The Straits Times, 6 June 1982

Total Pages: 52
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Sunday Times No. 2401, JUNE 6, 1982 40 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 98/1/82
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  • 458 1 Helping pupils to. gain team spirit PRODUCTIVITY is going to school. The aim is to achieve not only a more complete education for the student but also to develop in him positive work attitudes which he will retain in adult life. Towards this end, the Education Ministry has proposed that
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  • 98 1 STOCKHOLM. Sat. The Swedish navy and air force today sealed off the Bay of Bothnia in the northern Baltic Sea to prevent the escape of an unidentified submarine believed trapped in the bay, a naval spokesman said. The Intrusion comes seven months after a major
    UPI  -  98 words
  • 450 1  - TOWARDS A MORE CULTURED SOCIETY ZAINUL ABIDIN RASHEED Stat board to take over promotion work? By THE government is looking into ways to more effectively try and build a more cultured, well-in-formed and cohesive society. The Minister for Culture, Mr S. Dhanabalan, in an interview with The Sunday Times, said
    450 words
  • 168 1 ONE rainy Saturday afternoon, three friends Seok Hah, Sophie and Betty innocently strolled to the Singapore Handicraft Centre. There, they were surprised to see snakecharmers, magicians, fortune-tellers, and graceful pugilists, all adding to a carnivalIlke atmosphere. And to cater to the hungry crowd, there were
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  • 37 1 OSAKA, Sat. Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang left here for home today, ending a sixday official visit during which he met Japanese government and business leaders for talks on bilateral economic cooperation and international issues. -AFP.
    AFP  -  37 words
  • 461 1 Mitterrand urges approval of plan to improve world economy VERSAILLES, Saturday PRESIDENT Francois Mitterrand of France called on other Western leaders today to approve a programme of using technology to pull the world out of economic recession and spark growth in all countries. Mr Mitterrand was speaking at the first
    Reuter  -  461 words
  • 427 1 US veto, then a change of mind UNITED NATIONS, Saturday THE United States joined Britain last night in vetoing a Security Council resolution for an immediate Falklands ceasefire, but then abruptly changed its mind saying it really should have abstained. Mrs Jeane Kirkpatrick, the US Ambassador to the UN, told
    Agencies  -  427 words
  • 34 1 PARIS, Sat. A bomb exploded early today at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, shattering several windows in the building and surrounding structures, police said. There were no injuries. AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 242 1 Samphan agrees to attend secret summit BEIJING. Sat. Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan has agreed to participate in a proposed secret meeting aimed at uniting the three anti-Vietnamese resistance forces in Cambodia, Xinhua news agency reported. Xinhua said Mr Khieu Samphan's response on May 30 was disclosed here by former
    Reuter; AP  -  242 words
  • 777 1  - NTUC: If productivity gains had been poor... IVAN LIM NWC RECOMMENDATIONS By Our Labour Correspondent EMPLOYERS' REACTION: P. 8 THE National Trades Union Congress yesterday reminded Singapore workers they might have got no NWC-reoommended wage increase had productivity gains last year been unsatisfactory. This reminder came in the NTUC's response
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  • Untitled
    • 58 1 VERSAILLKS, Sat. The IS found Itself without .support aver the issue of restrirtlHg export credits to the Soviet Inlon at a summit luncheon meeting today devoted solely to the credits Issue. French delegation spokesman Michel Vaulelle said opposition was unanimous to IS President Ronald Reagan's call
      AFP  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 ■£s2a*3iiiEii9| 4& \OSt s YOUR CHILD A WINNER Part f^^^^^ Ij^r^^ A Sunday Times Special HHllltlulliltll™ RESPONSIBILITY 4 A must H^SBk Y p S TI A DEI Vflll guide M i fashion mn \i\\ Atlfl lUU O— v A big word J^ buiut J "29 a colour p^^e. A safe?
      144 words
    • 179 1 SPACE AGE. SPACE SAVING aa^^^^l^M I ICm^HBHBBHHHO I JE Sony's latest stereo components, the new XO-5 Deck Receiver and PS-FLS front loading turntable are designed for modern living. These graceful components can be arranged conveniently in any room, especially where, larger bulkier components cannot go like college dormitories, offices, studio
      179 words
    • 31 1 NATIONAL LIBRARY SINGAPORH >' A Kolex Oyster case has no seams to let in water T.H.H. (TaiMong Hung Pte Ltd) J?« Norm B'.Ogi lilt«ort 9V^R t«l 3J?3W3 4 91M71 T3TT3IT 7J7TM7
      31 words

  • Untitled
    • 352 2 HAVANA, Saturday ARGENTINA'S Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez signed a US$100 million (S$208 million) trade agreement with Cuba on Thursday night to underline the new friendship that has sprung up as a result of the Falkland* crisis. But before leaving here yesterday for Caracas,
      NYT  -  352 words
    • 266 2 LONDON, Sat. Squads of Britain's Special Air Service (SAS) troopers are infiltrating Argentine lines around the besieged Falkland islands capital of Port Stanley, eliminating outposts, spying on defence positions and directing artillery fire on strategic targets, military sources say. "They're wreaking havoc," a military source
      AP  -  266 words
    • iii
      • 69 2 BRITAIN dropped on Friday its opposition to a United Nations development aid programme for Argentina, allowing the US$2O-million (5541.6 million) package to be passed by consensus in Geneva. At a UN Development Programme (UNDP) governing council meeting last week, London refused to approve the aid while
        Reuter  -  69 words
      • 51 2 THE ARGENTINE government on Friday ordered the closure for three days of the national news agency, Noticias Argentinas, and the daily, El Patagonico, for violating guidelines on reporting the Falklands conflict. The closure went into effect at midnight on Friday and will end at midnight tomorrow.
        AP  -  51 words
    • 141 2 Don't free Vulcan bomber request to Brazil BRASILIA, Sat. Argentina has officially asked Brazil not to release a British Vulcan bomber which landed at Rio do Janeiro on Thursday after running short of fuel over the South Atlantic, a foreign ministry spokesman said yesterday. The Brazilian government was studying the
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 206 3 Recession will raise child deaths Unicef MANILA, Sat. Mr James Grant, United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) executive director, said today that two to three million more children would die in this decade because of the global economic recession. Mr Grant told a news conference that the Unicef two years ago
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • 33 3 A WOUNDED youth Is rushed U ma ambulance daring Friday's Isr»«!l air raid on Beirut In retaliation for the attempted assassination In London of Israel's ambassador to Britain. AP pictare
      AP  -  33 words
    • 177 3 TOKYO, Sat. United States President Ronald Reagan and Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki have reached an interim civil aviation agreement in Paris. This is for broadening transPacific air links Detween the two nations, a Transport Ministry spokesman announced here yesterday. The agreement, reached yesterday before the
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 65 3 BEIRUT, Sat. Jean Lugo, a cameraman for the French television network TK-1, was killed yesterday as he Mimed the Israeli air raid on Beirut. A French embassy spokesman confirmed that Mr Lugo, 51, had been killed while filming near a sports stadium. A cameraman and a
      UPI  -  65 words
    • 341 3 BEIRUT, Sat ISRAELI warplanes returned to bombard Palestinian targets in south and central Lebanon today after killing at least 50 people and wounding 200 in raids on Beirut and the south yesterday. The air strikes were accompanied by renewed shelling between Palestine
      Reuter  -  341 words
    • 184 3 NEW DELHI, Sat. Almost 1,700 children in Delhi have disappeared in the first four months of this year. Three quarters of them will never be traced. A report by the Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian Peoples) yesterday said that the incidence of lost children, many of them
      AFP  -  184 words
    • 265 3 BEIRUT, Sat IRAN yesterday demanded US$l5O billion (Ss3l2 billion) to end its war against Iraq, now 20 months old and threatening to destabilise the vulnerable, oil-rich Persian Gulf. President Ali Khamenei, speaking to Friday prayer worshippers on the campus of Teheran University,
      Reuter; UPI  -  265 words
    • 202 3 WASHINGTON, Sat. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has turned down an informal American suggestion that he meet later this month in Washington with President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel to give new impetus to the stalemated negotiations on Palestinian self-rule, administration officials said yesterday.
      NYT  -  202 words
    • 375 4 VERSAILLES, Saturday Falklands issue crops up at summit LEADERS of the western world's seven major industrial powers today formally opened a weekend of deliberations on possible joint efforts to pull their economies out of recession. The two presidents and five prime ministers,
      Reuter  -  375 words
    • 76 4 KENT (Washington) Sat. A new rocket motor that can be used to launch satellites carried into space by the space shuttle to higher orbits has been unveiled by the Boeing Company. While the space shuttle can go no higher than 1.127 km, the new vehicle, dubbed
      AP  -  76 words
    • 71 4 NEW DELHI, Sat. Police and intelligence agents today kept up a massive manhunt for two gunmen who yesterday shot dead a Kuwaiti First Secretary, Mustafa al-Mar-zook. Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who has been building up closer trade and cooperation relations with oil-rich Kuwait, sent a message
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 186 4 BRUSSELS, Sat. With only four days to go before heads of states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation meet in Bonn, the 16 members of the alliance have so far failed to agree on the final declaration to be issued after the meeting,
      AFP  -  186 words
    • 97 4 SOPHIA STEPS OUT OF PRISON IN CRASHING STYLE ROME, Sat. Film actress Sophia Loren (left) was treed from Jail early today after serving Jut over half of a M-day sentence tar tax evasion and was promptly involved in a crash with a police ear. Miss L»ren, 47, smiled behind a
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 267 4 MOSCOW, Sat. A group of Russians yesterday called a press conference for Western journalists to launch what they called the Soviet Union's first unofficial independent peace movement. The 11 members of the group said their aims were not in conflict with those of the Kremlin
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • liMllilffiiln
      • 66 4 SIX THOI'SAND families are marooned or have lost their homes due to floods in the southwestern part of Sri Lanka after heavy rains in the last four days, the Ceylon Daily News reported yesterday. Two thousand houses have been damaged and 3,000 others were said to be
        AFP  -  66 words
      • 60 4 THIRTY-SIX accidents occurred at nuclear power plants during 1981, the highest number since Japan's first nuclear power plant began operating in 1966 at Tokaimura, km north-west of Tokyo, the Natural Resources and Energy Agency said on Friday. Agency officials said 25 plants were ordered to shut and
        AP  -  60 words
      • 76 4 TENS OF thousands of Christian Democrats converged on Bonn yesterday for a mass demonstration in support of President Ronald Reagan and the Western alliance. The opposition Christian Democratic Union called the rally to welcome Mr Reagan's visit to Bonn for a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summit next
        Reuter  -  76 words
      • 72 4 HOT LAVA streaming down from the crater of Galunggung volcano in West Java, following its seventh and eighth eruption on Thursday and Friday night, has inundated 84 houses in three nearby villages, the Geophysic and Volcanology Office in Bandung said yesterday. A spokesman said the hot lava also
        AP  -  72 words
      • 72 4 CHINA DENIED yesterday United States charges that it had violated a Sino-American consular agreement over the seizure of American teacher Lisa Wichser, who was deported from Beijing after being accused of stealing state secrets. The US accused China on Friday of violating both the spirit and the
        Reuter  -  72 words
      • 72 4 TWO YOUNG American women married to Iranians were yesterday en route for the United States after being released by Iranian authorities, informed sources in Zurich said. They had been detained a "long" time, the sources said without specifying dates. Holding Iranian passports, they left
        AFP  -  72 words
      • 49 4 IRAQI PLANES bombed the western Iranian city of Dam yesterday, killing 40 people and injuring 150 othi rs, Iranian state radio said. It said the attack took place as the inhabitants were celebrating a popular uprising in *963 under the late Shah's regime. AFP
        AFP  -  49 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 871 2 y^jjk\^^^ "W mill 111 fhflt I^^^.,^* &JIHOIITHIY rental (f) W^^BP^^^^^ 20 inch Colour TV m\ B m kj Toshiba V-5480 WJ imliimfftf /tm\ BY JmW^.^^ Beta Colour Video ftAUDIIOIHtSS I rB I W^^-4k\\\Wm^m^ Cassette Recorder -m Vli/ 3-System PAL/ ZH^ m^r I I secam ntsc C^C /*tmN W^yr I Special
      871 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 422 3 The American Express Card* The standard by which all others are judged Of^*** No other credential says so much I An American Express Card- press accepts full responsibility P^lh I If! member's sound financial from the moment you notify us of "^fl H >^"'~— Jilted" kiS'i^l standing is instantly recog-
      422 words
    • 230 3 YOUR CAREERIN EXPORT MARKETING BEGINS The export trade offers challenges, opportunities and rewarding careers to men and women who are well-trained and ready to carry responsibilities. Now, you too can prepare yourself for a successful career in export marketing management through correspondence at home, in your free time and at
      230 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 551 4 AMAZING NEW ABBREVIATRIX SHORTHAND Learn in 4 days. Write upto 1 20 w.p.m. in 4 days. And land a glamor job with top firm. With Abbreviatrix, you actually enjoy writing Shorthand easily in just 4 days. Free Brochures Write today! Abreviatrix Shorthand Dept. abb u/su G.P.O. Box 2264, Singapore 9042.
      551 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 346 5 mH v *kt Mitsubishi has opened a new ~7| Mitsubishi's innovative Super- spacious luxurious interior. era in space-age motoring with the JjffXKio||[H^ Ishlft1 shlft transmission system for a Lancer F. The car that sets new high JHlH^^^il choice of more P ower or Deep space boot standards in space, styling,
      346 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 213 6 $20,000 gold seized, 32 held in raids KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Police today arrested 32 Indonesians, many of them goldsmiths, believed responsible for melting down gold ornaments the loot from robberies and housebreakings by illegal Indonesian immigrants. Police said they believe the Indonesian goldsmiths were flown in to melt down the
      NST  -  213 words
    • 58 6 PENANG, Sat. A 55-year-old housewife, Rokiah binti Haii Saad, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a court here on Thursday after pleading guilty to trafficking in 2K7 2 grams of cannabis. Her farmer husband, Mat bin Yusoff, 60, who was jointly charged with her, was acquitted and
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 216 6 Musa studying austerity cuts options KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday DEPUTY Prime Minister Datuk Musa Hitam is studying the various options open to the government in its latest move to cut the salaries, allowances and perks of the country's political leaders, sources said here yesterday. It was most probable that ministers, deputy
      NST  -  216 words
    • 92 6 BIG KL CUT IN FUNDS FOR DEVELOPMENT BACHOK, Sat. Malaysia is to cut between between Msl.s billion and Ms 2 billion ringgit from its development allocation fund this year as an austerity measure to cope with the present recession faced by the country. Finance Minister Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah today told
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 99 6 SUVA (FIB), Sat. Malaysian Prime Minister Datnk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad arrived here yesterday, on the first leg of a weeklong visit to three Sooth Pacific islands, to a colourful welcome with bands playing the Malaysian national anthem and crowds of YIPs standing in
      NST  -  99 words
    • 229 6 Noraziah's smiling again as the offers of help roll in KUALA LUMPUR, Sat MALAYSIANS have taken 18-year-old Agricultural University freshie undergraduate Noraziah Othman to their hearts and opened their purses and homes to her. Though she was granted a place in the university, Noraziah's future was bleak as both her
      NST  -  229 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 52 6 Beautiful images from i^mmmK^ TOSH I B A the world's leading "TBBL.N Latest sensor-touch electronic tuning 'BL 2 -way speaker system for better sound reproduction *»X'" W^^'" i Automatic Voltage Regulator protects TV from W flj JBySr MS current fluctuations *^BB^I i Appliances Colour TV VCR Audio Equipment y* IBfe
      52 words

