The Straits Times, 10 December 1981

Total Pages: 56
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 101/1/81
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  • 990 1  -  AHMAD OSMAN Details to be settled at Pattaya By THE Asean foreign ministers who are meeting m Pattaya today will iron out the details of how they can persuade other countries to help speed up the formation of a coalition government of anti-Vietnamese resistance forces
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  • 91 1 MANILA, Wed. The family of a tall Filipino musician, Jose Merto, 59. who died of a heart attack last week, is suing a funeral parlour here for his less to fit him into a coffin, the People's Journal newspaper reported today. It auoted the family as saying
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 42 1 PERTH, Wed. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser announced here today that the government is to build a major airfield costing A$SO million (5J117.5 million) m a nearby small coastal town of Derby, to bolster the country's vulnerable north-west coastline. AFP.
    AFP  -  42 words
  • 41 1 COLOMBO, Wed. Indian President Sanjiva Reddy and Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed will pay separate visits to Sri Lanka early m the new year, an official spokesman said today. The dates of the visits have not been decided. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 56 1 BERN, Wed. The Swiss Parliament today confirmed Economics Minister Fritz Honegger, 64, as Switzerland's President for 1982. He succeeds Justice Minister Kurt Fuergler who held the post this year. The Swiss presidency rotates annually among the seven-member Federal Council, or government, but the next m line has
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 33 1 LISBON, Wed. Talks on Europe and Africa will top the agenda when French President Francois Mitterrand arrives m Portugal this week for his first official visit to a European country. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 347 1 Dhana replies to that charge IT could all be due to a misunderstanding this was the reaction of Foreign Minister S Dhanabalan to Indonesia's charge that it was not consulted over Singapore's recent suggestion about how a coalition government of the three Khmer resistance forces m Cambodia should be structured.
    347 words
  • 38 1 TEI. AVTV. Wed Israel's army this week held its last military exercise m the Sinai desert before the area is turned over to Kfjypt under the two countries peace MM*. (he military command said today -AP
    AP  -  38 words
  • 764 1  -  THESE twe patteemea Osiim teteatty M Mr Lesw Baaf L»*> 23, a raaMeatm Mlm.s* Bm4, SeieUr Hllta Estate, paiotN *at a totLesa whoa tSy «E ed »t kls k*me yeotorNatkiag very nniwual •had; that.. .except the ■■Btiemwi are en Hey-dn-t <*h t Mr Lnw klmself kJMt
    764 words
  • 427 1 Hijack plane departs Iran after talks fail BEIRUT, Wednesday LEBANESE Muslim zealots took a hijacked Libyan jetliner with 38 worn-out hostages to Teheran today, but left again after unsuccessful negotiations with Iranian authorities on the mysterious disappearnce of their religious leader. Iranian officials, contacted by telephone, said the three-engine Boeing
    Reuter; AP  -  427 words
  • 174 1 A DISTRICT judge yesterday fined two soccer players $750 on each of three corruption charges and ordered them to pay a penalty of $3,000 each. Intermediate team captain Mohamed Razali bin Alias, 20, and midfielder Tohari bin Paijan, 23, were both found guilty on
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  • 49 1 ISTANBUL, Wed Security forces arrested two Iranians and an Afghan on charges of smuggling pro-Shah people out of Iran to western countries, police said today. Police said the three were earning largp profits by smuggling Iranians into Europe through Turkey. The police gave no other details. UPI.
    UPI  -  49 words
  • 170 1 A UNIONIST and a labourer were charged m a magistrate's court yesterday over an acid attack on Mrs Lynn Pereira, wife of the director of Stamford College. Krishnasamy Seevasamy, general secretary of the Public Utilities Board Daily-Rated Employees Union, and labourer Aridas Sunderajoo were charged with
    170 words
  • 241 1 MANILA, Wed. Singapore lifted two surprise gold medals on the fourth day of the South-east Asia Games here today. The victories came from welghtllfter Savlnder Singh Chopra, who collected two gold medals In the Jerk and overall categories of the super-heavyweight division. Savlnder
    241 words
  • 409 1 Yamani: A nice Xmas gift' from Opec ABU DHABI, Wed SAUDI Arabia's Oil Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, said today that oil prices will not change until the end of 1982 "even if the (value of the) dollar goes down." "I have no doubt about that," he said moments before
    AP  -  409 words
  • 41 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. President Ronald Reagan has warned Libyan Trader Muammar Gaddaft of the "most serious roiwequenres" If an alleged plot to assassinate top IS leaden Is not railed off, administration officials said today. I PI. SKK PAGE 4
    41 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 We offer you the most accurate and sophisticated Eye-sight Testing with the World's latest Diagnostic Eye Computer •DIOPTRON NOVA and doubly confirmed by Sub/ective Method DAH SIN OPTICAL CO Contofl l*rw PiCKt.t.onef CHfN YIN f OOK D Optom (W A' (Member ot SmQopore Conioci Lent Society) G46, HIGH STREET CENTRE
      57 words
    • 211 1 mrdso.w K^^^^*al faßßß^a** 1 MRDSI3OS (MW/SWVSW2) II Ijfcfc^^^te *^>r Aulomji* Lew Cow ■^■^^•1 Wit'"' '•'•V^D LbV BIGS TON fA*MTTf RttOflDtß SPECIALIST 56 pages today Back Page Danger m rewarding undeserving: Teng Cheong Page 8 Ministry: Adopt a child for Xmas Paga 15 Jurong Drive-in may close Paga 11 SUMMARY 2
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    • 645 2 End of drive-in? SINGAPORE'S only drive-in cinema seems heading for the same fate as its nearby Jurong IceSkating Rink, which closed two years ago because of poor business. Cathay Organisation has tried everything to pack the 55,602-sq-m site from gifts, first-run film shows to cheap tickets. But the novelty
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    • 176 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: BOOKMAKERS will almost always try to Ox a soccer match, but yesterday's fines Imposed by a district court on two Singapore Intermediate players ought to serve as a warning to others who might succumb to temptation. Positive peer pressure in a team is another way
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    • 267 2 Women's hockey THE Singapore women's hockey team will make its debut at the Asian Games in New Delhi next year. Preparations are already under way. In view of this, R MANORAJ decides to find out more about the women's hockey scene. He discovers that the citadel of women s
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    • 213 2 PWD STEPS UP SEARCH FOR BUILDING MATERIALS THERE is no need to be alarmed if you see a giant machine boring holes behind your house. It is just the Public Works Department's new half-million dollar B-53 Explorer searching for sand, granite, clay and, who knows, even valuable minerals
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    • 110 2 MARGINAL ISSUES WILL DECIDE MALTA'S ELECTION THE Maltese will be going to the polls this Saturday to decide whether 10 years of Mr Dom Mintoff's Government is enough. His Labour Party came to power in 1971 with a margin of one seat; it won the 1976 election by only
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    • 466 2 More sanction talks FOR the second time in two days, President Ronald Reagan held discussions with his National Security Council on Tuesday, on possible sanctions against Libya for allegedly sending assassin teams to kill American political leaders. Officials said, apart from the Cuban missile and the Iran
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    • 325 2 Top young designers THE top 10 in the Her World Designers Award 1981 contest will meet for the finals this Saturday. Aged between 17 and 28, these young men and women are in the running for the top pri^e of a trip to Paris, $5,000 in cash and
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    • 235 2 Aussie student policy MALAYSIAN and other oversea students must leave Australia at the end of their studies, an immigration officer has told a group of final-year graduate students. Also, they cannot return to live in Australia for at least two years after graduation. The policy is because
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    • 150 2 Out of the cold JUST as it gets chilly, wet and *?rey, London comes alive with plays, operas and ballets. And West End, with some of the best theatres in Europe, is where the action is. WEE SHOO PENG visited lx>ndon recently and heated straight for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 SYS^** WATCH Tfc ML L^^^^^^M^MP^M^^^^^Mm I M^M^MMM^^^^^M^MH ..^M^mS af^^^^^ Qc commodore IHE LAST WORD M WORD PROCESSING/*! S The CBM word processing system lacks And you can use it as a computer too. Because absolutely nothing. In fact, it offers features some when it's finished with words, it's ready for
      328 words

    • 266 3 Denmark Govt to resign after losses in polls COPENHAGEN, Wed. Voters' split on the Issue of unemployment and Inflation gave victories to both the right and left m national elections, forcing minority Social Democrat government Prime Minuter Anker Jorgensen to announce he will resign. In a virtual referendum of Mr
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    • 313 3 LONDON, Wednesday REBELLION rippled through the ranks of Britain's ruling Conservative Party in Parliament tonight despite an optimistic assessment by Finance Minister Sir Geoffrey Howe that signs of economic recovery were increasing. Sir lan Gilmour, former Deputy Foreign Minister sacked by Prime
      Reuter  -  313 words
    • 174 3 Left-wing militant elected miners' leader LONDON, Wed. Leftwing militant Arthur Scargill was elected leader of Britain's 240,000 coal miners today m a landslide victory and immediately indicated a showdown with the government over pay. Mr Scargill won 70.3 per rent of the vote against three moderate candidates m secret balloting
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 51 3 BEIJING, Wed. China has successfully test flown a domestically manufactured passenger jet plane from Shanghai to Beijing, a Hongkong communist newspaper reported today. The Chinese-language Wen Wei Po said the plane. Yun *****, with a cruising speed of 855 kilometresper hour, could accomodate 178 passengers.
      AP  -  51 words
    • 92 3 LONDON, Wed. Hungarian I mathematics professor Krno Kubik went as red as the squares of his Kubik Cube puzzle when he failed to solve It m M seconds. He told shoppers at Harrods IKpartment Store m London yesterday he r««ld do il m a minute' and
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 451 3 BRUSSELS, Wed GREEK Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou made his first move to take his country out of Nato by announcing he is partially suspending the agreement that ties Greece to the Western alliance's military command. Speaking to reporters yesterday after a
      Reuter; AFP; UPI  -  451 words
    • 244 3 US tells of Soviet fake paper ploy WASHINTON, Wed The State Department outlined on Tuesday what it described as a systematic campaign by the Soviet Union and groups friendly to Moscow to undercut American foreign policy in Europe through dissemination of forged documents. United States officials said a number of
      AP  -  244 words
    • 188 3 First woman to tackle bulls and bears LONDON, Wed. Joanna Bunkham has become the first woman to buy and sell issues on the London Stock Exchange and quickly got into the swing of things by clinching a L 172.000 (*****,360) giltedged deal. The 20-year-old trader, who once failed her college
      UPI  -  188 words
    • 103 3 WARSAW, Wed. Poland's powerful Roman Catholic Church is trying to avert a threatened conflict between the ruling communists and the Solidarity free trade union. Primate Jozef Glemp intervened as relations between the union and the government sank to a new low with the authorities
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 242 3 Sir Denis hands over the helm to Murdoch LONDON, Wed. The chairman of the holding company of The Times and The Sunday Times has resigned and will leave the board at the end of the year. The Times reported here yesterday. It said Sir Denis Hamilton was leaving "with every
      AFP  -  242 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 I e-fi Canon A Canon Marketing Services Pte Ltd f *\t "1O Unit 301 A Delta House No 2 Alexandra Road *^H^r Singapore 0315. Tfel: *****11 Canon Captures All i y i TIFFANY&CO. I BpUMbfr I 4Wtls I Hf'S I SINCE 1861 From Paris toTokvo, the finest shops and stores
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    • 217 4 US commercial air traffic safe says board WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE American commercial air traffic has been moving safely despite the Aug 3 walkout by union air traffic controllers, the National Transportation Safety Board concluded yesterday. However, the Federal Aviation Administration's estimate of when the air safety system can be back
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 29 4 JAKARTA, Wed. British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington is expected to arrive here on Jan 29 for a three-day visit to Indonesia, the Foreign Office announced today. AFP.
      AFP  -  29 words
    • 123 4 Carlos 'brains' of plot says report NEW YORK, Wed. The Venezuelan terrorist "Carlos" may have entered the United States to lead the Libyan "plot" against President Ronald Reagan, the New York Dally News reported yesterday. According to anonymous government sources quoted, Carlos, whose real name Is Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, is
      AFP  -  123 words
    • 45 4 ANKARA, Wed. A bomb exploded under a parked car m the south eastern Iranian town of Borujerd, killing a 9-year-old boy and wounding 10 passers-by, the official Pars news agency reported yesterday. Two of the wounded were m a critical condition. UPI.
      UPI  -  45 words
    • 33 4 TRIESTE (lUly), Wed. A gangway to the US Navy ship The Peugeot Sound collapsed yesterday, injuring 50 sailors and civilians, police said. The ship is here on a routine visit. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 596 4 Security stepped up m the White House and Congress WASHINGTON, Wed PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan held discussions with his National Security Council yesterday for the second time m two days amid the tightest security m the White House. The talks on possible sanctions against
      Agencies  -  596 words
    • 354 4 'Deficits not harmful' turnabout by govt WASHINGTON, Wednesday THE Reagan Administration, which once said that budget deficits caused inflation, today declared that they would not unduly harm the economy. The administration came to office a year ago with a promise to balance the budget by 1984, a hope it has
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 206 4 Haig woos Republican support for foreign aid Bill WASHINGTON, Wed. Secretary of State Alexander Haig was at least partially successful yesterday m trying to drum up support for foreign aid among Republicans m the House of Representatives. Leaving an hour-long closed meeting with the Republicans, many of whom have long
      UPI  -  206 words
    • 61 4 BANGKOK. Wed. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Veera Musikapong and nine officials were rescued yesterday hy a fisherman after their boat capsized m a lake during a flood relief operation, an Interior Ministry spokesman said today. They were carrying food and cooking oil to flood victims
      AP  -  61 words
    • 52 4 NEW DELHI, Tues. Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi's government has decided to raise the target of voluntary sterilisations from the originally envisaged 22 million to 24 million during the current five-year national development plan, as part of the birth control scheme. The plan is now m its second
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 29 4 SAN SALVADOR, Wed. Government forces led by Green Beret-trained troops pushed through rebel-dominat-ed Morazan Province m a major drive yesterday against guerillas, local military commanders said. UPI
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 265 4 Aid is in America's interest says bank chief WASHINGTON, Wed. World Bank president A. W. Clausen said yesterday that it is in America's interest to continue the US contribution to international aid for the world's poorest countries, even while trying to cut federal spending. In a speech to the Asia
      UPI  -  265 words
    • 151 4 Last step by Canada to cut colonial links OTTAWA, Wed. Canada's Senate, m a surprisingly close vote, passed a resolution yesterday asking Britain to approve a new Canadian constitution and cut all colonial links between the two nations. The passage of the resor lution was the final step m the
      UPI  -  151 words
    • 145 4 PHILADELPHIA, Wed. A young woman who has endured a life-time of grotesque deformities caused by what Is known as Elephant Man's disease will undergo radical surgery to remove tumours that cover her face, doctors said yesterday. It will be the 12th and, doctors hope, last
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 720 4 i It's here again! It's a once-a-year big, big sale when you can get all you7"~ fIVS B3Sy t0 Win I". /?< rsr^n/9 /Ml S@JKt^ ®U electrical needs at reduced prizes. Such exciting offers! It's an event you I V*lilll*lllS (EIUS^ URAJw^^ musn't miss! Offer on while stocks last! I
      720 words

    • 319 5 Libyan troops 'ready to step in any time' LUANDA, Wednesday LIBYAN leader Muammar Gaddafi said today his country was ready to intervene m any part of the world m what he called the struggle against the powers of evil. In a message to Angolan President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos on
      Reuter  -  319 words
    • 175 5 BLAST HITS SOUTH AFRICAN GOVT OFFICES JOHANNESBURG. Wed. An explosion caused extensive damage to the Cape Town offices of the South African Department of Cooperation and Development (Black Affairs) early today, police said. A police spokesman said sabotage was suspected. No one was injured m the blast which occurred m
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 127 5 LONDON, Wed. Iran's spirtual leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeiny today attacked unlawful arrests and illegal confiscation of property m the Islamic Republic, the official news agency Pars reported. The agency gave no details of such cases. Pars quoted Ayatollah as saying m a message to the
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 60 5 ISRAELI troops keepIng watch In their track as tyres burned and two Arab women walked past on the second day of unrest m the Gaza Strip town of Raf».h on Tuesday. A student was killed on Monday and three wounded m a clash with Israeli troops.
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 227 5 Seychelles probes Kenyan hand' in coup bid VICTORIA (Seychelles), Wed. The Seychelles Government is investigating the possibility of lenyan involvement on last month's mercenaryled attempt to topple ft, President Albert Rene said today. He was commenting on allegations by one of five men arrested here after an abortive coup, Martin
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 161 5 Europe 'should stop M-E peace pressure' TEL AVIV, Wed. French External Relations Minister Claude Cheysson concluded a visit to Israel today, declaring that Europe should stop putting pressure for a peace settlement m the Middle East. His statement was immediately hailed by Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir as signalling the
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 288 5 NEW DELHI, Wed. Soviet troops have retaliated against Afghan guerilla attacks m Ghazni, south of Kabul, by indiscriminate killing of civilians and the bulldozing of buildings by tanks, diplomatic sources said here today. The sources said there had been a recent deterioration m
      288 words
    • Sideliners
      • 91 5 THE FIRST annual international pig trade show, sponsored by a leading publisher of international swine literature, will feature a Miss Piggy look-alike contest, a national champion hog caller contest and a barbeque of (1,400 kgs) of whole pigs. Watt Publishing Co. said the show, which began yesterday,
        UPI  -  91 words
      • 79 5 A DETROIT jeweller marked his 70th anniversary m business yesterday by releasing U5526,000 (5J54.000) m gift certificates into the sky inside 1,000 multi-coloured helium-filled balloons. The balloons, each containing a certificate ranging m value from US$5 to US$7OO, were released m front of the Sidney Kmadall
        UPI  -  79 words
      • 74 5 A SOUTHERN California distiller faces Federal retributionfor selling more than 2.000 cases of vodka with an alcohol content of 27 proof instead of the advertised 80 proof. Ralph Garlow. a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms, said m Los Angeles yesterday Tri-L Distributors Inc
        UPI  -  74 words
    • 61 5 COLUMBIA, (Missouri) Toes. Whey, the watery part of milk, may one day help power care and be used for a variety of industrial purposes, a University of Missouri-Columbia researcher says. Dr Judy Wall says scientists are studying ways of converting portions of milk into hydrogen gas with
      UPI  -  61 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 423 5 Festive Offer 1 Metronom FREE \J» for every purchase of WURLJTZE IT Piano JR» f Here's more value with more piano tor your money. More sound from exclusive large-scale design with longer bass strings and bigger soundboard r»jS •Exclusive Wurlitzer pin block construction for Singapore Piano Co. Pte Ltd. T»f)
      423 words

