The Straits Times, 21 April 1987

Total Pages: 48
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1987 50 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 108/12/86
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  • 653 1 Seoul gets US trade warning Open your markets or risk American curbs, says Baldrige Pearl Harbour style bombing 4 Baldrige it precisely the man who marshalled the Pearl Har-bour-style American bombing of Japanese electronics industries m over the semi-conductor issue. Comment by a South Korean newspaper columnist on US Commerce
    AP; Reuter; UPI  -  653 words
  • 230 1  -  Yang Razali Kassim By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA Singapore Foreign Minister S. Dhanabalan will visit Jakarta on April 29 for talks with his Indonesian counterpart, Prof Moehtar Kusumaatmadja, and the Co-ordinating Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, Prof Ali War dhana. according to diplomatic sources. He
    230 words
  • 616 1  -  L.E. PREMA The punctured liver case By TWO doctors involved in the punctured liver case were cleared of all blame yesterday. Dr Suresh John, who used a syringe to withdraw some fluid from the chest cavity of a 77-year-old woman patient in 1985
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  • 276 1 THE beauties of the world arrive next week. Most of the 14 contestants of the Miss Universe pageant will fly in on Monday and Wednesday, with It Latin American beauties arriving together on Wednesday. Over the next four weeks, they will be captared
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  • 97 1 Doctor: I'm extremely relieved Dr John, interviewed yesterday, said he was overjoyed that he had been cleared. "I am extremely relieved. It has been a long one-and-a-half years," he said. "The incident took place just before my final exams and I had to carry a very heavy burden through them.
    97 words
  • 921 1  - Chok Tong's warm, friendly audience with Brunei Sultan CHEONG YIP SENG By ffa/H/ar Se/v Begawan BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN The First Deputy Prime Minister's first order of business on Day One of his first official visit to Brunei yesterday was an audience with the ruler, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. His half-hour meeting
    YOW YUN WOH  -  921 words
  • 80 1 BEIJING Young people in China are turning to crime at an earlier age than in the 1950s and *****, but the level of juvenile crime is still far lower than in many other countries, the People's Daily overse«is edition said yesterday. It said crimes committed by youths under
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 55 1 RANGOON Two pilgrims died and almost 800 shops and huts were destroyed this month when heavy rain washed out a religious festival in central Burma. Rangoon newspapers reported yesterday. Seven people were still missing after the floods hit the festival at the Shwesettaw Pagoda in Magwee district on
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 237 1 N mWmmmm\\mV<^\ A dwA .g ji Ikl H k k "Tj" The Citn Communications Iwatsu Connection '»C NO 47*86X98 IWATSU KEY-PHONE SYSTEM. FROM $63.00 iwatsu one of Japan's leading manufacturers ot advanced communica'ions systems, introduces the Omega-phone ZT series world renowned elec'ronic keyphone systems with a most comprehensive range of
      237 words
    • 12 1 o A chance to dance with a beauty for $250: Page 11
      12 words
    • 182 1 'lIIMIII < HUM. U.) MM ill i 111 is.. <U S^ J V Ml KiM. M Kl V Member of Ihr British /^jS^\ A niiji i I rns s. it" v *r intact A V,M Member ofl he jJJ J, V....K___U»r V V lr»,n.n t 7 K.-si-jr.h I ..niid^li V
      182 words
    • 25 1 Inside Summary 2 World News 3-5 Asean j f 7 Causeway B,S Around Your Place 15 Comment Perspective u,n Letters 18 TlmesDollar 19-22 Racing 23
      25 words

    • 353 2 Japanese tourist woes MORE Japanese are visiting Singapore arresting a two-year decline in the growth rate of visitors from Japan. This means more money for the tourism industry here, but also more headaches as some travel agents, hotels, department stores and tour guides find Japanese tourists hard to please.
      353 words
    • 275 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE medical jMsmmM here haa far a long time seen fit ta enforce rigidly the rale that Ita members should Mt advertise their services aad specialities nor receive publicity in the media. The rale la ta prevent abases by any unscrupulous member af the profession
      275 words
    • 86 2 REVIEW PRIORITY A PROFESSIONAL who is a mother of two says the announcement that "with effect from this year's registration exercise for admission into the 1968 pre-primary and Primary 1 classes, should the number of applications exceed the number of vacancies in any phase, priority will be given to
      86 words
    • 186 2 Lanka to arm settlers COLOMBO plans to arm and resettle about 5,000 Sinhalese in the eastern district of Trincomalee near the site where 127 Sinhalese passengers were massacred by Tamil rebels. An official spokesman said on Sunday that they would be armed with shotguns and other weapons,
      186 words
    • 259 2 Sevvy wins Cannes STYLISH Spaniard Severiano Ballesterus avenged his defeat in the United States Masters last week, by winning the Cannes Open on Sunday in a sudden death play-off with Briton lan Woosnam. Ballesteros' victory was all the sweeter because a triple bogey early in the game looked like
      259 words
    • 343 2 Product Advertiser Section/Page Mrcond Carrier II 1 Marines Lufthansa German Airlines I 8 Thai Airways I —18 Art EiNbrbon SMI 1-8 Banks NZI Merchant Bank I 22 OUB I—ls Books Antara Publication I 18 Car Hyundai/ Komoco Auto I 15 Carpet Ties lobotlor, Sime Darby I 7 Carpets
      343 words
    • 535 2 Learning to let go WHEN you let go of a relationship, move on to other friendships, say many of the 310 teenagers who wrote on the topic of breaking up. Breaking up with friends and steadies is part of growing up and the process of learning about relationships.
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    • 278 2 SEMBAWANG CONSTRUCTION WINS $70m CONTRACTS SEMBAWANG CONSTRUCTION, a wholly-owned subsidiary of listed Sembawang Shipyard, has won contracts worth about $70 million in the first four months of this year. The construction company has thus bettered the $50 million of sales for tne wh > of this vear which Mr
      278 words
    • 242 2 Around Asean and Across the Causeway Prem says thanks THAI Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda has openly acknowledged his appreciation for the support of the armed forces for his premiership and vowed to guard the interests of the country and defend the integrity of the armed forces. "Without the armed forces,
      242 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 289 2 Liaiilie Zaobao I Singapore's leading Chinese daily 1 m H /i*A ■tl Z-n I lI W l i M. 'J| 4iM^^| S _^ff*~^m*mr L ■••-■V -i-^-i c AkAK«') tlfrftk 21-4-87 j mmwmmmmmw m^mmmmmmm MrL. m\\\ UMw^k MmmmmmmmmmmmW MM W 'mA \\mmmm*\ MM mmmW^^^am m\\' afmm AvlL. 0B «srao aisii*i WTJP
      289 words
    • 31 2 A traveller's treasure box of surprises 'A holiday land without equal', of varied customs, traditions, clothes, mystery and beauty Discover it m classification 137 J Classifieds: Pg. 4, Section Two. J*tT~7
      31 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 431 3 Opposition asked to provide proof NEW DELHI Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi told a stormy session of Parliament yesterday that the government would take "severe action" if evidence was made available that a Swedish armsmaker bribed Indian politicians and officials in a defence deal. Mr Gandhi, asserting
      AFP; Reuter  -  431 words
    • 427 3 TOKYO US Trade Representative Gayton Yeutter yesterday challenged the Japanese to make a sweeping economic restructuring to reduce their huge trade surplus and warned that the alternative was recession. In remarks prepared for a speech to the Shimoda conference, a periodic
      AP; UPI; Reuter  -  427 words
    • 264 3 MOSCOW Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze and Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Qian Qichen expressed differing views yesterday on the Indochina conflict and other regional issues, the official news agency Tass said. "Qian Qichen put forward the known Chinese approach to questions of Soviet-Chinese relations,
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 462 3 Ads woo 'mamasans' with up to *****,000 cash offer HONGKONG Hostesses in swank Hongkong nightclubs are being bombarded with money and warnings as a war rages between a premier nightspot and a united front of its 14 rivals, executives in the business say. In
      AFP  -  462 words
    • 184 3 Nakasone's deputy calls for cut in proposed sales tax TOKYO Japan's Depoty Prime Minister yesterday prepssei a Mg eat la a planned sales tax which Is expected ta damage the ruling Liberal Democratic Party ta taeal elections next Sunday. Mr Shtai Kaaemaru, interviewed by a commercial television network, suggested that
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 103 3 Karachi calls in troops after riots KARACHI Troops were called into this city and ordered to shoot troublemakers on sight yesterday as the death toll in three days of ethnic riots rose to nine, police said. Two people were killed yesterday as gun battles, arson and looting hit previously unaffected
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 122 3 ALGIERS Mr Yasser Arafat yesterday appeared ready to cement a new alliance with his guerilla rivals in the Palestine Liberation Organisation after scrapping a pact he signed with King Hussein of Jordan in 1965 calling for a joint peace approach to Israel. The decision
      AP; Reuter  -  122 words
    • 72 3 MANCHESTER (Ohio) A gun-toting Easter bunny robbed a store of US$655 (531.395). The robber, dressed in a white rabbit suit and black shoes, carried a paper bag and a handgun into the store on Easter Sunday and ordered clerk Bobbie Taylor to hand over the money, said
      AP  -  72 words
    • 228 4 BEIJING Czechoslovak Prime Minister Lubomir Slrougal will arrive in China on Friday for a six-day official visit that marks a new step in improving political relations between Beijing and Eastern Europe. Mr Strougal, No. 2 in the Czechoslovak political hierarchy to President Gustav
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 284 4 COLOMBO About 5,000 Sinhalese will be armed and resettled in eastern Sri Lanka's Trincomalee district near the site where 127 Sinhalese passengers were massacred by Tamil rebels, the government has said. An official spokesman, speaking on condition of not being identified, said on
      AP; Reuter  -  284 words
    • 116 4 BEIJING A Chinese leader has asked Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro N&kasone to use his influence to return to Beijing's control a student dormitory in Japan awarded by a court to Taiwan, the China Daily said yesterday. It said Wang Zhen, a veteran communist
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 143 4 Beijing starts new pension scheme BEIJING China is implementing a national pension scheme because the population is ageing rapidly and the current system puts an unfair burden on older companies, the China Daily said yesterday. Under the scheme, companies pay a percentage of employees' wages to a local labour insurance
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • 654 4 President Raul Alfonsin: A profile BUENOS AIRES Since becoming President in late 1983, Mr Raul Alfonsin has steered Argentina, regarded by many as an international pariah under military rule, back into the fold of democratic nations. President Alfonsin, a career politician, has been guided by a
      Reuter  -  654 words
    • 212 4 SEOUL Police detained more than 350 students and dissidents for questioning after a violent clash commemorating a student uprising 27 years ago that toppled the government, a police official said yesterday. The detention of 358 people, which occurred on Sunday at an anti-gov-ernment rally,
      UPI  -  212 words
    • 236 4 HANOI Top Vietnamese Communist Party leader Nguyen Van Linh says that Vietnam should draw inspiration from capitalism regarding management and trade, and says the private sector is "to some extent playing a useful role" in the country. In a recent interview with a French
      AFP  -  236 words
    • 302 5 New York employers await court decision NEW YORK Less than three weeks before strict new anti-smok-ing rules are to go into effect, offices, restaurants and other businesses throughout New York State are grappling with a change that could have a profound effect on smokers and non-smokers.
      NYT  -  302 words
    • 305 5 Taipei's foreign reserves mount At $115 b, they are the third largest in the world TAIPEI RISING trade surpluses have boosted Taiwan's foreign exchange reserves to a record US$54 billion (Sslls billion) and the Central Bank has said there are no signs the increase is slowing down. The reserves, up
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 216 5 PARIS The Arc de Trtomphe, symbol of France all over the world, has been weakened by thundering Paris traffic and sinking foundation* aad a kage restoration scheme may be necessary, according to French building experts. Small stones have fallen for several years
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 286 5 Greater effort urged Fto keep world population down WASHINGTON The world's population will more than double to 11 billion by the year 2050 unless family planning efforts expand and push family sizes down to four children, a population research institute says. Also, nearly eight billion monthly doses of oral contraceptives,
      286 words
    • 54 5 BELGRADE Europe's third largest mosque will open in Zaghreb on Friday, nearly seven years behind schedule because of delays caused by a fire and administrative hurdles. Islamic states financed die bulk of the US$4 million (598.52 million) project. Yugoslavia has four million Muslims, of whom 200,000
      AFP  -  54 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 Ifftl W M tl I MSB MH mVmSrM US^Tmt M 1 1 mUW^*m\ mm W I waf a It I B^ r** Wmm m*m m M mamaM ™m rl «*B MrSA 1 I JA. w II A Maa *"J| BP'^^^^Bf P^ ffw yJwJ l VF '<S y* *r^ wP W
      109 words
    • 314 3 aA yS** mmt i2 i^*sl&3" mMAs^^^Aai'A' vi Tte^'H r m 4 M" S3 SAm WKx-B Si I I"' r~ IBclflfc-'JPtIL HI Pa k^l 3 a| i aVI m 1 BjbLq VVI Sm»2 SrZ S MMDhhI 4 HHEftW S^^H f? **ta.mmmmaaa**A, IW^fjlßK.' J HI M <C^^T f^^*" 1 A. tafmO^ *\a\AmMmi
      314 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 m Hi i mm J I "The turning point" I A It's stillmydecision. I f mm %j m a^A m m^mk j "That new Xerox 1050 with the computer form Bk K feeding handles the load at head office easily fl F fl J y tf b 1 L 1
      117 words
    • 46 4 I DOWN WITH A I FEVER? I 'AAk. I Take Saridon. It's Aspirin Free. Soothing, fast relief for headache, fever, aches pain, F HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE A CO. LTD /mc*S SWITZERLAND \Z_/ Fu<> aeUils on composition indications contraindication* side eMects dos«(e and precautions are available on request
      46 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 BIRTH OF THE DIVING ROBOT TTQUfILfIMD Aqualand the World's First Muttifvnptional Diver's Watch with an Electronic DetjAßSensor. Mm^M^M^^^Bi mmj JLavA M*i Amr amm ,jf*mWM I---*" *j£ *V* i i*& o Vi^V^'S Lj 'fc££?^ -~r^»-. cmmMN ui^ t^LflH IRK ■rMIIIRBUni^ M 11 n A\ Ma^^Au Mw^^a^k ma\^^k Mmm m* m g
      86 words

    • 327 6  -  ABBY TAN By Manila Correspondent MANILA Black Saturday's mutiny is another reminder of the government's difficulties in reforming the Armed Forces of the Philippines, once described by Defence Secretary Rafael Deto as a "bum" army he inherited from the deposed regime. The 160.000-strong standing
      Reuter  -  327 words
    • 342 6 BANGKOK PRIME Minister Prem Tinsulanonda has openly acknowledged his appreciation for the support of the armed forces for his premiership and vowed to guard the interests of the country and defend the integrity of the armed forces. "Without the armed forces, I would
      342 words
    • 174 6 Group told to show proof of plan to rig polls MANILA Commission of Elections (Comelec) Commissioner Haydee Yorac said yesterday she would press deposed president Ferdinand Marcos' party to submit its evidence of an alleged government plan to rig forthcoming congressional elections. Senate candidates of Mr Marcos' New Society Movement
      AFP  -  174 words
    • 272 6 MANILA Government negotiators have agreed with Muslim rebels to "draft the mechanics" of a proposal for full autonomy in much of the southern Philippines, according to a document given to Reuters yesterday. Leading opposition figures have accused the government of selling out the
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 57 6 BANGKOK Forty-four high-ranking military and police officers have been named or re-appointed to the Thai Senate, according to a list of 75 names announced on state-run Radio Thailand yesterday. Seventy-five senators in the 260-member Upper House will have completed their six-year appointed terms by Saturday and will be
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 135 6 Free-love cult to leave Philippines MANILA Members of a worldwide cult preaching free love are preparing to leave the Philippines in the next few weeks after being denounced by government and church officials, the Philippine Star newspaper reported. The Children of God. which sparked controversy in this Roman Catholic nation
      AFP  -  135 words
    • 190 6 JAKARTA Announcement of the earliest provisional results of national elections should be made early on the evening of polling day, Thursday, Home Affairs Minister Supardjo Rustam said yesterday. The first announcement of vote tallies coming into a central computer should be made at 1800
      AFP  -  190 words
    • 94 6 BANGKOK Thailand yesterday accused fouth (Korea of putting up protectionist barriers against agricultural products, and urged Seoul to recorsider its policies. Foreign Minister Air Chief Marshal Siddhi Savetsila, during a meeting with his visiting South Korean counterpart, Mr Choi Kwang Soo, criticised a
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 293 7  -  PETER HAZELHURST By Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO The Japanese government is expected to create a new fund shortly to promote joint ventures between Japan and Asean in the field of high technology and industry. Details of the fund, reported by one newspaper to be worth US$5 billion
      293 words
    • 329 7  -  CHEONG YIP SENG By in Bandar Sen Begawan BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN Dr Ahmad Mattar yesterday had a brief, half-hour meeting with a Bruneian minister with fond memories of Singapore. Dr Mattar broke away from the First Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Goh Chok Tong's party
      YOW YUN WOH  -  329 words
    • 261 7 Jobless problem Jakarta's 'greatest challenge' JAKARTA A leading economist has warned of the dangers of rising unemployment in Indonesia, describing it as the greatest challenge facing the government. The warning, made in an interview with the Kompas newspaper, came from Mr Widjojo Nitisastro, a former economics minister who was the
      AFP; Reuter  -  261 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1058 6 > C 3|\ikl youi famil) vacation in the head oi Asias most exotic city. f. I he Shangn-La Bangkok Vacation by the River' package oilers you 4 days v.^_'' and nights ol luxury beside I hailand s mighty t hao Phraya River Irom onl) ***** and includes •Accommodation in river
      1,058 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 709 7 GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION SPECIAL S*79 Mmmr^ Mr J\ j VCfe'll never bwer our standards. But foSs79 a ni^it, they can now be yours. (Rr just a while.) IHV3HW Everyone should experience the luxury of a five star hotel at least once B^ (B Mw m fgHsijV- wMm*m\m Sadly, on a
      709 words

  • cross the CAUSEWAY
    • 309 8  -  Albert Ramalingam Sarawak Cabinet sworn in By of the Foreign Desk KUCHING Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud yesterday firmly closed the door on the state's biggest Dayakbased party joining his National Front government. Speaking to journalists after the swearing-in of
      309 words
    • 316 8 KUCHING Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Haji Abdul Taib Manmud yesterday made a veiled threat that he was prepared to use the law against opposition parties which used the Quran to whip up religious sentiments in the recent elections. The chief minister referred to the
      316 words
    • 279 8 Clash between two groups KUALA LUMPUR The present Umno leadership will not allow materialistic interests to control its struggle or destroy the Malay language, culture and Islam, Umno Youth head Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday. "I give an assurance that the leadership will not pawn the
      Bernama  -  279 words
    • 293 8 Policeman shot by robber during chase KUALA LUMPUR A policeman died yesterday after he was shot in the back while trying to prevent the getaway of three gunmen who grabbed $200,000 from three security guards. Acting city CID chief Superintendent Syed Ibrahim Syed Abdul Rahman said Constable Mohamed Salleh Mohidin.
