The Straits Times, 9 January 1982

Total Pages: 66
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1982 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 99/1/82
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  • 633 1 What YOU think of moral values THE Times Organisation's Research and Information Department embarks on its most ambitions public opinion survey today YOl may be one of the people selected for personal interview by oor researchers today, or over the next few weeks, on Singapore's "Values Systems." D* not be
    633 words
  • 451 1 Reagan reverses election stand WASHINGTON, Friday PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan, reversing his campaign position, announced today he would continue the registration of 18-year-old Americans for possible military service because, he said, "we live in a dangerous world." Mr Reagan said in a statement he would not
    Reuter  -  451 words
  • 211 1  - 'Live' soccer telecast to 5 nations WILFRED YEO By THE "live" telecast of the New Zealand versus China World Cup soccer play-off at the National Stadium between 7 and 9 tomorrow night could, just possibly, attract a viewing audience around 200 million, a i record for a single event staged
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  • 297 1 SAYS WARSAW TV LONDON, Fri. WARSAW Television said today that the free trade union, Solidarity, planned to seek arms from the United States, France and Britain in any open conflict with the Polish authorities. BMaia^aMßi The television broadcast, monitored here, said the plan
    Reuter  -  297 words
  • 32 1 MANILA, Fri. Government troops killed five communist rebels, including a field commander, in a 20-minute gun battle on Bataan Peninsular across Manila Bay, the Philippines news agency said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 183 1 BEIJING, Fri. SEVERAL Chinese youths are to face trial on charges that they "disturbed public order" in spontaneous demonstrations after Chinese victories in sports abroad at the end of last year, the Beijing Daily reported today. The front-page report appeared two days before a World Cup qualifying
    AFP  -  183 words
  • 112 1 FORD M*Ur (!«mpuy ■■veiled la Detrait on Itanday tkto mw. twopMMager cmr that runs •a aatirml gaa and c«n be retailed at Mlaa CyatfcU Gaeataer Is iliwi here demonstrating hew toe ear, called AFV far AJteraattlve Pael Vehicle, eaa he faelled from a special
    112 words
  • 157 1 Appeal filed in Howe case THE Chief Assessor (Property Tax) yesterday filed a notice of appeal against the judgment of the High Court valuing a property, partly owned by Mr Howe Yoon Chong, at $389,500 for the year 1973. The appeal is also against the court's award of costs to
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  • 58 1 TOKYO. Fri. A 12,289-tonro> Japanese freighter, which was reported in clanger of capsizing in rough seas in the northern Pacific, made emergency repairs hy itself and was head ingfor a nearby island today The car carrier Kinko Mary with 26 crewmen on board is no
    AP  -  58 words
  • 67 1 ROME, Fri. Police and firemen helped by skin-divers and amphibious vehicles searched a small lake near Pisa today after an anonymous telephone call said the body of kidnapped American general James Dozier could be found there. Police said the search started at dawn and continued until
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 27 1 LONDON, Fri. Iranian firing squads have shot six more leaders of the Baha'i religion, according to a Baha'i statement issued in London today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 71 1 KHARTOUM, Fri. The four universities here were ordered closed today after four days of anti-government student protests. Omdurman Radio announced. Khartoum was quiet yesterday after police dispersed about 200 to 300 students. Hospital sources said one student was killed and two wounded by gunfire on Wednesday when
    AP  -  71 words
  • 66 1 UNITED NATIONS, Fri. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar plans to cut back sharply on official travel by UN staff, his spokesman said today Large sums for travel were criticised by the US and other major contributors to the UN budget during Kurt Waldheim s term
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 416 1 Schools told to start not earlier than 7.30 a m By LIM HUI KIAU SCHOOLS have been advised by the Education Ministry to start not earlier than 7.30 a.m. following Singapore's half-hour time change. Principals have also been given the option of opening their doors as late as 7.45. And
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  • 42 1 GENEVA, Fri. A total of 11.261 people left Vietnam last year under a United Nations scheme for officially approved emigration, a UN spokesman said today A majority of refu- gees went to the United States to Join relatives. Reutej
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 50 1 MARSEILLES, Fri A 25--year-old Marseilles physiotherapist has crossed the Atlantic on a sailboard. Frederic Siraldi left Hierro Island in the Canaries on Dec 9. He Arrived at Pointe-a-Pitre in the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe on Jan 4, he said when he relumed here today. AFP.
    AFP  -  50 words
    • 73 1 PARIS FIRM ON VIET PULLOUT PARIS, Fri. Fnuio* will continue to Insist that Vietnamese troops pall oat of (am hod la so that Its people ran exercise their right to selfdetermination, French official!* said today. They said this was the essence of what Foreign Minister Claude Cheysson told Asean ambassadors
      AP  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 KINGS SAFETY SHOES Oil- Resistant JRiA i Model 760 KING'S SHOE MFGPTE LTD f |H| 122, Blk 36, Dakota Crescent, /ffi Singapore 14, khw.son.arth Tei 4464 100 *****27 Hit FIXED DtPfISITS ACB offers higher interest rates 1 month 6% pa. 2 months 6V?% pa 3 months 7V 4 pa. 6
      91 words
    • 117 1 I PGA 1 T-Line i Putters MX! *Sf NT T r GOLF M 27 FABEAST V SHOPPING Cf. W M 5 ORCHARD «D S PORE 0923 TEL *****38 7371 939 TELEX R5 ***** CABLE PARGOLF ONLY YAMAHA CHILDREN ELECTONE COURSE HAS IT! A progressive education system A comprehensive examination system
      117 words
    • 64 1 66 pages today NEARLY ONE IN THREE UNDER-5S FOSTERED OUT—SURVEY Back Pag* Your weekend reading Pag* 9 SSO plan to get expats to be citizens Pag* 12 SUMMARY I WORLD NEWS 3,4,1,1 CAUSEWAY IS EDITORIAL 11 LETTERS IT BACKGROUND 18 CLASSIFIEDS CT-S4 COMICS 35 SPORTS SMI A peek at the
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    • 510 2 Labour task force THE Labour Ministry has set up a task force to work out how to induce bosses to employ housewives on four-hour shifts, a move that can help solve the labour shortage when foreign workers are repatriated, the Prime Minister had said. The group is now gathering
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    • 323 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE Education Ministry is vindicated that its decision to concentrate Promsho students in one centre and provide them with special tutoring has been the right one. Students with the academic qualifications who have passed op Promsho should now rethink, given the impressive results of the
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    • 262 2 Football's inventor THE English may have given the world the rules of modern football, but it was China that invented the game. Yes, the Chinese national team, now here to play New Zealand for the last berth in the World Cup finals in Spain, claim their forefathers first played
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    • 286 2 MAS MAKES FINANCING CHEAPER FOR EXPORTERS S A I? BE S r eXpOrterS WIU able to enjoy cheaper financing as a result of the pi? hOrity t f SingaporefdecisTon to lower its rediscount rate for exDort and nrp ssai^Th- 8 5 r ccm from 9 5 previously. This
      286 words
    • 55 2 RESISTANCE TO 3RS POLICY THE Malaysian Governments plan to restructure its education system by returning to the 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) has encountered opposition. Its detractors see the move as an attempt to change the character of Chinese and Tamil national primary schools and switch their teaching mediums
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    • 605 2 AROUND THE WORLD Technology transfer PRANCE has agreed to cooperate and keep in close touch with the US on the issue of Western technology transfers to the Soviet Union. Both their defence ministers agreed in Washington that such transfers, if unchecked, would give the Soviets a windfall advantage in their
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    • 249 2 Rivalry to worsen THE rivalry between the Malaysian Chinese Association and Gerakan, both members of the ruling National Front coalition, is going to worsen. There has been talk, especially within the MCA, that the two should engage in a "fight to the finish" under their respective party
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    • 407 2 Preservation on paper WHILE Kuala Lumpur's traffic snarls, dirt and pollution annoy residents and visitors alike, one man VICTOR CHIN sees the beauty behind all that confusion. This graphic designer's attention is focused on the city's vanishing early architecture. And painstakingly he preserves on paper, old buildings whose
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 447 2 GRAND fIM^SJ iictfin the \c» Year on an au»piciiHi<> note. Make m HAOO purchase al HlKAandtfi-labisAnsl'ow! H.SO (XXI ».,rih ol Anfi fo»Mo bt (Jivcn I (^^^M^^^^H a»a>! Sohurry! l"he more you hu>. the more Antf Pom* you'll get. IIIKA lias thi latest and moM complete rantfc of i furniture in
      447 words

    • 144 3 CARPETING HIGHWAY TO KEEP THE RAINS AT BAY RESIDENTS of a street In Santo Crux, Cftllfornlft, r»Ued oat tketr carpets naraday to prevent their road from being washed away by heavy rains. Northern California has been pelted by canUiini rains tram Sunday to Tuesday, causing damage estimated at ver i:Ss!tl
      UPI  -  144 words
    • 222 3 3 FILMS VIE FOR MOST GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS HOLLYWOOD, Fri. The films "Ragtime," "Reds" and "On Golden Pond" captured the most nominations yesterday for the 1982 Golden Globe awards, the first of the floodtide of movie and television honours culminating with the Oscars and Emmys. In television categories, the night-time
      UPI  -  222 words
    • 372 3 CIA agents posed as envoys says Pravda MOSCOW, Fri. A number of CIA agents posing as diplomats have been caught recently engaging in espionage, sabotage and "terror activities" against the Soviet Union, Pravda said today. The communist party newspaper said a man identified as V. Kalinin and believed to be
      UPI  -  372 words
    • 534 3 U.S. AND FRANCE AGREE TO KEEP EACH OTHER INFORMED WASHINGTON, Fri. THE United States and France have agreed to cooperate and keep in close touch on the issue of Western technology transfers to the Soviet Union. Defence Secretary Caspar Weinbeger and French Defence Minister
      AP; UPI  -  534 words
    • 177 3 'Defence plan may cost 1,530 b more' WASHINGTON, Fri. Pentagon leaders have been told that the fiveyear defence buildup plan by the Reagan Administration may cost from US$3OO billion (about Ss6oo billion) to US$75O billion (about 5J1.530 billion) more than projected, the Washington Post said today. The newspaper said the
      AP  -  177 words
    • 60 3 TOKYO, Fri. An employee of a town in northern Japan who went to the home of a carpenter found a skeleton, a pile of year-old New Year cards in the mailbox and a clock that had stopped on Aug 2, 1960 Police said they assumed the carpenter, Seiichi
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 249 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. TWO government scientists said yesterday they believed the West Antarctic lee sheet has been melting during the past 4* years and the cooling it caused may have mashed a warmIng trend canned by carbon dioxide releases. They believe the
      UPI  -  249 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 COVER smudge proof Smr Marathon Mascara jfF slashes the price of M beautiful lashes K ',I^-^—^ (|ir| chcr >' |ic s jftnP^^A America's top model, uses .^|L» I Marathon Mascara a r^VI beautiful. clean mascara that *n»S sflf ■^V'-.nV^BB hch.i\i-sc\.ictl\ asymrlashnnm. Ics l With a revolutionary nnnflnVn^nnnHnnnl cur\ed brush applicator
      167 words
    • 778 3 CAREER WITH PA INTERNATIONAL If you have experience in recruiting professionals and executives up to managerial level, have depth and breadth of exposure to various industries and people, and now feel that you are ready to shift into a professional consulting role, you may be the type of person we
      778 words

    • 179 4 LIBERALS AND SDP AGREE ON POLL CANDIDATES LONDON, Fri. Leaders of the Social Democratic 1 and Liberal parties, I partners in Britain's new centrist political al- liance, said yesterday they had patched up 1 their differences over the selection of prospec- tive candidates for the next election. Liberal leader David
      AP  -  179 words
    • 201 4 Russians ask for more credit BONN, Fri. The Soviet Union has asked West German banks for additional credit in recent weeks to help finance a natural gas pipeline from Siberia to Western Europe, German banking officials disclosed yesterday. The officials, who requested anonymity, said the Russians had asked the banks
      NYT  -  201 words
    • 239 4 BONN, Fri. WEST German unemployment rose sharply last month to the highest December flgmre In T! years, with no sign of Enrope's most powerful economy coming out of recession, according to official figures pabllxhed yesterday. The number out of work rose by more than
      Reuter  -  239 words
    • 413 4 Poland's crippled economy hitting Comecon allies PARIS, Friday THE deterioration of Poland's economy, which has suffered a 25 per cent drop in industrial production over the last two years, is threatening to severely damage the economies of the Soviet Union and its European allies. The Polish crisis, Western experts say,
      NYT  -  413 words
    • 153 4 Church hits out at 'unethical' -demands-i WARSAW, Fri. Archbishop Jozef (ilemp, Poland's Roman Cathellc Primate, has branded government demands that people sign loyalty oaths and renounce their membership In Solidarity as "unethical", and said such declarations signed under coercion are ■Invalid". Archbishon Glemp made the statement** to 3,M1 people jammed
      AP  -  153 words
    • 145 4 Car workers acquitted of planning strike WARSAW, Fri. Four workers, accused of organising a strike at the FSOFiat car factory here after martial law was imposed in Poland on Dec 13, were acquitted yesterday and ordered to be released. The judge, accepting defence arguments that no one had organised a
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 84 4 AACHEN (West Germany), Fri. The city of Aachen announced yesterday that Kins Juan Carlos I of Spin had won this year's Charlemagne Award (Karlspreis) (or his contribution to European understanding and cooperation. It said the king will receive the award, worth 5,000 marks (5J4.450) on Ascension
      UPI  -  84 words
    • 216 4 Britain, Spain talks may end 12-year Gibraltar blockade LONDON, Fri. British and Spanish leaders are to hold talks later today which could end a 12-year Spanish blockade of Gibraltar, the British rock colony guarding the entrance to the Mediterranean. Diplomatic sources said Spanish Prime Minister Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo would agree
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 214 4 CHICAOO, Fri. Kolk- j lore baa long told the I story of man's helplessness lo the fare of the moon's mysterious power, and srienti.sU now say belief In sach > tales may not be all lunacy. Ralph Morris, a professor of pharmacology
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 i CIVI L ENGI NE ERS Eg 2 POSITIONS Salaries in the range of $16,000 to $42,000 per annum. One of the largest industrial organisations Position 1 Candidates for the with the capacity to provide long-term Superintendent position should have career employment and excellent about 5 years' experience or more,
      648 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 Put a Beautiful Sony Trinitron where it belongs. On this stylish cabinet. mini,, in- i w^ wl<< aH fjS KVlB42t# 'W w m *^^^^^^^^^BB^j^! •-ii^^Jl' F i ■■^^^^■B— BBBBBBBBBBBbI 1 SHbHbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM^^B&C^'j^B^V-*^-' a^^ *^BH^BBHEMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBB^BnBBttS bD -jjmJMBJIHB-JIMB '^SsBBHBBVi^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^HBBBBIa^' I >- .-..^^^B^^^^p-^B^BBMM ST KV-2030ME* 888 BBb ____J^Bbh NHHMP BJfßßßßW^^^^^^^^Tß lv a M^^^^_K v
      194 words

    • 284 6 Iran turns again to US for food WASHINGTON, Fri. Iran resumed large US 1 food purchases after releasing the 52 American hostages a year ago, a Federal Agriculture Department spokesman said today. The department's Iranian specialist, Mr John Parker, said government statistics show shipments of US farm products to Iran
      Reuter  -  284 words
    • 128 6 Italian PMcriticises Israeli annexation ROME, Fri. Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights was sharply criticised yesterday by Italian Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini at talks with visiting Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir, an Italian statement said. Mr Spadolini stressed the view of Common Market nations, saying that Italy firmly deplored the
      Reuter; UPI  -  128 words
    • 166 6 CAIRO, Fri. PAST of Anwar Sadat's last book. My Will, published pmthumoosly today, shews the slain Egypoaa leader was becoming more and mere of a mystic la his last days, craving a union with God and seeing the creator behind the
      166 words
    • 304 6 UNITED NATIONS, Friday THE United Nations Security Council tonight resumes its debate on sanctions against Israel with Spain, Panama and Zaire, expected to provide the crucial votes on the issue. Syria has called for the debate following Israel's annexation of the
      Reuter  -  304 words
    • 436 6 Yes to $530m package for Sinai evacuees JERUSALEM, Fri. Prime Minister Menachem Begin, arguing money spent is better than blood spilled, won narrow Cabinet approval yesterday for a US$26O million (about SJS3O million) compensation package (or settlers evacuating homes, (arms and businesses in the Sinai desert. Welcoming the decision as
      UPI  -  436 words
    • 31 6 1 m tourists BEIJING, Fri. More than 1.1 million tourists visited China last year, 25 per cent more than in 1980, a senior Chinese official Li Quanzhone said last night Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 427 6 1K AC v m sw>o(j»ii>Ok> 1 9SB I ■■■■■^^511^4 i I tt I i j BKs l>\ f* 1 I \S 1 la| B \A A •> m bW M^)lMm!ml^mm\ W\\. Jk\W B^^^Hr**%!'T'vTtr'sKiTß^'WSl«PfTHß«Bß PH »nuT^^^^*"^^^^^Bj 'iPPQb^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^Bh ■BTT^— r rrr I B^HH HH *-Ww B^Br AmW Ik A M""^^^^"^HB v,.* <■
      427 words