  • 440 7 LIM PHAY-LING LIM SENG TIONG Story: Pictures: HIS two gold teeth gleamed between his parted lips as he peered through a huge magnifying glass and studied the lines on her palm. He tapped at some lines with a pointed stick and said
    440 words
  • 50 7 CHERN Chiap Keng, 32, was jailed for 20 months by a magistrate's court yesterday for the theft of a $2,000 gold necklace. Chern admitted that he and an accomplice stole the necklace from salesgirl Kum Poh Cheng at Siang Hoa Jewellery Traders in Redhill Road on Feb26.
    50 words
  • 155 7 THE Orchard Parade will hit the streets again next Sunday. The colourful procession of musicians, cartoon characters, dancers, pugilists and other performers will move from the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board office at Tanglin Road to Mandarin Hotel. Leading the parade, which starts at 5
    155 words
  • 294 7 Snapshot of the artist with a 'third eye' SINGAPOREANS who develop the "third eye" will have the ability to perceive beyond what they see, Mr S. Rajaratnam said yesterday. But far from discussing the metaphysical, Mr Rajaratnam, who is the Second Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs), was talking about one
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  • 187 7 Past only a step to progress, Muslims told WHATEVER progress achieved in the past by the Malay Muslim community was insufficient in today's context, said Mr Rohan Kamis. MP for Telok Blangah. "Our vision should be widened and our efforts concentrated towards improving quality in every field," he said at
    187 words
  • 43 7 A TRIP to Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiangmai has been organised by .he Kallang community centre from June 15 to 21. Those interested are to contact the centre staff at Block 22, 37, Boon Keng Road or call *****82.
    43 words
  • 403 7 SlA's winning ways can be an inspiration to others THE Minister of State (Defence). Dr Yeo Ning Hong, said last night that Singapore Airlines would be an inspiration to other companies here if it demonstrated that Singaporeans could compete internationally and win. Speaking at the annual dinner and dance of
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  • 274 7  -  NG WENG HOONG By WITH a month to the start of its first academic year, the Nanyang Technical Institute has 11 vacancies remaining out of its 65 teaching positions. Of the 54 positions filled, 41 lecturers have so far reported for work while the rest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 312 7 Look what sensational value I^-Electric found in Europe |lJ|^^^ W I ilk MT %UM Th ree inexpensive new washing iriachines wk w Xi Ilk r fl J EJ packed with expensive features from $620 I^H f»^B flk If Talk about value! Pan-Electrics Next, our tough and solid shock B^^H Ik^Hl
      312 words

  • 166 8 Steel mill going iron and tongs to save energy THE National Iron and Steel Mills (NISM) has designed several projects costing more than $100 million to conserve energy and improve productivity, the company s managing director, Mr Ang Kong Hua, said on Friday. The company will instal new rolling mills
    166 words
  • 46 8  - Programming courses EVENING classes on elementary and intermediate basic programming will start this month at Block 78, Telok Blangah Drive, at the Telok Blangah Computer Centre. The courses start on June 15 and 17. Toe fee for each 10--week course is $100. Telephone *****11 for details.
    46 words
  • 38 8 YIO Chu Kang sub-community centre at Block 163, Avenue 4. Ang Mo Kio, will open next week. Enrolment for computer and cultural courses starts tomorrow between 3 and 10 p.m. For more details, telephone *****21.
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  • 37 8 JOO Chiat community centre women sub-committee is organising a tour to Kukup, the Safan Park, Aw Pottery and Ayer Hitam on Wednesday. The fee is $30 for children below 11 years and $40 for adults.
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  • 286 8 LAI YEW KONG By I Our Crime Correspondent POLICE have arrested 11 airline employees suspected of being responsible for a series of thefts of passenger luggages and belongings in the past three years, first at Paya Lebar Airport and later at Changi
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  • 220 8 Fixed-price coupons for taxi rides from airport to hotels? FDCED-priced coupons for taxi fares from Changi airport to hotels in the city may become a reality if a proposal to introduce them is approved by the Communications Ministry. The coupon scheme is devised to help commuters, especially tourists, against taxi-drivers
    220 words
  • 175 8 MICOS, Kampong Chai Chee's neighbourhood mascot, will be beamed across the sky tomorrow evening as the week-long campaign to launch Good Neighbours' Day gets underway. The run-off to the campaign to promote neighbourliness, harmony and tolerance among the more than 40,000 residents starts this
    175 words
  • 306 8 SNEF acts to forestall unions' CPF move THE Singapore National Employers' Federation has acted to pre-empt any move by unions to ask employers to cover the extra 1 per cent Central Provident Fund contributions to be paid by workers. The federation said companies would have to bear higher labour costs
    306 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 374 8 Dyr^ly Hotel Irpperial Q)ir)c?c jrCttir^ W -^r 'J^m Here, amidst splendidly embroidered mf* J^jpm '2f^Hll phoenixes, timbered panels and hand\t painted lanterns overhead, you may mi ff '-->»^* *«l^^fi^U banquet in opulence and style. The mood py^Sri«-l s set from the moment you walk in as .>~ v^*9!afl you're greeted
      374 words
    • 426 8 THOMSON T5541 and T5981 Top loaders, Jg" True French beauties with exceptional high performance features. M^BL^l^"" 1^ The THOMSON Tss4landTs9BlWasher-Dryeraretheverybestexamplesof A V I > I* THOMSON'S superb French design and technology in Top-loading washing V B ("ae- machines. Besides having all those features that have made THOMSON Europe's best flj
      426 words

  • 799 9 Trader had blue film. mags in cupboard DOCTORS and health care agencies have been accused of not doing enough to help those suffering from severe kidney disease. They must take a second look at the management of such patients whose only recourse
    799 words
  • 77 9 AN EDUCATIONAL tour will be organised by the Kirn Keat community centre youth group on Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The tour includes visits to the Meteorological Station at Changi Airport, The Straits Times, Woodbridge Hospital and Mac Donald restaurant. The fee
    77 words
  • 74 9 Dead patient's kin sought by police POLICE want to contact the n.'Xt-of-kin of a Woodbridge Hospital patient, Mr Ong Heng Joo, 87, who died on Friday, after having been a patient there for 26 years. Mr Ong. whose last known address is 95-B. Beach Road, had been in the hospital
    74 words
  • 48 9 Atf elderly woman who collect- ••<! stakes totalling $118 for an operator of IO.DOO-character lottery was fined $2,000 by a llMtilntf'i conn yesterday. Uv t'hiam,6l. admitted she took down the stakes from MM at Blk 144. 1460-B. (Jendemeer Road on Fiiday at about 5 p.m.
    48 words
  • 2 9 BOYS'CLUB macpherson
    2 words
  • 224 9 NEW LOGO WILL HELP IDENTIFY BOYS' CLUB THIS is the MacPherson Boys' Club logo (above), and similar ones will be used by all boys' clubs to allow easy identification by the public and the boys themselves. The logo is in green except for the name of the constituency, which will
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  • 86 9 PEDESTRIAN Madam Sam Yee Moi, 78, died in hospital two hours after she was involved in an accident with a motorcycle along Sims Drive on Friday. Madam Sam was crossing the road at about 8 a.m. when the accident occurred. In another accident the
    86 words
  • 67 9 AN assistant supervisor who used the keys entrusted to him to steal 59.012.50 from a safe in the NTUC Supermarket in Rochore Centre was fined $2,000 by a magistrate's court yesterday. Cheong 800 Sheng. 24. admitted that he took the money on Oct 29 last year
    67 words
  • 234 9 \BOI T 111 Indian nationals all Air India employees and their family members have been stranded ■ere since Friday after failing to get seats on their airline's planes for home. Most of them have been roughing it out at
    234 words
  • 77 9 THE Marine Parade branch library is organising a visit to the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Singapore Polytechnic on June 17 at 1.30 p.m. The visit is open to 40 teenagers. Transport will be provided and a $2 fee charged. Application forms are
    77 words
  • 346 9 BOTH Australian and Singapore government representatives yesterday called for freer trade movement between Australia and Asean. Protectionism they said, was not the answer to worldwide recession problems. The Australian High Commissioner, Mr Kenneth McDonald, said businessmen needed "little persuasion that
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  • 49 9 THE Bedok North community centre youth group is organising a midnight tour tonight. From June 16 to 20. it will conduct a five-day trip to Malaysia A temple visit is scheduled for June 27 between 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. For more d.'lails. telephone *****36.
    49 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 425 9 jJ^^uj(fd IMETRD IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY ill AND ITS YOUR PARTY Metro is having the biggest, brightest Anniversary party of the year! j^ m Join in the fun at either thfe first session (10.30 am <*•*«. *S>*m Mr 12.30 pm) or the s^cqhd session "isJ!* 1 m (2 pm 4 pm)
      425 words

