The Straits Times, 18 October 1985

Total Pages: 68
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1985 50 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 95/1/85
    15 words
  • 697 1  -  HSUNG BEE HWA Hi-tech projects; restructure will mean 1,800 laid off By AMERICAN multinational General Electric (USA) is increasing its investment here by $63 million but is to lay off another 1,800 employees by mid-1986 because of a worldwide restructuring of its consumer electronics
    697 words
  • 287 1 GENERAL Electrics $C 3 million investment here will go Into projects by four affiliates: o Electronic Components of GE (USA) ($18.2 million): The plant spent $12 J million recently on highly automated equipment to increase its production and improve on quality. The building
    287 words
  • Latest
    • 35 1 BRUSSELS, Thurs. The European Commission today proposed to advance by one year a broad tariff cat on imported goods as "an act of faith against protectionism". AP SEE THIS PAGE
      AP  -  35 words
  • 515 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. President Ronald Reagan has ordered acticn against the European Community and South Korea m his drive to end what he considers unfair trade practices. The White House announced yesterday that he had instructed US Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter to begin proceedings
    Reuter; UPI; AFP  -  515 words
  • 179 1 A slight surge in US economy WASHINGTON, Than. The United States economy, after six months of disappointing growth, picked op steam daring the summer, bat the pace still remained below the rebound predicted by the Reagan administration. The Commerce Department said today the Gross National Product, the broadest measure of
    AP  -  179 words
  • 53 1 TOKYO, Thurs. An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter scale snook Tokyo and the surrounding areas today, but there were no immediate reports of casualities or damage. It came 13 days after the strongest earthquake to hit Tokyo m 56 years struck on Oct 4, injuring at least
    UPI  -  53 words
  • 192 1 STOCKHOLM, Thurs. French avant-garde novelist Claude Simon won the 1985 Nobel Literature prize today, the Swedish Academy said. The 199-year-old body said Mr Simon had m his novels "combined the poet's and the painter's creativeness wi»h a deepened awareness of time m the depiction
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 1078 1  -  H.L. LIM Theatre opening for Commonwealth summit By Dinner with Queen E DAY 1 of the Commonwealth summit ended with a banquet for the heads of government, hosted by Queen Elizabeth. It was held on board the royal yacht Britannia. Mr and
    Reuter  -  1,078 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 /g^BUtEAST MAS Permit No 0047 Inside Summary 2 World News 3,4,8,7 Asean 8 Causeway 9 Around Your Place 17 Editorial 18 Background 19 Letters 20 Times Dollar 21-24 Classifieds 25-37 Racing 38 Sports 39—43 Treat yourself to what is probably the world's best concept m sound systems and TV equipment
      77 words
    • 8 1 Winners faced scepticism before gaining recognition: Page 4
      8 words
    • 148 1 KING'S 0 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY i L SHOES ▼ST*CT KINO'S SHOE MFC PTE LTD V^ j^jgy ft* 147, Kallang Way 1. Singapore 1334. king's on earth T«l: *****1 1 (5 Mn«s) Jp^l^l iHft^M^^dfs MBS B lr 9 unu The OUB savings account with daily interest. GRO is ideal for people who
      148 words

    • 497 2 Views on wage talks ANNUAL wage talks have their advantages, but they may not always be practical, several unionists and employers said yesterday. They were reacting to the collective agreement signed between the United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries and GE (USA) on Tuesday. The three-year pact provides
      497 words
    • 251 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: ALTHOUGH productivity should have a direct bearing on a worker's wage, seniority should not be devalued In the present exercise to cut wage costs. Timescales, despite the inherent faults, offer some degree of certainty to a worker. The assurance of a career path can serve
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    • 81 2 WATCH YOUR POCKET A READER has written to tell how she and her husband were witnesses to a pickpocketing incident near Shaw Centre recently. The victim was a Japanese tourist, who had his pocket picked by a rather cunning duo, one of whom was even disguised as a tourist
      81 words
    • 417 2 US raps Managua NICARAGUA has issued a decree suspending a wide range of civil liberties and the Reagan administration promptly denounced it, saying the government was tightening its control over the Roman Catholic Church, newspapers and labour unions. Officials said Nicaraguan decrees m recent days went beyond
      417 words
    • 175 2 Phone tapping charge THE PHILIPPINE Foreign Ministry is investigating allegations that Japanese authorities tapped the telephones of Filipino diplomats m Tokyo, and will protest strongly if the report is true, a ministry spokesman said yesterday. The Philippine News Agency (PNA) said the Philippine Ambassador to
      175 words
    • 242 2 CALL FOR NEW PROVISIONS TO COMPANIES ACT A PUBLIC accountant yesterday called for new provisions m the Companies Act to prevent the panic crabbing" that occurs when companies are m a cash bind, often causing the "pack of cards" to fall. Mr Edwin Khoo, who has 10 years' experience
      242 words
    • 345 2 Stars m the unknown SOME OF the world's top stars venture into the unknown today, when the first Dunhill Cup team tournament gets under way at the famous Scottish St Andrew's course. The richest event m the sport with US$l.2 million ($2.57 million) m prize money, the competition offers
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    • 599 2 Ground for action FOR J A AFAR LATIFF, painting is totally consuming; it is also fraught with agony. In his works, the surfaces heave, convulse and vibrate. Streaks of colour, some feathery and others sinewy, race away from and against one another. In viewing his work, one is
      599 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 322 2 3 Tape Decks That Sync And 1 That Has 3 Heads TEAC's professional arm, TASCAM, has built TyV^SC A M more P r °f essiona l cassette machines than any 1 hac Prcjuai^i Pnxiucts other manufacturer. Shown here are 3 TASCAM decks that offer perfect sync facilities I EAC the
      322 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 525 3 Britain alone opposes economic sanctions against Pretoria CHOGM 4H^'Bs Bahamas 4 It (the South African government) is a total pariah. It legalises the morally illegal. Minority is majority. Slavery is freedom. Ghettos are nations. Like Israel, it a respects no international 7 norms." Malaysian
      Reuter; AFP; AP  -  525 words
    • 297 3 PARIS, Thurs. France, Britain and Kenya have added their voices to an international campaign to save the life of South African militant Benjamin Moloise, due to hang tomorrow for the murder of a policeman. French President Francois Mitterrand said he would personally
      AFP; Reuter  -  297 words
    • 76 3 GENEVA, Thurs. Italy is providing 5,000 billion lira (5J5.9 billion) aid annually to African states, making it the second-largest contributor to the continent after the United States, a senior Italian Red Cross official said Mariapia Fanfani, who is the wife of Senate President Amintore Fanfani, returned
      AFP  -  76 words
    • 50 3 TEHERAN, Thurs. Furnaces dating back to 3,000 years ago have been discovered m the Kahrizak hills m southern Teheran by an Iranian archaeological team. During the excavation, which started on Aug 28, the team found 15 clay-baking furnaces dating back to between 3.200 and 2.800 years aero. Bernama
      Bernama  -  50 words
    • 46 3 NASSAU, Thurs. Strict security was m force here today for the opening of the 25th Commonwealth conference. Armed police patrol boats cruised offshore from the USSIOO-million (Ss2l2 million), 700-room Cable Beach Hotel complex, whose convention centre is providing the backdrop for the meeting. AFP
      AFP  -  46 words
    • Briefly
      • 57 3 SOVIET LEADER Mikhail Gorbachev has formally offered Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher separate arms control talks between Britain and the Soviet Union, British officials said yesterday. A British Foreign Office spokesman said a letter was handed over on Monday by the Soviet charge d'affaires proposing direct talks between
        Reuter  -  57 words
      • 67 3 AT LEAST TWO people were injured m an outbreak of violence m France's South Pacific territory of New Caledonia yesterday, police said. Firearms were used m clashes between Melanesians and Wallis Islanders at SaintLouis, 15 km from the capital, Noumea, a police spokesman said. According to
        Reuter  -  67 words
      • 80 3 THE SOVIET UNION has started deployment of supersonic TU-26 Backfire bombers at a base m Zavitinsk, m the Soviet Far East, the Japanese newspaper Sankei Shimbun has quoted Tokyo government sources as saying. The discovery came from Japanese analyses of US satellite pictures, the paper said. The photographs
        AFP  -  80 words
      • 74 3 JAPANESE PRIME Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone said yesterday that m consideration of the feelings of Chinese and other Asians, he would not make a controversial visit this week to the Yasukuni shrine, dedicated to Japan's war dead. Asian countries that suffered under the Japanese m World War
        AP  -  74 words
      • 54 3 TOMBS OF 27 nomadic Huns have been excavated m China's north central region of Ningxia, the official Xinhua news agency has reported. The Turkish-speaking tribe was powerful m what is now northern China and Mongolia from the Third to First Centuries BC, before it was conquered by
        AP  -  54 words
      • 73 3 ABOUT 12t fishermen were missing off the east coast of India after a cyclone, the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency reported yesterday. It said the bodies of eight fishermen had been washed up on the coast of Orissa state since the cyclone struck on Wednesday
        Reuter  -  73 words
    • 424 3 Frank speech draws four rounds of applause 4 How much longer will we have to wait for persuasion to work? The Pretoria regime it impervious to reason... Let not the Commonwealth be charged with cowardice in action and bravery in words.
      Reuter  -  424 words
    • 166 4 Five jolts, instead of usual two, to execute killer MICHIGAN CITY (Indiana), Thurs. It took a full five electric shocks instead of the two provided for m regulations to execute William Vandiver m the electric chair early yesterday, Indiana State prison officials said. Vandiver, 37, convicted of stabbing his father-in-law
      AFP  -  166 words
    • 75 4 NEW YORK, Thurs. A Burmese cultured pearl necklace, joined by two diamond snowflake clasps to another strand, was sold by Sotheby's for U*****,000 (Ssl.l million) yesterday, setting a world auction record. The necklace capped a two-day jewellery sale by the auction house of 407 pieces
      AP  -  75 words
    • 319 4 "Suspension of civil liberties a totalitarian move' WASHINGTON, Thurs. Nicaragua has issued a decree suspending a wide range of civil liberties and the Reagan administration promptly denounced it, saying the government was tightening its control over the Roman Catholic Church, newspapers and labour unions. Officials said
      NYT  -  319 words
    • 110 4 GOLDEN yean mere than 54 of them. That Ls what Mr and Mrs Mark and Gladys Annis were celebrating together with a ether eeaptos In the Sm Fernando Valley, near Los Angeles recently. The couple, the eldest married coo pie In the croup, are seen here
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    • 128 4 Talks fail to end Chrysler strike DETROIT, Thurs. Chrysler and its 80,000 striking workers have made progress toward ending a day-old strike that halted car and lorry production m the United States and Canada, but the union said major obstacles remained. The United Auto Workers, which represents the employees, brought
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 109 4 An all-star record to help fight Aids LOS ANGELES, Thurs. Profits from a new record, featuring Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Dionne Warwick and Gladys Knight, will be donated to the American Foundation for Aids Research, actress Elizabeth Taylor said yesterday. Miss Taylor said the song. That's What Friends Are For,
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 338 4 Winners faced scepticism before finding recognition Nobel Prize for Chemistry, Physics BUFFALO (New York), Thurs. The winners of this year's Nobel Prizes for Chemistry and Physics share a common experience besides the newfound recognition they faced scepticism when they first presented their findings. Chemistry prize winners Professor Herbert Hauptman and
      Reuter; UPI  -  338 words
    • 204 4 METULLA (Israel), Than. Guerillas with explosives strapped to their bodies attacked a radio station run by Christian missionaries m sooth Lebanon today, killing three guerillas and two Lebanese civilians, sources said. The attack occurred at 1:15 am (7.15 am Singapore time) when the guerillas burst
      AP  -  204 words
    • 361 6 Weinberger 'trying to influence people against govt WELLINGTON, Thurs. New Zealand accused the United States today of meddling m its domestic affairs, saying it had renewed an appeal to public opinion aimed at forcing the New Zealand government to back down on banning nuclear
      Reuter; UPI  -  361 words
    • 168 6 Draft law on new status for HK people unveiled HONGKONG, Thurs. Britain unveiled a draft law today which creates a new form of British nationality for Hongkong's people but does not give them the right to live under British rule. The new British National Overseas (BNO) status was designed for
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 83 6 A WAITRESS m the Chinese city of Chengdu pouring cold beer for United States VlcePrestdent George Bosh at a banquet daring the final stages of his sixday tour of the country. After his trip to Chengdu on Wednesday, Mr Bush was due to open a
      83 words
    • 315 6 BEIJING, Thurs. A government population expert today slammed "distorted" US reports of widespread coerced abortions m China and declared that most couples voluntarily supported the state's single child policy. State Family Planning Commission spokesman Shen Guoxiang and other officials told the China Daily that
      UPI  -  315 words
    • 279 6 Passing of indemnity Bill a triumph Zia ISLAMABAD, Thurs. President Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq praised Pakistan's National Assembly today for legitimising his martial law rule and defended controversial decisions he had made over the past eight years. He told the assembly its vote last night to pass an indemnity Bill, which
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 100 6 Four Sikhs held for bid to kill Rajiv LEICESTER, Thurs. A court here today remanded m custody four Sikhs accused by British authorities of plotting to assassinate Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who visited Britain on Monday and Tuesday. Two of the four men are company directors and one owns
      AFP  -  100 words
    • 67 6 BEIJING, Thurs. Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian todaymet Soviet Vice-Foreign Minister Leonid Ilyichev, leader of Moscow's negotiating team m the seventh round of the half-yearly China-Soviet talks that started on Oct 4. The official Xinhua news agency reported the meeting briefly and gave no details about what was
      AP  -  67 words
    • 99 6 SYDNEY, Thurs. Angry police today denounced new laws proposed for New South Wales under which they would drive drunks home. A state government proposal that police chauffeur drunks home or to special shelters instead of locking them op would be intolerable, New South Wales Polite
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 325 7 Rivalry in US armed forces 'could lose a war' WASHINGTON, Thurs. Rivalry between the four branches of the US armed forces has undermined US security and could lead to military defeat m a conflict, the Senate armed services committee has reported after a two-year investigation. The committee, chaired by veteran
      AFP  -  325 words
    • 136 7 LONDON, Thurs. British police were ordered yesterday to investigate claims that former senior Cabinet minister Cecil Parkinson leaked "pillow talk" state secrets to his mistress. The Inquiry was ordered by the director of public prosecutions, Sir Thomas Hetherington, after the claim by the former mistress,
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 279 7 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The United States says it has hard evidence that Palestinian leader Abu Abbas was involved m last week's Achille Lauro hijacking but a partial tape released m Israel does not support US allegations that he planned the hijacking. Attorney-General Edwin
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 48 7 ATHENS, Thurs. The regime of Ayatollah Khomeini has secretly executed at least 147 political prisoners m Teheran and four other cities since late August, the Mujahideen Khalq, an exiled Iranian opposition group, said yesterday. It alleged the prisoners were severely tortured before they were executed. UPI
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 331 7 ROME, Thursday Move follows Republican withdrawal THE government headed by socialist Prime Minister Bettino Craxi resigned today following the withdrawal of the Republican Party from the ruling fiveparty coalition m a row over the handling of the Achille Lauro hijack affair. The Cabinet met earlier m
      Reuter  -  331 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 444 3 the best of fis *T1 \^*«™K %A*New Zeamnd^ i md 1 g Specially flown inbyg air new ZEBLann ~£Z^ZJ^Q\ GrocerMiS Co-sponsored by The New Zealand High Commission. z£ <: x^_ <n lJM»MlP <T-«~=>,_ IdS Cy k> >^ Air New Zealand \3 W/ ~7^ ssr swg S? CCV 2S^-^^^ and D
      444 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 Satisfaction The way we brighten up your KITCHEN "ith^KiAHK. QUALITY, DESIGN and jUE$&%+& ECONOMICAL PRICES CALL US FOR FREE l @3^^V CONSULTATION SHOWROOM OrEN rwOM rMUJHI^ MON SAT 9om> lo 7pm |L/ c Kirn Long Furniture Decoraton Contactor jg^ Kirn Yian OMigning A rumiNng Pte Ltd ,-m Office Showroom: 30
      335 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 804 5 MOHAN ORCHARD IDetaib- JL^JLfJL^^^Lm JL JLf JLJLfA. 1 JL A Vjt JLm^J WBMMMBWIIIIWIIIIIIW^ItWJIBIIIIIBIHPBIIiIIIIiIII' 'Wl^ HWir^ B^BT BJ BH^^^ BB^^^bl B^B^^^ I i wy'lv'S'l j- t xj.. 'f B^E^MBhI AJL^^ JL rw JULJLA^^ vVrvJnw JBH JLw9>^9 WKr BBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf^B^B^BBBBBBMBiMiMM •«_^B^Bi' .^BBB B^B^' jifcJl ßß^Bp^^^^;^S- ..>- |fI)H .^BBfl £fii-* B^Bkw *i J^BiBBV IB^BW
      804 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 156 6 ill TTJlE^*^ mm v vitvS °^^A oU?^ eSI I Sptndte with W^BBfSISt^ M MM^r? You get FREE i^^^flHl csf *3 pcs Screwdriver Bit 9 S^B M^Paß* t77 1 set Fischer CAS Cassette Box i^MjlHt^j t/t^Ol t 1 standard J '9 aw blade li^V fl l *1 pee Rex 4mm drill
      156 words
    • 363 6 Lllj!j J I jlt t V IT ll j VubiM Pitmans the oldest correspondence college m UK has since its foundation m 1840 been guiding, tutoring and leading students from all over the world to commercial and professional qualifications that have opened doors to successful careers. You too can now
      363 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 143 7 -^CO* Just 03 for the lion's share of comfort and convenience. (Single or Double occupancy. Valid 2nd Sept —sth Nov'Bs) 1 Lion City Hotel Singapore Just 15 minutes from the airport IIPJIf 168 airconditioned rooms with attached bathroom, H telephone, piped-in music and television 24-hr room service, valet facilities Restaurant
      143 words
    • 740 7 Zeiss frames K^ J make sure W*|jJt this doesn't Wwv happen I New& improved for enhanced wearing comfort Zeiss metal and optyl frames are builttof ityour We've made sure that all parts of the frame face securely Without feeling like a clamp on which come into contact with your face
      740 words

    • 293 8  - Marcos, Reagan emissary have 'frank' talks ABBY TAN By Mamla Reporter MANILA, Thurs. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos said today he had a "frank exchange of views" with President Ronald Reagan's special emissary, Senator Paul Laxalt, on anticipated conflicts between the two allies. Mr Marcos made the statement after a breakfast
      293 words
    • 357 8 Philippine embassy 'bugged m gun-running probe' MANILA, Thurs. The Foreign Ministry is investigating allegations that Japanese authorities tapped the telephones of Filipino diplomats m Tokyo and wfll protest strongly if the report is true, a ministry spokesman said today. "If the report is true, it
