The Straits Times, 19 May 1989

Total Pages: 82
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Kstd. 1846 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1989 50 CENTS MCI (P) 44/12/88
    14 words
  • 1066 1 More than a million demonstrators swamp central Beijing as students reject govt's peace overture BEUING Negotiations to end China's biggest an ti-government protest since the Communisi Rev olution of 1919 collapsed quickly yesterday as a mil lion demonstrators coaoen trated their fire on lop leader Deng
    UPI; Reuter; AFP; AP  -  1,066 words
  • 559 1  -  ONG MING SEING US aware of shared common interests, says BG Lee By Washiitgton Corresponds WASHINGTON The Mush administration is "quite sympathetic" to wauls Singapore on issues < oncei ning trade between the Iwo COUBtI ies, Trade and Industry Minister Xl ig
    559 words
  • 325 1 Communique calls for greater co-operation Gorbachev ends visit SHANGHAI Soviet leader Mikhail QorbacfctV, his four day visit marred by countrywide anti-government pro tests, left China for home vosterdav ending the first Sino-Soviet summit [n 30 years As Mr Gorbachev flow out of the M I rity of Shanßhai, the two
    UPI; Reuter; AP  -  325 words
  • 99 1 THERE is still a year to go l>efoi ('en.sus 1990, the biggest ever exercise lo survey Singa pore's population and gather vital information fm future planning purposes Hut planning for the census l>egar_ m I!W7 and next week, a month long pilot survey will begin
    99 words
  • 462 1  - Government accepts 'non-elected MP' idea BERTHA HENSON By 1111-: (Government has decided, m principle, to go ahead with an idea floated early this year to create ;i new category of MPs non-elect ed Mi's to allow more people to take part m the political life of Singapore. These MPs. who
    462 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 123 1 GIVI GM.De Silva \>w Ltd |l' J -Ji|Tf« N«;>m<ib/«- Miinufiii tin m./ 1 a n ml Ini rlli'ts /)l<Min>ri.i ttt (.•■rn Meeekamta ttmem t *42 DUnondalO lo I 00. 1 mm__W_______W_________W and above). Oenulne ultured mf fVarla. Made To Order Net L^ Diamond Km fl^^v I Occaalon. Sri lankan (inn*.
      123 words
    • 36 1 Revolution of idealists not a passing phenomenon: Page 6 More reports and pictures: Page 6 'US preaence needed m S-E Aaia despite warming of Sino-Soviet tiea': Page 20 BG Lee's speech to Aaia Society: Page 32
      36 words
    • 51 1 More reports: P. 7 Editorial: P 32 SEE YOU TOMORROW Tht Sn< I'afMT tal! Tv f V publishing this afttntOOM biraus, ot tii, Vesak /><n publu h.'lulti\ IVi eai h back <il ni">u tc.n..mni YOU CAN HAVE TEA WITH TIFFANY H^fl, ijM I Read Iwu m liv V< i I'aftet
      51 words
    • 123 1 MEOW LEE SWANK i •I).' I)' 1/ViMllrl Al' I W.^^^^^^ I 'H** The Prime Minister sends his greetings to all Buddhists on the occasion of Vesak Day. The Straits Times wishes all it> Buddhist readers a happy Vesak Day. Devoteea take time off to help prepare for Veaak Day: Page
      123 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 467 3 Non-Aligned Conference of foreign ministers HAHAKK Foreign Mm ister Wong Kan Seng yes tei day Urged the mm aligned movement to give top priority tn issues of economic development Speaking al a confer ence of foreign ministers of the non -aligned coun
      467 words
    • 658 3  -  ALAN HUBBARD By furope Iditnr LONDON Hoeing has stressed lhat its 747-41)0 je t liners are safe for flying To back up its teassur ance, a statement from the company on Wednesday quoted Mr H. N. Wolles winkel, director of Hoi land's
      658 words
    • 339 3 Takeshita, Nakasone 'to give up seats if Ito becomes prime minister' TOKYO Japans Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita and his predecessor, Mr Yasuhiro Nakasone. will give up their parliament.! ry seats if it will make a respected party veteran take the premiership, a Takeshita aide said yestet day. Mr Takeshita and
      Reuter; AFP  -  339 words
    • 296 3 WASHINGTON The Or ganisation of American Slates (OAS) has Itroagly condemned Panamanian ■troagmaa Geaeral Manuel Antonio Noriega for ahusinx lhe electoral process m Panama Tho decision, reached b) consensus on Wednesday, also srdeied three foreign ministers to Panama to seek the host v..iy of
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 267 3 LONDON Britain has warned airports and all lines to tx* on the look out for plasti' esplosive homhs disguised as a Mid die Eaatern candy, a Transport Department s|M)kesman said "The department was made aware of this confe. tionery and weve issued
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 411 4 Verbal assurance given, say government sources SEOUL South Korea is confident it will not be named as a priority target for US trade sanelions after agreeing to open up to foreign goods and investment, government sources said yesterday. "US officials
      Reuter  -  411 words
    • 340 4 WASHINGTON A group of influential House Democrat! held an emo tional private meeting on Wednesday sl which sev oral of them stunned sup porters of Mr Jim Wright, Spanker Of the House of Representatives, by openly discussing the possibility thai he could not survive
      NYT  -  340 words
    • 547 4 WASHINGTON Establishing ftSS tiade /ones lie l ween the tinted States and Japan or othei < oun tries drew both criticism and approval m studies published on Wednesday by the Institute for Inter national Economics Mr Fred Hergsten, di ret tor of
      AP; UPI  -  547 words
    • 210 4 HONCKONC. Two authors have made a public apology to China's Muslim population for their book on worldwide sexual customs which caused protests from Muslims who said the book blasphemed Islam, a proBeijing newspaper said here yesterday. The Wen Wei Po quoted the Hongkong China News
      AFP  -  210 words
    • 464 5 WARSAW Pound's communis! itatt has made psaot with tht* Roman Catho lie Church afler more than X) years of often bitter rivalry stretching Kick lo World War II A law passed by parliament on Wednesday granted the church m this overwhelmingly
      Reuter; AFP  -  464 words
    • 417 5 Walesa tells West: Invest in Poland, domino effect if reform plan fails BRUSSELS Polish union leadei l.ech Walesa has urged the West tv invest m his country, warning thai it Poland's reform pro gramme failed, there would lie a dominn effect throughout the X. islet n bloc "If the reforms
      Reuter; AFP  -  417 words
    • 284 5 ITHI. IN Ireland main Protestant Chun h has soled m favour oi ordain Intf women priest bishops "Women must be given a projMT place m the mm istry anti life of the church It is an insult to women to regard their
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 341 5 KRANKKI'K'I A W.-si (k»rman ootal oa Wedoea day seateaced Lebanese radical Mohammed au Mammadi to lift- Imprison monl foi tht' l.wr. mould nt a liS navy divi-i on a MJacked TWi i<-i Jad_p> lli'iiift Muecken herder said lhc werdlci it ter a 10
      Reuter; UPI  -  341 words
    • 9 6 Students finally meet govt leaders in hospital AFP Reuter
      AFP; Reuter  -  9 words
    • 373 6 BEIJING Students heltl aloft a black antl white coffin inscribed with the words "guandao" offi clal corruption while drum- beat ing, flag waving colleagues sounded a death knell and the crowds r oat ftl m approval. The some, on the steps
      AP; Reuter  -  373 words
    • 156 6 It's infinitely inspiring, says Taiwan TAIPEI Taiwan Presi dent Lee Teng-hui has la belled the Chinese student protests m Beijing and other cities as a "mass awakening" against communism, the island's official Central News Agency re ported yesterday The Nationalist Party's Central Standing Commit tee pledged 'maximum support hy different
      Reuter; AFP  -  156 words
    • 859 6  - Revolution of idealists not a passing phenomenon PETER ELLINGSEN By BEIJING Analogies are elusive. Although the streets of Beijing are full of demonstrators, they are not yet echoing wtth de mands for a total change of government as Manila's did at the beginning of 1986 Despite the excitement, there has
      FT  -  859 words
    • 556 6 BEIJING Wielding sai caatfc slogans, demonstt a lois w liii inarched on Beijing on Wednesday heaped unprecedented criticism on senior leadn I)ong Xiaoping, making it clear they felt he was too old to run the nation "Hello. Deng Xiaoping
      UPI; AFP; Reuter  -  556 words
    • 243 7 US ignores Soviet call tor troop pullout in S. Korea WASHINGTON A n can military fones u e m South Kiue.t to maintain peace snd then- is no need to act on Soviet President Mikhail .01 hache\ '0 latest demand fm then with drawal. the IS Stale IV partmenl said
      AP  -  243 words
    • 234 7 Demo so Gorbachev scraps tour of Shanghai SHANGHAI More than 100,000 student led demon stiatois took control of People's Square hers terday and forced visiting Soviet leader Mikhail < ks bachev to scrub plans to visit the Motoric heart of China's biggest 1 1 y Protest leaders said the demonstration
      Reuter  -  234 words
    • 489 7 BEIJING lhe followim: aie ex, ci I' om the IH polal Sino Soviet joint communique issued aftet Soviet President Mikhail iorbat tie. fum ii., to Chi n. i The I A lhal the Si i high level meet. i Ised dn' norma relation i
      AP  -  489 words
    • 652 7 Pragmatism likely to mark Sino-Soviet relations BEIJING The first Si no-Soviet summit m .11) years, lielween two social ist giants undergoing pro found OOdal and economic changes, looked like the last nail m the coffin of orthodox communism, an alysts said here yesterday
      AFP; Reuter  -  652 words
    • 206 8 PRACI'K Czechoslovakia's prominent dissident Vaclav Ha vel was kind 00 Wednesday af ter serving half of an eight month prison term ImpOQOd for taking pari m a demonstration m .lanuary clapping broke OUI .uul the judge smiled whim the division to release
      Reuter; AFP  -  206 words
    • 481 8  -  ALAN HUBBARD Clot-dissolving compound expected to save 'thousands of lives' By iurope tdtlor LONDON A new drug which, it is claimed, could prevent up to half the number Of deaths from heart attacks, has IxN'n launched m Britain. The new "clot-busting" drtlf, called Kminase,
      481 words
    • 276 8 Britain's doctors vow to resist govt health plan LONDON Britain's dm toi s have pledged to fight govern ment plans thoy said would fragment the state run National Health Service and damage pa lient care At a special meeting of the British Medical Association (BMA) on Wednesday, doctors voiced fears
      Reuter  -  276 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 Bir ,W& 4ifl W^M ■•^^S__________i DDircDiicTci^c m WL l C^*i vTH ba___i _L j l^lfl" HaH%lPli\ trfß^rf*. i^'' :^ct3P___________-t^___^ *Tnii ail a___l__fl »r%__,_rV__i__Pfi# m WW^^^^^r W^l" v2|E i^^9^<^nS fl _M^liSl^ %aA W_________W\ f v.N SARSI m BSw__B 2^_S mmon ilfniN^fciii li ____^s^l H iW ifflgealand 'wkomanl fl?y^| Mjjjsg^^i^lßMMPSTEAl# EIQ^ kikkuman
      391 words
    • 11 3 Boeing reflpond* angrily to attack* on Ita latest Jumbo*: Page if
      11 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 161 4 Now here's a very personal chair Compact, space age design make it multi adjustable and very, very comfortable Comes with optional built m refreshment tray and TV stand THE CHAISE LOUNGER BY BRUNATI. FOR THE FEW WHO TRULY INDULGE. The Chaise Lounger. Whai else do you need 7 c &c
      161 words
    • 450 4 _a__M\ \_\______t a__r V* r Bl w^^^ /W^ *> ___IV4 1 -«-_tf^*^ _5 _HBS _^C__^ aSAfI Ba-PWP* IH VaV^ 1,11 _\\_\__\____W_\^ w* f efl fc_ ISt prize: 2nd nri/e 3rd Drize Four 4th Prizes: *»**V» prize. pu_ie. Sansui Cassette 2 Return air tickets 2 Return air tickets LX Sansui ISA
      450 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 448 5 sse r"""*.— -> -r \ti < B p _aa___r W" let hnologu ally, an M bie\ ement aesthetically .1 joy today s tup look m water resistant wati hes I'rotec led 1 lt>wn glass Svailable m §ents .m<l ladies models sat. SOI SSMO 1 -vi ms TISSOT SWISS Sal
      448 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 I^^ <_____________bp^ Jb^ Hhh .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW tfl ---4 VT— fffl Bfl fl n h H^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^B Late? PHI Eja^H _______________________________________________________________B> I JBJ ___Ti»' —a 4^ _wm ________________________________hP 3*6 s^.^^H __-_______J*a*^^i Hfl _»_________3 '-Kfl Hfl I.ONdIM-MSINJ.AI'OKI-i IMI LTO. K.,t11r,(„, l„», rl ..i-in s,„ Kr „,r I LONUNaS (MALAYSIA) SOM tuilt I .i,ii...i (Mm
      61 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 246 7 MARPLE AND CANE-ITALIAN STYLE! FMjant Chair s "—v > v Chiome framed This week s main attrac ifT\ W speoa r ioffer rJl tions Classical Cngio *^9 $55 Roy M,lrDle T3b,es Will f .1 j/I Designer Chairs and Bun V|/fj l^U/* 1 1 I J Cane All at incredibly low
      246 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 375 8 WWWWWWW^^ m W_*_____________________________________________________________________W i____P^^ ___________r rqjffljßSffljsji i s iu___c_hUi_is_s_s_a_j <4___L __f9P^H HH MNRpI MM __^_w_ uj^l^uh^i jiAAi ■'•■^^^^^^^^^^^■hjbdk^i' jfifct*^ i _nL_.i_ j i i_e w k__a-*____l T r\fY^__ I BABy ALBUM V mk I 0 i. C~| L_ Our Baby Photo Album, Slip In Pocket Xf^rV [S fc Type (Refillable)
      375 words
    • 273 8 IQS!S_______K w^^^^^^B _^^^_L^^^^^ fceetuaica the ear amnv ooieie tha MM FM^"tßcr)noioojy > Miri £MNM from arte olthe mot r ipHMtV Japan 1 1 1 car audio mamrfacturara sound Barrier Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan. Loon al noma ot the versatile feeturee: 12 pre-eet tuning (FM/AM) PLL lynthesti-d AIvVFM-MPX tuner I auto reverse
      273 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 330 9 TANGS ANNUAL SALE I I S_ A ___________________________Ha___>^ *w*XL t ___> or S flf 'B___# /r -B— r ■__________B r j ii__B_____________a__i_ l T BT m m w >a_l mL *_i--.V-, nßHfar. Jr _&"S %*!> ,fl SB| fl^'S Iflß NOW $105 HI I BB___BUB________l fl Bfl fll fl .__________^_L HB___P*^________________Blfl
      330 words

    • 979 10  -  RALPH ATKINS By Safety row with Europe 'four' may be 'political dynamite' I .ONI KIN The giant Hoeing aircraft company has been stung hy European aviation author ities tolling it that thc pride of its fleet, the latest 747-400 jumbo jet,
      FT; Reuter  -  979 words
    • 1013 11  - Jockeying for power leaves Japan's LDP in disarray STEVEN WEISMAN Hy 4 Politics is the only area left where the rules are those of the old feudal warlords the weapons are not swords, but influence, loyalties and n money. A government off* TOKYO Hoi it ic.u eying aiul actions this
      NYT  -  1,013 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 354 10 y Hong Kong Seafood Dian Kin Makes its debut! fltaaa» Ji^4%_/i _tw 1 'm ni.i-.tii i lii I Mi I i mii. ii I ii I. iiiiini imt .ill lln li •il I 'mi \m S.imiiii lm .miri ll .ml .1 i Ini i .111 lie 1 1 1 1
      354 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 537 11 ___B___________Cs^^^^^^^BF^9^^™^^^^^^2''' _____.i __Ll^ 1 fl lft Xw"^ M wmi/tm fl H >_■ niß M \^r^ wMHa aanw-i ■a pt t __^HMM___f &9B sbbk m i flflßßr WWWW n^^H ■^^■■fl HU A -^-aa^_^aß_^-^^^^BF HS__-B__9B •4^^BH_3_r^i-A X. e_BH ■Ui-L' _i_^_i_B_ __^_Mr W -laaaß. V_ aai a____a ZTL _WW^S\_W_W_WWWW\______\Wha V^tm W mAr l^
      537 words

    • 402 12  - Aquino misled by military, says senator ABBY TAN By Manila Correspondent MANILA A senator has accused armed forces leaders of "misleading 1 President Corazon Aquino by feeding her with "fake" statistics showing the military was winning the war against insurgency. In a hard-hitting speech m the Senate, Mr Ernesto Maceda,
      402 words
    • 225 12 SUNGKEP (Indonesia) No more traditional mass weddings on Indonesia's Bangka Island A fungus has eaten all the pepper. Farmers on the island, off Sumatra, where more than 60 per cent of Indonesia's pepper is produced, are spending all their money, time and energy fighting
