The Straits Times, 13 October 1987

Total Pages: 58
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1645 TUESDAY, OCTOBER lj, ISW 50 CENTS MCI (P) 108/12/86
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  • 590 1 House-to-house battles to flush out Tamil rebels COLOMBO Indian paratroopers have been dropped into the northern city of Jaffna to help ground forces battling house-to-house to flush out Tamil rebels, Sri Lanka's state-run radio and Indian officials reported yesterday. Military sources said Indian peacekeeping troops
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  • 185 1 STOCKHOLM The Nobel medicine prize went to Japan for the first time yesterday when Susumu Tonegawa won the 1987 award for research into the body's immune system. Sweden's Karolinska Institute said Mr Tonegawa, 48, won the 2.18 million crown (about S$71 1,000) prize for pioneering
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  • 116 1 MILAN A male kangaroo, apparently bereaved over the death of his mate and their cub, leapt to his death at a northern Italian zoo. The kangaroo sprang to the top of the fence at the Castello di Brescia zoo, located at the highest point
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  • 41 1 CAMPELLO (Spain) Five people were killed and 33 injured yesterday in this Mediterranean coastal town when a cannon misfired during a mock battle and set off a nearby box of gunpowder, an Alicante Civil Governor spokesman said. AP
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  • 270 1 $3b drop in Japan's trade surplus But surplus with US still rising TOKYO Japan said yesterday that it slashed its trade surplus with the rest of the world by US$l.5 billion (Ss3.l billion) in September but (ailed to cut its critical surplus with the United States. Economists agree that Japan's
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  • 264 1 Newborn baby found abandoned in plastic bag A NEWBORN baby boy, snugly wrapped in a towel and tucked in a red plastic bag, was found abandoned at a block of flats in Jalan Dua, off Old Airport Road yesterday. The umbilical cord was still attached to him. The baby, who
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  • 58 1 FRANCE Villagers in the small central France community of Meximieux know more than anyone the saying that you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs: 61,020 of them to be exact. What was claimed to be the world's largest omelette also needed 40 people to mix it on
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  • 30 1 HONGKONG Three armed robbers slipped into an industrial building yesterday and took off with about 40 sacks containing nearly US$2OO,OOO (S$418,000) worth of snakeskins, police report- ed. AP
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  • 326 1 A 13- YEAR-OLD schoolboy died in a crash after he took his elder brother's motorcycle for a joy ride on Sunday morning. Mohamed Fahmy bin Ibrahim, a Secondary 1 pupil of Dunearn Secondary Technical School, died of serious injuries after he lost control of the
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  • 540 1  -  CHEONG YIP SENG CHOGM^ *NCOUVERQ "7VP 13-17 October O By in Vancouver VANCOUVER Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has been asked by the Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral to open the discussion on world politics on the first day of the Commonwealth conference today. Mr
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  • 744 1  -  CATHERINE C. ONG Brunei bank trial By m Bandar Sen Begawan EVIDENCE submitted by the prosecution in the $Ibillion National Bank of Brunei fraud case suggested that the alleged conspiracies to cheat took place in Singapore, the High Court here was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 INCOMPARABLE I Killings force India to side with Sri Lanka Editorial Page 20 Newfrorr M\ U Uj3 viU LfU WHYCHOOSE RICOH Fax 20? fr i^^*"* B ***»jiiw»«_ TAC NO *****128 IThe largest selling fax maker in the world. 2 High performance for a compact 3 Get a free llP^^^^^^^^t 4
      98 words
    • 107 1 13 OCT 1987 TECHv.r';; RVICE .f VISION L S:\QAPfW: ttc*U* Tel: *****95 wholes**! f\*^m4'fw *****00 mm Available at an Bata Stores Bata Shot- Departm^t at the Empofumi and an authorised Bata c 'aiers FLATAS TfflSßjgE. >i n W.' iFVJi »i|h full w»» Pretty amazing huh? Philips new FSQ (flat square
      107 words
    • 23 1 Inside Summary 2 Wi»rld News s,4^-l A»ran t Causrway 12 (omment Perapertlvr 2#^l Letters 22 TlmesDsUar 2J-25 Yl K*rin K 28 Bp»rte 2MI
      23 words

    • 302 2 Books everywhere WHEREVER they are in the school, the pupils of Woodsville Primary School are tempted to read by the 3,000 books that lie in wait for them at the school canteen, in corners, along corridors. They can pick up and and keep any book as long as they
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    • 220 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE IND0-8BI faMJM BBBWA rtgaed in July hae all the right riaBtliM twr a werkaMe wwA what wWWBBm W %W BwwW la view ei fit eeatfanlag *-»ieaee la Sri Leaka to streager military aattea. The Iailaa treepe deplayed there mart deal with the Tamil separatists
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    • 103 2 GIFT VOUCHER GROUSES TWO MORE letters about gift vouchers. A reader who received one, however, did not use it because a friend who had received one felt cheated when she used it to buy some goods. She paid $188 for two items price-tagged at $288 and thought she enjoyed
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    • 290 2 Asian gangs in LA STREET gangs made up of Asians and South Pacific islanders are growing in numbers and strength in Los Angeles, spreading fear in their rapidly expanding ethnic communities, authorities say. But cracking down on these gangs is often difficult because members of the Asian
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    • 153 2 Around Asean. and Across the Causeway 'Can't beat Reds' A RETIRED American general told the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week that the Philippine armed forces were unable to beat communist guerillas and that there seemed to be no consensus among Philippine leaders on how to deal with
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    • 261 2 TRADING IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES DOUBLES AVERAGE daily trades of Singapore government securities have more than doubled since a committee of dealers and the Monetary Authority of Singapore agreed to halve the buy /sell spreads on bond prices early last month. MAS figures show that average daily turnover of bills
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    • 253 2 No will to win THE DESIRE to win no longer exists among Singapore's athletes, and it's because they have had too much of the good life. The Singapore Amateur Athletic Association led by their dynamic president, Mr Loh Lin Kok, have ensured that money is not a problem for
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    • 457 2 Breaking the chain IN 119 LETTERS, young people explain their initial reaction of trepidation and complete obedience to chain letter instructions when they first get them at the age of eight or so. But as they grow older, they realise that the fear generated by the threats in
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    • 413 2 Product Advertiser Section/Page Mn_lt_s Cathay Pacific 1 18 Lufthansa German Airlines 1 14 Royal Nepal Airlines 1 11 SAS SIA 1 26 1 7 United Airlines 1 17 Banks Bank ot New Zealand 1 9 Bank Indosue/ 1 7 Hongkong Shanghai Banking N 1 United Overseas Bank 1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 484 2 The Original Japanese Table Bar B-Q. ■^^^^Baßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^^Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^^^^B W -^^S B^HaW '^9^FaL Step right in and treat yourself to YAKINIKU, the original Japanese Table Bar B-Q. Tantalizing experience. Unique flavour. Unforgettable taste aroma. Set Lunch only at $6.50 $9.50. Only at the Yakiniku Daidomon. With our new branch at: 148-152 West
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    • 21 2 j^Hp^ What's this pretty f\ little cat doing in the employment section fJUfJ today? Classified: Page 6, Section Two. f r^T,
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  • around the WORLD
    • 469 3 Presence of foreign forces dangerous, says Teheran* LONDON Iran has asked foreign diplomats in Teheran to tell their governments of "terrible repercussions" from what it terms United States military aggression in the Persian Gulf, Teheran Radio said. Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati
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    • 91 3 Khmers scoff at Viet pullout statement BANGKOK The main Cambodian guerilla group has charged that Vietnam's announcement of a partial troop withdrawal from Cambodia was designed only to influence the United Nations debate on the Cambodian conflict. The radio of the Khmer Rouge said last Friday that resistance forces "have
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    • 344 3 TAIPEI The Nationalist government will announce the lifting of a travel ban to mainland China in seven to 10 days' time, Premier Yu KuoHwa said yesterday. "We are now ready to launch an offensive, not of weapons, but of something
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    • 241 3 RANGOON Burmese workers have recovered the remains of all 49 people killed when a domestic airliner crashed on Sunday, Western diplomats said yesterday. But the cause of the Burma Airways crash, at a ridge near the ancient capital of Pagan, was still not
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    • 27 3 DHAKA R»nglfnfrffh police arrested 22 suspected smugglers, all Indian nationals, in a Dhaka hotel on Sunday and seized contraband goods worth about US$lO,OOO rss»,*o). AFP
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    • 435 3 13 17 Octetar O I VANCOUVER Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda, condemning "the Nazis of today in South Africa", called for the tightening of sanctions against South Africa on the eve of the Commonwealth conference. "The abominable system is getting much more sick," Mr Kaunda,
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    • 303 3 Police charge at protesting monks in Delhi NEW DELHI Police teargassed and batoncharged scores of Tibetan Buddhist monks demonstrating here yesterday against alleged Chinese repression of Tibetans in their homeland. A 16-year-old monk, Sonam Paljor, was injured in the police action which was ordered when about 500 demonstrators tried to
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    • 167 3 S. Korean Assembly approves new Constitution SEOUL South Korea's National Assembly yesterday approved a new Constitution, clearing the way for the first direct presidential elections in 16 years. The presidential polls will be held in December. The Constitution was passed by a vote of 254 to 4, with three abstentions.
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    • 396 4 JERUSALEM Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian woman and wounded two men during riots in the occupied West Bank town of Ramallah yesterday. The circumstances of the shooting were not immediately clear but it took place amid a spate of rock throwing incidents
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    • 143 4 LIMA The Peruvian government issued a law to nationalise private banks on Sunday, ending 10 weeks of heated debate that has galvanised rightwing opposition to President Alan Garcia. The law, which came into force yesterday, says the government will take over all the shares
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    • 375 4 Fearful ethnic immigrants keep mum about crime LOS ANGELES Street gangs made up of Asians and South Pacific islanders are growing in numbers and strength, spreading fear in their rapidly expanding ethnic communities, authorities here say. While Los Angeles gangs have traditionally involved blacks and
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    • 338 4 DUBLIN Prime Minister Charles Haughey has warned he might block a new terrorist extradition agreement with Britain because of British refusal to reform Northern Ireland's court system. Such a move could endanger the future of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, a two-year-old compromise pact between
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    • 213 4 LONDON Two brothers on a charity stint for Third World countries are attempting to ride fourwheel all-terrain vehicles across six of the world's toughest deserts simply because "there's nothing else left to do". "They've gone to the Himalayas and they've gone from pole to
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    • 206 4 Rock group to make comeback for the money LONDON The British rock music group, The Who, will make a comeback after five years in re tirement because the members need money, the Daily Express newspaper reported yesterday. The middle-aged musi cians, whose driving beat turned them into millionaires, will make
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    • 107 4 TOKYO Japan is to give India a loan of 29.5 billion yen (***** million) to buy emergency supplies after the recent drought, a Japanese Foreign Ministry official said yesterday. The official said Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was told of the pledge
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    • 230 4 WASHINGTON A key assumption by former US President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban missile crisis that Soviets in control of a Cuban missile base shot down an American spy plane may have been incorrect, according to the Sunday edition of the Washington Post. Journalist
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    • 455 6 Ex-German premier found dead in hotel He was to have testified on polls scandal GENEVA Mr Uwe Barschel, a former West German state premier forced to resign over an election campaign dirty tricks scandal, was found dead in Geneva on Sunday. Swiss police are awaiting an autopsy report but a
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    • 198 6 VENICE (Florida) Hie Rlngllng Brothers and Barnum Bailey Clown College has invited its alumni 1,000 clowns back to then* alma mater this week for a 30th anniversary reunion, which will include the world's biggest pie fight Also on the agenda are an alumni talent show
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    • 207 6 ASH SHARIQAH (United Arab Emirates) Libyan leader Mnammar Gaddafi and President Chadli Bendjemd of Algeria have not agreed to declare a political union of their two nations, «ays Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Taleb Ibrahim!. He denied a recent report by the Washington Post
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    • 59 6 MOSCOW Moscow has been on a state of alert since two black cockatoos afflicted with an infectious disease tl^&OSDutt&OsK to nttfl uftsflM^ peared from a zoo last month. A Moscow daily reported that unpinyMs at airports. railway and bus station* had been alerted and cheeks had gIHS mBQ
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    • 247 6 WASHINGTON Hun- «■># UK iXJO^aspJUJ^BsV OK |J[V 090sW9ouu ftctj vises itmrcD* e* here on Sunday to press calls for increased federal landing on Aids research and for protection from "Tbe Reagan »«*wrfni«. tratkm is allowing millions to die/' said Mr Jim Merriant, one of
      247 words
    • 99 6 'Obscene' poem to be read over British TV LONDON The Independent Channel Four television station in Britain yesterday gave the green light (or the screening of a 45-minute programme in which British poet Tony Harrison reads an "obscene" work from a graveyard. Versus, described by a group of Conservative Party
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    • 298 6 RIO DE JANEIRO Three doctors are to stand trial in connection with the <v»t»n>iMttofi of 243 people by a radioactive substance (ran an abandoned X-ray machine. Police said on Sunday that Orlando Alvea Teixeira, 37; Ciiseide Castro Duarte, 40; and Carlos Flgueiredo
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    • 492 7 No support for boycott threat by N. Korea, says Olympic chief SEOUL The Soviet Union has asked South Korea to let its athletes train in Seoul before the 1968 Olympic Games, the head of South Korea's Olympic Committee said. Mr Kim
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    • 111 7 KARACHI Pakistani police arrested 18 people in a sweep through a Karachi suburb to confiscate arms used in recent rioting. Police said explosives, crude home-made bombs, rifles, shotguns, pistols and cartridges were seized in yesterday's raids on Shah Faisal colony. Authorities imposed a
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    • 414 7 NEW YORK Two major American companies are battling the United States government for the right to launch communications satellites on Soviet rockets. The companies, General Motors and General Electric, recently urged the government to drop its ban on the launching
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 251 3 I^^^FLORIPA PARkI I Conceived and planned with care to meet I ZT^^^ y° ur every need I tM 4 k |S1 B I These homes will be built with I B the modern family in mind I I FREEHOLD LAND I I Cki\o/i\ Housin 8 with I W /U Low
      251 words
    • 186 3 JUZJkMUUZ •exchangeable Kit 4 BROTHBK FOREVER Now, for the latest revolutionary concept from w» aßC^^ Brother. Y ES, I wish to conquer the future with Brother's new I revolutionary^ -system I The new /X- series: f/ex/b/e. exchangeable and expandable n Please have a Brother Rep cal( on me You are
      186 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 WE DONT SELL YOU A PRODUCT ANDTORGET TOU. It hasn't always been easy keeping track of over a million National, Panasonic and j^jSii^^Xm^L Technics products being used in thousands of jpjgp h° mes an<^ businesses all over Singapore. W&i Nevertheless, our aim has always been ypQ ffw to P rov
      170 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 242 5 B^B^BHBH *y^^Hßap^^*^ B^BM I B^B^B 1 II I BM ffififi» l '-'-"---im?'^^*^" B"SB>3 B» B Autumn in New England Rainbow after the rain.^ b^H*Vk3^& «^^^C^b^bl b^B BMBM^taal Bmb^^^M'^w*^ y^.aMjß B lPVfef^B Bh^ J^^a.^ s •^fe_ TJK^_ *^Br Ba >K^^Baaßi|^jaaßp9S4^ B^j]u^^ a /^A «qb> WMTwHak' <%^ jaay ■jnu'^i I B^^^Bfcat*^Ba C
      242 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 ■1 1 [li^^^^^^^^ am 1 fOLD PRICE^H \TT 450 W\ NEW REGULAR FREE That's right l Now A save 1 0<t on Papermate |m Kilometnco Fine Point at the A new price of 35c and write A thousands and thousands DA of words ft Starts easy, writes smoothly V A
      184 words
    • 494 6 I IPWfIT 88~" I PUBLISHING PRINTING OPPORTUNITIES I CONFERENCE EXHIBITION I 13-16 January 1988, The Mandarin Singapore H Organised by TIMES CONFERENCES I OPPORTUNITIES fl IPRINT '88 will be a focal point for international and regional publishers, as well as production executives, I to establish contacts and explore opportunities for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 318 7 Banque Indosuez investments. Then: on paper. Now. via high-tech communications llLi^^^^^ In th e past, pillars of Singapore's economy »M^ issued shares in their company through us. mMM^M^iP^^'^^^^^^^ Ke y commodities at the time included l'^*£^^iio*^*^^^^ rattan, rice, tin, and of course, rubber. Today, millions of dollars are invested through
      318 words

    • 567 8 PARIS At least four members of Unesco, the UN cultural agency, may follow the example of the United States and Britain and quit the organisation if Director-General Amadou Mahtar M'Bow to re-elect-ed this week, senior Unesco sources said on Sunday. The
      567 words
    • 724 8 City still reeling from Big Bang LONDON Shock waves are still reverberating a year after the sweeping reforms of "Big Bang" hit the London financial markets. Nicknamed for a theory on the beginnings of the universe, the reforms smashed a clubbish brokers' monopoly on share and bond dealing in a
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    • 466 9 BEIRUT Centuries after the ancestors of the Lebanese, the Phoenicians, sailed across the seas carrying the first alphabet to the world, Lebanese youths are finding that learning has become a luxury. A recent report aired on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation found that Lebanese parents
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    • 884 9 ATLANTA Once a mighty southern American institution whose hooded members staged gruesome lynchings and socialised with powerful politicians, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) has fallen on hard tiroes in the land of its birth. Klan watchers across the south,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 498 8 q- M X H Medicatea r\ hot lemon VI dr ink with Vitamin C For speedy relief from flu symptoms, take Lem-plus. Gbun Glaxo Singapor* Pte Ltd 100F Pasir Paniang Road. Singapore 0511 T«l *****55 GOOD IDEAS KEEP COMING UP —^^^j > r^'^ .£V vHEl^^^^^^^nKr s @w. v "IBR I—--^^^^^^^^^jWjflßjj^^^^1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 142 9 In NZ Dollars your money could be earning around (iM$ AV /o ji> Rates vary throughout the day, but because we're over 87% owned by the Government of New Zealand, we will probably be able to give you a better rate for your fixed deposit of a minimum NZ$5O,OOO. No
      142 words
    • 410 9 ONE OR TWO man business fOX tfnoHcfi, a^cee I SERVCORP, PRESENTS \1 I THE WORLD'S FINEST I I SERVICED OFFICE I j Mid City location Spectacular views Telephone answered the way you want it Fully furnished office Complete secretarial Word processing Facsimile Telex Intercom Boardrooms Bars Photocopiers Computers Juniors to
      410 words

