The Straits Times, 18 August 1981

Total Pages: 50
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1S81 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 101/1/81
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  • 539 1 Average hike of 91 cents in monthly water bill for most consumers WATER and sewerage rates will be increased from Sept 1 with most households paying another 91 cents a month, it was announced last night. Industries, office buildings, restaurants and other non-domestic users
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  • 339 1 WARSAW, Monday POLISH students, who were to have started today a series of protest marches converging on Warsaw, last night called off their demonstrations in an indication that a political truce may be shap- ing up in the country. In a surprise move, the organisers
    AFP; UPI  -  339 words
  • 280 1 PARIS, Mon DEMOCRATIC Kampuchea's President Khieu Samphan has said that he is willing to meet Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Mr Son Sann, the prince's former premier, in Singapore for trilateral talks. Prince Sihanouk, the ousted Kampuchean head of state, tola reporters at his
    AFP  -  280 words
  • 389 1  -  EDMUND TEO By transport Reporter THE government is studying a proposal to charge motorists $^> when they send their cars in for compulsory inspection next year. This is the figure sub- mitted by the two government-authorised car inspection centres Vicom and Automobile Association
    389 words
  • 120 1 THE stock market suffered another sharp fall yesterday with the Straits Times Industrials Index dropping 21.69 points to 736.24 at the close. At noon, the index was only marginally lower, the real extent of the drop being camouflaged by a big gain in Hume
    120 words
  • 31 1 NEW DELHI, Mon. The population of Delhi could more than double to nearly 13 million by the year 2001, a government planning group told Parliament today. UPI.
    UPI  -  31 words
  • 70 1 COLLEAGUES comfort Police CoastaMe Glynn Jones who wm ■tabbed In the stomach daring a fresh outbreak si violence In Liverpool on Saturday. He was one of IS poUcemen lnjnred after aa and-pollce march erupted Into riotlnc. The marchers were demanding aa ead to alleged police fcarrassment
    UPI  -  70 words
  • 49 1 CHICAGO, Mon. Tropicai storm Dennis moved towards southern Florida today with sustained 88km winds that threatened to build to hurricane strength. Violent weather raked the eastern seaboard, where a 21-year-old man was electrocuted when he touched a fallen power line. Flooding was reported In Texas. AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 32 1 NEW DELHI, Mon. Twentytwo people were killed today when a bus fell 150 metres down into a river 60 km from Srinagar. the capital of Kashmir, it was reported. AFP.
    AFP  -  32 words
  • 129 1 BANGKOK, Mon. Thai troops have smashed a sy-onghold believed to have been the hideout of insurgents who blew up a train engine early this month, a military spokesman reported today. The spokesman said the stronghold, located on the border of two southern Thailand provinces of
    AFP  -  129 words
  • 35 1 TOKYO. Moo. Japan today asked the United States to restrict from Wednesday, shipments of fruits originating from or passing through California because of Mediterranean fruit flies now plaguing the American state. AFT.
    35 words
  • 532 1  -  CONRAD RAJ By of Times Business MAJOR business and financial organisations have for the first time been asked by the government to formally make suggestions for next year's Budget. Minister for Trade and Industry Tony Tan, who will be presenting the
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  • 285 1 COLOMBO, Monday PRESIDENT Junius Jayewardene today declared a state of emergency in Sri Lanka and prescribed the death penalty for arson and looting in a crackdown on spreading communal violence, a government spokesman said. The tough emergency measures were enforced as disturbances continued unabated
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • 57 1 MANILA, Mon. Thieves broke into a Roman Catholic church and stole a 270-year-old statue of the Virgin Mary, revered by millions o( Filipinos for its supposedly miraculous powers, police and church officials said to day/ The "Virgin of Penafranda" is the Patroness of Bicol, a six-province
    57 words
  • 74 1 RABAT, Mm. A hijacked Irmalaa mMle ■Ural bMt arrive*] at the pert ef rarrafcUara aad aa4le4 all agala after the hijackers fareee' har baw aatheritles te prevlde fael, feed and water, Mereeeaa aeareea said today. The repert was the Brat aewa ef the mlaaUe beat Tahania
    74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 Count on Cation Canon Marketing Services Pte Ltd CaW:*****t1. Sony's high precision Walkie-talkie «tVf a Handy, compact *..JL easy one-hand 9m operation and carrying Jjji^i^^^ Complete with LB handstrap -Distance range from Ikm in aty to 20km in open WZ-~~*W space I Weighs only 200g fJEJI with battery J *^'M
      98 words
    • 169 1 g oj^ PHILIPS ■SaißiSSlilliSSSSil^B^B^B^B^B^B^aß f BY I^Hm Kt*r i j^ S«S I I flat If B^^BW *^fc aY Elm HL^B^bB^^^^BIHBBVHBIBm Baaaia^B^Bm. f9^W Iff -.•WMMitJfmv *m -jfc LHvJ mm f «j| ia» mB L^Lw No one takes better care of your Philips TV set than Philips' trained professionals Every technician in
      169 words
    • 117 1 Everbright <\ Pr^p*,,, Optical Co y^ Since 1938 \qJ V u V Training CSCHONGon EDDIE CHONG c M ember of The British Contact Len« Society Member of The National Eye Research c oundation Trw Arcad* Unit 134 Ist Floor. 1 9 Chuli* Str««t 11. CoMyor Qu«v Sing^or. 0104 S pore
      117 words

    • 603 2 Changi experience MANY countries have been sending officials here to learn what it takes to build an international airport like Changi. Twenty-two visitors from various countries are now attending a three-month course to learn the Changi experience. Public Works Department's deputy director Mr Goh Keng Chew said yesterday the
      603 words
    • 223 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: DR TONY TAN has made a g»od start n preparing Ms first badget by Inviting business groups to give their views. They mast Justify his act of faith by presenting carefully thought-out submissions which take Into account not only their own Interests bat also those
      223 words
    • 391 2 The hills are alive... THE HILLS are still alive with the sound of music. Except that these hills are in Vermont, America not Tyrol, Austria. The name is the same but much older and more scattered. The von Trapp family in The Sound of Music is very real
      391 words
    • 227 2 FEWER DEPOSITS WITH FINANCE FIRMS DEPOSITS of Singapore's finance companies have been hit by the tight money market and the recent boom in the stock market. The Monetary Authority of Singapore disclosed yesterday that their deposits in June fell by $26 million to $2.52 billion. This is the
      227 words
    • 86 2 BILLION BARTER BARTER trade is making a comeback. Western companies which do business with socialist and some developing countries often have to accept industrial or agricultural products instead of cash as payment since these countries are short on foreign exchange. The value of such transactions is so huge that
      86 words
    • 536 2 Carrot and stick ISRAEL is treating the Arabs in the occupied West Bank and Gaza more leniently and the Palestinian guerillas tougher to blunt the PLO influence. It is also hoping that with this carrot -and-stick method, a new moderate leadership will take part in autonomy talks
      Agencies  -  536 words
    • 243 2 Compromise for soccer's sake THE Football Association of Singapore's ban on four national players who played for Singapore Malays has shown that the FAS will not condone errant behaviour, writes GODFREY ROBERT. But Singapore Malays should also be given bouquets for fielding the four in an honest effort to
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    • 267 2 Musa's assurance MALAYSIA'S government will not misuse its power for any political purpose, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Musa Hitam, said at the opening the Sixth Malaysian Law Conference. Apparently referring the controversial Societties Act, Datuk Musa said the government had to pass certain laws which lawyers had
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 314 2 The answer is just a phone call away. If you're tired of looking bald and want to regain a natural-looking head of hair again, Svenson is the answer. The Svenson method of hair replacement securely weaves hair into your own. So securely that you can wash it, comb it, bathe
      314 words

    • 258 3 TEHERAN, Mon. An Iranian mullah today criticised Prime Minister- I designate Mohammad Javad Bahonar for not choosing "more competent men" to be in his Cabinet. Religious leader Hojatoleslam Sadegh Khalkhali, nicknamed vie "hanging Judge" named five ministers who, in his opinion, should
      AP; AFP  -  258 words
    • 512 3 JERUSALEM, Mon. IN a new carrrot-and-stick approach to Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza, Israel is acting to squelch the influence of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and to create new moderate leadership that would participate in autonomy negotiations under the
      NYT  -  512 words
    • 153 3 PORTLAND, Mon. The way Mr William Weller looked at It, It was la Us best laterests U marry off three daughters on one day. "I didn't want to go through It three times," he said. The proud father escorted his daughters,
      UPI  -  153 words
    • 293 3 GENEVA, Mon. OPEC oil ministers have begun a week of bargaining on a new price formula, with delegates saying privately the result might be an unprecedented price reduction by a majority, forced on them by a world oil glut. The
      Reuter  -  293 words
    • 193 3 CAIRO, Mon. President Anwar Sadat calls for an American-Saudi Arabian effort to arrange for the recognition between Israel and Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organisation. Mr Sadat, said the newspaper Mayo, described the south Lebanon cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians as a solution
      UPI  -  193 words
    • 177 3 TEL AVIV, Mon. I I i I I I i FORMER Defence Minister Ezer Weizman urged the Israeli Government last night to alter its policy SO that a Solution rnnlH h» found In the Palestinian problem. Mr Weizman, who resigned from Prime Minister Menachem Begin's previous
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 77 3 POPE John Paul II being welcomed by two children upon his return to the Vatican from the Gemelll Hospital. The boy Is the son of Angelo Gugel, the Pope's personal waiter, who was in the papal Jeep when John Paul was shot last May
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 157 3 BEIRUT, Mon. Tankled Syrian forces today moved to disengage waning pro-Iranian and pro-Soviet Lebanese militia in Beirut's lowincome neighborhoods where two days of street fighting has left eight combatants killed and 30 wounded, police reported. As fighting raged with mortars, rocket-propel-led grenades and machine
      AP  -  157 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 AT HONG LIM GREEN AT 6.30 P.M. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW HONGKONG af"* Jk "w m ir mm>. ■7^Bsasaßßa>M>-^ f v#<l f U JBt '^B^B^BBaßaßasafw^'^^^HHP^^' "asfaJP^ HHBBsaaasiflaa A^arJ Wa 9H s.\ avSßT*^Baw A^BsaFA^sl bbF^^ M fa^sTA^Br^Bk^B^jßV^BßHFrffflai «2»)-., bbW 9 I as» bbbv Ml l |Wil 1111 «i |J ltllf^BWiil*fi T^^H
      142 words

    • 295 4 NEW DELHI, Mon AFGHAN President Babrak Karmal said today that the time had come to chalk out a new strategy against Muslim rebels fighting his armed forces and Soviet troops in Afghanistan, Kabul Radio reported. The radio, monitored here, said Mr Karmal, who
      Reuter; AP  -  295 words
    • 160 4 WELLINGTON, Mon. Prime Minister Robert Muldoon today criticised anti-apartheid protesters for using booby-trap-ped tennis rails to disrupt the South African rugby tour of New Zealand during the weekend. Mr Muldoon, speaking at a press conference, praised the way the police handled some 6,000 protesters
      UPI  -  160 words
    • 392 4 KARACHI, Monday ABOUT 2,500 of Pakistan International Airlines' 22,000 employees would be laid off soon, including some memMrs of management, a PIA source said yesterday. The source added that General M. Rahim Khan, the PIA chairman and Defence Minister in Pakistan's military
      Reuter; AP  -  392 words
    • 86 4 CANBERRA, Mon. Primary Industry Minister Peter Nixon said today he would "threw the book" at any company found guilty of substituting none meat fer beef In meal experts to the United States. Spearking at a press conference, Mr Nixon said meat far expert from a Melbourne exporting
      UPI  -  86 words
    • 61 4 WITH a broad smile, Benin Nunt Bhutto (left), wMew of Pakistan's late farmer Prime Minister Zulf Ikar All Bhutto, appears la ft private Metal tuettea for the lint time la five months after her long detention. Begun Nusrftt had beea under house arrest for attending a
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 189 4 LONG BEACH (California), Mon. A 23-year-old man, water skiing barefoot at 175 km h in an attempt for a world record, lost his balance and turned six to eight cartwheels before sinking into the water with fatal injuries, authorities said. Mr Roy
      AP  -  189 words
    • 68 4 BANGKOK, Mon. A People's Court in Vietnam has sentenced to death the leader of a three-man gang convicted of stealing kilometres of telephone cable from a communications centre at Bien Hoa, a former American and South Vietnamese military base outside Ho Chi Minn City. Radio Hanoi reported.
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 50 4 WEST BERLIN, Mon. A 14-year-old boy was arrested by East German border guards last night after climbing atop the Berlin Wall (or a prank, then jumping down on the other side to recover a packet of cigarettes he dropped in East German territory, police said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
      • 73 4 BANGLADESH'S largest opposition party, Awami League, has called for a general strike throughout the country on Aug 27 to demand postponement of presidential election scheduled for Oct 15. Its president, Sheikh Hasina Wazed, said in Dacca yesterday that it is demanding more time to campaign for the
        Reuter  -  73 words
      • 62 4 A FORCE of 25 communist guerillas raided five military posts and fled with 32 firearms and a soldier as hostage, authorities in Manila said yesterday. The guerillas of the New People's Army, wearing fatigue uniforms and riding in two jeeps and a weapons carrier, struck at Nueva
        UPI  -  62 words
      • 98 4 PRIME Minister Indira Gandhi's only surviving son, Rajiv Gandhi, took the oath as a new member of the Indian Parliament in New Delhi yesterday in what observers interpreted as the initial phase of his grooming to succeed his 64-year-old mother. Mr Gandhi was elected from Amethi constituency
        AFP  -  98 words
      • 56 4 IRAN'S firing squads executed 23 people yesterday in a continuing crackdown on leftist activists opposed to the Islamic regime, Teheran Radio reported. The radio said all were members or supporters of the radical people's Mujahedin organisation whose leader, Mr Masoud Rajavi, fled to Paris last month
        Reuter  -  56 words
      • 78 4 CHINA is going ahead with plans for its first bond placement on the Japanese market despite the recent fall in value of the yen against the dollar, the China International Trust and Investment Corporation (Citic) said in Beijing yesterday,' Citic director Jmg Shuping said the corporation was
        Reuter  -  78 words
      • 67 4 DEVELOPING countries yesterday urged the United Nations Law of the Sea conference in Geneva, now in its eighth year, to complete its work in the next three weeks. But officials immediately said that was impossible. The 150-nation conference on exploiting the riches of the ocean bed
        Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 97 4 First prize 3 kilograms of gold. g Second prize 2 kilograms of gold. Third prize 1 kilogram of gold. Over 2,000 prizes and 10,000 grams of solid gold to be won. Just $500 in your Savings, I Coins Bank or 10 grams in your Gold Savings Account for one month
      97 words
    • 14 4 TORQUE DRIVER Torque Control Torque Driver Screw Driver Pnauraac OnKn Mr ferguft tmaor Gauges
      14 words

