The Straits Times, 29 May 1986

Total Pages: 50
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1986 50 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 188/12/85
    15 words
  • 913 1  -  JUNE TAN Preparation for varsity m junior college and new system for other A-level students By EDUCATION Minister Dr Tony Tan ended a series of visits to Singapore's junior colleges yesterday and this is his verdict: Major changes are needed m the pre-university education system.
    913 words
  • 643 1 IT IS more than two months since the collapse of the Hotel New World m Serangoon Road. But those dreadful moments are still fresh m the minds of many. The question remains: "How did it happen?" "On March 15, 1986 the
    643 words
  • 401 1  -  CONRAD RAJ By DBS BANK is to introduce a new stock market index that will give the Central Provident Fund investor a general picture of how CPF approved stocks are doing. "The idea is to help CPF members invest wisely," DBS Senior Vice-President Tan
    401 words
  • 29 1 ROME The United Nations' World Food Programme said yesterday donor nations had pledged a record US$l billion (552.2 billion) to the programme for 1985 and 1986. Reuter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 401 1  -  LIM KWAN KWAN PPD acts over that live carp furore By THE Primary Production Department has stopped a restaurant association from promoting a live carp dish after officials witnessed its cruel method of preparation. A report m The Straits Times a week ago about
    401 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 FUJI FILM Sprucing-up for seven junior colleges: Page 12 SUPER HIGH POWER COMPUTER CAR STEREO Born from CAD /CAM System Real Hi-Fi Sound On The Road I J 1 I £■■■■41 Hj~~* 9 •J^ Tff9 iH Sjß CRF-9112 50 Watts Fulty Computer Controlled Auto Reverse Cassette with AM/FM MPX lAC
      182 words
    • 21 1 Inside Summary t Warld News 3-5 Asean C Camseway 7 Comment Perspective 14,1$ Letters If TimesDoUar \I7M Racing 21 Sport* 22-25
      21 words
    • 211 1 RE We're honored to serve you around the world KOREAN AIR For reservations, call *****11 Evidence to be m two stages: Page 10 Role off building control body under scrutiny: Page 11 Hotel collapse victim leaves hospital: Page 11 Our fixed deposits attract much more Standard ftf.hartered I Standard Chartered
      211 words

    • 361 2 NTUC auction off AN AUCTION of air-conditioners, air coolers, fish tanks and kitchen equipment scheduled for yesterday was unexpectedly caUed off. The NTUC was to have sold these assets to help recover rental payments from Shenton Way Seafood Restaurant. But it could not do so because its action was
      361 words
    • 214 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: DESPITE Ike coop rumours, It §eems unlikely tfet ttyilet within the Thil military over the tomfaaal of army chief Gen Arthlt would Ml •ver. On the contrary, ntw that the Prem-Chaevallt camp has the upper hand, pTMpeete for the preservation of the democratic prows m
      214 words
    • 341 2 $176 b aid request AFRICAN NATIONS have asked industrial nations for at least US$BO billion (Ssl76 billion) m new aid and debt relief at a special session of the UN General Assembly called to consider the continent's economic crisis. President Abdou Diouf of Senegal said the proposed
      341 words
    • 266 2 Hot air m Mexico DIEGO MARADONA has complained bitterly about the noon heat of Mexico m which his team play all their first-round games, saying the "indispensable" players were being ignored. In order to be televised live during the evening hours of Europe, the most lucrative market for the
      266 words
    • 475 2 Culinary marathon THEIR MOUTHS watered, their hands itched to pick up morsels to eat and their tastebuds gained sensitivity after sampling 40 dishes. Thus did international judges describe to CHRISTINE KHOR how they used their five senses to evaluate over 500 entries at a recent culinary marathon last
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    • 169 2 WEARNES DOES WELL WITH PRE-TAX PROFITS UP 25% A BIG LEAP m investment and other income has put Wearne Brothers Ltd back on the growth path. Pre-tax profits at the car distributor, electronics and agro-technology group showed a 25 per cent rise to $7.9 million for the six months
      169 words
    • 191 2 Around Asean...and Across the Causeway Investors cautious FOREIGN BUSINESSMEN are holding back on investments m the Philippines until a newly-ap-pointed commission has written a new Constitution, Trade and Industry Minister Jose Concepcion said. But Mr Concepcion said the investors' worries should be allayed by the appointees, described as representing a
      191 words
    • 85 2 ON ORCHARD ROAD JAMS A READER makes three suggestions to reduce the congestion along Orchard Road. Firstly, he says the bus stop outside Tangs should be removed and merged with the one outside Lucky Plaza. Secondly, the pedestrian light /crossing should be replaced with an appropriately-designed overhead bridge, while
      85 words
    • 331 2 Product Advertiser Section/Page Arties Korean Air I 1 MAS I -20 Audte CM Tan I —12 Bigston Electronics (S) Pie Ltc I 1 Pertama Audio 1 2 Ban* Citibank I -15 Standard Chartered Bank Beauty School Kimana Hairstyling II 6 Bnfnf Machine Itxco Spore I —IS Computers Wealsott
      331 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 647 2 FREE IWh| stler Key Chain AJ 9 I TOSHIBA KT-V6lO NETfi^O^ .-^JI 9 S MVIM |1 M USUAL $225 M Compact Stereo Walky, i V M j|i_fj% I I H |USUALSI2S EH NOW: SI7Z 9 tl9 /now-<R9 l|r I sonywm-ioi 9 W^^. I WwW. j|lßl.j Y^m World's Smallest Walky mj
      647 words
    • 63 2 Style, value and location Avenue Park is a little village of only 48 low-rise units situated m district 10. It is not i one of those endless high-rise complexes that crowd you m. But quality living and quiet living as well All the units are attractive practical maisonettes. The details
      63 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 375 3 Big business gives Nakasone full support Valuable ammunition for battle to hold power TOKYO PRIME Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, who is battling to keep his grip on political power, received strong support for his tight economic policies from Japan's most powerful business group yesterday. "We are firmly committed to (these policies),
      Reuter  -  375 words
    • 159 3 HONGKONG The Legislative Council has approved a BUI aimed at tightening control over local hanks after several baak failures. Financial Secretory John Bremridge told the coancll yesterday that tfce BUI woald not care all financial Ills bnt sjmM lay a firm foundation for Hongkong's economic fitve.
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 197 3 Unions on strike despite call by Hawke SYDNEY MORE than half a million workers stopped work throughout Australia yesterday m protest over delays m wage rises a day after Prime Minister Bob Hawke warned of hard times ahead for the economy. The protest, called by the powerful Australian Council of
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 364 3 China urges Japan to lift trade curbs BEIJING China has urged Japan to remove some "artificially imposed obstacles" on Chinese exports to Japan. Speaking at a meeting between the biggest Japanese trade delegation to visit China and its Chinese counterparts here on Tuesday, Chinese Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and
      AFP  -  364 words
    • 58 3 WHAT mi Meal gift for the hustings ahead Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Yarafclr* Nakaseae, after helag presented with a sweat shirt aad i rtp («r kit fftth birthday yesterday. The Initial "W" «a ate gifts smi Mt deaste a alckmaine. It staads f«r twin electlsas far
      AP  -  58 words
    • 264 3 Blast at airline offices: Libyans, Iranians held KARACHI Pakistani police are holding seven Libyans and an unspecified number of Iranians m connection with Tuesday's bomb attacks on the local offices of the American airline. Pan Am, and the Saudi Arabian airline, Saudia, police sources said. A security guard outside the
      AFP; AP; Reuter  -  264 words
    • 84 3 Canberra pledge on defence review CANBERRA A major defence review due to be released next week will not interfere with any of Australia's regional obligations. Defence Minister Kirn Beazley has said. He told Parliament on Tuesday that under the Dibb report, commissioned last year, any Australian government would be able
      AFP  -  84 words
    • 137 3 NEW DELHI An Indian govern-ment-sponsored marine archaeology expedition m the Arabian Sea has found the remains of an underwater city, including a temple experts believe was built m the Ist Century BC, the Press Trust of India reported on Tuesday. Or S.R- Rao, the leader of
      AFP  -  137 words
    • 263 3 Ex-airline chiefs bribery conviction upheld TOKYO The High Court has upheld the conviction of the former President of All Nippon Airways (ANA), Japan's largest domestic airline, m connection with the multi-mil-lion-dollar Lockheed payoff scandal more than 10 years ago. The court rejected an appeal by former ANA President Tokuji Wakasa
      Reuter; UPI  -  263 words
    • 471 4 Africa seeks $176b in new aid from West UNITED NATIONS AFRICAN nations have asked industrial nations for at least US$BO billion (Ssl76 billion) m new aid and debt relief at a special session of the UN General Assembly called to consider the continent's economic crisis. President Abdou Diouf of Senegal
      AP; Reuter  -  471 words
    • 392 4 WASHINGTON WEST GERMANY should take up the slack m stimulating the world economy as the United States reduces its trade and budget deficits, said a congressional study made available on Tuesday. "After several years of retrenchment, the Federal Republic of Germany appears on
      AP  -  392 words
    • 122 4 LONDON Two anglers have boasted of a record haul with rod and line of 1,600 rainbow trout m 13 hours from a north England river but there's a catch to their claim. There is no place for the feat m the record-books because their haul
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 202 4 Call for free trade in services LUGANO (Switzerland) Some major developing nations still oppose discussing trade m services, European Community Trade Commissioner Willy De Clercq said. But he urged them to overcome their objections, saving that opening such markets to foreign competition would benefit all. "Many developing countries remain dubious
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 212 4 LONDON Posters, press cuttings and other memorabilia from US President Ronald Reagan's film career failed to fetch the £Mt (Ss2,ttt> minimum asking price at Sotheby's auction house here on Tuesday and were withdrawn from sale. As a politician, however, Mr Reagan fared slightly
      AP  -  212 words
    • Briefly
      • 65 5 A MIGRATION amendment Bill was passed yesterday m the Australian House of Representatives which will deny automatic Australian citizenship to children born to visitors and temporary residents. The Bill, which now goes to the Senate, will give children of non-residents the same immigration status as their parents. Latest
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 72 5 A JAPANESE Education Ministry panel has approved a controversial new history textbook prepared by a nationalistic group, paving the way (or its use m scht»ols next spring, a ministry spokesman said m Tokyo yesterday. The textbook glosses over Japan's military activities m Asia before and during
        Reuter  -  72 words
      • 73 5 TWO VETERAN cosmonauts left their Sal-yut-7 space station yesterday for a space walk to construct a small prototype of future space structures, the official Tass news agency said m Moscow. During the space walk, cosmonauts Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Solovyov constructed a 15-metre metal pylon that was
        UPI  -  73 words
      • 70 5 BANGLADESH POLICE arrested at least 40 intern doctors who were on strike to demand government jobs, officials m the capital Dhaka said. The government has suspended the intern's training programme alleging that they were attempting to force other doctors to join their action. Officials said 1,200 graduate doctors
        AFP  -  70 words
      • 58 5 A SPECIAL US federal panel has announced that a Watergate-style prosecutor will be appointed to investigate the lobbying activities of former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Michael Deaver. Justice Department spokesman Terry Eastland said m Washington yescerday a threejudge panel of the US Court of Appeals has
        UPI  -  58 words
      • 63 5 MORE THAN 3,000 tourists are trapped with dwindling food and water supply m the eastern Indian state of Darjeeling after a strike by Gurkhas demanding autonomy, officials said yesterday. The tourists included 200 foreigners stranded since Sunday when Gurkhas rioted m the nearby town of Kurseong to demand
        Reuter  -  63 words
    • 357 5 East Germans refuse concession to other diplomats EAST BERLIN ALLIED diplomatic cars defied a new East German ruling for the third consecutive day yesterday, crossing to West Berlin without showing passports, Western diplomatic sources said. They said communist border guards, who have turned away
      Reuter  -  357 words
    • 86 5 AT FIRST glance, this seems to be a clever piece of trick photography. Bat It's not. This motorbike, on display m a Frankfort goldsmith's shop, Is pictured alongside a bracelet with a young man looking at It to give an Idea of Its
      AP  -  86 words
    • 406 5 LONDON Americans these days may view Britain as a dangerous place, a target for terrorists. Those who live here see more screwballs than bombers. Take, for example, film producers Patrick O'Rourke and Eddie Ross, who are shooting a film on honest and helpful Liverpudlians.
      UPI  -  406 words
    • 78 5 WASHINGTON The Soviet Union has told the United States that it plans to allow 119 people to join their families m the US, the State Department announced on Tuesday. The US, the State Department said, welcomed the decision, which will improve US-Soviet relations.
      AFP  -  78 words
    • 294 5 1,000 N-plant victims may die of cancer LONDON At least 1,000 people could die of cancer as a result of fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear plant, a US radiation specialist treating victims of the disaster said. "I think it not unlikely that there might be 1,000 or thousands dying of
      UPI; Reuter  -  294 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 352 3 Why you should learn English from the source... theßritish themselves. Register now! term b^xins June ><i. j^^^^^^ Heßislnilion l>ale: 31 Ma> 'i 6 «.00am 4.00 pm $50 deposit required tor placement C hei/urs acceptable There are lots of ways to learn the world's Courses Available NO. 1 language. In School.
      352 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 340 4 .^B^W B^Bl B^V I bY m. .^B^B^P^v fl^B# .^B^Br Bn AW W AhBBJ BBJ# I TODAY ONLY i t flf jslMbblbVlbbHp'^^^pH^^ '^^^rip^^^^^PBBBBBBBBW _,^rfP^^^^^^^jß^^ I B**^ .^r I H I &MMMn>Awft SUNKIST oranges 1 ctn (113s) __-^—-^-w»'-^ "*"^Bi A^Mf Alßkx'^P^s BTr *"&p^ j^^^tg^^s^^^ j^^r AyNIAW AYAM BRAND Sardines 230g fl*lU ss^.
      340 words
    • 290 4 Meet your favourite Hong Kong Stars from the movie 'BEST LUCK STARS' II X I .r I I H| t Saw I I Ml ■SB. M I ail i lal II ■HHBHKjHBKaSBjBjajB^BBBBk, I n*t Tfcr aa*^ I P I KIU «^^H^»— I IS flM* BU^' A*t TTkm B r *ff*
      290 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 310 5 PS) foolTmachinery I SUPPLIERS IN SEARCH I OF YOUR OWN SHOW I If ycu supply food packaging and food processing equipment, materials and sea ices, why exhibit m a trade show sandwiched between a whole lot of non- food-related machinery? Yol 'II want to meet food manufacturers and food packagers.
