The Straits Times, 29 February 1988

Total Pages: 56
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1988 50 CENTS MCI (P) 92/12/87
    14 words
  • 738 1  - 8.8% Up on strong demand PATRICK DANIEL Last quarter posted 10.7%; no change to slower growth forecast for 1988 By WITH the export boom and local companies enjoying much better business at home, the Singapore economy turned m a stronger-t nan-expected 10.7 per cent growth m the October-De-cember quarter last
    738 words
  • 99 1 NEW YORK A woman celebrating her birthday m a restaurant was burnt and temporarily blinded by a snail that exploded on her plate. Mrs Karen Prouty, 36, was about to take her second bite of a bubbling order of escargot when one of the snails
    AP  -  99 words
  • 82 1 52 killed as cliff collapses on slum FEZ (Morocco) At least 52 people 25 of them women were killed when a cliff collapsed on a shanty town built m an abandoned quarry near here on Saturday. Most people m the slum built underneath the cliff were asleep when the cliff
    AFP  -  82 words
  • 369 1  -  SALIM OSMAN By THE Registrar of Muslim Marriages has warned Muslims here not to seek "quickie marriages" m southern Thailand because such marriages are not recognised here. They would face difficulties m buying a home, sorting out marital disputes or, m case of death,
    369 words
  • 246 1  -  ALAN H UBBARD LONDON Some hard-up hospital workers m Britain are selling pieces of their skin to make ends meet. They are being paid £40 (Ssl42) each time for allowing skin to be cut from under their arms for scientific purposes. Fifteen hospital workers, including
    246 words
  • 187 1 LITTLE Sebastian Ong. 13 months, caused a bit of a stir at Mr Goh Chok Tong's party yesterday. He would not bo parted from his host. The First nH-,>uty Prime Minister was hi lding Sebastian for a picture with the boy's parent?, M; and Mrs Ong
    187 words
  • 111 1 O level results out today RESULTS of the 1987 GCE 0 level examinations will be out today. Students can «»ot then results from their respective schools at 3 pm. Private candidates will be informed by post. Registration for adinis sion to junior collegi n. pre-uniyersity centres, centralised institutes, polytechnics, the
    111 words
  • 497 1  - Instant urine test, stiff er penalties for drug suspects BRENDAN PEREIRA By New measurss to clamp down on 'ant traffickers' A MACHINE that can analyse a drug suspect's urine within two minutes will be installed at th<» Woodlands checkpoint next month t»> combat "ant traffickers" who smuggle small iioses of
    497 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 Avttiialik* 1: **i:Z 2' t A«fAST SMOPPtNC. C£NT«€ PAR (i()I I< 3702 M Klli-UIX OltH MON TO «AT lOAM-SPW BOSCH VACUUM CLEANERS MS23I3 ekcoonicall) controlled tuction regulation f horn 250 lo 11(H)\V Fi oiioiin letting .it 11 tmw mum \i(tsv)tifs (orilroMf-d siM lion S^^ pown regulation Irom 2~>') K» B
      70 words
    • 32 1 Government to keep an eye on 3 new indices Page 12 Inside Summary 2 Warld News 3,1.5-8 Asean t Causeway II Comment/ Perspective IG,H letters 18 TlmesDollar 19-21,23 Racing 25 Sports UfJ
      32 words
    • 7 1 17,600 women boost Spore workforce Page 13
      7 words
    • 10 1 XL varsity picked for training In Islamic law Page 14
      10 words
    • 49 1 ZlZ(Wffib)eaiti!ui views) ly 21 incn Flat Square/Tube makes fbr bigger, clearer ang^ than^ou coutld evert imagirie /it comes toaded/withJuxuTy tquctjes for eapy living J 25-kly remote control f "•"on-screen indication aut6 off time/ 30-position tuning Bj6ck Flat Square Tube Ntf wonder i^s the hottest property m flats' TheNatWITC2I7iMR CTV.
      49 words
    • 8 1 Daj ol au'ot.rjphs nci j m.; ...i tJic
      8 words

  • 308 2 Campaign to beat baldness in Singapore. A remarkable invitation goes out tomorrow from a leading hair replacement consultant It is an offer to everyone concerned about thinning or balding hair to call m at Singapore's Svenson Hair Center. Experts are waiting to give full and frank advice on how to
    308 words
    • 257 2 Road death rate THERE were 205 road deaths last year. This works out to a rate of 7.85 per 100,000 people, the lowest since 1956, when police began keeping such statistics. The low figure ranks Singapore among the countries with the best road safety records m the world, the
      257 words
    • 151 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: TO ENSURE that a university education will continue to be an effective means of social advancement, the current high standards at the local universities must be maintained. The only responsible way to admit more undergraduates is to help all students who want to work towards
      151 words
    • 229 2 LEE KIM YEW REPLACES ALLAN NG AS FCC CHAIRMAN BUSINESSMAN Allan Ng Poh Meng, who will stand trial m September on one charge of insider trading, has resigned as chairman ana director of First Capital Corporation and from the board of 13 of its subsidiaries. First Capital said m
      229 words
    • 144 2 Around Asean...and Across the Causeway Jakarta on full alert THE Indonesian National Assembly convenes tomorrow amid one of the country's tightest ever security operations. The army and the police have been placed on full alert across the country for the People's Deliberative Assembly session, with President Suharto running unopposed and
      144 words
    • 257 2 Rajiv's next move THE TOP Foreign Ministry official of India is to go to Pakistan tomorrow m a scaling-down of a surprise move by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi inviting the Pakistani President to New Delhi ahead of Geneva talks to try to settle the Afghan conflict. President
      257 words
    • 266 2 Californian toast CALJFORNIAN Greg Bruckner collected the Rolex Masters golf title with a 274 total after carding an even-par 71 on the final day at the Bukit course yesterday. He finished three strokes ahead of fellow Americans Jeff Cook, Tray Tyner and Jeff Maggert. But the day's highlight was
      266 words
    • 493 2 Political tears EVERY now and then, world leaders dissolve m tears m public. Indeed, m the repertoire of political art, blubbering is the most dangerous of devices. Used properly, it can be perceived as indicating strength of character, a larger-than-life humanity. Used incorrectly, it is judged to betray
      493 words
    • 92 2 RETHINK SALE OF FOOD POLICY RECENT reports of tenants giving up their shops m the Orchard station have prompted a reader to ask whether SMRT's policy of not allowing the sale of food m its stations is still correct. He says that with only a limited range of services
      92 words
    • 238 2 Product Advertiser Section/Pace Mean Sanyo Mrfnes Aerottot Soviet Airlines I 14 Air Canada R 28 Army Ministry of Defence I 11/14 Aud» video Rank O'Connors I 14 Bank American Express Bank Cafeteria Trumps I 2 Camera Shriro (S) Pie ltd Computer Epson Electronics I 6 Concert SSO Corset
      238 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 I To celebrate our first birthday, we're giving you a free treat. Either this exclusively designed T-shirt or a free glass of beer and a Pepsi To claim your free treat, simply spend $35 worth of meal check on our wide choice of superb local or western dishes like seafood
      271 words
    • 49 2 /S YOUR MICROWAVE MORE THAN JUST A FOOD WARMER? With Carol's New Edition of f^ASIAN MICROWAVE COOKBOOK You'll be crisping, browning. frying, baking steaming your favourite local dishes. You 'd never believe Microwave Cooking was so easy! Available at all good bookshops STP Distributors 2Ju'ongPoißoad S.ngapt"ftmes Publishing Group 35B5Hf_
      49 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 213 3 US envoy in secret talks with Iran, says paper LONDON The Observer newipapei said yesterday ihu a TS envoy h.ul M cretly visited Teheran to discuss the possibilit) of ibMshing diplomatic relations between [ran and the United States The envoy, apparently a close friend ol President Ronald Reagan, went two
      Reuter  -  213 words
    • 328 3 LONDON Iranian warplanes bombed an Iraqi petrochemical plant and a bridge near tt»e southern city of Basra yesterday. Teheran Radio said m a broadcast monitored here. The radio said oil installations at the plant were hit. Other details were not immediately provided Pretext to bomb
      AFP; Reuter  -  328 words
    • 179 3 Israel sinks guerilla boat, killing 2 BEIRUT TWO halesun ian guerillas beading for an attack on Israel were killed and three swam to safety when an Israeli gunboat sank their dinghy off the Lebanese coast. Security sou: res said yesterday that the vessel Mi spotted by an Israeli naval patrol
      Reuter; AP  -  179 words
    • 60 3 WASHINGTON Tl governmi'm formally protested t<> the Nicaraguan government on Saturday .if teT two IS diplomats were threatened and one was physically harassed by a of policemen taking [.art m parade m Managua. The diplomat! were watching a rally marking the Kwh anniversary of i Yi«» Lguan
      AFP  -  60 words
    • 455 3 4 The idea m negotiations of this kind is to get people to be realistic. We are not there yet. Mr Shultz CAIRO US Secretary of State George Shult/ arrived here yesterday to discuss with President Hosni Mubarak his
      Reuter; AP  -  455 words
    • 233 3 TOKYO The ruling Liberal Democratic Party yesterda} a key by-elet tion to a communist m a defeat which couM disrupt Japanese plans for a new, tax. A veieran LDP candidate m the WMtern city of Osaka lost to ;j rnemtxT of the
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 90 3 Police Trilled 3 Dhaka protesters' DHAKA Police killed three people whon they opened fire on a political protest march m central Dhaka yesterday, opposi tion parties said. Police, who rctased to confirm the death toll, said they fired 10 shots after homemade bombs were thrown at their lims. injuring four
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 373 3 COLOMBO India has i>i otested against sei \et negotiations it says are unfa way betweeu Sri Lankan officials and Tamil militants while Indian troops have Staled Off .1 temple m eastern Sri I anka where two women have vowed to starve themselves to death.
      Reuter; AP  -  373 words
    • 259 3 SEOUL For the first time m five years, people were allowed to walk past the presidential office m Seoul yesterday on the orders of new South Korean President Roh Tae Woo. The order- opened a 1,000-metre iwo-lane road m front of the
      AP; Reuter  -  259 words
    • 217 3 Two jets crash in Siberia and Cyprus MOSCOW An Aeroflot TU-134 passenger jet with f>l people on board crashed while landing m the Siberian town of Surgut on Satin day. killing an unspecified number of passengers, MWI agency reported. In another air disaster on the same day, a Boe-ing-727 leased
      UPI; Reuter; AP  -  217 words
    • 458 4 Foreign Secretary to visit Pakistan for Afghan talks NEW DELHI The top Foreign Ministry official of India is to go to Islamabad tomorrow m a scalingdown of a surprise move by Prime Minister Rajiv (.'andhi inviting the Pakistani President here ahead of Geneva talks
      AFP  -  458 words
    • 337 4 WASHINGTON The Reagan administration is seeking an international ban on imports of counterfeit goods, m an effort to stem the loss of billions of dollars each year to pirates. Estimating that American business is losing over US$4O billion (5J80.4 billion) to US$6O billion a
      NYT  -  337 words
    • 306 4 LONDON Lloyd's of Ixmdon, now marking its 3OOth anniversary, has come a long way since the days when Edward Lloyd's coffee house first provided a congenial meeting place for merchants to exchange shipping news. For one thing, the Lloyd's building is a towering futuristic structure of
      Reuter  -  306 words
    • 279 4 Iran threatens to send 150,000 pilgrims to Mecca LONDON Iran stepped up its criticism of Saudi Arabia over the weekend and said it would send 150.000 pilgrims to Mecca this year for what would be a "magnificent" religious and political ceremony. Teheran Radio, monitored here by the British Broadcasting Corporation,
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 158 4 BANGKOK Vietnam is ready to return 20 sets of remains believed to be those of American servicemen missing m action m the biggest such repatriation m neaily two years, a US Embassy spokesman said. "Vietnam has advised us that it is prepared to
      UPI  -  158 words
    • 132 4 KARACHI Two people were killed and 23 others wounded when 10,000 Hindus attacked government offices and fought police over the reported abduction of a Hindu girl m southern Pakistan. A government statement said the crowd was incited by reports that 16-year-old Seeta had been kidnapped
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 350 6 Beijing plans to shape up BEIJING China has promised a shake-up Of the •< v.-rnment bureaucracy .aid urged I sense of na tionaJ isis .is the country falls further behind the devek jhnl world imunist Party chief Zhao Ziyang was quoted by ihe People's Daily yes as telling Japanese m:
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 179 6 TAIPEI The thriving movie industry of Taiwan allowed to film m Thina, officials said on Saturtla> l.iipei. still technically at war with Beijing, will tlso |>ermit the import of mainland-produced films. Taipei has gradually been relaxing a ban on contacts with
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 83 6 TAKING a ride on an ostrich is no easy matter as South African farm labourer Gert Hendriks found out recently. Mr Hendriks was taking part in the unusual sport of ostrich racing at a rural community north of Johannesburg. South African ostrich farmers
      Reuter  -  83 words
    • 448 6 ATLANTA (Georgia) Former Colorado senator Gary Hart acknowledged the futility of his Democratic presidential quest over the weekend, but refused to get out of the race. "The possibility of me being the Democratic nominee is extremely remote," Mr Hart said m concluding
      Reuter  -  448 words
    • 373 6 Hongkong sets world records for sale of fast-food HONGKONG People here are eating their way into the record books and notching up world-beating sales of Western-style fast food. The South China Morning Post reported that last year the fast-food sector grew by an estimated 13 per cent. And three local
      373 words
    • 262 6 WASHINGTON Reagan administration officials who analyse political and economic trends m EaMern Europe say they believe three of the six Wa saw Pact countries fate domestic instability, mail ly as a result of deterion tion m their economies. One
      NYT  -  262 words
    • 398 7 US judges mete out innovative punishments NEW YORK A judge m Oregon makes some convicts buy newspaper advertisements to apologise for their crimes. Owners of slum housing m California and New York are sentenced to live m their own buildings. Elsewhere, executives convicted of securities viola tions are ordered to
      AP  -  398 words
    • 136 7 LONDON Left-wingers took control of Britain's biggest trade union on Saturday, and this could spell trouble for Mr Neil Kinnock, leader of the opposition Labour Party. According to the results of a ballot at the Transport and General Workers Union, supporters of Mr Kinnock's
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 188 7 LONDON The Soviet Culture Ministry and Sotheby's auction house have announced an agreement to hold the first international art auction m Moscow since the Bolshevik Revolution. The sale of 100 paintings, mostly by contemporary Soviet artists, is to take place at the Armand
      NYT  -  188 words
    • 73 7 MIAMI Miami police have charged a 90-year-old man with killing his 76-year-old bride of less than a week. A police spokesman said the woman. Mrs Ana Quinto, died after a blow to the head. Her husband, Vincenzo Quinto, was admitted to a jail wcrd at
      AFP  -  73 words
    • 172 7 BEIJING China's giant pandas, faced with extinction since 1983 when their dietary staple, bamboo, began to wither, have survived the worst of the crisis, says an expert. According to Forestry Minister Gao Dezhan. new bamboo have started to grow m Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu
      AP  -  172 words
    • 489 7 Overseas postings the bane of Japanese executives' lives TOKYO One of the worst things that ever happened to Mr Takashi Na kashima was the day his company assigned him to a two-year tour of duty overseas, without his wife and two small children. "My greatest fear is that my little
      Reuter  -  489 words
    • Photoweek
      • 98 8 A by-now common sight on the streets of Jerusalem, these policemen equipped with helmets and automatic rifles keep watch atop an old military vehicle. They are part of the more than 1,500 extra policemen who have been assigned to the Jerusalem area. Israel has come under
        Reuter  -  98 words
      • 98 8 picture. Airports at times set the scene for tearful departures of loved ones, hot at Vientiane Airport last week, there was only relief for two men as they boarded a plane back to their homeland. The Thai airforce officer Is leading to freedom two
        Reuter  -  98 words
      • 97 8 An unlikely combination of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary mounted atop an armoured personnel carrier seems to represent the different moods of Filipinos who last week marked the second anniversary of the "People Power" revolution that ousted Mr Ferdinand Marcos from power.
        AP  -  97 words
      • 66 8 picture. President Suharto is seen m a lighter moment as he gestures while reminiscing about his army days. The President, who was a commander during Indonesia's war of independence against the Dutch, was installing (General Kdi Sudrajat (left) as the army chief of staff last week.
