The Straits Times, 13 June 1982

Total Pages: 40
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 JttJBCEIVED J 1 4JUN1982 I Head The Sunday Times No. 2402, JUNE 13, 1982 40 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 98/1/82
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  • 322 1 Free health care like buffet lunch SAYS CHOK TONG IN some ways, free health care is like a fixed price buffet lunch. Defence Minister and MP (Marine Parade) Mr Goh Chok Tong writes in June's issue of Petir, the monthly publication of the People's Action Party central executive committee. In
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  • 67 1 KHARTOUM, Sat. Sudan today ordered Iran to close its mission here and gave the two diplomats posted at the embassy four days to leave the country. The Sudanese news agency Suna said Sudanese Foreign Affairs Under-secretary Hashim Osman informed Iranian Charge d'Affaires Mohamed Savoji of the
    Reuter; AFP  -  67 words
  • 39 1 THE King's Gold Cup race one of the richest sprint classics on the Singapore-Malay-sian turf will be run at Kuala Lumpur today. Our panel of racing experts help you to pick the winner in Page 26.
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  • 946 1 CONFUCIANIST TEXTBOOKS: QUEST BEGINS Public opinion will be studied By TAN LIAN CHOO and HEDWIG ALFRED CONFUCIANISM WHY IT WAS CHOSEN: P. 13 A FULL-SCALE public debate on the proposed content of textbooks to be used for teaching of the Confucianist ethic in secondary schools will begin this October. This
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  • 25 1 MANILA, Sat. Twelve suspected communist rebels and two government soldiers were killed in a two-hour battle in the mountainous northern Philippines on Thursday.
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  • 166 1 THE names of all ethnic Chinese political leaders of Singapore will eventually be spelt In the Hanyu Plnyin phonetic transcription, First Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Dr Goh Keng Swee, said yesterday. Asked by Journalists to comment on the call by some readers in the
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  • 211 1 NEW DELHI, Sat. IN her first public comment on the issue, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi rejected yesterday the joint proposal of various opposition parties to her that the next Indian president, to be elected next month, be named through a consensus between her ruling Congress Party and
    Reuter; AFP  -  211 words
  • 106 1 BANGKOK, Sat. Thousands of government troops, police and volunteers have launched a major operation against communist guerillas in south Thailand, the Bangkok Post reported today. It said the key target of the suppression drive was a large insurgent stronghold known as Camp 840 on
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 55 1 DO not weave in and out of traffic on expressways. Cartoons like this and others, depicting etiquette that motorists should adopt, have been pot together in a newly published colour pamphlet. It was was produced by four agencies concerned with traffic flow and proper
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  • 741 1  -  IRENE NGOO By Our Housing Correspondent NEW applicants for HUDC flats will now have to pay a $40,000 deposit instead of $18,000 when they register for middle-income flats, which will cost at least $200,000 each. This condition was imposed last Monday when the Housing
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  • 451 1 ON THE LEBANON FRONT BEIRUT, Saturday TWENTY-FOUR hours after the declaration of a ceasefire in Lebanon, Beirut resounded to the crash of bombs and shells as fighting between Israeli invasion forces and Palestinian guerillas raged on unabated today. But areas where the Israelis had been
    Agencies  -  451 words
  • 262 1 Dhana: Next move up to Vietnam SINGAPORE Foreign Minister S. Dhanabalan said yesterday that Vietnam, not Asean, had to make the next move if the Cambodian* problem was to be solved. Speaking to reporters after he closed the last session of the Asean Standing Committee chaired by Singapore, Mr Dhanabalan
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  • 45 1 A TEAM of three national servicemen beat another of three undergraduates in the final of this year's National Current Affairs Quiz last night. It was organised by the People's Association and sponsored by the Times Organisa tion. 0 SEE PAGE 8
    The Times  -  45 words
  • 71 1 Latest PORT STANLEY ATTACKED Bl ENOS AIRKS, Sat. British troop* attacked the Argentine garrison of Port SUnlev la the Falkland Islands today and fierce fighting was going on, the High Command announced. It said the ground attack was preceded by a naval bombardment which killed two civilians and Injured four
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • BWl^juJhO^VjM^^^^J FfONCIWKiC
    • 232 2 No role for US in event of a patch-up WASHINGTON, Sat. The United States yesterday welcomed the statement of a Taiwan official suggesting reunification with China, but said the US would have no role in a possible settlement between the two old foes. Prime Minister Sun YunSuan had earlier in
      UPI  -  232 words
    • 413 2 UNITED NATIONS, Saturday CHINA offered yesterday to halt its production of nuclear weapons and eventually destroy them altogether if the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to cut their nuclear arsenals by half. In a statement that prompted
      Reuter; UPI  -  413 words
    • 123 2 A 'welcome home' kiss from UN envoy PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan receiving a kiss from Jeane Kirkpatrlck, US Ambassador to the United Nations, while walking down a receiving line at Andrews Air Force base on Friday after arriving home from a European tour. An estimated 15,M0 people gave Mr Reagan a
      AP  -  123 words
    • 135 2 Cathedral is venue for big interfaith gathering of 8.000 NEW YORK, Sat. More than 8,000 people of all religions jammed the world's largest cathedral yesterday for an international religious convocation held to coincide with a United Nations special session on disarmament. Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Russian Orthodox, Hindu and Buddhist religious
      AP  -  135 words
    • 52 2 NASSAU, Sat. Prime Minister Lynden Pindling, who has headed the Bahamian government for 15 years, won a new five-year term in office, authorities said yesterday About 90 per cent of the Bahamas' 84,100 registered voters turned out on Thursday for the first general elections since
      AP  -  52 words
    • 36 2 SEOUL, Sat Seoul customs officials were today looking for the owner of two suitcases containing U*****,000 (*****.200) left unclaimed at Seoul's Kimpo international airport. The suitcases were intercepted by customs officials on Thursday. AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 369 2 MOSCOW, Sat. The Soviet Union attacked President Ronald Reagan yesterday over his justconcluded European tour, charging him with pursuing an unbridled arms race and jeopardising Western Europe's tyThe attack came in a commentary published in the Soviet Communist Party newspaper, Pravda, under
      Reuter  -  369 words
    • 321 2 BRUSSELS, Sat. European Economic Community finance ministers will review a French request for a devaluation of the franc today, diplomatic sources said. The move would mea the second major realign ment of European Mon tary System (EMS) cv rencies this year. The EEC
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • Untitled
      • 90 2 THE LEFTIST alliance in the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius won a landslide victory in Friday's general elections, ousting Prime Minister Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, 82, the world's oldest head of government. The new Prime Minister, Mr Aneerood Jugnauth, is a 52-year-old lawyer and chairman of the Mauritian
        AFP  -  90 words
      • 82 2 SOVIET PRESIDENT Leonid Brezhnev will forego traditional holiday summit meetings this year with other communist leaders to preserve his strength for an expected summit with President Ronald Reagan in the autumn. This decision by the Soviet politburo was linked to Mr Brezhnev's health and not a
        Reuter  -  82 words
      • 71 2 THE PHILIPPINES marked the 84th anniversary of its declaration of independence from Spain yesterday with a reaffirmation by President Ferdinand Marcos of his country's adherence to the principles of free enterprise and democracy. The Philippines was granted independence by the United States on July 4, 1946, but has
        AP  -  71 words
      • 53 2 A SENIOR Iranian navy official, Hojatoleslam Mohammad Ali Amininejad, was shot dead on Friday in a Teheran street, the national news agency Irna said yesterday. Three gunmen fired from a car and fled. They were described as members of the People's Mujahideen opposed to clergy rule
        Reuter  -  53 words
      • 77 2 THE UNITED STATES agreed to extradite dozens of non-German Nazi war criminals to West Germany to stand trial for war crimes, the Justice Department announced in Washington on Friday. Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Latvian war criminals could face trial under the joint effort, which Bonn requested. The agreement
        UPI  -  77 words
      • 63 2 MIT, THE Turkish intelligence service, uncovered an Armenian terrorist plot to assassinate Turkish diplomats in Karachi and Sydney, the Liberal Istanbul Daily Hurriyet reported on Friday. It also found evidence of an Armenian plot to kill a top-level Turkish official in Turkey. The terrorist, planning to assassinate the
        AFP  -  63 words
    • 70 2 WEST BERLIN, Sat. At least 40 policemen and demonstrators were taken to hospital yesterday, and about 250 were arrested in a violent antiAmerican protest during a three-hour visit here by US President Ronald Reagan. The estimated 5,000 demonstrators threw rocks at police trying to block
      70 words
    • 446 3 WASHINGTON, Sat THE Reagan administration has apparently decided to make the best out of Israel's military moves in Lebanon by trying to translate them into a long-term political solution for that country. In part, administration officials said, this course of action was dictated
      NYT  -  446 words
    • 123 3 Iraq allows Iran right of passage provided feud is ended HKIKI T. Sat. Iraq agreed yesterday to an Iranian demand for right of passage through Iraq to send forces to help Syria in the Lebanese crisis provided Iran agreed to end the 21-month-old Golf war. Casting doubt on the sincerity
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 315 3 The deadly edge from computer and 'eye in sky' WASHINGTON, Sat. An American-built aircraft equipped with radar that can track 250 planes at once and a computer to instantly work out 15 possible interceptions was a major factor in Israel's almost total domination of the sky in the Middle East
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 358 3 JERUSALEM, Saturday ISRAEL is launching a diplomatic effort today to turn its military gains in Lebanon into a guarantee of peace along its northern border. Prime Minister Menachem Begin is expected to 1 meet US special envoy
      Reuter  -  358 words
    • 73 3 WORKERS and gunmen looking for bodies under the wreckage In a residential area of Beirut on Friday after Israeli jets bombed the place. The air raid took place Just before a ceasefire went into effect at noon. Israeli officials in Tel Aviv said yesterday that
      UPI  -  73 words
    • 104 3 Arab League postpones meeting ABU DHABI, Sat. An Arab Foreign Ministers' meeting on Lebanon, scheduled for today in Tunis, has been put off, the official Emirates news agency said, quoting the Arab League. It said the Tunis-based 22-member League informed the United Arab Emirates (UAE) today that the conference had
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 414 4 LONDON, Sat. British warships pounded Argentine troops trapped at Port Stanley and recovered from a blistering air attack that dealt London its worst loss in 10 weeks of combat on the Falkland Islands. Argentina yesterday said its artillery repelled separate attacks from British warships
      UPI  -  414 words
    • 115 4 Pope ends visit with meeting and mass BUENOS AIRES, Sat. Pope John Paul II will wind up his whirlwind visit to Argentina today with a meeting of leading Latin American bishops and a giant oatdoor mass, where he is expected to appeal again for peace In the Falklands. Officials said
      AP  -  115 words
    • 222 4 LONDON, Sat. British forces suffered their worst casualties in any single engagement since the 1950-53 Korean War when Argentine planes attacked two landing ships off the Falklands last Tuesday, military sources said. Government sources put the number of British dead at 60 and
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 133 4 LONDON, Sat. Argentine President General Leopoldo Galtieri admitted that he was surprised Britain tried to reclaim the Falkland Islands, and called British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher an inadequate opponent, an interview published today said. Mr Galtieri, in a two-hour interview w.ih Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci printed in
      UPI  -  133 words
    • 281 4 WASHINGTON, Saturday AUSTRALIA and the United States will ask trade ministers from around the world later this year to approve a more liberalised global trading system, Australian Deputy Prime Minister Doug Anthony said today. The trade liberalisation measures will be presented to a
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 188 4 MANILA, Sat. Philip pine First Lady Imelda Marcos returned today after a five-day visit of China and fruitful and comprehensive discussions with China's leaders on bilateral trade expansion and regional security issues. Mrs Marcos, who is also Human Settlements Minister and
      AFP  -  188 words
    • 179 4 Japan pledges to help economic progress of Peru LIMA, Sat. Visiting Japanese Premier Zenko Suzuki yesterday assured Peru, Japan's neighbour across the Pacific, of his country's desire to help the Andean nations economic development. After a busy day which included talks with both President Fernando Belaunde Terry and Prime Minister
      AFP  -  179 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 335 2 \^fX^^^>mjf J&i^^^r Aircon Compressor Cut-Out Switch riL^^y^f^MHpj^ This is a precision switch which automatically cuts S H^Br out your aircon compressor whenever full power is J^jr /Minr^^ fe^r required Power to get you safely past when you have SJP^Pr to overtake another vehicle, power to get you safely P^r upa
      335 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 337 3 To lose the Card is not to travel documents and the re- LP^^iJfcSisfcs lose all hope. For. in such issuing of tickets. B^T-- M an instance, only Ameri- Moreover, from the mo- w^lzj^^^' flpßHtajj^^ can Express can replace a lost ment you notify American Ex- fejSßsF^ ml Mw or stolen
      337 words
    • 216 3 Foday the door is wide open for entry into the one industry ipon which almost all others are increasingly dependent: he Computer Industry. Vnd today one of the most extensively equipped and largest >rivatc computer training colleges in Britain offers a magniti:ent opportunity to all ambitious young people everywhere: rhe
      216 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 370 4 The Cleanest, Clearest Wash W f Lint F,lt; Ever! \rjM t With Toshiba's £Z* Recycling J I Filtering Action I=^ Pulsator Circulation Pipe Automatic Lint Removal System During the wash and rinse cycles, the same pulsating action that gets your clothes clean also forces water through a special cassette that
      370 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1108 5 1^ YEARS We are celebrating our 25 th Anniversary! 25 wonderful years of serving you. We thank you for the support you have shown us over the years. To show our appreciation, we invite you to join in the exciting array of Anniversary celebrations we have planned for you. I
      1,108 words