    • 55 6 Praying for luck and business BUDDHIST monks arriving at the Roxy Bar on Pal pong Road In Bangkok on Tuesday to offer prayers to bring the owner business, prosperity and luck. The occasion marks the first anniversary of the bar. Looking on at the monks are some of the girls
      AP  -  55 words
    • 52 6 LIVERPOOL, Wed About 2.000 people attended an openair free concert here last night marking the first anniversary of former Beatle John Lennon's murder. The organisers expected tens of thousands of tans to show up, but freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall prevented many people from making the
      AFP  -  52 words
    • 133 6 Russia to recall envoy to Tokyo soon TOKYO, Wed. The Soviet Union has informed Japan that its ambassador to this country will be recalled to Moscow shortly, Foreign Ministry sources said today. The sources said the Soviet notice did not state who will succeed outgoing ambassador, Domitrii Polyanskii, who has
      AFP  -  133 words
    • 479 6 NEW DELHI, Wed THE Soviet Union has launched a multi-prong-ed offensive m India to reassert Indo-Soviet friendship at a time when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi is seeking ways to normalise relations with her northern neighbour, China, diplomatic observers noted today. There has
      AFP  -  479 words
    • 33 6 JAKARTA, Wed. Forty-one people were believed killed on Sunday when a six-metre high landslide buried eight houses m an East Java village, the Regent of Kediri, Usri Sastradiredja. said today. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 90 6 MULDOON GETS 4 MORE SEATS WELLINGTON, Wed. New Zealand Prime Minister Robert Maidoon's National Government was given another three-year mandate after the counting of special votes gave It four more seats and an absolute majority m Parliament tonight. The long-awaited final results gave the National Party all four marginal seats
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 338 6 Trade ties with Japan at critical point, says US TOKYO, Wednesday JAPAN'S trade relations with the United States are now about as bad as they have ever been and the government must open its market soon to imports, a senior US trade official said here today "We are at a
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 70 6 TOKYO, Wed. The Japanese Labour Ministry said today it plans to set up a committee to look at industrial accidents involving robots and other automated machines and recommend necessary safety measures. This follows the nations first recorded fatal accident m which factory worker. Kenji Urawa. 37.
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 185 6 15 Thai Muslim rebels surrender to govt YALA (Thailand), Wed. Fifteen Muslim separatist rebels, members of groups fighting for an autonomous state m southern Thailand, have surrendered ta the authorities over the last two weeks, Thai security sources said here today. They said the rebels, who are now m army
      Reuter  -  185 words
      • 66 6 CHINA ANNOUNCED m Beijing yesterday it was drafting a series of economic laws which will further consolidate its fledgling legal system and facilitate foreign trade and investment. The official Xinhua news agency said the new laws, numbering several dozens, would supplement three others on contracts, civil procedure
        Reuter  -  66 words
      • 84 6 THE AUSTRALIAN Council of Trade Unions has voted to temporarily lift a ban on handling of uranium exports, freeing tonnes of nuclear fuel waiting to be shipped out of Australia, union officials said m Sydney on Tuesday. The union movement passed a resolution two years ago opposing
        AP  -  84 words
      • 106 6 RUSSIAN POLICE arrested m Moscow on Tuesday Viktor Tomachinsky, a 36-year-old motor mechanic, who brought the first known civil suit against the KGB security police by claiming 13,400 roubles (5542,000) compensation for the failure of the KGB and the Ministry of Interior to keep a promise
        Reuter  -  106 words
      • 57 6 EEC FOREIGN ministers agreed m Brussels on Tuesday to meet m London m a fresh bid xo reach agreement on guidelines for agricultural policy reforms and longer term limits on Britain's payments to the community budget, officials said. The meeting was called because of the inconclusive EEC
        NYT  -  57 words
      • 84 6 CHINA IS preparing to give a "constructive response" to Moscow's request to resume stalled border talks, Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Wenjin made the disclosure m a recent meeting with West European visitors, a senior diplomat present at the talks said on Tuesday m Beijing China disclosed on Oct
        UPI  -  84 words
      • 57 6 SOVIET OILMEN have for the first time established a commercially viable well m the frozen north-east of Siberia, the official news agency Tass reported m Moscow yesterday. It said a 1,900-metre bore m the permafrost zone of. Yakutia had reached a sizeable deposit of oil which
        Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 324 6 iHfV^ Designed around the family >J^^k The guarantee of satisfaction starts with its price <9PI $51,620 nett R*RF There's never been a better time to Precise Swedish engineering and an C2??^^ invest m a SAAB. And never for a better almost fanatical attention to detail, have P s*ljs! reason created
      324 words

  • 510 7  -  I ELENA CHONG By A JUDGE yesterday told two Singapore footballers, Mohamed Razali bin Alias, 20, and Tohari bin Paijan, 23, that accepting bribes for "fixing" matches had brought them shame and ignominy. In fining them $750 on each of the three
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  • 93 7 TWO Singapore school bands have been chosen to take part m the Pesta Pulau Pinang Band display m Penang. Raffles Institution and Teck Ghee Primary School are the two schools selected by the Ministry of Education since these two schools won gold medals
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  • 237 7 SIA plans to stay No. 1 in spite of obstacles' SINGAPORE Airlines aims to remain the number one choice of the travelling public m spite of the obstacles placed m its path, said SLA managing director Lim Chin Beng last night. These obstacles were apparent m areas where national carriers
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  • 358 7  - No sick leave quotas set by firms, say doctors IDAH L ATIFF By COMPANY doctors give workers sick leave when they need it not just when firms can spare them. This assurance was given yesterday by the Singapore Medical Association and the Association of Private Medical Practitioners. They also said
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  • 99 7 Presentation of attendance certificates THE president of the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association, Mr Baey Lian Peck, will present Certificates of Attendance to 47 registered volunteer aftercare officers on Dec 18 at the official opening of the Twelfth Basic Training Course m Mandarin. The officers, who come from various religious and secular
    99 words
  • 83 7 THE Queenstown Library is organising a forum on the role of the law m compelling families to care for the aged. It willbe held on Saturday m the library's lecture room at 3 p.m. The speakers include Mr I.iew Sin Fatt, a teacher from
    83 words
  • 27 7 THE Sennett community centre will hold a seven-week computer course from Jan 8 and a 10-week car repair course m mid-January. Telephone *****5 for details
    27 words
  • 138 7 SECOND Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs), Mr S. Rajaratnam, has suggested that a compulsary subject be introduced m schools to teach students how to be good parents. When students reach the right age, they should sit for an examination on parenting and pass it before
    138 words
  • 202 7  - Finding out what tickles S'porean palates CHAN OI CHEE BY of Times Business SOME Bke It art, ethers like It tweet. Smm prefer It thick, hat ethers waat It thla. That's why Mr Aklra MateaaMte (ahave) to la Sfatppare. He to with Maria Feed Predicts Ca LM, that wellkaawa atoaear
    202 words
  • 266 7 Pig farmers want govt to instal treatment plants THE government should take the initiative and set up waste treatment plants for pigs, said some Punggol pig farmers yesterday m an interview with The Straits Times. To cover costs, it could charge them for every pig sold, they suggested. They said
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  • 67 7 HAWKER assistant Azlan bin Abdul Hanai, 19, was fined $140 by a magistrate yesterday after he admitted carrying a keris with Intention to commit theft. The court was told that four police officers saw Azlan behaving suspiciously along Mount Faber Road. TTiey stopped him and found
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 894 7 kGood things come your way ..this season Excellent fares and exciting entertainers liven up the air. And add joy to your festive celebrations. TOP OF THE 'M' FESTIVE BUFFET LUNCH GIFT VOUCHERS KASBAH THE LIBRARY Table D'Hote Lunches: Dec 21— Jan 1 Surprise your friends and loved Ml Superb entertainment
      894 words

  • 635 8 LABOUR Minister Ong Teng Cheong has underlined once again the importance of ensuring that employers wanting to reward above average workers pick the right ones. "If you are not able to do that, then better don't reward liberally, because you are going
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  • 154 8 PART-TIME model Habsah bte Hadim, 2t, who is the first person to appear before the magistrate's court on a traffic .summons (or improper use seat-belts, had her guilty plea rejected yesterday. When asked to make a plea she had said she might as well admit the
    154 words
  • 268 8 WP gets respite after eviction order THE Land Office was yesterday given a court warrant to evict the Workers' Party from its Hill Street office, but the order was suspended pending appeal m the High Court. Magistrate Yong Yung Kiong made the order at the end of a hearing against
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  • 182 8 Safe toys watchdog expected to issue firm rules THE days of dangerous toys are numbered. Once the Toy Safety Authority of Singapore (TSAS) is formed next month, strict guidelines will be issued. Yesterday, the financing and constitution of the safety watchdog were approved by a working committee. In January, the
    182 words
  • 75 8 Four men charged with CBT FOUR men were charged m court yesterday with misappropriating $150,000 worth of equipment from a trawler on Nov 30. They are alleged to have taken the equipment from the trawler, Tunku Laut, at the sea off Punggol. The four. S.Christopher Raioo. 17, D.Francis. 45, Vellupillay
    75 words
  • 54 8 NTUC Welcome has reduced the price of rice by five cents a kilogram since yesterday m all its supermarkets and Fair Price shops. The new price of Thai 100 per cent fragrant white rice (super grade) is now $1.38 a kg while that of Thai white rice
    54 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 323 8 rONCE-A-YEAR SALE Of SALES HONG SHENG < 1 •G3,Clifford Centre Raffles Place t 'Si Singapore 0104. Te1: *****7 I^^J phii i pc HP4I IB G4,The Arcade Raffles Place h fllBI I X^rS^r Singapore OlO4. Te1: *****95 J > Shopping Hours: I1I 1 SALE: $15.50 Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Closed on Sundays PHIU
      323 words
    • 42 8 V^ c \c* fcß m K^kii *i* -^■^B i^ UJ> T- ■jx w 7 "^^bß H9Bhl^ m I IB F^m R I w m r M m&&% fl w m fl w a fl m I jgr 0 fl m s/^'o^-^Jvo 1^
      42 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 32 9 wP^-'' ■Ik. vl I B 1/j.^BH B^^L Bfl B_B^^^^^^HBjßl |n BB^^^^^^^™BB BaA. Bft Bafl bVb /Sa Bf Hear the Band. Ptav tennis and get bowled over by BARGAINS! mffiWmPARK HOTEL 11-13 DEC
      32 words

  • 161 10 Builders hold joint venture talks LEADING contractors from Singapore and the United States have met to discuss the possibility of setting up joint venture construction companies to bid for big projects here. A 31-member delegation from the Singapore Contractors Association, held a two-hour dialogue session with the visiting 12member delegation
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  • 35 10 Day care centre THE Presbyterian Welfare Services Singapore will open its second day care centre on Jan 4 at 01-238, Block 5. Ghim Moh Road. Telephone Mrs Tew on *****75 after office hours for details.
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  • 34 10 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Education), Mr Ho Kan Leong, will present prizes for an essay competition held m conjunction with the Speak Mandarin Campaign on Dec 19 at the Sin Chew Jit Poh building.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  34 words
  • 32 10 RADIN Mas community centre will be holding a party on Dec 20 at 2 p.m. for children aged between four and 12 ■at S3 a child. For details telephone *****21.
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  • 345 10 Ministry gives guidelines on VDT work PEOPLE who work long hours at visual display units should take regular breaks and undergo annual eye check-ups. This is recommended m the Labour Ministry's guidelines on visual display unit (or terminal) work, issued yesterday by its Industrial Health Division. The report says although
    345 words
  • 327 10  - S'pore students ahead in survey on Japan JUNE TAN, By Education Reporter SINGAPORE students know more about Japan and think more highly of it than Hongkong students, according to a Japanese survey. The survey was conducted by the Tokyo International Language Centre whose president, Prof Takao Tagiichi, was here recently
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  • 146 10 A YOITH ran foul of the law all because he wanted to become a policeman, a magistrate heard yesterday. Not content with just watching police trainees drilling on the parade square at the Police Academy, Tan TUn Lam, It. a metal worker,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 252 10 Are you 'Something rcmimlcil me of Paris. jm rJTOP^'-. "iwSliti And Michel Hmmmm I remember him well j£ I frwß®ji§ J&fß&t'' The late ni^ht walks, the grand avenues, and ever) where -ffifcrV sap^9fc the I'aris fashions left me breathless! *$%!&r So did Michel. We 5 I mon Far I .im
      252 words

  • 461 11  -  RONNIE WAI By wrong Reporter THEY tried it all free gifts, first-run film shows, cheap tickets but the Full House signs have long gone out of use at the Jurong Drive-In cinema. At the peak of its popularity m the early *****, it
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  • 240 11  - Pay phone bills or get out, students told BRIDGET TAN By STUDENTS who made overseas telephone calls costing the National University of Singapore a total of about $5,000 have been told to pay or §et out of their hostels y next Tuesday. A circular sent to the students said they
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  • 103 11 THE Telok Blangah East Post Office will be closed for three months from Monday for renovations. Holders of money and postal orders, pension vouchers and public assistance allowance drafts can receive payment at the Telok Blangah West Post Office instead. Cash-on-delivery and insured parcels
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  • 89 11 Did you see these accidents? A MAN who was hit by a taxi m Telok Blangah Road on Nov 26 died early yesterday at the Singapore General Hospital. Police identified him as Mr Ta Kong, 46. In another road accident on Tuesday, lorry driver Sim Teck Guan, 22, injured his
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  • 34 11 SEND-OFF parties for nation al servicemen will be held at five community centres on Dec 22 at 9 am They are: Bedok, Buona Vista, Kirn Seng, Pasir Panjang and Yio Chu Kang
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  • 361 11  - Gang stole 19 buses for 40 break-ins and thefts NANCY LOH By WITHIN two months, 19 buses mysteriously disappeared from their parking lots and police thought it was the work of pranksters who wanted joy-rides. The cases were categorised as "mischief". It was not until late November that the mystery
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  • 248 11 Streets get brighter look with new lamps NEW, brighter sodium lamps will replace the mercury street lamps between Bukit Panjang and the Newton flyover. This means a saving of more than $59,999 a year m electricity bills for the government. Two projects are being carried out simultaneously along Bukit Timah
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  • 154 11 A GANG of safe-crackers is believed to be responsible for raiding a trading company m North Canal Road on Tuesday and taking nearly $155,000 worth of cash and jewellery. They took iewellery worth $132,500 and $18,932 cash from a steel safe and another $1,800 worth of
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  • 93 11 DETECTIVES raided four shops m Geylang yesterday and took away more than 650 cassette tapes worth nearly $2,000. This was confirmed last night by the deputy-head of the ClD's Commercial Crime Division, Deputy Supt Roger Lim. Officers from the Singapore Phonogram Association
    93 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 269 11 Hr 1H llllUß I JTTLE PARTYA lAKERS ARE J§\ y WHk SURE WINNERS TI lIS ;i IRISTMAS [JjS^M The children are m for a swell time this Christmas. Partying away m their Little Party-Makers. Pretty voile fir maxis and dresses with pintucks, satin trims and lace inserts for little girls.
      269 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 347 12 TWO-YEAR BAN ON MIGRANT ENTRY AFTER GRADUATION MELBOURNE, Wednesday MALAYSIAN and other overseas students must leave Australia at the end of their studies. This was told m clear and unambiguous terms by an Australian immigration official here to a group of final-year graduate students
      NST  -  347 words
    • 128 12 SNAP CHIEF NAMES HIS DEPUTIES- KUCHING, Wed. Former Sarawak National Party (Snap) secretary-general Datuk Leo Moggie and former party senior vicepresident. Mr Daniel Tajem, have been appointed vice-presidents of the party by Snap's new president Datuk James Wong. The appointments, made at a meeting of the Snap national council here,
      AFP  -  128 words
    • 445 12 PENANG, Wed MALAYAN Railway has temporarily withdrawn some 15 Express Rakyat coaches from service m view of the recent derailment m Johore. Sources said the (roaches, bought from South Korea five years ago, were currently being examined at the Sentul workshop to
      NST  -  445 words
    • 276 12 MAS sells last of its B707 for less than M$5m KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday MALAYSIAN Airline System's last remaining 8707 aircraft was recently sold to a European buyer for less than Mss million, an airline spokesman said yesterday. He declined to name the buyer or the exact price for which the
      NST  -  276 words
    • 222 12 HOUSES BEING ALLOTTED WITHOUT BALLOTING JOHORE BARU, Wed. A number of governmentbuilt low-cost houses m Johore was allotted to certain people without going through the balloting process, according to the Auditor -General's Report for 1978 tabled m the current state assembly session here. The houses were allotted with the approval
      NST  -  222 words
    • 53 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. City Hall here has formed a special unit which will be responsible for attending to emergency cases m the Federal Territory. Among the chores to be attended to by the unit are snakes, landslides, (ailing trees and dangerous insects, a statement from City
      NST  -  53 words
    • 154 12 LABI AN, Wed. The Borneo Film Organisation has set aside M$2X million to build a chain of cinema halls throughout the country and Singapore. Satan Deputy Chief Minister Datuk James Ongkill said recently that the organisation's first theatre In Singapore at Bukit Me
      NST  -  154 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