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 216 12  - 1,000 officers gather to back Chavalit TAN LIAN CHOO By Bangkok Correspondent BANGKOK About 1.000 military officers yesterday staged a show of support for Army Commandei -m Chief General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh amid press speculation that he would step down from the top military post Gen Chavalit, who rele brated his
      216 words
    • 283 12 BANGKOK A Thai deputy minister has charged that weapons are being produced at a controversial chemical f actory m Libya where Thai workers are employed. The state-owned Thai News Agency (TNA) on Wednesday quoted Deputy Interior Minister Watana Asavahem as saying that weapons
      AFP  -  283 words
    • 332 15 Both sides hope to solve problems that affect ties MANILA Philippine and Malaysian officiaLs opened a round of border talks here yesterday as both sides expressed optimism that they could remove ir ritants that have troubled their ties for decades "The atmosphere be tween
      AFP  -  332 words
    • 318 15  -  ABBY TAN By Manila Correspondent MANILA Philippine Foreign Secretary Raul Manglapus said that the freedom of the press ls a way of life for the Filipinos who will not stand 'or a return to suppression Mr Manglapus was commenting on remarks made by Singapore's
      318 words
    • 300 15 JAKARTA Indonesian President Suharto will vis it the United States next month but a planned first ever stop m the Soviet Union on the same trip has had to be scrapped, a top official said on Thursday Mr Suharto will meet
      AFP  -  300 words
    • 78 15 MANILA At least 2H people died and nearly 60 sailors were reported missing yesterday after tropical storm Brenda raged through the coun try. In central Philippines, eight people drowned and 32 were missing after two boats caaatasd. lwelve people died on Catanduanes
      Reuter  -  78 words
    • 196 15 MANILA President Corazon Aquino yesterday uißi'd visiting industrial ists from Japan to spread the foundation of its riches among its Asian neighbours. Hailing Japan's rise as an "unparalleled economic power", she urged a mission from the powerful industrial federation Keidanren to help the
      AFP; Reuter  -  196 words
    • 86 15 Thai trade team to visit Vietnam BANGK4 »X A Thai gov et nment trade delegation, including pre. ate businessmen, is to visi Vietnam next week, officials said heie yestciday Kighty businessmen from Thailand heade,. hy Mr Taw at Yipintsoi, direc tor and deputy secretarygeneral of the Board of Trade, will
      86 words
    • 91 15 ll is ihe Hral official n.ide visit to Vietnam by Thailand Thailand has led nun communist South-east Asia m opposing Vietnam's occupation of Cambodia sine 1.17.1 Hut Prime Ministei Chatichai ChoonhavM has moved towards de tenie m order to increase 'I idr Thai wpoftt to
      AFP  -  91 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 276 12 Goldenßeauty tslwH. ~^_JB ii w 1 1 1 1 m ____a____^ m iin V I \-4 I>RIZ *X Worth *H MID-YEAR 1 QATFF>^"^ l» MAY I II'LY 1959 y ZSS2g?Zg" r y— IF?o7O%SJ J 1--- meal Des*"*' 1 a*S 1 Dt <> „,w' aa t __v r^^*^ i A I
      276 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 694 13 ~atamam^^e^m______________________________w_i_i _____u_______________r _________T _____________________l i H _l J flfl flfl DRAWN FROM THE EARTH, ■7 1 rl EXOTICALLY B^^ W flr _________________________l^__________________________v V^ i JE^ Wa XII ____H Br >cfl _________n> Wa .iWm m__ WM^_t _m __H ______H__LH __FJ_i H_a r _fl Efl Xiv __P^fl fl __r^ fl flfl B
      694 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1134 14 MX SOGO'S MiD YEAR SALE *l m >r(l|_ wr" __^m.\_\_\_mimm._i_i.\_^_\_\_\_\_\_mammi.\_\_\_\_\_mAt^i^m^^^^m_m_t H4 HP"fH __H __Pl___l __fl l^^^^^l nna_______P ia_nrT-fr _____A.r flfl II a_fl____P I H flfl II L_____l Al Ifl fl H _^r^ __B V M^K-WW I flfl I I I flfl I 11 I 2u Jb' fllmnnrted 1 IR 9O
      1,134 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 60 15 v^p^^^,^^^«^^_^l^^ flfl v _fl V I l \y. i m^W WuL ■•■>^'/ jf __#< \wt~ ____aaasM_i atf■PNi. j __yn-»"^_fl^^^T-T^MI AW *y _____n v ____7 A. fl J__ A MORE PRICE REDUCTIONS FROM MCDONALD'S w^m' f-Ajjatgop^mk WWf*- v___\\\ djfe^yi- Vl I* v a. I *_l___k r' j '.'^'^___k.> >, ________7^ 01
      60 words
    • 457 15 ot mr. pee wee tennis 'jjp^ 1 1 i i _Tenn/s to Mi <j S Hi! Ym mr. pee wee, Uld I make S^TT^y t^^ N/ Uransitiofl ,l11 r tennis really easy lor kids. Vnp, if V/NN,^^^^^ JT Im s much easlel lhe khh U you haw kkfa 4to 8
      457 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 137 16 Sultan's relative charged with killing his father PETALING JAVA The suspect arrested In con nertion with the killing of the Sultan of Pahan brother m law was yesterday produced In the magistrate's *ourl here and tentatively charged w illi niiinlei Tengku Raihan Tengku 26, sun of ii Ismail
      Bernama  -  137 words
    • 514 16 Mahathir tells Americans why safeguards are needed M-.w Vi IRK Prime Mm istei DatUh Sen Dl Mah. i thir Mohamad said thai Malaysia had m impose iei i. un conditions <n for eign Investors because me countn and Iti i musl also benefit
      Bernama  -  514 words
    • 344 16 Soda water used to preserve mee factory owner Inquest into poisoning deaths BATU GAJAH (Perak) A noodle factory owner told a en oner's Inque to the death of foui dien last yeai that he added nodi water as a pie .civ .tne m making mcc i noodles), The Stai repot
      344 words
    • 124 16 KUALA LUMPUR Infoi m.llion Ministei Datuk Mohamed Rahmal has his fair share of nicknames And he does BOt BSem to mind them lie revealed yestei day thai Ins latest nickname. l:iuii besar I headmaster 'urn b) his staff who n nicknamed mal besar
      Bernama  -  124 words
    • 239 18 A-G seeks order to jail Bar Council secretary I R Coin i Mamprison tempi vi oui i being mis nf vhi mus an v .ai nms and lined m an Singh fih'il m support of an ippli. ation bj the Malay incil ;<> thr I Sr i AIhIuI Hamid lm
      NST  -  239 words
    • Crash at Subang airport
      • 350 18 First person account by Malay Mail sports writer Johnson Fernandez, who was at the scene seconds after the crash happened. He was returning from an assignment at about 8.15 pm. rr v^ as drizzling Firs! I saw a hig fui' Seconds latei I
        NST  -  350 words
      • 440 18 Wreckage of aircraft to be examined KUALA LUMPUR The Ma laysian Department of Civil Aviation has launched an investigation into the crash of a police aircraft into a moving car. killing five officers and a six-year-old boy. The wreckage of the aircraft has
        Bernama; UPI; Reuter  -  440 words
    • 243 18 Umno wants to claim old party assets JOHOR BARU The llm no headquarters is making preparations to submit an application to the Public Trustee and the court to repossess the asset*, of the old Umno, party secre tary-general and Information Minister. Datuk Mohamed Rahmat said yesterday This wa:; necessary as
      Bernama  -  243 words
    • 207 18 KUALA LUMPUR Tians|H)it Ministei Datuk BMi I>i Ling I. long Sik yesterday called on Asean members to step up co-op-eration among their airlines if developed nations continue to adopt a protectionist attitude towards m ternational air services He said it was regret
      Bernama  -  207 words
    • 125 18 KUALA LUMPUR Ma lajWlaa Chinese Assc i.i tion deputy president Ltt Kirn Sai and opposition Democratic Action Party deputy se< r eta ry generai I ah- Thye said here yesterday the\ would not lw going to Parliament House to resign today, as a
      125 words
    • 55 18 KUALA LUMPUR Tout operator! MV generally optimistic that thc government's decision to relax Ita ruling on visits to China and the launching of services to QuUf-hou by Malaysia Airlines next month would be a boost to tho travel industry. Their association hofies to bo officially notified of
      Bernama  -  55 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 287 16 r BIGGEST WAREHOUSE SALE OF LEATHER GARMENTS, LEATHER HANDBAGS, LEATHER SHOES 8 LINEN I GARMENTS *a —-A I Leather Belts, Wallets Cards Holders ?!c^V I Clutch Bags Key Chains 4t&*^^&* 1 I Belts, Pouches, Leather Ties Caps aV?V^" I I Shoes (Ladies Men) Brielcases l£ W* 1 Leather Jackets, Skirts
      287 words
    • 20 16 1 NEW ARRIVAL! S China Silk For Rosewood Cushion Cover Limited Slocks! F.osowood Cushion Mfg t <M.ire 1 AO^J I
      20 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 258 17 l '-L J» Jt w %,iMla___ _.__________\\_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_m ji ______s^__^a a r^^HA_^ __aa_____l________M_K. ________B__ai_Jf s __kwi___!MN M _>• _____^Ttf ___BL i ____t________________________________Blß__L m^^r^^mr^ ._k 4_^ _________B __P^^^^^^ ___B ___B__________l^_El •^^fc** fl^ M I \_w__ r^rßßrV^^Bv. ti *^_XXv» r HflK \3Bf v 7 ilfcV *^____B__t __£S_kX il fl^^^f CL: _A*i^f "v.a SOIL
      258 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 142 18 MASQUE v v Hi'DRA-BLEU 1* HYDRATING COOLING MASK T a» 1 a* 1 X %^k *a>** FROM LANCOME— N_J___^__/ fir A FRESH NEW SENSATION '^X *_F IN MOISTURISING SKIN CARE. X ivouf skin to an instant beauty -^.^MB_r i|TL i witfi Masque Hydra-Bleu from L* pB X V ating cooling
      142 words
    • 47 18 Wd are open today for your shopping pleasure (Including Kimisawa Supermarket) Isetan Singapore NLW ISETAN ORCHARD Wivna Au Rd *****7 Opatl Daily 10am to 9 30pm isetan havelock Havokx li i k*ram Rdi i Mini Open Daily Ioamto9pm ISETANKATONG Parkway Parada,fl Rd ''Open Daily 10am to 10pm
      47 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 393 19 fc,, k Ppr Un l^ll *^^(slter7vjli(ltiii.'' -,h |fefE£l| __\_W^ H^lS__£fi________________________^_________H____l fl C^N7/e^s!\W^ ■■P^ v PtfSSai ■■fc..^* 1 ScinifE Ifflß^ k____J E-___[ *> Va>_ ____t__a__l RffSk BIRDS fYF H, enn FISH FINGERS REP U CONDITIONING ay *>^ lr »C* W 1180 w_j| fci jM'.***. Ar ,M£r JBT'lz on 1 E___l j
      393 words

  • HOME
    • BG Lee in the US
      • 410 20  -  ONG MING SEING By Washington Cont' spondent Washington The warming «>f Sino-Soviet ties docs noi mean South-east Asia can dt) without Ihe United States to kin'p peace and seiurity m the region, said Trade and Industry Minister Brigadier General
        WONG KWAI CHOW  -  410 words
      • 407 20  -  ONG MING SEING WASHINGTON Trade and Industry Minister Brig Cen l,ee Hsien Loong has defended the Government's latest measures to ease traffic conges tion m Singapore. Asked for his comments at a press conference here on Wednesday, he explained that like any country
        407 words
    • 287 20  -  RAY DHALIWAL By SNEAK motorcyclists who push their machines into the Restricted Zone without paying, when the Area Licensing Scheme is extendi! to cover them from July, have Ml poser for the Traffic Police lt is Have the Traffic Police Ihe legal
      287 words
    • 509 20  -  TAN EE SZE By AN ELECTRICIAN took a week's leave from work to fix lights and sweep floors. A carpenter took three days off to polish prayer urns. And a computer technician spent the (Mist two days helping to
      509 words
    • 511 23  -  Gillian Pow Chong Doctors puzzled over cause of infant's condition By A six Mom h OLD bah) lies semi conscious m hos pltal while his parents aud doctors pu/zle ove. wheth er his coadltlOß was caused by Western mcdi cine. Chines*' medic me
      511 words
    • 98 23 1 1,000 posters to be given out soon POSTERS featuring the eight Young Singaporeans, who were picket! to sym bolise Singapore's racial harmony, will soon make their public appearance Unveiled at the Ministry of Community Develop ment last Saturday, 11,000 ot the posters, like the one above, will be distributed
      98 words
    • 349 23 A MAN allegedly involved m an eight-man assault on a machine operator out side a nightclub was charged on Wednesday with murdering him No plea was taken from Goh Wah, 87, an oddjob labourer, who was said to be part of an
      349 words
    • 72 23 A SEMINAR on lei itpntioa i: E \c lnjiirii's m Industries a ill be hi-li! mi m.i\ 25 at the RELC auditorium from .«> .on lv pn teminai vi eanised b> i he leeupational Safet) arid Health Committee of the Na tional Safety Council and lhe
      72 words
    • 106 23 THE baby boy, who was abandoned m Bukit Pan j.uiK earlier this month, discharged from Ihe Alexandra Hospital on Tuesday He is now m the can- nf the Ministry of Community Development The infant, wilh his urn hilical cord still attached, was found
      106 words
    • Pilot run of Census 1990
      • 988 24  -  NARENDRA AGGARWAL TAN TARN HOW Reports by and What the questionnaires are for: When census officials visil homos picket! tor the pilot survey AMTttag MSfl Fridny. they will come wiih three quesiionn.iircs This is what each is for. Household enumeration schedule For whom:
        988 words
      • 205 24 IX) NOT be surprised if the census officer turns up at your door with this gadget. It is a hand-held computer which should lighten the massive job of in-formation-gathering during the cen sus. If it works during the pilot survey starting next
        205 words
      • 126 24 THESE are five of the many people involved m planning Census VM) They will ensure the smooth running of tht* census and help ,c, crunch all the data collected into an up-to-date picture of the Singapore population. Seated, foreground, is Census Superintendent
        126 words
      • 416 24 Grassroots leaders at Wednesday night's briefing on the 1990 Census and the pilot survey starting next week had several questions. Here we summarize some of the questions and the answers from Minister of State (Communications and Information and Trade and Industry) Mah
        416 words
    • 236 24 MR JOSEPH Chew, due, toi of ihe Singapore Tout ist Promotion Board, wiil return to take up a senior executive [Hisition at Sin gapore Airlines, from which he was seconded lo Ihe boanl Mr Chew's move on June 1 after more
      236 words
    • 72 24 Woman on knifing charge A 21-YEAR-OLD woman was charged on Monday with knifinK her 30-year Old husband last Saturday morning m their third sto rey flat m Block 47K, Ju rang West Street 41. No plea was taken from i,ow Boob Hbbi who allegedly hurt Mr Tan Tat Henß, M).
      72 words
    • 59 24 A lAI.K m Knglish cm How Parent! Can Hest Help (nil ill,'!) m cheir School Woik. oi h\ lhc MarllM i. nie hi.oich library, will held at its lecture hall m Monday a, 7 30 poi Ihe s|t.'.ik,'i is Mis Kath •■I on- Yip. .i lee
      59 words
    • 454 24 Admiralty House's country club plans run aground Pl ANS lo bi Ing p ,i, ions living lo a re\ it. llsed A.I miralty House m Semha^' ha\e inn agTOUBd the authorities have i ed the foi mation of the proposed Admiral,) C, trj i 'lub Ne.n I) .(mm people
      File  -  454 words
    • 322 26 THK Central Provident Fund Hoard has started ■ending out notification letters ,o its WO.OOO members who are automatic beneficiaries of a newlyintroduc.Ml CPP insurance scheme The letters inform members how much has been automatically de ducted from their CPF savings to pay for
      322 words
    • 415 26  -  YAW YAN CHONG By a STRONG mp Q| oodM that was whai a woman sought when she walked ou, of jail yesterday after serv ing a one-year .sentence f ()I shooting dead her policeman husband who was involved m a love
      415 words
    • 80 26 Malaysian charged with murder A MALAYSIAN youth was day 1 hai Red In 1 di-^ ,1 id < oui l with the murder of another Malaysian a, ihe Hoon Lay Shopping I '1 litre Chtin>: Cheh t'hei unemployed, is alle have murdered Mi 1 1•■ Hih k Heng, 28, also
      80 words
    • 145 26 Attempted murder Fifth man charged A hll- I'll pel sun we. [Ed m .i disti i' I court daj with th tempted murdei of a stu deal s Chellii is .11 legedly a member "f in unlawful assembly which hurt the Itudent, Mi Inna ■I muthu I) Marm< alias Anthony.
