The Straits Times, 15 August 1981

Total Pages: 70
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 101/1/81
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  • 348 1 Govt's own personnel managers PARLIAMENTARY REPORTB: P. 12, 13 THE government is planning to build up a corps of career administrators to give full-time attention to personnel matters in the civil service. A proposal to create a separate Personnel Officers Service is being studied by
    348 words
  • 431 1  -  BEN DAVIDSON By BUSINESSMAN Isaac Paul Ratnam, one of the two defendants in a $21million fraud conspiracy trial, pleaded guilty yesterday to three of the 40 charges against him. He also pleaded guilty to a fresh charge of having given a $50,000 bribe to
    431 words
  • 276 1 JAKARTA, Fri. MALAYSIA and Iadane sla today arced the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea and a political solution In Afghanistan so that the people of tola countries can chaaa e their own governments. Their demands came in a joint communique Issued at the end
    UPI  -  276 words
  • 62 1 SEOUL, Fri. South Korea today announced an amnesty for 1,061 convicted prisoners, including three secretaries of imprisoned political dissident Kirn Dae-jung. But the amnesty did not benefit the 55-year-old Kirn, a former presidential candidate, who is serving a life sentence for sedition, including fomenting a
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 46 1 GDANSK, Fri. To the sound of sirens blaring throughout this Baltic port, the independent trade union Solidarity today celebrated the first anniversary of the shipyard strike that brought it into being. Trams, buses and taxis stopped for one minute to mark the occasion. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 83 1 Madrid, Fri. Armed men tried to kidnap the four-year-old son of a Saudi prince in this southern Spanish town but let him go when they were offered US$700,000 (S$1.5 million) in cash and valuables, police said today. Police said six men wearing masks and armed with rifles
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 51 1 BANGKOK, Fri. Thailand has announced plans to call up its 7 millionman reserve force for active duty training. A military spokesman said here yesterday that the call-up, effective at a date to be announced, was designed to make more manpower available for rural development projects.
    AFP  -  51 words
  • 92 1 ABOUT 3,000 non-gradu-ate teachers will receive a small windfall from next month under a new bonus scheme of the Education MinistryThey will receive between $25 and $50 a month, depending on their pay scales, for every distinction scored m English English literature and elementary mathematics m
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  • 603 1 WASHINGTON, Friday THE Reagan Administration has flatly rejected pleas by the world's air traffic controllers to reopen talks with striking American controllers, saying the issue is law and order not management against labour. The executive board of the International Federation of Air
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  603 words
  • 320 1 says report HONGKONG, Fri. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the former Kampuchean head of state, has announced his readiness to accept China's offer of making him the head of state and Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea, the Par Eastern Economic Review reported in its latest issue.
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  • 141 1 FOREIGN Minister 8. Dhaaaaalaa told Parliament yesterday that he was sticking his neck oat to predict that a solution to the Kampu chea problem would become a reality la three to five years' time if the pressure on and Isolation of Vietnam Is
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  • 850 1  -  EDMUND WEE and AHMAD OSMAN By THE National Trades Union Congress said yesterday that it accepted in principle the recommendations of the Committee on Productivity. One of the recommendations was that "core" workers should get priority in the allocation of public housing a suggestion
    850 words
  • 51 1 TRIPOLI, Frl. A grasp leyal to Libya* straaguUM Muammar GkaMafl ted»y threatened to Preatteat Rsnald Reagan aai Isaac* tae "biggest rsmmtnds operation la history" ftgainat America* Interests In paalaameat f»r an alleged US pIM to kill CM. Qiaddafl, tbe Libyan ■ewa agency Jaaa reported.
    AP  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 86 1 I'wjH HMT^^ft r A I Haaring teat to be made compulsory for all workers m noisy industries: P. 12 Come experience with us on bc-io to JAKARTA And enjoy the inflight comfort 5 Flights Daily From Singapore Flight Noa Departure GAB5l* 0800 hrs GAB 53* 1130 hrs GABSS 1430 hrs
      86 words
    • 151 1 7 r ~"V%. ,;i Jewellers of yi Ift Distinction I^Hq Precious Gems Wf Imported Directly JK ¥W From Sri Lanka Wholesde Retail G.M.DE SILVA PTE. LTD. Jewellers and Gem Merchants G34, Specialists' Centra, Ground Fir, Orchard Road, Singapore 0923 Tel *****37 7371 207. G6, DBS Building, Ground Fir, Shenton Way,
      151 words
    • 65 1 70 pages today In Summary Page 2 NO L-DRIVERS ON THE ROADS BY 1985 Back Page Pages 3, 4, 6 Mister Courteous who can be tough Page 14 SAF Tigers Pages Causeway Page 34 EDITORIAL lC LETTERS 17 CLASBIFIED6 3-K COMICS SS 14 strikes but no perfect game Page 39
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    • 605 2 $42,000 haul TWO MEN walked into a three-room HDB flat in Holland Drive pretending to repay a $34,000 debt and robbed housewife H.K. Wong, 39, of $35,000 and jewellery wgrth $7,500 yesterday. She was serving them coffee when they took out penknives. They tied Madam Wong and her son
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    • 229 2 No apology for Fok NATIONAL shot-putter and discus thrower Fok Keng Choy wUl not get an apology from the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association. Fok had demanded one after the SAAA team manager made a report accusing him of misconduct at the Asean track and field championships in Jakarta last
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    • 184 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SAYS: THE Committee on Productivity's recommendations are fraught with so many practical difficulties that res pom tm from the employers and trade unionists have at best been cautious and wont muddled. A lot more thinking will have to be done and the Productivity Council should not
      184 words
    • 230 2 1,000 JOBS SHAVED FROM SECTOR THE net loss of 1,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector during the second quarter of this year indicates the progress of Singapore's restructuring programme. This was disclosed in the latest quarterly Economic Survey of Singapore published by the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
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    • 84 2 WINNING OVER VILLAGERS THAI communists and Muslim separatists are stepping up their terrorist campaigns in southern Thailand. The Communist Party of Thailand has adopted a bolder strategy to harass government forces in open areas and towns. Secessionist groups are also intensifying their efforts to create civil disorder. The Thai
      84 words
    • 453 2 European muscles AMERICAN and Russian troops will be engaged in big movements in Europe with the Soviet Union carrying out manoeuvres along Poland's borders and the Americans redeploying some combat units closer to East German and Czechoslovak borders. Soviet exercises, involving some 25,000 troops, will be carried
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    • 220 2 Elusive pirates THAI fishermen working for Malaysians are apparently tipping off pirates about policemen in disguise. Thai pirates on Tuesday robbed fishermen of three boats off Pulau Langkawi but when police dressed as fishermen went to sea in trawlers, the pirates stayed away. And, while police were
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    • 463 2 Price of dance THE dance business is expensive. A company spends a million dollars a year to keep itself going but dancers themselves do not get very much. Salaries are between $300 and $900. Still, there are many who answer advertisements for dancers and many who leave for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 •1^ IV mV WkM v*v X .«pvV ~#YAMAHA Showrooms: Authorised Dealers: bth Floor, PlazaSingapura.Orchardßoad. EVERSTRONG INT.TRDG.CO. STEREO MART TRADING CO Tel: *****11 Unit 157 Peoples Park Centre Unit 110-BFai East Shopping <^n»re Block 87. 2nd Floor. Marine Parade. KARACHI SILK STORE WORLD AUDIO CENTRE Tel *****88 896 Sembawang Road (JG
      190 words

    • 92 3 MOSCOW, PH. Palish communist party leader Stanlslaw kanla and Premier Wojrlech Jarnwlskl arrived today in the Soviet Crimea, where President Leonid Brezhnev is vacationing, for crisis talks, Radio Moscow said. The Polish leaden, who new In from Warsaw, were met at Simferopol Airport by Soviet
      AFP  -  92 words
    • 86 3 THE parents of runaway Soviet schoolboy, Walter Polovchab, were apparently pressured to retain to Moscow wlthout him to avoid a custody trial that would focus "repression" la the Soviet I nlon, according to the boy's lawyer Julian Kolas. Bat the boy's mother, Mrs Anna Polovchak, told the
      UPI  -  86 words
    • 128 3 LONDON, Fri. All 13 men aboard a twin-en-gined helicopter bringing workers ashore from gas rigs off eastern England are believed to have died when it plunged into the sea. The crash yesterday was the worst involving a British helicopter. An oil company official said
      Reuter; AFP  -  128 words
    • 150 3 LONDON, Fri. Britain's state-owned railways warned employees today that a national strike threatened from Aug 31 could mean the loss of 20,000 lobs and £150 million (S5650 million) in lost business. In a letter to the three unions that represent railway workers, British Rail chief
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 448 3 BERLIN, Friday THE Soviet Union and the United States are making preparations for troop movements in Europe the Soviets to carry out major manoeuvres along Poland's borders, and the Americans to redeploy some of its combat units in West Germany closer to East German
      Reuter; AFP  -  448 words
    • 428 3 SANTA BARBARA, Fri. WHITE HOUSE officials said today they saw no chance for an early Soviet-American summit even though President Ronald Reagan had proposed to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that they should meet to discuss ways of preserving peace. The officials said that differences
      Reuter  -  428 words
    • 279 3 GENEVA, Fri. France rebuked the Soviet Union yesterday at the 40-nation disarmament conference for saying that French nuclear missiles were part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's nuclear arsenal. During a debate on neutron weapons, French delegate Francois de la Gorce, asserted that
      NYT  -  279 words
    • 78 3 DETROIT, Fri. Five elderly women who vanished mysteriously from a Florida boarding house last week were dumped m front of a Detroit hospital yesterday, confused and disoriented but apparently unharmed, police said. The women, ages 62 to 91, were flown the 2.080 km from Miami to Detroit
      UPI  -  78 words
    • 31 3 TOKYO, Fri. Kampuchea and East Germany signed a bilateral trade agreement on Wednesday, Hanoi Radio reported yesterday. The broadcast, monitored here, gave no details about the trade agreement. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 30 3 WASHINGTON. Fri. Chinese Foreign Minister Huang Hua has been invited to visit the United States before the end of the year, the State Department said yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  30 words
    • 131 3 EUGENE (Oreg*n), Frl. Chester, the tipsy sea-gall wt-wtd d fed the aeta «f a tan pe*pie seeklag to capture him. to remeve a bulky fUklag lire CMght Id Us be»k. Chester and ■•me birds dlMtl whiskey soaked wheat brrad yeeteday at Pen Rldgr reservMr.
      131 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 saw I^KMUC^^k^kl Ladies Handbags v ISgTjifjMß Less 30% to 50% 1 fei Wmmm m 1 1 HI TWMniMH V^eMwMijUSiSJB BBHn^P I jn^nf^A-w^ fi-W^ ■&^*WsC3 61cm*«6.Oo| > HwMMPMP HIPV^MM^aV 66cm»8S00B Haßßßß^fl lnmto 74 cm •95.00 fofl I imporieo BB o« Combination Z^^^V. Lock ABS Beauty Imported Combination Lock Case«36«ac»i ABS Suitcases
      80 words
    • 851 3 MAJOR OIL OOMMNY MANAGER I PERSONNEL RELATIONS I Attractive Salary and Benefits Negotiabfe Location: Singapore f A major International Oil Company While the successful candidate will Ml operating m Singapore is looking for a work closely with Senior Management at Lfl person with maturity, drive and all times, he will
      851 words

    • 352 4 WASHINGTON, Friday SECRETARY of Defence Caspar Weinberger has prepared for President Reagan a proposal to expand the nations strategic nuclear deterrent forces that goes well beyond previous plans, senior administration officials said. The costly plan would include intercontinental ballistics missiles, longrange bombers, Trident
      NYT  -  352 words
    • 214 4 HONGKONG, Fri. Police here are trying to home in on a pigeon-fan-cier with a criminal bent and extortionist ambitions. He has been threatening for the past month to blow up the local office of a major oil company unless he is paid HKJ4T0.0O0 (Sfl69,200) in
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 71 4 BANGKOK, Fri. Three communist guerilla camps have boen captured by government forces in north-eastern Thailand, military sources said today. They did not say when the camps were seized but disclosed that an anti-guerilla operation had been launched recently in the Phuphan mountain area near Laos.
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 345 4 TOKYO, Fri. JAPAN'S defence agency, clearly angling for a greater defence budget, today said m its annual White paper on defence issues that Japan must step up its military efforts to counter a growing worldwide Soviet threat. The document, a yearly analysis of defence
      AP  -  345 words
    • 262 4 COLOMBO, Fri. The government today decided to lift a night curfew clamped on three areas after two dffys of sporadic communal violence in Sri Lanka. A government spokesman said isolated cases of violence were reported from some areas although the situation had improved.
      Reuter  -  262 words
    • 55 4 BILBOA (Spain), Frl. Seventeen Bengali seamen aboard a Panamanian-regis-tered freighter have asked to be repatriated to Bangladesh when the ship berths at Barcelona, its next port of call, shipping sources said here. Trie seamen were afraid of going to Iran, a hostile country
      AFP  -  55 words
    • 166 4 ISLAMABAD, Prl. International trmveUen Hying on Pakistan airliners today were asked U lean the Pakistan national anthem. They were told to expect at least their cabin crew to bust into the song while winging through the skies. This was net a sales gimmick
      Reuter  -  166 words
      • 57 4 THE deployment of Libyan ground-to-air missiles m Lebanon creates an "unacceptable" situation for T< rael, a spokesman for Prime Minister Menachem Begin said m Jerusalem yesterday. Yesterday Libya's ambassador to Lebanon, Mr Saleh Bruky, said the Lebanese Government had accepted a Libyan proposal for an anti-aircraft defence system,
        AFP  -  57 words
      • 59 4 ALGERIA has threatened to ban sales of Japanese cars if Tokyo cuts oil purchases from the North African nation, government officials in Tokyo said yesterday. Major US oil traders reportedly suspended oil imports from Algeria last month, and Japanese imports have shrunk from 80,000 barrels a day
        UPI  -  59 words
      • 66 4 THE Soviet army newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) said m Moscow yesterday Afghan government forces were facing a tough battle against guerilla insurgents but could always rely on help from Moscow. The daily made the rare admission that the guerillas were operating on a major scale. It said
        Reuter  -  66 words
      • 93 4 PRESIDENT Sanjiva Reddy has called on Indians to be prepared to meet any threat to the country s security. India always desired friendly relations with its neighbours but could not remain indifferent to "events and developments around us," he said m New Delhi yesterday, the eve
        Reuter  -  93 words
      • 73 4 THE Soviet Union yesterday proposed m the United Nations banning all sorts of weapons m outer space and attacking space vehicles of other countries. A letter from Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko to UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim pointed out that a 1967 treaty already banned weapons of
        AFP  -  73 words
      • 82 4 ONE-THIRD of the entire New Zealand police force will be on duty in the biggest security operation in Christcnurch today to stop any anti-apartheid demonstrations at the first rugby test match by the touring South African Springboks and the New Zealand national side, the All Blacks. Prime
        AFP  -  82 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 925 4 An internationally famous company, originating m the USA, and engaged m the manufacture of exclusive hand-crafted artefacts which are cherished collectors items the world over is establishing a plant m KULIM. KEDAH Prior to commencement of Xl operations they now wish to fill two key positions I FINANCIAL CONTROLLER I
      925 words
    • 144 4 Treasure of the Orient- antique coffee tables, couches, chairs, sleeping chairs Ordered from China before the price increase and priced reasonably within your reach. Now you don't have to pay a fortune for a piece of antique. ffif™2 7tt!!!1!3^38 WF^By* far. 1 j^_ {ifa gfSttfft SU#ttl? El 9 SINGAPORE WOODCRAFT
      144 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1600 5 H ROBINSON'S r^^i^^M A Get the Best for Less J n^3Pl wT& i^^Lmmm MWmm\^ Boys' School Shorts S-XL Regular Price \jM KSl^ 4tiS^ «S^ F^.^J^^Kl wm m M S9 50 SALES6 «X fflthidw r^ w S\ *rT PETIT JANE Long Pants. Skirt Suits and WS/S^SSSw I W ~^^ttm\ -L IB
      1,600 words

    • 134 6 WEST GERMAN demonstrators carrying 72 crosses as they demonstrate on the 2ttn anniversary at the ereetiaa at the Berlin Wall In West BerUn aa Tharsd»y. The 72 grssses symaeUae the aunher af East G*nnan« killed aa they tried ta cress the wall to reach
      UPI  -  134 words
    • 338 6 NEW YORK, Friday SAUDI Arabia cannot maintain the billions of dollars worth of US weapons it has ordered and this will allow America to control the strategic uses of the equipment, military analysts said here today. They said
      AP  -  338 words
    • Sideliners
      • 77 6 ABOVE a Beijing melon-sell-er's stand was this sign m red characters: "Watermelons not guaranteed ripe. If you get an unripe one, it serves you right," the People's Daily reported yesterday. Atop another pile of melons was another message: "These watermelons not guaranteed ripe. We do not welcome you
        AP  -  77 words
      • 84 6 THE San Diego Museum of Art in California says it has cancelled an exhibit of 18th century Japanese prints after a resident expert said the works were fakes. Mr Steve Brezzo, director of the museum, said on Wednesday the prints were purported to be done by
        AP  -  84 words
      • 90 6 TRAIN drivers falling asleep on the job m Vietnam may become a thins of the past. The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported yesterday that the diesel engine repair shop of the Hanoi locomotive plant has designed and put into mass production an automatic alarm to wake up
        AP  -  90 words
      • 61 6 THE FBI said m Chicago yesterday no Federal charges will be filed against a Miami sailor who claimed his attempt to hijack a plane to Cuba was only a bad joke. Keith Allen, who allegedly told aflight attendent, 'Take me to Cuba or I'll blow
        UPI  -  61 words
    • 60 6 LOS ANGELES, Fri. Customs officials have arrested a Nigerian woman who allegedly attempted to smuggle three dozen slimy giant African snails some up to 30 cm long into the United States last week. The snails, considered a delicacy in Nigeria, are labelled pests almost as dangerous
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 27 6 PALMER (Alaska), Fri. An earthquake measuring 3.9 on the Richter Scale rattled portions of south-central Alaska early yesterday, the Alaska Tsunami Warning Centre reported. AP.
      AP  -  27 words
    • 149 6 NEW YORK, Fri. The United States has begun efforts to reach an agreement barring nuclear weapons from the Middle East, US arms control chief Eugene Rostow was quoted today as saying. Mr Rostow, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, told the
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 31 6 SYDNEY, Fri. Australian workers lost more than US$l74 million (***** million) m wages during strikes last year, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 31 6 SEOUL, Fri. Eleven people were killed and 20 injured when a propane gas explosion destroyed a two-storey restaurant last night m Anyang, south of Seoul, police reported today. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 317 6 MADRID, Fri A GROUP of armed men, "apparently Iranians," seized three Iranian military boats off southern Spain and diverted two of the craft to Spain and a third to Morocco, the Spanish government said today. The Foreign Ministry said the seizure was carried out
      AP  -  317 words
    • 163 6 MONROVIA, Frl. Former vice head of state, Majsr-Geaeral Thomas Weh Syea, aad f oar ether members of the riling People's Revolutionary Conacll, charged with plotting a eeap, were executed by firing squad at daws today, the Llherlaa news agency reported. The five were convicted by
      AP  -  163 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 490 6 PRESENTING I ■This may be an excellent opportunity for you to I win a 100% rebate on the furniture that you I purchase at Soonly Ann. Come and make a [choice. It may be free of charge to you. y^A SLVI *y^ In addition for every H^^sJ Ba^iVVnnnnf^J^^^^^^ purchase of
      490 words
    • 349 6 A joint venture metal extrusion company, a market leader manufacturing a large range of sheets and shapes, seeks to fill two senior positions m the production division of the Petaling Java plant W'M PLANTMANAGER I Around $40,000 per annum (Ref: 2532) Reporting to the Works Manager, the electrical, mechanical or
      349 words

