The Straits Times, 25 October 1982

Total Pages: 56
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1982 40 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 99/1/82
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  • 849 1  -  H.L. LIM: PM's suggestion for countries lacking bright and committed people By Port Moresby, Sunday MR LEE KUAN YEW surprised and then delighted his audience today when he suggested that the Papua New Guinea government co-opt the Leader of the Opposition. There was laughter and
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  • 41 1 4IT is not often in a newly independent country to be a guest of the leader of the Opposition. I congratulate both the Prime Minister and you for m having made this possible. 7 Mr Lee in Port Moresby yesterday.
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  • 288 1 Time to expand S'pore PNG economic links PORT MORESBY, Sun. Mr Lee Kuan Yew today joined his Papua New Guinea host in saying that the time has come for businessmen to expand economic links between Singapore and PNG. Mr Edward Diro, Leader of the Opposition in the PNG Parliament, said
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  • 33 1 BEIJING, Sun. A special marriage agency was set ui> in Harbin in northern China last year to act as a matchmaker lor people with physical handicaps, the newspaper. Heilon* )ianj|i)aily. reported todajfe
    33 words
  • 84 1 STOCKHOLM, Sun. More than 25,000 peace campaigners today formed a human chain linking the seven km between the embassies of the United States and Soviet Union to mark United Nations Day. The marchers chanted disarmament slogans to the beat of drums and carried peace banners in the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 67 1 MANILA. Sun. President Ferdinand Marcos believes a US$l billion (5J2.17 billion) industrial estate in the central Philippines will become the biggest industrial complex in the country by 1964, his press office said today. The estate, which includes a copper smelter and refinery and a giant fertiliser plant, is
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 39 1 Beijing, Sun. A 24-year-old youth has been executed In China's south-western Sichuan province after being found guilty of raping ah 18-year-old girl and then drowning her in a nve.-, the provincial paper, Sichuan Daily, said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 360 1 It's only simple Mandarin by phone BY APRIL next year, you may be able to dial a number to pick up some Mandarin. But do not expect to speak the language fluently through this Mandarin by telephone project, which the Education Ministry and Telecoms are working on. For each lesson
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  • 130 1 CAIRO, Sun. A lar-Kt-tful train driver started a scheduled Journey from Cairo railway station to southern Egypt on Friday night bat left behind II sleeping cars fall of passengers, Al Ahram said in today's editions. The passengers alerted the railway author Itles who managed
    UPI  -  130 words
  • 299 1  -  M.G.G. PILLAI By Our Kuala Lumpur Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday MALAYSIAN police, in the past few days, have seized from several bookshops here and in Petaling Jaya dozens of books found to be "prejudicial to the public interest." Among those seized were books by
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  • 155 1 PM onto a little Action BRIEFLY, Mr Lee Kaaa Yew was on the rebound. Nat tbmt kind of rebound. But rebound exercise on a mlnltrampollnf labelled Action. The Prime Minister waa being taken round Queensland's Parliament House during his visit to Brisbane last week. In the gymnasium for state legislative
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  • 58 1 LONDON, Sun Hundreds of anxious farmers have been inundating the London weather centre demanding to knowwhen October's near-record-level rain will stop. But meteorologists had only bad news to offer. "More rain is expected today as a depression sweeps in from the Atlantic and there's more to
    UPI  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    96 1 ISRAELI Premier Me nache m Begin sought his help, as did Venezuelan Premier Lois Herrera Cam pins and Mayor of Paris Jacques Chirac. Others who sought his help Included I'nited States Presidential candidates Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale. He Is profane, Munt. blustery, simply dressed and pot-bellied' and
    96 words
  • 474 1 THE national civil defence plan, now being finalised, will not only train Singaporeans to cope with disasters but also help bring them closer to one another. This greater social cohesion as a spin-off benefit from the plan was underlined by the Home Affairs Minister,
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  • 39 1 LATEST MILITIA WONT GIVE UP ARMS RKIKIT, San. Lebanese Christian miiiH» leader Kadi Prem today said his "Lebanese Forces" would not lay down their arms until the government had "completely regained" sovereignty throaghoat the roantry. AFP. Amln Gemayel to
    AFP  -  39 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 vi n n't safety nlllu a boots With PI) Soles .w Extra Light <M ,-v*g2fc-a> ViJ t Model oL^JM} KING'S SHOE MFC PTE LTD <2t^gef-6> 147, Kallang Way 1 king son e ahth T«l: 74)84)41 1 (S linos rHy^TlilrM ill The NewAkai VS-2 Can Actually "talk TbVbu, OnMourTVScreen! Outstanding Features
      80 words
    • 217 1 IBS/ BRIDGE STONE SPORTS RIM T H. 30cm (12") SJ49O fj| Jf. -V.V} per set (5 pcs) m W£mv2&C 33cm (13") 7 ***** per set (5 pcs) KOCK SWEE LEONG &CO 69. Boon Keng Rd. Singapore 1233 Tel *****77 ,^k Master this sleek beauty within minutes Designer calculators from and
      217 words
      24 words

  • 27 2 A SOVIET diplomat has defected from his post in Iran and flea to Britain, and officials indicated that he could give Western intelligence agencies
    Agencies  -  27 words
    • HOME
      • 118 2 TWO things stood out clearly during Mr Lim Chee Onn's walkabout tour of Chong Boon constituency yesterday that residents in this relatively new housing estate had no major problems, and second, the grassroots machinery was very efficient. Drums rolled the moment the Minister without Portfolio arrived. He went
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      • 130 2 THE number of vehicles has been increasing at a faster rate than the population. For the past five years (1977 to 1981), tne population growth has been slow from 6 to 7 per cent. However, the number of cars increased by 28 per cent, not to mention
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      • 82 2 LEARNING Mandarin can be a little strenuous on the tongue, which has to be twisted in strange new ways to produce sounds unknown to the English language. But this did not daunt the 34 students who attended the first Hanyu Pinyin course organised by the People's Association at
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      • 104 2 PUBLIC education on foreign policy issues was important because occurrences in the United Nations often affected Singapore's interests, said President Devan Nair last night. The United Nations Association of Singapore (Unas) had contributed to this awareness through its seminars and lectures, said President Nair at the association's
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      • 94 2 BUSINESS is good at the Changi Airport shops, but could be much better. The average monthly gross sales of the 32 shops is between $20 million and $22 million. No operator would disclose sales figures for fear of inviting more competition when his three-year lease runs out.
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      • 93 2 ABOIT 140 Hainanese of the Foo clan from six countries met on Saturday to strengthen their kinship and to plan a joint venture. Clan president Foo Ho Loon said the $1 million venture will be set up in Singapore, with branches in other countries. Members also agreed
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      • 64 2 THE preservation of the family once again featured prominently in Mr Lee Kuan Yew's message to a developing country. He spoke at a lunch given in his honour by the Opposition in the Papua New Guinea Parliament, and in his speech, emphasised the importance of preserving the
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      • 81 2 WHEN the government raised attendance fees for accident and emergency cases in 1978, the intention was to reduce misuse of the service by patients who did not require emergency treatment. The move has not worked, because people apparently go to A L E units in the
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      • 56 2 THE world's hanking system is in deep trouble. Developing countries which have borrowed billions of dollars are struggling to service the interest on their loans, let alone repay the principal. De facto defaults have occurred and more are Imminent. A cascade of defaults could bring rain to the
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      • 57 2 A TRAINEE teacher expresses her views on the teaching of Confucian ethics in schools. She dreads the consequences of teaching it In the same way as ethics was formerly. The other question Involves the teachers. She wonders whether a crash course In Confucian ethics really prepares teachers to
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    • 3 2
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    • 303 2 LOCAL DEVELOPER TO INVEST $123 m IN SYDNEY PROJECTS SINGAPORE-BASED property developer Tay Kia Hong has given Sydney's depressed property market a substantial boost with development plans totalling more than As6o million (***** million). Mr Tay is better known in Singapore for his long-established animal skin business undertaken
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    • 46 2 THE American dream has stalled. America today is less confident, less optimistic, less economically self-assured, and more socially and politically fragmented than it has been for half a century. This is one of the findings in a report by a group of British academics. Page 18
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    • SPORTS
      • 90 2 ITALY'S World Cup heroes are struggling to find their world-conquering form. Paolo Rossi, Juventus' six-goal star in the World Cup tournament, has scored only once this season. Francesco Graziani. Rossi's fellow international striker, was taken off at half time last week. Last season, Juventus, Fiorentina and Inter Milan
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      • 95 2 ENGLAND'S trio of European trophy challengers enjoyed mixed fortunes in the First Division on Saturday, with iniury-hit Tottenham Hotspur the only winners. Cup nolders Aston Villa were Deaten, their predecessors Liverpool drew, while Spurs pulled off the biggest win. Tottenham shrugged off the problem of having half their
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      • 94 2 A NATION-WIDE survey on all the Senate and governors' races in the US has found the trends generally favouring Democrats. They appear to be heading for major gains in contests for state governorships but seem to be falling short of taking control of the Senate. The survey shows
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      • 63 2 IS DEFENCE Secretary Caspar Weinberger says it may be necessary to install an anti-ballistic missile system to protect new mobile MX missile installations. This decision might require revisions of arms control treaties with the Soviet Union. Mr Weinberger also said that on Dec 1, President Ronald Reagan
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      • 135 2 THOUSANDS of West German workers took to the streets on Saturday to protest against the economic policies of the new centre-right government. The West German Trade Union Federation (DGB) has has threatened further protests if unemployment problems are not solved. Industrialists have called for cooperation in fighting
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      • 98 2 LEBANESE President Amin Gemayel has said he would soon tour Arab countries in pursuit of his goal of getting rid of all foreign forces in Lebanon. While the United States, France and Italy, altogether have 4,000 troops in Beirut, most of the rest of Lebanon is
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      • 74 2 IRAQ has agreed in principle to proposals by an Islamic mediation team for ending the Iran-Iraq war, the Iraqi news agency Ina said. The proposals were contained in a message to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein delivered by an Islamic peace delegation headed by Senegal Foreign Minister Mustafa Niasse.
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      • 98 2 THE Cambodian question will move towards confrontation when Vietnam again contests the right of Democratic Kampuchea to remain the country's UN-recognised government today. On Wednesday, the General Assembly will open a debate on political aspects of the Cambodian problem despite protests from the Heng Samnn regime that it
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      • 118 2 THE opposition Democratic Action Party, Mr Karpal Singh, will invite a libel action today when he repeats his allegations in Parliament on Oct 15 that the Works and Utilities Minister had cheated in a land deal. Mr Singh has filed a police report on behalf of his
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      • 99 2 THE Malaysian government has said that Malays who follow the Qadiani deviationist sect will lose their status as Malays. All states have issued fatwas (rulings) that the Qadiani teaching is outside Islam. Datuk Musa Hitam, who made the announcement, said: "The Federation Constitution explicitly states that a
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    • SECTION 2
      • 114 2 THE most sought-after political campaign consultant in the world is probably Mr David Garth, 52. He founded Garth Associates Incorporated, political king-makers in Fifth Avenue, New York City. He has a seven-to-one success rate among the more than 100 campaign battles he has fought so far,
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      • 134 2 THK wife of the Israeli ambassador in Singapore, Mrs Ksther Eshkol, 42, regard! her role as secondary to that of her husband- Mr Nahum Kshkol. who can "make-it-or-break-^ Trained in medical audiology, she has more experience in diagnosing hearing disorders than in politics, she says. She spends
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      • 54 2 CHILDREN, according a visiting West German professor, Dr Jakob Muth. can accept handicapped people and their behaviour as part of an everyday situation if they are exposed to them early He said there are schools in his country where the handicapped are successfully Integrated with others who are
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    • SECTION 3 (S'pore edition)
      • 59 2 THE old telephone directories, newspapers and carton boxes that we throw away find their way back to us in rolls of toilet paper and the brown wrapper that holds our food, waste paper companies collect these raw materials ana sort and package them according to quality. Factories then
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      • 65 2 TODAY'S Malay newspapers focused on similar issues as their pre-war counterparts. The> the importance of developing a better society Malays were also told to strive for higher qualifications. But the pre-war media should pc remembered too, for their immense contributiion to the development of the attitudes of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 297 2 The Mandarin Singapore presents I I I MJ 1 ■X I A rare chance to preview, in Singapore, the Celine Paris '83 Collection Exhibited by a cosmopolitan cast of top Japanese and European models in a fashion show exquisitely choreographed by YoshiroYomo Mandarin Ballroom Friday, Oct 29, Charity Gala Dinner
      297 words

    • 319 3 WASHINGTON, -.un. IVfence Secretary Caspar Weinberger says it ■nay be necessary to install an anti-ballLstic missile system to protect new mobile MX missile Installations. such a decision might contradict arms rontrol agreements with the Soviet I'nlon and require revisions of the treaties, Mr Weinberger said yesterday. Deadline
      UPI  -  319 words
    • 197 3 NEW YORK. Sun. Sixty-eight leading scientists from a dozen nations, including seven Nobel laureates, have joined in calling for a search for ex t rater rest rialintelligence. Despite arguments against the likelihood that civilisations exist on other worlds, they say in a petition that
      NYT  -  197 words
    • 311 3 Democrats may gain upper hand survey NEW YORK, Sunday LESS than two weeks before an election seen as a referendum on Reaganomics, Democrats appear to be heading for major gains in contests for state governorships but seem to be just falling short of taking control of the Senate from the
      UPI  -  311 words
    • 61 3 WEIGHTY JOBS IS ITS FORTE A HYBRID aircraft called the CycloCrane being rolled out in Tillamook. Oregon, recently. The vehicle is designed for timber harvesting and other ultra-heavy vertical lifting jobs from house moving to construction operations. It is expected to be able to provide twice the number of lifts
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 261 3 DAYTONA BEACH (Florida), Kan. Like "books fall In* off the shelf," 27 personalities have emerged In i M-year-old man found wandering In a shopping mall lant February. < ailed Eric at first and now known m Charles, the Texas native, who suffered multiple personality
      AP  -  261 words
    • 261 3 BUENOS AIRES, Sun. The discovery of 400 bodies secretly buried in unmarked mass graves at a Buenos Aires cemetery put new pressure yesterday on Argentina's military government, already battered by a wave of scandals. Argentine human rights groups denounced the existence of the graves
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 223 3 OTTAWA, Sun. Secre- I tary of State George Shultz makes his first official trip outside the! United States today when he flies to Ottawa in a bid to smooth out strains in relations with Canada. He will be holding talks with External Affairs
      223 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 Misic for ffreryoije LECH RE RECITAL OSCIIOPIS MUSIC by Mar i) id Horn k Tuesday 2 November 82 8 pm Victoria Concert Hall PIANO RECITAL hy Marina Hnrak Wednesday 3 November 82 8 pm Victoria Concert Hall Programme Sonata Op 109 Beethoven Prelude, Chorale and Fugue Franck Pictures at an
      75 words
    • 439 3 International w I fei ■111 v^ Built around the toughest chassis specifically for VJKLh off-road logging operations. With the best and most 1 A V time-proven driveline components only North A America offers Heavy weights are light work for this J^J motortruck. m United Engineers can promise you that. We've
      439 words

