The Straits Times, 16 May 1986

Total Pages: 56
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd 1845 FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1986 50 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 188/12/85
    16 words
  • 436 1  -  IVAN LIM Unions told to include compensation clauses m new wage pacts By INTRODUCE compensation clauses m collective agreements so that workers m companies that go bust will be protected. The National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has alerted its affiliates to do this, so that union
    436 words
  • 234 1 WASHINGTON The US Senate has approved a Bill to allow American drug companies to export new drugs before they have won government approval for sale here. The Senate voted 91 to seven on Wednesday m favour of the Bill, which
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 30 1 DHAKA —Guerillas have killed 10 people, wounded 15 and burned more than 50 homes m an attack on settlers m Bangladesh's Chittagong Hill Tracts district, officials said Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 327 1 Four get 10 to 14 years, 65 lashes for gang rape FOUR lawmen were yesterday jailed between 11 aad 14 yean each and ordered te be given a total ef CS lashes tm the gaag rape of a Thai prostitute last year. In Us It-page judgment, Mr Justice Wahab Ghows
    327 words
  • 324 1 LONDON A lone African runner lighting an Olympic-style torch on a Sudanese camp fire signals the dramatic start today of Sport Aid, with the athletic world running for money to help African famine relief. Billed as the world's largest global sport extravaganza,
    Reuter  -  324 words
  • 157 1 BRUNSWICK (Georgia) Brunswick obstetricians are refusing to deliver babies for women lawyers or the wives of male lawyers, as they are fed up with growing numbers of malpractice suits and astronomical insurance premiums. The New York Times said on Wednesday that
    AFP  -  157 words
  • 102 1 Cop plays Russian roulette on TV RIO DE JANEIRO A Brazilian policeman walked into a television studio m the southern Brazilian city of Florianopolis on Monday and played Russian roulette before broadcasting cameras. An estimated 300,000 people watched as 28--year-old Silvio Roberto Vieira, a father of six, put a revolver
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 76 1 BUENOS AIRES Jorge Luis Borges, at age 86 Argentina's greatest living writer, shocked relatives and friends on Wednesday with news of his marriage to Maria Kodama, his 41--year-old secretary and travelling companion of many years. "He must be m love," Mr Borges' elder sister, Norah, said m
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 40 1 TIMBERLINE LODGE (Oregon) Two teenage girls and a boy who were hiking up Mount Hood m the north-western US state of Oregon froze to death on Wednesday after they were caught m a snowstorm near the summit AFP
    AFP  -  40 words
  • 33 1 BElJlNG —Embezzlement, bribery, smuggling and other economic crimes under investigation increased by 130 per cent m the first three months of this year, the official China Daily re- ported yesterday AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • 631 1  -  CONRAD RAJ Released on $1 m bail put up by wife By STOCKBROKER Lin Tah Hwa was yesterday charged with 22 counts of cheating more than a dozen banks. He was released on a bail of $1 million put up by his wife, who is the
    631 words
  • 54 1 HUNTSVILLE (Texas) A double killer. Jay Kell> Pinkerton, 24. was executed by lethal injection here yesterday He was convicted of killing a woman he stabbed more than 30 times and sexually mutilated attei breaking into her home He was also under death sentence for th( knife killing
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • Latest
    • 58 1 WASHINGTON The White Rouse said yester day the Soviet I'nion had pat forward a new draft agreement at the Geneva arms talks to limit medl um-range nuclear weapons in Europe. Spokesman Larry Speakes said US officials were still examining the decament bat at first glance It appeared to
      Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 i 4 iffl IftINCE mMKcriiiinsi'iioN >_____\__\__i__________m fat- lisa ___________PH^________________________l PRODUCTIVITY '8 6 Technology without the complexity. That's Ricoh productivity. m^ mmmmm aar A3 A3. A3- 2 single A4 pages. A3 one A4 page, at a toucn Copies m black, blue, red or green with a sim Die change of cartridge
      168 words
    • 26 1 Inside Summary 2 World News 3,4,6 Asesa 7 Causeway 8 Comment/ Perspective 14,15 Letters 18 Times Dollar 17-21 Around Your Place 21 Racing 22 Sports 28-25
      26 words
    • 69 1 KING'S* INDUSTRIAL SAFETY m^riSHOES toSMT KING'S SHOE MFG PTE LTD '^■VN^ 147, Kallang Way 1 Singapore 1 334 king son earth t«I: *****1 1 (8 linat I $400 m deals with Japan look hopeful: B-G Lee Report on the Back Page at Scotts might land you m Yl IltlKCt* now
      69 words

    • 523 2 'Explain to Japanese' SINGAPORE'S new economic policies plus the appreciation of the Japanese yen may encourage more companies m Japan to put their money here. But the policies must be explained to Japanese investors, said Singapore's ambassador to Japan, Mr Lee Khoon Choy. The Japanese must know the recent
      523 words
    • 181 2 c THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE setting ap el s community foundation by the People's Action Party to strengthen Its activities ia the constituencies is a positive stop that will receive wide support. By stepping ap its contributions ia the social services sector, the PAP will be able not
      181 words
    • 272 2 Gorbachev hits out IN HIS FIRST public speech on the Chernobyl nuclear accident, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has hit out against critics of the Kremlin's handling of the situation, saying it was a convincing demonstration of the need to scrap nuclear weapons. Mr Gorbachev said it showed
      272 words
    • 247 2 Triple booster ENGLAND'S World Cup soccer preparations were given a triple boost on Wednesday. Injury-plagued captain Bryan Robson seemed to have overcome his Achilles tendon problem, while goalkeeper Gary Bailey went through his first full training session exactly three weeks after his cartilage operation. England's third piece of cheer
      247 words
    • 430 2 A majestic voice SILENT POR at least 25 years, the Victoria Concert Hall's pipe organ will have its majestic voice back again by late 1987. It will look the same but, since the estimated $350,000 cost of restoring it is almost the same as buying another, almost all
      430 words
    • 202 2 GE (USA) SEES SIGNS OF AN UPTURN IN BUSINESS THE GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) group, which has laid off some 3,000 workers since last year, is beginning to see signs of improved business. GE's National Executive Nelson Britt yesterday said the recovery is m four areas: Consumer electronics, semiconductors, motors
      202 words
    • 76 2 DOCTORS BACK KIDNEY MOVE THE COLLEGE of General Practitioners, Singapore, has expressed support for National Kidney Foundation and Ministry of Health efforts to encourage members of the public to sign up as kidney donors. It notes that the number of available cadaveric kidneys is still insufficient to meet the
      76 words
    • 173 2 Around Asean... and Across the Causeway NPA accuses Ramos THE COMMUNIST New People's Army has accused armed forces chief General Fidel Ramos of trying to pre-empt President Corazon Aquino's peace efforts by ordering a nationwide offensive against the rebels. The NPA was reacting to Gen Ramos' disclosure of a stepped-up
      173 words
    • 362 2 Product Advertiser Secttw/Pfe tadfe Mm I 1 Pertama Audio I -20 Bank Credit POSB I -15 Beverage Taisho Pharmaceutical Co (Livrta) II 6 Cmht* Minolta II 1 Shriro Spore (Nikon) II -30 Capets Amir Sons I —76 Gnee Hong I -11 Car Minerva Motor (Saab) I -75 Ceramc
      362 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 Sherwood of U.S.A has gone to great depths to improve its Slimline Hi-Tech. M^'W-'-v.' \\\\\\\\\\W\M_\mW I^__^___H m >::^_______^^^__________^________________________________________G^_______i '^J^i^^ 9^_H v M j*^ ''^_33i_N£_K^«_^ i i^^^_^mmmmtmimi__m__ ~\W «'..-■■s£ *^_____^_______________________________________________________X SHERWOOD SLIMLINE HI-TECH 2 AD-2208 Integrated Stereo Amplifier 40 Watts NKIT PRICE* RMS power per channel into 8 ohms TD- 1
      312 words
    • 67 2 The leader m 1600 c.c. economy An elegant Austin Montego 1 6L is yours for only $28,500 (PARF) which includes registration fee and 6 month's road tax Some outstanding features are electronic carburettor, 0-100 kmph is under 1 1 seconds, luxury interior, central locking, front powei windows and Michelin or
      67 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 331 3 Danger of Australia becoming 'banana republic' SYDNEY Federal Treasurer Paul Keating has warned that Australia is m danger of becoming a "banana republic" because of its poor standing m international trade. "I get the very clear feeling that we must let Australians know truthfully, honestly and earnestly, just what sort
      AP  -  331 words
    • 309 3 LONDON Britain's state shipbuilders have announced plans ta axe more than a third af their workforce, prompting predictions «f the immineat demise of an industry that once supplied half the world's tonnage. Britiah shipbuilders said the lack af new orders would
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 310 3 BEIJING China has bought 10 big United States and European passenger planes since January as part of its preparations for a record influx of tourists over the next few years, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) announced. The CAAC, China's national
      UPI; Reuter  -  310 words
    • 362 3 No politics at plane talks, China warned TAIPEI Airline officials from China and Taiwan will meet tomorrow for talks on the fate of a Boeing 747 and its crew now on the mainland, but Taipei has warned against any attempt to put politics on the agenda. A spokesman for Taiwan's
      Reuter; UPI  -  362 words
    • 91 3 PERTH An enterprising 15-year-old Australian charged unemployed people fees at his fake job agency to refer them to a free government employment service. Consumer Affairs Department investigators Kunced on the agency the y set up recently m a rented office at Fremantle near
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 420 3  -  PETER HAZELHURST By Tokyo Correspondent TOKYO The ruling Liberal Democratic Party and leading opposition forces have been urged to form an economic "war council" to combat the impact of the yen's rising value on Japanese export industries. The move was made on
      420 words
    • 179 3 Hillary attends Tenzing's funeral CALCUTTA Tenzing Norgay, the sherpa who climbed Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary, was cremated on Wednesday at a solemn Buddhist ceremony. Five thousand people, including Sir Edmund, attended. Buddhist monks beat drums and blew conch shells as the long procession wound its way to the
      AP  -  179 words
    • 354 4 Ban on N-arms now imperative Gorbachev MOSCOW SOVIET leader Mikhail Gorbachev has hit out against critics of the Kremlin's handling of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, saying it was a convincing demonstration of the need to scrap nuclear weapons. In his first public speech on the accident, broadcast over state television
      Reuter; UPI  -  354 words
    • 289 4 Nevada mishap destroyed $44m in equipment LAS VEGAS A nuclear test malfunction at the Nevada test site damaged US$2O million (Ss44 million) worth of equipment and left dangerous levels of radiation m a labyrinth of tunnels, officials said. Scientists are still trying to determine what went wrong with the April
      AP; AFP  -  289 words
    • 366 4 picture. CAPE CANAVERAL The US space agency has unveiled a new blueprint for the US$B-billion (5517.6-billion) manned space station the size of a football field that it will assemble m orbit m the *****. The model, a scaleddown version of a larger facility
      AP; UPI  -  366 words
    • 362 4 Syria, Israel warned against starting war WASHINGTON Syria and Israel were warned against going to war aa reports of a new Middle East "There are growing tensions, there is a Mg Syrian build-up, they have been moving their fortifications forward m Lebanon," Secretary of State George Shultz told the Overseas
      AP  -  362 words
    • 153 4 'Tobacco kills one million a year' GENEVA Worid Health Organisation delegates have passed a resolution saying tobacco use is responsible for at least one million deaths a year and that passive smoking "violates the right to health of non-smokers". A 50-member committee at the annual assembly of WHO member-countries passed
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • Briefly
      • 80 4 AFGHAN COMMUNIST Party chief Dr Najibullah yesterday announced a new collective leadership, which includes himself, President Babrak Karmal and Prime Minister Sultan Ali Kishtmand. In a speech broadcast by Kabul radio monitored m Islamabad, he said Mr Karmal, whom he replaced as party leader last week, would
        Reuter  -  80 words
      • 80 4 AT LEAST 72 people were killed and nearly 300 injured m an Iraqi air attack on a crowded passenger train m south-west Iran, Radio Teheran reported yesterday. There was no immediate comment from Baghdad. It was apparently the most serious attack on civilians by either side
        Reuter  -  80 words
      • 60 4 THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY executive commission said yesterday it would seek extra funds for four scientific research programmes designed to enhance EC competitiveness m high technology against Japan and the United States. The programmes are technological and information services, biotechnology and industrial technology and a programme designed to
        Reuter  -  60 words
      • 69 4 PRESIDENT MARIO SOARES of Portugal swore m a university professor as Governor of Macao yesterday without making any direct reference to negotiations with China over the future of the territoryMr Joaquim Pinto Machado, 55. a professor oi medicine at the northern University of Porto, took the oath
        UPI  -  69 words
      • 59 4 ITALIAN POLICE, armed with 150 warrants, arrested 50 suspected mobsters m coordinated raids m Rome and eight cities and towns m southern Italy, authorities said yesterday. Police were also seeking 45 others and brought charges of organised crime on 55 people already m jail. All are
        AP  -  59 words
    • 308 6 Clash over Pretoria's plan for homeland CAPE TOWN Violence has erupted over South Africa's plans to give nominal independence to a tribal homeland as Commonwealth mediators seek to reconcile the country's White-led government with its Black opponents. Residents of Kwandebele m the rural north of the I country, one 10
      Reuter  -  308 words
    • 136 6 '$748 m in gold for Nazi's escape' SOME A Nail war criminal escaped from jail with the help of the Italian secret service la return for a gold hoard worth 5M billion lire (Sf74B million). SS General Herbert Kappler (above) "escaped" from a prison where be wm serving a life
      AFP  -  136 words
    • 244 6 LONDON Twenty British sailors were killed m the Falkland.*; war when their destroyer was sunk because the captain made a telephone call to headquarters m London.fl The Daily Mirror said on I Wednesday the destroyer I Sheffield could not detect I
      244 words
    • 201 6 Britain and Italy boost share of arms sales WASHINGTON Britain and Italy dramatically increased arms sales to Third World countries m 1965 while the Soviet Union and France posted significant declines, according to a new congressional study. The study, released on Wednesday by the Library of Congress' Congressional Research Service,
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 45 6 ROME Italian author Maria Bellonci died on Tuesday m a Rome hospital after a long illness, her family announced. She was 84. She became internationally known after publishing such works as Lucrezia Borgia and The Secrets of the Gonzagas m the lWr,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m AP
      AP  -  45 words
    • 116 6 STOCKHOLM The US Service Employees' Union plans to commission a major study into miscarriages m early pregnancy reported by some female computer operators. But researcher Karen Nussbaum said at an international conference on the safety of computer video screens here that many big employers
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 416 6 Chirac eases controls on economy Denationalisation steps speeded up PARIS France's new conservative government of Prime Minister Jacques Chirac is speeding up its promised measures to denationalise and deregulate its economy, amid signs of growing impatience among its centre-right coalition partners and private business. Mr Chirac made the first move
      AFP  -  416 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 653 3 We make no bones about our quality meats W. W ■"H ____________k^___________- ______________r M 4 if Bl jmW _______fe. "m '^jy.?"" •__< W_\__t__Wyß \\_______B__mm^W__\\\W_m ____afß'__\\\\\\T> aFm. v. K*l v v ,?^BFfs^*<: v>n^R«v% Jp^^^^^^^^^b m %B r^ B jJmW^^ B^ Bk j V 4 »ll J- 1 'iiß JmW ___t________r WWmB
      653 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 261 4 «a v^.3^..^ _f»*i a i )^^^^^y(a___h__. S{ Sprimßfc -mr^^m WBmmmW Jl-^i Season Savings now at Printemps (16-31 May) ______B _BH_. f ___f _WW WW:: _____B /is^aM^i^_______. Meridien Shopping Centre) f| _____R___________l_______. Wm lllPp. BP with extensions 'o jll IF^ih*^ _r**"»^nl________Pßi s:^___________r x departments' Wl_^^| B_W iRI^Nf hH^ _______m_r*irr"— —s^'" Vt
      261 words
    • 464 4 LADIES' Sympa" 100% cotton shirts "Clin ooeil" short-sleeved <„ "55 t shirtblouse $29.90 $16 't_mm WadnsHgttsHrt sffiKteS'dresses 546 $29 ego an am "Emesse shortsleeved ri-iuhwnw" wk <_« c« shirtblouse $29 90 $16 oSESr "Ragaz "embroidered cotton Q „5 y dress $53 $29 r "Sympa" cotton long-sleeved .gwnm op $53
      464 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1431 5 B*Z B^£jtf -^B> T^^rnflCTttß^^^JLHiy Bw VHflftMS a^^' v^iftitf **?flB HfI^BMMI B_flbb _l_K3®'fl_fl flflßS_Kfljfi£ j<_aaijMMywtp aaßaußg^ jflfl '"^^B BB^ M *'^^9b ""l_jfl_[ flftS" *^flP***Sfll flfl^^'Vflfl '"Ifll H^HHHHB B^u W?nFnK l m\WW2 HFTJT mImT Wr I &rWPW2 f j f II li*jli ft MW lili All W MW*j ww MW^j li ft
      1,431 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 641 6 I j&£_ 3^^___________iiM_N__________^^i M_________, X _____________________M t *.<- -'TJSB^^Hiu'wip'j'^ 1 s i *^§«w_.* ifl___________fl__^B*'* i _________&JB IB *<_%_l______________B_l *-^^sjs-^* i *i—Www r _W_wk__^\\ ~*m^m^m^mm£L? jmW \\\___:^a___i__\\_\\mjm___\ __H_ I^^^^^ I mmW^^^^\m_WiiW bi :^^^^l_______! J____B wmaamam Et| _________________________________B ..B^ jCSS f^__k J 'i^B~l ___r^ Jr tH __B***3bi f ;^r..j ICF^4I ____B^* I
      641 words
    • 64 6 Champagne Free. 11l Bunch $1950Brunch at the Hilton. Your Sundays will never be the same. A delicious assortment of local and western dishes from wholesome breakfast fare to spicy Asian delights. And champagne. As much as you like. ftee. The Orchard Cafe's Champagne Brunch. Sundays 11.30 am— 2.30pm. A truly
      64 words

    • 241 7 BANGKOK Thailand has dismissed as ridiculous an accusation that Vietnamese women refugees fleeing their homeland and kidnapped by pirates ended up m brothels here. The West German Cap Anamur doctor's aid group, which operates a ship m the South China Sea to rescue Vietnamese
      AFP  -  241 words
    • 261 7 Canberra and Jakarta urged to end squabble JAKARTA Indonesia and Australia have been urged to end their squabbling and look to the future to improve relations. Foreign Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, who said this m Parliament on Wednesday, added that both sides must not allow a Sydney newspaper article, which Indonesia
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 239 7  -  HAN LING BY o urunei correspondent BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA) has introduced a touch of five star luxury ta Its fleet. Passengers an its new aircraft will find extras that few hotels, let alone airlines offer, such aa gold-plated washroom fittings In
      239 words
    • 67 7 Indonesian sailing ship for fair JAKARTA A traditional Indonesian sailing ship will leave next month for a two-month trip across the Pacific carrying Indonesian products to the Vancouver Trade Fair. Minister of Manpower Admiral Sudomo said yesterday the 200 dwt wooden Pinisi Nusantara would carry a 10-member crew. The ship
      AFP  -  67 words
    • 375 7 MANILA The communist New People's Army (NPA) has accused armed forces chief General Fidel Ramos of trying to preempt President Corazon Aquino's peace efforts by ordering a nationwide offensive against the rebels. The "general staff" of the NPA, the 16,000-strong guerilla force of the
      AFP; Reuter  -  375 words
    • 87 7 MANILA A Libyan delegation presented Philippine President Corazon Aquino yesterday with an album of pictures of people killed and wounded m last month's United States bombings of Libya, the Presidential Palace said. "We explained to the President the extent of this raid, which
      AP  -  87 words
    • 242 7 JAKARTA Malaysia and China are ready to co-operate with Opec to boost oil prices to reasonable levels, Indonesian Oil Minister Subroto said here yesterday. Speaking to journalists after visiting Kuala Lumpur, Dr Subroto quoted Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad as saying Malaysia,
      AFP; AP  -  242 words
    • 130 7 JAKARTA American heart surgeons could not be blamed for the deaths of seven of the eight patients they operated on during a two-week visit to Indonesia m March, Antara news agency said yesterday. Antara said Health Ministry official Dr Mohammad Isa told a
      Reuter  -  130 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 206 7 AW_\r __S»^_F^______B '^^^Bl____. _____r^^^^B Bk tf c m^^M^^\\\\\\__ iWIWMfI fl WaW bANt MbWB JPB^B^fl I Iff flflMflrflr WmrWW wAAAAW&m' r V- -<^^^^%- v ■v^'" ,-.i-:.'- mB f mm^^ V if f_t £^B MWwB M __j* i ,'^s _WwAm\\\\\\w --<^_fl__B v^P ____B^^i^-^ '-m^- Bb^#" _____________wwBMM fl W W fjMW M __m^*^^^^^
      206 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 176 8 Security forces kill four Reds in Pahang clash KUALA LUMPUR Malaysian security forces have killed four communist guerillas, including two women, m a clash m the Central Highlands, the Mentri Besar of Pahang said yesterday. They recovered four carbines, ammunition, two booby traps, four grenades and six detonators and are
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 44 8 Subroto calls on Mahathir PAVING the way for their talks Malaysian Prime Minister Datnk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad (right) welcoming lad— rsJaa Energy Minister Subroto daring their meeting la Koala Lumpur on Wednesday. Among other things, they discussed the world oil situation. Bernama picture.