        Reuter  -  66 words
      • 69 8 picture. This woman, undeterred by the stony front of these riot policemen, places some flowers m one of the shields m an apparent bid to break the vicious circle of violence begetting violence. But the gesture did not stop last week's demonstration, called to protest against Mr
        Reuter  -  69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 This impressive Sanyo Tri-con System, which can cool a 6-room bungalow, costs only $6,852* Cools 3 rOOmS by ddV ur vn 'Q ue computerised monitor on each f% I q 4-1 v U-t- panel of the indoor unit gives you a clearer UOOIS O OtnerS Dy night picture of operating
      230 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 Sharp's In Your Comer A nnrtsihl^ narcAncil rAtnnntor wi4h pvi tdiiic pcisuiidi LumpuLcr wiLn MM M Ur CS^ Ot YOUT lap. ./j^ J|/jy/\f jkJB^BJWTi^MM^ PC-4502 <dB !!|^^^^^^^^jß^^^^^^^^ W^^^r Personal Computer with ftw .^^^..^r^H P^^^^ .^^i Dual 3 Floppy Disk Hfc J^^W Drives s^r^^L^^r^^m^ •*****-716 MHz processor '"^^^"-^W^ll^^w Jg^k^L -^P^^^r^^lK^ Illuminated
      196 words
    • 50 4 Broadcast Worldwide the magazine that writes y. about your company J Your vital link to prospects m j^ >\ •\s/;a\ \^rr M N^ ;\us\ra\\(\ \^vv m l( Enquiries. A Lynn Onj? i n y^T Raymond Ong Ttl: 2»***** 5611 North Bridge Road t^^^^^. Eng C'heorik.' lower v Singapore 0" I
      50 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 628 5 sfo The Rolex Masters 1988 and the winner is G. Bruckner MASTERS f*cWfi r !^sK^ 'ifeljKl '^^^.s^fji- HA ■Kk'-^-'' tournament of internationally recognised t^ikttiw -*>'^ 43l^§f^ standards to the benefit of Singaporean golfers i^ WBm^l^^^^ *^i!^^^R»^*Ji^M n general and Singaporean professionals in t^^^^p V l^^^^^^Bp At the Presentation of Awards
      628 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 552 6 The rise and fall of an entrepreneur m China: Page 17 Art of the political tear: Section 2, Page 1 V*■ _v I v^B 1 V w^Lf wb/ vA jl k. H I va I H 1 m _B _B H H I wp J I JJL V^/\^/l IKy 1.
      552 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 166 7 Rositsa Borisova Ivanova, Flute Spiro Dimitrov Petkov, Oboe Rossen Stefanov Ovcharov, Clarinet Vasil Nikolov Spasov, Bassoon Vladimir Nikolaev Djambazov, French Horn tarkash 5 Antique Hungarian Dances Haydn Divertimento Madjiev 3 Bulgarian Folklore Dances Bach an- Nikolov Suite No. 2 m B minor Debussy Little Negro Bqy Kimsky-Korsakov The Flight of
      166 words
    • 681 7 we cordially invite you and your friends to a free CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE entitled WHAT DO I WORSHIP: BODY OR GOD? pM REX W. BEASLEY, JR. of Fredericksburg, Virginia U.S.A. to be held at MARCO POLO HOTEL BOKHARA ROOM Tuesday, March Ist at 8.00 p.m. I JS3BST FOR THE FIRST
      681 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 325 8 Nikon We Take The. World's Greatest Pictures. i^_lr_B_V J*B_BWP Mi imOn F5Ol The most Advanced Dual Autofocus SLR. European Camera of the Year '86. F|>f i^J OmJ |^B?f 1 _^_^P 1 I f x FREESIOMO^ I »1 l^--^---Wll NIKOHI F4Ol The latest Autofocus SLR with built-in TTL Shark-Head Flash and
      325 words

    • 202 9 Thailand to reopen four Laos border checkpoints BANGKOK Thailand has derided to reopen four checkpoints on its northeastern border with I^aos to boost small-scale trade, a local official said yesterday. Press reports here said the reopening was intended to create a favourable atmosphere today when Thai and Laotian delegations open
      AFP  -  202 words
    • 75 9 24 killed in bloody weekend clashes MANILA At least 24 people were killed over the weekend m clashes involving government troops, communist rebels and Muslim separatists. Communist rebels slaughtered 13 of the elite Philippine anti-guerilla scout rangers on a mountain road m the year's bloodiest rebel strike, military reports said.
      UPI; Reuter  -  75 words
    • 257 9  -  ONG MING SEING Symposium on Pacific Basin security By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON Asean is inspired by the impressive economic growth of the newly industrialising countries m Asia, popularly dubbed the "Four Tigers", said a Thai Foreign Ministry official. Dr Sarasin Viraphol.
      257 words
    • 217 9  -  ABBY TAN By Manila Correspondent MANILA An Australian film crew has left Manila after a court failed to act on an appeal against an injunction granted to Senator Juan Ponce Enrile to stop the making of a miniseries on the
      217 words
    • 370 9 JAKARTA The National Assembly convenes tomorrow amid one of the country's tightest ever security operations. The army and the police have been placed on full alert across the country for the People's Deliberative Assembly (MPR) session, with President Suharto running unopposed and assured of being
      AFP; Reuter  -  370 words
    • 86 9 JAKARTA Indonesia's Parliament has formally endorsed an austere budget for the year starting April 1, the official Antara news agency said yesterday. The budget sets spending at 28.9 trillion rupiahs (5J35.3 billion), 27 per cent higher than planned for 1987, 88, with most of the increase
      AFP  -  86 words
    • 109 9 Maids in UK appeal to Aquino to drop ban HONGKONG Filipino maids here sent an open letter to President Corazon Aquino yesterday asking her to scrap a ban on female domestic servants under 35 taking jobs overseas. The ban was imposed after press reports that young Filipinas working abroad were
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 326 9 MANILA All members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) want the US military bases m the Philippines to stay beyond 1991, the US Ambassador to Manila said m an interview published here yesterday. "If you talk to the
      AFP  -  326 words
    • 254 9 MANILA The military revealed on Saturday an impending revamp of the Philippine armed forces, following approval by President Corazon Aquino of the retirement of 35 senior military officers. The retirements, effective April 1, include those of Lieutenant-General Eduardo Ermita, the vicechief of staff, army chief Major-General
      AP  -  254 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 AFTER THE FEASTING, THE NUTRITIONAL SLIMMING. Koh Ch*w Khtm. Lost B.skg so far. NOW g BEFORE Lye tried many times to be on diet but failed. But after visits to Slimming Nutritional Centre, I lost weight while continuing to have 3 meals a day!" Our nutritional method works, it's been
      120 words
    • 16 9 BfIJLaMiMIIIIUItSBBkMAMBMIBiIMMBIMiIBIBB »^K-liJr^ (state destination) C Name: BHlllllM Address: ■I Tel No Tyr KIN-4IR THE RELIABLE TOUR
      16 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 261 10 'Immoral to transfer wealth from poor to rich' KUALA LUMPUR Visiting South Commission Chairman Dr Julius Nyerere described the inter- j national economic situa- tion m which wealth is transferred from poor to j rich countries as a "terribte and an immoral" one. J The former Tanzanian President said the
      AFP; NST  -  261 words
    • 473 10 Run-up to the Tanjung Puteri by-election It will enhance chances of retaining seat minister JOHOR BARU Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad's visit to the Tanjung Puteri constituency on Thursday will further enhance the National Front's chances of retaining the state seat, Information
      Bernama  -  473 words
    • 145 10 JOHOR BARU Partai Sosialis Rakyat Malaysia has criticised two dailies, the New Straits Times and Berita Harian, which it claims have not been fair m their reporting of the Tanjung Puteri by-election. PSRM legal adviser G.S. Nijar said on Saturday the two newspapers had not
      NST  -  145 words
    • 246 10 JOHOR BARU A senior Johor MCA leader yesterday expressed confidence that the Chinese community would reject the socialist struggle as it is not m line with the aspirations of Malaysian society. "I am certain that a fanatical socialist struggle will have no place m this
      NST  -  246 words
    • 278 10 Personal feelings set aside for Umno, says Musa JOHOR BARU Former deputy prime minister Datuk Musa Hitam says he has set aside personal feelings for the sake of Umno unity because current developments and turmoil have threatened the existence of the party. "A lot of Umno members are wondering about
      NST  -  278 words
    • 438 10 RANGOON Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Sen Dr Mahathir Mohamad's visit to Burma last week has left behind a strong impression of Malaysia's sincerity to be a "blood brother" to this nation, Bernama said m a report yesterday. Malaysia's "no strings attached" offer of
      NST  -  438 words
    • 92 10 JOHOR BARU The Royal Customs and Excise Department will step up checks at the Tanjong Pagar railway station m Singapore following the arrest of a man there last Monday and seizure of M 5500,000 (*****,000) worth of gold. Customs Senior Assistant Director
      Bernama  -  92 words
    • 84 10 KUALA LUMPUR A Saudi Arabian firm has proposed to set up restaurants serving Malay food m Riyadh and several other major cities m Saudi Arabia following the success of this month's Malaysia food fair m the Saudi capital. Malaysian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
      Bernama  -  84 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 83 10 IF YOU'RE DRINKING LET US DO THE DRIVING •^J 7 ere are COMFORT Cabs travelling Singapore daily. Round-the-clock, rain or shine they take you anyplace you want to go. They drop you right at your doorstep. They even come TRAVEL IN COMFORT to pick you up wherever you are. And
      83 words

  • HOME
    • 445 11 Singapore's safety record among the world's best THERE were 205 road deaths last year. This works out to a rate of 7.85 per 100.000 people, the lowest since 1956. when police began keeping such statistics. The low figure ranks Singapore among the countries
      445 words
    • 129 11 TWO elderly pedestrians were knocked down m separate accidents on Saturday.One of them later died m hospital. Mr Pang Ah Seng. 82, was knocked down by a motorcycle while crossing the road m front of Block 129, Lorong Ah Soo off Upper Paya Lebar Road,
      129 words
    • 266 11 LISTENERS to a new radio request programme which begins next month will hear messages advising them on how to make their public housing estate better place to live m. This is not surprising because the programme is the brainchild of the Housing
      266 words
    • 613 11 President, PM and ministers also meet guests LIKE any good host. First Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong arrived early at the Istana yesterday. Minutes later, the first of his guests arrived all 800 of them. From 2 pm to 6 pm, groups
      613 words
    • 322 14  - Dr Toh yet to decide if he will contest the next election LEONG WENG KAM By ROCHORE MP Toh Chin Chye said yesterday that he had yet to decide whether to contest m the coming general election. Asked if he would leave it to the People's Action Party to decide
      322 words
    • 432 14  -  C. SHANTHENI New format for annual show at National Museum Art Gallery By MORE talented schoolchildren will have a chance to show off their artistic skills m Singapore's premier art exhibition centre the National Museum Art Gallery. This is a result of a
      432 words
    • 372 14 PARTICIPANTS at the fifth regional Islamic law (Syariah) conference want Malaysia's International Islamic University to be the centre for the training of Islamic law judges and lawyers m the region. They said the university, which conducts various courses m Islamic law, was
      372 words
    • 129 14 More people helping police fight crime AN ENCOURAGING sign m the fight against crime is that more residents are now willing to come forward and help the police. This point was made by Mr Yatiman Yusof, Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs), at the official opening of the temporary Kampung Kembangan Neigbourhood
      129 words
      • 164 15  -  BRENDAN PEREIRA WORLD WAR II memories were rekindled when workers digging at a construction site m Toa Payoh on Saturday found a mud-covered aircraft engine and its twisted propeller, as well as other parts. A resident from the nearby Jalan Rajah flats. Mr Parma
        164 words
      • 130 15  - and 1,000 spin to a folk beat SANDRA DAVIE STEP UP folks, who cares about disco. That was what more than 1,000 Singaporeans, both young and old. did w.ien they put their best foot forward at the Hokkien Huay Kuan m Telok Ayer Street from 9 am to 6 pm
        130 words
      • 96 15 IT WAS an event m which everyone won, from the able-bodied to those with walking sticks and on wheelchair. No one was left behind m yesterday's Wheel and Jog 88 at Whampoa Drive, which saw the wheelchair-bound getting some friendly push from other participants. Organised by the
        96 words
      • 100 15 INSTEAD of rutting a ribbon, guest-of-honour Mr Wong Kan Seng swung a golf club at ihe official opening of the Seletar Country Club's new clubhouse yesterday morning. The Minister for Community De-'elopment partnered Dr Ahmad Mattar, the Minister for the Environment, m a game against
        100 words
      • 59 15 CETTIN(; sing]<-s to min^lo, thanks to pioneers such as fhc government's Social Development Unit, has spurred other groups to play Cupid. Now, the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore (Efos), a Christian group, has launched Christian Match to help Christians meet and perhaps find their mates Lad Saturday 200
        59 words
    • 506 15 MOST of the time, rhe Gregorian calendar just ignores them. Then, m 'he fourth year, without fail, it will take a peek at them as if to say. "Ah, you are there happy birthday." Today is such a day: I^eap
      506 words
    • Article, Illustration
      96 15 SAF exercises THK Singapore Armed Forces will be conducting military exercises m Lim C'bu Kang, Tuas, Hong Kan, Marsiling, Mandai, Loyang. Sembawang and Wing Loong from today to Saturday. Blanks and thunderflashes will be used m these exercises, which will be held between 7 am and midnight daily The Republic
      96 words
    • 472 15  -  SANDRA CAMPBELL Does transvestite ban apply to them? By NIGHTSPOTS which have been ordered by the police to bar transvestites and homosexuals from their premises may now face a new problem. This is posed by transsexuals who go through a series of operations to
      472 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 337 11 '•'■s-' H||j ,^m^m^^m&.-' ''^^^B^^H f >?'' Both men m the picture above are studying As well as the advantage of practical on-the-job So if you've got at least 3 'O' levels (including electronic engineering at Polytechnic. experience m the SAF during polytechnic vacations. English, Maths and a relevant Science subject)
      337 words

    • 523 12 WTTH Singapore's manufacturing companies now back on a "very strong" footing compared to their rivals m Hongkong, Taiwan and South Korea, the Government intends to closely monitor Singapore's competitive edge. The Ministry of Trade and Industry, m its Annual Economic Survey, said it would closely watch
      523 words
    • 50 12 Foreign reserves hit $30.4 b SINGAPORE'S offleia foreign reserves went ip to $31.4 billion at the fid of last year, according to preliminary estimate? It was $28.2 billion In Ml The increase was the result of an overall surplus m the balance cf payments.
      50 words
    • 466 12 Sharp rise in yen the reason DESPITE the new-found competitive edge and booming exports, Singapore's trade deficit widened by more than $2 billion last year. Total exports rose to a record high of $60 billion. Yet Singapore suffered an overall trade deficit of $8.4
      466 words
    • 257 12 WHILK Singapore exporters delighted by the 31 pei cent jump m shipments to the United States, the Ministry of Trade and Industry has sound ed a note of caution "There is a need to look beyond the US for alternative markets m
      257 words
    • 301 12 Tourists spend $4.7 b here INTERNATIONAL services ranging from offshore banking to port services proved a strong second pillar of economic growth after manufacturing. Exports of services rose strongly by 15 per cent last year, making up almost a fifth of total foreign
      301 words
    • 286 12 INDUSTRIALISTS are "moderately optimistic" about business prospects fur the first six months of this year. They predict that up to March, output will remain at about the same level as .he fourth quarter of last year, "cording to the K^r-r^.^nhc manufacturing sector also
      286 words
    • 345 13 Business chieis laud growth but warn of labour shortage SINGAPORE business* men yesterday greeted en thusiastically the newi of a ■troager-than-expected HIMMHIIk performance m the October-December quarter but warned of the danger of ;:n "overheating of the economy Mr Graham Hayward of (he Singapore International Chamber of Commerce said. "It
      345 words
    • 505 13 ABOUT 17,600 women joined the workforce last year the largest yearly increase since 1981. This was three times the number of Singaporean males who entered the workforce. The pool of male workers grew by a miniscule 5,500 or less than 1 per cent. The
      505 words
      • 51 13 It was boom time for disk-drive makers last year. Exports of this computer part skyrocketed b\ 7f> per cent m 19X7. mainly to the US and Europe. With even more new investments announced recently, the industry is set to berome a $4 billion business
        51 words
      • 47 13 WITH more multinational companies having multi-plant operations m the region, Singapore is becoming a re-export and distribution centre for computers, computer peripherals and electronic components. Re-exports under- this trade category grew 34 per cent, mainly to subsidiaries or associated companies m the region.
