The Straits Times, 11 December 1981

Total Pages: 80
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 101/1/81
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  • 430 1  -  LEE YEW MENG By ot Times Business THE Securities Industry Oancll (SIC) has declared property de\ eloper Ho Kok Cfceonx unfit to be a director of a public listed company. It kas aim taken punitive measures against Mr Ho, of People's Park Development, for breach of
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  • 653 1  -  JANIE KHOO, SIA flight time-table reprieved By Aviation Reporter SINGAPORE Airline's winter flight time-table to Germany was reprieved yesterday when the airline pledged to end its controversial fare discounts on the route. And the director of the German Ministry of Transport, Mr Werner Niester,
    653 words
  • 211 1 MANILA, Tkara. Jule Sag, Singapore's Lady Midas the swimming p—\, struck gold la both her events on the fifth day of the Baath-east Aria Games here today. The 17-ye*r-old schoolgirl, who studies la Brisbane, improved on her owb Games records la winning the 811 m freestyle aad
    ALBERT SIM  -  211 words
  • 64 1 LONDON, Thurs. Opposition leader Michael Foot, fighting to stop a collapse of morale in Britain's Labour Pa: y, won another round yesterday in his campaign to expel leftwing extremists. The party's organisation subcommittee approved by 10 votes to nine his demand for a full investigation into the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 36 1 OSLO, Thurs. Poul Hartling. the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, today accepted the 1961 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of his office and the 10 million refugees it cares for around the world. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 22 1 MANILA, Thurs. Communist guerillas killed 17 people, including eight soldiers, in two separate ambushes in the central Philippines. UPI.
    UPI  -  22 words
  • 76 1 Machine-gun granny convicted GENOA, Thurs. Caterina Picasso, the 74-year-old "grandmother" of the Red Brigades, was convicted today on terrorismrelated charges and sentenced to three years and four months in prison. The woman, dubbed by the Italian press "nonna mitra" ("machine-gun grandma"), was tried along with 47 other alleged members of
    AP  -  76 words
  • 41 1 NEW YORK, Thurs. A snowstorm driven by bonechilling winds dumped up to 40.5 cms of snow from West Virginia to Vermont yesterday closing schools in some areas, while icy roads were blamed for at least four traffic deaths. AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 46 1 TOKYt). Thurs. Japan and the Soviet Union will hold talks ir Moscow on Jan 20 and 21 to discuss bilateral relations which have cooled following the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Foreign Ministry officials said today. They last held sjch talks in May 1979. AFP
    AFP  -  46 words
  • 328 1 WASHINGTON, Thursday THE Reagan Administration has abandoned a controversial plan that would have brought about a financial restructuring of the World Bank and other development agencies, government sources said yesterday. The Treasury Department plan was proposed in a major draft review
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 124 1 WELLINGTON, Thurs. A hungry, forgetful intelligence agent who likes women has been uncovered in New Zealand. His briefcase, found on a suburban fence, contained three meat pies, two slices of cake, a copy of Penthouse magazine and secret documents, intelligence sources confirmed. It
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 714 1  -  LEE KIM CHEW IT WILL AID POLITICAL SOLUTION' By Our Bangkok Correspondent PATTAYA, Thursday ASEAN foreign ministers have studiously avoided public discussion on the contentious issue of arming the antiVietnamese Cambodian fighters, but closed ranks instead with a unanimous call on the
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  • 66 1 LONDON, Thurs. Workers at the Ford UK Motor Company voted yesterday to go on strike from Jan S, trade union leaders raid. Ford, the most successful car manufacturer in Britain, has said a strike would threaten the survival of its entire British operation. The workers have
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 246 1  - Police chief and deputies promoted By LAI YEW KONG THE Police Commissioner, Mr Gob Yong Hong (above 1 and 10 of his most senior officers have been promoted in recent upgrading exercises, it was learnt last night. Mr Goh has been upgraded to Superscale D from Superscale E. His four
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  • 80 1 LATEST LISA CONFIRMS END OF FAST MOSCOW, Than. Lisa Alexeyeva, at the centre •f Sevlet dissident Andrei Sakharev's hanger strike pntent, said today she had been told hy the head tt the Sevlet Academy sf Sciences Aaatoly Alexaadrvv that Dr Sakhanv and his wife had ended their fast. Earlier today,
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 218 1 1 I dot the best money Si* value in diamonds. precious gems and r |hw I exquisite jewellery for i^f I the festive season at... G.M.DE SILVA PTE. LTD. Icwellers and Ciem Merchants G34 Specialists Centre. Ground Fir. Orchard Road. Singapore 0923 Tel *****37 *****07 G6. OBS Building Ground Fir.
      218 words
    • 160 1 ■-■^SJmmmm THE OCBC SINGAPORE DOLLAR TRAVELLERS CHEQUES For your convenience and security. In our efforts to provide the best for our customers, we now offer you another first the OCBC Singapore Dollar Travellers Cheques. The next time you travel, get OCBC Singapore Dollar Travellers Cheques Here's why The Singapore Dollar
      160 words
    • 25 1 SHARP COLOUR TV Servkt-PolkySiOOayeor call *****2 for further details about this money saving policy. Boanr (store) pte ltd 463 T«ngim M«l; Bom S."g«eo»o3n T» U'tn
      25 words

    • 725 2 Road tax system THE government has simplified the road tax structure for goods vehicles. Taxes will now be based on their maximum laden weight instead of unladen weight. Also, the road tax and diesel fee will be combined into one tax. The move is likely to cost the government
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    • 597 2 Discord gets in way THE discord between Greece and Turkey has held up the final communique of Nato defence ministers yesterday, which would firmly support President Ronald Reagan's proposals for East-West arms cuts, diplomatic sources said. Greece wanted a clause saying Nato would guarantee it against Turkish
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    • 171 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: CONVENIENCE is what would persuade Singapore to follow salt when Peninsular Malaysia moves ahead 31 minutes to unify its time with East Malaysia next year. Kuala Lumpur appears to have tipped the balance towards suggestions for greater daylight saving in Singapore. The benefits would probably
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    • 205 2 PhHan triumphs SINGAPORE'S Lim Phi-Ian qualified for the second round ot the women's singles tennis tournament in Manila when she defeated local favourite Dyan Castilleio 1-6, 6-4, 6-4 in a gruelling 2 4 -hour match yesterday. It was a surprise win for she had lost to the 16-year-old Filipina
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    • 235 2 ROLLEI'S TRAGIC TALE NEARING AN END THE sad story of Rollei Singapore, in receiv ership for the last six months, is nearing an end. The official receiver, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell Co (PMM), is close to finalising the sale of Rollei's last major asset, its land and buildings at
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    • 89 2 AMERICAN MANAGEMENT MOVES UP THE LADDER AMERICAN business has not been sitting by idly waiting for economic recovery. A tough domestic economic climate and competition from abroad are spawning major changes in how comnanies are run. In management styles, labour relations and the use of new technology, firms are
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    • 245 2 Computer drafting ARCHITECT Tay Kheng Soon's $500,000 drafting computer has sparked great interest among architects here. Much better than tfie prototypes of the Sixties, his computer is equal to three draftsmen. While conceptualisation belongs solely to the architect, the computer is a great boon in the development and
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    • 225 2 First visit to Britain A MALAYSIAN minister left for London yesterday on the first official ministerial visit to Britain, since bilateral ties were strained by a Buy-British-last policy in October. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak will meet senior officials of the government and major financial
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    • 144 2 The surname Lu THE Chinese surname Loke, or Lu in hanyu pinvin, is a rare one made famous. Lu You (112i> 1210) was a poet distinguished by his poems of patriotism and tragic love. Lu Xiufu (1256 1278) was a patriotic minister who committed suicide with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 ES3SHES3 Organisers: f Far Eastern Furnishings (HK) Ltd. u» Singapore Woodcraft Mfg. Co. (Pte) Ltd. Ajt Venue Victoria Memorial Hall 'H Date 1 lth Dec/El to 13th Dec/Sl Time 11.00 am to 8.30pm daily jt flj MlLr- M <T «^V m I m 1 1 El I ll^tW^^^i THOMSON ROAD
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    • 179 3 Lisa-for whom the Sakharovs held fast LISA Alexeyeva, left, tke y*aag womu for whom tie Sakkaravs staged a kaager strike, is seea here with Elena Sakhare v on a file photo take* last September la Moscow. Dr Andrei Sakharo v and his wife, Elena, went on a hunger strike to
      UPI  -  179 words
    • 374 3 PARIS, Thursday FRENCH President Francois Mitterrand said yesterday there would be no let-up in his government's programme of socialist reforms and reminded critical businessmen the country needed their cooperation. Speaking in his first television interview since his election last May, Mr Mitterrand concentrated
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 235 3 Opinion poll points to trouble for Schmidt BONN, Thurs. A public opinion poll that could foreshadow trouble for Chancellor Helmut Schmidt has disclosed that a majority of West Germans oppose the planned deployment of US medium-range missiles in Western Europe. The poll, taken by the Sample Institute for the West
      UPI  -  235 words
    • 78 3 LONDON, Tbara. A painting by an American artist was bought by a British buyer for a record US$199,500 (SJ&O.OOO) at a sale of paintings at Sotheby's auction rooms yesterday. The painting Hermla and Helen? was done by Washing to.-. Allston (1779 1842) in the early 19th Century
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 42 3 NEW DELHI, Thurs. Egypt and India will discuss resumption of air service between the two nations. Egyptian Foreign Minister Butros Ghali and his Indian counterpart, Narasimha Rao agreed yesterday. Mr Ghali is on a four-day official visit to India. UPI.
      UPI  -  42 words
    • 219 3 Britons bear woes with a stiff upper lip and a smile LONDON, Thursday DESPITE daunting stagflation, three million unemployed, and savage cuts in social spending by the government, the legendary British upper lip has never been stiffer in fact, it is bared in a wide, well-contented smile. Such is the
      AFP  -  219 words
    • 47 3 Indo-US joint venture NEW DELHI, Thurs. India and the US agreed yesterday to expand their scientific collaboration to ar?as of nuclear science and energy production from the oceans. The agreement emerged at the end of the three-day meeting of the Indo-US subcommission on science and technology. AFP.
      AFP  -  47 words
    • 304 3 Greek-Turk discord ties up Nato talks BRUSSELS, Thurs, A NORTH Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) defence ministers' meeting was deadlocked yesterday as Greece and Turkey disagreed over the terms of the final communique alluding to their long-standing dispute, diplomatic sources said. Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou asked for the inclusion of
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    • 249 3 Jane's calls for non-nuclear deterrent LONDON, Thura. The nuclear deterrent is dead and the world must devise another way of preventing global war, an authoritative publication said today. It suggested a twopronged deterrent whereby the two super powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, had a small force of
      Reuter  -  249 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 FLORIDA U.S.A. "THE SUNSHINE STATE" IF YOU KNOW ABOUT FLORIDA, you would understand why 40 million travellers visit Florida each year and why 4,200 people move in every week to settle there. Now for as low as a total sum of U551 2,500, you can invest and own 50,000 sq.ft.
      192 words
    • 164 3 m hanimex The World's Smallest 35 mm Camera with flip-up flash! J m Now, hold in M 7 your palm Lag M Hanimex 35 |P ar v Micro Flash Easy to use, easy to carry around It S^ q-^ Foolproof zone settings for focusing X'w I L, at a glance
      164 words

    • 416 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs THE House of Representatives, with unusual support from Republicans, yesterday passed a twoyear Foreign Aid Bill authorising US$12 billion (S$24.6 billion) in renewed aid to Pakistan and US$11.9 billion to friendly countries in the Middle East. Unlike past years, a majority
      Reuter; UPI  -  416 words
    • 124 4 WASHINGTON, Than. President Ranald Reagan today lifted a ban on federal employment of air controllers sacked last August for gaing on strike In violailon «f regnlatiMu. Leaders of the AFLCIO labour federation had urged the president last week to shew clem- ency toward the dismissed striken.
      AFP  -  124 words
    • 138 4 'HARMLESS DEFICITS' CLAIMS REJECTED WASHINGTON, Thurs. The White House yesterday rejected claims by President Ronald Reagan's economic advisers that huge Federal deficits are not a serious inflation problem and said the President is still committed to balancing the budget. All three members of the President's council of economic advisers told
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 257 4 Gatt ruling blow to US export subsidies GENEVA, Thursday THE United States has suffered a significant setback in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Gatt) the world trade watchdog body which after nearly eight years of discussions has ruled that a long-standing US system of tax concessions for exporters
      FT  -  257 words
    • 255 4 I gave up all for Billie-Jean says her ex-girl LOS ANGELES, Thurs. A former hairdresser told a court she gave up career, identity, pride and her home by embarking on a lesbian love affair with tennis star Billie Jean King. Marilyn Barnett, wearing a long grey skirt to hide leg
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 81 4 UNITED NATIONS, Thurs The UN General Assembly went on record yesterday against Israel's attack on an Iraqi nuclear reactor for the fourth and fifth time in its three-month 36th regular session, due to finish most of its work next week. By a vote of 107-2 with
      AP  -  81 words
    • 67 4 MICHAEL'S OWN PATH TO WORK IS CLEAR SNOW has came to Boston and along with people shovelling snow from their doorsteps, Mr Michael Masters Is clearing the snow on a pavement from his wheelchair. Mr Masters, 31, is paralysed from the waist down, and, to get to work, he has
      AP  -  67 words
    • 90 4 They come for the Bethlehem postmark BETHLEHEM( Connecticut), Thurs. In the little Connecticut town of Bethlehem, all is calm except for the post office which carries the same name as the hamlet where Christ was bom, is doing big business this week. New Englanders for years have sent or brought
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 58 4 LONDON, Thurs. The British Government has announced that it will spend £270 million (SJI.I billion) next year on Britain's inner cities, scene of severe rioting last July. Environment Secretary I Michael Heseltine told Parlia ment yesterday the govern- ment's urban programme next I year would be
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    • 33 4 BELFAST, Thurs. Gunmen shot four Roman Catholic men I in the legs last night in a suspected punishment opera- tion carried out by the Irish Republican Army, police said. I -UPI.
      UPI  -  33 words
      • 92 4 DENVER, Thurs. A premature baby, believed the smallest human to receive an implanted pacemaker, had improved so much since his operation that he was off a special breathing apparatus at a Denver hospital yesterday. "The doctors say he is kicking, so he must be doing pretty well," said
        UPI  -  92 words
      • 104 4 MINNEAPOLIS (Minnesota), Thurs. A five-month-old baby who received a kidney transplant from his father was reported to be "doing very well" following the five-hour operation yesterday. Dr John Najarian, chief of surgery at University of Minnesota hospitals, said Philip John Struense was, to his knowledge,
        AP  -  104 words
      • 94 4 PHILADELPHIA (Pennsylvania), Thurs. Four doctors at the University of Pennsylvania hospital performed new and radical surgery yesterday on a 21-year-old "Elephant Woman to correct horribly disfiguring problems caused by the disease neurofibromatosis. The patient, is known only as Lisa H. Dr Linton Whitaker, director of the hospital's craniofa
        UPI  -  94 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 I The Asian Beauty recognised in a fragrance 111 I /f jp r li^fc F* ■dm liyi f m m m m jlf Singapore Giri he Asian beauty created by Dadi. She is delicate beauty. A known for her gentleness and elegance. Singapore Girl, Original Bali, First Lady And her
      89 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 597 5 r*i./A./\i-4/VM r*"T"IVA/VS r^ 1 l x>. Q the Saotarinas will appear from 7 Dec —24 Dec 81 YAUn^ cHR^'iYmvAPEPS A THE season of goodwill is almost upon us, go join the its.i 'ts. j I IF 9 nrv |v [CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS AT OUR STORES BECOS' THE PRICES WONT SPOIL V^AJ^b
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    • 354 6 Opec puts final touches to new price structure ABU DHABI, Thursday THE Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries began a closed door meeting here today to put the finishing touches to a new unified pricing structure that would end two years of free-for-all on prices. Opec agreed on a single base
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 39 6 UNITED NATIONS, Thurs. The Seychelles yesterday requested an urgent meeting of the UN security Council to consider action to deal with the abortive attack by a band of mercenaries on the island republic two weeks ago. UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 216 6 Arabs tell EEC not to turn a blind eye BRUSSELS, Thurs. Arab states warned the European Economic Community today against taking too conciliatory an attitude towards Israel. An Arab league communique on behalf of Arab ambassadors in Brussels said EEC states were adopting a passive attitude towards violations by Israel
      Reuter; AP  -  216 words
    • 71 6 TEL AVIV, Thurs. Active service took on a new meaning In the Israeli army this week when a serving officer gave birth to quadruplets. Major Rath Shlv, whose husband Is also in the army bat only a corporal, had two boys and two girls. From the
      AFP  -  71 words
    • 206 6 Afro- Arab states back fund for liberation LUANDA, Thursday A LIBYAN-BACKED Afro-Arab conference ended here last night with a proposal to set up a common fund to finance liberation movements in Africa and the Arab world The proposal was incorporated in a programme of action for mutual solidarity and strengthening
      Reuter  -  206 words
    • Sideliners
      • 106 6 EMBARRASSED British Rail officials on Wednesday had to tow Britain's new (255 km h) advanced passenger train (APT) back to its depot in Glasgow, Scotland, after it broke down on only its third public journey. Officials said a fault in the breaking system forced the Glasgow to
        UPI  -  106 words
      • 79 6 MORE Britons are keeping goats. There are at least 100,000 tethered around the countryside, the Agriculture Ministry reported in London this week. Issuing a leaflet on how to look after goats, the ministry said most are kept one to a household, as milk provider, living lawn-mower
        AP  -  79 words
      • 71 6 A MUNICIPAL workpr in Pittsburgh has come up with an ingenious method of filling a huge pothole in this city, which some call the pothole capital of the world. He stuck a refrigerator into the hole. Ed Swierczyk. who answers the mayor's service hot line,
        UPI  -  71 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 208 6 Bally, Lanvin...and friends. The names conjure up the best in haute couture. Shirts by Pierre Balmain and van Laack. Ties by Loewe. Belts by Lanvin. Suits by Ermenegildo Zegna. Shoes and boots by Bally. And the clutch bag, the latest male accessory, designed by Etienne Aigncr. Now you can dress
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    • 104 7 19 hurt as flyover span collapses THIS 15.24-metre span of a flyover collapsed in New Delhi on Wednesday night daring construction of a road for the 1982 Asian Games. The unfinished span, scaffolding and framework swayed during the pouring of concrete and finally collapsed in a mass of debris, carrying
      AP  -  104 words
      • 77 7 SOME RESIDENTS of the district of Batur near the volcanic plateau of Dieng in central Java, have been evacuated because of poisonous gas released from the earth following several minor earthquakes in the area over the past three weeks, the Antara news agency said in Jakarta yesterday.
        AP  -  77 words
      • 75 7 FRANCE EXPLODED two nuclear devices underground at Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific during the past week, scientists said in Wellington yesterday. The New Zealand government seismologist, Dr Warwick Smith, said a government seismograph in the Cook Islands measured a blast of 8 to 10 kilotons on
        UPI  -  75 words
      • 67 7 NINE CANDIDATES from the Third World, including six Latin Americans, have officially entered the race to become the new United Nations Secretary General, the United Nations announced on Wednesday. The race was thrown open after the two leading contenders, incumbent Kurt Waldheim of Austria and
        UPI  -  67 words
      • 63 7 ABOUT 4,M9 telecommunications and postal employees were back on the job on Thursday after staging a lightning nine-hour strike that effectively rut Thailand's links with the outside world. The return-to-work order was given by strike leaders early Thursday morning after they won an agreement from the government
        AP  -  63 words
      • 79 7 THE ITALIAN parliament has approved a bill calling for dissolution of the controversial Masonic Lodge "propaganda due." By a vote of 400 to 86, the deputies yesterday decided to ask Interior Minister Virgilio Rognoni to carry out the order, which involves mainly the seizing of the
        AFP  -  79 words
      • 57 7 Si:DAN HAS accused Libya of threatening several of its embassies abroad, including the one in Washington. The official news agency, quoting a Foreign Ministry spokesman, yesterday said the Sudanese embassies in Bonn, West Germany as well as in Kuwait also received threats But it did not elaborate
        AP  -  57 words
    • 207 7 China, India accord on cultural and trade ties BEIJING, Thursday CHINA and India opened their first border talks in almost 20 years today and agreed to develop trade and cultural relations between the two countries. Diplomatic sources said the talks lasted more than six hours and described them as "pleasant
      AP  -  207 words
    • 201 7 JAKARTA BID TO BOOST EXPORT EARNINGS JAKARTA, Thurs A new foreign trade policy designed to boost Indonesia's declining revenues from non-oil exports will come Into effect on Jan 1, 1962, Trade Minister Radius Prawiro said last night. The new policy is aimed at stepping up exports of non-c I products
      AFP  -  201 words
    • 62 7 MADRID, Thurs. Two men, ages 19 and 50, have died from toxic syndrome in the last 48 hours here and in Guadalajara 50 km to the north, bringing to 219 the death toll from the disease since it first appeared in May. Another 522 people are
      AFP  -  62 words
    • 44 7 PARIS, Thurs About 400 million people are going hungry in the world and the figure could double by the year 2,000. Mr Edgard Pisani. European Economic Community (EEC) Commissioner For Development, told an EEC conference on "strategies against world hunger" yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  44 words
    • 213 7 HONGKONG, Thursday A GROUP of demobilised soldiers in a small county in China's Guangdong province stormed the county headquarters, held officials as hostage and destroyed government documents during a four-day abortive revolt, a^leftist Hongkong magazine reported. The Chinese-language monthly Cheng Ming, in this
      AP  -  213 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 917 7 SAM TAT AGENCES (leather goods dept.) I 2nd Flooc 287 Lucky PtaM. Orchard Road Singapore 0923 Tel *****56 I Business Hours 9»m 9pm Daily 'Including Sundays i Public Hondaysi l^vl m^m \M ljl m Pal These offers available while stocks last! You Can Count On ■BflHUfij|B| Emporium Holdings Group "4%
      917 words

