ft 3 1 1. Oood racing Quiet. Convenient $1.15 M PH *****77. 0.11 D/STOREY SEMKd. 3300 sq.rt 3+ 1. Oood racing Quiet Convenient $1.15 M.
        848 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 1039 16 428 Houses For Sale (Dists 12-20) 016 ALLURINGLY COMFORT. 2/storey seml-d. 4 1 2. Nice gdn Patio/ terraces. Ideal for evening sit-out View to appreciate. $I.IBM v n o *****87/ *****87 Agt 0 16 ANQM LAUT. Elegant huge Seml-D. Charming renovation with high celling. Nearly new. 2-Storey (5 I 2
        1,039 words
      • 1002 16 428 Houses For Sale (Dists 12-20) D.20 SfMBAWANG HILL vkimty s/storey corner terr. Renovated 3900/ 1800. 2800/ 1600 sq.ft 3 1/3 rms. $670K up. *****65 JE. O 20 SERAYA CUES/ Sembawang Hill Dr. s/storey seml-d/ terr. of 2500/ 2100 sq.ft View to Offer! Connection *****11 D 20 TASTEFULLY RENOVATED 2storey
        1,002 words
      • 932 16 428 Houses For Sale (Dists 12-20) 0.20 S-STOREY CORNER terr Land: 1800/ built-in: 1300. Newly renovated. $550K *****71 agt. D 20 SEMBAWANG HILLS Estate s/storey seml-d 3600/ 3800 sq.ft. 4 rooms. Boon. *****09 Jolly Ent. DM THOMSON OREEN beautiful 2 storey semi-d. 5* 1. Built-in 3000 sq.ft. *****62/ *****55 agt.
        932 words
      • 2219 16 429 Houses For Sale 429 Houses For Sale 436 Private Apts 436 Private Apts 436 Private Apts 436 Private Apts 436 Private Apts (Dists 21-28) (Dists 21-28) For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale (Dists 01-08) (Dists 01-08) (Dists 01-08) j (Dists 01-08) (Dists 01-08) I/11l ■aw
        2,219 words
      • 451 16 437 Private Apts For Sale (D.sts 09-11) 009 GRANGE HGTS. High fir Value for money only $310 p.s.f. 3000 sq.ft 4 1 bdrms. Full condo. facilities. Kenwood *****16. D.N HUDC PRICE $450K only for a freehold well renovated 3*l bdrms. on prime Catrnhlll Rd. Don't miss! Harvest *****88 D.09 KILLINEY
        451 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 1578 17 miaie Mpu 437 private Apts For Sale For Sale (Diata 09-11) (Diata 09-11) j -I 3,200 sq. ft. luxurious apt on high 9 Q 4+l bdrms with pte lift/lobby C 3 J Full condo facilities Freehold E S Tel C :"732 5533 S JL J 2 bdms apt for sale/rent
        1,578 words
      • 897 17 437 Private Apta For Sale (Diata 09-11) D.ll SHELFORO QON. on elevated grd. 3 1. 2,000 sq.ft. Pool security Adhome *****77 (MASR) D.ll THE ALBANY. 1600 sq.ft. 3 1. High fir. Brand new lightings/ curtains. Aria *****56/ *****64. D.ll VM.LA OEB Flores 1680 sq.ft 3+l. Designer's decor. Facilities. Prime view
        897 words
      • 1972 17 438 Private Apta 438 Private Apta 438 Private Apta For Sale For Sale For Sale (Diata 12-20) (Diata 12-20) (Diata 12-20) Topaz mansion .^^tbt| freehold BBBBYJBaaßaaaaar" dfltt i i^T^^pV *9*o^*it* BHBaBBR sbfli""^ i MJR. BB BF 2 bbV^BI BBB^BB -,v j ■■BBJ HbhBBBbL SLr I BBbBBL fIHM m| BB^ftt—a/" BB^L^^y
        1,972 words
      • 1001 17 438 Private Apts For Sale (Dists 12-20) D.l« BAYSHORE PK. 3 rms Tastefully renovated. 1295 sq.ft. Seavlew. Facilities. $575 K. *****76 agt. D.16 BAYSHORE PK. 2 bdrms Beautifully furn. Tenanted. $440K neg. Continental *****88 D.16 CONDO. WITH s/pool, 2 1 rms. 1300 sq.ft. Near MRT, f'hold. $410K neg. Randy *****00
        1,001 words
      • 948 17 439 Private Apts For Sale (Dists 21-28) D.21 QREENLOOGE 4+ 1 bdrms 1722 sq.ft Well kept. Full facilities. Good Investment. F'hold J638.000. Rolf: *****11 D .21 HKU4GATE TOP -94 Type F, O K. L. 3- 1 bdrms. Full facilities Freehold. Floor plans available SSOOK up. Han it Boons *****70 D.21
        948 words
      • 984 17 446 Property Auction 446 Property Auction AUCTION TODAY Yen lie: At the Dynasty Ballroom, Level 3 Dynasty Hotel, Orchard Road Time: 230 p.m. 1 RESIDENTIAL 1. JLN HAJI ALIAS, DlO 2-sty semi-detached hse, 4520 sq.ft, freehold 2. #13-01 MACPHERSON GREEN, Dl 3 apt, 1657 sq.ft, freehold. 1 PREWAR BLDG/SHOP 1.