    • 156 4 Zimbabwe soldiers seized Anne's tour plane HARARE (Zimbabwe). Sun Zimbabwe soldiers seized the British air force plane that will fly Princess Anne around southern Africa, and held the aircraft and its crew for more than four hours, diplomatic sources said yesterday. They said the plane was held after it had
      156 words
    • 258 4 West Germans stage anti-Kohl protests BONN, Sun. Thousands of West German workers took to the streets yesterday in mass protests against the economic policies of the new centre-right government. The West German Trade Union Federation (DGB) has organised demonstrations in major cities and has threatened further protests if the problems
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 158 4 WARSAW, Sun. SOLIDARITY'S underground leadership called for a "new stage of straggle" with strikes and mass demoantrationN leading to a general strike next spring la a bold new challenge to the military regime. The underground rejected a national agreement with the government of Premier Gen
      UPI  -  158 words
    • 74 4 THIS stuck car could have done with just an additional horsepower to get it out of its predicament, but when help came, it was mulepower to the rescue. The car became stuck in Valencia due to a flash flood that hit southern Spair last Wednesday. So
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 334 4 Soviet envoy to Iran defects and flees to Britain LONDON, Sun. A Soviet diplomat has defected from his post in Iran and fled to Britain, and officials indicated that he could give Western intelligence agencies extremely valuable information. The defector, identified as Vladimir Andreyevich Kuzichkin, has been given permission to
      NYT  -  334 words
    • 216 4 MOSCOW. Sun. SOVIET authorities have launched a media campaign to reverse the country s growing divorce rate, urging troubled coaples to aeek marriage cooaaellng and happy one* to have more babic*. In the latent of a series of articles, the laboar
      UPI  -  216 words
    • 80 4 BERLIN. Sun. Evangelist Billy Graham yesterday met j (Cast German political leader Lothar Kolditz. the president of the National Council o( the National Front, the East Ger- i man news service ADN reported. The National Front is a communist-dominated organi- sation of all political parties j
      UPI  -  80 words
    • 1 4
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    • 70 4 THE name of lokester John ny A. Gervin, U. was struck from the voting rolls in Sali nas, California, on Thursday The boy said he registered with a volunteer registrar outside a supermarket in early September "as a Joke, to see what would happen
      70 words
    • 85 4 A JAPANESE computer firm is trying to build a macnine which can listen to a man's voice and then print out what he said in another tanJfuage Fujitsu Ltd said in Tokyo on Friday that it had already succeeded in creating a computerised translation system to convert
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 58 4 SOON TO (,K ADt AIK Michigan state university student Phil Knapp wants prospective employers to know there is no match for him in the job market. Mr Knapp has printed his resume on the inside of a matchbook cover and the 29--year-old hopes that the advertisement will impress
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 70 4 ANGERED by a Newsweek magazine cover showing a reputed North Carolina marijuana farmer, agriculture commissioner James Graham has vowed he will never buy the magazine again. "It's absolutely, positively, completely, any way you look at it. a clear-cut insult to our state farmers who do their
      UPI  -  70 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 BaamT^^^-^BntaaaM .^^aaaaaaaaaaafl aaaaa^^^^^taataaaalßaaaaaaaaatfßaaaflßHl a^^^^afttlllaaafl aa^^laaW LaaV LaaW Reduction ACE (Automatic Controlled YIP (Visual Image Suction assisted straight At .i touch of ;i button, ovntuml Exposure) Projection) paper path oriKin.ils can quickly be raducad Tha txtraordiaary ACB Tha cxi luaiva animated YIP batigmd to eliminate most mam ■"■■Pan" Instantly evaluates your
      157 words
    • 76 4 a? V WuLj wS^ T^^i mW '%kJmmm^ PSrw^. >#| I** caoaV am A >Z.«* i IhV XJuBbI I aa c Jfi if IBr Ba m jg^ '4bl L«Bk/ BBaataW aW^ffi^ \^HaV aM EtaaH Lm V ■■T^^^ ■JPaV'' .aaaa dMot m There is no finer compliment. ..than an evening at -ft
      76 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 568 5 cassette inside Botdmdx Mm^^m' WKJXJiJM Wii mKmmmutKmH^m^^wmmmmmmmKmm i audio uub i i m i i immmmmm B>VfMMIBMp i MM|| HTTV^B I Ch-i-i Cm ?.h I >n«ui t's I |RV 171 1 iM I LmmmhmJ ».fNC I I" VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER SI- C9t PAL KIHL#) C 1 Introducing the Incredible Front-Loading
      568 words

    • 247 6 Iraq agrees to latest peace proposals for ending war MANANA, Sunday IRAQ has agreed in principle to proposals by an Islamic mediation team for ending the IranIraq war, the Iraqi news agency INA said today in a report monitored here. The proposals were contained in a message to Iraai President
      Reuter; AP; AFP  -  247 words
    • 31 6 In other words... 6 WE don't please very much. On the other hand my people breathe, sing and dance. Thanks to my A skill. 7 President Mobutu Sese Soko of Zaire.
      31 words
    • 414 6 BEIRUT, Sunday LEBANESE President Amin Gemayel said yesterday that he would soon begin a tour of Arab countries in pursuit of his goal of ridding Lebanon of all foreign forces. The President made the announcement at a Cabinet meeting during which he presented the results
      Reuter; AP  -  414 words
      • 81 6 A SENIOR pilot with the Iranian national airline, Iran Air. said in Geneva on Saturday that he had asked for poutical asylum in Switzerland. The pilot, Freydoun Aryan, said he left his Boeing 707 jet in Amsterdam a month ago but had waited before making his
        Reuter  -  81 words
      • 61 6 THE Lebanese army was reported yesterday to have taken over peace duties in Israeliheld mountain villages southeast of Beirut, which were the scene of Christian-Muslim clashes last week State-run Beirut radio said the U'hanmc army was patrolling the village of Kfar Malta. the centre of the
        Reuter  -  61 words
      • 73 6 IRANIAN authorities executed over 100 Iraqi prisoners last week following the assassination of Ay.itnllah Ashrafi Ksfahani in Iran, the Iraqi news agency. INA. said today in a dispatch monitored in Manama in Hahnun Quoting an Iraqi diplom.i! based in London, INA said the Iranians killed
        AFP  -  73 words
    • 210 6 JERUSALEM, Sun. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin has stirred new controversy in Israel with plans for a huge military parade here next April to celebrate Israel's intervention in Lebanon. The parade, at an estimated cost of 400 million shekels (5J28.2 million). would
      AFP  -  210 words
    • 183 6 ISRAELI CALENDAR SPELLS DOOM FOR NEXT YEAR IBi AVIV, San. An I Israeli Cabinet minister wants to change the designation for the next j Jewish New Year be- j cause the Hebrew letters spell ont the word "doom." education Minister '/■evulun Hammer has proposed the change to a ministerial committee,
      183 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 183 6 te tdesz kofafia-, for A ~rttt/'6e6>to ifa, "falser nz/ace Zu, -JoZpuJL o.* O«jo( a*v ever:* S *^IH.' i I Its trunk decorated in brilliant colour, jewels sin^ing as they amuse themselves on swings hung gold on the other. Marble, engraved brassuarv. crowned its head. High atop an elephant winding up
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 474 7 tw |^^jaM—n^ You get irsore enjoyment .^■■■■■■iteiM ■HWH fromHltacW Hitachi bright and beautiful Colour TVs, Hitachi slimline, fullfeature videorecorders. Excellent quality and total reliability for top entertainment value. You couldn't make a better choice. And there's never J been a better iime to 3^^^_ JaMHfIBaHBMHHBBSS invest in Hitachi quality! W^^^^^^^^^^
      474 words

    • 335 8 VIETS TO CHALLENGE DK'S CREDENTIALS AGAIN UNITED NATIONS, Sunday THE Cambodian question will move towards confrontation this week when Vietnam again contests the right of Democratic Kampuchea to remain the country's i UN-recognised government here tomorrow. Two days later, the General Assembly will open a
      AFP  -  335 words
    • 264 8  -  TAN LIAN CHOO By Our Diplomatic Correspondent UNITED NATIONS, Sun. Prince Norodom Sihanouk today confidently predicted very good prospects for the government of Democratic Kampuchea (DX) because the DX has never had so much support both inside and outside Cambodia. The favourabje
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    • 120 8 UNITED NATIONS, Sun. The final decision on Cambodia's future belongs to the battlefield. Prince Norodom Sihanouk said today. He warned that the international community would eventually give up support for the Cambodian cause, unless the re- sistance cuts into current Vietnamese superiority on the field. "It
      120 words
    • 150 8 Deng: Ties depend on Soviet moves TOKYO", Sun. China's strongman Deng Xiaoping stressed today that unless the Soviet Union took significant steps soon towards solving issues such as Afghanistan and Cambodia, Sino-Soviet ties would not be restored, the Kyodo news service reported from Beijing Mr Deng, chairman of the Chinese
      AFP  -  150 words
    • 273 8  - S-E Asian visitors to Australia fastest growing group LIM SAY SOON By Our Melbourne Reporter MELBOURNE, Sun. South-east Asians have surpassed the Japanese and the British as Australia's fastest growing group of visitors. According to the latest Australian tourist commission figures, more than 84,000 South-east Asians, mainly Singaporeans and Malaysians,
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    • 100 8 Feline stowaway finally behind bars "FROSTY JACK." a jetsetting cat which roamed the cargo hold of a Qantas airplane for a week as it flew around Asia and the Pacific, was finally caught and put behind bars on Thursday night. The cat had" virtually held the aircraft hostage for four
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 60 8 'Japanese mafia at work in Manila' MANILA. Sun. At least 30 Manila cocktail lounges serving as fronts for prostitution, gun-running and drug trafficking, are operated by "Yakuza". the Japanese mafia, the Philippine newspaper Times Journal reported today. The newspaper quoted police sources as saying Yakuza used Filipino citizens as "dummies"
      AP  -  60 words
      • 70 8 THE EUROPEAN Community's trade policy will be the central issue when foreign ministers from the 10 Common Market countries meet in Luxembourg today and tomorrow. The ministers will prepare for the ministerial meeting of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) in Geneva from Nov 24
        AFP  -  70 words
      • 57 8 RIFTS ARE widening in Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) over its failure to pick a successor to outgoing Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki, political sources said in Tokyo yesterday. The party was plunged into turmoil at the weekend when four ministers began their campaigns for a
        Reuter  -  57 words
      • 60 8 A PLOT to overthrow the leftist government of Seychelles President Albert Rene has been uncovered in London, according to a report in the Sunday Times. The newspaper said police discovered that the plot's leader, a former Seychelles immigration official. Gerard Hoareau, 31, met two other conspirators at a
        AFP  -  60 words
      • 51 8 AFGHAN GUERILLAS shot down three helicopters and one MiG-23 jet fighter in heavy fighting last week in Afghanistan's Paghman Valley, north of Kabul, guerilla sources claimed in Islamabad yesterday. They added that one pilot and 10 Soviet soldiers were captured during the fighting from Oct 12 to 15.
        AP  -  51 words
      • 86 8 CHINESE PREMIER Zhao Ziyang told a delegation of the India-China Society on Saturday that China wanted an early settlement of the Sino-Indian boundary question and was optimistic about improving relations with India, the official Xinhua news agency reported. This is the second time in as many
        AP  -  86 words
      • 59 8 SEVERAL SPECTATORS are believed to have been killed and at least 60 were hurt at Moscow's Lenin Stadium during a soccer match last Wednesday. Soviet sources said in Moscow yesterday. The accident happened at the close of a Uefa Cup match between Moscow Spartak and the Dutch
        Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 When to put Supertype togelte... we had in mind a practical, easy-to-use electronic typewriter Supertype, we selected and improved on only the most practical that presents a real solution to the problems a secretary faces features such as an 8K memory, automatic correcting, every day. We set out to strike
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  • 306 9 Residents get new centre for Best classes RKSIDENTS in Chong Hoon constituency will soon be able to attend education classes at their new education centre in Block 415. This was announced yesterday by their MP, Mr S. Chandra Das, after the centre the second one to be set up in
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  • 452 9  -  AHMAD OSMAN By THE people of Chong Boon are fairly contented, Mr Lim Chee Onn said yesterday after a six-hour tour of the constituency. He told a press conference that he got this impression after talking to Chong Boon residents during his constituency
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  • 141 9 THK last event In yesterday's walkabout In Chong Boon constituency and there was still more walking for the three YIPs but this time with three little girto. And It looks like speed Is not the essence of the race to Judge by
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  • 1029 9  -  LEE KIM CHEW By TWO things stood out clearly in Mr Lim Chee Onn's walkabout tour of Chong Boon constituency yesterday. The residents in this relatively new housing estate of about 26,000 people had no major problems, and the grassroots machinery there was very
    1,029 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 263 9 1 NOVEMBER 1982 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT_ I 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 30 FREE INSPECTION BY FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE TEAM LED BY JAPANESE SERVICE ENGINEER. Drive in your Mitsubishi during our Free Inspection Weeks
      263 words

  • 336 10 'Little' thought that is a big factor for development 'Wo matter how hot the water is from your well, it will not boil your rice. PORT MORESBY, Sun A Papua New Guinea politician used this "little thought from a simple African" to make a point at a luncheon he hosted
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  • 26 10 FINANCE Minister Hon Sui Sen will officially open Exxon Chemical (S) Pte Ltd parami ns plant at Pulau Aver Chawan on Nov 3.
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  • 137 10 THIS plrtare appeared la last Thursday's C«arierMall, a Brisbane newsrper, dorlou Mr Lee ■an Yew's visit to Qseesslaad. The newspaper said of Mrs Lee's iiif Isng visit to the Queensland Maseam: "Mrs Lee etasely examined staffed marsupial*, reptiles, birds, sea erea-
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  • 589 10  - PM stresses importance of family ties again H.L. DM By PORT MORESBY, Sun. The preservation of the family once again featured prominently in Mr Lee Kuan Yew's message to a developing country. He raised the subject more than once when he was in Fiji two weeks ago for the Commonwealth
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  • 157 10 Feathered winners draw visitors THE winning birds of this year's National Bird Singing Contest drew many tourists to the Singapore Handicraft Centre yesterday morning. Singapore Tourist Promotion Board member, Mr Othman Wok, who handed out prizes to the owners, said perpetuation of the hobby of keeping singing birds not only
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  • 92 10 Key to better life lies in faith and self-help PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Trade and Industry, and Social Affairs) Haji Sidek Saniff. told Muslims that the key to a better life was a strong religious faith coupled with a constant effort to acquire knowledge to improve themselves. In a speech yesterday, he
    92 words
  • 374 10 Drug addiction still serious problem, says Baey PEOPLE who say the drug problem in Singapore is not serious anymore because there are fewer addicts raise the ire of Mr Baey Lian Peck, president of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association. He argues that any lowering of our guard could result in the
    374 words
  • 70 10 MR Wee Mon Cheng, leading an eight-member delegation from Singapore, left for Kagoshima on Saturday for a fiveday visit to promote economic and cultural ties as well as tourism Mr Wee, chairman of the Singapore Broadcasting Corporation, and the delegation will pay a courtesy call
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  • 46 10 THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in Chu Kang, Marsiling. Mandai, Tampines, Pulau Join and Pulau Tekong areas from 8 a.m. today to noon on Oct3l. Blanks and thunderflashes will be used, and the public is advised not to be alarmed.
    46 words
  • 40 10 MR P Selvadurai, MP for Kuo Chuan. will officiate at the Resident's Committee centre opening ceremony of Kuo Cnuan tow "A" RC on Nov 7 at 11.30 a.m. at Apt Blk 130. 24 Lorone 1. Toa Pay oh.
    40 words
  • 246 10 THE p»s»r malam made a brief romrbtek at the World Trade Centre last night. Crowds of people Jammed the stalls at the Singapore International Fair fe particularly the Thai section where children's clothe*, staffed toys, knlrk kaacka, Jewellery and teakwood furniture were
    246 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 386 10 Why Mazda 929 is the new dimension in driving luxury It's the styling s 1 /.^^^S&k /l 5 S»»»5sS^ 4 __^PsssssT_sssMa^^Br- KlHbb** Crisp, clean and elegant. WLI !L* B a^^S^Bi,, _»w WM W^w The new 929's low front BfiB^^LiSSiBHB-" 4 Bl* 'fiJPHfl^^HPw "^^W nose and smooth, wedge- >!!9 I V^**sE
      386 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 586 11 gg philips Less power, less heat. More cool, crisp, white light. iyrjL X Jk It'll save you a fortune lLi[>- rV fc 'iM on power and air con. L J ML^^ w^^l 1 If The incredible Halogen F^ Jk Cr^ I i| Light Point-by Philips. Bt^^^^i^Xs Light Point offers you
      586 words

  • 356 12 LEARNING Mandarin can be a tongue-twist-ing exercise. Sometimes you have to roll the tongue against the roof of the mouth so that air squeezes through the sides to produce a sound not known in the English language. But the one-and-a-half hours of exercise
    356 words
  • 152 12 NINETY motorcyclists, scooterists and pillion riders died In road accidents from January' to September this year, the Traffic Police said yesterday. This was 45 per cent more than the <2 who died daring the same period last year. Traffic Police urged motorcyclists
    152 words
  • 377 12  -  RAY DHALIWAL By Safety depends 'more on road users than facilities' THE number of cars has been growing at a faster rate than that of the Singapore population. Consider these facts and figures for the last five years (1977 to 1981) provided by
    377 words
  • 251 12 Roads will be safer with MRT, says Teng Cheong THE Mass Rapid Transit system is expected to yield a hidden benefit to commuters greater road safety. This benefit would be two-fold, the Minister for Communications and Labour, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, told reporters yesterday: Commuters using the MRT trains would
    251 words
  • 189 12 THE government will appoint a coordinating consultant by the end of this month or early next month to coordinate the implementation of the Mass Rapid Transit project. Minister for Communications and Labour Ong Teng Cheong, speaking to reporters at the opening of
    189 words
  • 130 12 Worldwide survey on air policies to be conducted THE International Air Transport Association is to carry out a worldwide survey of government policies and attitudes towards the airline industry. Travel Trade Gazette reported that four-page questionnaires will soon be sent to all 142 lata member governments. The survey is tc
    130 words
  • 48 12 A MECHANIC. Mr Ong Bee Kirn, 24. was killed instantly when his motorcycle hit a Lamp post along Yio Chu Kang Road yesterday at about 2 am. Pillion rider Tan Chean Bens, 19, was seriously injured. He was admitted unconscious to Toa Payoh Hospital.
    48 words
  • 255 12 Success 'depends on grooming leaders' FEW people, if any at all, possess all the qualities of The Perfect Leader. Thus, i the basic tenet of a successful organisation must be its ability to help workers cultivate a wide variety of skills and talents and from whom it can select its
    255 words
  • 152 12 FARMERS in Lincuogang will Jointly engage a contractor to de-sludge pig waste from cesspits in their farms to prevent pollution of water courses in the area. They are discussing the matter with a contractor and details are being finaUsed. As individual farmers have found it difficult
    152 words
  • 95 12 HAI Trading Co, an electronics shop on the ground floor of a two-storey block in Upper Thomson Road, lost more than $36,800 in cash and $11,200 in property in a break-in discovered by an employee on Saturday morning Burglars forced a rear door open
    95 words
  • 45 12 THE traffic signals at the junction of Ix>wer Delta Road Telok manga!) Way Bukit l'urmei Avenue will come Into operation at 10 am today The Public Works Depart men) advised motorists to drive carefully and observe the signals when approaching the junction
    45 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 336 12 Fifty-five\fears Of Ran Am Experience Now Flies The Fastest Way To Houston Daily L^K* n^^^H n^n^^^^^nßi n^n^L^i I BMA m* 1118 Lu* wV^m B 0 be!^^^?**c_ JKJn^L.nH k. V v.^nfea*C^H uv^fl H Bnv I hw~» Jhn a\ m "Bf KnW ntfnl «/\A^ v_-l f\_~l R^v_ 'frgj Expands Experience Pan Am
      336 words

