The Straits Times, 16 October 1988

Total Pages: 52
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 The Sunday Times No: 2730 55 CENTS MCI (P) 93/12/87
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  • 509 1  -  LESLIE SIM fdgfdkgdkgjdfjl By A LOVE triangle is believed to have helped sway about 100 South Korean women workers at Philips Singapore's Toa Payoh factory to stage a sit-in earlier m the week. The company refused to comment yesterday. The sit-In
    509 words
  • Article, Illustration
    192 1 Record amount raised m big charity drive BROTHERS Harpal Singh, nine, and Amarpal, five, each donated $10 from their savings, and it was little amounts like these that helped raise a whopping $4,640,013 for the Community Chest's coffers last night. The Heartstrings '88 variety show, telecast live last light,
    LIM SENG TIONG  -  192 words
  • 310 1  - Let's talk Mahathir to Musa. Razaleigh BALIM OSMAN By_ KUALA LUMPUR Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday invited his arch rivals, former Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and former Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Musa Hitam, to unity talks. He also told reporters after chairing a four-hour
    310 words
  • 701 1  -  BERTH A HENSON ■y MORE babies were born last year, but Acting Health Minister Yeo Cheow Tong sees little cause for celebration. Singaporeans especially the better-educated and the Chinese still did not produce enough babies to replace themselves. There were 43,616 babies born last
    701 words
  • 299 1 US Senate passes death penalty for drug barons WASHINGTON The US Senate has approved the death penalty (or drug kingpins m a sweeping anti-drug Bill that cracks down on dope peddlers and casual users and tests more Americans (or drug use. In an election-year effort to dry up the market
    UPI  -  299 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 With DAI WA CARBOREX WHISKER SHAFT AND GRAPHITE HEAD IRON SCORES TAKE A DIVE S«)// I(>/'.N/A>i IS/ |S •4MI rv BM»*lMk (Ortf rV). 1M: IMW »lar L IMak Koran, imT(«|Lml| IkMh i Mir. «wnn IM TM Midi. IMBt FOCUS Rent decontrol: How much change? How I did it Mum of
      127 words
    • 10 1 THE COMMUNITY CHES^ffijjrfi More reports and pictures on Page 14
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    • 29 1 Leadership by example I Mr Yeo Is right on b^B^^L^H target with third child due this week L^E»^£^H Why couples In love delay getting married a^HSsV^H Page 18 HEsflrJßflsl
      29 words
    • 179 1 aaa^^^^^^^^^ .^3c^ilP^a^Bi^ ''^^^•^^^^^jii'^ii aaaaaaaaaaaaaaW*^^^ iv ~^Or-3PIFr* -L. r PT<Ba^^^Cn wn^^^^ j»i^a>' w>Mft^uaaaaaaf37 ->> viaw^r. Jl I i^ai J^'^S&^bH*^ l^^aaaaU U^fll P*P9 p j>^^^^aw Bl^^Sb^b^l j^^aaana^K^t"^ I aa Bv^^ aava^^ 3« •^^^'''^JBal BBffEja^^aafl **i3r if^Bf^ HjSt^aaaaaal aaaa^^v^^ai aVaav^^i BLAUPUNKT BOSCH Group It's a small point But it makes a world of
      179 words

    • Article, Illustration
      526 2 PYONGYANG'S HOT-COLD WELCOME: Pyongyang has welcomed South Korean President Ron Tae woo's proposal for a North-South summit but has made some counter-proposals, Pyongyang Radio said yesterday. North Korea wants a meeting between political and military leaders from both sides before the summit and says Seoul must above
      526 words
    • 154 2 SCOTS IN TROUBLE: Scotland's injury Jinx ■truck again on Friday with a vengeance throwing manager Andy Roxburgh's World Cup soccer plans into confusion. Roxburgh was hit by problems affecting three key men for Wednesday's qualifier against Yugoslavia. Brian McClair, Kevin Gallacher and Richard Gough were forced to sit out
      154 words
    • 938 2  -  GILLIAN POW CHONG Reports by Laboratory houses 715 'guinea pigs' that help m medical research AN ANAESTHETISED sheep lies on an operating table as a National University of Singapore heart surgeon attaches made-in-Singapore heart valves. Just a few metres away, a rabbit is being injected with a
      938 words
    • Some ways in which animals at holding centre are used
      • 132 2 Monk*y»: At present, six monkeys are being used by Dr Loh Fun Chee, lecturer from the oral surgery department. For the past year, the six monkeys have b^n "tted with titanium implants wnich act as a support structure for teeth. The aim of the experiment is
        132 words
      • 82 2 8h««p: Heart surgeon Dr C. N. Lee is using the sheep to test made-in-Singapore artificial heart valves. The test is to check the sheep's reaction to I the mechanical heart valve made of a combination of titanium and plastics. If effective, its low cost will
        82 words
      • 47 2 sign cycle BQoat: This animal is used by NUH's obstetrics and gynaecology department. When the goat's tail waRSI i( tea si X" that the goat k g°lng through its oestrus cycle and producing eggs. Gynaecologists at lhat P°lnt haVe t0 take samples.
        47 words
      • 63 2 Balb C whit* mic«: These are used by the World Health Organisation Immunology Department at NIJS> noaded by Professor Chan Soh Ha, to produce antibodies against certain antigens. (VIIs which produce the antibodies are harvested and fused with a myeloma cell which lasts forever. These antibodies can
        63 words
      • 52 2 Dog«: Th<'st' are used by doctors to practise their SUlKiral skiUs m- say. °°ne transplants. One surKeon has als<) selected this animal to be used for trying out heart transplants. Tho (I °X has also traditionally boon used by some d<xtors to practise their surgical skills
        52 words
      • 36 2 Rabbits: These animals, because of their tiny vessels, are favourites for doctors who want to practise micro-surgery. This skill Is necessary, for instance, when finger implants are done on human beings
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    • Article, Illustration
      229 2 Hairless animals need special germ-free bubbles to survive WHILE all the animals at the Animal Holding Unit are housed m cages, a special species of "nude hairless mice live In a plastic germ-free bubble resembling a glass case. These "in-bred" mice are small and have a very weak
      229 words
    • 1212 3 Hopes for democracy fade as military regime tightens grip si The Burma crisis THE military regime m Burma appears to be firmly m control and pleased with the way things have turned out their way m the country. So the prospect for democracy stays dim for the Burmans. The military
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    • 506 3 RANGOON Burma's military government has announced that general elections will not be held before early next year and that the final date will be set after consultations with political parties. To date, 18 parties have taken up the government's call to register with an election commission.
      AP; Reuter; AFP  -  506 words
    • 781 3 si Emperor Hirohito's illness pfcturt. TOKYO When two college students unfurled a poster criticising Japanese Emperor Hlrohito near the palace where he lies ailing, police quickly hustled them away (or questioning. When a group m Shizuoka, south-west of Tokyo, scheduled a meeting to discuss
      Sipa  -  781 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 NEW ZEALAND V To date, a record number of 15,000 people have a travelled with us to New Zealand for more reasons than one. Here are the reasons why you must WJ a Reliance New Zealand tour i The LEADER of New Zealand tours. A •1 9 years of solid
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 195 2 Showort with finty winds ovor many areas before dawn. TEMP. (C) up to 6 am tomorrow: 31 mar, 24 mfci SUNSET today: 6.52 pm; SUNMSE tomorrow: 6.47 am. TRAVELLERS' MATHER HtJilln 9/20 C Cloudy Us Aagele* 17/23 C Cloudy Aamt&Hmm 7/17 C Clear Madrid 7/20 C Rain Altai 14/27 C
      195 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 STATISTICS THAT SHAPE THE COUNTRY Mora working mums THE number of women who believe that work and motherhood do not go together seems to be dropping. Not only are more working women having babies but their share of all mothers giving births has been steadily rising m recent years. Ytar
      70 words
    • 46 3 ■■■■■■■■■I w 1 Biiiiiiii* 1 ■■■■■BH9 B vk* m^fel Bp K^^vT^rH^^Bl 1 > I f^Hfl^H 'v 8 BP"^T*p^W^^^. 2 jjl 9*fy ~^^m ■V-' r*"" r ie ll —^BF' l^B j&it m iM ■..■■■l B^.^^bl VJe j ■^^■^^1 BM I ■TSmVTffTW .ifl I. yi BB Bi <l jB
      46 words

    • 460 4 North Korea welcomes Roh's summit call PYONGYANG North Korea has welcomed South Korean President Roh Tae Woo's proposal for a North-South summit but has made some counter-proposals, Pyongyang Radio said yesterday. The Korean Central News Agency quoted the North Korean Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland as saying
      AFP; Reuter; AP  -  460 words
    • 274 4 WASHINGTON President Ronald Reagan officially gave up the fight for more military aid to the Nicaraguan Contras on Friday but with the proviso that if the Sandinistas threaten the rebels, he will call Congress back to try again. In
      UPI; AP  -  274 words
    • 210 4 Mickey may be made a UN ambassador UNITED NATIONS Mickey Mouse may soon become a UN ambassador. It is an idea the United Nations Is discussing with Walt Disney Productions to mark the famous cartoon character's 60th birthday. A party (or hundreds of children from the UN family is expected
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 307 5 PROVIDENCE (Rhode Island) Time Inc and a man claiming to be the sailor kissing a nurse m a famous World War II photograph have settled a lawsuit the man had filed, contending Life magazine was profiting from sales of the picture. The photograph, which appeared m
      AP  -  307 words
    • 519 5 Shake-up m state firm with links to Deng BEIJING Communist Party leader Zhao Zlyang In his toughest speech to date has said corruption among officials threatens the future of China's reforms. Accompanying the remarks published yesterday m the People's Daily was a front-page report m
      Reuter  -  519 words
    • 355 5 KABUL Moscow has triggered intense diplomatic speculation over its intentions m Afghanistan by promising massive post-war reconstruction aid and sending a high-powered diplomat as its envoy to Kabul. Western diplomats said on Friday that the Soviet government seemed to be trying to
      Reuter  -  355 words
    • 92 5 Another transfusion after bleeding Emporor Hirohito't Hints TOKYO Japan's Emperor Hlrohito, bedridden for 27 days, resumed haemorrhaglng yesterday and received a transfusion of fresh blood, the Imperial Household Agency said. In a health bulletin on the 87-year-old monarch's condition, the agency said 400 cc of blood was administered to him
      AFP  -  92 words
    • 127 6 A band of abort m uuapo imim warriors danced Mi chanted iihitiu BradliM mvUnn m Belem on Friday, protesting against the JaUlnf of two tribe member, for Interfering la domestic attain. Meanwhile, tadge Iran Velooo Naodmlento refued to hear the teoHmony of Calapo chief Cubei,
      AFP; Reuter  -  127 words
    • 438 6  -  ONO MING SEING ■y Washington Correspondent VASHINGTON Soviet leader Miktail Gorbachev faces such overwhelmng opposition and apathy to his wucies that it is doubtful he can suewed m his political and economic redrms, said a top CIA official. Dr Robert Gates, deputy director of he Central
      438 words
    • 422 6 MOSCOW The ruling Politburo of the Soviet Communist Party hat issued urgent orders for "unjustified" price increases to cease, m an admission at last that inflation exists In the Soviet economy. The Politburo has also given its blessing to the country's
      FT  -  422 words
    • 123 8 Bats on toddy drinking sprees keep Sri Lankans awake COLOMBO Thousands of befuddled bats are keepIng residents awake with noisy sorties after drinking themselves silly on coconut flower tap, the main Ingredient of a local alcoholic brew. The bats drink the toddy from the clay pots tied to coconut trees
      AFP  -  123 words
    • 332 8 Up to 60 more boys than girls being born m central China, warns study BEIJING Villages m central China are threatened with "social crisis" because male babies are increasingly outnumbering girls, an official Chinese newspaper has said. The Guangming Daily said on Friday a Henan province survey
      Reuter; UPI  -  332 words
    • 129 8 I allowed royal visit despite IRA bomb threat, says ex-minister BELFAST A former British Northern Ireland Secretary admitted on Friday that he had let the royal family carry out an official visit despite a bomb warning from the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Lord Mason, who was Labour's minister m charge
      AFP  -  129 words
    • PEOPLE
      • 117 8 SARAH York, the timid, bespectacled 10-year-old who wanted to understand why military commander Manuel Antonio Noriega has made the United States so angry, appeared last week as the general's special guest at Panama's second military-agricultural (air. Accompanied by her mother Pauline, Gen Noriega and President Manuel Soils
        117 words
      • 156 8 THE theme of the film may be fakery, but as far as Malaysian actor Richard Law is concerned, Keys to Freedom is very real. Asiaweek quotes Mr Law as saying: "It's based on reality, on current events. The movie, an American-Malaysian Joint production, is set
        156 words
      • 89 8 TWO YEARS after suffering a resounding failure with the popular daily Today, British publisher Eddy Shah Is launching a new tabloid, The Post, starting on Nov 10. Mr Shah said last week that his company, Messenger Nationwide, had invested £1.2 million (SH2I million) m the advertising
        89 words
      • 158 8 TOP Chinese officials paid their last respects to Dr George Hatem, an American who became physician to Mao Zedong's Red Army during the 1930s and devoted his life to Improving health care m China. Dr Hatem died of cancer last week at the age of 78.