        47 words
      • 74 13 ONE clear sign of the pick-up m domestic demand was the increased purchase of cars. According to ROY figures, private car registration shot up from 7.415 cars m 1986 to 11.417 last year. Companies too bought more cars. Last year, 891 company cars were registered,
        74 words
      • 59 13 THE übiquitous Chinese wedding banquets m the Year of the Rabbit bio ugh: the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board a record cess revenue of $3* million last year. The 3 per cent sales 'ax on food and beverage raked m $27 million, while the ress
        59 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 Reports on Part Two of the Economic Survey will appear tomorrow Call by tomorrow, or t ffii it 0 lnnllfM Af UQnAC nrl ic* if 1 11 11 fill llfif rHI If HI I 1^ yUUI IuIIUVV I llvvluu CM IO M^^^^^^^V ml^^^^^l I I Today and tomorrow. That's all
      244 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 587 14 A Tradition of Excellence At A f INFORMATICS. Informatics Today le^-S leader m computer education specialising m professional and international Q KJ computer courses With 4 branches m Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur. Q^ Penang. Klang and Kuching) )> tcji k \L Cc^mtutet Training Centres (Bukit Timah. Bukit Merah. Marine Parade. B^Lc
      587 words
    • 47 14 EXPORT STOATEGIES FOR INDUSTRIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES ruhlvhnl tn \l P Revolves on trade policies; export strategies m various industries and the consequences of exportoriented manufacturing production based on detailed case studies m the East and South- East Asia countries Available at all good bookshops STP Distributors
      47 words
    • 327 14 E GET AHEAD IN YOUR \REER WHILE STUDYING FOR YOUR '0' LEVELS If you're aiming for good 'O' level grades as well as to get a better picture of the Army or Navy. as a highly rewarding career, the SAF can help youd oy ihat You^Educayon^sour The Learn As You
      327 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 96 15 v!SBr > UirJi L.iJ\ *l '-*^«^MI Il^ ItILS l>l csmv Hi>ncv .mJ c^Cf^ "9^k B Stcr\lt:cd -~f- ln>tant tkv *™Jo >» MR* LJljTTi***** pnOtei -^m, VBV Milk Banana /f FJT£ l',hia>lin US^SSMU Twr Jj I i Strawberry LUOU &>rCf m4 «U|JB3SBi "Wilt lAr >■ i i 55HEs»/ k\\ Qktfhnec <3m~^
      96 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 565 16 THAT Singaporean parents are concerned about education is not new. It is perhaps a reflection of Singaporeans' Asian values that all parents, irrespective of their educational attainments, want their children to be educated to as high a level as they are capable of. This deep-seated belief that
        565 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 16
      1 words
    • 1976 16  - US industry rebound: A boast too soon? Claudia H. Deutsch By New York Times NEW YORK Throughout the United States, corporate chiefs are exulting m American industry's rebound from the competitive doldrums. In speeches and annual reports, they boast of how they have cut the fat out of management and
      1,976 words
    • 282 16  - Dark goings-on in Soviet psychiatric wards SERGEI GRIGORYANTS By /ettei reported that people hho had been freed from psychiatric hospitals were murdering doctors. It is well known that especially bestial guards are sometimes murdered m the camps. It is also known that m the Soviet Union no laws protecting human
      282 words
    • 368 16 1 Vengeful cop wards wife In Magadan, on the shores of the Okhotsk Sea, Valentina Bondarenko's husband, a police sergeant, took to drinking and went on drinking bouts with his police chief. In time, he stopped spending nights at home. Finally, Valentina Bondarenko decided to
      368 words
    • 862 17  -  ALAN CANE By Financial when IBM. the G» hath A personal compul- •fined !o hive the match m its po<ket. little David has bounced back off th« ropes to Meal a telling bl.m Compelling evidence is emerging m the US and Europe that th<
      862 words
    • 764 17  -  Edward A. Gargan By New York Times BEIJING Success was, for Bu Xinsheng, so sweet. A humble tailor, he rose to become manager of a large shirt factory, transforming it from near-ruin to booming profitability. He wore fancy suits, had his
      764 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 37 16 The Fuji Film with its own lens. "~.r. HE 0k SUPER HR IT JCLpumcolor i^^^ nm with lens > JBJmZT^^r^ HIM Mn UNSE §niPu\nAU fUM AVECOBJECTIf 881 WlllliAullOll I PEL)CULACONL£NTE I FU JICOLOR I Quicksnap I FUJI FILM
      37 words
    • 297 16 m Ainu* \f oo *n¥^x J vroro t /k^/j^\ jMLmma, nW ™fa vlSoil ■m V"~*Jr imi JBkl /i^| plaza HOTtL /^^fl j^a^v jo>™fcii The irresistible value-for-money Plaza Bonus Package comes with a host of features you'll appreciate. I'l BOM S sx fiMnplim«nlar> Facilities Stmkai dreat Vajaa MeaK \t V\w Papi
      297 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 414 17 J j I 1 r^m^Kk I I UwL\ I 111 fIT flV\ I I ml bW By bV^HBM^ aV^^^^Br flw ftf«^"Yay Mr w -1,,.. JHQHbIbh B^l IBfei tds t 1 ■Bff H I wHluE^J^Bn 'i*^ t 1 *Pk _^B^BfL fA pi I TV*-2A%- )|^B^B^blbV%: >" 1 I L^^HkSIP fa HEXACON
      414 words

    • 428 18 SMRT urged to relax curbs on shop tenants THE recent much-publi-i ised plight of the shop tenants m Orchard MRT Station (ST. Keb 9 and 10) h is prompted me to ask whether the authority's policy to Jisallow the sale of foot! m
      428 words
    • 177 18 THE Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) could not have made a better move when it decided to launch a sterilisation campaign n«?xt month. It is also encouraging to know that the Primary Production Department (PPD) is backing it up with its
      177 words
    • 293 18 1 REFER to the letter "QueitiOM on Medisave for hepatitis B jabs" by "Citizen" (ST. Feb 22). The Ministry of Health extended the use of Medisave to hepatitis B immunisation because of the high cost of the vaccines and the particular need to protect
      293 words
    • Reply
      • 222 18 Ownership of flat problem: Seek aid of area office PLEASE refer to the letter "Man wants to remove ex-wife as co-owner" by "C.H.J." (ST. Feb 20) who wants to de-register his former wife as co-owner but could not get her co-operation to do so. As a rule, the board does
        222 words
    • 598 18 SBC'S latest attempt at science-fiction comedy is certainly a refreshing change. However, the first episode of the new series Star Maiden is a big letdown, especially after such a wellmade production as The Heiress. The new series. I feel, lacks originality m
      598 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 299 18 NOW, THE WINNERS. PENTA-OCEAN's T-Shirt Design Contest comme- difficult. Only after much deliberation did our judges PENTA-OCEAN also extends its sincerest thanks to morating completion of the Jurong Tuas Reclamation make their final selections. the people of Singapore for giving us the opportunity to Project drew an extraordinary response. On
      299 words

    • Happenings
      • 316 19 FEB 2S: How to Invest m Stocks and Shares, an eight-session course, held every Monday at the SES lecture room on level four of the OUB Centre m the evenings. Organised by the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Fee: $150. Phone: 530-3940. Feb 2S March 1: The Successful Communicators,
        316 words
      • 257 19 4 If there is no co-oper-ation, or if co-opera-tion breaks down, then we may have another (stock market) crash as on Oct 19. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the need for cooperation between the United States. Japan, and Europe, particularly West Germany AVER Hitam Tin Dredging Malaysia Bhd
        257 words
    • Short Stops
      • 81 19 TOKYO Japan's domestic telecommunications conglomerate, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), has forecast a 37-per rent rise m net profits for fiscal 1989. It estimated that revenue for the new year beginning April 1 will roach 5.732 trillion yen (5589.8 billion) against 5.506 trillion yen
        AFP  -  81 words
      • 85 19 LONDON Coinage Brewing Ltd, part of Australia's Elders IXL Ltd, and IK hotels and catering group Trust house Forte PLC announced plans for a joint-venturo development involving 100 public houses, but they gave no financial details Courage will lease the houses to Trust house for conversion to
        Reuter  -  85 words
      • 151 19 NKW YORK In a foray into a business far removed from its history, the former media giant, The Metronedia ('<>. said on Friday that it had agreed to buy the company that owns the Pondet nsa res taurants. No price was disclosed for the Pon
        NYT  -  151 words
    • 523 19  -  DOREEN SOH By BUSINESSMAN Allan Ng Poh Meng, who will stand trial m September on one charge of insider trading, has resigned as Chairman and Director of First Capital Corporation and from the board of 13 of its subsidiaries. First
      523 words
    • 481 19  - Sahe directors seek shelter Pof judicial managers DAMIEN LIM By DIRECTORS of mini-mar-ket chain Singapore Animal Husbandry Enterprises (Sane) Ltd and its wholly owned subsidiary, Sahe Food Industries Pte Ltd, have filed petitions m court for the two companies to be put under judicial management. The petitions, which come m
      481 words
    • 234 19 LIM Kah Ngam Ltd (LKN) has set up a joint venture company m Sri Lanka whose principal activities would be to construct lowcost houses and high-rise buildings, and provide civil engineering and water treatment services. LKN will hold through wholly owned
      234 words
    • 124 19 KUALA LUMPUR Pahang Investments PLC will be removed from the official list of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange from today. The KLSE said Pahang Investments' 7 per cent cumulative preference shares will also be de-listed. It is understood that the delisting is because
      124 words
    • 794 19  -  TRUDY LIM Your money By To effectively minimise risk, a portfolio should contain at least 10 different counters from various sectors. DON'T put all your eggs m one basket. That is one proverb every serious investor m stocks and shares would
      794 words
    • 126 20 Company news The week that was Week ended Feb 26 v I I Gk n u Gross Group net Year to Company dividend profit/loss ('000) Wilkinson 18(16) M53,788(52,751) Sept 87 Preliminary figures Gross Group pro-tax Year to Company dividend profit/loss ('000) BAT 50(38.6' $12,280(5M42) Dec 87 Guinness 32(34) M546.233(541.305) Dec
      126 words
    • 302 20 The trial of banker turned-dealmaker Alan Nf Poh Meng en a charge of insider trading was fixed on Feb 26 for Sep 5 to 24. Under a shell reactivation" scheme, Chuan Hup Australia Ltd will buy om the listing of Mulpha (Hongkong) from parent company, Multi Purpose Holdings
      302 words
    • 48 20 pillll I I I Financial Times Industrials Friday 1423.70 (1433.90) Ijp Dow Jones Industrials Friday 2023.21 (2017.57) 1 Nikkei Stock Averafe Saturday *****.87 (*****.18) (Ftp*et ii brackets refer to thote of the previous tradnf day) 1 1 I I l t l 1 1 I 1 I
      48 words
    • 216 20 Feb 2« US$ Chjoi* Mcoo 45H A*ad S>g 3IH Aim« Inc 17*. Amr Corp 39* Art 29 oatWaham Sti 19H -Vb Boang Co 47*4 -H Cotwpaor Co 64 -W ChoM Monhtn 24H v» Chry»<^ Cp 24H unch Cifccoip 20H -H Com Got 37H Coraol Ed NY 44* unch
      216 words
    • 352 20 ftb 71 T« Owe* Apnomoto 3330 -30 Ako. 520 7 Amodo 1290 unch Atoh. Kom< 1110 +30 Awhi Gloss 1900 unch Bonk o« Tokyo 1550 +20 Br.dge5tex~ 1410 +20 Conon 1140 +30 Covo Computer 1220 yndi Citnefl 627 +32 Do«i 1950 +70 Do. Ich. Konqyo 3200 30 0 N.poof.
      352 words
    • 158 20 SYDNEY The Australian share market closed the week easier after a nine-day rally came to an abrupt end on Wednesday. Brokers said a US$9 an ounce fall m bullion prices, which saw the gold price plunge to a 10-month low of U*****.90 an ounce, put most gold stocks under
      AFP  -  158 words
    • Overseas markets' round-up
      • 451 20 Wall Street ends ahead for third week running NEW YORK Wall Street moved ahead for the third straight week, but only after a flip-flop week. Nevertheless, the Dow Jones Industrial Average finished on the upside for the third straight week, its longest rally so far this year even
        AFP  -  451 words
      • 245 20 TOKYO Share prices on the Tokyo Stock Exchange recorded their fifth straight weekly advance last week m terms of the Nikkei Stock Average, supported by active buying by institutional and foreign investors. The Nikkei Stock Average closed the week at 25,284.87 yen on Saturday for a hefty 511.46 yen
        AFP  -  245 words
      • 181 20 LONDON The Stock Exchange had a good week, trading levels recovered, and the market rose over four consecutive days m what was the last complete trading account before the Budget presentation on March 15. Encouraged by publication of the monthly survey by the CBI (Confederation of British Industry), which
        AFP  -  181 words
      • 463 20 Ftb 26 r«nct Ctanc* Bl< Arbuthnot Govt INDUSTRIALS w,w 70 7 743 1&Z*=r~ HI X\ A ££XL 103 9 -109 1 Bobcock* denotes n-dntidmnd. Border* 478 -7 d otr cvm-dtndonjl •ICC 333 -2 mmWWa BlutC.d* 436 -1 BorlowRond ROC Group 390 -7 Chort«r Com 298 t Booh 217 -4
        463 words
      • 138 20 HONGKONG Active trading of selected issues pushed the Hang Seng Index up 27.84 points m an optimistic post-Lunar New Year rally on the Hongkong Stock Exchange last week. The Key barometer finished the week at 2,355.88, up 27.84 points from the previous week's close, while the broader-based Hongkong Index
        AFP  -  138 words
    • 3256 20 I*7/11 Last Yield Net Vol Week 1957/SS Last Yield Net Vot Week Mfh Low Company Sale Charge P/f COOO) rlfh Low rt(h Low Company Sale Charge P/t (000) rfifh Low SECTION ONE 634 12 M Waaourca. SO* 16 -Oh 209 174 16 BaTMKTPinc i rntMrnrariti 265
      3,256 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 342 21 Aut 3>, fued deposit 1 month 2.. 2. 2 l 2 1 .-(1) months 2' (1 3 months 2 2 2 ZVi (1) 6 months 2'«- 2 1 2S 2*4(1) 9 months 2% 3 3 3(1) nths 3 3>4 3' 4 3(1) LOAN RATES Prime rate SV«
        342 words
      • 475 21 BANKS' prime lending f up Bank 6 1 rates at the close of busi- Generate Bank 6U MM on Friday, Feb 26. Gu Bank KSC 6 Gull Int Bank 6 '4 Bank PLR Habbßank 7' 4 Hokkaido Takushoku 6: a Hongkong Shanghai 6 SSE 3 H&ss e 1
        475 words
      • 217 21 Interbank Over the Foreign Local dollars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to SSIO foreign currency Australian dollar 1 444? 1 4469 7.03-6.85 Canadian dollar 1.5894- -1.5915 6 33-6 24 NZ dollar 1 3376 1 3413 7.61-7.39 Sterling pound 3.5623-3.5671 2.83-2.79 US dollar 2.0115 2 0125 5.00-4.95
        217 words
      • 219 21 Asian rates ASIAN currency average r«n deposit rates for the om l J J r l te 1 mo ill 4 4 weeK ended reo Zb. 3mon*s 45 16 4 3/16 nin 6morths 4 5/16 4 3/16 BID PRICES 1? months 4 5/16 4 3/16 USJ Mth low st 7
        219 words
      • 53 21 Nikkei Stock Average Index THE Nikkei futures report was not available yesterday. (Nikkei Stock Avenge Index) Open High Low Sett Est Vol Sort *****46 ***** 69 *****.82 *****.87 Mar 88 ***** ***** ***** ***** 500 Jim *****/ ***** ***** ***** ***** 450 Sept Opim interest and active volume
        53 words
      • 372 21 AT New York's Commodity Exchange, gold came under renewed selling pressure to finish the week at the lowest level since April last year. Spot gold settled on Friday at U*****.60 an ounce, a dip of U5515.50 over last week's close. Gold, which often benefits from rising inflation,
        372 words
      • 38 21 Buying Selling Highest lowest Highest lowest Ss/fm Ss/tm Bank ot China 28 80 28 02 28 92 28 14 OUB 28 8/ 28 06 29 02 28 21 UOB ?8 88 28 06 29 02-28 21
        38 words
      • 27 21 GOLD USJ/oz Sat Fri Hongkong 479 65 430 15 4i4 bO 435 00 Fri Thors New York 4?9 50 430 00 433 00 433 50
        27 words
      • 37 21 Closing prices RUBBER Spore XL cents cents S kilo M kilo Feb 22 ***** 281 50 Feb 23 219 00 282 00 Feb 24 218.50 282 00 Feb 25 ***** 282.50 Feb 26 ***** 283 50
        37 words
      • 33 21 Closing Turnover TIN prices Tonnes Cents (M) .kilo Feb 22 1726 81 Feb 23 17 28 79 Feb 24 17 34 129 Feb 25 17 40 80 Feb 26 17 40 105
        33 words
      • 103 21 KUALA LUMPUR The Malaysian rubber market closed steadier last week with March International One RSS up three sen to 283. sen a kg. Dealers said nearby buying with the absence of sellers helped the market to close higher m thin trading. Seller's reserve and firmer Japanese closing helped the
        Bernama  -  103 words
      • 48 21 FIRMER. Values firmed on the European Spot Market (basis Rotterdam warehouse) due to increased demand. They closed at £3,885 a tonne, against L 3.877.5 the previous Friday. The Association of Tin Producing Countries fixed its members' consumption and export quotas at a total of 101.900 tons. AFP
        AFP  -  48 words
      • 49 21 LOWER. In line with gold, values firmed on Monday on the spot market only to fall to US$6.2O dollars ounce on Thursday, their lowest level since last March. Values retreated slightly on the LME m thin trading, upset by a 40,000--ounce rise m stocks to 19,560.000 ounces. AFP
        AFP  -  49 words
      • 51 21 WEAKER The announcement of a 6,225-ton rise m stocks on the LME to 57,875 tonnes depressed values on Monday. The weakness of the New York market coupled with the news of a rise m stocks on COMEX for the first time m several months, also weighed on i sentiment.
