The Straits Times, 28 January 1988

Total Pages: 68
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1988 50 CENTS MCI (P) 92/12/87
    14 words
  • 2303 1 CPIB probe showed complaints by businessman Allan Ng were totally unfounded, says PM Attorney-General Tan Boon Teik, the highest legal officer in charge of investigations: The Prime Minister was satisfied that he acted properly in exercising his discretion as Attorney -General. Allan Ng, Exec Chairman
    2,303 words
  • 321 1 THE Government will allow niitricted foreign publications to be photocopied for distribution here in order to nail lies spread by these publications, Parliament he^rd yesterday. Communications and Information Minister Yeo Ning Honfc said these publications claimed that curbs on their circulations
    321 words
    • 78 1 THE Asian Aerospace '88 show here is an example of the Government's policies, based on four principles, which have helped Singapore grow over the past 25 years, First Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said yesterday. Opening the show, Mr Goh, also the Defence Minister,
      78 words
    • 94 1 SHELL Singapore yesterday confirmed it was changing its additives package in the controversial Formula Shell petrol but said that motorists here have to wait until around Feb 5 to get the revised Formula petrol. Across the Causeway, Shell Malaysia also announced a similar move yesterday.
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    • 64 1 SINGAPORE has expressed full support for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's peace initiative for the resumption of the peace process in the Middle East. This was contained in a Foreign Affairs Ministry statement yesterday. Mr Mubarak's peace plan was unveiled last week before the start of his
      64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 1 lUJLHY -16.00 "13H lITDaI m —^^j I *e*>e'S Suffering from e»treme Ametropia *na r Lo<MQ<%<3 icses *)n,cfi are uncomfortably thick «.> can no* be 'e"eved by switching to HIGH REFRACTIVE INDEX GLASS Tha illustration abova shows 2 lansas of tha sama powar Noia lha significant dittaranca in thlcknass and
      133 words
    • 6 1 More Parliament reports on Page 16
      6 words
    • 17 1 Review stops printing and distribution operation* In S'pore: Page 18 On the PEER Issue: Forum Page 24
      17 words
    • 103 1 BELTEK Computer Spectrum Equaliser SE-400 EP (280 Watts) Soft Touch Computer 7 Band Graphic Equalizer LCD Spectrum Anclyer Amplifier BELTEK AUDIO PTE LTD Tel: *****97 *****10 I Inside Sammary 2 W*rld Nrwß 3-s^-11 Aaeaa 12,13 C*osew»y 14 Comment Penpecyve 22,23 letters 24 ThDC«D*IUr 25-28 String 21 Sp»rt« 31-3143-J5 FUJITSU Japan's
      103 words

    • 335 2 No gain for S'pore IT IS a misplaced notion to think Singapore stands togain from Hongkong reverting to Chinese rule in 1997, according to Singapore's Ambassador to the United States, Mr Tommy Koh In an interview published by Georgetown University's Centre for International Business and Trade in the US,
      335 words
    • 241 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: FOREIGN MINISTER S. Dhanabalan and his Indonesian counterpart, Dr Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, appeared not to have shared the same perception as to whether more Singapore leaders are making official visits to Indonesia than Indonesian leaders to Singapore. But the call by Mr Dhanabalan for more of
      241 words
    • 268 2 Journalist fined A BRITISH High Court judge fined a financial journalist £20,000 (5571,600) on Tuesday for refusing to reveal his sources of information for articles about an insider trading case. Jeremy Warner, 32, business correspondent of The Independent newspaper, was convicted of contempt of court. Warner said
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    • 325 2 Super Bowl hype LIKE all teams that have been to the Super Bowl, the Denver Broncos and Washington Redskins are trying to find a balance between having fun and working hard enough this week to win on Sunday. At the first few interview sessions, roughly twothirds of the questions
      325 words
    • 493 2 More halal outlets MUSLIMS in Singapore are now tucking into a greater variety of Chinese food with the setting up of more Muslim Ciiinese food outlet These places serve dishes ranging from the hui.ihle niang doufu to superior sharksfin soup. One entrepreneur, whose two restaurants halal Hongkong-style noodles
      493 words
    • 232 2 MAS CONDUCTS SURPRISE AUDITS ON BROKING FIRMS THE Monetary Authority of Singapore has recently been conducting surprise audits on stockbroking firms. So far, at least three finns Alliance Securities (Pte), Overseas Union Bank subsidiary OUB Securities and Phillip Securities (Pte) have been audited. Members of the MAS team are
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    • 169 2 Battle near US base TROOPS stationed near the US Clark Air Base in Philippines fought a fierce battle late yesterday with communist rebels. About 40 local and paramilitary National Police troops battled rebels in the ricefields around Santa Ana, marking the first major encounter since
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    • 93 2 DANGEROUS TALK A READER says he read with bewilderment Singapore Democratic Party chairman Ling How Doong's opinion "so what if people vote along racial lines' that "democracy means majority rule", and that the Chinese being the majority, the Chinese should rule Singapore. He says that as a Chinese, he
      93 words
    • 406 2 Buyers' Guide Classified Sec 2 Poges 8 26 Aopts/Notices Sec. 2 Pages 7, 26, 31 Cinemas Sec 2 Page 30 Comics Sec 2 Page 5 Product Advertiser Sectkxi/Pafe AeropUne Mcdonnell Douglas I 20 Audio Eastland Trading I 36 Toshiba Trading I 8 Batteries Eveready Spore I 10 Maxell Schmidt Scientific
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • around the WORLD
    • 554 3 WASHINGTON US Secretary of State George Shultz is scheduled to meet Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak and two Palestinian leaders today to discuss unrest in Israeli-occupied territories and Middle East peace efforts. Mr Mubarak arrived in Washington late on Tuesday on the second leg of
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  554 words
    • 177 3 Angolan town saved by air raid LUANDA A major air strike by Angolan and Cuban pilots has saved the strategic garrison town of Cuito Cuanavale from capture by an invading South African force, according to Angolan military sources Defence Ministry spokesman Major Karlos Dias said Angola's armed forces were now
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 238 3 World summit on Aids LONDON The first world summit on Aids opened on Tuesday with a warning that the disease would infect one million people by 1991, killing as many young men as a war. The three-day conference, organised by the World Health Organisation
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    • 193 3 LONDON Lawyers representing families of victims of a London subway fire that killed 31 people last November accused transport authorities yesterday of being miserly for trying to limit compensation to the minimum. London Regional Transport (LRT) wants to limit compensation for relatives of victims of the
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 145 3 WHITE-BEARDED Australian aborigine Burn-ham-Burnham, with the white cliffs of Dover behind him, is seen here planting his people's flag on Tuesday to claim England for his people in a protest against the arrival in Australia 200 years ago of the first English convicts. "I, Burnham-Burnham, a noble
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 251 3 MOSCOW Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze met Mr Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Phnom Penh regime, on Tuesday and reaffirmed the Kremlin's support for an international peace conference on Cambodia to "promote the improvement of the political climate in the region". The official Tass news
      UPI; AP  -  251 words
    • 502 3 COLOMBO At least 35 people, including 14 Indian soldiers, have been killed in two days of clashes involving Tamil rebels in northern and eastern Sri Lanka. Two Indian soldiers and eight members of the dominant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam were
      AFP; Reuter  -  502 words
    • 266 4 LONDON John Lennon's killer has described how he pumped five bullets into the former Beatle, hammering in "the last nail in the coffin of the *****", British newspapers reported yesterday. Both Today and the Daily Mail said Mark Chapman, sentenced to 20 years
      Reuter  -  266 words
    • 471 4 Newsman fined for protecting source Reporter wrote about alleged British insider trading LONDON A High Court judge fined a financial journalist £20,000 (5J71.600) on Tuesday for refusing to reveal his sources of information for articles about an insider trading case. Judge Sir Nicolas Browne-Wil-kinson convicted Jeremy Warner, 32, business correspondent
      AP  -  471 words
    • 428 4 E. Germany widens clamp on dissidents: Seven held EAST BERLIN East Germany has widened its crackdown on dissent, detaining seven people in two provincial towns and announcing that it would put a woman activist and former Communist Party member on trial in East Berlin. Protestant church lawyer Wolfgang Schnur told
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 277 4 East Berlin agrees to compensate victims of Nazism WASHINGTON East Germany, in a major policy shift, has opened talks with Jewish organisations to discuss reparations for Jewish victims of Nazism, East German and US Jewish officials said here on Tuesday. Mr Frank Mader, a spokesman at the East German Embassy,
      AFP  -  277 words
    • 154 4 HOUSTON The fourday bankruptcy auction of personal possessions belonging to former US Treasury Secretary John Connally, who owes US$49 million (5598.9 million), raised US$2.7 million (555.4 million). Mr Connally, a former Texas governor who served in the Cabinets of two presidents and was wounded
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 116 4 ATLANTA A Delta Air Lines computer mistakenly gave about 700 people free and reduced-price plane trips this month. And "what the computer giveth, Delta will not taketh away, spokesman Bill Berry said. The 700 people received frequent-flier bonuses to which they were not
      AP  -  116 words
    • 263 5 SEATTLE Boeing Co on Tuesday rolled out two new commercial jets, a stretched version of its 737 and a 747 jumbo jet able to fly non-stop more than 13.000 km. The 747-400 seats up to 660 passengers, has a 3.5--metre longer wing span
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 245 5 HARBIN (China) Do you crawl out of bed every morning and have a quick cigarette and coffee before stumbling to work? If so, spare a thought for the Harbin "penguins" in China's frozen north who break the ice before dawn
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 122 5 Mexican mine death toll likely to rise to 38 MEXICO CITY Rescuers have given up hope of finding survivors trapped by an explosion and fire at a coal mine in northern Mexico, and the death toll is expected to rise to 38. A statement from Sidermex, the mining company, said
      AFP  -  122 words
    • 411 5 Talk of Soviet pullout sparks run on currencies ISLAMABAD Nervous Kabul officials are reportedly buying foreign currencies and obtaining passports in anticipation of a Soviet pullout from Afghanistan. Some Soviet civilian dependents may already have left, diplomatic sources said. Western diplomats, speaking in Islamabad,
      AP  -  411 words
    • 202 5 LONDON Conservative members of parliament favour Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe to succeed British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher if she were to step down during her present term in office, according to a poll published here. But Education Secretary Kenneth Baker would be
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 432 5 WASHINGTON President Reagan's influence is continuing to recede and the nation's political mood is one of drift and uncertainty, the latest New York Times-CBS News poll shows. When the President delivered his State of the Union message on Monday night, he spoke
      NYT  -  432 words
    • 303 8 Reagan scales down aid for Contras WASHINGTON In a major compromise aimed at winning Congressional approval, President Ronald Reagan has formulated a scaled-down aid package (or the Nicaraguan rebels. Senior administration officials say the White House will ask Congress for U5536.25 million (5573.22 million in aid for the Contras over
      NYT; Reuter  -  303 words
    • 545 8 Explosive exchange with CBS' Rather seen as boost to campaign NEW YORK Television stations throughout the United States were swamped with telephone calls in support of Vice-President George Bush after an explosive exchange between him and America's best-known television newsman, Dan Rather,
      AP; Reuter  -  545 words
    • 293 8 WARSAW Poland said on Tuesday it had closed down a Palestinian company in Warsaw after US reports that it was linked to radical Palestinian guerilla Abu Nidal. Government spokesman Jerzy Urban said Palestinian businessman Samir Hasan Najmeddin had left Poland after the authorities
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 182 8 Brezh's son-in-law to go on trial for bribery and corruption MOSCOW The son-in-law of the late Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Churbanov, will go on trial for corruption and taking bribes, Tass news agency has reported. Tass quoted Soviet deputy Procurator -General Alexander Katusev on Tuesday a:» saying that investigations
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 142 8 BOGOTA The Colombian government announced wide-ranging anti-terrorist measures on Tuesday night after the kidnap and murder of the country's at-torney-general by drug traffickers. President Virgilio Barco, responding to the war declared by the drug barons against efforts to revive a US-Colombia extradition treaty, said
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 156 8 US court upholds $3m award against Ford SALEM (Oregon) The Oregon Supreme Court yesterday upheld a lower court decision awarding US$l.5 million (Ss3 million) to a man who sued Ford Motor Company after a horse crushed the roof of his car, killing his wife. Mr Steve Green filed the suit
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 501 8 Belgian papers unfold sinister tale of police terror BRUSSELS Secret agents turned terrorists and criminals in a political conspiracy against the state, according to a sinister tale unfolding in Belgium's most respectable newspapers. Readers are being regaled with daily accounts of shady security men, extremist political groups and an orgy
      Reuter  -  501 words
    • 206 8 Anti- violence group sets its sights on Hollywood CHAMPAIGN (Illinois) Singling out Arnold Schwarzenegger and Whoopi Goldberg as the actor and actress with the most violent movie roles of 1987, an anti-violence group announced a new campaign on Tuesday aimed at Hollywood. The National Coalition on Television Violence, which for
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 193 9 TOKYO Japan has decided to retain its curbs on car exports to the United States at 2.3 million for another year, a senior official of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said yesterday. The ministry had debated whether to reduce
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 444 9 WASHINGTON The fate of a controversial piece of US trade legislation targeted at Japan, South Korea and Taiwan may well be determined by how its author, Missouri Congressman Richard Gephardt, does in the lowa Democratic nominating caucuses on Feb 8.
      AFP  -  444 words
    • 238 9  -  ONG MING SEING By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON The US budget deficit soared to U5523.88 billion (5548.23 billion) in December, causing the red ink for the first three months of fiscal 1988 to rise by almost 25 per cent over the same period in
      238 words
    • 188 9 WASHINGTON Orders received by manufacturers of durable goods surged by 6.7 per cent in December, the biggest gain in 15 months. The Commerce Department said orders for durable goods totally US$llB.7 billion (5J239.7 billion) last month, an increase of US$7.4 billion from the
      AP; Reuter  -  188 words
    • 208 9 LOS ANGELES Scientists searching for the cause of pancreatic cancer have found a possible link between heavy coffee consumption and cigarette smoking, a researcher said. Past studies have indicated heavy coffee drinkers have a higher risk of pancreatic cancer, but the new study of
      UPI  -  208 words
    • 304 9 WASHINGTON The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) has disclosed new flaws in key parts of the space shuttle that may mean yet another delay in the grounded craft's next flight. Space agency officials said yesterday they are still assessing the problems uncovered in
      Reuter  -  304 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 160 3 Canon has the answers for all your calculating problems. Canon s smart, new F-600 scientific calculators give you <^F£ everything you wanted in a A^^^««^^ fl| B Hn^^_ calculator and more with HI tmt Bl B^^QHmi An exclusive high-tech Bf"V^^^ keyboard design with soft- >* touchslantkeys -*^j «*Lj ««£j fe^.^
      160 words
    • 150 3 Some have little cause to rejoice Page 23 yV y v BUY $50 net children^ u ladies' wear or ladies' shoes/ %fljfj9s9W| A aBMßfe^ j| .^tfl handbags in 1 receipt If^v^MiMH .^tfH^teK^^H »08Sr' ENTITLED TO BUY J^'^JBftftiLse SP^ W Germaine Monteil Rich R ~-H l^3P^B H^WBfl 8^ j^fl Powder Eyeshadow
      150 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
      370 words
    • 212 4 ART OF ROOTS EXHIBITION Date: Jan 28-31. 1988 (Thursday Sunday) Time: 1100am 7 00pm yfr 1 v „■>* Place: Singapore Conference HaJI on deplay are jibout 150 pieces of art creations from roots by Mr Tu Gang of China who 6 vstmg Singapore for the occasion He is a leading
      212 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 344 5 f^ B^Bllßi>BißiAi> _gl_ mM H^^^JL All am^^m mmmm "^^^^^K^^m BBB^BB B»^ >BJ B^teii^^% HB BR BK^: %J BbSrv iw^m rk Bkk>^. <■ vr^^BBBSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBp^ BB^^^^ka^^mi^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb y^ti' B^^dl BBBBBBB3BBBBBBBBBh9B» fwf&fiP m BBk Bk B^^ It ■fefl^B^BMßßii' i" -^^£&r^% *&ii 1 bW I "HBb^b^b* d V •K|« Bk BJB IB ■|3 Bv 'L
      344 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 25 6 ADVERTISEMENT jj JpCgr rir i ilJtui i -li i*,^ mr JM mm, jJtF B^ H^k ■B^ Bft W^<-' j^S Bf l^^^^^^^^^^^^B jMßejj^BcxS.'' JL V" '^>" '*■*-> V >'
      25 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 27 7 >-" r: 3U. t y' +-ff V »v. I I f fl tejites s Vllfljj I Nutritious, all natural Ovaltine. Helping Singapore grow more beautiful every day. oVTnij7
      27 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 I R I C DM7 I XR-P2U I \R P55 <tAd 1 Bi^^^^^ HL^Bf _^^^^I^^^^^^l k. -^dl .a aHißß^B*3)B^^BßpßS*4w' i- B^^^^ system y^^-^-- "TA BCS^B IK Kvltiom nicnioiA -^^^^^^^H^ V^lfl HBBBMBtfB EyJ E3 source and a <>|^^^^^^^H[ \\l I M luiki -Jjlß **1 KM pSn through their paces at your
      63 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 I «^^^^flH l 111 'Hi ""J^^^^vS s^^^^^^H i c^^^^^^ i Asia's Laro<?st Electrical 4j a Mercedes flHl -•'SK9 *W. (nettPARF) «O video products llfc^Jff 3Sansui hi-fi. HPvV [Lhhl^^VihEw »d NordmendeTV* H^ HBBwff^ PLUS 500 MORE PRIZES. ®Sim Lim Square Development Pte Ltd Sim Lim Square Group of Traders 1 Pochor
      54 words
    • 537 9 NOW LILY IS 15.8KGS LIGHTER AND HAPPIER. Mrs Lily Sakurai t H lit* H w AFTER II #y BEFORE Mrs Sakurai: "I had a weight problem for 1 2 years and I thought it was impossible for me to lose weight." Of course, that was before Mrs Sakurai discovered Slimming
      537 words

    • 960 10  - Women earn a third less than men RONALD FARQUHAR More likely to get the sack too: Survey By Chinese women now have modern appliances to help them with their household chores, hot many of them also have the harden of saportlng their families especially when post-Mao sentiments have made the
      Reuter  -  960 words
    • 852 11  -  BARRY RENFREW Two leaders continue to differ over strategy B* The two Kims are taking characteristically different approaches on strategy. Mr Kim Young Sam (right) is stressing a moderate position of giving Mr Roh a chance, while Mr Kim Dae Jung (left) rejects the new
      AP  -  852 words
    • 688 11  - Hollywood goes for adult audiences RONALD CLARKE By LOS ANGELES It is good-bye to films about pop music and high school sex romps, hello to middle class America. Hollywood is reaping more money than ever at the box office with a glut of films and a revolutionary formula never mind
      Reuter  -  688 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 799 10 H'fHL EVEREADY H| H f/?>ICAf THE MRT UUNTt&T I I/Wn glorious Club Med holidays! I I ff^ At left we show the MRT North-South line which f^l^am^B :< ft HI Joins Yishun t0 M a rir| a Ba Y and an East-West line r.^i.S^fr'; H^B^B^B that P asses through City
      799 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 708 11 MBw^ ___^V_P% m j\_^ r t irtlocH >* v ith vow* f I nf pf lc Pirate. Now when you spend on the ifl _r^ Slide your key into the lock of our pictured beauty care products at Jl _r anc °P enSi y° u win participating stores, you get
      708 words

    • 505 12 Rebels, troops in firelight near US base Seven escape in daring raid on jail SANTA ANA (Philippines) Troops stationed near the US Clark Air Base fought a Ferce battle late yesterday with communist rebels. About 40 local and paramilitary National Police troops battled rebels in the ricefields around Santa Ana,
      Reuter; UPI  -  505 words
    • 349 12 Man in US to testify on Benigno murder MANILA A US-based Filipino has agreed to testify on who plotted the assassination of Benigno Aquino and on pay-offs made to the man originally said to have pulled the trigger, a state prosecutor said yesterday. Mr Raul Gonzales, chief prosecutor in the
      Reuter  -  349 words
    • 46 12 MANILA Eight people were killed when a bus and a mini-bus collided in the northern province of Paneasinan, the official Philippine News Agency reported here yesterday. The two vehicles, one of them carrying no passengers, collided in Sual on Monday. AFP
      AFP  -  46 words
    • 143 12 BANGKOK Malaysia has set up a duty-free shop just across the border from Thailand causing concern among Thai authorities of increased smuggling from Malaysia, a Thai customs officer said on Monday. Stricter vigilance on Thais travelling to Malaysia has been ordered, in view
      AFP  -  143 words
    • 107 12 Stop using public funds to wish me on birthday, says Aquino MANILA Philippine i President Corazon Aquino yesterday told Cabinet i members to stop using public money to wish her happy birthday. When Mrs Aquino turned 55 on Monday, local newspapers and television carried birthday messages from government and military
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 140 12 BANGKOK About 1,000 Thai students demonstrated outside the Laotian em bassy in Bangkok yesterday in protest against what Bangkok says is a border incursion by Laotian troops. The crowd, watched by police who did not inter* vene, chanted nationalist slogans and threw burning banners
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 159 12 MANILA Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach has backed a Soviet call for the withdrawal of two US military bases in the Philippines. Mr Thach, in an interview carried by Manila's Malaya newspaper yesterday, also said that his country was ready
      AFP  -  159 words
    • 135 13 THIS is the spanking new Singapore Embassy in Jakarta, which was officially opened by Foreign Minister S. Dhnnabalan on Tuesday. Built at a cost of $6.6 million, the new chancery was described by Mr Dhanabalan at the opening as "a symbol of the excellent
      AP  -  135 words
    • 435 13  -  YANG RAZALI KASSIM Talks in Sumatra also cover agro-ventures By Jakarta Correspondent MEDAN Foreign Minister S. Dhanabalan said yesterday Singapore will encourage tourists to go to Lake Toba and other places of interest in the province of North Sumatra. He said this during talks with