      145 words
    • 68 26 folk daiD uisli iictul w ill be m ii c nexl month lo in ii o.'m new foi ii. s .it ci" .'iiihir.i.e.i md m sli 11. ll Ml Vi Inula En aniK'l will be doing this it Iho lnt< tional Folh iv.n. v shop I
      68 words
      • 161 26 A SIX-MAN gang, believed to Im* involved m at least 4f> criminal offences, including theft of idols and Other items from Chinese temples, has lx>en caught by the jMilice They are believed to have bOOB active m Joo Chia,, Marine Parade Aljunied, Hougang,
        161 words
      • 106 26 rm*: compere stole the show with his rendition of Klvis Presley's Toddy Hear .it ,he doatag of ,he Publu Works Department's couriesy programme at Marine Parade branch library yester d.iy Mr Choong Tock Mm. a civil engineer, who was compare it Courteey m, swung his hips
        106 words
      • 138 26 PIRATES, cannons and cisl'es will come alive m Sentosa as the quest for 'he Lege treasure chest begins todl lhe event is organised by the Lego company io launch Itl new Pirate sei ies toy bricks The Measure hunt will start at BDOUI 10 am and will
        138 words
      • 108 26 A POLICE orpoi al from < leylang Police station was yesterd ij eh v fed with outraging Ihe modesty ol a ild girl In the station'! pi cmi I. mi ('boon Hmg, ,'H>. I Ito have committed lhe often, i on api 11 v between 30
        108 words
      • 71 26 ihe Singa|H)ie Broadcasting i orporatlon (SBC) will hold a Malay story telling contest foi .luiilt en al the Kampong Kemhan>;aii on.munity 'entre. The con, est is open to < -hildren between md 12 who can tell a Itory wi,hin three m imi > l
        71 words
    • 303 28 Chinese teachers' union proposes new subject on citizen education THE Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union wants the teaching of Keligious Knowledge m secondary schools to be replaced by a new subject on good citizenship and core values shared by all races. In a memorandum to Education Minister Tony Tan. the union
      303 words
    • 88 28 THE Australian Alumni Sin gapore, founded m 1965 by a group of returned graduates from Australia, recently elected their office bearers for the term 1989/90. Mr Francis Foo, 32, the Marketing Manager of F 4 N Dairies Pte Ltd, has succeeded Dr Anthony Chung as president. The
      88 words
    • 49 28 BULGARIA'S new ambassador to Singapore. Mr Ognyan Kirilov Mitev, presented his credentials to President Wee Kirn Wee at the Istana yesterday morning. Mr Mitev, 49, is also ambassador to Indonesia and will reside m Jakarta. He succeeds Mr Yuii Bahnev, appointed Ambassador to Singapore m 1983.
      49 words
    • 277 28  -  Francesca Nathan By IT WAS a case of thr bridegroom having the Jitters. Watched by about 20 pairs of curious eyes. Pusung, the male orang-utan which the Singapore Zoo hopes to mate with Ah Meng, met his bride for the first time since
      277 words
    • Repatriation of illegal workers
      • 567 28  -  DAVID MILLER 170 Thais deployed to work sites within hours of arrival By II WAS "hello and gondhve" yesterday as 170 Thai workers. repatriated seven weeks ago, returned legally lo work here while 840 Indian illegals left by ship for Madras m
        567 words
      • 364 28 MR BANGOP, 42, I farmer with four children m Thai land, had an unpleasant experience when he was sent home eight days after he arrived here to work. "When I heard of job opportunities m Singapore, I borrowed about 22.000 hahts (about
        364 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 179 20 fp HASBRO tt a? 1 Prizes.' Plus More Holiday at White Sands fl fl_^ Mfl,^fl fl P" I k D f^^~ Beach Le W^M Wm M M MAM _J _____Wfl MM Afl ft. FPR^ r HZ6S YUH Meridien School Holiday JV JvJVI V _________fl________L___fl S* aH Motherhood Masazine Packa 9«^'
      179 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 227 21 I^^toitfiM** sD**= N D Ji dOff er «m pi fl f «-_fl sft Queen Size Imported «T> {J HJfl Sfll A Spring Mattress At .5 1 (SH 9B O.fto____ l <>»nunlr 100% leather Sola ~i [j^Kj I 7-P __d l Sola J _______3~-*_£_J I I ICU** Tjblt- top j y
      227 words
    • 501 21 OET CARRIED AWAY WITH OUR PRICES AND m %g? muDAysj® LOOK OUT FOH ____^^JSfAm fl^tf 'H J -MTTtH ____R__lL _l I ____i ________________H I __k "^^HfRJPL^ Fully Imported tror,'ii.,i v -f O_o __A "i Gloss *W H,gh gioss Set V f <Xll 1 Table 6 Chairs Vt-/c/c7
      501 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 448 22 j|^£g|^HflßMflflßflH|HiH|HHßHß_H_tfHHHHHHl HHH_HHHHHHHHHHMM_H_H_i_ai_^_^_^_^_^_^_^" ~^Hj .'jr».J] vl,^? r^--_^_________^^ -_fl tejj^^^^^^^^^ s -BB ia(ji^i^^BF 'Mm®x^^^^^^W w^ 1^ B ___B____F r^^B. I, Br lT___Z-f r r i>i V' ft t\ r M 'v. fl^i«l But tllcn a a ture like tliis isnt so unusual with _f __E i I^^B I -^B^W Al \\\\\\\\\\\\__\m Panasonic's
      448 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 325 23 mmMt___\_W\W\%__SM^ Mm**' _h>; mnW&" Low prices always! SESAME STREET P/ay»/cart 1-2-3 PLAYSET t% f_\Q^% FUNWICH FACTORY IfWCIC Colourful 18-ptece playset recreates jg#l Oil Imprint charact, onyour i#sl»? the Sesame Street brownstone and sand* m% M wH_P Mr Hoopers store Ages 2-6 S\_W 410 AkW A HLu I S TEH t*j
      325 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 192 24 B_BB- rr- >Atoim£tt_fi_ma_m_tA_W-mm_MA_l_m_m^mJ^ <_^^m_i^HH__llH^H WkWW- vVv m<-+**t t- \XV m T^jmMM^^^M^MM__lm____M M~*_.bC OsX Wk^^W^M-^-^^W^SKm^mmmmM Km nj I w -"l IL fc 'V-,-'cr;t« WmS_m_tAA_M ~THE_3._» JMil -.IiLP- rr^rrjT "t*^__ —zzsssssz~ 'flu (^^^^7^ **•< _^ssaJ L "T r ai -*J l -■tatfhtt|j;;. fVVK_H__lL__ riZilrMßHl B < tF *f _jr> "i __T__ iihrti
      192 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 186 25 RENOVATION I flflfl 1111 l Mf "■1 I MW fl^fl i fl flfll_^H s_________m __F Aw I. fl r I > -T'Tt^Cm fl fl^ h J____________________r^ _r^ __R rTT___TrTf TH ffrfnfl flfff Note Store is closed from May 23 29 for renovations 1 1 flfl flflfl li fl ____fli MEN'S,
      186 words
    • 486 25 U.p $16,UNko Iroll.'v (While I'mr l.mwn M.mII o A/jrA r mm Sale 6/in i■ m/\ Y JOU fll I Wr flfl flfl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^v -Jm Br v _H _m BNfl WAI fl___fl fl fl II <r WY ,m AWm+AM A w p $264 Meyke 60 t «l M££ _F __fl Wardrobe (Pine)
      486 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 694 26 [MCTV/VIDEO i j KITCHEN APPLIANCFSI LJ 1 T -92 Quartz synthesized FWAM tuner IfINA m —^^^^M_M__\_____m_m xB2 Double auto- reverae cassette i-//\/l FA3 r >o f«f deck with CCRS edit «____B_> Electric Alrpot fc S 822 3 way speaker system bass reflex 3 5 iit, es [bTB GE 820 9
      694 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 469 27 Great Pirate ej_______^^ b___T i_« ________W^^Ammmmmm_____. '5 *l^ hoy there, kids! Sentosa will become Treasure m _k /^U^lsland on the 18th June 1989. With so much *$i j!l v V^ 1 k^ 1 l AT JM mw VS "^-j _________H^______. m 2_> #*taV#*m- treasures at stake, we challenge you to
      469 words
    • 178 27 Walk into your new home at the oftf^ ntf BukH Timah Furniture <-*° Home Appliances Exhibition Centre Are you confused by the bewildering choices you must make m furnishing or redecorating your home -like so many homeowners today? If so, worry no longer. Because Bukit Tunah Furniture Home COT A
      178 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 654 28 ___i^^^^^^^^^^^^TKj Loca,FreshE 99s L I Kerrvyold Processed < T^___B___P__r Daisy Diet Low Fat raHHBII SEMBAWANG SHQPPI W^i RE| I I Jl l iVi XK 1 85 c 4. ikX Cheddar Cheese i_w**_F M,lk1 Si g -::g fefe H 181 linn we io s si.6ol£i $1.40 aa _a% _m am wa_.
      654 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 319 29 i^^^^H^<jH B a_r^^^ flflft H aVj ___H_H ___________T _^___________t I L r _^______________a 1 _______M__Vl^_t^ aH____i _^r J^^^^^^^^^^k. i^a an. i^a mw ______________________________________________l _________________l ___________________________________________________^_^_^_^_V_^_^_^_^_^_^_i_B J^^B -^__fi _____________H I fl _____________H I _fl M| HH -fl» j B^fl^ j H ™L^^M MI LvM HHV^ _9i I _^_^_^_l tl L -m
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 506 30 RENOV DECOR THE GREATEST RENOVATION INTERIOR DECORATION EVENT WORLD TRADE CENTRE, HALL 6, 19-28 MAY 1989 1 2 NOON —10PM ADMISSIONS FREE LUCKY VISITORS DRAW ~~i77au'fB i e Inking ot visitor ,MU^ ,f y Wnrtie Of h,n 7 10 588 flflfr COUPON at the entrance of the 6W *«n Of
      506 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 765 31  -  AUDREY WONG Private estates can lap signals from our taller blocks for better reception, it says Hy CAUSES OF POOR TV RECEPTION PRESENCE of tall buildings, hills or othar large objects I*' tween thc transmission station and the receiving antenna, m tall stiuctuies next lo
      765 words
    • 347 31  -  Bukit Timah Friday People ska I EB lARDER Jaaon lanes Ui, is dvslevi. but ins condition has not stopped him from becom Ing an tt t imt formet al .ale' promotion shows for i ontpaa) dealii i hei i- i none like v its tike
      347 words
    • 259 31 Hong Kah GRC WEU i isie- mi luding i limns slnget ",i 1960_ Salim I and Mai ia ,a< link will |hrn .1 Ila i ii Jaroafl West Avenue 1 li'llinl low 'lhe show will feature this year's winnei
      259 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 90 31 *\k_ V 2 Am. www^ '~mmmw^_w w_Wjm\ _^__i fl __^_________r UH a ______f _______r^ __X v _________r ___r _________________________r __________i______r ___r __d __r v _____r>C v '_tfi-' I* *%2rf?S7V l ___*_k__^ra^ f\ v*«Ti vw H-T ii jjiif flii _T^ x^____r v Ef^^V A ________r-.J lw^ mA __^H^iMifeL m__\w\M I W^
      90 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 675 32 CHINESE students, demonstrating m un precedented numbers and virulence m Tian anmen Square, may have stolen the limelight from Mr Deng Xiaoping and Mr Mikhail Gorbachev who met on Tuesday at a historic summit m t_.e Great Hall to put a formal end to their two countries'
        675 words
    • 3978 32 Speaking to the Asia Society m Washington this week, the Minister for Trade and Industry and Second Minister for Defence (Services), Brigadier-General (Res) Lee Hsien Loong, said it was best for the US to leave well alone the internal affairs of
      WONG KWAI CHOW  -  3,978 words
    • 1187 33  -  DOUGLASS T. DAVIDOFF US ambassador-designate to Singapore, Mr Robert D. Orr Hy Specul I Profile ol' Mr Robert I). Orr Born: Nov I,'. 1917 Educated: Vale University, Hai yard Business School Military service: Entered ar mv as a private m VM'2 and
      Indianapolis News  -  1,187 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 41 32 I ART (&M?\ 1J? _ll M lad.-"-"' i...«w.. ma '*'*uWW READ LIFESTYLE W ~~W __rSr"l^de_ ni «> Tfl H|iMM«_ifl[ __^____I__^_,L^^' v Sh THAT'S GOOD ADVICE Avoilc iU«- <it i ill Published I iv TIMES TRADE DIRECTORIES PTE LTD Times Publishing Group •^^^?H£-
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 625 33 "b hen people ask me what is extraordinary about a police career, this o what I tell them, you i>/// experience m five vcars that will take others a lifetime." COKI'OKVI MINOS MCUIVMMt IKMIII I'HIKI .on could s.iv be lives hie m the last You could earn sergeant s stupes
      625 words

    • Bouquets
      • 255 34 ONCE year, Laboui Day reminds me of those workers whose contribution! 10 OUI well being iii small but essential ways are so easily overlooked ancl unappreciated Although Labour Day is over. I feel these workers deserve all tbe kudos THK stoical environmental
        255 words
      • 111 34 DURING the recent Hari Raya holiday, my family and 1 visited the lovely grounds of Singapore's Lstana Much to our surprise, youi President and First I_ady were posing m front of the palatial residence for photographers Then, approaching the crowd, they not only shook hands hut
        111 words
    • 650 34 IT has been established thai iietei un atloa ol the oaooe layei Is t multlna tloaal problem worthy of pi unipt action it Is recog iiiscel thai partially burned hydrocarbons arc a major contributor to llm prob lem Anntliei iua:.uly Which lias affUeted the uiduslii
      650 words
    • 236 34 IT IS lionit thai taxis ancl private vehicle* m Singa poi c aie itopped for ovei loading but public buses pai keil beyooa their allow able capacity, are aoi I am referring to SBS buses and m particular to the morning rush-hour su nation Sl
      236 words
    • Replies
      • 259 34 Highlight unfair pricing practices THK lettei >\erc harged by $.1 foi car cart product iST April U) eloarly illus Urates that fiee market system opsratss m Singa pan Price eoatrol m any form. espsdally m the retail trade, is not uf SdVSfl tage to coasumen keen competition among retailers will
        259 words
      • 260 34 Officials should not be beneficiaries of charities WE REFER to the letter "Time to look into howcharities are being run" by "Concerned Volunteer" (ST, May 17). The Singapore Council of Social Service shares the same concern as the wiiiei that members uf the management committee or board of directors of
        260 words
      • 196 34 I'l I- ASK refer lO the let tei "Consulting engineers should he equitably rewarded" from the ftsaorl at urn of Conaulting Engineers Singapore (ST, I he association bad eai liei i .used ihe question (rf consultant') fees with us through the Feedback t 'nit whuh we
        196 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1039 34 Improve your job prospects now Train for the job you really want Through ICS training, iflHC Youi programme vvill millions of nun and women |^^HH_fe __r^^_____M K |Vt ,U1 VlHin^ you .ill over the workl h.ive m*< r «W-^»roi nceii to c ompletc vnui prepared themselves toi aIPmK. \f J
      1,039 words
    • 13 34 Looking for a property m Serangoon Garden? Turn to page 111 (Section Three)
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 130 35 ir^lSlii Have someth dolii;hiiully different foi lunch tins month. Come t« Rh i i I.i !,u c i. .I out wondei lvi I and lot «il buffet spread 'hoc > .c- from 4<> mouthwatering specialities like I lome- made Mn mated Salmon Seafood au Gratin, nr"! r™ i Pepper Crab
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    • Article, Illustration
      2 35
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    • 2 35
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    • 2 35
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    • 2 35
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    • 701 35  -  Doreen Siow leases renewed this year will be hit by exhorbitant rents Ry WHILE landlords m Orchard Road are busy Jacking up their rents to take advantage Ol thr shortage e>f prime* retail s; propert) consultants are already predicting an oversuppl) hy Retail
      701 words
    • 432 35  -  Khaw Wei Kang By SKNIOR Chinese trade officials were m Singapore last week to Invite local businessmen to at tend Beijing's first large scale international symposium on Chi nas economic and trade rela tions with its Asia Pacific neighbours. Professor Zhu Ang.
      432 words
    • 385 35 I llh! Egyptian Ambassador to Singapore yesterday called on lo Cal companies to set up joint ventures with Egyptian counter pails to take advantage of the neu common market formed m March by four Middle Kast coun tries The four Egypt, Iraq, North
      385 words
    • 190 35 TWO missions from the con ..truetion induslry will visit Tai w an later- this month to promote the capabilities and expertise of Singapore companies The trips ai c follow ups to a high level trade delegation to raiwan last June
      190 words
    • 116 35 AMERICAN Telephone and Tele PSterday announced the appointment, effective July l. of Ml Jeffrey S. Inseliiiann as President and Managing Director >f its telephone plant K\ee lltive I n of ATAT onsimict Prod tsl i tecember with ponsibilities over engineer Ing, manufacturing, purchasing and
      116 words
    • 303 35 Survey ranks KL and Singapore top two choices for investors KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia ■cored the highest m "invest merit climate", followed by Sin gapore, m i survey ol i.'*t> ••lee m. ai iiiii electronic compa rues m Japan conducted by the lap. vi International 'ooperat ion ii v i .IICA)
      Bernama  -  303 words
    • 313 35 DANISH biotechnology compa ny, Novo-Nordisk, the world's largest supplier of insulin for di abetes care, has set up its Asian ojiorational headquarters m Sin Its Far Kast Division General Manager. Mr Thorkil Christen sen, said the move made good sense
      313 words
    • 573 37  -  Sharon Lau By FULLY-COMPUTERISED trading on the Stork Xx change of fllimporc has re suited m amendments to thr by-laws of the exchange With effect from Monday. the amended by laws will not only reflect the new huying-in procedures and eliminate pc
      573 words
    • 135 37 SINGAPORE-BASED imt.' I Engineers Limited announce 1 yesterday that it has received the last payment of MfBO U million (Ss36 38 million) fron the sale of Msl_ (•million worth of loan stink m United Engineers (Malaysia) l.erhad In March the engineering group reported that it
      135 words
    • 374 37 MALAYAN United Industries Berfaad, the flagship of Malay sian Christian businessman, Khoo Kay P"ng, has an nounced a more than five-fold rise m its group pre-tax profit for the year ended Dee M IMB. (.roup pretax jumped from Ms4.lT> million (553.02 million)
      374 words
    • 284 37 Malayan Credit expecting better results DIRECTORS of Malayan Credit, the property company which lost $8 81 million m the last financial year, seem to be exacting a big improvement m the company's results. In a recent circular to shareholders on the company's proposed l-for-3 bonus issue, directors forecast that Malayan
      284 words
    • 562 37  - Paper gains from exercise of staff share options are liable for tax Steven M Timms w m w m mm mm w mr m^ IJ________________l 03 QMY KM HO. IK In the subsidiary of a multinational which Is listed In the 118. We were recently given options to take up
      562 words
    • 214 37 THE Rabobank banking group of the Netherlands officially opened its recently-established merchant bank here yesterday. The group said Rabobank Asia Ltd will concentrate on private banking, capital markets, and institutional investment advisory services, which includes joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, sub-under-writing and co-management of
      214 words
    • 26 38 TRANSACTION DATE: MAY 18, 89 i Adjusted (or new ntuei. Par value SI unless otherwise specified P/E ratios are not adjusted lor currency differences
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    • 1 38
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    • 1 38
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    • 62 38 OCBC (MIR UO6 D6S TIB POSB W»0SII RATES 1 month i months 4 12 month' 4 I 4 4 IOW RATES Pei tonal Renovation 6 f) S 4 4 S 1 Housing s 111. Can I i i i HIIMNJSS I DANS M. luncry i 1 /i i
      62 words
      • 184 39 Blue chips set scene for KL's mixed close WITH some support for blue chips and plantation issues, the Kuala Lumpur stock market managed to close mixed m less active trading. Prices had opened easier due to profit-taking with an estimated turnover of five million shares transacted m the first hour.
