The Straits Times, 19 February 1981

Total Pages: 44
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1981 35 CENTS M.C.(P) No. 101/1/81
    14 words
  • 458 1 Reagan toughens anti-Soviet stand WASHINGTON. Wednesday PRESIDENT Ronald Reagan, in his first concrete move against the Soviet Union since he took office, has decided to maintain the American embargo on grain sales to Moscow despite an election campaign promise to lift it. The move, announced yesterday
    Agencies  -  458 words
  • 89 1 B.lNGkOk, *t*. Thaiiaa* kw .aUea ita aUeanm* "a^t —ft Ea«aa* mmmtt far matt y— rt MMfc aaafonary atlae laaa«a« *f Baafkak. Tar prikitai had aaca la retaia Maw «f tar aMjnatv *f Ike •rtgiaaJ aaillattia. wafca B> Gafcv la TaaL kt Is 1R letters Jsfaaa rk i
    89 words
  • 727 1  -  ABDULLAH TARMUGI Defects at hydrocracker By QUALITY control procedures at Shell's $400 million Pulau Buxom hydrocracker plant were being bypassed, company investigators have revealed. Samples of concrete sent for testing to check for strength were not the same as concrete being used in the actual
    727 words
  • 56 1 MONACO. Wed. Two sticky-finfjemi" Italians were convicted here yesterday o* cheating Monte Carlos slot machines They were caught on Sept 3 in possession of coins with nylon threads glued to them. Alter gambling a coin, they fished It out oi the machine and used it repeatedly until
    AFP  -  56 words
  • 49 1 BULLS returned with a vengeance after two days of bear-dominated activity on the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The Straits Times index rose by 23.58 points to close at 770.94. Component stocks like Cold Storage and Straits Trading were among the heaviest and fastest movers. SEE PAGE It
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  • 413 1  - Bogus inspector who arrested a PC K. S. SIDHU By Crime Dest POLICE have arrested a man who is alleged to have posed as an inspector to interview several woman police constables and detectives in connection win a non-existent rape allegation. The man was arrested at Jurong police station at
    413 words
  • 266 1 THE Australian Government yesterday slapped three more sun.monses against Singapore Airlines (or the alleged sale of illegal cheap air tickets. The airline had already been summoned to appear at the Hobart Court (or Petty Sessions on Feb 27 on 14 other charges of
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  • 653 1  -  PHILIP LEE By A NEW MP yesterday appealed to the government to give a longer period of notice before new major policies are introduced so that people will have more time to think about and adjust to changes. In his maiden Parliamentary speech. Prof
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  • 39 1 NEW YORK. Wed. The strong dollar and the economic slump in west Europe are worrying IS multinational companies which expect the double squeeze to hurt their profits in the first naif of 1981. Financial analysts said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 39 1 POI.H>: late last night detained a man follo»ln« a fight In a coffee »hap in Tanjaac Pag*r PUa» In which two men were injured. He was branch! U> Ike Central Pattre sutian far qnesttaalnc.
    39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    186 1 Raport WENDY YANG Picture: ALBERT SIM THE $8J mllnaa Chase! Alrpert eaatrel tower, all aghtw ler a Strait. Tbaaa ■Mm, ataaai Wkt a llgathaaae agahart the night lieaally aaly matt at the ngata are ea between 1 p.m. aai I v., partly a* a waning U aircraft
    186 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 CONTACT LENSES (7 Chen Yin Fook a o a D«'am« ol Opt Ctnovmtv a* W Aullrdi* •Mot Ob' oi S.'f Can«ci Lent Sac wo > DAH SIM OPTICAL CO G46 Hqh Strwt Centre. Smaaaafr 06 1 7 rKow 33*4671 t« *****8 44 P*t** to*My SINGAPORE SPERM BANK RUNS DRY Pagatt
      117 words
    • 212 1 Ait* wrtmiivwnt The American Express Experience f...and the dentist sang opera 9 Curious, you may think, what do dentistry and operatic airs have to do with the American Express Card. It comes under the heading "services above and beyond the call of duty." Or so a grateful Cardmember described the
      212 words
    • 25 1 (MW/SWI/SW2) I .•l^^^^fc fcj^S^; •Out Out <>■•••> 1 ««t'» I j^b aV^*^^^^Bß^£La^/ •oy-omc RKoojing HL>\VHni* >•■ Dy"»m<cSounU"<2.aoorT'W LEO la Battwy enact ITS' Jjl^km BIGSTOIVJ TASMTTE RIIIWHt SPECIALIST
      25 words

    • 382 2 LEASE QUESTION STILL TO BE RESOLVED THE failure of Britain and China to resolve the long-term future of Hongkong is producing increasing signs of nervousness in this normally optimistic British colony Sixteen years and five months from the end of January. Britain's lease on
      NYT  -  382 words
    • 261 2 TOKYO, WadrwMtoy CHINA has proposed that the four petrochemical uiojectt which she cancelled recently should be revitalised' 1 by establishing joint ventures btfeeu the Japanese and the Chinese Setting up joint ventures would mean that Japan would get the equity Interests in the protects instead of
      FT  -  261 words
    • 133 2 Soviet troops on alert in Kabul- NEW DELHI, Wad SOVIET forces in Kabul have been put on top security alert for the anniversary of anti-Sovi-et riots and demonstrations which broke out in the Afghan capital last Feb 21, Western diplomatic sources said here today. They said sporadic shooting and gunbattles
      Reuter  -  133 words
    • Sideliners
      • 97 2 FMIMBB AHHFI> police in Vienna on Tuesday hunted for a bank robber who shackled three policemen with their own handcuffs, eluded citywid* roadblocks and got away with more than US$lO. 000 (SI21.000). The robber walked into a suburban post office bank on Monday and handcuffed
        UPI  -  97 words
      • 87 2 A BBITISB woman pilot and I an engineer yesterday announced plans to circle the world in a 60-metre high helium balloon Judith Chisholm. 29, made the fastest flights in a light aircraft from Fngianrt to Australia and New Zealand last year, and Julian Nott. 36. holds the
        Reuter  -  87 words
      • 68 2 Andrew didn't shine' BRITAIN'S Prince Andrew. 21 tomorrow, "didn't shine at anything" at school but had a good time, a former classmate told a mag»T<n» this week. Lulu Houseman said that rumour round the exclusive Gordons! oun school in Scot- land was that the younger brother of the heir to
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      • 71 2 A HOSPITAL in Beijing is blazing a new path in China's medical history by offering counselling service on premarital sex and eugenics. Xinhua news agency said yesterday. The maternity and child care hospital of Xuanwu district in Beijing is offering the service to couples planning to
        AFP  -  71 words
      • 66 2 CHINA has discovered more than 1.000 oil-bearing plants with oil content of more than 10 per cent, according to a i national survey carried out over the past three years. The offical Xinhua news agency reported that results of the survey were disclosed at a meeting of
        AFP  -  66 words
    • 117 2 PARK, Wed. A middleaged Cbiaeae wamaa wa» teak ap Preach aattoaadty to nuiiig far PresMeat M Praaee with aa electoral ■ragramsM based «a Hiajag-ara Caeaglvaae cJalaas that the aaeieal mystical pallmpay emmld d« as maea nad far the Preacb aad •tber weaten Earapeaas aa It already
      117 words
    • 65 2 Corsican bomb attack in Paris POLICE aad airmen clearlag up tfce mew (•llawlag a tomb expUsUa at the Ministry EdaratUa la Paria *a Taeaday. A Mlk-ema* was Injured b> the Mast. Toe tomb was placed la a first fl««r •ttkw af the ministry la the preaHgtou ?ta district s< Parts.
      65 words
    • 68 2 LONDON. Wed Princes Anne, savouring the delights of democracy, was yesterday voted Chancellor of London University by a margin or more than two to one In her first campaign for elective office The 30-year-old Princess polled 23.961 votes among the university's graduates, compared with 10.507 for Socialist
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 292 2 Crisis talks to avert British coal strike LONDON, Wednesday WITH 26,000 miners currently on strike in South Wales, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has hastily moved up talks aimed at preventing the work stoppage from spreading. Mrs Thatcher, responding to alarm over the fast-developing dispute, told Parliament yesterday that talks planned
      Reuter; AP  -  292 words
    • 119 2 Warsaw students protest despite govt 'yes' WARSAW, Wed. Warsaw university students staged a protest today despite an announcement that the government had registered the independent students union and agreed to liberalise the college education system in Poland, university officials said. They said that Higher Education Minister Janusz Gorski would go
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    • 123 2 However, Mr Lech Walesa, leader of the independent labour union Solidarity, was still in the south-eastern town of Rzeszow to take part in negotiations between the government and peasants occupying the headquarters of government-run unions. The most volatile issue in that protest, however, was postponed when the peasants agreed
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 46 2 DIBLIN. Wed. Five IrKl army soldiers and a policemaj were hurt oae seriously Last night in an aocideiiU explosion in County Donega i north of the Republic i The; were understood to haw beei in an expiuutes «turl pa:: at a quarry AFP
      AFP  -  46 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 Hlbmlh ML? I H 4s^ ssssP^sl I^M^^^^T I Nil N/ l\l v —^>^^l #oa». PARIS SB Sate Ago*; Swe Darty Sate CUIK (S)PTE LTD I nit 106 Mount Ekn net h Centre KONG MING MERCHANDISE Vni 226 Peoples Park Complex MIDORI SOUVENIR STORE G67 68 Shaw Town SINbAKMU SHUI HiNO.