        984 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 696 18 452 HOB Apts For Sale (A.M. Klo/Biahan) SIN MING WALK-UP mals Blk 401/401 Pte. hse. L condos area Nicely renovated. *****33 F&W SM MMQ EXEC. Mals. Nlcel) renovated. Best facing. View U appreciate. MP *****66 SINGLE ELIGIBLE AM. Klo blk 639/ 172, near MRT/ mkt. $67K, $58K neg Tel: *****55
        696 words
      • 559 18 454 HDB Apts For Sale (Bedok/Tampines) 3-RM BEDOK NORTH ST J Blk 529, high fir., near amenlUes Malay not eligible CPF $47K SMK 4-RM. BEDOK NORTH AYE.2 > Blk 512. near amenities. Malay not eligible. CPF $70K III3K 4 'A' TAMPMES BT.II 81k .112, no blocking. CPF $02K SI4OK 5-RM.
        559 words
      • 620 18 454 HDB Apts For Sale (Bedok/Tampines) 4-RM A' TAMPINES Blk 271 High floor. Well-maintained. No blocking. Few mlns. to MRT. Price neg. Tel *****70, Agent 4-RM BEDOK SOUTH Blk. 48/ Bedok North Blk. 422, 513. Well renovated. Near central MRT. Price neg *****20, Sunny land. 4-RM. BEOOK NORTH Blk 95
        620 words
      • 626 18 454 HDB Apts For Sale (Bedok/Tampines) MULTI-TIER TAMPINES ST. 42. Blk 4«0 CPF $124 K. Ceramic throughout. DRPL *****11 lan. NEW! BEDOK N. 5-rm. 81k.112, high fir. Big carpark. AmenlUes. Sole agt OMH *****32/ *****06. PURE 4-RM. BEDOK Res. Blk 827 No blockage. Near mkt. C.C. Sch. CPF $71K *****69
        626 words
      • 951 18 454 HDB Apts For Sale (Bedok/Tampines) 3/ 4/ 5-RM. TAMPINES 110/ 929/ 926. Renovated. Near amenities. Windy Deans Property 747-6933 4 'A' BEDOK Res. Blk. 723. renovated, high fir., near amenities. Pg. *****10, agt. 4 'A' CORNER Tamplnes Ctr. Blk. 914, move-in cond. CPF $88K No cash needed. *****06 agt.
        951 words
      • 942 18 458 HDB Apts For Sale (Clementi/ West Coast) 3-RM. CLEMENTI WEST Blk 714. well renovated, seavlew, broken marble $76K *****03 BR. 3 RM l shaped CORNER Clementi Blk 403/ 3-rm. Pandan 410 Near amenities. *****55 agt 4-RM. 'A' SUNSET Way Blk. 117. High fir Unobstructed. Chinese not eligible. Lucy *****60
        942 words
      • 1029 18 462 HDB Apts For Sale (Jurong/Bt. Batok) JURONg'^JeST EXEC. Mals Blk 470. 5-rm. Jurong East Blk 322 212/ 226 high fir. Near MRT/ market Price neg. *****56 LS JURONG W. EXEC. Corner mals. with ext high fir. Quiet, amenities, park, easy access to PIE. CPF $160K Hurry! Pg. *****09 3-RM.
        1,029 words
      • 979 18 464 HDB Apts For Sale (Yishun) MUST SELLI URGENT buyer pis call Yishun 5-rm. Blk. 637. Near pk./ 5 mlns. to MRT. Windy. Very spacious bdrm. hall. Must see to believe! Hap Seng, *****28 4-RM. '8* YISHUN 81k.289 Mid fir. Quiet environment. Near amenities CPF $58K. Asking $82K neg. Hamld
        979 words
      • 1129 18 466 HDB Apts For Sale (Other Estates) 3^ Wma Dr. BaXSS, MRT. CPF SS2K 3/ 3'7-rm Marina Craa. Bik 33/ 47 3-rm. Haig Rd. 10 MRT. S72K 3-rm. Margaret Dr. Blk 39* SMK 3/3 .-rm Eunoa Craa. It/ It/ 21 3-rm. Bandamaat. 44/ 4S CPF S4SX 3/ 3' i-rm. Badok
        1,129 words
      • 945 18 466 HDB Apts For Sale (Other Estates) 4 ROOM A CORNER Woodland Blk. 151 best location near school $135K neg Pg. *****57 Newway. 5-RM. PT. BLK. Marine Parade, close to amenlUes. CPF SIO9K. 5-rm. point blk. Joo Seng Rd CPF SI2SK Hoe-Tan Co 734-9001 BENDEMEER S-RM. BLK 40 Near mkt./
        945 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 676 19 466 HDB Apts For Sale (Other Estates) amenities. »51K neg. *****28' *****98/ pg. *****13 SVPS J-RM. STRUNG RO. 175. renovated, no blockage, windy, MRT, reasonable price *****80 C*H MM. T. BLANGAH Blk. 55 Marble, cabinets Newly renovated rum. Neg. CPF »IK. *****01 agt. 3-RM. TANQUN HALT 81k.37. high fir. Ceramic.