  • 179 13 WHKN It comes to lecture rooms, those In the Architecture Department at the National I nlversltv of Singapore are walls apart. Colourful moral design*, selected from first-year students' assignments, brighten an otherwise dull atmosphere. The morals each measures 3 metres by 4 metres. Two,
    179 words
  • 160 13 Warehouse complex block ready by Nov 1 THE first five-storey block of the Port of Singapore Authority's new $48 million Keppel warehouse complex will be ready by Nov 1 When the second block is completed by next January, tenants can enjoy the advantage of large warehouse and office space over
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  • 607 13 President: Educate public on world issues PRESIDENT Devan Nair last night said public education on foreign policy issues was important because debates and decisions in the United Nations often affected Singapore's interests. Like other countries, Singapore could use the UN to further the cause of peace as well as promote
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  • 69 13 THE Republic of Singapore Air Force will conduct livefiring exercises in the Southern Islands range at Pulau Pawai and Pulau Senang from today to Friday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily On Thursday, the exercise at Pulau Pawai will continue from 7 p.m. to U p.m. The
    69 words
  • 172 13 A SPECIAL DAY FOR VIET REFUGEES -IN STORE VIETNAMESE refugees in Singapore celebrated United Nations Day yesterday with gusto. Banners unfurled a warm welcome and crepe flowers were pinned on visitors at Hawkins Road Refugee Camp. Colourful lanterns and rubber ducks formed an informal guard-of-honour from the gate to the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 376 13 WL From time immemorial, hunting has been one of Europe's best- loved sports. Out of this, comes JM tasty and prized meats, the preparation of which has been reduced to a fine art. From 25th October to 7th November 1 982, <M the bounty of The Hunt will be laid
      376 words

  • 11 14 BID TO MAKE PRICES FAIR A WATCH shop at hanrf Airport
    11 words
  • 891 14  -  JUDITH HALE By BUSINESS is good at the Changi Airport shops but it could be much better. The average monthly gross sales of the 32 shops is between $20 million and $22 million. At Paya Lebar airport, there were half the number of
    891 words
  • 79 14 AN'G Ah Beng. 56. who sold a straw of heroin to a narcotics officei was jailed for five years by a district judge on Saturday for drug trafficking The court heard that Ang kept the heroin in a tvnppci and left it on the side of
    79 words
  • 130 14 Do you know any of these people? IS SOMEONE missing (ram your family? ThrW people, including a 13-year-old girl, were recently found lolfering by the p*Ur#. They had no Identification papers with them. They are Miss Urn Bee ling (IS yean •Id), Mr Jeganathan Arumugam (about M) and Madam Nagalh
    130 words
  • 63 14 AN UNIDENTIFIED Chinese man died, who was found unconscious in Boat Quay, died in the the Singapore General Hospital on Oct 23. He was about 60, about 1.65 metres tall, and was slim-built and had short, greyish hair. His relatives are requested
    63 words
  • 275 14 ABOUT 140 Hainanese of the Foo clan from six countries met here on Saturday to strengthen their kinship and to plan a i joint venture to trade in machinery, agricultural and other products. The president of the 1.000-strong Foo Tee Tay (Foo Clan
    275 words
  • 52 14 THK Parliamentary S< i Education i Mi Ho Kah U-orn will oftii Printmakinß Internationa 1982 at th. Na Art Gallery tomorrow at 5.3 n m About 120 contemporar; including woodcut serigraphN. lithography am etchings h> Vf pnntmaker (rom Ft i Thai l.irul. Taw.m in.] Sin^.i jxn will be
    52 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 388 14 Enjoy a taste of Paradise en route to lllj^xjtoniDO. B? jfl InOuvvvV w l^ us n su P tT 5 ristar comfort to our Paradise Islt- of \V>w Kfl B^^n^HnlkVvV %V n^ a ur services depart Singapore for Colombo at 8.30pm every \^^vl Hnmv\^^V Ut s^ a y' Thursday. Saturday.
      388 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 418 15  -  M.G.G. Pillai By Vllegations against minister to be repeated uur Kuala I umpur Reporter KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The opposition Democratic Action Party MP, Mr Karpal Singh, invites a libel action tomorrow when he repeats his allegations in Parliament on Oct 15 about Works and Utilities
      418 words
    • 5 15
      5 words
    • 228 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The Kedah- Penang boundary dispute has been resolved. About 11 hectares of the disputed land will be alienated to the Penang Waterworks Department while the land will be under the sovereignty of Kedah. The two states have come to
      NST  -  228 words
    • 275 15 Followers of sect will lose status as Malays PONTUN KECHIL (Johore), Sun. The Malaysian government said yesterday that Malays who follow the Qadiani deviationist sect will lose their status as Malays. Datuk Musa Hitam, who issued the warning here, said all states have issued fatwas (ruling) that the Qadiani teaching
      275 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 460 15 •i'liji-ili In today's rapidly changing world, keeping up with B7NI the news isn't enough. It's more and more necessary to be ahead of the news. I Look dt it another WclY. And that's where The Economist comes in. Every week, The Economist acts as an early warning y 7 r°
      460 words

  • The Straits Times says...
    • 480 16 No cure for A E problems FOUR and a half years ago, the government raised the charge for A E treatment by a whopping 150 per cent, from $4 to $10 per visit. The reason given by the then Health Minister, Dr Toh Chin Chye, was that too many people
      480 words
  • 773 16  -  AMIR TAHERI By in Paris Writing for the International Herald Tribune f NEXT month. Iran will become the first country to live under the bedouin tribal legal system of qisas retribution Ayatollah Khomeiny has just abolished all courts and abrogated all laws
    773 words
  • 576 16 LONDON The grave disorder in the world's banking system is now plain for all to see. At the heart of the problem are loans to weak countries amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. The ability of these borrowers to repay the
    576 words
  • 993 16  -  HAROLD LEVER By Harold Lever (Lord Lever of Manchester) as a Cabinet member was economic and financial adviser to Prime Ministers Harold Wilson and James Callaghan. 6 Governments should now set up a committee to decide the overall amount of future lending necessary in
    993 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 10 16 RADO FLORENCE New horizons in time j| f I II
      10 words
    • 55 16 The Hilton ..^FZj^&^s Plaghoose and British Airways present Gerald Harper Colette Geoffrey Gleeson Davies in The Secretary Bii'd a sophisticated comedy by William Douglas Home Produced by Jfk <f with Derek Nimmo w p J^j^fc AviS Designed by E mm 9 w^ Terry Parsons ./^■rMCj^m DlUinage Directed by A W^^^
      55 words

    • 106 17 I RECENTLY visited the Tiger Balm Gardens. The place is in a state of disrepair Paint is peeling off some of the sculptures. Rust stains others. There is also layer upon layer of dust and dirt. The fences have big holes in them, making the
      106 words
    • 240 17 We can't expect God to give us everything I REFER to Mr David Seah's letter (ST, Oct 19) on test tube babies. I do not agree with the sentence "U he meant you to have a baby, he would have given you a normal sex organ." We cannot expect God
      240 words
    • 66 17 THERE isn't any post box along the stretch of Aljunied Road where the flyover is. Since I am a regular letter writer, I have to either walk some distance to the nearest post box or post office. A post box at the said stretch of
      66 words
    • 225 17 IT appears that calls for Singaporeans to look after their parents have fallen on deaf ears as far as the Housing Board is concerned. My mother suffers from stroke, and is totally incapable of looking after herself. My four brothers and
      225 words
    • Replies...
      • 47 17 PLEASE refer to the letter. "Televise Macbeth" from "Anxious." (ST, Ocl 14). The writer would be pleased to know that "Macbeth" will be telecast in the Sunday matinee slot on Oct 31. The exact time of telecast w-.1l be reflected in the daily newspaper.
        47 words
      • 52 17 WE REFER to the letter "A tribute to Grace." (ST, Sept 22). The special referred to by the writer is entitled "Once upon a time U now the story of Grace Kelly." We are looking into the possibility of acquiring the rights for a repeat of
        52 words
      • 134 17 PLEASE refer to the letter from Mr Teo Sock Heng (ST, Oct 13). The movie "Melody," starring Jack Wild, Mark I^ester and Tracy Hyde, has not been offered for television as yet. We will keep a look-out for the programme. \.S. SI NDKAM Sr PRO SBC
        134 words
      • 70 17 WE WISH to let "Sore bottom" (ST, Oct 1) know that owing to extensive new developments in the Newton Thomson Road area, the frequent opening up of Newton Road to lay essential services was unavoidable. The Public Works Department is, however, monitoring the situation and will
        70 words
      • 223 17 Bus commuters may get more information I REFER to the letters on the following subjects. (ST. Sept 28). PasNritKtT information board: Operating details, including the schedules of the last bus are published in news releases or leaflets which we disseminate when new services are introduced. To enable passengers to refer
        223 words
    • 557 17 Crash courses for teachers will not do The study of Confucian ethics CONFUCIAN ethics was a totally alien concept to me. That is until I had to take a crash course in Confucian ethics in preparation for a debate. It was a very interesting time that I spent reading and
      557 words
    • 79 17 I REFER to TKGs letter. (ST, Oct 14). It appears that TKGs reference to government subsidised housing implies that Housing and Urban Development Company flats are also being subsidised. Does TKG not know HUDC flats are not subsi- dised? In fact, the prevailing prices of Phase
      79 words
    • 88 17 WHY is Telecoms imposing a $50 fee for reconnecting a telephone when, in fact, the payment had been made in the first instance? Some subscribers may decide to discontinue using their phones temporarily or may have to go abroad on business, for further studies,
      88 words
    • 88 17 THE Singapore Bus Service should provide a temporary pass to commuters who have lost their bus passes and who are waiting for them to be replaced. I stay far away from school and I use the monthly concession stamp. However, now that I have lost my
      88 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 284 17 DIAMONDS ARE WOT FOREVER^ BUT (XJ* DEOCAnCiri TO MXXBWZ SOUMD REPRODUCTION 6 If v*mr stylus s due far replacement you can now teke advantage of our trade- in offer and get a new AudioTechnica cartridge at a substantial discount simply by bringing in your old cartridge— rwjardless of condition of
      284 words

    • Article, Illustration
      1763 18 AMERICA is a peculiar place. Foreigners are forever remarking on it, usually because they have just come across bubble-gum flavoured ice cream or some other example of absurdity or excess. But America is peculiar in another sense as well. President Reagan put it like this the other day
      1,763 words
    • 37 18 6 THE Technicolour of the American dream was at its most vivid in the *****, when America was pre-eminent on the world stage, prospering at home, untroubled by civil strife or social n tension. 7
      37 words
    • 53 18 6 IN the *****, a new ingredient was added to the mix: an economic tranquiliser that sent much of the economy to sleep and dulled the faith of most of those who had believed that America could forever provide jobs and social mobility and prosperity to all who
      53 words
    • 29 18 TODAY America is a less confident, V less optimistic, less economically self-assured, and more socially and politically fragmented society than it has been for half a century. 7
      29 words
    • 79 18 4 IT is not fanciful, therefore, to see Americans in the 1980s and 1990s withdrawing into their own homes to shelter from the onslaughts of hard work, criminals, parents and other predatory forces. They are losing the taste for social events, and economic hardship is making it even
      79 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 459 18 40% to 60% off all weaves! I All upholstery I fabrics must clear I Weaves. Singapore's finest I 100%, hand-woven I upholstery shop is ha\ inn I I siaiyjennk; 40% to 60% iwr?"^ I r(>t l ut uins n a tahrus m I order to t lear su* ks Ix-lore
      459 words

      • 170 19 PROMET Bhd has replied to a query from the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange concerning the joint venture between its 80-per cent-owned subsidiary. Promet Arafura, and Pertamina. The company said that the subsidiary will explore for oil and gas in an area of about 18,315 square kilometres in the
        170 words
      • 61 19 THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has queried Allied Chocolate Industries on the profit loss from the sale of its interest in Chocolate Products (M). The exchange also wants to know the effect of the sale on the earnings per share of the company and whether any director or
        61 words
      • 25 19 THE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange has asked Jacks International for comment concerning a newspaper article entitled "Johan confirms talks on purchase of Jacks."
        25 words
      • 81 19 NEW YORK, Sun. United States money supply, M-l, rose US$3.2 billion (SJ7 billion) to a seasonally adjusted U*****.3 billion in the week ended Oct 13, the New York Federal Reserve Bank said. The previous week's figure was revised to U*****.1 billion from U*****.9 billion as originally reported.
        Reuter  -  81 words
      • 63 19 DETROIT, Sun. Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America Inc will establish up to 16 service centres around the country by the end of March 1983, to provide repairs and service on its 1983 models, the company said. The service centres were chosen from among highly rated US service operations,
        AP  -  63 words
      • 98 19 WASHINGTON, Sun. Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger said that his department will crack down on defence contractors who have passed on millions of dollars worth of lobbying and legal fees to the Pentagon. "Our new rules do not mean that a firm cannot lobby legislators nor do they mean that
        UPI  -  98 words
      • 64 19 GENEVA, Sun. A group concerned with the quality of Swiss banking said it will publish a "good bank guide" along the lines of the French Michelin Guide for Restaurants. The Swiss Investors Protection Association was founded by 17 business executives and consultants who said they are "concerned about
        UPI  -  64 words
      • 55 19 GRENOBLE (France), Sun. France's biggest manufacturer of tungsten carbide, Eurotungstene, is considering whether to go out of business, the firm announced after its annual general meeting here. Eurotungstene, an affiliate of the Swedish group Sandvik, said that a special meeting of shareholders would be held before Dec 15
        AFP  -  55 words
    • 270 19 American capital likely to flow into India soon NEW DELHI, Sun. A sizeable American technical and capital investment in India's fast growing private sector is expected to take place soon. As many as 125 Indian proposals are awaiting appraisal by prospective US collaborators for technical and capital investment decisions. The
      270 words
    • 663 19 NEW YORK, Sun. Wall Street is in the early months of a major bull market. That, at least, is the view of a large number of US investment houses and one which they are backing with big money. Share prices in New
      FT  -  663 words
    • 532 19  -  FLORENCE CHONG By in Sydney SINGAPORE-BASED property developer Tay Kia Hong has given Sydney's depressed property market a substantial boost with development plans totalling more than A s6o million (Ssl23 million). Mr Tay is better known in Singapore for his longestablished animal
      532 words
    • 395 19 LONDON, Sun. Britain is organising a major exhibition of defence equipment in the hope of encouraging arms sales to the Middle East. The exhibition, probably the largest of its kind mounted by the Ministry of Defence, will visit the Gulf states, Jordan and Egypt in
      FT  -  395 words
    • 400 19 PENANG property tycoon Datuk Kheng Kirn has been appointed a director of Chocolate Products (M) Bhd, following his acquisition of a 29.1 per cent stake in the company for Mi 11 .36 million. Datuk Urn paid M 53.55 each for the 3.2
      400 words
    • 337 19 Thai Airways gets Japanese bank loan for purchase NEW YORK, Sun. The recent purchase by Thai Airways International of two Boeing 767 twin-en-gined jet airliners, worth about US$l2O million (SJ24O million) is to be I financed partly by a Japanese Export-Import Bank loan, of about 1.2 billion yen (559.68 million)
      FT  -  337 words
    • 232 19 Kramat Tin profits drop 52 pc KRAMAT Tin Dredging Bhd has turned in pretax profits of M 5132.000 on reduced output and sale of tin concentrates for the six months ended July 31, 1982. Kramats latest profits was down some 52 per cent from the M 5276,000 recorded during the
      232 words
    • 107 19 THK following la list of tar II moat aotlvcl> traded storks on the Stork Kirhaage of Singapore l»t work. It give* ike tVMver la thousand* of unite, Hosing price* on FrMty and the high and lo» for IK? •vcr ■kk Lm tM OMB I Ml PromM Fabrr
      107 words
      • 69 19 -BT Indicator "Industrials 'Finance 'Ho«»l» '•Propm** vuPUnutiou JOCBC M 7 58 1&34 45 1032 76 snra 224 02 Ml 04 523 39 2250H7 70S 97 IM4 70 10MM S«Z 77 2M.U MO 71 S2S4S 2Z7554 705 07 IM7 1« m« »44 84.M Ml OB 529 26 If. 714 7D
        69 words
      • 68 19 tt J«n 1,1875 -100 Iwc 30. 18W 100 Dec 31. 1888 100 M Dec 28. ISM 100 Jan 2.1870 -100 •BT Indfi ••Irafcutnals 'Finance 'HotfU Mite: ClOMd Chard Cawd Ckaed liovd Ch»R) Jhacd *****3 lei.n (47 11 748 J7»S7 IUO 18 867 71 1462 93 (47 CO 749 75
        68 words
    • 252 19 THE second Stock Exchange Game, sponsored by the Stock Exchange of Singapore, will be officially opened today. Forty teams of three members each, all National University of Singapore undergraduates, will be participating in the game. This game is organised by AISEC Singapore (International Association of
      252 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 39 19 Short-term Long-term Self-drive Chauffeur-driven Purchase option Premium saloons Economy sedans Commercial trucks Unlimited possibilities... sat— Unlimited possibilities *****11 SAL CAR TRUCK RENTAL I "*>■ S n9ap<xe 1953 (A DIVISION OF SAL LEASING (PTE) L ID MamiSaSe Tel: *****00 TeIexSALCRO R*****4
      39 words