      72 words

    • 416 3 PARIS. Wad. Proposals buckle under heavy Western pressure UNDER Western pressure, a group representing some European, Communist and Third World news personnel yesterday backed down from proposals to create a commission to protect journalists under the auspices of the UN Educational, Scientific and
      AP  -  416 words
    • 285 3 Burmese setting fire to opium —fieids- BANGKOK Wad LOCALS have begun destroying opium fields in eastern Burma uncovered by Burmese troops who are hunting drugrunning rebels. Rangoon Radio reported today The government radio < said the people of Mong Hsat near the Thai barder set fire to several poppy fields
      Reuter  -  285 words
    • 48 3 CANBERRA. Wed Austra nan Defence Minister Jim Kil In was admitted to haspital tor BMBI ififr lalhnf wrk >es •erday An official ssatosaua said Mr KiUea. 56 would be kept under observation aad have his heart checked However, his case is not coandeied serious Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 47 3 MONSERRAT(*e»t Indies), wed Paid McCarthy, here for s recording mnoo with Mkm n Beat* Riago Suit. smashed the Jeep be was driving into a car coetaiaiag two ■ewt photographers yesterday No one was injured in the modem, wtucri the photographers alleged was intentional AP
      AP  -  47 words
    • 364 3  - Pope speaks out for the rights of poor ABBY TAN By Our Manila reporter MANILA. Wed. Pope John Paul championed the poor when he visited the biggest slum in Tondo district of Manila today and emphasised the need to protect their human rights in a day filled with mass adulation
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    • 148 3 Appeal to China to renew church ties MANILA. Wed. In an impassioned appeal today, Pope John Paul urged China to forget the past and re-establish friendly ties with the Roman Catholic Church, which were broken after the communist takeover in 1949. "Whatever difficulties there may have been, they belong to
      AP  -  148 words
    • 325 3  -  LIM SAY BOON By our Melbourne reporter MELMH RNE, We*. There to Httte aaaat that the aeaate wha stair the Aaierlraa eeatre hi Melhaarae have a aeaae af aasaaar altaaagh the Jake waaM appear to he at Pi i a"lial Beagaa's expeaac. The eeatre, aa
      325 words
    • 166 3 'ELEPHANT MAN' AND 'RAGING BULL' FIGHT IT OUT HOLLYWOOD. Wed. The Elephant Man. the story of a deformed man's search for dignity, and Raging Bull, the up-and-down career of fighter Jake Lamotta. scored eight nominations each on Tuesday to lead the 53rd annual Oscar race. Coal Miner's Daughter, had seven
      AP  -  166 words
    • 62 3 LONDON. Wed. About 120 British Labour parliamentarians today formed a campaign group to patch up differences in the party. The group, representing almost half of the oppositon party's strength in the House of Commons, aims to halt the party's swing to the left and to minimise
      Reuter  -  62 words
      15 words
    • 158 3 PRESIDENT Suharto today called for an intensified purge of corrupt officials in the justice and prosecution departments. His call came after dis- closures last week that more than 200 judges, prosecutors and related < administrative officials have been punished in re- I cent years for corruption.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 264 3 Citizen TIME TRACK knows where the time goes. Mjß "BT NJMi; Kif- '^LifeafeaSaO^n I^^L^L m. [^1 If M BHfe W mLJ X^^^-ai ->■■■■■-- F^H^fefe*^j Wg< J^^^ I^H^r^ is&[*^; (a^HttaBBBBBBaW^r I /**»ll^fiPtjC^«»J*aC**"^^^^^^^\ jlbbbbW a»# at aaV Ml alsßßßßai !«J isBBBB» "*^»l?^aZr^'^*?T* B^i: .Jasßßßai VMsbbbbbbbbbbbT M i pbbbbT bbbbbP*"^^ sbbbbbMbH BBaaaaMr^' bbbV
      264 words

    • 520 4 Reagan unveils $87 be cuts in taxes today 6 IF misery loves company, then every body better love everybody else, be- cause we didn't overlook anyone. President Ronald Reagan speaking to leaders of American organisations about his deep budget reduction proposals which, when implemented, would affect a wide section of
      Agencies  -  520 words
    • 288 4 DETROIT, Wad. A FULL-SCALE price war has broken out in the ailing US car industry with General Motors and Ford, the two biggest manufacturers, offering substantial discounts to stir up sales. General Motors, the biggest American car company, first announced cash rebates
      Reuter; AP  -  288 words
    • 128 4 Crucial test on space shuttle delayed CAPE CANAVERAL (Florida), Wed. Technicians conducting the crucial test firing of the engines of the Columbia Space Shuttle have halted the countdown in a aew delay for a project already running two years behind schedule. Spokesmen said the additional eight-hour 'hold' in the countdown
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 53 4 TOKYO. Wed. Japan will send Foreign Minister Masayoahi Ito to Seoul at the March 3 inaugural ceremony of President Chun Doo-Hwan. Chief Cabinet Secretary Kiichi Miyazawa said today. This is the first time in two and a half years that a Japanese foreign minister is
      AFP  -  53 words
    • 45 4 TOKYO, Wed. Japan win soon impose the ban on imports, both live and stuffed, of M species of Australian birds now at a point of extinction, the Environment Agency said today The 34 species include parakeet and brown hawk AFP.
      AFP  -  45 words
    • 64 4 WASHINGTON, Wed. The United States has filed a formal protest with the Soviet Union over a Russian attempt to use sexual blackmail to turn a US military attache into a spy. State Department spokesman William Dyess said yesterday the US has protested the treatment of Major
      UPI  -  64 words
    • 45 4 Rome. Wed. An Italian stuntman was killed yesterday while simulating a bobsled accident for a scene in a James Bond movie. The stuntman was in the movie For Your Eyes Only, which is being -hot in Cortina D Ampezzo, a winter resort AP
      AP  -  45 words
    • 305 4 Soviets to blame for arms race: Schmidt BONN,W«d Chancellor Helmut Schmidt has acted to squash increasing criticism of America^ tough new line toward Moscow, reminding leftists in his own party and the Western media that the Soviet Union is spearheading the arms race. In an interview published in the Cologne
      UPI  -  305 words
    • 170 4 U.S. FLEETS CANT ASSURE VICTORY IN WAR WASHINGTON. Wed. The US Navy's Pacific and Atlantic fleets would be unable to fulfil their missions during war because of a shortage of ships and sailors, US navy commanders said yesterday. Testifying before a newly formed sub-com-mittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
      AP  -  170 words
    • 144 4 DES MOINES (lewa), Wed. Mr KlUa Adams Jaat waated to take kta vacatiaa la Hawaii. larlrad. he speat yesterday Issslag aver paUee bmc ahato, tryfis to fladlhe peepie waa --a-a--.a f rahhnrl nOfJCTI MMMMMf ■ksN ifffMl aim, aad raafced him. Mr Adams, tf,
      144 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 388 4 B^aaa b^b^bb -•^^^BBBBB^^^^^^B I —^^BbV^bW bbbt^^b^bbl^K^^ J^a^^K^'*~' bbbbbb^^ *b What makes one of these cameras 7 times belter than the other? The Encrgizcr. a new high perform- cycling time, so you can take more ance alkaline battery from pictures, faster! Eveready It gives you better, more Specially designed to cope
      388 words

      • 61 5 THE Chinese Communist Party yesterday called for the suppression of dissidents whom, it said, were causing trouble and in some cases even calling for a second Cultural Revolution The party magazine. Red Flag, said that some people opposed to the party line had even tried methods used in
        Reuter  -  61 words
      • 56 5 THE IS Air Force has signed a US$3OO million contract with the British Government to purchase Rapier low-level air defence missiles for its bases in Britain. British Aerospace, the manufacturers of the Rapier, said on Tuesday that the missiles would be delivered over the next four years. The
        AFP  -  56 words
      • 53 5 TBE Dutch government has allowed a Rotterdam firm to sell two submarines to Taiwan, reiecting a parliamentary motion opposing the sale, the Dutch said on Tuesday. The Netherlands Press Association and the Algemeen Dagblad and Binnenhof newspapers said the cabinet probably would announce its decision to Parliament
        AP  -  53 words
      • 69 5 WEST German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher left Pakistan yesterday for Egypt to discuss with President Sadat the possibility of an active West European role in the search for a Middle East settlement. Speaking at a pi ess conference at the end of a four-day visit to
        Reuter  -  69 words
      • 72 5 A HIGH liv'ng financier, who allegedly skimmed up to LSS6O million ($125 million) from the cream of Brazilian society, has been charged with fraud in the country's biggest financial scandal Police on Tuesday hustled Jose Mario Tiepo. 50. out of a Sao Paulo hospital and booked him on
        UPI  -  72 words
      • 65 5 MORE THAN one million Israeli schoolchildren stayed home today as teachers struck to protest against the government's reluctance to meet their pay demands. The country's kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and training colleges weie closed in a one-day shutdown. Teachers are demanding their wages be linked to those
        Reuter  -  65 words
      • 49 5 JAPAN'S Mitsubishi Corporation plans to set up a car factory' in Indonesia, a spokesman for the Industry Ministry' said yesterday. The project will be on a joint venture basis with a local company, Krama Yudha. with an initial capital outlay of US$lOO million, industry sources said. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  49 words
    • 71 5 MEXICO CITY. Wed. Three armed students who held up 12 hostacet at Mexico's largest usa—Mj swTfdßtd today to a i— 'vwstij |i liiiiii and released their imU— uaharmed The three rtou— Md pssVttcai asylum and were riven temporary refuge at the home o( the university proleanar
      71 words
    • 49 5 JEDDAH. Wed The Saudi ampucr. Al kUdina. today reported that the Soviet Union and three bast African nations •are ptotuac to topple Somali PrtaiaW Mohammed Siad Ban* who raccauy granted the Usswd 9tti*» ace** to ■flMarjfimtrtTi It try It did mat name the three pro-Moaoow nations UPI.
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 95 5 JOHANNESBURG, Wed. South Africa has exploded a nuclear bomb over a remote area of the South Atlantic on Dec 16. the Johannesburg Star newspaper reported today. The Star report quoted high level Defence Department and Intelligence sources as saying a US spy satellite detected a brilliant
      UPI  -  95 words
    • 329 5 TEHERAN, Wednesday FORTY parliamentary deputies, including former Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan and four fn 111 cabinet ministers, warned today that Iran would slide into bloody anarchy unless political violence was checked now. They gave the warning a day after revolutionary leader Ayatollah Kbomei
      Reuter  -  329 words
    • 240 5 BRUSSELS, Wednesday EEC governments have adopted a special monitoring system for identifying Japan's sales of "sensitive products in each member state. The move is part of the EEC response to the Japanese export offensive. This is the first concrete policy measure against
      NYT  -  240 words
    • 85 5 Jordan breaks with Iran AMMAN, Wed. JwtAm brake off dlpUmatio relations wit* Ira* today and railed home the entlre Jordanian dlpiomaa> missio* from Teberaa, tbe government here ■■nsiTri A la twit laid Me Move im hi i*. inaasp to Iraa's reesatwaeMoa U sever tlos with tote bet»iif of Klbk Hmoeto'i
      AP  -  85 words
    • 202 5 ATHENS. «tod. ALL four of the F-l Mirage fighters that France sold Iraq early this month were badly damaged on the way to their destination by a bored serviceman doing chin-ufs on their nose cones during a fuelling stop in Greece, newspaper reports said.