    • 284 13 Massive project to replant country's forests KUALA LUMPUR, Wed The Federal Government, m joint agreements with various state governments, will embaik on a large-scale forest replanting scheme m a major effort to regenerate Malaysia's depleting timber resources. Under the project, logged areas m tne country s forest reserve will be
      NST  -  284 words
    • 35 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A Panama-registered ship M.V. Medola which sank m Port Klang, four years ago, was partially refloated yesterday the first time such an operation was being carried out m Malaysia. AFP
      AFP  -  35 words
    • 199 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Malaysian Parliament today unanimously passed a banking bill to prevent communist agents from using commercial banks as financial channels for their activities m the country. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Najib Tun Razak, m tabling the bill, said: "This bill was
      AFP; UPI  -  199 words
      • 60 13 MALAYSIA goes fully metric for its weights and measures m about three weeks' time. From Jan 1, those who use units other than metric m carrying out businesses would be liable to a fine of up to Msl,ooo or six months' jail or both, the Chief Inspector of
        NST  -  60 words
      • 55 13 A TEAM of surgeons at the General Hospital m Kuala Lumpur carried out a six-hour operation on Monday to sew back the left hand of a 15-year-old boy. Lim Kay Chuan had his hand cut off at the wrist when he and another friend were attacked
        NST  -  55 words
      • 61 13 THE South Korean Embassy m Kuala Lumpur is surprised over newspaper reports blaming the Korean side for having made "an aboutturn" m the recent air talks m Seoul. An embassy source said yesterday the only reason why the talks failed was because the Malaysian side wanted three flights
        NST  -  61 words
    • 131 13 STANDARD Time zones are determined by international agreement and by the laws of each country. Standard Time Is calculated by dividing the globe into 24 zones, each zone comprising 15 degrees longitude and representing one hour. Calculation Is based on London time or Greenwich
      131 words
    • 113 13 KUCHrNG. Wed. The credit card system was yesterday criticised as a means to exploit consumers. The Culture, Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Mokhtar Hashim, opening the Asean youth seminar on Youth and Consumerism here, said the credit card system had influenced the people
      Bernama  -  113 words
    • 262 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. While employers and trade unions welcomed the Malaysian Government's decision for Peninsular Malaysia to have a common time zone with East Malaysia, the Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange (KLCE) and the Association of Banks are adopting a wait-and-see attitude. The secretary-general of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 274 13 Best Buys Begin m BIKA In BIKA the latest and complete showroom m town every buy is a bargain. Whether you are looking for a ji, L j— luxurious bedroom suite, inspiring living-room furniture. Si I—lt^l1 It^l modern kitchen or dining-room furniture, or just a simpte %JJ*^*^*^ cosy armchair, let
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 340 14 V 1 N LADIES SKIRT Ci C Qf) «t ma A%fft kh^\ I 1 (ASSTD COLOURS SIZES) «P LOOH»^" LADIES KNICKER CI^QH <m CTU|V %i ->* -17 I BOCKERS o t >j.v\j ft C«CM%fI nCl' t^/^CA^-'/ (ASSTD COLOURS/SIZES) lilAftllkillO* 811 V.J'M' QUALITY TEA TOWELS 51 .85 VV stOf€* /^i^ W
      340 words
    • 650 14 t, Look. 1 Its a non-stop party at the Oberoi! Christmas Season, Christmas Eve and Anita Sarawak, 'Live', New Year's Eve! Christmas Day! rS'^^v n t HS- r X lsr ni^' lt(> the year, the besi nightoi del your diary out and make j /S*\\Wr£^\ llit V*-* jr! < >lir
      650 words
    • 71 14 At Mandarin Hotel Shopping Arcade featuring all-night non-stop ||KflMO I IMP sssmGHTCLUB Entertainment DANCING NIGHTLY: Sundays to Thursdays Public Holidays: 8.45 pm 12 45 am Mb Fridays. Saturdays PL**! JL,^ J^V RllU Eves of Public Holidays I 845 pm -145 am W\ m W l> AHoappwrint nightly at M The
      71 words

  • 442 15  - Call to modify NS for those who choose sea career PAUL JACOB By On board the Centaur Day Two of the three day cruise THE demands of nationa fied to help Singaporea sea their career, it was seminar yesterday At present, youngsters who start their sea careers early m life,
    442 words
  • 260 15 Life at sea not for those who are bored A PICTURE of life at sea wu painted yesterday by Capt R. r Skort, head of the Singapore Polytechnic's nautical studies department. He said that, unlike m the past, today's demands at sea seldom tested (he full capabilities of the seaman.
    260 words
  • 106 15 JAKARTA, Wed. A young Singaporean woman, Mrs Lauw Lee Keng, was sentenced yesterday to one year and four months of imprisonment and a fine of 750,000 rupiahs (5J2.400) by the East Jakarta district court. She was charged with smuggling 10 kg of pure
    AFP  -  106 words
  • 158 15 SHIPPING FIRM TURNS TO INDONESIAN SEAMEN SINGAPORE'S high wage policy has caused local seamen to lose out to those from neighbouring countries m employment. A local shipping company operating ships leased from an Indonesian shipping agency, has just gained approval from the Indonesian Manpower Ministry to employ 200 Indonesian seamen.
    158 words
  • 526 15  -  EVELYN NG, By Social Services Correspondent THE Ministry of Social Affairs has a Christmas wish that Singaporeans share Christmas with about 30 children who would otherwise be spending it m welfare homes. And for its New Year, the ministry
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 157 15 I flflnflSH --'^R&M^9a^h^n^nS^2k^LnKn^^Unnnnnnnblnn3Kh.' n nnw* t nnw^^nnl nnv "flnT^' 1 1 aw^nnni nnn^^ "^St^^nnnn! I V^^^BH ~ti h}sv*3 S V niL_l2nnn I ficturrd Thcß/>l,xlki\l)aU Available m I Set cold, with matching bracelet. See the solid gold Rolex face to face at our place It takes Rolex craftsmen over a year
      157 words
    • 272 15 AmWmw^m^m^ vv la^nW /AT fm mm 11 \m fm Em m mm. mm% m\^mi. m /mAsh rJ m r^^^ J=:^^ mMmlmt^^m^^W^^^^^^^ *mmm Sty W^m^m J^^ _^^^^^^^^^^H \di M S.nfent nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnßn^^3«r^ X I i^M ■^^^■^^ELLjßteT' mM H s mw^ r k^^^^^H mw K| «^A Jb nlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl Look before you leap. Carina
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  • 476 16 Blowing whistle on football money SOCCER enthusiasts would be too optimistic if they think bookmakers would stop trying to fix matches now that two Singapore intermediate team players have been fined m a district court for accepting pay-offs. Football bribery is as difficult to wipe out
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  • 872 16  - India finds it tough getting others to adopt her policies A JIT BHATTACHARJEA By Writing for The Straits Times INDIA is finding it increasingly difficult to i;ustain its policies towards South and South-c ist Asia. President Sanjiva Reddy is currently 01 a tour of Indonesia and Nepal to try to
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  • 857 16  -  KEN ISHII m Tokyo By Writing for the International Herald Tribune THE reshuffle is a frequent ritual m which Japan's premiers reapportion portfolios to match the changing power balance among party factions. The latest one, on Nov 30, came at a critical time
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  • 910 16  - When pay-offs are a part of business, a political necessity and a way of life DONALD KIRK m Tokyo By THE Japanese have come to believe m the value of preferring outsized gifts of money with all the passion with which they sell their products around the world. It's part
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 42 16 Swing With *JL A Perfect 1U Precision Golf Equipment V. /P; A.*i«W« *l Pro I SfWit tN«t jo IMMIMMMI r— l CVUM-WEST CPTEJLTD. I L_J PLAZA SINGAPURA V»lH»l> li UIC BUILDING aw(>«nl<a>»« bW PCPMNSULA PLAZA ,4 oourcl 'or. Cormr Si'Mi hi
      42 words
    • 259 16 TOMORROW'S COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.TODAY'S Nitsuko takes you into tomorrow's world of communication systems, today, with a range that combines sophistication and technologically advanced features. Controlling the electronic key telephone system are micro-processor units that utilise 2 or 3 pair cables. This enhances out-going, in-coming and transfer of calls. 4 models of
      259 words

    • 384 17 WE wish to thank Awther Singh for his letter (ST, Nov 12) headlined "Just too many of these on our roads". We agree with Awther Singh that there are many benefits for reducing the number of bus stops there will be savings m
      384 words
    • 116 17 Gym gea is in state of disrepair ("AM a regular user of the public gymnasium at the National Stadium. Of late, I noticed that (the levels of maintenance and repair within the gymnasium have dropped deplorably. One does not need to fete an enthusiast to note that there is a
      116 words
    • 260 17 "I REFER to the letter by C X Lee about public telephones, telephone wires and poles m the reverted properties at Jalan Kayu (ST, 23 Nov). These revertedproperties are located inside the Seletar Air Base. There are two pay phones m the Base. Since January, six
      260 words
    • 95 17 Life without the SPCA IN the past, and presently, I have been bringing m stray cats and dogs found m the most horrible conditions, to be put to sleep by the SPCA m a humane manner rather than be left to die m a painful way. Morever, I can rely
      95 words
    • 122 17 Do something to hold hospitals Div 4 staff IT IS now disclosed that hospitals are short of amahs, porters and other Division 4 staff, and the General Hospital alone needs about 1,000 more Division 4 staff (ST, Nov 25). The situation demands solution. How does the shortage affect hospital services?
      122 words
    • 129 17 I WENT back to a polyclinic after having been told that a molar tooth had to be extracted. The dentist who attended to me was m fact struggling to have my tooth pulled out. During the "struggle", I happened to hold her hand as I couldn't endure
      129 words
    • 134 17 Where's the logic, AUPE? AFTER reading JR's "High-handed way of deducting union dues" (ST, Oct 29), I feel compelled to bring other matters to light. A few months back, AUPE members received a "pay deduction authorisation form" from the union. Its covering letter stated that members are supposed to endorse
      134 words
    • 149 17 THE traffic congestion around Lucky Plaza area is getting worse. A main reason for this is the lack of control of pedestrians from Lucky Plaza entrance across Orchard Road. Pedestrians are controlled when crossing Orchard Road by means of a traffic light. But people are
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    • 68 17 I WAS shocked to learn that my friend would have to enter the army on the Dec 21. Christmas to us is not mere toys and shopping but a special religious function. It is the only time when the whole family is together. We feel
      68 words
    • 85 17 OF COURSE there is a solution to X C Lim's shrinking "pau" problem (ST, Dec 3) make "ta paus" m home. Try making them a little bit better than those sold by the hawkers or restaurants. Community centres all over Singapore conduct "dim sum cooking classes.
      85 words
    • 95 17 Tampines strips may damage cars AS A daily user of Tampines Road, I wish to draw the attention of PWD (Roads) regarding the speed regulating strips along Tampines Road. Heavy motor vehicles like buses, lorries, etc with bigger wheels are unaffected by these strips. But if you are driving a
      95 words
    • 67 17 I READ with disbelief the short interview with Duanna Pang Siew Li who had done well m the recent P.S.L.E. (ST, Dec 2). She said that she went to libraries to do research for the science subject. Even those students m secondary schools are not required
      67 words
    • 296 17 THIS is for the information of your readers who may now be sending out Christmas cards by the dozen and be happily "contravening some strange postal regulation that says you cannot have more than five words I repeat five words written
      296 words
    • 168 17 IT IS laudable that Mr Ng Yew Kang, Permanent Secretary (Social Affairs) should care to give divorcees a fresh start m life again (Divorced People Can Now Start Afresh ST Nov 10} ox, *v;. However, the authorities seem to miss a point. Leaving
      168 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 26 17 /^f^Don'T be a squaren||P join The cubists MASTCRMG RUBIKS r^l^JF byDonTaytor rTIFEDERAL PUBLICATIONS Durnbundby I X"|i Ne* Road. S.r>gapor« 1953 member of Tht Timat Organisation
      26 words
    • 266 17 Try new Agfacolor 100 film. ~a« a ißHß^^ife-' IB I ■A «V^ jB£» f LHbß^bW ff a^BB^BB^B^^M b^A I Jtk L a^ai bP M A sflak b^bl bbß- k B^BM vL B^bl bB v-aVt' JH a?1 a^F aft aaaa aY V Off j^V W9 BL You'll like what develops, J|
      266 words

    • 935 18  -  GWYNNE DYER By in London THE Maltese will be going to the polls this Saturday to decide whether 10 years of Mr Dom Mintoff s government is enough. His Labour Party came to power in 1971 with a margin of one seat; it
      935 words
    • 553 18 'Dogs of war' blow cover on invincibility VICTORIA (Seychelles) There was a time, not long ago, when mercenary soldiers, men seized with a vision of invincibility against Third World forces, marched to the refrain: Vive la mort. vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire Long live death, long live war,
      NYT  -  553 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 78 18 I I II Smi--4lbljißl I iff. 1 wyf flffwl k F 6^.!?* 1 jfciwtonT««i» *&£m ■W. fl S£v HALf PRICE l.^fl Samsonite Profile Less 50% and above C=^ <= '^■ffi&? v f JIU fir £&&®L NOW 149 ||l Samsonite Siihouerte i Concord Less 70% UP $128 I I Qr O/
      78 words