  • 2797 20 WEEKLY detailed analysis of shares on the Stock Exchange of Singapore, with the year's high and low. followed by the week's movement in prices, the dividend, the net price earnings ratio and the volume of business. Adjvtod far •crip righto. N Tax-exempted dlvldead. ABN traded In lota
    2,797 words
  • Money and exchanges
    • 589 20 LAST WEEK proved to be another quiet trading week for the US Sing dollar in the Singapore forex market Opening at $2.1830, it was traded to the week's high of $2.1975 before closing at $2.1930. Trading was basically thin and featureless with commercial orders determining the direction of US
      589 words
    • 111 20 KKKNCH KHANC: Now trading near US$7 12. the French franc has steadied since recent US dollar strength depressed it to $7 2125. says Manufacturers Hanover Trust. New York, in its weekly review of selected foreign currencies last week. In i-nntrast to Ihe pressure whK-h last month brough the franc
      111 words
    • 213 20 THE INTERBANK overnight market reflected an easy and steady tone last week with overnight funds being traded within the band of 4 per cent si per cent generally though the rate dropped to 3 per cent 2 per cent on Tuesday. The term rates, which exhibited a rontinuously weakening
      213 words
    • 181 20 ASIAN currency average deposit rates for the week ended Oct 22: Source: Astley A P«»re* 6 months 12 months US/t US/8 Ft US/Dm US/Belg US/Oulld*r St/US st/t US/MS S*/MI Can Fund F Fr/US UK US USJ/Yen 8 7.18 9H 9h »>» SfotlFortio Eickaaf**) i7iis iaa«o 2 ISS6
      181 words
    • 45 20 FOR THE mt ended Saturday Ort 23. thr ranft o» rail rates rerrlved from Short Deposits iMI BM was as follows Baa* tmat: U 10 5 35 per if ni Cwml tmat: i to 5 125 prr rent MarcaMMi of hinds totalled 5944
      45 words
    • 398 20 BANK'S prime lending rates as at the close of business on Friday. Oct 22. 1982. BANK'S tPLR Algemene Bank 10 American Express 10 4 Am' Dam Rterdam Bank 10 Asia Commercial 9 A t NZ Banking Group 9 1 Ban Hin Lee Bank 10 Bam .1
      398 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 795 20 APPOINTMENTS TRAINING SHIP SINGAPORE TRAINS YOU FOR A SEA CAREER AS A SHIP ENGINEER OFFICER Frs* Training Tha National Maritime Board will conduct the next Watchkeaping Engineer Officer Course commencing in Jan. '83 at its shorebased training school, TS "Singapore" in Sembawang The training will be provided free. The course
      795 words
    • 584 20 Suitable applicants from Malaysia and Singapore are invited to apply for the following appointments in Saudi Arabia General Manager 5 years experience in a senior management position preferably in Fire and Safety and has relevant professional qualifications Operations and Coordination Manager Registered Fire' Safety Officer with 5 years experience in
      584 words

  • 479 21 CONTINUED buylag support launched thr Singapore stock market to another broad-basrd rally last week. Thr hrartrning event was to nee the market moving beyond thr critical 7M level mi thr Stmlte Times industrials Index for thr first time In ovrr three months. But the spark for thr soccrsslvr
    479 words
  • 488 21 SENTIMENT on the Kuala Lumpur stock market turned somewhat bullish last week, as investors' keen anticipation of the 1983 Malaysian Budget and the firmer undertone on Wall Street helped boost share prices significantly higher. Reflecting the buoyant trading conditions, the New Strait' Times industrials ordinary share index rose
    488 words
  • 48 21 I Interim (c) -8% bonus div lAT JM lw(M) K.lll I* Law paymmt S4' i »;i 10%<e) iff. I p.yaW«Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 25 Oct 26 Oct 28 Itryw ■yM ac; Ml 20-; 4fr. 10% prevtou year 77.3-7 75 r 15. 40% 3C.
    48 words
  • 385 21 LONDON: The Financial Times index of 30 leading shares again scaled new heights last week as optimism over the outlook for interest rates and inflation fuelled demand for stocks, dealers said. The market dampened down towards the end of the week but the index was still 15.5 points
    385 words
    • 181 21 IX>NDON Tin gained further ground on the I.MX on Friday, ending Kerb trading at the morning's high of £7,390 a tonne for Three Months standard metal or up f. 35 from last Kerb business yesterday afternoon. The further rise reflected speculative short -covering and fresh buying largely
      181 words
    • 36 21 .■pper prices on Fnday 'previous in bracket*) Win-bun Spot buyers 1*96 00 1 1 SOU 001, sellers IJt»« 50 (C1010D). Three Months buyers MSO 00 lIJIMOni sellers IJWIVI <i Hariri toa*: Malea: 41 «f tonnes
      36 words
    • 247 21 PRICES fluctuated narrowly last week and eventually finish unchanged at 188 cents (S) for Nov RSS One, says Holiday, Cutler and Bath in its weekly rubber review. Turnover was much reduced following the previous week's sudden demand for November which, once short-cover-ing had been satisfied,
      247 words
    • 43 21 'Tin Connes Rubber (Si Rubber (Mi I*7 15 29 15 180 ***** 203 25 29 15 IHO 188 00 204 50 29 15 29 15 161 211 ***** 188.75 ***** ***** •in MS per kik. In MM per kiln
      43 words
    • 157 21 Rubber eases LONDON: Rubber Futures closed slightly easier on Friday, between 0.10 and 0 30 p a kilo below yesterday's close in traded positions. Dealers said prices remained close to mid-day levels as no fresh direction emerged in quiet end-week trading. This morning prices eased from steady opening levels on
      157 words
    • 382 21 COPRA, coconut oil and pepper sections of the Singapore produce market put up a steady showing last week. asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Trading in coffee futures, however, was mixed while quietness still prevailed on the physical front. Dealers said that buying interest in copra and coconut oil
      382 words
    • 76 21 Eiporl priCM in non sfrlitu: Ukirm in US dollar prr ouiK-r <1 1 Australian dollar prr ounr* I2i Kvrngr vri<-r ttrlbournri 1 1 447 978 43)1 KB *****S *****S Mrw York 430 008 422 008 Ul US 424 00S •ondon 4» SOB 429 008 *****S 43D00S £unrh 427 008
      76 words
  • Overseas markets
    • 319 21 PRICES IN the stock market closed lower in nervous trading on Saturday, amid growing concern over domestic political uncertainties and the weaker yen, dealers said. The Dow Jones average fell 15.97 to close at 7308.07 points, on a volume of 170 million shares and the New index closed at
      319 words
    • 318 21 A LATE selloff in blue chip stocks caused the market to close mixed on Friday, and analysts attributed the weakness to fading prospects for a cut in the discount rate. The Dow Jones industrial average displayed an uneven performance al l day. It rose more than eight points
      318 words
    • 60 21 FINANCIAL TIMEB INDISTRIAI.S Friday «I9J Thursday 822 9 Week Ago 603 S DOW JONES AVERAGE INDI'STRIALS Friday 1031 4« Thursday 1038 86 Week A«o 893.10 H.K.HANG SENG Friday 832 68 Thursday 833.16 Week Ago 880 48 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Friday 859.0 Thursday 890 9 Week Ago 855 I ALL
      60 words
    • 391 21 SHARE PRICES were mixed on Friday, with losses slightly predominating mainly due to profit-taking ahead of the weekend, dealers said. Underlying sentiment, however, remained positive following continuing lower interest rates, they added. In Dutch internationals, Unilever fell 1.90 to 190.50. KLM was 1.70 lower at 93.30 and Royal Dutch
      391 words
    • 390 21 SHARE PRICES continued firmer on Friday, after yesterday's rally despite last night's hesitant Wall Street trend and the Swiss national bank's decision to leave key interest rates unchanged, dealers said. Scattered profit-taking after the strong rise of the past session was mostly absorbed by new orders but some less
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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    • 530 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT MICRO OR MINI COMPUTER? Micru Mini Total cosl Hardware and Software '">" Upgrade more terminals Possible s Vi terminals Kiln 1 mi speed H \o t.*ff<x.*f Hardware reputation and maintenani 1 2iu( i«rj»«;sj in Ilif world UpunulH lo laruer Proiecl K M.m.,»..,,.,.,,t5;,Hiv.,r!. (All> Special Contractor Accounting Sotlu.ui' .i\
      530 words
    • 301 21 c Proven unlrai lors .n i minium snliu.nv |T()M|<.ip.ilile(il running un Ihe s.uin system. c Prm fit word pun rosing. (DATA 3500] M'Hu.'ii' Hvailuble on the s.unt' system. I .ilk in KDS .mil msi.ill ,i mini i nmpulei lIl'MUm-ll Im Ihisiiii s-. .ipplil ..hulls Ynui < < >ni| t.m s
      301 words
    • 188 21 BAILIFFS SALE IN THK SIBHRDINATE (■ut'KTSOFTHE RKPt T BI.ICOF SINCAPORE In The Cause Of Win of Seizure A Sale No 1645 of 1982 TAN I.IAT HONG Plaintiff Versus IKK BOON SENG Defendant Auction Sale Of Sundry Goods To Be Held Al Block 112. 999 Depot Road Singapore 0410 On Tuesday
      188 words