      AP; UPI; Kyodo  -  357 words
    • 92 8 A WOUNDED prison official is carried ont by colleagues after a riot by prisoners at the Chonburl provincial jail, about 99 km south-east of Bangkok. Nearby lie the bodies of two dead Inmates. At least six people were killed and II others injured m the
      92 words
    • 225 8 Abduction of five draws Thai protest BANGKOK, Thurs. Thai Foreign Minister Siddhi Savetsila said yesterday he would protest to Vietnam over the abduction of five Thai nationals by Vietnamese troops inside Thai territory near the Cambodian border earlier this month. Thai army officials had reported that Vietnamese troops stationed m
      AFP  -  225 words
    • 316 8  -  NANCY CHNG Ministers also speak against growing protectionism By Bangkok Correspondent BANGKOK, Thurs. European Community ministers today heard their Asean counterparts launch strong attacks against growing protectionim m the developed countries while urging broadened EC investment m Asean. The first Asean-EC mhiisterial meeting on economic
      316 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 419 8 J^O&E Jto'ts***. IBK Yellow Gold r\.>&*^% I fr^ JfrSjr Diamond Ring r c t D j V V Diamond Wt. 0.39ct > J V. f 'Freshwater Pe«l i Sp«^ Price it3«T f t H ...J ft J ft f I «J»' L o«i«te) > cr.,,PH«s7Bo nunQTBuS vi I J jptcni
      419 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 210 9 Tan and Neo factions in polls agreement KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. THE MCA factions led by Datuk Dr Neo Yee Pan and Mr Tan Koon Swan reached a compromise on candidates for the party elections m three divisions m Selangor when nominations closed last night. This was to enable the two
      NST  -  210 words
    • 60 9 KUALA TRENGGANU, Thurs. A campaign has been launched to bring down the maternal mortality rate in Ulu Trengganu, which has recorded the highest number of deaths of infants and mothers during delivery among districts in the state. Trengganu's Mentri Besar in launching the campaign yesterday, said it was
      Bernama  -  60 words
    • 55 9 KUCHING, Thurs.— Sharks have been spotted off the newly-constructed beach resort at Pantai Damai, a twohour boat ride down the Sarawak river. In confirming this today, Sarawak Minister of Tourism and Environment Datuk Haji Noor Tahir said a section of the sea would have to be cordoned off
      Bernama  -  55 words
    • 170 9 Gym for MPs in Parliament House opens KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday MALAYSIAN MPs can now sweat it ont at the gymnasium after a session m parliament without having to pay exorbitant club membership fees. "They can vent their anger and frustration during the workouts," said the Speaker Tan Sri Mohamad Zahlr
      NST  -  170 words
    • 380 9 Malaysia likely to have more than 5% growth KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs MALAYSIA'S economic performance forecast by government and non-gov-ernment bodies "leaves room for considerable optimism" and potential growth despite the slowdown this year, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Musa Hitam said today. The government forecast a 5.2 per cent growth rate
      Bernama  -  380 words
    • 62 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah, wife of Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, said yesterday she will convene the country's first parents' conference similar to the US Convention hosted by Mrs Nancy Reagan. to fight growing drug abuse among the young. Dr Siti Hasmah told
      62 words
    • 197 9 42 suspects held in crackdown by Johor police JOHOR BARU, Thurs. Johor police have detained 42 suspects, including one suspected of murdering a girl, 5, and another said to be the last member of the once-notorious Botak Chin Gang, m a major state-wide operation during thepast week. The state CID
      Bernama  -  197 words
    • 82 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The government today obtained an order for substituted service of a writ against former Bumiputra Malaysia Finance chairman Lorrain Osman for the recovery of about Ms 6 million m tax which he had allegedly failed to pay. Lorrain was BMF chairman from 1978 to
      NST  -  82 words
    • 314 9 Dr Mahathir must meet us, says Cuepacs chief KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. All civil service unions have agreed to a cooling-off period and to call off the nation-wide picket proposed for next Wednesday but on one condition. It is that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr
      Bernama  -  314 words
    • 146 9 Daim to explain impact of wage claim KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin will appear over Radio Television Malaysia to brief the nation on the financial implications to the economy if the salary claims of public sector employees are fully met. The special RTM programme will go on the
      Bernama  -  146 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 735 9 NISSAN BLUEBIRD DX 1600 cc comfort at an unbeatable price I y^\ /\l Ntesanß>uebirtll.6PX $23,580 r I Nissan Bluebird I.6GL I $28,480 i/^______ Toyota Corona I.6XL $27,600 t Toyota Corona I.6GL $30,900 30/ottWeBEST^J- Honda Accord Basic $28,244 Honda Accord EX $32,305 Offer valid for a limited period only ~~T~. v
      735 words

  • HOME
    • 543 10  -  IVAN LIM S. KUMAR Bosses and unionists tell of pros and cons By and ANNUAL wage talks have their advantages, but they may not always be practical, several unionists and employers said yesterday. They were reacting to the collective agreement signed between the United
      543 words
    • 247 10 Firm invests $1 m to be near customers THE need to be near its customers has prompted Rosemount Inc, a leading American manufacturer of a wide range of process control equipment, to set up a plant here. The Ang Mo Kio factory of its Singapore subsidiary, Rosemount Singapore Pte Ltd,
      247 words
    • 267 10 STERN military demean«or was cast aside when friends gathered tor a farewell parade and party yesterday. Mare than 1M Singapore Armed Forces senior officers and senior non-commissioned officers were at the 1 SIR camp la Old Airport Road to say goodbye to Gen Tan Sri
      267 words
    • 294 10 A POLICEMAN, who arrested a car thief after a 40-minute car chase four months ago, went into action again yesterday this time on foot. PC Othman Maon, 32, chased and single-handed-ly caught two suspects near Changi Beach after a couple was robbed. His partner, PC Kumar, and
      294 words
    • 148 10 Trading company lays off 70 workers MULPHA (Singapore), a trading company, has retrenched more than 70 employees. Company officials declined to comment, but the Singapore Manual and Merchantile Workers Union, which represents most of the company's employees, confirmed the retrenchment. The union declined to give details. But sources said most
      148 words
    • 71 10 Ship steward charged with murder A HONGKONG steward was charged on Wednesday with the murder of a cook on board a ship. Tsang Yuk Chung, 39, allegedly killed the ship's second cook, Mr Leung Sano. 51, also a Hongkong national, on Tuesday at about 11.20 am. The ship, Kilum, was
      71 words
    • 393 11  -  PAUL WEE Suspect didn't understand victim's English By THINGS could not have been made any easier for the police yesterday when a robbery suspect was driven right to their doorstep by a public-spirited taxi driver. Cabby Kanagasingam Gunaratnam, 47, made the "special delivery" to Beach
      393 words
    • 367 11  -  NG WENG HOONG By A CONSTRUCTION worker chased and helped arrest a man despite being stabbed m the right arm with a pair of scissors along Sims Avenue on Wednesday. Mr Ten Ling Tong, 29, a Malaysian, was stabbed when the suspect
      367 words
    • 294 11  - $35 million forged share scrip uncovered S. KUMAR By FORGED share scrip with a purported value of $35.3 million was reported to the police m the first nine months of this year. The biggest single case this year involved forged scrip with a purported value of $30 million, believed to
      294 words
    • 65 11 THE North Cross Taxiway 1 for aircraft, built at a cost of J3.5 million by the Public Works Department, will be handed over to the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore today. The new taxiway, which will ease traffic flow and also save time and fuel for
      65 words
    • 198 11 SINGAPORE might want to pick up a tip or two from the West Indies when it comes to promoting tourism. Barbados Minister of Commerce, Industry and Consumer Affairs Louis Tull said yesterday: "We are an attractive tourist destination for visitors from North America and Europe. That's perhaps
      198 words
    • 265 11 STPB selling Singapore to Taiwanese through TV SINGAPORE will feature prominently on Taiwanese television m a bid to woo more Taiwanese tourists here, especially during the coming Lunar New Year. The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board is organising this major television promotion from this month to February next year together with
      265 words
    • 74 11 THE MP for Kolam Ayer, Mr Sidek bin Saniff, who is also Parliamentary Secretary (Trade and Industry), will tour the three markets m his constituency on Sunday m support of this year's Speak Mandarin Campaign. The chairmen and members, of various grassroots organisations and HDB and
      74 words
    • 236 11 Now, food that even other restaurants talk about FIRST-CLASS passengers on Singapore Airlines are getting first-class food direct from top New York and London restaurants. Since Oct 1, passengers on the London-Singapore direct flight have been given the choice of a special menu created by Boulestin Restaurant m London's Covent
      236 words
    • 436 12  -  RA V DHALIWAL MRTC assures public after cave-in By SCOTTS Road is safe, the Mass Rapid Transit Corporation assured the public yesterday. There is unlikely to be another sudden collapse along the road, under which a tunnel is being bored to connect Orchard MRT station to
      436 words
    • 342 12  - Outlook is improving for S'pore-China supply base RONNIE LIM By A MAJOR US$2O million (5542.8 million) Singa-pore-China joint venture will be officially opened on Nov 23 iust over a year after the marine base, which supports offshore oil exploration m the South China Sea, began operating. While the project incurred
      342 words
    • 148 12 Three fined for entering on forged passports THREE Taiwanese tourists, who thought they could enter Singapore by passing themselves off as Filipinos, learnt an expensive lesson yesterday. Businessman Chen Fa Shen, 42, his wife, Hsieh Mci Yun, 44, and another businessman, Shih Wan Lee, 40, were fined $1,500 each when
      148 words
    • 75 12 A TAXI driver yesterday claimed trial to a charge of dishonestly taking $6* from a man who had died m an accident m Woodlands Road. Sim Yoke Boon, 44, allegedly stole the money on Sept 17 at about 8.51 pm after the accident victim,
      75 words
    • 116 12 SOFT clay has posed a major problem to contractors involved m tunnelling for the Mass Rapid Transit. The problem exists m Chinatown, Robinson Road and Orchard Road, Prof Bengt Bioms, Head of the Geo technics and Surveying Division of Nanyang Technological Institute, said. The problem
      116 words
    • 213 13 Vandals burn 10 vehicles m fortnight V ANDALS set fire to two lorries and a car In two incidents yesterday, bringing to If the ■amber «f vehicles bant la the past two weeks. Yesterday, firemen arrived at 7.3* pm and tost about IS minutes
      213 words
    • 75 13 Robbery gang chief arrested QUEENSTOWN police have arrested the leader of a robbery gang which preyed on courting couples. The suspect was detained at Changi Road yesterday by detectives who had been lookins for him since April. Sources said the three other gang members had already been detained. The suspect
      75 words
    • 393 13  -  LOONG SWEE YIN Telecoms promises super-fast services By A SUPER-FAST telephone repair and installation service will soon be introduced. This is not because of any complaints from the public about the services provided by Telecoms. On the contrary, a survey, conducted between July and
      393 words
    • 303 13 FIVE minutes that's Telecoms' target for the longest wait at a post office. To achieve this, it has started, m some post offices, a single-queue system, computerisation and using better-trained staff. Telecoms set itself this target after a recent survey showed
      303 words
    • 86 13 Guard lured girl and molested her A SECURITY guard lured a little girl into a store m a private apartment block on the pretext of looking for a kitten and then molested her. He stopped only when the six-year-old girl protested. Ramli B. Thamby, 26, who worked at the apartment
      86 words
    • 279 14  -  ILENE ALESHIRE Shift to $69 m complex planned for 1987 By THE Housing and Development Board will move all or part of its central offices from Maxwell Road to Bukit Merah Town Centre, probably m 1987. There are two reasons for the move, according
      279 words
    • 216 14 NEARLY seven out of 10 reservists recalled during the first Open Mobilisation exercise m July knew of it through television announcements. Another 20 per cent of 9,400 reservists polled recently by the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) said they heard the announcement
      216 words
    • 158 14 Police question two suspects in Kedah A SINGAPORE police officer is now m Kedah, Malaysia, to interview two men m connection with a recent murder m Sembawang, Singapore. The two suspects were picked up by Malaysian police one m Butterworth and the other m Sungei Patani on Tuesday. Singapore police
      158 words
    • 54 14 THE FIRST Asian principal of Raffles Institution, Mr V. Ambiavagar, will be the guest-of-honour at the Old Rafflesians' Association dinner and dance at the Hilton Hotel on Nov 10 at 7.30 pm. Tickets are available from Dr Freddie Chew on *****28, Mrs P. N. Ku on *****32,
      54 words
    • 153 14 Air Force forms its second FSE squadron THE Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) now has a second squadron of Northrop FSE Tiger jets. Sporting a painted falcon as its insignia, the 149 th Squadron was formed m June. It is based at Tengah. The number of FSE interceptor aircraft,
      153 words
    • 178 14 TWO armed robbers were jailed one for eight years and the other for six years and each was ordered to be given 36 strokes of the cane by a district court on Wednesday. The court heard that Lai Kok Seng, 24,
      178 words
    • 544 14 Appeal of Workers' Party leaders A THREE-JUDGE court yesterday reserved judgment on the appeal of two Workers' Party leaders who wanted their retrial on a false declaration charge to be heard by the High Court. WP secretary-general J. B. Jeyaretnam and chairman Wong Hong
      544 words
    • 210 14 Swedish employers to study labour relations A DELEGATION from the Swedish Employers' Confederation arrives this evening for a five-day visit, during which it will study Singapore's labour relations. Sweden's Ambassador to Singapore, Mr Arnold Willen, said yesterday that the visit was a fortunate coincidence as it "comes m the midst
      210 words
    • 218 16 A CROWD of reporters, Civil Defence and PUB officials crammed into a small coffeeshop at Armenian Street yesterday but not to eat. The visitors were there to "enact" a power failure for a group of Civil Defence Force reservists. A total of
      218 words
    • 290 16 MORE secondary school leavers are expected to take up vocational training m the coming years. T 'Hopefully, with improvement m education, the numbers (joining the Vocational and Industrial Training Board from primary schools) will not keep growing. In fact, if anything, they may
      290 words
    • 17 16 THE Palelai Buddhist Temple m Bedok Walk will hold its annual charity day on Sunday.
      17 words
    • 330 16 Medical terms confusing, says accused The Chow Dih case TERMINOLOGY m medicine is always confusing and doctors do not have a universal agreement on medical terms. Chow Dih, a doctor, testified yesterday. Chow is giving his defence to charges of allegedly cheating six people by making them believe six patients
      330 words
    • 453 16 National Productivity Congress NO GUESSING now. Who is the man who sticks to his company, works hard all the time, believes m peaceful union-management relations and is happy with waiting his turn for promotion by seniority? The Japanese worker, right? Well, yes and no, according to
      453 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 They were having a great tame with Geoiges. I I ijriiKv :<l H B^bTjT ''''^w^SHHnwll^n^nv I '''"""^ustik: j_ w f wL, jmm *4 "'•fjnw m Wtik ■fIHyL InwnwflK T«^^^nr JSP^nw^^ r fll^l SB "^(Hf i y Ifc-^.,. 'mm They didn't seem to mind a bit. They suddenly developed a whole
      152 words
    • 245 10 j/kg^ £fiMf Fx/prv Qnortinn mr^M jfci MwPf lvci y o|jui m ly activity, every «H|B&rw jjr on for you. Come BK wkii. iliamffiii% an<^ cx P cr ence i^^t > Hhd^SH c rTiOS^ complete 1 HHH Hh^kl holiday you'll ever find. After all, how often are we 3JKBHbHS!!!^»^^!? > l
      245 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 219 11 DramaticOw Re novation I WS |^X V .^t§^ Z3^ basket, rubber mat till 15Oct'85 X^*«« WB> oo*^^ J^Mr sink m,xerwrth every M^^ enamel sink purchase of $450 This is a very special event to make way for a new Inhwa showroom, double the size, double the products on display. It's
      219 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 635 12 DELSEY PARIS HAGEMEYER DISTRIBUTORS PTE LTD 900 Dunearn Road, Singapore 2158 Tel: *****22 Pentax MEF/ [Pentax Pino 35 I Pentax ME super I CLEARING Maklnon Lenses Pentax 35-70 mm W/Case F 2.2 Lens J*\ 13Smm n tea iKono. Fuiica Mmolta. 24mm FZ« ISS(Fu|ica Konica. Ro. Ji. ■■UUtO FOCUS Zoom i^H^^Bflh-ti
      635 words
    • 174 12 i^BBH 111 > Ml< c -jl *»i '4A aB i\\ < i f j-. ijyraiu^c^ i 1 5y9^ ;j jfo^ Imported Japanese American Leather Sofa Set <* 5690 only ■■■mJLSiTb^"'*' 111 JM i f f i yr'f ..I.JBCT: i^B' WKB >■■■>■*■ -J^ ■'■'Mft9Mtt Vl -y' r B^B^B* A nfc A
      174 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 156 13 DON'T BE SHY IF YOU can speak Mandarin and are about to use dialect again, stop yourself and start m Mandarin. The other person may know Mandarin but may also be shy. Be the initiator! Locking for a Satis&tory Answer Come attend the Speaker: Pastor Jerry Chang Place: Seventh-day Adventist
      156 words
    • 863 13 BIGGER BETTER x v Now you can get a Tangs $2/- merchandise of your choice at Tangs Redemption Voucher on every box from now till December 31, 1985. of Premium Maxell Floppy Disks you This Maxell Grand Give-Away is purchase. Collect these vouchers and available at all leading computer! dealers,
      863 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 199 14 PHILIPS FAIR at Emporium Holdings Group of Stores 19th Anniversary Sale 27th Sept -30th Oct 1985 pr^Q Come tQ the philips Fair at any Emporium Holdings Group fy 7 of Stores from Sept 27th and buy Philips quality SJ^^V^Sii wfS^^o s 0 oS®^SH" 1 products at great value-for-money prices. B
      199 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 475 15 hbh Ihfe WEwte^ hih Kflfe m bY N N iLJv b i bQI IVkk A |fe Q P^l ir Ef^ "^^Wv 3r s^^%.«JHr *f^^^ t, J^' V^b^ b^ fill F9l\ flj* iHr iiK UL' i v^ I a^^Edz* i M ■^■Bar PK #yf- S I^KV A £A 4 V fc^tt
      475 words
    • 435 15 .^^BBP^Klfc E^CKiSiP 35P*ST««^2Rb^! From the classic (and antique) Persian Carpet vK# mmhS^^^' ifc I IE look alikes that cost a fraction. There's a HSS^'**«3i'' fascinating range guaranteed to hold you i/jd&Lj^^L M the courts. For the jV^ h^ »3^ to lee warmers a 14 mE&mtnJaark I IflHr iflF and white
      435 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 327 16 Robinson's has brought to you the new active range of playwear for boys and girls. Kids'll look cute m our mix and match cotton brights like red, blue, green, yellow and white. And there're lots of styles to choose for shirts, tees, tank-tops, skirts, shorts and long pants. It's so
      327 words
    • 103 16 IHH National HHH At Stamford, our National products are out of this world. At Stamford Electronics we try not to get carried away with the superb range of National VCR's and CTV's we stock. It's not easy. But we know our customers are looking for sound advice and friendly service.
      103 words

  • around YOUR PLACE
    • 583 17  -  AUGUSTINE LOW ONE community has, at its disposal, a large, luscious park. Yet nearby residents ignore it. Another has none so they hold dear an open field which they use for their morning exercises. But soon this green patch will have to make way for
      583 words
    • 391 17  -  LIM KWAN KWAN Braddell Heights By THIS morning's workout could well be one of the last for these old folk of Lorong Lew Lian housing estate; on their green and shady nook will soon stand the concrete blocks of a new Housing Board estate.
