The Straits Times, 23 March 1985

Total Pages: 68
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Cstd. 1845 SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1985 40 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 95/1/85
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  • 1325 1 PM: Pay well or we pay for it... Ministers' salaries 'must go up' But he agrees to a deferment IT'S a simple choice. Pay political leaders the top salaries that they deserve and get honest, clean government or underpay them and risk the Third World disease of corruption. Think about
    1,325 words
  • 610 1 Times telephone survey TYYPAT numßav /\f nnnnla in«AniJMitiul. Igft ±\sxr**-i iiuuiuci vi pcv»j/icr uucivicncU^ XsU half of them females. Q: In Parliament yesterday, the Minister for National Development said that except for emergency cases, the HDB would provide maintenance services to PAP constituencies before
    610 words
  • 578 1 So silent for so long man who strated it all THE man who fired salvoes last December on PAP ministers' salaries sat quietly through a 2 V2-hour debate on the matter, except for a two-minute intervention. Mr Chiam See Tong (Potong Pasir) was expected to be at the centre of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 THE FINEST JAPANESE Gekkeikan Sake The #1 Selling Sake in the World Soie Agent i HEAP SENG CO., (pt E LTD Sute 01 23 Orchard Plaza, 150 Orchard Road, Sngaporeo923 TEL *****58/*****66 The Sunday Times Tomorrow Singapore's other celebrity Apart from the Prime Minister, he is Singapore's most celebrated winner.
      260 words
    • 161 1 More reports on Pages 12-16 mi^aWaaaaaaaa^Ba^Wm^^^^ I To commemorate«our 56 successful /rtlfV yemc* cetera torx>vattaa we are /tffl^ Cn**J rrK3kHTganunbec^ctaieofferonour3o tlu*^ millionth camera model the X-700 j >^% 1 Combining utter simplicity with X m^WjK unbelievable sophistication, the II M^k '^^Fw X-700 Zoom camera package is now V X available
      161 words
    • 44 1 ■r^ a^Bs win I w ri IB! CT~ Ur\T\ raagfai Road Singapore HIM 1. iiVjfW e *****43 *****53 Inside 68 pages today Summary 2 World News 3.4.6 Asean Causeway Editorial 18 Letters 19 Background 2% Times Dollar 21-24 Classifieds 2*-3aJ7 RacinK 36,7; Sports 3M3
      44 words

    • 484 2 Ayes and nays HOUSING BOARD flat-owners were divided yesterday over the Prime Minister's suggestion in Parliament on Thursday that HDB prices in the future should reflect such factors as resale value, location, floor level and view. Four out of seven interviewed liked the idea, while the others disagreed with
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    • 275 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE political fallout from the HDB's policy of according maintenance priority to PAP constituencies may prove to be more damaging than what the party has bargained for. However minimal the practical effects of the policy, it will be seen as an exercise in punitive politics.
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    • 310 2 Boycott shock THREATS by six Arab countries Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to boycott future soccer tournaments hosted by Singapore have shocked the Football Association of Singapore and the Asian Football Confederation. Peter Velappan, the AFC Secretary-General, who is in Abu Dhabi, is
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    • 214 2 RISE IN LICENCE FEE FOR SECURITY DEALERS THE Monetary Authority of Singapore has increased the licence fee for all types of aecuritj dealers, including local and foreign stock Brokers, their representatives, as well as local ant foreign investment advisers and their representatives The increases, effective from April 1, are
      214 words
    • 94 2 THE CHURCH'S ACCUSER THE theology of liberation, a bod\ of Roman Catholic teachings popular in Lat n An erica. often draws on Marxist analysis in emphasising the church's special commitment to the poor. In the past few years, it has even focused its critical attention on the structure of
      94 words
    • 577 2 Referendum 6 a farce' BANGLADESH President Hossain Mohammad Ershad yesterday claimed 95 per cent backing for his military rule after a referendum denounced by the opposition as a fraud and farce. The election commission announced that voter turnout was 70 per cent, but the official figures were
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    • 466 2 Of pens and swords MR GEORGE PEET, the first post-World War Two editor of The Straits Times, was nearly 21 years old when he arrived here to start work as a junior reporter in 1923, the same year Mr Lee Kuan Yew was born. This son and grandson
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    • 218 2 Around Asean...and across the Causeway Mayors get control PHILIPPINE President Ferdinand Marcos yesterday transferred the control of police and militias to all elected governors and mayors in the fight against the growing communist insurgency. The move is seen as strengthening the powers of the mayors in taking quick action to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 785 2 jaY^^^Zmß&^Laaaaaaam Baaß^Bß^a^BawT^YiT^ Seaview Apartments for Relaxed and Joyous Living Landmark Tower is strategically situated on a W* Htr fW 1 hill-top overlooking Chin Swee Road a superb /o^A/*. I location just outside the CBD that gives I LfItIPrTMIM TOUJER J transportation convenience. Modern living in this Brjfll^—^L__ 37-storey highnse apartment
      785 words
    • 112 2 From the *1 Storyteller ARTHUR HAILEY STRONG MEDICINE A/ow in Paperback $10.25 Strong Medicine cuts \^kW^ right to the heart of he most secretive busmes? ag, jaflP 1 of all revealing the if 10 I fascinating and R ~al flUvll ll* I disturbing d r ama as O ftll SBm
      112 words

  • around the WORLD
    • 416 3 World condemns police killing of Blacks UNITED NATIONS, Friday AMID widespread global condemnation today of the South African police killing of a number of Black South African marchers, the African National Congress (ANC) the main guerilla group fighting White rule in South Africa called for world
      Reuter; UPI; AFP  -  416 words
    • 290 3 Dhaka polls a sham, says opposition DHAKA, Fri. Bangladesh President Hossain Mohammad Ershad today claimed 95 per cent backing for his military rule after a referendum denounced by opposition politicians as a fraud and farce. Eyewitness reports spoke of major ballot stuffing and a voter turnout far less than the
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 121 3 DHAKA, Fri. One Bangladesh newspaper sidestepped censorship of news criticising the referendum by placing under a photograph of queueing voters a story unconnected with the referendum. It carried the headline: "Where people line up for free soup and sandwiches." One man at a polling
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 74 3 WOMEN who just want to draw attention only to their eyes and hairdo and at the same time keep warm may be interested in Japanese designer Junko Koshino's creation. For the wearer of this huge cocoon coat in metallic nylon with a huge funnel collar would have
      AP  -  74 words
    • 190 3 South Africa's black days in last 25 years THE deaths on Thursday in Uitenhage come 25 years to the day after a massacre at Sharpeville, when police killed 69 blacks protesting against apartheid racial segregation laws. In the years between the incidents, violence has erupted sporadically in townships throughout the
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 212 3 Beijing reshuffles three top economic posts BEIJING, Fri. Three of China's top economic posts have been reshuffled in what appears to be a fresh assault against incompetence and corruption. THE Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Minister, Madam Chen Muhua, has stepped sideways to become President of the People's Bank of
      FT; Reuter  -  212 words
    • 200 3 SYDNEY, Fri. Bathhouses here are launching a campaign te head off hysteria among the general public over the dreaded disease Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). Fall-page advertisements in the city's thriving homosexual press warn: "Don't meet or have sex in grotty or unhygienic places." The
      Reuter; AFP  -  200 words
    • 276 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. THE Congressional move to drastically cut next year's military aid to the Philippines was "regrettable' the Reagan administration said yesterday. The funds were needed to reinforce recent army reforms there, the Assistant Secretary of State said. Mr Paul Wolfowitz urged a Senate
      Reuter; UPI  -  276 words
    • 107 4 ADDIS ABABA, Fri. Ethiopian troops, with air and tank support, have begun a major new offensive against secessionist rebels to secure a vital highway, diplomats and international relief officials said today. The operation is aimed at clearing the highway running from Addis Ababa to the
      AP  -  107 words
    • 368 4 We'll meet Jordan-Palestinian group, says Reagan WASHINGTON, Fri. PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan yesterday said the United States is willing to meet a group of Palestinian and Jordanian representatives in efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. But he repeatedly ruled out a US meeting
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    • 483 4 BEIRUT, Fri QUOTE 4 THE curious thing about death, you know, is that you worry about other people's much more than your own. When my time comes, I'll be glad to take off quite quickly while f) things are still fairly good. The
      AP; Reuter; NYT  -  483 words
    • 274 4 WASHINGTON, Fri. The United States has nearly finished building facilities in Oman and two East African countries for use by the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) in the event of a crisis in the gulf region, Pentagon testimony revealed yesterday. Omani sites at Masirah,
      UPI  -  274 words
    • 155 4 JERUSALEM, Fri. Archaeologists probing a Judean desert cave said yesterday they unearthed some of the oldest woven flax and painted wooden carvings ever found, dating from almost 9,9m years ago. "In the last four or five years, I would say it's perhaps the most
      UPI  -  155 words
    • 119 4 White House to give Israel $2.7 b aid WASHINGTON. Fri. President Ronald Reagan's administration yes terday publicly agreed to give Israel US$l.2 billion (552.7 billion) in economic aid next year and held out promise for extra emergency funds for 1985 and 1986. "The Israeli govern ment has taken a number
      AP  -  119 words
    • 81 4 ANKARA. Fri Some 40.000--50.000 demonstrators marched through Istanbul yi?sterda> in protest against reported atrocities against he Turkish minority in Bulgaria, accord mg to police estimates The demonstrat on was the first sanctioned by the author ities since the military takeover in September 1981. Re ports from Sofia
      AFP  -  81 words
    • 66 4 LAGOS, Fri Nigeria s ruling Supreme Military Council (SMC) has commuted to 25 years' jail the death sentence for oil-smuggling passed last December on Spanish sea captain Jose Luis Pecina. Two Nigerians, Anderson Membere and Cyprian Obi, condemned to death along with Pecina are also to
      AFP  -  66 words
    • 79 4 WASHINGTON. Fri Con gress yesterday completed rush action on a Bill providing US$l75 million Ss39i million in American aid for victims of the African famine and sent it to President Ronald Reagan for signature The funds will supplement US$425 million already earmarked by the
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • Briefly
      • 76 4 THE CHAIRMAN of Vietnam's National Assembly, Mr Nguyen Huu, arrived in Albania yesterday at the head of a high-level Parliamentary delegation, the official ATA news agency said in a bulletin received in Vienna yesterday. Albania ended its friendship with the Soviet Union in the 1960s and also accuses
        Reuter  -  76 words
      • 63 4 THE INDIAN government on Thursday rejected a report by Union Carbide company suggesting that there was possible sabotage in last December's gas disaster in Bhopal. which killed about 2,500 people. A statement issued by the Indian embassy in Washington said the announcement by Union Carbide chairman
        Reuter  -  63 words
      • 79 4 BURMA'S HIGHEST authority, the Council of State, last week rejected an appeal for olemencv bv a North Korean army officer sentenced to de'ath for the October 1983 terrorist bombing in Rangoon which killed 21 people including four South Korean ministers, his defence lawyer said in Rangoon yesterday. The
        AP  -  79 words
      • 55 4 A CKRANIAN organisation claimed responsibility yesterday for the murder of Soviet diplomat Vladislav Kitzichenko in New Delhi's embassy district, police said. A police spokesman said in New Delhi that a foreign news agency had reported receiving a telephone call in New York from the organisation which claimed
        Reuter  -  55 words
      • 62 4 BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT-ELECT Tancredo Neves was making excellent recovery on Thursday after his second abdominal operation within six days, his surgeons said Surgeon Henrique Walter Pinotti told a news conference in Brasilia: "In a short time the President will resume his responsibilities Mr Neves' illness prevented his investiture
        Reuter  -  62 words
    • 405 6 Moscow ready for detente' Politburo echoes Gorbachev message MOSCOW, Fri. The Politburo, holding its first regular weekly meeting since Mr Mikhail Gorbachev became the Soviet leader- last week, declared yesterday that it was ready to restore detente with the West. The usual communique issued after the meeting said the Soviet
      NYT; Reuter; UPI; AP  -  405 words
    • 264 6 Unesco must cut costs to survive GENEVA. Fri. Twelve major contributors to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Uneseo) believe that the Paris-based body may not survive unless it cuts spending soon, delegates from the countries concerned said yesterday. They said Foreign Ministry officials from the mainly Western
      Reuter  -  264 words
    • 195 6 WASHINGTON, Friday UNITED States Vice-President George Bush strengthened his personal staff yesterday in what looked like a first step towards running for the presidency in 1988. A friend of Mr Bush confided that the staff move "tells anyone out there who may "have
      AFP  -  195 words
    • 167 6 Alfonsin hits out at Latin American policies of US NEW YORK, Fri. Argentine President Raul Alfonsin yesterday accused the United States of siding with "small favoured groups" to preserve its security, creating an unstable relationship with Latin America. He made the scathing attack on US policies in Latin America after
      167 words
    • 45 6 WASHINGTON. Fri. The United States Navy will begin firing sea-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles from the Gulf of Mexico in September with the opening of an aast coast test range for Atlantic fleet vessels that will carry the weapon, the Pentagon said vesterday. UPI
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 204 6 Britain 'delaying' migrants from India I LONDON. FYi. Britain uses a secret and probably illegal system of delays to stem the flow of immigrants from the Indian sub-continent, according to a leaked govI ernment document pub- lished in a British newspaper yesterday. The internal report, published in The Guardian, said
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 165 6 BRUSSELS. Fri. European Community enlargement talks with Spain and Portugal broke up last night without reaching agreement. diplomats said. The two sides will meet again next Thursday on the eve of a crucial EC summit here. Spanish Foreign Minister Fernando Moran told reporters: "There
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 199 6 CHICAGO, Fri. The use of steroid drugs for body-building, a global phenomenon in athletics, may pose a risk of liver cancer, an American researcher said yesterday. "The (liver cancer) association is quite strong," Dr Bob Goldman, Director of Sports Medicine
      Reuter  -  199 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1204 3 PA Personnel Services "^H^^^^^jj^ PA Consulting Services Pte Ltd H 11 Dhobv (ihaut -10-10. (,atha\ Building. Singapore 0M22 mm^^'^L\ L Telex: RS ***** PERSAD. Licence No. A-0010-02 SECURITY: No information will be given to <>ui client unless authorised by you at a personal meeting Applicants must quote m^ m^ mui
      1,204 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 498 4 An international computer manufacturer and vendor, with an enviable record ol growth in the region, marketing a major brand of mini computers and supermini computers, CAD CAM equipment and associated equipment, wishes to strengthen its marketing sales capability with the following appointments, based in Singapore. Senior Marketing FYCflltlViPC JLjAVVUII vo
      498 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1066 5 IVlzi bTbT^btl mm\ 1 Final lAteek 1 JL AHM \^AM I I All Yaohan Stores. While stocks last. -*^BSk U! mw^^LaS mif I aaaaa aaaa^ &i &jk, r Katong Thomson only) up 7 90-9 90 490 Maternity dresses. Asst'd designs Ladies' imported blouse. mo mr\oi u•« up uaiian 9 o««
      1,066 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 268 6 r j DYNASTY HEALTH CENTRE 1 ULTRA MODERN HEALTH CENTRE NOW OPEN AT DYNASTY HOTEL AH rooms with attached shower \\\\k Individual aircon S v»h^Y\ individual two channel hi-fi tft€l** Vt%tft*S Own telephone A /%r\L?k C rS Room for resting 1 JO Li c# p. XaNS^ Shiatsu or Swedish massage
      268 words

  • AROUND ASEAN...and Across The Causeway
    • 240 7 Bank raid 'pulled off with expert planning' KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The $1.2 million Bank of Tokyo robbery in January was the most well-planned hold-up by a gang in Malaysia, the police team investigating the case discovered. "Members of the gang were even better than the TV robbers.'' said a police
      240 words
    • 344 7  -  M. G. G. PILLAI By Kuala Lumpur Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Two prominent international lawyers a barrister from London and a trial attorney from San Francisco are in Malaysia to prepare the defence of the former Chairman of Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF),
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    • 186 7 Dr M hits out at critics of land schemes KI'ANTAN, Fri. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad today hit out at those who claimed that the government-spon-sored land schemes made slaves out of settlers in the same way that white plantation masters made Blacks their slaves. if the allegation
      Bernama  -  186 words
    • 356 7  -  ABBY TAN By/ Manila Reporter Governors, mayors get control of police and militia MANILA, Fri. President Ferdinand Marcos^ today transferred the control of police and militias to all elected governors and mayors in the fight against the growing communist insurgency. The move is seen
      356 words
    • 89 7 BAGUIO, Fri. The Slane carrying Preslent Ferdinand Marcos on his first trip oat of Manila in five months had to torn back today when one engine broke down, palace officials said. "The President was very cool," said Information Minister Gregorlo Cendana, who was on the Fokker
      AP  -  89 words
    • 269 7  -  SHADA ISLAM By Brussels Reporter BRUSSELS, Fri. Spain's planned entry into the Common Market in January next year could lead to tougher European rules on imports of Asean vegetable oils and fats. Spanish olive oil already competes with Malaysian palm oil on European Community
      269 words
    • 104 7 KOTA TINGGI. Fri. Deputy Prime Ministei Datuk Musa Hitam toda\ urged people to gi\ < young leaders wiih key "posts in the United Malays National Organisation (Umno) ar d government a chance to prove their worW. Answering recent criticism of young leaders by some
      NST  -  104 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 Only Daikm Econair cools four rooms at t VIP Q£) TYIP I I TUP Orc^ Econair is the only home fi^**. ffrw* **.i j.* rri 4.1,^. ij wiiiAx^ *o v**^ w y^[ li^k. aaaam. rooms at the same time, lotne or o s/multane9usly, while IBHBHI Mm SSSS£fi\^SSiB wagsmm fe? i
      301 words