  • Article, Illustration
    43 10 Arousing security consciousness A mock robbery to show how the 'James Bond' briefcase works. The man leaving the bank has the briefcase strapped to his wrist. When snatched, the briefcase sets off >n alarm and emits a dense smoke which stains the contents.
    43 words
  • 535 10 GOING to the bank with the company's weekend takings secured firmly In a briefcase can still be a rather unnerving experience for many people. There's always the possibility of being attacked and robbed. One of the more sophisticated Items on the market now is the
    535 words
  • 1369 10 IT'S a worldwide phenomenon that crime goes hand in hand with industrialisation. But to the tourist, Singapore is still one of the safest countries to visit. And Singaporeans likewise may have been lulled into complacency living in what on the surface appears
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  • 302 10 HOW YOU CAN PREVENT A BREAK-IN NO HOME can be made completely burglar-proof. But you can make it difficult for criminals to break into your premises by removing the opportunities whereby they could make you an easy victim. The Crime Prevention Department has issued the following guidelines to help you
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 394 10 Wl^* unite QX PLAY THEM FOR YOUR PLEASURE ONLY. THE AKAI GX-F66RCGX F44R CS F39R >REVERSE<TAPE DECKS Now AKAI GX-F66RC and GX-F44R brings the luxury of high-tech and professional tape decks to your finger tips. Examine thearray of innovativefeatures; some AKAI originals, others a 'First' in tape decks; you'll find
      394 words
    • 197 10 Ha vS^H^HE& The close circuit TV. The visitor S X^^^^ presses the M~ r number of I the S I apartment. She appears 9 1 »n a MTfen, i^^H^H^&^Hl H^^^^_^^_J enabling theHHHHHHHHHBHHHIBH owner to identify her.!] J The owner wtJr^^^^^\ J I can also htSm ft I Jfll Ulk U>
      197 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 872 11 I COUNTER HtStT _\___________W______^^^K^^^^^^^_^^%^ fa National _J 1 f fflffl HtM r— vim I** I HRR 1% i ~~-~i H PLAY !Jj A^.X i^fl VTM RtC T OP II mUSE STILL i t HHil HEW PLAY > r B STOP PHUSE STILL to^iciMr- pm** TRACKING rlCllWt «B SM*«P 1 SOFT
      872 words

  • 329 12 School Council VITB may help meet shortage of art teachers ART diploma holders from the VTTB may be given teacher training at the Institute of Education to help meet the shortage of art teachers in secondary schools. These diploma holders could then enter the education service as specialist art teachers
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  • 661 12  - Boys the top scorers in GCE 'O' level exams HEDWIG ALFRED and EVANGELINE GAMBOA By BOYS are the top scorers, although on the whole, girls do as well as the boys in the GCE "O" levels examinations. This was the picture that emerged from analysing the last three years' results
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  • 402 12 A TRAINING programme for would-be principals is being planned by the Education Ministry and the Institute of Education. The pre-service programme, meant for senior education officers before their appointment as principals, will be conducted by the Institute. In a paper presented to
    402 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 440 12 Authori—d Dmmif: You will never in w-~* M 1 M.BBBI VtZft*" regret making a =f Wk SHARP decision l|p»fc to hire purchase wr* mm A *>«*&• ten. V 4 top brands in If: s l *mmMWV* BIHWIBBi H9 Iff BALESTIEB ROAD TUMMCI i-f i and Video a" mp. at GOLD
      440 words
    • 316 12 ENGLISH STREAM O" Levels Results 1981 compared with 1980 1— 1 1 ENGLISH BIBLE LITERATURE KNOWLEDGE MUSIC MATHS B BIOLOGY 4.3% more 9.6% more 6.4% more 4.9% more 2.4% more passes passes for passes passes passes Paper 2040 6.8% more passes for I Paper 2041 advtfrh L iv <2uT \S^
      316 words

  • Untitled
    • 680 13 SECONDARY school students may be able to offer a new science subject combination called Science/Integrated Science starting next year. It will replace the physical science and general science syllabuses. Plans have been made to introduce it to Secondary 3 students. bmb^bib^mb^bv However,
      680 words
    • 88 13 THE Director of the Institute of Education, Dr Sim Wong Kool, said yesterday that the first issue of React (Research and Evaluation Abstracts for Classroom Teachers) will be ready In July. He said the publication will be in the form of an attractive
      88 words
    • 364 13 Mixed reaction to mid-term camp proposal FANCY going camping right in the middle of a term; perhaps even during weeV days! A proposal to introduce this in schools on a wider scale for Primary 5 pupils upwards was made in a paper presented at the Schools' Council meeting yesterday. The
      364 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 486 13 middle-age spread? at any age, you're better off without it! Pol bclU Hahh) arms and legs? Ihkkcning B B waistline "Row" wuirsdf hack into top shape in I iusi nunutcs da) with KOWVIACH II; the sturih and economical now home trainer I spcculK designed for men and women who don't
      486 words
    • 276 13 More options for Science Students Subject combinations Exam papers Science (Biology, Physcit) 1 Physics 2' hrs Science (Biology, Chemistry) Chemistry 2 1 t hrs Science (Physics, Chemistry) Chemistry 2 1 i hrs Two Subjects Physics 2 I A hrs Science (Biology. Chemistry, Chemistry 2Vt hrs Physics) Biology 2 1 i
      276 words
    • 79 13 The 'All-Original* Furniture Collection from Europe J m 1 '^^ial^B^B&i ~~.>BBI KRISTION Solid Pine Settee $1450 fSST^ NOW AT PRICES YOU COULD REALLY AFFORD! Cmnhli of: 1 1 Dooi Wudiolx iwKkoui Unwl BHB!!fl 1 Dii»m T«bU IwHti Mtrril 1 HrrhUr Takto WJHbW^*^! t*tth ■kw] AU Price* Do Not Include U
      79 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 570 14 LOCAL Chinese writers were last week urged to broaden their scope of subjects to reflect social reality instead of personal feelings, romance and family affairs. They were told to take on a greater social role by enlightening people and giving them more food for thought. There are
      570 words
  • 183 14 BETWEEN 1970 and 1980, both 13 and 17-year-olds became less likely to try to interpret what they read and more likely to simply make unexplained value Judgements about it. One way of characterising the change during the '71s is to say that 17-year-olds' papers became somewhat more like
    183 words
  • Untitled
    • 57 14 AN UPSIDE-DOWN flight which lasted five hours 51 minutes has been made by FlightLieutenant Boscola at Centocelle Airport. After the flight, the pilot was examined by a doctor, who certified him to be none the worse for his remarkable feat. The flight was supervised by the
      57 words
  • p^^^^^^*^^l
    • 614 14 IT Ls not easy planning for cultural development la a multi-racial, multi-religions Singapore like Mrs. So what are the major sensitivities whleh we have to take note of? Obviously we must give some balance to all the various racial groups that are represented here, as
      614 words
    • 2465 14 Towards a more culturedjiiformed and cohesive society In our hustle and bustle towards economic progress and development, culture had always taken a back seat. But not anymore. ZAINUL ABIDIN RASHEED talks to the Minister of Culture, Mr S. Dhanabalan, on a range of topics pertaining to cultural development, including the
      2,465 words
    • 736 14 JOHN ROCHE By GENTLEMEN of Singapura, if you thought long and hard before saying yes to marriage, and yes to children, now is the time to think even longer and harder about saying yes to girl guides. I can think of no more effective
      736 words
    • 770 15 4 So when I say preserve, I mean to preserve the art of how to play the instru- IN the context of oar multi-racial society, was there any attempt to foster a deliberate synthesis of cultures? If you use the word deliberate synthesis, we never had
      770 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 20 14 BALLY, EXPRESSLY FOR YOU SEVILLA Anything less would be an unacceptable compromise. Show Centre. OiHord Centre Picuo &ngapura. Specialists Centre
      20 words
    • 138 14 COMPUTER —^r^ CENTRE ©ta^y^\^^kfe ■L*^ MIW J J/.JJI tPPVH9IP Computer monitor, floppy disk drive and graphics printer I FREE SOFTWARE I— JIpSJ «J "Personal Filing System "Graphics Program "10 Diskettes with over 100 programs EPSON Typi 111 \f ALS-SYMER6IZER PTTPCHE' Printers includes Wl Z Card Z 80 CPU for ■Tl^^^B
      138 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 162 15 Milano A leather case that'll stand out in any boardroom. European styling, Italian hardware. hen you buy a Samsonite, you're buying strength, toughness and durability. After 80 years of making top quality luggage, ==->J^^^^^^KlV Omega 1 1 Samsonite today offers the best in American "^St*3B^^. The world s no seUer
      162 words

  • 1385 16 777 ere ore woys /-o encourage responsibility in children, whether it's keeping his room clean or doing his best in school. And they don't require nagging or begging or bribery. In this third part of a series, DR VICTOR CLINE, a psychologist, gives practical advice
    Los Angeles Times Syndicate  -  1,385 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 308 16 MAZDA 323 TOYOTA COROLLA NISSAN SUNNY^^^J 20,795 units 19,903 units 14,330 units [BUM I '^H •^B^j|Bßßm» AB& Bl *****1. -M-Jfc— BJ L^^^^^_ J^Br^M^^^B^^Bßr W «Mi i^H I I I MtvM iW V* 1* C^ B^ B Bt^^ 4 Ibb> Bl_ I Look us over. IBM Singapore takes pleasure in machine
      308 words

  • 2 17 DIALOGUE J^djyendl]fjnanj
    2 words
  • 262 17 FACSIMILE: From The Sunday Times, May IK Regarding your article "The Jagas" published in The Sunday Times (May 16), I wish to add that the Sikhs came to Singapore in the 1850s and went into the profession of the jagas, but whatever their profession, there still was in
    262 words
  • 1142 17 PAUL MEYER By PERSONAL Motivation development of inner st scious will power, overw sire and the determinati any goal that YOU want It is a proven fact that this ability is not inherited. Obviously, the power, the capacity, the developed skill to achieve outstanding success
    1,142 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 442 17 holidays ALL TAIWAN/KOREA ==^k 1 1 DAYS $2459 Q t^§ ?fr ALL TAIWAN/KOREA/JAPAN IPf" <s£ty 1 6 DAYS $3009 ALL TAIWAN/KOREA/JAPAN/HONG KONG 19 DAYS $3249 Dep: 31/5, 7/6, 14/6, 21/6, 12/7, 26/7, 2/8, 23/8, 13/9, 20/9, 27/9, 4/10 18/10,25/10 ALL TAIWAN £*^M&fA 9 DAYS $1 839 t^T^^MS^i* TAIWAN/HONGKONG ff^W#?"\T 12
      442 words
    • 369 17 If H Safe pads J made slim* ft j mi-charm The Singapore woman knows about silk. What shes looking for is value. Telling a Singapore woman about the virtues of Chinese silk is like explaining snow to an 4 |i Eskimo. imsw m^m What we would M W* gm 4*?'
      369 words

