The Straits Times, 18 January 1991

Total Pages: 98
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Strait s Times Kstd. 1845 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1991 50 CENTS MCI (I>) 18/12/90
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  • 1541 1 Saddam's air force wiped out, say first reports THE first wave of allied air attacks unleashed 18,000 tons of high explosive V/i -times as powerful as the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. ALLIED ground forces are moving into new positions along Saudi-Kuwaiti border. PRESIDENT George
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    • 64 1 WASHINGTON l.rror Ists have sriind ut U'ust four attackm on American installations abroad ttlnrr the United State* began bombing Iraq, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee nald yesterday. The targetM were the IS Information Servlre library In Quito, Kruador; the VS ronnulate In ljihore, Paklstan;
      AP  -  64 words
    • 67 1 NKW YORK Cable N.'wn Network In u.iil. is(s from llaghdad stopped yesterday ftftCT Iraqi authoi ilirs m dered the AitMMican nr( work It) end transmission* from th«> capital, the lift WOlk I f|M)lI»Ml The network s;iitl It woul«l continue sending lapt itports from Haxhilul which were
      Reuter  -  67 words
  • 166 1 S'pore sends medical team to Saudi Arabia NNGAPOU In sending a :u» member BAP medical team to Saudi Arabia to help at a military hospital 199 km behind the frontline*. The team files out today. A Foreign Ministry press statement released yesterday described the move as "a humanitarian gesture by
    166 words
  • 44 1 NKW YOKK Th«> U>w JMM Indlisti A\ci ;ik'«' mrfed nort than w> |H)inls to abowt I.MO In the fust ir> minutes of trading Hv lIM CMI. 1M l>«»u lours avora^e SO 4fi lH)inls hiKh«M at I'.SW AP
    AP  -  44 words
  • 404 1 conkoundinc; theexpacu tions of most analysts, the local stock market surged ahead yesterday on news that the shooting war had lx* gun m th«* (lulf with I S led ait* strikes on Baghdad and hiql Occupied Kuwait.
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    • 960 2 LJLKKL; WASHINGTON US-led bombers yesterday knocked out about 100 Iraqi airhases anil decimated the country's air force m a series of preei sion bombing raids, according to US officials and news iv parti Defence Secretary Dick Cheney yesterday said more than 1,000 US and allied air
      Reuter; AP; AFP; UPI  -  960 words
    • 416 2 WASHINGTON The strike aircraft that launched war against Iraq used the cloak of a starry night to give the US-led coalition a quirk, perhaps irreversible, edge m the hattle to control the skies. As m bombing Libya m 1986 and invading Panama m 1989,
      Reuter  -  416 words
    • 353 2 AT A US AIR MASK IN THE CAH.F AmiMlca's 'Wild Weasel" pilots returned safely from a four-hour mission ovci Iraq yesterday and their com mander told reportei I "BqhM lit up like a Christ mas tree" "I saw the most fantastic firework demonstration."
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • 647 3 WASIUNCTON President George liush watched from the study off the Oval Office as television news re port! broadcast the start of the bombing of Baghdad. He turned to his press secretary and calmly said: "That's just the way it was schoduled. Go
      AP; Reuter; NYT  -  647 words
    • 600 3 Like 'the centre of hell' DL;JKL;KL;E NICOSIA Explosions and colourful bands of anti-air-craft artillery signalled the beginning of the air attack on Baghdad before dawn yesterday, described by one reporter m the Iraqi capital as "the centre of hell". The raid came eerily without the sound of warplanes. About two
      AP; Reuter; AFP  -  600 words
    • 419 3 London BrttaaVs nightflying Tornado bombers played a key role m the allied attack on Iraq yesterday but OM aircraft was lost m I second wave of raids. British Defence. Secretary Tom King confirmed yester day that a Hritish Tornado fighter-bomber and its crew
      Reuter; AFP; AP; File  -  419 words
    • 41 3 picture. A 118 F-4 Phantom pilot being congratulated by a ground crewman after returning from a successful mission against Iraq yesterday. The lIS Air Force struck alrbase* and other military targets Inside Baghdad yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 274 3 ANKARA The Turkish Parliament yesterday ap proved a government request to permit Turkish and foreign troops on its soil to fight against Iraq, the semi-official Anatolian News Agency said It also gave the US permission to use a joint US-Turkish air base
      Reuter  -  274 words
    • 177 3 PARIS Franco, whoso Jaguar jots joined the second wavo of air attacks against Iraq, yaaterday said four of its planes were hit and a pilot was wounded m the first Pmch air raid of the Cult War, but all aircraft returned to
      AP; Reuter  -  177 words
    • 412 3 THIS is a blow-by-blow account of the ••vents m the early hours of the Gulf war: Baghdad time Thursday 2 40 am (Singapore 7.40 am): US correspondents report anti-aircraft fire over Baghdad, heavy explosions. 3.06 am: Coalition forces attack targets m Iraq and Kuwait. "The liberation of
      AFP  -  412 words
    • 4 4 THE HIGH-TECH EDGE ,.;,,KKL
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    • 1152 5 DL;KLKLKE NKW YORK Washington won broad international support yesterday at the start of the <In If War against Iraq hut many nations backed the US-led attack on |HM| as a necessary evil with sorrow and some reluctance The Soviet Union yesterday expressed "deep sorrow" over the outbreak
      AP; Reuter; AFP; NYT; UPI  -  1,152 words
    • 212 5 Singapore reaction slN<. VI'OKi: supports the military action iißiilnst Iraq, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday. He said that given Iraq's defiance of United Nation* resolutions, the International community could no longer do nothing. "The Singapore Government supports the military actions taken hy the multi-national
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    • 480 5  -  Ismail Kassim Abby Tan Paul Jacob Tan Lian Choo By Straits Times correspondents (Kuala Lumpur), (Manila), (Jakarta) and (Bangkok) KHAI.A MJMIMTIt Asean will coordinate the Middle Kast missions of its six mem bm to look after the welfare of I h<* fTOUp'l nationals
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    • 698 5 In China What some academics say STABILITY m the Middle-Kast remains very uncertain despite early indications of a United States victory over Iraq m the Culf war, said some academics yesterday. They also felt that if Iraq was destroyed completely as
      Reuter  -  698 words
    • 125 5 Beware of creating a power vacuum D;KL;L;E iKAgi forces win h.< unable to hold out against US-led attacks for more than Iwo weeks, according to termer i; s Secretary of stat<« Henry Kissinger m an Interview re ported by the \\\\c, he said be was looking ahead to the longer
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    • 625 5 Arab, Muslim reaction NICOSIA Reactions of Arah lead crs to the US-led air attacks on Iraq and Kuwait ranged htm jubilation to regret to outrage, reflecting th« Arab world's deep split OVCT the (lulf crisis The (iulf Co operation Council (GOC) yesterday
      Reuter; AP; UPI; AFP  -  625 words
    • 587 5 Israeli reaction brad heaved a < c»iu*<ttv«si^h of relief as. hours after US ltd forces bonbtd Iraqi targets, Piesident Saddam Hussein had not carried (tut his throat t<> hit Tel Aviv with chemical wea|>ons. Israeli officials yesterday greeted the start of
      NYT; UPI; Reuter; AP  -  587 words
    • 542 6 DLJL;KLLE Around the world NKW YORK In one long moment on Wednesday even ing (Thursday m Singapore), word that the United States had attacked liaghdad swept the country. In suburban homes on the Hast Coast where dinner was m the oven, m big-city restau
      NYT; Reuter  -  542 words
    • 287 6 Saudi capital and Cairo quiet and calm, say Singapore envoys IT WAS no silent night for Singapore's envoy m the Saudi capital, but by morning, all was calm. Charge d'Affairos Mushahid All told The Straits Times that he was awakened by air raid sirens after 2 am Riyadh time yesterday.
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    • 555 6 ANTI-WAR protests erupted m various parts of the world immediately after yes terday's US-led attack on Iraq. In the UNITED STATES, peace a< tivists, chanting "No blood for oil", took to the streets m San Francisco, New York City and Washington on
      Reuter; AFP; AP; UPI  -  555 words
    • 498 6 CAIRO ALARM bells rang across the Middle Kast yestet day when US-led forces launched ait attacks on Iraq and Kuwait 170 days and one hour after Iraqi troops and tanks invaded the emirate This was the scene m sortie of the region's cities after the Culf
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  498 words
      • 151 6 NEWSPAPERS were napped up Ike momrnt thry hit th«■treell during Winchlimo fol lOWtaf the news of th«* out break el war All the afternoon and ffVN m^' papere tacreaaod their print inns The New Paper printed a record 150,000 copies with a wrap around
        151 words
      • 587 6 SINGAPOREANS walked into their offices yesterday morning to be greeted by the news that war had finally broken out m the Gulf after weeks of waiting. Some of them picked up the news on their Walkmans while others heard it from their
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      • Article, Illustration
        165 6 'The Inevitable has happened. And prices of most things like petrol, gaM and food, are bound to soar. We'll have to live with that till the war Is over.' Mr PetvrOoi. 11. ;t s;tli'sm;m "We will not feel the Impact of the war a* yet an most of
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      • 143 6 IMACKS Of the C.ulf war X placed those of Madonna on video screens at karaoke lounges and puhs last ni^ht Many nightspots, like Ja va .Five m Holland Village, reported a 30- to UpeT cent drop m business. There were only about 15
        143 words
    • 1662 7 President Bush's message to the nation I've told the American people before that this will not be another Vietnam, and I repeat this here tonight. Our troops will have the best possible support m the entire world, and they will not be asked to fight with
      Reuter; AP  -  1,662 words
    • 522 7 Air strikes went very, very well Cheney Washington us Defence Secii'iary Dick Cheney said shortly after initial reports were received on yesterday's pie dawn air strikes m Iraq and Kuwait that the allied offensive had gone "very, very well". Hundreds of American and allied warplanes from Britain, Saudi Aia Ml
      AP; Reuter  -  522 words
    • 618 7 Baghdad's response to strikes Nicosia Presfdoßl Sa<l<lam Mussein, m his first res|H>nse to yester day's air strikes against i his c unity by the US J and allied forces, assort- I <m1 that they had failed hi 1 crush Iraq and
      AFP; AP; NYT; Reuter  -  618 words
    • 411 8 WASHINGTON War with Iraq could cost the United States from US$2B billion to US$B6 billion (Ss46 billion to Sslso billion), dc|>ending on the turns of military uncertainties, according to a con graaataaal report. The projection by the Con sessional Hudget Office,
      AP  -  411 words
    • 454 8 TV strikes first even before it's official WASHINGTON It may be the first war m the history of the world to have started on live television. "White flashes are every where, bullets are being fired up into the air," said Cable News Network reporter John Holliman. "There is tremendous lightning
      Reuter; SBC  -  454 words
    • 116 8 Arrangements to evacuate Singaporeans THE Singapore Govcranml has made ai tangemonls with the Australian Govern ment to assist m evacuating Singaporean! from the Persian GuU regtoa should the need arise. In an advisory i»'l«Ms«'d ycstonlay, tho Poniga Affaiis Ministry said it and the SinKa|M)ic Kmbassy m Riyadh m m contact
      116 words
    • 299 8 Washington ft r rinding t() hmmri can officials, the planning and precise timing of the US-led military strike against Iraq mm carefully Concealed, an t-mgina to most foreign and domes tic leaders ami even to administration insiders until the final instant Secretary of State James
      NYT; AFP  -  299 words
    • 183 8 i.()Nix)N Britain deulned 2H Iracjis on Wednesday on the grounds lhai lh»»y ihieatonod national security and notified them and 39 Otter Iraqis that thoy could bo dcpOTtM soon, th»> HOBM Office announcrd The novc followed ti^ht en»'d security throughout the country amid tear*
      AFP  -  183 words
    • 318 8 UNITKI) NATIONS Ira<| can still avoid fuither dostiuction by an immediate withdrawal from Kuwait, the United States told the Seem i ty Council during a briefing N aii OporntkMM m the (lulf "We hoix' to bring hostili ties to conclusion as
      Reuter  -  318 words
    • 879 9  -  Cheong Yip Seng SECOND LAST WORD By A NKW page of history opened yesterday morning when war planet ■WOOOeo Over Baghdad; for many Sin taporaUM, it began at break fast when the MWS flash came over the radio Wot thorn, it was an
      879 words
    • 706 9 As the world awaits the outcome of (he war m the (lull, there is particular apprehension about the impact it will have on the Islamic world and its rela tions with t he West. Roger Hardy of the British Broadcasting Corporation looks at how much support
      Reuter  -  706 words
    • 1148 10 The Gulf War which broke out yesterday could signal the start of a spirited rebound for market sentiments and improved prospects for the world economy. However, it could also be really bad news. The difference lies m how long the Gulf war
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    • 17 10 Action on the Klmex trading floor after news of the war broke out yesterday.
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    • 244 10 DL;JKKLPEKLE WAX m the (,'ulf. no matin how protracted, may not be bad news for all companies For example, the conflict is expected to dramatically boost exports of pharmaceuti cals. food, technical services and logistical MODOri to the Middle Kast. Trade sources said exports
      244 words
    • 314 10 Manufacturing expected to be hardest hit D;JL'KLKLE THK locttl manufacturing sec tor, which is heavily dependent on exports, is expected to hear the brunt of a recession m the developed countries following a protracted Culf war Industries identified as bl inn particularly vulnerable to an economic slowdown ate those producing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 259 2 H i S^^aA J^T* If you're looking for truly tempting food at equally irresistible prices, you'll love our selection of delicious deli. A range that includes I B Jr ,^^KF I fhe freshest hams, bacons and sausages. What's more, we have the most luscious fruit and vegetables, tender meat and
      259 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 1 1 -^n>By 3*^ W^mF- v r i N^w\ I fl I w I A rt«^- L 4 Jfl^^^^^ I MflH^f- i Jr*J _jj r^^^V^kv f^M j|p> p I m V j^\ w£±* r ,~,,A.\mi\. I =2^h \m I An estate which offers a //fl/ in^hc^Basemeift I compromise or serenity
      393 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 33 9 We're Back at /At? SIN(iAW)HI Come m for our Opening Special JAN 17 21 yAKI Kcgcm S,n R a,v,u I VII I/U \V_y 1 CuicaJcn R<*d "PCARI-^W^W" Stat^W. 1024 L^^ r,-i m 7M6
      33 words
    • 206 9 LUNAR fIARVfSTS Gather Some Friends, Have A Picnic. Enjoy The Wide Selection Of Food Going At Special Offers. HH *>■ 3L fti |Ih I 4(J li^^t i* I CHINESE NEW YEARGOODIES FORTHECELEBRATION I I y I DODIM I. SWAI I OWM .ishcw Nuh In Box 10.43 JB|^M|||^^Tjr*^THPrVßi>^^>>w<^^'y I MAX s
      206 words

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    • 213 10 y-s.^^^Hßk^ B^!yvNN y' ML t^d ICbwh bCb- by Camlll -^bbJCbbbbbbbbH '•^MSHpw^^ V^fX"^^^^. Fantastic prices' Fantastic savings! i bb^^^^bt m. b^b_v r^ J^^^Hr I I >, -J* 4 tZr"~~~ (COSH OC CnirY' '-B—^Lm SV s_B» —•—■^^B^'^^^l bUb( B B__^ ■__H_l P^^^^->-^^^__P_______^" A bL W. _*I_b2b_BY aS ia^Mßßl^^B^^^^V 'I* J^Ti 888 UT
      213 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 291 11 f^g^^GOOD FORTUNE IN GRAND TRADITION M^^^J I ihcs guarantee a minimum ■< *W*W»*ir B r i/'js~o > i I I, jfaW r R>fcj /jg^p^ I festival as it symbolises lite. B and $M) I g/^L nOO BcV 'I- '^"kSB^ I l«»ngbao to the young and B Lucky bags with sports
      291 words

    • 556 12 President upset over reporting of events m Baltics MOSCOW President Mik hail Gorbachev, angered by Soviet media blasts against his army's strong-arm behaviour m the Baltics and his own backing for' it, on Wednesday threatened to shackle the press. Although he InlOT retracted
      Reuter  -  556 words
    • 326 12 MOSCOW A galaxy of Sovi et intellectuals, including two .Mlvisers on Kremlin policy, has delivered a stinging condemnation of the Lithuanian (Tackdown. saying it had re (iuced President Mikhail Gorbachev's principles to almost nothing. The group of 30 liberals, many of them Mr Gorba chev's supporters
      Reuter  -  326 words
    • 225 12 VILNMIS Mourners by the hundred! Of thousands streamed through the streets of the Lithuanian capital on Wednesday to bury those killed by the Soviet army. Lithuanians were joined by contingents of ethnic Rui sians, Poles and i'yelorns sians m a solemn show of grief that was
      NYT; Reuter  -  225 words
    • 186 12 TIRANA Albania's commu nist government has bowed to opposition demands that the first national election m 47 years be postponed for seven weeks to give new political patties time to organise Democratic Party leader Sali llerisha said President Kami/ Alia agreed to the de
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 219 12 RICA (Latvia) Soviet "black btfft" s|>e<ial fours shot «l«';*d iW year old l-itvi U on Wednesday, the first victim of military action m the ratal Baltic rvpubUc, i Parliament s|M)kesman MM Mr Roberts Murnieks was shot oner m the back of the head
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 182 12 3 states to meet over ending Warsaw Pact links PRAGUE Leaders of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland are to meet m Minima ry next WMk 10 formulate joint |M)sition on leavinK the Warsaw I'acl, Czechoslovak Foreign Minister .liri Dien si bier said on Wednesday Mr Diensthiei was address mx an emergency
      UPI  -  182 words
    • 520 14 His 20-member Cabinet includes only three former east Germans HONN (lermany's first freolyetectcd Parliament m nearly 60 fean Chan Mr Helmut Kohl as its Chancellor m serial sitting yes terday. The vote, .T7H-257 m favour with nine abstentions, reflected the man perceived as
      Reuter  -  520 words
    • 208 14 SEOUL South Korea agreed m principle yesterday to provide up to US$3 billion (S|3 billion) m long term loans to help the troubled Soviet economy. (,'ovcinmcnl offi t ials said. The ■ytnnral came m talks that opnwd yesterday between economic officials
      AP  -  208 words
      • 132 14 XX) DE JANKIKo Brazilian authorities on Wednesd.i> announced the micsl of the alleged head of death squad susj)ected of murdering nearly iiO homeless chil (iron m the RIO tie Janeiro area Joao Pedro Hueno, 59, known as Pedro el Diablo, WM
        AFP  -  132 words
      • 137 14 LONDON Norman Tebbit, one of Britain's most MMMiMI OOMHPvative pottddaM and I dose ally of former Prime Minister Marga ret Thatcher, announced on Wednesday that he would not run for re election to Parliament Mr Tebbit. fW. became national hero m I'JHI when he
        Reuter  -  137 words
      • 104 14 CANHKKRA Swimmers have btCI told to stop m ing on Australia's GrMl Harrier Reef berause II is killing th« coral. "Swimmt'is don't realise that urinating m the can have a dramatic «>ffc<t on th<- nvi. Mr Don Kinsoy, Executive I)in»i tor of thr
        Reuter  -  104 words
      • 95 14 WHII.ADKUMUA A woman won I US$lO million (Ssl7 million) jury award because hei plastir surßrons WCBI too far while reducing her breasts "I'm satisfied, hut no amount of money < ould < ont|>en MM tar IIM amoiin 1 of KVTtaf and damage don»- to m.'.
        AP  -  95 words
      • 139 14 KARACHI TIM »'ak. ,(.lIH IHUI'll! <ltl RFcdMany tllowtd for mor I'rirrn' Mimstei liena/ir Hhiiltn to travel IDT the first Unit' since she sacked List August "Sh«» l«»ft for London this morning Thrir is M ban on hrr ti.tvr), s.nil Karachi klrport ImmtcraUm offfl i.»l
        Reuter  -  139 words
      • 80 14 SEATTLE Citing hmi^i't powcwm, th«> rs Navy said on Wednrada) thai it had cancelled i programme m vm i dolphins to guard .1 nucleai armed 1 1 u i«>nt ■übmarlac ia Rangor For the last drculc, \hr navy has lx'«'n training iliilphms fni use .is underwater watchdogs
        NYT  -  80 words
    • 318 15 BEIJING China has put on trial a well known academic who joined a pro democracy I hunger strike m Beijing'! Tiananmen S(|iiar<> m .Mmt 1 1!IWI, and negotiated the evae nation of students as troops and tanks thundered m. An official of
      Reuter; UPI  -  318 words
    • 307 15 BELGRADE The Interior tad defence ministers of the rebel republics of Croatia and Slovenia have held strategy talks amid fears of a crack down by the Yugoslav army, Slovenian Interior Minister igor liavcar said yesterday. Mr Bavcar told Reuters the meeting took
      Reuter; File  -  307 words
    • 191 15 HANOI Vietnam yesterday rejected as "slanderous Chi nese chaises of backsliding by Hanoi and Phnom Penh on efforts to resolve the Cam bodian conflict. "We deny the slanderous allegations against Vietnam and hold that these allegations will not help at all the process towards a political
      AFP  -  191 words
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1046 13 i JfHH||| i aflliaßßM OIOMI C_n X IS 111 'aaaaaal ifl aaaßßßaaaißH I aßaßßaaaaaaaal Amplifier. ?4 preset stations MAM tuner ""^""jajX I Ife^MeavMMaalSßaßaaiaßi^ial Auto reverse double cassene deck j^^Hl -ii|i Compact disc player Wn -W. I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHaBaBBBVaBBBBBBaaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi /0 W.lttS PMPO) JM |H HIH Ia^LaBBBBBBBB^LaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT ?4 mOnths i SHARP f |M
      1,046 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 374 14 0- V\ by ....(..<, F^:s^lVK(:()Lll:/^o^^: iwi lirsl uiml KXcWmnVc raiij:*' ol lulirirs N«»u on al Si«f*fe<pu 'd t&teUtu} fri6>u£ 6<%utujue From the Silk Route of Europe m the West to China and Korea m the East. Personally chosen by our buyer for you. llurrs. one haiuly CMVan shopping baj! each
      374 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 499 15 B*> I IB x i]B^^Bw The Coolest Gift from Frigidaire. It's the Ivst buy m town With ■> I rieidaire fridge, .ill your storage needs are t.)kt*n envoi Aiul von can be assured oi li>i^ years ot krouble-rree use IKe Frigiidaire name itsHi is som niaranlee ot qualm Fobe sure
      499 words