      310 words
    • 162 5 i PUOL' MEDICATED SOAP Effectively cleans and relieves minor skin irritations V Take that >4^l^£^' S^' with Purol Medicated S)ap. IV^PIVW^"^ I Not only does it remove dirt from your fii« B J i skin, Purol Medicated S>ap also acts -««<»IBBBb»^^BbL./ J effectively against organisms which, may ~*m cause minor
      162 words

    • 331 6 Aquino seeks easier ways to pay interest MANILA The Philippines is considering ways to reduce its heavy burden of interest payments on foreign loans and has discussed capitalisation and capping interest payments, a Central Bank source said. Capitalising interest, or borrowing from creditor banks to pay interest, has been suggested
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 242 6 Investors w ait ing for new Manila Constitution MANILA Foreign businessmen are holding back on investments m the Philippines until a newly-appointed commission has written a new Constitution, Trade and Industry Minister Jose Co nee pc ion said. "There are so many businessmen, especially from other countries, who would like
      AFP  -  242 words
    • 52 6 Chernobyl a blessing' MANILA Former MP Jose Zubiri believes the Soviet nuclear accident was a blessing for the depressed Philippine sugar industry because Europe is now forced to destroy its beet crops for fear of contamination. He said that Manila's sugar exports would till the supply gap for about three
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 208 6 ANILA Two Japanese en have been sentenced (death by a Manila court r kidnapping a Buddhist ■nk and holding him to Ksom for US$lOO,OOO C 20.000). Tomeo Maeda and Tadato Nakajima received ie death penalty for kidtapping Mr Tatsumi Na;ao, also from Japan, on Kay
      Reuter; AP  -  208 words
    • 264 6 JAKARTA Indonesia and Papua New Guinea say they have made significant progress m talks on a draft treaty of friendship and co-operation. The negotiators agreed to recommend that the two governments exchange defence attaches later this year, PNG Foreign Affairs Secretary-General William Dihm
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 200 6 MANILA The government said it had acquired four seats on the board of the Philippines' largest mining concern after the ousting of four directors believed to be fronting for a relative of former President Ferdinand Marcos. During an annual stockholders meeting of Benguet Corp on
      AFP; Reuter  -  200 words
    • 229 6 MANILA The communist-led National Democratic Front (NDF) yesterday announced It had appointed a representative to meet the government to pave the way for top-level trace talks, state-ran television reported. The representative, who was not named, will meet a counterpart appointed by President
      AFP  -  229 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 362 6 MILLIONS HAVE HEARD LUIS PALAU SPEAK YOU CAN HEAR HIM Respected internationally for his energy 1 »7 llf a7OA nm and insight, Dr. Luis Palau has spoken UI Y^T P™ to 6 million people m 40 countries and lNdtlODm StdOlUlll 300 million people through radio and television m the last
      362 words
    • 342 6 YbirVe Covered For A Free-Gift! This Beautiful Umbrella comes '^^^J FREE with every purchase of 12 rolls of c k^k -^^^W^, Cellux 900 Invisible >Abß|^l Mending Tapes <>^^HESESH»* (Size:l9mmx33metres) Pnce SS3'- per roll o~^H«^b|9fiflyf v ,«r- -^aws» s£^~~—~~ invisible mending V *y v" n+ s J- a- a- ~JMr *T
      342 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 206 7 KUALA LUMPUR The Education Ministry will give immediate attention to the problems of university students. Education Minister Anwar Ibrahim said he would "consider judiciously" the views of the 12-member delegation of the newlyformed National Student Action Front which met him on Tuesday. The delegation of
      NST  -  206 words
    • 151 7 Anguish as home goes up in flames ANGUISH Mid despair gripped this family on Tuesday m they stood and watched their home and belongings go op In flames. Madam P. Kalawathl, with her daughter clinging to her, was a picture of desolation as her aunt, Madam M. Anjallal tried to
      151 words
    • 119 7 JOHOR BARU A total o. f MJ361.000 has been collected m toll at the Causeway since the abolition of entry permits for Singa-pore-registered cars on May 1, Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) Di-rector-General Datuk Mustaffa Ahmad said yesterday. He said the total was slightly
      Barnama  -  119 words
    • 457 7 LONDON EXTRADITION proceedings began on Tuesday for two former directors of Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) accused m Hongkong of operating a massive bank fraud. Lorrain Esme Osman, 54, and Mohammed Hashim Shamsudin. 48, are facing 85 charges, including conspiracy to defraud and
      AP; Bernama  -  457 words
    • 41 7 KUALA LUMPUR Trade and Industry Ministry enforcement officers have stepped up checks on shops that flaunt "cheap sales" during the Hari Ray a Puasa season. Consumers who have been cheated are asked to report to the ministry. NST
      NST  -  41 words
    • 229 7 Govt agencies asked to help ailing firms KUALA LUMPUR THE Cabinet has directed all government agencies to help companies which face difficulties because of the economic recession. Information Minister Datuk Rais Yatim told reporters after a Cabinet meeting yesterday that aid would be given to companies that were previously successful
      Bernama  -  229 words
    • 204 7 KUALA LUMPUR Parti Islam (PAS) is negotiating with several Indian groups and associations to form an Indian Consultative Committee (ICC) to reach the Indian community. PAS publicity chief Haji Subky Latif said the Indian groups had approached PAS about setting up the ICC.
      NST  -  204 words
    • 130 7 KUALA LUMPUR The Parti Islam-Democratic Action Party courtship is apparently over. PAS publicity chief Haji Subky Latif's announcement on Monday that cooperation between the two parties was "unlikely because of differing ideologies" seemed to have ended attempts to form a pact. DAP secretary-general Lim Kit
      NST  -  130 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 I i/f0 k Rapid relief of insect bites and stings. Itching for relief? Anthisan gives rapid relief from itches, pain of insect bites and stings, reduces inflammation and is effective against rashes, particularly nappy rash AfittlfSCNl ITS A SOOTHING RELIEF
      40 words
    • 233 7 BmbM VALUABLE GIFTS FOR HOMEMAKERS Buy Sanyo micro-computerised airconditioners now and get free Sanyo microwave ovens and other valuable gifts. Sin 2v^4«Hti U <r R 11 JE^^^jsSfSlf^^^^F' B J -^Ha Hv •^■'•"■'■•■•""'"■•"■•"''"•S I B^^ Bft V V BP^ I i k^ |H H n^^BP^ B^^B^^'2^B%s '^■^^^^^k aßr ■^^wwwwiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BB> 888
      233 words

  • HOME
    • 196 8 NTUC auction is challenged Assets to be sold is claimed by co-operative AN AUCTION of air-conditioners, air coolers, fish tanks and kitchen equipment scheduled for yesterday was unexpectedly called off. The National Trades Union Congress was to have sold these assets to help recover rental payments from Shenton Way Seafood
      196 words
    • 60 8 THE SINGAPORE Anti-Nar-cotics Association Hindu Aftercare (Counselling) Service will hold a mass prayer and anti-glue sniffing and drug abuse exhibition at 7 pm tomorrow. Mr S. Vasoo, the MP for Bo Wen and Director of the Singapore Council of Social Service, will officiate at the exhibition
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    • 261 8 THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board is introducing three more Tourism Awards this year, making a total of 10 awards to acknowledge outstanding contributions to tourism. The new awards are for the best night entertainment, best tourist guide and store of the year. The award
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    • 118 8 SINGAPORE and Bangladesh are meeting here today for two days of air talks. Bangladesh Biman Airline has been flying to Singapore since 1977. It flew under licence until 1979, when an air services agreement between the two countries was signed. Now, the airline wants to
      118 words
    • 324 8 Police step up efforts to trace missing boys POLICE have started an island-wide search for two schoolboys missing since May 14. Keh Chin Ann and Toh Hong Huat, both 12, left their homes for school that day but did not turn up at Owen Primary School when lessons started at
      324 words
    • 59 8 A BAKER has reported the loss of $10,000 from the office of his confectionery m Bedok North Street 1 on Tuesday. Mr Sect Teng Hai, 30, said the table drawer m which the money had been kept m the Fortuna Confectionery had been forced open. Police said there
      59 words
    • 489 8  -  TONQ YOKE THO GILLIAN POW CHONG By and SHOPKEEPERS m Sim Lim Tower yesterday said the public should not assume they are all guilty of giving clients a rough time. This was their response to the recent convictions of two
      489 words
    • 89 8 SALESMAN Ho Lye Huat, 25, who was jailed four months for assault on Tuesday, is appealing against the sentence. Ho filed his appeal through his counsel, Mr B. Ganesh, who also sought bail for him yesterday. District Judge Chang Kok Ming granted Ho
      89 words
    • 105 8 TWO brothers were charged yesterday with abetting a man to commit mischief by fire m Sembawang last Saturday. Balbir Chand s/o Kaur Singh Harriram, 20, and his brother, Raghbirchand, 23, a shop assistant, are accused of engaging Salil Raveendran, 21, to set fire to their
      105 words
    • 392 12 Sprucing -up for 7 junior colleges They're way behind m facilities, says Dr Tan SEVEN junior colleges built before 1980 are m for a multi-million-dol-lar sprucing up which will put them on par with newer colleges. Education Minister Dr Tony Tan, who has just completed a two-month appraisal of Singapore's
      392 words
    • 626 12  -  AHMAD OSMAN CONRAD RAJ Law Society statement on Newspaper Bill Bit two others disagree By and SIXTEEN of 18 lawyers interviewed by The Straits Times over the past two days disagreed with a suggestion that the Law Society was operating as an unregistered political
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    • 183 12 A FORMER bank clerk was yesterday Jailed (or eight months (or cheating and criminal breach of trust. Daisy Lee Hone Lian, 33, formerly of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, misappropriated a total of $3,100 at Collyer Quay between Sept 21 last year and
      183 words
    • 407 12  -  GILLIAN POW CHOMG By SMOKERS who wish to kick the habit can get help from an American doctor who will conduct a sev-en-day Breathe-Free Plan To Stop Smoking Seminar from tonight. Dr Alvin Adams, who sits on many anti-smoking
      407 words
    • 702 12  -  MATILDA GABRIEL By THE top prize m the annual National Short-Story Writing Competition (English) has been won for the first time. The honour goes to Mr Philip Antony Jeyaretnarn, 21, a law student and son of Singapore opposition politician, Mr J.
      702 words
    • 264 13  - 100,000 to hear Argentine evangelist speak VALERIE LEE By ABOUT six hours before star footballer Diego Maradonna lifts the hearts of more than 70,000 fans m Mexico City's Olympic Stadium, another Argentine would have tried to touch the hearts of about 100.000 Singaporeans m our National Stadium. But the Argentine's
      264 words
    • 145 13 AN 87- YEAR-OLD resident of an old folk's home killed herself after recording her grievances on a cassette tape. Chew Wim was found unconscious at the Khang Ling Home m Kirn Tian Road on June 10 last year. She died from salicylate poisoning. A coroner's inquiry
      145 words
    • 402 13  -  IVAN LIM Hasty move might make workers jittery, it warns By START talking but do not rush into changes for a flexible wage system when both the union and employer are not ready. Any hasty move, said the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) yesterday,
      402 words
    • 481 13  - 7 firms team up to tap world computer services market ANNE KOH By SEVEN Singapore companies have joined forces to get a larger slice of the estimated US$5OO billion (Sll.loo billion) world market for computer products and services. With a pool of 950 professionals, the companies have set up a
      481 words
    • 84 13 Three held after $635 robbery POLICE have arrested three suspects after a couple was robbed of $635 m cash and valuables at the Ang Mo Kio West Garden early yesterday. The victims, m their late 20s, were at a secluded spot at about 1.30 am when they were confronted by
      84 words
    • 16 13 THE Family Planning Assol ciation of Singapore will hold a flag day on Saturday.]
      16 words
    • 238 13 HOME Affairs Minister Professor S. Jayakumar yesterday confessed to a secret. He has been trespassing onto the Raffles Institution running track on his daily jogs. He made his confession when he spoke as guest-of-honour at his alma mater's 163 rd Founder's Day celebration.
      238 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 678 8 O Muslims' breakfast y time 7.14 pm *^I^^^^Bb^b^b^b^b^b^bl^b^l^|^b^b^bV I^SKttißJfcjjjjll^^^^^^H J^^^E ;> .^a^B^ .aaataaW. I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS .^aaaaaaaaaV jj^: BaaaaaaaaaP^BaaaVam^: jJh^ i^H LaaaV aaaaaaaan 'IYI Baaaaaaa«**# JL H ir^^^^^Baaißaaaaiaw^^BaaaaaM I 1 Purchase a new Thomson TV now and we II give I I y° ua rafted folding director's chair free of
      678 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 798 9 WLw^ L JmW^ l^^p TP^ ■prnß^Tpr" IP^ M^m&m^^m\m^^m\ I Bfl ftS W th P urcnases! I^EB ■^■^^^r^ There are lots of gifts for you wW when you make purchases on these fl| products: Huggies, Gerber, Curity, m mm m^^^ mW^mmmimm* mWmmm\ m^ m^ m^L^ m K^ m^ m^L^g m^ m^
      798 words

    • 934 10  -  WONQ Al KWEI 3ERRY DE SUVA Commission begins sitting to find out what happened on March 15 Opening lesson m climatology, history and geology Stories by and IT WAS a bit of a lesson m history, climatology and geology all rolled into one when
      934 words
    • 272 10 IN WHAT way is the Public Utilities Board involved m the Hotel New World inquiry? That was the question on the minds of many when it became known that the PUB is being represented by lawyers. Yesterday, Mr Justice L. P. Thean asked
      272 words
    • 354 10 COMMISSIONERS ME JUSTICE L.P. Thean, High Court judge, heats the fourmember commission of Inquiry Appointed by President Wee Kirn Wee. The other members, all engineers, are: Dr Arumugan VIJtarataum, M, Chairman of Singapore Engineering aad CoMvltaacy Services Pte Ltd. He ha* served In both tbe
      354 words
    • 248 11 TELEVISION brought the tragedy, pain and hope of the Hotel New World disaster right into the living rooms of thousands of Singaporeans. Radio flashed hourly broadcasts during the tragic week, while telecasts helped to keep an anxious public informed nightly. Even now, the disaster continues
      248 words
    • 732 11 MR JUSTICE ThMn: "When processing building plans submitted, what exactly do yen check?" Mr Tan Uan S«ng: "We have to check bolldlng plans against regulations m farce to ensure thai the requirements am complied with One set each of the plans will he
      732 words
    • 446 11 SOIL conditions m the area around the collapsed Hotel New World would require piles to be driven about 40 metres deep, a witness said. But Dr Stephen Buttling, an expatriate who is the senior geote< hnical engineer at the MRTC, said he noted
      446 words
    • 464 11  -  YEO KIM SENG Hotel collapse victim leaves nosoitai atte* 1l>-weeK stay 1 By 41 remember teeing very clearly a crack on the third floor wall of the hotel, where I manned the receptionist counter, before the building collapsed... That's why I have not
      464 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 127 10 THE ONLY FEED YOUR BEST FRIEND NEEDS. DAILY. ggmflßi^^ Friskies dog food is a perfectly Jt^H^B||Hßßßl^^^^^^^^^^ balanced meal of real meat, vegetables and cereal fortified with vitamins and r^_^H M^t minerals. Carbohydrates for energy. ■_Kiß^% Protein for growth. 1 ■HV Friskies gives your dog the real •rMp2i nutrition that leftovers
      127 words
    • 89 10 THESIX INVESTKXTE I The Six Investigate is a of young adult fiction written by Dr M FmLP^tr^M I M Heidi Platt -"^X The Six comprise four Singaporeans and two Australian teenagers *dy m -J^^—,^-- Each story has a different setting, although the first two are based heidip latt M