    • 159 5 HONGKONG, Mon. Guangdong authorities have clamped down on "sex tours inside China organised by Hongkong and Macau syndicates, a report from there said today. They have also taken action to stamp out drug trafficking by the same syndicates, it added. The Guangdong
      AFP  -  159 words
    • 238 5 BEIJING. Monday CANADA is prepared to sell "strategic" military technology to China, Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs, Mark MacGuigan said soon after his arrival here today. "We certainly would be prepared to sell certain kinds of strategic goods to China,
      AFP  -  238 words
    • 162 5 BANGKOK, Monday VIETNAMESE leaders have called for firmer ties with Indonesia in messages to Indonesian President Suharto on the 36th anniversary of Indonesian independence today. According to the Vietnam news agency, VNA, monitored here, messages from Chairman of the Council
      AFP  -  162 words
    • Sideliners
      • 105 5 THEY MAY be racy, but x-rated movies have less violence than any category of motion picture, a study by an Ohio state university sociologist shows. Michael Leyshon, who recently earned a Master's degree in sociology from Ohio state, said movies rated R (restricted), PG (parental
        UPI  -  105 words
      • 83 5 DOUG PRICHARD is trying to mend few fences in the field of labour relations. Prichard, the owner of a fence construction company, grew so weary of strikes that he organised a "multi-purpose strike" as a means of protesting what he felt were the devastating economic effects of
        UPI  -  83 words
      • 72 5 TWO Chicago police of icers were charged with burglarising a home while on duty and dressed in full uniform. Officers Stephen Webster, 33, and Tyrone Pckens, 32, were charged on Sunday with burglarising the South Side home of Terry Johnson. Both liave been suspended. A neighbour called
        72 words
    • 210 5 MANILA, Mon. Former Philippine beauty queen turned legendary communist guerilla, Maita Gomez, has surrendered to military authorities, ending a nine-year underground saga reportedly to join her folk-singer lover In Manila, informed sources said today Military authorities would not confirm or deny the report but,
      AFP  -  210 words
    • 178 5 BANGKOK, Mea. Vietnamese "haat ueeple" arrtvlag la lUat Aatea eeaatMea la <aly UtaUed ijm. a scan arap fram 12^31 the prevleu meath, the I altcd Natteas High Cemmisateaer ler Refagees (UNHCR) i*ld May. The figare was the leweat far fear maatas, fellewlag the peak
      AP  -  178 words
    • 34 5 ALBUQUERQUE (New Mexico), Mon. Health officials here are giving preventive medication to families living in an area of the Sandia Mountains where two cases of human bubonic plague were discovered recently. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 189 5 BEIJING, Mon. —US Senator John Glenn said today Chinese leaders have refused to reassure America that China will not retake Taiwan by force, saying they view it exclusively as an internal affair. "I explained our position that the continued assurances of no military
      AP  -  189 words
    • 288 5 TOKYO, Mon. Japan is to provide the United States with highly advanced communications and electronics technology for military uses. Quoting government sources, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper said today that the decision was made after a twomonth study of a US request. It was
      AP; AFP  -  288 words
    • 51 5 TOKYO, Mon. The Japanese Government and electric power companies have agreed on a scheme to produce enriched uranium, a leading economic *^*^y said today. The Ninon Keizai newspaper said under the agreement, a small prototype plant for commercial production of enriched uranium will begin construction next fiscal year.
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 42 5 WASHINGTON, Mon. Polk* have arrested at least five people in connection with the blowing up in August last year of the Harvey Hotel in Stateline, Nevada, by a gang demanding US$3 million, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said today. AFP.
      AFP  -  42 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 581 5 iiiiiiiiS The great Xv \j iviityvvttix while stocks last: w travelling companion tM Practical gift idea ECHOLAC im T Cott P^L e l^ 2 Canvas Towel Gift Sets I Travelling fflfH 3DaysOnly! 2 y^ 6 with lock M| i&>«* B $4C50 w save 24% Jmf&w-^ Ir^m*-' ID v.p. $23.00 x
      581 words

    • 159 6 DRESDEN (East Germany), Mon. The Central Committee of the World Council of Churches will open its first meeting in Communist Eastern Europe in 25 years tomorrow. Council secretary-gener-al Dr Philip Potter said South African-ruled Namibia (South-west Africa), Central America and the global
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 289 6 NEW YORK, Mon. THOUSANDS of dead New Yorkers are paid millions of dollars in government social programme payments and medical care for up to 20 months after they die, city comptroller Harrison Goldin said yesterday. "This condition exists throughout
      UPI  -  289 words
    • 161 6 BELFAST, Man. A 10th republican hanger striker slipped towards death from starvation today aad another Maie prisoner Joined the hunger strike. Michael Devlae, 25, serving 12 yean Jail far possession of firearms, was totally blind, unable to stay awake far any length of time and vomiting
      UPI  -  161 words
    • 167 6 NEW YORK, Mon. American concerns imported US$43.B million (Ss9s million) of enriched uranium from the Soviet Union last year, the New York Times reported today. The newspaper said it was the first time that a large amount of uranium had been traded
      AP  -  167 words
    • 32 6 MANILA, Mon. Three American citizens arrested last week for carrying more than US$l million worth of heroin have been linked to a Bangkok-based international narcotics syndicate, reports today said. AFP.
      AFP  -  32 words
    • 298 6 NEW YORK, Mon. RELATIONS between Moscow and Washington "are on a collision course because of openly hostile US military policies," the Soviet Union's top expert on America has said. Appearing on the ABC "Issues and Answers" programme yesterday, Communist Party Central
      Reuter; AP  -  298 words
    • 293 6 BOGOTA, Monday THE authorities have uncovered a multi-million dollar international ring in which hundreds of poor Andean children were kidnapped or bought from thir mothers and sold under forged birth certificates and adoption papers to childless couples outside the country. A Bogota lawyer has
      NYT  -  293 words
    • 166 6 Laker seeks more time to repay $500 m loans LONDON, Maa. Sir Freddie Laker, the British airline chief wha areaght cat-prlee traasAtlaaae travel to thausanda, U seeking mare time to repay US$23? mllUoa (abeat SSSM mllll«a) la baak lean* heeaaae af the Ameri eaa dollar's sharp rise ataee he berrewed
      AP  -  166 words
    • 199 6 PHILADELPHIA, Mon. The eight craft unions at" the Bulletin agreed to contract concessions demanded by the owner to sa*^ the 134-year-old news- paper. "We're delighted, we think it's great," saiH" publisher "Buddy" Hayden on hearing the news. "We still have a lot
      UPI  -  199 words
    • 86 6 NAIROBI, Mon. The rate 0f tree-planting needs to be trW, pled by 1985 to combat a criti- cal world shortage of wood, which is a major energy'-*'' source for developing ooun-'° tries, according to non-govern--- mental organisations meeting iv here on the sidelines of a UN-t" conference
      AFP  -  86 words
    • 54 6 CANBERRA, Mon. Tidbta. billa, the space station near Canberra, will receive pictures of Saturn from the Voyager 2 spacecraft on Wednesday afaMSIGMT Voyager will reach its cHaf| est point to Saturn then afiajwg a four-year journey throapP* space, at a point 101,000 km above the cloud tops
      AFP  -  54 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 When you install the Carrier Super f calculated to meet your exact comfort W W Round One central airconditioning system in |y|§§J V^^-v/ requirements at the minimum cost by our Jb your home or small business premises, you IZLXj*^ fL (f~^^ Unikal computer programme unique jjk y enjoy a reduction
      169 words
    • 32 6 C3Vb^ Chains 1 my md wheeu I tor power tranimisjion and I mechanical handling A «a&2 I Distributor I United Engineers Group I Kuala Lumpur I Tit *****3 I Singapore Lr«/. *****61
      32 words

    • 1696 7  -  Jets in exchange for ham... THOMAS M. CHEBBER The Treas- ury Department says free trade, cash on the barrel head. Period. Commerce says they prefer free trade, but since everyone else is doing it, US businessmen should do it, too. Labour, on the other
      NYT  -  1,696 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 220 7 Syrup for vodka, computers for artjets for ham barter trade is making a comeback In commercial dealings between Western companies and developing nations and countries of the Socialist bloc. Value of Vatusof Products Country of Product in transactions Products Country of Product In transactions Company exported definition oxchartgs in millions
      220 words

  • 898 8  -  GRACE CHNG By PLANS FOR 2nd TERMINAL AIRPORT authorities are mw studying the functional problem* of the $9M million Changi Airport passenger terminal building before deciding to build a secwad oae. The deputy director of Public Works Department, Mr Ooh Keng Chew, said
    898 words
  • 158 8 WHEN the virtues of family life are extended to the work place, there will be "true team spirit," Dr Tay Eng Soon said last night. The Minister of State (Education) and MP for River Valley said the family unit is the "allimportant building
    158 words
  • 61 8 JUST when a police raiding party from the Gambling Suppression Branch was at Anna Yeo Lai Meng's bouse, the two telephones rang. TV police took the calls and found them related to horse-betting. Yesterday, Yeo, 52, was fined 12,000 by a magistrate after she admitted
    61 words
  • 135 8 NATIONAL service registration for Singapore citizens and permanent residents born between Jan 1 and March 31, 1966 will be held at the Central Mappower Base (CMPB), Dempsey Road from Aug 25 to Nov 11. Registration will be held between 8 a.m. to
    135 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 344 8 fl E J^^l *^MKiw.* sssssssssssss^Z^l ■»< V \3?I SS BBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBsF" < > "'fi \CO>ll>\LT,l*Oy>>l^U^^ imiW When you need a copier that's more versatile and efficient I ■Dl asf U-Bix has it in its range. bb9l^9^. Like the U-Bix T plain paper copier. Small enough to slip into tight office spaces.
      344 words

  • 182 9 NATIONAL serviceman TJoea Chwee Tee, 20, accused of murdering his platoon serg ant, asked to see the sergeant to apologise to him before he died, the High Court was told yesterday. However, this request was turned down by Inspector Habhajan Singh, the investigating
    182 words
  • 334 9 A BUSINESSMAN, who unsuccessfully contested his estranged wife's claim to sole ownership of the Skillets Coffee House in Penang Road, yesterday urged the Court of Appeal to reverse the High Court finding by Mr Justice Chua. Mr Neo Tai Kim, 52, is r
    334 words
  • 109 9 TWO youths were jailed for four months each yesterday for stealing motorcycles. Ragu so Willasamy and Tamilarsen S/O Ambrose, both 18-year-old national servicemen, pleaded guilty to stealing a motorcycle belonging to Mr Gopala Krishnan, 24, at the backlane ofHigh Street on March
    109 words
  • 34 9 A MALAYSIAN, Yong Fah Len, 31. was Jailed for a day and fined $400 yesterday for stealing two bottles of rum worth $36.38 from Yaohan Orchard on July 19. He pleaded guilty.
    34 words
  • 34 9 THE Serangoon Gardens community centre will hold a car maintainence and tune up course next month on Fridays between 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. For details, contact the centre at tel *****69.
    34 words
  • 583 9  -  By CHONG WING HONG DUCK prices here may fall, now that the ban on Malaysian imports has been partially lifted and new supplies are expected soon from Pulau Übin and Pulau Tekong, where duck rearing
    583 words
  • 71 9 SHOWEKS caa be expected for abaat five days la tke riming f*rtnlKht, with wMeapra^ skewers *n tw« «f tkeae days. The Mete«r*l*Kir*l Service* Department ftlM amU UuU rmbrfsU far tke Ont tw* weeks M Aagast w»a below avenge tor the wh*le of Singapore.
    71 words
  • 84 9 WELDER Tan Ton How, 29, was fined $1,000 yesterday for attempting to extort $50 from Mr Ng Teng Yam, 57, who sells noodles at the Redhill Lane market. Tan threatened to smash up Mr Ng's stall if his demand for $50 was not met
    84 words
  • 146 9 SINGAPORE AlrtUcs' pi** to became tke whM'i first flying caaiM Is rtUl »wa/tlaK appnval tnm tke mAb SIA sp»kfxrw«m*a yesterday etaflrmed that tke US Federal AvUtfea ArtksrWes kM gJ yen tke airiln* tke g*-*keM to bvtoJ tke fcekprt maeUaes. Bat ITkM vet to kear
    146 words
  • 26 9 FIRST Day covers for the sale of the "Sports for All" special postage stamps will be on sale at post offices on Aug 25.
    26 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 296 9 SUPERB IMPORTED COLOUR TV atari ECONOMICAL I PRICE W^ m m-"\m J> FREE Yet, with all the engineering flair and peafcss _7 w CUIDT elegance of the bigger set (the CT-2(X»R). S l"OfllllT Very low power consumption 86 watts idaßy 5- and viewing hours cost approx. $2.00 per m»ntr4 "A
      296 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 356 10 l^m_l VOf %^^R TuestoThursOnly! -^A >O^^% I t^B *^l I J Jk^^'^**" \w mm*W** mWJmm^mW > 5^ mwStWm*^ I Compact Lipstick Holder Slim Necklace with Turquoise, Tiger's Eye liS ?398&^ Hk U.P. $14.50 to $51 &Agate Onyx S -4 WkWJmWmM& Selected Lighters, Fountain Pens Ball Pens NOWL^^o up s2oNOWSI4 jH
      356 words

  • 225 11 THE West German Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr Otto Graf Lambsdorff, arrived last night for a two-day official visit. He was met at Changi Airport by the Minister for Trade and Industry, Dr Tony Tan. Also on hand to welcome him were Singapore's Ambassador
    225 words
  • 43 11 MR P SELVADURAI will attend the fruit tree planting project of the Kuo Chuan Zone B residents' committee and the Toa Payoh West area office, at the vacant land behind Block 139, Lorong 1 Toa Payoh, on Sunday at 9.30 a.m.
    43 words
  • 158 11 POR nearly fanr mentas, a yenth "atteaded" Hwa Cheat Junior OUege In Bo kit Tim*h Read sporting the familiar beige uniform. Bat there was a difference betweea him and the other utadeate. He aid not attead elaaaw. For while, aasupectlac stodrnto and ataff aever realised
    158 words
  • 259 11 POLICE, investigating how a housewife came to be in possession of a Singapore Sweep ticket ■with a tampered second prize winning number, are anxious to contact a blind woman who sells sweep tickets in the Whampoa area. The 53-year-old housewife, who is helping police
    259 words
  • 24 11 KAMPONG Glam Zone B residents' committee will organise a campfire on Saturday at St John Ambulance Brigade headquarters compound at 7.30 p.m.
    24 words
  • 104 11 THE former executive secretary of the Singapore Port Workers Union, Mr V. Jayakody, 42, said rumours about his resignation will be dispelled tomorrow. This is when National Trade Union Congress officials, among them, President C. v. Devan Nair and Secretary-Gener-al Lim Chee Onn, will meet
    104 words
  • 62 11 CHEW Lian Tong trading as Chew Joo Leong was fined a total of $900 yesterday for causing silt and mud to be discharged into the drain leading to Bedok Canal. He admitted six counts of the summons between May 30 and June 15 and was fined
    62 words
  • 591 11  -  ...after marriage to change social value placed on sons By EVELYN NO Social Services Correspondent SINGAPORE women have been urged to continue using their own surnames after marriage. By doing so, they would maintain their identities and help bring about a change in present
    591 words
  • 79 11 A FILIPINO business executive has reported to police that his bag containing money and valuables worth a total of $18,815 was missing soon after he left it in a shop on Sunday. Mr Severo Pachece, 41, told police that he was shopping at the Joe
    79 words
  • 61 11 THE Singapore Association of Personal and Executive Secretaries has organised a 6 km Jogathon on Sunday starting at the HUDC chalets carpark at the East Coast. Mr Chan Chee Seng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Trade and Industry), will attend. It will be nagged off at 8 a.
    61 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 228 11 Ricoh's ßiggest Trade-in Offer m Get up to $2,000 for your present copier with the DTSIOO There's no office too small for the Copy Champ! now you coukj get up to $2000 b»b»k» aaaaaaai for your old copier when you I^^SHrjl feH HbV aflk the world's smallest copier. This J[*vT^
      228 words
    • 204 11 lG.te s A Super Offer If s Ken-Air's Anniversary Special rent one of our Super Cars and save up to 25% off our regular rental rates This offer Is valid until 31 August 1981 so hurry* th"74%^) Unlimited TOYOTA DX lh-#% W*o^ per week Jh Unlimited DATSUN (j^W) BUJEBIRD j
      204 words