        676 words
      • 757 19 470 HDB Apartment* Wanted (Buy) DCMC The KEY to BUY OR SELL YOUR HDB FLAT Safe Easy BUY or SELL YOUR HDB FLAT for only Ss6o Sarvica F«« Ss29o for HANDLING all necessary resale procedures until completion TEL: 535-3390 Yau Khoon Pte Ltd AD 041 4529 Member of SISV MLS
        757 words
      • 562 19 470 HDB Apartments Wanted (Buy) please contact: *****50 Alan. 3 OR 4-RM. needed by young couples. *****20. No agents please. 475 Factory Spaces PRIME TERRACE A DETACHED FOR SALE. FOR LEASE SENOKO std./ self built fty. 15.000/ 17,200 sq.ft. Well furnished off. Large compound for future extension. 18 to 3o
        562 words
      • 1632 19 475 Factory Spaces 475 Factory Spaces 475 Factory Spaces FOR LEASE THOREN TECHNOCENTRE at 12 New Industrial Road The Perfect Choice for High Technology Industries Strategic Location Office Environment Areas from 92 sq m to 1 ,065 sq m Ceiling height 4.75 m to 5.95 m Fully centralise air-conditioned high
        1,632 words
      • 664 19 475 Factory Spaces aisTmMTc^SoTsqTTTmmedT ately available F'hold. Sale/ lease. Landpolnt *****68. 0.13 TONO LEE Building, area 2981 sq.ft Rent n $1 60 pj.f Tel: 337-2165. 0.14 ENGRQ. WORK. *****/ 4800 sq.ft., high power, for rent. *****60/ pg *****70 Soong Hsg. D.14 SHUN LI Ind 1400/ 2600/ 3000/ 3972 sq.ft. For
        664 words
      • 1262 19 476 Warehouses/ 476 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces Storage Spaces Tat Ann I THE TOTALLY DEDICATED I WAREHOUSING FACILITY I 40 Jalan Pemimpin near MRT, CTE, PIE I 400 lbs psf loading I 1 2 Loading Bays I 8 Lifts 2 Hoists I Area 4400 1 3000 sq ft I Immediate Occupation
        1,262 words
      • 664 19 461 Office Spaces For Rent DEANS PROPERTY PTE LTD COMMERCIAL DEFTMember- Assn of Spore Realtors FROM SUM P.S.F. ONWARDS Hong Leong Bldg. MO- 2500 Hong Leong CU 700-6200 IBM Twrs 930-8800 City House 950-7100 InU Bldg. 500-9 TO Six Battery Rd. 1800-***** DBS Securities 900-JJOO The Quadrant 2000-***** 79. Ansonßd
        664 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 655 20 481 Office Spaces 481 Office Spaces For Rent For Rent ©DBS PROPERTY SERVICES Raffles Place Area (sq ft) 6 Battery Road 1 ,850 1 2,400 DBS Securities Building 600 3,330 Anson Road 79 Anson Road 3,300 1 00,000 Orchard Road 268 Orchard Road 630 4,1 00 Orchard Emerald Centre 530
        655 words
      • 649 20 rate. Avail, for lease. Yeley *****32/ pg: *****32. D4l THE ARCADE 1045 sq.ft. 3 partitioned rms. Carpeted. Raffles MRT. Immed. O'teed low rental. Excellence *****45. D.02 INT-L. PLAZA 473/ 936/ 980/ 2390/ 3811/ 7718 sq.ft Sea view. High fir. Carpeted. Partitioned. United *****66. D.03 MANHATTAN HOUSE, chin Swee Rd. 972
        649 words
      • 880 20 481 Office Spaces For Rent D.07 QSM BLDG. 930 sq ft. Partitioned rms./ office. Avail. Oct $3.50 p s.f. Associated *****33. D 07 OUTSIDE CBO. newly refurbished 2nd storey shophouse as office. $1700. PMC *****88. D.07 SHOWRM. FOR rent. 8000 sq ft Oood for car showrm./ restn./ bank/ etc. *****48.