      89 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 286 11 r"YOU CANNOT WRITE WELL, LOVE WELL OR SLEEP WELL IF YOU HAVE NOT EATEN WELL! Virginia Woolf Tea Garden® x. i MmF*FT W^ No p/flce offers such a remarkable selection of Western and local dishes— a la carte. And such an interesting variety. A sumptuous Singapore lunch buffet at $18.50+
      286 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 639 12 L\ jb Wearne Brothers, Limited (Incorporated m Th« Republic Of Singapore) ANNOUNCEMENT Results The unaudited results for the financial half year ended March 31, 1986 are as follows Half Year To Mar 31 Half Year To Mar 31 Investment Other Income 9,957 5,275 88.8 56.439 11.258 401.3 and after charging:
      639 words
    • 172 12 Steamed Soup m Green Melon I B^f iJir W W^fc B^Hv B^a. B^V B^k>. BY aß^B^Ba BBk .^BB rW #VB]B^^^^^Br Another Specialty only from Dragon City. ■■Mfiiscover some of the finest Sichuan and seafood dishes M Dragon City Experience the warm and impeccable I serv ice. so reminiscent of traditional
      172 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 275 13 B ftee ;lU \t o vs t ov vtv r^V V of London 'lui^"^ at the 'j^' 'SaK^R^l^ v y lit /,/r v-y/ia/'/ia///' \Mm 'wyHf mk f 24th 31st May, 1986 s s Bl^ ifeL.*- •Hfff^MrSftT^BßjßK BW^ Stephen Foster invite you to a Special Sale of Gem ffj? Jewellery featuring
      275 words

  • COMMENT/Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 567 14 THE sharp dismissal of Thailand's two top army chiefs, Gen Arthit Kamlang-Ek and his deputy Gen Chuthai Saengthaveep, has rekindled coup fears m a country which has seen more than its fair share of military uprisings. To be sure, the removal of two leading generals m
        567 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 14
      1 words
    • 905 14  - Incompetent speakers turn meetings into a fraud JOHN KIRKMAN By NOT long ago, I went to a two-day conference. The fee, travel, and hotel accommodation cost nearly £300 (SSl.OOO). The conference offered 20 papers. Of those, nine were rendered partly or wholly incomprehensible by poor design or inept handling of
      905 words
    • 1268 14 fforthe I recofd What the world needs m the next century Extract of a speech made by Sir Hamilton Whyte, British High Commissioner to Singapore, at a mining and metallurgical conference held m Singapore on May 15. 4 THESE are signposts to your world
      1,268 words
    • 520 14 When you could rent a room for $20 a month in Jurong new town LIKE In the case of "Hngug", "Jurong" Is longer what It was. Changes have been taking place which will render the traditional definitions obsolete. As has been pointed •at before, Hongang was the name given to
      520 words
    • 950 15  -  Firms slow to take up govt's call to end discrimination at work By PETER HAZELHURST Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO Japanese men have likened it to the black ship, the vessel that forced Japan to open its doors to the outside world m 1853. Women
      950 words
    • 815 15  -  KARAN THAPAR By writing for The London Times SUDDENLY Rajiv Gandhi is on trial. The optimism and the euphoria which followed his sweeping electoral victory 18 months ago have dissipated, leaving a mood of scepticism and disillusion. Mr Gandhi's task now
      815 words
    • 389 15 Transplant problems blamed on shortage of organs CHICAGO Organ-trans-plant experts are seeking remedies to what they say is the source of all of the newly emerging legal and ethical problems they face a shortage of donor organs. Because the number of donor organs has failed to keep pace with the
      389 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 52 14 71/lITSUU> M-333 |VHSI VCR \Nfc/\_ 2 Years Guarantee Win-less KcniKtt- unlntl A Made m Japan Full Auto: Auto Power On/Play Auto Rewind Auto Eject Auto Blank Scan Auto Repeat Auto Power Oft Ac ip. Gedck Genfre Electrical ßc.^ I Blk 214,BedokNorth,St1»01 163 Singapore 1646. V Tel *****32/3 Telex :RS *****
      52 words
    • 268 14 liv Hsiang Lou Sichuan R^aurant VNfehave the best Chef m town ■■■■■■■HHIj )ur brand new Sichuan Restaurant is already the most talked about m town. LI V Because we offer not only value tor BS y° ur money but the widest variety of jSjj^^^^H^^^^^^ I dishes. Our impressive menu boasts
      268 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 596 15 Alamak! Mulhgraintational dance, Netu Orleans jazz, Maori tuar chants and a ftngutn... m aFferanakan setting?^ Yes, all these unlikely events will M& m I ike at Bibi's beat Peranakdn Pl.ue. But not to J\^ Nonya Restaurant, worry, we are not diluting the /f~~~^^§BOi*>-^ our chef |s r inn X to
      596 words

    • 312 16 How to ease congestion along Orchard Rd I SHOP quite frequently m Orchard Road and this has given me the opportunity to make some observations on the causes of the traffic jams along the road. Firstly, the bus stop outside Tangs should be removed because buses stopping there often block
      312 words
    • 262 16 SOMETIME m February last year, I went to the Housing Board's Bedok Central area office to book the void deck below my block for a wedding ceremony the following month. I paid a $320 deposit, $200 of which was refundable. Unable
      262 words
    • 98 16 Why are buses not using flyovers? I HAVE noticed that buses plying along the Bukit TimahDunearn routes do not use the flyovers at Newton Circus and Farrer Road. While I do not understand the rationale for this, I am sure the flyovers were built to carry the buses. As, ironically,
      98 words
    • 85 16 Trucks may be too heavy WE have built many impressive expressways. Have the authorities, particularly the Public Works Department, studied the question of whether these roads are strong enough to carry the very heavy loads of modern commercial traffic, e.g. container trucks and trailers? I am reliably informed that the
      85 words
    • 92 16 I AM working as a waitress m a small snack bar and have been taxed for the years 1983 to 1985. During an interview with an Income Tax Department officer I was told to pay first and then make a claim for a refund. On
      92 words
    • 129 16 I REFER to the letters "Horror story to shame Stephen King", "It's a disgusting and cruel act and "Put a stop to such fiendish practices" by "Fishy Story", Ms I. Lippmann and "W.H.L." respectively. (ST, May 28). Primary Production Department officials attended the second
      129 words
    • 121 16 THE Society for the Prevention The SPCA has expressed its of Cruelty to Animals thanks objections to the Restaurant the three concerned writers for Association of Singapore and airing their views (ST, May 28) certainly hopes that any future on the fish being cooked and demonstrations
      121 words
    • 389 16 I REFER to the report "Unions told to include compensation clauses m new wage pacts NTUC: Put m safeguards". (ST. May 16). The National Trades Union Congress advice to its affiliates "to introduce compensation clauses m collective agreements so that workers m
      389 words
    • Reply
      • 171 16 WE refer to the letter "Pedestrians risk life and limb" by Mr Stanley Foo. (ST, May 8). We would like to thank Mr Foo for highlighting the difficulty faced by pedestrians when crossing the entrance to PSA Gates 2 and 3 at Keppel Road
        171 words
    • 184 16 South African raids and states YOUR editorial "Time now for tougher action" (ST, May 21 puzzles me. On page 5 of the same edition you published a report by Reuters, AP, etc., of a South African raid on "suspected Black rebel bases m three Black-ruled countries." On the television news
      184 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 390 16 S Japanese cuisine with an^^ f m international flavour. y ytt Ml^R^^Wflff Watch the Sushi chef .^^^^&M I^^i artistically create this k& renowned Japanese H^l^l^ V\ delicacy which delights both fl li^kiV eye and P alate Dl Pi ied m H^B^ PWtifr j| SO Y sauce, sushi provide a H
      390 words

    • In the markets
      • 61 17 SHARES closed higher again yesterday despite some profit-taking. The Straits Times Industrial Index rose €.68 points to 635.11 and the Business Times Composite Index gained 2.57 points to 529.34. Rises led falls 101 to 59, while 24 stocks were unchanged. Turnover surged to 18.56 million units
        61 words
      • Chief price changes
        • 65 17 C fraaw t»t 340 74 Mam ij 23; u STM 4*5 +15 OSS 545 15 PMNUft 220 15 CKIjn. 115 +14 CCM 342 12 Raamn 322 +12 Gl Ut 1250 +10 PH*-. BM 50c 45+10 Spare Bus 320 OUT IM +S Skatt XiaOmt 234 +4 aVtat Boi S porf
          65 words
        • 67 17 OCBC 444 -14 OW lt3 -7 w\ n at BWn. 310 -4 lam fleet 112 -< Mttra HMp 151 -t lackt Ml 115 -4 S Si<amhj) 50c Wi V I KB 70-5 FU.S 354 -4 k»or_ In. 50c 24( -4 Rami* 214 «aa lm Hartt 154 -SM I 50c
          67 words
        • 12 17 P.omet 1082,000 Faber Merlin 601,000 Darby 563,000 MUI 560.000
          12 words
        • 94 17 v. 27 May 28 May May ?g BT Composite 526 77 529 34 SI Properties 3191? 32? 4? Bl IndKitO' 7 *****0 *****39 ST Mwunfs 273 5b 273 b? BT 06 OS -> ?06 4 153 ST Plantations 2007 08 2008 80 CAOt -7140 -7101 OCBC MS 0? 447
          94 words
        • 39 17 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Times Business Times Industrial Composite 1985/86 High 852 65(7/3/85) 757 79 (8/3/85) 1985/86 Low 563 34(28/4/86) 4 'o 92 (28/4/86) All time High 1071 91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) Ml time Low 74 75(17/9/64) ***** (28/4/86)
          39 words
        • 14 17 THE US dollar gained 135 ticks to close at DM 2.2740 m Singapore.
          14 words
        • 26 17 DM V FT 8$ H* Ul| ***** 2 2725 ***** unq ?2?60 unq ***** 2 2740 168 75 7 2430 2 2ft4 7 8110
          26 words
        • 12 17 In Singapore, gold gained US$O.9O to close at U*****.50 an ounce.
          12 words
        • 33 17 Eurodollar: Gained four ticks to 93.07 a contract. Deutsrhemark: Gained 29 ticks to 0.4402 a contract. Japanese yen: Gained 28 ticks to 0.*****9 a contract. Gold. Gained US$O.lO to U*****.80 an ounce.
          33 words
      • Short stops
        • 99 17 NEW YORK Sperry Corp's decision to be taken over by rival Burroughs Corr after Burroughs raised its bid it US$4.B hiiii.,l (5510.65 billion) is not sien having an immediate i'npact on the computer industry The move will create the second .argest computer company m the
          Reuter  -  99 words
        • 60 17 TOKYO Japan s net investments m foreign bonds reached an all-time high of about I'SSll billion (5524.42 hi] ion) last month, led by institutional investors, mc uding life insurance firms md trust banks. Economic journal Nihon Keizai sail the uptrend was continuing this month with n-t investments totalling
          AFP  -  60 words
        • 70 17 BALTIMORE (Maryland) A former savings-and-loan president \»hose ouster last year spai ked a run on Maryland's privately insured thrift industry pleaded guilty on Tuesday to theft of almost US$l5 million (5533.3 million) m depositors' funds. Jeffrey Levitt, former head of Old Court Savings and Loan, also
          AP  -  70 words
        • 59 17 LONDON Reuters Holdings PLC said it will introduce a new colour video terminal which will display prices, graphs and news on a single screen. The Advanced Reuter Terminal is based on a personal computer and uses Microsoft Corp software. The first version of the terminal is
          Reuter  -  59 words
        • 72 17 LONDON Merchant bankers Morgan Grenfell Holdings Ltd said it plans to go public with an issue of 32 million new ordinary shares as soon as practicable after approval is sought at a special shareholder meeting on June 17. The offer for sale will follow a one-for-one
          Reuter  -  72 words
    • 416 17  -  DOREEN BOH Interim pre-tax profits up 25% By A BIG leap m investment and other income has put Wearne Brothers Ltd back on the growth path. Pre-tax profits at the car distributor, electronics and agro-technology group showed a 25 per cent rise to
      416 words
    • 329 17 THE Hyatt Regency hotel's exhibition centre has been turned into an emporium of brand-name goods as part of an international duty-free products show that opened yesterday. On display are brandname scarves, cigarettes, lighters, pens, liquor, perfumes, crystal, belts and a variety of other top-of-the-line
      329 words
    • 305 17 Sisir to apply to be 'JIS tester' soon THE Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research plans to submit by the middle of next month its application to become the testing organisation for the Japanese seal of quality for local exports to Japan. Sisir's director (standards and quality assurance division),
      305 words
    • 577 17  - Simex sets creditable pace in growth JAMES NG By THE Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd (Simex) achieved the highest growth m futures and options contracts traded last year, according to the latest issue of the financial journal Euromoney. Simex S annual volume rose 404.6 per cent, from 106,800 to 538,829,
      577 words
    • 153 17 Glenfiddich is the favourite tipple GLENFIDDICH, a single malt whisky not widely drunk by Singaporeans, was voted the world's most popular spirit sold through duty-free outlets last year. The vote is the result of an annual poll done world- wide by Swedish magazine •Best N Most to find the most
      153 words
    • 392 17  -  ANTHONY HOE By BOUSTEADCO Singapore Ltd and Promet Bhd are selling out of their Australian Joint venture. Bousteadco said yesterday it was disposing of its stake m listed Boustead Promet Australia (BPAL) for A5718,918 (551.15 million) and Promet Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary
      392 words
    • 195 17 OVERSEA-CHINESE Banking Corporation will offer Australians a 30 per cent stake m its Australian subsidiary which opens for business today. OCBC said m Singapore yesterday that it plans to offer the Australian public a 90 per cent stake, or 15 million shares, m
      195 words
    • 66 17 NTT earns net income of $1.7 b TOKYO Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp (NTT) earned net income ot US$779 million (S$1.729 billion) in its first business year as a private corporation, which ended last March 31. The company said operating revenue totalled US$28,192 billion and ordinary profit came to US$3.79
      66 words
    • 66 17 TOKYO Boosted by shipments to the United States, Japan produced a record monthly high of 2.832 million video tape recorders last month, up 14.7 per cent from a year earlier, the Electronics Industries Association of Japan said yesterday. Of the total production, 2.507 million video tape recorders were
      AP  -  66 words
    • 4198 18 READERS should be aware of the imitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt m at the stock eichanfe, is covered m "business done". Further, because al deafnes at a particular price are taped tofether, the table does not show the trend m
      4,198 words
    • 3230 18 Acmo (0 806) (5) 0 80 cd Aionomoto (2 98S) (23) 300 (I) 2 98 (4) 2 96 Amd<3 10S) Alcom (0 628 0 635) (2) 0.59 (10) 060 (1) 061 (I) 063 (6) 062 AISB (0 496) (9) 0 49 (5) 0 49' AH
      3,230 words
    • 2837 18 Al shares quoted have a par value of SI. unless otherwise specified Adjusted for scrip/ rifhts N Tai-eiempted dividend ABH is traded m lots of 10 shares each, wrth the price quoted m dotarv Trustee stocks wider CPf Approved faiveitweiif Scheme 1986 Last YteW Vol Day
      2,837 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 185 19 1 «bi SI 000 2 For b«t cutiomm at, 3 OCBC iiuoct 4 avalaMt at DBS fmmict UOTt ca(n abo ntbbk a( UOf jho avalaWt al OK financ* LOAN RATES Prime rate 6 1 6 J 4 6 3 4 6 3 4 Personal Renovator to i 4
        185 words
      • 187 19 Interbank Over the counter Foreign Local dolars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to SSIO foreign currency Australian dollar 1.6056 1.6086 6.32—6.16 Canadian dollar 1.6138 1.6157 6.27—6.17 NZ dollar 1 2373 1.2401 8.00—8.26 Sterling pound 3.3504 3.3542 3.01—2.97 US dollar 2.2255—2.2265 4.52-4 48 Local dolars to 100
        187 words
      • 108 19 THE US dollar closed mixed against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed higher m narrow trading after fluctuating within a range of 2.2255 and 2.2265. Against the deutschemark, the greenback opened at 2.2730/40 and closed at 2.2720/30. Trading was moderate, fluctuating within
        108 words
      • 126 19 THE kilobar market traded between 5524,426 and 5J24.573 yesterday. In the Far East market, gold opened at U*****. 50/1. 80 and reached a high of U*****.70 2.00 and a low of U*****.40 1.70. It closed at U*****.50 1.80. Source Rothichild The London cold fii gained USSO.4S to U*****.60 PHYSICAL