      AFP  -  202 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 I be- n^H TawaW^nwaV^ n^K. I i -V I BaY Jwm -^w* I 'it •am wH*» I W I *v T^» «J*E'=; Y^j} l KPORE PHONE BOOK 1 981 Issue -A-- Yellow Pages ENTRIES CLOSE MARCH 1 Call: 253 8144 6ErtERAL TEIEPHOnC DMtECTORy CMMWUf (SMMnRf) FUtVWTI URHTCO BTH FLOOR, GOLDHILL
      194 words

    • 839 6  - The costly setback to Shell's development plans in Bukom ABDULLAH T ARMUGI »y THE suspension of construction of Shell's $400 million hydrocracker plant in October last year was one of the biggest local news in that year. Most of the concrete structural were found to be defective because defective material
      839 words
    • 768 6 Hydrocracker complex a refinery within a refinery 6 If the concrete structures arc defective when the plant starts operation, cracks will appear 1b the structures. These cracks will be Immediately noticed and the opera- a ttons stopped. S DrR. G. Reynolds, manufacturing director. SHELL'S hydrocracker complex is almost a refinery
      768 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 Big savings. Hundreds of other styles and designs. Including imported shoes! Hurry while stocks last! 4835 7945 4065 6855 6817 4882 4405 492 5 UP. SI4Q 00 UP $149.00 UP. $129.00 UP $149 00 UP $189.00 UP. $129.00 UP. $74.00 UP. $74.00 WOWs»4flO^^^^^WOWs«4dO WOW $74.00 NOW *S4 0 *OWs74JX^^^^^NOWs74^o NOW
      244 words
    • 36 6 BeGood V W -2? Yourself... /^~§^A Buy a Stereo Isn't it about time you got yourself a nice stereo, one you can be proud of! Shop today's Classified for the best bargains in town! CATS |f4-44»«|
      36 words

  • 352 7  - Ministry probes "teacher ridiculed boy' complaint YONG POW ANG By THE Education Ministry Is looking into a complaint by the father of a school. toy who alleged that his former Chinese language teacher, a woman, often ridiculed and insulted him by addressing him in Mandarin as a "deformed devil" ("Canfei
    352 words
  • 152 7 Bright outlook for S'pore says US embassy THE mOmk far Sla*»■•re's Bfsmy tils yes* rfifcsi bright alt■•■(.■ "the g«ver»mrit predicts a *«w»tar. la tk* givwtfc rate to a stfU very raapeetaMe 8 par etmi," says m lilted Mates mdbm) aaaJysss. A(«Hla| t« tarWeat US MssMaatc nrsssas *Taiart the ee«a«my's health
    AP  -  152 words
  • 393 7 A PROPERTY consultant was not aware that his client. Beauty Park Development Pte Ltd. had j no plans to develop its 9,960 sq m land before it was acquired by the government in 1977. the Land Appeals Board heard yesterday. Mr Johnny
    393 words
  • 158 7 A FORMER businessman, who in tour days misappropriated $495,000 worth of diamonds, yesterday lost his appeal in the High Court for his )ail sentence <4 four years to be reduced The Chief Justice. Mr Wee Chons Jin, rejecting the appeal of Lob Hon Kwong. former
    158 words
  • 771 7  -  K. BALA and MAY HO By TWO representatives of a Canadian preuniversity college on social visit passes were told by Singapore immigration officers to stop interviewing students for registration. One of them is expected to face the same action from Malaysian authorities. The two,
    771 words
  • 91 7 REGISTRATION lor the Brit Ml Councils March English language course* will be held on Feb 28 and from March 2 to March 7 Regstrauon will be held in the exhibition hall and all course* will begin on March 23. The courses are: Elementary level 1 and 2,
    91 words
  • 111 7 MACHINE operator Selamat bin Man, 41, was yesterday fined $2,000 by a district judge after he pleaded guilty to causing the death of a hawker through rash riding. Deputy Supt X C Naidu, prosecuting, told the court that the accident happened at the junction of
    111 words
  • 30 7 THE Ulu Pandan Zone C Residents' Committee will screen a Mandarin film, Private Eye, at the concourse between blocks 3 and 4, Queen's Road tomorrow at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 169 7 Sheraton chain to manage $80 m hotel SHERATON International signed an agreement with local developers Richvein Pte Ltd yesterday to manage the 442room Sheraton Singapore when it opens in 1984. Construction of the $80 million, 20-storey hotel is expected to start soon. The hotel, to be located in Scotts Road,
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  • 192 7 Move for public trade tests for optical workers THE Vocational and Industrial Training Board and representatives of the photographic and optical equipment industry will explore the possibility of conducting public trade tests at Economic Development Board joint training centres. Dr Ahmad Mattar, the minister-in-charge and chairman of the VTTB, said
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  • 24 7 THE Pioneer Angling Club will celebrate its first anniversary with a luncheon in the Ming Court Hotel on Sunday at 12.X p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 482 7 DunansiTK 5000. The Solution On Microcomputef System SOFTWARE. Business Automation Consultant Pte Ltd a leading local microcomputer software consultant company fully supports DYNABYTE 5000 system for Singapore requirements. It provides: customerizing software system consultancy software development installation user training See our field proven and installed software originally developed by ut
      482 words

  • 161 8 THE first six-day Chinese music festival and an exhibition on folk art in Singapore will be held at the Singapore Conference Hall from March 14. Jointly organised by the Culture Ministry and the National Theatre Club, it will help to broaden the variety of
    161 words
  • 246 8  -  GRETCHEN By MAHBUBANI AN American law firm which counts former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance among Its partners has been given permission to open an office here. Mr Vance, who was in Singapore on a private visit last October, met senior government
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  • 25 8 THE Marine Parade branch library will screen The Day of The Jackal in its auditorium on Saturday at 10.30 a.m. Admission is free
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  • 363 8 Architect fined $14,000 for taking bribes ARCHITECT Phua Seng Kok, 43, was yesterday fined $14,000 and further ordered to pay a penalty of $13,300 after be was found guilty on three counts of receiving bribes totalling $13,300. During the seven-day trial, which started last October, the court heard that Phua
    363 words
  • 603 8 SENIOR Legal Officer of the Inland Revenue Department James Chia Shin Clung said in his defence yesterday that there were no strings attached to a sum of £1,000 (554.390) which he claimed he received from a tax consultant in January 1979. Chia, 37.
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  • 100 8 Tourist loses $2,800 to woman A JAPANESE tourist, Mr Tatsuo Suzuki, 53, has reported to police that a woman who had gone to his room in Apollo Hotel in Havelock Road to give him a massage, left him $2,800 poorer on Monday. Mr Suzuki said be had checked in at
    100 words
  • 57 8 TAN ENG Seng. 35. claimed trial after be was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with two counts of criminal breach of trust. Tan is alleged to have committed both offences at a flat in Rochore Road on Nov 3, 1378. He will be tried
    57 words
  • 55 8 THE British Council will be organising examinations for the following courses in June. They are: RSA single subtecus and group diplomas, the Cambridge first certificate in Ens Ush and the Cambridge certifi cate of proficiency in English Registration is now on and the clocuw date for entries
    55 words
  • 105 8 PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA HERE FOR VISIT PREMIER WWUm R. Beaaett (kteve) «f Britteh (XambU, ajuuU, arrived yeatenUy far t»e-4»y vtrit. He h»d dlacmariaim with the Prime Minister. Mr L** Emm Yew, •■d later attfdud receptf— five* U his kaMwhytkeCtMdu High fiiiißil—liTr to fftinP*". Mr Mk-hawl Barry. Tad»y. Mr Beuett
    105 words
  • 65 8 JOHN Ponniah, 28. was charged in a magistrate's court yesterday with stealing about 270 litres of petrol from a plane at Selelar airbase on Feb 15. He is alleged to have stolen $«47 worth of fuel with an accomplice, who is still at large. Ponniah was
    65 words
  • 457 8 IN VIEW of the •numerous" rape and molesting cases on young, innocent girls and women, the police yesterday issued a set of do's and don'ts which could help to prevent these offences. Last year alone saw 71 rapes and 300 cases of motesting, while
    457 words
  • 34 8 WATER blasting across Mat Jurong from Tanjong FVnjuru to Pulau Merlimau will be carried out for the next six days tram 11 a.m. to 1 pm and from 2 to 4 p.m. daily
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 679 8 THE MANDARIN PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS WORDS MUSIC of Rodgers and Hart FEB 16-19, 1981- MANDARIN COURT A dazzhng revue from London capturing the Four Dinner Shows Amenca of Rodger and Hart Through such February 16 (Opening Night) 7 00pm ageteas tavountes as Manhattan With a Song $70 neti per person, inclusive
      679 words
    • 302 8 #MMMf TENNIS ErMpl r COACHING COURSE ■miaWaßl For Under 12s Here's your golden opportunity to learn a new sport at absolutely no cost to you. Just fill in the form below and send before 25th February to the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association, Sports House (Room 23). Rutland Road, Singapore 0821.
      302 words

  • 364 9  -  GRACE CHNG Br STUDENTS may find learning English literature more interesting and eajoyabie when they use a new novel set in Singapore called Run. Run. The Cobra Pnauss Written by a Irarlatr Mrs X Chopard-Kong. a*d Mr Michael Strong] the novel
    364 words
  • 60 9 HOE WAI SEN. the former SBS driver extradited from Ipoh to (ace a chars* of dishonestly '»«*»j a General Hospital medical certificate at the SBS Alexandra Road depot bttweeu Jan 11 and 14 last year, will have his case mentioned again on Feb 25. No plea
    60 words
  • 96 9 THE SEAMEO Regional Language Centre is offering four scholarships in applied linguistics and communication skills to officers in the education service. The courses last between three and nine months. Successful applicants will be given a subsistence allowance of $420 a month and tuition fees and
    96 words
  • 445 9 RICH or poor, the lesson is the same speaking English or Mandarin frequently at home leads to good scb results and, conversely, dialect-speak' makes for poor results in all subjects. This was the finding the Education Ministry's first study on the n i
    445 words
  • 136 9 Another warning not to let off crackers POLICE yesterday agala wanei the pabUr that It si a* sftostf* tt ettkar p «r let aft nre-erackers aac that sartsw artUa wmM he taaea agalavt sack «fI^B**>V ■BBBBBaMhai lsßß# MM. taw tons* It Is Yaaa Xla* Jle (Ckaa Oak Mcl) «•**> aW
    136 words
  • 141 9 Divorce after 13 years of living apart A WOMAN, married 39 years ago, was yesterday granted a divorce from her contractor husband on grounds of long separation. Madam Ng Choo Lian. now an amah, was 19 when she married Mr Tan Boon Seng, 12 years her senior, on Feb 6.