      Bernama  -  293 words
    • 101 8 JOHOR BARU Two drug addicts tried to commit suicide by setting themselves on fire in separate incidents during the weekend. Abdul Jamal Ismail, 29, poured kerosene over his body and set fire to himself on Saturday after an argument with his mother over money.
      NST  -  101 words
    • 137 8  -  R. VASANTHI By KUALA LUMPUR Singaporeans constituted the lowest number of overstayers in Malaysia, Immigration Press Officer Aminuddin Saat said yesterday. Of the 1,179 overstayers caught last year, fewer than 60 were Singaporeans. The majority were Indians (40 per cent), followed by Indonesians
      137 words
    • 293 8 KUALA LUMPUR A former Oriental Bank branch manager, Zulkifflee Hassan, pleaded not guilty in the sessions court yesterday to seven counts of criminal breach of trust of M56.7 million (555.7 million). Court President Puan Zura Yahya fixed the hearing for May 18 and granted
      Bernama  -  293 words
      • 184 9 Sanusi accuses press of distorting statement KUALA LUMPUR I ma* secretory-general Datak Seri Saaasl Junid ■aid yesterday I ran o members have the right to speak the truth "even though the truth harts". Datak Seri Saaari, whs Is the Agriculture Minister, said: "There are, however, some people who make false
        Bernama  -  184 words
    • 389 9  -  ISMAIL KASSIM By in Kuala Lumpur Two groups in executive committee declare their stand KUALA LUMPUR The Umno Youth executive committee yesterday split up, with two rival groups taking opposite sides for the Friday Umno Supreme Council elections. Four members, including and led by
      389 words
    • 712 9 In a random survey, The New Sunday Times last week asked people what they thought ot the Umno elections on Friday. Here is a sampling of some of the views: FORTY- YEAR-OLD Johor Baru businessman Mah mood Haji Ismail said the
      NST  -  712 words
    • 265 9 BANGI Information and documents on the construction of the Penang Bridge were no longer official secrets from last Saturday, said Works Minister Datuk Samy Vellu. Anyone who wished to get information or documents on the Penang Bridge could write to the Prime Minister's Department,
      Bernama  -  265 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 344 8 BBB^B *^a au AM aw .mmm Amm*. I^B aAM Lufthansa and United Airlines together you get almost unlimited freedom and offer Singapore travellers the greatest flexibility in choosing your own itinerary, choice of around the world itineraries at either eastbound or westbound. And, a very affordable price. Discounts for from
      344 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 451 9 INTRODUCING THE CANON VPIOOO DISPLAY TYPING SYSTEM. Only Canon takes electronic typewriters into the future with so many options, so many features. The VPI OOO lets you move into highly sophisticated display typing, with a memory far bigger than any other brand. Share the Canon vision... WHAT YOU SEE ON
      451 words

  • HOME
    • 409 10 TRAMS trundled off to a satisfactory start at the Botanic Gardens yesterday. About 100 people took to the rides, 140 short of what the 20 trips could take. Still, it was satisfactory for a first day, said a spokesman for
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    • 449 10  -  SANDRA DAVIE By Seminar looks at how to extend a warmer welcome MORE Japanese are visiting Singapore arresting a two-year decline in the growth rate of visitors from Japan. This means more money for the tourism industry here, but also more headaches. The reason
      449 words
    • 408 10 Woman charged with robbing hubby's mistress A 43- YEAR-OLD businesswoman, charged earlier with robbing her estranged husband at knifepoint, was taken to court again yesterday to face a similar charge of robbing his mistress. In addition, Sim Ah Ngoh was charged with helping a man to outrage the woman's modesty
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    • 158 10 Unlawful assembly: 14 claim trial FOURTEEN women yesterday claimed trial to a reduced charge of being members of an unlawful assembly at the pedestrian mall outside Lucky Plaza on March 28. They were earlier charged with being members of such an assembly under the Penal Code. The reduced count says
      158 words
    • 42 10 PROFESSOR S. Jayakumar. Minister (or Home Affairs and Second Minister for Law. will be the guest of honour at a disco night organised by Bedok Zone 4 RC at the Bedok Central HDB area office on Saturday at 7.30 pm.
      42 words
    • 146 10 A TEAM from the Mass Rapid Transit Corporation left for Japan and Hongkong yesterday to study how Hongkong and Japanese cities launched and are operating their subway systems. Singapore's MRT is scheduled to begin operating in December this year. The group of nine
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    • 360 11 SINGAPORE may send women obstetricians and gynaecologists to Brunei to help the country cope with a growing demand for such personnel. This was disclosed yesterday by the Acting Minister for Health, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong, after he had a one-hour discussion with the Brunei
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    • 317 11 Run-up to the Mis* Universe contest IF you hold an American Express Gold Card, you could easily find yourself holding a Miss Universe beauty in your arms. But the privilege does not come cheap $250 to share the 74
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    • 98 11 PRIZES worth more than $225,000 await the winner of the Miss Universe contest. A crown, a car, a week's stay a year for 40 years at a condominium in the Cariboean and a year-long contract are just some of the prizes the new Miss Universe will
      98 words
    • 411 11  -  JACQUELINE WONG By IT MAY be a day set aside especially for them, but some secretaries cannot seem to get out of the work routine. Their bosses foot the bill for lunches and dinners during Secretaries Week, but these women often have to organise their
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    • 105 11 Lord Lucas calls on Sidek LORD Laeas, Britain's Parttomwtary Uaier Sec retary ml State, Departwaamt at Traie ami tadwtry, called the Parliamentary SeereUry (Traie aai laisstry), Mr SMah mma, a* am «mce He aa*a vtattoi the EcamamAc Devetomeat Baard aad waa kmatti ta l—eh by Ita alternate ehalnnaa, Mr ChaaCMn
      105 words
    • 231 11 Employers, firms fined for work permit offences NINE men, two companies, a hairdressing saloon, and a woman were yesterday fined a total of $79,400 for hiring Malaysians who did not have work permits. The highest fine of $19,800 was imposed on Guan Tong Construction Co in Kranji Loop which employed
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    • 408 12  - OUB Centre 90 per cent occupied WONG AI KWEI By BOASTING a prestigious address and prime location, the owners of the 60-storey OUB Centre say they have managed to fill almost 90 per cent of the office space the building has to offer. There is altogether 39,018 sq m of
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    • 190 12  -  NANCY LOH By THE old ruse of pretending to be a customer at the jeweller's before dashing off with the valuables was tried by a jobless man at least twice. A district court heard that Neo Kok Soon, 27, walked into two shops posing as
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    • 14 12 The 1945 pride of the police the Ford V8
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    • 239 12 THIS Fard VB, with aerials mounted aa bamboo pate, was the pride of the Singapore Paliee Farce bac k in IMS and the forerunner af taday's radio patral cars. Naw, 42 yean dawn the raad, shapelier models bearing J apaaeae names patral the streets.
      239 words
    • 129 12 A WOMAN lost $4,000 in cash and personal documents after her briefcase was snatched by two men at the void deck of a block of flats in Ang Mo Kio on Saturday. Madam Tan Mui Cheng, 31, a businesswoman, reported to police that she
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    • 280 12 Man had $110,000 of drugs in car, court told A MAN accused of a capital offence was found with 70 satchets of heroin with a street value of $110,640 in his car when he was stopped by narcotics officers at the Woodlands Customs checkpoint in 1984, the High Court was
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    • 512 12 Remove fears of those wanting to promote Mandarin: MP AN MP has called on the Government to remove fears among those wanting to promote the Chinese language of being associated with chauvinism and leftist thinking. Dr Ow Chin Hock, the MP for Leng Kee, arguing that now was the time
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    • 253 13 THREE people checked into the Mandarin Hotel early this year to "check out" the other rooms in the hotel for valuables. Teoh Mooi Chew, 26, a Malaysian, and her two male accomplices, whose identities are still unknown to the police, were settled
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    • 32 13 MRS NANCY BEATON has been elected President of the Singapore Kennel Gub. Other officials include Mr Stanley Wong, Vice-President, and Major Tan Peng Yong, Treasurer. Three directors were also elected.
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    • 566 13  - Taekwondo gets the chop in some schools HEDWIG ALFRED By TAEKWONDO in schools has been dealt a severe blow by some principals who want to stop these lessons rather than risk being blamed if their students are injured during training. The principals took quick action after they received a reminder
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    • 518 13 FANCY bird's nest and shark's fin soup but do not want to spend hours preparing them? A Singapore company has come up with the answer: bottled instant bird's nest and shark's fin soup. Kim Hing Company, a family-owned business, has successfully developed the
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    • 118 13 SINGAPORE, Malaysia and Australia will hold a four-day major air defence exercise from today. A Defence Ministry statement said aircraft woald fly at low levels over the Island dally between 7 am and lf pm until Friday. The public Is advised not to be
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    • 283 13 Body-in-boot case: Man to be extradited TWO senior police officers will leave for Hongkong today to bring back a Singaporean suspect wanted in connection with last year's body-in-the-boot murder of a watch trader. Assistant Superintendent Cheok Koon Seng, the head of ClD's Special Investigation Section, and Inspector Michael Chan will
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    • 347 14 Accused was a victim of plot, says defence Rape after beer trial A DEFENCE lawyer yesterday began a 183-page submission to show that his client, Liew Kim Yong, 30, a businessman accused of rape, was a victim of a wicked conspiracy. Mr Leo Fernando said In his summing up of
      347 words
    • 50 14 AN unidentified woman was found dead at the base of Block 174, Stirling Road, yesterday afternoon. Described as in her thirties, the woman is believed to have fallen from an upper floor of the block about 1.40 pm. Police do not suspect foul play.