  • acgiposs t£J3n® causeway
    • 418 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday CERTAIN perks of ministers, deputy ministers and parliamentary secretaries will be removed soon, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced yesterday. "We began with the pay later some perks will be taken off, he said. Report The Prime Minister
      NST  -  418 words
    • 204 6 Government plans to phase out old folk's homes KUALA KRAI, Sat. The government plans to phase out old folk's homes to encourage a return to the traditional family way of life which upholds respect for elders and good citizenship. Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzart said a traditional family reinforced with
      NST  -  204 words
    • 56 6 ALOR STAR, Sat. The Kedah Public Library will not be lending out the book. The British Settlement of Penang, by James Low. A library spokesman said the book, first published in 1836, was found to contain degrading remarks about the Prophet Muhammad and also derogatory statements about
      NST  -  56 words
    • 66 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Toyota Motor Sales Co Ltd's resident manager, Mr A. Hi royama. said that eight Toyota Crowns had been identified as possibly having defective piston pins. He also said that one Hiace van, six Hilux pick-ups and three Cressida saloons shipped to Malaysia had
      NST  -  66 words
    • 40 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Malaysia and Indonesia will sign a Him exchange agreement on June 21 to enable local productions to be screened In Indonesia. The exchange would involve a maximum of 10 films each from both countries. AFP.
      AFP  -  40 words
    • 296 6 Ex-Kedah state councillor found guilty of graft ALOR STAR, Saturday FORMER Kedah state executive councillor Datuk Haji Mohamad Muslim bin Haii Othman was found guilty by the High Court of corrupt practice and fined $2,000. Mr Justice Hashim Yeop Sani, in his judgment on Thursday, ruled that Datuk Haji Muslim,
      296 words
    • 152 6 KOTA KINABALI Sat. Parrate of multl-mll-Uoaalrw are claiming a Mstt monthly allowance under a welfare scheme for the poor In Sabah, a State Minister said today. Community Service Minister Rahlmah Stephens said she had ordered an Immediate review of the lists of beneficiaries In the
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 236 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday THE Health Ministry has declared a nationwide "dengue alert," and state medical directors were ordered to detect vector breeding sources immediately, Bernama news agency reported. The director of medical services, Datuk Dr Ezzadin bin Mohamed, said on Thursday that
      236 words
    • 95 6 Razaleigh: Nation not in bad shape KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah stressed on Thursday that while this is a difficult period, Malaysia could not be said to be in bad shape, Bernama reports. Referring to a local daily's front page report headlined "We're In bad shape," which
      95 words
    • 230 6 Laws to be amended to set up Islamic Bank KUALA LUMPUR, Sat THE government is amending certain laws to enable the setting up of the proposed Islamic Bank, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today. The Prime Minister said the matter is being looked into by a committee headed by
      NST  -  230 words
    • 34 6 PETALING JAVA, Sat. The Education Ministry is selecting a second batch of 250 students for industrial training in Japan. The first batch of 136 students will leave for Japan in September. NST.
      NST  -  34 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 397 6 Dyi>a^y Hotel i^^ow fully oper) R2^al\ifeslerp contort ip ap imperial Qjk)ese ?eltiis j^BP j#^ /Sm Here, amidst splendidly embroidered Wk\ y ir^Hj phoenixes, timbered panels and hand'\t painted lanterns overhead, you may Hf *T"_ w^*-^ v j£^^y(i^U banquet in opulence and style. The mood a J^Jp»^B ls sCt fr° m
      397 words
    • 75 6 1 Start the Day Right With A "F.E. Continental Ji Breakfast Special 6 /Head l|^j^Pß[Sr^^4^-\ Busine» Hrs: 7.30 a.m. 10 p.m. '|yJTy& f A Cuisines: Chinese (Taiwanese cook), j Western Indonesian L !fe \Ci —^ZTlffJHrt^ FMt Food Service*. JUHF' [iW«J*I!Z\ Set Lunch: $6/- per head mj^J^H!!!^ .11 special occasions. JEt
      75 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 679 7 «^J3^P i,. l IlhH^^^^l§Ee M«; TMAexna rw»» Tv tv «»ns«t i hh,n:ih*m mum m.tcr iw««fALi»*ir ivntMawv mi c::.l*_it.. IK.|i<i<B>i (f) ■>V > > asa a a a a ai= j only $1499! a good buy without strings attached. TLJC AKAI \/Q— R lA/ITU i Quick-Finder lit '•■VMI VO %J YVlin
      679 words

  • 202 8 EXPRESSWAY ETIQUETTE is the title of a newly-produced pamphlet for motorists outlining the dos and don'ts as they travel the new highways. Jointly produced by the Public Works Department, the National Safety Council of Singapore, the Automobile Association of Singapore and the Singapore Police
    202 words
  • 180 8 PPD's help sought over pig waste treatment THE Primary Production Department was urged last night to help small and medium-sized farms choose the correct pig waste treatment system. The call was made by Singapore Animal Husbandry Enterprises (Sahe) managing director, Mr Toh Cheng, who said there were about 20 manufacturers
    180 words
  • 207 8 Common interest way to closer ties with public CLOSE community-po-lice relations can be developed if both the public and police identify as their common interest the creation of a pleasant and crime-free society. But this development is a two-way affair, calling for a determined change in attitudes and approaches on
    207 words
  • 127 8 THE Singapore Police Band will feature in this evening's Orchard Parade. The performance will start at 5 p.m. from the junction of Ellis Road and Tanglin Road and will end at around 6.30 p.m. at the Mandarin Hotel car park. Static performances
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  • 177 8 ANTI-CRIME DISPLAY OPENS TO PUBLIC POLICE have set up a specially-designed Crime Prevention Display Room at the Crime Prevention Department in Pearl's Hill Terrace to acquaint the public with the latest security devices and systems available here and to provide advice on their use and application in preventing crime. The
    177 words
  • 311 8 Army boys beat undergrads to emerge tops in quiz THE army boys beat the undergraduates in the final battle of brains the National Current Affairs Quiz 1982 last night. When the last question 1 in the four-round quiz was I answered, 'the score was > 164 for the team from
    311 words
  • 256 8 AN AMERICAN management consultant with the National Productivity Board has cautioned companies in Singapore not to look for simple solutions in their attempts to raise productivity levels. Dr Roger Gill of NewYork State University yesterday said companies should not mislead themselves into thinking that the higher
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 288 8 Ask a European chef to name J^H the finest kitchen in the world and he will tell you: WKOPjB A chef above all wants a functional That's because every Poggenpohl the ultimate kitchen (but that's already kitchen, a kitchen with a place for kitchen is custom-made for its owner. been
      288 words
    • 405 8 Everyone's a winner with Melitta Coffeemakers! W m fl-— sa- JMMBB^lrjl B*B Paidtourof 4w uflSj" 1 t l^B4^»fll» MF^f^ Manila, worth A 53.3 cm 11 Jf '"*^^s( ¥^r Plus 100 Consolation Prizes »>rCl I Pl/t' "^T B^^^^ —-B^*!^^^^' of Melitta coffeemaker gift packs. Monnet Napoleon cognac in a Kosta Boda
      405 words

  • Untitled
    • 326 9 Let doctors decide criteria for death: Lawyer THE criteria for determining death should be left to the medical f rofession and not be egally defined, said advocate and solicitor, Miss Huang Lvi, yesterday. Speaking at a seminar. Miss Lvi said one of the most tricky problems in transplant cases is
      326 words
    • 398 9  -  BENG TAN and GILLIAN POW CHONG CHOICE IS DIALYSIS, TRANSPLANT OR DEATH... Stories by SINGAPORE is in the same situation as many Western countries 20 years ago in that it has to make the choice of who to put on the limited number
      398 words
      • 205 9 Cards that show consent BRITAIN has two systems of obtaining kidneys for transplant. One is the contractingin system where donors pledge for their kidney o to Be used after death, and they carry a donor card to show consent. The other is a form of "presumed-consent" where hospital authorities must
        205 words
      • 162 9 OUTLINING the French system controlling organ donations. Professor M. Broyer of Hopital des Enfants Malades-Necker in Paris, said that "an organ to be used for transplantation for therapeutic purpose in a human subject may be removed from a living donor who is of age and
        162 words
      • 126 9 One hour to contact relatives ONE hour is the maximum time which can elapse between removing a kidney from a cadaver ana transplanting it into another human being for the transplant to be effective. Speaking on Kidney Failure and Transplantation in Israel, Professor H. E. Eliahou, said that in cases
        126 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 74 9 |5n "AN OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE" wtS^ And Tango. See l Magic before your very eyes. Have your -^dW Fortune told. Watch scintillating Fashion Parades. And Hfflfl win nightly a trip I Hong Kong, Jakarta r Bangkok with I ll^jjl My Fashion Contracts for the Week jJ i «m« Dynasty
      74 words
    • 225 9 Others iust cannot match musical instruments sounds i^ J^^^^^rs^^^ s That's why Yamaha is the best-selling organ |j| I in the world today. j|| i^^fe^fl^^^^^HHnß We have the widest choice of models to suit ||1 j '^|^MH|^^^H^^^|| everyone. Come and see the full range of Yamaha M j .^HHHBHsHHpPw PASSystem
      225 words