  • 385 12 SPECIAL SQUADS ON PATROL MANY Singapore drivers don't know how to use expressways as they tend to road-hog and overtake dangerously. So from tomorrow the Traffic Police will mount a one-month campaign to teach road users how to use them. Special mobile
    385 words
  • 30 12 STORE-KEEPER Shaharudin bin Ahmad, 19. was Jailed for one day and fined $100 for stealing a T-shirt from a supermarket in Jurong on Aug 16. He pleaded guilty.
    30 words
  • 290 12 TWO pugilistic organisations whose members were involved in a scuffle on National Day have buried the hatchet, .with one of them apologising in I five nevwspapers. The apology, by the dragon dance group of the Kong Chow Wui Koon clan association, appears today
    290 words
  • 111 12 TWO motorcyclists died and a student was seriously injured in road accidents. Mr Kiang Kin Bah, 22, was riding along Corporation Roaa about 6.40 a.m. on Sunday when his machine skidded and hit a tree. He died before the ambulance arrived. In another mishap, Mr Neo Ton
    111 words
  • 215 12 THE Defence Ministry's utMng <!Mnpftini t»>« year has been '^highly racccasfnl," tke Senior P»rll»ment»rySeereUry (Defence) Mr Phu» Bail Lee saM tnst night. la tke tear maatka af the mmimlgn. which started la April, M positive drag eaaea were detected. This avenge of jast over
    215 words
  • 65 12 BUSINESSMAN Farook Ali Mohamed, 32, was fined $800 by a district court for having for distribution 38 video tapes which were not certified by the Board of Film Censors. He was fined another $800 for not depositing the tapes with the Board. Farook pleaded guilty
    65 words
  • 284 12 THE Manila pact, under which the United States pledged economic commitment as well as to come to the aid of friendly South-east Asian nations in the event of communist aggression is being given more tangible weight. After visiting US Senator S.l.Hayakawa held
    284 words
  • 36 12 THE chairman of the Singa pore Toil ist Promotion Board Mr Tan I Tong, will presen awards for acts of courtesj and honesty at a ceremony a Shangri-La Hotel on Monday at 3 p.m.
    36 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 858 12 Spanish Trade Industrial Fair For Asean 1981 SPfIIN 81 SEPTEMBER 4-11,1981 JAKARTA FAIR GROUNDS-APHJ JAKARTA L i \^a»l RUaT/i H") sW aW l^aCnQl a- Saasa? laLf V BSanßaU^V^^Bßßal Laaaaaaaaanvr^a^*^^ta» naCit^L aar^ \V Here's Your Chance To Do Business With Spanish Industries SPAIN 81 is the first industrial Exhibits in SPAIN
      858 words

  • 238 13 KEPPEL Shipyard la entering Into a swop agreement with the Port of Singapore Authority to give up It* two dry dorks illutoag Pagar In retain for a new aad larger riMting dock at PnlM Hanto. Tae two dry docks will give the PSA
    238 words
  • 59 13 MR S. Chandra Das, MP for (,'hong Boon, will attend the opening of his constituency's cnildrens' carnival at the Chong Boon Primary School on Sunday at 10 a. m. The constituency will also hold a senior citizens' party on Aug at 3 p.m. at the void deck of
    59 words
  • 98 13 JURONG Environmental Engineering will hold lantern-making and traditional Chinese dress competitions during the lantern festival at the Chinese Gardens next month. The lantern-making contest is open to all, ana participants can submit any number of entries. Prizes, including return air tickets, will be awarded to
    98 words
  • 356 13 SINGAPOREAN workers will be able to sit comfortably at home and brush up their skills with audio-visual aids at their own pace, in about two years. For by that time, the proposed Institute for Continuing Occupational Development (Icod) will have set up
    356 words
  • 564 13  -  JANIE KHOO J»y THE Singapore Tourist Promotion Board yesterday replied to the criticisms levelled at its operations by Parliament's Public Accounts Committee. And, it revealed, it is prepared to go into partnerships with private firms and develop attractions which will encourage visitors to
    564 words
  • 75 13 TECHNICIAN Ho Sung Seng, 31, continued drinking alone at the Singapore Hilton long after his friends had left. At 10.45 p.m. he staggered to the hotel lobby and snouted at the top of his voice, attracting the attention of Police Constable Lee Eng Ban, who
    75 words
  • 112 13 A TEENAGE gtrl was seriously injured when a station wafron hit her m she dashed across the road from a police station. The girl, who claimed to be from Taiwan, mi being escorted by woman constable into the Paya Lebar police station
    112 words
  • 254 13 THINGS much used and abused to some are gems for others who could bring in a fortune. The 100 men at the Public Works Department auction yesterday snapped up everything from used engine oil and tyres to garbage trucks, a Mercedes Benz,
    254 words
  • 38 13 KRISHNAN Nayar Narayanan, 46, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour and was fined $50 by a magistrate yesterday. He was arrested for dancing and shouting at the top of his voice at Albert Centre on Aug 16.
    38 words
  • 26 13 BUKIT Ho Swee Zone B residents' committee will collect old newspapers and clothings from residents of the zone on Sunday from 9 a. m.
    26 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 n^nVQSI U-L|^ jB6 V^K^^SlbhF^^A «af M HESAbV* <& «flnPi*^ V^^SV* Nm^b^bV^b^bßbAbP^Sb^K *^^bL tnWrS "^b^"^"^ ntnV^lß *3hfr A, '^ti f^L X" iL-'« > *<2b|HP* *~^V X^^^H Hb^^*^^ n^T^^ fr* cX? *A^ A l Jaswl ►ii^V^^Br?^ 3a *g hßlb^blbW?** T*J '^sbß iff' tjt'^A \4HbW^^b^bS^ l«ft B^ \3ffJ2j9Jf 'OIbV H
      45 words
    • 311 13 bKbM b 55 Ed The biggest event of the year in Asia's rapidly growing aerospace centre. r^^^^^ Aerospace '81 will provide an unparalleled opportunity for suppliers i( cj H and members of the aerospace industry to meet at the crossroads of p> Asia, not only to seek new business opportunities
      311 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY 1
    • 200 14 THREE transport systems tke aerabos, the light nUI train, art tube train cheaen to ease the traffic wms In the capital, Koala Lumpur, will be presented to the Cabinet mm tor a toelston. Federal Territory Minuter Datak Penglraa Othmaa R»af said yesterday
      NST  -  200 words
    • 28 14 MANILA, Mod. Malaysia's award-winning film, Dia Ibuku, is Malaysia's entry to the First Asean Film Festival, a non-competitive event, to be held here this week. Bernama.
      Bernama  -  28 words
      • 50 14 FORMER Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn has resigned his seat in Parliament, cutting his last link with national politics, it was announced in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Tun Hussein, 59, resigned as Premier and president of Umno, the country's main political party, because of poor health. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  50 words
      • 62 14 THE Federal Territory Minister, Datuk Pengiran, said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday the government will not tolerate the development of new squatter areas in Kuala Lumpur. "City Hall's squatters control unit will ensure that there will be no more new squatter areas. The existing ones will be
        NST  -  62 words
      • 68 14 JOHORE Police have crippled a cheating ring dealing in currency with the arrest of a man in Segamat yesterday. A 34-year-old man, claiming to be an architect, was picked up by the police as he was about to hand over Malaysian dollars in exchange for U5543,478. When
        AFP  -  68 words
      • 62 14 THE Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee will meet next month to study the AuditorGeneral's 1977 report which criticised several Federal Ministries for not accounting of public money. Committee chairman Datuk Lee Boon Peng said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday it would begin meeting from the first week of September
        AFP  -  62 words
      • 99 14 PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad called in Kuala Lumpur yesterday for "an agenda of action" and "the will to act" by governments and the world community on the development areas and problems identified by international and regional agencies. He said seminars and conferences at the
        AFP  -  99 words
    • 402 14  -  'Steps towards military co-operation timely' By M.G.G. PILLAI Our Kuala Lumpur Reoorter KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The United States considered the Asean region an important security area "in global terms" and was, therefore, happy to see the five member-na-tions taking "formal and informal steps towards
      402 words
    • 306 14 PETALING JAVA, Monday The MTUC special delegates conference yesterday unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the sale of a portion of the Congress binding to pay off its $2.7 million lean. Its president, Mr P. P. Narayanan, said: "The sale, however,
      Bernama  -  306 words
    • 308 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Two ambitious projects of the Prisons Department, costing a total of MslB million, have been scrapped because it would cost twice as much to clear the land. The open prison concept which was to have been introduced in a
      308 words
    • 60 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon The Ministry of Health is carrying out checks on all sauce manufacturers in Malaysia to ensure their products are prepared under clean conditions. The Ministry will at the same time pay attention to the quality of the the various inSedients and equipment used,
      NST  -  60 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 364 14 M. Xc blended folk and classical creating a distinguishing sound which for centuries had been known as the "devil in music." How appropriate to hear the Piano Concerto No. 3 of Bela Bartok, played by fellow Hungarian Bela Siki, in a concert including music by Mozart, Dvorak and Fu Keng
      364 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY 2
    • 393 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday DEPUTY Prime Minister Datuk Musa Hitam has assured the legal profession that the government would not misuse for any political purpose the power bestowed on it by the people. Opening the Sixth Malaysian Law Conference today, organised by
      AFP  -  393 words
    • 122 15 KIANTAN, Man. MaUyslaa Chlneae most 'expJodr the myth" of the moca-Ulked about Inability the Chine*' to Mite, Labour and Manpower Minister Datak Richard Ha said yesterday. "We should cease to do or say anything which will tend to perpetuate this myth,'' he said. Datnk Ho, who
      122 words
    • 146 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysians were today taken to task for being "snobs" with a preference for foreign rather than made-in-Malaysia goods. "It does not matter if the goods are made in Kepong (in Kuala Lumpur) but as long as the brand sounds foreign, the
      Agencies; NST  -  146 words
    • 26 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. A 11-member Parliamentary delegation from Papua New Guinea arrived yesterday for a six-day visit to study this country's development efforts. -AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 103 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Moa. Malaysian Prime Minister batah Serl Mahathir Mohamad will arrive In Bangkok on Sunday for a t wo-d*y vM t Foreign Ministry officials said tefey. They said his talks with the Thai Prime Minister Prem Ttnsalanonda are expected to focus on bilateral
      103 words
    • 294 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. THE Malaysian Road Transport Department (RTD), after sacking two of its employees for removing files from its headquarters here, yesterday appealed to the public to help it stamp out corruption. Its director, Mr Abu Bakar Mohamed Noor, said: "We
      294 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1213 15 NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN THE EIGHTIES ASEAN WHAT are these NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES? WHICH at^ the GROWTH INDUSTRIES? WHERE are the PROFIT CENTRES? This conference will give you the most penetrating first-hand assessment of the business climate in ASEAN. THE SPEAKERS THE ISSUES Dr Vicente BVaMcfMnaaJr ASEAN in the Asio-
      1,213 words

  • The Straits Times TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1981
    • 377 16 IT WILL be another six months yet before the Minister for Trade and Industry, Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, presents his first budget to Parliament. No one, including himself, can possibly know what he will have in store for Singaporeans, whether his package will be as pleasant as
      377 words
    • 375 16 THE erosion of traditional values, which hold respect and care of elders as a sacred duty, has often dealt a cruel blow to the old in modem society. Singapore, sadly, is no exception. The young are increasingly insisting on their right to live wither* what t.iey consider as
      375 words
  • 624 16 JAKARTA The results of Indonesia's 1960 census have shown that the country's population growth rate increased in the Seventies. And this only indicates the urgent need to accelerate the country's population programme, says Mr Haryono Suyono, deputy head of the National Family Planning Coordinating Agency (BKKN).
    624 words
  • 2478 16 TAKING THE MENTAL BACKACHE OUT OF ROUTINE CLERICAL CHORES SHARING SOLUTIONS THE word processor rather than the daunting data processor is more likely to be found in offices since it can perform many functions of a specialised computer. With the welcome
    2,478 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

    • Questions for
      • 269 17 SBC broadcasts hilarious excerpts 'rom Tamil movies (Tuesdays, 10.45 a.m.). The selection of excerpts, however, lasts only for about 10 to 15 minutes. In the past, the Hindi request programme lasted for one hour daily. Of late, there has been a
        269 words
      • 77 17 WHAT is happening to SBC? I was appalled when I listened to the radio last Thursday morning on my way to work. During the 18 minute journey, there were 18 advertisements and two songs. I appreciate that advertisements provide revenue but this ratio is
        77 words
    • 393 17 I AM a Secondary Four science student in a mission school and I refer to the letter "No time for close friendships" by F.W.S.S. (ST, Aug 1). The picture F.W.S.S. painted of his school is completely different from the picture I see five times
      393 words
    • 152 17 I WENT to a primary school in Toa Payoh to enrol my daughter in a Primary One class. I had a few shocking encounters during the 10 minutes I spent at the school. I saw two boys aged between 10 and 12 smoking
      152 words
    • 121 17 I HAVE lived in Tokyo and worked with the Japanese, so I know what drives them. The average Japanese worker is taken care of in every aspect but the real motivation behind a Japanese worker is the knowledge that if the company prospers, so will he.
      121 words
    • 80 17 I EXPERIENCED a etoss-line on my telephone sometime in early June. Since then, my line has been crossed with this other person's line all the time. It does not affect the functioning of the phones but when in use simultaneously, it becomes a four-party phonecall. We
      80 words
    • 119 17 THOUGH the POSB deserves all the kudos for its efficient service, I am very unhappy with the i monthly statement of aci counts letter which is supposed to be private. Anyone can see the i amount in the account through the thin paper. The portion showing the
      119 words
    • Replies...Replies...Replies...
      • 154 17 WE REFER to the letter "Allow more time" by "HUDC applicant" (ST, July 24). The income eligibility ceiling for HDB flats has been raised from $2,500 to $3,500 as from Aug 3 this year. HUDC applicants on the waiting list who satisfy all HDB conditions
        154 words
      • 135 17 WE REFER to the letter "Knocked Out" by Regi Won* (ST, June 25). To date, the HUDC has cancelled applications only upon the written requests of applicants. And although the deadline for the return of the questionnaire was set on May 30 this year, we
        135 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 97 17 fill '\V% J*?**' .^mH f L^B^a^BaflBSBB^BBBaW" u y Sh I WLf^^M^yr WHMMM %|j^^M| g g S l^jPI t^J w I 1^ B L^ P> 4^ L^ It's tough, its dependable. It's got economy, and style. It's the best value for money on the road today. Nowoncfer, it's the biggest selling
      97 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1193 18 S* v Applications are invited for the SEN F^SM TECHNKIAN *^4*^oMm (VEHICLE WORKSHOP) WTMA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (a industrial Technician o/rtificale in Motor Vehicle Mechanics or Plant .nvites oppl.cot.ons for the posts of: Maintenance with 3 years relevant (A) TECHNICAL OFFICER (STRUCTURAL) e*per*nce (b) GCE 3 0 level passes with National
      1,193 words
    • 828 18 (A member of The Times Organisation We are a well-established and dynamic Group of Companies with diversified business interests In Singapore and worldwide. As a Group, we form the single largest publishing, printing and distribution conglomerate in Southeast Asia and our mainstream of activities Includes the printing and distribution of
      828 words
      521 words