      • 81 19 SOARING cost of materials has resulted in a group loss of $5.46 million for Malayawata Steel for its first half-year ended Sept 1981. During the first six months of the previous financial year, the group made a pre-tax profit of $238,0%. Group sales volume for the first half
        81 words
      • 53 19 CENTRAL Sugars Berhad has declared a second interim dividend of 5 per cent and a bonus dividend of 10 per cent for the financial year ending Dec 31 this year. The first interim dividend of 10 per cent was declared in June, bringing the year's total dividend to
        53 words
      • 78 19 THE last day for lodging of share certificates for entitlement to new share certificates in both Rothmans of Pall Mall (Malaysia) and Rothman Industries is Tuesday, Dec 29. This was announced yesterday by the Stock Exchange of Singapore in a circular to members. Trading in shares
        78 words
    • International
      • 62 19 SEOUL, Wed. Valliburg Investment Ltd of Hongkong has been authorized by the South Korean government to build a 210-room tourist Hotel on Cheju Island, the finance ministry announced today. inu Also participating the joint venture will be ICC Construction Co of Korea. Valliburg will put ■up US$4.9 million
        AP  -  62 words
      • 69 19 NEW YORK, Wed. The US government today accepted bids totalling almost US$4?5 million <*****.3 million) for the right to drill to: oil and gas in the deepest areas of the Atlantic ever explored. eh- The Shell oil company dominated the sale, accounting for 75 per cent of
        Reuter  -  69 words
      • 66 19 JfONGKONG, Wed. The question of whether retaliatory action against Prance should be taken ;Qver its restrictions on the import of electronic quartz watches and other products from Hongkong loomed large today. This follows the Hongkong government's announcement yesterday that it was asking France to promptly lift these "discriminatory
        AP  -  66 words
      • 89 19 HONGKONG, Wed. Reasons for Hongkong's inability to make headway in the Japanese garments market are given in a survey made by a Tokyo-based firm of consultants. Requested by the trade development section of the Hongkong- Japan Business Cooperation Committee, the survey notes that the present position of Hongkong
        89 words
      • 67 19 BRUSSELS, Wed. The Belgian franc remained \fMer attack here today from the dollar and all the European currencies, despite the appointment of: Wilfred Martens to form a new Belgian cabinet. The difference between the free and the regulated currency market was more than 12 per cent, and observers
        AFP  -  67 words
      • 37 19 CHICAGO, Wed. New lows were set again yesterday in corn, wheat and soyabean futures prices on the Chicago Board of Trade, as a massive selloff pushed the markets sharply lower for the second straight day.
        37 words
  • Market Highlights
    • 415 19 TELECOMS plans to enter into more joint ventures with private sector companies to improve the telecommunications network m Singapore. Chairman Frank Yung, speaking at the opening of CommunicAsia '81 at the World Trade Centre yesterday, also said it intends to go beyond
      415 words
    • 143 19 SHIPPING LINES TO INCREASE FREIGHT RATES SEVEN shipping lines on the Singapore-Australia route will increase general freight rates from Jan 1 next year. The lines belong to the Straits Australia Conference (SAC). They are the Australian National Line, Blue Funnel Line Ltd/P and O S N Co, Malaysian International Shipping
      143 words
    • 135 19 JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia is to enact wideranging new regulations to boost slumping non-oil exports, the national news agency Antara said today quoting Finance, Industry and Economy Coordinating Minister Wijoyo Nitisastro. The measures would include a controversial proposal which would require foreign companies taking up contracts m
      135 words
    • 442 19  -  LEE YEW MENG MEETING NEEDS OF BUILDING INDUSTRY By THERE is no need to be alarmed if you see a giant machine boring holes behind your house. It is just the Public Works Department's new half-million dollar B-53 Explorer searching for sand, granite, clay
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    • 480 19  - Travenol gets lots of land to expand NAJEEB J ARHOM By TRAVENOL Laboratories Pte Ltd, an American company making sophisticated health-care products, has been awarded the biggest piece of land to a foreign company by the Housing Board. The sprawling 10.53-hec- tare site at Woodlands Industrial Parkland will house a
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    • 174 19 BRUSSELS, Wed. A continuing row among European Common Market Governments over cheap textile imports has made agreement on a new international trade pact impossible by the end of the year, EEC sources said today. EEC trade ministers, meeting here yesterday, failed to agree on overall limits
      174 words
    • 406 19 SINGAPORE: Share prices closed higher on renewed haying Interest m the afternoon m selective active trading. Inchcape resumed trading at $2.2« and rose to $2.31 before closing at $2.27 up 25 cents with about 112, 111 shares traded. The Strait* Times Industrials Index rose
      406 words
    • 29 19 ndustrials Inance lotels Up 46 7 8 Down 24 6 1 Unch 21 1 ropertles linings lantations 7 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 teb/Loans 1 1
      29 words
      • 49 19 MTC 735 +65 Xi»«. 460 +40 X L Industries 442 +32 H Leone Credit 1200 +30 OCBC 1140 +30 Se« View 720 +30 lietan 460 +26 SET tl Sealion 600 +20 Mil 490 +20 Supreme Corpn 444 +18 NBT 192+18 Pegi Mii. 416 +16 T«.pin« Te.tile 368 +16
        49 words
      • 17 19 ■r ok. C*JEi4 IS2O "iS ApoHo 360 0 8P P 290 -10 N O L 388-8
        17 words
      • 23 19 Tnrhranp IV (¥VI MR^rces 337'«» 5? UfX"^ ™2S Fabcr Merlin 335,000 Sime Darby 310.000 Promel 282.000 Total turnover: 7 38m ToUlva.
        23 words
      • 34 19 Dec 8 Dec 9 BT Indicator: *****6 *****1 Industrials: 759.25 768.75 Finance: *****3 16M TO Hotels: 1188.77 1201.06 Properties: 740.04 734.67 MW"«s: t*93 Plantations: 911.31 911.31 OCBC: 735.92 743.66 SES Ind ***** 671.47
        34 words
    • 67 19 B«utoa4 BM -6 Semb Ship tlO CtC +4 (.olnnrvs NBT +18 Sap Carp +18 CCM Githrlt Bhd '22 Nat Iron Stme Darby (old Storage -6 Haw Par -2 PMC -4 St Steamship y Dirnlop lad Paa-Elee -1-10 Perils Plant -6 St Tradlag -5 Ebm lachcapeßM +tt
      67 words
    • 2375 20 SECTION ONE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Gr'« lt»81 Laal Div Net Vol Day Hi*h Low Company Sale or- P'F. COOO) Hifh Low 494 248 Acma 294 -4 14 5 10.5 2 294 292 115 115 Alcom 115 4.8 198 350 130 Allied Choc 220 -4 7.0 19.8 5 220
      2,375 words
    • 611 20 LATE baying seat share prices moving firmly wi the upward trend the Stock Kxrhaage of Singapore yesterday after a caattoas aad uncertain morning ctart. Mast prices opened around •veralgkt levris aad movements were restricted to a few Isolated shares which r«se sharply. Trading was generally quiet,
      611 words
    • 378 20 STRONG buying in the afternoon session took prices higher on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday despite a quiet and sluggish start. The market opened lower but a good number of counters began to pick up after the mid-morning break and the improvement continued into the lunch-close.
      378 words
    • 33 20 Industrials Finance Up 46 5 Down 25 Inch 14 3 Hotels Properties Oil Palms Tins rubbers I rubbers Deb/Loans 1 6 1 7 5 1 4 6 1 4 1 4
      33 words
    • 190 20 SINGAPORE UNIT TBUBT (MiMgin' fhem tar Dee It) The Commerce 3.27 3.44 The Savings Fund IB 198 S pore Prog Fund 142 149 Spore Sec Fund 2.U 2.24 Spore Invert Fund 1 10 115 Spore Equity Fund 133 1.40xd AHA UNIT TRUST (Maaagen' prten tor Dm It) Mai
      190 words
    • 1124 20 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of snares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the world "sett". Big Board deal
      1,124 words
    • 634 20 U O L (3.808 3.425) (6) 3.76 (15) 3.74 (1) 3.72 (1) 3.78 (2) 3.80 (1) 382 PLANTATIONS Batu Kawan (3.408) Con* Plant (2.008 2.035) (1) 206 (1) 204 (3) 2.03 (1) 2 02 Dunlop E«t (5.0085.055) (1)5.05 (2) 5.00 Glenealy (2.708) High Low (2.448) (1) 245 (2) 2.47
      634 words
      • 247 20 HONGKONG: Trading remained quiet in the half-day session yesterday, with the Hang Seng index closing at *****6. 10.85 points down, dealers said. Leaders showed a weaker trend than secondaries, though generally there were no new factors affecting the market, they said. The lower trend was general with no sector
        247 words
      • 330 20 SYDNEY: The market dropped sharply under a wave of selling pressure yesterday, dealer, said. Profit-takers were active, the All Ordinaries index lost 9.1 points to 601.9. The Cooper Basin oil strike at Jackson No 1 had spurred the oil issues upwards and lifted the general market, but traders yesterday
        330 words
      • 355 21 TOKYO: Share prices closed lower on balance yesterday, with export-oriented issues falling sharply and domestic industrials gaining on selective buying, dealers said. Yen AJlnomolo Akal mt -1 Asahl Cham 340 +3 Asahl Oka 041 +4 Bank Tx 303 +3 Banjru 7*o -ft Brtdfestone 47S +19 Canon too .Jo Chlyoda
        355 words
      • 381 21 NEW YORK, Tuesday The stock market closed broadly lower as investors remained concerned about the outlook for the economy and interest rates. The market opened lower and remained weak throughout the day, with the Dow Jones average closing 5.24 points lower to 881.75. Declines outpaced advances two to
        381 words
      • 645 21 N *-0 Share I pry** "ontiniwrd to slide this morning ihou|(h turnover retrained fairly small, dealers said At noon, the Financial Times index was down 16 points at 520 1 Concern over the rejection by UK miners of the Coal Board's latest pay offer and the outcome of the
        645 words
      • 55 21 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 521.7 Monday 533.5 Week Ago 530.8 DOW JONEB AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 881.75 Monday 886 99 Week Ago 890.22 H.K.HANG SENG Wednesday 14O3.8« Tuesday 1414.71 Week Ago 1420 19 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 745.5 Tuesday 7««» Week Ago 737.0 ALL ORDINARIES Wednesday 901 9 Tuesday 610
        55 words
      • 248 21 AMSTERDAM: Share prices were lower, with KLM down 1.80 and Uallever and Royal Datch each 0.80 lower m Dutch internationals, dealers said. In banks, ABN lost three and NMB one while insurer Earnl. fell two. liUt-Brwc-dra and Ebievier each (ell two and m constructions, Baskalls dropped ISO and Vdker
        248 words
      • 292 21 ZURICH: Share prices closed steady to higher m active trading as the market consolidated on the higher levels reached m the two preceding sessions, dealers said. Swlasair bearer added four francs to 704, but its registered share closed five francs lower at 645. OerttkM-Baekrte was again a major gainer
        292 words
      • 102 21 MANILA: Market was weak Landoii yesterday as the commercial iffiKXJL i industrial sector, mining and oVS^'a oils were all down and turn- orwntai b <x» -0.001 over sunk to 235,000 from its Slu.?"*™"** f" nch previous 1.08 million pesos, Xt 19K .o.oos dealers said. pwn««r ton unch p ca
        102 words
      • 86 21 BANGKOK: Share prices closed slightly lower m slow trading yesterday, after profittaking over the past few days, rloalerc tairt aeaiers said. BaJiu fibre 130+1 Ayuth*r» ln» And Tnut Bangkok Bank 3M Bank Of Ajrudhajw Ltd 1M «I Bern Jucker Charoonf Thai Wire 2l> -f ____£Hf__: M I£ <££ lrrun"
        86 words
    • 1940 20 BID and offer prices officially lifted and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number <A shares traded shown in brackets in lou ol 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Alomd (1.578 IMS) (11) 157 (4) 158 id AlexiteM (1.458) AMD (2.625)
      1,940 words
      • 32 21 Rubber: Dec 9 Singapore: Dec: 188.50 cents (down 1.50 cents) Malaysia: Jan: 209.00 cents (down 2.00 cents) Tin: M 535.36 per kilo (unchanged) Official offering: 175 tonnes (down 25 tonnes)
        32 words
      • 131 21 CHINESE Pr«4M* Exeha-ge, Singapore, MM etotteg price* perlNkgyc-tor*-?. Cwwmt «U: Bulk fob $108.00 sellers, old drum (m second hand drum) fob $122.00 sellers, new drum fob $126.00 sellers. Oprrn: Mixed (loose) $59.50 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asia NLW $370.00 sellers, Sarawak white pepper fag fob NLW
        131 words
      • 146 21 THE kilobar market for gold deliverable m Singapore opened at $27,200 and close at $27,125 yesterday. The Far East market opened at U5J410.50 411 25 and was traded narrowly to $411.25/ $411.75 before selling appeared which pushed the price down to $408.75 '409.25. It closed at $409 50 $410.00
        146 words
      • 128 21 THE STRAITS tin price closed unchanged* at M (35.36 m Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 25 tonnes to 175 tonnes. The overnight London market for forward buyers was up £42 to L 8,142, 142 per tonne. LONDON: During Tuesday afternoon, the market continued to hold the cash
        128 words
      • 186 21 Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian crude palm oil market closed steady on light refiners covering m quiet trading yesterday, dealers said. Trading was concentrated m the south with December traded unchanged at MsB7o and January up $2.50 to $872.50 per tonne. The refined market remained featureless despite reports of
        186 words
      • 31 21 LONDON: Copper prices on Tuesday (previous m brackets). Wlrebar Spot £875 00 (£874.50); sellers £876.00 (£875.00): Three Month buyers £896.00 (£896.001. sellers £896 50 (£896.50). Martct taae: Steady. Batas: 15,375.
        31 words
      • 34 21 Tm Mac New York 8.758 8.838 8.82S 8.906 Zurich BMB 8.758 B.MS 8.85S We. Turn Singapore B.TOB 8.808 8.85S 8.95S dosing prices In US dollars a tray ounce. BNice: CradH Saint, S'pwr.
        34 words
      • 646 21 PRICES m the Singapore rubber market closed slightly easier yesterday, with January RSS One buyers quoted at 188.50 cents per kilo, down 1.50 cents from Tuesday's close, dealers said. Morning prices were marked down slightly on stale bull selling and reserve of buyers after an easier opening, they said.
        646 words
      • 91 21 NOON SBR ->d SM* prim ywunUv ■Aft Juurr F»bm«ry (Carnal MU) (Forw.rd MU) Buytra B*U«r* Bar*ra S*lUn SSR2O (lUftptlktl IMOO 166.00N 16*00 I6BOON SSRSO (ItaapdlMl 180 00 162 00N 162.00 184 OON MRELB J....r., SMRCV lllonpaUMl IMOO I*l OON 191.00 193.00N SMRL llunpallMl l»7J0 IW.SON IKSO
        91 words
    • 344 21 The US dollar opened higher against the major currencies as Eurodollar deposit rates rose by up to a quar ter point Singapore dollar opened at the day'a high of $***** and continued to strengthen, reaching the day's high of $***** It closed at $2 0450 60 The
      344 words
    • 313 21 INTERBANK rates at 3.00 pm: Cumtncte* Nominal rates Smithsonian Percentage quoted yesterday (cross)perity change Voeai dollars to one unit of foreign enrrency: US dollar 2.0450 2.0460 2.8196 -27.47 Sterling pound 3.9435 3.9400 7.3469 -46.32 Australian dollar 2.3285 2.3310 3.4286 -32.08 NZ dollar 1.7045 1.7085 3.4286 -50.17 Canadian dollar
      313 words
    • 45 21 RANGE of prices offered by discount houses oo Dec 8: Overnight: to4l.<* Call deposits- 3- to 5 doling Buyiaf Selluf 3-month Treasury bills 4 3t 3-month Bank bills 8 7; 3 months CD 7H 7* 6 months CD 9W 9 geane: N.-i-l Dtoeae-t Ce.
      45 words
    • 29 21 Closing interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Dec 9: Offer Bid Overnight 1 1 month 6. 6. 2 months 7* TM 3 months 7V, V* Overnight mode
      29 words
    • 24 21 THE avenge r»te at which major Sing-pare banks are rnrrently prepared to lend to their best customers is 12.17 per cent.
      24 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 231 19 9-1 2 DEC 81 ■1 1 am 6pm WORLD TRADE CENTRE SINGAPORE Face the Future of Electronic Communication nn IB -Jni^fc I Lbß JU f// I #^R« LmVn^Li^l^uKr jMoftnta^k^^fl nmi^n^m^T V* n^^^^ nM.^Jßh^™**^'^ G^Lu^n^fca^~ KnHh^^MHlfluv ~*~y' J i J 9 BnVnViß^Bnß B Visit CommumcAsia 81 and see the i^f'^ l^-'
      231 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 735 21 f FOR SALE We have been instructed by our client, a large international company, to offer for sale as a "Going Concern" their modern and comprehensive FACTORY, PLANT EQUIPMENT situated in prime industrial area of Singapore. To be sold at a substantially less than replacement value. The company is involved
      735 words
    • 671 21 SINGAPORE POLICE POBCE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the supply and delivery of six bilge-water pumps. Tender forms and other particulars are obtainable from the OC Marine Division, Stadium Lane, Singapore 1430 on payment of $250/- tender deposit from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm to 4.00
      671 words