        NST  -  184 words
      • 236 39 THE stock market on Wednesday recouped most of the ground it lost on Tuesday, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 8.98 points to close at 2,462.43. Although the Dow fell just short of 2,463.89 the postcrash high it attained on Monday other gauges of the markets performance
        NYT  -  236 words
      • 165 39 FEARS of tighter economic |M)licy m thc wake of recent commi 'i by Treasurer Keating and Reserve Rank Governor ohnston led the Aust' rm share market to a sli" y easier jMisition. Ie market has run hard recently and had every reason to pause for breath. esj>eciallv m the
        Reuter  -  165 words
      • 261 39 AFTFR two days the rising trend on the Tokyo stink mar ket was reversed yesterday Prices closed lower- m fea tureless, thin trade, which has been this week*s trademark The sharp rise m the US dollar against the yen has kept most investors sidelined, worrying about a possible Bank
        Reuter  -  261 words
      • 165 39 SHARE prices ended strongly higher m London on Wednesday, propelled upwards by better-than-expected US trade figures. The Financial Times-Stock Exchange 100-share Index rose 19.1 points to 2.155.8, its best closing level since the October 1987 stock crash. The index was up just 5.5 points at the opening, its lowest
        AP  -  165 words
      • 203 39 BUYINC, mainly from US investors, gave the Hongkong stock market a boost yesterday afternoon. The Hang Seng Index ended 31. 25 points higher al 3,277. 66, after a 34-point loss m early morning "The market was technically over-sold yesterday," a se ***** ies broker said. "The recent rise m
        Reuter  -  203 words
    • 608 39 Fuji Malaysia Enterprise fined $21,000 for violating rules KUALA LUMPUR A major commodity broker firm Fuji Malaysia Enterprise has not been suspended by the Kuala Lumpur Commodities Exchange (KLCE), though it was fined M 530,000 (5521.600) by the exchange. Chief Executive Syed Abdul
      Bernama  -  608 words
    • 344 39 US senate probe told regulators failing to collect fraud fines WASHINGTON United States regulators are failing to collect many fines levied for futures market frauds, send ing the wrong message to "crooks and swindlers", a Senate investigating panel was told on Wednesday. Futures regulators have collected less than half of
      Reuter  -  344 words
    • 531 40 Two auditing giants said to be in merger plan CHICAGO The accountin world wai i Ifc v. ith reports on Wednesday thai iwo of the m doatry'i biggest funis Krnst Whinney and Arthur Youn ft Co would soon announce a mergei which would a i i h»* world's largesl accounting
      NYT  -  531 words
    • 232 40 Manila to sell part of PAL to private sector MANILA Philippine lines PAI. i and two foi c (lose.- luxury hote!-. tre to be partl) sold by the government lo private investors thi officials said yestei day The < Sovernment Sei lee In BUrance System (GSIS), i pension fund which
      AFP  -  232 words
    • 383 41 TOKYO Japanese electronics firms, declaring victory over the strong yen. will poai record earnings for the latest financial year, but induslry analysts say tough challenges lie ahead Fat profits from microchips and a booming domestic market will double current profits at Toshiba and
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 387 41 Taiwan likely 'to relax' forex controls gradually TAIPEI The Taiwan dollar is stabilising and the government is likely to gradually relax the island's foreign exchange controls, bankers said on Wednesday. Central Bank Governor Chang Chi-cheng on Tuesday said Taiwan could rer.iove limits on local banks' overseas borrowings and on annual
      Reuter  -  387 words
    • 160 41 BRUSSELS Soviet enterprises will soon be allowed to take stakes m foreign companies, the Soviet Ambassador lo the Kuropean Community said on Wednesday Mr Vladimir Sbemiatenkov told a meeting of United States officials and businessmen that he expected Moscow to announce the change m the
      Reuter  -  160 words

    • 6 36 Up Down lUich Total !2
      6 words
    • 32 36 d 1220 30 Stand tots 4/4 MA I 1 1 1820 MBrew 1200 Hi Ket 400 I 14 h 13 I.' Rothmans M /so m M Leon) m Ih.'in 11) H
      32 words
    • 41 36 Austral Am.ii 370 30 011 I HUS 10 III) H 10 SttMftl MO 10 H Nafari wi 10 Kam«ntm| Mic Hwm M W4 b Parkway Wrh 12 6 Hotel Prop ?1? 6 DBS 9/S 5 Mftrii Hl,l, i //0 5
      41 words
    • 65 36 :ity Dev Wrts ft 901 m Kdmunting 50C '.047 m Keppel Inv Wrts 4 704 m Cons Plant 5()( 2 587 m W Resources bOC 2 339 m JOB 2 253 m invests SOC 2 ?37 m Promet 1 996 m Harrisons M sia 1 860 m Multi
      65 words
    • 82 36 Main Board Wednesday Thursday Industrials j? 195 m 41 4// m FiMKI 9 440 m 8 004 m Hotels 4 416 m 2 268 m Properties 1 1 31? m 12 873 m Bonds, loans Wrts 19 SBl m 23 355 m Plantations 3 565 m 6 988 m
      82 words
    • 80 36 Straits Times Industrials 1989 High HI 0 07 (1/ Ml 1988 High 11// 8/ (8 Au> 198/ 88I.ia /00 4S Dei H/. All time Hi^h ISOb 40 (?b K/i All time I oft /4 /S (1/ Sep t>4 Business Times Composite 1989 High l? 03 8b 18
      80 words
    • 2191 36 TRANSACTION D. H MAY 18, 1989 Gil Gr t l"> Vol Day liilUuult Ulv In. Vld Nat M Cap *'0 h IHW) High Low Buyer Sallar C»r Pl trnll ■•4 111 I lOUU 4 iiv IU I*3 163 164 39 4 n n ii v i M I
      2,191 words
    • 543 36  - Morning gains fall prey to profit takers Steven Pak By PRICES continued to consolidate on the Singapore stock market yesterday after strong gains m the previous few sessions had pushed the Straits Times Industrials Index above the 1,300 level. The market opened firm after the good overnight performance on Wall
      543 words
    • 478 36 264 124 t 1543 CX Ting Wt ;990?5? -2 2t 253 250 250 251 MM MM t tSOO Chuan Hup Writ 41 1 1624 42 404 41 41 87* 82 I 1401 City D«v Bond* 85* 14 8*> 85 86 B*> A 4 66 17 t
      478 words
    • 183 36 1M 1?0 I 4000 Arntsh IngM IM **< '<» 10 ON 7 1 1 3 II 1 ht> 3 93 4, 4000 fur Ottsat J 1 9 '8 '8 7fi PI m nN 41 /A ISO 136 4001 OB Hldgt 10( 176 I < 70 176 171 I 40
      183 words
    • 1294 36 Al shares quoted have a par value ol fl, unless otherwise specified Adjusted for scrip/riffils N Tv (tempted dividend PI ratios and jioss yields nl foreir.n shares aie ad|usted loi currency differences Trustee stocks under CPF Approved Investment Scheme I Margin stocks ABN is traded m lots ol
      1,294 words
    • 2 36
      2 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 144 37 Housahold Bargains _*%Xv &Oi/ nil!. "T< Now till ?0~&Uv v< *1 22nd Ma > *£2kMt*M**mm f tl COME EARLY WEf^ VU FOR THE BEST (j** <^. 8 *Js FRIVENBUYS! w On selected designs li i n 7 f<tiisf ti Jk ___r __>c\ ip Wm I l_{_\^^ Plfp Xl -1^ Apr
      144 words
    • 133 37 H <_*______» *^*________f_r t ____T"^_____ ___H______F -a r 2 bl L I ____.*^s_____< ~s_____l ______^^^^^^^l^^^^^l l________L wy *'^M w <H sSv«» v% X ~^UMl__H^___V _P^ j 4^^ dai ■^^^T WVfC^Hl_______________________________________a Max Factor's Gift to You H i healthy lustrous finish wuh Gemnesse Mumma Pan-Cake. Light to the touch, yet
      133 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 174 39 _t_^_W ___m v mJK dm ---H ____________H r _____^^I ___Hr _____r m bH_H_EH ____lr __-d_P i(v I^^^^H ___H_r __^^BB^^ _r 1 x T^Gm W _H___ .mm Wr^ -HH ik.\ A Masters'^^y# E __m /^________k _fl-_-_w 4^ -S Itv iJ____a___M*- *M_vm _L \_Ji__Sa___'' m. 1 __i__l POWERBILT GRAND SLAM 3X 9
      174 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 313 40 you can SME and WIN much more if you wait for... Homex Summer The one-stop furniture, furnishings and home appliances exhibition World Trade Centre Hall 6, June 3-1 1, 12 noon-10 pm Ofi°/ T£tS~"\ [(fcOAA""— coun Z\3 /o A\3 /o ,^ZUU^;°:,r •IN su H uiiiuis (Al Windows) Aluminium (.nils hildin
      313 words
    • 11 40 With the Straits Times Classified, it's a big deal being small
      11 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 82 41 (fiorkpif %ole\ tNow nl the TRAVELLERS' PALM TERRACE I It RESTAURANT j^tmk The world famous ■I f singapori; sling fM concocted by the V Ngiams since 1915 AND CANDLE- LIGHT DINNER Daily RIJSTTAFEL LUNCH Sunday TIFFIN CURRY LUNCH LION (ITY a hr\ (I I ILKAL v*. Wm\ SHOW niL'htly at
      82 words
    • 528 41 Under instruction from V^( rhe Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited^oSJl FOR SALE BY TENDER >S HCF HOUSE 403 George St. Sydney PRIME COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT Part of significant future development &< *itf*t one i •Basement ground tool o retail 1 3 upi Frontage to both Geo- York Pt I l
      528 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 499 42 Announcing The Official Opening Of Al WA's Authorised Service Centre In Kuala Lumpur (Hi-Tech Electronics Trading) With Al WAService Centre Represented In 77 Countries Round The World Now One More In Kuala Lumpur To Serve You Better And Closer. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR 'WAAAAAA AIWA c oZ HI-TECH T E^r Nlcs
      499 words

    • 267 43 321 Deaths 321 Deaths MDM. TANG MUI NONG AQE: 88 YEARS WIFE OF MR. CHEW KAI HONG wm called horn* by th* Lord on 17/5/ M. laavlng bohlnd Mm* HUSBAND: CHEW KAI HONO •ONS: DAUGHTERS IN LAW Chow Hiong Peng Heart Al t't_.x> Chow Siong Keng, David Hlng Mcc Loke,
      267 words
    • 379 43 321 Deaths 321 Deaths LI -AHN WEE ENTERED INTO REST May 5, 1989 Berrien Springs, Michigan Sok of ttxtpHdiut ~?Uk /4U /4 'THem&UeU Scnvicc S/f7iC Sco&u/i T><uf /tdo€HUU CtuncA 273, liflfLVl ScutKfOOK IRo*d. St*c**fe<»te 1334 Ok SuKtUuj, TKout 2Ut ?9X9 <*t sfuK MR. OON TONG HOCK Aga 68 pseeed ewey
      379 words
    • 79 43 325 Requiems 325 Requiems ATHMA BHANTI POOJAI MR. N. LOQANATHAN Daparlad 4 May 1959 wlshas lo aipraas lhair heartfelt thanks to tha Chairman S Sacratary of Sri Marlamman Tempts and all reletlvee. friend, colleaguee. for their kind condolence aaalatanea, attendance, donations S wraaths during their racant baraavamant. Athma Shanti Poo|sl
      79 words
    • 118 43 The Family of the Ij_.te MDM. ONQ AH BAD wish I.i express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation la rala nv.-s a. friends fur their kind vi i r- miv nes condolences wreaths i donations during ihr-ir tacanl bs reave nasnl Special thank* to Or Chrlatophar Lien, Dr Anne
      118 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      27 43 With drcpc*t tvmpathv am loiuiolrncr* to the family of thr late MR I.AUTAN MINI Oa froai SeßSjNi Seaoho I raonnt l I tepartmcni layliri linn
      27 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 43 In loving memory of Sergeant VK. Kanasan Born: 2.2.155S Deperled: IS 5 IS7B Dearly miaaed end alway* remem berad by your parenla, brother* and (later*
      28 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      194 43 In loving memory of MDM. R. MARIMUTHU Wife of lata Latchumanan Dopartad 14th May 10S8 Ii me lake away thr edge el grief Bal memory turns back •van imf Dearly mleaed by Baas. r wthunuu i. Vadtvaloo I. Achutfiaii I AriitiniKum I .tdakkamalayan Daughter* m law I.cclii
      194 words
  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 311 43 ATHLETICS SINGAPORE'S Haron Mundir. who aborted a training stint m Japan last month, must face a disciplinary committee for mis conduct, the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association decided last night. Haron. the national Ml metres record-holder, had left for a fiveweek training and competition stint
      311 words
    • 198 43 Bouvier rules in rain GOLF KUALA LUMPUR Australian teenager Stuart Bouvier revelled m the rain to lay a strong claim on the Malaysian amateur Open golf championship when he fired a four-under-par 68 on the Palm Course at the Saujana Golf and Country Club yesterday. The 19-year-old Australian junior champion,
      NST  -  198 words
    • 427 43 World's best players for Singapore gala VOLLEYBALL COME December, volleyball fans will be treated to exciting world-class action from the Seoul Olympic champions and other powerhouses at the sport. The gold medallists United States and Soviet Union for the men's and women's events respectively and two All-Star teams comprising players
      427 words
    • 366 43 MOTOR SPORT INDIANAPOLIS Kmerson Kit tipaldi is improving his phytic*] fitness m tho hopes of finding the winning advantage m thr India napolis 500 Thr two-time Formula One champion from Brazil follows a strict dirt and exercise pm gramme that hr said COUld mran the
      366 words
    • 578 44 UEFA CUP SOCCER FINAL: VFB 3 Napoli 3 (Napoli win 5-4) STUTTGART Diego Mara dona realised his ambition to turn Napoli into a European soccer power when he guided them to a :>\ aggregate victo ry ovei VFB Stuttgart m the UeCa Cup final on
      Reuter  -  578 words
    • 276 44 DENMARK 7 GREECE 1 World Cup qualifier COPENHAGEN Denmark hammered Greece 7-1 here on Wednesday to keep alive their hopes of place m the World Cup soccer finals. With only one place m Group One automatically qualifying for the finals m Italy next year, Denmark had
      AFP; Reuter  -  276 words
    • 133 44 RUMANIA 1 BULGARIA 0 BUCHAREST Gheorghe Po paaCU gave Rumania a 1-0 vie tory over Bulgaria m their World Cup soccer qualifier on Wednesday. The goal came after a su|x>rh loth-minute free-kick by Steaua Bucharest winger Maims LacatUS found Popescu. whose powerful header gave Bulgarian
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • 404 44 Arsenal slip-up makes Liverpool title certainties ENGLISH LEAGUE LONDON Arsenal virtually ensured that Liverpool would retain the English First Division soccer title here on Wednesday when they tossed away two more home points m a 2-2 draw with Wimbledon. The Gunners returned to the top of the table by virtue
      AFP  -  404 words
    • 294 46 SQUASH i ps_n Peter Hill may the Milo National and -i.i squash champion ships Peter, who returned home on Wedneada) ifter a fourmonth stun on iho European circuit surprise thai ms name had heen included Ul tho Nation Houn later, he delive sh.K k
      294 words
    • 191 46 ICE HOCKEY CALGARY (Alberta) Former US Olympian Chris Chelios scored the winner and set up an insurance goal to lift the Montreal Canadiens to a 4-2 victory over the Calgary Flames m the second game of the Stanley Cup finals on Wednesday. The victory for
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 152 46 MINI-OLYMPICS NICOSIA Hoata Cyprua won alx gold medala In track and field eventu on Wednesday, the first day of the mlnl-Olym-pica, a competition for some of the world's smaller countries. Cyprlot sprinters broke the Games records for the men's and women's IM metres, Yannls Zlilmldla running
      AP  -  152 words
    • 343 46 'Cowards' on tour: Captain CRICKET NEW DELHI Indian cricket captain Dilip Vengsarkar has accused unnamed team-mates of cowardice and faked injuries during the recent disastrous tour of the West Indies. Vengsarkar said m an interview with an Indian news agency that his side's 3-0 defeat m the Test series and
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • 95 46 Minister's plea to rugby unions British Sports Minister Colin Moynihan has urged the English, Scottish and Welsh Rugby Unions to reconsider their decisions to allow players to appear for a world rugby union team m South Africa later this year. In letters to the respective presidents, he warned of the
      95 words
    • 37 46 Carlos de Leon, of Puerto Rico, won the World Boxing Council cruiserwelght title for a record fourth time when he stopped Britain's Sammy Reeson m the ninth round at the Ixmdon Arena on Wednesday.