    • 302 22 Parit Perak Hldgs after-tax profits increase 14 pc PARIT Perak Holdings Bhd, an investment holding company, has achieved a marginal improvement in earnings for the financial year ended June 30, 1982. In its latest annual report, the company showed that profits after tax and extraordinaries rose 14 per cent to
      302 words
    • 502 22 UNITED Industrial Corporation's proposed US$5O million (5J109.6 million) alkylbenzene plant in Jakarta has finally received the go-ahead, some 10 months after it was first announced. The detergent-based group said that the Indonesian president agreed to the setting up of the plant
      502 words
    • 494 22 MANSON Finance Trust, a small British banking company in which the Hong Leong group has majority interest, has reported pretax profits of £1.39 million (555.18 million) for the year ended June 30. 1982 This compares with £1.53 million for the previous 14-month period.
      494 words
    • 114 22 TUNKU Dato 1 Ahmad Yahaya, newly appointed Sime Darby's group chief executive, has announced some organisational changes which will take effect from Nov 1. Mr K N. Kales. currently divisional director of intern* tional trading, will take over from Mr D Park as dividual director of
      114 words
    • Article, Illustration
      372 22 THE Consumer Financial Services Group of American Express has appointed Mr T»«y Wa as director of finance for Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Burma. He will be responsible for finance, accounting, budget and planning of the group's operation in these areas. Mr Wa has
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 566 22 HI THE SGV GROUP SGV-Goh Tan Re. Ltd. SGV Conference Series on Business Management CORPORATE WIDE PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Kuala Lumpur November 8 10, 1982 Singapore November 16-18, 1982 This Seminar on Corporate Wide Productivity Improvement Program (CWPIP) discusses the issues of improved productivity and efficient utilisation of company resources
      566 words
    • 114 22 r i JOINT VENTURE OPPORTUNITY OFFSHORE OIL INDUSTRY Small dynamic fast growing British Company supplying a Quolity Assurance and Inspection Service to the Oil Industry tor New Construction, Hookup and offshore Maintenance, seeks o Joint Venture Partner in Singopore Ideally we are looking for a non-competitive Small Company with first
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 307 23 I t 7371 166 1 Now C.A.T.S. is serving you better from Times House with our new computerised telephone equipment, n —n There are 40 lines connecting you to fast results when you dial C.A.T.S. *****66 1 I THE STAFF OF Tllf Straits d^^^^^^. t\/ym I lines Classified, incorpo- /g^
      307 words
    • 717 23 Q Personal Services <— ill D Merchandise TABLES We specialise in the sale of the latest design executive office tables and chairs Reasonable Price Prompt Delivery A^,MA^MTRMMKCa J-3^ Tel°74B'i224 yf A ADRIAN'S CANE FURNITURE. M, lilk 400 S. Depot Lane. Spore 0410 *****29/ *****34 distinctive ranr turnilure. imported furnishings. I
      717 words
    • 1159 23 TELEPHONE SERVICE: Mondoy Fridoy 900am—5 30 pm (5 00 pm tor next doyi Soturday 9 00 am 3 00 pm 12 30 pm tor Sunday Times) Public Holiday 9 00 am I 00 pm COUNTER SERVICE: Times Orchord Centre. Ml os Lucky Ploio 10 00 om 5 30 pm (Monday
      1,159 words
    • 385 23 RATES: Ordmor» SI 00 per word (Mm S I 5 00l t I ilB 00per col cm Sem.Displov (Mm $54 00 Straits TimesJlSSOpero. 'Mm t55 50 Sunday T.mes T~~ |$22 50 per ml cm Dls P la (Mm t67 bO Stroits Times) $23 12 per I |(Mm $69 36 Sundov
      385 words
    • 338 23 CLASSIFICATION GROUP A Entertainment a Food guide B Personal Services A Merchandise C Business To Business D Employment E Vehicles A Boats F Accommodation A Properties G Travel Guide H Education A Instruction I Announcements J Obituaries 38 TV/Video/ Sound System AERIALS INSTALLATION REPAIR Teletunken Sharp Roy Iron Norii TV
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 629 24 jQ£ Q Business To Business AN INDONESIAN COMPANY having Property In Jakarta Central district 20.000 sg ft 2 storey building in Pa-sar Baru area. Good for departmental store ;iiid supermarket wishes lo lmik for technical know-how or Joint venture to run proposed project Parties eligible are companies already in this
      629 words
    • 491 24 NEW DUMB STEEL BARGES FOR SALE/CHARTER 100' x 30' x 8' 120' x 40' x 8' 140' x 40' x 10' 150' x 50' x 10' 180' x SO' x 10' 180' x 60' x 12' 220x60x 14' 27O'x6O'x 14' 240' x 80' x 16' 300' x 80' x 16'
      491 words
    • 1071 24 fg m Q Business To Business RESTAURANT FOR COMPLETE uoiiiK concern District in ...i \i proxlmatel) i j»i m| ii ver> mm rental lurmstn-ii aircondltion e<i fully Ucensed Tel *****11 IBM OWNER MIGRATING. SELLING .i*.\<, exlremel) well furnished Boullqiw lor siH.ooOonl.v Having regular Australian and Middle roiners Vie* 03-08. Orchard
      1,071 words
    • 662 24 IjlA Q Employment -tinuusftP) requires FEMALE PHOTOCOMPOSITION OPERATOR Requirements: i Age range from 18-30 years Minimum 3 GCE 'O' Level passes '■:■<< Able to type at 35 wpm Jxx Able to work on the following shift hours Includ- Ing working on weekends with staggered rest xjx day: Ist shift 8.00
      662 words
    • 465 24 (jjlA Q Employment Honeywell -Synerteh a tubsi diary ol Ihe Honeywell Corpo ration invitee application lor the post ot Clerk (Personnel) Requirements: c Female 111 I o level with credits in English and Mathematics c Ability to type at least 30 wpm c Pleasant and mature J personality j c
      465 words
    • 415 24 UIC DEVELOPMENT PTE LTD has an Immediate vacancy for the pott of: RECEPTIONIST CLERK Pleatant personality, well mannered and cheerful •Good GCE 'O f level Able to operate PABX switchboard and to type at 35wpm •Able to work Independently and to exercise tact and judgement In dealing with people at
      415 words
    • 415 24 ljj)A Q Employment A last eipanding printing lectory at Kallang Industrial Basin requires 1) PLANNING ASSISTANT ith prlntina stkin 2) ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTS/ TRAINEES Keen Inter*pule' rnent Please apply to Finance A Admin. Manager INTERNATIONAL PRtSS CO. PTE LTD Serangoon Road P.O. Box 21 Singapore 9132. A well established company situated
      415 words
    • 267 24 C.A.T.S. [737^1166] Classified Advertising Works. Leading International Company looking for a careful and diligent CASHIER CUM ACCOUNTS CLERK BBS c OCE-l '.mti drgrr* of rfininiiiv .urn .ii i urafj Aitraci... salery will be ottered Please apply stating age, qualifications, experience, and eipected salary together with a non-returnable photograph I lo
      267 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 850 25 If-i Q Employment I Hn Established Compacnv working »n a S-day week requires RECEPTIONIST > OCCO level Hi personallt) s Able to speak fluenl English Md Mandarin si.eaklliK all advantage s Balarj $.«u s Kxperienc-e preferable Please apply personaMy el:Coop International Pte Lid Unit 2403. 24th Floor Peninsula Plata (0*17)
      850 words
    • 980 25 ijjlA Q Employment RECEPTIONIST CUM TYPIST a Minimum OCI >> level If speed l-i lii 111 A p 111 ommand ol 1 UjafSßßa* ROGENRY COMPUTERS PTE LTD TEL: *****41/ 2/ 3 ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (FE Malt) Completed oci 11 lewi ablt in lyiie ».-ll .md knowledge ill llmple tiiKikkeepiug. experl <-ne
      980 words
    • 331 25 TEtEPHONC OPERATORS WITH *c>...l phone RMce PABX PMBX Minimal typing i»r Trading Manufai lurlnj Co i Phone TYPISTS MINIMUM 30 WP M N in •ii experience needed Knowledge ol telci sdvanls K.ciiis Tel 1i7:t560u 223.5.V18 FEMALE GENERAL CLERK/ T>|,M required Km.ll> repl) > c hard ButMlng, Sipors H ink telephone
      331 words
    • 515 25 Iff D Em P |0 Y ment FJ BENJAMIN SONS PTE LTD requires SALES PROMOTERS c Secondary education c Oood communication skills in Knulish and other dialecLs a Have pleasant personality, be persuasive and aggressive to promote in department stores fol- lowing products: For mfit Arn-ert Jordeche > Good sales
      515 words
    • 577 25 SALES REPRESENTATIVES Looking for a challenge in industrial selling? We are an established Company Md market leader in cleaning liaclllnes anil ciiemical and restructuring I jrcinramiiie. we are Icxikmu feir laiai Personnel with initiative. it. iht > and confidence attractive salary, good comnusnon and transport allowance kill he offered 10
      577 words
    • 617 25 I THE GETZ CORPORATION We ara a leading mulli national US Company seeking suitable candidates lor following position HOSPITAL SUPPLIES SALES EXECUTIVES Pre requisites c Must Ik .i slate registered nur c preferably with operating room working experie s.iles expeneme preferred but not compulsory as train inn will be provided
      617 words
    • 492 25 DYNAMIC MULTI SERVICES PTE LTD requires SALES EXECUTIVES Those interested in making their career in the sales supervisory position we ottecr lo aelecled candidates c good working coniti' c good prospects of advancement to management positions c monthly income expected Sl. ooo and above c generous commission and ,*,,H,s Interested
      492 words
    • 1154 25 1 fill P B > I j C.A T.S. |737-1166 I Classified Advertising Works. An Eipandmg Jewellery Company INDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES Dedicated and hardworking Completed NS Experience in Jewellery line with be advant Good remuneration for the right applicants Working hours is Irom 10 30am lo 9 30pm (5 days
      1,154 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 345 26 IIA Q Employment Now you can go beyond one-column for your classified employment ads... y ■q J -^ftim^S^^ JsP^m aLaaa^BlV I V sV .^s^B t^mWWW M providing you more room for more detailed and attractive ads. Employ the right people fast with ads that sell your company and the job.
      345 words
    • 313 26 A well established Property Developer haa a vacancy lor an ASSISTANT QUANTITY SURVEYOR (FEMALE) Requirements: t*>ve 21) years c QuaUfkaUans Diploma tn Building or equivalent would be. preferred a Able lo work independently with minimum supervision Duties: the CJuanlily Surveyor Snd able to take-off and valuation of payment Attractive salary
      313 words
    • 248 26 Ijjl4 Q Employment ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS We, a distinguished manufacturer of high fidelity audio equipment welcome all enthusiastic ITC and NTC graduates to secure a career with u.s in the electronics field. The Incumbent should preferably possess some knowledge In the repair of radio cassettes and hi-fi. We provide comprehensive training
      248 words
    • 314 26 An established construction company has vacan- ciea lor L ASSISTANTS/ t QUANTITY I SURVEYORS QUALIFICATIONS/ EXPERIENCE I a Polytechnic diploma In I building holders or final year students pursuing the course or related courses a some working experl- 1 I ence Is an advantage Attractive ramunaratian «iii be paid lo
      314 words
    • 782 26 IJP^ 0 Employment a^BSSsV aaHssssV •■aaW £Jg MaW The Great East Coast Happening BMITHCOKONA BYOOMnC into Chai Chee with its Second Factory at Unit No. 01-01 to 01-14 Block 2, No. 512 Chii Chee Street Bedok Industrial Estate Singapore 1646 (Bus Service 229) As a result of this expansion we
      782 words
    • 478 26 If 0 Employment f G.E. AVIATION 1 AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Manpower Requirements 1983 MATERIALS CLERK GCE 0' Level with credits in English and Mathematics At least one year working experience in purchasing MATERIALS PLANNER Diploma in Production Engineering or GCE 0' Level with good credits Preferably with two years' related experience
      478 words
    • 217 26 [to|D IEm P |o y m «nt Owing to our expansion program, a large watch manufacturing company in Marsiling estate has vacancies for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS •Primary b education and above MALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS •Completed NS Age below 25 years old We offer: I rac transport Free uniform Free medical
      217 words
    • 248 26 CJLM. 737-1166 I Classified Advertising Works. The Great East Coast Happening BMITHCOmON* •V-M COOK <»■.». EXPANDS into Chsi Chee with itt Second Factory at Unit No 01-01 toOl-14 Block 2, No. SI 2 Chsi Chee Street Bedok Industrial Estate Singapore 1646 (Bus Service 229) As a result of this expansion
      248 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 373 27 If D Em p |o v ment ftf i| D Em p |o v m n t ff D Em p |o y ment ff i| D Em p'°y ment \js\\ D Em p |o v ment 66 Situation* Vacant g) Production If SHOWA PLASTICS (S) PTE LTD 15 Fourth
      373 words
    • 500 27 requires MALE FEMALE OPERATORS $300 ABOVE We otter 5-day week (8 00-5.20) No shift/scope work 40 minutes Lunch time Free transport or refund Attendance award Clean air-conditioned Training will be provided Free uniforms locker Medical services insurance coverage Confirmation increment Annual increment 1 3th month bonus Sic k/annual/ma mage/ compassionate
      500 words
    • 773 27 ©SANYO SANYO INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD V L A multi-national Company haa immediate vacan- I 1 1 ciaa (or tha following positions j 1) GENERAL CLERKS I (FEMALE) a Singaporean above the age of 18 1 j U Minimum GCE 'O 1 Level r a Must be able to type
      773 words
    • 471 27 \W§JJ Specialist in manufacturing l^^y/ pharmaceutical intermediates. situated in Jurong has vacancy for I the following post: I STOREHAND I Our package includes: I •Commencing salary negotiable I •Salary adjustment after completion of j probation I •Transportation to and from work I Medical benefits for employee and family members I
      471 words
    • 196 27 Singapore Automotive Engineering I (Pte) Ltd. I invites applications to fill the following vacancies >s J j Jf-& Jaj>BJaJJ>J>BSJ>aJ GCE O 1 level Knowledge in basic stock control system. GCE O' level Pleasant personality. Some working experience with ability to type at 35 wpm Minimum 3 GCE O' level Possess
      196 words
    • 532 27 <faaaaaaaaaaT JOIN OUR CREW al a McDonald t Eaal Coaal Parkway lo midnight or unif a McDonald Lial Towara I) tlllli- pm or .'.llll a McDonald Paopta't Park pm or pm or tpai loßadnkshl a McDonald .by Ooaon Tltaatra l>..n> an) ume' Kirn to 4 pm or II .mi t...
      532 words
    • 430 27 YAMAHA MUSIC SCHOOL I SHOWROOM (MARINE PARADE) 1) SALES ASSISTANTS (Mala/Fam«l«) 2) SALES CASHIERS (Famata) AorktriK hourv i in to 6 p m or 3 p in to 9pm Qualification a iMr.iv.ini peraenalll] snd ellj«>> mi-ctiM a I'rrfrrahly with mnground and Class 3 ilriunn lla Ak> tx-twern H 3) MUSIC
      430 words
    • 353 27 CA^T.S. 737-1166 1 Classified Advertising Works. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE MEMBERS' CLUB Ova to our praaanl and lulura «pan»K>n wa hava vacancta-a for lha following poala 1) STEWARDESSES monthly a Anrl-to2S ;>ort [iro--2) COUNTER HOSTESS 3) WAITERS 4) RECEPTIONISTS 5) CASHIERS 6) DOORBOYS Only piaaaant and outapokan applicants na*d lo apply paraonaHy
      353 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 377 28 VA I Employment 86 Situation* Vacant I) Miscellaneous TRUCK DRIVER Requirements: Able to speak and write simple English Possess a class 4 driving licence Good physical built Above 18 years old Benefits: Free meal and tea Attractive annual wage supplement Interested persons please call personally ■>' <he following address, any
      377 words
    • 490 28 BEN COMPANY LTD We ara a prograasi«e lood trading organisation and hane a vacancy lor DRIVER Requirements: class 4 ilnuiiK hi em dates should be prepared lo drive up country, although this will be latreejttent Salary/ Benefits: Driver »iii commence i>et»een 5350 $450 AIIOI v paid fof iiHikinv: after vehicles
      490 words
    • 543 28 ill A Q Employment Lithographic and Printing Company immediately raquiras 1) EXPERIENCE F/A ARTISTS a IT v Hal c Ability in a. .ik Independ entl) from concept to finish art apeedll] and neaU) a Hardworklni ami tie pre pared lower* kma, hours 2) RECEPTIONIST CUM GENERAL ASSISTANT a Must speak
      543 words
    • 533 28 Japanese Building Construction Company raquiras 1) FEMALE SITE CLERK I 1 1 level wiiii credit la HlKllsll c Typinii sp^,-,i JS aj p m c KnowlrdK'' ol I mints 2) DRIVER/ OFFICE BOY a lean (lass :< driving record a Musi be prepared lo work overturn--*****42/3 (Mr Nagura or Mies
      533 words
    • 579 28 IP4 Q Employment Wanted part-lime demonstrators aged 16-20 Attractive salary bonus Call personally Blk 12 1191 Toa Payoh industnar Park, lorong 8. on 26 Oct 1 0am or 3pm tit.bli.hadProperl, F rm r.qu.r*. MALE CLERK OF WORK a Must he [ariuliar with road .im! streets i ompleted N>' lonal service
      579 words
    • 715 28 URGENTLY WANTED OFFICE 11 Ani natlonalll Main or Indian A*and above Dm I and -I AMe lo rid.- m nr srmitrr Qualification AMe to apeak Hikli^li ivi ***** M K II i Koh WANTED COCKTAIL LOUNGE Waiueaaei Minimum take home Apply personally Eaat Coat ***** way. BiK BptaaH TanjoriK Ka
      715 words
    • 464 28 p5 E Vehicles Boats Attractive H.P. Rates aafl BY aaaam O^^Q 3^ HSin Tien Seng'- 1 HeadOllicei K.aMarg Ci"'!'c Tel *****66 Jurong Centre Tel: *****1 1 QMM4KTWJ Sin Mm Centre Tel: 4531 IK Hamilton Showroom Tel: *****1 1 Whampoa Showroom Tel: *****66 MORE TOYOTA Quality Service Genuine Parts Cars and
      464 words
    • 285 28 pj Vehicles ft Boats LORRY WITH/WITHOUT I ONtY 547 ONWARDS 74 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance EASY LOANS FOR NEW AND USED CARS Up to 90% loans Low interest rates 4-year repayment Prompt service UNITED OVERSEAS FINANCE Tel: *****82 (11 lines) *****24 *****13 *****33 j' 1 1 Mbbb! Hi WJ Kaaai LM
      285 words
    • 351 28 1 BIUfBIBO OATSUN MOJ SALOOM <s rims DEC 197S DATSUM ia> 1****** 1971 DATSUN 100* HI 1t« DATSUN 1606 Bl i\ ate use *12.H00 l»7t DATSUN 12tt. d) Flat ALMOST 19*0 I .ul. 1 1 1200) I 197} FIAT IJ7 Nl I c) Ford 197s FORD CORTINA I<■< .1 Airmay
      351 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 787 29 f^ Vehicles* Boats 76 Vehicles For Sal* I) Mitsubishi 1*77 MODEL MITSUBISHI I nit lant 2000 GSI. coupe Automatic alrcond. radio cassette with ea Price $18,500 ono Tel *****90 ALMOST I*7* LANCER I speed alrcon. radio ne» t)res. beautiful Condition $15,800 ii no Tel *****55 CO REGO I*7* Sigma a««i
      787 words
    • 699 29 til SERVICE CHARGE ynur car fasl at your price 36. Rool Kum Road. T*****9 *****87 NICE NUMBER PLATE KC7IU for sale> "ii. i Please conurt *****26 *****3. V K l.oh m) Commercial Vehicles MAY I*7* TOYOTA MI-LUX PICKUP I rn-iiK gul wooden carriage body I owner Good runninir, c-.nidltlon
      699 words
    • 671 29 1 £3 Vehicles Boats A BANK ACCOUNTANT rr-qmrrs any make irtmlev nniipany or private w«ltosn«, from 1975 to 1982 Cash payment Tel *****57 Kt-Mdenre *****8.5CH Aliß ADVERTISER URGENTLY REQUIRES good used private, company registered car Cash payment Contai t tel uaani BMW/ MERCEDES OR JaSHMBBI Coupe or Sal. .mi
      671 words
    • 520 29 HOUSEWIFE URGENTLY RE QUIRES I iar lancer. Toyota. M.i/. 1.1 323. Honda Accord Cash Payment *****63. ATTRACTIVE OFFER FOR all used umny and private accepted Tel *****70* Kelvin Koh) BEST OFFER FOR all used/ compan] ««p eai* Interested rail *****U URGENTLY REOUIRED SCRAP ar helow 3000 r c Contact tel
      520 words
    • 595 29 n^Hl P /UUMIUIUUtoUOiI 4 I HaHI mm liHirni I a¥ kti aSaH aP BrmiAi M| b rTopenm biw rii^a*«Tj I a3edro£g Court Modern Condominium on Balmeg Hill Apartments and Stepped Houses Beautifully designed Panoramic sea-view Next to Haw Par Villa Easy access to City Jurong Tennis Court. Swimming Pool Club
      595 words
    • 1034 29 imodation 1 All r Accommodatton 4 Has [Ball Properties I TRENDALE TCWER An Unique Habitat sS.fF*/' Hw^\ entertaining made easy, t a van double /V« O S volume open air lounge that link, to the indoor jr SpT MBV ak__ 'iwng, area in each maiionnte *X ***>iv An Exclusive Dwelling
      1,034 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 499 30 jjj f Accommodation Properties IN A FEW WEEKS, Paramount Shopping Centre WILL BECOME HIGHLY ACTIVE! Specially reserved Shop Units for lease •fW e^* e«F. faf*l s^V Why highly active? SHOP UNITS c The opening ot the 250-room c From 23.23 sq.m. (250 sq. ft.) Paramount Hotel and its many crowdpulling
      499 words
    • 237 30 J APARTMENT FOR RENT Available with atfact from Ist Nov. '82 GOLDBELL TOWERS 47 SCOTTS ROAD SINGAPORE 0922 Apartment 47K Typa B, Slti storey Approx. area 2880 sq ft. Partly furnished. Rent at SS.OOO p.m. negotiable 3 bedrooms with bathrooms attached, master bedroom with wall-to-wall carpet. 2 bedrooms parquet floor,
      237 words
    • 283 30 j APARTMENTS FOR RENT DISTRICT exclusively renovated 3 bedrooms with expensive fittings furniture 55.200 negotiable. DISTRICT 10 ORAVCOTT TOWER 3 bedrooms partially lurnished walking distance 10 OKCHARI) ROAD M.OOO negotiable. c DISTRICT ELIZABETH TOWER 4 bedrooms reno\.ited partially furnished S* .200 negotiable. DISTRICT 10 BELVH.LE GARDEN lower maisonette apartment 3
      283 words
    • 908 30 jj* p Accommodation Properties would you like an office in Ocean Building .feygjlri WMWJI Ba^Lsaaal KjLS*v> mV For immediate occupation right in the heart of town, please call Foong Kok Meng, telephone *****51 x 111 )i <Mn Properties Pte Ltd (A member of the StMit- Steamship Croup) *^wT*'^3*ii^^ *f^aS *T^
      908 words
    • 390 30 A^m C Accommodation J [till T Properties Raffles Place vicinity UOB Bldg Ocean Bldg Shell Tower Straits Trading Bldg c The Arcade OCBC Cent re Shenton Way/Cecil Street vicinity Robina House c Tunas Bldg Shenton House Anson Centre The Octagon International Plaza City House Marina House Hong Leong Bldg ICB
      390 words
    • 179 30 OFF ORCHARD ROAD apartment Si .too Homer *****08 MM PARKWAY MANSION Amber poatU Big Splash, luxurimiN liikli 11.H.r lirand n«>w apartment foi mv i k w-j. .win, mini: poul. .1 plu- 1 servant's sr. ur rurnuhe I WOOOSVILLE COURT. NEXT CBD, i.irnr apartmenl I -rr\.inl .ttiriMim CTV fruli!>- I illy
      179 words
    • 148 30 a r Accommodation I Properties I 9)°/ I 1 2 months 9y %pa ■EjH We are looking for commercial/industrial/ residential land in any districts for development. Land plots of various dimensions with vacant possession are welcome. Contact Philip >4^Geo. M.Hume] e<l v Hume iSinjuporci Hie lid Singapore Sydney Melbourne WT,.
      148 words
    • 194 30 CHANG AGENCIES 27*0444: I list vicinity, exriu-Mmi-nt on liigh n»dn>.<ined. fully lur- mi mini! pool CITIPORT NEAR WORLD I njM JaJan smar BinOangi (iirnislird. $1,500 is>- lurntshea .i.illll I'ruprrty *****0 CORONATION PLAZA STUDIO furnished with unit .ur i.rxi Kt-ntal 52.200 BMMI/S OIST 0314 OUEENSWAV TOWER i irtment )2.200 furni.%hr() 2
      194 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 659 31 \a\ [^Accommodation 4% p Acconi |M|l Properties r Propet Exclusive to the few-. DYNASTY GARDEN Located on Sixth Avein.^ Holland Road, Dynasty Gardei, GARDEN x offers a choice of 12 different I VyV^^^ designs of 3 storey Courtyard Houses. Each differing in con f^t OPjO i Mw v. cept and
      659 words
    • 451 31 FABULOUSLY ECONOMICAL RENTAL at $1,800 superbly furnished walkup apartment Orange Road, available Ist Nov Call: *****11 FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED ROOMS available immediately In various housing estates and private apartments Tel *****74' *****87 DIST. FAR EAST Mansion, near Orchard Road 3 alrcond bedrooms, carpeted, fully furnished $2,000 *****64 DIST. 40 UNITS 2-bedroomed
      451 words
    • 391 31 87 Accommodation Wanted a) Houses Senior Bank Manager requires 4-bedroomed house or apartment Will consider 3 bedrooms. Oenerou-s company's lease Please can Operation Manager 737*334 OVERSEAS EXPATRIATES. I Bankers and Engineers) urgently require houses apartments in good residential areas Flexible budget Good pay master Company's lease assured Budget $1,500 to
      391 words
      1,536 words
    • 1029 31 Isl rTH^tfuM J Enquirws a. 60 W X Victory Realty Co. (Re) Ltd. M 15th Floor Far East Shopping Centre Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 *****11 (24 Irws)^^^ ITOPE! PC I 'PPM Jj DIST 1* SENMETT AYE doublestorey semi-detached J. 300 sq ft 4 bedr.Kjins s attached baths Freehold, vacant
      1,029 words
    • 685 31 Jk r Accommodation W|| r Properties Luxurious Brand New Maisonette (2 Units avail- I able) 2.850 sq ft partially furnished. 4 bedrooms. Located at IJlst. 10.. Holland/ I.eedon Road 24 Hours Security, pool facilities Freehold B. LUCKY PLAZA Luxuriously. Newly furnished Apartment. 1.620 sqft 3 bedrooms, central alrcond. 24 Hours
      685 words
    • 466 31 THOMSON GROVE. NEW 3-becl- condominium, facing rox 1520 X) It hreeholri Completing 19Ki Porcltnen eiigii>ir $360,000 ->4.UHI WOODLEIGH GROVE I year old aparuncnl split-level lumg dining area, beautifully rurnished »ith built-in ward.ibineu.. (326.000 Lay NEWTON VICINITY OIST plrtion Drrrmbrr 2800 sqft Splil-levrl 4 hertrcH.iiis hatlis >h $770,000 No rirrl' *****18
      466 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 565 32 mf r Accommodation A r Properties 89 Properties For Sale c) Other Real Estates DIST 15 RESIDENTIAL LAND v RobertMANOAI ESTATE, tit I Htm sq II Selling *it!i planning appi DALVEY ROAO. v.i. ml land Ap 90 Properties Wanted Indonesian Client urKentlv requires 1 FUTURA APARTMENT 2 ELIZABETH HEIGHT OR
      565 words
    • 545 32 FACTORY FOR SALE q it limit in ground (IOOf WXH sqfl Ist llixir sqft Ird floor «.1M sq ft Ihsqft Tarma H \>- its lease trom II I>U elfertive [rolli r etl 1973 Interested, pleaae writ* to: TOA PAYOH NORTH P.O. BOX 773 SINGAPORE 9131 SIONG LIM BUILDING New fr-slorey
      545 words
    • 876 32 r Accommodation ■■H Properties WAREHOUSE/ OFFICE AT Industrial KilllillMK AlI'.WI 93 Office Spaces a) Sale INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES!! Prime ottice space in Orchard Road ajaj ]<k«is(| It rUft rental returns Selling Price: MSO $750 psf PK TANt ASSOCIATES CHARTERED SURVEYOR TEL 2554(77 MERLIN PLAZA Ottice Space Available Area 700 aq.ft Facing
      876 words
    • 851 32 All r Accommodation Properties OFFICE SPACE (2000 „i it and Factory ttjooo sq it to ill"' 'I II i 111 K'kkl localltj at 111 I 1 k m Hukit Tnnali Road Available immedlatel) Call rel ■H.HM77 K BEACH ROAO 2 I .-.I 'in,,., .lose to Raffh approx 2 MM s(
      851 words
    • 544 32 PARAMOUNT HOTEL GROUND FLOOR r, I aq.n < 4-r (.r. .iin.l 1100 l DO MO II Complex, SM It Srllinn a htilrr pnsr I CORONATION PLAZA INO (liK.r Z3Zaq.(l siwi.kki Ruby Shopping ..rn>-r Intermediate Ullll^ 193 M) It Il LJ Ke.llt> FAR EAST PLAZA, l.i. tors liriiiiniin.Kir mezianln* n.M.r and
      544 words
    • 476 32 a. 1 1 r Accommodation Ba|| Properties DISTRICT IS. CITY PIA/A Atkini jiiioii per month on I) i ..iim. in Realty mmao FAR EAST PLAZA .r.,iindflixir -.j ft |3f FAR EAST PIA/» available roi rental i .11 Tinlur Home FAR EAST PLAZA ■M6M GROUNDFLOOR SHOP IN fawl fl Amplr *****111
      476 words
    • 401 32 Q Travel Guide for more \^h° <%)«£> < Cathay > «b^^V Z Holidays < <f bZ~^Z^& BDAYS-*****9 hs. ban(,kok»pattava«h()n(,kl)n(, 15DAYS-*****3m5,4 IkAOrlsn sl, HWIO# "*«W LAM BDAYS-Ssls6schs:, (J 15 DAYS *****7 ,s > MANILA •lAGUIO*rAGSANIAN HONG KONG AAtAt \l'«i\i\i-Vv rAiPBi •hualien«lishan»taichwJg •srNMOOM.AKK.KAOHSIINd 5 DAYS Ss77o(msh 1 BANGKOK Floating market. Villagt li|
      401 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 661 33 Q Travel Guide Q Travel Guide Q Travel Guide k^^ The Straits Times Classifieds (WJL^ Travel with any of these advertisers and win attractive prizes. AAj Jxk^A A,rm«,ta,Tr..*C.nlr, *****38/3383W2 Haw P« Tr.vrf Pt.. Ltd. *****66 p^B^" E^^lJT*' LSS Attociataxl Tour. (S) Pt». Ltd *****22 K#n S^*^** Inlernalkmal (Pt») Ltd. SMM
      661 words
    • 617 33 tPerth holidays November Low Season:- Z 7 DAYS $11 11 9 DAYS $1266 Dep NOV 12. 19.26 Sightseeing Highlights •El Cabailo Dancing Horses Show City Sights King's Park Swan River Cruise Vineyard Tour lunlimited free wine served) Yanchep Sun City Atlantis Marine Show Lion Safari Cohunu Wildlife Park Swan Scenic
      617 words
    • 324 33 |r ~MW^MM?'7I PERTH I Don't miss the experience of the fabulous west 7 days from ***** Highlights Ei Cabailo Blanco Spanish Dancing Horse Show Yanchep Sun City/Atlantis Marine Lon Safaris Park Crystal Cave City Tour Swan River Side Drive Fremantie Sun Market, etc Services include: Accommodation at FirstClass Hotel Guaranteed'
      324 words
    • 509 33 HAM HO TMHEI SEIVICE |l| PTE LTD Htrt OWlcr G l4- 16- 18. Pearl's Centre. Eu Tong Sen Street. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105 Tel *****33(7 lines) lrnc> Oltkr 119. People's Park Complex Ground Floor. New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105 Tel *****1/*****2 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****63 TAI4O H AMEIICA/HAWAII/CANABA ■EXICO/TOKTO/HOMBKOMB faMCAi) 18oaysS$3775/--21 days
      509 words
    • 1482 33 JH Education Instruction LCCI INTENSIVE/REVISION ORIENTED COURSES 1983 EXAMINATIONS GROUP DIPLOMAS (HIGHER STAGE) Higher Stage Diplomas will be awarded as follows: IN ACCOUNTING For a pass ln Accounting plus passes In 2 of the following subjects: Business Computing. Statistics. Commercial Law. Costing. Economics a IN COSTING For a pass In
      1,482 words