      391 words
    • 159 17 AYP info service Talks/shows HAVING babies: Obstetrician Dr S.H. Yeo will speak at Punggol CC tonight at 8 pm on pregnancy and childbirth. Gilbert and Sullivan m Mandarin: The Mikado m Mandarin at Kuo Chuan CC tomorrow at 7.30 pm. Admission is free. Drugs and inhalant abuse: An exhibition at
      159 words
    • 372 17 Bo Wen NURSES m Bo Wen have volunteered to look after their old and ailing neighbours under a community health scheme to be launched m January. They will visit the homes of the elderly, bedridden and disabled m the constituency to give medical
      372 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 949 17 H m Jflj IMta*, bbbe 1V 1. l BBjm JB^r% It is all waiting for you at The Promenade. I *^m bY Jf B flk V A celebration of events, plus a grand shoppers' contest. Lp M M B Discover the finer things m life at The Promenade. UBBBBBBBBB& P
      949 words

  • 543 18 The Straits Times says Seniority must count too IN THE current debate on wage reform, time-scales have come under considerable criticism. To employers, it seems incongruous that wage increments should be linked to length of service, with little regard to actual job performance. They are thus strongly pushing for a
    543 words
  • 1125 18  -  VIKRAM KHANNA It lacks expertise m evaluating economic management By The mounting world debt is undoubtedly a major problem but whose problem is it? The following article says last week's World Bank/International Monetary Fund meeting will be remembered for recognising that the
    1,125 words
  • 696 18 Banks not in a position to give loans to sovereign states The author, writing for the International Herald Tribune, requested that his name be withheld. He is a banker who has had a hand, by his own account, m more than US$5O billion (Sslo7 billion) m developing-country debt. PARIS No
    696 words
  • 558 18 new town IS AN average weekend In Bedok different from weekends elsewhere In Singapore? At least two groups of people would like to know that Is, apart from sociologists, Housing Board researchers, interested MPs, visiting lifestyle journalists and photographers, sportswear and sports equipment
    558 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 402 18 r uSfMKENKOH SANDALS best friends of your feet Scientifically designed to provide a unique rhythmic massage. pluse cill *****66,*****26. A Dream-ccnn^wM Cjf f Jftt H 1 Two 4th Prizes: y £*-"^J^ k v"^^tfl ne F sner Vlde o Tape Recorder each Two sth Prizes: One Fisher Mini-Compo each 11 -day
      402 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

    • 770 19  -  JAN NICHOLAS Bad parents breed social menaces By It is easy to say we must educate our children so that the next generation are not so deprived. But it is not a problem for the schools alone, even if we had the
      Guardian  -  770 words
    • 873 19  -  LIM YOON LIN Around the region By Key worries: Fall m prices, low demand and less exploration INDONESIA last week celebrated the centenary of its oil industry at a time when the country is faced with falling world oil prices and the need to
      873 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 332 19 raN-renc sale We're haying a pan-tastic sale. Pots, pans, crockery, bathroom W^7^TTTTfiRWW!!^¥V 'Mi accessories and much, much more. At fantastic discounts. mAASMmMmU^AAtamm+AmhdMmmAdmtm t| Hurry, save money by shopping at our store today! l^^^^^i jg^^ NEW ZEBRA stainless steel Chinese wok with aluminium bottom (40cm) $47.50 $35 '^r^ BALLARINI teflon coated
      332 words

    • 339 20 Untrained graduate teachers THE temporary untrained graduate teacher scheme is a good way out of the current teacher shortage problem, but I think it disregards long-term implications. Apparently, the Ministry of Education recognises that there will be a subsequent drop m the standard of teaching,
      339 words
    • 652 20 IT HAPPENED on Sunday Oct 13 around 4.15 pm on the underpass escalator at the Shaw Centre end of Scotts Road. The pickpocket team worked m a pair. Man No. 1 rushed to the front, being the first person on the steps. Following behind
      652 words
    • 237 20 I want a lovely bunch of coconuts I WAS so excited when the blueprint for the Geylang Serai kampung was unveiled by our Malay MPs (ST, Oct 10). Good job, fellas. Apart from the fact that I live within a stone's throw of the proposed site, a Malay kampung has
      237 words
    • 178 20 Ministry: Call us if you need manpower I REFER to the report "Homes 'no' to aged sick" (ST, Oct 7). We are aware of the problems faced by voluntary organisations operating homes for the aged and aged sick. Since June this year, we have been assisting these homes to recruit
      178 words
    • 67 20 I SHALL be grateful if you would clarify your report headlined "Cause of death must be known first Coroner" (ST, Oct 14). Dr Goh King Hwa is a partner of Clifford Dispensary Jurong. Our Clifford Dispensary has no connection with Clifford Dispensary Jurong whatsoever since
      67 words
    • 361 20 I REFER to your report (ST, Oct 7) under the heading "Homes 'no' to aged sick". It is misleading m two aspects insofar as it refers to the work of The Society for the Aged Sick. a) THE caption under the
      361 words
    • 217 20 Help us to fight crime Police I REFER to the report which appeared on page 13 of The Straits Times captioned "Late for show, so robber set free". The police would like to commend the residents living m Zion Road HDB estate for detaining a lift robber after he had
      217 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 533 20 111 i IMI J l^/f \|p|R\^ The Plaza Hotel is proud to present the charming duet of Kuo Po and Belinda Foo, M a PP earm 8 nightly at the Tavern Show Bar. Their repertoire ranges from sentimental favourites to the latest pop hits, and their mellow harmonies can't help
      533 words

    • In the market
      • 59 21 THE Straits Times Industrial Index gained 253 points to close at 753.89 m moderate trading on the Singapore stock market yesterday. The Business Times Composite Index moved up 2.46 points to close at 650.1. However, falls beat rises 77 to 68, with 46 stocks unchanged. Volume was
        59 words
      • Chief price changes
        • 30 21 MCaUn 520 +36 *P" I FM 615 +10 Mfreoenes 580 +10 r^r s 8 s as ii Sp.eland 225 +5 MVCorp 204 +5 SShhdT 185 +5 BAT 181 +5
          30 words
        • 72 21 UO l 220 -28 Sin Lin Finance 169 -19 IMTeiUes 308 -18 Sim Lin 205 -15 CASH 346 -14 LarutTin 270 -14 Roiy Elect 498 -12 HK Tin Corp 278 -12 KianJoo 270 -10 Rate*!) 376 -8 KumpEmas 192 -8 Sifma Metal 318 -6 G Lumber 145 -6 BRaya
          72 words
        • 13 21 Guinness 605,000 X L Ind 525,000 Polmco Hldgs 437,000 Raleigh 433,000
          13 words
        • 81 21 Oct 16 Oct 17 OctlS Oct 17 BT Composite 647 64 ***** BT Indicator *****01 *****55 SI Properties 449 64 449 92 BT OB OS -251 -176 ST Minings 340 88 340 68 CAW -5322 -5323 ST Plantations 2309 60 23C8 60 OBV -***** -***** OCBC ***** 562 76
          81 words
      • 33 21 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Times Business Times Industrials Composite 1984/85 High 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) 1984/85 Low 717.95 (15/7/85) 631.62 (15/7/85) All-time High 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) All-time Low 74.75 (17/9/64) 550.78 (2/8/82)
        33 words
      • 13 21 THE US dollar closed at DM 2.6635 m Singapore, losing 52 points.
        13 words
      • 20 21 DM V FF S$ H$ US$ 1.4110 2.6735 216.50 unq 2.1430 unq 1.4150 2.6635 216.40 8.1160 2.1418 7.7990
        20 words
      • 9 21 In Singapore, gold was at U*****.50 losing US$l.2O.
        9 words
      • 33 21 Eurodollar: Gained four ticks to 91.71 a contract. Dentochemark: Gained five ticks to 0.3771 a contract. Japanese yen: Lost seven ticks to 0.*****3 a contract. Gold: Lost US$l.3O to U*****.60 an ounce.
        33 words
      • Short stops
        • 66 21 Sony TV screens from US TOKYO, Thurs. Sony Corp will start producing 104-cm colour video projection television receivers for homes m its San Diego plant m California next January. The Japanese electron-ics-maker will produce 2,000 units a month initially, but it aims to turn out 30,000 units or 15 per
          AFP  -  66 words
        • 31 21 NEW YORK, Thurs. One of the New York Stock Exchange's membership seats was sold for U*****,000 (*****,500), up US$l5,OOO from the last sale on Oct 1. Reuter
          Reuter  -  31 words
        • 75 21 NEW YORK, Thurs. Beatrice Cos yesterday became the latest food company afflicted by Wall Street's "merger mania" when it received a US$4.l billion (SIB.B billion) takeover bid from a New York investment firm. Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts and Co, which specialises m leveraged buyouts, announced it was
          Reuter  -  75 words
        • 55 21 LONDON, Thurs. Nissan is to invest £27 million (SJBI million) m a network of garages across Britain. They will provide the Japanese company with sales outlets for cars to be built at its Sunderland plant, now under construction. The factory will have an initial capacity of
          AFP  -  55 words
        • 78 21 Taiwan-US joint venture TAIPEI, Thurs. Authorities have approved m principle a US$25 million (5553.5 million) joint venture project between state-run Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) and an American company to explore and develop uranium m the United States. A Taipower official said today the Council for Economic Planning and Development has
          AFP  -  78 words
    • 430 21 Help firms m cash bind, says accountant A PUBLIC accountant yesterday called for new provisions m the Companies Act to prevent the "panic grabbing" that occurs when companies are m a cash bind, often causing the "pack of cards" to fall. Mr Edwin Khoo, who
      430 words
    • 230 21 NEW YORK, Thurs. Takeover fever swept Wall Street to record highs today as confirmation of one high-priced merger was followed by rumours of another. The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged m the last half hour to finish the day 17.69 points higher
      Reuter; AP; NYT  -  230 words
    • 206 21 WASHINGTON, Thurs. United States regulators are set to approve the first electronic trading link between a London and United States exchange, nudging securities markets towards an era of worldwide round-the-clock dealing. US industry and government officials say the new link between the Philadelphia and
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 243 21 WITH the busy manager and professional m mind, Britain's largest com pater company, ICL, has developed a compact office equipment called One-Per-Desk (OPD). This unit, which will be available here next month, Is an all-in-one word processor, intelligent telephone and a computer access terminal. One
      243 words
    • 280 21 A SINGAPORE commodity trading group is to set up a $15 million coffee bean decaffeination plant here. The investment plan is disclosed m the Economic Development Board's review of the performance of the food and beverage industry last year. However, details of the plant,
      280 words
    • 105 21 KUALA TRENGGANU, Thurs. Malaysia exported more than 60,000 tonnes of cocoa last year, according to the latest issue of Mardi's publication, Berita Penyelidikan. It says the main buyers of Malaysian dried cocoa beans were West Germany, Singapore, Holland and the United States. Besides exporting dried cocoa beans,
      Bernama  -  105 words
    • 437 21 WH7SN the receiver or liq- uidUor moves in, it is a humbling experience for a company director; his powers are either sus: ended or, in the case of liquidation, removed. Receivers, or "corporate doctors", are usually sent into an ailing company by secured creditors to
      437 words
    • 215 21 ONLY 36 of the 152 companies with 500 or more employees surveyed by the National Productivity Board have heeded the Prime Minister's call to appoint productivity managers. Dr Wong Kwei Cheong, Minister of State (Trade Industry) and NPB Chairman, said the si'rvey, conducted m June, was confined
      215 words
    • 3689 22 READERS should be aware of the Bmrtatiom of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt m at the Sinfapore and Kuala Lumpur stock eichanfes, is necessarily covered m "business done". Further because al deabifs at a particular price are frouped together, the table does
      3,689 words
    • 2587 22 Al shares quoted have a par value of Jl unless otherwise speeded Adjusted for scrip/rifhts. N Tax-eiernpted dividend. ABN is trad»d in lots of 10 shares each, with the price quoted in defers. 1985 Last YMd Vei Day Ugh Low Company Sale Chanfe ('000) rftffc Low
      2,587 words
    • 2937 22 INDUSTRIALS AcmoO 70S) A Choc (3.028 3.065) (6) 3.06 (1) 304 A«b (0.906) (4) 0.94 (34) 0 93 (18)092 (5)0.91 (3)090 Ajmometo (3 30S) (1)3.30 Alcom (0.9 15) (2) 0.92 (1) 0.93 (2) 0.90 (7) 0 91 Amd <4.705> (12) 4.66 (6) 4.64 (24) 4.60
      2,937 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 664 23 BLUE-CHIP shares rose slightly on the Singapore stock market yesterday, resulting m a slight improvement m The Straits Times Industrial Index for the second day m a row. It added 2.53 points to 753.85 after Wednesday's 4.9-point gain. The Business Times Composite Index
        664 words
      • 235 23 Oct 17 HK$ Chance Etoet 8.00 +005 w 1 Etecf Wwf )580 +33 Associated Hotels iu*p Hk Go* 11.00 +03 Bonk Of East Asia 21.8ON Hk Hoteh 11.806 -21 45 Cheung Kong 1920 +0.3 HK Lond 6.65 +0.05 Chino Light 16.40 +0.1 Hk Lond Loan 85.00 unch Cross Horb
        235 words
      • 330 23 Ocl 17 Yen Chime Ajinomoto 1180 +10 Akoi 444 -21 Amoda 819 +19 Atoh. Chem 783 +8 A»ohi Gloss 850 -4 Bonk Tk 780 +5 Bridgeitone 560 +10 Cooon 1250 +70 Onto Computer 1790 +20 Citiien 417 +5 D Nip Print 1130 +40 0 Nippon Screen Doiei 740 -20
        330 words
      • 316 23 Oct 17 Cents Change (A«t) A C I 292 +2 A N I 273 -2 A P M 304 +4 Aberfoyte ***** Age 286 +6 Alliance Oil Allied Mil 305 +5 Ampol Exp 310 -4 Ampol Pet 250 unch An* 510 unch Ashton 102 -I B H P 880
        316 words
      • 59 23 U_ NST Index Thursday 1283.43 (1268.47) Hongkong Hang Seng Thursday 1624.79 (1618.37) Austrafan Al-Ordinaries Thursday 1034.0 (1033.9) Nikei D J Average Thursday 13,021.14 (13,036.56) Financial Times Industrials Wednesday 1034.9 (1023.9) Dow Jones Average Wednesday 1368.50 (1350.81) (Figures m brackets refer to those of the previous trading day) h —i
        59 words
      • 214 23 Ocl 16 US) Chance Alcoa 32 Allied Chem Cp 44* +1* AB^Chalmers 4 Am Tel Tel 21* Amax Inc 12* Amr Corp 40* Bethlehem S« 16* Boeing Co 45* Burroughs Cp 54* Caterpaor Co 36* Chose Monhtn 56 Chrysler Cp 37* Citicorp 42* unch Cons Nat Got 41*
        214 words
      • 535 23 OctlC Pence Chance MDUSTRMLS Alied-tyons 275 +7 Ass Dories 138 unch BTRPLC 380 unch Bobcocks 147 -3 Barclays 402 +3 Beechom 306 unch BCC 230 unch Blue Circle 545 -1 BOC Group 289 +2 Boots 200 +2 Bowoter 320 +10 BATS 268 +5 Britannia 128 +5 BP 545 +2
        535 words
    • 299 23 LCL Rtcthrinf Recenrinc Sty (Y«y«u) An C«r|o Tim Block Anro Asia (*****) 18/10 (2200) F7 0700-0900/ 1000- 11 00 HI 1300-1400 ome» Pioneer (23/587) 18/10 (2359) Fl 0700-0800/*****200 B 6 *****600 Harvester (41S/85) 19/10 (0100) Fl 2100-2200 N3 E Obtain (003W) 19/10 (0700) Fl 1000-1100/2200-2300 S4 L A|.tha
      299 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 312 23 1 Mn SI 000 2 For best customers only. 3 OCBC Finance 4 only avaiabie il DBS Fiiance. UOf's rites." abo avaiable at UOF. also avaiable at DBS Finance OCBC OUB UOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Savings: daily 5V4 5V4 5 s'/4 Monthly 5Vi Autosave 4% Fixed deposit 1
        312 words
      • 167 23 Interbank Over the counter Foreign Local dolars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to $$10 foreifn currency Australian dollar 1.4972 1.5000 6.74—6.57 Canadian dollar 1,5657 1.5676 6.44—6.34 HI dollar 1.2346 1.2384 8.24—7.99 Sterling pound 3.0276—3.0312 3.34—3.28 US dollar 2.1435 2 1445 4.69—4.65 Local ddars to 100 units
        167 words
      • 102 23 THE US dollar closed higher against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, it closed unchanged at 2.1435/45 m quiet trading. It traded between 2.1430 and 2.1440, opening at 2.1435/55. Against the deutschemark, the greenback opened at 2.6755/60 and closed at 2.6805/15. It fluctuated between
        102 words
      • 110 23 THE kilobar market traded between 5522.430 and 5522.490 yesterday. The Far East gold market opened at U*****.10/4.60 and traded to a low of U*****.70/4.20. It closed very quietly m the morning session at U*****.104 50 The market reopened at U*****.20/4.60 and traded to a high of U*****.50/325 on a
        110 words
      • 22 23 GOLD US$/oz Thtn Ntd Singapore 324.40—324.80 326.00—326.40 Hongkong 324.70-325.10 326.90—327.40 Wtd Tins New York 323.60-324.10 325.80-326.30 London 323.50-324.00 327.25 327.75
        22 words
      • 218 23 Manager*' pric»« for Oct 18 Singapore UhH Trust The Commerce I 76— 1 87 The Savings Fund I 29— 1 37 Spore Prog Fund 0 75— O80id Spore Sec Fund I 09— 1 15 Spore Invest Fund 0 75— 0 80 S pore Equity Fund 0 78—083 Asia
        218 words
      • Simex futures
        • 71 23 Eurodollar 3-month deposit THE market moved marginally because of a lack of interest. More activity can be expected after the GNP figure is released as the market should have a clearer direction then. (100 implied interest rate) Open High Law Sett Est V«l Dm 91.70 91.71 91.70 91.71 378 Mar
          71 words
        • Article, Illustration
          66 23 THE deutschemark pit saw fairly active movement as the central banks were reported m the market to check the dollar rising on expectations of a stronger GNP figure. Trading was nervous and quotes were wide. (US dollar Deutschemark) Opea High Uw Sett bt Yd Dec 0 3760 0 3776
          66 words
        • 51 23 TRADING m the yen was thin and listless although activity picked up m late afternoon when quotes became wider. (Japanese Yen) Open High L»w Sett EM Yd Dee 0.*****9 0.*****4 0.*****7 0.*****3 114 Mw 0.*****5 0.*****5 *****45 0.*****4 2 Jan 0.*****6 Open tat (Wei): 868. Act V«l (Wed):
          51 words
        • Article, Illustration
          50 23 Little interest is seen m gold ahead of the release of the GNP figure. (In USt per troy ounce) Open High Uw Sett Eit Oet ***** Dec 327.50 327.608 327.20A 327.60 65 Feb 331.80 Opea tat (We 4): 91. Act V.I (Wei): 71 Reports from Security Pacific National Bank/SPAFI
          50 words
      • 15 23 Rubber CJosinf prices cents/Uo Singapore November 162.25 down 0.25 cents Malaysia November 185.00 unchanged
        15 words
      • 15 23 Tin Closing prices MJ/kio RL Tin 30.05 unchanged Turnover: 65 tonnes down 13 tonnes
        15 words
      • 29 23 CM* print Copper E/Imm M Spot 967 50— ***** (972 00— 972 50) 3 months 994 00-994 50 (990 00— 990 50 Market tone Steady Sates 8.275 tonnes
        29 words
      • 25 23 CltMif pricci Stfw usj/tm »z Tlws IM Smgjpoft £12-617 671-676 IM Twi New Yorli 6 07-6 1? 6 22-6 2? Source Credit Swsse Spore
        25 words
      • 23 23 OH* prices AhffVtiftitffVi £/iQflnt M Spot *****-685.50 (685 50-686 00) 3 months 711.50—***** (708 00-708 50) Market tone: Steadier Sales: 6.950 tonnes
        23 words
      • 89 23 Oct 670 (central 667 50 (north) Nov 680 (central) 675 (south) e1.4 SM US$/tomts RBO palm Oct 340 (setters) Nov 340 (setters) Dec 337 l (sellers) RBDOtetn Oct 340 (sellers) Nov 330 (setters) Dec 335 (sellers) lan 340 (sellers) RBO Stearin Nov 295 (sellers) Crude stearin Dec 292
        89 words
    • Article, Illustration
      241 23 Vessel Berth Arr Dep Barber Perseus KO9 aside 18/10 Glory Selatan 6 Kl7 aside 18/10 Rota Berkat K36 aside 18/10 Kota Wisata K35 aside 18/10 Nedlloyd Singapore Kl3 aside 18/10 Raiah Brooke K2SW aside 18/10 Straits Hope K24E aside 18/10 Trans Hay MO aside 18/10 Yimen Kl5
      241 words
    • 338 24 Nine new overseas stocks on board by end of year TOKYO, Thurt. MAJOR US tobacco company Philip Morris today obtained a quotation on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and will be followed tomorrow by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, known as 3M. Shares m the West German
      AFP  -  338 words
    • From the companies desk
      • 89 24 TOSHBAR'S proposed Ms 24 million flatted factory m Petaling Jaya will be financed by the sale of a plant m Bangi and bank borrowings. The company plans to broaden its operations and said the property, its first, would provide steady and low-risk income with an expected annual rental of
        89 words
      • 70 24 ALLIED Chocolate Industries Ltd has told the Stock Exchange of Singapore it is reviewing its operations and is looking at other areas of diversification. One option the company is looking at is to transfer the chocolate-making activities to Chocolate Products m Malaysia. Other options are also being looked
        70 words
      • 35 24 Aokam Tin/ Tronoh Mines MR IBRAHIM Menudin has been appointed to the boards of Aokam Tin Bhd and Tronoh Mines Malaysia Bhd. Mr Lee Siew Choong has resigned from the boards of the two companies.
