The Straits Times, 25 June 1987

Total Pages: 58
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1987 50 CENTS M.C. <P) No. 108/12/86
    15 words
  • 816 1 Kim Dae-Jung freed and political reform talks get go-ahead but no breakthrough S. Koreans toil by day and protest by night An opposition front-line man through and through Page 4 Olympics '88 is stuck with Seoul, for the time being Page 20 SEOUL South
    AFP; Reuter; UPI  -  816 words
  • 106 1 TOKYO North Korea yesterday said its army was watching events in the South "carefully". The official North Korean News Agency report came amid a claim by the South Korean Defence Minister, General Lee Ki-Baek, that Pyongyang had placed its armed forces on
    Reuter; AFP  -  106 words
  • 256 1 POLICE have Arrested a 47-year-old motorist tor snspected drunken driving after his car hit a woman pedestrian and dragged her tor 111 metres at a carpark on Tuesday. His car had moved on although several pass-ers-by shouted desperately U him to
    256 words
  • 194 1 STOCKHOLM The top Swedish official responsible for investigating official misconduct has resigned after he was accused of cheating on his expense account and abusing his office. In a letter released yesterday through the national news agency TT, Mr Per-Erik Nilsson denied any wrongdoing but said
    AP  -  194 words
  • 227 1 THE first joint search and rescue (SAR) exercise was held by Singapore and Malaysia yesterday. It was conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Department of Civil Aviation, Malaysia. The exercise was to test the communications facilities and co-ordination
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  • 362 1 Iran mining waters off Kuwait, says Jane's LONDON Iran, using small speedboats, is mining the waters off Kuwait, the authoritative Jane's Defence Weekly said yesterday. Iranian paramilitary revolutionary guards using small speedboats are mining shipping lanes to a Kuwaiti oil terminal as Teheran seeks to confront both the United States
    UPI  -  362 words
  • 219 1 THE theme of this year's National Day carries the powerful image of 2.6 million faces. Visualise it as a instant print of a group photograph of all Singaporeans, developing from basic tones to full-col-our brilliance. Basically, the sentiment behind the
    219 words
  • 156 1 HONGKONG More than 800 farmers panning for gold along a river in China's Jiangxi province were swept into the water by a flash flood on Sunday and 137 were missing, a report said. The China News Service, in a report on Tuesday
    AP  -  156 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 161 1 ©I FUJI CAMERAS Designed for 1987 A NEW GENERATION TELEVIDEOMIs™ For Instant Record and Playback m II 1 1 VT-13R LL^7 First Time New Styiati VHS Vidoo Reoordor with built in Cotour Television 1 4 plus Infrared Remote Control It s a Simp»e Portable Compact Video Showcase Whether it s
      161 words
    • 109 1 Wfe're honored toserveyou around the world KQREANAIR For reser\-ations, call *****11 Guide to the Kallang Riverside Park Section Two, Page 1 and 3 QUICK CASH 24 HOURS jS r fin 1 4H09 J You can now use your Standard Chartered VISA Card to withdraw cash at any of our Moneylink
      109 words
    • 28 1 Golf war revives religions animosity in Kuwait: Page 21 Inside i Sum mar > World News 3,4,6,8 Aseao S Causeway II Comment/ Perspective ?i,21 Letters TimesDollar 23-2C Sports 28-31
      28 words

    • 401 2 Death over callgirl A THAI worker who refused to fully settle the price of a callgirl he had bought finally paid with his life last year, the High Court heard yesterday. Yon Wongkhamma, 33, had refused to settle a balance of $500 he owed another Thai, Samroeng Naundet, 26,
      401 words
    • 192 2 Around Asean ...and Asean the Causeway Philippines is 'sick' CARDINAL Jaime Sin, saying Philippine society is "sick" with materialism and hedonism, yesterday condemned this month's wave of killings and called for "peace in our troubled land." The Archbishop of Manila also urged President Corazon Aquino to decree a nationwide land
      192 words
    • 207 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: LAST week's announcement of another leadership reshuffle in Hanoi poses the question whether it will for once be accompanied by some meaningful policy reforms. There are grassroots expectations that this will come about bat viewed in perspective, formidable obstacles stand in the way of reforms
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    • 82 2 RIVER POLLUTION REFERRING to the statement "the rivers themselves still have a 'rather high' level of pollution" in our June 23 report "River clean-up meets PM's target", the press secretary to the Minister of the Environment says his remarks referred specifically to the faecal coliform count in the rivers
      82 words
    • 244 2 Top of the seeds SINGAPORE is likely to make a clean sweep of all four titles at stake two individual and two team in the East Asia squash championships starting in Jakarta on Saturday. Zainal Abidin and Lim Seok Hui, the men's and women's defending champions respectively, have been
      244 words
    • 509 2 An angler's delight SANDY beaches, and a riverside park are just two of the attractions at the Kallang Basin, which recently underwent the final phases of a massive 10-year effort to clean up Singapore's waterways. There are also plans for water sports such as canoeing and skiing on
      509 words
    • 251 2 NG TENG FONG AGREES TO DELAY S'PORE FODDER OFFER PROPERTY tycoon Ng Teng Fong has agreed to delay his purchase of a 39.4 per cent stake in Singapore Fodder until the High Court lifts an interim injunction by Fodder Chairman Hui Shune Ming preventing the sale by Sim Lim
      251 words
    • 165 2 Turmoil at night CITIZENS take to the streets at night in Seoul and in other South Korean cities to demonstrate against the government. But during the day they are hard at work, driving an economy that booms even amid political turmoil. While the violent demonsr ations of
      165 words
    • 409 2 The most decisive factor If you still have a yen for Japanese cars, take a closer look at one that's top-of-the-line and still costs much less than other Japanese cars View at classification 91 Classifieds. Poge Eight, Section Two. /""~~TC. Product Advertiser Section/Pate Acrobatic Show Universal Snows Entertainment
      409 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 Singapore's leading Chinese daily 1 Feeling the pulse to know your health: I H |af '^flß^Ha B^B^^ta^. a^B^^^ b^bl Go vernmen t appro ves jffPW^ I y 0 ll^Hftrf-*^* biosphere: A bold experiment or human survival llwpk jTaHfJr *J and more news and pictures in today's Lion he Zooboo 25-6-87
      241 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 404 3 The Sharjah family feud ABU DHABI A power struggle in the Gulf emirate of Sharjah has ended in agreement to restore Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qassimi, ruler for the past 15 years. An accord reached on Tuesday at a meeting at the Al
      Reuter; UPI  -  404 words
    • 107 3 RANGOON The wreckage of a missing Burmese airliner carrying 40 passengers has been found in eastern Burma's mountainous jungle, reports said here yesterday. There were no sign of survivors, the reports said although rescuers have recovered 16 bodies from the wreckage. Burmese soldiers
      AFP  -  107 words
    • 116 3 SHAWN Thompson (left) has a message for young people, especially those who don't seem to value life or limb by dabbling in illegal fireworks. The 19-year-old youth is the victim of a lethal toy called "quarter stick", an illegal firecracker which contains flash powder.
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 259 3  -  Peter Hazelhurst By Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO In a longstanding war of wits in central Japan, a hardened group of gangsters has filed a lawsuit against local residents, claiming that they are suffering from mental stress because their activi-* ties are being monitored by
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    • 269 3  - Wet June leaves Europe under the weather ALAN HUBBARD By Europe Editor LONDON Flaming June! That's what it used to be called, but these days more explicit expletives can be heard all over Europe as the month that traditionally heralds the summer sunshine descends even more soggily into watery woe.
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    • 161 3 NADI (Fiji) Thousands of cheering supporters yesterday welcomed ousted Prime Minister Timoci Havadra bark to Fiji on his return from a world tour They crammed the ar rival concourse at Nadi Airport and the streets outside as Dr Bavadra and his wife arrived from New
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 206 3 Queensland plans tougher gun laws BRISBANE Queensland plans to introduce tougher gun laws In the wake of "thrill killer" Josef Schwab's murderous rampage through northern Australia which left five people dead. Schwab, a 26-year-old West German, slaughtered three local people and two tourists in the remote "Top End" region of
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 302 3 Jewish groups plan protests in Vatican Waldheim's visit ROME Groups of Jewish activists from the United States and Europe converged on Rome, vowing to stage protests in St Peter's Square against a two-day state visit by Austrian President Kurt Waldheim who has been accused of complicity in Nazi atrocities. Dr
      UPI; Reuter; AFP  -  302 words
    • 358 4  - A 'press box' view of showdown in varsity PAT BENIC By Chief Photographer of Reuters in Asia SEOUL "You can't stay here, this area's for the press," says a gas-masked plainclothes policeman ejecting a Seoul resident from a grandstand view of hots about to erupt across the street. The railway
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 491 4 The Korean crisis SEOUL Citizens take to the streets at night here and in other South Korean cities to demonstrate against the government. But during the day they are hard at work, driving the economy on amid political turmoil. While the
      NYT  -  491 words
    • 574 4  -  Kim Young-Sam Man in the News r 1 Political history 1151: Began political apprenticeship as secretary to the late Prime Minister, Mr Syngman Rnee. 1954: Made his debut in the National Assembly for the ruling Liberal Party o 1958. Switched to the opposition
      UPI  -  574 words
    • 280 4 Dissident's supporters demand his release SEOUL South Korean authorities moved a huge additional force of police to Mr Kim Dae-Jung's Seoul home yesterday after supporters of the leading dissident demonstrated outside demanding his release from house arrest. A group of about 200 supporters, waiting impatiently all day amid reports of
      Reuter; AFP  -  280 words
    • 282 4 SEOUL South Korean President Chun Doo-Hwan is picking his way through a minefield of anti-govern-ment rioting that could wreck the grandest project of his seven years in power the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. "If it were not for the
      AFP  -  282 words
    • 112 4 SEOUL South Koreans suffering from the effects of teargas bombs can get free treatment at hospitals, the Interior Ministry here has announced. Since anti-government riots broke out on June 10, police have unleashed volley after volley of teargas. sometimes using special rapid-fire guns which can propel
      AFP  -  112 words
    • 403 6 The ceasefire proposals IN Secretary -General to appoint an Impartial body to examine the causes of the war. Demand an end fcThostilltles and withdrawal of military forces behind their respective borders. UNITED NATIONS The five permanent members of the UN Security Council
      AFP; AP; Reuter  -  403 words
    • 143 6 BEIJING Australia acted yesterday to stem the flow of Chinese seeking to study in Australia as a means of staying there. The Australian Embassy announced stricter rules for privately financed Chinese students who take English language courses, and said they would be deported if they
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 292 6  -  ONG MING SEING Unfair trade practices By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON US Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter has lashed out at American politicians and journalists who blame unfair trade practices for American economic ills. Speaking at an American Stock Exchange conference, Mr Yeutter said there was a tendency
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    • 307 6 AMERICAN Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter has urged Asean countries not to depend on exporting their products to the United States entirely for growth. He said they ought to strive for a balance between their domestic market and growth from exports. Heavy dependence
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    • 174 6 Argentine courts drop human rights cases against 48 officers BUENOS AIRES Argentine courts have dropped all charges against 48 military and police officers accused of atrocities, including all charges against a naval officer who kidnapped two French nuns during military rule. Navy Lieutenant Alfredo Astiz's case was struck from the
      AP; Reuter  -  174 words
    • 292 6 RIO DE JANEIRO Officials from the International Monetary Fund entered Brazil's Finance Ministry on Tuesday after being unwelcome for two years, in what appears to be a shift in the country's economic policies. Brazilian authorities invited the IMF mission apparently hoping it
      NYT  -  292 words
    • 393 6 LOS ANGELES Actor Tom Hanks reaches for a box of condoms as he is about to take a woman to bed in the forthcoming film Dragnet. He discovers the box is empty and promptly calls off the love-making. Aids has started changing
      Reuters; AP  -  393 words
    • 70 8 WITH the threat of terrorism ever-present in Europe, no one is going to take any chances with ft suspicions-looking box outside an embassy building. Especially when the embassy belongs to Iran. Ob Tuesday, Dutch bomb disposal experts in The Hague detonated one such
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 357 8 Shultz-Shev talks tentative,says State Department WASHINGTON The US State Department has said a mid-July meeting between Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevamadze is not as set as a senior US official had made it appear. "We've stated often about this question of a ministerial meeting
      AP; NYT; Reuter  -  357 words
    • 117 8 CAPE TOWN South African rugby hero Rob Louw has won the right to be covered up after his wife objected to him posing for a magazine, apparently naked save for a strategically placed rugby ball. The Cape Times said the monthly magazine
      Reuter  -  117 words
    • 285 8  - Ex-CIA man tells of North cash suspicions ONG MING SEING By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON A former CIA employee has testified he installed a U5513,900 (5J29.300) security system at the home of Lt-Colonel Oliver North and then exchanged backdated false documents to make it appear that the former White House aide
      285 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 380 3 r iL-^-""" r, .uil aid I'l I L lil fill J idPlßr ill 1 liir i^ *B 1 1 1 I m^^u >* &M- f Sri K~£-fIHI l^r SA fiat I fa> H •^r 1 v ABC sE Sm K fi< If B iT pM^HrBK f iff if if 1
      380 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 484 4 ThG Mdtid^GrnGnt Small Enterprises Improvement and modernisation of management skills is vital to the survival of Small Medii.m Enterprises (SMEs) This can be achieved through training Towards this end the Natk nai Productivity Board is organising a series of programmes tailored to the needs of the SMEs These courses are
      484 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 591 5 ■■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■i^BflVfliaßMA^ ft* BB fl^fll BVBCfluM<^Bm«-ML. fl^flv flfl^B fl^flD^^A. f*** fl^flV^H fl^fla fl^flV Jfl^kfl^flaL. K i B^9Bd fl^^^fll I B?*^^^.* •"?P*'* > '^Lj,' 4 M J^Si J fli/BJ TiL^ul Mtiii i** ■1 lul^il .^Jm. amV}>aml|VV B B% f»^B flP^SBw? jk». B» ffil K I Li tfIIMMJ fIP Jl Ub L Vmv^li
      591 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 it Jrnult's ofHtr/H't t'.x/M-rtisf 17b, Orchard Road n>. u. i *****23 Tiim'K PRESENTS A CARPET AUCTION OF RARE STOCKPILE TREASURES Every carpet sold at the auction will be unconditionally guaranteed and backed by a full trade-in value at our showroom. Come for the best bargains in town! Auetmnm DEBENHAM TEWSON
      161 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 319 7 .^^r 1 B JB^ J 30 1 h ANNIVERSARY Hj B Bs^^S S3 It's Metro's 30th Anniversary, and we really want you to celebrate with virtually everything, even on special offer items, at Metro. LET'S SHARE SOME SWEET MEMORIES j a once-in-30-years savings opportunity. The Metro 30th Anniversary Card. You
      319 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 441 8 >X hen you buv 2 pairs of Texwood Business k& Pants, we'll give you another pair, any style, FREE. This special deal lasts from June 19th to July 19th. While stocks last. 4 And this isn't the only favourable thing about V-^^fl buying Texwood. Tailored in quality fabrics, V^ J
      441 words

    • 486 9 Cardinal also urges Aquino to go ahead with land reforms MANILA Cardinal Jaime Sin, saying Philippine society is "sick" with materialism and hedonism, yesterday condemned this month's wave of killings and called for "peace in our troubled land." The Archbishop of
      Reuter  -  486 words
    • 247 9 Prem predicts 5 economic growth BANGKOK The Thai government submitted to the Lower House of Parliament yesterday a draft Budget of 243.5 billion baht (Ssl9 billion) for fiscal 1988, up about 7 per cent from the current fiscal year. Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda
      AFP  -  247 words
    • 147 9 MANILA Communist rebels have sacked a northern Philippine town in response to President Corazon Aquino's "total war" against them, a witness said yesterday. About 40 New People's Army rebels staged the raid on Tuesday at Licab in Nueva Ecija province,
      AFP  -  147 words
    • 260 9 JAKARTA Three leading Indonesian political scientists have urged the government to ease its grip on the country and accelerate moves towards full democracy, the newspaper Kompas reported on Tuesday. They called lor a review of Indonesia's political development in speeches at
      AFP  -  260 words
    • 185 9 JAKARTA A cargo vessel carrying 182 people sank off the coast of Sumatra two days ago and rescue teams are searching for more than 50 people missing and feared drowned, officials said yesterday. A total of 124 survivors have been picked up by another
      185 words
    • 319 9 Weinberger in Bangkok for talks on war stockpile BANGKOK US Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger arrived here yesterday for a two-day visit and talks with senior Thai officials on setting up a war reserve stockpile, officials said. Mr Weinberger arrived from Sydney where he began a 11-day four-nation tour of the
      AFP  -  319 words
    • 156 9 PROFESSIONAL Thai crocodile wrestler Sanan kamta holds op a 2-m "opponent". He takes on crocodiles several times a day In front of hundreds of cheering spectators at what is billed as the world's biggest crocodile farm, at Samntprakan, just south of Bangkok.