        880 words
      • 1675 20 486 Shop Spaces 487 Shop Spaces 487 Shop Spaces 492 Restaurant/ For Sale For Rent For Rent Lounge Spaces BUKIT TIM AH BINJAI Park ONGOINO POPULAR KARAOKE Brand new 3-storey corner sho- ■T^^Tr^^^^^^^^^Bßß^^Mß^^^^^^^Br^^^l^^^jfli Lounge it Pub for takeover. phouse. good frontage, heavy pc- I —m I H "V im. "411
        1,675 words
      • 1488 20 orchard twr. 754 sq f t. ordfir. 493 Land: Sale/ Wanted facing road. The Plaza, 603 sq.ft. Oround floor. Facing concourse, Continental Realty 253-7188. SHOWRM. CUM OFFICE. 24-hour D 164 3S BEDOK ROAD advertising along busy River Valley. 1500 sq ft $4000. Be quick! Lot 135 15, Muhim 27 Paul
        1,488 words
      • 526 20 494 Properties In 494 Properties In 494 Properties In Malaysia/ Batam Malaysia/ Batam Malaysia/ Batam FOR SALE I Cemerlang Industrial Park, Johor Detached Semi-dttached/Tarraca -*«frj^,. factories £*98Sf^Li Land area from 300 tt L^ -_flH^BBisg Built-in arear from 3,400 sq.ft. j^^Zl rr^^^^^^tam- *No Restriction on Foreign Ownership Dll^rfT View Models at
        526 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 1514 21 526 Tour* 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours 526 Tours Ha[IZHi]HSH£H3BEHBC3BaI Enchanting Java Java Bali Rhapsody E9CIIb^SbEjK3CH3bI H^]H^9E9E9DbI^HBE9b! 8/ 10 Days $1028/ $1258 j j Medan/ Lake Toba Departures: Every Sunday \^W I Hong Kong Shopping Paradise 4 Days Genting
        1,514 words
      • 305 21 CDEP :23OCT 1992^) 1 1 NEWSMAN TRAVEL V *****22«*****90'*****26«*****33 J I INTER TRAVEL S P Tel: *****68 *****33 < OENTINO CAMERON 2DBN $89 2 d $285 2D3N $89 BD4H $99 JSP $2951 3D4N $117 5D Gentlng/Penang/Cameron O1 E Pep: Evory Mon $fc I O HongKong^^ Middle Kingdom+OceanParV+ Meals > >
        305 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 384 22 526 T <*i" 526 Tour» 526 Tour* 526 Tour* 526 Tour* j P [<;XOTl£? ENCHANTING, EXCITING '^'^HliP^l Philippines v U 4k^ L^.^ LV jiA Philippine _^^tt Airlines shining through iP^SwrwlPP^^B^W^^ SIME TRAVEL (TA 475) NAM HO TRAVEL (TA 140) SAFE SU PERT RAVE L(T A 798) I Tel: 738 3d22
        384 words
        93 words
      • 674 22 526 Tour» 526 Tours 526 Tours ■^^^p-- Great value packages specially for the individual travelTer^^ T^ /VSL NST y^%— *%^days from $738 J Perth WA jl <«t Ban s<x ___T A 5 days from $868^# J^^^ B l Bangkok J|*^^ 4 days from $488 CO// your^^traoei Shop Travelmart ROf TeL
        674 words
      • 635 22 526 Tours 526 Tours 3 Days Daily ABF, City Tour wz Lunch, Phang Nga Tour wz Lunch, 2 Dinner Apt-Trsf, 2 nites at Club Andaman Beach Resort, Welcome Drink, Fruit Baaket. Dmly Dtp r iEV7Tf7^H 1 iUlease call *****63Ji 60 Hong Kong/Shenzhen/Guang2hou $1388 6D Hong Kong/Shenzhen/Zhuhai/Macau $1378 4D Hong Kong/Kowloon
        635 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 1660 23 608 Computer Courses 608 Computer Courses 608 Computer Courses 608 Computer Course* r B^ V i tfMl _pp V PMHm 4- TRADITION OF I* -uMTILTiT?!?!?^! EXCELLENCE PiaimieMiyEitiMMiioa Caanat ■•■•■■■■■■i)B3«B)aa I NCC Optoma m Computet Stute (SOf M*.l I>^r^B^^B>BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^^v^aa«i»>>>B>iBaB^BaBiiaa>BBBBB>a>>>aa>^aaaaaBV I Cambridge Intofmabcs Oiptomi m Computer Studcs (VaMated I ■f T W
        1,660 words
      • 1798 23 611 Commercial 611 Commercial 611 Commercial Courses Courses Courses Ail $> to A4* *rf nee e wor^' s ta^'ng fashion schools "M/ikffKrJK f\/t, offers its international curriculum right here. •jAfcaH^s/i lOrjf ts Canandian Staff members assure you of a YH-^Wyl^ACyf truly international experience, without leaving Wil \3 nt xrtfmil c
        1,798 words
      • 1151 23 620 Foreign Education 620 Foreign Education IW Southern Ontario College >_% Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Start m January. May or August and join the 97 5% of our I graduates who complete a Pre-University Programme inspected I by the Ontario Ministry of Education m as little as 6-8 months and B
        1,151 words
      • 611 23 643 Tailoring Instruction ELEMENTARY DRESSMAKING/ Fashion Designing/ Patchwork tt Quilt/ Children's Wear Course conducted by Tokyo trained grad Personal coaching. Interested ring 741-2848 MEN'S TAILORING: We are specialists. Established since 196S and member of Singapore Masters Tailors' Association Students are able to take NTC Exams Please contact *****39. SERVICES BY
        611 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 941 24 professional/ 710 Professional/ executive Positions Executive Positions We are expanding rapidly and are Inviting applicants to Join us as: (A)SOFTWARE SUPPORT SPECIALISTS He/ She are expected to conduct End-user and uealer Software Training, Product Demonstration, Software Debugging and Feedback Software Manual Documentation, Software Product Research and General Software System Study
        941 words
      • 1153 24 720 IT Positions 720 IT Positions 720 IT Positions Singapore Press Holdings Ltd Weare the region's leading publisher of newspaper magazines. We need people with the experience, interest and commitment to do operations work to be a part of our team of: 4JI SYSTEM OPERATORS/ 1 SENIOR SYSTEMS OPERATORS You
        1,153 words
      • 724 24 730 Secretarial/ Clerical 730 Secretarial/ Clerical 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Position* Position* Position* Overseas Union Bank Ltd is one of the major local banks m Singapore. We invite you to join us as BANK TELLERS/CLERKS Minimum 3 G.C.E O' levels with credit m English or Mathematics or G.C.E 'N' level with
        724 words
      • 596 24 730 Secretarial/ Clerical 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Positions Nestle, an international food and beverage company, invites you to join us our: The Requirements: GCE '07N 1 level PC literate (WordPerfect and Lotus) We Offer: 1 */4 months' Annual Wage Supplement (AWS) Annual leave of up to 24 days A non-contributory
        596 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 601 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Position* Jj A Enterprises 3-J T#^ Healthcare Flirty) fgl3jpF/J f^ (Public Relations Marketing) The successful candidate would be computer literate with GCE 0' level passes m English and Chinese, and have a pleasant personality. If you are interested, please walk-in or write to.