    • 1484 7  -  LEE KIM CHEW TERRORIST activity hat increased recently m southern Thailand. Apart from taking military action to keep the situation m check, the Thai authorities are concentrating on rural development to win the people over. By Our Bangkok Correspondent Although the separatists,
      1,484 words
    • 559 7 WHILE some industrialists look to robots for life-saving productivity improvements in their stricken factories, research and development laboratories are working on machines that could provide light relief for the automation revolution and some businessmen are applying even conventional robots with a twinkle in their eyes.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 It takes only a few hours to lay this beautiful new floor that will lastyears. WB£L OCAVI BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. No. 575. Balestier Road. Singapore 1232. Tel: *****50/1 Open Mon Sat: Ba.m. to 7p.m. Sunday 2 to 6p.m. and hand-held. 100 Wires m 6 minutes. M^m ,«*bw ♦Automatic stripping ja*s
      224 words

  • 303 8 NON-GRADUATE teachers who scored distinctions m English, English Literature and Elementary Mathematics at their Senior Cambridge or GCiS 'O' level examinations, will get more money m their pay packets from next month. Under a new bonus scheme announced by the Ministry of Education,
    303 words
  • 47 8 RESIDENTS of 14 blocks m Boon Lay were hit by a power failure last night. This was caused when a cable became damaged during construction work m Boon Lay Avenue at 7 p.m., a PUB spokesman said. By 10 p.m. power was restored completely.
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  • 202 8 BEATTY Secondary School, which now takes in girls only at pre-uni-versity level, will be fully co-educational from January 1983. The school, located at Beatty Road since it was set up in 1953, will shift to new premises at Toa Payoh North next
    202 words
  • 137 8 ABOUT 300 graduate teachers, who completed their Diploma-in-Educa-tion course last November, will receive their higher salaries in their September pay packet, said an Education Ministry spokesman yesterday. He said this when asked about the impatience some of these teachers had expressed over
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  • 309 8 A NEW aerobatic team of F-5E Tiger fighter Jets will make their debut at this year's Singapore Armed Forces Display at West Coast Park. This is one of the many new items to be introduced in the SAF Mobile Display, which will be on
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  • 91 8 MOTORCYCLIST Lee Tong Chee, 30, died after his machine and an SBS bus colided along Choa Chu Kane Road at 6.45 a.m. on Thursday. Those who saw the accident should phone Insp Mickey Lee of the Traffic Investigation Section, at *****4 ext 772. In
    91 words
  • 339 8 THE SUgapore Association tor the Blind ha* applied to the Sklite Development Fund to kelp finance project to train Its members In ■stag a new machine that wUl enable them to read direct from printed material. By doing s«, the association topes to
    339 words
  • 121 8 OUTRAM Park Shopping Complex Association was ordered by a magistrate yesterday to pay $1,780 to Asahi Advertising Agency over the association's 10th anniversary celebrations. The agency cited as defendants the association and its sub-committee, headed by Mr Ng Chee San. In its statement
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  • 208 8 SINGAPORE must adopt the "zero defect" philosophy to continue to do well in the future, the Health and Second Minister for Defence, Mr Goh Chok Tong. said last night. "That means we do not accept that making mistakes is human. We want perfection,"
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  • 49 8 BUKIT Panjang Zone A residents' committee will hold a Fruit Trees Planting Project at the Held between Blocks 1 and 5 MarsUing Drive, tomorrow. Mr Lee Yiok Seng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (National Development) and MP for Bukit Panjang, will officiate the project launching at 9.45 a.m.
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  • 50 8 A POTTED plant competition will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the void deck of Block 111. Avenue 4, Ans Mo Kio. The competition, divided into fern, creeper, cactus and potted plant sections, will be open to residents of Blocks 101 to 111. Entries close today.
    50 words
  • 240 8 HOUSEWIFE H.K. Wong, 39, was robbed of $35,000 and Jewellery worth $7,500 after she let two men into her home thinking they were her husband's acquaintances. She was serving coffee when they whipped out their penknives. Madam Wong put up a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 196 8 /^JJjjjjjjjjjjf^^^^Mjf^\ Charming flowery touches enchantingly cool, ■m^BB^I^U l^r^^^si^n I .issaaar soothingly soft. Bringing outtheblossoming beauty m you m 1 m Tfrne toßloom Cringle skirts, pretty blousesand more all m 100% cotton fB JIIm The full Liberty floral range is now available at the Boutique aem^sßßeVaV Dept. I.H. Ist fir. 1.0.
      196 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 432 9 >• j«^ K_a 11Vllt*\7f JOCC_O I i AIJC JUUAUiy V^laoolC B If The new Datsun laurel. A »i I^L___H A weH-desifned expression of everything luxurious m motoringB^ Pfinh interior. A powerful 1998 cc engine. ■__|_MM _^B I JL Jp ....-> fJI Aerodynamic styling refined according to the highest fl _f_M_J^
      432 words

  • 201 10 AN SAF lance-corporal stole $15,706 worth of Jewellery in six months. Choone Thiam Onn, 21, admitted in a magistrate's court to 27 offences of snatch theft and two charges of cheating. Police prosecutor Asst Supt Tan Kok Ann said Choong committed the
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  • 538 10  -  EDMUND TEO By Transport Reporter ALL taxis may be required to ply at least once a week during evening peak hours in the city. This is one of several ideas being looked into by the government in a bid
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  • 149 10 A TWO-YEAR-OLD petition by a bank, seeking to bankrupt property developer, Mr Lim Cher Kheng, was allowed to be withdrawn before Mr Justice A.P. Rajah in the High Court yesterday. Miss B.M. Bala, for the petitioning creditor, United Malayan Banking Corp Bhd, applied for
    149 words
    • The Sunday Times
      • 93 10 NOSTALGIA of the Weekender two weeks ago featured the historical value of St Joseph's Institution, where the writer suggested that the old building should be preserved. Since then, an architect, writing in the latest issue of the Singapore Institute of Planners' journal, has called for more
        93 words
      • 58 10 ON the eve of a new eeer seassa Kevin Keegmn, Europe's mast prolific pUyer, finds himself at the watershed *f his career. Has the tint "tyc*M" *f British fo*tb»ll burned himself «atr Or eaa he drive KngUnd to the W*rld Cap tlnala? Keegaa's hepes aad fears
        58 words
      • 85 10 MORE than two decades ago, foreigners thought of Singapore as a rather secluded corner of the mysterious East, where people went around with pigtails, and tigers sprang from every garden or street corner. The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board did not exist then, nor were there proper
        85 words
      • 55 10 SHOWBIZ USA reveals that a mysterious body will be found la J.R. E wing's (DaIIas) swimming PML LIKE IT OB LOATHE IT: Those grotesque yet Imposing sculptures of concrete and wire in the Tiger Balm Gardens. FASHION goes leggy: A display of the current look In split
        55 words
    • Sunday Nation
      • 84 10 THE Nation celebrated its 16th birthday last weekend. You may want to do some introspection about yourself this weekend. Over half a year has gone. And you haven't done anything about your job, though you may be feeling it's time you changed it. You've been m the
        84 words
      • 72 10 REPORTER Magdalene Lorn and veteran photographer Jerry Seh investigated the phenomenon of ULOs not UFOs la Mukar country after hearing about some strange sights m rural Singapore. There was a diversion first to a condominium Mock, bat after that the duo foUowed dirt tracks, called at kampong bouses
        72 words
      • 64 10 IS IT a beautiful or boring Sunday for most Singaporeans? If you're at a loss what to do with yourself on that day, apart from eating out or shopping, our expanded guide to Sunday activities may help. At the srme time, we'd like to hear
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      • 27 10 WAS test wmfc—ra NstlsMl Dfey fireworks display SMMSst Ov reporter asked some of those who saw It Their nmmtn sascest It's time for a change.
        27 words
      • 25 10 THE game the Chinese started. ..which the Americans pop«Urised...te a name given by the FUipiaos..4UKl now played by children and adults.
        25 words
  • 180 10 THE Coroner's Court yesterday recorded open verdicts on the deaths of a mother and her baby, found dead in a well at their home. Mr Tan Chin Kee, a labourer, testified that his wife, Toh Urn Beng and their eight- month-old son, Tan Wei Chain left
    180 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 377 10 Luxury m Cane Leather 'The unadulterated natural beauty of geniune imported Leather and Manau/' iJI 11' tBI Designer. Imam Bouchon An original Kamol creo'ion ,^^^^^^B FURNITURE WITH A TOUCH OF CLASS M M f§ LUXURY INTERIORS^^ m 321, 3rd Fir, PLAZA SINGAPURA, Above Yaohan Ochard Open 7 days a week
      377 words
    • 53 10 lITNCH 1. 1 1 H 9 lL^3™^ I- I I 16 Emerald HUI Road Singapore 0922. Tel: *****87 4{flFPvA\. Exclusively at La Taverns DBS Building JW* iferUlO EVERY MONDAY FRIDAY spm 7 pro V^© 20% off all drink* Gcncrou* •ervirtgc of Italian titbits by our Chef. Ugo Rolando. ll—^nt«-« JJ
      53 words

  • 408 11 THE Singapore Manufacturers Association feels there will be an "additional burden" on manufacturers if the proposed small claims court is financed by a levy on certain products and shops. A spokesman said all manufacturers and retailers must not be penalised just because of
    408 words
  • 98 11 Police seek help of five H K men THE pallce we mxjmm U caatact five Haigk«ag nattaaals whom they believe can help them In their Investigations Into criminal breach af trust case, Involving $1.28 mllllan. Pellee gave their names as David Lee Tal Wai, 31, OmI Lap Tug, Federlck Kwan
    98 words
  • 25 11 MR LIM Boon Heng (MP for Kebun Baru) will attend a National Day dinner at Mayflower Secondary School on Tuesday at 7.30 p.m.
    25 words
  • 28 11 MR Sidek Saniff, Parliamentary Secretary (Trade and Inudstry), will give away prizes tomorrow at the 16th National Day Bird Singing Contest organised by Kolam Ayer constituency
    28 words
  • 705 11  -  WENDY YANG By THE school bell clanged once to mark the end of a period at Chao Yang School m Clemenceau Avenue. But, there were none of the usual cacophony of hundreds of dragging chairs on cement floors, a flurry of books
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  • 24 11 THE NTUC Child Care Management Committee will hold a Parent and Child Walk-along tomorrow at East Coast Parkway (Big Splash) at 8.30 a.m.
    24 words
  • 131 11 POLICE have seized 972 key chain tags showing photographs of the various denominations of Singapore currency. Police said 81 shops were raided by the eight police divisions on Wednesday and Thursday. The tags, made in Taiwan, were being sold in provision shops and
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  • 42 11 PHYSICIAN in-charee-of the Diabetes Home Monitoring Centre, Royal Southern Memorial Hospital, Melbourne, Dr Matthew Cohen, will be m Singpaore to discuss "New Approaches to Diabetes Management" from Aug 19. Par more information, telephone *****1 and ask for Mr Allen Tan.
    42 words
  • 284 11  -  MAUREEN CHUA By FROM today, the Legal Aid Bureau In Pearl's Hill will be the weekly rt- ndezvou.s for a nine-year-old schvolboy and his mother, who will come to bring him home for the weekend. Mr Justice Knlasekaram ordered this arrangement In
    284 words
  • 56 11 MR CHEW SECK WHYE has been elected president of the Singapore Association of Ship Suppliers Other officials are Messrs Tay Teng Hong, vice president; A Duraisamy, secretary; Toh Teck Hong, treasurer; and Baveja Singh, internal auditor. Committee members are Messrs Arthur Koh, Urn Kay Hui, Sun Yong
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 Jr 0 fij METBH Big is the collar of romantic dressing There's an unmistakable feminine charm m the pristine-white, big collars of romantic dressing. Which girl can resist it Especially when the collars come cream-filled with Bl frothy frills, ruffles and organdy laces, and ornamented IL And big collared romantic
      211 words

    • 127 12 ALL Chinese pupils taking the Prl- mary School Leaving, GCE <O' and 'A' level examinations next year will have to use their Hanyu Plnyin names with their statutory names m brackets. The Minister for State (Education), Dr Tay Eng Soon, said
      127 words
    • 339 12 HOUSEHOLDS which do not consume more than 20 cubic metres of water a month will pay only a dollar more for their monthly PUB water bills under another round of water tariff review expected soon. According to Trade and
      339 words
    • 206 12 A NEW guide for domestic consumers, which includes instructions on how to read water meters, is being produced by the Public Utilities Board, said Trade and Industry Minister Dr T»ny Tan yest(?rday. Dr Tan, to a question from Mr Te* Ch«ag Tee (Changl),
      206 words
    • 429 12 Parliamentary Reporter*: PHILIP LEE, EVELYN NG, IRENE NGOO, ELENA CHONG and PAUL JACOB 6 IT mast, however, be stressed that the vast majority of noise-induced deafness cases detected so far were in the early stages. For example,
      429 words
    • 188 12 OWNERS of air-condition-ed commercial buildings who make the necessary renovations to conserve energy can deduct such costs for income tax and, in the case of individual owners, against annual property tax. Moving the second reading of the Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) (Amendment) Bill, Finance
      188 words
    • 341 12 FAR from being unfairly treated, parents who had been sterilised after the first or second child are given the highest priority under Phase n of Primary One registration. This priority is valid at any school, the Minister of State (Education), Dr Tay Eng Soon said
      341 words
    • 188 12 THE majority of premature school leavers left at Primary Six level, the Minister of State (Education) Dr Tmy Bag S**a said yesterday. In 1979, of 4,732 premature school leavers, 3,488, or 74 per cent, left at Primary Six. The trend was the same
      188 words
    • 205 12 CHARTERED Industrie* of Singapore Is to appoint an aeeastle consultant to carry out a nolae control stady at Its firing range to redace the note* level. CIS, which manufactures weapiM and ammunition for the Defence Ministry, will also he required to adjust
      205 words
    • 209 12 ANG Mo Mio New Town will have another eight primary schools by next year. Four of them, Ang Mo Kio North, Chong Li, Da Qiao and Hong Dao will be completed in time to take in Primary One pupils in JanuTne other four Ang
      209 words
    • 258 12 ALL cars over five years old will be called up for inspection next year, Communications and Labour Minister Ong Teng Cheong told the House. Moving the second reading of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, Mr Ong said that under the bill, it
      258 words
    • 183 12 COMMUNICATIONS and Labour Minister Ong Teng Cheong yesterday agreed to ask the Registry of Vehicles to consider making car owners obtain test certificates first before the vehicles are registered or the road tax renewed. Mr Ong was replying to Prof S. Jayakumar'N (Bedok) proposal that
      183 words
  • 622 12  -  PHILIP LEE By THE mood among backbenchers when Parliament sat yesterday is perhaps best described as interrogative. Together, they submitted one of the longest lists of questions, 26 in all, for oral answers. And this is not counting a number of supplementary questions. It was unfortunate then
    622 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 IMnl I Mmm 'i^iv- > sfß*^^ I I I ■tmTiul ill r WKKk J. I D I I lojKrVKlL^itaapSßj£a£ I -<-„ ■V| I r^auj ~-i m r Lli^^^^^^|^^BfilauT9Bl§aat i Baiuß I r-— >■«■■ 1m Ja^n^n^n^n^n^n^huHaHn^Hn^BiKUUH ISM I fe*. mm aMfe^Lßnr^'aa flaiLuHa^ni^flnaSiiS I II H^ ;^PM»^HE^Kam^aM I ;ss flß^^^Z Raw 1
      48 words