  • 349 8 You are like thugs, youths told ■DISTRICT judge Chandra Mohan reprimanded four teenage robbers yesterday for behaving like thugs. He told the youths he •hould send them all to lail and order them leaned, but for the fact *hat they were first oftenders and had pleaded fcuilty. Sentence was postponed
    349 words
  • 268 8 US$100,000 for the Olivers from 'Heaven' GEORGE Oliver could hardly believe >ds lack when he wen the rs$lM,«M (SrW5,«M) prize he and his wife had day-dreamed about. Like the 33 other finalists of the Singapore Airlines' Pennies from Heaven Contest for the airline's agents, the Olivers had thought about what
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  • 36 8 OVERSEAS mail to Australia will be delayed as a result of a strike by Australian postal drivers, the Postal Services Department said yesterday. The affected mail includes Speedpost and Express Delivery mail.
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  • 76 8 Cherries had prohibited acid FITZPATRICK'S Food Supplies (Far East) Ltd was yesterday fined $2,000 for importing and selling glace cherries containing benzoic acid. The company pleaded guilty to importing and selling Winn brand cherries illegally containing M6 parts per million of the acid at Block H. Chancery Court, on Aug
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  • 63 8 POLICE want to contact the family of an unidentified Chinese man, who was found dead at the foot of a block of flats in Dover Crescent on Wednesday. The deceased, in his late 20s and about 1.57 m tall, was found clad only in his underwear. Anyone who
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  • 544 8 Road tax structure for goods vehicles revised ROAD taxes of all goods vehicles will now be based on their maximum laden weight instead of unladen weight, the Government announced yesterday. It is a more uniform basis for calculating the taxes. Under the new road tax structure for goods vehicles, the
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  • 102 8 THE Minister without Portfolio and NTUC secretary general, Mr Lim Chee Onn, will attend the Singapore Organisation of Seamen 10th anniversary celebration tomorrow at the Happy Century Restaurant. During the celebration, hong bao will be presented to retired seamen, scholarships to deserving children of the
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  • 82 8 Police take away nearly 400 machines POLICE yesterday took away almost 400 suspected imitation-brand biscuit packing machines from shops in Rochor and Woodlands roads. The raids began at about noon following a tip-off. A police party later visited at least two shops in Rochor Road and took away 338 of
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  • 56 8 A WOMAN who had been organising lesbian shows for a year, Wong Yoke Ying, 28, was fined $1,000 yesterday for contravening the Public Entertainment Act. A man, Goh Eng Chua, who had been followed to a house in Rowell Road by anti-vice enforcement officers, was
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  • 90 8 Keppel union to award free text books THE Union of Keppel Shipyard Employees of Singapore will award free text books to Primary Six and Secondary Four children of its members on Wednesday. The Minister of State (Eduction), Dr Tay Eng Soon, who is the union's adviser, will be guest -of
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  • 138 8 MORE than a million dollars in cash and jewellery have been reported stolen over the past four weeks. The police have again warned people not to leave money and valuables in their home or workplace especially during the festive season. This reminder comes
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  • 213 8 Civil servants to hear QC expert's view MORE than 400 senior government officers will attend the first Work Improvement Team (WIT) seminar at the Civil Service Institute on Monday. During the three-hour session, they will hear a talk by a Japanese quality control consultant engineer, Mr Ichiro Miyauchi, on the
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  • 243 8  - A BETTER WAY TO LEARN JAPANESE BY MAIL JUNE TAN By Education Reporter SECONDARY Four students taking Japanese as a third language have been shown the "write" way to improve their language skills. Under a pen pal scheme introduced by the Singapore Education Ministry's Japanese language expert, Prof Takayoshi Ezoe,
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  • 54 8 THE Scientific Services Department will take over the monitoring of all operators of radiation equipment in Singapore from January, said the department's newsletter. Its Radiation Protection Inspectorate currently monitors over 2,000 workers in industry while the Radiotherapy Department of the Singapoi-e General Hospital monitors about 300 radiation users
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 ?(ni&^ ?i if* «BH^lBif J snadow ji/f 4i^J| W j E^l JHf of doubt /■/^^"^B^B HIPtMy m I Rhythm in blue —P. J.s latest top jM HIV. ii# I i MNSnvm m PP A quality denim collection will make wrfj lpm«MN«««mMqj| Bfl JPIfW flßßJafli A '^PSBn^Mnlift^WMb WRL sweet music with
      519 words

  • 314 9 DISPUTE OVER ENGINE CAPACITY CLAIM THE Registry of Vehicles has stopped registering a model of the new Honda Accord as a 1598cc car until the local agent can prove it is of this engine capacity. Otherwise, the car, which was launched here a
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  • 230 9 Japanese Association willing to pay $5m for choice site WANTED: A choice 0.8 hectare site with large mansion in good order situated in District 9, 10 or 11. Buyer willing to pay $5 million. This is the type of property being sought by the Japanese Association, which has until the
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  • 147 9 Garoupas for lagoon fishing contest THE Sentosa Development Corporation will release about 20 garoupas, each weighing about 10kg, into the Sentosa swimming lagoon. They are meant to be prize catches for a fishing contest to be held on the island on Dec 20. Besides the garoupas, anglers will also be
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  • 215 9 AT the touch of a button and a turn of a knob, visitors to the Singapore Science Centre can now come face-to-face with the Australopithecus man, who lived 1.5 million to five million years ago. Yesterday saw pupils turning up at the centre for
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  • 54 9 A BLACKOUT bit areas la Lorong 7 in Geylang, Kallan X Road, Telok kurau and Meyer Road last Bight far more than one-and-a-half hours. A Public Utilities Board spokesman said the blackout which happened at 7.3* p.m. was caused by a cable fault which caused the transformer at
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  • 199 9 Parents give the nod to Raja's call PARENTS and school principals yesterday backed a call to teach children how to be good parents. The suggestion was made by Second Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs), Mr S. Rajaratnam, at a kindergarten graduation ceremony •n Wednesday. He also advised mothen to stay
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  • 51 9 THREE hundred old folks from nine homes will be treated to a film show and hong bao on Sunday afternoon at the St John Ambulance Brigade Charity Fair at DBS Auditorium. The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Affairs, Mr Teo Chong Tee, will give away the hong
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  • 24 9 THE Teck Ghee community centre will be holding a night tour on Dec 26 from 9 p.m. to 6 the following morning.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 t ML EA M H I ■ML u: n tw 1 |n Y562-5010 Five years ago, people just owned a watch. >y m Today you can afford a dual time chronograph for A W business, a rugged sports watch for weekends Y563 5040 A and a dress watch for evenings,
      106 words

  • 341 10 HOUSEWIFE Mrs Aamah Mate kaa (md a parr-feet way to ■peat her day. She after 38 eate. 8ke kaewa each aae af them by aame. There's Chewy, Mlndy, Plente, Maaday, Satarday, Sqaeakv and BlaekMae... the Hat seems eadlea«. ney all Hve
    341 words
  • 139 10 NUS gives assurance on computer science THE National University of Singapore has assured students wishing to read computer science that adequate notice will be if they change the entry requirements. This assurance was given in an NUS press statement yesterday, following a recent Schools Council report on proposed changes to
    139 words
  • 548 10  -  IRENE NGOO By Housing Correspondent LORRY operators who tender to carry granite from the Resource Development Corporation quarries are now not allowed to use their own lorries. They will have to lease and buy heavy high-ca-pacity lorries from the government-owned company. While the
    548 words
  • 170 10 Formula for 100 pc passes in CL2 TANJONG Rhu Girls' Primary School scored 100 per cent passes in CL2 in the Primary School Leaving Examination. Out of 103 pupils, 91 scored A's (18 had A»). Eleven scored Bs and only one had a C. A school official attributed the good
    170 words
  • 191 10 Man used duplicate keys to steal spectacles AN optical shop's store clerk was jailed for 10 months yesterday by a district judge after he admitted stealing $50,000 worth of spectacles from the shop over seven months. The district court heard that Foo Sin Hua, 29, made duplicate keys of the
    191 words
  • 97 10 WINNERS of the logo competition of the United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries will receive their prizes at the NTUC Workers' Centre, Queenstown Complex on Sunday at 10 a.m. The contest attracted 118 entries from 82 participants. The winner of the first prize of
    97 words
  • 132 10 FIVE school tuckshop stallholders were each fined $400 yesterday by a magistrate (or selling unclean food. They were Aesah. binti Haji Omar, Tan Bee Eng, Loo Ah Jee, Soo Geok Kuan and Teo Teck Lai, who admitted selling unclean mee rebus, soon kway, fried
    132 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 76 10 fly JL M if I I For that smart, thoroughly well-groomea look, complete range of clothes, shoes and accessories from our Men's Department. Exclusive to Tang's are the Louise Philippe shirts with complementing ties, from $80 per set, w m shown above. To match with left, Brentwood trousers, $39.50 or
      76 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 529 11 ||^Ej^i|£ A celebration of grand buys! Uty Place your Christinas Orders Extra festive Baking made easy Cdld stQra^ e Hampers— )U^ 180 Self Raising Flou, BHHFT^ Festival Butter ssog 1 .89 ikg 1 .70 K^ VSMSf^i^^^Hfc «B .i^W fl| l^^i i^ /3o| ngil* gllX X Star Brand Essences Sultanas 37
      529 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 314 12 Plans to meet stock exchange officials KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A Malaysian minister left for London today on the first official ministerial visit to Britain since bilateral ties were strained by a new Malaysian policy aimed against British goods and services. Deputy Finance Minister
      Reuter; NST  -  314 words
    • 263 12 Passport seekers no longer need 'men of position' KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday MALAYSIANS applying for international passports no longer need signatures from referees who are "men of position" to support their applications now that the new directive to upgrade counter services is being enforced. i The order was given by the
      NST  -  263 words
      • 40 12 UNITED STATES Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Mr Daniel A. O'Donohue, will arrive in Kuala Lumpur today for a four-day visit, said a statement issued in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. AFP.
        AFP  -  40 words
      • 59 12 A NEWLY-ELECTED MP for Seri Cading constituency in Johore, Mr Mustapha Mohamad, has reported to police that his life had been threatened. Mr Mustapha who was the political secretary to former Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn said he received the call at his home last Sunday.
        AFP  -  59 words
      • 31 12 MAJUTERNAK. the problem-ridden livestock agency, may be scrapped if recommendations from an inquiry team are accepted by the Malaysian Cabinet, the Malay Mail, quoting Agriculture Ministry sources, reported yesterday.
        31 words
      • 35 12 A SPECIAL committee has been set up to study ways of getting more nonbumiputras to join the police force, InspectorGeneral of Police Tan Sri Mohamed Haniff Omar said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. NST.
        NST  -  35 words
    • 256 12 Big reshuffle of Cabinet expected after polls KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. A big Cabinet reshuffle is expected to take place soon after the coming general elections, with at least six ministers and some deputy ministers to be axed to make way for young blood, it was reported yesterday. The bi-weekly newspaper
      256 words
    • 51 12 ALOR STAR, Thurs The wild elephant population in Kedah has been halved as compared with 10 years ago as a result of development. A state Wildlife Department spokesman said yesterday there are only about nine elephants left In the state as compared with over 20 ten years ago.
      NST  -  51 words
    • 138 12 ADOPT THE JAPANESE WORK ETHIC, SAYS PM KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaysian Prim* Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad last night proposed that Malaysians adopt a "work ethic" similar to the one practised In Japan. The Prime Minister said he would like to see the introduction of such a ••ystem to
      AFP  -  138 words
    • 91 12 KUALA LUMPUK. Ttan. Malaysia* Farelci Mlalstry tfßctab aald today tfcey were a*t tnir •I the re pried wtiiwrt fey PmlUpptoe CNH narriatf b*at ■Meeto? to he ferryiMg Maillm rebel* turn Matken PkllippUe. toSfttah. "Aj far m we we em- «»MW»J* to tovalve* la
      91 words
    • 152 12 Malaysians abroad can cast ballots by post KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Malaysian students and workers overseas can vote in the coining general elections through the post. The Minister without Portfolio, Datuk Abdullah Haji Badawi, told Parliament this week that registration and voting facilities are available at all Malaysian high commissions and
      NST  -  152 words
    • 68 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Another MTUC affiliate the Mara Institute of Technology (1TM) General Staff Association has quit the congress, bringing the total number of affiliates which have withdrawn so far to 12, ITM's General Staff Association secretary-general, Mr Mohamed Yusop Hassan, said yesterday the decision to
      NST  -  68 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 28 12 <5 23&* W JM Hf ■-vrVV I I E if c^g^gcr M Br.#iis- m m si* ci( u um to w ■\l,i.sin.-"",\ l ,i.sin.-"",, Ic,|>1 c,|>n 1 b
      28 words
    • 164 12 <; CHARLES JOURDAN Jv s ■Ikfxs\j\4 JL" wB JSoflF jm ■fl I'll' j^^C^Ti 1,, i ii Available at Alfred Leather Cerfre Orchard Pla2a Charles Jourdan Boutique Lucky Plaza Creazioni Re Ltd Lucky Plaza Cuir (S) Re Ltd Mount Elizabeth Centre Elegance Reptile House Mandann Shopping Arcade imported Handbags People s
      164 words

  • 151 13 Students get a first hand look at nursing WHAT other better way to learn how to resuscitate somfoof than from trailed Birses them■elves. i. The secondary school leavers (right) are watching a demonstratUn on a dummy by two ■vms at the Health Ministry "Nnrsing Experience" exhibition and slide show. These
    151 words
  • 114 13 Debating the pros and cons of tourism SINGAPORE Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Technical College students are meeting for a friendly debate this afternoon. The topic of their debate is ''That the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in the promotion of tourism." Sponsored by Nanyang Siang Pau, this second debate held at
    114 words
  • 37 13 DR Y. C. Giam will speak on common skin problems at the Radin Mas community centre at Telok Blangah Crescent at 7.30 p.m. on Dec 29. It is organised by the centre's Women subcommittee.
    37 words
  • 96 13 THE Singapore Provision Shops Friendly Association has decided that its 1,200 members will not deliver soft drinks to the homes of buyers during the coming festive seasons due to labour shortage. This is also to save the trouble of collecting empty bottles from the
    96 words
  • 296 13  - Cruise launches new ties in maritime industry PAUL JACOB INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AT SEA By IT WAS all ashore from the Centaur yesterday and for most, the three-day seminar-at-sea has helped set the relationship between shipping management and employers on a more even keel Said Mr Thomas Tay, an organiser of
    296 words
  • 475 13 THERE is a new breed of hawkers who operate without a licence. They are the mobile get-ready-to-run unlicensed hawkers who use cars, vans and pick-ups to sell their wares and make quick getaways. Of the 1,900 hawkers fined to date this year
    475 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 58 13 BnsPsnH^sk Bnßnßns^BnßnßnßßnßnßnßnßW^a^Bnßnsi cloude bernard time's new elegance Cortina Watch Centre Pte Ltd G32. Lucky Piaza. Orchard Road. Singapore 0923. Tel: *****84. *****71 Cortina Watch Centre Pte Ltd G4-8-9. Upper Ground Floor. Colombo Court Singapore 0617 Tel- *****28 Watches of Switzerland Pte Ltd G7O/73/74. Lucky Plaza. Orchard Rd Spore 0923 Tel:
      58 words
    • 332 13 TI IE STYI ETI L\T T\ <$o> \^f PUTSYOUINTHE rQty^Mr FESTIVE LIMELIGHT ir/jiPW^A They are all here at Metro. r^^^^///I^4S^7\ Sahara Club men's fashionwear that'll X^ 1 MMlivU/S^/ take you anywhere during this /Ij festive period. Come in and pick the style that'll put you in the limelight. 9MIBTI *S^
      332 words