        35 words
      • 17 24 Perusahaan Pelangi STULANG Gardens Sdn Bhd has sold a 34.85 per cent stake m Perusahaan Pelangi Bhd.
        17 words
      • 38 24 KUOK (Singapore) Ltd has raised its stake m Perusahaan Pelangi Bhd from 5.24 per cent to 10.78 per cent. Mr Kuok Khoon Ean, a director of Kuok (Singapore) and Perusahaan Pelangi, has an interest m the stake.
        38 words
    • 146 24 BRISTOL-MYERS (Singapore) Ltd has received an undisclosed sum as compensation from sole-propri-etorship Ngee Cheong Hang for manufacturing and selling a product with packaging almost identical to its Windex glass and household cleaner. The settlement was reached out of court. A Bristol-Myers statement said the label of
      146 words
    • 211 24 BEIJING, Thurs. China is reviewing its laws on joint ventures, the President of World Bank affiliate International Finance Corp (IFC), Mr William Ryrie, said. The move is m response to concern by foreign firms about China's rules on remitting profits and its inadequate legal system.
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 291 24 More people call on bank's China Desk AT LEAST 12 people now call at the China Desk at Hongkong Bank daily almost twice the number of inquiries received m May when the desk was set up. "Interest is growing at a much faster rate than before," said Miss Teo Siew
      291 words
    • 38 24 MANAGERS wiU learn how to handle staff of varying grades with greater success at a monthly workshop organised by the Singapore Training and Development Association (Stada) today. The workshop on Situational Leadership is held at King's Hotel.
      38 words
    • 187 24 Malaysian firm keen to try mobile smelter SELANGOR Dredging Bhd has confirmed that it is keen to set up a company m Malaysia to try out a mobile tin smelter that can halve production costs. In a reply to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Selangor Dredging said it has had
      187 words
    • 116 24 Electronic funds transfer KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Electronic funds trans(er at the point of sale, or EFTPOS, is expected to be a keyword m Malaysian banking soon. Formis Computer Services Sdn Bhd (Formis), a computer management firm, has proposed EFTPOS to several major banks m Kuala Lumpur. Formis Chairman Senator Kee
      NST  -  116 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 94 22 rsriTl FINANCES ET j I II II I S.A. I.ENEVA »LA(f|MM We offer all types of financial, management, and tax shelter services. Our strategic investment program will offer minimum risk, with maximum profit, plus our bi-monthly New Technology for Investors newsletter. Both programs are yours at no charge or obligation
      94 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 451 24 .|L KETTLER Outdocr hixury-but nooudandish ■I p^' i- affordable prices l The comfortable Ronda, made of weatherproof solid polypropylene. The extra-light Altantic, with anodised aluminium frames. Stylish Kettler furniture— with a very comfortable two-year warranty. 4-seater settings also available. exclusively at: &c OUbrcierS 21 -27 Orchard Boulevard, Park House, Singapore
      451 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 626 25 737H66 1 2 Eating Out FOR QUICK LUNCH Reservation, visit Lai Wan Restaurant: JfJTC, Jalan Besar (Aircond). Tel: *****03/ *****94. Branch: (Blk. 44) 143 b Bendemeer Road (Aircond). Tel: *****60/ *****61 CAROLS GOODIES Nasi Briyani. Penang Laksa, Steamed Otak. Hor Fun, Kajang Satay Penang Home Dishes. 32 Greenwood Aye *****42.
      626 words
    • 86 25 11 Pi»»«ure Boats •n measure poa»» A RANGE OF secondhand speedboats for sale Price from $3.(XX) upwards View at: Matilda Beach Resort or cull: *****31/ *****7S William/ Vincent. BARGAIN 37' FIBREGLASS Sailing 12 Computer Products/ Servicos T^!^^^^—KOYO COMPUTERS PTE LTD IBM Compatible 640K with NEC RGB colour monitor plur Free
      86 words
    • 1273 25 TELEPHONE SERVICE: RATES Monday Friday 9.00 am to 5 00pm Ordinary: $5 00 per line (Mm $15 00) Saturday 8.30 am to 2.00pm 'am V deadlme to, the Sunday T.mes) $20 00 per col cm Publ.c Holiday 00am to I.oopm (Mm $60.00 Straus Times) $20 50 per col cm
      1,273 words
    • 589 25 CLASSIFICATION GUIDE: Food/Entertainment (2 S) P«r«on«l S»rvic*«/M«rch«r»dis«< 1 1 3t) Business to Business (49 58) Employment (64 74) Vehicles (81 98) Properties (105 127) Travel Guide (135 139) Education A Instruction (14C 157) Announcements (166 174) Obituaries (181 18«) 12 Computer Products/ Services COMPUTER CLEARANCE SALE 100's of items below
      589 words
    • 574 25 14 Antiques/ Arts/Crafts REMOVAL SALE All things to go at cost 1 Framed mirrors with goldgilt carvings $34-$250 2. Old porcelain paintings $28 each 3. A set of porcelain figurines (Fu I.v Shou) $650 4 Blackwood recliners $850 5. Malacca cabinets $550- $750 Ancestique Pte Ltd, 290G Joo MM Road
      574 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1278 26 18 Home Furniture/ 18 Home Furniture/ Furnishing Furnishing SLLMIINE BLINDS For Light Control, Sun Control, Privacy. Ventilation, Beauty. Over 40 designer colours to suit your decor. Made-To-Measure to fit any window For free measure and quote, call: VENETIAN CO.. PTE LTD nil I 393 Changi Road. 8 8 km. Singapore
      1,278 words
    • 516 26 20 Pets/Pet Care HOUSE OF PETS a Spacious boarding facilities. a (Veterinary surgeon 24 hours). a Nursing home for pets. a Ambulance services transportation a Grooming by professional. General dog care center. a Detlcking and bathing services. a Home delivery of dog food. T»l *****19. THE DOGGY SHOP 81-11 Orchard
      516 words
    • 587 26 20 Pets/Pet Care LONG HAIRED DACHSHUND puppies With/ without paper. $300 to $400. Blk 401. Hougang Aye 10, #13-1168, (Frl. to Sun.) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES adult female pomeranlan. Cheap to good home. Tel: *****28. MINCED BEEF AS dog food. $4.50 per kilo. Free home delivery for 3 kilo order. Tel:
      587 words
    • 694 26 25 Sale: Other Products SPECIAL OFFER Change your refrigerator now and save from our special offer. Over stock brand new American Fridge 14 and 19 cv.ft. Almond or gold colour. Selling at special prices to clear our stock. 12 months' full guarantee. For viewing, call us today: Hajee V.M. Peer
      694 words
    • 609 26 28 Health Centres/ 28 Health Centres/ Massage Massage I ■*<•» I H Health Centre «Jce^ H H #04-103 Hotel Meridien M m Orchard Road. Tel: *****33 VK\ 8 9^L i BY 34 Gardening/ 36 House Landscaping Renovation/ Decor SPECIALISED IN TREE Cutting, grass turfing, removal with disposal, factory maintenance St
      609 words
    • 655 26 KHUA a OUAH CO. Interior Decoration Good News for HDB Flat Owners!!' 1. Flooring 12" x 12" heavy duty ceramic tiles including skirting. 2. Reposition sink. 3. Additional wall tiles for kitchen 3-side $t 2 toilets. 4. Kitchen cabinets base with cement internal. 5. Iron grilles for windows only. 3-room
      655 words
    • 767 26 36 House Renovation/ Decor GENERAL RENOVATION. FURNITURE, spray painting, parquet flooring Si designing. Victor: *****77 (day)/ *****68 (night) IRON CHAIN LINK fencing con tractor, window grilles, gates, grating, stainless steel hand railing. Enquiries: *****11. JAL GENERAL CONTRACTORS. General renovation, painting, electrical, plumbing, iron works St general cleaning Tel: *****00 KIM
      767 words
    • 803 26 39 Other Personal Services PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY at your service to all confidential matters. Free consultation and enquiries Please call 2941 1§1 *****63 100 Beach Rd #17.*3. Shaw Towers, (0718) HANDYMAN SERVICES AVAILABLE electrical, plumbing other general household services. Call *****30 anytime. 49 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/Removal Specialise m house removal
      803 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 718 27 39 Other Personal 39 Other Personal Services Services 1! WE CARE for the sick, the aged M and those recuperating from i::;*! illness. •Xv Features: v*v 24-hour medical care by in-house doctors and vXv •x¥ i qualified nurses 6 wholesome meals specially formulated by dieticians ft|t-t| recreational programs planned by
      718 words
    • 480 27 57 Business Opportunities Specially for expatriates II POSSIBLEI 469% PROFIT Actual track record 1980-1984 Find out more! Write today for FREE brochure and include your telephone number (minimum investment $10,000) Winchester Life Assurance Services Ltd. Dept. STW 542 6 Aye Uoyd George, box 5 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Tel: 0^640.32.80 Telex:
      480 words
    • 549 27 I El fe il A monthly income of $800 Ml VmBPH 3lus incentives awaits a Jp! i I M" Female Consultant who is fjtjjr> |LH able to give advice on inte- m mb rior decoration. mg~\ Wm Consult the advertiser at I if I classification 71. 65 Situations Wanted SALARY:
      549 words
    • 598 27 65 Situations Wanted I GARAMONT I AGENCIES #08-1 1 Orchard Plaza TEL: *****66/*****67 (Licence No C-0706-0U Established 1980 Wide choice turned t orientated F«pino Mads Salary: $220/250 Pack Ht fee S6SO includes documentation/security bond' personal accident I hospitalisation insurance/ medical eiam/ 1 year tuarantee/ free replacement Mon-Fri: 9am to Jpm
      598 words
    • 506 27 66 Situations Vacant: Professional/ Executive A well established International Record Company invites applications for the post of MARKETING MANAGER Requirements: c University graduate with ability to read write Chinese (Mandarin essential, other dialects such as Cantonese preferable). c Age between 25 —40 years old. c Relevant working experience m the
      506 words
    • 576 27 69 Situations Vacant: Domestic DOMESTIC WANTED. ENGLISH speaking maid required for 1 expat family with toddler Must read write Housework, light cooking Only those with re;ease letters may apply No agents. *****36 REQUIRED A LIVE-IN/ part-time maid for a family of 2 Can cook Call: *****51 from 9am -4pm TEMP.
      576 words
    • 1270 27 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clerical Clerical I sT i| SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGY 1 1 CORPORATION PTE LTD 1 1 requires Stenographer for its Legal Department Applicants should have c At least 3 GCE 'O' levels including English c LCCI shorthand and typing certificates at 100 wpm and
      1,270 words
    • 453 27 71 Situation* Vacant: 71 Situation* Vacant: Sales Sales Japanese Trading Company dealing m electrical equipment, chemical and food products urgently requires: INTERNATIONAL SALES EXECUTIVE (Female/ Male) Requirements: Age between 25 and 35. Experience m handling import and export documentation Able to work independently. Applicants please call for personal interview: Tel:
      453 words
    • 125 27 REPRESENTATIVES (Male Female) CHARLTON TECHNICAL SERVICES Blk. 158, #02-222 Bukit Batok Street 11 Singapore 2356. Excellent Opportunity^ to build your own service oriented business. We ate well established Lite Assurance Coin pan* and seek GCE O' and A' level holders, and graduates from local and foreign universities who aspire to
      125 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 594 28 71 Situations Vacant: Sales ORIENTAL MARKET HOLDINGS* PTE LTD invites applications for the post o SHOP ASSISTANTS (Male/ Female) c Minimum Secondary 2 edu cation c Ability to converse m Man darin English Hardworking, willing t work on shift duties c Preferably with experienc m handling of perishabl products The
      594 words
    • 524 28 71 Situations Vacant: Sales An establithed Business Centre requires young ambitious personnels to grow with us as: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICER 0 We require: c 18 to 25 years old c GCE O' level above We provide: g Courses en Management Courses on Sales and Courses on Marketing n We reward:
      524 words
    • 734 28 71 Situations Vacant: Sales FEMALE SALES CLERKS to work at Jurong (Lorong Tukang Tiga) c Pleasant personality, c Attractive salary commission No-shift duties. Experience is not essential as training will be provided. Interested please call personally or write with full particulars, non-re-turnable photograph A tel. number to:THE ADVERTISER 2 ALEXANDRA
      734 words
    • 598 28 71 Situations Vacant: Sales INTERIOR FURNISHING CO. requires several Sales Representatives part/ full-time with basic pay and other benefits. Interested applicants, apply tel. *****13. MALE/ FEMALE MARKETING Executives needed m Shenton Way. With or without working experience. Call personally *02-05, International Plaza. NEED MORE INCOME rewarding career? Please call *****81
      598 words
    • 582 28 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Technical I An established firm of consulting civil and I I structural engineers requires B I DRAUGHTSMAN I I with minimum 4 years experience m I I reinforced concrete. m M Applications giving full personal, educa- I I tional and employment details together
      582 words
    • 427 28 A leading construction company requires: DRAUGHTSMAN/ DRAUGHTSWOMAN c Technical qualification or diploma holder. c Minimum 3 years experience m design and drafting of structural and C.E. works. c Preferably have knowledge of taking-off though not essential. Interested applicants please write m with full resume, contact no., expected salary and non-returnable
      427 words
    • 1155 28 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production Production (i ii > 'r^ ti^i i i i i 4— l %tv/F^' ril TAOril I Jjjr Colour Television Picture f— I 4" j Tubes Manufacturing Companies. _x__.... J To meet our current and future needs, we are seeking:
      1,155 words
    • 754 28 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous PNE APPLIANCE CONTROLS PTE. LTD. requires STORE ASSISTANTS c Secondary 2 Education c 1 year experience m an electronic manufacturing concern c Knowledge of electronic components Interested applicants please write m with full resume with contact no. or apply personally atBlk. 115-A Commonwealth Drive #03-01, Singapore
      754 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 582 29 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ffiHDB WALK-IN-INTERVIEW SATURDAY 19 OCT. 85 9.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON PARKING WARDEN Female, passed Primary School Leaving Examination or equivalent. Applicants must be above 30 years of age. Required to work 2 shifts by rotation. Sell parking coupons, patrol estates car
      582 words
    • 700 29 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous FEMALE MODELS REOD. Offer excellent modelling opportunities. With/ without experience may apply. Contact *****51. GRASS CUTTERS WITH experience required urgently for Jurong factories. Salary $22- $25 per day. Tel *****92. KATONG PEOPLE'S COMPLEX Lounge req. Full/ Part-time (Fri. Sat.) Waitresses. Interested. pis. call *****82/ *****73. MARMOTA
      700 words
    • 710 29 (TljMi Looking for a motorcycle? y*j/tyj^ Choose from the wide Cn3ni?n? range available at classifin cation 96. Today's choice U UULa include a Kawasaki AR 125, To) (ft) fl\ Inl a Yamana RXS a Kawasaki Jft^ UJ/|^\JUJ Ninja and many more. I JK CAR RENTALS offers chauffeur driven new 1600
      710 words
    • 596 29 83 Vehicle Financing/ 83 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance Insurance fr^^ATTRACTWE^^S I HIRE PURCHASE TERMS I I AVAILABLE I I SMGAPURABULDNGSOOETYLTD I S 70 Shanton Way HOl -01 Marina House S M Singapore 0207 Tel *****22 B jS fmnaCmmm «INu«W turn IKO H Sj tmmm <"*« not** *ct(Cte «< or m*** mm
      596 words
    • 369 29 87 For Sale: Mercedes 80 MERCEDEZ 200 EM plate pte. Ist owner accident free excellent cond. low mileage metallic silver blue (*****26/ *****42). -82, MERCEDES 280 SE Manual. Aircon., s/rims, hi-fi, radio, cassette. Showroom cond. $76,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****26. 83 280SE AUTOMATIC, 2nd private owner, original metallic green, m showroom
      369 words
    • 896 29 88 For Sale: Ford/Fiat 1980 FIAT 131TC. 1 owner Immaculate cond. Aircon. radio cassette Best offer secures Jimmy Tan *****11 9a.m spm. ■79, COMPANY'S FORD Cortina for sale or exchange with panel van. Price neg. Pis. call *****14, Emily/ James (off. hrs.). •82, FORD LASER 1.5 GT Sports. Aircon., s/rims,
      896 words
    • 906 29 90 For Sal*: Toyota SEPT. '80 COROLLA DX 1.3 Aircon.. radio cassette. 2nd o*ner New tax. 17-C. Lor. 15, Geylang. 1 OWNER ALMOST 1979 Starlet 1000 2-door. S/rims., aircon.. cassette, new tax. Tel: *****66 1981, TOYOTA CRESSIDA. PARF Tip top cond. Must see to appreciate. Call Cath, *****91 79 CELICA
      906 words
    • 813 29 92 For Sal*: Mazda 1963 MAZDA 929, fully auto. $26,000/- 0.n.0. *****59, *****43 93 For Sal*: Honda •83 ACCORD EX 1600 manual Q regn. Aircond.. cassette, power steering/ windows/ locking. Accident free. Showroom cond. $20,300 Tel: *****87/ *****89 ALMOST '83 HONDA Accord, fully auto, like new. $20,500. Downpayment $3,500. Exchange
      813 words
    • 885 29 94 For Sal*: Other Mak** JAN M RENAULT 18 Turbo, aircond radio/ cassette, $30,500. View at 13, Kirn. Yam Rd *****01 JULY 78 DAIHATSU Charade 1.0. 2 private owners, alrcon, radio cassette, tax 12/85. $9,200 *****09 LATE '81 SUBARU 1300 DL, aircond., radio/cassette, PARF. good cond $10,800 0.n.0. *****18 NOV.
      885 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 884 30 95 For Sale: Commercial Vehicles TIP TOP 1977 Uatsun pick-up, steel body, very good cond. $2,800. 18 Maju Aye.. Serangoon Gdn. 11/83 TOYOTA Liteece 5-dr Panel Van. Aircon. Low mileage Excellent cond $8,500 0.n.0 *****41 1977 OATSUN PICKUP, new paint, rd tax/ insurance tili end Nov. $1,650 0.n.0. Tel: *****09.