    • 366 13 THE Central f'rovident Fund (Amendment) Bill, which was discussed before a Select Committee m March, was yesterday passed without further amendment. The Bill provides for the CPF managing a mortgage-reducing insurance scheme for its members. In moving the BUI through its third reading, Labour
      366 words
    • 167 13 LABOUR Minister Ong Trng Che*ng said yesterday there was no conflict as to whether the Finance Ministry or Central Provident Fund Board would hold first mortgage when civil servants use their CPF savings to redeem their government housing loans. Mr Ong said he
      167 words
    • 339 13 ADMINISTRATIVE m easures may be introduced to allow training films bought by reputable companies or institutions to be either exempted from censorship or allowed some other procedure enabling them to be used without delay. Culture Minister, Mr S. Dhanabalan, who was moving
      339 words
    • 252 13 SINGAPORE'S past will come alive in a history gallery to be set op at the National Museum to attract and Inform people of tke nation's history, part «f tke Culture Ministry's plans to improve and popularise the museum. The Minister of State (Culture),
      252 words
    • 323 13 No plan to let Div 1, 2 officers opt for CPF THERE is no firm plan yet to extend the option for pensionable Division I and II officers to cross over from the Pensions Scheme to the Central Provident Fund scheme, Finance Minister Hob Sal Sen said. However, the government
      323 words
    • 456 13 THE Government should do something to stop the Chinese morning dailies from being out on the streets the evening before. As Mr Yeo Choo Kok (Delta) sees it, this practice is not doing the Chinese dailies any good. He told Parliament yesterday
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    • 344 13 SINGAPORE Broadcasting Corporation, which saw a recent spate of resignations of senior staff, will continue to improve its conditions and schemes of service, the Culture Minister, Mr S. Diuuiabalan said. "But we must accept the fact that it will not be possible to
      344 words
    • 434 13 IF PRESSURE IS MAINTAINED ON VIETNAM... IT was evident that they (the UN member 9 states attesting the conference) felt strong enough about the Asean position on the Kampu chean question to attend the conference, dlsre gardlng Vietnamese appeals and propaganda dissuading
      434 words
    • 154 13 THE key posts in the mosque building committee for the Telok Blangah and Radin Mas area will be filled in a month's time. The Acting Social Affairs Minister, Dr Ahmad Mattar, said the Muslim Religious Council (Muis) is compiling a list
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    • 16 13 COMMUNICATIONS and Labour Minister Ong Teng Cheong yesterday introduced the Trade Disputes (Amendment) Bill.
      16 words
    • 196 13 TEACHERS, tranferred from primary to secondary schools, are not immediately entitled to graduates' pay. Rather, their salaries are determined by academic qualifications and exgerience, the Minister of tate (Education), Dr Tay Bag Soon. said. He told the House teachers are broadly classified
      196 words
    • 82 13 TEENAGERS should have no problem getting jobs "under the prevailing buoyant economic conditions," Mr Eugene Yap, the Parliamentary Secretary (Labour) said. "Their welfare will also be taken care of by regulations for the employment of children and young persons," he said in reply to questions from
      82 words
    • 307 13 TWENTY-THREE constituencies have started neighbourhood watch schemes since the scheme was introduced m June, and 10 others are expected to do so by October. Home Affairs Minister ChM SUn CUm said it would only be possible to gauge the results of the scheme
      307 words
    • 94 13 JURONG Town Corporation will repaint a number water tanks which are the cause of rusty water flowing (ram taps In Boon Lay and Jurong housing estates. Hie tanks are, meanwhile, being flushed and cleaned regularly by the PUB. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Trade and
      94 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 309 14 THE Most Courteous Employee In a local hotel Is would yoo believe? also a champion wrestler. Brace Gwee, 1.78 m tell and weighing It? kg, Is better known as KugFiLee. He Is currently the All-Asia Wrestling Alliance Champion and Asia Pacific
    309 words
  • 299 14 SUSPENDED platforms are safe to work on, provided workers wear safety belts. Spokesmen of four suspended platform companies said yesterday it is impossible for the two cables on each side of the platform to snap at the same time. A spokesman for both Sky
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  • 259 14 THE illegal music piracy industry received another blow yesterday from record firms and the Singapore Phonogram and Videogram Associ- ation. A businesswoman. Lam Mui Fah, was convicted yesterday of having four pirated copies of records for sale. Lam, proprietress of Queensway Music Centre in
    259 words
  • 291 14 MR HOWARD Edmund Cashin has made legal history on both sides of the Causeway by being the first Singapore lawyer to be admitted to the Malaysian Bar for a litigation case since the "split" between the Bar here and the Malaysian Bar
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  • 121 14 THE Japanese Government team now visiting Singapore on an appraisal mission has found the standard of technology here comparable to that in Japan. Team leader, Mr S.Higuchi. Deputy Director in the Economic Cooperation Bureau, Japanese Foreign Ministry, said he was very impressed by the
    121 words
  • 75 14 A THREE-DAY seminar on various aspects of the construction industry and the latest developments in building technology will be held at Shagri-La Hotel from Sept 16 to 18. It is organised by International Planners and Developers, a major architectural, engineering and consultancy agency with its head
    75 words
  • 178 14 THE High Court yesterday extended the period of an interim injunction. granted ex-parte on July 22, against Mr Cheong Kim Hock, chairman and managing director of Singapore C and E Tours, and two others, by a week. The two others are former politician Leong Mun
    178 words
  • 123 14 THE complacency of a lorrydriver who has a wife, a mistress and eight children by both, ended when it was time for his illegitimate son to go to school. Lee Kim Chew, 53, Hied notice of his marriage with his mistress on Dec 20,
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  • 41 14 THE MP for Telok Blangah. Mr Rohan bin Khamis, will attend the constituency's Zone D residents committee Hari Raya cum National day gettogether at the void deck of Block 70, Telok Blangah Heights from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. today.
    41 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 538 14 *-Hiyo MM\ Miche Beazley Pocket Guides HH^" \^^l Edgar Snow's "China" Handy, informative guides to all B*~- A fascinating personal account 01 A I- kinds of things good food, t \JL of the Chinese Revolution M 4 )>*' I wines, gambling, photography. £ZJ!^PAt- > compiled from the writings of *L
      538 words

  • 323 15 RECOGNISE uybody in tkls faded pre-war photographf And do you have any memento from the Seecad World War a cap badge perhaps, or rank inrijrnlaT Tie Surrender Chamber on SenUm would be happy to hear from you, and perhaps receive
    323 words
  • 496 15 TWO profess onal groups representing builders in Singapore have decided to merge after five years of bickering over which is the more competent or widely recognised. The many squabbl3s between the Chartered Institute ol Building, an affiliate of the British institute,
    496 words
  • 180 15 STUDENTS who Join the Singapore Technical Institute (STI) are reluctant to enrol for the lift and escalator maintenance course. The training manager of the institute, Mr J. W. Son, said on Thursday it is the only Vocational and Industrial Training Board institute offering the
    180 words
  • 771 15 WE PUBLISH today the final list of recipients of the Long Service Medal (PINGAT BAKU SKT1A) in this year's National Day awards: Mr Pertab Singh so Magga Singh, corporal, Police Department, PSA; Mr Sohan Singh so A mar Singh, sergeant, Police Department, PSA; Mr Daljit Singh Sandhu,
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • The Straits Times SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1981
    • 364 16 NO THINKING person can possibly disagree with the overall objectives of the Committee on Productivity on improving productivity, better labour-management relationships and work attitudes. And nobody has. But endorsing these long-term objectives is one thing and accepting the committee's specific recommendations is another. There are, obviously, practical difficulties.
      364 words
    • 385 16 PUBLIC accountability, as those wise to the ways of how bureaucracy works will tell you, is easier preached than practised. This indeed would appear to be the case when it comes to getting the Housing Board to be more candid about the real cost of public housing. It
      385 words
  • 504 16 IT'S UNCANNY IT'S uncanny only delightfully so. That was how I felt the other day when out of the blue, a former magistrate who has long since settled in Canada, greeted me down High Street here. Mr Robert Chee was on the Bench
    504 words
  • 524 16  -  ROSIH AN ANWAR By Our Jakarta reporter IF THE Golkar states that it wants President Suharto to be re-elected for another term from 1963 to 1965, that is no news. But if the Muslim Unity Development Party (PPP) says that it would like to see President Suharto
    524 words
  • 1691 16 THE visit of Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang to Singapore allowed both sides to "seek truth from facts." While Mr Zhao pleaded that China had done all it could to improve ties, it can go one step further by trading its ideology for
    1,691 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

    • 280 17 WE thank NGK for his suggestion that private residences be used as offfices for professionals like doctors, lawyers, etc. m order to combat rising costs of office space (ST, July 23). The writer's suggestion Is a tempting one and seems very logical, especially m today's context, when
      280 words
    • 203 17 WHILE serving M a corporal In Mandai Camp, In 117*, I brought np some personal and family problems to my •fflcer commanding, during one of Us councelllng sessions. He tried, bat did not really succeed In helping me salve my problem*. He was promoted to
      203 words
    • 67 17 A QUAINT bus shelter stands along Yio Chu Kang Road opposite a Singapore Bus Service depot. The seats of this shelter are placed at its extreme rear, and these become mini catchment areas on rainy days. On such nights, the dark-coloured seats appear deceptively dry, much to the
      67 words
    • 368 17 MILLIONS of dollars spent building the expressways would be wasted if the 385,000 goods vehicles m Singapore cannot use them. Those vehicles also mean a hefty reduction m fuel consumption through using the expressways. Attention focused on LGVs (light goods vehicles) m newspaper stories
      368 words
    • 174 17 WHEN I arrived m Singapore m 1978, my rent was only 5J1.200, divided into $600 for the place and $600 for furniture. As I did not like the furniture, I asked the landlord to take it back, but he refused. The next year, he increased
      174 words
    • 55 17 COURTESY U a two-way street II «ac doesn't Rive it, Me shouldn't expect to receive It Let's (m* It, tmufets can br slabs. We saw the way same *f them treated airline staff, clerks, waitresses etc. The paUenee *f Singaporeans we met toward* such boorish brbavtour was
      55 words
    • 220 17 IT is really disheartening to know that little has been done, since the gondola accident, to nip the problem m the bud. The increasing number of highrise buildings will definitely require many more such equipment to keep up with the maintenance programme. Practically all the accidents
      220 words
    • Replies... Replies... Replies... Replies
      • Letter, Illustration
        461 17 WE wish to thank the writers of letters published m the Forum page (ST, July 10) and would like to make the following comments: "Jolted To Fall" Will the writer "Moby Dick" please telephone me at *****66 to provide me with more information regarding the driver who made
        461 words
      • 155 17 I REFER to the letter "For Easy Traffic Flow" by "Boey Tha Han" (ST, July 23), and wish to thank him for his kind remark. The Traffic Police have conducted surveys at the Upper Paya Lebar Road /Airport Road MacPherson Road junction, the Paya Lebar
        155 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 282 17 B^/VULJARB^OJR^TES FAMILIAR FAVOURTTES CONCERT BY THE SINGAPORE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 22 AUGUST SATURDAY Victoria tGonoert Hall, 8.15pm. GUEST CONDUCTOR: Tham Mer^ Kor^ SOLOBT: Yew Hong Chow (Harmonica) PROGRAMME: •Rnlancfa Sfcefius Rumanian Fantasy For Harmonica &Orchestra Francis Chagrin "Solemn Procession" R Strauss •Royal Fireworks Music Handel CArranged by Sir Charles Mackerras) Excerpts
      282 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 806 18 /A/*)4aVVM Mm/ yy Mm M M MM BVaavßl a#*a«" PI>VZ A SING APUR A 4th Floor. Orchard Road, Singapore 092 3 WYf± £3) _W -ST X X fy jßa#»^^paf% B I^mT^ BBaVCfc Open ddity from 10am to 9.30pm (1 *t Half Hour Parking Refundable) M All A// #I Li If^
      806 words

      • 86 19 SHARES in Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd and subsidiary Hume Industries (M) Bhd will resume trading in Singapore and KL on Monday. This follows a request from the companies for a lifting of the suspension after details of the takeover offer by Hong Leong Holdings on Hume FE
        86 words
      • 76 19 Ben Co loss BEN Co has reported a near three-fold increase in its pretax loss, to $962,000, for the halfyear to June 30, 1961. This was accompanied by a 7 per cent drop in sales, to $16-5 million, and an f 0 per cent increase in loss attributable to stockholders,
        76 words
      • 67 19 PRIMA Ltd has reported a one per cent gain in its interim group pretax profits, to $8.3 million, for the half-year to June 30, 1961. Group turnover was down 8 per cent to $92.6 million. The interim dividend declared was 6 per cent tax exempt, payable on Oct
        67 words
      • 53 19 FIRST Chicago Asia Merchant Bank has announced a US$2O million floating rate certificate of deposit (FRCD) issue by Tokai Bank Ltd's Singapore branch. The interest rate will be 1/4 points above the 6-month Singapore interbank offered rate for the first three years and thereafter at 3/16 points
        53 words
      • 55 19 ALUMINIUM Co of Malaysia Bhd has announced that the share transfer book and register of members will be closed from Sept 9-15 for its recently announced 7-for-2 proposed rights issue. The last day for lodgement of transfer will be Sept 8. An AGM will be held on Sept
        55 words
      • 43 19 UNITED Overseas Bank has announced that it has requested that its US$30 million 6.5 per cent Convertible Bonds 1968 be deleted from official listing on the SES from Aug 14. This is the date for UOB's compulsory redemption of the bonds.
        43 words
      • 43 19 THE Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan (LTCBJ) Finance NY US$6O million FRN 1983 will carry an interest rate of 19 1/8 per cent for the six months from Aug 15, 1981 to Feb 15, 1962. The coupon amount will be U5597.75.
        43 words
    • International
      • 79 19 HONGKONG, Fri. China Motor Bus (CMB) directors are believed to have won full control of the publicly-quoted company after a gruelling battle with Athlone, contenders in the CMB takeover affair. Trading in CMB shares resumed this morning on the Hongkong stock market and CMB directors were
        AFP  -  79 words
      • 70 19 SEOUL, Fri. South Korea's gross national product during the second quarter of 1961 grew 4.0 per cent in real terms over the same period last year to give the half-year GNP an aggregate 2.7 per cent increase, officials said today. A tentative tally released by the Bank
        AP  -  70 words
      • 116 19 LONDON, Fri. The Financial Times, London's business daily printed on eye-catching pink paper, announced yesterday that it is raising its price to 30 pence (about S51.17) a day from 25 pence starting from August 17. "The rise is the first in more than a year and has been
        AP  -  116 words
    • 408 19 PACIFIC Development Credit's pretax profits are expected to rise significantly to M$26.5 million in 1982 after its proposed acquisitions of Miltrade Sdn Bhd and seven contiguous pieces <tf land from Billand Sdn Bhd. In a circular to shareholders on the
      408 words
    • 637 19  -  SOH TIANG KENG LOSS OF 1,000 JOBS IN MANUFACTURING By THE loss of 1,000 jobs in the manufacturing sector during the second quarter of this year indicates the progress of Singapore's restructuring programme. This was disclosed in the latest quarterly Economic Survey of
      637 words
    • 533 19  -  CHAN OI CHEE By STANDARD Chartered Merchant Bank Asia Ltd, independent adviser to minority shareholders of Hotel Malaysia Ltd (HM) and Ming Court Hotel Ltd (MC), has recommended shareholders to reject the share swap offer and to accept the cash offer
      533 words
    • 266 19 FRANCE has appointed five "whiz kid" entrepreneurs to beef up its efforts to promote French trade and investments m Singapore. Known as export repre- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i sentatives, these entrepreneurs all successful business executives in their 20s will supplement present efforts to bring French firms,
      266 words
    • 235 19 STRAITS Steamship Co Ltd has reported a 5 per cent increase in pretax profits to $12 million for the half year to June 30, 1961. This reflects higher earnings from properties, particularly from Ocean Building. But earnings from shipping were lower due to lower growth
      235 words
    • 405 19 SINGAPORE: Share ■rim rlml |mi|j tower oa lack of Mlewthraagh aayteg o.ea*rt after a steady aacalaa Among hMrkk •■4 flaiiaees, Fraser •■A N*ive, Geatteg, Haw Par. Mt(igm, Keppel Skipyara, Hme Darky. Strait. Tradtax, DfVflipmut Bank. Hong LMag riwun. Ovewea CfctoMt Baak ■d lialtei Oveneac
      405 words
      • 65 19 -33Z Ill 1340 long Leoaf I»rt 1510 "citilc Corp 240 > M C 1350 iel Properties 825 ItralU Trading 820 M W MO .oodwood Park ISM > U B M0 Cement 010 2 Ceramin 470 •romet 3M "nng MCD( 198 I Leong Fin M0 teppcl Skip 640 Vgi Miia
        65 words
      • 12 19 ih.njri-l.a > M Hldn Mental Hldf 7S0 52C 730 20 30 15
        12 words
      • 19 19 Promet UOB UM W MUI Gentlng Total turnover: 8.92m Total value: $44. 51m 792,000 400.000 358.000 304.000
        19 words
      • 34 19 BT Indicator: Industrials: Finance: Hotels Properties: Minings: Plantation!: OCBC: SESInd: Aug 13 i *****2 771.67 1748.17 1122.19 832.98 379.78 965.86 744.89 718.39 Aug 14 *****: 757.9; 1735.7: mo.i: 82io: 379.Z 926.5: 733.8: 698.3-
        34 words
    • 58 19 CAC CCM rtHStrnp -4 -14 Wiiw GatfcrleBM Haw Par -2 -10 NBT Nat In* PMC -15 -10 -50 SrmbSWp Shell Sum Darby StStoumfcip -15 4 -2 UaifeplMl Em PAN Geattajp -15 20 -25 lucre iMkeaaelM MTC Metal Bu ■3 PeribPlaat Prlm» -20 -15 +3 -10 St
      58 words
    • 378 22 A PETITION for the winding up of the St Piran Cornish Tin mining group, a subsidiary of Gasco Investments, was dismissed m the London high court on Wednesday. 8888B B— The petition, brought three months ago by Runic Nominees, a subsidiary of Gencor, the
      378 words
    • 157 22 MWE HeUburs Berhad has asked the Kuala Lumpur Steck Exehaage to Hft the mpeasUa m the tradlag el the rtoipiFy'i shares. la mi ■aemft •a Thanday, It says It will hald m extnUrdin»rv naenl meeteg Htidfemhu 1 1 to e«aMe AMetoMen to
      157 words
    • 332 22  -  CHAN OI CHEE By BY THE year 2000, electronics may be able to bring intelligence into computers just as it has developed into the basic technology for the computer revolution in the last three decades. It would be possible
      332 words
    • 682 22  -  BOH TIANQ KENG SPECIAL FEATURE By IT HAS been a smooth takeoff for the Singapore economy in the Eighties with a growth rate of 10.2 per cent last year and a creditable performance of 10.3 per cent during the first half of this year.
      682 words
    • 476 22 WASHINGTON, Fri. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said yesterday that consumer price inflation in industrial countries continued to ease in May. But figures for June, available for only eight countries, showed a resurgence in five of them. The index of wholesale prices of 30
      AP  -  476 words
    • 65 22 THE Malaysian consumer price index, computed m consultation with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, is completely adequate, a government source said yesterday. He was commenting on a US Embassy report that the index was inadequate The source said the index covered the average Malaysian
      65 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 33 19 Q Indian Bank \H ■v The Gem for I^l H all seasons, J^^k H by all reasons WKk (Carved on fl^^l August 15, 1907) HH H Now studded ■T in Platinum «H BsL
      33 words