        158 words
      • 139 8 LUCIA HIRIART, the wife of Gen August o Pinochet, may be nominated to replace her husband as Chile's President, AFP reports. Mrs Pinochet's presidential campaign will be headed by an organisation called Missionaries of Pinochet, formed during the recent plebiscite campaigr the newspaper La Teroera reported.
        139 words
      • 136 8 DETERMINED to live m Switzerland, movie actress Natassia Kinski has finally obtained a work and residence permit from the canton (state) of Fribourg after being rejected by Geneva. Her lawyers said last week that the actress, daughter of German actor Klaus Kinski, is settling at once
        136 words
    • 409 9 WASHINGTON Leaders of the two non-communist factions of Cambodia's resistance movement pleaded with US officials last week for more assistance, saying their only weapons supplier, China, was threatening to cut off aid, according to resistance sources. The sources who asked not to
      409 words
    • 160 9 UNITED NATIONS The United States has paid US$B5.6 million (Ssl73 million) to the financially beleaguered United Nations, reducing the US arrears to the regular budget to U*****.3 million. But one UN official did not think much of the payment on Friday,
      160 words
    • 73 9 Dow Jones NEW YORK The stock market posted a new recovery high last week and then quickly retreated amid concerns over the trade deficit and the dollar. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, up about 14 points m early trading and down about 11 at
      AP; UPI  -  73 words
    • 28 9 STOCKHOLM Sweden's Foreign Minister, Mr Sten Andersson is to visit Vietnam from Oct 21-24, at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart, Mr Nguyen Co Thach. AFP
      AFP  -  28 words
    • 297 9 LONDON While newspapers on Friday hailed a court ruling permitting publication of extracts from Peter Wright's Spycatcher as a victory, albeit a limited one, for press freedom m Britain, the British government was reported studying new moves m its
      297 words
    • 146 9 statement announcing the belated US payment. "If this situation is not corrected, it could impede the carrying out of new peace missions," it said, referring to UN peacekeeping forces m the Iran-Iraq war and new forces planned for Southern Africa and eventually for Cambodia. Since President Reagan took office eight
      AP; Reuter  -  146 words
    • 199 9 CAIRO Egyptian novelist and short story writer Naguib Mahfouz, the 1988 Nobel Prize winner for Literature, may not travel to Sweden to pick up his prize, according to the daily Al-Akhbar. "I have not yet decided whether I'm going, but probably not,"
      AFP  -  199 words
    • 212 9 LONDON Oil prices jumpod 45 to 55 US cents on Friday, bringing gains last week to more than US$l.5O (553.03) a ban-el. Traders attribute the advance to signs that Opoc might be ready to act to mop up the present glut. The
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 58 9 A grandma at 28 picture. Mrs Concert.! Pannuccio Costa (right) became the youngest granamoiner m liaiy at tne age of 28 after her daughter Ida (on the hospital bed) gave birth to a girl on Wednesday m Messina, Sicily. The baby was named Rosa, after Mas sA.vpar.nWi great-grandmother, Mrs Rosa
      Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1131 4 BBB^ ■bwbwKVbwS- 4^___J .^^P^^H I^^BB^K IBi ■H H^HBV HL\l4 Ib^Vl BBBBBBF^ IBbI Kll BBBBBBBjBBBj «"•> #B* f lilt I |H Al TT X "Vi I I I n Hong Kong you can ride high j W V J J.J J A through the streets aboard an antique tram. over the
      1,131 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 311 5 Two ways to profit from high interest rates. *&&&%toihr> NZ$5O,OOO deposited for one month can earn around NZ$54O. The high interest rates m New Zealand and Australia offer rich pickings for investors. And Bank of New Zealand provides safe and easy access. The minimum deposit of $50,000 m either currency,
      311 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 r^^P 1 Oasis Seafood Palacel -A Gourmet's Delight! fff V Oasis Seafood Palace, one of Singapore's biggest restaurants, serves the I Best Seaf(xxd and Chinese Cuisine at budget prices. Our skilful master chefs, Gan Soi, Lee Cha Hong, Tan Yew Wcx> and Tan Kin Chwee will together bring you the
      385 words
    • 91 6 I The Amazing New .^BBBBW TM a SSI Oyster J Suiters. 6i^m>L.n.fcii iiw* It has an amazing array of features. handling and a unique seal to keep out Like divider pad. removable trouser moisture and dust. bar, two side pockets and hangers for The list of features gc on and
      91 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 169 7 It is all very well to encourage your child to study fat drink that is nourishing and healthy. who notice and concentrate and learn, hard at school. It contains high quality protein, easytodigest Now m a brand new pack, with an easy -to- mix But did you know that his
      169 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 397 8 I ALPHA I (MEDITATION 37th dais commtncini 21st Oct. I Scwntitts tstimatt that man is I uvnf about 10% ot tht mind I I kMCMM what you could do wit.i I I tht othtf 90% OtKOvtr through I Mm 4 day samirw how you I can tap tht 90% of
      397 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 317 9 You recover faster with PPP In terna tional I Health Plan If you undergo hospital treatment abroad, you'll naturally look forward to a speedy recovery. Not just m health. But financially too. Because you'll be expecting to recover medical costs from your insurers as quickly as possible. For anyone living
      317 words
    • 159 9 g*R i yip It 's one of the best ways to get away from it all. Or let a guide take you through deer hi ins, stone riverbeds Especially m New Zealand where the weather's just right and around scenic mountain routes And while the, c are long dry summers,
      159 words

    • 300 10 Suharto to make second East Timor visit next month JAKARTA President Suharto will visit East Timor next month, the presidential palace said here yesterday. The Indonesian head of state will make a day-long visit to the East Timor capital of Dili on Nov 1 to open a boy scouts' jamboree.
      AFP  -  300 words
    • 148 10 55 drown in ferry sinking, 7 die in landslide MANILA Fifty-five people, mostly women and children, drowned m the central Philippines after heavy winds and big waves capsized their overloaded boat, reported the Coast Guard yesterday. In the north, seven people died when a landslide caused by a downpour destroyed
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 587 10 MANILA The number of women wielding power has increased dramatically m the Philippines since President Corazon Aquino took office m 1986, but male chauvinism and old stereotypes about female roles persist. Dozens of women occupy important, high-profile posts m the Aquino government,
      AFP  -  587 words
    • 360 10  - Manglapus extends his stay in US for more talks on bases ONG MING SEING By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON Philippine Foreign Minister Raul Manglapus has extended his stay here for further talks crucial to a new agreement on US military bases m his country. The postponement of the minister's departure from
      360 words
    • 264 10  -  TAN LIAN CHOO By Bangkok Correspondent BANGKOK The Special Branch have arrested two Burmese student leaders at Thammasat University, the Bangkok Post reported yesterday. The arrests are seen as a toughening of government policy against anti-Rangoon activities by illegal Burmese immigrants m Thailand, the
      264 words
    • 199 10 JAKARTA The police want the Justice Ministry to send 17 gamblers to a notorious island prison as a deterrent sentence, The Jakarta Post reported. "We want to make sure that they will not repeat the same violations m future. This is
      199 words
    • 119 10 Philippine coup leader shot dead In escape bid MANILA Renegade air force officer Francisco Baula, who helped lead a bloody coup attempt last year, was shot dead as he tried to escape from military detention. Former Lt-Col Baula was shot just after midnight on Friday as he tried to climb
      Reuter; AFP  -  119 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 639 10 for high quality photof inishing service #^Pk^\ WT T T F* *1 Konica Photo Express Dealers: r#*f*T\uVW^ A A SPECIMEN I KONICA TRADE-IN standard photo pte ltd VTTUV S M II I rX V I>MLM InMULm Raffias PlacaMßT Station •8113 W*^ o\t^ aooSV II I I P« n O r^^
      639 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 276 11 Twin Digital brings out the best with any tape. HS-ElO HU VMS p |p For centuries her upturned lips and wistful eyes picture. No gimmicks, no frills, just a better picture. effects playback, including frame advance, still, and have intrigued and delighted millions of viewers. And A look at the
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    • 328 12 FHJTTEKWORTH The government would like students of all races, including Malays, to take up Mandarin as i possible second language, Education Minister Anwar Ibrahim said. He said this would contribute to 'smoother race relations" m Malaysia. "The government wants to ensure
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    • 192 12  -  SALIM OSM AN KUALA LUMPUR A Malaysian Chinese Association leader yesterday urged the government to honour Its pledges to the Chinese community on issues relating to education "without further delay". MCA vice-president Datuk Chan Slang Sun said the government had yet to recognise the
      192 words
    • 141 12 KUALA LUMPUR About 110 technicians and engineers of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) are working round-the-clock inspecting and servicing the grounded A-4 Skyhawks m Kuantan. Acting RMAF chief Ma-jor-General Datuk Shahrudin Mohamed AH said every engine would be stripped and checked. Each of the
      NST  -  141 words
    • 721 12  -  BALIM OSMAN Row over Musa's remarks By^ KUALA LUMPUR Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday hit out at his former deputy, Datuk Musa Hitam, for making what he considered "baseless and mischievous" statements that he (Dr Mahathir) would call a snap election within a year
      721 words
    • 409 12  -  SALIM OSM AN KUALA LUMPUR New Umno has opened Its doors to all Malays, including dissidents, because the party has consolidated itself and gained the support of the majority of the Malays, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday.
      409 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 379 12 A« elegant life you can come home to 111 ■Bl^^^^'v I Iv I '•4 2 mRhEUURV RVEOUE, /IHGRPOPE 0922 Spacj< >us interiors you can fill with expectations, quality |9 R^lb finish and linings to marvel at, and beautifully curved iM£ s^l I^^^ balconies for that outdoor feeling' 13 PS* This
      379 words
    • 39 12 Exquisite South Indian Vegetarian Cuisine soon at the BOMBAY WOODLANDS RESTAURANT FULLY LICENSED IMPECCABLE SERVICE Also m London, Bombay New Delhi IfliiSiußßli^aHHH For reservations call: I Bombay Woodlands Restaurant 583 Orchard Road #81-O6 Forum Galleria Tel: 235 2712 I
      39 words

    • 374 13  -  YANG MEI LING By^ FORMER beauty queen Michelle Loh created quite a stir yesterday even though she was not present at a press conference to Introduce the finalists (or this year's Miss Singapore Tourism crown. Miss Loh, 22, one or the 10
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    • 170 13 527 Thais in Singapore jails for immigration offences THERE are 527 Thais, including 28 women, jailed here for immigration offences as of June 30, according to Singapore's Ministry of Home Affairs. The immigration offences include overstaying after the expiry of the social visit passes and coming into Singapore illegally. The
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    • 69 13 Charged with $490,000 goldsmith heist A 22- YEAR-OLD man was charged yesterday with robbing a goldsmith shop m New Upper Chang! Road of about $490,000 worth of gold ornaments on Oct 4. Andy Jasmin Hew is alleged to have robbed Ming Liang Goldsmith and Jewellers with four accomplices. They were
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    • 280 13 Another resident complains of misleading letter from renovation firm THE Housing Board has started investigations into another complaint within a week from an HDB resident that he received a "notice" from a renovation contractor asking him to replace the windows of his flat. The
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    • 125 13 The look-alikes and the real thing spoke of his experience to The Straits Times earlier this week. The letter he received was from a company called Housing Maintenance Renovation Contractor. It also said that the HDB had enforced a rule to take action against those whose windows are a safety
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    • 229 13 A LABOURER threw his television set eight floors down a block of flats early yesterday morning after quarrelling with his landlady whom he suspected had stolen his money. His impulsive act yesterday cost Rengarajalu Naidu, 31, five weeks
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    • 221 14 A MAN who wanted a different way to treasure the memory of his sister yesterday donated her Central Provident Fund savings of $5,000 to the Community Chest of Singapore. Mr Leong Chee Keong, 60, of Jalan Bahagia m Whampoa, gave the money In
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    • 258 14 CHESTRIN A may not be her real name but It certainly looks like it might stick. For what else do you call a baby girl born to the executive director of the Community Chest on the day of the Heartstrings charity show? This was the
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    • 741 14 IT WAS a night of fun, dance and generous hearts as the 300 telephones buzzed busily m a phone-a-donatlon drive m a television charity show. The evening's highlight brought m more than $4 million for the Community Chest of Singapore as a responsive public dug
      741 words
    • 112 14 HEARTSTRINGS '88 was also a time of celebration. Mr Dennis Houston, deputy managing director of Esso Singapore, celebrated his 37th birthday with his family, friends and colleagues at the walkathon finishing point at Marina Square. At the surprise birthday party, a delighted
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    • 99 14 FT WAS a meeting of stars backstage. Khoo Teck Chuan, 12, from the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped approached SBC actress Xiang Yun for an autograph. "This is for my sister, Susan," he said. "She likes you a lot." In fact, the book was
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    • 431 15 TWO men who were offered sex by women found out that the females had more than just fun m mind. Result: One man lost $50 and and the other, $1,400. 5oi65o4pi6po54ik6 ■Mr Abu Samah bin Awang, 68, had Just finished a cup
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    • 404 15 Our rates outdated by three years, says owner HIGHER rents at Centrepoint have forced at least four tenants and a sub-tenant to move out of the shopping centre over the past two months. At least one other shop sublet by a private owner had
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    • 129 15 SAF exercises THE Singapore Armed Forces will be conducting military exercises at Lim Chu Kang, Tuas, Hong Kah, Marsiling, Mandai, Sembawang, Wing Loong, lx>yang and Tampines areas from 8 am tomorrow to midnight on Saturday. Blanks and thunderflash will be used. The public is advised not to be alarmed. The
      129 words
    • 460 16  -  SERENE LIM By MANY company drivers and despatch riders can claim as their own cash prizes or even an apartment if they were to win lucky draws held by petrol stations. A Sunday Times check with 14 companies showed that these workers are
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    • 121 16 Man caught begging in carpark fined $200 A MAN who was caught begging m a carpark last week was yesterday fined $200 for the offence and another $100 for disorderly behaviour. The court heard that the police spotted Mohamed Kuppai, 35, approaching a man at a Redhill Road carpark on
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    • 340 16  -  HONG LEE TIAM By RELIABILITY and trustworthiness are two qualities a town council m Ang Mo Klo looks out for m its estate agents. The estate agent, who will be hired to run the town, should also have sound financial backing. These
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    • 444 16  - 'Smart' bedside panels soon for hotel guests LIM KWAN KWAN BY COMING: the "intelligent" bedside panel which will enable hotel guests to tap into a host of functions at a touch of the finget tip Messages while you were out? Press a button and read them all on the television
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    • 114 16 Closure of Old Toh Tuck Road OLD Toh Ttock Road will be dosed to all /^Hk\ traffic for font months from tomorrow. L^v Th<* closure is to facilitate construction of \^^^/a culvert to improve the drainage m the aie.i Motorists lie .uhised to use Toll Tuck Avenue as
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    • 490 17  -  ELENA CHONG by THE Government has given the go-ahead for the disabled to be recruited for any job m the civil service and not just the less well-paid ones. These handicapped persons can be employed so long as the appointing
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    • 124 17 DISABLED people driving specially adapted vehicles can enjoy first-hour free parking at public carparks. The Urban Redevelopment Authority has written to the secretary of the Advisory Council on the Disabled, saying that it was prepared to waive short-term (hourly) parking charges for the handicapped driving
      124 words
    • 246 17 A COMMON bond of kinship and the community's goodwill and understanding form the primary support and care for the disabled. "These are irreplaceable," said Education Minister Dr Tony Tan when he opened the public forum on Opportunities for Disabled People yesterday.