  • 55 34 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssaßslßsssssssssssl In everloving memory ol ONE YEAR HAH PASSED BUT MEMORIES STAY FRESH L PAINFUL ALWAYS REMEMBERED BY WIFE. CHILDREN 4 LOVED ONES. M LOVING MEMOOY of Tan Slew Koon (2510/791 Always remembered and chensed by Tan family, nephews and nieces Is tar she whom you G
    55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 34 Passed sway peacefully on n 10 «2 Leevmg Berund WMe: Cheong Kok Ying Son: Lee Ming. Steven DeMfMere: Li Ping l^ii Klrw Lee Ling Oeuohter-m-La« Wang Jee Lee. Kalherine In Law Wung Chee Seng. Mark Urn Yaet Ming And 7 Grandchildren Cortege wiM leave •tact 72. Tetok Blanoah
    64 words
  • 2 34
    2 words
  • 32 34 thanks «M reUtivee and (nends lor their attendance and hviiiiki condolence and wreaths during their recent bereavement CPL. TAMIL SEL VAN (Corporal In The Commando Unit) MUHNUrCNOf
    32 words
  • 69 34 Wish lo eipreee Ihelr fcaarrtaH menks te a* releMise and Mends lor their iTUnaaim. wreathe during Ihelr recent be- THt FAMILY OF the I tie Mn Elaine De Sllva wishes v thank priests and prayer group of Holy Crou Church. Sisters of Mirymuunt Convent, relaUTei
    69 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
      262 words
    • 306 34 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING COURSES Intensive Course: Normal Course: rturs i-ri IOJ tp 111 "I .ip 111 1.(1 Ml i immmg I Ele Intel c sm. Programming a rorti.m Programming -IIIK c British Computer Social] I BCB Part i > ipullni BTCS GROUP OF SCHOOLS CORTINA TRAINING CENTRE 711. 7th Moor Colombo
      306 words
    • 275 34 JH If Education Instruction COMPUTER COURSES IN CITY A GUILDS 747 4 748 June 1983 Exam Planned topics include: IntrodlM lenn Beginning i Advanced ii.n.i Processing i a Hands on' ci>inpui>-r > xpei i rnrc »ni. both basic s COBOL. IntroductoT] Business Uatbe mattes a ffialttilTi Conducted by qualified and
      275 words
    • 296 34 METROPOLITAN VMCA c CaG ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PART 3 opm PUBIIC REIATIONS(LCCI) INSTITUTE Of DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT i lOSundaj TELEPHONE ***** M EDUCATION CENTRE RAPID ACCOUNTING. COSTING. Staluui s Economli (oi ih-kiii-hits Certificate and Diploma Examination! Enure LOCI Syll:llinsrs will Ik- invrri-ll wlltllll MX monttu Claaan tiikcn by quuli- .k i-
      296 words
    • 494 34 Jjj| H Education Instruction 'TB^^P^^^^^^aV a New Basic Course Starting Nov. 01 Mon (7 10pm- 10 10pm) Nov: 07 Sun (1.30pm -4 30pm) I >nl> |)l.n es .ivallablr Please enrol early et 1606. 16th Hi Golden Mac Tower Beach Roed. Tel: 2M7M2 School of languages I 6»h Rr CUPPAGE
      494 words
    • 378 34 aasV JaeaeaeHelsssssssiaßßßssssl •Ml. LMM SrOMG LIAN *OCO 7t Passed eerey peecetuUr en 23rd Ocl t«B2 leaving behind Madam Sim Choon Eng Seme: Trek Beng Prng Oan. David Him Long Daughters-*!- ln Y»o Hoon Tan Chun Gek Pheng. Marie. Loh Luan Choo. Bevy Daughters Yam Choo Chwee Kirn Pheck Hoon. Doris
      378 words

  • 2110 35  -  TIPTOP FAIRWAY Singapore trainer Ng saddles splendid double on Nutrient and Buttons N Bow By and PENANG, Sun. Cruzeiro won the Class 3 'Div 3 race over 1,400 m (Race 4) after an exciting battle with with stablemate Lagonda in the final 100 m here
    2,110 words
  • 29 35 FIRST: ***** SECOND: ***** THIRD: ***** STARTERS: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATIONS: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.
    29 words
  • 784 35 Masruhen and Cheam suspended M>J«W— BHMHKHMMM PENANG, Sun. Jockeys Masruhen Masjuay and A.K. Cheam were suspended by the stewards today. Masruhen was suspended for two days for careless and inconsiderate riding while Cheam got one day for allow- ing his mount to shift ground when not clear of other runners.
    784 words
  • 21 35 THE win dividend in Penarm for Divine Ruler in Race 1 last Saturday was $17 and not $19
    21 words
  • 150 35 NEW YORK, Sun. The t Irish-bred filly April Run, repeating her triumph of a year ago, romped to an eight-length victory in the U*****.800 (about Ssl million) Turf Classic at Ague- duct rare track yester- day April Run, who finished fourth in the Prix
    150 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 964 35 APPOINTMENT fGENERAL MANAGER^ Location Kuala Lumpur Attractive Remuneration Package Tq, The Right Candidate We are a distributor of household consumer Electronic/Electrical appliances for the domestic market. In order to re-organise its operation for greater effectiveness and higher market penetration, it requires the service of a highly matured, independent individual to
      964 words
      671 words

    • 646 36 ROME, Sun. Italy's World Cup heroes, carried aloft by jubilant fans when they returned home from Spain with soccer's most coveted trophy last July, have come down to earth with a bump with the new season just six matches old. Fans have found that the promised
      Reuter  -  646 words
    • 308 36 SAO PAULO, Boa. With a "soccer mafia" lottery case la the hands of federal Investigators, Brastllaa soccer has been racked by another bribery accusation. This time, the allegations Involve Sao Paolo PC, mm of the eoutry's top teams. According Praacaaa president <>ose Neves, a Sao Paolt
      308 words
    • 197 36 Shock over 25-year ban JOHANNESBURG. Sun The 25-year ban im- posed by the Sri I.ankan Cricket Control Board on the 14 Sri Lankan cricketers currently on a seven- week tour of South Africa has sparked headlines from all South African! newspapers. "Sri Lankan shock 25-year ban, but tour goes on,"
      AFP  -  197 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 96 36 ASIAN GAMES: China will send 306 athletes to the ninth Asian Games in New Delhi from Nov 19- Dec 4, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. The Chinese sports delegation of 445, which include 137 officials, coaches and referees, will be the largest ever sent abroad, Xinhua
        96 words
      • 61 36 BOXING: World No. 2 welterweight contender Don Curry won a split-points decision over fellow American Marlon Starling in a 12-round bout. There were no knock-downs, but Curry, rated No. 2 contender by both the World Boxing Association and the World Boxing Council, suffered a gash below
        61 words
      • 16 36 HOCKEY: West Germany and England drew (M) in a men's international in Hamburg.
        16 words
      • 53 36 OLYMPIC GAMES: French radio stations have decided to boycott the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics because of "exhorbitant charges." The four major French stations Radio France, Europe One, RTL and RMC took the decision jointly "faced with the financial demands of the organisers who are not respecting the
        53 words
      • 24 36 RUGBY UNION: The New Zealand Maoris beat Cardiff 17-10 (half-time 0-6) in the opening game of their seven-match tour of Wales.
        24 words
      • 72 36 SNOOKER: Steve Davis, the England captain, won a dramatic tie-break against world champion 1 Alex Higgins to give his team a 4-3 victory over 1 Northern Ireland on the opening day of the world team Classic. Higgins beat Davis 2-0 to level the match at 3-3. but
        Agencies  -  72 words
    • 161 36 HUNT VALLEY (Maryland), Sun. Mediator Sam Kagel. realising that both sides would not give way over thi< crucial warn issue, has postponed in definitely talks aimed at ending the 33-day old American football strike Kagel, 73, returned to his San Francisco home after
      UPI  -  161 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 739 36 NOTICES WARNING! It has come to our attention that several Turbocharged Mitsubishi cars such as Cordia, and Starion intended for the Japanese market have recently been brought into Singapore either privately or through some other channels. We have been warned by Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Japan, the manufacturer, that the Turbocharged
      739 words
    • 367 36 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, I Chen Man Hlng of No. 1101 Blk. A King's Mansion, 437 TanJong Katong Road, Singapore 1543 have applied (or a Wholesale Liquor Shop licence In respect of premises M/S Pak Chong Hong Enterprise (Pte) Ltd. 78 Playfalr Road Singapore 1336 and that this
      367 words
    • 84 36 GET THIS UNUSUAL, EXTENDABLE FLASK FOR JUST2Octs ?sSsfi^^ Here's a great way to carry Staminade fflfcflßJfmS, Wlth y° u wh e n you're having a game JSewRB «3>» An unusual, extendable plastic flask is hffißh§Rt lR«s now yours for only 20 cts when you buy a jsSSS SrS*^ 25 9
      84 words