    • 74 7 JOHN BANGSTER, m missile company «fflclal, kneeling beside the GBl -15, the tint of new line of "smart bombs" which can be dropped with pinpoint accuracy on targets. A television camera mounted In Its glasscovered nose guides the tomb to Its target. The
      AP  -  74 words
    • 86 7 MADRiT), Fri. A Spanish priest *>io offered his life to God for the recovery of Pope John Paul n from a bullet wounds, died on Nov 13 exa.tly six months after the assassination attempt at the Vatican, a Papal message published here today says Father
      AFP  -  86 words
      • 95 7 JAPAN AND the United States yesterday agreed to initiate studies on facilities Japan will offer US forces in the event of an emergency on the Korean Peninsula or other areas of the Far East outside Japan, officials from the two sides announced in Tokyo. The
        AP  -  95 words
      • 95 7 CHINA IS ready to negotiate with the Soviet Union over their border dispute, provided Afghanistan and Cambodia are also discussed, Chinese communist party deputy chairman Li Xiannian was quoted as saying in the Italian communist daily Unita published in Rome yesterday. Mr U said there was
        AFP  -  95 words
      • 70 7 THOUSANDS OF Ghanaian workers demonstrated in Accra yesterday in support of their new military rulers, bringing traffic to a halt in Accra Accra airport and Ghana's land borders wci« due to reopen yesterday, according to a statement on Thursday by the ruling junta, headed by Fit-Lieutenant
        Reuter  -  70 words
      • 54 7 CHINA YESTERDAY accused Vietnam of shooting dead three peasant women and wounding a soldier along their tense border late last month. The official newspaper, People's Daily, in Beijing said the incidents were among more than 280 military provocations launched by the Vietnamese against China in the last 20
        Reuter  -  54 words
      • 80 7 THE INDONESIAN Government has called on the population to economise on fuel oil to prevent its oil subsidies from getting out of hand. The Minister Coordinator for Economy, Finance and Industry, Dr Wijoyo Nitisastro urged the country in a nationwide television broadcast last night to use fuel
        AFP  -  80 words
      • 63 7 FRANCE HAS signed an agreement to sell US$2OO million (Ss4oB million) in defensive arms to Nicaragua, Foreign Ministry officials said in Paris yesterday. The agreement stipulates that the military supplies are non-offensive. They also cannot be re-exported by Nicaragua, a clause inserted to assure the United
        UPI  -  63 words
    • 322 7  - Airlines reach uneasy accord with Qantas LIM SAY BOON By Our Melbourne reporter MELBOURNE, Fri. The major international airlines operating to and from Australia have reached an uneasy truce in the Illegal air fares discounting war. In an effort to stabilise the depressed airline industry and to improve yields, more
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    • 226 7 PROPERTY BUYER ANSWERS 'AD' FOR KIDNAPPERS MANILA, Frl. A geulae real estate Myer today e— tarted the family el mlastng amatow getter Temaa Maaetee to Inquire akMt their advertised keaae fer sale. He was net aware that the newspaper aeeeaat was a aided message to the spsrtmaa's kidnapper*. B«slaessmaa Rlc*rd«
      AFP  -  226 words
    • 70 7 TEMUCO, Fri. A convicted murderer who broke out of his cell here six months ago has been found in the tunnel he was digging to freedom, police said. Police found the half-starv-ed Domingo Espinoza Contreras after his accomplice, who fed him occasionally through an airshaft, failed to
      AFP  -  70 words
    • 375 7 WASHINGTON, Fri. THE World Bank, in a move that could have economic ramifications in the Third World, said yesterday it might make major changes in the way it borrowed and lent money. World Bank president I Tom Clausen told an economic seminar that
      Reuter  -  375 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 695 7 I CADET BANK OFFICERS 1 Overseas Union Bank invites applications from young graduates keen to take up a challenging career in banking. Selected ca ididates will be appointed initially as Cadet Bank Officers and undergo a one year training and development r-* programme. On successful completion of the cadetship, they
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  • 624 8  -  HEOWIG ALFRED Promsho students' success By GENTLE persistence by tutors of the recent batch of successful Promsho scholars in not spoon-feeding them with notes during lessons has paid top dividends. Remarks by Oxbridge examiners on their performance have proven that learning things
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  • 82 8 SIX days have been set aside by the Board of Commissioners of Currency to allow the public to exchange old $1 and $10 notes for new ones. The six days are from Jan 18 to 23. In a statement yesterday, the board said
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  • 55 8 SEVERAL exhibitions and demonstrations will be held at Jalan Kayu South community centre at Avenue 10, Ang Mo Kio, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. These include a fish and bonsai exhibition, a Chinese calligraphy and fruit and vegetable carving demonstration. There will also be
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  • 207 8 Shell to buy hovercraft to ferry staff SHELL employees commuting daily between Singapore and the refinery Island of Palau Bukom, about 4.8 km south of Singapore, will soon travel v comfortable speedy hovercraft which tke company is buying from Hongkong. It Is believed that at least two vessels have been
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  • 312 8 Trial of bank and its chairman ASIA Commercial Bank chairman Ang Keong Lan had "actively monitored" the account of a firm for which he stood as a guarantor, a district court heard yesterday. He had looked into the r Ben Huat and Co account
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  • 160 8 Warning to those who ignore ban on crackers THE polirr hmve waned that tough action will be taken against tk*H who ignorr the ban on flrecracbrrs and fireworks daring the coming Lunar New Year. There will be raids on premises to crack down on their storage or sale and increased
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  • 108 8 THE $12 million Woods- i ville flyover, which forms part of the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) from Jurong to Changi, will open to traffic from 10.30 a.m. today. Motorists travelling on the PIE along Jalan Toa Payoh and going towards I Changi should keep to the right
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 615 8 snsa^^^ *1 Hp^> nnnft '^^^^nnsnnai Lnsnai I snansa^^ snV snaV I -snaWjE* .snaV Supper Club 3C *Hfin «/v*y R^ < &//andaKh 111 UfmotaoK Xj'ytUKKiii^ htktnatMrfsvmri. <=*Z^ for information and reservations, please call the Shows/Restaurants Reservation Counter, Tel: *****11 ext 721. 7 OUT OF 10 CORDIAL DRINKERS ASK FOR IT. E^^^^inß^sjßj-J?^^-
      615 words

  • 277 9 CRECHES MAYBE MODELS FOR THOSE INKL CRECHES run by the NTUC and YWCA may become models for childcare centres to be set up in Malaysia. This was revealed yesterday by the Malaysian Minister of Welfare Services, Datin Paduka Hajjah Aishah Ghani, after visiting the NTUC Child-Care Centre at Toa Payoh
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    • The Sunday Times
      • 76 9 LAST week Singapore signed an agreement to boost its understanding and development of genetic engineering. Nicholas RathweU says it is the first step on a course that could see the creation of a high technology industry here more exciting and important than computers. But it
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      • 101 9 CHEMICAL warfare to no longer the exception but the rule. This Is the charge levelled In author Sterling Seagrave's book Yellow Rain. In It, be dacuments how the Russians and their surrogates have been using superpoisans against a variety of enemies, Including CnlnaN army during Its
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      • 42 9 IS SHOPPING synonymous only with Orchard Road? Is class only measurable against brand name and designer labels? In this new column, The Sunday Times begins to question some attitudes and aspects of life both at home and abroad.
        42 words
      • 23 9 THIS weekend, we bring van a summary af harascaplc events. What lttz will be like as the Stars foretell.
        23 words
      • 77 9 THE Man behind the Stars you've seen him around, a familiar face with Leif Garrett and other famous names. Yet that face looks familiar in its own right. Llm Phay Ling talks this week to a bodyguard for superstars that -is also special in his own
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    • Sunday Nation
      • 81 9 Sungei Road going, going... SUNGEI Road, alias Thieves' Market, alias Robinson Petang, is doomed to go the way of the rickshaw and the dodo. Its traders have been given three or four months to quit the area. They will be re-located at "cleaner" Housing Board markets and hawker centres under
        81 words
      • 77 9 AS HE m wheeled into the operating room far emergency Mrgery after that MitrageMU attempt »n kla life, EwfaeatTuiaM Reagan lacked op at Us darter* awl ■aid: "I bape yaa're all Republicans." That and ather wisecracks helped put America at ett. Mare than any ather recent American
        77 words
      • 51 9 a PAIK Choo's Eh Goondu Pasar Patois makes a brief comeback. a Macaw on the trauma of a child's first day at school. a An insight into Picasso the man, in Section Two. With colour pictures of some of his masterpieces; and a The new world of Suzie
        51 words
      • 36 9 a SWEET or nasty, sexy or baring It shows in your handwriting! o What bright city light* have done to Malaysian working girls; and a Games that can tap your mind.
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      • 109 9 a BACK In 1974, he was just a "titch with a waddle." Today, he's one of the world's most-highly paid soccer stars. Eriend Clousten tells you about the Brazilian player he describes as a phenomenon. Still on soccer, Eric Batty continues his World Cup countdown with an assessment
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  • 142 9 Exec jet here on way to new record A GULFSTREAM 111 executive jet will land at Changi Airport this evening while on its way to break the round-the-world flight record for business jets. The jet, named Spirit of America, left Teterboro, New Jersey, early yesterday and will make a one-hour
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  • 45 9 THE Minister of Culture and Foreign Affairs and MP for Kallang, Mr S. Dhanabalan, will open a crime prevention exhibition tomorrow at 5 p.m. at Block 9, Kempas Road. The exhibition will be on again from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday.
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  • 357 9  -  GOH LEE KHU AN By A LABOUR Ministry task force has been set up to work out how to induce bosses to employ housewives on four-hour shifts. It is gathering data for a "very intensive study," said a ministry official yesterday. The group
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  • 285 9  - Police in mufti at airport to curb -crime— K. S. SIDHU By Cnme Desk MORE plainclothes policemen are mingling with the crowds at Changi Airport to curb a rise in crime, including snatch thefts and break-ins. Over the past two months, Joo Chlat Police have received 10 reports of such
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  • 224 9 SOME pupils are luckier than other* In the past several days. They had an MP to chat them np In their schaol canteens. To top It all, their parent* were given advice by the MP far Kanipong Kembangan, Mr Mfcnsor Sukalmi, on haw
    224 words
  • 29 9 THERE will be a talk on sex ually transmitted diseases at the NTUC Trade Union House Annexe in Shenton Way, on March 13 at 2.30 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 314 9 Race ahead with Pony 1400 new look More style, more features at even better value with Pony Extravaganza ■mPWII»'" T ___ii^B«uuuuutuuuuuuuuuul '''an iSr *^3!^?* v *PflSfc *s*^v^ l-^*" BMUUnUaW v l mmm Si^m LsVVk I »k^V «sv*c* BBUBununaV A^&auuV BuV^uV LnnuuuuuV^uuuuuV V uuuuuuuV^uuuuuW 3^. uuuuuu^R^V^uuuuV ut *^muuh BnT v j
      314 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 293 10 Elegant designs on you 1 f~^L4_Ai c IMPW/ YA£ir II ilw~#lmL V^ILJII IwwW I lVww Ivdl A I >^l| 4 IIEXTREMELY ATTR^ffIB»OKS WITH AN APPEAL THAT NEV^R DATES TO WEARTHROL^ taKHENEWYEAR f" -■jK' 3 asst. cof^ I ©ls I iKHAi IBW| BaiE8?^JB8l rfF-% 1 ;5 B^^^ I Vk. I 2^
      293 words

  • 418 11  -  BRIDGET TAN By YOUTH groups should recruit out-of-school youths and those on vacation to ease the labour shortage in Singapore. The suggestion came from Mr Lim Chin Teong, chief executive director of the People's Association. He was speaking at the installation ceremony
    418 words
  • 298 11 PROMOTE SOCIAL COHESION CALL TO YOUNG LEADERS YOUTH leaders were urged to play a more active part in the key role of promoting social cohesion among Singaporeans. Speaking at the installation ceremony of the People's Association Central and Regional Youth Councils last night, Mr Lee Khoon Choy told them that
    298 words
  • 46 11 THERE will be a talk on boygirl relationship and psychological aspects of teenage marriage and pregnancy, on Feb 13 at 2.30 p.m. at the NTUC Trade Union House Annexe, Room A. in Shenton Way. The talk is organised by the NTUC women's programme.
    46 words
  • 88 11 Cake-making and cooking courses THE River Valley community centre women's sub-committee will hold cake-making courses from Feb 3 and vegetarian cooking courses from Feb 15. Cake-making classes will be held every Wednesday while vegetarian cooking classes will be held every Monday. Both classes will be held from 7 to 10
    88 words
  • 29 11 THE Food. Drinks and Allied Workers' Union will hold its sixth scholarship presentation ceremony on Jan 17 at 10 am at the Happy Century Restaurant, Trade Union House.
    29 words
  • 419 11 That WP rally Dates do not tally, says Culture THE Culture Ministry yesterday drew attention to a discrepancy in a reported statement by Mr J.B. Jeyaretnam that he was refused a permit to hold a public rally to respond to a People's Action Party challenge and explain the Workers' Party
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  • 231 11 service witn tne new look to b00t POSING proudly with the paraphernalia of their trade, coffee-shop assistants Hoe Wah Pong (left) and Teo Kin Seek, of the See Hal Eating House, show off their new T-shirts. Perhaps they are the forerunners of a new trend In fashion where •ringlets and
    231 words
  • 42 11 NOMINATIONS are now open for the election of 1982 83 officials for the Photographic Society of Singapore Council The election will be held at the society's annual meeting on Feb 21 at 10 a.m. Nominations close on Jan 24.
    42 words
  • 92 11 Police seek witnesses to fatal mishaps A MOTORCYCLIST and a cyclist died in road accidents on Thursday. Motorcyclist Lim Guan Seng, 25, died on the spot after his machine skidded and hit a tree outside Jurong Town police station in Corporation Drive at 11.10 p.m. Cyclist Goh Kiat 80, was
    92 words
  • 37 11 THE Employment Service Department and Research and Statistics Division, which was partly located at the former Singapore Polytechnic building, shifted to Ex-Naafi Building, 15 Grange Road. Singapore 0923, yesterday. The new telephone number is *****88.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 FLATS COST $89,200 THE five-room improved flats at Indus Road will be sold at $89,200 and not $112,800 as reported in yesterday's Straits Times. The flats, situated in the inner urban zone, will be completed around the middle of next year. iksaw «anfl K^MfcaSsSl
      44 words
    • 262 11 30%-70%0FF China-Shanghai- made Rosewood Blackwood Art Carved Furniture China Carpet 9P| BounuunnpHulP^R CIWI 9 "vasty RorcMm vasn OMng Sm 208 cm 11 7 ok 79cm ST^JII^S! 89cn- > 56cm > 109 cm I 4u^ud^^uT J vv*^rj^£^ un^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^K=3 Mar^TV^BSßsat^ussa I nnisnnssfl China Carpel Altfrfim ■^^^■^^^■^^^■^■P^'TS"*^ Colouc»9ohnes 4llo lines BUciuwod Bar Cjtwwr
      262 words

  • 202 12 The long, long wait every morning TRAFFIC jams like thus one are creeping back along Thomson Road during the morning peak hours. This is despite the fact that the road has four traffic lanes. Since late last year, motorists living in the Jalan Novena area, for example, have been complaining
    202 words
  • 278 12  -  KAREN LAU By THE Singapore Symphony Orchestra is encouraging its better expatriate musicians to become citizens in an effort to have an allSingaporean orchestra by 1987. So far, four out of the 40 full-time expatriate musicians have become permanent residents. They are
    278 words
  • 155 12 Eclipse of moon early tomorrow SINGAPOREANS will be »bte to see mi eclipse of the moon taklag place In the early hours of tomorrow. The shadow of the Earth will be cut on a tali moon starting from 2.M a.m. and endtnf? at 5.38 a.m. The fall eclipse will be
    155 words
  • 509 12 Why I did not ask for name manager A MARKETING manager told the High Court yesterday that he did not ask for the name and address of the man who "demonstrated authority" at an accident scene in 1978 because he had to hurry his sick baby to the doctor Mr
    509 words
  • 321 12 Labourer sues stevedore for $216,000 A LABOURER, paralysed after an accident aboard a ship here in 1977, is suing a stevedore for $216,000 damages in the High Court. Mr Ismail bin Che Mamat, 43, from Kelantan, said at the hearing of his claim yesterday that he was then working for
    321 words
  • 149 12 Egg imports to ease festive season shortage SINGAPORE is importing eggs to cope with high demand during this festive season and to ease the current shortage. Almost 300.000 eggs have arrived from Tnailand. White eggs are now sold at 19 cents and brown ones at 19' 2 cents. The imported
    149 words
  • 58 12 MOULMEIN constituency's welfare committee will be organising a New Year dinner (or senior citizens on Feb 4 at 7 pm at the Moulmein community centre. All senior citizens living in the constituency are invited to attend the dinner Registration (or the dinner will be from Jan
    58 words
  • 80 12 MEMBEHS «rf the Central Providrnt Fund will receive their annual statement ef accwuito by the end of next month. These who are employed will be receiving their* at their place of employment. Those who have used the savings In their CPF account for home
    80 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1111 12 Fifty fashion ideas fix the New'V&ar, And not a stock standard pair of socks or shots amongst them. jBSSV^Ji lunar New Vcar^^Bß||^^|^^BjjMM|M^B LADIES' FASHIQNWEAR JjWr^^^S l^^^"^ a VCr^ f^tfmefor' I BM^J L^^^B I HULLABALOO Dress Suits from New Zealand. $195 WVth \^Tmf^l^r^ renewal. *•> fiM I ROBINSON'S Exclusive Italian Silk
      1,111 words
    • 35 12 DON'T BE SHY IF YOD CM speak Mandarin and are about to use dialect again, stop yourself and start In Mandarin. The ether person may know Mandarin bat may also be shy. Be the Initiator!
      35 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 228 13 SIM M( )L^ BP^^^ B B¥r i JI B¥B¥B¥bSt r Bflk I I i x L^ I Br J^ r #*^BBBr V B .^r .1 > 1 1 if I*VbW vßfl I £> v Mt^ mm < 4: 'ol^Bl^^^ Ol y<r T^Trr^ I j*^" y I %J I 1 aVj
      228 words