      246 words
    • 146 17 THREE employees of a furniture shop slipped door knobs, padlocks and door handles worth about $20,000 out of the premises and then sold them to another shop. Ow Yong Chong Han, 29, Yoh Ah Chuan and Ong Kah Cheng, both 21, pleaded guilty on Wednesday
      146 words
    • 343 17  - Beautician fined $3,000 for pyramid selling CHARMAINE CHAN BY A WUMAN who sold cosmetics through a network of nearly 60 agents, using the banned pyramid scheme, was fined $3,000 on Friday. Chia Cha Yang, 37, a beautician, pleaded guilty to promoting such a selling scheme from February last year to
      343 words
    • 351 17 By YANQ MEI LINO MAKING a giant get-well card is a 10-year-old boy's straight-from-the-heart way of showing his concern for cancer-strick-en Shu Ze. Touched by the plight of six-year-old Shu Ze, Jem Boehnert of Dover Court Preparatory School visited him m the
      351 words
    • 525 18  -  BERTHA HENSON Population Report 1987 Reports by WHAT is stopping couples m love from getting married? This is what the Health Ministry's Population Planning Unit aims to find out, Acting Health Minister Yeo Cheow Tong announced yesterday. And once
      525 words
      • 64 18 SINGAPORE'S POPULATION reached 2.61 million by the middle of last year, chalking a 1.2 per cent growth. The proportion of young people below 15 years of age shrank from 27.1 per cent m 1980 to 23.4 per cent last year, while the proportion of those aged 60
        64 words
      • 108 18 HEART DISEASE and cancer were the two big killers last year, accounting for 23.7 and 23.5 per cent of deaths respectively. They were followed by strokes (10.1 per cent) and pneumonia (7.1 per cent). The report said that the rise of cancer as a leading cause of
        108 words
      • 116 18 THE RANKS of unmarried Singaporeans continued to swell last year. The numbers of single persons went up with educational level and of the different races, the Chinese posted the highest single rates m all age groups. Among women, the number of unmarried tertiary-educated singles more than doubled from
        116 words
      • 68 18 THERE WERE 23,404 marriages last year, a 17 per cent increase from the 1986 figure, but a 0.3 per cent decline over 1985. Singapore brides got older, with the mean age of first-time brides reaching 25.8 years for non-Muslims, up from 24.5 years m 1980. The
        68 words
    • 176 18  -  TAN LIAN CHOO picture. By Bangkok Correspondent BANGKOK A retired Singaporean, Mr Chua Boon Hean, is among six Asean writers who have won this year's South-east Asia Write Award. At a presentation ceremony presided over by Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn earlier this week, Mr Chua
      AFT  -  176 words
    • 117 18 TRADE and Industry Minister and Second Minister for Defence (Services) I^e Hsien Loong yesterday met the Commander of the US Seventh Fleet Vice-Admiral Paul D. Miller, on board his flagship which arrived on Wednesday. The amphibious command and control ship the USS Blue
      117 words
    • 3 18 Live-births by race
      3 words
    • 191 18 Minister's third child is due this week WHEN biist Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong announced the new population policy have three, or more if you can afford it m March last year, someone asked if his younger Cabinet colleagues would set the pace by
      191 words
    • 129 18 THK rrrirrh nnrt rcicm operation for fivo Indonesians, missing after their sampan cap si/"ii on Tuesday, was called off yesteni A Marine Department spokesman said none of them was found during the five-day operation whi< h was called off at noon. "We are,
      129 words
    • 324 18 THE sexual problems of Singaporean men, particularly the way these affect their wives' infertility, will be the main topic at a symposium today. Some 200 gynaecologists and urologists are expected to attend the all-day symposium, Management of Male Infertility. Until recently, it was the gynaecologist
      324 words
    • 44 18 THE Union of Telecom* Employees of Singapore donated 130,000 last night to the National Kidney Foundation. The cheque was presented by Labour Minister Lee Yock Suan at the union's sixth anniversary dinner and dance at The Neptune In Overseas Union House
      44 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 199 13 AppiyFor AItoETRIP Around THEWbRLD. \nyone who appaesjbt a (hast- 1 ISA now is eligible to win a fiee round-the-world airline ticket. Asa second prize, (lures a rrturn ticket to Hawaii, and as thin/ prize, a rrturn ticket to Bab. If you're one qfthejuck) winners, )vull be doubly glad you obtained
      199 words
    • 449 13 ■■^•x^^a^ BSal a^ aY BM H aHH HH aY MB M H ajjjj bjbjj ajajj ajjjj ajjjj bbju ajaj I ..iil^k CHASE CLASSIC VISA CARD APPLICATION f Priority Approval l| mi The Chaae Manhattan Bank. N.A. i*#l»Ula% T I I m I Credit Card Centre. 24 Raffles Place, 11th Storey,
      449 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 148 15 Are your deposits earning I interest as high as AND t,,-^ 7 as long as 1 2 months? ('Rates as o! 14 10 1988) Minimum Deposit: NZ$/A$ 50.000 US$3O 000 Period Available: 1. 2. 3, 6, 12 months For amounts above NZ$/As/US$l OO.OOO better rates are available (depending on market
      148 words
    • 120 15 3HHIHbh^bK^|T|TW 1 jJBjWfcV Youll receive one of these special stainless steel butter knives free (while stocks last) each time you buy a pack of Kerrygold 250g Butter or 12 Singles Cheese. But hurry good news spreads quickly. Purv II%U Irish Ruttor lkJ||y llL Vji-*g X^^yK Great Italian Event Staged In
      120 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      771 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 21 17 RYSTAI. w^^-^%^ Watcrtord Wedgwood at #0101, Dclfi Orchard, 1 cl: 734 8375. Also at Daimaru, Isctan Orchard, Robinsons, Tangs and Tokytl.
      21 words
    • 162 17 B^BK^bVHI^B^B^bV. »vVB^B^Br j., r* .^aV iOffl iX<l< '^tiY> fcT wK fa»l w r a^» f^Sa^Ba^B'T^Blßl Brß^Blia^H BESTELL TRADING PTE I fl^^^^^Kftf' 10 Anson Road #17-» Intwnationat i Singapore 0207 Tafc 22af! fc *****40 '^i^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^H 79. 3rd floor, Wltma Abadl, Jalan MMMing, ***** Kuala Lumfs| W***** Fax: *****22 Authorised Dealers All
      162 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 736 18 8 senior British designers are here to sharpen your knowledge of UK. Art Design Education. JBI& PKKSKNTATION: *^HW ''J^^E%3r iirt and design education vi IJK ji^BSf^M Polytechnics; their (t)urs«'s. entrantqualifications and tyjH*s <if work dotw jXJf r '^21 by their graduates rlL^jlf^tJi^Lw Monday 1 7 October, 7pm A SEMINARS: BP^^.
      736 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1 19
    1 words
  • 321 19 The Sunday Times VIEW Don't make Mammon king AN ELECTRONICS factory will pay $150 to anyone who brings m a worker and induces him to stay on the job for three months. An expatriate sales manager promises a $5,000 reward for information that would lead to the conviction of a
    321 words
  • 112 19 I What The Sunday Times reported on Oct 15, 1963 THE "Plen" an underground leader of the Communist Party m Singapore Is believed to be Fang Chuang Pi, who disappeared m July 1951. Fang, The Straits Times learnt on Tuesday, is the Communist plenipotentiary who saw the
    112 words
  • 1381 19 How does the first Working Mother of the Year GERALDINE TAY keep the home fires burning? A mother at 23, divorced at 30, remarried at 32, and then called Mum by three "broods" of chicks. And now winner of the Working Mother of
    1,381 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 243 19 -^B J|m^^| |^gj *^g> <li i-i iiMi^^^ri^teffi^^^M^^^^ Iff"' 7 \^HHl^H^^Ur > a^^bhK^^^^^iaV^ i -d^ A jfjuißiy^B B^. v **^»^^^r^^^P^^B! *mmmm!Skp- I ite continually presents us with new challenges. insurance organisations. Spanning more than 1 30 KvK^^^^Rl^^V K I For further information please write to rm^mj .New oppot (unities to mature
      243 words

  • FOCUS/Viewpoints
    • 731 20 1 Lin YU-sheng Many modern ideologies are based on the assumption that all authority is essentially evil. In my opinion, this assumption is Utopian. RUSSELL Heng m his column last week wrote m the style of monistic thinking making quick and
      731 words
    • 884 20 1 Tan Tarn How Taken as a whole, one would need to be an optimist to invest m Singapore's kia-su youths the same confidence which Roosevelt had m the youth of his nation 60 or so years ago. THOSE who lament
      884 words
    • 952 20 1 Tan Sai Siong THE other day I found myself m a school hall facing some 400 Secondary 4 pupils. I was giving a talk on journalism as a career with a colleague from The Singapore Broadcasting Corporation. The teacher-in-charge introduced me as someone whom
      952 words
    • 446 20 WITH the examination (ever sweeping like an epidemic through schools and colleges, I brought my little nephew Alex out for a boat ride and some cooling air. "What!" his mother had said hysterically when she heard what I wanted to do. "His exam
      446 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 49 20 Charmant Distinctive Fashionwear for^your Eyes. All CHARMANT frames are corrosion, abrasion andidis^l^noiSres'fe.tance. The rim-lock is also firmly jointed to prevent lensjjj^m'c^^^sitgjin^^bnd at the same time giving the frame an extremelj^^SSßß|^^^^B^ffi^w HQllLi r"^ S i Model 3222 V Model 31 3S I .^|^^k nß^. y B, JH jd f B^^^^^^^flH^^K^v^^^^
      49 words

  • FOCUS/Analysis
    • Article, Illustration
      1397 21 How much change will it bring about? LEE SWEE HOON sums up GUARDED enthusiasm and some concern have been the reactions to the National Development Ministry's recent announcement that it will gradually phase out rent control (or 10,000 shops and houses covering 380 hectares. Many buildings which have
      SENGTIONG  -  1,397 words
    • 64 21 4 Compensation? I'll take whatever the landlord wants to a give me. j Z I'll be happy to buy over the shophouse we've rented for 60 years 7 4 I hope the Government can help me find another nearby home. 7 Madam Tong Kum Peng, 76,
      64 words
    • LETTERS I Suicide/Ecology/Shoplifting/Mishap
      • 48 21 I APPLAUD Tan Sai Siong for her thought-provoking article on suicide (The Sunday Times, Sept 18). This society is hard on nonachievers. So our young people need to learn how to deal with failure. More counsellors would be a boon to everyone. RAYMOND CHOO Singapore 1544
        48 words
      • 152 21 I HOPED Tan Sai Siong would provide some worthwhile Insights to the disturbing and growing phenomenon of suicide here. Instead, I found her response complacent, uninformed and Insensitive. She argued that with "so many alternatives available" it Is now "far easier to walk j away from mistakes than
        152 words
      • 64 21 MAY I congratulate Martin Loh on his article "Pollution: world has one last card to play" (The Sunday Times, Sept 4) which' I am sure went almost unnoticed m the midst of the election euphoria. The issues he raised are very likely to affect us far more fundamentally over
        64 words
      • 25 21 I AGREE whole-heartedly with Martin Loh that a supranational organisation for the environment is needed. BARBARA ST ASK KM IN AS Singapore 0922
        25 words
      • 58 21 I I WAS appalled to see the sub- j ject of shoplifting (The Sunday 1 Times, Sept 25), treated m such a frivolous manner. That stoics lose millions to pilferers does not seem like a joke, especially when honest shop|>ers end up paying for the losses by a
        58 words
      • 128 21 REFERRING to your report (Sept 4), "Boy, 7, undergoes surgery for coin lodged m throat', I would like to clarify: The boy did not undergo any surgery: instead an instrument was used to fish out the coin. It was also said that m trying to get