      37 words
    • 39 46 Losing Le Pontet captain Marc Palanque and teammate Christian Maccali have been suspended indefinitely for attacking the referee during the French championship play-off against St Esteve last Sunday. Palanque has been accused of head-butting referee Francis Desplas.
      39 words
    • 31 46 Irishman Scan Kelly has been deposed as the world No. 1 ranked cyclist by Frenchman Charly Mottet, according to the latest International Professional Cyclists Federation standings released on Wednesday.
      31 words
    • 52 46 Top Belgian cyclist Eric Vanderaerden said on Wednesday he would not take a pay cut and wanted to leave Panasonic at the end of this season. Vanderaerden had been below par this season until he won four stages m the inaugural Tour de Trump race m the US
      52 words
    • 47 46 All countries who are members of the International Federation of Bodybuilding will be invited to take part m the Mr Universe 1990 championship scheduled to be held In Kuala Lumpur m October next year, said Malaysian Body Building Federation chairman Mr Gan EJoon Leong yesterday.
      47 words
    • 55 46 PGA champion Jeff Sluman is hoping to recover from an emergency appendectomy m time to play before his home town crowd at the US Open over the Hill Country Club course next month. Sluman underwent surgery on Monday and doctors said the golfer should be able to resume
      55 words
    • 33 46 The International Football Federation (Fifa) on Wednesday confirmed the ban on captain Lothar Matthaeus from West Germany's next game after a second booking m last month's World Cup qualifier against Holland.
      33 words
    • 43 46 Dutch striker Ruud Gullit. who underwent a knee cartilego operation on April 21, trained for only 20 painful minutes on Wednesday, increasing fears that he may lose the battle to get fit for AC Milan's European Ctap soccer final next week.
      43 words
    • 32 46 Nacional, of Colombia, and Olimpia, of Paraguay, are the surprise Libertadores Cup finalists after respectively beating Uruguayan soccer champions Danubio 6-0 and Brazil's Internaeional !i-2 and then 5-3 on penalties
      32 words
    • 427 47  -  Joe Dorai SOCCER by FORMER Singapore skipper Au yeong Pak Kuan look another big step on his comeback t r.ii I when he was Inch-dad m the Republic's IS strong squad foi the pre World Cup soccer competition In Seoul from May 23-27. Au-yeong, 28, who
      427 words
    • 266 47 THE Tengku Mahkota of Pahang yesterday asked fans to pray for the Seoul-bound Malaysian MCCOr team but the man who probably needs them the most when they leave this morning is coach Trevor Hartley. Looking at the 22-man squad, any fan
      NST  -  266 words
      • 85 47 Malaysia may pay coaches Malaysia's Deputy Prime Mm ister Ghafar Baha wants coaches to be paid salaries and a special funil to Ix set up for developing shirts m which the country has potential. Mr Ghafar, speaking at th** opening of the Malaysian ama teur tennis championships m Seremban yesterday,
        85 words
      • 41 47 K.nn Knglish league clubs Division Two teams Crystal Palace and Birmingham and Third Division sides Bristol City and Sheffield United were charged by the Football Association foi not controlling their fans who invaded the pitch at last weekend's matches.
        41 words
    • 964 47 BASEBALL American League: Indiana 6 Mine lays S, White S<>x 111 Tlgen J, Twins I Royals I, orioles x Ranger. 2 Yank.-es 3. Hreweis I Manm-is •>. Aii Red Sox (I National 14-agtK*: Kids S I'n.iti-. I Claata fi Phillies ii. Padrea i, &q (litis I braves
      964 words
    • 217 47 LOCAL HOCKEY PUNGGOL Constituency Sports Club added a touch of royalty when lhe Yang Mulia Tenj?ku Abdul Majid, the youngest son of the Sultan of Johor, signed to play for them m the Premier League hockey competition now under way Punggol, the Elite
      ALBERT SIM  -  217 words
    • 329 47 Agassi aces put him in third round ITALIAN OPEN TENNIS ROME Andre Agassi, playing like a man m a rush to get to bed, overpowered fellow teenager Pete Sampras 6-2, 6-1 late on Wednesday lo sweep into the third round of the Italian Open tennis tournament. The 19-year-old American second
      329 words

  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 464 44 i T^IQJNTERNATIONAL CORPORATION j 5t \/n > I ___P __________________Ba\. flß^^Hi*^^^^^B^^^^^^^^-^ ..lia^RttT _sk> IflHw f fsM r^Y />^^ JH^^^^^^^^^^-r _____^r A V mm W Www '3_i 6"^>_ /v^"^pi __r ____r -_-__k 1 ___k ___k ____p> r_^BI ■_________T v _-_i __f JD A __r __a v r:J _____W\ W iP"T ___ff
      464 words

    • 342 45 SYDNKY Top Australian jockey Malcolm Johnston was ordered to pay A $120. 000 ($178,000) damages vest ..lay to an apprentice injured m a fall involvi-g Johnston more than 10 years ago In the firsi case of its kind m Australia, the Supreme Court found
      Reuter; AFP  -  342 words
    • 149 45 Hern gets royal reprieve LONDON Queen Elizabeth has backed down from her de ision to expel hei crippled horse trainer from the stables which he has occupied since 1962. Major Dick Hern, t>B, has been m a wheelchair since suf fering serious spinal injuries m a hunting fall m 1984.
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 567 45  -  Malcolm Bastians TRACKWORK By STRAWBERRY JUNGLE looked a picture of fitness when taken out for a spin at Bukit Timah yesterday. With jockey Terry Lucas astride, the four-year-old Jungle Boy gelding sprinted ef fortlessly to clock 37.8 sec over 600 m on the grass. The
      567 words
    • 1350 45 QApC i 2.15pm RESTRICTED TERMS nnV/U I DIVISION A: 1,200 m short course STAKES $15,000 1 SPEEDY MING 57 5 o. edy M.;> m TLuca*l4 2 3 SAPU JAGAD 56 luren Wrst .1 ag 1 M Rahmat 15 3 39 LOCOMOTION 55 locomotion Buang n/g 15
      1,350 words
  • Page 45 Advertisements
    • 409 45 Hh|Hbv mX Introducing a-f^^-aT TT yoy^QY^ r\r Hiis performance shoe combines the best of athletk llvW 1 Ctl ILivJ \JI technology and golftradition m its nev and stylish range of colours. ■^■■■■■■■■■■■H^ fJ^MTi'^il lor ihai m»>si imperative follow I V I V J I I v HH__M_|MHaJM|^ uJl^Xj^jCS All II
      409 words

  • Page 46 Advertisements
    • 437 46 \^H \/^^^k \^f v___ft (_F^t_ V^fl \^______i >^^^ \^^n ___r^^^V^M IM. YOU SHOlp^'T MISS!'.! V I"- ________H_^^ J^«4_^^^^in^H^ > Mi ______H__________B J_^^ ~^mm IL (l-iill 1.-atlu-r) S.-linhhi iV Women's I ____IK __________________T iiMMV \mii)mv,KL\L,uis M.,i,u,v.„i,hk, 5 49 for first 200 pairs i>f sTa (i>n offer) purchased. ■/>/ wM A WT
      437 words
    • 12 46 r^ 7 Straits Times a daily source of information for the masses
      12 words
    • 43 46 W\| 111 l Results of Draw No I 111 II 349/89 05,07,10 Group I Prize $300,000/- 24, 25, 42 Group II Prize Add no 30.354/- 23 SINGAPORE if tn.'reismorethanoiu' winner meither GrouplorGroupll.thepri/ewillbeshHrtHl J SquaMy by all winners m that Group liP 0 C
      43 words

  • Page 47 Advertisements
    • 656 47 Goldstar CBT444^| HaaMaHMaHH Samsung C 1344 Philips 1 4CN7001 national ICUM^^^^—__^^_ Misubishi CTH47 'i^^^^l P 7 0o" If"""* mfm^^r '^^'Souallackicreer, \\l^ u^ DP I n pi |ill,f ~^^jf On Screen OisJJ pP V lost J3O 00.1.J- 4% I DPs3s IT OP $4300 f ns. 40 .C fl UP $355 00
      656 words
  • Page 47 Miscellaneous
    • 28 47 TODAYS EVENTS badminton i-'ricndiy Baajapara v Canada (SBH, lam HOCKKV Premiei League: SIA Punggol (Farrer Hark AC, 5 Bpm). SIM'f'KK Intra (.aside tournament l-'.u ivi Hark. r>pm)
      28 words

  • 657 48 FIRST Deputy PHaM Minister Goh Chok Tong is likely lo l>e the chair man of the first advisory committee for Mendaki 11. the proposed institu tion to tackle the major problems faced by the Malay-Muslim communi ty This was disclosed
    657 words
  • 208 48 Qantas jet forced to turn back twice in four hours PERTH A Qantas jetliner flying from Singapore to Perth with 185 passengers on board was forced to turn back twice m four hours on Wednesday because of technical and mechanical problems, a Qantas spokesman said yesterday He said the twinengined
    AFP  -  208 words
  • 86 48 RESCUE workers surround the plane which crashed into a moving car on a highway leading to Subang Airport on Wednes day night. Five police officers and crew members aboard the Ii la tvs Porter aircraft and a boy travelling m thc car were killed officials
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 78 48 'Tensions rise as China takes Spratly atoll' HONCKONC China has taken over an atoll held by Vietnam m the disputed Spratly Islands, prompting Malaysia to give the archipelago a high priority m its defenceplanning, the Kar Eastern Economic Review report ed yesterday. The weekly magazine said, m its latest issue,
    78 words
  • 125 48 China and V iei nam, which fought brief border battles m 1979. dashed ■gala m the Spratlys last year as Ilcijing sel up military outposts m the ob ■cure but strategic archipelago m the South China SSS The Review said Ihe move had added to the tensions
    AFP  -  125 words
  • 71 48 Burglar lectures victim after break-in Pl.YMiit'lii (England) A tun glftl nas so appalled at Ihe ease with which he broke into an M year old man's home that he woke turn up oni delivered a IS minute lei ture on locking doois and windows Polite said yesteidav that the masked
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 280 48 What it should have been THE pictures In <■■ tenia) 'i Section Two i le, "Sole Mates", were "I Miv. Koh 1 .1 U and hei boyfriend, Mi P Pong, and imi o( Mi .nnl Mi I M S Poo I-. m- 1 MMM I ed m a not hei
    280 words
  • 323 48 TWO WORKERS died minutes ifter they entered newly constructed tank to do sand-blasting work at QATX Terminals m Jurong yesterday. Mr Kng Chin .18. and Mr Rahim bin Dak ok, IT, are believed to have suffered breathing difficulties, possibly Caused by a
    323 words
  • 86 48 1 1 >X Y< 1 A man upset ovei failing to Kam admis sum to a graduate school pi ogi amine 1 1 yeai sgo, ins been arrested foi mak inn more than .'id.lKNi h mn phone rails to .1 profes soi sun r thru, police
    Ap  -  86 words
  • 46 48 m v\ YORK Mn- I>'-M imirs avei .iw uf m Indus) 1 1 .iK slipped i H m ih<- In hall hum iiiii then im ned hlghei m shou 2 > pi'ini gain .H ■.'.it. si .if i ,i one tiiiin nt n iilin^ AP
    AP  -  46 words
  • 422 48 US Senate drops plan to ban arms aid to Sihanouk WASHINGTON A Sen ate panel has dropped a proponed amendment ban ning arms aid to forces of Cambodian Prince Noro dom Sihanouk as the Hush administration had made no decision to provide su. h aid. a State Department official mii
    Reuter  -  422 words
  • Page 48 Advertisements
    • 201 48 Remove unwanted <|uicU\ with M Kpilady. Designed m lv into the palm < B ol your hand, Epilads is easy m use H simply plug it m pI.H c ihr ini.iim^H H spiral coils on your skin, and m jfl just 10 mlnules lhe job's done mft^Wfi 1 y
      201 words
    • 440 48 CHINESE M sn_A >__________■ M __P_J W Liable t& 60% OFF Today BUSINESSTIMES The Kamunting plan Hock Lock Siew takes a hard, close look at Kamunting, the smallish concern that made a big go for Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd. a company seven times its size The PARF iaaue BG Lee explains
      440 words
  • Page 48 Miscellaneous
    • 158 48 Weather Showers over several areas m the lab- morning and early afternoon I IMP (C) up to 6 a.m tomorrow 31 mai ?5 nun SUNS! I today M pm; SUNRISI tomorrow 655 am m mm wfAf hip Makaa i i ni' hrn Isg.lH i-H \nisi.-rii.ini i-i ilr. ii Madrid ll
      158 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • The Straits Times Section Two
    • 5 1 The Straits Times Section Two
      5 words
    • Article, Illustration
      945 1 Indian classical dancer Vani Ganapathy, who will perform here tomorrow, talks to RAVINDRAN VELOO about her recent trip to China and her former marriage to film star Kamalahasan. YANI GANAPATHY does everything so right, it is maddening. The personality profile of this world-re-nowned professional Indian classical dancer is
      945 words
    • Night Out
      • 697 2  -  Ida Bachtiar By HAPPY DAYS, the new Joint on the second floor of Orchard cinema overflows with beer, belly-laughter and the slap-on-the-back atmosphere of old friends. A new band, Overheads (pun intended) play there, but their opening night crowd was a colourful list of well-known names In
        697 words
      • 940 2 TOP 40a, ROCK N' ROLL AND BLUES Woodstock (Far East Plasa) Three bands, Route 88. Night shift and Heritage, make music here. Route 88 has an additional singer and a new repertoire, with songs of the '60s and 70s. Nightshift, led by Shah Maneck, plays late
        940 words
      • 71 2 The top three daOCC tracks m Ihe discos Calobritiea (Orchard Towers) 2 Uk< A Pr*yei (Madonna) 1. Funky Cold Medina (Tone LOC) R al Love (UrnI > 2. Talking In Her Sleep (Alyson Williams) EW Express (Marina Square) 3. The Look (Roxette) 1 Rivil i. ()V c (Jody
        71 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 830 3 ASK the real (iretl to stand up and you will find two perky youngsters singing "Cuckoo". In fact, Capt Ceorg von Trapp gets a different family every night, because director Roger Jenkins has two casts alternating m the principal roles for the nine-day run of
        830 words
      • 432 3 A message of racial harmony and personal values TBK Singapore Broadcasting Corporation will telecast a host of programmes m keeping with the theme of Community Week '89. which is on from tomorrow until next Sunday The week aims to generate greater awareness of the importance of racial harmony through cross-cultural
        432 words
      • 419 3 The evidence is on screen that wartime used to fit comfortably into the Hollywood idyll. The idea was that a general and a bit of shooting makes you forget your troubles and takes your mind off the cost of living. It
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      • 253 3 Coming pop group from Beyond HROTHKR BEYOND will be ir, Singapore at the end of the month lhe new group on the rise from Britain will perform hero for fans who can beat a path down to Warehouse disco at 11 pm on .bine .1 Brother Beyond, m all its
        253 words
      • ART FILE
        • 263 3 THE concei ted talent of m artists, Uith Singaporean and expatriate, will be OB display from tomorrow. The two-day exhibition of MQ paintings m Chinese ink and watercolour will t>e held at Orchard Point Exhibition Hall from 11 an tO I pm It is presented by
          263 words
        • 108 3 THE class of m m the Applied Arts Department of the Nan yang Academy of Fine Aits are holding a graduation show. Seventy six graduating stu dents not merely class mates the) say, but "a family with a common vision m arl"' ■rt preaentlng i lut,
          108 words
        • 191 3 TOE [aai Inating atory of ma i hlamo ai t will tv> featured In Aits circle on SBC 12 on Sun da) ai I 30 pm. Vita l'uturista ka a minute documentary directed by Luta Beckei it telli of the rise and fall of futurism,
          191 words
        • 180 3 Ml SEUMS these •sl not just bin glars, but auctioneers aa well. Paintings m to museums m tie- United State are being taken off walls and auctioned. Jacopo Pontormo'i rendition lath .•mu m y Florentine duke, hanging m the Fiich Museum for l, is the ng and distui
          180 words
      • SNIPPETS
        • 82 3 ELIZABETH l.\N LOR began work this week In the NBC TV m version of Sweet Bird of Youth with Mark Hai mon sharing top bill mg with the tWO tune Aeademj Award winnei Abo In the C ist are Rip •id Yalei |c Pel
          82 words
        • 68 3 rwoon i wor k itesl action <h a ma ni. iv le White Hunter, iu.k i next month The film mai ks his 20th i ol u«'i Broth erslon ol ovei, which will l*gin produ. tion In mld .lune on m /.imbabwe, Aft lea, followed
          68 words
        • 83 3 PRINCIPAL Photography has wrapped on Triumph of The Spirit, produced by Oscar winner Arnold Kopelson It stars Willem Dafoe, who also <t.nied for Kopelson m IMa toon tarring In the story of a boxing champion interned at Auschwitz a: ward .lames Olmos ancl Hoiv crt Loggia rhe
          83 words
        • 57 3 POITIER has begun •t Dad. starring telev ision's Bill Cosby. It dv about a single parent whose encountei with the su pematural tea. hes him that never to late to get m touch with his kids Ihe ist features Deniae Kimberly Russell and lan Hannon. vvith a
          UPI  -  57 words
    • Bilingual
      • 901 5 Guan Libing tells why Mandarin and Canto-pop compact discs sell better than LPs COMPACT discs have won Ihe battle, with long playing re eonls Earing the jMissibility of becoming a paga m history m the Chinese music world, that is Mandarin and CaatO pop compact
        901 words
      • 397 5  -  Jennifer Tan A HERITAGE of culture and tho arts within the Shih family comes to light when 44-year-old Henry Shih Yik Tong *alks about his family. Shih began learning painting from Shanghai art masters at the age of 13. Says the Shanghai-born artist.