  • 38 14 THIEVES broke into the Tai Seng Gourmet Restaurant in Margaret Drive and stole J32.827. Police said the theft was discovered at 8.15 a.m. on Thursday. The thieves entered by breaking the restaurant's front glass panel.
    38 words
  • 295 14 5 months' bonus for Keppel workers KEPPEL Shipyard employees will receive a bonanza with their pay packets this month a five months' productivity bonus award from the management. And If that Is not good news enough, their salaries will be paid out next Saturday, five days earlier than the scheduled
    295 words
  • 344 14  - Ministry hopes to boost milk sale to pupils MAY HO By THE Education Ministry is studying different types of milk that can be supplied to schools in a move to get more pupils to drink milk. When the milk scheme, under which primary school children can buy 150 ml of
    344 words
  • 80 14 POLICE are looking for the relatives or friends of an unidentified Chinese woman who was found drowned in a monsoon drain off Nicoll Highway yesterday. The woman was about 1.6 m tall. 35-to-JO years old and had a large mole on the left side of
    80 words
  • 242 14 THE proposed Society of Editors, meant to enhance professionalism and improve rapport among book editors in the Asia-Pacific region, may become a reality some day but not just yet. Delegates at the first Asian Conference of Editors yesterday shot down a move to
    242 words
  • 120 14 A SINGAPORE publisher of Tamil books has found an export market for his publications in Britain, Australia, South Africa, Fiji and Sri Lanka. Mr E.V. Singhan. manager of EVS Enterprises in Upper Serangoon Road, said Tamil-speaking communities in these countries were ordering his books
    120 words
  • 75 14 OP LATE, UMUrtoto have takea to parUag on tab pedeetrtaa mail In the heart of the elty »ltkotgh there to m uderrrvajid car park right Motorcycle*, earn, vaa* aid lorrlet are f •and all raud the nqoarr at Raffle* Place, where parking topnhihite*. MaUrists wa* park
    75 words
  • 153 14 ARMY cook Phuah Cheng Seong landed himself in hot soup when he gave 23 kilos of mutton from the cook-house to the rubbish collector. For this Phuah, a private of the 3rd Battalion, Singapore Guard, Stagmont Ring Road, was iafled for one
    153 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 334 14 LUNAR YEAR END SALE Rosewood, blackwood mother-of-pearl inlaid classical furniture. Organised by: Singapore Woodcraft Mfg. Co. Pte. Ltd. Venue Mulit-Colour Building, 7*2 Km. Pasir Panjang Rd, Singapore OS 1 1. Tel *****89. *****36, *****8. Date Jan. '82 to 17th Jan. '82 ~~~,VV|»!i| rime 10.00 am to 7.00 pm daily. NFIA!
      334 words
    • 431 14 ni3S Jigsaw Puzzle Contest Ist Prize: Two return tickets to London on \4AS 747. 2nd Prize: Two return tickets to Paris on MAS 747. 3rd Prize: Two return tickets to Amsterdam on MAS 747. 4th Prize: Two return tickets to Frankfurt on MAS 747. sth Prize: Two return tickets to
      431 words

    • 183 15 INSURANCE CO-OP HAS ENOUGH FUNDS KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Ministry of Finance has come out to j assure policy holders of the Malaysian Cooperative Insurance Society (MCIS) that the society would honour its obligations. In a statement issued here, the ministry said MCIS had cemplied with the solvency requirements of
      NST  -  183 words
    • 38 15 PENANG, Fri. Forty-five detainees who were responsible for the rampages in Pulau Jerejak have been isolated from the rest of the detainees to facilitate police investigations. Chief Police Officer SAC Haji Zaman Khan said yesterday. NST.
      NST  -  38 words
    • 298 15 PENANG, Fri. THE MCA-Gerakan rivalry here is far from over and promises to take a turn for the worse before the general elections widely expected early this year. There has been talk, especially within the MCA, that the two parties should
      NST  -  298 words
    • 258 15 Romulo calls in Jakarta envoy over Sabah issue MANILA, Fri. Foreign Minister Carlos Romulo today called in Indonesian Ambassador Leo Lopulisa to express the Philippine Government's "extreme displeasure" over his comments on the Philippines' territorial dispute wi»'.i Malaysia over S.bah. The Foreign Ministry said Lieutenant-General Lopulia was summoned following his
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 60 15 BANK SIMPANAN Nasional, (National Savings Bank), has uncovered a racket involving the forging of passbooks to defraud the bank, the Malay Mail reported yesterday. A syndicate is believed to have printed passbooks and made date stamps similar to those used by post offices. All postmasters and counter
      60 words
    • 48 15 THE SULTAN of Selangor, in a hard-hitting speech yesterday to a large gathering in Kuala Lumpur to mark Prophet Muhammad's birthday, hit out at "irresponsible young men and women" who performed "sinful acts and indecent activities at the state monument in Shah Alam. NST.
      NST  -  48 words
    • 73 15 FOUR FOREIGNERS, three armed with M-16 rifles and the other a parang, robbed four Filipino refugee families of valuables worth about $2,000 at a refugee settlement 16 km from Sandakan, Sabah on Wednesday. Sandakan police said the four came to the settlement in a speedboat. "From our investigations,
      73 words
    • 89 15 ANOTHER 119 former penghulus (village chiefs) from various districts in Kelantan filed writs of summons in the High Court on Wednesday against Mentri Besar Datuk Haji Mohamed Yaacob, the State Secretary and the State Government for alleged wrongful and unconstitutional dismissal in 1978. Four days ago 33
      89 words
    • 69 15 A RECRUIT who was among the 25 who ran away from Pulada, the army training centre near Kota Tinggi, Johore, said that army recruits were being brutally beaten up by certain instructors. "The beatings were so severe that 25 of us just could'nt take them, and
      69 words
    • 574 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday At least three states are expected to have new mentris besar after the general election, expected to be held during the April school holidays. The three are Johore, Selangor and Negri Sembilan. Another two Pahang and Penang may
      574 words
    • 42 15 PENANG, Fri. The Penang Medical Practitioners' Association said recently it was considering setting up a club for heart patients in Penang the first such club in Malaysia along the lines of the Coronary Club of Singapore. The Star.
      42 words
    • 57 15 PARIS. Fri. France has named a woman ambassador to head the diplomatic mission in Kuala Lumpur, it was announced here yesterday Miss Marie Therese de Corbie, who is due to arrive in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to take up the post, will repU"-. Ambassador Andre Travert.
      AFP  -  57 words
    • 353 15 MIC welcomes Education Minister's assurance KUALA LUMPUR, Friday THE Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) has welcomed the announcement by Education Minister Datuk Dr Sulaiman Daud that the introduction of the 3R curriculum would not disturb the Tamil school system in the country. MIC President Datuk S. Samy VeUu said the MIC
      NST  -  353 words
    • 132 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Immigration Department hi keeping an eye an visitors offering their services Illegally aa aatralagers-cim-witehiactow, the Matey Mall reported today. The report said theae peapie are usually In■las nationals on social visit pames who claim to he professional as- Ttoir predk-ttMM em almast
      132 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 324 15 JmJm -I^B-_ M pf fXieen 3Slompnnent ""^Sn^n^^" "^^BBSH^* M WPlKK^^^^mmammmmi'teS?'**"'*'*^ J&. ""n^n^n^n^n^BßßH^SPW^HP'fßnHil^n^n^l^n^l^l^n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 lJ I J I it's a ample statement of fact Of course, the fact that theKEX-70 is part of Pioneer's consistent effort in producing incomparable quality car stereo components, makes a lot of difference The KEX-70— Pioneer's
      324 words

  • 501 16 Promsho: Cause to press ahead The Straits Times says THE Education Ministry, teachers concerned and the successful candidates can be justly proud of the good results in the Oxbridge entrance examination by students who sat for the examination last November under the Promsho (Pre-university cum Overseas Merit Scholarships for Humanities
    501 words
  • 786 16 The reality is that there are 12,000 Arabs, known as Druzes, living on the Golan Heights the remnants of that part of the former Arab population which did not flee when the Israeli Army occupied the area in 1967. They went on a three-day
    786 words
  • 468 16 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane FELLOWSHIP FELLOWSHIP is Life. Fellowship is Heaven. So crooned old Bill, my friend, at a New Year gathering of his old cronies and fellow lawyers. He was in high spirits because th traditional service at St Andrews Cathedral marking the opening of a
    468 words
  • 1105 16  -  JOHN DRYSDALE An in-depth look at major news events this week By of The Times Organisation Chancellor Schmidt is, of coarse, aware that Presi- dent Reagan's sanctions against the Soviet Union are symbolic and that their only achievement will be to permit Moscow to
    1,105 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 6 16 l'l.\> I i KiirrEß^"* I TIJ^HErUiOODr'
      6 words
    • 155 16 ONE TKR CAR SHAVER FREE ">, V## «?H§ for Every Purchase of _wh,le stock lasts: A \*i' ft JU HIGH POWERCARSTEREO [jrJß|^^S^^^gn^3a^n^Pl TKRCRF-6112(40Watts) |^^^^B^Es""""S^Ss3sfsf |*^^|fi| Auto Reverse, AM/FM Stereo Radio I JJnWJfTS lAC FM Noise Suppressor 1 FET. lT\ X l fk* BW 3 LED. 7 IC's. 8 Trs. 10
      155 words

  • 985 17 Being concise means leaving out unnecessary but not crucial details ...errors concerning such an epoch-making event as the first trip around the world are serious. No matter what the account is, there must be respect for the truth. If five boats left Spain with
    985 words
  • 196 17 I READ with interest the comments made at the Asean Conference of Editors (ST, Jan 7) about the desirability of promoting the supply and readership of books jn developing countries. However, none of the speakers touched on a central issue namely price. It is a
    196 words
  • 448 17 US actions help keep the Soviet bear at bay wt.'EN a regime of dubious reputation faces the prospect of being taken over by the Reds, the United States has no choice but to back it up. The lesser of two evils? This is sad, but it is also a "harsn
    448 words
  • 80 17 Hard to make out bus numbers at night SINGAPORE Bus Services is much improved thanks to proper planning and concern. Improvement is an ongoing process though, so here is more feedback to work on. At night, route numbers on speeding buses appear indistinct from afar. If the digits are spaced
    80 words
  • 170 17 I REFER to "Brave New World" (ST, Dec 17), a series of reports on inventors. One of the many successful inventions described may already be known by the HDB. Architect Melvin Sachs and builder Calvin Subow have developed ICT Integrated Concrete Technology which
    170 words
  • 163 17 I LIVE in a Housing Board flat and am most perturbed by residents throwing glass containers down the chute. Sometimes, the sudden noise they make can give neighbours quite a shock. This indiscriminate practice also creates a hazard to the workers who collect the
    163 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 97 17 BIGGEST CHOICE OF W7B SERVICES TO COLOMBO. 5 FLIGHTS WEEKLY. DX SIA offers five nonI^HmhPl* I st °P 7478 services Htfylg jJB I ever\ r week to Colombo. HB^^a^ I The biggest choice. B^EJz_j% Flights depart Bsli^l^ .^l I pm every Mon, Fri i^S^N^^T I and 10.30pm every Wed. v
      97 words
    • 45 17 a-^t*^ Samsonite Profile Vi PRICE and above rss\ J-"ssrJ M 1 aaaV IP. SIM HURRY I WHILE STOCKS LAST! SAM TAT AGB4CES (leather goods deft.) 2nd Floor. 287 Lucky Ptu«. OrcharO Road Singapore 0923 Tet *****56 Business Hours. 9jm 9pm D»ly HnciuO<ng Sundwi Public HolKltysi
      45 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 124 18 R/ -p v^^^3fK^^^^^^Bi lW p^lw Aft m imported glass mug free. Once again 'tis the season to be happy with Hennessy. And for a very good reason. Mm^^!mm99^^^^ Packed beautifully with every quart mmw £^P^;~ ?3"^»^^*^ bottle of Hennessy V.5.0. P., is a m\wM**S& 5fA» dimpled design, multi-purpose glass mug.
      124 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2880 19 This Statement of Introduction is not a prospectus and does not constitute an invitation to subscribe for shares. No shares will be issued under the terms of this Statement of Introduction. I MULTI-PURPOSE HOLDINGS BERHAD I (Incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965) I STATEMENT OF INTRODUCTION I Date:
      2,880 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 2888 20 nary shares of $1.00 each. The issued and fully paid-up capital of DEB is $72,000,000 GROUP COMPANY 4. OTHER INVESTMENTS consisting of 72,000,000 ordinary sharesof $1.00 each. The principal activities of rtote SHOO $1)00 GROUP COMPANY! DEB consist of plantation development, processing and marketing of rubber, oil IBBCMT acqctc: 000
      2,888 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 3316 21 I 13. CONTINGENT ASSETS 4,826,614 shares in Magnum hotel a. ther expenses as may reasonably be incurred by them in the execu- I GROUP COMPANY Corporation Bhd. tion of their duties, including any such expenses incurred in connection with $•000 $*000 tneir attendance at Meetings of Directors. If by arrangement
      3,316 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 349 22 The IMew 1982 Galant J^ .^T .^b^b^b^bl B^B^ak b^bS^ II .b^b^bW b^bßb^bMiik_. 4?^ca!!!?^SSssl^r /<^Hi KdflHHr nil U iNflHHaMi^^flß^Hß^Bß^^^-' k^^ 1 IM I— R» Ik. M 1' It whispers luxury unheard of in the 16OOcc class Never before has a '-ii^^ '/HHUPQi^tfP^^^rii' of this car. 1600 cc car been equipped with
      349 words