    • 386 16 Chatichai urged to investigate allegations, say reports HAN(;K()K The opposition Muanchon Party has Urged Prime Minister Chatichai I'hoonhavan to investigate al tegattOM that a Cabinet mem btf was on Inteipol's list of suspected drug traffickers. according to reports here The Nation quoted
      386 words
    • 250 16 CONTROVERSIAL monk Phra Nikoin Dhammavadi, rejecting decisions by two lower monastic courts finding him guilty of making a woman follower pregnant, is taking his case to the highest religious court for- a final derision. If the highest court rejected his appeal, Phra
      250 words
    • 379 16 THE Sultan of Brunei has stressed that the country's MM secular status will not change became of modenJm tion and development, accoi d m.: t<> the Dorneo Bulletli But the Sultan uas qulctl to add thai Brunei "will remain •DM and not reject
      379 words
    • 359 17 KUALA LUMPUR TIM Asoan ministerial meeting (AMM) here la July may ac <«*pt South Korea as the grouping's seventh dialogue partner, Malaysian Foreign Minister DatUl Ahu Hassan Omar said yesterday. Hi said the 24th Asean standing commit too (ASC) at its third
      Bernama  -  359 words
    • 229 17 PRKSIDKNT Suharto is scheduled to open three-day international conference on the economic future of the Asean countries m Ball on March according to the Jakarta Pont Malaysia's Prime Minister. Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mo hamad, Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr (Joh Chok Ton/?, and
      229 words
    • 267 17 THAI public prosecutors will decide today whether to for mally charge the president of the Mormon Church m Thai land with blasphemy stem minj? from an article he wrote concerning Thai culture and Huddhism. The public prosecution chief for Phra Khanong district
      267 words
    • 212 17 MANILA Philippine security forces yesterday recaptured 8 iWx'l COkmel Who had b«M'n on Ihc run for nino mtinlhs Deputy Armed Forces Chief Lieutenant (,'eneral Itodolfo Blazon said cashiered Colonel Hilly Hi bit was liav ellinK 'n a car m a Manila suburb when military agents ■ebed
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 331 17  -  Paul Jacob Move aimed at curbing piracy and fishing, says Najib By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA Malaysia and Indonesia have agreed to undertake joint maritime surveillance of the Straits of Malacca using facilities m Butterworth and Medan m operations which are expected
      331 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 507 16 BGST s «i iMVfek. (Vindor Hi J w I recipe] A386 Standmixer 9 m^ o or U.P $68 Now $62 L, I I J i Cool Wall r*AV I /P f\ Deep Fryer Lv^ VLi LJ Nowsl9B Here's a Chinese New Year recipe your U P p 70 0 3
      507 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 321 17 ONE OR TWO man business Or 6mkcA (x^cce U SERVCORP PRESENTS I THE WORLDS FINEST SERVICED OFFICE Mid City locations Spectacular views Telephone answered the way you want it Fully furnished office Complete secretarial Word processing Facsimile Telex Intercom Boardroom bars Photocopiers Computers Juniors to run messages Short or long
      321 words

    • 494 18  -  Ismail Kassim By m Kota Baru THE Kelanlan slate gO¥tn ment, which is led by the OB position Parti Islam (PAS), wants to establish closer ties with all its neighbours, m eluding Singapore, Thailand ami Indonesia Mentri llesar Uaji Nik A/i/ Nik Mat,
      494 words
    • 306 18 KUALA U'MIM'R a Royal Malaysian Air h'oirc Nuri he licopter crash landed m an es tate near Muar m .lohor on Wednesday, but all IS QCCU pants escaped unhvn t KMAK chief Lieutenant General Datuk Mohamed Yu nus Tasi said the pilot
      NST; Bernama  -  306 words
    • 261 18 KOTA KINAHAII' Sahah Chief Minister Datuk Joseph r.iniii Kltingan has s.mi thai federal government leaden were harping on religious is sin's by accusing his n<>v»-i n men I < f discriminating against Muslims m the slate "Wi* have always been re minded by federal
      Bernama  -  261 words
    • 101 19 KUCHINC Two security guards were killed when a container laden with drums of inflammable liquid exploded at the Rajang port m Sihu late on Wednesday They were Identified as Mr Ahmad Shah Kadii 22, from Kampung Nangka, and Mr Starling anak Hunya, 24.
      Bernama  -  101 words
    • 279 19 JOHOR IJAKII The Hate government is rtnwlag up a comprehensive programme to eneiire healthy environment for .lohoreans and visitors to the stattv Disclosing this on Wednesday, State Executive Council lor Datllk .Jimmy Low BOOR Heng said the state would all out to control pollution
      NST  -  279 words
    • 257 19 Water shortage m Malacca THE Malacca state govern ment has ordered all school canteens to immediately stop selling iced drinks and drinks made with unboiled water as a preventive step against cholera and typhoid The order comes m the wake of fears
      257 words
    • 262 19 Two-year-old with skull fracture dies KUALA TRENGGANU Two-year old Mohamad shall huddin Sulong, who is h»> Uevcd to have been pushed against wall with such force that hr fractured his skull, <ii< d m hospital yesterday. The Krmaman police chief, Asst Supt Khaiiul Anuai Mo hamad Is.i, said police have
      Bernama; NST; Malay Mail  -  262 words
    • 102 19 KUALA i.umimik A Centre for Japan Studies, the fiisi of its kind m the Asian i. ,;inn, has ix-.-n launched at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) of Malaysia here The centre will receive 120 million yen (Ssls.fl million) from
      Bernama  -  102 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 379 18 I MB With our fine mfc of cr^onomkally (Icsi^ncd v.icmim hi extended air pawigf for quietei vacuuming Our Mgh powered HR6760, HR6720, HR6700, HR6S2O demen, Philips has the rompetition bWng the dust. Atfain Our HR6760 is fitted with a sophisticated micro- and HR6500 powei «.t 1000 Wof more. And
      379 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 627 19 A Vetfr Limited Edition Rose 901 i TWdqpiCt ot l.v <jiicr. It you act now, you can be one of 1 500 musk lovers privileged enough to own one. ATITLAS HI-FI PTE LTD 04 14 PLAZA SINQAPURA. 08 ORCHARO ROAO. SINGAPORE 0923 TEL 339 0900 TLX RS ***** FAX
      627 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 530 20 A VISION IN INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF Singapore National Eye Centre DAY RECOVERY f*^fe^ ail B| lv ffc rp} i HB x^^^^ X |^Jh|| HI V The Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) will be eye care service that is delivered with technical The other major area of activity
      530 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 432 21 .^Congratulations T "We pay tribute to the farsighted vision of ophthalmic excellence." Main Contractor fS®] CHIN KOK KWONG DESIGN BUILD PTE. LTD. 109/109A Jalan Kembangan, Singapore 1441 Tel: *****08 (3 Lines). Fax: *****15. Tlx: RS ***** CYFM ir c r i "Every success for a vision made real." "Clearly a
      432 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 231 22 ♦^CONGRATULATIONS T T T "A toast to the nation* s advancement "Toward unprecedented success m the field of eye care services/* m the field of vision care." j* MANDARIN OPTO-MEDIC CO PTE LTD Mf^^ It "j^M^l 621 Aljunied Road #06 07 Lipo Factory Building. Singapore 1438 Mt Tel: *****77 (4
      231 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 319 23 '•fa/ft "A tribute to ophthalmic excellence of "The beauty of a vision so clear the opening of SNEC." can only be for the good of all," SEC SONY. SONY SINGAPORE PTE LTD nec bingapore Pte. ua. (communication products division) 138 Robinson Road #11-01 Hong Leong Centre, Singapore 0106. o A
      319 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1558 24 «P* Lookout for our Sharp 100 Inch projection screen TV demonstration .^b«bb^ M ffß^Mß^. b^^bmmZ^Z^^ZZZSß SHARP. v.v.m bC\I I BW^^BBwi .a^^BV BwBT Hal sguarn t)lack linylroi. plus tngfi Hlabß B SHARP nwuiiiu Mult. System CTV aW^^^^k. fl B fcl ll a*N #> af% af*a. BJpfV 2^ fl BfIBJfIBBJBMIMMBBL k^Bl Super
      1,558 words

  • HOME
    • 633 25  -  Brendan Pereira Unusual tactics, good sources win the day for team which solved 6 goldsmith heists By IT'S almost like trying to nab criminals blindfolded That is the challenge all 26 officers from (.'IDs Organ ised Crime Branch (OCB) face every time there is
      633 words
    • 321 25 ALL thoy do is hang around Orchard Road all day ami watch people. Their job: to pick out sus picious-looking mon or women who follow tourists or shoppers. These are tho nine officors from Tanglin Police Station's antt-pftckpOCkettag team who were given high commendation yesterday. They
      321 words
    • 240 25 PRIMK Minister (Jon (hok Tong will be one of t hi«*<* key note speakers at an international conference on Asean to be held m Mali from March A to r>. The conference, The Asean Countries and the World Economy:
      240 words
    • 377 25 THE saga of the cancelled USSR Festival Orchestra concert continues, with |x*o pie who had bought tickets for the show still awaiting the full refund. The second performance by the 120-strong orchestra on Oct 27 last year was can odled by the promoters,
      377 words
    • 626 26  - 'Secret Helpers' aid scheme for S JI students Ng Wei Joo By Fees help for those m 'no man's land' AN INDEPENDENT school has introduced an aid scheme to help deserving students who cannot afford the fees but yet are not poor enough to qualify for government aid Calling the
      626 words
      • 95 26 A MAN and a woman were on Tuesday jointly charged with IritHckhsJ m (12 71 n of hero m If convicted, Yeo Hock Tuan. If, and the woman. Koh Wee Tian, H, hoth unem pl»»yed, will face the death penalty, as is the rase for anyone
        95 words
      • 100 26 FOUR youths were un Mon day charged with murdei \n^ a 20- year old national MfVtl < man on Orchard List week No pleas won' taken from <.'oh Kuan Chong. 17. a Mala\ sian. his brother < Joh Kuan HOMg, Hi. a Singapore
        100 words
      • 90 26 A GLUE-SNIFFER was jailed thin' months on Monday for prptendin« •<> his cousin when ho was caught twice .11 Circuit Road last year The first time, on May 23, K-e Sionß Y«»ow, 20, Rave |x> lice the pat ticulars of his cousin, Mr Wong Tuck Menu
        90 words
    • 253 26 A MAN who stole cars and cheated suppliers by is-suin^ dud cheques for was jailed for a total of |< years and banned from driving all classes of vehicles for thrive years yesterday Ho Seng Kirn, 36, unemployed, pleaded guilty
      253 words
    • 199 26 A VIOLENT man who de stroyed a mirror while bring held m a padded (Htlice cell and then punched a DOtteC man was yesterday sen fenced to 10 months' jail and ordered to he given three strokes of the cane
      199 words
    • 155 26 AN H.< YEAR OLD woman died m hospital two weekfl al lef shr f« ll m a bus ami fin tmt'tl h«*i hip Police said that Madam Worm Tan who CUM 1«> Sinxapore from CMim to vlatt ■ome n'lativt's, ffll IM th«*
      155 words
    • 198 28 A HOTEL'S night auditor could not balance his accounts and suffered from insomnia, so he gave himself 101 days off by submitting fake medical certificates. Sani Ahmad, 25, managed to stay away from work at the Westln Stamford and West m
      198 words
    • 204 28 THK Singapore Armed Forces is holding military exorcises m Tamplnes, Changi, Bedok and Pulau Tekong from today until Thursday. During the exercise, there will be low-level helicopter nights over the eastern part of Singapore and sea activities m the area. Troops will be moving by boat to Pulau
      204 words
    • 351 28  -  Elaine Tan Group stole over $1(X),(XX) worth of items m night raids over 6 months By SEVEN security guards working at Daimaru department store were arrested yesterday for stealing more than $l(N),(MN) worth of goods from the store over a six-month |>eriod The
      351 words
      • 192 28 THK spectacle frames you see m the picture stepped on deliberately And it emerged true to [)WI Marketing's claim that its prated would "always bounce back" into shajx 1 A reporter from The Straits Times, sent to test the claim that Airess
        192 words
      • 192 28 A MAN whose driving licence had expired f 1«*<1 .1 roadblock and drove his lorry rashly, beating traffk Ughtl and «<>in« against the flow of traffic. The court on Wednesday heard that Ton siak umik. .T7, whose driving Uceacehad eipkped m October MM, defied two poUcemeii'i
        192 words
      • 64 28 A 22-YEAR-OLD unemployed woman was chnrK«M yesterday with tho murder- of I six year old schoolboy on Tuesday. No plea was taken from Kathiza Animal Ibrahim, who is alleged to havo killed Satfaynathan on tho 10th floor of Blork 45, Tolok Blantfah Drive, bOtWOMI 1.30 and
        64 words
      • 209 28 TIIK HK-year-old grandmother who reportedly stayed for three months outride her son's flat with two disused frMgye as shelter, has boon taken hack by tho man after fptndlng some time m homo lor tho afltd. Whon Tho Straits Times triod to interview tho woman, Madam Ho
        209 words
    • 1061 31  -  Francis Dorai Centres opening faster than teachers can be hired and trained By DJJKKLE Count? n In chlldcare training are available through pre-N«Tvlee and In-service training conducted by three agencies, the Institute of Kducatlon, NTUC Chlldcare services and Klnderland Kducare Services. Various courses
      1,061 words
    • 815 33 Six clinics' charges for consultation and medicine vary, ST check shows AROUND YOUR PLACE By Susan Loh A LTITLE extra legwork can BBVe you up to $.< m consultation SMS and medicine for a simple headache at your neighlxnu hood clinics. This was
      815 words
    • VOICES: What MPs say
      • 123 33 'With the growth triangle and the IncrCM ngly important and active role of our In lonesian neighbour, I would rather :-haraeterise all three neighbour! as sharing and ttvtag m a condominium. And I ho|M> each would lx i mindful of the needs of others and
        123 words
      • 131 33 "People conducting hearing tests and des ignated factory doctor! examining noise exposed workers have an important role to play as they can help reinforce the health education message to management and workers on the need and the means to preserve the hearing of our workers "Let
        131 words
      • 93 33 "It is absolutely essential that the responsible leaders and the members of all racial and religious groups stress mutual respect, understanding and tolerance. We have to work hard to maintain the excel lent state of religious and racial harmony "We cannot afford to let Singapore suf fei
        93 words
      • 133 33 "Mindef shares its talent pool unstintin^'ly with the rest of the nation While m active mm vie**, many of our officers render public MTVice OH Statutory boards such as CI'K NUS, Nil. and SMKT "After our officers complete their tram intf m the SAX and
        133 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 87 25 f^' fcgjfiii HMft.purt ulk.tuin.ikn.>iinl. 100% purt wool, hanJknvtltJ. SMfIU p /If 910 pyictfr 910 CAfpttif A>€*cf c\ vS i*-*^ Singapore's I ssr _l^a biggest selection, fc^ At very attractive prices. JB -$k. All internationally renowned, including many jjHH WfW award winning ones. oine m and sec how easy it is
      87 words
    • 64 25 Spot anything newHworthy In your neighbourhood? Or you may have some vlew« to exprewt. Phone uh on 731-87H between 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Saturday. NEWSLINE R)lo Ralph Lauren I OPENS I TODAY I 18Jan-14Feb I #02 05/06 Palais Renaissance Shopping Arcade Singapore 0923 Tel /*****2 I
      64 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 822 26 An ingeniously designed slim HfiKi f *^^S camera that comes with incredible features Bulb shutter c ■nw .-.I Our extra features simply leave Double self timer mode for additional shots competitors way behind us. Interval self timer mode at I mm, 10 mins and 30 mins. intervals A auto macro
      822 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 300 27 From (16, the prices aren't. f r -%fj J L^Lv' g^LB LM^S^\lJ»ia^LwJaiafy B^H a^ «P J^Bb^BM H JfBK? B k. s \!^r^ri!uEߥl I I B^H > m' B^Bk *v '^•^Bvlßk J I9^H ?V^ Bfl Blfl I^BbBT' .1/1 >^^^*~ Vv'\Jla,i I B^H t^^B^BS^ fIBB O^B^ Bp^ B^ k j^9Jß^B^BTjMß^B^r Bj B^B
      300 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 174 28 R O B IN SO N S -i 1 vr JBM M>fJfeiHMß >m| oNu RmH un Efl |v ji f o Jtj.lll.oj s lit inn i! lo herald the New Year a spectaculai display of jade peach trees at Robinsons from January 1B to February IB Each tree, handcrafted m
      174 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 267 29 16 November '9o to 28 February '9l <^|_ 1 r^r*> /Ins jiform-rn'M is \<Wi(/ i»nl\ /(>» />ni( lu/scs 1/I1 Im (/I vu,inMi(i 1 ■l **^»»iii^i^^^^ M^^^M^^r-^fli^H Btai^teM^ (ARF Private Registration, Excluding Registration Fees. COE. Ik Insurance and Road Tax) w vI UC I L/l Q V V I I IZJCrw
      267 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 723 30 I■■ I H iViW bTMI bbbbbbbT bTsbbl bbbbl I• 1 I kTi ■311 M I "fall Ibblbß IP 1 BaS f J I ■aaP iBI bbl B B 818 l £a Bbß aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV iL B^ I BSBBBBW B^l B^' m '^B^ Br B¥l y BBBBBBBb BBBBb .^BBBVV^^ 4£ Nm% A
      723 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 510 31 v draw 7DfC«O I4FEIII J s vJLJLJU _s S M Hii— ■ill NE GRAIN I TTi'iiui ITr> Sjb2s llt **j L^feiat BBSEB^BflfihS^^^^^*^ B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^BK^^l^ »l B^B^B^B^B^B^B^L^H FREE lkg SIS SUGAR PLUS $30,000 IN CASH PRIZES MUST BE WON WHEN YOU BUY 3 PACKS OF SCS BUTTER S^ Here's an offer that
      510 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 268 32 LUNAR NEW YEAR fl TO Bi4FEB To enjoy 1 0% discount off our products for the next 2 years, get your YIP cards with purchases of $150 and above. yj^o^^S^P^^ll There's no time to waste! Our prices have been slashed. Enjoy savings of up to 60% on a wide V.1.1.
      268 words
    • 406 32 Hfiit M.ikm' II if Phuket Delights Promotion Sun *n' Fun Holidays For Two To Phuket (4 days/3 nights inclusive of air tickets, accommodation, transfers and limited meals). Adam Wong 21 *****/ J Chan Hock Guan *****26/F Cher Heng Choi 0 1 906 1 6/Z HoShihMeng *****95/F LauSuYin *****87/ C LimEngKiow
      406 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 29 33 For Homo or Office deliveries of: Straits Times. Sunday Times, Business Times, LianHe ZaoBao, Berita Harian, Berita Mmggu, Shin Mm, LianHe WanBao call our Hotlines 740 1839. 740 1840
      29 words
    • 364 33 Western Dining f^ Ktiquetteat U^ \)?vi I Coachman Inn Restaurant Knhanceyoui locialetiojuette Stjnupfoi il»«' Western Dining I tujintii talk, jointly onjaniitd m th* Kisl. mi. nit /Vssik i. it ion vk Sm^.i|xtrt' It. lining Centff and Coachman Inn Restaurant Pi« I til 2 h<>iu (alk will be conducted m English
      364 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 689 34 PRESIDENT George Hush put it very well. "Five months ago, Saddam Hussein started this cruel war against Kuwait. Tonight the battle has been joined," he said m a si>oech explaining the start of military action against Iraq by the US-led multinational force. He is right. The
      689 words
  • 58 34 QUOTES "Our aim is to save the place, not destroy It." Hritish Fovoign Secretary DougtitM llunl on the liberation of Kuwait "Big profits because of Saddam Hussein." Mr KhalU Ebnktm, a Bahrain! momy changer, on growing demand tar tho us dollar. "Saddam, this Is for five months In the desert."
    58 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 34
      1 words
    • 1605 34  -  Ronald Steel Principle of self-determination is prone to violence By The New Republic If Moscow does not impose some kind of order on the contentious and often murderously intolerant peoples who live between the frontier of Europe and the vast stretches of Asia,
      1,605 words
    • 537 34  -  Robert Pear By New York Timrs WASHINGTON In IWH, af ter assuring memtters of the Soviet Parliament lhat the treaty limiting medium range nuclear missiles was good for Moscow, Alexander A. Hess mertnykh, then a deputy Foreign Minister paused
      537 words
    • 963 35 Political independence m editorial policy becoming more important Last year was the year of the media shakeout for Taiwan as major newspapers and magazines folded up. Chew Tse Ngee of the Translation Unit looks at the causes. Critical or simply outrageous views sold papers
      963 words
    • 949 35  -  Kwan Weng Kin Our correspondent's file TOKYO TOKYO Although the Japa MM are UlUght Knglish m school from the age of IS, few can ust 1 the language at all as foreigners to Japan find out all too soon After their
      949 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 167 34 INNOWIVE PIES&CAKES p F 55 >J:"£ 1 I HI PHI AN i -\K/ t ::r^fc Deliqbts' B r i J J i(t\( (ilf( BF i .'fti J2Bf 1 I mmiillii- litii^litsdriniptilKtsl.iiir.intN BE^lr^mw I m.'--^^^l IbMlv sir.ik lliiiims whiih.ivf Ixi'ii mtvidk' von ilrlijjhtlul I ,^jHBJj^HCL \;SL|| g \irtlnvMi \iisii,i]i,uis| r ,iks.
      167 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 397 35 on TITANIUM TWEETERS Clean, crisp, clear sound. The )BL LX AND TLX SPEAKER SERIES with titanium dome high frequency tweeters. JBL develops original titanium r^BHHHIHHHI^^^IHI technology mM JBL has again pioneered new technology with the titanium high Hf^PCS frequency tweeters found m their Kvl"jM latest LX and TLX Series of
      397 words
    • 114 35 He wanted to make movies. But his father threw away E^^PVl -J&m^ B&Mwy^aM^B BBS S^B /z/^ camera. Now he calls his own shots. ■Bib' 'II b^^^ Ss ■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjK »l v BHB^ v <«Jklbl RBBMiii ■tShF b l^ 7 f^^-M BT InH vl B^J b^ < ■T B m bbBT r.
      114 words

    • 126 36 Wf-: REFER to Mr Tan Choi Mow's lettar, "Car importers mHMI Ixmdcd warvhoiiM'" (ST. Jan I). We would like to assure MiTan that the environment and facilities at Sembawanß Ter minal are clean and adequate for car storage. The main o|>en storage
      126 words
    • 468 36 All because of Civil Defence residential zoning rules MY SISTER underwent a major operation at the Singapore General Hospital recently. After her recuperation, she star ted treatment at the hos pitai's oncology Centre on IVc 20. While at home on
      468 words
    • 166 36 THK masterplan for preserving flora and fauna drawn up by the Malayan Nature Society deserves our fullest sup JK)lt Conserving part of Singa pore's rural environment should also be high on the government's list of priorities. There is a delightful plot of rural vegetable-growing area
      166 words
    • 334 36 I RKFKK to the Ittttr, "Shops, restaurants should remade to take tho lead m keep ing toilets clean", hy Susan Prior (ST, Jan X). Managements of public toi lets have been requited hy the Ministry to provide simp, toi
      334 words
    • 309 36 ON JAN 13, we went to Ter minal 2. Changi Airport, to pick up our maid who had just arrived from the Philip pines To out chagrin, we found that we were unable to bring her home because the seem i ly
      309 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 135 36 Chances are you'll find what you need at the price you want to pay when you read The Straits Times Classified. ©NICK'S I LUNAR CAI E N °^Tin NEW YEAR DMLC 7 <"£e l M^^ L Embroidery Towels vl v "••'"•••■mlKDiiicfrii M^Hnffiffflffl Inf only $11i-l HlrttctsiMT wonjl Blv v;^ 1
      135 words
    • 198 36 %wi 7C die tn l Jra® wss IT* MvKill'J'JJ lilll^lf/Cli wi-Mj^wfifcauKtfiv^Kmii.l •i!li.'*««wkii»4 I] 1 1 1 1 i. j tiJ s f r -CASK" mfitoWb IrlinWtf 2*rV«i.)£M •*i rn^nfTTT I^J'lli [I K\\i '3^l|l:lJ' k A|lA( W < AS! '.'rtoßttft j^^^UJ $Aft A.i,': ifj iF.a ftfttf I :,iJA A yt*f Jr.^Alflli.Tl
      198 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 134 37 IV \J n/m A% M |3 AI^I^J/aaT In a>inmcmor;itii>n oj its 20th AnniwrsMrv, komatsu Sm^iporc Vw lul (Z\ S^\ pleased to bring you a SSO Familiar Favourites program M M WM IcMlunn^ the following: ff Pf 4f Mozart Die Entiuhrung aus dem Serail Overture f (^^JWllAslyl&4M Haydn Symphony No. 100
      134 words