      Bernama  -  44 words
    • 382 8 SEREMBAN Parti Islam (PAS) and the Chinese Consultative Council (CCC) have agreed to co-operate and contest under the PAS banner aU state and parliamentary seats m Peninsular Malaysia m the next general election, CCC secretary-general Ghazali Ho said. The CCC would field candidates on
      Bernama; Malay Mail  -  382 words
    • 124 8 Party posters appear in streets KUALA LUMPUR Tlie battle for publicity has begun for certain political parties even though the date for the general election has yet to be announced. Parti Islam (PAS) posters and Sepakat Democratic Party (SDP) stickers have appeared on lamp posts, road signs, traffic lights and
      Malay Mail  -  124 words
    • 240 8 KOTA KINABALU ABOUT 2,700 settler families will not have to pay back their loans, amounting to a total of $32.8 million, to the Sabah Land Development Board. Chief Minister Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan announced after a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday that the outstanding
      Bernama  -  240 words
    • 208 8 Malaysians being evacuated for radiation checks KUALA LUMPUR Children and expectant mothers m Malaysian embassies m Rumania and Poland are being evacuated for screening after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Foreign Minister Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen told reporters on Wednesday that those m Warsaw would go to London for tests and those
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  208 words
    • 95 8 JOHOR BARU Johor is on the alert for an outbreak of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever following reports of three suspected cases of the disease m the state over the last three days. This brings to 28 the number of reported cases
      Bernama  -  95 words
    • 59 8 KUALA LUMPUR Six Indonesians and a Singaporean have been rescued from a sinking tugboat, the 35-tonne Panama-registered Warnpoh, based m Singapore, after drifting m the South China Sea off Malaysia for three days. A senior fisheries official. Mr Abdul Hamid Shukur, said the men were
      Bernama  -  59 words
    • 209 8  - BMF files new claims for $238 m RITA GOMEZ BY HONGKONG Liquidators of the Carrian group revealed yesterday that Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) has filed new claims totalling HK$B42 million (SJ23B million). But a spokesman for the liquidators, Arthur Young, said BMF has been asked to submit proof of the
      209 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 275 8 Bfl Bfei N ISflnr'*' H nBl 'fSPH i _______f^_H A^sEns^^. _fl3v^^^l WmWr^B flj^fl flfl .fl aa __if__a____L ___^__H 110^^ *v *__<^ ____m_W_\ ___.__^_^_m___________B^___________L___. _B____^___i BlbuC 1 ____TB _______________________________B_____i__ B«ilfl__ _B^ B *f?_W _fl IB HIESf i! flB BmrWWW ____U *fH t^jV ____f^^>*_. T____\\\\\\\\r SbW**^^ BE§_P_flß- _^r sf _\_\_^.\______m^_\ V _B^^\
      275 words

  • HOME
    • 301 9 TRADERS, bankers and businessmen expect activity m the services sector to remain depressed m the six months to September. The latest survey of the sector by the Department 3f Statistics cites several reasons for the pessimism, which contrasts with the growing optimism of manufacturing
      301 words
    • 304 9 Two admit part in rigging lottery draw TWO syndicate members, who were at large after a lottery draw last month was found to be rigged, surrendered to the police on Wednesday. Yesterday, Nah Hock Seng, 45, and Tan Chye Hock, 40, admitted m court that they were involved m rigging
      304 words
    • 552 9 Japanese 'must be convinced' it is worth investing here SINGAPORE'S new economic policies plus the appreciation of the Japanese yen may encourage more companies m Japan to put their money here. But the policies must be explained to Japanese investors. They must know the recent changes made to attract foreign
      552 words
    • 63 9 MR TANG Guan Seng, the Parliamentary Secretary (Education), will attend the closing ceremony and miniexhibition of the Art Elective Programme Camp '86 at the Chinese High School on June 4 at 2 pm. The camp for art elective pupils, organised by the Nanyang Girls' High
      63 words
    • 313 9 A GOLF club security guard could not save his drowning friend at Upper Pierce Reservoir last July and lost his memory after getting out of the water on his way to get help. Mr Lee Chin Joo, 33, was found the next
      313 words
    • 130 9 Lightning 120 km away seen here A SERIES of lightning flashes that lasted an hoor last night alarmed residents la several parts of Singapore. The Singapore Meteorological Service said that the lightning storm was due to bad weather near Sumatra, about 121 km west of Singapore. A spokesman said that
      130 words
    • 657 9  -  MAUREEN CHUA Judge ticks off four for gang rape By A HIGH Court judge yesterday gave four lawmen a dressing down before jailing them for 10 to 14 years each. Mr Justice Wahab Ghows told constable Roseli Amat, 42: "You as the leader of the Police
      657 words
    • 989 10 Chok Tong and Mattar hold frank discussions with PAP activists on issues facing Malay community THE Malay Affairs Bureau of the People's Action Party is thinking of setting up a new institution to tackle the problems faced by the Malay community. This was
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    • 309 10 Accused: I was not tempted by savings Schoolgirl extortion case A WOMAN yesterday denied a prosecutor's suggestion that she was tempted by her former classmate's substantial savings m an account and coveted the money. Ang Geok Choo, 19, now unemployed, also denied Inspector Mark Lui's suggestion that her alibi was
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    • 25 10 TEMASEK Junior College will be celebrating its eighth College Day at 4 pm tomorrow. All former students are invited to attend the function.
      25 words
    • 217 10 FOUR ministers will discuss the challenges facing Singapore at a series of forums organised by the Nanyang Technological Institute students' union. The new-generation leaders have been invited to take part m the series called Confronting the Challenges, which will be held m July. It
      217 words
    • 322 11  - Computer delays cause long wait for tickets PHILIP CHEAH By f COMPI'TER delays, not long queues, were behind the long wait yesterday that left patrons wanting to boy Singapore Festival of Arts tickets at sales counters hot under the collar. Many who had started out early to bay tickets oo
      322 words
    • 437 11 OCBC scheme 'thought of 1 1/2 years ago' OVERSEA-CHINESE Banking Corporation's proposed share-option scheme for senior officers had been considered more than l.> years ago and was not the bank's way of getting round the wage-restraint policy. Earlier, an OCBC shareholder had asked m the press whether the scheme, which
      437 words
    • 188 11  - 'Easy does it' exercises for the elderly CEPHAH TAN By THE Singapore Sports Council has drawn up a set of light callisthenics which the aged can perform at home to keep fit. Simple and non-strenu-ous, they are specially designed for those who do not exercise and take 15 to 20
      188 words
    • 131 11 YHK bumboat which capsized m the Straits of Malacca last Saturday with five Singaporeans on board had gone out to sea illegalYesterday, the Port of Singapore Authority said the craft was a wooden motor sampan and, as such, was licensed only for use within
      131 words
    • 628 11 CCC to mark 21st year m bid to boost its image A KEY grassroots organisation will celebrate its 21st anniversary m a big way. The Citizens' Consultative Committee, formed m 1965, will organise a grand dinner and launch a competition to redesign its logo. It
      628 words
    • 468 12  -  MICHAEL LIM By THE Republic of Singapore Air Force has got its first test pilot. Though a helicopter pilot by vocation, Captain Koh Joon Teh, 31, is qualified to test-fly both helicopters and airplanes. He got his licence from Britain's Empire Test Pilot School one of
      468 words
    • 498 12 The Beri report He's No 1 but must improve his skills and work attitude THE Singapore worker may be rated No. 1 m the world, but he is still far, far from ideal. He is some way behind the European and Japanese m
      498 words
    • 247 12 A JOBLESS man who failed to convince a woman victim to settle the molestation and intimidation charges he was facing threatened to disfigure her face with acid. Tan Leong Huat, 35, claimed he had acid m a plastic bag he was carrying
      247 words
    • 143 12 AN ACCOUNTS clerk was stabbed m her right cheek when she rushed to help her mother who was being held by one of three men daring a robbery ln their provision shop. Two of the men attacked Miss Kwek Hwee Hwa, ti, who died aa
      143 words
    • 168 12 Murder of 2 youths: Six helping police in probe SIX suspects are helping police with investigations into the murder of two youths m Bedok North Street 2 last month. The murders took place at a coffeeshop m Block 123 on April 25 at about 6.40 pm, during a running battle
      168 words
    • 62 12 A MAN was charged on Wednesday with cheating another man by claiming that a Rolex watch he was selling was worth $11,000. Ong Eng Hua, 35, allegedly cheated Mr Siow Toh Chew of $330 during a deal which took place m a flat m Block 416, Bedok North
      62 words
    • 291 12 Rock concert is on after 2 -month wait A MAMMOTH rock concert, featuring 10 top local bands, will be staged at the National Stadium on Sunday after a two-month postponement. More than 15,000 people are expected to turn up for Let's Rock '86, which was originally scheduled for March 16
      291 words
    • 363 13  -  GERRY DE SILVA By SOME draughtsmen m the Housing Board may soon have to put aside their pencils and rulers and become estate managers. The board is working out plans to transfer technical staff to work m area offices as part of a redeployment exercise.
      WAN  -  363 words
    • 489 13 Judge erred in sentencing so jail term cut by 2 years A MAN, who was convicted of having and using as genuine, fake Malaysian currency notes, escaped a heavy jail term due to an error made by the High Court m meting out sentence. Patrick Tan Kirn Long, 33, a
      489 words
    • 187 13 Oil prices rising slowly Pertamina official THESE are signs that oil prices are slewly rising, a sealer efllclal ef the Indonesian national all company, Pertamlna, told a conference here yesterday. This weald be geed news for the sil support Many from these sectors were at Oil Service 'U te hear
      187 words
    • 48 13 THE Alexandra Hospital is appealing to those who krow this man (left) to contact the hospital. He was admitted on April 24 and could not give any information about hin self Those who know him are askei to contact Mrs K. Naban on *****82.
      48 words
    • 560 13  - A drool a minute as delicacies tickle the taste-buds at fair LUNCH began at 11 am the time, so I was told, most exhibitors at Food A Hotel Asia '86 really started dishing out the food. The question of where to start was soon resolved at a stand just inside
      560 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 404 9 /V m _i l^^ L mf m ß—\ m ß—P^. ROCCO PTE. LTD. I ~7_^ l iMTm mmW ~*W Naional Stadium (East Entrance) Kallang _^__m_____________________^___ axxa _____^___________L _____r^_L__^_J^_L_____J^_L m Te1: ***** 58. *****90, *****81. n c a i I S _JC S 3 _____a m ___________r Italian Office: Via D.
      404 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 297 10 On Famous Name Bedding and Accessories mmmW \0 Mrß m Spring Mattress k ijBTBfT.P B B %rvm^ and Box-spring by Four Star. jQ^l^ri^rjN^Cj s,n 9 le $986 Queen $1457 King $1860 EJ|^jßJßLHylH_l_UKfl <^70ft B^^^^^^^^^^^^HL ty/oSI JJnUoo ?>loyo 1 "^i^v Free Headboard (Models A1&B2) for every purchase v r of a
      297 words
    • 219 10 Hi^Kl**!. *£Mm tI [_—m—mm—^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _____________B^-_il llii_B >_ tma_____." Ifffll Py .B The high point any Saturday j3HSri|j mm S^PP^i _JP afte-noon is our High T eo The «S^^3BT '^B pleasures of H:gh Tea the ia+es* B_ki '.Xi~%**m^mß_W r m fast ions and a chance tc i^l X* 1 iiMi^lMlßfcr mmMM«*#
      219 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 4 11 See Around Your Place:
      4 words
    • 544 11 v^rxincsc v^sur pecs q^sb Stock Clearance Sale l^ggc, .-^jkl _______________________________\WW I \A/ ed llke to thank our customers tor then nvaluable support I VV during our sale, from Ist to 11th May We'dals .^^^■^^^^^fl^Hß_^i£'^\»~~* w~ J% I a P°'°g |Se or ar| y inconvenience to customers who may not have
      544 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 567 12 ♦■-i-i z__b.-_ mA tI HH HI bmnhb Hk __H B ___B_ \WW______. .«i&. fl JW _m Wi^ 1 i_Pi 'M Bk BB aaaemad I Jfl if WWa k HI You can get your tickets to the Singapore Festival of Arts 1986 from today at Victoria and Kallang Theatres (Everyday 10am
      567 words
    • 424 12 /iftk X t*'**' 1 '"la*^' Singapore Handicrafts jßl____m\ Main ShowroorTl Singapore Handicrafts Building 77 Eunos Avenue 7 _______W_W__r. Mittn^^^S toH S ms A ,e Sin 9 a P° re 144 C' Te! 7177 65t (10 lines] SJSiS.| |M Open Weekday 10.00 am to 6 30pm Suncay/Holiday OOpt tc 600pm Jurong
      424 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 736 13 fl_a»xr jM WWmt Ba H _____r^___R** fl| WW™t^Smsß B wißßak____.^^^B __\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_\W _m.\WmmWm^. W_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\WBB__\\_\\\W_\\__\\\__\__\_\\\\\\\mß^B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^m fl'^wvfl Jyif _^^fl_Hkl IM Bp^fl H W_WgmM mm±^BJP_W«_rWl P-wi Ml mM_\ wW \Bmm__mW _\\_Wm.\\\\\____)i_w 1 Kiiifn __B il B &B BPs-aB fl ifai Bf &m *^BB t f 1 1 fl Bf _%%_\\W \\Wfa B R__P
      736 words

  • COMMENT/ Perspective
    • The Straits Times
      • 547 14 THE mo\ a by the People's Action Party to set up a community foundation to finance its social and educational activities at the grassroots level will receive warm applause all round. It is the type of project that almost everyone, irrespective of political affiliation, is m favour
        547 words
    • Article, Illustration
      15 14 NoW...^O*f...£'PPlS, £UERMOSYL NUCLEAR LEAK l£ N£> R£A£ON F^R YOU TO AVOtp 9KINKIM6 VOOR MILK.../
      15 words
    • 1521 14  -  IRENE NGOO South-South summit the achievements and the tasks ahead By of the Political Desk Last week saw the economic summit of the seven top industrialised democracies m Tokyo. This meeting of the rich man's club of the world, with a major impact
      1,521 words
    • 581 14  - Where time flies for speeding motorists Art Buchwald YOU'VE mm then In the morning ud you've •eea them at night the wild commuter drivers hurtling their cars through traffic at rash hour on the way to aad from work. They'll eat la treat of yoa, honk behind yoa aad tone
      Lee Angeles Times Syndicate  -  581 words
    • 1026 15  -  DINA FUAD Big payouts for top players By writing m the New Straits Times KUALA LUMPUR The local soccer stage is bare now. Time perhaps to reflect on issues afflicting the game that has a nationwide following and, increasingly, massive support m promotion. One
      1,026 words
    • 486 15 BEIJING A young Chinese woman, watching coyly m the mirror as her long black hair is permed, smiles confidently. Around her, m a salon decked with pictures of British and Japanese models, Hongkong pop music blares out. The women of Beijing are abandoning 30
      Reuter  -  486 words
    • 691 15  - Influence of lobbyists worries Congress MARTIN TOLCHIN By WASHINGTON Senator David H. Pryor of Arkansas complains he cannot walk down a Capitol corridor without being besieged by lobbyists. Senator David L. Boren of Oklahoma says farmers back home believe influential lobbyists for foreign interests prevented exports of US farm products.
      NYT  -  691 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 89 14 Aircraft 20C0 is a \W*^^^ fascinating and f^W^^^^^ highly authoritative J^^^\-r"f7 AT survey of high i Alf^w" technology m action, k With text and -_^t_wk dramatic i lustrations > _,^moffißm derived from the BAW_tm_W manufacturers. PflßflßPfl research jj fl^> establishnents and |4 WBb government jl fl _B>,, fl organisations who
      89 words
    • 104 14 Management Sand. t ociety Management and Society is a fascinating and highly readable exploration of Japanese culture. With exquisite patience, insight and humour Mitsuyuki Masatsugu offers not a glimpse but a long and luxurious look at the Japanese people. He shows us the connections between Japan's social and economic traditions
      104 words
    • 280 14 As expected, ASIAPACK '85 reinforced its I I reputation as the premier food processing and packaging exhibition for the 1 region, attracting 6,960 trade buyers from AQIAPAOIC '87 nearly 40 countries. c? ?rlv sth international Exhibition of And now, for its fifth presentation m Packaging Machinery, Materials September 1 987,
      280 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 370 15 j" <__ m &'______________________mmmmmm}__r'-Bv --_-____> _______e__«_hi^______________________________________ I b /^=^f\ York Hotel Singapore Airlines I The Bruce Oldfield 1986 Collection Mm a- A presentation by England's foremost desig- j May 19: ncr Bruce Oldfield, whose fashions are worn by 1 Gala Charity Dinner Show Princess Diana. j- j In aid of
      370 words

    • 295 16 Petrol service taking away provision shop business THE petrol service station has always been regarded as a place where petrol and vehicle accessories can be obtained and vehicles serviced. Since last Christmas, petrol service stations have been offering quite a number of festive items, and groceries, such as soft drinks,
      295 words
    • 280 16 PLEASE refer to the Ministry of Education reply "Why these pupils are urged to join the polys". (ST, May 10). I fully agree with its comment that "Today, many of the 'weaker' pupils those with 15 to 20 points m their best five
      280 words
    • 237 16 College of GPs supports opting out legislation THE College of General Practitioners, Singapore supports the efforts of the National Kidney Foundation and the Ministry of Health m encouraging the public to sign up as kidney donors to save life. The number of
      237 words
    • 189 16 MY friends and I have noticed an increase m a very annoying practice while shopping lately. In many shops, selling many different types of goods, we ask the price of an item, agree to buy it, get a credit card out of
      189 words
    • 167 16 On the roads WHILE travelling along Tanglin Road last Saturday, I was caught m a traffic jam for about 20 minutes. The cause yet another accident at the T-junction of Margaret Drive and Tanglin Road. In the past few decades, I have seen numerous
      167 words
    • 162 16 Replies I REFER to the letters "Why let NUS unit compete with those m practice?" by "SKY." (ST, April 30) and "NUS will hinder, not help small firms" by "Tidak Coondu". (ST, May 7). The School of Management has all along been
      162 words
    • 126 16 WE refer to the letter "Was lab worker m industrial accident?" by Miss Sally Koh. (ST, May 5} The accident which occurred to the writer's brother is not a "factory" accident as laboratories m schools are not factories as defined under the Factories Act 1973.
