The Straits Times, 20 September 1985

Total Pages: 62
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ft, 1985 40 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 95/1/85
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  • 69 1 Here's to lasting friendship AT THE State banquet In Beijbig last night a toast to friendship between Singapore and China. In the centre Is Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang, flanked by Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mrs Lee. The banquet round ed off a busy day of talks betwen the Prime
    FRANCIS ONG  -  69 words
  • 710 1  -  H. L. LIM Lee, Zhao talks set the direction iy Move to tap large potential and try for 'new phase' BEIJING, Thurs. Singapore and China made some moves today to boost business in and between the two countries. They think there is a lot
    710 words
  • 74 1 SHARES rose strongly on the Singapore stock market yesterday, pushing The Straits Times Index up 10.89 points to 777.84. Investors showed interest in blue-chip stocks, particularly in the finance sector, instead of concentrating on the Malaysian speculatives that have dominated the market recently. The ST Index has now
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  • 256 1  -  PAUL WEE Raid on Jurong warehouse By A MASSIVE haul of 13,270 video tapes presumed to be obscene has dealt a crippling blow to a Singaporebased syndicate involved in the import and distribution of pornographic material in the region. The seizure was made in a
    256 words
  • 26 1 STOCKHOLM, Thurs. Tennis superstar Bjorn Borg and his fiancee, Miss Jannike Bjorling. had a son yesterday. Miss Bjorling's family announced. AP
    AP  -  26 words
  • 239 1 MANILA, Thurs. A regional military commander said today a tribal religious leader fed her followers poisoned food, killing 68 of them, and then stabbed herself to death in what local newspapers reported as a mass suicide. Brigadier-General Jaime Echevarria said in a telephone
    AP  -  239 words
  • 200 1 CHINA hopes te draw en the experiences of different countries and has appointed a number of foreign economic consultants besides Dr Goh Keng Swee te help it te modernise the economy, Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang has said. In a written reply te questions
    200 words
  • 424 1 Hi-tech secrets WASHINGTON, Thurs. The General Electric Co. is the Soviet Union's No. 1 target for needed technology, the Defence Department said in a report released yesterday. Tbe Boeing Co., builder of planes and cruise missiles, and tbe Lockheed Corp., maker
    UPI; AP  -  424 words
  • 389 1 TV forums to discuss steps to help economic growth THE Feedback Unit is co-ordinating two special television forums to discuss measures to stimulate Singapore's economic growth. Minister of State (Trade and Industry) Brig-Gen Res Lee Hsien Loong will be a panel member on both programmes. He is expected to reveal
    389 words
  • Latest
    • 60 1 GOLDEN CITY (Colorado), Thurs. Mexico City was heavtl> shaken today by a massive Pacific Ocean earthquake measuring ~.8 on the Rlchter scale, the American geology centre It aaM the epicentre was some SM kai southwest of Mexico City la the region of Acapuleo aad that the earthquake
      AFP  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 64 1 with FAR EAST IP FINANCE MAS Peimil No 0047 PM's speech in full: Page 15 Welcoming ceremony and pictures: Page 15 Tteat yourself to what is probably the world's besl S MI 3 rt in sound systems andTVequipment at mmm Bang Oluf sen Center jffig Unit 03-38, Centrepoint \WLa y
      64 words
    • 217 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY SINGAPORE KING'S am INDUSTRIAL I SAFETY Z\ I boots <|| j|> W^Ml**"*'* »ho« F <> LTO 147, Kallang Way 1, Singapore 1334 king son earth t«I: *****1 1 (5 linM) i ,rmmn k 9B^tM™aTmmmmwttmmmfT''i''i '.*s■■ WJmPW 'iM m^MmmtA :MW W ymM\ mWmM WaW .^B frfj- ,-AAA Mmmmm^ W
      217 words
    • 28 1 Inside Summary 2 World News 3-7 Asean t Causeway If Around Your Place lt Editorial 2t Background 21 Letters 22 TimesDollar 23-21 Classifieds 27-St Racing 38 Sports 3M3
      28 words

    • 472 2 Help for carers MANY elderly people end up in hospitals or old folk homes because caring relatives were finally at their wits' end. The Director of Age Concern in Scotland, Miss Mary Marshall, suggested yesterday at a seminar that carers be assisted emotionally and practically through home help. Someone
      472 words
    • 448 2 Malaria on the rise MALARIA, which had been thought to be on its way to extinction, is on the rise and becoming harder to combat, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced yesterday, saying the disease is now believed to be endemic in 100 countries. It is the
      448 words
    • 600 2 A decorative role THE NATIONAL Dance Company commemorates its 15th birthday this year with two rare public performances at the Victoria Theatre next Saturday and Sunday. A remarkable feat, considering the company is made up of more that 80 members, all part-timers! Though they have kept our multi-racial
      600 words
    • 206 2 •THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: A CONTENTIOUS aai unnecessary issue has been added te the United Nations General Assembly's already divisive agenda by the US Congress's threat to ent the US contribution to the UN unless voting in the assembly on budgetary matters is weighted according te member states' contributions,
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    • 224 2 COLD STORAGE, NZ DAIRY BOARD IN $27 m TIE-UP COLD STORAGE Singapore and the New Zealand Dairy Board have launched a $27.6 million joint venture company to manufacture, distribute and market dairy products in Singapore and East Asia, s The Joint venture company, Cold Storage Dairies (Pte) Ltd, will
      224 words
    • 380 2 Tim sport Waiting to get hit MICHAEL Spinks says he is as curious as everyone else to see how he will react when he gets hit by Larry Holmes. Many agree with Holmes that Spinks will wilt as soon as he receives a heavyweight Mow. And Spinks says he will
      380 words
    • 135 2 HELP FROM STRANGERS HERE ON WEDNESDAY, a bus passenger wrote about a tourist who did not have any change being asked to get off a bus. That showed the ugly side oi Singaporeans. Today, another tourist has written in about her experiences on board our buses. experiences which show
      135 words
    • 179 2 Around Asean...And Across the Causeway Marcos' TV warning PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos said in an American television interview that US pressure on his government to reform could boomerang, possibly affecting long-term pacts fcr US military bases in the Philippines. In the two-part interview, Mr Marcos called the US Congress "misinformed" and
      179 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 501 2 m aWmm\^t\\\^mmm\\\ I TEAC I ÜBUDUSUMUmGEm^EUUMSRUUB mW^^a^^^^W mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm nz^3eor3G-*?~: »8r I HIT 1 WmmmMWmMmW -E3 O C~l a am -m.:*^-~~ ■.>»»■ j^ A^. m-m jAW M TEAC again allows you to trade-in any old cassette machine for the incredibly accomplished TEAC R-555, i.e. Normal Cost of R-555 $528 Trade-in off
      501 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 445 3 Annual growth target of 7 proposed BEIJING, Thursday CHINA yesterday unveiled a new, five-year economic strategy giving priority to freeenterprise, technological development and a better standard oi living for one billion Chinese. Premier Zhao Ziyang outlined the proposed 1966-90 economic plan in a wide-ranging
      Reuter  -  445 words
    • 223 3 BEIJING, Thurs. The number of private businesses in China has leapt by 14.5 per cent from last December to reach 10.65 million, employing 15 million people, according to official figures published yesterday. Private business turnover shot up by 92.5 per
      AFP  -  223 words
    • 523 3 HONGKONG, Thurs. A year after Hongkong shed its political jitters over its future, the colony's economy has settled on a mixed note, with the glamour of surging stock and property prices dimmed by a drop in domestic exports. Bleak portents on the
      AFP  -  523 words
    • 158 3 HONGKONG. Thurs. Police yesterday dispersed an unruly queue of more than 2.000 people desperate to buy 300 new flats, some because they hoped to make make quick profits by reselling tnem. Police said some apartment seekers handed in more than one application and others refused
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 241 3 AUCKLAND, Than. Aa Air New Zealand hostess aatmtaM for "sexually uninhibited behaviear" daring a flight reached an out-ef-eeurt settlement today In her efforts to get her job back. No details of the settlement were announced ever Incidents which were canoed, according to a psychiatrist's
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 126 3 DHAKA, Thurs. The Bangladeshi government is awarding 1.8 million taka (about *****,100) to the families of 61 former bank workers who starved to death after they were sacked in 1981. An official announcement said today President Hossain Mohammad Ershad "ordered the grant for families of
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 34 3 SEOUL, Thurs. Seven people from three families were crushed to death today when a landslide caused by heavy rain engulfed their houses in tbe south-western Korean city of Kwangju, police said. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 154 3 INDIAN Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi arriving at a Punjab election rally on Wednesday flanked by security men, including his personal bodyguard carrying a Stengun. Mr Gandhi, said to be on a "hit list" of Sikh religious extremists, said he followed no particular religion. "I visit temples,
      Reuter  -  154 words
    • 235 4 'Some survived Air India crash but drowned' CORK (Ireland), Thurs. Some of the 329 victims of June's Air India jumbo jet crash off south-west Ireland were still alive when the plane hit the Atlantic, said a pathologist yesterday. Professor Cuimin Doyle, who supervised the autopsies on the 131 bodies recovered,
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    • 55 4 MOSCOW, Thurs. The Soviet Union launched a Cosmos series satellite today that will continue the exploration of space, Tass said. Cosmos 1682 carried scientific equipment, a radio system to measure the elements of the orbit and a a radiotelemetric system to transmit data back to earth, the
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 137 4 PORT MORESBY, Thurs. A state of emergency imposed here three months ago has proved so succesful in curbing rampant crime that many residents hope it will be extended beyond its scheduled cut-off in November. A spokesman for Papua New Guinea police commissioner and
      AFP  -  137 words
    • 310 4 Australia in the dark, says Hawke The Greenpeace affair CANBERRA, Thurs. Prime Minister Bob Hawke described the sinking of the Greenpeace vessel, Rainbow warrior, as a "cold-blooded, premeditated act of international terrorism", and denied that Australian intelligence services had prior knowledge of the attack. He said the Australian government fully
      AFP; AP; Reuter  -  310 words
    • 346 4 The disease is becoming harder to fight, says WHO GENEVA, Thursday MALARIA, thought to be on its way to extinction, is on the rise and becoming harder to combat, the World Health Organisation announced today, saying the disease is now believed to be endemic
      AP  -  346 words
    • 316 4 BOSTON, Thurs. An outbreak of rare, fatal infections among people who received a growth hormone has raised "the ominous possibility of a burgeoning epidemic," US government researchers reported. In the past year, four people including one in Britain have died from the rare illness,
      AP  -  316 words
    • 80 4 BEIRUT, Thurs. The Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims, a group that claims it kidnapped a British journalist in Beirut six months ago. today claimed responsibility for a grenade attack on a Rome cafe in which 38 people were wunded. A typewritten statement in Arabic delivered to
      AP  -  80 words
    • Briefly
      • 53 4 A PACKED court cheered as a prosecutor in Buenos Aires yesterday urged life imprisonment for two former Argentine military presidents and three senior officers over the disappearance of more than 9,000 people under military rule. Former President Roberto Viola, looking up at the taunting crowd, shouted: "Sons
        Reuter  -  53 words
      • 47 4 THE SOVIET Communist Partv complained in Moscow yesterday that the Kremlin campaign against alcoholism was not being taken seriously by some Soviets and warned that it will be stepped up. It said it approved new laws intended to strengthen the an ti -drinking campaign AP
        AP  -  47 words
      • 58 4 A 151-MEMBER group left Pyongyang for South Korea yesterday to begin the first bilateral family reunions since the Korean War sealed the border between the two koreas more than 30 years ago, the (North) Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported. Thousands of people were at Pyongyang railway station
        Reuter  -  58 words
      • 50 4 PRIME MINISTER Rajiv Gandhi rejected American suggestions he seek a regional agreement to avert a nuclear arms race with Pakistan, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said in New Delhi yesterday. The suggestion was made during talks on Tuesday between Mr Gandhi and senior US officials. UPI
        UPI  -  50 words
      • 47 4 THOMSON OF France, Olivetti of Italy and Acorn of Britain have linked up to develop a new generation of personal computers. They will combine their efforts in a bid to meet the increasing Japanese and American competition in Europe, sources in Paris said yesterday. AFP
        AFP  -  47 words
      • 50 4 A THREE-MAN Soviet crew docked yesterday with the Salyut-7 space station and joined two other cosmonauts who have spent more than three months in orbit, Soviet television reported in Moscow. In a special bulletin, it showed the new arrivals climbing aboard Salyut-7, embracing the two cosmonauts. Reuter
        Reuter  -  50 words
    • 282 4 Man says he rode on the back of a whale PERTH, Thurs. A man clinging with two young boys to an upturned dinghy off the West Aus-' tralian coast, claimed today that he rode on the back of a whale when the animal surfaced beneath him. Mr Vollert Asmussen, 41,
      UPI  -  282 words
    • 56 4 6 THERE'S not a great deal to learn about being an actor. Iff tho director says 'come through a door', you com* through a door. Thoy toll you what to say, which way to move, am That's about tt. 7 Hollywood actor Robert Mitchum, commenting on what
      56 words
    • 341 5 SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. Mr Steven Jobs resigned yesterday as Chairman of Apple Computer, severing his last ties with the company he co-founded in a garage in 1976. The resignation followed a bitter dispute that arose last week when Mr Jobs told Apple of his
      NYT  -  341 words
    • 284 5 GENEVA, Thursday AMERICAN and Soviet negotiators began their crucial third round ot arms control talks today, still at odds over United States President Ronald Reagan's space defence plan and already burdened by high hopes around the world for the superpowers' November
      UPI  -  284 words
    • 176 5 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The United States and Soviet Union one day could combine together to bring peace to smaller warring nations, President Ronald Reagan said. He said he hoped and dreamed that process could start when he meets Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva. Interviewed
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 176 5 LONDON, Thurs. A powerful Anglo-French consortium yesterday announced its plans for a Channel tunnel, raising hopes of realising a 200--year-old dream to link Britain with continental Europe under the sea. The announcement by the Channel Tunnel Group at a news conference here set the scene
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 116 5 LONDON, Thurs. A police inquest begins todav into the death of British fashion designer Laura Ashley, who never regained consciousness after falling down stairs at her daughter's home nine days ago, police said. Mrs Ashley, whose romantic floral prints and fabrics became a multimillion
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 115 5 SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. Like many legends, the story of Apple is somewhat exaggerated. Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak were not college students, but were college dropouts who hung around together in the garage at the home of Mr Jobs's parents, tinkering with electronics. While the Apple n has
      NYT  -  115 words
    • 118 5 Battle lines that were a little blurred LONDON, Thurs. lie British army has voiced appreciation far the people who co-operated tai their recent civil defence exercise named Brave Defender. "Quite right, too," said The Times af London. The Times listed same af the many incidents that happened when about ff,Mi
      118 words
    • 50 5 picture. A haft that shaded her eyes, kept her tresses ia place aad caught the eyes of many aft the opening of a fire station la Tonbridge, Keat, ea Monday. Britain's Princess Aaa shewed that she still had a knack far picking ont unique hate. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 107 5 CHICAGO, Thurs. A wooden statue of the Virgin Mary in the St John of God Church here may indeed have "wept" last year, but it was not a miracle, an investigation by the Chicago Roman Catholic Archdiocese has concluded. "While we are grateful for the
      UPI  -  107 words
    • 124 6 Muslim militias fight pitched battles BEIRUT. Thurs. Rival Muslim militias fought pitched street battles and exchanged artillery today £h Tripoli, where 77 people have been killed and 301 wounded in four days of oerce fighting. I Lebanese military Sources said a ceasefire Agreement was shattered it dawn when Syrianbacked militiamen
      124 words
    • 128 6 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The Reverend Benjamin Weir, the longest-detained of seven kidnapped Americans held in Lebanon, has been released after 16 months in captivity, United States President Ronald Reagan announced yesterday. In a speech at Concord in New Hampshire, Mr Reagan gave no details of
      AFP; UPI  -  128 words
    • 79 6 KAMPALA, Thurs. Lightning killed 13 people as they were drinking a strong local brew called waragi in Uganda's eastern Tororo district, the Star newspaper reported yesterday. About 30 people were drinking the liquor, distilled from banana, beer and sugar in a crowded market bar on Tuesday
      AFP  -  79 words
    • 140 6 JERUSALEM, Thurs. A mysterious cargo Jet that made an emergency landing in Israel on Sunday because of equipment failure took off yesterday for aa unknown destination, said Mr Zvt Goravl, Director of the Israeli Airports Authority. The plane, a DC-9, lost radio contact with the control
      AFP  -  140 words
    • 365 6 Charge says he illegally borrowed $4.6 m an HONGKONG, Thursday BAHRAIN is preparing to put on trial, in secret, an Arab banker whose business activities extend into Asia and Europe, the Asian Wall Street Journal reported yesterday. The newspaper said Hussain Najadi, 50, former
      365 words
    • 205 6 Ugandan troops regain towns KAMPALA, Thurs. Ugandan government forces have driven National Resistance Army (NRA) guerillas from several towns north of here, regaining control of nearly 120 km of a main highway, travellers reported yesterday. The government push seemed to confirm the collapse of a ceasefire with the strongest Ugandan
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 171 6 Kuwait has declared war Iran TEHERAN, Thursday A SENIOR Iranian official said yesterday that Iran considered Kuwait had declared war on it by virtue of its direct and indirect assistance to Iraq in the Gulf war. "We cannot have friendly relations with someone who helps our enemy," War Information Headquarters
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 121 6 One dead, 18 hurt in Teheran bus depot blast TEHERAN, Thurs. A three-year-old child was killed and 18 other people injured, two of them critically, when a bomb exploded in a crowded bus terminal in west Teheran today, the national news agency Irna reported. It quoted police sources as saying
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 33 6 JOHANNESBURG, Thurs A court has found two White South African men guilty of murdering a young Black woman and two others guilty hei will be of raping Th sentenced later Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 209 6 Pretoria admits aid to rebels PRETORIA, Thurs. South Africa acknowledged today its aid to Mozambican rebels had violated a peace pact with Maputo as South Africanled forces chasing Namibian guerillas said they expected to stay in Angola for a week. Internal unrest in South Africa continued with police killing three
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 33 6 KUWAIT. Thurs The Arab world fared widespread revolution. Libyan leader Muam mar Gaddafi said in an intei vieu published here today, unless 11 adopted his nlanx f«v *.innli> Aiah n.itinn Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 355 7 Watch over suspected 'mole* in Defence Ministry, says paper BONN, Thurs. Investigators are keeping an eye on a suspected "«n/*i A" »u.~ t*»LjL..~^ mole m the Defence Ministry and more arrests or defections are expected in the growing West German spy scandal, the
      UPI; Reuter  -  355 words
    • 202 7 Greece arrests three on spying charge ATHENS, Thurs. A GREEK navy lieutenant and two civilians had been arrested and charged with spying, the ministries cf defence and public order announced here yesterday. A communique issued by Public Order Minister Athanassios Tsouras linked the arrests of the two civilians with the
      AFP  -  202 words
    • 305 7 The Soviet-British war of expolsions dfrejkr MOSCOW, Thurs. If there is a winner in the war of expulsions between Britain and the Soviet Union, it is a West German company which has cornered the market for moving out the belongings of those
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 318 7 The loser LONDON, Thurs. The government claimed victory in smashing the Soviet spy network but commentators said today that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher came out the loser in the socalled spy war with the Kremlin. The Soviet Union expelled six Britons yesterday, bringing to 31 the
      318 words
    • 202 7 BoKvian govt declares state of siege LA PAZ, Than. The Bolivian government today deeisred a slate of siege and arrested theusands ef trade unionists In a bid to break a 1 C-d ay -old general strike. Interior Minister Fernando Bartelemy said the government had taken the aetlen bethe strike had
      AP; UPI; Reuter  -  202 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 750 3 An* m^mmmmmmmm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^a ,<^ .SShS^mSjj mkfta Am m Tyr^j pw Big 1 3 «m Bfl Km \W AW A___SQQ___klJvW^/.Whltem Y&f!s nnr< ■UZHHfIiHBI mjjnsyfon 2{/9j PJ PV NhmPII !S^i^i I"' \^m fil \^Mm^ Large Prawns (Ang Ka) mW Bfl fifi t mmmtX W I 1^ Wl fi <00g Ala*?* W.Ww^' v* r
      750 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 815 4 Let your children explore the fascinating world of science, nature and technology! The encyclopedia designed to cope with today's information explosion! THE RAINTREE ILLUSTRATED SCIENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA -^B c i^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^BP^^^^ 11^ 1 $175 Nothing could be more exciting, more full of Authoritative Each entry was double- Metric Measurements All measurements wonder
      815 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 OUR SET LUNCH SPECIALS WONT SET YOU BACK! ONLY $10 FOR OUR TASTY ITALIAN SET LUNCH Please call for reservations: MMfUMAAAIA Rlstorante Itallano 400 Orchard Road 02-21 Orchard Towers Singapore 0923 Tel: *****77 The original authentic Italian Restaurant da**** SUZUKI COFFEE CO (S) PTE LTD LUCKY CONFECTIONERY FABIAN TRADING PTE
      59 words
    • 723 5 II II flfl H I M outh- Watering >, k JWm\ fj I HI H I Mooncakeslflj wmu\ I BH IHfl Ifl Bfl Bfl Bfl I p OUR LEADING ,fl RA Wtm WSk flflflMfl Wflfl flfl flfl —MB flfl I MQQMCAKE SPgClAtl«fl|f fll fl* ■TO CHOOSE FROM, fl M 11
      723 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1308 6 IT'O vai idc mZZ. fl fl mfl l|||ll|i| Tatta-SMmmW:*^ 1 1 Ifl I H H lIIM II .bWL jjmi-^^w:?:., lkVwwM\m \\f Mm 1 Viivl Ivl 1 VIII I W J Drink Tsingtao Beer now, enjoy the unique wholesome $C% JH^BBfiJ^S^ goodness benefits from the Tsingtao's appreciation coupon. JK/ fl
      1,308 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 172 7 Beau^^eminaf /sv I oSSL.-™ BABOR 111/A-MT W \A—^T>l I natural Skin Care Cosmetics Margot Stolzenberg, the top international I training instructor of Dr. Babor Cosmetics j mmmmmmmmm W is specially flown to Singapore to conduct 1 jM Seminars with sound advice, useful tips j j PPJ and practical sessions on:-
      172 words
    • 1256 7 3!||iq holdings x i iC_itfe_fc_#«* X a WBIuI GROUP X 4L___Mlfl_nJh7_B^ from Friday to Monday. t""-*"^ fJ^^^ZZZ While stocks lasts! 1 MMmmaa^mSm C u FeM"^^^^^^ _________^_________P__ reduced prices. But do tS^^^mr Jfjt^m.) NOW fc _^___B __U_________________iiiMHH_v'a 1 1 P I>7 QD V m_«ii_l __«i___^__! Kii^^'9. K>t Xian Tea I j
      1,256 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1364 8 i^^D __sM"_^ _____9^_____H j*tr_. mXmm,^ r^ m^^Mm V^^^___. Hl 'm^MMMm mQmmr IE < v ____i_„ M^^Mmr w* _>^M^BL jtJhM^_i_^B ___e^^ _Bi_?l_" Cf S_ SSfcWfiESv ff^-i iv^ t^^ii_ii_l mMr jaMMy m^m^^Amm^^^E^^^^Emm ________k 19 V>~ i^^F wkTTi JI > I \mm*\ r 1 1 ■___ml_B'^_P >*3_Cjk ''j^MW ma^m^am^aMMMMMMmrmmmm* r f*M*mmW^m^ m m>
      1,364 words
    • 88 8 Meals at Caf De Grand are twice as good. ■____M____BPfl_____________E^ _L_____l _^-fe^^___l JB ll ll _fl 3P I -fl§WT_lft*ifl' _pl Pfr^" Enjoy a select choice of Western and Chinese cuisine or ask for your loca favourites at Cafe De Grand You'll love our delicious food end our surprisingly low prices.