      884 words
    • 616 30 96 Sale/Wanted: Motor 96 Sale/Wanted: Motor 96 Sale/Wanted: Motor Cycles/Scooters Cycles/Scooters Cycles/Scooters j^^\VtV^fk %J^^^^d^^lßADE-IN your old motorcycle or scooter •j^r VI (on-theroad, any brand, any age) i pass and oßrrAiN your ciass 2A/2B licence Then you can take advantage of these special discounts on nett prices! U October 19K.l??iKr'_ HONG
      616 words
    • 551 30 98 Scrap Vehicles BETTER PRICES OFFERED for PARF scrap cars and all kinds of good used vars. *****02/ *****76 (day) *****09 (night). ATTRACTIVE PRICE FOR PARF 1 vehicles. Cash payment. *****86/ *****67. (Night: *****35). ATTRACTIVE CASH OFFER for all PARF scrap/ used cars. *****42/ *****63. Kwok (day/ night). ATTRACTIVE CASH
      551 words
    • 560 30 106 Accommodation Available: Houses GARDEN VIEW^ ESTATE Brand new Semi-Detached and Terrace Houses torrent Tel: *****62 or call for viewing at 28 Con way Circle, Spore 1955. J Dint. 1955 Madway Driva Serangoon Garden Semi-detached $1,100/= per month T»l: *****54 FURN. SEMI-D. BUNGLAOW, 2-sto-rey at Jin. Merlimau. 3 bdrms. with
      560 words
    • 447 30 fldkgj;dflskgdfl;kg;ldfk 106 Accommodation 106 Accommodation Available: Houses Available: Houses MINISTRY OF FINANCE REVENUE DIVISION LETTINGS SECTION PROPERTIES TO LET Tenders are invited for the lettings of the following unfurnished residential properties:--(A) 7 ADAM PARK (District 1128) Colonial double-storey bungalow (4 bedrooms) with separate servants' quarters and garage. Spacious well-maintained garden.
      447 words
    • 114 30 D.5 HONG LEONG Odn D/storey terrace Beautifully renovated. 3 bdrms. Central aircon., furn Please call owner. *****33 xB. D.5 WEST COAST vicinity, d/storey semi-d. 4 bdrms.. attached bathrms servant's. Nicely furn. 8.700 sq ft. $2,500. Admer *****66 D.B NO. 6 Rangm i Lane s/storey i semi-d. 3 bdrms 2 bathrms
      114 words
    • 716 30 106 Accommodation Available: Houses LOW BUOGETI D 20 Jin Pintau terr h'se $650. D.lO d/storey terr $950, D.15 d/storey terr $800 Homan Parkton: *****76. MARCO POLO VICINITY, Spanish bunglw. with 4 bdrms.. study, living area opens to inground pool and mature garden. DHE, *****5. SUNSET CLOSE 2-STOREY semi-d., furn 3
      716 words
    • 431 30 106 Accommodation Available: Houses HILLVIEW EST Newly renovated d/storey terrace lise Fully furn Intd. call *****96 Mrs Lim HONG LEONG GDN. <U5) 3-bdrm d/storey corner ier Split-level, f/furn. $1000 Rod^e *****73/4 JLN. PEMIMPIN, D/STOREY semi-d. F/furn Aircon. $1,500 neg. Call *****80 Strictly no agts. NEAR TANGLIN, RENOVATED, s/storey detached bungalow.
      431 words
    • 542 30 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation Available: Availabte: Apartments Apartments 'It's a holiday camp atmosphere. We made friends the first weekend around the pooi^g^ The expat community makes us 1^ feel really at home We also enjoy Jj, Jm^Fjf^L friendly country club amenities. \d I? f rfrßff excellent Orchard Road location. J3rl*itZ)
      542 words
    • 220 30 O MANAGEMENT DYNAHCS PTE LTD Newly completed condominiums with high quality fittings finishings for maximum comfort. ALDEABLANCA Upp. East Coast Ret EASTERN LAGOON CONDOMINIUM Upp. East Coast Rd THEESTORIL Holland Rd RIVERWALK APARTMENTS South Bridge Rd/N«w Bridge Rd 28-STOREY LUXURIOUS WING ON LIFE GARDEN Penthouse* ft Apartments For Lease c
      220 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 661 31 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments YOUR SEARCH STOPS DIST.S »*AND NEW FAIRWAYS/ 15' AND VIEW/ VISTA PARK 3/4 '4.: is apt. Spacious living, t, near to Japanese scr..x <ndo facilities. $2,000 DISI.v LUXURIOUS HIGHRISE APT/ MAIS. 3/4 bdrms All attached baths with pte elevator Large living/dining Modern kitchen. P/furn Pool/tennis etc.
      661 words
    • 852 31 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments LOCATION c The Claymore 7,000 c Beverly Hills 6.200 c Cuscaden Tower 7,000 c Nassim Mans. 6,500 c Villa De-Este 5,300 c Goodluck Gdn. 2,000 c Horizon View 4,500 c Himiko Court 3,500 c Holland Hill Mans. 3,500 c Wing On Life Gdn. 5,000 ALPHA *****33/6/
      852 words
    • 920 31 M ■■■■■■MHaHHilll^^^^^^-^^^^ I B lll S-MMMMMWMMM^BnMMi^. MHBa^ H HHM|BMM^ H^^^ M^^ HßaMai^^ M 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments 1) LEONIE TWR. Apt P/furn 4 1 bdrms. 3,100 sq.ft. for $3,550 0.n.0. Dist.o923. 2) Futura Apt. F/furn. High fir 4 bdrms. 3,100 sq.ft. $3,750 0.n.0. D15t.0923. 3) Ridgewood Apt. F/furn. 4 bdrms.
      920 words
    • 900 31 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments 2 UNITS TOWN area split-level apts. 3 bdrms. with bathrm. attached. F/furn., aircon high fir, sea view. Rent $1,400 neg. Call *****36 Strictly no agents. 3/ 4/ S-ROOM: Ang Mo Klo, Boon Lay, Tampines, Marsiling, Joo Seng Rd., Jurong East, Hougang, Hillview, Bt. Batok, Bishan. From
      900 words
    • 897 31 107 Accommodation Available: Apartments CHENG YUAN MANSION for rent/ sale m mid. Nov. Beautifully furn $2,500 0.n.0. *****21/*****57 DIST. 1025 FERNHILL Road 5 bedrooms fully furnished with central aircons. Contact *****15. D15T.0923, FAR EAST Mansion, fully furnished, for rental. Contact *****5/ *****3 DIST.IO FARRER RD. 2 t 1-bdrm mals. Fully
      897 words
    • 843 31 107 Accommodation Available: Apartment* GRANGEFORD. 2 BDRMS High fir Central aircond Nicely furn Facilities $2,400 neg. *****22 (agt) GRANGEFORD, MANDARIN HOTEL vicinity, 2 bdrms., f/furn. $2,400. *****55 x 426. GRAMGE MANSION, PATERSON Rd fully furnished. 3 bdrms., Ssl.loo Call: *****30. HDB/ HUDC FLATS avail, for rent at various dist. Furn./
      843 words
    • 595 31 106 Accommodation Available: Rooms TANGLIN COURT HOTEL- Central, clean, comfort convenient Carpark Daily $48 $58. *****02 UNFURN. RM. AVAILABLE m s/storey terr. h'se. at Siglap Rd. Rental negotiable. Call: *****53 $350 NAPIER APT. Furn.. single, access to fridge, washing. Dr. Thong *****11/ *****64 (6p.m. 1 FURN. ROOM to let at
      595 words
    • 673 31 113 For Sale: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses 113 For Sato: Houses Located conveniently between City and Jurong near to the University and expatriates schools Elevated breezy site with each unit terraced vb^tor^sM^e^k Separate living and dinning areas S| An ?^*L s Split-level conversation pit Italian marble tiles m living/
      673 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1180 32 113 For Si.le: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses To be he< J at I The British Council Theatrette 3 Basement, Singapore Rubber House 14 Cotyqi Quay, Singapore 0104 I 1) 11 Julan Ray a 1 Singapore 1336 (MX 24 Lot 3009) Title Freehold Area: 402.7 sq.m. 2) 110-D Wishaj*-*<r\ Sin*jApjs*<rJo^^>*--^
      1,180 words
    • 912 32 113 For Sale: Houses DIST.IS BRAND NEW 3-storey semi-d 5 spacious rooms 3,500 sq ft. $680,000 ono No agts *****20, 10am to spm DIST.IS, OPERA ESTATE, newly renovated, d/storey terrace, 3 1 bdrms. $395,000 (ono). Call *****67 (No agents) DIST.IS OFF WOO Mun Chew d/storey detached. Split-level. 5 bedrooms. Approx.
      912 words
    • 857 32 113 For Sale: Houses DIST.IS, ONAN ROAD, d/storey terrace, freehold. 2,000 sq.ft $260,000 Tel: *****87. DIST.I6, APOLLO GDN. vicinity, brand new d/storey semi-d 3,300 sq.ft. 4+l $498,000. GK: *****12/ 3. DIST 1646. D/STOREY SEMI-D 4+l bdrms. 3,700 sq.ft $510,000. Tel: *****82 DIST.2O JLN. ANGKLONG 2-storey seml-d. 3400 sq.ft. F'hold. 3+l
      857 words
    • 410 32 114 For Sal*: Private 114 For Sale Private Apartments Apartments Invest m more than one private residential property at Tulip Garden, when prices are now m your favour. Luxurious apartments and ™-~~~^Bj*»- *,ms elegant stepped-maisonettes j9^^S > Mil 1, |S3 I'■ I W I V jJPbmbß la 2mb^ '.jKp^bNlh as^S
      410 words
    • 619 32 114 For Sale: Private Apartments One of the last luxury co Holland Road Limited units of choice a 2 exclusive swimming p< Putting green Tennis squash courts Complete sauna facilities Children's adventure pla Beautifully landscaped c Tight security with etectr interphones electronic a>«wt~ojMn«telf Joint Marketing Agent Universal Realty Pte. Ltc
      619 words
    • 796 32 114 For Sale: Private Apartments ndominiums to be built on partments available sols s /ground pounds one surveillance, video latches for lift lobbies ItM* VVOMfI> F)O TfOtn if except W: 4071 149 Life* 7431 166 LTD Tel: *****77 Gotdvein Group) 999 years Lot 21 13. MX IV ected dale of
      796 words
    • 922 32 114 For Sale: Private Apartments GREEN MEADOWS LOWER mais. 2.252 sq f t 3 bdrms., 1 bath attached, ceramic/ parquet flooring. Call *****88 MERLIN PLAZA P/HSE. Luxurious p/hse on high fir. 4 bdrms. Area approx 2,000 sq.ft Selling: $280,000 Midfield Realty *****66 MT. FABERLOOGE, 3 bdrms. mats Storerm 2539 sq.ft.
      922 words
    • 946 32 114 POT sale: rnww Apartments D.12 RUBY PLAZA 1550 sq.ft low fir Asking $250,000 Tel: *****67 115 For Sale: HUOC Apartments DIST 1026 FARRER COURT. 1770 sq.ft 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms plus storeroom. Panoramic view facing Leedon Heights and Tulip Garden. Cool all year round High floor Tastefully done up
      946 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1062 33 .16 For Sale: HDB Apartments 5-RM. SPOTTISWOODE $160,000. I Telok Blangah $138,000. Upper r Boon Keng $120,000 Toa Payoh J $100,000. Eunos $110,000. Marsiling $80,000. Boon Lay $90,000. I Chai Chee $105,000 Ang Mo Kio/ Bedok $115,000. World Property: t *****25/ *****28 5-RM. T. PAYOH blk 224, $108,000 I AM
      1,062 words
    • 844 33 116 For Sale: HDB Apartment* lEDOK NORTH BLK-139, 5-rm Ceamic flooring. Central location. illtvOOO negotiable *****33 lEDOK NORTH 3-ROOM, Blk 83, erra/.zo, for sale $45,000 negotiate. Tel: *****21/ *****22 lEDOK NORTH, 5-RM. slab b1k. 139, lear inierchange. low fir. Reno--ated. $120,000 neg. *****18. lEDOK NORTH 5-RM. Blk 96 High lr.
      844 words
    • 478 33 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments S-RM. APT. BLK. King George Aye. Beautifully renovated. $195,000 0.n.0 Tel: *****18. 5-RM. CLEMENTI SLAB b1k.340, ceramic throughout, panoramic view. $125,000. *****17/ *****37. 5-RM. GEYLANG BAHRU. 15th fir. Kitchen cabinet/ terrazzo floor. $128,000 neg *****75 after 9p.m. 5-RM SLAB 8LK. 249, AM Kio Terrazzo throughout
      478 words
    • 610 33 117 Properties Wanted 117 Properties Wanted 117 Properties Wanted Wp FAR EAST ORGANIZATION I DEVELOPMENT I I SITES WANTED I jj&k Far East Organization is looking for development sites m X 111 the city area or suburbs of Singapore for development of Wm •JE high-rise and low-rise condominiums, flats, bungalows
      610 words
    • 714 33 118 Factory Spaces 118 Factory Spaces CHOICE I FACTORY SPACE FOR LEASE Factory space of various S dimensions at Sims Aye Eunos Road for lease Please contact Mr Chong/Alice/Doreen I Tel: *****1 1 or *****58 J \^^BMJB^Ba^aßß^aMa^Bß^a^i^a^iß^a^i^a^a^ißßßMPßßaß>^/ Convwriertt<y located at no UCyi CV 22A Lim T«ck 800 Road off fiL
      714 words
    • 440 33 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ Storage Spaces Storage Spaces Storage Spaces 3^ A LTH BUILDING located at Jalan Kilang Timor WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM long short term leases godown services »w LAM THYE HANG PTE. LTD. rt\ TEL: 271 1281 fr\ WAREHOUSE [I FOR SALE OR LEASE AT PAYA LEBAR Modern
      440 words
    • 463 33 *m Factory Warehouse Terrace Factory Terrace Warehouse Units for Sale/Lease at Paya I Lebar Macpherson 2,000 I sq.ft. and above. J Iv^ Tel: *****84/5, Lynn S/STOREY TERRACE FACTORY/ wareh se for sale at Tajore Lane Built-in 13,000 sq.ft. freehold. Tel: *****22 Nin Kai Prop. TEMPORARY STORAGE LOTS, 200 500 s»,.ft.
      463 words
    • 435 33 121 For Rent: Office Spaces W'SE f SHfNTON WAV PRIME OFFICE SPACE AND FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR LEASE Rent Negotiable Ring Rosalind *****67 PENINSULA PLAZA Units Sq.ft. 07-05/06 627.43 07-11 1.***** 07-35 357.26 08-08 375.34 08-18/19 1,***** 08-35 357.26 10-02 463.00 14-01 1.464.00 14-03 1,001.00 14-05 1.830.00 17-01 1,464.00 20-01/05 7,589.00
      435 words
    • 963 33 121 For Rent: Office Spaces OFFICE SPACE IN prestigious I building available for rent with parking facilities internal security, located at Ist storey 1,739 sq.ft 7th Bth storey 2,475 sq ft. each Within CBD Pis call Nancy Tan at *****22 ext 249 THE PROMENADE Orchard Rd.£ (opp Mt Elizabeth Hospital)
      963 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1489 34 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces 1 9 Keppel K« >aci WmtfKh -gmJ 1 1 y^^^^tJ*^E^m^B^Bfchhfcfc^ B^B ""M jg|(Hft. '•jß^^tfia^to B (t3 yji -m 1 ■Hii
      1,489 words
    • 992 34 124 For Rant: 124 For Rent: Shop Spaces Shop Spaces If FAR EAST PLAZA 1 B The prominent prime Shops ag with ample Opportunities for setting W H up new businesses wj H Located at Singapore's most thriving and busiest Br jH Orchard Road/Scotts Road |unction H Between Goodwood Park
      992 words
    • 636 34 126 Restaurant/Lounge Spaces F»«t Food Space lor l«as« Super location Art-a upprox. 3.300 sq ft. Reasonable rental (Prefer Int'l Fast Food Chain) For futher info please •1,7 Call: *****6 Mr. Low. 127 Other Real Estate A WELL KNOWN Int'l Companies wanted to purchase office buildings at Bt. Timah, Nee Soon,
      636 words
    • 363 34 137 Tours "deepavali 5D GT/PEN/CAMERON $185 Monday it 7/11 4D 5N PENANG/GENTING $175 Monday it 7/11 4D 5N PEN/CAMERON $175 Monday it 7/11. 8/11 3D 4N PENANG HOLIDAY $158 Daily it 7/11. 8/11 3D 4N CAMERON/GT $139/$179 Dep 8/11 3D 4N CAMERON H'LAND $129/$149 Dep 8/11 2D 3N CAMERON H'LAND
      363 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 991 35 136 Cruises 136 Cruises 136 Cruises 136 Cruises 136 Cruises 136 Cruises Coral Princess Offers: New! 6-Day Cruise to tuc dcct -W^itfJSS^^P l^^^^t^oo-s^c^e- Medan/LakeToba: 0 I Mt J*",* I iMIaIBLW ag^MS|'^Hfg I ma. NiqhUy floor show by international Incl 2 -day tour to Lake Toba, A {_Rf HSF VALUE C
      991 words
    • 29 35 The Straits Times Classified part of your community I =AMIWCA= RATES FOR RUN-ON ADS $5.00 a line (mm. $15.00) $2.25 a line (mm. $6.75) i CA.IJ, 1 Ti7ll*« j
      29 words
    • 917 35 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tour* AUSdAIiA HZZl^if nEWZEALATID 5 The regions Experience the best of §UP&rsdV&! You see more attracttonsM m biggest range of valueformoney two worlds at prices but pay less for our va i ue packed tours save for W tours to Australia New Zealand!
      917 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 793 36 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours AUTUMN HOLIDAY IN AMERICA GOLDEN CALIFORNIA WONDERS 1 0 DAYS $2499 Los Angeles/Disneyland/San Diego/Sea World /Mexico Tijuana/Universal Studio/Las Vegas/Grand Canyon Tour/Phoenix 12/10, 26/10, 9/11, 23/11, 30/11, 7/12, 14/12, 21/12, 28/12. [ALOHA (HAWAII )/TOKYO AMERICA FANTASY FREE MGM DISNEYLAND/HONG KONG 8 SHOW 14/16 DAYS FROM
      793 words
    • 16 36 What brings together a seller from Jurong and a buyer from Katong The Straits Times Classified
      16 words
    • 567 36 137 Tours 137 Tours ■((c —*c- /jv^HkrTjHpiv^H A China Highlights yF T 9 Days $1690 Every Sat A China Highlights I 14 Days $2850 Every Sat M M^M^y r aste o f china j HHHn 14 Days $2680 Every Mon Best of China 22 Days $3350 Every Tue All Japan
      567 words
    • 544 36 137 Tours 137 Tours \*s** m JAPA/%/ JfELEET A consortium of 4 top travel agents New improved Itineraries with most meats provided. Tours escorted by Chinese and English speaking guides. 8 DAYS JAPAN EXPRESS $2*12 $1979* Osaka Nara Kyoto Disneyland Hakone Mt Fu|i Shiraito Falls Tasaki Odawara (Dep THU) 10
      544 words
    • 606 36 137 Tours 137 Tours 3 PAYS PtNANG MY At* $409 City or Beach HoMl Dairy Departure V 3 DAYSGCNTm WYAI* ~t*+*, fasti Stay «t Genting (Casino) Hotel D-lyD.,^. Weeker*Js2f* 3 PAYS GiNTING HIGHLANDS Rail 69 Genting (Casino) Hotel with night-club dinner Monday O»p-tur. Hart/Air $239 3 DAYS GCNTING/nASm HtlL lUili2lf
      606 words
    • 443 36 146 Foreign Education Free Counselling for I admissions into accredited I colleges' universities contact HUI KUAH PTE. LTD. *04-18 4th F%.. Orchard Tower*. Spore 0923 I Tel: *****83/4 NON -RESIDENTIAL OR ahort residential degree courses avail from accredited US universities Write indicating subject major: Degree Consulting Services, Colombo Court P.O
      443 words

    • 38 37 183 Condolences 183 Condolences 183 Condolences With Deepest Sympathies and Heartfelt Condolences to MR. NG SER HUAT on the demise of his Beloved Father, MR. NG HOW LIAN From: KOBE STEEL LTD, JAPAN EARTH DEVELOPMENT (S) PTE LTD
      38 words
    • 404 37 181 Deaths 181 Deaths MDM LIM POH KIM (MRS KHOO TIONG LIAN) AGE 76 was called home to Jesus on 17.10.85 "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." Luke 23:46. Survived by: Son* Daughters-in-law Edmund, 800 Gay Yeo Guek Lian Edwin, 800 Teck Lee Yoke Chin Edward, 800 Guan
      404 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      108 37 j In loving memory of j MR. LOW PHAN LEONG departed 18.10.80. QOM from our lives one so clear. But la our hearts forever near. Dearly missed by loved ones. CHIA MAH HOO Departed 18 Oct. 1979 Each passing year Reveals more more The goodness wisdom He
      108 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      75 37 MR. SEAH SWEE LIM. Ag« 63 was called home to b« with the Lord on 17.10.85 leaving behind belov-d Wile: Sen Hwea Lung Sons. Leonard Seah Kwann Beag Larry Seah Kwang Lee Winston Seah Kwang Siah Oaughtera-in-law: Patricia Lim Luang Eng Margaret See Mci Ing Christian Services nightly
      75 words
    • 41 37 183 Condolences 183 Condolences With Deepest and heartfelt Condolences to Mr. Ng Ser Miang, Mr. Ng Ser Chek a The Family of the late Mr. Ng How Lian on their recent bereavement. Management Staff of WISELYN SECRETARIAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS PTE LTD.