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    • 175 13 Aussies plan to double investment in Indonesia JAKARTA Australian investment in Indonesia, boosted by strong interest from gold and mining companies, will more than double over the next two to three years, Australian Ambassador Bill Morrison said yesterday. He said 120 Australian companies had investment interests in Indonesia totalling US$3l6
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 298 13 JAKARTA Indonesia has banned two youth groups, one associated with former President Sukarno and the other an Islamic study organisation. They were banned in a decree issued by the Home Affairs Ministry on Dec 10, the newspaper Suara Karya reported yesterday, quoting ministry spokesman Feisal
      Reuter  -  298 words
    • 192 13 JAKARTA President Suharto has refused a plea for clemency in the case of a Muslim militant sentenced to death for subversion, a spokesman for the Jogjakarta Appeals Court in Central Java said yesterday. The spokesman could not say when or where the execution of former teacher
      AFP  -  192 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 431 12 PRE-LUNAR NEW YEAR SALE A p T a\ A^^^o l I m M^m Telefunken HP 100 Radio Cassette Recorder worth $155 with purchase of I^^H HIFI2B "''^Tt: xsaESS TCI CEHIIJIfCU Ul □OQ CDP TCYT .^^w^^^. -p^*""v I CLcrunivcn fn"n £o odo icai Top Telefunken Model 28'770cm 2 x 40 watts
      431 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 368 13 w and it's just jfc the beginnig. I lost 7' 2 lbs tor d start!" A Marie France did n't plK**^^ J/t'S promise miracles, but after my u0l? s ll initial treatment with FMS, it's proving to be a near miracle tor me! I've lost inches all over my body,
      368 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 449 14 Suit to declare Umno polls null and void KUALA LUMPUR A lawyer told the High Court yesterday not to invalidate the elections held by the United Malays National Organisation in April last year despite the irregularities. Lawyer G. Sri Ram told Justice Datuk
      AFP; Bernama  -  449 words
    • 339 14 BANGI (Selangor) A Malaysian professor has said that laws relating to the freedom of speech and the press will not "kill" the people's ability to think. "Such Laws will only kill the thinking of certain journalists and writers who thrive
      NST  -  339 words
    • 43 14 MALACCA A total of 711 foreigners were arrested in Malacca lor entering the country without permit last year. Most of them, aged between 20 and 35, were from Indonesia, Thailand, Burma and India. All have been de- ported. Bernama
      Bernama  -  43 words
    • 99 14 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia hopes to sign a trade agreement with China before the Lunar New Year next month, [Deputy Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Kok Wee Kiat said yesterday. He told reporters that his ministry was completing an agreement that would help boost direct
      AP  -  99 words
    • 132 14 KUALA LUMPUR The Malaysian government has been urged to ask the Philippines to lift the temporary ban on Filipino maids leaving the country to work abroad. A spokesman for the Association of Agents of Domestic Helpers, Mr Richard Ng, said the requirements
      Bernama  -  132 words
    • 59 14 Finance Minister Datuk Paduka Dalm Zainaddin (right) seems amased by the drag-smuggling display at the World Customs Day celebration In Johor Bam. Datnk Pad oka Daim opened the exhibition earlier. The mannequin was part of a display showing the various tactics employed by drug smugglers
      Bernama  -  59 words
    • 225 14  -  R. VASANTHI KUALA LUMPUR Democratic Action Party (DAP) lawyers are examining the party's position regarding the letters of resignation submitted by five of its leaders, detained under the Internal Security Act. DAP Acting SecretaryGeneral Lee Lam Thye said yesterday the lawyers were
      225 words
    • 189 14 KUALA LUMPUR The problem of alleged intrusions by Indonesian Customs boats into Malaysian waters is "a small matter" and will be resolved through diplomatic channels. Deputy Defence Minister Datuk Abang Abu Bakar said. Speaking to reporters after talks with Indonesia's Defence
      AP  -  189 words
    • 53 14 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia will take part in the Tokyo International Toy Fair from June 16 to 19 to promote made-in-Malaysia toys in the international market. A sMtement issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry said Malaysia is also keen to explore export opportunities for local
      Bernama  -  53 words
    • 215 14  - KL expects a bumper crop of babies in Year of Dragon R. VASANTHI By KUALA LUMPUR The maternity hospital here has one of the highest number of registered pregnancy cases scheduled for delivery in the coming Year of the Dragon. According to General Hospital Director-General Datuk Dr C. Fonseka, about
      215 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 36 14 -4^ I M'l a ZX^^SttS&SfiEG^m 9F mmmmmW^^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r mm\ m\mmmf IMH Nw R^ftlPfem^ Jv m\Y '^A^W m\V /j T^ \i khmir UAT TOWERS, ORCHARD ROAD. TEL: 732 9177. OUB CENTRE 101-03/05 #0214 1 RAFFLES PUCE. TEL: *****69/*****16.
      36 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 324 15 Solely Sponsored by: Monica film Organised by: \^M*IgWgMiaPjyifWPPITTTKM| LNJLS NEW LEE SENG PTE. LTD. VrftVel fVhnfl Metrostar Entertainment Ltd. (HK) L^aV. Lfl_i V~~^^J| H K. Vc^"*!! I V^Jv^J Engineering Impact Ltd. (HK) dffl b^bV Music Arrangement: Michael Lai Hp^^^^^^^^^|H ■03te 25th to 31st March 88' jB ■Showtime: Bpm nightly J|
      324 words
    • 181 15 THE MANDARIN SINGAPORE W IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE YUNNAN FAIR OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA r^Jt\r!/or!ii\ 1j For the first time, the gourmet j; m P' T delights of Yunnan, a I 14i4fl province in Southwest China, ■Krv will be available in Singapore. Seven of Yunnan's most (famous chefs,
      181 words
  • HOME
    • 434 15 Firm will get independent workshop to check claims AN independent motor workshop, like that run by Vicom or the Automobile Association of Singapore, will be used to check any claims by Singapore motorists that their car engines have been damaged by Formula Shell, Shell Singapore said yesterday. Shell marketing director
      434 words
    • 761 15  -  RONNIE LIM Customers will have to wait till Feb 5 for revised Formula By SHELL Singapore yesterday confirmed it was changing its additives package in the controversial Formula Shell petrol but said that motorists here have to wait until around Feb 5 to
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    • 181 15 MOBIL held a press conference yesterday to say that no one has complained about its petrol additive, Power Plus. Its Singapore chairman Mr Louis Allstadt said that there is a significant difference between Power Plus and Formula Shell. Mobil had received no complaints
      181 words
    • 445 15 Concern but no panic over news MOTORISTS, Shell dealers and service managers expressed concern but no panic over the announced change in Formula Shell petrol. Most of those contacted reported little change in business or personal plans, although some were prepared for a switch in brand of fuels. Some Shell
      445 words

  • Parliament
    • The Newspaper and Printing Presses Act amendment
      • 718 16 PARLIAMENT has paved the way for Singapore readers to have easy access to foreign publications whose circulations are restricted for engaging in internal politics. The House passed an amendment to the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (NPPA) yesterday, allowing such
        718 words
      • 258 16 Chiam says section in Bill gives minister powers that are too wide OPPOSING the amendment to the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act yesterday, Opposition MP Chiam See Tong focused on a section concerning the powers of the minister. All reproductions of restricted publications for distribution purposes must have the approval
        258 words
      • 456 16 Minister 'is accountable to Parliament' COMMUNICATIONS and Information Minister Yeo Ning Hong yesterday dismissed an assertion by Mr Chiam See Tong (Potong Pasir) that the Newspaper and Printing Presses (Amendment) Bill gave the minister powers that were too wide. Dr Yeo said all ministers were accountable to Parliament for their
        456 words
      • 272 16 THE Government yesterday proposed a novel way by which news agents can help make the Far Eastern Economic Review freely available here despite the magazine's decision last month to stop all Singapore distribution. Once the Newspaper and Printing Presses (Amendment) Bill came
        272 words
      • 400 16 THE Far Eastern Economic Review has obstructed the free flow of information by its action to stop circulating here, the chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee (Communications and Information), Dr Arthur Beng, said yesterday. He said the magazine's action had two serious implications: IT
        400 words
    • Briefly
      • 50 16 A SPORTS complex, comprising a track and field plus an indoor stadium, is to come up at Yishun Neighbourhood 8 and will be ready by 1990, Community Development Minister and Second Foreign Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng told Dr Koh Lip Lin (Nee Soon) in Parliament yesterday.
        50 words
      • 81 16 A TEMPORARY community centre is being built by the People's Association for Yishun New Town at two shophouses in Block 235, Yishun Ring Road, and will be ready by June. Labour Minister Lee Yock Suan, who is also PA deputy chairman, told Dr Koh Lip Lin (Nee
        81 words
      • 67 16 THE LAND and buildings of the former St Andrew's Orthopaedic Hospital in Tay Lian Teck Road in Siglap will be returned to the St Andrew's Mission which owns them, Acting Health Minister Yeo Cheow Tong said yesterday. Replying to a further question from Mr Abdullah Tarmugi
        67 words
      • 89 16 TWENTY-EIGHT vendors selling evening newspapers by the roadside or at bus stops were issued with summonses in the last two years, Environment Minister Ahmad Mattar said yesterday. Action was taken against them because they pose serious danger to other road users, Dr Mattar told Mr Teo Chong
        89 words
      • 110 16 EVERY DAY, about 4,300 motorists are booked for parking offences and of these, 4 per cent or 186 do not pay their fines. When told to go to court, half of the 186 motorists would pay up before their court date. The rest would eventually be
        110 words
      • 71 16 THE INCREASED cost of land acquisition will not in itself result in higher prices of Housing Board flats, said the Minister of State (National Development), Dr Lee Boon Yang, yesterday. Replying to Mr Heng Chiang Meng Jalan Kayu), he said prices of HDB flats also take into
        71 words
      • 105 16 THERE ARE no plans to convert the reversible-lane system along Nicoll Highway to a normal dual-carriageway as the present arrangement is working well, said the Minister of State (National Development and Home Affairs), Dr Lee Boon Yang, yesterday. Replying to Dr Koh Lam Son (Telok Siangan),
        105 words
    • 532 16 A REMARK by Mr Chiam See Tong brought the Prime Minister to his feet to straighten out a question of whether his generation of leaders were Western-style 'liberals" once upon a time. _;-'osing the imecd- me'it. Mi >.'am said it was
      532 words
    • Questions and answers
      • 463 16 Revenue from sale of textile quotas 'will be used to boost trade' THE money raised by the Trade Development Board (TDB) from its sale of textile quotas will be used for such activities as export promotion and lobbying against protectionism in countries like the United States and Japan. Brigadier-General (Res)
        463 words
      • 345 16 Approval for 70% of those who apply to marry S'poreans APPROVAL was given to about 70 per cent of 5,000 applications received in the last three years (or marriage between Singaporeans and work permit holders who are not permanent residents. "Marriage approvals are given to work permit holders who have
        345 words
      • 151 16 THE number of accidents involving school buses has dropped since 1983, thanks to various safety measures taken, Mr Ho Kah Leong, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Communications and Information), said yesterday. T .t has fallen from 966 in 1983 to 621 last year, he told Dr
        151 words
    • 226 16 Four MPs fly back from KL for sitting IT WAS most unusual to see Dr Tan Cheng Bock dressed in a lounge suit and necktie. The MP (or Ayer Rajah and chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee on Education usually comes to Parliament in standard whito-and- white doctor's garb. It
      226 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 503 17 Glass panels in accused's office were 'always covered' Attempted rape trial A POLICE inspector testifying at the trial of a senior police officer accused of attempting to rape a woman corporal told the High Court yesterday that the glass panels above the accused's office had always been covered. The evidence
    503 words
  • 48 17 A WALKATHON in aid of the Community Chest of Singapore will be held on Sunday. Organised by the City South District citizens' consultative committee, the event will be officiated by Dr Yeo Ning Hong, Minister for Communications and Information and Second Minister for Defence (Policy).
    48 words
  • 63 17 A CONTRACT labourer was crushed to death by a one-tonne pallet of waste paper while working at the Pasir Panjang Wharves on Tuesday. Mr Arumugam s/o Sinnathamby, 44, was loading the pallet in the hatch of a ship berthed alongside a godown when the pallet fell,
    63 words
  • 415 17  - S'pore will gain little from 1997 envoy ONG MING SEING HK migrants will go West, says Tommy Koh By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON It is a misplaced notion to thinr; Singapore stands to gain from Hongkong reverting to Chinese rule in 1997, according to Singapore's Ambassador to the United States, Mr
    415 words
  • 343 17 TWO murders, one in which a woman was stabbed 16 times and the other of a businessman strangled with the cord of an electric iron, will be highlighted in the fifth episode of the police television series, Crime Watch, on Saturday. An
    343 words
  • More questions and answers from yesterday's sitting
    • 280 17 IT IS too early to tell whether taxi drivers' earnings have been affected by the Mass Rapid Transit system, said Communications and Information Minister Yeo Ning Hong yesterday However, his ministry is monitoring the situation closely, Dr Yeo told
      280 words
    • 261 17 Birds' vegetables came from erring farmer Mattar THE contaminated vegetables that killed 26 birds in Jurong Bird Park earlier this month came from a farmer in Mm Chu Kang who disregarded the Primary Production Department's iastructions on pesticide use, said Environment Minister Ahmad Mattar yesterday Although the farmer used an
      261 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 516 17 feels like a car. Works like a truck. ■ni iiiTiT Him M m\ mt Win t jfl ira Vi^^kH^^^^^M, y h f I ■^^^^^^^^^1 f \Wm\ c '^x^ rm* r a: F. midf-rj I I 1 M \a tif. ..T it You'll never know you're sitting m a panel van
      516 words

  • 315 18 SINGAPORE is spending less on training than other countries despite the (act that its work force Is not as well educated. Trade and Industry Minister Brtg-On (Res) Lee Hsien Loong said yesterday. Speaking at the opening reremony of the Public Utilities Board
    315 words
  • 62 18 THE first in a series of luncheon talks organised by the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce will be launched on Saturday by Mr Yatiman Yusof, the Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs). Management efficiency to create greater wealth is the subject of the talk. It will be held at 12
    62 words
  • 713 18  -  IRENE NG Inquiry into death after brain surgery 'No doubt it was complication arising from operation' By THE inquiry into the case of a woman who died after brain surgery finally ended yesterday with the coroner's medical adviser concluding that her cause of
    713 words
  • 406 18 AN AUTOPSY showed yesterday that the five-year-old boy who died in hospital on Monday with multiple injuries on his face and body was either punched or kicked in the abdomen. A police spokesman, Assistant Superintendent Chan Choo Giap, said the post-mortem by
    406 words
  • 188 18 Arrested woman linked with passports syndicate' A SRI Lankan woman who was arrested recently at Changi airport is suspected to be linked with a syndicate dealing in forged passports as well as air tickets and false immigration endorsement stamps, a court heard yesterday. No plea was taken from Vasanthalosani Kanagalingam,
    188 words
  • 314 18 THE hunt is on for the first Malay Muslim Businessman of the Year. The search, jointly organised by the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Berita Harian, will culminate in a gala dinner and trophy presentation ceremony either on May 28 or June 4
    314 words
  • 122 18 A TAXI-DRIVER whose vehicle hit a seven-year-old pupil at a zebra crossing in Boon Lay Drive in May 1966, killing him on the spot, was jailed for four months by a district court on Tuesday. Baharuddin bin Salleh, 38, admitted that his dan- gerous
    122 words
  • 144 18 WHAT Westerners think of Confucianism will be the subject of a public lecture by a leading scholar in Confucian studies in the United States. Dr Frederick W. Mote, on Saturday. It will be held at 7.30 pm at the DBS Auditorium in Shenton
    144 words
  • 257 18 Restriction on sale of Review THE Far Eastern Economic Review has stopped its printing and distribution operations in Singapore. Its managing director, Mr Charles H. Stolbach, was quoted by reports from Hongkong as having said in a statement yesterday: "Printing and distributing from Singapore
    257 words
  • 54 18 A MAN was charged in court yesterday for the murder of a waitress last Sunday. Chot Saik Kam, 27, is accused of murdering Miss Poon Yit Fong, 29, at about 9.26 am at Block 341, Jurong East Avenue 1. No plea was recorded. His case will be
    54 words
  • 208 18 A 49-YEAR-OLD man poured kerosene into his flat and threatened to set it on fire if he was not let in, a district court was told yesterday. His estranged wife. Madam Han Lien Choo, 53. said he attempted to light a towel which
    208 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 132 19 COMPACT FAX lIATIIRFC I The New Panafax UF-150. The Superior Choice. If you're looking for a fax, it's time you stamp, super-fine resolution and so look at Panafax. much more The Panafax UF-150. Designed to fit in So call our Panasonic Hotline now and the corner of your desk. With
      132 words

    • 155 20  -  TAN EE SZE A PIERCING scream shattered the silence c* the misty jungle as a helpless 12-year-old American girl watched the murky swamp swallow her Kenyan friend. But the people watching this were more concerned that the girl look appropriately helpless. In a wooded
      155 words
    • 89 20 TWO men visited a brothel in Lorong 16, Gey Lang, in the early hours of Tuesday on the pretext of finding out if prostitutes were available for them. Moments later, they returned with two other men and robbed the unsuspecting brothel-keeper, Mr Chong Ah Neng, 67,
      89 words
    • Article, Illustration
      76 20 THE Botanic Gardens is now bedecked with an attractive new front. An ornate entrance, featuring a tiled plaza, ornamental gate piers and intricately designed metal gates, will now greet visitors. Costing $230,000 to build, the landscaped frontage, framed by low, curved walls, will be the perfect backdrop for
      76 words
    • 90 20 A MAN suffered three fractured ribs after he was robbed and beaten last March. On Tuesday, two men, Low Lai Huat, 24, and Ow Pheow Chye, 22, were charged with robbing Mr Eng Thew Chwee in Lorong 40, Geylang Road. Low and Ow allegedly committed the robbery
      90 words
    • 80 20 SUMO wrestling comes to Singapore in a big way when 13 beefy exponents arrive early next month to demonstrate the finer points of the 2,000 year -old-old Japanese sport. The event, organised by Jurong Environment Engineering Pte Ltd and the Japanese Embassy, will be held at the
      80 words
    • 77 20 A PEEPING Tom, caught in a women's toilet last year, was yesterday fined $800. Odd- job labourer Choo Ah Lui, 29, was charged with insulting the modesty of a salesgirl when he peeped into a closet she was using. He had hidden himself in the next closet in
      77 words
    • 695 20  -  SALMA KHALIK Reports by Pictures by and FIRST Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said yesterday that the Asian Aerospace '88 show here is an example of the Government's policies, based on four principles, which have helped Singapore grow over the past
    • 353 20 The aerial display THE French Mirage 2000 and the Soviet Sukhoi 26M perlcrmed such aweinspiring manoeuvres in the Singapore sky in their debut ap,>earance yesterday that their aerial stunts drew gasps from the spectators. Both planes easily st Die the limelight at the Asian
      353 words
    • 756 21  - Made in Singapore arms in spotlight MICHAEL LIM By THIS weapon may be called the successor to the SAR 81, which CIS produced a few years ago. A spring-loaded firing pin ensures that the rifle does not discharge If It is accidentally dropped, a very useful safety feature. The weapon
      756 words
    • Article, Illustration
      289 21  -  SALMA KHALIK In and around the air show MILITARY GLITTERATI: Never have so many generals from so many lands gathered on so small a plot of land as happened in Singapore yesterday. The military glitterati in their smart uniforms, braids, medals and stars were an impressive sight. Some
      289 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 190 21 _^HK jZii^^r ?.']i^f'-' HP >J' T v IUUUM Be a pilot iR the Air furee. ii M i As a pilot in the Air Force, your role is to defend the with good promotional prospects. &RS^nis^Hon£3£Sg£ nation's skies. You will be trained to fly our sophisticated aircraft You're one of
      190 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 558 22 Keep up the momentum KIGN MINLSTER S. Dhanabalan and ndonesian counterpart, Dr Mochtar Kuaitmadja, appeared not to have shared vime perception as to whether more ipore leaders are making official visits Jonesia than Indonesian leaders to Sine. But the call by Mr Dhanabalan for of Mr Kusumaatmadja's colleagues to come
        558 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 22
      1 words
    • 1340 22 President s silence on candidacy seen as election ploy Mr Mitterrand's popularity has greatly benefited from cohabitation the two-year-old power-sharing arrangement between himself and Mr Chirac and opinion polls continue to suggest that he can beat anyone if he stands again. WHAT
      The Economist  -  1,340 words
    • 784 22  -  MARTIN WALKER B> The Guardian MOSCOW A pocket Stalin who ruled a secret kingdom of over 30.000 collective farmworkers, ran his own private prison camp and made his subjects kneel in prayer before him, has finally been exposed in the Soviet press for
      784 words
    • 751 22  -  JAMES RESTON By New York Times WASHINGTON Less than 10 months from now, the winner of the United States presidential election, exhausted by the campaign, will face an assignment that will be almost as cruel as the campaign itself. In the 11 weeks between
      NYT  -  751 words
    • 1004 23  -  CHRIS SHERWELL Australian bicentennial celebrations By The Financial Times AS CELEBRATIONS of Australia's 2OOth anniversary of white settlement move into top gear, the appalling fate of the country's indigenous aborigines is coming under intense scrutiny. To judge by accounts abroad, it is the
      Reuter  -  1,004 words
    • 723 23  -  OMAR SATTAUR By WHEN a British court sentenced a man to eight years' jail for raping a disabled 43-year-old, it marked a legal breakthrough for a new scientific technique. The man had repeatedly denied the rape charge, until the technique proved that semen
      723 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 6 22 Germany's Best nbeimain 886 (Pte) Ltd.