      88 words

    • 91 9 17 killed as bus falls into ravine CAGAYAN DE ORO (Philipines), Thurs. An overloaded mini-bus, whose driver was teasing a little girl next to him, swerved off a mountain road and lunged into a ravine yesterday, killing 17 passengers. Police said 10 others were injured. The 16-seat bus was carrying
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 371 9 Pacts on military bases may be hit, he warns on TV NEW YORK, Thurs. President Ferdinand Marcos said in an American tolpvieinn {ntnrvfow that lie J™ interview mai ua pressure on his government to reform could boomerang, possibly affecting long-term pacts on US military base?
      Reuter  -  371 words
    • 150 9 UNIVERSITY security guards dragging a student activist from a barricade at Feat I University la downtown Manila yesterday during a boycott of classes and a pretest against the government's education policies. The guards, ducking rocks aad hame madr baa»Bß, used firearms, beta— aad water can- nans
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 128 9 Jakarta won't ban book on Sukarno JAKARTA, Thurs. A controversial history book discrediting the late President Sukarno will not be banned from the country, but will be reviewed and re-edited, a senior government official has said. The Jakarta Post yesterday reported that Harsya Bachtiar, head of the Research and Development
      128 words
    • 168 9 The coup that failed BANGKOK, Thurs. Police have arrested a junior officer who was involved in the shooting that killed two American television newsmen during the Sept 9 abortive coup, the Thai Rath newspaper said today. An arrest warrant also is outstanding for a second
      UPI  -  168 words
    • 315 9 LOS ANGELES, Thurs. Indonesians lured to the United States were forced to work 15 hours a day as servants and held as slaves if they wanted to return home, a prosecutor said yesterday. Elsa Singman. 54, of Los Angeles, and her brother. Nasim Mussry. 57,
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 211 9 Former envoy sides Dharsono in court Jakarta subversion trials JAKARTA. Thurs. A witness testified in court today that Hartono Dharsono. former Secretary-General of Asean, had not been plotting the overthrow of the government at secret meetings. Dharsono, 60. a retired Lieutenant General, is being tried on charges of subversion. He
      AP  -  211 words
    • 72 9 JAKARTA, Thurs. Bali authorities have discovered that no one has issued licences to its scores of discotheques, the official Antara news agency said today. Bali Governor Ida Bagus Mantra was quoted as telling the Regional Assembly: "As far as I know, there is no office within the
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 163 9 BANGKOK, Than.- A 43-year-old former government clerk went on trial ia a heavily guarded courtroom here today aa charges of aaatAata about ICJM people oat af more than Fstffii milUoo <S$3SB milllea) through an illegal investment fund. Mae Chamoy Tlpyaso aad seven relatives, including her
      AFP  -  163 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 367 9 ::< vp^_v fit _^B mrm 3m> \m\. m m Jmm\\ f_ifl BHHHHHHHHr _§_B_H_ f BF HHk. «<. v V |l|| > 7 J__9 __________B fIH ________.Br O^ 1 ||*A __l l_ Vi/ v v /Pf^i k ■r ____P __L__l fl H < *^_BB B _sißP^ TaBI LBB_»- Jflß ■B%_ :-__hHl
      367 words

    • 299 10 KL confident NEP aims will be met by 1990 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Trade and Industry Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah expressed confidence today tnat the objectives of the New Economic Policy (NEP) would be achieved by 1990. He said that notwithstanding problems encountered in the implementation of the NEP, the aims
      NST  -  299 words
    • 137 10 Dr M to attend Bahamas summit KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad will attend his first Commonwealth summit the Bahamas next month. Beraama reported him telling reporters today that Cabinet decided yesterday he should go to the meeting. Last week, his deputy, Datuk Masa Hitam
      137 words
    • 245 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday the implementation of the "Look East" policy had been a success and had Succeeded in instilling among Malaysians the positive values and work ethics that prevail ta countries such as Japan and South. Korea.
      Bernama; NST  -  245 words
    • 434 10 Pan-Malaysian and multi-racial party formed KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A new opposition pan-Malaysian multi-racial party the Parti Nationalis Malaysia (PNM) has been formed. The Far Eastern Economic Review reported in its Sept 19 issue that dissatisfaction with the way things are in Malaysia has led to
      434 words
    • 199 10 KUALA TRENGGANU, Thurs. Nineteen nieces ef geld behoved to be of great historical value have been found by aa archaeological team from Muzlnm Negara. Team leader deafer Mohamad Ali, tke aselegy) at the museum, saMthe gold was found late yesterday fifing while
      Bernama  -  199 words
    • 286 10 Right to info on govt moves 'not an issue' World Press Convention KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Auditor-General Tan Sri Ahmad Noordin Zakaria said today the right of people to be informed about government activities was no longer an issue in this country. What remained to be done was to improve the
      Bernama  -  286 words
    • 85 10 SLIM RIVER, Thursday A PICNIC at the Sungai Bill waterfall ended in tragedy when two people drowned. The dead were identified as Mr P. Subramaniam, 19, and Madam Dam Jothi, 25. They had come here on Tuesday to visit friends and later went to
      NST  -  85 words
    • 253 10 Court lifts curbs on MCA elections KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs The High Court has dissolved the injunctions restraining the Malaysian Chinese Association from holding branch and divisional elections and general assemblies. The judge dissolved the injunctions granted to MCA leader Tan Koon Swan and his supporters Mr Lee Kim Sai, Datuk
      Bernama  -  253 words
    • 62 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Moha mad said yesterday he would work with whoever is chosen president of the Malaysian Chinese Association. The Prime Minister said it was his duty to work with the rightfully chosen leader of the MCA and the question of
      Bernama  -  62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 267 10 W___ K^_, m ll, **P f om_ C f^^"""*!!*^^ BT _^fll __L___^___ Jf aU& a a LW fIW ___9 lk____i_rlr^_^^^<CFr__^ f l/___t i^n______ flV^flfll Br L_^ _J[ rfn ____H fl ______f_i_l' i'ilfl fl _r f i^a on_______. _i fl^V f_ I flKlvm flfl' -^fl Or IX flt_ m\mS^i **mM B
      267 words

  • HOME
    • 125 11 SIA all for more liberal aviation policies in Europe SINGAPORE Airlines welcomes more liberal aviation policies la Enrope evea though It QteAtts fftdiic toil slier competition tram strong European airlines. Dr Cheong Choong Kong, the airline's Managing Director, said Wednesday that SIA weald have to work harder la such aa
      125 words
    • 386 11  -  STELLA DANKER Seminar on problems and needs of aged By FOR six years, Mrs Betsy Winslow, 64, cared for her invalid mother until the older woman died in 1960 at 72. Then followed 12 years of care for her frail mother-in-law who, in the last
      386 words
    • 422 11 That's when elderly are admitted to Homes MANY elderly people end up in hospitals or old folk homes because caring relatives were finally at their wits' end. Nursing elderly loved ones, washing them, cleaning up their toilet year after year can drive a devoted relative round
      422 words
    • 70 11 PAYA Lebar police rounded up 42 Malaysian workers and a Thai woman in a raid at a construction site in Yishun Avenue 2 yesterday. The suspects were detained when they failed to produce valid work permits and travel documents. A senior police officer
      70 words
    • 856 11  - Prosecution hasn't proven case Jeya BEN DAVIDSON Retrial of two Workers' Party leaders By WORKER'S Party Secretary-General J. B. Jeyaretnam contended yesterday that the prosecution had "far from proved" that there was a case for him and party Chairman Wong Hong Toy to answer on a charge of making a
      856 words
    • 153 11 THE Mrs Fields Cookies shop has not been baking cookies in Lucky Plaza for the past few days. The shop, on the first level of the shopping centre, is closed and inquiries to discover what has hap- pened have drawn a blank. A spokesman for Amir
      153 words
    • 314 12 Booklet on Aids available from today FROM today, IM,MI copies of a special publication devoted to educating the public about Aids will be distributed. The publication Is carried in the June issue at the Health Educator produced My the Training and Health Education Department of the Health Ministry. It explains
      314 words
    • 495 12  - Hotelier not in court, suit dismissed NANCY LOH Wrongful arrest claim By A DISTRICT judge yesterday dismissed, with costs, a damages claim for wrongful arrest brought by a hotel director against the Attorney-General and four police officers. Mr Lim Eng Woo, 30, a Director of Lloyd House Hotel in Lloyd
      495 words
    • 208 12 POLICE caught two man as they were ransacking a flat in Chip Bee Estate, off Holland Road, yesterday three minutes after a tip-off from a civicminded citizen. The two men, aged 28 and 30, are believed to be members of a gang responsible for
      208 words
    • 262 12 A BUSINESSMAN, who wili go on trial next year on charges relating to cheating nine banks of $3.9 million, has claimed he was assaulted by three CID detectives. John Low Chit Bah, 44, yesterday filed a complaint through his lawyers that he
      262 words
    • 80 12 HAWKER Lem Lai Hock, 38, was jailed yesterday for four months after he was found guilty of dangerous driving that resulted in the death of a motorcyclist. Lem was also banned from driving all vehicles for five years. The court heard that Lem collided
      80 words
    • 449 13  -  RONNIE LIM International oil trading conference By TALL, bespectacled and in a fashionable dark-blue suit, Chinese oil trader Xiao Man-Zi is very much at ease on the Singapore cocktail circuit. However, even with a drink in hand, a deal is never far from
      449 words
    • 252 13 R IS rtmmta to see school teachers leading aa excited group of students an a tear tt a pM*©e mA UilwfvDi* Bat yesterday, teachtrs were leo utstefto oo an orientation tear of the National Museum's Young People's Gallery. Fifty secondary and primary
      252 words
    • 161 13 Volunteer constables begin sea patrols tomorrow TWENTY-FIVE volunteers from the Special Constabulary will go on sea patrols alongside their regular colleagues in the Marine Police Division from tomorrow. This follows the setting up of a Marine Unit in the Volunteer Special Constabulary last week after members showed renewed interest in
      161 words
    • 74 13 More buses to Chinese Garden THE Singapore Bus Service will operate a special bus service for visitors to the Chinese Garden in Jurong during the Lantern Festival late this month. Service 406, which usually runs on public holidays and Sundays, will ply between the Jurong Interchange and the Chinese Garden
      74 words
    • 201 13 Man sued for alleged breach of contract over flat A BUSINESSMAN changed his mind about selling a Oat on the same day he had received $500 from the prospective buyer, the High Court heard yesterday. Mr Lee Boon Sai, who is being sued for alleged breach of contract, said he
      201 words
    • 242 13 Two win appeal: $10,000 in fines refunded THE High Court has allowed the appeal of two men convicted of causing grievous hurt to a neighbour with a penknife two years ago. Ang Seh Chuan, 42, and Toh Leong Chuan, 47, were found guilty and sentenced to a day's jail and
      242 words
    • 138 13 THREE Brunei missile gunboats left for home on Tuesday after a week-long exercise with the Republic of Singapore Navy. Before they left, the visitors were taken by their RSN hosts to various places oi interest. They did some last-minute shoppmg. The KDB Waspada, KDB Pejuang and
      138 words
    • 780 15 Day 7 of PM's China visit 6 These forecasts (of China's economic growth) have heea received with mixed feelings by South-east Asian countries. On the one hand, China economic growth wffl create stability and stimulate trade and investments in the whole region.
      780 words
    • 308 15  -  H.L. LIM Story by Pictures by BEIJING, Thurs. The sun was glaring bright tills morning, breaking the rainy spell that followed Mr Lee Kuan Yew through China for nearly a week. Welcomes were warm in the stops before Beijing. But sunshine adds
      FRANCIS ONG  -  308 words
    • 378 16 Marine police solve boat refuelling problem SOME people wrack their brains to come up with an invention. But 10 marine policemen came up with a bright idea just by visiting a dumping ground. The men who are part of a Work Improvement Team
      378 words
    • 114 16 BU BUSINESSMAN Ho Kong Jiang, 49, was yesterday acquitted, without his defence being called, on three charges of cheating American Express International Incorporated of 117,000 in relation to submission of forged invoices. He was also cleared on a fourth charge of trying to cheat American
      114 words
    • 116 16 A MAN came home smelling ef liquor on Tuesday night. And after three hoars of noise-making la Ms nth-storey flat Tn Week Itt, Mei Ling Street, ke seat a knife aad a metal nail flying eat ef the kitchen window. His 15-year-old sen
      116 words
    • 53 16 AN ANTI-DRUG abuse and glue-sniffing exhibition will be held at Block 247, Jurong East Street 24, from 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday. The exhibition, Jointly organised by the Singapore AntiNarcotics Association and the Islamic Theological Association of Singapore, will include talks, a video show and a
      53 words
    • 375 16  -  JUNE TAN By Mt Vernon school picked to represent S'pore in UN project SOME schools boast of good examination results. But Mount Vernon Secondary can boast of being the first and onty one to represent Singapore in a United Nations' peace project. The Education Ministry has
      375 words
    • 191 16 TWO men robbed an elderly woman of $28,300 in cash and jewellery on Wednesday after entering her flat on the pretext of delivering a box of cakes. This is the second robbery in less than two months in which robbers had held up elderly women
      191 words
    • 92 16 Three charged with passing fake $50 notes TWO men were charged on Wednesday with trafficking in counterfeit $50 notes. Tan Ah Pin, 31, was alleged to have passed on 20 counterfeit $50 notes to Wee Tong Hoon, 29. Wee, it was alleged, then passed on two of the notes to
      92 words
    • 123 16 A LOCAL pop singer drank himself to death a week before bis contract at a theatre was due to end, a coroner heard yesterday. Mr Leow Boh Sai, 37, who sang at Golden World Theatre in Marine Parade, had been drinking heavily on Oct 29
      123 words
    • 302 16  - Praise for S'pore's trade push with India PHILIP GANGULY By New Delhi reporter NEW DELHI, Thurs. A top Indian financial newspaper today lauded Singapore's efforts to increase trade and co-operation with India, saying the Republic had chosen the right time for a boost. "India is now a more open economy
      302 words
    • 294 16 Major Fong appointed adviser to Tianjin MAJOR Fong Sip Chee has been appointed as an adviser to the Tianjin Economic and Technology Development Zone in China. His role is to provide free consultancy service to Tianjin on economic and technology development, planning, bringing in new production techniques, encouraging Singaporeans to
      294 words
    • 39 16 THE National University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will start a six-session course on south Indian cuisine in the Ang Mo Kio home of Mrs Devagi Shanmugan. the instructor, from Sept 28 For details, phone *****55
      39 words
    • 387 18  -  JUDY TAN ADj Urban Redevelopment Authority's annual report By This is despite target of 50 capacity not being met Resettlement eases pea te them hecause of the tight property market. So only about SI per eeat ef teasito in oar centres are resettlement esses.
      387 words
    • 150 18 THE Urban Redevelopment Authority is paying special attention to the preservation of old areas and the planning of Singapore's future city centre, Marina South. In its latest annual report, the URA said it embarked on a number ol studies last year to identify historical areas that
      150 words
    • 141 18 Maid took her life after police questioning AN INDONESIAN domestic servant jumped to her death shortly after she was questioned by police who were investigating a theft case, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Heny Haryati Mistam, 28, was found bleeding at the foot of Block 625, Queensway, on the evening
      141 words
    • 69 18 Simon heads NUS students' union again FXDURTH year Law student Simon Tay has been re-elected President of the National University of Singapore Students' Union for the third year rjnning. Other office bearers in the new Executive Committee are: Mr Tan Cheng Han, third year Law, Vice-President; Mr Richard Tan, second
      69 words
    • 62 18 A PROPRIETOR of a moneychanging shop at Golden Mile Complex has reported the loss of $15,000 in foreign currencies. Mr Mohammed Ibrahim, 51, said he found 100,000 Thai bahts (558,500), one million Indonesian ruppiahs (552,000) and M55,000 missing from a wooden rack in his first-floor shop
      62 words
    • 34 18 BRIGADIER-GENERAL (Res) Lee Hsien Loong will open the Teck Ghee Education Centre at Block 415 in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 on Sunday. There will be a variety show after the opening.
      34 words
    • 206 18 A RECORD company director has made a counter-report against a former employee. The salesgirl had alleged earlier that $13,000 was extorted from her after she was accused of misapJiropriating company unas. Mr Aw Kew Min, 40, a Director of Supreme Record Centre, reported to police on
      206 words
    • 74 18 A WOMAN'S visit to her husband's shop at Thomson Plaza became a hair-raising experience for another woman in the shop on Wednesday. That afternoon, Yee Siew Yoke, 26, tugged at the hair of a former 20--year-old employee, whom she al- leged was having an affair
      74 words
    • 474 18  - Operator wants longer lease before going ahead AUGUSTINE LOW Proposed West Coast boat storage station By THE operator of the proposed West Coast boat storage station has asked the Parks and Recreation Department for a longer lease before deciding to go ahead with the project. Mr Victor Ko, Director of
      474 words
    • 41 18 FOUR Brunei fire officers will end their 12-week training here with the Singapore Fire Service tomorrow. They are the first firemen from abroad to be attached to the Fire Safety Bureau, which was set up in February.