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 78 9 UN's $5 m anti-piracy budget BANGKOK The United Nations' refugee agency said Wednesday it would give US$2.6 million <555.4 million) for this year's joint anti-piracy programme with Thailand to protect Indochinese "boat people". A spokesman for the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said 11 countries, led
      Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 Gome and say^gjy" Newmans offer you the very best of Australia and the South Pacific— especially when it comes to quality, value and service. With Newmans you'll get to see more, do more and enjoy your M/Mft/r%y w in holiday a whole lot better. IiCWI I H3I lO AUSTRALIA ""i
      129 words
    • 284 9 BOUTIQUES lev mivt' de a//u>r #01-36, Lucky Plaza, 304 Orchard Road Tel *****27 #01-04, Hilton Shopping Gallery, 581 Orchard Road Tel *****95 I BANK OF MONTREAL I I 6 Batt ery Road H H^^Hh Standard Chartered Bank Building H I^^^Hl Singapore 0104 H Our rates as of yesterday were I
      284 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 152 10 Death for trafficking policy lauded VIENNA A United States State Department official has lauded Malaysia's policy of handing down the death penalty for drug traffickers, saying it was something to think about. Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead made the comment during a visit to the Malaysian exhibit at the
      AP  -  152 words
    • 339 10 Private sector urged to galvanise growth KUALA LUMPUR The worst is over for the Malaysian economy which is now poised for an upturn, according to Deputy Finance Minister Loke Yuen Yow yesterday. "The ball is now in the court of the private sector,
      339 words
    • 201 10 Stop use of Muslim signs, temples told TANJUNG KARANG (Selangor) The state government has given three months' notice to Chinese temples in Klang to remove Jawi and Muslim inscriptions on their premises. Mentri Besar Datak Mohammad Haji Muhammad Taib gave the ultimatum following complaints that many temples in Klang had
      NST  -  201 words
    • 226 10 KUALA LUMPUR The Education Ministry will not release its scholarship holders despite the current rising unemployment among university graduates. Education Minister Anwar Ibrahim told reporters on Tuesday. He said many of these scholarship holders are still needed to meet the shortage of teachers.
      NST  -  226 words
    • 182 10 SEVERAL policemen, a couple of passing motorcyclists and a Jogger looking at another jigger, and a motorist, both unidentified, lying on the grass verge next to a road near Menara Bangsar In Koala Lanmpar are seen in this picture. The tale takes
      Bernama  -  182 words
    • 319 10 KUALA LUMPUR Umno Deputy President Ghafar Baba has proposed an amendment of the party constitution to reduce "rampant politicking" during campaigns for party posts. The amendment was aimed at streamlining the party election system, such as setting a triennial election for Umno divisions now
      NST  -  319 words
    • 109 10 JOHOR BARU An increasing number of Singapore investors are setting up industries in Johor because of the lower operational costs, the State Economic Development Corporation said yesterday. Most of the companies were located in the Pasir Gudang and Senai industrial estates. "More
      Bernama  -  109 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 423 10 SIGN HDB Living and The Disabled I^,thot you care EVAC OCH AIR i\ P ff I A smooth ride down I HkL \R^\ Down flight of stairs > It wheels across the floor It glides down the stairs V2jUAITUdXI homeco^re For more information please contact Mount Elizabeth Tel *****24/5 Centrepoint
      423 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 389 11 /Wib^ jdH^^BßPtft^; _^^B^r /i4 BP!^BiMw'^,^BBBBBBBBBfIr v j Aa| BBF J^ > &i&PJ!flg%sr y^^ft^ Bb% jJ'l .41 'i^ M'-' 1 "^SB Bb\ S%*JbVJ BaBW. k Pvl IWW lUL Brl Blk I I IB^ "B^Bv BL^^Bnßk S^B^B^B^B^^*^^^ 3^ BHBhk. rr\uiYi inc. riuuriur jM/ f I |p l"Bfc- Jackson, Turner, Sara Sturgeon, B
      389 words

  • HOME
    • 481 12  - Education enters ‘Phase Five’ in search of excellence Valerie Lee At the Pre-lf seminar Reports by Educationist lists three aims for schools SINGAPORE'S education system is entering its fifth phase of development a search for excellence, an educationist said yesterday. The educationist, Mr John Yip, said the phase, which begins
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    • 297 12 Victoria JC students attack streaming But audience disputes their opinions on education system THE education system in Singapore came under fire from a team of Victoria Junior College students yesterday. Yvonne Chew, Chia Chin Chin, Siva Kumar and Chan Lai Cheng attacked streaming in their report. Assessments and Examinations, presented
      297 words
    • 658 12 Precisely because we try to avoid making judgments in the larger part of our lives, we have to settle the matter decisively at on* time or another. And we do this early in a man's life, at the age of 15 or
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    • 305 12 RI to seek more views before deciding Going independent ANYONE with a past, present or future attachment to Raffles Institution should make known within the next few weeks their views on whether it should go independent. Within the next "month or two", the school's ad hoc committee studying the matter
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    • 369 13 IT WAS a press conference that made the reporters drool somewhat. For before their eyes were a sumptuous array of local traditional fare, passing in a tantalising procession, so near yet so far. Prawn balls, hakka abacus seed, putu piring, ting ting
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    • 55 13 THE public can donate blood at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital on Saturday from 9 30 am to 12.30 pm. They can also do so at the Blood Donation Centre at the Singapore General Hospital on Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. and on Sunday from
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    • 29 13 THE Poultry Merchant's Association, Singapore will hold a dinner to mark the inauguration of its management committee at the Neptune Theatre Restaurant on June 30 at 7.30 pm.
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    • Briefly
      • 44 13 A MAN, who stole jewellery and money from a friend while the latter took a shower, was yesterday jailed for six months. Tan Soi Tee, 27, pleaded guilty to stealing two gold items worth $3,290 and $2,000 on May 9.
        44 words
      • 40 13 AN INDIAN tourist, Miss Sonia V. Teckchandani, 19, was found dead at the foot of Block 9, Selegie House, at 10.45 am yesterday. Police believe she fell from the 17th storey but do not suspect foul play.
        40 words
      • 44 13 A GOLD bracelet and $12,200 in cash were reported stolen from Bee Cheng Hiang Hup Chong Foodstuff on Saturday night. The owner discovered the cash and a gold bracelet worth $350 missing from a safe, and $200 stolen from the cash register.
        44 words
      • 37 13 A SINGAPORE Tourist Promotion Board commercial has won the Pacific Asia Travel Association's top award for a television travel advertisement. Entitled Singapore Stopover Holidays, the 60-second commercial was made by Batey Ads. Singapore.
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      • 35 13 THK REGISTRY of Land Titles and Deeds will be moving to the Treasury Building in Shenton Way. It will be closed to the public tomorrow and .Saturday but will reopen on Monday.
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      • 48 13 A MAN, who stole items worth over $25,000 from a photo goods shop in Far East Shopping Centre, was yesterday charged in a court with housebreaking. Mazlan Bin Ahmad Sani is alleged to have broken into Bally Photo Traders on April 18-19 with four accomplices.
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      • 32 13 THK BRITISH Post Office has said the Customs clearance of Speedpost items to Britain is now back to normal, but letter and parcel mail services are still subject to delay.
        32 words
      • 59 13 A TRANSPORT company clerk was yesterday charged with stealing 10 video cassette players from the company's office. Suhaime bin Yusoff, 23, is alleged to have committed the theft on April 6, with Muhamad bin Yusof of Rhenus Transport (S) Pte Ltd. Suhaime was remanded in police custody
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    • 125 13 Joss-stick urns stolen THIEVES have been stealing joss-stick urns from outside the doorways of Housing Board flats in the West Coast Road area. Queenstown police received complaints on June 22 that at least five urns were stolen. This is the second time the culprits have struck. Residents of Block 701
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    • 327 13 A THAI worker who refused to fully settle the price of a callgirl he had bought finally paid with his life, the High Court heard yesterday. Yon Wongkhamma. 33, had refused to settle a balance of $500 he owed the man who
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    • 542 15 Game for this? GIESTS will be Invited to rappel from this 14-metre high tower at the Safti open house this weekend. Only those who are aged above 12 years will be allowed to do so after they are briefed and given a
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    • 353 15 People who had to go and got caught SOME people just cannot pass through a backlane without getting that irresistible urge to stop for relief Others venture there foi this very purpose. Their inconsiderate behaviour have not only made some backlanes smell like uncleaned toilets but have turned them into
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    • 170 15 Business THE fast food industry in Singapore has expanded too fast, too soon And a shake-out of unnerving proportions is underway, accoidng to this months cov°r story in Singapore Bu.s.ness. Since the fast-food boom hit Singapore in the early 1980s, the industry has grown at
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    • 271 15 THE driver of a private bus died after it hit a lamp-post, which in turn fell on a passing taxi. The bus was carrying 21 passengers but no one else was hurt in the accident in Ayer Rajah Road on Tuesday morning. The bus,
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    • 435 15 The Muragason-Choong trial A LAWYER yesterday told a court that when a Workers' Party election agent shouted "fools, idiot, stupid" at a senior presiding officer during the 1984 general election at Telok Blangah, he was justified in doing so. Mr Freddie Yin,
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    • 161 15 A CLERK who posed as a Registry of Vehicles official saved %7 in service charges at a petrol station but was fined $1,000 for it on Tuesday. Abdul Rahman bin Ali, 34, had gone to the station at Joo Chiat Road to service his
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    • 280 16 Hotel Negara to lay off 40 workers HOTEL Negara, hit by competition from fast food outlets sprouting up in Orchard Road, will be retrenching 40 employees, mainly working in its coffee house and nightclub. Mr Rodney Khoo, the hotel manager, on Tuesday confirmed that the lay-off will take effect from
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    • 222 16 SOME concert-goers at Monday night's Miami Sound Machine performance said they were upset by the police's handling of the crowd at the show but a police spokesman said that crowd control was necessary to "maintain law and order". Commenting on how the police
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    • 631 16  - Void decks: Residents offer views on safety RONALD WONG By VOID decks in Housing Board estates are kept separated from carpark lots in different ways in different estates. And most residents have taken their safety for granted until Saturday's accident in which a seven-year-old boy lost his right foot after
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    • 93 16 What the HDB says THE Housing Board said yesterday that housing estates are designed with the idea of creating as mnch open space as possible, given the constraints of limited land. It added that carpark tots are near apartment blocks for the convenience of
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    • 263 17 CHTNA's Jiangsu Province ma\ be the next in line to plan an exhibition here to introduce the province's economy to Singaporean businessmen and investors Jiangsu's Governor Gu Xiulian said yesterday in an interview before her departure that her government would be interested
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    • 206 17 Plant to make medical and electronic parts A Sl2-MILLION plant is being set up in Jurong to make sophisticated medical products like parts for intravenous drips, and also electronic components such as computer connectors. The plant. Nycosa (S) Pte Ltd. is a joint-venture owned
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    • 242 17 HONGKONG actress Michelle Yim, who plays a feisty policewoman in the television serial Lady CID, has been "rounded up" she is one of eight celebrities who will help the Community Chest to raise funds. Together with other television stars, including actors Ken
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    • 97 17 A 13-YEAR-OLD girl found guilty last month of being a member of an unlawful assembly at Far East Plaza was let off without a fine on Tuesday. She was given a oneyear conditional dis- charge, meaning she will be penalised for this offence if
      97 words
    • 188 17 Contest to promote use of Mandarin CHINESE comic dialogue, xiangsheng. and short drama can help nurture the public's interest in Mandarin and help raise the standards of writing and speaking the Chinese language. This point was made by an official of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr
      188 words
    • 366 18 Singa City employee recounts his 'misadventures' A LOT has been happening to Tsai Tse Sing lately. Several times in the past three weeks, he has tripped, sprained his ankle and suffered frequent bouts of severe stomach cramps. But Tse Sing, 25, a recent
      366 words
    • 240 18 POLICE have arrested two schoolboys who are believed to have heea behind a spate of thefts from parked vehicles and recovered $12,tM worth of suspected stolen Items. The suspects, aged 14 and 11, were arrested by officers from the Jmroag
      240 words
    • 262 18 ART enthusiasts will be able to see six pioneer artists on video at this year's grand Art Fair 87 from July 31 to Aug 10. The lives and works of well-known Singaporean artists Georgette Chen Liying, Liu Kang,
      262 words
    • 268 18 The Tioman scuba-diving mishap EIGHT experienced divers here will leave for Pulau Tioman today to help Malaysian police search for the Singapore woman scuba diver missing in the South China Sea. The family of advertising executive Miss Yu Lee
      268 words
    • 185 18 THE "buddy" system observed by scuba divers in the open sea ensures that help is at hand should one partner get into difficulties. Divers descending in pairs make sure they are within arm's length of each other. Two divers teaming up this way must develop
      185 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 86 12 ttk I RECOMBINED I Everyone, especially children, needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth. But because your body cannot make its own calcium, you need to get it from other sources. One way is to munch through a whole lot of cheese. The other is to drink lots of
      86 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 300 13 Grey or Almond, it does't matter. If it performs like a Sanyo, it's the right choice. Not all families are of the same size. Refrigerator needs vary from family to family. At Sanyo, we have taken great trouble in accommodating everyone's needs by giving you a whole new range of
      300 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 250 14 Last year 15 Million D\mpers Made Singapore babies feel qn Top With Drier Bottoms. r^^^^ \f Pampers do us proud and prove that our dedication to babies' Yes it's the total combination of all these features that well-being has not gone unnoticed. makes most mums put their babies in Pampers
      250 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 381 15 In NZ Dollars your money could be earning around U^A. /Qtt? Rates vary throughout the day, but because we're over 90% owned by the Government of New Zealand, we will probably be able to give you a better rate for your fixed deposit of a minimum NZ$5O,OOO. No commissions or
      381 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 377 16 Bpm Kflllflng Theatre Hk jHb Pickets hI S.t<i 20 Id "> an- a\ail- jf aSa^aSl a > a> a rv > "l" rNl r Cold Suiraiff OntTppuint and (Central Booking (Office (vk"toria Theatre!. Tickets at $40 are available miU at (Central Booking Office *$4()/Jk3O ver> limited tickets left. r^\ a
      377 words
    • 213 16 ftefrurelife I A unique combination of Lecithin n2T^^i 1 I with Vitamin E containing natural lUwgUf>) I goodness of soyabean and I vegetable oils Helps to improve LECITHIN I blood circulation and maintain a IA/ITU I I healthy looking complexion. A WITrl food supplement, j VFTAMIN E I fcX T*-^*
      213 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 252 17 Super Deluxe Condominiums I POOO /I I \V\ (iJlj '^i^i r; IB .^^T^^V^^^^^^^L.^^ V centre/ 11 il^^Xi^^Bl^^B I for Bookings Enquiries Contact: .^^^^^«^^^P^^^L^A^^^P^fl Owner Developer .^^^^P^^^^^P^^^P^^^^V^fl I C?yS\l (A member of the Hon 9 Leong Group) .^^^^^^w .A^H^^^^^^^^ A^H^^Kv^S^l 36 Robinson Road #20-01 City House Singapore 0106 [I^3/^J) Cable: CITADEL
      252 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 107 18 jjij j& x BttMlttUKAMfeHi^BUßblb^gUhjMa^^ia^M^^a^p^p^JfS 3fcnnnnnnnnnnnnn%nn£nn»jnn»o«»sn»jMi»ihlnnnSiil L^B^a^ha^_ -J^V^/ V V JL Ja\^>/ V V F Isß""^^^^^^" You read about our arrival last week. fffttKK/tHtf^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^ How we're opening two major high tccr"in.olocv olsri ts in l u ron 2 A.t nn 1 era Hoxx/ tx/^*'ll \\f* molr trio tVi*** \x7i^\rl^'c best seUing
      107 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1086 19 netts-|95 N ETTSI9S NE tts24s T sl6s netts37s II NATIONAL NETT $1 80 II ml s+rr* AIWACSWSOO SHARP WQT23IZ SJrwTfiF AIWACA-W35 BIGSTON AV 210 5 B/W TV RXSR27 NOW L •4 band 4 Band 50W PMPO ARnH 4 band 3 key Equalizer Stereo Double «AM/FM» Auto reverse Mj y$ 5
      1,086 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 620 20 Changing of the guard THERE is a political trick as simplistic as it is old and that is, if you cannot change policies fast enough to solve problems in a country, change the leaders to placate public feelings and be seen to be doing something. Nowhere is this more evident
      620 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1 20
    1 words
  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • 1262 20  - Olympics '88 is stuck with Seoul, for the time being Alan Hubbard LONDON Visions of Carl Lewis soaring towards the long jump pit in a gas mask flicker disquietingly before the eyes of the venerable members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It is one of several daunting images currently
      1,262 words
    • 1084 20  -  JACQUES BEKAERT Pressures grow within Vietnam as party takes a cautious approach to reforms Viewpoint By 7/?e Bangkok Post WHEN the Sixth Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party last December elevated Mr Vo Chi Cong to the third rank of
      Reuter  -  1,084 words
    • 1314 21  - S'pore builders are shaping up to ship out LEE HAN SHIH By Singapore Business Remarkable performance by local contractors who are turning to the region for business AS the Singapore construction industry finds itself in the midst of its fourth straight year of decline, local contractors are increasingly turning to
      1,314 words
    • 933 21  -  JOHN KIFNER By New York Times Another Lebanon The policy they are following in the Iran-Iraq war it splitting the country if it keeps dragging on, you could get a Lebanon, a civ- m il-war situation here." A Western diplomat referring to Kuwaiti
      933 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 19 20 A lS^ /Mm l HANDMADE J|^^ /^rV RENOWN _^fl Soto AQtit: H.W Sh»lfy It Co. (Pte) Ltd. T»l: *****22
      19 words
    • 364 20 Where is everyone going? It's the book event for the whole family! 1 1 o Come see what the leading names in the publishing B 1^ J J industry have to offer And let your child learn that reading really is fun There's no better way to spend the THE
      364 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 341 21 The Allen Manager's Seminar r August 17 21. 1987 V Fee: SSI6OO (SIM Members)/SslBoo (Non-members) (Fee includes participant's workbook and seminar materials) I highly participative, results oriented, five-day seminar that covers every activity I essential to the improvement of management performance. Over 300,000 I managers have taken part, many of
      341 words
      325 words

    • 167 22 Diagnosis was made without a physical examination IN January this year, my mother went to a government outpatient clinic because of some discomfort in her breast. The doctor diagnosed it as a case of rheumatism without performing any form of physical examination on my mother. When the pain persisted, she
      167 words
    • 141 22 Four ATMs but none was working AT 7.50 pm last Sunday. I wanted to draw some money from the ATM near the Frankel Avenue Changi Road junction but it had a sign saying "Machine under service. Please wait". I waited 10 minutes, and then left. I returned at 9.10 pm
      141 words
    • 275 22 Remove weight restriction on travellers' bags MY wife and I recently spent four most delightful days visiting old friends, tasting delicious food, and seeing the sights of new Singapore. As a former Singaporean (25 years ago), I was proud and pleased to note the tremendous progress of your fine city.