    • 773 37 LONDON, Sun. England's trio of European trophy challengers enjoyed mixed fortunes in the First Division yesterday, with injuryhit Tottenham Hotspur the only winners. European Cup-holders Aston villa were beaten, their predecessors Liverpool achieved an away draw, while Spurs pulled off the biggest win in the
      Reuter  -  773 words
      • 236 37 Birmingham 0 Ipswirh 0 Dngh ion 3 West Ham 1. Everton 3 Sun derland 1. Manchester I'mleO Manchester City 2 Norwich 1 Aston Villa 0. Soiling ham Forest 3 Arsenal 0. Stoke 1 Liverpool 1. Swansea 3 Southampton 2. Tottenham 4 Notts County 2. Wat ford 0 Coventry
        236 words
      • 231 37 Blackpool 5 Hereford 1. Bristol ni> 4 Wimbledon 2. Darlington 1 Bury 2. Hartlepool 1 Aldennot 1. Hull 4 Northampton 0. Peterborough 1 Torquay 3. Rochdale 2 Halifax 2. Srunthorpe 2 Tranmer? 1. Swindon 4»-1.l n uury IJ i > 1 2 I Wimbledon 12 7 4
        231 words
      • 224 37 Blackburn 0 Leeds 0. Bolton 0 Bamsley 2. Chelsea 3 Char I ion 1. Derby 0 Leicester 4. Fulham 3 Burnley 1. Middlesbrough 2 Queens Park Rangers 1. Newcastle 1 Crystal Palace 0. Oldham 4 Carlisle 3. Sheffield Wednesday 2 Crimsby 0. Shrewsbury 2 Rotherham 0. Kultttir, Sheffield
        224 words
      • 224 37 Bournemouth 0 GiUingham 1, Bradford c-lty 1 Doneasler 0. Chesterfield 1 Plymouth 2. Exeter 0 Sheffield United 3. Huddenfteld 4 Cardiff 0. MWwall 2 Walsall 2. Orient 1 Bristol Rovers 5, Portsmouth 3 Preston 1. Reading 2 Wlgan 1 Wrrxham 1 Oxford 1 Uncoln U 1 0 3
        224 words
      • 132 37 Airdne 3 Ayr 1. Clyde 2 Alloa 0. Dumbarton 1 Partirk 1. Falkirk 0 Clydebank 2. Hearts 4 Dunfermlinr 1. Ralth 4 Hamilton 1. St Johnstone 4 gueen'i Park 1 Hearts 11 6 4 1 21 9 11 Gydrbuik U S 2 3 21 17 1Airdrie 11 6
        132 words
      • 141 37 Berwick 4 Albion Rovers 0, Cowdenbralh 1 East Stirling 1. Forfir 4 East Fife 1. Mndowbank 2 Ar bro»Ui 1, Montrasr 1 Stenhousemulr 0. Queen of the South 3 Brerhin 1. Strainer 1 Stirling Albion 1 ArhrMih 11 7 1 3 25 13 I Berwick 11 5 5
        141 words
      • 86 37 Dundee 1 St Mirren 1. Kilmarnock 0 Aberdeen 2. Morton 1 Celtic 2, Motherwell 0 Dundee United 2. Rangers 3 Hibernian 2. DuodeeU Rangers Aberdeen Dundee Si Mlrrrn Morton Hibernian Kilmamork 8 4 4 0 16 3 12 8 3 5 0 IS 8 U 8 5 1
        86 words
    • 873 37 Mm Utd 2 Man City 2 (M). The first gate over 50,000 anywhere in Britain this season packed into Old Trafford for the 105 th Manchester Derby and saw a cracking match. City spent most of the match under siege, but managed to conjure a
      AP  -  873 words
    • 359 37 Record 100 teams for pre- Olympics ZURICH, Sun. A record 100 countries will take part in the qualifying rounds for the 1984 OlymEic soccer tournament in os Angeles, it was announced here yesterday. There are 14 places available. The United States, as hosts, and Czechoslovakia, the de fending champions, are
      Reuter; AFP  -  359 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1014 37 \j%h£/ OTRDNP. *$r4%T*/ the fu service company f[ At OTRONA we take pride in being able to fully support all our users iftmrtffMm: isV sfl it t^ a t ona R I w«h green T i llhasnlaraM nc«i«krc wtu 24 Itim ol a^SssssssssswS) r Wor4oi-harmLicr\(<kiuMrM/r> S^LsssssssssEE S t 2V> »xh
      1,014 words

    • 328 38 Lendl reigns supreme in the Super Challenge TENNIS ROUND-UP MELBOURNE, Sun. Czechoslovak Ivan Lendl confirmed his supremacy ait American Vitas Gerulaitis here yesterday when he romped to a straight-set victory in the final of the rss3Bo,ooo ($824,600) Super Challenge tournament. I.endl crushed Gerulaiifter the American hail handed him > in
      328 words
    • 64 38 KATHMANDU. Sun. Iraq and the United Arab Emirates were declared joint winners after drawing their final match 1-1 in extra-time in the Asian Youth Group One soccer tournament here yesterday. Both teams qualify to meet China and North Korea fc the Asian Youth Cup in December at a
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 444 38  - Alex brings cheers to diehards PATRICK BASTIANS By ALEX KARAMOI, 57, gave all old, weatherbeaten tennis players something to cheer about yesterday when he defeated Singaporeans Roslan Sumaidi 9-3 and Patho Rahman 9-6 to qualify for the Singapore Open grasscourt championships, starting on Thursday. One really cannot blame Roslan, ranked
      444 words
    • 378 38  -  J. RAJENDRAN By Bava's boys in mood for revenge THE Australian Forces North hurt the pride of coach Natahar Bava's boys when they beat Singapore 30-18 in their third and final group match of the Malaysian Rugby Union Invitational Cup tournament in
      378 words
    • 443 38 YUICHI HIROSE. secretary-general of the Asia Judo Federation, did not mince words when he commented on the state of the sport in the region during a private visit to Singapore over the weekend (writes Patrick Ba»--tlans). For one, the 64-year-old international observer of many South-east
      443 words
    • 32 38 P W D L F A Pt IZFort* innporr 10 IKK i J 1 0 2 47 SO 2 3 1 0 2 35 2 1 0 2 33 78 2
      32 words
    • 108 38 NEW DELHI, Sun. Former All-England champion Prakash Padokone (right), a licensed player, has been named captain of India's badminton team for the Aatan (iamet*, starttng here on Nov 1». The acting president of the Badminton Association of India, Faxli Ahmed, said yesterday that licensed
      108 words
    • 275 38 ZAGREB, Sun. Chinas gymnasts took the top medals in the men's individual combined event at the gymnastics World Cup here on Friday. Ning Li took the gold and long Fei the silver with performances that delighted both experts and the audience. Russian Yuriy Korolev, whose
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 530 38 PENSACOLA (Florida). Sun. Hale Sutton moved into a one-stroke lead yesterday after the third round of the US$2OO,OOO ($434,000) Pensacola Open tournament. Sutton carded a three-under-par 68 for a 12--under-par total of 201. He will be bidding for his first professional victory and the
      Agencies  -  530 words
    • 436 38  - SICC triumph in annual match TAY CHENG KHOON By SINGAPORE Island Country Club won the Loke Wan Tho golf trophy when they trounced Royal Selangor Golf Club in their annual clash at the Bukit and Island courses over the weekend. On Saturday, SICC took a 3-1 lead in the four-ball-best-ball
      436 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 137 38 THE BOEING 757 ISTHE MOST EFFICIENT NEW JETLINER FLYING TOD/X With fut-l savings of up to 479! tin- Boeing 757 can kct-p Southeast Asian airlines a Btep ;ilu-;id of rising fuel The 757 is equipped with quiet, fuel-efficient engines. It's built with advanced, lightweight materials. And it features computerized flight
      137 words
    • 64 38 Mr. George A. Vaughn President AMF Racquet Sports Worldwide and Mrs. Vaughn Mr. Matthew S. Stolarz President AMF Sports Products Group International Division and Mrs. Stolarz Mr. Peter A. Hoover Manager AMF Head Division Head-Tennis.CTNOqaTL-Golf and Voit -Basketball 0 Sole Agents for Singapore Malaysia. Brunei Hong Kong Hi? Robertson Wilson
      64 words

    • 472 39 WEIGHTLIFTER Chua Koon Siong's withdrawal from the Singapore team to the Asian Games in New Delhi next month should serve as an example for the local track and field athletes and shooters to follow (writes Haldkat Ral). It is apparent that Koon Siong pulled
      472 words
    • 275 39  -  JOE DORAI By siNUAtTJKfc; s preparations for the Tun Raaak under-20 soccer competition at Kota Bahru from Dec 4-17 started over the weekend on a shocking note with only 13 of the 26 invited players attending i training. This has made the i squad's officials
      275 words
    • A walk into record books
      • 350 39 BRISBANE, Sun. Kepler Wessels ano Greg Chappell hit centuries today as Queensland ran up 400 for the loss of only three wickets in their second innings on the third day of the four-day cricket match against England here. Queensland declared their first innings
        Reuter  -  350 words
      • 56 39 UNITED World College won the Singapore Cricket Association Division One knockout title when they beat four-time champions Ceylon Sports Club by five wickets at Dover Road on Saturday. Scores: CSC 74 off 18.3 overs 1 1) Balakrtshnan 24, W Morley 5-17, B. Carpenter 3-5) UWC 75-5 off
        56 words
      • 64 39 TODAY'S EVENTS HIIIKKV Frleadly: Singapore Veterans v Singapore women (Balestier, 5.15 p.m.). SOCtKR PrcaMeat'i Cap: Toa Payoh v Oylang International, Cairnhill v Brickworks (both at Jalan Besar. 7 p.m and 845 p.m S4.SKI. uraUr kMrk-Hl mninamla: SAFSA v PosUls. Fire Brigade v Police (both at Far rer Park. 5.30 pmi
        64 words
      • 841 39  -  HAKIKAT RAI By THE Republic's R. Nadarajan shifted into top gear in the 20 kilometres road walk to lift the gloom off the final day of the Singapore Open track and field meet at the National Stadium yesterday. The Marine Police sergeant
        841 words
      • 196 39 SBS upset Oberoi to share title SINGAPORE Bus Services, with the help of the i woodwork and their goalkeeper. Latif Ibrahim, in superb form, held favourites Oberoi Imperial Hotel to a 0-0 draw in the 1 final of the Singapore Business Houses Football League Division One tour- nament at the
        196 words
      • 159 39 KHALSA. who had been showing so much promise without result this season, finally put their act together to trounce Armed I Forces 7-1 in a senior hockey knock-out match at Tanglin yesterday. Khalsa exploited the soldier's reluctance to tackle hard and, within 11 minutes, were 3-0 up.
        159 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 15 39 RESULTS DRAW No: 84/82 5 OUT OF 49 33, 34, 9, 44,2, ADD. No 6
      15 words
    • 256 39 j£^F V^ J*S* r^W /*ff sfmW JmW A TALE OF TWO COPIES Compare the pictures above. '^^f On the left is a photo of twins. Note the differences between them the "^^^l^^^b^^^ _i^^^^ eyes, brows noses, lips —to mention |ust a few The pair on tne rignt s a Minolta
      256 words

  • 199 40 TOGETHERNESS and harmony this watt the happy srene st the home of the Urn family which wm visited by Mr Urn Chee Onn and Mr S. Chandra I hut during yesterday's Uur of Chan* B««n corutitnency. Mr Urn, the Ml §«cretary-gener»l and Minister without Portfolio, and Mr Chandra
    199 words
  • 100 40 JERUSALEM, Sun. The Israeli government decided at a Cabinet meeting here today to liquidate the national airline, El Al, in three weeks because of increasing defi- cits and chronic labour problems, Israel Radio reported. El Al, with a fleet of 21 aircraft, regularly served
    AFP  -  100 words
  • 61 40 Elephants and oranges HARARE (Salisbury), Sun. Elephants that have developed a taste for oranges in a Zimbabwe national park after being fed them ny visitors may now attack and trample tourists to get the sweet, succulent fruit, wardens say. The elephants have uprooted visitors' tents in the northern Mana Pools
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 72 40 WASHINGTON. Sun. In schools across America tomorrow, pupils, teachers and parents will discuss a matter rarely mentioned in the classroom the possibility that civilisation could end at any time in a nuclear war. Educators for Social Responsibility, a Boston-based organisation of teachers and parents, says
    AP  -  72 words
  • 61 40 TOKYO. Sun. Six former Japanese soldiers whe settled in Indonesia after World War n will return to japan on Tuesday for the first time in 39 years. The six men. all over 60 years of age, will return at the expense of the Japanese government which will
    Kyodo  -  61 words
  • 39 40 Kampala. Sun The Ugandan Health Ministry yesterday confirmed in a statement that an eye disease, known as "eye gonorrhea" has reached epidemic proportions in the Ugandan capital. It did not give the figures of those afflicted. AFP
    AFP  -  39 words
  • 434 40 [King Hassan on new phase in peace bid WASHINGTON, Sunday KING Hassan of Morocco said yesterday the Arab-Israeli dispute has entered a new phase in which force plays no part, and has called for the building of bridges between Arab and United States
    Reuter; AP; NYT  -  434 words
  • 687 40  -  ISMAIL KASSIM By Our Regional Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Parti Islam annual congress ended this afternoon with a mandate to the leadership to reorganise the party along strict Islamic lines. The reorganisation would take place under j the acting President. Haji I Yusof
    687 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 202 40 L SI WEKSLER Byfl INSTRUMENTS Scientific Commercial Thermometer Bimetal w- y y. T hermometer JrV I|^ ADJUST ANGLE [[if I""" Industrial 14 Thermometer x I j/vta Recorder 9fm Pressure Gauge to Dial Thermometer ONE FOR GOOD MEASURE Weksler's complete line of indicating, recording and controlling instruments. See you at Booth
      202 words
    • 388 40 Arc you thinning at the top and not looking like you should' And you wish you have that head full of hair again l How you wish you can regain that look of youth l But you can 1 LINK's hair replacement system and LINK's hair care can make your
      388 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 133 40 HP TO 1 p.m. Fair except for showers In a few areas. TEMP. (C) ap to S a.m. tomorrow: 32 max., 24 mln. SI'NSKT today: 5.51 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: CM a.m. GLOBAL WEATHER Adelaide U 31 C Sunny Maalla 24 31 C Clear Amsterdam 10 14C Rain Melbourne 4 21C
      133 words