      50 words
    • 270 14 SINGAPORE may be on its way to becoming the No 1 bunkering port in Asia but to a shipping executive there were several obstacles along the way. Mr Eric Schonis, operations manager of Nedlloyd EAC Agencies, said wharfage charges here, for bunkering done by
      270 words
    • 202 14 61 WAS Mn army officer many yeara ago. In 1960 we were thrown into racial turmoil. I had to command a company of eoJdiere and I waa given e mission: to protect e small Malay village at Boh Sua Tien somewhere in Yio
      202 words
    • 401 14 THREE short phrases, but .they could go a long way in making Singapore the No. 1 bunker port in Asia. Indeed, competitive prices, quality bunker and good service are vital for pushing the port, already the busiest in the world, into the top
      401 words
    • 167 14 Dr Yeo back from M-East trip DR YEO Ning Hong returned home last night after a visit to Saudi Arabia and Oman which he described as very useful and educational. Talks with Saudi Arabia ranged from increasing the use of the submarine cable link between Singapore and Jeddah to port
      167 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 362 10 M Computers and Communications Our digital keys open the doors to more of the features a growing business needs i <*3 A A > m/ I m r *Jfl W A ii J t Am*- t 1W m *m* ar w mr AMAmmm**^ H Amm mmmJA ammmmam**' Wide choice of
      362 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 353 11 ''iiM &J B JA Am\j fr mAkmmmm mmW. Time to turn B^ ¥WTfT^Wm\ Slip into charming nighties, comfortable oversized Ts and fr« fr fl a^^MrrA mmmWm\ lacy teddies. m^k H2hM A V m% A MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm mm M B- B The Super Model of the World/Singapore '87 |b^ K^T K? 1
      353 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 139 12 FOUR Cards Rr the fl ~*W~Ms+^^i 1 kmf ITT 7 hen you apply for either a J lrm I AJ TA 1/^ TJ A lLj W Hongkongßank Visa card or A W\^ TTJ W~ MmT II 1^ W IP MasterCard, you get the V|VJ |H M M m. IV M
      139 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 90 13 MINI SIZE! MINI PRICE! CANON MINI COPIER PC 24 M^ammm^^^ The big performer which enlarges and reduces easily Virtually maintenance-free. CALL *****1 1 Canon f^l Mini Copiers t*jM Your Kind of Copter WSlaflHlftlM Canon Marketing Services Pte Ltd 2 Alexandra Road #04-01 A Delta House Singapore 0315 I HAVING A
      90 words
    • 280 13 mMW i m i SMART CHOICE*. I mm^g^ofomm^ MM MSU 1 KZ7J tKS MSASONS: You are a smart shopper. Your standards are You get great-smelling clothes from its unique high when it comes to choosing any product. fragrance. Even when it comes to the choice of vour laundry lts ow
      280 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 524 14 Ma J mw* i*M m^M t l^^v LA W flfl^fl B i^ffl \aA m A v»W *-3*3B^^^^^^ 1 ifc* P. r fl v v^ An unusually Exciting ifl A«Hi f^ <T* A m mF Bold spectacle, especially {wAt A > \flJw^lL\k\ (mm)) for secretaries r^^v ißfl \>k\ > niTAf MmW
      524 words
    • 151 14 Lyrical Drama i THE NEGRO ENSEMBLE COMPANY PRODUCTION P SAMM-ART WIUJAMS April 22 to 24, 8 pm World Trade Centre Auditorium "Home" unfolds the story of a young southern black man's life how he lost his dearest possessions and his struggle to regain them. This poignant drama is presented in
      151 words
    • 440 14 What participants say about the National Agenda forums: Page IS 7th General Management I Program I May4-May15,1987 Designed for managers who want to develop managerial skills JJ and prepare themselves to move into positions of general Hfl management responsibilities. Topics covered are organized broadly into 4 modules: (1) Business Policy
      440 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 893 15  - Time the common grouse LIM KWAN KWAN LOW MEI MEI GOH JIN THENG Reports by and POISED for a fiery debate, Mr Frankie Tan went to the Serangoon Gardens National Agenda forum armed with a host of questions. He had plenty to ask, the result of weeks of research, chit-chats
      893 words
    • Article, Illustration
      682 15 "The ministers do not try to monopolise the discussion. We want to listen to their views. But if questions are raised, we are obliged to answer. "If the comments give a view that certain things are not done correctly or there are misconceptions, we should clarify their
      682 words
    • 287 15 MORE time should be given to participants if debate is to be meaningful. They should also be assigned their topics for discussion a few weeks in advance instead of the usual practice of giving them the topics when they register for the workshop. Workshops
      287 words
    • 392 15 "It made no difference whether the MPs were around or not. Some MPs were more than ready to defend policies while others might spur participants on. "We are already aware of Government policies. It will not be good for the Government to use the National Agenda to
      392 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 114 15 uSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsAsuSmmmmmmmmmlmmmmm^ P WmWA ¥&§fc A mi v mA \**^h£> mA mm. Cr.V mm A%nu <\- To: The Manager Ms rJkx OUB Investment Management Ltd i EK* v H' OUB Centre, 1 Raffles Place #16-00. Singapore 0104. A P» V Please send me without obligation the prospectus application form for Union
      114 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 613 16 THE medical profession here has for a long time seen fit to enforce rigidly the rule that its members should not advertise their services and specialities nor receive publicity in the media. The rule is to prevent abuses by any unscrupulous member of the profession hoping to
        613 words
    • 115 16 Perestroika restructuring is Mr Mikhail Gorbachev's buzzword for political and economic change in the Soviet Union. Peredyshka breathing space was Lenin's secret foreign policy in the years he was trying to consolidate Bolshevism. "We must be careful," said Mr John Erickson,- Director of Defence Studies at Edinburgh
      115 words
    • 1661 16  -  JOHN KEEGAN By Advantage Gorbachev 4 ...In concrete terms, it is the financial relief offered by zero-zero that really counts for him (Mr Gorbachev). Zero-zero promises a stronger Soviet Union in the long run, through a more contented work force, a larger civilian
      US News; World Report  -  1,661 words
    • 504 16 Art Buchwald MY FAVOURITE AT&T advertisement shows a grey-haired man and woman head to head. The copy reads: "Flirt with her again. Call the UK. She was your childhood sweetheart. The girl you always planned to marry. "And even though
      504 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 16
      1 words
    • 1400 17 Who's who in an elite club of 'stubborn' statesmen who wield supreme power their four liteunatn Elders and veterans fall into two camps The following article, which first ap peared in "Nineties", a Hongkong monthly magazine, was reproduced in the Lianhe Zaobao on April 4 under the
      1,400 words
    • 726 17  - Uma helps keep illegal hawkers away HO CHIN BENG By IT'S a moonlit Thursday evening. Three men in singlets are crying out "Durians for sale" as passers-by stroll across a carpark in Telok Blangah New Town. The men stop shouting when they see S. Umapathy and two other Housing Board
      726 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 45 16 MENSTRUAL j PAIN? -af&rn Amm. S Zsammm* mm. Take Saridon. It's Aspirin Free. Soothing, fast relief for headache, fever, aches pain. F HOFFMANN LA ROCHE &CO LTD. /mx\ SWITZERLAND XX Full details on composition, indications, contraindications. side effects dosage and precautions are available on request
      45 words
    • 308 16 ■H NTUC FairPrice Co-operative Limited Results of The HUH Bonus Cash-In Promotion (1 6 Jan -31 Mar '87) IST PRIZE $10,000 POSB Voucher Sandra Pestana l/C No: 1 341 51 2/I 2ND PRIZE $6,000 POSB Voucher Kong Sin Kyoon l/C No: 1 31 8473/I 3RD PRIZE $3,000 POSB Voucher Lim
      308 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 409 17 A GROWING NAME IN l*JflL* THE BEAUTY BUSINESS^|^H NOW, HERE IN SINGAPORE^^ m Amore m*^\ mma mm mm* For the first time in Singapore, we introduce an exciting range of cosmetics that's sure to make waves in the beauty scene AMORE! Amore ts the leading brand name of Pacific Chemical
      409 words
    • 60 17 Mastermind. cleaners .hnology that's not itages of > superb ts, ma--100% jn, interies and um powontact us motion. le ompromise na M Singapore 1334 Tel.: *****68 1 K I_ Yesl I would like to see a demonsfraf/on of the Miele de luxe 5234i vacuum cleaner. Please call me to arrange
      60 words

    • 95 18 Dear Readers THE Straita Timaa walcomaa lattara from you. Your letters muat include your signature, full name, address, and home and office telephone numbers, if any. They should preferably be typed, double-spaced, on one aide of the paper. You may add a paeudonym if you wiah. But we would prefer
      95 words
    • 91 18 THE Mass Rapid Transit Corporation carried out test runs of its trains along Avenue 8, Ang Mo Kio, from about 8 to 9 pm on April 14 and 15. The noise created whenever the trains left Ang Mo Kio station for Yio Chu Kang was like
      91 words
    • 161 18 No child care centres in Bt Batok BUKIT Batok housing estate is relatively new but impresses with a scenic lake, a swimming complex, area offices, neighbourhood centres and educational institutions. A sports complex is under construction and there will be a park, town centre and two MRT stations in future.
      161 words
    • 255 18 Brickbats... and bouquets I SUSTAINED chest injuries in an industrial accident on April 1 and was immediately admitted to Jurong Hospital. I was transferred to the Singapore General Hospital on April 3. On arrival at the Accident and Emergency Department at
      255 words
    • 81 18 LAST week, I was in a taxi which was run into by another taxi along Stamford Road. A Singaporean friend took me to Toa Payoh Hospital because I had pains in the neck region. I have had experience of hospitals in Australasia. Britain, Europe and the United States,
      81 words
    • 124 18 I AM a regular passenger on Service 24 from Paya Lebar Road to Bedok Interchange. I have over the past three months noticed one of the drivers doing the following: 1. Skipping stops along Paya Lthar Road and Sims Avenue even when
      124 words
    • 241 18 Still hoping after 3 years on the list WHEN we first applied for a five-room flat in 1984, we were told that we would have to wait at least 18 months. We felt then that that was an acceptable period because the Housing Board gave priority to resettlement cases, civil
      241 words
    • 306 18 AS A professional and working mother of two children, I fully understand the Government's new population policy and welcome the strategies that are introduced to encourage Singaporeans to have three-child families. However, the announcement that "with effect from this year's registration exercise for admission
      306 words
    • 142 18 Unfair to those who are waiting for flats THE new policy of giving priority to Housing Board flat applicants with a third child is unfair to those who have already been on the waiting list for two to three years. These people will feel very disgusted when they see their
      142 words
    • Replies
      • 147 18 Avoid the park during a thunderstorm WE refer to the letter "Lightning danger in open park" from Mr Ricky Ng (ST, March 28). We appreciate the concern expressed by the writer and wish to inform him that the possibility of installing lightning protection has been considered. However, it is not
        147 words
      • 121 18 Two lanes for right turns soon WE refer to the letter "Two lanes needed" by Mr Lim Meng Foo (ST, April 9). We wish to inform the writer that the Public Works Department has already planned to improve the right turn movement of vehicles from Eunos Link to Airport Road
        121 words
      • 154 18 PLEASE refer to the letter "Each apartment block should have a cargo lift" by "Future HDB Flat Owner" (ST, April 8), in which the writer suggested that new Housing Board apartment blocks be equipped with a cargo lift each so that furniture and other
        154 words
      • 122 18 WE refer to the letter "Operators gave different information" by Mr D.W. Distant (ST, April 14). We apologise that th? information given by ou/ 900 operator that "work had finished for the day and would resume the next morning" was incorrect. Repair wcrk on the ilamaged
        122 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 154 18 OFTHE CLASS! Thai's Royal Executive Class has been voted the Best Business Class in the 1986 Airlineof the\fear j Awards We admit we had gone to extraordinary lengths for the business traveller. Wider-than-normal seats and legroom. Exquisite linen, fine porcelain, silver cutlery and a choice of menus and drinks. The
      154 words
    • 229 18 I JS*£l IMY HRST STEPS TO READING A *°*£eS fAn educator developed and approved home Jn^* jf reading programme. Turn your child to a reader t^Vu nK^ in a ew short m onths! EASY TO READ a EASY TO USE^^^ My 9 Book a EASY TO OWN f^^ly to Reading
      229 words

    • In the markets
      • 76 19 THE Singapore market was slightly firmer yesterday as some local quality stocks attracted bargain hunters and overseas buyers. Turnover fell to 26.24 million units worth $57.21 million from Thursday's 36.47 million units worth $83 .59 million. Rises edged falls 79 to 76, and The Straits Times Industrial
        76 words
      • 255 19 Poper Products 1.539,000 M Resources 1,422,000 Marco Polo 1,185,000 AMDB 1,068,000 Indices Most Active Apr 16 Apr 20 Apr 16 Apr ?0 Bt Composite 968?? 977 M Bl 08 OS 204 171 SI Minings 300/0 ***** CAO 6268 6276 ST Plantations 1966 57 1972 92 lOda, Mvt
        255 words
      • 40 19 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Times Business Times industrial Composite 1986 87 High 1104 35(13/4/87) 977 54 (20 4/87) 1986/87 Low 563 34 (28/4/86) *****(28/4/86) Mi time High *****5 (13/4/87) *****(8/2/84) All time Low 74 75 (17/9/64) ***** (28 4 86)
        40 words
      • 12 19 Closing Chance Vol ('000) Swpore NjboMl ftntm 2 45 unch 60
        12 words
      • 14 19 THE US dollar lost 30 ticks to close at DM 1.8120 in Singapore.
        14 words
      • 27 19 DM Y FF m\ Hks IS$ UBs ***** 142 82 unq 2 134b unq £***** ***** 142 85 6 0250 2 1346 7 8015 *****
        27 words
      • 10 19 In Singapore, gold closed at U*****.50 an ounce yesterday.
        10 words
      • 60 19 Eurodollar: Lost three ticks to 92.96 a contract. Deutschemark: Gained 15 ticks to 0.5547 a contract. British Pound: Gained 35 ticks to 1.6250 a contract. Japanese yen: Gained 11 ticks to 0.*****0 a contract. Nikkei: Gained 155 points to ***** a contract. US Treasury bond: Lost 15 ticks to
        60 words
      • Short stops
        • 75 19 KUALA LUMPUR Peninsular Malaysia recorded a much higher trade surplus of MsBll.l million for the first two months this year, a 38 per cent rise from M5587.9 million a year ago. Export earnings rose 10.9 per cent to M54,944.3 million from M54,457.1 million for last year's
          Bernama  -  75 words
        • 59 19 JAKARTA State-owned company P. T. Gadjah Tunggal plans to export US$l7 million (5536.3 million) worth of tyres to 20 countries this year. Its tyre exports will account for 85 per cent of Indonesia's export, targeted at US$2O million this year, its Vice-President, Mr T. W. Sendra, said.
          Bernama  -  59 words
        • 73 19 TOKYO Japan Air Lines lost some 10 billion yen (Ssl49 million) in the business year ending this month by buying US dollars in futures transactions, sources here said Sunday. They said JAL ordered dollar futures worth US$3OO million a year in mid-1985 for 11 years between fiscal
          AFP  -  73 words
        • 61 19 BEIJING Foreign companies and China's Na tional Airline (CAAC) will jointly invest US$l5 million (Ss32 million) and 14 million yuan (SJB.I million) in a major expansion of Beijing airport. The People's Daily overseas edition said the money will be used to enlarge its waiting area, parking
          Reuter  -  61 words
    • 336 19 Why Japanese life insurers spreading overseas JAPANESE life insurance companies are putting more money overseas than most investors, and the rapid 40 per cent growth rate in their overseas investments in the last five years was due to three main reasons. The reasons were changes in domestic demand for money,
      336 words
    • 320 19 KL Stock Exchange to get more power KUALA LUMPUR THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Committee will be empowered to suspend an errant company's shares for any period of time under the exchange's New Listing Manual. Rule 2 (3) of the Rules for Trading also gives the KLSE Committee "very wide
      MBT  -  320 words
    • 434 19  -  S. KUMAR By Deals clinched in first four months of the year SEMBAWANG Construction, a whollyowned subsidiary of listed Sembawang Shipyard, has won contracts worth about $70 million in the first four months of this year. The construction company has thus bettered the $50 million
      434 words
    • 206 19 TOKYO An advisory body to the Finance Minister said it expects stock index futures and securities options to be introduced soon after Parliament approves revisions in the securities and exchange laws, expected in May or June next year. The Securities Futures Committee of the
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 494 19  -  CATHERINE C.ONG By NIPPON Life Insurance, the world's biggest insurance company, is setting up a fund management subsidiary in Singapore to manage up to US$lOO million (Ss2l3 million) in the first two years. The company, which has a representative office here
      494 words
    • 400 19  -  DOREEN SOH By TAT LEE Bank has bettered its 1965 results, fulfilling the promise it made when it asked shareholders for more money when it announced its interim results last year. According to a statement, the group, which announced a one-for-five rights
      400 words
    • 405 19 DBS Bank is all set to play a major role in the shared Automated Teller Machine network which is expected to start some time in the second half of this year. Chairman Howe Yoon Chong disclosed in the bank's latest annual
      405 words
    • 4038 20 REAOERS should be aware of the imitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt in at the stock exchange, is covered in "business done". Further, because al dealings at a particular price are lumped together, the table does not show the trend in
      4,038 words
    • 2408 20 INDUSTRIALS Acma IH06) A|inomofo (3228) cd Ale. Hldg( Alcorn < 758 765) (7) 74 I 7) 75 AISB (I I2B) (37) 11 I (5) 110(27) I 12 API 72 *****H9) 72 5(16)73 ASM (2375) (27) 238 (7) 239 (26) 237 Amah 3068 31 OS) (98)
      2,408 words
    • 3106 20 All shares quoted have a par value o* Jl unless otherwise specified Adjusted lot scrip rights N Tax-exempted dividend ABN is traded m lots ol 10 shares each, with the price quoted m dollars Tiustee stocks under CPf Approved Investment Scheme IM7 Last Yield Vol Day
      3,106 words
    • 1 21
      1 words
    • 341 21 1 Mr Jl 000 For b*»t cmtomtn orit 1 OCBC Finance 4 avaiafefc ll OBS Fmnce 5 QmJt.i^ Hut ulh tit oHnti by übudtary OUT IMF's rjtn.** iKo nth** at m avaiaWt at DBS France OCBC OUB DOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Savings daily 3 3'« 2'- 3 Monthly
      341 words
    • 190 21 Interbank Over the counter Foreifn Local dolars to Foreign currency curency one unit ot to SSIO toreign currency Australian dollar 1.5205 1.5233 6.65—6.49 Canadian dollar 1.6167-1.6236 624—6.13 NZ dollar 1.2377-1.2415 8.21-7.96 Sterling pound 3.4829—3.4860 2.89—2.85 US dollar 2.1340-2 1350 4 71 4 67 Local dolars to 100 nits
      190 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 66 21 I I I I I I J I I L_l_ HST Index Monday 1,692.63 (1,687.30) rg Hongkong Hang Senf Monday Closed (Closed) Australian Al-Ordinaries P Monday Closed (Closed) Nikkei Stock Average Monday 23,895.22 (Closed) Financial Times Industrials Friday Closed (1,537.90) Dow Jones Average Jo:s Friday Closed (2,275.99) (Fifures in
        66 words
      • 356 21 Mrtsub Chem 970 Mitsub Elec 540 +10 Mitsub Estate 3390 -10 Mitsub Heavy 601 -4 MitsubnK 1370 -30 Mrtsu Co 825 1 1 Mitsu. Stupbldq 310 -6 Mrtsu. Smelting 411 -10 Mrtsukoshi 1440 -50 Mitsutra Murata Mfg 1910 ICX Net 1620 +80 Nfcko Sec 3050 -10 Nhp Light Metol
        356 words
      • 649 21 SHARE prices in the Singapore market closed slightly firmer yesterday as more interest returned to local counters. Rises edged falls 79 to 76, and The Straits Times Industrial Index rose 5.78 points to 1100.91. The Business Times Composite Index gained 9.32 points to 977.54
        649 words
    • 212 21 KUALA LUMPUR THE Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange (KLCE) has confirmed that it is investigating the financial status, trading and business activities of Maika Commodities Sdn Bhd, which is a member of the exchange. In a statement issued last Friday, the KLCE said investigations began on April
      Bernama  -  212 words
    • 109 21 THE US dollar closed firmer against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed unchanged at the initial opening of 2.1340/50. It traded within a range of 2.1340 and 2.1355 in quiet trading. Against the deutschemark, the greenback closed slightly firmer compared to its
      109 words
    • 167 21 THE kilobar market traded between 5530,650 and £930,615 yesterday. In TOKYO, yen-de-nominated gold futures closed 12 to 26 yen per gramme higher after opening narrowly mixed. Yen-based prices rose on fresh buying by private investors on anticipated firmness in overseas markets today after the Easter holiday. A dealer said
      167 words
    • 25 21 GOLD USS/oz Mon Fri Singapore 444.50 445.25 Closed Mm Sat Hongkong Closed Closed Fri Thurs New York Closed 443.70 444.20 London Closed 444.50—*****
      25 words
    • 241 21 Manager*' prica* for April 21 Singapore (Mt Trust The Commerce 1 06— I 14 The Savings Fund 091 098 Spo"' Prog Fund 0 41-0 46 Spore Sec Fund 0 71-0 77 Spoil' Invest Fund 0 77-084 Spore Equity Fund 051 -0 56 Asia Unit Trust Mai Invest Fund
      241 words
    • Simex futures
      • 113 21 Eurodollar 3-month deposit JUNE Eurodollar opened two ticks lower at 92.97 but traded sideways during the season m quiet trading m view of the Easter holidays m other centres. The market ranged between 92.96 and 92.98 m the June contract, with the outlook for Eurodollar remaining still bearish. A lack
        113 words
      • 77 21 CURRENCY futures opened higher than the previous close on US Treasury Secretary James leaker's comment on the US dollar last week, and continued to firm m quiet trading on lingering negative sentiment towards the dollar. June Deutschemark closed 15 ticks higher at 0.5547 after ranging between 0.5552 and 0.5545.