      6 words
    • 181 22 Long Jiang Sichuan Hesuurant I Help yourself to our "Unlimited Servings" Lunch Menu! That's right! You c.\n have There are 4S delectable unlimited servings of sensational dishes to choose from. And Sichuan favourites ror only there's no limit to the number 51 7.50-1- per adult and ot" orders you make.
      181 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 616 23 4 tk l lANHK/AOBAO /\T TT^V /^(TT\ TT 1 1| YTI TTTTYIHO TT^ Present your receipts for the lucky dip at I^^2 r ..,um l ar>3(,,(Hß Centre \JU-D XJLA. 1 llllJ lliUjU Ul ftbnUUy l6 JH^^ ha er Yo O u%? P iit°your sides y#V v M3*, /JHH^^^^HH TALK-OF-THE-TOWN FOOD
      616 words

    • On the FEER issue
      • 175 24 Insurance brochure told a different story l TOOK up hospitalisation insurance for my family with a well-known insurance firm through a credit card company three years ago. The premiums were paid on time through the credit card. In October last year, I underwent an ear operation and submitted a claim
        175 words
      • 375 24 WITH the Government having initiated legal action against the Far Eastern Economic Review for libel and defamation, the matter is now sub judice. Therefore, any comments in the media that are likely to influence the court proceedings and its verdict one way or
        375 words
      • 304 24 I REFER to the letters on the Far Eastern Economic Review issue (ST, Jan 11). There are always many views to an issue in question. Whether that particular view is slanted depends on your own ideological leaning and understanding of the issue. Bearing in mind that the
        304 words
      • 78 24 FT is quite amusing that the Far Eastern Economic Review has used the analogy of Singapore as a dictatorial state similar to China. Moreover, there will be "Singapore watchers" just as there are "China watchers". Mr Derek Da vies should be quite aware that we have democratic
        78 words
      • 260 24 Man who lost IC now has problems with police I LOST my identity card in June 1978. Unfortunately, it was picked up by someone who has since used it to commit crimes of cheating. Naturally, following each reported crime, police officers have called at my home to arrest me. Most
        260 words
    • On Ling How Doong's comments
      • 181 24 I READ with bewilderment the words of the Singapore Democratic Party chairman, Mr Ling How Doong (ST, Jan 20). He was quoted as holding the opinion that "so what if people vote along racial lines", that "democracy means majority rule", and that the Chinese
        181 words
      • 133 24 I REFER to the report "SDP's Ling denies he campaigned on racial lines" (ST, Jan 20). Mr Ling How Doong said: "Even if people were to vote along racial lines, so what?" In other words, the Singapore Democratic Party chairman does not give a
        133 words
      • 223 24 SO Singapore Democratic Party chairman Ling How Doong (ST, Jan 20) justifies the use of the denigrating words "that Indian man" on the ground that the People's Action Party election workers referred to Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam as "that Indian". In Anson, the PAP
        223 words
    • Reply
      • 144 24 WE refer to the letter "Barbecue hopes dashed in the darkness" by Mr Richard T. (ST, Jan 20). We are sorry some park lights were not working and ruined Mr Richard T's barbecue party. In fact, 39 park lights were out of order in Area G,
        144 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 128 24 A unity of tradition "I^^^B^B^^BMB?^B^BBifej-- L^Bf^'> '< fiPI^B^B^B^BB Mr** '"^Zaßfv^Bfl b^b^Hl Ibhb2s*^?*. \t^B '■■t^^ '''$t£%'^' B^B^^ißl BHfctWith the latest fashions of today sou A*nt Brumag Marketing Pte Ltd BRUNO M AGLI Forum GaHeru 583 Orchard Road 101-46 Singapore 092 3 Tel ?328%1 XvjildhU dt Bruno MagK Boutique Forum < iaHeru
      128 words
    • 124 24 all happening... maxell Get high performance MAXELL Power today! ta P es keeps you everything V^WCT ontime^/ maxell. ib^rKTu im^rtralTl -Lasts longer K^^^gippfi t^m^EWisyfl p^^yf L n 9 er she|f |jfe ■■J High Power S^S£iSS3 |WtM3Hiil€j fW9V Superior leakIflL^^^^2l 4* resistance i^BS£SS L I Wide operating range I llver oxlde
      124 words
    • 73 24 111l 111 1 1 111l II 111l I 111 II 111 111 11 1 1 1111 II 111l II 111 I Mill 111l II 111 Urll II 111l II 111 1 1 11 11 111l II 111 1 1 11 11 111l II 111 jg 1 1 11 11 111l
      73 words
    • 456 24 N f\n irresistable Only 975 for 3 Days 2 Nights stay another night free! At Hotel Equatorial. Accommodation for 3 days Free shuttle bus service to 2 nights in a Superior Room Orchard Rd Shopping Centres with full amenities Chinatown Daily Buffet Breakfast Free accommodation for 1 complimentary Ssso child
      456 words

    • In the markets
      • 70 25 LACK of institutional interest and Tuesdays drop in prices on Wall Street forced Singapore share prices to decline yesterday. The Straits Times Industrial Index fell 9.99 points to close at 897.39, the first time it has fallen below the 900 level since Jan 15. There were
        70 words
      • Chief Price Changes
        • 13 25 IGB Corp 1,259,000 City Dev Bonds 1,250,000 OUBCULS 1,033,000 KeppelWrts 1,028,000
          13 words
        • 69 25 itiMt Z7O -JO SUi I*oo -20 C«M Stvt lOp JM M (C$ 740 -IS OCBC 6bb -10 kichcapt 432 -10 Shmtnlj 410 -10 MIC 7lc JM -10 BatuKiaan 320 -10 iMtan Me 496 -9 M BjflUif 434 -I Met U Boi S pore 3U -I Traramarco 301 -I Gtnftin
          69 words
        • 55 25 DBS Hi +5 OUT IB 5 Pirfa 424 +4 'p»»Bu> 292 +3 KS JH +2 Ijf 1« B** 25* +2 OUBCU.S 112 -t-2 Ml I run 17 +2 Til It* rawi 1M -t- 1 niw> 103 -l Oh 0«« B«n<h 't 1 USnrtn It teilw M l^! Mwa«C«p U
          55 words
        • 106 25 J4fl 26 )*n 21 ia.t 26 Jan 27 BT Composite 797 20 ***** SI Minings 272 94 272 82 BI OB OS +47 +66 ST Plantations 1935 Sj 1931 55 CADI 6848 6935 DBS CPF Indei 29t 23 295 79 10 4a, M (k«| 68'J 68S0 OCBC 649 97
          106 words
      • 36 25 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Fines Business Times Industrial Composite 1987 H«h *****0 (26/8/87) *****9(11/8 87) 1986/87 low 563 34 (28/4/86) 470 92 (28/4/86) Wltime High 1505 40 (26/8/87) 1327 69(11/8/87) lo« 74 75(17/9/645 470 92(28/4/86)
        36 words
      • 46 25 Closing Change Vol (000) Amtak Encri 20c 123 +1 14 GB ttdp 10c 0 65 +0.5 4 Smcapore National frnttn 50c 161 -6 59 Staf atronct sOc 0 84 unch 52 Tb% 0.67 unch 19 5 Toriww M 50c 0 835 Ntpeo 078 -2 4
        46 words
      • 30 25 DM Y FT 8| HKS ISJ US* ***** 127 53 unq 2 0200 7 7955 £***** 1 6675 127 55 5 6210 2 02% 7 7960 1 ,800
        30 words
      • 13 25 THE US dollar lost 75 ticks to close at DM1.6675 in Singapore.
        13 words
      • 10 25 In Singapore, gold lost US$O.75 to U*****.00 an ounce.
        10 words
      • 50 25 Eurodollar: Lost four ticks to 92.C2 a contract. Dentochemark: Gained 23 ticks to 0.6023 a contract. British Pound: Gained 70 ticks to 1.7745 a contract. Japanese yen: Lost 19 ticks to 0.*****2 a contract. Nikkei: Lost 140 points to ***** a contract. Gold: Lost US$O.9O to U*****.20 an ounce.
        50 words
      • Short Stops
        • 88 25 LONDON Mr Rupert Murdoch, Chief Executive of News Corp, has said he would like to form a joint venture with the Pearson group, publisher of the Financial Times, to launch a separate US edition of the paper to compete with the Wall Street Journal, which
          FT  -  88 words
        • 74 25 PARIS UK drinks group Grand Metropolitan has gained the edge over Canadian rival Seagram in the bid for French cognac maker Martell. IV Martell board decided to back Grandmet's final offer of 3,300 French franc (551,182) a share, valuing it at 4.57 billion francs. However, Martell
          FT  -  74 words
        • 79 25 H<,NGKONC Australian merchant bank Elders Finance Group Asia is acquiring stockbroking firm Greenwell Montagu (Far East) from Midland Bank of Britain. The saie comes amid growing ties between the Hongkong and Shanghai Bankirig Corp and Mid land following Hongkong Bank's purchase of a 14.9 per cent interest in
          AFP  -  79 words
        • 50 25 BRUSSELS Belgium's banking commission has delayed until next Tuesday a final decision on the public offer of Italian financier Cirlo de Benedetti to buy IT- per cent of Societe (Jenerale, the country's leading financial group Mr de Benedetti's bid will place him in control of the trust. AP
          AP  -  50 words
    • 509 25  -  CONRAD RAJ By THE Monetary Authority of Singapore has recently been conducting surprise audits on stockbroking firms. So far, at least three firms Alliance Securities (Pte), Overseas Union Bank subsidiary OUB Securities and Phillip Securities (Pte) have been audited. Members of the MAS
      509 words
    • 195 25 Singmarine wins two contracts worth $7m SINGMARINE Industries Ltd, which went public last year, has secured $7 million in contracts, including a 50-metre ferry and a 22--metre catamaran. The contracts were obtained through subsidiary Singapore Slipway Engineering Co. The ferry contract, for Kuwaiti owners, was won against stiff competition from
      195 words
    • 158 25 Updyke group ups stake in OUS THE Updyke group of companies, of which Mr J. Randolph Updyke is a partner, has become one of the largest shareholders in Overseas Union Securities Ltd (OUS), with interests in almost 14 per cent of the investment holding company. OUS announced yesterday that Mr
      158 words
    • 424 25 Taiwan stock market surges on political optimism TAIPEI Taiwan's stock market has been surging despite the death of President Chiang Ching-kuo and brokers said it showed investor confidence in new leader Lee Teng-hui. The index has rocketed by about 600 points since Jan 13 when Mr Chiang died, and it
      Reuter  -  424 words
    • 219 25 DAH YVJNG Investments said yesU-rday that it paid $140,000 tor 504,654 Uniweld sharrs it bought last month. The prio was arrived at on a willing-buyer willingseller basis. Dah Yun£ paid 80 per cent of the pi ice on Dec 22.
      219 words
    • 566 25 WASHINGTON Repeated breakdowns of computerised trading systems on the New York Stock Exchange aggravated the selling panic on "Black Monday", Oct 19, and were far more extensive than previously known, according to a new report. During these temporary breakdowns, which affected
      NYT; Reuter  -  566 words
    • 384 25  -  LIM ENG HAI By MALAYSIAN hotel and property group Faber Merlin has put yet another of its properties on the market. The cash-hungry group which a senior manager said yesterday was prepared to sell all its eight hotels in Malaysia if the prices
      384 words
    • 195 25 US securities group expects industry to lose $1.6b for 4th quarter NEW YORK The Securities Industry Association expects the industry will report fourth quarter losses of about US$BOO million (Ssl.6 billion). President Edward O'Brien said it would be the first quarterly loss since the 1984 second quarter when the industry
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 3115 26 READERS should be aware of the limitations of this information Not every transaction, nor every price dealt in at the stock exchange, is covered in "business done Further, because al deainfs at a particular price are lumped together, the table does not show the trend in
      3,115 words
    • 2381 26 INDUSTRIALS Acmo Aimomoto '2856 310S) AleiHloo< Alcom (556 565) (5) 55 5 (3) 56 AISB <96e 975) (2) 95 (3) 95 5 (1) 97 (19) 96 xd API (406 4 IS) (7) 4 1 5(2) 42(23)41 ASM ***** 187S) (37) 188 (45) 186 (6MI 187
      2,381 words
    • 2916 26 U shires quoted have a par value of SI. urtess rthefwtse specified Marjn stocks ire shown in boM pnnt Adjusted tor scr^nfhts N Tai eiempted dividend ABM K traded n lots of 10 shares each, vritti the price quoted in dolars Trustee stocks under CPf Approved
      2,916 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 423 27 l im Jl 000 For tmt cwtomn 3 OCBC Fnmct 4 ivalabtt it WS Ftaanct ft Qurffr»i» »ut rjtti art offtrtd by tubtxttn OUT IMF's raits **n*Ht it UOF aba a«alaWt it DBS Fnanct OCBC OUB UOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Savings daily 2 3 2 x i 2'
        423 words
      • 190 27 foreign Local dollars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to SJIO foreipi currency Australian dollar 1 4449— 1.4466 7 05 6.87 Canadian dollar 1 5789 1 5803 6.39-6.30 NZ dollar 1.3550—1.3577 7.55-7.33 Sterling pound 3.5886—3.5924 281-2.77 US dollar 2.0195-2.0205 4 99—4 94 Local dolars to 100 units
        190 words
      • 150 27 THE kilobar market traded between 5530.409 and 5530.690 yesterday. In the Far East market, gold opened in the morning at U*****.80 U*****.30. It eased off gradually lower to close for lunch at U5*470.20 470.70 with some two-way interest. Reopened at the same level, the precious metal came under selling
        150 words
      • 34 27 GOLD US$/oz Wed lues Singapore 470 00 470 50 471 50 472 00 Hongkong *****—***** 470 60 471 10 Tues Mon New York 469 50 ***** 469.50— 470 00 London *****—***** *****—*****
        34 words
      • 113 27 THE US dollar closed narrowly against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed slightly higher at 2.0200 10 in quiet trading. It traded within a range of 2.0200 and 2.0150. Against the deutschemark, the greenback opened at 1.6690/95 and closed at 1.6685 92.
        113 words
      • 16 27 Tin Closing prices MVkilo KL Tin 17 26 unchanged Turnover 95 tonnes up nine tonnes
        16 words
      • 17 27 Rubber Closing prices cents/kilo Singapore February 222 75 up 0 25 cents Malaysia February 280.00 unchanged
        17 words
      • 26 27 Clranf pncei Silver USJ troy o: *tt Tun Sinfapo'e 661-666 661-666 Tim Mon New York 6 S4-6 69 6 60-fi 65 Source Credit Same Spore
        26 words
      • 25 27 Oosaif prices Aluminium tonne Toes Spot 1114.00-1115 00 (1134 00—1135 00) 3 months 1054 00-1055 00 (1060 00-*****0) Market tone Easier Sales 11.925 tonnes
        25 words
      • 273 27 Managers prices for January 28 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 0 92—0 98 The Savings fund 0 80—0 86 Spore Prog Fund 0 36—0 40 Spore Sec fund 0 62—0 67 S pore Invest Fund 0 65—0 70 Spore Equity fund 0 44—0 48 Asia Unit Trust Mai
        273 words
      • 102 27 Crude MS/ tome palm ofl January 1165 (south) 1165 (central) palm oil USS tonnes KBD palm oil February ♦87 50 (sellers) March 487 50 (sellers) April 475 (sellers) RBD Stearin February 400 (sellers) March 400 (sellers) RBD Olem February 510 (sellers) March 510 (sellers' April 490 (sellers) Crude
        102 words
      • 27 27 Closing prices Copper tore* Tues Spot 1369 00-*****0 1444 00- 1446 00) 3 months 1256 00—1257 00 (1326 00-1327 00) Market tune Irregular Sales 22.250 tonnes
        27 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 740 27 THE Straits Times Industrial Index fell to 897.39 points yesterday after hovering above the 900-level for seven straight trading sessions. Although prices fell throughout the day, trading was very dull and the market was much quieter than the previous day. Turnover
        740 words
      • 381 27 J*n 21 mi Chjoft Assoc Intl Hoteh I 99 -Oil Bor* O» Eost Askj 20 00 -0 2 Capital Corp 076 unch Cathay Pacific Air 6 00 -0 05 Cheung Kong 670 -0 15 Ch<na» 1 8 80 +03 City Resources I 16 unch Cross Hart) Tunnel 1
        381 words
      • 361 27 Ijn 27 Tw Ounce Aimomoio 3180 20 Ako< 483 7 Amoda 1180 20 Aiohi Chem 992 I Asoht Glow 1740 20 Bonk Of Tokyo 1390 30 B»idge*tone 1 270 40 Conor 950 4 Covo Computer I 140 10 Crtuen 555 5 0 f*p Print 2490 10 D Nippon Screen
        361 words
      • 353 27 l*i 27 Cents Ctun(t (Aust) A C I 388 unch A N I 167+1 Abertoyle 405 15 Age 340 unch Amcor 387 2 Ampol Exp 300 unch Ampol Pet 342 +2 An/ 345 5 Ar.adne Aust 49 -1 Ashton 1 40 -5 B H P 668 +8 Beoch Petroleum
        353 words
      • 223 27 lan ?6 WSJ Ch*** Alcoa 42*i Alhed S.g 3OH ■>» Amox Inc 17-H -H Amr Corp 34 unch AH 28 7 1 Berhlehem Sri I7"« -M Boeing Co 44S -"<• CaterpiMor Co 57 >» Chose Monhtn 2)V» -^> Chrysler Cp 25S -W Citicorp I9W ■>« Cons Not Gas
        223 words
      • 58 27 NST Index Wednesday 1,429.61 (1,439.21) —g Honfkoni Hang Seng -}0 Wednesday 2,412.62 (2,426.05) g£_ Austraian Al-Ordinaries Wednesday 1,269.20 (1,277.50) Nikkei Stock Average Wednesday 23,335.91 (23,498.76) Financial Tines Industrials Tuesday 1,418.00 (1,414.00) Dow Jones Average 77^ Tuesday 1,920.59 (1,946.45) J-1 (Figures in brackets refer to those of the previous trading
        58 words
      • 463 27 un ?b Pence Chante NXJSTRIALS Amlo-MFI 170 uoch Allwd Iron. 342 undi mn£ 26« +i Bofccodu Borckm 497 +7 BMdwp 463 +3 BICC 338 -1 BWcGrcte 432 +4 BOCGr«» 395 Boon 247 unch Bo»ot«r 375 +5 ■ATS 435 +9 Airwort 166 -1 BfrtoMHO 107 -I BfttGo*. 137 -1 BP
        463 words
    • Simex futures
      • 22 27 i L'SS per trov ounce) Open High Low Sett Est FrbBB 470 20 Oprn lat (T««O: NU. Act V»l {Tutm): Ml
        22 words
      • 45 27 i Sikkei St<xk A verage Index Open High Low Sett Est Vol Spot *****.64 *****.64 *****.52 *****.91 Mar 88 ***** ***** ***** ***** 673 Jane ***** *****8 ***** ***** 23 S* p t ***** Op*n Int (Tqm): 5411. Art Vol (Tom): K3.