      • 85 19 UNITED International Securities Ltd (UIS) has announced a 45 per cent increase in its unaudited group interim pretax profits for the half year ended June 30, to $3.7 million. Aftertax profits rose 36 per cent to $2.3 million, but this does not include a profit on sale of
        85 words
      • 53 19 UNITED Overseas Bank has replied to the SES that its proposed bonus issue will be capitalised from the bank's share premium account. The underwriters for the proposed rights issue are United International Securities, Development Bank of Singapore, Haw Par Merchant Bankers, Jardine Fleming Singapore, United Chase Merchant Bankers
        53 words
      • 45 19 THE Aluminium Company of Malaysia has given notice that its EGM will be held on Sept 1, 1981 for the purpose of altering the proposed two-for-one rights issue at $1.70 for each $1 share to a seven-for-two rights issue at $1 a share.
        45 words
      • 50 19 THE Industrial Bank of Japan has confirmed that the rate of interest on Pemex US$100 million floating rate notes due 1988 has been set at 18 13/ 16 per cent. The interest payable on the relevant payment date, Feb 16, 1962, against coupon no. 1 will be US$971.98.
        50 words
      • 78 19 HOTEL Royal has recorded an increase of 91 per cent in its pretax operating profits to S$l,742,323 for the half-year ended June 30, 1981 compared to the previous corresponding period. This was achieved on a 15.5 per cent rise in turnover to S$3,878,013 from 1980. However, after
        78 words
      • 57 19 YEO Hiap Seng has announced the acceptance of 10,779,620 provisionally allotted shares representing 98.67 per cent of total rights offered as at the closing date. Applications for 1,022,579 excess shares were received. The Board of Directors of the company has allotted the 145,380 unsubscribed shares so that
        57 words
    • International
      • 85 19 MANILA, Mon. The Philippine central bank is now phasing out its certificates of indebtedness (CBCI) in its open market operations in favour of Treasury bills and notes to avert sharp fluctuations in interest rates. Central Bank Governor Jaime C. Layf. said the move would not only lead
        AFP  -  85 words
      • 48 19 TOKYO, Mon. Japan National Railways (JNR) lost an estimated one billion yen (559.3 million) in returned fares at the weekend after nearly 850,000 people were hit by widespread delays caused by an earthquake and a power failure, a JNR spokesman said today. Reuter
        Reuter  -  48 words
      • 71 19 HONGKONG, Mon. Hongkong's external trade totalled HKJ120.76 billion (about Ss43 billion) in the first half of this year, an increase of 25 per cent over the same period last year, according to official trade figures released today. Exports rose 14 per cent to nearly US$5.9
        Reuter  -  71 words
      • 84 19 TOKYO, Mon. Japan and Britain will hold the first of their regular consultations on industrial cooperation in Tokyo on Sept 10, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti) said today. The ministry said the British delegation will be led by Mr A. G. Manzie, deputy secretary of
        UPI  -  84 words
    • 392 19 WITH the current emphasis on work excellence and productivity, management must look seriously into planning for on-the-job and vocational training for its staff. To help local firms to plan long term staff development programmes, the Applied Research Corporation (ARC) is organising a three-day seminar
      392 words
    • 240 19 FOUR related tin mining companies have turned in unsatisfactory results for the financial year ended March 31, 1961. Kamunting Tin Dredging (M) Bhd recorded a fall of 86 per cent in its pretax profits to MJ576.000 This compares with M 54.21 million for the year
      240 words
    • 443 19  -  SOH TIANG KENG By DEPOSITS of Singapore's finance companies have been hit by the tight money market and the recent boom in the stock market. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) disclosed yesterday that their deposits
      443 words
    • 466 19  -  CONRAD RAJ By THE floating rate certificate of deposit (FRCD) market seems to be well on its way to a record year. Some US$665 million (551,443 million) have been raised in the market in the first eight months of the year. For the
      466 words
    • 250 19 TOKYO, Mon. Japan s economy nas nnauy absorbed the difficulties of the second petroleum shock last year and practically eliminated all symptoms of recession, the government announced in a white paper. This report by the Economic Planning Agency said Japan coped with the
      AFP  -  250 words
    • 264 19 MISS Kate Mortimer, from the British merchant banking firm of N M Rothschild and Sons, has left Singapore after completing her report on the restructuring of Singapore's external reserves. Miss Mortimer, 34, arrived last April as part of Rothschild's team to advise on the revamping
      264 words
      • 432 19 SINGAPORE: Share prices eland sharply Uwer a wave of •ellIng premie ever a ■reaC treat la active aeleethre traalag aaf tke Straits Times Industrials Index last t\M potato to 7X.J4. Hotel Tai-Paa, listed today, was tke mala feature with aaoat 1.1 mllllea akana transacted
        432 words
        • 69 19 1 Breweries 620 111 1220 I Leonf Credit 1200 long Leong Ind 1440 > M C 1240 Ipore Land 1040 1 Leong Fin 780 >egi M«.« 332 lei Properties 750 ttmp.n 510 ■rima 490 > C B C 1000 I Srmbiwml 420 raiping Textile 310 ientings 110 M W
          69 words
        • 2 19 Hume
          2 words
        • 23 19 Tai Pan 5 Promet U M W Genting Sime Darby Total turnover: 11.22m Total value: {48.53m 2,031.000 733.000 703.000 483.000 461,000
          23 words
        • 36 19 BT Indicator: Industrials: Finance: Hotels: Properties: Minings: Plantations: OCBC: SESInd: Aug 14 *****3 757.93 1735.71 1110.11 821.03 379.22 926 53 733.83 698.34 Aug 17 *****4 736.24 1684 95 1091.28 m u 377.89 942.24 708.74 665.59
          36 words
      • 62 19 -35 c*c CCM ('•M Stonp Qalmmtm 20 Uatfcrk- Bhd -8 -6 Haw Pit -16 NBT Nat PMC -5 -5 -U0 Shell SJnif Duby StSteanufcip ■M -14 Damlvplwl Em FAN Gcattaga -30 HuneFE -111 iMkempe BM 11 -10 MTC -55 Metel Bex Perils Plant Prim* R*Mb*m»
        62 words
    • 477 22  -  SOH TIANG KENG By IF YOU are out to foster teamwork, don't wait till a crisis strikes before getting together. Dr Mason Haire, an American professor in organisational behaviour, said: "Parties should get together to discuss even non-cru-cial
      477 words
    • 350 22 APPLICATIONS have been pouring into the Buildings Management Unit since it invited managing agents to register with it at the beginning of this year. Accredited agents will be recommended to owners of buildings which are found to be very poorly maintained. Applicants who are
      350 words
    • 101 22 TOKYO, Mon. Sumitomo Chemical Co of Japan will buy 45 per cent of the shares of Nippon Wellcome Co, the wholly owned subsidiary in Japan of the British pharmaceutical maker Wellcome Foundation Ltd, it was announced today. The purchase will be made on August 25 when
      AFP  -  101 words
    • 261 22 GANDA Holdings has decided not to go ahead with its proposed acquisition of four companies and some housing lots. The four companies are Tin Siang Sdn Bhd, Harta Empat Sdn Bhd, Marikh Construction Sdn Bhd and Sinpang Sdn Bhd. The housing lots which Ganda had intended
      261 words
    • 113 22 SINGAPORE'S metor repair and service workshops will tet s, lift from a new to«l developed la Australia a portable pnenmatlr Jack. The Jack operates on an air spring system which ascs a series of rubber balbs, capable of lifting enormous weights. It will
      113 words
    • 121 22 ONE of the largest commodity trading houses in the world has set up an office in Singapore. Marc Rich, a Swissbased commodity trading company with a group annual turnover of more than $10 billion, started operations here at the beginning of this month. Managing
      121 words
    • 406 22 MALAYSIA and Indonesia will be raising more than US$B5O million through two separate syndicated loans to finance their development projects. The two jumbo loans are expected to be syndicated later this year. This will be the second time this year that the two Asean
      406 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 322 19 BUY,SELLORHOLD? GET IMMEDIATE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE ON 62 LOCAL STOCKS The decision to buy, sell or retain stocks relies on how well the counters are monitored, and the fundamental as well as technical situations. FORECAST is a long established weekly economic/ investment newsletter that contains professionally and carefully studied recommendations on
      322 words
    • 219 19 A FREE BOOK TO HELP PROTECT YOU FROM INFLATION When you subscribe to FORECAST, you will get a complete explanation of the technique which WILL surely protect your capital and your lifestyle against the ill effects of the excessive inflation which undoubtedly lies ahead. This is contained in the book
      219 words

  • 2275 20 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Qfa 1981 °i» High Low Company 8«l« or- Net Pt Vol Day '000) High Low 494 296 Acma 298 -2 MS Aicom 300 10.0 3S0 130 All»«l Choc 202 JON 312 HI B A T 205 -5 45.5 420 330 BaU 382 22-0 200 SO
    2,275 words
  • 634 20 THE MAKKKT (ailed to draw laspirattoa (ram the listing of Hotel Tai-Paa and the resamptl«n of trading In Hume (Far East), falling sharply yesterday. At noon the Stralto Times ladastrial index was only 2.C2 paints tower, the real extent of the drop betag camouflaged
    634 words
  • 1747 20 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded show.i in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "sett". Big Board
    1,747 words
  • 409 20 SHARE prices started the week badly with confidence still at a low in more active trading at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday. The 30-counter New Straits Times industrial index fell 29.94 points to 941.27 while the Malaysian Business Times index lost 33,362 points to 301,334. All
    409 words
  • 175 20 BINUAPOKK UNIT TRUST (Maaacere' prim tar Aaf II) The Commerce 3.09 3.25 The Savings Fund 1.78 1.87 Spore Prog Fund I.M 1.47 S pore Sec Fund 203 113xd Spore Invest Fund 1.05 1.10 Spore Equity Fund 1.32 I.X ASU UNIT TRUST (Mtattrrr- prtcca lar Aaf IS) Mai Invest
    175 words
    • 266 20 HONGKONG: Stocks fell back a little in a quiet and listless market yesterday, as the Hang Seng index closed 5.48 lower at 1689.27 points, dealers said. There was not much action in blue chip issues though some third-liners were erratic, they said. Among leaders Ckeint Kaag fell 25 cents
      266 words
    • 324 20 SYDNEY: The market achieved its seventh rise in succession yesterday, as traders got up their hopes for a generally conservative Federal Budget today, dealers said. Canning Basin oil stocks attracted much of the attention as the market awaited the results of production tests at the Blina No 1 weU.
      324 words
    • 2019 20 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUBTBIAU Aleaa (3.248 3.306) (5) 3 X (1) 3.24 cri A Ckae (2.405)
      2,019 words
    • 377 21 TOKYO: Share prices rose sharply on continued foreign buying in moderate trading yesterday, punning the Dow Jones average 42.74 points up to close at a record 8019.14 points, dealers said. The New index gained 1.38 to 603.92 points, on a volume of 380 million shares. y« AJlnomoto Afcal M7
      377 words
    • 103 21 MANILA: The market closed mixed yesterday, as turnover dropped to 4.7 million pesos from the previous of 7.8 million, dealers said. Pm Acox Mlnlnf am unch AtUa can. A AUu con. B I7JO +1 Bafuto OoM MM ♦MOOI Btniwt Coo. B H uncb BF Ooodrtch 10 JD unch CDCP
      103 words
    • 659 21 LONDON, Mon. Government bonds ended with gains of up to M point today, while equities closed narrowly mixed in quiet trading, dealers said. At 3pm, the Financial Times index was up 0.8 points at 573.3. Government bonds moved firmer in early thin trading amid light buying interest and the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