    141 words
  • 50 9 THE president of the Singapore Ann Narcotic* Association (Sana). Mr Baey Loan Peck, will present certificates id attendance to M volunteer MWfc<ri who have successfully conpteted the association's training courses The presentation will be held at tne Sana auditorium. Sana House, tomorrow at 8 p ny
    50 words
  • 209 9  -  LANGUAGE SPOKEN I Most Frequently Spoken Second Most Frequently Spoken No ot Pupils Means Marks Mandarin English Mandarin English Mandarin Dialect Total TScof 886 56 0 54 1 1101 56 3 56 5 333 0 802 59? 48 4 1081 57? 58 3317 325 7
    209 words
  • 272 9 MR JUSTICE Kulasekaram reserved Judgment in the High Court yesterday at the end of the hearing of a "wrongful dismissal suit by two police detectives against the government. Det-Sgt Wong Kirn Sang and DPC Ling Hing Hoo. both 40, are challenging the validity of the dismissal orders
    272 words
  • 320 9  -  JUNE TAN "y tducMKm Reporter ALL NEW primary schools now being built will have pre-primary classrooms to prepare for the time when all five-year-olds will have a year of pre-school education. The Education Ministry plans to offer preprimary schooling to all five-year-olds by the
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  • 134 9 NON-GRADUATE teachers who are admitted into the National University of Singapore for for the first time when the academic year starts later this year, may apply for bursaries. To qualify, candidates must study at least two subjects out of a list approved by the Education
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 124 9 Ih« MO iia 'toraMntt a tqpxficant advanca m Maonaplanai >o>ogy Co">paraaio>tipradac*Mo> iha MG lia i» J oomouur tutwo' >n th« araa» o' oa<" tiooandttan»<a«» capa&i't, TKim<l«clMm —i *m tptc lomwa" «a»a M»aM»a iwmnnn o«a«iicouiiHii t» an ««ci«i »i ca*can haa w>i« good tourca maiaf *i and asuciaiad componami tna a*<aci
      124 words
    • 138 9 Singapore ShuiHing announce a store-wide fe^f pre-stocktaking Ofl T C qhStl^ Lv BbsP^ Prom now until Feb. 22nd. P»L^"^ m^^ Singapore Shui Hang are aß^ LsPt atf^ X j^tfttHflß having a pre-stock taking 4ai Lw W «X -~~^aSBBBBBBBsI *BaT S le >R de P artmentS aJp There's up to 60%
      138 words

    • 234 10 'Penalise only those who waste water' LOWER income earners should not be burdened with higher water charges. Mr Othaaaa Ma ■ana Baaafe (Geylang Serai) said in Parliament yesterday He said the Public Utilities Board's proposed increased tariff to discourage excessive use of water "should only apply at higher levels of
      234 words
    • 661 10  -  LIAK TENG KIAT a THE new MP for Radin Mas, Mr K.A. Jabbar, set something of a parliamentary record yesterday. He managed in five minutes to deal with six subjects excluding preliminaries. When he rose to speak, the House moved as one, diving and fumbling for earphones.
      661 words
    • 1272 10 6 THESE high-fliers should lean how to land once a while and talk to down-to-eartfc pe*ple like the teachers and parents because this will do them as well as the system they waat to Implement, a world of good. Mr Rohan
      1,272 words
    • 693 10 OVEREMPHASIS on the first and second languages at Primary School Leaving Examination level may make science and mathematics irrelevant, depriving Singapore of potential technicians and technocrats. The Education Ministry should give more thought to the criteria for streaming at this level, Mr Waa
      693 words
    • 240 10 MOST parents are not eaeawaglag their children te pay greater attoatfaa Maadarin, said Dr Ow Chin Hack, the Parliamentary Secretary (Education), yesterday. Dr Ow lamented that the promotion ef Mandarin aa a mother tongue has not achieved Hi objective. Dr Ow,
      240 words
    • 234 11 WHEN Mr M. k. A. Jaaaar <Ba4la Mas) (••4 to speak yeato «•>, alßMsi every MP was —Mealy awv«d they lasers' far ear-aiaams-taTail: "Mr Sseaker, BU-, I am area! Is steak la m> BMatar teagae far ttoflrst ttairla tats "While Hag la tab
      234 words
    • 179 11 DR YEO, GIRD UP FOR DEMANDS OF NEW ERA THE demand on Singaporeans' resourcefulness will be even greater as the nation progresses from labour-intensive, low productivity and low value-added industries to capial intensive, knowledge intensive, high productivity and value-added industries. Dr Yea Mag Heag (Kirn Seng) said: "We shall slowly
      179 words
    • 215 11 THE moral education programme runs the risk of losing its objectives at the upper secondary levels because teachers and students may be tempted to just cram for facts since religious knowledge is an examination subject Waa Hassta (Kampong Übi). said. He urged
      215 words
    • 135 11 Support for Heng Samrin fading, says Rahim MORE and more Kampucheans are beginning to rally round non-commu-nist leaders such as Prince Norodom aK»iwmk and Mr Son Sann which means support for the Heng Samrin regime is fading. And when the nationalist forces have established themselves credibly, the Vietnamese will be
      135 words
    • 560 11 6 THE late Prude Ttomaa, farmer priBrlpal St AMlrew's Sch—l, •me* Uld me UuU he expected to die fran sufeit *f E4ie»tl*a Mlmtotry dreabkn. HemiJuttM •f the mmay g**d toaehera whwe chaneter Mi taleate west uatlliMd, if n«t misused A or ftbttflMi
      560 words
    • 628 11 'Poor implementation can hurt sound policies' GOV^RNiAEbTT departmen;s and statutory bodies should take more pains to explain and communicate policy decisions to the people. As Pn< S. Jayakunar (Bedok) sees it, the soundest policy and sensible law can be undermined by poor implementation.
      628 words
    • 329 11 Ho to query case of abducted girl WAS there police negligence in the case of an alleged abduction of a 10-year-old girl from Clement! Avenue to Toa Payoh and then freed by her captors? Mr Ha See Beag (Khe Bong) will pose this question to the Minister for Home Affairs,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 249 10 SBBBM BMT BBBsV S H I ___J fejik I —^M P^B I I "J I a? RUMPSTEAKAUST 500g 4.15 Bfc (FOR EVERY n«snßl^n^nßnßnßßßnlal OrtOH KIWI KLEEN BOWL 750g 2.20 fceiaHfaSi GOURMET CHICKEN ribeKiant ■pMEfV* $2°° EMERON CONDITIONING J^M. IW^~£^M WHOLE LEG IOOg 0145 m PURCHASE ONE M f^JP^I SHAMPOO WITH
      249 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 860 11 An American Express Card exclusive Lost today, replaced tomorrow H ssssaaaam— -JW-Haj Ihl^Qia^jMril HHj^ flHHksaHsailßa^B^Bßaaaaaaa^ Or sto en Ame™^" Express Cards If you're on an extended trip, you BsS^Vaaaal Haaaa^^'^l^'^Jßl W^J^BBSSb^M *fi »fflflßß ffu ■'kV Can re P^ ace^ usually by the will greatly appreciate this facility as it Kf^^^^t^&S^Wm^-
      860 words

  • 943 12  -  BENG TAN, By Medical Reporter WE nuulr great effort U> get i»m»n, and tkey are friers t Meads' frieafe. AlthMgh taerr are mmv CUmk ■•■>n> beeaaae «f tae p»p>latf— dkv tribatlMi, the pnUtm k had f *r aay A raee. S MORE THAN 200 WIVES ON
    943 words
  • 354 12 First child conceived this way is now 13 SINGAPORE'S firstever child born through artificial Insemlaattoa Is aow IJy ears-old. She, like others was have followed, are the resait of carefml sdecUoa of a doaor who resembies as closely as posslblf her parents la race, comptexion, hair colour aad roloar of
    354 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 773 12 HUOGYBAO *-gfit iffifr the f>\ BOOKSBUNNY .jaammv ■aW^^(M *M/k BBlßM^BWtwtoftOfTfS^vV -v "T j*~>m^ BBaJfBBBnBABtVaCfI Bl \C macoonald junior aBBBBB sBW Krf HV CCRQw 80Ur x J&}»- aV^^X ■afWTrV aSafB"MI V "SS. RoWce uwy ***s •*J Br^Basßk *l*'ll^ ''fc/^kl^ afaslfsasCol >obb9«^Bbbbt' W 3ET Usuairy $aiseach T^t)*rSotßJß^2 |*aaj| Bl' J rrw A
      773 words

    • 213 13 Outcome of Mahathir-Suharto talks KUALA LUMPUR, W»dne«d«y MALAYSIA and Indonesia have agreed to study the possibility of developing an Asean car. This is one of the areas of cooperation discussed by President Suharto and acting Mal.iysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad in Tawau last Monday
      AFP  -  213 words
    • 147 13 Man with 2 wives jailed for sex offence JOHORE BARU, Wed A man with two wives and five children was today sentenced to a year's Jail for having sex with a girl below the age 0/16. Prosecuting officer. Inspector Abdullah Hassan, said the 14-year-old girl was first abducted by an
      NST  -  147 words
      • 64 13 .THE Acting President of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC). Datuk S Ba my V'ellu. said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday that Jhere have been instances of "unruly elements" being toaid to disrupt MIC meet Ings and influence the outcome of elections. He hit out at "dissident groups" who.