        397 words
      • 411 5  -  Jennifer Tan Andrea Yeo CINEMA PERFECT MATCH At Shaw cinemas CITY KIDS 1989 At Cathay cinemas THE (ist is certainly atar-atudded with Carol Chene,. SeorgC Lam and Andy Lav m the lead roles However, pulled m several directions al a time. Perfect
        411 words
      • 68 5 IE M Mim ll| M c 11 1,,, ft 4 lv« Got Th« Music In Ma :1..V. I <>f 1. 1 1 1 Hi M "i Win.!.'.'. I 1 WithOUt YOU Miss lUU Null nf Ii Pa I. I c (10l lln \t In M. ft X?. M F >TBB
        68 words
    • Bilingual
      • 327 6 Today is Vesak, a day which commemorates the achievements of Buddha. A slide show held last Sunday highlighted Buddhist relics m India, pictures of which are reproduced here. i* i rinn m i_" 1 .1 THE various pilgrimage sites, the architectural wonders and Buddhist sculptures m
        327 words
      • Vani's poise
        • 661 6  -  Valli Subramony By VERSATILITY marks the wellknown Indian Bharathnatyam choreographer Kalyana Sundram from other dance gurus and choreographers. For Mr Sundram, the reality of dance Is its truth to our inner life. And it is this outlook that has kd him to transform the even
          661 words
        • 410 6  - Moves set to Chinese song Valli Subramony THE Indian dance show choreographed by the famed Kalyana Sundram to be put up tomorrow at the Singapore labour Foundation Auditorium promises to be a gala event. Indian dances choreographed to popular Chinese songs were some of the items the dance troupe presented
          410 words
    • Sight & Sound
      • 580 12  -  Koh Siew Tin When it comes to tying the knot ON CALDECOTT HILI ALL right. So everyone knows that top actress Xiang Yun and up-and-coming heartthrob Chen Zhicai are tying the knot next month. The courting pair, whose whirlwind romance blossomed on the set of the
        580 words
      • 569 12  -  Vernon Scott By jank SEYMOUR, kaown mainly for hn roles m long form American televtaioii, has devoted nearlj i yea! m The French Revolution, nine months of it m France Seymour poi trays Marie An tolnette, the Austrian born French queen,
        UPI  -  569 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 296 2 Rosewood Carved L Life a__Baa"^ Rosewood Buffet M.Aa Dining Set with Lazy Susan I 0 pcs Hutch MOP Design __^^B_l_U_# fJkri 2 iHA rIjUKI 9 I_f '^^WmMOma B r^^^^H ii ___B_________i_________________r f fcfflj I'l I~r 'mmimw^mW', ~B I "'l^yftS^gPl! iijji-wijwr-~m l___iV4__\^^ Rosewood Oval MTOJ dining MOP 9 pcs set E&BD
      296 words
    • 6 2 Sight Sound is on Page Twelve
      6 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 125 4 THE OFFENBACH ANNUAL Exquisite collection of luxury leather products. Imported from Italy and Germany. 7/ m i^^^ mm\ WWWWWWWWWf i ■aaaaa. M m mm _____r _^_^_i Nappa leather, soft as Cashmere. Croco and Ostrich leather, elegant and exclusive. SjJL Styled to perfection. Luggages, attache bags, briefcases, boston bags, ladies' handbags,
      125 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 216 5 Winners of Cross-language Crossword No 19/89 $5« cash: WONG LAI TOH (I.C. No: *****07 E) $20 canh each: CHEN BINO VAN CHEO KOON VAN (I.C. No: *****42 Ih (I.e. No: *****24 G) ANO AH BEE l_OWS\l HENG (IC. No. *****06 C) (I.C. No: 002K304 E) TEO SIEW KHIM MM HKNG
      216 words
    • 293 5 CItOKK-lanKuage Crossword I'li/v.le is published every Friday. It In a (hinese cross w ord, hut the clues are given In English. Eleven winners will he pleked from the all-eorreet entries. One will receive $50 ea«h and the other 11 $2t cash. mm v Pa Mo: 20/89 Entry Form MH Cross-language
      293 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Rosewood Carved L l.fe aaaam^ o^^ Rosewood Buffet -^I^LmpVY^T^ Rosewood Oval HH_____M_ 1 I 1«%3 vl Wt ■^^B _P_WB ait-r-^^fiSl __T RoSf'W. WW^Jt^r __L_______B _r s* r Tv 1 B Ro'.mwi md .3 _fwl^_^^B ____R Abbey Furnishing Pte Ltd. T P flr**^__P Ji V Abbey Co., P I Muni.!-- .Vi.ilil
      58 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 316 7 Few days only m __e_^__i \SIEEPINC MATTRESS/ 'arflJßr T i VV(n fj,. j S p Hr K nutticss #>_te_tae___ii ji had -r JSIOO J_|^^fl^ $36() Now $180 \U_ual v. i v L 4^flk rw *^3fc_i $250 v#^ f lm^ri_n^ i 2 wW o* $130j lp J T' _^_.-J3iv v V_
      316 words
    • 725 7 IH COMFORTABLE BUYS FOR YOUR HOME! E *£2?K M _^i^_ HURRY! OFFER VALID FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! CaHUUK WHILST STOCKS LAST! V^p"^ ___#^S 1 M MSil j t-"* f^ mWP^^^^^^m __B______P^ Wt^ mmw V JTrV* I rl W ML 1 4_k^L_ r 1 mk Wm IML k m M M
      725 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
      617 words
    • 773 8 I. AIHA>I.)kv.ANIbAII(JNi_ AIM •>. ,ANlbAlli_.iNi Al t!A> (iKX.ANIbAIION i AlHAYt>k\ .ANl>_Alir_K. rAI i.i jj: m a iLiflrT i fin lm;i B EIB v CATHAY (*****00) 5 SHOWS: 11AM. 1.30. 4.00. 6.30 a 9 OOPM Mj Iil"! ImjJlmr^ MARINA 1 (*****161 4 SHOWS 1 00. 3 30. 7.00 A 9 30PM
      773 words
    • 254 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a SPECIAL PRE-RELEASE ■HOLIDAYS MORNING SHOW!. For YOUNGSTERS of ALL AGES! 1 JADE 1 CHANGI 3: TODAY f TOMORROW SUNDAY llam EnUf ContMt A WIN SO ORIQINAI CASSETTES BJ AdmlMlon 13 50 -fK ;< >\] < X|,„ ;s if la!\ Xn xmi :rh anTaii Mi JM A HL > ._-*>
      254 words
    • 738 8 T "noVsHOWING: CAPITOL* "i CHANGI 1 SAVOY 2 i CAPITOL (*****58) 11am. 1.45. 4.00. 8.30. 8.15 No Fraa L»at_ a CHANOI 1 (*****17) 1.30. 4.00. 7 15. 8.30 No Fraa Llat -BAVOY 2 (*****93) 11am. 1 30. 4 00. 9.44. 9 15 No Fraa Li.t. REPUBLIC 2: OPENS TODAY! (*****25)
      738 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1194 9 THE STRAITS TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1989 aV»V r PAGE NINE usttaiiai /attest manufactutet of cushions, m J f\apee, huui> to i/on Us extensive ?itm/e of a^fotiakte ifuatity cushions, now made J^\'.^ loctitlij m J^Mi/ii/JOtc until technolo^tf mmmm^ M tti/n>fe? from v 4u>t.\ilni mm^^^^^^^m*. A m<? v wQa^illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHl^ •c 4
      1,194 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 460 10 J* 6 i?^ 8,,w ,J }6 J«B SM 33 BEE ■a«Br~i!j2j| ""*j "to popular demand 5 2550 la***SSS^BßS*kßßaßS*sflj*JLl3s I7IW 1 I ■■I ded ,0 4 "bo Irf 68 93 B^V^inßßss^sH '^cr vGU -I v ft I R '^^co 1 Jpfli *L saw" J WaatPl ....aJaMIT < *^**"T'^ V~& -ft" $48
      460 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 527 11 Learn A r~\ M LANGUAGE «SQuickly And Easily With The Latest In Teaching Technology Thai Portuguese English (beginners. I OaUUU Korean Danish French intermediate/ 1 Japanese Dutch German advanced) Universities Indonesian Finnish Spanish and schools Malay Norwegian Italian Mandarin Greek (modern) Swedish Can't be wrong! Arabic (Saudi) Hebrew 1 Hindi
      527 words
    • 98 11 Problem with English? Not when you have ■SHTSi RMfl JHL Available at all good bookshops »o»f* Publr__tton» "4| |»m-»^ Fee exquisite range ot lounge suites m soft, full-grain Ivll ll semi-aniline cov\ leather. lounge suites exude the ultimate m comtort and style. Exclusively yours only at Interfurn. The ultimate m
      98 words
    • 349 11 COLLECTION B9 WmWiZ\ ne of the Biggest Furniture Exhibition Centre .Jli. m South-East-Asia |gg^jJU\For your convenience, our Grand Exhibition will be held at two locations. iif S N VMU,: 398 Kallang Road (Geylang Bridge Kallang River) Te,: *****00 MM >."^Te-_W WW 187 River Valley Road (United Engineer's Building) jg_%|jriMg_____^_» 1
      349 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 373 12 Wa BL 1 fe I^....^^^^ '"i| LbV -B **> -__^____\^^^A W H '.0 >4 LflVi m I it ijr~+j) N^B_raal___f^;f l 7^ Bk. Bfl flfl* ■"■flflfl .AiV _fl -^r/_______v_f\S_w_ Jm A member of Atlantic World Holdina Pte Ltd mKTri llffl BB *n tfci^a b_._b iiijig I B_!-B-C_r_7>f ______r I I
      373 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 513 13 SECTION TWO Setting up your dream vksttk doesn't rec]f!-fi^^ Ikto de^tail. Like elegant wine glasses set beside simple but tasteful crockery. See how blinds can dress up your windows. Or frame sonKlttfottnes m a flemes. We're pretty sure these are all ideas you'll get hung up on. |HHMHgMfIMHHB| Stickan Ifl
      513 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 549 14 _^P__rr_Tr_w^_rfjr_r___l 2 Eating Out Yst $9.90 tr ~'£T^& siflnglintcorner Ur^Hu. r-^nn.i'll,'l T*L /14SSH •LOAN! COURT HOTEL large Tiger Draught Beer $5 00* Ret lunch 8600 Steaks. Chop* A Oxtsll Stew at reasonable prices Rooms dally from S4S upward*. Free parkins 17 Balmoral Rd Spore 1025 Tel *****11 1 4 Catering
      549 words
    • 600 14 2 Eating Out _@@[_(_l_@_]@@@@[«iSß(iS[3g[SC XJJ (Scupital UT_) 207 Cantonment Rd (Opp Centonment School) n fff Sporeo2oB Tel: *****69. *****16 E 1 1 1 Opt. dally 1 iam to 2 30pm, Spm to 10.30pm ICJ birthday* A otSarhapp^^ fit] occesions Outdoor catering le available. f^| i____aaaaa_g_3e]_g_D^_D[_]__aß)_9__ 22 Computar Services _^^W/ j\
      600 words
    • 490 14 2 Eating Out 22 Computar Products/ Services 24 Aquariums COBALT ADULT DWCUI, pairing soon. Owner going overseas. Blk 14. Marine Terr. #03-178 JAPAMESE RANCHOS 18 pieces Include Identical pairs Pls. page: 40T7403 TURQUOISE WATTLIV DISCUS For sale One dollar coin slse Call 344-8030 Edmund 3 CM. COBALT solid blue discus
      490 words
    • 542 14 28 Pete/ Pat Cara LOCAL BREED AMERICAN Pit hull f nippies for sale at ***** each n terested page 804-0602 MALI TOY POOOLI with paper* for sale 6 mth*. old. Cream colour. Call 253-7042 ONI MONTH POMERANIAN pupplesfor asle Price neg Csll *****07 PERSIAN KITTENS A Cat for sale at
      542 words
    • 780 14 37 Homa Appllanoaa/ Lightings ■_^_B_B_B_S-_=-_:==_= Wl BUY ANO Trade-in used AEO Waahlng Machines at top prices. Other brands also accepted. Please wrIU to the advertiser B.T BOX A*****. 380 Ktm Seng Road, Spore 0023 38 Airconditioners/ Refrigeretors AMCON. PRKXM MRVtCI Can solve all problems eg. Servicing, repairing/ respraylng etc. for
      780 words
    • 644 14 m tv/ mmm m-w ««»=S=a_M_MMMMMMMMM_ I WANTED PR! A Power amp apeakera, CD player* etc. Tel. 2****** David. YAMAHA OBPieO OtaNM surround processor for sale Will consider exchange. *****76 Pr *****62. J 40 Houee Cleaning/ Painting t MsO-_^_M__HMM__^_MMMB I PROPISIIONAL IN QRINDINQ Polishing msrble A Urrasso. Laying/ re-sandlng/ varnishing of
      644 words
    • 653 14 C.A.T.S. 47 Hurting Caf TWBO A PATIOUS after delivery? Call *****03 for s massace Por ladles only. UROINTLV RIOUIRID NURSING aid to look after terminally Ul patient Piease call 263-6831 48 Babyelttlng/ Child Cara Centree IABYarTTIR NANNY AVAR- Man dsrln or dlelecta Pls. call: 258-0614 Blshan. 88 Beauty Culture PMST
      653 words
    • 662 14 737 1166 TLX: R*****3 CUSS FAX: 732-0230 /^________K ______w____\__\\\ f__\\_M your AII Xl today from \W 9.00 am to I.oopm A^A G_ll /rx/av /Ts^ for results tomorrow. 7 1?- nes 86 Oarage Sale EXPAT OARAOS SALE many household lUms including beds, cane bedroom Items, side table, arm chair tamp stand
      662 words
    • 607 14 88 Sala: Other Product! WARIHOUM CARPET lALI Original UBA shaggy rugs, thick A Inviting with choice of peach. &lnk, maroon, blue, grey, brown, ilgs, whIU, black A more 2.5' x 4' 818. I'll'- 830. 4x9' S4O. 5' x 8' 88C. 6' x 0' $110, 0' x 1? 8340 Flrel come
      607 words
    • 559 14 72 Pecking/ Storage/ Dalivary/ Removel FOR FAST. RSUABLS household A office removal, disposal services. call 748-7308/ 3M-9028 HAVINO TRANSPORT/ PACKINO problems with your goods or debris? 825 per trip *****00/*****06 HOUSE/ OFFICE REMOVAL specialists Pianos/ organs/ dlspo* al. lorry with power-gate *****67 PICK-UP POR NRM. one trip driver Included 330,
      559 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 528 15 56 Bale: Other Products 56 Salo: Other Products i 56 Sale: Other Producta T fw* Backache is a big headache b l>'*l IN. IM UMU I IS. C,^M 10 BackCareßedding Fair! ZZZZ^.T^:-~~r M 4________. _^__mH___H Pa 4>Zm\WM_ w-«"- ~:,y,j. lITmI Dun,op ijj^SSmmM i v i //__^w__i_bva*'"* ?\?li_^_mmA_\ HMIIHikS M.II HI,
      528 words
    • 412 15 04 Profeeeionel/ Executive Poeitione FAn Int'l Co ln garment^ export Industry has the following vscsncles for the positions of: (1) MERCHANDISER The Job: To co-ordinate and fol-low-up with buyers snd manufacturers for export garment Requirement*: At least 2-3 yesrs experience In garment export Industry (iood communication skill Is essentlsl Must
      412 words
    • 623 15 84 Profeeeionel/ Executive Poeitione WALK-IN INTERVIEW TOOAY A well -established organisation requires the following urgently QC SUPERINTENDANT c Diploma In Process Technology (food option) c 3-yesr experience In food Industry prefersbly c Able to work under pressure LAB TECHNICIAN c OCE (i or A' levels with Science subjects c 3-yesr
      623 words
    • 1094 15 92 Domeetic Help 82 Domestic Help 92 Domeetic Help 92 Domeetic Help Avelleble Available Available Available f MORE THAN Personally Interviewed overseas and screenad from provinces frequentlyTN flflfl FAMII IFS ''"'P'""* Sn Lankan* i.„|..,..-,,.,i. Javiinese Chinese IS.,VVV inilllLll_.W Our Aaau-incae For Employars: PAM'T DC WRfINQ Sl '""v s <
      1,094 words
    • 402 15 06 Becreteriel/ Clarical Poaitions MMMMMBBBB___BB________ A wel eoteesohed bonk InvHoe eppßeettone for the poet oh FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATORS c Mm 3 OCE 'O' Levels with st Issst s pass ln Engllsh c Pleasant voice s Able to start Immediately c No experience required as trslnlng will be provided We have
      402 words
    • 476 15 98 ,bW Cl«'«cal M Sacratarial/ Clarical Poeitions Poeitione WALK-IN INTERVIEW AT I KAININC. Dl I 1 OPNtI N I I)IPARTMI.M. HASFMI.M OGKGCfItfC >K>uth IS hurch street. Sin)tap<>rc OlOi on Saturday, 20 May I 98 l > iHlwtrii IOSOam and 2. Wpm We are looking tor suitable candidates to ioin us
      476 words
    • 662 15 98 Secretarial/ Clarical Poaitions ESTABLISHED CO MQUIRBS JUNtOft ACCOUNTS CLSIK O.xxl (XX OV A' level l'( kni>wled|r prerrrmblr Ar "unting qusllflcsllon no ruary I U) 2 yean working expert MMS IbMMSSM pl* writ* io nt* Admin mmaam MaiwaM Hemtt P.O. Boi STS RSMMW Ml 7 wllh exp*.-i__Kl salary, rull partl.