  • HOME
    • 299 8  - Why most S'pore goods miss out on EC terms ANNE KOH By TWO-THIRDS of Singapore's exports to the European Community are missing out on preferences usually given to the products of developing countries. Reduced tariffs and duty-free entry are being denied to these products because they do not qualify for
      299 words
    • 465 8  -  SAM RAN RICHARD NG Higher prices for choice HDB flats By and CHARGING higher prices for more desirable Housing Board flats makes sense, some HDB flat-owners said in response to the Prime Minister's suggestion. After all, you should pay more for a nice view or sea
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    • 149 8 Bogus officer fled when found out A BUSINESSMAN who impersonated a CID inspector bolted when asked by a policeman to produce his police warrant card. It happened on Feb 27 when Corporal Martin De Rosario stopped a car along High Street. One of the p; ■angers, Tan See Jooi. 3>.
      149 words
    • 76 8 Anwar hero to give talks MALAYSIAN Agriculture Minister Anwar Ibrahim arrived last night to givt a talk on [slamicisation today at the Singapore Conference Hall. Soon after his arrival, Mr Anwar met Knvironmenr Minister Dr Ahmad Mattel over an informal dinner at th»Hyatt Regeacj Hotel. Mr Anwar, who is also
      76 words
    • 71 8 THE Singapore Science Centre's second scries of guidi books and slide p.v ;;s to complement science tea<hir: in schools will be launched today by the Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Education; Mi Ho Kah Leong. The two books are guides to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and to the
      71 words
    • 290 8  - Lawyer denies $16,340 CBT charge CHARM AINE CHAN ■mm ESS I By LAWYER Alan Wong Hoi Ping, 39, yesterday denied receiving $16,340 from anyone around Dec 13, 1982, as alleged in a criminal breach of trust charge he is facing. As for another similar charge involving $37,000, Wong said he
      290 words
    • 76 8 AN INTERIOR designer has been charged with the murder of two cousins who were found stabbed near a bowling alley early yesterday after a gang fight. Teo Heng Chye, 26, is accused of murdering Mr Lim Nam Hoe. 22. a mosaic laver. and Mr
      76 words
    • 428 10  -  BEN DAVIDSON By Old address given to creditor THE Registrar of Companies was taken to task by a High Court judge yesterday over the registry's instant information service to the public. Mr Justice A. P. Rajah had asked the Registrar, Mr Chiam Boon Keng, to
      428 words
    • 316 10 It will precede surprise call-up of civilian resources THE Defence Ministry's surprise mobilisation of civilian resources will be preceded by an extensive education campaign. But this preparation period will, for a start, involve owners and operators of vehicles and vessels. Much effort will be put into educating
      316 words
    • 178 10 THE Indonesian Minister for Education and Culture, Dr Nugroho Notosusanto, yesterday began a tour of Singapore's education institutions. The visit is part of a fact-finding tour which has already taken Dr Notosusanto and his delegation to the Netherlands, Denmark and Britain. Indonesia hopes the tour will
      178 words
    • 165 10 A JOBLESS man, rebuked by his father and elder brother for being irresponsible and not working, gave vent to his frustration and stabbed the brother. Mohamed Safiee bin Kasam, 2i, also tried to hit his father with a chair, a court heard yesterday.
      165 words
    • 54 10 A FAULTY cable caused a power failure in some areas ir. Singapore yesterday The lights went out in Jog Chiat Avenue Telok Kurau Road, the Still Road Polyclinic. Kampong Eunos and Lo rong 10b and 108. Changi. at 2.40 pm Supply was progressive^ restored between 3.3C1
      54 words
    • 215 10  -  STU GLAUBERMAN By AIRLINES that serve Australia, Europe. India and the Orient from Singapore are looking for ways to ground passe .v gers who board flig'.ith here with heavily-dis counted imported tickets Representatives of Singapore Airlines .\nd It other airlines that serve
      215 words
    • 261 11  -  DAVID TOH By SOME petrol dealers are already reporting a drop in overall sales of between 15 and 20 per cent, barely two weeks after the price jump of 30 cents a litre. Petrol stations in the Woodlands Admiralty Road area are the hardest hit
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    • 42 11 A GATHERING of former staff and pupils of Cedar Girls' Secondary School will be held at the school's premises in Cedar Avenue at 3 pm today to discuss the formation of a Cedarian Alumni. Call *****38 or *****09 for details.
      42 words
    • 222 11  - Oil firms court m-cyclists in battle for sales MATILDA GABRIEL By THE oil companies' battle for consumers is heating up. At least three oil companies have finally begun courting the forgotten motorcyclists, by putting them within range of gifts offered to other motorists. The motorcyclist has generally not received petrol
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    • 238 11  -  MAUREEN CHUA By LANDOWNERS who fail in their appeal to obtain "excessive" awards for land acquired by the Government will be made to pay costs. The Appeals Board (Land Acquisition) sounded this warning yesterday at the end of an
      238 words
    • 130 11 AN expatriate company manager yesterday claimed trial to nine counts of corruption involving $685,031. Wayne Cleaburne Starnes, 59, an American who is general manager of Wallace Brightside Engineering, is alleged to have obtained amounts ranging from $22,000 to $126,183 from Mr Maurice Chacker,
      130 words
    • 267 11 Fishing port murders says accused A FISHERMAN, accused of the Jurong fishing port double murder, admitted in the High Court yesterday that he had stabbed the victims, but denied that he had intended to kill them. Sim Min Teck, 23, was called
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    • 156 11 GCE exam register open from Monday CANDIDATES may register for 1985 GCE O and A level examinations from Monday to April 13, at the Central Testing Service Branch, Ministry of Education. Candidates must register in person and have with them their identity cards, foreign identification documents and original education certificates.
      156 words
    • 137 11 Shopowner fined for uncensored, lewd tapes A SHOPOWNER was yesterday fined a total of $49,200 for having obscene and uncensored videotapes and for operating a video library without a licence. Tan Kea Chuan, 35, owner of Sin Tien Hwa Radio and Service in Ang Mo Kio, had claimed trial. He
      137 words
    • 65 11 A MAN was charged yesterday with criminal breach of trust involving 28 gold bars worth $672,000. Chua Yew Leong, 34, and another person are alleged to have committed the offence while Chua was a courier with Indonesia Overseas Trading Pte Ltd in Beach Road last
      65 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 385 8 UNIT TRUST INVESTMENT OFFERS Ready Cash Maximum Security Experienced Management Convenience and Simplicity. SINGAPORE UNIT TRUSTS LIMITED I IoMM) Road '13-03 07 Straits Trading Building Singapore 0104 Te. *****01 Te. I I OO 7 Housewives Going back to work? Regain your typing speed the Sight Sound Way i ATT SFCRETAFIIUS
      385 words
    • 181 8 IW* l! mrSv>#k ELB Singapore Handicrafts r ML{>^|F r^tJ^tlfc^j Ma r Qt owrc an Singapore Handicraft Building aYldZw r-J^ltoms*ll i Eunos Avenue 7o"S Ave- Tel *****66 m klilllj weekend apgs&t special I lm ting, wihTT^, gXSnpff&yj a^ ii Rosewood Carvea Sota Set 4 -r jHaod. bLif Do^ C'ifi bl 48
      181 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 525 9 (JO MERCEDES-BENZ S-CLASS lr^ttfl^a«^aHi^.^aHia^HWH 1 HH B THe elitC S CidSS w '^^y^f P^^^^Jfflß^^^^ Benz exemplifies the most p^ V %l-^ balanced collection oi aut( 4 p^^'^v^^'^S^^K^ B virtues that any car can aspire to -^K^?^;^!^^;- From the ultra prestigious H"* V%3 ■to e^ ec s ant 380 and 500SEC
      525 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 If^S'-J^S^ oc-' A ,v eoQ^^^^^^^^^months warranty I J 10^9 mwfimmWri W Hr l^T^»M^Mlllf^^^itea?*^aaW^W I Mb e I I \^F^«Ll \<BMBw*-^ tX j Seatei 2 Armchairs I Coftee table B#* I Br^W $1050 I Also Custom-made to order to your design L-==A_L-^ Li==^— One of The*Biggest Cane 18 in^jngaporeH a TJ£NTSJNCSRPEISI
      279 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 "TV *J 1 l_Pf i A af\ I (tJOA IS My) 1 Encores by IKEA. IKEA Pte Ltd. 24 Amber Close (next to Sea View Hotel). Singapore 1543. Tel: 345 0122. Open daily 10.00am 10.00pm. Come ak)llg tO KatOflg
      39 words
    • 302 11 II I /a^*\ II f SWISS ORANGE \f II I Af* JLI I If X CHIP SUNDAE I X# Celebrate Easter with our I A^r yA m L latest sundae created f J^. at Selected W r<iiJinyrcE*Ki*c B*? furniture on K S**2*Ps /if I Special Discount. 1 V T 3
      302 words

  • Parliament
    • Article, Illustration
      817 12 Summary of yesterday's sitting Talking money THE high point of the day was the debate on the Prime Minister's Office Budget estimates. Two hours had been set aside to discuss the salaries of ministers and political appointees. This was extended by half an hour. A full discussion was
      817 words
    • 168 12 Stat boards 'not in investment business' STATUTORY boards should use their surplus funds to improve their public services and so reduce costs. They should not use the money to extend the range of their investments, Finance Minister Dr Tony Tan said yesterday. He said statutory boards were set up for
      168 words
    • 128 12 HDB will replace corroded pipes if necessary THE Housing Board would replace corroded pipes in housing estates if it were necessary, National Development Minister Teh Cheang Wan assured the House yesterday. Responding to a complaint from Mr Yeo Toon Chia (Ang Mo Kio) about "rusty tap water in Ang Mo
      128 words
    • 147 12 No need for lottery tax to support sport Dr Tan THE Government sees no special need tc allocate tax from sweepstakes and other lotteries for sports and cultural activities. Dr Tony Tan, Minister for Finance. Health and Education told Parliament yesterday that the Government would continue to fund such projects
      147 words
    • 307 12 Controversial 'directors' law under review Companies Act caused unforeseen problems A SECTION of the new Companies Act on eligibility for company directorships is being reviewed. The Finance Minister, Dr Tony Tan, told the House of the move in reply to claims by Mr Tan Soo Khoon that the section had
      307 words
    • 490 12 Foreign graduates welcome to SDU activities REPORTING BY: Lee Kim Chew Ahmad Osman Paul Jacob Wong Ai Kwei Hsung Bee Hwa Conrad Raj FOREIGN graduates working in Singapore should not be excluded from the activities of the Social Development Unit (SDU), Dr Tony Tan said yesterday. These foreigners could contribute
      490 words
    • 194 12 THE retirement age for civil servants and statutory board staff was generally 60 Finance Minister Dr Tony Tan told Parliament yesterday. Dr Tan said civil servants employed before July 1, 1956, could have their retirement age extended from 55 to 60 depending on
      194 words
    • 48 12 Schools 'need more teachers' PRIMARY schools need another 352 Englishmedium teachers while secondary schools and junior colleges need 300. Education Minister Dr Tony Tan told Parliament that half the primary schools and about one in four secondary schools and junior colleges had their full complement of English-medi-um teachers.
      48 words
    • 458 12 DR TONY TAN yesterdayprovided facts and figures to dismiss suggestions that only scholars in the civil service were sent for training to improve their efficiency and career prospects. The Finance Minister said civil servants in Divisions Three and Four made up 31 per cent
      458 words
    • 295 12 THERE will soon be enough qualified computer personnel in Singapore, according to Finance, Education and Health Minister, Dr Tony Tan. But at the moment, there was a shortage only about 15 per cent of the 4,000 computer personnel in Singapore had more than eight years' experience.
      295 words
    • From the Gallery
      • 831 13 FEW speeches by the Prime Minister contain as many personal glimpses as the one he made in Parliament yesterday. He weaved these into a long speech about the danger of corruption in government and why paying ministers equitable salaries would help prevent it.
        831 words
      • 249 13 PENSIONERS may soon get higher allowances. Finance Minister Dr Tony Tan told Parliament yesterday the Singapore allowance was being reviewed. This allowance is paid to former civil servants living in Singapore who are drawing gross pensions of not more than $850 a month. Replying to Mr
        249 words
      • 271 13 HDB tries to help tenants behind in rent THE Housing Board did all it could to help tenants of rental flats who were behind in their rent, National Development Minister Teh Cheang Wan told Parliament yesterday. The board evicted tenants only as a last resort, he said. Mr Teh said
        271 words
      • 602 13 Pensioners remark sets sparks flying A REMARK comparing pensioners lo prisoners sparked off a sharp exchange of words that involved four MPs yesterday. Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam (Anson) started it all when he supported a call from Mr Ng Kah Ting (Punggoi) to the Government to pay more attention to pensioners'
        602 words
    • 6835 14 Pieces of the past a lesson for the present and future The PM on why ministers' salaries must go up 41 HAD asked the Whip to inform the Member for Queenstown (Mr Jek Yeun Thong) that I had set aside two hours for the discussion of ministerial salaries so that
      6,835 words
    • 762 16 What the opposition says 4 It's no good saying that because somebody in the private sector is drawing more than the minister, the minister must be made to jump over him. Public service is an honour and it is a duty and a service
      762 words
    • 735 16 What the PAP MPs say Technocrats can earn more in private sector: Dr Beng DR ARTHUR BENG (Fengshan) kicked off yesterday's debate on ministers' salaries by accusing Mr Chiam See Tong (Potong Pasir) of trying to mislead the public about the pay received
      735 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 369 12 SSBHt t^BBBBBBBBBP^HIs^IS^BfIBBBBBBB ■■^^SsP^IP BBJ :§i ssiB sslf mwm^mwm m^^^^ M ,^mt awm^^^am ammmmmaaaaaWKfimWmW^til mt WmX at—f-^at M^ BB Hfc> g^m^^Mm^mmmm^^^^^^k^ '^-'mmmm vP^mmr^ »4 MwWKmma. F l^ AWr ...■i.i.«»ia»ni» mmm*mißms>*miimmmmmm i BW «1 BZ 9m EB9P |S> mw in- i mmtm *m umiiin i >««.. < 4HOtJL mmmmmaammaaamaamaaamm amwammmaammmWmmmwamMmAm &mamm^2^T~' BB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
      369 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 49 13 Ti&i^m r \V**€ir*'m~ll Q H IV •■■■l H H B fl .At+*m H fl I [Decor 9 Actus I: In our s I v V I J i tfl HI MMM 11- I 1 pH I 41 Sixth Avenue, Singapore 1027. Tel: *****44. Open daily: 10a.m. 7p.m. EIIfOPSSn Lif6Styl©
      49 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 393 15 v?!J L!?^ i^F^l Br j^ll aw Em B 1 K 9 I^L K in Singapore onl\ JVVk Aam m¥ Wm\ mm\ m\m mk. k Saturdax to Monda\ HOUSEHOLD X SUPERMARKET attM m£&^^3Bk c 1 *S-^* r\V*£ V nil ■*jßk 397g BbjJ iIB now" O^ vo \\d^ 1 i^iS^ r"% I
      393 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 6 16 More excerpts in tomorrow's Sunday Times
      6 words
    • 230 16 Yjiolkiii lEcst Electrical Store At Level 1, Plaza Singapura, Yaohan Orchard Offers till 26 March '85 at Yaohan Best. While stocks last. PK^l^^ ■KSHSBSSBEHSMBH today 0n1y 23.3.85 J^^XT mm^^l mm^ m V m f m^m^^mmmm^r r I w Mf° stocks last HHH b^ F-19fl „K E"1B0 />, gz flol U.P.4SO.<XL
      230 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1307 17 lon their Topping-out of the SbV'^^- -^mm\ !nit 'lar*** [iliilttr^ B "aßateiuii^w- :J^^BBBto-J-^»B^B^^™*3flß BWft^*flßWßaßlßW^r*Hß^^Tfc6t .*A BK "BPi*' l fc^*^^fci^l^ *^?f^^BBB^BM ...M~ P*T;. ytff IP^ I Mjiii: rtiniiiii'iiiiii jHij^fj—^Mg :;^jj^ftHffiStm-4n?HJH^ Ibf^J iZg^> <^ iM Bl m\^m^t?*sm\m\ R^B^^BaßkJ bHbb^S- BWaf toff jtiti IbIII "tc Tffßß'F^ B^B» mmm 9 m f BBBkBaBM^ *'*'^^MbY9G
      1,307 words

  • The Straits Times says
    • 497 18 TRUE to its pre-election promise, the government has acted to instruct the electorate on the meaning of opposition politics. In stating publicly that the HDB's policy on non-emergency maintenance services is to serve PAP constituencies first, the National Development Minister, Mr Teh Cheang Wan, has sparked
      497 words
    • 762 18  -  YANG RAZALI KASSIM Johor delegation's visit to Singapore By of the Regional Desk The traditional closeness between Johor and Singapore was underlined when a delegation of policymakers and politicians from the state paid a goodwill visit here last week. While in Singapore, the visitors
      762 words
    • 917 18  -  LEE KIM CHEW By ot the Political Desk phase out that industry and this is expected to contribute to the control of pollution in the straits. Water and pollution issues were definitely raised when the visitors met Public Utilities Board officials and the Minister
      917 words
    • 817 18  -  LILLIAN CHEW This and that By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON I have just been to a museum where all exhibits but one were younger than I. I also saw a textbook which I used during my university days displayed in a museum cabinet. Imagine, a textbook
      817 words
    • 583 18 T. F. Hwang takes you down Memory Lane RICKSHAW REPORTER THAT is the eye-catchinp title for a charmingly written book of memoirs by George L. Peet, 83. Peet joined The Straits Times in 1923 as its junior reporter, fresh out from England. He was the newspaper's first post-war editor from
      583 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 392 18 gggg I. Scanning Light-Up 10- Band Graphic Equalizer Amplifier m mmmm% 'M* ilSfc Z2OOl Z2002 ■g .•±^^*^^^^SAioaw*m^am mw^ LtD Indicator Selector mgW^^ZZ LEDBuilt In 10-Bands Features Graphic Equalizer Control LED built :n knobs illuminate each acoustic level position Scans each LE D indicator one to the other across the 10
      392 words