    • 248 10 MANILA The Philippine Communist Party has for the first time begun looking to Eastern Europe for help in its war with Manila, according to a party leader. Mr Armando Liwanag, chairman of the party's central committee, said in a party newsletter that increased
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    • 367 10 No consensus in Manila on problem-solving: Ex-US general WASHINGTON The Philippine armed forces are unable to beat communist guerillas and there seems to be no consensus among Manila's leaders on how to deal with the country's social problems, says a retired United States general. "The
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    • 291 10  - Aquino debunks claim she hid under bed ABBY TAN By Manila Correspondent MANILA An irate President Corazon Aquino yesterday filed a criminal libel suit against a newspaper editor after showing reporters her bedroom to refute reports that she hid under the bed when rebel soldiers attacked the palace during the
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    • 123 11 BANGKOK The Foreign Ministry has decided to shelve for the time being plans to make commercial use of the Thai Embassy land in Singapore, The Nation reported. The report quoted an unnamed source as saying that the ministry feels that the property market
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    • 270 11 MPs' conference to discuss refugees' plight BANGKOK Members of Parliament from more than 100 countries began a six-day conference in Thailand yesterday. The meeting is expected to highlight sharp policy differences on refugees and human rights. The twice-yearly conference of the Inter-Parlia-mentary Union was opened by the King of Thailand,
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    • 178 11 Give provinces more say in decision-making, say economists JAKARTA Indonesia should decentralise its economy by giving more decision-making power to the provinces, a group of leading economists recommended yesterday. In a report presented to President Suharto, they said the government must deregulate the economy further
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    • 142 11 Indonesia offers to sell China the Pill JAKARTA Indonesia has offered to sell birthcontrol pills and condoms to China. The offer was made by the head of the Indonesian Family Planning Co-ordi-nating Board to a visiting Chinese delegation, a spokesman for the board said yesterday. The board also invited Chinese
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    • 217 11 'Deficient foreign policy scuttled bid to get Unesco leadership' JAKARTA Indonesia's failure to secure the leadership of Unesco was a debacle which revealed a deficiency in foreign policy, the pro-government Jakarta Post newspaper said yesterday. It said the issue deserved thorough analysis "since it could well be a timely signal
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    • 38 11 JAKARTA Drought will cause losses of at least 340,767 tonnes of unhulled rice in Indonesia's harvest this year, an official of the Agriculture Ministry said yesterday. The official said drought has hit 13 rice-growing provinces. AP
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 379 10 w :Jflfl For a purr-feet nite out^Bßß "^B I^^^ j^BQT^^H^^^^BltSß BH H .^3 fl K.^ '"B HL^^tf 73b« Seven gorgeous girls from the V %^Q lsj^KMoWk ni^PP^ nes fl I^^^^Ll^ W n<^ P 61^ 2011 tne^ are churnirJ I out t^ ie at6st n^ ts to y° ur I adrenalin
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 213 11 Now! Fly to Nepal J[ in the comfort of JL new Boeing 757. jfe| Starting today. 3HBIEvh From today an exclusive 'Shangrib' Cl experience awaits you on our new Boeing 757 zdl^^^^BJ^^E^^^U Kama! The most advanced passenger aircraft 3 that combines ultimate passenger comfort with 1 E^J^i; W 1^ the
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  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 579 12  -  ISMAIL KASSIM By KUALA LUMPUR The controversy over the posting of non-Chinese-educat-ed teachers to administer Chinese primary schools remains unresolved despite a heated debate on the first day of the Malaysian Parliament's current session yesterday. The issue divided backbenchers from Umno, the leader of
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    • 499 12 Intrusion an arrogant act, says Johor MB JOHOR BARU Mentri Besar Haji Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday described the intrusion by four members of the Singapore Armed Forces into a riverine area of Johor as "an arrogant action" and said it showed "disrespect for Malaysia's sovereignty". They should have preserved good neighbourly
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    • 34 12 JOHOR BARU Police would propose higher fines for traffic offences because of the rising number in road accidents in Johor, the state traffic police chief DSP A. Sabapathv said on Sundav. NST
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    • 310 12 Applications for trade missions genuine: Ghafar KUALA LUMPUR The government has so far found applications by Malaysian businessmen to join official trade missions to China to be "genuine", Deputy Prime Minister Ghafar Baba told Parliament yesterday. He dismissed claims that there were some businessmen who had "deviated" from the stated
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    • 398 12 Suit by 12 Unrtno members KUALA LUMPUR The Umno special committee set up to settle out of court a suit challenging the validity of the April 24 party election failed to resolve the issue after a meeting with seven of the 12 party members involved
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    • 191 12 Tunku raps those ignorant of past BALING Former Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman has criticised some "younger" Malaysians who know nothing about the nation's pax and are encouraging rectal polarisation in the country. "Some of them want an Islamic state and want Islamic laws for all Malaysians. Things like these
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    • 79 12 KUALA LUMPUR United Engineers (M) Her had has filed an appeal in the Supreme Court against the High Court's dismissal of its application to set aside an injunction stopping the company from signing a contract for the proposed MJ3 4 billion North-South Highway. The company is also
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 95 12 ADVKKTISEMKNT (Look at her. Off to _^i Wonder what's\ V her secret? Well, I've seen her taking j her yood -^^^B [What's I strengthen your body's I Yomeishu helps improve your blood circulation, /Wti- i JHI reduces fatigue, increases your appetite <jg and helps strengthen your body. J^^*^ r@ The
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    • 205 12 HBCISC AnSWBr Tb Al Your Weighing Needs Complete range of weighing balances and scales Fast, single control bar operation Mettler's advanced electronic technology gives you a range of weighing Your results are delivered in seconds, with just a touch of the control bar. balances and scales from the most precise
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  • HOME
    • Horn two schools seek to foster reading habit
      • 403 13  -  SANDRA DAVE By THESE students and their teacher seem to be having a field day in the open. But they are actually in a classroom which, instead of having drab grey walls, has a bright mural that promotes reading. The proud owners of this room
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      • 352 13  -  AMMIE CHIA •y DR CHRISTOPHER Chen, who became world famous when he pioneered frozenegg pregnancy while in Australia, will head a unit in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital. And he announced he would promptly carry on with work
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      • 415 13  -  LEE SWEE HOO ■y THEY can be found in the most unlikely places at the school canteen, in study corners, along corridors. They are 3,000 books that pupils of Woodsville Primary School can pick up and keep as long as they want without
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    • 424 14  -  ANNE KOH By THE price of tin cans went up yesterday, but there are no indications yet whether consumers will have to pay more for their canned goods. The cans now cost about 12 per cent more. This works out to about two cents
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    • 440 14 S'pore-made board to be sold worldwide FIVE local engineers at Hewlett Packard Singapore conceived, designed and developed an electronic drawing board which will be made here for the world market. The Singapore-made computer peripheral consists of a pad which allows users to draw on it using
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    • 41 14 A SHORT stretch of Upper Bukit Timah Road between Ewart Circus and Jurong Road will be closed to traffic tomorrow from 1 am to 5 am for the Public Works Department to launch beams for a pedestrian overhead bridge.
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    • 290 14 A WORKER escaped serious injuries in an explosion which killed his foreman in a Jurong factory on Friday because he was standing a metre away and facing the foreman when the blast happened. Mr Lim Fook Kay, 31, a fitter at
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    • 122 14 THOSE intending to go overseas are advised to get their passports early to avoid the rush expected when the year-end school vacation and festive season start. The Immigration Department said yesterday that a new passport is normally issued after seven working days from the date of
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    • 90 14 Man charged with murdering labourer A MAN was charged yesterday with murdering a labourer whiJe he and 12 others were members of an unlawful assembly at about 2.45 am on Oct 4 this year at Stadium Road. No plea was taken from Suthevean s/o Kumaran, 21. He was allegedly with
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    • 175 15 Boys may not have molested girl, say police FIVE boys arrested on Friday on suspicion of molesting a seven-year-old girl in Chai Chee Avenue may not have committed the offence, police now believe. The boys, aged between 12 and 15, were brought to Bedok police station after an elderly woman
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    • 30 15 THE Academy of Medicine's new premises at the College of Medicine Building will be officially opened by the former Health Minister, Mr Howe Yoon Chong, on Oct 19.
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    • 113 15 ROYAL Nepal Airlines now offers weekly business class travel from Singapore to Bangkok and Kathmandu with the arrival of its new Boeing-757 at Changi airport yesterday. The airline, which has been operating two weekly all-economy services to Singapore since 1984, charges $1,196 for a return
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    • 37 15 THE Singapore Blood Transfusion Service mobile clinic will be at Thomson Medical Centre today for those who wish to donate blood. The clinic will be at the hospital's carpark from 3 pm to 7 pm.
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    • 343 15 More high-tech services to be introduced in Singapore TELECOMS is planning to set up a consultancy company to sell its expertise overseas within the year. Telecoms Chairman Mr Koh Boon Hwee said in its latest annual report: "There are plans to set up a
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    • 355 15 RECENT developments in the South Pacific have shown that the serenity in the region can no longer be taken for granted, President Wee Kim Wee said last night. He urged Singapore and Papua New Guinea to continue their co-operation to ensure peace and
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    • 374 15  -  SHARON SIMON By CLOSE TO 5,000 Hindu devotees, their families and curious spectators thronged the grounds of the Sri Mariamman Temple for the fire walking ceremony yesterday. The fire walking (Thimithi) ceremony, held annually, drew Hindus from all over Singapore to pay homage
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    • 460 16  -  PIER ANDREWS BRENDAN PEREIRA By and SHIFTING house Singa-pore-style used to be a rousing weekend affair involving the whole family, friends and neighbours. Those were the days when people would rent a pick-up truck for $25 a day and, with the lure of a
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    • 243 16 BUSINESSMEN like Singapore, if a survey by a British magazine is any indication. Business Traveller's survey of more than 1,000 readers from around the world again picks Singapore as the second best city for business conferences last year. Singapore also retains
      243 words
    • Lorry that hit Aerial Plaza
      • 189 16 Driver accused of not having police permit A LORRY driver, whose lorry's crane damaged the underside of Change Alley Aerial Plaza in Collyer Quay on Oct 1, was yesterday charged in the traffic court. Yeo Gim Lam, 34, allegedly drove, without a police permit, a cranemounted lorry with an overall
        189 words
      • 260 16 A CENTRE to promote irdustrial safety and health standards was opened recently by Labour Minister Lee Yock Suan. The centre, which is believed to be the first in Asia outside Japan, is on the fifth floor of the National Productivity Boai-d Building
        260 words
    • Briefly
      • 89 16 BRADDELL HEIGHTS MP Goh Choon Rang will launch a new cassette tape of national songs for qigong warm-up exercises next Sunday. The tape, produced by the Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association, People's Association and the PA's military band, consists of five national songs, including Stand Up for
        89 words
      • 71 16 THE NEW Prison Chapel and museum outside the Changi Prison walls will be opened to the public next month and not this week, as scheduled earlier. A spokesman for the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board said the delay was because they had not received authorisation to display some of
        71 words
      • 59 16 A TRADE delegation from the Canadian province of Alberta is in Singapore for a three-day visit to explore trade, investment and business opportunities here. The six-member nission is led by the Minister for Career Development and Employment, Mr Rick Oman. Its visit is part of an Asia-Pacific
        59 words
      • 74 16 MEMBERS of the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises are in Japan to meet their counterparts to discuss avenues for greater co-operation. During their 10-day stay, the 11-member delegation will also meet Japanese government agencies to understand better how they have helped small and medium-sized firms.
        74 words
      • 73 16 AN INDONESIAN was yesterday jailed two years after he pleaded guilty to "bringing an illegal immigrant into Singapore. Johan bin A. Latip, 23, ferried Hassan bin Halim, 21, another Indonesian, into Singapore on Aug 24. Immigration officials arrested Johan at the West Coast Barter Trade Zone
        73 words
    • 513 19 25 days THE first Mass Rapid Transit open days at Toa Payoh and Braddell stations attracted 57,000 people over the weekend a figure that delighted the hosts. And, up to Sunday night, 17,846 commemorative MRT tickets at $3 each were sold for the
      513 words
    • 109 19 THE three-year-old Singapore Science Park, focal point for industrial research and development here, will this week open its doors to the public for the first time. More than 20 high-tech-nology companies at the park in Kent Ridge will display their latest research projects
      109 words
    • 93 19 THE 5.5 km stretch of the East Coast Park Service Road from the Laguna flyover to the Crocodilarium car park will be converted into a two-way street at 11 am on Thursday. The $1.9 million project is to improve access to the
      93 words
    • 83 19 EXPORTERS and traders will find the task of shipping their goods made easier with the help of Singapore's first-ever Directory of Shipping Services. The newly published reference book provides them, as well as freight forwarders and shipping agents, with a list of the type and frequency of services
      83 words
    • 177 19 Contest on how S'pore can keep its edge AN ESSAY competition on the theme of keeping Singapore competitive is to be held in conjunction with the Business Times-DHL Businessman of the Year and Enterprise Awards. The contest is open to the public and the full title of the subject is:
      177 words
    • 130 19 KK joins government hospitals that cater to dads-to-be THE Kandang Kerbau Hospital has joined other government hospitals in providing delivery rooms designed with fathers-to-be in mind. Three single delivery rooms, with sofas and piped music, have been renovated for husbands who wish to be with their wives during childbirth. These
      130 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 142 13 WESTERN edh/ards AUSTRALIA EDWARDS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Combining a dedicated team of professional staff and state of the art technology, Edwards offers the following programmes at its Campus in Perth: MANAGEMENT Certificate in Management Studies STUDIES Diploma in Management Studies, leading to: Bachelor of Commerce Degree, Murdoch University, Perth. Bachelor of
      142 words
    • 530 13 There is no doubt about what the Human Organ transplant team or responsible for the care of the accident victim Transplant Act will mean to kidney failure patients in Singapore. or the kidney patient must first confirm death before the kidneys It brings new hope. And a renewed confidence in
      530 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 298 14 United States ConslitaiiDnCctos Struck by the US Mint to honour the 200th Anniversary ofthe United States Constitution. aw <cr i r v th a I//, 3»^^ v a/cr < t ->-..■ .^aaj bt/v -v. '"v^ aaw/ 4 i j Bl ~^x<^ BT/ *r -^fl bj i /sx. a. *al a
      298 words
    • 136 14 THENEWORIEAIIS/ WE RE MOT 1017 FOR LUNCH H^ No place is too far |QiL-L--^ from the New Orieans! r Newly opened for lunch, our choice BT EAST COAST of an excellent 3-course Executive r--U-- V W i Luncheon or deluxe buffet of ||ORCHARDROADI[ 1 fresh seafood and mouthwatering f qhFNTON
      136 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 157 15 taf^T^^^P' enough for Sanyo. We wanted to j| k^^^^fli pack even more into our latest 31i|^J|^^. v bml jjp4 e an V° JJ P4 cassette player v Ibiiv^ Th, s .s the ultra-compact jjp4 motor, a result we've done just that! Now, you can **$mSMa&&Mp H^lB^ of Sanyo's latest technological
      157 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 73 16 «L_ I 1 1 i i Or inquiring about subscription fees and realisation started off at $1 but doubled in value so quickly that they appeared charges 5 a kittle expensive. Now that we've divided each unit into two success, doubling its value in thai time. A performance you'll Ext.
      73 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 801 17 SOUNOS GOOD I jA a Conforming to lEC 651 P|k Small and light (800g) design allows 7 single hand operation W Portable and battery operated Using highly stable 1" condenser microphone Measurement range 25 to 130 dB (A) FLAT response is provided in addition to A- and C- weightings Meter
      801 words
    • 159 17 TThevll t>e J9K wearing 9*~* red carnations. United's New First Class Concierge Service. Now when you take an international flight in or out of Singapore, one of the first sights you'll encounter is a red carnation, in the buttonhole of a United Concierge. Our new Concierge Service includes meeting First
      159 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 262 18 MR GOH Choon Kang. MP for Braddell Heights, could not have asked for a more enthusiastic audience. About 2,000 senior citizens yelled a resounding "yes" when he asked i they were happy. And when he addressed them as "uncles and aun
      262 words
    • 266 18 POROK, a traditional Malay game played with coconut shells, is poised for a revival. The Malay Cultural Society of Singapore plans to introduce it to community centres and other Malay cultural organisations. Its president, Mr Haron A. Rahman, said this was in response to the
      266 words
    • 473 18  - Professionals to help RCs organise activities CEPHAH TAN By ABOUT 20 professionals have been recruited for a new community service scheme that will soon send them all over the island to help grassroots bodies organise and improve their activities. The scheme is under the Community Relations Division of the Community
      473 words
    • 609 18  -  CHAN KIM SANG Bjf WHEN the gates close at Seng Poh Primary School in Zlon Road for the last time at the end of the year, they will seal three decades of fond memories, and some romantic ones. Mr Chia Slow Ann, 49,
      609 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
      139 words
    • 541 19 HDB CENTRE ~1 TO SBWE YOU I BbllbK I From 22 October 1987, we will be j fefe^ serving you at our new headquarters, fe^^*^ HDB Centre, located at the corner of L^ Jalan Bukit Merah and Henderson J^fck SfeSfc Rood s The move has already begun, but the ***fc
      541 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 650 20 DESPITE all the violence taking place in Sri Lanka now, it cannot be said that the Indo-Sri Lankan accord signed on July 29 was a bad one. It was a sensible peace pact which had the prerequisites for success. Like any peace formula, it is
      650 words
  • COMMENT/Perspective
    • 815 20  -  STEVEN WEISMAN •y NEW DELHI The sharp violence in Sri Lanka last week has forced India to shift its position dramatically in the long ethnic conflict and side militarily with the Sri Lankan government. After years of sympathising with ethnic Tamil rebels,
      815 words
    • 885 20  -  JONATHAN POWER By International Herald Tribune There is a limit to Moscow's purse and this is why Latin America has continued to remain at the bottom of the Soviet Union's list of Third World priorities. Asia is closer and more clearly important.