        AFP  -  51 words
      • 61 21 FIRMER Values for standard aluminium were es- tablished on Monday at a j premium of around L3O J over those for copper, de- spite the announcement of an 3.450 ton increase m I.MR stocks, to 23.825 tons. RcCOTd trading was carried out with values reaching 1.1 .290 a ton
        AFP  -  61 words
    • Article, Illustration
      275 21 Vessel Berth Arr Dep Vessel Kcppd Wturves Altair Dolphin Barber Tampa K09 aside 02/03 Bin Belait Cnvenica K29 aside 02/03 Con Bingo FE Navee K33 aside 29/0? Coralbank Fair Spirit K16 a stde 2902 Horwn Star Jubilee K28 aside 01/03 Karma Bonit Patembang K15 aside 29/02 Otympia
      275 words
    • 725 21 Receipt of Export FCL containers and LCL cargo LCL Receiving Receivmg Ship (Voyage) Arr Cargo Time Block Of Ch,e< (58W) ?9 0? (1830) F7 0930 1030 El Ntptse (123W) ?9 0? (1900) Fi 1000 1100 R2 Prasetia (01) ?9 0? (?000) Fl 1130-1200 E8 MS Marco (8809) ?9
      725 words
    • 68 21 TOKYO Japan's six major shipbuilding companies have forecast that they will see a 6.9 per cent drop to 450.1 billion yen (557.05 billion) m ship orders for fiscal 1987. ending March 31. They also said their combined orders would slump a further 13.1 per cent
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 412 23 BUOYED by higher commodity prioes, both Dunlop Estite.; Bhd and subsidiary Malaysian H«.h'.ations Bhd have imported vastly improved profits. Dunlop Estates, a 36 per centowned subsidiary of Multi-Purpose Holdings, registered a 171 per cent increase m group pre-tax profit to million (5523.42 million) for
      412 words
    • 433 23 Chuan Hup to buy into HK company CHUAN Hup Holdings Ltd, which through its associate companies has a stake m Hongkong-listed Promet Petroleum, may soon have an 18 per cent stake m another HK-listed company. Chuan Hup's 26-per cent owned associate company, Chuan Hup Australia Ltd (CHA), last week announced
      433 words
    • 417 23 Promet's plan for repayment approved KUALA LUMPUR Bank Negara Malaysia and the Foreign Investment Commitiee (FIC) have given the go-ahead for the implementation of the restructuring agreement entered into between Promet and its unsecured creditor banks. Promet Berhad m a statement said the approval letters, dated Dec 19 had been
      Bernama; MBT  -  417 words
    • Stock market weekly round-up
      • 494 23 Prices drift as festive mood lingers on Top five stocks THE FOLLOWING is a list of the five most actively traded stocks on the Stock Exchange ot Singapore last week. It gives the turnover m thousands of units, closing prices on Friday and the high and low for 1987/88.
        494 words
      • 324 23 Shares end mixed m lacklustre trading DIRECTIONLESS trading on Wall Street took its toll on the Kuala Lumpur stock market last week, with shares ending mixed to easier m quiet, lacklustre trading. But rises m index stocks helped push The New Straits Times Industrial Index up 10.85 points
        324 words
    • 176 23 Dutch bank's profit dips AMSTERDAM Largest Dutch bank Algemene Bank Nederland NY, whose shares are also listed m Singapore, posted a 1.9 per cent lower net profit of 517 million guilders (5J548.05 million) for last year mainly as a result of the stock market crash. Interest and foreign exchange activities
      Reuter  -  176 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 496 19 iMtHI _j ~TgHiTT itfOu fl BAicy or bwelamd M£ vffH f^L ml WSm mE m/tr7 v a^gflga^gamttamam^ .^^tf^W. Bgg^^ gam^gggggaflggf m^gggggaaga! gggga^^gggggggggaVß^^ Ct74 4 J 'iff gggggggggggggggggmtfL I 4 /I/I t -rtJHfcfc- <IjKLir. gjgjgmjgmji I II 1 3 ggVi?^9Bk ilil ggl aMgmm imi FBp<'^^ mm 2 SRSSI fff- im^ii *<JkuS'^
      496 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 44 20 Thinking of a gift? h(i\ him E The Art of Negotiating* |0^ IV?^ l!Pm9| Audiofdfx- \*<i( k«i>>r 8 PhmJ^E 31 hcCfUisc HissiK < cssin lite C^^ "f^^^^R' H depends on his success as '*^"lrr^sr'fSS» J ,i \c^oll<»l(>l r C3^^^QP it'i f {"i"i \f it i{i
      44 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 77 21 i£^> COURSES AT fagw? CHINESE CHAMBER Bt£sHNj The Training Centre of the Singapore v/ SoShml v f hinese Chamber of Commerce and >t s§Selk lndusfr y Wl conduct m English the following courses at its Hill Street premises soon computer "1 APPLICATIONS lllUl i I I: ELEMENTS I HAIOMIO I
      77 words
    • 65 21 /THE SINGAPORE MALAYALEe" HINDU SAMAJAM m conjunction with THE FORTIETH INDIAN INDEPENDENCE CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE PRFSENTS A SITAR RECITAL BY USTHAD I SHARAFAT KHAN 1 at the SLF Auditorium (Ministry of Community Development Building) 512 Thomson Road. Singapore 1125 on Monday 21 March 1988 at 8 pm. FREE SEATING: TICKETS PRICED
      65 words
    • 526 21 JlaundryMcind Household Laundry Service If you're wondering how you'd ever cope with all the washing and ironing. Laundryland has a simple soljtion for you ~-—~~a~yC L^vTU^ 1 Collect all your dirty laundry V§*T it »jjy^ Sj j 2 Call your neighbourhood m rF L_ kJJ Laundry Land agent i 3uD
      526 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 163 22 SMART BUSINESSMEN lITTT T TJ A\7T? 'PUTG AC A /^TL v rf W IJuJL IlriV Jj 1 Illu riu J\ vJlr 1 What made the 1 987 business year And what of 1 988? what must be done if Singapore s small and medium memorable? businesses are to succeed. American
      163 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 318 23 YOU CAN CREATE AN ADVANTAGE FOR YOUR COMPANY BY TUTTING PEOPLE FIRST' "Many factors have contributed to our recent success but the spearhead was the 'PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST PROGRAMME..." Putting People First m Business So how can you generate a individuality is the philosophy To be successful and profitable, a
      318 words
    • 373 23 ATTENTION ALL '0' Level/ A' Level STUDENTS Base<i oa your tarmaat < V Levd 'A' Lrvd results. enn>l now t LONDON APRIL INTAKE C'ouw* Duration Entry Kwjuirfmwit A' Level lMnn»nrh> roTevel AAT 15 months -4 '(C Level.*--1 'A' Level ami 2 Level CM 9 months 2 "A" Level and Lral
      373 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 164 24 IT^ g^^^^^^^B^^^^^^Mj h9^HB vLW Japan's No.l Gonqmter Makei^ a^^^^^J^^^J^^fc^ l^^ W* B^fc^J B^L 4—^^k Fujitsu, maker of an entire range x IC3CIU3 urc: jlv denes ts^sss^z^ duces the FACOM X Series. f V Packing lots of power without jf^Av l-^^fl ft H 1^ I <^"M m *W'^\'W4M^ takin 9 up
      164 words

    • 2659 25 By OUR RACING TEAM PENANG Leading trainer Malcolm Thwaites' classy Sunday Guest and Saratoga Six yesterday joined stablemate Mighty Kingdom to rout their Class 4 opposition to complete doubles for the meeting. Saratoga Six and Sunday Guest were ridden by Terry Lucas. They
      2,659 words
    • 243 25 LONDON Triple champion hurdler See You Then has almost certainly run his last race, said trainer Nick Henderson. The horse suffered a small tree ture m his leg m a race at Wincanton on Thursday, dashing all ho|K>s of landing a record fourth Champion Hurdle
      Reuter  -  243 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      221 25 MR BEX GEK SUN PETER Ag« 77 y««rt oM CaMod horn* to t» with tho Lord on 2tth February 19M at 2.07pm l«iv ing tMhindB«lo»»d Wit. Mar .a C hta Son: Stephen Bek Chin Boon D»ughl»rt Anna Bek Kirn Hong Agatha Bek Oek Hong Ivy Bek Ngtn Hong
      221 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      77 25 X WONG SEI KEE O«p«rt«d 29/2/ 19*4 'Yea, though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. 1 Ps 23:4. Always rmwrnbrnd by lov*d omi. IN LOVING
      77 words
    • 207 25 The family of the late PETER GOH SIN WEE Departed: 25.2 88 wishes to express their deepest thanks and appreciation to the TTS.H. (Ward 31) staff, priests, relatives, friends and colleagues for their kind attendance, condolences, contributions, wreaths and assistance during j their recent bereavement. J THE FAMILY
      207 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      56 25 ATHMA SANTHI POOJA RAJASEGARAN s/o M. VENGEDASALAM Born 29.11.62. Departed 14.2.88. Athma Santhi Pooja will be held at Sri Sivan Temple on Monday. 29.2.88., 7.30 p.m. Friends and relatives, picas* treat this as a personal invitation. For details, pleas* call *****94 MOTHER V. Govlndamal BROTHERS Nagarajan Rajendran Thiagarajan
      56 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements

    • 366 26 321 Deaths 321 Deaths MRS LIM QUAY TAW (nee MDM. TAN SUAN NEO) 76 YEARS patted away peacefully on 28-2-88 leaving behind: Daughters-ln-Law Dr Lim Chin Hong Dr Agatha Hii Urn Chin Tian Yeo Al Koon Dr Lim Chin Hock Helen Tan Lim Chin Beng Lim Chin Chye Rita Chan
      366 words
    • 32 26 323 Condolences 323 Condolences Our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to the family of the late MR PHILIP BOEY YIN PUN From: Partners and Staff Coopers Lybrand Cont d from Pg 25
      32 words
    • 613 26  -  TAY CHENG KHOON Champ staves off Cook's hole-in-one threat By EVEN Jeff Cook's 67, boosted by a hole-in-one, could not stop unflappable Greg Bruckner from winning the Rolex Masters golf tournament at the Bukit course yesterday. Bruckner, from sunny California, finished with an even-par 71
      JERRY SEH  -  613 words
    • 275 26 Norman wins by seven strokes CANBERRA Australian Greg Norman won the Canberra Open golf tournament by seven strokes yesterday from West Germany's Bernhaid Langer. Norman, the world's No. 1 golfer, shot a four-under-par 68 to finish with a 19-under tally of 269. His only blemish of the day came at
      UPI; Reuter  -  275 words
    • 195 26 LOS ANGELES Chip Beck, often a runner-up but never a winner m 10 years on the PGA tour, shot a six-under-par 65 on Saturday to take the third-round lead m the U*****,000 ($1.51 million) Los Angeles Open. Beck will take a threestroke lead over Jay Haas,
      AP; UPI  -  195 words
    • 375 26 FAIRFAX (Virginia) MARTINA Navratilova, seeking her third tournament title m as many weeks, overwhelmed Hana Mandlikova on Saturday to earn a meeting with doubles partner Pam Shriver m the final of the US$3OO,OOO ($603,000) Virginia Slims of Washington. Martina, the tournament's top seed and the
      UPI  -  375 words
    • 349 26 CALGARY Alberto Tomba, of Italy, joined the all-time alpine skiing greats on Saturday and gave the Winter Olympics a desperately needed hero. The 21-year-old charmer from Bologna remained ice cool at the height of the battle to add the men's slalom title to the giant
      AFP  -  349 words
    • 394 26 Men Mptne slain*. 1 Pir mm Zurbriggen (Swit) 2 Peter Mueller (Swit) 3 Franck Pirrard (Fra) Saper-gtant slal«m: 1 Franck Pircard (Fra) 2 Helmut Meyer (Aus) S LarsBorje Erikkson (Swe). Giant xlmloin: I Alberto Tomba (Ita) 2 Hubert Strolz (Aus) 3 Pirmin Zurbrißßpn (Swit) KlaUm: 1 Alberlo Tomba
      394 words
    • 341 26 274 (Jreg Bruckner US) 68, 69. 66. 71 277 Jeff Cook (US) 70. 71. 69. 67. Tray Tyner (US) 73. 65. 71. 68: Jeff Mag gert (US) 71. 71. 66. 69 281 Steve Veriato (US) 72. 68. 70. 71; Lv Hsi-chuen (Tai) 65, 69. 72. 75. 282 Ted
      341 words
    • 196 26 OAHU (Hawaii) Japan's Ayako Okamoto began her 1988 season where she left off last year with a onestroke victory over Americans Joanne Carner and Deb Richard m the Hawaiian Open golf tournament on Saturday. Ayako, the top money winner last year, scored her 12th LPGA tour
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 283 26 PHILADELPHIA Defending champion Tim Mayotte, of the US, and 16th seed John Fitzgerald, of Australia, posted straight-set victories on Saturday to reach the final of the US Pro indoor tennis championships. Mayotte, the second seed, recovered from 2-5 down m the second set to eliminate sixth-seeded South
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 347 26 CALGARY Katarina Witt became the first woman to retain the Olympic figure skating title for more than half a century on Saturday when American Debi Thomas appeared to buckle under the strain of their rivalry. The East German world champion added a second gold to
      Reuter  -  347 words
    • 156 26 Dutch player's amazing streak OKLAHOMA CITY Dutch newcomer Brenda Schultz. a lowly 236 th m the world rankings, continued a week of remarkable results by reaching the final of the US$lOO,OOO ($202,000) women's tennis tournament here on Saturday after defeating third seed Raffaela Reggi, of Italy, m straight sets. Brenda,
      Reuter; UPI  -  156 words
    • 347 26 ATHLETICS Soviet runners led all the way to win the 1988 international women's Ekiden road relay m Yokohama on Sunday with a meet record of 2hr 15min 41sec. The previous record of 2:16.42 was set by Norway m 1986. China finished second m 2:17:36, followed by Japan
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  347 words
    • 474 27  -  WILFRED YEO Hamid, Wing Cheok share honours m 'revenge' over Kiwis reports from Melbourne SINGAPORE got the result they desperately wanted a victory over New Zealand that settled a 19-year-old score but it could well have been a more comprehensive margin than 3-2. The men
      474 words
    • 111 27 Thomas Cop Indonesia 5 Australia t: Eddy Kurniawan bt Darren McDonald 15-11, 15-11; Alan Budi Kusuma bt Gordon Lang 15-8, 15-2; Ardy Wiranata bt Paul Stevenson 15-3, 15-1; Bobby Ertanto and Gunawan bt Lang and Michael Scandolera 15-12, 12-15, 15-11 Hadibowo and Eddy Hartono bt
      111 words
    • 401 27 LONDON After a career which has taken him from Aberdeen to Barcelona Reserves via Tottenham and several Cup final appearances, former Scottish international soccer striker Steve Archibald has this season restored his reputation m the most unlikely surroundings. Archibald, whose goals inspired Barcelona to their first Spanish
      Reuter  -  401 words
    • 79 27 IPC/H City Hall, twice denied the Football Association of Malaysia Cup, weie third-time lucky last night when they edged out Kinta Indian Association by a solitary goal m the final at Perak Stadium City Hall were awarded a penalty m the 58th minute
      NST  -  79 words
    • 454 27 Arsenal 4 Char I ton (l-#) Paul Merson scored m the 12th and 55th minutes to underline Arsenal's strength. When Garth Crooks missed two chances to level, the visitors were punished as Michael Thomas and Alan Smith rounded off the scoring. Attendance: 25,394. Derby 1 West Ham
      AP  -  454 words
    • 1336 27 DIVISION ONE Arsenal 4 Charlton 0. Derby 1 West Ham 0. Everton 1 Southampton 0. Newcastle 3 Chelsea 1. Portsmouth 0 Liverpool 2, Queens Park Rangers 1 Wimbledon 0. Sheffield Wednesday 0 Tottenham 3. Watford 0 Coventry 1. DIVISION TWO Aston Villa 5 Plymouth 2. Barnsley 2
      Reuter  -  1,336 words
    • 269 27 AUCKLAND England pace bowler Graham Dilley save his side a glimmer of hope for a win m the final session of the fourth day m the Second cricket Test against New Zealand at Eden Park here yesterday. Just when it seemed that New Zealand openers Trevor
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 171 27 Singapore win by nine wickets SINGAPORE posted another nine-wicket victory over Trengganu m their MCQMd one-day Malaysian Cricket Association league match at Balestier Road yesterday The Republic, who won by a similar margin on Saturday, found little resistance from the visitors, who managed 84 m 40 of the 50-over match.