    • 173 22 Higher taxes to reduce deficits TOKYO, Wed. The Japanese government plans to raise an extra 350 billion yen (553.3 billion) m taxes m the next financial year to help eliminate massive deficit financing of the National Budget by 1985, Cabinet sources said today. Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki has aksed the
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 301 22  -  SOH TIANG KENG By SINGAPORE took another step towards greater sophistication m her financial markets when four foreign banks here issued the first floating rate certificates of deposit (FRCD) m Singapore dollars. The total FRCD issue is worth $95 million. The four banks are
      301 words
    • 191 22 Interst rates slide further INTEREST rates have slid further down m line with a liquid market, with two banks and a finance .company lowering their rates. DBS Finance, one of the most active lenders yesterday reduced its rates. Housing loans will cost borrowers 13.5 per cent for periods up to
      191 words
    • 1628 22  -  WONG MAI YUN By UNLIKE many girls who work m Singapore's factories, 20-year-old Loo Lay Tin painstakingly guides a Chinese brush over porcelain instead of a soldering iron over a circuit board. Lay Tin is one of 120, including 20 men, who have just joined
      1,628 words
    • 214 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. MBF Holdings (formerly Pacific Development Credit) has continued to move ahead on the profit trail, with after tax earnings rising by almost three times m the year ended Sept 1961. The group yesterday reported unaudited after tax profits (before extraordinary
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 334 22 WHEN BURGLARS HELPED THEMSEIVES TO A FEW OF MRTAN'S PRICELESS POSSESSIONS, While Mr. Tan was away doing cheque f rom g^d a n O wed Mr. Tan t business in.Bangkok, he had a few 9^^H^|S|@ls^l^H replace the lot. uninvited guests at his house m Except, of course, the peanutSingapore. And
      334 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 152 23 DRIVE AWAYA NEW MITSUBISHI WITH THE LOWEST HP RATE IN TOWN! k^k\ A^km a^^^^^^^^l^H k^km i II n conjunction with y II Associated Merchant J Bank Pte. Limited. i L~ I I I M jT^ IBIHHHHHIHVVHHHB I Am ,-r, -r i zpl V mm^^^^^^^^.^B^^^BßE^'^jm!^Hß^^L m IjL; zs y* E|3 EE£
      152 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 567 24 11S4-442Z11 1S4-442Z I WHERE TO EAT SPECIAL Ask for your contest coupons from these advertisers and win attractive prizes! wlSamm miestaurantj Pump Lounge J»|C3BC!Ci»tH[ Exclusive! BWfjjWjfflSmrJWW A Great Place to sHKmMWvSJI I Unwind At Sundown 1 HAPPY HOURS II JF W& 3.00pm to 7.00pm ■TriTii^T'irTiMrw iess 20% Wiiiirvv DAAFT
      567 words
    • 405 24 Classified Ads. The Greatness of Being ALLOW US To re- upholster old sol at. repair settee* ft design rew modem lounge suHet. Reasonable Price Prompt Delivery ,f< Contact r^-.wuwfinuwsco. I 4fc3.G.,i»«jftaS'po.»M3a Vy T«J: *****24 Opening SALE! lOUNOI SUITt Blk 164. No 3623 A Ilukil MerahTown Centre y Vbbbbs Te1: *****06.
      405 words
    • 368 24 23 Shopping Quid* CHRISTMAS GIFT? We carry stocks from world famous manufacturers of English and European silver a crystal Come and see our wide array of Christmas Gifts. We open everyday including Sundays. CULLINAN JEWELLERS PTE LTD 28, GROUNDFLOOR, PHASE H TANGLIN SHOPPING CENTRE TANGLIN ROAD, (1024) TEL: *****07. 24
      368 words
    • 443 24 PICK OF THE CLASSIFIED SPECIAL SEASOMNQ. MEAT ATTRACTIVE SUPESOFT for Barbeque Function, plus Christmas Log Cake. More all types of cake make ac- lnan cakes free delivery, cording to order, door-to- price $25 and above. Tel: door service. For more de- *****22/***** M tails, call: *****47. ie< SB iibVbbbt a»*l^3
      443 words
    • 363 24 29 Beauty Culture OUBARRY (USA) In association with Top to Toe College of Beauty Therapy offers Paraonal Grooming Court* SSS incluatv* all I typo aMrgwUc products uaa. Orlanlal ft Swadlah Mactag* Couraa »iao inclusive im* ol OS S Body #«^uip«TT>#>nt OatattS call: Tafc M *****/*****16 LOUISE KLERK Singapore* fICSt fMfH#
      363 words
    • 609 24 TELEPHONE SERVICE: *****22 WATEB: Monday Friday 830 om 530 pm I TTT 1 Soturday 8 30 om 3 00 pm Ofdmory 90 cts per word (Mm I 3 50) 1 2 30 pm for Sunday Times) c-_- r>^_i JI6 00p«rcol cm Publx Holiday 900om 100 pm Jami-utspiov (Mm S4B 00
      609 words
    • 309 24 I Industries. Oates, windows. grilles, fencing and aluminium works. Karllm Company *****1 1 j RENOVATION WORK FOR HDB, I private houses, undertake office partitions, awnings and furnishings, etc. *****15, anytime. 37 Aircon/Rsffiflerslor SPLIT, PACKAGE, ROOM alrcondltloners, freeier, water cooler, humidifier for sale, service, repair and Installation. Room aircondltloners for rental.
      309 words
    • 293 24 YAMAHA AMPLIFIER CASIO terms Sony World Radio ICF 2001 (new). Both excellent condition *****67 (10.00 a.m. to 8 00 p.m. Chin Hwa.). LEONO LECK SPECIALISES In colour/ B/W T.V. repairs, antennae Installation, hl-fl system, etc. Tel: *****38 NEW SIBFMENT OF BBC LS 3/5A speakers and Satterberg Woofers at special X'mas
      293 words
    • 410 24 CLASSIFICATION GROUP A Entertainment A Where to Eat B Personal Services A Merchandise C Business To Business D Employment E Vehicles Boets F Accommodation A Properties G Travel Guide H Education Instruction I Announcements J Obituaries ~M~ir~4f% B^^Hbß^Lj H sBl B\am i^BS^Ba-am 4B> IT^Bk B^- jm» -m BARGES FOR SALE/CHARTER
      410 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1150 25 Q Business To Business 49 Packing/Storag./ 56 Commercial Vssssls established manufacturing Removal/Delivery Wanttd j J«»»my »^abundant orders a»sBB»»»B»B»Baaaa»as»«aB»B»aBa»»»B»BBaaaaj million, seeking Investor for REQUIRED VESSEL OR Barge to lake-over Interested write with carry monthly minimum 1,000 H details to: ST. Box A*****, 1. New ton of lumber and veneer, from Industrial
      1,150 words
    • 867 25 jBl Q Business To Business Immediate/prompt delivery Interested call Manufacturer Hep *****3. ask Sharon. MARBLE CARRARA "C" Size 30 x 80 x 1.3 cm 1' x 2' x 1/2") In lots of 190 pieces, direct from the producer Ready stock In Singapore, special price Contact Evelyn. Tel: *****11 QUALITY BRAND
      867 words
    • 175 25 MANPOWER SERVICES Licenced recruiting agency from the Philippine has all classes of hardworking, highly skilled and unskilled, fully qualified and certified, reliable. English speaking workers for Immediate employment In Singapore. Workers available for Construction, Shipyard, Technical, Clerical, Nursing, Domestic, Hotel and Hospital Workers. All enquiries are welcome. UNITED PLACEMENT INTERNATIONAL
      175 words
    • 456 25 (jjl| Q Employment BaW PUVARIA PACKAGING INDUSTRIES PTE LTD. Purchasing Clerk (Male) Minimum GCE 'O' level (Preferable from Technical Stream) or VITB Graduate. Minimum 2 years similar working experience m a manufacturing concern. Must possess a driving licence. Store Clerks (Male) Minimum GCE'O' level. At least 1 year working experience
      456 words
    • 462 25 EASTERN WIRE MANUFACTURING CO (PTE) LTD (A member ol the National Iron Group) We ere a local manufacturer ol steel welded mesh and other steel wire products. We require A) ESTIMATING (Male or Female) c OCE 'A' or O' Level with good results In Mathematics and building drawings or National
      462 words
    • 470 25 l| 1 Q Employment FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR c No typing required c To co-ordinate our service efforts In handling service enquiries and to direct field service personnel FEMALE GENERAL CLERKS c No typing or commercial experience required Sslariea for ebove poets will depend on qualification! and experience. (Preferably applicants residing
      470 words
    • 465 25 HONG FOX GROUP OF COMPANIES Applications are invited lor the 10l lowing posts: TYPISTS Qualifications: c GCE O' Level c Typing speed 35 to 40 wpm RECEPTIONIST/ COPY TYPIST Qualification! c GCE 'O1O 1 Level. c Pleasant personality. c Able to operate PABX Switchboard but not essential, c Knolwedge of
      465 words
    • 540 25 (jjli Q Employment -FMC invites applications for the posi tlon of DEPARTMENT CLERK Must have OCI O' Level with good credits m English and Mathematics Able to type at 40 wpm Preferably with working ex- perlence In similar capacity In a manufacturing company Our company works on a 5-day week
      540 words
    • 550 25 Oft. Anglo French travel invites application for a SERVICE ASSISTANT CLERK (Male) Requirements: QCE 0' Level or with 1 eiperience Completed NS f Duties: I Processing ol visas. paaa—, etc Despatch document* Those interested please apply to: The Personnel Division Ist floor, Inchcape Hse 450/2 Alexandra Road I Singapore 0511
      550 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 588 26 lilA Q Employment 68 Situations Vacant d) Secretarial Clerical Well EttabHahed and Expanding Corporation invitee applicant, tor the following poet STOREKEEPER/ SHIPPING CLERK c Minimum qualifications: OCE -O' level c Able to speak several dialects c Knowledge of shipping procedures Incoming and outgoing cargoes c Possess a Class 2 and
      588 words
    • 555 26 International Freight Forwarder JUNIOR SECRETARY 1 PrtJ ROQUtSlt+aV Minimum 3 OC'K"O" level Accurate and neat typing: 30 to 40 wpm Shorthand not essential At least I year working experience. Able to work Independently and handle simple correspondence Intereeted pleaee call: MR LIM at *****6* JUNIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK required by leading
      555 words
    • 895 26 [J Employment GENERAL CLERKS required c No experience> ,il though typing knowledge an advantage Interested applicants pieeee write with lull detain, contact telephone number and ancloaa a recent photograph (non-returneMe) to: P.O. BOX IS3 JURONG TOWN SINGAPORE *I*l GENERAL CLERK/TYPIST c Minimum GCE 'O' level c Able lo type
      895 words
    • 518 26 CLERICAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED Applicant must be Christian Apply Trinity Methodist Church. 34. Serangoon Oarden Way Spore 1955 EXPERIENCED FEMALE CLERK with Import I export knowledge required urgently Interested please call personally 1010. High Street Centre FREIGHT FORWARDING COMPANY requires Female Clerk with working knowledge of bookkeeping and forwarding with GCE
      518 words
    • 558 26 [1 Employment Well established company' dealing with a well-known line of anginas end equipment invites applications tor the poeition of: TECHNICAL SUPPORT ASSISTANT Applicants should meet the following requirements c Singapore citizen age of 22 to 32 years c Minimum GCE. 'O' level education wllh technical background c Minimum 2
      558 words
    • 498 26 Looking for a satisfying and wellpaid job? Switch to sales For satisf action, you are your own boss and your achievement does not go unrewarded because you can earn up to $1500.00 per month. Along with fully paid trip to as far as U.S.A. you will develop soM-confidßncs and the
      498 words
    • 632 26 Q Employment VAN CASH SALES REPRESENTATIVES We are an established manufacturer of a well known brand of hair care products from Germany As a result of promotions from within the company, and also for expansion, we are now looking for 3 Van Cash Sales Representatives for either selling directly to
      632 words
    • 752 26 FEMALE SALES ASSISTANTS required lor new departmental stores. c Mutt have experience m telling watchee/|ewellery/thoe. Please apply In person at 82-1 A 2 Bras Basah Road for an Interview FEMALE OUTDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES c Outgoing personality c Experience not necessary but must be hardworking c Basic pay plus commission Call:
      752 words
    • 454 26 Q Employment G E (USA) AVIATION SERVICE OPERATION PTE LTD MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS (ELECTRONIC) c Minimum ITC In Electronic c 2 years' practical experience In electronic trouble shooting and repair of electronic/ electrical circuits c Related experience In maintenance of process equipment and electronic control devices Starting salary $750 VISUAL/ DIMENSIONAL
      454 words
    • 527 26 BOILERMAN CUM TECHNICIAN required for immediate employment Holder of Bollerman Certificate Fxperlence In servicing and repairing of Refrigerated equipment Filtering experience In food processing plant Prepared to work on shift An attractive talary of $SOO/- p.m. and above plua 2 month* bonut will be offered Please apply personally with your
      527 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 522 27 I Employment 66 Situations Vacant I) Technical UIC-MARCHON PTE LTD raquires BOILERMEN Minimum class 2 Certificate. Minimum 2 years experience. Interested applicants plssss write NO. 6 JALAN BESUT SINGAPORE 2261 Giving lull personal detsils snd contact number or cell Miss Peggy Uk *****77 An Off-shore Engineering Compeny requires DRAUGHTSMAN c
      522 words
    • 596 27 URGENTLY REQUIRED STEEL Fabricators h> KnKincerliiK Firm for Immediate employment Please call *****90 for Interview. I URGENTLY REQUIRED EXPERIENCED Site Foreman for our building construction site Interested please call *****61 for Mrs I C'hoo for appointment WANTED QUALIFIED CARPENTERS with knowledge of Marine Carpentry Apply personally at 9. Lorong Tukang
      596 words
    • 438 27 Q Employment 1 U ji J j1 1 I I At ESE you'll find work more fun, with understanding supervisors, a pleasant working environment, interesting recreational activities and generous benefits. Be a member of our lively team as a:PRODumon OPERHTOR (male/Female) Salary up to $363 upon ponf irmation No scope
      438 words
    • 422 27 EXPATRIATE FAMILY IN Katong requires Cantonese speaking I iw out Amah to do COOHTH and general housework Age between 30 and 45 years Attractive salary Please call *****11 WANTED IMMEDIATELY LIVE IN CANTONESE General COOI Amah Experienced Salary $480 p in Age 45 and above. Singapore citizen Tel *****30 or
      422 words
    • 466 27 II Employment Nestle An International Food and Beverage Company Invites suitably qualified candidates for the following posts In Its affiliated Manufacturing Company In Jurong. OFFICE BOY a Primary Six/Secondary Two Education a Age: 16—25 years old a No experience needed PROCESS OPERATORS a Secondary Education c Preference to be given
      466 words
    • 399 27 GCE O' level Pleasant personality. Some working experience Those without experience but possess class 3 driving licence will also be considered GCE. O' level with NTC 3 m Electrical Fitting and Installation (Industrial). Some working experience m similar line preferably m an engineering firm. Those without experience but possess NTC
      399 words
    • 435 27 Q Employment OBEROI IMPERIAL HOTEL requires CLERK/ TYPIST (FEMALE) c CCE 'O' Level with good typing speed s Salary $416 pm CAR VALET CUM DRIVER c Possesses a Class 3 drlvi Ing licence. c Minimum 3 years driving experience. c Willing to perform > permanent day shift. OUTSTATION CASHIERS c
      435 words
    • 472 27 1 aeaa aea* aSat JOIN THE CREW at McDonald's Eaat Coast Parkway (Opening Soon) c Starting salary tl 70 per hour c Pay Increase after first 2 months c Twice a year bonus. transport allowance and 2 pay periods every month c 5-day week with full CPF and medical benefits
      472 words
    • 475 27 i A Manufacturing Companylocated m Dial. 1334 has immediate vacancies tor:1) MALE SALES REPRESENTATIVES la ABove 20 years of age and have completed N X c Secondary Education le Class 3 licence an advantage c Technical knowledge preferable 2) MALE TRAINEES 3) FEMALE GENERAL CLERK c Typing speed 35 to
      475 words
    • 506 27 ymem Leading Manufacturing Company m Jurong invitee energetic femsle applicants to fill a faw vacanciaa of DAYTIME SECURITY PERSONNEL j The Job j To assl't In rnecklng at the factory gate and to undertake other security functions during daytime hours only Interested csndidstss are to submit applications stating aga. experience
      506 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 429 28 IA [J Employment 66 Situation* Vacant I) Miscellaneous EARTH SEARCH PROCESSING INC Seismic Data Processing Company has vacancies for the following posts TRAINEE TAPE LIBRARIANS A Prepared to work on 3 rotating shifts Hi Must have completed or exempted from fuiltlme N.S C Should have GCE "O" level KEYPUNCH OPERATOR
      429 words
    • 555 28 Freight Forwarder urgently require* 1 FEMALE TYPIST 2. VAN DRIVER (Aircergo) 3. DESPATCH RIDER Applicants must be Singapore citizen end completed N.S. Applications must state full resume, previous experience, salary expected, contact telephone, and position applied for on top left hand corner of envelope to S.T. Box A***** No. 1
      555 words
    • 798 28 as 0 Employment EDIBLE OIL FACTORY Urgently Requires 1 MALE FACTORY OPERATORS 2) MALE/ FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVES Intereeted. pteaee call Doris at *****94 After 10.00 a.m. EXPERIENCED ARTISTS With knowledge of visualising to start work Immediately Apply with expected eatery to: The Manager Maiwell Road P.O. Box 2971 Singapore 9047
      798 words
    • 733 28 EXPORT COMPANY REQUIRES General Workers Able lo drive 14 footer Daihatsu lorry Salary $500 Apply personally: 26 Toh Crescent, off Upper Changl Road. 19 1/2 km, Spore 1750 FEMALE/MALE WORKERS wanted Males for Permanent 2nd shift Please call at: 106 108 Sim's Avenue JTC Flatted Factory Building (Lorong 3. Oeylang).
      733 words
    • 764 28 INDIAN GARMENT COMPANY requires I Thambl cum Driver, fuiltlme or part-time Please contact personally 350. 3rd fir. Peninsula Plaza. Singapore 0617 PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR RESIDING around dlst 10/7 required for American executive Salary $390 per month with experience. Contact Lily Leong *****00 REQUIRED A CLASS 3 Driver Preferably residing around Singapore
      764 words
    • 783 28 Vehicles Boats THE ORIGINAL WHO STOPS RUST f& Hawker Pacific IH-4C Pte. Ltd. K r^ Consumer Products Division I B*ppae>ejßl 197S MINI CLUBMAN Tip top rondltloq $7,350 0.n.0. *****58. b) BMW BEAUTIFUL 1900 BMW 320 (M6O) Private owner, alrcond, sports rims, radio/ cassette. Perfect condition. Offers to Allan Chla. *****34
      783 words
    • 767 28 SEPT- 1979 FIAT 127 One owner. rustproof, alrcon, cassette, tax new. Call Hoo *****57 No dealers please 1975 FIAT 12S Saloon, 1100 c.c Tip top condition, new tax, offers to: *****00. 1977 FIAT 12SP 1400 c.c. Alrcond.. cassette, tax new. $8,500. No 1979 FIAT 131, Mlraflorl. tip top condition, alrcond.
      767 words
    • 917 28 1950 MAZDA S2S Alrcond. radio/ tuff-koted Overlders 24.000 km Showroom original paint $22,800 negotiable Tel *****00 1951 MAZDA 323 I 3. Ist owner, alrcond. rust-proof, excellent condition. $24,500 o no Call *****70 1972 MAZDA CAPELLA 1600 c.c Alrcond cassette, new tax, no PARF Selling $3,800 Tel *****51 1973 MAZDA 909
      917 words
    • 887 28 Vehicles Boats J) Toyota AIRCOMOITIOHED *UG 1979 Carina OL, velvet cushions lumber support ar.d sho»room condition Power windows, low mileage "Ten" hl-fl, tuff-kou-d $22.8000n0 Tel *****91 Ext Ktf 137 Susie KPT 72 TOYOTA Collra Tax expired 31st Aug 82 Sports rims, large tyres, radio/ cassette, new alrcond, perfect condition no
      887 words
    • 882 28 SUNBEAM ALPINE 1725 Series V sports Registered 1970 Engine rebuilt New paintwork No rust Hard soft top $12,200 Tel. *****54 1970 NON-PARF ALFA 1750 OTV Alrcond. cassette, .iports rims. OTA Silencers. Lax till March. Highest offer secures. Call *****70 after 11 am 1979 PORSCHE 911SC metallic blue Ist owner In
      882 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 627 29 YeMdes ft Boats 77 Vehicles Wanted miom PMCE FOR company registered or non-PARF cars Strictly cash Heng Hoe Bros Trading Company. *****19/ 2527(180aM A DIRECTOR URGENTLY Requires not more than 2 year old uatsun 200 L. Mazda 820. or Toyota Please call *****02 Miss Wee ALL TYPES OF scrap and
      627 words
    • 866 29 VOLKSWAGEN MOOCL 130 M 73 '74 Plca&e conuct Mr Wong, ■MM WE OFFER QOOO prior for scrap cars 1601 cc and abov* Please i-m.II KKI7H7 78 Scrap Vehicles ATTRACTIVE CASH OFFER for your scrap vehicle Any engine capacity Call *****04 now for necessary arrangements MIOM VALUATION FOR Your PARF/ non
      866 words
    • 970 29 f* Accommodation > ■Bj|| I* ProparUM SINGAPURA BUILDING SOCIETY LIMITED (A Finance Company Established since 1950) SAFE, SOUND SECURE Your money is backed by the Society's owr paid-up capital and reserve funds exceedin $40 million. Head Office: Mac Donald House, 4th Floor, Orchard Road Singapore 0923. Tel: *****21 (4lines) Golden
      970 words
    • 986 29 F Accommodation Properties Choice office accommodation at prime locations m the main business financial district of Shenton Way and m the vicinity of Orchard Road from Si3.993psm (Sl.3oopsf) to SlB.29Bpsm (SUOOpsf) BUILDING SF SM The Arcade 7.600 706 Anson Centre Fr 5.500 Fr 51 1 UIC Building 8.418 782 Orchard
      986 words
    • 964 29 F Accommodation Properties r-SaMi«arn ~^^^K wm W m WW 1 V^EWaMlt aVjl —1 J aW* -ill. aMlt^*vH Ideal home for modem home seekers I jH Top-Class 2-storey split level DS Terrace Houses j iM| Next to Hock Swee Hill I i 'Wm Spacious modern style home I ■Hi Luxurious continental
      964 words
    • 1294 29 F Accommodation Properties £vtim s^3il "Si! "li ii «> i. '^^^^^^^^^^aJB The Condominium 'l\o'o re^ ne !p comprises: 24 units of 4-storey apartments 24 units of 4-storey 2-level maisonettes Located at Bukit Arang, off Upper Serangoon Road, about 7km from the city Exclusive social and recreational facilities Close to shopping
      1,294 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 866 30 a F Accommodation Properties 86 Accommodation Vacant b) Flats DIST 5 HONG LEONG Shopping Complex, unfurnished partially furnished 3 bedrooms. 2 baths $2,080 Tel *****61 DIST. PACIFIC MANSION fully furnished, high rioor 3 bedrooms Servant's room 2 bathrooms. Rental: $1,850 G W Bennette *****57/ 8. DIST. 9. ORCHARD BOULEVARD, Kum
      866 words
    • 845 30 DIST. FURNISHED BEDROOMS. Inclusive breakfast laundry, cleaning. PUB. $860 No cooking Single rorelgners only *****52 FURNISHED BEDROOM IN Large luxury house All racllltles Expatriates only $575 pm District 13 Tel *****4 FURNISHED ROOMS AVAILABLE ror Immediate occupation Prererably ror expatriates. Contact tel *****89 FURNISHED ROOM FOR foreign students at Clementl
      845 words
    • 811 30 c) Rooms WANTED BY MALE foreigner, small room around 3 1/2 m.s. Buklt Tlmah Roud. Budget $200 to $300 Tel *****32 or 6. Mr Malik ELDERLY INDIAN MAN seeks unfurnished room, dlst 14/15/16/19. Budget within $180 Contact tel: *****63 FURNISHED/ UNFURNISHED ROOMS required by ready clients In all districts Call
      811 words
    • 765 30 EMERALD HILL ROAD terrace house Double-storey Dlst 9 Old design Area: approximately 2000 sqrt. Residential purposes No garden, carpark Selling $350,000 *****13/*****65 HILLTOP 3-STOREY MODERN semi-detached bungalow. 5 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms. Alrcond. fully rurnlshed. Large garden $875,000 on o. Phone: *****3/ *****72 ACE OFFERS: Paslr Panjang (dlst 0511) renovated doublestorey
      765 words
    • 824 30 FAccommoc Proporttas DIST 12 LUXURY GROUNDFLOOR WALK-UP APARTMENT ST. MICHAEL'S ROAD Peacerul surroundings. 24-hour security, with ample rree carparking Completely and beautifully renovated Spent over $60,000 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, new heaters and alrcons, big living and dining area, terrazzo flooring, latest aluminium sliding main doors and windows with Iron
      824 words
    • 889 30 BARGAIN SALEI Draycott Tower, near Tanglln Club 3 bedrooms, central alrcondl Honing Swimming pool lst orfer of $950,000 secures Mldfleld Realty *****66 DIST. 0*23 MEYER MANSION beautiful 3-bedroomed apartment. 2.500 sq.ft. In an exclusive residential area. J.E Housing Associates *****68/9 DIST. 11, NOVENA VILLE. apartment, freehold. 24 hours security. 2
      889 words
    • 676 30 FAccommoc Properties DISTRICT 10. DUCHESS AVENUE area 16.700 sq.ft Approved for 1 detached bungalow Immediately available for tender. Selling with reasonable price Wlllyeo *****67 DIST. 10/1* RESIDENTIAL vacant land approved ror condominium Dlst 9. 24.000 sq ft or commercial land approved ror shopping cum apartment. Principals only Enquiries to: OP
      676 words
    • 538 30 GROUNOFLOOR SPACE for sale Area 1.500 iq ft 2 entrances Celling height 18' Good location at Block B. Tong Lee Building. Kallang Pudding Road. Slnga- pore 1334 Tel *****31 *****97 MILLVICW INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX 7-storey flatted factory direct from developer. Selling at reasonable price. Completion mld-1982 Enquiries call Property Resources. *****31
      538 words
    • 653 30 Properties Orchard Towers. 1.700 sq fl to 7.300 sq ft $I JOO lo $1,350 p I Internattonel Pteta. 940 sq rt StSO p t G.S.M. Butldmg. 750 sq ft to 1.500 sq fl tnopil. fl*a** ca n 3373*42 PRESTIGIOUS CITIPORT CENTRE Outside CBD opposite World Trade Centre, orrice cum showroom,
      653 words
    • 988 30 DIST. 13. MACPHERSON ROAD. (Main road). 2nd rioor orrice space ror rent Approx I 000 sq ft unrurnlshed Rental $1,800 pm 2 concrete partitions, available Immediately, suitable ror all types or business Free carpark, no maintenance rees Can display signboard Contact Sin Hua Hln Housing Agency *****62/ I MERLIN PLAZA
      988 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 564 31 F Accommodation üM 1 1 i "i opemei 94 Shop Spaces a) Sal* RUBY SHOPPING PLAZA corner shop unit for rent/sale $1400/ $270,000 Call Thomas *****53. *****46 OtST 7. ■WAND MULOMQ brand new shop 147 sq ft Oood facing. $120,000. Tel: *****2/*****1 SULTAN PLAZA 1,100 sq ft. Serangoon Road 2JOO
      564 words
    • 531 31 DIBT 11: NEAR OOLDMLL Plaza, renovated shop cum office fronting Thomson Road Fully alrcondllloned. 1.200 sq ft H.SOO p.m Oeneral Properties *****3/ *****5 C A E ORCHARD. 1.430 sq ft Qroundfloor Facing Orchard Road. Renting cheap, any reasonable offer considered *****27 Chan ENO CHEONO TOWER North Bridge Road, outside CBD
      531 words
    • 408 31 Q Travel Guide *f f-frr* ffrry t" tnttrf V CHINESE i f NEW YEAR iu.S-A.lwf|l HAWAII/USA MAINLAND/MEXICO/ 1 (TAIPEI/HONG KONG) 14 DAYS SS2BBO fi By SIA 747 DEP: 25/1/82 HONG KONG/HAWAII/ALL l*« AMERICA WEST COAST/ MEXICO/ 1 V% CANADA (TAIPEI HONGKONG) I 18DAYSSS3680 BY SIA 747 DEP: 26/1/82 g i
      408 words
    • 727 31 Q Travel Guide AMERICA/CANADA ESCAPADES '81 DISNEYLAND/HAWAIIAN PARADISE 11 DAYS $2599 Hawaii Los Angelas (Universal Movie Studio). Anaheim (Disneyland) San Diego (Sea World). Mexico (Tirana) Dtp 6/12. 13/12. 20M2. 3/1 10/1 24/1 31/1.7/2.21/2 7/3. 21/3.4/4. 18/4 2/5. 16/5 AMERICA WEST COAST SPECIAL 14 DAYS $3050 Los Angeles (Universal Movie Studio).
      727 words
    • 209 31 SCHOOL HOUOAY TOURS Evergreen 5-Day Oentlng Penang Cameron Highlands (200 (AC Coach) 1285 (Out by Air) Dep: Sun., Mon., Wed. POPULAR 3- Day Oentlng by Air $259. $289. $299. $329 Dep. Tue, Thu, Frl. Sun 2 Day Oentlng Weekender by Air $219. $249. Dep. Sat 3-Day 4-Nlght Oentlng (AC Coach
      209 words
    • 549 31 Q Travel Guide NAM HO TRAVEL SERVICE IS PTE LTD Hits' Offer Gl4-16-18. Pearrs Centre. Eu Tong Sen Street, (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 0105. Tel: *****33(7 lines) Dmci Pfllca: 1 1 9. People's Park Complex. Ground Floor, New Bridge Road. Singapore 0105. Tet 91 1661/91 1662 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****3 l TA :40
      549 words
    • 820 31 ffll Q Travel Guide \Ne'\Usjfs6u to paraclte^FßEE therv^fuise home with us ob\QE2 fefwn Sri Lanka on 16 Feb Id§2~ /Co^X for*Ss3,9oo Call your Travel Agent or:- Mansfield Travel Pte. Ltd. Kija| a G8 Ocean Building Shopping Centre, *****: Collyer Quay, Singapore 0104 Petalir Tel: *****/*****3. Penan: I A i meaning
      820 words
    • 2 31 |lhiiki::ejdQ CONTACT:
      2 words