      275 words
    • 262 22 Minister was referring to faecal pollution That remark about Kallang and Rochore rivers WE refer to your report "River clean-up meets PM's target" (ST, June 23) and would like to clarify and elaborate on the statement "the rivers themselves still have a 'rather high' level of pollution". Dr Ahmad Mattar's
      262 words
    • 328 22 Diploma one thing, the ability to teach another I WOULD like to comment on some of the statements by Dr Harry K. Wong in the article "Teachers get a lesson on classroom tactics" (ST. June 3). Firstly, on the putting up of framed diplomas to establish credibility. The ultimate worth
      328 words
    • 132 22 WE refer to the report '$140,000 a year for the right principal" (ST, June 23). The ACS Board of Governors had provided in its budgetary costs, the sum of $140,000 for a principal in its report to the Minister of Education. At no time has it
      132 words
    • 94 22 THE Straits Times welcomes letters from you. Your letters must include your signature, full name, address, and home and office telephone numbers, if any. They should preferably be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the paper. You may add a pseudonym if you wish. But we would prefer your using
      94 words
    • 197 22 HDB replies PLEASE refer to the letter "No ventilation with windows closed" by "Resident" (ST, June 10). We appreciate the writer"s concern over the ventilation and the design of the sliding windows. We agree that the provision of adequate ventilation is one of the important
      197 words
    • 164 22 PLEASE refer to the letter "Executive flats will be better with split level feature" by Y.C. Lee (ST, June 12). The HDB has over the years developed many variations in flat design to give applicants a wider choice. However, in any flat
      164 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 162 22 I >^ jf I bbbb!bbbbbb\llbbbW i z^^^.^ w -^f^b^J j^^ i .^bbll I^^bbk I y I >^ A^ Z^bbbbW V^lbl Al^U .^r AT i^. *< a l^^ *^t .jhbbbbb??^*2l]~««»* b^^. JB^ v AT m A^ t k wjy sXtf^MH\ J^r .^B b^^ IbbV J^ bbb^bbb! bbbJm^^BH Ek Kr^ j^mr Jif
      162 words
    • 107 22 \l i l an o BaL t^Km mt" k i technique m *9 «^aß B^^^^^B^B^^^B lfrf» *A B^E ,^a^tf *> i tJJFj^^l B a^am J in b^E^b^bl b^b^b^bl B^B^Bk B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BT SAW a^B^Lfl B^BB^L^Bfeß^Bßw L^Lm. L^Lm jftH I .^b^Hbk i BrUaiJb BB^Bk BBBBL ■_^BBVVB_" Jktß^Bl B^Bb JJK/^P^*l ■Mb BBL^BBBBBBBBwBjt B^Br^^lV^Hißiß^BV- V
      107 words

    • Article, Illustration
      3 23
      3 words
    • 462 23  -  LIM ENG HAI Sembawang Maritime flotation By THE Sembawang Maritime flotation has taught some investors a lesson that it is better to apply with cash than use CPF funds if you want to "stag" an issue. Some successful applicants for Sembawang Maritime shares who
      462 words
    • 68 23 OVERSEAS buying interest yesterday helped put selected blue chips among the top scorers in the Singapore stock market. The Straits Times Industrial Index edged past its previous peak to a new high of 1,252.42. Profit-taking in the afternoon pared morning gains, but was compensated by buying interest from
      68 words
    • Chief price changes
    • 32 23 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Fines Business fines Industrial Composite 1987 rkgh 1252 42(24/6/87) 1124 57(24/6/87) 1986/87 Low 563 34 (28/4/86) ***** (28/4/86) AlltimeHigh 1252 42(24/6/87) 1124 57(24/6/87) AHtimeLow 74 75(17/9/64) 470 92(28/4/86)
      32 words
    • 16 23 Closing Chance Vol ('000) Smgapore National Printers 181 1 27 Tits 1 38 unch 75
      16 words
    • 27 23 DM Y FF SS HhJ I SJ USt) ***** 145 90 unq ***** unq £***** ***** 144 65 6 0890 2 1175 7 8070 *****
      27 words
    • 14 23 THE US dollar lost 200 ticks to close at DM 1.8240 in Singapore.
      14 words
    • 12 23 In Singapore, gold gained US$3.7O to close at U*****.20 an ounce
      12 words
    • 60 23 Eurodollar: Lost 16 ticks to 92.55 a contract. Deutochemark: Gained 60 ticks to 0.5522 a contract. British Pound: Gained 235 ticks to 1.6075 a contract. Japanese yen: Gained 100 ticks to 0.*****3 a contract. Nikkei: Lost 10 points to ***** a contract. ITS Treasury bond: Lost 99 ticks to
      60 words
    • Short stops
      • 56 23 CHICAGO The Continental Illinois Corp bank group has added US$5OO million (5J1.05 billion) to its loan-loss reserve, joining the long line of banks setting aside huge sums to rope with dubious loans to developing countries Continental said the accounting move would cause a loss of US$47O million
        Reuter  -  56 words
      • 45 23 LONDON Lloyd's Insurance Underwriters has increased premiums for war risk applying to ships going to Kuwait by 33 per cent, specialist sources have said. The premium has been increased from 0.375 per cent to 0.5 per cent of the insured value. AFP
        AFP  -  45 words
      • 61 23 HONGKONG The Hongkong government will sell its controlling stake in Hongkong Industrial and Commercial Bank (HICB) to the local Dah Sing Bank, controlled by local businessman David Wong and his family. The government assumed control of HTCB in June 1985 after it was forced to take
        Reuter  -  61 words
      • 50 23 TOKYO The Finance Ministry has denied a report that it planned to allow life insurance companies to start over-the-counter sales of government bonds. Jiji press had reported that the ministry planned to allow such sales from October to further encourage individuals to buy the bonds. Reuter
        Reuter  -  50 words
    • 526 23  -  CONRAD RAJ By He is prepared to wait until court lifts injunction preventing deal PROPERTY tycoon Ng Teng Fong has agreed to delay his purchase of a 39.4 per cent stake in Singapore Fodder until the High Court lifts an interim injunction
      526 words
    • 30 23 KUALA LUMPUR The States of Malaya Chamber of Mines has again called for the lifting of tin export controls imposed by the Association of Tin Producing Countries. Bernama
      Bernama  -  30 words
    • 238 23 HAMBURG BANK chief executives attending an international monetary conference here have agreed that the integration of global and regional markets will need international co-ordina-tion. Mr E. Gerald Corrigan, President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, said that "central bankers will need to work
      238 words
    • 42 23 BANGKOK W. Haking Industries Ltd of Hongkong plans to set up a plant in Bangkok to produce 1.5 million cameras a year. The Board of Investment is reviewing Haking's application for special tax incentives for its project. Reuter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 153 23 S'pore has strong current account, says IMF SEOUL SINGAPORE has been picked by the International Monetary Fund as one of the developing countries with sufficiently strong current accounts, thus enhancing its credibility in the world, the South Korean Finance Ministry said. The IMF, a watchdog of the movement of international
      153 words
    • 348 23 THE rescuer of the Emporium Holdings Group, Mr Ch'ng Poh, has given the job of rebuilding the retail chain to the managing director of a civil engineering and construction firm. Mr Ch'ng yesterday confirmed that Mr Teh Ban Man, his business associate
      348 words
    • 431 23 KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA'S base lending rate (BLR) will be further reduced next month to induce greater investments, the Deputy Finance Minister, Mr Loke Yuen Yow, said yesterday. The reduction will be the fourth this year and the fifth in
      Bernama  -  431 words
    • 141 23 THE results of Temasek Holdings' second offer of Singapore Airlines shares will be known at 11 am today. Dealers yesterday said they expect the first tranche of 30 million shares at $13 each to be fully taken up. But their guesses on the response
      141 words
    • 406 23  - $16m tag for Galaxy complex JILL HUM By THE half-completed Galaxy residential and commercial complex near the Onan Road-Geylang Road junction is up for sale. The asking price for the project, which consists of a 16-storey apartment block called Galaxy Towers and a two-storey office block, is believed to be
      406 words
    • 121 23 AMBASSADOR Holdings Ltd's wholly -owned Malaysian subsidiary, Ambassador Oils Sdn Bhd, has increased its paid-up capital from Ms2 to MJ250.000 This was done through the allotment and issue of 249,998 new Msl AOSB shares at par to Ambassador Holdings for cash. Ambassador Holdings said yesterday
      121 words
    • 5174 24 READERS should be aware of the imitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt in at the stock exchange, is covered in "business done". Further, because al dealings at a particular price are lumped together, the table does not show the trend in
      5,174 words
    • 2624 24 INDUSTRIALS A|inomoto ibOSi Ale> Hldg Alcom I I2S' «38> 111 (2) MO <li 113 49 112 AISB I 458 U6S '2) 149 (22> 147 4t> '48' 146 API IOIS) <275' 102 (143' 103 101 ASM 130 (II) 328 12 i7o> 234 <38i 336 (10) Antoh
      2,624 words
    • 3109 24 Al shares quoted have a par value of $1. unless otherwise specified Adjusted for scrip/rights N Taxeiempted dividend ABN ts traded in lots of 10 shares each, with the price quoted in dolars Trustee stocks under CPf Approved Uivcstinent Schetne ***** Last Yield Vol Day High
      3,109 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 298 25 1 Mb $1,000 For l*jt cwtomm only 3 OCBC Fiwnc* 4 iimjM it MS Fiunct •> QuMrnf Hut riltt art ortfftd by wbutary OUT IK* utet »ho j»jfatit Jl UOf »Ko Htitbk at MS Fnanct OCBC OUB UOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Fixed deposit 1? months 3S 3'a 3'--
        298 words
      • 189 25 Interbank Over the counter Foreign Local dotars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to SSIO foreign currency Australian dollar 1.5186 1 5214 6.68—6.51 Canadian dollar 1.5877 1.5896 6.36—6 25 NZ dollar 1.2422 1.2449 8.17—7.92 Sterling pound 3.3972 3.4009 2.97—2.93 US dollar 2.1180—2.1190 4 75 4 71 Austrian
        189 words
      • Stock markets round-up
        • 639 25 SHARE prices in Singapore finished firmer yesterday with some buying interest in selected blue chips. Brokers and dealers said profit-taking in the afternoon pared morning gains, but prices and activity were boosted by some overseas interest in quality stocks. The Straits Times
          639 words
        • 371 25 J_ <*» 1830 +05 F* F+oteh 67 00 +15 HK Lond 710 +0 1 F* Lond Loon 94 50 unch oH > 640 +005 >* 'ele 14 00 +0 3 Hk Whorf Loon Mong Leong Hopewel 360 +0 05 Hsm Chong 390 +0 075 Hutch Pref 111 -0 01
          371 words
        • 344 25 fc~ 74 Yen Chanft Mrtsub Chem 1200 +60 Mrtsub flee 620 10 A—omotn I_Vl __n Mrt fstote 2800 +150 irrf™ 0 0 j, 60 Mrtsub Heovy 5 +8 Amodn 5^7 1300 10 aT—^-- ??L 32 Mrtsu. Co 779 II «sor» Chem 1 160 unch Mrtsu. Shnbida 9AI n K«5T*-
          344 words
        • 344 25 km 74 Cent! Cfunfe HoroW Jomes 355 +5 (Autl) Honooen fnergy 320 -5 Hodkm^ZZZZZZZZZ Z 340 +5 AC I 400 unch IC I 4IOS ANI 195+7 Ind fqurty 455 +5 Abertoyte 540 unch mt Heohh 50 Age 280 unch Le.ght©n 80 unch Amcor 450 unch Lend Leose 1400 unch
          344 words
        • 68 25 pi I I I I I -I I 'I NST Index ~R Wednesday 1,870.23 (1.860.82) --g Honfkonf Han g Sen g Wednesday 3,178.98 (3,110.41) Austraian Al-Otfcwries Wednesday 1.739.50 (1.742.00) I Nikei Stock Average Wednesday 24,892.75 (24,794.91) Financial Times Industrials ij Tuesday 1,751.60 (1,737.00) Dow Jones Average ZJJj,?: Tuesday 2,439.73
          68 words
        • 195 25 km 23 USS Change Alcoa 53 Aked Stg 44* Amax Inc 19* Amr Corp 61+1* Alt 28* Bethlehem Stl IS Boemg Co 47* -I* Burroughs Cp Coterpior Co 55* Chose Monhtn 42* -I* Chrysler Cp 36 CrfKorp 61* Com Nat Gas 43* +1 Consol Ed NY 44* unch
          195 words
        • 562 25 Beitom 99 unch Consplo"! 95 5 MM I' 131 I Hignlonds 7 1 2 Kl K>pong 91 I K.ii..-> 48 *3 84 unch M l'i-.»t 40 unch >„.<• i. 523 5 RUBttftS Ayer H.tom 160 unch Bei.ijr.r.i, 75 unch Mokiyon Tm 70 unch Pe.oling Tm 115 unch Sung*.
          562 words
      • 114 25 THE US dollar closed weaker against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed lower at 2.1180/90 in thin trading. It traded within a range of 2.1180 and 2.1210. It opened initially at 2.1190/00. Against the deutschemark, the US dollar opened at 1.8330/40 and
        114 words
      • 167 25 THE kilobar market traded between 5530,095 and 5530.225 yesterday. In the Far East market, gold opened at U*****.50 442.00 and firmed slightly to U*****.90 442.40. It reopened at U*****.50 442.00. and started to drift lower with a firmer dollar and lack of buying interest. After attaining a low of
        167 words
      • 28 25 GOLD USJ/oz Wed Tuts Singapore ********** ********** Hongkong 442.00—***** *****—***** Tuts Mon New York 440.50— 441 00 437.30— 437 80 London 441 00 441 50 *****—*****
        28 words
      • 253 25 Managers' prices for Jun* 25 Saif apore Unrt Trust The Commerce 1 17-1 19id The Sa»mgs Fund 0 97-103 Spoie Piog fund 0 46—0 50 Spo" Sec fund 0 80-0 86 S pore Invest fund 0 79-0 85id Spoie (quit* Fund 0 57—0 61 Asia UnH Trust Mai
        253 words
      • 422 25 SEPTEMBER Eurodollar opened five ticks lower at 92.66 and traded to an intraday high of 92.68 before being sold off to a low of 92.59 by midmorning. The technical gap 92.59 attracted prices lower and by London opening the September contract slipped further to low of 92.52 before
        422 words
      • 21 25 Rubber Closing prices cents/kflo Singapore July 206 75 down 0 25 cents Malaysia July 245 00 down half a cent
        21 words
      • 18 25 Tin Closing prices MJ'klo <l Tin 16 49 down five cents furnover 37 tonnes down 43 tonnes
        18 words
      • 26 25 CJosinf prices Copp«r tonne Tun Spot 970 00-***** (955 00-956 00) 3 months %0 00-961 00 (948 00-949 00) Market tone Steady Sales 21.250 tonnes
        26 words
      • 28 25 Ctnaif pnefj Silver US J (tot a; «W Tuts ngwie 694 701 6 73-683 Tut* Mm York 686—6 93 6 67-4 77 Source Credit Suisse S pore
        28 words
      • 28 25 Clninf prices Aluminium £/tome ha flot 915 00—917 00 (926 50-927 00) i months 906 00-906 50 (913 00-913 50) Market tone Easier Sales 5 100 tonnes
        28 words
      • 104 25 Crude MS/ttme pafmoi June 775 (south) 777 50 (central) 770 (north) _i Refined palm oi US$/tomes RBO palm oil July Aug Sept 330 (sellers) RBD Stearin July 307 50 (sellers) Aug Sept 305 (sellers) RBD Olem July 340 (sellers) Aug Sept 340 (sellers) Crude stearin Neutralised Unq palm
        104 words
      • Article, Illustration
        309 25 Vessel Berth Arr Dep kvont Asian Clipper 15 aside 25/6 Dewi Seraya 18 a side 25/6 Eng Tou 100 B )3 aside 25/6 Rita 13 aside 25/6 Union 17 aside 25/6 Hamilton Progress 16 25 6 27/6 Roda Perkasa 110/ 11 25/6 25/6 Samudra Jaya II II
        309 words
    • 286 26 Greenback suffers sharp fall against yen in Tokyo TOKYO The dollar foil sharply against the yen in Tokyo yt'sUMiJay after Hank of Japan sources said it had gone high enough proving right one New Ton dealer who said bad news hits the dollar more than good news helps it. The
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 470 26 NEW YORK Renewed interest in US stocks due to better market conditions A MORE stable US dollar and improved market conditions have helped lure Japanese investors away from Tokyo and back to Wall Street, although the extent of their interest is not known yet,
      AP  -  470 words
    • 227 26 MANILA The Philippines' Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) has signed an agreement to sell the Commercial Bank of Manila (Cornbank) to First National Bank of Boston and a group of local investors for 510 million pesos (5552.8 million). Bank of Boston will
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 225 26 BANGKOK THAILAND may allow state-owned Krung Thai Bank Ltd to import gold to help boost jewellery exports. Fiscal Policy Office Deputy Director Niphat Phukkanasut has said. He said that easing import restrictions would allow small jewellers to buy gold more cheaply at prices
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 183 26 TOKYO A top Japanese banker has said he sees a need to respond to BankAmerica Corp's recent request to Japanese banks to help rebuild its weakened equity base. "I personally believe we should study BankAmerica's request from the broader point of view," Mr Kenichi Kamiya, President
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 382 26 LONDON The International Cocoa Organisation (ICCO) has summoned its council to a special session on July 13 to consider cutting the price at which its buffer stock buys cocoa in the world market, ICCO sources said. Purchases by the buffer stock
      Reuter  -  382 words
    • 26 26 "I want to take this opportunity to thank my 'yes men' for backing me up on my decision to increase my salary."