    • 457 19 SHODDY WORK RENOVATION contractors and their poor work have been the subject of a lot of publicity and concern lately. The Housing Board has been urged to act as a check on these contractors. It has on its part advised home owners to select their
      457 words
    • 486 19 I WOULD like to join the debate on filial piety and the values we have inherited from our ancestors. Values are not physical characteristics which we inherit from our forebears. Values are a set of beliefs which are imbibed after years (generations) of
      486 words
    • 155 19 SOME time last year, I wrote a letter to the Forum page on the need to save energy. (ST, July 25 last year). I suggested that street and motor vehicle lights be switched on at 7.15 pm instead of 7
      155 words
    • 110 19 I AM writing this letter because I have often been frustrated by automated teller machines. Although the Post Office Savings Bank's ATM at its Bukit Merah Central branch indicates that it provides a 24-hour service, I have on many occasions found that it works
      110 words
    • 80 19 I AM concerned about the danger posed to members of the public by tower cranes with concrete slab counter-weights that swing out high over construction sites. It is my opinion that the huge concrete slabs are a potential danger to passers-by and those people
      80 words
    • 263 19 A SOCIETY of individuals living together is an organised unit and rules are necessary. But what leaves people frustrated is that rules and decisions are sometimes made, the efficacy or rationale of which are beyond their comprehension. Housing Board rules affect about 80 per cent
      263 words
    • 295 19 Proposed taxi fare rise will be a further handicap THE proposed taxi fare rise has been extensively debated in Parliament and in the media. The issue affects all those who useTaxis, whether regularly Or^ occasionally. It affects me more so because I am paraplegic. No other form of transport is
      295 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 720 19 m at J m s AW AW A m J \T^^ VAN HIRE I Anc st^9^s f j I -A -—A AW M LmX I I DesP'te trie jump .n petro. Ml A \W W^m Al AT J W J At W 2 ,xxm i****** <* I h,^,,, pr,ces our
      720 words

    • 1132 20 Brazilian's liberation theology said to endanger the faith ROME THE Vatican last week condemned the teachings of a Brazilian exponent of liberation theology, saying the theologian's views endangered "the healthy doctrine of the faith." In an 11-page document, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
      NYT  -  1,132 words
    • 744 20 No stopping roller-coaster economic cycle, he says in The Downwave LONDON If you thought the great depression was a thing of the past, Mr Bob Beckman has a message for you: it's coming again soon. And the millionaire investment analyst, fund manager, author and broadcaster says
      Reuter  -  744 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 207 20 ROBINSON'S SALE 15... f THE SALE /Qv 14/OJ7TM v?^L/ > WAITING F$R iWr -$J P mmm I Ev Skirtsuit in Polyester/Cotton. 100% Cotton I Oxford fabric. Printed Cropped Pants Colours: Blue, Pink, Hea, Special Purchase: $28 00 gjk $45.00 LCgjours:Blue.Redr.^^, [m ,^^^mmmmaaam\ big T-shirt Dress Red, Pink, Grey Colours: Brown,
      207 words
    • 13 20 TO SUND -*^gj| ""Sj-^' e,323^ i ipi^J mBS 111* fy 1 I AW
      13 words