        126 words
      • 26 19 GOLD USS/oz Wtd Tuts Singapore 341.60 341 90 341.00-341.40 Hongkong 341.45 341.75 341.20—***** Tuts Man New York 341.30 341.80 Closed London 342.20/342.70 341.50—342 00
        26 words
      • 223 19 NwfMQ9f9 pnc#9 for May Sißfapore tot Trust Ih» Commerce 0 76- -0 81>d The Swings Fund 066 070 S pore Pro« Fund 0 32 -0 34 S pore Set Fund OS4-0 58 Spore Invest Fund obo obt Spore tquitf Fund 0 38-0 41 Asia tot Trust NW Invest
        223 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 656 19 DESPITE profit-taking and short-selling, the Singapore stock market rally continued yesterday with gains swamping losses again m heavier trading. Rises beat falls 101 to 59 and The Straits Times Industrial Index ended another 6.68 points higher at 635.11, although that was fractionally below its
        656 words
      • 336 19 •toy ?8 HK} Chmie A»vx InW Hotch 099 -0 01 Boo*. Of Eo*t Am I 9 60 unch Cothoy Poc 5 50 -25 Cheung Kong 20 60 -0 7 Chma Light 15 90 -0 5 Cr<m Horto Tunn«( 980 unch F E Consortium 0 405 -0 01 For Eosf
        336 words
      • 358 19 Ut. ?l Yen Chant. A|morr oto 1 660 unch Ako. 398 +7 Ar-odo 920 unch Avoh. Chem 860 -7 Aioh' Gloss 1200 -10 Bonk Ot Tokyo 78b -6 Bndgestone 730 -II Canon 1020 -10 Caw Computer 1660 +20 Citnen 624 44 D isfcp Punt I9l0xd io D Nippon Screen
        358 words
      • 330 19 may Zt Cents Chan|« MmM A C I 355 -5 A N I 340 +5 A P M Aberioykj 710 10 Age 325 +5 Amcor 340 unch Ampol Exp 190 unch Ampol Pet 240 unch Ani 546 +2 Ashton 160 -10 B H P 860 unch Beach Petroleum 67
        330 words
      • 62 19 i i i i i i _i i i i |f NSTWei Wednesday 1000.81(990.70) "J Hoofkonj Hm| Swij ft?* Wednesday 1,777.47 (1,816.30) Australan MMkdnaries Wednesday 1,208.9 (1,200.9) Nkkei Stock Averate Wednesday 16,553.39 (16,467.35) Financial Tims Industrials Tuesday 1,324.80 (Closed) Dow Jones Average Zgffi Tuesday 1,853.03 (Closed) W (Figures m
        62 words
      • 217 19 May 27 USS CJunfi Akoo 38*. A»ed Sig SOH Am Tel 4 Tal 25 Amox Inc 14V, +H Amr Corp 59 +1 Bethlehem SH 16s, unch Boeog Co 58W Burroughs Cp 59* Cotarplor Co 54%, Chas* Monhtn 434. Vk Chrysler Cp 38U Citicorp 62* Cons Nat Gas 50
        217 words
      • 540 19 May 27 Pmct Chan|c ■©USTWAIS Alkedlyons 320xd I A*s Domes BTRPLC 313 -2 Bobcocks 172 -3 Borcloys 497 -2 Beechom 393 -12 BKIC 3lOxd unch Blue Crete 681 -2 BOC Group 315 -3 Boots 263 -I Bowater 313 unch BATS 381 unch Britonnto 135 +2 BP 580 -3 B
        540 words
    • Article, Illustration
      276 19 Eurodollar 3-month uepnsit SEPTEMBER Eurodollar opened three ticks higher than the previous day's close at 93.08 m Simex. Trading remained quiet. Liffe opening saw no further interest and trading was within a narrow range. The September contract finally settled one tick off the day's high at 93.08. Deutschemark
      276 words
    • 17 19 Rubber Closing prices cents/klo Singapore June 169 50 ;*own 2 50 cents Malaysia June ?0250 unihangefi
      17 words
    • 18 19 Tin Closing prices Ms/kfc XL Tin 14.44 up 0 15 cents Turnover 116 tonnes up 36 tonnes
      18 words
    • 22 19 Ctoijnt prices Copper £/lame Tuts Spot *****-932 50 (Closed) 3 months 943 00—943 SO (Closed) Market tone Steady Sales IS.SOO tonnes
      22 words
    • 21 19 Ctowf prices USS/trn at Singapore 510-515 5 10-515 Tuts Mm Nm» fork 5 11-516 Ck»ed Source Crrdil Suiar Spore
      21 words
    • 23 19 Ctaiif prices Aluminium tome Tun Spot 765 00-766 00 (Closed) 3 months *****— 761 00 (Closed) Market tone Steadier Sales 24.750 tonnes
      23 words
    • 100 19 X* mm lune 580 (north and south) ***** (central) pibnoi USJ/tonn«s RBD palm oil June 25? 50 (sellers) July 250 (sellers) Aug ***** (sellers) RBO Stearin June 215 (setters) My 215 (sellers) RBO Otein kire 280 (sellers) July 277 50 (sellers) Aug 272 50 (sellers) Crude stearin Neutralised
      100 words
    • 439 20 It will concentrate on operating m recession KUALA LUMPUR Directors of Pacific Chemicals Bhd have decided to shelve the restructuring of the company m view of uncertainties m the business environment, Chairman Noel Harrs said m the company's latest annual report. Last October, directors had
      MBT  -  439 words
    • 133 20  -  FERNANDEZ Innovations By MARA TORCHLIGHT users, especially m industrial areas, will find Mag Lite a flexible tool. Mag Lite (right) has an adjustable control that can turn a spotlight to a floodlight and has "On", "Off" and "Blink" switch capabilities. Made of aircraft-grade aluminium,
      133 words
    • 139 20 ENERGYSAVER is a roller blind designed to keep out up to 80 per cent of the sun's heat, keeping a room cool and shielding furniture from harmful ultra-violet light. The British designers have incorporated a highly-reflective "film" m the blinds which can reflect
      139 words
    • 190 20 Conference will focus on Chinese business law TIMES Conferences will hold a two-day conference to help businessmen come to grips with Chinese business law. The Chinese Business Law Conference, 1986, to be held at the Shangri-La Hotel on June 26 and 27, will cover China's recent reforms on business practices
      190 words
    • 282 20 MALAYSIAN business associates Yap Yong Seong Md Mohamet Salleh Yom( face separate local civil salts toUWig more than $2.3 million Involving past share transactions. StoPkbrokln* firm LyaU ft Evatt has filed a salt against Mr Y. S. Yap Md Us listed
      282 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 109 17 50 YOU TMNK YOU KNOW ML ABOUT I'^HT^^k BBOHHPBGWBO3I Business ~SK(P.II 1"* VtH.iO NO, «AY l« NOKMLI companies Hbpntity crisis Mjgß <^ J V; <5 ill! I the War i »> jCBS^B?^B^B^B^F&a V^J t- f• i y BE3«w^^*^ Al ■IF' B^. -Jal ju-^ i^ v•'/ Ih I v/ BL *>/
      109 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 328 18 The perfect complement to your binding machine: WTHn/^M superior quality IL[«ZISimJ binding accessories ar_n#«rCC#lr^«H_r (f^ncy book cover) M9mGmdmW (FVC transparent cover) V protective covering for catalogues. X price lists, brochures other printed matter X available m many colours k attractive presentations H affordable price V can be printed on *^>^^^^"
      328 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 407 20 GREAT HOLIDAYS WITH THE NEW FERRINGHI BEACH HOTEL fjf^i^^^L^ s f Deluxe accommodation with seaks^^^Av*l i^S^\ i» 1 VZ> _v \ie\v tenact'. Ui \i(L) Kf"^^^ 1 \wm Far Malaysian or Western fc i tv, HP r tf^Tn) brciikfa>t daily. Htt £\\i *^>-» r lit^7\*^ l.V< discount at our restaurants s^-^
      407 words

    • 363 21 By PEDIGREE KUALA LUMPUR The Kings Gold Cup trial on Sunday boasts one of the most exciting fields for years. With three sprint classic winners and several highly promising gallopers among the 16 acceptors, the $60,000 trial is shaping as a thriller. The first 12
      363 words
    • 158 21 Barrett s gets the OK KUALA LUMPUR Melbourne jockey Chris Barrett (above) has hewn granted visiting rider's permit for the Selangor Turf Gab's King's Gold ftp meeting starting on Saturday. But he will not be able to compete In the King's G«M Cap trial on Sunday or the Cap Itself
      158 words
    • 455 21 ON THE TRACK with PEDIGREE KUALA LUMPUR Restricted terms galloper John's Pet, placed m both starts, worked well yesterday morning and could get lucky third time out m the Div A race over 1,200 m on Sunday. The four-year-old Australian gelding was taken out
      455 words
    • 284 21 CHERRY HILL (New Jersey) Snow Chiefs off-on start m the Belmont Stakes on June 7 is definitely off because of a slight leg injury. "It looks like a little contusion from a bump," trainer Mcl Stute said. "It's not a filling (swelling), but there's
      UPI  -  284 words
    • 369 21  -  FAIRWAY By KUALA LUMPUR Trainer Teh Choon Fleng will introduce a classy newcomer m Kffgal Tan 111 at the King's Gold Cup meeting starting on Saturday. Regal Tan 111. a four-year-old bay Australian gelding by Twig Moss out of Cited, was raced by the Tans
      NST  -  369 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 252 21 You can score first whcnyou rent from Tfiora Prices of TV and VCR sets are going up •Short-term rentals also available, due to currency fluctuations But you ©Rent from Thorn and enjoy these can play smart and save by signing a added benefits: rental contract now with Thorn. That Prompt
      252 words
    • 31 21 SH-i i* T R Nk It *t 'fe f j" C MMMr^ilAnC tt^ttett F.BS -I- 'iAXj S if, i-.v j- 4 fcj mm^ m I»J N^* *W S fti'>M Hi ic*
      31 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 2326 22 PAGE 22 THE STRAITS TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1986 H mmMMSSMmMMmmmMmmmmmsmsmsmmmmsMmmMmmmmmmmMSMmsmmmmMMMmmmmm TIMESPORT Q I mmm^^^B J^^^^^^^L junb >••• -^JA*** Cap ,p tl w o MEXICO CITY Argentina's star striker Diego Maradona bitterly lVTar^HnnP VlltQ Ollt BH mm\ aMmW G& •^?a!;~?j:^^z^ s ZZZzr:*~'l-m H complained about the noon heat of Mexico
      2,326 words

    • 295 23 Santana tries out new strike duo GUADALAJARA Brazilian coach Tele Santana, experimenting with different combinations m his battered midfield, may have decided to bolster the attack with a new tandem of strikers Casagrande and Careca. Both players said after an intrasquad game on Tuesday, m which Casagrande scored two goals,
      AP  -  295 words
    • Hopes rekindled
      • 292 23 Injured Zico could still make opening GUADALAJARA Brazilian soccer star Zico, ruled out of his team's opening World Cup clash by coach Tele San tana on Monday, appeared for training on Tuesday raising hopes that he might take part after all. Zico, who has a recurring left knee injury, limited
        Reuter  -  292 words
      • 281 23 MONTERREY Bryan Robson has been given until Sunday to prove his fitness to play m England's opening World Cup soccer match against Portugal on Tuesday. England manager Bobby Robson said the midfield star was well short of match fitness and struggling to
        Reuter  -  281 words
      • 359 23 SALTILLO Portugal hope they have quelled a players' revolt which had threatened to wreck their World Cup chances. Manager Jose Torres, speaking for the first time about the affair, said here on Tuesday: "Tonight all the problems will be resolved and I'm sure we'll
        AFP  -  359 words
    • 832 23 Police threaten press: About 20 Mexican reporters were shoved and threatened with a pistol by police who ordered them to leave a hotel terrace from where they watched the Hungarian team's warm-up game m Leon, the hotel manager said. Rosa Maria Hernandez, manager of the hotel, said
      Reuter; UPI; AP; AFP  -  832 words
    • 99 23 ROME Tonlnho Ceres* returned to his Roma dob from Mexico on Tuesday saying he had no Intention of starting a row with coach Tele Saatana over the decision to exclude him from Brazil's squad. C erezo and 33-year-old Dlrceo, who also plays In the Italian
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 374 24  -  JANICE SEAH By T.IKE the South-east Asia Games before it, this year's Asian Games has become the priority for Singapore's swimmers ovei-seas. It certainly is so for David Lim, Don Jin Teik and Oon Jin Gee, who are all studying at the Brigham Young University
      374 words
    • 219 24 SEOUL South Korea's President Chun Doo-Hwan yesterday opened the Olympic Park, where cycling, weightlifting, fencing, gymnastics, tennis and swimming events for the 1988 Summer Olympics will be held. At the opening ceremony. President Chun said that South Korea were proud to have built good facilities to
      AFP  -  219 words
    • 315 24 ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE HEYSEL TRAGEDY I don't think we still har- bour any feelings of bitterness against the English but we still feel bitterness towards the drunks. After Heysel, I think Italian anger was directed more against the local police
      AFP  -  315 words
    • 482 24 It' s best forgotten MEXICO CITY While the eyes of the world focus on the football fiesta m Mexico, thoughts today will turn to a tragedy one year ago m the Heysel Stadium, Brussels. On May 29, 1965, what could have been a memorable European Cup final between Juventus and
      Reuter  -  482 words
    • 95 24 CRICKET LONDON Peter Bromage, Birmingham-based lawyer, will be m charge ef lan Botham's cricketing future when the Test ud County Cricket Bird's disciplinary committee meet here today. Drainage chain the meeting, set op to decide possible farther penalties en Bethain after he admitted drag-tak-ing In a newspaper
      AFP  -  95 words
    • 490 24 LONDON A DEVASTATING spell of pace bowling by Imran Khan, for Sussex, m the English County Championship, sent champions Middlesex reeling to a sevenwicket defeat at Lord's on Tuesday. With the ball flying head-high off almost a good length, the Pakistan captain took a career-best eight
      Reuter  -  490 words
    • 196 24 VOLLEYBALL SEOUL THE women's game is m danger of being downgraded as a demonstration event during this year's Asian Games here because of the small number of entries, the Korea Volleyball Association said on Wednesday. Only three countries China, Japan and South Korea have expressed their
      AFP  -  196 words
    • 579 24 REST OF SPORT IN SHORT CYCLING Emilio Ravasio died on Tuesday of brain injuries he suffered 15 days ago m a fall during the first day of the Tour of Italy. Doctors said Ravacio was admitted to the hospital m a coma on May 12
      Reuter; AFP; AP; UPI  -  579 words
    • Article, Illustration
      464 24 FRENCH OPEN ENNtS Unfancied Australian veteran sends sixth-seeded Swede Nystrom packing PARIS Veteran Australian Paul McNamee produced the first major shock of the championships on Tuesday while top women's seed Martina Navratilova began her quest for a third singles title with a comfortable win. Martina, champion here m
      Reuter  -  464 words
    • 471 24 Mess's stagto: Emilio Sanchez (Spn) bt Todd Witsken (US) 1-6. 2-6, 6-2, 6-1, 6-1; Nelson Aerts (Bra) bt Mark Edmondson (Aust) 7-6, 6-7, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2; Henri k Sundstrom (Swe) bt Broderick Dyke (Aust) 7-5. 7-5. 6-2; Thomas Muster (Aus) bt Tim Wilkison (US) 6-3, 6-4,
      Reuter  -  471 words
    • 257 25 JOE DORAI ON SOCCER CHINA will send their Asian Games-bound squad to the Merlion Cup competition to be held at the National Stadium from Aug 24Sept 7. The Football Association of Singapore were given this assurance when China decided to accept their invitation. China were
      257 words
    • 165 25 THE two-week absence from competitive matches has taken the sting out of Singapore's top striker V. Sundram Moorthy. This was evident last night when his side Armed Forces beat Toa Payoh United 2-0 m a National Football League Division One match at Jalan Besar Stadium. Sundram, who was
      165 words
    • 178 25 GEYLANG International, one of the two teams still struggling for a point m the NFL Division One after three matches, will make a tactical switch m a bid to upset Tampines Rovers at Jalan Besar Stadium tonight (8). Part of the plan is to use
      178 words
    • 520 25 TAY CHENG KHOON ON SQUASH MTH MHO NATIONAL SOUASH~ CHAMPIONSHIPS ALL THE RESULTS Men's Open (fourth round): Peter Hill bt Koh Wai Kheng 9-1. 94), 9-2; Patrick Thio bt Pang Sze Meng 9-4, 5-9, 9-2. 9-7; George Tan bt Koh Teck Chuan 7-9,
      520 words
    • 197 25  - STC set up windsurfing club JANICE SKAH WINDSURFING THE Singapore Tennis Centre is diversifying. They have gone into windsurfing. Come Sunday, the best day for seaside cavorting, the STC will open the doors of their Windsurfing Club. Just down the road from the East Coast Sailing Centre, the STC club's
      197 words
    • 155 25  - Shell rally to take off next month JANICE SEAHi MOTOR SPORT SINGAPORE'S premier motor event the Formula Shell Economy Rally will take place from June 28-30. Covering the length and breadth of Singapore, the 200-kilometre course will test driving and navigating abilities as well as vehicel fuel economy. The event,
      155 words
    • 188 25 IT MAY not be regarded as a sport by some but, all the same, tenpin bowling has at least found favour m the eyes of the people who matter the International Olympic Committee. Having recognised the sport for a number of years, the lOC
      188 words
    • 40 25 BOON LAY beat Ceylon Sports Club B 4-0 m a Singapore Hockey Association Div 1 match at Balestier Road yesterday. Other malts: Dutch Club 2 SCC B 1; Singapore Airlines Group v Club HDB (postponed, ground unfit).