      • 68 23 A 12-man trade mission from the North of England Development Council (NEDC) will arrive here from Jan 11 to 16. The mission sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank, will be led by NEDC's industrial development adviser, Mr C D Fraser. The North of England has long been associated
        68 words
    • International
      • 90 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. The Malaysian Government has terminated the contract of Enex Project 580 Group of New Zealand, consultant for a MSIOO million (Ss9l million) highway project in north Malaysia, Group Director Donald Taylor said. The firm is a joint venture between Enex of New Zealand and a
        Reuter  -  90 words
      • 67 23 TOKYO, Fri. The performance of the world's first merchant ship equipped with computercontrolled sails to save energy has been better than expected, Mr Noboru Hamada, president of the Japan Marine Machinery Development Association, said. In an article published in the Japanese Shipping and Trade News today, he said
        Reuter  -  67 words
      • 86 23 TOKYO, Fri. Robots in unmanned factories may start producing audio systems for Pioneer Electronic Corporation in 1985, a company spokesman said today. He said Pioneer planned to spend about two billion yen (551.86 million) each year from now to install the robots, reducing labour and raising productivity with
        Reuter  -  86 words
      • 84 23 BANGKOK, Fri. Japan signed an agreement here today to supply 47,100 tonnes of fertiliser valued at 3.4 billion yen (5534.7 million) to Thailand thif year to help boost food production. The fertiliser would be sold at subsidised prices to Thai farmers in time for the second rice crop
        Reuter  -  84 words
      • 88 23 WASHINGTON, Fri. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said it will decide next week on proposals to ease net capital requiremeits for broker-dealers. The S2C staff has recommended that the current requirement of net capital equal to 4 per cent of customer-related business be reduced to 2 per
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 81 23 TOKYO, Fri. Hitachi Cable Ltd of Japan will float convertible bonds worth US$4O million (5581.6 million) on the Eurodollar market in February with a nominal interest rate of 5 per cent, it .vas announced today. HiUchi Cable, Japan's third largest electric wire cable maker and a member of
        AFP  -  81 words
      • 107 23 TOKTO, Fri. Oil money is estimated to have accointed for 50 to 60 per cent of foreign investment in Japanese stocks last year, but is likely to fall substantially this year due to shrinking current ?>Lcount surpluses in Opec countries, one arru'st said. Japanese stock buying by
        Reuter  -  107 words
    • 483 23 TAT Lee Finance, one of the nore aggressive finano companies in Singapore, is likely to go public someime in March. It c understood that the compmy intends to offer four nillion new shares to the piblic at $2.50 each. Th> issue,
      483 words
    • 325 23  -  CONRAD RAJ LOWER REDISCOUNT RATE By SINGAPORE'S exporters will be able to enjoy cheaper financing as a result of the Monetary Authority of Singapore's decision to lower its rediscount rate for export and pre-export bills to 8.5 per cent from 9.5 per cent previously.
      325 words
    • 108 23 STAFF and visitors at the Singapore General Hospital can now make use of the 24-hour bank Ing services offered by the Development Bank of Singapore's Autobuk. This service Is available at the administration block and includes cash withdrawals, deposits, balance enquiries, transfer of funds and requests for
      108 words
    • 217 23 Thailand protests against US tin exports BANGKOK, Fri. The Thai Government has instructed its Washington embassy to protest against the United States Government's export of tin from its strategic stockpile, a spokesman for the Industry Ministry said today. He said the government was joining two other tin producers, Indonesia and
      AP  -  217 words
    • 446 23  -  WONG MAI YUN By NTUC Income has big plans for the new year. It has set a target of $200 million in proposals to be received this year. To achieve this, its field sales force will have to increase sales by 15 per
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    • 287 23  -  LEE YEW MENG By MULTI-PURPOSE Holdings, which will be listed on the Stock Exchange of Singapore on Monday (Jan 11), is believed to have scored a "first" with its concurrent listing in Kuala Lumpur. According to broking sources, prior to this, no company has
      287 words
    • 174 23 BANGKOK, Fri. Thailand's national flag carrier, Thai Airways International (Thai), recorded pre-tax profits of 39.12 million baht (553.5 million) during fiscal 1981 ending Sept 30, the company spokesman said. The company has thus accumulated profits for 17 consecutive years. But the 1981 's profits were
      AFP  -  174 words
    • 116 23 TOKYO, Fri. The US has called on Japan to open its government-con-trolled data communication services to both domestic and foreign private firms, Japanese foreign ministry officials said. The request is part of an overall move Dy the US for freer trade in services between the
      116 words
  • Market Highlights
    • 102 23 SINGAPORE: Miare prices closed narrow I mixed with prices moving uncertainly throuKh «>ut the day on bouts of proMt-Uklng and buying support In fairly active trading. The Straits Times Industrials Index fell I.M points to BV7.M. Xl ALA LUMPUR: No trading because of public holiday. HONGKONG:
      102 words
    • 70 23 TOKYO: Share prices higher In slaw and declined on scattered selective trading. Uqmdttton ef margin positions In a quiet MANILA: The stack market. market closed lower across the board. BANGKOK: Share Turnover rose to prices closed generally SBI.SM pesos. Industrials Finance Hotels Properties Minings Plantations Deb/Loans Up 45 7
      70 words
    • 63 23 raatead Bhd ■laaess Bthrir Bbd ftw Par ia-Eler MWcrfca -1 -2 -5 -I -1 NBT Vml Irn PMC Perils PUal Prima IUMmmh itotkmaas 1 -10 -4 SrmbShlp Sop («rp Stmr D«rby S» Steamship St Trading Times Pub I Ranteeprs Wearacs *4 2 +2 -X -4 -8
      63 words
      • 47 23 Ambassador Slr«it« Tradiaf H Leoag Kin H Leonf Credit Taaek Cement V H S Wearnea City Dcv latraco Jacka Int DBS Gentino 870 1020 aso 750 580 560 348 438 394 282 885 585 ■I -a -li -ii -li -ii -8 -6 -6 -6 -5 -5
        47 words
      • 29 23 r XI ma*. S4O M B F Hld(« 980 G (rnmir. 665 Miitn Coiner* 240 Hong L«ob( Ind 1260 Dunlop K.I 640 90 45 40 40 20 20
        29 words
      • 24 23 Haw Par 815,000 Ipoh Garden 575.000 Promet 392,000 Supreme Corp 317.000 G Ceramics 307,000 Total turnover: 9.76 m Total value HO 99m
        24 words
      • 29 23 IT Indicator id us trials I nance lolels toper-ties: linings: 'lanlations CBC: *****7 *****7 ***** 807.36 1814.36 *****6 1235.20 1231.80 793.36 796.32 ***** 330.34 ***** ***** 776.67 776.44
        29 words
    • 2448 24 Tu-Mver Ogam In this taste are unofficial. Adjusted far scrip righto. N Tax -exempts dividend. ABN traded in lots of II shares each, with price uuoted In dollars. INDUSTRIAL A COMMERCIAL IHHI 1982 High Low Comp«n> La., DX P'K Vo. Week S.le tor- COOO> High Lo« 4M
      2,448 words
    • 534 24 IT WAS v aiuMst dlrecttenless day at the Singapore stock market yesterday as neither kills a*r kears seemed keea to lead tke tr-id trading. Oily selected stacks shiiwed stgalflcaait price rhaages aad market atmssphere was generally qalet Rcdcetlag the say's pcrformaßCp, the Straits Times Industrial
      534 words
    • 180 24 (■mini' prima tor tea I II) Diamond Spore Fd (US*) 0.80 0.85 S» I.TS (DecXtoday) INCOME BOND UNIT (Carnal prW») Income Bond 1.42 1 49 ABBITHNOT BECIRITIES ASIA (Mmiiii' priea tar Jaa II) Spore Growth Fund 098 i 103 Ol'B-MONTAQI (Maaaym' arwei IvJult 1 1 1 Union Spore
      180 words
    • 1647 24 BUSINESS DONE Singapore BID and offer price* officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the world "sett" Big Board
      1,647 words
      • 253 24 HONGKONG: The stock market closed slightly firmer yesterday, but below the day's highs with gains pared by some late selling ahead of the weekend, brokers said. Trading was active in the afternoon. The market firmed initially j on carry-over demand from I Thursday's advance. In add: I tion, there
        253 words
      • 329 24 SYDNEY: Market leader BHP sank through the Aslo level as the market continued to slide for the third consecutive day, dealers said. BHP recovered from an earlier $9.94 to finish at $9.98 for a net seven cent loss and two cents on the day. Most oil issues weakened. metal
        329 words
      • 328 25 TOKYO: Share prices declined on scattered liquidation of margin positions in a quiet market yesterday, dealers said. The second section of the market was higher. Ym AJlnomoto Akal m Asan! Chem JM Aiarn oiu> me, B»nyu Ml Brldftston* 440 Chljroda II m Chubu Pwr Ml ClUirn us D Nip
        328 words
      • 391 25 NEW YORK, Thurs. Stocks finished the day on a mixed note after some late strength pulled the market back from earlier lows. After falling as much as six points, the Dow Jones industrial average recovered to close 0.76 point up at 861.78. Declines continued to lead advances by
        391 words
      • 662 25 LONDON, Thur*. Share prices ended selectively higher after a fairly quiet session today, dealers said. The Financial Times index closed 5 8 points at 529 5 Among the leaders, gains of between 3p and 6p were noted in Boots, John Brown, GKN, TCI. Marks and Plessey. Bowater ended a
        662 words
      • 55 25 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 528.5 Wednesday 523 7 Week Ago 530.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday ***** Wednesday 861 02 Week Ago 875.00 H.K.HANG SENG Friday 1415.79 Thursday 1409 40 Week Ago closed AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Friday 725.4 Thursday 731 1 Week Ago closed ALL ORDINARIES Friday 5770 Thursday
        55 words
      • 272 25 AMSTERDAM, Thurs. Share prices were mixed to lower, with KLM down 0.70 and Philips up 0.80 in Dutch internationals, dealers said. NMB fell 4.50 and ABN three in lower banks while in investment funds Baa«f was down 150 and RoUxw 1.20. Otet-Braeaata added one and AhaM was 0.60 lower.
        272 words
      • 275 25 ZURICH, Thurs. Share prices closed steadier in very thin trading as uncertainty about US interest rates caused investors to stay on the sidelines, dealers said. Foreign buying has practically dried out owing to US dollar fluctuations since the beginni i at the year and genera Insecurity about foreign xchange
        275 words
      • 92 25 MANILA: The stock market closed lower across the board yesterday, dealers said. Turnover rose to 681,630 pesos. Peso* icujr m unite illu Con A itlu Con B Itfulo Oold kneupt Con B IF Ooudrlrh DCP 18 70 0015 47 «0 9 unch unch »0« -04 Andoll Lep&nUj B. Mu-lnduqup
        92 words
      • 81 25 BANGKOK: Share prices closed generally higher in slow and selective trading yesterday, dealers said Bahu Alia fib™ Ajrulhajrm Inv And Trust Banikok Bank 2M «2 Bank Or Ajrudhara Lid Btrll Juckrr Charooni Thai Win ao M Flnt Trust 44 -Ql Industrial Hum C« Corp 10* tntrrniuonal CouneUCl IntrrniUonal Tin
        81 words
      • 592 25 IXSNDON: Rubber Futures held steady in a modest trading range on Thursday, ahead of tomorrow's holiday closures in tte East, dealers said. Prices at the close were 0.60 to o.Bop per kilo up, just slightly down from mid-session levels. Turnover was 126 lots of 15 tonnes including 10 Kerbs,
        592 words
      • 152 25 CHINESE Produce Kxrhangr, Slnnapxrr, noon rloatng price* per IN kg yesterday: Cw*ml «U: Bulk fob $100 00 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $112.00 sellers, new drum fob $116.00 sellers. (•prm: Mixed (loose) $50 00 buyers. Prpprr: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $377 50 sellers.
        152 words
      • 190 25 THE kllobar market for gold dcliv erable In Singapore opened at 126.362 and closed at $26,330 yesterday In the Far East, gold' opened at *****900 $400.00. and remained quiet and featureless trading at around 1398.00 399 00 throughout the morning session It was traded slightly lower at 1397 70
        190 words
      • 70 25 white pepper KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Government raised export duty on ground white pepper to M 580.98 per tonne from $78.96, while black and unground white pepper were left without duty. Duty was based on Gazetted price of $3,234.00, against $3,226.00 previously, for ground white pepper,
        Reuter  -  70 words
      • 181 25 LONDON: Further buy- ing of cash at the latest support level of £8,300 kept the overall tone steady in fairly routine afternoon trading on Thursday, dealers said. The forward market was held at £7,910 by the end of the late Kerb to finish unchanged i from yesterday's last Kerb
        181 words
      • 49 25 WASHINGTON: The General Services Administration said it sold 130 tonnes of stockpiled tin to Associated Metals and Minerals Corp, New York, at US$7.l5 per lb. Since July of 1980, when the sales started, the agency said it has disposed of 7,330 tonnes of surplus stockpiled tin. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  49 words
      • 31 25 LONDON: Copper prices on Thursday (previous In brackets) Wlrebar Spol £836 00 (1846 00), tellers £837.00 (£847.00), Three Month buyers EBC4.SO (£875.30); stUtrs £865.00 (£876.50). NsiMUm: Easter Sale*: 21.025 tonnes
        31 words
      • 33 25 New York 8.278 8.268 B.MS 8.33S Zurich 8.178 8.Z78 B.Z7S B.J7S Pit Itan Singaporr 8.2T8 8.258 8.42S 8.40S acsing prices in US dollars a troy ounce. Bnm: CrodH BslMC t S'pMfe,
        33 words
      • 338 25 THE US Sing dollar opened at $2 0445 60 and was traded down to a low of $2 0435 45 before recovering to a high of $2 0457 65 and closing at $2 0445 55 in the Singapore forex market yesterday Trading was moderate and quiet Sentiment
        338 words
      • 347 25 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Jan 8: Closing Asian dollar certificates of deposit for prime names on Jan 8: quoted ycaUrday (crom)partty Chang* I/»k-»I dollars to one unit of foreign currency: US dollar 2.0445 2.0455 2.8196 Sterling pound 3
        347 words
      • 46 25 RANGE of prfc« offered by di«count houses on Jan 8: Overnight: Ml to 3 Call deposits 3'.'~r to 3 Clmlu Bayiaf Sellikf 3-month Treasury bills 2*. 2<+ 3-month Bank bills S\ 8 > 3 months CD 8H 8>« 8 months CD 8% B. Smkc: NlttSMl IXmui
        46 words
      • 26 25 ngapore dollars on Jan 8: Offer Bid verniftht 8' I 8 1 month B'j 8 2 month* B'v B. 3 months Overnight mode B'i
        26 words
      • 24 25 THE average rate at which major Singapore bantu are currently prepared to lend to their best easterners is 11.(5 per cent.
        24 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 181 23 jar mmmMimiMi w This POWER FOAM Coupon For our exclusive Rosewood Stenor Quartz^ HiJRRY! HURRY! this coupon and swop it at our authorised Foam dealers today. Don't miss flHfltffl this timely offer and good, healthy sleep. This exclusive offer comes to you with every purchase of the |dkv following Power
      181 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 66 24 I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I LEE LIAN TENG, LEE LEAN CHENG, LEE FEE HUANG, LEE FEE TEE, LEE FEE YEE, LI LOI GAN AND THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MR. LEE TECK KOOI, would like to express their thanks and appreciations to business associates, associations, societies, schools, friends and relatives for their
      66 words
    • 151 24 FOUNDRY/EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Uniteers International Pte Ltd in Singapore is selling its 8 acres land (approximately 359,277 sq ft with 23 years lease left) and buildings (usable space approximately 73,000 sq ft) together with its equipment either in total or partially. The equipment include the following: 1. KGYV 8 tonnes
      151 words
    • 221 24 THE TRADE MARKS ACT (CHAPTER 2K) This advertisement appears by directions of the Registrar of Trade Marks under the Provisions of Section 42(7) of the Act. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Trade Marks registered in the name of Teo Ek Tian trading as Teo Garment Corporation of Block
      221 words
    • 119 24 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr Ng Pak Ho* ias resigned from this Company with effect from December 31 1 98 1 and is therefore not authored to transact any business or collect any monies on behalf of the Compony Please take note of our new telephone nos as
      119 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 625 25 A beautiful home in a beautiful locality luxurious maisonettes on Balmoral Crescent near Orchard Road Balmoral View is in the serene and lush green surroundings of Balmoral Crescent, just a short distance away from the bustling city. It is in the heart of town, just a stone's throw from Orchard
      625 words
    • 908 25 NOTIQ OF GOCRM. LICEKSMG StSSION Of THE LIQUORS LICENS ING BOARD SMGAPORf. TO BE HELD UNDCR WGUIATION 9(1) Of THE LIQUORS LiCENSMG REGULA TONS 1980 A General Licensing Session ot the Liquors Licensing Board for Singapore, will be held in Court No 5. Subordinate Courts. Havwock Road. Singapore on Tuesday
      908 words