      126 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 301 16 EICII ■■Pini BETTER A ia ll UNK JOHN QLVEVS KmWmßmwß MMm mW The original goodness of fish is served only with pure white cod that's skinless, boneless and quick-frozen-fresh. 1 Coated with better batter and deep fried m 100% pure vegetable oil, the result is nutritious and scrumptious! Far East
      301 words
    • 207 16 "Maywehave the pleasure of uiis uan(X; Since the Grand Ensemble and often magical renditions of started performing nightly at light, modern ballads Le Vendome Lounge, we've +Jk W0 and classical pieces, been approached with numerous 6N£^* Which makes "The music is so romantic, mg the perfect place for do you
      207 words

    • In the markets
      • 79 17 AMID quiet trading, share prices traded lower and within narrow margins on the Singapore stock market yesterday. The Straits Times Industrial Index fell for the first time m 10 sessions with a marginal 0.67-point loss to 596.22. The Business Times Composite Index was 0.74 points lower at
        79 words
    • Chief price changes
      • 11 17 DohYuno 1,417,000 Keppel Sh.pyord 454,000 UOB 336,000 DBS 282,000
        11 words
      • 54 17 DtfiVut 42+21 FIN 595 +10 KS 446 +10 EuTwSmc 141 +1 Swim 125 +7 $*«c«psoc 142 +6 OCBC S4O +5 SW 825+5 OSS 535+5 OB 210+5 BniafiCopi HI +5 NtwntFii 201 +4 S Fmci 126 +4 UIC 147 +3 S^fkwiFn 144+3 MMMftop M Nm 442+2 Mann 261 +2 Spare
        54 words
      • 73 17 Renonf BM 50c 60 -70 MM* 311 -I Strjrtj Tfj*n 205 -7 lH| Dect 193 -7 SMJ 265 -5 Metai Boi Sp«e 205 -5 IWC 175 -5 Sri ttartanas 144 -S ReppHShip 104 -5 KIM Me 73 -5 «T 15 -4'^» Rottwiuiß ITm 396 -4 UOB 328 -4 hi*
        73 words
      • 91 17 May 14 May 15 BT Compos-!* 505 05 504 31 8T indicate *****49 *****90 B! OB OS +289 CAU -7205 -7230 O«V -*****0 -*****9 ST mdustnais 598 89 598 22 S! Finance 2036 24 2042 26 ST Hotels 556 39 556 19 May 14 May IS ST Properties 313
        91 words
      • 38 17 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Tines Business Fines Industrial Composite 1985.86 H«h 852.65 (7/3/85) 757.79 (8/3/85) 1985.86 low 563.34 (28/4/86) 470 92 (28/4/86) All time High 1071 91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) Ml time low 74 75 (17/9/64) 470.92 (28/4/86)
        38 words
      • 11 17 THE US dollar was unchanged at DM 2.1880 m Singapore.
        11 words
      • 22 17 DM V FF S$ H$ US$ ***** ***** 162.92 unq ***** unq ***** 2 1880 ***** 6.9770 2 2115 7.8110
        22 words
      • 12 17 m Singapore, gold lost US$l.OO to close at U*****.00 an ounce.
        12 words
      • 33 17 Eurodollar: Lost 11 ticks to 93.07 a contract. Deutschemark: Gained three ticks to 0.4578 a contract. Japanese yea: Gained four ticks to 0.*****4 a contract. Gold: Lost US$O.2O to U*****.60 an ounce.
        33 words
    • Short stops
      • 103 17 Daimler's record profits STUTTGART (West Germany) Daimler-Benz, West Germany's biggest company, has announced record profits for last year, thanks to growth m sales of its luxury Mercedes cars and the strength of the US dollar last year. Daimler said world group after-tax profit surged 52 per cent to a record
        Reuter  -  103 words
      • 49 17 NEW YORK Chrysler Corp shareholders has approved a company plan to formally reorganise its vehicle operations and subsidiaries under one publicly-held holding company. The plan was approved by a 72.4 per cent majority, making Chrysler Chairman Lee A. lacocca head of the holding com- UPI pany.
        UPI  -  49 words
      • 69 17 SEOUL Powered by growing shipments to the United States, Hyundai Motor Co exported 86,826 small cars m the first four months of this year, up 215 per cent from a year ago. Hyundai officials said the January-April tally included 40,000 cars shipped to the US and 30,000
        AP  -  69 words
      • 76 17 LONDON The International Tin Council (ITC) has resumed its special session to consider the latest developments m legal actions taken against it by its creditor banks and brokers but it took no meaningful decisions. ITC delegates said. The council meeting was primarily held to update the 22
        Reuter  -  76 words
      • 64 17 NEW YORK Sperry Corp has described Burroughs Corps US$4.O6 billion (558.93 billion) takeover offer as inadequate and announced plans to buy back 47 per cent of its own stock for U552.36 billion. A merger of Burroughs and Sperry would create the world's second largest computer company, knocking
        AP  -  64 words
    • 541 17  - Business picks up for General Electric HSUNG BEE HWA Four areas report significant increases m orders By THE General Electric (USA) group, which has laid off some 3,000 workers since last year, is beginning to see signs of improved business. GE's National Executive Nelson Britt yesterday said the recovery is
      541 words
    • 394 17 SHAREHOLDERS of chemical, trading and property group United Industrial Corporation eaa expect aam tier windfall aa the group plans ta sell a US office building this year. Chairman Lee Kirn Yew saM tai his latest annual report that the sale
      394 words
    • 363 17 KUALA LUMPUR Datuk Seri Abdullah Mohamed and Datuk Mak Kok, the two newly-ap-pointed directors of Supreme Corp Bhd, plan todiversify the company and strengthen its insurance and finance divisions by "bringing m more funds". They said yesterday that they have "just been appointed" and
      MBT  -  363 words
    • 232 17 KUALA LUMPUR The High Court yesterday granted an early date to hear the suit by Datuk Mak Kok against Mr Brian Chang over a disputed oral agreement to sell to him 100 million Promet shares. High Court judge Mr V.C. George had directed the
      NST  -  232 words
    • 183 17 CPA shares soar on first day of trading HONGKONG Prices of shares m Cathay Pacific, Hongkong's leading airline, soared yesterday on huge turnover m their first day of trading. CPA's shares surged to HK55.35 (551.50) before settling at HK$5.l5 compared with an offer price of HK$3.BB. More than 86 million
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 397 17 SINGAPOREANS are nuts about Californian pistachios and peaches. They munched their way through 55 tonnes of pistachio nuts last year five times more than m 1964. And, canned peaches are the second most popular fruit after longans. Mr Robert Gross, President of the California Pistachio
      397 words
    • 181 17 DAH YUNG Investment Ltd resumed trading yesterday and caught the eyes of investors as it doubled its pre-suspension price to 42 cents. The day's most active stock on the Singapore stock market, Dah Yung had 1.42 million shares traded and its day's high and low
      181 words
    • 2882 18 READERS should be aware of the limitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt m at the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges, is necessarily covered m "business done". Further because all dealings at a particular price are grouped j together, the table
      2,882 words
    • 2256 18 INDUSTRIALS Mmmm (3 I OS) AMD (3 18SXD3 20 Alcorn (0 575) (2) 0 58 (3) 0 57 AISB 10 498 0 49' -S) (5) 0 49 (1) 049 API (0 335) (9) 0 34 (10) 0.334 (4) 0 33 ASM (0 70 _B 0
      2,256 words
    • 2694 18 Al shares quoted have a par value of Jl, unless otherwise specified Adiusted (or scrip/rifhts H Tai-eiempted dividend ABN is traded m lots of 10 shares each, with the price quoted m dollars m-mmmmammmmm 1986 Last Yield Vol Day High Low Company Sale Change ('000) High
      2,694 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 107 19 THE US dollar closed mixed against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed lower m quiet trading. It fluctuated within a range of 2.2070 and 2.2135. Against the deutschemark, the greenback opened at 2.1775/95 and closed at 2.1810/20. Trading was narrow, fluctuating within
        107 words
      • 140 19 THE kilobar market traded between 5524,254 and 5524,438 yesterday. In the Far East market, gold opened at U5J342.10/2.40 and rose briefly m quiet trading to the day's high of U*****.35/2.65. It closed the morning at U*****.10/2.40 and re-opened m the afternoon at U*****.90/2.20. It eased to U*****.60/1.90 and then
        140 words
      • 21 19 GOLD US$/oz Thvs Wed Singapore 341.80-342.20 342.80—343.20 Hongkong 342.00-342.40 343.00-343.30 Ned Tims New York 341.70-342.20 343.75—344.25 London 342.30—342.80 342.50—343.00
        21 words
      • 213 19 Managers' pricas for May 16 Sinfapore Unit Trust The Commerce 0 74— 0 78»d The Savings Fund 0.63—0.68 Spore Prog Fund 0 31— 0 33 Spore Sec Fund 0 52—0 56 S pore Invest Fund 0 48—0 52 Spore Equity Fund 0 36—0 38 Asia Urat Trust Mai
        213 words
      • 345 19 1 Mk $1,000 2 Fa best m arty. 3 OCBC Fiunce 4 mfaWt at DBS Fiunce UOF't raiei aho i 1111 l al UOf aho avataUt al OSS France. OCBC OUB UO6 DBS DEPOSIT RATTS Savings daily 5 V* 4Vi 4 3 i^winniy j Autosave 4 v* Fixed
        345 words
      • 139 19 Interbank Over the Forepi Local dofan to Foreipi currency Australian dollar 1.5816-1.5845 6.48-6.21 Canadian dollar 1.6071-1.6084 6.28-6.17 NZ dollar 1.2248—1.2287 8.47-8.12 Sterling pound 3.4084-3.4122 2.96-2.91 US dollar 2.2090-2.2100 4.56-4.50 Austrian schilling 14.4058—14.4171 70.09-67.79 Belgian franc (com) 4.9584—4.9662 203.50-199.33 Danish kronor 27.4035—27.4261 36.91-36.10 Deutschemark 101.2373^101.3296 9.10- 9.73 Finnish mark
        139 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 646 19 SHARE prices were mixed on the Singapore stock market yesterday. The Straits limes Industrial Index ended 0.67 points lower its first fall m 10 sessions at 598.22. The Business Times Composite Index also fell a marginal 0.74 points to 504.31. Falls led
        646 words
      • 276 19 HK Elect 9.00 -0.1 Jordine Moth 12.70 -0 3 Simc Dorby 4.85N unch I 5 K m l Hk Elect Worr 1890 -0.3 Jardine Sec 1300 -03 Sino Lond 0.84 -0.01 Hk Gas 14.90 -0.1 Ko Woh Bank susp Stekjx 1.53 unch Assoc Inti Hotels 095N Hk Hoteh 3625
        276 words
      • 350 19 May 15 ten Chmft Mit»ub Elec 351 +1 M,tsub Estate 1800 +20 A»nomofo 1550 unch Mrtvjto Heavy 371 -4 A** <00 4 Mrtsubishi 730 -5 Amoda 905 10 M.t»ui Co 444 +2 AM** Chem 840 +12 Mrtvii ShotoWg 140 +1 Awn, Gtoss 1170 unch Mitiu. Smeltma. 366 +1 Bonk
        350 words
      • 322 19 fa« 15 Ceflb Chan|e Hortogen Energy 190 unch /•,.«> HeroM 600 -76 l Hooker 255 -10 I C I 262 tnd Equity 614 ACI 380 +4 Leighton 75 -I AN I 330 -8 Lend Leo* 880 -50 A P M MogeUon Pet Aust 98 unch Aberfoyle 78OS -10 Mayne
        322 words
      • 58 19 Ill l_, HST Index Thursday 963.75 (961.45) Hongkong Hang Seng 10 Thursday 1,794.17 (1,820.68) 0Austrafan Al-Ordinaries Thursday Unavailable (1,222.4) Nkkei Stock Average I Thursday 15,924.69 (15,943.75) Financial Times Industrials Wednesday 1,320.0 (1,342.4) Dow Jones Average ljjjs Wednesday 1,808.28 (1,785.34) (Figures m brackets refer to those of the previous trading
        58 words
      • 207 19 M» 14 US$ Chan|e G«n Motor Cp 77% T Goodyear Tire 30* -X Alcoo 38% Gulf Res 11% ASed Sa 49% Hewlett Pock 44% Am Tel A Tel 24H +(4 Inrt Busi Moch 148% Amox Inc 14% Inti Tel Tel 46% Amr Corp 55% John Jhsn 66* +2V
        207 words
      • 492 19 May 14 Pence Chance MNNG INDUSTRIALS Borlowßond Afc.rf-1 331* d 7 ChorterCons 243 +2 Cons Gold 477 unch SSS*?** ,fT Rust Plot *9.50xd 12 Bobcock, 178 -2 ZQ 12/< Barclays 514 -33 US$ gj^*" 368 -7 |2 5/8 H SAY! 1 SSo? o AAI 53 unch gOCG"** HX Z
        492 words
    • Simex futures
      • 89 19 Eurodollar 3-month deposit EURODOLLAR futures opened on a bearish tone. The June contract opened lower than the previous day's close at 93.05. Liffe opening saw firmer prices, with the June contract rising to 93.06 before closing at 93.07. (100 implied interest rates Open High Low Sett Est V«l JuM 93.06
        89 words
      • Article, Illustration
        68 19 CURRENCY futures opened higher but traded sideways as outlook was mixed following comments by US officials on exchange rates development. June deutschemark traded to an intra-day high of 0.4603 before closing near the low at 0.4578. (US dollar Deutschemark Open High Low Sett Ect V«i Jutt 0.4597 0.4603 0.4577
        68 words
      • 41 19 JUNE yen traded to an intra-day high of 0.*****3 before closing at 0.*****4. (Japanese Yen) Open High Low Sett Est Vol JuM 0.*****2 0.*****3 0.*****2 0.*****4 624 8ept 0.*****8 Dee 0.*****7 Ores tat (Than): 1MB. Act Vol (Than): 825.
        41 words
      • Article, Illustration
        40 19 GOLD futures for June delivery settled at U*****.60 an ounce. Reports trom BA Futures (US$ per avy ounce) Open High Low Sett Est Vol JuM 343.60A 343.60 §mg 346.80 Sept 348.40 Open 1st (Thure): 51. Act Vol (Thnra): nil.