        77 words
      • 39 21 JUNE pound closed 35 ticks higher at 1.6250. (British Pound i Open High Low Sett Est Vel Jun 87 1.6260 55 1.6260 1.6250 1.6250 Nine Sept 1.6155 Dec 1.6100 Opea last (Than): 446. Act Vol (Than): 38.
        39 words
      • 45 21 JUNE yen closed 11 ticks higher at 0.*****0 after touching a high of 0.*****5 m dull trading. (Japanese Yen) Open High Lew Sett Est Vel Jane 0.*****3 0.*****5 0.*****3 0.*****0 87 Sept 0.*****1 Dec 0.*****6 Opea lat (Than): «48. Act Vol (Than): 723.
        45 words
      • 59 21 JUNE Nikkei closed 155 points higher at ***** from a high of *****. (Nikkei Stock Average Index) Opea High Lew Sett Est Vel Spat *****.87 *****.66 *****.84 *****.22 Jon 87 ***** ***** ***** ***** 536 Sept ***** ***** ***** ***** Five Dec ***** ***** ***** *****
        59 words
      • 70 21 JUNE US T-Bond opened six ticks lower compared to the previous close at 94.11 and slipped off gradually to a low of 94.00 on a softer dollar. June bond finally settled 15 ticks lower at 94.02 m quiet trading. (US Treasury Bond) Open High Lew Sett Est
        70 words
      • 28 21 USS per troy ounce Open High Lew Sett Est Vol Apr 87 444.70 FehBB 468.10 Opea lat (Than): NU. Act Vel (Than): Nil. Reports rrom BA Futurn
        28 words
      • 11 21 Rubber Closing prices cents/kilo Singapore May Closed Malaysia May Closed
        11 words
      • 16 21 Th Closing prices m/kio KL Tin 16 63 Unchanged Turnover 61 tonnes up 14 tonnes
        16 words
      • 19 21 Closjng prices Copper tonne Fri Spot Closed (924 00-926 00) 3 months Closed (*****-882 00) Market tone. Sales
        19 words
      • 25 21 Ctosnf prices Silver US), troy (u Itm fh Smsjpoie 7ft 730 Closed Fn Thws "o'» Closrt ;?S 730 Sauri e Credit Suisse S pore
        25 words
      • 20 21 Closjnj prices Aluminium £/tome Fri Spot Closed (890 00-*****) 3 months Closed (806 00- 807 00) Ma'ket tone Sales
        20 words
      • 108 21 Crude MS tonne palm oi Apr 752 50 (south) 750 (central) 745 (north) Refined palm oi USS tonnes R6O palm oil Apr May June 325 (sellers) July Sept 322 50 (sellers) RBD Stearin Apr May 292 50 (sellers) June 290 (sellers) RBD Olem Apr 335 (sellers) May June
        108 words
    • 334 21 Vessel Berth Arr Dep Keppel Wharves Ananas Kl9 aside 23 4 DOS Oriente K2O aside 21/4 Hugheverett K2l aside 22/4 Johneverett K27 aside 22/4 Kota Agung K3O aside 24 '4 Kota Raia K32 aside 21/4 Mungo Kl6 aside 21/4 Ocean Prima K33 a side 22/4 Southern GL
      334 words
    • 684 21 Ship (Voyaje) An CFS B Butang (331) 19 4 M Um Pioneer (*****> 19 4 f4 Nad Obukhova 10BFR7) 18 4 F7 Lanka Sin < 71W) 18 4 F7 Zim Brisbane M4W) 19 4 F7 Makaiu (810W> 20 4 F8 LCI Receiving Receiving Ship (Voyage) An Cargo Time
      684 words
    • 532 22  -  CONRAD RAJ By Finance companies chase booming second-hand market COMPETITION in the car loan market has become so keen that one finance company is charging the same interest rate for financing both new and secondhand car purchases. As a general rule, most finance
      532 words
    • 102 22 MANILA The former chairman of San Miguel Corp (SMC) has denounced as an "under the table deal" an agreement to sell SMC stock to the Bond Corp of Australia, the Business Day newspaper said here yesterday. SMC, a beer-based blue-chip multinational, meanwhile reported a
      AFP  -  102 words
    • 269 22 KUALA LUMPUR Arab Malaysian Merchant Bank Bhd has advised minority shareholders of Magnum Corporation Bhd to vote for the company's proposed acquisition of Multipurpose Bersatu Development Bhd (MPBD), saying that Magnum should diversify its earnings base from gaming operations. The bank, which is acting
      Bernama  -  269 words
    • 255 22 SHANGRI-LA Hotel Ltd, which tripled its pre-tax profit last year despite the slump in the hotel industry, will concentrate on upgrading its facilities. Chairman Tan Sri Philip Kuok said in his latest annual report that Shan-gri-La is refurbishing its Garden Wing and there are also
      255 words
    • From the companies desk
      • 88 22 KUALA LUMPUR The Kuwait Investment Office (KIO) has increased its stake in Sime Darby Bhd to 64.38 million shares, representing 6.94 per cent of Sime's paid up capital, from 63.72 million shares, Malayan Banking Bhd said. KIO has been aggressively buying Sime shares in the open market
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 152 22 TRONOH MINES Malaysia Bhd has turned in a most creditable performance for the year ended Dec 31. 1986. Though group pre-tax profits feU by a third to MJ3.39 million, an extraordinary gain of M55.96 million from the disposal of investment in an associated company boosted attributable profits
        152 words
      • 89 22 GADEK (M) has reported a slight increase in pre-tax profits for the year ended Dec 31, 1986 M5669,000 against M5659,000 previously. As turnover dropped by nearly 10 per cent to M|3.24 million, this suggested that the company was getting better margins. Investment and other income rose by 9
        89 words
    • Article, Illustration
      432 22  -  DOREEN SOH By QI AM interested in Investing in either NCDs or corporate bandaf Is the risk higher than investing in a bank fixed deposit? A AN NCD or negotiable certificate of deposit is a mon-ey-market instrument issued by a bank and carrying usually a fixed rate of interest
      432 words
    • 201 22 PROPERTY group Construction and Supplies House Bhd, which lost M16.9 million before taxes last year, revealed in its latest annual report that its plans (or an acquisition and Joint venture have ground to a halt. Chairman Dato Syed Hassan Nazari bin Syed Mohammad said the agreement
      201 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 330 19 TOE GOLD COIN STANDARD Iflfl XC*-^^\S*^ :^ammm^ m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\ ~N n /—A Bk Jj s'Jmmm Gold is the one commodity that has long been valued as the basis for sound financial planning. Esteemed for its enduring value, gold has proven to be a long-term insurance against monetary, political, and social uncertainty.
      330 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 137 21 THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT The Havistock family was rich. Discretion and respectability wrapped round them like a bandage, preserving J^^^^^^^^^ them from the ft Manhattan MSMU^m Arm^a\ the kmWwism I ftmA^M-^m W Until tiny, rare coin, the pride of mmTmm^mWmmmmAW i 99 AmMmk T^ammm^L^amtMmT Archibald HaviStOCk'S Superh Am\mi^AjmW^m\^>'^mSa A km\\Wmmmm\W collection,
      137 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 341 22 HAVING A HEADACHE? DOWN WITH A FEVER? RHEUMATIC ACHES? MENSTRUAL PAIN? LOOKING FOR A FAST RELIEF? 8 'SSMmm >ja m Take Saridon. It's Aspirin Free. Soothing, fast relief for headache, fever, aches pain. F HOFFMANN LA ROCHE CO. LTD /docucX SWITZERLAND \ZZ/ Full details on composition, indications contraindication', side etfec
      341 words
    • 5 22 ~¥j gmwih-w ixj^,it mt *m-mmmm
      5 words
    • 236 22 I A SPECIAL INVITATION All Accountancy and Business Studies students, GCE '0' and 'A' level holders and interested parents are cordially invited to a public presentation by the Directors of EW FACT, UK: EMILE WOOLF, FCA, FCCA, FBIM KARAM SINGH, B. Tech, MBA, FCA SURESH TANNA, B Sc., FCA Amm
      236 words

    • 424 23  -  LUCKY LEO By He gets only half kilo more than when winning Singapore Derby IPOH Undisputed champion stayer Chinese Wall has been given a fair chance by the handicappers to win the Perak Derby for the second year running. The five-year-old, voted
      424 words
    • 269 23 Pictures at the 4Mm by ALBERT SIM At the 400m At the finish A D~ Malaysian Maiden Stakes I,ooom str 1. Manmanabab 2. Pontreluck 3. Shamrock in 4. Screwball Dist: 4Vfc, 4, V« Time 1:1.4 B 3- Class 1 Div 6 I,loom str
      269 words
    • 96 23 CLASS 1 2,400m (Ratings: 194-151) CHINESE WALL 99 194 Chua ST G ALLEN 53.5 183 Read REMEMBER ME V 53.5 183 Read MAGARI n 51 178 Um DEER HUNTER 50 176 Rodgers CHOLLIM AH 49.5 175 PK Leong NOSTRADAMUS 49.5 175 Thwaites FEU VERT 49 174 Read
      96 words
    • 73 23 10 sent up to the top class IPOH The following horses who won or finished second in Class 2 over the weekend here have been promoted to the top class (new ratings within brackets): Lover's Paradise II (130), Grey Javelin (129), It's Who U Know (128), Concerto (126), Star Figure
      73 words
    • 1116 23 IPOH Weights and ratings f tr this weekend's races here: SATURDAY Class 1 Dtv 2 1.200m (Ratings: 182-144) Ski Fantasy 57 162 Big Chief 56.5 161 Peak Of Perfection DC 56.5 161 Sound Decision 56.5 161 You Are Special 56 160 Alexander 55 158 Gold Mine (EA)
      1,116 words
    • 153 23 NEW YORK Gulch became a serious contender (or the Kentucky Derby on May 2 when he got up in the last few strides to win the U*****,500 (about SJI.3 million) Wood Memorial Invitational (or three-year-olds over I,Boom at Aqueduct over the weekend. Ridden by Jose Santos,
      AP; UPI  -  153 words
    • 151 23 LOS ANGELES Four-year-old Rosedale (by Vaguely Noble) scored a neck win in the US$4OO,OOO (about *****,000) San Juan Capistrano Handicap over 2,800m at Santa Anita on Sunday. Rosedale, ridden by Lafiff Pincay, survived an objection by Gary Stevens, who finished fourth on Schiller. Stevens also
      UPI  -  151 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 238 23 Increase uour word power...boost your chances of success with this lively and entertaining new book. People who do well in life tend to have well-stocked vocabularies and the ability to choose and use words with skill and precision. They have word power! THE RIGHT WORD AT THE RIGHT TIME is
      238 words

    • 514 24 MADAM CHUA SOO ENG AGE 90 years old passed away peacefully on 19.4.57 leaving behind Sona: Daughters ('Man Poh Hua Chan Poh Choo Chan Poh Guan Chan Poh Teng Chan Poh Hong Chan Poh Leng (deceased) 3 Daughters-in-law 2 Sons in-law 40 Grandchildron 50 Groat grandchildron
      514 words
    • 54 24 Tha Family ot Hia Late MARSH STEPHEN wishes to thank sil relatives snd friends for their kind assistance, attendance, condolences A donations during tbsir recant bsrswwiwnt. THE FAMILY OF the late Gan Eng Terk thank Father Johnson, relatives and friends for their help, thoughtful kindness donations and condolences
      54 words
    • 36 24 With deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of tha lata MISS HAV LEE HUANG called home to be with tha Lord on 17th April '87. From CLASS 6K OF 1977 SELEGIE PRIMARY SCHOOL
      36 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      120 24 184 In Me mor iam In everlasting memory ot our dearest mother MRS LIM TECK KIM nee Loo Lai Hong Departed on 21.4.76 Her life was full of kindly deeds A helping hand to all in need Sincere and true In heart and mind A memory sweet she left behind
      120 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      99 24 Vssrsmms D/0 Sipu Thsvsr Departed: 06/4/87 Athma Shantl Pooja will be held at Sri Slvan Temple ln Serangoon Rd. on 21/4/87 at 7.30p.m Please treat this as a personal Invitation FROM: M ADAS AMY BLK. 325 #08-306 SERANGOON AVE. 3 SINGAPORE 18S5 Sinnapillai (Thevar) Departed on 7.4.1987 Daughters'
      99 words
    • 446 24 Ian's hopes sink in the rough Sevvy claims Cannes Open in shoot-out 41 said after the Masters that it was wrong to decide championships like this, and I say it again. Sudden-death is like tossing a coin and guessing which way it will come down. We produced wonderfully exciting golf
      Reuter; AP  -  446 words
    • 283 24 HILTON HEAD ISLAND Steve Jones double-bogeyed the final hole to give unsuspecting fellowAmerican Davis Love ITI his first professional win in the U*****,000 ($1.38m) Heritage Classic golf tournament on Sunday. Love, who shot a four-under-par 67 for a total of 271, was sitting
      Reuter; UPI  -  283 words
    • 425 24 AUSTRIAN CUP Vienna 2 Austria Klagenfurt 0. Kufstein 0 Austria Salzburg 1, Austria Vienna 0 Kremser SC 2, Adtnira Wacker 3 Sturm Graz 1, FC Tirol 4 Flavia Solva 1, St Veit 2 Sak Klagenfurt 1. BELGIAN Charleroi 1 Standard Liege 1, Berchem 0 Racing Jet 0, Seraing
      AFP; Reuter  -  425 words
    • 247 24 TOKYO Veteran Japanese pro Norio Mikami scored a hole-in-one on the third hole and won the 35 million yen ($522,000) Bridgestone Aso Open golf tournament here on Sunday. Mikami carded a four-round total of eight-under-par 280 to win the 6.3 million yen first prize. Four strokes back
      247 words
    • 297 24  -  TAY CHENG KHOON IF DISTANCE alone can win golf tournaments, Davis Love 111 would be one of the game's hottest properties today. But it does not. And that was why the 23-year-old had to wait more than a year before registering his first win on
      297 words
    • 421 24 PARIS Milan Jankovic brightened Real Madrid's Spanish championship hopes with the winning goal on his debut over the weekend to keep them a point ahead of Barcelona. The 27-year-old Yugoslav, for whom Real paid Red Star Belgrade almost US$5OO,OOO ($1.06m). rammed in Emilio Butragueno's
      AFP  -  421 words
    • 329 24 BASEBALL Hiroshima and Yomiuri drew 8-8 in a Japanese Central League match on Sunday. Other reaaJta: Chunichi 11 Hanshin 3. Yakult 12 Taiyo 5. Paetflr League: Lotte 8 Hankyu 0. Seibu 9 Kintetsu 2, Nippon Ham 6 Nankai 2. American League: NY Yankees 5 Kansas City 0,
      AFP; AP; Reuter  -  329 words
    • 334 24 Steffi stops Hana for Wita crown AMELIA ISLAND (Florida) Seventeen-year-old Steffi Graf won her fourth straight title this year when she beat Czech Hana Mandlikova 6-3, 6-4 in the final of the Women's International Tennis Association championships on Sunday. The top-seeded West German did not lose a single set in
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 393 24 Ming Yeh wins after second hole play-off TOKYO Defending champion Wu Ming Yeh, of Taiwan, beat compatriot Tu Ai Yu in a suddendeath play-off to win tne 25 million yen ($372,750) Tokushima Tsukinomiya Ladies' Open golf tournament on Sunday. Ai Yu, aiming for her sixth straight money title, shot a
      AFP; Reuter; UPI  -  393 words
    • 202 24 SOUTHAMPTON have made it clear that controversial defender Mark Dennis is now looking for another club and will not play for them again. After last Thursday's appeal by the player against the termination of his contract a fortnight ago by the English First Division club, it appeared that
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • Schoolscene
      • 389 25  -  LEE WAI WUN HIGHLIGHTS: ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL INCH INTO FINAL; SAINTS MARCH TO TITLE; QUEENSWAY, BT HO SWEE MERCILESS IN BATTLE BADMINTON: ACS 3 Rl 2 By Rl squander lead to falter in decider MALI SOEBIANTO'S return landed in the net, and Anglo-Chi-nese School screamed in
        JERRY SEH  -  389 words
      • 358 25  -  LEE WAI WUN HE HAD waited two long years. Raffles Institution's Tang Wel I J stalked the court like s hungry Uon, tn aearch of revenge. For Wel IJ It was the humiliation of IS4, IM defeat at the hands of Sadhique Allaodln
        358 words
      • 124 25 VOLLEYBALL HOSTS Whampoa Secondary beat Bukit Panjang Secondary 15-9, 15-5 to qualify for the semi-finals of the Schools National C Division boys' championships yesterday. Other semi-final malts Bsy»: Pei Dao bt Chinese High 15-6. 13-15, 16-14; Jin Tai bt Presbyterian High 15-7, 15--10. Girl*: Peicai bt