      885 words
    • 725 20 LONDON Kittens don't become tigers overnight. On Oct 3, Saudi Arabia thought that several dozen Iranian speedboats were about to attack its Kafji offshore oilfield in the northern Gulf. The Saudis, tigerishly, sent their jets and frigates to deter them.
      725 words
    • 148 21 FOUR Singapore Armed Forces national servicemen earlier this year accidentally strayed into Malaysian territory when they navigated up a river in south-west Johor. Singapore apologised for the incident shortly I A?- r u Hig h Commission in Kuala Lumpur said the SAF has taken disciplinary action against
      148 words
    • 652 21 Editorial headlined "Respect territorial sovereignity for peace" published in Berita Harian Malaysia on Oct 9: THE Singapore Government has admitted that four of its soldiers had intruded into a river in southern Johor and it has apologised for the intrusion. We commend the Singapore Government's
      652 words
    • 135 21 Comment headlined "What are the standing orders?" by Awang Selamat published in Utusan Malaysia on Oct 8. THE Singapore Government has apologised to Malaysia for the intrusion by a group of Singapore soldiers in an assault boat into Sungai Melayu Disciplinary action had been taken against the
      135 words
    • 88 21 Comment, headlined "Is the intrusion aimed at testing Malaysia 's defence capability?", by Bajang, published in Utusan Melayu on Oct 8: THE Singapore Government has apologised to Malaysia for the intrusion by a group of Singapore soldiers in an assault boat into a riverine in Johor Baru
      88 words
    • 328 21 Comment headlined "Soldiers issue: Should we continue to be aottf" by Haniff Hadi published to Berita Harian Malaysia on OctSi JOHOR is full of various incidents this week. A magistrate is detained for corruption, rats threaten residents, Felda settlers indulge in gambling and prostitution
      328 words
    • 469 21 Action taken against the four will answer many questions Editorial, headlined "Singapore soldiers: Are they mischievous or undergoing trailing*" published in Utusan Malaysia on Oct 8: THE report about four Singapore soldiers who intruded into Sungai Melayu in Johor hi an assault boat last May would not have raised many
      469 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 72 20 ffiKlLL^tt I YOUR PARTNER IN I HUMAN RESOURCES AND BUSINESS SERVICES B Permanent Recruitment fl I Technical and Engineering "Temporary Hire" B Drafting Services fl Secretarial Office Staff fl Computer Personnel fl fl Seminar Management Services fl I Business Communication Centre at fl The Glass Hotel fl I SKILL It:
      72 words
    • 177 20 0 HITACHI POWER TOOLS PROFESSIONAL tlL B llllfj TOOLS FOR SP- **tei^ CONSTRUCTION Sr B Tffs 1 38mm (I »^a 0 |^lC|C^ 7 5 kg (16 5 lbs) Power Input 1 050W rti I Av#rtl w ua UMcn aV >f^ nAmmtn HAI Ml HI Power Input 1 050W J mL^^w[
      177 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 343 21 >«■ Of CELEBRATION EVERYDAY ur usuai bar p nces are ne °N^^)iw 3h I H the lowest in town' TOjLt,.-^* iffll LV fc*', W e.g. Smirnoff Vodka $4 50++ jßffiW ll Bacardi Rum $4 50 f Wrn^W^ sssssy rf Celebrate! V^ And during Happy Hours, you'll /tnioy a glass of
      343 words

    • 135 22 I AM amazed by Mr Michael O'Neill's assertion that he had not "materially altered" a letter (never mind from whom) by adding 470 words or so to it (never mind the deletions) without informing his readers that those words were not the author's. As editor, I would
      135 words
    • 91 22 I WISH to correct the report "Aids tests for tourists 'not practical' which quoted a "recent World Health Organisation report which said 200 Singaporeans were Aids carriers" (ST, Oct 10). The Ministry of Health has carried out an intensive surveillance programme since 1986 and
      91 words
    • 39 22 AS fax and telex manhtn^ are being more widely used nowadays, I would like to suggest that the phone book include fax and telex numbers of com- panies/institutions in the A-Z pages for easy reference. L.M.L.
      39 words
    • 2 readers on gift voucher gimmick
      • 236 22 I TOO received a gift voucher, like Ms Lee Siew Peng, who wrote the letter "Gift voucher prize came with a catch" (ST, Oct 6). I did not, however, use it because a friend of mine had received one and felt cheated when she used
        236 words
      • 103 22 THE letter "Gift voucher prize came with a catch" by Ms Lee Siew Peng (ST, Oct 6) reminded me of what happened to me only several weeks ago. I won a $80 voucher in a contest organised as part of a radio programme. When I finally
        103 words
    • Bouquets
      • 154 22 Offers of help for accident victims ON Sept 26 at about 8 pm, I was involved in a traffic accident at the Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 junction with the Central Expressway. My wife, daughter and father-in-law who were in the car with me were badly shaken and injured. While
        154 words
      • 161 22 They went back to look for wallet ONE recent Saturday, I enjoyed some social weekend golf at the Sentosa Golf Club. While on the boat from Sentosa, I realised that I had left my wallet in the changing room. We were on the last boat to the Jetty. I mentioned
        161 words
      • 323 22 Firm is user of chips, not maker WE would like, first, to thank you (or the coverage on our announcement of the start-up of SMT Circuit Assembly Pte Ltd (A North American Philips Company). I write to clarify a couple of points in your story (ST, Oct 8) to avoid
        323 words
      • 204 22 WE refer to the letter "More buses to NTI please" by Mr E. Leong, who requested SBS to provide more bus services to Nanyang Technological Institute and to provide shelters and seats at the bus stops within the campus (ST, Aug 20). The two
        204 words
      • 170 22 WE refer to the letter "Not clean" by Miss Anandi R (ST, Sept 22). We wish to thank the writer for bringing the matter to our attention. The said bus (SBS 1529) has since been thoroughly checked and fumigated. The interior of each of our
        170 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 532 22 Whatever you want from life... Time Manager can help to make it happen The TIME MANAGER philosophy is based on the fact You will learn to define and prioritise your that everyone wants to be a success. To be successful, goals, we all need to have control and fulfilment in
      532 words
    • 95 22 THE Straits Times welcomes letters from you. Your letters must include your signature, full nrnn; address, and home and office telephone numbers, if any. They should preferably be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the paper. You may add a pseudonym if you wish. But we would prefer your using
      95 words

    • In the markets
      • 62 23 PRICES fell across the board on the Singapore stock market yesterday in the wake of political developments across the Causeway. The Straits Times Industrial Index lost 8.53 points to 1,445.77 in quiet trading as investors stayed away. Malaysian stocks suffered the most under strong selling pressure.
        62 words
      • Chief Price Changes
        • 64 23 taimmni rtri 1100 +150 HrfrtWdf. 1420 20 OibnWc 170 +15 tin 1300 +io SMpMj (71 +10 MKMc 311 +1 f«rt«iy erts 3M -ft a«k*tni 2d -ft NHS* 131+7 K*M C«pn m 1 OB CUS 145 S (NtaMc no +5 FiMHm SOS +5 WSmhBm 1M +5 Start CUJ 145 +3
          64 words
        • 61 23 TiMNkMiM 754 120 a 5(4 55 14*0 30 maS CO* -25 UOB 771-21 C«1*«i *30 20 7SS -IS Heetm «7» 15 AT 505 -IS maamamWm. MS 10 Til— lit I SM 1* immv* m 10 S«*aaf«* 422 10 aitopiste as -J UC 35* 4 Mm* 342 4 NUaiCraa
          61 words
        • 11 23 MMC 1,676,000 Singmorine 1,241,000 NOL Wrts 705,000 Inchcope 599,000
          11 words
        • 93 23 Oct 9 Oct 12 Oct 9 Oct 12 BT Composite *****0 1296 82 ST Mm*— ***** ***** BT oe/os 201 16 ST Ptantatwns 2082 78 *****5 CADI 4025 4103 DBS CPF Into 483 35 ***** 104*y M A«| -6091 4090 OCBC 1057 48 1048 55 oev *****03 +*****82 OUB
          93 words
      • 37 23 INDICES Highs Lows 1987 High 1986/87 Low Ml lime High All time Low Straits Fines Industrial *****0 (26/8/87) ***** (28/4/86) *****0 (26/8/87) 7475 (17/9/64) Business Times Composite 1327 69 (11/8/87) ***** (28/4/86) 1327 69 (11/8/87) ***** (28/4/86)
        37 words
      • 23 23 1 m DM 1.8105 1.8137 Y FT 143.45 unq ***** ***** 81 2.0945 ***** unq ***** UBs £ 1.6523 £ 1.6511
        23 words
      • 36 23 Ckwnf Chante Vol ('000) Milk Enpt 29c 2.10 —4 229 GB«_n 10c 152 3 26 j*^iptri MM nrnttrs 2.44 unch 7.5 Tte 1.22 unch 31 T«*o» M 50c 1.43 -2 193 ftpa 155 -1 35
        36 words
      • 13 23 THE US dollar lost 27 ticks to close at DM1.8137 in Singapore.
        13 words
      • 10 23 In Singapore, gold gained US$O.9O to U*****.70 an ounce.
        10 words
      • 60 23 Eurodollar: Lost 12 ticks to 90.83 a contract. Deotschemark: Gained seven ticks to 0.5549 a contract. British Pound: Gained 40 ticks to 1.6460 a contract. Japanese yen: Gained 20 ticks to 0.*****3 a contract. Nikkei: Lost 185 points to ***** a contract. US Treasury bond: Lost 89 ticks to
        60 words
      • Short Stops
        • 55 23 TOKYO The Japanese Finance Ministry has decided to suspend government-guaranteed bond offerings for October because of slumping bond market prices. The ministry said the government bond issue had so far amounted to only 25 per cent of the total 2.4 trillion yen (5533.6 billion) planned for the
          55 words
        • 58 23 LONDON The Takeover Panel has reportedly held a secret inquiry into the role of London stockbrokers in the Guinness affair. The Sunday Times newspaper said the panel first met on Sept 2 to investigate the activities of leading London stockbrokers involved with Guinness during its £2.7 billion (559.31
          58 words
        • 65 23 DOHA (Qatar) Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries President Ril vanu Lukman of Nigeria, said he hoped any new agreement on output quotas of Opec would include Iraq, which has steadfastly rejected any quota lower than Iran's. Opec is to meet in Vienna in December to discuss a
          65 words
        • 41 23 SAN FRANCISCO Ford Motor Co is to take over financial services company, United States Leasing International. Under the all-cash deal, the leasing company, with assets of more than US$l.5 billion (553.13 billion), will remain headquartered in San Francisco. AFP
          41 words
    • 408 23  -  DOREEN SOH By Volume picks up after start of new trading practices AVERAGE daily trades of Singapore government securities have more than doubled since a committee of dealers and the Monetary Authority of Singapore agreed to halve the buy/sell spreads on bond prices early last
      408 words
    • 363 23 THE long-drawn litigation between Hongkong's Ka Wah Bank and Asean Resources has finally been settled out of court. The two groups have announced that they entered into a Deed of Settlement last Wednesday which provided for a full and final settlement of
      363 words
    • 328 23 Rothmans Ind buys stake in trading company TOBACCO company Rothmans Industries Ltd is to acquire a €0 per cent stake in Rotraco Exports Pte Ltd for $600,000 as part of the its plan to diversify its activities in the region. In a statement yesterday, Rothmans Industries said the acquisition would
      328 words
    • 170 23 THE more than $150 million that Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation will raise from its l-for-10 rights issue at $3 per share will contribute positively to the earnings of the bank for this year. In a circular to shareholders, OCBC directors said they expected the group's
      170 words
    • 276 23 Jurong Shipyard signs deal to convert two ships THE recently-listed Jurong Shipyard Ltd (JSL) has signed a $10 million contract with Danish group J. Lauritzen A/S for the lengthening and conversion of two reefer ships. A spokesman for JSL said the company won the contract amidst strong competition, particularly from
      276 words
    • 171 23 CERAMIC tile dealer Hua Tong Pte Ltd is seriously considering applying for a listing on Sesdaq. Hua Tong's Managing Director. Mr E.S. Lim, said the company had sought the advice of professionals and was waiting for the findings, adding that if the feedback was favourable
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    • 179 23 Keppel Engineering bags $5m contracts to supply steel KEPPEL Engineering, a division of listed Keppel Corporation, recently won two contracts worth $5 million to fabricate and supply steel structures for two recovery boiler houses in the US and Sweden. The contracts were awarded by Swedish company Gotaverken Energy Systems, which
      179 words
    • 237 23 Trading in Singapore Fodder shares resumes TRADING in the shares of Singapore Fodder, the subject of a takeover bid by property magnate Ng Teng Fong, resumed yesterday after a four-month suspension. However, there was hardly any interest in the tightly-held stock. No one responded to a seller who was willing
      237 words
    • 51 23 KUALA LUMPUR Metroplex Bhd yesterday said its proposed acquisition of 49.99 per cent of the issued share capital of KAF Securities Sdn Bhd has not yet been approved by Bank Negara. It said in a statement the proposed acquisition comprises six million KAF shares of Msl each.