  • 428 14 Ad seeking companions led to case of outrage A MAN who advertised for female companions was yesterday jailed for 10 months for outraging the modesty of a domestic servant who replied to his advertisement. A district court heard' that because of the force he used on her, the 27-year-old woman
    428 words
  • 92 14 SSO on lookout for talent THE Singapore Symphony Orchestra, which is to give a one-night performance in *Penang today, is also talentscouting for budding musicians. Its manager, Mr David Lim, told a press conference in Penang yesterday that it was offering scholarships to talented Malaysians who would like to further
    AFP  -  92 words
  • 55 14 THE Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Tony Street, arrived in Singapore yesterday on a three-day unofficial visit. He will have talks with Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr S. Dhanabalan on Saturday morning. A spokesman for the Australian High Commission said that the Cambodian situation would
    55 words
  • 39 14 THE Henderson community centre will conduct a swimming course for children on Sundays, starting Dec 20, at the Delta Swimming Pool. Application forms are available at the centre. For more details, call Mr Lee at *****68.
    39 words
  • 126 14 THE Singapore Zoological Gardens will Increase the admission charge for adalbt from $2.M to |S from Tuesday. The charges for children will remain at $1.». Zoo director Bernard Harrison said: "We had to raise the charges because operating costs have gone
    126 words
  • 580 14  - S'pore 'should follow' new KL time FILOMINA D'CRUZ By TWO Chambers of Commerce and the Singapore Manufacturers' Association say it is to Singapore's advantage to follow suit when Peninsular Malaysia puts its clock forward by half an hour next year. They say this is because of the Republic's high volume
    580 words
  • 29 14 THE Cairnhill community centre will conduct dian sin and children's art classes at the centre in Buyong Road every Saturday from next month. For details, telephone *****37.
    29 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 178 14 L y (WS) The Oriental Wm nrt Collector f proudly announces the arrival of a new m,^^^, collection of Fine Chinese decorated on the exteriof with Ceramics to be offered for the Baut Collection Catalogue Vol IV sale at w> The Hibiscus Room Jt Hotel Equatorial s^J^ 1^ December 12
      178 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 117 14 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp IIHE V£RV FIRST DISH.) Ito GIVE dAE MJOTHER LOOK kAAOGIE ,I'kA BUT I>A STiul *A*C? AT woo toochbo woo r"soßf?y c^wjce amd ru_ p^iSMep n^p i f ioo fop sf?EAKiMG> J rtAD TO C?«OP/ I/DARLIKI7 PBOKWSe TO 06 PIPIOT SREAK AMY- t
      117 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1076 15 TODAY! SONY'S I W^A^^vlbvD RON Up! Roll Up! Bargains like never before. Huge bb^fL^^AMw!^ discounts on a whole range of Sony audio products. There's I bbbbV^V jawffi^Csi) something for everyone, prices to suit every pocket. Plus 'LIVE' I /^^^^Vj^^^^j Ik t^LJp Musical entertainment, games, mountains of food and more. r
      1,076 words

  • 473 16 The Straits Times says Changing with the times THERE would be more reason than before for Singapore to have an additional half an hour of daylight saving when Peninsular Malaysia moves ahead to a common time zone with Sabah and Sarawak in the new year. Convenience is what would persuade
    473 words
  • 1013 16 4 We cant choose the government in another country. There should be a sense of equality created between the stronger and the weaker. f| And only the stronger can create it. 7 former PM Morarji Desai THE staple commodity on the Indian
    1,013 words
  • 676 16 EXACTLY 40 years ago, the mild Emperor Hirohito and the rather consensus-seeking General Tojo ordered Japanese aircraft to bomb Pearl Harbour. The private reaction of most Britons that Sunday evening was flabbergasted relief ("So we've won the war after all," said Churchill to
    676 words
  • 916 16  - Which doctor' dilemma a medical mix? S.Y. YOON By FOR YEARS, eccentric anthropologists and adventurous physicians from the West have explored the scientific frontiers of ancient medicine in the Third World with excellent results. Drugs such as quinine and morphine were originally found in the pharmacology bags of tribal healers.
    916 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 2 16 f AT
      2 words
    • 285 16 TOMORROW'S COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.TODAY S Nitsuko takes you into tomorrow's world of communication systems, today, with a range that combines sophistication and technologically advanced features. Controlling the electronic key telephone system are micro-processor units that utilise 2 or 3 pair cables. This enhances out-going, in-coming and transfer of calls. 4 models
      285 words

    • 364 17 Homespun advice for those who don't make it in school I AM no counsellor who can give professional advice. But I would like to share my personal thoughts with students who have just gone through a hard time to obtain as many As
      364 words
    • 168 17 Surely the well-off can afford to help SPCA THE Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is in danger of having to close for lack of funds for a new building to replace the soon-to-be-demolished Orchard Road quarters. Surely the amount required is within the capabilities of a
      168 words
    • 333 17 Sceneshifters' rock opera was no mean feat I THINK it is courageous on the part of Elma Thwaites and the YMCA sceneshifters to undertake to present such a difficult rock opera as Jesus Christ Superstar on stage in the face of opposition from various branches of the Christian bodies in
      333 words
    • 352 17 I REFER to the article "Cruel Sport of Kings" (ST, Dec 4). People go hunting and shooting to enjoy the outdoors, Dreathe the fresh air, soak into the beauty of nature and, last but not least, bring back a partridge,
      352 words
    • 178 17 Horrifying sight of pigeons poisoned to death ON Sept 18, a two-man team from the Primary Production Department (PPD) veterinary division came to some private flats in Katong and scattered poison pellets to kill a Hock of wild pigeons that have roosted in the area for a year or more.
      178 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 346 17 i^m^% SINGAPORE S«Cl£>S CONTACT LENS SOCIETY The following members are: D CONTACT LENS PRACTITIONERS D OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS D OPTOMETRISTS E. J. BENJAMIN FAAO FACLP EDWARD J BENJAMIN PTE LTD. r ARV lIFRMAUfI Mount Elizabeth Medtcal Centre. lino I ntnmnni Unit G2. Mount Elizabeth Road. (0922) >JWI U T Tel *****55.
      346 words
      202 words

    • 1496 18 AMERICAN business hasn't been sitting by idly waiting for the Reagan economic plan to move Into high gear. A tough economic climate at home and worldwide competition are spawning big changes in how companies operate. In management styles, labour relations and the use of new
      1,496 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 311 18 The best selling car in the world. A test drive will tell you why. ,'JH fflfiflfc^Mßv > VSHEnV^<f'SHnln^n^HnlHHn^n^n^Hn^nHKa^nlßllnln^n^n^n^nVHnln^nl HsTs^ «l i^ r j H9CHW Bit" nSBBflflH w l^lKn^n^n^P^^HHnHn^^^l^n^^^rCyMl^^E S^^^^^^^^^^^EJin^Mm§B nT^flnl ifln^nV^ J^^^^^LflM^Rfi^^^W *^n^n^K^^n^nlnß^ *%hI f." n^n^n^nln^n^n^Bi^St^S^ ■Mn^nln^n^r^ -J^n^Lv i^^R -J^-w HBnu*W([ JT At firsts glance it's the bumpers that B^
      311 words
    • 42 18 sraNTon THE CHOICE OF THE PROFESSIONALS n USA Model 500A FOR HEAVY-DUTY USE with excellent sound reproduction. INSIST ON THE BEST CARTRIDGE- STaNTOn AVAILABLE AT LEADING HIFI SCORES sca^, ONG RADIO SERVICE 16 Boghdod Street Singapore 071 V I»i *****75 A »3U»
      42 words

      • 67 19 FABER Union Sdn Bhd has entered into an agreement to buy two pieces of land in Ipoh, totalling 51.9 acres, from Hock Wah Seng Timber Products for M$8 million cash. The company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Faber Merlin Malaysia, is considering building a medium-cost condominium project there.
        67 words
      • 58 19 THE directors of Taiping Textiles Bhd have proposed to sub-divide each existing share of M$l into two new ordinary shares of M50 cents each. Dates and details of this sub-division will be announced later. The proposal is subject to approvals from the Capital Issues Committee, the Kuala Lumpur
        58 words
      • 122 19 SHAREHOLDERS of SPP Ltd (formerly Singapore Paper Products) have approved the acquisitions of Bored Piling Ltd, Soil and Foundation Ltd and the property at No 2, Fan Yoong Road and the sale of the company's property located at 315, Alexandra Road. The board of directors also announced that
        122 words
      • 65 19 SEA VIEW Hotel Ltd has told the SES that its directors are not aware of any reason for the sharp increase in its share price. This was in reply to the SES request under the exchange's corporate disclosure policy whereby immediate disclosure should be made about a company's
        65 words
      • 76 19 KEMP AS (M) Bhd has requested an immediate lifting of the suspension of trading in its shares. The request to the SES was made in view of an order obtained from the High Court of Malaya directing that a meeting be convened for the minority shareholders of Kempas
        76 words
    • International
      • 88 19 WASHINGTON, Thurs. A government agency has given the go-aheaa for futures trading in Eurodollars on one of America's largest markets in a move that will expand the scope of international financial dealings. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which regulates commodities trading in the US, said the Chicago
        Reuter  -  88 words
      • 100 19 TOKYO, Thurs. Japan and Ch'na will agree at next weeks ministeral conference here on a Japanese loan of 300 billion yen ($2.82 billion) to help finance steel mill and petro-chemical projects, the Foreign Ministry said today. The loan, to be provided by the semi-official Japan Export-Import Bank
        Reuter  -  100 words
      • 91 19 GENEVA, Thurs. Third World representatives today expressed dismay at the way the multifibre arrangement (MFA) renewal talks are going here. Referring to Tuesday's Brussels meeting of EEC ministers to examine the community's stance, the Philippines chief delegate said: "It's hard to see the flickering light at the
        AFP  -  91 words
    • 380 19  -  ABB Y TAN By Our Manila Reporter MANILA, Thurs. Orchard Hotel in Singapore is negotiating to take a 40 per cent interest in the Regent of Manila Hotel. Mr Panfilo Domingo, president of the Philippine National Bank (PNB). which controls the majority interests
      380 words
    • 858 19  -  WONG MAI YUN LAST MAJOR ASSET TO BE SOLD By THE sad story of Rollei Singapore, in receivership for the last six months, is nearing an end. The official receiver, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell k Co (PMM), is close to finalising the sale of Rollei's last
      858 words
    • 377 19  -  ANGE LINE TAN By WITHIN two years, Singapore will be linked to the Indonesian Palapa satellite communications system, together with the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. The president/director of the Indonesian Telecommunications Public Industry, Mr Willie Mo- i enandir, said Singapore will be linked by 1983 He
      377 words
    • 168 19 India to increase crude oil output NEW DELHI, Thurs. India's crude oil output will rise substantially next year resulting in cuts in energy imports which account for almost 75 per cent of the country's export earnings, Petroleum Secretary Lov Raj Kumar said today. "We plan to increase the domestic oil
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 163 19 NPB courses attract more THE number of participants in National Productivity Board training programmes is expected to reach nearly 16,000 by the end of the current fiscal year (ending March 31, 1982). This is double the number that benefited from NPB courses the previous year, According to NPB's Singapore Productivity
      163 words
    • Market Highlights
      • 380 19 SINGAPORE: Share prices closed narrowly mixed on some proflttaklng after a higher opening In active trading. Gnthrie rose 22 cents to $4.M, Inchcape 33 to $2.35 and Straits Steamship 38 to $4.5* while on the decline, Bonstead fell two cents to $3.18, Par-East Levlngton five
        380 words
        • 51 19 Bouateadco Taaek Cement Berjuntai St Steamship n I K Stligfor Dredf H L«on( Credit Kimuntinf Tin K L Indu.lnr. Paramount H Leoai Fin M M C 500 «eo sao 450 920 530 1230 550 470 464 825 424 M 55 40 38 35 32 30 30 28 28 25
          51 words
        • 34 19 i naroour KTC Tractor* Sin Hcnc Chaa Oriental Hldf* O C B C Sea View Sel Prop, rtiet 710 MO 180 498 1130 710 710 -TO -2S -20 -18 -12 -10 -10 -10
          34 words
        • 22 19 oiling l»l IU I Ity Dev nchcape tarco Polo "otal turnover: 8.53m "otal value: $31. 43m 366.000 329.000 317.000 314.000
          22 words
        • 28 19 IT Indicator: ndustrials: 'inance: lotels: "ropwtifs: linings: 'lantations CBC: *****1 175*96 ***** 773.09 *****0 *****8 *****5 1211 74 734.67 744.36 336.96 338.41 911 31 913.07 743.66 745.61
          28 words
      • 66 19 >iutc«d Bhd ilmmtm ■thrteBM wFh in-Klw eheapeBM TC M Wcrka -2 10 22 -2 8 -25 5 NBT Nat Iran PMC Peril* Plant Prims IUUbmm iUthnuun -7 5 4 4 5 SembSklp SapOrp Sbne Darby St Steamship SI Trading Tim** Pib I EBKijH^ra Wrann -4 -1
        66 words
    • 436 22  -  CHAN Ol CHEE By THE results achieved from current efforts to promote better employer-employee relations shows that the people involved are only scratching the surface of a complex problem, says the managing director of Van Der Horst Asia (Pte) Ltd, Mr Peter Politiek. He
      436 words
    • 175 22 HOUSING LOANS OF FINANCE FIRMS DOWN TOTAL housing loans of Singapore's finance companies have dropped for two successive months in September and October this year. According to latest government statistics, housing loans stood at $769.6 million in September, down from $773.7 million in August. This is the first fall in
      175 words
    • 84 22 JTC has commissioned »n Australian company, George Mam Pte LtdTlo supply a hydraulic roUry drill to be used for construction site InvesttnttNi. The HTJ Geme«driU, which costs over Pmjm Is molti-par-pose trac tor-moan t*d drilling machine spe- ciaily designed for geological surveys, soli and mineral sampling,
      84 words
    • 80 22 JAKARTA, Thurs. Four foreign banks operating in Jakarta have been fined by the Indonesian central bank for having violated the government's rule banning foreign financial institutions from giving loans to businessmen outside Jakarta. The Danks are the Char- tered Bank, the Algemene Bank Nederland, European Asian Bank
      AFP  -  80 words
    • 313 22  -  SOH TIANG KENG By THE responsibilities of directors and the accounting profession in the 1960s will come under close examination at the Eighth Conference of Singapore Accountants which opens today. The two-day conference, held at the Regional English Language Centre and organised by the Singapore
      313 words
    • 235 22 IT DOES not look like there will be an improvement in the health of Singapore's timber industry (or some time. A further drop in exports during September was recorded continuing its steady slide of recent months. Exports of timber and timber products amounted to
      235 words
    • 185 22 Inflation in US shows slwing trend WASHINGTON, Thurs. US inflation at the wholesale level slowed to an annual rate of 6.3 per cent in November, the government reported. This compared with 6.8 per cent the previous month. A slowdown in inflation at the wholesale level is usually followed by a
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 116 22 THE largest cassette tape maker in Singapore, Tony Wong Co, has invested in 23 units of industrial robots worth $2.4 million. These units were ordered from Star Seiki of Japan. Tony Wong Co is a 100 per cent local enterprise and uses these robots to
      116 words
    • 76 22 Bank of Japan cuts rate TOKYO. Thurs. The Bank of Japan today announced a 0.75 percentage point reduction in its official discount rate to 5.50 per cent per annum, effective from tomorrow, to stimulate domestic demand and boost the sagging Japanese economy. The widely anticipated cut in the rate, the
      76 words
    • 364 22 NEW YORK, Thurs. Mobil Corporation has opened a new front in its battlr for more oil reserves by making a grab for a 25 per cent share of US Steel, apparent winner in a multi-billion dollar struggle to take over the resource-rich
      Reuter  -  364 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 57 19 sn^isn^Ksin^fcssk^^^fl W^^^^ 4tf3 r \"w <H|X MJr jsK LsS^LsafaL Lsn^LsBBSW aCnsCaS^*^^ PORSCHE DESIGN Available at: Metro Grand, Lucky Plaza Tai Hong Hung, Lucky Plaza Watches of Switzerland, Lucky Plaza Eastern Watch, Lucky Plaza The Hour Glass, Lucky Plaza Peninsula Plaza Sole Agent: LIEBERMANN OVERSEAS TRADING PTE LTD Room 209. Shaw
      57 words

  • 2425 20 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Gr'a 1»81 Lad Div Net High Low Company Sale tor- P/E Vol Day COOO) High Low 494 248 Acma 300 +6 14 5 1<>- 7 115 115 Alcom 115 4.8 360 130 Allied Choc 220cd unch 7.0 312 150 B A T 250 +2 45.5
    2,425 words
  • 578 20 ENCOURAGED by Wednesday's advance, Investors bought confidently tart* the stock market yesterday to sead share prices higher. Bat profit-taking set 1> during the aftcraooa as a result i of which prices eased all. TV msad was definitely bullish In the morning as many counters opened ahove
    578 words
  • 401 20 SHARE prices surged ahead again on a broad front on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday as improved sentiment strengthened the market in active trading. The market opened firm to selectively higher and the steady trend remained throughout the morning session although some counters finished off-best at
    401 words
  • 186 20 SINGAPORE UNIT TRUST (MaaagcrV prim far Dee 11) The Commerce 3.29 3.46 The Savings Fund 1.91 2.01 Spore Prog Fund 1.43 1.50 Spore Sec. Fund 2.14 2.25 Spore Invest Fund 1.11 1.16 Spore Equity Fund 1.34 1 41xd ASIA UNIT TRUST (Maaagan' prtees far Dec II Mai Invest
    186 words
  • 1692 20 BU SINESS DO NE Singapore BID and otter prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the world "sett".
    1,692 words
    • 265 20 HONGKONG: Stocks closed higher on pared gains due to late profit-taking, after holding steady for most of yesterday, following the recovery on Wall Street, brokers said. Trading was limited and the market was quiet. The Hang Sens index finished' up 9.13 at 1,412.99 points. Shares prices were generally steadier
      265 words
    • 318 20 SYDNEY: The market was testing the 600 point barrier yesterday, after two days of profit-taking eroded the gains of the gradual uplift, dealers said. The All-Ordinaries index dipped to close at 600.3 after losing 1.6 points. Trading was mixed and cautious on most boards and dealers said Industrial action
      318 words
    • 1825 20 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number o( shares traded shown in brackets in lots ol 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDISTRIALS tlHB (1.5TB 1.60S) (4) 1 58 (1) 1.57 (5) 1 60 xd
      1,825 words
    • 350 21 TOKYO: Share prices rose slightly in slow trading on scattered bargain hunting in export-orientated issues and domestic industrials yesterday, dealers said. Yen Allnomoto Akal _H unch Ajaill ClMHn 543 -1 A__hl Q__M 8_B -2 Bulk T_ Ml -1 Ban-J MB -14 BrtdfMtow «M -I Canon Ml +11 Chi— XU
      350 words
    • 387 21 NEW YORK, Wed. The market closed mixed, as investors' uncertainty about the outlook for the economy and interest rates continued to limit the market's advance. The Dow Jones average finished ahead by 6.47 points to 888.22, but declines led advances by a small margin as volume eased to
      387 words
    • 702 21 LONDON, Thurs. Share prices opened little changed in quiet and cautious trading today, dealers said. Equities continued to trade quietly and at noon, the Financial Times index was up 7.2 points at 527.2. Sentiment continues to be dampened by concern over UK labour unrest, dealers said. Signs of firmer
      702 words
    • 228 21 AMSTERDAM, Wed. Share prices were mainly lower with I nllever and Rayal Dutch los ing 0.70 each, but KLM and Philips up 0.50 guilders each in Dutch internationals, dealers said. State loans were steady to higher. in late trading, Royal Dutch and WUH extended their losses to one guilder
      228 words
    • 338 21 ZURICH, Wed. Share prices closed mixed in moderately active trading after opening easier in a technical reaction to the gains of past sessions, dealers said. A firmer dollar also caused investors to keep to the sidelines, but there was no indication that market sentiment has become more pessimistic in
      338 words
    • 129 21 MANILA: The market was mixed as mining firmed while commercial/industrial and oils remained easier yesterday, and turnover rose sharply from 235,000 pesos to 1.2 million pesos, dealers said. traded today were LepMte, Orieatel B, lit Phil Holdings and Sm Migael B .vhile the rest were either untraded or unchanged.
      129 words
    • 8 21 THE stock market was I closed yesterday.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