        40 words
    • 515 19 Receipt of Export FCL containers and LCL cargo LCI Receiving Receiving Sh|p (Voyage) Air Cargo Time Block Laust Ms (8606) 19/5(2330) F5 *****530/*****430 Al'Bl 1230-1330 Fl A Maine (9) 19/5(2130) F5 *****130/*****230 Nl/Pl 1230-1330 SI Ramdas (22H) 16/5 (1730) Fl 0830-0930 B 7 Chung Lie (605) 16/5 (1800)
      515 words
    • Article, Illustration
      243 19 Vessel Berth An Dep Vessel Berth Arr Dep KcppdMianes Seng Leong PIB 16 5 17 5 Vtetxo 12 PIC 16 5 17/5 Daiyunshan K27 aside 16/5 Xihai P«B 16 5 18 5 FrotaSingapore Kl6 aside 16/5 Yelena Stasova P3 16 5 17/5 L. Jalabert Bontang K33 aside
      243 words
    • 17 19 Rubber Closing prices cents/Mo Singapore June ;b?00 M one cent Malaysia June 197.50 own halt cent
      17 words
    • 17 19 Tm Closing prices MS/kio XL Tin 14.09 down one cent Turnover 33 tonnes down one tonne
      17 words
    • 26 19 Clown prices Copper tonne Spot 931.00 931 50 (924 00-925 OG; 3 months 940 00— 941 00 (935 50-936 50) Market ton* Steadier Sales 14.150
      26 words
    • 29 19 Clown pnee-. BMv*f USJ tro. o; Thur. Ned S.ngapofe 03—5 0* b Ofe .1 1 mtt \*ti New York (ft— Ml .Ot, Ul Source Credi' Sji.x S port
      29 words
    • 27 19 Ctosr.j prices Aluminium tome Ned Spot 764 50- 765 50 (763 00-764 00, 3 months 752 00-752 50 (754 00-755 001 Market tone Steady Sales 16.650
      27 words
    • 105 19 Crude MS/t«m palm oi May 560 (south' 557 50 (central; June 562 50 i south) Refined palm oi US$/tonnet RBO palrr oil lune 252 50 (sellers) July Aug 247 50 (sellers: RBO Steam June July Aug 215 (sellers) RBO Oleir June 277 50 sellers July 272 50 (sellers:
      105 words
    • 663 20  - Bousteadco not optimistic ANTHONY HOE Although cost-cutting moves are paying off By REMEDIAL measures taken to reduce operating costs during the past year by Bousteadco Singapore Ltd and the economic measures announced by the Government are beginning to show results for the company. But "the present recessionary conditions m Singapore
      663 words
    • 218 20 Four on shortlist for $3b highway project KUALA LUMPUR FOUR major Malaysian civil engineering companies have been shortlisted for selection as contractor to complete the remaining 460 km of the North-South highway project, a job worth $3 billion to $4 billion, a highly-placed source said. They are United Engineers Malaysia
      MBT  -  218 words
    • 111 20 KUALA LUMPUR Malaysia Mining Corp ls retrenching 123 employees $8 senior staff and 14 clerical workers from today. While blaming the worsening tin situation, MMC said the continued recession and depressed tin prices had neeessltet- ed a scaling down ai activities In the mining, exploration and
      NST  -  111 words
    • 463 20 KUALA LUMPUR A Singaporean businessman, Mr Lim Kiap Khee, and his associates are likely to emerge as the new owners of the low-profile proper-ty-based Renong Bhd. In an announcement to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Renong merely said Mr Lim and Datuk Zulkifli Kamaruddin have
      MBT  -  463 words
    • 228 20 OVERSEA-CHINESE Banking Corporation has proposed a scheme which, if approved, will make Eastern Realty Company (ERC) a wholly-owned company of the OCBC group. OCBC already owns 75.73 per cent of ERC's capital. ERC is an investment holding company which also acts as house
      228 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 306 17 ii ___\\\\_\____________________\\\\\\\\\\\____\\\\\\\miß^_tV^ss_W ._____!W^W^W___^___^B__\i_..____mr^^^^^^^^^w^B tßßPß^**'^ '^^v. mmmma a_^______^^___...'^.o_____\\__\W 4^***_^____s f] r^^ffi&yJFrcSfes&ftHa <»V :%r --______mSSl___i£- ±f ____l^____^__^_^______i \tßmWp^'^''^^m^^_-___________i____am\____\im ___mmmam w_\\\___^m__A jjjjjjaaFJfia ____________\\__\_^_m_\mkß_Mm »l^______ J\ H___MM^___)^_lcßßß!^^f^i v •::ijiijj[\3l ________^_____^____^___,^__L^____________i^______ Cr> ________raWl"_______________S£P»*«**^'^ >c__lO SPORTY PAPER SIIM WATCH WITH MULTI -FUNCTIONAL VERSATILITY Sanyo's ultra-slim PM Series watches Watches, solar-powered casual and combines trendy elegance with
      306 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 38 18 MAGAZINE =N^_^^^^ mMT^ ,rom issueS InpflHHjMl 28/4/86 KglW^uS|M9 12/5/86 BM-B^tiJ^Mlmm P 23/6/86 m ilsi B m good bookshops \m __^________h^^ W™ and newsagents Q FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS l^^l J Jurong Port flood Singapore ZMI mB-tm <* Tht Ibb. PubtMMng Gioup
      38 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1483 20 usual $17 W^i, Mflft ■HiuiM^i^^^^B ISI IAI mmmmm USUA ftCA NOW- MN§flpEo l I NOW:$475 1 now: $60 c^rM?i^TT«HHk SONYD 50MK I 1 A Stereo Radio 1 Model P-2 I l^-x I Battery Pack I fl fl Waikv 11 .CWCase fl^fT Tmt\lmVw JL^mmmmmW fli IM llfl M fl^fl^ I ***BBBmmm__*FL
      1,483 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 309 21 In looking at the problems of the aged, one major concern of the Government and community organisations is finding ways to help healthy old people lead active lives. This is especially significant since the number of people aged 55 and above is expec-
      309 words
    • 176 21 THE Singapore Action Group of Elders is willing to work with senior citizens' clubs run by grassroots organisations, said Dr Lim Chan Yong. Dr Lim, president of Sage, said: "It is heartening to see more organisations and clubs being set up to meet
      176 words
    • 313 21  - More facilities and services are needed CEPHAH TAN What 2 sociologists say By PRESENT communitybased social services and facilities for the ambulant aged are not enough and need to be further developed, said two prominent sociologists, Mr S. Vasoo and Dr Aline Wong. They should be improved and expanded because
      313 words
    • Article, Illustration
      253 21 MASTERS OF THE BRUSH: Four fujian master-painters demoivstrate their skill at Chinese brush-painting at River Valley CC tonight at 8.30. Admission is free. Flower power: Mrs Pearl Chen demonstrates the fine art of Dtebana at Serangoon Gardens CC today at 8 pm. On display will be samples
      253 words
    • 404 21 Henderson FOUR months ago, her husband started dropping her off at the centre m his trishaw every morning. And since then, Madam Poon Van, 75, has made many friends at the Henderson Senior Citizens' Home Corner, where she spends 10 hours a day. She
      404 words
    • 439 21 MORE old people belong to formal groups run by the People's Association than any other organisation. Forty-eight senior citizens' clubs, comprising about 11,800 members, have been formed within its community centres since 1978. Another 2,245 people are members of the PA Retirees' Club, which
      439 words
    • 428 21  -  LOW MEI MEI By SOME void deck senior citizens' clubs started off with modest attempts by the aged to fill up the void m their lives. Newly settled m their estates, they found themselves cut off from their former neighbours while those who
      428 words
    • 367 21  -  AUGUSTINE LOW Telok Ayer By THIS is one senior citizens' club that has no worries about dwindling membership or poor response to activities. For its premises at the Havelock community centre are like a second home to many of its
      367 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 38 21 Action Line *****72 Mon Fri 10 am 1 pm Ara you organising an avant that tha public should know about? Hava you hoard anything interesting happening m your neighbourhood? Call ua on Action Una and lot us know.
      38 words
    • 460 21 100*fc ROSEWOOD DINING Sf I _____aaf__ BS3BB_BHMB£-_H---. rosewood side board r r-m-, 1 p^ T ußSSeoNows26Bo —-:HBBBB LjPSa NCM wBO ®tea table^aamarßWm jMO us n xs^B^rW_\W_ >mm_______wm_mma__¥ a™ d«"»^_3o I MgMtii mm^F TBB Mm i»| I J frLUfIJ IV Jr) flm BHI^tW r rosewood 1 Hwy mmm _t^_f wall piaußE
      460 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      115 22 PHOON YEW HOE Departed 16 May 1984 Jesus said "I am the Resurrection, and The Life; he that belleveth m Me though he were dead, yet shall he live." Always remembered by loved ones. In Loving Memory Ol M. SIVAN4NDI THEVAR Departed: 18th May 1973 Gone from
      115 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      200 22 BP JAYATISA (KOOO) Aged 57 mamaai away suddenly on 14-5-86 leaving behind Beloved Wife: Dtssanayaka Karunawathy Daughter*: Seetha Jayanthie (Chiirai Son: Marshall 1 Son-in-law: Krishnan relatives, friends and loved one* lo mourn his loss. Cortege leaving 81k. 107 #01-223 Commonwealth Crescent, on 17-5-36 (Sat) at 3p.m. lo Choa
      200 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      19 22 SGT THOO JEE LOCK passed away suddenly on 14.5.86 Sadly missed by CO Mon of ASMB. RSAF
      19 words
    • 115 22 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MR BENNY UM ENG HOOI. PJK Departed 11-5-86 wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives, friends colleagues for their kind assistance, attendance, donations tt wreaths during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Doctors A Nurses ol Wards 42 44 ol NUM.
      115 words
    • 635 22  -  ROGER YUE Present crop of dour stayers can see out the 2,800 m trip By Racing Editor LOCAL racing lost some of its glamour when the Singapore St Leger was discontinued after 1964. Until that time, it was the longest race m the circuit at VA
      635 words
    • 640 22 ON THE TRACK with TONTO THREE-YEAR-OLD Dragons Hear impressed m his winding-up gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Taken out by leading Jockey Mark Sestich, Dragous Hour finished ahead of stablemates Greystoke (H. Bakri) and Regardless (Sng) m a 600 m trial m 36.9 sec. The going
      640 words
    • 15 22 THE next amateur race meeting will be held at Ipoh on June 4.
      15 words
    • 1949 22 I7TTVI 1 45 CLASS 4 DIV 5 1,200 m IiUUU (Ratings: 69-61) (Stakes: $17,000) 1 *****6 The Three Kingdom 51 (Ct) Frank-ston-Heddle 6 ag same (1200 m) *Kam 10 2 *9 Giovanni fM (S8) Redcap-Read 3 nzc +.5 (1400 m) Rajoo 3 3 89* Mick The
      1,949 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 29 22 THE SUNDAY TIMES RATES FOR OBITUARIES a $15.00 for 3 lines (Run-on style) $61 50 for 3cm i Icol. (Semi-display style) a $76.86 for 3cm x Icol (Display style)
      29 words
    • 171 22 vi Bk t__wß^j^_________\\W _____y________l YOU AND YOUR 1 camera! You and Your Camera Photography Series Here is a new series of books to give your photography that professional flair! Plenty of practical hints on every aspect of photography to help you get the most from your camera. Filled with hundreds
      171 words

    • 604 23 In peak Condition: Belgium's players are reaching peak condition through their high-altitude training, coach Guy Thijs said on Wednesday. "Excellent," he said, as the heartbeats of midfielder Frank Vercauteren and striker Filip Desmet dropped from 158 and 144 to 85 and 88 respectively one minute after an
      AFP; AP; UPI  -  604 words
    • 288 23 COLORADO SPRINGS (Colorado) ENGLAND'S World Cup soccer preparations were given a triple boost here on Wednesday. Injury-plagued captain Bryan Robson's seemed to have overcome his achilles tendon problem. He scored against South Korea m a friendly international here and looks certain to be fielded for
      AFP  -  288 words
    • 198 23 ENGLAND 4 S. KOREA 1 COLORADO SPRINGS Kerry Dixon scored twice to seal England's 4-1 victory over South Korea on Wednesday m a soccer warm-up for the World Cup finals m Mexico. The other England scorers were striker Marie Hateley (37th minute) and midfielder
      Reuter; AFP  -  198 words
    • 307 23 MEXICO CITY THE French soccer team arrived on Wednesday night for the World Cup soccer tournament, with coach Henri Michel and midfielder Michel Platini pledging to strive to live up to France's tag as one of the favourites. Police held back more than 200 fans,
      AFP  -  307 words
    • 330 23 Borghi is barred from Italian First Division OTHER SOCCER MILAN Italian club AC Milan's US$2.l million ($4.62 m) new signing Claudio Borghi cannot play for the First Division team until the season after next. The 21-year-old striker, of whom Argentina have high hopes m Mexico, is a victim of the
      AFP; Reuter; AP; UPI  -  330 words
    • 97 23 Barcelona to fine Schuster BARCELONA Barcelo- I na midfielder Bemd Schus- I ter will be fined and I dropped for his behaviour following the Spanish 1 club's European Cup final defeat, coach Terry Vena- I bles said on Wednesday. Venables said Schuster, j who walked out after being substituted during
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 278 23 WEST GERMANY 3 HOLLAND 1 DORTMUND Rudi Voeller gave a timely warning to his World Cup soccer opponents on Wednesday when he conjured two goals out of nothing to propel hosts West Germany to a 3-1 win over Holland. With the crowd chanting "Rudi, Rudi" every
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 232 23 All's well with Sanchez and squad MEXICO CITY Striker Hugo Sanchez, Mexico's best chance for Worid Cup soccer success, attended his first practice session on Wednesday, but a knee Injury prevented Urn from working out with his team-mates. Sanchez limited himself to 30 minutes of running and muscle-stretching exercises under
      UPI  -  232 words
    • 56 23 METEPEC (Mexico) A goal by Sen Said 15 minutes from time enabled Iraq to edge out Mexico's junior team 1-0 m a Worid Cup soccer warm-up here on Wednesday night Iraq looked anything but happy m the first ban and their Brazilian trainer Evar isto made
      AFP  -  56 words
    • 353 24 Soviet boxer in ring controversy RENO (Nevada) The Soviet Union's Yuri Alexandrov won a bantamweight quarter-final bout m the World Boxing Championships on Wednesday, but his Nigerian opponent Hakeem Anifowosag protested that he fought while wearing a wedding ring. Another controversy left the result of a heavyweight bout between Cuba's
      Reuter; AP  -  353 words
    • 470 24  -  PETER SIOW Japanese master brings 'karate without tears' By Pic- The aim ia to punch without being punched. Never meet an opponent head-on. Alwaye move around your opponent and attack from the aide or back where he ia moat vulnerable. Thia way, you will avoid injury to
      JONATHAN CHOO  -  470 words
    • 284 24  - Singapore aim to move up ladder PETER SIOW SINGAPORE will attempt to improve on their fifth placing m the Asian basketball women's championship when they leave for Kuala Lumpur at the end of the month. The team, coached by veteran Lim Loh Huat and Taiwan's Lok Chi, are a blend
      284 words
    • 293 24 MARSEILLE (France), Italian motor racing driver Elio de Angelis was fighting for his lif e after his car had spun out of control and crashed m practice at the Le Castellet circuit on Wednesday. Doctors treating De Angelis said he was m a serious
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 58 24 PARIS Work) rally championship constructors have rejected, by a majority vote of 15-8, as "unacceptable" a decision by Fisa, motor sport's governing body, to ban the powerful Group B rally cars from competition next season. Fisa's ban was announced following the death of Finland's Henri Toivonen and codriver
      AFP  -  58 words
    • 155 24 INDIANAPOUS Mario Andretti suffered minor injuries and possibly a major setback m his effort to win a second Indianapolis 500 when he crashed on Wednesday during practice for the May 25 race. The 46-year-old driver, who finished second here last year, has been frustrated m his chase
      AP  -  155 words
    • 201 24 SICILY Veteran Italians Giuseppe Saronni and Francesco Moser dominated a tricky team time trial from Catania to Taormina on Wednesday to finish first and second respectively m the third stage ol the Tour of Italy cycle race. The 50-kilometre stretch had its intended effect of scattering the field,
      UPI  -  201 words
      • 354 24 DURBAN (South Africa) The 30 New Zealand Rebels m South Africa will defy a call by New Zealand Rugby Football Union chairman Cez Blazey that they return home by Monday for All-Black trials. The NZRFU met on Wednesday m Wellington and stopped
        AFP; AP; Reuter; UPI  -  354 words
    • 197 25  - Hill fails to stop the leaders TAY CHENG KHOON THE presence of national champion Peter Hill failed to prevent Reservists' Association crashing 2-3 to National A m a Milo Premier League squash tie at the East Coast Recreation Centre last night. Peter was m devastating form, defeating Lim Hwee Tong
      197 words
      • 351 25  -  JOE DORAI By BECAUSE of the priorities placed on the National Football League and the Merlion Cup tournament, Singapore's national squad have been "grounded" from two international competitions scheduled to be held before the Seoul Asian Games m September. The two competitions are the Brunei
        351 words
      • 100 25  - Singapore among six for Coke Cup ALBERT JOHNSON SINGAPORE Is am at six teams expected* be Invited ta the 2nd Asian Cshe Cap Under-lf teanament ln Dalian, _n_____b_____. tuna, tentatively sehednled far inly IMS. The ethers are Hongkong, Malaysia, Tkallaad, Indonesia and Japan. The first Asian Cake Cap was held
        100 words
      • 256 25  -  PETER SIOW ■y TOA PAYOH striker Ibrahim Tecklan had only one look at goal and he made it count against Farrer Park United m a National Football League Division One match at Jalan Besar Stadium last night. Toa Payoh hung on to his lSth-minute
        256 words
      • 233 25  - Indians set for return to Bardhan Cup JOE DOR AI SINGAPORE Indians have decided to return to the Bardhan Cup tournament, after a one-year absence, with a strong squad which will include the Republic's top strikers V. Sundram Moorthy and K. X—a The Republic were joint champions with Kedah of
        233 words
    • 481 25  -  TAY CHENG KHOON ON THE SQUASH FRONT By 41 even trained with the hardball these past few weeks m London to help me get used to tho tester pace of the bell here. But I still find the hoot unbearable. I presume it's
      481 words
    • 335 25  - Red-hot Recs notch third victory ALBERT JOHNSON HOCKEY By SINGAPORE Recreation Club enhanced their title hopes when they beat arch-rivals Singapore Cricket Club 24 for their third victory m a Singapore Hockey Association Premier League match at the Padang yesterday. Recs were as fiery as their red outfits and, SCC,
      335 words
    • 186 25 Martina, Steffi cruise into final 16 WEST BERUN MARTINA Navratilova and Steffi Graf, seeded first and second m the US$l5O,OOO (1330,000) West German Open women's tournament, cruised into the last 16 with straightset wins on Wednesday. Martina marked her return to the courts for the first time since winning the
      Reuter  -  186 words
    • 259 25 Mslsa Opes second resad: Joakim Nystrom (Sue) bt Eliot Teltscher (US) 74, 6-1; Kent Cartoon (Swe) bt Ricki Otferthun (WG) 6-1, 6-4; Ivan Lendl (Cze) bt Bruce Devlin (NZ) 6-2, 6-1: Boris Becker (WG) bt Hondo de la Pena (Arg) 6-2, 6-3, Andre) Chesnokov (SU) bt Jonas Svensson
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 304 25 ON THE TENNIS SCENE ROME WIMBLEDON champion Boris Becker overcame his errors and the tenacity of Argentine opponent Horacio de la Pena to reach the second round of the Italian Open championships here on Wednesday. Left-hander de la Pena saved three match points before falling
      Reuter  -  304 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 154 23 BONDS Grand Slam® Sports wear that equals the performance of Champions _____X J^mSi W_W^_\_r^E_^. Bl Vi^.^ wT HS^^___^ _____h B^^^g "JiPm^^_^lci[ B^^B Pi| *a^. ____mm i _________________B_________!^^^ mmw m m "^M V__________________nH at** y ._________a_____l B_l________^Rl F BfNs i'_il____B _____K?*3___f _____E_____________________ __m ___K_____r V mam _____L__i mß^ ?i§W <i_____^*__l WStm
      154 words
    • 26 23 d*-*sdLi J-db?u*JU -^^L+J~4u~e>C> sty**** -^^jl^jL tety Aw V m it j /A/^do /h*L/*~^*-' -^u^^ auLA-e^s &MM*dl^<A^ Jto j££e^ sljuXl jL*A4U*)*jLL \y j4-*Ajbs Jrfaso^ &Jx£<r\ Ws*<jJLls /U
      26 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 27 25 m RESULTS DRAW No: 38/86 5 OUT OF 49 32, 1, 35 24,12 ADO. No 8 TUNE IN TO SBCTEXT CHANNEL 5 PG 188 I FOR RESULTS
      27 words
    • 251 25 SAAB Turbo is exhilarating to more impressive than the Turbo' s drive it's so much fun, the price is_ straightline acceleration however, is the irrelevant.-** __imß''_\\\\\BliL^^m en ine s driveability It starts easily when Roaa Track, usa s-^^~^£MmimWßk_mBß cold and warms up so quickly it puts v many other cars
      251 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 27 25 HOCKEY SHA Div 1: NUS v FARC (Tanglin); Div t: Prisons v Club HDB (Farrer Park AC) both at 5.30. SOCCER Friendly: Padantiques v Doctors (Padang, 5.30).
      27 words

  • 448 26  - $400 m deals with Japan look hopeful CATHERINE C. ONG B-G Lee: Two to be signed, two being discussed By m Tokyo TOKYO Singaoore is m the running for some $400 million worth of new Japanese projects following the first investment promotion trip here to be headed by a minister.