  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 608 32 H Education Instruction PRIVATE SECRETARY'S W CERTIFICATE COURSE (Preparing for the 1883 LCCI Examinations) our next FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME COURSES I commence on 4th, sth 11th JANUARY 82 We are working hard to produce the I BEST RESULTS Why not join us I m our efforts to _produce the BEST
      608 words
    • 275 32 IMPORT. EXPORT PROCEDURES S SYLLABUS COVERS: Trade Terms, Sales Contract, Breach of Contract, Purchase Orders, Establishing Overseas Contact, International Trade, Methods of Payments, Banking, Types of L/C, Shipping Practice, Containerised Shipping, Transhipment, He-shipment, Freight Calculation, Air Cargo, CCCN Coding, Export Permits/ Restriction, B/L. Certificate or Origin, Consular Invoice, Marine Insurance/
      275 words
    • 958 32 Education Instruction $Sj? /Stamford <&V Academic courses 1982 f CITY SCHOOL OF COMMERCE DAYTIME COURSES Applications are now invited for admissions to full-time (day) and part-time (day/evening) courses PRE-UNIVERSITYI&2 1 QCE O' and 'A' Level Arts. Science and Commerce subjects OTHER EVENING COURSES 2 QCE '0' Level Examination courses English
      958 words
    • 278 32 Education Instruction 113 Language ti lnt»lii?*!JI ,l LEARN FROM THE SPECIAUSTS JAPANESE MANDARIN INDONESIAN FRENCH "MALAY •GERMAN*SPANISH ENGLISH .ITALIAN Singapore's biggest language school provides the courses you need. Office hours: B.ooam9.00pm. Lpj^rthe Japanese way! JAPANESE IN JUST 3 MONTHS SPECIAL INTENSIVE COURSE D**ignod tor thooa who ara In a hurry
      278 words
    • 272 32 FRENCH AUDIO VISUAL COURSE (BEGINNERS) Sp#Mt Fr#ocn, Ritd Frtoch, Writ* French Other levels In progress BOUDVILLE LANGUAGE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 4M-US, Pwitcwuto Plau Singapore Ml 7 TASNMK COMPREHENSIVE SPEECH TRAINING: Includes International Phonetics; Word/ Sentence Patterns, Pronunciation, Intonation and Rhythm; Conversational Fluency, Language Proficiency. Tel: *****41 114 Music ORGAN, PIANO, POP
      272 words
    • 10 32 "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you remember
      10 words
    • 11 32 iiJH I I P'VJ MS Jl IJ YAY A YAY A
      11 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 543 33 f caMEcs— Are you keen to learn and progress in a highly mechanised and technically advanced company? If you are, we offer you the opportunity to join us as (A) LINE LEADERS must possess an IK' in Electrical Engineering completed National Service no experience necessary keen interest to develop a
      543 words
    • 607 33 A Member of Mitsubishi Electric whose Television and Car Audio Factory at Woodlands and Bukit Timah invites suitable young men to apply for the post of: (1) ASSISTANT PURCHASING MANAGER Degree/Diploma holder with 3 5 years' experience m Material Control or Purchasing. Must be hardworking and possess personal tact, integrity
      607 words
    • 628 33 NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY Aslif)± BOARD d^*^P SINGAPORE invites applications from citizens permanent residents and other ASEAN citizens for the following posts of: A. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PHYSICIANS Requirements: A recognised University degree m medicine, with postgraduate qualification m occupational medicine. Duties: To conduct training and promotional programmes, and to provide consultancy services
      628 words
    • 611 33 A well established multinational Company invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian Citizens for the position of:TECHNICAL SALES ENGINEER Reporting to the Manager of Technical Sales, the Technical Sales Engineer will be responsible for providing Technical Sales support to the Company's Marketing Effort. The successful candidate must possess a University Degree
      611 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 1539 34 Tajfab TAIPING TEXTILES BERHAD NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Notice it hereby given that on Extroordinory General Meeting of the members of Toiping Textile* Berhod will be held at Bongonon MIDF Ground Floor. 19SA Jolon Pekeliling. Kuala Lumpur at 11 00 am. on December 28. 1981 for the purpose of
      1,539 words
    • 453 34 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD German Singapore Institute of Production Technology If you are looking for a stable and rewarding teaching career, we offer now: GERMAN LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIPS IN GERMANY to prepare you to become full-time German Language Teachers for the Institute which will be equipped with modern language laboratories. Requirements Good
      453 words
    • 920 34 A well established Marine and Civil Engineering Construction Company invites applications for the following positions for a marine project at Port Kelang. 1. Civil Engineers 2. Technical Assistants/ Supervisors 3. Surveyors 4. Clerk of Works 5. Electrical Chargeman/ Wireman 6. Storekeeper/ Store Clerks Please apply with recent photograph Box No:
      920 words
    • 1706 34 MALAYSIA MINING CORPORATION BERHAD (Incorporated m Malaysia) Extracts from the statement by the Chairman. Y.Bh. Dato' Junus Sudin for the year ended 30th June 1981. The past year has witnessed an historic transformation of the company, from an entity whose principal activity is tin dredging m the State of Perak,
      1,706 words

    • 440 35 Brazilian star leads side m world club championship LONDON, Wed. Liverpool, with goals from Craig Johnston, Terry McDermott and Kenny Dalgllsh, beat Arsenal 3-« after extra time In an English League Cap fourth-round soccer replay yesterday. Other results: Crystal Palace v West Bromwich (postponed);
      Reuter  -  440 words
    • 505 35  -  EPSOM JEEP By THE Penang Turf Club have bravely rallied forth to join m the battle of high stakes. They have increased the stakes money for the Governor's Gold Cup to $100,000. Last year the classic, won by three-year-old Scaramouche
      505 words
    • 272 35 YORK (England), Wed. Fears increased yesterday that the English Grand National, one of the world's most difficult and famous steeplechases, might be run for the last time over the Aintree course m Liverpool next April. Although there are stories almost annually
      UPI  -  272 words
    • 279 35 Weaver is Ali's next target I SHOULD beat Berbick easily, Just moving and stickIng. Just a little movement, and he'll get frustrated and come at me. I've just got to win six rounds on the cards of A the three officials. 7 NASSAU, Wed. Muhammad Ali, soundly beaten by Larry
      AP  -  279 words
    • 414 35  - Topweight Evita outlines chances in workout EQUESTRIENNE By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Evtte, with a riding boy up, outlined her chances with a smart gallop over 600 m m 41.5 sec this morning. The going was soft and only six horses managed to make time on the sand track. A four-year-old
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 82 35 The Chairman, Mr. Kwek Hong Png, the Board of Directors and Management of Singapore Finance Limited wish to thank all who have contributed to the success of the opening of their 11th and 12th branches at Ang Mo Kio and Bukit Merah/ Alexandra on 7th December 1981 SINGAPORE FINANCE LIMITED
      82 words
    • 311 35 Who can win a fabulous prize m a lucky draw? \3bu and your Ariston cooftercan. IThe Ariston JS 40 ET is our budget- priced cooker. It comes with four gas burners, an electric oven and grill, turnspit and thermostat. Now when you buy the Ariston JS 40 ET cooker, you
      311 words

    • 74 36 WOMEN'S hockey will make Its debut at the Asian Games m New Delhi next year. The Singapore Women's Hockey Association have already started their preparations for the Games. TIMESPORT reporter R. MA NORAJ today spotlights the women's
      74 words
    • 347 36 SINGAPORE Cricket Club's left-half Indra Huxtable, 44, has been playing hockey since the days of "the Pennefathers" an incredible, healthy 30 years. That makes her the most senior player m this year's Singapore Women's Hockey Association Open league, which ended last month. Her longevity m hockey is surprising
      347 words
    • 303 36 TAN LYE YONG, 15, at the other end of the age-scale from Indra Huxable, 44, was the youngest player In the 1981 Singapore Women's Hockey Association Open league. Lye Yong was m St. Theresa's team who won the title last month. It was a remarkable achievement for
      303 words
    • 584 36 Fitness a crucial factor m Theresians' success story SAINT Theresa's Convent have over the past few years become a citadel of women's hockey m Singapore. The school's prowess m the game has aptly earned them the nickname "Institution of Hockey." The senior team, a combination
      584 words
    • 241 36  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE have turned down an appeal from the South Korean Football Association to withdraw their bid to stage the Asian Youth soccer competition next year. The Football Association of Singapore who are making the application to the Asian Football Federation, felt
      241 words
    • BRIEFS
      • 54 36 ATHLETICS World 400 metres hurdles record-holder Edwin Moses has been selected Best American Amateur Athlete of the Year by the United States Athletics Federation. Moses, 26, was selected m preference to woman sprinter Evelyn Ashford. miudle-dis-tance runner Steve Scott, world cross-country champion Craig Virgin, marathon star Alberto Salazar
        54 words
      • 27 36 Abera von win RUGBY UNION Aberavon beat Pontyprid 12-3 m a British Division One match yesterday. Other results: Neath 24 Ebbw Vale 3, Plymouth 16 Exeter 6.
        27 words
      • 46 36 AT Twickenham, Cambridge beat Oxford 9-6 m the Centenary match between the two universities, with England international full-back Marcus Rose scoring three penaltygoals. Stuart Barnes replied for Oxford with two penaltygoals. With the win, Cambridge took a narrow 44-43 lead m the annual series.
        46 words
      • 39 36 TENNIS The E. F. Hut ton Grand Champions circuit for players above 35 years old. modelled along the international Volvo Grand Prix series, will start next year The 10event circuit will culminate with a U5575,000 ($153,750) finals.
        39 words
      • 57 36 MARTINA Navratilova leads the tour earnings list with U*****,437 Top 10 (m US$): 1 Martina Navratilova $811,437, 2 Chris Evert Lloyd $533,162. 3 Andrea Jagger $381,115. 4 Tracy Austin $378,409. 5 Pam Shriver $333,530. 6 Hana Mandlikova $331,602. 7 Wendy Turnbull $217,661. 8 Sylvia Hanika $190,898. 9
        57 words
      • 27 36 YACHTING Norwegian yacht Berge Viking was the 12th to arrive m Auckland at the end of the second leg yf the round-the-world race yesterday. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  27 words
    • 167 36 England lose the early advantage BANGALORE, Wed. England scored only 181 for four after electing to bat on an easy wicket on the first day of the second cricket Test against India here today. The touring side, who lost the first Test m Bombay by 138 runs, looked poised for
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 62 36 ENGLAND Ist Inns. Gaarh <• Gavaskar b Shastri 58 Boycott c Gavaskar b Kapil Dcv 36 Tavare lbw Madan Lai 22 G»wer not out 62 Lever lbw Kapil Dcv 1 Fletcher not out 0 Extras 2 Tctal (for (our wkls) 181 Alits (ell at: 88.96. 180. 181. Bewllag: Kapil
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 44 36 TODAY'S EVENTS BOWLING Kallang AllStar championship (Kallang Bowl. 1.30). HOCKEY SHA kmiar knockout srml-flaal SRC v SLA Group. Flnt-r*aad: SCC v Prisons (Both matches Padang. 5 10). SOCCER PrMMeat'i Cup: Ponggol v Dunearn United. Cairnhill v Geylang West (Jalan Besar Stadium. 6.30 and 8.45).
      44 words
    • 149 36 MANILA, Wed. The i Philippines led by four i strokes m the first round of the South-east Asian amateur golf team championship for the Putra Cup at the Nichols golf course here today. The Filipinos had an aggregate of 220 from Frankie Minoza's 71, Gil
      Reuter  -  149 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 165 36 Mil "But I thought i m Imm I I MBI^A you said... It happens all the time. Verbal i instructions are misunderstood, and you ;^^M^»ijH( 1 wj^^^ don't get what you wanted. Worse still, there > **™jj^ V are delays and delays cost money. ■■■■■HHB So what can you do
      165 words