    • 728 38 Australian Open tennis highlights: Lendl taken to tie-break Monica continues whitewash Anke upsets seed Top seed will meet Cash m repeat of 1987 final I think he's always going to be a threat if he plays well. He's got a big serve and he's
      Reuter  -  728 words
    • 658 38 vim's Hlnglest, 2nd rd: ('.man Prplc (Vug) bt lailz Mattar (Bra) 6-3 6-1 6-1, Ivan I^ndl (Cze) bt Scott Davis (US) 7-6 (7-3) 6-3 6-3, Magnus lustafsson (Swo) bt Wally Masur (Aust) 7-5 3-6 7-6 (7-3) 6-0, Jaimo Yzaga (Per) bt Mtchlel Schapers (Hoi) 7-6 (7-2) 6-4 6-2,
      658 words
      • 85 38 Merdeka tournament returns Malaysia air resuming the Merdeka MCCer tournament next month after I two-year break because <>f poor response from fans and foreign trams. Malaysia face China m the (•lining match of (he Peb 4-13 tournament, which offers USS2O,(KK) $.14,000) to the win MM, organising chairman Datuk Klyas Omar
        85 words
      • 35 38 Hungary h«*at India '2-1 m the Jawaharlal N««hru Gold Cup soccer lournament m Trivandrum yesterday. Hungary scored through Balog < r.Mh minute) and Keresxturl (72nd). Pappachan scored for th«> hosts m th<« .'Wth minute.
        35 words
      • 43 38 Japan have !«*< i« i* l to turn down a Sovirt request for h<*lp m paying 1 1 >• costs of sending a team to th" winter University Games m northern Japan m March, an or^anisin^ com Rlitlee official said m Tokyo yesterday.
        43 words
      • 27 38 The England A tour of I'aki has ixvn cancelled I*cause Of the GuM War. th»> IVst and County Crickel Board announced m London yesterday
        27 words
    • 278 38 MKMiOUKNK Yugoslavia's top tennis player, (loran Ivanisevic, said yesterday that he was concerned lor his safety after one man was m jured m fighting between Croatian and Yugoslavs at the Australian ()|>en tennis championships. Matches involving Ivanisevic, the fifth seed, and compatriot Qoraa Prpic have attracted
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 408 38  -  Peter Khoo ATHLETICS »y THE Singapore Amateur Ath letie Association are on the verge of en^aK'inK a top-level Asian coach, believed to t>e from China, who will head the Republic's preparations for November's South east Asia (lames m Manila. Said SAAA president 1 .oh
      408 words
    • 249 38 ENGLISH SOCCER LONDON Improving Bverton Will at tempt to do M«'i srysich 1 neighbours l.iv ci pool favour tomorrow hy ending Aisrnal's 22-game unbeaten start to the English Ijeague soccer ■easoa. Kverton travel to second placed ***** rial m heart after five siu'c<>ssiv« I^eague
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 337 38  -  Joe Dorai SOCCER By SWEEPER Urn long Hal ami nkMelder Jamludain Hassan arc the mrprlM omissions from this year's national mm cor squad for the 9eml*Pro Division OM and Malaysia Cup tournaments Roth were regarded as very promising players when they wore PMHMM m
      337 words
    • 405 38  -  J. Rajendran TABLE TENNIS By CHINESE table tennis coach Yao Meichen, who recently started his one-year contract m Singapore, feels that one of his nitftfest tasks will rx> to prepare a strong women's team for November's South east Asia dames m Manila He
      405 words
    • 422 39  -  J. Rajendran Super League club hiring Danish ace BADMINTON By We have invited him and his wife to stay m Singapore for a week. It will cost us about $10,000 to $15,000 to bring Morten and his wife here, but we are serious about
      422 words
    • 372 39 JAKARTA Indonesia's ef forts at regaining world badminton supremacy are progressing but their main weakness is their men's doubles. The AH Indonesia liadminton Association came under heavy pressure over the weekend after their top doubles pair of Kddy Hartono and Cunawan "failed m their
      Bernama  -  372 words
    • 259 39 TOKYO Led by top seeded Ardy Wiranata, five out of six Indonesians advanced to the men's singles third round at the US$lOO,OOO ($174,000) J«pan Open badminton (ham pionships yesterday. Denmark also secured six berths with national champion Morten Frost and Danish Open champion Poul-Erik Hoyer
      AFP  -  259 words
    • 320 39  -  Tay Cheng Khoon SQUASH »y SINGAPORE'S bopM of re tainlng the girls' team and m dividual titles at the Asian junior squash championships m Colombo have been shak ened by the aiedlajCi Itat The Republic's boys are al so m for a rough
      320 words
    • 205 39 WANTKI): A sponsor for one of tho most popular squash leagues m Singapore The Singapore Squash Rackets Association are hoping to revive the Business Houses League which was last held m 19HH At their peak, the league attracted more than 800 play ers ranging from
      205 words
    • 183 39 SOCCER mNIX)N Paul OMCtifM, Tottenham's hngl.ind mid Meld star, could soon be on the move to Italy's Napoli after the Ixmdon soccer club announced losses of (.2 6 million ($X.6m) on Wednesday Speculation was rife here that Napoli wen' ready to of m K6m m a
      AFP  -  183 words
    • 166 39 AKtiKNTINK striker Claudio Caniggia was suspended for three matches on Wednesday after being sent off m an Ital lan First Division game The League's disciplinary committee said he was being punished for insulting the ref •'ree and accumulating four bookings earlier this season Caniggia was sent off for
      166 words
    • 474 40 W attana makes maximum break, but is unhappy SNOOKER lIIKMINCIIAM Thailand superstar .lames Wattana compiled maximum break m the World Snooker Matter! as he roasted into the second round of the 1.l million ($3.3 m) event on Wednesday Wattaaa'a 141, the Hist of his career but the first m tournament
      AFP  -  474 words
    • 710 40  -  Shirlynn Ho Grandmaster Oyama will witness two-day meet KARATE Ry 'Karate can learn anytime, 12, 13, 15, and no need for special diet, if special then not strong. 1 Grandmaster Oyama (right), founder -master of Kyokushinkai karate, whose rotund frame no doubt attesting to that
      710 words
    • 419 40 BOXING NKWAKK (New .Jersey) A federal judge refused to consider a lawsuit over the World Moxing Council heavyweight title on Wednesday and bumped the case back to state court, where a judge has already ordered arbitration. WBC attorney Cabriel Pen agaricano said
      AP; AFP; Reuter  -  419 words
      • 97 40 Johnson to get $52,500 for next race Canadian sprinter Ib'n John son continues his comeback m I. os Angeles this week at Ihe Sunkist Invitational and will •am USS.iO,(MM) (JM. •><><)) foi one race •lohnson. who < om|>«>teil m Hamilton, Canada, last WMh for the ftist time since he was
        97 words
      • 82 40 A New Zealand yacht skip ptnd by Murray JMM won all f i v«* of Us races M Wednesday, taking th«> lead m the J 24 class Asia ami Orea nla aualtfytng for the World Match Raot Championships A HOMkOMf yacht skip pored by I,aurence
        82 words
      • 57 40 Double deal for $2.3 m Coventry soccer striker Sieve Livingstone and utility player Tony Dobson stepped down level on Wednesday when they joined Second Division BUcklMini Hovers lor TOO.OOO ($2 31 million) The fee, split i 4W.000 for Livingstone and OMH Nu Dobson. is double the club's pifvious record, paid
        57 words
      • 33 40 I. os Angeles Raiders i mining ***** Mo Jackson is listed is doubtful for Sundays Amei i can Football Conference final against the Buffalo Mills be cauac of hip injuiy
        33 words
      • 32 40 Oakland Athletics thinl bust* man Carney l.ansfonl under won! surgery on his Injured left knee t)ii Wednesday and will not be ready to play base hall for nmr months
        32 words
    • 527 41 Outcome m hands of backs Blanco and Hastings RUGBY LONDON Scotlaad'l flair for the b;g OOCMkM will he lasted to «h<' full tomorrow when the Five-Nations rugby union champions open their 1991 campaign against France In Paris Over the past year, the spirited ScoH
      Reuter  -  527 words
    • 495 41 BASKETBALL NEW YORK Tim Haulaway's nmr-Mgh 37 points and an inbounds violation by Boston Celtics' Kevin Gamble gave the (lolden State Warriors a 110-105 victory on Wednesday, end ing Boston's 18-game home winning streak Mitch Richmond had 26 points and Chris Mullin 16 for
      AP  -  495 words
    • 910 41 BADMINTON Japan Open, 2nd rd M.ns N |n I Kl*w: Ardy Wiranala (Indon) ht I.iv Jun (Chn) 15 10 IT. «J. Jens Peter Nlerhoff (Den) ht Kn hoi nX (Tal) ir>s U>7. Morten Krost (Den) ht Pavel Uvarov (gU) ir> 2 15 2 Steve Mul lei
      910 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 115 38 «s«ffi*w wsst*asiatti pis "fi ioo M 4 i ■v .n i ONE OF THE LARGEST IMPORTERS €t EXPORTERS v^'^eTT^r-^^ OF CERAMIC TILES AND «vS?2f »*FT%2°° MARBLE IN SINGAPORE Over>4* s I ~f~~ 7 tu£iuWl»B/(* I^J^B/^@J C»,,.n,ic Cnltii I l i',i i > ri i ill) IMl'i >H 1 1 K.r.1.1■•
      115 words
  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 41 38 TODAYS EVENTS! WCOM Mllll I IM\ 3 prrllnt round: Mol»>x S'imuc v 9umitomo i. IVxins Aiiliusi iTo.i I'.iyoh). Oii^in HuldinK atv (Tannlln 2), ImperUl Hotel AT&T (St Wiifn(j). HltorM Con sumci Spoil- Shi-H (K.tin-i I'.uk ill ii i lSpin
      41 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 1051 39 OLYMPUS TRIP Bl^i^B^^^rikfl H^p^r^*~i f«~fH"~'^ r— f^ l—^il vOo 35mm compact cameta Hj SANYO Mll 1 H H (SH Bmlt m Hash lor rwght photography o« up Compact Cassette He. .....1.-. j TM to 1.1 llt Auto winding and him loading Ij JTI ASd II fl V H l 1
      1,051 words
    • 152 39 No restrx f ion to foreigner X^^ Ample Icibouf supply f Ovor 10 000 families live m the township pf^j^fe~ Itrategh location Easy Accessibility f^'^Sr^f 'O Kot< i Ik iggi highway linking Johor h-' ruto tohoi I' iya is under construction Urn to Posir Gudang. 10 km to Johor Huhrij
      152 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 39 40 ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY PRINT ORDERS INCREASED TO 1 50,000 COPIES! average daily circulation 69,128 copies (7- 12 January 1991) TAKE ADVANTAGE. ADVERTISE AT OUR REGULAR RATES! (S i f *:-s v ftyJiif-y f HII 730 5985 or 730 5986 NOW!
      39 words
    • 27 40 '^^^^^^A^ PI IDC Pfnnir 1 Staweap nusos JjU/I MJ^" Mode -K-4900 must Be won Check out The New Paper this Saturday lImILSJHI Bullt So You Can Last.
      27 words

    • 255 41 321 Deaths 321 Deaths MR. TAN SOO AIK AGE 85 patted away peacefully on 17 January 1991, leaving behind SONS DAUGHTERS IN LAW Tim CtKMfl Kenn, Lawrence Tun Choon Tlhr Loh Chee Wah. Valeric Tun Choon Woo. Paul Winnie Tour Tun Choon Bor, Victor OAUQHTERB SONS IN LAW Tun Quee
      255 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      100 41 MR. KERNAL SINGH Age: 57 (Retired Teacher) passed away pra.rfully H January iwi. lravln X behind Wlf». .Savlndcr Knur •on: SarKhJII Slimti Oaughlafc liutfrJlt Kaur Kuintiijlt KaiH Brother Nurjmi siiikli <<ni.Mns, rrlutlvm an<l fru-mli Cr«m«llon at Ml Varnon on It January imi Tal: 4S? J7U SOMU PUSHPA W/o
      100 words
    • 46 41 ERWIN LEONQ SIEW WENO ivimrtrtl \2 HI wishr* i<i raateai their heartfelt UUUtkl L apprri-tutlmi to rrluUveS, frlrniln. v Iknil miilri. ml Irnmirs. pallors, ami mrmt)rri <>f Church <>f Preiea fot ihrir kind condolences, wrrath*. donations, aaalaUuKe, prayrrit sad ntlciiduiur durlliK thrlr rrcrnt tx-rciivpfiiciil
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      51 41 AL-FATIHA Wilh daapaat aympalhiaa coodotanc* to tha family of tha Lala MJ MAKROF BIN KASMAN Oapartad 17-1-91 From: Management A Staff of EXCO Group of Companies With dMpnl condolence* lo Ih. •amity ot m. i«i« ERWIN LEONQ H» will always remain In OUT h«»r U Claaa 4O M
      51 words
    • 82 41 323 Condolences 323 Condolences With deepest sympathy and condolence* to MR LEE KONQ CHOY on the demise of hit beloved father, MR. LEE MUN CHAT departed 15.1.91. From Management Staff of ORIGEN INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD. Wilh decpeal sympathy and condolences to Mr. Peter Low Tlang Urn rhe chairman of Unt
      82 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      104 41 With Fond MtmoiiM of MOM. HO CHYE SIN Departed 18 Jan. IMO lukr hr>r In Thy nrniv lirur I.oM Ami rvrr Irt In i i.. A MMMQM ipl lovr Hclwrrn nur (iratl» Itld I Urr Alwaya rtmtmbtrtd by lowd on—. In Loving Memory O« MADELINE LEONG BAU
      104 words
  • Page 41 Advertisements

    • 399 42 ENGLISH SOCCER LONIXJN ReSMTfrml Leeds United earned place m the semi finals of the English League Cup on Wednesday with a 4-1 victory over hap less Aston Villa. Producing the kind of foot ball that won them the competition m Lift, Leeds dominated
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 347 42 NAPLES The BnglWl Football League*! flag-waving, bridge-building exercise m Na pies turned into a chilling 3-0 defeat at the hinds of the Italian League m a match played during Italy's coldest snap for years. It was a chilly night and atmosphere as only a few thousand
      AFP  -  347 words
    • 258 42  -  Tan Thean Loon RACING Trackwork by IMPRESSIVE last-Mart win MT K.mki'i N.ii looks potscd for his KCOOd iICCCSaJVC vie tory following his magnificent workout at Hukit Tim.ih yes terday Ridden hy winning iockey Chua Chuan Huai. the .Johnny Kok-t rained Austi alian -bird brassed over
      258 words
    • 197 42  -  MALCOLM BABTIANS PETEH <"< m >X, one of Aiislra Ins lop |im keys, will miss this weekends races at Itukil Timah because of personal pi o!)lems Howevei the t*.> tbne Mcl bourne Cup winner on .lust a Dash m imhi and Black Knight m LW4
      197 words
    • 895 42 Morses mmmt tomorrow. KACK I: Victory (icneral (D Cfcf#) MM with Mr Dancer (apprenli. c Zaidi. |{.i, m tf t \«|ce Of l«ve (Mar/tiki) trolled one round MMPI winking n\ U I Pare work Rlvrr Hrecu- Masnihen). Naidh V, U.lh looking fit \lwayn l.urky
      895 words
    • 1769 42 RACE 1 Res Terms 1,400 m 2.00 Stakes $20,000 1 River Bree/e 10 <4n/g V Chong IVC) (1600 m) Masruhen b/ 2 Phantasy Way 12 (4n/g P lee Big Power) (1600 m) Gopal Sb 3 0? LoveMe A|ain9 (3am Phunßllee) (1200 m) Bakri b 4 b
      1,769 words
  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 51 42 THIS HAPPENS... When you come m for the first time... After Ist sip... X^Great place..^V f Great crowd... g=% r^S*-P rea mvs c y After 2nd sip... /^Barte nd^>\ iGive me another beerl iiO After3rds 'P--- H,OPTELTD 360 Orchard Road. »BI 00 VwL International Building, Singapore 0923. Tel: 732 5979.
      51 words
    • 108 42 Onei^ paper says it all You were away two weeks. Fishing tiout m ricw Zealand ()i fishing some < ontra< ts m Pokyo. Mow you're ba< k. And you've some < «>t< hing up to do. You wanl to Know happened whilr you were «iw<iy. You could read every
      108 words
    • 49 42 I OS^HH 6 THE LIBtRATION 0F H WAR '^T A^ Ssfl I JETS BOMB H PCWM A L KUWAIT ""T. AND NtAQ T7 M f^^ I (S'PORf TIMM W i /Hi wiinissis ■4| SAW HSI -^^W'^-. jfr iHOWAnACK ■S9 TOOKriAI.I ■*1 I OIL UP. STOCKS oown I I v^l
      49 words