        45 words
      • 30 27 < Japanese Yen > Open High Low Sett Est Vol M»r88 0 *****0 0.*****9 0 *****2 0.*****2 321 Jut 0.*****2 Srpt 0.*****8 Opco Int (Tnes): BM. Art V*l (Tac«): Ml.
        30 words
      • 27 27 i ßritish Pound' Open High Low Sett Est Vol M»r88 ***** 1.7770 1.7745 ***** T Jane 1.7670 Oprn Ist (Tdm): 42. Art Vol (Tnra): 3.
        27 words
      • 35 27 US dollar Peutschemark i Open High Low Sett Est Vol Mar 88 0.6027 0.6033 0.6020 0 6023 366 Jnnt ***** 0.6077 0.6077 0.6077 2 Sept 0.6134 Open lot (Tan): 377. Art >ol (Tin): 4*4.
        35 words
      • 66 27 Eurodollar 3-month deposit (100 implied interest rate) Open High Low Sett Kst Vol Mar 88 92.60 92.63 92.59 92 62 430K Janr 92.34 92.39 92.34 92 38 734 Sept 92.10 92.14 92.10 92.12 311 Dec 91.84 91.86 91.83A 91.86 123 Mar 8$ 91.63A 9163 Juoe 91 42 >*pt 9125 ■■t
        66 words
      • 176 27 Wednesday, Jonuory 27 1988 Feb 88 calls Feb 88 puts Htqh Low S««« High Low Sett 55 CAB 56 CAB 57 32, 2 58 2206 225 3 3 3 59 1306 134 11 11 11 60 588 41 A 39 61 188 20 98A 94 62 7 11
        176 words
      • 198 27 Feb 88 colls Feb 88 puts High Low Sett High Low S«tt 70 CAB 71 CAB 72 CAB 73 CAB 74 CAB 75 373A 368 3 76 276 6 6 6 77 190A 186 18 16 18 78 113A 110 41A 40 79 58A 54 84 80
        198 words
      • 169 27 Mor 88 colls Mor 88 puts High Lew S*»t High Low S«tt 8900 365A 362 CAB 8950 315A 312 CAB 9000 265A 262 CAB 9050 215A 2>2 CAB 9100 16SA I6i 9125 140A 132 9150 USA 112 2 9175 89A 88 9200 67A 64 6 9225 45A 45
        169 words
    • Article, Illustration
      483 27 Vessel Berth Arr Dep Vessel Keppef Whinrti Moraybank Myoma Y*a Bdiymshan K3O aside 01 02 Thanh Da Donguang K29 aside 31 01 Transbulk Dyang Fronti K32 a side 03 02 Fieni Kota Wirama K33 a side 30 01 Hanoi 1 Ocean Pnma K35 aside 31 01 Isabela
      483 words
    • 409 28 MALAYSIAN property group IGB Corporation has scrapped plans for a bonus issue and revised the terms of its rights and special issues which will mean it will raise little more than half the amount it originally intended. IGB usually thinly traded but
      409 words
    • 408 28 NEW YORK Diversified US financial services group American Express has reported a net loss of US$lO4 million (*****.1 million) for the fourth quarter, compared with a profit of USS2B2 million in 1966. The company's annual profit fell 52 per cent to US$533 million compared
      FT; NYT  -  408 words
    • 501 28 Menang Corp now tries to take over property firm PROPERTY -BASED Menang Corporation (M) Bhd now plans to buy the entire issued and paid-up capital of Country View Realty Sdn Bhd which has a major development project in Johor for Ms4o million (5531.6 million). The purchase is part of Menang's
      501 words
    • 119 28 MIT works on standard for computer displays CAMBRIDGE (Massachusetts) Twelve computer companies are paying US$l5O,OOO (*****,000) each to support a project by Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop a standard for computer screen displays. The companies include International Business Machines, Digital Equipment, American Telephone and Telegraph, Hewlett-Pack-ard, Sony and Apple.
      AP  -  119 words
    • 682 28 Tradewinds predicts substantial rise in profits KUALA LUMPUR Tradewinds (M), the Pernas Securities subsidiary set for a public listing in late March or early April, is expected to show a substantial increase in earnings following its recent restructuring exercise. The group, now an investment holding company with interests ranging from
      MBT  -  682 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 304 25 IDIq c jmfr i i^^^^^^^^ M^ M^ BW HHUHHHB^M C-1420M(BK)* 36a trJ^r^^^M BPPJPHI jm^^^m*mm^m<-.- I (1 4") PAL system ÜBSSiShBSSIBBS&BiBiBBBHBBHHHSHV to colour TV Tinted ~'~g^El^^^H^iH|BßSdUUHUkftrj^PiPPK''' "Lmyfon Plus" picture p^ -^^Mm Electronic IC Tuning VC-8361N 3 Super Search modes Counter. Index and Is System Memory Interval PAL/MESECAM VHS Noiseless Double Azimuth
      304 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 157 26 XS Write Better, Speak Better Discover the secrets of making what you HBB say count! Here is a lively, comprehensive and fascinating H guide to good writing and good speaking I s E^^ff tne eas V way to achieve new confidence and ■^j^^jLjLi B success when dealing with people in
      157 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 133 28 I *l^ UJ U A T PAD9 111 IP r^K CkV*& W\i Illi "1A I UAK: 1^ Saab 9000 Turbo enjoys a second um w^ year as best Director's Car. to the sameexcellence You may not be allowed to pilot a plane on the road. I But you can "fly"
      133 words
    • 46 28 AROUND THE WORLD WITH ORANGINA R E SU- L-T-S I ST PRIZE 2ND PRIZE 3RD PRIZE ONG GIM THIAM 346'70" KANG MEI JtAO. EVELYN 141 1798/1 LIW All pnze-winners including 300 consolation prizewinners of one corton of Orangma (24x200ml bottle! will be notified by post i
      46 words

      367 words
    • 230 29 321 Deaths 321 Deaths MDM WONG KIM WAH AGE: 92 was called to be with the Lord on 27th January 1968 leaving behind: Son: Daughter-in-law: LEE JIT SEAM PANG FONG WAH Daughter: Son-in-law: LOY WAH JONG HAN CHEOW TOON Grandchildren: Grandchildren-in-law: HAN JIN PHONG SALLY YAP HAN SUAN PHONG HAN
      230 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      81 29 In Loving Memory of MOM. CHEN YUH LAIN Departed Jan. 28th, 1965 Time may heal the broken heart. Time may make the wound less sore. But time can never stop the longing For the loved one gone before Always ttmtmbcrtd and deeply missed by family end loved
      81 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      121 29 In Loving Memory of MARY FERNANDEZ (19/8/1912 28/1/1987) If we have died with Christ, Then we shall live with Him If we hold firm. Then we shall reign with Him. Anniversary Requiem Mats Thursday 28th January 1988 6.00 pm Church of St Vincant d« Paul 301, Yio
      121 words
    • 30 29 323 Condolences 323 Condolences With the deepest sympathies and Condolences to the family of the late MR GOVINDASAMY KUNJOO from JAMES RAM GENERAL CONTRACTORS 10-B KAY POH ROAD SINGAPORE 1024
      30 words
    • 138 29 The Family of the Late VELOO KUNJAN (EX-PSA STAFF) who pa«*»d away peacefully on 14.1.M wishes to express their heartfelt thanks to the staff of Ohlm Moh Sec Sen Mount Elizabeth Hospital. 40SAR. National Library (Bt. Merah Branch), Seagate. SMC GMG, friends Si relatives for their attendance, assistance
      138 words
    • 160 29 The Family Oi The Late LEE KEA HENG Departed. 23rd Jan. M wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and colleagues for their kind attendance, assistance, condolences, wreaths and donations during their recent bereavement. The Family Of The Laim MR. YIP FOOK SENG wish
      160 words
  • 1 29
    1 words
  • 391 29  -  LIONEL LEE ON THE TRACK with BABY DOC worked well yesterday at Bukit Timah in preparation for the Star Prince Stakes for Class 2 horses over 1,200m on Sunday. Kept well in hand by J.F. Heng, Baby Doc easily clocked 40.5 sec for
    391 words
  • 125 29  -  DANNY KHOO APPRENTICE T. Asogan, who rode his 10th winner on Danny n at Bukit Timah on Sunday, is now entitled to a weight claim of orJv 2.5kg. On Saturday, Asogan scored on raging favourite Let's March. The bang-inform apprentice, whose master is Ipoh
    125 words
  • 161 29 KUALA Lumpur trainer Ahmad Samad was severely reprimanded at the conclusion of an inquiry over the positive blood test on his charge, Vetri Veeran, on Sept 26, third day of the Selangor Turf Club September meeting. According to the Malayan Racing Association latest classification list,
    161 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 29  -  JON BYJ "Isn't It great! The track officials derided to have secretaries' day at the races."
    19 words
  • 1212 29 30 for Tunku Gold Cup THIRTY Clam 1 tones have been entered (or the Tonka G«Jd Cop u> he ran over 2^Mm at Koala Lumpur m Feb 14. They are: Aces, Air Marshal IV, Alacar*, Centrepolnt, Bast Caast lUad, Pa Cal, Fen Vert, Granada 11, Grand nißatoa,
    1,212 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 175 29 ACCEPTANCE OF OBITUARY ANNOUNCEMENTS 9 em to midnight For booking enquiries. call 737-1166: Mon-Frl S am to 5 p m Sal 9am to 2 p m call 737-0011 ext 5269: After office hours and on Sundays/ Holidays The Straits Times Classified's hot line is 737-1166 Ask for our We will
      175 words
    • 23 29 326 Funeral Director*/ Services WHEN ONE DEAR U> you ha.- Iparted, turn lo Singapore Casket Funeral Directors since 1920 Tel *****88 24 hrs
      23 words

    • 573 30 Elway's the man they have to stop SUPER BOWL COUNTDOWN Broncos' quarterback is the main topic FXUS ON BRONCOS' JOHN ELWAY 4 The guy who almost everyone expects to turn this game is Elway, who was named the League's Most Valuable Player this year and is still after two straight
      AP; Reuter  -  573 words
    • 553 30 No stopping Dexter as he hogs limelight SPOTLIGHT ON REDSKINS' DEXTER MANLEY SAN DIEGO The Washington Redskins consider themselves a quiet group, who seek to avoid the spotlight. Except for one. Defensive end Dexter Manley could be called the Redskins' designated spokesman. He enjoys speaking
      UPI  -  553 words
    • SOCCER
      • 139 30 FLORENCE Italian national team manager Azeglio Vicini gave his teati a break (rom pre-European Championship training on Tuesday and led then into a recording studio instead tr sing against fcotball violence. Officiate said the n»cord, entitled "Soccer is love", is to be distributed tree in
        Reuter  -  139 words
      • Article, Illustration
        391 30 Not SO "friendly". A gang of 18 Millwall fans who spread violence throughout the country were arrested after two undercover policemen won their confidence by befriending then, a London court heard on Tuesday. The two officers dranl with the Millwall thugs, travelled with them to away matches and
        AFP; Reuter  -  391 words
    • 332 31 FOR most Singaporeans, the month of February is almost certain to be remembered for badminton because of the Konica Cup at the Singapore Badminton Hall from Feb 2-7. The tournament brings together some of the biggest names in the sport. Yang Yang, Misbun Sidek and China's woman
      332 words
    • 184 31 FEBRUARY will be a crucial one for at least five of the eight Premier League soccer clubs because the League title, as well as the $30,000 prize money, should be decided before the end of the month. By then, current leaders Geylang International will have completed
      184 words
    • 87 31 THE Brooks Cross Country championships on Feb 20 at the Macßitchie Reservoir will signal the start of yet another hectic year for the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association. The Republic's long-distance runners may take their pick from five races, but the big run will no doubt be the Brooks
      87 words
    • 168 31 ESI THE Kosaido Asahi Singapore Ladies' Open golf championship at the Tanah Merah Country Club from Feb 11-13 promises to be bigger and richer than last year's. The prize money for each of the five legs of the event in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan
      168 words
    • 152 31 Jeffrey to face tough time JEFFREY TAN will have a tough time retaining his Remy Martin Open Masters bowling title at Striker's Bowl from today to Feb 7. For on the lanes will be other local bowling luminaries such as Patrick Wee, Ronnie Ng, Jansen Chan, Rahmat Ahmad and Sam
      152 words
    • 197 31 SOME of the biggest names in boardsailing will gather in the Republic to battle for honours in the Singapore leg of the Sprite International circuit, starting tomorrow and ending next Tuesday. Among them will be Canadian Richard Myerscough, once the world's No. 1 in the
      197 words
    • 284 31 LOCAL fans will once again get a close-up view of some of the top badminton players in the world in the second Konica Cup at the Singapore Badminton Hall from Feb 2-7. The action this year promises to be a lot better than
      284 words
    • 188 31 THE last time Singapore played in the Thomas Cup qualifying round, they created history by reaching the 1966 finals. History is, however, unlikely to repeat itself when the Republic compete in the qualifying competition from Feb 22-28 in Melbourne. There will only be one qualifying berth
      188 words
    • 249 31 IT began as a curiosity piece and now it is the centerpiece of American sport. It cost US$lO ($2O) to see the first one in person and there was far less than a full house. Seats for this one have a face value of
      UPI; Reuter  -  249 words
    • 169 31 IN AN effort to encourage promising young swimmers to gain more international exposure, the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association have set aside four days of selection trials for the Asian International championships in Guangzhou from April 2-12. The trials will be on Feb 29, Mar 1, 3
      169 words
    • 176 31 WHILE most other Singaporeans will be tucked in bed on Feb 14 at 1 am, about 40 boats will gather off Woodlands, between Kranji Dam and the Causeway, for the round-the-island race. According to Ken Letts, assistant sailing secretary of the Keel Boat Squadron, the early
      176 words
    • 140 31 THE top two women at Sunday's national bodybuilding championships at Kallang Theatre (2 pm) will each earn a ticket to Taipei to represent the Republic at the Asian championships from March 18-23. Singapore Amateur Bodybuilders' Federation president Paul Chua said the SABBF were keen
      140 words
    • 603 33  -  LEE WAI WUN reviews the Malaysian Open boardsailing championships Aces Frostad, Nissen-Lie find 10-knot breeze to their disfavour KUANTAN There are few regattas in the region which can boast a line-up of world-class sailors and an ideal race site with sideshore winds. The Malaysian
      603 words
    • 365 33  -  ALBERT JOHNSON WATER POLO By THE national water polo team will undergo a oneweek joint training camp in Guangxi before the Asian international championship in Guangzhou from April 2-12. The selection of the national squad for the Asian meet will be finalised following
      365 words
    • 291 34 Players may opt out of playing in S. Africa MELBOURNE Professional tennis players will no longer have to play in South Africa if their conscience dictates otherwise, the International Tennis Federation said yesterday. With immediate effect, the ITF said they would alter rules governing the men's professional tour under which
      291 words
    • 346 34 Reuter NYT AUCKLAND SECOND seed Anne Minter, of Australia, crashed out of the second round of the US$5O,OOO ($100,000) Auckland women's international tennis tournament yesterday, beaten in straight sets by French teenager Emanuelle Deriy Anne, who reached the quarter-finals of this month's Australian
      Reuter; NYT  -  346 words
    • 314 34  -  HAKIKAT RAI Zainal confident team will pull through By SQUASH fans in Kuwait are saying that Singapore will find it hard to retain their second placing in the Asian team squash championship, what with Peter Hill and Alex Tay having opted out of the
      314 words
      • 322 34 BASEBALL American big business is being asked to find U*****,000 ($500,000) to fund baseball in the Soviet Union because the Soviets are keen to join baseball's US-based 1 Little League, played by 2.5 million youngsters from i 28 countries. But first they need
        AFP; Reuter; AP  -  322 words
    • 247 34 ANTWERP World champion Jansher Khan and his predecessor Ross Norman, of New Zealand, both advanced to the second round of the Belgian Grand Prix squash tournament on Tuesday. Jansher, 18, thrashed Australian qualifier Greg Pearson 9-1, 9-1, 9-1 in a mere 16 minutes,
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 276 34 Gatting breaks silence over tour ruckus SYDNEY England cricket captain Mike Gatting has broken his vow of silence on the Pakistan tour controversy Gatting, here for the Bicentenary Test against Australia, said yesterday: "They've been cheating us for 37 years and by us. I mean other teams as well as
      AFP; Reuter  -  276 words
    • 160 33 AUCKLAND New Zealand will not abandon this year's challenge for the America's Cup, their syndicate chainran Michael Fay said yesterday. Fay rejected a last-ditch compromise, announced by the Sail America syndicate, to defer the Kiwis' controversial challenge until 1990, and then compete for the trophy in
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 467 35  -  JOE DORAI Balestier ace on target in shock victory By MALAYSIAN and Johor striker Dollah Salleh made his long-awaited Premier League soccer debut at Jalan Besar Stadim last night and put on an impressive show. Despite being bothered by a slight hamstring pain, Dollah thrilled
      JERRY SEH  -  467 words
    • 201 35  -  JOE DORAI UNBEATEN Geylang International will field new signing Steven Choo in their Singapore Pools Premier League soccer match against Changi CSC at Bedok Stadium tonight (7.30). Nippy Steven, who played four matches for Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association, joined Geylang last week after completing
      201 words
    • 45 35 STANDARD Chartered Bank beat Hong Leong Group 4-0 in a Singapore Business Houses Football League Division Three match at Tanglin yesterday. Otfeer results: Diethelm Scanstyle 2 Sime Darby 1, Hewlett Packard 1 Singapore Technology 1. Maris RC 4 Tien Wan Press 2.
      45 words
    • 510 35 6 I'm used to demonstrators by now and it is a problem for the organisers, not for me.. .My family live in South Africa and I will continue to visit them. I also have to see the doctor who has been treating me for my
      Reuter  -  510 words
    • 400 35  -  HAKIK AT RAI By Lack of funds trips triple jumper's study plans A COMBINATION of circumstances, especially the shortage of money, has forced Singapore's triple jump record-holder Francis Nathan to put on hold his study-cum-training trip to the United States. The 24-year-old, who was to
      400 words
    • 192 35  -  HAKIKAT RAI THE management committee of the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association will decide tonight if track and field athletes James Wong, Ng Kean Mun, Chan Chin Wah, Constance Song and Florence Chong were guilty of misconduct during last September's South-east Asia Games. SAAA president
      192 words
    • 122 35  -  HAKIKAT RAI THE Singapore Amateur Boxir.g Association's annual general meeting last Friday turned up one surprise Syed Abdul Kadir declined re-election as secretary of the association. Mr Kadir, who held the secretary's post since 1985, also stepped down as national coach, citing "work pressure".