    • 32 21 Rubber: Dec 9 Singapore: Dec: 184.00 cents (down 4.50 cents) Malaysia: Jan: 203.00 cents (down 6.00 cents) Tin: M $35.36 per kilo (unchanged) Official offering: 211 tonnes (up 36 tonnes)
      32 words
    • 132 21 CHINESE Prodnc* Exchaage, Singapore, mm rlasinß prices per IN kf yesterday. CtfHit Mi: Bulk fob $106.00 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $122.00 sellers, new drum fob $126.00 sellers. Csjpra: Mixed (loose) $59.50 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $370.00 sellers, Sarawak white pepper
      132 words
    • 134 21 THE kiiobar market (or gold deliverable in Singapore opened at $27,185 and close at $27,036 yesterday. Gold was fixed at US$407.00 in the London market yesterday morning. Sauce: N.M. RathacUM Sni. Wed Tw» Melbourne 358 68B 364.22 362. SOS 367.90 New York 410.00B 410.00 411.00S ***** London 408.00B 416.00B
      134 words
    • 145 21 THE STRAITS tin price closed unchanged at MJ3S 36 in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 36 tonnes to 211 tonnes. The overnight London market for forward buyers was up £18 to £8,160 per tonne. LONDON: Wednesday's afternoon market held steady with forward values attracting further short-covering interest
      145 words
    • 157 21 KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian crude palm oil market ruled steady in fairly active trading yesterday, dealers said. In December, south was traded Mss higher to $875 per tonne and central rose to $872.50 from $860 when last traded. South in January was unchanged at $872.50 while central was
      157 words
    • 28 21 LONDON: Copper prices on Wednesday (previous in brackets). Wirebar Spot E858.50 (£875.00): sellers £859.50 (£876.00): Three Month buyers £879.00 (£896.00): sellers £880.00 (£896.50). Market Easier. dales: 26.025
      28 words
    • 34 21 1M Tm New York 8.57B 8.75B 8.64S 8.82S Zurich 8.57B 8.84B 8.6TS 8.94S nut w«* Singapore 8MB 8.70B 8.70S 8.85S Cloting prices In US dollars a troy ounce. 8mim: CraiM Mm, S'pw.
      34 words
    • 618 21 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly easier yesterday, with January RSS One buyers quoted at 184.00 cents per kilo, down 4.50 cents from Wednesday's close, dealers said. Morning prices were marked down slightly on stale bull selling and lack of buying support despite some covering interest, they
      618 words
    • 99 21 NOON SSR and SMR pncm yMUnUy RA8 Juurji Pcbraary (lurre.l Mtk) (Forward Nlkl Buy«r« S«ll«ra Buyer! 8*ll«r* SSR 20 (1-toop^ 162 50 164 SUN 164.S0 1665ON SSR 60 (luaptlbtl 1S8S0 160 SON 160 50 162 SON MRKLB J«ou«r> Fcbrurr SMRCV 1 1 ton palWl) 187.00 *****N *****
      99 words
  • Money and exchanges
    • 346 21 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Dec 10: f 8 Doll»n( Spoil Offer Bid 7 days 12* 12 3/18 1 month 12* 12* 2 months 131/18 1215/18 3 months 13W 13 8 months 13* 1311/18 9 months 13"« 13* 12 months 14 13H SwJn. [In
      346 words
    • 47 21 RANGE of prices offered by discount houses on Dec 10: Overnight: in 4 Call deposits: 3>V to 5 Closiaf Bcyiaf Sclliaf 3-month Treasury bills 3% 3M 3- month Bank bills 7H 7* 3 months CD 7H 7U months CD BV4 8H Ssvree: Nslt— al Dtocwut V
      47 words
    • 31 21 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Dec 10: Offer BM Overnight 1 V. 1 month 6 2 months 7. T'» 3 months 7H 71.7 1 Overnight mode *4
      31 words
    • 24 21 THE Avenge rate at which major Singapore banks are currently prepared to lend to their best customers Is 12.17 per cent.
      24 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 643 21 INVESTMENT Due to corporote merger, a profitable land development company is available for acquisition by overseas purchaser. The development consists of 970 residential lots in the principal city of New Zealand. The dominion of New Zealand is adjacent to Australia and is a stable country for investment both politically and
      643 words
    • 626 21 Local Government Integration Act (Chapter 2IO) Declaration Under Section IAA Whereas: All that piece of parcel of land situate at Alexandra I Road/Leng Kee Road In the I Republic of Singapore I forming part of Government Resurvey lot 229-19 MX I containing an estimated area of 1068 sq m (sc)
      626 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 200 22 BuyOnePair ■> ...And We U Help YouToFootTheßiU OnTheNext. a It's our Grand Offer to celebrate the opening of our new shoe departments at Klasse Lucky Plaza and Klasse Yuyi (Ist Fir.). /yQ Between now and 31 Dec., for every y/JBF^by /JBF^b $50 °f footwear purchased, Jg^/^f^Mr <4Bm we^^ ve y°
      200 words
    • 280 22 Your money will earn an attractive rate of interest with safety for your capital when you deposit with Lombard Banking (Jersey) Limited. All interest is paid without deduction of Jersey tax at sourc 3 which in many cases may provide income tax advantages to non-residents of Jersey and the United
      280 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 169 23 DRIVE AWVA NEW MITSUBISHI WITH THE LOWEST HP RATE IN TOWN! M V^M\uVvlk W 111 M n Col V unc^ on w ith A r^S\\\^W mil I Associated Merchant 'A\\-t^ IHfIHHHHH Bank Pte. Limited. A mmwm I I For a limited period only. /Mf r J^... a^r imk iy_ A
      169 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1530 24 TELEPHONE SERVICE: 28^422 WATES: CLASSIFICATION GROUP j-, WdV r i3oo" 3^o^ I**** |90c sperword(M.n> ll 3 5 0>| A En #rt^ nm#fll 4 wh^ ,o, o E At fc i^ /^^f /A C^ C^ \\>^\\^x\({\i f/\ Ig^jCk >»»«***» I^' wd -<- .^ybotoTswo s^i? o is^.r fch nd CA.T.S. -*^—^^f W\^
      1,530 words
    • 816 24 y PICK OF THE CLASSIFIED o MISS CHAN SOW Lin's 16 can be arranged. Conducted Unusual Chinese Restaurant In English. Dishes Including Cantonese. Siechuan Buffet Dishes. In- DESSICATED COCONUTS doneslan Buffet Dishes Local /overseas. In high qualbeplns soon. 4 lessons 2 1/2 Ity from Malaysia. Very cornweeks complete. Fees: $70
      816 words
    • 712 24 WO MULTI-COATED LENS YOUR GUARANTEE OF EXCELLENCE ZOOM AND MACRO i wC*§SfeS^' F4 75 -205 mm •J s*^""'^ The most popular lelephoto <^ lens come in a fast onetouch' zoom. Compact and versatile, a must for sports h and wildlife photography. 4fi I ZOOM F4 28 -85 mm I The
      712 words
    • 760 24 27 Wanted ■■■a*a«B»a»^a»»B^a»«a»SB»BJ i I HMMEST PRICES OFFCREO FOR YOUR GOLD AND PAWNSHOP TICKETS: CALL *****9 L *****9 AM 10PM DAILY) I WANTED USED TV, radio: spare parts, testing equipment. Mould for plastics Thomson colour T.V model EXPZ36I4. T3IAU Continental I Edison T.V 14" TV games, colour with shortgun. Water
      760 words
    • 734 24 FOR GENERAL CLEAMMG, carpet shampooing and polishing of all types of flooring for residence and offices call Beslcrele CleanIng Service. *****41 HOME CLEVUMMO OM Painting the professional way Call (Moovai) we will take good care of your home Tel: *****38 or *****80 HE-PAS4TMO MOUSES. OFFICES and Factories Reasonable price Call
      734 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1182 25 \33f| p Personal Sarvteei 4 i < II aaw MOrCltaVMllS*) 38 TV/VMao/ lenses clearance sales: Sound Systam AyarHd brand* of wld* ang*., ••••pho^o ttno xoom laMHtaM from •^■■"■■■aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBI |40 UPWAROS ROB ELECTRICAL SPECIALISES Free with every purchase, one In Video, Black, White. Colour piece Creative Filter System TV. HI-FI. Washing
      1,182 words
    • 579 25 r FORKLIFTS AND WHEEL ROADER For Sale 2 UNITS TOYOTA FORKLIFTS. 1976 AND 1 UNIT KOMATSU (JH9OE) WHEEL ROADER 1976 With new batteries and tyres. ALL FULLY RECONDITIONED FROM JAPAN. Intaraatad partiaa, Ptaaaa contact: MIBB UM TEL: *****07 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. ffffffi -|^aW i BULK CEMENT TANKER FOB
      579 words
    • 711 25 VIDEO LIBRARY FOR SALE WITH BUSINESS POTENTIAL. (It 100 Over Members (2) Thousand Over Pre-record-ed Tapes (3) Video Recorders (4) Furniture and Fixtures miaraalad Kindly Contact Tele*****4S ADVERTISER WITH A large direct selling team seeks household and kitchen wares, domestic electrical appliances to complement existing lines. Importers manufacturers. Interested having
      711 words
    • 424 25 EDP r\pplk .itions .in- Im il'-il from Miit.ihlri.inilul.itrs im ,i position of DataProcessing Trainee Requirements: eCCK'O' level Prepared in work »n shift Aplituilr for iiimpi.lcr work I'ussiss Initiative lor self-developmenl Experience not neress.iry The |ob The sin i cssf nl candidate will function ,is ,i general aattslanl lo the computer
      424 words
    • 434 25 m WATT AKKERMANS PTE LTD A leading regional workshop for engineering repair and servicing nas an immediate vacancy for:BILLING/COSTING CLERK/TYPIST Requirement*: Minimum of GCE O' Levels with credits in English and Maths Good speed and accuracy in typing work Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. The Company also
      434 words
    • 544 25 UNITED ASIA REINSURANCE CORPORATION LTD Wa ara an Intarnational Consortium Underwriting Wortd-wMa baats We Invite applications for the post of: CLERK/ TYPIST OCE 'O' level or A' level, a Oood In English and Mathematics a Able to type. Teachable and hardworking. Able to get along easily with Colleagues Salary and
      544 words
    • 407 25 HONG FOX GROUP OF COMPANIES Application* ar* InvMod tor Mm following poat*: TYPISTS a OCE O1O 1 Level, a Typing speed 35 to 40 wpm. RECEPTIONIST/ COPY TYPIST OnajltfW ajlsima OCE 'O1O 1 Level. a Pleasant personality. a Able to operate PABX Switchboard but not essential. a Knowledge of typing.
      407 words
    • 578 25 EtiMXishad and sipanding company in Wml Co*. l ha* ItM loMowing 1 RECEPTIONIST/TELEPMONE OPERATOR Preference given to candidates possess OCE Certificate Polite and pleasant personality and PMBX experience 2. CLERK TYPIST a OCE 'O' level Able to type 40 wpm accurately Experience not necessary but an advantage 3 COHnOEMTtAL CLERK
      578 words
    • 490 25 SPECIALLY FOR BANKS SECRETARIES OFFICE ASSISTANTS TELEX OPS RECEPTIONISTS TYPISTS DRIVERS Start Immediately If possible Call: RELYONUS *****96. CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY International Company wian** to angaga Confidential tacra tary to tha MANAGING DIRECTOR aUotomim r*quirwn*nts At least 5 years' experience In similar capacity Shorthand speed of 100 to 120 wpm Typing
      490 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 537 26 It II W Situations Vacant d) Secretarial Clerical Expanding Company in town urACCOUNTS ASSISTANT c Must possess OCE O' level with knowledge of typing c LCC Intermediate BookKeeplng or Higher AccountIng c Abl* to maintain and handle full set of accounts with 1 to 2 years relevant experience Applicant, are
      537 words
    • 626 26 Wanted: TELEPHONE OPERATOR TRAINEES TYPIST TRAINEES COMPUTER OPERATOR TRAINEES TELEX OPERATOR TRAINEES c Job guaranteed c Malaysians can work In Malaysia c No experience necessary c Explanation booklet $1. KARANA SECRETARY SERVICE Room SOS. Far Eaet Shopping Centre Orchard Road Singapore OSM Tel: »s3OM Supervisor Room 2 SO Pertama Cemplei
      626 words
    • 893 26 FEMALE CLERK rsquirad by manufacturing and trading establishment Requirement*: c OCE 'O' level c LCC Intermediate Bookkeeping c Typing c Must have Initiative c 1 year's experience In Bookkeeping. Pleaee phone: 4e*****/MMMI for interview Hading travel agent require*: FEMALE RESERVATION/ TICKETING ASSISTANTS for Singapore as well as overseas branches. Please
      893 words
    • 567 26 CHINESE FEMALE GENERAI Clerks required In Teban Gardens (Jurong). Salary commensurate with experience Interested call *****40/ *****01 *****90 FEMALE TYPIST CUM Telephone Operator wanted by Well Established Company. Salary: 5250 Experience not necessary Contact: *****81 VIDEO LIBRARY REOUMES ex perlenced Female Sales Clerk Interested please call personally at Unit 141,
      567 words
    • 334 26 I ryxff-1 *J3tJ2ej2j •SsjMiSySCSi|CCC3 Looking for a satisfying and wellpaid job? Switch to sales. For satisfaction, you ara your own boss and your achiavamant doas not go unrawardad because you can aarn up to $1,500.00 par month Along with fully paid trip to aa far aa U.S.A. You will develop
      334 words
    • 467 26 GLOBE SILK STORE FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS required for New Department Store at Peninsula Plaza a Age 17 —21 years, a Pleasant personality, c Sales experience not compulsory. c Must have Initiative, c Business hours: 10.00 am to 7.00pm c Attractive salary and fringe benefits. Intereeled applicant*, pleaae send resums with
      467 words
    • 637 26 MENARD COSMETICS Urgently requires: FULL/PART-TIME BEAUTY SALES ADVIBORB (Without experience) WeProvide:- Free 2 sets skin care samples. Organise home parties Owner with I free gift. Free skin care courses commencing soon. ENROL EARL YH CUT THIS AD. FOR FREE SKIN CARE CONSULTATION 4 EXCHANGE FOR SSS VOUCHER FOR FACIAL TREATMENT
      637 words
    • 874 26 Direct Setting Co for exclusive USA brand of cos- metlcs requires i MARKETING/ PI ANNING EXECUTIVES SALES SUPERVIBOP.S c Only experienced persons s need apply c Salaries/ incentives accord- > Ing to qualifications and ex- J perlence Apptyto: P.O. Ben SOS Singapore IIIS 1 HESHE, the trendy laahton store, invites
      874 words
    • 585 26 WOUMEO SHOP ASSISTANT. Age M/ 28 Able to work Immediately Salary $300/S3SO or more Apply >ersonally after 11am Shop i Marco Polo Hotel tEOUMCO MALE/FEMALE Sales Representatives Interested call it 0325. 3rd floor, Slngaporr Shopping Centre. *****78. Florence Ang. lALES REPRESENTATIVES/ EXECUTIVES Sales to business establishment Oood commtsilon plus bonus.
      585 words
    • 529 26 I^THOMSON-CSF A World Leader jti Pr of eeasofial Electronics Invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position of: ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN The successful candidate will report to the Teat/ Ml«Mflt9O«tOCoj EOQIf)O6C 4)AQ will t» r— ponalbta for offoctivt) iii*fslnt#f\a>nc# ol sophisticated electronic Teat Systems c Technician Diploma In Electronics or
      529 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 435 27 jflafll |j Empto 66 Situations Vacant t) Technical INHWA MANUFACTURtNO (8) PTE LTD MECHANIC Te carry out routine cheeking and repairing, periodical replacement and preventlv* maintenance. Secondary or NTC In maintenance fitting/ mechanical engineering Minimum 2 years experience In maintenance and repair of plant machineries Working experience In hydraulic Is
      435 words
    • 283 27 Ymont BOfLERMAN CUM TECHNICIAN required for immediate employment Holder of Bollerman Certificate Experience In servicing and repairing of Refrigerated equipment Filtering experience In food processing plant Prepared to work on shift An attractive ealary of tSOOV- p.m. and above piua 2 months bonue will be n*!-, .a Please apply personally
      283 words
    • 404 27 Marine Electronic* Company involve* in sale* end eervice of marin* communication equipment and navigational aid* B> vltee appNcenon* torTRAINEE TECHNICIANS OCE O' level c Willing to work hard and Irregular hours c Have a sincere desire to acquire skill for repairIng electronics equipment. Besides attractive fringe benefits end 13 months
      404 words
    • 611 27 Invites applications for the post of: BOILERMAN Licensed required Singaporean/ Permanent Residents Ability to work Independently. Attractive salary benefits. Transport provided. Shift duties required Apply: NO. S, TANJONO PENJURU CRESCENT SINGAPORE ZMO TECHNICIAN required tor servicing boW«r* end cooling lower* and chemical cleaning works. Salary will depend on qualifications and
      611 words
    • 347 27 Eatabllehad International American Company involved in manufacturing and computerized testing of microelectronic products has vacancies in Its plant. < s&°* > p* J f y ajf T+% In addition, we offer lots of fringe benefits: 2 Increments a year Aircondltioned work place/piped-ln music Extensive recreational programmes 5 days marriage leave/9
      347 words
    • 538 27 Olivetti. Europe's largest manufacturer of office equipment has immediate vacancies in its manufacturing operations in Singapore for: FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS We offer:, •^$267 At least 3 increment! in the first year $298 after 1 year service Candidates with experience in assembly of mechancial mechanisms in typewriters, calculators, etc may be
      538 words
    • 492 27 if /miscellaneous An Establ.shed Multi National Manufacturing Company located in Jurong, due to expansion programme ha* vacancies for the following positions: 1. ACCOUNTS ASSISTANTS minimum 2 years relevant working experience, preferably manufacturing envlroNment OCE 'O' Level with credits In Mathematics and English. LCC Intermediate Accounting Certificate and able to write
      492 words
    • 423 27 PROMET PRIVATE LIMITED As* Isilaisiatlin*' OkliuiaMl n iniVrTwllOftiM JSnipyeWQ, injlQgd in marin* •ngin#t)fifiQ construction *wh! ■fct^a^l Isisntnaillnsl aiaaarnli-iaai nvfi raDncenvQti ••rvtcw*, n*ts immffauii victnciti •or 1) PIPING CHARGEHAND 2) PIPING MATERIAL HANDLER 3) STEEL FITTER 4) 6G WELDER 5) GRINDER 6) MARKER 7) CUTTER 8) MECHANICAL FITTER 9) MECHANIC 10)
      423 words
    • 486 27 oliuetii requires Ability to read and writ* simple English. Willing to be trained In store work. Physically fit and willing to do heavy work. Pr*f*rably between the age of 16 45 REMUNERATION Successful candidates will receive good starting salaries and a oomprerlensiw fringe benefits package which includes educational assistance for
      486 words
    • 485 27 A Well Estebllshed German Company In Jurong le listing aattabty quaeMad isnaHslu lor Me »«i»lnapMWHwe1) SHIPPING CLERK (Meto/Fomate) OCE 'A' level or O1O 1 level and able to type 40/90 wpm Minimum 3/4 years experience In the capacity of shipping clerk and well versed In all commerlcal aspects of documentations
      485 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 477 28 L jf]lD i 68 Situations Vacant TecMtdCMl Ship Construction Company at Paodan Raaal tnvMaa appHca~ nana fat* tna toNowtntj poata: 1. PERSONNEL OFFICER I s Minimum OCE O' level. a Not less than 2 years working experience In the similar field c Some knowledge of Industry safety will be an
      477 words
    • 433 28 Mont psc SINGAPORE requires SECURITY GUARD Matured and responsible man. Above 39 yaars or age. Minimum 2 yaars eiperi Able to spaak and writ* Working hours will be: 7 30am 5.00pm lull write or apply poraonMyto: PRESTRESSED CONCRETE (S) PTE LTD 134, GUL CIRCLE SINGAPORE 2262 TEL: *****66 (888 bus
      433 words
    • 555 28 Lt2 DELIVERY DRIVER Kodak Singapore has a vacancy for a driver on Its collection and delivery team The candidate must have completed secondary education, and possess Class 2 and Class 3 driving licence Interested persons please send resume together with contact telephone number to: Ths Employee Rotations Manager Kodak (Sinoapors)
      555 words
    • 574 28 oe 1. SECURITY GUARDS $453 Age 2S to 40 years ft, ODD-JOBBERS *4«1 Age It to IS years Possess Class 2 licence a Malay, completed or exempted NS Miat^nanv 12 noon lo Spnt: 2nd floor, OO Bldg MISCELLANEOUS WORKER > 16 years and above Malaysians are Invited to apply Salary
      574 words
    • 668 28 German FrstoM Forwarder requires LABOURERS Successful applicants must be Singapore citizens and com- pleted N.S. Starting salary $300 per month. CLASS 4 DRIVERS Singapore citizens and com- pleted N.S Working place will be at PSA. These Interested, please call WSO7II ansrss.m I HOLLANDSE CLUB i requires STEWARDESS Ssl cry not
      668 words
    • 1017 28 SECURITY GUARDS REOUfRED mmedlately Able to speak EngIsh and age between 20 to 54 Interested please apply personally at: Yumln 15F, Tan Ean Klam Building, Philip Street. Singapore 0104. Tel: *****2/ 131 KM. DELIVERY CUM STOCK Clerk required by garments company. Salary $350 plus transport allowance. Preferably possess own motorcycle.
      1,017 words
    • 957 28 Vehicles I Boats Vehicles Boats BssbbP^^^^^^BssbbvP^^^^^w^'^^Bsv^^^^^^Bssl 1982 Corolla DX Only $25,500 nett ARF with aircon. An offer never to be repeated! Starlet DX With free 4-speed National aircon! Hurry! Offer valid for December only! TOYOTA BORMX) MOTORS AUUNIED ROAD TLL 440 78"J? BUKIT TIMAH ROAD TEL M LENGKEE ROAD TEL
      957 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 871 29 f3j Vehicles A Boats 74 Vehicle Financing/ Insurance I Mtw and uaad vWvc*w I an accaptab* miiivn 4 yMrt Afnou* mmnion *0% I! O«6H1l» Inn* O I |pt« thFar Pagans rVkCanttaJ 78 Vehicles For Sale a) Mint BEAUTIFUL ISM MMM Clubman. 1 private owner, sporu rims, seldom used $15,500 negoUable.
      871 words
    • 756 29 OWNER LEAVING. S Months old. 120Y Datsun with alrcondlllon I ard cassette Please cull *****72 1*79 DATSUN aOOL May registration, alrcond, radio, cassette, road Ux till 1 '82. Tel *****26. I I*7* DATSUN 140J Saloon Alr1 cond, radlo'cassette road tax I new Tel: *****07 I*7* DATSUN 100A FII New Ux.
      756 words
    • 843 29 g) Mamda ALMOST j*l MAZDA 323 SUtlonwagon 1300 1 company owner, alrcond, cassette, showroom condition $23,700 negoUable Tel: *****87 ENO 1*74 SPORTY Masda 808 Coupe, excellent bodyworks and engine. Call William at tel: *****33 ext 324 or *****86 after 7 pm. M*O 1*73 MAZDA 808. 1300 c.c. Engine Excellent condiUon.
      843 words
    • 879 29 1*77. MITSUBISHI MOMA 1600 OS I owner, alrcon, radlo/rassette. new road Ux, tip top condition, *****14 1*77 MOMA OS Alrcond Sports rims. Radio/ cassette. New Ux and insurance. Excellent condlUon. Selling $18,000 Call: *****16 1678 COLT LAMDA Alrcond, radio/ cassette, power window, PARF eligible (1V.500 0.n.0. Tel: *****82 I*7* MITSUBISHI
      879 words
    • 672 29 SM THAI NM TRADBM PTE LTD Ptol T. Fringe Carpark Kampenf Java Reed Singapore (MM) (Openlrom a.OOam 5 Mpm) Talapliana 7****** TRADE-M a LOAN ARRANOEABLE t**i New Toyota Tercel alrcon. Mercedes 200 alrcon. BMW 7281 A alrcon. BMW 3231 alrcon. Honda Prelude auto alrcon. IMO BMW 320 alrcon. Datsun 120A
      672 words
    • 864 29 ATTENTION Brand new Ford Laser is Ohla (Automatic) It Toyota Carina 1800 c.c. available (or leaae. menttM and above a* very epeeWraea* CALL: i*2**sl H*>S CAR RCNTAL ALMOST I**o VOLVO 244 OL. Automatic, one owner, PARF, alrcond, aporta rlma. Power Steering, radio/ cassette. $*****. (new 170.000) *****48 JAOUAR XJ* 4.2
      864 words
    • 867 29 A QOOO Of FEB ATTRACTIVE PWCC OFFERED for Po M ra.^AKrVp.c«. orl.l ™,/»7083l Mr. Y«o. Any model good uaed cars o M* PARF secondand company registration h »nd vehicle and company welcome registered vehicle ***** Jim, X OHO BENO MOTOR CO. gh l ***** M 0107, OraumMoor STRICTLY CASHI FANTASTIC
      867 words
    • 452 29 times friday properties FACTORY/OFFICE JURONG Modern first class quality building located in Gul Drive. Land Area 140,000 sq.ft. Built-up Area: 65 00C s^.ft. 1) Air-Conditioned Office: 7,850 sq.ft. 2) Warehouse/Workshop: 26,200 sq.ft. 3) Store: 2,200 sq.ft. 4) Factory: 29,200 sq.ft. WAREHOUSE/OFFICE UPPER PAYA LEBAR ROAD Situated near the airport, this
      452 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 1413 30 times friday properties Prestige Manhattan Condominiums For Sale Occupancy- January 1, 1982 1080. The Residence on Madison Avenue. 34 luxurious condominium apartments superbly located on New York City's prestigious Upper East Side. 1080 is highly favored by our corporate clients because the apartments represent an impeccable investment in New York
      1,413 words
    • 925 30 HOUSES /APARTMENTS Oraycott Towers $1.2 million Parkvale Bungalow $1 2 million Horizon View $1.1 million Pandan Valley Penthouse $920,000 Cavenagh House ***** Mimosa Park $"0,000 Grangeford Mansions $480,000 to $680,000 Upp. Thomson Terrace $250,000 to $420,000 Chatsworth Bungalow/pool $10,000 Futura 5 000 Elizabeth Towers $5,000 Gilstead Condominium $3,500 Palm Beach
      925 words
    • 881 30 You can own a luxurious condominium tool Cashew Park Condominium SBBB^BbsH avSllfi Ssf^BsJl \M J^k Situated on premium high ground^R '^mjt/f% Set amidst balmy surroundings with^P*^s^* lush shrubbery and greenery. With full condominium facilities at your convenience. Located off 16 km Bukit Timah Road. Easy housing loans available. Please direct
      881 words
    • 871 30 |#If ISj I^* m^t" IfcHfc <4fc -< Jk ■■BKnl ■■> a I Sited near Newton Road Scotts Road. Outside the CBD. Close to Orchard Road. Swimming Pools Tropical Garden Barbecue Pit 24-hour Security System I Ample Car Parking Spaces. NO RESTRICTION TO FOREIGNERS For enquiries bookings Stirtiti LjinJ DfvtltsHirrt C«
      871 words
    • 681 30 Very beautiful apartment, available, in HIN SENG GARDEN Near to Japanese/ American Schools Convenient for Executives working In Jurong ft Town. Full facilities provided with tennis/ squash courts, swimming pool and 24 hours security service DISTRICT LUCKY PLAZA In the heart of Orchard Road, brand new, partially furnished. 2/ 3-bedroomed
      681 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 462 31 times friday properties 88 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats LAM SAN PROPERTIES (PTE) LTD offer 4 unit* of BALMORAL QREEN. DIST. 10 For rent Completing early 1981 Beautiful exclusive maisonette Partly or fully furnished 3j500 sq.ft. to 3,500 sq.ft. per unit Swimming pool and 24-hour security $4,000 to $7,000 per month
      462 words
    • 899 31 TOWNHOUSE In Watten Eats**, oHel 11. Beautifully furnished, 3 bedrooms, fully alrcond, split level llvlng/dlnI Ing. balcony, swimming pool. $4,300. DIST 9. BoautMul apartment Tastefully furnished. 3 i alrcondltloned bedrooms, swimming pool, $3,000. FORWARD PROPERTIES 2034*00 (5 LINES) MARYLAND PARK K along. Singapore 1543 Luxurious residential unit* a* to Enquiry:
      899 words
    • 938 31 QROUNOFLOOR SPACE AROUND 200 sq ft available for rental In dlst 12. Suitable for music lessons and private tuition between Bam and 6pm. Write to: Hantat Oarden. 348 Balestler Road HOLLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED apartment with swimming pool Split-level living/ dining room 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, servant's room. Rent: $3,500/- p.m.
      938 words
    • 856 31 DIST 21 OFF DUNEARN Road. 3 bedrooms, semi-detached, furnished. $2,200 Tel: *****20 (Agents). DIST S HONQ LEONG Shopping Complex, unfurnished/ partially -furnished 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $2,060 Tel: *****61. DIST. 9. PACIFIC MANSION 2 alrconds, 3 bedrooms, 2 halls, 3 bathrooms. Fully furnished Rental: $1,800 Tel: *****86 FABER GARDEN (NEW)
      856 words
    • 847 31 URGENTLY REOUIRED a Exclusive bungalow In dlst 9 and 10 With big land and swimming pool Double-storey or singlestorey semi-detached or terrace In Buklt Tlmah/Watten Estate. Foe immodiat. purcha** ptaaM contact: SIMON LIM. OH PARTNERS CHARTERED SURVEYORS. TEL:22I*J«* UNFURNISHED OR FURNISHED 2roomed house/ flat around Macpherson or Aljunled Area Is
      847 words
    • 650 31 HOME OWNERSHIP THROUGH OVERSEAS UNION TRUST LIMITED sul>*\ f in.inie( »tmp.»nv ofOveiMMUawaßsaa We provide loans for purchase of houses, flats and other properties up to 80% of valuation on easy repayment terms up to 20 years. Other facilities include: Short-term Loans and Hire Purchase facilities at competitive interest rates. Savings
      650 words
    • 864 31 BELLIAN REAL ESTATE: Secluded 2-storey Townhouse behind Thomson Yaohan. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, with garden, selling: $450,000. Call: *****33. BRANO NEW TERRACE house at Lengkong Dua, Singapore 1441. About 300 sq.m Freehold 5 rooms, 2 halls, split-level, 3 bathrooms. Contact Mr Oan *****1 DIST. 10 SHAMROCK PARK double-storey semi-detached, 3
      864 words
    • 674 31 DISTRICT* KM* LIN MANSION Area approximately 1600 sqft Opposite Lucky Towers With 1 living dining and 3 bedrooms, tenanted till 15/6/82 With 552.700 rental Oolng cheap for $*****0. Completion any time on or before 15/6/82. APARTMENT AT DISTRICT IS Around 2.000 sq.ft. with 3 alrcondltloned bedrooms, 1 living/ 1 dining
      674 words
    • 968 31 SHERWOOO TWOERS. OIST. 31. Fully furnished, high floor with public corridor Convenient location Carpark, pool, squash, 3 bedrooms, one store room Immediate sale at $375,000 only what do you think will be future H U.DX^prlce?) Principals only call *****20 today 5 30 to 7 00pm FOREIGNER EUQMLEH DIST 2*. Greenmeadows,
      968 words
    • 895 31 MARINE TERRACE S-ROOMED HDB fully furnished point block Marble/ built-in wtrdrobe. 21st floor, facing sea front, no agenUi please $200,000 Tel *****4 MARYLAND PARK BLK D High floor Partly facing sea Approx 1.900 sq ft Vacant possession $525,000 Viewing *****88. no agents NEW OASIS GARDEN Condominium at Paya Lebar for
      895 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 1233 32 times friday properties 90 Properties Wanted OINGLE-OTOREV BUNGALOW IN Dlst 9. 10. 11. urgently required by Malaysian Permanent resident. Budget $800,000 to $900,000 Owners please contact Buyer A BROAD RANGE of local/ foreign buyers require houses/ apartments Budget flexible Immedtplease call Regent *****65 H.D.B. FLAT 4 to 5 rooms required,
      1,233 words
    • 666 32 ORCHARD PLAZA 120t sq ft office exclusively renovated and furnished With own conference room and toilet facllltes $1,300 psf JE Housing Associates. *****68/9 URGENT SALEI OFFICE cum showroom space al Peninsula Shopping Centre Available Immediately Approximately 1.100 sq ft Reasonable offers can be made to us at *****13. AUTO SPARE
      666 words
    • 731 32 MEDICAL CLINIC COMPLETE with partition, toilet, cabinets etc. available at Plaza Slngapura Tenant must be willing to take over the remaining 2-year lease. Tel *****88 GOLDEN SULTAN PLAZA, brand new. high floor. 660 sq ft $3.60 psf Merlin Plaza, 400 sq ft facing sea, high floor tS.SO psf Chelsea Homes:
      731 words
    • 1135 32 jfgß* JRmmmm. RUBY SHOPPING PLAZA, ground[^■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■^^^^^B floor, 173 sq.ft. Oood location *****7 PRESTIGEOUS ~ZT~Z SHOWROOM AT b) RentMt GOLDHILL PLAZA FOR SALE '"'"pJaaatSM* 1*"1 ORCHARD PLAZA ***** Doris Ong. Prime location shops spaces Principals only. of various sizes Suitable for A boutiques, beauty salons. ■^X^aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmW Jewellery showrooms, etc for immediate
      1,135 words
    • 702 32 'it' V JAPAN HONSHU HONGKONG M 8 dm $3379 9 dm $2439 JAPAN HONSHU TAIWAN HONGKONG IS dm $2729 16dmS77B9Dtp 11/12 19/12. 21/1. 11/2. 25/2 NORTHERN JAPAN/HONSHU 9 dtys S2BSO Dtp 25/11, 16/12 ALL JAPAN/ HONSHU/ KYUSHU I 10 days $2779 Dtp S/tt 14/12. 21/12. I I/I. 25/1. 13/2. 27/2
      702 words
    • 532 32 NAM HIT TMVEL SERVICE IS) PTE LTD Hub 1 OWlck Gl4-16-18. Pearrs Centre. Eu Tong Sen Street. (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tel: *****33(7 lines) attach Office 1 1 9, Peoples Park Complex. Ground Floor, New Bridge Road, Singapore 0105. Tel: *****1/*****2 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****3 TA 140 KUTWUATSUTIaR 7 days *****/-( Air-con
      532 words
    • 387 32 Medan/Lake Toba 5 days $510 Dap: Every Wed Sat. •All Thailand Thai Dainties 5 days $725 8 days $845 Dep: Every Saturday Hong Kong/Thailand 8 days $1480 Dep: Every Saturday Philippine/Hong Kong 6 days $1140 8 days $1499 Dap: Every Saturday Imperial Banquet/ Hong Kong Macau 7day*****«***** return on 8
      387 words