  • Article, Illustration
    163 18 A special guide to computers Systems Approximate Costs Aval AVC-777 $7,000 Commodore 4032 $6,700 Data-General MPT/100 $15,000 Discovery Multiprocessor $16,000 Fujitsu Micro-8 $7,700 Intertec Superbrain $10,150 Matsushita JD74OM $12,000 NAC 8850 $12,000 NEC PC 8000 $7,300 North Star Advantage $10,000 Ohio Scientific C4P $5,800 Osborne I $5,650 Otrona Attache $8,800
    163 words
  • 1102 18  -  LILLIAN CHEW By THE advertisement reads, "If the auto industry had done what the computer industry has done in the last 30 years, a Rolls-Royce would cost $2.50 and get 2,000,000 miles per gallon." It aptly describes how computer technology has gone light years ahead
    1,102 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 387 18 Congratulations to Mosche salon Congratulations to on their official opening. f 1.01 Mosche Salon on their official opening. Mosche Official Contractor. SHAPE DESIGN 673-C, Block 2, BALESTIER HILL SHOPPING CENTRE m Q A 11 A Q ft P I II D s^^^^^^^^^^ SINGAPORE 1232. OBllfliiH U L U D MHHHHMH
      387 words
    • 111 18 Appkatioft Area Systems Appronimate Costs SCIENTIFIC Commodore 4032 $6,700 Data General MPT/100 $15,000 0 Discovery Multiprocessor $16,000 Pin Fujitsu Micro 8 $7,700 r-. TfffT Hewlett Packard 85A $6,400 LM-M. NEC PC 8000 $7,300 jVf North Star Advantage $10,000 /s*t~— X t** 0 Scientific C4(> 55.800 ZA Otrona Attache $8,800 (without
      111 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 4730 19 TELEPHONE SERVICE: *****22 RATES: Mondoy Fridoy 9.00 om -530 pm r- 1 CLASSIFICATION GROUP t, IS 00 pm tor next day) Ordinory 90 cts per word (Mm S l 3 50) l E^^ f/^^&\ I \V iG^~ j-^xj llxT^ar I llxr^^f (f^^i f I (f^\ t(r 1 2 30 pm
      4,730 words
    • 1651 19 Q Vehicles Boats DOWN PAYMENT OF $4,000 1977 70 Pleasure Boats- Uatsun 100 A FII l.aily owner ,Hj V^,Ti- Tax L)ec ***** T ■»7<5507 Sale/Wanted/Hire Mr Tan. call after 11am a JUNE 1977 OATSUN lOOA FII. one owner, alrcond. new sports tyres. radio Tax November $12,500 LIVE ABOARD ConUct 4M3885
      1,651 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1171 20 Q Vehicles Boats MM JAN 1»7» HONOA Ao-ord 1602 c.c 78 Vhid-ForSf BSK^KSSSSS^^SBSSBB paint, price $25,200 on.o. Tel: *****78 f Haneta 197 HONOA ACCOM) 1600 4 doors rmvmmm hu|1 accessorle5 Very we ma i n lamed Original paint $23,000 ACCORD 4-OOOR MANUAL, show- p n u View: Block 128. 1851K.
      1,171 words
    • 214 20 new tyres, radio cassette. In showroom condition. Price: $56,000 negotiable. Contact *****68 David Toll AUGUST 197. MERCEDES 200 Family's spare car 1 owner. 6.000 km only Eligible PARF. $58,500. *****84/ *****3 MERCEDES 200 BRAND new PARF. $84,146 Available Immediately Ms Long for appointment, *****29 Other models available. 1.70 MERCEDES 2MS
      214 words
    • 490 20 Vntiictes Boats ALMOST 1110 COLT Super- li if t GLX 1400 c c 5-door. Power economy gear Aircond. one owner Beautiful condition $17,800 Blk 161. 1616 A Lorong 1 Toa Payoh APRIL '10 LANCER GL. One owner, taxed till 3/83. Tuff-kote. sporu rims, cassette player, seat cover, low mileage Showroom
      490 words
    • 859 20 1174 LANCER 1200 PARK eligible. New airfon. tyres. Sl«reo Low mileage, consumption Tax Feb 83 $8,700 *****98 1171 COLT LANCER. 1400 (5speed). full accessories. Price: $11,700 ono View 190 C. Moulmein Road. Singapore 1130 1177 COLT CELESTE 1800 Alrcon. sports rims, radio/cassette. Showroom condition. $15,500 Tel: *****97 1171 MIT LAMOA
      859 words
    • 1785 20 Q Vehicles Boats 1979 ISUZU GEMINI. 5-speed new SUZUKI 7SO c c Katana 6 insurance, road tax. tyres, air- months old New tax. tyres cond. radio, cassette, excellent **■**>■ c *"> on msulments. Tel: condition $15,000 0.n.0 View al: <4«684 No 90. Blk 1009. Buklt Merah AZ YAMAHA RXK. Black
      1,785 words
    • 1663 20 js^ll C Accommodation ■■II Proparttat ROOM TO LET in I list 0821 (or 85 Homing Loans >h drpn housing loans/ financing up 87 Accommodation to $450. 000 available For en- Wantad quiries tfl *****88 ext 190/ iwomww B1M4) *****09. Trni! I M 86 Accommodation \a) Houses Vacant _1 Larg* Computer
      1,663 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 599 21 j& Accommodation Properties f OPEN HOUSE One of the most exclusive apartment buildings in Singapore is open for public viewing this weekend. One or two year leases Fully furnished, partly furnished and unfurnished Area 253 sqm/2,700 sq.ft. Rentals from $5,375 p.m. mcl. service charge. Conveniently located five minutes from Orchard
      599 words
    • 531 21 ing owners only of terrace and semi-detached houses. Owners in disLs 19. 20 28 Please do not hesitate. Write to: S.T. Box A *****. 1 New Industrial Road. Singapore 1953. HILLCREST ARCADIA 2 bedrooms unit wanted by genuine purchaser. Interested owners please call *****8 with details (Monday). WEALTHY LOCAL/ FOREIGN
      531 words
    • 467 21 WlSTr^-^ NAM HO TRMEI SERVICE [S) PTf LTD HmOfflcr Gl4-16-18, Pearfs Centre. Eu Tong Sen Street, (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tet *****33 (7 lines) ■riartOflcc 1 1 9, People's Park Complex Ground Floor, New Bridge Road, Singapore 0105. Tet *****1/*****2 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****3 TA 140 ■UICI/JAPM *****(11 fMACMI 18dayaSS3775/--21 day* *****5/Dep
      467 words
    • 1967 21 1 11 JAM U 1/ /M^R~~i il, fr C\v ](j_Bßal_h k _^_E_9___! UWII][SS jJjm/i Lgyr^^Wlfe^r^ Singapore's BIG Language School _W_^x£> with the SMALL classes Travel with comfort and reliability ENGLISH GERMAN Established since 1966 En and Bal iun Hol Xl g*""^ french Italian Spanish mmmmmmmammm^ am^^^^^ m Switzerland. Uachtanstsm. Austrk.
      1,967 words
    • 48 21 m '^ertio n ™^»Pt service l^ lr /I a^H 7 1% laV .-Se?i^t^- tomy m 1 ]t J guesfft* X n Was rented I I^^2*«*%,KSS, Thanf t you CATS* ATs <°< a JOb weW done m W Sl »Sapore io£ ait^^T m P^S Ba^B^afca_a»»»ta__ fl a_B ■ajki k^^^_»^r —^"~-v^___fl
      48 words

  • 426 22 New frontiers of opportunity for every Filipino President Marcos on the meaning of independence EIGHTY-FOUR years ago, our heroic forbears took the bold and historic step of proclaiming the first independent republic in Asia. For Filipinos, the declaration of independence was the proud culmination of this long, arduous straggle for
    426 words
  • 470 22 Central thrust of diplomacy under the New Republic THE new integrated development diplomacy of the New Republic emphasises the dovetailing of foreign-policy programmes with the economic goals established by the national leadership. In the words of President Ferdinand Marcos, "we are turning to our
    470 words
  • 534 22 Message from Manila envoy Mr Privado Jimenez ON JUNE 12, we Filipinos- celebrate our 84th year of independence with justifiable pride, borne of the realisation that the heroism and sacrifice of our forefathers were not in vain. The strongest thread running through our history is our
    534 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 400 22 SOUTH /X *Hi ■**M I I li I*J*J 1 l!^£ '*^^K f* fLUZON Mil Uji W&amla PHILIPPINES /J. flfefr^. AREA approx. 300,000 sq km l/WJjJUa POPULATION more than 48 million itt/O fV° CAPITAL Manila sulu >fc» *JT\ CURRENCY peso S£A f£)£ MINDANAO POLITICAL LEADERSHIP A&. Ml Ar PRESIDENT Ferdinand Marcos
      400 words

  • supplement
    • 465 23 From Page 16 creasing First World development assistance and the setting up of a Common Fund to help developing countries in times of temporary foreign-exchange imbalances caused by fluctuations in world prices of particular commodity exports. With respect to the Common Fund, the Philippines has offered to
      465 words
    • Article, Illustration
      516 23 Fomulo on different and more subtle challengers Filipinos face Philippine Independence Day ONCE a^aln, the FUlpiii« nation commemorates the historic proclamation of Philippine independence in Kawit, Cavfte, by General KmiUo Agulnaldo on June 12, 1898. Colonial injustices had bred a deep sense of nationalism which proved in be strong enough
      516 words
    • 852 23 Highlights of the Livelihood Programme THE launching of the Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran programme (XXX), the focal point of the New Republic's development programme, received great publicity, but there are significant points vital to its appreciation which call for greater emphasis. The XXX programme, which has the characteristics of a
      852 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 208 23 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of the Republic of the Philippines on the, occasion of their 84th Anniversary S L§t« v| T ~>£.\WU F N B^aWY^Vwa^l Lh N G sblMb^bP»W -^^^^^^~*Bpa™| Visit us for a wide selection of finest quality Philippine handicrafts and watch our craftsman transform a
      208 words
    • 45 23 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Government and People of the Republic of the Philippines on the occasion of their 84th Anniversary 0 MALAYAN INSURANCE CO. INC. (Incorporated in the Philippines) Tuan Sing Towers, 9th Floor, 30 Robinson Road, Singapore 0104 .Telephone *****66 Telex R*****9
      45 words
    • 249 23 |wa/ congratulations jm and best wishes w\^w^° the government people jy&T 0F THE REPUBLIC OF THE <&sW PHILIPPINES ON THE OCCASION W OF THEIR 84th ANNIVERSARY We Bring Philippines One Step (Wholesale And Retail) I G^^ a s C 7* jfiaifly (fiSfg) G-36, World Trade Centre, Singapore 0409. Tel: j^-^/f
      249 words