        601 words
      • 662 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Positions AVAILABLE? Few days Few weeks Few months Earn up to $1500 permth! Secretary Data Entry A/cs Clerk Admin Asst Just coil S6O 3S3S now We have immediate vacancy for: GENERAL CLERK GCE OV N' level Able to type and do simple accounts
        662 words
      • 486 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Required by a Publishing Company located at World Trade Centre. Requirements Must be able to type Job Responsibilities Data entry Processing sales contracts Proofreading Benefits: Alternate Saturdays off 13th months incentive bonus Insurance coverage Medical Dental Care i Interested please call 272 3390 j for an
        486 words
      • 466 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Sales Co-Ordinator SI2OO-SI3OO Übl c Junior Secretary JlOOO-Sl2OO River Valley (5 days) Account* Clerk/ Asst MOO $1200 Shenton/ MacPherson c Customer Service Assl. 5950-SIK MacPherson (5 days) Receptionists S7OO-S9OO Orchard/ Ayer Rajah (5 days) c Sales/ Personnel Clerks $700- $9OO Jurong (transport provided) 5 months bonus
        466 words
      • 545 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions RECEPTIONIST CUM CLERK GCE O' level Typing ability and computer literacy Self motivated and able to work independently Pleas* call Samantha at *****33 tor appointment A newly established trading company has immediate vacancy for. RECEPTIONIST CUM GENERAL CLERK c Minimum 'N' level c Able to type
        545 words
      • 548 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions E.Ntublished shipping DMaMMk] requires: BILLING/ DATA INPUT CLERK (FEMALE) a Some experience preferred a Salary neg. please write with lull resume Including contact telephone no./ recent photograph L expected salary to: 21 Cavan Road, #01-00 Singapore 0620 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Established Europaan cosmetics
        548 words
      • 484 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions PAUL MITCHELL SYSTEMS i.n looking for 1) ADMIN. CLERK (ORCHARO ROAD) Experience not necessary Pleasant personality hardworking 2) ASST ADMIN CLERK (JALAN PEMIMPIN) Experience not necessary Pleasant personality hardworking Mandarin speaking Interested, please call 737-4726 for an Interview. REQUIRES GENERAL CLERK Secondary education With some computer
        484 words
      • 563 25 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions FEMALE GENERAL CLERK OCE O' or N' level Basic typing PC knowledge Experience not essential Transport provided Good salary prospects Can Carol at 661-7666 No 9 Turn Aye 18, 5.2263 Closing Data: 10/10/92 GENERAL CLERK a Bilingual m English It Mandarin OCE N' or O 1
        563 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 885 26 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT JOBS! SHIPPING CLERKS $1200 1 to 2 years shipping experience GIRL FRIDAY $950 PC knowledge ACCOUNTS CLERKS $900 Basic accounting duties Interested, please call 535-7300 24 Raffles Place, #26-038 Clifford Centre, 5.0104 TONKIN METAL ENGINEERING PTE LTD urgently requires CLERICAL ASSISTANT c Mm.
        885 words
      • 853 26 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions CO. IN JURONG mimrrs .Inr A/Cs Clerk with basic account Ing knowledge: 5-day week. Transport provided. Salary neg. Tel: 861 2784 DATA-ENTRY OPERATOR $1300 to work m trading to. In Shenton Way. With good Lotus 123 knowledge. Call: 250-4924 for appointment ESTABLISED TRADING FIRM requires Female
        853 words
      • 672 26 730 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions D.02 PUBLIC ACCT. (inn requires Audit Asst./ Clerk Asst. Secretary. Attractive pay. *****60 EXPERIENCED JUNIOR SECRETARY (PSC/ below 28/ Chinese) In Orchard. $1500 Kay *****18. EXPERIENCED TELEX OPERATOR (50 w.p.m. Below 30) m Shenton. 5-day week $1200 Kay, *****18 EXPERIENCED jR. SECRETARY/ Secretary with PSC PC.