        AFP  -  64 words
      • 66 13 AN ILLEGAL Indonesian Immigrant was sentenced to fi-days' Jail in Kluang Yesterday when he could ■ot pay a $300 fine for having sex with a 15-year- The Syariah Court here was toid that the girl was bow two months pregnant Both had pleaded guilty The girl, from
        66 words
      • 63 13 THE Kuantan Umno Youth division has called on the Defence Ministry to ground ill Tebuan jets pending full civestigations into eight ■lanes that have crashed since 1967 Its leader. Mr Ibrahim Taib. said in Kuantan yesterday that, of immediate aoncern. was the risk to properties and lives
        NST  -  63 words
      • 50 13 ALL STATE economic development corporations and agencies will not have to pay any intere* on gov- ermneat loam (or poverty eradication projects as from this year. Public Utilities Minister Datin Paduka Rafidah Aziz said in Kuala Lumpur yesterday said poverty eradication projects would include loans to farmers. NST
        NST  -  50 words
    • 106 13 2-ARMY WAR GAMES IN SARAWAK KUCHING. Wed. A joint Malaysia-Indonesia army exercise will be held in the Sematan area, in the First Division oT Sarawak, from Friday The week-long exercise, code-named Kripura Malindo Satu, is aimed at testing the Joint standing operational procedures. The military commander ot Region Two, Maj
      AFP  -  106 words
    • 242 13 i KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Parents are concerned over a new form of serious indiscipline among students organised inter-school fights. Last week, about 20 boys from a secondary school, all armed with staffs, inarched three km to another secondary school to fight with boys there over
      242 words
    • 228 13 E. Malaysia to import Indonesian workers? KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday ACTING Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad' said yesterday the government was trying toi work out a scheme to bring in Indonesian workers into Sabah and Sarawak to meet the manpower! needs of the two East Malaysian states. Speaking to newsmen on
      NST  -  228 words
    • 141 13 Gunman robs money changer of $17,000 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. A gunman robbed a moneychanger of about $16,800 in various currencies here this afternoon. Police said a man approached moneychanger Abdul Salim bin Mohamed Shariff, 52, and asked to change his money into various currencies. Mr Salim did not have enough
      NST  -  141 words
    • 89 13 KLUANti, Wed. Patteemaa Ishak Arabian, 25, almost last a flager when he aeeMeatly shot himaelf while ehaaiag throe rohbery saspeeta. A palic* party, patrol Uac m arc* foUowtag a rohWry report by a snn•>y QBouowsr, spotted thre* mes beaaviag wpf. dooaly. Whe* challenged, the men
      89 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 280 13 Hu«=Bilg==Bß |eiß==3E=r3EVß 1 a JA Hi II _^4il HI E The Year Of The Cock J%. A. gi The symbol of the Chinese New Year fr^3|tV j£s'mP^!& U The sign of early success confidence. gm Wj^f^'' ■V| f yl vH* >fl mm Xr\A. We wish our patrons a crowing year
      280 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 221 13 Bringing Up Father By Bill Ka vanagh Hal Camp O» D6AB A*Y ■VAi_i_ET N y f YOU iViE^ER CARRY I iNOSED/ VOO U. 'N 111 1 WW6N T TEU. VDU I *S S SO" 1 Smv BAG A I I Much A^ONEV with SET EXC'TED- J I WiTHDREW*2OO POOAH a
      221 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1981
    • 378 14 THE first session of the Fifth Parliament, like the beginning of the new school term, has got off to a cracking start. Freshmen MPs seem keen and energetic, occupying much of the «p— <""e time on the debate on the Presidential address. Since it has been impressed upon
      378 words
    • 378 14 POPE John Paul has taken a strong moral stand in Manila. In upholding the inviolability of human rights, he put his considerable prestige behind the argument that the aims and aspirations of a society cannot be served without safeguarding the basic human rights of its citizens. On a moral
      378 words
  • 1145 14  - Germ of new British party gets strong show of public support WAYLAND YOUNG By in London Wntme for the International Herald Tribune 6 The next step for the council aad its supporters will be to leave the Labonr Party, and the step after will be to found a new party.
    1,145 words
  • 600 14  - Nurse Thatcher's patient Britain in bad shape WILLIAM BORDERS By in New York WHEN Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher discusses the very serious economic recession that 'Britain is experiencing, she often employs homely metaphors to explain her conviction that better times must follow, if only the course is held true. It's
    600 words
  • 833 14 as i was passing SARONG, it appears, has become an English word, along with amok (amuck) and Orang-outang, that hair-raising anglicisation of orang-huun Hence "sarong retains the "o" of its old spelling instead of changing to sarung" which Is the current Bahasa Malaysia version. But
    NST  -  833 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 28 14 NEW CAT Now a new golf club "'tthW adjustable swingweightjjll to further improve^ 1 your game JP^LWA li lYrtK V^ Huimtm ow» Win m rSaaiion Go* Equpm«n> nMN-wwrorrDLTD
      28 words
    • 357 14 v 1 Bfl t'S \i ■BHlP'fwf I jf l H^ mm. 4wL A m *^f- 2f I «$c I S f warn WK MhTH7'^T I BfT] I aK^aW WiwaumamWeJu ttSwarAwaW WKD M^a\mW WmWma\W, amw* Wm^m^^ W\ L-r \\m\\^ jLa\m\\ \\wamW M amW^^*M I a^a\w3m iL t¥*A ml V%^b^^Bk^ fll J7^^^^l
      357 words

    • 724 15 A reader's comment on what Mr Goh Chok Tong said. Z Any intelligent person can appreci- ate a good government. A good government need not be a parliamentary democracy. It would be more appropriate to say that the Chinese, for that matter
      724 words
    • 565 15 We have come a long way from the Fifties f Mr Chug mast be aware M the ■unerwu regimes elsewhere which practise the democratic system, aid yet have failed miserahly In mihlag aiy ilgalfleaat pfgress and aence failed to prvvMe a hetter life far their pe«ple. 7 I REFER to
      565 words
    • 662 15 I WOULD like to try to define a good government A good government must be for the people. Certain hard decisions may have at times to be made in spite of their being unpopular But they should have "J- even if grudgingly #yen
      662 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 68 15 front the inside oat. Eat KreUchmer Wheat Germ. Even the weekend athletes improve their performance with the right equipment. Thmk of your body at sports equipment Bring it to the peak of performance with Kretsduner Wheat Germ A perfect sourer of protein. Vitamin E (Kretsduner Wheat Germ is the vital
      68 words
    • 526 15 open terror to m*. in kvah y€w Dear Las. haatilt cooW easily b* aitammndaUa 1 Tim It ia ate aiaatW itacc th* jaWation ha t v ovt <ho- of baiac bnmsat iato oata. and aoawtMas f^ o 4 Kkc two moot*, üm, you iimikl Urn Oar Caairataa took th. rfeat
      526 words

    • 1123 16 THE Ifttt trt— i rmi ready —in at tt» rlaaf a( bun»n oa the Slock rTfcfjr at S>«opnr» >aw cU> canparad witfc tkr ■rcvtow d>> i prim lm»Uwr Ml Wgk «Ml km i* AQ— I id Inr »cr» ri^Mi tamr) inoini Um Hi«k L»« (*»■>«■> S*W Mi not
      1,123 words
    • 160 16 Ckaiac tone Firm Turnover: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd lots "Ready" totalled 16.080^000. units valued at W.318,000 Industrials accounted for 9,372,000. finance 1.454.000. hotels 2,880,000. proper ties 1.453.000. debentures, loans and bonds 211.000. plantations 410.000, minings 310,000 "Settlement" contracts totalled 52.000 units valued
      160 words
    • 188 16 ■no atoms turn imun minim artm tar r>« II) Thf Commtn* 1.73 J 92 TV Savtap Fund 2 13 2 24 S pore Prot Find lji l.M S'pnSK Plad 2* 2 50 Span InvM Fund 2 13 2 M Spore Equity Fund 1 SO 1ST mu unit nun
      188 words
    • 2058 16 BID ud ola-r pnm aBtamUj kaM *ad bMn la aa ywl tar MM wW> bm; Banker af afcim iraBWJ flkawa IB VaGatal M kotft d UH MM oaltai nttarni aatri (tea All Tkaa> Stokaaai 0«m are nil mid after tar wd "«u" B« Board M (k kk
      2,058 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1989 16 BID ui ofcr prtraa ««rtaJ»)r taM aad > «■>■ ud r«Fon«d w Or Kuala Liaaaar Stack Entup)» write; aMtar rf darn ■»■>■*•»■ to krarkHi > Mi X l.M Mitt mttm *«cv K UWIIIIIII tka (1 MB) M D (2 US) (2) 2« (111 2.M (1) 2M 1 1)
      1,989 words
      • 59 16 Ml" ISO Se« Vi»w l.o«» 700 Metro HM|i 1010 Pirtnoul 086 Hoog Leoaf lad 8i6 ■m View 1000 StraiU Tradiaf 1540 one mm Orieatal Hldgi 73S PMC 1290 i i C looo Perlii Plaal M0 H Leoaf Fib TtO Dl'I 950 K.nhm.u. 875 1« •1(X •85 •80 TS '65
        59 words
      • 6 16 Kraipas 6» SEAL 820 -3D
        6 words
      • 24 16 Faber Merlin 1.678.000 Sime Darby 1. 028.000 S Trading 760.000 C Storage 733,000 Total turnover: 16.14 m Total value: $89 83m
        24 words
      • 34 16 3Tlnd»cator **********94 ndustrUli: 747. 36 770.1 1465 85 1505 J tools: 1066 55 ***** >rop*rtie* 700 23 712. <lnlngi 419.72 419.1 Tarnation* 928.00 927 )CBC: 778.82 800.: iES Ind 719 96 741 i
        34 words
      • 329 16 HONGKONG: Slocks closed higher in confident but (airly aulet trading yesterday, with the Hang Seng index rising 2378 points to 1550.29. dealers said The market opened firmer after its recent losses, with investors expecting goods news from President Reagan's economic package, and following encouraging short term L'S economic indicators.
        329 words
      • 345 16 TOKYO Share prices led by blue chips rallied yesterday, after Tuesday's sharp fall, but trading remained fight and speculatives continued to decline, dealers said The Dow Jones average rose 21 09 to close at 7157.00 points, with a volume of 270 million shares The New index ended at 5C2
        345 words
      • 156 16 CHINESE Produce Exchange. Singapore, noon closing -prices per 100 kg on Saturday Cumi al: Bulk fob JUS 00 seUi ers. old drum (la second hand drum) fob tUtOO sellers, new drum j fob (145 00 sailers. Csara: Mixed i loose > 17* 00 buyers Pi pair: Muaiok white
        156 words
      • 207 16 THE KILOBAR nivtH for gold deliverable In Singapore opened al J33.910 and closed at J33.900 yester I In the Far East fold opened al USS0O00 StCOt and closed al M*7 00 m 00 al lunchtiroe It reopened al M98 SO «8 50 before closing Brmer al SOS .00 501
        207 words
      • 30 16 Ne» York 13 106 -B U.J0S -S Znrvh U.HB 1270B 13 «S 13 10S »•< TMi I^ipnrf 1306B 12MB U.CS 13MS CloBM prtcn in US dolUn a troy ouncr
        30 words
      • 262 17 SYDNEY. Wed Resource and metal storks staged a mild recovery today partly owing to higher gold prices and partly ai a technical reaction to five successive days of tails, dealen said The Australian All Ordinaries ladez Brined three points to M4.1. after easing nearly thirty points
        262 words
      • 243 17 NEW YORK. Tttes Strength in the oil group and a good earnings report from Eastman Kodak pushed stock market in dices higher but trading continued moderate Even though the indices row. a few more stocks declined than advanced Analysts said that showed the market continues to
        243 words
      • 244 17 AMSTERDAM. Tuts Midafternoon share prices were lower, with Royal Dutch losing 2 M guilders and Unilever 2.30 In Dutch internationals, dealer* (aid. tliinj il last l.». ABN rase two in mainly higher banks. Mortgage bank WUH Ml eight Investment hinds were lower while insurances were mixed Vaster
        244 words
      • 206 17 ZURICH. Tues Share prices closed higher on an rasing dollar and expectations that US dealers said Volume, howtw. was not above average, with buyers still hesitant, they added Higher banks were led by Credit Suissr while Union Bank held barely steady. Volksbank was marginally higher after results.