  • 67 10 S'pore to pass on the reins SINGAPORE yesterday chaired Its Sixth Ase*n Standing Committee MeetingIt will host the ISth Asean Ministerial Meeting, which begins tomorrow. The ministerial meeting will be Singapore's final doty as co-ordinating chairman of the Standing Committee. The three-day meeting will be followed by a post-ministerial conference
    67 words
  • 72 10 THE Singapore Institute of Kngineering Technicians in\iies graduates and under graduates in local institutions of higher learning to take part in its essay competition. The essay should be between 3.000 and 10,000 words. It may be on any topic relating to engineering and must be submitted to
    72 words
  • 65 10 SBC will be televising a series of news specials this week on the Asean ministerial conference. These programmes will be televised on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10.10 p.m. As a result, programmes normally scheduled for those time slots will be pre-empted or delayed. As the decision
    65 words
  • 251 10 THE need for a valueoriented science to be taught in schools was emphasised yesterday at the Science Centre. In his opening address to the Seminar on Science Education, the director of the Institute of Education, Dr Sim Wong Kooi, said that it was a myth that
    251 words
  • 29 10 6TH ASEAN STANDING COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 10-12 1882 FOREIGN Minister S. Dhanabalan and Mr Chia Cheong Fook, Permanent Secretary, Foreign Affairs Ministry, opening the last session of the meeting.
    29 words
  • 627 10  -  IVAN LIM PROPOSAL TO HELP BOOST TEAMWORK SPIRIT By Our Labour Correspondent THE secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress has proposed changing the "colonial" concept of daily-rated workers to keep in step with the current drive for employer-worker teamwork. Mr Lim
    627 words
  • 47 10 A SHIPPING company in Golden Mile Tower lost about $52,000 in valuables and various currencies during a burglary last Sunday. Police said that shipping officer H.C Teo of Tomoe Shipping Co discovered the loss when he returned to work at 8.30 on Monday morning
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  • 33 10 THE Parliamentary Secretary (Trade and Industry), Mr Sidek Saniff. will attend the annual meeting of the Union of Keppel Shipyard Employees at 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday at the union's training centre.
    33 words
  • 40 10 THE Environment Minister, Mr OnR Pang Boon, will be the truest of honour at the Dragon Boat Festival cultural nigh: at the Hong Green communi ty centre in Upper Pickering Street on June 24 at 7.30 p.m
    40 words
  • 320 10 Students disk-cuss their way to victory IT WAS a different kind of game, one that required tremendous brain power. And for three solid hours, 19 secondary school teams and 14 pre-university teams pitted their skills against each other. They were taking part in the computer software competition, which was hold
    320 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 129 10 BBbP^^ *^o^^B^* t bKsx'^bb! b^bH biVi^S bßvbiA' fli I^i^ll ■■bI3 H^J B^kal bMJbT^bI IbVblbMbl V Vbbbbbl^BbbHbbbH^bK^E^bbbbbbbb(^B| BflBT«9^BBBBBBBBa^^^^^P^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi BBBaBBV IbBB^^BI WKr IW^^BBBBBbW •^^B^^Hta^BMBB^ftMMB^BBBBBBBta^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfe |»Mg^JL^g^^ B^^^^^7^'V B *^4'fe3SL^V^Ba HH Hw «V r Mjl BBBBBBBBB^^^Lj— ii i» M '*l'«^A't^^ "W^^^^^^^^^^M 8888 V*> Jk J i Bbbbbbbbbbb^bbbl ~"fe^<isßaSX2£*' bbbbl a b^P^bVl^bbbß^b^ rs jr bbb^bbb!
      129 words

  • 296 11  -  GILLIAN POW CHONG By A PORTABLE machine to detect counterfeit bills will be launched in Singapore at the end of the month. The unit, slightly larger than a 2t-stick cigarette pack, has an Indicator which lights up when it Is robbed across
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  • 82 11 BURMESE VIP DROPS IN ON NUS AND SPORE POLY BURMESE Education Minister U Kyaw Nyein yesterday visited the Singapore Polytechnic at Dover Road. He was received by acting principal Mr Cheng Hwang Leng who briefed him on the Polytechnic's background and plans. A visit to the National University of Singapore
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  • 106 11 YMCA's plans for children on holiday HOLIDAY fun is coming the way of children this month with the Metropolitan Young Men's Christian Association's (YMCA) vacation package programme. Daily sessions of fun through free expression in art and craft, drama, dance, creative story-telling, and music will be held in the association's
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  • 33 11 A TOUR of Onting Highlands. Cameron Highlands and Malacca is being organised by the women's sub-committee of irvingßoad community centre from Thursday to next Sunday. For details, telephone *****8 or 2X*****.
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  • 363 11 The things some RC members have to put up with A RESIDENTS' commmittee chairman received abusive phone calls and mail. She even had her front door burnt. This was an example of hostility shown to RC members by residents her RC was trying to help. In other instances, residents were
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  • 350 11 A $204,000 extravaganza of food, fashion and culture will be coming to town in August. Dubbed Asian Gourmet, this is the first time the national carrier and a local hotel are working with the Singapore-based national tourist organisations of eight
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  • 465 11 Major VITB plan to upgrade teaching staff $39.5 m FOR MANPOWER, PHYSICAL FACILITIES THE Vocational and Industrial Training Board is investing part of $39.5 million to train up a more professional and larger teaching pool for itself. By next year, it will have a centre with facilities to improve the
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  • 256 11 Ministry: Chemicals used only as last resort THE Ministry of Environment said It did not encourage the use of chemical sprays to get rid of mosquitoes because the insects might eventually build up a resistance against the chemicals. The ministry said this when it explained why it took almost a
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  • 40 11 THE newly-elected members of the executive committee (1982-83) of the Singapore Sports Council for the Handicapped are: Mr Lim Ewe Huat (president), Mr Joe David (vice-president), Mr Wong Hai Fah (secretary) and Miss Nancy Chia Siew Ngor (treasurer).
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 28 11 i o ZSZ s NIBBLEMAN^: IS HERE! §E At Space Station Zero, the place to try and buy Soundic TV games Exclusive to The Emporium Holdings Group flB
      28 words
    • 360 11 I SPRINGCHARMCO.Dept.AP-6/3U 46A China Street. G.P.O. BOX 1733, Singapore 9034. 5 JOMlMß^^^^^ I Please rush m e Portable Air Pump (s) at purchase WJ^BB CK-102 price of $35.95 each plus $10/- lor packaging and handling charge* Now anyone can pump up auto tires in just minutes toys, balls, sports equipment
      360 words

  • The Sunday Times Sunday, june 13,1982 A rose by any other name
    • 545 12 THE call to do away with unimaginative and impersonal names of government schools highlights an interesting facet of local life. An aspect largely ignored in the past. It revolves around the way we identify things in Singapore. Last week, Mr Fong Sip Chee, Minister
      545 words
  • 110 12 DISPENSARY costs $3/- per consultation inclusive of two week's supply of medicine. This is equivalent to about two packets of cigarettes, or two cans of beer. It Is cheaper than a haircut. A normal person does not have to see the doctor every week, not even every month...
    110 words
  • Untitled
    • 77 12 THE whole social life of the European in Malaya centres around the whiskey bottle. Without it, a host or hostess would be scared out of their wits about how to pass off even an hour of the evening among friends. Its contents, poured into stengah
      77 words
    • 77 12 DON'T you sometimes long for a cookbook that tells you everything? In those days, they had one such book written by Florence B. Jack, "a Recognised Authority on Domestic Subjects." The book offered: "Dishes suitable for all incomes. Simple instructions. Full Information on the kitchen, stoves, shopping
      77 words
  • 1121 12  -  RICHARD By HOLBROOKE in Now York Haig's absence from Asean meeting does not signify a downgrading of ties FOR the first time in five years, the American Sec;-etary of State will not meet Asean foreign ministers after their meeting, in Singapore, for a review
    1,121 words
  • 660 12  -  R AVINDRAN VELOO By THERE was a blackout in Ang Mo Kio a few nights ago. I couldn't help but laugh at It. Imagine the utter futility of a blackout at way past It in the night like rain on the ocean like
    660 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 11 12 S**t video syst eftl! j«arGU ar roxt urrotu:) pte ltd 2-10° »»!.«>>,
      11 words
    • 136 12 COMPUTER |^A CENTRE (^mMmu\^MMm •feippkz pLus Computer monitor, floppy disk drive and graphics prm I aa I FREE SOFTWARE I untWj I I— JBPW mm} Personal Filing System "Graphics Program "10 Diskettes with over 100 programs \Cmm\ f%2| HEWLETT s imO PACKARD mkfoPfo vjunie* special. Software for APPLE Supplies The
      136 words

  • 2170 13 In a pluralistic society where there were various other types of religion, the introduction of Confucianism in schools could have broad religious implications as it was difficult to distinguish between secular and religious morality. It was important to ensure that Confucian education was not advanced as an alterna-
    2,170 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 13 The Western Way SCENES like this have been common during open-air pop music festivals held both in America and Britain. Since the hippy craze of the Sixties, the West has often been branded a decadent breeding ground for crime and drug abuse. To Easterners, youngsters like these pictured became associated
    69 words
  • 197 13 DR Goh invited the scholars and their wives to visit Singapore as guests of the Government during their summer vacation so that they could conduct field studies and surveys. He expected the scholars to finalise the conceptual framework for the Confucian ethics education by October IW2.
    197 words
  • Untitled
    • Article, Illustration
      120 13 THE fundamental difference between the moral philosophy of Confucianism in China and the moral system in the Western society were dealt with by Prof Tong. In Confucianism, the moral and legal codes were combined under a single system provided by the state. In Western society, church and state
      120 words
    • Article, Illustration
      45 13 THE scope and relevance of ConfucianIsm as a source of moral teaching in modern life was stressed by Prof Yu. Confucian teachings sought to establish harmony In human relationships as well as the relationship between man and nature as mutual adaptation was stressed.
      45 words
    • 56 13 IN his paper, Prof Hsu observed that the individualism of the Western society had resulted in the erosion of interpersonal trust. Hence, there was great dependence on laws to regulate human behaviour. Conflicts having to be settled in court and Interpersonal violence reaching new heights in the IS
      56 words
    • 109 13 THE scholars, Dr Goh said, were generally optimistic that Confucian ethics would be sufficient to guide the conduct of man in the modern environment. Confucian ethics emphasised rationality, decency and a sense of moral rectitude, which would make compliance with a strict moral code a source of self-pride and
      109 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 332 13 KAWAI IST PIANO ORGAN Ymtu (26/5/82 to 15/6/82) i_l^__ DISCOUNT y^jj^fr 10% on all Pianos a 12V2% on all new Organs t^^^Slr^i 30% to 50% on all Music Books T^§s?S^^i purchase over $50 P a o^.* Pianos at Rock bw new ox series Jr Used Organs from b^LA. I'lb^bHl $800
      332 words