      51 words
    • 515 23 Teng Fong's HK firm in $305m property deal SINGAPORE property tycoon Ng Teng Fong's Hongkong-listed Sino Realty A Enterprises Ltd has swung a HK$l.l4 billion (SJ3OS million) property deal. In the two-part deal, Sino Realty will sell two subsidiaries and a portfolio of Hongkong-listed securities to Mr Philip Ng Chee
      515 words
    • 41 23 INNOVEST Bhd said acceptances for its rights issue were 28.962 million ordinary shares of Msl each and not 28.190 million shares as announced previously. Excess shares applications amounted to 12.199 million ordinary shares and not 12.188 million. Bernama
      41 words
    • 3132 24 READERS should be aware of the imitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price deatt in at the stock eichanfe. is covered in "business done". Further, because al deafens at a particular price are lumped tofether, the table does not show the trend in
      3,132 words
    • 2504 24 INDUSTRIALS Acma Ajinomoto (3348 3585) Alex Hlda Alcom (808 82S) (5) 84 (5) 83 AISB (1218 1225) (19) 124 (6) 123 (5) 121 API (638 64 SS) (9) 66 (2) 65 (2) 65 05) 65 (I) 645 0) 64 5 ASM (3428) (3) 344 (20)
      2,504 words
    • 2898 24 M shares quoted havt a par value of $1. unless otherwise specified Marpn stocks are shewn in bold print. Adjusted for scrip/ri|hts. N Taieiempted dividend. MN is traded in Ms of 10 shares each, with the price quoted ri delars. Trustee stocks under CPf Approved tnvestment
      2,898 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 369 25 OCBC OUB UOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Savings daily 3 VA 2'/. 3 Monthly — V/t Autosave 3'/2 Fixed deposit 1 month 2 months 2 3 /« 3 23/« 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3(1) 3 months 2% 3 23/4 6 months 3 3>/4 3'/4 9 months IM 3 J /4
        369 words
      • 157 25 httoriMfm Over the counter s »■— roragn Local Mars to mmmit of Foreign currency WMV ajsi ajs to S#lo Australian dollar Canadian dollar NZ dollar Sterling pound US dollar 1.5206-1.5223 1.6031—1.6045 1.3876-1.3893 3.4527—3.4565 2.0945-2.0955 Local ddtars to Marts af tsrojfn currency 6.68-6.51 6.30-6.20 7.32—7.12 2.92—2.87 4.81—4.76 Austrian schilling
        157 words
      • 87 25 THE US dollar closed mixed against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed at 2.0945/55, after trading within 2.0941 and 2.0952. Against the deutschemark, the greenback closed higher than its opening of 1.8100/05. It fluctuated between 1.8180 and 1.8085. Against the yen, the
        87 words
      • 141 25 THE kilobar market traded between 5531,170 and 5531,190 yesterday. In the Far East market, gold opened at U*****.40/. 80. Initial buying jerked it up to U*****.70/462.10, but good offering at US$462 dampened buying interest. Prices hovered at U*****.*****2 all morning, before it closed for lunch at U5461. 50/461.90. It
        141 words
      • 22 25 US$/oz Sinfapore 461.70—462.20 Mm Ml 461.20—461.70 Sat Hongkong Mew York London 461.60-462.10 Fri 461.80-462.30 461.00—461.50 461.10—461.60 461.40—461.90 458.00 — 458.50
        22 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • Article, Illustration
        1 25
        1 words
      • Article, Illustration
        306 25 Ships on port Vessel Berth fcr Oep Keppel Wharves Adrtfa K34 aside 15/10 Bohinj Frances B II ion K32 K27 • side 22/10 »s<6a 13/10 C36 aside 13/10 Kota Segar P3O a'side 13/K L Petaling 3 Ned Manilla Pakarti Enam Raiah Brooke Tomoh Satu Trident Dawn Cl9 ClB K2O K24E
        306 words
      • 673 25 DEVELOPMENTS in Malaysia and falls in the Hongkong and American share martlets affected sentiment within the Singapore stock market yesterday, causing slight price falls across the board. Dealers said news that the Malaysian Chinese Association would not be supporting the Democratic Action Party motion
        673 words
      • 306 25 Od 12 MS Chant* Assoc Inn Hotels 3.85 0025 Bonk Of East Asia 34.25 1.5 Capital Corp 3.875 -0.1 Cathay Podfic Air 880 -0.1 Cheung Kong China Ught 13.00 29.00 -0.1 -0.2 City Resources 5.00 0.15 0.1 Cross Horb Tunnel 1380 Doo Heng 3 175 unch F E Consortium
        306 words
      • 347 25 Mitiub Chem 1170 -10 -3 -30 Mitsub Elec 695 Mrtsub Estate 2620 Mrtsub Heovy 725 12 unch -10 J Mitsubishi 1240 Mitsui Co 760 Mitsu. Shipbidg 272 Mitsui Smelting 435 unch -20 -30 Mitsufcoshi 1680 Mitsumi 1330 Murata Mfg 3350 •so Nee 2520 -40 Nikko Sec 2150 -30 Nip
        347 words
      • 306 25 Hortogen Energy 275 15 -To -50 Hooker 450 1 C 1 600 Ind Equity 550 Int Health 80 Leighton 110 -70 Lend Lease 1650 Magellan Pet Aust Moyne Nickless 614 unch Metoh Explor N L 200 unch Mid East Min Mini 323 -15 Not Aust Bank 590 -4 Not
        306 words
    • 17 25 Rubber Ckwnf prices cents/Ho Singapore November 217.75 down 0.75 cents Malaysia November 267.00 down one cent
      17 words
    • 17 25 Til Ckrwtt prices Ml/klo RL Tin 17.15 up 11 cents Turnover 75 tonnes up /.0 tonnes
      17 words
    • 20 25 Ctahcpnc*, Coppw l/tmm, M Spot 1184.00—1185 00 (1170.00 1170.50) 3 months 1149.50—*****0 (*****0-*****0) Market tone: Irregular Sales: 34.475 tonnes
      20 words
    • 27 25 CM« prim Mw IBS/toy* Mm Fn SHifjpore 7(1-7 86 7 73-7 78 Fit Han Htm Voik 7 80— 785 7 82-7 87 Source Cir&t Swsse Spore
      27 words
    • 272 25 whbiibqum 1 pricw for Swapore IMt Trust The Commerce 1 22— 1 29 The Samp Fund 1 09 1 16 S pore Proe Fund 0 49- 0 53»d S pore Sec fund 0 82— 0.88 Spore Invest Fund 093—0 99 S poee tquity Fund 0 62— 0 67
      272 words
    • 122 25 LONDON Tankers and combination carriers used as floating oil storage containers declined last month to 63 vessels (13.31 million deadweight tons), from 66 ships (14.19 million dwt) in August, London ship broker Howard Houlder said. The latest total comprised 23 vessels (4.2 million dwt) owned
      122 words
    • 19 25 CteMnprke* Aluminium t/kmm M Spot 1242.00-1243.00 (1193.00—1195 00) 3 months *****0-*****0 (1119.00-1120.00) Market tone: Firmer Sales: 9.200 tonnes
      19 words
    • 79 25 Crude MS/taM paknoi October 760 (south and central) palm oi USJ/tonnes RBO palm w) Oct/Nov/Oec 327.50 (sellers) Jan/Feb/Mar 332.50 (sellers) RBD Stearin Unavailable RBOOetn Oct/Oec 335 (setters) Jan/Feb/Mar ***** (sellers) Crude stearin Neutralised Unq palm oil Closmi prices on the KLCE (US/tonne) Month Price Last Trade Sales Oct
      79 words
    • 319 25 Receipt of Export FCL containers and LCL cargo Slip (Voyate) An LCL Recefcrinf Carto fme Re cehrint Hock Smota (968) 13/10 (1600) Fl *****800 P3 Spore Jaya (008N) 13/10 (1700) Fl 0830-0900 C3 Anson (*****N) 13/10 (2100) F7 1130-1200 P3 Planeta (27N) 13/10 (2100) F5 *****300 C3 Sd
      319 words
    • Simex futures
      • 116 25 Eurodollar 3-month deposit AFTER opening at 90.83, the December Eurodollar wavered around that figure as US Treasury bonds ended near the session's low in Chicago's night trading. The December contract closed 12 ticks lower at 90.83 1 100 — implied interest rate) Open High Lew Sett Est Dee 90.83/82 90.85
        116 words
      • 50 25 CURRENCY futures opened higher as the US dollar weakened over the weekend. DECEMBER deutschemark closed seven ticks higher at 0.5549. (US dollar Deutschemark) Open High Lew Sett Est Dee 87 0.5557 0.5558 0.5540 MsrSS Jim Opeo Ist (PH): m. Aet Val (Fri): 04. 0.5549 0.5603 0.5663 \ol 149 1
        50 words
      • 39 25 DECEMBER pound closed 40 ticks higher at 1.6460. Open (British Pound) High Lew Sett Est Dec 87 1.6475 1.***** 1.6460 MarBB June — Ope_ Int (Fri): SB. Aet Val (Prl): SI. 1.6460 1.6410 1.6345 Vel no 1
        39 words
      • 43 25 D E££ MBER y en ended 20 higher at 0.*****3. Open (Japanei High my Yen) Lew Sett Est Dee 87 0.*****2 M»rBB Jut — Open lit (Fri): 888 0.*****0 *****85 *****03 0.*****0 — 0.*****5 Aet Vol (Fri): SSS. Vel 588 1
        43 words
      • 50 25 DECEMBER Nikkei ended 185 points lower at ***** under selling pressure. (Nikkei Stock Average Index) Open High Lew Sett Est Spet *****.47 *****.47 *****.14 *****.65 Dee *****/ Vol ***** ***** ***** ***** Mar ***** ***** ***** ***** Open bt (Prt) 7474. Aet Val (Prt): lUS. 1934 57
        50 words
      • 41 25 DECEMBER US T-bonds settled 89 ticks lower at 79.28 after a quiet session. (US Treasury Bond' Open High Lew DecB7 — MarBB iiae Open Ist (FH): NU. Aet Vol (Fri): NU. Sett 79.28 79.05 78.16 Est \ol 1
        41 words
      • 27 25 US$ per troy ounce) Open High Uw Sett Est \..l Dec 87 — — 467.00 Feb 88 474.00 Open lit (Frl): Nil. Aet Val (Frl): Ml.
        27 words
      • 142 25 Dec 87 calk Dec 87 putt High Low S.M High Lew Sett 9000 — MA sa — 5 90 SO — 48A 47 138 — 14 9100 18 18 19 358 3 5 9125 11 10 11 518 5 2 9150 — 6A 5 70S — 7 1
        142 words
    • 323 25 St>P (Vovaie) Boies Avaiable Kris Lemoia (175) 11/10 (1610) Sd Hispana (867) \\/\q (1615) Belgian Sen (EF7I2) n/io (1735) N Jasper (21S/N) H/10 (1745) Sea Fortune (8739) n/io (1900) Tnt Express (186) COO (est) 11/10 (2300) Tolaga B (02/483) COO (est) 11/10 (2300) P Pierce
      323 words
    • Article, Illustration
      376 27  -  TRUDY LIM By QI AM 45 yean old and have a personal bank overdraft. The bank insists that I pay np as soon as possible, or else it will declare me bankrupt. I have tried to get a loan from other banks bat failed. Can I make use of
      376 words
    • 498 27 10% holding in Laws Fashion Knitters will cost them $85m THE secretive Lau brothers, who have gained a reputation for corporate raiding in Hongkong, have continued to expand their fast growing empire by taking a large stake in one of the colony's
      498 words
    • 1011 27 Japan's key role in world currency and securities markets LONDON Signs of growing stress in world currency and securities markets, with the bond market depressed and Wall Street nervous as the dollar weakens on US deficits, has highlighted the key role of Japanese finance houses. Experts here estimate that Japan
      1,011 words
    • 387 27 KUALA LUMPUR An upsurge in crude palm oil (CPO) production last month is weighing on the CPO futures market of the Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange, although traders say "there is no need to be too alarmed". The increase in September CPO production
      387 words
    • Companies Desk
      • 98 27 AMALGAMATED Properties Industries Bbd (API) has appointed L&M Agencies, a division of Singapore-based LAM Prestressing Pte Ltd, sole distributor in Singapore and Sarawak of Netlon polymer grid products, which API makes in Malaysia. API expects the arrangement to boost sales by more than Msl.s million within the first year.
        98 words
      • 172 27 HONGKONG Tin Corporation (M) Bhd (HKTB) has reported a steep drop in group operating pre-tax profit for the year ended June 30 to M51.03 million from M53.02 million a year earlier and blamed an unfavourable economic environment. Group turnover was down 39.7 per cent to M515.07 million
        172 words
      • 184 27 METROPLEX Bhd (MB), which intends to acquire Metroplex Holdings Sdn Bhd (MHSB) via a share swap, has said shareholders of MHSB will undertake to repay MHSB's consortium loan prior to the completion date of the acquisition. In a reply to queries from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, it
        184 words
      • 135 27 FAR East Asset Bhd's (FEA) shareholders have been urged to approve the company's proposed sale of Pantasia (M) Sdn Bhd to Zarib Holdings Sdn Bhd and Sisma Sdn Bhd for M51.73 million cash at a shareholders' meeting to be held on Oct 28. FEA director Ooi Boon
        135 words
    • 142 27 UNIFUND, a CPF-ap-proved unit trust under the United Overseas Bank group, will split its units and convert into a oneprice fund today. With the split of the units, prices will be halved to make them more affordable to new investors. The waiver
      142 words
    • 368 27 Expand stock investments in Hongkong, Americans urged NEW YORK The Chairman of the Stock Exchange of Hongkong has urged Americans to expand their stock investments in the British territory, maintaining that its free-enterprise economy will remain after China resumes control in 1997. Mr Ronald Li, who is credited with unifying
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    • 111 27 HONGKONG Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels Ltd, the subject of a fierce takeover battle earlier this year, expects to earn no less than HK$225 million (5560.3 million) this year compared with a net profit of HK5204.7 million last year. In a prospectus for an
      111 words
    • 72 27 HONGKONG Electronic manufacturer Kin Son Electric (Holdings) Ltd is seeking a listing on the Stock Exchange of Hongkong next month. The stock will be floated by a private placement and introduction, under which a small sum of shares will be placed with selected fund managers
      72 words
    • 40 27 HONGKONG East Asiatic Co (Hongkong) Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of East Asiatic Co Group of Denmark, is seeking a Hongkong listing. East Asiatic's business includes machinery import and distribution, coasumer product marketing and shipping. Reuter
      40 words
    • 32 27 HONGKONG Listed investment firm Asia Securities International Ltd has placed 35 million shares, with half to Hongkong and half to British investors at HKS2.6O each (67 Singapore cents). Reuter
      32 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 398 23 The Gold Con Standard I B^B^^ y>M x bW m W S■* .^^^B^H B^V Gold is the one commodity that has long been valued as the basis for sound financial planning. Esteemed for its enduring value, gold has proven to be a long- term insurance against monetary, political, and social
      398 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 179 27 f INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY EXPANDING INTERNATIONAL COMPANY SEEKING EQUITY INVESTOR FOR SINGAPORE OPERATION. A JOINT VENTURE PROPOSITION WOULD ALSO BE WELCOME. We are a newly established company in Singapore following the successful trading format of our international parent We manufacture, by contract, our own branded products which have been designed and
      179 words
    • 211 27 ur Organization is looking for vy development sites in the city area gH I or suburbs of Singapore for development of high-rise and low-rise |H condominiums, flats, bungalows, semi- j^H I detached bungalows, terrace houses, hH factories, warehouses, offices I or shopping centres etc. Land I plots of various dimensions
      211 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous

    • 367 28  - Kok's auspicious half -century LUCKY LEO Cash In The Bank gives him first classic success By IF THERE is an award for any trainer who can turn a middle-distance galloper into a topnotch sprinter, Johnny Kok will certainly make a worthy contender. Cash In The Bank had 15 starts in
      367 words
    • 238 28 THESE horses did well over the weekend at Bukit Timah and it will pay to follow them: Cartes L»pes put up an eye-catching run when sixth to Papeete in Class 1 Div 1 over 1,400m. A convincing winner over the Bukit Timah 2,000m in July, Carlos Lopez
      238 words
    • 215 28  -  KENNETH KOH LIN SENG TIONG Ptetmnm by Mi At the 400m At the finish EEWR -ACE ~m -*C~ I I Class 4 Div 2 1,400m 1. Only Sunshine 2. Seal-A-Deal 3. Tropical Gold 4. Patience Reward n Margins: 1, Itt, Vk Time
      215 words
    • Article, Illustration
      862 28 PENANG Weights and ratings (or this weekend's races here: SATURDAY Class 2 Mv 2 1,700m (nmwQ». 112-97) Never Miss n 57 112 Front Page II 56 110 Tong Hal 56 110 Noblero 55.5 109 Kinross Lad 55.5 109 Celebrity m 55 108 Mighty Mission 55 108 Stallone 55
      862 words
    • 175 28 Eurobird flies home in Irish St Leger DUBLIN The game filly, Eurobird, ridden by American Cash Asmussen, ploughed through the mud at The Curragh on Sunday to win the Irish St Leger by eight lengths. Asmussen and Irish trainer John Oxx were assured of their first Irish classic triumph from
      175 words
    • 116 28 Caulfield Guineas to Thomson on protest MELBOURNE Jockey Brent Thomson returned to Australia with a spectacular and dramatic win on Marwong in the A5300,000 (about 5*450.000) Caulfield Guineas (Group 1 race) here on Saturday. It was only Thomson's second ride on his return after a year's riding stint in England.