      171 words
    • 364 27 THE Vintage Barbarians won the inaugural Golden Oldies touch sevens rugby tournament when they beat Singapore Cricket Club Geriatrics 5-3 at the Padang yesterday. Kight sides took part m the competition and teams were given handicaps according to to the cumulative ages of the 10 members
      364 words
    • 103 27 Lineker hits double for Barcelona MADRID Two goals by England soccer international Gary Lineker helped Barcelona upset Atletico Madrid 2-0 m a Spanish First Division match on Saturday. Other results: Espanol 4 Real Valladolid 2, Seville 1 Real Madrid 1. West German: Bayern Munich 6 FC Homburg 0. Pochum 0
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 219 27  - Suter skis way to three titles LEE WAI WUN TEENAGER Suter Tan swept all three titles slalom, tricks and jumps m the the first Sprite water-skiing series at Kallang River yesterday. The 16-year-olds jump of 30 metres and slalom performance of three buoys at 58kmh on a 14.25 m rope
      219 words
    • 194 27 SINGAPORE'S reserve player Donald Koh may not have picked up any playing experience here, but he will bring home a nickname. Donald takes care of the handling of food and drinks for his team-mates and, like many of the others, is rather fond of hamburgers. Yes. you've guessed
      194 words
    • 348 27 India through to finals after nine -year lapse NEW DELHI India qualified for the Thomas Cup men's badminton finals for the first time m nine years on Saturday when they defeated Thailand 3-2 m a thrilling qualifying-round match. The Japanese women's team, who qualified on Friday for the liber Cup
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 349 27  -  HAKIKAT RAI JURONG TOWN danced the samba on their way to a 4-0 win over Tampines Rovers m a Premier League soccer match at Jurong yesterday. They were no doubt inspired by the rhythmic beat provided by a band of Brazilian sailors who had brought along
      349 words
    • 203 27  - Geylang venue needs facelift LEE WAI WUN By I EXCEPT for the parquet flooring and scoreboards, the Geylang Indoor Stadium (former Gay World Stadium) is inadequate to stage the women's preOlympic basketball qualifying round. So said Mr David Turner, technical assistant to the secretary-general of Fiba (the world governing body),
      203 words
    • 189 27  -  JOE DORAI SINGAPORE Armed* Forces Sports Association hauled themselves out of the relegation zone yesterday when they beat Changi CSC 2-0 m a Premier League soccer match at Bedok Stadium yesterday. With the victory, Safsa have acquired 12 points from 12 matches. They are four points
      189 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 344 27 WOULDNTTOU LIKE TO SEE 700 FOOD AND HOSPITALITY COMPANIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD IN JUST 4 DAYS? Yes. this exciting opportunity is yours Then experience for yourself I world-cl.iss r'ocxl&HotelAsiaHS from 13-16 Apni 19SH. 1 1 culiruiry evenr ar PoodicHotriAfiaHH the- sixth FHA Asia s premier food and r >*\
      344 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 120 27 TODAY'S EVENTS BADMINTON liter-tM-stltnrnry uonumit: Euncs v Kolam Ayer. Teck Ghee v Anson. Ulu Pandan v Chong Boon, Mountbatten v Geylang Serai (Toa Payoh Sports Hall); Kaki Bukit v Ayer Rajah. AMK v Kirn Seng. Toa Payoh v Jurong. Kebun Baru v Aljunied (Bedok Sports Hall) All matches at 7
      120 words

  • 524 28 Calm returns as Gorbachev promises to personally look into border dispute MOSCOW Calm returned to the southern Soviet republic of Armenia yesterday as leaders of protests calling for the re-drawing of regional boundaries suspended all demonstrations for a month, giving Soviet leader
    Reuter; NYT  -  524 words
  • 439 28  - Britain may set new ruling on fireworks SHIRLEY DAVENPORT By LONDON A new British standard for fireworks may be developed before the next Guy Fawkes' celebrations m Britain next November. Though there are fewer fireworks accidents than m 1986 when there were 846 accidents, according to the Home Office, health
    439 words
  • 562 28 Metal blades make way for public safety GRASS-CUTTERS are now using machines with nylon cords instead of metal blades m busy public places. The Parks and Recreation Department required that its contractors use such machines, which are far less likely to cause harm to pass-ers-by than
    562 words
  • 368 28  - Mrs Waldheim was a Nazi, says British paper ALAN HUBBARD By Europe Editor LONDON New information that suggests the wife of beleaguered Austrian President Kurt Waldheim was herself a Nazi who plotted his rise to power is to be presented to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher today. This follows revelations m
    368 words
  • 455 28 Defiant Delvalle goes into hiding Pand vows to fight on PANAMA CITY Ousted president Eric Arturo Delvalle eluded arrest and has gone underground, vowing to "fight all the way" for the position he still claims. But Panamanians already seem resigned to his successor, installed by military strongman General Manuel Antonio
    Reuter; AP; AFP  -  455 words
  • 21 28 BEIJING Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda arrived m Beijing yesterday for a five-day official visit, Xinhua news agency reported. AFP
    AFP  -  21 words
  • 361 28 Cambodia impedes summit with Moscow Zhao TOKYO Chinese Communist Party chief Zhao Ziyang has ruled out a Sino-Soviet summit m the near future, owing to Vietnam's continued occupation of Cambodia. In an interview with the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, held m Beijing on Saturday and published here yesterday, Mr Zhao was
    AFP; Reuter  -  361 words
  • 84 28 What it should have been IN A Parliament report on Saturday, we said the Government had considered extending maternity benefits to female employees bearing the third child, but eventually decided on paid maternity leave as an incentive to encourage couples to have more childien. This is incorrect. In fact, the
    84 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 264 28 w and it's just 1 the beginnig. Ml lost 7 /2 lbs for a start!" Mane France d.dnt f^isCOl** 1 J°J n MeS r promise miracles, but after my cO upl^ s lt Z~—~—~ initial treatment with FMS, it's proving to be a near miracle for me! I've lost null's
      264 words
    • 408 28 Of course you are, .^^^^^^M nearly everyoflo is Mk Too much good i^^^^^ I food, not enough I exercise is a sure I y way to make a big N. fat problem. And V. to be called "fatty" wouldn't be nice for a jv person who once had a trim
      408 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 208 28 Weather Fair except for showers oat a few areas m the afternoon. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 33 max., 25 mm SUNStT today: 7.19 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 7.14 am. GLOBAL HEATHER Adelaide 15 24 C Fair I Us Angeles j C Amsterdam 05 C Cloudy Madrid c Athens
      208 words

  • The Straits Times Section Two
    • 5 1 The Straits Times Section Two
      5 words
    • 1064 1 ART OF THE POLITICAL TEAR Every now and then, newsmakers including world leaders dissolve m tears m public. Last week, TV evangelist Rev Jimmy Swaggart blubbered as he confessed his adultery which forced him out of the pulpit. The articles, reprinted from the Daily Mail, feature international crybabies. IN THE
      1,064 words
    • 276 1 SO CRYING m politics is a double-edged weapon. You think you are a Churchill or a Thatcher, but you may discover that you are only a MacLennan. For those who are prepared to play all the emotions on their way to the top, here
      276 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 326 1 v few B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^HS»^^^^^^^BfaW *JBai > -^^BB Br *i^. a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^L^a^^^f /.^-f^"^' m^^ f "ißt^O&k" Ha^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^aHiwflaHßllvOSl B^B^B^B^K B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BHB^B^Ba^BwBE>P^^ f* 3^s*'^ BBBB^fc vBVI I LB^BaV j Singapore's first Catastrophic Medical Insurance Sure, you've got Medisave. Special features of the scheme times as you need to and premiums will not But statistics show that
        326 words
    • Science
      • 769 2 This article compiled from The New York Times and The Guardian mourns the death of one of the world's greatest theoretical physicists, Richard Feynman. THERE were said to be two ways of solving difficult problems m physics: One was to use mathematics, the
        769 words
      • 279 2  -  CHUA CHIN CHYE A student remembers Feynman THE late Professor Richard Feynman, although very kind and considerate to his students, could be utterly ruthless to those who put on airs or pretensions, said one of his former students. "He would tear down their arguments. He was
        279 words
      • 677 2 IRRITABLE bowel syndrome used to be considered a classic psychosomatic disorder. When patients complained of abdominal pain, gas, diarrhoea or constipation that came and went with no apparent reason, their doctors often referred them to psychiatrists. Now there
        NYT  -  677 words
      • 245 2 Guava leaves yield strong painkiller researcher THE leaves of the common guava plant yield, among other substances, a potent p-iin-killer, says a Universiti Sains Malaysia tUSM) researcher. Dr George Lutterodt, c serior lecturer at the School of Medical Sciences, declin<?d to name the substance. "I can only say that it
        NST  -  245 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 544 2 v ArHAYQRSANjSAIiQNCATHAVQRGANISAIIQNCAIHAYQPf^ANi 1 f^STXRfXtiiWH; HT'lVili'i MB < (*****00) 5 SHOWS 11 00 AM. 1.30, 4.00. 6.30 9.15PM > 2 Freshmen have always 0 (Nomaion id B^ had nimble adjusting ■^■^^^m to college life. »t» J^^"j if But never like this. £r\ 1 aVm -Jffi— ~^^aW-^af *'< l •^•^^■^•■^•■■lBP'bl i ■iWLIW
        544 words
      • 700 2 I CAPITOL/CHANGI: 17th DAY' I CAPITOL (*****59) 1 1am. 1 30. 4 00. 6 30. 9 15 No Free List CHANGI (*****59) 11am. 1 30. 400 7 00. 915 No Fr<m i_i«< I f GOLDEN GLOBE m PP* AWARD WINNER fTffJy LAMBUCAStI SINGLE v ijgy yvi haw mmi outrun ijs
        700 words
    • Bilingual
      • 961 3 I don't smoke and drink; I don't lose my temper. I love art I can't live a m day without painting. Artist Zhu Qizhan, 96, on his longevity Chinese artist Zhu Qizhan, is 96, and still painting. In fact, he is working towards a major exhibition
        961 words
      • 293 3 J^^L^^T^ THIS programme is compiled by Bed iff nsion and broadcast daily m Teochew, Hokkien and Cantonese. There will also be an English translation of the lesson. The broadcast times over SBC's Radio Four are 9 pm In Teochew and 11.45 pm m Hokkien on Mondays, 9
        293 words
      • 758 3 EVERY year, when the Spring Festival comes around, rural families m China decorate their homes with a variety of brightly coloured New Year pictures nian-hua). The most important of China's traditional holidays, the festival marks the New Year according to the old lunar
        China Reconstructs  -  758 words
      • Article, Illustration
        174 3 tmtm^tk ft r-A*W*«£W*£ K4>9MI S-T^Ai >. Zm Mtt HK& felt P5 Wft UtttWfrS t* 7541fi jit^h *£fft*9* X- R* b* v •♦•Pi 'irfV-iwi l*# IKff r r >: h'j iffli M fife (i'j 4> Ml it Oil ft it* >i^ife "-ft 'V; r »t- M# Itflfftt** fi'jf^m^'SpirvfiH i tim m
        174 words
      • 431 3 STONES bearing the dragon motif are now being featured as a major attraction at Sentosa Island, which is holding a Lunar New Year festival. At the Rare Stone Museum you will be greeted by 13 stones bearing figures of dragons. One of them is
        431 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 877 4 Berita Harian reporter TUMINAH SAPAWI was m Übud, Bali, recently. She spoke to Mr Agung Rai, curator of one of the galleries to find out more about the art m the area. Like religion, art is indispensable tc the Balinese. It
        877 words
      • 533 4  -  Olah TUMINAH SAPAWI SENI lukis di daerah Übud, Bali meningkatkan lagi nama dan kedudukan negeri itu sebagai kawasan yang kaya dengan kepelbagaian seninya. Seni diceburi oleh masyarakat Bali seolah-olah ia adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan harian dan ketiadaannya akan menimbulkan kejanggalan. Malah di Übud, kerjaya
        533 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 769 4 (Ww^TjHj) 2 Eating Out SLOANE COURT HOTEL. Large Tiger Draught Beer $4.50++. Set lunch $5.90 1 Steaks, Chops It Oxtail Stew at reasonable prices. Rooms dally from $45 upwards Free parking 17 Balmoral Rd., Spore 1025 Tel: *****11. COCKPIT HOTEL. COFFEE House Si Dragon Palace Restn. Special Lunch Si Dinner
        769 words
      • 381 4 4 Catering STAY AT HOME and enjoy our delicious Cantonese lunch or dinner at tel: *****40 MX BUFFET OFFER. Hotel Si world chef Thum proudly caters First Class dishes By 10am *****86 5 Nightclubs/ Lounges/Discos COCKPIT HOTEL, Victoria Bar 'live' bands Trl-Notes 4 Airwaves perform from 6 pm to 1
        381 words
      • 662 4 22 Computer Products/ 22 Computer Products/ 22 Computer Products/ Services Services Services The software package that pays! CNI I'.iyroll. 2. < >m >>i the most tl.xihlt- .md ,oiiiprehen.Mve psi k.i^cs available UKlay. Success proven by over 6 years ot res.-ar. h and refinement. Hacked h> ibBBBBbV strong service from I
        662 words
      • 678 4 30 Antiques/ Arts/ Crafts JUST ANTHONY (Antique whole- saler It retailer), no. 370 Upp. r Paya Lebar Rd. Tel: *****22. 1 *****84. *****82 Direct from Chi- s na, large stock of authentic an- a tlque furniture, porcelains, 4 wood-carving and many more. JUST ARRIVED! LARGE quantity I of Chinese Antiques
        678 words
      • 611 4 38 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators NEW/ UBED COMMERCIAL/ do mestlc fridge, aircon cooker. Ice-maker, washing machine for sale/ trade-In/ rental, repair/ service/ Install/ respray. Day *****07/ *****31/ night *****05. REPAIR a INSTALLATION. Commercial Domestic fridge, washing machine, aircon. Satisfaction, prompt efficient service. X.C Aircon. Refrigeration. *****20/ *****70/ *****87 LEE a LEE specialised
        611 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 744 5 ti 737-1166 |C.A.T.S.| TLX: R*****3 CLASS c FAX: 732-0230 41 House Renovation/ 41 House Renovation/ 45 Health Centres/ 45 Health Centres/ Decor Decor Massage Massage WTTr% I p L Ncu> Orchard Ploza Health Centre ■■■I i^ I I /D 3 30 Orchard Plaza. Orchard Rd Tel *****89******80 bP b VbBBBI
        744 words
      • 278 5 48 Babysitting/ Child Care Centre •^BVMMHB^B^B^B^BBBIBIB^B^B^B^B^k^HBBBBHBBB^B^B^BaiBaBI THE FAMILY DAY CARE SCHEME Is looking for more CARE-GIVERS especially In a YMiun Bukil Bctofc Hougang Sarangoon Ealala Übr Eilat* Btahan T snipin#s a Jurong Whl Badoh Raaarvoir Marina Parada Please call: Tha Ministry Of Community Davalopmant at Tal: 3SO-C222 or 390-6220 49
        278 words
      • 539 5 50 Hairdressing 50 Hairdressing 2^z=Mal ■B^T^l^il La I, m -Am A k Academy 1 to 2 weeks (Jyt: 5 Adv Cutting Programme 1 to 4 weeks parrn/ S 1 5/ Seminar 2 Nights Workshop 2 day Colour 1 2 Cut Perm Colour Course 2 mths Treatment^W^ Professional Diploma Course 28
        539 words
        692 words
      • 793 5 72 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/ Removal A BUDGET PRICE Professional delivery, removal Si disposal services. Specialist In pianos, organs and safes removal Contractors for government and statutory boards Careful uniformed workers and team leaders. SHALOM TRANSPORT SERVICES PTE. LTD T.I *****17/ 2S4SISI BUDGET RATES $30 onwards (Cheap rates) House/ office removal,
        793 words
      • 1599 5 78 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies WANTED SO HP. to 100 tip l'lst.,n water cool air compressor 7k(j :m2. Please call 273-898U 100 TOMS OF Thai Chlngnal wood for sale l'«" x 4" Length 10' 15. Pis call: *****5* 5 UNITS 2000 I G Skids storage Lank 2nd hand (or sale Contact
        1,599 words
      • 394 5 111 V Enjoy fresh, relaxing sights 'WOT and sounds of [Jim^iM I Find this unique HM^U abode at fTTfIB classification 179. 11(1 j i VI bY b^b^L^b^bh f/ Bi\ I 1 92 Domestic Help 92 Domestic Help Available Available I Tel: *****33 J I "CALL US TODAY FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE"
        394 words
      • 360 5 94 Positions Vacant: Professional/ Executive needing American Newspaper Company requires MARKETING EXECUTIVE (FEMALE) c GCE CT or A' Level c Preferably 2to 3 years experience In sales and marketing fields. c Confident and enthustastlc with outgoing personality and a will to travel. c Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience
        360 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 719 6 94 Positions Vacant: Professional/ Executive MANAGEMENT TRAINEES REQUIRED URGENTLY c Age 30-30 Malt- female M I i > I fvel. A' level and d«"nrr«* aoldetl all sn ■easaaM c I'leasaiil personality, hard working c Able to communicate 1 m Mandarin and English c rav>a>>le to UStM manager director la plan
        719 words
      • 472 6 96 Positions Vacant Tutorial TUTORS REQUIRED TO t«*a< ti I'M Bat l 'all N'tween y spm tx-i-ept I 2pm *****04 *****. t )6 TUTORS URGENTLY REQUIRED tor all Mbjects, levelf dlsta OSfleSt Woiiifii aMSfMi 2ZJ2iJB 97 Positions Vacant: Domestic LIVE IN MAID NEEDED for ir.sework Local. Tamil or lllndhl speaking
        472 words
      • 347 6 98 Positions Vacant: 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Secretarial/ Clerical remks CMX SINGAPpRE (PTE) LTD, a world leader m the field of PCB manufacturing wishes to invite applicants for the following positions Maie applicants completed N.S Diploma m Business Studies or its equivalent Abie to work independently and under pressure
        347 words
      • 436 6 98 Positions Vacant: 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Secretarial/ Clerical fßentokil incorporating Thomas Cowan I 1 J An international Service Company is looking for CLERKS 3 I Applicants should: M I c Enjoy working with people I c Completed GCE "O" level education preferably with pi I I credit m
        436 words
      • 871 6 98 Positions Vacant: 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical i Secretarial/ Clerical Our client is a foreign company involved m providing medical and travel related services to their clients. I They now require a dynamic mnd young lady to join their teem as a: CO-ORDINATION EXECUTIVE (Japanese Speaking) She must be
        871 words
      • 448 6 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical WE'RE RECRUITING FOR TOP U.S. MFG. CORPNS. (5-day week) SR. SECRETARY $1200 Work for Expat Regional Manager Normal secretarial functions, shorthand Inclusive DATA ENTRY OPS. SSOO a WP OPS. SSOO Wordstar/ D-base/ Lotus 123 experience PERSONNEL CLERKS MOO Mln. 2 to 3 yrs. personnel experience.