    448 words
  • 270 26  - Matsushita plans $100 m expansion in Singapore CATHERINE CONG TOKYO Electronics giant Matsushita of Japan is planning to invest about $100 million m expansion projects m Singapore, it was disclosed yesterday. Mr I. Fujimoto, President of Matsushita's Denshi Kogyo, the group's semiconductor subsidiary, said it is planning to make more
    270 words
  • 323 26 Mission accomplished by legless Vietnam veteran WASHINGTON Bob WWilsad, a legless veteran of the Vietnam War who seeks to raise millions tf dollars for the world's hungry people. ended a MM-km walk across the United States oa Wednesday as he began it on his hands. When he arrived awe, Mr
    AP; Reuter  -  323 words
  • 283 26  -  KOICHI ISHIYAMA By ot our Tokyo bureau JAPAN'S imports of oil and other finished products from Singapore have been increasing sharply, according to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti). "Japanese imports of oil and other finished products from Singapore totalled U*****,960,000
    283 words
  • 90 26 Murder of four-year-old girl A 32-YEAR-OLD woman was yesterday charged with murdering her boyfriend's daughter m their Bukit Batok East Avenue 4 flat oa Wednesday. Ang Poh Kirn is alleged to have murdered four-year-old Lim Vi Wen, the youngest of three children of a fishball-seller, between 5.10
    90 words
  • 285 26 Drugging of woman at aerobics centre A WOMAN, her brother and two other men were yesterday charged with drugging the woman's aerobics business partner. Scow Koy Lin, 24, her brother Kee Kuan, 22, Ho Chew Fook, 21, unemployed, and businessman Lee Choong Hin, 32,
    285 words
  • 451 26  - Murdani: Blasts may be linked to Tokyo summit YANG RAZALI KASSIM By Jakarta Correspondent JAKARTA As Jakarta returned to normal yesterday, the Indonesian military suggested that Wednesday's attacks on three embassies here could have been m retaliation for the antiterrorist posture adopted by seven industrialised nations m the recent Tokyo
    451 words
  • 30 26 NEW YORK The Dow Jones Average of 30 industrials fell 6.82 points to 1,801.46 m the first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday. AP
    AP  -  30 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 447 26 B___wit_j T if. w* 1 *V i 1 f t ■|«<-i»4«h*>H«-ji«.n Miinn colD award 5 SWS H mm^mm quality M_W~~ m PERFORMANCE m^Smmaam^ A^m i workmanship i mk nwi it t i ft S I B 'At llAotadJ m _____________w_\\ _______________w_w_W WW -Btßm_ iCMff aSA TURDAYTILL 10PM l^«_^E£__iL__ i __^-_____h
      447 words
    • 439 26 QUALITY 1 year J HANDMADE CARPETS] JJ^tfcSK^i^PlCyffZ^^j^, BJ_^K_^^__fl^lovH^^^Si& MTbB BtrtJCl mmm_f__mm^___km______\\\____ur>__l^W HiHw.n'L-. .ifcUriiUMl mt., i. FINEST PERSIANS TRIBAL AFGHANS > .A, I __B<cm Ba^M ■^^jjlijtt ____________f mW_\^W___W 'Jam I Hm^-^ WWBFm___m^B\__\WW WWWWWm m B\ "^B \\t_\W *BBW CHINESE PAKISTAN _____F_^____L >*^^tti__fc u ,s. _> ___B___"n^______. mk v !l__?^ ____2^ss*^__l m*^
      439 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 142 26 iWWßi^wwfci<W'iw_wiiii'iwiwiiiii^iiiwiit'i! l i,i.i)iyitiii,»wi i iii.'ij UP TO 1 pjn. Showers over a few areas m the late moming TEMP. (C) up to 6 ajn. tomorrow: 32 max., 25 mm SUNSET today: 7.06 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.56 am. GLOBAL WEATHER Adelaide 14/15 C Rain Manila 24/36 C Cloudy Amsterdam 3/17 C
      142 words

  • Section TWO Weekend
    • 3 1 Section TWO Weekend
      3 words
    • 929 1  -  JOHN de SOUZA The Victoria Concert Hall can boast of a grand old clock and an old pipe organ. The deck has been restored and now, it's the turn of the organ. reports. IT HAS been silent for at least 25 years. But by late 1967,
      929 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 369 1 On Page 29: The German firm that will carry out the restoration oP^^ x Mil JB 13 __F^Ji K^lliKk 3U___r wl__r ________'^^_9 _S_KV SMbli Jjß _W_W___*2BW ___________A^_l B^S. ____H__v W^H E_l _^^l I_k^_^i "i_fr_Jtii^_____^_i __m iMi^Mti^^^mmkiii.- j wW VS. JP rv :^M_t__mm IWasW W__\Wm v" ____\_\m WF''- ________________r^Bi_?l _&__m_\ W_\__
        369 words
      • 80 1 i aaaaammmmmmmmammmmaaaammm_m Pest makes a comeback 3 But don't go for your Baygon! Thumbs up for Samsui Women 9 A review of the first four episodes f Anita to quit local scene? 7 Where's your support? asks Chris Ho An owl's prowl of LA 6 And Michelle Pfeiffer's the guide
        80 words
    • Personal Glimpses
      • 640 2 Weekend ji Wlallbag flg^ I REFER to the article Miami Vice Doesn't Seem To Have Caught on Here (ST, April 25) and the letter from Miami Vice Supporter (ST, May 2). It is good to hear someone speaking up for Miami Vice. I, too, read
        640 words
      • 65 2 IT LOOKS as if Culture Shock has got both fans and detractors, as can be seen from the past two weeks' Weekend Mailbag letters. My friends and I have seen Culture Shock perform on numerous occasions, and to us, they are "a good local band". For
        65 words
      • 115 2 I DISAGREE with the letter, Take a Cue From the Stray Dogs (ST, May 9). I don't see anything innovative, creative or experimental about jamming to standard blues tunes. As for Dick Lee, some of his songs are okay, but the reason I think why local audiences
        115 words
      • 188 2 I REFER to the letter by Kuo Peck Yien (ST, May 9). I feel there is nothing wrong with Taiwanese singers recording our television theme songs. We certainly like variety and wouldn't want to hear the same singer all the time. Yue Lei, Shellen
        188 words
      • 185 2 SINGAPOREANS are generally polite and courteous. Even when they are assaulted by bad music, they will try their best to put up with it. But when I read the article about Dick and Jacintha Abisheganaden being told to go off stage by a blonde
        185 words
      • 75 2 -^~^^^^^^^^^^™i^^™™"»««»™b^__________________ SBC replies WE REFER to the letter from Mr John Power on the series, Welcome to Mexico. As the programme was still m production, we acquired the programme based on the publicity material given. like Mr Power, we were also disappointed with the production and will
        75 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 1192 2 Ll mW _flflMfcr** *»«»»»»«> ,m B W mm T mm m ill mmßm \mß_Z.mm_\_\______^__________^____________________i JB B *i km yJB flknpr I B B mBB 1— r___j= m JBim* A 1 ztWtmmßß.. WrBBtBL^^W $^^iH i ,mm__A________________B_BtmmmmßmmamK fll^^^^^^ I 3 seater -I- 2 armchairs |fe|i^|i«>*^\\ frlfSH 2 side chairs centre table 1^
        1,192 words
    • Night Out
      • Article, Illustration
        437 3  -  PAT D'ROSE By REMEMBER Ernie Koh? Remember the days when bands like Pest Infested and Stray Dogs entertained thousands of young people at places like the Polytechnic, the then Singapore University and the American School? In those days the late 60s bands earned between $600 and $800 a
        437 words
      • 75 3 DAVID NG will return to the lounge circuit on June 1 to play at Meridien Orchard's Le Rendezvous piano bar. The portly jazz pianist entertains m Singapore about six months every year. The rest of the time either finds him back m his hometown, Penang,
        75 words
      • 529 3  -  KANNAN CHANDRAN By THE Eldee Young Trio having laid an unshakably firm foundation, it was inevitable that the Westin establishment had to look towards the United States for a replacement band at the Somerset Bar. And it's found another trio recommended by Eldee who, this
        529 words
      • 114 3 THE second jam session organised by the Musicians and Singers Association of Singapore will be held at the Ridgewood Club m Pandan Valley on Sunday. The accent will be on country music. The Grand Combination (currently at Ginivy's m International Building, Orchard Road) will
        114 words
      • 133 3 ONE wonders why Marina Xavier can't seem to keep away from Bali. She keeps going back every few months. Barely a week back from a seven-week holi-day-cum-working stint m Bali, Jakarta and Jogjakarta, the statuesque singer is talking about returning to Bali m November. ____._\\\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mjLmmJ
        133 words
      • 180 3 AFTER same uncertainty, Sweet Charity has decided to play at this Sunday's Let's Rock concert, to be held at the National Stadium. They will draw the concert to a climactic close. There will also be aa unexpected Item, bat you'll have to make yonr way to
        180 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 288 3 ________!_h x -~__lj___j BEST SATAY _Sm STEAM-BOAT _jg* Quek Kye Teng TANGLIN (TONG HUAT) SATAY STEAM-BOAT From "KOEK ROAD" Shifted to PUB Canteen for more than 9 years. NOW We are at: Somerset Road, PUB Head-Quarters Canteen, Stall No. 7. Free gift tor an order of more than $1 5
        288 words
      • 264 3 Americaya hari Raya Price SUSS! 16 May 9 Jun 86 Great store-wide discounts on a full range of quality shoes, handbags and leather accessories. ■y? IfcSMilfc "M Cfly _fi__f\fi7 OPP A mens ltalian shoes It Ifl /fi OU /O J R Barrett Moreschi j mm^^lmmWt^^ -mmw tm Marelli Florsheim OJSAj
        264 words
      • 127 3 ___brJ6fclfe^f Jk_EU3iJ Sli^n _fISr^SWB» 10 J iiii ->. I 9 a^j^ill^]U^^M_________________________B a^_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Wl_\\\\\\\\W§£m_? BB^sfc- Ba BBBBB^^^^_^( r --"^^t a•• B mmm i m- m mf '-<•■■■ fl mmmmmmaH_ t ________Ei__W. Xl? _________________BB|jgßß______i4&'< Bil^life ■■■v B_l H a i_K"jl^_____Bfl a^- i\*^B fl fi s V^^^l hmmmp"* N^ -________________ma^SS__f^^_h^^_\\W I H^Li^mc*^ Wm+fm H
        127 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 467 4 J^W Bm^^^ __________r \\\^^_\\\\\\\\________________-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW_______\\\B -___\__W^Wm __________r ________B____r __________________H_fl ____Bflpl_____r -____W^P__\WM _________________l __P^^^^^^^^^ BBT mm*_______W\W A^aW am^^^^^Mm ______________fl _____r____________rj^^F _^^r_______WWr ___________^^^__i_______^^___B T^__________________r mWr _________L WW^ n__i________________________i________Mn___H I IT'S JUST NATURAL AMD HEALTHY r\ SUSHI IS THE &Jik MOST 4^(PM&^ POPULAR food m i^^T^^Smi^ NOW* fy f~"" iitirU' 12fBI fl _m HAFfI
        467 words
      • 318 4 whether you're 6 years old or 60... you can play the elka organ! _A____j_m® SELKA OfM organ (italy) M ELKA ORGAN JUNIOR/ ADULT COURSE It j—^ ShMJ Piano Classical SaiJ Music Theory Classes Available Now. jgj§ Whenever you enrol ELKA MUSIC ORGAN/ \~m PIANO COURSE you are I fl assured
        318 words
      • 568 4 Taxi service for pets YOU don't want to take a day off to queue at The salon also provides grooming services, the vet's with your sick dog. Even if you're boarding facilities, home de-ticking and bathprepared to make the journey you may find it ing services. "We are very particular
        568 words
      • 36 4 m B -ft-tCmm fl WW_f^^P^_____________-___r nen ce r^^ tioodpriCeS oi coo^^t There is $3-90 to rwinees daay *£L everyday 1 I Also ask about our slies 1 including specw* fl selections not on B t BIU
        36 words
      • 329 4 H^^^^bHßH mm\ a Winner! Bt with the Miramar Ht f) &l Bistro Blanc JS/j Lucky Draw fcjjjp? Bonanza From l May until July l9B<\ wirh the purchase of every $25.00 at Femtree Cfte or Brass Rail k>unge together with a bottle ot B'stro Blanc citrus wine cooler, you'll he entitled
        329 words
    • Films
      • 965 5 The Cannes Film Festival 4 After the recent terrorist attacks, several American film stars and directors, including Sylvester Stallone and Steven Spielberg, announced that they would not come to Cannes this year, a development that attracted great at- m tention m France. A LIGHTEARTED and
        NYT  -  965 words
      • 556 6 KANNAN CHANDRAN reviews Into the Night, next change at Jade. FOR Ed OWn (Jeff Goldblum), aerospace engineer by day, insomniac by night, life hai reached the nadir of its wide awake existence. Pred'ctable. Routine. So-o-o-o boring. He's slipping m his job. His wife is sleepin m hers
        556 words
      • 495 6 Beauty, delight it's a French re-connection PATRICK SHEN previews the French Film Festival, which begins on Monday. THE French cinema is one of the world's oldest, greatest and most influential national cinemas and it is extremely satisfying to see m the 80s a re-emergence oi the vitality and delight that
        495 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 920 5 S ll N,: Everyone's \\f Food Cat rin &< ll BABA CAFE PERANAKAN .n Z. J tf j. ?!>> t«i: *****17. *****43 (At Holland Village) foo d talking about our -I^V^l^r^ ._-JiILL ao^^^^---^^ IflflflßflßflJ _____jßmmW_W___\WW_l________ Ss> _______^_________________F^i ■> :<«^____M)___i__________. i! 'i**» :S;; ''>li/ i I "*-vw*_A t Q_B** ■9 Bl
        920 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1017 6 w B LIVITA I^^ —^(^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.....^^^^m T v -^^fc,^^ Sfi^K >^^7^^__________________________^ __V &&|a ?'''3N^'^t' izf_K£ff flfefl ________WWW\WW M___B _C^/ C MBmif™% a I A^^HB ______^________________m B^^^^ imMMm__m _______B____fl s lttfe__. a___\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_W B\ /^S^-m___ -M_W _^~-~*~~7>_ W7-_____W-- v wOfloOlaUOn L_^! I y^ yitr *mmr^____________Zr^ W 1^ fl m. Livitß Jocmlimi Suit fl
        1,017 words
    • Music
      • 920 7  -  Chris Ho The pop life Our doyenne of pop, Anita Sarawak, is packing up for the United States. Let's just hope she's not leaving us for good. "SHIVERS, shivers they go down my spine Anita Sarawak, who once graciously harmonised that line for a song
        920 words
      • 677 7  -  Chris Lewis Compact Discs FRANCOIS GLORIEUX: Disney Song Book (Eastworld/Toshiba EMI TEC-2019) THE Disney films have had some lovely songs written for them, and which adult cannot remember at least one of them? The best known is probably Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (even though the sound of it
        677 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 292 7 Apply Dettol (ream for minor cuts, grazes and wound. It heals Use Dettol Cream for minor cuts and insect bites. It soothes better* and kills germs. r^r^ttol f^Y&CkfW dettol Cream is the effective antiseptic ingredient also l_/wilV/l«vl %?Cjl 1 I antiseptic cream to keep m helps to prevent infection. f
        292 words
      • 197 7 I MAGGI EXCHANGE i a c I i ai.ii__»_____________Hat~3'" fc i I iWBMBmm Here are 5 great offers that I I f make Maggi 2-Minute Noodles I I I 2 fn^^«oAsl/ more than a great tasting, quick €fiidßft I I k^Bm^m^Mm Take part inThe Great Maggi 1 I I jidfP
        197 words
    • Sight & Sound
      • 600 8  -  Catherine Ong Staying Tuned IT'S a sad and sorry fact that the sponsors' advertisements during the Miss Singapore/Miss Universe contest telecast on Sunday night were far more slick and classier than the entire beauty pageant. In fact, the advertisements were often more entertaining. They
        600 words
      • 434 8 -KANNAN CHANDRAN previews two new series. Misfits of Science (pilot film) Sunday, Ch 5, 2 pm (series begins on May 25, Ch 5, 5.15 pm) WHAT wiU they think of next? Just when you thought The A-Team was the ultimate m zany, Bohemian
        434 words
      • 346 8 For Those I Loved Monday, Ch 5, 9.30 pm ONCE again, the cameras swing into anti-Nazi mode, milking feelings of sympathy for the persecuted Jews of World War n. And yet another true story is recreated for television audiences to sit bade and be
        346 words
      • 723 9  -  LEONG WENG KAM We're into the second week of Samsui Women. If you still haven't tuned in to it, recommends that it's about time you did. THEY are generally seen but not heard. "They" are samsui women, immigrant workers who came from China to work on
        723 words
      • 558 9  - One man's journey into the origins of a 'magical' land CATHERINE ONG previews All the World's a Stage, which begins on Ch 12 at 8 pm next Wednesday. HOW did theatre begin? A new 13-part documentary series, All the World's a Stage, which begins next Wednesday on Ch 12 at
        558 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 383 8 i ii 1 1 ffnagffl Hari Raya Warehouse Sale Ron Phillips tfT\ 3...-. <(ti Cenuine Leather (J mt'. mwAmW Fashion goods C4i|D h,m,^_ -t -a_ ir^^.B* s ackers Gents shirts mWyfß-fk, i-M LAOeS I l u ts _^_H Bm\ h_waags barest Eurooean New arrivals on CHUrerfS Br*W jB SR
        383 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 71 9 Drill itsawitsand A it,screwit,plusrit, polish it, clean it, A Do it all with the Bosch Baser Set for just $219. Most of the essential tools you need for home^^ maintenance come m the Bosch Boxer Set. j^SbL Mr' __A WWW b If v y* V^^^^__________________________________fl X*jß __ffif* **fl s^ \__W__W\r
        71 words
      • 426 9 v^^miiiH_________r f vw i B* rr^am&lA'**} I— J W ww > s_B a^^R' I M 1 1 Biac> acque j l'^.' B_______i tF BB <m_W^mT^M scree' witt l?88i I 1 ___H^__? a^ jB <fa>f r soapaonta-x: $1380 1 W m m 1"?-mop mop M__d ,w a« IB tcßno INpi oes'9'
        426 words
    • Bilingual
      • Article, Illustration
        86 10 *Jfc|pH¥ffl«#tt«J* fc -i &SWPI ff Hft x EH m_B m #4> p mt&mm Wnftfr •Vfi£ f£ ffi -J tf ftznm bbi ti-i s JS li" H PM Bm ffl J S jff<af] fMi?tttt*) da§HPw«>i*i>^imtt &.£»&s(£ Mfi**ag| Ifftt <«ffl> tßtein $9TO&Jh*;ffatt— *ft *'«:«^A;a:m mwim H VB9&X H fefMffrf] <Hni&i2ftm.S> Hifc^tf m&te&fc&)'kmtfi&"
        86 words
      • 597 10 Sight Sound DANNY CHAN admits he's a temperamental and arrogant snob. "I don't drink anything except Perrier water and champagne," said the Hongkong singing sensation, who's here for a seven-day series of concerts at the World Trade Centre which began last night. "When I feel depressed,
        597 words
      • 273 10 Shakespeare goes Shaoxing in Shanghai WHEN William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night was adapted for Shaoxing opera and first staged m Shanghai recently, the audience greeted it with mixed feelings. Many young people, who were not regular opera-goers, watched the performance with great interest till the end. Some Shaoxing opera fans, however,
        273 words
      • 330 10  -  TNG SOK CHNG By DEVOTED TO YOU <*N>«»»> Midnight tomorrow and morning show on Sunday at Eng Wah cinemas. A FILM about teenage love impetuous, innocent, beautiful but unfulfilling. Refreshing faces Luo Meiwei Zhang Xueyou (3K**), U Lizhen (^M^) and Wang Minde (igtffi)
        330 words
      • 122 10 5k rtl >»£Si jS€S X A rto ©jm-^w^TMi^^A^ ft XIS £p Jt H —gp 'ji "SilA" HJ-^i^l MH«*lt&»«A«lffi Ti MM 7 fl fc li fife U'j $is H ffi mß—\^B\wM__\Lßii c SSfi-jg/Sft ft— ll^H* &7 VjMJftMttMHl! »#fiSl cfi[> gt^«li%^*iti— #*w Midi £Wfl»£ MM. W xmm i sft&<iKS3rtf) tti&J&Bg Ni M
        122 words
      • Article, Illustration
        142 10 e*^4ts±^^ &iic¥- ffi^igusam© m^&mm&m^&imn BMttoß-" fift«tfcisXJtf£#3fc *"%#te&i-&¥.m.T%&Gj& tftfjis &ft <.mmmm> MUM® &E--BitrY&i mm cfflvtmm m^mm m &&^l32M._\ to r^MZM ##_S£fliS#¥ #> g.mmzr% m^s -f&&M_%nmmm mifi& ftpfc££*. fIME--gr»M AJ6KSPM* SRiMXtoH <RUg &x&n-#j i&m-fr SW to <f*ft> <to HJt^Llf B~n Hitt«*A*± B Ctf^:> *i&mftPf& B M fe«Bifr^efiaim. *€fi& tiip^^a> c^Hff u> cm
        142 words
    • Page 10 Miscellaneous
      • 712 10 Winners of Cross-language cat^iaagaage oasswerd pusie wiu be published every Friday. Crossword No 237 a^^i to i SSIS^ BWO^d, clues $51 cash: LOW GUAY HOON Eleven winners will be picked trom the (LC. No: *****08/ Z) all-correct entries. One wUI receive $51 cash Vm cash each: and he her wWm
        712 words
    • Bilingual