      122 words
    • 84 35 ERIC POON roUed 1,371 pinfalls to lead the men's qualifiers in the Jatico Tournament of Champions bowling competition at Kim Seng Bowl yesterday. In the women's section, Alice Tay's 1,177 pinfalls put her in pole position. Standings Men: 1 Eric Poon 1,371 pinfalls 2 Jansen Chan
      84 words
    • 291 35 Khaosai toils to retain WBA crown BANGKOK Khaosai Galaxy, of Thailand, retained his World Boxing Association junior bantamweight title by beating his compatriot Kongtoranee Payakarun on points on Tuesday in the hardest fight of his four-year reign. It was the first time the big-punching southpaw champion had been taken the
      Reuter  -  291 words
    • 358 35 OSIX) Norway's Olympic Committee put new pressure on the International Olympic Committee on Tuesday to rule on whether Soviet speed-skater Nikolai Gulyayev should be banned from the Winter Games (or alleged steroid smuggling. Gulyayev, a favourite (or the 1,000-me-tre event at next month's
      Reuter  -  358 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 194 30 Now you can be %-^^iws.oo -jf Jfl 'w^ilS^BP^" iwiLc as lucKy in <& '■^■r I Sfa_ > <*• sale twice as Dig. j^l§t^ fviS/l «'•'•<? vL fabulous this year -<-J$ x v> y J as we celebrate v y^ V^', theYearOf X >^,DR27 *****.00 M v.^ C, <? mythical figure.
      194 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 190 31 m mil *m r M 'V f J A 9~m^m\ You can rely on Hi-Tec when and where it triathlon j^^^^BS matters most. Because your feet are subject to W^ intensified stress and tension, Hi-Tec shoes are \^m^k. made to the highest standards and most Wt^ m stringent specifications which
      190 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 204 32 Loi'k Ann > ut-n Wk w^ ,WH Wafer Rolls Pineapple Tart D WZj I I -^L. W 15 '^Bi^fc Ground Nut «^Btl-i.^*»r^B«^L^^« P^B^nW^%a eanut Cookies Gold I reasure Cookies H| IMP |M "^^PJr f |^B^^^ _^^h^B I^^^^^^^. v f it^K^E iT j"fc^fl^i «nik V~^ 4 •*^^s. v^ r^ /c c
      204 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 195 33 Everyday a mini U.N. begins its session at Holborn, U.K. A waJkthmuKhanyor,. »n-^W eo>n<.mii-saiid.-.>mnier-f »ur collets would certain!. i <75fP V Hdbom weKive the the I 'nit«J Nations. \tif ]i r\ !avi i< man l v TTTT the r x -st m return, rhe In fact enrolled at the iW
      195 words
    • 777 33 -^y\ The Sunday Times "Hobbies" on X^x'^ February 1 4 will be a real eye-opener *^C Jr\ The editorial shows readers |ust how to V l^-^ luggle hobbies with a career and home ><oC^ Comprising an irresjstable mix of Z*^ information on where and how to pursue >^ jk hobbies,
      777 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 46 34 P^ I yi oto^ MAHA TIRTA PTE. LIMITED o^B fyiartin Read //Q5-02 Spore Warehouse 5(0923) Available at: Daimaru John Little Klasse (Lucky Plaza) Metro (Far East, Marina, Orchard, Paragon, Plaza, Supreme) Oriental (Elected Stores) Sogo Dept. Stores Tang Superstore Yaohan (Katong, Orchard, Thomson) Leading Sports Shops
      46 words
    • 78 34 |^L I** *-I sm^m^h Tha Compact TV That Gets you The Big Picture! fJZL v^.s THE NEW AGE OF TV! I TV-6100 TV-aOO TV-400 TV-800 The Colorful Companion Ultra-compact, Personal A Handful Of Colorful Pocket Portability at its That Fits Perfectly Into Styling, Plus High Heso- Excitement! finest! Active Lifestyles!
      78 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 106 35 -JF v Strepsils We've added two oranges' worth of Vitamin C into this lozenge. New A I strepsTU\ fT mm S^\ 31l epSIIS V.tarpA-100 I 2 BH j==liv I Strepsils I Vitamin C-100 Vitamin C 100 1 k Vitamin C-100 Each |m|e strepsils VitammC-100 lozenge is m j& W packed
      106 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 47 35 BOWLING Remy Martin Open Masters (Striker's Bowl, 6.30pm). Jatlco Tournament of Champions ;Kim Seng Bowl, 10am). RUGBY Friendly: Singapore American School v United World College (Dover Road, 4pm). SOCCER Premier League: Changi CSC v Geylang International (Bedok Stadium. 7.30pm). SWIMMING CSC multiple age-group meet (Amber Rd, 7pm).
      47 words

  • 210 36 Singapore backs Mubarak's peace plan SINGAPORE has expressed full support for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's peace initiative (or resuming the peace process in the Middle East. This was contained in a Foreign Affairs Ministry statement issued yesterday. Mr Mubarak's peace plan was unveiled last week before the start of his
    210 words
  • 43 36 OTTAWA The United States carried out a successful cruise missile test in Canada's far north on Tuesday after poor weather conditions and technical problems forced postponement of three previous attempts. It was the second success- ful test this year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 127 36 A MINISTRY of Health statement has advised the public not to use a preparation of eye drops known as Eye Drop Lotion. The manufacturer, Ms Fook Sang Tong of Aljunied Avenue 2, was convicted in court on Dec 10 last year for an
    127 words
  • 400 36  -  ONG MING SEING Alternatives with better access to threatened regions being studied By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON The United States must develop alternatives to overseas bases to gain timely access to regions threatened by Soviet aggression, according to a Pentagon report. The report, entitled
    400 words
  • 417 36 FOR THE victim, Miss Ng (left), the scars on her legs and back bring back the memories of pain. "Sometimes you tend to recall what happened, because the scars are a constant reminder," she said at her home yesterday. "I was hit on the
    417 words
  • 382 36 TAIPEI Mr Lee Tenghui, Taiwan's first nativeborn president, was elected acting chairman of the ruling Kuomintang yesterday in a move analysts described as a triumph for liberal members of the ruling party. His election by the KMT's 31-member central committee came two weeks after
    382 words
  • 74 36 CARDIFF A ooal miner toting a rope and a ham sandwich freed on Tuesday a two-year-old terrier dog named Rocky trapped (or eight days 12 metres down a narrow crevice on a Welsh mountain near Merthyr Tydni, Wales. Martin Townsend, 27, said he threw down
    AP  -  74 words
  • 24 36 BONN West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl will pay an official visit to the United States from Feb 17 to 19. AFP
    AFP  -  24 words
  • 85 36 Indonesian defence minister due today THE Indonesian Defence and Security Minister, General (Retired) S. Poniman (above), arrives today for a three-day official visit *.t the invitation of the First Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Mr Goh Chok Tong. Gen (Ret) Poniman will be accompanied by senior Indonesian Armed Forces
    85 words
  • 39 36 KHARTOUM Sudan extended its state of emergency on Tuesday for a further six months. The move came about after the army acknowledged the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army had captured the important southern town of Kapoeta. Reuter.
    39 words
  • 30 36 NEW YORK The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 14.75 points to 1,935.34 in the first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • 392 36 Aspirin can halve risk of heart attack: Harvard study BOSTON Healthy people can halve their risk of heart attacks simply by taking aspirin regularly, researchers said yesterday in a study hailed as an important milestone towards prevention of this killer disease. The Harvard survey is the most conclusive evidence to
    Reuter; UPI  -  392 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 129 36 ShuiU, Mubarak to dteeium Middle Kant unrest -Pagel BBcelestion THE FIRST NAME IN ACOUSTICS Ditton 1 Ditton 2 W EASTLAND TRADING (SI PTE LTD Today m BUSINESS TIMES i The price of business leisure Singapore's club scene is definitely revving up. Hard-working Singaporeans are eager to seek entry to a
      129 words
    • 9 36 Taiwan stock market surges on political optimism Page 25
      9 words
    • 11 36 The U mllllM embassy Dfcaaa •peaed: Page IS EDITORIAL: Page 22
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    • 360 36 Monica FILM CAMERAS The Konica Way Tcf Picture-Perfect' Photography Ik •24 > 36mm r/M JL (standard 135 .^^^l ITj Converter type W tLffr Bf variable focal V length Konica %SSws%\ lens. 38mm w^^^ elements. 3 1 V JL^ groups) and rv /I WV 7 f^^S^ 70mm F s.Bmm o^^ \i'
      360 words
  • Page 36 Miscellaneous
    • 207 36 Weather Showers over many areas in the afternoon. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 32 mar. 25 mm SUNSET today: 7.19 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 7.16 am. GLOBAL HEATHER Adelaide 16 34 C Sunny Lm Angeles 19 28 C Clear Amsterdam 68C Rain Madrid 9 11 C Rain AttoM 3/12
      207 words

  • The Straits Times Section Two
    • 5 1 The Straits Times Section Two
      5 words
    • 314 1 ADAM TAN will go on radio to widen the horizons of Muslim Chinese cuisine. Beginning from Feb 4, his restaui rant will sponsor a half-hour show (9.30 to 10 am) on the Malay channel, Radio 2, for six months. Adam himself will go on the air
      314 words
    • 931 1  - HALAL CUISINE WITH CHOPSTICKS KHNG EU MENG By Where to find it Malaysia Restaurant: 290-R Joo Chiat Road (tel: *****48) Cameren Restaunuit, 11/IIA MacKenzie Road (336-1584) Rex RetUurant, 13 MacKenzie Road (336-1702) Selera Restaurant, 15 MacKenzie Road (338-5687) Geylang Musliin Seafood ResUnrant, Joo Chiat Food Centre, Joo Chiat Complex Hoi
      KENNETH KOH  -  931 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 494 1 .J. I J f^^ y^ Qm^^_^^ Li&S^MnV**^)/ i 1 (Yellow Label) jlt^^^'TaSCkflt?^ ■Wt r o BS^ 1 ■V VI 150q tffn3^^wO9n ■bTbV F«N Drinks Jpar JBmv 1^ «f»*i^*" Ajff bCb^b Jttin* w J^p Hal Pet Bottle Pl >*♦ »L j JB^tA I^^Bi^B^B^Bk V «BV vLrir **l.^^U9^aWUh^B»^ I^^B^^tljl 4OC I Haßk
        494 words
    • Food
      • 1021 2 In the United States, microwave oven owners love the prepackaged foods and reheating leftovers, but wave goodbye to the idea of using special cookware. What went wrong? Cookware manufacturers did not take into account the erratic performance of many early microwave ovens, which soured
        NYT; TOM BLOOM  -  1,021 words
      • 455 2 ASK Pakistanis what they think about potatoes and they are likely to reply: "Why, do you have some for sale?" If you do, they will probably buy the lot on the spot. For in few other countries of the Third World is the potato
        Gemini News Service  -  455 words
      • 663 3  -  KAREN GOH By LOVERS of barbecued meat slices, you have tried pork, beef and chicken. Now try duck bak kwa. This new taste is being introduced here by a Malaysian company, Kedai Wing Heong of Jalan Imbi in Kuala Lumpur, which has
        663 words
      • 753 3  -  KHNG EU MENG The Good Food Guide SHANGHAI DING-HAO RESTAURANT 709 East Coast Road A TASTE OF YUNNAN Pine Court (Mandarin Hotel) On till Sunday WHEN most noodles today are made by machines and with yeast added to them, it is a
        753 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 169 2 ADVERTISEMENT One afternoon in a bridal shop don't run yourself I BuX there're a Ito the ground. J I thousand and one J If' kS" I You still have A s x fto take care of I f You've a job, family yourself and and lots of chores. I look
        169 words
      • 252 2 THEME WHERE WHEN HOW MUCH Asean Cafe Plaza, Lunch and dinner $12.50 (adult) Plaza Hotel until Sunday $8 (child) Malacca Satay White Rose Cafe, Lunch and dinner, $11.90 per person Celop York Hotel until Feb 21 US prime rib Hubertus Grill, Dinner only until $22.50 per person of beef Century
        252 words
      • 243 2 i jjjjgjf J 1 $JF The Search is on for the top Disc-Jockey in Singapore!! Ist Prize: $2000 cash plus other prizes 2nd Prize: $1000 cash plus other prizes 3rd Prize: 500 cash plus other prizes Heats: March 24 31 April 7 Sponsor: Semi-finals: April 1 4 &2 1 U
        243 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 662 3 A& Xiß?^i^ ■'^^^■r Kurz IS the most corn^ orTable relax cn r rflP' which enables you to enjoy your leisure time I M^rv without getting annoyed at inadequacies j**^*^**"* lim^ Vw Kurz Relax Chair, the patented resting B f^mV comfort. This is a special construaion which A W^L^X means that
        662 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 242 4 SAMAERO. OPENING NEW DOORS r TT > AQTA i m% a» m JL AND THE PACIFIC. At Samaero, we're celebrating our tenth Turbomeca, Europe's leading anniversary in 1988. turboshait manufacturer. I And moving to brand new And Socata, France's exciting new I 11 T 111 1-- 1 headquarters at Loyang
        242 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 35 5 BStep Into The World >*^~ by a unique combination of decorative touches. 'Laura Ashley Style* analyzes the fascinating and diverse threads that together form the essential Laura Ashley image. Times The Bookshop Times Publishing Group 2SSS_
        35 words
      • 219 5 AUTHENTIC CHINESE HOROSCOPES Discover the secret of how to draw up your horoscope and win an exquisite Astrology in Gold pendant x %> HERE, FOR THE FIRST TIME, IS ONE OF CHINA'S MOST DETAILED AND AUTHENTIC DIVINATION SYSTEMS THE TZU WEI OR PURPLE STAR ASTROLOGY. A perfect accompaniment to THE
        219 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 561 5 SUN TAN ByCollette PEANUTS By Schalx fifty ,%»,&HT.TU6 |ryOM/»^^WMTrgf.^| BPT^v^o^A/hv^B^^^" I™"^^^B1 "^^^B HT T 1 I 1 I 1 I 7 n i^ r M5ELfa/wespo«/6^ nf7 eveam«(W«ed vbu r-^^ cj" /rtOuU ABOUT IT Li SHOW EVERYONE AS uiE OUAIK POuJN /i'M6LAr\ r woorfi roN«Me /S T6 J I SHIFTLESS no-hoM.J
        561 words
    • Bilingual
      • 1010 6 An American scholar of Chinese studies, who is here to give a talk on Confucian thoughts, tells TEO HAN WUE how his association with Chinese culture begar WHEN Professor Frederick W. Mote speaks Mandarin, he puts many native speakers to shame. It is
        1,010 words
      • 928 6  -  LEE SAN CHOUY reports on the lecture-cum-forum which was held for teachers of Confucian Ethics last Saturday. CONFUCIUS is everybody's favourite uncle who has a living presence from which we cannot remove ourselves. He is there, looking at us, and we somehow have
        928 words
      • 301 6 fflG3*fti#&&is£ -fl m%S*fr K W) h;10 f fife &Cttftft ft I is '•> ft fr ]=F f H f f itt I r fttift f'?' <e ifl ftlkW^RttHrta* ■f H H 'J«H ti'] m itt >k 4K > i: ffc •rtoHi to M*■(♦ ri'j -fL F7&S If j f r-
        301 words
      • 176 6 mmnm&Mffi. 'toin'j ft Y i'Hi (\'-j H f ftlfe iff (i 'I .thiiirt /ti/Jii^ /j i 1 ttifc /l-t^ fn ft rT W) m iA W]|m] hi x-fin«j Hfc* a sc»4»»« r ■jK-i')! *a h lLj AW<• > ftti i« ii«i i-'J Mil HJMMT VV tl lU'-fi'ji l•/ QLMfI a
        176 words
      • 736 6  -  CHONG WING HONG By XU WEIDA is "licensed" to buy any Chinese antique whether it's a painting, calligraphy or porcelain and there is no limit to his budget. Mr Xu, 44, is the chief valuer and art connoisseur of the state-run Shanghai
        736 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 585 7 Sudirman' s protege Atai, the youngest heart-throb on the Malay music scene, and his famous uncle Sudirman are as inseparable as a song and its lyrics. ZAKIAH OMAR reports from Kuala Lumpur. TALKINGabout schoolboy recording artiste Atai without talking about his uncle, Sudirman Haji Arshad, is like singing without music.