        206 words
      • 422 17 LONDON. Tues Equities flailed tuwr today, though above early low*. encoura(ed by the null gala* shown is government bonds, dealers ■kid. At 3pm. the Financial Times index was down one point ai 48.5 Equities wot weak initially oa the Welsh coalminers strike but little selling pressure
        422 words
      • 58 17 FINANCIAL TIMKS INDUBTBIALB Tuesday 48S.S Monday 484 5 We«k Ago 484.5 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 838 68 Monday closed Week Ago 948 83 H k HANG SENG Wednesday 1550 28 Tuesday 1526.51 Week Ago 1804 05 AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 873.8 Tuesday 872.7 WeekAgu 6717 ALL ORDINARIES Wednesday
        58 words
      • 158 16 THE STRAITS tin price edged another five cents higher to $30.75 per kilo in Penang yesterday, on an official offering up 13.70 tonnes to 135 tonnes. The overnight London market was irregular with forward buyers down £65 to £6,060 per tonne LOVDON: Tin on the day was up £12
        158 words
      • 34 16 Rubber: Feb 18 Singapore: March: 276.50 cents (up 1.26 cents) Malaysia: March: 300.75 cents (up 2.00 cents) Tin: M 530.75 per kilo (up 5 cents) Official offering: 135 tonnes (up 13.70 tonnes)
        34 words
      • 33 16 LONDON: Copper price* on Tuesday (previous in brackels) Wirebar Spot £776.00 (£779.50): sellers £776 50 (£780.00); Three Month buyers £799 00 (£803.00); sellers £799.50 (£803.50). Market taae: Barely steady Sain: 11.450 tonnes.
        33 words
      • 488 16 PRICES in the Singapore rubber market closed slightly higher yesterday, with March RSS One buyers quoted at 276.50 cents per kilo, up 1.25 cents on Tuesday's close, dealers said. Afternoon prices rose fractionally on some speculative buying, they added Opening prices were marked up initially on improved London advices
        488 words
      • 80 16 NOON SSR ud SMH prvna .~urt.» K>- M.r.k It arr»l Mtkl K..,r. s.ll,,. SSR llunpailMI ***** M4.00N SSR JO Uu*p«lt«. 2»S0 M»MN MBBLB sMRIA lupdld. JTISO a* SON SMRL <IMpJ«' 970> MM SMK •> Hbnp^lMl atU 2MS0N SMHI.I' illuipalbfi I'NU SMK 10 It ua pallitl 1U.00 MO-OHN
        80 words
    • 354 16 Bl LLS retaraed la herds with a vtssgraar* after tw* day* M hear dswtostrd aetlvlty SB the Slack Ex- rhaage ai Stagapare. As a malt the Straits Time* ladaitrlaJ ladex raae hy a hefty IM? pataU at MB aad tkea west sa tram streagth to stwtth
      354 words
    • 311 16 THE recovery gathered strength on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange yester- i day as prices surged sharply ahead in active trading. The bulls seem undeterred by Monday's steep fall, and following firmer overnight sentiment and improved overseas leads, values were pushed up rapidly on opening. The strong upsurge
      311 words
    • 206 16 THE US Slag dollar opened sharply lover at HOB* 30 in the Singapore (orex market yesterday. nealers attributed the decline to the US dollar's heavy fall against major currencies, especially the nark, and fell nearly eighi pfennigs in overseas markets The (all was mainly due to squar
      206 words
    • 380 16 Cn II MOBMMlr.t*. SflMtfMoman Parcanlag* quotad yMMrdai (croas)partty cfcano* Lacal MlUn to aar ■■It *f ttrtgm c«r- re»ey: JS dollar 2 0960 2.0970 2.8196 -25.66 Sterling pound 4.7390 4.7435 7.3469 -35.50 (Vustralian dollar 2 4260 2.4285 3.4286 -29.24 MZ dollar 1.9470 1.9515 3.4286 -43.07 Canadian dollar 1.7390 1.7410
      380 words
    • 39 16 HAMJt of pnc« onirw n> c ■ouni house* on F«to M: OVCTTUghl Call drpoaiu: 6 to 7 CImim J-monlti rreuury bills 8 8 Bank bills 13 I 13 3 months CD 12 12 I 6momhsCD 125/16 12 3/1(5
      39 words
    • 30 16 doling muroMix rates Itemimct doilui on F*t> 18 OHn BU )vrnufht 9 9 1 month 13 13 1 months U 12 3 monthi 12 12. iKn-nuht made U
      30 words
    • 25 16 THE sverage rmte *4 wkirk mtjtr Slmgapare h*aks are emrreaUy prepare*! to lead to tfctHr beet raatomen M 14 J per eeat
      25 words
    • 480 17 A MAJOR placing of shares in top UK plantation group Harrteoac and Croafteld will follow its agreement to buy out the aharciMsdints of Rothschild Investment Trust and SA Sipef NY, a subsidiary of McLrod Ruasel. in London Sumatra Plant* ■asm Harrisons has reached an agreement
      480 words
    • 274 17 Perak Carbide to acquire three property companies HOT on the heels of its last week-end acquisition announcement, Perak Carbide Corporation Bhd (PCCB) has reported another agreement to purchase three more property companies. The company intends to acquire the entire paid-up capitals of KYW Enterprises Sdn Bhd. Gunung Petaling Sdn Bhd,
      274 words
    • 207 17 Guthrie seeks investment outlets THERE will be no let up in Guthrie Corporation's efforts to increase its worldwide investments in high technology industries and plantations. In high technology industries, it will continue to focus its attention on North America although it was able to locate a suitable investment in the
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1694 17 innill I I I EC<JN DEVELOPMENT I SlBORDINATKol KIN tvirvcrrADc inni-iMifEi) 8INGAPOM OHO I I IN VESTORS Guaranteed 11.^,^1. «h* r< I)( riSHOPFiniNGS of Singapore pte ltdm Profitable Investment pub cofSU pore) SUPPLIERS OF 1 NOTICE OF No- 2141 of 1980 SINGAPORE'S LARGEST RANGE OF "The Dollar will be wiped
      1,694 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1207 18 AT YOU« SERVICE RATES SECTION INO€X ,v Telephone Service *****22 pfmconai r m^^ Monday 'ndo, 830om- 5 00 p m '><»«>'» 80 els p« .o. J Im^ 1 1 2 00. »SrCH A MOISE XS4 4422 I^^i.o.R.Hx.oH 'NS4oT-f^ m <M-isBsois U nd«T«« J« ISwOONCeSeNTS PERSONAL Upper Povo Lebar Rood 900
      1,207 words
    • 1143 18 wfiwT I B^^P^bl'SbA^J M^ (a L^. BasWaaMaasßßVasßada-k leßMrnVf I <— i TANK CLEANBeO EOAMPMENT lor sale, cheap Air winch pumps b^hiSg'^^arTtus^ulpmeni: S1 CultUr etc Tel S3MM 2 BRAND Nt* swimming pooU 16' round and 4 A-Y WK Mlcn Beauty deep and 18 x 4 compl.te wllh oltm tn mo t
      1,143 words
    • 1057 18 •Ml*/ j NEO SWEE MWA Construction AERIALS INSTALLATION; REPAIR I specialises In repairing roof Telefunken. Sharp. Slera, leakage. Interior decoration. Philips. GraeU. Setron. ITT. sieundertakes all kinds of con- mens Colour TV on the spot, strucllon work. Call *****85/ Reasonable charges Day Night *****08 Service You cant contact SEAM HUAT
      1,057 words
    • 1052 18 VBttStm IiSS&. SM9M4 A FLOWER W4OP SPACE al Holland FULLY FURNISHED SNACK bar al Road available for rental or 02-24. Orchard Plata for comprofll sharing basis Interested piete take-over Offers to: party please call Mr Chan *****58 *****48 UOMTWEKMTPAPC R Reputed fashion garment papeterks oe MAuourr established with good Estabbsned
      1,052 words
    • 568 18 II Employment Rias^asJessossoi esv*aW*> b) MaermtmrUUtf Clerical ACCOUNTS CLERK c OCE -O* or A' level keeping (must be able to keep a full set of books up to balance sheet i c Able to work independently •stll-llUd parboa ptoeoe ca« per eonsßy with relevant documents and 1 photo to SINGAPORE
      568 words
    • 495 18 CATS. ZB4-44H 1 Classified Advertising Works. A CONSUL TWO FIRM --quires an experienced Clerk Typist Please respond wllh full particulars lo ST Box A*****. 1. New Industrial Road. Spore 1963. A FEMALE OFFICE Assistant wanted by Real Estate Company Typing essential, knowledge ol mandarin, dialects and bookkeeping preferred Write with
      495 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 469 19 m «S SHMboiw Vacanl »> B*crwt*riml tf CIeHcMJ »se»m Traatasg Cimasii amasM apjlinl ii lor the lellewma, OCALBBB c Minimum OCE A level with credrts in Mathematics and I. urn >mii s o Preter.bu betwern a and 24 yean of a«e o Matured and able to com munirate at all
      469 words
    • 709 19 an arrcaatanoMAL Japanese n| <°ompan> requires ur gently Export Be< rrtarv with the following aaatif arauons 111 1 able >t 3& wpm 2) experienced I in preparing export shippinf dorumenu under I will t» advantageous 3) st least 1 k years relevant working expert lerested applilo submit in lonfideni r
      709 words
    • 546 19 H CwplDyiiH I ii COST CLERK ■a rewored by large I 111 111 Ira hrm ■earn rxperienrr in drafting bills in a lawyer s office if preferable but those who sre prepared Ui work hard and will ing Ui learn will also be considered Minimum qualifications are i>< I (i
      546 words
    • 777 19 ESTABLISHED ASSOCIATION RE OUIRES an Assistant to the *••< rrury who is able lo type and correspond independently Preference will be given lo those who can drive Call *****25/8 Or Write tv Unit «20. «th floor. Parklane Shopping Mall Seleglr Road Singapore 0718 ESTABLISHCD TRAVEL AGENCY require Outbound Tour Co-Ordl-nalor
      777 words