      • 938 11  -  SRIVATSA What's m i#] a Name?rQi By THERE were many kingdoms, states and principalities m India before the country became an independent republic m 1947. At least 54 large kingdoms are mentioned m the Indian epics such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Famous kings of
        938 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 222 11 NOTICES Hfl ni/D FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED I) INDUSTRIAL PREMISES 1) Geylang East 8) Kampong Übi 2) Ang Mo Kio (suitable for food Ra/J/iL- industries at Block 3020) Of DcUUIV 4) Defu 9) Bukit Batok 5) Clementi J<W £j sh n 6) Eunos 11 Woodlands 7) Toa Payoh 12) Tampines II) PREMISES FOR
        222 words
      • 87 11 LIMITED (Incorporated m Singapore) LOST STOCK CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that stock certificate numbered A487 1 6 covenng 1 000 stocks m the name otLm Choo Neo Deceased Estate of has been reported lost Notice is also hereey qwen ihat a new stock certificate wi« be Rsued and the
        87 words
        298 words
      • 254 11 I Tender Notice I Tenders are invited for— I Tender No. STORES/5/86 SALE OF USED I I 2-WHEELER VEHICLES. H I Tender No. STORES/6/86 SALE OF I I UNUSED JULY 1985 TELEPHONE I I DIRECTORIES. I Eligibility Registered Contractors Class C D. Non-registered Contractors —Documention Fee $10.00. |^H I Closing
        254 words
      • 466 11 Tamil Word Contest 12 There are six incomplete sentences below. Choose the more suitable word after each sentence and underline it. £i£lLp ftjfrirs6B)su (Sutuiiq. Qpgjjb u/fl* 50 Qeuefretfl. £§)£<r 5 uifW<36ofr tg}&(3)ii, 15 QeusnsrT uT6i_(3a.\T,'j,Lb u nil G&jb 6C!rii>. c^oAj(S{r Qmgi&r&t (Sudjd uiLi— &__uugst &<_s&• &iQjj£mMMnB*m£LJBBB CTgjO/u) Ssm-iutrgi. 1. £§)£69T
        466 words
      • 313 11 SUBORDINATE COURTS SINGAPORE M.C. Summons No. IMIC*M9BS Between SWEE BEE TRADING CO. PTE. LTD. Plaintiffs And BETTY WONG Defendant FORM OF ADVERTISEMENT Bk BETTY WONG now or late of Apt Blk SSS, Hoogans North Avenue #•1-711 Singapore 1953. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you m the
        313 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 859 12 "^^Vj "V r W S M I H if -C TELEPHONE SERVICE: f sl I \l I fl i-B^m m_W\_\t_ mma mmmm .Mmmmmm Monday to Friday i Saturo^i l fc I mWWmI _^__k. H flB H fc. VB mm |l| fll||n pjwk Hotwar I fl fc fc^fl fl fl B^^^^^l
        859 words
      • 609 12 12 Computer Products/ Services ROGENRY COMPUTERS PTE LTD offers: IBM Compatible PCXT 256k-840k with 2 drives, drive card, colour graphic card, printer card S keyboard c 14 colour monitor c 1 storage box c l disk cleaning kit c Operation manual. For only $1850 onwards. Japanese turbo running on 8
        609 words
      • 613 12 4 Nightclubs/ 4 Nightclubs/ 4 Nightclubs/ Lounges/Discos Lounges/Discos Lounges/Discos /52S\ Vj\ \J^_k\ \&l^ 83-01 Ming Arcade Cuscaden Road 3 ___^__S^^ _«^RV /f^^V»«^_^2^_^«»4^^w Singapore 1024 I I I Jk irW Tel: *****97 *****95 *****07 II hi fprt&Q^ o^ TO PASSION jl There's something consistently good m II ___^mmW \\m Ming Arcade
        613 words
      • 169 12 WE SPECIALISE IN kitchen cabinets, built-in wardrobes, office display counter, showcases etc. at moderate charges to suit your budget. Selva. *****68 (24 hrs.) REUPHOLSTERY HOME SOFA, cushion covers re-varnishing furniture, dining set. Tel: *****31. Ec I.lan Sofa. SPECIALIST IN UPHOLSTERY, cus-tom-made sofa trade-in accepted. Reasonable price. Phone *****40 (day)/ *****43
        169 words
      • 422 12 t 20 Pets/Pet Care ff > Wr THE DOGGY SHOP 81-11 Orchard Towers For All Your Doggy Needs TEL: *****43 OWNER LEAVING. IMPORTED German Shepherd with papers, 3 mths.— 3 yrs., 2 males, 4 females, big boned, champion bloodline, black/tan. Pekingese— 2 males, parti colour. Fawn/ sable. 6 mths.— 4
        422 words
      • 638 12 25 Sale: Other Products TEMS AVAIL. JUNE '86. 1 pc. rhompson dish washer (3 yrs. Jld). 1 pc. Bosch washing machine (1 yr. old). 1 pc. clothes wardrobe (6 yrs. old). ex-Swit-terland. Price neg. Pis. contact Kirn. *****05 x 282. CANE FURNITURE SALE. Direct from factory. 20 Jin. Leban. (6
        638 words
      • 566 12 28 Health Centres/ Massage DUKE'S HEALTH CENTRE 3rd floor, Ouke Hotel, 42-46 Meyer Rd. (former Ambassador Hotel) Massage/ Steambath. All rooms with bathrooms attached. Ample parking space. Opens daily 11. 00 am to 11.30pm. Tel *****87 DOUBLE-FORTUNE HEALTH CENTRE. =04-11 to =04-15 Fortune Centre. 190 Middle Road. Massage/ sauna. All
        566 words
      • 490 12 30 Hairdressing ■ht $_\\\_____l _L__3__ -^m JI __o>bb\\ INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMA AWARDED Beginners. Advance. Professional courses MODELS REQUIRED Cut $4 Perm $8 Colour $10 *****50 Jennifer 222 Upp Thomson Rd ***** r= PERM: $35 1 I CUT: $15 I Rick FairCMd his M London-trained team, ma nrttftWiiTo I SALON WORKSHOP Hi™
        490 words
      • 408 12 TMEA CLOSER LOOK "Start your holiday off with a bargain. duty-free spirits at the Duty Free stores you won't find lower prices m S.E. Asia. If you do, we'll refund the difference. And that's Classification 137. %^k_.. '^H H 32 Photography/ Video Filming VIDEO MOVIE RECORDING for weddings and all
        408 words
      • 358 12 36 House Renovation/ Decor LTN RENOVATION* INTERIOR DECOR (HDB LICENCE: E/8L2923) B!k.20?1 Bukit Batok Industrial Park A #01-106 St. 23 Singapore 2365 We otter special packege dccl tor renovation works with guaranteed workmanship tor HOB Flats. c 12" x 12" heavy duty ceramic tiles including skirting c 2 pairs small
        358 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 703 13 36 House 36 House Renovation/ Decor Renovation/ Decor MARBLE CERAMIC TILES J A choice of over 30 marble j^^^^_ and over 400 ceramic _<^pP^^^^V designs Am^Bf^ Superior quality tiles available at low. affordable prices Business Hours: Sp©Cial Mondays to Fridays 9amto 7 pm Offer!! Saturdays 9 am to 5 pm
        703 words
      • 754 13 SPECIALLY: ALUMINIUM SLIDING door/ window, amplimesh regn. Grilles. HDB window grilles prompt efficient services. Tel: Fine Aluminum *****78/ *****43/ *****10. WILLIE ALUM— UM A Iron work specialised ln fabrication a installation of Amplimesh grilles and aluminium grilles to HDB/ HUDC. Private Houses. etc. Call: *****33. ADWOOD ENTERPRISE: Cheapest prices for
        754 words
      • 857 13 37 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators GENERAL CLEANING A overhaul alrcondltloner specialist. Also repair domestic and commercial refrigerator and aircond. Call: Hi-Cool Aircond. Si Refrigeration Pte Ltd. *****00/ *****05. WEI WEI AIRCON./ Fridge installs, repairs, service, respray. Various secondhand aircon. St fridge for sale. Guarantee. *****13/ *****68. INSTALL. REPAIR. RESPRAY all kinds of
        857 words
      • 850 13 49 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/Removal LOWEST CHARGE $30. House removal/ transportation service, office removal specialised m pianos delivery and disposal service. Workers provided. Reasonable charges. We are always at your service and open 7 days a week from Ba.m. to Bp.m. *****10. LOWEST CHARGE $30. Specialist ln household, goods transportation to
        850 words
      • 840 13 56 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies FOR SALE 3 units almost brand new general purpose Carbollte chamber furnace Ideal for tool room heat treatment. Rapid heating time, 24-hour timer, 3term controller, operating temperature: 1.200 C. Also available Stocka pallet truck. Call: *****32. FOR SALE Kobelco excavator K9078, K9O4C, R9osB, Hitachi UHOO. Vibromax
        840 words
      • 553 13 57 Business Opportunities REAL ESTATE CAREER? Come to our free preview on Wed. 21st May '86, 6 p.m. Call ERA *****66. REGISTRATION ADDRESS, TELEX, answering, typing. Mon./ Sat. Bam-Bpm. Sun 10-4pm. *****08 SNACK SHOP IN Golden Mile Twrs. for takeover. Good location. Neg. terms rental *****36. START SMALL BUSINESS? Free
        553 words
      • 619 13 64 Domestic Help 64 Domestic Help Available Available A personal name for personal aenricos of persona I trained maids. Personality goodwill assured services Strict Japanese tolerable attitude A behaviour training, hardworking, helpful, obedient, cheerful, honest self-disciplined $650 fee includes W/P visa fee. medical exam., security bond. PA. airfare others. 2
        619 words
      • 468 13 1000 ONLYB (Package Fee) for Filipino maids trained by S'porean ln Manila. 2 yrs. replacement guaranteed. *****81/ *****42 (Oam— lopm) everyday. C-0884-Ol Mabuhay Multi Services. no. 'mmmmmm (coooa/ei). select your Thai a Filipino maid from a service specialist *****90 65 Situations Wanted PROFESSIONAL CATERER CURRENTLY responsible for bar catering operation
        468 words
      • 558 13 69 Situations Vacant: Domestic EXPATRIATE EMPLOYERS NEED maids urgently for Spore Canada Call Joyce *****12 LIVE-IN MAX) with working experience required immediately Must be able to cook. Tel *****43 WANTED SRI-LANKAN MAIDS for immediate employment Call *****57. 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical JEDECO EXPORT PTE LIMITED A multi discipline compeny
        558 words
      • 434 13 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical I A subsidiary of a multinational corporation seeks qualified persons to apply for the position of: The incumbent will report directly to the CEO of the Company and will assume all secretarial responsibilities for the CEO and the Controller A minimum of 5 years' working
        434 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 1296 14 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clerical Clerical 4 We ere en established manufacturing/ trading compeny with branches m Indoneeia. Malaysia, Hong Kong 4 Taiwan. Our compeny ia looking for bright, aggressive pei eons to rill the following positions. 1) SALES EXECUTIVE TRAINEE A General degree or at
        1,296 words
      • 733 14 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical LARGE FOOD INDUSTRY m i Thomson Road required Young I Attractive and Intelligent < Indian/ Muslim/ Eurasian y Assistant Secretary. Must have t good typing speed and able to work Independently. Working on a SM day week from B:3oam--s:3opm: Sat. B:3oam- 1:00pm paying JBOO-S9OO Call
        733 words
      • 610 14 71 Situations Vacant: Sales kre you reedy for thie chalenging and rewarding sales :areer? Me need people who are: Independent, hardworking. ambitious and enthusiastic i Age 20 years and above > GCE O' Level good m communication and interpersonal skills Opportunities: i Promotion to management positions Meeting and helping people
        610 words
      • 581 14 71 Situations Vacant: Sales Pk Multi-national Company! requires Salee Representatives To promote a well established range of fast moving consumer goods To work irregular hours To start work immediately Basic salary Attractive commission Medical benefits Overseas Assignments Interested, please call personally at: Tai-Pan Ramada Hotel #02-06 101, Victoria Street Singapore
        581 words
      • 617 14 71 Situations Vacant: Sales Well established manutacturing company with exclusive products for both industrial 8 commercial application seeks to employ ambitious, experienced A. SALESPERSON B. SECRETARY cum MARKETING ASSISTANT Applicants should be well spoken, determine to succeed, able to work independently, handle simple correspondence a can drive. Minimum qualifications: 'O'
        617 words
      • 958 14 71 Situations Vacant: Sales Young Fashion requiree: 1) EXPERIENCED CHINESE FEMALE SALESGIRLS 2) FEMALE GENERAL WORKERS c Able to work long hours, a Age: 18 and above, c Able to start work immediately. Interested pleese caH personally at: 8 PENANG ROAO SUPREME HOUSE #01-23/ #01-24 SINGAPORE 0923 SALESMAN EXPERIENCED Bl
        958 words
      • 829 14 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical I We are a leading manufacturer of M computer peripherals and we have imme- B diate vacancy for: |g ElectrcvvcsTechnician Responsibilities: Repair and maintenance of all Ij electronic equipment Regular calibration checks and I measurements on equipment used on j the lines
        829 words
      • 597 14 72 Situations Vacant: Technical r Precision Casting V Pte Ltd I requires c Polytechnic Diploma, ITC m Mechanical Engineering, NTC 2 or 3 m Metal Machining or equivalent c Able to work on day and night rotating shift c Ability to read Blue Prints and use measuring instruments will be
        597 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 576 15 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Expanding well established engineering company m Jurong has vacancy for LAOV DRAUGHTSMAN CUM PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR To assist Production Manager m scheduling of work, co-ordinating of projects etc DCS tV level. Technical s'.ream ITC Mechanical Engineering/ Dmughtsman_ship Training will be provided. 1 yr's experience preferably but not
        576 words
      • 449 15 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production WALK-IN INTERVIEW fj^ATST I Consumer Products Re Ltd f American I'elephone Ifelegraph (AT&T), a giant m telecommunications, has recently set up a high quality telephone j manufacturing facility at Kampong Übi Industrial Estate Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the
        449 words
      • 95 15 FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS required. Pri.6 education. Age: 16 to 35. Understand simple English. Transport provided m Jurong. Jurong residents preferred. Malaysians with secondary education acceptable. Apply to: Fullmark Pte Ltd. 17, Soon Lee Road, 5E2262 Tel: *****88. SBS Bus 248 (Opposite ICI FEMALE WORKERS URGENTLY reqd. for Paya Lebar Factory.
        95 words
      • 429 15 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production rmoioi.vl I|||| .-r urgently requires 111 11 Minimum Primary 6 education No experience required j Trsining wMI be provided {jj You can choose any of the following hi working hours:Hill Ist shift: 7.00 am 3.30pm 2nd shift: 3.30pm- 11.15pm 3rd shift: 11.
        429 words
      • 149 15 W \V\_*____*\irl.ii\l\Waa\_t\ ill I lis am wTS^TSI I lu____l____l____B____________l c GCE O' Technical stream/Sec. 2 with NTC 3 m Metal Machining p o Females preferred ■■^■_________M^________________^M^_______l o Primary 6 and able to speak a nd read si mple English o Able to operate forklift and possess some store experience o
        149 words
      • 363 15 73 Situations Vacant: Production Archive A leader in^ f Advanced Tape Drive Technology hss several vacancies for expansion: Minimum Primary 6/BEST education Age between 16-35 Female applicants preferred Secondary 2 and above Preferably with 1 year's experience m the testing of electronic/electrical products Secondary I—4 education 1 2 years QA
        363 words
      • 455 15 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Bp CRAFT PRINT PTE LTD Established printing Factory has vacancies (A) PRODUCTION MANAGER (Graphic Dept.) Mm. 5 yrs experience m similar Field. Ability to work independently knowledge of Colour Separation is an advantage. (B) ACCOUNTS CLERK Mm. 5 yrs experience. Mm. GCE
        455 words
      • 263 15 FEMALE THEATRE TRAINED NURSE with SRN qualifications Applicants aged 25 to 35 years old and must be fluent ln English, Mandarin and dialects Excellent prospect for suitable candidate TEL: *****33 FOR INTERVIEW. LEONG "1 CO I Wa ara a we« eatabliahed trad- I ing Co and have vacancies lor. I
        263 words
      • 434 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous f ESE Storekeeper c Possess pood educational background with 3-5 years experience m store management preferably m the electronics industry c Responsible for the management of one of our stores, materials handling and inventory control b Knowledge of shipping procedures with warehousing exposure is an advantage
        434 words
      • 621 15 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous An exclusive, well established private dub is looking tor a young initiative and dynamic person tor the position of EXECUTIVE CHEF His duties include Organising and supervising a crew of 15 kitchen staff Taking charge of 3 food outlets Organising food promotion and supervise purchasing Maintaining
        621 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 558 16 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous An established electronic Nrm located m Hillview Avanua urgently requires: 1) FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERKS/ GENERAL CLERKS a GCE O Level a Good command of English, a East and accurate m typing figure work Salary $400 to $500 2) MALE/ FEMALE OPERATORS Intoraatad applicanta. plaaaa call personally
        558 words
      • 754 16 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous MALE FACTORY WORKERS Night shift 9pm Bam. All ln $3650 free meals and drinks. Please call *****22 or call at: 396-A Yio Chu Kang Road 15 km M4MMA MIA ITALIAN RESTAURANT requires WAITRESS (must bo willing to work split shift) Plaaaa call personally for an interview
        754 words
      • 709 16 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous NURSES WANTED FOR clinic tn AM. Kio Aye.l Blk 338. =1)1-1671. Walk-In Interview. PART-TIME WAITRESS REOD. at Changi Point. 7.30pm-11.30pm. Tel: *****00 after 7pm., Jimmy. PART-TIME COOKS REO'O. for recreation club. Please call *****91 for a personal Interview. REOO. DENTAL NURSE for surgery ln Katong. No
        709 words
      • 652 16 83 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance HITACHI LEASING (SINQAPORE) PTELTD offers new and used car loans at competitive interest rates. Mortgage loans also available (non-transferable). Call without obligation Tal: *****33 (10 Lines) or *****98 (Direct) Lynn Ong THONG MN CREDIT offers new used cars loan at competitive rates. We also trade-in/ sell
        652 words
      • 898 16 87 For Sato: Mercedes ALMOST '84 MERCEDES Benz 190E (Auto), 1 pte. owner, cond. as original. $61,000 neg. *****96. EXPORTING, BUYING A SELLING Mercedes 280, 350, 450. Enquiries welcome. Richard Lee, *****51. JULY 79 MERCEDES 280S fully auto. PARF eligible. Aircon., cassette. Tel: *****35. LATE 79 CO. regd. Mercedes 280SE
        898 words
      • 724 16 92 For Sals: Mazda 92 For Sale: Mazda 92 For Sato: Mazda 92 For Sato: Mazda 92 For Sato: Mazda THE MAZDA 323 1.3 LITRE HATCHBACK SSOK *>4<4PARF K H BW._______m_\Wß_. I -WW WOH THE ROAD WITHOUT Nil V Mb am insurance i I £jj3&mnmL w m.. -f j/BBB^. V
        724 words
      • 585 16 90 For Sato: Toyota •Bo"7oYOTA"ToROLLA 1300 DX pte. owner Up top cond. aircon. radio cassette, new tax. Tel: *****00. B 0 TOVOTA CRESSIDA auto 2000. Aircon., radio cassette, s/rlms, tip top cond. $13,500 0.n.0. *****82. BS TOYOTA CRESSIDA 2000 GL. Q' regn. Hi-fi, sports rims, new tax, original condition. Highest
        585 words
      • 602 16 91 For Sato: Mitsubishi THE LAST CHANCE to buy a Mitsubishi 1.3 GL at PARF $24,499 before price increase. Limited stock. Enquiries Ricky Tay *****33 (24-hr.) CO. REGD., 78. Mitsubishi Galant 1600 GS 5-speed Good cond. Radio, cassette, new paint, aircon. $2,400 0.n.0. Tel: *****84. LATE 1878 COLT Lamda 1600
        602 words
      • 604 16 1984 MAZDA 829 GLX/ Notchback. Power steering, window. central locking, hi-fi, radio/ cassette. 4 speakers, 1 owner, PARF done 24 300 km. Guaranteed accident free. Call *****77 Joanna. 'S3 MAZDA 323 Notchback, sspeed with aircon., radio cassette It sports rims. 1 owner, new tax, low mileage. Classifone: *****30 (office hours).