      41 words
    • 203 18 Surplus of $137m after concessions to developers THE Urban Redevelopment Authority turned in a surplus of $137.8 million in the last financial year (1984 85). This is despite the authority granting various concessions to developers under its sale of sites programme. At a press briefing yesterday, URA's Deputy General Manager
      203 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 474 11 m fM IP^H H~_ JH_"% Great discounts on all electrical m #i^ II Im/L appliances. For every part of m##___ I _Ua_ M I your home. From kitchen MmM. I II I V helpers to hi-fi sets. So check W# 1| M ~L MM mmW^LmmmW ___7 out these money-saving m
      474 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 863 12 CORNING SUPERBUYS '/^^H ___b&> /XP^ *s' J&M&mmW m^aaa^^* lllt^ 'PiAmmm ________L _____________H j^Ms^' -^m^r^ MwMmmi^s^^mMMm MW^^M m^Mm^mmm jmm MMM^ __»<____! _______r^^^^^B _*^^^^^l_i ___k«*fl _L^__M___m>. __iiP^_#^ __<___^ -"^S ___i___. _______r__^ l_>Hf^^^ ___r/' :> a?ii\^^^^a_____l B_«S P____i L JPm^ km^f^Wmi r _K___ B_P__ P_l iATr'"W;:< W' vTJ L -I f Ih- B
      863 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 737 13 Your Best Buy! Value for Your Money! Trade-in Your existing set for $1 55 Buy Now! A complete set of BELTEK Super Power Car Stereo at only t^l^ fE*\ I watts \wtvy A m MMW m^ MR-100 $305.00 I >?,MM^el»l^3J^ SE-138 $165.00 \J^^ Complete Set $470.00 beltek se-138 Trade-in $155.00
      737 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 407 14 BTadies M _^^^^H-^^^^^^-^^___^- B^^^^_^7^^_^^^^_ B^^^f^T_^_^^JH 1 _a^^ I Ma\ mmm E!!!S mmmmumauu !am\ l •■■n *r__^\Ti r A__ir__ii "L s > InS -ii -l*- >fIJ 3 L-LilZ-J l L__- bJSo%- I I __B >>>s^ "*TiiP_s______ H flflH™ -^H f^^Jfl fl flfl _i_______fl _^E flfl a I -_-7^ /^^_l^^h______l i L
      407 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 252 15 wMa*^^^^ < ________________i_________H ________VWlB___ IP I IFI 1 1 1 1111l I f rill mill 1111l I _^mmaMm\ HI I I _i '^mm^^m^^iW^^mmmmmmm WrnXW^ I ll FM J I IU -IT iii ■■-■ii-' ______________fl____________________________^^^''_______________i lg^maaaaMmmmm— w_ Mmm'M'^^^^ mm —^m m^ m EWama^^^ mu^^^^^ Ma m i m m- m MmmmMMMaMk^'
      252 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 655 16 The John Little Challenge You Carft Buy Cheaper Elsewhere. If, within 7 days of making a purchase from us, you discover any of fhe clothes illustrated or arty item we stock sold cheaper elsewhere, return the goods for a total refund or keep the goods and take the difference in
      655 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 139 17 1 1 73 _r^__T_r3 __vj_________! SWlWaß^^^^SS^^^^^^wfl^^^B __j____^^^^n^B_l_r _____g__l________ Bfcw WmWMM\ fIU __M_fl_flßfl fl c-^ Fi^i fl v )Jv fl S? ,/k ■Hr .-•"^r--. fl flfli sm'fyis^^mtlitr J_l_^^_^l_^___iS_^ _^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_H____H__^_^9* A -\<'' fl 881 ___H fl t' wY A> fl A____iflßflflHflflii pj| k^_HT«/ jfl ___r nHI Bk«.flpF Bfl WMT fi flfl WMW
      139 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 52 18 Nationalßßß At Boon's we believe in WNaßonal service. .-••J__ At Boon's getagrMTaeal on National electrical products, you get the finest mmmmmmmmm^ down to i-S________S Boon's and find out just how enjoyable National service can be. r— bh^___^^^^h I ___^H _^^K fi la A _U _Br fl __P __H____E_______i__^^_r^^^^H > QQI
      52 words
    • 341 18 ___r^^^if^l___________l ____^_V__lV________l MM Tmm W_H -mv _T I iu_i I _B B _B B _B _B I ______________________r^ j b I Bliy _B ___siH l ---kk'v ___fl 1 MMM^MMM^MMM^Mm mi fl 'T" > I Bfl^ > P"'B|B| B B l H V' H____B_KB_____H_H___________fl_H I ______E.'_.ii #_B MHHH,. ■f v _v
      341 words

  • 3 19 around YOUR PLACE
    3 words
  • 172 19  -  LIM KWAN KWAN Serangoon Garden By A NEW neighbourhood police post will be built at Serangoon Garden Way soon the first in a private housing estate. The police post is expected to be ready by February and will be housed
    172 words
  • Around Your Place information service
    • 246 19 IN BETWEEN sips of steaming Chinese tea. and Mtes of delicate mooncakes, old folk are likely to share a story or two about the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival or Mid-Autumn Festi- val. One will sorely be the story of Chang Er, the fairy on
      246 words
    • 428 19 THE mid-autumn festival is also carnival time. Community centres and. recreation agencies have lined up activities of fun and gaiety for both the old and young to celebrate the festival. Lantern processions, tea-parties, cultural shows and other festivities will be in full swing at
      428 words
    • 626 19 ANG Mo Kio residents who go to their Residents' Committee centre or community centres for classes and games will soon be asked to keep an eye on the fruit trees around them. Come harvest time, they, too, will join in the {ducking and share the ruits
      626 words
    • The Straits Times says
      • 547 20 AN attempt by the US Congress to rein in the United Nations by the purse-string has, quite unnecessarily, added another contentious issue to the many divisive ones on the agenda as the General Assembly convenes its 40th session this week. A bill passed by Congress last month
        547 words
    • 4 20
      4 words
    • 1320 20 What are China's views of Singapore and Asean? What did it hope to achieve by securing the services of former First Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee? Shin Min Daily News posed these and other questions to Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang. We reproduce here
      1,320 words
    • 784 20 Plastic truth versus 'elitism' ll I 'I J. JJI..»W*>— r— I ii ii. 1111l > > >l— MW____ _-v 4 ■Mm I M„, I, ,ij„'„„ j," Tl II i ,„>, NEW YORK I am too disdainful ef shoddy goods. The ward far this naalrlsa is "elitist". It is a bad
      NYT  -  784 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 8 19 Action Line *****72 Mon-Frn&i-^ 10 a.m. 4 p.m.
      8 words
    • 203 19 _____s_3__>w ■dtPP**'* m">- __iiß_^' i fl f_S __l HK: H :>% O -_>%W B^^ 4IU _-___B__J%Alltt II X__ 176. Orchafd Road. Singapore o923 lAWftk^ipcim^emftM _____B_» y^mnm ma^^Z^^*^*****. m^mMtTtYtm^W^^f: iTcflT^_fffff__Ti^i V_t #3"* -J ____ra?!iih_f^^ v °cfaiA J__£JB____ bb^b i i _f~_ _________B ____B^^^^_B BC^ ____r^^^^l P JllH9r3_B J ■i_S^\^ i i
      203 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 186 20 'IISaKENKOH SANDALS bmmt Irlmnds ot your tout ~_^^^__^__T _A_.^____k. Scientifically designed to provide a unique rhythmic massage. _&_S__i_3_JH. EiMlrin plnsi call 734 1 066, *****26.^ Dai-ichi Hotel (Singapore) s^ Thp^oiM€ni Hotel (Singapore),tof^rfhotel in the intemaiiopally^^ Dai-ichi chain oj^v^ld^wide hotels, is now orenrlp-_he .x of Singapore's busross district. With luxuri^stfjufnished y-y^
      186 words

    • 858 21  - Race hots up for prime satellite space THOMAS NETTER By writing for the International Herald Tribune Third World wins right to reserve slots GENEVA In the 22 years since the United States launched the first communications satellite, the geostationary orbit 36,000 km above the equator where a satellite travels at
      858 words
    • 1083 21  -  CHARLES BATCHELOR War on international commercial crime By LONDON Banking should be booming In the western Pacific. From Salpan to Nauru, from the Marshall Islands to the Cooks, islands throughout the region have been attracting the attentions of would-be bankers. The remoteness of
      1,083 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 259 21 Fresh Savings atNewmart \__t-^i_ll 20 September 26 September 1985 OFFER ITEMS USUAL OFESR OFFER ITEMS USUAL OFFER i CHJtrRy PRICE PRICE PRICE. PRICE 1. Fresh Pallets (1.10 1.349kg) 6^6 5.50 2. Lean Meat (Skin On) $s^o $&50 2.freshP^Hets (1.35~~iJ9kg) ZM 6.50 3. Boneless Pork Loin $M 7.00 3. Fresh Pullets
      259 words
    • 169 21 JliZS^^H-F^ :^sv^ ■K_B«' ____B__~^^' w H___t_s v _j^^B <:«_____ B Baßnlß I Innovatively designed I for executives l_|p» 1 Thoroughly portable 4HH I and slim-line iIHR I Auto Power-Off -System I Large scale 4-line liquid I crystal display screen I •No paper roil costs BH HBH| Process and Standard fl
      169 words

    • The courteous side
      • 94 22 Man gave more than first aid I WOULD like to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to a gentleman for giving me first-aid when I fainted at the Toa Payoh Interchange on Sept 10. His helpful act is indeed commendable as dozens of other people only stood and stared. His
        94 words
      • 219 22 I CONSIDER myself to be most fortunate, having spent 20 days in Singapore when I believe the average time spent by tourists is three days. I enjoyed my stay so much because of your shopkeepers, public transport workers, taxi drivers and not in the
        219 words
      • 341 22 We should get together and discuss refuse disposal WE read with interest the article (ST, Aug 21) and various letters in the Forum page recently commenting on the issue of refuse collection in Housing Board estates. As professionals in waste management and part of an international organisation that has been
        341 words
      • 151 22 Two found and returned stolen wallet I WOULD like to thank the two young gentlemen who went out of their way to return my wallet recently. It had been stolen in a store in Orchard Road. It contained about $500, all my credit cards, my driving licence, house keys and
        151 words
      • 215 22 Develop sea sports centre with new town I REFER to Mr Grant W. Pereira's letter "Boa tei owners should team up to upgrade our marinas". (ST, Sept 11). I am in wholehearted agreement with Mr Pereira and with the present stated government policy that private enterprise should be the engine
        215 words
      • 101 22 DURING this period of economic slowdown, Singapore should take a series of systemic steps at grassroots level to upgrade the skills of the people to make them more economically resilient. I would like to suggest that the People's Association extends the opening hours of its
        101 words
      • 71 22 THE Inland Revenue Department refunded an excess payment of estate duty, without paying interest on the excess payment. It then sent an amended computation showing that the amount refunded was more than what it should be. Interest was calculated on the excess amount refunded. If interest has
        71 words
      • 73 22 WHILE passing Changi Airport recently, I was amazed to see bougainvillaea everywhere. There were no orchids. In school we have been taught that the orchid is Singapore's national flower. What has happened to our national flower? When visitors fly off they will have the impression that
        73 words
      • 159 22 Salesgirl told her to return half hour later IN REFERENCE to the article "Walk-in checks on service in stores" (ST, Sept 9), I would also like to share my views. I was at an emporium recently at about 2.30 pm to purchase face powder from the cosmetics department. When I
        159 words
      • 190 22 Grassy areas are now burnt patches I CANNOT help but comment on the inconsiderate nature of some Singaporeans during the seventh month celebrations. Just look around the housing estates and you will know what I mean. I am of course referring to the indiscriminate burning of incense. This has transformed
        190 words
    • Replies
      • 175 22 Smooth traffic flow at car park entrance PLEASE refer to the letter "Congested entrance" by "Resident" (ST, Aug 5), in which the writer suggested that a new entrance be built at the car park between apartment blocks 165 and 166, Tampines Avenue 2, to ease the congestion at the existing
        175 words
      • 278 22 I REFER to the letter "Is school head aware of this 'revision'?" by "Revision". (ST, Aug 28). I thank the writer for his concern but would like to clarify his misconception about the revision work given to our primary one pupils. The pupils concerned
        278 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 852 22 CELESTIOR H SLI Inumommmr W SL6/SL6OO AWARDS: flKj|£!|^ > Compo Grand Prix 83 85 I (Overseas Category) f____^__a^'l___. -V Components ot tne Year 84 I j Best Buy 84 J^^^^^^^^^^Hk|_J i I Stereo Sound Magazine) WmmMMMMt^gMSamß' AWARD WINNERS! DL4. OL6. DU ft DLIO LOUDSPEAKERS RANGE Derived from world-acclaimed SL6 and
      852 words
    • 202 22 Shima Gourmet Yaldniku (Barbecue) Luncheon Buffet 12pm -2.30pm. _g^ TT _RJ^_____^__ n J s/A hima Restaurant has im w^ __J spread an array V _K__i B__ fc* magnificent Japanese dishes at a ij^L. mMM W m^ mm* ven humble pnce every day at fgHfi^fc tP Shima Gourmet Barbecue Luncheon «™^kL^W__.
      202 words

    • Article, Illustration
      3 23
      3 words
    • 77 23 THE Singapore market yesterday continued its bullish performance, which started on Wednesday, with investors showing interest in blue chips. The Straits Times Industrial Index rose 10.89 points to 777.84, while the Business Times Composite Index shot up 11.8 points to close at 662.09. Trading was active yesterday,
      77 words
    • Chief price changes
      • 12 23 Poking Inv 2,789,000 Pegi Msio 2,351,000 Promet 1,788,000 Raleigh 1,762,000
        12 words
      • 80 23 M Leonf CreAt 605 -4b U 0 I 248 1 4? HK Tn Corp 50c 280 -41 MM 100 50c ?59 27 GElrfe 1275 -?5 NS 1 7?0 a DBS 545 *25 C Properties 4?0 24 DtC Bank 50c 197 .3 MIP 402+24 Sateus Rts 169 -19 Ra_i_i M
        80 words
      • 74 23 Mfcebea 50c 120 68 Roi» fleet 525 -15 Promt 136 -6 MIC 7k 40? 4 Island I Pm 398 4 CASH 250 4 KB Corpn 125 4 Na-uaHUp 93 -3. Aied Choc 245 3 Bousteadco 129 -3 SPr 90-3 Proa 498 2 Sipna Metal 380 -2 C4 C 3?8
        74 words
      • 79 23 Sept 18 Sept 19 Bi Composite 650 29 662 09 BT Indicator *****40 *****41 Bl OB OS *?26 <-253 ST Industrials 766 95 777 84 ST finance 2495 98 2546 38 ST Hotels 735 82 737 15 Sept 18 Sept 19 ST Properties 440 61 450 85 ST Minings
        79 words
      • 33 23 INDICES Highs Lows Straits Times Business Tine! Industrials Composite 1984/85 Htf» 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) 1984/85 Low 717.95 (15/7/85) 631.62 (15/7/85; All-time 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) AStime Low 74.75 (17/9/64) 550.78 (2/8/82)
        33 words
      • 13 23 The US dollar closed at DM 2.9145 in Singapore, gaining nine points.
        13 words
      • 24 23 DM Y FT S S HS US$ ***** ***** ***** Unq 2.2050 7.8170 ***** 2 9145 242 47 8.8800 2 2085 7.8155
        24 words
      • 9 23 la Singapore, gold was at U*****.50 gaining US$O.5O.
        9 words
      • 33 23 Eurodollar: Lost one tick to 91.32 a contract. Deatschemark: Lost one tick to 0.3462 a contract. Japanese yea: Lost 11 ticks to 0.*****2 a contract. Gold: Gained US$O.2O to U*****.30 an ounce.
        33 words
    • Short stops
      • 87 23 HOUSTON, Thurs. Coca-Cola Co has completed national distribution of its Classic Coke. And Cherry Coke has reached 75 per cent of the American market, Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer M. Ivester said. He said the company introduced new soft drinks because volume had been
        Reuter  -  87 words
      • 61 23 PHILADELPHIA. Thurs. The Philadelphia Board of Trade estimated first-day trading volume at 130 contracts yesterday in its national OTC (over-the-counter) index futures, the first futures contract based on an index of OTC stocks. But trading is expected to gain momentum early next week, when prospective traders have
        Reuter  -  61 words
      • 72 23 TOKYO, Thurs. The Bank of Japan, the country's central bank, has no intention of taking measures to curb capital outflows from Japan, Bank Governor Satoshi Sumita said yesterday. Capital outflows were believed to be a factor in the Japanese currencytendency to drift lower. Finance Ministry
        AFP  -  72 words
      • 79 23 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Housing starts in the United States increased 6.2 per cent last month to reach a total of 1.75 million units in annual terms, the Commerce Department announced here yesterday. It was the sharpest hike in five months and came after a decline of 3.2
        79 words
      • 83 23 CANBERRA. Thuts. Australian company tax will be raised to 49 per cent from 46 as part of a package of tax reform measures announced here by Treasurer Paul Keating. The increase will take effect from the financial year beginning next July. But double taxation of
        Reuter  -  83 words
    • 543 23  -  ANQELINE TAN By COLD Storage Singapore and the New Zealand Dairy Board yesterday launched a $27.6 million joint venture company to manufacture, distribute and market dairy products in Singapore and East Asia. The joint venture company, Cold Storage Dairies (Pte) Ltd, will absorb
      543 words
    • 55 23 TOKYO, Thurs. Nippon Steel Corp has won an ordei worth about five billion yen (about SSG6 million) to build an oil terminal in China. The storage and loading terminal will be built at the mouth of the Yellow River to handle oil from the Shengli oilfield.
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 40 23 TAIPEI, Thurs. A trade mission leaves for Indonesia and Malaysia tomorrow to promote sales of machinery and electronic products. The 150-member mission will first visit Indonesia, where Taiwanese trade fairare planned, before travelling to Malaysia. Bernama
      Bernama  -  40 words
    • 573 23  -  ANNE KOH By SINGAPORE investors were promised yesterday they could get the site of their choice in Johor "within a day" of receiving a manufacturing licence to set up there. Mentri Besar Datuk Aiib bin Ahmad gave the
      573 words
    • 398 23 MONEYBROKERS in Singapore have formed an association, but they are saying little about it. Some senior officers In eight moneybroking houses here do not even know the association has been formed. The main aim of the body is believed to be to
      398 words
    • 226 23 OVERHEATED interbank market rates continued to cool yesterday following the Monetary Authority of Singaporedecision to stop buying Singapore dollars. Overnight rates, which hit a high of 120 per cent on Wednesday, was traded between 22 and 60 per cent yesterday. A moneybroker said most deals
      226 words
    • 71 23 MAGNUM Corporation said yesterday the company's share registrars had Identified a number mt share certificates as forged. Um company has advised shareholders aad investors te submit their shares te the company's share registrars ter registration if they have not done so. In a brief statement
      71 words
    • 330 23  -  MATILDA GABRIEL By WOMEN can now buy for their husbands, brothers and boyfriends on a take-first, paylater basis at Printemps. And if the man gets hysterical at the sight of the pink shirts or way-out accessories she has chosen for him, she can
      330 words
    • 4352 24 READERS should be aware of (he limitations of this information. Not every transaction, nor every price dealt in at the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges, is necessarily j covered in "business done". Further because al dealings at a particular price are grouped together, the table
      4,352 words
    • 3398 24 INDUSTRIALS A Choc (2 80S) 0)2 82 (6) 2.80 AISB (1 03S) (556) 105 (832) 1 06 (119) I 07 (215) 1 04 (40) I 03 Alcom 0 048 1 08S) 0) 099 (5) 1,00 (25) 1 01 (8) 1 02 (27) 1 03 (22)
      3,398 words
    • 2903 24 Al shares quoted have a par value ol SI unless otherwise specified Adjusted for scrip/rights N Tan exempted Dividend ABN is traded in lots ol 10 shares each, with the price quoted in dolars. 1985 Last Yield Vol Day H_(h Low Company Sale Chance COOO) H#i
      2,903 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 311 25 1 Mn $1,000 2 For M customer j «_y. 3 OCBC Finance. 4 only avaiable al 08$ Finance. UOF't rates. _w mmmm at UOf also mfetft at 08$ Finance. OCBC OUB UOB DBS I DEPOSIT MTES i Savings: daily 5>4 5M 5 5>4 Monthly 54 Autosave 4 3
        311 words
      • 161 25 Interbank Over the counter Foreign Local dollars to Foreign currency currency one unit of to Sslo foreign currency Australian dollar 1.4970—1.4999 6.80—6.53 Canadian dollar 1.5976—1.5995 6.34—6.16 NZ dollar 1.1614—1.1641 8.77—8.38 Sterling pound 2.9311—2.9346 3.46—3.36 US dollar 2.2080—2.2090 4.59—4.48 Loca) dollars to 100 units of foreign currency Austrian schilling
        161 words
      • 96 25 THE US dollar closed slightly higher against most major currencies at 3 pm yesterday. Against the Singapore dollar, the US dollar closed at 2.2080/90 in quiet and thin trading. It traded within a range of 2.2060 and 2.2110 after opening at 2.2050/30. Against the deutschemark, the greenback opened at
        96 words
      • 91 25 Eurodollar 3-month deposit HEALTHY volume was traded in December Eurodollar as operators positioned themselves for the releases of key economic data. Yesterday's firm Fed fund and good housing starts figures put pressure on the Eurodollar, causing it to open lower than the previous day's close. (100 implied intetvst
        91 words
      • Article, Illustration
        74 25 VOLUME took a dip in the deutschemark pit as operators were apprehensive of economic numbers to be released for the rest of the week. Although the US dollar firmed in the cash market, deutschemark was able to maintain itself above the critical 34.50 support level. (US dollar Deulschemark Open
        74 words
      • 116 25 THE kilobar market traded between 5522,207 and 5522.623 yesterday. The Far East gold market opened in the morning at U*****.80/ 315.20, went up to U*****.10/315.50 and eased off quickly to US$3l4.-0/314_0. In the afternoon, it dropped to U*****.00/ 314.40 on the back of a stronger dollar, then rallied up
        116 words
      • 23 25 GOLD USS/oz Thurs Med Singapore 314.70 315.00 315.00—316.00 Hongkong 315.40—315.90 317.00-317.50 Wed Tues New York 314.80—315.30 316.40 316.90 London 314.00-314.50 317.25-317.75
        23 words
      • 223 25 Managers' prices for Sept 20 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 1 80— 1 91 the Savings Fund 1.35 1.43 S'pore Prog Fund 0 77— 0.82nd S'pore Sec Fund 1.13—1.20 S pore Invest Fund 0 79— 0 84 S pore Equity Fund 0 79-084 DBS Bank Shenton Growth Fund
        223 words
      • 21 25 Ck__f prices mmmm cents Wo Singapore October 164 00 down 0 75 cents Malaysia October 184 50 up one cent
        21 words
      • 19 25 i Tin Oonnj prices MS/Me j Kl Tin 30.05 down two cents Turnover 184 tonnes up 29 tonnes
        19 words
      • 49 25 YEN interest continued to dwindle and the contract nearly suffered the ignominy of zero volume. Trading range was limited to a 2-tick movement. Open High Low Sett Est Vol Dec 0.*****2 0.*****38 0.*****1 0.*****2 6 Mir» 0.*****6 Ju 0.*****2 -> Open Int (Wed): ISI. Act Vol (Wei): 3.