        Malay Mail  -  585 words
      • 569 7 A PERFORMER needs to have guts, wits and the ability to sing. And Razman Azrai Zainudin, or Atai, has all this and more according to his uncle, Sudirman, a famous Malaysian entertainer. Atai, 14, a Form Two pupil of Victoria Institution in Ku.ila
        Malay Mail  -  569 words
      • 711 7 BERCAKAP tentang Atai tanpa mengaitkannya dengan pak ciknya Sudirman Haji Arshad adalah seperti bercakap tentang lagu tanpa iramanya, kerana tanpa Sudirman tiadalah Atai. "Atai mempunyai bakat semula jadi, dia istimewa," kata Sudirman. Sudirman memang rapat dengan anak saudaranya itu dan telah mula dapat melihat
        711 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 837 7 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 20) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE I REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 2669 of 1987 Re Wong Yew Chai (NRIC No *****44 I) Ex-Parte Industrial A Commercial Bank Limited Creditor i In the matter of a Creditors Petition filed on 31st December 1987
        837 words
      • 748 7 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. 50 PITMAN PTE LTD On the 22nd day of January 1988, the following Resolutions set out below were deemed to be duly passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Pitman Pte Ltd pursuant to Section 179(6) of the Companies Act. Cap 50
        748 words
      • 631 7 THK BANKKIPTCV ACT (CHAPTER TAKE NOTICE THAT: (a) Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the following debtors on the 15th day of January 1988 IN BANKRUPTCY NOS 1056/87 Ang Thlam Poh of Blk 135 Bedok North St 2 #09-137 Singapore 1646. 2156/86 Arumugam s/o S A Renganathan of 77
        631 words
      • 439 7 1754/87 Teo Chong Jin Anthony of e Jalan Kebaya, S'pore H06'87 Teo Slanf Hal of Blk 710 Hertok Reservoir Rd -02-311(1 Singapore 164rj 1021/87 Tlu Lian Hoaj Home Road, Singapore 0820 431/87 Toh Teck Chuan, i C *****JJ/A t/a i Trading Company of Blk 462 Crawford Lane =02-71 Singapore 0719
        439 words
      • 46 7 EXPORT STRArEGIES FOR INDUSTRIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Huhlnhrd h M H Revolves on trade es export strategies in various industnes and the sequences of export oriented manufacturing production based on detailed case studies in the East and'South-East Asia countries Available at all good bookshops STP Distributor*
        46 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 390 8 LfUv^tME. Lr LLUlamaJ USajlJ UuiNin your laundry 3^&* |1 fil A^ MM S dUndr V eeo Introducing the Easy Dry multi-purpose drying system. It's new, It's easy, specially designed to meet your laundry needs. Thanks to this Easy Dry multi-purpose clothes drying system, your laundry can be dried easily. This
        390 words
      • 127 8 Spend above $50 in our last issue of The Straits Times Home Furnishing Special and win holidays and more... Member ol R.A.D.A.C. I i^? Special package offar l-^ 1 t>y 30 caramK. flr film incl skirting 2 Be-pcniiioning o( nk 4 f 3 50-nm ol cabinat basa BBBBBVaBBBB^BBB^BI aK C««istruct
        127 words
      • 551 8 The Easy Dry System Weight no problem! \\e\ecome a long way from those days- of drying clothes on The Easy Dry System is currently being manufactured here bamboo poles poised on short pipes embedded into the wall. in Singapore according to Mr Tan's specific- lions and design New developments have
        551 words
      • 119 8 Q SIMMONS AMERICA (Deepsieep) I^"^^^ Deepsieep gives e>t r a Hrangtfi A^\\i ill" '0 support you' body 1 1 1 1 1 Deepsieep spnng lasts longer I^i* 1 «#t* lf l '°y ears guarantee Merln Furnishing Centre 7500A Beac h Road *Oi-320The Plaza. Singapore o7l9 Tel *****09. *****93 aristonSl Electronic
        119 words
      • 157 8 YOU NEED (O J I ALSO NEED WE HAVE J BOTH TOGETHER J m I IPMARITI CEILING FANS I t iim^ rKiV| MODEL: CFIA/LK m With Fluorescent Lighting (Optional) jjt 5-speed Control Maximum Cooling Effect c Durability High Performance m (3yrs guarantee) Low Power Consumption (60W only) Free Installation For
        157 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 327 9 .*s/ LnJiyiMs If llMiiJU^llM] LaLsLDtsStDSSlataCsCsSCsCsSLaLaLsQalatal ILuwasa jHK Hydroculture HHBfijfii LUWASA SALES CENTRE^^^^^^K Plot 13 Joan Rd/ Thomson Rd (behind Goodwood Florist) j^^^*^FYy il 44 l oT3'Vr4*Y4i4^H?Jl Open daily 10am 6.30pm (Sat. Sun Public holidays) ftfa Tel: *****67 ISLAND LANDSCAPE NURSERY PTE LTD S]G]G]S]S]S]s]B]B]S]S]S]B]G]S]Q]B]B]B]B]B]B]( i ciegani uesigjnj^BßpiiiP^ a^ *Wtl I i
        327 words
      • 638 9 A Green Lung For Your Home You've just renovated your new home and you need to add some 'life' to the environment apart from fitting it with furniture and the like. Plants add life to any room, whether living or dining. Alas, you don't have green fingers. There's no need
        638 words
      • 600 9 OHITACHI0 HITACHI COMPACT BULBS Cut your electrical bills by/ nearly I Jr ■It can cut down electricity bills. 4mam\t^ .^tf&CddWimmmT It radiates less heat. It has longer service life. It has a decorative glass bulb^^^^ffisftfir^^ Sole Distributor BOON LIEW ELECTRICAL A ENGINEERING PTE. LTD TEL: *****17 Authon**d D«i«rm BOONMUATELEC CO
        600 words
      • 102 9 L 9Hbbb?Jßb! ■■■■■I .^HHHHIBHBBi Free Curtain Sewing tor curtam fabrics from $4 per metre Free Curtain Track with Installation for purchase o* S 300 and above Package Deal for HOB FLAT Owners 3 Rooms from $120 00 4 Rooms from $220 00 5 Rooms from $320 00" 5 Rooms Mansionefte
        102 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 427 10 mw* THE CONTOURED FfeYT T /\¥¥7 I I I 1 l^w JL lliliVff ifin 4Os-#ec6 idlest Stiffness and discomfort in the neck, shoulders or back are often caused by incorrect sleeping posture To relieve them. DENTONS, in conjunction with leading specialists, designed the Contoured Pillow Made of the unique Dentonfoam,
        427 words
      • 691 10 f^mW Align the spine and correctly support the head to ensure deep restful sleep Do you often wake up with a pain in the neck or a discomfort in your back? Experts say this could could be attributed to an incorrect sleeping posture. Or that your ordinary foam or fiber-filled
        691 words
      • 65 10 i|iTij| ill V ;^W#nHS^^\ off SOLID OAK f Sofa Set $1888 SOLID OAK Dining Set $4076 (chair with fine rattan back) $988 SYNTHETIC Sofa Set $750 WKKtfr •■r Coffee Table $280 SINIV AR FURNITURE #T M, BLK. 273 Buklt Batok East Ave. 4 #02-78 Tel: *****37 MINGLY ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS PTE
        65 words
      • 378 10 I UGIITINC; SPECIAL WT& YEAR-END K^H NEW UGHT ELECTRICAL (PTE) LTD Showroom: 195 Serangoon Road Singapore 0821 Tel: 293-^849 293-885 559 BaJesUer Road Singapore 1232 Tel: 253-4775 253 1 6876 Business hrs: Monday to Saturday 9am 9pm Snoring can have many I T The specially contoured causes age, medical 0^
        378 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 1396 11 4^^ LmwlMj_Ei xiujiu h p) n h i/ LJU^yLJ LJI I LJ v^LJVjLJ LJLJCIxLI LJLJLJ LJv^- WSi\MK^\XT^ar' k K^^s^ \Mt Other items to clear from $2.90 onwards 1-1 j|l|k 4 Teakwoo<j Writing Desk &2klS&J*£J K^ll \i^L Jr Folding Chairs i*^^*T^^^^»^»^_ O n 'T PC*- v fcCCTT^fn IMPORTED ■T jflM g7VA'£
        1,396 words
      • 195 11 S^JvV^L" HUP BEE HENG GENERAL S COMTRACTOR S Specialises in renovating your X /\1 ma| sonettes and apartments v N Teak handrail at $1,700 A V Workmanship mortar for: O S- A) Ceramic at $2 50 p.s.f B) Marble at $3 80 ps t V Visit our showroom at: No
        195 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 841 12 HEwM^T) f S* 737-1166 |J| |C.A.T.S.| TLX: R*****3 CLASS FAX: 732-0230 TELEPHONE SERVICE; Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5.30 p.m. (sp.m. deadline for next day) Saturday 8 30 a.m. to 2 00 p.m (11a.m. deadline for The Sunday Times) Public Holiday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. COUNTER SERVICE; TIMES
        841 words
      • 590 12 2 Eating Out WESTERN SET LUNCH for $5 Hong Kong Tim Sum $1 30 per dish Western food A La Carte also available :it reasonable prices Served dally Economical family CO staffs set menu. 2 dishes 1 soup for 615. 3 dishes 1 soup $28 Kk-e free Hot plate sambal
        590 words
      • 457 12 7 Other Entertainment HOLIDAY BUNGALOW, hl-fl. disco lightings, alrcon hall BBQ. buffet catering *****01/ *****13 21 Pleasure Boat*/ Sea Sports SEA. SUN a Fun onboard a 43 yacht 8 hrs. of healthy entertainment. Ideal for group outIng, picnics, birthdays or co. outIngs For a group of 12 persons only $400
        457 words
      • 291 12 22 Computer Products/ Services PMDATA Recommends new W Seagate 3V2-lnch Winchesters Highspeed Vt^t%f^^^ Small Size /.o»f Powder ~STI2S^) 1 STI2S-1 STIS7R-O STIS7RIT Average Access Time 38m Sec 28m3ec 38m Sec 28m Sec Formatted Capacity 21.4 MB 49.1M8 DecooTng Method MFM ZZZZ RLL Medfa Sputtered Thin FUm Power ConsumptkHi I g
        291 words
      • 206 12 22 Computer Products/ Services 23 Musical Instruments NEW PIANO JUST arrived $1,980 above. Shelley Co *****28 25 Pets/ Pet Care CHESTER' 4 DAVID of The Doggy Shop would like to thank all their valued doggy friends and customers for their kind support and patronage over the last 4-1/2 years We
        206 words
      • 423 12 22 Computer Products/ Services 25 Pets/ Pet Care GOOD HOMES WANTED for my pet dogs (Mongrel). Unable to keep them as I'm moving to a flat. Good Samaritans pis. call David *****44 day/ *****90 night FOX TERRIER PUPPIES for sale Selling cheap $150 each. Also dog cage for $200. Call:
        423 words
      • 765 12 35 Home Furniture/ Furnishing 1 ORDER YOUR KITCHEN cabinets wardrobes direct from factory Price from $90 p f.r Contact *****56. anytime. Instalment payment arrangeable CALL *****93 FOR your home St office custom-made furnitures at a very affordable price Free Interior design consultation DIRECT FROM FACTORY. Made to order cabinet wardrobe
        765 words
      • 399 12 somewhere cold I H I I k I j classification 244 I R^^W before you spend a •I B ill fortune on winter I^^UJ I A) I a> f I I I 28 Gift Ideas Valentine's Day 14 February 1988 Make this Valentine's Day one that you'll remember with a
        399 words
      • 345 12 28 Gift Ideas 41 House Renovation/ Decor THOR KIANG CONSTRUCTION CO RADAC member (HDB Licence EMP *****) Renovation specialist for e Pu- H se e HDB Flats e Alteration it additional work for commercial premises For HOB Broken Flat: Ceramic Marble 3rm«.51.550 $3,000 4 rmi. $2,550 $4,000 5 rmr s3,sso
        345 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 679 13 41 House Renovation/ Decor Have you submitted your entries for The Straits Times Classified's Home Furnishing contest? If not, you still have one last chance on pgs. 8 to 11, TODAY You can win holidays to Perth, Phuket, Lake Toba and cash vouchers! CA.T.S. 7)7-1 1*4 BEWARE OF IMITATION Si
        679 words
      • 663 13 41 House Renovation/ Decor 48 Babysitting/ Child Care Centre HAVING NO ONE to look after your child? A child needs love, stimulation, motivation St supervision SRN/ SCM provides service on l t day/ full-day basis, DOB2l Tuition from Prt 1 to Sec. 1 available Pis tel *****09 CHEN SU LAN
        663 words
      • 664 13 49 Beauty Culture At Faceworks Academy, professional make up artistes i Cecilia Chug and Jacqueline MHfl^^^|HH^HA4 Wong will conduct classes that range from personal 7 make-up to professional JT $|k_J§C stages 4Mlfll Courses for students V^^^t aspiring to be make-up 9 Bfew ,^B artistes. B^H S3 DAY COURSE: Mon Fri
        664 words
      • 507 13 49 Beauty Culture 58 Wanted WE BUY, TRADE-IN high price Sony Betamax, National video or any brand, any cond CTV. hl-fl. mini compo fridge etc. *****30. MISS LILIAN REQUIRES 1 secondhand Rolex of any model Good offer. *****56. Oeylang Rd 642A WANTED UBED PIANOS at any condition/brand. Please contact *****88
        507 words
      • 892 13 72 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/ Removal $30 ONWARDS HOUSE removal, transportation mwvtKM, office removal specialised In pianos, organs delivery and disposal service Kxperienced. reliable and responsible workers provided. Krasonable charges, good St fast service Duy/ night service We are at your service 7 days a week 8 am 10 pm. For
        892 words
      • 764 13 76 Book-keeping/ Secretarial/ Answering/ Translation Services 3 MTHS. FREE. Add $7. Answering $7 Package $175 Tlx/ Fax Kxer rm (Jlrl Friday *****93 77 Commercial Vessels WANTED FLAT-TOP STEEL Barge. 150 ft Bto 10 years old Contact *****45/6 or *****20 Ext 101 pager *****68. Cheong Tlx H*****0 MKi herbal Ent. 180
        764 words
      • 530 13 78 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies raifOEiSS) CARL ZEISS JENA CjlSaj. automatic level WU AGOT TECTRACO TRADING (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Bl* 1003. Toa Payoh Industrial Park. #03-1523. ff* 9 Smgapore 1231 Tel: 250ft231, *****32 Tetox RS ***** TECTRA Tax *****93 [Al 79 Business Opportunities Lunar New Year brings to mind a whole
        530 words
      • 195 13 78 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies 79 Business Opportunities WANTED SUB-CONTRACTOR WITH Dfi. D7, Caterpillar for some project In Malaysia. Interested, tel: 07-*****9 (JB> AVAIL. REGISTRATION ADDRESS ($10)/ Answering ($10)/ Telex/ Fax/ 24 hr Answering *****09 CASSETTE SHOP AT Geylang area for takeover $45,000/-. Tel: Tan *****87 after 11 am CO. WITH
        195 words
      • 446 13 92 Domestic Help Available WE TURN HOUSES INTO HOMES I The true maid specialist in Spore No other business sidelines No subsequent re-deployment to HK Canada w ipiMli It* j MAID FUVVtH »M Over 100 biodatas ?(Wp*noc°^^cCs| Timely arrival lpacKag« l incl sO^^\ Excellent back-up 12 Hepatite B Test'
        446 words
      • 266 13 92 Domestic Help Available 1 iß^ir"^ aHk. I HI Booking for reliable maid 7 I 00K FOR INDONESIAN MAIDS ■OOJ^ORUTAMA JALL: *****54 $499 SPECIAL Filipina Package •Thai/lndo/Lanka ort W Permit Re- On-Time Arrival Replacement Guaranteed H B^s' Bio-Data* m Town TRAINED. EXPERIENCED. FILIPINO. Sri Lankan it Thai maids for children,
        266 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 691 14 94 Positions Vacant: Professional/ Executive Building Manager Urgently requirni t'\ .in International Property Conaull Mil* Firm Raquiramantt üße i Eat M*i i l>u> In Hlilk Maintf ii.ui. t I \l^t Mln >rs rclf\aiit experience In ntie Managmienl W submit iletalled resume Including present expected \aUrifs. contact t*M no by
        691 words
      • 326 14 98 Positions Vacant. Secretarial/ Clerical 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical ~7*^i '^F&mM '^SSL' °P erat ons ht> u3jl^^^?^ PPt?'|fcjs^^ amount of news •iW^sr^j^ A that P BB B iC-^^o' throu h lho Of newsroom daily is mind-boßgling. We are now offering you the opportunity to be pail of our newsroom
        326 words
      • 687 14 98 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical A progressive printing company in Tuas has openings for CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY GCE 0 level with strong command of English LCCI Shorthand and Typewriting 2 3 years relevant experience Working knowledge of P C. or W.P. GENERAL CLERKS GCE 0' level
        687 words
      • 549 14 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY I OF SINGAPORE SOCIETY invites application for- Or h use 1 I I Cert S I Good command o* WfitMii .mdl I spoKen English a mature and pleasant 1 I ahty 1 l*AM*H<Mrll ■■Oh pendef tiy I I GCE O level with
        549 words
      • 674 14 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical General Typists for foreign i companies In Thomson, Jurong Shenton Way. Typing speed 40 j p m Duration I to 1' wks Telex Operators required for bank and trdg companies In Shenton, Changl Jurong areas. I Kxperlence on ERB3 preferably with leased lines Duration: 1
        674 words
      • 567 14 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Established company t requires ntilllr-tiuit > MALE BOOK-KEEPER (SENOKO DRIVE) At leul LOCI Highs* At counting Preferably experienced In costing St factors operations Able to keep full set of books Bilingual In English Mandarin Minimum 5 years experience in similar post Preferably residents In the
        567 words
      • 601 14 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Immediate vacancies for MALE BOARDING CLERKS 1) Must have experienced lti ship' handling especially hardware supplies to ships 2) Must be prepared U> work irregular hours Including Sundays it Public Holidays 3) Possess driving licence will be an advantage 4) Jobs include boarding vessels, delivery
        601 words
      • 739 14 98 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical Neptune Orient Lines Ltd requires FEMALE CLERKS/ TYPISTS 1 3 (i< r o level with credits in Matrix St English or h nurture Typing speed of at least 30 w p m FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERKS 3 OCI 0 latal with credits In Maths English Literature
        739 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 620 15 98 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical Klectrical and Iron contractor firm urgently requires SECRETARY e u> handle business cor res spondence and all clerical duties e experience In electrical and hardware Industries e work Independently e Chinese and Fngllsh speaking e only those who can start work Immediately need apply Piaass
        620 words
      • 674 15 98 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical TATA requires CLERK e Mtn h QCE O levels wlt'i .it iea>t a credit In KliKllsh Maths e Ability U) l>pr e Preferably female below M e Kowledge Of computer will be an advantage Interested applicants pis write in call personally at THE PERSONNEL DEPT
        674 words
      • 1009 15 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST <;< y e Typing :if> wpm e pleasant peraonalltj Plenss write to: Personnel Msnager ERICSSON NETWORK ENGINEERING PTE I TO SlO Thomson Road #18-00, Spore 1129 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS wtth I yrs experience Do you feel you're sultabl.- for a more varied career
        1,009 words
      • 775 15 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical PURCHASING CLERK REQUIRED in a M km Mln < level experience In Purchasing Sales .lept 5 duys wk Kiilury $«00 Inall REQUIRED ONE FEMALE ( l.v. eptlonlsl < UOl Typist, able to -prak English Mandarin, for in International import Export DO Interested contact: *****55 REQUIRED
        775 words
      • 604 15 99 Positions Vacant Sales he she In fashion all ways We Invite young, energetic and outgoing people with experience In the retail industry to join our dynamic team u SALES SUPERVISORS The successful candidates will be responsible for the overall running of one oT our retail stores which include areas
        604 words
      • 101 15 99 Positions Vacant Sales MOVITEX requires Immediately SALES REPRESENTATIVES (FEMALE/ MALE) for SIGNS/ CHARTING DIVISION e ;c'K O' Level e Above 21 years of age Experience not essential Must possess own tansport Expected income $900 during probation and I $1,500 after confirmation, ness* call at *****96 tor interview appointment^ FASHIONABLE
        101 words
      • 568 15 99 Positions Vacant: Sales A company in Jurong angaged in marketing/ servicing of premier construction equipment require* the following personnel: SALES MANAGER Diploma In Mechanical Engineering About 5 years experience In selling heavy duty construction equipment 2to 3 years actual field experience In service department highly preferable Must be technically
        568 words
      • 681 15 99 Positions Vacant: Sales A Well Established Publishing Co requires ADVERTISING SALES EXECUTIVES (MALE/ FEMALE) e Minimum 3 QCI o Level e 20 to 30 years at MM e Self-starter with pleasant personality e Bilingual, speak ii communicate well e Sales experience preferred We offer attractive basic salary. transport allowance,
        681 words
      • 679 15 99 Poaitions Vacant: Salea An oport unity opens lo applicants who are not satisfied with their incomes A leading American Compant otters a CHALLENGING and DYNAMIC career FULL TIME SALES EXECUTIVES e Age 22 and at> Pre feraM> bilingual I female e Mature, ambitious, hardw..rki!.. fcn l n I -xperlence
        679 words
      • 728 15 99 Poaitions Vacant: Sales Well 1^ Klectronlc m) In juronc. 2 MALE/ FEMALE SALES EXECUTIVES e Mil e 2 yr >-xperlnlc equlpint-: iry »00 to $1500 ••nee i :ded me personally with full resume to The Personnel Dept. at 138 Rotxneon Rd 14-10 Hong Leong Clr S(0106) Tel: *****64 SALES
        728 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 797 16 99 Positions Vacant: Sales SALES REPS TO Mil iTOptIMM v Mmvenln Musi own a Walk-In Interview U> Yuonly Irophles. Blk 106. "02-08 Uih.ii Keng Rd Salary neg VIDEO COMPANY REQUIRES full-time Salesgirls He aMe 10 speak Miuple Mandarin it English, dialects preferable *****01 Blk 64. *01-345 Circuit Rd 2 MARKETING
        797 words
      • 460 16 100 Positions Vacant: Technical TECHNICIANS fßead what Q.T. Wiles, the Chairman of MiniScribe has to say about growth .while most organisations believe in growing their people u>itbiM limits. u>r grow our people within our organisation provide them with every opportunity to learn move upwards And that s exactly how our
        460 words
      • 24 16 100 Positions Vacant: Technical EXPERIENCED AIRCON MECHANICS required to sr-rvl< arid repair of alrrons freferably Slnßaporpai.s ;ni(l with a class :i HiPliif Tpl 4.5.K)(124
        24 words
      • 304 16 100 Positions Vacant Technical A well established Enterprise manufacturing disposable medical supplies invites applicants to appry for the positions of: FEMALE SENIOR QC INSPECTOR/ OC INSPECTOR (Laboratory) Diploma in Chemical Process or GCE O level with a pass in Chemistry. Biology or Physical Science Experience in ZSS laboratory work is
        304 words
      • 502 16 100 Position* Vacant: Technical HOXAN JOIN SINGAPORE'S FIRST PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT (SOLAR CELL MANUFACTURING) LV E M A L "Tl y ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN J Completed secondary education Age above 1 6 years old We offer: Fully air-conditioned and clean work place Transport and meal provided e Normal office hours Medical and
        502 words
      • 430 16 100 Positions Vacant Technical ROOed NS BOYS: You can earn up to 9650 working for a major Japanese Multinational Co. as Quality Control Assistants. 30 vacancies opened for Males whore not afraid of shift work. No experience required as on-the-job training will be provided Mln. OCE O r Level (Technical
        430 words
      • 578 16 100 Positions Vacant: Technical ROOed US BOYS: Here s your chance to work for major Japanese Co who Is looking for 30 personnel to be trained as Machine Operators Salary up to $650 Good fringe benefits Inclusive of Medical/ Recreational/ Transport Meals subsidy Mln O' Level (Technical Stream Education) Walk
        578 words
      • 546 16 101 Positions Vacant Production 101 Positions Vacant: Production ESSJ IVI ATSUSHITA DENSHI (S) PTE. LTD. 22 Ann Mo kl<» Industrial I'iirk II SlnjfpnfW lOifl Miniinuiii Secoodary 1 Education 2nd Shift Alhmancc Male applicant must have Shilt f^km-ancc completed N.S. P^LnlfiirnMi^hoes Productivit> InccnUvt Job Allom*ancc Walk In (Thursday to Saturday) Transport
        546 words
      • 337 16 101 Positions Vacant Production IKYOWA SINGAPORE PTE LTD (JURONG) n mPm iBMBaI JONES ENTERPRISE PTE LTD Invites applicants for th** following Q.C. LEADERS For permanent 2nd A 3rd shift Mln Sec 3/ NTC 3 holder Age 25 &i above Able to communicate In English. Mandarin it Ma] i. Experienced In
        337 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 351 17 101 Positions Vacant. Production PRODUCTION WtOCESS^TKw^TjnBI^ I ir.lTc^ S'J^X' operators inspectors J "PAS tL >\ WJ| S lz;::::n!^^^r (Male/FemaJeJ j aja/1 I^l fJ|k L Ffl MoKio Hougang, Bedok, Marine Parade a Im^mUpA^^mA^Jl A^unied, Balestier, Clementi, Jurong 5590 5640 W%\\ IJLaI Vl Walklnlmerview TODAY! Completed Prunary educatK»n (.('I 'O' level with
        351 words
      • 53 17 101 Positions Vacant: Production PRODUCTION WORKERS REQUIRED. f> -day week No age limit rail at 120 Eunos Avenue 7, *01-06. Rlrhflelrl Industrial Centre. Spore 1440 REQUIRED MALE OPERATORS to work In Ayer Hajari Fty 3 rotation shift $20 $25 per flay 6 days a week Come to <rO4-54 Serangoon
        53 words
      • 41 17 101 Positions Vacant: Production REQUIRED FEMALE PRODUCTION Operators m I cutting and pror^ssltm Jewellery sf'.ups Training win i>e provtd ed Infa VACANCIES FOR MALE I'pmlik lion Operators Able to work .'< shifts A. call at Blk 9005. Tamptm sOl-228 (1852). tel 7RSOZS?)