    • Article, Illustration
      3 21
      3 words
    • 85 21 IT WAS not a case of buyers not willing to part with their money but sellers not willing to sell at current prices, dealers said. The Straits Times Industrial Index was down by 1.76 points to close at 826.17. It was down by 0.29 points at
      85 words
    • 657 21  -  N. BALAKRISHNAN By New rates from April 1 unlikely to affect profitability of securities firms THE Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has increased the licence fee for all types of security dealers, effective from April 1. Those affected will include local and foreign
      657 words
    • Chief price changes
      • 68 21 CtC 400-1-14 Ban Bml 344+12 Eu lm Sji* 265+7 Ratafh 390 +6 Leoafrtiat 155 +5 Kev -5 +5 FimaMßei 362 +4 PPe_ar_risoc 140 +4 MCaMes 462 +3 Tase* Canent 440 +2 Serial* Corpn 330 +2 Spare Land 287+2 Petafc-t Sdn 50c 146 +2 •mu Mm 50c 236+1 Sane Darby
        68 words
      • 66 21 Ma. 21 Mar 22 Mar 21 Mar 22 ST Properties 478.82 479.17 61 Composite 740 80 737.61 ST Minings 321.90 321.24 8T (Motor *****17 *****34 ST Plantations 2485.75 2485 36 BTOB/3S -331 387 OCBC 636.34 633.08 ST industrials 827 93 826.17 COB Composite 419.66 417.67 STFinaxe 2416.27 *****4 S£S
        66 words
      • 14 21 C C 1,397,000 Supreme Corp 726,000 U O B 529,000 Pan-El 291,000
        14 words
      • 33 21 INDICES Highs Lows Straits fines Business Times Industrial Composite 1983/84 High 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) 1983/84 Low 712.29 (5/1/83) 684.88 (4/1/83) All-time High 1071.91 (8/2/84) 983.06 (8/2/84) All-time Low 74.75 (17/9/64) 550.78 (12/8/82)
        33 words
      • 13 21 THE US dollar closed at D-mark 3.2250 in Singapore, losing 42 points.
        13 words
      • 20 21 DM Y PF" S$ H& USf 1.1780 3.2100 255.00 Unq 2.2400 7.7960 ***** 3.2250 255.05 9.8750 2.2585 7.7990
        20 words
      • 9 21 IN Singapore, gold ended at U*****.70 down US$5.3O.
        9 words
      • 33 21 Eurodollar: Gained two ticks to 89.87 a contract. Deotschemark: Gained 39 ticks to 0.3127 a contract. Japanese yen: Gained 29 ticks to 0.*****7 a contract. Gold: Gained US$2.OO to U*****.00 an ounce.
        33 words
      • 71 21 BwjMtai 370 -20 SPK Sertoli 108 -15 Names 376 -8 Sea We- 260—8 NM One 218 -8 Sateras Rts 162 —8 Ma Cam 173 -7 Spore Sass 50c 171 -7 Ml Trust 152 -7 Piakhte 440—6 FUS 304 -6 Gran. Central 290 -6 Lion Corpn 218 —6 OCBC 935
        71 words
    • Short stops
      • 39 21 NEW YORK, Fri. CBS Inc said it has no plans in place nor has it contemplated a leveraged buy-out by a management group. The company was responding to rumours reported in the press yesterday. Reuter
        Reuter  -  39 words
      • 63 21 BEIJING, Fri. China has raised the state domestic purchase price of gold sharply to 696.64 yuan from 497.60 in an attempt to encourage production and head off serious gold smuggling, the China Daily said. The new price, equivalent to U*****.16 (*****.3) at current exchange rates,
        Reuter  -  63 words
      • 56 21 WASHINGTON, Fri. Legislation to bar the sale of Japanese telecommunications equipment in the United States until Japan fully opens its markets to similar US equipment was introduced in the Senate yesterday. Senator John Chafee (Republican-Rhode Island), said he had "reached frustration point" and believed Congress should
        AFP  -  56 words
      • 105 21 rOKYO, Fri. The Shanghai Volkswagen Corporation, the biggest joint venture In China's car industry, was officially inaugurated in Shanghai yesterday, the official Chinese news agency Xinhua reported. The board of directors of the new firm met on Wednesday and decided to invest 120 million yuan (5596.7
        AP  -  105 words
      • 91 21 LONDON, F-i. The International Tin Council (ITC) will meet on March 28 and 29 to fix export quotas for the next quarter, review its intervention price range and establish a preparatory committee to Degin work towards a new international agreement, an ITC spokesman said yesterday. The committee
        AFP  -  91 words
      • 67 21 WASHINGTON, Fri. After-tax US corporate profits rose 0.4 per cent in the final three months of 1984, showing little rebound following a steep decline from July through September, the US governmeni reported yesterday. The Commerce Department report put after-tax profits at an annual rate of
        AP  -  67 words
    • 346 21  - Swee Ten the Singapore girl with a message returns home to a big surprise ANNA LEE By FLIGHT stewardess Tan Swee Ten, the girl who carried "a message from the heart" to British Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley, arrived home on Wednesday evening to a big surprise. She had been away
      346 words
    • 261 21  - Kuwaitis buy 2 million more C C shares S. KUMAR By AT A time when investors are shunning motor stocks, the Kuwait Investment Office has increased its stake in Cycle Carriage Ltd. The aggressive investment arm of the Kuwaiti government has bought two million shares in Cycle Carriage for $6.6
      261 words
    • 233 21 WASHINGTON, Fri. An accountant who cooked the books at a Florida finance house was at the root of the big Ohio savings bank crisis, according to an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The accountant, Mr Jose Gomez, works
      AFP; Reuter  -  233 words
    • 192 21 NEW YORK, Fri. A leading US commodity clearing house was forced to sell its assets and give up its seat on the New York Commodity Exchange yesterday because it failed to meet a reported US$lO million (5522.6 million) in commitments due to
      192 words
    • 499 21  - British bank closes its gold, forex depts here DOREEN SOH By MERCHANT bank Samuel Montagu Co Ltd have closed the gold and foreign exchange trading departments of its Singapore branch. Managing Director Derek Hughes said the decision to cut out professional two-way dealing was to allow the bank to focus
      499 words
    • 2764 22 SECTION ONE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL READERS should be aware of the limitations j of this information. Not every transaction nor every price dealt in at the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock exchanges, is necessarily covered in "business done' Further because all dealings at a particular price are
      2,764 words
    • 1914 22 INDUSTRIALS Acmo (1) 1 92 A|inomoto (3 70S) A Choc (2.755X 1)2.76 AMD(3.32SX2) 3 30 Alcorn (1 458 1 465) (4) 1 49 (7) I 48(6) I 47(1) 1 45(18) 1 46 AISB (3 88SX I 388 APKI 07S) (14) 1 08 (2) 1.06(10) 1
      1,914 words
    • 2719 22 All shares quoted have a par value of Jl, unless otherwise soecrried Adjusted for scrip/rifhts. N Tai-exempted dividend ABN rs traded in lots of 10 shares each, with the price quoted in dollars 1984/85 Last Yield Vol Day High Low Company Sale Change ('000) High Low
      2,719 words
    • Commodities, Finance
      • 282 23 OCBC OUB UOB DBS DEPOSIT RATES Savings 6V4 6 4 6 6' 4 Autosave 5.1 Fixed deposit 1 month s'.> s'j 5' 4 5 4 (1) 3 months 5 1 5- 4 5 ■_> 51 _> 6 months 5 6 6 5% 9 months 6m 6 l 4
        282 words
      • 129 23 Australian dollar^ 1.5739—1.5768 6.48—6.29 Canadian dollar 1.6412—1.6455 6.17—6 05 NZ dollar 1.0320—1.0437 9.82—9.40 Sterling pound 2.6655—2.6712 3.83—3 73 US dollar 2.2485—2.2495 4.48—4.43 Austrian schilling 9.9711—9.9800 101.63—98.76 Belgian franc (com) 3.4844—3.4892 291.82—284.85 Danish kronor 19.5351—19.5778 52.08—50.74 Deutschemark 70.0903—70.1653 14.48—14.11 Finnish mark 33.7460—33.7864 Unq— 4l.66 French franc 22.8738—22.9073 44.45—43.33 Hongkong
        129 words
    • 649 23 fsdsd IT WAS not a case of buyers not willing to part with their money but sellers not willing to sell at current prices, dealers said. But operators are also watching Wall Street's reaction to news that the US economy has been growing
      649 words
    • 290 23 March 22 HKJ Chanjt HK Elect 725 unch Hk Elect Worr 12 60 +0 1 Associated Hotels 044 +001 Hk Gas 880 +0 15 Bonk Ot East Asia 22 40 Hk Hotels 32 50 -0 75 Cheung Kong 13 60 +0 2 HK Lond 495 +0 15 Chmo L-ght
      290 words
    • 282 23 March 2? Yen Change Mitsub Heoyy 270 3 Aimomoto 1110 10 Mitsubishi 529 9 Akoi 498 +2 Mitsui Co 335 -4 Artwda 1260 +10 Mitsui Shipbldg 173 unch Asohi Chem 829 +4 Mitsui Smelting 525 -12 Asahi Gloss 905 +5 Mitsukoshi 426 +5 Bonk Tk 830 21 Mitsurm 1100
      282 words
    • 313 23 March 22 Cents Chaige ICI 190 une (»USt) Leighton 166 +1 Lend Lease 584 +4 ACI 195 +13 Magellan Pet Aust 235 +5 AN I 280 +15 Mayne Nickless 320 une A P M 245 -2 Metals Explor Aberfoyle 900 +10 N L 46 une Age 240 +5 Mideast
      313 words
    • 101 23 THE Singapore dollar ended at 2.2485/95 compared with its opening of 2.2410/40 against the greenback at around 3 pm yesterday. It was traded between 2.2435 and 2.2510. The greenback was mixed against most major currencies in a thin and nervous market. Against the deutschemark, it closed at 3.2060/80 against
      101 words
    • 107 23 THE KILOBAR market yesterday traded between 5522,840 and 5523,000. The Far East gold market opened at U*****.00/315.00. The low was U*****.50 314.50 and the high was U*****.75/316.50. After trading quietly between U*****.50 and U*****.50, the market closed in the afternoon at U*****.70/314.70 on a stronger dollar. Source: Rothschild. The
      107 words
    • 23 23 GOLD US$/oz Fri Thurs Singapore 315.25—316.00 314.00—316.00 Hongkong 314.00—314.75 318.50—319.50 Thurs Wed New York 317.00—317.50 323.50 324 00 London 321.00—323.00 322.00—323.00
      23 words
    • 60 23 r NST Index Friday 1335.07 (1336.68) -~g Hongkong Hang Seng Friday 1360.69 (1347.73) 0Australian All-Ordinaries £l Friday 810.8 (802.0) Nikkei D J Average Friday *****.60 (Closed) Financial Times Industrials Thursday 993.1 (1001.9) Dow Jones Average 0* Thursday 1268.22 (1265.24) (Figures in brackets refer to those ol the previous trading
      60 words
    • 175 23 Managers' prices for Mar 23 25 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 2 20— 2.34 The Savings Fund 1.53—1.62 Spore Prog Fund 0.94—1.00 Spore Sec Fund 1.38—1 46 Spore Invest Fund 0 95— 1 01 S'pore Equity Fund 0.95— 1 01 Asia Unit Trust Mai Invest Fund 2.40-2 55
      175 words
    • 233 23 March 21 USS Chance Alcoa 34* Allied Chem Cp 38* AHis-Chalmers 7 unch Am Tel Tel 21* unch Amax Inc 17* unch Amr Corp 39* +V» Bethlehem Sti 16* V. Boeing Co 63* +1* Burroughs Cp 58 unch Caterpillar Co 29* -V. Chase Manhtn 51* Chrysler Cp 33*
      233 words
    • 595 23 March 21 Pence Change INDUSTRIALS Allied-Lyons 177 -1 Ass. Dairies 164 +6 BTRPLC i. 592 -15 Babcocks 151 +5 Barclays 587 +5 Beecham 365 unch BICC 245 unch Blue Circle 520 -3 BOC Group 300 +102 Boots 174 -1 Bowater 256 -3 BATS 341 -12 Britannia 98 -2 BP
      595 words
    • 630 23 Receipt of Export FCL containers and LCL cargo Delivery of FCL import containers Ship (Voyage) Arr Rent Due E Humanity 1 04 7RA 213(0715; 24 3(1500) Atrevida (566) 21 '3 (0815) 24,5 '2300' Ibn Younus (L2W) 21 '3 (1105. 24 3 <1500) Asia Sta' (348; 21/3 (1300^ 24
      AFP  -  630 words
    • Article, Illustration
      273 23 Eurodollar 3-month deposit JUNE Eurodollar opened higher and was firmly bidded up in the Far East as the lower-than-expected 2.1 per cent first-quar-ter flash Gross National Product seemed to indicate easier interest rates ahead. However, selling from LIFFE in the afternoon brought the contract to close at the
      273 words
    • 16 23 Ti Closing prices m fvtt/kilo KL Tin 29.15 unch Turnover 166 tonnes up 9 tonnes
      16 words
    • 26 23 Silver Ck,sin t <**« USJ troy oz fr< Thws Singapore 623-4531 617—627 Thus Ned Ne» Yort 6 27—6 35 6 20—6 30 Source Credit Suisse Spore
      26 words
    • 28 23 Closing prices Copper tonne Thurs Spot 1200 50-*****0 (1218 50 -1219 00) 3 months 1222 00-1223 00 (1239 50- 1240 50) Market tone Easier Sales 17.600 tonnes
      28 words
    • 27 23 Clesnif price; Aluminium toontThurs Spot 944 00 944 50 ■■956 00 95/00) 3 months 975 00-975 50 (987 0G St: Marke' tor.i- Sv,,j, Sales 74! tonne
      27 words
    • 94 23 Dosm| prices Crude MJ tonne palm oil Ma- 1370 (north, south) (central) Apr 1370 (south) 1365 (central) Refined palm oil USS/ tonnes RBD pairr Mat 635 (sellers) Apr 63C sellers I May 610 (sellers) RBD Olem Mar 625 (sellers May 61C (sellers) RBD Stearin Apr 4% (sellers) May
      94 words
    • Article, Illustration
      293 23 Vessel Berth Arr Dep Keppel Wharves Frotakobe Kl2 a'side 23/3 Grand Wise K32 a'side 23 3 Str Venture K2SW a'side 23/3 Vishva Kaumudi K35 aside 23 3 Wah Fai K2O aside 23 3 Arunachal Pradesh KlB 23/3 24 3 Belait K2SW 23 3 24 3 Bintang K29
      293 words
    • 19 23 Rubber Closing prices cents/kilo Singapore Apn! \b> up 1.25 cents Malaysia April 194 50 up 2 50 cents
      19 words
    • 353 24 HONGKONG. Fri. Swire Pacific Ltd is expected to report sharply higher 1984 profits on Monday, aided by the strong results of "its 70 per cent-owned airline, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, analysts said. Most analysts said after-tax earnings are exp°cted to be
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • From the companies desk
      • 76 24 IndiaMalaysia Textiles KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. India-Malaysia Textiles Berhad 's rights issue has been over-subscribed. In a statement on Thursday, the company said acceptances from shareholders were received for 9,095,506 shares, leaving a balance of 704,495 shares available for excess applications. It said applications for 1,888,845 shares were also received for
        Bernama  -  76 words
      • 79 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad explained on Tuesday that earnings were mainly affected by the expected losses from its overseas hotels in their first year of operations. In reply to a KLSE query, Faber Merlin said the group made a pre-tax profit of M519,95,000 during the
        Bernama  -  79 words
      • 71 24 GEORGE KENT is acquiring a 43 per cent stake in Sistem Alat-Alat Gas Sdn Bhd for M5450,000 cash. The company announced that it has entered into an agreement with SAAG and its shareholders to subscribe to 150,000 shares of Msl each in the company. The purchase price of
        71 words
      • 68 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. San Holdings Bhd, the investment holding company with interests in property development, has reported a lower group loss of Msl million for the year ended Sept 30, 1964, as against Msl.7 million in 1983. The company itself made a pre-tax profit of M51,629 as against
        Bernama  -  68 words
    • 158 24 ALFA-PACIFIC is expected to serve more writs on its debtors to make them settle their contra losses. Its latest writ, served on March 15, is a salt against Malaysian businessman Micheal Tan Yeow Khoon for $7.15 million, which he allegedly owes for a
      158 words
    • 145 24 A cautious market with listless trading THE Kuala Lumpur stock exchange saw a dull and listless week with big institutions staying out. Most of the action centred around situational stocks. The underlying tone of the market was cautious and the weak performances in overseas markets did not help sentiment. Observers
      145 words
    • 370 24  -  NORA CHENG Dunlop stake to be cut to below one per cent PEGI will opt to exchange its shares in Dunlop Holdings for shares in British-based BTR, Dunlop's suitor. Thus, Pegi should receive about 3.6 million BTR shares for its 37.5 million shares in
      370 words
    • 418 24  -  MARA FERNANDEZ Stock market weekly round-up fsdsdf Singapore Top five stocks THE FOLLOWING is a list ot the five most actively traded stocks on the Stock Exchange of Singapore this week It gives the turnover in thousands of units, closing prices yesterday and the
      418 words
    • 222 24 c&c edges out Supreme THIS week's most Active stock, Cycle ft Carriage Ltd, narrowly edged oat Supreme Corporation by 1 59, W0 shares. It pot os 38 cents this week to $4 with a total turnover of 2.68 million shares. One mason for the heightened activity was
      222 words
    • 146 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Shoe giant Bata (Malaysia) Bhd has recorded a slight 5.8 per cent increase in pre-tax profit to MsB million for the year ended Dec 31, 1964, amidst stiff competition and difficult local market conditions. Reviewing the year just ended, Bata
      Bernama  -  146 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 349 21 3 days that could change the future of your business. The Hewlett-Packard Computer Integrated Manufacturing Seminars Hyatt Regency Singapore, April 2—4. The CIM exhibition and series of seminars will demonstrate how computer integrated manufacturing can link existing technologies and people to manage previously independent activities to achieve a total manufacturing
      349 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 102 22 AVOID THE EMBARRASSING FAUX PAS, AND HAVE THE LAST WORD ON THE BUSINESS DEAL As the Japanese system of management infiltrates our business firms and companies, and Japanese investment is ostensible every- r m where, a competent grasp KM W^ m WL\ MR') the Japanese language. Jfl Am mr^* troublesome
      102 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 38 23 Putting Minute >fana#cr to WqwrfcJ FtOltl the oest-selhng "One minute Manager" now comes this logical extension-putting you have learnt to work in rea! life situations If you only read 2 books a year read this one twice THEB^KSHOP
      38 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 543 24 TO AIL WHO HAVE A HOLIDAY ONLY ONCE A YEAR: HERTS ONE TO LAST A LIFETIME. You'll have the time of your life when you come with us on an SIA European ...*m?s£^At\\m^ K Holiday. All the pageantry and splendour of this varied continent are W|jiS|f|»^ yours to enjoy, while
      543 words
    • 216 24 taftJLftJ THE UNIVERSITY OF WmaVW WESTERN AUSTRALIA Tl 7 SIXTH ADVANCED '3ul MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME An innovative and stimulating Management Programme designed to improve managerial capability ana performance It is aimed at practising managers, with or without tertiary qualifications seeking to develop skills ana insights appropriate to senior levels of management
      216 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1690 25 i km. Nv Monday Friday 900am to 5.00pm Run-On: $5 00 per line (Mm $15 00) Food/Entartainmant (2 —5) ji\ 7i /^a r\ A^\r\rr^f\n^f7>\ r^v/s Saturday i^£f£°ix^ s,mi.di.p., y: n. ■i l .«.i.a. l i«,,rti-i lß> f,^KJI 1 1 1\ I G^A* I'afW \l^ir N^sjf (sf^jl 1 1\ (m^Jml(C Public
      1,690 words
    • 679 25 13 Musical Instruments KAWAI PIANOS FOR superior tone quality durability. Prices range from $3472 upwards or down payment $660 balance $130 monthly. Robert Piano 04-8/11 Cuppage Plaza *****39 or 81--119/122 Parkway Parade *****03 or Kawai Music 03-19 Thomson Plaza *****09. DISCOVER HIDDEN TALENT in your child, rent a piano fr.
      679 words
    • 775 25 14 Antiques/ Arts/Crafts 14 Antiques/ Arts/Crafts %W Antique Chinese I Exhibition Sale 1 1 A large collection of over 400 pieces from I Ching to Han Dynasty now on display. Collectorwillingtoconsidersaleorexchange of items for fine antique ceramics or I furniture. Can also accept good quality new I rosewood/blackwood furniture. I
      775 words
    • 757 25 20 Pets/Pet Cere WHITE PEKINGESE PUPPIES with papers. View: Shell Station, Junction of Joo Chiat Rd/ Place. WHITE 9 MTHS old champion Maltese female would like a new home. Tel: *****16. 1 GOLDEN COCKER Spaniel. 1 year old. With papers. Selling $350. Tel: *****69. 1 YEAR OLD male Labrador dog
      757 words
    • 535 25 BBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! BBBBBBBCBBB^'^BBBBBBaBBF Hr Nursery H proceeds from an indoor H plants sale to a school-building H, H Buy a ■L be a H? Read classification especially H H* an St JoBl- 24 Garage Sale GOOD AS NEW Momi Momi massage chair, several Seville jogger, Charmer Belt, dog cage *****53 OVAL
      535 words
    • 572 25 25 Sale: Other Product* USED RACKS. CHAIRS, wall tans good condition Must clear Selling cheap William *****60 USED SANYO NEW Rotary Air con. 1 14 h.p $230 Phone *****21 or *****52 after Ip.m. 27 Wanted LL.B. (LONDON) STUDENT wishes to contact fellow external students preparing for the 1986 intermediate examination
      572 words
    • 575 25 32 Photography CONTAX 138. WINDER. HOAX WO), 35f2.8. TLA 20 SIUOO Mint Rolleifiex SLX 80T2J3 acce Nikon FE, 85f2. SOM4 Vivitai SBS, acce BNrj Complete I'2AS system. Sa: Sun *****25 I WILL TEACH you Video filming set you up in your business career wit); expected income $2,000 pm *****0c, Edward
      575 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 354 26 8 Home Furniture/ Furnishing 18 Home Furniture/ Furnishing w3t if I Sitting. Bedroom. Study jig Khl 1 B Office Furniture. G SI 1 I WA Ua HJS |sDH 3 I 23rd 31st March '85 Bl 153 10.00am to 7.00pm |h4 laTaa^l la mm Warehouse: mm^m llfiilj 'mr^ M m1 7
      354 words
    • 571 26 18 Home Furniture/ Furnishing 36 Houee 36 House Renovation/ Decor Renovation/ Decor Klr^SoHUriTTlS KIM'S RENOVATION --^Vl 1. 12" x 12" Ceramic Flooring Skirtings. flj 2. Reposition ot sink with support. 3. Construction of Chopper 4. Cabinet base 5. Cement Arch M nm I 4-mom 1 gjjgn I 1*3980 1 $5680
      571 words
    • 459 26 18 Home Furniture/ Furnishing RENOVATION LOAN We specialise in applying for government renovation loan in old and new HDB flats. No deposit is required upon completion of work. We also undertake marble polishing, plumbing services etc. Please contact: CARTER RENOVATION CONTRACTOR 29 Jalan Maa Puteh Tal: *****77/ *****82 RENOVATION CONTRACTOR/
      459 words
    • 694 26 37 Airconditioners/ Refrigerators 38 TV/ Video/ Hl-Fi WAREHSE HI-FI SALE, etc Effective 21.3.85 to 31.3.85. American speakers. 150 watts RMS (300 peak). Normal price: 52.900 now $800. 135 watts RMS (250 peak). Normal price: $1,800 now 5550 Headphone $10. Wireless microphone $12. Oenon tapes (10 pieces) $9. Ruby Industrial Complex.
      694 words
    • 784 26 55 Commercial Vessels Indonesian registry vessels for sale 'as is where is basis'. l unit 1973 and 2 units 1978 flat top barge (150' x 50' x 10) c/w 4' sideboard 2 units 1977 flat top barge (180' x SO' x 12) C/W 4' sideboard 1 unit 1975 flat top
      784 words
      604 words
    • 495 26 57 Business Opportunities 66 Situationa Vacant: Professional/ Executive SINGAPORE ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Do you wish to change your I job to an interesting and 1 challenging career? Are you interested to help I the intellectually disabled" I If yes. The Singapore Associa- tion for Retarded Children has 1 vacancies
      495 words
    • 663 26 68 Situations Vacant Tutorial O LEVEL STUDENT it-quirrs tuition in Chemistry In the evenings Tutor should be a graduate teach t-i Q I remunerati Please rail ai =23-06 v si Centre urttb i erttflcatet WANTED A DEDICATED teacher to teach .i Bee -i boy in CL2 (Tamptnes) Ring *****88 69
      663 words
    • 365 26 70 Situations Vac -nt: Secretarial/ Clerical m We suitably lifted candidate? to fill the post of Secretary e Minimum GCE A' level certificate with a recognised Sei. ta'iai Certifcate a E> cedent command of English both written ard ora! a More tha i 3 yean experience in handling sees anmimstrative
      365 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1050 27 $lts£ Keen to work in an exciting Warn* AWL and action -f ille d commercial fP^K fm fSMf^WA and cultural complex consistm 9 Ih^» ing of foocl and retail outlets B m\ I fl and a museum $gmk I X>Am The Peranakan Place requires 0 I more than ten positions.
      1,050 words
    • 590 27 70 Situation* Vacant: 70 Situationa Vacant: Secretarial/ Secretarial/ Clerical Clerical A leading financial institution requires:- A (1) AUDIT CLERKS a GCE 'O' or 'A' levels with LCCI Bookkeeping or Higher Accounting Cert. a Minimum 1 year's experience in auditing preferably in a public accounting firm or a financial institution (2)
      590 words
    • 631 27 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Two well established manufacturing firms located at Kallang Bahru and Ang Mo Kio require EXECUTIVE SECRETARY to MANAGING DIRECTOR e GCE. O' or A' level with credit in English LCCI. Private Secretarial certificate or equivalent minimum 2 years' working experience in similar capacity e must
      631 words
    • 647 27 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical 1) ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT CUM GENERAL CLERK 2) AUDIT CLERK 3) ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT e Minimum GCE O' level (Commerce), e Able to type, e Able to work independently and possess initiative, e Must be bilingual in English and Mandarin, e School leavers are also welcome for
      647 words
    • 629 27 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Well establiahed Firm has immediate vacancies for A) SECRETARY Minimum GCE O' Level e Accurate typing with reasonable speed e Ability to work independently e Experience preferred though not necessary e Pleasant personality B) GENERAL CLERKS e GCE O' Level Able to do simple typing
      629 words
    • 722 27 70 Situations Vacant: Secretarial/ Clerical Public Accountants Firm requires ACCOUNTS/ AUDIT CLERKS Qualifications: e A' Levels I Comment-;. LCC (Higher). Ngee Ann College Graduate (Commerce) Apply with own handwriting giving full personal details contactabie tal. no. to: P.O. Box 681 Crawford Post Office Singapore 9119 TRADING COMPANY requires FEMALE GENERAL
      722 words
    • 875 27 70 Situations Vacant Secretarial/ Clerical Urgently Required GENERAL CLERK Mm (ii 1 I e Abiiiu to type. e Efeperssai not nex easacj Interested pis apply personally at CONCERN SERVICE CENTRE 05-01 Peoples Park Centre Singapore 0105 Wanted urgently FEMALE GENERAL CLERK Experience not necesaan Temporary or pennam nl (Interview time
      875 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 792 28 71 Situetions Vecent: 71 Situations Vecent: Seles Sales 1 Bj^^^B I Due to expansion in our Marketing Department, we have a vacancy for: MARKETING ASST. I (Male) Electronic Components Age 2) to 25 years I Min GCL A' tevei (preferably in the Science stream) Preferably with \-2 years experience in
      792 words
    • 629 28 71 Situations Vecent: Seles A.ISLP AIDE COJH'ERS TELE-SALES (3 POSITIONS) A new department Is being created to meet our objective of providing a more personalised level of service to all clients and to identify business opportunities over the telephone. We therefore require the services of 3 Female Tele-Sales Executives whose
      629 words
    • 465 28 71 Situation* Vecent: Seles Wa. challenging career awaits^ I you if you join this well established compsny dealing with an exclusive wine ss: 1) SALES REPRESENTATIVES Requirements: e Driving desire to sell and have a mature personality e Must have own car e Applicants must be self-motivated and able;, to
      465 words
    • 776 28 71 Situetions Vscant: Sales A Goldchain Manufacturing company invites applicanta for: FULL-TIME/ PART-TIME SALES REPRESENTATIVES e Ito 2 years' working experience in the gold trade is preferred. e Age 25 to 30. e Possess Class 3 driving licence. e Able to communicate in English, Mandarin and dialects. e Basic salary
      776 words
    • 512 28 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacant: 72 Situations Vacent: Technical Technical Technicel Si^aa^i^aMiM^aaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeMie maaaaaaaammmmmaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmaamaamamammmmaaamamammmammmmmm f Singapore Fujitec Eleuator Corpn ltd I The largest lift escalator manufacturer in SE Asia B I SKILLS TIZAINING I H loin our B 9 You will initially undergo 6 months full time intensive Theoretical
      512 words
    • 161 28 MRT Cn/1 Contractors I invite anavMnne for I I the following potato »t I Technician Diploma in Land Surveying or its equivalent Minimum 2 years site experience in Levelling and Setting-out Secondary education Minimum 2 years site experience in relevant field These positions represent a rare opportunity to gain experience
      161 words
    • 693 28 72 Situetions Vecent: 72 Situetions Vacent: Technicel Technical it HDB invites applications from Singapore cltifjßlaf for the following posts: (A) TECHNICIAN (PREFABRICATION) GCE 3 O' Level including English Maths and a Science/ Technical subjecv Carry out routine checks on steelworks. moulds and concreting works against the drawings Ensure proper repairs
      693 words
    • 270 28 WHITE INDUSTRIES A multi-million dollar I project o' f ia r ge inter- I nations 1 construction I company has imme- I diate vacancies for Boilerman 4 To operate 40C HP I Cieaner Brooks Boilers (2 off! on rotating day and night shift Must have certificate for operation o* above
      270 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 512 29 72 Situations Vacant: Technical '.ss vdcjncv V ,r Quality Control Inspector (Parts Inspection) a Technician Diploma or apprenticeship in aviation industry e Basic CAA (Smga pore) Category C i 7\.Tjoprop, Turbojet) papers for Aircraft Maintenance Engineer e 5 years experience m QC or Parts Inspection We offer a 5 -day
      512 words
    • 576 29 72 Situations Vocant: Technical BAKER FAR EAST LTD requires Production Machinists e NTC II or 111 in 5 Metal Machining e Be prepared to work on 2 rotating shifts e At least 2 years ex- < perience in lathe machining and milling I e Must have at least 2 years
      576 words
    • 487 29 72 Situations Vacant: Technical A high value added technology with its set-up in Jurong is looking for positively motivated and j killed personnel to fill the position of: Relevant STI NTC m Maintenance Fitting and Installation with a minimum ol 2 years' industrial experience preferably m a manufacturing environment Ability
      487 words
    • 548 29 72 Situations Vacant: Technical Construction company requires: QUANTITY SURVEYOR Requirements: e Diploma in Building. e Minimum 2 years experience in similar position, e Singapore Citizen. Interested applicants please apply in writing with full personal resume, salary expected and contact telephone number to: S.T. BOX A***** 390 Kim Seng Road S'pore
      548 words
    • 682 29 73 Situations Vacant: 73 situations Vacant: Production Production A fmmmmWmmm\^ flfFetfafFT^aW MALAYAN LfT/nTaB BREWERIES TH EilLDlfl (S'PORE) PTE LTD H^H B^JHP Bi.'w.ts Tuit.T 8. Anchor Beer ABC Stout HI •In possession of PUB. Electrical Worker's H Licence or NTC 3in Industrial Electricity Mm Bfl Minimum 2 years' experience in electrical
      682 words
    • 531 29 73 Situations Vacant: 73 Situations Vacant: Production Production 'i AW i Challenging career with a new high precision casting foundry A newly established high precision It casting foundry is recruiting suitable candidates to fill up key positions in the company. f}- Candidates (both male and female) who |g have Secondary
      531 words
    • 544 29 74 Situations Vacant: 74 Situations Vacant r> Miscellaneous Miscellaneous fj gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai f m mtmmm m^ m mm '*^m**amwmmm»mmmmm^ma^maamßaß*m*»a»ami^aa»L An established banking institution in Shenton Way has immediate vacancies for the following positions. FACILIT IBS TECH NIOANT (Electrical) y Must possess VITB Grade 2or Graoe 3 certificate u in Electrical Fittings
      544 words
    • 203 29 Urgently Requires DELIVERY STAFF Pre-requisites: a Able to speak v. rile aISBSSE English. a Physieaih Tit a Preferably possess a valid 'lass iiren. I a With knowledge „>;,. i.trj is an adder. advantagi Interested applicants, please WALK-IN for interview at: EXHIBITION HALL 1 WORLD TRADE CENTRE 1, MARITIME SQUARE SINGAPORE
      203 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 371 30 74 Situationa Vacant: Miscellaneous SEMANGAT AYER PTE. LTD.. (Wholly owned by Fraser Neave iS) Pte. Ltd.) 19km Sembawang Road Singapore 2775 Applications are invited for: Requirements: Approx 3 vears relevant working experience GCE O level. Requirements: 1 year's relevant working experience. GCE 'O' level. Requirements: Should be able to j
      371 words
    • 483 30 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous USA GETAP We have immediate vacanc\ tor a: Security Assistant a Musi be ,i Singapore arisen, below, the .i^c ot PhyskaO) fit a Able lo converse and write English a Some experience in SO unt\ work, with preference given to ev [Hiliie personnel Good references required
      483 words
    • 549 30 74 Situations Vacant: Miscellaneous IT PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD RECREATION CLUB requires: CLUB ASSISTANT (MALE) Requirements: a Minimum 3 GCE O' Level a Must be able to type e Broad knowledge of sports and recreational activities e Must do shift work e Completed N.S. preferred Salary scale 400 x 20 4SO/EB/495
      549 words
    • 781 30 74 Situationa Vacant: Miscellaneous Urgently required 1. TOWER CRANE ELECTRICIAN Must be familiar and have min. 5 years experience with tower crane electrical control operation and maintenance. 2. EXCAVATOR OPERATOR Must have 3 to 5 years experience in operating P&H 350. Intereated plaaaa call Mr. Kum or Mr. Lai at:
      781 words
    • 1803 30 —Autocore 1 Accessories" i lfl 21 m^m^nto4T% Aa\\T%m\ m By Y K Lai .PART I Regular mainte- Just how good are these com- trachem. America's oldest synnance not only pared with the multi-grade min- thetic lubricant company: Mobil extends the life eral oils that are in use today? l Rally
      1,803 words
    • 531 30 iM lilJ 1 1 1 r"% the international leaders in car ca r e products. TR 3 RESIN GIAZE~~] £T WORKMATE ua*£mmman^ m\ Ma,e Gives a brilhanl jL—^-Ta SlfOj at S,ar,s damp tnt nt shine and M' f tjlftui JIK ll fM:a,e Mov«i| parts lAmtsafe a perrt).' *'£»s*s accessories shops
      531 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1676 31 vH/t-l\] A TRIUMPH TR4A 1966 is going CjnOITJ for onl y 4 What's more, it comes with many new parts 1 1 Jill jPi and spares. But there is one y— y /-a b-—^ snag though. Find out more at I D f fll Ml 1 111 classification 94. aa^a^ftaaaaaß^^aaiaMv^S
      1,676 words
    • 945 31 89 For Sale: Dataun/Niaean 1983 NISSAN SUNNY 1.3 til. sspeed, aircon, radio cassette, new tax. showroom/ accident free. Selling $20,800 ono Contact Sunny *****69 anytime. Loan arrnngeable. SEPT *83 PULSAR, 1 owner, sport rims, radio cassette, aircon. tip-top condition, road tax new. $19,700 negotiable *****72 Pager *****29). MAR '82 NISBAN
      945 words
    • 948 31 90 For Salo: Toyoto SEPT. '80 SUPER Crown 2.6. fully auto. 1 pte director owner New rd tax. Excellent condition Many extras Tel: *****14 Sat Sun. Tony Tan. TOYOTA COROLLA 1300 UL sspeed. reg 1982. 1 private owner showroom cond. =01-10 President Hotel Complex. 181 Kitchener Rd. S'pore 0821. 83
      948 words
    • 962 31 91 For Solo: Mitoubiohi 79 MITS. COLT Supershift 1400 CC. Guaranteed superb condition. New sports tyres &i battery. $13,800 0.n.0. Mr. Tan *****19. $2,500 DOWNPAYMENT TO own '78 Sigma. 5-speed, with aircon., sports nms. excellent. *****44. 1 OWNER, '80. Mit. Lancer GL with radio, cassette, s/rims. Highest offer. Jimmy Ho.
      962 words
    • 739 31 93 For Sole: Honda 9/79 HONDA PRELUDE Auto, full accessories, private owner, beautiful condition. PARK Highest offer secures. Tel: *****09. JANUARY 1979 ACCORD 3-door auto, expat owner leaving. $12,900 o n.o. Call: *****87 MARCH '84 CIVIC, new model. 1 owner, full accessories, tax 286. showroom condition *****54 MID '83 HONDA
      739 words
    • 846 31 94 For Sele: 94 For Sele: Other Makes Other Mokes SUBARU L SERIES^ _jJ<" Soie Distributor: SINGAPORE MOTORS PTE LTD Tal: *****66 Main Dealer: AUTOR AM A PTE LTD Tel: *****66 MODERN MOTORS PTE LTD 356M Alexandra Road Singapore 0315 TEL: *****22 1982 Mazda 323 (1500) 1981 Mit. Galant 1600GS.
      846 words
    • 767 31 •84 AUDI 100CD. Fully auto, (fuel injection), sports rims *****91 *****55. Jerry Low 95 For Solo: Commercial Vehicles LATE •SI NISSAN Urvan Passed inspection, aircon. radio cassette, bea-utiful condition *****33 NISSAN CABALL DIESEL Lorry (1980). gd condition rd tax 4 85. insurance iO'Bs Must sell. Best price secures *****05 *****51
      767 words
    • 827 31 96 For Sale: Motor Cycles/Scooters YAMAHA 1C125 RXK GTI -2y7l6t>;_ 2y***** KAWASAKI Z2s€ A* 97 Vehicles Wanted CASH PAYMENT FOR a PARI cars Private, company r> > con.: tts pick-ups Any model any CjC all welcome Tru:.- tiden Kindly L-.Tlacl Mr Go' Tel 2420/88/ *****88 (Night Mr Goh) Tel 4******
      827 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1864 32 „i.4,,M">m,f M 11 .y,i 1 a,, :1 1 g1 w \r^^r^ W <.- 1W 106 Accommodation 5 I IL ataaOal T W W Avoilable: Houses Available: Houses ""■"•Til "Vl a? ftWJaftr*!y nt **f*"^^_ "4^^ B^r^^r^^? Ta^ti^^^7Mfl > l Jm^Jrr^ji Vulr PROPERTIES TO LET T j cation. Find out more at
      1,864 words
    • 1191 32 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation 107 Accommodation Available: Available: Available: Available: Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments I Live In Luxury, Deep In The Heart Of Town 3 and 4-bedroom apartments Swimming pool, 2 tennis and 2 bsbtv I ss- luT inL i ulTH s **t squash courts, putting green,g\m, M^K^-^
      1,191 words
    • 796 32 5-RM TAMPINES NEW Town Walking distance to hawker ctr. market, furn $700 *****00 Lilian. 108 Accommodation Available: Rooms D15T.0923 500 SQ.FT. luxurious < furnished aircond master room I Split -level With bathroom at- I tached Fridge, t.v telephone available. Private entrance. Swimming pool tennis court faculties, 24-hour security. $1,000 per
      796 words
    • 697 32 106 Accommodation Available: Rooms URN/ UNFURN RM/ Flat in many lists. For immediate rental BUQ jnwards Tel: *****58 3EYLANG RD.. PTE. apl aircond. !urn rm Free carpark $30 5400 Tel *****15 (afu>r 2p.m. ■iOe, FURN. RM. in d 2057 for Chilese single $220-$250 Til: *****87 (Malaysians welcome). <ATONG BUNGALOW Irm
      697 words
    • 931 32 110 Accommodation Wanted: Apartments RENTING OUI YOUR t I 1 ..•iiis :u\ REQD 2-BDRM FLAT mt 111 Accommoc ation Wanted: Rooms READY CLIENTS LOOKING Please U Agenc) 112 Short-Term Accommodation: Local/ f oreign HOTEI STANDARD SERVICE Day a. nlgtii I king, wail II 4i* 115.000; vu eklv Mi I II
      931 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 951 33 113 For Sale: Houses DIST2S SPRINGLEAF GARDEN g■terc] srii.i-d FreeboM j. too sa it i bdrma beaoUfulrj furn snMM a n a Cal -*****75 DIST 28 OFF JALAN Kavu i-rm •> gioinj senate hse Extensrterj renovated 9W \e.irs Approx H.X 1 sq tX)OjBM Call ."sioio D 11 08CHIO INN VtCtntSJ
      951 words
    • 1374 33 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private j 114 For Sale: Private 114 For Sale: Private Apartments Apartments Apartments Apartments a|^ M^ j 7^jffl A A mmm Wft#W rHIIII utSi^ jßmmmmi rmmmir^k W New Exterior Design Expensive ir^g^p^^sW^-" l and High-class Finishes 2-storey Split-level tjji^ < ft SM ♦OlAaV*
      1,374 words
    • 525 33 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments 3-RM STIRLING RD. Blk 168. corner unit. Hall marble rooms parquet. Selling: $44,000 0.n.0. Contact Mr. Tan, *****34. 4-RM CORNER FLAT at Owen Rd. well renovated, near market, hawker centre, schools sports facilities. $105,000 ono. *****40. 4-RM 18TH FLR, Toa Payoh, Lor. 8. Renovated to
      525 words
    • 754 33 116 For Sale: HDB Apartments UPP. BOON KENG Rd. 3-rm, high flr, terrazzo flooring. Kitchen cabinet. Price nej< Tel: *****48. 14TH FLOOR, BOON LAY area 4room flat Renovated Price negotiable. Call *****77. 2-RM TOA PAYOH, near Town Central and schools. Price $15,000 Call: *****04. 3-RM BEDOK SOUTH, 81k .46 High
      754 words
    • 1453 33 12C For Sale: 120 For Sale: 120 For Sele: Office Spaces Office Spaces Office Spaces 1 cP^p^ _______________________i___l____________[v Top class _B^^R?f^^^Pvir office/banking Building Etiff* m m __J__j V________f with giass-curtain walling. k^^^^*i»»M"»"---fc-™^Hkik«--lk^HR- .dliW%"'. Crystalline structure pf :4 towers over the i\* golden-shoe area I ii yV Close to MRT station
      1,453 words
    • 83 33 137 Tours MW^MHWMIHMWMMgMiiMK^ >-J ______Nr^^ £4a— a— b9 KEN-AIR CHINA' BS IE 1 '<'r'" —wife _fff |E_3^SyT?L'-- AIR JAPAN EXPO 'B! W Am ay Jti^J&iiftrlili" Wl^'"' ar^lellsilJ'i-"JE-.JTB- 1 SfttP p f j^i'rJTjWH ■ES^ ~<a_l r— i __Q KEN AIR EUROPE'BS i __(^__|^2^_____B|B 1 Im fjisui i Li'J *r'' c _(m^
      83 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 842 34 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours K i K)6fl6fl6fls^Bi_r_r_f_r_^ X NAM HO J TRAVEL SERVICE (S) PTE LTD. g| 3 -«-^__A ExCluslve arrangement to Chiengmai for "Water Festival". s "ll^llw^ Special dep. on 10/4. The one only in S'pore. *5 S "*'*_»alC\ 1 w liVflO 1 Set Bai- 4 days
      842 words
    • 1034 34 137 Toura 137 Tours 137 Tours 137 Tours ONLY ONLY ONLY AjQig i£_irv7_S (Lvt m\T7f\ SAH 1 SAH 2 SAH 3 Manila/Baguio Manila/Baguio/Cebu Manila/Baguio Swing right into your holiday dream! There's more excitement. More thrills and romance. More of a shopping paradise. And more value for your money with Philippine
      1,034 words
    • 488 34 147 Academic TUITION IN MATHEMATICS (Elementary Additional, Subsidiary) Hougang area: by retired University Maths graduate Tel: *****44. EXPERIENCED HONOURS GRAD Tutor in GP. English O' ii English for foreigners, also PSLE Maths' English. Contact *****41 GRADUATE TEACHER STARTING small-group 'O' Level English Classes. Queenstown area. For details. Call *****59. UNDERGRAD
      488 words
    • 643 34 137 Tours 137 Tours j H^_r^___\^r W^^^^smJ^%mmmi^rymmKmPm^' fllAKmvmmm^m^wmaAi\ nrf a mimt ■^a>_auw-ta-«^M--j m. iwmljH »\m»K^mm^^'amF..^i>am»m^Mmmm)a^^ B Days Hong Kong Macau Zhongvhan ***** Dep: Every Saturday 9 Days Hong Kong Macau/ Guangzhou Ciuilin Dep: Every Saturoay "SI6VO 1-4 Days Direct flight to Guang/hou S2MH) Dep Every Monday 14 Days Direct flight
      643 words
    • 179 34 150 Commercial/ Technical I.A.M. (Institute of Administrative Management FOR DEC 1985 EXAM Taught by dedicated and experienced lectures CERTIFICATE STAGE: l)Sa,Sun 3.00-6 00pm 10 00- I.oopm 06 04 2)T'Th 6.30-9.45pm 09 04 3) M W 6.30-9.4tpm 06 05 4)W/F 6.30-9 45pm 05 06 PLEASE ENROL EARLY With our facilities and
      179 words
    • 387 34 152 Music PIANO (INCI THEORY) 181 int> Guildl QUALIFIED PIANO TEACHER Home i u Est Dial ISM I PIANO TEACHER OFFERS at all fcn.Kir-:- an) *****57 unyunit--153 Driving I LEARNING TO DRIVE EOTOi Sl Lam ert's Drn in»,' School 10 Balmoral Ri ad Tel *****M ooz ASIA DRIVING SCHOOI bend
      387 words