      40 words
    • 157 25 SAAA receive $44,000 bonus SINGAPORE have been Riven US$2t,M» ($44,5»») for the second time In less than two years to help boost track ami Held la the coutry The money comes from the Asian Amateur Athletic Association's development fond, whose own kitty has been replenished by a grant from the
      157 words
    • 441 25 HAKIKAT RAI ON ATHLETICS Leading pair asked to address Asian athletics congress CHINA'S former world high jump record-holder, Zhu Jianhua, and India's P.T. Usha, the most bemedalled Asian woman athlete, have been invited to champion the cause of their colleagues m Singapore next year. The duo
      441 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      331 23 MR. GOH KIEW YOH AGE: 64 YEARS pMMd away paacafully on Tuaaday, 27 May 1966 attar a long illnaaa, having baliind balovad:WHa: Betty Ong Cheng Seng Sons: Dauglrtart-ifHaw: Goh Eng Wan Jennifer Llm Goh Eng Kwee Evelyn Ler Steven Goh Eng Choon Jessica Ho George Goh Eng Geok
      331 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      213 23 MOM. LIM SEOK ENG Ago: 61 yoara paaaod away peacefully on 28 May lIWil 3.30 am., leaving behind D#tOWtifc HUSBANO: Tan Choon Klang SONS: Tan Chew Joo Tan Chew Chua Tan Chew Plang Tan Chew Yang DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW Lee Guek Eng Chla Cnuey Foong DAUGHTERS: Tan Lai Htang Tan
      213 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      323 23 NG TUA SOON AGE 63 passed away suddenly on 28.5.66 Husband- Koh Liang Hong Ist aon: Koh Liang Chuan Ist daughter-in-law: Ho Kit Eng 2nd ton: Koh Liang Joo 2nd daughter-in-law: Yeo Kirn Eng 3rd ton: Koh Liang Peng 1»t daughter Koh Soo Keng 2nd daughter Koh How
      323 words
    • 67 23 THE FAMILY CECILIA TAN CHYE KEE wishes to thank all relatives, friends, colleagues. St Joseph's Dying Aid Assn. and especially The Member* Of The Oek Her Tempi* for their assistance, attendance, donations, wreaths, scrolls condolences during thelrrecentbereavernen^^^^^ The family of the let* TAY KIM SENG wishes to express
      67 words
    • 50 23 184 In Memoriam 184 In Memoriam MR SINNADURAI MRS RAJAMANI SIVABHANMUGAM SIVASHANMUGAM (GHANDHI) Departed 26.5.84 Departed 29.5.80 No pen can write, no tongue can tell My sad and bitter loss, There is not a day, dear parents, That I do not think of you both. Fondly remembered by loving daughter.
      50 words
    • 158 23 The family of the late PATRICK NONIS jiio wiah to express their heartfelt blanks to the Managemenl A Staff of Goodwood Park Hotel Ltd. Weng Seng Security (Pte) Ltd.. Seamen Organisation of Singapore, Katong Flower Shop, the Residents Committee Zone 1 of Tanah Mereh Conatituency. P.E.T.A.2 A P.T.FJ
      158 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      217 23 In loving memory of ALICE WEE departed 29.5.85. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last Safe m the arms of Jesus. Always itmimMrtd by children, grandchildren and loved ones. In Loving Memory Of DATUK JOSEPH TAN OON KIAM Departed 29th May. 1977 Now that he is with You. Lord,
      217 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      111 23 MOM. G. LETCHEME Departed 10.6.85 Dear Mum. though year has passed, sweet memories itftll linger among us Very dearly missed hy sons, daughter, son-in-law, daugh-ters-in-law and Krandrhildren Thalai Thevasam prayers will be held on Friday 30.5.86 at 12 00pm at Blk 28, #10-275 Marsiling Drive Spore 2573. Please
      111 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 111 23 The Chinese way of health through food HARMONY RUB DRGARYBUTT& FRENA BLOOMFIELD author of CHINESE KOEft This book explains the basic principles of the Chinese theory of good health, so that you can apply them to your own favourite foods and lifestyle. It further explains how you are affected by
      111 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 396 24 Banish TUMMY *Jm BULGE with ease, jfUf f trim away ugly flab t^- J~ TUMMY TRIMMER Just 3 minutes a day 2 miles of Jogging W\^k TRIM your WAIST, HIPS £4) sr— v and THIGHS T (/T* 6"C»I Rowing machines can cost up to /Sj_^ 3miS S5OO -or more Now
      396 words
    • 25 24 £L JpK, ITALY SHOES FROM $59.00 fit SALAMANDER pW V ofaarmain GERMAN SHOES FROM $7900 UOttllßrfl MANTEX SHOE CENTRE BUKIT TIMAH PLAZA #81-57 TEL: *****60
      25 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 290 25 *Tlhe Givenchv Jawi Klasik. Beine of such >3&2tV5£ZL&* C l\J&&Jff? the oldest m the w orld. jL A unique timepiece high aesthetic value, a§B/^^st^^^™SSS^" r Now the timeless art featuring Jawi numerals is the first the unsurpassed mSß''^B^BSSßSn^^ri °f J aw calligraphy is f~ ever °f lts k" l^ tnc
      290 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 56 25 HOCKEY SHA Premier league: SRC v Police; Dlv 2: SCC B v Police Gurkhas both at Padang. 5 30. SOCCER NFL Dlv I: Tampines Rovers v Geylang International (Jin Resar. 8). Friendly: SCC 3rd XI v NUS (Padang. 5.30). S<il ASH Mllo National < ship* (Kallang. 6) TABLE TENNIS National
      56 words

  • 216 26 SINGAPORE will hit the investment promotions trail again next month, this time to the United States. The team will be led by the Acting Minister for Trade and Industry, Brig-Gen Lee Hsien Loong. Economic Development Board Chairman Philip Yeo, who
    216 words
  • 244 26 LOS ANGELES Raquel Welch, who once said she would rather be known as an actress than for her 94-cm bust, tearfully told a jury she was devastated when she was sacked from the film Cannery Row. "I was m a state of shock and felt
    244 words
  • 631 26  -  MATHEW YAP Development charges ruling applies to projects under construction By DEVELOPERS of 28 projects under construction can now apply for reduced development charges if they scale the projects down. In a relaxation of development rules taken to ensure that the current
    631 words
  • 193 26 Mugger pays for taking on this Lady NEW YORK A pwsesaatcher west to Jail because he tried to rob mi ffl-year-«ld English nobleweman and did not count on her being ready, willing and able to swing her umbrella as II It was a cricket bat. But before New Yorkers could
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 343 26 KUALA LUMPUR A member of the ruling National Front coalition has threatened to fight the next general election on its own if it is not given a "fair" number of seats to contest. Dr Lim Keng Yaik, President of the Gerakan Rakyat
    343 words
  • 30 26 NEW YORK The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 17.9 points to 1,870.93 m the first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP.
    30 words
  • 183 26 WASHINGTON President Ronald Reagan has warned Moscow that the United States will break out of the unratified Salt-II nuclear arms treaty m December unless the Soviet Union takes "constructive steps" m arms control matters. Mr Reagan's warning accompanied an announcement on Tuesday
    Reuter; AP  -  183 words
  • 385 26 BANGKOK Politicians and officials reacted with caution yesterday to the dismissal of Thai army commander General Arthit Kam-lang-Ek. Government officials told reporters not to expect public explanation of the reasons for the unprecedented firing of the military chief by Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda. Officials
    Reuter  -  385 words
  • 78 26 UPPINGHAM (England) Three members of the England junior chess squad have defeated world champion Gary Kasparov m a multi-challenge com petition here on Tuesday. Kasparov took on 20 members of the England junior squad simultaneously. His final score was 11 wins, six draws and three losses. He
    AP  -  78 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 344 26 ■m^a^^ •PC WonoM«g«f"«« 984 and 1 985 HVortd j^m^BMß^BHKHKKßWßwawawawawawaWa^awawawawaimTaw cum pc co*^o»t < tor Princeton Graphic Systems. The No. 1 Color Monitor m the World/ Princeton HX-12E Color Monitor Delivers compatibility, resolution and reliability. 28mm dot pitch for excellent character definition. The HX- 1 2E takes advantage of the IBM
      344 words
    • 107 26 I aaaaaaV I L^ Ktlitc is clearly the chance of qiiiilnv conscious Sing;ip<<rc'.ins' lust l.iok .it thist ti-nllK. tciiturcs BUI. I IN ANTI-VIBKATION MOUNTING Himinjte stress on mounting .mil motor hearing (>KKOMONRKSISTAN( X I ihrctl.iss I«mK .mil ..l.iminiiim Nadn IK.MIVVKH.HI »nl\ S J kilos <VKAR WARRANTY Backed h) the New.
      107 words
    • 503 26 Oil giants Caltex and BP will tap the capital market for $100 million each Is Cowec still effective? An analysis of the scheme m today's BT Bl Top quality for I top people Tell your vendor you need Business Times, or ring Betty Ton on *****09 See the new superb
      503 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 157 26 Weather UP TO 1 p.m. Showers over several areas after midmorning. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 30 max., 26 mm SUNSET today: 7.08 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.56 am. GLOBAL MATHER Adelaide 816 C Sunny Manila 22 32 C Sunny Amsterdam t C Melbourne 11 16 C Sunny Bangkok
      157 words

  • Section Two Food
    • 3 1 Section Two Food
      3 words
    • 1176 1 A and E: The East showpiece with Chef's American Culinary top prizes. G: Dessert crowds, i: The late won fame for spectacular butter sculpture and the West for women winners Jennifer Phinney and Sharon Peter (See Page Three). 8 Marzipan Reunion theme aptly summed
      K.F. SEETOH  -  1,176 words
    • 238 1 FOR each of the salon's 19 food classes, participants could score a maximum of 100 points. Those with 90 points and above won a gold medal. The elite seven with 98 points were awarded gold medals (with excellence). Silver medals were awarded for 80 points
      238 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 69 1 Page Three: The winners and their displays I 71 Staying awake =^P for World Cup Hfy« telecasts 23 What baby needs m S^K 1 9 the womb 2 Vf&JL* Eating right for the t0 ook pregnant woman forward to •tyle Arts ft Leteiir* Zm^^Y^ Edited by John de Souza Edited
        69 words
      • 684 1 H Festive Favourites" j>€^RPf>~~~ I MMMMnH^MM»_H__HHH Get your dumpling «<^^^\^\ \j&M m/ Clearance Sale mHHHIMHHHHHBHbMHRS inaredients now' A > •3k All it^m<; miiQt nn» Buy any Maggi product and get a Lucky Draw entry Jkßih"- N IrTll wMiciiiouiuaiyu. form. Prizes include vouchers worth $3000, Colour Dried Mushrooms (fj Melon Strips
        684 words
    • Fitness
      • 1035 2 Healthy Lifestyle Barbara Burlingame Nutritionist Dr Ang Kong Ec Exercise Physiologist The pregnant woman alone decides what her baby eats while it is m her womb. The future health of the baby depends largely on the nutritional foundation its mother sets up before it
        1,035 words
      • 1051 2 Healthy J9U heart, Cm*K> healthy life Training Health Education Department Ministry of Health Last of a 13- part series. HEARTY, the mascot for the Healthy Heart, Healthy Life programme, has been working hard these past three months but you may still be unsure why
        1,051 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 260 2 Si m Ip^q k^msS kin more. 4 Introducing jflßfe A bright and roomy sun tote is yours free with every purchase of $50 or more, including one ESTEE LAUDER SUN product. Sun< are so new, so unique, so different, ESTEE LAUDER SUN lets you spend less time tanning and more
        260 words
    • Food
      • 565 3 Ice-carvers get the warmest reception In the salon's most hotly contested event, the international team competition, the American Culinary Federation's entry tied for first place with Team Canada. Two members of the US team which also won m the Luxembourg salon recall their round-the-clock experience. CHHISTIIIE HHOH also reports on
        565 words
      • 294 3 Tales of three wiimers- THOMAS LUI'S Clock of the Qing Dynasty was a knockout at the salon. The crowds huddled around it, cameras focused on it and people posed for photographs beside it. Viewing it, you admired the talents of this 25-year-old Hongkong
        294 words
      • 272 3 IT WAS 2 am at Calgary (5 pm Singapore time) when Jennifer Phlnney rang op her family on May It, the last day of the salon. She had hut won a gold medal (with excellence) In the apprentice's competition, which saw 27 apprentices from
        272 words
      • 447 3 TEAM manager Ferdinand Mete, charge «f the team's WMDkK B4M fuUMMeSS "Ours is a team that live with the unexIn an unfamiliar country, kitchen and environiment, nothing ever falls perfectly into place. The major part (80 per cent) of our work was done m the
        447 words
      • 293 3 Gold medal for a labour of love RAYMOND HAN, 28, of Toa Payoh took three months to put together "Bridal Bouquet" which won a gold medal (with excellence) m the Salon Culinaire's fruit and vegetable carving section. Against a background of lotus roots, he carved a total of 50 carrot
        293 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 431 3 IVILL A UIr%IUMNUI CONTEST ■H w .^P^^N '"^B^bT VJbBBBBbI A V I 1 .^^BB^^^^ jt^ub^bbbtbt a^t*\^^X^/%tVy-ofl 16 chances to win ll Travel a^ernenteby MnirtPin houda t% |||ll 1011" (Valued at $9,000 each for a family of 4) ™_Kr till t 16 chances to win 1 imTbIII"! all m^PCtS 13" Consolation
        431 words
    • Style
      • 599 4 America's new sexy fashion ads iave fired attention and reaction! MICHAEL GROSS reports. FASHION advertising has itself become American fashion's most controversial new product. The latest to some, unwelcome news is the intrusion of blatant, often teenage sexuality m advertisements. Yet fashion companies are prepared to face
        599 words
      • 578 4 Buyers rejoice as US fashion hits a new high. BERNADINE MORRIS reports. MAJOR retailers m the United States are exhilarated by what they see as a new, fresh explosion of American fashion. The New York collections, staged earlier this month, won raves for dramatic, luxurious and wearable clothes
        578 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 121 4 dandrufftoo! IClairof Herbal Essence Anti-dandruff I Shampoo Now, when you have a problem with dandruff, use new Clairol Herbal Essence Anti-dandruff Shampoo. We haven't changed the formulation, but have added an extra ingredient zinc pyrithione (ZPT) which controls dandruff, helps prevent it from occurring. rSo you can continue to enjoy
        121 words
      • 522 4 RESORT h>»m«-rlv known a> PULAU TIOMAN All rates quoted are inclusive of 10% service charge 5% government tax; and based on twin-sharing accommodation with private facilities with no extra charge for children staying m same room with parents free welcome drink free transport from airstrip/jetty to from hotel valid from
        522 words
    • Bilingual
      • Article, Illustration
        62 5 tf 4^ l^ H'J 3t fil) ft f- -fl ft to r/jikf«>hM M *J #f 2>D i& ft A fiiJ ffc #r «t6OM 100 ftwiteßi*iam^ Ife It W'W >X BH 'f& -g 'liti fiW fib f:£fli*lDJ *tfcft£Tfe* [Sit WSfc dE<A|H|>S£Hm fAßtr-eAia'Mseu«ss* > ms m« ms m p a D .41
        62 words
      • 617 5 If you have been wondering what three massive chunks of metal are doing at the entrance of the National Museum, let KOtt SMEW Till tell you more about the sculptor who made them and many others m a forthcoming exhibition here later this year. THE
        617 words
      • 635 5 Huang Yongyu, who ran foul of the powerful Gang of Four with his drawing of an owl, was here last week as an official of a goodwill team from China. He spoke to CHONG WING HONG about his cartoons ARTIST and satirist Huang Yongyu, 62, from
        635 words
      • 251 5  -  TAN BUAN HUAT By SINGAPORE calUgraphers will go to Beijing and Guangzhou to take part m two joint exhibitions next month. The exhibition to be held m Belong from Monday is the second such exhibition following the one which was held m Singapore two years ago. Twenty-four
        251 words
      • 70 5 IHfef^ /TcSW^h^ RJ£ P/fIU R -fi JgA<j X o S <i- tL i\') ftfa $ft x 4(| ,k /X is ft Hi ftt I f ii*. V& IB 4*flr*l f'l> P»l ft; K;/kB9 fi *%&2>>b i m ikiaW^lS'JA ft*** LU«€« i 9 r- /kiafr:Hfe t hjfc*Mtt f tft *ia<V.'^AifintJ'^iS 9i
        70 words
      • Article, Illustration