      116 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 265 28 5 Mattress Bazaar Sale > Venue: Singapore Conference Hall (NTUC) > Dale 10 10 87 la 18/ 10/87 Time: 10am to 10pm J^ Our Price a Will Surprise You!! FpTO~N y Vour Can Buy More From Us!! JL'^l\t.' L >■- f,\y*^^Qof VONO LTD OV iMGIihMC) ,^r W^T^Sw 3 S ftft9
      265 words

    • 252 29  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By FRENCHMAN Jean Becker, world No. 4 in the 65-and-over category, will add a touch of glamour to the $14,000 Philips Singapore Open veterans' tennis championship at the Hollandse Club, in Camden Park, from Oct 21-25. Becker, who is ranked No. 1
      252 words
    • 502 29 THE love of money, they say, is the root of all evil. For the Football Association of Singapore, saddled by the absence of funds, their senses fail to function. For the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association, with their kitty bursting at the seams, their athletes
      502 words
    • 366 29 SCOTTSDALE (Arizona) American Brad Gilbert won his first tennis tournament of 1967 when be took the singles title in the U*****,400 ($615,300) Scottsdale Open on Sunday. Gilbert, seeded third, needed only 63 minutes to beat seventh-seeded compatriot Eliot Teltscher 6-2, 6-2 in a one-sided
      366 words
    • 170 29 WASHINGTON Talks between striking American Football players and team owners broke off on Sunday as the 28 National Football League (NFL) teams entered their second weekend of games using mostly substitute players. After being locked in talks for the past six days, neither side
      170 words
    • 296 29 Lions Stretched: Detroit Lions beat Green Bay Packers 19-16 during extra-time in an American National Football League game on Sunday. Wfecr NMlte: St Louis 24 New Orleans 19. San Diego 17 Tampa Bay 13, Houston 15 Cleveland 10, New England 14 Buffalo 7, Indianapolis 6 NY Jets
      296 words
    • 267 29 Scott grabs sixth Ironman title KAILUA-KONA (Hawaii) Four-and-a-half minutes behind the leader with less than 16 kilometres to go, it wasn't Just intuition that gave Californian Dave Scott confidence that he could still win the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. Scott had come from behind to win before. The leader, Mark
      267 words
    • 325 29 ATHENS British runner Kevin Flanagan on Sunday won an annual marathon race over the classic course from an ancient battlefield to Athens. Flanagan covered the 42-kilometre course from the seaside town of Marathon to Central Athens in 2hr 27min 22sec, well outside the course record of
      325 words
    • 225 29 MONTEREY (California) A new Porsche built specifically for United States racing made a disappointing debut on Sunday, finishing last at the Champion Spark Plug 300 at the Laguna Seca raceway. American Bobby Rahal finished first, clinching a US$3OO,OOO (1627,000) bonus by winning his third race
      225 words
    • 391 30 nama BIRMINGHAM (England) The events of the last 12 months have transformed the ICI World Open Squash Championships, which start here today, from being a walkover for the great Jahangir Khan to a competition filled with uncertainty. Two factors have caused the change in the outlook
      391 words
    • 154 30 Vicki's magic moment AUCKLAND Australian VicM CardweU fulfilled a two-year ambition on Sunday when she toppled New Zealand's world squash champion Susan Devoy in a thrilling five-game clash here. Vicld pulled off a 9-7, 3-9, 9-3, 2-9, 9-1 victory in the women's World Team Championship and then said: "Ever since
      154 words
    • 222 30  -  TAY CHENG KHOON By THE Singapore squad for the World Championships, who arrived in Birmingham five days ago, saw the English sun for the first time on Sunday. But it didn't bring them much cheer, for both Alex Tay and Anthony Chua were eliminated in the
      222 words
      • 274 30 STUTTGART (West Germany) Britain's Sandy Lyle beat West German Bernharti Langer in a sud-den-death play-off in the 800,000 marks ($940,500) German Masters golf tournament on Sunday. Lyle secured his first European victory in two years by shooting a parfive to Langer's six on the second play-off
        274 words
      • 221 30 THE Sembawang Open women's golf championship, which tees off this morning, appears to be headed for a three-way battle between Mikiko Ohta, Ruth Letourneux and Serene Poh. But Mikiko, who plays off five, will have better local knowledge of her par-71 home course as, only a fortnight ago,
        221 words
      • 178 30 MADASAMY BALRAJ missed a short putt on the sixth sudden-death play-off hole that cost him the Brunei Open golf championship over the weekend. Balu, as he is more affectionately called, finished in a three-way tie with Filipino Dave Hernandez, the eventual winner, and Sabah's Peter
        178 words
    • 161 31  -  By JOE DORAI SINGAPORE'S national Under- 19 squad, winners of the Japan Airlines Cup triangular last month, could be rewarded with a trip to Rangoon to compete in an invitational youth tourna-j ment in the first week ofl December. fl Their trip will depend 00l
      161 words
    • 139 31 RAWALPINDI (Pakistan) Pakistan and England will try again today to play their World Cup Group B cricket match after a saturated outfield prevented it taking place yesterday. Officials decided early yesterday afternoon not to attempt to start the match to limit the possibility of it being declared
      139 words
    • 434 31 PREVEW: AUSTRALIA v 3MBABWE MADRAS David Houghton, Zimbabwe's wicket-keeper-batsman, calculates he lost seven kilogrammes in weight during his heroic World Cup innings against New Zealand on Saturday and expects to shed the same again in today's contest here with Australia. "The heat is worse in Madras and
      434 words
    • 346 31 PFA boss indispensable, say officials KUANTAN The Regent of Pahang has been asked to stay on as president of the state FA in the wake of the team's failure to achieve the grand double. Double or quits was what the Regent said at the
      346 words
    • 219 31 West Indies bowlers face big test PREVEW: WEST NOES v SRI LANKA KARACHI The West Indies may not be unduly tested by Sri Lanka in their second match here today but at least the fast bowlers can expect a useful contest to restore their nerve after the England disaster. The
      219 words
    • 262 31 OFF THE SEAMS Zimbabwean most needing of medical treatment. On arrival in India the squad's physiotherapist went down with the 'flu and this was in addition to his discomfort from torn knee ligaments after a fall, and an ingrowing toenail. Then he fell victim
      262 words
      • Article, Illustration
        127 31 KANGAR Though Perlis made it to the semi-finals for the first time and the future looks good for them, their team manager Idrus Kassim is a worried man. Said Idrus: "We're now among the top four in the Malaysia Cup. Next year the people of Perlis will expect
        127 words
      • 391 31 KL lost 1985 final with him around KUALA LUMPUR No offence meant Datuk, but we would rather you stayed at home on Saturday night to watch the Malaysia Cup final on television. Surprisingly, this was the request made by some Kuala Lumpur players to
        391 words
    • 397 31  - A first for husband-and- wif e team LEE WAI WUN By Rahmat, Narisa qualify for World Cup NATIONAL bowlers Rahmat Ahmad and Narisa Prateep are feeling on top of the world, and it's not just because they've qualified for the AMF World Cup. The pair will roll into history as
      397 words
      • 293 31 ITALIAN LEAGUE fc Maradona scores in rout of Pescara ■BME Diego Maradona fcored his first League Hpal of the season on Sunas Italian soccer champions Napoli went to L the top with a 6-0 rout of Pescara. Maradona, under fierce criticism for his recent indifferent form
        293 words
      • 344 31 BRAZIL, bidding to win the World Youth Championship for the third time in a row, took off with an impressive 4-0 victory over Nigeria in a Group B match in Concepcion (Chile) on Sunday. Nigeria, winners of the Under-16 World Cup in Canada last month, had been expected
        344 words
      • 343 31 ARGENTINE: Platense 2 Racing Club 3, Instituto de Cordoba 0 Armenio 0, Racing de Cordoba 1 Espanol 2, Banfield 3 Boca Juniors 1, River Plate 1 Sarsfield 0, San Lorenzo 0 Talleres 0, Independiente 3 Rosario 2. Newell's Old Boys 2 Union de Santa Fe 0, Gimnasia 0
        343 words
      • Article, Illustration
        340 31  -  J. RAJENDRAN ON THE RUGBY SCENE By HONGKONG'S tour of the Far East got off to a good start with winger Clive Keevil scoring a hat-trick of tries in their 28-14 victory over a Singapore Rugby Union XV at the Paiiang yesterday. Hongkong's other winger, Craig Pain
        340 words
      • 181 31 PORTUGUESE LEAGUE LISBON European soccer champions Porto were held to a 4-4 draw at new-ly-promoted Setubal, but remained one point clear at the top of the Portuguese First Division when their main rivals also stumbled. Close pursuers Sporting Lisbon were twice a goal down at home to Guimaraes
        181 words
      • 84 31 BADMINTON SCHWAEBISH-GMUEND (West Germany) Australia's Sze Yu defeated Nick Yates, of Britain, 11-1-15,154,15-10 in the final of the Intersport Cup Badminton Grand Prix on Sunday. In the women's final, unseeded Fiona Elliot, of Britain, upset top seed Charlotte Hattens, of Denmark 12-9 12-10. Other rtmlto Men's «mMes:
        84 words
    • 593 32 Aquino hints at martial law for first time MANILA Police fired shots to disperse strikers yesterday as President Corazon Aquino for the first time hinted she could declare martial law in the Philippines. Several thousand chanting, banner-waving demonstrators marched in separate groups in
      593 words
    • 328 32 China will retain open policy and speed up reforms BEIJING China will pursue and accelerate its policy of opening to the outside world, Premier Zhao Ziyang said in Beijing's first top-level policy statement since anti-Chinese rioting broke out in Tibet this month. "The 13th National Congress of the Chinese Communist
      328 words
    • 238 32 TWENTY-THREE hepatitis A cases have been traced to an oyster omelette foodstall in the Gay World Amusement Park. The patients became ill about a month after eating the omelettes some time in July and August. In a statement yesterday, the Environment Ministry advised
      238 words
    • 136 32 BANGKOK A Thai woman MP has told women here to beware of Britons seeking Thai wives through mail-order and other marriage services. Miss Supatra Masdit said such agencies charge men up to US$5,OOO (5510,450) for video tapes used in making selections and air fares
      136 words
    • 410 32 Amend charter to favour ethnic Fijians: Ratu Sir Penaia SUVA Ratu Sir Penaia Canilau, who continues to claim he is Fiji's Gover-nor-General, has said for the first time that the nation's 1970 Constitution should be modified in favour of ethnic Fijians to restore calm to the South Pacific island state.
      410 words
    • 28 32 NEW YORK The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials fell 11.26 points to 2,470.95 an hour after trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP
      28 words
    • 398 32  -  SUMIKO TAN By SOMEBODY, somewhere, forgot to close the stable door and his horse has bolted. The mystery mount, a horse with no name, only a number on its left leg, created a mild stir when it trotted nonchalantly into the compound of a
      398 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 60 29 DIAN XIN BUH-hT -'^iHBHBBP W§ Try our Dian Xin buffet lunch at the Tiffany Coffee House. No rushing gffi g about, no waiting for trollies, ,!?f" AftflH no calling and no neck-craning!" 4 Just help yourself to *he wide II variety of Dian Xin spread fHUMMA across our buffet table
      60 words
    • 78 29 Ha H PL/Si £M b your m B WITH H g NAMES op^ g H r Th S coupon entitles y° u t0 purchase a pair of I Ascot socks for only 50C with purchase of i p j goods worth $10.00 and above HS9 Far East Plaza. Scotts Road
      78 words

    • 449 30 321 Deaths 321 Deaths 321 Deaths MR. KINGSLEY SIM CHENG KWANG Age: 44 YEARS passed away peacefully on 12/10/1987 leaving behind beloved: Wife: Sons: Bina Adinegara Simon E.H. Sim Leonard Sim Cortege leaves Mt. Vernon Funeral Parlour No. 1 on t 14/10/1987 for cremation at 4 p.m. No wreath or
      449 words
    • 43 30 322 Acknowledgements 322 Acknowledgements The family of the late MADAM CHOY HUN NUI wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends, colleagues and business associates for their kind assistance, attendance, wreaths, scrolls, prayers, condolences and contributions during their recent bereavement.
      43 words
    • 122 30 323 Condolences 323 Condolences 323 Condolences I THE DffIEKSI STAFF OF g I P.T. TRAKINDO UTAMA GROUP OF COMPANIES I I I I INOONEBIA AND SINGAPORE I extend their deepest sympathies and condolences I I to the family of the late 1 I MR KINGSLEY SIM CHENG KWANG I I
      122 words
    • 179 30 324 In Memoriam 324 In Memoriam W m LOVMQ MEMORY OF I MOM. AMURUTHAM SELLAPAN I uwparTOo 19m Oct. IM§ In our home she is fondly remembered, I H Sweet memories cling to her name; I Those who loved her In life sincerely, I Still love her in death Just
      179 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      38 30 LEE YIP SEMG pun mmt p ii i iM| tt.nmy CwtafllM«M«k MO, #07-400 UMt Qef fw d^^^^M Alt l^W W VMS* WONG KIN KHA Y OEPJUtTED: 10.1047 > fc«i»il Im irfMn hi ■fl^w* im nun «WT WOWLOWD.
      38 words
    • 78 30 i I MR. THAM KWONQ HOMO WMnO# tO #HpM«M tH©lf OlflC#f*O Mhdnl^afnl #A •^■naaftaaan^al ■^■0 tnak attindtnoi. wwatwa. danadMrtwj IM«r Miwmw*. Tlw famfty at *a tala f mam. c athemne yap i TECKSOON I Otaartld: 10.10 J7 4Vlwnv9 tO eKpceee twe4C nd^erttelt and tan Mm« Or. CMa, Cetera
      78 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      50 30 Om duaiH ipwpaMiUi (ha tamay af *a tata Our K*«rtf«lt condol«nc«« and dm^mt «ympthl«« to Hw fwnMy of MISS MARGARET CHONG Oopartad 12.10.87 From the Managamant Staff of National Semiconductor Pta. Ltd. MR. G. VEERAPPAN Dipartid 11.1047 pj (Proprietor of O.V. Mutton Distributor) TTOffl. soow awc (rn) ltd
      50 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 40 30 Fast results through CATS. ACCEPTANCE OF OBITUARY ANNOUNCEMENTS 9 a.m. to midnight For booking enquiries. Call 737-1166: Mon-Frl 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call 737-0011: After office hours and GXt 5269 on Sundays/ Holidays
      40 words
    • 25 30 T A E I* I* I N G 9 See our "Travel Guide" for the widest choice of tour itineraries around the world! C.A.T.S. [737-1166
      25 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 53 31 BILLIARDS RPM naUoul rhimp«iMhlw qoarvr-nn*l» (New SBSC Cubhiuse. 7 30pm). GOLF Sembawang Ladies' Open (Sembawang. 7.30am) HOCKRY SH Premier Lnpe: Jansenites v Safsa (Tanglin. 5 30pm) NRTBALL SWNA (M-Shmn I^*x«e Dlv 1: SCC v Besco Dlv 2: Texins v Euntis. Dlv J: T Orioles 3 v UWC. Khalsa v SRC
      53 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 191 32 Think exclusive. This vacuum cleaner I I has features specially designed for the ~ir modern home. For total convenience. <•*■¥ ■I IJI" 111 iJlbbbv I I j* EhSE I Mi, 1 t I I I A convenientl V I ,n tool storage 3B& I compartment A carrying handle for
      191 words
    • 86 32 Ptmhjpßlo Clearance Spcdab Ounlop DELFI Innerspring Mattress UP.JS2Q NOW PLUS $48 worth of Dunlop iBS,.M>^ J^i mattress protector Plus a free gift -\i for every purchase of a JMM^H Dunlop Singapore Mattress. So hurry. View our full range of mattresses. Offer is valid for 10 days only, (ttl Oct 18)
      86 words
    • 20 32 Philippine army 'can't defeat Reds' Reds 'looking to E. Europe for help' Aquino denies she hid under bed Page 10
      20 words
    • 530 32 SAPEHBG MONEY bibodutiug: New Models for Sale Qudkty Ht-Ft Stereo System Compi^Tio^toSte^ ip™ J Mate in Japao 50 Watts ,^_fw^ jp B B B^_ B B^ B B j B j_J Bl pree g X 9 shaker E, CRF 8822 $518 ■^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^VT Trade in $120 P/ Now Only $398 CRF-8822
      530 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 187 32 Weather Showers over several areas in the late mommg and early afternoon. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 33 mar, 25 min SUNSET today: 6.54 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.48 am. GLOBAL MATHER Adelaide 7/17 C Fair Madrid 7/13 C Cloudy Amrteriam 13/14 C Clear Manila 22/34 C Cloudy Athens
      187 words

  • Section Two The Straits Times
    • 5 1 The Straits Times Section Two
      5 words
    • 1463 1 A needless chain reaction s^^" g Mg^ll7* l^ M "i Gullible youngsters, \WBB§*B^|p instructions in chain young people who wrote to us say the best place for these letters is the rubbish chute. Compiled by IRENE PATES. Inflated dreams or death CHAIN letters, to me, are nonsensical. They scare and
      1,463 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 306 1 ALUMINIUM GRILLES 1— 4f II 113 A|3 I "\C7 I— Jf\l 1 I T I I~? BEAUTIFUL PROTECTION AT I A MM IWC A\ «C I Ji^ I^l WC I Hi^ Affordable Price j" X^Z _4X VJL^k-f A V^-L V XJ.I > _^^^\> I «^^N B Then you apply for
        306 words
    • Teens
      • 802 2 Physically handicapped HONEY, 22, says her feelings and hopes make her no different from other people though not everyone understands she's a human being. I AM not wheelchair-bound but I suffer from a muscular disease which makes my style of walking different from that of
        802 words
      • 227 2 Losing a breast yourself The greatest handicap, says CYNTHIA, 18, is not being able to accept oneself. WHEN I learnt my ex-teacher had breast cancer, I felt dreadful for her as I thought of her grief at having to lose a breast after living with it for so many years.