      41 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      133 37 In Loving Memory Of MDM TAN POH KENG Departed 18th Oct. 1980 I 5 lotiK years have passed away, hut your sweet remembra: will always stay. Always remembered by husband children, grandchildren and loved ones. In Loving Memory i 1 MR PHUA KIAT SOON Departed on 18.10.78
      133 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 675 37 147 Academic 147 Academic f Cambridge Correspondence OCnOOI (Established m ***** 1 58 Mayo St., S 0820 Tel: *****54 GCE 'A' LEVEL- General Paper, English, Economics, Management of Business, Principles of Accounting, Divinity, Art, History, Geography, Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, etc. i|j GCE 'O' LEVEL English Language, English as a 2nd
      675 words
    • 457 37 150 Commercial/ Technical NEW CLASSES COMMENCING IN OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Business Computing Fri 6.30-7.45pm 18/10 Basic Electronics Sat 2.30-5.00pm 19/10 Basic Programming Stage I Sat 2.30-5.00pm 19/10 Shorthand Theory Sun 2.00-4.30pm 20/10 Costing Wed 7.45-9.00pm 23/10 c Commercial Law Thur 6.30-7.45pm 24/10 Business Administration Fri 7.45-9.00pm 25/10 Sun 1.30-2.45pm 27/10 Principles of
      457 words
    • 371 37 150 Commercial/ Technical bbbFJ"E-tsi^bbl DECIDE ON A NEW FUTURE WITH A STAMFORD HOME STUDY COURSE. General Education STPM/SPM/SRP (Malaysia) GCE 'A' Level GCE 'O' Level AEB 'OVA' Levels Accountancy ACA/AAT Banking IBF/AIBM Marketing IM/LCCI Management lAM/ABE/IBA LCCI Certificates Higher Group Diplomas Languages Audio Forum Languages course Post this coupon for
      371 words
    • 478 37 151 Language 151 Language 151 Language ((f///?F techniques arm I I ia memfc>e» of The Tines Organ i sat ton) ARE YOU LEARNING ENGLISH? Answer 4 simple questions. Which: is the most student-centred language school m town? has a friendly and relaxed classroom atmosphere? has its native-speaking graduate staff specially
      478 words
    • 341 37 154 Dancing STEVEN ft VIVIEN DANCE STUDIO 2 Coming soon to East Coast Recreation Ctr., 1000 East Coast Parkway (above East Coast Mac Donald). Classes on: c Social c Latin American c Ballroom Dances conducted. Holiday session for school children during November/ December. 5 weeks course (10 lessons). Enquiries:TEL: *****90
      341 words
    • 480 37 157 Other Courses WOULD YOU LIKE TO BEAUTIFY YOURSELF? GOOD NEWS For only $20 you will be able to learn the personal makeup techniques on every Sun. Time: 10am to 12pm/ 1.30pm to 3.30pm/ 4.30pm to 6.30pm Free cosmetics are provided. Enquiries welcome at: #05-49, Funan Centre, 109 North Bridge
      480 words
    • 67 37 DATO- JAMES FREDERICK Augustin, 87, D.S.P.K.. A.M.N P.J.K.. J.P., Knight Grand Cross of St Sylvester, father of: Edgar. Stanley (Deceased). Desmond. John. Herbert. Patrick, Robert. Cecil. Philip (Deceased) and Anthony at Sungai Petani. on 16th October 1985. Funeral from 82. Jalan Badlishah. Sungai Petani at 2pm Friday 18/10/85 for Requiem
      67 words
    • 63 37 VELU VASUDEVAN of 15. Tong Lee Road, off Jalan Kayu passed away suddenly on 17.10.85 leaving behind wife and children. Contact *****39 for funeral arrangements 184 In Memonam In Memory of My Brother APPAJEE and his pet dog CINDY Departed: 18.10.69 and 22.12.70 Someday somewhere, The joy I had In
      63 words

    • 579 38 Loch Bijou claps on the pace after two rounds ON THE TRACK wih PEDIGREE PENANG, Thurs. Loch Bijou did a solid tworound workout here this morning, clapping on the pace m the last 600 m to return 41 sec on a yielding track. He was ridden by Nigel Tiley. The
      579 words
    • 881 38 Ivan's million hope ALAN HUBBARD gives an outsider's viewpoint on tomorrows big event COMMANCHE RUN, owned by Singapore trainer Ivan Allan, won the Benson and Hedges Gold Cup at York m August and the Phoenix Champion Stakes at Dublin last month. At Newmarket tomorrow, the champion goes for the grand
      881 words
    • 304 38 From TONTO: Tokyo, Thurs. TELEPHONE betting, or telebet, introduced m Singapore m the 1960s but failed to catch on, is thriving m Hongkong. Telebet raked m 15 per cent of the Royal Hongkong Jockey Club's total turnover m the 1984-85 season, Henry Chan, the
      304 words
    • 1552 38 l'"."f |J JfM 2.15 CLASS 6 DIV 11,200 m 1,200 m KJULJU (Ratings: 40-23) (Stakes: $11,000) 1 **892* Elite Commando 57 (4») Elite J Breukelen 4eg +2 (1400 m) Asuwadi 2 2 *B*2s* Thirteen Wonders 111 54.5 (39) Up To You-G Breukelen 4 nzg -.5 (1400 m)
      1,552 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 418 38 Our expert will show you why Reliance is <^M^ l the best. Book now on any of our 5 super m A New Zea anc^ tours ranging from FK $2560 f v; f Your choice of 5 super itineraries: 11 days All New Zealand wK^) 12 days All New Zealand
      418 words

    • 259 39 Brett wills Royals to victory BASEBALL TORONTO, Thursday THE Kansas City Royals, reversing their history of play-off failure, denied Canada their pennant dream with a 6-2 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays yesterday to set up an All-Missouri World Series. Jim Sundberg drove m four runs and Pat Sheridan scored
      UPI  -  259 words
    • 158 39 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. Jack Clark pounded a three-run homer m the ninth inning to give St Louis a 7-5 victory over Los Angeles m game six of the National Baseball League play-offs. It also handed the Cardinals their second World Series ticket m the
      UPI.  -  158 words
    • 41 39 TOKYO, Thurs. The Hanshin Tigers scored two runs m the top of the ninth inning last night, salvaging a 5-5 tie with the Yakult Swallows that assured the Tigers of their first Central League pennant m 21 years. AP
      AP  -  41 words
    • 289 39 BADMINTON Briton Steve Baddeley has withdrawn from the singles of the English Masters tournament, starting m Bournemouth on Thursday. Baddeley returned home with a stomach complaint after winning last month's Indian Open title. He resumed light training a few days ago but twisted his ankle.
      Reuter; AP  -  289 words
    • 308 39 Ivan 's jest happy in the service TENNIS 1 i SYDNEY, Thurs. World No. 1 Ivan Lendl laughed and joked his way to a 7-6 (7-2), 6-1 victory over American Lloyd Bourne to reach the quarter-finals of the US$2BO,OOO ($599,200) Australian indoor championships. Other results second round: Chip Hooper (US)
      Reuter; AFP; UPI; AP  -  308 words
    • 459 39 DUNHILL CUP GOLF Stars take on an unclimbed peak We have a very strong team. In fact I think Spain should be the top seed with the a Americans No. 2. Ballesteros ST ANDREW'S, Thurs. Some of the world's top stars venture into the unknown
      Reuter; AP  -  459 words
    • 174 39 Kyalami all set despite boycotts SOUTH AFRICAN GRAND PRIX JOHANNESBURG, Tburs. Alain Prost, with the Formula One title already secure, heads the field for Saturday's Sooth African Grand Prix, which Is going ahead despite anti-apart-heid pressure. French teams Renault and Ligier, have withdrawn, but 21 cars will be on the
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 389 39 Choi's counting on knocking down champion BOXING DARWIN, Thurs. South Korean knockout specialist Choi Jin Sik aims to be the first man to put world junior lightweight boxing champion Barry Michael down for the count m their world title fight here on Saturday. The 25-year-old South Korean, who has won
      AFP; UPI  -  389 words
    • 232 39 BARCELONA, Thurs. Malaysia helped Spain to Group B victory m the In-ter-continental Cup hockey tournament when they lost 1-0 to the home team here today. Although Spain needed only a draw to join New Zealand at the top of the two-group table, Malaysia made it
      232 words
      • 453 40 LONDON, Thurs. On a night of dramatic World Cup qualifying soccer action, Portugal scored an upset 1-0 away win over West Germany yesterday and gained a surprise place m next year's finals m Mexico. England also reached the finals making seven European qualifiers
        AP  -  453 words
      • 224 40 GROUP TWO P W D I. F APts W Germany 7 5 I 1 20 7 11 Portugal 7 3 2 2 12 10 8 Sweden 7 3 1 3 12 8 7 Czech 7 3 1 3 9 10 7 Malia 7 0 1 6 5
        Reuter  -  224 words
      • GROUP TWO
        • 171 40 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 2 SWEDEN 1 PRAGUE, Thurs. Czechoslovakia kept alive their slim hopes of reaching the World Cup finals when they beat Sweden 2-1 m their European Group Two qualifying match last night. Two goals by veteran striker Ladislav Vizek, playing his 52nd international, swept the Czechoslovaks
          Reuter  -  171 words
        • 305 40 W. GERMANY 0 PORTUGAL 1 STUTTGART, Thurs. Portugal scored a shock 1-0 win over West Germany last night to qualify for next year's finals. Midfielder Carlos Manuel struck a brilliant goal m the 54th minute, sending the Germans to their first defeat m a
          Reuter; UPI  -  305 words
      • 357 41 Lineker steals the show ENGLAND 5 TURKEY 0 LONDON, Thurs. Gary Lineker, Everton's golden buy, grabbed a hat-trick as England marked their qualification for the World Cup soccer finals with a convincing, if not commanding, 5-0 victory over Turkey m a European Group Three match at Wembley here yesterday. An
        AFP  -  357 words
      • 258 41 RUMANIA 0 N. IRELAND 1 BUCHAREST, Thurs. Northern Ireland withstood intense second-half pressure to snatch an unexpected 1-0 win over Rumania yesterday and revive their hopes of qualifying for the finals. A 29th-minute goal by Jimmy Quinn and an outstanding performance by veteran goalkeeper Pat Jennings underlined
        Reuter; AFP  -  258 words
      • 239 41 NORWAY 1 DENMARK 5 OSLO, Thurs. Denmark rolled impressively towards a place m next year's finals when they crushed Norway with a five-goal second-half blitz m their qualifying match last night. The Danes, a goal down at the interval, struck back m a devastating 23--minute spell to
        Reuter  -  239 words
      • 170 41 SOVIET UNION 2 EIRE 0 MOSCOW, Thurs. Two well-taken sec-ond-half goals by Fyodor Cherenkov and Oleg Protasov helped the Soviet Union to a convincing 2-0 win over Ireland. Inspired by the effervescent Cherenkov, the Russians dominated the midfield and set up a number of chances, never allowing
        Reuter  -  170 words
      • 239 41 BELGIUM 1 HOLLAND 0 BRUSSELS, Thurs. Belgium squandered a gilt-edged opportunity to make near certain of a place m next year's finals when they edged out a 10-man Dutch side 1-0 m their European Group play-off last night. The Belgians were handed what should have
        Reuter  -  239 words
      • 346 41 GLASGOW, Thurs. Scotland began their new era under Alex Ferguson on a moderate note at Hampden Park here last night when they drew 0-0 with East Germany m a friendly match. The Scots failed to penetrate a well-dis-ciplined German defence and displayed some weak finishing.
        AFP; Reuter; AP; UPI  -  346 words
    • 391 42  -  LEE WAI WUN ON THE BOWLING SCENE By BOWLING kingpin Ronnie Ng, who won four golds at the last Southeast Asia Games m 1983, has withdrawn from the national squad training for this year's Games m Bangkok. Two others, Francis Rodricks and Cindy Fan,
      391 words
    • Article, Illustration
      341 42  -  MAHMOOD GAZNAVI Appeal to lift suspension still under consideration By THE ban on three national hockey players Farleigh Clarke, R. Jegathesan and Gurmit Singh will continue indefinitely. The three players were suspended on Sept 24 by the Singapore Hockey Association for their alleged involvement in a fight
      341 words
    • 350 42 THEY never seem to stop winning. Singapore Recreation Club, with the League title already m the bag, yesterday advanced into the semi-finals of the Singapore Hockey Association Senior Knockout competition, beating neighbours Singapore Cricket Club 3-2 at the Padang (writes MAHMOOD GAZNAVI). Racing to a 2-0
      350 words
    • 253 42  -  MARCUS LIN ON THE BADMINTON SCENE By BADMINTON legend Ismail Marjan who, together with Ong Poh Lim, was one half of the world's most devastating doubles pair m his era, has got another battle on his hands At 65, his stout heart, which saw him through
      253 words
    • 119 42 INTER-OIL GAMES SHELL Wok the honours m this year's Inter-Oil Games when they they won five of ihe 15 games played. Coming opt tops m billiards, cross-country, draughts, squash and tennis, Shell farther enhanced their chances (or pole position when they emerged runners-up m badminton, bowling,
      119 words
    • 463 43  -  JOE DORAI JERRY SEH JONATHAN CHOO REPORTS BY PICTURES BY AND Bosses boil over woeful Wednesday SINGAPORE v INDONESIA BRUSHING up their moves and improving on their finishing that was the plan for the Singapore soccer team at yesterday's training session at the Jalan Besar Stadium. Instead,
      463 words
    • 371 43  -  JANICE SEAH TENNIS By THE unseeded Indonesian pair of Ferry Sonneville and Ismar pulled off a doubles upset m the premier 45 years and above category of the Philips Singapore Open Veterans tournament at the Hollandse Club yesterday. Sonneville, a former Thomas Cup badminton player, used his
      371 words
    • 184 43 S'pore pair in front GOLF JOHOR BARU, Thurs. Singapore's Poh Elng Chong and AH Ratim fired one-under-par 71s to share the first-round lead with Malaysia's V. Nellan and Taiwan's La Ho Tsai m the Maruman Classic at the Royal 4ohor Country Club course here today. A stroke behind were Malaysia's
      Bernama  -  184 words
    • 301 43  -  JANICE SEAH GENERAL ESSO SPORTS AWARDS YOU could have knocked them down with a feather. Waves or hockey sticks would have rendered them unconscious. Neither swimmer Tay Khoon Hean nor hockey player Jillian Martens were the least bit prepared for the good news that, together with water-polo
      301 words
    • 341 43 Will Germans finally show true colours? MALAYSIA v EINTRACHT FRANKFURT WEST German Eintracht Frankfurt's pledge to do well m their remaining Merlion Cup matches, especially tonight's against Malaysia at the National Stadium (8.30), may just be an empty promise judging from the number of outings they are having
      341 words
    • 422 43  - Excellence plan loses sponsorship ALBERT JOHNSON ATHLETICS By BOWATER Food Systems Pte Ltd sponsors of the Singapore Sports Council, Singapore Amateur Athletic Association and A&W Athletic Training Scheme will terminate their sponsorship m December. SAAA president Loh Lin Kok disclosed this at the association's management committee meeting at TaiPan Ramada
      422 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 22 39 IV >T lxT rr l—r/^TT 7 10 "i^l VI r\ >* II IVy a\ djL ■HE 1 *****/ ITJLV/ LV/JL \y+ JLi LVI«
      22 words
    • 43 39 Our deepest sympathies to the family of the late Mr Ng How Lian From the Board of Directors, management staff of Jffo ran (Hone mDUSTRim mncHinERV (pte) ltd. Singapore FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD. o y \y NISSAN OIESEL MOTOR CO- LTD. ToKto, Japan
      43 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 538 40 Put your best foot forward! nega ia .j§ ■r^ 15^®***"?^^ hl^^ available m brown v%^^^ navy blue fe t /A swBMSr i~4 mt Villa Fbri I HA available m wS^ttl^^ Villa A I ?^r Jr^. available m H •■:'PfJr**'i;^^^Py'' J* jf /^^r^."*^ brown dark grey 1 '*'^t^x' jB With Regata,
      538 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 288 41 THE STRAITS TIMES MERLION CUP CONTESTS a new set of prizes everyday! Winner: BOj National NY 280 VCR plus 859 National TC 640 M CTV 2 First Consolation Prizes: National RXC 3H Carry Compo set each 25 Second Consolation Prizes: A $IM/~ POSB voucher each 50 Consolation Prizes: A Grandstand
      288 words
    • 1031 41 Yes it's true! Buy any L^™-— «^^m '^j"" m m^^A^ SANSUI Super Compo >'< 'll 'Hi Systems featured here and »£MJi^3HB| whnhl^Rml^^ y u get^ f r 1b TW m~.-2*mmm If FREE W Nordmende Nordmende Colour TV p m i IHHbWW^* n^, t\/ absolutely FREE! JSMBjM^K system is-hoop :«BBEBH^|lB^^Sjy,p^ HH||W
      1,031 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 415 42 THE STRAITS TIMES MERLION CUP RESUUS CONTESTS Winner: H National NY 280 VCR plus National TC 640 M CTV Md Zaibidi Ramli *****07/F First Consolation Prizes: National RXC 300 Carry Compo set each Mohd Yasin Bin Osman *****78/ B Mohd. Iqbal *****70/1 Second Consolation Prizes: A $100/- POSB voucher each
      415 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 410 43 A BELIEVE YOUR EYES sST^ fWy%?\V^ Beautiful, Practical Cheap! Seaview Hotel \J^^D^v>^ See to appreciate. Beautify your homes now' f|^ the largest Amber Close +SB*or Sales subject to ex-stock. ■ILIIJiB s S e f Singapore 1 543 Dl^^o^ No reservation. First-come-first-served. SoiSßr? porcelain. (Next to Katong V "%~-h M^»B «f
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  • Page 43 Miscellaneous
    • 70 43 BOWLING Sea Games trials: Ist roll-off (Jackie's Orchard, 10 am). HOCKEY SHA Dtv. 1 final: Punggol A v Combined Schools (Farrer Park AC). Junior ko: SIA B v Jansenites B (Tanglin). Both matches at 5.30 pm. SOCCER Merlion Cup: Singapore v Indonesia, Malaysia v Eintracht Frankfurt (National Stadium, 6.30 8.30
      70 words

  • 165 44 UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. The General Assembly today accepted without a formal challenge the credentials of the delegation of Democratic Kampuchea, which the United Nations recognises as the legal government of Cambodia. The coalition government, led fy Prince Norodom Sltanouk, is fighting a guerilla
    Reuter; AP  -  165 words
  • 40 44 BANGKOK, Thurs. The pro-Vietnamese regime m Cambodia has appointed newly -elected Communist Party politburo alternate member Nguon Nhel to succeed dismissed leader Keo Chanda as party boss for the city of Phnom Penh, it was announced today. AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 60 44 BEIJING, Thurs. A doctor m southern China's Yunnan province has cured 350 cases of hiccups by pressing the ears of patients, the China Daily said today. Dr Deng Guangwu of the Qujin Traditional Chinese Hospital was inspired by an ancient theory on the ear's relation to