  • 1624 14  - For sure, this is not Dad's Army Francois Hunter Report by The Swiss citizen militia, the oldest such force in Europe, is a highly efficient fighting force, well-equipped, almost invulnerable in its redoubt beneath the Alps, in instant readiness to demand a "maximum entry fee" in blood from any invader
    1,624 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 79 14 J9HI f 2 >^^^^^^^ v 4HBBaaavWHE£i^wß^w%aiw BallfJKtt^Bßtt zT^^^^^WßßßßaaaaaaaMWJ^****'*^" aJawtti j^^^Mi^^aa^BaMa^Bl^fla^BaMaiJa^Maßaaa^aßa^a^aa^a^^^ii ii i ■i^^Kr -^rtaMjjtM^^ilßßMßßß^^^^^BW^aßa^BWMPWWW*aw^^M^"^^^^^^—^S^_^Mg^ jjjjjjßßßlJjJSSiiii^^w^ u^^^aMM^^"^^^'^3 J^aft^a^ai _—^c^a^BlSS?§» BHBB™^^* 1^ jo*^^ *zMB a^PiaM^ .aa bi^b^^l l^at ■jMT*'" -faM^MmHiMfliliin II h*'" il 1 ffjaaliirf W A^^^^^^X^JK^^^^ P^iSSi^l *IF aßli j/aßUHmfta* I S :^^a w^^| AWJ AST w^k V^^l bY aVr^^'^! b^b^bYf^*
      79 words

  • 688 15 Soldiers command high respect pt spends 17 weeks in a basic training I home with all his equipment, rifle and luded. That confidence is unique. After rmy is divided into three classes. The 21 to 32-year-olds, the shock troops. I years, each soldier has exercises with eight times, each of
    688 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 615 15 Eke a drive in the new 230E People who have driven the new Mercedes-Benz 230E greater comfort and reduce have discovered anew the thrill of driving. strain. Jk For under its bonnet breathes a completely new and And of course, factory-fitted i <mP"~^^P revolutionary engine. 2.3 litres. 4 cylinders. Fuel
      615 words
    • 129 15 3.500 professional soldiers and 15.000 recriits: 625.000 men can be mobilised j"7 "-fZJ in 48 hours *ji Vff ARW V *i On mobilisation its 580.000 men are a divided into: rShKz 3 Arm» carps, each with an infantry. W Y t«4 border and armoured division: N mjr 1 mountain warfare
      129 words

  • 498 16  -  ZAS By I I POINT IT DID not take long for me to ask myself: "What the hell am I doing here?" Hell? Not an appropriate word for the occasion but my more conservative and prejudiced friends would find it literally befitting my "sacrilegious"
    498 words
  • 977 16 4 Often parents are taken by surprise when, in early adolescence, their child suddenly becomes hostile. They don't realise that he has been resentful for years and only now is beginning to show his strong negative feelings. How to help children develop a good set of values
    977 words
  • 773 16  -  TYE KIM KHIAT By TALKS of culture bring to mind the inevitable visions of the future of Singaporeans steeped in the arts or at least able to appreciate the finer things in life. Preserving the past for posterity is one way of building a cultural oridge
    773 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 986 16 NEW SPECIAL LOW PRICE %> UNCONDITIONALLY OL GUARANTEED! gjM Pot Belly? YOUR TRIAL COSTS NOTHING! A^A The VIBRAFORME is an easy, fast and efficient method Jfh t Jk for your waistline. The battery-operated VIBRAFORME jgf is so easy to use. it's actually fun. You perform just two W JKr simple
      986 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1080 17 I XS4-44M 1 mkM PARENTS. HOW WOULD you I like to see your children I grow up to be fine artists? .a^^^^^^^BV Km^fl l-et them take to the draw- f^k HVj ing board early and watch _Jse£aaea»»»»w M I them progress with each sPTaI stroke of the brush There's Ifa
      1,080 words
    • 3476 17 TELEPHONE SERVICE: *****22 Monday Fridoy 900 am 530 pm (5.00 pm for next day) Saturday 9.00 am 3 00 pm (12 30 pm tor Sunday Times) Public Holiday 9 00 am 1 00 pm COUNTER SERVICE: Times Orchard Centre, MIOS Lucky Plaza 10 00 am 5 30 pm (Monday— Fndoy)
      3,476 words
    • 504 17 CLASSIFICATION GROUP A Entertainment Where to Eat B Personal Services A Merchandise C Business To Business D Employment E Vehicles Boats F Accommodation A Properties G Travel Guide H Education Instruction I Announcements J Obituaries Singapore Airport Krminal Scrvico inulev applications Irom Singapore Citi/env lor the lolloping appointments TEMPORARY SECURITY
      504 words
    • 591 17 IT IMPERIAL 45 CONTAINERS PTE LTD has vacancy for: STORE SUPERVISOR c Singapore Citizen c Completed National Service. c Age 35 lo 45 Medically fit c Experience: 2 years' and above In Industrial/ Engineering. c Must be able lo organise and work Independently with minimum supervision Salary depending on experience
      591 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 980 18 (£3 Vehicles A Boats 76 Veh.cles For Sal* c) Datsun NOV 1910 OATSUN 120 A Ore owner K.xcelienl condition Airrond radio cassette $19,900 Tel: *****30 SPORTY '76 OATSUN 100 A FII With all accessories. In excellent condition Asking $10,800 Tel: *****72 SPORTY DEC. 1900 DaLsun 120 A Coupe 1 owner
      980 words
    • 947 18 APRIL -00 HONOA Clvlr Alrcond.. hl-fl set. tuff-koted. new tyres Tax till Sen Sports rims One owner $20,600 ono Tel: *****89 Johnny HONOA CIVIC AUTOMATIC 5-door. registered June 1981 1 owner. Well kept, good condition. Metallic blue Phone: Mr Hameed. *****63. (residence) OCT. 1077 HONOA Civic 1500 I c PARK
      947 words
    • 3273 18 r~\ w* w_j lje _«4» Boat* /T~\ T* w ..j-, r^r |fc J lr^^r jfc J 1974 JULY MERCEDES 350 SE manual, one diplomatic owner, alrcon. cassette, rad.o. new sports rims $37,500 Tel: *****24. 1975 MERCEDES 200 PARF Excellent condition Owner's 2nd car. Nice number $23,500 0.n.0 Tel: *****79 1077
      3,273 words
    • 625 18 £3 Vehicles Boats Q Vehicles ft Boats DECEMBER 1971 KAWAZAKI 7.1000 with Ultra rims and TTIOO tyres Selling $4,000 ono. Tel. *****80 FEB. -SI YAMAHA RX 100 New tax. insurance, excellent condition Selling $1,550 0.n.0. *****78 HONDA CXSOO AU Plate $2,500 ono or exchange for reasonable 550/ 750 4 cylinder.
      625 words
    • 347 18 YAMAHA RXSIIS. TTIOOS 1 98 1 8.000 km. Selling $1,950 RD 350 AX 9986. $1300 *****09 Irvln 1*74 HONOA CB 100 c.c beautiful condition, new paintwork. $580 negotiable Tel: *****51 1t74 YAMAHA RS 100 c.c Excellent condition $620 0.n.0. Tel: *****51 1*75 YAMAHA RS. 350 c.c. Chrome and TT tyres,
      347 words
    • 380 18 KAWASAKI 1979 GOOD condition Tel: *****83 at 3 00pm ZIR SUZUKI GS7SO FOR Sale Tel *****91 1978 SCRAMBLER DSI2SC Selling cheap Contact Harry *****37 77 Vehicte* Wantad CASH PAYMENT FOR secondhand. PARF. non-PARF and company cars All transactions arranged for your convenience Contact Tan. *****40/ *****03 COMPANY AND PRIVATE cars
      380 words
    • 498 18 ATTRACTIVE PHICE SCRAP /uwd vehicles 2&*****/ *****67. Kwok (nlghl. *****61) 105. Ist Floor. Bale stlrr Complex BUSINESSMAN URGENTLY RE QUIRES 1000 to lflOOc c. Company or Private Car and Slallonwagon Trf *****55 WANTED 1*73 UPWARDS DaUun. Mazda 1000. Toyota Corolla or scrap rars Tel *****48 Yusoff HIGH Of FER FOR
      498 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1488 19 ▲it p Accommodation It Properties 89 Properties For Sate a) Homam* DIST M, JALAN OEMBaftA. behind Oreat Eastern Hotel (MacFherson Estate) 2-storey terrace house for sale Area: 1.200 sq.ft Built-in area: (upstairs and downstairs, approx 1.600 sq.ft) freehold, vacant possession 2 bedrooms. 1 servant's room. 3 halls Ceramic flooring New
      1,488 words
    • 1462 19 sl^ TratMal l isaMai b^^ TrAVftl Cliittfl CfHlCdtlOfi litauw O w j Instruction NAM HO f TMKL SERVICE IS PTE LTD i Gl 4-1 6- 1 8, Pearf s Centre, Eu Tong Sen Street, (Yangtze Theatre) < Singapore 01 05 Tet *****33(7 lines) i ataacs OtlcK I 11 9, People's
      1,462 words
    • 513 19 WANTED COMPLETE SET correspondence school notes for CEI Part 1/ 2. CfcG Mechanical Technician Examination Reasonable price Contact 253T801 ACCOUNTING BEGINNERS STARTING Today 900 am" 1 Rex Commercial School. 768G Upper Serangoon Road, tel: *****00 BOOK-KEEPING BEGINNERS STARTING Today 900 am" Rex Commercial School. 768G Upper Serangoon Road, tel: *****00
      513 words
    • 818 19 j APPOINTMENTS We are a leading manufacturing concern and due to our rapid expansion and overwhelming market dem<*nd, we are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated sales person to fill the position of: SALES MANAGER (SINGAPORE) The successful applicant will be responsible tor ion ducting market studies/report, analysing and
      818 words