        124 words
      • 516 25 BOYS: B Dlv: nit KM hi nrs*- 3 Raffles lastltaUsa 2 (ACS first): Rudy Shahan Hassan lost to Lim Soon Hwee 6-15, 11-15; Sadhique Allaudin lost to Tang Wei Li 15-8, 7 15. 3-15. Abdul Razak and Low Han Tzen bt Augustine Teo and Wong Kum Meng
        516 words
      • 330 25  - Saints march past St Pat's TAY CHENG KHOON SOCCER: SAS 4 SPS 2 > By Steven's double plasters Patricians STEVEN LAI yesterday proved that 13 is not an unlucky number for all. The speedy 13-year-old striker, with that number emblazoned on his blue Jersey, netted two early goals to pave
        330 words
      • 306 25  -  ALBERT JOHNSON WATER POLO By FORTY-SIX goals may be a bitter pUI to swallow but that was exactly the nightmare of two goalkeepers at the Schools' National B Division water polo championships at Queenstown pool yesterday. Last year's B Division runners-up Bukit
        306 words
    • 205 25 First Test heading for a draw COLOMBO New Zealand plodded towards a draw as bad light forced an early close to the fourth day of the First cricket Test against Sri Lanka here yesterday. The touring team were 214 for five in reply to Sri Lanka's first innings total of
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 422 25  -  J. RAJENDRAN By Guam entrant the show-stopper MONA Roberts, the only woman bodybuilder among the 100,000 or so people in Guam, won the hearts of the judges and the audience on her way to winning two awards in the third Asian Women's Championship at the
      422 words
    • 194 25 Keller's killer blow stuns the Pakistanis AZLAN SHAH HOCKEY IPOH Andreas Keller's Mth-mlnute penalty-corner conversion helped West Germany ta a hard-fought J-2 extra-time win ever Pakistan la the final here yesterday. The sides were level 2-2 at full-time. The Germans opened accounts In the second minute when skipper Helner Dspps
      AFP  -  194 words
    • 139 25 NAIROBI Finland's Hannu Mikkola won Kenya's Safari Rally in an Audi 200 Quattro yesterday the first victory in the event for a four-wheel drive car. Mikkola *s West German team-mate, Walter Roehrl, finished second 17 minutes behind. Swede Lars Erik Torph drove his Toyota Supra across
      139 words
    • 392 25  - Poh Leong to test squad's state of preparedness JOE DORAI SINGAPORE-KEDAH FRIENDLY picture By THE efficiency of the national soccer squad's goal scoring "machine", being tuned for Sundays preOlympic away match against Indonesia, will be tested against Kedah at the National Stadium at 7.30 tonight. The friendly is of paramount
      NST  -  392 words
    • 195 25 Cottee penalty blow for Spurs ENGLISH SOCCER LONDON A fiercelydisputed second-half penalty converted by West Ham's Tony Cottee virtually ended Tottenham's hopes of landing the League and FA Cap double yesterday. Cottee's 62nd-minute goal earned West Ham a 2-1 win and kept Tottenham nine points adrift of leaders Everton. The
      Reuter  -  195 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 53 24 Acceptance of obituary announcements Mon. to Fri. 5 p.m. for the next day's publication. Sat. Sun. 2 p.m. for the next day's publication. After these hours, please call 737-0011 ext. 5269 for acceptance of bookings. DISCOVER NEW EATING f -Jr* -^^^mmmmm\T\. t aWW- "fjft *m\\wzLmm\^mM\\A yt*3A&+js*r- EVERY FROAY SECTION TVX/O
      53 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 56 25 nerval Nairn il Mineral Water comes bnm the very besh and given Normandy country m France. J fit**' is freshness anJ PlClVal lightness which you can I enjoy daily during meals or for quenching Alanta Trading Pte Ltd 2 1/ Tel 280 '8' I Pieival lit I X Good
      56 words
    • 289 25 TJP School of Computing^ B Applications are invited for admission to the part-time and full-time I courses in computer studies. fl Designed to prepare students for a career in the computer profession, the B course leads to the NCC Diploma in Computer Studies award, and the C B G 418
      289 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 75 25 HOCKEY SHA Premier League: SCC v Police (Padang. 5.30pm). RUGBY Schools National A Div Srd-plac-lag: RJC v NYJC (Police Academy. spm). SNOOKER RPM national championship <j -finals (Nat Stadium clubhouse, 7pm). SQIASH Schools National B Bays: SPS v Rl. VS v SJI, ACS v SAS (Kg Java. 2pm). SOCCER later-Mlnlstry
      75 words

  • 322 26 MANILA Serving officers were reported to be involved in Saturday's eight-hour mutiny at the Philippine Army Headquarters, which senior government officials described as the "convulsions of a dying beast". Brigadier-General Alexander Aquirre, head of the Manila Area Command, told reporters yesterday that some politicians
    Reuter  -  322 words
  • 465 26 Mutiny 2: Argentina BUENOS AIRES Hundreds of thousands of Argentines linked arms and sang the national anthem in the streets and plazas of Buenos Aires on Sunday after President Raul Alfonsin persuaded army mutineers to surrender. The President, obviously tired due to little
    AFP; AP; Reuter  -  465 words
  • 54 26 What it should have been OUR REPORT on April 18, S. Chandra Das gets board seat, said that Sembawang Towing Company Pte Ltd will soon go public and be renamed Sembawang Nominees Pte Ltd. This is incorrect. The new name for Sembawang Towing will be Sembawang Maritime Ltd. We are
    54 words
  • 32 26 DHAKA Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency are to check powdered milk from Poland that Bangladesh says contains harmful levels of radioactivity, the Bangladesh Commerce Minister said yesterday. Reuter
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 146 26 Man posed as his father to cheat A JOBLESS man disguised his voice as his father's and telephoned the latter's close friend to ask for a $30,000 "loan". Tan Lee Seng, 24, told bank officer Mr Soh Hock Hwa on Feb 27 that his grandmother was warded in a London
    146 words
  • 256 26 SEOUL Sooth Korea's top shipping tycoon, Mr Park Ken-Sak, killed himself on Sunday by Jumping out of his ltth-floor office window here, friends said. Mr Park, 51, chairman and chief executive officer of Pan-Ocean Shipping Co, was said
    AFP  -  256 words
  • 106 26 LAS VEGAS Newlywed Lorraine Page started married life on a winning note by hitting a US$l million (552.14 million) jackpot at a casino here, 10 hours after taking her vows. After feeding the progressive slots at the casino for about three minutes at the weekend, the 25-year-old
    106 words
  • 399 26  - Tunku all but supports Razaleigh ISMAIL KASSIM By in Kuala Lumpur KUALA LUMPUR Former Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman has virtually endorsed challenger Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah in the contest for Umno President to be decided on Friday. The Tunku, 84, who led the country to independence in 1967, made known
    399 words
  • 184 26 No invited guests for Umno General Assembly KUALA LUMPUR The opening of the Umno General Assembly on Friday will not be attended by invited guests as in the past because of limited space at the conference hall in the Putra World Trade Centre here. Prime Minister and Umno President Datuk
    Bernama  -  184 words
  • 28 26 NEW YORK The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 5.26 points to 2,281.25 an hour after trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 98 26 Sunday 26 April 1987 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel (Sir Stamford Room) Inspection of carpets 10am Ipm Auction at 2pm sharp Stay m ifct IWSMaaa A New rules have been imposed on accountants standing for election to the Singapore Society of Accountants The first hotel in Singapore to sell its
      98 words
    • 209 26 SVENSON ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT HAIR full facts for the asking. aAAAAAL. Today any man or A^A^^AM woman who wants great looking mA**. >«*^^B I£ r can ave l Svenson gives w(m 1 > ou back thick natural looking W^^ MM hair linked to your own and 4 €T M
      209 words
    • 8 26 Mutiny a reminder of army discontent: Page 6
      8 words
    • 384 26 STH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Special Offer for every enrolment LINK HAIR Totvsfiotv 7**\\ jjfe 1 fete*. *^A~ Before Lmk After link' SPECIALIST IN HAIRWEAVINC HAIRCARE We are inviting all men and women with hair fall, thinning, receding or balding problem to call us NOW and a chance to receive our Expert
      384 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 204 26 Weather UP TO 1 p.m. Fair. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: 33 mar, 25 min SUNSET today: 70S pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.59 am. GLOBAL HEATHER Adelaide 818 C Cloudy London 12 17 C Goudy Amsterdam 815 C Goudy Los Angeles 14 20 C Clear Athens 923 C Gear
      204 words

  • The Straits Times Section two
    • 12 1 The Straits Times Section two THE STRAITS TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1987
      12 words
    • Teens
      • 1512 1 When you let go of a relationship, move on to other friendships, say teenagers on the topic of breaking up. A friend is someone you respect and like just the way he or she is, and with whom you share values, according to some
        DAVID TAN  -  1,512 words
      • 644 2 PAT (not her real name) is my classmate. In class, our desks are arranged in twos. She and I sit together. I am the best pupil for maths, geography and history. She is the best in English, second language and science. We help each other
        644 words
      • 211 2  -  IRENE PATES HOPEFULLY, you da oat think this cartoon sums ap your childhood, which, in the strict definition af the ward, yan are still going through. What magic memories da yan have af your childhood and haw da they differ from those
        211 words
      • More winning letters
        • 374 2 DINA and I used to be best friends. She was (and still is) the perfect straight-A student and I was her lap-dog. From Primary 1 to Pr 6 we were in the same class. Everything was fine. Then we were promoted to Secondary 1,
          374 words
        • 245 2 I HAD a good friendship with Adrian. He got things going in the first place by asking me for my name. I stammered, but did stutter out the word. Adrian and I started calling each other up every day. We'd talk for hours on the phone about
          245 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 634 1 Is adieaper aircon reallvcheaper? We'd be the first to admit I K~flHHlHH^^^^^^^^HHH When you put^ pen all you have toJLdo is call your that the Carrier Multisplit iJ|3^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^HKi to P^per and work out the friendly Carrier Man on 4 5264 55. isn't the cheapest air-con .^^H^BBB^^^^^^^^H^l^^Hfl actual cost of owning
        634 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 366 2 H< mi iBT CAPITOL: Last FEW DAYS! (*****59) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15 i JURONG: TODAY ONLY! a (*****70) 4 SHOWS at 1.15, 3.30, 7.00 A 9.00pm B lml mmmmmmuu^ mmu^KK^-' kM^A LIDO: LAST FEW DAYS! (*****14) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.15 i rTTnnTT^rriivi
        366 words
      • 494 2 ooooooooooooooobooooooboooO 2 CATHAY KRETA AYER PEOPLE'S g g NOW SHOWING C*TH*r (33J3400) 5 SHOWS: 11 00, 1.30. 4 00. 6.30 a 9 15PM Y I A Pf OPLE'S (*****72) 4 SHOW: 130, 4.00, 6.30 I 9 15PM X HE'S YOUNG COURAGEOUS, POSSESSED WITH i >! THE SPIRIT AND SKILLS OF
        494 words
      • 419 2 m TODAY ONIY I II om. I 30. 4 00, 645 9 I 5 "MAN CRAZY" Mandarin Tomorrow "DEMON OF THE LUTE" Mandarin TODAY ONLY I I lam, I 15, 3 30, 700 915 fc "RED SONJA" COLOR Tomorrow "RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD" color l**m'M.m.'mi.\lLf f.\ m m LAST
        419 words
      • 94 2 Discover our exotic SINGAPORE BUFFET at The Coffee-House Daily from 11.30am 2.30pm Adult: $11.50++ Child: $B++ (under 1 2 years) Bring the whole family or friends and enjoy our Singapore Luncheon Buffet at an affordable price. We serve a wide variety of sumptuous local favourites like Mee Rebus, Laksa, Rojak,
        94 words
      • 61 2 Enquiries Call Tel: *****71 Enrol Now. For Part-time courses Beginners course Now only $1,500 U.R $2,000Free set of hair equipment for Beginners course. One week Advance cutting course $400 U. P. $600L Other courses available All courses are conducted by experienced and overseas trained instructors). Elisa's Hair Salon Training School
        61 words
    • Bilingual
      • 995 3 GOH BENG CHOO speaks to the secretary-general of China's State Language Commission, which has the formidable task of ensuring that the world's most populous nation speaks and writes a standardised language. Jf Ji-fr Xt m sn? 15 H When Singapore started SINGAPORE
        995 words
      • 182 3 ft* ft &%mr&&i% rfn ts ft n mm fl ft ftft*tt*ttfti2ttC ft V ftftftftflftAATtt— arm— mm* ftftM#A*M26ft %mz- f6*imfiijHft£ ffitfjfflfc X'J ft ft* l*i« ftftifcXfrftA £tf;:£f£ BflftßAft ft Xf£ £m *i>ft gij ff st*fflftfeA^Jf3]*P/f[fc' ±i£#£tfe^ ftftgft igX&^n^-ftifE n ikn &m <ms Af.&si ft tt tt iS A tiifisiUQsr o vim
        182 words
      • Article, Illustration
        405 3 £^ffi##£ftrffc;*:Jße ft***** mn nft fft tn §c ft nas c tc 602 ft £ftH9) nm* m &.i &m a* n 13 V W* ft 'ft T ifl li ifls/Hj&mtt/tfKSfcfll "fV^^AVf 4dA# *n£fl wrfii«mm e* ft ft ftJft*ft**Tft ftjc6lB ftm :ft Rfelßftfttt** ffMH lll** h>¥N ft TH ffftJß iM£iiM ft mu
        405 words
      • 390 3 How two Chinese characters have boon simplified. THE process of simplifying Chinese characters for the sake af convenience mast be carefolly approached, for It Is not necessarily a ease af the simpler, the better. With the advance af technology, especially the development of the Chinese cempater,
        390 words
      • 581 3 60H BEN6 CHOO reviews The Magic Space, staged by the Practice Theatre Ensemble for the Young People's Theatre Festival, which will be touring five schools from Friday. THE Magic Space, one of the productions put up for the recent Young People's Theatre Festival, will
        581 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 809 4 THIS is the first of a two-part series on Malay drama in Singapore. It is extracted from a working paper presented by MOHD RAMAN DAUD at a recent forum held at the Malay Language and Literary Agency, in Kuala Lumpur. MALAY drama in Singapore
        809 words
      • 619 4 Bahagian Pertama TIDAKLAH keterlaluan untuk menyatakan bahawa perkembangan drama Singapura kini sedang memasuki satu tahap kematangan. Untuk memahami tahap itu, hams dibuat satu pendekatan yang luas: Pertama, la tar yang menimbulkan tahap itu. Kedua, ca-baran-cabaran yang akan menentukan sejauh mana pencapaian drama Melayu di
        619 words
      • 130 4 Bahagian 3 Word Quiz BB Part 3 INSTRUCTIONS: In the space below there are groups of letters arranged horizontally and vertically. Write down eight words only on the lines provided by using the letters given. The words you give must have the meaning of: SEJENIS PISANG