        227 words
      • 84 2 MANY renters are immersed in y ear-end eT»nrt»»tl— tin preparattea* f»r their AwO level exama. D» y— flnd ywett getting m >re ptepte* M m feel earn strew? Or are pimples perennial prebtem with teens? H«w *»y»« ctpe with these eniptl— whlea »eem Send
        84 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 262 2 n^ Clearly Clearasil -ooking good and feeling good. The way you want it. The way it .specially when you know you've got a should be. For a better complexion, use good, clear complexion. Pimple free. Clearasil. Clearasil can help you to clear pimples *mm rw* 2S2P* I effect ively. And
        262 words
      • 491 2 CONGRATULATIONS TO WINNERS WHOVE REACHED FOR THE MEADOW GOLD STARS. 4-star winners who will receive $1,000 j^^k yr Ccisn eacn> jfl T^f&r Nam l/CNo. MrLumAhSio *****32/E Wj^^ Mr Suleman Adris *****73/G Mr Lim Chin Eng *****05/B M^F tt^ > 3-star winners who will receive a LJ W^^^^ JXr Natlonall4 colour
        491 words
    • Kids & Things
      • 370 3 NEXT Wednesday being Deepavali. I'd like to tell you about the sari and the costumes an Indian girl uses before she is considered grown up enough to wear the sari. The photograph and the diagrams below it show the three costumes I shall describe. In South India, the
        370 words
      • 87 3 I i Tha-wy fha aarf It ifctpad aMy vary aOCO^OalO vO IRBaB Bt »B^MMBBA •tw^a t^^a aa_m^_mtrA&^M——^^^^A^mA—e_m WW smmmma mmmr m WPWU Miajuiai aryiaaaaaawwoanTra poaw am wm oonom wcaja m mm won inrouyn tlimn thalaoaloBiaAack^d I hrli ml In at nia mwmm ijf B* bank I •^^PW»^<^r^ m—m—mmw-mPmMWt^PS
        87 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 644 3 I I < ACER 500 V «ACER 710 Bfl 900 ~^9HI tpp aftpr-s^lps <;prvirp The ACER team is working hard in more than 50 J f^^ I through our world countries round-the-world, round -the -dock. \^ef!*&*^% K .acerqio 1 I wide distribution net We'd like to do the Same for
        644 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 181 3 uau, t^ l^ tuck into £xS petticoat > w wear h^^J^Z^ I >/vAr-WVI the sari //^"/SSf-^x V Mow to drape the •an; 2. Distribute the rernSnlngportlon of the sari 1. Tuck a corner of the upper edge of the sari into two lengths, one for the front pleat and into
        181 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 375 4 SEASON ENDING SOON! B LIDO: HURRY-HURRY-HURRY! (*****14) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 DtYILISHLY B^^^^r^^^^B i ONENELLOFAMOVIE F j[ *Jt J*l i hik Si s\n Sarvmxa aiH^UHiV^^y I JADE: 20th POWERFUL DAY! ■I (*****81) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1 JO, 4.00. 6.30, 9.00 I aaj bbmbbjß|Bjbbhjbb .^^k^^^^^^^^^^^^'l roi
        375 words
      • 353 4 Get this beautiful microwave oven safe [!}OM}!E$3 I porcelain plate free with every six-pack Brand's <ms& i New-Taste Essence of Chicken you buy. ESSENCE Offer only while stocks last. CHICKEN I '300^ >*^p? niii^' _^m^^^^^^^ ESSENCE CHICKEN JBM <:** jliw ESSBKE i lw OF I»T CHICKEN !bH :ii cccms*c k
        353 words
      • 176 4 lj\ Stocking watches, bags, belts and ■|i j more. Get the lowdown on fashion Wm accessories which are making bold Wk dramatic statements. mm GO October On Sale Now t LAST DAT t JUBILEE/TOA PATOH/PtANDAHIIf t EMrUCSS/GALA/HOIXTWOOD/PLAZA J: I 30, 3 30, 730& 9 30 H WOOO: 100 3.30 7009
        176 words
      • 589 4 CATHAyORGANISATIONCATHAYORGANISATIONCATHAVOPGANIS 12th SCARY DAY! I < m«3400) 5 SHOWS: 11 00^,130,4 00 630 t 9 00PM O I Bm™' i HVu H 7 v k J^blb^bV_> *Vbl bw^ «V| ■■■IbWI *b < kfl Bij r^^B^» ■nnRMHHRB^Bai 5 B b^b^ S H^^^^n j I J^^^|HHHff4^^L^^ BB^BB^LU B I B^bL'bH W B^^^9
        589 words
    • Bilingual
      • 966 5 CHONG WING HONG speaks to the inventor of the Chinese musical instrument called "butterfly zheng". He and his v/ife will be giving a guzheng concert at Singapore Conference Hall on Friday. THE sound of guzheng will be reverberating in the Singapore Conference Hall on
        966 words
      • 51 5 W%H'L>ffl NEtt#«f^>lki*Mifl 3*Xfc-+£*£ Hsfc£3l &f** *fc!EEfetß^|*etfj A o -tt— <&/* 7 WtS ffltf «i om ft 4*#j+4*«(^ ]*BS7«F*«fi^*<-»# Sit' ft o sfefflW Hffl i#wl «9t7 ■f-*Wrt'D*lP Wjtt: *WHa*ft#7Af£f£ ft °%»i'jß^> mm »R^a«anu«f^ sisEi96i^+a^aA**« «*^B£f^« o fib m^ iff mwas* a^f*am H*f«fn«£*f% a o jfoaafri^fftißiii ,t Wfa9f*ftl967^*S4Ri»www**tt LU**ifePliMcWft F 'SIS *Aft
        51 words
      • 930 5 THE number of tomb robberies and relics smuggling has been on the rise in China, said state officials. This, they said, was a major threat to China's ancient heritage. For example, about 900 farmers armed
        930 words
      • 353 5 AN OPERATION and a sixday stay in the hospital did not deter the veteran Hainanese opera star from China, Mr Lin Daozfai, from going on stage again. Mr Lin, 64, played an undaunted heroine in Sunday night's excerpt from Breaking Into The Palace, performed by
        353 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 679 6 Dr Monique Zaini-Lajoubert speaks Malay fluently. She holds a PhD degree In Malay-Indonesian Studies. In Singapore recently to carry out research into the language, she talked to HMO* A. Dr Monique Zaini-Lajoub-ert is French but speaks Malay and Indonesian fluently. She is not
        679 words
      • 668 6 BELIAU adalah seorang wanita Perancis yang mempunyai kegemaran bahasa asing yang agak istimewa. Menurut Dr Monique ZainiLajoubert, sementara wanitawanita lain di Paris mempelajari lain-lain bahasa Eropah seperti Inggeris, Belanda, Sepanyol dan sebagainy a dan juga bahasa Jepun, beliau lebih suka mempelajari bahasa
        668 words
      • 329 6 I Bahagian 2 Word Quiz BH Part INSTRUCTIONS: f tiven ti mi C tn t Z 0 Ll h t ClrCle te letter <D> Usin clues^wort req!i£ed SUitable letters form Take note that question 1 to 5 involve words that end with 'D' while questions 6
        329 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 2527 6 «|n____K«MnrK I 2 Et*WßOut 2 Eating Out 35 Horn* Furnttur./ I MmUSUttK&BUmWwKR -====-=-=-=-==-=-^=-s=-__=_=_=__=_____ Furnishing MwMtty to Friday: lam. to 5.30 p.m. j JT 06 Y Fuwrruw dlrerl aagty^si^v R_LSSI iS E r ll ,o, l ,c SH3^vH (11a.m. dsaallßS for The Sunday Tirwee) Tfl CANTONESE CUISINE works visit our factory
        2,527 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 671 7 |C.A.T.S.| |TLX: R*****3 CLASS TAX:732-023qCLASS -35 Horn* Furniture/ 35 Horn* Furniture/ 35 Horn* Furniture/ FurnißhifMj FurnMiing Furnishing The beautiful way fP gi «jfl l^flSS to save energy costs I M B^j Perma retractable awnings S I «j^^&9ffl Cuts airconditicnng costs by as r^^^B I *^^B Hhmh much as 25° 0
        671 words
      • 551 7 41 Houbs nanovtion/ Oacor KUNVUAN CONSTRUCTION MwHtor of RAOAC Providing The ONE-STOP Renovation Works with Guarantees on Workmanship And Completion Dates. Every Job Is a show-piece PACKAGE FOR NEW HDB FLATS (30x30) cm ceramic fir. tiles Reposition sink with tiles Cement cabinet base 2 pairs of arch Metal grilles Soap
        551 words
      • 549 7 41 MoMfMi fktnovtion/ Docor "jollTrenovation" works undertakes all floorings, painting, plumbing. Tel: *****33. HDR licence 8M0334. SPECIALIST IN ALL kinds of awning, gutter, roof leakage, painting, plumbing, machine to clear choke. Tat Lip *****22, *****23. SPECIALIST IN ROOF leaking St all kinds of renovation works ring *****61/ *****63 (*****43 night).
        549 words
      • 747 7 i FMEE NAM CUTS Bring a friend along for a cut or perm and you get a hair cut Free by advanced students. Headquarters Halrstyling School. Middle Road, Fortune Centre, #04-21/ 22/ 23. Tel: 339-5231/ 330-5232. (Also hairdressing courses available). PIVOT POINT CENTER S'pore 80 Models required for Cut $4,
        747 words
      • 833 7 55 Qarajs Bafc> EXPAT. SELLING ACMA medium small slsed no-frost fridges, wash machine. Cheap alrcond. Sanyo single-split alrcond. (2 H.P.) with wall mounting coll. USA double bed/ box spring li frame. Old English piano In excellent condition L others. Tel: *****78. CLEARANCE SALE. Owner leaving. Dining table, gas cooker, cushions,
        833 words
      • 722 7 BUDGET RATES $30 ONWARDS For HoimhsU ft ONtoe Remom specialist in piano and organ in transit. e Disposal and other delivery services. Experienced, reliable and responsible workers provided. Open* DaNy TEL: 253-021« RELIABLE OR NOT CALL ANO GIVE US A TRY For home removal, demolishing, disposal of rubbish, general duties,
        722 words
      • 1505 7 74 Printing/ Copying 74 Printing/ Copying SarvJcas Sarvicas Instant Quality Print Plan Printing for Construction Engineering Circuit Diagram Enlargement to A2 Size (Newspaper) or Reduction Instant Photo Copy Services for Poster, Newsletter Price List Art Supermart Tel: *****67 122, Middle Road »01-09 Midlink Plaza. Singapore 0718. 75 Offlca Furnitura/ |79
        1,505 words
      • 570 7 A singles only 'I 1 outing at Pulau u| Sibu. And it's not I^^^^n another of SDU's I H I I KI 3 1 Rendezvous at I classification 241 I II Wf I I 1 92 Domestic Help 92 Domestic H»lp Avatlßbto Available HUPINO MAIDS SPECIAUST The Advantage COMPUTE PACKAGE
        570 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 691 8 92 Domestic H.lp 92 Domestic H.lp 92 Dom^tic Halp T S 9^£m!Sc*sp =S=S __I^^^^^^ Avilabf Availabla AvaHaNa weAreßemble" ovcmsssucctUMTr co*Tw-«KKr*ouoTocu*Titt I Above placement tee includes S5 000 Secuntv Bond SlO 000PA Visa Airfare Medical Exam Complete Documentation 2 Yrs Contract FfKEHttPtTALISATNN. FfIEE REPLACEMENT FREE UNIFORM ON TIME ARRIVALS OR FULL
        691 words
      • 389 8 1 Wt >a/||| s>a>|ajcf th# rldjht I HfliOiCl for fri a |Oo> d J?cls^wSn I I FREE ADVICE I Tel: *****33 I IFASOUTiI I 1 2-05 Tonglin Shopping T I I Centre, Orchard Rood u I $400 SPECIAL PlltphM Packaga •Thal/lndo/L«n*« I Passport W/Permit Renewals 5 j e C»n-Time Arrival
        389 words
      • 325 8 94 PoaHiona Vacant: 1 t oiaaa 101 lai Exacutiva RIGHT PEOPLE I 1) MANAGER I -OCf«fUL I TRAIMNQft PURCNAtINQ OIVIBION Responsible for Import/ ex- port/ purchasing of agricultural commodities, seafood, timber, chemicals, plastics, fertilisers etc. 2) MANAGER -SOLE OISTfHMITORSHIP DIVISION Responsible for agricultural machinery fc transport equipment 3) MANAGER TRAVEL
        325 words
      • 507 8 foofttonc ¥4bC«mi: Profciailonal/ Exacutiva Fm>Mc AccewnMng Ftrm ■wW— ■psllcillim lor AUOIT ASSISTANTS Applicants should be recent Accountancy graduates of NUS or those pursuing Level in of the ACCA examinations. •CNKM AUNT CLERKS OCE O' or A' Level (Commerce Stream) 2 years Auditing experience JUNWH AUOTT CLEfWCS OCE O' Level (Commerce
        507 words
      • 585 8 97 Positions Vacant: Pom— tic EXPATRIATE FAMILY LOOKING fo Immediate Filipino maids fo Singapore/ Canada. Call Fabou Lie. c-1160-01 We are Dlrec Agent for Canada *****2: Available cheap alr-tlckeu. LIVE-IN CHINESE LOCAL/ Malay slan maids required urgent!) 1450-5550 T4M Manpower (CHMI-01) *****79/ *****70. MAaO REQUIRED IN Ylshun arei only. Please
        585 words
      • 479 8 98 Positions Vacant: 98 Positions Vacant: Sacratariat/ Ctartcal Bacratariai/ Clarical V DEL MAR FURNITURE -PP 1, INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD pj| (A member of the Universal Furniture Ltd WS?*~ Group of Companies) has immediate vacancies for BbS§^s Employ 68Relations Assistant GCE 'A' level K£rs Preferably 2 years experience in Personnel
        479 words
      • 1398 8 98 Poeition* Vacant: 98 Position* Vacant: 98 Position* Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Secretarial/ Clerical Secretarial/ Clerical ladies f^ IWaßa We are r ''stablished typebW PS ■MBB^BbV setting company ln dlst 0023 and H I^bV aaaaa^H l0 mftl our glowing business BBf BBV BBf BbW and expansion needs we invite CMK SINGAPORE
        1,398 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 708 9 96 Positions Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical Established Oroup of local companies urgently requires SECRETARIES for Its Legal/ Secretarial Dept. Pre Reeuteitea. At least 5 OCE o levels, with good credit In English and LCCI Secretarial Certificate/ PSC At least 1-4 yrs. of relevant working experience In a legal or company secretarial
        708 words
      • 601 9 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical GIRL FRIDAY 9 urgent vacancies available Im mediately at AM Klo, Jurong Thomson, Übl Est. Shenton. Salary: 8880 onward. BANK TELEX OPS. 3 permanent positions available Able to work overtime till 8. pm everyntght If required Salary 8700 onward. BANK SWITCHBOARDS OPS. 3 positions available.
        601 words
      • 649 9 37 98 Position* Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical I Typists for American co. In Lc yang. Type 40 w.p.m. 1 yr. exper ence Duration: 2 wks Mfg. co In Jurong requires Tyf ists. Duration: 2 wks. to 1 mtl Preferably with telexing know edge CALL *****35 WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY I SHENTON WAY
        649 words
      • 686 9 96 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical I International Fonwaroing Company requires FEMALE RECEPTIONIST CUM TYPIST >. Typing speed 40 w.p.m. a OCE "O' level with good credits In English. Interested epplicanta plaaaa call 74*77*8 tar Mies Tan for an Interview at: -#Ol-01 Tack Chiang Realty Bidg 14 Aramugam Road, Spore 1440
        686 words
      • 674 9 96 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Established company m dt0t.1232~ requires 1) CHINESE FEMALE GENERAL CLERK CUM RECEPTIONIST GCE 'O' level, o Able to type. o Salary: $400-$6OO. 2) JUNIOR SECRETARY e OCE O' level In English, o Able to type and work Independently. Salary: $700. Call: 255-4516 Established Engineering Company
        674 words
      • 884 9 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical JUNIOR SECRETARY GCE OVA' Level Good command of English Age 22 tt above Ploaee submit tun reeume with seiery expected A contact no. to: Maxwell Rd P.O. Box 2300 Our client has immediate vacancy tor an ACCOUNTS OFFICER o GCE O' Level. LCCI Higher Accounts.
        884 words
      • 1068 9 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY requires bilingual Chinese Female General Clerk. Able to type. Minimum GCE 'O' level. Experience not necessary, trainIng provided. Must be able to start work Immediately. Classlfone *****30 (off. hrs.) Ref: *****. ESTABLISHED TRAVEL AGENT requires Clerk Typist. Able to handle calls, simple
        1,068 words
      • 652 9 98 Positions Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical JUNKM SECRETARY Mln C level, with 2 years working experience, age 22-30, for Tamplnes Industrial Est. Tel: *****83 LEGAL FIRM REQUIRES a Chinese Male Clerk with typing knowledge Interested pis. call *****04/ 5 for an appointment. RECEPTIONIST REOUIRED FOR leading fitness centre. Good starting salary.
        652 words
      • 558 9 99 Positions Vacant: 99 Positions Vacant: Sales sales I W We are a well established multinational company, r Sumitomo Bakellte Co., Tokyo, with branches In New York, Santa Clara, Rotterdam, Jakarta and X I CMK Singapore (A subsidiary of Sumitomo Bake- I X lite Co. Ltd.) 4 Expanding our sales
        558 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 559 10 99 Positions Vacant: Salas K An eetaMiahed international S 1 1 CO4T)f>4>Oy 4MM A WOfW IsMKtof all I J tha colour TV and Video homo I I ac tstfiafnmoni tnousirv wvnee 5 K appNcante tor ft SHOWROOM I S STAFF 0 Roquiremunts: S A* Singapore citizen. iU K female/male between
        559 words
      • 611 10 99 Positions Vacant: Salas ~w requires (1) MALE MARKETING ABBT (Exports Marketing) o OCE 'O' Level or A' Lt-vel with good credits In Engluh Mandarin o At least 1 yr. working expeilence e Completed N.S. o Oross salary $800 p.m. o Class 3 driving licence Salary adjustment after 3 months
        611 words
      • 556 10 99 Positions Vacant: Salas r A BETTER TOMORROW ProtassluHol soiling in e We Insut once ceraar. e Age 25 or above. I e Earning at least $18,000 p.a. and are looking for ways to upgrade your lnI come. We'll ehow you the way through eystemetic mothodo of framing. Cell Nancy
        556 words
      • 71 10 99 Positions Vacant: Sales f^SALES CoTrDtMATOR^ (Mate?/ Famato) required by dynamic co. in d.12 e Flair In sales and marketing. e Good communication skills. e Hardworking and resourceful. e Possess driving licence. Training wM be provided. Interested please call Claaaifona *****30 (oft. Agancy Rapraaanting American Infl Aaauranca Co. Ltd Want*
        71 words
      • 673 10 99 Positions Vacant: Satos k^ MfJOlftQ bf Oft §>f 9)04) ItOIM# in¥lt*>#> applicant* mala/ famal* aa INVESTMENT EXECUTIVES Good prospects for the right candidates. Experience Is not necessary as Intensive training will be provided. If you are ambitious, with wide contact* and would Ilk* to aarn mora than $10,000 p.m.