  • 887 20 What, where, when and why International Measurements and Inspection Technology Exposition (Inspex) *82 World Trade Centre Jane 17 to 19 A highly specialised exposition and congress to focus on industrial quality control, thereby improving productivity. Message from Mr Eugene Yap, Chairman of the Singapore
    887 words
  • 266 20  -  Message from Mr Philip Ullo of Cahners Exposition Group INSPEX/ ASIA '82 and the first South-east Asia/ Singapore Quality Control Congress have been joined to serve as a specialised forum focusing on the theme "Quality Strategy for Growth," a region-wide effort aimed at improving the quality and
    266 words
  • 202 20 The world's newest measuring instrument JAPAN Micrometer Manufacturing Co, Ltd the manufacturer of NSK precision measuring instruments since 1929 has just developed an electronic readout micrometer with an incorporated microcomputer for statistical analysis, trade marked Digitrix. This micrometer is the world's newest
    202 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 152 20 COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE -y OIGIMATIC HEIGHT \^^k =S OIGIMATIC MICROMETER GAGE Wt^ A 1 CONTRACT Im^^ W&' Contour MMwrinfl/ ■W^BH v SURFACE ROUGHNESS Recording Maacuring ■W^^^^"^"^"^\^H TESTER TOOLMAKERS PROFILE PROJECTOR MICROSCOPE LINEAR SCALE Digital Readout System wiaerarumwn for MachiM Took MITUTOYO Combined with advanced design latest innovation in technology brings
      152 words
    • 275 20 BpnC^rTY~^V7 17-19 JUNE 1982 Ab j r^ cd. Hall 2, World Trade Centre, Singapore HHa^a^HaiHaflaHaHaHala^rAS/A An Exposition Focusing on Southeast inlernotfonol Measurement ond Inspection Technology Expo Quest for Quality Products QUALITY CONTROL, QUALITY ASSURANCE SPECIALISTS INVITED TO ATTEND INSPEX Asia '82 is aimed at supplying products and Ist Southeast Asia/Singapore
      275 words

  • 1702 21 Instruments that can measure up to any standard Inspex Asia '82 INSPEX wmmmmmmmmmmrAsiA inttmoftonoi M»asur»m«nt ono inspection tochnologv Expo TEN British manufacturers of measurement and inspection equipment will exhibit at the International Measurement and Inspection Technology Expo (Inspex/Asia '82), being held in Singapore from Thursday to Saturday. They will be
    1,702 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 22 21 r-umijnihtlid'um. > from fcCJft 26 Jalan Terusan Singapore 2261 Tel: *****16 The Official Freight Forwarding Agent for on behalf ot CAHNERS EXPOSITION GROUP
      22 words
    • 365 21 STRUCTURIX INDUSTRIAL X-RAY FILMS Agfa-Gevaert supplies a full range of industrial X-ray i i Ex s i i 111 films, from ultra-fine-grain to high-speed, making it possi- use "factor* Contrasl Grain IN AS F ,i m tyP ble to choose the right film for any industrial radiography (appro>> n> job.
      365 words

  • World Cup '82: Three-page special
    • 72 22 1978: Brazil's Gtl gets away from Argentina's Passarella as the South American giants fought it out In the Second Round. No goals in that match, but Argentina went on to beat Holland 3-1 to win the Cup in the Final (that's captain Passarella holding the Cup up to
      72 words
    • 225 22 Espana '82: Focus of 3 billion eyes THE blood pressures of fans in more than 140 countries where soccer is the most popular sport will begin to rise today and remain elevated for four weeks. Their emotions will be charged by the Federation Internationale de Football Association World Cup tournament,
      225 words
    • Article, Illustration
      2616 22 LookinG at the First Round group 1 ITALY POLAND PERU CAMEROUN Brimming with confidence, Brazil look set to beat them all with their samba soccer Cameroun are the only obviously weak team in this group, which will play its First Round games in La Coruna and Vigo. This is Cameroun
      2,616 words
    • 387 22 HISTORY has shown the host country stands the greater chance of winning the competition Uruguay as hosts won it in 19M, Italy in 1938, England in ISM, West Germany in 1974 and Argentina in 1978, a total of six ont of 11 finals held so
      387 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 96 23 I W^A I jnnnnna nnn^ 7 nn v L t TSINGTAO. ifP mk< Apairtytoany I mf ha PPy gathering. i m. rhe smooth, sparkling taste oi Fsingtao beer brightens up I any happy occasion. A party, a cocktail reception or just a njHßj^j V friendly gathering. jgg^^^ Brewed from the
      96 words
    • 343 23 PAY LESS, SEE MORE! The charms of Europe and best of America are presented by Reliance in the way you want them to be so. All places of attraction are neatly packed in our well- planned and balanced itineraries. Our unique combination of land and air journeys will delight you
      343 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 665 24 AAB2 JVC Official Supplier of Audio Video Systems for WORLD CUP '82V V GROUP 2 a^^^,^^,^^,^,^,^,^^ _^^H *f^A f > GROUP ~^r w sfj I runner up^\ f 1 'fc-Tf *J£3r .ji^JVC^^lk i 11 /"runner up| ir^^i?? —^U 'i mapof| t^r m^w Jm I I -^^-^m^l poland I I SPAIN
      665 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 735 24 WORLD CUP PROGRAMME FIRST ROUND SECOND ROUND I I I There are three gamti in each group. The winner of the first gam* goe« into the tecond match the lo»er into the third. Should there be a draw in the first game, the fint-named team go*a into second match the
      735 words

  • J Obituaries
    • 31 25 MtoMi ha AbOMMnHamiat. ag*d: 43 yra old Th« Umily with la uprtii their h»»rt-t»U Ownkt to >ll r«U<iv»« .nd In.ndt lof th.,- condounc... don, lion* and during th.,r
      31 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      36 25 THE F AMU. Y OF THE LATE MOM WOO SHEONQ WUN wtahaa to aipraaa tnatr hwllall thank* to all nlrthm. frlanda, MMtwn and col laafljvsa tof th**r oontfotofioaa, ■i— tha and' donattona during Htatr raeani baraavwnant
      36 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      50 25 MRS SEAM MA HEE n*. MOM VEO KIM POH 77 YEARS OLD Pmirt «w«j psacatuHy on 10th Jun*1M2 Leaving Behind: HUSBAND, CHILDREN, GRAND CHNJNIEN ft GREAT GRANDCHIL Ml To mourn h»f k»» Cortege will leave: 23, EAST COAST TERRACE for BULIM CEMETARY on MONDAY 14TH JUNE 19«2 11AM
      50 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      51 25 MRS. TAN HUAT SENG N«m» MOM CHIA LOY KEOW brtov»o Hutband TAN HUAT SENG Son: DAVID TAN SING HWA D«uflht»r-m-l»w TAN SHOK SNG Grandchildren LAWRENCE AND AUDREY TAN to mourn h*r loa*. arvto at 93 Em.f»k) HUI Ro*d Bpm on Sun I d»» 13 «M Fun«r»l ■rrang>in«nli will b* announced
      51 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      55 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      15 25 UJAOAR SINGH J ANDI AGEDM. (PSA Pwiaionar) PMHd away on 12-C-K. Cremation ttquin— lalopwona 221H27.
      15 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      14 25 HA^fHtul^Su (Mothtr ol M.P. Samy) bSmoS?. Crematorium at 2 p.m. on n-*-$2 (Today). ■■■■■bbbbßbbßbbbßßbUbblM
      14 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      46 25 MOM. THAMOAMMAL Wife of late Tharmallngam Natlar passed away on 12.6.82 leaving behind sister: Alamrlu. sons: Sachuthanantham, Krlshnasamy. Muthusamy. Oovlndasamy. daughters: Thulasiammal Kanagarctnam, Palalammal. Vaduvammal. Nallamma. sons-in-law, daugh-ters-in-law grandchildren. Cortege leaves 4C Jalan Somapah Timor (IMS) tor Ml Vernon Crematorium on 13.8.82 at 2.30pm Tel *****20
      46 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      19 25 In Lo»*og atemorr Ol Alwar» Romomborod by Su»*n, P«t»f, ir»n», Y»ow Tin, Chnaima ft L*»r»oc« MmWmWmWmWmWk^LWk^mWLWLW
      19 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      15 25 In Loving Mamory ol Mdm Lo* Loon Nao Doportod 13JJ1 Sadly mis*od and arway* ramam
      15 words
    • 200 25  - $50,000 boost for tennis JANICE SEAH By TRETORN have donated close to $50,000 to the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association to promote the sport and they couldn't have timed their generosity better. For the money that has been keeping Tan Poh Seng and Dudley Stewart, the two national junior coaches, in
      200 words
    • 221 25 Lion City tourney to turn on the power QATAR, whose under-19 soccer squad finished second in the World Youth soccer championship in Australia last year, are among the four countries to confirm participation in the Lion City under- 16 tournament at the National Stadium from Aug. 28Sept. 12. The Middle
      221 words
    • 36 25 CAIRNHILL beat Changi United 3-2 in a National Football League Division Two match at trie Farrer Park Athletic Centre yesterday. Div Three results: Ponggol 3 IXinearn United 0. Balestier United 3 Pioneer Arsenal 2.
      36 words
    • 170 25 WITH three regulars, including star striker Fandi Ahmad, out of the squad, Singapore Malays face a tough task in their Sultans' Gold Cup soccer match against Malacca at the Kubu Stadium today, reports JOE DORAI. The others are defender Hasli Ibrahim and midfielder
      170 words
    • 172 25 J. RAJENDRAN By SINGAPORE rugby coach John Burgess, who had threatened to suspend national training afer Thursday if the turnout did not improve, urged his trainees not to lorce him to take this decision. He said that all the effort put into training by the
      172 words
    • 168 25  -  R. MANORAJ By I SINGAPORE Recreation Club, the newly-crowned knock-out champions, were disappointing in their 0-0 draw against Girls Sports Club in a Singapore Women's Hockey Association Division One League match on the Padang yesterday. Last Saturday, SRC thrashed GSC 64 in the knock-out tournament but
      168 words
    • 201 25 CHEPSTOW (Wales), Sat. Britain's Warren Humphreys, with a five-under-par 66, had the best second round yesterday to share first place with six others at the British Masters' golf championship at the St Pierre course. Leading scores: 137 Warren Humphreys 71-66, Tommy Horton 70-67. Greg
      Agencies  -  201 words
    • Untitled
      • 36 25 ATHLETICS: Fernando Main ede, of Portugal, the European 10,000 metres record-hold-er, ran a world-best 5,000 m of the season when he clocked 13 mln. 14.6 sec. at an international meet in Lisbon last night.
        36 words
      • 52 25 BASEBALL: Baltimore Orioles chalked up their sixth victory in seven games when they defeated New York Yankees 9-4 in an American League game. Other results: Pittsburgh Pirates 1 Philadelphia Phillies' 0, St. Louis Cardinals 7 New York Mets 3, Milwaukee Brewers 8 Tigers 6, Montreal Expos 9 Chicago
        52 words
      • 36 25 BOXING: The World Boxing Association (WBA) have cancelled plans to hold their annual convention in Halilax, Nova Scotia, in September, because the Canadian govemmen will not allow South African delegates to enter the country.
        36 words
      • 40 25 MOTOR CYCLING: New Zealand rider Dennis Ireland, on a Suzuki, was the surprise winner of the £30,000 ($114,300) Isle Of Man "Classic Tourist Trophy" event when he beat six others to register 2 hr. 04 mm. 21.8 sec.
        40 words
      • 44 25 MOTOR RACING: Andrea De Cesaris turned in the fastest lap on a rain-soaked circuit when he stormed past his rivals to return 1 mm. 30.2 sec. on the first day of qualifying trials for the Canadian Grand Prix starting in Montreal today.
        44 words
      • 52 25 The financially troubled Watkins Glen Grand Prix Association announced in New York, that they have cancelled the Can-Am and Robert Bosch super vee races scheduled for July 9 to 11, and the six-hour endurance race for sports cars from July 30 to Aug. 1, because of money and
        52 words
      • 28 25 RUGBY UNION: Scotland may field the Calder twins Jim and Finlay against Queensland in the first major match of the Australian tour at Ballymore Brisbane, today.
        28 words
      • 55 25 SQUASH: Singapore's Urn Seok Hui easily beat Japan's Asaka Kato 9-1, M, 9-0 to move into the third round of the Japan Open championship in Tokyo. Other results: Sue Paton bt Izumi Yachi 9-0. 9-0, 9-1; Teresa Brooke bt Etsuko Ueda «M), 9-0. 9-0; Dawn Olsen bt
        55 words
      • 17 25 VOLLEYBALL: An international men's championships will be held from June 25-July 5 in Shanghai. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  17 words
    • 362 25  -  JOE DORAI By OFFICIALS of the Football Association of Singapore, entrusted with the managing the game, bear a heavy responsibility because of the high expectations of the public. And it is not generally appreciated how complex a job that is, as public interest
      MICHAEL LIEW  -  362 words
    • 162 25 McEnroe beats Hooper to breeze into semi-finals LONDON, Sat. Defending champion John McEnroe first controlled his notorious temper and then his remarkable serve as he cruised into the semi-finals beating black American Chip Hooper 63, 6-4 in the grasscourt tennis championship at Queen's Club yesterday. Results: Jimmy Connors bt Mark
      Agencies  -  162 words
    • 173 25 Karim sees red in defeat NO WONDER national trainee Abdul Karim lost 6-9 to his counterpart, Liv Wai Yaw, in the Citizen team tennis competition at Kallang yesterday! reports JANICE SEAH. Firstly, Karim, who Elays for Bonds, faced a iv (Fischer) who was in all his passing and spinning glory.
      173 words
    • 274 25  -  LEX SEOW YAM By UNSEEDED Foo Khian Jin added a touch of class to his giant-killing feat when he upset third-seed-ed Lim Teck Heng 15-10, 15-1 in the semi-finals of the national individual badminton championships at Guillemard Road last night. Besides sending Lim
      274 words
    • 95 25 LONDON, Sat. India's hopes of avoiding being asked to follow on were quickly dashed when play began in earnest on the third day of the first cricket Test against England today. After only seven balls had been possible between showers in the morning session, England pacemen Bob
      95 words
    • 111 25 SCOREBOARD ENGLAND Ist Inns 4 JJ INDIA Ist lnn> (•venrigkt «-5) Gavaakar b Botham 48 Parfcar lbw Botham 6 VeagMrfcar lbw Willis 3 Vtowaaath b Botham 1 Yaihpal Sharma lbw Pringle 4 Malhatra lbw Pringle 5 Kapil Dcv c Cook b Willis 41 Sfcaatri c Cook b Willis 4 Klrmaal
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 179 25  - 'Coaches must apply their knowledge' HAKIKAT RAI By SINGAPORE coaches know a lot about athletics but have not learnt to apply their knowledge to actual coaching situations, says senior British coach Peter Warden. "Many coaches spend their time making their athletes look good but not helping them go faster, higher
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    • 89 25 SWIFTS Athletes Association will open their doors to non-members keen to take part in their annual meet at the National Stadium today (2 p. m.). Said Leslie Shepherdson, club secretary: "Our aim is to popularise athletics in Singapore. "Previously participation had been restricted only
      89 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 22 25 NIBBLEMAN^! IS HERE! At Space Station Zero, the place to try and buy Soundic TV games Exclusive to The Emporium Holdings Group
      22 words
    • 126 25 In LovwtQ M#mocy Or Our B*(o»»d F«lfv»r CHARLIE CHAN KHENG LIANG Departed on 13th Jun* to Sftdty mitttd by lov#o on#s APPOINTMENT PARTNERSHIP EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT CONSULTANCY A prestigious European executive recruitment consultancy company is planning to expand its Far East operation by establishing a branch office to cover Singapore and
      126 words