        130 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1134 4 <mm\clanssfiefns 4 Nightclubs/ Lounges/Discos LARGE. SOPHISTICATED DISCO studio at Parkway with mirrors. DJ. lightings Si sound system. Tel *****41 I ILLUSION DISCO SERV. provide professional sound fc lights for >co. functions *****88/ *****55 i MOBILE DISCO IN town/ Orchard for social functions Attractive irates Tel *****62/ 3. *****91/ 318. RENTAL-SALE-SERVICES:
        1,134 words
      • 737 4 12 Computer Products/ j 12 Computer Products/ j 12 Computer Products/ Services Services Services ty^nT^mS^jSJlAA^M AAA m w mm^ m^^o!^ l^inAAMAm\ a mm^^**mmm^mmUmmM ***mWSZKEmmm* V T_ W SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD JSLV 149 Rochor Road »04 10 FuLuShouComplei Singapore 0718 Tel *****76 Teie« OS ***** SYSTEC Available at Alphasott Pte
        737 words
      • 709 4 20 Pets/Pet Cere DPS OFFERS GROOMING, Detii klng. 24-hr. tax)/ ambulance services. Int'l pet freight handling. Free Insurance/ aircon. vans. *****19/ *****33 (24-hrs.) Mr Lee. GENERAL PETCARE CENTRE -Your pet deserves the best of our attention Si care Tel: *****56 For grooming or boarding our fully aircond. transport avail. HIGHEST
        709 words
      • 459 4 25 Sale: Other Products KEPPEL CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Tor sale inclusive transfer, fee $***** Please tel 455 1 13. WARREN GOLF CLUB I lemher ship fir sale $18,500. Pis -tel *****78 1 UNIT OF packing machine for string type Good condition. Selling cheap Tel: 348i536 SINGAPORE POLO CI.UB Membership for sale
        459 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 1517 5 ■■M A m|^ T Tlx: RS ***** CLASS m| I Fax: *****30 CLASS 29 Beauty Culture 29 Beauty Culture FOftMAGUA (ULAN-ITALY) i^^^^H ELECTRO COSMETOLOGY BJ Highly qualified [lectro<osmelologKt specutoetf «i I oty Baxai a* ia»wc bxxsxxs (touch ft UkwvOT ail teiturt CoastaeK I Dry ska &s&^ I arlaf I axßTaTa^aaa
        1,517 words
      • 830 5 TELEPHONE SERVICE: Men to Fri: 9am to b 30pm ibpm deadline tor neit day) Sat: 8 30am to ?pm 1 lam deadline tor The Sunday Times) Pubic Holday: 9am to lpm COUNTER SERVICE: TMfS ORCHARD CENTRE. #02-105 LUCKY rt.UA Mm to Fir 10am to l?nocn lpm to S 30pm (4pm
        830 words
      • 767 5 37 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators NEW LUCK AIRCON. 1 A REFRIGERATION U SERVICES fl 9 We offer rental/ sales/ ser- n vice of airconditioners. re- u V frigerators. washing ma- A B chines and electrical I 0 appliances. Also respray fl a painting, repair and lnstal- al y lation. Second-hand goods fl
        767 words
      • 876 5 49 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/Removal HENG SOON HEMS UU* urncn le BBBM a* Strain 10, a »im»»li>iii mat a int Cartan mmmm I FROM 830 ONWARDS For removal, transportation service, office removal, specialised in pianos, organs delivery and disposal service Experienced, reliable and responsible workers provided. Reasonable charges, good and fast
        876 words
      • 917 5 54 Book-keeping/ Secretarial/ Answering/ Translation Services ACCOUNTS? TAX? LATE filing? Call for fast A efficient services at *****10 ANSWERIHG. MAILING, TELEX, typing, b'keepi..g. income tax. at Pearl's Ctr d.0105 Tel *****70 AVAIL. REGISTRATION ADDRESS ($10)/ Answering ($10)/ Telex/ Fax/ 24 hr. Answering *****09 A/C, BOOK-KEEPING. FINAL a/c. form filling, word
        917 words
      • 1701 5 64 Domestic Help Available Ammmm Lataat Mtacaona ot EngAah spaakwtg Grade V* Sn Lankan Fapmo maids atmn/mwao perwoneMy a Replacement guaranteed A W^% m 2-yeer Dack -up service JB^^A •SELECT THRU VtOCO Frfffa. Fut documentation I I \r«T FREE home service ji n IJV. a PACKAGE j^^ajjrV* CALL: *****07/8 jr^eMMdetrZnedby^^/
        1,701 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 572 6 64 Domestic Help 64 Domestic Help Available Available C^S 06-09 TEXTILE CENTRE (PLAZA CINEMA) 200 JLN SULTAN AL V SALARY Philippine $200 -$250 \K Sri Lanka $150 $180. P&^ $5,000 BO'MO ARRANGEABLE M X JL» TEL: *****96 *****16, *****83 M TIME MON-FRI 9am-9pm. SAT SUN 9am-4pm OTHER SERVICE: Including Cheap-AT-Ticket.
        572 words
      • 478 6 66 Situations Vacant: Professional/ Executive SHIPPING EXECUTIVE a Marketing St operations jobs, a Loyalty honesty to the company e Min. 5 years experience ln shipping e Hardworking St energetic e Attractive salary with incentives. Pleeee write in with e photo A stating currant/ expected aalary lo: THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TRANS-KARIMATA
        478 words
      • 620 6 68 Situations Vacant Tutorial 1.000 JAPANESE CONVERSATIOI TutiT.s req'd Plmm organ Tu tors wanted MBStSS, day night 69 Situations Vacant: Domestic LIVE-IN LOCAL CHINESE COOfc general Amah with hotel experi ence wanted urgently by expat Attractive offer Tel *****79 *****70 TVM (C-1041-01) MAIOS LOOKING FOR employ ers'''" Vacancies available imv
        620 words
      • 534 6 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vscent: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clarical Clarical M I mL I i MrMWaammmmm I l ■■^^■Mwt. maw mm JT W K I Customer Service I I Personnel I < I We are an international insurance I I company looking for people with an I I inclination for
        534 words
      • 451 6 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical I new factory now! I Showa Plastics I (S) Pte. Ltd. I have immediate fl vacancies for. I Completed seconI dary education I Pleasant disposition I and good telephone I etiquette •Ability to type and I willing to learn M* 18-25 years old I'GCE'O' Level
        451 words
      • 459 6 70 Situetions Vacant. Secretarial/ Clericel noppol Corporation requires urgently I a A m Requirements: e GCE O' Level Ability to type at 35- h% 40 wpm and must be familiar with electronic typewriters and word processors. At least 2 years working experience and able to work underpressure. 1= Salary wa
        459 words
      • 591 6 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical f GENERAL ACCOUNTS 1 A AOMIN. ASSISTANT (Female) I Requirements: I 1 Mm GCE O level cert 2 LCCI Intermediate Book-keeping 3 Ability to type accurately 4 Age not more than 24 years 5 Min 1 year relevant experience 6. Able to withstand work pressure
        591 words
      • 696 6 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical JOBS AVAILABLE Girl Friday required for computer firm in Bukit Merali Knowledge of EHH:t Wordstar S62U 1 month assignment Permanent Female Store Clerk required ior company m or, hard Duties data entry preferabl> with experience in jewellery Age 20 to 26 years Possess levels Salary
        696 words
      • 649 6 70 Situations Vacant: M Secretarial/ Clerical Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. requirtv FEMALE CLERKS/ TYPISTS :i OCI O Level preferably with credits in Maths En-* KllNb Typing speed of at least Hi w p m FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERKS .i OCI O Level wild credit*in Maths English LCCI Intermediate Booij keeping Please
        649 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 670 7 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical We require 1) RECEPTIONIST cum CLERK e GCE O' level e Ability to type (35-40wpm I 2) WORKS PLANNER/ COORDINATOR e Mechanical Engineering. Uiplima Holder with experience or Technical School leaver with experience include work planning, coal estimation, purchasing and co-ordinating of production Interested
        670 words
      • 623 7 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Cockpit SS requires ACCOUNTS CLERK LCC Accounting o Typing 35 wpm e Preference will be given to those with i umputer knowledge e Able to work independently Applicants please call at: Personnel Department 13th Floor. Cockpit Hotel 115 Penang Rd. S'pore 0823 EetatoHehod Shipping Co.
        623 words
      • 1027 7 70 Situetione Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Trading company in Geylang requires a TEMPORARY ACCOUNTS CLERK Age below 24 e Accounting knowledge e Must be able to type e Experience preferred Call *****78 Lydia Well established engineering firm in Diet. 1336 requiree an: EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTS CLERK o Must be able to handle
        1,027 words
      • 907 7 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical SHIPPING CO. REOS. an Accounts Clerk. Experience not essential Pleasant personality. Hardworking. School leavers welcome. Immediate appointment. Pis. call tel: *****88 Candy STENOGRAPHERS UROENTLV REOO. by engineering firm. Mln. 2 yrs. experience with typing 55 wpm Si shorthand 80/100 w.p.m. Knowledge of WP advantage. Call
        907 words
      • 574 7 71 Situations Vacant: Selee a^^mmmaaamaaaaaamaama^maanaaaaamm /A well established Swedish International Compeny require* SALES PERSONNEL Requirements: Mm GCE O' level Above 21 years old Singaporean Relevant experience preferable though not necessary We offer: Basic salary commission Sales training Medical benefits Full CPF contribution e Annual leave Year-end bonus Please cell personally
        574 words
      • 600 7 71 Situations Vacant: MH A European company requiree a: FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Pre-requiailea: s Must have experience ln selling to hotels and clubs. e Familiarity with dairy products essential (e.g. butter, milk) e Own transport advantageous. Minimum "O' levels. We odor: Good salary plus commission Incentives. Transport allowance 5-day week.
        600 words
      • 670 7 71 Situations Vacant: Selee TRAINEE AREA EXECUTIVES An established Organisation has Immediate vacancies for Male/ Female Trainee Area Executives. completed secondary "education mature, ethical and competitive have a desire to succeed and willing to be trained successful applicants will enjoy two overseas trips a year for you and your partner,
        670 words
      • 940 7 71 Situations Vacant: MM PROPERTY EXECUTIVES required by well established property firm. e GCE 'O or A' Level e Mature, highly motivated e No experience required, training provided, e Preferably possess a car. e Attractive remuneration package CaH 20*3138 lor an appt SALES REPS/ SUPERVISORS/ EXECUTIVES Male or female. Sec
        940 words
      • 645 7 71 Situations Vacant: SalBS EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS REOO. by exclusive boutiques selling branded Imported ladies dresses Shift duties Age 20 and above Call *****69 REAL ESTATE CO. requires Experienced Sales/ Leasing Executives. Must have own transport. Attractive commission For Interview, please call *****98 TOURIST SHOP SALESGIRL wanted. Pis. come personally at
        645 words
      • 619 7 72 Situations Vacant: Technical 5 3 A leading American I E manufacturer of Win I I Chester Disk Drives has I I vacancies for I Debug Specialists I I To supervise and lead E a group of debug E I operators in the Test E E Section E I ITC
        619 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 441 8 72 Situationa Vacant: 72 Situationa Vacant: 72 Situationa Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical Technical Technical i i KsiNGAPOREf f^ ItCHEMI-CONI i HHiHIIWI Mr ii> tl l^li— A m m m A 1 vcLcai t X Technician?^ wJ^ m (Male) L —^-J m**** BENEFITS: Intarestad applicants, plaaaa M mmm^ a
        441 words
      • 484 8 JnmbL I SINGAPORE LIMITED We have vacancies for: TECHNICIAN ITC in Mechanical Engineering Age between 21-25 years Preferably with some factory experience Able to work on 3 rotating shifts MACHINIST NTC 3 in Metal Machining Able to work on 3 rotating shifts Completed NS/Exempted QC INSPECTOR Minimum secondary 4 education
        484 words
      • 592 8 72 Situations Vacant: Tachnical i molex A US multinational and world leading manufac turer of electrical/electronic terminals and connectors invites applications for the position of Plating Operator GCE O' or 'N' level Able to work on 3 rotating shifts Must have completed NS Interested applicants are requested to call personally
        592 words
      • 607 8 72 Situations Vacant: Technical I NIKKO I ELECTRONICS I TOY PTE LTD I TECHNICIANS I required immediately I for our new AUTOI INSERT/MOUNTING I SECTION at our new I Woodlands factory I Requirements: I a Male applicants must I have completed or I be exempted from I a ITC/Oipioma in
        607 words
      • 819 8 72 Situations Vacant: Technical We ara a Gondola company a have vacancies for: WORKSHOP MECHANIC/ TECHNICIAN e GCE O' level/ VITB Trade Certificate e Must have at least 2 years' relevant experience e Completed N.S GONDOLA RIGGERS e With SOC or SSOC Certificate e Completed N.S. e Must have at
        819 words
      • 596 8 /J situations vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situationa Vacant: Production Production Production Since setting up operation to manufacture floppy disk drives, we have now expanded into rigid disk drives and personal computers Due to our rapid expansion, we require: Female Reduction Operators lb 35 years ot age .**6*** vnmary v
        596 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 1433 9 73 ol!!!!!!l. 0 n VllCant: 73 f ,tu tio n Vacanl: 73 Situation. Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situation* Vacant: 73 Situationa Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production Production Production Production Production Production Production I ■<'t4H^V?MH>^^^^H^^Hbh m^a^^li^s^a^^amJa Come personally your Card V^ I W%] *J d *7'\
        1,433 words
      • 216 9 AEB3A urgently required by contractor Earn mora than $400 per month Completed Primary education I Age 1 7 -32 years old 2 rotating shifts Free transportation along designated routes. You are invited to come personally from Monday Friday during office hours at: c/o 40 Pandan Road Singapore 2260 Tai: *****00
        216 words
      • 581 9 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situationa Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous m^^ mm^^^~^^^^***—™*mmmmmm^^^mm* —^^^mm 9 SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING PTE LTD We inv tte applications t >r Machinist Possess minimum N7V 3 in Metal Machining Ahle ti) operate lathe, milling machine, etc Sr Computer Operator Possess minimum GCE 'O' or A' level i years'
        581 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 276 10 74 Situations Vacant Miscellaneous YfiTDfDGftial **m ISiNGAPORt IMPERIAL HOTEL SINGAPORE Requires CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY Publi. Relations Business Centre CONFIDENTIAL CLERK/TYPIST Soles 4 Murkc'n.j RESERVATION CLERK GENERAL TECHNICIAN Possess IT( (erf HOSTESS i Mondann speaking Chinese Restouront POOL ATTENDANT Must be obte to swim' HOUSEMAN CHAMBERMAIDS ASST KITCHEN STEWARD KITCHEN UTILITY WORKERS
        276 words
      • 359 10 74 Situations Vacant Miscellaneous We are a member of the Sime Darby Group. Due to an increase in the volume of business, we require: Electrician (Male) Requirements: Age: 25 35 years old PUB licence NTC 2 in Electrical Fitting and some basic electronics knowledge Minimum 5 years experience in trouble
        359 words
      • 601 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous a TAI-PKN RAMADA' HOTEI SINOAPOMf has immediate vacancies for tha following positions 1. FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT 2. DOORMAN 3. HOSTESS (Lounge 4 Discotheque) e Pleasant personality, e Able to speak fluent English a Below 28 years of age. 4. FAB WAITER 5. CHINESE RESTAURANT WAITRESS 6.