  • 2287 20 INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Cr-i 1M1 Lad DW Hifh Low (onip.DY Sale N.t P/E Vol Day (-OOO)HI(h Low 494 300 Acm» 300 unch 14.5 Aicom 300 10.0 390 130 Allied Choc 102 -1 4 ON 312 161 BAT 210 45 5 420 330 BaU 3*2 220 200 90 Ben
    2,287 words
  • 592 20 GAINS made w Thursday were erased as prices fell again at the Stack Exchange at Singapore yesterday. The market was quite steady la the first half hour of trading bat light selling brought tke Straits Time* Industrial Index down CM (Mints by naon. When trading resumed
    592 words
  • 476 20 THE KL market took a turn (or the worse yesterday as interest diminished leaving prices mostly lower. Sentiment remained weak with most sectors going down. However, selected finance stocks were able to stem the selling to buck the trend. The New Straits Times industrial ordinary share
    476 words
  • 190 20 SINGAPORE UNIT TBI'ST (Maaagen' pttoea tar Aaf 11) The Commerce 3.22 3.X The Savings Fund 1.85 1.94, Spore Prog Fund 1.45 1.52» Spore See. Fund 2.11 2.22xd Spore Invest Fund 1.07 1.12 Spore Equity Fund 1 37 1.44 ASIA UNIT TRI'ST ff I artose Itr Aq II) Mai
    190 words
  • 1963 20 BID and offer price* officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday, with the number of shares traded thown In brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. MDUnftlAU Atoea (338B 3.40S) (4) 3 46 (15) 3 40(13) 3.42(1) 3.36(4) 3*
    1,963 words
    • 281 20 HONGKONG: The stock market, encouraged by the steadiness of the local dollar, finned yesterday, dealers said. The Hang Seng Index closed IS. 43 points up at 1694.75 points. The biggest mover of the day was Su Mlnrl Brewery which rose to HK$16.40 from $1340 on takeover talk, the dealers
      281 words
    • 328 20 SYDNEY: A further influx of foreign capital helped the market hold most of its recent gains as traders digested another dose of interest rate rises yesterday, brokers said. Banks and selected oil and metal stocks advanced but property developers and building material groups tended easier as rates on housing
      328 words
    • 353 21 TOKYO: Share prices rose on selective buying in bargainpriced blue chips with market sentiment enlivened by increased foreign purchases yesterday, dealers said. Yao aCT""^ MB A__Ai Ch-cn at it Amhl O-U- Mi +5 ■uk Tk an -i •wju «M +M nmfcaamm a* -6 Canon 1M0 uncb C-_j-»-_ fit -I
      353 words
    • 660 21 LONDON, Fri. Share prices closed firmer today after a mixed opening In quiet trading ahead of the weekend, dealers ■aid. At 3pm, the Financial Tiroes index was up 6.9 points at 568.3. Electrical* continued to feature among leading industrials with Racal up 22p at 475p. GEC 15p higher and
      660 words
    • 388 21 NEW YORK, Thurs. Stocks closed mixed after trading in a very narrow range all day. The Dow Jones industrial average finished down 0.86 to 944.35 points, although other indices finished fractionally higher. Declines and advances were virtually even at about 720-and-710 respectively and volume fell to some 42.60
      388 words
    • 282 21 AMSTERDAM. Thun. Share prices were mixed to higher Rayal Date* and KLM rising 2.30 and two, but Aka* and ll«ilever losing 0.40 each in Dutch internationals, dealers said. In banks Aka added 0.50, but NMB lost 0.50, while insurers Bute and Nataed gained one each. Investment funds were mostly
      282 words
    • 281 21 ZURICH, Thurs. Prices closed steady in very quiet trading, with no new factors affecting the bourse, dealers said. Most sectors were little changed, but Oerlikon Buehrle edged higher on some buying in financlals, and Forbo "A* profltted from favourable comments in a bourse letter, they said. Domestic bonds were
      281 words
    • 81 21 BANGKOK: Selling pressure pushed share prices mostly loweivin slow trading yesterday, dealers said. Bahta Aiu Plbn Anithaya Inf. And Tnut Bangkok Bank Mi unch Bank Of Ayudham Ltd l« -1 Btrtl laekm Charoong Thai Win lit *4 Pint Tnat Industrial PlnanC» Con M unco InUrnafiooal CnoMClca InUraaUooal Trust And
      81 words
    • 101 21 MANILA: The stock market I closed higher as turnover rose to 7.8 million pesos from 2.3 million yesterday, dealers said. Ptn Aeo)t Mlnlnc 404ft +0JMM AUaa Coo. A All*. Con B. UM unch Btfiilo Oold OU unch Bmmwt Can. B M unch •r Ooodftch 10 JO unch CDCF 4
      101 words
  • 1718 20 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in an reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Times Settlement Contracts are quoted after the ward "sett". Big Board
    1,718 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements

    • 625 21 PRICES in Singa|x>re rubber market closed slightly lower yesterday, with September RSS Oim> buyers quoted at 228.00 cents per kilo, down 1.50 cents on Thursday's close dealer? said. Morning prices were marked down slightly on easier London advices a' id some forward offerings. they said. Levels fluctuated narrowly in
      625 words
    • 91 21 NOON SSR ud SMR poo- raUrfey «A8 Bo*-*aWr (Carnal Nlkl mjot B*U«r* SSR 30 (1-leapaUM) 198.S0 200 SON SSR 60 U-UapalM IM.00 188 00N MHLB atfmhmw 8MHCV II loo p*UM) KUO 364 JON SMRL (l-loapaDM) 2M.M 2MSON SMR 6 (1-toaptOM) ***** 223.00N SMR OP (l-loap*UM) UNO UNO
      91 words
    • 34 21 Rubber: Aug 14 Singapore: Sept: 228.00 cents (down 1.50 cents) Malaysia: Sept: 252.50 cents (down 1.50 cents) Tin: M 533.51 per kilo (up 7 cents) Official offering: 90 tonnes (down 125 tonnes)
      34 words
    • 133 21 CHINESE Pfdace Exetaage, SlBg*p*fT, rlMtiiff BftCflS per IN kg ywtertey. Coconut CMMt «il: Bulk fob $122.50 sellers, old drum (in second band drum) fob $136.50 sellers, new drum fob $141.50 sellers. Cepfft: Mixed (loose) $72.75 buyers. Pepper: Muntok white pepper fob Asta NLW $377.50 sellers, Sarawak white pepper
      133 words
    • 157 21 THE KHOBAR market for gold deliverable m Singapore opened at $28,751 and closed at $28,796 yesterday. In the Far East, gold opened at U*****.50 409.50 and closed at $409.00/409.50 at lunch time. It re-opened at $406.00/406.50 before closing slightly higher at $409.00/410.00. Gold was fixed at U*****.50 m London
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    • 156 21 THE STRAITS tin price gained another seven cents to MS33.51 per kilo in Penang yesterday, on an official offering down 125 tonnes to 90 tonnes. The overnight London market was easier with forward buyers falling £70 to £7,925 per tonne. LONDON: Heavy selling in the afternoon Rings by the
      156 words
    • 194 21 KUALA LUMPUR: The market closed slightly easier in fairly active trading yesterday, despite India buying two 5,000 tonne ldtt of rbd oleln for October and November shipments at M$490 and $492 per tonne respectively, dealers said. In August, south eased $5 to $905 per tonne and central fell
      194 words
    • 29 21 LONDON: Copper prices on Thursday (previous m brackets). Wirebar Spot £1015.00 (£1035.00); sellers £1015.50 (£1036.00); Three Month buyers £1046.00 (£1067.00); sellers £1046.50 (£1068.00). Market taae: Easier teles: 13,100.
      29 words
    • 37 21 Itas w«_ New York 9.078 8.928 9.27S 112S Zurich 8.9T8 9.088 9 ITS 1.25S PH n_ra Stagspore 9.008 8.908 9 2OS 9.10S Closing prices In US dollars a troy ounce. 8«-ne: Cra— l B_m, s-p«—
      37 words
  • Money and exchanges
    • 333 21 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Aug 14. U8 DolUn'Spol! Off.r Bid 7 days 18% 18% 1 month 19% IB** 2 months 18 18% 3 months It 1/18 1815/16 8 months 191/16 1815/18 months 183/16 181/16 12 months 18 17% SwJn. Dm. (MiMfe Prim) 1
      333 words
    • 40 21 RANGE (A price* offend by discount houwi on Auk HOvernight: 3%to«'/*% C»U defxatti: 6H* to t'/t% CMh B«Ti.« ScUUf 3-month Treasury bills «W BH 3-month Bank bills 123/lt 121/16 3 months CD 11* 11 BmonthsCD IIH U« Smtc*: NUkuinnnlh.
      40 words
    • 35 21 Closing Interbank rates for Singapore dollars on Aug M. Offer Bid Overnight 5 1 month 10 7 16 10 5 16 2 month! U'i 11 3 month* 11 'A 11 Overnight mode Par
      35 words
    • 24 21 THE _ver»ge rate at which majar Slngapere banks an currently prepare, to lead to their best CBstomera ta 14.17 per e*nt.
      24 words
  • 50 21 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 581.4 Wednesday 587.0 Week Ago 534.4 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday J44.35 Wednesday 945.21 Week Ago 85Z91 H.K.HANG SENG Friday IJWJ7S Thursday 1J75.32 Week Ago 1718.15 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Friday 713.4 Thursday 712-8 Week Ago 704.0 ALL ORDINARIES Friday 855.5 Thursday 855.5 Week Ago 634.7
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 131 22 Sayur Masak Lemak qj •IkanGorengAsam f Erfl 3 •Buboh Char-Char Vi| Air Batu Kachang Raactvation recommended: Tel: *****31 cxt. 156/157 ]fe/-S BIGGEST CHOKE OF 747BSERVKESTO EUROPE. 19 FLIGHTS WEEKLY. SI A now offers '^HPpVwm^iP^y nineteen 7478 services H^ ■JMtelkm I ever V wee k irom 1^ m, afc BU Singapore
      131 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 527 23 AT YOUR SERVICE RATES SECTION INDEX t Telephone Service: *****22 peu<JONAL services Mondoy-Fndoy 830 a- 5 00 p m Of<*nory 80 en p*f -<xd (mn 1 1 2 00) I«ERCMAMOISE T»n« Centre 9 00om —500pm (M»i S5B 50) Sundov T«net llu nainiuircucuTO i kbcauii I New Induitnol Rood oH (Mondoy
      527 words
    • 480 23 ToOliAlb X* Foo MLACE jyi^'****' 79, Rom Strt«t, Bro. Roioh Compte. JL. (nut to Od«o« ThMtr* Car Pork) Tel: 338 7SSS HAPPY HOUR BAK KUT TEH $3.00 »y WESTERN SET LUNCH $4.00 /JJis*\ CM""* l» Csrtt E*»y Parking JBB^*BBbL EBR^^^l^^^BBfJ alaßßaaaaaaaßaßaaail I Fz99l^flßPHMt4BB aiaaiaMßßßiiaaaaw m^^-w PamC!™/ Pv If^laiJßl IlkHflri SbM
      480 words
    • 129 23 nOlfllCBI restaurant PARKLANE SHOPPING MALL sth floor, 35 SBtogto Road T«l:33taM67tttWS7 SINGAPORE'S FIRST TAIWAN SEA FOOO RESTAURANT COME AND HAVE A TASTE OF OUR TAIWANESE DELICACY SEA FOOD The itople rice porridge is eaten with lots of little side dishes such as oyster, mussel, pork stewed m rich black sauce.
      129 words
    • 241 23 "1 ttV.Sf rersonai services Merchandise I i bBt M?*^HtWWt&***¥> Amlbßl 7. IST SEPTEMBER 1981 B 9 BIIBBl^k.B^«^.BtfttBBBBB^B^BBBBl BBbml— W 5 b bß'bl k «a^ Ib> I I bbvbvu- bH bBbI bß^ '^bt Q bßi i r^^^ 1 ■b^HHb b blbvV KVbI t raaona IbVObVI' BLbßt r^^"» Jr^^Bß BMI -Btßk tr
      241 words
    • 327 23 I Personal Services Merchandise ANTIOUAMAN MAP EXHWITION PAKISTANI AND TURKISH Carpels EXPAT LEAVING. GARAGE sale at and sale Sunday next 10th Au- For a wide and complete range. 5 Sunset Grove. Clementl Park, gust at Antiques Of the Orient, visit: House of Turkey Si Pakls- Singapore 2159 Saturday 15/8 Lower
      327 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1133 24 I KELONG FOR SALE. SSBO.OOO releases anytime. For the I I o no. For further details ultimate In pre-recorded I 1 contact Mrs. Young, tel: video home entertainment I 34B0930I Singapore) Video World, Basement 5006, FOUND: LADY PURSE M Woh ""P Complex, Beach North Bridge Road Hawker 55 i ,iJ
      1,133 words
    • 1140 24 I Personal Services 1 WrclMjUUe JecZißsHLSfiiSJ FEATURES: Retractable optical system, r" ma ~^v to make it easy to use and H to protect the lens. I f Ultra-sharp I I 35mm/f2.8 lens. I Full frame 35mm picture. Cds automatic exposure system. Shutter speeds from 1/8 to I 1/lOOOsec. 0 Electronic
      1,140 words
    • 684 24 FSM Hiilial **«M^ilri«« a uil3 OOT i *W Sf |BJ M RELAX REFRESH YOURSELF AT GREAT EASTERN HEALTH CENTRE 4th fir Great Eastern Hotel 401 Macpherson Roed Spore 1336. TEL: *****44 10am 3am MOUNT ELIZABETH HEALTH Centre. Swedish/ Taiwanese massage and sauna (cold it hot pool) at our exclusive Health
      684 words
    • 508 24 37 Qssrdaaing FREE QUOTATION. NO Obligation Landscape designing/ construction, turfing, tree cutting, etc. Balmoral Landscape *****71 anytime. 39 House) RsnoyatJon/nspaJr MASTER CREATIONS PTE LTD Interior Designing Plan Drawing and Submission Office and Residential Contractor JEL:_ ENO X W ANG OENERAL CONTRACTOR. Blk 136. 166 Bedok North Avenue 3. Tel: *****0,
      508 words
    • 785 24 V Busfcttts Products, StWttts 4 '■^llv OffpoMunttlts BUY WTTH COfsnOENCEI lls«Miiißll|S»lH lBliTe»1BMB> UMss Modern rmiunl Saaarter Meohsnlem made Japan's OViallH %J&VU/I7UMjCL Portable Typewriter ir cmri* Cash Carry Jo^i M5O «^B^P"' J3***^ w/case One Veer Onsrantsad AMO fHW SMpeTrMfHZ* 1 -Casjwbla S000TR" deluxe portable with 13" carriage. Full Set Tabulator. Sagment
      785 words
    • 1042 24 II Employment ffiA Cswatnistllii Firm with overseas |irs|sssa has wjaeaasse ■at: A) CONTRACT EXECUTIVE c Assist the General Man- ager In administrative/ financial /personnel matters c Co-ordinate and monitor projects c Estimating and pricing of tenders c 5 years' experience In project management and professional Qualifications preferably BSC (Building) an
      1,042 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 386 25 II Employment lI A 46 Situations VtCMtt t) Bmomtarlml* CHrtcml *X 1A A tending BANK has a vacancy for a Confidential Stenographer Requirements 9 Singapore citizen with 3 years' relevant experience Higher School Certificate with good grades m English and Mathematics m Private Secretarial Certificate Typing speed of at least
      386 words
    • 401 25 1 i HAGEMEYER GROUP OF COMPANIES SINGAPORE invit#* itppftcATtons for th# I poatof FEMALE CONFIDENTIAL CLERK (P«r»onnel) RE OOWtE MENTS I c minimum OCE. 'O' level with credit In Mathematics c ability to type essential I* previous experience m filling various statistical forms as required by Oovernment Depart- ments at
      401 words
    • 973 25 II Employment ||A >KDBS TELLERS QUALIFICATIONS At least 4 GCE 0 level credits including English and Mathematics Must nave a pleasant personality and enjoy meeting people REMUNERATION Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and working experience In addition, successful candidates will enjoy attractive trmge benefits ottered by the Bank Applications
      973 words
    • 960 25 II Eiraptoymont fi^ i WoodtaocW&ombawano GENERAL CLERKS I a Ability to type with clerical experience. j a Some knowledge of 1 telex. eAt least OCE -O' level, i Ca« paraanaßy or ring: M*****/*****M j NO. 10MANDAI ESTATE i 9 12 3/4 M.S. 1 SINGAPORE 2775 Owing lo our axpanaion programma
      960 words
    • 1135 25 ta***»*M»a-* I ik/k s I Ll, International Trading Company o> >Haa ausiluannrn tor maaiHtUii o« secretary to the manaimnq dwcctor Applicants muat poaaaaa the 1011 1 Minimum OCE 'O' level Certificate with credit In English 2) LCC shorthand or Private Secretarial Certificate. Shorthand, typing speeds W/50 wpm respectively 3) Ability
      1,135 words
    • 1207 25 If a I i _ji ITJ i) ttwtioamA*tw* a 1/2 years' experience a Shorthand 'typing 90/ M wpm 3) OPERATIONS ASSISTANT a OCE O level a Experience not necessary 3) GENERAL CLERK a OCE -O' level a Experience not necessary Ptaaaa apply m >*wn handwriting himienmg ran raauma and salary
      1,207 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 886 26 N rmjlii jniini \\j\ 48 Situations Vacant b) Secretarial Clerical PIOW%W PfcaTSaHTf r#^Mt*"w># FEMALE CLERK Able to type and do simple Accounts Preferably slaying around Buklt Tlmah or Toa Payoh area Apply personally at WMAMW MOKTI-H.OHA 77. Duneem Heed, (1 110) Tel M ***** tntortwSteOfweM Compaw* Mi JHbt ©**fl has
      886 words
    • 685 26 FEMALE TYPIST CUM Documentation Clerk Familiar with customs documents. Come personally between Mam. lip m to: Suneast Pte Ltd. 127. Ist floor. Golden Mile Tower. (Oolden Theatre). Beach Road. FEMALE CLERK REOUBatO. Secy( ru.iratlon. Able to type and do simple correspondence Interview at 1952. Blk 555. Avenue 10. Ang Mo
      685 words
    • 982 26 I MOBIL WHM a*pp4»CaTtaOfM from Mfitatoty IMllmlß person* tor the poemon al SERVICE STATION MANAGER QUALIFICATIONS: a Candidates should preferably have 2 to 3 years sales and supervisory experience related to the automotive trade c Possess class 3 driving licence and a car c Communicate well c Pleasant personality REMUNERATION:
      982 words
    • 646 26 ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavv-a^ SALES EXECUTIVES Owing to expansion, are are lama. anargatk. person* to Hen *w teem. c HSC/ OCE 'A' level c Sales experience would be an advantage Apply providing c—ilummi vitae, lalapnen* number and a HDiwlptietograptito: THE SALES DBeZCTOR PtARL DEAN PTE LTD SUm SBS, STN FLOOR SHAW MOUSE ORCHARD
      646 words
    • 596 26 URGENTLY REQUIRED SALESGIRLS and Supervisor for candy store. No experience required Age above 17. Interested call personally at Orchard Theatre Ist floor, between 12.30pm and Bp.m. (Shirley). FEMALE STATMNEftV SHOP Assistants. Working Monday to Saturday, 9am to 7pm. 033. Oolden Mile Tower. (Oolden Theatre). Beach Road. Singapore 0718 menaro cosaames
      596 words
    • 508 26 rv J Bfl We spocaiss m machine tool manufacture and general engineering fabrication, and we have vacancies for Assembly Fitters Witti 2-3 years expenence m general fitting, assembly or installation work Sheet Metal Workers With 1 -2 years expenence m sheet metal cutting, forming, fabrication and assembly work Machinists a)
      508 words
    • 376 26 y. imam mmmcm j& bmc BUCKBEE-MEARS s SINGAPORE y •MS a newly established American Company sn.clsMi ing m precision stamping and plating of lead frames requires: PLATING SUPERVISORS c Incumbent must have good knowledge or experience In the manufacturing of Itlead frames, preferably with Chemistry and electrical background a He
      376 words
    • 1074 26 f U iff I HAQEMEYER TRADING CO. (8) BDN. BHD. ifiyit## sSppttCAtiOfta) from suitably qualified c and i Oalt#wl fOC llvO poVlirOfi Ol DRAUGHTSMAN QUALIFICATIONS a ITC. In draughtsmanship or equivalent quired qualification., but with experience In preparing drawings for project work will also be considered Salary will commensurate with
      1,074 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 1275 27 Jtfl «S Situations Vacant d) TicJuUcmJ RADIOGRAPHERS ULTRASONIC TECHNICIANS ASNT levt.l II sanhralsiil or bt<ter Tstlwiltlam reqMteed Long-term contract be .h m Singapore and oulstatl'in available Pteeee eend comesela data* *d reeume with paat ,ob eipur anca. Alaa spusH salary re•wrsmsfih and Mcsude Is a P*wo# nufnoof H svataiayaM* to
      1,275 words
    • 354 27 liTtl (Automotive Electronics) Requires FEMALE PRODUCTIOH OPERATORS for a Monday to Friday 4.48 pm to 12.48 am 5-day work week a Shift allowance: $1 75 per shift Transport: Provided from GM Singapore to home Requirements:— Female citizen, age between 16 and 35 Primary 6 or Secondary education For interviews, please
      354 words
    • 354 27 I PRODUCTION OPERATORS I (MALE FEMALE) The Personnel Department 117. Neythal Road. Singapore 2262. Bus No. 248 from Jurong Interchange BaaaV Baa* k WFf9TttllffMKiliiU a Mitsubishi TV/Car Audio Factory requires urgently PRODUCTION OPERATORS a Singaporean or Malaysian. a Above 18 years old a 5-day week, a No shift work, c
      354 words
    • 715 27 W Diß^oywwit ijjli f)je«Bas«asaßa*»ssfajSßßsjßsT«el Bat^l^l^l [^tasi FEMALE AND MALE PMNLUffIQN OPERATORS 2 rotating shifts or Permanent 3rd shift Starting wagai up to We provide •Cash Awards Productivity Incentives Dental/Medical Benefits Urilformt Annual, Marriage and Maternity leaves Company bus transport Employee Recreation Please call personally to: Tha Personnel Officer SIEMENS COMPONENTS
      715 words
    • 477 27 ~M LJ GtNEftAl O«SEL Invites male or female applicants for the posts of: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CHARGEHAND a NTC In Vehicle Malnte- a Ability to read and write English a Minimum 3 years expert- ence In maintenance of I dlesel and petrol driven vehicles a Knowledge of manual/ automatic transmissions a
      477 words
    • 406 27 DIGITAL, the world's No. 1 minicomputer company has openings for the following positions:— 1. SYSTEM TECHNICIANS ITC m Electronic Engineering/C G Full Certificate or its equivelent. 2 year*' experience m rnasntasnjng and troubleshooting DIGITAL or other computer controlled teat equipment. 2. DOCUMENT CONTROL CLERK Age: 18-22 veers GCE O' Level
      406 words
    • 438 27 ie^pm ~m\ PROMET PRIVATE LIMITED Sacurity Oapartmant urgently requires SECURITY GUARDS Tha Job Normal security duties In a shipyard The Candidate Above 18 Read write simple English Completed NS Basic salary (during probation $300 Overtime (approx) $200 Security Allowance $35 Transport Allowance $55 1 Meal Allowance $40 Medical and dental
      438 words
    • 470 27 A WELL ESTABLISHED CXFANOeNO CIVIL ENOMOMHQ CO»fTWACTOR Invite* young, energetic persons to fill the following Immediate vacancies: A) CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT (Famale) c 3 years' experience In all aspects of office routine. Including secretarial duties c (iCE "A" level with good verbal and written command of English a Typing speed JO
      470 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 485 28 Jtrl 46 Situations Vacant I) Miscellaneous T POST OFFICE S A VINOS BANK Immediate vacancies for UM I OFFICE ATTENOANT (MALE) R#Qtltt'#fn#fnaV a Singapore Citizen age between 16- 19 a Must have surcessfully com- pleted Primary 6 education and must be able to under- j stand and speak English Malay
      485 words
    • 438 28 Dua to continuous axpanaion, unio/ta American Italian Fast Food Raataurant raquiras tna foHowino. paraonnal:A 1. BOOK-KEEPERS 2. RECEPTIONIST 3. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR (SHIPPING) 4 BILLING CLERK 5. DESPATCH CLERK 6. STORE-KEEPER 7. SECURITY GUARDS B. 1. COOKS 2. CASHIERS 3. CREW 4. DRIVERS 5. STORE ASSISTANTS Applicants without the relevant experience
      438 words
    • 418 28 2* 1 II Employment ,|£J 9ra TELEPHONE OPERATOR cum RECEPTIONIST 20-25 years. GCE'O' Level Fluent In English Come tor. immediate interview from 9 00am to 5 00pm at 10th Floor Bank of China Bldg Battery Road Singapore Italian Ceramic Showroom require* urgently: FEMALE SALES CLERK n#^tarw#fft#>n ts OCE -O1O 1
      418 words
    • 558 28 MOTION SMITH m vita* appHeattone tor tha poamon ot STORE ASSISTANTS I a candidate should have minimum Secondary 4 education. a The successful candidate will report to the Storekeeper and will be expected to work Independently contact telephone number to: T r>a Psrsonnal Msnao,#f MOTION SMITH Ist floor, Marina House
      558 words
    • 1591 28 N EMptoysaWst 'Wm^ Exclusive Lounge requires HOSTRESSES Those interested, please call personally at: 82. OUEENSW AY SHOPPING CENTRE SINGAPORE 0314 tel ems between 4.00 to 6.00 pm FLORIST ASSISTANTS Salary depending on experience. Write with details to: S.T. BOX AMOM 1 Naw Induatrial Read. Spora 19*3 MARCO SCREEN PROCESS COMPANY
      1,591 words
    • 1818 28 tones sstumoy cut mart :^^ei BaWBaBBSBSHBIB^B^B^BBBB^BBBB^b^-^. L^bW J* J @f ALB Ol RELIANCE MOTORS PTE LTD. i-m wTTrMimitf^^irn ShowroomScrvice&PartsCentre:9Len<jKeeßd.,Tel:6ss244 BLRLT TU WIN TVJU OVER BranchShowroom:G9NoveruiVille,27sThomsonßd..Tel:2slol 31 I l^ I '-w.-BM r- J V//a^Bai Z^ money. our tntrgy rutenrtt. and your •nffla»\^vV V^ InttaU Compu Sensor" on your anewn X*^ r
      1,818 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 2522 29 tunes Saturday car mart 55 VaMcsM For Sato rord REO. 1*77 FORD Cortina 1600 XL. one owner, private registration, alrcond, radio/cassette, new road tax. luff-kote. beautiful condition. $12,000 ono Tel: *****45 Koh after 6.00 p m I*7* NOV. ESCORT Ohla Automitlc PARF. 3rd owner, alrcond. cassette equaliser. 4 extra new
      2,522 words
    • 120 29 *> Others IIRELLI CN36 70 Series Low profile hi-pertormance nylon belted radials Superb wet grip Maximum stability High speed security Good acceleration and braking response 185/70 HR 13 tubeless (hi-speed radial upto2lOkm/h) g% Eastern Agencies gg WE CAN HELP YOU OWN A NEW CAR with as much as 90% financing.
      120 words
    • 853 29 I*7* Datsun 120Y A/C OL AlfaSud I.s Sprint A/C Honda Accord A/C Datsun 100A F2 I*7* Mazda 929 L Auto A/C Toyota Starlet A/C Honda Civic SDR A/C 1*77 Mazda 323 A/C Colt Sigma 1600 OS A/C Toyota Corolla 1200 I*7* Toyota Corolla Auto A/C Ford Escort RS 2000 A/C
      853 words
    • 867 29 LATE I*7l, OPEL Rekord. PARF I eligible Highest offer secures. Ring *****65 after 2p.m. MOB GT 1*72 new paint, alrcond Excellent condition Interested view at: 5. Jalan Insaf SEPT. I*l* VOLVO 244. One owner Highest offer secures. Tel *****44. SUBARU NO KEONO Car Traders Pte Ltd For more details, telephone:
      867 words
    • 492 29 REOISTERED 1577 OOOD Condition. White Mitsubishi Colt Van. 1 company owner Asking M.OOO Please call: *****13. 1(77 TOYOTA LITEACE Van. 1 owner Oood condition all round Price SJ.BOO 0.n.0 Contact Peter Bay. *****3 IMS TOVOTA PANEL Van. Well maintained. Alrcond. accident free. Asking for: $***** on.o. Call: *****04 or 252*011
      492 words
    • 1521 29 IV A ff^^WMmrfcrt^f ir>i ft. gfc— QM^MtIMM ■MrjS^^r "ft. Si Ibbbbtbl > Type A 1 3-storay apMHovel Townhousas S 7 O*Js?>»t>vJ* Typaß^itora^Craatr^Townhouaa. Type C a 'D'4-sforay luxurious Maisonnettes HRocfßßttonßl AimoitNW: Standard sized swimming pool and children's wading pool Squaah court RaaMenls' club house Tropical garden I opan park area Children's
      1,521 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 782 30 j.™ 60 Accommodation Vacant b) Flat* ORCHARO ROAD VtCBMTV a High floor, fully furnished, t-oadroomad aasrlwsiH with balcony Split-level living/ dining Rantai $3,000 lumiahBflL a Executive hlghrlse centrally alrcond baaroomsd apartmant. Split-level living/ dinIng, 24-hour security, with poo! facilities Rental SUMO. a Luxuriously, fully furnished I biatoaand fully alrcond carpeted
      782 words
    • 981 30 ORCHARD ROAD VtdNfTY 3-bed- roomed apartment with spacious 1 living/ dining. Big balcony, tastefully furnished. Inter- Home *****8 PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX High fioor. 1-bedroom studio apart- ment. Partially furnished $800 Tel: *****82 Miss Chan after 2pm BEDOK 4-ROOM partially fur- nlshed. beside cinema. Interchange, Immediate occupation $800 *****17 CABWMLL ROAD
      981 words
    • 1588 30 I M a^ I Mr ACCOMaTMSMHM PTQpaVaM SS CHANOI NEAR APOLLO Garden ultra-modern 2-storey semi-de-tached 4 split-levels. 5 bedrooms Built-in 3420 land 4800 sq.ft. Freehold, selling $690,000/-. Tal. Ang *****47 DIST. IS BEDOKVRXE DOUBLESTOREY Semi-detached Bungalow Ideally located. 3.485 sq.ft. 5 bedrooms. Short distance to Changl Airport. Price $460,000 0.n.0.
      1,588 words
    • 1727 30 aaa a _m a) n_ n m I awl 4m ri U IBJ9 I aaS DMT tt. OROUNOFLOOR WALK -UP apartment with covered carpark and private garden 3 bedrooms and 2 bathroom with built-in wardrobe and cabinets. Ceramic tiles flooring. 1250 sq ft $280,000 No agents please Tel: *****76/ *****86.
      1,727 words
    • 1242 30 Itf Imii^Mni'-" a* M IV ALLIMiVrHHMIKffI rrOpßTlafj! g^g b) Rental SUPREME HOUSE I Spice for use as Medic il Unrt I 510 sq. ft. (47.4 sq. m) Air Conditioned with excellent services Ample parking facilities Available at reasonable rental BNOUBMS SUPREME HOLDINGS LTD SURPREME HOUSE L T4rl: 336-24^66 MERLIN PLAZA
      1,242 words
    • 1012 30 VI F^tucflttofl A Instruction o ATT language centre SCHOOL OF LINGUISTIC SKILLS Lonquoge courses and private tuition for school examinations and for business, travel pleasure EVENING CLASSES ENGLISH FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN twice weekly 5.45 pm all levels from 24th August 1981 EVENING CLASSES (ADULTS) English, all levels Mon. Wed. 7.35
      1,012 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 543 31 fl Educatton 4 Instruction c) MmMtc 97 Driving (mtniction KM* KCt YO»«O Srhool Of Music UMA t- k and Children Arl-s offer Music Ps"??^ te s?^c.K Lessons for Violin. Viola. Cello. ,*f ""Ji^;' 3 X n([ f h p n P r wf Piano. Theory and alao Children i^2S. £5E2
      543 words
    • 709 31 ¥ll Travel Tours >iL 1 Baaaaar^aafl aaaaaV BWaaT^aaaa*' k aaaP^ J^tj v r< y ■aH 4 Va^aT aaaJaF «^T S^S'' S"^T* ■*>- •(•SrlafMaaai From the peopte who know travel better[^B I INTERNATIONAL MASS WEDDING I HONEYMOON TOUR '81 bhtolKon 'uncnon 6 StPT 8 1 Ocpaiturc 7 SEPT 31 b, StA
      709 words
    • 600 31 J W TrmH Tows JL^ j^| WMOS HOLIDAYS A reliable way to travel EUROPE m AUTUMN spells beauty and romance. Take m the blazing colours and the earthy fragrance of foil. Be there before the earth coots for only $4199 10 Oaya Dtnersuropean Quality Holiday ESCORTED DEPARTURES 4/9. 16/10, 3010.
      600 words
    • 912 31 ¥ll Trawl Tows >4*4* i NAM HO TiMasamcinnELii Gl 4-1 6- 18, Pearfs Centre. Eu Tong Sen Street (Yangtze Theatre) Singapore 01 05. Tec *****33 (7 lines) 119, People's Park Complex, Ground Root, New Bridge Road, Singapore 0105. Tet *****1/*****2 *****3/*****2/*****6 *****8/*****3 l TAI4O afmWUTMTMM 7 daya *****/- (Air-con coach)
      912 words
    • 346 31 I J*"JL"" SINCERE'S SELECTED OFFER S-liay Gentlng/ Penang/ Cameron by AC Coach $179 Sltt'J Dep Every Monday 7 am. 4DSN Penang/Cameron by AC Coach $149 $159*169 Dep Monday Tuesday 2D3N Oenting by AC Coach .$79*49 $99 Dep. Every Friday 10 pm 2D3N Gentlng by Train (Sleeping- Berth) and return by
      346 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      32 32 The family of the late Mdm. LOONG WEE ENG wishes to thank all relatives and friends for their kind assistance, attendance, donations and condolences during their recent bereavement. DEPARTED 10/8/81 Aged 69
      32 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      256 32 passed away peacefully on 13.8.81 leaving behind wife, sister. 2 sons. 2 daughters, daughter-in-law. 2 sons-in-law and seven grand-children to mourn his loss. Cortege leaving 51-B Lorong Ong Lye on M-»-t1 (Sunday) al 1240 noon (or Mount Vemon Cremato- HENRY DAWSON JOSEPH. AGE 60 formerly of (Juntas Airways
      256 words
    • 39 32 Th. son. CHEW HOCK CHUAN, daughtor-tn-Mw, GUAN NANCY, daughter* BAI NEO, KIM NEO and grandchMdran of tha lata wish to thank an ralatrvaa and mvfKJv tot irteir conoovoncov, wraatna #tc., during their ra- MR. CHEW BOON ENG
      39 words
    • 82 32 wishes to thank Rev. T.C. Nga, Rev. B.H Ding. Rev. Ronnie Goh, Mr. Wee Yew Hock, members of the Pentecost Methodist Church; Doctors and Starr or the General Hospital; Relatives and Friends for their prayers, caring, assistance and attendance, donations, wreaths and condolences during her
      82 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      40 32 10TH ANNIVERSARY MASS THANKSGIVING MASS TOMORROW. 16th AUGUST »1 at 10.00 am al tha Church ol Our Lady ol Lourdaa. SO Ophtr Road, B'pora. ALWAYS REMEMBERED BY LOVED OMEB. IN LOVING MEMORY OF 8.V.8. MUTHU DEPARTED M-t-71
      40 words
    • 50 32 A YEAR MAY PASS BUT MEMORIES OF YOU WILL FOREVER LAST DEARLY MISSED AND ALWAYS REMEMBERED BY WIFE, CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILD. In Loving Memory ol DR. V P MENON Departed on 147*7 1550 Atway* remembered by Wife. Childran, In-laws arxl QfMMicn Moron TANG SIE W CHEONG
      50 words
      118 words
    • 35 32 Five years you have been gone, but never forgotten Deerfy remembered by. Son: K.M. Lim. Daughter-in-law: L.H. Chuwa, Grand daughters: Lillian. Li Ping. Ury. LIM YUEN CHUN Departed Auguat IS, 1976
      35 words
    • 33 32 RATES FOR PERSONAL AOS OBITUARIES a $12.00 for 15 word* (run-on atyta) a $42 00 for 3cm. x 1 coi. (aemi-diaplay atyla) a $52.50 for tern x 1 col. ( atyta)
      33 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 406 32 v ¥111 Artnouncamants A ParsonaJ B*^--I 8888 l lha*K M Hurting? m God cares Come for a touch from the Master s hand this Sunday ■al-^ TRINITY CHRISTIAN CENTRE Time: Bam, 10am. 12pm 2 30pm Presently at RELC Int'l House ~m ReHgiotn 118 CarPoots Announcements FROM TOA PAYOH to Tengah
      406 words
    • 847 32 FINANCE DIRECTOR n r-i ,|l nn I najiilml The Hong Leong Group is seeking a top-calibre professional I I to fill the post ol Finance Director m its subsidiary company, I MANSON FINANCE TRUST LTD, UK. I The company is a well established public Quoted company I m London having
      847 words
    • 1091 32 mmwmmmmmm alcom mmmmmmmm Aluminium Company of Malaysia Berhad An Associated Company of ttw Alcan Group Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of Aluminium Company of Malaysia Berhad will be held at the Bilek Temenggong, Hotel Jaya Puri, Jalan Barat, Petaling Jaya, at
      1,091 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 550 33 flßflkw smntPOiiEmnsßtviceinmiTn The Company m conjunction with Vocational Industrial Training Board invites applications from suitably qualrfie I males and females for APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING IN MOTOR VEHICLE MECHANICS Requlremenh Singapore Ctizen or Permanent Resident Completed o r exempted from National Service or serving part-time National Service Completed Secondary 3 or.passed Secondary
      550 words
    • 488 33 An established member company of the Hongkong Commodities Exchange invites suitably qualified Singaporeans to apply for the following positions for its Singapore company. 1. ACCOUNTANT 2. SECRETARY 3. RESEARCH OFFICER 4. ACCOUNTS CLERKS/ TYPISTS 5. RECEPTIONIST We offer successful applicants an attractive basic salary plus normal company benefits. (Applicants for
      488 words
    • 624 33 ~g philips I Our Training Department requires the services of an experienced personnel to fill the position of TRAINING OFFICER The Men An analytical and resourceful individual who possesses the ability to communicate effectively at all levels. TheJob: The selected candidate would be required to conduct management courses, assess training
      624 words
    • 681 33 ASIACITI COMPUTER SERVICES PTE. LTD. Our subsidiary and associated companies have been m the computer systems business m Australia for over ten years. We are now establishing ASEAN region operations with Singapore as our base. Product lines are essentially micro and mini computer based systems covering general business, public accountancy,
      681 words