        128 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 262 21 Furniture Trade Centre At 230, Upper Bukit Timah Road IViMS Tel:^??SS A/^ tel }ie Furniture Trade r ,^B^fc H entre °ff ers y° u foreign fL^^^J^^^l c^ es 'S ne^ furniture at low r^^ii r A prices< due t0 the following cost savings: Lower rental rates B^^^^ B^ Lower prices
      262 words

    • 342 22  -  FREDERICK QUEK B^ our man on the track PENANG Starfire is on the upgrade and should defy a promotion to win Race 4, the $30,000 Totalisator Board Feature Stakes for Class 2 Div A sprinters over 1,200 m here this afternoon. Last month, the four-year-old son
      342 words
    • 5392 22 HM«| 2.15 RESTRICTED TERMB DIV B 1,200 m IiUIJLaU (SUk«s: $11,000) 1 *2 Rocket Rod 18 Auric-Teh 3 nz* 3 (1200 m) Showed ability In debut, finishing 4V 7 -length 2nd to Dance Machine with 55 RT A Ipoh 1200 m Sept 24 winner clocked 1.12.3; by
      5,392 words
    • 286 22 RACE Racing Editor Frederick Quek Tar, Thean Loon Lionel Laa Danny Khoo 8 Fer rou» S Ferrous s Ferrous 1 Rocket ftad 1 Rocket Rod 1 1 Rocket Red 1 Rocket Red 1 Rocket Red 4 Tiny Twinkle 3 Mana Tahu 3 Mana Tahu 3 Mana
      286 words
    • 71 22 BEST BET Darknight (Race 3) BEST OUTSIDER Zoltan (Race 6) THESE hones have won or done well on a wet track. RACE 2: Return Of Spring, Dislsit, Aussie Spirit, Blaze Of Glory. RACE 4: Alpha Dynamics, Great Regiment, Udomsak, G.I. Joe, Mon Seigneur, Physical Energy, Rory's Jester. RACE I:
      71 words
    • 384 23  -  JACK ELLIOTT Rank outsider Imperosa wins $1.6 million Caulfield Cup MELBOURNE Former Sydney champion Malcolm Johnston made an error of judgment which cost him dearly. Johnston turned down the ride on four-year-old mare Imperosa m the Asl million (551.63 million) Caulfield Cup yesterday because he
      Reuter  -  384 words
    • 108 23 Alysheba a step nearer all-time record NEWARK (New Jersey) Four-year-old Alysheba came a step closer to becoming the biggest mon-ey-spinner In racing history when he caught Slew City Slew In the straight to win the 2,000 m Meadowlands Cup on Friday. The win lifted his total earnings to over US$5.3
      108 words
    • 2184 23  -  OUR RACING TEAM By PENANG As four-year-old mare Imperosa won the Caulfield Cup m Melbourne, another mare of the same age, Ammuh&ntl n, led all the way m the $25,000 Totalisator Board Feature Stakes for Class 5 horses (Race 4)
      2,184 words
    • 50 23 Ammushanti: Spot-on FIRST 6984 SECOND 9140 THIRD 2285 STARTERS 4918 2350 1381 7256 6673 2225 5790 0159 3122 CONSOLATIONS 8189 1832 4949 1377 1573 2576 0274 9015 3253 5908 Reuter picture Ammushanti I beatinf off al rivals m the Totabator Board Featu e Stakes (Race 4) yesterday. NST
      Reuter; NST  -  50 words
      • 214 23 I TheFamllyOfTheTiile^™^^^^ 322 Acfcnowl»dQ«m«nta tM Acfcnowwxiptntita (nee KANG TJAI KHENG) Departed: October 12th, 1988 w£n!L^TnW 8 i h «i r heartfelt thanks and appreciation to: ES? 1 8 nn d SJ Desmond Reid BJ, Uam Egan SJ Tom CTNeill SJ Paul Goh SJ from St. Ignatius Church and
        214 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        26 23 JUSTIN ANTHONY ■AftftONlS A<M M VM. >mH MMy PIMIMI) an U.10.M UavtAf bflhlne] wile jani U*t*\U HAZIL, fcr*t*«f, •latsra, r«lal)»»e and t^w arrvnewffvvme oontaoi
        26 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        225 23 MOtfl. CATHSMMC TANTAIHUI Ag«: 77 yra. wm oalied Hmm te be with the Lord on 14-10-M. Uevtng beMn* Son*: Francis Pang John Pang Stephen Pang Lawrenc* Png Peter Png Jamet Pang Cecilia Ong Beh Ah Wan Maria M Aba* Margaret Pen Carol Tan Chang Ya-Mel PatMirr Mary Pang
        225 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        102 23 In Loving Mwnory Of MRS H.O. ANYIUTNI new ALICI JAMEt NANAYAKARA Doportod It/10/*7 A year haa patted But memories of you stay frt«h and painful. Al rxww»tfel by: •ooi, braMwr*. m-towa. mphiwt. ii^vww wm invnoi. In Loving Mimocy of LYNN KAN LVf VAN Depffd OcUier i«. IM7
        102 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        56 23 MR MCHAftO CMUA CNVI LOCK OaoaHa* nm October IM7 Ha had a smile, a pleasant way. A helping hand Ie fell ht knew. Ht ni kind, generoui and true, On earth ht nobly did hn best; Orant him, Jesus, heavenly rest. AJweye femewbewe- b* im«i mm IN
        56 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        46 23 TMI PAMLV Of TNI L ATI MR. N.P. PANCHANATHAN (Oep«rte« liOJi) wUh to txUnd Uittr Invitation to frlendi and relative* for the athma thantl poojal to be held on 17.10 M 7pm at the Sri Slvan Temple PltaM treat this ai a personal Invitation
        46 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 122 22 TALES OF THE FAR EAST Help your child discover a little cultural heritage TALES OF THE FAR EAST present the stories behind traditional proverbs, riddles and quaint sayings All m a light, flowing style with plenty of colourful illustrations I aiCjav I I $6.50 each I Tlm*« Th« Bookshop To
      122 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 298 23 Tlm Straits Tlmaa ClaMiflMl th« unbaltevabta INttoadt CJLTA 1 717-H66 (CHIAH HtNQ SIN was oaNed home la ha wHti Ma Lard an li/iO/SS leaving behind I sssAlsMJa^fJ wMsB lisMiilhtdsf a^Mt^Bffc_ldfttSf Jidftdi SM-anrfanna Mm atii ImU mmt I wv^ajf MVB^pvY^^R7| t^aWf^twV^sTW eW^B IrVIQOTrWi NOT IWfflHI all I Tl talMeral Raod, 1«M.
      298 words
    • 70 23 Acceptance of obituary announcements 9am to midnight To help us exredite your announcement, please produce: 1) Original death certificate. 2) Identity Cord of person placing the announcement. For booking enquiries, please coll: 737-1 166— Mon Fri 9am to spm Sat. 9om to 2pm 737-0011— After office hours and ext. 5269
      70 words

    • 822 24  -  Bobby Robaon Beckenbauer and Robson enter the World Cup cauldron THE next World Cup finals are almost two years away. The pressure to reach them start right now. On Wednesday, 24 European nations will battle (or qualifying points, and two managers, particularly, will (eel the tension squeezing
      822 words
    • 721 24 World heavyweight boxing champ meets match m wife FOR ONCE m his life, Mike Tyson must welcome a split decision, even if this one goes against him. His impending divorce from actress wife Robin Givens is the inevitable conclusion of an eightmonth marriage made not
      721 words
    • Article, Illustration
      131 24 ALAN I HUBBARD I /./ TRENTON (New Jersey) Mike Tyson hat sued lor a marriage annulment and divorce, accusing Robin Given* of larlng him to the altar with a lake pregnancy, but the boxer's estranged wife Inflated that "nobody eaa love Michael more than I." In a connteranlt that
      UPI  -  131 words
    • Article, Illustration
      21 24 ■■^■HifiyHM^^UM shin mn Dai| y News I U^££S9J^l^H A style of our own I >p pa iX/\UU 1 T i -tt/A^w^fiWMi
      21 words
    • 381 25 Three key players for World Cup qualifier down with injuries GLASGOW Manager Andy Roxburgh's World Cup soccer plans were thrown into confusion on Friday when Scotland's injury jinx struck again with a vengeance. Despite the supposed insurance of a blank weekend for the international players m Scotland
      AFP; Reuter  -  381 words
    • 276 25 LUTON (England) Luton Town have rejected a £400,000 ($1.4 million) bid from English First Division rivals Manchester United for Northern Ireland defender Mai Donaghy. Luton chairman David Evans said it would take at least £850,000 to prise away the 31 year-old from Kenilworth Road and
      APF; Reuter  -  276 words
    • 514 25 SYDNEY Too many late nights finally caught up with top-seeded American Tim Mayotte yesterday when he was bundled out of the Australian Indoor Grand Prix tournament semi-finals by unseeded Richard Matuszewski. Mayotte looked out of sorts from the first point against the
      Reuter; AFP  -  514 words
    • 249 25 Experienced A's are 2- 1 favourites over Dodgers NEW YORK Oakland Athletics will be trying to add their first World Series title since 1974 to the American League championship when they meet the Los Angeles Dodgers m this year's Series, starting m Los Angeles today. Oakland, who beat the Boston
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 249 25 SPORT WORLDWIDE BOXING Jamai-can-born Simon Brown retained his International Boxing Federation world welterweight title m Lausanne on Friday with a unanimous decision over European champion Mauro Martelli, of Italy. CRICKET Captain Javed Miandad leads Pakistani m the Champions Trophy, against India and West Indies, starting m Sharjah, United Arab Emirates,
      AFP; AP; Reuter  -  249 words
    • 152 26 Promote unity through sports, says Aline EABT ZONE SCHOOLS SINGAPOREANS are fortunate to have so many •ports facilities and sports should be encouraged as a healthy pastime. These points were made by Or Aline Wong, the Member of Parliament for Tampines Group Representative Committee, who was the guest-of-honour at the
      152 words
    • 427 26  -  PETER KHOO ...REPORTS.By COLOURS AWARDB CEREMONY FOR teenage squash sensation Una Ong, yesterday's Schools colours award presentation ceremony at Tampines Secondary School was Just another opportunity to add an extra feather to her cap. While most of the other 143 outstanding sportsboys and sportsgirls
      427 words
    • 254 26 Jamal needs some cheering up NEARLY every recipient In the packed Tamptnea Secondary School hall (or the East Zone Schools colour* award ceremony yeaterday wore broad smiles. They wire happy because the certificate! they received were recognition of their sporting achievements and ex ploits m the past year. But there
      254 words
    • 268 26 BRUSSELS Tract! of a banned ftimulant found In Briton Unford Christie after the Olympic 100 metres final saved him Cram being disqualified when the substance was discovered after the 200 m, the International Olympic Committee's top medical officer said on Friday. Prince
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 230 26 MONTREAL Dick Pound, Canada's International Olympic Committee vice-president, ho entered the Ben Johnson controversy, saying that he believed the sprinter was "manipulated Said Pound: "My Inclination would be to give Ben the benefit of the doubt until the conclusion of the official inquiry is known." Pound
      Reuter; AFP  -  230 words
    • 599 27 |im Sports Editor says I Figures show little change m track marks but swimmers offer hope STATISTICS don't lie. They may embarrass or Chew on this: Of the 46 track and field events for encourage, or even excite. Occasionally, they can men and women, only 11 saw
      599 words
    • 319 27 SAN ANTONIO (Texas) American Corey Pavln surged Into a three-stroke lead after 36 holes of the US$6OO,OOO ($1 .212 million) Texas Open golf tournament on Friday Pavln fired a seven-under-par 63 to come within a stroke of equalling the all-time PGA Tour
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  319 words
    • 203 27 picture. SAN REMO (Italy) Italy's Massimo Biasion clinched the World rally drivers 1 championship on Friday, winning the San Remo rally In commanding style. The 30-year-old from Bassano del Grappa needed only to finish m the first six to be sure of the title with
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 191 27 Paralympics get off to stirring start SEOUL The first Paralympici uniting people with all types of disabilities opened yesterday with a stirring ceremony featuring a wheelchair dance and the lighting of the stadium flame by blind athlete Lee Jae Yun. South Korean President Ron Tae Woo opened the Games and
      AFP  -  191 words
    • 277 27 LUCY LOW snatched the women's Open title In the Pierre Cardin Care and Share Open Masters bowling tournament at Striker's Bowl yesterday. Lucy capitalised on a bad patch from early leader Gall Martinez to win with 3,399 pin/alls (188 average) m the competition