  • J Obituaries
    • Obituary, Illustration
      207 33 passed away peacefully on 9/12/81 leaving behind: Bone: James, John, Thomas (deceased). Juilan (deceased), Augustine, Lawrence. Stephen, Simon. Daughter* Monica, Cecilia. Juliana. Margaret, Yvo/ine Daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, grandsons-ln-I law and great grandchildren to mourn h s loss. Cortege leavaa S2A. Jatan Ulu Sam1 bawang on 13/12/S1 at 12.15
      207 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      85 33 Ataray* rwmiibwtd by cMdr«n. grandcMtdrwi and gr«*l q f snoc nMor vn DMpMt m«nwy o( our daw brother S. Suppiah who puMd away on 21at OwnberiMO You will always be cherished and remembered Prayers wilt b* o«t*r*d at Stvan Twnpta. Orchwd Rewl en 11/12AI1 at 7.00 pm.
      85 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1095 33 *X Q Travel Guide 1(n T lr- JO/JN GENTING CASINO HOTEL ■we tours DEP EVERY FRI 9 pm $130/ ■BBasMBBBBaBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBa »35 20/3N FRASERS HILL MERLIN SCHOOL HOLIDAY TOURS HOTEL Evergreen 5-Day Pc- j*f EVERY FRI 9' m $130/ i^S^^u'f^n* 200 «O*Y. GENT.NG CASINO Dep: Sun. Mon Wed De 3
      1,095 words
    • 1567 33 You, too, can be a professional At Stamford, we can help you qualify as a professional. The courses we offer are: Administrative •LCCI Group Diplomas in •Institute of Administrative Accounting and Costing Management (UK) Marketing Institute of Chartered Secretaries Communication Studies and Administrators (UK) -institute of Marketing •LOCI Group Diploma
      1,567 words
    • 567 33 GCE A/O LEVELS Commencing 4 Jan 1982 PRE-UNIVERSITY I ft II Commerce/Arts Full/ 1 Part-time Those awaiting GCE results may apply. SECONDARY 3 ft 4 Commerce/Arts/Science Full/Part-time REGISTRATION NOW OPEN. Call personally or ring: PETER LOW SCHOOL OF ARTS AND COMMERCE Refld. with Mm. of Edn. 303, sth Storey Cuppage
      567 words
    • 733 33 SCHOOL LEAVERS Special Training Courses Commencing 11 Dec '81 c Junior Secretariat Couraa Junior Account. Clerk Course Subjects Include: Shorthand/Typewriting Office Practice Principles of Accounts Commercial Correspondence Enquiriea: MMXANO SCHOOL OF COMMERCE (Secretarial Studio. DMeion) 303. 3rd Mr. Orchard Bidg. (Above Vuyi Emporium) Tal: *****77/7M5878. OCE A- Level Art/Commerce Subjects
      733 words
    • 639 33 THE FIRST DRIVING Centre ROY LATEST DISCO FOR hfninnm rhLr«. P.tVh/' RR Bson bl and Jazz Ballet on Saturdays TbTT lB I »h£ g ,£nsl£ arrange-; Prlval tftsons dally contact fti jB able *****37 Steven b Vivien Dance Studio tPf/t/t?^ ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL. LG-13. (next to Odeon Theatre) Tell <rr'*"C*
      639 words