        604 words
      • 514 16 93 For Sato: Honda 1981 HONDA OUtNTET, auto 2 pte owners, aircon.. radio cassette, tip top cond. Tax: 6/86. *****77 1882 HONDA ACCORO, manual Full accessories, central locking, showroom cond $*****. *****40 1983 HONDA CIVIC auto, PARF. 3-door Aircond Tax UU July *86 Very good cond $*****. *****52 7/81 HONDA
        514 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 844 17 96 For Sato: 96 For Sato: 96 For Sato: 96 For Sato: Other Makes Other Makes Other Makes Other Makas *___W-^\ ___m A\ s <&!_t^^ Jj^ Bm ___^_^_^_^_^_BBkßßkW_\ \\___^_______________~\\^^__________WK_\ WWWWW^^bK amm. mmmmmm y-^ W__\ WBl^r^^ m ______^v_m __a_£^-'^>^ The elegant Austin Montego 16L gives amazing economy m price ML g
        844 words
      • 688 17 11/82 PORSCHE 83BS Manual, 2 pte. owners, m mint condlUon. Selling $85,000 0.n.0. View: 249 Alexandra Rd. (0315) Tel: *****46. SEPT. 80, PORSCHE 924 auto. 3 pte. owners. $38,000 0.n.0. Red colour. Immaculate. Tel: *****69. SUNDAY CAR MART for private deals. See today's Class Ad. under "Veh. Wanted. Ph.: *****22.
        688 words
      • 452 17 97 For Sale: Commarcial Vahiclea AUG. 77 DATSUN 1500 lorry. New paint $2,300. Phone *****16. 99 Sale/Wantad: Motor Cycles/Scooters BUYING, SELLING MANY 2ndhand RDI2SLC. M8X125, RXK, HXI3S, RXI2S. RXIIS. TSI2S, GLI2S. PX2OOE, PXISOE etc. H/P arrangeable. Blk 203, Bedok Central (facing bus Interchange). CASH PAYMENT. Highest offer for all models
        452 words
      • 566 17 99 Vahiclaa Wanted ATTRACTIVE PRICE, HIGHEST OFFER, CASH PAYMENT c we can offer you better price o for any used car, model cc. a PARF or non-PARF o company registered, commercial vans and pick-ups a scrap cars, 1000 c.c. $3,400 1200 to 1600 c.c. $4,400 o trade ln acceptable ALL
        566 words
      • 838 17 99 Vehicles Wanted BEST PRICES OFFERED for PARF scrap It used cars. 102, Mackenzie Road. *****34/ *****46. BMW 3201 OR 5201A. Must be 1962 onwards. Pte. plate only. William Ang *****53. Residence *****20. BUSINESSMAN WISH TO buy 1000/ 1600/ 2000 c.c. used It scrap cars. Highest offer. Cash. *****45. CASH
        838 words
      • 696 17 105 Property Financing 105 Property Financing EESnSXIIAL| HRffiERTY LQMSS. at attractive terms Up to 90% of valuation Competitive interest rates from a%* p.a. Repayment up to 20 years Use of CPF Scheme acceptable Bridging finance can be considered •Prompt service v Mil W UNfTEDOy^RSEASRSIANCELTD 124/taßft^hBonßoa^S«^apoi«Oto6. Tel: *****82 (11 Hues) j
        696 words
      • 527 17 DIST. 1128 WATTEN RO. doublestorey terrace house for rent. Tel: *****11 Glna/ Miss Ng. D15T. 1954 3-STOREY TOWNHOUSE. 3 rooms, 1 store, fully furnished, at $850. Call *****22. D.lO D/STOREY SEMI-D. 5000 sq.ft 3+l bdrms. F/furn. Rent $1300. KFI *****27. D.lB QREENLEAF DR. 2-storey semi-d. Napier Rd. flat. 3 bdrms.
        527 words
      • 827 17 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation Available: Available: Available: Apartmonta Apartments Apartments sg^msmiijebvrkph^eT maisonettes forrent FROM $3,000 PER MONTH COMMON FACILITIES OLYMPIC LENGTH SWIMMING POOL GYMNASIUM SQUASH COURTS CLUB HOUSE TENNISCOURTS MINI-SUPER MARKET MODERN SAUNA 24-HOUR SECURITY CONTACT TEL:- *****33 i I PORLEASE I 23 Newton Road. Aiea* 3660/3154*1.*. 4
        827 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 644 18 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation j 107 Accommodation j 107 Accommodation Available: Available: j Available: j Available: Aparlmen's Apartments Apart mants Apartments Live In Luxury y Deep In The Heart Of Town W and 4-nedroom apartments Swimming pool, 2 tennis and 2 zzr i y sr-\\ s&' Por enquiries and sqw*ricc>urts,puttinggreen,gym,
        644 words
      • 694 18 JC PROPERTIES D.lO HOLLAND HILL MANSION. Brand new luxurious 2 and 3 bdrms. Facing pool, full faculties. Partly/ f/furn. Good furnishing budget. Rsssonsnle rsntsl D.IS MAMNE POINT. Luxurious apartment Walking distance to Parkway Parade. 3 bdrms. s/pool. squash, sauna, 24-hr. security. Well fum. $1,900 0.n.0. TEL: 388-3838 (4 Sma) LUXURIOUS
        694 words
      • 741 18 D.15 HACIENDA NEW condo. 3/ 4+l rms. Facing pool. Serene, pleasant environment Easy access to beach and amenities. F/furn./ faciUUes. $1,500/ $2,700. Holland *****79. 0.8 LUXURIOUS 4 bdrms. apt. with without pte. Uft near Orchard Rd. with full condo. faciUUes covered carpark tight security beautiful landscape gdn. p/f furn., $3300.
        741 words
      • 706 18 0.10/ 15, PENTHOUSES, Jade Mansion, Lucky Twr., Hawaii Twr., Mayor Twr. Reasonable rental. Emar *****27/ *****64. D.ll WATTEN EBT. condo. 2277 sq.ft. 2 -storey townh'se. F/furn. Si aircon. With condo faciUUes. $3,000. *****83 D.1232 REGENT CT. 2 halls. 3 bdrms. with attached bathrms. P/furn. For rent or sale. Mr. Ng
        706 words
      • 900 18 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments D.lO (MARBELLA CT.) p/furn. 3bdrmed. apt. Pool/ squash/ security. $1050. Houseworld *****64/5 D.lO MARBELLA CT. Low flr. 3 rms. store, pool/ squash, $2,000, split-level. Standard *****66. D.lO, MT. SINAI, Grenville lower mais. 3+l. $2,500, p/furn. Fuhai Property *****73/ *****59. D.lO RIDGEWOOD. KUHIO Rise. 3 bdrms. F/furn.
        900 words
      • 863 18 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments UNFURNISHED 4-RM. FLAT avail Bedok North Aye.3. Tel: *****22. (No agents please). VERY CHEAPI D.lB. Lucky Hgts. walk-up apt, 3 bdrms. Unfurn. $550. *****26/ Pg.: *****03. VIDEO, T.V.. CARPET T.Payoh $450. Bedok $480. Tiong Bahru $500. West Coast $450. *****10. WAN THO AYE., D.1334. Market, shops,
        863 words
      • 669 18 110 Accommodation Wanted: Apartments BANKERS/ DIRECTORS/ ENGINEERS urgently want condos/ apartments at dist 9,10,11. Preferably Cairnhill Rd. Co. lease. Flexible budget Owners ring Winfield, tel 338-3000 HOB/ HUOC S pte. apts. m any dist. Please call: *****89/ *****32 (we have ready clients). SARAWAK CHINESE COUPLE needs hse./ flat. 15 months
        669 words
      • 530 18 113 For Sale: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses /Bv_W mWW „r, __^^^^^^m* m b Wjß I W B_m^ 1 00 /o Financing inclusive of CPF contribution *msasmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmßmmmaaaaama New Design Double-storey Split-level Terrace Houses Many outdoor facilities for recreation 6 public Open Spaces/Children's Playground amaaaaJmj Situated m
        530 words
      • 111 18 -i r UPPER THOMSON 2-STOREY TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE (Immediate occupation) a Built-in area: 3409 sq.ft Private covered car porch Unique indoor garden a Wide range of communal facilities TEL: *****92 x 248/314 BELLIAN *****98. 0.20 2 yrs old unique individually designed I d/storey detached on elevated site. Top quality built-m
        111 words
      • 154 18 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED TU DOR style interior, terr coadc. off Pasir Panjang Quiet loc&Htv f/furn See to appreciate $450.00' negotiable Tel *****15 for appt BRADDELL RD.. NEW 2 store.v bunglw 6.000 sqft 5 rms < attached bathrms marble parquet Extra fixtures- $650,000 City Valuers *****74 DIST.IS, 6 UNITS of pre-war 2
        154 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 636 19 113 For Sale: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses lining ..<. DISTRICT 11, Orchid Inn vtel- nlty. Beautiful single storey bungalow on elevated land, 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, renov ated, land area 6,500 square feet, mature garden, must view. Only $600,000. Call *****00 after 10 a.m. r f (j T RH
        636 words
      • 340 19 D.lO, OFF SIXTH Aye. d/storey detached. 4 1 bdrms., spacious living/ dining, approx. 9000 sq.ft. Chang Realty, *****22/ 3. D.lO STEVENS RD. s/storey bunglw. 13.500/ 4000 built-in. 5 bdrms. $890,000 Challenger Prop. Pte. Ltd. *****93. *****15/8. D.lO 15, BIN Tong Park 2-1/2 storey detached house with s/pool. Site area: 4351
        340 words
      • 901 19 113 For Sale: Houses D.19 SIMON PLACE 2-storey terr. 2615 sq.ft 3 1 bdrms. Well maintained. $325,000. Colliers *****22/ *****83. D.19 TAI YUAN Gdn. vicinity. 5 yrs. old d/storey seml-d. 4+ 1 rms. 3400 sq.ft. $480,000 neg. Holland *****79. D.19 2-STOREY TERR., approx. 2000 sq.ft. $330,000. D.16 s/storey terr. 2
        901 words
      • 640 19 113 For Sals: Houses D.19 S/STOREY TERR sq ft 3 bdrms. Car porch/ garden. Original. $225,000. Upland *****60. D.19, TAI YUAN Height d/storey seml-d. 4 bdrms., servant's. 3,400 sq.ft. $480,000. Dyson *****82. D.20, CLOVER PK., d/storey terr. 1.700 sq.ft. 3 1 bdrms. F'hold $360,000 neg. Patron, *****15/ 8. D.20 FULTON
        640 words
      • 2432 19 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sals: Private 114 For Sale: Private Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments rß6Yalvillcß—^#r^^ I If FREEHOLD Dist.lo, Bukit Timah/Sixth Avenue 1/ /^^v^ f I MAISONETTE (Block 1) SHOP P^^^^V"^ Area approx. 2186 sq.ft. Area' approx. 861 sa.ft.
        2,432 words
      • 671 19 D.S, SAF OFFICERS only. Low price renovated Normanton Park apt, p/furn. Tel: *****65. D.B, CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE. 5 mins drive to Orchard Rd. 3 bdrms.. s/pool. 1,500 sq.ft. GMP *****66. r 9 APT. NEAR Orchard Rd. Renovated 3 bdrms., servant's $275,000. Ho_'.«.nd *****79 DS CAIRNHILL PLAZA. 2800 s«» ft 3 1.
        671 words
      • 924 19 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments alpha mm. tmam (s unes> 5 ROOMS AM Kio 132- 430/ 439/ 551 648' 716/ 729 $125-$140,00 C Bedok 111/ 112/ 137 $120-$125.000 M Parade 14/ 28/ 29 $130-$140,000 Telok Blangah 25 $130,000 4 ROOMS AM Kio 436/ 440/ 547 $01 999,990 Farrer 6 $75,000
        924 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 901 20 116 For Sale. HDB Apartments MARINE PARADE S-RM. Blk 79. high flr Seaview. marble throughout New sliding win ,K)WS $143,000 neg 255-3333 PARADE 5-RM. (5 units). High flr Renovated Well kept, seaview Morn sun Price from $128,000 neg Tel *****18 (agt NEW GENERATION 3-RM. Bedok South 81k. 33. marble ceramic.
        901 words
      • 487 20 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments 3-RM. MARINE CRES. Blk 47. renovated, near all facilities See to appreciate $49,000 Tel *****78 3-ROOMED FLAT AT Lorong 1 Toa Payoh for sale. Please contact: *****90 No agents 4-RM. 8LK.84 WHAMPOA Dr. sth flr Renovated. Terrazzo flooring, etc Neg $74,000 Tel: *****49 4-RM. CORNER
        487 words
      • 659 20 117 Properties Wanted WANTED b HDB/ HUDC/ 1 A PTE. PROPERTIES Genuine buyers. A Professional service/ ad- A A Attractive package 2 TEL: 344-2303 X INTERESTED TO PURCHASE 1 rm HDB flat In d. 2 or 3 preferably on the top flr. St corner. Genuine sellers, pis. write with tel.
        659 words
      • 611 20 118 Factory Spaces 118 Factory Spaces ALJUNIED^i I^™^ INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 1 H Factory/warehouse for sale/ lease. Ideally. H m located m Aljunied Road. m I A TRADE A INDUSTRIAL 1 WWW m DEVELOPMENT PTE LTD 16 Raffias Quay, #29-02 Hong Leong Bldg. Tel: *****58 B I at 1 05 Sims
        611 words
      • 597 20 BANCHEONG 4-STOREY BLDG. 2 floors avail. Approx. 18,000 sq.ft. per flr. Tel: Steven Wong *****67. 015T.1334 1,500 sq.ft. Rent/ Sale. Rental: $0.65t p.s.f. Suitable fty./store/offlce. *****66 Jen D.1441, 2-STOREY TERR. fty. for sale. Land 4,500 sq.ft. Built m 3,200 sq.ft. F'hold Tel: *****52. DJ BT. MERAH s/storey fty./ wareh'se. Land
        597 words
      • 405 20 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces Storage Spaces Storage Spaces -~—-~~am-^m t JS______________ii_____m_____mt______\______\ ammmmwm>m -W --_^*Jyy^r**k%**' __l^_JlL___________________W_] mm___\_____\\^Bß________________\\Bßmmi^—m_\\\_______\m_m______^S^^ T_ffi£ S lg____t_^_fy_^___^a__________________________m_m___B_mmmmm_J m^, 2723 sq ft **W2mWSa_____* WAREHOUSE mWWm 4 B\B%-y _____\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\______B____m 8~^ 122 B^_V 8429 sqft 1819 sqft rWI 2874 sqft ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS Lr)_ SING DEVELOPMENT (PRIVATE)
        405 words
      • 420 20 121 For Rank Office Spaces SUPREME HOUSE SHOP SPACE 255 sq.ft. (23.7m2) 498 sq.ft. (46.4m2) 510 sq.ft. (47.4m2) 996 sq.ft. (92.53m2) OFFICE SPACE 574 sq.ft. (53.38m2) 700 sq.ft. (65.1m2) 1632 sq.ft (151.61m2) 8312 sq.ft. (772.18m2) MEDICAL SPACE 510 sq.ft. (47.4m2) 1070 sq.ft. (99.4m2) AIRCONDmONED EXCELLENT SERVICES REASONABLE RENTAL (AMPLE PARKING
        420 words
      • 659 20 121 For Rent: Office Spaces $800 INCL. MANHATTAN Hse 520 sq.ft. Outside CBD. 5 mins. drive to Orchard Rd./ Shenton Way. 2 partitioned rms, 1 general office. Carpeted. Hawaiian Housing *****50/ *****75 CLEMENTI. ONE AIRCON. Office rm. to let, approx. 300 sq.ft. $450 mcl. maintenance, PUB. 2 free carpark lot.