      277 words
    • 272 27 ATHLETICS Sembawang Shipyard 30km Run (Mandal. 7.30 am) BOWLING Care and Share Open Masters tournament: Men's Open Masters final (Sirik er's Bowl, 9am). 6th Jatico Tournament of Champions qualifying round (Jackie's Katong, 9am). CRICKET Dlv 1. SCC v Johor (SCC), SCRC v TT (Dieppe). Safsa v CSC (Tanglln),
      272 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      223 words
    • 51 24 /Minggu lJKl Konsert Sheila Majid jelajah Malaysia ■f "*^> N^ lsu Semasa: Pendekatan Mengapa Jamal Abdillah W* Islam terhadap masih belum muncul V( A pembangunan di TV? l 4 B Mengapa talak John Lennon yang yIIkI'J hak suami sa a? 'bersih 1 difilemkan f^|^H Sengsara Mike Tyson t di luaf
      51 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 60 25 M||M| NEXT DRAW No. 289/88 lII VII Monda y 17 Oct 1988 \V\ If/ Singapore Pools Pte Ltd N\\ /1/ 1 0 Anson Road #03-13/26 \-^-JMl_/ International Plata Singapore 0207 Draw No 289/88 Group I Prize Group II Prize $33,000 est Ptek up your Toto tickets Now! wr^\ Ask for
      60 words
    • 513 25 The holiday season s round the corner. I ime to tak, a break with Diners! This Bto&J year, come visit Australia and New Zealand with uv Our excellent well-planned f^M M itineraries assure you an exceptional holiday. Diners offers you the very best! I s^^^ H.t the GokJ Coast for
      513 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 187 26 Hong Leong Corporation present TEAM KENNY ROBERTS INSINGAPORE I Hut v I Now is that chance-in a-lifetime to see, m Grand Prix racing at Paslr Gudang Team Kenny Roberts In Singapore action and m person, the fabulous Team (Saturday, October 15th and (Monday, October 17th) Kenny Roberts, contenders for The
      187 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 288 27 I SOFA SETS /TiMr^T^-^ 2 11(1 °d 1 (One 3-seater& 2 armchairs) /M^B^^/ PEOPIC 0 P^RK CEMTnC^'ul^^F^J fIB^BBBBv i B^BR^Biß^^^^Bflßß^BßV V P> MV M Bm.y| B^^ yJyßj r m m m. J| T j^bVm I 1 m JBBB^Fp^^-- I *^*J 1 RbT3 I P^^RRn Bbrl I ivl^9Bf U— -—^^^■BBBBRBRBJ rHRRBU
      288 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 385 28 TORONTO Attempts are reportedly under way to organise a revenge clash In Japan next year between disgraced Ben Johnson and his American sprint rival Carl Lewis. Joe Douglas, Lewis's agent, told the Toronto Globe and Mall that, despite the Johnson Olympic drugs scandal,
      385 words
    • 448 28  -  JOE DORAI REVIEWS OF FRIDAY'S MALAYSIA CUP SOCCER QUARTER-FINAL MATCHES BY MIDFIELDER Hasnim Haron's absence from Friday night's Ma- laysia Cup soccer first-leg, quar-ter-final match against Kedah, which ended In a 0-0 draw, created all sorts of problems for the Singapore team. Fttsnim did not
      JERRY SEH  -  448 words
    • 288 28 SELANGOR were lucky, Kelantan froze, Kuala Lumpur simply lived up to their status as defending champions against underdogs Penang and Johor had that special sparkle thanks to Khalid Shahdan ana Sarawak were overwhelmed. The lines have been drawn for the remaining 90 minutes
      NST  -  288 words
    • 86 28 P. MANKAM scored twice for Bukit Merah CSC In the Island-wide Football League yesterday as his team trounced Radln Mas CSC 4-0 at Queenstown. Radln Mas had Mohd Soklh and Razak Osman sent off for rough play and dissent respectively. C. Suppiah and A. Kumaramangalam also
      86 words
    • 200 28 HONGKONG South Korea were held by Japan to their lowest total at the 12th Asian women's basketball championships yesterday. The South Koreans won 83-56, a relatively small score for the eight-time champions who have notched up century scores m all their previous five
      AFP; Reuter  -  200 words
    • Article, Illustration
      4 28  -  BY CHEAH
      4 words
    • 302 28 PRESTON (England) Japan's Sumiko Kltada gave world women's badminton champion Han Aiplng a tough tight before bowing out of the US$9O,OOO ($181,800) Carlaberg Clastic In the semifinals yesterday. Ite Japanese No. 1 became the first player to take a game off the M-year-old
      AFP  -  302 words
    • 345 28 BRmSH SOCCER SNDON Newly-pro-ot«d Mill wall maintained t only unbeaten record the English Flrtt Divi- yesterday whan they ■ew 0-0 at Coventry to fcy second behind leaden JTwtchCity. With seven of the most tractive fixtures In the p flight postponed to give ngland'a International
      Reuter  -  345 words
    • 32 28 ST ANDREWS (Scotland) Thick fog delayed the start of the semi-finals of the Dunhill Cup nation* golf championship Australia v Spain and England v Ireland by three noun yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 38 28 ULTRA TOUR 432 The longest golf ball m the world. sjsll^^l Htolt 0 I I IFRIR mRTEJ B BL37pr-i 371 fl i^s^H wi 1 1 A mill H^Lfc HtfT ELTTE STAR ENTERPWSES (PTE) LTD OBSB KKttoJ'Jrsr IS ■OONQMOUP
      38 words
    • 146 28 □fYIMAX 7OOOL The wmWs most inteßgent, most creative autofocus I ITC ITC J^o^ I f N^^ Mm mm I study II ■^^INTRODUCINGA^I^H MONOPOLY OF STUDY PACKS AT ITC IB ITC is Asia's largest IBM based Diploma (M<Hlialedby Oxford /n/nJ I training centre and Is one of dßotm iii.dtio^i n* vAJDOL
      146 words

    • 3 1 TV PLUS reto;eritprekote
      3 words
    • Article, Illustration
      280 1 LEADING LADIES Too much talent, too few scripts. Good female roles have always been rare m Hollywood, laments SUSAN SPILLMAN, but some quality films have been cropping up lately. By contrast, Hongkong actresses get to pick and choose, says JUNIPER FOO THE day Leonard Nimoy agreed to direct Touchstone Pictures'
      280 words
    • 122 1 TODAYS TELEVISION CHOICE THE GUARDIAN. Outlandish melodrama about Mack, a security officer of an apartment building, who wins the trust of all the tenants, save for Charlie Hyatt. Stars of this 1984 production are Louis Gossett, Martin Sheen and Arthur Hill. SBC 5, 9.45 pm. TEN GREAT WRITERS: James Joyce's
      122 words
    • SCENE
      • 541 2 Young, hip and faster than ever Some things old, many things new is the concept of this year's Talentime. JUNIPER FOO finds out how contest, and trophies, have changed. THIS year's English Talentime promises to be a mite different from its predecessors which ran themselves to the ground with tried
        541 words
      • 286 2 Look of the years: How the trophies have evolved 1963 FOR soloist Tan Thim Fook, the car which he won In 1963 for the song Granada was not as thrilling as cradling the Champion Trophy he never got to keep. Now 57, Mr Tan had to return the trophy on
        286 words
      • LOOK EAST
        • 89 2 ANN HUI, Hongkong's acclaimed New Wave director, has something new up her sleeve, reports Asiaweek. The project is a movie called Starry is the Night. It is about a social worker m her late 30s who falls for her teenage client but later finds
          89 words
        • 92 2 MANY people beUeved that ((lan Youlan's attempted Huictde recently was merely a publicity •tut. Bat sources say the Taiwanese actress singer has been depressed lately, says the Movie and TV Weekly. Because of her busy schedule when she Is not filming she Is recording Qlan hardly
          92 words
        • 80 2 MAGGIE Cheung, known for her beautiful baby-smooth complexion, is fast losing it, says the Movie and TV Weekly. The Hongkong actress is having to endure tons of thick gooey make-up being slapped on her for hours on the countless movies she has been making. Cheung,
          80 words
        • 54 2 TAIWANESE singer-actress <tfng Qinß says she loves appearing la commercials more tbaa acting or singing. So much m that the 11-year-old star, who places materialistic comfort before anything die, claims she Is willing to model la commercials for tree, reports Motion and VMs*. "Particularly one that Involves
          54 words
        • Article, Illustration
          90 2 WHEN veteran Hongkong actress Chan Lup Pan and new star Chan Shao Chee appeared m a movie together a year ago, they did not get along at all off screen. The older Chan accused the younger one of being a prima donna the latter took umbrage, and the
          90 words
      • Article, Illustration
        536 3 From Pago One on opening day. Why all the richparts for women? "Fall is the in-between time," explains Alex Ben Block, editor of Show Biz News. "Kids and teens are back m school. So m recent years, studios have chosen not to release the most commercial kinds of
        536 words
      • 388 3 IN the United States, upcoming movies centered on women include: Gorillas In the Mist. Sigourney Weaver stars m an intense drama based on the life of anthropologist Dian Fossey who bucked authority m her quest to save the mountain gorillas of Rwanda, Africa. Opened on
        388 words
      • 533 3 WHILE Hollywood's actresses are getting le&n and hungry waiting for a call, their Hongkong counterparts are having lead roles dropped into their laps. Some are Juggling as many as five to nine movie contracts at a time m an industry that
        533 words
      • TV EYE
        • 519 4 MY EDITOR, Incidentally a devotee of the Marquis de Sade School of Journalism, suggested I spend an entire weekend watching TV, and then form an opinion on weekend programming. I did. And found out one thing. After watching so much TV, you do not
          519 words
        • Article, Illustration
          338 4 CM pm: At the Wheel The Road Ahead (SBC 5). Just starting out, feeling strong and m the driver's seat, I choose to watch a programme on the prevention of car accidents, death and maiming. In the US, death and maiming from automobile collisions costs US$5l6 billion a year,
          338 words
        • 350 4 The good, the bad and the funny SILVERADO. Starring Kevin Kline, Kevin Costlier, Scott Glean, Jeff Goldblum, Rosanna Arqnette. Directed by Lawrence Kasdan. 1185. RCA/Colambia. Vldeovan. JUST when all the critics were pronouncing the Western dead and beyond resurrection, along came Silverado, about four good guys who join forces against
          350 words
        • 259 4 1.15 pm: Elsenhower and Lots (SBC 5). Painfully unfunny and unbelievable, even for a sit -com. It seems to be about an unsuc- j cessful, skiving young lawyer who is to be forgiven his dishonesty because he's good-looking and disarming. Actually, he's neither. Nor is he forgiven by this
          259 words
    • MUSIC
      • 878 7 White lady with a black voice At 26, Taylor Dayne is an 'oldie' m the pop world, but the singer, who once swore she would never be a loser, is confident that her success was destined to be AFTER taking a quick look at the youthful pop scene and noting
        878 words
      • 556 7  -  CARL SKADCAN By Igjhjhgjhgjgj NEW JERSEY Bon Jovi (Vertigo) TO THEIR credit, the Jersey rockers have continued to defy the wishes of critics m order to satisfy their teen audience on this, their follow-up to the mega-selling Slippery When Wet. Their formula for success? A
        556 words
      • 74 7 Singapore Id) Groovy Kind of 6(8) You Cam* Lov* Phil Collins Kirn Wilde Don't Worry B* 7(3) Th« Locomotion Happy Kyhp Minogue Bobby McFernn 8(9) HI Always Lov* n 4 Tru* Lov* You (ilenn trey Taylor Dayne 4 (S> On* Moment m 9u Hand m Hand
        74 words
    • Young Life
      • 266 15 ONE of the most important tasks facing man today is to save the physical world we live m from being abused on such a large scale that it will be destroyed. If that happens, it will neither provide man with food for his body nor raw materials for
        266 words
      • 278 15 Plates can be used as wall decorations as well as for dining. Adorn one with flowers to brighten up your room. You will need: A paper plate Coloured paper Scissors Ruler Pencil Glue 1. Measure and cut out several strips 10 cm long and 0.7 cm
        278 words
      • Article, Illustration
        11 15 Which is the mksJnc bit from the shoppinf bat?