    • 237 34 Let's host Merlion and Asean soccer Cuds l >.V^,UI.-FA'J>:l. lt .X u ,V,.. J l. r T7^» THIS LETTER WINS $25 LET us not cry and moan over the issue as we must not forget that, in the first place, we were guests in the tournament. The questions of our
      237 words
    • 180 34 It's time we stand on our own feet HIP! Hip! Hip! Hooray! We've been kicked out again. This time by the FAM, following allegations by the Johore Football Association. Which other state is on their list? I do not concur with FAS chairman N. Ganesan that we should invite Malaysian
      180 words
    • 185 34 Treat this mess as just a bad dream THERE is no poiM brooding over Singapore's expulsion from the Malaysia Cup series next year. The autopsy is done. The verdirt has been reached. We also know that neither the Football Association of Singapore nor the Football Association of Johore are innocent
      185 words
    • 89 34 SINGAPORE'S expulsion from the Malaysia Cup competition has come as a great shock to all soccer fans even to me, a Malaysian. With Singapore oat next year, will the final be as exciting as before? One fan said It would be less exlcit- lag, bat to
      89 words
    • 246 34 S' pore' s sacking a blessing in disguise SINGAPORE'S expulsion from the Malaysia Cup soccer competition has been given excessive publicity. We are witnessing local soccer history in the making. Singapore's sacking should be viewed as a alessing in disguise. At long last, we know how /Hal our participation in
      246 words
    • 155 34 SINGAPORE'S expulsion is caused partly by the (act that the FAS and FAM share the notion that they need each other. The FAM have taken the lead to dispel this. Johore's reasons for Singapore's explusion seem too frivolous a written apology by the FAS
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
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    • 226 34 *o*B I fl 1 Dk m^ m i if mm mo&* j martyr* St^H f* ■Jiß^lai,! GLENDERRY Situated barely 20 minutes from downtown Toronto (Ontario's capital and Canada's second largest city) is Mississauga. This unique city is bustling and developed yet retains the serene beauty characteristic of the Canadian landscape.
      226 words

    • 429 35 So Bright, Vitality Belle also show up impressively ON THE TRACK with EQUESTRIENNE KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Coal Customer, with George Podmore in the saddle, stretched out well to return the fastest time of 39.7 sec for 600 m on the sand track this morning. The
      429 words
    • 270 35  - STC tightens rules over track work TIPTOP By THE Singapore Turf Club has sent out a circular to members, owners, trainers and Jockeys Informing them of new regulations governing morning track work. The circular serves as a reminder to all concerned m the STC wants to tighten security as it
      270 words
    • 1371 35 RATF 1 2.15 CLASS 6 DIV 5 1,200 m KACIi 1 (Ratings 30-0) (Stakes: $10,000) 1 6 Ffltaaeal II n (N) Pegasus-Samsuri 3 mhF Faa 11 t **7 Nwta Rack fl Ace-IsmaU 3mh Salrl 5 S 438 Ber Pride H Pride-Jaalar 3mm F Wm 3 I *09 Menun
      1,371 words
    • 513 35 Ratings and the case of double promotions IS THERE a new ruling, I wonder, against a double promotion for any winner? When Rainbow Wonders romped home by a runaway margin of nine lengths in a Class 4 Div 1 1,200 m race at Bukit Timah last month, I expected him
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 705 35 SHARP'S Whole New Way of Cooking: Microware SHARP Microwave Ovens for quick meals and a clean kitchen. Sharp microwave ovens are so feature packed that cooking is made so clean and easy. f"JBp a^-»«.-_ .v »i The Sharp Carousel Microwave iMasfljgj 9W| LaaaaaaaaaaHil Oven has AUTO-TOUCH and a ■•iiHliS 5-Stage
      705 words

    • 207 36  - SSRA tc insist on age -proof for work meet PATRICK BSTIANS By THE Singapore Squash Raets Association will insist that competitors in tl World Junior team championships in Singaporfrom Feb 6-14 bring along certified copies of the birth certificates. Under existing International Squash Rackets Federation age rulings, a junior is
      207 words
    • 188 36 CINCINNATI, Thursday ARTHUR Ashe, nonE laying captain of the 'nited States Davis Cup tenris team, has warned John McEnroe, and Peter Fleming that he will withdraw them from the final against Argentina here tomorrow, if there is a repeat of the incidents which marred
      AFP  -  188 words
    • 202 36  -  JOE DOR AI By TWO National Football League clubs Telok Blangah and Brickworks are demanding a suspension of the referee and linesmen who failed to turn up for their President's Cup match at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Wednesday night. They are also
      202 words
    • 371 36 HAMBURG, KAISERSLAUTERN IN LAST EIGHT LONDON, Thurs. Hamburg and Kaiserslautern confirmed West Germany's reputation as European Football Union (UEFA) Cup specialists when they advanced to the quarter-finals yesterday. Kaiserslautern proved most inhospitable by thrashing Belgian guests Lokeren 4-1 to qualify on a 4-2 aggregate,
      Reuter  -  371 words
    • 108 36  -  By JANICE SEAH JrtN CORDEAUX, Engld's top squash junior al a hot prospect for tir national team, is in f Oxbridge team playi; in Singapore from 1. 14-18. kmong the "scalps" fdeaux has collected is tt of com pat not and ternational Robbie Ibinson. rhe
      108 words
    • 211 36  - NZ open Spore tour against SRC R. MANORAJ By THE 16-member New Zealand hockey squad arrived in Singapore on Wednesday night for three matches. The 1976 Montreal Olympic Games champions, who are on their way to Bombay for the World Cup tournament will open their tour against Singapore Hockey Association
      211 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 242 36 Christmas! Christmas Eve Dinner, December 24, 1981 J featuring the effervescent L £P*^ STARDUST 'B2 < Jj afl presenting lots of razzle dazzle to put you B% Kk in a jolly good Christmas mood. Backed by Sam Gan and The Boys. Ik wSI^M 560 per person including novelties CompHmentary Bottle
      242 words

    • 370 37 MANILA, Thurs. Singapore's Lim Phi-Ian advanced to the second round of the women's singles tennis tournament when she defeated local favourite Dyan Castillejo 1-6, 6-4, 6-4 in a gruelling match at the Rizal Sports Complex this morning. In the men's singles, the Republic's No. 1,
      370 words
    • 93 37 MANILA, Thurs Singapore beat Malaysia 2-0 in the replay of their men's softball match after a 3-3 draw in Monday's 10-in-ning game. The win put Singapore in third place, after the first-round league, behind champions Philippines (three wins) and Indonesia (two wins, one defeat). Malaysia are
      AFP  -  93 words
    • 73 37 Walkers claim 2 bronzes MANILA. Thurs. Singapore's N. Rengasamy (men's 10 kilometres) and Margaret Tan (women's 5km) each won a bronze medal in the Southeast Asia Games walking events here today. Malaysia's V. Subramaniam (gold) and B. Kumarasamy (silver) won the men's other medals. The women's gold went to Burma's
      AFP  -  73 words
      • 231 37 England in strong position BANGALORE, Thurs. England were in a strong position with 400 runs all out, two minutes before the close on the second day of their second Test cricket match against India here today. England's batsmen, who were tardy before lunch, turned aggressive later and raised their overnight
        Reuter  -  231 words
      • 35 37 BOWLING Kallane AllStar championship (Kallang Bowl, 1.30). HOCKEY Friertiy: SRC v New Zealand (Padang, 5.15). SOCCER President's Cap: Commonwealth Palace v South Avenue, Race Course United v Mountbatten (JalanBesar Stadium, 6.30 and 8.45).
        35 words
      • 105 37 MANILA, Than The Philippines moved Into a commanding 15-stroke lead In the second round of the I'utra Cap, the Smith-east Asian amateur golf team championship, here today. The Filipinos had a total of 318 with 7t from Eddie Bagtas, Gil Ababa 74 and Frankie Mlnoza 74 for a
        Reuter  -  105 words
      • 48 37 BOXING: World Boxing Association bantamweight champion Jeff Chandler will have a chance to settle an eight-month-old dispute when he meets Eijiro Murata, in a rematch in Atlantic City, today. Aussies 22-6 RUGBY UNION: The touring Australian team beat Lancashire 22-6 in Vale of Lune. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  48 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 509 37 vol-^-bal TREauE-9-BAss ZZZ™ Bbi E l&Dß^B^S^EHrSP^V'Sßl'^^^^^^^^M 1 if i Bl iMBP^' LJ r aa_f_a_!t_l l -^=rr i *JmW>hnTlmwi ujj i^jj i—l|i 1| t .1 3HHP§pI n ti iaDli aD1^ i:a l J Ljl U LJJ it'sasimpiestatementoffaa. Of course, thefactthattheKEX-70ispartof Pioneer's consistent effort in producing incomparatDle quality car stereo components, makes
      509 words

    • 378 38 Good sense prevails after a hullabaloo and Spore win 19-5 MANILA, Thurs. Singapore's waterpolo team continued their march towards the expected gold medal when they trounced Indonesia 19-5 in their second match in the South-east Asia Games at the Rizal Memorial Complex here today. But the match
      378 words
    • 264 38 ON THE MOVE, ALWAYS MANILA, limn. There seems to be more than one Tan Eng Bock, Singapore's chef de mission, in the South-east Asia Games here. For Tan is everywhere, ruffling the head of a young Singapore athlete, patting another on the back when he or she does well and
      264 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 127 38 Masport rORIM ADO cuts an y 9 rass down rni^ v^ to any size anywhere bbY I bbbbbw^h j^BWnBBBiiLJI nnT73Bnßßnsb^g V fli^. Bnl BB^^^AUBBr* --4- V^B Sole Distributors iil I MASPORT INDUSTRIES (M) SDN. BHD. I 15. Jalan SS 21 37, Damansara Utama. PO Box 197, VbbbbbbbbbbbV Petaling Jaya Tel:
      127 words
    • 54 38 1981 SEA GAMES MEDAL TALLY Country G S B Total Indonesia 37 24 25 86 Thailand 29 20 8 57 Philippines 24 26 36 86 Burma 6 10 18 ~34~ Singapore 413 <T~26~ Malaysia 2 9 5 ~16~ Brunei 0 0 0 0 (mTlo) OFFICIAL DRINK It's marvellous what MILO
      54 words

    • Article, Illustration
      467 39 Jaya goes down to shock defeat in 3,000 m MANILA, Thurs. Singapore athletes put up a disappointing performance on the opening day of the 11th South-east Asia Games track and field programme at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex this afternoon. They could only manage to win two bronze
      467 words
    • 55 39 MANILA, Thurs. Malaysian discus champion Danapal Naidu, who is said to be staying with his wife in a hotel here, will be asked to return home. Datuk Hussein Ahmad, the deputy chef-de-mission of the Malaysian contingent, said: "If and when Danapal reports to camp, he will
      55 words
    • 1142 39 ARCHERY Meal flrrt r*ud M-71 metres: 1 Donald Pandiangan (I) 579, 2 Danilo Dico (HP) 566, 3 Banchong Dosanee (T) 561, 10 BUI Wee (8) 541. Teaa: 1 Indonesia 1,676, 2 Thailand 1.675, 3 Thailand 1,650, 4 Malaysia 1,635. Wtmea'i flnt r»«nd 7M*m: 1 Amornrat Kaebaidhoon (T) 600, 2
      1,142 words
    • 263 39 MANILA, Than. Janle Sng provided the ecstasy and K. Jayamanl the agony for Singapore at the end of the fifth day of the 11th South-east Asia Games here. Junta's Inimitable ability in the swimming pool brought Singapore two mere golds to go with
      263 words
    • 503 39 Junie less than a clap from historic pool first Swimminng MANILA, Thurs. Clap your hands as fast as you can. Sorry, that was not fast enough...for the time you vtook for that clap was 100 times (give or take 20 or so) slower than the time Junie
      503 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 15 39 RESULTS DRAW No: 98/81 5 OUT OF 49 34, 16, 23, 36,38 ADO. No 35
      15 words
    • 467 39 $Ml^ f£»&£js i —.m. i i— 1 hvmm fggjf^^^^^J^J 7^' '.jj' i r^T 'Trap ag" .i 3. J ,j> Ql*sZ£L 1 1 At last, super sound realism in a portable with Double Cassette fantasy. Sharp makes possible what the world thought I*ll^7*/ Llk two clecks with metal 6 capabilities. impossible:
      467 words
  • Page 39 Miscellaneous
    • 99 39 THE schedule of today's SOFTBALL: Men: events: Singapore v Indonesia (9 ARCHERY Elimiria- a.m.). Malaysia v RP (1 tion rounds (9 a.m.). p.m.). Women: ImjmmU ATHLETICS Heats (6 v Singapore- (3 f m < a.m. and 2 p.m.). SHOOTING (9 a.m.). BOWLING Team SWIMMING Men's event men's and women's and
      99 words

  • 503 40 Hijackers give up in Beirut and free hostages BEIRUT, Thurs LEBANESE Muslim gunmen aboard a hijacked Libyan Jetliner surrendered earlv today and released their 35 exhausted hostages unharmed after a threeday, 1MM km Journey of lemr across West Asia mad Europe. Ambulancescon verged oa the Libyan Airlines Boeing 777 to
    UPI  -  503 words
  • 67 40 WASHINGTON. Thurs. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating Labour Secretary Raymond Donovan following new allegations about his business dealings, the Washington Post said today. The preliminary inquiry under the Ethics in Government Act was to determine whether a special prosecutor should be appointed to pursue
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 179 40 Walesa pledges No more strikes WARSAW, Thurs. Poland's Solidarity free trade union chief Lech Walesa has pledged that there will be no more strikes in the country. The pledge was made yesterday during an interview with AFP and Radio Luxembourg as Roman Catholic Archbishop Jozef Glemp tried to avert a
    Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  179 words
  • 71 40 WELLINGTON, Thurs. A 17-year-old New Zealand youth who fired a shot into the ground near Queen Elizabeth during her visit to New Zealand last October has been jailed for three years. Christopher John Lewis, leader of the self-st\led National Imperial Guerilla Army (Niga), had admitted discharging
    AFP  -  71 words
  • 346 40 THEY CAN HAVE 12-15 SHIPS IN SOUTH CHINA SEA BANGKOK, Thursday THE Commander-in-Chief of the US forces in the Pacific, Admiral Robert Long, said yesterday that the Soviet Union had obtained a strategic advantage through the use of Vietnamese bases, allowing it to maintain
    AP  -  346 words
  • 30 40 NEW YORK, Thurs. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials rose 1.91 to 890.13 In the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today. AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 362 40 BRUSSELS, Thurs. THE European Economic Community (EEC) sent Japan a list of demands for measures to cut Japan's heavy trade surplus with the EEC yesterday, as $art of a drive to open Japanese markets wider to European goods. In a document asking for cuts
    Reuter; UPI  -  362 words
  • 74 40 INVERNESS (Scotland^ Thurs Half of the 32-man crew of a British-registered oil tanker was evacuated by helicopter early this morning as the vessel drifted dangerously close to a rocky island coast north-west of Scotland, authorities said. The Maersk Angus, a 100,000-tonne ship owned by the Danish
    AFP  -  74 words
  • 60 40 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The space agency's revised space shuttle schedule calls for three flights next year and launchings every 16 days on the average by 1987. The latest schedule unveiled before a Senate subcommittee yesterday calls for the launch of the final two shuttle test flights
    UPI  -  60 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 192 40 Ring a bell £or music They are a choir but they don't sing. They ,ring bells instead, to make music like angels singing. JACINTHA ABISHEGANADEN speaks to the only hand bell choir, not only in Singapore, but in Asia. Still shining stars? Do Hong Kong TV stars still twinkle, away
      192 words
    • 10 40 A. j^P^"%^ Special &^GCjJ m While stocks last' l# r
      10 words
    • 303 40 I Uhi-ball. The pen with a difference. The tip of the Mitsubshi Urn ball is made of metal, unlike the H, plastic tips of other rolling ballI point pens. So you can write smoothly at H. your angle, however acute. Urn-ball comes in black, blue. BLV re<^ anc^ 9 reen
      303 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 182 40 UP TO 1p.m. TODAY: Mainly Fair. 6a.m. TOMORROW: 31 max., 23 mln. SUNSET Ipday: 6.28 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.2$ a.m. Amsterdam 0/3C Snow Lw Angeles 15 ;C Rain Athens 12/20C Clear Madrid 8/13C Cloudy Bahrain 18/28C Clear Manila 22/30C Cloudy Bangkok 23/30 C Clear Mexico City 8 13 C Cloudy
      182 words