      26 words
    • 512 26  -  DOREEN SOH SUNSHINE Allied Investments Ltd's proposed participation in a Beijing hotel project is not expected to contribute to its earnings for the next three years. However, directors of Sunshine Allied are urging shareholders to vote for the US$33
      512 words
    • 126 26 HONGKONG The Ka Wah Bank, now 92 per cent owned by the China International Trust and Investment Corp (Citic), has reported a net profit of HK11.94 million (*****,000) for last year after a HK5541.23 million loss in 1985. It said the accumulated loss at
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 365 26 WASHINGTON THE Chairman of President Ronald Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers has said the administration opposes a Bill which would increase government regulation of corporate takeover attempts. Mr Beryl Sprinkel told the Senate banking committee at a hearing: "The best available evidence indicates that corporate
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • Companies desk
      • 97 26 GOLD Coin (M) Bhd, an animal-feed and trading group, has received its shareholders' approval on its proposed one-for-three bonus issue. The bonus issue of eight million new shares of Msl each will increase Gold Coin's capital to more closely the underlying value of the assets employed
        Bernama  -  97 words
      • 84 26 CHOCOLATE Products (M) Bhd has acquired Grand Tours and Travel Services Sdn Bhd. which is mainly in the business of issuance of airline tickets. Chocolate Products Chairman Datuk Lim Kheng Kim said in a statement to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange that the acquisition was done through acquiring
        Bernama  -  84 words
      • 64 26 GLOBAL Equities Bhd reported a higher group pre-tax profit of MJ4.67 million for the year ended last Dec 31 compared to M5552.000 previously. Global said in a statement on Tuesday that turnover also rose to M574.46 million from M534.96 million. Meanwhile, it intends to transfer all its assets
        Bernama  -  64 words
      • 78 26 BOLTON Properties Bhd will change its marketing plan by developing more low and mediumcost houses, its Executive Director. Datuk Chong Shih Guan said. He said after the company's annual general meeting on Tuesday that the days of expensive bungalow houses are numbered and there is an over-supply of
        Bernama  -  78 words
      • 46 26 D C Bank THE last date for splitting for Development Commercial Bank's one-for-two rights issue of 113 million new shares at 60 sen each is July 10. The last date for acceptance and payment, renunciation and payment and excess share applications and payment is July 31.
        46 words
      • 15 26 MR HO Kian Guan has been elected Vice-Chair-man of Keck Seng (M) Bhd.
        15 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 134 23 1 UJDOIv! BUILDING. Cut from a solid block of stainless steel each WJl^^^S^ iTudor Oyster case is then shaped, polished and C^ <^^vvdd,blot or screw, the case retains '^^SSff^^ the toughness and strength of the block of steel from which it The winding crown of the water-proof, selfwinding Tudor is
      134 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 252 26 Ir\ I bm mat i mss jia Off er jS&h For Limited Period Only t"f clZiMATtleUtnete Every purchase ol $200 above will entitles Lgt£/Ci '^S^SS^ llfl^^ ll^^ mm^"^^ to a FREE GIFT of either a Mattress Pad. fs&tjV-^^om^^^^ Bedspread Pillows. Table Lamp or Tie Hanger if you're lookmq tor bedding
      252 words
    • 111 26 I Ar© vour 1 I New Zealand Dollar I I deposits earning I I ttm 4*^o/ ami! I Yesterday our deposit exchange rates were 8 I One Two Three Six fl Month Months Months Months Egj^gJJ B I 16.875'0pa 16.875°.pa 17.00%pa 16.925°, pal 1 We accept minimum deposits of NZ$5O,OOO
      111 words

    • 560 27 The top ten I m They are among 13 of Thwaites' entries sent against the clock ON THE TRACK with LUCKY LEO TRAINER Malcolm Thwaites sent 13 of his 14 entries for fast work at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Several of them displayed brilliant
      560 words
    • 129 27 13 for Irish Derby DUBLIN Jockey Pat Eddery, who managed minor placings in two English classics astride Bellotto, will team up again with the three-year-old colt in the Irish Derby over 2.400m at The Curragh on Saturday. Eddery rode Bellotto to. finish runner-up by a neck behind Don't Forget Me
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 52 27 Change of names CLASS 3 galloper Leo will race as Wisconsin with effect from the Perak Turf Club July meeting, according to the Malayan Racing Association's latest classification list. Sepanjang Jalan (Class 4) and Thirteen Wonders 111 (Class 5) will also be renamed Not You and Evasive respectively from the
      52 words
    • Article, Illustration
      9 27  -  JON BY "Hold It ladles first!"
      9 words
    • 784 27  -  By FAIRWAY HIKIT TIMAH trainer William Chua will introduce three well-performed Class 1 newcomers at the Singapore Turf Club (Gold Cup) meeting starting on Sa t unlay. Two of them. Carlos Lopez and Inclusion, have also been entered for the
      NST  -  784 words
      432 words
    • 109 27 The family of the late MR. CHU LIANG HEE wi«he« to extend their deep appreciation and gratitude to the doctors and staff of Raffle* Medical Group, Singapore Caaket. Bank Of Canton, the staff of Singapore Computer Engraving Systems, friends and relative* lor their prayers condolences, wreaths and assistance
      109 words
    • 32 27 With daapast sympathies ft cone the family of the late HAJAH SAERAH HAJI TARIS Departed 20th June 1967 From: President, Executive Committee A Members of Affiliate MAJLIS PUSAT
      32 words
    • 204 27 The family of the late JEROME (JOE) LEONARD PEREIRA withes to sincerely thank Father Loiseau, members of the various groups from OLPS and Holy Family Parishes, Singapore Casket Company, all relatives, colleagues and friends for their love, support and contributions during their recent bereavement. The family
      204 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      49 27 With deepest sympathies^ condolences to MR. SEET K.T. and family on the demise of the late MDM. TAN SUAT LENG From colleagues of BP Singapore Pte. Ltd. With Osspaat Sympathies Condolences le the family el MwLilc MRS. POK SENG HAY From: Steff of Contract* Branches C4XPO, PWD
      49 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      177 27 In Everlovmg Memory ol my Beloved Husband JOHNSON LEE KUEK HUAN Departed 25.6.1982 Five years have gone, fond memories of you still live on To recall your pleasant face and patient smile: And the fact that you are gone forever. Makes my heart arhe and sore with
      177 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      125 27 STH ANNIVERSARY IN LOVING MEMORY CHUA AH LONG Departed 25th June 1982 The world changes year > And friends from day to day. But never will the one I <>ve From memory pass away Dearly muted and always remembered by wile, son, daughters, diughltr m-liw son-in-law, grandchildren
      125 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 260 27 Acceptance of obituary annoucements 9 a.m. to midnight On Mon. to Fri., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. please call 737-1 166 for booking enquiries. After these hours and on Sun., please call 737-001 1 ext. 5269 At 21 beautiful Annabelle g g Dnscoll was
      260 words
    • 31 27 HI THE It V STRAITS \i TIMES RATES FOR OBITUARIES $15.00 for 3 ines (Run-on style) $60 00 for 3cm x lcoi (Semi-display style) $75.00 for 3cm x lcoi (Display style)
      31 words

    • 338 28 1 JULY SPORTS DIARY 1 L^ I LAIT WING CHEOK and Boris Becker have a lot to look forward to on July 5. Both are defending champions and top seeds in their respective tournaments. Came July 5, Wing Cheok will find out if he is
      338 words
    • 149 28 BADMINTON NATIONAL C'SHIPS I. AT WING CHEOK can expect a tough lime proving he is still Stagapore'i top playci in the Yonex F&N national championships at the Singapore Badminton Hall, from July 1-fv The top seed and defending rhampion has been experiencing a lean year and. besides being plagued by
      149 words
    • 130 28 THAI, MALAYSIAN, INDONESIAN OPENS SINGAPORE will send six players to the Malay sian Open (July 14-19) Wing Cheok. Hamid, Shoon Soo. Donald. Soon Onn and Zarinah Competition will be tougher this year and the lotal prize money of US$9O,OOO ($190,800) has made the Malaysian Open the richest event on the
      130 words
    • 141 28 BESIDES bringing together the Republic's talents, the July 26 national championships, to be held at Kim Seng Technical School, will also help the Singapore Judo Federation select Singapore's team to the South-east Asia Games in Jakarta. Among those expected to make an impact at the championships is
      141 words
    • 125 28 BASKETBALL fans can look forward to lots of action from July 11-18, when the Merlion Cup competition takes place at the Gay World Stadium. Six-time Yugoslav champions Smelt Olympia will certainly add more glamour to the tournament, which also features Singapore, Malaysia and club teams from West
      125 words
    • 267 28 WITH even participation records heading for oblivion, the Asian track and field championships, to be held at the National Stadium from July 22-26, is living up to its billing as the region's premier athletics competition. An unprecedented 31 countries with more than
      267 words
    • 194 28 IT'S bikini-and-bicep time again, this time in the Fourth World Mixed Pairs competition to be held at Kallang Theatre from July 25-26. After the successful staging of the men's championships in 1983 and the women's competition last year, the Singapore Amateur Bodybuilders' Federation have once
      194 words
    • 87 28 SINGAPORE, skippered by Mohan Rajalingam. will play in the MCA in-ter-state semi-finals, from July 17-19. against either Sabah or Perak. As South Zone champions, Singapore advanced straight to the semi-finals after winning all their 10 matches. The semi-final will be played either in Singapore, if
      87 words
    • 177 28 THIS tournament is never referred to by its full name. All those connected with it call it "The Open Championship". The Royal and Ancient Club of St Andrews, who organise this event, bestow upon the winner the title of "1987 Champion Golfer of the Year" Such is
      177 words
    • 180 28 SAMSON GIMSON, Poh Ee Kiat. Douglas Ooi and M Balraj will be representing Singapore in the Putra Cup tournament in Jakarta from July 9-12. Other competing nations are Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Burma. Papua New Guinea, Hongkong and Brunei. Changi Open D Div
      180 words
    • 217 28 WITH American champion Greg Lemond still recovering from a freak hunting accident, the field for the Tour de France, from July 1-26, has become wide open. Lemond, who was the first American to win this most gruelling and famous of cycling races, was shot by his
      217 words
    • 179 28 EVERYONE is waiting to see if West German Boris Becker can win the Wimbledon singles title three times in a row. Besides Becker, winning the Wimbledon title will also mean very much to French Open winner Ivan Lendl, of Czechoslovakia. It is the one title which has
      179 words
    • 184 28 THIS is the final testing ground for September's South-east Asia Games for Singapore's swimmers. It will also be kingpin Ang Peng Siong's first local competition since returning from the Universiiy of Houston earlier this year. Peng Siong, who had a bout of pneumonia during his national service
      184 words
    • 200 28 SOCCER: MALAYSIA CUP SINCE THE Malaysia Cup started on June 12, Singapore fans have not had the chance to feel the "live" excitement. But they will be adequately compensated this month, with four Cup-ties at the National Stadium. The four home matches will pit the Republic against Malacca (July 5).
      200 words
    • 322 29  -  TAY CHENG KHOON JASON MOO, Chee 1-Ming, Basil Lui and Chan Chwee Wei have been awarded this year's squash scholarships. The four teenagers have been chosen for their dedication and attitude during tournaments and practices. Said Singapore Squash Rackets Association coaching chairman Mulkit
      322 words
    • 448 29  -  TAY CHENG KHOON By THE SEEDINGS Men's individual: 1 Zainal Abidin (Sin), Z Anthony Chua (Sin), J-5 Alex Tay (Sin), Hitoshi Ushiogi (Jpn), Tony Choi (HK), *-7 Seiji Sakamoto (Jpn), Manuel Yam (RP). Men's team: 1 Singapore I Malaysia 3 Hongkong 4 Japan. Women's individual:
      448 words
    • 284 29 BONN Ferenc Puskas. the legendary Hungarian inside-left, is set to return to football at the age of 60 as coach to a West Germany parliamentary team. Puskas, who also intends to open a Hungarian restaurant in Bonn's embassy quarters of Bad Godesberg, was contacted by
      Reuter; AFP  -  284 words
    • 449 29 MILAN Despite the absence of several key players. Inter Milan beat Spain's Barcelona 3-1 on Tuesday in the second round of the ■■Mundialito" tournament for clubs. The victory gave the Italians three points after two matches. Barcelona, playing their first match at the Meazza Stadium, left without
      AFP; AP; Reuter; UPI  -  449 words
    • 398 29 SPORT IN SHORT JOHANNESBURG South African heavyweight prospert Johnny du Plooy beat veteran American boxer James "Quick" Tillis on a technical knockout in the last round of their 10-round bout here on Tuesday. I)u Plooy, who has won all 14 of his professional fights, had
      Reuter; AFP  -  398 words
    • 513 29 PRAGUE Pole vaulter Sergei Bubka set the seventh world record of his dazzling career on Tuesday, soaring over the bar at 6.03 metres. Bubka's superb leap on his third attempt at the height was well clear of the bar. The Soviet athlete had
      Reuter  -  513 words
    • 192 29 SAN JOSE (California) Jackie Joyner-Kersee, the only athlete to surpass 7,ttt points in the heptathlon, was 15 points short of world-record pace after four events on Tuesday in the USA-Mobil outdoor track and field championships. Jockie, who twice broke the world record last year,
      AP  -  192 words
    • 390 30 Razif, Jalani to get cash for Beijing performance $40,000 KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIAN badminton stars Razif and Jalani Sidek will receive $40,000 under the National Cash Awards scheme tor finishing runners-up in the doubles event at the World Championships in Beijing last month. Sports Minister Datuk Sen Najib Tun Razak said
      NST  -  390 words
    • Article, Illustration
      192 30 THE DUTCH DEBATE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MHi^Maii^^^ We expect to know the result on Friday. The advisory committee sent by the Ministry to look into Fandi's case have told us that they recommended that Fandi be given a six-month permit. Gromngens van Dalen SINGAPORE, despite their inauspicious start in the Malaysia
      192 words
    • 440 30  - It's Tuesday or never, Fandi decides WILFRED YEO Story. Groningen confident permit will be issued tomorrow SINGAPORE footballer Fandi Ahmad's two-week wait for the Dutch work permit that he needs for a second stint with FC Groningen is expected to end tomorrow. That's when Groningen expect to hear officially
      440 words
    • 332 30 JANICE SEAH PREVIEWS THE ASEAN AGE-GROUP SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS MANILA was not a successful venue for Singapore's age-group swimmers. It was there last year that the Republic, long respected for their pool of talent, finished fourth in the Asean age-group competition. It was depressing that the
      332 words
    • 278 30  - Hasnim and two others out against Kelantan JOE DORAI By MIDFIELDFIR Hasnim Haron has been dropped from the 16-member Singapore squad for tomorrow night's (8.30) Malaysia Cup-tie against Kelantan at the Sultan Mohammed Stadium in Kota Baru. This after his poor performance on his Cup debut against Pahang in
      278 words
    • 43 30 TEXINS edged out Singapore Maybank 22-21 in a Singapore Business Houses Division One netball match at Petain Road yesterday. Other results Dtv 2: DBS Bank 27 Press Club 13. Div 3: ÜBRC 33 National Semiconductor 9. Tangs 28 Malaysian Airlines 19.