    • 404 21 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed lower yesterday, with September RSS One buyers quoted at 222.00 cents per kilo, down 6.00 cents on last Friday's close, dealers said. Morning prices were marked down about six cents on lack of buying support, stale bull releases and forward offerings, they
      404 words
    • 34 21 Rubber Aug 17 Singapore: Sept: 222.00 cents (down 6.00 centa) Malaysia: Sept: 251.50 cents (down 1.00 cent) Tin: M 533.40 per kilo (down 2 cents) Official offering: 161 tonnes (up 35 tonnes)
      34 words
    • 101 21 THE KHOBAR market for gold dellverable In Singapore opened at 128.(90 and dosed at $28,810 yesterday. Gold was fixed at U*****.90 in London yesterday morning Ssarae: KM. Itimsr-ll A Ssaa. Msa Sal Hongkong 409.758 407 508 410.75S *****S Singapore(l) 408 758 *****6 *****S *****S Export prices In non-sterling areas
      101 words
    • 82 21 *AS BR20 JSR50 8*pc*ab«r (CarrMI MUI Bu>rr. S«IUr> (ItonpallM) 1(6.00 198.00N (1 ton imIM) 193.60 196 SON Oetotxr (Forw.rd Mthl Bayer* 8.11«r. 198.00 200.001 ***** *****1 4RELB IMRCV IMRL IMR5 IMRGP >MR 10 SMR20 iMRSO S*pt«ab«r < I Ion palWt 2W.00 2S2.00N (llonpdWf 2S2.OO 2&40ON (1 bmpallM)
      82 words
    • 29 21 THE STRAITS tin price edged another two cents lower to M 533.40 per kilo in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 35 tonnes to 161 tonnes.
      29 words
    • 135 21 CHINESE Pn4mee Firfcatci. SlmffAfMfv, mm rfeatag prices prr 1M M y tortny. Coconut Caeaaat Ml: Bulk fob $122.50 sellers, old drum (in second hand drum) fob $136.50 sellers, new drum fob $141.50 sellers. C«prm: Mixed (loose) $72.75 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob AsU NLW $377.50 sellers. Sarawak
      135 words
    • 174 21 KUALA LUMPUR: The market closed higher yesterday, on covering for nearby positions in fairly active trading, dealers said. In the August position south gained MJ7.50 to $912.50 per tonne. In September, south rose $12.50 to $885 and in October, central firmed $10 to $875. Maiayidaji paJm tU: (Prices
      174 words
  • Money and exchanges
    • 344 21 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Aug 17. US Doll«n(Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 18* 18H 1 month 18« 18 2 months 18 7 /t 18 s 3 months 19 18% 6 months 19 18% 9 months 18H 18* 12 months 181/16 1715/16 Bw.Fr.. Da*.
      344 words
    • 46 21 RANGE of prices ottered by discount houses on Aug 17: Overnight: 6'i% Call deposits i.i to 6' i'; Ckxiag Bgyiif Stllia, 3-month Treasury bills 6M «>« 3-month Bank bills 13H 13M 3 months CD 12> \2\ 6 months CD 127/16 12 5/16 Sa«ra«: Nifliaal llliiiail C.
      46 words
    • 31 21 Closing interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Aug 17: Offer Bid Overnight 34 31 1 month 13» 13 2 months 13 U 3 months 13 12. Overnight mode 13
      31 words
    • 24 21 THE average rate at which major SLngapare banks are currently prepared to lend to their beat customers Is M.M per cent.
      24 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1287 21 *JnX _^§^B I -1-i-Haß^ -UHLMLV i __^Hk_-^l HIM IHi_i_i_i_Hflß i^_l-Hi_Bri-H L_i_iH----H I BMb I -.-HMH -HmbH Jf^ Machinery From Australia q q Built to make money on every job rj] Australian machinery is built to exacting specifications. The result is a quality product at a competitive price. Australian plant and
      1,287 words
    • 332 21 Twoftox MofB# Engine Controls, Cables Steering it JL, Sun-K Searchlights Floodlights Klaxon Marine Horns Sirens ft Kent* Elwa Clear View Screens Seafarer Darwa Depth Sounder/ Fish Finders VDO Marine Instruments. Attwood Simpson Lawrence Products. Racor Con Met Fuel/Water Separators Marine Toilets. Compasses many other marine accessories I WM I A
      332 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 340 22 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS IMPROVING MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE The Executive Management Development programme is a modular programme specifically aimed at professionals and directors, executives and managers, who require an education and training development programme in business and management areas outside their own fields and experience. FLEXIBILITY Is achieved in this programme through
      340 words
    • 148 22 Banking at your own time With Tat Lee Card and our Automated Teller Machine, (ATM), you can do your banking 24 hours. No more worries about time. The ATM* is located outside selected offices of Tat Lee Bank or any public areas where you can see our Tat Lee Bank
      148 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 693 23 1284-*****1 284-4421 1 I MATURED EDUCATED HON- DENTAL ASSISTANT REOUM- I EST and versatile Chinese ED. Able to (peak fluent lady seeks sponsor to work English and Mandarin, abroad Previously worked as Interested phone Mrs Wan. Secretary Will consider any *****68. sTTof A9O1 O 66 er i 'nSw r <
      693 words
    • 914 23 "1 XvNOf 1 DaBBFC B^Bt%^bl Ca^BV^tßaiß^B^Bi A bVI I Vljl I <— i Nikon TAKES GREAT PICTURES EVENINSPACE. With every purchase of a NIXON EM $399. Complete with 50mm (f 1.8) E. Lens and CF 11 Case $40. mm \v& I FREE NIXON Commemorative Space Gifts are yours. (While Stocks
      914 words
    • 1290 23 I R\\Sf I B_M#_^mm fta^WjalßßilMßHßk ft 111* I 1 r-i ORCHW BM HEALTH Centre, 214. A BETTER CARPET Shampooing, Dunearn Road. Tel: *****54. General House Cleaning Office *****22 Ext 155 Massage/Sauna/ Painting, Parquet Varnishing, racial. Opens dally from 10.00 Floor Polishing. Tel: *****42/ a.m. to 12 midnight *****82 Caldeco Cleaning
      1,290 words
    • 1486 23 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTIOM INDEX Telephone Service: *****22 pcpcnMAl 4FRVIPFS Mond,, -Fndoy BXom-500pm Ordoory 80 en o« word (m n $1 2 00) MERCHANDISE Saturday 8 30 o.m 300 p m CUD avucut (1 2 30 Dm for Sun Tnwil Sefm-OnplOY JI4 00 p«f column cm II CRfPUOTRitrI I
      1,486 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1031 24 46 Si t ustlofw VtftCMt Erecotfr* RVPP*nPVH I THE HANDICAPS WELFARE AilAyiA|ll ASSOCIATION FD'TO". BSanPaaWNM^BJaEM ■caps' Monthly". The Journal's primary objective Is to projpi t and promote the As- HrTPaMaWBPPW^PWBaI soclation's functions as a volun- L^^L^^^^^B tury welfare body. Its editorial contents comprise KilWlilTl ai *j I K I^9 news,
      1,031 words
    • 929 24 Iff I OUL ENGINEEMNG tl4lf>Jll»K% f PTE LTD 59, Gul Road Temporary r.r*onn«i jurong, B'por* 2262 AAnn irioc i Hsmbsr of rha Kappal GOOD JOBS, Group GOOD PAY IP Register Todayl! If *»ppi*»p PURCHASING ABB.BTANTB I C S K/ 2Z? T SECRETARIES IS l nCPPDTIA IK Applicants should have nK
      929 words
    • 1107 24 I 11 T f f^_-> CHINESE FEMALE Of=r\ ACCOUNTANT J\|J| iwq»Hr,d by aaUbHahad Co. %JWr^, Rsqelrsmanta: c Minimum OCE O' level. c Recognised Certificate/ STP mSTfUaUTORS SON BHO Diploma In Accountings a Preferably 3to J years acrr T <lulrM countings experience. M e»e»a»a» M»1"™<1 outlook and ability GENERAL CLERKS to
      1,107 words
    • 1017 24 IS THIS TYPIST YOUR JOB? We require a Typist for Immediate employment Should have Business Olrl offers Job assign- OCE O' Level with credit In Engments (daily) to over 250 'top llsh and Typing Certificate temps' around town. Dont feel left ouL Onu rand n mo e re) Sl P
      1,017 words
    • 938 24 SYDNEY AOOtO COMPANY fiisjulrnHaT^lmmsrJUti ■MUiji'umsm Uf«(sa»f leajejeaa PEMALC TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ RECEPTIONISTS oB W t C 1 1"* Must be prepaxeu to work afternoon ami nlfht shifts Basic knowledge of Wllh basic know.edge of book- IVtf m ,TSTuX& keeping benefits and meals. lnt#>r#>t)le>d piaMeM ctawl pvXMkfvslty Ml, Meiunine Floor. 4WT»iwn« Waaw
      938 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1921 25 II Employment ijjl^i I^^^—^^ FEMALE CLERK/TYPIST required. me jtHuarksisa Vacant Appiicanu should have A 1 level wi^« education with paases In English aaOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBB Language. Please write In with resume and contact telephone sal Su „r ,|,i ft number to S T Box A ***** ,1 New ■V ""y 1 Industrial
      1,921 words
    • 675 25 FEMALE TYPIST CUM clerk re- quired Interested please con- -f^""^^^^^^^^^^^^^"% Uct: *****7. Saiary negotiable general Clerk /telephone An International Operator required by car rental manufacturing CO., firm Interestedjcall *****50 requires SIT PENG TIAN Contractor requires a Female Oeneral Clerk. SaMM tUpf— ntattVS I Tel *****2,,T0a Payoh, (M alT2TeTna.e) c) Sates
      675 words
    • 977 25 A progressive company requires a Sales 1 TREND SHOPS 1 Supervisor and Sales 1 Representatives. I require eA centat c 4 Candidates with technical f 1 background preferaWy I Appiicanu must have smart 1 w,th experience in i IS™" SP k J mdustral lubricants and .-cce^tu. eppneent. j related equipment
      977 words
    • 1459 25 ■rj U4I L J DT ESTABLISHED R6AL ESTATE firm requires Female Sales Execua it, h lives with knowledge In real esa newiy openeo oounejue require*. u|( an( j pojjjjj own car p or interview call 4W651 1 EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS REEXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS Crafts PleawTairperlionally at: Tel: M *****/ *****35 Si^sSjcT 1
      1,459 words
    • 996 25 I II IT I mWWmw^k. A large watch manufacturing company has vacanries for the The Singapore Institute ot Stand- n ln K P°st» ards and Industrial Research in- a\ TRAIMPP vites apetKations tor the poet 9t I LABORATORY SsISShT ASSISTANTS JSSS The successful cendtdates will a Poaaaaa one of the
      996 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1066 26 46 Situations Vacant manufacturer a^Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai bmned*s*e vacanc*** «*r d) TocJudcMJ SKILLED 41 SEMI-SKILLED ■>. n». ELECTRICIANS f^^^^^^^^ Completed N.S. I I c Malaysians may apply ,y 'to 2 years relevant expe- P VJ n n £—j rlence preferred I II M If "TT Caßparaoneßra* VJyy^JqU j SUal YUE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
      1,066 words
    • 1211 26 II Eiiajetoywß.it lI A F*lF *I jf** rmli'il'^ 1 1 810 firm requires immediately 2 T"7T ™_"vr'' ElecUlcal Design Draughtsmen r With at least 3 to 4 years expert HMCR ence Please reply to: ST. Box A ***** 1 New Industrial Road. Experienced in the maintenance Singapore 1953 ga-^r-B^WKi xz^zssxx
      1,211 words
    • 747 26 I »m*m*__ Iff JVC 0J55n.,..,. __j___ I We invite Young Male/ Female candidate, lor immediate ap- I potnlment a*: DDAni ITTMUI I s>T:>ltM itbl OUCT OPERATORS Thejob: To perfoim system test for >g*=2^^B computer peripherals pro- /d^^^^^V\« Training will be provided. I Secondary 4 G.C.E. "O" 2Z Level, preferably with
      747 words
    • 1201 26 I Ail I j! H TJ ROOAM SINGAPORE PTE LTD requires urgently T af% MALE PROCESS OPERATORS vlm.' Completed NS. or exempted f"M^%ef**a^ c 2-shlftroUtlon AMaVUIL^' Simple job TlVr* Vr"T\l 1 c Attractive allowance BfX II Vllll Starting salary «34 Pay adjustment after 3 months. Btwl »°ur career in NMB
      1,201 words
    • 882 26 II Empkrrment fjjl /^^!f^» BEAUTICIAN yß^ grade n Singapore m SWIMMING CLUB fll i fl CLERK-OF- Agl WORKS «U k Clerti-of-Worfca required l"~> tot appronmately IS < Spafl monthe duration to aupar»is« reklrorcod concrete cc iiinni/ CflD structure, building and I WUnIN rUll •#fViC«>S for multi-StOf#V m a. ■a. ■■*■>
      882 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 961 27 II Employment IIA 4« Sttuabom Vacant W Olivetti (Sinflspora) J I f OBEROI IMPERIAL Manufacturing Division HOTEL f require. requires 1) CONFIDENTIAL CLERK/ TYPIST MATERIAL (SalaaOap<) HANDLERS Minimum OCE •<_■ Level. /->■-_*•_■- c Able to type at 35 wpm (Male) 2) TELEPHONE OPERATOR Ability to read and /FEMALE) write simple
      961 words
    • 896 27 UEXWI (8) PTE LTD SALES I_H^»---"I CO-ORDIN ATORS isadm. Ameoc-n ( Baa-^J-eihg Ca-*a«f c Age 18 -23 years requires c Qualifications: Secondary «i-/«iini-u education (A) SECURITY c Pleasant personality and riIAPIIQ able to converse well In Eng- UUAnwo Ush Requirement: To promote stationery, Novel- <n Age 20 to 40 years
      896 words
    • 1007 27 HI aa HA n CMpWfMOTT 'I' a* I f VBCSROW9 lOC tIM iOBOWInQ STORE SUPERVISOR 1 delivery wn DRIVER n P^!, lC A ntl musl P° sses > POSMSs CtMtl CtM* 3 Q.C.E. 'O level .LljLi Ur--r-o 5 years experience In store STITiTi -TTTmi. management/ Inventory Familiar With Singscontrol. Inward/
      1,007 words
    • 1026 27 ja a ■ri in i i ilf i i j j _r*rt,_tf f «-VM_.aT IV J/_UI FULL-TIME |>«%«iUFiP BTEWARO«BBE« I-.-- 0 Ao# o DO v# 1 ytors OM Work permitj ovoilobk 1. CREDIT CONTROL for Moloysions CLERK a Experience not nacas«ary. r1i n,n ,n m Cr^rcon n^. Pref -Tot I
      1,026 words
    • 1043 27 ■tlUPl'l I Iff NUTR-ML I ICS A „tabhahad Japan. im-m vaasiielss Isr A) TYPIST o OCE O' level, c Must possess s valid class 3 c Able to type 30 jo 40 wpm licence c Below 3S years of agr c Clean record Salary SJSO to 5420 c 21 to
      1,043 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 842 28 A Japanese Restaurant 46 Situations Vacant urgently require WAITRESSES With some working experl- ence n MaaaaUammm Knowle<l r Chinese ft Attractive Salary Interested please contact Mr Chla at- STORE CLERK lIZZET&SS 1) DELIVERY ASSISTANTS TattSfMS* J) DRIVER nanlria- by laadina Prtnrina; S An established Co requires Packaotnc Company DRIVERS Only
      842 words
    • 1944 28 J H *L STORE-KEEPER/ DRIVER required WANTED HARD WORK XO. by plastic household wares ENGLISH SPEAKBM Wholesaler With experience and MALE GENERAL HELPERS have supervision ability and Go^w^ioocoo-rttm. Sg&O/ 2 S O^ end nU Tel: Age between .6- 25 VAN DI-VER^OUMED with «cCo*) pwonatt) lar hilanlaw.- ondary education and familiar
      1,944 words
    • 1550 28 ■■lum 1 I ijjii DELIVERY BOY CUM Shop Assist- TUTORS REOUIRED IN all parts of ant required urgently Please Singapore by a leading tuition call: *****47 Centre. No experience required. DELIVERY MAN CUM Van Driver Tel *****31 Salary $380 p.m Ring Mr Ong tel 100 TUTORS REQUIRED by tuition *****9
      1,550 words
    • 1719 28 m Vtttctes A Boats i JjT^ LATE I*7s DATSUN 160J SSS. Air- cond. sporU rlms. taxed. Insured. a) J*faHC*MfS)JI $BJOO ono. *****11/*****0. Late 1878 DATSUN 100 A. FII. 1 prl- ALMOST 1876 MERCEDES 230 6vate. cassette. 1-year tax $14,600 Po wer steering, one company Loan $10.000. *****6 owner. Alrcond.. cassette,
      1,719 words
    • 1753 28 HI VsMctes A Boats on, ALMOST -80 TOYOTA Tercel Air- 4MB SUBARU MOO OLF. Alrcon cond. cassette, tuff-koted. one one private owner Beautiful owner Beautiful condlllon number plate, radlo/casselte Highest offer above $***** Showroom condition $21,500 *****90 Tel *****04 LATE I*Bo TOYOTA Corolla DX DECEMBER I*7* CITROEN CX Factory alrcond.
      1,753 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1068 29 EIH Vehicles Boats Ijfi M M aKTTEH VALUE for your 1978 56 Vehicles Wanted »nd above good used cars Cash PaymenU. Interested call Peter 1 Chonf *****55/*****34. A4A. TWfB OF scrap and good used cars wanted Good price AOOOOOFFIB offered Contact Ng. 3J*****. c for all PARF scrap cars 3377M9
      1,068 words
    • 1651 29 Mf amJV^MwBB^aaBBBBtUffAa^LWBB^LaSBBft ft BBa»*«a*Bawßßb*4^aaßka«> APARTMENTS Beverfy Hills $2.3 M to Kamehomeha Rise $600,000 $2.7 M Lien Towers $2.5 M Casa Bella $870,000 to Marigold Drive $470,000 1 2M Mimosa Park $500,000 Cavenagh Court $680,000 Naung Court $460,000 Cavenagh Court 1 .5 M (ph) Nassim Penthouse $4M Cavenagh House $600,000 Newton
      1,651 words
    • 870 29 i I 1, PEMIMPIN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING BB^-l ♦>■ j!a»*Tjl BBBK mud mi l!tm~l !tm~ H w— BaWjaWaaßßa. i LaaVl Sited at Jalan Pemimpin, just off the new Marymount Road Features Ready source of Ample parking lots labour supply from lor cars lorries Toa p ayoh Convenient loading/ Ang Mo Kjo
      870 words
    • 355 29 -WjJ^homee of i^^Jj^— Katong^s beautiful I Dunman Court! H* Luxurious condominium msisonrwttes ■P located at Junction o« Tanjong KMong Road LbA and Dunman Road l tu1 f mH SUPERB LOCATION TRANQUIL SURROUNDINGS I ELEGANT DESIGN LARGE SWIMMING POOL FREEHOLD LANO EASY INSTALMENTS BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT Bookings Enquiries I
      355 words
    • 454 29 FULLY FURNISHED SINOLESTOREV Bungalow house Available immediately. Frankel Estate. Dlst 15 $ZBOO Contact 44w23K, no agents. NILLCREST ARCADIA TOWNHOUSE 4 bedrooms, with bathrooms attached, servant's room. $5,500. Deland Co.. *****33/ *****44 HOUSES/ APARTMENT AVAILABLE In various districts. Either furnished/ unfurnished. Rental $1,500 to $4,500. Enquiries: *****64/5/2 ISLAND CLUB/THOMSON Shopping Mall
      454 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 653 30 !LJ» I =!MM"^^™^ 60 ACCCnmodatiOO Vmrmnt ™<*w" SMMBMJBfaajafaMBBMMHHMI B) M'aMr A COSY SaNOLE-STORCY Bungalow In dlst 17. 4 bedrooms, cennlshed. $2,000 Penguin *****44 a ■inir STOREY DETACHED 3 SJrSS/.Sdy. dlst .0 PaUo overlooking matured garden $2,900 *****87 No agents BELLIAN SECURmES OFFER dlst 5 close to American/ Japanese School Double-storey
      653 words
    • 591 30 A well kept high floor >-e«4.oomad inri mm overlookIng sea Easy access to shopping centres Rental $1 JOO Holland v.ll» f. vtcMty A tastefully furnUhed 3-bed-ro>med apartment located within distance to shopping facilities Rental $2,700 High floor 3-bedroomed menl. Centrally alrcond Master bedroom en-sulte. jftSS^MSS fU" clliues Rental $4,000 FIELDS
      591 words
    • 1664 30 1 1 i i > i i DISTMCT 8 Cavenagh Road ApartmenU (78E a 78F) abort term only. Clemenceau Avenue Semi-detached (3SO S JS2) long term. Interesled please call Tel: *****14 DirjT. 11 UIIMU V.LJI 2.400 sq.ft 3 bedrooms, servant's wlth swimming pool, brand new. ready for occupation Sate price
      1,664 words
    • 2711 30 I■■ r I DIST t. 3 BEPWOOMS, spacious llvlni/dlnlng, I JOO sq.ft Partially furnUhed $1,300 Immediate occupation *****02. DWT. 8 APARTMENT 3 bedrooms, living/ OlnllM. partlaUy furnishcd. Rentajcsßental: $2400 0.n.0 Tel *****86 DIST 8 HILLTOP PANORAMK vlew. 3 alrcon bedrooms, built-in cabinets, spacious llvlng/dlnlng. $2400unfurnUhed *****47 FURMSHED FULLY CARPETED 5stones,
      2,711 words
    • 1258 30 L J DIST 10 GREENLCAF AVENUE double-storey semi-detached. 3.500 sq.ft. 4 rooms, freehold Margaret *****00. DIST. 10. BEDOK TERRACE 4 JOO sq.ft 4 bedrooms, split-level llvlng/dlnlng. Penguin *****44 DMT. U, KM NAN Park corner terrace. 2,700 sq.ft facing mornIng sun View EnterprUe Pte Ltd: *****54 DIST IS NEAR siqlap Rn.rt
      1,258 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 782 31 i_Sjl ———■———»——^—^—i KS i___nl_l Vioumi "~"~">~"r "V~ l OMPCrIm m) rimtS PAND*NVA__Y.BAUH«U TERRACE The moat beeulWul type el terrace 4 eseteo-i wHn prl—4e gefden. f_iim- «i no uiiimn p.nii Selling $1 02 Million. Rental «5.<W Ane—cix. Propeme. Aaencv IMIMI 1 QUICK SALE Bl DMT. IS PALM BEACH CONOOM—UM TOWNHOUBE^,Tot
      782 words
    • 847 31 ACE OFFERS: Grange Heights. luxurious very high floor malsonette. 3.400 sqft 4 bedrooms, study Extensively renovated $»V). 000 0.n.0 Call *****22. ACE OFFERS: OrangeforC. luxurious condominium apartment Central alrcond 1.200 sq ft 2 bedrooms Tenanted $3.00 C SellIng: $520,000 only Call: *****22 1.000 sq.ft. $210,000 0.n.0. Call Bellntek Properties. Tel
      847 words
    • 1493 31 S-ROOMED FLAT AT Boon Lay I faclng morning sun, fully furnlshed. ceramic flooring. Call: *****82 after 11am. CLEMENTI PARK FOR sale 5380.000 CompleUng soon. Call: *****88 ext. 799 Agent (24-hours). DIST. 8811 CHWEE CHUN Road. corner townhouse. 1.700 sqft Call *****08Noacents. PARKWAY PARKWAY PARKWAY Parkway Parkway Mansion 1650.0000nn Tel: *****82/*****79
      1,493 words
    • 1703 31 IV AccommodAUm A PropivUM AVAILABLE SHENTON WAV. ORCHARD TOWERS. ORCHARD International Plasa. Merlin, Road. 4th floor. Office. 746 sq ft. High Street Parklane, Oolden Rent (7 psf Contact Mr. Tan. Mile and many others. —***** *****31 (office hours). FOR SALE/RENTAL. Auto Spare EIITON HOUSE OFFICE space Parts Centre. 1.350 sq.ft
      1,703 words
    • 1255 31 IV Accommodation t ProptrtlM _R__ I 1 J BMOAPORt ELECTMCAL. ELEC- TROfC Hardware CenUe, 2nd floor, shop/ office about 1.100 sq ft outside CBD. Rental: $3,800 Selling: $530 pj.f Ideal for elecir >11nU dTeC.°___r7 r b-""" NoAgenU.Tel.__42o7 KATONO PLAZA. MEZZANINE noor, good location. 256 sq.ft. for rental at $2,200 per
      1,255 words
    • 1068 31 VI Education A Instruction iflh I PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Pispailiia lor--MX Examinations CmiinuiLxJim in ii] li -<»"«•— Atcuuiilllu.ll Leading to AC A/AAT examl- _i°_Bemina Lead ng to IBF Stage I examination Leading to IM LCCI examination Leading to lAM examination ENQUIRIESLEX MENQ PROFESSIONAL TRAINING CENTRE 821, a* Beer. People's Park Centre
      1,068 words