        49 words
      • Article, Illustration
        59 25 THE gold pit was unenthusiastic as many operators had squared off their positions in view of the uncertainty of interest rates and the strength of the US dollar. In VSS per Ttxtv ounce i Open High Lew Sett Est V«l Sept 313.30 Oct 316.20 Dee 319.50 320.408 319.40A 320.40
        59 words
      • 25 25 r r Ctaßg pnces IM Spot *****0-10:300 (1016 00— 1CI7 00) 3 months *****0-1037 00 (1040 00- *****0. Marke! tone Steady Sales 20.800 tonnes
        25 words
      • 23 25 sjfMttf CtMMf pnces USJ troy oi thurs Ned immmma HI 596 bfcb itl Wed lues Mn '9i ,9> Ml 5% \PR t
        23 words
      • 25 25 Cta_f pnces ■M Spot 731 00— 731.50 (*****-*****) 3 months 753 50-754 50 (748 50- 749 00 1 Market tone Steady Sales 18.000 tonnes
        25 words
      • 113 25 Closing pnces palm oil Sept 742 SO i north 740 (south' 746 (central I Oct 740 (southAcentrar IfCuiCtJ pa-nol IBS/tomes RBC palm Sept 370 sellers i Oct 360 (sellers i Nov 362 SO sellers Dec 370 iseHers) RBDOtein Sept 370 (sellers) Oct 36b (sellers) Nov 370 (sellers! Dec
        113 words
      • 310 25 LCL containers unpacked at the cor tamers freight •lation on September 19 (2300) Ships In port is held over doe to pressure on space. LCL Receiving Receiving Ship (Voyage) Arr Cargo Time Block ZimEilal (HE) 209 (1800) F7 0800 1000 B6 Smd Manner (1W0) .209(1800) F7 *****000 U4
        310 words
    • Stock markets round-up
      • 599 25 THE Singapore stock market yesterday continued Wednesday's bullish run to record convincing rises on the two market barometers. The Straits Times Industrial Index jumped 10.89 points to close at 777.84, while the Business Times Composite Index shot up 11.8 points to 662.09. Stocks
        599 words
      • 252 25 Hutchison 25.90 -0.2 InH Gty 088 -001 Jardine Moth 1180 +02 Jardine Sec 13.50 +19 Ka Woh Bank 0.96 +001 KMB 925 -005 Lane Crawford New Town 1.96 +001 New World 7.50 +0.05 Ocean Land Orient Oseas Cont susp Oseos Trust Bank Paul Y 2.25N Regal Hotel 1.288 -001
        252 words
      • 334 25 I Mitsub Estate VBI -8 Mrtsub Heavy 429 -5 Mitsubishi 619 -I Mitsui Co 412 -2 Mitsui Shipbldg 168 +1 Mitsui Smelting 462 -6 Mitsukoshi 675 -5 Mitsumi 680 unch Murota Mfg 1650 unch N_ko Sec 786 -4 N*> Elec 951 -13 N*> Light 241 +1 N*> CW 700
        334 words
      • 309 25 I C I 205 -3 Leighton 118 -2 Lend Lease 600 -24 Magellan Pet Aust 230 unch Mayne Nickless 300 -5 Metals Explor N L 41 Mideast Mim 251 +1 Myer 338 -2 Nat Aust Bank 460 -10 News Corp 680 +10 North Bh 242 +2 Nth Flinders 255S
        309 words
      • 70 25 p I I I U I NST Index Thursday 1252.04 (1238.63) -^S Hongkong Hang Sei^ -ts? Thursday 1563.27 (1563.62) 0L Australian AN-Ordmaries Thursday 943.3 (945.4) Nikkei D 1 Average 1 Thursday *****.99 (*****.66) Financial Times Industrials Wednesday 1000.8 (1002.7) Dow Jones Average g£ Wednesday 1300.40 (1298.16) (Fiiures brackets refer
        70 words
      • 209 25 SMt 18 IBS Chante Goodyeor Tre 27(4 ~v mm e Gurf Res 14% Alcoa 33* -V* Hewlett Pock 33* AHied Chem Cp 42* Intl Busi Moch 127% AK-Chabners 3* unch Intl Harvester 7* Am Tel Tel 20% +W Intl Tel Tel 32* Amax Inc Wm John Jhsn 44
        209 words
      • 522 25 Sept 18 Pence Change MINING INDUSTRIALS Borlowßand 312 -I 0-7B Charter Cons 185 unch Alked-Lyons 278 unch ComGoM 439 -3 Ass. Dairies 136 unch ra BTRPLC 360 -3 6 Bobcocks 138 +1 ZCI ,3 unch Barcloys 372 -2 US$ Beecham 330 unch /^r 12' g^V Ifi Tin Amg<&ZZZ 68
        522 words
    • 145 26 Interest burden deepens losses for Apollo HOTEL operator Apollo Enterprises Ltd has gone deeper into the red because of its "heavy interest burden on investments in project development Group pre-tax operating loss for trie interim period ended June 30 came to $842,000 ($638,000 loss for the same period last year).
      145 words
    • 408 26  -  NORA CHENG By THE listing of Malaysian Airline System on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange before the end of the year could be the green light for future public listings of companies in exportoriented or manufacturing sectors. Sources said the authorities were
      408 words
    • 252 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Malaysian Airline System (MAS) expects to make a sound profit la the 1985/8* financial year, but lt will not be as high as the record M51 3 1.58 far the year to the end of last March. MAS Managing Director, Datuk
      252 words
    • 353 26  -  TONG YOKE THO By THE extra 20 stores added to the Eicon minimart chain last year has meant a lot more business for its main supplier, Provisions Suppliers Corporation. Turnover last year for the corporation, which revived the ailing neighbourhood provision shops with the 125-store
      353 words
    • 367 26 S'pore can make it as countertrade centre, says TDB SINGAPORE has attributes that will help it to develop into a countertrade services centre comparable to London, New York and Vienna. The Trade Development Board's Chief Extxmtive Officer Leong Chee Whye said this at an Asian countertrade conference at the Mandarin
      367 words
    • From the companies desk
      • 83 26 MENTAKAB Rubber Company (Malaya) Bhd's K re-tax profit for the first alf of the year rose 29 per cent to M5282,791, despite a 19 per cent drop in turnover to M5717,367. The higher profit was mainly due to higher investment and other income, which rose from M534,861 to
        83 words
      • 66 26 TEMASYA Development Co Sdn Bhd has been given approval to buy a 34 per cent stake in Overseas Union Insurance (M) Sdn Bhd. Temasya, a 66.06 per cent subsidiary of Petaiing Garden Bhd, will acquire the shares by cash at M51.70 a share. PGB said the proposed acquisition
        66 words
      • 33 26 KIAN Joo Can Factory Bhd has said the proposed purchase of a piece of industrial land beside its existing factory at Batu Caves, Selangor, will not affect this year's profits.
        33 words
      • 48 26 MATSUSHITA Electric Co (M) Bhd has reported a 17.2 per cent fall in group pre-tax profit to M59.6 million on a 9.5 per cent lower turnover of M590.7 million for the first half of the year. Directors do not expect an improvement in the second half.
        48 words
      • 47 26 THE Malaysian Foreign Investment Committee has given approval for Development Securities Sdn Bhd, a 99.6 per centheld subsidiary of Sateras Resources (Malaysia) Bhd, to take a 55 per cent stake in Mabe Properties Sdn Bhd, a joint venture with Mesjid Negeri (Sarawak) (Charitable) Trust Board.
        47 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 191 23 Mmmgmmt^mmmmm Biir_|^&_-____l Wmmmjm^ made in England __H Waa >%< "^IB _m__F __l __m ''^mmW I mmw^ ___■_> 7 Wp MMMM, \k <•»•••• .--£j»****~ '^mm^^m^^mMMMMMMMMMMMMmJV^i m m C^m _MlS_M_i_lwl l_ _P mrmmMMMMMMMj/ K^Q-^ V_K_^ .<k Dealers: Super Heater Centre (0105) Tel: *****4/*****3 Universal Heater Company 1 542) Tel *****62 *****82 Supreme
      191 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 196 24 NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF DAIWA SECURITIES CO. LTD. (Daiwa Shoken Kabushikj Kaisha) 5%% Convertible Bonds Due 1996 (the "1996 Bonds") and 5%% Convertible Bonds Due 1998 (the "1998 Bonds") Pursuant to Condition 5 (CKxii) of the Terms and Conditions of the above-mentioned Bonds, notice is hereby given as follows:
      196 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 296 26 'A first rate reputation. It means the world to^ps!' Stuart Fowler Westpac's global network of offices Chief General Manager, /^Thi_|___^^ countries to serve Corporate International. f\ our clients better. Today *From my perspective Im\ f*l can deliver a comprehensive reputation is everything. I can't M 6#% W\^\ I ran g
      296 words
    • 102 26 NEAR SYDNEY N.S.W. AUSTRALIA CAMDEN IMPORTANT RURAL PROPERTY! "POND-CHERRY" <aJ__L ».%jH Hi*. THE NORTHERN ROAD. 315 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED 4 TITLES ESTABLISHED DEER A THOROUGHBRED COMPLEX Homestead 2 Cottages Workers quarters Stables, yards, fully enclosed deer shed fencing Approx 17 paddocks Particularly well watered, huge dams Selectively cleared established pasture.
      102 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 720 27 ******66 I 2 Eating Out FOR QUICK LUNCN 4 Reservation, visit Lal Wah Restaurant: 377C. Jalan Besar (Aircond). Tel: *****00/ *****94. Branch: (Blk. 44) 1436 Bendemeer Road (Aircond). Tel: *****60/ *****61 CAROL'S GOODIES. For authentic Malaysian Meals. Open Dally 9am- 10pm. 32 Greenwood Ave. Tel: *****42. Party catering avail. 3
      720 words
    • 525 27 12 Computer Products/ 12 Computer Products/ Services Services Before you become a Computer Dragon. LOOK OUT FOR THE RIGHT PARTNER YOUR BETTER HALF TO COMPUTING! PX-SERIES jm DUAL-DISPLAY MODE INTENSITY (FOR IBM) JP jma COMPLETE WITH Wf TILT/SWIVEL BASE Model! available: PX-II (640 x 240), PX-IV (720 x 240), PX-22
      525 words
    • 403 27 14 Antiques/ Arts/Crafts r ™*.NT PERFECTION ANTIQUE BONANZA An invitation to "KiH Two Birds With A Stone" at Parkway Parade Old stock clearance at "give-away" prices, Speclal -un^nuqueprices on our wide selection of beautiful "J™* a"lved" shl PItems iMliKte- Antique blackwood fur- KrS.n°H?l niahing Rosewood design furni- Beautiful porcelain decoraUve
      403 words
    • 473 27 18 Homo Furniture/ 18 Homo Furniture/ 18 Homo Furniture/ 18 Homo Furniture/ Furnishing j Furnishing Furnishing Furnishing (Ivtmrnmam.*'**^' r ojV, mA W^^ m On presentation of your HDB a WA aa ~^m\ coupons will be distributed free, MAmL ■fimK** m\ vtAmi WA mrMLWM **Wr^ house-owners who receive their «Mmm BMBbP^W
      473 words
    • 225 27 22 Stamps/Coins HAPPY PHILATELIC AGENCY, 81--51/ 52 Golden MUe Tower, Beach Rd. S'pore 0719. Offer widest, largest range of stamps, coins, banknotes. Fair price assured. Write ror rree stamps plus 48 pages Illustrated catalogue 31 only $1.00. Tel: *****44, *****20. 24 Garage Solo CLEARANCE SALE, 1 Olivetti Copier, 2 office
      225 words
    • 364 27 TELEPHONE SERVICE: RATES CLASSIFICATION CUIDE: Monday Friday 900am to 5.00pm Ordinary: $5 00 per line (Mtn $15 00) I Food/Entertainment (2 —5) Saturday 8.30am to 2.00pm < nam m. »a\ deadline for the Sunday Times) Semi-display: $20.00 per col. cm Personal Services /Marcnanaiee( 11 am, Public Holiday 9.00am to I.oopm
      364 words
    • 615 27 25 Sale: Other Products SALE BV TENDER 1983 paper cutting machine, Adast Maxima cutter. Personal Computer 8801MKII. with 20% of bid prtoo payable toi MALAYAN FINANCE CORPN. (8) LTO 1 Phillips Sir., #81-81 Cho Building Singapore 0104. For viewing, please call: •*****, Was Pang/ Mdm LC. Oak. Deposits from aH
      615 words
    • 641 27 LAm^AaS V Wm D mW W Business opportunity for w building/renovation cons' tractors. Chock clsssifiIL cation 57 for a now floor B* material which fools and E looks like wood. 24 Garage Sale 24 Garage Sale 30 Hairdressing INEVITABLE STOCK CUAR ANCE! Js-^^/ 10am -10pm daily \|M*ggpi Thousands of oriental
      641 words
    • 544 27 OIRECT FROM I Far East Plaza, I smgaporaww** B YRD-ANDREW UNISEX SALON (models wanted for our advanced students on weekdays only). As we are having 2 more hair shows, today 20/9/85 A Saturday 21/9/85. appoint ments made in advance will be much appreciated ByrdAndrew, Tan-Teddy. Ng-Audrey Yeo-Agatha in attendance 7
      544 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 656 28 30 Hairdressing 30 Hairdressing 30 Hairdressing Mmma f #05 21 t0 23- Funan Centrß Singapore 0617. Tel: *****48 (3 lines) *u~ x# #02-17 to 19, Rocy Square, Ife Singapore 1542. TW: *****22. *****33 ■MT J #04-m Pearl Centre, L t* Singapore 0105 iKaT?"* KBC^l J*%MmjlE LG- 022 0 23 Sun
      656 words
    • 505 28 ALUMINIUM AWNINGS Hfl ll m^W*"*^ '^^^S mmMk^^A^W W^^^ m***^WWHKKtm *KEEP OFF RAIN SUN *EXTR A AREA FOR ♦PROTECT VOUR USAGE, SUCH AS FURNITURE GARAGE, KITCHEN, *ADD MORE VALUE PLAYGROUND, ETC. TO VOUR PROPERTY CO., PTE. LTD. 4*^^^!^ 39H. hantfi Koad. S.H km. Singapore I+4l. PiHl Tel: *****24 3^*****, JbliHL (Wholesaler
      505 words
    • 322 28 SENQ CHYE ELECTRICAL Engineering Installation provides Installation re-wiring for res., commercial St industrial premises. Tel: *****62. UNIQUE ALUMINIUM. GRILLES at $8 p.s.f. regd. amplimesh, sliding doors/ windows. We undertake changing of old windows. Enquiry *****07, Mon. Sun., anytime. WELL-MARK ALUMINIUM, SLIDING doors/ windows, amplimesh regd. HDB grilles. $8 p.s.f. Changing
      322 words
    • 862 28 37 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators Ability in helping any ef your problems AIRCOND./ FRIDGE SERVICES 24 hrs. Islandwids Service cen solve aH problems ol servicing, repairing/ respraying of aH refrigerators and airconditioners in our workshop/ your place. Guaranteed. 2nd hand fridge available, single door $100 $200, twin door $200 $350. Free delivery.
      862 words
    • 825 28 49 Packing/ Storage/ Delivery/Removal CHEAP RATE FOR all types of transportation services. We specialise in household, office St piano removal. Responsible, careful workers and effective team leader provided. .We are always at your service St open 7-day a week from 7.00am 10.00pm. Please call: *****12/ *****30. Tong San Removal Servlce.T
      825 words
    • 696 28 55 Commorcial Vessels CARGO SPACE AVAILABLE FOR •MJARA/ BRUNEI/ LABUAN For general cargos, equipment St machinery. Scheduled date for sailing: 3rd week of September "85. Enquiries: KIAN THYE SHIPPING PTE LTO Tel: *****72 Telex: RS ***** RTREAL 56 Industrial Equipment/ Supplies FOR SALE 3,000 PIECES Lightweight concrete slabs for HOB
      696 words
    • 834 28 57 Business Opportunities FOR DEPENDABLE A QUALITY MANPOWER SRI LANKAN MANPOWER SUPPLIER TO MIDDLE EAST 4 OTHER COUNTRIES OVERSEAS TRUST AGENCY Manpower Recruitment Consultants Labour Licence No. 478 Mail 55, Sangatnitta Mawatta Colombo- 13, Sri Lanka P.O. Box 2126, Colombo, Sri Lanka Cable: "OSEASTRUST" Colombo, Sri Lanka Telex: ***** *****,
      834 words
    • 586 28 58 Other Business 58 Other Business Products/ Services Products/ Services "I AN I T INCOME UMBRELLA 60% more in value at a lower cost Gives you a large fSTI e insurance iSHSI protection at a MMsMf^yMiMT low cost in w writ: throughout your t TEL: *****11 i life. \J EXT.
      586 words
    • 575 28 i< El SI G te P e: M fr C! W ri •A Ti •A ni di Gi B G. E) m hc 25 FK di Oil Y( LP pa wc 221 Wl tei •y X a 65 Situations Wanted MAJESTIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICES C-0638-01 Well-trained foreign maids available. Reasonable package
      575 words
    • 557 28 86 Situations Vacant: Mwwt^-uwa^a^AMmM^/ Executive s ummmw uuu uu Ipufii H SKILLTEK seeks DO mLmmm* OAmmmmtt *m aendidaisb oimtarmtm m with eKperienoe in tme* G oA/am and oonfltfweaaa Q and contr ect positions >■ D tor oun biii and futura t OIL/GAS ANO CONSTRUCTION UNE O *CIiyUIBB(S O •Oaitfn and
      557 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 634 29 70 Situations Vacant 70 Situations Vacant- 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: 70 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: 71 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Sales Sales Sales Sales Selee Clerical Clerical Clerical Clarical Clerical ===^=«^k fl kV\l WILSON <
      634 words
    • 313 29 ¥M COMPUTER-FORMS TOPPAN MOORE invites applications for the post oft CORRESPONDENCE CLERKS e GCE A' level with credit ln English. e Accurate typing. e I—2 years' working experience. Attractive remuneration for the right candidate. Please submit full personal resume together with a non-returnable passport-sized photograph to: The Manager COMPUTER-FORMS TOPPAN
      313 words
    • 537 29 DHL International, the market leader in inter- national courier service jE with over 550 stations in more than 152 coun- tries, invites applica- tions for the following H position: Receptionist Pleasant and outgoing E personality •GCE Xy level with good command of English 1 Able to operate PABX s switchboard
      537 words
    • 855 29 fi Our group el companies ****r applicant lor Mm post o»: CREDIT CONTROLLER Minimum 2 years* experience In credit control and collection. Knowledge of legal procedures preferred. Ability to deal with clients efflctenUy. Ability U> work independently without supervision. Possess own transport. Ability to speak English. Mandarin and dialects. Interested
      855 words
    • 595 29 TRADING CO. REQUIRES a Female General Clerk with accounts knowledge. Speak a write English. Pis. call personally on Sat, 21st Sept '85 (Ipm to spm) at Blk 5081 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2, #01-1396. WHOLESALE TRADING FIRM requires a Clerical cum Accounts Clerk. Some experience preferred. Salary $550. Please
      595 words
    • 974 29 Ai«i|m«— j Authorized M Dealer M JX computers H Typewriters H LEADERS IN DIRECT SALES DISTRIBUTION I WE BELIEVE IN SINGAPORE I COME GROW WITH US PERSONAL COMPUTER SALES PERSONS I We require candidates with selling experience in personal computers and allied H products. Candidates must have a deep personal
      974 words
    • 616 29 WA dynamic and aggressive organisation hold^ ing sole agency lines for reputable electronic V find nousciioiQ Applumccs fcqiiifcs: \\Wk GCE 'O' level However A' level preferred Age above 25 years I Matured pleasant personality j Strong determination and drive Possess a car I Write in with contact tel. no. and
      616 words
    • 578 29 male/ mama Wamtammmm\a\ a siwt coroof wim oor coin pony offers you ffw opportunity lo ooro pis vont fiioco i non oouDfo litis If you are between 28 fc 45 years old. possess enthusiasm, determination ana capacity for hard work, we can offer you a guaranteed income Only those who
      578 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 535 30 71 Situations Vacant: Sales PART-TIME SALES REPS, required for sales of fast moving products UUlian PVC folding doors). A 4- figure income is assured for those witUng to work hard. Interested call *****18 PRINTING COMPANV REOUIRES Female Sales Representatives. Altrac'.ive salary commission, flexible working hrs. Apply personally at Ti ng
      535 words
    • 863 30 72 Situationa Vacant: 72 Situationa Vacant: Technical Technical M PUTRA PUTRA WATERA m TREATMENT M I WATER I pte LTD V'. maaaammaimmmaa** Wa'l^fe immediate vacancies for h griHlßii BMPfiHfisnn MMfclallWlWlfc Wl ■llwlWII PUB Licenced Bactrtgian e^^ Minimum 5 years experience in installation of Class 3 driving licence s FIFPTDWIAM r
      863 words
    • 572 30 73 Situationa Vacant: 73 Situationa Vacant: 73 Situationa Vacant: Production Production Production Ifyou have completed Secondary 4 education (English stream) you can earn up to FVffi&l P m ter mont^ s Benefits: S-day work week 2 increments a year 2-way transport from Attractive medical designated pick-up points and hospitalization a
      572 words
    • 397 30 74 Situations Vacant: Wa require Pleasant personality Experience required. Attractive Salary and Oood Working Hours. w3Xur INDONESIAN RESTAURANT 178, Orchard Road. #04-17/18,Centrepoint, Singaporo 0923. Call personally between 9.30am Hamor 3pm Opm Ship chandling/ Transportation company requires the following: A) RUNNERS With good experience to board vessels B) DELIVERY CLERKS With
      397 words
    • 779 30 74 S it uat ions Vacant: Requires: WAITRESSES < Interested please call: Honlon Garden Restaurant 220, Wast Coast Way, Ground Flr., nana Lang Garden Shopping Centre Off Upper Ayer Rajah Rd., Singapore 0512. Tel: *****87/8 WANTEO 1. DELIVERY CLERK a For despatch ft general office work. 2. GENERAL CLEANER (lor
      779 words
    • 682 30 81 Vehicles For Hire *sfm Ton, ORB-NT CAR LEASBW PTE LTD WEEKEND SPECIAL 1300 CC. $130 1800 CX. $150 CißicMih. Friday 4.00pm mmwm Monday 10.00am DAILY SPECIAL OFFER 1300 cc. $50 per day ICOO ex. 800 per day 2000 cc. $80 per day 8-seater mini bus $80 per day. 13-
      682 words
    • 705 30 83 Vehicle Financing/ 88 Vehfcie financing/ Inaurance Insurance MltTfastwithFOCL Prompt processing of applications Attractive interest rates 12 months 5% flat 24 months 5V4% flat 36 months 5V2% flat 48 months 6% flat Up to 90% financing H Call 533-3737 today j HM FORWARD OVERSEA ■SI CREDIT LIMITED I ISI 65
      705 words
    • 705 30 %X7 Ka** Uari>uiu Or POT MN, HMrCWQeS S8 MERCEDES BENZ 200 Private owner. Car no: 46. Aircon. radio cassette, sports rims, tax 12/85, $37,300 *****29 1974 MERCEDES BENZ 230.6 air con., power steering, immaculate cond $3,800 only *****89 1878 MERCEDES 288. Beautiful cond. PARF. S/rims, radio/ cassette. $24,000 Tel: *****63
      705 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 973 31 99 For Sals: Datsun/Nisaan 1 OWNER. BEAUTIFUL. 79, Datsun 120Y GL. Aircon., 1 yr. tax, radio. cassetu. new metallic paint. PARF. $9,800. Loan $6,000. *****22. 1975 OATSUN STATIONWAGON. Aircon, radio cassetu. passed inspection. Ux March '86, good cond. $4,500. *****37. SB OATSUN MSA. private owner, accident free, good cond. Price
      973 words
    • 1085 31 99 For Sale: Toyota •81, TOVOTA CELICA XT. Seldom used Oood cond. 1 owner. Highest offer secures. Call *****14. '82. CARINA 1.8 Auto. Aircon s/rims. Beautiful cond. $16,800. Tel: *****19. SB OCT. BLUISH Orey Carina 1 owner. Auto gear aircon. Oood cond. Best offer secures. *****13 •82 TOVOTA CRESSIOA GL.