  • across the CAUSEWAY
    • 307 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday FORMER Selangor Mentri Besar, Datuk Haji Harun Idris. is to make a formal appeal to Home Affairs Minister, Datuk Musa Hi tarn, next week for permission to hold the post of United Malays National Organisation (Umno) vice-president. Datuk Harun will,
      AFP  -  307 words
    • 91 34 THESE iimm kavr heea vMut ataee they were nwnpMwi last September. Their swam caa ast nMve la heeMM there hi m electricity aid water aad m certificates M flta«M. The Matey Mall repute* that these hMsea were amsag IJSH iavelved la a majer a*a»iag
      91 words
    • 279 34 BAHAU (Negri Sembilan), Frl. Some $12 million worth of sugar cane is rotting here because there is no buyer. The cultivators 146 of them and their families who had visions of fourfigure income when they planted the crop two years ago are now in despair.
      NST  -  279 words
    • 78 34 JOHORE BARU, Fri. A 70-year-old man from Pontian, M. Govindam, was found dead in a hotel here half an hour after he asked for a woman to be sent to his room. Police said the man checked into the hotel on Wednesday. Shortly after the
      78 words
    • 137 34 THE Prisons Department has taken action against a prison warder for assaulting an inmate at Taiping Prison. The warder was found guilty of assaulting an inmate when inmates were ?oing into their rooms at .30 p.m. on July 25. The warder received a three day
      NST  -  137 words
    • 130 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.US Senator S. I. Hayakawa, chairman of the Asia-Pacific subcommittee of the US Senate Foreign Relations committee, arrived here today for a threeday visit. The senator will discuss bilateral trade and international economic and security issues. Mr Hayakawa has already visited Thailand and
      Reuter; AFP  -  130 words
    • 110 34 MALACCA, Fri. PWD employees were today urged to work towards a new image or they will be stuck with the label "Janran Kerja Rajin" (JKR). the public's derisive interpretation of the initials of the department in Bahasa Malaysia. In making the call at a PWD
      NST  -  110 words
    • 302 34 K. LUMPUR, Fri. THAI pirates preying on Malaysian trawlers have been able elude policemen on patrols disguised as fishermen because of a security leak, it was reported today. The Chief Police Officer of Kedah/ Perlis, acting Deputy Commissioner Abdul Hamid Mohamed, said
      AFP  -  302 words
      • 76 34 MAS fuel bill soars MALAYSIAN Airline System's fuel bill has soared by more than 1,500 per cent over the last eight years to make it MAS' biggest expenditure item at present. MAS, which paid M$15.5 million for fuel in its 1973/74 financial year, had to pay about M$250 million for
        NST  -  76 words
      • 70 34 THE Department of Civil Aviation is expected to auction a Boeing 707, which it has confiscated, next week in order to recover more than M$50,000 in parking charges due to it from the aircraft's owners. A DCA official said that they would advertise in the local newspapers to
        NST  -  70 words
      • 52 34 EAST Malaysia's biggest army training exercise of the year is underway in the jungles of the Third and Fourth Divisions of Sarawak. The fortnight-long exercise, code-named Gonzales Nine, began on Monday this week for 3,000 men of the Sarawak-based Third Infantry Brigade, the Borneo Bulletin reported on
        NST  -  52 words
      • 68 34 EDUCATION Minister, Datuk Dr Sulaiman Daud, said on Friday that the curriculum of the ministry's religious secondary schools and the respective state-sponsored religious secondary schools be co-ordinated to create a standardised and uniform curriculum for the whole country. He said it was important to create a uniform
        NST  -  68 words
    • 237 34 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl DATUK Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad's book, The Malay Dilemma, is expected to shoot to the top of the best-seller list here only days after it is launched next week. A spokesman for its publisher. Federal Publications, said it has received orders for at least
      NST  -  237 words
  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 133 34 fIHHItfBHV 1 Colgate Dental Cream aa^^ a? i B^^^ i^^l^aaV aalvr^^^^'aT a* bb^"^ a^^^^ b^^^^^^^V aal ■V^a^ataaal aSKiaf*V74slßTaaT sal afl W^^-.^aalßaf saw aa^^^¥a»^is«BßaTa¥ afl t^^^ *^bbw wf^^3^B/^^SS^^S^si^i^r A m a^^^^ The more Fab Giant 1 Wl/^] I Sf -^^®A :^r or Twin- Pack Fab Wwm fl MSflH^l^fl Large size you
      133 words

    • 410 35  -  JAWHARILAL RAJENDRAN By THE Singapore Amateur Athletic Association have decided that they do not owe national athlete Fok Keng Choy an apology for accusing him of misconduct at the first ASEAN track and field championships m Jakarta
      410 words
    • 339 35 TENNIB ROUND-UP MONTREAL, Frf. Wimbledon champion John McEnroe, the world's topranked tennis player, joined a host of seeds on the sidelines of the Canadian Open here yesterday when HWi-seeded Vijay Amritrai, of India, upset him 57, 7-« (7-5), 6-1. McEnroe, who had never lost to
      Agencies  -  339 words
    • 103 35 MILWAUKEE, Fri. American swimmer Mary Meagher, IS, brake her awn world reecrd for the women's SM metres butterfly, clacking I mln. K.M sec. here l« Wisconsin yesterday. Her farmer mark was t-MJn. She set the record In the United States swimming championships. She had set
      AFP  -  103 words
    • 72 35 MADRID, Fri. Atletico Madrid imposed a maximum fine of USJtOOO ($15,190) on their Brazilian star, Jose Dirceu, and pui him on the transfer list after he threw a Jacket at coach Jose Luis Gracia Traid when he chided him for missing a penalty m a match.
      UPI  -  72 words
    • 24 35 WEST BROMWICH, Frt. West Bromwich Albion yesterday clinched the £500,000 ($193,000) signing of England under-21 midfield man Steve MacKenzie from Manchester City. AFP.
      AFP  -  24 words
    • 404 35 PLYMOUTH, Fri BRITISH team captain Robin Aisher toasted Britain's eighth Admiral's Cup win m 13 series with champagne here last night. The victory was made possible by the efforts of Aisher, fellow-Londoner Brian Saffery-Cooper and brilliant young skipper Phil Crebbin, from Lymington. Crebbin, just
      AFP; UPI  -  404 words
    • 414 35 SANTO DOMINGO, Fri. A Taiwan delegation officially pulled out of the 11th world shooting competition yesterday when they were denied the use of the Nationalist Chinese flag. In a statement, Chuan Ching-Tang, chairman of the delegation, said they would not take part in the competition in the Dominican Republic
      Agencies  -  414 words
  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 88 35 s 10th J" lv> BH Stngapor* BH enquire"- B rr -rdii x 1 mm ro'^vl mm I few -^^X^^' ion m SupePL>an<k+ I PINtWOOOMMNG TABLE '-jS^^v,^' GOLDCN Lf C M *SI moo ocwo y^^* yy^ lnrml T i^Bff jS* I f*» **9^*l f /sit 9Qfl Bl^mJ -'M I TWfIBWyHBIsI. ~~""-~--y^^
      88 words
  • Page 35 Miscellaneous
    • 219 35 Bringing Up Father By Bill Kavanagh Hal Camp ITS HI OPACKETT- I THEy ACCEPTEP IWE OO&MT TO OAAGGI^VVMERE )~s. 7 'A. poyouyvAMT sore cnxjt tewiS, j\<x&. clem? akmllioJ, have vtxi rr -*^J A- TDTA-LK PO-\MEP6 WE'RE IM FOP A EASILY, HI LETS BEEM J\\ £?$&/)ss TDMIfA? J WOPKItJSOM PEM-FAT --f
      219 words

  • TIMESPORT PAGE TWO Racing special
    • 374 36  -  EPSOM JEEP By PRIDE AND HONOUR has come right and can be followed with confidence. This four-year-old engaged in Race 4 stands out as the best bet in today's card of seven races at Penang. Pride And Honour broke through with
      374 words
    • 211 36  -  TIPTOP By SEA HORSE n is shaping up for his maiden win in Race 2 for Class 5 Div 2 horses over 1,200m. The three year-old Derring-Do gelding has had three starts so far and the most impressive was his fourth to It's Wonderful
      211 words
    • 256 36  -  EQUESTRIENNE By MOON SHADOW, a four-year-old brown New Zealand gelding by Chief Hagen, should score his debut win in open company when he takes on a Class 5 Div 1 field (Race 5). Racing in Class 4 restricted terms in all his three previous outings, he
      256 words
    • 246 36  -  TONTO By WONDER WALKER is worth following in Race 4. Earlier thfs season, he won in Class 3 Div 1 1,250m, beating President Candidate by l'« lengths after being in the rear in the early stages of the race. Last week, the six -yearold Trepolo
      246 words
    • 49 36 THESE karaea will ro well taday if ttM>re Is Bam 1: Pcaatagma's (harm, Nattaaal Sped*!. Race 2: Stanky, The Ca«p, Neptaae TapM. Race tlWaader Walker, ParfcfauM Kid, Mast BeBftee S: Plalilr d'AflMv. Race <: T»l TMg. S«rveyar n, AskUa Veatere. ■Uee 1: ExMw, Uve Me Tm4m, Trae Kalght.
      49 words
    • 3385 36 RAPF 1 2.30 Tote Board Stakes IVA^ r< A for Malaysian-breds CLASSES 5 AND 6 1,700m (Ratings 58-6) ($15,000 $9,000 to winner) 1 6*0*51 Berart Jay SO Serene-Ng 6 mg g Cg Chalked up fourth win when he led practically all way In CM 1200m with 55 in
      3,385 words
  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 652 36 A well established Engineering Trading Company, located m Jurong (Bus No 250 from the Interchange) invites applications for the following vacancies (A) SALES EXECUTIVE Burgeoning demand for LISTER diesel engines with their world renowned reputation for extreme ruggedness ond reliability has creoted another opening for a Sales Executive within our
      652 words

  • TIMESPORT PAGE THREE Racing special
    • 1001 37 He does a good gallop with apprentice Bakri up On the track...with TIPTOP PENANG, Fri. Last Start winner Hokaido looks set to take Race 6 on Sunday. With apprentice Bakri m the saddle he reeled off 600 m m 45 sees, here this morning. The
      1,001 words
    • 168 37 DEAUVILLE (France). Fri. Nemr continued the Mitri Saliba Stables fine recent run by decisively beating Englishtrained Vielle in yesterday's Group Three Prix Gontaut-Biron. Confidently ridden by Alfred Glbert, the son of Thatch obviously relished the fast going and came through at the distance to win by
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 1335 37 RATF 1 2.15 CL ASS 5 DIV 4 1,200 m !V/\l/r< 1 (Rating* 47-35) ($10,500 $7,350 to winner) 1 0*00" KrtarttU (47) 57 Star Uta-G Breukelen 5 emgcß +1.5 Twmcfc 2 I 000*0* Brl J*k*r (It) 56 5 Spectacular G. Breukelen 4 lrg d 2 -U W Muny
      1,335 words
  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 631 37 Weina awwty tenßed talHaa aa4 ewnroWltkw hraUag rampuy ißttUted by a iyvuaie k«aj mi af tra4lM eiwpartw with •cttvtU«w rmaßlag fr»m kMUDteg IbHUMstaag to MutrUl manteetutag. We iavlte ndtoMy pewiMiel toJ-fclM. A) DIVISION MANAGERS Experience m stock or bullion trading Good leadership with ability to motivate supervise a sales force
      631 words
    • 562 37 (IH] REI^VELOPMENT 1 \ZJ* AUTHORIT\ r The Urban Redevelopment Authority invites I applications from citizen*, permanent resi- I dents of Singapore ond other ASEAN citizens for the post of: INTERNAL AUDITOR Duties a) To review existing systems and procedures m the various Divisions of the Authority ond recommend f o
      562 words

    • 503 38  -  JANICE SEAH By 17 marks fall on wayside as school swimmers turn it on HAVE a merciless sun and warm, humid air filled with the cacophony of voices, shrieking support for their respective schools, and an authoritative voice booming over the microphone,
      503 words
    • 384 38 Girls B Div: Mm tree: 1 Tay Khoon Mci (Anglo-Chinese JC) 2 Ang Bee Kiat (National JC) 3 Joanna Goh (Catholic JC) 31.5; 51m butterfly: 1 Karen Fong (CJC) 2 Evon Soon (Hwa Chong JC) 3 Koh Cheng Noi (CJC) 35.5; 4 x 51m tree relay:
      384 words
    • 34 38 JAKARTA, Fri. The West German Munich University soccer team were beaten 0-1 by an east Java provincial team Persebaya m here m Surabaya yesterday, their only defeat on their Indonesian tour. AFP.
      AFP  -  34 words
    • 18 38 JAKARTA, Fri. South Korea drew 1-1 with Bulgaria m the Jakarta anniversary soccer tournament yesterday. AFP.
      AFP  -  18 words
    • 187 38 HARTFORD, Connecticut, Fri. Lon Nielson shot the lowest round of his four-year tour career today an eight-under-par 63 to take a twostroke lead after the first round of a Professional Golf Association tournament here. Nielson, who had six birdies and an eagle, said: "My
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 138 38 DUBLIN, Fri. Australian Rodger Davis, last seen staging a protest walk-out at the West German Open two weeks ago, fired a six-under-par 66 at Portmarnock yesterday for the first-round lead in the Irish Open golf championship. Davis, who quit the German Open in disgust at
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 195 38 WELLINGTON, Fri. A bomb exploded yesterday outside the Christchurch stadium where the first rugby Test match between South Africa and New Zealand are scheduled to be played tomorrow. The bomb, which police said exploded in an open space near Lancaster Park Stadium, caused
      UPI  -  195 words
    • 26 38 NEWCASTLE. Fri Swiss First Division Club Neuchatel Xamax held European Cup holders Liverpool to a goalless draw m a warm-up match here m Switzerland. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 188 38 ABCHEKY Pesta Sukan shoot (Gloucester Barracks). BOWLING Spore international Open (Jackie's System 460/ Plaza. 10 am). EQUESTRIANISM Pesta Sukan meet (Bt. Timah Saddle Club). GOLF Sembawang monthly medal (Sentosa, 1). HOCKEY SHA League: Div 1: University v PARC, LA v Seletar SC, CSC v SAFSA, Khalsa v Police
      188 words
    • 231 38 TORONTO, Fri. England split their pairs and triples matches today but retained the overall lead in the women's world lawn bowls championship. England led with 83 points. Hongkong regain ed second place with 76 while Zimbabwe dropped to third with 74. In the
      Reuter; AP  -  231 words
  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 488 38 CHOHC E| BROTHERS f urmtwc co. I j Ht] German I MR f Pfff Hi I A fc«^w. M|'^ Hdelbruck Es3EMfc»v now $1495 J^BBC^' FREE dressing StOOl light for bedroom set All sets consist of One 3 -door wardrobe One side taWe tßpfrl IQ One dressing table One sft bed
      488 words
    • 111 38 The best buy m town BLESSING FIANO Warm Generous Tone Light Responsive Touch i I Excellent Finish m Mahogany, i#| Walnut, Ebony Fine Furniture Styling I MBHLWI 1 Year Warranty 3 Free Tunings, Piano Heater vSj and Piano Stool TJ| Special Offer J, FREE Seiko METRONOME w»^ eBS P v^
      111 words