  • Unknown
    • Article, Illustration
      1522 1 SECTION TW O ISRAELI Prime Minister Menachem Begin asked for his help. So did Venezuelan Premier Luis Hen-era Campins, Jacques Chirac of France, presidential aspirants Edward Kennedy and Walter Mondale and hundreds of other politicians and would-be politicians. The man they need is David Garth, founder and driving force of
      1,522 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1054 1 DAVID Garth offers a menu of political services research, polling, speech writing, advance work, production and placing of commercials, Press relations, and fund-rais-ing. He does not want to say how much he charges, but an article on him a few years ago put his basic "consultancy" fee
      1,054 words
    • OUTLOOK 1
      • 1752 2 A mind of her own She's passionate about her country and feels honoured that she's representing it. But because she's a trained audiologist who's used to a career of her own, she finds that her present lacks challenge CAROLINE NGUI talks to Esther Eshkol, wife of the Israeli ambassador to
        1,752 words
      • 549 2  -  PBGG Y MASSIN By in Paris POOR-GIRL looks with choosing fabrics like pota-built-in holes, tears and t0 sacking, surgical gauze wrinkles will feature and coars stone-washed strongly in next year's Re| k,^.,*, design spring and summer j ng lor Comme des Gar-ready-to-wear fashions, cons, the only
        Reuter  -  549 words
    • OUTLOOK 2
      • 1466 4 Children, according to a West German professor, can be taught to accept abnormalities in people if they're exposed to such situations early. EVELYN NG, our social services correspondent, talks to Prof Jakob Muth about integrating handicapped and normal children in the same school. And in America, GEORGIA
        1,466 words
    • 1045 6 WHEN Gabriel Garcia Marquez tried to call his mother in Colombia to tell her he had just won the Nobel Prize, her phone was out of order. Later he heard her say during a radio interview: "Maybe now they will finally fix the
      1,045 words
    • 258 6  -  HELEN WOMACK By from Stockholm THE winners of the Nobel Prize for literature this year's being Colombian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez are chosen by a panel of five Swedish academics with an average age of 70, the oldest of whom has served on the committee for
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • 748 10 THE story of William P. Mundy, managing director of an international advertising agency in the East, who gave it all up to become a painter, reads something like a fairy tale. Friends and critics of the artist have often been tempted to compare it with the
        748 words
      • 896 10 HE'S A walking 'Who's who albeit with ebony cane of such greats as T.S. Eliot, Thornton Wilder, Richard Burton, Rudolf Bing, Margot Fonteyn and Yehudi Menuhin. Mr lan Hunter, 66, is what you may term an artistic middleman. He finds the cultural goodies and packages
        896 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 385 11 WANTED A HEAVENLY WOMAN HERE'S an offer you can hardly refuse: Leading lady in one of Hongkong's popular Cantonese drama serials. And four-days' stay in the glamorous colony food, lodging and air-ticket paid for if you are selected for audition. Asia Television Limited (ATV formerly RTV, the maker of such
        385 words
      • 689 11 MUSICAL dynasties such as those of Bach and the Strauss waltz kings have been virtually absent this century, as yet. There are isolated cases Composer Dmitri Shostakovich s son is, as yet, little known except as an outstanding conductor of his father's music, while pianist Rudolf
        689 words
      • 172 11 SQLO ART EXHIBITION By local artist Chew Piak San. A collection of water-colours of landscapes and woodlands, in- < luding a vipw of Onting Highlands Pine Gallery. Ming Court .Hotel. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Ends tomorrow. EXHIBITION OP VANISHING SINGAPORK SCENES Paintings by Chin Tong, Michael Khoo
        172 words
      • 101 11 TODAY: Singapore 5.09 am (1.9 m), 9.30 am (1.6 m), 3.18 pm (2.3 m), 11.22 pm (0.8 m). Sedill Keohil 4.52 am (2.1 m). 10.22 am (1.7 m), 2.46 pm (2.0 m), 10.13 pm (0.9 m). Port Dickson 5.28 am (1.0 m), 11.41 am (1.9 m), 5.28pm (1.4
        101 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 320 1 Interview with i .*m strong-minded woman 'M W^^f FASHION CONSCIOUS 9 QUALITY CONSCIOUS BH Hb^^^BJ You'll also find that Pentalite clean f° r^*^^^^^ F^^^^W^y^- and Weathershield cover a long time. 41 a^^zPßaaa^v^ mar^ s so we^- y° u while protecting (52^ n > /^^X. >^-/ m need to apply less
      320 words
    • 16 1 JH i Who s Who actresses A |n LEISURE n LEISURE M Page 10 p age
      16 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 123 2 -^^umVs^a. Managing Doctor 1 rlUYrl omo TftctAeA vmAeccame 3 jßbt /m M I^UVW' JB^^b* ~*^P V fc» B\ Hp 9JU BSSt £^BS| Bm I Sft 4^^^^^ BsV ■nr^K^Bß^*l B^BBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^flV^^sVjßP^^^ I bbH bb^H *Lm L^bbH 111 <•/ 81 WiJ I %r" BBi >i >2MmI I^BBK^* 7^7*«Bbl BBT I < gfflj vr
      123 words
    • 2 2 bl^i^)^! lit
      2 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 824 3 Are you looking for I *f good shop space |||l I1 1 «^SSSS^. that works 24 hours ■lIIIH ]|]l|||| The only shopping centre that's Top-class hotel provides 75,000 Ml l V t y^, open day and night business shoppers a year M I K I* .MfflE' Furama Singapore Shopping Centre
      824 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 176 4 WARMTOIT EACH MORNING i lull And you'll «aful forth* kind of quaky ibtftty that anaufat an twlnntng morthaMi i month, year attf i y?ar with 5 yeare I factoiy wan-anty on the elements <\ Calln. -*****. M\\ 2 r >llHlK,">. *****04. *****71 i or 4431 793 lot quick installation Andwrt.mtoiteachmornmg
      176 words
    • 67 4 "Lady first "Oh no, gentleOLDman first." I ''M^m^m^m^m^m^mmmWmmßkni. m¥ a^^w W Ta^flLfl 4 TURN KEY PROJECT UNDERTAKEN BY \Sfc JP CONSTRUCTION CO.. LTD SINCE 1804 (INCORPORATED TN JAPAN) Singapore Office: Room 1114, 11 th Floor/International Plaza, Anson Road. Singapore 0207. Tel: *****06, *****07, *****24 SUB- CONTRACTORS B 1 Belt Conveyor
      67 words
    • 250 4 A highty intensive, practical and business oriented Seminar on the use of Microcomputers in business management inclusive of a subsequent two-day financial software training program. The program is designed for Directors and Senior Management staff who plan to acquire or to implement a suitable microcomputer system in their organizations. PROGRAM
      250 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 633 5 Jr A I A Furama Singapore -^^^/V-l <V H tel Sho PP in 8 Centre ANA Hotels International destinations such as jl 1v \V is proud to be the operator Singapore, Hongkong, 1' Uv f of the Furama Singapore to Sydney, Los Angeles, San f k be opened in 1983/84.
      633 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 261 6 SZEROWATT v-^^s^ M(xlet 2006 Super Detu»e M^^H o>llinclnr«ta(>ttlop V ■■^^■■nfia W>MH*t«np>'<lu'< control Iron CO«) > ft WBrrW U( J C 4j£ jr rm-u j Duwkxi ifemm < ——m (T- ki •s«.log>«n»c*o«;.l|r Mod* 966 Sup* D»tu«« I Economic* p<ou'»rnm« t > Wma oaa ■6 iog'»m» 1 1 3 lb» I »i-»
      261 words
    • 66 6 In New York: Important Chinese Ceramics, Bronzes and Works of Art. I. The Collection of Captain S.N. Ferris Luboshez. (JSN (Kefd) K;tr. Auction: Thursday. \o\ ember 18 at 2 pm. Kxhihition opens Frida\. \o\ ember I^. Special exhibition on Sunda>. NoveMber 1 J from 1 pm to .*> pm. li)<|iiiru'>:
      66 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 359 7 CAPITOL: NOW SHOWING! I (*****59) 5 SHOWS al 11am. 1.45. 4, .30 A 9.15 m STUDENTS: Circle $2.50. Stats $1.50 at DAY SHOUTS m >* Filmed by Kpflb miniature camera the '>^ A— *1 INTIMATE DETAILED ■^1 scenes INSIDE... m m wm J\ i the I j BODY <^am ß
      359 words
    • 269 7 GoMen New Town and Quaenstown NOW SHOWING! G 11. 1 JO. 4. »«S. (JOpfT. NT: 1.30. 3.30. r«. S 00pm O 1 K. 3 30. 7 15. 9 30pm Mf/*T^^ *i\tLm*H,u\i, BEdtfiffES vOn I SHE-'V. MM dementi Zenith Of>£NBTOO*¥l C 1 30. 3 10. 7 15. 30pm m> NEW CROWN"&&;
      269 words
    • 382 7 Ik Distributed by r^^Fadaral Publications [-■'ai^J 1 New Indujtnal Road I 1953 Now available at all leading bookshops and emporiums "TJuTHORS WANTED BY N.Y. PUBLISHER Leading book publisher seeks manuscripts of all types: fir tion, non-fiction. p«try. tech nical, scholarly and religious works, etc. New authors weloirmd. Send for free
      382 words
    • 256 7 f Interested in knowing what goes on in SINGAPORE? THE STRAITS TIMES I THE SUNDAY TIMES I •v btrgeat dally atwapaper Is avaltoWe (ji ymu <*utry thrMßh BRUNEI INDONESIA 1. Current Newspapers Agency, 1. Sitta Agency, 28, Ground Fir. Borneo DJI. Ir. H. Djuanda 34 Pay.. Theatre Bldg. Jalan Roberts.
      256 words
      176 words
    • 414 7 V Vli^ OPGANISAION Cl (j Ijfeg^rV*/ J JaH*to^j Q V NOW SHOWING' Q 0 ODEON Q "«m 1 JO 400 6 30 9 ISpmJS f, ORCHARD X M **********915pm V < > JURONG 730 4 30pm O LEISURE DROME Q 1 *****0; 30 4 9 30pm X 3 GOLDEN SULTAN
      414 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 823 8 APPOINTMENTS i m»mbw "I Yhv Times Organisation) v art- expanding our operations and have several openings for executive positions. For these appointments, we are not only looking for people to fill vacancies... we are offering career opportunities with prospects of advancement to self-motivated individuals who seek challenge and satisfaction in
      823 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 348 8 GARFIELD By Jim Da vis (just what is prowling? )M I H I mm LET /VNE SHOW YOU J s Ir^^ nJ J~^ I /^WALKING J C PROWL.IN&") STAR WARS B y Archie Goodwill &At Williamson I aqainstHoth&'sawage night storms.. 11l OUR SA££7VS %w\ a inSn? inmS^ r*# M H
      348 words
    • 83 8 15 OW kinß sailed on trip (8) 17 Ix»k thus about a blot on landscape' (7) 19 Letters written to old actor from film centre (7) 20 One figure jfiven after tax (6) -iy child H ix-m 1 Solution will he puhlNhfd u»m«rrow SUI RDAVS SOI.I TION Pu T U
      83 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 26 9 TIMES HOUSE WE'RE BACK THERE FROM TODAY mm ~&m Straits Time s Har/ a/? JL-^^^^a^a^a^Lm 390, KIM SENG ROAD SINGAPORE 0923. TEL, *****11 C.A.T.S. TEL: *****66
      26 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 347 9 PEANUTS By Schulz KNOCK KNOCK By Andy Hold Dan Arnold HE<<GWCK,ISEE I I MY r AVERA6E 15 120 50 lt^Sm^| I^S'tlnT] U)E RE BOUILIN6 ON THE I 6ET 7Z PINS..YOUR 1i"Y?/>ll P^ V hrn/ J l ip SAME LANES..ANP LOOK MISERABLE 85 AV6RA6E VHO^^^ "IJ^N s~ ATTMESE HANPICAPS... 6ETS YOU
      347 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 564 10 p™™*"™"*" l^ NOW! I *(N| Today many people have •'^42 to live wrth a little less of I everything space, time ftf j^k and money. But much can still be achieved with little. In this issue, we show you how to adapt affordable I ideas, stretch small space, > save
      564 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 364 11 A t 1 it Pony 2 Sedan I VII IA v from Hyundai, Be convinced that i it's the Belißuy m^ *in its class.^l The Italian designed Pony 2 Sedan has a semi-slant B^ w^^^"^^^^^^^^ Sfl \r for better aerodynamics and a sporty look ,fly _^^tf!^l For Performance tr^- r
      364 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 509 12 w w 3 r ZT^aiM BMI HM T l ie r^rlof a toliday j^ FANTASTIC I ivcdcttiiig-to-Know-iou Cruises O\/D A \>4lP\ C^ A KA JSi, Here's a life-time opportunity for a select few to enjoy a free cruise on II I %/ml 111-^ VJ#ml lLfj^ the majestic Peart of Scandinaiw".
      509 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 345 12 JL4BagJ^^ayjL%VJlaVayir«»^lfll^^^Wl^l^^^ 'Cooing' with McCoo Hie Osmonds in Solid Gold...Cta 5, li.2» pm. ■^^^^^^■a^— Walk Like a Man. IN SEARCH OF &TfWn WILD HILDREN (Ch 5j[^Hk^B h, S.Zt p.m.): Ancient 1^5 L^bJ legends tell of abanI^PflPH doned children who V7 3 Z^3 nave been reared b >' wolves, apes and other
      345 words
    • 920 12 3.00 PM Open folowed by On the Waterfront (Manda 5.25 The Great Space Coaster: Gary Gnu screens a er is All Ahmad and he keeps Zanna Hamid. nn/r) film on Rocket Men Fandah Dollah. Amer Umar and Latifah Ibrahim 3.45 Story Tine (Tamil/r): The three stones are: Meanwhile, Gonddle and
      920 words
    • 579 12 5.M National Anthem fol Midnight Bandit. Also fealowed by Opening An- tured in this episode are nouncement CM News in Conway Twitty and Ray Brief I.M Another Morn- Price. 12.M Your Lunching Another Show 7.N date I.M News 1.1 l Your News and Weather Report Lunchdate (cont'd) LSI 7.11 Morning
      579 words

  • Unknown
      • Article, Illustration
        71 13 **-ft After you discard your waste paper Top to bottom: I Sorting of waste paper this is done manually. Slushing adding caustic soda and steam to the waste paper to change it to liquid palp stock. The web sheet is squeezed to reduce the water content, and later dried.
        71 words
      • 834 13 DID you just throw out last year's telephone directory, that stack of old newspapers or the empty carton box that held your new TV set? It may be just waste to you and the sooner out of the door the better. But they find their
        834 words
      • Bilingual
        • 619 14 THE lotus, a member of the water lily family, is distinguished by large leaves and showy, fragrant flowers. Chinese through the ages have written poems and songs about the lotus and made it the theme of traditional paintings. But perhaps it is most appreciated for
          619 words
        • Article, Illustration
          338 14 AT ONE time, ril/1 sceptres were thought to have originated from back-scratchers. But according to modem scholars, they never had this '-'ion at a,,, but were tablets held by .h'plnr^ ring aud.ences at the court In ancient China, offic.als would carry an ivory or bamboo tablet to write
          338 words
      • Bilingual
        • 1259 16  - Akhbar2 Melayu dulu dan kini hadap isu2 serupa UMUMNYA berita-beri-ta yang menjadi tumpuan akhbar-akhbar Melayu lama dan hari mi tidak banyak bezanya. Masalah-masalah ditimbulkan pun tidak terlepas dari matlamat untuk menuju kepada pembangunan dan pembaikan. Di samping, itu gesaan supaya masyarakat menumpukan perhatian kepada pendidikan yang lebih tinggi sering juga
          1,259 words
        • 813 16 GENERALLY, today's Malay newspapers and their pre-war counterparts forased on more or less the same issues and objectives towards development and a better society. They also exhorted the Malays to strive for a higher level of education. Krom their writings, it wm clear
          813 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 127 13 ■VtSSKi W: I EVENING'S HIGHLIGHT I (9.15-10.00 PM) I Highlighting each evening is a special presentation I designed to take you to another time and another place: Nov 1 Mon Latin Favourites f Nov 2 ue P °P Standards 30's 40's Y. v J I Nov 3 (Wed) Ballads in
        127 words
      • 282 13 LklA\A/ Complete Portable NUjOL Threading Machine^^. Lightweight Compact Portable Versatile Durable Economical The Now 300 A mm^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mmmm^^mmS^ aaaßß^ Ma|| Threadmg Machine is competitively M()de 300 A> J It features automatic oiling directly "^1 through the die head ensuring a ifJrJ constant, smooth, and abundant flow X f r^ of oil
        282 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 182 14 Cong/ta^ufatos fo---J^ HELLERMANN ASEAN PTE LTD on five occasion 0$ ik o^^tcto^ opening c$ fe/i new |acto«j. flsolectra far east We represent: Ackermann call up systems for nurses telecommunication Authenrieth insulating materials for trafos and motors Binder connectors Commend intercom systems Dehn overvoltage safeties De TeWe telecommunication Emmerich accessories for
        182 words
      • 59 14 I HELLERMANN ASEAN PTE LTD on tk occasion 0$ tk o^ictoi! opening cjjtencwjtactcfty. #&x*E a /o ;fr PR -2; 3] LATCO ENGINEERING (PTE.) LTD. 1367, Blk3, LorongB, Toa Payoh Industrial Park, Singapore 1231 Tel: *****00/*****01 We are proud to be the main contractor for the installation of: Compress Air System
        59 words
      • 210 14 MANDARIN AT THE CHINESE CHAMBER Systematic Progressive Course beginning 1 Nov 10 Dec You ore guoronteed to master 1200 Chinese eh i>-octers in only 90 hours of instruction by the well-known Mdm Lin Shon, outhor of 2 bestsellers "Mandarin by Radio" and "What's m o Chinese Name You will then
        210 words
      • 71 14 faniS iChmto Mams means Si. A coffeehouse you'll feel right at home in. With a fine selection of local dishes and continental favourites. Enjoy a snack, lunch or dinner in an atmosphere that's warm and friendly. I 1 5 Claymore Drive. Singapore 0922 Tel *****11 S Spe %ead I Plug-In
        71 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 840 15 Ml I Hellermann Asean Re Ltd. y %if J <r\ G2O Ground Floor, Block 4008, Ana Mo Kio Industrial Park 1/Avenue 10. Singapore 2056 VfirX y li. i Tel: 456-7078 Telex: RS ***** HELMAN Vybdß^ /l/li >*^^ p/iouctCy announces m!^ c vl/ A I vJ W vV c «,o tt©^
        840 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 697 16 APPOINTMENTS ESSO REFINERY (PULAU AYBRCHAWAN) REFINERY TECHNICIAN I TRAINEES I Our I'echnician Training and Progmoioi Program launched in 1969 is unique amongst oil refineries in Singapore. It has been providing Singaporeans with multi >kill training, i c the QOMOMfJI process and mechanical skills to operate our Refinery. We have vacancies
        697 words
      • 567 16 Eastern Wire Manufacturing Company (Pte) Ltd (A member of the National Iron Group: We are a key local manufacturer and supplier of reinforcing steel welded mesh and other steel wire products to the local construction Industry since 1965. Our continuous upgrading and expansion exercises have resulted In the following vacancies
        567 words