  • Untitled
    • 45 24 Acknowledgements The Family ol the Late MR. TAN BAK KOK wishat to aiprasa their heartfelt thanki lo all relative!, friendt. neighbour! RC ol AMK Zone B and Blk 326 AMK Old Men Club for their condolence, assistance, attendance, wreaths and donations during their recent bereavement
      45 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      60 24 In Memonam In Loving Memory ol MDM. CHAN YEE PENG Dapartad 6 6 81 Because in her life she was saintly. Because In her heart she was pure. Her reward we are sure must be heaven. And our grief we must try to endure Always remembered by husband Wong Yip
      60 words
    • 39 24 Mrs. Choa Tack Hin (Mdm Tan Geofc Choo) Departed: 6 6 76 There is a memory in our hearts today Thai passing years cannot take away Dearly remembered by Husband, ion. daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren
      39 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      29 24 In Loving Memory of Chan Tian Chuan Dapartad »th Juno 1977 Fiva long years have paaaad But memories atay Iresh and painM Always remembered by loved ones. Sally Lim
      29 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 24 Deaths ALEM AINE MEKONNEN pasted away on sth June 1982 I ■nrml.s a:i<l rvlativfs may offer their condolences preceding the lervtcei at si Joaeph'i Church from :im) pjn onward* on Sunday 6th June. 1982. Cortaga will laava SI. Joseph's Church for Mount Vernon Crematonum on Monday. 7th June. 1982 at
      53 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      78 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      41 24 MOM CHEW CHWEE NEO. EVELYN Passed away paacafully at Jurong Hospital at 4 4Sam 5/6/82 Dearly missed by brother sisler md daughter lo mourn tar loss Cortaga will laava Blessed Sacrament Church Oueenstown on Monday 7/6/82 al 12.30pm. lor Mt. Ver-
      41 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      49 24 Condolences ALEM AINE MEKONNEN pattad away on Slh June. 1M2 Our iti'i'pevi sympathies to MRS. ELSIE MEKONNEN on the demise of her beloved husband By:- Ray and Etltwr A t ebu»h Mary Juay and Family Rodgw. Dicky. T.T. Tan In Mamonam" is lor the loved onn whom you remember
      49 words
    • 22 24 LATE MR. MOTA SINGH S/O LABH SINGH VILL: MOHAN PUR DEPARTED ON 6/6/79 Sadly missed by wita children, son/ daughters-in-law grand children
      22 words
    • 1409 24 IT WILL BE THE SAMBA MEN' FROM THE LAND OF SOCCER PREVIOUS WINNERS: 1930 Uruguay; 1934 Italy; 1938 Italy; 1950 Uruguay; 1954 W. Germany; 1958 Brazil; 1962 Brazil; 1966 England; 1970 Brazil; 1974 —W. Germany; 1978 Argentina 4 SO Europe had a taste of what is to come from Santana's
      1,409 words
    • 144 24 Four games to be telecast 'live' THE Singapore Broadcasting Corporation will telecast "live" some of the matches in the World Cup soccer finals in Spain from June 13 to July 11. The confirmed "live" ties (all local dates and times) include two first-round matches between England and France on June
      144 words
    • 261 24 BRUSSELS, Sat. If history is anything to go by, the outcome of Belgium's opening World Cup soccer match against Argentina in Barcelona's nou Camp Stadium on June 13, has already been decided. It will end in 0-0 draw. The curtain-raiser in each of
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 94 24 PRAGUE, Sat. Czechoslovakia were held to a 4-4 draw by West German club FC Nuremberg in their final World Cup soccer warm-up match last night. The Czechs, who line up in Group Four along with England, France and Kuwait in the finals in Spain on June 13, raced
      AFP  -  94 words
    • 221 24 Italian players are missing their spaghetti MADRID, Sat. The Italian national soccer team have had to do without a basic food staple sDaehetti. Customs officials in Barcelona were holding a large shipment of the pasta, which had come from Naples, to be sent to Pontevedra, on the Northern Atlantic coast,
      AP  -  221 words
    • 122 24 HAMBURG, Sat. A West German computer yesterday predicted a final between West Germany and the Soviet Union In the forthcoming World Cup soccer tournament in Spain. The computer analysis, which was released by the West German magazine "Hoerzu", is based on the recent performances of the
      AP  -  122 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 24
      0 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 109 24 MOM POH GEOK YAM aiteil Nil (vufr Ol the late Major Tan Cheng Chyt, .1 P 1 pmaaad away peacefully on -1/6/82. leaving behind (On Kdward Tan Soon i.iaiiK. daughtM Batty ranOlm m lj daughter-in-law: Dorothy. sun Simon grandaDd-ln-law: Kugene (Singapore) and great grandson Glenn 10 noun tier loss Cortege
      109 words

    • 216 25 40,000 policemen on duty during finals MADRID, Sal ABOUT 40,000 national police and civil guards will be stationed throughout Spain during ih<- World Cup soccer finals, but there are no guarantees against Basque terrorists attacks. Director General of World Cup state security Krabcisco said yesterday. "It is conceivable that
      AP  -  216 words
    • 204 25 Bessonov, Buryak in Soviet squad MOSCOW, Sat. Vladimir Bessonov and I^eonid Buryak, who had been doubtful because of injuries, were listed among the 22 players named by the Soviet Union for the World Cup soccer finals. Bessonov, who has been nursing leg muscle strains, and Buryak, who fractured a heel
      AP  -  204 words
    • 115 25 WARSAW, Sat. Poland yesterday named their 22--man squad for the World Cup soccer finals in Spain, omitting a goalkeeper who failed to return from a tour of Western Europe. Goalkeeper Jacek Jarecki, 24, of the armysponsored team Slask Wroclaw, failed to accompany the side back
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 98 25 VALENCIA, Sat. Striker Joaquin "Quini" Castro, who was the victim of a kidnap by terrorists last year, was among the 22 players named by Spanish coach Jose Emilio Santamaria for the World Cup soccer finals. The squad GMtlkrrprrs: Luis Arconada, Javier Urriticoechea, Miguel Angel Gonzalez; Defenders:
      AP  -  98 words
    • 73 25 PARIS, Sat. French manager Michel Hidalgo yesterday announced a no-surprise 22--man squad for the World Cup soccer finals. The squad Gaalkeepers: Jean Castaneda. Dominique Baratelli, Jean-luc Ettori: Defenders: Manuel Amoros, Patrick Battiston. Maxime Bossis, Gerard Janvion, Christian Lopez, Philippe Mahut, Manns Tresor. Midfielders: Bernard Genghini. Rene
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 308 25 Foster surprise choice in Greenwood's 22 p^ip^yyyflji^fl^yfliflJYgffyjTiFTTTi LONDON, Sat STEVE Foster was a surprise choice in the England soccer squad of 22 for the World Cup named yesterday by manager Ron Greenwood. The Brighton central defender, who did not play in either of the midweek internationals, won the vote over
      AFP  -  308 words
    • 224 25 No trial for Games but Windsurfer, Mistral will count THE Boardsailing Association of Singapore will use the Mistral and Windsurfer class competitions to select their representatives to the Asian Games in New Delhi in November, reports LEX SEOW YAM. The Mistral competitions will be held in June and the Windsurfer
      224 words
    • Untitled
      • 67 25 ATHLKTICS: Canadian Milt Ottey bettered the Commonwealth Games men's high jump record and American Del Davis equalled the American mark as both cleared 2.31 metres at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships in Provo, Utah, yesterday. Ottey held the previous Commonwealth record (2.30 m) which he registered
        67 words
      • 36 25 A 24-year-old Soviet athlete Sergei Litvinov set a world hammer throw record of 83.98 metres beating the pevious record of 81.80 at a army sports meet, the Soviet News Agency Tass reported in Moscow.
        36 words
      • 95 25 BASKBAIX: Kansas City Royals edged out New York Yankees 4-3 in an American League game. Other results: Cleveland Indians 6 Toronto Blue Jays 3, Seattle Mariners 4 Detroit Tigers 0, Minnesota Twins 4 Baltimore Orioles 0, Texas Rangers 4 Chicago White Sox 3, Boston Red Sox 11 California
        95 words
      • 53 25 BOXING: News that three men have been accused of manslaughter following the death, four years ago, of the Italian middleweight Angelo Jacopucci, after a fight with Britain's Alan Minter, was received with shock in British boxing circles. Minter won the fight, for the European middleweight title, by a
        53 words
      • 29 25 Former Olympic champion Howard Davis rallied to score a unanimous derision over Julio Valdez. of New York in a 10-round lightweight fight in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
        29 words
      • 31 25 Mitsuji Kobayashi, of Japan, scored a fifth round technical knockout victory over Chung Chul Park, the South Korean flyweight champion, in a scheduled 10-round non-title fight in Tokyo.
        31 words
      • 32 25 CYCLING: Italian Francesco Moser clocked 4 hi 16 mm. 48 sec. in a sprint finish to win the 20th stage of the Tour of Italy race from Vigevano to Cuneo.
        32 words
      • 28 25 MOTOR RACING: Lastminute work on the newly-built course forced major revisions in the practice and qualifying schedule for today's inaugural Detroit Formula One Grand Prix. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  28 words
    • 145 25 ENGLAND AVENGE DEFEAT LONDON, Sat. England outplayed India for the second time in three days to score a resounding 114--run victory in the second of the two one-day cricket internationals at the Oval yesterday. England, who took advantage of helpful conditions to win the first game in Leeds by nine
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 280 25 LONDON, Sat. Pakistani Test batsman Zaheer Abbas equalled a world record and took his season's batting average to 100.50 when he scored his second century of the match for Gloucestershire against Lancashire in the English county cricket championship yesterday. Zaheer's 107 followed an unbeaten 162 in
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 653 25 YOUNG SWEDE SCORES STUNNING VICTORY OVER CLAY-COURT MASTER CLERC The men's singles final of the French Open tennis championships between Sweden's Mats Wilander and Argentina's Guillermo Vilas will be telecast live today over Channel Eight at 8.15 p.m. PARIS, Sat. Unseeded Mats Wilander, of Sweden, and
      653 words
    • 398 25  - Lim hits fiery form to win under- 14 title JANICE SEAH By NATIONAL junior trainee David Lim, 13, won the Singapore under-14 tennis title yesterday when he beat K. J. Teoh 6-4, 6-4 in the junior age-group final at the Singapore Tennis Centre. The game between these vastly different personalities
      398 words
    • 236 25 Curren masters Teacher in the semi-finals BECKENHAM, England, Sat. South Africa's defending champion, Kevin Curren, swept into the final of an international grasscourt tournament here yesterday, defeating top-seeded American, Brian Teacher, 6-4, 7-6. r Curren will now meet Britain's Buster Mottram. who beat American Tom Cain 6-3, 6-1. American Pam
      Agencies  -  236 words
    • 37 25 FRANCE, Sat. French stars Jean Tigana and Marius Tresor. who were injured in yesterday's friendly international against Wales at Toulouse will be fit the World Cup soccer finals starting in Spain on June 13. AFP.
      AFP  -  37 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 93 25 IN TUttt. »~> HUIUMItU-MIIU ymkaotewiMMtinyrtifyyaw Thty'r* (kwluta notl A»d *l fn—4tl Th— m|c fckfa tn »QT **k'<M t—i<nq to*. Uilm<«i •wi'l-miWj-iW "M««rUo« I Lie»M». "••aW njlirnrfi T M -it*. 4* Uwm*** W»rK—t»r "I Oo Slron, Man Stunts A rut Mime tmiiti ip""*"*™ <■"• io«.»«tisu) ratt TRAFFIC TIWITI. o, p i
      93 words
    • 293 25 XL ENERGY DRINK I f\ JUNIOR TENNIS brTW SCHOOL EfifcJ Under the auspices of tfj Singapore Lawn 53? Tennis Association, Singapore Sports mim Council. w^ official equipment Dunlop Sports v*?^ XLV ENERGY DRINKv *W JUNIOR TENNIS N^ I SCHOOL x^^ Application forms are available M from the National Stadium or
      293 words