    • 169 26 Florida summit on trade problems WASHINGTON, Fri. The United States, Canada, Japan and the European Economic Community (EEC) will hold a highlevel meeting at Key Biscayne, Florida, next week to thrash out international trade problems. Sources stressed that the meeting, a follow-up to the economic summit in Ottawa, Canada, last
      AFP  -  169 words
    • 424 26  -  SOH TIANG KENG By JAPAN plans to start a free trade zone in international banking an offshore centre in Tokyo before March next year. Quoting the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, AFP said yesterday Japan plans to start a free trade zone in international banking
      424 words
    • 243 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Shell expects that it will lose its current lead in the Peninsular Malaysia market for petroleum products to Petronas by the end of the decade. Mr Lai Wah Seng of Shell Malaysia Trading Sdn Bhd said that Shell's current 46 per cent
      243 words
    • 263 26 PITTSBURG. Fri. The i US Steel Corporation, set- ting in motion the secondbiggest company merger in American history, said today it had bought a major! <y interest in the Marathon Oil Company. US Steel, which defeated the giant Mobil Oil Company in the
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 69 26 ISLAMABAD. Fri. Pakistan has ended a 10-year link of its currency to the US dollar in favour of a floating exchangerate that from today devalues the rupee by 2 per cent. Finance Minister Ghulam tshaq Khan, announcing the change after a special cabinet yesterday, said its value
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 161 26 TOKYO, Fri. Honda Motor Company Ltd said today it has signed a fiveyear technical co-opera-tion agreement to help a Chinese motorbike factory increase prod iction and improve product quality. Honda, the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, will supply the Chinese state-run Jiaiing Machinery Factory at
      Reuter; AP  -  161 words
    • 31 26 LN yesterday's story on Wells Fargo it was erroneously reported that the total assets of Its Singapore branch was $384,066 In 1979 It should have been (384.066.000.
      31 words
    • 381 26 WASHINGTON, Fri. A high level government study group appears ready to recommend that the United States begin minting a gold coin that would sell at market prices. The coin would compete with South- Africa's Krugerrandand other foreign gold coins which now attract funds
      Reuter  -  381 words
    • 160 26 MALAYSIA Building Society is to increase its capital base to enhance its borrowing capacity as well as to enable it to play a more significant role in the financing of housing under the Fourth Malaysia Plan. The directors are recommending a bonus issue of
      160 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 112 26 INTERNATIONAL HOTEL DEVELOPMENT SITE FOR SALE BY TENDER Unique 2V* acre (8,702 sq. m.) site in the heart of Surfers Paradise, Queensland, only a minute from the beach. Zoned "Comprehensive Development". Bordered by roads on three sides (Gold Coast Highway, View Avenue and Elkorn Avenue). Development approval in principle for
      112 words
    • 409 26 Genting Highlands Resort F&ekaqes Galore!!! Pick\bur Choice A) BUSINESS CATEGORY U GENTING CONVENTION SPECIAL PACKAGE SIM NETT PER PERSON A 2 nights I j tull days meeting package at SIBC nett per person inclusive of meeting rooms and ALL meals Specifically tailored to meet the needs of the busy decision
      409 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 750 27 TELEPHONE SERVICE: *****22 RATES bbibbb tMondoy Fr-dov 830am-530 pm CLASSIFICATION CROUP (5 00 pm tor next day) Ordinory 90 cts per word (Mm $1 3 50) /^S=\3 C^^P fi^P I li^B^V H^b^V f^^A f/\ Mb^^l'v Pubhc Hol,doy POO^m^ToOp^ T m SMl DlwlaY (Mfn^e'oo's'tro'^ T,m«-s) B PBrsonsl Services M«rcha"dis« iff ir^
      750 words
    • 518 27 A rare opportunity to buy a Salvador Dali from a •••action of Hna Lithograph* and wood cut* and a combination of Lithographs etching and college at: THE GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, UNIT 219, 2ND FLOOR, ORCHARD TOWERS. Wa shall ba open thu waafc•nd from 10a.m. to 7p.m. Saturday Sunday and
      518 words
    • 677 27 Wll P PwtoiiSeyvtet 4 i urn mtrtttUmmSß Canon puts you on the road lo real photography aVU^B ~\^BaaV^B^e*kß^aaaaV3 aflr^ SaT^l sJ bHh^bSiw j m BbJE^b^L?^ i 'I hP/^ K^bK Experience the AV-I > »3s*^^^ You'll find the road to SLR photography isn't so difficult after all. ■aaV ■"~SM^ PHOTOGRAPHIC SPHCIALTY
      677 words
    • 711 27 \32?T D PersowdSjnfices JB Birds-Shop V^bV *****20 •808H Block 10, 351. Halt Road, (Behind Holy wood Theatre) I wmt broi Hrn mntM iim I Mtomak o> rttal W tit «tcoiw I EXPAT LEAVING: GOOD Dobermann it small loving, happy Mongrel. Also handsome, tolerant, easy-going, Neutered Black/ white cat. Also exquisite,
      711 words
    • 587 27 I RACING BIKE SSS: lawn mower I $20; hl-fl cabinet $120; b/w tv. $30. plants $1.50 upwards Sat 10 am 6pm 19. Jin Dermawan SELLING CHEAP UNUSED springbox beds/ mattresses, single/ double. $220/ $260 Inclusive transportation *****08 25 Sate: Other Prodycts" RENOVATION SALES SUM*. Slack*. SuiU Btolta On, LaaWiar Product*
      587 words
    • 462 27 \Ea/ D Porsonai Sdrvtcss A MOUNT ELIZABETH HEALTH Centre Swedish' Taiwanese massage and sauna (cold ft hot pool) at our exclusive Health Centre. Oround Fir.. Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre. Open dally 11.00 am to 1000 pm. For appointment contact Corlnne *****33 AFTER A HARO day's work, for relaxation visit us
      462 words
    • 628 27 36 House Renovation/Repair ENG KWANQ GENERAL CONTRACTOR Rlk 136. 166 Bedok North Avenue 3. lei: *****9. *****0 We are specialists In HDB flats/ private houses' renovation work with lop quallt: Italian ceramic tiles, terrazzo. marble and parquet floor tiles Repollshlng of marble 6 terrazzo flooring Business Hours: 900 am lo
      628 words
    • 820 27 TOil p Ptrioml Swvtct 4 i D Ktefclnmlliß AT MICRO SEMI, we call It total musical performance and It's standards for the serious audlophlles Audio Synergy. 305 308 Parklane Shopping Mall. Tel *****01 HURRY! STOCK CLEARANCE: ixttA of Hlfl and Portable sets clearing below cost Limited stock Call at Nam
      820 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1133 28 t Patronise any of All you have to do There will be three 1 •these restaurants after enjoying a lucky draws, to be I and eating places delightful meal at held at the end of I and win a Doable any of these November, J 7- Day Tour to restaurants
      1,133 words
    • 130 28 C lassif lcds your home-delivered dapartmantal store STOP AIR POLLUTION removes smokes, dusts, pollens, odours and bacteria from air and bring freshness. New invention sold below SSSOO per system. Excellent profit margin for Interested dealers or distributors within South East Asia Phone *****7 Ask for Or Ta. ATTENTION RETIRED PERSONS
      130 words
    • 322 28 PICK OF THE CLASSIFIED BLUE ORIENTAL FEMALE FOUND: OERMAN SHEPHERD Short hair cat Bought from Dog. near Ooldhlll Plaza Australia with papers For wearing tan leather collar sale *****4 Owner please call: *****39 ill p Employment 65 Situations Wantad ADMINISTRATIVE OPERA TING OFFICER Oerman, 36 years, single. English speaking and
      322 words
    • 448 28 rHnajia97»4>v Are you fed up with your present job 9 Do you have any real prospect of advancement 9 No You are becoming lust a name No one really notices you You are not getting anywhere And you are frustrated Chances of your earning four figures are almost nil You
      448 words
    • 613 28 V«t D Employment FRAZIER SERVICES PTE LTD An American owned Sale* and Service* Company located in Jurong has vecancie* for tha following positions 1) STAFF ACCOUNTANT Candidate must be a Graduate In Accountancy with one year working experience, preferably in auditing Primary responsibilities Include accountIng procedures, policies and system development,
      613 words
    • 419 28 WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY Tutors with A 1 level qualification for Elementary Mathematics and Malay at OCE O level Call 412M0 after 12 noon MUNOUAL TUTORS SPECIALISED In Mathematics. English. Malay. Chinese I other subjects at ail leve'.s Tel *****09 IMMEDIATE SECONDARY ASSIGN MINTS At Bedok/ Changi/ Other areas *****15/ *****54
      419 words
    • 416 28 ill Q Employment Monsanto MONSANTO, a major American j multi-national corporation engaged in the manufacture of a diverse range of agricultural and I industrial chemicials/materials, has an immediate vacancy for the post of:RECEPTIONIST/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR Qualifications G.C.E. '0' level certificate with credit in English and Mathematics. 1-2 years experience in
      416 words
    • 449 28 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ADVISERS A leading computer group with officee throughout tha Aata-PacWc region urganlry require! competent individual* to till tha following poeiltont in ita Singapore office A. FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK B. FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST C. RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST •ZOUMCMEMTS Poet A O.C E O' level with credit in English L.C.C Intermediate
      449 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 467 29 Wai Q Employment 66 Situation* Vacant aa^Bßeßßaeßßßaeaaßjaaaaaaaaseaaaeaeeßß d) Secretarial Clerical LIEBERMANN OVERSEAS TRADING PTE LTD We, a leading international trading company, invite applications for a female Typist/ Controller Requirements GCE 'O' level certificate with credit in English Typing proficiency at 40-60 wpm Capable of handling correspondence independently Able to work
      467 words
    • 471 29 COSTING CLERK 3 G C.E "O level 2 yeafS costing experience preferably in a manufacturing turn DRIVER/ OFFICE BOY Class 3 driving licence Able to speak English We offer a Attractive starting salary Meal allowance a Attendance bonus o Free transport and many other attractive benefits Apply personally Monday to
      471 words
    • 551 29 ill Q Employment umiu HttOlinTS CLERKS Job Requirements Age above 16 years a GCE O' level with ere dits in Mathematics and English I Possess some basic Book keeping knowledge Preferably with some experience in accounting We offer attractive benefits. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience and will
      551 words
    • 506 29 A shipping company invites applications for the following posts: CLERKS/ TYPISTS (JURONG) GCE O' level Typing speed of 35 wpm Some clerical experience preferred. Must be pleasant, hardworking and willing to learn. RECEPTIONIST TELEPHONE OPERATOR Ability to handle PABX switchboard. Proficiency In English. OCE 'O 1 level. Preferably some workIng
      506 words
    • 517 29 ijjl^ Q Employment j Well established company in Jurong requires: (A) ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT (B) ACCOUNTS CLERK Minimum requirements: Age above 22 years I With 2 years' relevant experience. I LCC Certificate Diploma In Accounting. (C) RECEPTIONIST CUM OPERATOR Able to operate PABX telex machine and type at 30 40 wpm.
      517 words
    • 558 29 An established Manufaci luring Company ha* an immediate vacancy lor:SECRETARY Requirement. c GCK level. c Possess a recognised Secretarial qualifications c Preferably have I 2 years relevant experience I c Those without any experience will also be considered Interested applicants are invited to wnte in with a com plete resume,
      558 words
    • 626 29 fjjli Q Employment An international Company has vacancies lor:ACCOUNTS CLERKS Candidates must possess .it firarte II School CVrlifit ate or Its equitalenl and have a 1 leaM I years of working experience as an Accounts Clerk eilher in audit firm or a col company Preference wi.l oe given to
      626 words
    • 647 29 SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK Required by expanding manufacturing company in Bukit Timah Requirements: a <;■ >(>,.. a rri book-keeping certlfl- I a 2to 3 years relevant \t..rkinit exiM-rienre with typing speed Of 35»pm MSI initiative willing- lean and undertake responsibilities. Salary not less than SSOO p m shall commensurate with qualification!
      647 words
    • 592 29 fj[l| Q Employment A multinational corporation in Jurong requires s CLERK/TYPIST c QjCJ I) i-. el with credit in i> I c Able U> type 35 up m Pleaee write with lull personal particulars, including salary eipected and contact telephone number, lo: The Personnel Manager P.O. Box 131 Jurong
      592 words
    • 771 29 RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST required by foreign based •ngrg. co in Jurong. Must possess a quiet end pleasant personality Typing speed «S 50 wpm Able to perform general office dun.- Knowledge of t»lex operating advantage Intereoted applicant, ere reqveeled to contact Nancy Koh *****55 (Monday to Friday) SIMBOR CO. PTE LTD Singapore's
      771 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 793 30 II Q Employment 66 Situations Vacant d) Secretarial V Clerical GENERAL CLERKS/ RECEPTIONISTS wanu-ri Pleasant looking, experience not necessary c;<kkl prospects! Those awaiting results may also apply Please write with telephone number and non-returnable photograph to Richard. Mountbatten P.O Box 326. Spore 9139 JUNIOR SECRETARY WANTED tOf Krench group, chemical
      793 words
    • 527 30 DOPS INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE. LTD. f=~ EZ I\J D I CourrSges f-fvlAflflKW-requires FEMALE SHOWROOM SUPERVISOR at Hyatt Hotel Boutiques Age: above 25 Qualifications: Minimum 'A' level. Experience: With some knowledge and experience In the fashion field. Mature person with pleasant personality and leadership qualities Willingness to work long hours, weekends
      527 words
    • 440 30 [jjli Q Employment Wall established company I L needs young enterprising TRAINEE SALES I REPRESEN- I I TATIVES L to ioin tha sales force c applicants must possess i j > class 3 driving licence c aged 18 to 24 years c QC E CV level or technical certificate holders
      440 words
    • 438 30 "HARD WORK, INITIATIVE, COMMANDS A HIGH INCOME" Yes thai is th« motto of our expatriate, organisation. A few vacancies are opened lo A) FEMALE FIELD DEMONSTRATORS B) FEMALE SERVICING REPRESENTATIVES Prerequisites lor A B Above 20 years of age 81-llngual Have a general education Own a valid driving licence (for
      438 words
    • 614 30 IIA Q Employment i Expanding Shoe Company requires several young energetic lemale salesgirls 1-2 years similar working experience Without experience may apply Able to speak English. Mandarin and other dialects Salary commensurate with experience. Apply personally to MILAN SHOES Unit 13S. Ist Floor. Plaza Singapore Shopping Comptei. Orchard Road Singapore
      614 words
    • 588 30 TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE c 2 years sales experience on pneumatic components and/ or automation equipment. c Knowledge In electrical engineering c Having own transport Basic salary, commission, bonus, transport allowance and other attractive benefits to right candidates. Pleas* apply In writing with lull resume, contact number and salary expected to:
      588 words
    • 491 30 ill [J Employment Wkn% HEWLETT mUfiM PACKARD FACILITIES TECHNICIANS REQUIREMENTS: c ITC/NTC in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering c 2to 3 years experience in either one of the followings- Air-condition and control systems —Repairs and maintenance of aircompressors and pumps —Maintenance and installation of electrical plant equipment —Building maintenance c Class
      491 words
    • 515 30 Japanese manufacturer of gaskets located in Juron invites suitable male applicants for the following vacancies (A) ASSISTANT PRODUCTION FOREMAN (3 Positions) c CJC.E 'O' level Technical stream and /or VITB Ortifi cale Holders c Minimum 1- 2 years supervisory experience c Ability to motivate a group of Male Operators, to
      515 words
    • 946 30 ill Q Employment GENERAL ELECTRIC USA Applications are minted from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions LEADERS PLASTIC MOLDING OPERATIONS c Candidates must possess Technical 4/NTC or equivalent c 2-3 years experience in Injection Molding or other Plastic Molding Operations c Must be able to work 3 rotating shifts
      946 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 581 31 ijjl^ Q Emptoymant 86 Situation* Vacant I) Technical CIVIL ENGINEER 1 International Construction SJj jl Co has a vacancy for sn 2 V Enginttr possessing I] Jt minimum 8 years experi- A ence in concrete oriented 1 K civil protects (preferably in fij bridge, wharf or Silo con- 0 structior)
      581 words
    • 488 31 PRECISION CARBIDE TOOLING PTE LTD wanted SKILLED SURFACE GRINDERS We Offer c Attractive remuneration, c Pleasant and friendly work environment. Please call John Tsy/ Leslie Lim *****81/2 for interview (confidentiality respected) Small sggressivs construction company serving the oil industries in Indonesia needs the following: (A) ASSISTANT AREA MANAGER (B) OPERATIONS
      488 words
    • 978 31 fjjlij Q Employment 1 i l) MiseoUmneous Tan Chong Industrial Machinery (a member of Tan Chong Group of Companies) invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions SERVICE OAK (Male) The appointee will be responsible for the up-dating and keeping of service records within the Service Department. He
      978 words
    • 242 31 ill Q Employment An expanding multi-national I i Corporation engaged in the manufacturing of petroleum equipment invite applications for the following positions: 1. ACCOUNTS CLERK GCE 'O' Level with credit in English/ Maths LCC Accounting Intermediate Stage 2 years experience in similar job. 2. SCHEDULER (Permanent 2nd Shift, 4.12 p.m.
      242 words
    • 485 31 An at'-rafi parts manufacturing company requires the followmg:TECHNICAL STOREKEEPER Minimum secondary education Have technical knowledge and able to plan and keep records of store handling. Must have knowledge In receiving and shipping. Able to work independently. DRIVER Should possess a class 3 driving licence. Must know Singapore roads well. Able
      485 words
    • 424 31 ljjl| 0 Emptoymwit THE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO. LTD. Due to continued expansion we now have vacancies in the Executive Trainee, Clerical and Computer Operating areas. Requirements: CLERICAL POSITIONS Singapore citizens who have at least 3 years experience In an Insurance underwriting department. EXECUTIVE TRAINEES Singapore citizens, possessing University Degree
      424 words
    • 443 31 to YEO HIAP SENG LIMITED requires 1) TECHNICIANS c Possess NTC HI Certificate in Electriral or Mechanical Kitting 2) FIELD TECHNICIANS c Possess NTC 111 Certificate In Alrcondlllon and Refrigeration Mechanics. I c Possess class 3 driving licence. 3) VAN ASSISTANT SALES REPRESENTATIVES c Possess class 3 driving licence. 4)
      443 words
    • 455 31 r-~nrii 1 il| Q Employment An expending German company requires the following for Jurong office: A) RECEPTIONIST GENERAL CLERK B) DELIVERY MAN/ STORE ASSISTANT C) OFFICE CLEANER For Post (A): c With pleasant personality c OCE O' level. c Able to type 35 wpm. For Post(B): i c Musi possess
      455 words
    • 515 31 A lest eipending international company met bshsvss m internal promotion has immediate vacancy •or experienced SPRAY PAINTER In addition to en attractive starting salary, we o«Jer s permanent Ist shift s transport allowance c 5-day working week c free coffee/ tea during breaks c shoes allowance c extensive overtime Including
      515 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 712 32 iff i D Em P °y fn6nt 68 Situations Vacant I) Miscellaneous We are a growing inspection company. In view ol our rapid expansion programme, we require candidates to till the position ot TRAINEE CARGO INSPECTORS Quatincatmna: OCE 'O° level with good credits In English and Maths Dutwa: Successful candidate
      712 words
    • 875 32 OPENING SOONI EXCLUSIVE HOTEL LOUNGE STEWARDESSES Monthly salar y with incanlivaa not laaa man $1000. a Ability to speak English a I- re >• meal a iK eoßtrtbnUoa a href medical and other fringe benefits Plaaa* apply paraonaHy balwaan 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. at MONTE INN Ist Floor. Matropola
      875 words
    • 1513 32 p^ E Vehicles Boats I SELLING CHEAP. 1. Seahawk 17' 70 Pleasure BOHtS* llh Mercury 150 h.p and trailer. •3>U/aVafi»aw4/aJir. 2 Ulno 17 1/2 wltn Johnson 115 aaiv/ W aniea/nirs n p and trailer. 15 gallon built In tank Both In excellent condllion Welcome for sea try at Yap Have
      1,513 words
    • 972 32 LATE 1073. 140J Alrcond, radio/ cassette Tax, good condition $B,ooo o no Te1: *****95 1972 DATSUN 1200 Tax April. PARK $7,300 Oood running condition. Call: *****61 1077 OATSUN 140J Ist owner Radio cassette New tax $***** *****86 3A Btnjal Park 1077 TOYOTA PUBLICA 1000 c c Immaculate condition Price s»l
      972 words
    • 995 32 1074, HONOA 300 c c 4 doors Very good condition. No PARK $5,500 ono Tel *****52 1070 HONDA ACCORD 3-door. automatic. PARF Tiptop condition Interested call *****4 IBM -O' PLATE Honda Accord 4door One owner, excellent condition Phone *****41 1«S1 HONOA ACCORD One owner Alrcond. sports tyres, accident free, radio.
      995 words
    • 936 32 AUO. 1000 COLT Lancer 1400 GL. alrcon. radio, cassette, one private owner See to appreciate, low mileage Tel: *****03 ENO 1070 COLT Supershift 1400 OLX 5-door Full expensive accessories $21,800. loan $16,000 Contact *****2 LAMDA GALANT COUPE, 1977. automatic, power steering, owner leaving. Musi sell to highest o/fer *****5 OCT.
      936 words
    • 381 32 k) Subaru $4,000 DOWNPAYMENT AHO Drive iw.iy Dec '80 Subaru 1600 GI.F Saloon with alrcond. radio, cassette, sports tyres, lax new tip top condition Call *****90/ *****28 for more Information 1000 SUBARU GLF ulrcond. sporls rims, one owner. Price j20.500 ono Tip lop condition Can be exchanged for old car.
      381 words
    • 908 32 ALFETTA 11 1976 a $16,900 or ALFA BERLINA 1974 $12,900 Both cars are in tip top condition, eligible for PARK, with full accessories Via* BLK. 0.112. SIN MING ROAO RING4SS2IIO. MUST SELL CHEAP CARS 1074 Oalant alrcond. PARF 00.400 1073 Datsun 140J PARF $7 MO 1073 Holden Premier 11.000 1071
      908 words
    • 919 32 ni/« i jnnu«B I X, I7UA JUNE 1001 DATSUN pickup One' OwBM alrcond. radio cassette, sports rims, beautiful condition Highest offer secures Contact 4471 800 REGD -70 SUZUKI pickup 550 c c with speed device, tax, Insurance, tyres new Engine recently decarbonised Powerful condition *****63 1073 ISUZU LORRY No PARF
      919 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 916 33 times Saturday car mart 77 VBhicrßS Wantad 78 Scrap VahickM WANTED 1900/ 'II Mlt Lancer. '«£^StS VR. 1400 a-speed Preferably 1 owner r J"}* h price offered (all No dealers please Tel: *****22. &***> Raian E4IE 1000 C.C. s< nip i ar for sale A SCRAP CAR below 1000 c
      916 words
    • 3524 33 w%%o*m9Qmw9 w^%^%atsSM%w%oMW a^% B e#"e»* l^aWß»WßaT*if^aWal*»T^»Tl 1 'w*W>llWMar^lllVll "fIL? T Propartlas T Properties SSI! T Properties 1 j I OPEN HOUSE 1 ARDMORE PARK One of the most exclusive apartment buildings in Singapore is open for public viewing this weekend One or two year leases Fully furnished, partly furnished ajnd
      3,524 words
    • 849 33 DIST. IS4S GOOD LOCALITY Ist floor walk-up apartment. 4 bedrooms. 2 attached bathrooms, partially furnished 1650 sq ft Oenulne buyers please contact: *****32. No brokers. MST. S HONG LEOMO Condominium, groundfloor. with matured garden and full recreational facilities Total sqft 1,600 Owner asklngreasonable price *****71 (no agents) GARDENIA COURT. FOREIGNERS
      849 words
    • 1212 33 jgm\\\ C Accowimodattoii 4 [Mil T PropttUt A LONG LIST of genuine purchasers require terrare. semi-detach-ed houses or apartments for immediate purchase Budget $500,000/- and below Contact: Sandra. Home Lease L Sale *****89 READY BUVERSI TERRACE/ Semidetached Katong/ Sennelt Estate. Serangoon Gardens/ Seietar Hills/ Thomson Practical Housing ***** URGENTLY REOUIREO
      1,212 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 521 34 jC Q Travel euMe NAM HO' TRMEI SERVICE IS) PTE LTD G l 4- 1 6-18. Pearrs Centre, Eu Tong Sen Street, (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 01 05 Tel. *****33(7 lines) Brmch Office 1 19. People's Park Complex. Ground Floor, New Bridge Road. Singapore 01 05 Teh *****1/*****2 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****3 NUT
      521 words
    • 507 34 «JL Q Travel Guide '^^Bat^k*BaP>W 4^B^^PaPr^*^Hn rVBBBBBaT t T r^^'H e^^^ The South Pacific Enticing beyond imagination Nestled in the South Pacific, a treasure of islands beckons you. Is loveliness unspoilt. Its charms unique. Our South Pacific Explorer Fare to Los Angeles will take you to this beautiful paradise. Our
      507 words
    • 554 34 JL Q Travel Guide The most rttmmmmiti tow far: The Families Clean fun A Joy The Couples Most Romantic The Honeymooners Sweeter than Honey The Singles Never a dull moment 5D BANGKOK/PATTA Y A 7D BANGKOK CHIENGMAJ PATTAYA 4D PHUKET/JAMBS BOND ISLAND Tour includes Airfare on wide-bodies Jet. American Breakfast
      554 words
    • 623 34 ATTENTION PARENTSI RELIABLE and responsible tutors giving tuition to all primary school students around Katong/Bedok Fee reasonable Please contact: Josephine. *****07/ *****62. anytime. EXPERIENCED TUTOR OFFERS home tuition In Chinese language (written and spoken) for primary school students and adults. Please contact Miss Ceclla Lam *****62 after 2pm SINCERE SINGAPORE
      623 words
    • 604 34 P| Education t, Instruction I COMPUTER EDUCATION Using IBM-370 Computer! ft In-Hous« Computers Recommended to thoae •••king admission to Ist Year Computer Science Courses c BASIC PROGRAMMING For Beginner. Commencing 10/1.14/1 Foe Secondary Students Commencing 14/1/82 Time: Tues/Thurs l-4pm a COBOL PROGRAMMING F Of B#^tn r>4ir Commencing 10/1.15/1 c CITY
      604 words
    • 609 34 SECRETARIAL/ ACCOUNTING COURSES Commencing 11 January 82 1. Private Secretary's Court* hull-time Part-time Intensive Course for June TO Exam j2. School Leaver's Courses Mi 'me Duration 4 months I Junior Secretarial Course Junior Accounts Course i 3. Shorthand Beginnan 4. Typewriting (All Stage*) 5 Principtea of Accounts Enquiries MIDLAND SCHOOL
      609 words
    • 457 34 H Education ft NistnN^ i 116 Dancing OAVIO'S SCHOOL OF Dancing now back at 48. Emerald Hill Disco Classes commencing BOopm Monday. 11/1/82. «.30pm Wednesday. 13/1/82; 2 20pm Saturday. 18/1/82. Social Dancing: 8.30pm Tuesday. 12/1/82; Thursday, 14/1/82. Friday. 15/1/ 82 Ballroom. Latin American 730pm Wednesday. 13/1/82 Private lessons dally Enquiries:
      457 words
    • 224 34 ftOSC ESCMWIM (AJULO. Lon don) New enrolment accepted for RAD Ballet grades and major work for examination* Also Jau. keep- fit Tel *****8 118 OttMrt 1 SBBBBBBBBBBBsaaßßaaaaßaaaaaaaaaaaaß LAND SURVEYMG LEVELLING, computations, draflin* ulranomy Regulations JTA lo TO levels by RTD STO (*****0&) Classifieds part of your community icawaanU MORMNO LIFT
      224 words