        11 words
      • Article, Illustration
        13 15 Brifhttn up the firt on the rocking horse with colour
        13 words
      • 528 15 I^HKIHB RAIN, which is usually thought of as a life-giving draught, is actually damaging the environment m many areas of the world because it has too much acid. Rain is naturally acidic because it combines with carbon dioxide m the air to form a weak
        528 words
    • 1 16
      1 words
    • 566 16 The reign of Came beats the odds t Michael Came has run the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous and survived. In fact, for an Englishman, he is doing very well m Hollywood. NICK KHOSLA probes the enigma and reviews his latest movie here. MICHAEL CAINE is an English
      566 words
    • 283 16 SURRENDER (at Orchard) is one of those lightweight movies propped up by a heavyweight cast. They may be fun for the hundredminute run of film footage but afterwards, fade into cinematic oblivion. In this tale of unsteady romance, Michael Came, a successful writer with a hyperactive
      283 words
      • 78 16 BRITAIN'S Edward Woodward, 58, has out-rivalled Hollywood stars to be voted the sexiest male on United States television screens. The CBS network, which makes Woodward's detective series The Equalizer, ran the poll and the postbag shows women viewers have ditched Miami Vice heartthrob Don Johnson
        78 words
      • 55 16 WHOOPI Goldberg, 38, has filed for divorce from her Dutch cameraman-husband, David Claessen, 29. The two, who met In ltti during the filming of a documentary, "have been separated for some time", a spokesman said. Goldberg Is now living with another cameraman, Eddie Gold. The actress stars In
        55 words
      • Article, Illustration
        65 16 LISA Marie Presley, 20, Elvis Presley's daughter who Is on a honeymoon m the Caribbean after being married two weeks ago, is pregnant. She and Danny Keough, 23, are to become parents next spring. "Lisa and Danny have been talking for the past year about getting married and
        65 words
      • 83 16 ACTOR Danny Glover says a student strike at San Francisco State University 2t yean ago helped make It possible for him to star In such successful movies as The Color Purple. "My work as an actor has bees affected by the strike here at State,"
        83 words
      • 56 16 TWENTY thousand girls across the US applied to be the next Bond girl m a nationwide contest. The winner is 24-year-old dance instructor Sandy Sentell from Knoxville, Tennessee. She will play Bond's love interest m the forthcoming 007 film, License Revoked. Timothy Dalton will of course, be
        IHT; IPS  -  56 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 1355 1 SBC 5 SBC 8 RTM 1 MUSEUM. to the island from now to Nov 8 w,n w IiPHHP Th« CMna Comtctiom. have to pay a season charge of $1 tor ur^rr-— x h| D on on ne m s adults and 50 cents for children below 9.00 A.M. OPENING AND
      1,355 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 317 2 "*^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^B^^Bl^l mHiI? t "r^M- fr r cr V sta clear recording, use National Video Tape Hill ft™ SS I e P r °f ess onal Entertainer. HM W JhT/ And now you have another 9 ood reason to buy National frT^Jf^m "Ey/ Video Tape. For, from now till 18 Dec
      317 words
    • 257 2 r^ c/ earn B igger -^i^ Money inMlsKg! belling f^%^Jf| \bucan ~/-hBRLJ when qualified. C^ The person with the car could be VOUt The house and family could be YOURS I With you m a eparfcling new Job a new life a HAPPIER Ufa, a more proaperoua Ufa- working aa
      257 words
    • 160 2 {Free Brochures tell the AMAZING story A SLIM LITHE FIGURE FOR YOU More than 750,000 womtn m ttt-SSk. HntAin, France and America *\rWt including film tlart, *orialite*. fflJEnr, hounewifes. models and j*K« J^ teenager* have discovered an 'TR*Kr v ama/ing method of reducing jit weight from any choaen part j
      160 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 387 3 The Designer's Furniture Show For Homemakers. r^~| oncepts Creations. -y- rs fl Designs are r-y^T^r-^ I (I\+) f i it^F^T) home should have, so uniquely il* x<A>--iJ 88l A S a w >^hing machine. d.tferent that V -V H J |tr4 a cooker and a fridge /"^v no two styles
      387 words
      77 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 566 4 tiwiiiiain ■■■■■> NOW SHOWING at 3 THEATRES LIDO/NEW TOWN/PRINCESS LIDO (*****14) 5 shows at 11am. 1 30. 4 00, 645 915 PRIN-N TOWN 4 thows at 1 30. 330 7 30. 930 No Free List WMR VMI IM giWSIS ***W '^T •tan you ite monsters S^^j[ dL^B^ftffc» N t i
      566 words
    • 631 4 Win $30 ,000 Cash Weekly (Draw win h,-ui every Monday night at Channel 8) aBM^BAt (2 lucky draw fl coupons will be Btf ft given away when you purchase any of our Oti change i Heiix 4 Mr «ti servicing packages) Oil filter '.|i,i'> |)iugs(4pi si Conlncl (joint Cle.imnij *«n»jiftf
      631 words
    • 514 4 I MORNING SHOWS TODAY Ham at JURONG-QUEENSTOWN-PALACE-N. TOWN PRINCESS-RAJA/N CROWN 10.30 am 4^ clem/gold 9.00 am 4B blaming jßnl| E fl irfta ACTION t _^B NEW TOWN A^? 7 PRINCESS 1 c^^™ DAILY at 1 JO, MO. 7.30, 9^o NEW TOWN: LAST DAYI wfiwn fUU Iff ptjni CII J ■TheShottbuitm-
      514 words

  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 3096 5 1= YOUR WEEK AHEAD /^mbjbbbbbbjb^v achieve success and glory not unlike I BA#% aa%Mm# j I 1 DEEPAVALI LIGHT-UP (A W^fE^ K\ lohnny m f\ l I MONDAY TUESDAY t Wednesday, 9pm Alliame f ram, use 4 I ~Z l^^^^ mm Road will be closed to motorists SBC 5, 9.30pm
      3,096 words

  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      3,039 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
      68 words
    • 162 7 SUNKVOWO AUDIO VIDEO TAPE SPECIALIST AUDIO VIDEO TAPE SPECIALIST a^l '.^UaH a^B^LV afl a^V X al a^ L^^^ li^B^^^^^^t.*^'* B^B^B^P^^^^^^^^a^B^B^B^^^^^^^ fcXO^* c J^*^* > B^B^B^^^^^B^ i^" I""^^^1 J V^^^^B^B^B^^^ %A^ AUDIO VIDEO TAPE SPECIALIST T"^ O'Connor Hoot*. 96 P«ir Panjang Road. S»ngapon» 061 1 A Rank O'Connor's t»i 473^^4 t^*
      162 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 412 8 "HiiHi 1 1 I'nHfTnipjinnpjupjPAiHiHiHiHiHpMrtnHHnnniiiiiiiniTi^ iiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! ])iiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiinn¥iinn¥wyn!fn¥¥TFWnßpWWTTn¥T¥lTl'n^^n^T^^ffy^nT^n^^^^^^^^^ m n i itHniiitliiiilHpplTppilpßpwpWppHpilppWfWttirtiliiii 11 1 1 1 1 1 IllllupJpSflplpjpjpmllllill lillulpJb lirif^w r^..^: MANDRAKE THE MAGICIAN BY LEE FALK I I pHpH4pPpN 3 I 7H^ 7 *sp****--m. Hfl pjvlipip^^^^ pT^^PH'Sdi JL. jk i^s^ -^jm p^. Bpa^/^n vipi M IS^# r^A p^ r^^^^^^^^^^^^^pl
      412 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 y north r^^V^ r ■■SUP I r~~^ r ■WSfel east/ Timeszone West is published m The Straits Times every Friday and will reach 273,000 consumers m: d Bukit Timah Road/ Dunearn Road Holland Road/ Farrer Road d Ayer Rajah Road/ Upper Ayer Rajah Road Watten Estate a Sunset Way d
      98 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 711 9 BBr^ '■Hull InLF^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 > *^^^^'"''*™Hi||H|)l|)||||^B^ > M wM**^H lIIIIIIiiiIubbbVbVJbmI Hu^^StL^ iflll F B||i^M| b#%b^b\ ipil-li B^B^^flfM^alß^iflP W !«fl 1 Mb^bHll BHr^^BUflß^^ **^^U^bV/vCI 1 BH V 4 bIbbBVI bH B^H^bH B^K W^L I Bill nHV^Bßß^^&fe^^^BffVW' mV4JII 111 'i)I I II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 iff I bb(P^^^
      711 words

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    • 325 10 I bV/vUHI Uiy^illl t L^^^^^^^^^^^M^M^^^^^AMMiiii^BßßßßßßMßßßßßMßlßßißßßßßßmUMßWllllllliilililinilllllllUiniltil 11 ill It i 1 1 1 i. .;^ll^iiiiiiiliiililllllMlllMßßßßßßßW>C^BßßßßßPgßWHllllllin 1 1 j II I||III|IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBniIII| lllllfiVßVßl B^BHllllll I (til W^^^^Mr^ 1 1 1 1 n\ B^Br^B^BBI B^Bt I B^P^ BS^B^Btf Im^L B^^^ IM llllllini^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BVilllll llllll^B^B^fl B^Bwlllllll l B^^v yj4k\ CAkV (■fillllln^^ IB HI m H^^BV IH
      325 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 WHAT TO EAT AND WHERE TO GO? LOOk UP TimeSZOne Central. Timeszone Central is distributed free iJ&O*T\ Your hrinht and r*ir*i# ni IIHO with Tne stralts Tlmes evef y '<%£ Tour »"iB"lI ana racy gUiae Thursday To advertise, at I \J§£~~* to eating, shopping om y $7/- per coi cm.
      73 words
    • 82 11 v mnrcHßoF) v Pl^^^H The market leader for die -cast i i^^^JH f ff's MATCHBOX'S 4OIY& J^ Birthday! SPECIAL BONUS for all JMrnHBOX 2&A co//ecfors/ ?e ofP^' M A ee^ Lb Now. when you buy any MB- 75 x ffr W range of dynamic super L. WRTrMmfl* miniature die-cast toys,
      82 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 841 11 MARVIN by Tom Armstrong ZIP i^flC^ S~^ I ,It I y/^i j |/uniu qo^j it luic /il t.f f^tty^Kfjt^^r^^ Hffi HNL7 THnT SWEET LRDV IS />v i~~l --^^"^^^^\_)o'V r I BS^^^^!9TR^^^ />^^ fiwav J V QPTHEMH6)? f VMS 6G?KXJ6. W. ftlRTB?? A d (#T DON'T TWNKO^ ITAS66ING I THINK OF
      841 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 946 12 (WX^lflWi) 737 1166 |J! C.A.T.S.| pTLX: R*****3 CLASS FAX: 732-0230 1 TELEPHONE SERVICE; Monday to Friday f ».m. to 5 30 p.m. (Bp.m. deadline tor next day) Saturday 8 30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. (11a.m. deedlme lor The Sunday Tlmae) Public Holiday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 COUNTER SERVICE;
      946 words
    • 728 12 2 Eating Out 2 Eating Out r~V/ x }/^V^Z-£_ Bing Fun Family \>rfjfrf7( Restaurant >^'* i -^C #02-313. Tan Boon Liat Cinleen Building vv* 3 15 Outram Road iNext Singapore o3l6 W Curry Fish Head *****89 j Chines* Cook Food *****19 1 Food I su«w™-iW-.~^] Take Away/Phone fri 11am 7.000
      728 words
    • 659 12 24 Aquariums i NEW ARRIVALIT J Arrived 15 Oct. First i part of our four parts i shipment selected by Japanese Experts Judges of f international show. courtesy of Yoshida 1 fish farms Tokyo j Umeda I Jishiki Kois Hiroshima Don't miss. 2nd part i 19 October MACHO RANCHUS ImMMi
      659 words
    • 758 12 30 Antiques/ Arts/ Crafts EXHIBITION S SALI of Rare Hand Coloured Lithographs Ht Views of Indonesls from OUMONT D URVILLE 8 Voyage of the Astrolabe today at ANTIQUES OF THE ORIENT #02-40 Tanglin Shopping Centre UST ANTHONY (Antique r tt retailer), no 370 Upp J ayu Lebar Rd Tel:
      758 words
    • 695 12 45 Health Centres/ 46 Health Centres/ Maeeage Maeeage N#w OfOMWfd Mom H#oMi C#irtfs #03 30/31/32. Orchard Plaza, Orchard Rd. Tel: *****08 '*****80 Managews Sophis A n root* wif am. aM M.^sru&s KW^vimffi!!' Part Time Experience InejyEnenc^ 42 Plumbing/ Irectrtcal ALL ELECTRICAL/ PLUMBING. Reasonable charges for Ind., Commercial. HDB t Pte
      695 words
    • 659 12 54 Qotd/ Pawn Tickets ■V" ABSOLUTfcLV HIGHEST PPrCFS^Jk ff (yft-REOyOR YOUR I *****11 I *****12 I >V '03- 02 THIRD FLOOR J EaV PEOPLE S PfrPK rt-NTRF jj EMINENT QOLOSHMTHI HI(^ H E Qf^JJSSL PAWN TIUKbTs GOLD. PLATINUM, WATCHES, JADE, JEWELLERY 195 Lavender Si (Ntoxt to Buors Sq] IHKNO TAT
      659 words
    • 654 12 92 Domestic Help 92 Domestic Help »TDo^«Ttf c Help Available Available Available NOT YOUR ORDINARY, AVERAGE SRI LANKAN MAID. In fact, the "cream of the crop". Professionally selected and trained m our Gov't recognised training centre there. For 20 days, she is schooled m Montesorri childcare, spoken English, Singapore standards
      654 words
    • 409 12 a Over 100 latest bio-data/video c On-time arrival c Our maids are fully trained c Superb after-sales-servicee Reliable assessment aNo hidden cost a Replacement aHepatitis B Test uuc toe ajfl jTT*^* Back-up by 12 service staff S|_f\ TPsWUsy No Airtarm Advanc9mmnt T%\Jm m •06-15 'r^ckyplaza!' Vs/^ lv ?Jc*» Orchard Rd.