      1,085 words
    • 896 31 92 For Sale: Mazda MAZDA RX7 1983 $36,000. Interested Ul *****65/ 6. i^ b^^m 93 For Sale: Honda ALMOST 78 HONDA Accord 1600. WhiU colour. 3-door. Aircond., sUreo cassetu radio. Tax till 1/86. Tip top beautiful condition. Price $10,600. Tel: *****06 Mr. Kow/ after 6pm. Ul: *****6a ALMOST SI HONDA
      896 words
    • 977 31 94 For Sale: Other Makes 78, LANCIA GAMMA Coupe 2500. 1 pte. owner. Showroom condition. Very low mileage. Leather interior, sports wheels, stereo system, new Ux. Best offer secures. View 47, Scotts Road, #01-06, Goldbell Towers, S'pore 0922. FIAT 131 MIRAFIORI 78, PARF eligible, beautiful condition. Tax till December. H.P.
      977 words
    • 1132 31 95 For Sale: 95 For Sale: 97 Vehicles Wantad Commercial Commercial Vehicles I Vehidee WILLING TO PAY good price for BBSSaBESE^M^SSBaaSS quality used cars. Reasonable offers to: Mr. Koh, *****77. i 8M SERVICE CHARGE Only! We m m can seU your car fast at maxltW m m -W^M-WLiMMt^MMM^B^m] mum price.
      1,132 words
    • 627 31 96 Sale/Wanted: Motor Cycles/Scooters KAWASAKI GPZ SM. April '82. Oood cond. With accessories. Red colour. $3/100. Pis. contact *****67 (off.)/ *****54 (home). MBX 125 FB-PLATE, new insurance It rd. tax, $1,300 0.n.0. Yamaha RD3SO AY -plate $1,700 0.n.0. *****80, noon to 9.30pm. EB PLATE, HONDA XL 125R Seling low. ConUct
      627 words
    • 389 31 iuo rropeny Financing WXWImWWMmW r *I.AMM\ amMMAmtm m\ m^ w*^^^^ Wm CALL *****92 *****66 FOR DETAILS tm^^mK^m^^M^^W mr n^ _^h- a Wm m SOUNO a SECURE |\_q«fei^;fejPost'office. APQOis ±M 106 Accommodation Available: Houses Namly Crescent J District 1026 I Fully furnished well I I maintained luxurious I 1 2-storey bungalow
      389 words
    • 780 31 Available: Housoe Available: Houses URBAN DEVELOPMENT ft MANAGEMENT CO PTE LTD (UDMC) PROPERTIES TO LET Tenders are invited for the letting of the following unfurnished residential properties: ALEXANDRA PARK/ TENDER DEPOSIT GILLMAN ESTATE (REFUNDABLE) (1) 2A Bury Road $800/Single Storey, brick construct (newly renovated) (2) 2B Bury Road $800/ Single
      780 words
    • 731 31 D.21 CLEMENTI PK. d/storey bungalow. Huge gdn. Well-kept. 5 bdrms., store, servant's. $2,800 Standard Properties *****11. OA HONO LEONG Gdn. corner terr. 3+ l bdrms., 5,100/ 1200 sq.ft. Newly renovated, p/furn. Tel: *****03, no agts. GALLOP ROAD H'SE. (pool) 5/ servant's, patio. 88,000/ $13,000. White H'se./ Ridley Park (pool) $6,000.
      731 words
    • 478 31 Available: asnaaaaaaaaaaaanMßßß ArdmoraPsrtc $3,600 Allsworth Park $2,500 Astridville $3,500 Beverly Hilt $7,500 Beverly Mai $3,500 Calmhill Plaza $3,500 Centrepoint $2,000 Clementi Parte $1 ,300 Caimhill Heights 1 .600 Charming Garden $3,000 Draycott Tower $4,000 Elizabeth Heights $3,000 Fontana Heights $6 000 Grangetord $2,500 Honolulu Tower $5,500 Hillcrest Arcadia $3,200 Nassim
      478 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 389 32 ~==gßS= =^===^^^=1-^=^ K==SS==SS== 2=SS=S9aB9HBB99BaRES 107 Haaaa—a •a—i 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 100 Arcommodatlon 110 aunainmiiilalinn Available: Available: Available: Available: Available: Available: Available: Available: Available Rooms Wanted: ApaHmanlß Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments Apailments Apartments M hmamaamt 1- I Pyr\ domestic
      389 words
    • 456 32 Along Holland Rd and next to Botanic Gdn Quality homes 3 bdrms. plus servant's rm. plus guest toilet The most beautifully landscaped Condominium Very private and quiet environment Big swimming pool, tennis court and children playground Pleaae call: OJ SMALL DEVELOPMENT Brand new tastefully design 3/4 bdrms apartment/ mals. Split-level
      456 words
    • 665 32 'It's o holiday comp atmosphere. We made friends the first weekend around the poollgil The expat community makes us mi!W\^m\^i^A^^^ feel really at home We also enjoy J- JmrW£!—A_ friendly country club amenities. \j a? r rfrS*r* excellent Orchard Road location. \r/ J&LrK) good management and security. fm\u?AmmWrLy^ MS Why
      665 words
    • 719 32 WSM ON ODN. most sought after 4+l bdrms luxurious apt with full condominium facilities. High flr. $4,500. DRAYCOTT TSIR. prestigious 3 bdrms with panoramic view, next to Tanglin/ American Club. $3,700. GRANGEFORD. 3 bdrms, low flr. with full country club facilities. $3,100. HARVEST REALTY PTE LTD *****8(8 Mm) TS, FARMER
      719 words
    • 987 32 LOW MSE CONDO. D.lO Duchess Pk. $3,000, Watten Est. Condo T/hse $2,500, Mt. Roste Odn. $3,800. Espana $3,500. Tanglin HUI Condo $3300. Full facilities. Vanda *****18. OXLEY ROAD. S bedrooms. Walk-up. Newly renovated, marble flooring, toilets, kitchen, new furnishings, aircon., lightings. $1,200 p.m. Agents welcome. Tel: *****55. PANDAN VALLEY 3-bedroom
      987 words
    • 953 32 D.ll NEW APT. Convenient to Orchard It Bt Timah. 4+l bdrma, attached baths. Split-level, 2,500 sq.ft. $1,600. Exquisite: *****14. D.ll SHELFORD ND. 4+l bdrms. F/furn. Fully aircond. Marble/ parquet flooring. S/pool, playground. $2,800. Tel: *****88. D.12 BOON TECK Twr. brand new apt 3 bdrms* 1,776 sq.ft F/furn. S/pool. $1,500 p.m.
      953 words
    • 966 32 D.lO M .BBTUA CT walk-up apt. 3 bdrms.. well kept.. S/pool/ 1 squash. *****. Kenwood *****16 O.IS, RIDGEWOOD LIHOLIHO. 3 bdrms. Furn. Condo. facilities. 1,600 sq.ft $2300. *****27/ *****26. D.ll GOLDHILL TWRS., high flr. F/furn., 3 bdrms., unobstructed view. 82.2M) 0.n.0. Tel: *****44. D.ll HBJLPARK TOWMME furn. 3 bdrms. Serene
      966 words
    • 949 32 8 FULLY FURNISHED rooms, *acl with attached bathroom, a vaiiable in 2-bedroom apartment tr Beach Road, near Shenton Way/ Marina City/ Raffles Ceitre Own kitchen, entrance and other faciliUes. Rent $860 per room Phone owner: *****60 OUKT APT. AT Hougang Centra of a respectable tutor. Pull btarc It lodging to
      949 words
    • 581 32 ***MmmMmm\MWMmMmmWM*mmMMmmm% newlv mmmmm jap. couples ram 1 ap^. iii d.3. 0, 10, 11, i5 ExcelleM cc. lease Tel *****1 3/ *****57 SMALL FAMILY URGENTLY rej .Vrm./ 4-rm HDB fiat Any toca* tion Owners tel *****73 Mr LiM I a«BM— BBBBMBBEMI^i WMitftH' Rooini aaaaBMBMMHS^B^ME^I RMS./FLATS/APTS./tt'aas wanted mmamtamla. Fast response M* sured.
      581 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1286 33 113 For Sale: mamm 113 For Ssls: mamm 113 For Sato: Houses *y/A^ H^V Js /m wL\ SUNRISE VIIIA Jl^^B) .^M*m****m. Viorhn^nnaraa I YO CHU KAWG ROAD yio unu r\ang area. r jm^ T ~mnr3Mm\\\\- Near Yio Chu Kang and U \jQgH^^Jl •S2g MLL Ang Mo Kio MRT stations. \l\
      1,286 words
    • 1734 33 113 For Ssls: Houses 113 For Sale: Houses I PHILIPS I H A\/I?IVTTF Our 2-storey split-level H gl At JCil^l MmJAvZi terrace house is enough 1| §s|rT yo/ X\ to satisfy your family'schanging H I S&A needs taste. Special enough to H I A?/ >^>^ nwet your greatest expectations H
      1,734 words
    • 704 33 113 For Sale: Houses D.S WEST COAST Vicinity. Double storey terr. 3 1 rms. 1600 sq.U. 1380.000. *****42 (agt). ENG KONG GDN. 2/storey Seml-D. 3.300 sq.ft. $440,000 0.n.0. F'hold. Uniwest *****15/ *****47. ENG KONG d/storey terr./ semi-d. Land 2200/ 3300 sq.ft. Terrazzo/ parquet flr. 296-6666. FABER DRIVE. RENOVATED 2/storey seml-d.
      704 words
    • 685 33 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Privets Apartments Apartments Apartments 37-storey Seaview Apartments Panoramic View of Picturesque I Surroundings! Stands on a hill top overlooking the sea I Luxurious Style Residences! Relaxed and Joyous Living I THfrJtfft i-• S^HsF Low Interest Rates -uan*' I i
      685 words
    • 163 33 DIST.9 BRAND NEW apartment for sale. 3 bedrooms with 2 toilets. Approx 1,200 sq.ft. near future MRT station at Dhoby Ghaut. Very ideal for small working family. Only $340,000 Tel *****63 Miss Foo. HIGH FLR. SELEGIE Ctr. 890 sq.ft 2 bdrms. 2 baths attached, living/ dining, kitchen, ceramic tiles/ parquet
      163 words
    • 160 33 DIST.I9 VALENCIA NEW walk-up apts. with pool. 1711 sq.ft with 3 bdrms. Only $350,000. Beautiful finishes with matching kitchen cabinets breakfast counter Excellent Privacy $120 maintenance fee only. Neo Corporation. *****22. TERESA VILLE. LUXURIOUS condo. in d15t.0316. Lower Delta Rd. 4 bdrms. 2025 sq.ft 3rd flr with pool, clubh se..
      160 words
    • 1006 33 114 For Sale: Private Apartments SELECTED GOOD BUYI! D9 Far East Mans 1,500 sq ft $228,000 D.5 Hong Leong Gdn 1210 sq.ft 8277,000. D£ Hin Seng Gdn 1736 sq.ft $348,000 Asia 273-3333 X 30 DIST. CAIRNHILL Plaza Hlgl. floor *****)00/- worth of impor ted furniture $550,000/- Tel: *****68/ *****10 Angelica.
      1,006 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 805 34 114 For Solo: Private 114 For Solo: Privato Apartments Apartments Sale I I Of Properties By I Public Auction I To Be Held At No 6 Cecil Street #02-04. H People's Insurance Building, on Thursday, mm H 26th September 1985 at 3.00 p.m. H H Particulars 2 storey Detached Bungalow
      805 words
    • 931 34 114 For Solo: Privato 114 For Solo: Private Apartments Apartments JiibiktimAjiarUTimtPrest^kjusHousirg hibiUii i Apann CM "i•im Dl lubtaion Apartment isalsoweH a cfctingushed ten >rf t -i, ,n^ equipped wtih Modi situated al Akyab Road cfetnet II3OH offers Block I wth 17 JsmSSourt swthncbse JSSTfWttng H«* faaßMes tv piDxamj to MK!