    • 332 26  -  EPSOM JEEP Strong finish should see he through By PAinTI GOLD can defy tradition by winning the $102,000 King's Gold Cup over 1,200 m (Race 5) with 63kg at Kuala Lumpur today. No horse has yet won this rich sprint prize with 60kg or more since
      332 words
    • 126 26 RACE EPSOM JEEP FAIRWAY RACING ED Tyrantaon Cape Horn Tungesh Tungesh Tyrantson Cape Horn Tyranteon Tungesh Chief Of Staff V Palace Sunshine Doreme Gitano Sunshine V. Palace Sunshine Gitano V. Palace Chiel Admiral Free Way Ten Hugs Kumpel Chief Admiral Ten Hugs Kumpel Free Way Chief Admiral Prim* Venture
      126 words
    • 155 26 Going forecast: Good THE Selangor Turf Club has in its possession a trophy which will take some winning. In 1974, Sentak Bulan was out in an attempt to win the King's Gold Cup for the third successive year. This speedy English gelding
      155 words
    • 144 26  - Chummy's Special geared up for the big one TIPTOP By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Chammy's Special is all geared up (or the King's Gold Cup sprint after his superb display in the trial last week. The four-year-old by Mummy's Pet overcame a bad draw and despite switching out (or a run
      144 words
    • 69 26 LEADING jockey Alwyn Tweedie, who finished serving a three-day suspension yesterday, will not be riding at Kuala Lumpur today as he is expected back from New Zealand only this afternoon. Tweedie returned home after he was suspended over his handling of Lee Tit Seng on the
      69 words
    • 61 26 Mudlarks THESE horses do well on a wet track RACK 1: Tyrantson. RACK 2: Sunshine 11. Doreme, Versailles Palace. RACK S: Warranty, Chief Admiral, Free Way. RACE 1: Ariff. Prime Venture, Speedy Jag. RACE t: Paititi Gold, Added Advantage 11. Charrette. RACE Petir. General Trong V, Mataram. RACE 7: Authenticity.
      61 words
    • 54 26 Past 10 Winners 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Sentak Bu'an 53.5 Sentak Bulan 53.5 Sir Carrick 52.5 So Blessed 51.5 Blue Star 57 Peak Of Perfection IV 54 Star Prince 56.5 Jubilation 111 55 Camberly 51.5 Camberly 53.5 Coleman Colenan Staples Hassan Lucas P. Lee
      54 words
    • 3075 26 Today's card 2.00 CLASS 3 DIV 8 1,200 m (Ratings: 78-65) (Stakes: $14,500) 1 91*0*0 lilamlaatiea 57 (78) BKKA-Rodgers sehaDg Cg +.5 Travelled wide most of way when last of 16 in Div 8 1200 m last week; won over XL 1200 m with 56 in C 4-6 on good
      3,075 words
    • 673 26 KING'S CUP LINE-UP HPHHH 4.20 CLASS 1 DIV 11,200 m 1,200 m RiilSLykii (Ratings: 177-146) (Stakes: $102,000) 1 2*5125 Paitltl Gold S3 (177) Agasam-Bougoure 7 amg a Dggy Cyys same By No Robbery; 10 wins $322,450; came home strongly for sth in trial last week; fast-finishing 2nd with 63 to
      673 words
    • 186 26  -  EQUESTRIENNE By HOLDER of two course records over sprints, Gao Hsing, one of the fastest horses in training, can make it first past the post in his third crack at a big sprint this seaThis brilliant speedster set up a new time of 1:23.2
      186 words
    • 114 26  - Charrette to bank on tearaway style TONTO By CHARRETTE. a remarkably improved sprinter by Sanford Lad who finished fourth to Raging Certainty in the trial last week, can spring a surprise against the more "classy" King's Cup aspirants. Charrette scored two impressive wins early this season and in the Lion
      114 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 23 26 ¥ip^lS' P c h™ce Epsom Jeep: PAITITI GOLD Fairway: CHUMMY'S SPECIAL Racing Ed: PAITITI GOLD Tiptop: CHUMMY'S SPECIAL Tonto: CHARRETTE Equestrienne: GAO HSING
      23 words

    • 235 27  -  TIPTOP By XI ALA LUMPUR, Sat. Trainers kltson Leon*, Like Hang Mid Johnnie Cheng have hftd their licence* renewed today by the Malayan Raring Association. At the be K lnnlnn of this year, the trie were Riven six-month licences on condition that they have a
      235 words
    • 1572 27  -  TIPTOP and FAIRWAY By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. New Zealand jockey Brian York celebrated his new status as a Malayan Racing Association jockey (see report above) by booting home Wayahead in a thrilling three-way finish in Race 5 here today. York, 20, showing fine
      1,572 words
    • 300 27 PARIS, Sat. MILLIONAIRE racehorse owner Robert Sangster has a good chance of having his colours carried to a fourth European classic victory this season in the Prix De Diane, the French Oaks, at Chantilly tomorrow. Following the victories of Golden Fleece and
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 774 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Stipendiary Steward's report on today's races: RACE I: Breakaway (Chiam) stood and took no part in the race. The gelding will be required to pass two starting stall tests before his next start. Soon after the start, McGarret II (Ng) had to
      774 words
    • 28 27 BIG SWEEP FIRST: *****2 SECOND: *****0 THIRD: *****1 STARTERS: *****6, *****2, *****0, *****7, *****9, *****8, *****6, *****1 CONSOLATIONS: *****2, *****9, *****3, *****2, *****6, *****4, *****9, *****0, *****1, *****9.
      28 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 523 27 APPOINTMENTS GARRETT SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD Subsidiary of GARRETT CORPORATION U.S.A. LEADERS IN THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRIES invites applications for MATERIALS MANAGER .Our manufacturing facility which machines raw bar stocks and casted parts into finished components such as gears and shafts and employs about 130 people, requires the services of an experienced
      523 words
    • 495 27 OBlue Circle Products (Singapore) Pte Ltd The Company wishes to appoint a further two SALES REPRESENTATIVES The company manufactures decorative finishes and allied products under well-known brands for the building industry Successful candidates shall be responsible for promoting the Company's products to dealers, contractors, orchitects/specifiers and other users They shall
      495 words
    • 1 27 L^j
      1 words