      409 words
    • 408 12 97 Positions Vacant: Domestic URGENTLY NIIOID MAIOS for Hong Kong. Free alr-tlckeL "Fly now pay later" for Canada. Apply personally or write lo: Humana 1. Raffles Place. «05-02. OUB CUe *****. On Sun. only. Ham 2pm Lie no B 0317-01 FILIPINO MAIOS PON seml-d house, must be able to look
      408 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 610 13 w Poaitlons Vacant: twWHJ An expending airfreight «ocwefdof m Chang! cargo complei urgently fw)wjl9w##; 1) BALIS EXECUTIVES c Preferably with sales experience In airfreight or service industry c Pleasant and mature personality c Possess own car It pre-requl-slU We offer attractive remuneration and allowance to the right candidate. t) QtNf
      610 words
    • 736 13 104 Othar Positions Vacant STOREKEEPER An established engineering company iparl of the ITT Oroup) has vucuncy for the above post Qualifications c OCE A Level c Minimum 2 3 years of relevant experience c Ability lo Initiate, co-ordi-nate and manage the store department Interested applicants please write In wllh your
      736 words
    • 1007 13 131 For Sale. BMW OSSM tL test drive the luli'sl HMW models PERFORMANCE MOTORS LTO. BMW Centre 2SO Kam pong A rang Road Tel *****66 Open from 11am 4p.m. DRIVE THE BEST lOOfcttaJ HMW 2002 In town New pulnl uphol stery/ hi fi tyres with sports rims/ sleerlim Ahove $23,000
      1,007 words
    • 1076 13 133 For Sala: Ford/ Fiat '92. FORO LASER I I ll, it, hi,,,, k Oimml COfMi t BOO) ill, mi cai settf. i rims, powei windows 124.000 on ■> Tel r >«irtHHs X FORD LASER IJ OL I 9*9)091 4-diiiir Aircon radio/ cassette Olaai Al cond Bee lo believe y.'J
      1,076 words
    • 1017 13 134 For Salt): Datsun/ Nissan tl OATBUN 120 Y. BJ urn ail 1 on new tax Non-PARK Orl«l nal ron.t sn.uoo Tei *****T2 t2 MODEL BLUEBIRD Itt 01. H rims, alreon.. radio cassette ne« palnl $20.500 Tel 7H15M04 83 NISSAN SUNNY I 301. 5-speed. owners, mrcon, hl-fl. good rond ttf
      1,017 words
    • 1013 13 135 For Sal*. Toyota to TOYOTA 1300 DX Alrcon hl-fl. pte owner, PARF Beautiful cond $18,200 *****11 to TOYOTA CROWN. New model, fully auto new tax. non-PARF. beautiful cond $23,900 *****80 '81 NIAR TOYOTA DX Corolla 1.3, alrron teacher owner Tip top cond $18,900 Tel *****96. •ti 1 OWNIR Starlet
      1,013 words
    • 1053 13 136 For 8*1*: Mitsubishi 74, COLT LANCIR 14 5-speed Tax, Ins 12/88. full accessories Well maintained $8,600. *****66. 78 MITSUBISHI LAMOA EV plate, AP rims, new tax, hl-fl set, $14,400 Tel *****62 70 COLT LANCER 1400 01. Alrcon PARF. 2nd owner, lax 1/89. Loan avail 2*4-5911/ 2 70, LAMDA 1.0
      1,053 words
    • 1019 13 137 For Sal* Mazda JAN. ta 1 owner very ion dltlon $23,200 o n o Tel *****.17 70 MAZDA *as 4-dr Alrcon. hl-fl s/rlms, lip lop cond Tel 5A***** tS MAZDA 323 I S 01 3-dr Full accessories Tel 2H22trji 138 For Sal*. Honda VCHICLI WANTED Hlgneet Caen Payment
      1,019 words
    • 938 13 138 For Sal*: Honda M HONDA ACCORD XX (manual) 2 owners, lax 10/'SS Seldom used Inlereiled pg 401-2833 •82 HONOA ACCORO STI) 2 own ers. alrcon Hi-fi, up top cond $28,900 <> n <> Tel *****82 83 ACCORO EX I 6 manual, hl-f i alarm. 2 owners Can exehanar loan
      938 words
    • 1015 13 141 For OttMK Mak ENTHUSIAST AOINCY PTE LTD 10 HARPCR ROAO Oft Upper Paya Leawr TIL* 8888-066 WE OPSJM TOOAV FROM ISAM 3PM Unrnllmatjli OaeJ In New 4 Uee«l Car* MUST CALL 1 CAREFUL OWNBR. 87 Near Hyundai Excel 19 Hatchback, auto Alrcon. radio/ cassette, orig palnl, accident free. 100%
      1,015 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 929 14 142 For tele: Commercial Vetrtoiee 77 TOYOTA COROLLA 1 I panel van Alrcon hi-fi tax 1 80 Tip top. Downpayment ***** 467M8S 10 POMO THAOSfT «»n. dlesel. 1 owner, new paint Gwhl rn B lni> ti body Tax 2 88 14.200 4A218A5 •80 SUZUKI 800 Pick up Original cond Accident
      929 words
    • 1898 14 179 For 8ele: Houses 179 For Sale: Houses 179 For Sele: Houses feSlf AT ITS FINEST J W*^£&\&**^^^ A Picturesque Neighbourhood Of Green \Z*PZ^^ Hllls "•••'volr. Children's Adventure I o^^#^^^ Playground At Vbur Doorstep. H M-^^^ FR FIIIn LD 100% 0 I LMriu ot CPF Contribution ffl* is
      1,898 words
    • 880 14 186 For Sal*. 18 e For Sal*: 186 For Sal*: US Fof Sal*: I Pnvsta Apartmants Privata Apartmanta __Prto*fr Apartmants Prtvata Aparimants Prtvata Apartmants !!^K SSlfl IprL I a l '^i>' *y* Mandarin dardens offers you Ihe brsl >*lur (or I^Hj^^^ V i]tm,~± tulh I(cd kilchen (csbincis. gas hobs, built
      880 words
    • 443 14 aLv jiafi PHASE 111 SHOWFLAJS NOW OPEN FOR VIEWING HC^BJ Sflr^aJaakßßßHßßM^sl BasW.L^ Bh X* *j- dM jfi^ .^^wwjga i McV< I B 7 ■SBL-T*'sw2 BM _v i JJ^^^jPrTJ^ J OPEN WEEKENDS/HOLID\YS:IQ\M-6PM WEEKCtAYSIIAM-6PM m £f JBi 100^ BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE II BAN MN HONG GROUP Builders of homes, not just houses
      443 words
    • 195 14 OPIN H'tl. 0.11 008-05 Newton Hgt. apt mals 2200 soft 3+ 1 bdrms 3 bath attached r'hold. 10 yrs pool/ squash security telling below valuation price S42BK. Challenger *****88 OPIN hBE #14-27 Parkhouie renovated high fir 1600 sq.ft. 3+l rms S3BOK Viewing from 10.30 am 12 30 pm Connection ■Mil
      195 words
    • 548 14 OPIN H«M. TOOAV 12-spm 21 -D Bartley Orove Apt Bartley Rd (1963). F'hold 2400 sq.ft Beautifully renovated S3B9K 283-3462 DJ FAMN HILLS rondo 1850 sq f I Facing pool, renovated ($11K), 5396K *****34 O.f PANK WIST CONOO. 3♦ 1 rooms. 1900 sq ft. Selling $385K Contact Ul. 774-1597 04 VMTA
      548 words
    • 1357 14 190 For Sal*: 190 For Sal*: MUDC Ap*rtm*nta HUDC Apartmanta o^ Z+p^WUDG FLATS FOR SALE Blks 832. 834 840 Blk 840 Sims Aye 33 #02-844 (Eunos vide estate) #02-854 Blks 119. 120. 123, Blk 119 130. 131 134 124 #02-182 Tampmes Street 1 1 #02-188* Blks 350, 719 4 720
      1,357 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 463 15 -^^S HDB Apartmants J-RM. BLK.SS WHAMPOA Drive High floor Near market S3BK neg Tel: *****58/ 9 J-RM. 8LK. 20 MOUQANO. high fir Near market/ school/ main road Selling MOK neg *****04 J-RM. BOON LAY Drive hlk IN, ceramic floor, wardrobes, sliding windows Contact 3079:iA5 S-RM. BOON LAY Drive blk 185,
      463 words
    • 348 15 HDB Apartmants 4-RM SELLINO CHEAP Hedok Reservoir Blk 705, $77K (CPF WOK Tel *****03. agent 4-ROOM BEDOK RESERVOIR Blk 028 Low floor Beautiful SB2K Call 448-4812 4-ROOM TICK WHY! Blk 8 terrazzo floor, full CPF »6SK DM 2H*****/.V pager *****10 S-RM. BBOOK RESERVOIR Nil Blk 007. Quiet It convenient. Renovated
      348 words
    • 377 15 200 For Rant: Shop Spaces BfDOK RfSERVOIR BHOPHOUBE. Upstairs/ downstairs Vacant 700 sq.fl Ch.-;ip It-I ***** M Mr VSS TO LET URGENTLY. Beauty shop with facial room at Outram Cheap rental, available end Oct. Pager *****20 SHOPMOUSE TO LIT. Call at 123. Hougang Aye 1 «01-1418 After lpm SHOP
      377 words
    • 420 15 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours 341 Tours /as^°Oo\ I Thailand Jtwl of Bangkok I Baauttful PhlHpplnoa fl /\yv x'A Bangkok Dutlt Thsni/Shsngrl-La Hotsl mdm Manlla/laaukW I Thai Qr—i I iO 1 a* v b *ww 9^&f9 rnBTIIIWBVgJIiniI ■J^B* afafar Pattaya CManomal 4V9O from $740 PamMlMiikiisMtaH^sail I bSbsIIW^BsI --s_ *IW*
      420 words
    • 183 15 264 Computer Courses WORDSTAR 2000 LOTUS 1-2-3 Symphony, DBase 111 lUS. Pacemaker. Ventura. Autocad *****11 Comat OINETIC OFFERS C4O 418. BCS. lUS. Lotui. Dbase, Wordstar. Programming courses *****88 LOTUS 1-2-3 WED. 2 00-5 00pm 7.00-10 00pm 10/10 Wordstar Frl 7.00- 10 00pm 21/10. UCTC *****10 265 Secretarial/ Typing Courses TYPEWRITING
      183 words
    • 243 15 Its Academic Courses 263 Academic Courses Sb^Bb^b^SbSSbSibiibib^ib^ibbbbbbbbb^h INCREASE YOUR CAREER SUCCESS STUDY AT HOME FOR A UK MBA DEGREE' Discover how this internationally-recognised MBA degree can boost your management skills and career ststus Covers Istest m information systems, human resource and operational management. r^«^^ marketing and finance atofe Personal tutor
      243 words
    • 276 15 Yue Xiang: Why did the turkey cross the road? Xiv Ping: To prove he wasn't chicken! All: Why does your dog keep turning round In circles? Sam: He's a watchdog and he's winding himself np. (Contributed by Leow Shang Ho, aged 11) Vanitha: What has four wheels and flies! Gita:
      276 words
    • 265 15 271 Modelling/ Deportment Courses EXECUTIVE/ PERSONAL QROOM INO (ladles and men): Total Appearance; Speech; Etiquette; Presentations Clea 732-M9S (Free Assessment) Fir. 21. Shaw Ctr D Tessensohn, Director. 272 Cookery Instruction MON. 17/10/ M. 2 90PM. Sardine Curry Puff, Potato Curry Puff fc Onan Rd Curry Puff Fees: SIS. Norbl 753-4557
      265 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 40 15 PE4I Do people shrink when they grow old? OLD people become shorter because the bones of their spine become thinner and the cartilage between the bones is worn down. In addition, they tend to stoop and therefore lose more height.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 642 16 Enjoy The Year End Holidays^ Through The Oxley Way J^SPH SAKURA DREAMS m > m i 1 GLORIOUS CHINA See Japan with the No. 7 If -^^fob* WmM J pßli^^^^S^^B Japan Tour Operator W&* <m WU W^ mL i M 6 DAYS hongkong/ siB4B r ■H^^^^p^-^J ~»JLWML^_^ ISk L \\M
      642 words

    • 2 1 SUNDAY PLUS
      2 words
    • Article, Illustration
      770 1  -  VAL MACQUEEN B V ■yfl B^ From dawn to dusk, a vet m Singapore y ministers to more than just birds m a flap BB^ and amines under the weather on dog days. Pictures by LIM SENG TIONG THE CALL OF THE I NIGHT clinic is over. The last
      770 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 638 1 E/lf?iy B»?P SPECIALS! Book Early To Avoid Disappointments. Limited Seats Only. j J HONC KONG 4 Days Bangkok Free \A/FFK"% JT iflES^H^^P fiSSdf 7D3KS7a/wan $1588 a/5 Days Bangkok/ iboctssto Aft^>>>, Jfej rrom^^yy Hongkong $1888 Pattaya from $740 220CT88 WLM tk M 8 Days Taiwan/Hong Kona 7 Days Bangkok/Pattayai noKHMBunaNc m
        638 words
      • 8 1 Fashion Food Mind and Body Travel Arts Time-off
        8 words
      • Article, Illustration
        2203 2  -  VAL MACQUEEN B V that there's nothing seriously wrong and gives them each a shot. The owners get some medicine to take away with thorn, with instructions for its use Methodically, Ryan works his way through the client waiting list He takes advantage of a lull to check on
        2,203 words
      • 405 2 DR SHANE Ryan thinks that Singapore Is ideally situated to become a regional veterinary centre. Although he feels the diagnostic labs here are good, he says they don't go far enough. "They can often pinpoint a disease, but they simply state their findings. They won't volunteer
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 227 2 100 YEARS OF FIRE SERVICE 1888-1988 COMMEMORATIVE STAMP ISSUE Date of Issue 1 November 1988 (Tuesday) Stamp Denominations 10c and $1 First Day Covers I These attractively designed envelopes complement the iSJtfc i^*P* new stamp issue Customers can buy them at 15 cents $N| EUr each between 10 October 1988
        227 words
      • Article, Illustration
        20 3 Joanne Seah, POSB teller Gertrude Chin, ward sister Rowan bte Perosiah, Cisco fuard Siti Zainab, car park warden
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      • Article, Illustration
        420 3  -  CATHERINE ONG Styling by What do women m starchy uniforms 100 like when they are truly themselves? MEN m uniform look macho. But how many women m uniform do you know who cause hearts to skip a beat A except for the shapely Singapore Girl m sarong kebaya,
        NIK KASMANI  -  420 words
      • Article, Illustration
        62 3 Gertrude doffs her nurse's cap and bires her shoulders. A scalop-edfed off-shoulder Inert dress by Thomas Wet. $420, is her kind of dream dress Rosnah is an arrestiif sifhi: A shawi-colared Inen jacket by Thomas Wee, $320, fets her approval I Siti the sizzter: Sometfaf lit this dithinc
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      • Article, Illustration
        1 4
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      • 709 4 EAT OUT THE secret's out! At last, there is a place that offers confections made with typical French flair but at neighbourhood cakeshop prices. The pastry chef behind this sweet revelation is Richard Liew who, with wife Josephine, co-owns the gleaming glass-and-brass Sweet Secrets m Holland
        709 words
      • 197 4 i But a few years ago, when I took my children hunting, there was not a single crab to be seen. Old-timers who long for traditional j bua kee can try their luck at stall #01-66, Kandang Kerbau market. Call 296-1129 and ask for Robert, who
        197 words
      • 140 4  -  MARGARET CAN By A RECENT newspaper report about small marsh crabs being found m the drains of housing estates reminded me of a Teochew crab recipe you can do at home. The crabs are "bua kee", little ones no larger than the palm, with characteristic square-shaped carapaces, or
        140 words
      • 340 4 Teochew kiam huay (salty crabs) serves two to four 2 250 g-300 g Indonesian female crabs with roe 4 tbsps good black Voya sauce 1 tbsp light soya sauce 2 tbsps pounded garlic 1 tbsp pounded chillies 1 tbsp sugar Garnish 1 tbsp pounded roasted peanuts or cashew nuts
        340 words
      • Sunday LUNCH
        • 41 4 Ti«n Court Sxtchuan Restaurant, King's HoUl: 733-0011 Australian meats with a Chinese flavour, like fried beef with chilli and stewed mutton. $10 to $64 (a la carte). Lunch and dinner. Daily. Until Oct 31. For reservations. caU ext 136/7.