        673 words
      • 884 10 99 Positions Vacant: 99 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions VacantS* 1 Sal— Tachnical SS aVttMAs jfc Ti mencan WW&wW V j Electronics Company g t» m i*t IbT F> -irgentiy requues f I a Career Opportunities mm^axm W^ For the new year, we've great expansion plans for our J% f^2 copier,
        884 words
      • 765 10 FASHrON BOUTIOUCS IN Sogo requires Chinese Female Sales Assts. Able to work shifts TrainIng will be provided. Tel: *****00 ext. 200 (today/ tomorrow). t* FEMALE SALES EXECUTIVE with experience and Class 3 driving licence required. Basic pay f*" commission. Interested, please ant call 748-8738. IF YOU ARE disciplined, systematic and
        765 words
      • 410 10 If urgently requires I mechanic" II Minimum S years II working experience li in construction site II Possess VITB certiII ficate II a Possess Class 3 drill ving licence II STOREKEEPER ■I Minimum 2 years I experience with II knowledge in in- 1 ventory control of I local and overseas
        410 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 972 11 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Tachnical Tschnicai Tachnical F THOMSON^ 1 A world leader In high technology electronics and consumer I B appliances Is seeking for suitable candidates for the H B following positions:- H I ASSISTANT DESIGNER I ENGINEERING ASSISTANT (QA/VCR Development) I PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR
        972 words
      • 648 11 100 Positions Vacant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Tachnical WALK" HI INTERVIEW We are a modern foundry specialising in the making of quality grey and ductile 1 iron castings. We wish to invite applications for the following positions: Technical Trainee r (Mala) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Production Engineering. Experience not
        648 words
      • 1097 11 100 Positions Vecant: 100 Positions Vacant: Technical Technical TRAINEE SALES ENGINEER (ROale or Female) One of Singapore's largest diesel generator S m manufacturers Is expanding Its operations m m and have an Immediate vacancy for a Train- S ee Sales Engineer. W M Requirements. W M Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical
        1,097 words
      • 926 11 iui Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: 101 Positions Vacant: Production Production Production TT* male/fema le I N^^CTORS w^gEMsmmssnsEEmßEism^am 0 HITACHI Weoffen Reqtiremente: jT. t •Perfect attendance Age 20 40 years H| tachl Express (S) Pte Ud bonus $40 pm Prepared to work •Free transport at 5-day work week and designated
        926 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 939 12 101 VH^^!Ll* Cm X 101 E 0 o?,*0 Vacant: 101 p o»i«ion« Vacant: 101 PoaHkma Vacant: _^^roducUon^^ Production Production Production ■1/ ELL-CARED FOR W W ELCOME! Join us today and enjoy: i a Good starting salary Air-conditioning comfort Attendance allowance I j Medical Dental/ Hospitali sat ion Benefits •No scope
        939 words
      • 479 12 101 Positions Vacant: Production (No scope work) Permanent 2nd Shift $524 pm 2.55 pm-10.55 pm (Mon-Fri) 8.30am-4.30pm (Alternate Sat. off) JKSmy $20 on I UJ^ confirmation. jf^Sfy $100 Bonus on mkjjy completion of 3rd H^^ month's service. SINGAPORE ELECTRICAL STEEL SERVICES PTE LTD PRODUCTION PLANNER lUauU*iiu^U. (lllMLg) At least 'A'
        479 words
      • 698 12 102 Positions Vacant: 102 Positions Vacant: Hotal/ naataurant/ Hotsl/ Raataurant/ Lounga Lounga /jg^ Join Ms at the Tg^ WALK-IN TODAY am to II am ft 2 pm lo 6.90 pm Cocktail Waitresses ($700) Waiteis/Waitresses ($540-1650) Cleaners ($600) Temporary Cashiers for 2 months only ($600) Our benefits include free meals, uniform;
        698 words
      • 621 12 102 Positions Vacant: Hotel/ Restaurant/ Lounga HOTEL EQUATORIAL SINGAPORE has Immediate vacancies for the following positions: 1. Account* Clark Applicant for post (1) must have the following qualifications: Possess OCE 'O' level with typing ability Intermediate Book-keeping 2 OwtataHon CeaMar Scotts 3 Waiter*/ Wattwaw Coffee House, Japanese Restaurant Chinese Restaurant
        621 words
      • 563 12 104 Other Positions 104 Other Positions Vacant Vacant r t»^ fc SINGAPORE SHINEI -r=£> SANGYO PTE LTD m Due to rapid expansion, a leading Metal Stamping and Tool Die manufacturing company invites suitable applicants to fill up the following immediate vacancies:--llMlll]|wH^a|;Klßi^Maßaßa^a^aV Age Between 22 32 Education Sec 4 NTC 2
        563 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 912 13 104 Othar Positions 104 Othar Positions 104 Othar Positions V«cant Vacant Vacant II j Ssy a T wffy7iafaai H ■^■^"•^■■^"■a^a^gMa^ga^a^a^a^Mar ■I We have expanded and have following vacancies for immediate employment: IH II a, SALES EXECUTIVES m.,^-, I B TECHNICIANS ft c ADMINISTRATION CLERK I D) SALCS VfLfclCK I Female)
        912 words
      • 409 13 I An Established Ready -mix I Concrete Supplier requires: |A)eMTlßayfyST I Min6CE'';"o i7 Levei" 1 Hardworking able to I supervise group of people I Knowledge of concrete is I essential Secondary School Education Hardworking willing to learn, without experience also acceptable For Post A: Interested please write in with full
        409 words
      • 488 13 I 104 Othar Positions Vacant MISTER MINIT (An inlaWfWtiofMa*y w$)K rmwh shoes repair a key esrvtoe Co) Join ms new asa I Training provided I •No qualifications needed I Completed N S I Opportunity for overseas I training II Good starting salary I; from $410 pm II Earn around $600
        488 words
      • 737 13 104 Othar Positions Vacant FEMALE WORKERS urgently required Age below 50 Please apply personally at: B*. 19, Toa Payoh Lor. 8 Ind. Parti, #01-1018. Tel: *****30 FREELANCE/ PART-TIME DESIGNERS ft GRAPHIC ARTISTS wanted by ewtm waar company riQaivMr Csiwe 881. 113, EUNOS AVENUE 3 #8843 GORDON INDUSTRIAL BUN.D4HQ TEL: *****14
        737 words
      • 942 13 104 Othar Positions Vacant CHINESE CLASS 4 Driver needed to work Immediately at 398 Jalan Pemlmpln. Those staying in A.M. Kio. Blshan. Ylshun Thomson area. Tel: *****11. CONSTRUCTION CO. REOUIRES Driver cum General Workers, Brick Layers It Plastering Subcontractors. Interested call at: Benaan Kapal Rd. Sub-station. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER URGENTLY needed.
        942 words
      • 582 13 121 Vaniclaa For Hiro DIESEL/ PETROL, LORRIES, Pick-ups. Blind/ Panel Van for rent Popular Express Services, 8 it BA, Moonstone Lane. Tel: *****80/ *****81. SIANG HOCK CARS/ pick-ups/ vans/ lorries/ box vans/ minibuses at low rates. Balestler: *****66, 8.30am. to 10pm. Jurong: *****63/ Katong *****77. DATSUN PICK-UP VAN/ dlesel lorry
        582 words
      • 1587 13 128 Vehicle Financing/ 128 Vahid* Financing/ Insuranco Insurance FASTMONEY WithFOCL y? w_ Immediate processing of applications Up to 90% financing -new and used vehicle* Attractive Interest rates New and Used Car Used Car (up to 2 yrs old) (above 2 yrs old) !2 mths 3.25% 3 50% 24 mths 3.50%
        1,587 words
      • 962 13 133 For Sala: Ford/ Fiat MID 86 LASER I 3 notrhback. beautiful silver, pte owner, tip lop cond See to believe *****88 NEAR -SO (12/71) Flat 131 Miraflorl (Auto.) Alrcon. s rims tax 11/87 $12,200 neg *****38 OCT. -81 FORO Laser 13. 5-speed. 2nd owner, s/rlms. radio cassette, new tax
        962 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 920 14 134 For Sale: Datsun/ Nissan MID -82 STANZA 16 5-dr Y u accessories Tax 11 87 Ist ownei PAKK Showrm 56)8013 *****t* MM) 85 NISSAN sporlswagon. owner, low mileage. $30,800 on Tel *****00 NEAR 1861 DATSUN 120A 1 ownet aircon cassette, perfect cone $14,*>00 on o Tel *****94 NEAR 79
        920 words
      • 961 14 135 For Sale: Toyota II O REGISTRATION 1876 1200cc. r road lax new. new paint, expeni slve hl-fl. selling for $5 800. Interested call *****86 0 REGD 78 TOYOTA Corolla 1200 KE3O Full accessories, nonr PARF. Immaculate cond A M j' Klo Ave 1. Caltex Service Stn REOO. 78 TOYOTA
        961 words
      • 925 14 136 For Sato: 136 For Sate: 136 For B«h> Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Get a MITSUBISHI servke{oronlyss2 From now to December 31st, we can engine oil) and original Mitsubishi give your Mitsubishi car a better oil filter. servicing that leaves it purring with Adjustment of contact point dwell perfection. All you
        925 words
      • 743 14 137For8«M>: T^Tgbßmei Ol+tH I OMhBjn«w«pol I BuystSeN I H Any condition PARF or fl I non-PARF used cars. H Japanese or Continental made. High price for fl I Mazda cars. _J^ L *****681 ABILITY TO ACCEPT ALL SECONDHAND CARS AT ATTRACTIVE CASH PAYMENT W* buy a aatt used ear*. f***T
        743 words
      • 793 14 137 For Sale: Mazda '03 MAZDA 020 Coupe 1.8. Full accessories. Original paint. Tip top cond. $32,800. Tel: *****82. Va MAZDA QTIJ Full accessories. Accident free. $27,300. Blk. 152, Serangoon Nth. Ave.l. #01-354. 85 MAZDA 920 hard top, auto, coupe, 1 pte. owner, low mileage, expensive hl-fl. Tel: *****54. •06
        793 words
      • 932 14 138 For Sal*: Honda 87 ACCORD EX Manual full accessories. PARF, done 10,000 km. $55,000. Brand new cond. View 138 Hong Leong Odn. Shpg. Ctr. 0/04 ACCORO STANDARD 5-speed 12-valve. 1 pte. owner, Ux 2/88. metallic paint. Orlg. showroom cond $39,500 0.n.0. *****78. BEAUTIFUL ACCORD, NEAR '80. auto Brand new
        932 words
      • 1507 14 141 For Sal*: 141 For Sale: Other Makes OthT Makes The legend <$> lives on. Sales, Service Parts. Auto Italia Pte Ltd, 9 Leng Kee Road, Singapore 0315. Tel: 474 9916/7. Telex: RS ***** BLEMPO Open on Sundays Warn 4pm. D a H MOTORWAYS PTE. LTD. f™— f 7 Chang
        1,507 words
      • 1732 14 142 For Sal*. 142 Foi Sale: Commercial Commercial Vehicle. Vehicle. 64 TOYOTA HILUX Plck-Up Flat LEE ENG FOO 4 BROTHERS bed Alrcon New tax $8,800 Tel MOTORS PTE. LTD. *****66 394 Joo Chlat Rd 391. Batoatiar Road (1232) 85 n)S san CABSTAR dlesel. low Tal: *****26 (5 im«») b^j j
        1,732 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 819 15 144 Vehicles Wanted CASH PAYMENT HIGHEST OFFER o all PARF and non-PARF vehicles o all pick-ups and commercial vans o all private and Q registered Mercedes. BMW, Volvo and Audi vehicles a also Nissan Cabstar. dlesel lorry and any dlesel van required Contact MR. LM ef WU LIAN TRADING CO.
        819 words
      • 910 15 I 145 Scrap Vahickts ATTRACTIVE PRICES OFFERED for PARF/ SZ scrap cars all kinds of good used cars. *****02/ *****78 (Day). WANTEO 1 UNIT 1001-1600C C 1 Scrap car. Please call *****35 I 2000 C.C. S above PARF Scrap Cars wanted urgently. Better 1 offer: *****55. Royston Poon. 1601- 2000
        910 words
      • 709 15 r 172 Accommodation Availabta: Houaas STEVEN ROAD Luxurious bunga- j low fully alrcondltloned pte. pool. Near Tanglln/ American Clubs. For co. lease call *****77. UPP. BT. TIMAH. Hong Leong Odn. d/storey seml-d. $1,000. 1 Cheng Hong Mans. Furn./ aircon. $1,000. Pis call *****88/9 DIST.IO. SO ROBIN Close, d/storey luxurious bungalow.
        709 words
      • 1228 15 173 Accommodation 173 Accommodation Available: Available: Aprtowita Apartments AJJ^ FAR EAST PLAZA Hotel Style LdXURICKIS APARTMENTS H At the |unctloo of Scotte/Ofcnard Road, n«Kt to Hyatt Hotel. IV 14.000 sq ft Hotel Style Lobby H Swimming Pool, Tennis Self Service Free H Court. Squash Court. Launderette Billiard Room, Ample Indoor
        1,228 words
      • 1028 15 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments D.O/ 10. $4000 $10,000 luxury apts. Ardmore Pk., Yong An Pk., Arcadia, Bel-Air, Honolulu Twrs., Colonnade, Regency Pk., Wing On Life, low/ high firs. Near Orchard Rd./ clubs/ foreign sens *****88 ext. 15. YONO AN/ BEAVERTON Ct./ HlmIko Ct/ Dynasty Odn./ Tulip Odn./ Leedon Hgts./ Spanish
        1,028 words
      • 1051 15 173 Accommodation Available: Apartments ARCADIA/ BELVhTTgDN. Apt*./ mals. 4 rms. 5 minutes to Orchard Rd. S/pool. MH *****87 BAYSHORE 3 BDRMS. Face pool. Quiet. $1,600 0.n.0. Hometown *****66 after 10.30am. BAYSHORE PK. 2 rms. Eastern Lagoon 3/4 rms. Condo. facilities. Reasonable rental. Agt: *****40. BAYSHORE PK. HIGH fir. 2/ 3
        1,051 words
      • 947 15 173 Accommodation Available: Apartmanta D.9 VENUS MANSION. 3000 sqft 3+l bdrms Fully furnished $2,000. Liberty. 235-6417. EASTERN LAGOON I studio, sale/ rent. Furn. facilities. F'hold. Avail. Immed. Owner: *****18. FURN./ UNFURN. APTS./rma. avail. In various dlsts. for Immediate occupation. Call *****47/ *****42 GROUND-LEVEL 3-BDRM. Apt. at Stevens Drive for lease.
        947 words
      • 853 15 176 Accommodation Wanted: Apartments FAMILY URGENTLY REQUIRES 3rm. apt D 15. with/ without furnishings Immed. occupation Rental $1000 $1400. Contact Thamlm tel: *****39. IMMED. CLIENTS REQUIRE pte apu./ h'se/ HDB/ HUDC in various dlsts. For HDB (whole unit) we will rent out your unit within a week. Please call *****33.
        853 words
      • 1026 15 179 For Sala: Houses WELL DESIGNED HOUSE Dial. 10 Off Holland Row) Doubt* iiofty bungalow. Fr— hoM Upatatra: 4 bdrms all bath attached plus study Si big family hall Downstair*: 2 bdrms 1 bathrm big kitchen, spacious split living/ dining Inground pool, nice landscaping, covered car porch Land 8070/ built-in
        1,026 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 542 16 179 For Sal*: Houses 179 For Sal*: Houses One of the Best Housing Loans Low interest rates From just 6 '4 p.a. for first time homeowners. High loan quantum Up to 100% of valuation witn CPF. Long repayment period Up ro 30 years where appropriate. Also, attractive loans are offered
        542 words
      • 779 16 D.lO TAI KENO Odn. Nicely renovated, seml-d, 4+ 1 bdrms. 3400 sq.ft. Good facing. F'hold. $600,000. Hai vest 345-2888 D.lO 2-V*-STOREY SEMI-D. srms. Servant's, marvellous renovations, rich furnishing. $788k only. Excellence! *****55. D.20 CORAL PARK. Double-storey Corner Terrace. 3000 sq.ft 3+l bedrooms, well kept. $535,000 0.n.0. Exquisite: 345-1914. D 2O
        779 words
      • 1049 16 179 For Sato: Houses D.ll WATTEN ESTATE area. I) Storey Seml-D. 4 1 rms. Well renovated. $645 k Teamy *****06. D.13 D/STOREY CORNER terr. approx. 1550 sq.ft. 2 1 bdrms. Breezy f'hold. KW *****16 D.13 2-STOREY. SEMI-D. F'hold. 3 1 rms. Land 3742 sq.ft. Fir. 1604 sq.ft. $700K. Mr. Chlew
        1,049 words
      • 819 16 186 For Sato: Private Apartmants 'c GOLDEN mX CONDO. C •"•toffsy split tovs4 tonfnliOM># Ground fleer consist of a pte. parking space, split level c dining, family hall, servant's It store room, kitchen and a terrace gdn. i«t fleer the living room 1 with a balcony, 2 bdrms. and a
        819 words
      • 1044 16 186 For Sale: Private Apartments >•• I**-? 0 C"MT 2 mlns from Jrchard/ Scotts Rd. 2 bdrms tpt. with s/pool tt squash acuities. Freehold. $470K 0.n.0.) Debenham Tewson tt Mty Valuers *****79. MST.3, 3 YRS. old Landmark rwr. Mld-flr. 3 bdrms. with atached bath. Designer's finish. ,400 sq.ft Facing S.E.
        1,044 words
      • 1066 16 186 For Sale: Private Apartments DA KB* SIA Court, behind Lucky Plaza, 1,200 sq.ft., 2+l rms.. f'hold, fully renovated. $290K. Feng Properties *****88. DA LUCKY TWR. 4 1 bdrms. Low fir. Facing pool. Approx. 2700 sq.ft. Full facilities. $595,000. Harvest *****88. DA ORCHARD TWRS. High fir. Best unit. 1,970 sq.ft.
        1,066 words
      • 1146 16 ■MaBBBBBHHHHHBBBBHBBHHHHBBBBBBBBHBMBBWMMBBBBBBBBBBM*-- 186 For Sale: Private Apartments D.IS STANGEE PLACE walk-up apt. 1100 sq.ft. F'hold $190K. I Challenger *****88. r D.IS STANGEE PLACE walk-up I apt. 1100 sq.ft. 2 rm. alrcon. F'hold $185K. VUlanelle *****81. D.15 ST. PATRICK'S View. 3+l 1 rms. 1,700 sq.ft. S/pool. F'hold. t $390K neg. DYP *****23.