      931 words
    • 745 34 116 For Solo: HDB Apartments 5 ROOMS UMTS A.M. Klo Blk. 520, 437 $132,000. Bedok Blk. 413 $135,000. Toa Payoh Blk. 224 $110,000. 4 ROOMS UNITS Bedok Blk. 707, 427 $88,000; Blk. 65 $83,000. A.M. Klo Blk. 503 $78,000. Marine Parade Blk. 64 $47,000. TRIPLE ACE *****02/7 5-RM: A.M. Kio
      745 words
    • 950 34 116 For Sale: HOB Apartments A.M. KK) 4-RM. (pure). Ceramic, kitchen-ceramic/ cabinet. $83,000 0.n.0. Wind: *****53. A.M. KIO 5-RM., 81k.622., high flr. Fully furn. Terrazzo. $128,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****22, Mrs. Yang. ANO MO KK) 3-rm. L-shape corner. Near market, all terrazzo, cabinets. $55,000 0.n.0. *****62. BEAUTIFUL MARINE PARADE 3room, all
      950 words
    • 461 34 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments 4-RM. BLK-36 BEDOK South, high flr. Well maintained. $70,000. Windsor Properties *****41 4 RM. HOUGANG $68,000/ T. Payoh $70,000/ Sims Drive $77,000/ Marine Drive $82,000/ *****65. 4-RM. HEW GENERATION in Marsillng Drive. Fully furnished. $66,000 0.n.0. Tel: *****51 Mr. Lim. 4-ROOM CORNER, TOA Payoh North,
      461 words
    • 643 34 117 Properties Wanted 117 Properties Wanted 117 Properties Wanted f i i FAR EAST ORGANIZATION I DEVELOPMENT I I SITES WANTED Far East Organization is looking for development sites in the city area or suburbs of. Singapore for development of high-rise and low-rise condominiums, flats, bungalows I semi-detached or terrace
      643 words
    • 271 34 lit Factory Spaces 118 Factory Spaces Flatted Factories suitable for light industrial activities for rent Locations: Kolam Ayer Industrial Park (Kallang Way) Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate Kallang Basin Industrial Estate Kampong Übi Industrial Estate (off Paya Lebar Road) Bedok Industrial Estate Ang Mo Kio Industrial Estate Note: Small upper floor
      271 words
    • 756 34 lit Factory Spec— FOR LEASE UNION CENTRE I 4th tot* storey: "I 7,000t0 Newly compteteo 6 stoiey bght industrial budding at Jalan Penwnpe"> 2 cargo hfts ot 4.000 Kk. t. passenger lifts of 2 500 IM loading Bonding compiled to government CTTV regulations complete with lire protection system Standby generator
      756 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 472 35 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ 119 Warehouses/ 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 121 For Rent: 124 For Rent: 124 For Rent: 124 Fer RentStorage Spaces Storage Spaces Storage Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces Shop Spaces Shop Spaces Shop tpanas I J^L i-TH BUILDING
      472 words
    • 274 35 HJM M I B^^B aMa A^m\ For Lease ML^. -f—_ M.. .a -a, i i I pm^mtma^^m inpkultt. Loading/unloading bays for 1 2 container trucks Heavy duty cargo lifts of 4,500 kg with clear opening of 3m x 2.5m and landing directly onto the loading/ unloading deck Flexible layout to
      274 words
    • 360 35 121 For Rent: Office Spaces f SHENTON WAY PRIME OFICE SPACE AND FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR LEASE Rent Negotiable Ring Rosalind I *****61 I OFFICES: 2.000 SQ.FT. TO 5,000 SQ.FT. ORCHARO ROAD Cathay Building Faber House Liat Tower Ming Court Hotel Orchard Plaza Orchard Towers Singapore Shopping Centre Shaw House Shaw
      360 words
    • 417 35 mammam. n n i jIRJ II ll I mmmm^aaa.^mmmmmmmmmmmmammaam.maaaaaaaa V mamammm***aaammmmm^ m n m—mmmaaamammmm \I\XHIIIUI Mo V/UllVf£lllCllu£. ii fS/ m yi,'-. m r^nni^nliiiilii iiMlLul'Lii-ilI j-LiljJjLL/*'Prt Office apace rKnTUrrrnnn^ Amr I m'^ m^______T^^£__-4A___~^^^^^-. mm^mmmtamM I l\\mlnUUiin!TTnTTTtt>^_ Amm^t *A^ WWtWIBPM VI tmaatt f^| ffmQ Sf INI fUUU anoiwiHtßa i^wuiMmUUUUiTT^ outlets kAMtmmmt shop
      417 words
    • 228 35 Office space for rental Areas range between 560 and 2000 sq.ft. at attractive rates. For immediate V occupation, contact: J Vv *****2 yj Y.K. Soo*// mmßmam mai office space FOR IMMEDIATE RENT ON HIGH FLOOR FAR EABT SHOPPING CENTRE Office area 363 Sll aqJt. available. ORCHARO SHOPPING CENTRE Office space
      228 words
    • 770 35 GOLDEN MBjE TWR. 7th flr. Area 8,158 sq.ft. Outside CBD. Facing sea a city. ConvenienUy situated above carpark level. Reasonable rental. Owners: *****22. ORCHARD RD. WELL maintained office building, good working environment, 3200/ 6200 sq.ft. Partitioned and carpeted. $2.50 0.n.0. incl. Boomtlmes *****00 PRIME OFFICE SPACES in Robinson Rd. suitable
      770 words
    • 469 35 123 For Sale: Shop Spaces 2 Shop Units in Chinatown area. Proximity to MRT, People's fturk Complex. Good Parking facilities Good for retail business. Leasehold Going at only S$ 150,000 and *****,000 CaU: 221 0915 or 221 8780 FOR BALE 2 ADJOINING SHOP UMTS AT PENINSULA PLAZA e Approx area
      469 words
    • 378 35 I' FAR EAST PLAZA 1 H The prominent prime Shopa H H with ample Opportunities for setting H up new businesses H __y Located at Singapore s most thriving and busiest Orchard Road Scotts Road junction Between Goodwood Park Hotel Hyatt Hotel H with many tourists m Forms a golden
      378 words
    • 213 35 I SUPREME HOUSE GROUND FLOOR SHOP FACING PENANG ROAO 1492 sq.ft. (138 6m2) SHOPSPACE 255 sq ft (23 7m2) i 393 sq ft (36 5m2) I 496 sq ft (46 4m2) 510 sq ft (47.4m2) OFFICE SPACE 574 sq.ft (53 38m2) 700 sqft. (65.1 m2) 2165 sq.ft (201 13m2) MEDICAL
      213 words
    • 722 35 PRIME LOCATION SHOP SPACES FOR RENT GOLOEN LANDMARK Shops 239 -1152 sqft LUCKY PLAZA Shops 261 667 sq ft FAR EAST PLAZA Shops 33 IMI sqft. CUPPAGE PLAZA Shops 228 3199 sqft. ORCHARO PLAZA Shops 2 If) 639 sqft. FAR EAST SHOPPING CENTRE Shops W> 1561 sqft. BEAUTY WORLD PLAZA
      722 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 367 36 127 Other Reel Estate 127 Other Real Estate r WANTED LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT A well established real estate developer wishes to purchase land for development or for joint venture development. Owners or agents with land suitable for commercial or residential development, please contact Mr Wee. TEL: *****31 with full particulars
      367 words
    • 287 36 "Tlhailand FANTASY Deluie Accommodation Al meals provided Programmes include sighlseemg:Bangkok. Magic Land. Rose Garden. Floating Market. Crocodile Farm. Pattaya. Coral Island. Ayudhya. Chiengmat. Umbrella Factory. Silk Factory. Woodcarving Factory. Nite club dinner show Thai seafood ieast etc SPECIAL DEPARTURES: SEPT 22 23. 29 OCI 5 DAY5....5735/$5BB 7 DAYS $855/$6BB
      287 words
    • 1096 36 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours l^iflkfflV ImJmM aD JJMS^oi Cffpiipi _JeMJBBH? T() get the very best from your fl Wf china. See the land and people of the worlds holidays there's only one way tO Popular Europe, discover Europe «i this oldest living
      1,096 words
    • 48 36 1 I K fi MHIAN6 num fmJiS TOURS PTE. LTD. Depend on us for a rliabf tour. 50/4N Jakarta/ Punchak/ Bandung 5|545.00 30/2N Jakarta Businessman Package $$444.00 50/4N Medan Lake Toba Tour 554<9.00 Call us at: 7500A Beach Rd #02-336^ The Plaza, S'pore 0719 TEL: *****66 (4 lines) <
      48 words
    • 167 36 Use The Straits Times Classified to sell and you'll be money ahead. I SANTAGivesYou^^SS I HMI Wk Hll Chinese Vegetarian M mmm^^M 111 FeSttVW 4/5 Days Phuket (Dep. Tue, Thu, Fri, sum From $575 I t 5/7 Days Baigkok Pattaya Chiengmal (Daily Dept From $755 I fl 7/9 Days PhMket
      167 words
    • 851 36 137 Tours 137 Tours I Holidayßest Sellers W ~w a l y kmmWmm L, 7* WW A great way to travel WA I mjZfr Mm I ffijifr^ Amm M l^^^^cVNt vtofc I^H^EF JMMMm* THERE'S NO COMPARISON FOR Tie MOST TALKED ABOUT TOURS TO EUROPE! Completely revised programmes, and upgraded facility
      851 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 851 37 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours i 137 Tours 138 Where To Stay 133 Whore To Stay ==s=== i am* AUTUMN AW\ Wmm Wr<w^Ww**C. |S) H IgyW HOLIDAY IN AMERICA r GOLDEN CALIFORNIA WONDERS IODAYS $2499 Us Angetes/Disneyland/San Diego/Sea World/Mexico Tijuana/Univefsal Studio/Las
      851 words
    • 484 37 rzz r^zr^lmLT^eS^^-^r^ J V 5 fabulous days in HUA HIN, 4 Thailand's newest resort, absolutely free. *> <* v m*, -r Stay 5 day* at the New I&val Garden resorl in Hua HinTand enjoy a further 5 days (4 nights) absolutely free. But hurry, the offer is only valid until
      484 words
    • 583 37 3 DAYS PENANG 9Y AIR ~s4ot^ City <k Beach Hotel Daily Departure »S 3 DAYS GENTING 9Y AIR weet.da V s2sf N Stay at Genting (Casino) Hotel a. 3 DAYS GENTING HIGHLANDS tmSm] Gaming (Casino) Hotsl with night-club dinnar Every Monday Departure Rail/Air $239 3 DAYS ttNTING/FRASmTtf HiU r.,,4210 Stay
      583 words
    • 579 37 i A 5 star resort with 1 72 tastefully appointed apartments e Studio Rooms e 1/2/3-room apartments e Deluxe Suites wl- 1 n WammmW^J^mm m mJtMW'' M r W^mmW \W JmM k MwtmWwmaimmatmwWmsL^.. ffl M^ A Picturesque setting with breathtaking views STRAWBERRY PARK OFFERS Conference Room (Theatre Style 250 seats)
      579 words
    • 389 37 IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEED. Qualified, reliable tutors offer tuition for all levels, subjects, dists *****85/ *****11/ *****0 MATHS. A SCIENCE tuition by dedicated tutor graduated in UK Willing to teach Pri A Low*. er Sec. level. *****57. 9ani-7pm OLD EXPERIENCED TEACHER gives intensive English tuition to Sec. 4 pupils. Phone Teacher'a m
      389 words

    • 513 38 Puteri Emas fastest as going remains soft ON THE TRACK with TONTO LEADING trainer Teh Choon Beng's newcomers Alchemist II and Dragon Steed HI, both engaged in Race 2 tomorrow for restricted terms Div C horses over 1400m, showed up smartly on a soft Bukit
      513 words
    • 1617 38 ■■fTTm 2.15 RESTRICTED TERMS DIV D I,loom (2 and 3 year olds) (Stakes: $13,500) 1 Westray 87 Westray-Ahmad 3 nzc (1200m) Mahhat 11 2 Teag Hal 57 Chens-Teh 3 nzg (1200m) 'Ismadi 3 3 8* Careless Wkisper ST Brahminy KitesBougoui. 3 nzg same (1200m) Looi 7
      1,617 words
    • 125 38 THE racing stewards of the Selangor Turf Club, after examining all the evidence with regard to Successor who failed his urine test and was withdrawn from Race 7 on the first day of the Sultan of Selangor Gold Cup Meeting in April, decided that Trainer Mohd
      125 words
    • 81 38 COLUMBUS, Thurs. THE o_to State Wmjm revoked the licence of Jockey Edward Brow years after finding Mm guilty of having a battery-powered device lag a race oa July 12 at Ri ver Downs la <____■ Blown was aeeasad of InII H_4t OCVIOCj WufS administers
      UPI  -  81 words
    • 267 38 COLUMBUS (Ohio), Thurs. Ohio has become the second major racing state in the United States to adopt random drug testing. The new rules, adopted yesterday by the Ohio State Racing Commission and aimed primarily at jockeys and harness drivers, takes effect on Oct
      UPI  -  267 words
    • 321 38 'Creme' among eight in Class 1 deleted GOLDEN FLASH Stable's Creme De La Creme, who set up three course records one of which still stands has just been taken off the active list at the age of nine. In September 1982, the New Zealand
      321 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 511 38 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education 146 Foreign Education Queen Mary College, University of London, announces the award of j— A Worshipful Company of Drapers' Scholarship of £3000 for Singapore Students (Singapore $9,210*) All Singapore nationals applying to the College Q Payment will be made annually in
      511 words
    • 326 38 Taping PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE A 9-month special Intensive course, preparing students for "86 exams. Mon./ Wod./ Fri. 8.30 p.m. 10.15 p.m. Commencing 23/9/85 For details, please call: CUFFORO EDUCATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE #06-3545 Blk. 162, Bukit Merah Town Ctr. Tab *****90 (8 Lines) 150 Commercial/ T__hni__J UK I INSTITUTE OF ADMINISTRATIVE
      326 words
    • 501 38 150 Commercial/ BOOK-KEEPING (Beginners) 1) Fri 6.00- 7.30pm 20/09 2) Tues 7 JO- 9.30pm 24/09 3) Sun 10.00 .1.30am 29/00 BOOK-KEEPING (Inter.) 1) Sun 10.00 -11.30am 22/09 2) Mon 7.30- 9.30pm 23AM 3) Fri 7.30- 9.30pm 27/09 HIGHER ACCOUNTING 1) Mon 7 JO- 9.30pm 23/00 2) Wed 6.00- 7.30pm 25/09
      501 words

    • 427 39 Fll know when it hits, says challenger Fight live KTM will telecast live the fight between Larry Holmes aai Michael Spinks fer the International Boxing Federation championship title la Las Vegas ea Sunday. TV Malaysia programme ceatroUer Mr Aita Abbas said the flght waa expected ta
      UPI  -  427 words
    • 153 39 LONDON, Thurs. Britain's Sylvester Mittee, a 27--year-old black social worker from Bethnal Green, took the coveted British welterweight title at Alexandra Palace yesterday night when he scored a one-sided points victory over compatriot Kosas Petrou, of Birmingham. On the same bill, British middleweight title contender
      AP; AFP  -  153 words
    • 238 39 LAS VEGAS, Thurs. Larry Holmes aad Michael Spinks both will be without their best trainer when they battle fer Helmet's title. Eddie Patch will be In a Reno betel, watching the fight ea television. Rather thaa risk alienating one of Us unbeaten champions, Patch decided
      UPI  -  238 words
    • 129 39 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Rabuan Pit has withdrawn from the eight-man squad for the Asian track and field meet in Jakarta next week to sit for his departmental examination. Malaysian Amateur Athletic Union secretary N. A. Baskaran yesterday said that Rabuan had approached the Union on the matter and
      NST  -  129 words
    • 246 39  - Merlion Cup windfall from receipts PETER SIOW By THE Basketball Association of Singapore yesterday announced record profits from the recent Merlion Cup tournament at Gay World Stadium. The nine-day tournament bagged $190,000 from gate receipts, about $60,000 more than last year's figure. But the actual nett profits, after the various
      246 words
    • 377 39 BASEBALL The Boston Red Sox trounced the Toronto Blue Jays 13-1 in a Major League game on Wednesday. Other results American League: Seattle 6 Kansas City 0, California 9 Chicago 3, Detroit 5 NY Yankees 2, Baltimore 4 Milwaukee 2, Oakland 1 Cleveland 0, Minnesota 4 Texas
      Reuter; AFP; AP  -  377 words
    • Mikkola's victory
      • 344 40 BEIJING, Thursday HANNU MIKKOLA, of Finland, in an Audi Quattro, today swept to victory and a champagne celebration in the Chinese capital at the end of the trouble-hit first Hongkong-Beijing motor rally. "It's a fantastic feeling. I never expected to finish a rally
        AP; Reuter  -  344 words
      • 169 40 4 It's a fantastic feeling. I never expected to finish a rally in this kind of place...l think it was the number of people who came to see us. I have never seen so many people on a course. In Wuhan, for over 20
        AFP  -  169 words
      • 260 40 Alfa may quit Formula One racing MILAN, Thurs. Alfa Romeo, one of motor racing's most illustrious names, are expected to decide shortly whether to quit Formula One competition after suffering one of their worst seasons, a team sponsor said yesterday. Alfa officials refused to comment on Italian press reports that
        Reuter  -  260 words
      • 67 40 LONDON, Thurs. British Renault driver Derek Warwick has been released by the French team to drive the rival Lotus-Renault in today's testing for the Oct 6 European Grand Prix at Brands Hatch, in southern England, Lotus announced. Italian Elio de Angelis, who was to do the testing, has
        AP  -  67 words
      • 507 40 Mac whips Vijay in round one Aces high in Volvo meet LOS ANGELES, Thurs. John McEnroe, of the United States, overpowered India's Vijay Amritraj, smacking in five service aces, to win 6-2, M last night in the U*****,000 ($693,000) Volvo men's tournament. McEnroe, the tournament's top seed, completely dominated the
        AP; AFP; Reuter; UPI  -  507 words
      • 116 40 Britain depend on same team EASTBOURNE (England), Thurs. Britain have named an unchanged team for their Davis Cup tie against Israel here from Oct 4-6 a match which, if they win, will take them straight back into the international group for next year's competition. Britain were relegated to the European
        AFP  -  116 words
      • 214 40 SEOUL, Thurs. Japan's Hirokazu Kawamura became the only non-Korean player to survive the first round of the 1985 Asian Amateur Tennis Championships here yesterday, with all 18 foreign players being beaten by Koreans. Kawamura beat eighthseeded Thai Nopadol Srichareon 6-3, 6-0 to advance to the last 16
        AFP  -  214 words
    • 208 40 SEOUL, Thurs. South Korea added two golds yesterday to take the overall lead after the second day of the 12th Asian Cycling Championships. South Korea won the men's 100--kilometre team road race with a ride of 2hr 14min 32.835ec, followed by Indonesia
      Reuter; AFP  -  208 words
    • 152 40 LONDON, Thurs. World champion NiU Lauda, of Austria, is expected to be fit (or the European Grand Prix motor race at Brands Hatch on Oct 6, a MfMtmaam (or the McLaren team said yesterday. McLaren team chief Ron Dennis said the cast was removed yesterday from
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 314 41  -  LEE WAI WUN By RAMLE SALLEH brought honours to Singapore on the first day of the third Asian Yachting Championships in South Korea on Wednesday. The 22-year-old national windsurfing champion won the first race of the Crit Division n sailboard event at Suyong Bay near
      314 words
    • 195 41 WE de not agree with the suggestion of Mr Loh Lin Kok, the Singapore Amateur president, that the Singapore National Olympic Council should take a cne from the Community Chest. That attitude would be beggarly, although spert indeed needs mere funds. But funds alone do
      195 words
    • 260 41  -  JANICE SEAH By PATRICIA CHUA broke the women's 100 metres butterfly record in the Chinese Swimming Club's 70th Open swimming championships at Amber Road last night. Pat. one of the likely qualifiers for December's South-east Games in Bangkok, clocked lmin ll.Obsec, driving the
      260 words
    • 429 41  -  J. R AJENDRAN Rugby union decide flanker will be eligible after Oct 4 THE Singapore Rugby Union last night decided that flanker David Quek will not be further punished after his year-long ban expires on Oct 4. The SRU management committee, who met at Oe
      429 words
    • 114 41 FOURTEEN statutory boards will take part in the eighth Inter-Statutory Board Games which starts today. About 1,800 participants will compete in 16 indoor and outdoor games over a month. Two new items darts and scrabble have been included. Defending champions Port of Singapore Authority are turning
      114 words
    • 209 41 HK win triples gold at Pacific Bowls BRISBANE, Thurs. Hongkong took the gold medal in the men's triples event of the Pacific Bowls Championships at Tweed Heads after completing a sweep of the round-robin competition yesterday. George Souza 's Hongkong trio were undisputed champions as they bagged the gold ahead
      AFP  -  209 words
    • 176 41 No stars mean no show KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Malaysian International Invitation badminton tournament scheduled for December has been cancelled as most of the world's top players are unable to take part, a Badminton Association of Malaysia official said yesterday. Idris Rashid, assistant secretary of the association, said top players
      AFP  -  176 words
    • 517 41  -  MARCUS LM By STATISTICS normally tell a good story. So it is with the F&N-sponsored badminton training scheme. It was conceived in 1971 in tandem with the Singapore Sports Council with the aim of providing organised ana systematic training geared towards raising standards. Beginning with
      517 words
    • 188 41 Rough ride for fancied players NEW DELHI, Thurs. Fancied players Nick Yates, of England, Eddy Kurniawan, of Indonesia, and India's Syed Modi were all in trouble before progressing to the second round of the men's singles in the £25,000 ($73,500) Indira Gandhi Grand Prix badminton tournament which began here yesterday.
      AFP  -  188 words
    • 176 42 In Istanbul: Galatasaray (Tur) 1 Widzew Lodz (Pol) 0 (halftime 1-0); In Larisa: Laiisa (Gre) 1 Sampdoria (Italy) I (1-0); In Belgrade: Red Star Belgrade (Yug) 2 Aarau (Swit) 0 (1-0); In BU: Atletico Madrid (Spn) I Celtic (Scot) 1 (1-0); In Bmgges: Cercle Brugge (Bel) 3
      176 words
    • 194 42 0 (0O); In Bilbao: Athletic Bilbao (Spn) 4 Besiktas Istanbul (Tur) 1 (1-1). In Moenchengladbach: Borussia Moenchengladbach (WG) 1 Lech Poznan (Pol) 1 (0-0); In Neuchatel: Neuchatel Xamax (Swit) 3 Sportul Bucharest (Rum) 0 (2-0); In Gyoer: Raba Eto Gyoer (Hun) 3 Bohemians Prague (Cze) 1 (1-1);
      194 words
    • 189 42 In Chorzow: Gornik Zabrze (Pol) 1 Bayern Munich (WG) 2 (1-1); In Leningrad: Zenit Leningrad (Sov) 2 Valerengens (Nor) 0 (OO); In Valleta: Rabat Ajax (Mai) 0 Omonia Nicosia (Cyp) 5 (0-1); In Budapest: Honved Budapest (Hun) 2 Shamrock Rovers (Ire) 0(1-0); In Lahtl: Kuusyi Lahti (Fin)
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 339 42 Juventus dazzle in Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG, Thurs. Juventus began their defence of the European Cup in grand style last night by rattling five goals past Jeunesse D'Esch, of Luxembourg. Danish international winger Michael Laudrup began the rout in the 23rd minute of the first-round first -leg tie. The other
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 224 42 Unsung Turks upset French champs BORDEAUX (France). Than. Unheralded Turkish side Fenerbahce shocked French champions Bordeaux when they defeated last season's semi-finalists 3-2 bi the European Cup last night. Selcuk Yula created the tint shock when he opened the sewing In the 2tth minute. Bordeaux had to wait until the
      224 words
    • 62 42 LONDON, Thurs. Two goals by Francisco Clos last night gave Barcelona a winning start on their return to the European Cup competition for the first time since 1975. Barcelona's 2-1 first-round first-leg win in Czechoslovakia over Sparta Prague, who scored first through Vlastimil Calta, signalled the arrival of
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 277 42 CHORZOW (Poland), Thurs. Bayern Munich's Belgian international goalkeeper Jean-Marie Pfaff was one of five players booked as the West Germans beat Poland's Gornik Zabrze 2-1 in their European Cup first-round firstleg tie yesterday. Pfaff 's courageous runs off his own goal-line saved his side time and
      Reuter  -  277 words
    • 264 42 ATHENS, Thurs. Holders Real Madrid suffered a 1-0 defeat in their first outing in defence of the Uefa Cup against AEK Athens last night. The Spanish League leaders, who strengthened their team with the addition of three experienced internationals in the close season, were forced to defend
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 597 42 Everton stop United's winning rhythm LONDON, Thurs. Ever ton beat First Division leaders Manchester United for the second time this season with a rousing 4-2 victory at Old Trafford in the Screen Sport Super Cup. But only 33,859 spectators turned up on a night when both clubs, in different circumstances,
      AFP  -  597 words
    • 382 42 GILLES TORRES, who knocked out a referee, received an 18-month suspended prison sentence in Lure, France, on Wednesday. Torres, 30, captain of Saint Germain, was also banned from playing for seven years. THE International Football Federation (Fifa) have forbidden the Belgian Football Union from staging the World Cup
      AP; AFP; Reuter  -  382 words
    • 117 43 Singapore beaten by Jamal's late goal LUMUT, Thurs. A goal in the 85th minute by reserve player Khairul Jamal gave Sarawak a 1-0 win over Singapore in a President's Cup soccer match at the Royal Malaysian Navy Stadium here last night. Both teams played a fast and furious game with
      Bernama  -  117 words
    • 32 43 SINGAPORE Malays Football Club will be holding a seven-a--side soccer competition on Oct 6 at the Farrer Park pitches. Entry forms are available from Rejab Ismail (*****37) and Mohammed Sahar (*****68).