          41 words
        • 34 4 Ficu« Caf«. Orchard Hot«l: 734-7766. Familiar and exotic Indonesian dishes, from sayur lodeh (vegetable stew) to gulai itek hijau (duck m green chilli sauce). $18 (adults), $10 (children under 12). Lunch and dinner.
          34 words
        • 40 4 THE B«lv«d«r«, Mandarin Singapore: 737-4411. Buffet lunch of lighter fish dishes, like salmon, and traditional ones like meat dumplings, pork knuckle and sauerkraut. $31 (adults), $15 (children under 10). Until Oct 31. For reservations, call ext 715 6.
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        • 36 4 Cafe Plata, Plaza Hotel: 298-0011. Favourites like rendang, sayur lodeh. sotoh Madura and other tasty dishes cooked by two chefs from Jakarta. $14.50 (adults), $9 (children under 12) Lunch and dinner. Until Oct 31.
          36 words
        • 32 4 River Terrace Coffee Shop, Hotel New Otanl: 338-3333. Buffet lunch of seasonal dishes, like mushroom rice, soba and chicken claypot. $15.50 (adults), $10 (children under 12). Daily. Until Oct 31.
          32 words
        • 42 4 Seabreeze Coffee House, Dai-lchi Hotel: 224-1133. Buffet of continental as well as local dishes, from garlic lamb to mcc goreng. using choice cuts from Down t -vJer. $13.50 (adults). $7 (children un^er 12). Lunch and dinner. Daily. Until Oct 31
          42 words
        • 29 4 Cafe Fontainebleu. Tai-Pan Ramada Hotel: 336-0611. Buffet of varied Thai dishes featuring familiar flavour! with a twist. 112.80 per person. Lunch and dinner ($l6 per person). Daily.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 118 3 mffmMm^ r mfi wLM '^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^E7w%di^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K \WW\. Wai aaarn m\\\^a\\\ 3w- jaaam W a^r fl A m»k \^r a \mii lii i ii mmmWkf I B T// KIND F IK C S V I. (> N G FD Ii A Ii X FOUND IN I 0G A I. Fogal Boutique, Who
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 469 4 I fTM And they take QP 2 K/> centrcsta R e.ii JL llv October** daily (U>vH 7| X^ buffet luncheon at the Rjvei I |\Qt^tnit^O* 'ftnace Coffee Shop. Hum V-^JL JLCvX JLX JLaX XEL seasonal temptations include -y Vm/ lempura, Mushroom Rice, I i^J */^Q /^I^O Soba and Chicken playpot.
        469 words
    • MIND & BODY
      • 841 5 Very young and stressed too Though widely thought of as an affliction of adults m a rat-race world, stress also affects preschoolers, induced however by different reasons, KERRIE LEE reports. STRESS m adults is a well-documented fact. But this crippling illness is not confined to "grown-ups". Young children, even preschoolers,
        841 words
      • 189 5 YOUR child may exhibit one or a combination of these symptoms from time to time. This is quite normal and no treatment is necessary. We all have stressful moments m our lives and children are no exception. Irritability that does not
        189 words
      • 373 5  -  DEAR ANNA BAD SMOKER writes: I am 18 years old and still In school. I started smoking at 15. Now I vomit blood. I'leaoe tell me how to stop? Anna says: Vomiting blood is serious. Consult a doctor. It could be linked to your smoking. Surely
        373 words
      • 147 5 DRAT! I've gone and missed out on another era. First, I came along just a bit too late (or the Hero Era of World War II and blew my chance to be out there fighting alongside John Wayne on Iwo Jima. I had to settle
        147 words
      • 268 5 Women doped up on fertilisation pills are popping out twins and triplets like they were spitting grape seeds. Where were all these trendy people 20 years ago when we really needed them? Babies, my wife and I can tell you, have not always been m style. Trust us.
        268 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 109 5 b^bbl bb^t bb^bW bb^bV^b> bwi Km bM b^bb! bbK V m .^Bbb^bbW bbß. MbbW f^f^Di^il /V s^v^ For fast pain-relief Take Dusil to relieve pain fast 1 gjfi Dusil's active pain-relieving f m "M^&*9 B^Wl ingredients work effectively and yCSwSi I fJBFfjBP Yll quickly An effective formulation J&«*^ to relieve
        109 words
      • 271 5 As I opened the jar the sweet smell of Aberdeen Heather filled the air/ "Browsing through the shop I came upon a shelf filled ntth potpourri. In hngland 1 had always kept one by my bedside. Now, half a world away, I d found the self-same fragrances that filled my
        271 words
    • TRAVEL
      • 1017 6 THK romantic heart sings at its first sight of a 20-franr note. At the back is a brooding profile of French composer Claude Debussy beside his beloved sea. How soulful are the French, you think, to honour a musician on filthy lucre. But, from this same
        1,017 words
      • 275 6 Still, in Paris don't miss Fresh croissants: As the sun rises, go to small boulangeries (bakery shops) for oven-fresh croissants or French bread with big cups of steaming black coffee, and feel Paris awake around you. Museums: Most famous is the Louvre, whose new fashion museum is a must. Other
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 276 6 Spain: where the party's never over. l.imhoies de E^i lV -^J^ V ;J i »t« v a^a^r F a^a^^ r .Abhbbl. bhßbbi Calanda (Tcruel). BrialWK&H N Jbbbbbbbbbh bbbbh M bM^ .afl Feria de Abril IS U WJmTj bP^F *"il (Sevilla) Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav^Ba^Baa^Baaaaaar^BßLL^Ba^^Bav aa bbV\ s^a^B! ala^aiß^Bl b^b^bh3b^bl b^b^bbbVv^bhL9b\a^bV UisVerdialcs fefel^ Ik
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      • 119 6 PL_jU '""••■^biridb wni^ »^^fl W^Tii IWI Unspoilt Perigueux is full of small museums, antiquarian shops, boutiques and cafes o*^L^^^±^ Experience the fun m Macau f^^k an^ 6 a^ tne excitement H^^A tnat awaiti> V )U 'J+jl^^^EiS -^^^k^^^^^ f^2nd Macciu International ty^_^^^^^ .^fl BY f^> 35th Macau Grand Prix jH v^fMacau
        119 words
    • ARTS & BOOKS
      • 823 7 JQHN de SOUZA traces the gestation of teacher-turned-potter Jessie Lim m quiet suburbia. She faces the scorching first test of public approval at the National Museum Art Gallery this week. RED dots on an art work mean "sold". Yellow ones mean "reserved". And there's the catalogue, invitation
        823 words
        • 42 7 LUCIANO Pavarottl dors more than sing. The fabled lenor was m Philadelphia recently to ojx'n an exhibition of his art works The exhibition, which will travel around the world, includes 24 oil paintings and four UPI Pavarotti
          UPI  -  42 words
        • 58 7 BRITISH publishing firm W.ll. Allen fares prosecution because of >» 1910 novel by the American writer llenrv Miller. RellglouN and family group* have complained about the explicit sexuality In the book, Opus IM.storum, which surfaced three years after Miller's death In 1980. The book has sold
          IHT  -  58 words
        • 60 7 BRITISH author Iraham Creene has l*vn HWded an honorary doctorate by the Miiwow Stale University, the alma mater of Soviet loader Mikhail Ciorhachev. Jnvne's award w;ls tor "outstanding RTVtOM m fhe fiel(J of Literature and m the itiwthening o f fnemlly oaotacta with the S<»\j(.f Union".
          IHT  -  60 words
      • 548 7 FROM the time little Issur Danielovitch Demsky's mama first told him how she found him as a baby, lying m a beautifully carved gold box i suspended from heaven, he > knew he was destined to be Somebody. He was right. He became Kirk Douglas.
        548 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 236 7 [\tt*T^^^M L^L^^^^L^k i^^^P^^h^H -v*JLI top chefs were challenged! The meat was not just any meat but prime corn-fed U.S. All you Jo is order any o( the nine dishes and charge your beef, lamb and pork. meal to your Diners Club card. You'll receive an entry form on And the
        236 words
    • TIME- OFF
      • 480 8  -  JOHN LIM By fdglfdkgldfkg;ldfklgdf THE year-ond school holidays are just round the corner and many will be fra\ oiling. Here are some pointers on how to move around with camera and equipment, and to safeguard the film. BAGS CASES Consider a fabric camera bag, preferably shower-proof,
        480 words
      • 12 8 BEAUTY AND THE EAST The Oriental Look wows the West. And how!
        12 words
      • 11 8 A Singapore club where adventure can lead to romance.
        11 words
      • Article, Illustration
        11 8 Coming to grips with bodybuilding hunk James Kwik.
        11 words
      • 13 8 LIFE AFTER STAR SEARCH What's up with SBC starlets Zoe, Jazreel and Aileen?
        13 words
      • 782 8 Pictures by Fruits, flowers, herbs and more. Schoolteachers Mr and Mrs P.S. Thamboo tell SHAMINI MURUGAN of their green cocktail creation fdlgkfd;lg;fdlkgdf GARDENING is my passion. We have lived m our present home since 1975 and our garden is now what my boys affectionately call a little
        LIM SENG TIONG  -  782 words
      • 12 8 WHAT MAKES A WOMAN SEXY? Experts share some insights on sex appeal.
        12 words
      • Article, Illustration
        8 8 Top Asean designers unveil their work.
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      • Article, Illustration
        9 8 The word's out. Short hair is m.
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      • 8 8 The Singapore woman rediscovers reading!
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 72 8 THEM O S T TALKED ABOUT MAGAZINE j IN TOWN I BEAUTY AMD THAT The Oriental Loo* wow* the Weet m W&* EH WtuitMakes A Woman SEXY? V Expert* share *ome 1^ A fascinating insights! V iSM^ Zoe, Jazreel Aileen J Life after their Star Search victory W t^^^BßH Her
        72 words