        672 words
      • 951 26 740 Sales Positions 740 Sales Positions 740 Sales Positions >YOU CAN BE NO. 1 With Japan's Best Seller We are looking for people who aspire to be top achievers for Ricoh Copiers, Japan No. 1. DISTRICT FIELD EXECUTIVES For the above position, w require aggressive, selfmotivated individuals to sell Japan's
        951 words
      • 547 26 740 Sales Positions 740 Sales Positions A CHANCE TO EARN $1,500 to $2,500 MONTHLY AS A SALES REPRESENTATIVE In a multl national company with 22 years of sales experience In Singapore. If you have secondary education, inexperience In sales but have a pleasant personality and hardworking, we have a comprehensive
        547 words
      • 671 26 740 Sales Positions 740 Sales Positions FULL-TIME SALES PROMOTERS With experience preferred Able to speak English Mandarin Successful candidlates will be stationed at Supermarkets/ Departmental Stores/ Pharmacies Good basic salary with high commission For interview, please call 288-2277. CORLISON PTE. LTD. 126, JOO SENG RD. #06-04, GOLDPINE IND. BLDG SINGAPORE
        671 words
    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 592 27 740 Sales Positions A wall established 5-day work wee* Company requires SALES EXECUTIVE (Scientific Division) a Possess Dip In Chemical Process Technology or Chemistry or O' Level with relevant experience In Petroleum. Electronics Industry or Reseach Institution preferred SALES EXECUTIVE (AVA Training Equipment) a Minimum OCE. U Level a Pleasant
        592 words
      • 572 27 740 Sales Position* A Bridal Boutique require* SALES ASSISTANT CUM DESIGNER Pteaaa call 7 *****8 aftar 11.30 am A Well established company requires PC SALES EXECUTIVES NCC/ Diploma holder PC knowledge Interestedpls. call: BE A FULL/ PART-TIME REAL ESTATE AGENT Can earn $100,000/ yr. Commission 90% No Assoc./ Member fees
        572 words
      • 868 27 740 Sale* Position* SALES EXECUTIVES a Knowledge of English Mandarin a Minimum income $1200 and above a Minimum age 16-45 Please call personally at: 251, Victoria St. (Opposite Bugit MRT Station) Singapore 0711 Or Tel *****56 (11am to 6pm) SALES EXECUTIVE a 1-2 years sales experience m computer products a
        868 words
      • 438 27 740 Sales Positions SALESGIRL URGENTLY WANTED Must be bilingual Cantonese preferred. Salary $900 or above. Shaw Ctr. Tel: *****15. CALL *****35/ *****15 (hi., for a successful Insurance career. Free professional training. CHINESE BALES ASSISTANT required by Video Library m --03-83. Far East Plaza. *****25 ESTAB. PROPERTY AGENCY requires Sales Agents
        438 words
      • 894 27 745 Technical Positions 745 Technical Positions 745 Technical Positions 745 Technical Positions 745 Technical Positions l7jM?rillVjMiE MECHANIC OUR ■■■■^■■■HHfIMHiMKIHHWI I Possess NTC 3in Heavy Diesel Duty I RFNFCITQ- I Mechanic/Motor Vehicle Mechanic ■»fcl^Krii«« I ■I V j 111 3 %M Wlth some related working experience I ■IViI'JII I^^^M Must possess
        894 words
      • 403 27 TECHNOLOGIES W c arc Asia's leading distributor of computer systems. networking and software produas. In line with our recent expansion programme, we are looking for dynamic, assertive and highly morivated professionals to he a pan of our winning team and to lead us to a new epoch of success. Assistant
        403 words
      • 507 27 745 Technical Positions A well established local construction company offers permanent employ ment lor the post of: SITE CHECKER SITE CLERK a Secondary education, a Preferably with 2 years similar experience Interested applicants, please write In with full particulars of personal details, qualifications, experience, current earning*, expected salary tt contact
        507 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 610 28 745 Technical Positions 745 Technical Positions J Fast expanding firm requires urgently: SITE MANAGER c Degree/ Diploma In Civil Engineering with mini- i mum 5 years experience In Building Construe- tlon preferably with HDB projects. SITE ENGINEERS ii c Degree In Civil Engineering from a recognised i i university. i
        610 words
      • 520 28 745 Technical Positions MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN required by an established construction equipment co. a Technician with electrical discipline a Experience In troubleshooting of construction equipments and not afraid of heights a Those with experience but without qualifications may also apply a Training will be provided a Attractive salary will be offered
        520 words
      • 544 28 745 Technical Positions Engineering Construction Firm requires: 1) PUMP FITTERS 2) PIPE FITTERS 3) STOREKEEPER Pr. 6 or Sec. 2 level Proficient In English Interested applicants, pis. call personally for an Interview at: No. 14/14A Cheong Chin Nam Road (opp. Bt. Timah Shpg. Ctr.) Near Courts Furniture Tel *****05 Engineering
        544 words
      • 549 28 745 Technical Positions sTl7s~t^cTnicians™^xperT ENCE m Mi n insUUatlon. High pay/ overtime/ 2 tilths annual bonus. Interested please walk-In Blk. 505. -01-345. Tamplnes Central, (next to MRT). Tel: *****28 Mr Tan after 12 noon. COMPANY IN KRANJI requires Technicians/ Machinists. Sec. 2 education Completed N.S. No shift work. Please call