        448 words
      • 529 6 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical A) STENOGRAPHERS B) GENERAL CLERKS OCE O" level/ NIC Graduate Credits In Maths A English Typing 30 w p.m Shorthand 100 w.p.m (For post A only) C) SALES CLERK (MALE) OCE A' Level Credit In Maths and English Basic clerical skill Preferably possess class 3
        529 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 584 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial' Clerical Eatabitahexl interior company requires ACCOUNTS CLERK with some basic accounts knowledge preferred Pieaee apply with full particulars and contact number to KINGSMEN DESIGNERS A PRODUCERS PTE LTD. BLK. A, #02—14 TONG LEE BUILDING 35, KALLANG PUDDING ROAD SINGAPORE 1334. Lutn Chang Building Contractors Pte Ltd
        584 words
      • 570 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical We have Immediate varan 1) BOOK-KEEPER 2) RECEPTIONISTS 3) WAITERS/ WAITRESSES (Full/ part-tima) Interested applicants please caJl personally to:-CN-WEST LEISURE PARK Japanese Gdn. Rd. (Between former Jurong Drive-In and Japanese/ Chinese Gardens) Jurong town. FEMALE AOMBN. ASSISTANTS (2 VACANCIES) c Age: 18 to 2*7 c
        570 words
      • 609 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical TRADE ASSOCIATION requires 1 EXPERIENCED FEMALE SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT c OCE O' Level c Bilingual In English Si Chinese a Fast St accurate typing c Oood shorthand speed c Able lo operate telex <■ fax machines c Able to work Independently a Ability to communicate well
        609 words
      • 630 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical An international shipping company urgently requirea ACCOUNTS CLERK Requirements: c OCE O 1 level c 1-2 years relevant experience c LCCI Intermediate Bookkeeping c Experience In handling petty cash Interested applicants pleaae cell personally with njll r—unf, at: #31-02/ 04 PSA Building 4SO Alexandra Road
        630 words
      • 618 7 98 Positions Vacant S«Cf tarial/ Clerical ROOYK 8 DAVIDSON requires TRADEMARKS ASSISTANT a Typing 40 to 50 wpm a WP/ IJata Entry knowledge a GCE N' or 'O' level OFFICE BOY a Able to speak and write simple English Pteaee apply m writing with contact lei number to The Manager
        618 words
      • 581 7 98 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical CHINESE FEMALE TYPIST required lor shipping Arm. c Sec education Able to type neatly and accurately Interested, write m with full resume including contact let. no to: Blk 514 Bedofc Industrial Estate Chai ChM Lane #05-05/08 ftinnannra 1 ALAJt 9 ingajyvorv 'D*> CLERKS/ TYPISTS Established
        581 words
      • 869 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical JUNIOR SECRETARY required. Ito 2 years experience a Duties Include answering telephone calls, typing, filing, operating telex and fax machine Intereated plsaas calf 732-2788. PERSONNEL ASSISTANT a Mln GCE O' Level a Mln Iyr relevant experience In manufacturing firm WALK -IN INTERVIEW with relevant documents
        869 words
      • 1057 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER. He leptlonlst Si Account! Clerk wanted With/ without experience Preferably residing In dlst 2. 3. 4. 14, 15 Apply with photo contact number to Maxwell Rd P O Box 14T7, Spore 9028 RECEPTIONIST ($1000) FOR Man agement Consultant In Shenton Way Pre-requlsltes
        1,057 words
      • 874 7 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical GENERAL CLERK WITH 1 ,Kk.. Ing experience requlrrri tot medlat* employment fcall *****78 for appt GENERAL CLERK With ..unto I and computer knowlr<lK>- ndvantage Salary neg Call at Blk 3 St Georges Rd "01-93 Tel 298-7012 GENERAL CLERK WITH 2 years of experience and some
        874 words
      • 512 7 99 Positions Vacant: Sales SALES^ PEOPLE ARE NOT BORN. THEY ARE TRAINED AND WE CAN HELP TRAIN YOU TO BE ONE OF THEM. Inaptte <>f Ike eeoneamte ra the life insurance bttaaMei iwen ea the increase In 1987. MM re< urdN .t growth of above BE A PROFESSIONAL IN THE
        512 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 503 8 99 Positions Vacant: 99 Positions Vacant: Sales Sales Ever thought of a career m SALES? Man\ people have the mistaken impression that salespeople are born. That is utter nonsense. SAXES rCOPLE ARK MADE W^\ MUM the occupation Mi and it is probably W^ represented m the W selling ranks of
        503 words
      • 587 8 99 Positions Vacant: 99 Positions Vacant Sales Sales dunni AIJTOKD Dl NHIIJ. (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD requires FKMALE SALES PROMOTERS for Men's Fragrances Qualifications: Attractive and well groomed Outgoing jHrsonality Good s|M>kcn Kn^lLsh Ekpafjaan m retail sales preferred Aged t**t\MH>n Hi to B BmftitHl iru-ome Jietweeti $8()() to $900 per month
        587 words
      • 621 8 99 Positions Vacant: Salas Ladies fashion boutiques at Liang Court, Wiama Atria and Raffles City branches require FULL-TIME FEMALE SALES STAFF secondary education aged n years and above to work 2 rotating shifts pleasant personality good spoken English experience an advantage training provided basic salary $500 plus monthly sales Incentives
        621 words
      • 702 8 1 99 Positions Vacant: Sales i requires SALES EXECUTIVES a Male/ Female c Age below 35 c Preferably with own vehicle c Basic salary: $400-$6OO c Attractive commission St transport allowance c 5-day week c 13-month bonus and other fringe benefits Welk-in interview from 29th Feb to 4th March at:
        702 words
      • 642 8 99 Positions Vacant: Sales SALES EXECUTIVES (Mala/ Female) c Age 23 to 35 a Minimum OCE O' Level a At least 2 years' sales experience a In English and Mandarin Wa offer good basic salary t high commission. Interested please come for an Interview: #05-16 Sim Lim Square 1
        642 words
      • 960 8 99 Positions Vacant: Sales SALES EXECUTIVES We offer attractive allowance commission (unlimited) to join our aggressive it professional team with the following qualifications a Resourcefulness c Persistence it motivation c Bilingual dialect speaking c Own vehicle c 24 to 30 yrs of age Call for an Interview Tel: ***** M
        960 words
      • 712 8 99 Positions Vacant: Sales WELL REPUTED ADVERTISING Media needs Sales Keprr «,c nt.i ttves to present to service clients ROD personnel are also j welcome Please call 292-9689 MALE/ FEMALE SALES Assls tants Age 20-40 Speak Manda rln Salary $600 *02-O6 Balestler Point Tel *****56, 9-spm MARKETING EXECS. REQUIRED h
        712 words
      • 615 8 100 Positions Vacant: Technical G 7 mBWCK fA W DECKER 5 y 1 electrician] fA Routing 2 sluft m Range: m I SSSO 5950 P m I I •IK M( m I ISO Incal I BjjjMerim or equivalent M 2 3 ymtt industrial > experience t. H task kaowtedfte ol
        615 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 678 9 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical Technical f You'll get all these with us!! Bursary awards tor children s higher education Sports 6 recreational activities Attractive shift allowance life Insurance 11 15 days Annual Leave Male /Female jHlLljl^Nj^H Production flTr^iyTjV^H Technicians Permanent Ist 2nd Shift
        678 words
      • 581 9 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical Technical j f /^l\ ORDNANCH DEVELOPMENT 7 I I ENGINI bRINGCOMPAN^ of 1 mm^ SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD. You i an U h >k HHHHEVSWT^RTTTBTTTT^a^I^IVHH ti'mvrdfo |^H^|^BJL^M^UMiMMK^t^MßrtilHl establishing GCE level (Technical stream) OR Your career N T( Mefal Wachm "V
        581 words
      • 391 9 Electroplating and metal finishing industry requires 1. PROCESS CONTROL TECHNICIAN c Mln. OCE 'O' level In science subjects. c Singaporeans preferred. c Some experience In laboratory work 2. PROCESS ENGINEERS c University degree or c Diploma In Chemical Engineering/ Food Technology or Chemical Process. c Preferably Ito 2 years' experience
        391 words
      • 499 9 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical i Ameimn I AMERON (PTE) LTD I Transport Allowance -553.00 per day H I 5 day work week Attendance Incentive -5530.00 per month I for perfect |H attendance Shift Allowance -555.00 per day H I Free Drinks H I Free Uniform Insurance
        499 words
      • 480 9 100 Positions Vacant. 100 Positions Vacant. Technical Technical i R TOOL COMPANY INTL LTO REED, an American company manufacturing oilfield equipment has vacancies tor PRODUCTION MACHINISTS Minimum NTC 1 m Metal Machining with I to 2 years experience on conventional machines Knowledge of CNC machine- an added advantage but not
        480 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 508 10 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical (A Multinational Corporation one of the largest Electrical /Electronic Groups Worldwide) ■sV needs r~ p TECHNICIANS > Requirements: I Poly Diploma or VITB/ITC m Electncal/Elec- L ■C trorucs Engineering p JpJ Able to work on 3 shifts schedule preferred pi M Exempted
        508 words
      • 749 10 100 Position" Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical 3 Established metal cladding manufacturer has I vacancies for the following: A. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I B. DRAFT PERSONS With or without experience. I Diploma qualification preferred but not necessary IC. METALWORK WORKERS Preferably with VITB/ NTC Cert. Experience In welding would be
        749 words
      • 566 10 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Immediate vacancies for: 1) ELECTRICIANS 2) APPRENTICES 3) GENERAL WORKERS required by an •l»ctrical contractor Interetted applicants, pleaae coma personally tor an interview at: 136 Owen Road. S(0t21) Sanitary contractor has immediate vacancy for the post ot: SITE FOREMAN with th* following requirements 2 to 3
        566 words
      • 1219 10 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production Production Production 1 ■^■^■^■^■■■^■^■■aßMsassVMSlssssssssssssssssssssssssssasssissssssaßlsssl MHss«MMisssssssssss«slHssssssssssiaisssssssssssssssssss*Sslssssssssssßssss«Bssssslsß OlsssssssssssssssssssWsss>ilssssssssss*Bssssssa^Sß*«l«»sssssss(N»ssslssssslß(ssssßsssssss* Blssssssssssssssisssssss^sssVa^siMssss^ssssiaissssiai^isi^Maf^BßSMMßssl FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS p FMA F PBn ni imr*i nKn,,^ Jmn R,xi,mc l.»dav' Youll X- sur jom Unfew T.xlav 1 Youll be «MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS
        1,219 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 616 11 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant. 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant. 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production Production Production Production I WALK-IN INTERVIEW"] ill FEMALE {SI rE NALE FEMALE FRODUCTIOIN S QC QC SOURCE |t OPERATORS OPERATORS S OPERATORS ■SS Minimum Primary 6 EducaUon sV WM
        616 words
      • 120 11 1 EASTRECO EASTRECO (FTE) LTD, a Nestle research and development Company I m food processing, situated m Jurong I has got the opportunities for you. ill y^y^j You need to possess minimum Secondary 1 1 education. Preference will be given if you ijj have experience m processing operations. Successful candidates
        120 words
      • 488 11 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production Production Hitachi Express (S) Pte Ltd MALE INSPECTORS lIMNI for final Inspection of colour TV Tubes A MIN GROSS A oda y Ilamto6pm a M.N. GROSS #WSOPM^ TOAPAYOH MIN. GROSS 1 S62OPM UPON MW COMMUNITY
        488 words
      • 161 11 smmnno To meet our expansion projects, we need the (blowing personnel urgently: MACHINIST NIC 2 3 m Metal Machining > r Tool Die Making I I)B training t/raltsnian preferred QC PRODUCTION OPERATOR Technical secondary education pret erred Keen interest m developing >our career m the metal manufacturing industry LABORATORY ASSISTANT
        161 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 720 12 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production I MMHHMHMH«BHMii^ M^^ Mta^ ll f MM M m^.^ "7"~" jMadonna FEMALE N Mnor PRODUCTION started work »m us OPERATORS as a At AMS,jou can look forward to a career with ample promotional opportunities. Operator, Our Production Operators
        720 words
      • 260 12 101 Positions Vacant. 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Pos-tions Vacant Production Production Production FFMAI F g PAG KE RS |B^?m2S /Ufrjcf/^o Bonus e/c vS&fa^S^ SjLWJ^SHT Those below 50 years o/d ma/ afso apply. HAvS'^WVk he Assistant Manager ¥>j|jjPM TV-GLASS PTE LTD (AA J MttT'4[*%£24r%i £1 Electronic Pte Ltd \l \J mwm^^
        260 words
      • 83 12 Gross li\come S7OO 5750 (including overtime and allowance*) Male/ Female Singaporean Secondary 1 and above Completed NS Free transport and uniforms provided plus other benefits. Interested please 00OM personally tor an interview at: SUMITOMO HI.ECTRK (S) HI LTD ISGolWay Singapore 2262 Tel: *****77 Bill Service 25 2 from I Jurors
        83 words
      • 891 12 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production Production Koon Wah Printing A progressive printing company under the Times Publishing Group has vacancies for SINGAPORE TIME PTE LTD PRINTERS (SEIKO Watch Factory) Salary range between $600 $1000 tor skilled nC eS Or operators
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 480 13 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production A Swiss precision optics Company has immediate^^B vacancies for: ***** LjLjj I AA«ist have EOB craftsman certificate or NTC 2or 3 bl Precision Machining p;j I c Primary 6to Secondary 2 education I Experience m spraying essential V <j. a^aMPMal ML 11
        480 words
      • 861 13 101 Position* Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Big American Company urgently requires j^^j Starting pay about $520.00 ajßjßjj Able to perform morning and BHI B^— afternoon shifts or permanent E^Lm ■jb^P night shifts |^^r No experience required O2| Please WALK-IN with your NRIC L^fl ■Ql The Personnel Department 6th
        861 words
      • 761 13 101 Position* Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Multi-national Chemical Company raquiras I PRODUCTION OPERATORS i AND f STORE ASSISTANTS I Minimum Secondary 2. f Age: 20 and beyond a Completed National Service. Driving licence preferred. Experience with chemicals. BanaWts: Normal working hours. 2 months' bonus. Free transport to/ from
        761 words
      • 603 13 101 Positions Vacant: Production m BUCKSX W DECKER c GCI level or NIC 3 m Maintenance I it ting or equivalent c Some working experience preferred c Knowledge of pneumatic advantageous c On-t he-job training provided (jross Salary Ss2Opm c Interest m machine job c Abet to apCtk \imple I
        603 words
      • 491 13 101 Position* Vacant: Production Singapore citizen No shift work Experience not necessary Preferably staying m Yishun and Marsiling area Interested applicants. please call personally atNISSIN FOODS (S) PTE LTD 3 Senoko Crescent Singapore 2775 Traris Island Bi-s 169 I urgently requires 1) FEMALE ASST. PRODUCTION PLANNER c GCEO' Level c
        491 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 446 14 101 Positions Vacant: Production We aie a leading Beverage Manufacturing Company and. owing to our expansion program. we have immediate vacancies for the following Minimum pnmsry 6 education or above and completed NS Minimum primary 3 education and preferably completed NS All applicants must be prepared to work a rotating
        446 words
      • 399 14 102 Positions Vacant: 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge Lounge /^o^^o^ Irtish Mn^^^M. Singapore s largest JMm\^?*wJmm\ chain of exclusive 1. Full- Time/Part-Time/Freelance |U I GUEST RELATIONS HOSTESSES [j Salary from $1 .500 to $3,000 per month t2. FullTime/Part-Time/Freelance FEMALE GUEST RELATIONS I OFFICERS I Salary from $1
        399 words
      • 319 14 lOkoh Supreme j requires GENERAL COOKS j SUPERVISOR j WAITERS/ j WAITRESSES j (Part-time/ Full-time) I NIGHT CASHIER I (Part-time) I CLEANER I I Interested appllcanU kindly j come for a walk -In Interview I today or tomorrow from 3 p.m. f to 5.30 p.m. at: I 9 Penang Road
        319 words
      • 707 14 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge (jj) dynasty GUEST RELATIONS OFFICER Pleasant personality OCE O' Level with credit In English Between 21-26 years old Above 1.6 m In height Ability to speak foreign language an advantage Minimum 3 years experience In front Office work Those with experience as Flight Steward
        707 words
      • 512 14 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge 8 Shongri La hotel SIM ,AH( M SIMNIXI IA INHRNAItDNAI HOTQ raqyfcraa WAITERS/ WAITRESSES (Coffee Garden) Salary $880 p.m. Preferably with secondary school education TELEPHONE OPERATORS Salary $870 p.m. Minimum OCE 'O' level a Ability to type would be an advantage HOUSEMEN Salary $880
        512 words
      • 525 14 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge MCHE BEDOK COFFEE HOUSE UCQ#Olly rs><juir#* 1) WAITRESSES 2) WAITERS 3) CASHIERS Pleasant personality. Experience not necessary. Please apply personally at Blk 20*. #01-156. Bodofc North St 1, S'poro lU< (noaroy to Bus IntorcnanQo). SANUR INDONESIAN RESTAURANT requires WAITERS/ WAITRESSES (Full-tima/ Peri-tlma) Experience not
        525 words
      • 441 14 104 Other Positions Vacant D Machine Technician c Mm GCE 'O' level from Technical School or NTC 3 c Must be willing to perform 3 rotating shifts Relevant experience is not necessary 2) Store Assistants (Male) 18 -25 years old c Mm Secondary education To receive and issue electronic parts
        441 words
      • 420 14 104 Other Positions Vacant m L. a invites applications tor the posts I I Diploma holders m I Electronics or Mechanical I Engineering I Diploma holders m I Electronics Electrical I Engineering GCt A' or O' level with 2 3 I years' supervisory experience I m PCB'Final assembly I GCE
        420 words
      • 586 14 104 Other Positions Vacant SAftifO Sanyo Airconditionert Manufacturing (S) Pte. Ltd. A large and very progressive alrcondltloners manufacturer seeks sulUble candidates for the positions of. 1. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER c Design and modification of moulding die. a Supervision and maintenance of production machines A diploma In Mechanical Engineering with minimum 3
        586 words
      • 535 14 104 Other Positions Vacant SINGAPORE SWIMMING CLUB 45 Tanjong Rhu Road Singapore 1543 Tel: 345-2122 urgently requires FEMALE RECEPTIONIST Experience preferred but not SSSMattU Must be honest, trustworthy Si reliable a Pleasant personality It voice essential a Must be prepared to perform shift duties and work on Sundays and Pubic
        535 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1126 15 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions Vacant J Vacant j Vacant IfSSil BRITAM INVESTMENTS I (ASIA) PTE LTD I I We are part of the BRITISH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL GROUP I which operates In Insurance, banking and related services worldwide. We have I expanded our operations In
        1,126 words
      • 431 15 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions Vacant Vacant ran Chartered Electronics Industries Pte Ltd a^aV a ■uosknary oi CV Chartered Industries of Singapore I'te IjJ invite* application* tor I !T( "\T( m Electtonics/Duital/ I I Ffciinunici CntJnff ring witn Mint I I experience m < elcctrooici lenricing I I Posmss
        431 words
      • 617 15 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions Vacant Vacant BIIGM Singapore I Hh^M r PteLta I All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Resident j I are applicable for the following positions: I I 1) UNE STOCKER (2nd shift) I I Male/female, preferably secondary education j wJ Good m Mathematics J j Physically
        617 words
      • 667 15 3 STORE CLERK CUM DELIVERY DRIVER wantad d a Class 3 driving licence. c a Some store experience. i. m tor— tod applicant* pleas* write m with contact no. to S.T. BOX A***** 390 Kirn Song Road S pore 0923. SURVEY RESEARCH SINGAPORE A Laading Market R***aret> H Company urgontty
        667 words
      • 1070 15 104 Other Positions Vacant 1) TELEPHONE OPERATORS 2) CASHIERS 3) TYPISTS 4) CLERKS 5) OFFICE ASSISTANTS required urgently by a tuition agency In Ming Court Hotel. Plaa«j call 733-4067 or coma personally to: 04 -20 A, Ming Court Hotal Podium Block Singapora 1024. DELIVERY CLERK REQUIRED urgently by established co.