        1,146 words
      • 1303 16 191 For Sale: 1 HDB Apartments lEDOK NORTH S RMS. Blk~Tl2 DO' ilgh fir. well renovated $115,000 ran )OVER CRES S RMS. Blk. 26 terazzo throughout built-in cabl- i_ jet (Full CPF $109,000) r* rEBAN QDN. S RMS. PT. high fir. ly >eautlfully renovated f/furn. il 14,000 neg. full WRONG
        1,303 words
      • 1179 16 191 For Sal*: HDB Aparttnsnts DOVER CRES. 5-RM. Blk 26, ceramlcs/cablnets. CPF SI 10k HHXVWJW S-RM. Blk 12. renovated, good view. CPF $108k WEST COAST 3-RM. Blk 705. nicely renovated, CPF $51k A.M.K 3-RM. Blk. loB. well-kept. full CPF $40k EUNOS CRES. 3-RM. corner blk 25. terrazzo, $48k. CPF $46,500
        1,179 words
      • 1084 16 191 For Sale: HDB Apartment* AM KIO 3-RM. 81k225, high fir All terrazso. cabinet* well kept Near market, food ctr. CC, school $***** *****43 (agent) A.M. KK) 3-ROOM, high floor, facing garden, breezy, terrazzo/ mosaic/ kitchen cabinets $55K neg RREA *****47 ANQ MO KIO 5-rm blk 622 5 mlns. from
        1,084 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 1065 17 191 For Sale. HOB Apartments NO CASH 3-RM. A M Klo central, near market It sch $42,000. CPF $52,000 Tel: *****26 agent PT. BLK. AT Marslllng High fir Facing Johore Renovated. $<00K ono CPF/ loan $78K *****31 PURE 4-RM. SMS Drive Terraszo/ cabinets. $74K ono (CPF $75K L.C *****24 PURE
        1,065 words
      • 904 17 191 For Sala: HDB Apartments 5-RM TOA PAYOH high fir Terrazzo, well kept. Price (full CPFi_ Tel *****62 Mlnlt MM 5-RM T SLANGAH Dr Blk High fir Newly renovat^ri Mafl ble fir $150k neg *****39 agt. 5-ROOM FLAT FOR sale JTwiHB East St 21 Blk 234 Tel: *****96. 1 Mr
        904 words
      • 657 17 194 Factory Spaca 194 Factory Spaca 194 Factory Spaca Freehold (statutory land Convenience of business j grant) facilities and services at I Excellent location close to nearby Bukit Merah Town I ■j ports allows for big savings Centre I in transportation cost and Excellent investment I turnaround time opportunities tenanted
        657 words
      • 562 17 195 W*n**Mt*m/ r EUNOS M WAREHOUSE M COMPLEX H Strategic location Eunos Link/ Airport Link Area: 3,700/ 4.600/ 16,000 sq.ft UNITED OVERSEAS LAUD UNITED *****33 EXT. 21 41 *****11 EXT. 479 460 No. 8 Kaki Bukit Road 2 (off Eunos Link) I WAREHOUSE I FOR LEASE I 0316:03-23. 0333; I
        562 words
      • 363 17 If7Forftont: OWto* Spac— Orchard Building Located along Orchard Road tourist belt. Close to hotels, restaurants, shopping centres and other commercial buildings. Walking distance to Orchard MRT station. 24 hour security. Ready for immediate occupation. Attractive rental and terms. oil 732-5533 tor immediate advice and atrvice PEACE CENTRE/ MANSION SOPHIA ROAD
        363 words
      • 476 17 196 For Sato: 196 For Sal*: 196 For Sal*: 196 For Sal*: Offic* Spac— Office Spac— Offic* Spac— Offic* Spaces I b^^^b^bl b^bb^J" BP^^T^^B BM B 1 H ffl^ftaißfl In. A/ \^(a?>\\ sy/\ >J I t 7 r 0^^ 6 M—JL-_M__lL^Jfl^ L building with car park. i I Situated on
        476 words
      • 521 17 1197 For Rent: Office Spaces PRJME 48 STOREY OFFICE BLDG. AT ROBINSON ROAD Hl Area from 700 8.400 sq.ft Si Bk> Ample parking space 4 com- *J puterlsed lift w Within walking Distance to Ti MRT station ad Attractive rental terms Tt S- Sola MarfcaMng Apart: T» CHESTERTON INTERNATIONAL S
        521 words
      • 411 17 197 For Rent: Office Spaces rRAITS TRADING. BIA. UK Mat vrs. Octagon. 1,000 3,000 sq.ft eng Fatt Prop. *****88. j JLTAN PLAZA, RENOVATED. 650/ 0 sq.ft. Partitioned/ carpeted. indow view. LA Vllle *****93 UJLE SPACE (ISO). Registration ldress ($10)/ Answering ($10)/ }lex/ Typing/ Fax. Tel: *****12. IONO TECK BLDG. Outside
        411 words
      • 539 17 200 For Rent Shop Spaces I PLAZA I I curtain I fountain concourse I B- area available for I rental I I JSICUPPAGE 118 PLAZA Orchard Road I Neil to Ontrepoint) SHOP SPACES Area from 214 to 2616 sq ft lor immediate rent Good tor Aerobics Studio Stationery Boutiv* Snack
        539 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 899 18 202 Restaurant/ Lounge 202 Restaurant/ Lounge Sp«c»« Spaces RHSTAURANT SPACE with AtW%l aTIJJM good frontage on Ground Hooi Cfl^JLawaTflLL and Isi Basement. GOl DHII I Oe*\l IJbVbSbE SQUARE \reas:l,OOOsqftto DMUAnC 3,000 sq ft. Free parking after office hours weekends phone a7%B9^ala7^^B t aWAa7^ i \KI WAY FOOD SHOP AWaSsfQsSSO 4()9
        899 words
      • 1092 18 2 TOm I M1 TOU 1 U1 T I T«»* "I T<W ,41 T.»r^^_ 24, T.U.. M1 Touf T^W^J EASTERN CHINA CHINA SHORT TRIPS SHANDONG CONFU- CENTRAL CHINA 1 ±jmm 9^ ISSSXZ'.SSL.^ZS'" !£KS2i.*»SSS- w -.S£S! cius homeland henan selects IflrfiL.Vull £IB 1 8w &<^SCtK^(fc H Fr N>u pT:' e n
        1,092 words
      • 631 18 203N RAIL AIR $159 3OAV AIR $239 tCVEWV MORNING WITH Yl "-fnS^rVilM 2D3NA CBUSIiVIRVNITE) *79 C2J 1 Hnir 2O3NRAIL-INCI DINNFR $129 0 f\ DtP EYE>T WIT! I |_J Way Rii« ______a"_rT < '^n^T^_______ Trip M'tia/Haadyai 2O3NA cbus ievervnitei $89 Gcntint (Ca«no Hotel) $69 $99 203N rail DEP FRi NITE $139
        631 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 651 19 241 TOU 241 TOU 241 Touf 241 Tour Tour. 241 Tour. 241 Tour, 241 Tour. 241 Tour. 24i Tours PkkYoitr Own Crowds rhgn Z Mays and I zizrt^^J Koyai Urcnia Holidays! y° u P lck y° ur own cr m h {realed m n*™** u '><" llliPi^BjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB»»> and jbfvour own
        651 words
      • 319 19 ■Sb^^^bbb^^^bbbbbb^^S imammmmmmm niDODK 10 DAYS (5 COUNTRIES) $89f9 $2599 14 DAYS (10COUNTRIES) $gfl99 $3399 19 DAYS 10 countries. .$4559 $3T99 4 MTS LOS ANGELES /^T^ USA It MfS HAWAII/ iWfLf w coast iucp) )ii9o $Z309 /yaup 11 MTS Hawaii/ ILL w coast (uws) >aOO9 $M39 f^^^, f-AUSimiIJA J^lk-i 6/7/9 Days
        319 words
      • 1344 19 n I visit > THAILAND^ V4i V J BAN HIg /p gJ TAYA U i^>^.Xl^. mmmd I hai and sD iron '<fe«atin <i W o S^,B^B^B™ I IVAIAVJU IXJL Bjsoays »740/fOol Phuket Island I BAMCMMy»TTAYVOII»Mf>MI 7,^^, $860 ps^B»»»fe;: Ur,| BftOTaTWTftTTßTnTHlrlWMftlTTlflMnini l^?"' /s WMd w ,l •^■^r^B^Wß^Bf/BjB^WP fj aTW VJ aTV
        1,344 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 638 20 262 Home Tuition EXPCmCNCED UNIVERSITY QUAD uate teacher offers Maths tumon (Ordinary. Advanced UnWerslty levels) *****90 Kit. BILINGUAL TEACHERS/ TUTORS utter effective home tuition Any •iuUJect.s levels dlst Success l^UTed *****61 *****66 OEOICATEO 4 RELIABLE Tutors offer tuition for all levels dists Keasonable fees Tel *****22 OEOICATEO. EXPERIENCED ORAO. .'Her*
        638 words
      • 948 20 264 Computer Couraea 264 Computer Couraea 264 Computer Coureee 264 Computer Courses I I I— 264 Computer Couraea >rrprAMf^n rrnnnwr pynimrcMDiTtt uunuitMMutiCHocrt JUNE I L^ 008 exam 'NFORMATICS secured 3 A well designed and proven curriculum supplemented JSS M S .ST.!i?I!!l nctlon Awards and tne silver m ®dal. by full
        948 words
      • 703 20 .^■^v systematic! I >#— J B oft s^pß.^.Mß.ls.ii^Bß secsZ CIMA EXAMS subjects with our unique Home Tuition Service for from U.K. Write in or call us for a mWWF^ free prospectus. Shorthand Spaad [^^^^^■^^E^ffiE^^^9LflnE^9Hßl 2nd level 70 -100t|HeT^H I w pni KlSi^H Baa 3rd level 110 -130 1 1 wpm
        703 words
      • 499 20 266 Commercial/ Technical Courses The education people with your Interest at heart Aro you CONFUSED ovar tho chslea of a oowwwofclol sotioaW SooNwoeon CONVINCE YOU to Mn uo wHt. tho toUcmtnt roouH*! 1965 LCCI EXAM. AWARDS 1) MARKETING (Higher) Ton Ouot Bm SINGAPORE Ist. WORLD Ist. (OOLO) 2) SHORTHAND 90
        499 words
      • 830 20 _2gjgngwg£ourt4»s_ Lsoousqe Courses 272 Cookery Instruction gIg^gPE|as^BspBJBs^BBJB»JBaBsB^BaBMB»»MSISBBSSBas»B»^a»^^»- W «HES FOR CHINESE New Year BBBBBBBBBBBT^BTiTi M "Tssll m MkW e>X y iSBT^^^Bl Ba aT^J^^BBBBBBBM Trial chicken 'au.Mitfr pork suu SLUBS_l^_^a^M9g^ll4ajJ I sagp. spice wa» meat, vegetarian Butter cake making, decoByuaiUluyiyLgVUlS llntiuiu St cut'.lng cakes Into FREE INTERIvIEDIATeJnII 1^ h .pe. of
        830 words
      • 832 20 270 Dancing Instruction m*m world dance studio .V Teaching Social dance, tonight 7.30pm Tomorrows a** Tree style disco, Thurs. 6.30pm v-^v TmnH Tnrt^u Aerobics. Thurs. 7Jopm Special Jll Trend', TOday rates for groups. #02-15, Excelsl- F»:hinn or *****91/ *****18 \WI ll rd 7 >IIIUM or SOCIAL DANCE CLAM on every
        832 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 833 21 APPOWTWENTS^OFTICEE m 730-b;^ M 8»b669,D.0. *****,, TEUFAX 732 -27*^ TELEX C T.MEAD.BATES ir* Sna* T™.- $X> 86 p«, The S^y T,mes-S2B ,5 p» co. BOX SERVCf $5 00 (Coteciedl* $10 00 (Posted) APPOtNTMBJTS H| Let Thomson bring you to the edge] of Technology for a breakthrough I in your
        833 words
      • 488 21 It IE lr^ilßl KORHHC MVHOPMHfIF BOMB) cm SINGAPORE mrrmmm ■■■"^■•WJ •m^^ \mMW§ offmmodulm courses in COURSF 1 ccc I DCDinn I l_ m^wn^R rWM- j rCWVU SYSTEM/ IC DESIGN Introduction To System Design $250 I 2-14/11/87 (Mon Fri 1800-2130. Using CAE Workstation Sat 0800-1200) CAD/CAM/CAE Microcomputer-Based ComputerAided $180* 23/1 1-1
        488 words
      • 731 21 w^r Applications are invited from suitably qualified N persons for the following positions 9 I LECTURER I I Gross monthly salary ranges from $1574 $4666 9 I Qualifications Experience 9 A good degree in the relevant disciplines. Professional qualifications 9 an advantage I H Good verbal and written communication skills
        731 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 1239 22 APPOINTMENTS fsTTTICFS PRIMEFIELD CO PTE LTD As part of our expansion program, we invite candidates for: Accountant Qualification: BACC or ACCA Must have 2 to 3 years experience in handling full set of accounts Computer knowledge is an asset Marketing Executive O level or Diploma with Computer knowledge At least
        1,239 words
      • 336 22 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SING APOBE !MtN*. 24S ttmn MALAYAN BANKING BEBHAD Aai 1. UM CHYE KOON t. LM KAI THONG S. TAN FDB FOB NOTICEOF ADVERTISEMENT T»: iteMM ■wirbtirf TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High Court in Suit
        336 words
      • 573 22 t &k ANNOUNCEMENT SINGAPORE MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION +S%4* GROUP «P CAN MANUFACTURERS' SUBCOMMITTEE Since the beginning of 1986, the prices of imported tin plates have increased substantially by 25% to 30%. Our members have tried to meet the increased material cost by upgrading their operations to increase efficiency and productivity. Despite
        573 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 1121 23 NOTICES IN THE HIGH (1M BT OP THE IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE KKPI BU( OP SINGAPORE KKPI BU( OP SINGAPORE •mp»ai*« WlBdlBR I p ('•mpMlM WIWbMt lp No 444W1W7 N». M»«flM7 In U* Matter M Uw litkr Matter «f tkr C«mpaa!«« ('•mpMiM Art (Ckapter M. Act, Ckapter ft
        1,121 words
      • 19 23 Singapore's ijjf iv4 Ho.l Bestseller! STP DiStribUtOrS TIMES 2 Jurong Port Road Singapore 2261 Times Publishing Croup SB g
        19 words
    • Page 23 Miscellaneous
      • 690 23 SUM TAN B y ceiiette PEANUTS By schutx P^CCO» U >N4l-QTV£ THCO#V^T'S POSSf6L£^^*^»^B^^P^ BJ^'auT ONLV BY^^"" iM^ IM I *MBBBjy I SSm^MoSiSKv fiS VMAWiMcTy ANP THEN YOU APP VOU PIP IT, 016 1 l/l CRIEP OUT FOR"M 1/ JOE A *^ffiZ VDo/OMBfufvfTmrjX-rf ,/Tz BOTH NUMBERS TO 6ET BROTHER YOU EXPLAINEP
        690 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 369 24 HbHblbH I)id Bri S itte Nielsen's /^P ambition drive Stallone to j -&0* dump her? (,Z^_^^alrt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H "Among my colleagues nine out of 10 would be unfaithful a«B^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bl to tne^ r w > v es," writes a S^ S'pore doctor, who also fl prescribes the PREVENTION The 28-year-old I for this
        369 words
      • 69 24 Best Wishes to Royal Nepal Airlines inaugural flight 8757 to Singapore From WOMMP •ramunoNA. 545 Orchard Road, #06-01 Far East Shopping Centre l Singapore 0923 Tel: 235-0933 >*•* I V mSlULfiatdeagntiilates Boy«J Nei«lAiri«e«aii it's B7S7JBnvndffigkt teSWMW A l^ StraitsTin^s Essi Subscribe now. Call 740-1840/1. Learn typing at your own pace
        69 words
      • 203 24 7^ ST Congratulations to Royal Nepal Airlines on the occasion of their 8757 inaugural flight to Singapore DUNLOP AVIATION (SE ASIA) PTE LTD 4 Loyang Link, Singapore 1750. k Telex: RS*****DASEA Tel: 54H711/2 Fax: *****69 jf to Royal Nepal Airlines on their inaugural flight 8757 to Singapore From PACIFIC HOTELS
        203 words
      • 258 24 ■w— w— -w-t i v\.l\/DLn IJ, 178/ NEPAL 4 Days Kathmandu Hifhlightt from ***** 5/7 Days Nepal Experience trom ***** 8/10 Days Nepal Highlights from $1839 7/10 Days Nepal Trekking from $1449 Ejp|J UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CORPORATION BStHilifl|[ *81-6«. Peoples Park Centre. Tel: *****77 TAI6I \OCMqnrfufolkm Best Wishes to Royal Nepal
        258 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 837 25  -  CATHERINE ONG By THREE years ago at a Munich dance theatre perfor mance, a jazz musician named Hans-Peter Stroer took his eyes off a dancer he was infatuated with, to watch her codancer, Howard Fine. The then, 29-year-old American modern dancer was talking and
        837 words
      • 792 25 EDDIE MURPHY claims he has not been paid US$l6 million (5533.4 million) for a film "No, not quite that," he said. "But I've got a raise," he added, clapping his hands in mock joy. Murphy, the 26-year-old fast-talking, street
        792 words
      • 806 25 This hobo waits and wanders Tom Waits, TED UNCO hears him out in a Los Angeles bar. TOM WATTS has made a career out of turning the hobo into an ail-American hero, first in music and, more recently, in film. Like the stories he sings, Waits' life and work are
        806 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 77 25 If you are holding an event you want our readers to know about, fill in the coupon and send it to: What's On. Section 2. The Straits Times. 390 Kim Seng Road Singapore 0923. Your coupon should reach us three days before the event. Nefne of event: Stated/presented by: Venue:
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    • Page 25 Miscellaneous
      • 352 25 tutem*'** fu, C1 SIUI >- -""Pifm.. WA1 i5!SL2HS EUW DOPAV-UI LWHT-OP lay, Indian and Chinese High- EXHMITIOMS PHOTO-ABT OTUMO par. RM \1^ OIR Fa I !J 1 En CWUENHIAL SECTIONS OF LITTLE IN include the lion dance aiim n nlnSSlSS^T!; gush subtitles Adapted from CENTENARY EXHIBI- D IA will C
        352 words
      • 1015 25 Radio One FMStorto 90.5 mtfe in VHF Band I 5.58 Ml National Anthem, followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News In Brief 6.05 On Air 7.00 News And Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 On Air (cont'd) 7.45 On The Road 8.00 News 8.10 On Air (cont'd) 9.00 News In Brief
        1,015 words
    • Page 26 Advertisements
    • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      • 1129 26 mtaiKAiibTIMES, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1987 MiMY VIEW by CATHERINE OMfii^^ H^^m^K^m^ HHH I^^MH^ i^^HH^^^^^^^^^^^^. H ii^_^ I Sultry car leails a tf 0 6 11 aswrt on a chase I ML. m mt, B BM^S (Ch Quint soon finds himself bat- stars Linda Cropper as Melba. new song called Say
        1,129 words