        659 words
      • 278 20 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: Office Spaces Office Spaces GOLDHILL PLAZA Limited Office Space outsideCBD with ample car park at attractive rental Call 253*2222 OUR EXPERIENCED AND PROFESSIONAL TEAM WOULD UKE TO HELP YOU LEASE YOUR OFFICE SPACE. HU 11 li PROPERTIES I TO LET I OFFICES I I
        278 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 699 21 123 For Sale: 123 For Sale: Shop Spaces Shop Spaces ammmmmmmmmm.\_\m.\\_\_\\\mi^m_\ I ■_sBHßßßßBßßaBßßSß________________s ri n Balestier Point Shops for Lease or Sale. Apartments for Sale. Shops: Ready for immediate occupation c Perfect business location c Very attractive pricing/ low rental Apts: 2 or 3-bedroom. Showflats ready for viewing c Central
        699 words
      • 866 21 124 For Ront: 126 Restaurant/Lounge 126 Restaurant/Lounge 126 Restaurant/Lounge Shop Spaces Spaces I Spaces Spaces pro LET BY TENDERS Middle Road/Queen Street r— asr- RESTAURANT AT cuppage terrace B 458/ 445 sq.ft. M Fir o"***0 F L ,T m I The P r mise is ,ocated a* Cuppage Terrace, a
        866 words
      • 473 21 SPECIALISTS' CENTRE RESTAURANT SPACE OF 11,680 SQ.FT. GROSS AVAILABLE CALL: SUSAN CHOO 737-8222 127 Other Real Estate LAND FOR SALE 7800 sq.ft. 999 leasehold. Strategically located at Beach Road. Opposite Plaza Hotel, just outside CBD. Building plan approved (or 5-storey building with basement carpark. Commarcial 2 storeys of 3 units
        473 words
      • 446 21 135 Air Travol i 35 A ir Travel r The Choice is yours! Hong Kong/Macau Tours (Low Season). Tour Doily Dep. Group Pep. Group Dep. 4D/3N *W* «tOSO/- i^k 2 SD/4N $1,25(V- KQOCV- *****k 60/sN|sl,3Ky- ni7(V- SD/4N AIRFARES for y DELUXE HOTEL PACKAGES JU °AugustLEE GARDENS 1770 'BB I I
        446 words
      • 772 21 137 Toure 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours l II > l ■■■■■I 888 1 1 li Over 450 motor inns m r=rH^SSl fmmAsT7 l UNLIMITED EXPRESS Australia the South Pacific ytßVmrm »j TromM^o/ COACH TRAVEL Wide variety of mWWKB^WSB frnmASdfl Most P0P«l» am ong AUSSIEBUS holidays Inter SKJSSJ BBllMili
        772 words
      • 410 21 2D3N KUANTAN liom $119 40 PENANG COACH Affi $275A 30 CAMERON DELIGHT From $69 I 203N GENTING From $79 DAIL > 203N FRASER From $79 DAIL I 20 MALACCA From $79 SAJ 1 ID MALACCA $30 $Ui\ 10 KUKUP SUNSET $25 Si". 10 DESARU OR KOTA TMGGI $16 sun ID
        410 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 957 22 137 Tour» 137 Tour* 137 Tour» 137 Tour* 137 Tour* 137 Tour* 137 Tour* I _mm k^WAWkBBBBW \________mmmmmi____a__\__nW 4D Melboume«ydney TOWNSVILLE m Australia the South Pacific j#lJs IWi al 101 I C 3 ONLY WWWW! I m^'W I PERTH 10D Townsville/Gold Coast/Sydney $2219 Campervan/Motorhome from Ssllo'oer day ADELAIDE 80 Gold
        957 words
      • 108 22 MALAYSIA Desaru 2D/1N $105/- Dep. Daily Penang 3D/2N $375/- Dep. Dally Kuching 4D/3N $450/- Dep. Mon. Kota Bharu/Golok 4D/3N $298/Dep Mon. Thur, Sun. INDONESIA Tanjung Pinang 2D/1N $165/Dep. Dally Jakarta businessmen package 3D/2N $530/- Dep. Daily Lake Toba/Medan SD/4N $485/Dep. Tues. Jakarta/Bandung SD/4N $570/Dep Daily Batam Island 2D/1N $138/- Dep.
        108 words
      • 211 22 JAPAN 8 Days Japan (Disneyland) Special Dep: Every Saturday $8888 8/1 1 Days Japan/Hong Kong from $2288 Tokyo Disneyland Mt Fuji Nagoya Kyoto Bullet Train Underground Experience Osaka Hong Kong Ocean Park Sung Dynasty Village 8 Days Hokkaido/Honshu/ $2588 Hong Kong Shiraoi Ainu Village Noboribetsu Bear Ranch Okurayama Olympic Gym
        211 words
      • 671 22 B X^ THE MOST POPULAR {I ■j gHH mass wedding j: 5 "Xl/ honeymoon tours DATE OF CEREMONY: 1J **ji g' y DATE OF DEPARTURE: fl! Ci 2/6/86.22/9/86 mRv 5 ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOME fMEBI^mT \y _^2£SiSJ^L SAKURA DREAMS DIRECT FLIGHT TO JAPAN IN 6 HRS BY fl fl! LUXURIOUS AIRCRAFT
        671 words
      • 643 22 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours The one inclusive price gives you return economy air travel; twin-sharing accommodation at quality hotels; daily breakfast and most meals including Chinese meals as specified; sightseeing tours escorted by professional gudies; all transfers between airports and hotels; meet-and-assist service on arrival. ASIA AFRICA 3/4/6
        643 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 1025 23 137 Tours 137 Tours IMliii f^^^^^^X Vti A ipvat way to travel Sakura Delights Tokyo Disneyland AH Japan All Kyushu 'Fukuoka/Nagasaki 'Mt Aso/Beppu/ Miyazak:/Aoshima Sakuraiima Kaqoshima. Osaka/ Kyoto/Nara Tokyo Mt Fup/ Bullet Tram/Hakone/Atami/ Tokyo Disneyland/ Korea/ Taiwan/ Hong Kong 9/13/17/20/22 Days 9 Days from $$2490 25/5 1/6. 7/6. 8/6.9/6. 15/6,
        1,025 words
      • 913 23 137 Tours 137 Tour 9 CHINA TOUR 1 Guihn/Quanzhou/Macau/Hongkong 9 days aai, eaa/* IWuyishan/Fouzhou/Quanzhou/Ziamen 9 days 881 ,898/Beijing/Nanjing/Suzhou/Hangzhou/Shanghai 1 1 days 882,498/Beijing/Nanjing/Shanghai/Hangzhou/Guilin/Can 1 4 days BSa 788/* Guilin/Beijing/Nanjing/Shanghai/Hangzhou/HK 16 days 882,898/PENANG: Golden Sands Beach Hotel, The Merlin Hotel PAkMKom'JmnT t*S_t__l o>>>^^ > >^* t '^SSSS tSS" CAMERON; Strawberry Park hSlgK^
        913 words
      • 423 23 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Toura I m m mmm BB___m__B^mmm WmWrTtx 1 1 1 V* rmw l .\____W 1 liill vA am m Q^aw^Llm'' m^^^^ l_^MV^Q Rl**l!_l <^w^^^__________9_s___j__^hß__l^_s_____^_^____iV^u^^______l 1 IKH 4/5 days Phuket Durian Feast (Gala Pinner, Suckling Pfe, Lobster, Phangna Bay Cruise, Free Durian, FreeDiscoque) tkm: Jm 4,
        423 words
      • 997 23 138 Where To Stay ENJOY THE FOLLOWING al Straits View Hotel. J.B Rooms at 40% discount Free Disco er> trance for room guest 10<H. discount at Coffee House Kor reservation call 07-*****3. *****4 and *****7 RELAX IN PMVACV, be relieve of hectic stress t_ strain of city life Pulau Kapas
        997 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 505 24 148 Computer Courses Courses offei: a NCC DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER STUCNES tooDootnt CftC 'll' •to Dim computt* tnoaMtdfe eg_«f J c C I G 418 (formerly 747) No cjmputn kna«t*d|e rmpatd c ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER STUDIES hcorixMitnt unipn at rv NCC SA BCS PI 1 1 ICCP CDF c
        505 words
      • 1444 24 149 Secretarial/ 149 Secretarial/ 149 Secretarial/ Typing Courses Typing Courses Typing Courses I To Stay Ahead You need to be at your I At ATT you are among the best. Our progressive education programmes provide comprehensive secretarial and management training for both school leavers and working people. ___________________e^J»"^__W^^^*^___^Y^^' _JLil_____B__B_i__r^^^^^^ 20
        1,444 words
      • 615 24 155 Modelling/ Deportment Instruction AEROMODE STUDIO. Ladies Modelling/ Personal Grooming course. Every Mon. Wed. 3 4.30pm. or 7 8.30pm./ every Sat. 1.30 4.30pm. Male classes on every Mon. 8.30 10pm. Parkway Parade, #05-02/ 03. Tel: *****65. BETTY'S MODEL REQUIRES male/ female part time/ full time model of all ages for
        615 words
      • 505 24 APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES MB STANTS RSSOBBI I Telex Service: S.T.A.N.T.S. RS ***** TIME AD I APPOINTMENTS f SONY I I Purchasing and Supplying the Sony audio Jf products and electronics components parts to Sony Subsidiaries m U.S.A., !i Canada and European countries. I 1) SYSTEM OPERATOR I Diploma m Computer studies. I
        505 words
      • 513 24 Telefax No: *****59 Rates: Box Service: Sales Service: Tel *****11 Stiaits^Times: ss2s 00 pso <m Collected sss oo ext 5724/5/6/8 5669 Sunday Times Ss2s 62 psr < m Posted SSK) 00 PRIMA CEYLON LIMITED GENERAL MANAGER A Sri Lanka flour milling company with its parent company based m Singapore, invites
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 559 25 APPOINTMENTS if iun m HH PRODUCTION CONTROL The Institute of Production Control, Singapore Division, will be conducting its 3rd Diploma Course m Production Planning and Control on Ist July, 1986. Successful students will be awarded the Diploma m Production Control by The Institute of Production Control. UK. MODULAR COURSE A
        559 words
      • 90 25 DAVID ABODAHER'S BIOGRAPHY OF THE MOST DYNAMIC BUSINESSMAN OF OUR TIME David Abodaher's life of Lee lacocca provides a fascinating appraisal of a man whom many observers would like to see as a force not only m business, but m the world of international politics. Here is a portrait of
        90 words
      • 615 25 m We arc a group ol laige international companies H H manufacturing steel products lor the building industry I H We now have immediate vacancy lor a: H I SITE SUPERVISOR I B The successful candidate will be responsible for super- I Bt vising site insullation'of roofing, walling, floor deck-
        615 words
      • 666 25 NOTICES 551 30,000,000 71/4% Unsecured Loan Stock 1983/1990 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN m respect of the following:Loan Stock Interest 1. Pursuant to the terms of issue of the S$ 130,000,000 71/4% Unsecured Loan Stock 1983/1990 (Loan Stock") the third annual interest on the Loan Stock at the rate of 71/4%
        666 words
      • 596 25 PUBUC UTILITIES BfIBRO r TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from el'oible CIDB/CSD Registered Contractors for the flowing: 1 Supply of S-palr and 10- pair pilot cable joint. Registered Contractors m Supply of Electrical Materials and Products all classes. 2 Supply of overhead fuse box. 3 Supply of hot-dip galvanised clamps.
        596 words
      • 680 25 CENTRAL SUPPLES DEPARTMENT The following tenders are m vited by the Chiet Supplies Otti cer A) 317 SINGLE-SIDED LA- TERAL HUNG CABINETS tor central Supplies Department and Inland Revenue Department Tende. No CSD 3'F 57 0486 Financial Limit $50,000 The closing time and date is I 2 noon. 28 5
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 894 26 9BHDB-- > b* -%m mmWmW WmmmW Tender Closing Separate tenders are invited foi each of the following- Document Date CARPARKS at Yishun New Town N'hood 8 Contracts 5. 6& 7 $50- 28 5.86 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE WORKS TO EXISTING ROADS m Bukit Batok New Town $50- 30 5.86 CARPARK AND
        894 words
      • 435 26 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Tenders are invited for the supply of the items below (Closing time is 1 1 .00 am of date shown) 1. DRESSING FIRST AID FIELD Tender No: HQMS/ 34/86(T) Closing Date: 30.5.86 2. PRINTING OF DOCUMENT REGISTERS Tender No: PT*****4 Closing Date: 1 3.6.86 3. RECAPPING OF
        435 words
      • 631 26 I Tender Notice I Tenders are invited for: 1 1 Tender No. AMB/T/86/046 Fitting out I of Maritime Operations Room at 3rd I storey of Telecoms Yio Chu Kang Radio I Receiving Station, 380 Yio Chu Kang I Road, Singapore 2880. I Date of collection of documents: I 16 may
        631 words
      • 709 26 ||f MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT TENDER NOTICE Drainage Improvement for Tanjong Pagar Area Contract I Ref: TEN(ENV) 08/86/36 Restricted to CIDB Registered Contractors m Civil Engineering above $1 ,000,000.00 CLOSING DATE: 29.5.86, THURSDAY at 10.30 am Full particulars may be seen and obtained from the Tenders and Contracts Section, Ministry
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      • 524 26 IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE REPUBUC OP SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 316 of 1986 In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 185) Aad In the Matter of THAI SEAPOOD CENTRE PTE. LTD. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a petition for the winding-up of the
        524 words
      • 819 26 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBUC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 281 ef IMS In the Matter ef the Compaaies Act (Chapter 185) Aad la the Matter ef SINEDGE PRIVATE UMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up of the abovenamed
        819 words
      • 707 26 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBUC OF SINGAPORE Compaaies Winding Ip No. 297 of 198* la the Matter ef the Cem|_aaies Act, Chapter 185 Aad la the Matter of Inter- Visual Advertising Pte Ltd. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of
        707 words
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    • Page 27 Advertisements
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      • 693 27 SCBORDINATE Ol RTS SINGAPORE D C SCMMONS NO. itm OF IMS Between THE HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION Plaintiffs tei TING CHUNG SOONG Defendant NOTICE OP ADVERTISEMENT To: Ting Chang Soong of or late of I Queensway #13-18. Queensway Shopping Centre, Singapore 1314. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been
        693 words
      • 174 27 NOTICE SIDNEY SHELDON His latest BMUFP^AtEI m^ramf International "^SSr nfHHTrI #1 Bestseller W— 'SlJ^ihiV In the cause of I *mB I IHll I Jurong Town I fiß Bil |WW B i B ■UKS^SmWS Corporation Plaintiff H^ L'll ■\B AW* ______Nfi HimMpiV^wfl bbb m***^** lk »lli iklj ilj Jklj iM i
        174 words
    • Page 27 Miscellaneous
      • 647 27 JM afraid i^l I P^ Tir K/oocs /mTTTI r7 v-w i 1 1 *-v [CANrepOUrJ -v, amJ^Fi' tU. tS(MZ CASES f J /SEE THAT MOUNTAIN?) Jl OF COURSE, THIS TWEREPORE T WANT I I TISuT IT VOl > J JT-^»vTOI>AVTHECAI<./ _o___\_\J^ _rfF*sL 'mt_r'>^ -r_^- WE'RE 601N6 TO Jam COULD BE
        647 words
    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 473 28 8 GOLDEN SULTAN: NOW SHOWING!;!; I 4TH FLOOR. SULTAN PLAZA. JALAN SULTAN j (*****761 4 SHOWS: 1 30, 4.00, 6.45 A 9.lSpm f j I S i Rt 4 BKEEDfI (< k I A^^ D_t #0f DARING MEN I V I HV O JF^l HOSEN FOR A fM Q I
        473 words
      • 489 28 _wß\__tr^^ f^^-n '"^_7mir” tjmW F^l_K?L_______fc* WWW '^^W_-_\ s^P WmmtmL.'" SJVwf" _j_i_W _Hi_mj_______P<( B_r iSk)~_p mm mW .y -_o_i HF^ -_mr_-____Wl____\W r a_\W____\ THE NEPIINE RKTMMCT PBBBBS SH_gNH___M___MM_MIIMMMMM^^ S^*:<S^«»> __^^^_^__|||____^^^_^^^MaiaMMH>|»^w w 5 Ih «iis» -__B_\ Wmi___m __B ft ___B ______t^__l ___f j&b^^P _____a^. sl ______»> __________r«jfc«___fl^__B .,'*4 B^r :______P- )^-Ja_^J «^_____i_i___K_.^'
        489 words
      • 863 28 jLastDAYT; 1 JADE: HURRY! DON'T MISS IT! (*****80) 5 SHOWS at 11am. 1.30 4 00, 630& 9 00 R I "At last, an intelligent teen movie. I The Flamingo Kid is a classic. Don't miss it" Ang Lay Wah (Sunday Times) 1 as MATT DILLION of The Outsidens I|j b
        863 words
    • 2 29 Arts Leisure
      2 words
    • 444 29  - 100-year-old family business JOHN de SOUZA —German firm that carried out the restoration By. THE Johannes Klais Orgelbau, based m Bonn, the West German capital, is a family firm that spans four generations and more than a hundred years. It was founded m 1882 by the grandfather of Mr Hans
      444 words
    • 510 29  -  GEORGINA EMMANUEL CONCERT BY THE SOUTHERN COLLEGE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA FROM TENNESSEE, UNITED STATES Directed by Orlo Gilbert Soloist: Dr J. Bruce Ashton Singapore Conference Hall. Tomorrow. 8.15 pm Previewed by < WITH less than half a month to go, and pre-Festival of Arts euphoria
      510 words
    • 580 29  -  Knight Chess By THIRD-SEED International Master Wong Meng Kong took the lead with s'<2 points (plus one adjourned game) after the seventh round of play m the 38th Singapore National Championship 1986 for the Lim Boon Keng Challenge Cup. Meng Kong adjourned his game
      580 words
    • 383 29  -  RAY DHALIWAL By HE HAS launched countless Hindi stars and captured on film world figures such as Queen Elizabeth 11, Jacqueline Kennedy and f ormer American President, Mr Dwight Eisenhower. Mr Dhiraj Chawda, one of India's best-known photographers, has spent
      383 words
    • Page 29 Miscellaneous
      • 658 29 What's on PERFORMANCES 6.30 and 9 pm. Goethe-Insti- and Vincente Martinez from deputy head of Shanghai Chi- alises m using traditional re-enactment of the 12-day OPERA BY FOSHAN tut, Singapore Shopping Cen- Spain. DBS Auditorium, nese Painting Institute. Chi- craftsmanship to reproduce wedding ceremony of the PerTROUPE FROM GUAN- tre.
        658 words
      • 977 29 I Radio One 90.5 mHz m VHF Band I 5.58 AM National Anthem followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News m Brief 6.05 Another Morning, Another Show 7.00 News and Weather Report 7.10 Morning Digest 7.20 Another Morning. Another Show (cont'd) 7.30 Morning Financial News 7.40 Radio Patrol/Another Morn ing, Another
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    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 440 30 B UNBEATABLE FEATURES Bi,m,^ An incredible focus detection speed of 0.1 7 sec is achieved wilhAFN*kar3s 70mm&TC16A otl —2.8 m Over 90 leases far a start, jrpai fisheyeje 9. fl!Ml_aißa £l mmmmmmm^B jepwiiß—eie» The New Nikon F5Ol has an unchanged Nikon bayonet mount that offers Autofocus operation not only with
        440 words
    • Page 30 Miscellaneous
      • 1755 30 mmmVl VIEW By KamM ClianUi WBmßßßmmmmmmmmWmmmWßßmmmmmßßm^ ■•k^" 1 1' B BWB BTWW W Ijl riday »t the Movies m amWmWmmmm l_mS_«% mmmmmW You've wondered about the of models wearing different s^" I I |i Two of a Kind (Ch A IODDSI. II IS 011 l 3110 birds and the bees.
        1,755 words