    • 250 35 LII.U Drt/M-I AIICC ■VI i_#wwi-i VfWbb Aged 61 Passed away peacefully on 22.3.85. to be with the Lord leaving behind WIFE Lim Cheng Gin SONS Lim Cheng Ghim Lim Cheng Hong DAUGHTERS SON-IN-LAW Lim Li, Susan David Ong Chee Meng Lim Kim Suan Lim Kim Yiam,
      250 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        129 35 LEE THIENG KENG Age: 58 passed away peacefully on 22.3.85 leaving behind beloved rWotfier: Llm Hong Neo, Mdm Wife: Lek Eng Chuan, Mdm Son: Lee Kee Teck Daughter: Lee Mei Ling, Annie Brothers, sisters and their families. Cortege leaving Blk 71, Bedok South Rd on Tuesday 10:00 a.m.
        129 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      34 35 MR S. RENGARAJOO (RAJU) (Ex-S.G.H. Staff) AGED 57 YEARS Passed away peacefully on 22 March '85. Leaving behind loved ones. contact tal: *****05 lor "J rangement at Block 13 Margaret Drive #02-331.
      34 words
    • 226 35  -  MAHMOOD GAZNAVI By NEXT weekend's Hongkong Rugby Sevens will be a dream come true for newcomer Ahmad Ibrahim. Throughout the four years he has played the game, Ahmad always dreamed about donning the national colours. At last, the enterprise shown in the Singapore Cricket Club
      226 words
    • 640 35 Velappan to 'clear the air' Joe Dorai on the reported threats to boycott tournaments m Singapore AFC sec-gen set to meet Arab chairman to discuss matters THREATS by six Arab countries to boycott soccer tournaments hosted by Singapore because of "corruption" have shocked the Football Association of Singapore and the
      640 words
    • 411 35  -  JOE DORAI A permanent national coach and the end of 'talent drain' -4 The problem of a permanent coach has to be studied in the light of the financial stability. We will also have to initiate long-term plans to keep our talents in Singapore, though this
      411 words
    • 304 35  -  THE 22-member Malaysia Cup soccer squad will be put to two crucial tests during the next eight training sessions as the Republic continue their preparations for the last stages of the tournament. National coach Hussein Aljunied is planning to assess the players in the two
      304 words
    • 430 35  - Future of Indian tennis worries Sashi MAHMOOD GAZNAVI SUPPORT for tennis in India is lacking. And with almost no encouragement from the government, the future ol the game in the country is being threatened. This is the opinion of Indian Davis Cup player, Sashi Menon, who was in the Republic
      430 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 552 35 148 Computer 148 Computer 148 Computer The Chance for a Career in Computers! If you're bored, frustrated or not very well paid, Computeach could revolutionise your life you'll need to have ability and an intelligent approach to problems. Don't worry about qualifications; Computeach will supply them. _pAr"rti^ai/*K K<*-> KA^rt tr__irnr»n
      552 words
    • 171 35 182 Acknowledgements 182 Acknowledgements THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MR LIM THIANG LAI wishes to thank Dr Tony Tan Kang Yam (Ministar of Finance, Education A Health MP for Sembawang), Managamant Committee of Singapore Sai Ho Koo Kay, Managamant Committee of Sembawang Community Centre, People's Association and Mr Ingvar Cederberg
      171 words