      43 words
    • 99 30  -  J. RAJENDRAN TWENTY schoolboys will take part in the three-day Singapore Novices Boxing Championships starting at the Bo Wen Community Centre tonight (7.30 pm). They are among 52 competitors in the Fuji Video-sponsored tournament which has four categories open, novices, beginners and schoolboys. Singapore Armed Forces
      99 words
    • 214 30  - Blind cyclists to show off skills in Paris J. RAJENDRAN By THREE members of the Singapore Association for the Blind and their sighted "pilots" will represent the Republic in a tandem race in conjunction with next month's Tour de France. The three Singapore pairs one of them a women's team
      JACKIE HO  -  214 words
    • 297 30  -  TAY CHENG KHOON By FORMER international Jack Wong notched 1.302 pinfalls to lead the Masters qualifiers in the Jatico National bowling championships at Tenpin Bowl yesterday. Jack, who last appeared for Singapore in the 1985 South East-Asia Games, started off with I high 257 in
      297 words
    • 172 30 KUALA LUMPUR The Malaysian Bodybuilding Federation have ruled that Abdul Malek Noor had not broken MMteur rules when he appeared in a Kelab Damansara Westpoint advertisement over TV3 recently. The Council's unanimous decision was bMtd on a letter, dated June 20, from Kelab Damansara Westpoint generalmanager
      NST  -  172 words
    • 604 31 Whirlwind wins by big guns in round one I feel a bit sorry for him, but what can you do? He did not speak to me during the match, he was just laughing ft about it. hEdberg (left) on his 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 defeat
      Reuter  -  604 words
    • LATEST
      • 329 31 Martina storms through first match LONDON Steffi Graf and Martina Navratilova took their tint steps here yesterday towards meeting each other In the Wimbledon final which will decide who has the right to be called the best in the world. Am! both players were in mean mood on a grey
        329 words
    • 285 31 AMS7KLVKKN (Holland) West (Germany took confident step towards re taming the men's Champions Trophy title on Ims day with h 2-1 win over Olympic 1 champions F'akistan Kkkard Schmidt-Opper and captain Heinei I)opp scored field goals as they overcame a Pakistan side struggling for form Hassan
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 354 31 Helena aims to follow mum's lead WIMBLEDON Czechoslovak tennis star Helena Sukova has good reason to believe she can go one better than her mother, who reached the Wimbledon women's singles final 25 years ago. The 22-year-old from Prague had her confidence boosted when she beat world No. 1 Martina
      AP  -  354 words
    • 257 31 LONDON Angry words preceded yesterday's opening shots in Steffi Graf's campaign to dethrone defending champion and world No. 1 Martina Naratilova at Wimbledon. Steffi, 18, tipped by many as the player who can end Martina's long reign, was fuming over a decision to remove Czech
      AFP  -  257 words
    • 316 31 Men's singles first round: Boris Becker (WG) bt Karel Novacek (Cze) 6-4. 6-2. 6-4; Stefan Edberg (Swe) bt Stefan Eriksson (Swe) 6-0, 6-0, 6-0; Ivan I>endl (Cze) bt Christian Sareanu (WG) 6-2, 3-6. 6-3, 7-5; Stephm Shaw (Bri) bt Todd Witsken (US) 6-3, 6-4. 6-3; Guy Forget
      316 words
    • 345 31 Spitting OUt: Players have been asked not to spit on court during this year's Wimbledon championships. All-England Club chairman Buzzer Hadingham has pinned a notice up in the players' dressing-room asking them to refrain from spitting. Among worst offenders of the habit are Sweden's otherwise well-mannered Mats
      AFP; AP; UPI  -  345 words
    • 338 31 LONDON Yorkshire pulled off a nine-wieket win at Headingley on Tuesday and go six points clear at the top of the English County Cricket championship table. Lancashire were toppled from the top when they were beated by Kent at Liverpool. Chris Smith's unbeaten 132 was
      AFP; Reuter  -  338 words
    • 389 31 Downpour fails ito dampen fans' spirits LONDON Wimbledon's second century got off to a slow and soggy start but the steady rain did not entirely dampen the spirits of the sporting public. While an eerie stillness settled over the hallowed courts of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
      Reuter  -  389 words
    • 264 32  - Astaire didn't want children at his deathbed, says widow LOS ANGELES FRED Astaire so guarded his privacy that he would not allow even his children at his deathbed, his tearful widow said. Her voice breaking with emotion, former jockey Robyn Smith, 42, said Astaire had insisted only she should be
      Reuter; UPI  -  264 words
    • 184 32  -  ONG MING SEING By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON The House of Representatives has passed a Budget that amounts to a rejection of President Ronald Reagan's call for more military spending and cuts in domestic programmes. The US$l trillion (552.12 trillion) Budget, which was approved
      184 words
    • 326 32 It now owes more than Brazil, Mexico and Argentina combined WASHINGTON The United States, the richest nation in the world, saw its net foreign debt increase by 135 per cent last year, meaning it now owes U*****.6 billion (*****.6 billion) more to foreigners than
      326 words
    • 361 32 Investor in hospital after setting off market shock NEW YORK A professional investor weeded his garden shortly after dawn on Tuesday, then went to work and made a false takeover bid for a major American firm which cost speculators millions of dollars.
      Reuter  -  361 words
    • 270 32 BEIRUT The son of Lebanon's Defence Minister swam to freedom yesterday after a weeklong kMaap ordeal, family —reel said. They said Mr All Osselraa ■■ffercd the ordeal to prelect American Journalist Charles Glass, whs was seised with the minister's son and
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 138 32 BEIJING Princess Monique, wife of Cambodian resistance leader Prince Norodom Sihanouk, will visit guerillas at the ThaiCambodian border soon. This was revealed when she met the wife of Chinese President Li Xiannian here yesterday, Xinhua news agency reported. The Princess arrived on
      AFP  -  138 words
    • 324 32  -  CHUA CHIN CHYE By A ROBBERY suspect was coaxed into surrendering by police and firemen yesterday after holding them at bay for three hours by threatening to jump off a four-sto-rey building. A large crowd watched in suspense as many times
      JACKIE HO  -  324 words
    • 416 32 Tamil rebels pledge to observe ceasefire during aid distribution MADRAS An Indian merchant ship carrying food and medicine for Sri Lankan Tamils sailed for Jaffna yesterday, with Tamil rebels pledging to observe a ceasefire while the supplies are distributed. Port officials said
      Reuter; AFP  -  416 words
    • 27 32 TAIPEI Taiwan has banned imports of poisonous snakes, a traditional Taiwanese delicacy, except for use in medical and scientific research, the government announced yesterday. AP
      AP  -  27 words
    • 31 32 BEIJING Japan will Erovide China with 85 bilon yen (SJI 2 billion) in government loans in 1987, according to an agreement reached yesterday in an exchange of notes. AP.
      31 words
    • 29 32 NEW YORK The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 1 92 points to 2,441.65 one hour after trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP
      AP  -  29 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 140 28 Only Wimbledon racquets bring you the best of space age technology. The 1 1 1/ 2 oz. 100% High Modulus Graphite frame provides optimum strength, stiffness, and durability. With a new aerodynamic design that's Dynamically Weighted™, a Wimbledon exclusive, to give you more power, a bigger sweet spot, better stability.
      140 words
    • 9 28 FRENCH OPEN WIMBLEDON AUSTRALIAN OPEN ■Chosen-Around-the-World rz^- 1 Slazenger
      9 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 256 29 "I Personally Recommend HQRLEYS Proteins." ,\>^ -••C Jr Specially and scientifically *ij formulated from New J Zealand s finest milk powder. W Horteys Proteins plays a vital f role in helping you to build up your body A healthy weight gain drink Rich tasting, high calorie. ▼^V* high protein, food
      256 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 60 30 Team spirit, dedication, resourcefulness... some of the winning qualities at the workplace. Reinforce these qualities send a team to The sth Times Inter-Business Houses Athletics Meet *87. And vie for the champion team trophy. Please call Juanita Kwok on 730-5789 %W i&* ThesthTrneslr*er-BiJsiness .SbS. HousesAthleticslVteet'B7 SMuecar MMma «iicnc assocmtum I
      60 words
    • 38 30 I B^B^B^B^B^b I it U BMBi B^B^B^B^B^Ba t7 Xk' /rt i {7/ 2 Buy Decofam to relieve your cough from one of the leading drugstores, pharmacies and supermarkets. 5 o DMA DRUG HOUSES OF AUSTRALIA (ASIA) PTE LTD
      38 words
  • Page 30 Miscellaneous
    • 122 30 HOW I IM, -Jatirn .Nmtlonal -hip- i Tenpin Howl, 9 30am t BOXINU Siagaparr Navlrro i '-hips Ho Wen CC. 7 30pm I HIKKKY SHA Dtv t: Merce nin.s v F>olice (Jurkhas iCSC. lr rni SIH( KR Natlanal \miih I -IK •.-final".: Oimlnnoil S. h.nils x. K.iki Hukii i.lln BmvK
      122 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 177 31 Thorn EMI Rentals Rent a worry freeTV VCR Package for less than $2 a day. $38 /month K!' .C^^^^^M National NV C2O $50/month Or a TV for as little as $21 a month, a VCR for only $36 a month. Or even both as a package for only $54 a
      177 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 125 32 I^J^^ j^^r 1 I /v\IL/| 111 yc^ TFKA 111 11l A-7X Integrated Amplifier 1 1QW (Dynamic Pow*-o B B B T-7X AM/FM Stereo Quartz Synthesized Tun.- HH^H^HIHHI ?0 Station Preset Memory Aj X-7WX Two Independent Recording. Double Auto Reverse Double >l^l/w < .^4 Cassette Deck with (CCRS) Com[)ut»;r Controlled CD
      125 words
    • 112 32 nTshwni nTnu *M#Jl* siHbßl^™"^^^^^^^ An •icoMont rongToT^f'** tnl^^W brandod bodohoot asto t M from U.S. A Australia I Hoofl Kong at 50% off jJB «^on»»V u.u«i Now Sns^nk Tw,n $28-$55 SIS.SO§38 Printed Cushion Covers Queen $65 $89 $26 $49 < rom Australia UK King $99 $118 $38 -$99 16" x
      112 words
    • 327 32 lIBCELES'I^J THEFIRSrNAMEINACOUgnCS Ditton 88 flflflk T 'j' Four-way aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPaW S ''ib' IOUCJSPeaker SyStem h e very highest standard of sound reproduction The Legendary .^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflaaa&llG SL6OO H^Hi Ultimate m Perfection' State-of-the-Art (^^^^^.a^^RrT 1 Technology ■^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaß^aaaaßaal International Awards /COMPO\ A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^BaaaaaaHaaaaaaH ÜBjP Baaaaaaaaaaaa^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaayß^H 14*1 COMPO FEDERATION Of I GRAND POix 85 BRiTSH
      327 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 218 32 Weather UP TO 1 p.m. Showers over a few areas from around midday. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 32 max.. 26 min SUNSET today: 7.13 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 7.02 am. GLOBAL HEATHER AaelaMe 9 12C Rain Leaden 13 20 C Showers Amsterdam 10 17 C Cloudy Las Angeles
      218 words

  • Supplement The Straits Times Section Two
    • 6 1 The Straits Times Section Two Supplement
      6 words
    • 821 1 The Kallang Riverside Park is just one part of an ambitious 10-year plan launched in 1977, when Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew challenged the Environment Ministry to clean up Singapore's notoriously filthy waterways within a decade. On Sept 2, he will Keep the promise he made then and
      821 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 452 1 B^^s34ss^ $3^o^ I $890^ |S^^ I I m^^ m^m^ m^ m^ m^ m WL\ WL^L^LWLWm^m^m^m^m^ m^ m^ m^mmmm^^ <JAP^ ignS> fl If^riJlJJj^"*'"!!!!] 'J^lB^-^ 2^^^^^^rf -.-ii. -ji "wwM§ Ar I >fl V \MopkW LUC^i 80£= 751-- 95t= $520^ $!25k; d Sl^|5 s NTUC FairPnce INDO MIE Egg Noodle MA LING Stewed
        452 words
    • Food Style
      • 617 2  -  ONG SOH CHIN By LEGS are back in style! And not only for the females who are baring their limbs in the latest flirty mini skirts. These days even the guys are hopping onto the leggy bandwagon. There's been a recent change
        617 words
      • 761 2 Pomffret for breakfast, and crayfish and MAY HO accompanied a group of Hongkong food lovers, most of them food writers, to a breakfast at the Ellenborough Market hawker centre. It was no ordinary breakfast, for sure! ON TUESDAY morning at 8.30, a party of nine Hongkong gourmands led by food
        761 words
      • 591 2  - Yes to ang ku kueh but no to ee May Ho Tidbits WE WERE talking about vanishing foods the other day when a colleague, usually the most unbiased of persons, declared emphatically that "some foods should be allowed to die" Before anyone could recover from his outburst, he added: "Like
        591 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 260 2 I ii I I x^A I II B^Br #^^B I II B* B l^L. M— b»» m, ~^l YOUR FREE GIFT FROM EST EE LAUDER f M y J i JlKjL^ t A $78 value. Yours free with any I m^; M i Est^ e Lauder purchase of $45 or
        260 words
    • 1218 3 -Kallang kaleidoscope. TI'RNING smelly Kallang Rasin into a beach-park with sparkling water and golden sand, said Mr Lee How Sheng, secretary of the Clean Rivers '87 steering committee, is rather like putting up the Miss Universe Pageant. "What people see is a
      KENNETH KOH  -  1,218 words
    • 277 3 February 1977 Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew issues the challenge to clean up Singapore River and Kallang Basin. October 1977 Master Plan submitted to the Prime Minister by the Environment Ministry. April 157* Central coordination committee with representatives from 11
      277 words
    • 485 3 EVEN before Sir Stamford Raffles landed in Singapore, there were Orang Laut (sea gypsies) settlements at the mouth of the Singapore River. The Bugis community, which originated in the south-west limb of Celebes (Sulawesi), had congregated in Kampong Bugis, while local fishermen lived
      LIM KHENG CHYE  -  485 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 138 3 41 BUS TO 111 THIS OFFER. I t^mmW^M*mmm^^>M^mm^B^^^^mm I' I 7 U 1 0 J £JJ 1 I i '^m^mt^^^^^mm^^^^m^^^^M^^^^^m^ I J AL\ .Ik 1 j 3 A I I U mm 1M BU mm m^ mm^~ P m I 1 *II '^BBB^Biß^^Hß^^HHHHJf^PßP'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ m m I V mm\f "II j
        138 words
    • Wedding and Photo Equipment Exhibition '87
      • Article, Illustration
        494 4 HO KAH LEONG Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information THIS is the first time that those involved in a number of diverse trades relating to weddings have come together to hold an exhibition of their own to display their wares and services. They include film and photographic
        494 words
      • 923 4 This is the first time the Singapore Photographic Trade Association is organising a wedding show. TERESA CHEONG reports. y" PHOTO studios are coming together for the first time to put up a wedding show. Mr Tan Jin Kim, 55, president of the Singapore Photographic
        923 words
      • 755 5 Whether it is a cosy fireside corner you fancy, or a temperate forest, the scene machine makes your wedding picture that much more realistic. GONE are the days when newlyweds who want their pictures taken at the photo studio have to be
        755 words
      • 588 6 THE big day is coming You want to look ravishing. So you spend weeks, even months, looking high and low (or the perfect bridal gown. But this can be both trying and tiring. Miss Lee Kiat Mann, a bridal gown designer for 5 1 i years,
        588 words
      • 457 6 If you are looking for a wedding gown, the new designs on display at the show may interest you. Photographic bridal salon people will be there to advise. YOUR hunt for the perfect wedding gown nr.ay well end at the World Trade
        457 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 165 4 SUPER DARLING SSSSSSSSmmE BLK 721 ANG MO KIO CENTRE AVE 8 #01-2803-2805 SINGAPORE 2056 TEL: *****30 *****83 TELEX YOKA RS ***** BLK 501 JURONG WEST ST. 51 «01 279/281 SINGAPORE 2264 TEL: *****63 *"H T m^. I -^f pet H K^ IH|BI From Pr °^^2^ '^^^^HH^L^ iPI equipment and accessonc
        165 words
        337 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 352 5 ft!© WnW%/tmm£k #i JflfJ- MINOLJA aav aaW flaVfla* aav aaar f flaO liUafMrfWo aflatt4O^a.4BaAallaaMafW tfUHIal ,^PIB^ f af f WW^Jm m U AaWr^9 ft V J^4f fl aV^Bw^?B\£asK^ a^^B^^B aa^^^^^^Baa^^si av^ _^aajEjßa^^aaaaavvßaaaa^^9^7^^^Aw &MiMi^^Baair^B aT^^^y^^^a» aMMauakS F^M^^" r *~"^^^^^Pi^^^^ I Mi |g^^^^^^^^^^^^^H|jJjp««««MM»| pw n aaaai Miaaaa^ Minolta's Hi-Tech autofocus technology that
        352 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 315 6 The Widest Range From Mamiya a^a^^^^-^^^^all B^^ja^^Bja^^H 4^ _^^aT alafca^B bm b^t^H ■^Baaas ■V' <7 i^BTalß^^rir bIBN! ■(l bW bV^bVk^bl EM b^l^^B bv l a^Kf J[^m bV xa bT w bTlbt* It t4^biS Bv v Vj^Pn^R 9^^ vi W m W fflf IB {mt^^^ F BB^^^ ■•^^r ÜBl BBB^B^V aswajß