  • J obituaries
    • Obituary, Illustration
      69 35 Passed away peacefully in Taiwan on the 3rd January (Sunday). Leaving behind hit beloved Wife Chua Gek Cheng, Sons, Daughter*, Sons-in-law, Daughters-in-law A Grandchildren. Friends, Associates and the various Associations can pay their respect on Sunday 10th January '82 at 7.30 p.m. at:THONG TECK SIAN TONG LIAN SIN SIA NO
      69 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      51 35 Departed on t.1.7* In aorrow'* daap my*t*rw* Silently <M you leave Our tr#sisurv of pfvetous me>fnof the tin» w« had No longer to be •hared the happine** thai you »o «ydd«nry did we lo— On, why did you go? Daddy, we mm you *o. In Levtno Memory Of TAN KHE
      51 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      53 35 TOKO K AC A SM AR ASIA MEDAN SOON HONG HANG PTE LTD. S-PORE peaeed away pe«c»hilly on 7/1/S2 MOTHER: Mdm. An Oel WIFE: Luclana Juny SONS: Frandl Sltuwall Jacob Sltuwall DAUGHTER: Lisa Sltuwall Body la lying at Ski Mmg Funeral Parlour, Singapore, leaving lor Modan on a/i/M. MR HENDRBt
      53 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      32 35 Seven years have passed since you left us suddenly. In silent sorrow you will remain In our hearts eternally. Deeply mined by mother, brother •nd »i»-in-l»«r LATE SOT OOH CHENG HOCK (PAUL)
      32 words
    • 42 35 Tvo years have passed since you've left us without bidding goodbye. Your sudden departure was a sad one but memories of you still lingers dearly In our hearts. Inooftod by*. Wife ft Children. P. SHANMUGAM Departed 9.1 JO
      42 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      29 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      20 35 We extend our d»*n*it *ympathy lo me family ol me Me BAHAMJDOM MONO SHAMFF PAVA LEBAR POLICE STATION
      20 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      26 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      67 35 pa»i«d away peacehilly on 7.142 Leaving bonind ■ft Woo Choi Sam Son* Lai Onn Thai Lai Keng Thye. Jimmy Lai Seng Thye. John Daughter Lai Yoke Chun Phng Soon Heng, Catherine Lee Yang-Txe. Roblna Llm Slew Hong. Susan Ng Kok Yeng and 8 grandchildren. Corkage leaving 10 JeJefi
      67 words
      21 words
    • 35 35 The tamtty of me Me Mr. Wee Tec* Yean wlih to thank relatives, friend*, doctor, and nurut of SGH, Patter and member* of Chrlat Meffiodwt Church for tnev eeeiet* ance, attendance and donations
      35 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      28 35 THE FAMLY OF the late Mr. Andy Lai Yew Meng wishes to thank all friends and relatives for their attendance, wreaths and donations during the family's recent bereavement.
      28 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      44 words
    • 854 35  - Soccer was played in China 2,500 years ago... WILFRED YEO IN FACT, IT'S SAID THEY INVENTED THE GAME... By THE English may have given the world the rules of football as we know it today but they did not invent the game. The claim for the creation of what is
      854 words
    • 318 35 2,fM ytut age Tsu chu played In China. tad eeatary Roman stele of boy holding hexagonal ball. lztt eeatary Football played in English fields and streets. 1314 King Edward U bans street football. ISM, ISM, IMI. 14*1, 1411 Kings Edward 111, Richard II and Henry "V, and the Scottish
      318 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 143 35 WELL ESTABLISHED BULLION COMPANY I has vacancies for the following positions:- I 1) DIVISIONAL MANAGERS I 2) SECTION MANAGERS I These are senior appointments and we expect I candidates to be experienced in bullion or I commodity trading with established clientele. I They will be required to bring in a
      143 words
    • 222 35 MAPA (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD We are a new latex based manufacturing company located in Jelapang Industrial Estate, Ipoh and we invite applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the following position:ELECTRICAL CH ARGEMAN THE JOB The candidate will be required to ensure safe operations of the equipment in accordance with
      222 words
    • 5 35 LATEST ON PLAYOFF Page 39
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  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
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    • 344 37 No. 2 City set for full marks over Stoke City LONDON, Fri. Leaders Ipswich at home to third-placed Manchester United stands out as the main match in tomorrow's English League soccer programme. Both clubs had chances to go to the top of the
      AP  -  344 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 55 37 BADMINTON: The Taipeh Masters invitational championship has started with more than 50 players from 11 countries taking part. England have sent a l&member team, and Indonesia eight players, including Wiharjo Verawati, the 1980 world women's champion. Other players are from Canada, Denmark Holland, Hongkong, Japan. Malaysia, Thailand, Scotland,
        55 words
      • 58 37 BOXING: Mexican Antonio A velar will defend his World Boxing Council flyweight title against Colombian Prudeneio Cardona on Jan 30, a WBC spokesman said. It will be A velar's second defence of the title he won from Japan's Shoii Oguma last May. The fight will be held in
        58 words
      • 66 37 RIGBY I'NION: Give Burgess, Player of the Year in wales last season, has failed to win back his place in the team to play Ireland in Dublin on next Saturday. The Welsh selectors have decided to make just one change from the side that beat Australia 18-13 last
        66 words
      • 60 37 SHOOTING: The Olympic Council of Malaysia have started an inquiry into the case of the eight shooters who were sent home from the recent South-east Asia Games in Manila. OCM president Datuk Sen Hamzah Abu Samah said the council's secretary-gener-al. Thong Poh Nyen. would be handling the inquiry, which
        60 words
      • 22 37 VOLLEYBALL: The Chinese national women's team beai West German champions Munster 15-4, 15-11, 15-9 in a friendly match in Munster.
        22 words
      • 47 37 YACHTING: Australian Craig Ferris placed first and second in the Anal two heats to score a runaway victory in the world 420 class yachting championship at Brighton Ferris was second behind countryman Geoff Backshall in the fifth heat, with another Australian. Robert Lea. third Agencies
        Agencies  -  47 words
    • 164 37 STOKE, Frl. England International centre-back Dave Watson yesterday moved from Southampton to Stoke nty for a token fee of £SMM (SIIMM). Watson, 34, England's first choice centre-back at the start of this season, had not played for Southampton's first team since October.
      AP  -  164 words
    • 277 37 Saudis ready to offer Kubala $20m SOCCER ROUND-UP MADRID, Fri. Saudi Arabia are ready to offer 1,000 million pesatas ($20.4 million) to Ladislao Kubala, Spain's former national soccer manager, to manage their team for five years. Specialist magazine's Don Ballon said. The magazine said 54--year-old Kubala, born in Budapest but
      AFP; UPI  -  277 words
    • 210 37 Draw to kick off European tourney PARIS, Fri. The 1984 European football championships kick off tomorrow with the draw here for the preliminary rounds, which, with the World Cup out of the way, will be the backbone of the 1982-83 season. The draw, in the main assembly hall at the
      AFP  -  210 words
    • 133 37 TUCSON, Arizona, Fri. Craig Stadler shot a five-under-par 65 yesterday to take the first-round lead in the Tucson Open golf tournament, the year's first event on the newlyrenamed Tournament Player's Association tour. Stadler took a bogey on the opening hole, but then made six birdies to lead
      Reuter  -  133 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 545 37 The Add-On Group of companies is looking for a CHIEF EXECUTIVE for its new subsidiary dealing in building materials relating to flooring, walling and roofing. Qualifications and Experience: The person we are looking for must be mature able to to run the Company independently As such, he islikely to be
      545 words
    • 986 37 More Staff Wanted... More Toyotas on the road, better after sales service, pre-inspection testing and repair facilities mean we need more people in our service team at Borneo Motors Singapore. Service Advisors You'll be in our front-line meeting customers, assisting in identifying service or repair jobs to be done and
      986 words

    • 354 38 Holders Pakistan to meet Holland in semis BOMBAY, Fri. Holders Pakistan will meet Holland and Australia will play West Germany in the semi-finals of the World Cup hockey tournament here on Sunday. Australia's 2-1 victory over India yesterday ensured them top spot in Pool B and condemned their hosts, the
      Reuter; UPI  -  354 words
    • 287 38  - -Aggressive CSC scrape through R. MANOR A J By CEYLON Sports Club, playing their usual brand of aggressive, physical hockey, weathered a late fightback by Indian Association to beat them 1-0 on the opening day of the Fraser and Neave Elite Cup hockey tournament yesterday, at Balestier Road. IA looked
      287 words
    • 192 38 Nastase upsets Clerc in three sets ROSEMONT (Illinois), Fri. Rumania's tempestuous nic Nastase achieved a rousing upset victory last night when he beat Argentina's Jose-Luis Clerc 6-4, 3-6, 6-1 on the third day of a US$3lO,OOO ($632,400) eight-player tennis toumaircnt here. Nastafc's win came as a surprise, especially after his
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 113 38 WASHINGTON, Fri. Third-seeded Andrea Jaeger, 16, ousted Leslie Allen 6-2, 6-2 yesterday to advance into the quarter-finals of the US$2OO,--000 ($408,000) Avon tennis championEarlier, Barbara Potter defeated Julie Harrington 6-1, 6-3 to book her place in the last eight. Andrea, who gave away
      113 words
    • 51 38 A $1,000 cash prize awaits the winning team of this year's inter-constituency badminton tournament, beginning on Jan. The competition will be played at the Singapore Badminton Hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7 45 p.m. Trophies and medallions will be awarded to the first four
      51 words
    • 278 38 BIRMINGHAM, Fri. American tennis stars Hank Pfister and Victor Amaya were each fined USJSOO ($1,020) yesterday for using abusive lanpage at the world doubles championship here Amaya for calling the umpire a "cheat", Pfister for shouting an obscenity at him. The incidents came as
      Agencies  -  278 words
    • 339 38  - Fandi: A dream come true J. RAJ&NDRAN PLAYING AGAINST SUPERSTAR MARADONA By 6 I'M happy to be given the chance to play against Maradona. I've never dreamt that it would happen. I don't really know if I'll be able to combine with Mokhtar, bat I'm sure that we'll a both
      339 words
    • 216 38 Poor health forces Boycott to pull out of India tour LONDON, Fri. Geoffrey Boycott. England's record-breaking Test cricketer, is pulling out of the tour of India and returning to England because of ill-health. Donald Carr, secretary of the Test and County Cricket Board, made the announcement after a telephone talk
      AP  -  216 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 271 38 fill, .^^l om^t "^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^BB^^K rail 9 Donmoor's Of fer: 9 m aPf Don More For Less' r m Donmoor invites you to fc^ "iffll^BJfc '"^^r bring your kid's old W§& j^^^K^ f '^L +Gx&& m^ apparel in to Klasse. In WL N|^ *^sd^P |P (pi B i> exchange for every
      271 words

    • 450 39 Coe and Ovett will clash three times $2m expected from TV revenue LONDON, Fri 4 THE International Management Group were reported to be negotiating a lSslm ($2.04 m) fee for broadcasting rights for the United States for the 800 m and mile races with the three major American television companies.
      AFP  -  450 words
    • 34 39 PORTLAND, Fri Julie Vee scored four goals to enable the San Diego Sockers register a 9--3 victory over Portland Timbers in a North American Soccer League match at Memorial Coliseum yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 116 39 SBHFL to discuss Khalid THE Singapore Business Houses Football League will meet next week to discuss the fate of Cold Storage's Khalid Mohammed. The midfield player was sent off for rough play in their SBHFL Division Three match against Corona, which they lost 2--3 at Farrer Park on Monday. Says
      116 words
    • 459 39  - Allan to keep Saas Fee on active list EPSOM JEEP By SAAS FEE, the greatest money-spinner in Malaysia -Singapore turf history, will remain in training for a while yet. This was revealed to me by his trainer Ivan Allan. "Saas Fee may not be what he was a couple of
      459 words
    • 283 39  -  WILFRED YEO By BEECHAM Pharmaceuticals, despite the resignation of four stalwarts from last year's Third Division runner-up squad, still managed to hit the right defensive formula to neutralise an acidic Singapura Forum side for a 2-2 draw in a Singapore business Houses Football League Division
      283 words
    • 322 39  -  PETER SIOW By IT has been three years since United Motor Works won the Singapore Business Houses Football League Division One title, but, finally, they seem to be putting the pieces together again. At the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, UMW gave indications that they
      322 words
    • 166 39 SINGAPORE have been invited to take part in three international basketball tournaments this year, reports PETER They are the Prince Cup in Thailand next month, the Asian women's tournament in Tokyo in April and the Asian youth championship in Manila in September. But the
      166 words
    • 318 39 CRAWLEY, Fri. Chinese teams made a clean sweep of the English Open table tennis championships here yesterday. Both the men's and women's finals featured Chinese teams, with China II winning both titles. Results Mea'a team rvrot, first nmrni: Yugoslavia bt England I 34,
      Reuter; AP  -  318 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 79 39 It's the final game of the FIFA World Cup '82 qualifying v^ matches. Will New Zealand or Peoples Republic of *'Igm China be the one to claim the last berth to Spain for the world's most prestigious soccer event. With such < tension, this promises to be one of the
      79 words