    • 408 37 Round One of the Junie vs Helen clash All eyes will be on two girls on opening day of swimming COACH KEE IS SURE THAT HIS GIRL WILL COME OUT ON TOP... MANILA, Wed. Singapore are poised to win more gold medals as star swimmer Junie Sng takes the plunge
      408 words
    • 235 37 MANILA, Wed. Table tennis brought Singapore the day's first medal on the fourth day of the South-east Asia Games here today. In the morning's matches at the Pasay City Sports Complex, Singapore's women maintained their third placing m the last Games m Jakarta by beating
      235 words
    • 232 37 MANILA, Wed. Lim Tze Yen finally broke the three-day medal drought for Singapore m the South-east Asia Games gymnastics competition when he won a surprise silver medal m the long horse vaulting event at the University of the Philippines, m Quezon City. Lim had made a
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  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 224 37 Latest Fashion Sportswear From the Land of the Midnight Sun. MOSKBA Sole Agent: Hip Seng International Co. Available at: Cambridge Book Centre. Cortina Dept Store. Emoonum Holdings Group. Hiti Sports. Hui Shin Dept Store. International Traders. Kay Joo s Sports. Klasse (Peninsula. Yuyi). Koonar Trading Co. Madras Store. Murugan Sports.
      224 words

    • 224 38 Load falls from Jaya's shoulders MANILA, Wed. Singapore's Kandasamy Jayamani has been spared the agony of having to race two events on the opening day of the 11th South-east Asian Games athletic programme at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex m the heart of Manila tomorrow. The organisers have decided to
      224 words
    • 75 38 distance kingpin, Jagtar Singh, may surprise m the men's 10,000 m at 6.30 p.m. Although a fighter, Jagtar faces a tough field and it should suffice if he can win a bronze medal behind the Burmese. Also taking a morning walk will be Margaret Tan and Madavy Nair m
      75 words
    • 5 38 Anissa adds warmth with bronze
      5 words
    • 92 38 MANILA, Wed. Twelve-year-old Anlssa Tal (above) brought the Republic a little bit of warmth on an overcast day when she clinched the bronze medal m the three-metre springboard diving event. Anissa totalled 253.15 points, which was way behind the winner, Siantl Nlagshl, of Indonesia, who scored 418.25. Runner-up Louriana
      92 words
    • 502 38 Fandi and Suriamurthi steer team to victory MANILA, Wed. Singapore made the Philippines look like saloon drivers when they decided to activate their Formula One cars and zoom past the hosts 4-0 m the South-east Asia Games soccer competition at the University
      502 words
    • 171 38 MANILA, Wed. Defending champions Singapore started their South-east Asia Games waterpolo campaign m devastating style, trouncing hapless Malaysia 23-3 (5-1, 7-1, 4-0, 7-1) at the Rizal Memorial Complex swimming pool here today. Such was Singapore's power that their coach Kenneth Kee was actually
      171 words
    • 124 38 Outstanding for Singapore were Ang Ban Leong and Choo Chin Cheng. Choo was particularly impressive as he scored some of Singapore's most impressive goals, two of them being situations where he quickly switched the ball from one hand to the other before shooting. The Singapore scorers were Ang
      124 words
    • 159 38 MANILA, Wed. Trouble at the Sootheast Ada Games Village at the University of Life here had been brewing since the athletes moved m, bat it finally come oat into the open when Indonesia lodged an official complaint. In a letter to Col Noreo Andolong, chairman of
      159 words
    • 422 38 TIME FASTER THAN SINGAPORE-MANILA FLIGHT MANILA, Wed. A foreign Journalist here has been going round offerIng consolation to Singapore's 111 kilometres team trail cyclists, who finished last. He has been telling them to take heart that their time of 2: 35m1 n was at least faster than the
      422 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 100 38 In Iff 41 HI U ■n 1 1 a if ■MM\r\/LJ^ /fl H SIMM <J\r\ T*> Jt Ps■P s■ B Sfi f H& m \J ■KB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■1 ■kß 1 1 wUI H mfl ■Isa :<: < B 2 miAaJ* M wmw\f' ifli^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bi Wm\J* »w< x he V m W I
      100 words

    • 715 39 Lifter Sarvindar is our two golds hero.. MANILA, Wed. The strains of Majullah Singapura reverberated m the Nichols air base gymnasium twice within the space of a few minutes today as Sarvindar Singh Chopra won Singapore's first and second gold medals on the final day of the weightlifting competition. No
      715 words
    • 371 39 ...but a gold was just out of reach MANILA, Wed. Singapore, as predicted, crashed 0-3 to Indonesia m the men's final of the 11th South-east Asia Games tennis tournament at the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex courts here today. But for a while it looked as if Singapore
      371 words
    • 38 39 MEDAL TALLY G8 B T Indonesia 28 t» IS SI Thailand 22 IS 7 44 Philippine* H IS 25 57 Singapore 2 11 It Burma 1 I 13 23 Malaysia 113 3 Brunei I I I I Renter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 1042 39 BADMINTON Men: Indonesia bt Burma 5-0, Malaysia bt Thailand 3-2. Women: Thailand bt Malaysia 5-0. BASKETBALL Men: Malaysia bt Philippines 77-76. Women: Malaysia bt Indonesia 66-55, Philippines bt Singapore. 64-47, Philippines bt Thailand 60-56. BOWLING Women's double*: Bong Coo and Lita de la Rosa (RP) 2,312, 2 Arianne Cerdena
      1,042 words
    • 106 39 THE schedule of today's events ARCHERY Elimination rounds (9 a.m.). ATHLETICS Heats (6 a.m. and 2 p.m.). BOWLING Team event men's and women's (2 p.m.). BOXING -(6 p.m.). CYCLING Track events (2 p.m.). JUDO -(6 p.m.). SEPAKTAKRAW Spore v Indonesia, RP v Brunei (8.30). Thailand v Malaysia
      106 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 54 39 1981 SEA GAMES MEDAL TALLY Country G S B Total Indonesia 28 20 13 61 Thailand 22 15 7 44 Philippines 17 15 25 57 Singapore 2 11 6 19 Burma 1 9~13~~23~ Malaysia 0 0 3 3 I Brunei 0 0 o_o_ (mTlo) OFFICIAL DRINK It's marvellous what MILO
      54 words
    • 65 39 V i^^V'»*f fc'-v JAM V/4#^ *s?&**£** Available now at $6A a copy at: TIMES ORCHARD CENTRE Lucky Plaza M-1 05 Orchard Road Tel: *****71/*****18 Open daily 10.00 am 9.30 pm ROBINSON'S BOOKSHOP Specialists Centre Orchard Road Tel: *****22 Clifford Centre Raffles Place Tel: ***** JOHN LITTLE'S BOOKSHOP Plaza Singapura Orchard
      65 words

  • 744 40  -  LIM SAY BOON, MORE POWERFUL THAN HIROSHIMA BLAST By Our Melbourne Reporter MELBOURNE, Wed. Australia has had, for more than eight years now, the technology to build a devastating "super bomb" said to have a blast more powerful than the nuclear bomb which flattened Hiroshima m
    744 words
  • 160 40 MANY international buyers were among the more than 500 people who attended the first auction yesterday of machinery from Rollei Singapore, which was placed under receivership last July. Mr Victor S. K. Wee, a director of Victor and Morris, the auctioneers, said his firm had
    160 words
  • 49 40 TOKYO, Wed. Japanese restaurant tycoon "Rocky" Aoki, who made history with a pioneering transpacific balloon voyage with three Americans, said today his next challenge will be an unprecedented balloon flight from France to Japan. Preparations will take from three to six months, he added. AFP.
    AFP  -  49 words
  • 171 40 Both sides hopeful of solution THE AIR TALKS THE Singapore-West German air talks started yesterday with both sides saying they were hopeful of a solution. me leader of Singapore's eleven-member delegation, Mr Ldm Hock San, said after the talks at the airport "We remain hopeful about finding a solution. We
    171 words
  • 132 40 MOSCOW, Wed. Soviet authorities have granted permission for Miss Lisa Alexeyeva, the woman for whom Dr Andrei Sakharov went on hunger strike, to leave the country, she said today. She said the KGB had told her Dr Sakharov had ended his hunger
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 56 40 WASHINGTON, Wed. Visiting Cypriot President Spyros Kyprianou said yesterday President Reagan was very interested m settlingithe longstanding Greek-Turkish dispute over his Mediterranean island homeland. Mr Kyprianou and Mr ReaCmet briefly m the Oval m and later the Cypriot leader had lunch with Secretary of State Alexander
    UPI  -  56 words
  • 68 40 JAKARTA, Wed. Some 1,200 workers of the Toyota Mobilindo plant m North Jakarta have downed tools (or the second day running since Monday to press demands for a higher year-end bonus, press reports said yesterday. The management has agreed to a bonus of about 150 per
    AFP  -  68 words
  • 36 40 NEW YORK, Wed. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials, down 10.94 m the last two days, rose 2.86 to 884.61 m the first half hour m the New York Stock Exchange today. -AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 59 40 BELFAST, Wed. The outlawed Irish Republican Army had a hidden supply of topsecret maps which detailed British army security operations m Northern Ireland, the Ulster Defence Association UDA) said today. The UDA displayed 21 army maps which they claimed were jettisoned during last week's police raids
    UPI  -  59 words
  • 361 40 NEW YOR^ Wed I UNITED Nations' j Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim and Mr Salim Ahmed Salim of Tanzania, who would like to succeed him, were both out of the race for the succession yesterday, freeing the Security Council to consider new candidates. Council
    Reuter  -  361 words
  • 33 40 HONGKONG, Wed. The elegant house used as the setting for the film Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing was sold at an auction yesterday (or U554.76 million (5J9.75 million). UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 286 40 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore s Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. IT IS not a matter of superstition, but the Hong Leong group certainly finds the number 75 a nightmare. LILLIAN CHEW tells you why this number has been a stumbling block to the group's plan to turn a $350 million dream into
      286 words
    • 284 40 Reading at three If your preschooler can't yet read, don't be too worried. There may be dangers m teaching young children to read too earlyEducation correspondent TERESA 001 speaks to two specialists about the reading controversy raging m America and gives the pros and cons of the matter. From us
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  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 206 40 UP TO Ip.m. TODAY: Mainly fair. 6a.m. TOMORROW: 32 max., 24 mm. SUNSET today: €.28 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: 6.26 a.m. Amsterdam 1/5 C Rain Lw Angeles 13/27 C Clear Athens 12/20 C Gear Madrid -1/14 C Cloudy Bahrain 18/26 C Hazy Manila 22/30 C Cloudy Bangkok 21/30 C Oar Merle*
      206 words

  • SECTION TWO The Striats Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Striats Times
      5 words
    • Article, Illustration
      731 1 MAYBE it's the glitter of fashion's bright lights that attracts hundreds to enter a Young Designers contest. Perhaps it's the prestigious Cartier Golden Thimble Award, the increased prize money and the trips to Paris for the oh-so-chic pret-a-porter shows. Or, maybe, it's a dream that they, too, will
      ALI YUSOFF  -  731 words
    • 301 2 FEATURE SPECIAL THE DREAM MERCHANTS (Part One) (Ch 5, 19.11 p.m.): Harold Robbing' novel on the endless power game features a cast of film pioneers, glamorous stars and financial manipulators. The heavy action takes place during the period ISM to 1929. The movie will be shown m
      301 words
    • 630 2 PICK of the DAY V OOy 9 j ANGIE (Ch 5, 4.41 p.m.): Quiet weekends are out for Angie and Brad. What promises to be a peaceful and romantic weekend is ruined when Angie's mother and sister turn up at her doorstep. They have just been evicted from their apartment.
      spraying branches and twigs over coloured paper  -  630 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • 1022 3 TOO often nowadays one hears, among the more discerning of our art-loving public, disgruntled voices bemoaning the dearth of truly creative talent m local art. And who can blame them, when one sees increasing evidence that the domain of art, like films, is being invidiously encroached upon by
        1,022 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • Article, Illustration
        562 4 MAZLAN BADRON Story: RICHARD LIM 4 It is a scene straight out of a page of our history: February 15, 1941, the day the Japanese marched into Singapore from across the Causeway after its fall a scene now captured on two hefty Panavision cameras by a Japanese m film
        562 words
    • LEISURE 3
      • Article, Illustration
        315 5 rest of their work, the Japanese are staying on right up till just before Christmas to shoot several more outdoor scenes. The Sun is out now m the afternoon, and we axe at Keng Cheow Street, opposite the subordinate courts on Havelock Road. The art department people have earlier,
        315 words
    • 927 6 IT IS a long and arduous journey for a simple earthenware bowl of morning tea, a long flight to Tokyo, then trains or a long drive south to Tomo, an out-of-the-way fishing village on the Inland Sea. Some aspects of the route are disconcerting the ferro-concrete
      927 words
    • 757 7 WHAT KIND OF QUALITIES ARE NEEDED? Psychologist Michael Maccoby seeks a definition of the kinds of leaders society needs now. He feels that America has no leaders to look up to m these changing times and none of the old models of leadership will
      UPI  -  757 words
      • 960 8 US furniture manufacturer Knoll prides itself as being the leader m the industry. And little wonder: Some of its products are on Permanent display at the New York Museum of Modem Art. Helmut Rauch, vice-president of the international division, discussed the neecl tO inte 9 rate sculpture,
        960 words
      • 579 8 From Pag* On* whose patriotic collection features the mauves of the Vanda Miss Joaquim Miss Wong Yin Pong. 26, clothes designer, into elegant clothes of new trendiness, like evening blue and embroidery; Lionnel LJm, 17, secondary school student, who has a kaleidoscope of colour combinations of white,
        579 words
      • 740 9  -  DEBORAH CHURCHMAN By m Annapolis, (and perhaps learn something too) ON THE walls of the Smithsonian's Chesapeake Bay Centre for Environmental Studies, are snapshots of families with homemade pizza. But look closely, and you can make out a vague outline of the US m the
        740 words
      • 245 9 IF YOU want to cheer up your home at this time of year, add a holiday houseplant. Its warmth and richness also make it an excellent gift. Here's a primer on how to care for some of the most popular gift plants: Polnsettla: This has been the most
        245 words
    • 876 10 When in Rome... ...avoid Italian drivers IF you're crossing a road m Poland and see an Egyptian taxi driven by an Australian with a load of Italian passengers...jump for your life. You've just seen a mobile accident that's about to happen! Experts of the International Federation of Accident Prevention Organisations
      876 words
    • 1298 12 Battle over the Pinta A shipwreck believed to be the Pinta, one of the three ships Christopher Columbus took to the New World, was found m the Caribbean five years ago. But legal action is being taken by three groups to establish the right to salvage, writes JOANNE FISHMAN m
      1,298 words
    • 736 12  -  BRENDAN BOYLE By m MONSTER (The Netherlands) NIC VAN GEEST has devoted almost every waking hour since the beginning of August to his poinsettias. He has watered, fed, trimmed, potted and pampered them so that each is just 30.4 cm tall with its green spread of leaves turning
      736 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      47 34 SEVANATHAN i/o V. NADARAJAH Departed: 9.12.1980 "Oukkly ond quietly come the call, You. sudden demise shocked us oil. We who hove lost con always tell. The sorrow o( o beloved without a farewell Sadly missed but always remembered and cherished by loved ones NADARAJAHS
      47 words
    • J Obituaries
      • Obituary, Illustration
        67 32 IN MEMORIAM You mad* life pleasant for ail around you. God alone knows what you went through. You have answered the Lord's call. Fond memories of you. WHI be cherished by us all. MR. R. SREEDHARAN (LATE LIFE PREBIDENT) Seletar Sports Club Si OLD BOY OF ADMIRALTY ASIAN
        67 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        63 32 IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANNA TAY BONG SOO (Mrs. So#y Kook P#ng) One year tins passed Since you were called Jo be with our Lord Home has not been the same But memories of you still linger on Not Just today but everyday Always and dearly remembered
        63 words
      • 42 32 IMR FONG CHONG KUN DEPARTED 10/12/79 We often think ol the yeater years When we were together; Fond memories of you linger, Making your absence that more painful for us. Remembered by wife, children and grandchil- I r
        42 words
    • J Obituaries
        60 words
      • 94 32 JOSEPH PETER LOBO AGED 77 DEPARTED STH NOVEMBER IMI A Maaa wW be celebrated to-day tor tn# rtpo#o of tIM ottw ooptlrtod soul at SJIO pm. Church ol St. Vincent De Paul. 310, Yk) Chu Kang Road. (Seletar Hilla) Singapore 2SSO. Your kind presence S
        94 words
        48 words
      • Obituary, Illustration
        65 32 UTTAM SINGH RANDHAWA PHMd away paacafuNy on 1.12J1. CrwvtAtton Ml V#roon si Ipm NHtojr. TEL: *****3 KHOO SINKANG Aga: TOyraotd paaaad away poacatuNy on 12.81 leaving baMnd «rifa Kathtaan M«o, two daughlan Shirtay 4 Evatyn. •on-in-taw Tony Urn, two grandaona one granddaughlaf Cortoga living 11 Lorong Q, Tato*
        65 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 203 1 §J VC Your home is where our heart is. «j& iMBJH^Hf flflB^BB^B^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBB^BB^BB^BH^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BB^BBflBB^BBlB^BB^BB^BB1BB^BB^BB^BB^BBflBBB]|^&^^^ BBBBf v B^B^Bkßß} I B^B^B^lBlß^BflufiTC?* I wr 'S& '^bVbY*- t ■^b^bmkl^-^^f'' H^^^^^^^^b^b^b^b^b^Llhb^FabY^S9E^Vß| J r**J i HbHES^Sm I I las ;^^sC«ttBß^B^B^BW^B^B^B^B^Ht it ,^M X ■Vf k I L^BHB^BH B^LV *^BW* L^BbV -0- B^BB L^Lm ji ?S 5 First m
      203 words