    • 430 26 EPSOM JEEP W*^^T J^^^9^ J^^fJ By CHARRETTE, who won his first race in Class 4 at the tailend of the 1980 season, is remarkably improved and I rate his chances second to none in the $50,000 King's Gold Cup trial (Race
      430 words
    • 152 26 RACE EPSOM JEEP FAIRWAY RACING ED Nano Nano FT. Leader Daniel F.T. Leader Nano Nano Daniel Nano Nano FT Leader Ophelia Mmdy Solicitor She's A Lady She» A Lady Azandra Tungesh Solicitor She's A l-ady A/anilia Greenfields Fortune Hunter Venus Marshall Regent Court Venus Marshall S. Gesture Pusaka Regent
      152 words
    • 252 26  - Gao Hsing can topple fancied runners TONTO By FIVE-YEAR-OLD Gao rising by Prince Regent can surprise in Race 6, the King s Gold Cup trial. This useful grey has won over varying distances I,ooom to 1,600 m. He showed a return to form when he beat the fast-finishing Siapa Rajah
      252 words
    • 217 26  -  EQUESTRIENNE By SPARINGLY raced Alchemist can return to the winning list in Race 4, the Class 3 Div 3 sprint over 1,200 m. The Hunka Papa three-year-old's only win was in last October when he beat a Class 4 Diiv 1 field by five lengths
      217 words
    • 175 26 TIPTOP By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Daniel, late Precision n, has come right and should have the beating of his Class 3 Div 5 rivals in the opening race. The four-year-old gelding came home well for a half-length second to Wonder Woman in Div 7
      175 words
    • 73 26  - The mudlarks THESE horses go well on a wet track: RACE 1: Bisma. Supreme Reward 11. RACE McGarret 11, She's A Lady 11, Azandra. Disco Kid. RACE J: Regent Court, Logical 11. Pusaka RACE 4: Isomeric. Alchemist. RACE 5: Quikstart, Marshall Silver. Classic Persian. RACE <: Bellus Domina. Charrette. Added
      73 words
    • 5190 26 Today's card 2.00 CLASS 3 DIV 5 1,200 m (Ratings: 84-75) (Stakes: $14,500) 1 i***2* Nano Nano 57 (84) Nano Nano-West 4mh a Dgg Cg ud 2 (1200 m) Useful Malaysian-bred with already three wins; ran only once this year finishing creditable 2nd with 55 to Villa D'Este after making
      5,190 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 564 26 APPOINTMENTS (bayer) Bayer (Singapore) Re. Ltd. V^^/ requires 1 SALES MANAGER :jx< We are one of the leading German Chemical Companies with activities around the world. For our consumer product division in X v Singapore we are looking for a highly motivated SALES MANAGER His responsibilities are: Xv to develop
      564 words

    • 1814 27 TIPTOP and FAIRWAY K^-»y \T^*7^T?W^i%*ft^^M By KUALA LUMPUR, Sat.— Veteran jockey George Podmore, 56, who said yesterday that he intends to quit racing after the Queen Elizabeth II Cup meeting next month, showed all his old vigour when he booted home a fine
      1,814 words
    • 31 27 FIRST: *****2 SECOND: *****1 THIRD: *****9 STARTERS: *****3, *****6, *****2, *****8, *****8, *****4, *****2, *****0, *****1, *****4, *****3. CONSOLATIONS: *****7, *****8, *****5, *****7, *****2, *****5, *****2, *****4, *****6, *****5.
      31 words
    • 698 27 STIPE'S REPORT KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Stipendiary Steward's report on today's races: RACE 1: Shipping Magnate (Anuar) unbalanced his rider when iumpimg out. After the race, Anuar was questioned on his handling of Snipping Magnate. He was warned that he was expected to jump his horse out properly in future
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1022 27 APPOINTMENTS I CAREER OPPORTUNITY I I TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGIONAL I 1 SALES MANAGER WITH ONE OF the world's leading telecoms innovators I The Post I A challenging position in the world's most advanced and leading telecoms innovating organisation. I The Responsibilities $1 Reporting directly to the Director of Sales, the Manager
      1,022 words

    • 392 28  -  JOE CORAI By CAIRNHILL Football Club kept their unbeaten record by a whisker when they were held to a 2-2 draw by lowly-placed Mountbatten in the National Football League Division Two match at Farrer Park yesterday. In fact, Cairnhill, one of the three
      392 words
    • 32 28 NOTTINGHAM, Sat. Manager Brian Clough signed a new three-year contract with Nottingham Forest yesterday. His present contract with the former European soccer champpions was due to end next April. AFP.
      AFP  -  32 words
    • 249 28 MADRID, Sat. Spain's leading newspaper El Pais has called the World Cup soccer finals "as the great national disaster." With barely a week to go before next Sunday's kick-off, stands are unnumbered, Press rooms are incomplete and telephone lines are not yet installed at
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 267 28  - Kent thrash Tornadoes to maintain winning streak J. RAJENDRAN By KENT continued their unbeaten march to the Singapore Softball Association men's senior league title, trampling Tornadoes 18-3 at Dover Road yesterday. Having already beaten Hunters, the defending champions and certainly, top contenders for the title, Kent's crushing victory yesterday must
      CLIFTON AW  -  267 words
    • 233 28 JANICE SEAH By GILLIAN CHEE was responsible for two of the three records set at the Singapore Swimming Club's 10th junior championships at Amber Road yesterday. Christina Tham set the third Gillian bettered her time of 1 mm. 7.5 sec., set last year, when she clocked
      233 words
    • 170 28 Goh and Patty hold lead after 12 games EDDIE GOH and Patty Hor held the lead after 12 games in their respective men's and women's graded events of the Masters bowling finals at Celebrity Bowl yesterday. Goh amassed 2.431 pinfalls while Patty totalled 2,157. The remaining 12 games in these
      170 words
    • 33 28 SEOUL, Sat. The professional Philips club, of Holland, beat South Korea 2-0. and Indonesia edged out India 1-0 on the opening day of the ninenation President's Cup soccer tournament last night.
      33 words
    • 203 28  -  TORONTO, Sat. Poland's Andrzej Grubba beat Sweden's Mikael Appelgren 21-9, 21-17 in the third round of the round-robin Masters table tennis tournament yesterday. Grubba, currently ranked 12th in the world, played well back from the table. Appelgren has already qualified for the quarterfinals by beating Czechoslovakia's
      Reuter  -  203 words
    • 329 28 R. MANORAJ By GIANT-KILLERS Girls Sports Club were brought crashing down to earth by Singapore Recreation Club, who beat them 6-0 in a surprisingly onesided Singapore Women's Hockey Association knock-out final on the Padang yesterday. GSC, who had knocked out last year's champions Schools
      329 words
    • 385 28 GOLF ROUND-UP JOHORE BAHRU, Sat. Burmese rookie professional Kyi Hla Han fired a three-under-par 69 for a 139 total and a two-stroke lead on the second day of the Mizuno golf tournament at the Tasek Utara Golf Club here yesterday. Malaysian Eshak
      Reuter  -  385 words
    • 362 28  - Lau, Foo in junior final as expected LEX SEOW YAM By FOR the spectators who wrote off the underdogs Chong Soon Onn and Tan Meng Chiang in the men's singles semi-finals of the junior individual championships at the Singapore Badminton Hall last night, the expected happened. But Chong and Tan
      362 words
    • 178 28 Brazilians in WONG PENG SOON the magical name that needs no Introduction to the badminton fraternity will make his first public appearance as the Kuest-of-honour at the finals of the national Junior individual badminton championships tonight at 7.30 at the Singapore Badminton Hall,
      178 words
    • 341 28  -  BARCELONA, Sat ARGENTINIAN soccer superstar Diego Maradona yesterday joined Spanish club Barcelona in a deal worth US$7.7 million (sl6m) which ended weeks of speculation, claims and denials from all the parties involved. The 21-year-old player was presented to the Press by Barcelona president Jose
      Reuter  -  341 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 228 28 FAIRMATE the dynamic choke of the dynamic X*~X generation P. P i¥BUCrO2§jIJi) Model: v?MMmLJ u^ ui_ walkmate PR-222 V w Mini FM Stereo Cassette Player. Features: FM MPX Stereo Radio Receiver FM Stereo Battery Level LEO Indicator Separate Left Right Volume Controls Cue Review Function Hi Low Tone Switch Muting
      228 words
    • 393 28 Jm SINGAPORE wm y Z£3L sports v MB COUNCIL /part/ for all A Thin mmokly column will Itmturm SSC fit Sportn lor All programme*. C\\ A S N. Singapore International 'fry Dragon Boat Race* '82 Hoata A ja^KW Sunday 6 June. 900 am rm 1^ East Coast Park (6 Km)
      393 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 13 28 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton /'raise you) I'/^ was only ship J Cy#2
      13 words
    • 315 28 ATHLETICS MR 25 5,000 metres time trial (Macßitchie Reservoir, 5 p. m.). BADMINTON National Junlar e'salps finals (SBA, 7.30 p. m.). BOWLING Natlaaal (■'ships (Celebrity Bowl, 9 a. mi. CRICKET SCA My. 1: CSC v SRC (Balestier Road), SCRC v IA (Balestier Road). Tanglin Taverners v Armed Forces (Dieppe Barracks),
      315 words