        41 words
      • 14 17 101 Position* Vacant: Production CATS is Classified Advertisements Telephone Service. Call us at 737-1166
        14 words
      • 198 17 101 Positions Vacant: Production We are a subsidiary of VARTA BATTERIE AG, W. Germany one of the world leaders in the manufacture of batteries. Applications are invited to fill the position of: Min. Secondary 3 Some knowledge on operating of production machine preferred Must complete N.S. Interested applicants should WALK-IN
        198 words
      • 275 17 101 Positions Vacant: Production STORE HANDLERS Secondary 2 education Ability to drive forkllft Working hours Ipmto 9 pm Walk-In interview or write to PRIMARY INDUSTRIES ENTERPRISE (PTE.) LTD. 23 Chin Bm Av«. Jurong Town (Tel: *****88) 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge 3 EH >l EV\RD M« m L 1)
        275 words
      • 349 17 101 Positions Vacant Production 102 Position* Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant, Lounge The Oriental, Singapore, sister hotel to The OnentaJ. Bangkok often cited as the Best hotel in the world invites suitably qualified persons to apply for the following positions ROOMS Housekeeper Room Attendant House Attendant Laundry Operator Baggage Porter FOOD& BEVERAGE
        349 words
      • 431 17 102 Poaitions Vacant. Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounge PART-TIME BARMAIDS ft A resses required b> Coffer- H near dementi. Tel T7BTIOI 103 Positions Vacant: Part-time/ Temporary LEADING CO HAS many rary Job available for students waiting for results or National Service ppllcants must be prepared to work long hours Pis call at:
        431 words
      • 401 17 104 Other Poaitions Vacant 104 Other Positions Vacant M ACE PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD An established Plastic Manufacturing Company, owing to its rapid expansion programme, urgently requires trie following personnels lor its factory in Jurong I" I I Musi to roate on NTC 2 e Fitting jwiedge o< icioeo rage
        401 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 530 18 104 Other Positiona Vacant SCANTRANS PTE LTD has immediate vacancy in the Exports Dept PACKER Commencing salary $500 Ability to speak and write English Personal accident and hospitahsation scheme Concession at all Times Bookshops Profit sharing scheme Travel concession with Sin Chew Travel interested applicants, please apply personally to Personnel
        530 words
      • 321 18 104 Other Positions Vacant Invites opplicotions for PRODUCT 4 SAFETY TECHNICIAN (Morsiling fry only) e Cerr in Elecrronics s Good in written correspondence Some knowledge on product safety regulations eg UL CSA useful COMPUTER STAFF (Morsiling fry only) Cerriftcore in computer studies Preferably wirh some working experience TECHNICIANS (Dorh foctories)
        321 words
      • 596 18 104 Other Positions Vacant MABUCHI (S) PTE LTD urgently requires 1 DRIVERS cum STORE ASSISTANTS 2. MALE JUNIOR STORE ASSISTANTS e 5-day week a transport and Incentive allowances given a For Poat 2: experience Is not necessary e must have completed N.S e training will be provided e must be
        596 words
      • 872 18 104 Other Position* Vacant I Publisher urgently requires FEMALE F/A ARTIST e Chinese age 21 -2ti e With working experience Interested please call personally at 267-B Joo Road Singapore 1542 Tel: M***** (Today or tomorrow) SINGAPORE NURSING HOME requires FEMALE NURSING AIDES Must be able to do shift duties.
        872 words
      • 836 18 104 Other Positions Vacant GENERAL CLEANERS REQUIRED V\ ..rkiriK area Rochor Rd WorkIng hrs Bam to spm, sp.m. to lOp m Interested pis call *****86 SIM *****57 PLAN PRINTER/ DESPATCH Rider Motor provided Salary $550 Mln age 25 above 24 Peck Seah St sOl-09. Nehsons Bldg (0207) Tel *****59 PROGRESSIVE
        836 words
      • 643 18 127 Other Vehicle Accessories IF YOU'VE ALWAYS wauled the better things and services for your car, you are advised to look out for Saturday news here, or call Tel *****01 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance T CALL *****0^^ for Used Car Loan Mortgage Loan (Non-transferable) ORCHARD CREDIT PTE. LTD. 149, Rochor
        643 words
      • 741 18 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance SAVE A PACKET! Jan 2nd -Feb 16th Strictly limited period! r\{\/ Super fast loans from Just O /O Forward Oversea Credit Limited 65 Chulia Street 46-02/04 OCBC Centre Singapore 01 04 APOI2O Attractive interest rates Prompt Service s£| 90% PARF 85% ARF jB 131 For Sal*:
        741 words
      • 719 18 128 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance 132 For Sale Mercedes PTE. REGN. 1974 Men es 230 Q 1 '76 Mercedes 230 View 19 Prlnsep St. 0 PLATE LATE '80 Mercedes 200 Fully auto Imported model. Tip-top cond Tel *****57 Q PLATE 73 Model Mercedes 200 Engine complete overhaul $3,000 Te! *****18/ pg
        719 words
      • 953 18 134 For Sale: Datsun/ Nissan LICENSED TRUST WORTHY DEAIER Catering for all makes or used Continental Japanese cars both PARF Non PARF Q-Plate Kian Seng Whatt Tdg Pte Ltd. •02-20 asauty World Plata Upp. Mulill Tlmoh Road Tel: *****14/ *****54 ABILITY TO BUY/ SELL ALL SECONDHAND CARS Attractive cash payment.
        953 words
      • 1036 18 134 For Sale. Datsun/ Nissan '84 NISSAN LAUREL 20 a. U) POW- er sirtrir.K window! xk Excellent condition *****V I 84 NISSAN SUNNY 15 OL alrcon s/rlms radio cassette c« ltre lock tax March $25,900 Tel ***** •84 SUNNY U GL s-rlris. radio cassette, alrcon, beaut. 'ul cond *****75 ■88
        1,036 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 926 19 135 For Sal*: Toyota Q 82 TOYOTA iresslda 2 assette power window central locking *****35 •O' -83 TOYOTA Tercel I 3 5-speed Hl-ft stereo, excellent condition. *****91 REOO 79 TOYOTA Corolla KK2O. pie owner, new tax. beautiful cond $V..«0 153 Braddell Rd SEPT '76 CORONA, good cond atrcon radio cassette,
        926 words
      • 952 19 136 For Sale: Mitsubishi MIO '86 GALANT I u*iirr t.ix HI HH I.lke n»-» *****91 NEAR 80 COLT 1400OLX 5-door. aircon hl-fl, $11,800 ono. NonPARF Can loan *****0* NEAR 'SO SIGMA 1600 GS square lamps, full accessories, 1 owner, beautiful cond $14,500 *****97 NEAR -83 TREDIA 16 Aircon, radio/ cassette,
        952 words
      • 871 19 137 For Sale: Mazda 9/79 MAZDA 67« 2 111 MUDS MeUilU m>ld COl Heautlful I rims PARF eligible Aircon radio cassette $14.8U0 o n o *****39 MAZDA 626 GLX. Hatchback ftspeed 5-door Manual. 1 owner Showrm cond Tel *****88 MID 'S3 MAZDA 323 15. 5-speed 1 owner, full accessories, original
        871 words
      • 997 19 138 For Sale Honda 1960 HONDA ACCORD BUtO-, air con sports rims, new tyre Power window/ radio Selling $18,500/- *****64 1984 HONDA CIVIC 15 Manual Notchback. 5-speed 1 pte owner, full accessories. Tax: 5/88. View: Nu.3 Leu* Kee Road 1964 NEAR ACCORD 4-door 12--valve. EX model. Orlg white Low mileage
        997 words
      • 822 19 139 For Sal*: Oaihatsu CASH PAYMENT Ability to accept all secondhand cars We buy sell Attractive offer for all used vehicles/ commercial vans It ptck-ups Tel *****92/ *****37 DEC. '86 CHARADE Turbo. sspeed 1 owner Full accessories Well maintained. Low mileage Tax 5/'BB Accident free See to believe $35,500 Tel:
        822 words
      • 694 19 140 For Sal* Suzuki Win a Holiday to Perth, Phuket or even Lake Toba! Spend $50 and above in our Home Furnishing feature. Your last chance is on pgs. 8 to 11. rf'V A. ■»> **>^ I C.A.T.B. I 737-l it* 141 For Sal*: Oth*r Makes ABIDING DEAL ABILITY TO
        694 words
      • 631 19 140 For Sal* Suzuki 141 For Sal*: Oth*r Mak— 1983 Q AUDI 200 auto Turbo 1 owner, superb cond Highest offer secures Tel: *****11. 3/83 AUOI 200 5T Auto Turbo, 1 pte. owner, exceptional cond. PARF Offers to: pager *****66 5/t4 AUDI 2J Auto. Private owners Tax 4/88 Oood condition
        631 words
      • 999 19 142 For Sale: Commercial Vehicle* 80 TOYOTA COROLLA van 1 owner, tax 6/88, atrcon radio cassette, accident free Tip top cond $6,500 *****55 81 MITSUBISHI L3OO van Very tip top cond $8,200 ono Trade-in acceptable Loan arrar.geable Tel 242-9391 113. Frankel Ave 83 MITSUBISHI CANTER low deck dlesel 10 ft
        999 words
      • 742 19 142 For Sale. Commercial Vehicles 9/81 MITSUBISHI CANTER 14 .liesel lorry Fully covered 1 owner, radio/ cassette $7,800 *****23 */'Bl TOYOTA HILUX. 1 M owner Diesel Alrron new paint, passed Inspection $6,000 *****53 T7, TOYOTA PANEL van 1 owner Tax 4 88 Tel *****88 *****26 143 Sale/ Wanted: Motorcycles/ Scooters
        742 words
      • 892 19 144 Vehicle* Wanted CASH PAYMENT HIGHEST OFFER FOR All PARF and non-PARK vehicles, all commercial vans and pick-ups Kindly contact Mr Tang of YONG LEE SENG MOTOR PTE LTD 13. Llchfleld Road Singapore 1955 TEL: 2*701*7/ 23*9738 Night ******9 HIGHEST OFFER CASH PAYMENT for all used cars Please Tel. *****20
        892 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 767 20 172 Accommodation Available: Houses Hurry! Your last chance to win holidays and gift vouchers. Spend above $50 in our last issue of our home Furnishing Special. k^V Turn to pgs. B—ll, jk?*^m TODAY. I y CATJ. I 717-11*4 MftN-OCTACHCO- LAGOON VIEW IkMf Marine Pa'ade. Ros* Odn Hong Leong, S«legte. Hang
        767 words
      • 603 20 172 Accommodation Available: Houses 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments D. S Oraafiacraa 3 ***** D Cantrapotnt 2 $1700 Ellzabatn Hgt* 4• 1 $2SOO Ellxabath Twr. 3 ***** Futura 4 ***** Qrangalord 3 S2SOO Oranga Hgt*. i• 1 $2200 Herlion V»aw 4• 1 $3900 Laonia Twr. 3+ 1 $2000 D.lO All* worth
        603 words
      • 765 20 173 Accommodation Available Apartments w. b^ ■^bL* w a^C£bbbbbbMbbl •■^bbbbbbbbV «V %V VHBi 'is^aHk^LT^saßVur^' d^sal ftttSk aia^Pkafr WV^BBBBBBBY j^BBBBBBBbI I^aW^HB^^a^BBBBBBBBBrJaIH BBBBBB^BBBBBIa You experience our personal touch at Uang Court Regency. The experience begins with special welcome bouquet. And during your st;iy. you'll notice the many little things that get done
        765 words
      • 610 20 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments WOOLLERTON PARK 4 bedrooms, mid-level apt., swimming pool facilities. Rent $3000 p.m. partially furnished. Call Jones Lang Wootton *****88. CARLTON TERRACE, HOLLAND Road, 3+ 1 bdrms., furn., close to pool, pleasant surroundings. $4,300 Chanster. 732-4280. COUNTRY PK. D.16, brand new. 2/ 3/ 4-bdrm. mals. Facing pool.
        610 words
      • 996 20 173 Accommodation Available. Apartmants DIST 14. 12-A. LOR. 23 Oeylang Ist fir flat for rent Tel *****12 Mr Ng dist 21 CARRIAGE HSE. 2 rms $1,700 Gatehouse $1,300 Full facilities Holland *****79 DIST.9 HIGH FLOOR. 2-roomed fully furnished apartment for ent Please call 251-5425. D.0512 HONG LEONG Shopping Ctr 2
        996 words
      • 940 20 173 Accommodation Available. Apartments ok ORCHARO AREA. Grange Twr 2+ 1. f/furn. s/pool. Beautiful environment $2000 SPS *****92 ELIZABETH HQTS. PENTHOUSE. 5000 sq ft Unfurn Rental $3,000 No agent Call *****90 FAR EAST MANS. Breezy high fir apt 3 bdrms Sale: $218K Rent. $900 Concord. *****88/ 7 FURN. 4-RM HOB
        940 words
      • 922 20 176 Accommodation Wanted: Apartments APTS./ HDB/ HUOC/ Hsrs 2-5-rm urgently required for Immed occupanry. Responslbllly will be assured during tenancy period Owners pis call *****84/ 5/ 6 CLEMENTI PK./ LEEDON His Bayshore required for our exclusive confirmation clients. Oood tenants/ service assured. Contart A A *****87/ pg *****58 IMMED. CLIENTS
        922 words
      • 531 20 179 For Sale: Houses OCBC F I N A N C E. HERE'S WHERE ATTRACTIVE HOUSING LOANS ARE BUILT Free fire insurance for first HOUSING LOAN RATES* BHdgina loan Up to 5 years Up to 100% of valuation 6 to 10 years (with CPF savings) Prompt processing of application •Forest
        531 words
      • 152 20 179 For Sale: Houses OPEN HOUSE TODAY 5 30pm7pm 25. Greenbank Pk. (off Jin Kampong Chantek. 2 1 2-storey seml-d. 4.000 sq ft 4• 1 rms Excellent orientation. Reasonable price (Sole Agt Gateway O 10 BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 2 storey semi-d 3 rms 3 baths (2 attached) maids rm bath Separate
        152 words
      • 753 20 179 For Sale: Houses D.ll Catdacoti HM Eat.. Ottv* Rd. *****/ 4000 sq.ft. S/pool «1 JM D.lO Third Ava. Luxurious bunglw *****/ 8400 sq ft s/pool |M 0.10 Holland Rd. bun«lw *****/ 3500 sq ft $1 MM 0.11 Khaam Hock Rd. 3 storey bunglw 7400/ 2800 sq ft $965,000 D.15
        753 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 634 21 179 For Sale: Houses 179 For Sale: Houses MORTGAGEE'S SALE to be held on 28th JANUARY 19S8 at The Ballroom 4th storey The Glass Hotel, 31 7 Outram Road, Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. RESIDENTIAL Landed 1 4088 PASIR^AWgNG ROAD. double stonftM^jShed bungalow, 7,474 sq.ft freehold. 2 60 FLITE TERRACE, 2tt
        634 words
      • 1038 21 179 For Sale: Houses 021 SINGLE STOREY TERRACE. well renovated $340,000 1)2.) *****--vlew Estate :».-storey terrace $430,000 Tall 56M170 *****61 0.21 SUNSET SQUARE ht-autlfully renovated s/itorey elevated bunglw 6.300/ 3000 sq ft 3+ 1 *****47 (Sole Agent) 0 23 HILLVIEW ESTATE, Jaian Remaja d 'storey terrace. Approx 2.000 sq ft.
        1,038 words
      • 845 21 179 For Sale: Houses 0.21 MANDARIN PK u< inlty I) Storey renovated terr Convenient $410k BK *****35, *****43 D2l S/STOREY BUNGLW S/pool/ outhouse 42,000 sq ft $2 35M KFt'B tel *****33 ext 39 0.27 SEMBAWANG PK. s/storey seml-d 2700 sq ft 3 rms F'hold. Kenovated $265K CKL *****44 D2I BEAUTIFULLY
        845 words
      • 790 21 186 For Sale: Private Apartment* 4 Col^*^ ondominium NKp^ Gracious living in luxurious style Various types to meet your needs Maisorettes 151 m 208 m Fownhouses 302 m Peathoutei J>9 342 m Complete Condominium Facilities Swimming pool Jo«fMf track lennis squash courts Children's pla\>uound Sauna bath Clubhouse I .laccu/i andtcaped
        790 words
      • 413 21 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D.5 P*rkvl«w/ QreanecrM. 110?./ 1904 sq.ft. 3 bdrms. tMSKZ S4OOK O.» Cavvnaoh H'— 1040 sq.ft. Face East. 3+ l bdrms Pool. S3IOK D.lO Brand new Spanish vniag* 1050 sq.ft. Face s/pool. 3 bdrms D.lO Fan«r Court. Bit O. High fir 1550 sq.ft. 3 rms. S2ISK
        413 words
      • 738 21 186 For Sale: Private Apartment* D.S PARKWEBT. 2 bedrooms approx. 900 sq ft full recreation facilities 99 leasehold $250,000 negtotlable. Call Jones Lang Wootton *****88 DJ TAT LEE Ct 3 yrs. old. 1400/ 1200 3 bdrms Full facilities Renovated k well kept Price neg View to appreciate ERA Jay Ooh.