        1,070 words
      • 998 15 104 Other Positions Vacant LADY HAIRSTYLISTS (EXPERIENCED/ Inexperienced) required for salon at «02-18 Great Eastern Hotel. 401 Macpherson Rd Tel *****05 PRIME MOVER ft Lorry Drtvers required Interested, please come personally to Choon Heng Transport it Warehousing Pte Ltd at 231 Pandan Loop, S. 0512 SECURITY AGENCY REQUIRES Pte. Investigators,
        998 words
      • 591 15 121 Vehicles For Hire BTW CAR RENTALS Bluebird/ Lancer $50/ $40 dally, rent more than 6 days and get 1 day FREE a Mitsubishi L3OO/ Mteace goods van $40/ $35 dally Hiindvans pickups $25 dally $150 weekly. $S5O monthly j a 107 14' trucks $40/ $45 dally a Renter 25
        591 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 750 16 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance i 0 HITACHI HITACHI LEASING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Offers new and used car loans at competitive interest rates Mortgage loans also available (non-transferable* Call without obligation U Tat *****33 (10 lines) or T\ *****98 (Direct) Lynn Ong, *****33 Patf tim. KoON TECK FINANCE TAITHONQ LEE TRADING
        750 words
      • 927 16 132 For Sala: Mercedes fSINHIAPHONG^ MOTOR CO. WWOi We otter nigh once ky oH models of Mercedes and other povole c ompanyc on Hire cxiichaie con be omaoged 1 Call TeJ *****03. *****33/5 99/101 Soo Chow Walk Ofl Upp Thomson Rd 8 8 km Singapore 2057 TANGLIN USED CARS CO.
        927 words
      • 1083 16 134 For Sale. Datsun/ Nissan O 13 NISSAN Laurel 20 Auto Se--1 dan 1 owner Alrcon., hl-fl Tax Sept 88 Superb cond *****65 SEPTEMBER '78 DATBUN 100A F2 Selling $10,500 View 569 Buklt Ttmah Road. ISS3 SPORTSWAQON. Showroom cond.. 1 owner, alrcon., cassette, s/rlms. new tax. $26,000 *****63 6/10 DATSUN
        1,083 words
      • 1968 16 136 For Sale: 137 For Sale. Mitsubishi Mazda 19i7 MAZDA 929 Ltd 4-door x N^^b Manual. 1 pt* owner HI fl tax PQCC nt *5«.000 *****85 W irsEE 75 MAZDA JUMBO 1000, 4-door tjAaJCOT 1/AI tlATVlal accld nt rre e Alrcon. Beautiful HUNCbI VALUAIIUN 1 cond Tel *****88 We pay
        1,968 words
      • 785 16 139 For Sale. Daihatsu CASH PAYMENT Ability U) accept all secondhand cars. We buy Si sell. Attractive offer for all used vehicles/ commercial vans ft pick-ups Tel *****92/ *****37 1990 DAIHATSU XTE 5-speed (3dr). Ist pte owner. Atrcond., radio cassette. New tax. Immaculate cond $15,800 Tel: *****05 •91 DAIHATSU CHARADE
        785 words
      • 839 16 141 For Sale: Other Makes 1985 CITROEN BXI6 TRS fully au to. 1 pte. owner, used as 2nd car. Low mileage Tax 8/88 In showroom cond (Trade-In/ HP arrangeable) Tel: 336-3941 1995 CITROEN BX. 16. TRS. 2 owners. HI fl. power steering/ window.-, tax new, showroom cond *****85 80 SUBARU
        839 words
      • 608 16 142 For Sala: Commarcial Vehicles 2 UNITS DATSUN C2O. '83 Lon body, alrcon., radio cassetu good cond $12,800 Tel: *****38 4/01, TOYOTA LITEACE van. doors, alrcon hl-fl, g'teed gooi engine body Tel *****31 '79 MITSUBISHI COLT Van 7 Toyota Llteace Van Both nei paint Good cond *****26 Tt SUZUKI 550
        608 words
      • 819 16 144 Vehicles Wanted ABIDING DEAL ATTRACTIVE AMOUNT ABSUREO ALL CONDITION CARS CASH PAYMENT s buy and sell 4 excellent prices for your car, any model Si c.c. MING HUAT MOTOR TRADING Tel: *****38/ 7/ *****06 1 7a m to 11p.m.) 30$. Tetofc Kurau Road Singapore 1542. ABIDING DEAL ATTRACTIVE AMOUNT
        819 words
      • 704 16 172 Accommodation Available: Houses D.lO MARCO POLO vtCtnMy, d /storey majestic detached, sparkling inground pool/ lovaljr gdn Hug* •ntortaintng ar*a. 6 1 rms St^OOO D.ll SWISS CLUB vtcmHy. d/storey nowly ranoratod colonial bungalow, lovely patio overlooks sprawling gdn./ inground pool. Absolute privacy $7,000 D.lO AMERICAN SCH. vtcmMy, new luxurious bungalow,
        704 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 397 17 173 Accommodation 173 Accommodation Available: Available: Apartments Apartments you owe it to yourself... UlL^t/ir) x_ffi^ to check out v*Z~/} Ardmor ePark v^* A *^o^s School buses V/ caWat the gate, \V XxXYi 7^' exce ent security, \K v\iAvN /I country club 'V? mJ*$~^^~ZPzJL facillties even C'JL' special interest I vSlfcV""
        397 words
      • 366 17 BELUAN REAL ESTATE 3MMISO Apartments Nasslm Mansion Penth'se $$,500 Draycott Penth'se $7,000 Lien Towers $8,500 Balmoral Garden $4,000 Bungalows Rochalle Drive «.500 Berrlma Road $MOO Windsor Park $3 .000 CASA ROBITA Buklt Ttmah Rd. Mediterranean Styled Apartments 3 bedrooms Luxurious fittings $5000 pm Tel Owners *****66 D. 5 Vista Pk.
        366 words
      • 1082 17 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments Th« Ctaymor* Well appotnte apt facing greenery 3 I 1 rms. Th« Orany* Grow* Exclusive lo rise apt 3 I 1 rms Fonl«n« Hgla./ B«av«rton Cl. lv) urlous apt near American scr spacious balcony 4 1 rms Also 8*«il«ble Bavarly NUi/ EHn bath Hgla./ High Point/
        1,082 words
      • 1188 17 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments D.4/ S, FAIRWAYS, Westpeak. d Parkwest, Parkvtew, Vtsta Park. 2-4 bdrms. Pool/ tennis/ squash. w $800-***** Rodge *****73/4 D.S CLORIA MANSION Hlghrlse apt., 3 rms, t /furnished. $1,000 c Deans Property (West Zone) *****55 D 9 ANQULLIA MANS. (5 mlns. to Orchard Rd.) 4+l bdrms. 3800
        1,188 words
      • 1000 17 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments D.9, EMERALD/ D.IS, Maryland F/furn./ equipped. 3 alrcon bdrms $1,750/ $1,600 *****71 D.t GRANGE TWR. New listing High fir 2+ 1 bdrm. F/ furn. $2000 nett 345-4947 Agent. D.9 HORIZON TWR. Luxurious condo. 2500 sq.ft. 4 rms. Newly furn. $3,700. YFE *****77/ *****75 D 9 LEONIE
        1,000 words
      • 800 17 177 Accommodation Wanted: Rooms FURN./ UNFURN ROOMS, with/ without bathrm or alrcon. In various dtsts Tel *****02. HOLLAND CLEMENTI, ORCHARD Jurong, AM Klo. Serangoon Boon Keng, Bedok etc *****50/1 ONE ROOM REQUIRED tor Indian girl In Boon Lay, Jurong Cast oi Teban Odn area. Pla. call *****8' 178 Short Term
        800 words
      • 809 17 179 For Sale: Houses 179 For Sale: Houses 179 For Sale: Houses 179 For Sale: Houses I ■■■IBIB^BaSB^B^B^BMB^SBaBB^MBB^MH ■»»^"»^a^aBW»»^Ba^BMMa»^p»aBBBBBaB^»«BBB»»a^»»»»»^^^— t I Knjoy the in-^h. relaxing M^ht- .m<i Miunds »^^s^ j.^...., *'l a)Untr y I |VlI 'X 1 SpiTßjfWOOd, ICt Ml j *N° hefty mamu-iuiur t. '*">*- Far greater privacy than
        809 words
      • 523 17 D.IS 1-STOREV BUNGLW. Ideal for development. Big frontage, rectangular land 11.500 sq.ft. $980,000 neg. Greenacres *****88. 0.15 2-BTOREY SEMI-DETACHED. Approx. 4,000 sq.ft. Expected completion end 1988 $700,000 onwards. Foursome *****88 O.IS 2-STOREY BUNGLW. Approx 7000 sq.ft. 3000+ built-in. s+l bdrms.. beautifully maintained. $980 K. YHF: *****69 Oil, JLN. LJMAU Purut.
        523 words
      • 921 17 MUST VIEWtI Beautifully renovated s/storey bunglw. 3*l rms/ attached Near Mrt. F'hold $608K Future Homes *****63 ORCHID INN'S VICINITY. Dlst 11. renovated 2-storey detached hse Land: 6.400 sq.ft. 4+ 1 bdrms $865K neg. Shang *****85 SEE TO BELIEVE solid construction specially built under Individual supervision d.ll 3-yr. old seml-d. $730
        921 words
      • 678 17 WOO MON CHEW Road D l 5 2storey terr 2,300 sq.ft. 3+l bdrms $405K Hlghpeak *****27 186 For Sale: Private Apartments SOEL PROPERTIES PTE LM 0.10 Honolulu Twrs., approx. 5800 sq.ft. 4 bdrms./ servant's. F'hold Full facilities Good returns $1-2SM. D.lO Bavarly Hills. 4100 sq ft 4 bdrms./ servant's. F'hold.
        678 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 757 18 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D 10 NEAR BOTANIC I development i uxurtoui duplex with ovwi terrace 4 i hdrms Hi* living dtntnf F■> Ing i{rernHr\ B pool Deans Propert} D2i good luck Odn 1000 -i rt walk up apt 3rmi all attached bathrms ractnc pool Hvold u>» maintenance j.viOK
        757 words
      • 1164 18 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D 15 NEPTUNE CT I';. n., ramie view tlltili Ilr twlruis kftprOß 1300 sq ft $IWHK 011 I KW *****0 D 15 PALM BEACH Odn lownh'ae f> bdrms. icrvant'i split-level K.ielllties Kh,,| 2900 sq ft $500,000 neg Agt *****7.) 016 bayshore pk Diamond Hlk 956
        1,164 words
      • 1139 18 186 For Sale: Private Apartments 0.2. SPOTTISWOODE PK HajH "r Z tdlrms Carpeted, p.irquet F'hold Tel *****" D 21 BRAND NEW in.ils quiet. 3 I h hold IHtM) L'7oo Mj ft $380KS4BOK 0110 Hometown *****66 D2l GOODLUCK GON. Split-level iriOU s,j ft Facing pool All hath 1 attached llnllmid 46!»'