    • 1 1 WEEKENDER
      1 words
    • 1217 1  -  LIM PHAY-LING ftOD PULLEN'S is another success story with a difference he rose from dispatch boy to managing director in less than 10 years. Now with Ogilvy Mather Advertising in Singapore, he tells us how he made it to the top. By HAVE you ever wondered
      1,217 words
    • WEEKENDER films
      • 562 2 ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Now showing at Capitol and Republic JAWS 2 Now showing at Jade Reviewed by WALTER SEOW JOHN Carpenter, the specialist in horror thrillers (Halloween, The Fog) leaves familiar territory to go crystal-ball gazing in Escape From New York. What
        562 words
      • 204 2 Jaws 2 bites again jaws t, the sequel to the second biggest money-spin-ning block-buster, is back at the Jade to take a sec- ond bite at the box office. The setting is the same as in Jaws, the summer resort town of Amity which was once terrorised by the Great
        204 words
      • 860 2 The original KING KONG (1933) Friday 8 p.m. at Goethe Institut Reviewed by ROGER YUE THROUGH the efforts of the Singapore Film Society, the greatestever movie monster, spawned in a Hollywood studio 49 years ago, is about to trundle across the screen
        860 words
      • 354 2 ROLLS, ROLLS, I LOVE YOU! Now showing at Prince, Liberty and Savoy Reviewed by CHONG WING HONG ROLLS, Rolls, I L»ve You! looks like another madcap comedy from Hongkong, but it has a rather unusual theme class straggle. No, there
        354 words
    • WEEKENDER arts
      • 667 4 GRACE WONG By VIETNAMESE ITEMS AT NATIONAL MUSEUM THE 235 seemingly lifeless pieces of Vietnamese ceramics now on display at the National Museum provide a fertile ground for enquiries into the practices and thinking of some of the ancient people of South-east Asia. The display is
        667 words
      • 686 4  -  SINCE Nov 4, 1979, The Sunday Times has tried to carry a Poetry Corner every week space devoted to the publication of poetic efforts. Some 6,000 contributions have been received. Out of this unexpected and quite phenomenal response we have been able to use about 350.
        686 words
    • WEEKENDER sight & sound
      • 441 5 KANNAN CHANDRAN PICK OF THE WEEK By CELEBRATE with the victor or, if you wish, sympathise with the vanquished. But whichever side you choose, don't miss the French Open which is coming to you live today (Ch 5, 8 p.m.), courtesy of Banque
        441 words
    • isignusoundl
      • 593 8  -  MICHAEL PASKEVICH By I m ar^.^p^-ar^r^-^P^fanf.^PTa-Oaa|-a^a.^-l O^at^CT^^a^l^aCa^aa^PCEa-a— a>JI IN A surprising, lastminute change of heart, officials of NBC have decided to rescue Taxi, the award-winning comedy series cancelled earlier this month by rival ABC. Jndd Hlrsh and the rest of the
        593 words
      • 546 8 Superintendent Hackett sheds tough image to act in comedy JOHN ROCHE By IT WOULD be difficult to imagine a less likely partner for a fun night out than the ferocious, even thuggish Detective Superintendent Hackett from the TV series, Target. Yet they say that inside every "hard man" actor there
        546 words
      • 172 8 I I 1 R R > 5L v^Jweml SONG TITLES 1 1 Key Largo (Bertie Higgins) (7th week) 2 2 Ebony And Ivory (Paul McCartney Stevie Wonder) 3 3 Classic (Adrian Gurvitz) 4 4 Don't Talk To Strangers (Rick Springfield) 5 5 Cool fight (Paul Davis) 9 6
        172 words
      • 522 8 EARL hi. l (ill CRAZY FOR YOU (liberty KMI) Various players; The tunesmith returns with pretty much of the same, although Late Night Guitar (Liberty 1961) was more of a jazz album. The tunes are just as pretty and, unlike Late Night Guitar, which
        522 words
      • 365 8 BEETHOVEN Symphony no. 9 in D minor. Karl Bohm Vienna Philharmonika, Concert Chorus of the Vienna State Opera; Jessye Norman (soprano), Brlgitte Fassbaender (contralto), Placldo DomlnSo (tenor) and Walter ierry (baritone) Deutsche Grammophon). Above the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren in St Paul's
        365 words
      • 1197 9 9^Bmm WM i|;:i LOST your specs the last time you were out skiing? Well, I did warn you I lost four consecutive pairs when I began. But that's nothing when you hear that local ski champion Leslie Foo broke a leg putting him out of
        1,197 words
      • 1417 11 Malacca has a place in history LIM PHAY-LING NGHAI CHEE WAH Story: Pictures: MALACCA memories... of a town with a place in history. Anyone who has said Malacca is a sleepy little town must have arrived in the dead of night. Because Malacca by day (and Malaccans do rise and
        1,417 words
      • 731 11 For rich and poor YOU really don't have much choice for accommodation. There are other hotels along the same lines as the Admiral closer to town Palace, Regal, Wisma, Valiant and the colonial Malacca Straits Inn, a government subsidiary. Room rates start at Ms2o a night single occupancy. If you
        731 words
      • Article, Illustration
        255 11 HOW TO GET THERE THE best way to get to Malacca is to drive up like we did, courtesy Sintat Rent-a-Car and the Tourist Development Corporation of Malaysia. It's a very picturesque drive of about four and a half hours if you travel at a steady IN km h. We
        255 words
      • 111 11 TOURIST INFORMATION YOU can check with the Tourist Development Corporation of Malaysia's Singapore office in Ocean Building before you go. Or contact the Tourist Information Centre in Malacca for maps and brochures. The office in the red-washed Dutch Square is open Monday to Friday from B.M a.m. to 4.M p.m.
        111 words
    • food
      • 682 12 Fried fujian mian that is done just right HE HAS been sitting at the entrance to Sing Thye coffee shop nightly from Monday to Saturday for the past 40 years. He is in his late fifties, thin but with arms that have grown sinewy from incessant stirring of wok after
        682 words
      • 604 12 Modern-day French cuisine owes much to Italian cooking ■U IN 1533, Caterina de Medici journeyed from Florence to France for her marriage with Henry 11. Together with her kinswoman Maria de Medici, the future queen of Henry IV, they brought with them expert cooks. Modern-day French cuisine thus owes much
        604 words
      • 469 12 '^^bcggteJl YOU will not believe it, but another two restaurants have opened during the past week. The first was officially opened last Tuesday, while the other is slated for opening on Wednesday. First things first. The restaurant which was officially opened on Tuesday is
        469 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 136 1 5 Fashion in colour. Page Three, j We take you to sunbaked Port Dick- j son for the concluding part of our holiday colour special. And we've also packed some j other holiday essentials together i with the best bright and beautiful j resort clothes. Finding out about Malacca ...Page
      136 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 ■cVpiTOL-REVuBUC: B 9th"DAY' (CAP *****59) 11am. 1.45, 4,6 30 »915 No Free Li«t aj (REP *****02) 11»m, 1.45, 4, 6.45 A 9.15 Mo Fr«* Li.t iQC.i"* *n»u l H4A T SUPfH STiRIOPHOMJC SOUND* CAPITOI The most modern jto»^JH£S^[HH[ a Since am^^ljaaP *^b^^^ ai \M y KURT RUSSELL B r^P**W ERNEST
      453 words
    • 85 2 I a»»a— -888— a— flflw .a^aW HL'<^^l)CM bbT #AtKCi w^ JmrA' *I W flflflT^^B am I aflflLSv^aVSr aA flfl I B 4' Chinese Opera Series AT HONG LIM PARK 7.30 pm 4-5 June Sin Yong Hua (Teochew Opera) 11-12 June Nan Hua (Teochew Opera) 18-19 June Ping Sheh (Peking Opera)
      85 words
    • 165 2 New Town Golden Clementi Yangtze Q'town Palace Kong Chian NOW ON at 7 THEATRES) Have TOU Seen It Tet? NT: 1.30, 3.30, 7.00, 9.00pm Q: 11.00. 1.30, 4, 6.45, 9.30pm C-P-Q 1 30 3 30. 7.15.9 30 SEEIMC IS-BELttVIW! Golden dementi Q'town New Town Palace Zenith and New Crown MOfIMIMG
      165 words
    • 878 2 HOW SHOWING! LAST 3 OAYS! g 8 (2> OATMAY !i! ODEON GALA ||®SSS: (*****16) 11.00 (*****75) 4 SHOWS Q Q IflflflJf Pe7flT«l C 1.30,4.00,6.30,9.15pm 130, 3.30. 7.00, 9.15pm O C) now showing! O STUDENTS CONCESSION 8 8 X Circle $2.50, Stalls $1.50 at ALL shows O C> STS«mw O MORE
      878 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 996 3 FrHrH IVH! =rl l\l l||lf\l llllllillVlH W Story: LIM PHAY-LING _K 4 Pictures: NGHAI CHEE WAH < 'w V Hflv rnßkr^ J_H_i >V J i ib^ «^^mm /a:" t n Gypsy in the soul with sprigged AfT^t <C^ 1 Indian cottons. Enroute to Port y^ V I Dickson, we met
      996 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 583 4 Why Toshiba Direct Cool refrigerators consume minimum electricity: No fan motor, automatic defrosting heater, thermoregulator, timer, etc fewer electrical parts mean (ess energy consumed and less maintenance Less Electrical Parts Less Electricity Consumed p Toshiba Frost Free rarT Direct Cool Systems 2 Starter 3 Capacitor (Electrolytic Condenser) 4 Control Switch
      583 words
    • 236 4 1983 Secretarial Diploma Courses. Western Australia. Edwards Secretarial Jfl Singapore and Malaysia. College (Inc.) Perth, IlK^lP^iPliK... Accommodation: Western Australia Edwards College will announces that i^_^-«^J^J ass st n selecting suitable applications for the jl^^^l accomrn °dation for Secretarial Courses i^MfliV overseas students with commencing in iifll c o se supervision
      236 words
    • 441 4 DANCE FEAST j ANNUAL concerts by two well-known schools enliven this weekend, and the busy week ahead concludes with a rare performance by part of the National Dance Company. DANCE ARTS SINGAPORE Is now presenting Its fourth annual dance recital and the last show is on today at the Drama
      441 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 _^_V V__^_ HMIIIM, W _________________________________________L .IIsBBBBb! v4||IsBBBBbI SBBBsI llßllll^^^^^^rr*^^ r^^^IIBBBBBBBBBI BBBsl KB A .r^^^tWlTt^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B _________________________B V ■■'C____inU^Lr!!9BH I I 1 |_B_p_p_p_p_p_f_i" r^^^^^\,T?~*Bmmmimm^mmmmm^m ■I ____f 2y**_v 3_____________rf«s^_______________________BH________________P '''J: "VHsssßllssflssssisssssssssHiHßHHP Take a walk through Ming Village and capture >^^_^^ the mystery of the beauty and charm of oriental /^F^ f^^F* artlstrv /KJA':
      156 words
    • 21 5 I Call the one and only F37T Dr. Sony I iT-f any day of the year p^ The Sony Service O"*»«
      21 words
    • 731 5 IF YOU HAVE THE WILL We'll show you the way If you have the desire and willingness to study hard, to gain better qualifications and make a success of your career, we have the ways and means to help you reach your goals. Enrol with FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION
      731 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 970 5 wnNnrRFin Plath based her story m flH iis sssjs kgftt'i How did the dog be- ity (inability?). He can w0 JT> an n ,1 W Bw come man's best reverse the functions of The BellJar her only l^mMT^ friend' things. For example, he novel, was published in I can make
      970 words
    • 1030 5 On M yourTV MM 9.45 Hans Christian Andersen The Tin- gl5 (Eng||Sh) derbox (Part 1) 6.25 Living Tomorrow 10.05 Taman Kanak-Kanak (Malay/r) 6.40 All Creatures Great And Smal 10.35 The Wonderful World Of Disney Old 7.30 News And Weather Forecast Yeller (Part 1) (MalaY) 11.30 OvaK* WoHd Of Sport Incorporat-
      1,030 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 209 6 Make your own biscuits with easily operated sap automatic il biscuit maker^BJ^^^ Sweden -C 3^^. 1 8 different discs for various uses as well as 6 icing nozzles, 1 8 pieces of stencil sets for cakes, are also available. Sawa 91 is fully guaranteed for 5 years. Beware of Imitation.
      209 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 150 6 will Mil BiB w^ium^ "1 I^WHAT A £OIK)<:i PfcN^e ,PI60/.'I*\JE MAP TM(6^ I y<90K WARRANTY IS OP... IT 6HOULP I l 7~~ ~~T y 1 LCAReXACttf a MONTHS, AWC7 IT JUST j [^g£ gf?gAK/N6> C^XON ANY MIKJUTB. If *vtM "fm^> ti *v >v^ -c-W" B^^^rru- i :^^r-A^ vknow, fred, you're
      150 words
    • 963 6 $L IF you VWANT AdJTMMMTtCtTY I CAPTUR£P THE AMt THE f Tffl^ifr- /iV 1 T^^kT- <// f I CAANIVOAtS.., POLAR vouve got i^tuoTt^ f I the vcny «s«Cf Ni^»"»JF fl J fli^^^'T^i V BeAR %S? rU f 5 x v iHPPmRHLVmiVHPBHHHHVMM Plans for travel could be \OU^ WTHDAY POKECAST litttHlL#CiftlK^h^l
      963 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 59 7 nVjJIUWtn ana are stilfe -f^^ growing stronger. Guaranteed to write to ttie last drop 0* 5 ?L#fetc&3 N^^4^ Free replacement if pen is unsatisfactory <>?I^^^ /V y^/ </^tungslen CarbWe Tip V •Available in fine super-fine tips. £%f**t*4 70^*36 22^1^^ Writes instantly, smooth and clean all the iQafitM 'yOgn^ t3g#t%6f fifo***.
      59 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 316 7 YOU KNOW. THIS :^T| I JUST j{i f&\ [jN~WE~^UVORCpr~^^^T P!|l IS A VERY J7»6K£SORT SAW ITO2AAE <* ijk ]i§_\ MODESTY PURSUES i h N "C^T^SW Vofhao^on-^ L^IT^y&te^l^^^W^ P??7 SWl»WE5H6»lt ppBWiK FAKES IST/HS INSTRUCTOR, M0PBS7Y WHOLE BUILPIMe NOW, J WLJ<^T^^\ UC Ottfc. k UftIC AL\ vS[ UP GTA07Z 1 11^ OAltilTtO
      316 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 654 8 QUAUFYfor promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED COURSES FROM U.K. IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Improve your position by learning at home and be paid what you are really worth. ICS home-study courses have helped thousands of ambitious men and women achieve promotion and better pay. Moderate fees all books supplied. Take
      654 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 356 9 "Inverted Magic Square" fcy|filllll|l|||^J I In the Magic Square shown all the figure* I ffi I fB& are made up of digits 1, 0, 6, 8 and 9. All !|1 888 the misting figures consist of 4 digits. The nim AOHI sum of figures in any column, row, or a
      356 words
    • 482 9 4^* BQP^ejP^B^^^^^^^^B^B^Bfciflß i &t I wt^k Bi > 55* '-.'l* mmk l ml V 2 111: —w Baw. *^m-s v ■Lull MIT IV V %BL# .^B^BIP^^BH Ib^t -^»iBHC<» b^^^B^tb^b^bwVb^^b^b^b^^bV This year, diop the worid in Hong Kong. W~ =M In: Diiix'liir S£. Amj, No other city in Asia gives you
      482 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 FROM SWEDEN WITH CARE Seven days a week, Stora Kopparberg are quietly making news throughout the world. You won't actually read about us in the papers, but more often than not, G-man Inks are used in all printing processes, including printing on when you pick up a newspaper, you'll be
      162 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 305 11 we put moRE inro this. Introducing Caltex CXTUEL SAVER Motor Oil, the new "super sHppery" SF motor oil that saves fuel. '^^M wk. We're all trying to get the most out of our petrol. FUEL SAVER Motor Oil in comparison with V^v^Lb-tA That's why CALTEX has introduced new CX conventional
      305 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 846 12 You don't haw to go Overseas to get a higher education S<ud> tor >our qualifii-anon ai home and prepare for a successful career with Uk (MS Group. > our answer scripts an- sen! 10 London and returned by prompt courier service provided by imgfWE»7 INTERNATIONAL SINGAPORE. 1 rucil in one
      846 words
    • 103 12 KELANTAN \J^ FOLLOWING in the tradition of Pasar PlnanK, Holiday Inn Singapore 1» bringing down II cocks, a maker of (he famous KelanUn kites and a puppeteer from Kelantan. By virtue of its location right on the Thai border, Kelantanese cuisine Is quite different from that found anywhere else in
      103 words