    • 2 1 SECTION TWO
      2 words
    • 1310 1 Drafting by computer It takes the tedium out of a draftsman's life, is more efficient and accurate, and also more demanding. It equals three draftsmen and frees the experienced draftsman now a rare breed for more creative work and better coordination. GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI visits the office of architect Tay Kheng
      1,310 words
    • 328 2 THE DREAM MERCHANTS (Cta 5, 11.35 p.m.): The story continues. After last night's confusing train of events, a lapse of several years has passed. Johnny Edge, now a father, is experimenting with synchronised sound for "talkies All the time, Kessler scoffs at him. Meanwhile, Magnum's New
      328 words
    • 642 2 PICK of the DAY THE Wild WIM West The Night Of The Poisonous PMey (Ch 5, 8 p.m.): Justin isn't what it sounds like. When Jim and Artemus visit a town named Justice, they find out that it is a convention centre for criminals. The Craty W»rld Of Spcrt (Ch
      642 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • 789 3  -  Cantonese CHOW SOOK YIN Dali Xiao Suiahou (Little Strong Sailor, Mand Reviewed by Miss Lav (Siu Yea), with her pouting lips and affected ways, is a more convincing A Olive. THE Chinese title reads, literally, The Little Strong Sailor D*ll Xiao Snlshoa) the official translation for Popeye,
        789 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 155 4 r— Part 5 of a weekly series on the orchestra the strings section L(X)KING like a tall, fat violin on a spike, the cello (pronounced chello) is easy to identify in the concert hall. The performer sits bow-legged on the edge of a chair, gripping
        155 words
        • 412 4 Electronic music in China FRENCH composer JeanMichel Jarre sent waves of futuristic electronic music washing over about 20,000 Chinese one night last October, but the audience seemed uncertain what to make of it. There was applause for the special effects with laser beams and other lighting that accompanied the music.
          AP  -  412 words
        • 594 4  - and German music in Israel MARCUS ELIASON By in Tel Aviv OF all the brickbats hurled at Zubin Mehta for conducting Richard Wagner's music recently in Israel, the unklndest came from an Israeli official who suggested that the maestro go home. "But I am at home," rallied Mehta when he
          AP  -  594 words
    • 1519 7 Ready? Steady, GO! Yesterday, seven fanatical runners three women, four men from the Singapore Hash House Harriers and Harriets, flew to Hawaii for Sunday's Honolulu Marathon. Why? asks one of their number, BRIAN DONNELLY, as he attempts to analyse the dread disease that transforms sensible "joggers" into obsessive "runners" The
      1,519 words
      • 886 8 Halley's comet: US plays it cool Halley's comet will blaze through the solar system five years from now. Already 12 European nations, the Soviet Union and Japan are preparing to launch space probes to meet it. But not the United States, which has the experience and technology to make it
        886 words
      • 244 8 Safeguarding the stratosphere ALTHOUGH the stmteaphere is relatively dry, Its water content Is of major importance In shaping weather phenomena and, particularly, 1b determlnlßg its transparency at Infrared wavelengths. Such transparency helps control the flow of heat from the son to the earth and from me earth back
        244 words
      • 342 8 THE carnivorous plant known as Venus' flytrap has long served as a conversation piece in many American homes. People watch in fascination as the two hinged blades of its spiny leaves attract a wandering insect and, quick as a wink, snap shut when the interloping animal touches
        NYT  -  342 words
      • 1293 10 The act of swallowing is simple and automatic for most people, but for hundreds of thousands of others each year, it presents difficulties ranging from froggy throats to major anatomical abnormalities that lead to a "cafe coronary", a choking death from food lodged in the air passages.
        NYT  -  1,293 words
      • Article, Illustration
        120 10 LIKE any other baby, Its arrival was greeted with a flurry of excitement. And as mother oraag utan Uaika would not none it, workers at the Moscow Zoo had to play surrogate mother. No name has yet been given the youngster. The ioo has announced a contest
        120 words
      • 911 10 IT WAS from the primordial "big bang" that the universe is thought to have been bom. But that cosmic explosion, 10 or 20 billion years ago, produced only the Ugh test elements hydrogen and helium. Where did everything else the remaining elements as well as
        NYT  -  911 words
    • 960 12 Jerusalem's hidden history 4 Man has lived, fought, built and rebuilt in Jerusalem for 5,000 years. Conquerors built on the ruins of the vanquished as the city changed hands at least 28 times in recorded history. J Remains of earlier civilisations preserved in cavaties helps tell the story of this
      960 words
    • 677 12  - Computer separates the light from darkness in Genesis JONATHAN IMMANUEL By in TEL AVIV 4 Although it in no way guesses at the author's identity or time of writing, the computer's finding was welcomed by religious Jews who believe that, science notwithstanding, Genesis was written by one author. The religious
      AP  -  677 words
    • 846 14 Travel by bus and you may discover romance, adventure, suspense and other surprises. For example, find out about the variety of religious practices which are quite at home on the buses. SPENCER PUNNET, connoisseur of bus travel, says the cost hardly seems more than confetti
      846 words
    • 695 14  -  DOUGLAS IV MINE By in Buenos Aires 4 Borges has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature every year since 1963, but said he has given m up hoping to win it. JORGE Luis Borges, Latin America's preeminent living writer, is dreaming away the
      AP  -  695 words
      • 1707 18 All I want for Chris tm istmas EVERY family has its own particular way of celebrating Christmas special things that we do every year and become accustomed to, and eventually pass on to the next generation. Sometimes silly, often sentimental, they become valued family traditions that we like to perpetuate,
        1,707 words
    • 1968 20 History turned legend Fifteen dead civilisations shared startlingly similar beliefs, says writer Alastair Service. And they died equally abruptly, with centuries of dust and memories making them legends, writes NORA WARNER, some the result of the "happy pigs" of Socrates's example. The Well of Sacrifice had a blood-chilling reputation. 9
      IPS  -  1,968 words
    • 781 22 Recent fires in Hongkong's squatter camps have made 30,000 homeless and there has been talk of using shipping containers as temporary shelters, it is reported. The camps are mostly shacks the underworld has built and sold to illegal immigrants. But some shacks have colour television and airconditioning... HONGKONG'S
      781 words
    • 447 24  - Giving some airs to heirs WILLIAM SAFIRE By in Now York /As a child, Queen Elizabeth was heir presumptive, not heir apparent her place at the head of the line could have been taken by a baby brother. THE Pregnant Princess was People magazine's headline. The Washington Post subheaded: The
      447 words
    • 237 24 RONALD REAGAN has called (or increased volunteerism, goes a UPI story, and "he recently created a 36-member presidential commission to study volunteerism". On the other hand, in an AP interview with Saul Pett, President Reagan was quoted as saying: "Voluntarism more In the sense
      NYT  -  237 words
    • 669 24  -  BAYARD WEBSTER By in New York SOME of the exotic wild animals that have drawn tourists to Africa for generations may soon be slaughtered and served up on hotel dinner plates under a proposal that a veteran african researcher believes will help save some species from
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 418 1 JWl «W jH'S U X f^ fopeye meets V t V k.\ P^W ...l,f%V So you thouqht he was ■^1 S«?" ~~>£**tiM^mW^- TDPP" DDrQCKITC unbeatable ?~Not to the r I^B [<tt KKLbbN I b Hongkong Cantonese Singapore's big Honolulu run m D c k v^ JH r OUTLOOK, Pages Eighteen
      418 words
    • 43 1 les -LJior de (^hristian Dior SbgußMttMMßM|^kriM&2ih|k^^^^B>BßMaa^&Bßl it" n T>i i n t n«^riT HP! I HfeaWW ■O«*L c y&M Can am "V- mli S "VI 3s?*"- CRYSTAL TIME (S)PTE LTD blk a.505 tong lee building 35 kallang pudding road Singapore 1334 tel *****88
      43 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 395 2 It makes sense to rent from THORN! The worlds largest and most experienced TV -Video rental f Special Package Deal!; I S^X/30^ Refmonth O _J ''^■L. For a nna canod a*i J t >eeeeeeeeeeeee* •i* RENT THORN for the most technically advanced sets M u# RENT THORN and you'H V
      395 words
    • 30 2 69 National ew^^ite "7Bs Standard Stereo 71 RX-1950 National's new combination of radio and cassette with stereo through its W featherweight headphones. W^^ Read a good book recently? Times Bookshops
      30 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 202 2 Straits Times Crossword ACBO6B Players with club of metal ailov (4-4) 1 Fabricate paint and powder q^^ picking up a fastener (4,2) (5) 5 Undiplomatic Hardy girl In g J^ntraies attention on no- turn with novice (8) (10) 9 Fellow to cultivate one with v nowCT fof Hen over
      202 words
    • 294 2 EXHIBITIONS: CREATIVITY AND THE DISABLED: Nat Museum YP Gall. 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Until Tues.Free. ART EXHIBITION: By Leo de Silva, Raffles Hotel, Patio Lounge until Sunday. Gallery of Fine Art, Orchard Towers 14 18, 11 a.m. 7 p.m. ONE-MAN EXHIBITION: By Liu Rang, Nat Museum Art Gall, 9
      294 words
    • 1110 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Opening folowed by The You* I CA and The Resbess 7 50 Fnda y Backtround 3.30 Housewives' Matinee 8.35 Christmas Shoppin t Guide 5.00 The VfiW, Wld West The Night A S" Franci$co We twnal of the Poisonous Posy 2l"i c P,«w WnriH
      1,110 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 LbWbT bY j(B aBaBBaBaBBJaaB^' v> Availabitat:Singapora: Mttro Orchard Matro Grand Metro Golden Mila Robinion'i Spacitiua' Cantrt Winttom Gl6 Ocean Bldg. Pro Shop SICC Royal Sporting Houm 129 Lucky Ptaze Joa Sports 326 Peninsult Shopping Complex Stanley &Co 1 23 Pemnaule Shopping Complex Quality Sports G36 Peace Centre Jakarta: Sporting Houm
      65 words
    • 353 3 *at^ 4k >fl^Bß A^^bb^^^^l^b^bl Wf^^ .•^aflK^V Mbbßlb^bW »_^b^ F wa9«ttuuaon&^k^| Ooroitt>'fl filawiaff <tgm«r» m>^l H^ix. oharttlwrl and lonnfly^^l baikSad day after <Say.^kl_^^^F ysar aAer ye&r i tl corona. Lights Up Tour Christmas I SoleAdem. JaooCM»)LM Unit 210, 2nd Floor. Tin Boon Liat BullOntf. 315 Outr«inßoeA3ln«aporeC« 16 Tel 22 ****** 23
      353 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 299 4 i2ji&' MICCICHISfS Mopping venire* jH&^Rf A The complete rl /Mm\ Department store model aircraft, X \v VV H^ •^CCkiß W>^ V s hobby kits, sports 1\ \vDlv\. VB^ <Ttfc/lSt equipment of all kinds. v\ \V yW VV\ P^^H^^^^^^l^^ yjTT 1 *-4 Br I J Rosewood Il\ Y\ v^ lll^"^ jewellery
      299 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 IH ■B* *^H ■■t^^w W. .^jMJ -iffffiffl Ha !&^^NuM«MdM^HyGWMiHH^Hois^K^i2jMH^MiHaak ""W Service Thonf Sia Co. (S) Pte. Ltd., 04-00 Thongsia Building. 30 Bideford Road, Singapore 0922. Tel: 737-6122 45. Jin. Tuanku Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur 01-08. Tel: *****2 *****9 Insist oa Seiko's International Guarantee Certificate.
      44 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1310 6 The Mitsubishi family of fridges is just what t BMCjaVaafl .Baaaai. aaa^l^aaaaV .^aaaaB > m T^is i^^^iifii if if ™m ™^b WMHtoHM* I ttfSnyKwl^* B I As your family grows, so do their need*. We bHtew a Mitsubishi 1 B»HUIO^^5F i >fl BBaW Lbh laaaaaaBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaiiai] rafrtgw ator has more to
      1,310 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 329 7 I^mi^'fIHBHHHHIHfIH^PI^P^I I&&1 it JaHfls jM\ ■■■jHjp -'^l^^^flfl^fl^^^Hß- flß^'^fllßP 9 i A new marque in Longines history. ifiiifP Superlatives are not enough to describe the way you'll feel when 1 vfl you wear the latest mark of Longines luxury. It's the best dressed statement you can make about yourself. LONGINES THE
      329 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 792 8 /C A special touch" of Hyatt f ~<J designed for professional ,1C Ml .^atj ItovoHbci wt>o«o roquifomonts r^B^HC*] WBu J of travel comfort and peraonal y^PM*MfcpV Mr/ 5 J«p4 setvtce exceed toe Hyatt MiPC^ft tt V J^kwJ I standard of lodging excellence k^J tf^ MmmWSE^ A lmmm\ I -^^^SKwimmW^L** .^hn^sVl
      792 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 237 9 Bu i M|lbl^e^^bl "Ibb^b^bl BW lilH 1 n it I II ill it H Jl2ii I Bt 111 1 'a It n HIH iflw fl JOE II ifl It"' Br#/<is»Mfl H ilfr r TldV s. fl 11 ilia f jii'iii4«v/ Vm i BV^BB// s^rlfM Ifl m JS^!^*^^mmmJuimmmilK^PZmWm /^■lfe i I
      237 words
    • 363 9 I K»^l> I■ wjw I* llk iI I A lie «1 fl Bj BB|» Bfl* BB I 1 MW**VM*m w Ww W fl W" J b? ?*v »sfl BP9s^^« *v^ss^B^^BßJlKHßsp3w3iswws^BHßtt^3BßH BW^S'Wlrifwtt^^BT $19 Bjß^^PffwS^ jo^ srfßßw^ 1 It' ™W'» J ''ip^l V h^^^^^^^hj i B^^^Ca B 7o f aS2jßc ilL^flK BBflßifiißßfßlfflffit^^^HilffiflßllllßllßW
      363 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 228 10 America's classy new Chromatic. Writes blue. Writes red. One simple twist of the elegant barrel Iff/ lets you spell it out in red or blut A Wf America's popular new Chromatic /^^m ballpen, with gold clip and gold ring IMf t to compliment the stylish stainless /B£ steel or black-matte
      228 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1271 11 0? THOMSON COLOR TV. i v< f Xfr m Wgjg Color 2000 j^m«B< jj^ja B^S S^ PA^H M •16 channels iflgggl W flglQ o AAiIC C k Soft touch PIFI ILAAaI stJI SCtO 1 r Black/silver f M WTM L m L cabinet R^ gT^B B^'B I r •Softcomer fipt
      1,271 words
    • 336 11 OTARD VSOE WITH A FREE QJALTTY TOWEL. -,£"l^sr s festive season, celebrate with an i *\J^ exquisitely Fine Champagne Cognac. I vJI Celebrate with Otard V.S.O.P. and r^F^l receive this gift tree. A high quality I Otard bath towel (24" x 48") This offer is only for a limited ess!
      336 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 119 12 Ouring this festive season, a $500 gift hamper nJ^HHK will be given away free with the purchase of any Mazda car or commercial vehicle. pp^ Him iV^Him mm The offer is valid for contracts signed from now up to the Ik J^^^m end of the festive season. A £^T A
      119 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1342 13 [public radio ml mk ft y *Z* ssxi P r^ ared LUCKY DRAW LUCKY DRAW "^V i/pvGf^^V >L From 24th October, 1981 to 24th January, 1982 DDITCC a,r.n "^l\ Now's your opportunity to purchase from among an incredible choice, SEnV Kl^Ew VJ^B I ,^fl «t V anrt S^ U Colour
      1,342 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 607 14 Though the chickens squawked indignantly, they certainly could not have been protesting secondclass treatment it was the humans who were relegated to the back of the bus. 9 NISSAN STANZA TheTtue Meaning at Performance _<-» Performance t SBk— *taft 3^:^^ M^-% is more than just Ps^^l lO^fc* 1 P° wer
      607 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 210 15 All the Convenience of One-Stop Shopping At Merlin Plaza At Merlin Plaza, we have more For the modern homes, there are In between, take a break at one of than 80 shops offering a wide stores specialising in furniture the many restaurants serving variety of goods and services, and ceramic
      210 words
    • 135 15 emSESSHSBHJ HdL^^i^^PHß I Baa^^^^*J '■TTTI j 7WrT7«TTTi^^^« aaW. Mf 111 1 j1 Attendant Console f Seteteo Cockpit 818 Logic XT bbHßßHHbbbbbbH J&7/99 bbbbbbbbl BBBaVT^l^ff^l CPTiT^iB^T^^mT^BBI BBBBT afl bbbbbbbbbbbbl 1 1 bbbbbbbbbbl im"fJTldfflC i What's on pna Saturday night? The 6 o'clock edition of Sunday Nation! Every Saturday evening, a Sunday
      135 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 2150 16 This X*mas,We Bring You... f£p^^ Plus FREE gifts* toot B j (0? ■■TtmnTTlfWt Audio Research D-79 Power Nakamichi 582 Discrete 3 JVC QL-A5 Quartz drive, auto BS77T?«R7c?7^B JVC GX-100 31 watts RMS Audio Technica ATH-5 Stereo W 'D) LV> Amplifier 75 watts RMS per head system return KUU^£|yUUI perchannel headphone
      2,150 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2118 17 IsrS^lS^ Plus FREE gifts* too! Bl W ■BEBSSS3I f^r"^- 42^ 20^" 8 k^ j 5mn a |mp r^T^ PP T SA 16 I ITT 3302 20" CTV (White) Grundig 5C2045 20 CTV M, B "S *yt USUAL $70 NOW: $40 JJMM^i Blauounkt WIW I sn ffi nSu pI&S 7 51
      2,118 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 355 18 1^ A i^K^^^. W m chilorcn 3t Sin£cipor6 3"*^ AcA cs P a ddington Bear has come to town for t tB» A Christmas. What a lovely surprise and what k <jfc*' X W^ PV^^^A a lovely present for a lucky child! ■*f |d sy" Jr^T Paddington is just one
      355 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 307 19 Footnotes to beautiful feet Have you ever noticed ugly, rough I H|^r"~^™"^™™n|jß| patches of skin on the heel, sole and I side of your feet? You need Scholl's ,«~^*i *SMiP Rough Skin Remover. HL dftAi'^^ It's a delicate, perfumed cream that's very tough on rough skin. It smooths away the
      307 words
    • 268 19 I B "^^l I f m I A can of Carnation worth $1.20 with every pack of Brooke Bond Teabags Now there's even more reason to buy Brooke Bond the tea that tastes so good you feel like another cup. Wrfen you buy your regular 100 teabag pack you get
      268 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 389 20 WhiteWestinghouse u&a. Once you know the features and extras behind this refrigerator, you' ll see why it's the most popular today. ff r||.* 'i i JWbHBi 1 A wide selection WHTvwSS I Mfc. ifftn *vB MH=H of other models B|iM* 3J?_!""r I^^tfl^M^Viv' for your choice: C/^h 386 Ulres < 14
      389 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 632 21 HI X^H Hi ._^dHH Hlk.^^Hl H^^^ Vv^TvHj^^H i^H E! I 1 Ev jjKo9' &sm Bw v (■■v^hbl i B ■■^^■■i ■jbj bm| H Bf KB Br9 ■W^'^^^^a l_ir» I wj 1^ Bf I I f aJI Soligor lens Five lenses can be a heavy burden il™im^is=ri ur ar 3 umeilt
      632 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 447 22 Lm^l (dk^r L^L^Bbw 1 1? f no surcharge '^pM ■Br k^r^nV L^r^ I Sn^aw If) til Free Parking on Sundays H|^H I MnW^l i!_JnV^fls^ Sharp Automatic §W w \mv Front Cassette Loading Video Cassette Bar UT /JQJE'll .a^Jaflaflai^^^^* a >^'*'*'''"^— Features computerised direct-access soft-push operation, B||a|^^^^^H 1» one-programme, 24-hour programmable
      447 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1434 23 I m a^^^^^^^Aa^La^^^.^^l M-'ck HI lllgl.UKl IW^l^L IT^V^U T|J^|^|»TfTVT |T] Jm. *W' v Ji^ J^ lf<; BBB**"^B xj Model: FC634 5% BHIH S l 'ft Normende CTV 1(w FeB *|J| 36cm(14") MOdel: SCI4OI f"S B-77 SPECIFICATIONS »M Tapa sjxkkJ selector (48cm/s. 2 4cm/») 55^ ♦^^■^■pa^^a^aaaaaa^— •W* jW Music Powar (IHF):
      1,434 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 622 24 m. B^B^^ B^ gk fj B^ Vfl X, From now until Music Centre) 230 pm Christmas Frolic (by December 19, Dance Arts Singapore) S^OOjmi Fashion Parade ElfcvßS^^^S nt Parklane Shop- (Imp International) 630 pm Lucky Draw. Ev^^SaS X'm sho FREE balloons and sweets will distributed t0 BftAi^Si r^^MfWi pers to
      622 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 559 25 Two names dedicated to the Art of Time. Vaßa^^^^^^^E^^^^^^^^Hf^Hfe i" Watches of Switzerland r^^| House of the finest collection of Swiss kk m timepieces dedicated in their service to bring I^^^H t0 y° u tne most exquisite creations of time. -^^^~^^^^^H|^^ Patek Philippe ■aa^aaaaW Maaaa% P^ Makers of the first
      559 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 859 26 HPf^li? tf^Bß Wh^ y°H ont know RS^LJiaKM^^B about kitchenware *SM I /j^^^v I could rill a whole shop bbbbbbl mMf^m\ aaaWv^m 1 jj^^H S^^^l All you ever wanted J Tefal, Hostess, HIHHI«]HHMBIIHHHHHHHHHHiH^Bi«Hi to own 01 know about s /f Sabco.Pyrex. kitchenware equipment (5^ -^^ffSf* Corningware ESS just inhaled and squeezed
      859 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1351 27 JEWELLERY TL eil by Instalment I he most beautiful women wear bilk at intorost froo i Ml wm BU^bV Br^ M Sf Bbß_ Beß^m BF BBr if H^^^M^^B^^^BY^ J^ LA Iml ;/<& B^S B/^ Gipture natural softness and shimmer in your as if you weren't wearing any make-up at all.
      1,351 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 577 28 m jLIDOHURRY!: i SEE IT NOW! (*****14) 5 SHOWS at 11am, 1.30,4.00, ymoCT: 1 1 IT fw «f»*^*Wßßß' AJ% bßwßk mioo*»»^«g1~ ftir voi r fyfsomy ■paditai O#l« IIAVIB CAPITUL 9IH ifATSi i THESUPERCOPttotFLATTMSA \dozen gangsters With ONtBLOW'm j_-m^ "k^T TCDCIIPC Ulll .i^-EMIEST BORGNINE m MTjU^ I fSI^ rtflttf H I
      577 words
    • 187 28 mmmm mr mm Ayi Tfiß HUNT 19 ON! A^B^ m M M Bciq the bwQest 4jb^ al^F aaaaW V bm^b»i .^m bi aia^ during difficult conditions, \A/ith little or no exnerience mL |p*w*Jß|^ WlTnnnieur riO e^peneriLt?, J -i^^^ m rer c ,chU o rnmQr, NIXON is ust the camera 1
      187 words
    • 311 28 1 Chrisfmavj VJlll. lotlllilo e Y e 1"i "bT^ "bTI af-^ "aT* -w™^ w"l^ i"! 1 lk, c Hl ,Tickei:i%/- per couple inclusive oi nowrlttesa 8 course Dinner. vir /Nk \v Oasis Restaurant Mil I Illn {j f~4C&*\ ljniltlU'V) f«3 y^^^^^^ XT" For table resfrvation. I f pUiV tt>nlatiMr «""kB(
      311 words
    • 352 28 **********00 :Eis§S: 11^? I^^ STi M(KX<ofl"" O So^SS.. A < 12f£! i^D^i 4 Th MtrOTPRK£.SA I vov |||iiJ?uo?lSroS^»^. EMS3BBExHIiIJ3 ■]5 schoolchm.d«m i"wl^l!g^"vXv:ri X._^'r^!r:.-! J^^fs^cS^ 3 i«m*qdayi *l:WJM.lMMirih—t fau>mmn>,i I ■MTt!^frßW^! lj! i^^RH^1! '■HHffll 1045.115,3 15,749 15 A HVi'WmlWMlllilTfltll m -ooel or the canwr I nowsmowinoi p.—-—^-_mmb L£ISURE-OHOME I V^^t Tl
      352 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 172 29 MPIH^ffPMMI jßiMfnPrvB yr w 1 MWpP^fff HS E9H Br>/J!i-Tv^iti.4'i;^fa w^tfit^l »ttfl ■■■^S«S* 'i 1 BH^BS U 11 'lit MMBmt&i Kr^SS II 5 11 I f Jr" jfis^Oß^^^H M If jRS^^RHHRIS i^^S iSiliHiiiaUiiMU9 ~r.. ~l< f«^^Wr^VlV ********************4 This X'MAS, buy a set of y Mt- i TIME-LIFE BOOKS t ■^A <|.
      172 words
    • 43 29 HH mm RJPNITURF with a TOUCHOFCLASS CLUXURY INTERIORS PTE LTD 321, PLAZA SNGAPURA Tel *****05 *****86 11^9 /I A» oU~CtHH. Boutique Ladies Ta*xm[ 24HRS SERVICE MAIL ORDERS EXCLUSIVE FABRICS '^xMlMMßMtat'Jfl i^SyC^r^lffiM ■»—b-^ HFR VA/OPmi-d WUKLUL-3 I FAD I •t*k«kai»itoi TODAYS UJAMAiI wWlfUul ahd
      43 words
    • 247 29 Everyone Is Beautiful lN'nffilßoWN^^ I I^^ '^■.^■Hi -^I^P' X** *J X i' H^. P(g^jT We can show you how to hiehlieht your best features with a ma^eu P consultation. H > ou are usin^ m^keup merely to hide yourtrouble spots and add a dash of colour ere an<^ triere y°u
      247 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 444 30 LVjaßaV^^B^. a^L 1 .^aa^j .rftffj l aLaaV^aaM lail Iflaaaaav m aY I --aac mmi *liit*Utth'-'' aaaaal aaaaV aaaaaf^tf l 'i!iH n^ '^^^K^aaaaj aWwjpajjaj ***MB3B aa^aaal 1 1 1 aaaaaavaaaw H^HHK Hk^v/ .^P^*^Hs j§ j I a I MM* g pI faaaaaaaaaal av aaaai ...;<>■' <4 I 't 1L aaaaaW w'
      444 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1028 31 TITONI. ATHbute to Quartzmanship. i =^«JpHtk B^B^^^/^^ .Mki^^MßßßßßßlißJMß^^^uw -^*v B^^^^^& Kbbl Combining X P^^^^gglil^Wiftli^ v^ Ik quartz ;N \l^ fci^^^ 1 X technology m^BBT l\ with legendary //y^ :x:j^jf XYK'^ bb^ craftsmanship to j lff t^&^'c*\ v V^\ V li J J A! Ik give you icr 11* I> J
      1,028 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 201 32 ilfig e/xcu/flfyf aH LI 1 1 1 1\ t\lAw\ t m I 1 \JtS I Rl^^y^^k LaBL« f^ *m W' flB |H] f—^aaaafl Jg J V Jfc W*^^^^^ bonus ii Fre w henyoubuya24-pack WL specialoffertrayofßonus! k^ »»—^.^-r.— b_ NBR> next time you buy your delicious V V*?! V» v J>^
      201 words
    • 463 32 ||g Congratulations n I Winners of Mitsubishi/Yaohan Lucky Draw I 1 st Prize Mitsubishi Video Cassette Recorder I Mrjatwani NRIC No. *****2/ P II I 2nd 6th Prizes: Konlca C35 EFP Cameras each ■I J I CheuTeckPei Kelantan Road f I fa I Tong Chiew Scak NRIC No. *****31 1.
      463 words
    • 838 32 #PWD I TENDER NOTICE Tender* ore invited from PWD Registered Contractors for the following (A) SEE(R) 38/81 Contraction of Prestressed Concrete Pedettrion Overhead Bridges ot(1) Dunmon Rood near Dunman Chinese School (2) Pasir Panjong Rood near Yew Siong Rood (3) Mocpherson Rood near Toi Thong Crescent Eligibility-. Civil Engineering or
      838 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 934 33 I 1 ~J -Jr M± M mJ^M.I H^l il An outstanding opportunity for a d\7iamic individual with financial flair to join a major international transportation organisation as their l< |4| yII IIXJAI H I IN^ NA I/\ I XVJL/VJ-l.V_^L Hi XXX VJL lV>Ai ml i ■j v^vy -j- -f-ii~\ I
      934 words
    • 669 33 WK^BK^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Q^hnnl-I O2I%JOIHS Xf Rf*Qffcr%#HS+Q OUIUUI 1-CaVfSld Of nCOCIVIdId, Consider thC Cff>R A nnron+if«Ocllin QrhomO LUD /■^PprClllK#eOlll|J UWICIIId I l^^MK|4 I Wt&WF oft M*^fWMMLIL^LIB Wfj jj^^^l f4*t^* 11. aJ jr J*\.^B CS&[ Ib^* M*g**-yM *g**-y 4«TI*JM HI HI 1 f* j SnPi^/ The EDB offers skills training in the ROtLEI-GOVERNMENT
      669 words
    • 660 33 Mobil Oil Corporation is among the world's ten largest companies. Mobil Oil Singapore Pte. Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mobil Oil Corporation and is one of Singapore"s largest manufacturing complexes. To keep pace witn it& expanding operations in Singapore, Mobil seeks to recruit suitably qualified candidates for the position
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    • 796 34 ■J^JIJLJIUUa lyA^^^^^^^^JM^^^^^^^^H l^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m FMF M ■■■■■■""'■■l TFCHNTCAT VACANCY C^£H iwtrrH V^l >Cm r TW THF Si ITA N ATF IIF I lM A N m 111 111 L/ OULlr\lir\l I*/ V^l V_/lTirill The Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Defence requires to recruit the following technical personnel DISTRICT SUPERVISOR TVX* r^
      796 words
    • 477 34 NAT.OHAL nD^niirTiviTv Wk PRODUCTIVITY As£*)kv BOARD M&I2M SINGAPORE invites applications for the posts of: A stenographer A Cambridge School Certificate or equivalent or GCE 0 < level pa,^ in 3 subjects with a good credit in English. Candidates must have attained a shorthand speed of 100 wpm and typewriting speed
      477 words
    • 637 34 i n ♦"'''•blish<>d hotel in Singapore c omprisinq 350 rooms invites applications from suitably qualified .applicants for the position of EXECUTIVE MANAGER HOTEL OPERATIONS Age: Between the age of 35 and 50. Desirable Qualifications and Experience: I in depth experience in the management of an established hotel with at least
      637 words
    • 526 34 TENDKB Tender w".l be received for the supply of the following undermentioned Items In the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division). Tanglln, SINGAPORE 1024 up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the Items: 1 DENTAL CHAIR UNIT Tender No: HQMS/SP/ 34/81 (T) Closing Date: 28-12-81 Tender Deposit: $250 00 2
      526 words