    • 177 39 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Khalid Ali will be allowed to play for Mara in the Football Association of Malaysia Cup competition next month without fear of reprisal from the F. A. of Selangor. This follows a FAS statement yesterday that Khalid is not under
      NST  -  177 words
    • 97 39 THE Singapore Kerala Association will hold their Onam badminton finals at the Singapore Badminton Hall tomorrow at 5 p.m. The programme includes the team final between the Bharath and Sembawang Sports Clubs, and the the veterans doubles and under-18 boys doubles finals. The highlight
      97 words
    • 55 39 THE Serangoon Gardens Community Centre will organise a squash tournament on their premises from Aug 21-28 to celebrate National Day. The tournament, opened to residents In the area, will be divided into men's women's and veterans' events. The closing date for entries is Aug 17. Entry forms are
      55 words
    • 129 39 LONDON, Fri. Javed Miandad, Glamorgan's Pakistani Test batsman, followed up his first-in-nings' century by scoring 96 at a run a minute, including 28 off an over from Asif Din, in an English county championship match against Warwickshire yesterday. Scores: At Edgh— t— Glamorgan 40*6 dec. and 176-4
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 335 39  -  JOE DORAI APART FROM NOH, HE WAS THE ONLY ABSENTEE YESTERDAY By SAMAD ALAPITCHAY, the Singapore captain, missed training again yesterday morning because he was feeling tired after three days of workout with the Merdeka soccer squad at the Jalan Besar Stadium. Samad rejoined
      335 words
    • 406 39  -  WILFRED YEO By MALAYSIAN champion Y. H. Foong hit 14 consecutive strikes in the Singapore International bowling championships at Jackie's System 460 yesterday but he ended up with only 270 pintails. Foong's eighth delivery, which followed a sevenbagger, hit his leg and rolled into
      406 words
    • 374 39 MANCHESTER, Fr. The frailty of the Australian batting was again cruelly exposed m the Fifth cricket Test against England at Old Traf- ford today. They were bowled out for a miserly 130, 101 behind England, in two-and-a-half hours, which, even by the low batting standards
      Reuter  -  374 words
    • 308 39  -  PATRICK BASTIANS By TONY NAUGHTON, the New Zealand expert offered a monthly salary of $2,170, plus accommodation for his family, to prepare the Republic's team for February's world junior squash championships, has made a counter offer to the Singapore Squash Rackets Association. Naughton mentioned a
      308 words
    • 267 39 TWO OF Singapore's best players in the B team of last year s Lion Qty Cup tournament will spearhead the Republic's A squad for this year's competition, reports JOE DORAI. Midfielders Kamsadi Dahlan and Sudirman Ahmad found their rightful places in Singapore's first team
      267 words
    • 47 39 SEVEN teams have entered for the Women Football Association of Singapore Pesta Sukan competition starting today at the Queenstown Sports complex (9 a.m.). They are Dover dementi A and B, Hewlett Packard, Duke United Seletar F.C Darul Afiah and Chua Chu Kang.
      47 words
    • 33 39 MECHANICAL and Engineering Department beat Marine Pool B 3-1, and Fire and Safety beat Technical Training A 1-0 m the Port Authority Recreation Club intra-soccer tournament at Bukit Chermin yesterday.
      33 words
    • 23 39 UNION CARBIDE drew 1-1 with M.C. Packaging to finish runners-up m the Ovaltine Jurong inter-company Division Two soccer League at Jurong yesterday.
      23 words
    • 266 39 WONG YEE LEONG, one of the most skilful junior squash players around, entered the semi-finals of the Pakistan International Airlines boys' under- 19 closed championships yesterday when he beat the game Johari Rafdi 9-6, <Ms, 9-3, reports PATRICK BASTIANS. But, in the semi-finals today,
      266 words
  • Page 39 Advertisements
      48 words
    • 53 39 KNOW YOUR ABC CONTEST The rt suits «ff Hit above conftsff will be published on 27th August instead of 14th August. Prizes am bt collected front the deception, Malayan Breweries (S) Pte Ltd 475, River Valley Road, Singapore from Ift ft 30th September ABC PB*^^ F EXTRA STOUT 1 P*>
      53 words

  • 54 40 PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan showing off his cowboy boots while relaxing at his ranch m Santa Barbara, California, on Thursday. He later set his economic recovery programme m motion with the signing of the largest budget and tax-cutting measures m United States history. UPI
    UPI  -  54 words
  • 205 40 LOS ANGELES, Fri REPORTS of phantom voices beaming false Instructions to airline pilots are being Investigated by three government agencies, according to a report published today. The phantom voices have been reported by airline pilots flying into Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Houston, Fort
    AP  -  205 words
  • 216 40 THE function was to celebrate National Day. But the residents committees of Tanjong Pagar wanted it also to be an occasion when people from all walks of life could get together. So they had the wellheeled paying more than the less well-off in order that
    216 words
  • 267 40 BAHRAIN, Friday SAUDI Arabia's Oil Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani said he expected the next meeting of Opec to agree on a unified oil price and added that if it did, the kingdom would cut production from its present record level. He was
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 419 40 THERE will be no L-licensed motorcyclists on the roads by 1985, when a comprehensive plan now being worked out to upgrade their riding skills is put into practice. Home Affairs Minister Chua Sian Chin told Parliament yesterday: "One of the measures is for
    419 words
  • 255 40 TALENTED foreigners will find it easier to apply for Singapore citizenship because the criteria has become "much more liberal," Home Affairs Minister Chua Sian Chin told Parliament yesterday. This has been done "in order that we can attract more talent to Singapore," he said
    255 words
  • 36 40 BEIJING, Fri China has developed a printing system using computers and laserscanners which can reproduce 60 Chinese characters a second, the official Xinhua news agency said today, describing the system as a major breakthrough. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 247 40 YOUR Weekend Reading highlights on P. 10 BUSINESS TIMES Singapore's Financial Dally TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS. With the thrashing the stock market has seen lately, you would probably have wished that you had invested in something else. Daiwa Securities' US$50 million convertible bond may be just what you are looking for. Why
      247 words
    • 333 40 Now Free membership to o video library from VISIONHIRE'S VIDEO SPECIAL Supreme Boon Lav House Shoccx) Centre The modern way to enjoy Colour TV {HTp-3 THE COLOUR TV EgMJy RENTALS SPECIALIST SV (While stocks last) yd When you buy a colour TV 7 onCASHorHP <@&? TABLE FAN tor every 66
      333 words
  • Page 40 Miscellaneous
    • 183 40 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Pair and warm becoming hot and sonny by late morning. TEMP. (C) up to S a.m. tomorrow: 33 max., 2C min. SUNSET today: 6.43 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: C33a.m. GLOBAL WEATHER ImMm 14 23 C Clear Lw Aageie* 20/30 C Cloudy Atheaa 25 36C Clear Ma4rM
      183 words