    • 124 32 WWtea te ttiank fM*. T.C. Naa, HOW. MM. Ding, nay. HontWe Ooh, Mr. Wee Yaw Hock, mombero of the Pentecoot ItMhodM Clrtireh; Doctors and Staff of the General H-iMirMat nalalliaa and Frttmtt lor their miiut. rarlnn oooietaiico an^ aQ >< ..i P... donaMwioT "IoaUlO oIiU
      124 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      95 32 dran) passed away peacefully on 17 8.81 leaving behind wife Marl- animal, (K.R. Hospital), ions Raja, Selvarajoo, daughters VI- Jaya, Prema, Pushpa, Mageawarl, sons-in-law Muthu, Moorthy and all relatives Cortege leaves No. ai, Upper Dlckton Road, Sport 0830 at 2.00 pm for Mt Vernon Crematorium. NO KM HU,
      95 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      56 32 WASC/UJ^hX)BBITOTiaitOn» ™JvfJi2ST-S •*otVMIM" to sv loved ones. coanaa will leave from W^sßJllßliß WILL LBMVBj rnUB home on weonesoay km oub ««j --^n^j^jv mmmmmmmmmmmm itnMl leave ii Daf ne Street on 19/8/81 at 11 am for Mount Vernon Cremalorlum. *»V»U AQNES sMNTELS paaaed away 17-8-81 Mass al 81 Josephs Church 10J0
      56 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      51 32 Memories are treuure*, none can steal. Your love Is the greatest, none can flve Your IoM v our he»rt» <:ne. none can heal, longing sigh, a silent tear, For one we love, so very dear. r^if^. mlilil i __j i, Sr* 1 '^^^SSr"^"- M LOVMQ MBMWT OF
      51 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      18 32 NOT JUST TODAY BUT EVERYDAY IN asLSMCl 'wsjmTisimi ai BmTamTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTamTammTJßTJ BOEY CHOO FOMO depahted it+to
      18 words
    • 43 32 tw° years have paBsed since you left us but the memories of you ARC RTII 1 WTTW IIQ are still with us. mmMmms> LOVtD o« m^m^m ia tor tha In .mil nnai hr«d o«a. I™"I riirinilm A.NAOAMUTHU DCPAHTKfc 1»-»-1t7»
      43 words
    • 130 32 ■laiiaa to siiaaa thalr sancata thanfca and aayracmrlan to aM r»taa*aa aval trtawda tor awir kM at tanaawoa. ssHaianci. oondotonco. taimMha and donattona during tha* rseaat »a»aavamant ™»pawtay•*■»s»sa mom mary cman ooat cmoo wlak to than* all ia»»M»aa and fcOmmmmmm Earn* aamamW llflll lilnni SMI Is> ijlia "PBtlOßl
      130 words
    • 10 32 "In Memoriam" is for the loved ones whom you remember.....
      10 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 635 32 J k^k DINERS HOLIDAYS \^__^fßaaTsP^ A reliable way to travel IS For brochures and information, contact: ♦Tj, DINERS WORLD TRAVEL PTE LTD Paople s Park *****7 Merlin Plaza *****44 N. Hong Leong Bldg *****33 Kuala Lumpur *****5 Penang *****^/ 1 |WESTtRI\ ALSTRALIAI I see it all at our 'downunder* price
      635 words
    • 1603 32 NAM HO ■■■■HI Gl4-16-18, Pearfs Centre, Eu Tong San Street, I Z-*ZI li\CJj I K^Ll HZ^BaWaai i Yangtze Theatre) Bjaaa BflsM HJafIBI.S Singapore 0105 |i^^^Lw^B\^^^BT^^^^^^^J^^^^^Baan^BW Tet *****33 (7 Hnea) J^ i^^^mwkw^ 1 19, People's Park Complex. \m \^yfv(mtM Ground Floor, mwi&iltyM/H&MtQ&WJWtmm Baßkt^Talll m\jMV JM laaKml Now Bndge Road HaifMailMM^ HcrT^^al
      1,603 words
    • 339 32 -—rar-—-Jm 115 Paraonal Maasagaa flf ?V THANK YOU ssV. B^BBBBBaV. SS™\^- a>a-K FsmMaaofMRWONQ JSf^^T IBRCHOKIANHOCK #^KJ) a I*BB TINA UM SHEW CA T S wlBh to ext*nd their sincere thanks to 284-4422 I J n»Bnajiamant a sian ol PMNpe DotnaaHc AppaV ClflSSlZlCu ancae Fty aapacialty to Advertising mukevbiwono WOrkS. ■aaTA^I^L/ZliTtS
      339 words
    • 317 32 M TMf M»3M COUtT M MALAY A AT JOHOM »Ah»U coaa?AWY ywoßOJoa ur) W I ff INI IN THE MATTER OF EMKXHUM JUMBO (M) SON. IHO And IN THE MATTE* Of THE COMPANKS ACT. 19*5. AOVRTKUtfNT Of WIIKJN Nokca Karaoy flpao Mot o Moo »o. *a Wincfcno^p of lha abo«ano»ad
      317 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 618 33 x REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE XiJ AIR FORCE <£=^ The World At Your Feet PILOT TRAINING The Republic of Singapore Air Force invites applications from young men for Pilot Training: REQUIREMENTS: 1. Between 16. and 25 years old. 2 Singaporean male only. 3. At least 1.62 metres tall. 4. Good eyesight
      618 words
    • 680 33 U I UNITED INTERNATIONAL SECURITIES LTD iJvCORPOBATEO THE REPueir OF SINGAPORE I ANNOUNCEMENT To ALL SHAREHOLDERS RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 lUNE 1981 The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 1981 are as follows The Group
      680 words
    • 1124 33 _L__|__P_k I !w_ltf 1 1 >W IW Hour* Of Service V CATS: Tel. *****22 Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.30 pm Saturday 8.30 am to 3.00 pm Public Holiday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm For ordinary and semi-display ads., the acceptance deadline is 5 pm for publication the next
      1,124 words