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    • 539 35 I "An established bullion/commodi- I I ties company, as part of its expan- I I sion programme, has vacancies for BUSINESS EXECUTIVES I Requirement* I Singapore citizenship I GCE 'A' level or equivalent I Ability to work independently I A self-motivator I Sales background advantageous I Ample advancement opportunities I
      539 words
    • 1228 35 Jtk IN THE HIGH COt'RT OP THE RKPI BLIC OF SINGAPORE y^^ m CwnpMlet Wladlag Up l "!n r V Ne. M3«MMI fc J===-^/ b the Matter M the C«mpaalM N r f^ Act, Chapter 1M SINGAPURA BUILDING to E£!£SsSsr CnPICTY I TH SERVICE (PTE.) LTD. OvV/ltll LIU., ADVERTISEMENT OP
      1,228 words
    • 341 35 OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 137 of 1981 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT (CHAPTER 18S) AND IN THE MATTER OF INTRAOCEAN PTE LTD ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the abovenamed Company by the High
      341 words
      692 words
    • 730 35 IITS pubuc utilities BOIIRD TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the following: 1 Supply of 230 Volts Single Phase Two-wire Integrating Kilowatt-hour Meter. Eligibility: Registered controctors in Supply (d) Electrical Motenals A2 A3 and 1 8 Instrumentation and Control Systems B 2 B 3 2 Supply ol LT Metering Current
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    • 687 36 I Tender Notice Tenders ore invited for:I BUILDING I a) Tender No AMM/T/81/015 Supply, delivery to site, installation, I tasting, commissioning and maintananca for twalva (12) months I ona (1) no. 750KVA standby diesel ganarator aat to Telecoms North II Exchange Eligibility Registered Contractors Class C D Non-Registered Contractors Deposit
      687 words
    • 1707 36 a^Bf^Bf^BfJj^Bfj^Bf^BKfjjf^Bjjßß^Ba^Bßa^ajjjjß^Bjjjalk. TENDKK L\ i*l*7 1 1 kJ W *m I v|M bm fHBBa^. ajjß^Bjk Tne f»llowing tenders are rMTirTvfjTTltt m\ m\. I A I invlu>(j >>y the Chief SupIlk > l l KlliUl' W m I m\ a^^H a4\ K| W I pi ies Officer, Central Sup111 1 Hl' ll
      1,707 words

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    • Billngual
      • Article, Illustration
        114 1 mm (i3) A £#A7 o ti. <*!«#> Sffi 4feffl3tX-ft aafttfjiuwftAHS?!* SP'°Ji#£ "(EH* A "ft" X&ltiffittflK IWKkS 8B«i*&£*#ft "*A" ft?£Hi? ffi* "*A" &#*f "ffr £f6A" ttft£ ne?£*£ia4i!!*i7iEie &ifefi«&S'JAHS? 1 fc&ifD* 7 ft ft mk e*«^nfgtes £°tettsi«&*& fig *«ftffi2t-'M*£- »T $1 ofWft«Ss*ttH f*° Hra«> S«fls*HjEili *K7ftWP f*&n±di Jfli* "*«*XB!B tttf#S'JAKf
        114 words
      • 1204 1  -  LI LIENFUNG Hong Lou Meng (13) By THE next yatou we shall discuss is Xiren whose character, like that of Baochai, is controversial. Was she as gentle and docile as she appeared or was she a scheming woman? Why did the book's author, Cao Xueqing, take
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      • 647 2 By Mi Lv THE Loke family, once a familiar name in Chinese moviedom, is still one in film distribution in Hongkong and Southeast Asia. The late Dato Loke Wan To, pioneer of the Cathay Organisation, was a Singapore millionaire with property and tin
        647 words
      • 76 2 'WMft'*3'VW%' wft" m wt B5ft-.«o fftU "iXJtfft" KIPMt"i5]*fn#7 «W"»P±a;isliS!^"{t" tsJwIo "ft" Wtt«R to" I* ft" "**ft" «fn»»iJi "Xikft ft**ft" '»*t^ffi» "XA«^A"is#f^"x -xikft ft**ft" w*ff "i* ft"° -saw*-ia*f« ii»f*ft" &«^ffiß» f^"i)iWft"o *±tx 4*t«w*ft-«tatg"4t fto "W#<t" W»Wf£ stb "JXiiSf^fft" r »f#ft" •^^^61^^ "^4*t««Wft"o ">)tisw#" "»xw-.-tt«" ffinff "*"»»?«'-a mz" &%*£^mtt® ft- to tt^iztZ-Z
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      • Article, Illustration
        619 2 it* Wtffi Wife** £*J*° SttfcAtf* #*frS#° *SflD «£**f-RR BilJ *P3!!gfc*l£# a a -4-teweffl s ttB«r< am mi®. fcteffl -&SW7AS fiife$fiU^tXA±<'^ £Sltt0f »rWA«r«i <?*@> in '<ix*r> fttfwl' iUffi^Ao 186 Witt toft main ftm+nm M 'D" "II" A#te^ Winners of Cross-language Crossword No 9 $59 Gift voucher: UM TIAN WEE (I.C. no:
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      • 158 1 JP® SILO W^fe^W| J/^L HOW TO ENTER H hMhuClVS^^/wv\ jfr~i T^^/%y Conditioner. Emeron herbal shampoo. Emeron Excellence For purchases of $10 or more, buy in addition a MUSICAL Beauty Soap. Mama Lemon Dishwashing Liquid. Mama Royal CLOWN BANK at a reduced price ($3 50 only) ffTT rP*l>\ Dishwashing Liquid. Cleenwash
        158 words
      • 327 1 Chinese surnames is back Read about La You, the patriotic poet, and other famous personality from the La clan. PAGE II Glimpses of Tamil Literature PAGE IV ALPINE TOTAL AUDIO RELIABILITY 6205 J 6103 6202 fl bH\ vV^B bK ■Baaßß M >^^6105 3009 6000 6001 6302 6-1/2" Tri-axial 3 Way
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      • 348 2 nn> :^nnfe aLflonßcfHuh^ TMmwnnrnnnnnnnnnnnnnMnnnnnnnMnnff^ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnf <nanl 'I .donnn^^flofl sf '"^^HBpnB^iaSJBHL. J^^^^^m |TW! nn^^^^^Lnl' jflilll I J I M 'm~ Lnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn^^^_. ■k. ij i i ill ill Ti^^^i MH&jjMp^ JO im^l Alpine Experience kg ■■■^WHI^fIBR Yes. I would like to receive this exciting full colour '^ijtv&maMT* Swissair brochure. „4^|&#' I H
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      • 265 3 A Christmas Worth Sharing^ I y!3n^ Qiristmas is a time for giving. This Christmas. o^w^ -j^jjlp Nissan celebrates with a gift^r every bt^er of a Datsun/Nissan vehicle! jUT have something for you, and an extra little gift for someone JfST your home or office../) Select one gift fiom the range
        265 words
    • Bilingual
      • 613 4  - Kings and chieftains encouraged literary bloom S. IL AKKI APITH AN By ETTUTHOGAI (The Eight Anthologies) 1) Natrinai (The Excellent Love Settings) 2) Kurunthohai (The Collection of Short Poems) 3) Ainkurunuru (The Five Hundred Short Poems) 4) Kalithohai (The Anthology in the metre named Kali) 5) Ahanaanuru (The Four Hundred
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      • 207 4 Go to the great men, you get honours; Go to the small men, yon will be dishonoured. Once two scholars met. The second scholar, Both of them were in Pavanan, went to the difficulty as they could house of a wealthy mer-, not find jobs. chant. He did
        207 words
      • 111 4 Retold by uuSartpi G&rt &g)iLjjb(gar. ensiGaj, {jfienGeuesflw eQtprreQasrdutTgi LDrr&aSI uSar f^rr L-tq. tu j fii 3 9, jb ,r> S, en /jl.^j/ aip/barresr Q&u'i iuuQujd G*JDJD&$») «6i;^JS/(3«'T«rar(5> fdjDLJiSlu urrii ««fr. When Madhavi had succefully completed her training, her mother decided that Madhavi should give a
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      • 79 4 #x AATHICHOODI Give charity before you eat. TIRLKKl RAL Humility is a great virtue in all. It is especially praiseworthy in wealthy Obsessions pierre balmain paris ■■■J aCOeSSOnet. < httm •> h«CN< u.r I— wHwwbdi lseonOirhard ).kV\\ Kl.i»»- Lucky Plaza Klasse Ptninsub Melwani's Metro Grand Metro Orchard Ri>binson's Sinßarx>re Shui
        79 words