    • 1347 19 II Dwgoywwpit ill FEMALE RECEPTIOSSJST/ TVPtST a possess GCE O level certificate c ability to type 35 wp m on electric typewriter c ablltylo operate PMBX telephone switchboard Applicant* mult be Singsporo Ciliiena Salary S*M pm Please write wrth hill raauma ol paraonal particutara. nnn Isi s>ls photo number M
      1,347 words
    • 423 19 II Emptoymaot \AI Til uyn. ACCOUNTS CLERK required urgently a OCI O lr\v\ or A luel a 111 Intermediate Bookkeeping (Must be able to keep a full set ol books up lo Balance Sheet i c Able lo work independently an advantage GENERAL CLERK o Able to type accurately o
      423 words
    • 518 19 Kimamir SINGAPORE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. 1. MARKETING CLERKS with lev years t-xpen-ence in shlppinii line familiar with import and export procedures. with ability to work independently Possess Cla-ss 3 driving li2. MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN Industrial Technician Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Drawing It Design or equivalent; similar capacity: Those without the
      518 words
    • 457 19 Lll fmi M im i I I HI JB\ lit. X£ap2/' requires KARDEX CLERKS (MALE) Requirements o L'oaaastei I nth i ieru-al rxrred riu br.ummenBMh •lui'liluatiun.'. and ■an Pliaaa can psrsonsNy lor interview al THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT PROMET PTE LTD 21 PANDAN ROAD SINGAPORE 2260 TOSHIBA SINGAPORE PTE LTD. a
      457 words
    • 581 19 CA.T.S. 1 184-4411 1 Classified Advertising Works. Manufacturing Firm requires the following poala: 1) STENOGRAPHER 2) ACCOUNTS CLERK 3) GENERAL CLERK 4) STORE CLERK o Minimum GC'E O level «ilti i redlt in English a Must have 2to 3 years' experience o Able to speak Chinese dialects o Preferably staying
      581 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1028 20 II EinfMoyntont 46 Situations Vacant The Regional Head Office ol a Multinational Oroani sation requires a FEMALE b) efoovcart at ft GENERAL CLERK Clmrlcml lo give back-up support lo the already existing staff. Dutlrv will include Ki-niral PERSONNEL CLERK lral <1ul V"'"?, CUM JUNIOR SECRETARY .^o^railon^J outdoor urgently reeuired by
      1,028 words
    • 655 20 II EfflptoyiMtit ATTENTION SALES WOMEN! Da >..u »,.ni t,, ha*C by •ourselves? Nm your chancr < in appoint a limiti-ii number CM ladies whoare trui) .i nit) it i. his enterprising and business minded A way to have an independent income and do a business as big as you want
      655 words
    • 599 20 I FEMALE. PART/ FULL-TIME r Kepn-srmallvps Iluslc $350 and 1 $M 0 rrspectlvel> *****21 today or i tomorrow. II Warn lovOOpm FREELANCE SALESGIRLS/MEN I needed to promote fast moving products Oood commission and j Incentives Interested please call iMTMinally at 152-C2. Enterprise Building. Jalan Besar Tel r *****10/ *****08 t
      599 words
    • 643 20 We are scouting around lor FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVES lo promote our household appliances Applicants must be above 20 years of age. Possess a Secondary education. Experience Is not necessary as Intensive training will be provided by the Company. Successful candidates must be hardworking. Our Swedish Company also provides ample opportunities
      643 words
    • 615 20 Dttl d) Technlcml AIRCONDITIONING COMPANY REOUIftES Male Apprentice Interested contact *****30 A large manufacturing company in Kranjt requires 1) MACHINIST c Preferably with experience In a woodworking Industry In grinding of tools and cutters c Those without the experience but possess a NTC 3 In metal machining can also apply
      615 words
    • 589 20 HEaMdnuMMAM* ciitfjeuyrnani GUL ENGINEERING PTE LTD 59. Qul Road Jurong Singapore 2262 (NMfTtDsSf Of tn# Keppel Group) Invites applications for the posts of 1) STEELWORK SUPERVISOR 2) MOULOLOFT TECHNICIAN 3) MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Applicants for Posts (1) (2). should possess Apprenticeship Certificate with Supervisory experience In the relevant field Applicants for
      589 words
    • 475 20 Qollei Invites applications from Singapore/Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Residents for the following positions; ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS c Minimum ITC In Electronics c Duties include Products' Faults Analysing and Circuit Testing MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE TECHNICIANS c Minimum Trade Certificate with at least 2 years experience In maintenance, repair and Installation of production and
      475 words
    • 481 20 I. Employment > GENERAL (jg& fItCTRIC USA TELEVISION A APPLIANCE PTE LTD mutes suitably qualified applicants fur the p. of i ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ire aYnarinMim ba> lieermß or NTC in Klertronlcs Servicing o experience In servicing and maintenance of electronic equipments i PROCESS CONTROL TECHNICIAN ITC In Electronic/Electrical Engineering Knowledge
      481 words
    • 476 20 C.A.T.S. 1 184-44*1 Classified Advertising Works. Manufacturing company urgently roquiraa: 1) DRAUGHTSMEN mates should possess a Diploma or ITC In Mechanlral Engineering with at least 2 years' experience In Mechanical Drafting Applicants must be able to work independently in transferring existing machineries into drawing and 2) MECHANICAL FITTERS A MACHINISTS
      476 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 360 21 SK«MtMMM Vacant at; IMMkteatf PLASTIC FACTORY M JUROMG reajaami ELECTRICIANS to -art an •eSesaw I etMße prrience w Ukuwi. M»<> c Man br «r>.eda> i;raoV.l»i: tm« 4. lnsleilauun TECMNOMER (PRIVA*?) iNrrcD 24.QULDWVC artotWITW ter sojoarmoej plastic asousTnv moumtt Malr Technician Interested applK-anU plraar rail Dersonall) at Blk 1013 No 8
      360 words
    • 269 21 SINGAPORE I AUTOMOTIVE I ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. *t_ Jgß^^^^^^^gaH Largest Automotive Engineering Company with its fast expanding activities in Ayer Rajah, Seletar and Chua Chu Kang offers job opportunities as follows:VEHICLE MECHANICS Ability to repair ano service vehicles. Preferably possess NTC3; Must be able to perform general repairs, overhaul components
      269 words
    • 546 21 II Eritptoytnant TECHNICIAMS URGENTLY REOOSHfO k> bm I ...i siaereaW TRASMCE TECHfteCIANS WANTED i Claas 2 or 3 drmn« lie eace Appl> I 1 Bun AVISTA I New < industrial H»ad. Spore 1«&3 1 Ir.iuli I'rii all- 1 jinilitl I Muniil.idiiivi ill Inli'l lI.III.MUIII\ Hl'mmillil \llliini.ltli I -lilies Itej
      546 words
    • 329 21 bbbbbbbbbbW AJbbV Ca%Ml l\ WbbbbbbbbbV LbbbbW A k^BH Colour PholsHnlsliing 100 luwe the OPERATORS Must have some experience tn printing operations Salary scale depending on "general production WORKERS o Experience not necessary but must have at least PSI.K c Good working conditions o Shift duties CaM: *****79 after 2cun. FACTOP.Y
      329 words
    • 344 21 II Emptoyment fi BS^ BIGSTON CORPORATION FEMALE OPERATORS JokeRadiu/Cassette Production Works »iai»l«lMl:e Singapore citisens. age over 16 years o P r im a ry Se c ondary education c Available lor immediate employment lelsri a limWio Starting basic salary $200 pm On confirmation. *220 p m There are Allendanrr and
      344 words
    • 546 21 PHILIPS requires MATERIAL HANDLERS ITmiar> Mlurulum c Preferably completed exempted from National Servneeso apply persone*y lode?, 4 30pm al PHILIPS SINGAPORE PTE LTD (Mac hi no Factory) 259. Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim Singapore 2262 SBS Feeder Bu< Service »5 Ju rang Inlwchano* I requires A) Mate Production Law Leader c
      546 words
    • 339 21 II EmployiMnt requires Immediately FEMALE FACTORY OPERATIVES Female earnings per <toyslo.7B and $1128 after 3 months probation. Working Hour* 7.45 am to 5.20 pm Courteous and understanding Supervisors No shift work No scope work Staff price for colour TV and other Company's products. Job stability and promotion opportunity. N you
      339 words
    • 233 21 I iff START AS AN NMB OPERATOR laMmM ptoau cal •fOMaftyts: ■MSMMTMC ITi ■eck 10. 3ri Fteer JTC Flats, Factwy N I I CMOMtotBM 1 ItUaflll IMi y x»m* maw /Mat i-powe (PTI LTD mittm ißpUcmtl Sx the pool or. PRODUCTION OPERATORS (MALE ONLY) or Secondar School educalloi. c Age
      233 words
    • 297 21 II II Employment U' IkTal-ttftl r 1 i I a "nanufacture r o< Ln^aV finßsv I semi conductoi requires flj MALE/FFMALE ST^^P PRODUCTION PERSONNEL 11m WE BELIEVE IN Co»%oX «S. c 'HE UTILIZATION OF itIA.AAII HIGH LEVEL I *»*s)^^ a training ano Classified UPGRADING THE SKILLS AHvPPti«inD OF OUR EMPLOYEES