    • 3 1 SECTION TWO r^^^PlHK^W^l
      3 words
    • Article, Illustration
      912 1 There're none so pathetic m this world as those who die m the spirit. But at the hour of death burst forth m Gogen Yamaguichi a surge of new life; it was almost like a reincarnation. And now, after a second span 35 years the karate master tells
      912 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 106 1 Amboi sedapnya! afe GtlsL ~'tits& j P "^^»!r*s?^H? Bar bbpl^^^^^'''' .^bbbm t i&isk j **^tfraaafflß bb^^ -""_u^«Sii^t"»»_ JaBBBBBBaa^^M W B^ Bka^v 9bW. '^l bT^^* **lB BBHK «T^H Jte i XSaSß^B^P^f L/^^m W^ *Sl Bißßß^fc^Bla^hL^r/^, jrfw<^ *s* |E^b^s^^H. ■^■T^L^^Br .^oo^ HP^^^^ 3s\\§mm ffr6D)6iJ! Dee~lee~cious! c .^pfl A £> 2 k a^P^saaa^P^HFV
        106 words
    • 960 2 C D SATURDAY Matlaee DM la Tke W—l (Ch 5, 2.15 p.m.): Dramatisation of a Dame Ngaio Marsh's story in classic Agatha Christie who-dun-it tradition. George Baker plays the lead role of Chief Detective Inspector Allyn, summoned to investigate the murder of an obnoxious, domineering woman
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    • 474 2 Look out for these •"BUT you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry out the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King... without the help and support of the woman 1 love" these were words heard by a
      474 words
    • 326 2 TODAY: NIGHT TOUR by Clementi (2) RC to Jurong Fishing Port/Central Pish Market, Changi Airport, Mount Faber, Express Highway and a midnight snow. Charge per participant^. LIBRARY SERVICES at Ang Mo Kio (F) RC Centre located at Blk 220, 797, Ang Mo Kio Ave 1. Open every Saturday
      326 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 36 2 |J|^j^ CEk V° ung trendy Special promotional price ||Q||l| M 3 4-35. Lucky Plaza Tel *****88 211 Shaw Centre Tel *****41 JUIIIII I G46 Thomson Plaza Tel *****02 o uG -8. Bukit Timah Plaza Tel *****8
        36 words
      • 18 2 S3 National Panasonic Super Slimline Sounds RQ-2735 Slim cassette recorder packed with micro components The Colour TV Specialist
        18 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 339 2 EXHIBITIONS: ExklhittM af Photo- Hari Raya Party Cum Kebaya graphs of Asean cos- Queen Contest: At Dewan Kampung tumes, musical instruments and reli- Ubi, 8 p.m. gious tradiUons at the NaUonal Li- Natt««al Day Dinner Com Variety brary, till 22 Aug. Closed on Sh«w: At Toa Payoh CC And SeranSunda'y
        339 words
      • 126 2 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB 6 Early transport he'd caught by u s£ssr'*- liih -s^-^----13 c i »;.r rEjsr 17 issssarJiu^s »t by »ssssr is Kw.v^T««2i2 h u ft** much ta-uncy! rasiirr* (4) sL^sr* m (7) (5) 24 Frenchman is accommodated ta ta —h^^rf by a aoUtary old rebel-worker T.TI
        126 words
      • 1186 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 12.55 PM Opera* followed by Sesame ;35 I™** The Fnends Affair Street 7 25 Cultural (English) i <;n Pirhu. Birh 7.30 News And Weather Forecast kkik wen (Malav) 2.15 Saturday Matinee Died In The 7 50 vejas Set-Up w °o' 850 Economics Made Easy
        1,186 words
    • LEISURE 1
      • 1159 3 Doyo Prawito Oil Paintings Art Exhibition Today and tomorrow only (11 a.m. 10 p.m.) sth Floor Reception Hall, South Wing, Mandarin Hotel Previewed by JOHN DE SOUZA A SMALL bo y squats easi ly, back against a stained wall, his round face calm as he balances a
        1,159 words
      • 294 3 Pi^^^^Br^M^j^Bj^j^^^r^^BrTf^^BM LET'S indulge in some movie-related trivia this week. Let's scrape the bottom of the barrel in what Time essayist Frank Trippet calls the "pap culture". Here goes: CLANK-CLANK: A 1972 room-service cheque from a San Francisco hotel for two pieces of cinnamon toast, two cups of
        294 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 255 3 Hj|j ft Mm Am^^^r ii'fi!!ll\^PiiJ- V KA W M lff^«f ii W 1 I m ''•■ok 1'"-1 1 B^^^^^ |Vi!i'Jffi|f k I y^. l The fashion stocks are w i^BL > H Bf r^illy looking up. Invest m Mills jsi feY Hr *^l BY Vincent and Klasse shirts. tilt I
        255 words
    • LEISURE 2
      • 1944 4 Dancing is not considered a very respectable profession it doesn't pay very well anyway. And choreographers have to create for audiences who prefer pretty colours and costumes to new, abstract ideas. GERALDINE TANG talks to them of their hopes, m this second of a three-part feature on
        1,944 words
      • 303 4 THE Stalker, a two-and-a-half hour Russian film by Andrei Tarkovsky will be shown at the RELC auditorium at 8 p.m. by the Singapore Film Society. Something has hit the earth and a mysterious Zone is formed. No sane man would go into this place
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 809 4 1 Hoya Sun Series at Kimpo-Do ESSi A series of lenses sensitive to the intensity of Tight. Sungray J white to darfc grey. A nsutrai cJonsrty i photochromic lens for indoor and outdoor wear. <• hs uniformttY m shade <s pleasant 9nxi comfortabte. 7 Sundrive Darkens from blue to gray.
        809 words
      • 78 4 SEMBAWAHGPARK SEAFOOD PALACE Restaurant Cofce House RESTAURANT COTTCE fiOUSC (1 1 30 «m 2.30 pm) (9.00 am 11 .00 pm) (6.00pm- 10 30 pm) western Set Lunch Economical Chinese Succulent Steaks Dishes 2EXXS, howi s Lhe Prawns Hshes 3 6 OOpm Draughtbaer mmsm Alao t^Mpmrl|lmf Catering for o %^/CT*s^/V?! wedding*,
        78 words
    • LEISURE 3
      • Article, Illustration
        707 5  -  CAROLINE NGUI By FOR four months last year, in the heart of industrial Jurong, in a factory which produces flower pots, two men were hard at work. Deft fingers shaped clay on whizzing potter's wheel. They kept keen eyes on firing kilns. Andrew Chua and Robin Koh
        707 words
      • 159 5 THIS year's public concert by the Institute of Education's Music Education Department (called Opus VI, tonight, 8 p.m., at Singapore Conference Hall) offers more than the usual fare of Choral and Band Well-known tenor Tan Peng Tuan will be a guest artiste singing favourites like Be
        159 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 580 5 *^^r I .^^^■bb**"*^^^ 'Ji A k kk. vVi Ib^b^^^^^bbb^bhb^^^HblbV ■»> I__^bl L__a^ gg H^Pf^x^ |~O .*VbIJR df^AM hdVIE COME TRUE A?^ L^Hb^Lß £Ib^b^b^^^lb^blbVb^bHP^ \bT tlbwH tl>% ff} ~JftJ| 1 b^b^b^b^b^^_^ A'^ SS^ Haa. A Mlw^ b^b^b^^^^^^llb^J^^ l^^ tl! A ai^Bßtoa^B^&l k'""■-■k "^^y Mi bnJ I B^Bia^Pflß^^^ t BH iKy *>
        580 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 435 6 JP 1 |7i uMlm BbWI (H ill^ bbV The complete Planter Lounge Suite at only $1,195 ■ta^^F^^^l Only from Singapore's first furniture discount warehouse the Planter Lounge Suite with 5 high back fci-^^m JM chairs, a foot stool, a coffee table and a side table. And at $1 ,1 95
        435 words
    • BOOKS 1
      • 1357 7 G. Gordon Liddy will be autographing copies of his book at MPH.Stamford Road, on Thursday between 3 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. WILL: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF G. GORDON LIDDY Sphere Books, London (1981), $11.50 Reviewed by GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI 6 Although one of the reason*
        1,357 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 672 7 mmt W mu™^^^^ KSk m i msrW <0 mm\ 1 i i^^jifc^ k «^^/j> AM 2 I B«^^KS %/&/r The special Dentu1 Bk. w Sli&yjr &BmeantHyeltov«ng a^^K^S I I^^^J V W Ml'M 1 formula contains stain *Ctt* femovers, a deodorant and a ky^fe mr mW > special denture potisrw-mgredients «AY
        672 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 481 8 I lilli" if iyli ImL\ f 4VI UUi IVIII BWarV I a (*****14) 11am, 1.45, 4M, 8.45, 9. 15-No Fraa Uat The Army v»a> no laughing m.ntrr until k '*^a^ I Judy Hi-n jaiiiin joined it. A i^a\ ill r VV i.\fa\IGOLDIE HAWN P EILEEN BRENNAN ARMAND ASSANTE g li
        481 words
      • 402 8 PRINCE REPUBLIC PRINCE (*****38) 11.00 am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45 9.15pm No Fraa Uat REPUBLIC (*****02) 11.00 am, 145, 4.00, 645 9.15pm No Fraa List m super stereophonic sound with ratpgtgyjgggED] PRINT at PRINCE I Wm B b^bl i i X-y jmtJ V^M bb3^bT wk amd I BaV^vAlßßlhßßiS P/ I ETv«W^^^
        402 words
      • 359 8 .musk for Ever yonEiv Vocal Recital by Chiang Chin Hwa Lyric Coloratura Soprano Elizabeth Wong at the Piano 22 August W 1981 at 8 pm m DBS I Auditorium Un moto di gioja Mozart Ridente la calma Mozart Batti, Batti Mozart La promessa Rossini Una voce poco fa Rossini Apre's
        359 words
      • 339 8 CATHAY: TONIGHT MIDNIGHT! Admtostoa: CireM). $3.50* Stalls $2.50 I aaflaaiv SMRICY MocLAME l '^ftkjßMfim\ ANTHONY HOfKBIS c^twr^ Reasons LADIES ONLY PREVIEW I ORCHARD: TODAY at HAM SOLD OUT! FREE TO EVERY TICKET HOLDER For Ladan Prevtew Only By kind courtesy of i i M/s. GETZ CORPN (S) SDN. BHD. 2
        339 words
      • 671 8 t Gk CATHAY jj| {•jy ORGANISATION Ijl NOW BHOWBIQI I OMON I 11« m. 1 JO, 4.00, OJO. 15pm f I OAUL PUA'I NOTI TWIEi I I.JC, 7. Kpn pkM <■' Tomorrow blra Shew 11am Baßflßß^^aaaaaßß^S Dotb» Stwvo Pnnl X I IN. OP€ON jl I»!??aBHd»a>^r.W;?;1 > NOW tNOWBiOJ 1 30.
        671 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 742 9 /-^Memorable Dwm&?°^ I■■ II P Hat! <7 7 M©¥»Hl«b for children. V Aa* Victoria Memorial Hall Empress Place rkw- zsxsxszr >-^ 11am -10 pm 15th-23rd*Aug>1981 s^^ |«ssT| A package of contemporary decor make you shake your head with no Ml n. T^\ Vf» k ***** J JkS^>/ housed m the
        742 words
      • 169 9 fj\^*^ Using the most p^" advanced Kodak 26 1 0 C Computerised Color Printer 5 HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Send m your roll of film before 12 noon and collect after spm only at Yue Teng Photo Store, Gl5 Pearl's Centre, G44 People's Park Centre. 3R250 We
        169 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 393 10 r^- *r *mWmfflmtmm 4 -a^B^a^^^ t^^a^a^al vf&ttftfqttkW^PQ^ B^B B^BT BBH mM\ mm W ICO^ #m *n f r fl 49* P ?>' X I .^Bflatt^ jm Mr. I "»i |.^BJ i»^2j •y., t B^— »-J; t^v/ ma\WWW\w /fIHHHT Mw9 jnl ys> „<»- •fSAW /AMM9W a^B^Mß^aaßfld. tfc-* Arm Bi-iml Bvafl mw
        393 words
      • 352 10 IsIHb^R^Bh^BHiL!'* Rr! -vsl .^H i' B»P\ v SG ■C- "Y- 'Of *ifl&9flfiLS*^"39B^Bl^RWlS9^R^R^RsE9r B^H^HaL^ 7^4 Af fl V A winning mixed doubles V combination: Gucci men's i r°: i j^fl ar| d ladies' ready-to-wear. P^*| H Quite exceptional, without t m WESBJ BA exception. Prices range "J I VH 'f| I
        352 words
    • BOOKS 2
      • 726 11  -  Tom Sharpe JON MANLEY 4 They were only happy when something dreadful happened to them and Blott took comfort from the fact that he was living in a community that actually enjoyed misfortunes. 7 From the book BLOTT ON THE LANDSCAPE By Pan, $8.75, 238
        726 words
      • 672 11 Williams J. Barnds ROBERT CHEW JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Edited by MacMillan (1980), 286 pages. £12 Reviewed by 4 Japan's dilemma is to decide whether to frustrate its own efficient and logical economic development because of poor competitive responses from the US and the
        672 words
      • 710 11  -  C.P. Snow DR MALCOLM MURFETT A COAT OF VARNISH By Penguin (1981). 349 pages, £1.75 Reviewed by WHILE C.P. Snow's last novel lacks many essential qualities, it does at least have an appropriate title but for the wrong reasons. A CmU Of Varnish has a
        710 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 440 11 JM^^ml 1m? MMM MM I! m rV4.i I ■Rr Iff K-> lf .T 1 L A 111 Business Shirts by M j^jValdini i from the bouse of Jn/ius vdtini Avaibble at METRO: Supreme Golden Mile Marine Parade SINGAPORE SHUI HING YAOHAN: Orchard ROBINSON'S: Specialists' Centre MEL WANI'S: Clifford Centre TAI
        440 words
    • 521 12 AJthough the tomato field house iBn>t the biggest m the week have reason to be DTOUd Their X SUCCeSS a»w««K«i:»«« »u«.-« Symbolises their Will to Survive and to fit. NORMAN AISBETT ronnr»« lrnm K2JSIS WESTERN AUSTRALIA. IT may not be the big- Ulttj lIUI L^T lilt l-'tK
      521 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 609 12 a^al^Ba»^Bla^^a^B^a^B^B»»»»lll»»ll^BlW AF i\ *yjL M h C Ik TJ m m mTIL l^J L^ Urn Vwlljll I &w' 'B^JBVV Wf^ i^T /ifi _^3i Coppertone suncare products offer a r—^^ aaaab>^^^aaari wide range of protection against sunburn with a j-^r^ product for every skin type. o*^f!>^ B^k^ *Coppertone Suntan LotiorVOil contains
        609 words
      • 231 12 THE OMIIAI w^"h''" '^M 1 A Wfe WI '^r: ji I jfl^^| I I MUU ifEEnn it iiinnif 1 iin aY aVaafe I B I II laß ff^P^ a^aP^ aaHa^H IBaHHaH aB I HI r U ■■I Hill H I k-i-ln-4 Aviation Specified by Rolls Royce. B^B^- General Electric. Detroit
        231 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 710 13 JOIN THE FEDERALMINT LUCKY DRAWS AND WIN A DATSUN BLUEBIRD AND OTHER FABULOUS PRIZES Here s your chance to paint your house bright and beautiful and Consolation PHzm ?nm MM S B^Mi 9 Ch S_l <O Tl fabulous W-ST Sal Washing Machine (NA 1800) pn 2 es.«mhaDaUunßlu»Wrdl.6GLasthetopprt». eth— loth National
        710 words
      • 258 13 r^ _P^ V_l If r^ m T^l^ c B> ~f l x Ist 1 I I I |7WI |BM_H J^^Vf M i_H _H^_r fll _X->> L___. ____i 1 1 ll _T ___i P~~ BW _E^^^^r^ ___L r I v J^f a I i 4 __H a^^ aa^^_-^-_ a __^____^_^E I
        258 words
      • 780 14  -  TAN LEE LENG By TO MANY of us, Japanese food is sticky rice, itempura, sukiyaki, teppanyaki, and miso soup. But there is more to it the way of eating and the beauty of each serving. In one very exciting dinner in Tokyo, my host jbrought metoa very lovely
        780 words
      • 1460 14  -  NATALIN LING Kobe Restaurant Fourth floor, Tanglin Shopping Centre Reviewed by THERE was a time not so long ago, certainly not much more than 10 years ago, when you had to travel long distances hunting for a Japanese restaurant in Singapore. Today,
        1,460 words
      • 938 14  -  NATALIN LING Shabu-ten Japanese Restaurant Lower Ground Floor, Bukit Timah Plaza Reviewed by SHABU-shabu is the name of a new and interesting taste sensation for Singapore. In its basic principle, shabu-shabu is similar to the Chinese steamboat, in that thinly -sliced meat, seafood and vegetables are briefly
        938 words
      • 491 15 Dengaku (Sizzling Grilled Tofu) Red simmered miso (follow recipe) 750 gm fresh tofu Vegetable oil Bamboo skewers soaked in warm water for one hour Cut fresh tofu horizontally into 13x8 cm rectangles about one cm thick. Place in a single layer on baking tray lined with triple thickness of
        491 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 448 14 Get slim, stay slim. Dktvitc is the quick, effective way to achieve yoar ideal fl weight or simply maintain it. It's a dieter's meal replacement that's nutritionally balanced with ...«1 3P«»^~Jb carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Simply add VflBV water to Dietvite and you've got a delicious, »at»fying |W^ a
        448 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 348 15 Footnotes to healthy feet The first tell-tale sign indicating Athlete's Foot is severe itching between the toes. Skin then B| usually becomes white, scaly or cracked. Use Scholl Athlete's ftH^B^ate' Foot Liquid which combats B infection fast and effectively. p^-p^j^-There's also Athlete's Foot m^nTbdt Powder which relieves itching mirSSSmS Liquid
        348 words
    • 1429 16 Author Harry Hurt, the son of an oil millionaire, wasn't interested m his father's business. But after three years of looking into the fortunes of a man who became one of the world's richest eccentrics oil billionaire, H.L. Hunt Hurt appreciates the appeal of such a person.
      1,429 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 570 16 Sport the look of Superstars. V\fear^9%^ sportswear and shoes. Worn by: MM *L j Available at: IvanLendl, (w* I ISSSSSSHh Eddie Didds, I^^^V V"*Vi T «i. ****> supr»m« Cheng Yue Ling I *^tt I w~^ sto« <luc^ p^ p™^ p*^ (ChaoTung)& fjk J^^Zm Mw, mTH *M«*Hong*co. Phnw YllPn Fatt JLM*^,WL\km
        570 words
    • supplement
      • 1560 17 TWO decades ago, the Republic of Korea started a revolution, not the sort one normally associates with violent upheavals, but a peaceful industrial revolution that has since transformed a backward land into what is now known as a newly-industrialised country. It started with the launching of the
        1,560 words
      • 23 17 Capital: Seoul. Land area: 98,955 sq km. Population: 37.8 million (1979). Gross National Product In 1179 (per capita): U551,124 (553,524).
        23 words
      • 746 17 National Day of the Republic of Korea models for other developing countries. with so much that has been gained through hard work and sacrifices, it is only natural to expect our two countries to work closely together and share experiences m as many
        746 words
      • 1041 21 National Day of the Republic of Korea DISCOVER KOREA: The destination of the Eighties! The land of old and new; the land with a regal past and a bright future. Nowhere else in the Orient is there another land like Korea. Within is
        1,041 words
      • 417 22 National Day of the Republic of Korea THE category of Korean art known as mlnhwa ("people's painting"), or folk paintings, has been attracting increasing attention in recent years, both from Korean collectors ana critics and from a good number of foreign connoisseurs. After years of neglect
        417 words
    • Page 17 Advertisements
      • 331 17 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of the Republic of Korea on the occasion of her 36th National Day JjL JJMOH|m The Hyangwonjong pavilion of W\<* Kyongbok Palace m Winter. LV 7 .^^^^nW «bbl nnnVnaV IV^hw' avJlJ^TV Land of the Morning Calm s *^^BBBBBBBt-P Afunplacetorelaxandenjoyyourself.Seethecolourfulcountryside It is delightful just
        331 words
    • Article, Illustration
      46 18 Kirn Chln-ho shoots for a gold medal m archery at the Asian Games A bright future Is reflected m the smiles of the young Students meet Informally on the campus of Seoul National University A young family wean traditional clothes for the holidays
      46 words
    • Page 18 Advertisements
      • 202 18 CONGRATULATIONS to the Republic of Korea on their 36th National Day JL A jk C^^ A— jfwto dELLMn fl H s one K orcas representatives, we are proud ~^^|^f rMaH V^^^^l^B^B^fl b!^b3 K^ok to have been able to effectively play a part m J r/A jr*j£ |E »^~^*^PR^^s i ts
        202 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 84 19 iail The Bank of Korea KV^sJfcv !^P' Singapore Rep. Office r&k l^^c"^^ The Korea Development Bank J^^mJt<^^C/J^^BzrKk Singapore Rep. Office r\ ki^v s^wl *ii 4^fc Korea Exchange Bank J^B^K\^^C\ j^ ■^p|P Singapore Branch tVll^ w^y^ The Commercial Bank of Korea IESP^RT^Eft^^P^BsL All y^^ Singapore Branch WSmJwTi s*2^ aX«| The Cho-Heung
        84 words
    • 781 20 KOREA national culture for the Eighties: A special clause in Article 8 of the new Constitution of the Republic of Korea stipulates that "the state shall strive to sustain and develop the cultural heritage and to enhance national culture." This is reinforced by
      781 words
    • Page 20 Advertisements
      • 200 20 I Congratulations Best II I Wishes to the Government II I People of The Republic of I I Korea on the occasion of I I their 36th National Day I I 15th August 1981 I I from I I Hhi I I SENG HUAT ENTERPRISES (PTE) LTD III 377-383 Jalan
        200 words
      • 52 20 Congratulations and best wishes to The Government and People of The Republic of Korea on their National Day U CORRORATION H)BsiSi**X3:*;i± 1. INTERNATIONAL TRADE 2. IRON STEEL MAKING 3. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 4. CONSTRUCTION ENGRG 5. TRANSPORTATION SINGAPORE OFFICE 2303/4 Tong Eng Building 101 Cecil Street Singapore 0106. Tel *****51/2 Tlx
        52 words
    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 63 21 Our Heartiest Congratulations to the Republic of Korea on her National Day KRIt KOREAN RE REGIONAL OFFICE FOR S.E. ASIA SUITE 2206, OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY, SINGAPORE 0104. Telephone: ***** Telex: KOREIN RS ***** Cable Address: KOREINSCO, SINGAPORE. KOREAN REINSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE OVERSEAS OFFICES C.P.O. Box 1438, SEOUL, KOREA
        63 words
        153 words
    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 85 22 Congratulations and Best Wishes to to The People and The Government of The Republic of Korea on the occasion of their National Day from U-JIN INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD (Souvenir Departmental Store for tourists) Rm. 7, Ground Floor, International Building, 360, Orchard Road, Singapore 0923. Tel: *****49, *****79. Telex: RS *****
        85 words
      • 43 22 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the people and Government o£ the Republic o£ Korea on her National Day HEEWON ENTERPRISES PTE LTD STRONGWILL ENTERPRISES PTE LTD 144 Robinson Road, sth Floor Singapore 0106 Tel *****44 (5 Lines), *****37 TLX R*****5 STRONG R*****5 HEEWON
        43 words
      • 38 22 Oar Heartiest Congratulations to the Republic of Korea on her National Day from A PflnHC private limited 144, Robinson Road, 6th Floor, Singapore 0106 S Tel: *****30/31 (2 lines), *****33 (3 lines) Cable: PMKPRICO Telex: PMK RS *****
        38 words
    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 606 23 FINANCIAL N COORDINATOR Our client, a company with diversified activities m trading and project devetopment, requires a Financial Coordinator to service the Company's activities m South Asia Reporting directly to the Managing Director, the successful candidate will be responsible for the efficient coordination and financial management of the company's activities
        606 words
      • 963 23 m V^aterhouse Associates v Management Consultants m a wide range of services including: executive recruitment, organisation and corporate planning, financial management and accounting, manufacturing, production and project management systems and procedures, market surveys, data processing and computerisation, job evaluation, salary surveys and compensation structuring, as well as management training and
        963 words
      • 949 23 I Our client which is a Singapore based corporation with affiliated companies m South East Asia is engaged m the supply of oilfield equipment to the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. It wishes to make the following nev. appointments:— Administration and Finance Manager Circa $50,000 per annum MCS ***** [■■jl
        949 words
    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 542 24 The SGV Group Professional Executive Recruitment Services Our client, a leading International bank with established offshore branch operations In Singapore, invites applications from qualified candidates to join its Ship Finance Group as: ASSISTANT MANAGERship FINANCING Negotiable around 5550,000 pa. The Branch has established a strong reputation m shipfinancing activities m
        542 words
      • 755 24 A public listed company with several subsidiaries engaged In .diversified activities is inviting applications for the position of -M SwCONFIDENTIALyf^L XJ SECRETARY %>^ The successful candidate should:- possess a private secretarial certificate or equivalent qualification with a typing speed of 50 wpm and a shorthand speed of 100 wpm. have
        755 words
    • Page 25 Advertisements
      • 1468 25 C EJfcON A CAREER WITH _£t CHEMICALS M Exxon Chemical Singapore is an affiliate ol a leading multi-national chemical company with worldwide manufacturing and marketing activities. We are looking for mature individuals who are ambitious and self motivated to join our team of highly competent employees. The successful candidates will
        1,468 words
      • 623 25 Applications ore invited for appointment to the following posts: (1) TECHNICIAN (PLANT OPERATOR, AIRCONDITION) (2) ASSISTANT TECHNICIAN (PLANT OPERATOR. AIRCONDITION) QUALIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE POST(l) (i) Industrial Technician Certificate m Airconditioning and Refrigeration. or (ii) National Trade Certificate Grade 111 (Theory and Practical) m Airconditionina and Refrigeration Mechanics plus 3 GCE 'O'
        623 words
      • 687 25 Maritime College ApplKitKxn ttt mnted tor the (otomnj positions mtlwi the Department ol Nautical Science Appoint merits w* be made tor the bejinmng ot :98? and/ or md 198? ucnm/SNOR leciuo i (NftVU WCHTECTURE) DUTC include administration and lurthef development ol the Nautical Science diploma and depee courses, teachmj m
        687 words
    • 1184 26 Members of the Baha'i religion are stepping up an international campaign to back their charges that Iran's Islamic rulers want to stamp our their faith in the country of its birth. GRETCHEN MAHBUBANI recently spoke to a 31-year-old Persian Baha'i who, to protect
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 304 26 The top brass m these cities Jdan'tbewrong! TEKNISKIL, the manpower services contractor and appointment agency that's hard to boat. Very simply, we're the technically-skilled people on tap— lor you. A full range of technicians like welders, fitters, electricians, boilermen, riggers, and scaffolders to professionals m project management and design staff
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    • Page 27 Advertisements
      • 591 27 I B3 GM SINGAPORE I |gg| (Automotive Electronics) GM Singapore is looking for qualified and dynamic professionals to join our Company as: A. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER B. FACTORY ACCOUNTANT C. ELECTRONIC TEST TECHNICIANS (RADIO) D. ELECTRONIC TEST TECHNICIANS (IC) E. WIRE BONDER TECHNICIANS F. MECHANICAL TECHNICIANS For position A, you must
        591 words
      • 997 27 4ft WONG'S CIRCUITS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD. One of the largest circuit board manufacturers In the Far East, with Corporate I offices In Hoog Kong, Invites applications for the following positions. These I vacancies present extraordinary opportunities to become Involved at ground I level with excellent potential for advancement In the
        997 words
      • 693 27 (A member of The Times Organisation We are a well-established and dynamic Group of Companies with diversified business Interests in Singapore and worldwide. As a Group, we form the single largest publishing, printing and distribution conglomerate In Southeast Asia and our mainstream of activities Includes the printing and distribution of
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    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 440 28 ABNBank We are m the process of expanding our very active trading room and we are looking for young and dynamic personnels to join our foreign exchange team as: FOREX DEALER The selected candidate is expected to possess a good educational background with not less than 3years relevant experience. He/she
        440 words
      • 658 28 H I Applications are invited from citizens/ permanent residents of SmgaV pore and citizens of other ASEAN countries for the posts of: 1 ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS) Qualifications: A recognised degree or professional qualifications m Electrical /Electronics Engineering. Duties: To undertake the planning, installation or maintenance of telecommunication systems Salary Scale: $1185
        658 words
      • 805 28 irrtel AN AMERICAN ELECTROMCS MULTWATIONAL In support of our aggressive expansion program we need qualified, experienced and result orientated individuals to fill the following vacancies Maintenance Section Manager Senior Process Engineer Senior Maintenance Engineer Quality Assurance Engineer-Test Maintenance Engineer -Test Technical Executive (y^ue KLoniy) Open Interviews Will be held for
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    • Page 29 Advertisements
      • 598 29 9} jlfll^i IJJ Ifllftß #RAKEOV incorporated m Finland with limited liability Our client, RAKE OY, a well-established Finnish Company engaged m international trade, both import and export, is m the process of setting up a representative office m Singapore and is seeking the services of an experienced marketing executive to
        598 words
      • 588 29 Beahigh ranking officer. Sail the high seas. Enjoy a high income. Have you ever realised that there Is a vast new horizon waiting to be explored as a Merchant Ship's Deck Officer? Apart from providing you with the training, we also equip you with the skills and academic qualifications that
        588 words
      • 515 29 f WwMwM Woodside Offshore Petroleum is the desig^^^ M nated operator ofthe North West Shelf natural W^^LW 0"' Protect Western Australia, the largest flßf protect ever undertaken m Australia. Construction I has commenced on the North Rankin "A" platform. Preparation Is underway for a 135 kilometre a9^ subs— pipeline to
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    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 549 30 KECK SENG (M) BHD MASAI PALM OIL REFINERY/ MILL Applicants are invited from suitable qualified Malaysian to fill the following voconcict m our Palm Oil Refinery/ Mill located m Masai, Johore. POSITIONS QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 1 Technical Aititant Diploma Certificate m Mechani col Engineering from F.I.T. or equivalent. 2. Trainee
        549 words
      • 763 30 UNITED CYCLE SDN. BHD. We are a leading motor distributor dealing m imported Japanese cars and light Commercial Vehicle*. Due to our rapid expansion, we invite suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for the following positions:SALES MANAGER A Graduate/ Diploma Holder from a recognised institution, preferable: Candidates without the necessary tertiary qualifications
        763 words
      • 999 30 Joint venture ait conditioning company invites applications tor tne following positions A. AIRCOMDITIONIMG DESIGN ENGINEER Applicants should preferably be holders of a recognised university degree m Mechanical/Electrical Engineering with one to two years relevant experience I. TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES Applicants should have a good knowledge of airconditioning equipment preferably with
        999 words