    • 594 43 Move aims to salvage sour ties before recession bites SEOUL The South Korean Mfwernmenl is rapidly soften ing its trade stance m a bid to salvage its relationship with Washington, where the mood is likely to turn ugly after re cession starts
      AFP  -  594 words
    • 233 43 News Corp bankers agree to inject $800 m into company I,ONIX)N Mr RuneH Murdoch's News Corp, which is trying to restructure A$H bil lion (5510.72 billion) of debt, has reached agreement with all of its bank lenders for a A$«M) million (S$HO4-miliion cash injection, a Midland Bank spokesman said yester
      233 words
    • 231 43 TAIPEI Centra] bank («ovenwr Samuel Shieh has denied a ReuteTl report Taiwan had pulled about US$35 billion (5560.55 billion) of its huge farcin exchange reserves out of US commercial banks m recent months. Reuters on Monday erroneously quoted a senior
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 329 43 SYDNEY Australia's ailing economy has not Improved, even though unemployment fell m December for the first time m nine months, a government minister- and private economists said yesterday They made their- assess ment after- new dat.i showed that seasonally adjtrsted
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 455 44 But computer maker continues to rebuff share offer NKW yohk The American Telephone and Telegraph Company has received strong show of support for its takeover Md for the NCR Corp, reporting on Wednesday that it had received tendera lor about 11
      NYT  -  455 words
    • 147 44 UAN< >l Miisuhivhi Corpora r it >ii our of Japans top ii .id iiik houses, has foi rn.tllv opeMd .1 huiiMii m the ii-i HMM capital, company Offi i.ils s.iiil hen- on Wednesday Its affiliate, Moiwa Trading Co Lid, also foimally OBjaMI shop m a finnonv
      AFP  -  147 words
    • 364 44 PARIS Frances largest car maker, RMOBOI SA, an nouiK «'d temporary produc lion nils on WCdMMfty, the latest si«n of tough times m the w. ii lil cai manufacturing industry Automobiles Petlfeot, Ihe main division of PeUgCOt, will slash its car output
      Reuter  -  364 words
    • 279 44 Financial markets in Asia 'will be more interdependent' MANCKOK Asian financial markets will b< IttCrMfltaffly interlinked m the ITMK is mmv financial institutions sot up multinational o|xm .itions m the region, a board member of the WlUflJpPff Intel Monetary Kxchange (Simex) said here on Wednesday At the two day
      AFP  -  279 words
    • 405 44 WASHINGTON The While House his approved a .lapa MX company's purdUUK Ol M) |mm rent of the only Amni CM COmpMy thai makes pie clslon machine tools thai satisfy the i etmn ements of the Defence ami Energy i* v paitments
      NYT  -  405 words
      • 149 45 TOKYO storks dOMd sharply higher yesterday after news of a massive US-led attack on Iraq CMMd a MTg* m blue chips, with the benchmark Nikkei Average charting its 10th largest single day ad vance m history. Hope (or a quick solution to
        Reuter  -  149 words
      • 159 45 SHAKK prices m Kuala Lumpur closed sharply higher yesterday m active trading as the outbreak of war m the Gulf caused the uncertainty of the past few months generated by the crisis to be lifted. The KI.SK Composite Index shot up 16.93 points, or 3.6 per cent, to
        Bernama  -  159 words
      • 127 45 HONGKONG'S Hang Seng In dcx soared 103. H2 points to 3,087.83 yesterday m response to views that US-led forces would wrap up the war quick ly, brokers said. Huy orders flashed around the bourse from the opening boll and afternoon reports that Iraq's war machine suffered serious damage breathed
        Reuter  -  127 words
      • 84 45 AUSTRALIAN share prices elOMd sharply higher on a wave of buying sparked by tin- outbreak of hostilities m the (lulf and better-than-ex j>ected unemployment data. The All-Ordinaries Index was up 32.4 points or 2.72 percent to 1,237.5. The rise was the market's biggest m about 15 months Sentiment was
        Reuter  -  84 words
      • 126 45 STOCK prices gained ground m an erratic session on Wednesday as traders waited lor developments on the brink of war m the Middle East. The market also had to contend with negative news on the state of the US economy. The labour Department reported that the US Consumer
        AP  -  126 words
      • 87 45 THK MTVM afflicting world markets waiting for war m the Gulf to break out were much m evidence as share prices slid on Wednesday on the International Stock Kxchange m London. The tense waiting period before the war htis been charaoterlsed by extremely low trading volumes, and the City
        AFP  -  87 words
      • 107 45 MALAYAN Cement has Increased its group operating pittax profit to Msf)l.:*l million (Ss39 million) for the year ended Nov M), 1990, from M539.(>4 million the previous year Group turnover rose to Ms2Bo.f>r> million from M 5222.22 million previously and operating profit attributable to members of the
        107 words
      • 136 45 IKX'K Hua Hank, the first bank from Kast Malaysia to listed on tho Kuala Lumpur Stock Kxchange, is expected to offor insurance and stockbroking services to its clients very soon, Chairman Tan Sri Amur Ling Hong Siew said Serious discussions were under way with prospective parties m
        136 words
      • 118 45 SHARKS of Sungoi Ilesi Minos Malaysia have OoMtd to lx» listed on the international Stock exchange m London with effect from Nov 5, 1990, the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) said. The KLSE added that shareholders on the company's British register held distinctive UK share
        118 words
    • 2494 45 TRANSACTION DATE: JANUARY 17, 1991 (a) Adjusted for new issues, Par value Msl unless otherwise specified; P/E ratios ara not adjusted lor currency difference*. 1991 Last Vol Day Nat High Low Company Sale ('000) High Low P/E INDUSTRIALS 188 1/0 AISB 50C 188 15 52 188 1/3 45
      2,494 words
      • 27 45 Open High low Sett Fst Vo» feh 91 .'4 M)H N Ifl Mir Apr ,'l) 41) Open kit (Wed) IK Act Voi (Wed) Nil
        27 words
      • 29 45 Open Hifh low Set* fs» Vol Mir 41 IHM IMM I IMM 111 June I HHO4 Sept I H'iHH Open Wit (H«(1) n Ad Vol (Mai) One
        29 words
      • 30 45 umficAMuri) Open High low Sett {it Voi Mar si |MM 8.*5/5 uMVi O.CU3 IM >„. ***** Sept 0 MX*. (fee 0 6155 Op«n M (W«d) 4?/ Oft Vol (Wed) 193
        30 words
      • 88 45 Eurodollar 3-month deposit i/lW i,ni>lir<t riM Op«n Hi(h low Sett (M Yol Mit 91 i 1245 92 W ***** loir J2M Wt3 I2M v /H ***** S*pt '(/')4 l?/i 1251 V /mid O«c tt 1« 10A 1S «/f) Mir 9? 12 M t 1 12 (H I// luno i 't.'H
        88 words
      • 48 45 Euromark 3-month deposit Open High low Sett fit Vol Mar 01 Ml) 'ID <H M 11 M <X MM Sept N '-'I Dec l tu Hi) Mil 97 91 DO lune 91 M Sepl 'MM Dtc 91 I I i Open bit (Ned) 9W> Act Vol (Wed) 34
        48 words
      • 48 45 Euroyen 3-month deposit Open Hi|h low Sett EH V..1 Mir 91 K.« X H l H 't'i 1221 KM lun« KM 17 X *2W hmi Sept '•."HIM 't.' K'.A 'MOO O«c HI M«-)? 'HUH km* -MM Sept 9327 O«c Op«<i kit (Wed) ***** Ad Vol (Wrrf) 1016
        48 words
      • 35 45 Open High Low Sett Ist Vol fri) 11 MMM KM ftp iMH ,'i I Iwi* 111 /(I •ii| I'M Mil Ocl I'M IQ Otc li, l mi Dp*n bil (Nrdl Id Vo< (Nrit) NJ
        35 words
      • 34 45 Open High low Sett Ist Vol Mm 11 i id /Mil 0 DO/4M OO I I'HI km iiiiu/l 1 <i*pt ii on/4,, npmlnl i Of <1) M Ai t Vol INoili HO
        34 words
      • 40 45 Open Hifh low Set I \\i Vol Spot *****0/ M4»> H I ***** M /MM. HI Un 91 .<MV". m,, iv/So 'iii,i) ***** ***** M/fl km' S*p» ***** op«n bit (Wf.ll SJ9O Act Vnl (WH) II IS
        40 words
      • 57 45 Smwi Mfi Price lib 1 41) 194 00 Open Hi t h Low Sett tst Voi Feb 91 M.OO NS.OO i. 'Sim M/mi 1329 Mjr 1/tSO 1/1 SO IOH 1)0 11/01) 1200 »p» IC6OO Ihsoo 1300 l »4i)i) )^0 Miy 'I,' 10 lunc 10 My }2 ID Open
        57 words
      • 113 45 Mjf 91 cjli M.i 91 put* Hifh low SMI Hifh low Sett tm MM 1 MH Mil /4I MM /ibH m I mis rtiM I'd i lIM lid ici I lIS I4IK Ml MM 11/H 11/ 'A HIS m /HA ;A UII /oli l ,t,A M M 1
        113 words
      • 23 45 Closing prices (cents/kilo) pen iv 'id i ash Mini ii ilnwn twn I i'iit I M.':-. .M/'l Ifhiu.iiy iassi bm i asi
        23 words
      • 48 45 Crude palm oil (MS/tonne) hciu.ii, Hill (<•■») HSLSF 011 (u»»/«onnf| RBO Palm (U lanuary ritef) lt-tl M i4';')l1 RHI) Olpiii l.tnu.iiy t/'ll (Mlir) Fat m.ii w.'so c.hiivii Ip w.iy iwm I/2M (Mi*) HKI) 1. inn l.inu.ify .'4ll (MtM 1 FAraan -MS I Cry* Uhtm *»•'*»< '"''l p.ilm ml
        48 words
      • 9 45 Clo,infl pric-, (Ms/|I,|O) m i,,, lb|3 lu.imv.-i i
        9 words
      • 22 45 (Official closing quotation. US$/MT) M I hurt I IS.'O IMI IM() ISM i MeaPn isss ism, v,h is-14 SirPassaiil is.m imi
        22 words
      • 26 45 (Official closing quotation. QBP/MT) Ped Ihuri l-Ml \?U \.'l.< l.'/l IBaaPn 1211 1212 12*1 Settlement I, Ml \/l\ Stunt Ottottmot (SI A > Pfe /M
        26 words
      • 25 45 Closing prlcss (USS/troy ox) P*d Ihun 111', 4IW 4 12 luet Wed New fort 4 II 4. 'I i If i SoutCf K.ithM hiltl
        25 words
      • 79 45 Crude Product Prices IW'moli', timing lit i ii, l Demit pi it So2pm "ii I I 91 Soun Tekritc CRUDE/PRODUCT MONTH* CHANGE PRICE (US$)« PtSI TfXAS Inlermedule I •>«< H RRIN1 ININO M.i. 5§5 23 00 DURMFMIH M..i 805 SOS 1910 minus Fefc tim i mi .",',ii mpis riini.
        79 words
    • 709 45 Thursday January 17 HKt Amoy Proportion 1.99% '0 20 Allied Ovorsoas 0 6/ 0 05 Asia Sec lot I 1/4 0 06 Asia Sec War 91 0 100 '0 001 Aiimd TW 06/ -004 Bond Corp Inl I 1 10 0 06 Bond Corp War 91 0 31 0
      709 words
    • 384 45 Thursday January 17 TIN A|.nomot<i M/ 0 < 100 Akai 555 40 Amada 9/9 I 9 Asahi Glass IWO MM Asahi Kasoi 25 Bank ol Tokyo 1030 •49 nri<lyt)Von.> > 35 Canon 1200 •co Casio CornpuUi, 965 I 44 Cili/on 533 43 O Nip 1390 MUCH I) Nippon
      384 words
    • 255 45 For deposits between $3,000 and tt For deposits between $3,000 and $99,999 For balances up to $100,000 Pit ASF CM I RESPtCTIVF BANKS FOR Of TAILS OCBC OUB UO6 DBS 11 8 POSB KB POSIT RAMS S.iviiius 4 i r I' 1 4 I ui'd it»'po'.il I
      255 words
    • 59 46 HIGH LOW Straits Times Industrials mo l )l Hi K h *****2 (27 3/90) 1990 91 low 1079.5Q <li id 90) All time HiKh 1607.12 (27/3 90) All time tow 74. 75 (17/9 64) Business Times Composite 1990/91 HiKh 140??? (6 2 90) 1990/91 low 981 0/ (9/11/90) All time
      59 words
    • 35 46 Keppel Inv Wt 48/.000 UK /49.000 Parkway M SOC l )6?.000 Hotel Prop 1,993.000 DOB foreign I 895,000 KeppH C Wrts 1.864.000 City Dry SOC 1/85.000 NOl 1./?5,000 DHSlor^.n 1.684.000 DBS Land 1.600.000
      35 words
    • 37 46 Sector Volume Value Industrials X 6/.000 4?b.66b finance /3 1.000 80? S/S Hotels ?,000 2 ?6fl Properties t/S. W//\Q loan Stocks 104,000 /H <H() Plantations AlOOO 17,635 Mining Nil Nil Fotal 150? m 1 7?4 m
      37 words
    • 69 46 total Market Wed Thurt'. 12 IM ni 4'i <SI m Imi.iiio' 4 4()l ni I') 4MI m Hotels M4/00I) 4 114 m I'li.Orftlf. h (I).' 11l ?|.(33 111 Lmm Slocks I.S2S m W /Oh m t' HVOOO Ml/ Mmmi 19.000 lotal volume /H'.S/ 10/ 136 m
      69 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 46
      2 words
    • 516 46  - ST Index jumps 62 points on hopes of quick US victory Goh Eng Yeow D;JL[KLKLE By HOPES of a quick victory for the United State! led multinational forces m the Gulf war pushed up the prices of most shares on the Singapore stock market m tandem with the rousing sentiments
      516 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2 46
      2 words
    • 1305 46 TRANSACTION DATE: JANUARY 17, 1991 iseo/ai t«i Q''s High Low c«TJ c, L Vo 0ay Quo, N.I "■an low Cods Company Ssls or 000 Mlflh Low Buysr Sallsr Pit •0? W^ 14*4) GDI l.'(XK)l MM MM I'l 41*4 VCD 1246 Calhay Mf POO >t00 nOO '.HO 1/ )i
      1,305 words
    • 2416 46 Or* 1*90/91 Tsl Lsst Vol Day Last Quota Olv Not High Low Cod* Company Sal* or- 000 High Low Buyer S*ll*r P/e 211 152 I 1000 Acma 169 -5 /6 1/5 168 16/ 168 290 165 114? Al*» Hldgs 50C ?10 60 38 9 245 11? 1143Amcol?5e
      2,416 words
    • 1073 46 Al shares quoted have a par value of unless otherwise specified Adjusted tor unp right* N Tii exempted dividend P/E ratios and gross yields of foreign shares art adjusted for currency differences Trustee stocks under CPf Approved Investment Scheme Margin stocks ABN is traded m lots
      1,073 words
    • 233 46 Manager's prices for January 18 Singapore Unit Trust mica i i«, i/^ iM.rf Tin (lM 1 I luml ■> pine kM i Fwii 0/1 ii m rptn EfMii F««4 I DM Asia Unit Trust M.ll ln,e-.l 1,,n,l I', tHI 044 04/ .1 rrtj lund 044 04/ W.ll Hf(|.iy.i
      233 words
    • Article, Illustration
      197 47 Volume: 107.14 m units 78.55 m) Value: $205.51 m $1 54.87 m) Indices lan II Jan 16 ST Industrials *****4 1149 08 SI Finance 2302 50 *****7 ST Hotels 921 65 909 50 SI Properties 619 46 59/72 BI Composite *****7 *****2 BIMGA 596 85 566 11 BT
      197 words
    • 100 47 PRIME RATE Average Prime lending Rale: 7% Average of Singapore's Big four Local Banks ASIAN CURRENCY UNIT Contract data: 17/1/91 CURMNCr I MTH 3 MTH 6 MTH 9 MTH 1? MTH CALL VALUE DATE USJ h', 6. t¥, 6'; S 77/01/91 AJ 10. 10 10. 10', 10. 9
      100 words
    • 197 47 DM V S$ MK$ M/USJ £/US$ USJ QpM i s^os i\i id i /bKii ;mo o i soho Om IMHS lU/0 1/4 DI) 0/80S 19??8 SiM I 4s//#«y f'r.iit Singapore dollars to one unit of foreign currency Buyinf 00 Seine IB MM 1 7350 1 DO SlffluiK pound
      197 words
    • 121 47 SINGAPORE Phyikal (Ss) Wed Ihucs ifatokM r/.im 77, h/h ?i.m /i wt 100 Km /7// 2.302 MM 2.211 '.0 |M I 111 I IM. 1.099 lIM 70 ym IM 4M> 4f,4 4/', SKm 114 123 ll») 125 i«m n n n 12 Bdkn coim (SJ/o/) rpm Mm cm
      121 words
    • 436 47 Move aimed at coping with overheated Japanese economy JAPANESE banks air likely |0 dtCNMS their investments m financial MrvtcU m Asean countries m the MH future, iocordlßg to a just released DBS Hank report The report adds however that Singai>ore may not he
      436 words
    • 305 47 KUALA MIMIMIK The Kuala Lumpur Slock F,xdUMgC yesterday submitted a full report to the Finance Minister on the status of stockbroking firms complying with the minimum paid-up capital requirement, KLSE Kxecutive Chairman Nik Monamed Din Nik Yusoff said yesterday. He would be
      305 words
    • 472 47 HI.JAZ Industries (Malaysia) has categorically denied alle Rations that it has requisi tion(Ml an Kxtruorriinary Genera] Meeting of Fetaling Tin on Jan 28 to effect lake over of the company. In a statement on Wednesday, Hijaz which holds 29. W
      NST  -  472 words
    • 114 47 VIETNAM'I Ministry of Health is encouraging phar maceutlcal companies to m vest m the country According lo Slme Darby's Regional Managing Director Din Merlcan, Paris-based Reaufour [psen which recenl ly organised two medical con ferences m Vietnam, was informed hy ministry officials it was Interested
      114 words
    • 163 47 UOB Australia Ltd (DOHA), a wholly-owned merchant bank ing subsidiary of the United Overseas Bank, has signed a Asloo million multi-currency Ruro-rertificate of deposit programme agreement. The programme was arranged by its parent United Overseas Bank with the Hong kong branch of Banque Na
      163 words
    • 116 47 Haw Par disposes of HK garment company HAW War Brothers Intel -national Ltd has sold its Hongkong garment company, reaping an extraordinary gain of about HK$l2 million (5J2.64 million). In a statement issued yes terday, Haw Par said it had sold its wholly-owned Hong kong subsidiary Ying Tai (Far EMt)
      116 words
    • 358 47 THE Ui ban Redevelopment Authority (UKA) txpectfl the government restored shop mm m the Kieta Ayet area to bring m up to $'.'< million m sales At yesterday's closing of the tender launched last month, UKA said it received H bids
      358 words
    • 203 47 SINGAPORE Telecom is con ducting a technical trial for its upcoming Call/one service from this month to March to test the interworking of hand sets of different manufactur IMS In a statement yesterday, Telecom said the trial also aims to Nun
      203 words
  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 209 43 I Competing Globally I The View From Japan |gg|gU_B I (In Japan) SusM x M X I 7-20 April 1991 Parh I i NWI ISA, UK Imagine the hem-tit .uul iiisii-jit to be gained rrom visiting I II iii Iclcphoiu .ip.inrse .uul loint ventmc iDiiip.inirs with ohsrivris whose 1-44 071
      209 words
    • 816 43 Singapore Press Holdings Limited (Incorporated m Singapore) I Notice of Annual General Meeting I Notice is hereby given that the Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at News Centre, 82 I Genting Lane, Singapore 1334 on Saturday. 9th February, 1991 at 1 1 .30 am for
      816 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 388 44 1 INVITATION 1 The Directors of Midsummer Estates Ltd. i developers ol prestige UK investment properties, have pleasure m inviting you to personal consultations to discuss their unique opportunities at Pinehurst South, Grange Road m Cambridge f England* In ,i numbei <>( recent independent reports, Cambridgeshire has Keen identified as
      388 words
    • 327 44 I jIL OKLAHOMA CITY I Wm UNIVERSITY I NPA, m conjunction with OCU, is pleased to announce that applications are I now open for the OCU MBA programme Majoring In Business and I Finance. This programme is offered entirely m Singapore through I the distance learning mode. I OCU, founded
      327 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 363 47 The Perfect Monitors Fbr Business Graphics Applications, Desktop Publishing And CAD/CAM. M tn^^HniHnVCnTnTnUK!?'^ wAVJ H Iff HiiMillß B ls^U^l^t'^rt v'»ij H vH nTMJ^*^H] BkV? ■■■■1 101 opt 111 Mill I results .111.1 llllslirp.issi .1 i -II i, i.-ii. i ollip.lUirs sl|« II .IS I 111-. Ml 1.1 ISYNC ill)* MONTI
      363 words

  • The Straits Times Money
    • 29 48 Up Down lln i h |27 S S hn.uur |3 HiitrK hopeitir, 1 Plantations I i Milling I I) Warrants n v 4 Total 251 7 IS
      29 words
    • 51 48 ma Ftrap i wo M SIA /(111 HIM) I M SIA lOSO I H ÜBS %l) SO I N /OS I SO KeppH Corpn MO I M ItiroriK Ship MM t>l)S I 4S Asm C.i. iti. HHI) t 40 N.itSl.-fl HID t 40 X Mlhs /Sp IHt) I
      51 words
    • 12 48 HMM| W)( 1 GBHI<Jrs?OC 104 I Cdus»'w.iy Rt\ 4' I
      12 words
      • 317 48 DKL;JL;KLKLE THE Allied forces' assault on Iraq yesterday morning ■parked off volatile and heavy trading on the Singapore International Monetary Exchange (Slmex), with about 75,000 contracts traded This is more than three limes the avenge daily volume and traders said trading is
        317 words
      • 312 48 LOCALLY-BASED shipping lines are diverting ships round the Gaps of Good Ho|h* i to avoid war danger and I sky-high insurance rates im- i posed on vessels m the GuU area. The London-based insui ance market has declared the Persian Gulf,
        312 words
      • 173 48 US dollar slumps against major currencies THE US dollar slump.'. l against major currencies yesterday despite earlier exuviations that it would soar m tIM event of war breaking out The dollar dosed at Ssl.74W), down from the pie vious day's Ssl.76r>7, m very heavy and volatile conditions. It also slumped
        173 words
      • 197 48 THE Singapore International Monetary Kxchange (Simex) has for the second time this week raised margin requirements for its energy contracts m view of volatile market conditions, with the outbreak of the (lulf war yesterday The increase took effect from the close of business yesterday. Simex
        197 words
      • 163 48 cold plunged by ussn (SS2H.9O) to dose at uss:wi an ounce after MMling to US$t(W m early trading. Dealer* said trading was very heavy and eiratic, with the price touching the day's low of US$377. The price hit the US$4O9 ussHl range three
        163 words
      • 374 48 HoTH consumers and the oil industry m Singapore not some reprieve yesterday as crude oil prices fell by as much as I lSs«i (5510.20) a' bar it'l, after initially rising on the outbreak of the lulf war Shell. Mobil and (alt<-\
        374 words
      • 280 48 SINGAPORE Airline* iSIA) yesterday said it has diverted or rerouted all services to Bu rape out of the GuM woe by using Soviet airspace. The move affects up to -'w <»f its weekly flights A said all SIA passenger nights i<>
        280 words
      • 360 48 IT WAS business as usual at d'ulf banks located here yes lerday, although one Hah rain-based Arab Hanking Oorporatloa. (ABC), 'he largest Arab bank m the world had shifted some of its essen lial services to London just two days ago In a
        360 words
      • 364 48 LONDON Elirope'l spot market for CfWdl oil recorded its biggest drop m history yesterday morning after apparent military successes by US-ted forces m the GhM ai layed fears for the safety of the region's oil. traders said. Cargoes of North
        Reuter  -  364 words
  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 104 48 is ni I iIB \m B B I IBk B Bt LJ^B v B Bf» MMM B \^N"^ Berry Bros Rudd Ltd v^~ V-^X. '^^B are P loastvcl to announce the appointment of 'MJ-^^ki^WVV '^^^^X Foocl Beverage (Pte) Lid as sole distributors of 1/ /i—^^r\ \\/V j^^B Cutty Sark Scots
      104 words