        549 words
      • 864 28 750 Production 750 Production 750 Production 750 Production 750 Production Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions ■bH S^* J I .^Slfx m^k, m J& JbbTTbml 11 500 H 1 1 jOJ&uf'^ o a /lib <?**/ I W"f v > /LIU X EXTRAS |H fn ft\i 71 jMk 'Shift allowance up to
        864 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 1275 29 "-ivmuwwii rau froaucnon rau Kroaucuon 750 Production 750 Production positions Positions Positions Positions Positions Positions 1111 l PRODUCTION OPERATORS Hill f Male Female 1 1 1 li Hill WALK I N INTERVIEW 1111 l Monday to Friday 9am to spm 1111 l 1111 l SANYO COMPRESSOR SINGAPORE PTE LTD 1111
        1,275 words
      • 842 29 750 Production 750 Production 750 Production Po»ition» Position* Positions Tecmiician Wr/ GCE 'N X) level Handle incoming product testing and H^T outgoing testing Experience not W%^^^J required as training will be provided W/m Production QpcYatoYs^Sß&k yB^M Male completed N.S. vltttf W^m Understand simple instructions VBV^^ Sa A 'tic H ill
        842 words
      • 656 29 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions PONGGOL HOCK KEE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Outlet: Ponogol/ World Trade Centre requires 1. CAPTAINS c Experience needed c Salary negotiable 2. CASHIERS 3. FULL TIME WAITERS and WAITRESSES Salary $900 and above Part timers are welcome 4. KITCHEN HELPERS c Salary $900 and above 5. GENERAL
        656 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 893 30 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions Lounge Positions I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        893 words
      • 310 30 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions fi£ XAVIS PATISSERIE PTE LTD Kondttonei Confectionery Backerei. Bakery Clacerie. Ice Cream Conflserle. Chocolates BE PART OF OUR EXPANDING TEAM for our brand new kitchen In Pandan Loop, our Chef Patisserie Is looking for. wmrnrmTfrKm With hotel experience I" With
        310 words
      • 738 30 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ 760 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions Lounge Positions F CHINA PALACE^ H Located right m the heart of Orchard Road, H H easy access to MRT Station 8c Bus-stop H H Competitive salary benefits. H H Comprehensive training program available. M ■I* ASSTISTANT MANAGER I I CAPTAINS I
        738 words
      • 658 30 775 Driver/ Delivery/ 775 Driver/ Delivery/ Despatch Positions Despatch Positions l lllllSgJ Our f acton/ located at /(/Y~w Jurong requires: | t Yy|Fßg|= ••■■lf^ Class 4/5 driving TllTfeiliKR 1 simple En 9 |ish '^^^aflr Walk-ln !=Ss||-S!^n^ interview I C Thursday (24/9/92) E= rtfoK Flida V (25/9/92) —f—jiac^, gam 5 m
        658 words
      • 386 30 DESPATCH RIDER 4 DRIVER required. Interested call personally at: 5001 Beach Road. -02-66 Golden Mile Complex. 5.0719. DESPATCH/ MECHANIC lor Motor Firm Possess class 2B lie Oood salary/ annual leave/ bonus Call *****37. 1110 Serangoon Rd. ELECTRICAL SHOP REQUIRES Delivery Driver Delivery Man. Preferably staying Ylshun or Ang Mo Klo
        386 words
      • 718 30 775 Driver/ Delivery/ Despatch Positions REQUtRED URGENTLY PZ Class 3 Olivers with experience. Pleaae call 294-6439 TRANSPORT COMPANY REOURIS Despatch clerk. Interested please call *****40 for Interview URQENTI CLASS 3 Drivers required for Jurong office, $800 Qood records. Call *****22. WANTED DRIVER CUM Office Bo: In Katong Must have class
        718 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 679 31 790 Part-Time/ Temporary Positions j^ f Great Ai You... Apply now with Q\^ fynj resume, certificates (up U) $900 I passport photo r m \1 Ms all PFI Pte Ltd lOAnsonßoad SecreUne! #25-O4Alnt'l piaza (preferably Singapore 0207 Tel; 212-2166 short and lon HALL RICH, A member of US Futures Exchange
        679 words
      • 394 31 790 Part-Time/ Temporary Positions ssignments Await ists/Data Entry Clerks p.m.) over the island S ($l3OO-***** p.m. i with bank experience) are immediate and both ig term. 795 Other Positions Furniture showroom requires: MALE/ FEMALE SALES EXECUTIVES Must be eloquent Able to work long hours Salary above $1,500 plus commission, bonus
        394 words
      • 965 31 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions I i m* g\ I ft I aaaa\ M 1 lam •™*T^^a^H BHBHBH*JJH|Ba^ .*^a^a^-^a^a^B^a»» K-J^^^-a^^^^L^^^H 4rtenda"ce Allowance 6q 0e* fal 4/ A>wance 100 Variable B OnUs V^^ Shift A// o*vonce 4 32 Transport Allowance Js I^^^^PB finnua/ Wage
        965 words
      • 793 31 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions < V P'NETREr M >^l. lOWW t COllNltr Ciutl-/^^^ Established m 1 984 and managed by the CCA international 3 Ud, f/)e /a/gesr developer of private cfty, country, atNeth: and golf dubs m Asia. VMeVe committed to excellence tor our Members
        793 words