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 467 2 0r KAWAI P^ PIANOS ORGANS *Rich beautiful lone quafty ilaWmmwMUl. Mm *Touch jum nice Not 100 heavy ot too —^M light m j^a^z= ____^B *Nickel plated wrest pins prevents the i.i P»i* Ironi getting rusty *^B ■■UH 'Approved by the Japanese CIL Government lor quality control *Best quality materials used
      467 words
    • 57 2 LADIES!!! Due to popular demand MADE TO MEASURE is still acceptable by our SHANGHAINESE CUTTER for Chinese New Year Inclusive of material from us charges are from $90/- upwards. Wide Selection of imported Readymade Dresses are also available. v^zy fashion front \xj|^r Shop No 0213 Mezzanine Floor Singapore Shopping Centre
      57 words
    • 38 2 H National Panasonic J&-^ It even sticks out its ear v to record the softest whispers Tm -^l. m**^ RQ-337 Minicassette recorder with Xr^mi^mVt^T^ pop-up mic and vari-tape speed. Xyl^^mfF^ 9 Read a good book recently? Times Bookshops
      38 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 159 2 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 5 Composed some lyrical music 8 a d P0Ul ame 6 >Wliter Girls loved t0 9 l*ck in a home on the water gS^S/SSL* a coniesU TZSZSSfLa F^nch app-nt in many 11 tszsxssmw? sex* extremes gs£srgrsr l f.i 4) ..d "i? p^"ISHeTcrho^MT) 1 11 10 a
      159 words
    • 239 2 EXHIBITIONS: CREATIVITY AND THE DISABLED: Nat Museum Y.P. Gall. The paintings were created on-the-spot by the disabled. 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. On till Dec 15. Adm: Free. CHINESE OPERA: Chinese Opera characters are dramatised in a collection of watercolours by Lim Siew Yong. Gall 10-12, Hyatt Hotel, 11 a.m.
      239 words
    • 536 2 TV and Radio 3.00 PM Opening followed by The Young 6 25 Cuttural (English) And The Restless 630 Our Incredible World Bears: 3.25 Reincarnated (Ch.nese/r) t_, L Of Th t e c^ ld 4.10 Diary Of Events (Chinese) ft.TO"**. Forecast 4.15 Alice (MaJay) 4-40 Anjie 7.55 The Incredible Hut Triangle
      536 words
    • 209 2 SBC 5 SBC 8 MALAYSIA 3 MALAYSIA 10 ry Of Rock Roll 12.M Lunch Date I.M PM News foUowed by Share Market Report and Weather Forecast 1.45 Sounds Orchestral 2.M Prog Summary followed by All Kinds Of Everything 3.M News-In-Brief followed by Today's Diary J.*s All Kinds Of Everything (cont'd)
      209 words
    • 373 2 Forecast 8.51 Peristiwa 9.14 Hokkion Movie Sekuntum Bunga Mawar 10.00 News in Enjfeh And Weather Forecast 10.17 Hari Ire Dalam Sejarah 10.21 Parlamentary Report 10.36 Hokkien Movie (cont'd) 10.58 Quran Readme 11.05 Close Financial And Share Market Report 7.M PM News and' Weather Forecast followed by Prog Summary 7.15 A
      373 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 427 3 I 8 Fortnightly Cash Draws* I I With increasing numbers of cash prizes* Ij£ USA Holiday for two to be won BfetaW There'll be 2 draws every fortnight for 8 weeks. One for new fc^^ >^"Si xjuiuiiw"^ J ancl tne otner or existing subscribers. Plus the Final fcaV7 t BB
      427 words
    • 168 3 Crnigratulations Ccnigratulat|ons Congratulations AJINOMOTO (MALAYSIA)BERHAD onj/DuraOthAuutwrsaiy from YEO HI AP SENG GROUP OF COMPANIES herdfS GK PR'S WORLDS I L_W Viy \ll_ \kJ .aflfl A dinner fashion presentation for ij| Wk W jMM the final judging of the winning designs I^^^^^^J i .^^Jff^^^ P lus entertainment by The Singapore SV
      168 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 188 4 15^ Ml Hv j a 99 *y. J i I raaaf J I AMr^HP^Bf-!S^B sL m 3HH I aaV am PW^ aa^ I BanaP^^^^^ AC\ Baaaa^^^^^^^^i C\ '^^^^BBaaaaaa^Baaaaaaaaa^Baaaal^Baaaaaaaaaa^Baaaaaaa^f V^Bl •*~B V^V I K-aaaam. BBBaam "SBBBHH I B aaaaaT^^^^^^^ff^^^^^a^r^TF^^^^^^l^aaT Lam o^k Bam w^^k Bam ~"~~Ba/'^^^^BBa Lam l l lH'W^i''-'' Vl laaal
      188 words
    • 138 4 Freeze your Energy Bill! Toshiba direct cool refrigerators can keep your energy bill down and your foodstuff effectively cooled or frozen. Here's how: Fewer electrical parts No fan motor No automatic defrosting heater •Nothermoregulator or timer No unnecessary parts to waste energy! Faster cooling and freezing Direct contact of 2
      138 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 481 5 V| 1 9f IP Wf M' JF/^^M nVHnlHniHnl Bk n^nV.,/ {^^%3wflfll *^^(Sl Gentlemen, it's now the Bjj^ hLv^ B^^^ifefc,: Qg season to give yourself a shoe mk. St. nfl gift from Marelli. At yen if a^p^BB^P^IIL '"WHS^^KKL.: BSx y^mm S^^^^^^^^^^^Hbl BL special Chnstmas pnces! Bln^W iM^mk Renowned for its superb
      481 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 545 6 very tender, very rare V 5- V v --^^^B^**^.;.^^^tfßlß^Bfl 888 a»9«g9»g"jggm«g^a- l— iaßM^SjjjS|^Sjj||^^SSjS <>Ma B^ HM<^|S SSSJSSSSSSr Mn> There was a time when there were no D machines an< i man was the supreme artisan IbBH^LTbB^BbII^BB His hands the tools of ingenuity Testoni H --*&Q^ perpetuate the art of such
      545 words
    • 187 6 IK^,' v-►Bflflv Bflfl Bn^^iaflßn HB^V J^^^fl BBk^^Bi B^BLlaHYa^B^Bl I[^BVJK^f9™JPP^ilP'^aSW^!j1 [^BVJK^f9™JPP^ilP'^aSW^!j ■Tmm|f|Al^ HK S H BBmSP^ ■flritfcTaL aalr^^l BaaV _i\^k» i A^ *m^9akV W" aaS3w9utnC^H kaaaaV^ *l iVM aaam cTU af 4W i«a> W«V4\ "iObbbbbV bbbbl -r< I 9aaK>\7^ A VWV .<aaaVWiA%. aaaTttl V *«n Baataaaaal s• /aaaal IV ii^^BYviKteT^ MBl
      187 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 312 7 1982 CALENDAR §She MXNDOM B**i- v!>«^ dBB^Bh Z538 I tH^I wBB B^Sm^s^ BnBHBHBHBVH Available at all leading cosmetic centres, self-service stores Emporiums Wtt^J^ IbbH^^^^^^^ fiS fi^ (Sr fir hi I ■■^l s v; m^B^H^B^B^B^Bh H B^B^^B^^^ t^BSt^ r Bl^^^B^r^Bip^Bi I I Jn^^^Bt Ib^b^b^LVb^b^b^h b^b^b^^i p bhß 1^ i Renting from
      312 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 202 8 Carnation di^^w m all my favourite recipes" iw^ (J J •-->/ *^t* ■FOB Carnation evaporated milk ii .i Jlrr i evaporated makes all the ditlerence to your cooking. Ii Al l \I Meet the man who'll change the way you look Monsieur Marc Gabriel Harriet Hubbard Ayer's Make-up Artist from
      202 words
    • 43 8 Bourjois plays Santa with these fabulous giveaways Bourjois has a superb line-up of three terrific gifts for you this Christmas: Free compact and handy M jjEp*^ Free Naiurelle Beaute Coffret Bp^r set for every purchase of any 2 iX Free carry-all canvas shopping
      43 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 226 9 bT J« "V ML r Ideas keep pouring from Ideal Serve the Ideal treat this Christmas] Enjoy the richer, creamier taste 3. Dip Swiss roll slices m remaining Of Ideal Evaporated Milk m Je«y»nd press around sides of pan. Swiss Russe The full cream goodness of Ideal Evaporated slightly thicker
      226 words
    • 1068 9 stv«vwd Ecorowv 3SfS."O«S»aE. I j STANDARD designed lor style ECONOMY medium weight m and comfort single or double (lap jkH The <-5l Circle seat. DE-LUXE wrap-over tor [IF" lal^^il hygiene and neatness B Rar \&%J yr Ik m the hquse, The Modus Range of toilet septs is ViJßk manufactured
      1,068 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 694 10 I like good coffee II A k il^^ Sa^a Suka... £fl^^^^^^^J/Um&2s m.w Wtd 1 JIHHHHI^IdJ HK^^^ «**^H Jills I *^^^^^^o^^m IL^bl I lju ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■il ■HBH B^ |B| IMB i [■■■l we all \\ke*B*mel coffee When you have a moment to relax at work or home, at play or party enjoy
      694 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 806 11 SEW-EURODRIVE PTE LTD We are a wholely owned subsidiary of one of the largest gear- motors and power transmission equipment manufacturer m the world, having 4 manufacturing plants m 3 countries and 21 assembly plants m 17 countries. We are currently setting up an assembly plant m )urong to serve
      806 words
    • 676 11 In our expansion programmes, we have immediate vacancies for suitably experienced and dynamic persons for appointment as SALES REPRESENTATIVES (MALE) for A) CASH REGISTER B) PLAIN PAPER COPIER The Man:7he right person will be one with at least 1 to 2 years sales experience m office equipment sales preferably m
      676 words
      450 words
    • 527 11 SELCO SM'PVAHO urgently requires an ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT Duties: To report directly to the Accountant The Accounts Assistant will be responsible for the supervision of the Accounts department and to prepare monthly reports, annual budget, monthly cash flow and analysis of reports. The Parson: The successful candidate should preferobly have a
      527 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 236 12 Have a taste erf* W atthe Ladyhill Cocktail Lounge Our Sugar are dynamic and versatile. They've got rhythm and style. They re a 4-member explosion I j m the world of music and will Ifldllimi hold you spellbound with their Lr w hotel fantastic showmanship, skill 1 Ladyhill Road an
      236 words

      2 words
    • Bilingual
      • 737 1 Season of plays London m winter is not boring for there is cosy West End to turn to if the days are too cold and wet to go sightseeing. Tickets to see plays, operas and ballets may be expensive but according to WEE SHOO PENG, who was there recently, you
        737 words
      • 1092 2 if 11 1't Lesson 10 a* Jiu huo AN OWNER of a house decided to invite some friends to admire his new house. He felt very pleased when his friends kept praising tiie house. Bnt he did not pay much attention to his best friend's advice when he
        1,092 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 265 1 Give something really lasting Lhh W k. this Christmas... v^_c^ffk H_aH ii _L_H_^V_^_H_V _^_i k' v 9 _J"V^!^_____r /jßtf v y*, >.; y _____>V^__P^S^^__^___^^^____^____L. I^ _l_^_^— B" *T-N c 1 _Hr I- eKl?» k y^^^.l 9iC^3-Q^B-d-^-o r^_t S-^-B--. rf7"^B& Hr 4 ____^B^>JB i»~i a -xsr jf^** -v^ x^________i^__>^---9__^_^___fl______P^ t*Q i_V'"-"-'''
        265 words
      • 20 1 33 Al Best friend's advice PAGE II Villa Sing* a stage presentation for charity by two local organisations. PAGE IV
        20 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 396 2 Offer At Henry Electronic Company ex 6io me _^>* 0 G 40 Grd Floor Peace Centre, 1 Sophia Road, Singapore 0922. Tel: *****95, *****91. BBBBBy qx —66 c B&^riflß SSSSM,^ (W) N THE C SD T^r D ES E T NTER E S E RA USUAL: $2650.00 NOW: $2250.00 \N
        396 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 362 3 3rd WEEK 5 PATUAV> (*****00) 11.00 am. A S UHlnAl, 1.30. 4.00, 6.30 4 9.15pm X D «»a**V today s army needs men < J X 1 f of couroge r X nonesty integrity amtHton JC X 4 '^k Instead they got John Winger 1 15 ft 4^iH^^»W^r/^^^^ <^l 4th
        362 words
      • 239 3 1 MUST-SEE IMINI4INMINI' BKINt. YOI KSKI.VKS and the HII.I>KK V Golden Clemen ti Palace Zenith Ang Mo Kio* Q'town NOW SHOWING! At NORMAL Showlimatl G: 11, 1.30, 4.00, 6 45. 9.30 C -P-Q 1.30. 3.30. 7 15. 9 30 Z: 1.30. 3.30. 7 15 and 9.1S AMK: 1 15. 3
        239 words
      • 418 3 aaßßßai^B^B mmW aTaBBB^BVa^BBaV AHS f .''^AbQhMKSb^H S mmmW^^^ jBfMY^HYS ■■■VaMMV^ aVr^'iLiaaaV^^aaaal •P^k^Bßßßßvtw*. a^'4 BBBbT f B^BBBBBB^Wa^B^K B^at* Tit S' < f f~ B*^ B^B^^^'-'iaBBB^PB^^B^aB^BIBBBBBI toS|nilpflß|^H E^EL^ygjy^nMgQ ■^■Wt^a.B^BM 9BD I !1 i -imH- .^9^S3I 1 bbbtbbttßm fc jdi SraTp^^? BBBm H Ift j o* -J&i-Z "Vi a^dP mt^^m It 11 I
        418 words
      • 322 3 2nd Month; lALIE 11am 1 3°. 4 6 30 a 9.00 No Fr«« Liat UHUC C.rcl«s4. Stalls S3 CASH booking. SPECIAL STUDENTS CONCESSION Day shows only: Circle $3 Stalls $2 THE RETURN Of THE GREAT ADVENTURE j MtftprMai|.yitjyßß|M i ii WARS i DgfS RfllD€R<s a I loftbvloTtflrU,/ £e hARfISONFOfIO KAPEN
        322 words
      • 597 3 B ORGANISATION B NOW SHOWINC, N f irr I ,s- a II am. I 30 400 645 9 I■> BJ SRAVE ARCHER Mon.tor.n m Scopf H SHOWING No fir <• I I I om. I 4b. 4 00. 630 9 I S BRAVE ARCHER" Pan 3 j Mondonn m Scop«
        597 words
    • Bilingual
      • 717 4  - Charity drama to raise funds for education HARON A. RAHMAN By IN the *****', not long after the end of the second world war, when awareness began to spread among Malay parents of the importance of education for their children and when many brilliant Malay children were unable to continue
        717 words
      • 416 4 Tin-tin kosongpun berguna bagi piknik dan unggunapi SEBELUM telefon menjadi alat biasa di rumah, telahpun terdapat sejenis telefon yang menjadi kegemaran kanak-kanak untuk berhubung antara satu dengan lain. Bagi mereka yang ingin memilikkinya, mi merupakan satu perkara mudah. Mereka hanya perlu untuk mencari dua buah tin susu kosong dan mengetuk
        416 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 42 4 ■'v kft V b ■'u.'iillM I '^BBiSs&¥&'~-' J sst Wi p*>i**a/^ JyF w."-Jv:;:::::--f:'.v.^ p q/ f P a 7 I »^j m I'fflr S 'SißP' --^*y-- F" Mb£ Will i-caii Tip WMi V"^ M ffi al Style: 240.140 Slyte: 232.140. Style: 233.140
        42 words