      32 words
    • 169 43 Triathlon talk for beginners SOME call it a test of total fitness. Others dub it a "madman's race". But if you've always wanted to find out what a triathlon is really all about, a seminar on Triathlon for Beginners might just be the answer. Christopher Lett, a regular triathlete who
      169 words
    • 311 43  -  DUTCH club FC Groningen will parade talents with a combined total of $2 million when they visit Singapore in January for two friendly matches against the Republic at the National Stadium. The most expensive player in the squad is striker Peter Houtman,
      311 words
    • 305 43  -  MAHMOOD GAZNAVI THOMAS COWAN HOCKEY TRIANGULAR By SINGAPORE, despite joining the hunt late, bagged a 7-0 win over Brunei in the opening match of the Thomas Cowan-sponsored hockey triangular at Farrer Park Athletic Centre yesterday. With fortune as seemingly daunting an opponent as Brunei's
      305 words
    • 335 43  -  JOE DORAI ON THE SOCCER SCENE By FAS invite Perlis for a final friendly SINGAPORE have invited the Perlis Malaysia Cup squad for a friendly match at the National Stadium early next month as one of the three "tests" in their preparation for the
      335 words
    • 189 43  -  LEE WAI WUN By WINDSURFERS wanting a taste of competition but are discouraged by having to compete against top national sailors, can look forward to thus weekend's Intermediate, B-fleet and Veterans' championships off the East Coast. The meet aims to provide a chance for those who
      189 words
    • 497 43 ON THE CRICKET SCENE dsfkjwi INDIA Ist Inns 249 SRI LANKA Ist tans IW INDIA 2nd Inns 32*. dec SRI LANKA 2nd Inns (overnight 78-3) Wetttauay c Vengsarkar bSharma 5 A. SUva c Visvanath b Kapil Dev 2 Madngalle c Visvanath b Kapil
      Reuter  -  497 words
    • 57 43 HARARE, Thurs. Young Australia won the opening game of their nine-match Zimbabwe tour when they beat a Country Districts XI by 112 runs in a 50 overs-a-side match yesterday. Scores: Young Australia 270-7 (D. Jones 87 n.0., P. Clifford 70, A. Courtice 69), Country Districts 158
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 271 43  -  MAHMOOD GAZNAVI By KEITH MARTENS, who led the National Under-23 team into this year's Malaysian inter-state final, will not play in the twoday annual Carl Schubert Under-23 match against Malaysia, starting next Saturday. The talented left-handed batsman was drafted into the Armed Forces on
      271 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      78 39 vcblkireyt OEPARTEO 7/9/85 wishes to express their hoerHoW thanks end appreciation to doctors and nurses ef Ward 42 TTSM. Baias o rOUf) tTOtOllVOft, fftOOOS OOQ CO^ wncG, Qonstions. wrootfw Nfw tonGOfICO OOnOQ tflOiT t-CNflt OM Em* mmmmmmmmMmi wili mm. ww uuiNint wiii in nvtu on niyni am 21/9/85
      78 words
    • 63 39 IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR PARENTS MR LIM YEW CHYE Departed 20-9-.3 MDM HO PIN Departed 18-7-82 Time may heal the broken heart. Time may make the wound less sore, But time can never stop the longing For the loved ones gone before. Al
      63 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      107 39 MR LIAU KET UN AGE: 85 called home to be with our Lord on 19th September 1905. Always loved and remembered oy Wife: Fung On Thau Liau Vul Ah Liau Vul Hon Daughters in tow. Lai Kim Seng Nellie Tong Ee Ping Daughters: Lew Peck Fun Liau Peck
      107 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      49 39 S/O S.C. SHARMA sged 38 pas tod iwiy suddonly on 6.9.85 Lonwwmj boh ind: Psronts, Wife:Sarita Sons: Rakesh and Bhanu Daughter: Poonam sistsi s, Drotner-in-lsw, nieces mtui nephews and relstives to mourn Ms lees. *Pafln rites will be performed on Sat 21.9.85 al 211, Still Bee-, (1542)
      49 words
    • 62 39 The Fam ily Of Tha Lola MRS. UANG HEE PENG nee LEE MOH HIAN withot to ox pros t thoir hosrtSmmEm |k* n L* Emm 11a ias lon i non us io nov. nong iock Im D_w Mr laa mit nffi rniiip rifiig, wir. lw Chong Kee, reletivee
      62 words
    • 101 39 The tamily of tho tels MR. PAUL TAN CHIP YAN wishas le express their heartfelt thank* end epprecieMea to the Rev. tern Goh end Peeler Lawrence Chua ef Tee Payed Methodist Church, Hie Rev. T. C. Nge, church members, relatives, neighbour*, colleagues end friends for §W__;» Mm turn
      101 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 39 LEONG CHEE KONG In our hearts Vou live And always will Fondly remembered by your Papa, Mama, Brother, Sisters, _f._r_f.t_of in law ond t______o __________S____a
      28 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      130 39 dfkog9lf HENRY SM KWANG HUNG Depitod: 20 Sept HM Dad. we deeply miss you but we have made you proud Your dreams are fulfilled Rest in peace Thank you i for the wonderful memories Wile: Mdm. Tao Guan Kong I Daughter: Stan Mong Hoon j Ssn in
      130 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 547 39 151 Language B_BH_ wnmAM lk 1 k I _> r_ NEW TERM STARTS 7 OCT GENERAL ENGLISH ENGLISH FOR FOREIGNERS All Levels. Part/ Full-time (Placement Test Free) SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR ADULTS COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE REPORT WRITING TOEFL EXAM COURSE Small, very personalised classes. Professionally trained British Teachers. Fully equipped with computers,
      547 words
    • 544 39 154 Dancing NEW BEGINNERS SOCIAL Dance commencing 22.9.85 Sun., 4pm. Aerobics today 6pm or tomorrow 1.30pm. Contact: Principal Steven Kok from Steven Vivien Dance Studio, =04-07 Bras Basah Complex. Tel: *****48/ *****98. SOCIAL DANCE 6.30p.m. tt 7.30p.m. tonight. 2.30p.m. Sun. 22/9. 7.30p.m. Mon. 23/9, Tues. 24/9. Disco: 3.30p.m. Sun. 22/9.
      544 words
    • 164 39 "In Memoriam" is for those who were close to you. Call *****11 X 5680 for your free booklet of "In Memoriam" verses. PSTRAITS^ TIMES RATES FOR OBITUARIES $15.00 for 3 lines (Run-on style) $60.00 for 3cm i lcol (Semi-display style) $75.00 for 3cm lcol (Display style) jf^m ___-*-«^«_^MBB 111 J_ra_'i
      164 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 201 40 RECREATION \^TCUJB Be a proud home owner of Puteri Wangsa today, Cw*J&^^ t^' MW^mirf ___K V i-_Si T_B Rk_^_!_K R___S l-fe_ ___i i'___>lh» <-<"_ h4a *>~s>^ !SSi _»<o» 11 \^mr^T }j,r~J''-\ liHßt mw'" _____b _ll_ ■'^SCSii*- '■> |l IB J^limmT I j; V... Changing rooms. m^y^L. €^S ■■'^^M^^ j^ y
      201 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 27 41 HI RESULTS DRAW No: 74/85 5 OUT OF 49 24, 44, 37 45,2 ADO. No 4 TUNE IN TO SBC TEXT CHANNEL 5 PG 188 FOR RESULTS
      27 words
    • 269 41 _r ft -----h-. Jf Sv^" s^_ ____r V M E\m4r M Jr _____fl MMW m m\ m Mr X mm V Awl m m EMS/^fAmW m MmM m m _k m H_r __^>*^ v v 15?. m Mm m Mmm m AmmmmW m ___________________r~ ____r ___r mMmW ___r km __r
      269 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 426 42 -IL j___L_Hr^i^ -^^^^^■IWx Ay l .it Wi i^ l fy V\ _^n I I_J E fiiTn WmL\\ll Wg^g I _P__. _________________^_H IfcMj TazzFans! The Fourth PB™^ |U Singapore International Jazz jm L P^il l_Bl Festival is now on at the l ri^_-r Singapore Conference Hall |^_nIL tL'"* V:^ _t till
      426 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 147 43 Super TAI YO Special Offer —at Metro Golden Mile— Widest Selections Over 150 items! New Arrivals (While Stocks Last!) F*-f-~ft-»'^tt ol J _§l____ __P>» __*v^ TF- I HP _PP^___r V r-OcilßS j^^B Mil MM '1 k j S**" _H "__H___| wmmmm MMMM^^M w^p aHß_____________P .m^^^^^ __iim WOOD J*3^ mm^* ___L
      147 words
    • 11 43 Get the most out of your life Read HER WORLD ti
      11 words
    • 295 43 Look who's on the run In the first Mobil Men all ion He's the 'Marathon Man. Running's m his blood and the Marathon's his race. He's m great shape, and chalks up more kilometres on the tracks than he does m his car on the roads He'll finish the 42
      295 words
  • Page 43 Miscellaneous
    • 57 43 GOLF Annual Singapore v SOCCER AUPE tournaMalaysla Pr«-Am matehplav wea University By Immi .Roval lohor CC 8 am. gration A, Surawu v Singapore (Royal Johor CC, am). Fire se rvices A ma tches HOCKEY Pesta Solum In- at Farrer Park, 5.15 pm. ternational triangular: Brunei Friendly: SIA vAR Format v
      57 words

  • 558 44  -  GRACE CHNG Engineers must be well-trained and know the market By NTI to set up IC design lab THE Nanyang Technological Institute will aet up a $2 million laboratory to focus on integrated circuit research and design. It will be ready hi July
    558 words
  • 452 44  -  LAI YEW KONG By 3 die, 22 missing as boat sinks the navy was alerted at 7.40 am. A Republic of Singapore Air Force Skyvan was also despatched to search for the missing 22, comprising 18 men, three women and a three-year-old girl.
    452 words
  • 98 44 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Americans last month increased their spending 1.2 per cent, the biggest gain in almost a year, as personal income rose a modest 0.3 per cent, the government reported today. The surge in consumer spending was certain to delight President Ronald Reagan's administration,
    98 words
  • 288 44 Thatcher signs $788 m arms deal with Jordan AMMAN, Thurs. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher today signed a £270 million (Ss7BB million) deal to sell high-technology British weaponry to Jordan. The sale comes at a time when President Ronald Reagan is trying to convince the United States Congress that Jordan
    UPI  -  288 words
  • 54 44 TAIPEI. Thurs. The opposition weekly. Progress, has suspended publication indefinitely because of financial difficulties following repeated confiscations by authorities, the publication announced today. Yang Tsu-chun, President of the magazine, said all but three of the 40 issues published since November had been banned by the Garrison Command, Taiwan's
    AFP  -  54 words
  • 253 44 Westpeak killing Woman engineer's murder inquiry adjourned THE preliminary inquiry into the murder of a woman structural engineer at Westpeak condominium could not be concluded yesterday and was adjourned to a date to be fixed. The lawyer for Neo Man Lee, 27, accused of murdering Madam Liew i Chiew Khim,
    253 words
  • 31 44 NEW YORK, Thurs. The Dow Jones Average of 30 industrials dropped 0.67 points to 1,299.73 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP
    AP  -  31 words
  • 296 44 FORMER Singapore Monitor chief editor Seah Chiang Nee Is scheduled to leave fer Sydney on Tuesday fer a heart transplant. Mr Seah, 45, who will be the first known heart transplant patient from Singapore, will be admitted to St Vincent's Hospital fer the
    296 words
  • 59 44 A TAXI-DRIVER was charged yesterday with dishonestly taking $60 belonging to an accident victim at Woodlands Road on Tuesday. Sim Yok Boon, 44, allegedly took the money from Mr Toong Chuan Cho, at about 8.50 pm that day. Mr Toong died in the accident. Sim's case will be
    59 words
  • 132 44 UN out of the spotlight UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. The new president of the United Nations General Assembly lamented yesterday that he had not seen a single newspaper report on the opening of the assembly. Mr Jaime de Pinies of Spain told a press conference
    AP  -  132 words
  • 200 44 UN in the spotlight UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. Eight cases of Aids have been identified among United Nations staff in the past four years and four deaths from it occurred, the organisation said today. "There is no one having Aids (acquired immune deficiency
    200 words
  • 152 44 In Washington, Dr Harvey Meyer, Director of the government's Centre for Drugs and Biologies, expects a new drug being tested to fight Aids to be ready for use on humans in the next few weeks. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the drug,
    Reuter; UPI  -  152 words
  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 63 44 SIABILO cassetto The thin lead pencil with Ithe rapid t j refill cassette I H •12 leads in. the cassette fll for a long fine write-out I II Clean and rapid cassette I I j Shock absorber mechanism I u for breakage-free writing I n J n Vt* s t
      63 words
    • 46 44 K eep up t® date... Companies struck off from UN blacklist A number of Singapore companies, including Straits Trading, removed from UN blacklist of enterprises trading with South Africa mGood reading for decision-makers Tell your vendor you need Business Times, or ring Betty Ton at *****09.
      46 words
    • 177 44 EDITORIAL: Page 21 BRobinhood ELECTRONIC COOKER HOOD No other cooker hood can touch it! j P mi. iMwwwMwwaaaaaaawHWiiwa***^ ««_»bb| A light touch and the three-speed fan very quickly and very quietly whisks away cooking grease and odours. Tk Another touch and the light illuminates the complete cooking surface. Touch for
      177 words
    • 294 44 !__^___f *7gfU__r IN COMFORT COMPUTER WJjJaKgjWeM DESK QH.AIR As exam fever hits town, help Cf_y your kids to handle the pressure W^IP-yf Q/) by creating for them a suitable jfe ___N"_P study comer or roorr with th_se V 2r*"*E price-busting offers. f EXECUTIVE DOUBLEI ALPINE COMPUTER PEDESTAL DESK WORK STATION
      294 words
  • Page 44 Miscellaneous
    • 144 44 Weather UP TO Ipm: Cloudy with showers in several areas. TEMP. (C) up to 6 am tomorrow: 30 max., 24 min. SUNSET today: 7.01 pm; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.54 am. GLOBAL WEATHER Adelaide 516 C Cloudy Manila 23 34 C Cloudy Amsterdam 15/19C Cloudy Melbourne 10 14 C Rain Bangkok 24
      144 words

  • Section Two Weekend
    • 3 1 Section Two Weekend
      3 words
    • 1196 1 For more than a decade, the National Dance Company has struggled against its low profile, absence of public knowledge.and lack of official interest. Yet, it has managed to keep our multi-racial dance traditions alive and well. As it prepares to commemorate its 15th birthday earlier this
      1,196 words
    • 329 1 WHAT does the National Dance Company dance? You'll get a fair idea if you go along to the "Vic" next weekend. The programme of eight newly-choreographed dance works u varied, visually pleasing and unabashedly multiracial (naturally), entertaining (sometimes), and pointedly didactic (often). This time, the
      329 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 196 1 '■fl /J_™__s____ 2555S m mmmVWm mP m^^ mu^^ M^g m^g\ mmmm m M^ 5 fun» froth /^HHRS and— oops! |ia_&_^^B ______r^ k«k :^____________k-_l _k__W_ll^ft V >^\o%^. :^^^M.; k_fe _fc _l ■■^^^■•aSSWWi^.P JL f l_^___?s! A Masters leaves _P"^h____J_L Caroline Ngui Ml ln stitches Tina Turner has the answer in Mad
        196 words
    • Personal Glimpses
      • 737 2  -  KHOO HOW SAN By David Kraal is still stranded on his desert island, struggling with Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. He'll be back next week. THE cough-provoking swirls have not cleared, and the smouldering issue continues to cleave those who do and those who don't.
        737 words
      • 399 2 I WOULD like to share my Observations of the Police and Friends Concert held last Sunday. Firstly, a very large portion of the crowd were Heavy Metal fans who dominated the front of the stage. At times, it seemed as if an the
        399 words
      • 109 2 Highway to Heaven may we have an X'mas repeat, please I HAPPENED to catch the last episode of the television programme, Highway to Heaven, titled Another Song For Christmas, telecast on Sept 12 at 6.25 pm on Channel 5. I strongly recommend that SBC re-run this particular episode during Christmas
        109 words
      • 127 2 WE ARE happy to note that Cancer found the programme, Illayar Arangam, an entertainment programme for teenagers, refreshing (ST Cancer will be pleased to know that we are producing a second series of Illayar Arangam, comprising 10 programmes. The first five will be shown
        127 words
      • 198 2 I FEEL that Rebecca Chua's review of TheatreWorks' production of Paradise Heights (Aug 26, 1985) was unduly harsh and critical. While I realise she was only giving hes^eninien {ae>Xan_ giving mine), some of her comments were rather unfair. Earlier this year, I saw the production of Glengarry
        198 words
      • 252 2 Still children's hour, after all THERE was some unhappy casting, it is true, but the Varsity Playhouse production of Lillian Hellman's Children's Hour deserved commendation, not least of all because the audience played their part to perfection. They didn't know it, but they were there right on stage
        252 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 178 2 1 al^l B r H X, Jf Mil vj HM^kP Aa |hXI^|M VVar%W% H UAIA n O lijfllWT ll lU. A'?? '> ■■■■Balfe^ ■■■■Hi Helena Rubinstein has put beauty together m one Offer while stocks last exclusively at: 1 Helena Rubinstein i^Tl^j y^.o Home Furnishing Fair >^ JU^ Venue: Singapore
        178 words
      • 72 2 SI VaVinlr^y mn tmibiwn VjP^ With demonstrations by master craftsmen from China Ay\ and renowned local craftsmen and painters. m^m^^ The Orchard Point mmm^ September 12 to 22, 1985 Exhibition: 11 am to 9 pm Demonstration: Mon Fri: 12 pm to 9 pm Sat Sun: 11 am to 9 pm
        72 words
    • Music
      • 1491 3 CATHERINE ONG recounts what it was like to be at last Sunday's historic rock concert at the Police Academy, and talks to the Commissioner of Police, Goh Yong Hong, the man behind it. dfsgret Police youth relation M ships here have witnoeood none
        1,491 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 467 3 m MMT m^rArMwm^ Mm\ ____r_______fl ifc_____^ MMHw '-^AtmrnmrT' 'mmL^mgmMm^L^m < 'MMW^Mmmr ______r Tmm^gw J^g\^,^m^m^mm ___________r MMMr Mr ____W WSMW9^'^Mm^':''"iml MMV^^^mmar^^MMw- "'Mmr 'MMT -H _____r mmmW'' S*_j___BP' _T Amamm^l^M^M^^M^MtMm^m^'^M^m.'-^MM^'mm-m^mmmW'mmm'-'A^M-^Mm ________B ___E______B ____________r -OS ____W •■^mm^<'-'''MMYAIMwS- mMrmmT-'MMT-"' ___________r_i________r __r II mM'Mm Mw ____________fI ___r --'Mm -k.- mMK mg AmW^-^M .MmJr-^Mm^MMTr I w^
        467 words
    • Film
      • 633 4 PATRICK SHEN previews Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, which opens today "ONCE upon a time And so begins a story, a long, long time ago, told by someone, passed on, re-told, evolving with each narration. Somewhere, through the years and the re-tellings, story indistinguishably merges with dreams, consciousness and
        633 words
      • 366 4  -  RICHARD LIM By THE Singapore Film Society will screen again at the Goethe-Insti tut auditorium tomorrow one of the three Korean films shown to packed bouses at the Regional English Language Centre auditorium last week. The film, MouUe Ya, Moulle Ya, is Thomas
        366 words
      • 645 4  -  E. J. DIONNE JR By in Venice, Italy THE 42nd Venice Film Festival this year awarded its Golden Lion Prize to Sans Tolt Ni Loi (Without Roof or Law), Agnes Varda's picaresque tale of a vagabond's journeys across southern France. The choice for
        645 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 538 4 0\ Days Corner Rack pi t)»1* YY^^ I^O 1 J\.Bo *i U.P. $5.00 p \3.V- X \mxQ\t\ wgo jgmgW**"^ NOW $1.80 1 iypgiim mm^ World Dish Pan Days Corner Caddy >H SHHHI U.P. $14.10 U.P. $8.80 B p^^^^ 8 NOW $7.00 NOW $4.20 H^^^^^^H MMlr '***Mmfy j B MO>3_7 <L___
        538 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 378 5 mwW 1 Pennison llu' divk preferred bv pn>ressionals LIFE TIME WARRANTY 100% ERROR FREE /^\mm atf^Za*** a* *al 1^ *?vfJ+€^jM mmm*. JmM Available at authorised Dealers. For enquiries, please call SINGAPORE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE, 200 Jalan Sultan #03-17 Textile Centre. Singapore 0719 Tel *****82/ *****76 Telex RS ***** DSRO f Get
        378 words
      • 423 5 We are neither housing agents nor connected to any housing agent. We use the most modern computer technology to help people buying, selling or renting houses and all types of apartments. Thus saving time and their hard-earned money. We do not charge any commission! Our fees range between $1 and
        423 words