  • supplement
    • 4 1 supplement Sweden's National Day
      4 words
    • 781 1 Contributing to stability in Swedish society SWEDEN is, by tradition, a monarchy. But it is one that has adapted to modern times and the duties of its king, King Carl XVI Gustaf, include representing the country at the highest level. On one of his many state visits, King Carl Gustaf
      781 words
    • 429 1 Message from Mr Hakan Berggren, Sweden's Charge a" Affaires in Singapore WHEREVER there is a flagpole In Sweden and they exist in large numbers both in official and private places the blue flag with its yellow cross will be hoisted today. This Is because June S is
      429 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 313 1 WIN YOURSELF A FREE TRIP TO SWEDEN I lvi <^W* vjIJ ll ltrll Llul c Ist Prize: One Scandinavian Airlines round trip ticket to Stockholm i OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM plus a week's accommodation I 2nd Prize: Electrolux no-frost refrigerator I <*■«*«•«• when and where did King Carl Gustav Model TR
        313 words
    • 1755 2 Professor Gunnar Hambraus (right), has been the executive director of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences since 1971. He is also the editor-in-chief of many technological publications. He is consultant to the International Atomic Engineering Agency in Vienna and sits on the boards of
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 639 2 On the occasion of the Swedish National Day, ASEA, Sweden's world -wide force in electrical energy wishes to thank the government and the people of Republic of Singapore for their continued support. m* rp^i f fin LHE9PS_*i^Jll£9il has now allowed us to deve! °p V«\^l xfciw^^ir" a new 9 enerat
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    • 613 3 Gothenburg gateway to trade with the West SWEDEN'S gateway to the West what can better describe Gothenburg? This description of the port may well apply not only to Sweden but to all of Scandinavia as well. Geographically speaking, there exists no other port in Scandinavia wih the same qualifications as
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    • 140 3 GOVERNOR of the province of Gothenburg and Bonos, Mr Ake Norling, is one of those people trying to strengthen the relations between Singapore and Gothenburg, the leading Industrial town In Sweden. The last time he visited Singapore was In February this year in
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 69 3 B«B™^>n.^ ,-j "^v^ I .^jnuu^^' ->»sB?5« |Sgs|^s*\X' rt s*"-:..**'^. ■.<*** -^f%^j^^33Bßß^Ln3^tmiojlßL^LMMMß Reflected by international offices in the Asia-Pacific Region Hong Kong: Scandinavian Far East Limited, 2006 Hutchison House, Hong Kong. Telephone: 5-*****6 Telex ***** Scand HK. Singapore: Scandinavian Bank Limited, Representative Office, 2402 Clifford Centre, Raffles Place, Singapore 0104. Telephone:
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      • 75 3 /outoflU quoted industrial companies bank with us in Sweden. When you're doing business with Sweden, do it the Swedish way. £v Skandlnaviska Enskilda Banken «S) (South East Asia Limited 3901 Hong Leong Building, 16 Raffles Quay, Singapore 0104. Telephone: *****44 Telex ESSEBK RS ***** (general) ESSEFX RS ***** (foreign exchange)
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    • 576 4 'Strong likeness in trade policy' Singapore is a splendid place for Swedish compa- nies when it comes to keeping in contact with the Asean countries and South-east Asia on the whole. For manufacturing companies the high rents and market prices can sometimes be an obstacle. But as a contact point
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      • 45 4 Saab-Fairchild 340 Saab 900 Turbo l^^^^^M 7^ lit Scania Heavy Truck Saab-Scania AB, Head Office, S-581 88 Linkoping, Sweden Tel: +4613 *****0. Telex: ***** Soufh-Easf Asia Represenfafive Office 507, Sin Chew Jif Poh Building 19, Keppel Road, Singapore 0208. Tel: *****22. Telex: RS ***** SAABSC
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      • 603 5 J^ljiiM^^^^^lßß^^sjf^^^l^^B^^ij^^^H i;^^i§ lY^lliT'lCT TV^\7iT^ll lli/^T^l rather the exception and SKF every type of rolling bearing and a few other kinds as a thousand could outlive the machines ihc> v ore in. X Al.W' IV/I I I I l£-x IV/ V V^ILJ-Llv^l mad nistor y hv inventing rolling well. As a
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    • 1981 6 Sm orgasbord delights EVEN in the 16th Century, strangers were astonished to find that banquets arranged by Swedish townsfolk and farmers tended to start with bread, butter, cheese and herring. And even at Court, if the guests were considered to be rather humble, there was a separate table with anchovies,
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      • 380 6 Z. UXOR, in the Far East HONG KONG FROM SWEDEN BANGKOK KUALA LUMPUR M \^M Colombo r SINGAPORE^*^^^ JAKARTA Mi ;1 f MELBOURNE J Luxor was established in Sweden But what of tomorrow? standards and demands of the over 50 years ago as pioneers in the Consistent research and future
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    • 894 7 CA A<s<\ CD\ IMTDV Not named for its fragility, Smaland V. l T 00 is also known as the region from which come many of the best things that are made In Sweden. Well-designed pine furniture, matches and other consumer products are made there, but
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      • 453 7 The most logical system towards better storage economy and Modern Warehouse Management 'mm I/ f M fc H^C^ i myr Utilise expensive space to the maximum, keep tied-up capital to the minimum. You can achieve these with ELECTROLUX CONSTRUCTOR ELECTROLUX CONSTRUCTOR'S sophisticated pallet racking by Planning your store with our
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    • 3223 8 TO THE Swedes, holidays have always been quiet, unhurried leisure hours to be enjoyed to the full in their beautiful countryside or by the sea. To enable tourists to enjoy it too, the Swedes have provided the right kinds of facilities: New hotels have been built in
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 237 9 OUR AIM IS TO PREVENT AND CURE DISEASES The Central Nervous System, a new research area of Astra Astra is one of the most research oriented pharmaceutical companies in the world A% STK A. SWEDEN For more information, please contact our regional office Suite 2114, International Plaza, 10, Anson Road,
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      • 424 9 LeadingVi*/ Caipatw in Sweden. If you transfer all responsibility to a single company, there can be no doubt who is responsible. ASG assumes responsibility for the entire chain of transport from door to door. Even if yo i havp a host of business partners, spread all over the glouc, it
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    • 420 10 ON November 27, 1895, a year before his death, Alfred Nobel signed the famous will which would realise some of the goals to which he had devoted so much of his lie. A generous philanthropist, Nobel stipulated in his will that the major part of
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      • 511 10 CHRIS-MARINE (S) PTE. UD. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS DIESEL TURBOCHARGER REPAIRS Exhaust valve grinding machine Valve seat grinding machine Valve spindle support grinding Type LBD. Type MSP machines Type 75H 150S "u^*-:^*^ LI A> Jf *-'J BW A&L 1 CHRIS MARINE SERVICES C Specialised in-situ grinding on all types of: Engine f\^
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      • 94 10 It ■■m A wind power station incentives like the Nobel Prize awards sttmalated such research Xr~P^ """Ox it~^\ NORTH pte ltd \O\l\rUJ*+jt sth Floor, Cuppage Centre, VfN^ yt\i Singapore 0922 Phone: *****00 h *«.G«»o*yF Telex: RS ***** NORTH >L Jl I^Persforp ONE OF THE WORLD'S LEADING FORMALIN CHEMICAL COMPANIES AND
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    • 805 11 Inventions resulted in present-day prosperity FOR a relatively small nation, Sweden has a remarkable number of inventions to her credit. Swedish innovations have played a decisive role in laying the foundation to Sweden's present-day prosperity. They have also created the basis for Sweden's successful export trade by providing the technical
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    • 448 11 NOT so long ago, laboratory doctors in Sweden were paid a certain amount for each analysis. When modern instruments made it possible to conduct faster and faster analyses, the county councils had to revise the system of payment for the medical corps. If this
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      • 271 11 pt^ The Axel Johnson Group supplies stainless steel that fights corrosion Alunm picture shows retubtng with AVESTA 254 SMO of a condenser in a nuclear power plant m Finland About 250 tubes lOD2( X I mm I have replaced existing CuNi TO 30 tube* which had corroded in the brackish
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      • 411 11 Higher speed steel. I I ASSAB ASP high speed -A* tV steel has been specially developed for high performance cutting tools. |]HkHM^HHES^HV™9Ji This is because its J|^^HBiHßL^^ i«^^i»n^^^^B combination oi hardness, ■P^l ftfl wear-resistance and HkL -tf&i tough ness enable much llißi^Jl faster cutting speeds and n«««««««««««««««m. aßwm heavier chip
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      • 234 12 provide ,~~'WC JESBKj Complete Food Service t6g iT?!& fjT^S Equipment r^^jTlr Equipment 9 >i Complete Sterilization Plants Wm 'y *mr Mf^" *!r7^L BT •"•^BtT""! I ITl^'il.H' World's Most Weil-Known Air Pollution Control [Cr] JTIcIKT System Equipment Pumps For all I stajntess steel rjeepwell Applications Submersible Turbine Vertical Multi-Stage In-Line Centrifugal
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      • 346 12 HI ini^Bw I in "East is East and West is West but Gotabanken is bridging the Gap Founded in 1848, GOTABANKEN, is one In Singapore the fast-growing centre of the oldest and largest commercial banks of Swedish business in Asia with over 80 in Sweden. Apart from a large national
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