        601 words
      • 545 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous "join usm The most aggremve export buying •gent offers you an opportunit; snd good fulurs prospects. 1) ASSISTANT MERCHANDISERS OCI 'O' level and above Mm 1 year working experl ence in garment factory Preferubly with drivlnt licence 2) OUALITV CONTROLLERS At least 3 years experience ir
        545 words
      • 580 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous I BOULEWV) HOTEL COMMIS COOK (MALE) i KITCHEN PORTER (MALE) HOUSEMAID All applicants must do rotating shifts and Male applicants must complete/ exempted Irom N S Interested, please apply personal^ write toThe Personnel Department Boulevard Hotel Singapora 200 Orchard Boulevard Singapore 1024 (Member of the Goodwood
        580 words
      • 642 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Dept. Store requires STOCK CLERK a 2 years experience in store work St documentation e GCE O or A' level STORE ASSISTANT Valid class 3 licence Can speak St write simple English For above positions a Completed N.S a Initiative, honest St hardworking a Able to
        642 words
      • 592 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous TECHNICIANi With/ without qualifications, must be competent In and able to handle maintenance, service contracts and repairs of micro computers and other related hardware SALES EXECUTIVE Must be competent ln the sales and marketing of computer hardware and peripherals. Computer qualifications preferred and 1 who can
        592 words
      • 935 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous SPARKLES require FULL-TIME/ PART-TIME EXPERIENCED 1) WAITRESSES 2) GRO OR HOSTESSES 3) BAR-MAIDS CaH personally at: SPARKLES 4th Flr, Tanglin Shopping Centra #04-66 alter 4 p.m. Trading Company looking lor: VAN DEUVERVMAN Understand simple English Hardworking and be able to work underpressure Physically fit Plaaee call
        935 words
      • 915 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous REOUIRED EXPERIENCED PART-TBBE Waitresses for lounge at S'pore Broadcasting Corpn Pis write in with details enclosing photo to The Manager. 38 Jalan Limau Nipis, S'pore 1646 SECURITY GUARDS REQUIRED by multinational company ln Ang Mo Kio Below 45 years old St able to speak English Write
        915 words
      • 633 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous JUNIOR HAIRSTYLIST I SQUIRED in Orchard Towers s: on. Tel *****14 MACHINERY FTY. REOS 2 Workers Prefer staying in u.12 It 20 Pis. call Mr Low. ***** 7 MALAY DRIVER REOD. nterested applicants please telephone *****86 for appointmet.t MALAY DRIVERS RCOT Interested please call *****24 .t
        633 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 3203 11 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Insurance Car Loans Repayment I New Care I Used Cars Interest I See how low our new interest rates Period Interest Rates Rates <u P to4yea re ofage) are and how
        3,203 words
      • 861 11 90 For Sale: Toyota '82 TOYOTA CARINA 2-door Coupe. 2 pte owners. Alrcond., radio cassette, s/rlms. Tax new. Excellent cond. Tel: *****71. S3 COROLLA OL 5-speed. 2 owners, high power radio cassette, s/rlms. $22,500. Trade-In acceptable. Tel: *****83. '63 COROLLA DX. 1 pte owner, low mileage, aircon. hl-fl, showroom cond.
        861 words
      • 1018 11 91 For Sale: Mitsubishi 80 ALMOST MITSUBISHI Colt I.ancer SL I co regn owner. Aircond.. radio cassette Down payment $2,800 Tel *****28 •80 COLT SIGMA l 6GL Squarelamp Aircon. radio caselle, good cond $11,200 5 Jasmine Rd (beside Yaohan Thomson) 83. EZ PLATE Tredla 16 2 pte owners. Aircon., hl-fl,
        1,018 words
      • 1024 11 92 For Sale: Mazda 84 MAZDA 323 1 5. OT. metallic black, aircon, hi fi, accident free New lax. $32,800 *****24 '84 MAZDA QT. 15. 2 owners, full accessories, extractor and spoiler. Pager number *****96 '84 926 HARDTOP Coupe with sun-roof, full accessories $36,300. Tel: *****26 '85 MAZDA RX7. GT.
        1,024 words
      • 767 11 94 For Sala: Daihatsu '80 DAIHATSU CHARADE. Aircon radio, cassette New tax $12,500 Tel: *****61 after 1 pm '80 DAIHATSU CHARADE. PARF Aircon., radio cassette $13,600 Tel *****38 85 DAIHATSU CHARADE Turbo. 5-door. asking: $29,800 Tel *****38 95 For Sala: Suzuki BEAUTIFUL 2-DOOR SPORT car 79. non-PARF Suzuki 10 CSD
        767 words
      • 891 11 96 For Sala: Othar Makas D 6 H MOTORWAYS PTE. LTD 7 Chang Charn Road Singapora 0315 MB *****52/3 (Off Lang Kee/ Hoy Fatt Roads) 198b Mazda 626 Hatchback Aircon. Audi 100 CO Aulo Aircon. sports rime Mitaubiahi Colt 1.3 GL Aircon. 1954 Toyota Corona 1.6 GL Aircon. 1983 Citroan
        891 words
      • 1050 11 97 For Sala: Commarcial Vehicles LEE ENG FOO A BROTHERS MOTORS PTE. LTD. 391. Bataatiar Road (1232) Tai: *****26 (5 Unaa) '85 Nisaan diaaai 4x4 pick-up 184 lauzu KAD 52 diaaai van Ford patrol Econovan Subaru 800 van 544 c.c. Dataun C2O van 5 doors Isuzu diaaai IS' woodan Oaihatau
        1,050 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 447 12 98 Sale/Wanted: Motor Cycles/ Sc ooters S6 HONDA RAIDER Brand new <h>\ Done only 6.000km Ist party ins Tel *****38 afltr lpm 1980 SUZUKI GSX7SO selling %2MO Tel *****52 99 Vehicles Wantad ezzxhsb BaSHI Excellent prices for your car commercial vehicle Comprehensive ser/ices for loans. car insurance road tax Cars
        447 words
      • 989 12 99 Vehicles Wanted DUNAMIS MARKETING A TRADING requires PRIVATE A COMMERCIAL CARS Any models/ c.c./ scrap cars 1000 to 1600 c.c. Attractive price offered On site valuation Call *****37 (day), *****06 (night) or page *****18 Alfred URGENTLY REQUIRED. ANY makes/ models including commercial vehicles The extra that you wain could
        989 words
      • 916 12 106 Accommodation Available: Houses OIST 10 OLO HOLLANO RD Nawly ranovatad d/atoray detached bungalow Live in the tranq ulity of a country home St the efficiency of a modern home. Elegant dining/ living area. 5-r 1 bedrooms Efficient It beautiful kitchen Big St baby pool Man-made fountains. $15,000 DIST 10
        916 words
      • 704 12 106 Accommodation Availabla: Houaes D.lO, QUEEN ASTRID Pk prestigeous. d/storey bunglw. P/furn Reasonable rent Tel *****37 D.ll SENIOR EXECUTIVE renovated bunglw. 5 bdrms. 4 servant's. 16.000 sq ft $5,000 *****32/3 (agt 0.11 VANOA DR. well kept 2-sto-rey seml-d. 4 -t-1 rms., huge gdn.. turn $2000 p.m. YHF: *****69 Dl5 KATONG
        704 words
      • 683 12 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation Availabla: Available Apartmants Apartmants Unrivalled executive accommodation. Beautifully furnished dining rooms, separate fully equipped kitchens, elegant one or two bedroom suites right in the heart of Orchard Road. At The Ascott, we take pride in giving our clients their own home. A spacious, private living environment
        683 words
      • 549 12 flje-T^S B4AI ORCHARD I V~ SSmt BtVD OIST. 18 I *r\zmtaam*rw*lmmmamam. I tp/» I tama mmm 2 mamr panaioum 4JOO a*. vary mmctoua I f\\ SMmMrq poaL taj mmmmammu mama* I I PLEAS* CALL: A a M#mmh M#ns. CsntOft Tattaca a Tha Habitat Pin Tjoa Ct Bovorty Hill* Laonia Twr*
        549 words
      • 1057 12 107 Accommodation Availabla: Apartments D.9 GRANGEFORD 3-ROOM. High flr. Beautifully furnished with CTV. fridge washing machine. Full condo facilities $2,800 Blen-fonds. *****64 D.9 VERMONT (OFF Calmhill Rd) brand new Si exclusive 2 bdrm. condo. with s/pool New furnishings incl cooker/ freezer, ctv./ security $1750 Denker *****11. D.9 YONG ANN Park
        1,057 words
      • 1086 12 107 Accommodation Availabla: Apartments DIST 2159 GOODLUCK GDN. 2 bdrm. apt Pool/ squash Furn $1,300 Ring *****69 DIST.B JALAN BESAR Plaza. 2-rm apt. Fully aircon. furnished $700 p.m Call *****03 DIST 9 ORANGE FORD, 3 bdrms furnished with full facilities. $2,500 WK iropertles, *****38 DIST.B LEONIE TWR. Blk A. 3.000
        1,086 words
      • 992 12 107 Accommodation Availabla: Apartmants MARYLAND PARK. 3+l hHrooms High floor Beautifully furnished Hoe-Tan *****21 NIM PK MAIS. 2.250 sq ft 3 bdrms F/furn with aircon $1,200 ono Owner. *****54 Sale considered NORFOLK COURT Brand new 3bdrm apt F/furn RenUl $950 or sale $300,000 Sandra. *****66 I PANDAN VALLEY FACING pool
        992 words
      • 715 12 110 Accommodation Wanted: Apartmenta URGENTLY REOO HOB 3/4-rms at Bedok. Bt Batok. Clementl It Hougang Call *****17/ *****33 URGENT. HDB. PTE. St studio apts in city area for ready clients Network *****12 or *****25 3/4/5 HDB flats required ln town. AM Kio. Bedok St Clementl Call *****20 No agents REOO.
        715 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 1441 13 113 For Sala: Houses 113 For Sala: Housas mm^mmmmmmmmmmmmgßgiasgfiifixr' w -IK i One of the Best Housing Loans Low interest rates From just 6 M p.a. for first time homeowners. i High loan quantum Up to 100% of valuation with CPF Long repayment period Up to 30 years where appropriate.
        1,441 words
      • 1086 13 113 For Sala: Housas 0.19 LIM AH Pin Rd s/storey lerr HOO sq ft ;i bdrms exlen•tvat) renovated, f'hold Bernard Valuers 224*448 D 19 RECREATION RO. 2'i-Storey link bunglv 8 bdrms. attached bath 5700 5000 sq ft F'hold. (660.000 neg Denker *****11 D.19 SERANGOON ODN. vicinity, d'storey btngalow 11,200 sq
        1,086 words
      • 721 13 113 For Sala: Housas 0.20 THOMSON RIDGE seml-d Well renovated. 3I 1 3200 sq ft F'hold. $4OOK Holland *****79 D.20 THOMSON YAOHAN d/storey bunglw 8000/ 4000 sq ft 4 1 rms. Freehold SBSOK Agent: *****81 D.20, THOMSON HILLS, 2 1/2-sto-rey terr 2.240 sq.ft. 3 bdrms servant's Tel *****47/ *****77 0.20
        721 words
      • 1168 13 114 For Sale: Privata 114 For Sale: Privata 114 For Sala: Privata Apartmenta Apartmenta Apartments jrffiL Adjoining Manhattan House/ -^^^^j^ijf 9 San Centre Chin Swee Road LANDMARK mm^^^Ps^^i^:^"^^ 37-storey l^ I~l^^<^^^^^1 l^^ <^^^^^ Seaview Apartments. mm. A Splendid View of Hi lis &The Seaf ront J I U jAA A
        1,168 words
      • 844 13 114 For Sala: Privata 114 For Sale: Privata Apartments Apartments HP*! YOU PAY LESS FOR YOUR NEW HOME WITH AN OUB HOUSING LOAN At Overseas Union Bank, we offer one of the best interest rates available for Housing Loans. If you use your CPF savings, you can obtain a maximum
        844 words
      • 783 13 D.B CAIRNHILL VICINITY. 4.200 4+l rms. 4 attached baths. Spacious living/ dining. 2 family areas. $728K. Pillars: *****77. DJ CAVENAGH H'SE.: 1600 sq ft high flr., good facing f'hold. $309,000 Rental $1,100 Beverly Real Est *****11. D.9 NEAR MT. Elizabeth Hospital beautifully renovated apt. 3000 sq.ft. 4+l. F'hold Marble. Selling
        783 words
      • 1041 13 114 For Sale: Private Apartmants D.15 NEPTUNE CT. 3 1. 1650/ 1350 sq ft High flr gooJ view Price neg World Property *****55 Dl5 NEW WALK UP Mais 1930 sqft $320K Walk-up 1900 sq fl 3 1 bdrms $35CK Top *****90 D.15 OCEAN PK. 3 I 2100 sq tl Best
        1,041 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 1061 14 116 For Sala: HDB Apartmants .BOOM Commonwealth CrM Blk 96 $18,000 3-ROOM AM Km Blk f>s9 471 213 219 120 Ml $40K-S46K Bodok N Blk SJI Ht> M 135 $45,000 Bodok Romtvoh Bik 703 $***** C woaltb Closo Blk 81 $24,000 Oovor Rd Blk 20 $49,000 Hougang Blk 24 $43,000
        1,061 words
      • 1126 14 116 For Sala: HDB Apartment* BEDOK NORTH 8LK.90 .Will corner Uoikl In. .iiion Mid flr aircon < eram ir well renovated, siew to appreciate P.furn $143K Tel 444VW19 No agents BEOOK RESERVOIR BLK. 605/ 607/ 613 (2 units* I rms Slab Block. Various flr renovations From $122K onwards View to
        1,126 words
      • 1094 14 116 For Sale: HDB Apartmanla S ROOM PANDAN GARDEN High floor Recently renovated Kitchen cabinet, wardrobes, ceramic tiles SIOOK *****95 ALL 5-RM.: Pandan Odn blk 401. 406 Jurong W b1k522. high flr Price neg HK *****36/ *****03 A.M. KIO 8LK.533. corner 3-rm. $-.:.niii) Blk 534. 3-rm 54R.000 0.n.0 Call *****73
        1,094 words
      • 801 14 116 For Sala: HDB Apartmanla 3-RM. CORNER: Holland Dr blk 12. Waterloo Ctr b1k.263 Tel *****10/ *****87. Agent 3-RM. C'WEALTH CLOSE Blk 87 rubber tiles mid flr $28,500 Full CPF $23,000 Tel '*****46/ 7 Agt 3 RM., C'WEALTH Ur Blk 78 Built in cabinets $25,000 neg Valmark. *****30/ *****47. 3-RM.
        801 words
      • 741 14 117 Propartiaa Wantad y WANTED V a BEOOK i ANG MO KIO JURONG EAST OTHER AREAS CALL MISS CHOW 732 8288 webmmsik amatam \jgMMmmjm/ I HDB ur jtntly wanttd a Bedok j a Ang Me Km a Jurong Eaat/ Waat I Othara I BOOMING TRAOING ENT. *****49 HL a a
        741 words
      • 754 14 118 Factory Spacaa Factory/ Warehouse Bal««ti«r '2000/'3ooosq.fl Hougang 1500/2500 Pandan Loop 3000/ 6000 NtacPttaraon 1300/ 2000/ 8000 Paya Labor 1800/ 1300/ 2100 KaHang 1200/ 2770/ 5500 Airport Link 5600/ 7200/ ***** Bt. Timah 7000/ 8000/ ***** T agora Avo. 7000/ *****/ ***** Jurong 9000/ *****/ ***** NIN KAI PROPERTIES Toi:
        754 words
      • 483 14 119 Warehouaoa/ 119 Warohouaea/ 119 Warehouaoa/ Storaga Spacaa Storaga Spacas Storaga Spaces MGHERCEHJNGS. IONHK OVHUEADS. MA Multi-Storey Complex 11. I Your office, warehouse and container handling facility -f l "A Save money. Consolidate y 1-\- s- r\w[ your operations by having f i l A JB) your office and warehouse
        483 words
      • 334 14 121 For Rant: Offica Spacaa MmA W<S£ J >Hf\TO\ way PRIME OFFICE SPACE AND FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR LEASE Rent Negotiable Ring *****67 (#JTC OFFICE SPACE FOR RENTAL AT JURONG PORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING We have air-conditioned office space in the Jurong Port Administration Building for rental Second Storey Approximate Office Floor
        334 words
      • 933 14 121 For Rant: Offica Spacaa DISTRICT 9 BT. TIMAH ROAD/ MACKENZIE ROAD Office Space for Rent Ar66 1 58/356/ 1200 $q ft Air-conditioned Reasonable Rental Call Mrs Chan 1 *****77 /I No Agents, Please M\ OFFICE SPACE OUTSIDE CBD WUh ample car park 484/571/1142/5974 sqft. Window units, practical layout Near
        933 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 586 15 121 For Rant: 121 For Rant: 121 For Rent: Offica Spacaa Offica Spacas Offica Spacaa 1 v I I v s^w i X WyS I mam I N v MM I 17 Storey High Class fj itlSlE r Sea View Office /Bonking i MM, w Ij' Building. Situated in the
        586 words
      • 258 15 123 For Sala: Shop Spacaa THE ARCADE BUSY shopping area in Coliyer Quay 226/ 330 sq ft. near escalator Good price for small investment Debenham Tewson It City Valuers *****79 OFF THOMSON RD. 2 storey shophse 300U sq ft Suitable for restaurant $585,000 Sunnyland *****13 BT. TIMAH PLAZA shop space.