    • 497 28 OUR MAN GODFREY ROBERT: SPORTS EDITOR IN SPAIN The super soccer countdown Barcelona, Sat. The Argentinian soccer artillery should gun down the benign Belgian opposition in the opening match of the 1982 World Cup finals at the Nou Camp Stadium here tomorrow night (2
      497 words
    • Untitled
      • 30 28 ENGLAND'S World Cup soccer team raptain Kevin Keegan was awarded an Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen's birthday honours list announced in London today.
        30 words
      • 53 28 A publicity campaign dubbed "Colombia 86 was launched in Madrid amid conflicting opinions of Colombia's ability to handle the 1986 World Cup. Roberto Ordonez, the executive director of the 1986 organising committee said that Colombia had the stadiums, the funds and the communications to mount a
        53 words
      • 54 28 THE Scottish World Cup team are ready for action in Soto Grande, after a successful week's preparation in the Algarve, in South Portugal. The squad were in a confident mood, following their 9-1 and 7-1 victories against Torralta, of Portugal, in which Graeme Souness and Steve
        54 words
      • 44 28 NEW Zealand manager John Adshead will name his side today for their opening Group Six tie against Scotland on Tuesday. Adshead already has seven or eight names on his list and the remaining places will be filled in the next two days.
        44 words
      • 29 28 WORLD Cup soccer referees ended five days of classroom training and stringent physical tests in preparation for their first-round assignments in 14 cities throughout Spain.
        29 words
      • 25 28 A computer in the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences has predicted that Brazil will win the World Cup in Madrid, Tass reported in Moscow.
        25 words
    • 84 28 Neuberger criticises ticket sales MADRID, Sat. The International Football Federation (FIFA) have for the first time publicly criticised the system of ticket sales for the World Cup. At a Press conference yesterday following a meeting of FIFA officials, Hermann Neuberger, of West Germany, the president of the FIFA World Cup
      AFP  -  84 words
    • 274 28 THE opening match between Argentina and Belgium will be shown "live" on Channel Three at 1.30 a.m. tomorrow morning. A delayed telecast of the game will be shown on Channel Eight at 7.05 p. m. PONTEVEDERA, Sat. Italian football fans have placed their hopes
      AFP  -  274 words
    • Article, Illustration
      772 28 Salute Holmes Sweet Holmes Champ retains title LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Sat. Larry Holmes, whose achievements have always been overshadowed by the brilliance of Muhammad All, scored a magnificent victory over Irish American Gerry Cooney here last night that should at last earn him recognition as a fine world heavyweight boxing
      Agencies; UPI  -  772 words
    • 192 28 RJO DE JANEIRO, Sat. Roberto "Dynamite" was chosen to replace the injured reserve centreforward Careca in the Brazilian national soccer team, now in Seville, Spain, and was to leave here last night to join the squad. Roberto had been included in the list of 40 names
      Agencies  -  192 words
    • 57 28 WARSAW, Sat. If biorhythms are anything to go by, Poland will beat rivals Peru and Italy to head Group One, according to a newspaper report here. The Wroclaw gazeta Robotru'cza said that the biorhythms of all their players were fed into a computer and it returned the
      57 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 80 28 Swing along with a slim timely companion! Model CR-385 Radio Cassette with Quartz Clock Features: Digital LED Quartz Clock Alarm Timer Automatic Recording Level Control Automatic Frequency Control Power AC/DC (1 10-220 watts) Radio Bands MW/FM/SW FAIRMATE... for fresh, exciting new sound in audio technology. FRIR mRTE Asahi Corpn.-Japan. soie
      80 words
    • 210 28 Jm SINGAPORE _»^S SPORTS ■088 council X /port/ for oil A Thit vramkly column will Immturm SSC \y Sportm tor All progrmmmmm j Singapore International Dragon Boat < V jfr-- R«c». 82 -Final. VB^kK/ Sunday 20 June, 900 am m^ East Coast Park (6 Km) IV MC/MILO Football Training Sch.m.
      210 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 249 28 ATHLETICS Swift meet I 10.45 a. m). Div. 2: SRC v I A (National Stadium. 2.30 p.m.). (Padang), Digicon v Heli OriMX IS biathlon run (East ent (Seletar). Tanglin TavernCoast Parkway, 8 a. m.). ers v SCA Schoolboys (TanB VDMINTON National glin). All matches at 1.30 p. m. individual c'salpg
      249 words
    • 5 28 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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    • 145 28 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Fair and warm except for passing showers in a few areas around midday. TEMP. (C) up to 6 a.m. tomorrow: 33 max., 28 mm. SUNSET today: 7.11 p.m. SUNRISE tomorrow: fi.sB a.m. GLOBAL WEATHER AdelaMe S/15C Fine Manila 23 35C Fair Baackak 25/32 C Cloudy
      145 words