      662 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1017 16 M Sacratarial/ Clarical 9t Secreteriei/ Clarical Poaitiona Poeitione i 1 Accounting y Assistant 9 &H Responsible tor preparing management financial reports, inventory reports, L/C and shipping documentation fj_W AM GCE 'O' or 'A' level with credits m Fnglish 9S and Mathematics lfi LCC intermediate on Higher Accounting m_m Certificate mm
      1,017 words
    • 576 16 99 Sales Poeitione 99 Sales Poeitione i I BRANDED ll I GOODS I I BOUTIQUE I I has immediate vacancies for the position of I firFirur4.lH.liUl Age 1 8 —26 years Singapore citizen Secondary education Minimum 1 2 years of sales experience Ability to converse m good English and Mandarin
      576 words
    • 1030 16 100 Technicel Poeitions 100 Technical PoeitJone w//i i r y philips m\ J requires mrp^m wtm\ KRrsponsihillty: Arnst the Aisociste lingineeri m the setting up, trouble shooting snd upgrading of production equipment snd mschines. Pre-requisites: rTC or N"IX^ 2in Mechanical or l-_lccirical Kngineertng Preferably i year working expenence. Fresh gradustes
      1,030 words
    • 1029 16 101 Production Poeitione 101 Production Poeitions j 101 Production Positions 1 %k Singapore Singapore Aerospace 4^4 Technologies Aerospace llnfoyars A*rosf««o and its fty* oporotlng companlos' ronoa of ucttvtttos IncHidae: tno rapoir, owntoul ond molntoncince ot civil ond mllHory oifcron, anginoe, conrponants ond equipm ant; modifications and MtsssiiM upgrading; parts manufoctura;
      1,029 words
    • 632 16 104 Othar Poaitions .a__BBJMB_WeS_BB_S_BBB_S_« Medium slse growing manufacturing company has Immediate vacancies for: 1. Mala Lamlnatore (Skilled or Unskilled) 2. Lorry Driver cum Storehend 3. Lorry Attendant cum Storehend WALK-IN INTERVIEW Maooo#y IM r rto#y D#tw#+o 000 sm to 1200 pm l 00 pm to sOO pm Working hour.: Msn.
      632 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1332 17 104 Other Positions 104 Othar Poeitione _^___________B_B_B__|_^_^ w THE GETZ CORPORATION I We are an established American MNC m Singapore fl and have vacancies for the following positions B COMPUTER OPERATOR 1 (Male) i Minimum '0 level 9 2-3 years experience as computer operator 8 preferably on IBM 534/36 Willing
      1,332 words
    • 727 17 131 BMW For Sale H BLAUPUNKT BOSCH i I It s small point Bui rt makaa a world of (Utterance Toronto SQR 48 Catch one if you can The new BMW 316 i See us at BMW CENTRE 280 Kampong Arang Roed Off Mountbatten Roed Singepore 1843 Tei. *****88 11.30
      727 words
    • 897 17 132 Marcadaa For Sale H/-79 MBRCEDE9 200 Manual, pU OSBSIB, rond tax 111 H«. white colour, powei itaerlng win ilow.s. central tOCklng Low mils a«e Beautiful condition »4; vxi on fall *****14 K2H4l»i:> 4/7S MERCEDES 200 manual. white, sq UMRpe, powei win down lock alarm lax MH Im maculate cond
      897 words
    • 940 17 133 Ford/ Fiat For Saie 1 OWNER. I ATI H.l Ford LesSC I I lint, litmck !> ilr Accident free Aircon, radio, eeaßStle, rims ÜBS H Ht. 1..4.H.51 o ii <> ttt asjvi 'SI FORO LABOR IJOL I pte OSmer, Utx new. showroom .on dltlon SIH 7(H) oii o Hlk
      940 words
    • 959 17 134 Nieean For Sale j f/SO OATSUN BLUIBIRD 1 SO! Excellent cond Aircon, 8/rlms, rsdlo cassette, power windows $14,400 Tel *****84 Mr Chew 7/Bs. NIBSAN SUNNY 1 3 DX 4speed 1 owner Aircon radio, rssse.te. s rlms Oood cond $23,800 ono Tel *****11 •80, DATBUN 120 Y. Non-PARF New model
      959 words
    • 873 17 134 Nissan For Sala SS NISSAN PULSAR 1 0 owner, slrcon. hl-fl. original paint Al cond $20,800 474-0015 IS STANZA 1.0. Power sUerlng/ windows' lock S/rlms $42,500 *****40/ pg *****83 James •SB PULSAR I.4SLX, 12-valve, power sUerlng. full optional Showroom cond $47,800 Tel *****42 9/78 DATSUN 140 J. Full access..
      873 words
    • 1049 17 135 Toyots For Sale •84. TOVOTA CORONA I aci essorles powrt Steering win dows. cenlrul k lip i,.p ond $37,300 on lel ,*****5 87 TOVOTA BTARLET 111 XI 12 vulve F'aiitii.stl, condition New s/rlms. central lock t,.» B 80 5 yr loan 468.1111 10 TOVOTA CORONA I| o i Auto
      1,049 words
    • 859 17 135 Toyote For Seie '00 ENO COROUA I upe (iood „i.d peed $18 000 I.i *****48 SO TOVOTA COROLIA DX excel lent ondltlon low doa ment 488.111 1 ii corolla dx ownsn nt coii radio power wind,,* rig ond i .-I ,'rtnog«2 •81 COROLLA DX 1 I S rSSSS air
      859 words
    • 925 17 136 Mitsubishi For Seie S3 NEAR LANCER h I 4 OI X Tip top .ond AlrCOfl hi rt, power window entral linking alarm lel 56)1023 SS NEAR lANCER I it if ul i ond n•■ Donl miss It 855 Mountbatten Rd s< iv».ii MID S3 MITSUBISHI Tredla XX manual, fui
      925 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 745 18 137 Meide For Saia ATTRACTTVB CASH PAYMENT for all 2nd hand Honds It Mssda cars. Also sell Tel 781-0068 JULY 71 MAZDA Cspells Oood cond., aircond radio cassetu. Ux end of June Tel: *****14 MAZDA MM C.C. A lrcon. hl-fl. s/rlms, metallic paint, good cond. Blk 636 Hougang Aye 8
      745 words
    • 625 18 138 Hondo For Sala f BLAUPUNKT BOSCH I tt a small pomt 1 Hut rt makes c world of differs ince j Granada SQR 49 vn ACCORD. 2 pte owners, alrcon sports rlms, hl-fl. power steering/ windows, original psint, sccldent free Helling $30,800 loan $2(1.500 fun trade In Tel 289
      625 words
    • 1364 18 138 Honda For Sale 139 Daihatsu For Sole StPT. ISM HONOA Civic, 3-door Road tax till 10/ M No agenti I I plesse Tel: 470-5038 BERT t» PRELUOE 2 owners, full sccessorles. Ux 8/M. nice cond *****86 TO VMW M March Honda Pre- M selling $33,800. tax Hlk 37 Circuit
      1,364 words
    • 496 18 140 Suzuki For Sole BLAUPUNKT BOSCH Group N.a small powrt But 8 makes s world of difference Porto 26 M SUZUKI 41$. 2 owners, tip- top cond side skirt, s/rtms. hl-fl. Asking 820.800 0.n.0. Vlsw Mobil Service station. 870 Dunearn Rd Tel: 407-0075 Pg: 700-1546 ALMOST M SUZUKI HA3IOOI. 3door,
      496 words
    • 348 18 141 Hyundai For Sale 141 Hyundai For Sale Pick up useful Ideas from our Bumper-to- r/tfN-, Bumper feature on ®^k May 25 In The Straits fCT Times Classified. w£lib\ M HYUNOAI STELLAR I.BOBL 1 pU owner, showroom condition. Centrsl locking, power sUerlng *****21 Tony MUST SELL g/'BT Stellar 16 auto
      348 words
    • 240 18 142 Subaru For Seie M SUBABU IEM Coupe 5 speed 2 owneri PARF tsx 7/80 113.600 loan $10,000 *****28 143 Othar Makss For Sala ORCHARD CREDIT (PTE) LTD. 807 Holland Roed/ off Euklt Tlmeh Road (Opposite Turl Club Multi-storey Cerperk) Private '67 Ssst Malaga 1 5 OLX Hyundai Excel 1
      240 words
    • 693 18 143 Other Makes ForSala KBS TBI TRAOMO CO. PTB. LTD. SS4-0 Aleaaners Bead TEL: *****18/ *****18/ *****40 ISE7 Honds Civic 1 SOL Manual ISB7 MlUublshl Lancer 15 OLX IBBS Nlaaan I uisar 1 0 nx ISM ToyoU Corolla 13 XL 1884 ToyoU Corolla 1 3DX IBM Honda Civic 1 5
      693 words
    • 598 18 THE STRAITS TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1989 143 Othar Makes For Seie •7s. MORRIS 1.8 Aircon radio cassstu, Ux nsw Oood cond $5,300 ono Tei inonoor TS SBM CIUBBIAN. 8/rlms New Ux, engine/ body Up-top cond Tel: *****31 Ps *****66 '77 AUSTIN ALLBORB 1 2 Tax 11/ M, besutlful condition
      598 words
    • 657 18 144 Commarcial Vehicles For Sole 78 OAIHATSU LORRY. 10 ft Class 3 l owner. Engine ovsrhsuled Tax end Aug Pg *****75 78 MITSUBISHI COLT van 4-dr Beautiful condition, aelllng cheap Tel 288-1824 78. SUBARU SM van 3 doors Passed Inspection Very good cond $1,800 ono Tel *****32 70 NBAR MAZDA
      657 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 955 19 145 Motorcycles/ Scooters For Ssle/ Wanted MOMOA vr 780 inngna t>eaullful ond Krausrr h«>x 2 new tieltneti anvas cover, ralncosl ii < Ivi, ndshleld .Seldom vised el .77-8185 BBBT OFFER TO your motorcycle. Mon Sat I'ls call *****37 Peter 1110 Serangoon Hoad. H pore 1252 BLACK KAWASAKI ENSOO. KE i>l»te
      955 words
    • 1260 19 171 Mouses For R«n( Mouses For Rent _____r i/jt— ___r t^'^^^^^^.^. ■TnT_Tru»TiiT^ t < SW. lil I I >l _^J I s L-» lail TL*IA it _________B £0 1^ j < j I r Jttß Choose frtirn tun wide range m c !omputermart, scheduled foi May _7 m The Straits
      1,260 words
    • 1181 19 173 Apartments For Rent 173 Apertmente For Rent Thean of fine living. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\ lvi lllsli.'d limn II iii |l|||\ •'i|lll|i|M-i| k 11. Ik ii I i In-ill NIIII tlllll- I I'lll 111 I In n "i < m mcl i,'".
      1,181 words
    • 478 19 179 Houeee For Sale 179 Houeee For Saie ■s3_S__ i n~i< JRA«BjiLr wyv______i A 2ND CHANCI TO WIN CASH PRIZES IN OUB S $1,000,000 LUCKY DRAW 2nd Draw 18 September 1989 88 cash prizes to be won 8 Overseas Union Bank Limited i..i i BANK OF INDIA FOR SALE: 2
      478 words
    • 566 19 OPEN HOUSE 1.00 4.00 pm District 19 SS. Boi wick Drlva Kl>- Mt.rey Hu-igi'lo* Needs Innovation tpprovsd D Bl Asking SSSOK uno Mole Agent Sorvol Proportioa Consultants S Mgts OPEN HOUBF Today 10am Jpm Saturday- Ipm Spm NO IT TAI HWAN CLOBE 2- l i-Slorey Corner Terrace Land ÜBS iq
      566 words
    • 441 19 179 Housm i D 10 OPEN l!8F Mian' l semi d lli t s, D 10 SWISS cum d 51,,,,-, oii o t KK.iw. s Ml 0 14 JALAN I APAN' I- hold .1 I Rem D IS BRAND NFW soon D 1S OFF UPli li Renovated litl -Jiu Andres
      441 words
    • 3 19 i i. i
      3 words
    • 3 19 tents i i
      3 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 855 20 IM Mvalß Api tin ents 1M Prlvete Apertmente Nf WAM Wor Sate £m GIMWAH (FUHIN) PTE. LTD asaMJIGENMAT DISTRIBUTION COMPANY M I HIA UppHokit liiiMti Hd iM ?ISB lelel SliowiiKint 113 llpimi Hukit lun.ih Road S| .'CH TEL: *****38 Haass] n. sj *****QN Hianit) No MH i hBRfl Meat IS)
      855 words
    • 606 20 Itl HDB Apartments For Ma S-BM HOB FT. bik 804 Clementi West. Nesr amenities High flr All marble. Beautifully renovated with wardrobe, kitchen csblneu A fully aircond. View by appt SISSK. Tel: 777-6243 S-RM CHAI CHU Blk 54. Marble Kitchen ceramic. New cablneu No blocking Only S4OK neg CPF 882^00
      606 words
    • 917 20 191 HDB Apertmente For Seie 3RM AM KIO lllk $4.1K Full CPI M7K Bedok 1 1 n lral 84_K MBSSSa pg *****08 I'A 3-RM. AM KIO lllk I cablneU n.-.u amenttlei $4iK neg ft uik nana tin jl-ihx) 3-RM. -A' aii i'l'c clvii Chee blk 50. ail marble, cablneu n<>
      917 words
    • 723 20 195 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces BIONQ NOf INDUSTRIAL COSSPIf X 1288. 13SS. 1802 Lorong 1, Toa Pay o*l Warahouaa: iBl -<(..i«-y H.'/K! %n ft li.l .!..!.•> ID.ON) MJ fl U.I "itmry I «_M IJM til fl ■llh BlOrSf 1.184 1.171 4.OUH Hi) fl Factory 2nd »U>rry I.IUH 1.832/ I. IMS iq
      723 words
    • 296 20 241 Tours 241 Tours USA HOLIDAY IDEAS Discover 101 different DO-IT-YOURSELF ideas for a great holiday to the USA and Canada. Air and hotel packages Self-drive m America Fishing and golfing holidays Arctic Circle Tour Greyhound Amenpass Visit USA or See Canada Airpass Affordable Accommodation A Private villas Ask for
      296 words
    • 820 20 jg Tours 241 Tow 241 Tours 241 Tours 3D-sy_ SPORE /KUANTAN $219 7l)a>S Si'KC I Al DH I\ X Cs»4^l_3 J 3^*7", oa< h/airpa(ka(;k k t^Tccasu 'PENANG 'LANGKAWI 'HATYAI ZllTf" ax n%^M WM l^l| Travol on out kitost luxurious cocxrh oaukM*l with $219 W^**- -^^Wm rv/vidoo rk __i 9* "_.r
      820 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 956 21 mmmm^^^ m I ioura a*4i tours *ai lours 241 Toura Discover the SAFE way to travel With the new SAFE Budget Plan. "T^fJ AJUSTRaUIA cash yi+Jj I (PBOPB cash P^H 1 JnDONESIA c*sm -uoma SAFE Bud 3 et Plar. I=^ L£JK~ 7DPERTHBALI WBPJ $118 lm > l£ <! vJ^ 10
      956 words
    • 349 21 a J OAY 3 NITI lif NTING BY HFRTH TRAIN A THA' INCIUO NITE CLUB DINNER OER EVERY NIGHT 3 DAY 4 NITI f*ASl* DINTING $181 2 OAY 3 NITI I R ASIR Milt 1 t oca 30/5.1/6.6 h.H >•. IJ/6..V b.. niti a J Q4V 4 NITf CAMtHON Gf
      349 words
    • 122 21 lYhcbiandj 4Days BANGKOK/ PA TTA YA Doh tx SDays BANL, 1 PATTAYA Deluxe Tour 7Days BANGKOK/ m_WWmTm_W\ I PA UA YA/CHIANGMAI/ A'Vj KS C HI ANGRM Deluxe lour I 1 R I I Mm. > 'A IK. /\v I Wm .1* i Hf cv *_P <* r I W I
      122 words
    • 127 21 IQ/\fcbllMTON 4^l OXLEY [experience I GOOD 7/MES t^**^-^ SWEET MEMORIEI JF V- _k ____________f«_________P^^ _________> v A I llmerica "Z MB Europe opm Highlights of the Wist Coast 1 1 AMERICA DISCOVERY FM 9/11/13 DAYS ruf AMERICA Bl FR S BARGAINS 13 19 DAYS Wl I) SUN _A A AMERICA
      127 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 146 22 241 Tourß 241 Toura 241 Tours FLY TO FINLAND, SAIL MMM±_^_M l_ 3f _}f A tf _w _f jm Mmm SWEDEN, AND GET TAKEN FOR A RIDE IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND. Imhuiilm Holiday! bringt you the unique opportunit) <>i touring -nm,- nt hiirnfir's trnl. beautiful and etcitiag cities \ad ia
      146 words
    • 478 22 241 Toura 241 Tours 241 Tours Here's where a great vacation begins with Diners Holidays. Personalised, efficient service; experienced tour guides choice accommodation meals are just some of the things that will ensure you of a terrific holiday. And don't worry about not being a cardmember becau.Qjnars holiday is for
      478 words
    • 698 22 THF STRAITS TIMES, FRIDAY MAY 19, 1989 241 Toura 241 TtBJO 241 Toun 241 Toun L-JLLLmJUU BAU BUDGET 40 $599 .iiMrii .toed Dap U<_..< (Il.n.'i* i- uf>»J_s*5 '.jjfl^,-. LAKE BERATAN- BALI 4D,5633 t_C5 5 LAKETOBA-MEDAK SD, $399 Ntt* Crtaflvt programme S l -^^ti*^ H Guarantied o«p D»t« 01.0? 06 Ot.