    AP  -  60 words
  • 559 44  -  LEE KIM CHEW MATHEW YAP By and ACTING PRIME MINISTER Goh Chok Tong yesterday started a new series of visits to government departments and statutory bodies m a move to establish closer rapport with the bureaucracy. His first call was at
    559 words
  • 380 44 Industry innovator with the world's most modern fleet HER smiling face and gentle ways have become synonymous with Singapore Airlines the world over, but there is more than mere advertising fluff to the Singapore Girl. There is a story of hardnosed professionalism
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  • 234 44 WASHINGTON, Thurs. US Secretary of State George Shultz has reportedly considered resigning over a conflict on the right of the United States to develop Stars Wars weapons under existing treaties. CBS-TV, quoting unnamed sources, said last night Mr Shultz's resignation was
    Reuter; AP  -  234 words
  • 160 44 NEW YORK, Thurs. Former United States President Richard Nixon, who resigned m disgrace over the Watergate affair m 1974, continued his public rehabilitation today by being picked to resolve a dispute which is threatening to disrupt America's favourite game, baseball. The 72-year-old expresident has
    AFP  -  160 words
  • 60 44 KATMANDU, Thurs. Former President Jimmy Carter and wife, Rosalyn, arrived here today for a 13--day vacation that will include a trek to the Himalayas and possibly a trip to edge of Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak. Although the Carters are on a private visit, the
    UPI  -  60 words
  • 32 44 NEW YORK, Wed. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 5.04 points to 1,363.46 m the first half hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP
    AP  -  32 words
  • 93 44 TELFORD (England), Thurs. It's no laughing matter... A Taiwanese company has banned laughter on the job among staff at one of its British factories, a newspaper report said today. The Financial Times said electronics firm Tatung, which does not recognise trade unions, has
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 56 44 BEIJING, Thurs. China will conduct a three-year survey of the nations industries to determine their efficiency, state councillor Zhang Jingfu said m a report today. The official news agency Xinhua said 10 million people will help gather information for the 1986-88 survey, covering more than 400,000 urban
    AP  -  56 words
  • 261 44 MR GOH CHOK TONG's visit yesterday to this family living in Kalians Airport Estate showed his preoccupation with home-ownership for all Singaporeans. He asked Mr Peter Ho (right), who lives in a rental flat, whether he had plaas to bay an HDB flat. Mr
    261 words
  • 81 44 Debate on home ownership PARLIAMENT will be asked to debate at Its next sitting a motion urging the Government to take suitable measures to help those m the lower income group to become home-owners. The motion, for the sitting on Oct 31, was tabled by Mr S. Chandra Das (Chong
    81 words
  • 56 44 TOKYO, Thurs. Japan, the world's largest ivory importing nation, has tightened its regulations following the discovery of illegal imports. The official of the International Trade and Industry Ministry said today a Japanese firm imported 30 tonnes of Uganda ivory earlier this year, using export permits which were
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 33 44 COLOMBO, Thurs. Forest reserves have been declared "prohibited zones" m an effort to stop Tamil separatist guerillas from using them as training camps and hide-outs, The Sun reported today. AP
    AP  -  33 words
  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 422 44 51 1 I !^SP«^PfHTHOUSE I I W STfIURfIHT I Bl SJ SI IS g) Holland Road ShoDpmg Centre, 4th Floor 51 Tel *****06 *****18 UoflQ B I j j 1 35^ i f r^S ~^Er iPw^^ 'S 51 9 courses with \3^/BMs* > i§ j whole suckling pig *~*FMf Sk
      422 words
    • 90 44 ®OKOH V JAPANESE 9 RESTAURANT sth floor, #05-01, Supreme House, 9 Penang Road, Singapore 0923. Tel: *****61. *****62 W t<o» ta/rc H A\r*^ A 10% d'* solllll voucher will "^Vj* purchase. Free Special Desserts c Teppanyaki Set Lunch $15++ (7 course) c Teppanyaki Set Dinner $25+ (8 course) Japanese Set
      90 words
    • 266 44 CELESTIOINL II SL6 Loudspeaker fv^^2 SL6/SL6OO AWARDS: Compo Grand Pnx 83 85 a lOverseas Category) Components of the Year 84 I IL^BbV Best Buy 84 (Stereo Sound Magazine) ■HHHHMHI AWARD WINNERS! OL4. DL6, DLB DLIO LOUDSPEAKERS RANGE Derived from world-acclaimed SL6 and SL6OO technology. Laser-designed Fully compatible with digital 3
      266 words
  • Page 44 Miscellaneous
    • 143 44 Weather UP TO lpm: Showers over several areas from late morning TEMP. (C) up to 6am tomorrow: 31 max., 25 mm. SUNSET today: 6.52pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.47 am. GLOBAL MATHER Adelaide 15, 19 C Showers Manila 22 33 C CloudyAmsterdam tC t Melbourne 15 20C Rain Bangkok 25 31 C
      143 words

  • Section Two Weekend
    • 3 45 Section Two Weekend
      3 words
    • 504 45  -  T.K. SABAPATHY JAAFAR LATIFF RECENT WORKS National Museum Art Gallery Tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday 9 am to 5.30 pm Previewed by FOR Jaafar Latiff, painting is totally consuming; it is also fraught with agony. In his works, the surfaces heave, convulse and vibrate. Streaks of colour, some feathery
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    • Page 45 Advertisements
      • 122 45 %toiH it BBHSSSS2S^?3^B IkJHiHHBHttHNH I HPi^B^V Hf Shop with us Our weekend attractions include:front now till Magic Show /tafitf' Performances 1 January 1986 and qualify for 2*S ?^n jr» w .Martial Art Demonstrations a Grand Draw ticket. Anohlc Danani Fashwn shows You may win a Chinese Orchestric Performance Daihatsu Charade
        122 words
      • 418 45 «|j\\o h€\ sl^ tj4 %%S*** V ■^__^B mini mfc_«^^Jl^_B_^fc»A# «B m -1; l______i_______i_> I H B M -_E__» fly __c^*- Our Ripp T rddir "w^s T__________-__r^ 111; r-)n- 1 (Provision Shops) B^^__" I_|_t__i a- n> j \AMrahm ic D P^__^L__H jarlturr p^j^pQS^ have moved to: HR3 J 1 Mil Of
        418 words
    • Personal Glipmses
      • 1197 46  -  David Kraal At THE night Rambo sat down to dinner with Lee Kuan Yew at the White House set me thinking. Imagine how the conversation went: "Well, Mr Stallone, I'm glad to see your President looking as robust as ever." "That's nothin', KY, you should
        1,197 words
      • Weekend mailbag
        • 233 46 AFTER reading Chris Ho's article on Mad Max m Beyond Thunderdome (Weekend, Sept 27), I sincerely hope he will not do anymore "cross-overs", and stay out of films. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome is the best film I've seen at the cinema this year (so far). If
          233 words
        • 77 46 THE Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) Popular Song Contest was delightful, although there were some boring moments. All the contestants did an excellent job m entertaining as well as competing. It was a treat to watch the programme. I was bowled over by Ivy Violan's (from
          77 words
        • 157 46 AS AN adult, I don't find the programme, T.J. Hooker, at all interesting. T.J. Hooker has a very thin story-line every week, not to mention violence. The other day, my nephew (who enjoys watching T.J. Hooker because of the stunts, thrills and spills) climbed onto his
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    • Page 46 Advertisements
      • 169 46 «*vShi MM^^^BBV^^BBUBfc^ **^^n!^rfß^BlA^^fcj^^^^Bß^^^L _^^^MJBB >u^mm^ ji It* .^^HHP^^^W'Mft^HBBBB^BHBiB^B^B^B^^BBfIB^B^ iimPßriFi- n B^^BHBPWBIBIBIH^B Bb^^jß^BmßbJ^bTbTb^^^bTJ in^BJBBbB v 3 W■■ £'^Kjß[ wi JBJ| S^bßbßK .^^^Bbbt^b^bbßbb V^mH Brlßr^^^^^Bß B^ vbbfUbWißh bwbib^HßV _j S^W bwbWbbb Mr 3Sl!ft*fcr lSf *^l Discover the attractions of ,'^l^o BBSB sa^fc^^y^W Korea's hospital it>' on route WJBLdk Wff^^^^^^^^^^l c to Los
        169 words
      • 14 46 ft otRDAHA B a^p**"*\^^gßgja^ |l tt^ mjMjA M^taßk. hiil ■B*/^|^B^B»»»»B»»i BBBb9BP^^^9II^BBBBBbP^ I|^S^^^BHbBI dlk 9JBb2^SfttHßßßfli
        14 words
      • 206 46 12 Great Value Hotels GOLDEN LINK UTTER -MTEL RESERVATIONS) The City, the Sun, the Sea, the Hills that's Golden Link. We've got them all! A chain of independent hotels represented m almost every major town and city all over Malaysia and Singapore, we provide budget-conscious travellers with inexpensive accommodation. We
        206 words
    • Films
      • 326 47 6 The human dramas depicted are universal and thus also relevant to Singaporeans. Most of the films are of recent vintage (made since the start of the 80s), are popular (if not also critical) successes, and were made by big-name directors. By JOHN de SOUZA IF
        326 words
      • Article, Illustration
        1073 47 6 Garde a vue tells of a man being questioned about his discovery off the bodies off two girls who had been raped, then murdered But the man is smarter than the cop thinks! 9 line Affaire d'Hommes (Men's Business) Sunday 6.30 pm and Friday 9 pm A
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    • Page 47 Advertisements
      • 174 47 V sy The all -time favourite Taiwanese Breakfast comes to Singapore and to Stevens Corner. Taiwan's famous Shaobing stuffed with shredded pork and Sichuan cabbage. Special long crispy You Tiao (Yew Char Kueh that simply melts m the mouth. Thick creamy soya bean drink, local coffee and chicken porridge are
        174 words
      • 759 47 I The Department of Extramural Studies wHI be conducting the following courses during the month of i November, 1985:Course Title No. of Fee Venue Start Day Time Sessions Date SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY BASIC Programming I 12 $120 Waterloo Centre 12.11 Tue Fri 7 Oopm-Io.oopm (Class 11) BASIC Programming I 12 $120
        759 words
    • Music
      • 1104 48  -  Chris Ho JThePopLjfe_ 4 Whatever your perception of soul may be at this moment, one thing's for sure, it's hard to separate it from disco for even the best succumb to that popular form (for example, Chaka Khan, Tina Turner, m Smokey Robinson, and so on).
        1,104 words
      • 621 48  -  Georgina Emmanuel Music Matters 1 ".Any asino can conduct but to make music .eh! is difficile!" Arturo Toscanini. GUEST conductors. Why are they so seldom featured m the regular series of Singapore Symphony Orchestra concerts? Is it because they are expensive? In which case,
        621 words
    • Page 48 Advertisements
      • 186 48 jr i^S^3 Sp Ljjr ijjj I '9ft mf t I^K ''{^^'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■I Back by popular demand Pf^j The Neu Faces are back at the Imperial E^JB PR Bar. The band has just returned from a B^3hhl ver^ successnj l European tour with a wider Ul \^yf?^j repertoire of songs to entertain
        186 words
    • 470 1 SECURITY m the home is a matter that household owners consider for the protection of both family and possessions. For a long time, a sophisticated security system that is effective and affordable for the HDB flat-dweller has been unavailable. Now the Commercial and
      470 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 283 1 UHD BEDROOMS AND MUD LIVING/DINING ROOMS CEILING PACKAGE 3 ROOM FLAT $299/--4 ROOM FLAT $480/--5 ROOM FLAT $599/EXEC APT $650/MAISONETTE $799/Price increase w.e.f 21 Oct. 1981^ FRESCO Ceiling paper fSSjjiu $24.90 per roll. JKySI Selected designs from England I 122, Eunos Aye 7, #02-16, Richfield Industrial Centre (1440) Tel: *****88
        283 words
      • 52 1 6» *a Get rid of that £jk tension m t -^X Put yourself m M^%3 expert hands H ll ffir high iow bed Wri A finger-pressure l ,y :V lll^^^ k- *'l thorough^ cx »T 5 >ca rs INTERIORS VH3W 4W> Baleslier Road. #02-06 Bales tier Plaza spore 1232 Tel:
        52 words
        49 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 489 2 Pennison I hi 1 dhk pwfcrrrd b\ professionals LIFE TIME WARRANTY 100% ERROR FREE Available at authorised Dealers For enquiries, please call: SINGAPORE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, 200 Jalan Sultan #03-17 Textile Centre. Singapore 0719 Tel *****82/ *****70 Telex RS ***** DSRO DISCOVER A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU AT KOSF BEAUTY 7\5\ EMINAR
        489 words
      • 787 2 iti f fit' fw A^ fl4 ;:V High quality video tapes WATCHING a movie on videotape m the luxury of your own home without the worry of parking problems often means having to sacrifice clarity and the thrill of the widescreen of cinemascope. The newly-opened Diamond Video at #02-35, Katong
        787 words
      • 96 2 9O^V^ M I fe 4 H SCHMIDT SCIENTIFIC (PTE) LTD V* S^ y 18. Pasir Panjang Road, #1009. PSA MultnStorey X^lixai^/ Complex, Singapore 0511 Tel *****33 («NJMBCQ fr t If JUMBO RESTAURANT No 1, Jalan Pelandok, Taman Century, Johore Bahru. Tel: 07-*****1 Business Hours: 4 pm 2 am. Our restaurant
        96 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 439 3 All these m a set Va Dian Kin lunch. 'Wf i#^ And, at a price you won't want to refuse! i^ Our master chefs bring you their most delicious creations at only $7* per person (mm. 2 persons). You'll enjoy 7 of the Taikan-En's most popular Dian Kin dishes. And
        439 words
      • 340 3 Stay beautiful start at the latest lounge m town, designed with you m num. Beautiful times begin at $£tuU per mv(. Si Jj Qncn Dsilv* LI W UK j^y till 2 xjn l piice of 1. .^o*^ w% ■PP I With Filipino lead '<J>*-^ f\ singer to 9^^^ entertain you
        340 words
      • 650 3 instrument y of beauty brings joy forever. *****59 1 Introduce your I children to the joy WkSßsls s&sik'<f*T,'. i 7 of music. There's no better way to start, than to give them Flora Piano f'om Japan. I From tone, touch to appearance and durability, the music and joy it brings
        650 words
    • Night Out
      • 864 4  -  Kannan Chandran I Night Moves IT'S sad, but one of Singapore's oldest pop groups has disbanded. The Xperiment, which had existed for nearly 17 years, disbanded less than a month ago when the members of the group came to an amicable decision. Mervyn Nonis, a leading
        864 words
      • 275 4  -  Kannan Chandran THEY are decorative more than anything else. These bands with predominantly female line-ups are becoming quite popular among lounges these days. Currently, three hotels have bands from the Philippines that feature women strongly Six Angels, playing at the Cairnhill Cocktail Lounge; The Honeybelles at
        275 words
      • 418 4  -  Kannan Chandran FOUNTAIN LOUNGE, Century Park Sheraton: Two brothers, Bert and Lino Nerim, combine their musical talents with singer Dolores Baretto m this cosy lounge. Melody, a long-standing Filipino trio, play their pop and jazz tunes nightly (except Sundays). The Neris hail from a musical family pa played
        418 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 83 4 /Vf^BJ if HW Hit 'H*i Ja.'S''^n^B^ n 4^!ife^f'SSBl The courier service that's not all feet. W JtmrnM Am\ pP^ ■L^sl t t,. ifc^/* Bjfafe* BJb^b. JmFw Mmmf MibM MM*90m* m0m m^0m\ Mf9 H^r BBk jBF jflB i •jV-'i'S'; jfc? ggfi5j|fe|flS*StK|{K B» A mW if u. H '^HB^raMSBi^i^^^^B^HB^i^BWBi^B^Bl^^LB^HBB^^LJ^. WaXT *srmm\\ W
        83 words
    • Sight & Sound
      • 831 5 Heart Week specials CATHERINE ONG previews some programmes with that healthy message timed to coincide with the National Heart Week. Also watch out for the super bike series, Street Hawk, starting on Thursday. NATIONAL Heart Week starts tomorrow. That's why SBC has acquired
        831 words
      • 559 5 Modern-day version of Lone Ranger and Silver STREET HAWK. That's the name of the new star m the television series of the same name which pilots on Thursday at 9.50 pm. (The new series will thereafter replace Crazy Like a Fox on Thursday at 7.50 pm). In this age of
        559 words
      • 441 6  -  Catherine Ong Staying Tuned YOU first heard or saw it on The Entertainment Line. The Singapore Broadcasting Corporation's variety programmes producer, J. T. Koh, can say this with pride. After all, he's responsible for Singapore's first maga-zine-format variety show which presented to viewers a
        441 words
      • 628 6  -  MARTIN HESP If famed Coronation Street is opened to visitors next year, it may become one of the world's biggest tourist attractions By TOUR operators always on the look-out for new, exotic destinations have fixed their eyes on a small, drab street m Manchester, m
        628 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 322 5 9 A 1 f A I Mm mw Aibeatabte Clearance Safe \^aoo^ 006o o6^ v pto^--^ Limited stocks. Everything must go! High-gloss lacquered ii/^fiS^S^BJßf VflfijjS ■HBHr^i P"^B A^M mT -«BBi -'S^f -JffgßßJß^^jj^ffl^^l High-gloss iff* l^ IJL^II i ..J jbHHHRnL- .jBBBBB B BP'—^Mi^g*!lflßrilL2iS^^^^^^^^Bßr lacc l uerecl iT*Bh Jua^MMM Mm Italian lounge
        322 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 637 6 wj/A w* 1 W^f. fiv«jKjr f^ />*^? >^^B^^^^ Shi Ba lATI tf a^a BJ^^tt^l b*i JBJbBb $l^ii* I^^^BBr y^j^r/ v^v^bblb^^^^^ii^^^^*jT*V^* j fii7ii!/^Bw^\^^^B^^i^^bbbbl BMBOBBIif •> JBBMJ BPBBBVi f 2pkm^ BJ bTawJ Blh^tok_ i >w vS >vi B#BVBrA«BBBVfll BBBBBBBBJBBBBBiBBBBBf Hbbbbbbb H BflßßVw^^ii^/TIV7 A iynii/vtA AATC^ Jb^^w^bß ■■|{B^^^ v *3IH I^BMBHBBBBVriBBVBVi^BB B^B^ i
        637 words
      • 39 6 If HHHIHL. ■■I I I 1 I i f 1 j <r^l_. V» i ijß^iP'^^ I JIB Adult Special Offer on /of g^ V W^^ 569 Offer MATTRESS I h (While Stc<ks Last' Cash W Carry items nbt included
        39 words
    • Bilingual Weekend
      • 370 7 THE UNWRITTEN LAW (<?£*ht#>). Now showing at Eng Wan cinemas. HONGKONG director Ng See Yuen's (M&&) latest movie is a departure from the gongfu comedies, which are his forte. A film about contemporary socio theme, it stars Liv Dehua (*J««#) and Ye
        370 words