      • 398 31 795 Other Position* EARN $650 -$lOOO STORE ASSISTANT Understand simple English Physically fit WALK-IN INTERVIEW MONDAY FRIDAY (8.30 am 4.30pm) SEACOLD TECHNOLOGIES PTELTD 12 Out Road Singapore 2292 Ts>l 860 3649/ 860 3650/862 1116/ 860 3750/860 3648 SBS 257 from Boon Lay Interchange A Cleaning Company requires: LORRY ASSISTANT Salary
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    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 420 32 79S Other Poaitiona 795 Other Positions J^^r *v *w *w *v y* T World's Leading Manufacturer of w specialty edible fats A oils Invite X you to loin us as: GCE 'O' Level preferably with a pass In Science subjects Completed National Service No experience required; training provided j± Starting
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      • 557 32 795 Other Poaitiona 795 Other Poaitiona LK-NES (S.E.A.) PTE LTD In line with our restructuring extentlon programme, we are seeking dedicated professionals to Joint our dynamic group In the following positions. 1) DESIGNER ENGINEER (3 positions) Candidates should possess a Degree or equivalent qualifications In Electrical engineering 3 years experience
        557 words
      • 1085 32 795 Other Positions 795 Other Positions [SERVICE TECHNICIANS Join our fast growing and successful company that is willing to increase our investments on you to cater for further growth ahead. Requirements: Able to read and wite simple English Class 3 driving license is an advantage Experience is not necsssary. training
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      • 713 32 795 Other Positions FULL-TIME CLINIC ASSISTANT with/ without experience required by medical clinic In Blshan SI 11 Tel: *****69. FULL-TIME CHINESE CLINIC Nurses required In Jurong West. Below 20 years old. Call *****96. Part-Time at City. Call *****41 MALE CLEANERS REOUIRED for day Si night work for Orchard Paya Lebar
        713 words
      • 1131 32 Q 737-1166 Monday to Friday: 9am to s:3opm (spm deadline for next day; fax orders 4pm) Saturday: B:3oam to 2pm (11.30 am deadline for Sunday; fax orders 11 00 am > Public Holiday: 9.30 am to lpm TIMES HOUSE: 390 Kirn Seng Road, Singapore 0923 Monday to Friday: 9am to
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      • 21 32 Iff P Get your career m gear and find a winning job m The Straits Times Classified r C.A.T.S. 1 737-1166
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      • 529 33 THE TRADE MARKS ACT (CHAPTER 332) This advertisement appears by directions of the Registrar of Trade Marks under the Provisions of Section 42(7) of the Act. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Trade Mark registered m the name of CYMA S.A.. a joint stock company organised under the laws
        529 words
      • 440 33 EXAMINATION Iff FOR MEMBERSHIP OF THE 7S I ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 1 1 OF THE UNITED KINGDOM I The Common Part I MRCP Examination of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Glasgow and London will be held m Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, 11th February 1993 at 5.30 pm
        440 words
      • 646 33 i ORCHARD PARADE HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated m the Republic of Singapore) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Orchard Parade Holdings Limited will be held at Golden Shower Room 111, Orchard Parade Hotel, 1 Tanglin Road, Singapore 1 024 on Tuesday, 1
        646 words
      • 249 33 SBl Choose The Right Career* !sB^ r Your Future Depends MINISTRY r\ Jj. OF THE Ulllt. ENVIRONMENT ASSISTANT PUBLIC HEALTH INSPECTOR Gross starting salary Without N.S. Completed NS. QUALIFICATIONS: 4 GCE'O' level passes including a $626 pm $691 pm Science subject; 2 GCE'A' levels including a Science $805 pm $909
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    • Page 34 Advertisements
      • 368 34 The Straits Times V^-J'JiilSMtStldSki^m I We have an offer for those who close deals at the drop of a hat ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES At least $32,000 a year (Basic Salary Incentive Bonuses Commission Transport Allowance) If you are outgoing, effectively bilingual and conversant m local dialects, you would have a
        368 words
      • 612 34 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ■8C5538 invites applications for the post of: TECHNICIAN j I(MECHANICAL/EXJECXRICAL/CIVIL) Gross starling salary Without N-S. Completed N.S. QUALIFICATIONS: pL I 4 GCE *O level, of which 2 $626 pm $691 pm I VullOOSe should be m a Technical/ I I Science sul^ect or Matheinatices -p- 3
        612 words
      • 406 34 t Our client, a well established company m the t PCB and electronic components industry is currently seeking suitably qualified candidates for the fol lowing positions:--t Possess a Deg m Chemical or Electronics Engrg or i equivalent professional qualifications i 3- 4 years working experience m PCB industry, c i
        406 words
      • 505 34 y. I 1 y, V m— Ml— M y. m m y y B k> v FCS is a leading systems integrator 2 specialising m developing computer 4 interface software. FCS has exported its products to more than 18 countries including ASEAN countries. Japan, China <4 and USA. Due to
        505 words