  • Life!
    • 8 1 The Straits rimes Life! Friday, January 18. 1991
      8 words
    • 1429 1 In a speech last month, the Acting Minister for Information and the Arts, Brigadier-General (Reservist) George Yeo cited the monumental works of China expert, Joseph Needham. The British scholar, at 90, is still at work on his planned 24-book Science And Civilisation In China. Q: Some people
      1,429 words
    • Cover Story
      • 736 2 TO UNDERSTAND the innovative na ture of Joseph Needham's work, it is necessary to see it m the context of the European academic world m the early part of this century. When he began writing his monumental Science And Civilisation In China m the '30s,
        JANE BOHN  -  736 words
      • 356 2 THE following books by ami on .Joseph Needham an* available from the National Library and its hnnrhci 1. SclmoC In Traditional china: A Comparative Per sportive By Joseph Need ham. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, iwi 2. Clerks And Craftsmen In China And The West Lectures And
        356 words
    • Pop Parade
      • 175 3 NOW that the Gulf War has exploded, it's no wonder that Bette Midler's cover of Prom a Distance is storming the Billboard's Adult Contemporary (.'harts. She has done with Prom A Distance What she did with Wind Beneath My Win^s The rotund redhead soared with Wind
        175 words
      • 100 3 THE suimm spoilt Bananarama (above) UPC coming to Singapore for a promo thinly from Match 11 to soil their now album, as yet unfitted from which the tingle Preacher Man is out. They just might do a concert if they can find a place with superb sound
        100 words
      • 116 3 VANILLA ICE (right), who stole the groovy baseline m Ice Ice Baby, from bass greati Queen and David Howie, says he found it quite accidentally. Says ho: "My brother had COpy of Under Pressure (the song which went to No. I m 1961, done by both Howie
        116 words
      • Article, Illustration
        319 3  -  IDA BACHTIAR nTIMJVS nrw album, The Soul VA*tm, Is a study not so much In music as In dripping sensuality. Like his Dream Of Blur Turtles, rhe Soul Cages Is astounding for the power of Its poetry. "...The boy child Is locked In the fisherman's yard There's m
        319 words
      • 111 3 CHE callets who wanted It know when* else an<! how else they can w>\ New Atfe music the suit that is 01 pable <>f radvclig bnili ■UVUI to the subconscious level, letti »k it absoi b infi nite amour. ts of data read on CktCk out the Narada
        111 words
      • Article, Illustration
        125 3 MADONNA (right) is m royal huff with American magazine Clamour for hay ing airbrushod the space l>o Iwoon her troth on the quirt, thus causing tumours to float that she got thorn done, having had her lips puffed out. Madonna was apparently so cfcttMd off that she lx>y
        125 words
    • Diary
      • 1040 4  -  HELEN CHIA TALK about taking the money and running. As I am writing this, the once-disgraced Canadian athlete Ben Johnson is reaping a mini-wind-fall from his comeback race m Ontario last week. Johnson, you will recall, was stripped of his Olympic 100 metres gold medal and world
        1,040 words
      • 379 4 THAT there can be too much of a good thing was obviously on the iiiiml of a distinguished-looking gentleman who was among the YIP-studded crowd at the London Mozart Flfcym 1 concert at the Victoria Concert Hall last Monday While his enjoyment of the music was plain to
        379 words
      • Mailbag
        • 301 4 H,KASK refer to the aili cle, Crowing Up Is Hard To I)o, by T. Sasitharan (Life!. !)<»<• 28, 1990). In discussing the reasoi\s foi the lack of exj>erimental theatre m Singapore, Mr Sasitharan mentioned the Government s Theatre-in Residence Scheme as one structure which inhibits experimentation
          301 words
    • Music
      • Article, Illustration
        559 6  -  Ong Soh Chin Pop Life ECHO And The Bunny men. Hands up, those of you who remember them Brain the heady days of the early '88b, when they reigned su preme m the British music scene along with contemporaries like The Cure and I)e--peche Mode. Then, fronted by
        559 words
      • 503 6  -  S.Y. Whang Jazz On CD THROW A BOOGIE WOOGIE Sonny Boy Williamson and Big Joe Williams (RCS 9599-2-R) THK blues live on. Its vitali ty m the '80s has been at tested to by the likes of Robert Cray and Jeff Hea ley. The burgs record
        503 words
      • 207 6  -  ONG SOH CHIN UNCIIAINKI) MKLODY The Original Righteous Brother** (BMG) Single QUICK! Cash m on a ghost of a chance: release this towering oldie as a single! For good measure, add m two other remixes, one a 6.34 minute-long whopper called the Timeless I^ove Extended Version. But the
        207 words
    • Arts & Entertainment
      • Article, Illustration
        1136 7 What makes Kuo Po run? Designer clothes for one thing. Not to mention Java Jive, her California-styled karaoke pub m Holland Village which is drawing the yuppies every night. The Carol Leong Interview THERE is a lot loss to Kuo Po than meets the eye. This veteran scene-stealer
        TAN SUAN ANN  -  1,136 words
      • 844 8 I'm sexy Lekakis Here for two performances, rimer PWll I^ekakis is the latest hunk to hit the music scene. Whether or not he can actually sing, he sure looks good SHARON UM checks him out PAUL LEKAKIS would probably be the closest thing to a Creek god m the books
        844 words
    • Bilingual
      • 727 9 To produce all-rounded students, experts want changes to be made to China's educational system. LITTLE Xinwei is awakened at 6.20 am by an alarm clock next to his pillow. He breezes through breakfast, and then jumps on a bicycle for a hurried, 20-min-Ute ride to school so
        727 words
      • 590 9 TAIWAN'S first public auction of fine art took place recently m TaijM'i, attract ing 140 buyers, many col lectors and gallery repre sontatives. Works by 22 local paint ers, specialising m Western art styles, were featured at the auction organised by the Heritage Art
        Free China Journal  -  590 words
      • 645 9 Ti3t%s) (/hA) l.iii V.i i tfi PR W IN »Mfei«liftr«J<«l»jd ii 'hl'Oy-l-'-fi );in] fcill W f/5 W /i J: <\'>Y>VJ\'\f X 'I-A'.'lv. IV V: I ll'lf'n/lu'/d i. K#ttflftls W^ i h|. ,::.^'r;m «W Ui Ili fh H /i Hi-. I ■HI tiiftMW I. 11 r iv.'l'/i.'^ 'I tt> J' f>
        645 words
      • 809 10 Vivok Kinra is a Punjabi who has mastered the South Indian art of Bharata Natyam well enough to teach it m New Zealand. He will be performing here next Friday. RH AMA SANKARAN reports. VIVKK KINRA is our of Wellington's best kept se erets. A cultural phenomenon In
        809 words
      • 465 10 •ftl^lip OlDITl^) tLUJrrr^l«m6V) 2 uaSln)^l«>6rT L^OTfeXicr^ib «L_o«mfju u^^liii)«D«jT^ *(55>4ff6drrT51u i in)6n)6ji«.MT ».r dnni^ii AirrjMnTi'i Cluuifi j^UiCJimirt iiii)'».^.l«iiin ftCTfibflm «,/»,n(,\) LJ^MUAMkAm ii)i n' (^)uT«rrsl «*^j,hnin»,\j. i iii)wi)Mi «,i f/H iiji tJimift Ui in)(^l(ii)ifi2ilih i in)«i«» (^u^uim'i I 111)60)6) Ifl.MT I l«,\) j^Vll^^ilbflll^MH ,«>)6)ia)fQ|WT d,ln,(l» l'll Jfli (Zihnfl. ii(i^>. o.n^bjirtl rT .♦^.//.lui
        465 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 561 1 Rackets available Only at CentrepOint. Golt sets and accesaorie* available only at I Marina. ScottS&Wisma a^Bil^ bHHb^bW a^aHla^B^ b^bHb^L^ bHb^b^bl a^VHI^ a^B^^ Ib^b^b^bl aflA. la^HalHl b^MHb^ b^b^ Centrepolnt. Marina and Scotts And to help you W^^bl a^BT^Bm. iaW^^^^^Bl H select your goM equipment, we have a special golt H mm
      561 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 171 2 /WO Le»« M)% to 60% on all watches clocks j£IAVC^ a more than 1500 models to choose from. if\ 1 1 V V'T J0 A I I AIBA AROMA ADEC BULOVA CASIO CHRISTOFLE NAI 4V^ af% CLAUDE BERDARD CARRERA CERTINA -CITIZEN |W fml 1 CHARLES JOURDAN -COLOUR CLUB -CAMPUS •DA
      171 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 295 3 I I I KOI SS I B I V I I I T^fc^J^iiiH FOR BIAI 111 11 RADIANT SKIN Tn^L^^l^n^nß ftiY I, 2, .V YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL lA\( >MI s >, H i )l Xl HI \l 111 II I'Kt '"fr^ KAMMI Is I»l\l I* »l'l I It) I >ls( )\l
      295 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 Pop On TV Monday Pop Club Kenny (J Live SBC IS, lo.iio pm Interwoven with interviews with Kenny (J's bj»nd mem b*»rs is footage from the concert where he plays a collec tlon of his all-time best sellers taken from recent al bums and earlier Q Force release
      48 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 389 4 ACT NOW, FOR A BREATH OF fr—WP iFRESH AIR. L> I m I I L illlUlltilUlUtlUUM I I f llflf lllllflllllllllllll' I M J^B| I J fc^JWBT/Mt H B> I&■ I B^| i i.. PV^ wK^^^^^^^^ J^^articlcs may tv.uin UinKSJ^P^ n^ is Q j^particlcs of plants^ lmarHex Sweet Air
      389 words
    • 96 4 LIANHE ZAOBAO eta A v C *^Rfc I I l— I XT B^^T. <f> II t^Bp, i| IPL4 L^^b TI7I IB ml V a I s\* IB v iTI»J3fIt it^*****40 *****39 /k wniU»sl«M'K lasts jfyQetom CCeanattce i itt, .i ni\ „„„„..^ri.v^., 1 100 $680 JL Sl2O .iv.tii.ihu> f iJLfc^Att,., i
      96 words
    • 66 4 concerning mattera rmwrad /»> LtfuK </ro/) im nmnidmr Utngot argumtmt* i-<r our occasional Opon l.vttrr ntlumn Wt i*/// accept r pubHcatHw only letter* from n-rti/rrs whu MM f/u»r .>iw) nimu",. mitr/id ,<t n /).s#mk/<»/iv m or imtml* I'hr /((/i/rrss ,'jn</ otltrt tht. ill-, nl r:\ih untpr will, <•/ (onrsf, reiii/iin
      66 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
      721 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 Friven AT LEVEL 4 SALES STATION NOW TILL 24 JAN '91 Fsux* Design: IISSVI MMM I \M, I Sll INOPH.I Kromsl2 -^"^j^^^^'^fc^v »v«rv |«ir« h.Lsrol .i lx'<!spr«M<| s«-t or omtortcr o**^ „> Ml^ v"* mm win 1 1 i.m ii i KT^PSSfItKI Specially for children ik m jjjH _i^jS3ftik
      132 words
    • 77 6 TRIO PRESENTS. TheVT^ looks of CAROMA for the \Wfj» BATHSHOP at Marina Square r r.,,| 11 I .in,inqr n.Miu P.k k S.t sealskin W ~m\ n IVEUTRR j^~^> 5H V -IRUf T CONVERTER /V/r I Uri I y m) B^^^ WJ^U [4VilKlyJ PERKINS POWELL Asm,*,, r r niT!n geesa
      77 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 I 12 —20 JANUARY 1991 WORLD TRADE CENTRE HALL 2 12 NOON —10 PM DAILY I I We Have Built The Home *j I I Everyone Can Afford S^&V^ I b^bl I jM^^^^ y^T^^iff*^_ r a J Ibß^^Jm Mm^m^m^mm^^^ I I I 1 4 I H .w ">nB.^SJBKt^ nI i^«,.
      241 words
    • 223 7 m ml '//j If you've entered our Grand r WE'/ I Electrical Fair, you just i g P^^W W 1 might be one of our 10 L/ *v lucky winners! :^fe^2N»- WL' r***k l —^m^ i AM Mm The Electrical Connection Yaohan Best Winner Energizer Winner MS NG LEE HUA
      223 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 245 7 Documentaries On TV MONDAY Horizon Medicine 2000 SBC 12, 9.30 pm Medical knowledge is so advanced that doctors can delve Into the brains of living patients and identify the genes that cause dis eases. However, such mcdl cal procedures cost money and no health service can afford them. This documentary
      245 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 984 8 10 ways the Dale Carnegie Course* helps men and women: Poise and Confidence Public Speaking Human Relations Insight People Management Skills Effective Communications Motivational Skills The Courage to Think, Decide and Ad Sell yourself and Your Ideas Develop Your Hidden Abilities Win a Belter Job, More Income With the Dais
      984 words

  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 652 9 Cross-language Crossword Mtoss-iaiiKuuKc rossword I'u/./ie is puh- Winners of Cross-language lished every Krlduy. .x T It is a hlnese crossword, hut the dues LrOSSWOrd NO 2/91 are given m Hnglish. $stoaMh: I.KOH i HIN IMh Eleven winners will Im- picked from the (LC No 1K0U49 Hi all-correct entries. One will
      652 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 142 10 Results of Tamil Crossword 12/90 r|s 'J" ib uj y> I wi I II (9 I «r>7 I 9> I^l ID U I ID II 4,11 I 6ii I «V)«. ii> I LDrr I (tjj I ID 601 ID £> 601 I >% v u> There art* no winnorH. Before
      142 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 567 11 a JADE l: NOW SHOWING B (*****01) 5 SHOWS: 11am. 1 30, 4 00, 8.30 A 900 NO FHU US I ir<l "'"n v I 4ntva"< 'wu m X, luti>' »mtHMAdI BJ hSesi PK:ituti k I BI^BB^- 13 i*»croH him v. H < |PfaßflßßM^BillßlWa^tt^4 B^Bk^w. iinniMi. iiiirihi U JINN JTOIV^.IIMIBP
      567 words
    • 326 11 TOMORROW MIDNIGHT at B PRINCE 1 CHINATOWN 1 SUNDAY I lam: CHINATOWN I B« Hour* Mlchsml Cimmos bmat "-•""•••"I MP^ '£>••#- Huntar' 3 Vwar <V «■><•"• ">• Dragon Ha dmlivmft a h* on you AVF C^floorfj B it ByafaaV bi r*r*tm a^B J V V BaVJ mr l AaV
      326 words
    • 687 11 TOMORROW MlDNllfc I I OOLOEN/CLEMENTI/ NEW TOWN/PRINCESS/ < HANOI 3/REPUBLIC 2 1 < NOW SHOWING OOLDEN/CLEMENTI/NEW TOWN/ PRINCESS/QUEENS TOWN O: 11 00, 1 00, 4 00. 7 30. 9.30 CL 1100, 1 15. 3 15, 15. 915 I NT: 1 30. 3 JO. 7 30, 930 PR 130. 3.30. 7
      687 words
      562 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1433 12 Th<>Straits r riiiu>s APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES I We are a leading aerospace company that is engaged m a wide range of activities from maintenance, servicing and refurbishment of aircraft, overhaul of engines, components and accessories to manufacturing of parts like blades and vanes. Besides our extensive activities m Singapore we also have
      1,433 words
    • 585 12 y We are a pubic listed Company and due to our recont^^. expansion, we invite suitably qualified candidate to apply for the following positions 1) ENGINEER Degree n Civil Engineering Minimum 2 years' expenence m site supervision Those with pro|ect planning and coordinating o«p» nonce I will be an advantage
      585 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 684 13 APPOINTMENTS We are looking for dynamic and highly moflvated people to run Terminal 1 and 2. and to be part of the team that makes our airport the world s No. 1 for the third consecutive yoar. You are cordially Invited for a WALK-IN INTERVIEW for OPERATIONS AND LICENSING ASSISTANTS
      684 words
    • 582 13 IhfjfßfffPll SENIOR SITE SUPERVISORS Scope of Works: The appointees will assist tin- Project Engineers i«> supervise .iikl coordinate construction projects. Requirements: Recognised Diploma In Ctvll/Structural Engineering Mn hi i H mi 6 years <>t practical experience m handling construction projects, siit- supervision .n i« I coordination SITE SUPERVISORS < I
      582 words
    • 607 13 It only takes a spark Fire* l»ci;iii with sparks; so do hri^lil ideas. I hc\ arc sources ol innoxalioii and excellence. \l rhili|>s. \w encourage you t<» l><* creali\c m more \\a\s than out. Come, helji us to scl (lie liilure at^low P TEST EQUIPMENT DESIGNERS will |»c ics|)oiisil)|i- |oi
      607 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 719 14 APPONTMENTS I SONY j n Sony lOQlsttct (8) Pte 111 has been established special!) to serve I S «n network hasr for the warehousing, distribution and I other logistics related activities for all Sunv companies and I M Factories m the South- Kast Asian region Due to the rapid I
      719 words
    • 501 14 i Duties: Manage, supervise and lead a team of technical support staff to carry out timely service repair job as scheduled. Formulate and implement procedures. Generate service income for the Company and initiate service objectives m line with the Company goals. Provide efficient services to customers and analysis of customers'
      501 words
    • 530 14 has vacancy, for the position ol I SECRETARY I I Minimum GCE 'O* Level or its I I equivalenl I I Completed Private Secretarial I I Course I I Experience m Wordprooessing and I I Related experience m the Hotel I I Industry is an advantage I I Matured and
      530 words
    • 524 14 Toshiba! TOSHIBA SINGAPORE PTE LTD I is a Multl National Corporation minu Ism tuiing colour TV» and dealing In consumer products In Singapore We invite suitably qualified candidates who would like to make their contribution* to our continued growth to apply for the following position* SAkis REPRESENTATIVE <«w») j •Mm
      524 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 406 15 APPOINTMENTS I SB LEX SUN INDUSTRIAL m ifgjPTELTD Diploma. NIC I or NIC 2 with minimum 'i years' working experience In MITSUBISHI m SODICK Machine m precision Industry. Knowledge <>i programming is essential. Some supervisor) experience will be an added advantage. NIC 2 with minimum 3 years' experience In programming
      406 words
    • 1154 15 NOTICES IN I III: UK. II (M Xl OK I 111 HI I'l 111 M lII MM, Moid Suit N.i IMI ol ItM Mmh HUM \NI SlNt.ll S O -II MIM SlNtill ruiiiiur \||<l I. IMM Hl'\l. MNt.ll HA I I 1 \IINIIK\r\I. SINUII S O UVIINIIKI SINIill I HMMI
      1,154 words
    • 551 15 TENDER NOTICE^^B Tenders are Invited for 1 Proposed Additions of Restrooms to existing Fireman Jetty at State Foreshore Mk 3 1 off Nlcoll Drive Singapore 1750. j^Hti 2) Alterations and Additions Works for Automatic Sprinkler System and Building Reticulated System |^B to CIP Lounges at Terminal 1 |^X Singapore Changl
      551 words
    • 804 15 P^^^^H H B^B^B^B^BB^B^B^B^B^a^a^Bl^Ba^BB^BB^B^B^BB^BB^B^BB^B^B^BB»^B»^B»^B»^B»^B^B^B^BHL TPMPiPQ TERM CONTRACT FOR ALL CIDB $3 ILIMULn THE LEASING OF PHOTO- CSOCON 8291 CostOl COPIERS to HDH Pio TRACTORS irate Tenders an Document/ pwtfcn tor the pi invited for each ot the Minimum Closing 1.4.*****1.3.98 tulloW H) Cale Of V oalB -SUPPLY OF 0NE(1 UNIT N,;,
      804 words
    • 323 15 BSBSI NATIONAL vssS UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE ESTATE OFFICE TENDER NOTICE EO/T/13/91 fenders aro invited for tho Supply and Dolivory of two units (12 soator) Mini Bus complete with Certificate of Entitlement (the Mini bus must be PB registered and propelled by potrol Engine Capacity Approx 2000 cc to the Estate
      323 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 631 16 NOTICES f^^ MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE DRAINAGE DEPARTMENT (1) Minor Drainayo Works m Districts No. 3, 4 and 5 for the period 1.4.91 to 31.3.93 Rof: T^N(ENV)OB/91/6 'Showround: 1 1\\\ Storey Conference Room, Lnvironnient Building, 40 Scotts Road, Singapore o922 on 23. 1.91 at 10. 30.mi (2)
      631 words
    • 873 16 -W I 15 SERVICING OP JAPANESE VS^^VL 10 Mf N CHAMIICM fTTTTTT'HRWTHTfRrS > < 10 TO CARRY OUT r»n<f .it.- invttad toi the modification oi no ■jhh'lv "i twHamabaiowr|Cloaing JAPANESE chamui w tin 1 1 (Hj,» m oltmtf ihowii) i<mul<t Mo ii 10(1(1 M ilng D.ito :>:' 2-91 I. a.
      873 words
    • 730 16 r TENDER NOTICE I Pcnderi aie invited front experienced contractors ii>i the regular cleaning, including the supply of requisite labourers and I accessories, of Ihe following library buildings I lor |hC period 1 April I*Wl to 31 March 1992: 1 1 Ang Mo Kio Branch library. Ant- Mo Ku> I
      730 words
    • 808 16 Mk T ENDER NOTICE I Tondrrs .m- inviti.'d for |Im> following I i) The Supply and Delivery of Continuous I Forms to Ngee Ann Polytechnic lor the I period 1 4 91 to 31 3.92 (Term Contract) I I Reference NP PSS 45 90 I Open to CSD CSD'STA 10
      808 words
    • 678 16 PLANNING ACT (CAP 232, K +w li«) THE MASTER PLAN Xl 1 1 s. 1963 Notice under Hull- 14 (ii) Notice is herebj given tli.n Iht Following ,iit< Litmus io ihc Msitrr Plan have been approved !>v Ihe Minfatei f >» Nuli< ni.ii I )< Aciiipiiu-iit 1) ReSO«i»| nl 10l
      678 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      632 words
    • 618 17 Singapore Telecom Fenders are invited for CATI (iORY I BUIIDINfJ AND MM SI HVICES a) LPPB/F/9 1/006 Henovation of toilets, lobbies and staircase at City Tolophono f xohanojo b) IPPM/T/91/005 Install air conditioning <iuc twork and other associated works to Katong Submarine Cabta Station c) i ppb/t/91/008 Proposed mooes container
      618 words
    • 547 17 I FIT] LAND OFFICE R I__ TENDER NOTICE 1 1 Tenders are invited from CIDB-registered I contractors for the daily cleaning and removal of I refuse at the Government Tenements at Mosque Street, Upper Cross Street and New Bridge Road during the period 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992.
      547 words
    • 372 17 Qj MINISTRY OF HEALTH TENDER NOTICE MOH Tender No. 1/91 Terxters are Invited for the provision of security service at the Ministry of Health HQ at the College of Medicine Building and Tan Teck Guan Building. 16 College Road. Singapore 03 1 6 for a period of two years with
      372 words
    • 661 17 HftS PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD TENDER NOTICE The Public Utilities Board Invites tenders from eligible CIDB/CSD Registered Contractors for the following. 1 CE ***** Supply of instrument and service air compressor spares to Pulau Seraya Power Station Registered Contractors m Mechanical Engineenng, Mecha .'f^l Equipment, Plant and Machinery, Mechanical Materials, Components
      661 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 794 18 NQfTTCES HH^PWDMI TENDER NOTICE Tenders .no invitod for the following (A) CQS/42/91 -Construction of Coach Sholters at Empress Place and Supply and Installation of Bus Shelter Seats at Various Locations (B) PWD(R)CT 17/91 Letting of Coach Operator's/Private Hire Car Operator's Office 'A' at Delta Circus Fringe Car Park Bus Shelter
      794 words
    • 680 18 EH3 NATIONAL lja»j UNIVERSITY T 3^ OF SINGAPORE ESTATE OFFICE TENDER NOTICE Separate tondors nre invitod from CSD and CIDB Rogistorod Contractors for tho following (A) Tender No: EO/T/6/91 Manufacturo. Supply and Dolivory of Uniform for tho poriod Ist April 1991 to 31st March 1992 (B) Tender No: EO/T/7/91 Daily
      680 words
      632 words
    • 548 18 EE3 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY T 3^ 7 OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Soparato tondors are invitod for the supply dohvory, installation and commissioning of the following equipmont (A) Tender No: SURG/T/04/91 (for Department of Surgery) Cavornosomotry and Cavornosography (B) Tender No: CHEM/T/09/91 (for Department of Chemistry) Elomental Analysor (C) Tender No: ORTH/T/03/91
      548 words
    • 707 18 As% SINGAPORE V POLYTECHNIC IrNDI-H NOTH V Icn.UiN iiivHr t J |b| ihc lol|,.mih X l)Tcndcr No: SP/SLO/VI/OOOK/OUISPBANDMUSsCAI TOUR ion kin m MAY/JUNI-(I2I)AYS) l>«Kumrnl Ytt. $20 (X) 2) It-ndrr No: SrVMM/9|/00l|/<.H< SUPPLY. DBUVBRY, INSTALLATION COMMISSDONINGOP loiNiis v am SOPTWARBORBQUIVAI IM Document Ke*: $20 (V) 3(Tvnder No: SP/I»KR/«)l/0012/<;iH SUPPLY. DBUVBRY ins
      707 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1328 19 NOTICES CHUAN HUP HOLOINGS LIMITED 1 1". mpmfd hi Smgapowl LOST CERTIFICATES N. i Amount, MHNIMMM Nam* O«»t ripiion Carl No No Uf Shxat 1 1 ...ii 'its i 000 Sutm npdon H.jhKUu. I 'i Nmmwm Pn i m Nlllii .1 .|IVI »l«'lf|.y ( llMt DM rftif.t il ■,•,,,.•<) .1(1,1
      1,328 words
    • 624 19 TENDER NOTICE I I i Singapore Akpori Terminal Servicei (Pte) I I. til (SATS) invites lenders lor the proposed I I Apron Repair Work at SATS Maintenance H Centre, Singapore Changi Airport. I j H Only (11)11 registered general building I H contraclon (Financial Category $1,000,000 H and alnivet aie
      624 words
    • 427 19 SINGAPORE JOINT CIVIL DEFENCE FORCES Tondors aro invited from registered CSD tenderers for--1 LCD Panel for Projector Tender No: SJCDF/LOGS 167/0191 Hf.Md:CSD/AVE/10 Financial Limit: $Ib,ooo 2 Combat Boots Tondor No: SJCDF/LOGS 168/0191 Head CSD/CAA/10 hiur.cial Limit: $500,000 3 Laundry Services for SJCDF Units Tonder No. SJCDF/LOGS 169/0191 Ii CSD/SER/12
      427 words
    • 500 19 r SINGAPORE BROADCASTING CORPORA lION^k I NOTICE OF I PREQUALIFICATION I PROPOSED OUTDOOR TV PRODUCTION SITE WITH ANCILLARY r ACII M lE. SON LOT 46-3 MX 7AT JALAN AHMAD IBRAHIM Tender No. PO9/90/05 I CIDB Registered Contractors with the I following minimum registration grades I are invited to submit applications
      500 words
    • 607 19 HOLY INNOCENTS 1 lii<;n SCHOOL TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for: Project: Piling works for proposed extension of Holy Innocents' High School at Upper Serangoon Road. Eligibility: Cluß contractors registered under the contracting heading "Piling" m the "G3 M and 4 above Financial Category. Tender Document Fee: $530 payable by
      607 words
      601 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 116 20 Student life m Sinaapcre a carnival? ycu bet! \mm^^m v HI 111^ To prove it here's Friday Weekly The nations first ever P« \i||l^f|||| fl|\| flllll Chinese-language paper for student M v m m You'll find it's just what you'd been missing all along. Specifically <* inly 4 limoM'-lciiiiHiciiM' Ht
      116 words