      • 364 5 T I wm aA*^^ Wt mMm AMM wBBr mw am &*&**!**> &&mSOZ> **f^* ><tfJ«X Sole Agents: fi SCHMIDT SCIENTIRC (PTE) LTD VS. 18, BasirPan i an 9 Road, #1009, PSA Multi-Storey \V^y Complex, Singapore 051 1 Tel: *****33. i jjj W*m mm. mmW W^L\ fl Hfl Ul.^ <K1 *JLH^**H taWmmTtaj
        364 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 202 6 m a m W_^^^^ m m m mW AWmwmWW A^AW tat fkm The Wonders of Ancient Ej China Recaptured HUPIv v' ,1 Best Value for Money In Town At Ming Village, f \v^>^ I HMtw^ *3U£~^^^l WWy X. r^^\\ I* 1 m i*£-*\ 1 [i flfl fl W \/m We
        202 words
      • 146 6 /having problems with your\ printing stationery needs? Read on:- We have a wide range of stationery to cater to your office needs. we specialise in instant offset printing. we offer an extensive range of copying facilities. From stenciling and photostating to sorting. Book Binding and laminating are also available. That's
        146 words
      • 393 6 1 *f^mf^m§r X msr/ fWamammm mm the *$y I {original A I Jl Olivetti mjTAIA^^A for 5|244 p.m. CT synthesis Y V 1 30, Bideford Road, #07-02, \vftf Thongsia Bldg, Singapore 0922 j^ Tel: *****05 *****54 1 1 I Four ways to promote your goods YOU have come out with
        393 words
      • 337 6 r^tWr _^P" r jtit^^^ B I WA WA mm mmmm .mmm ■phmmbl a^^AommW^. ydmWW Bt Bj I Km m JkmmwWZAm^m WmtttmamWt Wm. Jm*f I ma ■'•l^VU>r l l m^mW mW jAW&& Ww\a.r^mwn ww^W n^ mmSTmWlyA^^mr *a, M mEmm/im^mM li '..^M W^AAtWr^Lw tw^ ■> \A\Aammmmm\ m :<^Wk ''-mim. -mw^ ma mAYmA
        337 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 576 7 twMm AAA A^^Ar^^MM^m -^^^P m^A^mmmMW ''"'".A^WmW Wrm„ mi mr- XmWWL m m, W M 'A..V' mL W Tmi-??.roPm fS9 Am Monte Carlo Health Fitness Centre 101 Victoria. Si rvit *(M -IX) lai -llui Ramada Hotel (New in^ Smkjgjkj* >n K> I lil 3393 1 1 3. .^M* W I 1
        576 words
      • 832 7 An instrument of beauty brings joy forever. mm^^ZmmmmmWW^^^ Introduce to no better way to start, than to give them Flora Piano. From tone, touch to appearance and durability, the music and joy it brings will be with them forever. See Flora Piano's magnificent range of models today. B SONG'S FMNQ
        832 words
        46 words
    • Night Out
      • 785 8  -  KANNAN CHANDRAN By IN THE general mood of apathy that exists in the local music industry, it's nice to see a rare phenomenon, a group that dares to be different. Enough already of the winding list of groups that flog the Top 40s. It's time
        785 words
      • 436 8  -  Kannan Chandran Might Moves TBE scheduled Oct 1 opening of Atlantis has been postponed to November. The discovery of high clay content in the soil beneath the Cultural Theatre has forced Peppermint Park Investments to further reinforce the flooring in expectation of the heavy load which
        436 words
      • 336 8 After Five e KANGXI LOUNGE, Hotel TaiPan: In keeping with the lounge's concept of music in a light vein, Jerry Chong joins the Marquez Chamber Strings and The Perfect Noise. Jerry, like most solo pianists, has a wide repertoire that includes evergreens, ballads and
        336 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 448 8 Working in partnership with clients of all nations, Nomura brings its multiple strengths to bear in providing and executing the best solutions for clients' requirements. International Finance for Strategies for Growth Sound Asset Management a Changing World Japan is rich in funds and Investor recognition of the Today, fund-raisers and
        448 words
    • Bilingual Weekend
      • 621 9 Two popular television heroines, Candice Yu On On and lichelle Yim, are in SinaaDore to appear in a show together. GUAN LIBING chats with them and finds them quite like the women they play in the drama serials. Sight Sound TELEVISION viewers will remember Michelle
        DAVID TAN  -  621 words
      • 233 9 GIRL WITH TA DIAMOND SLIPPER <*Sfd]J««*t> Midnight tomorrow at Shaw cinemas. Chen Qi and Fatty steal for a living. One day, they try to break into a plush villa, whore they are just in time for a dying, old businessman to thrust
        233 words
      • 575 9 DESPITE having more than 1,000 songs and numerous films to his name, this respected veteran in the Taiwanese entertainment circle thinks that the business is well behind time. Liu Jiachang, 43, director, composer and teacher of pop stars such as Fei Yuqing, Jenny, Feng
        575 words
      • Article, Illustration
        89 9 Ji&nSvftMmmmK ■t& tmwM w^&»m &^s4sn &mat4'Jßß9&)Sfti fr»#aien" 9ttMlft tWWWfca £IA <fij-C>A) S^f*Aft^7ir€ m "XwmJtm m imtdWmMmwM f ii)li< <&&itiMft m&*wn&&w 9t a us a m m }j M -ifiUßftsf^&fi It #tft lttt*S# W.iSMfi flr .ff <'>fri_r,\> fftflfj£.4£ fx^KPfi* &m fern ps 1;= /i II #fA J5LM -rummm* AA& sp
        89 words
      • 261 9 w» f* Bll^ftstffl \kMitm^M %I%ft A ft HKft A .'l'. *9^&£4?ft~fr <ffi*ft?a«> mn SAIBIft^^WSA *A til'h HftAA&AftJt fi i Vf^ift&Mriftrt^ft W° H— l? Cftftftc&E> tk W[s] ##J IN c ft BHtt tfj&i^ nt fl" ft Ml AR&AiF&AUgi A Qtih "fl" ftiiifii£i£- -w> W&A&TWMtvM}L -ffl fflA^ftS--+5?N* ft fe^imiti* Afttt&tt < Like
        261 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 315 9 Winners of Cross-language Crossword No 204 $51 cash: TEO KIM SIONG (I.C. No: *****63/1) $21 cash each: KWEK SOH HOON LOH KHER (HONG (I.C. No: *****77/F) (I.C. No: *****60/A) CHAN YIN KUAN CHU A YONG KOON (I.C. No: *****38/F) (I.C. No: *****95/ C) CHU A TIAN YU SOH KOK WAH
        315 words
    • Bilingual
      • 754 10 Side by side with h ighnse flats and shopping complexes that are springing up around little India', many of its well-known landmarks will be preserved to retain its character. One such landmark is the Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple, which is being rebuilt at a cost of 552.5
        754 words
      • 494 10  -  S. SULOCHANA THERE have been many illustrious women in ancient history, legends and epics. One such woman was Queen Kunti, who lived about 3,000 years ago, when conflicts between great dynasties were prevalent. The consort of King Pandu, Kunti Devi was the mother of the Pandavas
        494 words
      • 268 10 BHARATHANATYAM RECITAL By Chitra Visweswaran Tuesday, 7.30 pm World Trade Centre Auditorium Tickets at $5, $10, $15 and $20 Previewed by K. S. MANGALA LOVERS of Indian classical dance will get another chance to see Chitra Visweswaran, one of India's finest Bharatanatyam exponents. The dance recital
        268 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 414 10 OoAvg warehouse STOCIMI m%^o^^^^^' MJ^ UP IWT^^ MjA C? T HjA ;iii;i! jLT A MM ylvly/111/111l Ti W M\\\ K-^-^ f^4 Jr/T Jj 20-9-85 TO 28-9-85 Shr roo,T' pgpy fli'il«'* JbeN^ s——7SETS OF IMPORTED i gEC Jgumsfli= t'"°'°'° g 00/SETTEES AND -,|r— °y° l-.r-"" l 0!"^"!! .1 1 AW %WMmW
        414 words
      • 487 10 APPOINTMENTS/NOTICES B^H CTAMTQ RQRflftftl I Telefax No: *****59 I Rates: I Box Service: nOSUOOI^ Sales Service: Straits Times: 5525.00 psc. cm Collected: 555.00 Telex Service: S.T.A.N.T.S. RS ***** TIMEAD I Tel: *****11 ext 5724-7 A 5669» I Sunday Times: 5J25.62 psc. cm. I Posted: SSIO.OO 1 APPOINTMENTS The Onental, Singapore
        487 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 713 11 APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS H| Civil Aviation Authority ot Singapore invites applii ations tor the following poSK tions:- fli^flb (A) TECHNICAL OFFICERS WiW (CIVIL, MECHANICAL mLm AND ELECTRICAL) lilli (Gross salary: $1 .081 $2,416 pm) ißlii Applicants must possess a recognised Tech- jbHI^IS-: nician Diploma in Civil Electrical, Mechani- l|^S^^' Cal, Marine
        713 words
      • 756 11 APPOINTMENTS BB We are looking for suitably qualified and m ||jjl| dynamic professionals to work in a highly :<^ >^ i challenging and performance-oriented en- l.4wifb'| I vironment. We have vacancies for the ~'J|f§py I following appointments. < MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL %i£* i AND ELECTRONICS ggifl I ENGINEERS SKIP (Gross salary:
        756 words
      • 576 11 BPu^fl Sales Uccitti^em IMS guard l^Mf9ffffgwy%B?CT [EEAPPRoyEDIfI m iff I llil II If fPfi3| BLOCK 150, SILAT AVENUE W InlllLlLElnl s?iK?p^ fl A large warehousing/freight I fl forwarding company requires H B GCE O level or equivalent H fl Must be well versed with import/export B procedures H H o
        576 words
      • 512 11 NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Salt Ns. SSM of 1985. Between Standard Chartered Bank (formerly known as Um Chartered Bank) Plaintiffs And 1. Um Pang Lin 2. lim Hee Heng 3. Lim Phang Leng Defendants NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT To: Lim Pang Lin late of 12-B
        512 words
      • 576 11 NOTICES HHHflHlflifllflfllM NOTICE pumii. pumn> The trade and public are hereby informed that PUMA Sportschuhfabriken Rudolf Dassler KG have appointed Liebermann Overseas Trading Pte Ltd as the exclusive licensee and agent for PUMA sportswear and accessories in Singapore and Malaysia. The Trade Marks as seen above are registered Trade Marks,
        576 words
      • 376 11 MIMSTRY OF DEFENCE i Tenders are invued tor tne supply of the items below (Closing time is l l 00am of date shown) t. PUaCHAtt Of 1/2 TON TRUCK Tender No PT*****4 Closing Date 15-11-85 2. SUPPLY OF LIFE RAFT FOR SUPER PUMA Tender No PT*****6 Closing Date 18-10-85 3.
        376 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 680 12 NOTICES wi H Tenders are invited for the supply and H delivery of the following I 1 COMMON HANDTOOLS I FOR ELECTRONIC I ENGINEERING COURSE 9 precision cutters, precision long nose pliers, soldering irons, IC extractor sets, etc) I Tender No VITB/AVI/65/85 I Closing Date: 4 October 1985 at 1200
        680 words
      • 695 12 trHDB Separate tenders are invited for each of the tollowing:--(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 3 Blocks of 2-Storey Shophouses (Total 53 Units) at Yishun New Town, Town Centre Contract 1 (2) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 4 Blocks of 4/6-Storey 3N/4N/4A Flats with First Storey Shops, Fast Food and Family Restaurant
        695 words
      • 805 12 PUBLIC UTILITIES BOBRD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from eligible PUB/CIDB Registered Contractors for the following: 1 Supply of LJungstrom vertical air preheater seals and sootblowlng pipes with nozzles for Boilers at Senoko Power Station. 2 Supply of steam traps (of renewal capsule types) for Boiler plant/auxiliary at Senoko Power
        805 words
      • 740 12 I Tender Notice I Tenders are invited for: I I BUILDING H I a) Tender No. AM/T/85/003 Nominated subcontract for the Design, Supply and I |H Installation of Building Maintenance I Equipment to the Proposed 34-Storey I HH Telecommunication Building at Pickering/George/Synagogue Streets. The work comprises the design, supply, delivery
        740 words
      • 727 12 INVITATION TO TENDER TERMS CONDITIONS As per terms stated In the OF TENDER Venaor s prescribed Tender Documents CLOSING DATE OF TENDER 400 pm nth October 1985 ENQUIRIES TENDER Vendors Solicitors FORMS RODYK DAVIDSON (reftender sale) 6 Battery Road 38-01 Standard Chartered Bank Singapore 0104 Tel *****26 PROPERTIES: PROPERTY (1)
        727 words
      • 301 12 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Salt Na. 6444 of 1985 CITIBANK N.A. Plaintiffs aaA 1. MICHAEL VOUNG 2. TEO CHOO TIONG, JOHNNY Defendants Ta: Teo Choo Tiong, Johnny late of 51 Lucky Gardens, Singapore 1646, the abovenamed second defendant. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been
        301 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 491 13 NOTICES PARAMOUNT CORPORATION BERHADJ (Incorporated in Malaysia) I INTERIM REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS I Six months Ended 30 June 1985 1 I. UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 1985 I The Directors of Paramount Corporation Berhad are pleased to announce the unaudited interim results of the Company and
        491 words
      • 369 13 OCEANSCAN SHIPPING TRADING COMPANY PTELTD (Incorporated in Singapore) (Members' Volantary Winding Up) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that in accordance wit! Section 308 of the Compa nies Act, Cap. 185, the Fina General Meeting of th Members of the above Com pany will be held at the of fices of
        369 words
      • 570 13 ll■ 1 i i v For Sale Assets of a Piling Company comprising the following: Plant, Machinery Spares Stock Reinforced Sumitomo Link concrete piles Belt Crawler Crane Model: LS 128 LWJ Furniture Office Casagrande CA Drill 2 1 Equipment RB Crawler Crane Excavators Others Interested parties please contact: DC AT
        570 words
      • 384 13 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding-lp No. 5 of 1985 In the Matter ef the Companies Act, Cap 185 And In the Matter of MIVOCOM (Far East) Pte Ltd ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that the Petition for the winding-up of the abovenamed
        384 words
      • 483 13 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up Na. 425 af ISBS Ia the Matter of the Companies Aet (Chapter 185) Aad la the Matter of TEKO PLASTIC INDUSTRIES PTE LTD Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of
        483 words
      • 665 13 In the Matter of The (ompanies Aet, Cap. 185 af the Revised Edition aad In the Matter af ASIAN INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED Notice al Resolutions far Members' Voluntarv Wlnding-Up (Pursuant to Section 2M) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Asian Investment Private Limited, duly convened and held
        665 words
      • 809 13 IN THE HIGH COI KT OF THE KEPI BLK OF SINGAPORE (ompanies Winding IP No. 439 of 19M5 In the Matter of the ompanies Art, (Chapter IKS) Ami In the Matter mt GEE SENG HI AT HARDWARE CO (PTE) LIMITED ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice is hereby given that a petition
        809 words
      • 565 13 j (APRI-SONNE (S) PR LTD (Incorporated ia Singapore) (Members' Volantary Winding! p) 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Section 308 of the Companies Act. Cap 185. the Final General Meeting of the Members of the above Company will be held at the of' fiees of L C
        565 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 209 14 Mastering Simplified Chinese wWmW i i r ll I* feO ■g^ I 4v ™b/e af 56.50 fmMW^ 1 from a n bookshops Clear and concise in its approach, this is an indispensable reference to the learning and understanding of Simplified Chinese Characters. Delightfully illustrated by Peng, this compact book also
        209 words
      • 7 14 SIDNEY SHELDON His latest International #1 Bestseller
        7 words
    • Page 14 Miscellaneous
      • 610 14 SUN TAN By Collette PEANUTS By Schulz H^PFwh Y m\b you So im iouH W^llkilmc wat 2»[^^VHH HBl^ecAuse Hf said TW COU.LVHT HA V££peur f\Lu] W THE Do<rT6<L SAY AND J V Uw &OINS fcSAF rtsAr^ <2^i- y VR^i >V ~2 It was a dark ,"£"*"2KJ! THEV A It was
        610 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 445 15 roRCH^SBTNSv^ J; 1 (*****88) 4 SHOWS 1 30, 4 00. 630 9 15pm ,I They committed a crime against their country, and became the two most wanted men in America. J3flSflflHHi|l TWOTVY IWTTQN SUN fBM IT^I S 1 TWEFtICOW&THISIWWMAW ggj X |_C^j ■a IS NOT AMtmCATtr. Dovid toww Pot *Wh*»y
        445 words
      • 290 15 A 9 m wl .yi,;*L vl B^^ "^jl k.' aRf '^tfj.^^B mm^^^^^ mmm mw^^ S^*t^ i&k^-' '^yWI MmW V J mmWmmma^^^^ -S IHk '^^B K W** &aMU\ wflSw^Avv M&/^ a\ ill c^VS^S^ *mM Jr^ mOi^^Lcnam--Wi*i Ir^k^r^i^i m^^m^mmm. fl 5^^ B,k 177 <«M6B Toa Payoh Centre Kt>JM^ 3fe4fca I LmmmW mmW^mWßmW
        290 words
      • 350 15 «-#\t V^^\A«\ A^\ \S^***~^&^m\ T& JapmZQP\^^A?f^ty j i 1 a|WW i i i > ii^^y^mmamMA. Pf 1 U BV^ I 1 I 1 MLiimwia*M^l!m%l**i^aMS,"A&&* > A^M^^^m fmM m^L^ -mm \^W LaaM LIVE! Soothing, sflky sounds i slflftfl MM $M now presented by the MWMMm I IH Love Lites. Music Mmm
        350 words
      • 598 15 ■■'•■JLJi. fl fl flfllfljjpufl:fl ;OPENS TODAY: 4 THEATRES* "capitol-changi-savoy-woodland£ B ADMISSION PRICES: $3.00 $4.O(H:ASH BOOKINGS ONLY-NO FREE LIST CAPITOL: 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.15 WOODLANDS: 1.45, 440, 6^5, 9.18 CHANGI ft BAVOY: BOTH THEATRES at 11.00am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 A 9.15 I In r future whore cities have become deserts..*
        598 words
    • Sight & Sound
      • 595 16  -  Catherine Ong Photograph by I Staying Tuned YOU may have heard the disc-jockey on the radio tell you this morning that the weather is going to be fair. Of course, if it rains this afternoon, you'll probably think that as usual our weathermen were wrong again.
        NGHAI CHEE WAH  -  595 words
      • 483 16  -  IRENE PATES LEISURE By SATURDAY night the crowd throngs along Orchard Road shopping, fastfood, the mall. Why not throw in some excitement, too? Take a short detour to the PUB auditorium, Somerset Road, and catch the finals of VisQuiz, at 8 pm tomorrow night.
        483 words
      • 350 16 AMERICAN television, long since branded a "vast wasteland", has exhumed a couple of highly regarded anthology series from the past for the coining season. One is Alfred Hitchcock Presents, a winner from 1955 to 1965, which will contemporise the old stories. The other
        UPI  -  350 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 935 16 Look who won the Citicorp Ttaivelers Quiz. IST PRIZE WINNERS ONG P.M. *****24 Round the World air tickets flying aft ITiaS ONG SIONG HUA VICTOR 1 *****5 E have been won by PATRICK WONG ONG KWONG *****601 TANAHCHEW *****398 f^^ S WONG MENG FATT *****55Z ROUHAN HELMI A*****9 7iun Done
        935 words
    • 2 17 Arts Leisure
      2 words
    • 687 17 .^^^„.m^mmm^ Hrsiina Urama Festival WWW IQIW V CAROLINE NGUI niwoc tnn mark UIVCb IUU iTlclllVb tO ST* ARS' The Servant Of TWO A Masters OH, WHAT utter chaos! What utter confusion! A servant, Truffaldino, juggles two masters one a man, and the other, a wornan disguised
      K.F. SEETOH  -  687 words
    • 616 17 Readers vs TurboStar .^^tffe^^K 4^^^a^9B^^ mAW amW^^mMw j* mwm^t^^fr MWr\f^m\^mmmW MW P FpqtlVal "85 re&HVdl OH UP 4h* Dnh Nb reviews llie DOD BeilleS and Patll IfaMamoro Hun anil tho "iciwnwrd uuu diiu uk BenKO Dixieland Band from thP diaprammed oosition ra tSrt???srirSS continues with
      616 words
    • 636 17 LEONG WENG KAM meets the Singapore Symphony Orchestra's guest soloist for tonight and tomorrow, bun JUn nee nriftt„ „,«.->., a c m SEOUL-BORN pianist Suh Juh Hee is not your typical teenager. For her, life is one big whirl of learning and playing music.
      636 words
    • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      • 641 17 mmmaamrmmaaaaaaaamamaaaaaammaaammmmmmmmaaa^^^m^mm^aaaaammmmmaammammmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mamaaa^ma mm, Wild! O Ull CONCERTS 510 and $5 from the usual FRANZ KAFKA. A biogra- Han Dynasty. Orchard Point, Road. Mondays to Fridays, and-sound presentation of SSO CONCERT with Korean booking centres W" Pj ctur< A. collection Levels 1 and^Ends Sunday. 8.30 am to 5 pm; Saturdays, Singapore The
        641 words
      • 1007 17 I T^ffj i Mri 1 IK M.\ ll' r~lDaHi#\ Ann ifICIUH/ wilt? Dr Lya" Watson discusses how certain winds affect human behaviour under the topic, Heaven's Breath The Winds of the World, in FEATURE 90.5 mHz in VHF Band II 5.58 AM National Anthem followed by Opening Announcement 6.00 News
        1,007 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 482 18 I ■P'^ W^^^n^^^^i^^H J* V Jm JJm m4M W £L^r"- '^^B m* j.f ~^t r-^^*^ i}--^\ r^, JS^- *&i^' '*^^$S!li*Wffl wa^wW W^wW WWWAW m mßW^m^%mw w^ar am* armr A^£^^kMmLLmt fen- l "^W^fv>^ V/) jml* JJ A Übte mCxceJuixW*. m m W^^^^ m Mmm m^ m*mm*^a^*m*w^rm*r w a "■-'mA -A.^Lv^ A^^m,
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    • Page 18 Miscellaneous
      • 1368 18 |BwnHHH|gg| -■< ■mmmuammmmmatmAWWWWMMW ■MY VIEW Catherine Ong MHi^^ii^iHMHHiMHHIIM^HMHHHHMHHIiiHI^^ IJ HRt^ T 1 T7l rid *y Night Movie A- I MmmMMam* mmmmmmmmm BAAAaA A.-.S^^ lm \i U tA |l b ijsrsjir^ Girl falls for same man twice i^jy mmVMmm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\WlM^W W** '*M Ik UTient isxpress (Cn i WMm^m^mW^m^M* ''*M ifc 5 I
        1,368 words