      • 620 7 Sight Sound The Unwritten Law, a box-office hit m Hongkong, is director Ng See Yuen's more serious attempt at film-making after his successful gongfu funnies, Drunken Fists and Snake m Eagle's Shadow, which shot Jackie Chan to fame. He tells CHEE LI CHOO
        620 words
      • 472 7 THE new television programme, Song Poetry, may sound highbrow. But don't be put off by the word, poetry. The six-episode series, pitched at secondary-school level, is meant for anyone who has a basic grasp of Chinese. "We don't aim for viewers to fully
        472 words
      • 352 7  - Man who sings as he writes TAN BAN HUAT By CALLIGRAPHY as entertainment? Yes, Taiwanese singer Guan Huai sings as he writes, combining the agedold art with Mandarin pop songs. You may brush it off as a gimmick to draw crowds to his performance at the Apollo Theatre Restaurant. But
        352 words
      • 60 7 lßc«CisP 'B^MiXlfe SW*ctt Witt: ft ft f? fc t& ?B -f^ IS jft W jft M?S W ;^^fe ttW fi'J iffiM ft ft HA j^¥. i* til&«Ei# "51" «A LU/L^tfefftK'J KIS Eft < Won't Cry for Me Argentina>^fjJi, L i' l^ Wf/l^a Jl Tango U ft?« b»Tfl<tlt^ fMkfttt J' It
        60 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 676 7 iTT* r^«rx-~ ln*,~no«n CROSS-language Crossword Puzzle wUI be Winners of Cross-language pnb iished every Friday. >-« j \t oaa It Is a Chinese crossword, but the clues CrOSSWOrd NO 209 are given In English. Eleven winners will be picked from the $51 cash: TAN CHI AN HOC) all-correct entries. One
        676 words
    • Bilingual
      • 1565 8 Some people believe that the various forms of Asian martial arts today might have originated from kalarippayat, a self-defence system from Kerala, m south India. HUGH and COLLEEN GANTZER talk about their visit to a kalari where this martial art is taught and the stages
        1,565 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 421 8 ooM "WAREHOUSE STOCM fgr~2 CLEARANCE SALE W /T' ydtfflll 18-10-85 TO 26-10-85 Sh^ wroom wa«hoose /7S /I SACRIFICE ON OUR PART l^lg&E Jsfe±H^=zz —7 S£TO OF IMPORTED 1 I n^pSS HT LEBARRWD MOO /SETTEES AND J I p I I i *****58 N n 1 m OG mruirun <%uiTF<: Tn
        421 words
      • 304 8 NOTICES SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TENDER NOTICE Experienced Contractors are invited to tender for: PROPOSED LANDING RAMP ACCESS ROAD AT SENTOSA PREMIXING Interested firms are required to submit detailed information on similar projects undertaken by them. Tender documents are obtainable from: The Quantity Surveying Section SPECS Consultants Pte Ltd #09-37, World
        304 words
      • 92 8 f DHDB 1 I FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED I I OFFICES AT HOUGANG I TYPE FLOOR AREA (sm RENTAL (pm Applications are invited for allocation on a first-come-first-served basis. Applicants (or their authorised representative) are requested to call personally to apply for the required units. Applicants are required to pay a deposit equivalent
        92 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 966 9 rSPPOINTMENTS/ NOTICES^ n« iiiii I I mil mnrnmmil Telefax No: *****59 Rates: Box Service: IMbWI Ol ANIO nodUool MHHHIIIMB Sales service: Straits Times: 5525.00 psc. cm. Collected: 555.00 Telex Service: S.T.A.N.T.S. RS ***** TIMEAD Tel: *****11 ext 5724-7 ***** Sunday Times: 5525.62 psc. cm. Posted: Sslo.oo APPOINTMENTS i\ GENERAL MANAGER
        966 words
      • 332 9 M Horg Hong Printing Singapore Pte Ltd invites IH suitably qualified candidates to apply for the I following positions m their business forms and H systems division:I SALES EXECUTIVES if, Minimum 'O' level ■M Preferably I—2 years sales experience m the \Jk printing industry y Proficiency m English and strong
        332 words
      • 455 9 NOTICES tfwp TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from CIDB Registered Contractors for the following:--(A) CQS/60/85 Central Expressway from Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 to Yio Chu Kang Road (B) SEE(R)39/85 Supply and Installation of Traffic and Pedestrian Signals at Ganges Avenue (C) +M4E T 95/85 Supply of Four (4) Units
        455 words
      • 775 9 NOTICES tHDBI Separate tenders are invited for each of the following(1) CONSTRUCTION OF CARPARKS at Woodlands Neighbourhood 8 Contracts I 2 and 7 (2) SEWERS at Zhenghua New Town Neighbourhood I Contracts 1 2, 3 and 3A > (3) CARPARKS at Zhenghua New Town Neighbourhood 2 Contracts 9 and I
        775 words
      • 769 9 POKTOf «NGAPO*E AUTHO*fTY TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for:SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MANGANESE BRONZE PROPELLERS AND S/S PROPELLER SHAFTS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JAN 86 TO 31 DEC 86 Cost of Documents $30/Closing Date 5 Nov 85 Eligibility to tender. CIDB Supply of Mechanical Class A I Equipment, Machinery and
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 823 10 NOTICES IHDB 1 INVITATION TO TENDER Separate tenders are invited for carrying out grass cutting and hedge trimming works of all open spaces, slopes, footpaths, car parks, roads and paved areas within the following areas for a period of 2 years ,from 1 April 86 to 31 March 88. Estates
        823 words
      • 532 10 DHDB FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED I) INDUSTRIAL PREMISES (On 2nd Storey Onwards) AT 1) Geylang East 7) Toa Payoh 2) Ang Mo Kio 8) Kampong Übi(suit--3) Bedok able for food indus- I 4) Defu tries at Block 3020) I 5) Clementi 9) Bukit Batok 6) Eunos 10) Yishun 11) Woodlands 12) Tampines II)
        532 words
      • 828 10 Tender Notice I Tenders are invited for: £g I I BUILDING i Ijffil a) Tender No AMB/T/85/069 Proposed I h Interior Renovation and Proprietary I ■P Raised Floor System (Phase III) to sth I Sra Storey, Orchard Telephone Exchange. iM| I Date of collection of document: ||1 I From 18
        828 words
      • 692 10 I Tenders are invited for the supply, delivery, installation commissioning of SHAPERS AND MILLING MACHINES TO ANG MO KIO VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE AND PASIR PANJANG VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE Tender No VITB/CP/71/85 Closing Date: 1 November 1985 at 1200 hours ELIGIBILITY OF TENDERERS The Government of Singapore has received a Loan from the
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 733 11 NOTICES .«A». PUBLIC UTILITIES \2J bohrd hhh TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from eligible CIDB/CSD I Registered Contractors for the following: 1 Supply of 1-pole, 60 amp miniature circuit I breaker complete with insulating cover. Registered Contractors m Supply of Electri- I cal Materials and Products all classes. 2 Supply
        733 words
      • 638 11 PUBLIC UTILITIES \3/BOPRD TENDER NOTICE 1 Tenders are invited from CIDB Registered Con- yt tractors tor Grass-cutting within the pipeline Pt reserve m Singapore and Johore for the period from 12.86 to 31. 187. |f Registered Contractors m Grass-cutting and I* Gardening B 2 and above and Specially l:*| Registered
        638 words
      • 321 11 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 877 OF 1985. RE: Tan Soo Thiam formerly trading as Jackson Sports Co. EX PARTE: ESAB Singapore Pte. Ltd. Creditors In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued the 29th day of April, 1985. NOTICE OF
        321 words
      • 764 11 IN THE MATTER OK THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 185 AND PURSUANT TO SECTION 2*(l)(b) ENG WAH HONG MARINE ft TRADING (PTE) LTD At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Eng Wah Hong Marine Trading (Pte) Ltd., duly convened and held at 101 Upper Cross Street, #06-10 People's Park
        764 words
      • 741 11 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER 185) AND IN THE MATTER OF LAYOUT TRADING PTE LTD (Incorporated m the Republic of Singapore) (In Liquidation) Members' Voluntary Winding-up NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the creditors of the abovenamed Company which is being wound up voluntarily, are required on or
        741 words
      • 798 11 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THK REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No 471 of IWS In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of SING KOON SENG PRIVATE LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the Winding Up of
        798 words
      • 776 11 IN THE HH.H COl RT OF THK RKPI BLK OF SINGAPORE COMPANIES WINDING I T i NO. 4CI OF 1985 In the Matter of The Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of KIM HAI HI AT SHIPPING TRADING PTE LTD ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that
        776 words
      • 808 11 IN THK lIH. II COl RT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding I p No. 4T3 of 19Ka In the Matter of the Companies Art (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of PROSPERITY SHIPPING ti TRADING PTE. LTD. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a Petition for
        808 words
      • 673 11 IN THK MATTER OK THK COMPANIES ACT, CAP. 185 CONSET PTE LTD (IN VOLI NTARY LIQUIDATION) At an extraordinary general meeting of the company held at 45-A Boat Quay Singapore 0104 on 15th October 1985 the following Special Resolutions were duly passed 1. That the company be wound up voluntarily
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 596 12 NOTICES I CENTRAL SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT The following tenders are invited by the Chiet Supplies Offi cer A) 5,400 DISKETTES FOR ICPT WORD PROCESSOR 2,400 DISKETTES FOR PHILIPS 5002 WORD PROCESSOR AND 17,100 DISKETTES FOR PHILIPS 5020 WORD PROCESSOR for various Government Departments Tender No CSD 3/STY 442/85 B) 20 PORTABLE
        596 words
      • 721 12 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE Xl I'l Bill OP SINGAPORE COMPANIES WINDING-UP NO. m OF 1985 In the Matter of The Companies Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of DUNMAN TRADING CO (PTE) LTD ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding-up of
        721 words
      • 149 12 PHARMACEUTICAL DEPARTMENT TENDER Tenders ore invited from registered tenderers for the supply of the following:--i) PD Tender No. 144/85 Pipeline Suction Apparatus. Closing Date: 12.11.85 ii) PD Tender No. 145/85 Lancets, disposable. Closing Date: 4.11.85 iii) PD Tender N0.146/85 Plastic Containers for Laboratory Specimens for the period 1.4.86 to 31.3.87.
        149 words
      • 171 12 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP 185 AND IN THE MATTER OF LENRO PTE LTD (In Members' Voluntary Liquidation) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to Section 308 of the Companies Act, Cap 185 that the Final General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed company will be held
        171 words
      • 136 12 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPI BLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. M« of 1985 In the Matter of the Companies j Act (Chapter 185) And In the Matter of MULTI-PAR SINGAPORE PTE. LTD j NOTICE OF WINDING UP ORDER In the Matter of MULTI- PAX SINGAPORE PTE.
        136 words
      • 167 12 DAH YUNG INVESTMENT LTD (Incorporated m Singapore) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE Share certificate No. *****694 for 45,800 shares m the name of Ong Nominees Private Limited has been reported lost, mislaid or destroyed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a replacement certificate will be issued and the above original certificate will be
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    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 622 12 SUN TAN By Collette PEANUTS By Schulz HI JfOOH, f^W^^^^^^m^^^^^T^^^^^B HALLEY'S COMET IS THE NEXT TIME IT JF-" COURSE uJE'll ALL I I /cvfPFT pnz f^^y^^f l^^^^^^^ toSH fesr LL SsSsn i^£J I THE BO UN LOSER By Art Sansom BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker IdUTs! ilHJKlfe-^'l MV^cMw^/^aro?AT v i\Jk|
        622 words
      • 96 12 14 Copy the accounts, I'm going through a troubled life (9) 16 Brief volcanic eruption 5 missing (7) 18 Passes two points without a fall from grace (7) 19 Himself homeless, maintains elderly relative m a barrel (7) 20 50 woman students of various heights... (6) 23 looking at uni-sex
        96 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 319 13 YAOHAN ORCHARD NOW SINGAPORE'S LARGEST DEMRTMENT STORE An Additional Level Of Exciting Shopping! MmmS lWß^B»\2^^)/^^ Sports Gadgets Car 1 1 2 HBh^a^ I \wsggj^^^^h^^^^mmi^mm^6m^^N^^^l H '^^^^^Bt'^^^^^BJ^^Hßl^Bßi^^^ *^i^s T j 4 a t^^ I^V^^^> /P^BSB^^I j^^^B^ff^BL/^ J/.^^^^^^^^^^/flB JfSs^w*^^^^^^ i j^^^^^iiTilli^ Ptioto Cod vine Shioc Repair Rook Binciir eJhh aiiiW' wirMal _^^^«^tflMillflHil
        319 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 962 14 9 B^ B^ Br .^^w j9 fl .^^l V^ .^fl .^fl b .^■f U-P. 441.00 fVIIZL. U.P. 1070.00 W jg^jj B/l ipp |i 379.00 cps^^^Spiii^fto.v"^' flp^lk sBm°5 B m° Ii IS ifp]^vfßE^f tt iIL I l Si^^**''* H^^^^^^^^^^^^^HBHHBHBEiißß .^1 7^« )fe v tatxX 6lVis"x2lVs"x23V»" t» I jHFfiEfeS X«& tiBE l
        962 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 718 15 ''itKHt .^BJBBBh^^^BBJ > i^ 7<|^'. BB^^ .^B^B^^^BBfck w ;J IIX j> -flgff VffVftl '^/f^'^i I f': J.^*-** J"** 1^ B^L JBM J w < N|i^ fca OJ^H^^BHBBV^BBKe V^kflf BT .^^BbVBbBW AY >^lV Jf jafr- j-^BF BBBBIbP^^^^IMRWI^^b! l?JP« jjri^jfifciJJfc^MjMßßßhL. i SfcißSl 3%^"- W+F* BB^^^aS Blßr -^y'SP"^^ xL;i*- HF 11 *^B|^^ H^^|
        718 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 327 16 m 9 II fSraßMn^^^^iPl I gH^HBRaoHDM I *CTw Business shirts (short sleeves) tk' ri^V TR I 'tv t^b 1 1 s^i afcr K^Bw I a^ M M B[N. *Vlmportdadresses.«Asst'd,cols designs. g fc\\^^P**llit3BF?!^' »SBHv?B BBw>> 111 Til U.I Hf.lfU SSt £tMm < ze ""T™?™™ P^^^ first 25() customers, ■''t* i
        327 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 415 17 "i iii "'w i^Hi I s t^ Tr A it m a «t Lr a p^p^ph p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^pbP^^ p^p^p^p^p^p^^p^p^B "I I fil*™L Pa I SB&Ki HNftdpKV^99^*^l^p^Ki p^p^^SplpßP^!jm> >< > w '"^"""^^Jf- '^.jiiipSpH p^B i j^HlplßlEhl it f i! p^p^^4opP^^ 0 19 0 Bl U*i p^^ #D^ per 100& 07 V >»
        415 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 354 18 ■j I ADE:*4tII"DAY!"H IURRY!"l URRY! ADMISSION PRICES: $300 $4.00 No Fre« List (*****80) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 ft 9.00pm n If you saw it ONLY ONCE, you haven't m seen it at all! SEE IT AGAIN NOW! OELIGHTrUL COMEDY ADVENT URf ABOUT A TEENAGER WHO P TRAVELS
        354 words
      • 343 18 ||!!ilB!i!!ii!MlllB^Blll!BlilBiiiip ORGANISATION l-'-II'itUPPTOTBTiPTT'TtTB K'ilillll'OiiilT I'ilibl g S N( )W SHOWIIsK, No F'pe I ist B B PRINC I H i lorn, I 30, 4 00, 6 4b, 9 Ib B Savoy Changi lust Day B I| am I 4b 400 6 4b, 9 I*> B ORIENTAL 1 Ham 100 3
        343 words
      • 289 18 AMAGICALMQNIH tß^Bm a JMt" mM^k HaEßt This month will be full of mystery, music and magic at Peppermint Park. Check out Zee Band's incredible disappearing act tomorrow, 1 9th October, when they say a final goodbye with a special show "Zee Band Yesterday Till Today". This is definitely their last-ever
        289 words
      • 217 18 J TOOAY I 30, 4 00, 7 30, 9 30pm k J THE UNWRITTEN LAW (M) fclM J Jjaill4b44b/l) 8 2 OPENS TODAY! J L 1 IS, 3 30. 7 IS ft 9 30pm J THEY TVRNED ASIA INTO I A HOI.iXAVST! S COMING ATTRACTIONI J l A beautiful story
        217 words
      • 399 18 *************************00 RORCHARD: 17th Ticklish Dayljß (*****88) 4 SHOWS 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9 15pm O She is about to go where 5 *v o Jf ™f»»wo JOYCKHYRER Cl-AYTON ROHNF.R RHJ.YJM'OfIV P A < CATHAY A X V R R TA PEOPLE'S BEDOK i 5 NOW SHOWING! J CATHAY (*****00) I I
        399 words
    • Arts & Leisure
      • 525 19  -  IRENE HOE By THE Malayan Nature Society is flagging off its second Great Bird Race ttiis weekend to raise funds for a bird sanctuary here. "We are negotiating with the Parks and Recreation Department on a number of sites. They are very
        525 words
      • 375 19 Chess Knight THE Singapore Chess Federation National Inter-Club Qiess League this year attracted 28 teams and is played m four divisions. -The teams are allotted the diyisions according to their national ratings. .The National Division, Division I and Division II comprise six teams each and are
        375 words
      • 440 19 KANNAN CHANDRAN discovered a new sound from old-timer Jose Feliciano, who was here last week WHEN an artiste differs drastically between wax and "live" performances, it's usually an indication of his intention to be versatile. Jose Feliciano, currently running through heavy weather as a
        440 words
    • Page 19 Miscellaneous
      • 1037 19 MUSIC P° re Association of Women warship, Wasa, was located On display are a unique and richness and vitality of Chi- PORE AND THE SURRENLawyers on You and the and refloated. precious collection of a vari- nese forms. DER CHAMBER AT LBNCHTIME PERFOR- Law, a dLp ay cum sale, sta-
        1,037 words
      • 1097 19 —I Radio One DEAR BERNARD SHAW (10.05 am, 4.30 pm) takes a M^ <^fc^ mk tight-hearted Sf look at the letters which many Wm "V Jfenj people wrote to H^r" this Irish BbM** dramatist and 90.5 mHz m VHF Band N 5.58 AM National Anthem followed by Opening Announcement 6.00
        1,097 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 277 20 IT EVEN X TURNS r laM^HHm'^lPi™^^ > I -j |„i.~7 i -T| 'I 3,8 j Opprhting the AA~ HgJM^tA uidpn 1 J Jj====^=====ik cassette recorder is a simpt matter of i* #o o presdng a button or two. knd you ~i| can do it witho jt getting Jjp from r^^^^,
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    • Page 20 Miscellaneous
      • 1812 20 MY VIEW JF j S3* flU* R£^v-: Spy vs spy is still a ripping yarn Jf|g| gfc. uncovered by 11 pm) all the scrapes he gets m and you will find it as turbulent His secret ambition, which r^ioScin^ ™X™™ I?" IK Moscow, but l^B|gHp^ THXS television story has out
        1,812 words