  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 2277 21 What's On rfINPFRI __^___^p P jaaavaaaa^ BaaBaBIIBBBBaaB world maps RAmn i UUIiULII I B«^P^ Antiques of the Orient hall lielit is a showcase i.hinese n.idi nnUIU I •< „v.r I *02-40, Tanglin Shopping Centrn ti< >rr. md Western U:< hnoioijM ,|l wi/aidr M. ->d.ry L... jNfl DfJ I 10 am
      2,277 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1087 22 i^HL^HLVT^^PVL^L^HV a^HHLHTA^TTSHHL^H HL^L^^aTTTTT33L^HI HLHKT^^a^^T^TT^L^LH HLILV^F^^TTT^IL^L^LI KONCAOfßoadOaie iM 4V K.^l ■aH liil'lvi^^l wk >^^S m v^l'l.* 1 1 1 L^7 i 1 1 "3 f '^1 Auto flash Aoto wnder ?Bmm lens Hk^kHHHL^A^HLIHHBBI ■^IUJUi^Mi^HII TV /^^^P^a^^^ i^P"TW^pW^P i^ i^Lb p^^^^^J^^UJy^^^^^ p ro0 a^ irn i «r«atr«r »ho» sand A^r^^S^fefl LH lijl^,!
      1,087 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 1424 22 Television SBC I 11^ I SBC l 2 6.55 AM Opening Turtles Burne's m^S 7 30 IM °P ern <in(l Programme Scherbo Vit.ily of the Soviet 7.00 News Update (Innlr.h (hi Blues (Cirtoon) Highlights, lollowed hy Drama Union nese/Malay/ lamil) 7.00 The Scheme Of Things Lw**t fc Classics The Indis-
      1,424 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 239 1 lIIIIMIII I JANUARY 1991 MCI(PU l 9/ 7/90 W B $'V5O j MY CRISES HE SEX PAGE A^ /I WOMAN W Questions wß^^n 1 y° u always Frank, moving X ,K^^^ wanted to ask accounts VJ5^ recession m FASHION \£m m^^ What it means for you l^^^^^L k T HE
      239 words
    • 237 1 THE GROWTH" TRIANGLE A Special Business Times Survey I February 26, 1991 I The Growth Triangle began casually as an Idea. Singapore. E Hatam. Johor. Singapore has a rich pool of managerial talent. I Hatam and Johor* are rich m natural resources, land and labour. I Combine the throe and
      237 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 809 2 YUUn ljUlUt IU brlUrb ANU oLnVIULo OBIANCiAH* WIST WAST •JUHOf««HUKIIHAI()K.HUK^^ I RIBS you would find hard to refuse L^BBBB^BBtf"^BBTaBBBBBBB^. %^^m^m^mP^m^mmmC^9 HlmCSi^MVlM^^. v^^bM ■■b^mt Lmm^Rm^mV^^l^^^Lml mmmm^ IQ fiß^wS^aNMMMMi^^MaM^k^ -JB wF m^Bm < mm^i**»^i^»m«"«"bwmmmmbblßmlmmmmmbmbbmbßbßmmb^^^ TUX rainy season ls tK*re and barfx-cue-s an- that's not all, the nb dish wfuch ls served with
      809 words
    • 249 2 inai (vih/ihiwng Kcnm WEST EDITION F o' onqijines call *****00 JgrilP«i»|t -Wl"6i II!MHJ:INi,HJi:^,I:» Look out for our new exciting range of imported fashionable sweaters at even lower than half price! Ij-adies^Underwear 3.90 1.00 5 IXL Bath Towel 4.90 S 2.00 Quality Cup 3 pcs $1 1 70 4.00 Briefs 3
      249 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 754 3 YUUH VjlUlUt IU uliUrb MNU otriVlUto IUAr*iAH«MSTCOASI^UR(W;MNJKIU}AH)K«BUKIIPANJAW, -AMAH^^^ THE IDEAL 3-IN-l BABYCOT I FOR TODAY S MOTHERS sMu f^Lm,J BABY COT band down whan putting baby t>> t'.'.l It is „Is,, srtt.- f..i mottwn I- .vliust lh« lowi-i mattMM ban POl baby 10 play insult' tlif 1 <>t IN 'iff
      754 words
    • 49 3 INAI AUVnni'.lNi '.M Tins WEST EDITION Tor cnquinos call *****00 Mil !l^s^ Display TJJ Cahinol mdl Carvod Dragon logs Tab to a^fIIHHHH CoHou Shop TabU) l^^l Cottoo Shop Chair WING MEE FURNITURE/ *3Q? INo 20. Lor. MamUMijj. SiMMOM 1027. 1 I (Hollaiul Village hehimi Malay;ui Banking?*I \<t\. 468-0705,468-6512 I
      49 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 YUUK UUIUt IU bnUrb ANU otnVlUtlO BIA^AH«WtST(X)AST»JURO^»BUKnHAIOK»BUKITPANJAW«AM^ MARBLITE counter ONLY^ $542/- —7 por motr© r-— O!v i 1 Heng Leong Huat Marketing Pte Ltd 1 Jalan Anak Bukit #02- 10 Bukit Timah Plaza Singapore 2158 Tel: *****72/*****73 r Trading Pte Ltd Iffifi l^ JSUfeno 1 V-HMl'^h, Blk 273 Buklt Batok
      417 words
    • 74 4 WEST EDITION For enquiries call *****00 I MOUNT ELIZABETH Health Centre I I I Experience the £f*e<xt (?<%*Htf<%>it I H I and IRetntatioH with us I H II Sauna/ Steam Shiatsu Swedish I H I I Hot/Cold Pools MassaQe I J Mount Eh/aboth WOI 01 I I Mount fli/.ihrth M«-(1u
      74 words