        54 5 ftl^ftnw &#«*«&#> m^mft Jkffifitl ff M JfeW» S*Jt "tfi^ BeHnjau) -mm*" Gnetum gnemon JS^fGnetaceae^- J^^f-^ifeE 20^K tfo IH" fS ft f& ft# H W filj iH- f -f H g j ffl |g t ft 14 t&tt Wffiftt Witt H-tf>±ffi*f-)fc* F DfIPS TffitfSUSfßßfltf. fflf!! h KW-tt fe»2.6 ir sl*B^^ (Keropok)
        54 words
      • Article, Illustration
        34 5 MW5LW5l^^} j^ wmm -ft**" a "Candlenuts"pq^£t4 TE^^ M.^h^ o fttri CandlenutsJ&ift ifjfl A /E W** ffl ffi -ff M is &v k kiv k am "til 8 9** l ft MM MAttJDlfc \S jfilijSiftW-ttft^")*
        34 words
    • Bilingual Dwibahasa
      • 1024 6  -  YEO KIM SENG By THE RATIO between cinema staff and its audience may approach infinity sooner than we think. Many cinemas have redeployed their ushers and many more are reducing the number of their projection room workers. The day of remote-control cinemas where projectors,
        1,024 words
      • 997 6  -  Oleh YEO KIM SENG BILANGAN pekerja panggung wayang kian lama kian berkurangan. Kemerosotan bilangan mi mungkin lebih cepat daripada yang disangkakan. Kebanyakan panggung wayang kini tidak lagi memerlukan pengiring-pengiring penonton dan yang lain pula sedang mengurangkan bilangan pekerja bilik projektor mereka. Masanya akan tiba apabila panggung-panggung wayang
        997 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 400 6 8^° <X CAT^AYf?ASTTDA^ OO^ J| iDDt rO FLM*S LENGTH I'liASf MOTI fiMfs %r I (33X3400) S SHOWS 10 30am 130. 4 00. 645 t 9 30pm Q 0, Hi.iikui Hiuakl|ii. \f I Cl I IliinU.r.iV.V.ik O (.1 VVI l^^H II ><hi »n A I il iluuit tv r>plud< <[ X
        400 words
      • 865 6 om omjßuMuoluMiiiiiiiillol OPENS TODAY No Free Liit W PRINCE M I I I am. I 30. 4 00. 645 9I b P SAVOY B Horn, I 45. 4 00, 6 45, 915 S ORIENTAL S I lorn, I 30. 3 30. 700 900 A m LIBERTY 5 4 SHOWS I
        865 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 1054 7 1 B^ A. \f N I II I TELEPHONE SERVICE: 1 A V H afll Ifa^ ■"■afVßatt^a*B*a«B» "onday to Friday Sam te b JOpm (bpm decline tor neit dd» 1 Saturday: 8 JOam tv I I Mmwi a^LV B^sW 4«BJB^Bfl ,_^_^__^_-B V| M m M M M Hlflf P m
        1,054 words
      • 764 7 12 Computer Products/ Services ROGENRY COMPUTERS PTE LTD offers: IBM Compatible PCXT 2Mfc-«4ofc with 2 driv*a. driva card, colour graphic card, printor card A keyboard 14" colour monitor 1 storage box 1 disk cleaning kit Operation manual For only $1650 onward* Japan*** turbo running on Mhz for only $1464. Mir
        764 words
      • 784 7 20 PeL/Pet Car* THE K-9 TEAM of US certified Master Trainers presents Obedience/ Protection Courses *****39/ *****77 MVNA BIRO FOB sale 14 months old Talking. $500. Call *****91 21 Publications 'SHORT CUTS IN Mathematics for Secondary Schools.' Strongly recommended for 'O' level students Price $3. Obtainable from 81k.61, N0. 3
        784 words
      • 569 7 25 Sal*: Oth«r 25 Sato: Other Products Products REMOVAL SALE 1 SMASHING BARGAINS IN BRANDED MERCHANDISE MUNSINOWEAR GRANDSLAM Shirts $15.00/124.00 MUNSINGWEAR Vests for Men 3 for 912.00 MUNSINGWEAR Socks for Men $2.50/ 95.00 CURITY Blrdseye Diapers 911.00 per dor. CURITY Baby Shtrts $2.50/ 93.50 CATALINA Ladles Orion Pullovers 912.50 CATALINA
        569 words
      • 410 7 W 1 f FORMUJ^ Elate* May International Hair Beauty Acupuncture Therapist Therapist el Heir Prablams a Total Skin Care c To solve your hmr problems like greying hair etc Beauty care Gratifying response with aMS^a^lAl afc»-ifc,»| |j*j saw firm ft appMreUnn TEL: *****29/ *****15 #04-73 Far East Plaza 10 30am
        410 words
      • 1082 7 31 Plumbing/ Electrical 36 House 36 House Renovation/ Decor Renovation/ Decor i PUB Itceneed contractor for inatai- SSSSS^ ==l^^^=^ -=-^=a=.,^.^=.^B. WJT MX Jl ■•Iron, rawinng of ■Metrical water ILM W\ T^ Mjk :~;j§£-p. IrVrVL//\ 6A lighting point each $24 B^S^S ■.iwwii«WJ| I^l W\ UM power point each $28 BLI Cm)-
        1,082 words
      • 612 7 r^^BSSSaSITi sL tfcv XX rrfc** I Jnra ing gai lie I rfllfOl ty^<S^-y A I FS^ haMadl lafl Safety-designed c Economical Wl BL I e> Space-saving B I 3 yr Guarantee B I Showroom. B I 291 Tanjong Katong Rd. B GENESIS DEMON CENTRE PTE. LTD. Block 3028,UM Road 1
        612 words
      • 766 7 SPECIALIST IN ROOF, leakage, gutter, water-down pipe, weldIng work, painting, fencing, awning, partitions, cement wood work. Call *****51/ *****18. SPECIAL OFFER 12" x 12" Italian heavy duty tiles. 3-rm. $2,000: 4-rm. $3,000; 5-rm. $4,200 Tel: *****30/ *****90 Anthony. HDB Licence No H0303. WE ARE HOB licensed contractors specialised In renovation
        766 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 924 8 38 TV/ Video/ Hi-Fi ET TV S. Video Service specialise m repair of tv VMNN) recorder Tei 4S»nr; -».T«iH008 FM/ VHF/ UHF TV Antennas. OCf V installation Tel *****61. iniKht page .*****14) HOSHINA SPECIALISES IN TV an lenna installation service. Iyear guarantee 2547:i54 *****77 KASSIM ELECTRONICS SPECIALISES In repairing video-
        924 words
      • 818 8 51 Printing/ Copying Services i-HN SERVICE name cards' Invoire. letter head Completion within 1 tir Catalogues, Invitation cheap advertising cards. Blk 1015. SO2-125 Oeylang East Aye 3 *****35' *****15 (Adeline) URGENT printing (name card $10- 100 pcs). letter head. Invoice, Invitation cards, etc Blk 79A Indus Road «07-412 Tel *****33.
        818 words
      • 740 8 57 Business 57 Business Opportunities Opportunities An internationel company specialises m Industrial water treatment and pollution control actively seeks aggressive Agents In ASEAN countries and Australia to market m highly reputable products. Sound technical backup would be provided. Interested parties ere rsqueslsd to submit rfetatfe ef their business operation end
        740 words
      • 433 8 64 Domestic Help Available j ESTABLISHED 1980 I TRAINED MAIDS_^^ ■"""^FILIPINO $650 INDON $2,125 LANKA $850 UNLIMITED REPLACEMENTS 1 oP£\ Tl U B'X fU f337T268i ABLE COMMERCIAL AIDS L COLOMBO COURT »06 03 BJ_. Lie No C ***** Humana U.«nc«NoßO J' 0< Singapore i leidirq Ptoitwonil Agency All our maids
        433 words
      • 765 8 64 Domaatic Halp 64 Domaatic Help Available Available A peraonal name for parsonat servicas ot personal I trained maids. I Personality S goodwill assured services Strict Japanese tolerable attitude S behaviour training hardworking helpful obedient cheertul honest self-disciplined $650 fee includes W/P visa fee medical exam security bond P A
        765 words
      • 500 8 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Kiln II ll< I' lllllßaW^aßaWini UN II Due to expansion m our Forwarding Shipping 2 Department, we have vacancy for the position Age 20 to 27 year* Minimum CCE O' oi A level Preferably with experi- ence knowledge of for- warding shipping pro- cedures Must
        500 words
      • 573 8 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clerical Clerical World leader m inspection services The world's largest control and inspection company invites suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions: SECRETARY c GCh 'O' level with credit m 1 nglish c Matured and pleasant personality I c Minimum 3-5
        573 words
      • 453 8 >TONY WONO COMPANY (PTE) LTD A leading cassette manufacturing co. situated at Toa Payoh has an immediate vacancy for a FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK c GCE 'O' level with credit In Maths. c LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping Bilingual m English and Mandarin. c 1-2 years working experience preferable, a Singapore citizen or
        453 words
      • 939 8 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Garment factory requires: 1) RECEPTIONIST fc a Knowledge o' switchboard. telex c 1 year experience 2) SHIPPING CLERK 1 year experience m import/ export transhipment Interested applicants pleas* send resume to: P.O. BOX 1317 MAXWELL ROAD SINGAPORE SOM GIRL FRIDAY needed m LoyanvA well established
        939 words
      • 666 8 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical REOD. CHINESE FEMALE Accounts Clerk Full set of accounts, with knowledge of computer Call at Blk 1049. Eunos Aye 6. sOl-140. S 1440 Tel *****22 SECRETARIAL ASSISTANT/ TYPIST reqd by real estate firm Full resume with telephone Si nonretjrnable photo to Director. M4A Marpherson Hoad,
        666 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 1105 9 71 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: Sales Sales EXCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PTE LTD (A member of the Srengreen Group) requires MARKETING EXECUTIVE for our new division of business Requirements: c Female age between 23 and 35. c Minimum GCE 'A' levels. c Possess own car. c Good sense of leadership,
        1,105 words
      • 918 9 71 Situations Vacant: Sato Raquirad Famala/ Male SALES ASSISTANTS for taws Mary shop a Oood command of English St Japanese. a Minimum 2 years' of experience a Pleasant personality a Age: 20 St above. Pla. call paraonally tor miarviaw at: SAINT CLAIRE JEWELLERS PTE LTD #01-11. DELFI ORCHARD 402 ORCHARD
        918 words
      • 636 9 71 Situations Vacant: Sato* *E REQUIRE MALE and female s;ii.-N Representatives. Please niiif personally at: 282 Joo 'hiat Road during office hours. 72 Situations Vacant: Technical MEM requires Immediately I •ITC'NTC m I 1 Mechanical Electrical I and Electronics Trade I I Able to speak Mandarin I I Age below
        636 words
      • 596 9 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical The MRT Corporation •twites applications for the following positions: (A) CIVIL t STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (1) Senior Clerk of Works (2) Clerk of Works Salary Scales: For (1) $1500x*****5 For (2) $4 1 5: 435) 455x20 495/660x40 940/980x40 1 340 Functions: For both:
        596 words
      • 901 9 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical SINGAPORE UIHTTED I Applications are invited from suitably I qualified persons for the positions of: I INJECTION MOULD I TECHNICIANS I (MALE) I jj •2to 3 years experience m Injection Mould ■fl set-up I BH Able to do troubleshooting on plastic parts
        901 words
      • 336 9 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production I i—^ I NTC-111 m metal machining or GCE'O' level I I Rotating shift 7 00am-3 00pm and 3 00pm 1 -11.00pm I I Permanent shift 11.00pm -7 00am I Minimum Primary 6 (Chinese applicants preferred) 5 day week, no shift work
        336 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 554 10 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production Production Wj§i^^H^s3^ Production Operators (Female) Malaysians also wanted, the company will apply work permits for you. No experience required as training will be provided. We pay well for those with experience. Earn up to $oZZ pm eGood advancement opportunity
        554 words
      • 210 10 (J) NOBLE A leading Japanese manufacturer of electronics components urgently requires: PRUMJCTUN OPERATORS (Female) c Age 16-30 years c High starting salary and other incentives No shift work No scope work c 5-day week Transport provided for residents staying m Jurong East, Jurong West, Teban Gardens, Pandan Gardens and West
        210 words
      • 720 10 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situation* Vacant: Production Production INCORPORATED PCI DISPLAYS PTE LTD V\ Requires I Primary education. I c Able to work 2 rotating shifts I With/ without experience. I c Training will be provided. c Applicants should possess NTC or ITC m Electronic Engineering. Candidates preferably should have
        720 words
      • 424 10 73 Situations Vacant: Production /NMB SINGAPORE LIMITED requires MALE/ FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Age 16 to 30 Minimum primary education Able to work on 3 rotating shifts Fringe Benefits: Shift Allowance ($4 for 2nd shift $8 for 3rd shift) Salary Increase after 3 months Attendance Awards Life Insurance Coverage Free Transport
        424 words
      • 658 10 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous I Oin .tafl^ I I APROV V I I Your Security I I Link With The Future I I Protection Officers I (Men or Women) I Gross Salary. $700 I The Job: I To control access to premises I H e To
        658 words
      • 476 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous CLUB^I I Invites suitable appli- I cants for the following posts: 1. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC/ TECHNICIAN (Preferably with experience In alrcondltlonlng refrigeration works) 2. WAITERS/ WAITRESS Salary will commensurate with qualifications experience. Attractive benefits include: c S3.M per working day tor meal 14 working days annual leave
        476 words
      • 431 10 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Archive I hat the following j I vacancies due to I I expansion: I GCE O' level with good command of English 2 years' secretarial experience Ability to type accurately and organisational skills is essential Pleasant personality Age between 30— 40 Possess class 2 and 3
        431 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 697 11 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Prograaarva Praparty Blanagamawl Company r*quir*« IK* following: BUILDING SUPERVISOR a Diploma m Building or equivalent with 5 years' experience a Mature and possess initiative a Preferably bl-Ilngual ASST BUILDING SUPERVISOR a Diploma m Building or equivalent with 2 years' experience SECRETARY Typing 35 wprn a Knowledge
        697 words
      • 864 11 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous 1) TEMPORARY OEOTECHNICaI ENGINEER (1 month) 2) FEMALE TYPIST Typing 4 general c lerlca work Please write In giving full per sonal resume, expected salary recent photo (n/r) ti contact no to: Tha Mawagar Oyo Corporation S'pora branch 1 Magazina Road #01-OS Cantral BMg. Singapore 0105
        864 words
      • 876 11 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous SECURITY AGENCY NEEDB L Ouards urgently CIU screening reqd. Below 54 yrs Mln. I'm ti Speak Mandarin Completed NS Medically fit. Interview: «07-52. C.olden Mile Complex. WAITRESSES REQUIRED. Oood salary, allowance, meals It Sun day off Call personally at: Japai. nese Restaurant. Hotel Negera, 15 Claymore
        876 words
      • 664 11 81 Vehicles For Hire CONTACT VONQ HONG for tip-top aircond cars, pick-ups, vans Tel 2502T77. *****50 DUMAC SERVICES Dally, Weekly It Monthly Air-con, cars for rental Tel: *****66 MIAP HOE MOTOR: cars/ pickups/ vans for rental Free mileage. Tel: *****60. Katong *****81 KENG SOON AIRCON. cars from $35 onwards It
        664 words
      • 980 11 83 hOSSIS?" 1 1 9 M V#hlcl# Fi cl w V**" sl Finding/ 83 Vahicla Financing/ 83 Vahicla Financing/ mncm Inauranca Inauranca Inauranca Insurance New lower interest rates and up to 5 years to payitou can afford a new car with DBS Finance. In times like these you need all
        980 words
      • 802 11 Datsun/Niasan •^•TTiH»«TTpOP)TSWAOo3™T owner, alrcon.. cassette. Beautiful condlUon. $19,500 0.n.0. Loan arrangeable. *****18. *S4 NISSAN PULSAR Coupe EXA (Turbo) 5-speed. full accessories. Up top condlUon, accident free. $27,800 neg. Tel: *****78. CO. REOO. 13 model Bluebird, 1.6, auto. 1 owner. $14,500 neg. *****38 Serene JUNE 10 DATSUN 100A. Pte. owner, hl-fl,
        802 words
      • 800 11 TOYOTA CORONA AUTO. 1979, good running condition. Price neg. Tel: *****02. 12/11 TOYOTA CELICA llftback 2000 c.c. Radio cassette, s/rlms. alrcon. $20,900 0.n.0. *****29 1873 TOYOTA PUBLIC A 1000 c.c. Non-PARF. alrcon.. cassette, good engine. Cheap. *****80 1881 TOYOTA CORONA 16 Tax Aug. PARF, stereo, 2 owners, excellent cond. $12
        800 words
      • 751 11 JUNE t*. MAZDA 929. automatic 1 private owner, sports rims. Highest offer secures. Tel. *****11 x 223/ *****30 NEAR '84 MAZDA 626. 5-door. 1 owner, alrcon. S/rlms cassette, road tax 8/86. Alarm system, $23,500 Oood cond. Tel *****21 IBM MAZDA 8(8 Hardtop. 2 ownen, alrcon., radio cassette. 1982 Mazda 929
        751 words
      • 788 11 MAY -05. SUZUKI SA3IO GL 1000 c.c. 5 doors. 1 owner. Full accessories. Low mileage. Tax 10/86 Showrm. cond. PARF. Highest offer secures. Tel: *****02. ALMOST -81 SUZUKI 800 c.c. Alrcon radio, cassette, s/rlms. lady owner. PARF eligible. $10 400 Tel: *****08 FEW MTHS. SUZUKI SB3OBGC. sdr 800. (latest model).