    • 1 1 WEEKENDER
      1 words
    • 1200 1  - Containing all odds... GILLIAN POWCHONG By WE continue our personality series with the story of Mr Poh Peng Hoe, who has moved up from an office boy-cum-clerk to become owner of a container transport company. EXECUTIVES like to talk about throwing promising trainees in at the deep end. For Mr
      1,200 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 132 1 For lovelier, shapelier nails -Page Eleven. Hands apt Your hands and nails are j I «i show Jut as much as your face I so we give you some easy to follow i tips to lovelier hands and nails. Find out how yon can nave heal- thler, shapelier nails, mend
        132 words
    • WEEKENDER films
      • 534 2 DEATH VALLEY now showing at the Jade Reviewed by WALTER SEOW TERROR is usually associated with enclosed spaces .a shadow on the wa11 footsteps in the corridor a doorknob turning silently. And darkness enhances the frissons. In DEATH VALLEY, Universal's modest, unpretentious thriller, director
        534 words
      • 369 2 A murdered man is killed again LIFE AFTER LIFE Coming to Cathay theatres Reviewed by TAN JONG SEE THE Hongkong film Life After Life can be summed up in one word: Fatalism. Surely it is not a novel theme among the Hongkong films but Life After
        369 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 507 2 ORCHARD: HURRY! LAST DAYSS (*****88) 5 SHOWS Horn, 30. 4^30. 9 15pm 1 1 1 "Sensitive love story" &t^ C "A wonderful movie... _4ia- jßr > AN ARTHUR PCNN JS^JBjM i^jb ii lnii:xi>s ■afrS^l; I CATHAY: NOW SHOWING! >\ I (*****00) 5 SHOWS: 11am, 1.30, 4, 8.30, ».15pm J THt
        507 words
      • 377 2 I The School of Accountancy P-M TOTAL STUDY PLANS B DIFFERENT STUDYING VSX!T PACKAGES FOR <*> ACCOUNTANCY AND 0 m FINANCIAL EXAMINATIONS 1. A choice of formats Our Total Study Plan is flexible, comprehensive and effective. Take any major UK accountancy qualification take any subject within any examination syllabus and
        377 words
      • 593 2 I "4 .Wi11" unbeatabl" I :16th DAY!: ■i at" l A nYl*a*\Y (*****59) No Free List 1 iriirilUL 11ain.1.45.4,6.301i9.15 ACTION-LOVING FANS ARE STILL QUEUING UP TO GET IN SEE IT! DTJ print in super stereophonic sound aj Maw t*rt C^ry <\ 9 AVBB^Bai W *^9aVJ < Mcurfry prrson Asm fi
        593 words
      • 593 2 OKCAWISATiqW J OPENS TOOAY No Fr«« List Horn 130 4 00. 6 45, 915 CH ALLEMW OF THE MASTERS" M -i ndorm MORNMG SHOWS TODAY P aj 8 JOom Prncc Savoy m 9 OOom President Chongi P 8 45am Oriental. II om Dotrt "SPIRIT oIHtaSWORa" Mondorm m Scop* Cok i
        593 words
    • WEEMMEI=aTts4fc
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 746 3 5 <SaWm> XtL, Venue: Netpune Theatre Restaurant fl '^j^HP' '^B VV Date of Ceremony: 26th September 1982 > B^ t/ Date of Honeymoon Tour Departure: ft J W 27th September 1982 a^m f y/W Wr I jtf? r aT^ V Oxley Tours have unrivalled experience and *s_ expertise in organising
        746 words
    • Si WEEKfNIEI cio^ $ cQ^nd Wkm
      • 501 4  -  PETE- By •^^y^fc^^^^r^y^p^M^^jrTP^^p^iir^K^^^^^y^r^wy" KAREN BROWNE, Sandra Zahir and Marcellina Hawthorne met by chance at a birthday party given for Stevie Wonder. The girls found that that they were the right combination for a singing career. And when it was time to decide on a name, they wanted
        501 words
      • 419 4 MY SWEETHEART by Shi XUflllng (Form) FOR a second album of someone who came in third in a talentime, My Sweetheart by Shi Xiaoling, sure leaves much to be desired. Unless one believes that she has won the talentime simply through luck and I
        419 words
      • 250 4 STEVIE WONDER: STEVIE WONDER'S ORIGINAL Ml SIQI ARIIM I (Tamla) Stevie Wonder's OrigtmU Musiquarium I is a mixed tank of Wonder hits and new tracks and a real delight. Twelve of the 16 cuts require no introduction especially not the successful Superstitious, You Are
        250 words
      • 616 4 <=^sm sum te&* IT SEEMS that people are willing to give up a number of things for love: Speeding, boozing, smoking, a sophisticated lifestyle, other "fishes" in the sea People in the glamour circle are no exception. At least, Hongkong TVB artiste Sydney All Sin of
        616 words
      • Article, Illustration
        127 4 AMERICA, the pop group that shot to fame with their single, Horse With No Name, believes that their differences keep them together: "We feed off each other's ideas and energy," says Dewey Banned about his partner, Gerry Berkley. The group averages one platinum album and three sell-out tours
        127 words
      • 432 5  -  KANNANCHANORAH By tfCK OF THE WEEK RIGHT, it promises to be a better than average week, where TV viewing is concerned. There is just enough to tempt the most selective of viewers. We start off with Fiasco, a special drink that spells the intoxicating start of
        432 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 482 4 Beautiful images from TOSH I BA the world's leading colour TV producer Latest sensor touch electronic tuning. 2-way speaker system for better Bk sound reproduction fi»* ffl R\ Automatic Voltage Regulato r b^L. protects TV from current >^b fluctuations. V C-2020P y^ I '.jeaaaaaaaaaa^ II Sal^3 I '""H T'---Jsl— JHII.
        482 words
      • 222 4 -TOP 20 week week SONG TITLES 2 1 Ebony And Ivory (Paul McCartney Stevie Wonder) 3 2 Classic (Adrian Gurvrtz) 1 3 Key Largo (Bertie Wggins) 4 4 Don't Talk To Strangers (Rick Springfield) 6 5 Blue Eyes (Elton John) 7 6 Poison Arrow (ABC) 5 7 Cool light (Pad
        222 words
      • 257 4 Learn to repair and service all types of electronic equipment right at your home. You are taught to assemble transistor kits during the course of your training. For details, write to: UNIVERSAL RADIO INSTITUTE 1.8. Block 261, Waterloo Street, Spore 0718 P.O. Box No: 42, Owen Road, Singapore 9121. Name
        257 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 27 5 _J L— Call the one and only r^rr r r Dr. Sony I VrA I I I I any day of the year The Sony Service Centre
        27 words
      • 374 5 I __STUIWwHh HO EMILE WOOLF... the PASSWORD for Accountancy Examinations Since its establishment in 1976, the Emile Woolf College of Accountancy has rapidly earned the distinction of being a Leader in the field of accountancy education. The consistent high rate of examination success achieved by students all over the world
        374 words
    • Page 5 Miscellaneous
      • 540 5 1 N 9 S i. SAM V RA a' SKk H SE cSk;a2o cami> wilderness towards tm ch 5, PR1KIK GHIGAUO (Ch 5 WaU f The videfOrthem SeS 611 kUled ADVENTURE SOIJD GOLD (Ch 5, But later proof is 2EL GULLIVER THE looks at the manner in 11.11 p.m.): Olivia
        540 words
      • 1101 5 Qrij/ourTV 8.45 AM Opening followed by ChUrens 5.25 Chronicle: The Gold Of The ThraFeature The Glitterball cian Horsemen 9.40 Hans Christian Andersen The 6.15 News (English) Tinderbox (Part 2) 6.25 Living Tomorrow 10.05 Taman Kanak-Kanak (Malay) (Last 6.40 Al Creatures Great And Small In Series) 7.30 News And Weather Forecast
        1,101 words
      • 526 5 Pon can see Jimmy Connors In action In World ChamplonshipTennisl on Ch 5 at 11.4* p.m. I CHILDREN'S FEA- COSMOPOLITAN TIRE PACKAGE ■■|l]lf lflB THEATRE IKS (.UTTKRBAIX (Ch 5, WiiJ|UV POUES OFFENBACH 8.45 ».m.): The aliens h 5 p.m.): are a smart bunch. In heavy date with a foxy Jacques
        526 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 198 6 There's another world of romance Sapphire romances are more exotic, are more sxciting than most ordinary romance fiction. In Sapphire romance you It find that love is a wonder that comes in many forms. A fancy sometimes, a phantom and occasionally a splendid reality. So if you 're a discerning
        198 words
    • Page 6 Miscellaneous
      • 97 6 MY «VSTOL0ALL.Wia CONTACT AMV J MINUTCS Tl f AFTgKMOOWS OR 19^J^" Bo^ n t T /V^NV. ctviM^? pggeoj FcreoKJiy 2s>ce.^vs'J for )/>si \.\jJ&&K.£MPSf MfkH^r~u r ~^r\rV^^V^ ii rla 6eTTiM6 60MgtHlM6'^) /I TM/WK IVB N f IS IT HgRV' N 1 IT'S A 0U5y S/6MAL. IP^^5^tfr>f 66TT»M6.5TRO(^e^/^ie> A (^^f^OT IT/^ llS
        97 words
      • 1016 6 *9^^ Jbb^V I bbb I j I J->^ lJ n THfS nv&t/Vf I iPv ">nf vmf>. KNrjwmic, that m- Mm i RfTiHN I u Hf h .'HH/i *»'«r «ftT vN>» x __J fV T^fiTAN Or TH£ Af*fSf f YOLK BKn-m/ FORECAST RillTCuSllsMill P. M WfiVKKSS TWVJ^ l^l Ml \T IVI\LW
        1,016 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 33 7 V\ .^B^rl wIBI Br .1 i I Jl/ vSLjxVw' >- .^BTbl^^^ j^^BnP^ i Bl v -<^B^9 bW otL BP^ c? si^Bl bT^ *jbl Br¥ VfS jBLs .^1 Br BTfIBW a^ HV jfii iBl Psr
        33 words
    • Page 7 Miscellaneous
      • 253 7 iXu '^^ti£ U SL_J Hi W£I2£ ATTUE RXJL UNE^ BUT I'M CCGl IMR^RTAMT "WlNGl6~""H CAN MW<£ TWAT JUMP STUCK UP MERE 1-C0ME ANP GIVE A J ARE WE 1 GLASS OVER 1 W*{ TlUf" /M IT/ I TTjC fiTUCC TthiA +im*~**\ Vlf 1\lCDC'C /Wrii »11 Vprom tme table to y
        253 words
    • – §■§■■»■§ va| Am — 5 *. – — t^P< I■■ I ■■ ■■ =■ ■ ■ '■' ' ■■■■■. .... wi / C 1 1 r\ I/t 4 r\ ii.L A r*9 ■■ h It 111 I ==l- ===£====I^^=^.^: _^l 111 VSI nlKin –
      • 1578 8 Story and pictures by PETER KEYS CHARLES Burton Buckley records that in 1830 Singapore had a chaplain but no church, the only place of worship being the Mission Chapel, built in 1823 on the corner of North Bridge Road and Church Street (now called Bras
        PETER KEYS  -  1,578 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 455 8 holidays ALL TAIWAN/KOREA 1 1 DAYS $2459 Q t^^ *fr ALL TAIWAN/KOREA/JAPAN IPf- ~^F^) 16 DAYS $3009 -C^^^^° ALL TAIWAN/KOREA/JAPAN/HONG KONG 19 DAYS $3249 Dep: 31/5, 7/6, 14/6, 21/6, 12/7, 26/7, 2/8, 23/8, 13/9, 20/9, 27/9, 4/10, 18/10,25/10 ALL TAIWAN 9 DAYS $1 839 ir^OlYjEi^gSt-'s TAIWAN/HONGKONG fjl^fe^^T}! 12 DAYS $2079
        455 words
      • 615 8 QUALIFY** promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED COURSES FROM U.K. IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Improve your position by learning at home and be paid what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men and women achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take
        615 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • ■WIEKENDER -i&fl^nbe'tatftm*
      • 300 9 E3 ff A f PORTS GOOD news, says my colleague on the sports desk, Wilfred Yeo, water skiing will for the first time be one of the events in next year's South-east Asia Games here. What are host Singapore's chances? It's even money that
        300 words
      • 657 9 Hl l A BASIC principle of chess is that time, space and matter are interchangeable. This principle holds also in physics, expressed by Einstein's equation, K Mc 2 (that's "em-cee-squared" my friend, not "em-cee-two In physics the energy (space-time) obtainable from matter can be
        657 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 158 9 Clock is funny w iwl Bfr I In any one day, how many times do the 1 v^y I I two hands of a clock cross each other? J TTw I I Answer I /^\&gt;i-'% l^'r^V &gt; j Telephone no. (if any): Entries must reach The Sunday Times, \^JI Brain
        158 words
      • 697 9 Bn^Bfc^^?^^nnln^nfc^h^^^^" M^^^^^^^^nß^B[ Hn^n^^. .^c^*^ I^bb^p^^^ jK'"*«j^ &gt;^ tooo^^BK^^^^m^^^^^^m Jnv lfj i J*" i^bt ■^^^^►^^•^•''n^^^^^^^S^T^B*" I Hi *tM j* 1 I i^Blß^BnaPv&lt;i^A "*^Bn^Bnv^n^Bnl n^ i_ aM^nnJntnin^Bn^Bn^Bntt^^Jlnn^n^r^BWT HHnflAlMUniriP^Mlßni BnL To #^V S Bn^an^nW M 1 1 i 7F\ U* nfT3 !^Bn^n^n^BnW S BUKIT* ]V ■nhiMfllll M^^^B^^ TIMAH I X BnLin«&Btßnl^Bn^niafl LnT^^^Bnl rla^L^!^l«tf@
        697 words
    • IWM ifßll II =S£^"== =^rr^_:^g^: z^ir^^grJ^ | {jiLr Ca£/Zv^(jL=X^
      • 1020 10 4 It is extremely heartening to note from the computerised results that even complete novices driving unprepared cars were all able to achieve fuel consumption savings of at a least 30 per cent. 7 THE 1982 Shell Economy Rally was
        1,020 words
      • 972 10 Egto ABOUT 10 years ago, the Volkswagon group commissioned the Porsche research centre at Weissach to develop for them an Audi sports coupe using as many conglomerate bits as possible. The final design was rejected by VW as being too avanl garde and expensive to produce. But
        972 words
      • Article, Illustration
        16 10 Pick of Punch "Hou mmca brighter iW mere mUve everything teems I wit* a mew rtrbarettor."
        16 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 290 10 K&lt;s&gt;~ M&gt; 1 fit T 4 !G2p^ -&lt;-*Z?*^- i If you wunttobe one of the best Sales Managers in Singapore here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. If you are or want to be in direct control of a sales force, send for our free SALES MANAGEMENT prospectus
        290 words
      • 342 10 English m^ For you! mm. —full tuition for Pit mans, LCC or RSA exams. A GOOD COMMAND OK ENGLISH can ensure success in your present job improve your chances of promotion and increase your earning power. You can acquire it quickly and easily. When you can talk fluently Your Business
        342 words
    • i,ijr r if r tj n m ____ l-v* r~ 'rrll J1 hi 11 w K -— r||S| 1 ItfiftJ
      • Article, Illustration
        1586 11 YOUR hand* and nails are on show just as much as your face but they have to surfer a far more rigorous and hard life and it showsIt's the skin which shows evidence of its advancing years and the skin on your hands shows your age sooner than
        1,586 words
      • 205 11 AMERICAN designer extraordinaire Ralph Ijiuren, who pioneered a special philosophy about clothes, also has his own Ideas about beauty. He sees a woman's beauty as being apart from this year's fashion or this year's face. It Is timeless a beautiful face that is yesterday, today and tomorrow in
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 356 11 "Imagine, there's something that can make \our period much more pleasant to cope with and yoa wont £5\ 7jpnr\ TY\T IT r Every month the same old excuses are used t/Vvl A LL y AL« for not trying tampons. "I don't swim much, so no reason to use it." "Not
        356 words
    • WEEHNHI I 1
      • 873 12  -  BRANDON SEAH Reviewed by BENG THIN HOON KEE RESTAURANT 4th floor, OCBC Centre, 65, Chulia Street Opening hours: 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 10.30 p.m. FEW would associate OCBC Centre with food, yet tucked away in a quiet and unobtrusive corner on the 4th
        873 words
      • 794 12 Gourmet Coffeeshop eats RECEn&gt;4TLY, I went on a coffeeshop spree to try out the food at a few coffeeshops in Chinatown and residential areas. Such shops epitomise true local cuisine. Unpretentious, homely, quick, delicious, simple and in some cases, famous dishes are served here. To the average person, Chinatown is
        794 words
      • 373 12 iHosiiiii IF YOU always wake up late on Sundays, too late for breakfast and too early for lunch, why not have a combination of both? For the open-air-and-by-the-poolside type, the Waterfall Cafe at the Shangri-La is the place to go. They have
        373 words
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      • 899 12 What can you do after Cand A Levels Much more than |ust landing yourself in the AsiET f^^^SJSL^. hrst ava.l»bk&gt; job. Prepare yoursdl ior the Engto^tng T«*notogy Has helped thousands ot people around the career and advancement you want, even if worMlo l com e Brmsh ttraine en K imvrs
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      • 229 12 Play the game in the spirit of the game. New Delhi. March 4. 1951. Amidst drama and pageantry. 2SjON spectators experienced a surge of joy at the birth of a great sporting event. The First Asian Games. Ever since, the Games, held once every four years, embody the ideals and
        229 words