        258 words
      • 134 15 124 For Rant: Shop Spaces 300/320/510/ 1164 sqft Ample parking facilities Reasonable rental United Overseas Land Umited *****33 Ext 21 41 *****11 Ext460&479 J Oar* lo ba Ditlarani al IBM Towsrs II you have a good product/ service to share with the modern office executive, we want to hear from
        134 words
      • 1340 15 124 For Rant: 127 Othar Raal Eatata Shop Spacaa DISTRICT IS "^^^^™"l JOO CHIAT TERRACE 6 174 sq It fur redevelopment for 4f} J* P -Iffi-^Ty^ 16.000 sqfl High density fur re-B-^-L^ l^pt •^sSB^I development Vacant possession 5 8 7 ACRES land Half km from SUPREME HOUSE h r n
        1,340 words
      • 993 15 135 Air Travel 135 Air Traval 135 Air Traval dM^PAtt THE TRUSTED NAME IN 1 ff^^SEUROPE TOURSU r^^^^N^^VWim you book wltti Malta, you have Ilia assurance thai you an witti one btMtst travel organisations in the world. m We have over 170 offices in 37 countnes around ttie worw particularly
        993 words
      • 464 15 137 Tourt 137 Tour* I CHINA SPECIAL! HONGKONG GUANGZHOU GUILIN BEIJING NANJING WUXI SUZHOU SHANGHAI HANGZHOU 9 DAYS" IQOn Dep Every Sat *J* |UOU •Taiwan 5/B days $12S0^ s-nd.„ •Taiwan/Hong Kong 8/11 DAYS $168(V$1880 o. M^n Hong Kong/(Macau) 4 DAYS $1088 d^mv All Japan 8/10 days $isBB/$2488 Oep: aaaamft All
        464 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 1130 16 137 Tour 137 "7 Tour. T.u,. T.u„ 137 Tour. 137 Tour. 137 Tour. j 137 Tour. 137 Tour. Pirh Yhiav Om/h Pmnr/f rhen ar f hoMays and Z£2X'£2ZPZ 1 Wta«*J(eU X K-/i\ AXJVII \^lVwAWmJl\Jsv%Am there are <7/^JjZ/^a^A mfa yam mn* mm a*mms n 1 11 habits With Royal Orchid Holi-
        1,130 words
      • 509 16 Come and say'^z&jy'' Australia Say "G'DAY" to a country of great contrasts spectacular landscapes, golden beaches, majestic parks, towering rain forests, magnificent coral reefs, breathtaking snowfields, cosmopolitan cities, exhilarating nightlife and sensational casinos. Say "G'DAY" to a country that is waiting to welcome you with a warm and friendly "G'DAY".
        509 words
      • 405 16 7RAJ?iIG4Jre Europe and Britain ammm^Maai?^"' 1 f JBM[MHQ^OMnMP* HOLIDAY FEATURES KJ exciting mmm,! Over ifO.) departures featuring 29 cpuntries unbeat uie Prices i f v.-::- Fantastic savings NilllMßiE tt^B^^^^^^T New C| sssic Edition f l ry 7, *mm* r mmmwmmj^ Luxury Tours r -*;3«- 1 s J For brochures and
        405 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 11 17 137 Tours UwULmJ B I j [<^ i\.*ZZi^MMMMM* M\j>AA c ii\*AK^MMMMMM H
        11 words
      • 465 17 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours \T iJjV JfI >j) 4/5/6/7/8 Diya \^sim t{ BAMau wn w TTES^ at^^^y v y\—^ i 7^ CHMmomtf"*" %%%%*^*A\^tw^H^sec\nvW Guaranteed Departures! 1 PkBdFIgM»hyTHAIAWWAYttfT«MATIOMAL~| k, „'^_SjL-i TTT 10 6oWBn Wtf Auto CBrtfB 5 [LWTEL*****733 ii»t»w»k i i A, TA3I9 mqcqu^fl 1D MACAU OVERNIGHT From $98
        465 words
      • 286 17 CHINA 12 DsyS CWIM NIQMIQnM HongKong-Guangzhou Qu*nBei|'r«o- Shanghai-Hangzhou-Guangzhou pay Tie4Sg ISDaysEnctMNitfng CMM Beeng-N^wj-WVuxi-Su2hou- Shanghai -Hangzhou -GuMtn-Guangzhou-HongKong Dtp WUH &fn CnMMI CMfM Bei|ing-Xian-Shanghai-Suzhou- Wuxi-Hangzhou-Guilin-Guangzhou— Fuzhou— Quanzhou— Xiamen-HongKong Oep Fn iJDaya 9 Famous Mto" Of ChlM Huangshan-Lushan-Mt Wuyi o*o 2tl*. 12/5. 2/6, 9/6 22 Day Grand China Goangzhoo-Go*n-Kunming (Stone Bei|ing-Nan)ing-Wuxi-Suzhou-Shanghai-Hangzhou— GuangzhouHongKong Oep
        286 words
      • 1275 17 137 Tours 137 Tours rnX^A uii9mwM *^B 1 I a L L I Hotel Airfare Packages I Also Macau Guangzhou Extensions [>^^^KimTravelService(Pt^^ muXtmm 7SOOA. Batch RO »0l 326 Th* Plata *Xa^ m^^S r ttaammmMH Um 2»380e?'4/5, 2M7193 Medaa/lake Tam» 5 dtys M39 Dep: Sun/Mon TA 309 Ua* mjaakaa* a«« 6M
        1,275 words
      • 926 17 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Educstion 146 Foreign Education ImmWESmmmmW U WTERNATTONAL COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT M6WAHA,tWHZEBLAWD Affiliated with the American University, ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in Rochester, New York, USA. R J.T. Parents Students are invited to a SEMINAR by MR. ROBERT SALMOND President of ICHM. Venue: DYNASTY HOTEL
        926 words
      • 235 17 147 Academic Courses PRIMARY SSO. Sec 575. Pre-U $125 Individual Home Tuition Any Dist *****64 <9-9pm) Lynn Croft SCHOOL TEACHERS/ QUALIFIED tutors avail for all levels/ subjects/ dists *****17. Miss Tan TUITION FOR PRI. students by i qualified tutor Foreign students are welcome Call *****18 TUTORS SPECIALISED IN Chinese willing
        235 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 1208 18 I 148 Computer Courses 148 Computer Courses I j THE IBM PS/2 IS AT ITcT" Ilt in om ol ihe firM organisations in ihr world to install IBM s latest microcomputer i I he IHM Personal Svstem 2 IBM vj'in ii "the nest £c;icidiuin in personal computing") IK K S.t
        1,208 words
      • 648 18 150 Commercial/ 150 Commercial/ j Technical Courses Technical Courses —Saaaammmmmma S I A LCCI DIPLOMA COURSES Marketing/PR e Managerial Principles Accounting/Costing CERTIFICATE COURSES Business Administration Accounting Principles ot Management Book-keeping (Elem) ?;1 Economics Book-keeping (Inter) 0 English lot Commetce Commerce Finance Commercial Law Costing Business Statistics Management Accounting Business Computing
        648 words
      • 366 18 153 Driving Instruction ANG MO KK) Oolden Horse Driving Central. Tel. *****16/ 8. 154 Dancing Instruction ANN DANCING CENTRE SOCIAL BEGINNERS CLASS commencing 6p.m It Bp.m. Wed 22/4. 7.15p.m. Thurs 23/4. FREESTYLE DISCO commencing tonight 6.45p.m. AEROBICS 6.15p.m. every Thurs. and 2p.m. every Sat. #06-00 Choon 800 Building (Ahovo North
        366 words
      • 573 18 158 Tailoring Instruction < ifc > A__ Teaching Tomorrows Amm^^' Trends Today rIY 'mmf FASHION iLPmmtP' DESIGN or WMMdRESS MAKING XrWhfp COURSES mmmmmT^^m^mmmW tH London Tift* CIRCLE ONF W. a Tel *****38 FASHION DESIGN a Dress-mak-ing course available. Conducted by professionals It graduates from Japan Tel: *****04. *****66 648-B. Upp
        573 words
      • 1762 18 APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES HBSTANTS RSSOBBIHBI i7^», I Kat I service: Telex SepviPP- STAN T S RS <ra«i TTMr A n Bervloe: Tel *****11 Straits-Times: Ss2f,oo psc cm Collected: 5J5.00 leiex bei-Vice. b.T.A.N.T.S. RS ***** TIMEAD I 5724/5/6/8 A 5669 Sunday Times: Ss2s 62 pac. cm I Posted: SSIO.OO mmammmmmS m* IMBMk SMMS^SaaSa
        1,762 words
      • 451 18 IN THE MATTER OE THE COMPANIES ACT, CHAPTER 185 MAROBIN TRADING PTE LTD MEMBERS' VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company deemed to be held at Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.. Mltsul Selmel Building. 2-3 Otemachl, 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan on the 16 Apr 1987 the following
        451 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 636 19 APPOINTMENTS mfTmrnma CHEMPWS V |FAR EAST) PTE LTD I X^_^>(A member of G.P.S. PTY LTD Australia) I We protect buildings with our innovated programmed fl I maintenance painting system. fl H Due to our recent expansion, we invite you to apply for the H I following vacancy: fl I OPERATIONS
        636 words
      • 509 19 m^&JKmmZmtmmmmmmmmmm A rapidly growing Group of Companies engaged I fl| in Shipping, Transport/Forwarding and diver- I jgg sified businesses invites applications for- I Freight/ I g Forwarding Division I B Executive I H The Job H H Responsible for maintaining present clientele, H developing, implementing and following through H of
        509 words
      • 794 19 I! The MRT Corporation ji invites applications for the j Ij following positions in the |j OPERATIONS DIVISION I Ij MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT j SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER 1) Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) 2) Supervisory Control System (SCS) Gross Salary: $1956 $3365 pm Functions For Automatic Fare Colection I The successtul candidate
        794 words
      • 743 19 We seek suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions: (A) PRODUCTION MANAGER Preferably able to speak Chinese dialects/ Malay and English. 5 8 years experience in jackets/ outer-wear garment factory. Able to motivate and lead production team. Able to plan and control production quality. B) PATTERN MAKER/GRADER •3 5
        743 words
      • 740 19 W^vt */M mkoji Mtons M PH i m A US-based world leader in custom ICs invites I suitably qualified applicants for the positions of: I I Programmer I I Possess full GCE 'A' Level Diploma in H I Computer Science or its equivalent H i Strong base in COBOL programming
        740 words
      • 210 19 r NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY (GIVEN that. I Soh Ban Seng of No. 250 Ang Mo Kio Ave. 2 rO5-78 Singapore 2056. have applied for a First Class Beer House licence in respect of premises at M/S Xing Hua Cun Restn. Pte Ltd at 262/264 River I Valley Rd Singapore
        210 words
      • 587 19 NOTICES BANKRI PTCY ACT, (HAPTKR 18 1971 KDIIION IN THK UK. II COl RT 01-' SI NOA PORK n Bankruptcy No 544 at IMC RE: LIM JOO HKIW, HENRY EX PARTE: THE PRI'DENTIAL ASSI RANC K COMPANY LJMITKD In the Matter of Bankrupt/ v IVtltion dau-d the 16th day of
        587 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 463 20 Your Guides to English Pronunciation Tree or Three Z H An elementary pronunciation course I Tree or Three? An elementary pronunciation course This is a pronunciation course for beginner and elementary students of English It provides practice in the pronunciation of English sounds, word stress and intonation through a wide
        463 words
      • 26 20 p> *2JL&£p cowr reslst st^q 3&r^#CT^ssr^^ 347, Balestier Bd S'pore 1232 (Opp President Theatre) Business Hrs Pally 1 1 om -9 pm (Including Public Holiday Sunday)
        26 words
    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 737 20 SUN TAN By coiimtte PEANUTS By Schuiz Pfe JlI [%mVcAt>TToMmiT*\ r~ y /PIP VOU HEAR TME TEAtHER sA',r I NO, SHE SAIP IF YOl T v s£ A TUERE \W STH9.c*ll/70uCh jm I THAT MARCIE?; U)AS 601N6 TC BE THE IMPROVE YOUR oRAPEr WAS A "MAv "n THE BOflN LOSER
        737 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 507 21 The Varsity Playhouse stages a two-woman play, 'night Mother, this week. CAROLINE NGUI talks to its director, Ong Keng Sen.* I IT'S about 8 o'clock and Jessie and her mother are I at home. It seems like an i ordinary evening in a quiet
        JONATHAN CHOO  -  507 words
      • 894 21 Pictures by CATHERINE ONG reports on the 4th Asean Pop Song Festival held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. IT WAS clearly a night of the unexpected. Since the Ist Asean Pop Song Festival in Manila in 1981, the Filipinos and the Indonesians have always
        STEVEN LEE  -  894 words
    • Page 21 Miscellaneous
      • 424 21 What's on=^^— *m **s*********************e -aaßaß-BHiK^BSB! FRENCH FILM Kallang Theatre. 8 pm. Tick- till September. Lucky Plaza. 11 am -9 pm dai- AT THE ZOO citizens and permanent resiLES AVENTVRES DE SA- ets at $5. $10, $20. $30. $40 and GUIDED TOURS OF THE ly, except Sundays. On till AMM 4I
        424 words
      • 1023 21 Radio One rM o6rviC6 90.5 mHz in VHF Band II 5.58 AM National Anthem, followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News In Brief 6.05 On Air 7.00 News And Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 On Air (cont'd) 8.00 News 8.10 On Air (cont'd) 9.00 News In Brief 9.05 On Air
        1,023 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 370 22 SECRET^ P^"*""^! 1- mp Ifstinte *Vi*s r\^ 1 to show wur yV J. appreciation \/V| Bosses ...what better way to \l fll slvow vour appreciation than to bring your secretary toTAKEFWE'slrmlenva&malß jL*-* fl Enjoy tender Juicy Roast Sirloin *ma 1 ffljl of Beef on the Wagon and M-^^^. m ]fl^Ml^^.l
        370 words
      • 175 22 West London College invites you to attend their British Computer Training Lecture to be held at: Royal Holiday Inn 25 Scotts Road, SINGAPORE on Sunday April 26th The lectures will be held at lOtOOam and you, your parents and friends will be warmly welcomed. Some years ago a British Government
        175 words
      • 87 22 BBB^ HBBfc.iJ- mMMMMmMSmMmmw a^ma^^Ks^aa^mmm^^^^^^^^^a mm\ mmt/ j^^^M^M Bfl AmW Mmm mL mmm S*r* aM^^k flfl V'fEf 28fr MmmWa W AT 'a ami r^wm fl ■^.f tt ■^flfllfl amramm^^aTamMYmT^l B^. 1 i^^^^^^^H Wmlail I Bfl I FT flf I I fl mm T mAmrn* mmmLA^Jt^m^M BfIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ fllll Amm**************** mSam f m
        87 words
    • Page 22 Miscellaneous
      • 1549 22 Wl k m^i lLj a," L I 1 ■MY VIEW by CATHERINE ONG and GOH BENG CHOOhhhi^i^^hh^hh^^^i^^^hhh^hhhh^hh^^ U Power struggle on Fleet Street BBi^BrP^^"! V* m\rmmWla\ m aWa^^^ VH IV %R^ a eemepolitan Theatre plagued by financial and union two of her latest songs Pre- -^^^b ,^^^^B THkjl Inside Story
        1,549 words