        788 words
      • 898 11 97 For Sato: Commercial Vtfticto* LEE ENO FOO BROTHERS MOTORS PTE. LTD. 391. Baloatior Road (1232) Tsl. 2SSII2S (5 knm) 19SS Dainat«u diassl 10* low bod Nissan CabaUt diasal 10* 1904 OaihtUu di«Ml 14' itsol Daihatsu diasol 10 low bod Daihatsu dtaoal wida cab 14' 1903 Isuzu dtoaaJ 10' Tippar
        898 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 717 12 99 Vehicles Wanted ATTRACTIVE PRICE. HIGHEST OFFER. CASH PAYMENT a we can offer you better price for any used car. model &C c a PARF or non-PARF company registered, coramen nil vans and plc-k-ups M and HB ***** a all scrap cars trade In acceptable Al.l. CUSTOMERS WKI.IOMK. Kindly contact
        717 words
      • 930 12 99 Vehicles Wanted MERCEDES 200. Q plaU> 1981 onwards Must be In tip top condition No dealers Tel *****05 MISS LILIAN REQUIRES 1 secondhand car Oood offer Tel *****.V). 642 A Geylang Rd OWNER REQUIRES ANY Skoda car. any model. Call Seeloh office *****17/ Pager *****95 SCHOOL TEACHER REQUIRES a
        930 words
      • 744 12 106 Accommodation Available: Houses 0.5 NONG LEONG 2-1 2-storey terr K/furn Good facing Park facilities (Jap Sch) $1,200 Holland *****79 jmjm LANTANA AYE. O/STOBH Seml-D hum $y.")0 Jin Anioi^B Seletar. Seml-D Furn 1680 Newfl Century *****16 SEA AVENUE. 015 Strf^^B townhouse 3 bdrms It uttarhaM balhrms. Own carporch. imme^H occupation
        744 words
      • 456 12 107 ZSSSs?*** 10? 2£EE? daliOll 107 Accommooatkm f 107 Accommodation Apartmants Apartntaots >_. Apartments Apswimafna B^afc^^^^J^^B^B^B^B^B^^^^^^^^^aM- -mWt l^^^^^B^B^B^Bßß^B"^H '»^^lMßlßm% :^y <^Bi2?^se^^BW 4& P^bM£ #^^tw^» I JAI hJW* If h^r k ANEW LOOK, ANEW LIFESTYLE If you're looking to stay m Singapore some department store m The Plaza Shopping Centre, time,
        456 words
      • 495 12 PROPERTIES I TO LET I I Offices at Colombo Court/ I Selegie Complex Executive Flats at Tan Kirn Cheng I Road Terms rental negotiable I Immediate occupation I Contact Mr Hoon/Mrs Sim I W at Tel: *****33/*****15 M or Mr Seah at *****44 Newly completed eastern lagoon Jap«tmem.lor teM r
        495 words
      • 911 12 107 Accommodation AvailaM*: Apartments JLJGRAMGEFORO 2 txlrms FURN U-nniN $1,500 Kbbbkv furnished orchid rms furn. $1,100 BBBMkMHN GON./ AMBER PK ■■BMA. $3,000/ $1400 PK. High fir FAC- l rms FURN. $1,000. VALLEY/ GOOOHCK GON. 4/3 rms $1,500/ $1,200. "AT BRAND NEW DAIRY FARM. 2 rms. Pool, squash, tennis. $1,000. EUROHOME
        911 words
      • 971 12 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments D.9 TOWNHOUSE APT. (near Istana) low density maisonette. 4 bdrms with balcony, partly furnished, s/pool. $1,300 Deans Property *****55 EXCLUSIVE IMPORTED FURNISHING, tv, hi-fi, piano Ridgewood $1,700 Hilltop $1,300 City Twr $1,000 Phoenix Ct $1,400 First Mansion/ Fairways $800 *****10 TELOK KURAU FURN. $600 Novena/ AM
        971 words
      • 977 12 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments DIST.9 CUSCADEN RD. 3 bed rooms apartment for rent 1.200 sq ft K'furn $1,200 Call *****63 DIST.t (ORCHARD VICINITY i 3 I 1 bdrmed alrcon apt Near shops $900 Houseworld *****64/5 015T.9 OXLEY GAROEN 3-bdrm walk-up apt S/pool avail Furn t unfurn Tel *****55 DIST.t SOPHIA
        977 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 961 13 107 ASSr""" 1 110 10 113 F., 5.1.: H«.^ 113 F» a*. H~.~ 113 F W Srt.: „3 F» to F« S*« PH.*. 114 F« B*.: Prtv... 1,« F« 5.1.: I,„ fal 5.1.: Apartments Apartments mmmmmmmmmmmm -^=^^^^a»»-«-=.=S Ap»rtin«nt» Apartments HDB Apartments HDB Apartments 2-BDRM APT AT Textile Ctr I'd (urn
        961 words
      • 726 13 3 TO 5-RM. HDB wanted by expats L students Bedok S Aye.3. Dover. Übl other dtsts *****09 111 Accommodation Wanted: Rooms HOB FLATB A rooms required for rental Owners please call 4M3O&S (No agents) 112 Short -Term Accommodation: Local/ Foreign APTS. FOR MM. 1 week's stay a completely furn with
        726 words
      • 829 13 The Unrivalled Mill-top Residence I ~B* I—l M ffirTfc ft. n <%->, ,-T I ftfl BM^^sM»te3»^ft^a»V*a£%Ma2 2|Nbl B I fl «^a^BaA*fla%4a^F L*^ I J I I Di 4 aqc ii llmbslS ac Hfl H rnHOC UJlffAß^Laßaßßl 7vj H I Fuou Park is located on an elevated land in 4^^B^^^^^^^^^H|^^H^^Hßß^V I
        829 words
      • 84 13 0.10 NEW O/STOREY bunglw 15.000/ 4,200 built-in. 5 bdrms A attached/ pool. $1 68 m Challenger *****93, *****15/8. D.lO OFF SIXTH Aye 1-1/2-storey rottage-llke seml-d. 6100 sq.ft Matured gdn. Very unique style $630,000 Holland *****79 0 10 RENOVATED D/STOREY bunglw on elevated site 6.250 sq ft 4rms. 9750,000 0.n.0. I.
        84 words
      • 658 13 0.14 NEW D/STOREY seml-d. 3350/ 3,219 built-in. 5 bdrms.. 4 baths $480,000 0.n.0. Challenger Prop. Pte. Ltd. *****93, *****15/8. D.IS OPERA ESTATE, 5 Jalan Bangsawan 2-storey terr. 3+l. Fully renovated. $340,000 neg. *****86/ *****44. No agents. D.l« LUCKY HOTS./ Senett Rd. Elevated. 4+l rms. 2-storey seml-d. F'hold. $4804)00/ $570,000. HKB
        658 words
      • 761 13 D.15, ELITE TERR., d/storey, corner terr 3,000 sq.ft. 3 1. F'hold 5365.000 Patron, 3* 1215/ 8. 0.15 FRANNEL COSY s/storey terr. 3 bdrms. Long driveway. $270,000 KFI *****27 O.IS JALAN SEAVIEW d/storey seml-d 3.800 sq ft 4rms. $480,000 0.n.0. Llndtrac *****79 O.IS JENNINGS OFFERS Jin Ulu Stglap d/storey seml-d 3500
        761 words
      • 844 13 mmm^ m^ m|^^ m^ |m^ «^.i^;^sSaaaaS;^.^S,^B.^-S i TwftUuw CONDOMINIUM V_>^^ A\ A\l4- I Luxurious Townhouse (470 sq.m) JL Maisonettes (268-312 sq.m) \&i2£s&*i& Apartments (152-191 sq.m) 'vJi^'**'^^ jfJ^jL' ln one ot lhe most sought-after ftsj*j^^i»TO ny*' condominiums available tor sale as an investment with good rental return *SFZ^l^9mSmf^dJ<' Large swimming poo'
        844 words
      • 837 13 DIST.S HONG LEONG Garden 3 bedrooms, extreme privacy. $225,000. Soel Prop.. *****11/ 4. DIST.t, HILTON TOWER, 1400 so ft. 3+l bdrms. F'hold. $255,000. GK. *****12/ 3/ 4. 018T.9 PACIFIC MANSION, 1.550 sq.ft. 3 bdrms., freehold. $198,000. Deans Property *****55. 0-0*23 HOMZOM TWRS. 4 bdrms. Area: 2,500 sq.ft. F/furn. $500,000. Heng
        837 words
      • 980 13 S-Roonwd Blk SOOO A M Kio Ctr 714. 716. 729 134-145 Bedok Nth 91. 120. 413 115-143 Bedok Sth 66 122 Boon Lay 200 89 Clementi 355. 415. 723 123-149 Dorset Rd 48 145 Dover Close/ Cres 12. 26 125-127 Eunos Cres. 23 ng M Parade 12. 43. 44, 78.
        980 words
      • 993 13 4-RM. CLEMENTI BLK.3SO. <f ramie, full wall tiles Blk 434. marble/ ceramic Blk 408. marble Tel *****88(5 lines) 5 RMS. T.PAYOH $105,000 Bedok $115,000 M Parade/ AM Klo $124,000 N Bridge Rd $150,000 *****84/ *****41 5-RM. BEOOK 8LK. 137/ 139. A M Kio Blk 101/ 305/ 622. Upp Boon Keng
        993 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 577 14 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments w^^^ U 4-RM. 8LK.301 AM KM Central. near market bus MRT Station J $78,000 ono *****47 No agU 4RM PURE Bedok South Blk 34 c Allceramir fully furn $72,000 n*g Sunnyland *****84 4-ROOM: AH HOOD $*****0 Cle n fnentl Blk 408 $92,000 *****71 C *****35
        577 words
      • 791 14 117 Properties Wanted IRGENTLV REQD. 3/ 4 firm .it lementi West roast. Telok llanguri. Marine Parade. CShlm •ok, Hulland. Bedok. Bt Merarij t Oeorge Rd Owners ktndly all *****88(5 lines) iENUINE BUYER REOS. 3-rrn flat t either Tanglln Halt Rd Commonwealth I>t Holland Rd ihlm Moh or Stirling Rd urent
        791 words
      • 543 14 118 Factory Spaces 118 Factory Spaces 118 Factory Spaces B PRfcME FACTORY WAREHOUSE CUM OFFICE SPACE I UNION CENTRE J FOR LEASE Newly completed 6' storey light industrial building at ■fl Jalan Pemimpm ()tt Upper Thomson Rd H 2 cargo lifts ot 4 000 lbs passenger lifts ot 500 lbs
        543 words
      • 335 14 120 For Sale: Office Spaoee FOR SALE AT BUYER'S PRICE NEGOTIABLE High financing arrangeable. Oolden Mile Tower, high floor facing sea, 2-slded sea view. 1 unit left! 2145 sq.ft. 222MSJ art. 8 121 For Rant: Office Spaces FABER HOUSE In the heart of Orchard Road a 840/970/1800 sq.ft. a Outside
        335 words
      • 718 14 lomceaPAcc (WlMto Floor/ OllUia Spoc*) AvoilaMo at Ton Con Kiam PMNp Stroo« Ample parking space at OCBC Centre and Golden Shoe Carpark. Current market rates. Enqyiroo Ptoooo Mna 5J*****/ *****50 PfMMC OFFICE SPACE AT SHAW TOWERS Aroo 3SS to MtO oq.fl. Central alrcon supply. Ample carparklng facilities. Modern shopping arcades.