        315 words
      • 140 6 S IE /83 SI GOLDEN CROWN RESTAURANT BLK 406, COMMONWEALTH AVE »03 354 S (0314) WEDDING PACKAGE SIBBNETT 9 Course Cantonese Cuisine Dinner Free Flow of Soft Drinks Chinese Tea No Extra Charge for Towels Peanuts Free invitation cards wedding March Music smoke Effect no covt. Tax. service or corkage
        140 words
      • 39 6 The world's first Power Zoom Compact Zoom lens Zoom finder Zoom flash •Auto focus •Auto exposure •Auto flash •Auto loading •Auto winding •Auto rewinding Auto film speed setting Auto lens protector i SIL IDFMTAY ARank O'Connor's |p|| I' ZOOIU'/jUU
        39 words
    • Bilingual
      • 992 7 The People's Association Drama Group is touring six community centres to perform three sketches. GOH BENG CHOO drops in one night to see what keeps the actors going despite the noise and lack of theatrical facilities at the CCs. She also talks to Lin Chen,
        H.L. CHAN  -  992 words
      • 463 7  - Oil paintings of an art dealer on display CHONG WING HONG By TO HIS friends, Mr Ang Chee Theng is better known as the Owner of an art gallery. But the art dealer will unveil his talent as an artist at his first solo exhibition at the Singapore Conference Hall
        LIM SENG TIONG  -  463 words
      • 212 7 AT 69, Mr Lin Chen is still deeply in love with drama. The actor and director has recently written a five-minute sketch for a variety show at six community centres. Entitled Rich Man, it is one of the three plays presented by the People's Association
        212 words
      • 1134 7  -  SNG POH YOKE By FEW Chinese operas can lay claim to the immense popularity that The Purple Jade Hairpin enjoys. So, although this opera was not listed in the original programme of shows that the Shenzhen City Cantonese Opera Troupe would perform
        LIM SENG TIONG  -  1,134 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 890 8 Fourth story from 'Stories From Malay Literature' By Roy Britton (Times Books International) ONE day a buffalo was quietly grazing in a small jungle clearing. Here the sunlight could strike directly on the earth and grass and the buffalo would come very often in
        890 words
      • 412 8 PAD A suatu masa dulu, Sang Monyet dan Sanj Xerbau merupakan kawan karib. Persahabatan mereka bermula apabila Sang Monyet menyelamatkan Sang Kerbau dari dimakan oleh Sang Rimau. Begini ceritanya Suatu hari, sedang Sang Kerbau sedang berehat-rehat sambil meragut rumput-ram-pai yang sangat digemarinya di padang yang
        412 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 2534 8 VJV A I I 12 Computer Products/ 12 Computer Products/ 12 Computer Products/ Services Services Services Commodore PC HI-TECH LOW COST Yes! An imported, original Commodore PC IBM" PC compatible at an unprecedented low price offer amongst quality PCs. flMß|H|^Mf- Available at SysTech and other authorised dealers B^H 4fl| Microdata
        2,534 words
      • 538 8 25 Sale: Other Products Quality Garments for Export Markets Now at Bargain Prices Pint Sinqapura #02 OS Marina Parade Shp Ctr. =#596 Manna Square #03 126 People's Pirk Shp Ctr. =#01 618 Open Mon Fri 10 00am 9 30pm Sun 1000am 6 00pm VISIT SALVATION ARMY 1 tirill Store for
        538 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 183 8 J J J I F™ AcrOtt 4. to do a good deed ■JBjBBBBBBI .^_^_JsBJBBBBBBIBSMSSBBBBBSfIBMBBBm-^ I I fW^tOOy y IT™ f|»|l H 5. jewel-stones vertical bar used for support I I i J I I I J 7. final stage in the study of 13 transport lH 9. age 15 to
        183 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 834 9 r~| \4-i*****88 W I /TV I Tlx RS ***** CLASS Fax *****30CLA5S 27 Wanted WANTED USED PIANOS at .in> "iidiuon brand Please contact 7MXIBBB res *****06 ofHre WE BUV. TRADE IN high price Sony Belarnax National video or any brand CTV. hl-fl 2D***** 28 Health Centres/ Massage GREAT EASTERN HEALTH
        834 words
      • 594 9 29 Beauty Culture 29 Beauty Culture (lementar\ Intermediate Course 1 6 lessons, 2 months. $600) 1 hfory on structure and function >f skin Cleansing and massaging steps Correct make up techniques Day. nnjht. party and bridal make up etc Diploma awarded upon completion Th^ course is especially suitable if you
        594 words
      • 594 9 36 House Renovation/ Decor LOWEST PRICE FOR all houH renovation iob. Workmanship guaranta*d. 100 ovar kind* of NM* lo aoloct. Waleoma to our showroon or call ua for mon inlocn^otioo 12x12" heavy duty ceramic tiles Including skirting shift sink with support and tiles finishing extend white wall tiles at kitchen
        594 words
      • 806 9 I TELEPHONE SERVICE: Man to Fn 9dm to 5 30pm Spm deadline tor n«it day Sat: 8 JOam to ?pm 1 1 lam deadline tor The Sunday limes) s Pubic HoMiy 9am to lpm COUNTER SERVICE: TIES ORCHMO CENTRE. #02 105 LUCKY PIUA Mon to Fn 10am to l?noon '.am
        806 words
      • 548 9 38 TV/ Video/ Hi-Fi ANTENNA INSTALLATION TV, video service on-the-spot. We provide professional installation of TV antenna it solve T.V. antenna problems. We also repair all kinds or CTV. video. Please call: *****79/ *****24/ *****97. Solartronlc Trading It Servicing. ESSOM ELECTRONIC SPECIALIST in repairing all kinds of colour TV, video,
        548 words
      • 810 9 49 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/Removal RELIABLE OR NOT CALL AND GIVE US A TRY For home removal, demolishing, disposal of rubbish. general duties, etc C«|| *****01 $30 onwards (Cheap rates) House, office removal, pianos, organs delivery and all kinds of transportation services. Experienced workers provided Open 7 days a week. Tel:
        810 words
      • 744 9 50 Office Equipment/ 50 Office Equipment/ Supplies Supplies l2"Carr:age UP. -$470 > ->4^™» Int-rrhrtngeable Daisy Wheel /T\ Ml I ft I A Nil Unit #02-16 FuLuShouComple« W BrYanLVe 1 49 RochOf Road Sin 9 a )Of e 7 1 8 ELECTRONIC i> Te) *****90 54 Book-keeping/ Secretarial/ Answering/ Translation Services
        744 words
      • 746 9 57 Business Opportunities BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY without need for capital for ENTREPRENEURS with wide network of contacts, are Independent, motivated, with initiative to spot business opportunities and prepared to pay the price for success. For a discussion. please call GRACE CHIA/ JUDY at *****18 Introducing LATEST (West Germany Formulated) PEMfBNQ LOTION
        746 words
      • 511 9 [Restaurant managers: Want more business? CaD *****11x5624,5677 lor the recapa The StiaftsTiines Classifieds Food Festival July 11 to 30 September, 1987 56 Industrial 56 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies Equipment/ Supplies EQUIPMENT FOR SALE DESCRIPTION OF GOODS YEAR OF MAKE TRUCKS/LORRIES Nissan Truck CWSIH C/W Cifa Transit Mixers (4 units) 1978 Mercedes
        511 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 1308 10 64 Domestic Help 64 Domestic Help 64 Domestic Help Available Available Available Please see yesterday i advertisement r HUMAN A FOUR YEARS OLDER AND WISER Having been in the maid service longer than most others in this column. Humana knows what makes a g(xxl maid After careful screening. our maids'
        1,308 words
      • 835 10 66 Situations Vacant: Professional/ Executive METROPOLITAN VMCA invites applications for the post of EXECUTIVE for Its Education Centre a To plan and organise various continuing education courses and to oversee the Child Care operations. Candidates should be Christians, preferably with tertiary/ professional qualifications In Business Administration. Education, or other related
        835 words
      • 655 10 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ CI *"CI Clerical A LEADING BANK V invites applications for the post of Confidential Stenographer The successful candidate will report to the Senior Manager and will be responsible for all secretarial duties in the Department. Requirements: Possess a GCE 'A' level or
        655 words
      • 589 10 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clerical Clerical y^This is our invitation to suitably qualified persons to apply for: JUNIOR SECRETARY to report to a Senior Manager Minimum GCE 4 O' level with good written and spoken English PSC (LCCI) Mature, pleasant and independent 2-3 years experience Interested
        589 words
      • 386 10 requires ■Si Duties: V Liaise with department on total |JQ quality of pioducts Jk available for distribution V^ Responsible for recording of finish >d products issued tc and Jk returned by ■'an f^ salesman |^V Supervise the J^ orderliness a id J^ timeliness of loadmcj and unloading of goods |S)
        386 words
      • 487 10 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical •GCE A Level Bilingual in English and Cli nese Able tc type accurately Duties n shipping and offce corresf ondence No experience required We provide: Attrac'ive salary Increment of $50 after o months Transport allowance Additional allowance for full attendance Medical benefits Free coffee tea
        487 words
      • 574 10 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Hagemeyer Electronics (S) PteLtd has vacancy for the following positions I GCE O level I Ability to communicate I in English fluently I Typing speed of at least I 45 wpm I^GCE^^eve^^^^^^ Possess pleasant and diplomatic disposition in handling complaints Ability to type at least
        574 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 660 11 70 Situations Vacant. Secretarial/ Clerical |PE>n*%GeßAlW^l PERMANENT JOBS TELEX OPERATOR (FEMALE) 1 to 2 years' working experience Able to handle leased circuit EHH3 Alternate duties with Receptionist 5-day week Raffles City Tower Salary SflOO GENERAL CLERKS (FEMALE) Must have o level with credit in English Knowledge of either PC or
        660 words
      • 653 11 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical The National University of Singe pore Society requires: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT e Mln (K'E A" level with kimk! command of English e Ability to handle correspondence, minutes and reports e With excellent customer relations skills e 1- 2 years of relevant experience CLERK/ TYPIST e Mln
        653 words
      • 637 11 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Established Company requires FEMALE MARKETING I REPRESENTATIVE a Age above 20 Aggressive keen to learn With some sales experience preferred but not necessary Basic salary, commission transport allowance interested applicants, please call personally at: 392 Upper Pays L ebar Road #01-01, Da Jin Factory Building
        637 words
      • 635 11 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Trading company requires urgently FEMALE CLERK e Able to work Independently In handling import export documents, letter of credit etc. Able to operate telex and fax machine e Able to write English and Chinese correspondence e Knowledge In accounting Pleas* write to: 5001 Beach Road
        635 words
      • 678 11 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical GENERAL CLERK required by trading firm e Mln OCE O' or N' level e Able to type e Experience not necessary School leavers are welcome Plaaaa call or apply in paraon from Ipm 4.30pm en 25th. Mth June at 12S Joo Seng Road #08-10 Gold
        678 words
      • 1053 11 70 Situations Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical FEMALE SHIPPING/ DOCUMENTATION Clerks (Chinese) urgently required by established 'orwarding co Applicants must be well -versed In Inward/ Outward Customs permits. Mln 3 years' experience in similar field Typnit speed at least 40 w p.m Will inK to work overtime Salary $700 pin Apply personally,
        1,053 words
      • 688 11 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical MALAY TYPIST REOUIREO with 40 w p m Write with n r photo salary expected ti tel no to T;uiglln PO Box 174. S'pore 9124 PUT YOUR TYPING skills to k<m»<l use We have both temp p«riii Jobs for you to choose from Call Tact
        688 words
      • 539 11 71 Situationa Vacant: 71 Situationa Vacant: Sales Sales I A progressive company managing a block of city apartments, is looking for a person to fill the challenging post of: The successful candidate will be responsible for the overall planning and marketing efforts towards achieving a good occupational rate for the
        539 words
      • 97 11 A CAREER IN MARKETING? We are looking for individuals who are: e Highly motivated C';ireer oriented Eager to earn not less than 5530.000 pa e Outgoing personality It you are: e Aged between 20-35 years (ICE O' level holders ,m<l above e Available immediately Call personally at: -11-07 International Plaza
        97 words
      • 629 11 71 Situationa Vacant: Salea PRINTING PACKAGING SPECIALISTS Vacancies for individuals who want to play an important role ir the next growth phase of an established Printing Packaging Company that has been >n Singapore for the last 50 years Presently working in a printing or packaging company e 2 to 3
        629 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 649 12 71 Situations Vacant: Mm We oiler a secure jot) and career development is our prune concern II you are not a job- hopper and meet the following, call us lataaaaaH today or tommorrow to find out more about the jod ,ii 3M Orchard Road #07-12/13 Shaw House Singapore 0673 (Above
        649 words
      • 615 12 71 Situations Vacant: Salas YEO TECK SENG DEPARTMENTAL STORE U.tlk-in-lnterview We urgently require SALES ASSISTANTS (Male Kemale) Interested applicants are invited to apply personally between 2 pm 930 p m at #01-16 Bukit Timah Plata 1V i km. Upper Bukit Timah Rd. Singapore 2156 Tel: *****72 Applicants ara invited tor
        615 words
      • 593 12 71 Situations Vacant: Salas SALES ASSISTANTS H you ara above 16 years old. apeak Mandarin A English, you at* invitad to iom our Indoor Seles Team. Interested please call at. #B 1 -08 Parkway Pmd* #01-17/ 18 Peninsula Plaxa a #02-46 or #03-103 Far Eaat Plmza Company daaling in aanitary
        593 words
      • 842 12 71 Situations Vacant: Salos PROFESSIONAL SELLING IN A LIFE INSURANCE CAREER Build a successful clientele through professional sales and service Our systematic method of training will be provided lo selected individuals. Contact Mr Low Cheng Joo A. A.1.1. Tel: *****67 or *****00 eit.2l3 SALESGIRLS WANTED To work in Have lock/
        842 words
      • 678 12 71 Situations Vacant: Sales LUCKY PLA2A WATCH/ Klectrical shop requires Chinese Sales Assistants, age 18 I S6OO SI2OO Interview 200 600 p m «02-16 make vooh free time turn to cash with easy direct selling of branded coloured T-shirts Prices from $7.50 $15 *****22 SALESGIRLS REQUIHED Sec educatlon Must be
        678 words
      • 943 12 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical Technical te^ra Tfetra Pak\ The Tetra Pak Group it a leading manufacturer of advanced systems for packaging and distribution of liquid foods such as milk, juice, wine, mineral H water, vegetable oil etc. H I Tetra Pak is based
        943 words
      • 952 12 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situation* Vacant: Technical Technical ■eanai A leading Japanese Giant in its expansion, specialises in the field of Precision Die and Mould manufacture and high tech robotics-automated equipment assemblies, requires urgently the following: Requirements: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Experience preferred though not essential Keen to learn and
        952 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 578 13 72 Situations Vacant: Technical _4fl We have immediate H vacancies for jiiWH Y NTC 3in Electncal or Mecharucal H Experience in ma K chine setting, trouble afl shooting maintenance H of production ma H chines and line H equipment R T\ake charge of com ponent preparation, soldenng washing H machines
        578 words
      • 594 13 72 Situations Vacant: Technical raQuriraa.' N-aßiJl«ilill*lif«iilH*am-/ Age 25 years and above^H Experience in Electrical oi Mechanical I I VITB or NTC Able to trouble shoot or preventive maintenance of Electrical am) Mechanical machines Mm 1 or 2 years working experience Must t>.- prepared to work on shifts We offer attractive
        594 words
      • 537 13 72 Situations Vacant: Technical 1) MALE JUNIOR TECHNICIANS/ Q.C. e NTl' .i Hi electronic servicing e Completed NS e Age below Z\ e Musi possess valid class 2 driving licence 2) MALE FACTORY OPERATORS e No experienced needed e Below 25 Interested parlies please walk -in tor an interview et:
        537 words
      • 608 13 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production Production Production Production iy WAH CHANG GROUP Of COMPANIES Requires Temporary Female Production Operators (for an established electronic company located at Kallang) to work on either weekly 5 rotating shifts or permanent morning
        608 words