      2 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 54 1 B^B <' WM^k j^^H B S When you stop at green, you'll not only discover HP Super Unleaded -the new environmentally friendly petrol, you'll also discover our high quality P?^l oils and prompt, ethcient service. )ur new stations arc brin^ine the customers m, Inn it's everything else we do that's
        54 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 1175 2 M liVyi jMai) [^^K^J TLX: RS ***** CLASS FAX: 732-0230 Fating Out 2 Eating Out "*/v'o«s/ Suckling Piglet |OHS| available ffom Monday to Filday ■rkidMig Public Holiday (aha away) ;)t»«r till 31/01/91 JaSListiun iiifiiiimini -m-^Sgn No I M l>Un Ugundi. S<nß«p(K« 2775 pp. ♦mtawini Shopping Centre) Smn cter** J If
        1,175 words
      • 1141 2 30 Musical Instruments 30 Musical Inatrunrnts 30 Musical Instruments COMPUTUNE/ ELKA MUSIC SCHOOL ti&jF^& HUGE DISCOUNT GIFTS HURRY! BPHS&^B BHHIHBBP| FURSTEIN P^^ B^S^Slad mod#4 ll2 WR^ ELKAORLA Vl\lV.t*l CUmlc $3900 On., \«*OV^\ PHi^" 0 j 31 PCM Programmable. \\UkW\l l uropea Palno At V">H'> Percussion Rhythms Solo A m%f^ DeposK
        1,141 words
      • 943 2 35 SSKIT' PfOdUCU/ 35 Compufr Product./ 35 Computer Product./ aerv>c>> B>rvtc Service. I (Eizcr Flexscan 9070S RRfH With I I/O lexscan l M)7()S Mfc^rjJ \(>u get more display area hut __E__i_l__| .no lcssc\|xtscd to the invisible H-_^_H__H_H__H_H_H hmnh that niav Iv harmful t t > you I. ike low lrei|iietic\
        943 words
      • 312 2 I 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ B t»'c«. 8«rvk»« 4-11 THE SIGN OF qUAiny PRODUCTS RDJUSTRBLE COmPLEJE l'H]Qi£ mnr irn lajj WITHW^BTRIIIt 1 J A^^M^ •'UP tß> al fc| IQWKIKHIIJWCiQtIW »oju»i»iii af I i iMimn ji^arfHi^l^l^J SERIES 788 cmto*«witm MnTYIOC« MMMbW MICRO DATA COMPUTERS iM4 *06 29 A *00~45
        312 words
      • 183 2 A mlh. o4d 2M/ 1« Fit* Mr»*r c/« hii Mm DC Miinl.tMk •mMXIi on tM,,ir.l memory I.'MU 1 44 MM.IInk (1rl»f I Hunii .'irt\i r i .ifd KM Monitoi 'lUKlllill '2Hn Novrll MM vkllfi iioi iiinniiallorM XT workstation r/« 'MOKIt on Nmrrt mrirof) UMiKII iM illUr til Mil H,.r,Mlvk I
        183 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 825 3 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ 35 Computer Products/ B*rvl8 rvlc STv'cea Services SHERRk r FRO-2B6SC/16 SHERRY introduces security for your personal databank Security, m addition to practicality and I nfTordnbility that's exactly what the SHERRY SHERRY PRO-286SC/16 ofTers you. plus PRO-286SC/16 a hoHt of other utility features With the
        825 words
      • 937 3 37 Gardening/ Landacaping ANYTIME BOOK A nil 1,, |< fc for frrr SSUMMMM for trrr .utlliik. DUStMS ■lcuriincr. ill.tpoMil it wcoratlnf ol k<lh landacapa trast luifiiiK. demolition wurk Call Qearfi MIMB, pf '.*mv&\ CHEAP 4 RELIABLE. ItMim-.tlutr wnric* for tr^e eutUnf kiusn lurfliiK A disposal Call tot tree pttlmalton, contact
        937 words
      • 587 3 44 TV/ Video/ Hi-Fi NO OCPOSITI Kusy luiyiiient Icrins CT V $40 Video \SI l-'rldge %M Mlcru wuve oven %til Wu.shlng iiuichliie Cooker hob $:>i rrade m acceptable I'ronipi delivery lei MMM SEE FWA SPECIALISED In video. colour TV, m fi system repairs antennae Installation Service gimr.uilee.l lel ,4.WHH ;4.miHt:>
        587 words
      • 903 3 46 Houae Renovation/ 40 Houae Renovation/ 0*«" Decor (WLNESSE) "principal f7 Ja^iJ^x DISTRIBUTOR W WORLD LLADLR IN WINIX)W fASHION U II r~JBHaBHBMJ| .vi ikasiim it. mm \i aii 0 I I i^H^H VVl|)| CHOICI Ol HI '.Ii.NIM fl H m colours LJ n i^=^^L m^o\ AISO AVAIIAMII >-< W J-_____l_iMl
        903 words
      • 680 3 47 Plumbing/ Electrical A A ELECTRICAL PLUMBINO SERVICE CONTRACTOR ATTEND IN 30 MINS M HRS. ISLANDWIDE VARIOUS DISTRICTS QOOO WORKMANSHIP Kor any repair, choke, electrical blackout, pipe leaking, fir leak Ing it any Installation 1 ■> years guarantee Cell *****91/ ***** M Day A night Lie: 0601/66 All electrical a
        680 words
      • 1102 3 54 Photography/ Video Filming STUDIO LIGHTING COURSE ducted t>y auallfled profeaalonaJ photographei i« issstaiu I hi irsilon at $:'H(I Btaitlni noon KaiiiiioiiK U lil cc *****81 ;4.'..i:>«m l 55 Club Memberships CN WEST INOIVIOUAL M.uil.. i MH|> rxpirr<i Marrli IWWI Any reasonable o(fei ronaldered lri 2H.'. i\2M) TMCC CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP
        1,102 words
      • 265 3 60 Private Inveatigators Rf TIRfO POLICf OrFICIH timrr Him. vr> <-<iHTlrn<r a/tll M4M > .Mir ,i,r. „iti, i rrlmlnal mittrlriioiiui onUi I Altwrl \M*£!tl mix t<, su i\:> IW l>..[ilr-i I'Hrk >riir» 61 Health Centres/ Maaaage DOUBLI FOATUNI MIAITM Cli nia.'*H|(r vhuiim lull flrfninir ritrrlM tsulpaifnl hattirm ailarhril ball) io:«imii
        265 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1054 4 63 Domestic Help 63 Domeslic Help" 63 Domeatic Help 63 Domeatic Help Av bl< h**U»b\e Available Available MORE THAN Pe/sonallv interviewed overseas and screened from provinces frequently 1 2,800 FAMILIES XLZiZ!" M CAN'T BE WRONG kSSS Afsa> j£ B::r can 225 0707 A,. SB- r f1 m xV^^M B^^i^^^^*^i^r^'^^^' l
        1,054 words
      • 775 4 EXPERIENCED SRI LANKA/ Flllpl tut Indonesian maMs fur trans lei Can cook Ms,, rrrth t > t< aa las 4<n wm.i. c-irra-oi FILIPINO MAIDS FOR fUtHI iransfei sri Lankan/ Indian ih.ii also nv.iii call Joseo ar.!HMW -2»7044f> 1 1.l« l"oH9rt-((l) FILIPINO MAIDS WITH rSSMBS |>v p<-r for iransfei Call
        775 words
      • 885 4 63 Domeatic Help 63 Domeatic Help Available Available UNCOMPROMISE STANDARD Eim'ili'l.l.'.i.l'Hl Only the best INDONESIANS Filipino $450 are picked for one month c I <MQ(I INTENSIVE and DISCIPLINE f" Lankan JJ9J i stay-in training Indonesian $1 200 j WTW7mflt^l~yi>y^M Muul »an>/pm 5 "■■■•■■■■■■■■•'•■■'•■•■•■aAßfcßlJß Sat 9arrv4pm I" #05-64, Peninsula Pla/aS(O6 17)
        885 words
      • 678 4 75 Phones/ Faxes/ Pagers S9SS ONWARDS. Micro Tai/ MOOXL BCX H Series' OKI/ Hitachi/ Toshiba NIC im curnit also avattaMe 1 1 hr installa tt HI) Tel IW/HWWI Q«ee Motor IWI NEW YEAR Offer MM OKI TOYOCOM, Toshiba eaf phone; Chrti Eileen. M6S3SJ p« igragMi WE BUY, SELL i, Trade-In
        678 words
      • 1524 4 73 Office Equipment/ 73 Office Equ.pmenl/ Supplies Supplies PHILIPS KZ PHONE SYSTEM AI $800 V] With 2 lines A 6 extns. t get the following Features Phones absolutely free! 1 -exec Feature Phone C/W 20 station memories 3-std Feature Phone with facilities of handfree Dailmg, music on hold H Interested
        1,524 words
      • 812 4 80 Commercial 80 Commercial Vt-sselß Vassals NOW AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE FOR SALE TO HIGHEST OFFERS TO BE MADE TO AMSBACH MARINE BY 26 JANUARY 1991 CIVIL ENGINEERING A BUILDING CONTRACTORS PLANT. MARINE EQUIPMENT 1 i S«mi submersible floating gentry crane 'LAYER FOX' c Bull) i ram i i u-.> ii
        812 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 701 5 82 Business Opportunities FINANCIAL A PfIOMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES LIMITED? 1 Minimum $ per ih 1 Maximiini 4 working houn 1 1 ia| veek > t Kxp«Ti.ii, i-, noi ,->s.-iiu.ii m tDilnliiK will he pruvMi'il For mof d«lMlt. plaat* contact MR KENNETH LEOW/ MR TIMOTHY NO TEL 227J13t FOOD STALL for rental
        701 words
      • 535 5 93 Part-Time/ 93 Part-Time/ 93 Part-Time/ Temporary Positions j Temporary Positions Temporary Positions I ■o/a\i ■»">! i* t T~?riiTV7ir»^?r~B»~v~i> LPxA\-kxLF^l fl lI Vi II 3Q T&T> M.»k»- *'xtr<» lik on w hy jolnit ie) us m the fast Line BUSINESS EXECUTIVES "9'> Inc t«ntlv«'s and commissions r till titiM-is m<iy
        535 words
      • 262 5 CONVERT YOUR FREE TIME INTO A PROFIT ABLF TIME IN THE EVENING Only four hours working lime K.arn al four figures n more No experience require. 1 Training and guidance pro vlded Call MS. JOYCE LIM MR. THOMAS LEE al: m 1733 EXTRA INCOME High Income potential Oood advancement
        262 words
      • 558 5 Looking lor a part-lime job that pay* highar than a full time |obl (Mala/ Famala) We offer x 4 hrs per day nlKtil No experience required Training provided .Suitable for ROD, liou.sewlves. retirees business personnel Foreigner! ara also welcome Mandarin or Malay speakItiK personnel are also vul collie It you
        558 words
      • 798 5 94 Professional/ 94 Professional/ Executive Positions Executive Positions BBaßjysaa^Bajsaajawas«saweMa^««iMi« Ma^ >IMlaHaaa aasaaMi teaff SANTA FE lU M9r«r jntu^W)l"t U (A member of the lAC group ol companies) H Due to rapid expansion of our various activities H we have immediate vacancies for the following positions H Candidates preferred who are
        798 words
      • 475 5 94 Professional/ Executive Positions COST ACCOUNTANT rilUHll r,,r 'i"r.ui,.M o| i raontha hy f'T.-iKii bank's Project Dep4 im tl«-s Ilivclv.' exteiiMve Costing •or* ftnanelal forecaatlng tiiKiKftniK Suitable candidate wiiiilii prohiihly posstsi CIMA qualification <>r eejulvaltai have sosm ytMrs sTmttag .-ximti ence In similar capacity esp. i-iiiiiy m the ajaa of
        475 words
      • 667 5 94 Professional/ Executive Positions ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVES/ ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTS L« .ll gloup of cimipailles seek Accounts Kxecutlves and Accounts Assistants for thei, various a« counting departments Candidates for the Accounts ■aacwUeas pasts should possess the following n a recognised ai i ounting ajuallfk atlon '.'i Minimum of I yearn' rele rani
        667 words
      • 513 5 94 Professional/ Executive Positions Ningapore i premlei i aaiaani In International removals freight ii raiding ami exhibition hai vi' mcj fui FEMALE OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE knowledge «,f Import and 'X|M.rt procedures tspertsnead m luaarvMai '•■am of documenatlon lerks m submlaalon of loms pernilLs possess strong le iitrrshlp ajwaMttsa iwrform well umlei
        513 words
      • 178 5 94 Professional/ Executive Positions MACOLINE (S) PTE LTD 7SC DUX TON ROAD SINGAPORE 030S A ■Sung fc aggressive shipping oii.|.,uiv rtejaim AN OPERATION IXiCUTIVE I ont.illier i omelillon ll ship planning M ullng I'ort lininigratloii ■idln.iUng shlfi supplies Knowledge uf porUsef. id If appii i A SECRETARY m PgJC holder
        178 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1418 6 9e Tutorial Positions 96 Tutorial Positions NEW CHILD CARE CENTRE In I«iok Blangah, built on tha concapt of quality cat* niulivalad and anlhuaiaatic paraona to |oin our laam aa SUPERVISOR Minimum requirement relevant experience with i Child Care Intei mediate Certlflcalc TEACHERS/ ASSISTANT TEACHERS Minimum requirement .< O levels with
        1,418 words
      • 934 6 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ 98 SecTelaTJaTT" Clerical Positions j Clerical Positions Clerical Positions Clerical Positions H<)N(. LEONG COKI'OKATION CROI 1 > 4|pk 5 "X We .m- dynamM Gniup <.i C«fnpMiii» which has extensive interest* m Sr^®i3\ X. A hi. iiuii.u 1 1 1 1 1 is 'lisiiil>tiu< hi.
        934 words
      • 780 6 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical P0,,t,0n. _Cl«r,c«l P0.,.,0n. Cleric." Porttiont A Rewarding Future With Us Shipping clerks GCE "N" or -0" levels Able to type accurately No experience required as turning will be provided Preparation of shipping documents and booking of vessel and flight with forwarding agents IMPORT
        780 words
      • 475 6 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions SYSMECH a AUTOMATION PTELTD a A leading local m Automaton Company m has immediate vacanaes tor BHBJBJBJBJpjBJa^B^aB^BBaI BMalßHlßiMiß»BiiJiißi ■Be able to communicate m Simple F nghsh or ■3 Mandarin AMe to read simple aj instruction m m Most possess a a good record of Class m
        475 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 514 7 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions Jr Off to a flying start yWe are one of Ihe world's leading m international cargo management companies with a reputation tor excellence. Our fast moving and dynamic business continues to expand, creating exciting career opportunities for capable individuals. We require: ISHIPPINQ
        514 words
      • 553 7 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions TIMES PRINTERS Mjikt.'t loader m ttu; production of high quality books and maga/iiuis is looking lor: Responsible (or providing secretarial and administrative support to the Human Resource Manager A good GCI '0' level or A' level with hands on PC experience Responsible
        553 words
      • 487 7 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions (H I >AIM/\KI i We in\ itc applii .iiinns for: ACCOUNTS CLERKS Female Age above 1 yean c GCfi <) level v\nh I'.issr^ m English e> Maths LCCI Intermediate Mi>»)k Keeping I ii> 1 vc.iis working experience pcrfcircd PERSONNEL CLERKS SHIPPING CLERKS
        487 words
      • 503 7 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions (intraco r "N Inlraco, a leading trading and distribution company m Singaporo hus vacancies tor SALES CO-ORDINATOR Pre-r«quisltos GCE "OTN" Levels typing spood of at least 3f> wpm Knowledgo ol PC applications The following position is availablo at our associate company located
        503 words
      • 628 7 98 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions Clerical Positions I -mFLYING FREIGHT AGENCY (S) PTE LTD 15-11 Cargo Agent Building B Airport Cargo Road, Spore 1781 A Veil .-stahlishi'd Alrfrelnht Coinpanv li.v Immediate vacancies lor 1) ACCOUNTS CLERK 1 Minimum O.C.E '< V IrvH with credit m English 2 Ahlc to
        628 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 601 8 "8 Secretarial/ 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona Clerical Positions CONF A/C CLERK Workplace kjrong(neai reban/Wesl i oast) Work Hour B 5 15(1 ive days weefcl Qualification. Preferabry able i<> type knowledge of LOTUS/Word fVitn I Contact DAREN/JOSLIN *****33 OH WALK IN 10. PENJURULANE SPORE 2260 SBS No /8 from Jurong asl
        601 words
      • 400 8 Qarman galas Office has Immediate vacancy for: FEMALE QENERAL CLERK a Ate twtwrrn ID to 2i\ a Plaasanl psrsonallti c Minimum (HF. N 1 nr I level with Credit 111 ■agMak a Conversant In Engnati snd Mandarin a Mln 1 yenr working sspstfanes Interested applicants ptaaSS Contact Mlit Oora«n ul
        400 words
      • 548 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona a prog rv salve atilpyard al m i uaa, Jurong has w3 lininedlale vm .m. I,- [of s1) female i accounts CLERK 2 rCE I >■ nr N level f a. ountlng expertem s 2 PC knowledge n ■2) GENERAL Z CLERK aj ml-: <i- m
        548 words
      • 533 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona An established company require* ACCOUNTS CLERK (Female) a KnnwleitKe nf ll'C Accounting a Bookkeeping /t lypang a i yi-,ir esparltisca Inleresti'il please < nil M write In In 10 New Industrial Road #03-01 A Singapore 1953 Tel: *****16 rapidly growing electronic i 'in [>nr i v
        533 words
      • 624 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona lewellery Miinufacl urei m Macphersofi reeulrca STOCK ASSISTANTS Singapore < Ithwri a Ahle to speak Manila tin a Bet I i above a Rxpertem <• not ascsasary a Salary between ivihi |M Interested, pleas* call Tel: 746-2629 For appointment Tha Singapora laland Country Club requires Clerha
        624 words
      • 590 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona 1 onsliuction t o reipilres FEMALE GENERAL CLERK (office ut junction of Ka-sl M Hiank.l Aye aatatotfa* sllli|)le leilc al .lulles f>'i day week Julian Construction Pte Ltd S JLN SAUDARA KU SINGAPORE 1545 IKI. 44H WM) FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK reejutred by Printing Co KiiKllsh
        590 words
      • 561 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitions Wall establlahed Intl Fraighl Forwarding Co. raqulrea: DCLIVERV WHARF CLERK* a I'refer Cla.s.s I 4 licence a Know I'HA procedures LORRY CRANE DRIVER a Posvsfl Clajis 4 licence FEMALE OENERAL CLERKS a I'refer with ship* .xperten, a Ahlllly to type Plaaaa wrila or call al: 1
        561 words
      • 596 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Positions ■Mai Jap Conilru. lion Co •Mukll Hatok) urgrnlly IeajBSMI EDP CLERK N' or Irvrl ii afS hrlow 2S rlrm knowlnlKr of lotui I^.l 1 Ii bask proKrammliiK Salary iKA) S, USMSBSti g| lowaiur Call Daniel al :>nlU44n Bspandlng Pirn uratntli rrijiiirrd (1) JUNIOR SECRETARY (2) OENERAL
        596 words
      • 910 8 98 Secretarial/ Clerical Poaitiona j SECRETARIES a pgJC at rijulvalrnt c Knowlrdur of iHH.kkrrpliig a Al Iru^l I >^ nn rrUrlnl tad ailmlnlxlratlvr rxprrl tact Salary Ilium 1 01 allon onSrnoko l(,l write or contact lal rS2-07tt/ 1 for an appt al S7 Hillview Terrace Yd Storey S 73St SECRETARY
        910 words
      • 646 8 M Secretarial/ Clerical Positions OENERAL CLERK/ TYPIST i SttlrSd Apply Hlk 44KM Ari|| M Klo lad Ik 1 «ill .01 4.5.M022 JUNIOR SECRETARIES. JURONQ I*l llmah PW LoUM > MX) *> duy* wrrk Irrnr .71 IHArt ORCHARD ROAO OFFICE requires A. rounla Av^iMam lo ao full vi Ol .1 Mill
        646 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 528 9 99 Sale» PoaH.oni 99 3«l«» Poa.Hona 99 Sales Positions AIRFREIGHT OCEANFREIGHT SALES MANAGERS ASSISTANT SALES MANAGERS SALES EXECUTIVES Airfretfhi and Oceanfrelghi experience necemri Independent worker <hhh\ command of vrltten and spoken Bntllsri Profit orientated Poswsa <'ar Remuneration negotiable. Excellent fringe benefits including overseas assignments. Wrlt«> |o ST. BOX A***** 390
        528 words
      • 502 9 I )11l 111 I p.IMMIIII .111 I Mill 11.***** < 1 I < !tiiii|\ i i <|uin s: I S\l IS l\l(.l lIN IS IM Ml /MM \l I i l<> (|llll l lIX Ills "II m.. in ii, i| I lllllll'lK N-, lei 11 (111 ilK I" iii Him
        502 words
      • 468 9 99 Sales Positions 99 Sales Positions Knowledge of kitchen designs A plannings Knowlodge m compotur an advantage Mm GCt O. technical stream preferred Pleasant disposition and ability to communicate Mm QCE O\ technical stream preferred LCCI Intermediate or Higher Accounting Experience m keeping full sou of books Interested applicants with
        468 words
      • 538 9 99 Sales Positions 99 Sales Positions MARKETING jREPRESENUtIvP) Fired ol y"«i- prei t job «vi. v not join tatot So! .1 1 hange and how 1 haNengmg and,,,,| it lomalM areei vVei potential applu ants 1,, our expanding sales for« c Applx ants should have Ihfl d rll< rwinq
        538 words
      • 602 9 W Sale* Po*Hlona A w.-ii Bs4aMlahed Hrm rasja*Ma 1 SALES ASSISTANT c OCBt) 1.-w-l c aeaatatad n s c A«r IM c Bxperlenc* not ssaenl tnilnliiK will Im' pruvldl 2 *ALES EXECUTIVE OCI A level oinpl.-t.-.l N c Axe M M c BxpCfMfsCe In offi, r lurnl tin.--c Oood contact
        602 words
      • 625 9 99 Sale* Position* •ALE* EXECUTIVE Mln (I Irvrl t, iilk.w Muhi v|w.ik flurnt Rngtssn l iiii'l.-riliind Mun.l urn Mi^t have mii. preferably In the Advertti Hi« flrlil Ak<- Bflfj Alliaclive remunaralion including commission will be offaid to the selected candidate Interested appllcanu ,ir.- t.. wnte-in with full resume sw photo
        625 words
      • 669 9 99 Salos Position* PROMOTERS tor handbag boutiques I'rrfrrabl) wlUi uilm rxurrlrnr*. >iiii>- t<. speak Japanese Knttiitri Mandarli iv \g i, -t.trt Salary plus attractive commiaaion a uthar fringe benefit! Tel *****55 for appointment SALES CO OROINATORS 'aqwrad for Bataatter Showroom I l'\ ll'".| .dll. Ittloll c Ahlr to Mandarin L
        669 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 547 10 99 Sales Poaitiona T UPPER* ARE DEALERS NEEDEO i lexlble hours No Mxe,i lime I 111 l JMUI Kill .Itl'Kl.'ll TURN YOUR SPARE Him.- Into fast eaati *tih mii iaJeabit i rrm h pratfueu i>i z:\ hui VIDEO LIBRARY REQUIRES ft nata Count*! ciert am.- uj ■<i". ik Mandarin im
        547 words
      • 888 10 100 Technical Poaitiona j 100 Technical Poaitiona 100 Technical Positions Eastern Wire A memhor of Nat Steel Eastern Wire Pto Ltd is engaged m tho manufacture of steel wires, mesh and galvanised bars for the local and foreign markets To moot our expanding noods. wo invite dynamic and highly motivated
        888 words
      • 581 10 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions r<§>HITACHI I We Provide The Training, I You Provide The Manpower H >< s, we're offering you tin- opportunity H to leant on-llu-jrtb mitd make a earn/ H you'll In proud of. Join ii today! I LIFT INSTALLATION I SUPERVISOR I < I level
        581 words
      • 571 10 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions PACKAGING INDUSTRY W<? are a leading Australian based printing and paper converting company As part ot our regional expansion plan. Oetpak Packaging Singapore is looking for experienced persons for these positions For Positions A) A B) 1 1 1 NTC 2«i m printing mum
        571 words
      • 533 10 100 Technical Positions 100 Technical Positions f I SINGAPORE COMMUNICATIONS^ EQUIPMENT CO (PTE) LTD Thr largeet supplier of business telephone systems has j vacancies for: SERVICE TECHNICIAN Minimum ni< m Ban Iron* Srn i< nif wnh Class 2 and/oi ii< Preferably wiih own moloi v< l«Selected candidate can look forward
        533 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 790 11 100 Technical Positions i 100 Technical Positions II M I wot kit leading manuiacturef ol basic looietg and components lor the piasUc* 0 and die casting Industrie* Is looking lor a [technical sales executive^ Iho ideal dOdnJiw is one v^tio haj tx'»fi itvuUl niAkt't mould ()».-.i(|M4'i oi urn' witfi r»
        790 words
      • 338 11 100 Technical Positions SYSMECH AUTOMATION PTE LTD A leading local Automation Company has immediate vacancy tor ITC. GSI. FSI. JSI electrtcal/electronic graduates with years of relevant working experience Be able to interpret and translate electrical/electronic design into working drawing Experience m using CALVCAM will be an added advantage Please write
        338 words
      • 366 11 100 Technical Positions UrgenUi ReaMlrei EXPERIENCED MILLER i* Mm lyiseapsfflsim APPRENTICE MILLER I" NIC MllliiK < >rt or kiuiwldlKi- Completed n b :> iluy Wfck We olter good banafiU: Wiirly BVSfSSM witwitnlard trip Medical health Insurance Hi-, icullixial scUttUea Plaaaa call peraonally at: Blk 2020 Bt. Batok St. 23 #02
        366 words
      • 601 11 100 Technical Positions Local Construction/ Engineering Company requires lha following poala: 1) PIPE FITTERB 3) SWIMMING POOL MAINTENANCE/ SERVICEMAN Mll.ll poaMM OWII iiiulorry rle Walk-In Inlarviaw Irom 9am. lo spm. al: ASSECO PTE. LTD. 110 Paya Lebar Road #01-09 Singapore WareftouM Singapore 1440 MAE CONSUL TINO ENQINEER& (walking dltlance lo
        601 words
      • 494 11 101 Production 101 Production 101 Production Po ttlon Portions Positions ■—I i PRODUCTION OPERATORS (MALE/rEMALE) d^ s> Mornmg/Night-Shrfl Ago 1 6 above &£i No experience required *^^r^^^T DRIVER J^^^£mS*> Class 111 driving licence ~j >^ f r¥* r^i===f Attractive salary plus /v* sj T 5-day work week J^/ Performance incentives
        494 words
      • 322 11 PRODUCTION OPERATORS (MALE) Minimum Prlmai v 'i t'ducutlori No experlcni <■ required u.s training will tie provMad i knaplatad n B Attractive salary allowances Interested, please come pafsonaJly to 315A Alexandra Road //01-01, 5.0315 (Opp. Anchor Brewery) fnr ;m IntMl latl from Sam. lo 12noon mi 17th Jan 22nd Jan
        322 words
      • 596 11 101 Production 101 Production Poaitiona Poaitiona JT Blngmporo ProHolding* PUBLISHING IS EXCITING, CHALLENGING AND REWARDING! We invite you to join the region's Idcling puhlifihing company of newspapers, nu|pzines peri«*lu As. HERtS WHY Our orpmwtiorA profits hij(h C )ur mMbj are the envy of nuny We invest m our OTpfcsyMi wHom
        596 words
      • 69 11 1 PLAtTIC INJfCTION MOUIOIN I C« rr.^nr.^ V.,|, itu < H"i tun Ai «M<- k> york K 1 hri i Ihlfl lnlrrr>trd Mlk h Loranf H«k it M il Jtmpi pinm WAir rrqulrrd ,v Juroili i 1 Kitll.niK \*,i) Al' l«y < nil V44U H rfMALf OPfNATON h ind ii
        69 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 1189 12 101 pSSS?" 101 E^ C n I l E rOdUC!i n 101 P "X«»ct»on 101 Production 101 Production PO tlOt Posittons Po»H>on« Po»ition« Po.ition. Po.ition. tf^tUm^^^^EamSeagale. Dynamic Enough Yo//r Quality \Jfestyle. t II al i W^iV i iiT u lll 1 Seagate and you will soon enjoy a ■QaJ |^^^B
        1,189 words
      • 169 12 BARREL CLUB Is ;i *,-ll purli.,., is><! hiKhiy tuccenful Cocktail i.< unaa MNj imvf Taranctai for HOSTESSES a With nr without tCßattaaca Worklnn hr^ .ire short (UB to H4I a m niKhllyi i icellenl Incooit i «ross from $3,500 lo 16.000 n, a Work permit will alag ■pplled for M.iliiyilaiis
        169 words
      • 287 12 102 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions KAMI'AC 111 JAI'ANISI KISTAURANT has ininuiJiatc vacaiuirs lor tlul< ill.iwm^ positions tor position no. I fV 2 > Preferably with 2 years expenetu > Salary will coiiuiH-nsiir.ilf with oxpcru'iKv We offer attractive salaries, fringe benefits and opportunities for career advancement. Interested parties please <>|>|>ly paraomly
        287 words