        1,139 words
      • 1137 18 191 For Sale: HOB Apartments 3 ROOMS ALL CPF BEDOK RESERVOIR BLK OH $52,000 BEDOK N. BLK 1 00 KM $48 000 ROWELL RD. BLK Mil $95,000 TAMPINES BLK. 11 2 KM $55,000 lELOK BLANGAH BLK. 16 $55,000 PAYA LEBAR WAY BLK. 93 $40,000 ALJUNIEO CRES BLK. 106 $61,000 i
        1,137 words
      • 1139 18 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments 4-RM: KENT RD. $mX A M Klo $KtK 8e.1..k SHBK .1 rm A M Klo $46K Whampoa JS&K Boon Lay $29K MarMllriK OMP 73.***** I RM BEDOK N tastefully renovated ceramic fir built-in wardrobe/ cabinets unobstructed view $118K neg BY *****49 5-RM. BEDOK N. slab
        1,139 words
      • 704 18 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments 4 RM PURE A M Klo Blk 470 ceramic fir cabinets $H2K ne< Sunnyland Prop *****80 4-RM TAMPINES BLK. 103. $97K j Bedok Blk 53. $68K Bedok N 81k.507. $86K Tel *****97 4-RM. WEST COAST blk 705/ Henderson C'res. blk 102. Reasonable price *****57. agt
        704 words
      • 750 18 194 Factory Space NIN KAI PROPERTIES SALE/ LEASE JURONG Sita Built-in Land Banoi ***** ***** Joo Koon ***** ***** Kian Tack 9430 ***** Pandan ***** *****5 Pionaar ***** *****6 Tg. Kling 9300 ***** Tub. ***** ***** Tv«» ***** ***** PARTIAL SPACE/ COMPOUND from 2500 sq.ft to suit all industries MACPHfcRSON/
        750 words
      • 1574 18 197 For Rent: 197 For Rent Office Spaces Office Spaces a^B^aBYaBfIaB^HaBT^BMBBTMNHaVCafIMB FOR LEASE OUB CENTRE ONE RAFFLES PLACE OFFICES SHOPS f Leasing Agents r OUB Centre Limited Tel *****77 Knight Frank Cheona Hock Chye Baillieu h Tel 2^***** •^■j^MBMB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^a^BBBBBBBBBBBB^^aaaaaB^,,,-^-^.^.^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 195 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces Waal Coaat Road 60.000 sq ft warehouse
        1,574 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1242 19 197 For Rent. Office Spaces INT L PLAZA 4«3, IMiH ■ah Vug 4&; V W*i. 122 T. 1690 Pek Chiiiiii UH VSC 29C-6666 MAXWELL HOUSE. 544 sq ft OM partitioned close to mrt station $2 20 p.s! Ml 1144 MIDDLE BERANQOON RO. 400- 10.000 sq ft SI 60-S1 HO p
        1,242 words
      • 701 19 199 For Sale. 199 For Sale: 199 For Sale: 199 For Sale: Shop Spaces Shop Spaces Shop Spaces Shop Spaces *»^i i I B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^H flb^^B^B^B9 |kV^^^^^^^^^^^^*^*^*^'^'"'>'BßaßlH TA', g■ |H I I a>"^r'* bbm I I II I T^^^^^^^| A rare opportunity to invest m a shopping centre m a new
        701 words
      • 359 19 241 Tours 5D Hatyal Songkla $M Air/ coach $36! TD Phuket Hatyal $381 9D Hatyal Bangkok Pattaya $381 4D Phuket $491 SWANTHAI TRAVEL SERVICES PTE. LTD. 5001 BEACH ROAD #01-24 GOLDEN MILE COMPLEX TEL: *****53. *****92 (TA 482) ARCHIPELAGO 038 LUCKY Plaza specialist In all tour package; for standard Ist
        359 words
      • 615 19 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours 24 1 Tours IF YOU LOVE STROLLING ALONG GOLDEN BEACHES, IMAGINE PLUNGING INTO A GOLDEN SEA. The KAL 7-day deluxe tour takes attraction of this Korea Cheju tour, you to the island of Cheju. Here you'll There are also laval caves and
        615 words
      • 72 19 4 Days $998 KKSJTK 4 Days $450 7 Days $75© Bang*o*/P»ttay«/CNangm«i MtJii(ik!AWi 6-15 Days irom $1370 OaiN Oapartur* Al»o Special Airiar* 1o: Australia. London, Europe MonffcooQ, Jatafta. USA MN BUkOHT #05-52 FUNAN CENTRE S 1 T€U *****11 Riaujiolidays Free 'M f Easy Package qYTO 2 Days 1 Night V^*^^ Inclusive
        72 words
      • 179 19 JjJitliJ "trikora country club BEACH RESORT m Tanjong Pinang Opening Special Include 3 days, 2 nights accommodation. Twin sharing room Welcome drink complimentary all meals i 1 v tnsfer. $135 ONLY! Ferry ticket to Tanjong !-*lnang (return ticket) $SS.OO OCEANIA: *****11/ *****19 545 Orchard Road -■5 04-27 Far East Shpg.
        179 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 333 20 241 Tours 24t Tours 5 Jfflfcrk H^tSfh r^\*o SCHOOL HOLIDAYS HONG KONG 4/5/6 Days Hong Kong/ Macau $1238 7 Days Hong Kong/Macau/ Zhong s han/G uangzhou 1 688 Fly lop Airline First Class Accommodation Deluxe Hotels Royal Garden. Marco Pclo, Holiday Inn, Hong Kong Hotel or similar. Exciting Itinerary Sung
        333 words
      • 1393 20 242 Air Travel 242 Air Travel tiVTE *9FM.UC£ Direct to Dubai Every Wednesday, departing Changi at 1.20pm CONCORD AIR TRAVEL TOUR (S) PTE LTD 111 «04 v I v EattP m s^qaoo'e 09?? Tel: *****88 (5 lines) J. I 262 Home Tuition i. i TO ENSURE GOOD results In
        1,393 words
      • 764 20 261 Foreign Education 261 Foreign Education 261 Foreign Education iAB/1 Ml/ft' Tmke the first step to success by *W"/\'\fi/i /J|0 contacting the Perth Finishing College. C c^*^\~*Um? l>l>rtll f inisliul^ <■ dtofp n tlu onlv tullN V //y ItUUtftfYf- v ivmiUmUml Collect.- m IVrth U'ostorn \iivtt,\hi f (4fw**V \S~*^ offering
        764 words
      • 674 20 263 Academic Courses Book k—pir.Q (El«m*nl«ry) Wednesday 6-9 pm Commencing 2.3.88 GCE O Englisfi 1 Tuesday/ Thursday 3.30 spm 2) Tuesday/ Thursday 5.30 7 pm Course commencing soon Add. Math. Saturday 10.00 am 12 noon Course commencing soon For further details contact: CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE (Stamford Collcga Group) Stamford
        674 words
      • 676 20 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses Computer School (also at Bukit Batok\ Our Constotcnt Achievements iNfVITATION TO~ •T» (I t «q" j^ A levels A MedaK IDPM Pans m i n|pf wnw DIPLOMA HOLDERS pp^^H m ''li" r f/ftsl r /#o 1 r i iSfeK*.! 'd Hwli
        676 words
      • 159 20 YMC A, ORCHARD RO. (next to Dhoby Ohaut Station) Disk Operating System Thur 3/3 and other* Please call Emily (*****-4/ *****39) for registration for DESKTOP PUBLISHING (Pnof Print) training. Hands-on tra'nlng. Printers those aspiring or better Job opportunities, call: 255-0555 for more details 265 Secretarial/ Typirt( Courses RECEPTIONIST/ TELFPHONI .T
        159 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 562 21 265 Secretarial/ Typing 265 Secretarial/ Typing 265 Secretarial/ Typing Courses Courses Courses When opportunity^-^ knocks, will you /&ffh be ready?^2\ /Fmr ,^^^T*~^^^^*^^^^^^ 11/ •fc^jj* I *^^b^^ comprehensive f can help you to V^ exploit opportunities as and when they arise^^^B*^* Join one of our classes starting soon. Private Secretary's Certificate
        562 words
      • 330 21 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses IAM Certificate m Administrative 0 Management (UK) 3 Fret T** on I March 1 988 atfpm 3 Admission /s stnetly by reservations 1 IM 0 'nstitute ot MarVeting lUX) Certificate ABE 0 Certificate m Business Administration (UK) Diploma m Management lUX) 0 Advanced Diploma m 0
        330 words
      • 579 21 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses IAM DIPLOMA 3 months course by Llm Boon Tong starts March. 8.1.M *****5U *****90 267 Language Courses JAPANESE LANGUAGE For Social/ Buainaaa Purf>o— Elementary Stage conducted by Native Teachers Wed 2 March (8 oOpm-9 3Opm) Frl 4 March (6.15pm-7.45pm) Mon T March (6.30pm -9 30pm) GCE
        579 words
      • 744 21 267 Language Courses 267 Language Courses Speak and write better English... .from our team of highly qualified native-speaker teachers who care for your progress Enrol "iow m one of our classes New Term begins 1 /March 88 u!l and Part fmp courses for a\\ levels and ages Enquire at ATT
        744 words
      • 508 21 274 Hairdressmg/ Beauty Course* RENEBIA SCHOOL OF Beauty Centre provides U.K. Diploma Course In Beauty. Body and Electrolysis. Examination conducted by Overseas Examiner. Classes commencing soon. Interested call *****65/ *****39 275 Tailoring Courses Teacrimg Tomorrows Trends Today r?r 00f FASHION fllwf/ DESIGN ot rfcw •dressmaking \rjmi\ courses CIRCLE ONE PT
        508 words
      • 634 21 APPaNTMENTS We are an established multi-national organisation which excels m innovative electronic technology. Today, we have significant facilities m Singapore manufacturing and marketing advanced products and systems. Excellence is our trademark, long achieved by an exceptional team of dedicated people. And now, we are inviting people with similar aspirations to
        634 words
      • 562 21 S Singapore's Leading Chinese Dailies I Lianhe Zao Bao and Lianhe Wan Bao require: Responsible tor the punning organization ot all circulation promotions activitiet tor Lianhe Zaobao Lianhe Wanbao. Powcnn a degree preferably m Maifccttef or Economics as one of the major subjects Must be bi-hngual m English Chinese Must
        562 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 650 22 APTOINTMENTS |"3 HmnuiT US mutti-n&tional company requires: PROGRAMMER (up to $16,000 per annum) c Diploma/ Degree m Computer Science c Preferably with knowledge m COBOL programming, PC, Basic Accounting and Novell ARCNET Minimum 1 year experience SALES EXECUTIVE c Diploma/ Degree holder m Electronics/ Electrical discipline c Minimum 2-3 years*
        650 words
      • 378 22 ~H- GLOBAL TRAVEL I A leading I ATA Travel Agent is again expanding I ami i eguires H SENIOR TICKETING OFFICERS I c Minimum 5 years' Ticketing experience I MARKETING EXECUTIVE/ I OFFICERS (TOURS) c Minimum 3 years' relevant experience m H Marketing/Sales, preferably m the Travel Industry H JUNIOR
        378 words
      • 1542 22 '^HB L^Lv^EL w Jt^vVtea W M mr^^Ba^l jbV H mmV *^ar*^M^ai^^aßßwß^rl MMi aV^L^LI Opportunities m Automation Automation Applications Centre (A AC), a division of Robot Leasing and Consultancy Pte Ltd specialising m manufacturing automation and technical consultancy, requires suitably experienced candidates to assume the following positions. Engineer/Senior Engineer These positions
        1,542 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 866 23 NOTICES A SINGAPORE k POLYTECHNIC I LOOKING FOR A CHALLENGING CAREER? 1 1 THE DIPLOMA IN NAUTICAL STUDIES I Applications are now being accepted for admission to this I 3-year 3-phase course, commencing on 1 1th July 1988, leading 10 a career js a navigating officer aboard a merchant ship.
        866 words
      • 1973 23 I rXj SINGAPORE jmj NGEE ANN 1 I POLYTECHNIC W POLYTECHNIC I I APPLICATIONS FOR FULLTIME DIPLOMA COURSES I 1988 89 ACADEMIC SESSION (COMMENCING I3THJUNE 1988) I Singapore Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic invite applications from GCE O' Level Holders, who fulfil the Institutions' entry qualifications, for admission to the
        1,973 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 893 24 NOTICES EDUCATION PLUS SKILLS TRAINING \m BUILDS A BETTER CAREER I CALLING ALL GCE O SCHOOL LEAVERS?] ADMISSION TO FULL-TIME VITB COURSES H| COMMENCING IN JUL 68 VITB invites applications from Singapore Citizens and Permanent H Residents with GCE O qualification tor admission to the full-time National Trade Certificate (NTC)Grade
        893 words
      • 1043 24 PRECISION OPTICS I |j| A world of opportunities ahead I Precision Optics Training Centre Pte Ltd (an approved government training centre I offers young men women between 1 6 —25 the opportunity to be trained for 111 Precision Optics Craftsman Certificate I You will get the chance to learn the
        1,043 words
      • 329 24 IN THE HIGH (Ol RT OP THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE CMipudM Wimdluf, Up N». ii M IWB j la the Matter at the «mpaolr« Art (Chapter M) la the Matter «f WINDALE TIMBER (8) PTE LTD ADVERTISEMENT OP PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up
        329 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 847 25 APPOINTMENTS A well established trading company with worldwide H i associates have immediate vacancies for the following H Kfl positions: 8 SENIOR ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT I I LCCI intermediate or higher accounts H I Sound knowledge of banking H I Should be able to work independantly with minimum H supervision H
        847 words
      • 174 25 I With over 30 years ot experience, Hitachi is one of the worlds leading manufacturers ot computer systems. Hitachi supplies a full line of computers ranging from minicomputers to superlarge scale general purpose computers. Thousands of Hitachi computers have been successfully installed around the world. Hitachi employs more than 1
        174 words
      • 1081 25 ESfHHH I EDUCATION PLUSSKILLS^Bi 1 TRAINING BUILDS I A BETTER CAREER jR I CALLING ALL GCE O SCHOOL LEAVERS fl| I VITB invites applications from Singapore Citizens and Permanent B Residents who hove the relevdnt GCE O level qudlificdtions for H admission to the following full-time courses commencing on 4
        1,081 words
      • 12 25 I ITMZMV •IK m. "W 9- <a Y.- o I STP Distnbui
        12 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
        762 words
      • 807 26 IN THF lIU.II COURT OF THK BBPVHJC OF SINGAPORE Suit No. 3137 of i9sn Between MOSCOW NARODNY BANK LIMITED PlaintlffH And HO TONG IIF.ONG Defendant FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT To: Ho lon* Cheung now or late of 1 Park Koad #26-939 People's Park Complex Singapore 1195 TAKE NOTICE that an action
        807 words
      • 193 26 (CHAPTER* 2ft) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPI BLIC OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 3ftCs OF 15*7 RE: TAN KIM 1 111 XX PARTE: OVERSEAS UNION BANK I.IMITKI) NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice Issued on the 17th day of Ingtut 1987. T«: TAN KIM
        193 words
      • 270 26 (CHAPTER 20) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 2403 of 198 7 Re TOH CHENG HWA Ex-parte ASIA COMMERCIAL FINANCE LTD Creditors In the Matter ot the Bankruptcy Petition dated the 20th November 1987 NOTICE To TOH CHENG HV/A now or lately residing at
        270 words
      • 281 26 (CHAPTER 20) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 2186 of 1987 Re LIM HENG NAM Ex-parte ASIA COMMERCIAL FINANCE LTD Creditor: In the Matter of the Bankruptcy Petition dated the ?Oth Novembei 1987 NOTICE To LIM HENG NAM now or lately aiding at 72
        281 words
      • 305 26 (CHAPTER 20) I IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 2404 of 1987 Re LIM AH HUAY (m.w.) Ex-parte ASIA COMMERCIAL FINANCE LTD Creditors f In the Matter of the Bankruptcy r Petition dated the 20th November 1987 NOTICE To LIM AH HUAY (m.w.) now
        305 words
    • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      • 704 26 I fl| ill f flP^ SUN TAN Bj-Colfeffe PEANUTS Bjr nITS |AOPO3Sl6t£ TOH^Vt^B v YOU Sa77r^nTT^B|M _BPfrW_ BEcAUJSc yc-oAT^^M- 2-2* l I 1 I j A .DEBATE WITH iOU fTG BuAME FG*T»£6utf WtAe Scw_A* RATS ANOTHER LIFE MAS ITS SUNSHINE ANP ,t'c A, k ,-mt^ ij^iJßJ r ii^ps; 'ESF 1
        704 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 549 27 At home with a star-to-be JUDITH TAN accompanied Star Search 88 winner Zoe Tay home after the show on Saturday night. WHEN asked by the compere what she would do after the show. Star Search winner Z»M> Tay said Shower and go to bed. Its been a long and hard
        549 words
      • 1019 27  -  JUDITH HOLMBERG MEDEA Fort Canning Park Last Friday WATCHING the Greek tragedy Medea by Asia m Theatre Research Circus was a little like attending a Chinese wayang, what with the open-air setting, the uncomfortable plastic chairs, the casual clothes worn and patrons waving fans to keep
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    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 79 27 H you are holding an event you want our readers to know about, fill m the coupon and send it to What's On, Section 2, The Straits Times, 390 Kirn Seng Road. Singapore 0923. Your coupon should reach us three days before the event Nama of •vnt: Stagad/praa* ntad by:
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    • Page 27 Miscellaneous
      • 521 27 What's nn CHINA SUPERSTAR ACRO- CHINESE PAINTING EXI- SINGAPORE SCIENCE Tuesday to Friday: 10 and ny the Friends of the Museum. PIAF. Musical drama on the BATIC SHOW. Presented by BITION. By Tan Khim Ser. CENTRE 11am. noon and 9pm. Satur- Tuesdays: 11am and 3 pm; life of the legendary
        521 words
      • 1022 27 —I Radio One FM Stereo 90 5 mHz m VHF Band II 5.58 AM National Anthem, followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News In Brief 6.05 On Air 7.00 News and Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 On Air (cont'd) 8.00 News followed by Radio Patrol 8.10 On Air (cont'd) 8.30
        1,022 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 259 28 jHHHMI jMHBfk iHHBBVk JIMB^MBP^ iMHMfk ~JHL mm, -^J* «JBL fljß HB JHL -JBL- fiß JK. ■P^^BB tJ s^^^^b tt& 1 T^^^i i^^jt J^^^P J^^3l T^^^t i^^^? T^^^t 'i d^^^^^k C^?!ss!?# 4*"^ l^ M^ 4* MM —^k 4* MMM| l^^ 4——^^ 4—^i^^ 4**^—^k I*— **l d^^—^k With our newly introduced 747,
        259 words
    • Page 28 Miscellaneous
      • 1582 28 ■■my view By UM hsu fei HBHBHmHHHiHMHiHHiH^| B^l BSVHHHL^L^HI r ~3|HHLiHLHHK9PVHHH r^or the YoungThe (rich) sporting life KWfc^rJ^^iHß \m li^i^Kf^H s L^^ ■»ii\^a»- b^^^^^^ I W^si^k teach the children about bi£ Adam Smith's Money The Great War is raging m Brown forms the storyline. -^j^ V^BMJB^i iVjUk^^K I and small
        1,582 words