    • Article, Illustration
      324 36  -  THE RACING EDITOR By He can land a hat-trick EH Hj TING home four or five winners in an afternoon comes effortlessly to star Perth jockey lan Albuino. I first saw Albuino in action at the summer racing carnival at Ascot Racecourse in November 1982 he was top
      324 words
    • 246 36 Eddery starts off with a bang DONCASTER, Fri THESE horses have won or done well on a wet track RACE 2: Kum-Cheong Wanchi, Discover. Elite Squad RACE 4: Bay Thunder. Bylon RACE 5: Datin's Delight, Teiji, Jet wind RACE 8: Katong Ocean Pf Silk, Like Mummy, Caruc': niory, Tian Ee
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 388 36 RACE RACING ED PEDIGREE TONTO LUCKY LEO WENG SOOK 4Chimbu 4 Chimbu 4 Chimbu 4 Chimbu 8 Better Prospect 1 6 Posebel 1 Suede 3 Takanawa Prince 7 Roily Polly 4 Chimbu 9 Plenty Smart 3 Takanawa Prince 7 Roily Polly 6 Posebel 9 Plenty Smart
      388 words
    • 4899 36 fHH_np| 2.15 CLASS 5 DIV 3 1,200m 1 :.rT»J Jf (Ratings: 54-42) mmmmm%m%mwmW (Stakes: $14,000) 1 500**0 Suede 51 (54) Dallas-Tan 4 nzg dc +1.5 (1200m) Hung out throughout when last but one in field of 13 C4-7 S'pore 1400m yielding Feb 2 Rajoo 4 2
      4,899 words
    • 344 36  -  PEDIGREE By Our wan on the track New apprentice APPRENTICE J. Arokiasamy, indentured to trainer Douglas Dragon, will have his first race ride at Bukit Timah today. He has one mount, Bylon, in Race 4. Tomorrow, he has another ride, on Show Me
      344 words
    • 215 37 M agn animous works with zest ON THE TRACK with PEDIGREE THREE-YEAR-OLD Magnanimous showed plenty of zest in his winding-up gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. The going was good With visiting Australian lockey Rav Setches astride, tnc gelding trotted once round the sand track before striding out im pressively
      215 words
    • 258 37 Santa Sikandar clocks the fastest time iy Melody and Holiang (Albuino) did pace work. RACE 4: Graceland (Lam) stretched out well in 42. Newcomer Whimsicality returned 40. Muchos Gracias (Cook) did pace work Karta (apprentice Go) ind newcomer Kabhi kabhie were allotted slow vvnrK on the sand. RACE 5: Chicago
      258 words
    • 167 37 HONGKONG, Friday HONGKONG'S champion horse, Gilgit, is awaiting clearance from racing officials in the United States to enable him to race in California. The Americans have ordered blood tosts to be carried out on Gilgit, and if all goes well, he will be the
      167 words
    • 144 37 Week's top gallops TUESDAY (good going): Amazon Lady 35.6, Starion 37.2. newcomer Commandant 36.8, Flight Captain (AuYeung) 37.9, Credentials II (Kwong) 37.8, Fort De France (Ang) 36.9, Tin Spartan (Kwong) 36.2, Hard To Say n 38.2, newcomer Captain Bounty 37.8, Redeemer (Sng) 37.3, Pulse Rate (Ng) 37.5, Good Move 37.2,
      144 words
    • 170 37 Total No of placings Placing* for last 11 rides rides Ist 2nd 3rd 1 Johnston 72 12 12 12 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 4 1 2 Connorton 41 12 6 5 ********** 3 TUey 70 9 8 7 ********** 4 Setches 62 8 11
      170 words
    • 80 37 Ist 2nd 3rd 13 7 3 12 12 10 Yeoh 12 4 8 EBreukelen 10 13 10 K Leong 10 7 1 Zafir 10 1 2 Dragon 8 4 4 Lee 7 5 11 West 6 16 4 Bougoure 6 12 6 Buang 6 4 8 Redgers 5
      80 words
    • 88 37 Ist 2nd 3rd 8 10 5 3 4 Agasam 4 4 5 Goodman 4 3 2 Ace-In-The-Hole 4 0 0 Auric 3 4 2 Olympia 3 1 0 Inderapura 3 0 5 True Friend 3 0 0 Frontal 2 1 3 Delighted 2 12 ACS 2 11 Mdm
      88 words
    • 1740 37 -T-'fyj-^HI 2.00 CLASS 5 DIV 4 1,200m j -_U-ttl3_aUi (Ratings: 50-38) (Stakes: $14,000) 1 38*10* Yh Asked For It Ul (late Cruise Missile) 56.5 (49) For It-Ismail 5 rag ul +.5 itSCini »Nasir 4 2 So9s* Never Fear DI 56 (48) Good Harvest-C Breukelen 4 rug ul -.5
      1,740 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      19 37 MM-BBHMI I 4i_P%~*M ATHMA SANTHi POOJA THE FAMILY OF THf LATE MR A hAMASAMY Departed on 06/03>'85
      19 words
    • 109 37 With Deepest Sympathies Condolences to o Director Chairman Mr. Teo Wang Lian on the demise of his beloved father Mr. Yeo Siew Bok Age 91 who paosed away peacefully on 22nd Mar. '85 From: The Management Staff of Wang Kok Sewerage Construction Yuan Chiang Sanitary Plumbing
      109 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      103 37 In Loving Memory Ol LAM VAT FONG Departed 23-3-84 I Oi one we will never forget, Her absence to us is s Her loss we will always Always rememberec b> lo.i'' in Loving Mernrj O 1 FRANK SCULLY Deparied 23 2.84 lift 'a ith me But :n
      103 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 86 37 184 In Memoriam In Loving Memory Of REV. (CANON) GUOK KOH MUO Devoted servant of God and loving father called home to be with the Lord on 23.3.63, 22 years ago. Dearly missed and always remembered by his children and grandchildren. "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you
      86 words
    • 3 37 184 In Memoriam
      3 words
    • 59 37 S.P SIVAPRAGASAM (MARTHA* SON OF MR MRS S I SAMY Departed on BJ M Though lour yea: The though:- tenet Fondly remembeted by parents wife, son daughter brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law. iisle r s-.n-iaw j niece nephews Y S.DAVID Our beimec ><iu art- witt. Him and H« is with u> you
      59 words
    • 51 37 tbfVt wnte Just send a Paula Pad il 0 6 l Tribute To I neorJship Open with care fHendsN) eocioseci f 1 ri i U Tj ft Im| j tavttoq rife a/so availabh C ra A Friend As Ra l' other Da, Hang Up You Trw Fnendshi 'Tl FEDERAI LU
      51 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 213 38 DACID DIC CEP ftl_in ADV Cf*llftftl rAoln Kio OEUUNIIAfiT obnUUL (at Tampines New Town Street 21) for Ministry of Education 13 Halifax Road, Singapore 0922. Tel: *****28/9 Telex: RS ***** SINDEV I D__r.« rAnc»r„MiAn Chong Leng Engrg Constr Co Chip Hong joinery Construction United Construction Service (R^?n?ofce9c"aete Wor?s" 80^Geylan^m (Joinery
      213 words

    • 480 39  -  TAY CHENG KHOON Stories By Hoping that the odds are heavily stacked in their favonr...AUBREY COLLETTE'S impression of Singapore's Famous Five (from top), Peter Hill, Zainal Abidin, Stewart Ballard, Alex Tay and Lim Hwee Tong. Likely plain sailing again at the Boat Club ■EAST ASIA SQUASH C'SHIPS
      480 words
    • 323 39 4 It was terrible just to get noticed in my days because I was in the same agegroup as those three (Peter, Stewart and Jeremy). They participated in the age-group, which meant people like me were left fighting a only for the y fourth
      323 words
    • 456 39 He' s got the whole world in his hands PARIS, Fri. Jahangir Khan, whose name means "Conqueror of the World", lived up to it again at last week's French Open squash championship and his vanquished rivals despair of ever beating him. Jahangir carved a familiar trail of destruction through the
      456 words
    • 199 39 LISBON, Fri. World cross-country champion Carlos Lopes, who defends his title here on Sunday, said yesterday he was thinking of retiring at the end of this year's athletics season. "I've done 20 years of athletics and I think that will do," the 38-year-old Portuguese said while
      199 words
    • 178 39 sdf MONTREAL, Fri. Former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier, 41. and onetime Canadian champion Robert Cleroux, 47. signed a contract on Wednesday for a fight the Quebec Sports Safety Board say is illegal. Promoter Regis Levesque, who has tried for three years to cajole Frazier
      178 words
      • 241 39 LONDON, Fri. John McEnroe will have two referees to deal with in the London Grand Prix in June, the traditional warm-up for Wimbledon. Last year, after a bad-tempered final between McEnroe and fellow American Jimmy Connors, Australian referee Jim Moore admitted he had preferred
        241 words
    • 324 40  - High marks make for low spirits HAKIK AT RAI dfsdf STORIES BY SINGAPORE'S non-par-ticipation in the inaugural world marathon championships next month has left R. Elengovan in the cold. The diminutive 24--year-old athlete, ranked No. 2 in the Republic, was looking forward to matching strides with the classy field expected
      324 words
    • 512 40 S po nsor s right there with Ms warmth 4 Unlike the footballers, who are given generous training allowances, there is little recognition for Singapore's athletes. They need help and those of us who are in a position to do our bit should m
      512 words
    • 364 40 CHINA will stage its first international motor rally in September over a 3,000-kilometre course between Hongkong and Beijing. The route will take competitors over the mountains of south China to the great northern plains through countryside not normally open to foreigners. The rally is organised" by the
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  364 words
    • Article, Illustration
      903 41 But finalists not the cream THE MARTIN PALMER COLUMN LONDON. Fri. While no-one could suggest that Sunday's Milk Cup final involves the cream of British football, the meeting of Norwich and Sunderland is in the best traditions of a competition which has given a chance to stardom
      903 words
    • 226 41 Skipper Elliott's final blow LONDON, Fri. Sunderland's suspended captain Shann Elliott has been banned from taking any part in the Milk Cap final. Manager Len Asharst wanted him to Join in the Wembley parade when the teams line up before the start. Bat the Football League have delivered a blunt
      AFP  -  226 words
    • 538 41 Gunfire in store at Goodison dsfsdf LONDON, Friday Division One: Coventry v Watford, Everton v Arsenal, Leicester v West Item, Man Utd v Villa, Stoke v Forest, Tottenham v Southampton, West Brum v Liverpool, Ipswich v Newcastle, Luton v QPK. Division Two: Barnsley v Palace, Birmingham v Brighton, Carlisle v
      Reuter; AFP  -  538 words
    • 348 41 Inter-esting battle in Milan MILAN, Friday THE match of the day in the Italian First Division on Sunday is the battle between Juventus and second-placed Inter Milan which could determine whether Inter, three points off the top, remain in touch with leaders Verona. Juventus, in sixth place, have no injury
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 200 41 WEST Ham manager John Lyall ended speculation about his future on Wednesday when he agreed to what he called "a new long-term contract". Lyall has declined to reveal how long the new contract will run. Lyall, in his llth year as manager at Upton Park, joined Hammers' office
      AFP; Reuter  -  200 words
    • 955 42  -  Norman Lim Reports by Out of sight Ace for Senior, but seeing is believing BELIEVE it or not, Peter Senior must have been the only person in his flight who did not see his ace on the 14th hole yesterday. A chorus of cries cracked the silence
      Jerry Seh  -  955 words
    • 609 42 TODAY'S TEE-OFF TIMES Ist tee: 7.30 am Wayne Smith, Ken Murray, Phua Thin Kiay. 7.37 Denny Hepler, N. Yusof, E. Bagtas. 7.44 Kyi Hla Han, Lim Kian Tiong, Ben Arda. 7.51 Lim Swee Wah, Bill Israelson, Bob Stanton. 7.58 Jim Rutledge, Mario Siodina, John
      609 words
    • 284 42 LUSAKA, Fri. A gift of £1,100 ($2,838) and the loan of a putter helped Britain's David Ray shoot a 68 to tie for the lead in yesterday's first round of the Zambian Open golf championship. Ray, who was able to fly here only because of
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 280 42  -  JANICE SEAH SINGAPORE'S hopes in the fourth Asian Shitoryu Karate championships literally took a blow when Robert Tan was knocked in the quarter-finals at the Gay World Stadium yesterday. Robert, the defending free-sparring champion in the 60-65 kilogramme category, suffered a relapse of an old
      280 words
    • 240 42 Men,s 55kg: Ramesh Rai (Nep) bt Chew Seng Kim, 800 Koh Kwee Chye bt Ng Choon Peng (M), Tomoki Nabano (J) bt Ta Choon Boon, Heng Kee Hong bt K. Vateuig im (M). 55-60kg Sulani (I) bt Hwong Yu Hee (Bru), Tan Soo Lin bt Surtianto (I), Low Dong
      240 words
    • 371 42 ROLEX MASTERS 1986 ALL THE SCORES 803 Chen Tze Mint' Tai I 68 67 68 2H Peter Senior I Aust i 69. 71 69 211 Rav Stewart (Can. 78. 72. 69 212 Jaime Crow Aust 72. 69, 71; Fung Hee Kwan (S 09 72, 71 21J Hsu Sheng San (Tail
      371 words
    • 143 43  - A semi-final certainty, says Robin BANDAR Sen Begawan, Fri. Coach Robin Chan has described as a "blessing'' the draw which groups Singapore with Brunei and the Philippines in Group A of the soccer competition. "It could not have been better for us and I can't see the possibility of us
      143 words
    • 298 43  -  J. RAJENDRAN By BANDAR Seri Begawan, Fri. Colonel Irwin Ver, the chef-de-mission of the 193-strong Filipino contingent, expects his country's sportsmen to do well in basketball, tennis, athletics and boxing. "Our expectations are high in these four sports, although we have sent our best players
      298 words
    • 680 43  - Purnomo's shock exit PETER SIOW DRAMA IN THE FAST LANE ON THE EVE OF BRUNEI'S SPORTING SHOWPIECE By What the doctor hoarded BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Fri. The much-awaited head-to-head clash between the region's top two sprinters Indonesia's Purnomo and Malaysia's Rabuan Pit is off. Purnomo, who has collided with Rabuan
      JONATHAN CHOO  -  680 words
    • 267 43  -  J. RAJENDRAN BANDAR Seri Begawan, Fri. When your name is Hartono and your sport is badminton, it seems natural for one to associate you with Rudy. The young man who will lead his country's badminton charge in the Merdeka Games is a Hartono, whose christened
      267 words
    • 223 43 Liverpool avoid Juventus European soccer draws GENEVA, Fri. The mouth-watering prospect of a European Cup soccer final between English holders Liverpool and Italian champions Juventus remained intact today after the draw for next month's semi-final ties. Liverpool, who cruised into the last four of European soccer's premier competition with a
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 37 43 CHANGI International An port Services qualified foi the second round of the Singapore Business Houses Football League Division Two when they beat Gecon 6 1 at Queenstown yesterday Other result: Getap 5 Hote, Asia 1.
      37 words
    • 22 43 QATAR. Fri Qatar bea> Lebanon 7-0 (half-iime 5-0 1 in an Asian Group One B World Cup soccer qualifying match today
      22 words
    • 80 43 NEW DELHI. Fri. Canada's Tony Grimes forged into the half-way lead with a four-under-par 68 in the Indian Open golf tournament here today. Grimes's two-day card of sevvn-under 137 put him a stroke ahead of American Danny Briggs. who came from behind to take the second
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 189 43 INDIA Shastri lbw Imran 0 Srlkkanth c Malik b Imran 6 li-anii-li b Tauseef 47 Vengsarkar c Ashraf b Imran 1 Gavaskar c Ashraf b Imran 2 Amarnath b Imran 5 KapU Dev b Tauseef 30 Blnny c Miandad b Mudassar 8 Madan Lal c Ashraf b Imran 11
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 183 43 SHARJAH (United Arab Emirates), Fri. India set off towards a fourth J consecutive triumph in international limited-overs cricket tournaments with a stunning 38-run win over -Pakistan here today. India's success came in *^*he first round of a four- nation 50-over competi- tion They were skittled "lor 125
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 241 43 Frost still looks hot for title Fri. Denmark's Morten Frost has been having a poor year by his own standards, but he still N looks good enough to win the All-England badminton title this week. The 26-year-old world No. 1 has sailed through three matches over two days without losing
      Reuter  -  241 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 128 39 ■f 1 I] R f "~Tr IT #gl r r HF mm 4_B _K..,.jt :f The cotton shop in Meitetsu is where you'll find aii _P^i \W ?m\ M^m^m, _H_l^H_l _PM|W things cotton. Blouses, skirts, dresses, bags WW M W m.. \aW *l~y va\ W&&' accessories even a wide selection
      128 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 622 40 MT^ IMW. A* Am?'' *mT^^ Br ___il-r -_-_i-l-H-^?-M P!*^. rv*BW|j t^_l m\r^ ■'jf,_F.f ST M V^-i im^ m .mmm\ __^____\_l^^^ M H_ r_B_i H^^"~^ fe^?^ JfKZi' i_S__B_i .ai^jt*y. '-y *i|" i'/* r i. r'^^VLvi? 11 _.'-_t; mStimw' '-4fc|.- lm.'' t. J*» aaaw*-' 1 B-~ 77/f /?o/er Day- Date Chronometer in
      622 words