      • 132 13 Good prospect Printing firm requires the following vacancies: 1) EXPERIENCED FOLDING MACHINE OPERATORS 2) GUILLOITINE OPERATORS 3) FEMALE PRODUCTION WORKERS We pay high salary plus other benefits like shift allowance, annual leave, medical leave etc Interested pleese write in with lull particulars A phone no. for contect: Übi Rd 1
        132 words
      • 132 13 ASSEMBLY WORKERS (FEMALE) e Age 16 to 22 e Minimum primary 6 e •< i> week e Located at Kallanft area Interested applicants pleeee contect tel: *****43 for en interview. AN AMERICAN CO. has Immediate vacancies for Female Q C Inspectors it Production Operators Attractive starting salary 5-day week Experience
        132 words
      • 87 13 MALE A FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS J REQUIRED LEADING TEXTILE roinpany needs 20 Male Femele Production Operetors Two Shift Rolatlonor Permanent Night Shift A«e 16 to 40 years Any races. Malaysians welcome Experience not necessary Interested, pleeee call personally al: KUNG KENG TEXTILE CO 44. KALLANG PLACE. S( 1233) TEL: *****33
        87 words
      • 419 13 An American Company urgently V requires I Electronics No experience required Minimum Sec 2 education Some experience in electronics manufocturing environment pre- I ferred I WALK-IN I INTERVIEW I Mon Frl I I B.ooam 5.00pm I REUAMUTY UNGAPOM I PTI LTD 5004 Ang Mo Klo Aw* S I #04-01
        419 words
      • 476 13 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production aaaaßr n~ rf ~~sili v*\ < i aaaaaaai l aaaaaN K'fr^amlil k L^sWl I k 1 *i j *^&P H has immediate vacancies for H (Shift 3: lam to 7am) B I NTC 2 or Craftsman Certificate in Tool Die- I Making
        476 words
      • 2 13 CJLTJL 737-1166
        2 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 243 14 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production Production Production Altraalve Starting Salary t__, s^- Mk .8.00- n u,4jo wn l^/t? expanding. Come join us (Moncbry ro Friday) B^^V Medical and hospitaiizacion benefits ia^^t Free transport or Transport Atovance Malaysians are welcome. We will
        243 words
      • 151 14 nmb] SINGAPORE UMfTED REQUIRES PRODUCTION CLERK Secondary 4 education or GCE N' level Singaporean, age 18 to 25 years Bilingual in English and Mandarin Preferably with some working experience in production control Interested applicants. please call personally at: Personnel Department NMB Singapore Limited 1 Chai Chee Aventie Singapore 1646 AMERICAN
        151 words
      • 154 14 I Production/ f Op6Mton 3 DOC InspActon rtmd Woikteo Hosw: 1 I 7am 4.18pm 1 E 4.20pm 11 JOpm 11.20pm 7am E I Aoa 16 sbow 1 E Pii/Sac educatiory. -^AaWaa^^lJ E E Confirmation mere j I I ment after 3 months s<lay work w»ek j 5 BEST progxun 1
        154 words
      • 371 14 mwmwmmmmmy I A /VIKAV INDUSTRIAL I y\A PRIVATE LIMITED A wall established international manufacturing Company with Its manufacturing plants In Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Malaysia has immediate vacancies for: I Permanent Night Shift I Diploma I TC graduates I 1 2 years' experience in I manufacturing I environment I
        371 words
      • 402 14 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production BMBBJaWaTsWI OMHIINrNIN m 2 Rotating Shifts: m ||i 7am 3pm; 3pm 11pm HI Benefits: »«s Iff; Confirmation increment Attractive shift, transport, seniority allowances Attendance incentives W; I*: Medical Hospitalisation Schemes W$ |.r Requirement*: jfl Minimum Sec. 2 education i| Age: 16-35 years
        402 words
      • 410 14 73 Situations Vacant: Production ~QC INSPECTOR (Female) (.(I O" level, pro lerably from Technical stream a Bilingual in I nglish and C hinesc Age below 35 (Male) a Secondary education a 3 5 years experience in sheet metal printing a Able to work 2 rotating shifts MACHINE OPERATORS/ GENERAL WORKERS
        410 words
      • 461 14 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous I I A rare opportunity I to join a sister to I '^^jhe world's best hotel. The Oriental, Singapore, sister hotd to I The Oriental, Bangkok which is often I cited as the best hotel in the world has H immediate vacancies
        461 words
      • 563 14 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous jj. requires L 1*1) COOKS *2)WAITRESSES{ 3f Benafits yL. 'Free Meals C Training provided > Merit increment y. "Annual wage bonus i Annual leave Jr Midnight shift -^C yL. allowance j- Clinical Dental p 3^- benefits -k yL. Maternity leave j( Interested, apply 2. personally between
        563 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 568 15 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous I Studio Lounge Nite Club requires I WAITRESSES Age 17-26 yrs Salary Above $600 Selected applicants will enjoy fringe benefits such as medical benefits and free transport. Please call personally at #05-01, Parklane Shopping Mall. Selegie Road after 8 pm with 2
        568 words
      • 519 15 WELL OUAUFsED NANNIE GOVERNESS We are looking for a mature, well educated, sporty and pleasant lady lo look after 2 children and help to manage our house: Age 35 to 45 Singaporean citizen e University education with nursing experience or well qualified baby nurse e Speak good English and swim
        519 words
      • 549 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Garment manufacturing lactory requires: 1) SALES CO OROINATOR Mln 2 years' merchandising L sales follow-up experience Able to work independently with overseas buyers Mln. 'O' level, fluent in English Mandarin 2) ASSISTANT WORKSHOP SUPERVISOR (MALE) Conversant in simple Kngllsh Mandarin Intereeted, come personally to: I*o Peya
        549 words
      • 580 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous SINGAPORE SWIMMING CLUB Invites applications for 1. BAR STEWARDS 2. PANTRY MAIDS Requirement*: 1 Preference will be given to those with at least 2 years' experience as bar tenders 2. Some knowledge of local/ fast food preparation Written application* with contact telephone number end non-return-able passport
        580 words
      • 861 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous RopulacM* Security Agency requires PATROL OFFICER With own motorcycle and driving licence to work In Jurong Willing to work Irregular hours Attractive •alary with incanlivea Call personally at> NO 20 CHIN BEE DRIVE SAIGON RESTAURANT requires WAITERS/ WAITRESSES KITCHEN HELPERS (Day/ night/ apMt-ahtri) Walk-in mitrvww will
        861 words
      • 1023 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous SECURITY GUARDS REQUIRED for MRT sites in town area. 8/ 12 hrs. shifts Interested please apply in person with 4 photographs at 111 B King Oeorge's Avenue on 25th ti 26th June 1987 between 10 a m 4 pm 1) DRIVER. Class 3 licence. Salary $450
        1,023 words
      • 842 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous 2ND ft 3RD Shift Drivers rum General Workers reqd. by an estab. co. in Jurong. Please call Tel *****74/ 5. DENTAL ASST./ RECEPTIONIST required at Peoples' Pk Experience not necessary Tel *****38 GUARDS REQUIRED. (Tanglln. Orchard) 12-hr shift $550 above. #08-34 Peninsula Plaza LEGAL FIRM REQUIRES
        842 words
      • 803 15 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ Inaurance Insurance was focl ao^ Immediate processing of applications Up to 90% financing -new and used vehicles Attractive Interest rates New and Used Car Used Car (up to 2 yrs old) (above 2 yrs old) 12 mths 3 25% 3 75% 24 mths 3
        803 words
      • 848 15 87 For Sale: Mercedes tTmERCEDES 200 manual New paintwork, new rd tax. tip top cond. full accessories Selling $31,500 Contact *****12 to MERCEDES 200 manual White colour. Beautiful cond. with 2dlgtt no Trade-in/ loan avail *****88/ *****33 Alvin Ton ■•2 MERCEDES 200 Manual, rd. tax Dec 87. aircon. hi-fi, s/rims.
        848 words
      • 1112 15 89 For Sale: Datsun/Nissan MIO 83 NISSAN Stan/a 1 6 4 door 1 pte owner, aircon hi-fi s rirn.s. power steering/ windows, central locking, new tax Very well maintained View 265 Rare Course Road •3 NISSAN SUNNY 1 3 UI. Sport Nw.igon 5 dr 2 pte owner aircon new s/rlms
        1,112 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 1092 16 89 For Sal*: Datsun/Nissan 85 NISSAN MARCH 1 0 Alrcon I runs Radio cassette Very good cond $25,500 ono *****26 °98 NISSAN SUNNY Sportswagon Private owners Heuvitiful condition Selling $32,000 *****44 0/78 DATSUN 120V OL tax 8 87 BMI pte owner, accessories I nan arrangeable lniiv.ii 9/'S2 DATSUN 200L
        1,092 words
      • 1073 16 90 For Sal*: Toyota 82 CARINA S/WAGON IBM 1 owner new ux. hi fi Beautllul oiiKinal cond *****75 after Ipm •2 CARINA OX ('mate owtier. m tax. tip top condition $*****0n0 Tel *****09 2 Q PLATE Cresslda 2000CL. fully autu 1 owner Beautiful cond Tel *****55 H N Tan ■02
        1,073 words
      • 971 16 91 For Sal*: Mitsubishi 91 For Sal*: Mitsubishi 91 For Sal*: Mitsubishi 91 For Sal*: Mitsubishi In this period of the rising yen, you'll need every reason you can get to justify buying a Japanese car. But at the end of the day, it's still the price of the car
        971 words
      • 621 16 92 For Sale: Mazda Q REON. *3 929 Hardtop Manual 4-dr Sun-roof Tax 10/87 Excellent cond Price neg *****22 0 -03 MAZOA 929. hardtop, statlonwagon. power steering/ windows/ lock. Like new *****91 11/-02 323 1.5, 5-speed, 1 owner. Agent maintained Excellent cond 521.000 neg Tel: *****84 IS7S MAZDA 323, 1000.
        621 words
      • 594 16 93 For Sale: Honda MN> 12 HONDA Civic 13 5-door auto. Power windows. Radio cassette, s/rlms. beautiful condition $20,800 Mr Png *****12 MID 02 HONDA Accord EX. Full accessories. Tip-top condition. $26,500 neg. Tel: *****49. 81k3022A. Übl Rd 1. #01-48 MID *S2 HONOA Accord EX Road tax till Nov. 87
        594 words
      • 432 16 93 For Sale: Honda SBA 84 HONOA Accord 1600 EX, alrron radio, cassette, downpayment $8,500 Tel: *****55. 1 LADY OWNER. 85 Honda Shutter manual. $37,500 neg. Tel: *****37 1 OWNER -04 Honda Civic 13, expensive ht-fl, accident free, showroom condition. *****41. 10/82, HONOA ACCORO EX Alrcon.. s/rlms. Beautiful cond. $27,000
        432 words
      • 519 16 94 For Sale: Daihatsu MID -84. DAIHATSU Charade Turbo 1000 I doors 5-speed I pte owner. Aircon. s/rims. hl-fl. tax 10/87 PARF Beautiful cond $27,900 Loan $21,000 Tel *****72 M. 81 DAIHATSU 14 ft dlesel lorry 81 Dat-sun I2OY blind van 80. 81 Isuzu flat bed dlesel pick-up 83 Datsun
        519 words
      • 408 16 96 For Sale: Other Makes OUALtTY USED CARS 1987 Seat Ibiza 15. .1-door 1996 Mazda 323 1 3 I.X Notchback 1985 Ford Laser 15 Notchback Ghla 1983 M izda 323. 1 SGT. 3-rtoor Toyota Corolla 1 3GI. 1992 Datsun Bluebird 1 6CL Toyota Starlet 1 0 1881 Toyota Cresslda 2
        408 words
      • 546 16 9b For Sale: Other Makes OWNER MIGR/.TING LEAVING a rvautiful 28 I tres CMevHet (a--maro for sale Reasonable offer f lease view at RBS Bukit Timah Hoad. 6 I 4 tml^s (opposite Singapore Turf Club) •91 VW GOLF <;TI 16. showroom cond full a< cessories. private owner. non-PARF View at
        546 words
      • 1077 16 96 For Sale: Other Makes 6/S3 PONY II 1 4 GL Aircon radio cassette, s/nms. tax 11/87 $17,500 *****50 7/78 AUSTIN MINI 1000 cc Good rond well kept $5,300 ono Tel Mr Low *****86 79 MINI CLUBMAN. S/rlms. alrenn radio cassette, new tax. good rond $7800 ono *****34 8/80 MINI
        1,077 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 857 17 97 For Sale: Commercial Vehicles 1 NISSAN MICROBUS. I'B 2nd nuner passed inspection, tax HS lip top rondlllon 77H7561 -61 SUZUKI 600 van i, 79 DalhaLsu S5O pu-k-up Both new tax paint tel 34M303 7 -62 DATSUN PICK -UP -V dlesel Aircond. radio cassette, new paint ii tax SB.lOO o
        857 words
      • 908 17 99 Vehicles Wanted ABILITY TO BUY Hrll ajl kinds ot WhtCta* at your pnrt* I.inl \utlnti leu hours Oish payment \Mtti last reliable semre I'.ill un imnifrilatrly for a fret- evaluation Mr Koh *****55 day *****92 night URGENTLY REQUIRED ANY makes models including commercial vehicles The extra that you want
        908 words
      • 932 17 106 Accommodation 106 Accommodation Available: Houses Available: Houses Ep^LUXURIOUS I BUNGALOWS AND APARTMENTS DISTRICT 1024 I) Double-storey detached bungalow with 3 bedrooms at 1 0A Kay Siang Road II) Single-storey semi-detached bungalow with 3 bedrooms at 36C Ridout Road III) Apartments with 2 bedrooms and a servant's quarter at:- A)
        932 words
      • 677 17 FRANKEL EST.: Semi-detached 2 storey bungalow, large gardens furnished Call: *****98 NASSIM RD. (POOL) M storey bunglw on hill top. 5 rms. Large terr $5500. Llndtrac *****79 PASIR PANJANG HILL. Sea view Furn $1,300 Bunglw Slglap $1,000 Tal Hwan $750. *****18. PEEL ROAD BUNGALOW. 14.000 sq.ft. 4 l rms. Available
        677 words
      • 499 17 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation Available: Available: Apartments Apartments I I ColTce at wx: I oimt.iiii Cafe. Groom up at Saloon ilr Vamaiio. I, until at Tung Ixik Shark's Fin. Grab a novel at Hooks Kiiioktiniva. Shop at Daimam Uept Store and Superman Work out at Riverside Fitness Centre. Iline at
        499 words
      • 370 17 D.t NEWTON VIEW. Very spacious split-level living/ dining area. 4 large bdrms. S/pool. squash courts Ranlal $2,000 D.lO modern d/*torey townh'se with 3 spacious bdrms. avail, in SOMMERVILLE PK.. DUCHESS CT. own pte. gdn., s/pool and 24-hr security Ranlal $2,500 METZ PROPERTIES PTE LTD 7MI4M (S Knaa) O.t ORCHARD RD
        370 words
      • 1063 17 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments ELIZABETH HEIGHT PENTHOUSE 5000 sq ft 6 rooms, good facing, full facilities Rent $6,000 Agent welcome, but please contact us If you have got a ready client Pager *****97-88 Tel *****47 MARITIME HOUSE. APTS. Centrally located Weekly/ monthly rental Imported Scandinavian furnishings, kitchen/ bar. CTV, IDD
        1,063 words
      • 1074 17 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments RIDGEWOOD KAMEHAMEHA RISE. 4 bdrms high fir P/ f/furn considered. Iron grilles provided Occidental *****00 24 HR. SERVICE. Furn/ unfurn Condo. Apt, Hse, HDB avail In all districts Call *****69/ *****68/ (pager) *****71 APTS./ CONDOS./ HSES./ HDB/ off avail In various dlsts Immed. occupancy. *****27/ *****05
        1,074 words
      • 995 17 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments i FROM $1000 $3,500 we offer you apartments of your choice in any dlsts ERA Jenny *****66 FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED HDB/ pte flats available in various districts Tel *****64 FURN. TV. AIRCON Fng Kong' Balestier/ Seletar $650 Jurong $750 Marslllng $500 *****18 HDB/ CONDO PTE. Apt/ Hse
        995 words
      • 783 17 110 Accommodation Wanted: Apartments 24 HR. SERVICE. Required immed any types of H'ses, Condos Flats. HDB in any dlst Furn unfurn is acceptable Call *****07 *****77 or pg *****71 RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS REQUIRE furn 3-bdrm HDB/ pte apt Dlst Maximum $600 Tony *****39 ALL HDB 3/4/S-RM.. pte apLs In any
        783 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 3073 18 ■■■^■■■■^■■■■■■HaHHHHßH^HHßl^H^H^^MHU^HH^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l FlexiPlus. For First-Time Buyers. We ve reduced our already FlexiPlan. If you're not a first-time buyer, our FlexiPlan highly competitive interest rates for first-time buyers to 6 1 A% offers competitive interest rates and the same benefits of and 6H% pa. for 1-10 and 1 1 -25 years respectively.
        3,073 words
      • 620 18 113 For Sale: Houses OS ORCHARD AREA few units d storey terr 3- 1 rms $420KS4HOK PfeeM HH *****38 9 HONG LEONG GON. D storey semi-d 5.000 sq ft 4 bdrm.s PMeVft S69SK Colliers *****22 JLN PARI OEOAP renovated d storey semi-d 4* 1 rms 360C sq ft Facing east
        620 words
      • 1534 18 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private Apartments Apartments GET YOUR OWN HOME WITH OUR HOME LOAN. Interest rate as low as 6% p.a. No processing/valuation fee Financing of up to 100% of the purchase price or our valuation, whichever is lower Free anti-termite control* Free fire insurance coverage*
        1,534 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 1304 19 114 For Sale Pr.vate 114 For Sale Private 114 For Sal*: Private 114 For Sal*: Private 114 For Sal*: Private 114 For Sal*- Private Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartment* Apartments W^r^ SI aB I v WHERE opposite pean-s Hm park a^lStv^ TMP QPA\/ll=\A/ WtWll^lf]i J jFll:iM Near Outram MRT Station
        1,304 words
      • 880 19 0 9 ELIZABETH TWR. (Mais) 3000 sq ft 4■ I bdrms Low mid- fir $530K $650K Agt *****70 D.t PACIFIC MANS, high fir 3 bdrm.s 1700 sq ft 999 yrs $240 000 Windsor Prop *****41 0 9 PATERSON TOWERS renovated 2800 sq ft Many extras full facilities $535 K Wess
        880 words
      • 834 19 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments 5-RM. TEBAN/ PANOAN GDN. Pt. blk 12/401. high fir facing Reservoir $112k/slosk/ Slab blk 404. renovated $104k S-RM. KING GEORGES AVE. blk 807. terrazzo. $153k full CPF) 5-RM. HILLVIEW blk 13.14 ceramKs. cabinet $110k-sl2sk 5-RM. JURONG WEST blk 523/ 529 all ceramic, p/furn $128k 5-RM.