  • 33 34 Five years have piannl by. but you arc not forgotten and always loved by your huaband and ton and all your loved one*. WONG BIEW FAH Deputed 114.1 l
    33 words
    • 271 34 Patient Frenchman captures fifth title ZELTWEG, Mon. Jacques Laffite, of France in a Ligier stormed past the favoured Renault Turbo of compatriot Rene Arnoux to win the Austrian Grand Prix motor race yesterday. Fewer than half the 24 starters completed the course. Laffite, 37, winner
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 299 34 TENNIS ROUND-UP RICHMOND, Mon. Seventh seed Mary Lou Piatek coasted to a 6-4, 6-1 victory over an apparently tired Sue Barker, of Britain, in the singles final of the US$lOO,OOO ($217,000) Richmond international tennis tournament yesterday. Mary, who reached the final here
      AFP  -  299 words
    • 123 34 LIMA, Mon. Peru beat Colombia 2-0 in a World Cup South American Group Two soccer qualifying matcn here yesterday to boost their chances of reaching next year's finals in Spain. Geronimo Barbadillo gave Peru the lead with a header after five minutes and Julio Cesar
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 45 34 BANGKOK. Mon Asian Games champion Atet Wijono defeated defending champion Justedio Tarik 7-6 (9-7), M, 75. 6-0 in the final of the men's singles of the Patava Open tennis tournament. Other results. Doubles: Tarik Titus bt Vijono/Gondo Vljojo, 7-5, 6-4, 64. AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 318 34 BUENOS AIRES, Mon. Boca Juniors, won the Argentinian Metropolitan soccer championship with a 1-1 draw against Racing Club yesterday. Diego Maradona, scored for Boca from the penalty spot in the 43rd minute. Racing equalised two minutes from end. Other results. Ferrocarrll Oeste 3 Platense
      Agencies  -  318 words
    • 30 34 CAMBRIDGE, Mon. England beat India by eight wickets here yesterday in a 55over match between the young cricketers of the two countries. Scores: India 96, England 99-2. Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 605 34 SALES PERSONNEL (Male/Female) Tan Chong Industrial Machinery (Pte) Ltd, a member of the Tan Chong group of companies, distributes Nissan Diesel trucks, forklifts, cranes and other equipment The company is looking for highly achievement-orientated personnel to join their fastexpanding sales force in Singapore and Brunei. The Sales Force will be
      605 words
    • 926 34 Ad*, of the aame nature flock tOQettief m in CKessifieoSt foe •Itecttvn— SKI -4lß|ijßj||j||l^ NOTICES OF MEETINGS ANNUAL Of NERAL MEETINO* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-first Annual General Meeting of Malayawata Steel Berhad win be held at the Negara Room. 2nd Floor, Lower Lobby. Kuala Lumpur Hilton. Jalan
      926 words
    • 291 34 Singapoie requires FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Prerequisite: 1) Minimum GCE O' level or HSC. 2) Must be a Singapore Citizen. 3) Able to converse fluently with good mannerism and PR 4) Must have a pleasant disposition and willing to work long hours. 5) Ability to speak foreign language an advantage Salary
      291 words
    • 220 34 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER IS) PUBLIC EXAMINATION IN BANKRUPTCY NOB 749/70 Seng Seng Timber Company (sued as a firm) of No 587 Woodlands Road, 12 Wins, Singapore 2572. Partners: i1) Tan Cheng Huat of 100BH Block 15, Upper Boon Keng Road, Singapore 1438. I) Soh Chin Lay of 65E Block
      220 words
  • Page 34 Miscellaneous
    • 229 34 Bringing Up Father By Bill Ka vanagh Hal Camp haaggie cooks pnmer I I if Jtees re^mps i^e I I whats euRMiMe I I ||/£L 'ZLlAhki Ol ROTLWDA'S MlSMT OMCE MORE I 0JRMEP TOMK3WT; DARuM'? Hp^ )SS| 'nOFFAKOJSUALty -WEPlMMERL^erWEEK, L^T^_2s bupms rr- like last iu. SLAUGHTER HM/ 77~~] l //^7y
      229 words

    • 371 35  -  BERNARD PEREIRA He will go only if he has enough money By LIM KIAN TIONG, Singapore's No. 1 golf professional, has been invited to compete in the Japan Open championship in Tokyo from Oct. 26-Nov. But he will take part only if he .wakes enough
      LIM SENG TIONG  -  371 words
    • 356 35 GOLF ROUND-UP HARTFORD, Connecticut, Mon. Hubert Green yesterday ended a two-year slump by winning the US$3OO,OOO ($651,000) Greater Hartford Open golf tournament with a record-equalling score. Green, 34, shot a .'losing seven-under-par 64 to finish on 20-under-pur 264, matching the tournament mark set by
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 226 35 MANCHESTER, Mon. England moved to the brink of victory, despite stubborn batting by Australia on the fifth and final day of the Fifth cricket Test at Old Trafford today. A courageous unbeaten century by Allan Border inspired the touring team, who were pursuing a
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 226 35  -  WILFRED YEO By ANOTHER Singapore International bowling championship has come and gone, but local Open Masters' winners seem to be more eone than coming. The women's final was a foregone conclusion even before the 24-bowler field started on their twoday, 24-game roll-off. With
      226 words
    • 278 35  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By JEREMY YEO, on whom Singapore are banking for help in the world junior squash championships in February next year, crashed out of the Pakistan International Airlines Closed championships, losing 7-9, 2-9, 3-9 to Foo Say Chuan in the first round at
      278 words
    • 179 35 LONDON, Mon. New Zealander John Wright hit an unbeaten 66 to help Derbyshire beat Glarmogan by five wickets in an English Sunday League cricket match yesterday. Scores. At Swaaaea: Derby bt Glamorgan by 5 wkts. Glamorgan 132-9 (A.Jones 66 no). Derby 134-5 (J.Wright 66 no).
      Reuter  -  179 words
    • 119 35 IN A reversal of roles, Tan Scow Yew, a 71-kilogramme first dan, upset the odds to beat the fancied Low Chee Kiang to win the Pesta Sukan Open men's Judo title over the weekend. Results: Men's aader-ttkg. 1 Chng Kiong Choon, 2 Edmund Tan, 3
      119 words
    • 22 35 THE Singapore Amateur Boxing Association will hold their 47th annual meeting at Sports House, Rutland Road, on Saturday (4 p.m.).
      22 words
    • 178 35  -  PETER SIOW By NATIONAL women's table tennis coach M. Yazawa has stepped down from his post. The Japanese coach, who took up the job only three months ago, gave work commitments for quitting. But it is understood that Yazawa, a local exective with Kentucky Fried Chicken,
      178 words
    • 43 35 MUKUNATHAN scored all the goals in Engineering Services Department's 4-0 victory over Technical Training B in the Port Authority soccer tournament at Buktt Chermin yesterday. In another match, the Slop and Sludge Reception Treatment Centre beat Marine Pool A 2-0.
      43 words
    • 635 35 NAGOYA, Mon. Chinese weightlifter Wu Shude snatched a world record of 126.5 kilogrammes in the bantamweight (56 kg.) class as China dominated the first day of the 13th Asian weightlifting champion ships here yesterday. the 26-year-old Wu shattered the record of 125 kg. set by Cuban Daniel Nunez at
      Agencies  -  635 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 233 35 A INTER-ALPHA ASIA (SINGAPORE) LIMITED Your merchant bank in Singapote with European touch. The Inter-Alpha group of banks comprises of seven large banks in Europe. Banco Ambrosiano, Milan Established 1896 Berliner Handels-und Frankfurter Established 1855 Bank, Frankfurt (BHF Bank) Credit Commercial de France, Paris Established 1894 Kredietbank, Brussels Established 1935
      233 words
    • 531 35 KAMUNTING TIN DREDGING (M) BERHAD (Incorporated in Mateyaia) AUDITED GROUP MIMING AMD RNANCIAL RESULTS FOR TNE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH IWI Year Y~r fnyVu moVw 31 3.81 31 3 90 MINING RESULTS Output of tin concentrate 000 kg. 63 431 Equivalent to piculs 1,034 7.121 Average price per kilogramme of
      531 words
    • 753 35 M 1W HMM OOUtT M MALAYA AT JOHOtt BAHBU COM* AMY (WMMNO-UP) MO. at i««i IN THE MATTE* Of EMPORIUM JUMBO (M) SON. BHD And IN THE MATTEK Of THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 AOVBmSMMNT Of PETITION Nohc* it twraby givwi Ifcot a PMMon for Mw Wndmg-up ol 4m itownawd Company
      753 words

    • 366 36  -  Races will be on at Bukit Timah even if they don't arrive By EPSOM JEEP IT'S a race against time for 48 Ipoh-trained horses entered for the Singapore Turf Club Pesta Sukan Cup meeting which begins on Saturday. Up to yesterday morning,
      366 words
    • 310 36  -  TIPTOP By PENANG, Mon. Despite the syces' dispute, races at Penang went on without any major hitches on both weekends. At one stage, signs of a possible refusal by Penang-based syces to bring out their horses were averted when the secretary of the syces'
      310 words
    • 1180 36 WEIGHTS, ratings and barrier draws for this weekend's races: SATURDAY C-. IMM I.MOn, (ItoHng* 12S-110) 13 Sugar Ups 57 US 9 Always Welcome 56.5 124 10 Blue Diamond n 56 6 124 1 Timber Tycoon 56 123 4 BanyakCantik»s 122 llSporiacasterHS 120 7^ ncSurBUDC u8 ming ijynasiy
      1,180 words
    • 221 36 DEAUVILLE, Monday TO-AGORI-MOU and King's Lake, winners of the English and Irish 2,000 Guineas classics, were beaten soundly by Frenchtrained four-year-old Northjet in the rich Prix Jacques Le Marois yesterday. Northjet, ridden by Freddie Head, coasted in five lengths ahead of the Anglo-Irish pair of
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 209 36 SARATOGA SPRINGS, Monday WILLOW HOUR, a 24-1 shot ridden by Eddie Maple, out duel led Kentucky Derby and Preakness winner Pleasant Colony down the stretch in the mud on Saturday at Saratoga to take the 112 th running of the U*****,000 (5J486.000)
      UPI  -  209 words
    • 428 36 SATURDAY (good): RACE 1: National Special led into the straight but with 200 m to go was challenged by Pendragson's Cnarm and Serene s oy. He found no answer to these two strong finishers and ended up third. RACE 2: The Coup was
      428 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 90 36 m ■H w^^ k ***h i H *BL* hWt w t 1 P f IT AW m -Vil 'Orient' Analogue Quartz. The latest technology with outstanding quality and fashionable styling. 1 ORIENT y^^A Z.:- Rcf *****2 Ref. 54% 1 7 ORIENT SERVICE CENTRES SINGAPORE Unit GS (Ground Floor) Foe* Hai
      90 words

    • 538 37 THE Football Association of SiMg»p*re and Singapore Malays have run Into a headlong collision. The situation has been farther aggravated by Malays' threat to Held the four banned pi avers in the remaining Sultana' fold Cap matches aad their intention to face the FAS in court, If
      538 words
    • 371 37 southwards across the Causeway after five long, lean years. So the intentions of both the FAS and the Malays seem honest and, arguably, justifiable. Yet both parties ran smack into a head-on collision that has inexorably dragged the
      371 words
    • 107 37 IRAQ shocked the Lion City Cup under-16 soccer tournament organisers by announcing their withdrawal from the competition starting at the National Stadium on Aug. 30, reports JOE DORAI. Iraq, in a cable yesterday, stated that they were unable to come because of their schools
      107 words
    • 81 37 BADMINTON Intraprisons tourney: Changi v DRC (Changkat Changi, 7 45). Vigilante Corps Open finals (Kirn Seng Technical, 7.30). Singapore junior inter-club League: Esso v Tien Wah Press, CSC v SAFSA (SBA, 7.30). HOCKEY Friendly: SCC v Spore national team (Padang. SJO). SOCCER T»or match: Singapore v Seiko (Hongkong)
      81 words
    • 340 37  -  By JOE DORAI EDMUND WEE, Singapore's top goalkeeper, was yesterday surprisingly dropped from the squad to meet Hongkong's top professional club, Seiko, at the National Stadium tonight (7.30). -The main reasons for this, according to Jita Singh, the Republic's managercoach, were because of Wee's
      340 words
    • 27 37 JAKARTA. Mon. Mexico trounced the Philippines 124 in the Jakarta anniversary soccer tournament here last night and the Indonesian team, PSSI-Utama beat Malaysia 1-0. -AFP.
      AFP  -  27 words
    • 222 37  -  J. RAJENDRAN By WHAMPOA became the ninth inter-constituency badminton champions when they defeated Tainpines 3-2, in a cliffhanger at the Delta Sports Complex last night. Despite being twice behind, the whampoans fought bravely to maintain their record of being the only unbeaten team
      222 words
    • 41 37 DUKE UNITED trounced Hewlett Packard 10-0 in the Pest a Sukan women's soccer doubleknockout competition at the Queenstown Sports Complex yesterday. In two other matches, Darul Afiah hammered DoverClementi 7-0, while Chua Chu Kang defeated SeleUr 6-1.
      41 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 63 37 LUNCH in a BlSTROatmosphere Fjuov a new experience in good eating •A selection of delicious Hong Kongtftyle noddle* from only $3.50 47.77^ j •Hainanese Steamed Chicken, Char Siew, Roast Duck food stall •Succulent roast from the m 41 UProii the salad oar Quick tervice. 96TIT0SR JSJSS"*" ReSTJBIRffIIT Qpeilag koart: T
      63 words
    • 239 37 round the worid? I JVtoneywords $10,000 jackpot could I help your dream come true! Moneywords contest in New Nation Have fun with Moneywords and is now giving away at least $10,000 have a dream or two come true. prize money each week, plus a 66cm *ajTtJPJK"T7WTIP<| il I Grundig colour
      239 words

  • 29 38 NEW YORK, Mon. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 2.66 to 934.27 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange today.-AP
    AP  -  29 words
  • 146 38 A WARM handshake greets the nests of honour, toe Second Deputy Prime Minister (Foreign Affairs) *Mr 8 Rataratnam and Mrs Rajaratnam at the Indonesian Independence Day reception last night. The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia and Mrs Sudjatmlko were also hosts to Dr
    146 words
  • 199 38 BEIJING, Mon. The first major border clash between Chinese and Vietnamese troops since late June was reported today after the United States indicated that it may not object to a Chinese incursion into Vietnam. Nine Chinese frontier guards were either killed or wounded and an
    UPI  -  199 words
  • 70 38 CAIRO, Mon. An Egyptian military court today sentenced three men, described as Libyan intelligence agents, to hard labour for life for planning sabotage in Egypt. The court said the three men had planted bombs at a petrol station in the town of Marsa Matrouh near the
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 111 38 LISBON, Mon. THE parents who mourned, buried and received the insurance money on their son Carlos Nunes, 20, killed in a car crash last month were shocked to see him walk into their home in Faro, Portugal, yesterday. A month ago police asked
    AFP  -  111 words
  • 342 38 NEW DELHI, Monday THOUSANDS of demonstrators staged a protest rally and almost the entire opposition walked out of Parliament here today in protest against the Indian Government's new anti-strike powers. The walkout came as Parliamentary Affairs Minister Bhishma Narayan Singh rose to present copies of
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 129 38 DAMASCUS, Mon A POWERFUL explosion set the Syrian Prime Minister's •fflcr building ablate la Damascus today, prompting air farce helicopters to mount a rescue operation from the roof of the multistorey bmlMlag. A Syrian official niree, who asked not to be Identified by
    AP  -  129 words
  • 51 38 NEW DELHI, Mon. Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi today confirmed in parliament that India was developing a new powerful racket, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). She said the PSLV would be capable of placing satellites into orbit and was expected to be ready by 1986.
    AFP  -  51 words
  • 32 38 THE Hague, Mon. Sir Humphrey Waldork. president of the International Court of Justice, died on Saturday of a heart attack, a court spokesman l iid today. He was 77. AFP.
    AFP  -  32 words
  • 30 38 LONDON, Mon. US President Ronald Reagan will appoint Mr Evan Galbraith, a 53-year-old investment banker, as the now US Ambassador to Fran-e, the Sunday Telegraph reported yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 413 38 'Negotiations only with restructured union' WASHINGTON, Monday THE Reagan Administration, buoyed by reports of no major delays for travellers after re-routing trans-Atlantic flights, made it clear last night that it would negotiate only with a restructured air traffic controllers union. The strike by
    AP  -  413 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 160 38 The Stereophonic Walkabout in two attractive rnocteis m bK Standard Modol M 4440 o TALK LINE Bk o Full Silent Auto Stop m J/^/JT* m Pitch Control AJ IF BCd Hi o h P erlormarlte .^nf^iC > Permalloy Head ■SPf ■fSfi Wa-PW^aM ss e ed Contro> H)■ BB^anH B^a^v a^^uknßfli
      160 words
    • 111 38 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. Genuine stock market investors must surely be close to taking the view that they are being outgunned by forces unknown and totally undisciplined. The small man's only counter will be to step aside and leave the markets to the high-stakes casino gamblers who
      111 words
    • 322 38 RIDGID ■Pre-Tested Work Saver Tools'" ffl Heavy- Duty t^jr Chain Wrenches Four sizes-5" through TV \i]M Heavy- Duty i> •> Straight Pipe Wrenches arffe Ten sizes-6" through 60" Drop Head Threaders r Exposed Ratchet's" through 2" No. 535 Pipe Bolt Threading Machine tt Capacity- 1 a" through 2" pipe and
      322 words
  • Page 38 Miscellaneous
    • 179 38 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Mostly fair and windy. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: 33 max., 2C mill. SUNSET today: 8.42 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: S.33 a.m. GLOBAL WEATHER Amsterdam 17 21 C Clear Lm Aagelea 20 29C Oar Atkew 24.31C Clear Ma4rM 19/33C dear Bitndi 30/38C dear Maalla
      179 words