  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 597 41 fg your child get more out E l= WP of textbooks with Federal's r\ ~mw\f\ from Emporium »f_> mm j Holdings Stores \\o^ sSaF- _3_. ._^B -J NEW I *bV J-f^^3^ w,, w w^Bl_'"* wll, -t-^'. *__^_^S^fc3fg'jßßf V&i l_ r AmY •mkar* *m "pi'' ~J-_JtJj_C-M-- JF? ___-^_H IPa NFW ~~~"1
      597 words
    • 181 41 E^ The latest MEy caneshop in I* JL, town is selling aar IXI^TI 4|^g| *»i unique expon »l jS I grade turnitun Bm*. and accessories W W^rnm _-___L_?4 rV_S_fl I' A jP flfl I> n pre catalysed v m%%& max iSmkm I lacquer, stained 1-1 -hH I to your choice
      181 words

  • Page 42 Advertisements
    • 119 42 TrHrw^'j^wv^^J^^^^^ mt A I i mw 1 7/ 'mi sm V-/w-J_l-^-i------l C_f«^__>M W%^^Wi ■fc: B?:-i8Mrf\5TB __B_4_^ r I I\^_Wl NV_i ■i p I i\v •\it^iw____ftr^! AilwH 1 __MgHU_piMM __K7S^^V V^ j l_P-M KrVNi-11 1 ___A____!_!_t_-!_L7 V_i _m_^^^-^j f^^ < __d7__l mwmmmw^W 11 1 4 ii---l _h *il |{^^^^W^||ll fi__^sl^sll SS
      119 words
    • 224 42 mmm [r^J^^^ _B__ H TsT'^_*2i ■t__2_n_H 1 W^_l_^_b_M l_H FJ*@m IrTTHTI-M-i Ur^'r /Sl«lp#i^_il^^^l i r I Lo"e« at lm mm -L _fl I -R-I^^_^§/t1 ■K.si3so- now^^Lgl (^<f^%i\(^mmK FMMmmwmmWmmTi ■-k^B-kl Am-Jr S--_.-b_f \_—_i«r jwirrr 01 ■J*■ 1 f^ 1 jTH_-_l__^^W>, _j _PJ^bW _PJ^bW m^mw mmm aaaaaam -b^-bW masten. designs IPPJPiIPJB Lgjaj
      224 words

  • Page 43 Advertisements
    • 249 43 r. r -""~V_- ONE OF THE BIGGEST IMPORTED FURNITURE SHOWROOMS AT HOUGANG .iirnm \m\\ km mt sSBE S H II m fe,. ;J*fpi* nII§ B E B_a_a-iliiß_S 'Hi "^r W" _bt aT^^B_f^^B__^^^B_r^^a_BT< Waw^Lam a r> "*_4alK a_affcl»™ __aT r a\ J_Bl aM^^^^v^aaaTjal a_a__ I I 11// I f Mm^ m
      249 words
  • Page 43 Miscellaneous
    • 157 43 CRICKET S'pore Cricket Carnival s-flaals. S pore Perak;. er Road), FT v Sabah (Padang' Plate s-flnal Johor Selangor i Padanp Matches at 10.45 am. GOLF Rolei Masters Bukit Course 7.30 am HOCKEV Frieß«ly: C-20 Hell-Orient Tanglin S pm i KARATE Asm Shitoryu (-'ships (Q_f World. 6 pm). NETBALL Inter-Constitnencx
      157 words

  • 481 44  -  LILLIAN CHEW By Washington Correspondent Programme aimed at teaching civil administration skills WASHINGTON, Fri. The US government, under increasing pressure from Asean and some American congressmen, is considering another programme to help the Cambodian people. This comes just a day after the
    481 words
  • 108 44 KFC image falls prey to light fingers COLONEL Saunders no longer welcomes customers to try his finger lickin' good Kentucky Fried Chicken at the Kampung Java restaurant he has been bodily removed from the entrance. It started at 3.50 am yesterday when four Caucasian men, believed to be New Zelanders,
    108 words
  • 438 44  -  SHIRLEY TAN By Pungent odour sent families out of the house FOUR families In Wlllde Road, near Mt Emily Park, were driven out of their three-storey block of Srivate flats on Thursay by an overpowering smell that lasted through the night. They and other residents of
    438 words
  • 213 44 Protest boycott by Blacks after 18 are shot UTTENHAGE (South Africa), Fri. Blacks boycotted work and white-owned shops today in protest against riot police shootings near here yesterday in which at least 18 people were killed. Several women and children were among those shot dead on the 25th anniversary of
    AP; NYT; Reuter  -  213 words
  • 288 44 Two Iranian jets shot down Iraq BAGHDAD, Fri. Iraq claimed yesterday it had shot down two Iranian jet fighters in the first air battles since it declared Iranian airspace a war zone last Tuesday. One American-made F-5 jet was shot down over the central Iranian city of Hamadan and the
    AP; Reuter  -  288 words
  • 31 44 NEW YORK, Fri. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 4.75 points to 1,272.97 in the first halfhour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP
    AP  -  31 words
  • 232 44  - Good chance of early aw US-Soviet summit: Reagan LIAK TENG KIAT By Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON, Fri. President Ronald Reagan last night denied that his invitation to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to visit the United States had been rebuffed, saying there was a "good chance" of an early summit. In his
    232 words
  • 83 44 PARIS, Fri. French children will be allowed to race motorcycles from the age of six if a proposal by the new president of the French Motorcycling Federation is approved. Mr Herve Kervalla believes competitive riding in an enclosed circuit will help prepare children from age six
    AFP  -  83 words
  • 175 44 US Navy plane contract for S'pore THE US Navy has given Singapore its fifth aircraft overhaul contract in four years, the Singapore Aerospace Maintenance Company (Samco) has said. A Samco in-house newsletter said six C-130 Hercules planes based in the Pacific will come here for standard maintenance which involves work
    AFP  -  175 words
  • 24 44 NEW DELHI, Fri. About 28 million of India's 740 million people live in slums. More than two million others are homeless. AP
    AP  -  24 words
  • Page 44 Advertisements
    • 238 44 Ask the many who've seen, and swore it's indeed worth 2x its value. A $3,900/--electronic organ with $7,000/- features R Here's a sophisticated organ with features way above its class. For the same features and quality, you may need to pay $7,000/- or more. But Bontempi is giving it to
      238 words
    • 284 44 _HatlaaaaaaaaflaWaal-aal H* l7F\^m ■ESk£*£-'' 1 1 wft':' J m SM^^mbii)&glLmaa^^amm > ~A_a Bt^B B ■Uri T £x a' I Ha-aaVta- La? aa_ fpHffWß MLnl b_b_l_b_ amm+ imw '^~r^aawam\l^Tm>* +^^^^*^9*mW mafmm mm^^' r i^r*^' < ;^B I I i*l '~l*-*^^< mm m\ RARE, OLD PERSIANS AFGHANS B_i< ii aaaaaa-P»*«^aaaaaaflWaalaaaaaaWa^ I aaaa-i
      284 words
  • Page 44 Miscellaneous
    • 115 44 aaaammmaatmaamm^ Weather UP TO 1 p.m. Fair. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 24 min. SUNSET today: 7.14 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 7.07 a.m. GLOBAL WEATHER Adelaide 19/30C Sunny Manila 22/34C Sunny Amsterdam *C t Melbourne 18/25 C Sunny Bangkok 26/34C Sunny Moscow 7/8C Winds Beijing 1/12C Cloudy
      115 words