    3 words
  • 163 40 Big match to go live in five countries TOMORROW night's soccer play-off between New Zealand and China at the National Stadium for the last berth in the World Cap finals in Spain will be telecast live on Channel Eight at 7. SBC Radio One (English), Radio Two (Malay), Radio Three
    163 words
  • 545 40  -  PATRICK BASTIANS DRYSDALE CUP FOR BALLARD By 61 WAS told only Just that we cant have a training session at the National Stadium tomorrow afternoon. This, of coarse, is not acceptable to as. Under FIFA regulations we're entitled to have one training session
    545 words
  • 45 40 DACCA, Fri Pakistan International Airlines defeated Singapore 4-2 In the roundrobin League of the Aga Khan Gold Cup soccer tournament here yesterday. Idris (2), Iftekhar, and Wahid scored for the winners. while Nasir Jalil. and Jerry Lewis replied for the losers. AFP.
    AFP  -  45 words
  • 54 40 THE National Aerobic Fitness Award test will be held on Jan. 13 at the National Stadium at 6.15 p.m. Those below 21 years must obtain their parents' or guardians' content before they can participate. Any late registration will be accepted between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. on the
    54 words
  • 80 40 IX)NDON, FW A Japanese consortium have taken over the best golf club in Hampshire (southern England), bringing to an end the "English way of life" at the Old Thorns Golf Country Club in the village of I.iphook. Some months ago, the golf club
    AFP  -  80 words
  • 107 40 KFC hand over $50,000 to FIFA KENTUCKY Fried Chicken, sponsors of the World Cup soccer playoff between China and New Zealand at the National Stadium tomorrow night, yesterday donated $50,000 to the International Football Federation (FIFA). The cheque was received by Peter Vellapan, the Asian Football Confederation secretary-general, on behalf
    107 words
  • 232 40  -  JOE DORAI 'Either allow us to train at National Stadium or postpone playoff By THE New Zealand soccer squad arrived in the Republic last night for tomorrow's World Cup playoff against China with an ultimatium: "Either make the National Stadium available for a training session this
    232 words
  • 535 40 England likely to give Martin run at LONDON, Fri. Alvin Martin staked a strong claim for the England No. 5 shirt with an outstanding game in the 1-0 win over Hungary that clinched their place in the World Cup soccer finals in Spain in June. A shock choice, ahead of
    IPS  -  535 words
  • 247 40 Brunei go down at home MALAYSIA CUP BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Fri. Brunei failed to please the home crowd, going down 1-2 to Malacca in their opening Malaysia Cup soccer match at the JKR Sports Complex here this evening. Brunei started off well on the water-logged pitch, made worse by a
    NST  -  247 words
  • 32 40 FAVOURITES Defence routed Health 5-0 In a Division One Inter-Ministry squash League match at the Police Academy, while their team-mates beat Health 3-0 In the mixed team League at Holland Road.
    32 words
  • 109 40 BUENpS AIRES. Fti Argentine football club River Plate have told the Italian League leaders Florentine that they value their rugged defender Daniel Passarella at US$5 million ($10. 2 m). However, club officials do not expect to receive more than US$3 million for Passarella, who, as the
    AFP  -  109 words
  • 237 40  -  J RAJENDRAN By THE Singapore Rugby Union are likely to appoint assistants to national coach John Burgess because the Republics involvement in four major events this year will be too taxing for one man to handle. The four who have been singled out
    237 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 457 40 The New Slim lineC^cukto^ with unique functional rapabilities. «K '■•.i-',, The HP- 11C Scientific Programmable and HP- 12C Financial ProgGammable Calculators 'C'\ f feature proven exquisite yet practical design concepts such as rugged designs, powerful I function sets and programming tools with continuous memories. It i HP's new top-of-the-line slim
      457 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 109 40 BADMINTON Second Hon Sui Sen Challenge Trophy final (HavelockC.C. 7.30). HOCKEY SHA FAN Elite Cup: CSC v Jansenites, IA v SIA (Balestier, 5). SOCCER NFL Div 1: SAFSA v Mountbatten (Gey lang Stadium 4.30); Tampines Rovers v Police (Queenstown AC 430). Div 2: Pasir Paniang v Balestier United (Tanglin. 4.30).
      109 words