      • 649 12 102 Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Positions JOGAWA RESTN KTV PTE. LTD 2 J a w.-n tsutoUaned n itau J .mt loon i>i 1 1 1 k 'i m. tn. ti m H'porr urgentli reaulrei (A) ASST. COOKS (B) CASHIERS (C) WAITRESSES (D) BARTENDERS A (E) DISHWASHERS 2 I .ill |,lU ,il
        649 words
      • 782 12 103 Security Positions 103 Security Positions r™STERH| H| Sci mikl.iiv .mil .il»ii\i aaai ai»i< io and wrtlt Slmpli i m'lisii I WM ,\i{< io and abnvr H Male applicants must have complrtrd N.S H H iniiiisiiii appliranln air snvMrd B H i<> walk m la H H Foster Electric
        782 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 746 13 104 Olher Positions 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions SIEMENS Siemens is one of the leading multinational investors m Singapore which is firmly established m the Republic's high tech electrical and electronics industry We are undergoing ma|or expansion and there aro more opportunities for you to join us as: Storekeepers
        746 words
      • 503 13 104 Other Portion* 104 Other Positions I SINGAPORE RECREATION CLUB I H We offer opportunities for H motivated personnel to meet H H exciting new challenges with us. H The right candidates will be H rewarded with good long term H H prospects and a stable working H environment. Applications
        503 words
      • 591 13 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions JOIN I3ELIA MUSIC JJJJJJ II v>»' have a v>l»' iHTsoiwilitv, mature rtixj h.w. (working with tin? proper ((iwllfkatkjtij. we I m^ m Uivll.- v«>»j to Join Ml for the folk>wlng vaiarKv i^i^ "I CHS <>l our brain hei k>cated at YLsinin, riouyaiM], Thottvson, Parklane,
        591 words
      • 478 13 IW wn«r Kosmons 104 Other Positions J An eotabliohed INTERIOR DESIGNING N| 11 company invites applicants for tfie poot of: o todo^^^aH Technical detailing Peropective drawing Site coordination Baharuddln graudate or equlvalont We pay attractive oalary plu9 incentive with I excellent career advancement to management I level. Pleaoe call or
        478 words
      • 485 13 RAFFLES PHOTOGRAPHERS requires 1) ASST. FEMALE PHOTOGRAPHER Agr- LI) L 1 ■TIpSIHIII S not m tarj preferabl) with photograph) kin.»i .•il«r 7) PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Ax' with esperiei i Intereated applicant* pleaae call m 7737 or 138 Sl l7 for interview at SO Collyer Quay. »01 O« Overaea* Union Mouse STRIKER'S
        485 words
      • 533 13 104 Other Positions HtKcntu reayslret DELIVERY DRIVER a s.ii.irv PSB Produrtlvlt) m. ratieei t«i UM .illow nun. > We offer good beneftte YritrT) \> i >«*a* tube Id toed trip M.-.11. „l 4. hi I lIIMIMII. Ret reatlonal .i. tu it it- Pleaae call personally al Blk 3070 Bl Batok
        533 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 804 14 104 Other Positions Printing firm urgently requires 1. BORD. MO/E OPERATORS 7 BTAHL FOLDING OPERATORS Day mill night shifts uvullulile Ptaaae call peraonally al BLK 1003 TOA PAYOH INDUSTRIAL PARK *01 1528. LORONG SINGAPORE 1231 TEL: *****33. THE EMBASSY OF JAPAN requires AN EXPERIENCED DRIVER Class 3 driving licence holder
        804 words
      • 724 14 104 Other Positions LORRY DRIVERS URQENTLY le aatrai with etaai :i or 4 driving licence Salary SHU) ne X Walk In Interview at ISA Woodlands Ind I'ark I M|M>re 277h TM UIH OM PART/ FULL-TIME NURSES required In Oroup Practice I'referahly uhle to speak dla lects Bel 1 leavers are
        724 words
      • 496 14 104 Other Positions NURSE FOR CLINIC In HI 1 'liu.iti At.l.- to speak dlale. U Kxp.n ence nol essential lei MBMM PUBLISHER REOUIRES FREELANCE Kdllors. WrlU-rs, ArlMs I'bolographers I'ls call 21WMT2 STORE CUM DELIVERY Drivers •■■iuiie.l Jurong wllb transport I days week. $700 $HOO tVIHII 1 UROENTLY REOUIRED CLINIC Assistants
        496 words
      • 390 14 121 Vehicles for Hire 121 Vehicles for Hire SINGAPORI K.I. l'i:N,\,\(. \v. k.n.l S|..-, i.ilsJ i \ii|».ut C»unter| FROM SM 10.00 I KROM 2no )m j| n v M$BO.OQ I). illy mi <( K)am|M«m| Ms499.oo'Weekly I ■>< .1 l XX) < Cm III: 4(>K771 I K.I 03-*****32 PENANG: 04-*****6 PICKUPS,
        390 words
      • 457 14 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance FINANCE MORTGAOE Loans on cars, vans, pickups, moU>cycles. scooters, lorries Ka.iy procedures Tel *****45 Mr Ooh Add »0l IK I'aya I.ebar Hd Spore 1440 ( *****) WAH LEE WHEELS /<O3-tO/ 41 I'pp SeranKoon HhpK Ctr 5<1953) offers low Interest for used car loan *****08/ *****34 129
        457 words
      • 696 14 128 Vehicle Financing/ 128 Vehicle Financing/ ln uranc Insurance V=^=7 CAR )SjF\ financing SING 1 QICO/ INVESTMENTS m bO /D /o FINANCE S *****98 131 Alfa/ Volvo For Sale IMMACULATE '87 ALFA Horn,.,, 7. 18. EriKllsh owner Kxpenslve i hlfl Alrc.n car phone Full service record avail Akl Milan Auto
        696 words
      • 511 14 Mia/ Volvo For Sale 131 Alta/ Volvo For 9al« 131 Alfa/ Volvo For Sal* BECAUSE irS DIFFERENT 1.5 IE $58,000 1.7 IE $64,000 cjderf jn^ Unladed Petrol Compatible Af^b\ Milan Auto (S) Pte Ltd HEADOFFICI *****80 EAST COAST *****00 staying aheao of othirs BUKIT TIMAH *****52 133 BMW For Sale
        511 words
      • 101 14 134 Mercedes For Sale MID SO 300 m.tnual While COM paid orln COtld Mtßhexl iiffri secures Tel .*****29/ pn *****1H MUST SELL T4 M Hent 300. puw er steerlim |<hxl condition Nl. c number IK.T Ik MM.*>2o2 Q NEAR M M lien;. 200 manual 2 owners very |<ood cond hull
        101 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 733 15 DFDFFD 134 Mercedes For Sale '79 M/BENZ 300 AuU) (OK paid WhIU colour, sq lamps. I lu-.k! rests, power steering windows, central lock Accident free U t*ed Al cond IVI 44SliU 8/84 BENZ 300, manual. 1 nwnr, low mlleaKe. alrcon. easSSUi ra dlo. tip lop cond J7HK o n o
        733 words
      • 1823 15 132 Peugeot/ Renault 132 Peugeot/ Renault For Sale For Sale "HONG RAO" CHINESE NEW YEAR 25 I COMFORT AND LUXURY THE EXECUTIVE CHOICE I Tg KiE 3T AHI n.-ii $94,717 only" HONG BAO' FO« TRADE IN 1001-1600 CC j~ 1601-*****^1 $***** $***** I ii m i .iri' iAIi >m (i
        1,823 words
      • 725 15 137 Toyota For Sale '8$ CORONA CD I fl. lfl-vulve twin-cam Full accessories A I cond Dark blue $55,800 474-0015 M TOYOTA COROLLA 1 3XI. 1 careful owner New lax Beautiful cond 281-3355/ 287 «877 tr«B TOYOTA CRESSIDA (M.XI Auto Tax 2/91. accident free beautiful condition *****HH 9/M CORONA 1.8
        725 words
      • 873 15 137 Toyota For Sale 137 Toyota For Sale l-or $80. lave younelf heartache and numey with Vicom Standard Kvaluaiion Check It givei an unbiased, accurate, inside out assessment of the car's condiUon using the hest equipment m the region, so you save on cosily repain. Also available Special test for
        873 words
      • 772 15 140 Honda For Sale 83 NEAR ACCORD I HKX Towel steering, power wlndowi will I«»K I.ix 4 VI I "wners Jl'l s n o Tei sjnaji 84 HONOA ACCORD XX 2 RUM I owners lux new Pull .k cess,, rles NBJM .il^.w I Mfl 125,000 Tel :>H:wj:'t\ MID 87 ACCORD
        772 words
      • 689 15 141 Daihatsu For Sal* rt DAIHATSU CHARADE X I I peed i't<- owner Ricellenl l ond No repair needed Snkini i o*n *»<«« i 4l*:. I ENO It CHARAOE I X I lady ownei leaving excellent ond m 4 'ii low ■Neaaji 4rt7rt«4H LATE 13 NEW model ll.ilhiiliu Charade 1
        689 words
      • 683 15 143 Hyundai For Sal* 1 OWNER 'M Hyundai Xx, H 1 Alr,,,n hlfl nrw Ihx 527 W4MI I. I. TO/M HVUNOAI STELLAR i",: ne« model rlau hi fi ■•1 HUM Ml. MBUBI J/tO NEW Sonata IHI auto ■howrra i ond f m taaorm nalnuined S4«k ntioio Kori t7 HVUNOAI STELLAR
        683 words
      • 679 15 14S Other MakeFor Sal* O M JAOUAR Uiaj AUTO Owned l>y pC*aim>Ml rnmpany Servl.ed by a«enl m., r new Nice numrx-r plate original leather vau Hrlllng SMi mi BBBJ HMBJCSM available lnt*r M |«d call 474-4SJ3 •3 VOLKSWAQEN Oil eM. rlraroele. irlr vatfl lo» pr,' file tyre^ miii r,«if In
        679 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 1005 16 14» Commercial 146 Commercial 146 Commercial 146 Commercial i*a r«-. m _r«.i_i Vehicle. Vehicle. Vehicle. Vehicle. 48 uT^l t<» Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sa*e Introducing New Improved Daihatsu Hijet I Spores Most Popular mm Van Fir Top Business Performance With more th.m -I,.MH) unit. flflHtaHMflHHHtttt'BMjifHMHL r
        1,005 words
      • 447 16 147 Motorcycles/ Scooters For Sale/ Wanted BAN HOCK HIN CO PTC LTD Hoad Office T»iMllii«)«)<«iU1 Tel: 296 9122 V •> Br »n<:h Ofttc*: X J n UhkliUi Tat: 338 1148 J Sato* A Smvtc* C«ntr« T 4> I* r.i lAI IKi! W. v', X T«fc 744 1138 i 4 X
        447 words
      • 685 16 146 Vehicles Wanted FREE VALUATION. BEST value for all used cars, pick-up vans PARK or Non-PARF Ca-sh pay ment available Pis call :i447:U0 VEHICLES WANTED. HIGHEST offer for your used car. commercial and Q' plate Loan available Tel 2H3WHH WE GIVE REASONABLE price lo good used car Pis call Chung
        685 words
      • 887 16 172 Houses For Rent 172 Houses For Rent H '//A^% v[j^% Irt i.ii-r llMllsr.s al I lit" H H Hi '^T^R_ l"ii. ..I \l. iN.m U.,.1,1, H woLLai liou.ici i;,,, i, i. in, i m.v k,,,,i8 I Modern luxury with traditional style I I Uilinhllul ambiinc. |jm> arri-ssibilil >
        887 words
      • 874 16 172 Houses For Rent D 10 1 STOREY SEMI-D off HlXth Av<- Ml ::.w i<\ t\ \> i btfrmi I- furn J2M4MI nt-K [.A 4441H1H;' D 10M DUCHESS RD. I ttOCII liuiiklw 4 i mi in immi m n I' furn ».'..«ki Trl 4<VI HrK»i 0.11 OFF LORNIE M M«a«Blai
        874 words
      • 1515 16 173 Apartmenta 173 Apartmenta Pof W«nt For Rent I Orchard iScotts 1 1 A Opposite Sheraton Towers Hotel. Scotts Road m Leasing Dept. TEL: *****11 For Long or Short Term Leases iinni.. (int.. upaMon Adv.incHd Hooking!.' Spacious fully furnisher! ti.,|.. mataonaMM In thfi heart of th». tmjh residential area
        1,515 words
      • 1133 16 173 Apartments For Rent THE COLONNAOf t? Qfang* Ro«d Pmcowji yo.irs.-if thr mmr| mnj nrvrr rimi tnrwherr 1 1 Mdrawa 1 '<■! S.) 2> 1 tx-drixiin $n m*i CM*) su ft 1 VlrwliiK hy up|i..lnt 11,'iit .inly rat whh Ponliac Land NEWTON MIAOOWS 10 st,,,, N ondomlnlumi lex ated along
        1,133 words
      • 1036 16 173 Apartments For Rent DIST 10 TANOLIN PARK [MBJR rr renovation furnlahlngi i i bdrmi r .ii ink i Aria Moil, lllK ik HulrtrtlM 0 10 ARDMORE PT MMMMI la vl inity Mu.ii.. i bdrmi 4 froi i^i, 1 Mt| O 10 BEAUTIFUL PENTH If ■""i „j fi I m.
        1,036 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 1063 17 173 Apartmenta For Rent 09 HEART OF Orchard Neat shopping belt b MRI I I rms attached Central alrcon I- mill ties Cltlvlew *****88 09 LUCKY PLAZA apt near Orchard MRT. hlKti fir hdrms fully renovated furn $2,500 Mfl Frank View Realty *****77 D.9 OXLEV OON. Wllkle Mansion < rms
        1,063 words
      • 1073 17 173 Apartmenta For Rent O 10 REGENCY PK HlKh fir Best view. 3 < 1 servant's, well kept turn Immed Inter State *****28 D.lO REGENCY PK HlKh fir 4 U «MW sqft The Wllshlre Penlhsr 3810 sqft TCI *****87 Florence O 10 RIDQEWOOO OPEN house Bel I 4pm .1 bdrau
        1,073 words
      • 809 17 173 Apartments For Rent 0 15 LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSE. Hawaii Tower Fully furn Fully alrcon 4500 sq ft Jlval *****50 D.19 MANDARIN ODNS. I I rms Fully furn Full facilities KSJMO Tel *****91 UKf DIS MANOARIN OON. I I HlKh fir I.NX) sq ft Fully furn $4.mxi Nippon Realty 7:*****7 O
        809 words
      • 760 17 173 Apartments For Rent DS FABER HILL rondo .I I I rm $2100 newly renovated new furn Fverland 7488U00 x 14 OS HARBOUR VIEW Odn/ West toast i'ark l hdrms F'furn $1800. Houseworld *****.13 D.5 HONQ LEONQ larden (ondo 1 hdrms F furn alrcon Pool tennis $2500 702«l!)2 aKI D.5
        760 words
      • 962 17 173 Apartmenta For Rent PARISIAN PENTHOUSE IMMED available for renl ;uoo sq ft P/furn Tel 7:H44fl<! PEARL BANK. NEAR MHT I rms Split levels Newly renovated Panoramic view Tel BMIM PINEWOOD ISM SOFT Pte gdn 3 M rms P'furn 70tti>H:nM Irani RIDQEWOOD 4 RMS. Near Amerl can L Jap schools
        962 words
      • 737 17 174 Rooms For Rent A RM. WITH new liedroom set In .Vrm flat Can provide laundry St George's Hd MIM No agU BALESTIER RD (RAJAH Iwr rm for renl Aln-on furn s pool convenient Tel MMI 2.MK(IH4 BEDOK S. FURN rm In Pt Hlk for .single Paris Mals h furn
        737 words
      • 594 17 175 Houses Wanted (Rent) ATTENTION: URQENTI COUPLES professional singles seeking HDH HUDC/ pte fcptl ft houses Call Lillian now 2«112:ti EXPAT. ENQINEERS REOUIRE I to T> rm HDH flaLs L pie houses m uny dlsts Owners call 4S. > > 1720 GRADUATE STUDENTS UNDONE SIAN) needs HDH Apis Uses at
        594 words
      • 537 17 176 Apartments Wanted (Rent) MOSt 44 RM 202 Simill rxpal film lly looking In rrnt HDH wholr n|'t In any dI.M Willing to Mgh yr* Ownrr.i. BMMS cull ORAO STUDENTS MMM family rrqulrr HDH or plr ttpli L RBMMJ (wholr unit) TTTixm HOTEL CLIENTS URGENTLY rr atitfM Apt Hnuan
        537 words
      • 660 17 180 Houses For Sale (Oists. 09-11) Dll MERRVN R0 I iloiry Hungalow torn .umh) vj ft 4 1 Ixlrmi SI 4M 0110 with BmaMl to rtfurMsa to nrw {•■torty Hungalo* with 1 pool only Si 7RM ono Solr Markrllng Agrnt (Illvlrw *****HHM BUNGALOW LAND AT hal.iworlh I'ark for *alr Appn.x
        660 words
      • 720 17 181 Houses For Sale (Diets. 12 20) OIST It. BRAND nrw I 1 ornrr trir unlLn Ijtnd «i.-.i 4Hfll 1757 Mft Hulll In M t DTI mi fi 4 I rnu S7i*r>K lAuuk. IOP icH.ii ,sti, 4 |t> Mitiiiflrld I. EAST VIEW PARK PttOM double il..rry Irrrmr Irnurr ww yrari
        720 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 2699 18 1 1 I 181 Houses For Sale 181 Houses For Sale 181 Houses For Sale 182 Houses For Sale 182 Houses For Sale 182 Houses For Sale (Dists. 12 20) (Dists. 12 20) (Dists. 12 20) (Dists. 21 28) (Dists. 21 28) (Dists. 21 28) =I=l= Bl ami mi sn
        2,699 words
      • 274 18 191 Private Apt*. For Sale (Ditts. 09 11) 011 TREVOBE PK COfldfl I' Mil 91 K"hol(1 17IHI mj fl 3 full f.iriiin.-s »v:.:.K ru to 09 ELIZABETH TWR BpMtW Uvliik iliiiiiiK MM ">'i fl (Minns >.TV,int I Pool, M|UU pHW nttl Hit BMVN di kimsia ct. i rau ni. turntstMd
        274 words
      • 1129 18 191 Private Apia. For Sale (Oiata. 09-11) DlO SPANISH VILI riMiiiViited i i DM s, (i y vii fa nines I- hold Price ne« nMMI a«t D 11 DESIGNER S APT MR I hum 2 hdrms imm s,| fl v*. illi facilities V hold us 2MIIBB D 11 SHELFORD
        1,129 words
      • 733 18 192 Private Apt*. 192 Private Apti »92 Pf.vatp Apt. H For Sale For Sale For Sale (Diatt. 12 20) (Dittr 12 20) (Ditts 12 20) H CASA NASSAU I lANDMARK lIOMI'i IN 111 l lA'il Ks\ I CotaNoMou ?8 H (ip<irtmonts Ir^i (iri oxclvjsivo 4 storoy I V^ .^U d^volopmont
        733 words
      • 348 18 194 Private Aptt. 194 Private Aptt. For Sale For Sale (Miicd Oioto.) (Mued Ditto.) ur VIHMf Mu.iiii Home C^L3 Mlt.uliw HniiMiin KuU's: c? I io SytanSJi IS 1 1* io ytgn S.7S*% lllllUlu.nsfl.llll" < M.1.1 l'(|S|t I llonu loans «S* 221 9522 202 HOB Apt*. For Sale (A.M. Kio/ Bißhan)
        348 words
      • 224 18 203 HOB Apt* For Sale (Bedok/ Tampincß) Jfl 4 RM BFOOK NORTH N VMI ir.ii iniiT. hangc MM Mm klni noon mid V'K M ALL 4-RM A I iptnei Hlk.'M iiu h m.i» BEDOK NORTH Jim I BEDOK NORTH 3 RM Ml IM LM H Mi Mi|.tK>-l BEDOK i RM
        224 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1039 19 203 HOB Apts. For Sale (Bedok/ Tampinea) s-rm a- exec, mais Tamplnea Hlk m. I4H. 42« lIIkIi fir Near MHT. mkt sch lel MfMM iKt S-RM. A' TAMPINES. hlKh fir Near MXI Heautlfully renovut ed No hlocklliK »'«ll MMMI .IK' S-RM. BEOOK NORTH I'olnl Hlk lIIkIi fir Hree/.y well kept
        1,039 words
      • 982 19 205 HDB Apts. For Sale (Jurong/ Bt. Batok) 3 HM JURONO EAST Hlk 211, near MRT central .simple rertova tlon SMK ne X CPTMIK *****38 4 RMS. BUKIT H.Uuk Hlk I'ltt ceramic cornices kitchen caM net W.'.K Dallas MgMH 4-RM A (3 mills) HI HaUik near mim s pool, niKh
        982 words
      • 922 19 207 HOB Apts. For Sale (Other Estates) f CALL 732 1922 tjioc apt Viahun Blk U 1/ v* t»ec Mai* Potonf PaMr dec Mai* Juronf Waal Hit. *0 I, 4 11) Ni.oly t mx Mat* Sin Mm( Aye A' Juionf Wmt Blk 444 SIS9H 3A' Tampinoa B* 14? f 165*
        922 words
      • 1067 19 207 HDB Apts. For Sale (Other Estates) £t CORNER QUBEN st Hlk 271 M| K»> 'I no hlocklliK Keno vated Near MKT. market CI'K M4K lel 7IH lIH4H aftnl 3RM BT BATOK Hlk IM :i22 '"Kh fli lllllvlew Hlk :l near inkt but terminal/ Jurong I Hlk M renovated MMM
        1,067 words
      • 617 19 207 HOB Apia. For Sale (Other Estates) 4-RM. TEBANQDN hlk M lerra//,, ahlni-l.s. new plpliiK m. it shop mkl t*»K nun nil Tst7-33M 4-RM. TECK WHYE. r.-n0v,,t,.,i hiKh fir Near market, wllh fui aMMap TM 8M413 BouUiwlnd 4RM TELOK BLANOAN 1(1 sc Mlk 40 Ceramic, cabinet Nrar mkl IIOAK neK
        617 words
      • 749 19 208 HOB Apartments Wanted GENUINE CASH BUYERS urgrnllj i'-,|iilre all types of HUM flats In all urrius Tel 747HHH. BudMM OENUINE BUYERS WANTS HUM I 1 I run In all anas Efficient service 44IIHMM p* /|>HI7;I7 SUS HAWKERS WITH READY cash vi x«'iitiy require nun i i s rm n.its
        749 words
      • 1054 19 210 Factory Spaces FOR SALE/ RENT JURONO T4/ T6 Tarraca Factory/ Warahouaa a LaM 2.\(MU st| ft llulll In MM mj fi IMN s<| n a rto years tenure halan, >• M years a Fully renovated well BMM lamed premises a Mesl. Ideal for MN( s Call 1447*33 Yao A
        1,054 words
      • 772 19 210 Factory Spaces JLN PEMIMPIN 7700/ >*»») v, fl flallrd fly f ,r rrnl }l W) pj f :'<»4<M^l Arxni JURONO FACTORY/ WAREHOUSE 3MO SAOO Office 4:mh> s,( II ln-unn l'n>(wrly 44«HHW/ PEMIMPIN 1700 SO FT II :,il Kr.iflr :'MHi „j ft to outer Illllln ,ilt<> uviill DKIS 144'kxki PENJURU
        772 words
      • 858 19 212 Office Spaces 212 Office Spaces for Sale For Sate Office space for lease sale r\rca from 2400 sq it Rental from 553.90 p.s.f. 2\ hours Air-con(liiiniiin»;iviiil.'il»l(v NearTanfoni PafarMßTStaUon Tel: 254-3333/222-3385 IorSALF/LEASK U Conveniently UK-atcxl outside CBD J Units range from r>24 to 2,OSr» sq ft Newly refurbished J Immeditlt
        858 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 777 20 213 Office Spaces 213 Office Spacea P<" W*nt For Rent Area: Approximately 5484 sq ft Just opposite Robinson Road Post Office Good frontage to Robinson Road Close proximity to Tanjong Pagar MRT Station Available January 1991 Enquiries LEE TUNG CO. PTE LTD I *****66 A *****01 J Prestigious newly renovated
        777 words
      • 812 20 UNION BLDO. Heautlful offl.c unit with partition rooms for rrnt 710 uft Near MUT Call Yeo Yeo Properties MMHI 100SQ FT OFFICE SPACE for rental at Mukll Merali Onlrul Intere.itrd parties pis call 27i:M«rJ or pk «<>:«t«4H for Mr HOS •SO SQ.FT. NEWLY renovated ar pel offire/ suitable for Clinic
        812 words
      • 693 20 215 Shop Spacea For Sale Baach Road oi.Ukl* CBD lliaa sp.i. r „f i.uions tian lociitiuns ii altracUva prlcct with fxittniK Unanclei Ooo< li< vt-st mi- i\l valm Ainpl.- n I>»| ><^ Conlacl 2?S006« FOR SALE 2 ■lorey terrace thopttouse* (4 umU) at LORONO TAI BENO I- ri-rhol.l i hum
        693 words
      • 937 20 218 Shop Spacea 216 Shop Spacea 216 Shop Space* F r Ren* For Rent For Rent I I I KHR I KA^kl far east plaza 43 to 45? sq it II r^^lX Lr,Aof!, FAR EAST SHOPPING CTH ?48 lo 301 sq It jl 1)1) IK 41 LUCKY PLAZA ?48 to
        937 words
      • 699 20 ODEAN SHOPPING CENTRE. 2nd ii, ,iir Facing escalator .wi t.| ft t\.m> n.-K Call n m<w i.iin \i PENINSULA PLAZA/ SHPG. < Ir i lood i"' ii lon 700 fM Kft Near MRT Vl.-w t-n t 8703 M PLAZA SINGAPURA SHOP ftl Call I'Ml'l. *****59 .t«Hi.'i»C» mo .iKi-nt i SERANGOON
        699 words
      • 183 20 220 Other Real Eatafe JB TAMAN PEIANOI. Mom ii-rr.i. i corner lot h No •IH llu Ki-I.ilui I C.l im, oi -MI3M M 241 Tours 1 I )A> $22 1 DAY $20 1 DAY MUAK $20 1 DAY BATUPAHAI $20 1 DAY $20 1 DAY MAI Ac i A $30
        183 words
      • 448 20 241 Tours ~~o7T~x 24 l Touf> I 341 Tour. 241 Tour. j /ii I p^Va^r VALUE "'lP^ I 4 ME RICA GREAT SAVINGS OF UP TO $1 000 PER COUPLE.'f 1 2 DAYS HAWAII/ ***** now ***** 1 2 days r, $2888 WEST COAST AMI "«ca wonders im 5 DAYS
        448 words
      • 132 20 Chinese J'\^ New Year M Tour Departure Feb IS. 16. 1 7 ToßaUm t Lunch Tour $55 20 IN BaUm« Hotel Lunch Tour $85 10 Malacu Lunch i Auying Hill Resort Tour $45 20 INKualj Lumpur Malacu Auying Hill Resort X L City Tour t» 2 Lunch ik! 1 Bmkfasl
        132 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 1376 21 241 Tou j 241 To 241 Tour. 241 Tour, I 2 41 Tour. I 241 Tour. M T I 241 Toti 241 T o»" I 241 Tour. 241 Tour. splendour of the orient mmm^r service is immalelied! It's ■QZSfli r $2088 a^MW < \W* "4\ lilt* rCa.SOII \vllV CtlSlOlllCrS Special
        1,376 words
      • 162 21 ,'/<„,://„,„ J (P»langi M**< -V 4 D^i ,„>,„ t Special t •ri.'y I'orkag* (Ailutl» h,ldr«n) Q»p ftomSnyjO^ rCoach/AJr i O»p (v»iy Mom X ■SHtW?TtWn7iM!H^' Klay at Deluxe Manar.g Daily X -1">»P ■fr.l4A.ia Sp«CMI «n<ily >• (May at CVuxa >t r $t?;»fr 4/BOav« ftl $4»,.| Daily Sptuti I 7^ 4^V9 O»y-i
        162 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 3579 22 243 Crm— 243 Crm.e. 243 Cru..e. 243 Cruises 243 Crui.e« 243 Crui.e. 94A r J43Cru,.e» 243 Cru,««, 263 Ac.d«m,c Cour— 2»3 Ac*d#mk: Cour»#t ■■■iP^PP^'^BI 2D CRUISE T0 NOWHERE: $79 $199 Dep 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 Jan 1991 SFniinß 3D CRUISE/COACH GENTING: $179 Pep 20 j an Wi mSMtifltiiM
        3,579 words
      • 193 22 Pleane reserve a place for yourself now! Pleawe register before 21/1/91 Mathamatict (Pri 1 Pri 6) $20 Mathematics (Syll 0) (Sec 1 Sec 4) $2S Additional Mathematics (Sec 3 -Sec 4) $25 'A0 Mathematics (Advanced Levels) $25 Mathematics (Syll C) (Advanced Levels) $25 PARKWAY EDUCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE IMogiMeieo with Minittry
        193 words
      • 23 22 V- You'll get a clean job done when you call m the experts JIVA found at ™4»r»^ class, [Jf; fication 4S I «7
        23 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 637 23 264 Computer Cour— 264 Computer Courses j 264 Computer Courses 1 LMMttaTn V n V|V^V l *SH^^PHP^BHHHßßßjßfßßjpßajpafajßjr~~~%«M4 l iii B i ■^^^^^^r^^T^T^™^™aV^Tr^^^^^aM ComsErtrac School of Camputer Training PEACE CENTRE CHINATOWN POINT LEVEL 6 Tel: *****13 LEVEL 4 Tel: *****23 No 1 Sophia Road 133 Now Bridge Road Peace Centre #06
        637 words
      • 406 23 266 Commercial/ 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses Technical Courses jdpßvßflßjpattßappßtß^a^ h^^^A^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^x^i^i^ij^L^^^^ ■BMC umif ii ilitil Oufmofcth.ii i w rn »i m th« Imlrt o( pnw.itH 1 «du...iiion hnipo.l l,, -.h,ip rx>ii»" tutuii' i .m. i" tot thousands i I jjl students and Km am cofitidvin *<> can do It"' SSins
        406 words
      • 365 23 285 Secretarial/ Typing 265 Secretarial/ Typing 265 Secretarial/ Typing Cow— Coufet Course* Mm For those who demand the best, there is only one choice ATT Secretanus Enrol now for one of our classes starting soon. r o^ \A PSC full time 21/01/91 fi^/r'Je\ A PSC part-timg 22/01/91 WC b^V J>r
        365 words
      • 141 23 NEW CLASSES COMMENCING IN CLIFFORD Shorthand Theory Wed 7 30 lOpan 23/ I Eng. For Commerce (Inter) s.n 230 r »|)in i'»/ i Computer Literacy Sun I l ,30 3pm 30/ I Book keeping (Elem) Wed 730 lOpm I Import /Export Mon /00 10pm 28/ i Lotus 123 Sun 9
        141 words
      • 499 23 267 Language Courses ENGUSH FRENCH GERMAN ITALIAN SPANISH JAPANESE KOREAN MANDARIN MALAY f Taught by Graduates who »tl profeulonally trained tvacrters GENERAL ENGLISH for Local a Foretan Students (Sp»atong, lialanlrig. reading and writing skills) CAMBRIDGE IST CERT. SPOKEN ENGUSH WRITING ENGLISH EFFECTIVELY TOEFL GCE 'O 1 LEVEL A $chod kt
        499 words
      • 739 23 267 Language Courses 267 Language Courses Classei comment ing toon C.iH*****30i0i registration and othw rJetaih eTSTRAININOCFMTRF s "i' 1 ""••<! *03 26 Peace Centra Sinoapora 0922 Beginners (Full-time) Intensive 1 mth Course Mon. Wed, Frl 12 91 (tOOOam 12 30pm) Part-Time Course i w»hi 23/1/91 roo 9.00pm I -J1
        739 words
      • 494 23 276 Fitness/ Sports Instruction LfAHN TO SAIL ill the BAI V.i Cluk Course comrnvni mx 2 1 111 < wrrkriuli M4NI Son nUti fni rttcrvuu <. aprvh •mm Umltad \ni ,vi, irs fot mon i< laiii call BAP V r«i (V i iof n.ivui mining Hcmbawang Camp Admlrmlt) im
        494 words
      • 528 23 Monday to Friday: 9am to s:3opm W"'> ttesdkne tot next day, fm ortmn fpmj Saturday: 8.30 am to 2pm dMdNrWj to* Sunday; tan orders (0 10am) Public Holiday: 9am to lpm TIMES HOUSE: 390 Kirn Seng Road. Singapore 0923 Monday to Friday 9am to Spm ,t I r,t ,».r»
        528 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 2186 24 NOTICES I I CHRISTMAS GOLDEN jGS. DOUBLE BONUS f?B!r\ LUCKY DRAW RESULTS 23 Nov '90-3 Jan '91 TT Hit- lollowkkj Ml the results dr.»wn on v<> January 1991 BI Oriantal Sarangoon Contrai Ist Pil/e 100g Gold Bar hum) Wciuj Simii] *****65/Z Darbara i km *****91/ c 2nd Prl/e 50g Gold
        2,186 words
      • 903 24 IN THK lIH.H i ul HI OK THK lit II HI It OK'iiKl •mamatra Wlaaiac I p > > U. II af IMI > la la* Matter af Um> lianaaalf Art «-haa4«>r Ml Aa4 I. Uw> Malirr af 8K1.1.K I I OK.I.IXK NiTKd.i a a mm m.i rrr i.n»
        903 words