        718 words
      • 490 14 121 For Rent: 121 For Bent: 121 For Rent: Office Space* Offica Spaces Office Spaces Goldhill Square I Prestigious, convenience offices of reputed international multi-corporation. LIMITED PRIME SHOP OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE Close proximity of CBD v C"i<^_fl Over 650 car park lots Professional building y S\ services team Future MRT
        490 words
      • 224 14 MJonescß IWooUun I 53g-3aaa 1 We 9 ve leased H an entire H H building to a H H European H fashion H H house, sold H 5 floors to Isetan and H H leased two H floors to H H Esprit. H Now, what H H can we do
        224 words
      • 561 14 124 For Rant: Shop Spaces SUPREMEHOUSM EXHIBITION SPACE on 2nd Storey Approx. 587.15 sq.m t (6,320 sq.ft.) Wide frontage visible from Penang Road. AMCONOmONCO EXCELLENT SERVICES (AMPLE PARKING LOTS) ENQUIRIES SUPREME HOLDINGS LTD SUPREME HOUSE, W23 TEL. NO. 336-2466 SHOP FON RENT. =02-16 -02-33 Paramount Shopping Centre. Reasonable rental. Tel:
        561 words
      • 414 14 123 For Sale: 123 For Sale: Shop Spaces Shop Spaces r£OG MCE #\Wi? SPACE Only one of its kmd at M Bukit Timah Plaza \L Mansfield Property Services W l^e^sw Tel: *****51/*****08 124 For Rent: 124 For Rent: Shop Spaces Shop Spaces t^--^ Facing Concourse I I SHOWROOM SPACE I
        414 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1133 15 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours There's something about Bali that makes a visitor want to stay forever. Maybe its the culture of the 'Island of the Gods'. Maybe its the 5- Star service and comfort of the Bali Hyatt. From now till end of June, Tradewinds together
        1,133 words
      • 638 15 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tour* The one inclusive price gives you return economy air travel; twin-sharing accommodation at quality hotels; daily breakfast and most meals including Chinese meals as specified; sightseeing tours escorted by professional gudies; all transfers between airports and hotels; meet-and-assist service on arrival. ASIA&AHKA JSKS^ Jara
        638 words
      • 634 15 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours i KUANTJLN 7 from f nS *2&O/ breakfast /jjjz^jzjj|^ 7 options wWNKKEb Wide choice fromS»4 1/ OfhOtelS Z^H^^J •Daily departures For brochures and details can any travel agent j^^ For traae c n <3uines 500 Orcnard Rd rf> "^AB^H^M I^Kff^P '07 05 06 The
        634 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 15 16 137 Tours HI aar MM U y pSwSMHM waaaaaamt^n^W^r^Kaamm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaamWaOm Everyone t knows CATS I
        15 words
      • 465 16 137 Tours 137 Tours j^^chool Holidays 4 Days Phuket Leisure from $499 5/7 Days Bangkok Pattaya/Chiengmai Extra Bonus At No Extra Cost $735/$855 Suckling Pig. Birds Nest. Seatood Banquet. Classical Thai Style Dinner. Tittany Show. Galaxy Night Club Show, Crocodile Farm, Rose Garden. Floating Market and Many Mora. 4 Days
        465 words
      • 548 16 137 Tours 137 Tours Seats and departure guaranteed U IjMEgiIORYI ,<^§> For brochures on our wide range of 1966 "Memory China" programme, contact your travel agent or I Call: *****77 j \V Hong Kong Shopping Tour I 4/5 Days Hongkong/Kowloon/Ocean Park/Song Dynasty I (not including air ticket) C39fl/C3Pn Dep everyday
        548 words
      • 519 16 147 Academic Courses ISM «O7 'A' LEVEL Intensive revision court—. Conducted by experienced tutors registered with ministry. Materials tor the whole syllabus will be provided. $180 per course (5 months) for 'O' Level. $60 p.m. for 'A' Level \«ovTi^pj4fl€io£ m Juft#. m—r— ca» mam/ imem EXPEIMENCED ft RELIABLE tutors offer
        519 words
      • 815 16 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education AMEMCAN HOTEL ft MOTEL ASSOCIATION Only college m Switzerland offering a Swiss Diploma and The Diploma of the American Hotel Motel Association at the same time Management team of Swiss experts ensure high standards Swiss-American programme with paid training m Swiss Industry. English/French instruction
        815 words
      • 819 16 148 Secretarial/ 149 Secretarial/ 149 Secretarial/ J Typing Courses Typing Courses Typing Courses W^T SECRETARIAL TRAINING CENTRIS^B LCCI PSC I FULL-TIME PART-TIME I B Commencing 16th June 1986 I Purpose: The Private Secretary's Certificate Course is to provide I I secretarial training for those seeking to hold, an appointment as
        819 words
      • 732 16 A TALK ON (IBA Australia) Leading t<> a^P^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"aaV Bachelor of Buairvesa D*gr«* p^ .^WT^PTT^TT*^/^ P6/ 86 laS*la/II I i 3 BT M oopm bPpT p *^Tt!Ttt«7W^'**!v94 Studies Training Centre ■JJ B y B y| jjy^| yyjyjjjjy B| North Br,d fl Road IMPORT/EXPORT #05-9/10 USun 200- 4.00pm 01/06 Tal- aaaao77 Mon
        732 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 481 17 150 Commercial/ Technical Courses St.r 1 j Typing Book-Keeping An introduction to the Modern Business Environment Human Public Relations Charm ft Personality pract m h PMP> 's is included .'!her equip yoi, I Part-time course commences 3 June 1986 i \M Wf> II tie a' i you details CITY SCHOOL
        481 words
      • 711 17 150 Commercial' Technical Courses BOOKKEEPING (BEGINNERS) Sun 8 6/86 1130 am BOOKKEEPING INTERMEDIATE Tues 106/86 7pm Sun 15/6/86 230pm HIGHER ACCOUNTING Moil 2 6 86 7pm SHORTHAND (BEGINEERS) Wed A ti 86 7pm TYPEWRITING New classes available [torn 9am to 9pm Student may report anytime for their practice Qualified. Experienced
        711 words
      • 551 17 151 Language Courses 151 Language Courses SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL Big discount on tuition fees for courses m JAPANESE GERMAN FRENCH -HURRY. HURRY- Only 1 4 students per class Registration Enrolment on first-come-first served basis Morning, Afternoon Evening courses 155 Modelling/ Deportment Instruction Ml* Give Yourself An Unfair Advantage With Powers!
        551 words
      • 835 17 170 Lost BURMESE PASSPORT ***** belonging t<> Mr Maung Thlha and other documents lost In yellow top taxi at Clifford Pier on *****. night Reward $100. Tel *****96. 3pm spm, Jimmy FOUNO A SET of keys along Anthony Road on 27.5.86 at about 9 30pm One of the key has
        835 words
      • 1111 17 NOTICES PARKWAY HOLDINGS LIMITED NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Board Room, 80 Marine Parade Road, #22-03/09 Parkway Parade, Singapore 1544 on Friday, 20th June 1986 at 11.00 am for the purpose of
        1,111 words
      • 695 17 THE MRT CORPORATION PREQUALiHCATION NOTICE UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING The MRT Corporation invites suitably qualified and experienced designers to apply for preqcahfi cation to tender for the design of staff uniforms and protective clothing for the Traffic and Maintenance Departments. Interested firms should submit details of their firms m accordance
        695 words
      • 462 17 THE BANKBUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18) TAKE NOTICE THAT: (a) Receiving and Adjudication Orders were made against the following debtors on the 13th day of May 1986. IN BANKRUPTCY NOS 2633/85 Datuk Achmad Suahbudln of 41 Namly Garden Singapore 1026 3141/85 Ang Poh Chuan Gene IC No *****56 B of Block
        462 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 2219 18 Wl \I 11/ (Incorporated m the Republic of Singapore) W Tri iT#ri" If D*»l r*i I-Tl Balance oheets r*i |ZZ 31 December 1985 IJfl' ■Bill Share Capital cennn cennn omnx JTI ZJ Authorised Current Assets S$ S$ 00 ff 1 [fl 500,000,000 shares of Ssl each 500,000 bOO.OOO 500,000 500,000
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 2156 19 U"l 8 7v.% convert ibl« Un*«cur«d Loan Stock 1992 "Hotellnvestment (Manna) Pte. 13- Statutory Information as Requlrtd by Paragraph 2(3) of tht Ninth Schedule of (a) The 71/4% Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock 1992 was constituted under Ltd. Singapore 20 17 the Companies Act, Cap 115 |J»1 the I mst Deed
        2,156 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 2392 20 /> SINGAPORE i_i -1 I \p> I Paramount note! We need an energetic and dedicated Chief Security Officer You are invited to apply for the position if you a) have an analytical mind to organize and supervise a small but intelligent hotel security staff and security guards to cover the
        2,392 words
      • 626 20 I' »J I MARKETING EXECUTIVES I A leading public company engaged m B manufacturing, marketing and sales of B well-established brands of consumer products B invites applications from suitably qualified B candidates with prior experience and B capabilities m marketing and sales. I The executive we seek should be i
        626 words
      • 736 20 NOTICES THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CAP. 18 197* ED.) IN THE HIGH COl RT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKItI PTCY NO. I7M of IMS Re: HOH KON HEONG trading ait SEM KEONG ENGINEERING Ex parte: SIM KIAN JOO TRADING PTE LTD... Creditor* In the matter of a Baaknpte y Petition filed on
        736 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 2131 21 ww kJV v J^^^L J L Jl -.i_. I_^wuuLJi3LJUUaaai3tJuawauwi-iuikJLJijuLjuijui-iM»-www1 _^wuuLJi3LJUUaaai3tJuawauwi-iuikJLJijuLjuijui-iM»-wwww V jui kaa uop L 3131 J 1 INTERNATIONAL BANK OF SINGAPORE LIMITED 1 p Inco-porated m The «eojj S mwooiP' ffl Balance Sheet S 5 as at 31 December 1985 ffi In f^ p The Group Theßanfc The Group
        2,131 words
      • 853 21 The WffTT Corporation invites applications for the folloMfiiicj positions: (A) CIVIL ft STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Salary Scale: m tnmft TtrtMrii ncrim* (W60:900) 940x40 1020/1 150x50 1350/ (1) StnKm TtbrtKAL OFFICERS 1500x75 2100 (2) TECHHCAL OFFICERS Salary Scale Functions: For (1) ($1700.1800)1900x100 2300/2425 (1)F S n f ssist n L the P
        853 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 759 22 NOTICES IN THK lIU.II COURT OK THK KH'I Hl.ll OP SIN(iAI'OKI<: Suit No 3144 »r i*w MMta ITALL A EVATT (PTK) (m rrrrivrnihlp) Plaiitttrf* Kn4 (HAN lIKNt. (m.w) Defendant I•■ Yeap Kiok Srr n«» *r late •f 2*l Ko<irhurn \\enur, StnKapM* IMS TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced
        759 words
      • 638 22 IN THK lIU.II miKI OK THK Ki-:iM HI.H OK SIN(. \|>OKK Salt N.. JIM •MKM LYALL ft KVATT (PTK) (In iwrtvenialp) IMalntlffs Ami YKAPKIOKNKK DrfradMt To: Yeap Kiok See now or late of 12-E Jalan Ulu Siglap. Singapore 1646 TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you m
        638 words
      • 186 22 NOTICES POLYDEX INDUSTRIES PTE LTD Will any person, firm or corporation claiming to be creditor of POLYDEX INDUSTRIES PTE LTD. please, submit such claim m writing, together with supporting documentation, to the undersigned. If no claim is received within 14 days of the publication of this Notice, application will be
        186 words
      • 179 22 NOTICE This is to advise that Mr. Cordeiro Gerard Joseph Nrtc No: *****90-C has ceased to be m our employment with effect from 26th May 1986 and has no authority whatsoever to transact any business for or on behalf of our Companies as of the said date. HUDSONS FREIGHT PTE
        179 words
    • Page 22 Miscellaneous
      • 865 22 I a\ A4) 1 nWtL SUN TAN ay Collette PEANUTS By Schul* Pyisicjc/toDiwD^W /^woul&nV /pa ukA^^^^^^h- ,l N t lpt y^T^ i 1 i < '^K&tSn&sn fc. y^^ffiSmlFS^JT]^\***m&BCr» 1 YOJSAYMV PICTURE 15 UKH-Jil CAN'T/ HOLPITi] UWAT WILL TUE CAPTION I MOu) ABOUT. /TTyFA^aiT .7 #Ju 6* w amp hatfui) *mok«
        865 words
    • Arts $ Leisure
      • 491 23 What can you do to keep awake for the 'live' telecasts m of the World Cup soccer K^_tfg*^^B matches? Watch TV, of fl LpSMaaaaal course KANNAN CHANDRAN ||hHE tells you what SBC's W^^i got m store. SOCCER fans may not
        491 words
      • 814 23 You won't catch pianist Philip Fowke, self-professed reactionary and 'Romantic through and through', putting spoons and nails into his piano. 'I don't think such music will last,' he tells JON* de SOUZA. 41 think recorded music has played a large part m creating performances that
        LIM SENG TIONG  -  814 words
      • 113 23 THE exhibition, Competitive Sport from a Different Perspective, now on at the Goethe-In-gtltnt Art Gallery, has been drawing In the crowds since it began last week. The appeal of the show, which features 75 original drawings by 24 German caricaturists, is obviously its offbeat
        113 words
    • Page 23 Miscellaneous
      • 367 23 What's on= arfSraßS pm >—»_ 3%ffiffl«?T sSScv-B SSF L mere information and regis- $2 and $3 available from Hwa Closed on Monday June P sner^ hv t r2nofl fti Photographs and documents 1^1";? T" tration, please call *****55 Chong JC. FISH EXHIBITION Tn «tihlf a^fS.- t )et l S In
        367 words
      • 971 23 —I Radio One 90.5 mHz m VHF Band M 5.58 AM National Anthem, tollowed by Opening Announceme. t 6.00 News m Brief €.05 Another Morning, Another Show 7.00 Nevs and Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 Another Morning, Another Show (cont'd) 7.30 Morning Financial News 7.40 Another Morning. Another Show
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 149 24 (SINCE 1 94o) Builder of homes, not just houses. $i^&> to view the Flamingo Valley Shov/ Flats. (Open daily bet\veen 10am-6pm 5 \Jj^ For more details, please call \^^^^tKF Only units IcfL^^^^^^^^ a *r^>~^'^ S^'^^^\*^^^^ I '<".• lo .>\«iv*li»lmin» |iatioiia^f. < \-<l^^^^B^^ u< lur •M<n<lt'<l the \ir\\iri<! imtJiml Springleal (..n<l<n
        149 words
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    • Page 24 Miscellaneous
      • 1446 24 a. I k. J m—^-^*— *^^*—*^^—m^^^mm^^^^^mm^^——^m^m—^—m+V\£V4wmKannan ChandranavaiMav ■w 'X T¥ n< Movie TTaW^fc. O#ttttfll#«#*lama> llaji. your while to see how the two BHa^ i M Qurbani (Part One) I WWS e>lllU|||P6f 9IID till? automatic qualifiers fared m (Ch 8, 11.31 pm) •P*jP~ their build-up campaign. IT B THIS film
        1,446 words