  • 826 41  -  BENG TAN, TORN BETWEEN TWO HOMES, SAYS SURVEY By Medical Reporter ALMOST one in three children aged under five is looked after by a foster mother, a survey conducted in Queenstown has shown. In most cases, fostering begins soon after birth, usually
    826 words
  • 31 41 NEW YORK, Fri. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 3.42 to 865.20 in the first half hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 179 41 LONDON, Fri. Severe weather with blizzards and freezing temperatures swept across Europe today, isolating towns and throwing motor and rait traffic into chaos. Snow storms covered central and southern Britain, cutting power supplies to 12,000 homes and disrupting communications. Conditions were worst in Wales, with
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 55 41 JERUSALEM. Fri. Prime Minister Menachem Begin s Likud grouping has gained in popularity since last June's elections, according to a public opinion poll published here today in the daily Yediot Aharonot. It showed that the Likud would have gained two parliamentary seats if the elections had
    AFP  -  55 words
  • 34 41 HOLLYWOOD, Fri. Doctors have advised surgery for 45--year-old actor Burt Reynolds for a hernia he suffered during filming of the motion picture. The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, nine years ago. DPI
    34 words
  • 40 41 MADAM RAJAMMAL (SELLAM) passed away on 8.1.82 leaving behind son Thanlga. daughter Pappa, relatives and grandchildren to mourn her loss The cortege leaves Blk 417. 1015-F. Avenue 10. Ang Mo Klo at 2 pm for cremation at Mount Vernon
    40 words
  • 220 41 HONGKONG, Fri. Former financier Amos Dawe, 46, re-arrested at his hotel here late on Wednesday night, is pleading to be allowed to return to the United States to be reunited with his family he has not seen since he was extradited to Hongkong last
    AFP  -  220 words
  • 611 41  -  3AFA HAERE, By writing for The Straits Times WHAT they are after W Is a car with three steering wheels and plenty M brakes on. I'm not ready to drive such a ear. The Singapore Aseao-backed prsp— al for three can
    AP  -  611 words
  • Page 41 Advertisements
    • 211 41 Water heater service centre All exclusive brands (XQS^^DD at special offer price MMMMHI New improved miiyiißliHb/ n PRIME instant shower unit fully automatic and safe for all the family I water heater j •Element 5 years warranty Ap^ Instant hot water \^T »So economical to run Approved by PUB tjj
      211 words
    • 358 41 He 'shaped* the news For 44 years, Mr R. Paranjoty literally shaped the news. He was the production superviser at The Straits Times and in his job, saw several newsmaking events in Singapore like the Japanese surrender. Now recently retired, he reminisces with NANCY KOH. Cycling game Biking with a
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  • Page 41 Miscellaneous
    • 169 41 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Generally cloudy with occasional showers. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. TOMORROW: 28 max., 23 mm. SUNSET today: 7.14 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 1.11 a.m. Amsterdam -6, 0 C Clear Lmmlm -3 0C Snow AtkMM 712 C Cloudy 'Vm Aagelea 6 16C Gear Bußkek 21/30 C
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  • SECTION TWO The Straits Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Straits Times
      5 words
    • 1845 1 Old KL captured Heart at work for cause L Once information is available to people, they can make decisions. It's not design; it's vernacular. If my prints have any a value, it is to open people's eyes to old Kuala Lumpur. Victor Chin SOME years ago, it was the trees
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 359 1 RICHARD LlM's pick of the big screen offerings *^\Vt!'*^'2l i IjE^^W i^r^Sl SOSPk Kitten Contest results The car to light fire in your soul Renault has a passion for cars We have been spend- ■nMSHMn^HSjMSjSMSjsHBH^ ing more than 80 years trying to satisfy this passion. B H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^[^^^aP^^HJ^^i^^H^^^^^^^ < Now we
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 208 2 $1,999 JE *"£s>£ SCSO Upper 44 Keys Lower 44 Keys Bass I I 14 Voices on Upper Manual Space Motion Chorus. Tremolo. Sustain. RevtwO. Vibrato One fnger auto walking bass -chord Disco Rhythms Roll top cover •L S I microprocessor techno'ogy tor superior functioning perfection of sound S<Xe Agents tor
        208 words
      • 146 2 Cook better with "Regent Oil" REGENT OIL Well known most used To Quality Cooking Oil Let Regent Oil do wonders to your cooking, the formula to delicious food. Regent Cooking Oil is of Top Quality. Gives your food the natural flavour ett-«*l*a a o(tAS)*Rl£W] Regent Oil Foodstuff Co., Pte. Ltd.
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 1261 2 Star parade r i^fl i- ■Sai^Bßßß^r^^^' i'^^B^^^^^^^Bßßm -^Bl^^ bS BBBr BBbKbbJ^Bßß^^ BBB" AkT "M VP9^ I BB^I BBF' bbt'^^ H I bbH^ b^j m I I **^1 WP IbxJ FNbbWJ lißte.Bßßll From left: David Hemmlngs and Michael York in Alfred The Great and Katherine Ross, Robert Redford and Robert Blake
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      • 279 2 C 3BC> CHUCK Connors' Great Western Theatre (Ch 8, 4.2$ p.m.): During an Apache uprising, Jason McCord saves the life of an inexperienced army corporal, Johnny Macon. When McCord is captured by Chief Wateekah, Macon, who was charged with dereliction of duty, escapes from prison and ruins McCora's earlier good
        279 words
      • 1329 2 E9 National tt*t/fe&m»tw? /^JtjF^l Standard Stereo RX-1950 National's new combination of Bil radio and cassette with stereo through its «v featherweight headphones w I "TV and Radio" SBC 5 12.50 PM Opening foftowed by Sesame 635 The WaHon The Last Ten Days Street 7.25 Cultural Diary (English) 1.50 Saturday Matinee
        1,329 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • Article, Illustration
        762 3  -  KANNAN CHANDRAN By NEXT week sees the start of many new series. Fans of the action series genre should find Jessica Novak: Closed p News (Friday, Ch 5, 8.45) of interest. In the pilot episode, Helen Shaver plays Jessica Novak, a glamorous news reporter for a major TV
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      • 764 3 YES, Virginia, there is life after the 9.45 p.m. SBC News on Saturday. Or was it just the Boxing Day freak show which gave us Kaz and then Taxi and then Madam X? On Channel 8 that Boxing Day, life started breathing as early
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      • 187 3 o AT a recent press conference for Leif Garrett, a couple of SBC producers were seen. They were later seen with TV cameras during the 20-year-old singer's first two shows on Dec 23. Leif and his backing group, Banned Abroad, had also done some studio work. The
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 611 3 ABLE TO PREVENT FUNGUS The air-tight sealing case for optical and audio equip ment. cameras, lenses, microscopes and etc. Singapore Cosmos Trading Co Pte. Ltd. UGS Sim Lam Tower, 10, Jalan Besar, Singapore 0820. Tel: *****62/3. Sole Agent: SonUx Flash (M) Sdn. Bhd. 5092, Sungai Wang Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 116 3 TODAY: CRIME Prevention Exhibition Cum Launching Of Neighbourhood Watch Scheme by Mr Chen Tien Lap at the void deck of Blk 332 Clementi Aye 2 today (4 p.m. 10 p.m.) and tomorrow (8 a.m. 6 p.m.). TOMORROW: ROAD Safety Exhibition at the void deck of Blk 231 Lor 8 Toa
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 1313 4 HOME-INhON SHARP Gong Xi Gong Xi Specials! t Jan 9— 23 1 982. HURRY! This Chinese New Year, SHARP has put up a whole range of home appliances at greatly reduced prices. Vv^jijpQV But only for a limited period. So you must be sharp. r^frPr^Jfc SJ2BOVG/VA(27sUtres) EO-105X El-500W ES-350XG 3
        1,313 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 851 5 The other '1 0 Best Films' list The Elephant Man Raging Bull Coal Miner's Daughter Ordinary People Kagemusha Gloria The Gods Must Be Crazy All That Jazz Flying High (Airplane!) Father And Son WE were tre?ted to some decent films last year, in between the screech-and-scream "cheapos" and the kungfu
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 368 5 A Reversible irresistible too! you \Bu' J ■■■^■J SEE JTff OOtfTfi? birdie switch 1 1 It's 2 pens built into one ballpoint mechanical pencil 11 IS Lrf product 0/ m» Pilot PtnCaLKj If J*p*n W M»rkfa by OUMIHB-JICHK BUY NOW STRIKE GOLD! Buy the Pilot Birdie Switch now Paste the
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    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 113 6 What's on on a Saturday night The 6 o'clock edition of Sunday Nation! Every Saturday evening, a Sunday Nation your favourite week- MHH special edition of Sunday en<^ P 3^ I*'1 4|^%H Nation will hit the streets. J^S^^ Race results too M M^SZ^£^^TM Pick up a copy on your way
        113 words
    • LEISURE 3
      • 607 7 REBECCA CHUA talks to. Pradel TENDRILS of grey in hair that looks like it just sneaked in from a shower. A purple shirt that is as deep and loud as it is royal. Add faded blue leans. Eyes that crinkle, eyes that smile. Beckoning fingers, expressive hands. The
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      • 778 7 PRADEL Drama Centre 8 p.m. Thursday Reviewed by REBECCA CHUA MIME is culled, from the vast and the noble, but from the petty and little gestures that define humanity. Neither the indomitable spirit nor generous nature is really funny, though ingratitude, churlishness and impatience often are. While
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      • 7 7 PICTURES: NGHAI CHEE WAH Mean and grudging
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 281 7 Ml \n iiSft r^^k f^^k w j^^ ma i I t 4^k i "i^' 1 ■i i iii i i urn < Jllt^iWK^^ES^^y 'I ff H C H ff 1 f 111 II 11(11 r rr— The new National NY 7200 EN Video Cassette Recorder with 24-Mode Infrared Wirclfss Remote
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 1188 8 Renault races, so you can win What you see above is the Renault Formula One racing car Its 1 500 cc double Turbo engine deve- lops more than 500 horsepower Indeed, Renault mas- .JB^—^ ters now the turbo technology as they were the first PW^S**" ones to introduce it intc
        1,188 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1107 9 KIDS THINGS How to make a water spider HERE is something quite easy (or you to make. It's designed by SOO HOO SHAO CHI with the help of his friend, WILSON WONG. Dear Auntie Sue, I love fiddling with all kinds of stuff and coming up with bizarre creations. Anyway,
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 242 9 MEW YEAR SALE American style-up to4O%dfS^ ami^ HHPV|mjj^^HMM From the world's largest dining furniture P»~1 8 1 manufacturer. A classic range of furniture at I I prices that will never be repeated r w A ac sV igr T^H WF\ f* nY I wZttH/j. a HnWIIkV l\3}gs%%£o, I V b^h^^H
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    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 1004 10 Buy GEC now and get FREE gifts, FREE trips phis 5 FREE chances to win $600,000 Nobody but nobody can beat GEC's exciting offers this fes- Buy a GEC washing machine, get these FREE gifts Bu > a Gtc dishwasher, get these FREE gifts tiveseason! Pay cash, or hire purchase
        1,004 words
    • BOOKS 1
      • 572 11  - In the genre o f'political thrillers' M Portueah KHAMSIN Rv Futura Publications, 272 pages. $8.15 Reviewed by SHASHI THAROOR THE most intriguing thing about this thriller is its title. Khamsin, a word never used or explained throughout the 272-page text, sounds at best like a husky invitation to vice. Unfortunately,
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      • 491 11 THE STELLAR GAUGE Edited by Michael J. Tolley and Kirpal Singh Nostnlia Press. Australia, 288 pages, $25 Reviewed by TOH WENG CHOY THE Stellar Gauge sees Dr Kirpal Singh (poetry critic, The Sunday Times) in the role of science-fic- tion critic. This book is a collection
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      • 468 11  -  George Markstein TRAITOR FOR A CAUSE By New English Library, $8.75 Reviewed by MICHAEL CHIANG IF YOU are looking for light reading to pack into your travel bag, this is an ideal book. You can put it down where and when you like, then get back
        468 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 255 11 The legendary craf tsmanship of Titoni. Titoni. The rare art of cralting slut- 1 lx'aut\ ironi the bare essentials <>l Nature. Rendering exquisite form and line to pro ision masterpieces the world will never outgrow. And, Titoni is known for its unsurpassed devotion to accuracy and technological refinement. Timeless Titoni.
        255 words
    • BOOKS 2
      • 843 12  - Crusade £or nuclear disarmament James Avery Joyce THE WAR MACHINE By Hamlyn Paperbacks. 1981. 244 pages, $9 75 Reviewed by ROBERT CHEW 4 Villa?! Machine m ely reminder o» trie extent and consequences ol the ot Sng Vprace. flovernments and the mil «"y P"* "> the name fj JAMES Avery
        843 words
      • 599 12  -  Richard Rhodes James CHINDIT By Sphere Paperback, 204 pages, $10.05 Reviewed by MINU THAROOR WHEN a war has been won, memories of the occasional defeats and disgraces tend to get, at least momentarily, forgotten. The conqueror's overall strategy being vindicated, the foul-ups along I the
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 81 12 CREATIVITA NELLO SPORT m> BJORN BORG (SWEDEN) V/ n^l^^t m I A TEMIIIC I I Authorized Retail Outlets ir-nl--ir-i 'setan Singapore I I JCLqI I H»«tock/Oulr»mßo«<l«.Sm9«>Of« 0316 W*****1 smgaport' tokvi) ISETAN ORCHARD V U* lout*. 541 Orchard Road. Smeapor* 0923. W734«311 SOLE AGENT mmmmr%**oHmJF iyl mmmmr 'iSSP *§fes^P mmmmwP^m^ -/■H—
        81 words
      • 126 12 Now only *$499/- for the complete system. U.P.5700/ONE YEAR GUARANTEE THE DECK 71 24 THE SPEAKER 6000 FMAM Super Tuner Auto Reverse Programme Switch •6 1 Tn-axial 3 way Locking fast forward Rewind Metal Tape Tape Director Stereo Indicator Z Mute Switch Built-in Automatic Frequency Control vi) THE TWEETER Detent
        126 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 392 13 LUNAR NEW YEAR GREETINGS \J \J\ Twin Gift iM^^^ GAS COOKERS ''""^^BSKSSsH 4 elegant deluxe models of Boreal gas cookers. PPv^SS'^jCmSS&I Most suitable for P.U.B. and cylinder gas. BI^ISCS'^sSSnAH For the past decade, Boreal gas cooker is the SjPCZ CJuJNh||B natural choice whether for F.U.B. or cylinder gas. We still
        392 words
      • 209 13 Just attach the Chinon Info-Back to nB any Chinon CM-4s or CE-4s camera and Wvii l^^ you can have your own personal message V A 7' ll^P^^^ pfF^ on your photo. y[wß^ BV^^3fliß^^ Print alphabets and numbers, up to 30 B '^W^^MM^^^^^^ characters per message \^4J RV^^^H^^^^^^ Data memory will
        209 words
      • 660 14  -  JUDITH REAGAN By in London AFTER decades of striving for something new, the world's leading food and drink manufacturers have now done a dramatic about-face. Suddenly, they're spending millions searching for the secrets of the dishes that granny used to make. "Now it's full speed ahead back to
        660 words
      • 132 14 WHILST everyoi mous and well a Cognac, very fey that there is als( "Houses" of verj in their own li area. One such na I introduced to Si Freres and for c i excellent after-di some exciting dri tively reasonable The range cc VSOP (Very Spe interesting Nape Reserve),
        132 words
      • 619 14 TAN LEE LENG finds an ALL that sparkles need not necessarily be diamonds or even champagne. I heard on the radio that whiskey sells more than brandy during Christmas and New Year; but come the Lunar New Year, brandy sales will soar higher than any other liquor. No hard
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      • 399 14  -  PIERRE FRANEY By I in New York THE most ambitious home cooks I know have tried their hands at one of the most timeconsuming and demanding of dishes the elaborate pate. They have usually taken a relatively easy dish first, the pate campagne, or country pate,
        NYT  -  399 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 230 14 -AUSTRALIAN MAKES MUSCLE IN THE MAN! Protein power! <^L^s^!^^ss*te*^ Delicious nourishment YTXf^ *^>^==<s^ for better health- J w strength-vitality! X^—-^ 1 >-ierL Beef is a natural, important part of your daily diet -fT S It provides protein to build new body tissue and /JfVV'^ promotes healthy growth. Beef is rich
        230 words
    • 697 15 G finds an alternative to "drinking stars" ire transferred into ir syrup and yeast jorarily bottled and ?s place. s, the gases cannot es the wine fizz, rence is for most ?cond fermentation (Cuvee close methi and it is fair to lade in this way as lat one
      697 words
    • 232 15  -  DEREK HI II I X V I HS WHILST everyone knows the famous and well advertised names of Cognac, very few people are aware that there is also a host of smaller "Houses" of very high repute within their own limited distribution area. One such name only recently
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    • 317 15 Women's role in nation building SINGAPORE Ceancll of Women's Organisations Conference: "Joining Forces for Nation Building" Place: Lee Kong Chian Hall. Singapore Council of Social Services, Penang Lane Date: January 10, 1982 Time: 9 a.m. 4.45 p.m. Aim: To encourage men and women to adopt a partnership attitude in national
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    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 124 15 Free Lunar New Year £ifts from Bourjois Bourjois has a superb line-up of three terrific gifts for you this Lunar New Year: Free compact and handy g| *otft manicure kit for every $30 ■hL ml P urcrlase *>J Free Maturelle Beaute Coffret set for every purchase of any 2 Bourjois
        124 words
      • 450 15 EDEN PRIVATE UMITED J^k iSmfK^ Showroom Fty: 64 Sungei Kadut St. 1. Singapore 2572. I A .■^^k H J9 Tel: *****00/1/2/3. Tlx: RS ***** EDEN. 2 VW Ltf i77W Cable: EDENCANE L L NMM W^A Ami ib m nil SAL^ ELEGANT CANE FURNITURE on Sales from sth to 20th Jan
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 370 16 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ GOLDEN SULTAN 4TH STOREY. SULTAN PLAZA. JALAN SULTAN X LAST 4 DAYS! I (*****76) 4 SHOWS I 30, 3 30, 7 00, 9 1 5pm <j» Tomorrow Extra Show at 11.00 am Q I r—Also TONIGHT MIDNIGHT Atn X fiEOOK BROADWAY REGAL— 1 X I RC nroauCTKMl son brno
        370 words
      • 543 16 YOUR Lfl/T CHflflCE I TO Ulin THI/L^~| 000 iTjßHr"3iiiii.^Ki(Bfl This New Year you l V could be richer by 111 -c*' I H one or more of the B™ 1 [VI following: V^^^aal la^' Awtß I Ist Prize Mazda 323 {PARF) with-sir-con 2nd Prize National CCour TV Video Cauene Recorder
        543 words
      • 400 16 P-j- l 1 ."4i i j.. i .:-yTn Golden Clement! Palace Zenith Ang Mo Kio* Q town NOW SHOWINGI G 11. 1 JO, 4, 6 *5. 9.00pm C 10 130 3 30. 7 15,9 30 P 1 00. 3 30. 7 15, 9 30pm AMK: 1 15. 3 30. 7
        400 words
      • 209 16 "cAPnrOL:"Tonrght M"n"e" If you don't believe in ghosts haunted houses...YOU WILL NOW! KATHERINE MacCOLL 1 DAVID WARBECK SARAH KELLER i OPENS TODAY By DEMAND! g*t V YnO (*****14) 5 SHOWS at *d*M*\tf nam, 145.4.00,6.45,9.15 STUDENTS: Circle $2.50. Stalls $1.50 at DAY SHOWS RICKY SCHRODER The Little CHAMP |Io dAuK! '^Hr^.
        209 words
      • 657 16 ORGANISATION B IIJUMN^UWIII g Slack LIZARD v -■tl^titf ■■'a-KTI- NOW SHOWf^G No Fr«e Li»l B II om I 4b 400 6 4b. 9 I 5 "Black LIZARO" M i"Jor«. llll^'l-lil'ti.ll-I'tl TODAY ONLY I lorn I 30 4 00. 6 4b. 9 Ib "HURRICANE" color OPfNS TOMORROW Gold.* Ho«n. Chavy Chotc
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    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 428 17 PRESIDENT -1 EMPORIUM PTE. LTD. CASH OR CHANCE J «> The choice is yours! Jl I t purchase (S^ purchase in O< l^jff^V the Watch and Electrical 1 C o%^^ f^Jflßlflß Department, and the Food >*■"- '%B«T, Products Department at PresidVir y&W *»M^^^^^-^^ Emporium, you can either *C%*® &EJC Pt
        428 words
      • 291 17 OR lON TOP^P QRiniM i^P itfnni -ft I I CROCHET. KNITTING RUG I M MAC HA"MF YARN 1 M Beat Quality Soft M m J^R Colourful V Available at all Supermarket Emporium and Shops ONDORI PTE. LTD. J *****02 *****29 *****80^^^F IChißese New Year^J i SALE io/»lo5 ON CURTAIN UPHOLSTERY
        291 words
        147 words
      • 135 17 1 Hiw aI 11 H i> J k ja V JJ MS 1f t >y -i-r^S -II m E vm I. L S^STio^-tpn, TITIV7IVC7J7 J D 7 J7J J ,F :L -Jl -1 -H^ VL ji if LjlL j\ W JJ7i.ll f^~>t* You can learn to service Radio, Transistor, TV
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    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 802 18 The SGV Group SGV-Goh Tan Pte Ltd Professional Executive Recruitment Services Our client is a fast-expanding international financial services Group, engaged in trade financing, servicing the international movement of goods, merchant banking and specialised corporate finance services. The Group's operations extend to all the five continents of the world. It
        802 words
      • 1575 18 I \V/sferixxise •associates i>te lid LJussein Associates Sdn.Bhd 1 Management Consultants in a wide range of .services including: executive recruitment, organisation and corporate planning, financial management, manufacturing, production and project management systems and procedures, market surveys, data processing and computerisation, job evaluation, salary surveys and compensation structuring, as well as
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    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 633 19 MTBMteW> J GENERAL ELECTRIC (U.S.A.) W CONSUMER ELECTRONICS PTE. LTD. In order to meet our expansion program, we are inviting suitably que 4 lified candidates to fill the following positions: A MICROELECTRONIC V% ASSEMBLY 'v TECHNICIANS m 9 Candidates should have NTC ITC in Electronic /Mechanical Engi- neenng or equivalent
        633 words
      • 705 19 JPHB|^Bfpßf STAFF RECRUITMENT DIVISION B km km Management Consultant Services (Pte) Lt MM Jj m^^ 281Q, 15th Floor, Selegie Complex M M m^kWkWkWkWkW Singapore 0718 Tel *****55/*****87 GENERAL AFFAIRS I EXECUTIVE I One of the largest producers of PCB in Japan has set up a modern up-to-date factory in Singapore
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      • 792 19 Our client, a large foreign bank about to open an offshore banking branch in Singapore is looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions in Singapore: LJ&CLI&Y (ES/*****) The successful candidate will report directly to the general manager and will be responsible for the interbank funding and foreign exchange
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 572 20 522 ifiynyiT^yß i HOECHST is one ol the world's largest producers of chemicals and Pharmaceuticals with over 100 years of successful development. To cope with our expansion plans, we are looking for a PROGRAMMER SYSTEMS ANALYST RESPGKSHLITIS The successful candidate wi be responsible for: the setting up of our EDP
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      • 703 20 4f S\ WELLCOME (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD We ore cart ot the Wellcome Group of Companies Our business is the promotion of the health and hygiene of people did animals. The group is concerned with the discovery and development, manufacture and sale of medical and veterinary Pharmaceuticals and of tine chemicals
        703 words
      • 711 20 I EDP Consultants |S B\ Coopers Lybrand Associates, Management Consultants, provides a comprehensive range of consulting services aimed jt helping clients increase the effectiveness and rtf'Jl profitability of their operations. Services cover electronic data processing, corporate development, management systems, planning and policy studies, and functional activities such as market survey
        711 words
      • 286 20 (j§) We are a large Computer Service Bureau which operates IBM and NCR main-frames. Due to our expansion we are looking for high calibre persons to take up the appointment of:TRAINEE COMPUTER OPERATORS Requirement* GCE '0' Level or equivalent. Be prepared to work shifts. Possess an aptitude and interest for
        286 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 544 21 SENT SA SENTOSA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION invites applications for the posts of A) CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS A recognised Degree or a Diplomo in Civil/ Structural Engineering or be a member of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore Preference would be given to those with experience in designing and supervision of civil and
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      • 561 21 t v INCOME invites applications for the position EXECUTIVES to meet our growth in the eighties These executives will be trained to fill various positions of responsibility in our organisation, including planning, marketing, underwriting and claims. INCOME is o progressive insurance cooperative belonging to a dynamic labour movement under the
        561 words
      • 550 21 THE NATIONAL IRON GROUP MANAGEMENT APPOINTMENTS To meet the Group's organizational and management development requirements, we wish to recruit suitably qualified persons to join our management team. Candidates should have a good Degree in either Engineering, Applied Science, Metallurgy, Economics, Business Administration or Accountancy. As these are senior positions, interested
        550 words
      • 524 21 C ""N L Petrochemical Corporation of I Singapore (Private) Limited The upstream Company of Singapore's $2 billion petrochemical complex i.i Pulau Ayer Merbau, invites applications from suitably qualified candidates fbr the following positions:— QUALITY CONTROL SECTION I CHEMIST The successful candidate will report to the Section Manager and assist him
        524 words
    • 911 22 Fowles draws on Heraclitus, seeing a conflict between the few the elect who are sensitive, vibrant, concerned with life and change and the many, who are blinkered, dead and con- ft cerned only with possessing. ONE of the most eagerly awaited British movies this year is
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 12 22 1^ HH 9 (Mjr CSfc I m Sour Plum wl C tempting
        12 words
      • 596 22 Applications ore invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following posts in Singapore A) PROJECT MANAGER He must possess o Diploma/Degree tn Mechonical or Computer Engineering with at least o few years experience He is expected to assist the Proiect Director in organising ond supervising a group of Engineers engaged
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    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 593 23 FiiaawifliiflidMfci I jWt II A European manufacturer renowned for the quality of its wide range of products wishes to fill a vacancy in its local facility for a QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER 553,000 554,000 p.m. Reporting to the Divisional Head, he will be fully responsible for ensuring that the most stringent
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      • 441 23 We are a large, progressive and expanding manufacturing company in the plastic packaging business. For our multi-million dollar expansion programme, we seek suitably qualified personnel for our challenging position of:MANAGER PRINTING AND GRAPHIC The individual we are interested in must Be 30 years and above "Have experience in printing film
        441 words
      • 578 23 N/a/Y The Republic of Singapore Navy invites applicants to fulfil one of the challenging and rewarding careers as:— (A) NAVAL COMMUNICATOR (RADIO OPERATOR) (B) NAVAL GUNNER (C) NAVAL DIVER (D) NAVAL FIREMAN (E) NAVAL ENGINEERING MECHANICIAN (F) NAVAL SHIPWRIGHT MECHANICIAN (G) SKILLED MACHINIST REQUIREMENTS (1) Male Singapore Citizen or Permanent
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      • 621 23 CITIBANK the local bank that's a global bank We are one of the largest international banks well-established in Singapore. To cope with the expansion of our services, we now need additional officers to fill the positions of:CREDIT ANALYSTS The officers will assist the Head, Credit Analysis Unit in credit analysis,
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 189 24 FESTIVE SPECIAL HANDMADE ORIENTAL CARPETS PERSIANS +yL LESS 10% No. AS 1567 (Old Persian) No. AS 1007L(New Perwan) IItSSIS Swans jt yit jc? l*~ -i| SHANGHAI SILK COME TO US LAST Many factors determine the value of a carpet, and whether you are buying a woollen or silk carpet, the
        189 words
      • 91 24 It's a brighter Sunday with Sunday Nation -SUNGEI ROAD-- ITS How Reagan I a new life for B^^H L AST jokes his hisSuzje L H «P* nAV C way OUt Of a fj x Wong sex kitten j^DAfO PEffljl Bn Magdalene Lum takes a I******************** l B^bp^ final look around
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 754 25 SINGAPORE COMPUTER SYSTEMS PTE LTD A We are a Software House and are currently working on challenging and exciting projects S with substantial on-line network for a number of major applications. I We are expanding rapidly and require the following professional personnel: 1) SENIOR SYSTEMS ANALYSTS/SYSTEMS ANALYSTS (5 posts) The
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      • 380 25 MPH Bookstores (S) Pte Ltd I has vacancies for 9 TRAINEE I EXECUTIVES I We are offering good opportunities for 9 career development for suitable candidates 9 in the rapid expansion of our Company in 9 the Book Retail Business. 9 Applicants must be between 22-27 years 9 and have
        380 words
      • 751 25 ottwettl, Europe's largest manufacturer A\y <>f "ffic-e ,'quipment is expanding its operations in Sm K a P° re a "d seeks to fill the o^r following professional positions: I MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS I Incumbents will be responsible for designing/commissioning of assembly toolings/equipment/machinery and for establishing industrial engineering standards/methods of assembly operations.
        751 words
      • 634 25 I Beecham Pharmaceuticals WANTED x f TOP PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE FOR BEECHAM PHARMACEUTICALS The Company: beechom Pharmaceuticals is engaged m the production and marketing of semi-synthetic penicillins and is a subsidiary of Beechom Croup, London. Being a research, development and technology based company, one in twelve of our six hundred employees
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 670 26 B^BaaaaaBBBBaaBBBBBBaBB^aBBaaBBBaBBBBBBBB^BBaB^aaaaa^aai A newly established American manufacturing organisation is seeking to fill the positions of:- 1 1) PURCHASING MANAGER I The candidate will be responsible for overall operations of the purchasing function, including vendor sourcing, qualification and negotiation. The procurement activities will be performed in the Far East Candidates should possess
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      • 639 26 If you like meeting people, and look to an exciting and satisfying career that pays off, come and Join us at Orient Car Leasing Pte. Ltd. We are a Joint venture car rental company between two established names in the rr.otor and leasing sectors, and we have a place for
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      • 533 26 Tractors Singapore Limited (A Subsidiory of TMB Sendmon Berhod) invites applications for A) ENGINE FIELD SUPERVISOR B) ENGINE FIELD TECHNICIAN The primary responsibilities are to check installation ond performance of d.esel engines, ins' 3 11 ancillary parts and attachments, commissioning and conduct sea trials, etc For (A) minimum requirements are
        533 words