      698 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 380 23 26t Foreign Educetion 2SI Foreign Educetion 2SI Foreign Educetion Study m 1989 m Australia's National Capital at the Canberra College of Advanced Education CLASSES COMMENCE ON 31 JULY 1989 rhe i *>ll**«i*' is nuu accepting application! foi courses. co— wi Ing ill .lui v I9W. 1 Canberra ollcga of Advam
      380 words
    • 31 23 262 Home Tuition FBI. MO. SEC. 170. I'r. I' 1)30 Individual hiimf tuition Any dim IrvH .«4382.«, < 7«77f1__13, Ham llpm 263 Acedemic Coureaa ENQLISH MATHEMATICS SCIENCE Jol Call ua today at
      31 words
    • 322 23 761 Foraign Education 261 Foreign Educetion I CANADA I UNIVERSITY PREPARATION ;p I DEGREE TRANSFER PROGRAM fi. Si-i urn' Government immunity College CARIBOO COLIK.I J___fe_Wid •SELKIRK COI I t'.t a IT > f -'.l EAST KOOTFNAV COl I I r.l ______HumCW»Y?I ')K ANAI. AN (Dl I I i.l _SMBF>'t _fi
      322 words
    • 1255 23 30! Religious 30! Religious 30! Religious Announcements Announcements Announcements COME DOWN AND LISTEN TO: Speaker: Rev, Richard Giberti. Place: RELC, Orange Grove Rd. (next to Shangri La Hotel) Date: Sat, 20/5/89 at 7pm (Auditorium) Sun, 21/5/89 at 7pm(A B Rooms) FREE ADMISSION ALL ARE WELCOME tm Language Couraes School offers
      1,255 words
    • 628 23 5737_166 ■a** ____a_____a________, _w TELEPHONE SERVICE, 1 Monday to Friday: I a.m. lo 5.30 p m (Spm d**dlln* for n*at day) Saluiday S.M a.m. to 2.00 p.m. (11a m MaaMWm tor Th* lunday Tim**) Public Holiday I a.m. le 1 p.m. cou_am games TIMES HOUSE M 0 Kirn teng Hoad
      628 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 576 24 I rzrrr»T_p -^jiii-- Q:2^ w: VJ^-i- 1 ,-^uENCE M »__.»_J!U_. f»^ v %m€' si-« vrf^ maßim-A^ißii^^ TiT.l TH y nlFll iiii_tvLuiuic oaviiig^M r g c <r l l ect,on wb^ Free Gift! f v J"" InMOIC/^_^^«t^/]M-^4».|_ H g W --—---^I^A FO, o,a-Ove^°0 ,a-Ove^° U^PJ 5 Display HaUs Spannins C-ss T^
      576 words

  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 2993 25 Radio Comics Hi lH Hi lfl__i__H Wm _H. _H 0n on ,)hi B^^^^^^^fl Sm^^^^^^^ 7 j jj 9 Buddha I I I _^H j works by schol- Societv Th(> Indian ■■f WKL Hf "~^m WW I i I BB BB P^ WB P^ P Vi by Rever bour Foundation mo
      2,993 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 357 26 C hoose American Express" Fravelers heq 100 prizes to be won. fne more you buy, the mote prizes reach for any ofthe 570 million phones around the world, your next trip and you could be m foi a real v could win! and we can deliver. _aw^__^_^-^-^_h '^J^. MT^ THAT
      357 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 1290 26 yfe B_^^' _4 _v \BS_i m^ flff^ "_B ___h HaBB^ BB _K_L__a__B__| K^l "Ji^j IK'-I ff^Sn^ *___F» vRI -----------i.------Ba.______________________________________________......__................. ■a____.afe___n_ H ___H__H-_M-^_M_i----B-l «#^|k^ I x "811 9°° AM °P enm 8 dnd Programme Highlights, followed 1.00 PM Opening and Programme Highlights, followed 7.30 PM Opening and Programme Highlights followed MP
      1,290 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 3 1 The Straits Times
      3 words
    • Friday Extra
      • 122 1  - Kylie Minogue is a dummy Ida Bachtiar OH KOHJEE, always theeght yea kadttiayee. Aaatraua'a prime expert MttMM epptee aaa peer., ci eearae -baft-Hag far the dß__aay-aaakera ef Madame Aad ahe'e had aer "everytftdag" iuamiiid. laeledtag tke tip af har right ear te the eerier ef her Hp aad tke eelear
        122 words
      • Article, Illustration
        131 1 STILL flushed wiih Pink ad iliac m her hit debut EM LP Everlasting, which struck gold. Nat's little girl. Natalie (above) is soaring with a hril liant Oood To Be Back Miss You Like Crazy, thr single, is number six m the Billboard charts and still elim bing.
        131 words
      • 131 1 THIS unwashed pair, Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper (right), irreverently throwing up on Good Taste, are certified college favourites m the United States. The group's songs, knee-slappingly funny and apparently unbalanced, satirizes with telling aim. Their new album, with an opening track called Debbie Gibson (Ls
        131 words
      • 100 1 BAD girl Wendy of Transvision Vamp (left), a group of rebellious upstarts who have just released a new hit single Baby I Don't Care, harbours dark thoughts against those who spray a hole m the ozone layer. In fact, not only do they stay away from aerosols,
        100 words
      • Article, Illustration
        182 1 HANAKI WAKKN labovei. a top recording artiste In Singapore and Malaysia, ail] i>e re leasing his second solo album m July. Hanafi. ,'M. a former mem ber of rock group Unwanted and the now disbanded Han gloose (which Kay Hamid used to Ix- a par.
        182 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 214 1 y^i^M w aaj _^_^_^H W -y%mk m WT W 'fi^A m^ m m ■i&J^^^^^^^^^^F __B_BB__B j ______h__> aM I•IIa M 1 I I ■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l i i m WW\^^^^^^^^^^^W^^^^^^^^^^^^^^W_W^^^^^^^^^^m ___________m asa_H____________T^aJL-'UM _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_Bi^ lJa___________________a_________________L '^P_ I w \r i m TP^^ Kk_____.^______________________________l _____________________________________________________________________________P*^ _________!_____________________________7^ .jSp^ b_ JB _______\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_W mk B________r \w_\m___M gib'
        214 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 289 1 MONDAY MBO. Rally (SIM S. piu This edition featurea ihr music ol i i und All imantha Ko.x 'Aith I nir i levotii Hootei with Karla With A K.l'. id Boys Hlue w.ith Come Ha. k \r. WlUi a hit. with European Boy and Secret The unties Koek Festival (SBC
        289 words
    • Personal Glimpses
      • 655 2  - What colour is God's skin? Jane Chew By (INE of my favourite songs as a child was Do You Know The Satay Man 9 which we, my kindergarten peers and I, chanted with gleeful regularity The melody is simple and the lyrics uncomplicated, and I think we had an affinity
        655 words
      • 574 2  -  Sharon Yeo By GOLF, they say, is the rich man's game. What they neglect to mention is that it is also the poor woman's worst enemy (or bosom pal, depending on how she feels about her man at the time, but that is another
        574 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 238 2 Wm____________Wff^__\W^^ V k_l lict youi antry lor ms today! You stand a chanca to wim more than v «*4i l_____f___^^^ Remi'inb.'i ilu: Wm contest eruK on NVs ~""^^B__l____________. l Sth Sept. 'ni: jßt^AM^^^ So hm i y' (_f7 _~«Ji__^__^__ Sole Agent HIAP HUAT POTTifIY |PTfc| LTO _>t_^y 1 1 oi
        238 words
      • 231 2 Congratulations to Song Fish Dealer Pte Ltd on the Official Opening of their New Plant We specialise m supplying the following: "^■2^ WW L ,__fi__i I BF m •■tmßhm) s___________________________fl I' 'ii4_l W^A^^T^^^W ______H___________l nliM. M| 9PC____________b*'l|___l Container Blast-Freezer V_. 1 Tonne 40 °C Contact-Plates Freezer 40° C r_. i
        231 words
    • Music
      • 770 3 The Story Of Fleetwood Mac will unfold on SBC 5 at 3.45 pm today. Ong Soh Chin profiles the 22-year-old group. EF YOU happen to be one of the rare two or three people m the world who still think that Fleetwood Mac is the
        770 words
      • 728 3  -  NG JAZZ ON CD SONNY ROLLINS (GIANTS OF JAZZ CD *****) THERE are so many tall tales concerning tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins (1930 it is hard to believe them all. He once played a single number South Of The Border for an entire set: as
        728 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 326 3 A choice of 6 types of femily-size apartments, a quiet environment, and all the facilities you'll need. Phis, a very affordable price T OCATED IN QUIET LOW-DENSITY MW WtSfjffrW W* 1^ RESIDENTIAL SERANGOON IgC^ rL* IiIWGIH GARDENS, Kensington Park Phase II WwW^" mt^fa A^W^SSwW^ comprises 2 distinctive 19-storey towers set
        326 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1180 4 TlicStniits'limos APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES I ■^^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^■^———BBBBBBBBBSS—————— APPaNTME^f^s SONY ADD HIGH PERFORMANCE Our high performance disk dnves will give you the excellent opportunity to learn more, TO YOUR CAREER acquire more and master more of the technology of THIS SATURDAY. tomonow. Talk to us at the Hyatt Regency SEE US. Hotel this Saturday.
        1,180 words
      • 18 4 Add that right touch to your sentence with IDIOMS Available at all S5 90 good bookshops Federal Publication*
        18 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 651 5 APPOIINrTIVENTS If your target employer is a US$l billion semiconductor company... W B^^ i^v^^s_l WALK-IN INTERVIEWS For your convenience, well be conducing interviews m town this weekend CROWN PRINCE HOTEL 270 Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 Rooms: Prince. Royalty Jewel Dale: 10am spm. Time: Sat 20th May '89 PRODUCT ENGINEERS QA
        651 words
      • 141 5 Parfums invites applications from qualified candidates to fill the position of a WAREHOUSE EXECUTIVE The successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of our warehouse: inventory control, processing and delivery of Orders to local customers, compilation of reports on shipments and supervision of a delivery team He will
        141 words
      • 781 5 MANAGEMENT APPOINTMENTS with a US leader. f%^ I d'^f AU S l&dci- m the electronic /electrical connectors industry I I |^^|\?^V an <i Fortune 300 Company with over 40 manufacturing V locations across the globe Molex. We arc searching for top-calibre managerial talent for the following key appointments: PURCHASING/ PRODUCTION
        781 words
      • 277 5 M&E CLERK-OF-WORKS With relevant experience, required by Consulting Engineers, for Immediate employment m the supervision of M&E Services of a small but prestlgeous High Rise Office Building within the City. Please spply In writing giving full details of experiences, quslificstions. testimonials snd salary expected to: The Managing Director J M
        277 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 720 6 APPOINTMENTS I ii 3M Singapore, a subsidiary ot 3M Company, rated one of the "moat excellent companies", Is expanding. The company haa a succaaaful track record of growth and ao such we are seeking tor highly motivated Indvtduaio who have the capacity to work In a laat moving envtronmeni MARKETING
        720 words
      • 434 6 NOTICES 1 i'ihldis ,iic inv'tt'il tof ihr •uppiy ol _he 'ti"iis bslow i( In-, in. linn- t t QQam ot the .Lite '.down) 1 VENTILATOR ll'llill'l Nn HQMS/19 H^tti ing OaM ►e-OO Hoad I'ATIENT MONIIOHINi. I UUII'MI NT i norn '.ii i mt Mow 060 000 2 NON-CONTACT TONOMETER TondiM
        434 words
      • 385 6 15 OBM SPARES rondorNo PT*****3 I losing Date 9 6-89 Hood CSD/MSS/1 CSD/MAR/1 I tnan mi i V' 16 IBM PC/AT COMPATIBLE. LAN CAPO A SERIAL MOUSE ranooi No PTloo<d< I losing Date 9-6 89 Hood CSD/CMP/1 CSD/CNE/1 I ni.ini nl I .mil $250 000 17 CONVERSION OF SUZUKI OBM
        385 words
      • 640 6 PORT OF SINGAPORE AUTHORITY Sf PSA~ TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for (t) CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE AREA AND OPEN SHED AT CONTAINER TERMINAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WORKSHOP Cost of Document Drawings $34 00 Closing Date 13 Jun 89 I liqibility CIDB General Building $100,000 00 above Site Showround Meet at PSA
        640 words
      • 436 6 TENDER NOTICE Tonderc ar© Invilod for: (1 Provision of Free City Tours for passengers on long transit at Singapore Changi Alport (2) Supply and delivery of T-Shlrts and PT Shorts j^^B (3) Supply and delivery of Leather Shoes (4) Supply and delivery of Jogging Shoes Eligibility Item 1 Established Intxxjnd
        436 words
      • 573 6 IN THK Hl-H C Ol XT OF THE KRPt'BUC OP SINOAPORE (*mptiilN Wl_4l_g I p Ns. 11l wt IM. Ib ta* Matter wt The (•mpulrt Act (ikiplrrMl Aad lo tke Mattar al HUe Maatar (8) Pte Ltd ADVERTISEMENT OP PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for ths winding
        573 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 608 7 NOTICES S SJrVCMFOfi TING OOftFQMTTON^A I TENDER NOTICE 1 Wt renders are invited from ragtstarad CSO 9 affl CIDB contractors for supply and dativat> H m 1 Tender No 5/89/12 B I UOH of ?0 inputs by ID B a| OUtputS V ideo Router B fi (b)ii'i One unit of
        608 words
      • 757 7 Singapore Telecom Tenders are invited for CATEGORY I BUILDING (a) l PPM T 'B9o_*s Installation ot Fire Alarm Indicator Panels at Orchaid telephone Exchange (b) LPPIvH WOBfl Supply and installation ol one chilled water air handling unit, three split units, one ventilation fan and associated works at Old Central Building
        757 words
      • 361 7 Wm nanyang junior college TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited tor Project: SUPPLY. INSTALL. REPLACEMENT AND COMPLETION OF STREET LIGHTING FOR NANYANG JUNIOR COLLEGE AT 128 SERANGOON AVENUE 3 SINGAPORE 1955 Eligibility: CIDB contractors registered under the contracting heading "General Bulldlng" m the S$ 100,000 00 Financial Category Tender Document Fee:
        361 words
      • 779 7 Renovation of Columbarium Hall Our Patron Saint has on Lunar Veer Ist day of 2nd Moon, instructed renovation i s§i| the Columbarium Hall which was constructed m 1980 It was also advised that the existing Ancestral ash-urns be changed since most of these urns have cracked The "Auspicious" day selected
        779 words
      • 77 7 PAS I SK RUS. PRI SIM If ARS IN IHF MN A L KVEALMG DRAMA. Silver Wedding MAEVI him m fM WmS^ I What vii! I Vulrv .nnl I Vsmoiul be celebrating at theii Sth wedding anniversary Ihe deai and beloved ones haw now strayed tai and wide I low
        77 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 190 8 IF YOU SPECIALISE IN FINANCE, SHOULDN'T YOUR INFORMATION SOURCE DO THE SAME? ex n today's financial world, a profit can turn into I a loss m a matter of seconds. Which is why JL l 1 your screen gets your undivided attention. At Telerate, we've given our undivided attention to
        190 words