        738 words
      • 1046 21 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D.21 YU LI Yuan, lower mals 1729 sqft 4 rms Marble ceramic/ parquet Fully alrcon Price neg *****20 Realm D.3 LANDMARK TWR. 35th fir 3 bdrms 1292 sq ft S/pool. squash, tennis, sauna, p furn $400K neg Tel *****19/ *****75 D.4 FAIRWAYS STUDIO 840 sq
        1,046 words
      • 1103 21 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D 19 URGENT SALE I i. 9ou sq ft Condo taclllUe Ing pool E »3OOK PR 7iw 0.2 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA 1400 sqft 3 bdrms Beat facing view Reasonable price *****11. agt D.20 THE WINOSOR Phase 111 lower mals 2411 sqft F'hold best unit Sole Agt
        1,103 words
      • 1071 21 191 For Sale. HOB Apartments 3-rm. > ih Blk 159 $42,000 Teban Garden Blk 11 $40,000 Heriok South Blk 4 $40,000 Jurong East Blk 207 $54,000 Stirling Road Blk IH $45,000 4-rm. Bedok South Blk 47 Renovated $83 000 5-rm Marslling Point Hlk 215 Muslim family Nice view facing Straits
        1,071 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 661 22 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments 4 RM PURE I M Klo Blk 254 tVramlc throughout, kitchen cabinet (Sikkl fengshul L locality ITI. r lie* Exclusive *****00 MMUJ RM BEDOK RESERVOIR. Blk 601. beautifully renovated with marhlc flooring No obstruction, reasonable offer Call Alpha. *****33/ *****17 8 ANG MO KIO I.
        661 words
      • 569 22 191 For Sale: HOB Apartments i RM CHAI CHEE Hlk 40 Walking distance to Bedok bus Interchange and MRT station $42,000 Tel *****06 3 RM. CORNER Toa Payoh Central blk 145. Simple renovation Low fir $43K neg Full CPF $46K Exclusive *****66 San! 3-RM TOA PAYOH. renovated, good locality, many
        569 words
      • 549 22 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments BUFFALO (PURE) 4-RM. Hlk Ml high floor All UhimDi cabinets. near market $97,000 747-7364 CHEAP S-nM A.M. Klo Blk 132. top fir Terrazzo Near Central $108K neg C&C TV4OBII/ *****05 CLEMENTI 3-RM. BLK 362/ 364. low' high fir Ceramic/ terrazzo, $55K/SS3K LHS *****97 CLEMENTI WEST
        549 words
      • 533 22 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments i HM BEDOK NORTH. Blk IC high fir. Renovated Cabinet Near market $59K IHR: *****16 3-RM. BEDOK NORTH blk 102. cabinets, well-kept, nice view Full CPF *****61 O.F 3-RM BEDOK NORTH Hlk 34 high fir $43,000 Near MRT. renovated Agt *****58 Mr Tan. 3-RM CORNER
        533 words
      • 655 22 191 For Sale: HDB Apartments 5 RM. ANG Ma Klc Hlk 259 Circular blk faring reseivolr No blocking Full CPF *****29 5-RM BEDOK RESERVOIR. All ceramic, kitchen cabinets Good view $128k CPF $122k *****66 5-RM. BEDOK RESERVOIR Blk 613/ 710 $130,000$ 137 .000 Sims Dr Blk 50 $129,000 Denker *****11
        655 words
      • 878 22 193 Properties Wanted DEVELOPMENT CO. URGENTLY required Industrial land 30.000 40,000 sq ft at Macpherson Si Paya I.ebar or East Coast Rd Owner call *****16 CPF BUYERS URGENTLY require houses $360,000 (650.000 Richard Low Housing *****18 DlO PIN TJOE Pk Genuine Si Immediate buyer Budget of $800,000 Oreenacres *****88 OLD
        878 words
      • 559 22 194 Factory Space BBBb! i H k I A H k^ J fr f/l I v* 5 J^l Ideal for business or investment. K Freehold (statutory land Jbbb*»*<«— grant) IBw^^Sj Excellent location close to fc^"% ports allows for big savings ■tHZZZI* zEEJI in transportation cost and ijs ■Lr~i^ JJ turnaround
        559 words
      • 327 22 194 Factory Space 196 For Sale. Office Spaces EXCELLENT INVESTMENT OPTOtTUNITIES From ms low as SJJO psf ICB ENT HOUSE SO(V 1133 2:<M> 32M 4IOOP SIM LIM TOWKR 417/ 1740/ 3200 f SHENTON HOUSE 441 50*/ 71 0/ 1 20<V 3000 f TONG EN(; BI.DC. wo' ao7< woop CALL *****33
        327 words
      • 236 22 194 Factory Space 197 For Rent: Office Spaces GOLDHILL SQUARE Prestigious Offices Outside CBD 1.500 sqft on sth storey Opposite Novena MRT station Ample parking facilities Professional building maintenance management services. •flic Tel: *****28 9 DO YOU WANT TO DO J WELL IN BUSINESS? 1 THE ARCADE* Z So rich
        236 words
      • 593 22 197 For Rent: Office Spaces Orchard Building Located along t hrchard Koad tourist belt Close to hotels, restaurants, shopping centra and other commercial buildings Walking distance to Orchard MRT station 24 hour security. Ready for immediate occupation. Attractive rental and terms. can 732-5533 for Immediate advice and «enice OUTSIOC CSO.
        593 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 1255 23 197 For Rent. Office Spaces 197 For Rent. Office Spaces 197 For Rent: Office Spaces We have only 20% left of IBM Towers for <f/ lease So you have to act fast to be the last few to enjoy one of the better buildings in the ,A j city centre
        1,255 words
      • 792 23 241 Tours .'4l Tours 241 Tours EBIMH BRPv I« 5 7 DAYS HOLIDAY IN THAILAND FR $740 11 12 DAYS ALL NEW ZEALAND FR $2728 EJ^tjH •^^i™ 1^ CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL DEP 13 216 2* Jm '^^B 15 2 14 2 15/2 16: ■17 2- 1 8'2. 19 2
        792 words
      • 282 23 241 Tours 241 Tours Chinese a^^^f Ncw\ear f|W, 70 Bangkok Pattaya Chiangmai Chiangrai (Golden Triangle) $935 70 Bangkok Pattaya Chiangmai $920 9 50 Bangkok Chiangmai $840 50 Bangkok Pattaya $800 ■vJIffIITOTfISBI 1 4 sDays .Phuket) $578/$628 3 4Days iHatYai! $419/$449 (At Merlin Perth Deluxe Hotel) 60 PERTH DELUXE o* it
        282 words
      • 296 23 241 Tours 241 Tours ■aWoP^fcai (jjSfMp The last paradise lava Fantasy 5 °«y« $469 Jakarta/Puncak/Bandung/Bogor/Dunia Fan»ast Inslon»gta DallghH 8 Days $998 Jakarta/ Puncak/Bandung/Jogia/ Bah/Duma Fantasi Java Kxparianco 5 Days $959 Jakarta/ JogJakarta/Solo/Surabaya/Mt. Bromo«*orser,oe, lnaon««la Rovnd-wp 7 Days 1 045 Jakarta/Jogia/Solo/Surabaya/Mt Sromo inorser«je',/Bali Mtodan lakm Toba 5 Days $399 Parapat/Samosir Island/
        296 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 380 24 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours *AbkjidWaw^ o <*° mufasuousand 0 Special Dnigm New Mr Valentine candlelight dinnei dance Grand /^L^^k^^^^^^^^sv^N, Chinese New \ear e\e dinner: suckling pig, r *^P^^Bß^ shark's fin soup, tiger prawns, steamed tish. etc J0 tGßj^m J Sumptuous seafood lunch steamboat wkdtSf A Bangkok Pattaya 5
        380 words
      • 759 24 241 Tours 241 Tours 241 Tours 1 PENANG/IPOH/CAMF.RON/GENTING/K LUMPUR 6 daysSs26s/- 1 i PENANG/TAIPING/IPOH/GENTING/K LUMPUR sdaysSs2l9/- f f CAMERON/GENTING/K LUMPUR/MALACCA 4 daysSsl79/- 1 2 GENTING/K LUMPUR/MALACCA 4daysSslB9/- k GENTING/CAMERON (Strawberry Park) 3D/4NSSIS9/- W 4 GENTING/K LUMPUR/MALACCA 3 daysSsl39/- ]j GENTING/K LUMPUR/MALACCA 2D/3N SS 79/- P MUAR/MALACCA (deluxe tour incl Portuguese
        759 words
      • 545 24 241 Tour* 241 Tours 10 Days All Japan 1 Day £*S in Korea 11 Days $2599 7 Days All Korea Deluxe Tour 2,^, $1620 1 7 Days Colourful Taiwan oep every Tues $1548 4/7 Days Bangkok Dep daily from $740 4/5 Days Hongkong Dep daily from $1238 4 Days Jakarta,
        545 words
      • 839 24 242 Air Travel 242 Air Travel tk via Berlin to Europe Every Wednesday, departing Changi at 1.20pm CONCORD AIR TRAVEL A TOUR (S) PTE LTD I Tel: *****88 (5 lines) WOULD CHARTERS FOR Airfares) spore 0922 Tei 7328M4 ta-197* i 245 Where To Stay M^"™'"™^^^gg BEACH HOUSE 'MEMGGAMJ 244 Travel
        839 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 744 25 262 Home Tuition GCAREO FOR SUCCESSn Carefully selected pool of tutors to suit the needs ot nil students at all levels If you care, call us today at *****06 TUTOR AVAILABLE (TEACHER/ engineering grad Maths. Physics Chemistry Sec 1-4 Pager 70»-62«7 Bam -10pm ACCOUNTS/ MATHS, PHYSICS, Chemistry. A' "O\ Prl
        744 words
      • 533 25 263 Academic Courses INTENSIVE CLASSES FOR FOR 1988 NOV EXAMS CLASSES COMMENCING 1 FEB '88 FULL-TIME CLASSES FOR SYSTEMATIC UHHQV/ Blk 231. Bain Street. #05-01 Bras Basah Complex Tel: *****27, *****41/2 264 Computer Courses I yg 2 1 Interactlw iermln»K Computer School wtwai Buk« Our Consistent Axhicvements lak lOPM Pans
        533 words
      • 283 25 263 Academic Courses 264 Computer Courses 265 Secretarial/ Typing Courses BHORTHANO (RAPID/ NORMAL) Ind.vldua) attn Classes anytime: 70 w.p.m. within 3 mths. Raja's Col.'ege *****03/ *****70 NEW T PING CLASSEB available 9am to 9pm. Rex Commercial Schocl. *****00/ *****85 TYPEWRITING CLASSES $12. Englisr\ Maths., Science tuition. Prl.. Sec. Progress School
        283 words
      • 805 25 264 Computer Coun 9 Start With The Leader Stay Ahead |j.i^-LJXM'M rn]IM Get a headstart in computer Get a professional computer LyU I J-3 T^alTV^a^aß education at INFORMATICS The qualification that is recognised LyfllS 1 Jl*^j l WtU largest group ot computer schools internationally Train on Micro. Mini |I^»ftlf 11/^r^lfTlß
        805 words
      • 159 25 264 Computer Courses 265 Secretarial/ Typing Courses 266 Commercial/ Technical Coursea IMPORT/EXPORT (BUKIT MERAH) Tue Frl 700-10.00pm 09/02 Sat 230- 530pm 13/02 (JURONG) Tue'Thur 7 00- 9.30pm 09/02 Mon 7.00-1000pm 15/02 BOOKKEEPING (BEGINNERS) Thur 800- 930pm 28/01 Frl 800- 9.30pm 29/01 Sat 2.00- 5.00pm 06/02 (JURONO) Sun 9 30- 11.
        159 words
      • 741 25 264 Computer Courses 264 Computer Courses 265 Secretarial/ Typing Coureee 265 Secretarial/ Typing Course* SYSTEMATIC SECRETARIAL TRAINING CENTRE achieved top placings in ihe LCCI PSC v. Examinations. </ Ist plac* 1987. 1986, 1983. 1980 2nd place 1984, 1982. 1981 3rd otmem IQAi IQR.I 4th place 1980 sth place 1980 6th
        741 words
      • 732 25 267 Language Courses JAPANESE MADE EASY Taught by Native Speakers Course Is helpful for those preparing for the Internationallyrecognised Japanese Language Proficiency Test conducted by the Japan Foundation and the International Association of Education. Japan Frl 29 Jan (6 00pm-7 30pm > Sat 30 Jan U 40pm -5 10pm i
        732 words
      • 656 25 273 Floral Arrangement Instruction WESTERN FLCWER ARRANGE MENT by VVla Florist =C3-iy t'x celslor Hotel. 5 Coleman Str. Tel *****29 *****64 Reasonable fee and individual coaching LEARN THE PROFESSIONAL Art of floral arrangement and gift wrapping for career or commercial purposes. *****43 274 Hairdressing/ Beauty Courses MELISANE COLLEGE ENROL F.yellne/llpllne/eyebrow
        656 words
      • 26 25 I N m II s N s Then venture into 'Business To Business", where you'll discover your business needs and businesses in need! C.A.T.S. 737-1166 I
        26 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 256 26 w<^ Link up your products and services Z' with this golden year in The Sunday Times Lunar New Year bumper supplement on February 7. f^MSt The editorial pages cover the hottest tMm K^ n asn^ on cn^ c to tne snazziest home AmEUßSfev decor as they capture the excitement *^?Pl^K^
        256 words
      • 1990 26 APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES TEL 730-5724/5/6/8 5669(D1D. 737-OOH «TFLFFAX 7J2 2759 TELEX RS ***** TIMEADBRATES The Straits Times- s2b 8b per c 5 per c BOX SFRVICF $5 00 (Collected)* $10 00 (Posted) NOTICES TONHOW INDUSTRIES LIMITED HK NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 13th Annual General Meeting
        1,990 words
      • 250 26 THE BANKKI ITCV ACT (CHAPTER IN THE HIGH COI'RT OK SINGAPORE In Bankrupt* > No. 333 of IW7 Re: lie* Cbee Ming trading a* Joe I Jew Stonework Specialist F.x-parte: Standard Chartered Bank Creditor* In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition dated the 3tth day of December, ISB7. NOTICE OF
        250 words
    • 2 27 Arts Leisure
      2 words
    • 428 27  -  LIM HSU FEI THE BEAR A STARS Production The Music Room, Hilton Hotel February 14, 5 pm LOOFONG to take your sweetheart on a date with a difference? Try taking her to the Hilton's Music Room, where you'll get tea and tempestuous drama. A
      KENNETH KOH  -  428 words
    • 511 27  -  T.K. SABAPATHY BEING WITH NATURE Recent paintings by Ng Yak Whee National Museum Art Gallery On till Sunday LAST year, Ng Yak Whee made his presence felt in the art community with an almighty bang. He submitted three pictures to the inaugural IBM
      511 words
    • 294 27 ELVIS PRESLEY did not want to go on stage with a guitar past the age of 40, and probably would not have joined in the current revival of music from the *****, said his former wife, Priscilla. "I think it was fate
      AP  -  294 words
    • 421 27 15th Annual American Music Awards COUNTRY singer Randy Travis swept his category at the 15th Annual American Music Awards on Monday in Los Angeles, taking four trophies while two statues each went to Anita Baker, Whitney Houston and Paul Simon. Travis, a dishwasher
      AP  -  421 words
    • Page 27 Miscellaneous
      • 369 27 What's OnPERFORMANCE THE PSA MARITIME MUSE- 10 30 am and 3Wn™ ah -.?t. SiiSS w BESffiBS JSftWB" ft»wr gfiKX-s-a S5 Si" 10 sBSSBffI ErJSSfcs £KS?-« KsrfiSss PFHAN4KAN FMRpm pm Ele P h ant and Meet at the lower rotunda. concerto. Tuesdays to Fri- 50 cents oer rhilri hpinw tfi CONTEMPORARY
        369 words
      • 1076 27 I Radio One FM Stereo 90.5 mHz in VHF Band II 5.58 AM National Anthem, followed by Opening Announcement 600 News In Brief 6.05 On Air 7.00 News and Weather Report 7 10 Morning Digest 7.20 On Air (cont'd) 7.45 On The Road 8.00 News 8 10 On Air (cont'd)
        1,076 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
    • Page 28 Miscellaneous
      • 1429 28 ■m MY VIEW by LIM HSU FEI and KOH SIEW TIN n ■m^^^^mh^mm^^——^— iiiwm— ■iiiimi m ~gpk T[ jj TTI Deadly underwater hunt for sunken treasure 41 |k r I h eil\ d We^GokHcin* I*T ~*l^^ JfiCTfj" ~^g|T 1 Mont Blanc (white mountain) Baft .^M, Best Screenplay. yjpiXJ^-- <' •P^W^r«4fi^
        1,429 words
    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 635 29 HAVE A PROSPEROUS J \J LIINAR NEW YEAR 111^^ IM I I Lhß I I m^L. LnWf jj*-^ 0^ to our festive !->.■•' iJL A lies at unbeatable UISPfCIOIS HAMPFRfiIFTS SBooandabove $7,000 and above lU unupy ouiiicMan dfiu BVV ,Vw/^ S1 500 and above Gifts are valid only tor the
        635 words
    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 437 30 CAPITOL/CHANGI: NOW SHOWING CAPITOL (*****59) 11am. 1 4S. 4. 30. 9 15 No ft— Lul CHANGI (*****59) 11am. 1 30. 4.00. 7. 9IS No Fra« List f« Ak 1 A She is Half Female a Half Machine. i_*J Like "Robocop" she is %»_^M programnwd to Kill M ißetaliatol? ft rf
        437 words
      • 533 30 -_~T V> rllll/iH A I Oolden Hew Town ■n a rlkioTiitkTinii Princess Woo-lindJ "-P.??-? °y_ President and I i-y.-^'B-BVT? L-J--T M"i Kreta Ayer People's m C kV No Free List fj NOW BHOWINGI _^k Horn 130.4 00.7 00,9 15 O: 11, IJO, 4, 6.45, 9JO fl___ GO DEN HORSE AWARD
        533 words
      • 139 30 China T-shirt Specialist. 1 Material 100% Cotton and 45% Cotton 55% Rayon Sizes 26/28/30 32/34 36 38/40/42 Pattern Singlet and Vest Round neck and Ribbed neck, with or without sleeves and collars yr?^^^^^VColour White and assorted IJP^il c urs 1U Syj? KIAUW HIN CO. PTE. LTD. sssr 24. North Bridge
        139 words
      • 383 30 CAIHAYOBGANISATIONCATHAYORGANISATIONCATHAYQBGANIS < (*****00) 5 SHOWS: 11am. 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 A 9.15pm > o I nr^ jjLir^^B^ l H L 'I II ■^r* 4 i ■< i IKi 1 (*****88) 5 SHOWS: 11AM, 1.30, 4.00, 6 30 A 9.15PM A MUST-SEE' BY EVERY YOUTH! I m STAND S IWmESiMMMSMBnSSMSSnmi Z G.
        383 words
        275 words
    • Page 31 Advertisements
      • 574 31 APPaNTMENTS/NOTICES (X RS!/)eei TiMtADBHATfS The Stiaits Tm« S?t> 8b p» 00l an The Stndßy Trrws *?8 I b pe» oot cni F *5 00(CoiBrteill»$i0 00iRDStedl APPOINTMENTS I 3E Tcrajaeffiial We seek suitably qualified personnel to fill the following positions EXECUTIVE CHEF Have minimum 10 years experience as an Executive Chef
        574 words
      • 457 31 /3/\ FRASER&NEAVE F <nl?hl\ (SINGAPORE) Vj^jjJ/ PTE. UMITED invites applications for the position of: Engineering Superintendent I The incumbent will be responsible for the maintenance of plant and production machinery. He is also required to supervise and motivate a team of technical personnel. Requirements: Diploma in Electrical/Electronics Engineering, or related
        457 words
      • 605 31 JAPAN-SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY Applications are invited from university graduates and professionals for admission to the 3-month full-time course leading to the award of the post graduate AIM The aim of this course is to tram and equip end-user analysts who will be able to assist in the analysis,
        605 words
      • 592 31 A new name... A proven technology... TRI-M Technologies, the leader in SMT which combines leading edge Japanese technology from Mitsubishi. Japan and local engineering expertise; now takes on a new name Come, be a pan of this exciting company, as we expand and develop our activities into internationaJ markets. INDUSTRIAL
        592 words
      • 10 31 Available at all good bookshops STP Distributors Times Publishing Group
        10 words
    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 379 32 FREE Celebration Gifts at Jurong West Branch Get your FREE gift with every $30 purchase. Visit our New Bedok Reservoir Branch Plus FREE balloons to be given away. While stocks last. Business Hours: 8.30am 9.30pm NTUC FairPrice celebrates the grand opening of Jurong West Branch. H 9V .re festive >ecials
        379 words