    • 22 1 SECTION TWO A history of aviation in Singapore KIDS AND THINGS, Page Sim Background information on The King and LEISURE, Page Twenty-three
      22 words
    • 1477 1  -  MURIEL SPEEDEN By As a junior reporter of The Straits Times in the *****, George Peet saw a Singapore where cars were slowly edging horses off the roads. And when he became the first editor of the paper after World War Two, he witnessed
      PHILIP LIM  -  1,477 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 219 1 BB_BBB_BB_B3_B__h3hk^ HH llßs_HMß_a_M_B_A_fl_^_^_B^Bl VJ I _^UU\_/UI_ZDU\Jv_^AJ\ xUYJ _HMB_SkSBP»Pw P^^S *s ■\^^iIsI_S_I_BBBBBBBBBB I]l j I §k^ Y £&Jk (fl m **^iiP^l-*****8-BB-HbßHS^^ HP^ "Illllsß-88-88-H BBHB— WBrriii^ His*i& 'fillliii 88-88-liiiliir' -IfITM IF^ iIV BBbßßS^^l^x^ BassHs^ h»w H_h^HbL^- IBsy flP_Bß__ *§sl»£_^Hß_Bß_i Kflfl_Bßj«£^ Bk Nntw. \-^>^^^h| eS_-_HEf§^' _-Hl_llll_r B_BBBB_i ■BBBfIEES^.- v > ._i^B_B_flß____B__P^ BJr a
        219 words
        349 words
      • 1345 2  - veal can be a cut above beef TAN LEE LENG By Veal, preferred by many Chinese to beef, has a mild flavour which lends itself well to dishes such as pasta, stews and schnitzels. Recipes one for a local chefs veal dish are given. The neutrality of veal makes it
        1,345 words
      • 761 3  -  Christine Khor GASTROPOD #> edited by BISTRO TOULOUSELAUTREC =04 08/9, Tanglin Shopping Centre (Telephone: *****13/ 6938) Reviewed by BISTRO Toulouse-Lau-trec should be familiar to many readers of this section's Leisure pages as a pleasant place to spend an evening. However, its reputation for food
        761 words
      • 728 3  - Heard about the E-factor in your food? HELEN HOWARD By IS THE E-factor changing your life? Have you wondered, when you see the mysterious letters and numbers on the side of every packet and tin of food you buy, whether you should be a cook or a code-breaker? By next
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 613 2 4-Door Wall Unit V^WpMJ k&MT^tU /Jk2 1 in Rosewood finish Alffi79^Bßßß_-__i Bukit Timah, l^^A -Jf) _S a ATA aAa\%. /_f7TV^^l ß __Bß_Bifc> N KatoiU, Lucky Plaza, 7 C x I IQD DEPOSIT !mmmmA^L% mM^' From low COSt econom y to Penthouse seran^on, Tampines, r—^^ /^^Z AA N 2fo^4 M^thTy mmmWrnmrn
        613 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 422 3 AdwniscmcfM Cheers! rVWj ell, time has certainly flown. My friend, who got ■VtA^II married two weeks ago is returning today from PbP*^ an idyllic (I hope!) honeymoon in his native Australia. Wonder whether he really had time to get down to the Gx)nawarra district to get me some vintage Wynns
        422 words
      • 324 3 MARRIED? Sometimes it may be wise to buy nice We at LUXURY serve serious clients like looking but not necessarily long lasting you, with furniture made of Hardwoods and products.^ you plan to remain together, Genuine Manau. No softwoods and no remember, permanent relationships chipboards. No temporary structures indeed' deserve
        324 words
    • BOOKS
      • 818 4  - Journalist's memoirs of a time past CHRISTINE KHOR RICKSHAW REPORTER By George L Peet Eastern Universities Press, 1985, 226 pages, softback $10, hardcover $24 Reviewed by SO RARE are the personal records of journalism in Singapore that when a book appears which records a journalist's memories of the period between
        818 words
      • 724 4  -  REBECCA CHUA Browsing in the library By FROM the romantic to the modern, the British Council's music library spans the century with its music cassette tapes. Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No 2 in C Minor Cecile Ousset and Simon Rattle with the City of Birmingham Symphony
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      • Article, Illustration
        245 4 INFINITY and the Mind by Rudy Rucker (Bantam, $13.45) Infinity is a concept of paradox and mystery. Mathematician Rudy Rucker discusses every kind of infinity: potential and actual, mathematical and physical, theological and mundane. The book, written with the average person in mind, provides insights into the
        245 words
      • 624 5 A UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF INFAMY By Jorge Luis Borges Penguin, 137 pages, $11.50 THE DEATH OF ARTEMIO CRUZ By Carlos Fuentes King Penguin 265 pages. $13.55 Reviewed by PHILIP COOREY Dlustrations from the book covers JORGE LUIS BORGES is. perhaps, the greatest Latin American writer;
        624 words
      • 112 5 The young reader LARGE print and uncomplicated plots help to keep young children interested in books. These four in the Young Puffin series are designed for primary school students. They are for reading aloud and for reading alone. In Keeping Up With Teddy Robinson, the adorable teddy bear belonging to
        112 words
      • 405 5  -  LIN LIN-DEE KEEPING UP WITH TEDDY ROBINSON By Joan G. Robinson Young Puffin, 1984 reprint, 121 pages, $6.15. THE GREAT PIRATICAL RUMBUSTIFICATION AND THE LIBRARIAN AND THE ROBBERS By Margaret Mahy Young Puffin, 1984 reprint, 71 pages, $4.50 PROFESSOR BRANESTAWM'S POCKET MOTOR CAR By Norman
        405 words
      • 402 5  -  AUDREY PERERA MALGUDI DAYS By R.K. Narayan Penguin, 1984 255 pages, $11.50 Reviewed by NO WIDE sweep, no tales of epic proportion. Life in Malgudi, the fictional south Indian town invented by R.K. Narayan, goes on serenely, sparked now and then by unusual activity.
        402 words
      • 423 5 Tactics by Edward de Bono (Collins, $22.90) An unashamed exhibition of the art and science of success, with interviews of the successful rich including fashion tycoon Diane von Furstenberg and rock star Sting to find out what makes them tick. The Fourth Protocol by
        423 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 555 4 3 __u_] EO3 n\n b__i r_r__i nn__ i_ii__t chie-i __ti_d r__ri__i g n In draw 22/85, the Group II cash prize of $20,000 will be shared by two winners. Coupon fn -J X1 82 1246 sold at Bendemeer Estate Market will receive $10,000. System Coupon PC 1310V21 LJ HI sold
        555 words
      • 102 4 m\\ JH jfti «s**« mm ____________l ,<r JBjpjpjpjpjß mvw 9 "*wa> m\ I w SHI t __H_9_i 9_____________________i vV^l^^^ J£<&l______! fll HS-B Only $3.50 It's now on sale. The December 1984 issue (Number 9) of Singa features a collection of poems and short stories by local writers including the following
        102 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 414 5 A L At U^^ AaZmJ^mmm^ SH-flec I m Singapore Hotel Association Training and Educational Centre ADMISSIONS The Diploma in Hotel Manage- hotel and catering trades or a good ment is a three-year course consisting GCE k O' level Certificate (at least slO'5 l O' of two vears of institutional training
        414 words
      • 126 5 BEETAXCO PUTS ©(meow at an affordable price into your aammz^^m ____P____rf ____>__. _____Mh-___Ml-________________— 4 -..HI Nw Now frorr only m\ ma JH-K If >^ #HoneyDew Wp] #f •Fair Lady I 91 Rosalie *|.J* Sunflower 1191 and more than 30 other M_______ different, uniquely designed MM S. suites 3_^H|l mm* s^^^Bf^w
        126 words
      • 296 6 Singapore's flying history g-a4_-_ /f^fr^^P^^ WHAt HAPPENEP W KITTY HAWK n JMf'liOßtM O^OLINA) DEt,1903 l^nSUyr^Ojli^^ ove^THewORLP. but on that AUt? VfEKT OW THEIR OU$mE% Afr -fMOU&H NOTHING iMP^t^T H/P 7 HAfpfIJEC fe5 u rv /sli% 3 r^CT3 _T &UTiW |Q!i ?^IN6AjDRt: WA^ .rfiUAUV IUVCtVIEp. tHt: Plffaf AEROPLAME FLIGHT Took P-ACC
        296 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 508 6 I A lead***^^on /^^T^ I If b/\ 1% kV m T_lbE k Jfc^3_^_--B________BB_t' J^g^Ba a___^ I IItCV mnniy 2i*""A» I |K J— e L_d__| I If fll V-H Kf __BBr__________P t _Bi__^___l mmmw9mW^m?m&: _^_9_K .:^4- i __L________P t __B___j^_^_J_^___r^_f J^9k}___l__Bl___^"j_H ____r _P^_P\_^. »Kt, a t___GM ________t_____r^ Hit m .^*mA\ __Bla___l
        508 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 1816 7 Mf D/LECI CC /^ITV topping J» IV^-r^fLtD \^l 1 7 out HB_H ................k ..............I _H I _H I )'y mm Wmm\ ttf^^ V^BB P^ BBJBBJJT^^ I B^B_^r B H^^ BB 4 B M 7 B^"Hl^^ l^^^H^^^B __n to itself ds a protit.ihle I ii iv^ Ihh HHHH H Ii H|
        1,816 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 1387 8 ©RIFLES CITY 5°^ PING m mmm a SUPPLEMENT ON TOP OTTHEWORLD ffltM^^S 5 GLEAMING FACADE ADDS MITSUI FORMS CONSORTRIM THRFF MOMTH^ AHFAH Hospital and the SIA Engineering Hangar. The APPEAL I niVJLIL iviwi^ l no rvniLnxy company has also handled projects in Indonesia, Mitsui and Company has teamed up h
        1,387 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 2051 9 _B_ B al mWmm bvbji VJHH. Wf bjbb ____Mfe ___Mh bv ■■■^HM J_f r |'l/"\T^T^T\ T^**N ___r ___^^^_t W^^m\a\m\^^ BBBBBi m B 8 b» Tm CHANGING LOCKS AT !,it undertak" I TOWELLING OFF WITH AMD CREATING AN AMBIENCE IS~ THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON furniture for the Somerset's Bar in
        2,051 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 581 10 4th HOOR SUL lAN PL AZ A, JAI AN SUL TAN U *****761 5 SHOWS I lam, I 30, 4 00, 630 9 15pm O X<_ IT IS THE FUTURE 0 I >,!sl 'l.^*"^_r 8 CATHAY: 10th NIGHTMARISH DAY! S *****001 5 SHOWS Ham, I 30, 4 00, 630& 9
        581 words
      • 528 10 j^^^^gj^j^^^^^^^Kj^^^Bß^Bß i V \JmmKPk^*' jma BBP^^r^^ 1 _____H IBf^^bV B_L V^K BP^ __B__ffl__BßM_^_!^£^^^^fe!^^^B^ »-A I^*^^^^^ BJ_ "BjT -»y ™1 B Tsf__l __r^ ___^SBJJBP^MlHWrTni_^__f > i^_!i 'i^SS: x*li «^KT _Ji F BPLj^^" jf- _@Bf •SjB_HBBBBBBHBBBBBBBHBBmEBB_II ■j-sp: Tfc, f ij™. BJf «f s ilßJMrfiß- *B^ HF AWf .^~d^j&i w^ TM^^fc_»jFff P__^*ii_ri r
        528 words
      • 366 10 LIDO: Thursday, March 28 at 9.15 p.m. 1 A Charity Film Premiere under the dirtinguighed Patronage of g the Minister f«»r Foreign Affair- Community Pgvclopmenl Mr. S. DHANABALAN B AU proceeds to The Community B m- Chest Of Stnganore Tickets at S5. $1(1 s2."> available ;ti B Tanjfs Superstore B
        366 words
      • 365 10 f¥fi___S: ORGANISATION 1.; ,va r I .:<__. |_l_32____l______l I s 1 B —B\ MY MIND WF* YOUR BODY :C_^^^{ Sm -I I THE DISSIDENT YOUTH g 3 Stooges Go Undercover I Mandarin in Scope-Coto* g g MV MINO VOUR BODY HEAVENLY BODIES I "Merry Christmas m W Mr Lawrence Mfh>>)'iA-\timmill
        365 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 761 11 f*BBBBJ|jPP|P*BBS PJH7^PINP^^^|^PJPK9JPH H v jj-^_li >H ii__i'i*i H Is lij A |_F H BBRBHHMH ■>. _S e~Fp_3s f "HI T T liii-j^y |_Sr| rtim\o!>r^ Mun] P ur P° se b°° k shelves J 2JJj=J 3 s)\Xcolou! Pine teak oaK B-JPiu;.^ i J?r^ e 45 c ,r, x 25cm x 8
        761 words
      • 75 11 IT BB "-tf B__P_b "___j/ BP J. 1 Ib^wCnH r4\v. BBB^^^BB Bj. »a'\\^c^ on Ballet Belinda Wright &JelkoYuresha Topic Date Their careers and advice to 23 Ma (Sat) young students from their 3 D m experiences. p Venus: DBS Auditorium Admission is free All are welcome Cultural Affairs Division Ministry
        75 words
      • 102 11 I @gfft _fe___t^___i Bj|___tf /nJ) wNvVw^P^—^ i rt#- B___ _^£_y A i _t_W*.-^/- i_L_K— lH_i < _-____A- k!P"— B^ —W"— W*|_j__ m*wW *W I— P -_P I I IB I I T P _»jP BV& m t^^ r7^ *S» Is ■*d(!B___M_Hß__''fc Z.'/ 4300 imm -1 H| •**-f's <^--_l'_T»ap*_r _l^^bH bbbbbßßlß-
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 658 12 APPOINTMENTS/ NOTICES STANTS RSSOBBI Hb___HHl I TH, fax No: *****59 I Rates: Box Service: oihuio noduoo l Sa|es Service straits Tim es: 5525.00 psc. cm. Collected: 555.00 Telex Service: S.T.A.N.T.S. RS ***** TIMEAD 1 Tel: *****11 ext 2724-7 2669 I Sunday Times: 5525.62 psc. cm. Posted: Sslo.oo i APPOINTMENTS f
        658 words
      • 850 12 _J[NDUSTRY AUTOMATION IATA's Automation Division is looking for an Industry Automation Manager to join a small dynamic team of Airline Automation experts based in The successful candidate will be required to manage ajtomation related projects through all stages of development. Applicants should have the following qualifications: At least 5 years'
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 655 13 APPOINTMENTS ____H P^^^bW AWWw AmmW _f^^ _^_T mmmaaaaLmmmmmmmmm\. m _B_BB_ The MRT Corporation invites applications for the following positions in its new HORTICULTURAL UNIT 1. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Salary Scale: Ssl6ooxloo 1800x125 2050x150-3700/3850:150:4000 Function Reporting to the Chief Architect, the incumbent will coordinate and draw up landscape schemes tor the vacant
        655 words
      • 625 13 Come and join our team. Cathay Pacific Flight Attendant, it's a great lifestyle. B W J_H__|_^___ lifestyle full of fascinating places and interesting peopli As a I fth_) Parifii JjfPr^ -itsaBBBBBB-BB I P>v excellent fringe benefits including free ami reduced rate -trawl on. Catha\ PautK an.: B ''mWmWf^ :"«ft other
        625 words
      • 469 13 (C BOARD OF |1 COMMISSIONERS OF CURRENCY, SINGAPORE invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the post of SENIOR SECURITY OFFICER A degree from a recognised university with working experience in senior security positions and management OR Full GCE A' level together with several years of relevam security and administration
        469 words
      • 505 13 An American Offshore Bank 1 applications for the following i 1 I positions I Marketing OfficerI Trainee j fi We are seeking recent graduates with fi the following qualifications fi University Degree in Business fi Administration Accountancy Must be Singapore Citizens or Hi permanent residents fi •No working experience is
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 639 14 APPOINTMENTS P IFffl SINGAPORE I POLYTECHNIC I Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for Ijafl the following positions: flfl I Principal Lecturer $5702 6998 pm wm II Senior Lecturer ***** 5062 pm h 111 Lecturer $iB4i 4775 pm |i The point of entry will depend on qualifications and experience.
        639 words
      • 598 14 il Economic J o^A\ Development f[_=___=J R_rt_ar_rf French-Singapore Institute of I Electro-Technology (FSI) The Economic Development Board (EDB) would like to invite applications for the following vacancies in FSI which is a training institute established by the EDB in collaboration with the Government of France. The FSI trains diploma level
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      • 514 14 PERFORMANCE COMPANY SENDIRIAN BERHAD We are the sole agent for the sales and service of BMW cars in Brunei. In order to meet our expanding needs we are looking Parts Supervisor The Parts Supervisor will be responsible for the operation of the Parts department. The Parts department sells parts to
        514 words
      • 668 14 I m^mmA m wmw m pm m m m mmmmmAmmmmwm m^ «J J TmW l m~m J A 1 1 I 'Ha if/ 1 __J _____r>j 1 LvL-J WJ A 1 *4 a i _a_*4____. ■M__M____Mil--___-__________i_l____n CLERICAL OFFICERS in various Government Ministries Departments Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens between
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 1054 15 APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for appointment to the Administrative Service. I THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE is the service in the Civil Service Holdmo -.ev ix-sitions in Ministries and Departments Administrative Officers assist Ministers m formulating Government policy They are responsible for the implementation or the policy
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      • 454 15 (h Reliability INCORPORATED An established American Electronics Company invites applications from suitable candidates for the positions of: Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering or equivalent with at least 2 years experience in a manufacturing environment Possess broad engineering background preferably with experience in burn-in and integrated circuit testing Knowledge of
        454 words
      • 744 15 I CAREERS IN COMPUTING Far East Computers is today one of the fastest growing companies in Singapo i Four successful years of operations have resulted in sales doubling every year. Starting with Mirco computers, the company today markets: mainframes from Motor >la K mr I fiase IBM plug-compatible peripherals from
        744 words
      • 253 15 DIETHELM Engineering Division We are a leading manufacturer of quality alumm stainless steel products We invite applications from sjitably qualified and experienced persons to til' the foiowing positions:WORKSTUDY OFFICER Responsibilities Work Preparation and Method Tin Production. Material and Layout Planning P'. jac Casting Requirements Male Singapore Citizen above 2. >•
        253 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 452 16 APPOINTMENTS Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens/ permanent residents for appointment as: NURSING OFFICER Requirements Candidates must be a Singapore Registered Nurse and preferably have at least 5 years' experience in Occupational (Industrial) Health Nursing and/or teaching experience. Duties: The successful candidate will be required to conduct training and educational
        452 words
      • 385 16 I I I «&JWAnn I Swann Electronics is one ot the largest I international switches manufacturers. In |S line with our expansion, we invite suitable I a PPl*cants for the following positions: I PRODUCTION 1 SUPERVISOR I Requirements: I Male aged between 25-35 years I 3 to 5 years of
        385 words
      • 1102 16 B Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian A successful candidate who is a Brunei citizen fiS H Berhad invites applications from experienced per- will be offered pensionable employment with the sons to fill a vacancy in the aircraft engineering company. section of its aircraft services department based Wm at Anduki Heliport
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 729 17 APPOINTMENTS I SINGAPORE AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES 1 ne Singapore Aircraft Industries Group of Companies is in the forefront of the aerospace industry in the Republic. Our activities include the overhaul and modification of aircraft and components, manufacture of aircraft parts and assemblies, and system development and integration of related electronic equipment
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      • 566 17 Career Opportunities In Data Processing NO DP EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, TRAINING PROVIDED SBS has taken advantage of the latest computer technologies in various applications geared towards providing better bus services. Our library of computerised systems cover the following areas: Route Network Planning, Engineering, Operations, Personnel, Supplies, Finance, Commerical, Public Relations. Our
        566 words
      • 559 17 A major international company dealing in water B fl treatment and related products and services fl fl requires a dynamic and self-motivated person fl fl for the following position:- B I SALES/TECHNICAL I I SERVICES MANAGER I H (Water Treatment Chemicals/ Specialty Products) I I QUALIFICATIONS: I fl Degree in
        559 words
      • 572 17 ■I FRASGR NGAVE GROUP Hi invites applications for the following HI positions of: If Research II A a II iX CCI CTS& n T Requirements: Diploma or equivalent qualification in Food Science or Food Technology Previous experience in food industry and in laboratory techniques will be an added advantage The
        572 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 598 18 llllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllilHllllililllllllilllllilllllllll^ Meet [he exciting challenges of aerospace manu- nn luring, design and quality assurance technology! Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing, a member ot Singapore Aircraft Industries, committed to the I development of aerospace technology offers you every resource and opportunity to hack-up and develop your talents and potential to make things possible.
        598 words
      • 803 18 WW NGtE »f.N KJimCHNIC I I■■ mrn^AW M I M \_y H Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents H H of Singapore and ASEAN citizens to fill H BB the following posts H B (A)(i) Building Department (ii) Electrical Electronic Engineering B B (iii) Mechanical Engineering Department B B| (iv) Mathematics Science
        803 words
      • 516 18 I UNION CARBIDE SINGAPORE GROUP OF COMPANIES Oui Catalysts and Process Systems Division which is engaged in the sales of speciality chemicals and licencing of technologies for process and engineering systems, is strengthening its marketing activities in the Far East. To meet its objectives the division seeks a top notch
        516 words
      • 33 18 >jOMp_9 'lt^___P"i. j».a__a_r- J Top btiefc putted tet <t_«lrrY t |Wj-""" mmmmm^tmm _B*___^Sk__» JS" „> B^__*2sf6_r _n _fel_^_ i ijj*, _K-M«»^JW% *i#% r 1 toHl S__rO i vomp jrenr —■"—-"".I ki« At AH lUlMstrihiiturs
        33 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 773 19 APPOINTMENTS r^DENKfI \\c me oir- »>t the downstream companies oi the Singapore Petrochemical Complex at Pttlati Ayer Mcrbau (about 30 minutes by ferry from Pasir Panjang). manufacturing and selling Acetylene Black (Denka Black) and wishes to invite suitably qualified candidates for the positions of:SENIOR TECHNICIAN (MALE) Graduates of the Singapore
        773 words
      • 713 19 Management I Information Consulting I Our client is the world's largest, most successful §|1 information consulting organisation. The Wm company employs more than 6000 top profes- Jm sionals involved in developing computer based Wk systems in such critical disciplines as finance, 8* information processing, transportation energy, l& manufacturing, construction and
        713 words
      • 1099 19 H A newly established professional driving centre in Ang Mo Kio first of its Kind in B H Singapore which offers the most advanced and sophisticated methods of teaching T H on safety driving skills, will be opened for ENROLMENT OF CLASS 28. 2A AND 2 training M as from
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 548 20 APPOINTMENTS 3& We have vacancies for the following positions: I SYSTEM ANALYST/ fl PROGRAMMER To design and/or implement procedure for MIS fifi Tertiary education in Computer Science or equivalent with minimum I PRODUCT MARKETING fl ENGINEER B| Responsible for short medium range strategy formulation, propose JBe sales budgets, plan 8.
        548 words
      • 755 20 HIGHLY REWARDING SALES OPPORTUNITIES SALES MANAGER/MANAGERESS SALES EXECUTIVES I Do you believe that you are the best salesperson I in Singapore but underpaid and underestimated? I That you could sell ice-cream to eskimos? B Are you frustrated by the bureaucracy of big B organisations with low authority levels which stifle
        755 words
      • 746 20 Ijk/JEV* CORPORATION nfiC/W JAPAN I CHALLENGING OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT 1 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING OVERSEAS FOR A j HIGH TECHNOLOGY COMPANY. PLEASE READ ON m NEC Corporation invites graduates in Telecommunications jg Engineering/Technology to join a team of Telecommunications A. TECHNICAL WRITER I B. TECHNICAL TRAINER I For position
        746 words
      • 301 20 NOT JUST FOR 4^ *f«f I 3ATEGIF How to raise your scores on al! types of tests $12.25 Includes the two most successful methods ot organising notes outlining and patterning $9.15 i _k i h" i Wm The techniques and shortcuts that the professionals use $9.15 At B A o^kshops
        301 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 91 21 NOTICES ■^■^■^HHHHHHHHHHHHHH UPSA JrV-rJV O/VAjEL RE: PSA Canteen tender notice advertisement (Straits Times 22.3.85) Assets of a manufacturer of transformers, relays and coils Item shlHl d read The Au comprising production machinery and stocks in trade tfeority does not bind itself i regretted. Interested parties please contact: HPEAT The Receivers
        91 words
      • 326 21 NOTICES I _^_^_^_B DATA GENERAL MANUFACTURING LIMITED Tenders are invited from experienced canteen caterers to operate the canteen of new manufacturing plant at Gul Circle, Jurong. Canteen layout Stalls type 1 5 Service concept Self-sen. ice Staff 200-25! I people (initial start-up i Expected date of operation May 2nd. IOBS
        326 words
    • Page 21 Miscellaneous
        867 words
      • 671 22  -  CATHERINE TAN By MOST people will agree that one of the most exquisite ways to tell a tale is through dance. And Ch 12, which has featured many such stories, has listed even more special dance features in the months to come. April's
        671 words
      • 1091 22  -  KEVIN SULLIVAN Interview by THE last time Belinda Wright and Jelko Yuresha were in Singapore in 1967, they were mobbed by fans and had to be escorted from the National Theatre by a police guard. "It was like the Beatles," recalled Jelko, adding that
        LIM SENG TIONG  -  1,091 words
      • 1468 23  -  ILSA SHARP By It may surprise many that the popular Hollywood film extravaganza of 1956, The King and I, is banned in Thailand. Last week, Queen Sirikit of Thailand attended a Broadway stage performance of this very show, starring Yul Brynner from the
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 495 22 NOTICES Mr Hr^^HJ J I PART-TIME CONTINUING EDUCATION AND TRAINING COURSES I APRIL 1985 INTAKE Applications are invited for admission to the following part-time Continuing Education Training courses commencing WM ACADEMIC EDUCATION COURSES These are available from Secondary 5 Normal (SSN) to Pre-University 2 (Pre-U 2) levels. Applicants for these
        495 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 106 23 The Singapore Symphony Orchestra presents AN AU BEETHOVEN PROGRAMME r '_*l^_. \fm. "■&9A* aA^W^ A «wr^ '-J&fCfimWmm. '•'•'^Tl'm *i» "im^i He Conduaor Choo Hoey Soloist Christian Blackshaw PROGRAMME Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 Concerto for Piano Orchestra No. 5 in E flat, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67 Appearance
        106 words
      • 607 23 DESIGN DECOR BARGAIN OFFERS i _B_^& H _L__i _k Scheing genuine F _i I leather sofa «J>«osJvf -■Q^%H aawwmwmwm t^f_ V__i_R M— WB^ Wh'-mmmmmmti W^^ l mm\ Mit 9 jH_?\ M I, i i jigf jkH -ii__^m_ w^ n| I^?VI_BNV^ French design by Gautier vmvio I Hr a^wrj|B|S Delta i^^!^^S[?**Ps^^w|^(iw'|
        607 words
    • Page 23 Miscellaneous
      • 365 23 What's on BALLET LECTURE 6 pm. Open daily except Jelko Yuresha and Sundays. Free. On till Belinda Wright, a I^,^.™™... husband-and-wife team THREE-DIMENSIONAL from the Royal Ballet, Exhibition of contempotalk about their careers, rary West German sculpDBS Auditorium, 3 pm. tures and drawings. NaFree. Organised by the tional Museum, from
        365 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 237 24 _^_B__. _^_k. m^m\w'"-- wF JmmtWmmmWM mmm^r mWW ___^__^__^_b mam mmm maa ma tawawW (lift _H Il 1 _^B A S»' 9 _F Jw __SSIHbHP j^fcl|fe^*»n_B^ B^^^^3l_U3i3i"^™* B Findus. Because this Easter, Findus is giving away wßßllfl^#9 -MBP^^SIaaB Maa¥Baaafe_r a'O 0^ _^n_nMfl_^l great holidays and versatile microwave ovens. >^ |lw> BWll^pP
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    • Page 24 Miscellaneous
      • 1320 24 YOUR VIEWING AND LISTENING GUIDE «fcj__ A Chinese Robin Hood yy y j r^oon.- M^t. f^MfmmWWl^^^^KHKmWmm\wWwWWmWW^A slmwWk'%, I'ttw^i I Pages 700 Arts Around 5-5 AW National Anthem Summary 2J5 'M) Years f-^a^a -IS-A^ Imlls I to cc n p u- ui- hf 730 NewsinMalav followed by Opening An- H-> kr.
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