        834 words
      • 881 19 116 For Sale: HOB Apartments 5-ROOMED Pandan Gdn slab blk Terrazzo/ parquet flooring, well maintained, master rm. aircon new bulll-ln wardrobes Si bookshelves with cupboards, sliding windows with aluminium grilles and copper piping, kitchen cabinets SI22K F»W, SS7SSSS (Karan) 3 RMS. AM Klo Blk 112. 215. 225. 247. 301. 316.
        881 words
      • 891 19 116 For Sato: HOB Apartments MUST VIEWI PURE 4-rm Bedok N blk 80 Bedok S. blk 49 Bedok Reservoir blk 602. Nicely renovated S76K to $89K *****04. agt. NO CASH! $43K AM Kio 3 rms Blk 575 Ceramic, kitchen cabinet. Low fir. Near central school. Exclusive: *****83 Gary. QUEENS ROAD
        891 words
      • 895 19 116 For Sals: HDB Apartments MTmNT"cRES~3^M™BIir30 I TeT l razzo throughout/ kitchen cabinet Price neg *****38/ *****23 MARINE drive 2 units 5-rm High fir Marble/ built-in cabinets $150 000 (neg > RV *****61/0. MUST SELLI 3-RM Bedok. Blk 110. fully decor Selling $50K 0.n.0. Solprop *****71 PURE 4-RM NEAR KK
        895 words
        741 words
      • 917 19 118 Factory Spaces SHEN PROPERTY 4 INVESTMENT PTE LTD RENT OR SALE A) MacPherion/ Paya Lebar' Kallang/ Daru Lane tingle/ d/ator«y laclory/ warehouse ft. 000 6.000' 7.000 7.500. 10.000 15.000 20.000 37 000 sqft B) Bt. Timah Sungei Kadul. Mandai singl*/ d/aloray laclory/ winhouie 11.000 12.000 18.000/ 45.000 100.000
        917 words
      • 545 19 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces Storage Spaces GORDON INDUSTRIAL BUILDING t yo^ 2a aV aa^ Wtßl H^^ a( I i M»|»l**'"*^p paj BBW pjaji w I Closing Date: 6th July 1 987. 4 p.m. Ideally located at junction of Eunos Ave 3 Eunos Rd 5 off Sims Ave 33
        545 words
      • 403 19 121 For Rent: Office Spaces OFFICE^ A WORKSHOP SPACE I at Jalan Buroh (Jurong) (i round fir showroom approx 4.000 sq.ft. Facing mam road Rantal $2.50 p.s.l. si! inclusive. Ist fir 2nd fir office space, fully airron From 2.000 sq ft to 10.000 sq ft Rantal $1.50 p.s.f. 15.000 sq
        403 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 938 20 121 For Rom 121 Foe Rent: Office Spaces Office Spaces We couldn't be happier Since setting up shop in Kr.fTKI. HOUSE, our business has flourished It must be the excellent feng shut of the building Besides, the efficient management services team nukes operating in the premises such jbbbb a Plf**ure
        938 words
      • 649 20 123 For Sale: Shop Spaces SHOPS FOR SALE. 2 units Far East Plaza shops at groundflr Prime location, facing fountain Interested pis contact tel: 7H***** during off hrs GOLDEN WALL AUTO Centre «02-06 Cltlmac Warehouse #01--03 Sim Llm Sq *01-34/ 35/ 36. All for sale Joanne *****54 KATONO SHOPPING CENTRE
        649 words
      • 2102 20 137 Tour. 137 Tour. j 137 Tour. 137 jour. 137 Tour. .^CBniC BRITAIN EUROPE rr^l I London cosmos TOURflma scandinavianVv^jkS^J I As-You-Please from SJ226* LOWEST PRICED TOURS EXPRESS ~L^\/~Zf*^ I I Woods Car Rentals from £9 FROM THE LARGEST Fwprule. come Jive in the Und of the I I6D Taste
        2,102 words
      • 228 20 3/4/5 Days i, OT S pg£jAL^3 I "v^-^ -^oalV^J* Choice of superior Beach Hotels Ifc W* f L^a^T~~~^^ KINTAMANI T °UR TANAH LOT TOUR I t— I Most meals provided F SENIOR CITIZENS discount $1101 mor^ call us for full details I 1 a til H k^ a I Use
        228 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 658 21 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours X^° l "o\ Thailand Jewel of Bangkok I Beautiful Philippines I Kuching Sheraton __^V^T^\ I f$ mmk V--\ flange Shar, B M-iaHote.,PattaYa M Manila^QuiorT»tosafliany Damai Beach I TfceG"»||\ I 1 Indonesia The only Super D«»r Tfoinan Island \Bat9
        658 words
      • 663 21 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education I in J I Stud> Year x l and /or l2 in HyHLj^H Melbourne at Life Christian Academy Bl^4 I and he tliphk for entn into Australian pHQIaQH|I tertian institutions. sWT >j V J Life Christian Academj has accreditation with the
        663 words
      • 579 21 STUDY WORK-STUDY program In Tokyo leading schools Low fees, good incoma Visa, board/lodging arranged 3-6 4 1 2-mrh courses A Univ. preparation Entry ony mthollhe year 147 Academic Courses EFFECTIVE SYSTEMATIC TEACHING lor the 5 months prior to the 'O' 'A' levels with high level of passing Syllabus coverage on
        579 words
      • 776 21 M I_^_1 > B 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education ATT-MTIOH! lAll Parents, Professionals! I Students! I I S^nirujf Opportunity to Earn While You Study lapanese Language m I I l OHYO JAPAN __^_i I Vtnur Dynasty Hotel Silver Cloud Room (level 3 >^»^M Dalt ?b' h lune l98; ____f^B^^^^^
        776 words
      • 839 21 148 Computer Courses 148 Computer Courses 148 Computer Courses E3^r___Jl _P* A Successful I lwl\# Computer School I Adv-mc+d Faciiiti— inform«tlofi Tochnrpjogy we introauco courses 'o matcn^e aavanre \r- IBM Systems 36 with 21 interactive term.nals information Technology •20 AT (IBM Compatible) Computers wrth XENIX Up^t $y,t_mi. A steo towards
        839 words
      • 143 21 150 Commercial/ Technical Courses LCCI GROUP DIPLOMA/ CERTIFICATE COURSES for 1988 examination New class commencing in JUNE/JULY Advertising Accounting Book-keeping (Inter j Business Statistics Business Admin Business Computing English for Commerce Economics Information V/ord Processing Marketing Public Relations Salesmanship Shorthand speed 70-140wpm Typewriting For details please call CLIFFORD EDUCATIONAL TRAINING
        143 words
      • 233 21 150 Commercial/ Technical Courses LCCI Subject Diploma Courses commencing July CACA (The Chartered Association Of Certified Accountant*) Levels I II commencing 2nd July 87 ICSA (The Institute of Chartered Secretar les Administrators) Parts I. 11. 11l A. IV commencing 2nd July 87 IM (Institute Of Marketing) Part I commencing 2nd
        233 words
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 384 22 150 Commercial/ 150 Commercial/ 150 Commercial/ Technical Courses Technical Courses Technical Courses INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Diploma stage Course commencing on 26th June. BACHELOR OF LAW (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) Intermediate stage Tuition available from Ist July. INSTITUTE OF MARKETING Parts II (Certificate) and 111 (Diploma) Courses commencing on Ist July.
        384 words
      • 124 22 151 Language Courses 151 Language Courses r :l^l BpSX i in IUb \i\ ii < ra tf ailil i* it tßth bV. aa^LaMi' at f sfsß I i^T^n iTtW I^ST^TtB^I NEW TERM BEGINS: JUNE 30 TEL:*****22 f Ks re #07-01 Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore 1024 LEARN ENGLISH WITH ILC The
        124 words
      • 45 22 f FOUND SOMETHING? h'Mim now on. if you h;»v«' found inythinj,'. you ran rail C AT S. 'lassifipil Atlvertisempnl IMbblmm BaTviot) at lOTMtaad hav.- „n .nlv»'itiM>mi'ni puhlishi'il froe of charßo' IT S A C A TS aMDCIAL SERVICE The Stralte Times ]^1 i ClaMNifled 7ni.«j
        45 words
      • 623 22 151 Language Courses fiAinlingua School of Languages 6th Fir CUPPAGE CENTRE V Tel: *****66 J 152 Music Courses GRAMERCY MUSIC SCHOOL conduris courses for Piano/ Organ/ i ii l l. l r Violin/ Flut? by qualified tear hers (Opposite Holland Rd Shopping Ctr -72 Chip Bee Odn S 1027 *****98/
        623 words
      • 572 22 157 Hairdressing/ Beauty Instruction BEAUTY WORKSHOP (You can b* beautiful) CommenciriK 7/7/9T A 4 «.««K workshop on personal grooming. Includes skin care manicure, diet, deportment! make-up, wardrobe, planiilns and hair care (LIMITED TO ONLY 10 A CLASS) Fur delalls call METROPOLITAN YMCA 60 SUv.nt Road T«l *****55 SOS/ 503 MID
        572 words
      • 636 22 APPOINTMENTS/ NOTICES ■HH STANTS RSSOBBI T elefax No: 732r59 b«v service: Telex Service- STANTS rc nurin S*^**- Tel *****11 Straits^Tlma SSS.OO par cm Collerted SSS (Mi leiex >er\iee. MA.N.T.S. rs mh»i timrad ext 5724/5/6/8 5669 Swatey Ttam SIS.CZ pK. en Posted SHOW APPOINTMENTS i Y i— y Royal OFFERS YOU
        636 words
      • 686 22 itiolgx hi We are a US multinational and world leading IM manufacturer of electncal/electronic terminals and II connectors. To meet our growing business and li expansion needs, we invite applications for the II position of: li Tool Die Makers II Applicants must have a NTC 2in Tool Die Making II
        686 words
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    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 743 23 APPOINTMENTS Audit Managers I Sarawak has potential which would translate into very significant development in the future. Price Waterhouse, cognisant of this potential, has plans to contribute and share in this development. As a result of these plans and our expanding practice in Kuching, we require audit managers who have
        743 words
        243 words
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      • 191 23 GOVERNMENT OP THE REPUBLIC OP SINGAPORE 1967 REGISTERED STOCK (LOAN NOS. 1 2) 5-,% maturing 1987 J 1970 TAX FREE REGISTERED STOCK I s, maturing I 1985/88 1972 TAX FREE REGIS- TERED STOCK < (LOAN NO. 2) 5'.% maturing 1987 < 1976 REGISTERED I STOCK (LOAN NO. I 2) 6
        191 words
      • 480 23 welcomes to > singapore DIRECTOR: MR OAVIO HO I MR CHIN SIU HO A MS TSUI SAU LAI 1 aall aT*^BTV^^?N^ *^^m\^ aaar^ *aW- X W^ i Vk< ami BaV ■^^affa^ajf9% liSTjSSv^*^^^ ajP^BiaaT^ajß'Hß av^aw aa»^Bß' B^ay /js^ CATHAV (33C34M) 5 BHOWE. 11.00. IM, 4.00. «.30 B ISMi (OK OH KVMCI
        480 words
      • 500 23 in*Universal Shows Ctf A V[-^f f f Entertainment and k3ll/\i Metropresenl ACROBATIC THEATER Your last chance to see Chinas ACROBATIC WONDERS Witness some spectacular jl acrobatic feats. Two new exciting acts: Bamboo Perch Noae Balancing V^^ Plus old favourites such as:,*r*K±^^ •BoyWonder T^W^ 5 Human Tower I V^ •Animal Shows
        500 words
      • 426 23 ;4thWEEK!; a PRINCE: SEASON ENDING SOON! ADMISSION PRICES: $3.00 A $4.00 (*****05) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30,400, 6.45, 9.15 i $U Sf .'s/s J a RoamrToomr laugh riot. p *!f?sft> If g7 wi -hh pj LIDO-CHANGI: NOW SHOWING! SAVOY: LAST DAY! Admission PRICES: $3 $4 No Free List LIDO: 5
        426 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 774 24 NOTICES pNVmfflON TO TENDERS I Ej Tenders are invited from established firms for (H the supply of exterior (WBP BBCC) and marine H I (complies with BS 1088) plywood. Projected H I average monthly consumption are as follows: H H Exterior Ply Size 4' xB' H 1/8" 150 pes 5/8"
        774 words
      • 566 24 THK BANKBUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER IN THE HIGH COl RT OF SINGAPORK In lUnkrupU> N«. IMJ OF ISB7. RE: Mrs. Margairt M Upn KX PARTR: Standard Charterm! Baak Creditor* In ih. Matter of a BankrupU> Noil.-.- Israed on thr 14 th day «f May IM7. NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT TO: Mrs. Margaret
        566 words
      • 268 24 NOTICES I SINGAPORE NEWS PUBLICATIONS LTD I I TENDER NOTICE I H 1 Tenders are invited from interested Muslim H H caterers to undertake Muslim catering services H H and the supply of Muslim meals at its staff H H canteen in News Centre H H 2 News Centre is
        268 words
      • 35 24 Rexel Business Machines, UK, proudly announce the appointment of i[A KOMPUSAT Resources HT* (S) Pte Ltd as their Regional Distributor for Fordishred Paper \n the following countries: Singapore Malaysia Brunei Philippines Indonesia Thailand Hong Kong
        35 words
    • Page 24 Miscellaneous
      • 644 24 SUN TAN By Collettc PEANUTS By Schalx I2SS?2fT f I Vgf^^^L^ I^iJSSS 1 1 I SOUNDS TRAVEL FAR T^t^l^^ SOMEUUmERE SOMEPLACE Wbo*ro*/*.5 J j£\ **l\ luZZzr^? J ON A SUMMER NibHT I l UEAR TwE 50UNP 1 SOMEONE i5 OPENIN6 THE BO UN LOSER By Art Smnmom BEETLE BAILEY By
        644 words
    • 771 25 ALVIN TAN talks to the famous pair of British puppets now performing in Singapore. AFTER over 100 years of marriage Punch and Judy have yet to discover domestic bliss. They engage in arguments, ending up with him hitting her and the baby with a slapstick
      771 words
    • 589 25  -  Christine Khor ClllflQflAPA A Symphony A WHAT are the Singapore Symphony Orchestra musicians doing during their current two-month break? Choo Hoey, resident conductor, left with his family for his summer house on the Greek island of Peloponnese. "I'm going to recharge my batteries. I
      589 words
    • 536 25  -  GEORGINA EMMANUEL By ABOUT 22 years ago, a little boy performed a piano miniature, Bartok's Evening In The Country in the then Victoria Memorial Hall. He did it with such panache that he received a standing ovation. His name was
      536 words
    • Page 25 Miscellaneous
      • 957 25 What's On PERFORMANCES (next to Parkway Parade), dok Maternal and Child Institut Art Gallery, Singapore 10.30 am and 3.30 pm. Admis- during the Heritage Week last PERFORMANCES BY THE Monday Friday 8-10 pm. Health Centre. 9 am. Shopping Centre. Organised sion: $3.50 for adults and $1.50 year. Upper Rotunda 9
        957 words
      • 1092 25 Radio One FM Stereo 90.5 mHz in VMF Band N 5.58 AM National Anthem, followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News In Brief 6.05 On Air 7.00 News And Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 On Air (cont'd) 8.00 News 8.10 On Air (cont'd) 9.00 News In Brief 9.05 On Air
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 200 26 -yiiiiziziiilßMriggg^Xr/T^pCOvsXMX^ tree top asst juice is^:":::l3J^^9H|PßHu|^D^^g *S£3 mustard hlJLlrjL^^ I;II I I I I I I■l■l■ I I y hHhrhr POP PAN CHINESE STYLE I I A V X I I 111 I I I I I XXX X_lL_ r CRACKERS _^M» C vnou' a SMOKED O CA V f
        200 words
      • 278 26 I-BUYS Offers good till 1/7/87 While stocks last! {Of 3 i jB •«l^ r^ V VrrtooQ^^KAoWO jt< >* Kwikserve Instant 01 00 "^i^-* 9 6 Macaroni Chicken/ N wlL vlgetab"^ Sweem^rtDlshwashlng J^'g 1 le9sg Liquid Twin Pack 750ml iKgur.»4.uu BrJaJB v^ AjJ I Head Shoulder Shampoo m^ 'A/k Normal to
        278 words
    • Page 26 Miscellaneous
      • 1096 26 —MY VIEW by KANNAN CHANDRAN_ w^——^—^—^^ m^^ m^^^^ im^^^^^ mm^ immm Wife from the Past spells trouble m i4J&,^ V s %m\ f^J^ harsday Feature Spe- Sl^ W 1 Mm 4J i W I saaltf^ I olal RememDer M 1 M La^^ J§sM»tam m HH 'sr jjl-^si naJ nT BiawJ
        1,096 words
      • 514 26 rAii programmes in Mandarin unless ottwrwtse indicated An Evening Of Song, Dance And Opera: Features a xylophone solo by Lin Xianwen, a Miao nationality dance, a Zhuang nationality dance and a magu-hu solo. 12.15 AM News 12.35 Close I^D^^ 4A programmes in English unless ODw \/L otherwise indicated 6.55 PM
        514 words