  • SECTION TWO The Straits Times
    • 5 1 SECTION TWO The Straits Times
      5 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 524 1  -  LIN SHAN ="y THIS programme Is the last in series and can be heard over SBC's English Service tonight at 7.45 and mi Sunday at a.m. Lessen 8S of this series will be repeated an Thursday at 8.45 p.m. over the FM Stereo Service. Lesson let: Revision
        524 words
      • 671 1 r Effective Reading L,Yng shoo y\ tin ta%l This essay will be broadcast today at 11. M a.m. and en Friday at 9.15 p.m. over SBC's Chinese service. K7fi?tt4tt'ffrtt* an *ft»*®« »«S "m ©T«jE*fc+W'& K^-+ IK Explanatory notes: THE purest kind of beauty transcends material standards. It is a thing
        671 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 243 1 Flourishing transportation businesses with the right choice I*^^^CT jf^fl^^^fc^ Tpttf^Ji laVk afft* BB^^^SBBl 'T- I irf ■sHkr^ M Itsssl l"»»l i\ I '^^~^El3 1# fcsssfcsttHsaJft I 3aaiUßßv J 1 i t- j^P^'^wMawasaaßsai i^ I r^^^^^^^^^^^^^'^HCjßasi bsb*C "*Mtsjl ■^■*]SCSBBB*3*aBs! Ln*r-*-^M ■^s*t"^b^^bl I J' iBBaTSsf SBsf iT, «B f f If^^ I™
        243 words
      • 72 1 Consumer rebel She's glad if you've warn the same dress (or II years; she's an antieonsumerLst who hates conformed non-conformists. Also find oat more about "cargo cults" on Centrespread Pages 6 and 7 Filming in Singapore Two men, once enemies, are now collaborators for a unique film on the Japanese
        72 words
    • 371 2 SHIRLEY Barney (Ch 5, 7.5« p.m.): The international star is back with a series of new shows, starting tonight, after the debut telecast here over a year ago. We will see her in the BBC TV Theatre in London and on location in far away
      371 words
    • 540 2 88C5 THE Young And The Restless (Ch 5, 3 p.m.): Lone persists in Dringing Leslie and Brad together again. She realises the two are, despite themselves, growing more and more vulnerable to each other. HUH Menus** (Ch 5, 7. IS p.m.): Cik Aisah Laily introduces pastry
      540 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 154 2 ffl as^BßWaaißßvl I SINGAPORE The Peter Low Silvers llji f J J f^^K BB^-"-"-~~ t lightweight compoctGDC BBV*^^^^tf 'heim A Omd you concompile complete proposols into neat imptessive presentation folios in minutes in your own office HA Therm A Dind heot seols up to hundreds of pages at one PA
        154 words
      • 101 2 ~^)~lnJ9SLi JLOL. PORTABI£4TROIi£Y 'BttlV^Ml FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ./"X nin. CU SEHS ABC &BC Dry Powder 1 UUURLUIbtW Foam Water f 7 g^± < 3 M«.7StriM FIRE MMM& EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS A Q|Ji^ a i^7 WV .^BWl^bw Portable Thread f 'vv Cut arnl Reams g^MM L V' Machine 6mm to 100 mm
        101 words
      • 17 2 ssdr hAmiTSUBISHI an coijourtv^ HEPROOUCES COLOURS WITH ABSOLUTE Uf€-UKE PURITY Jk Develop the reading habit Tunes Bookshops
        17 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 270 2 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS mtl wt)to Henjj gu^T 1 Dance from Carmen? (6) (S) 1 Shoot easy meat! (6) 8 Bug always used in the under8 7, 8 down, and 25 wem OK on world (11 1 horses (T) 10 Herod's turn to be leas than a 9 Having troubled
        270 words
      • 161 2 EXHIBITIONS: 1W1 National Day Art Kx- r hlbiUoa: Display of 155 works by 132 artists. Nat Museum Art Gallery. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Till Aug 31. Photo Exhibition: On the theme of our cultural heritage. Display of 139 colour and black and white prints. S'pore Conference Hall. 10 a.m. 6
        161 words
      • 1224 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.00 PM Operate fdowed by The You* 7 30 News and Weather Forecast And The Restless ,.«i!S y L 3.25 Sunday Selections (r) J-JJ f*> B «»y 4.15 The Three Stooges M And The Bean Health MJ K" E :rt (Englls n h) u S«
        1,224 words
    • 2247 3 Most people know Maria, the nun who married an Austrian captain in the film, The Sound Of Music. A new London stage production starring Petula Clurk in the lead role is in the making. What looks like a good material for a novel is no tale
      2,247 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 270 3 ONLY FROM Btf3& SAF DISPLAY BOTTLE UNERS TO COLLKT FOR VALUABLE saisi<!®> offers <mi COLLECT ONLY 3 SAF DISPLAY j£§& 1 $(Wy<- 1^ UNERS FOR ANY OF THESE ITEMS |(I|^ >\3^V AT SUPER DISCOUNTS: Wgj^> i^LJP S r 1 V^m ■HP 1 I ■&jD^ P^T^ Baa _/^^H^|flj A QUARTZ "^n
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    • LEISURE 1
      • 1162 4  -  RICHARD UM Story by THE two men fought on different sides of World War n. They met as enemies in Papua New Guinea, where they were both sent during ths war. Now, about 36 years afterwards, they are coming together to make a $10 million film about
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      • 882 4 NO PASS -NO FEE. Our guarantee —Exam success Ist time or your fee refunded. -t^^^«— m Because with CM courses, you learn at your own JJ^ pa*^- And, without leaving your home, you get the- if, t>cnefit of our years of experience. Plus advice and r <,•* help from specialised
        882 words
      • 29 4 FACTORT REPRESENTATIVE FOO SOUTH EAST ASIA STTHUSEAJPTELTD Unit 1003. 10th Floor Tatn Boon Liftt Buikftng. Outran Ro»o Stn^aporw 031* Ti 2233 M? i 3 L>o«*iC4>b*« STIMLS£A T«t*a RS *****
        29 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • Article, Illustration
        649 5  -  DANA LAM Interview by Significance of jade in Chinese culture (slide/lecture) by Elsie Fie Men tonight, 8 p.m. Nat Museum Tneatrette ELSIE Fielden was born Elsie Smith in Liverpool. She went to high school in Scotland and studied practical things, like shorthand, typewriting, economics and business correspondence.
        649 words
      • 470 5 Lion Of The Desert Odeon; reviewed by PATRICK SHEN ITALY had been attempting to colonise that part of North Africa now known as Libya. It was not making much headway and so in 1929, after 20 struggling years, Mussolini sends in General Graziani (Oliver Reed)
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    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 457 5 Picture perfection on the screen.^ Telefunken features a mask edge i that blends harmoniously in with the 4L% J^ screen's edges: For perfect colours r\ I\/\^l right at the screen's edges. Straight r~J L-7 lines that are absolutely straight. With «|j4|Af Z__, fl pictures in correct proportions I W^' I
        457 words
      • 287 6 METALLIC colours are everywhere —in shoes, bags, belts, accessories,'s the season of the gold rush and bronze fantasy tk»,, m shoX y md choker!™ta IthnTc-like chunk? of niete? or leafy ext^ava ranzas e3nrava K T In clothes they peep discreetly or blaze in
        287 words
      • 687 6  -  By JOHN DE SOUZA SHE ranks among such greats of Italian fashion as Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace and Gianfranco Ferre. Competition she finds stimulating, and thinks her countrymen, with their rich creativity, are the best. She believes in design, in fashion and in being
        687 words
      • 899 6  -  THE first cargo cult I lived in was a rather well-known one in anthropological circles although the department store catalogues hadn't reached there yet. It was a tiny outpost on an island in the South Pacific belonging to Papua New Guinea, and served thrice weekly (if
        899 words
      • 450 7  -  MAN JIT KAUR By WHO says that ethnic and national costumes are not subjected to the vagaries of fashion? True, the basic features never change; but people do have a way of updating the look. The Punjabi suit points this out quite well. Since its
        450 words
      • 180 7 WHAT'S inside a silvery package, white innards, and clay-brown cardboard packing? No, not a souvenir of the Singapore River; no, what actually comes within this tinselled surprise package is a small bottle of Christina, the latest scent to emerge from Perfumes Of Singapore Oh, you remember
        180 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 494 6 The extraordinary skin care collection byChristianDion t Like all Dior, it i.s si n^le mindedl v I dedicated to beauty. Dior recreates the natural allows the skin to 'breathe' by balance to keep your skin young promoting the natural exchange Skin like all living tissues. between the epidermis and has
        494 words
      • 105 6 Jl JL~^*J JL m m m m just sweetness* Hermesetas is the pure sweetener from Switzerland, k's a better way to enjoy a healthy balanced diet without giving up sweetness. Because each tiny Hermesetas tablet has the sweetness of a teaspoonfui of sugar. But it's completely Calorie-free. Excess Calories, not
        105 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 68 7 STOP THAT SCRATCHING! Great news for people who are always scratching their scaips because of dandruff, seborrhea or even psoriasis. Denorex® Medicated Shampoo is formulated to help remove ugly white scales, control flaking, medicate scabby lesions, and lift off scurf. It also helps stop itching. No matter what shampoo you've
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      • 336 7 Tamptttamfm.Tkrwstcoritf^^ tQuse,exmtfymTxmmusedatmipmbefm. Because tampons arc worn internally. nSey should Swim, play tennis, disco in your tightest outfits be as comfortable as possible. Tampax make them with complete confidence and complete comfort, that way. Tampons so gende, so comfortable, once And without the fear of embarrassing leaks, in place, you can
        336 words
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      • 358 8 jfS^S ll|^^^l TCHI manufactures a wide range of rl-^R chain hoists both electric and hand .fj^P operated to help you get things a^^^^ afwJan moving. And they come in capacities Epp from 0.5 to 50 tons to suit your NITCHI chain hoists are labour-saving, I economical to operate and maintain,
        358 words
      • 193 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CT3 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 II I C 3 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 tint riFii *(*cm(oad UULUCn Tel 2MS4«7 LAST 2 DAV8I MUnij^OJ, «45, 9.30pm CLEMENTI TODAY t TOMORROW!
        193 words
      • 402 8 I JADE: "TODAY" "TOMORROW. (*****80) S BHOWB at 11«n, 1.30. 4. c.M 9 OOpm BY DEMAND! i m ttw tt^ths^i lkifti, wmm I a* spac»... <H W^SxmFm m A Horrific _?-^3 Nightnw. II W^^^riJ-,'" is about W^^Z^m. >T^l< M to baconw a ■BHMMBHri9a2at.£*flßHa! H aj^7^ff3rs|fflffir-^iT™^ fM f m Ik t>J
        402 words
      • 653 8 '*111 I I I f OW6ANISATIOM j K«f^aimi«B»c»i-lri.^l B M NOW SHOWINC, W I lorn, I 30 4 00. 6 JO. 9 15 W "Ounn Mustlar Mandarin NEXT CHANa "THE LOOT" Cnntonete S B^^^B^^B^ HK^^l^^B TODAY ONLY B I llam, I 45.400,630,9 1 5 I "HEROCS a«iad NO TEARS' fj
        653 words
    • 911 9 Quarantine, especially plant quarantine, does not stop at Sydney airport. A Sydney taxi driver described an Oxford-accented Englishman he'd had in his cab as "This Pom had a plum in his mouth so big he wouldn't get it across the NSW/Victoria border!" Nor
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    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 228 9 %c &st &ef Specials fartewn A Directly imported Another f~ T from the u!s^. unsurpassable w taste is our f^l Fn r*L I Live entertainment by Rib Eye Steak 1/ 1 F* "Gentle Friend" r JjM *y I 'fom the Philippines B cigars with our z I compliments A P
        228 words
    • 1087 10 Year: 1980 President of the United States: Ronald Reagan Question: Will he survive the Indian Revenge? For once every 20 years since 1840, America has elected a president who has died in office. Legend has it that it has something to do with an Indian curse. And
      1,087 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1191 11 •k From Pag* Ten vest when he goes jogging. Former President Gerald Ford, on whom two assassination attempts were made in 17 days, had his golf jacket lined with it. New York Police had a collection to raise L2OO US$800) to get
      IPS  -  1,191 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 491 11 PJ Only 6 departures and limited SjgjM seats. Departure dates ?JJ 15-day 4th Oct, 26th Nov Efl 15th Dec K 18-day 22nd Nov, 24th Nov, tj^^^ Enjoy a glittering dinner show at 29 th Nov Las Vegas. Experience a touch For detaj g can D of Denmark at Solvang, the
        491 words
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      • 58 12 bBBBI I S^^rfß *v*^ 'MmmMßB '3 B^ffll Bi *i JjJ P^i BbW-"'^' \1 HBI ■I lllf tiff BBH MnV MiJ I r Sflfll i i ■Vlililfy '•4^-^ii^'*''ir j f <V^"*" >; BBMW 4^' -mgM^^ V I i^Sj Published by The Straits Times Press 1975) Ltd. and Printed by Times Publishing
        58 words