      297 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 722 22 _._j I Tt AsasMBME FvaDQHT 4. Situations Vacant I) DRIVERS II CARCONANOS w) PfdmcOit for Pew (1) Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmm Minimum OCEO' levels a Knowledge of import and •>> export procedures necessary f c Must nnaaeai Class 3 prefer _eaa owo bl > cc > u> driving licence TSaOvI^I »D ""TSJJ"
      722 words
    • 1284 22 JH ASU OMVSMO SCHOOL requires CHSEF COOK t AsslsUnt Cook for experienced Driving InsUuctoi. Australian ResUuranl ExperlInstrurUesses Apply personally ence In Japanese cooking, based I m Seng Shopping in Penh Salary for Chief Cook Onlrr 5520.000 to 122.000 pa Assistant Cook 5512.000 to JU 000 pa Alr- fare provided Applicants
      1,284 words
    • 571 22 II Employment Estabinhed manuracturine company M iUfOAQ IHM llNMSwNaa4w7 VBCiWlewMtsr GENERAL WORKERS Mats-. HISS per day F amale 110 SO per day a 130 incentive per month c Transport provided InlirnUd appMcnU ptaose call peraenawyet NO. S LOKVANO WAV SBSMS(J«re~ Inleecnonoe) Mll9f*VMW tO*4aty tOIWOfT OW EstaMMaod Brtttah Urn. r»qwir«. CLUB
      571 words
    • 606 22 FEMALE ARTIST NCEDCO Call 4MM4S Ang Mo Klo area aa m to&pm FEMALE CASNIER WANTED Those interested call at SO Upper Thomson Road Tel *****5< 290M57 FOOD CATIRBM Fwaw requires Female Kllchen Helphers Interested appllcanu. call personally at 52 M. Jalan Merah Saga. Chip Bee Gardens. Singapore 1027 Tel *****0
      606 words
    • 428 22 iEaptoyMMt I I A leader in the field ol I Plastic Packaging requires (A)MAI£ EXTRUDING MACHINE OPERATORS Requirement* b Prepared to work on 3 rotating shirts Basic Pay: B $1.90 per hour Not less than Wae.OO 1 per month a $2.00 per hour o Not less than SMS.OO per month
      428 words
    • 991 22 >l LwployßMiH (fi I IT Rf OUIRED DELIVERY VAN Al- I tendanus Interested call at ISS Realty Centre Enggor Street I Spore 0207 J^V REOUatEO DRIVER WITH 10 years I A<4[A Pj ln Salary around »350 plu^ n^PV REOUBWD EXPEMENCED FEMALE TaTtaaiaVi Clerk and Female Factory Work mr m P''***
      991 words
    • 669 22 SUMtOCN ELECTRONICS >TE LTO A witMioian of 1 annum I Elacrnc wiltlisliisi Ltd.. Japan mini app* IpTECHNICIAN qualifications J 5 years winking expea Preferably with mechanical background and with some electrical knowledge c Completed N s 2) FEMALE GENERAL CLERK I c GCE-O' Level a Must be able to lype
      669 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 532 23 46 Situations Vacant t) mwr*Hmm»9ma OFFICE •OVOCa^ftTCM Kider urgent!) required t>> Architect iiilu-f Mum possess <rmlld lurmr Ui nor nu>u«T), le AMr to run •war* wort wam.lilalel) Inter aswM. psrsir call 73*4961 omci ao» >«od •uruni sal«r> Mast nde bicycle AppJ> per M.n»ll> Hlfh Street Spore ■n 0MIC4 aOWB, »mhu-<1
      532 words
    • 569 23 JW L SAHATA (S)PTf ITD 1) 1 MALE PACKERS 1) 1 VAN DELIVERY ASSISTANT 1) 2 FEMALE CHECKERS FarPeata(i)*(l) c Completed primary education a Completed NS c Age below years old FerPaatdl c Coaspleted primary education c Age below 25 years oM lull ippi in pleaee BBS* •act THE ADVERTISER
      569 words
    • 660 23 A) FEMALE TYPMT Minimum typing speed 35 m Abir to type neatly and an urately c Preferabl> with somr BBBBing experience B) OEUVSRVMAN MM I driving ncrnrr Willing to vert hard I rrirrsbl> with Secondary education tad ■Ml'r.Mi are n, s» apply with hril peraeaal reawMe Me II BOX ASMS*,
      660 words
    • 647 23 Well eetebhahed manulacHjrerwe urgently >»4)UIT»S MALE DESPATCH CLERK completed NS Bilingual in English Mandarin c with claas 3or 2 driving licence c Own a bike or a car preferred bul not essential starling salary $400. plus transport allowance Plea** write with liUpKom ■umwar and salary espacvsel. i The) Manager ST.
      647 words
    • 561 23 Te1:*****6^^3a88^97 51 VshiCNj* For Hire A BETTER DEAL to rent Pick-up *****05. *****21 All or Simon AMI MOTOR OFFERS New 3 ton Masda. DalhaUu Trucks for hire. ToyoU and Mazda Vans View 621. Changi Rd Tel *****35 AJRCONPfnONED LATEST MODEL mileage Unique Tourist Service Tel 2******/2******. AMCONOmONEO CARS WITH Malaysian
      561 words
    • 628 23 111 M^^iA#»am« j\ eji«|« 53 VshiCN) Financing/ Insurancs I W~ mnd iomtt «kote I am aocgpraoAv Sill aiawi 4 years I €aMJ6ltiTio lawsTo I |j»1« tThfw Peepie»Ps,.C««<nJ TOYOCAR MOTOR SERVICES Buying a new or used cars. Interest rates 8.5% lo 12V 12 lo 48 months Leasing. Insurance. Mortgages. Rust-Proofing L
      628 words
    • 685 23 NO-H7I FIAT LADA Aircond radio, cassette 5 brand new lyres, ux till 5/81 Tip top condition PARF $11,800 negotiable ******1 NOV. t*7S, FIAT 174 Saloon 2nd owner PARF eligible Aircond cassette $9,600 ono Inquiries *****83 MLLBM CHEAPII (M.M») 1973 Flat 124 Sports Accessories. 2 lady owners, showroom condiuon Appointments *****3*
      685 words
    • 716 23 END I*7* MERCEDES Ml Manual One owner, new tax. accident free Call 2*4131* Mr Ong JULY I*7* MERCEDES 200 Manual One company owner, in up top condition Enquiries ring *****65 Robert LATE 1*77 MERCEDES BENZ 280S and 250 Both in mint condition Selling 864.000 and MS SOO respectively Trade-in accepuble
      716 words
    • 791 23 111 VMMM^s*j4t A jjiali 1*77 CELESTE V4M 5-ipee<l jirrond. sports rims, original paint $17,500 Tel *****85 H.*****22 1 Lim i 1*77 GALANT SIGMA !nh Sroimi owner PARF eligible Sandrn aircon radio cassette, tax. tyres new Very good rondltlon $16,900 *****17 I*7* COLT SIGMA 1600 C c 5-speed One owner airrond
      791 words
    • 794 23 CA.T.S. 1 184-4411 1 Classified Advertising Works. LEONG HUAT SOON t tMtCLES FT! LTD Plot F, K«mpoii| Jan Fringe Carpork To* 23S313S/33SI1M mo Q Plate Toyota Coroiu 1800 Liftback 5-Speed a c 1*7* Hi n<la Prelude a c autu Q Plate' UaUun I20Y a c 1*7» Colt Sigma 1900 auto
      794 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1469 24 55 V«Mcte«F«rS«te v VaMctes Wanted A BANK ACCOUNTANT requires any make vehicles. 1974 to ISM. Ml OffJMvV rompin) or private welcome 46S2S&* Henr> A BEST GMW (or good used can lAMTB.J* d.e« and £2?*!S r T^ SX7£ "*»<««« 4 Toyota Corona Saloon car. l»7i welcosne Tel *****20 ana MB miss
      1,469 words
    • 1784 24 m- T^Ba^MTyi MM^^r/^! EXCLUSIVE APARTMENT DMT t jfk Jrmr^^ Ii very h h r lar brd /^Bv iIV/y//^ I l rooms spill-level living, dining. I ""^^-^^i i^^^.^fm i _^^M ß^ B^ B 4yr agtgW I walking distance to Orchard PS^gaWff a^P^amVl P^'.^gfJ I Koad/ hotels (Facilities: swimI ming pool, squash
      1,784 words
    • 822 24 ■^■^^*^^™^™^™^™«»™4Ta"«Ts'*»4TpTg» l 4W r 1 faf^^^H liV«l DMTMCT Mt VCNUf MANStOM Spacious furnished 4-bedroomed apartment with swlmmlnf pool Large living separate dining room Servant's room Available Ist March RenL $4,500 p m Tel: Oree nac res 9121 M. DISTRICT ÜBS PRESTIGIOUS MEWL 1 COMPLETED LUXURIOUS apartments •MAMONrrTf TOWNNOUMt Tully alrcondltloned
      822 words
    • 766 24 M FOR RENT/ SALE: Elisabeth Tower. Disl 9. Orchard Road Units 403. 903. 2302. 2903 with swimming pool, squash courts, •auna balhs.24 hours security guards Contact Ml: *****/ ***** INTERNATIONAL PLAZA FLAT (or rental Contact 2221 156 FOC TOWER. 3 bedrooms. »1.800 Please call *****38 LUCKY T0»M PENTHOUSE Very luxuriously
      766 words
    • 767 24 SWw*Smw£Sj A newly ■lllbXlnd American tufnihi, <:»».'■■«'' naulm HOUSCS OH APARTME NTS For 20 families arriving soon Company's lease with good payment on long term basis Rental rang*: S2JOO to $6,500 Pa/ unfurnished mrti dMato to IMO AGENT HE ALTY PTE tTO mwnsnasa A BANK DIRECTOR requires Houses/ Apartments for
      767 words
    • 1627 24 **^^B^*"^»»*bBm1^B1 ft rrupSruSS wwnwi swon -storey a r I lached bungalow in Bright Hill om T »«w Oo" Crescent. 8.400 mj rt 3 Mroomi C«t— with attached bathrooms Hoi- A beautiful and solid 2-store> land Houslnc *****04 bunfalow in pnm» location A BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED °Pposlle Macrltchle Reservoir double-slorey terrace house
      1,627 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1399 25 •™*^»»Bl B"a^BBB B»"i"HBB I^SpBaHVfPS J 4 MaMTIOEOUS HOU.AM0 l .Hjri apartment. 2 100 sq ft 1 bed•3 RmwJwiM Propsr- "»«> »iurr>«i tiuwwn «.-i_ »n«l imuiti Holland Housing mi M» mi mmi A KAUt BUT! Prime DM II MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB Minbu Villa brand new IM sq 'I high "o« 3 brdrooms with
      1,399 words
    • 1464 25 1 co!ioom ivi v l v'r c r o u>^ m r mm i c «.^y« condominium near National raSTMrx 11 *^«|"^M>« rotims 2 oatns vacant posses- coatnoassssasM slon Call Bellian Securities ■T'T, 1 Krui Fstate Division I ***** •^■w»»w "^e* 1 ■■■•■<■ awrwon iteai uiate iiinsu.ii 1 zziaun aae»t»»a«H
      1,464 words
    • 1238 25 IV Accommodation A Proparttes «A MOUNT FAIER LODGE, lower SPOTTISWOODE APARTMENT maisonette. 2.2(0 sqft with High floor. 3 rooms. $385,000 Call swimming pool. lfncm rourt *****77 25M842 l n Uy Conl Cl ST PATRICK S GARDEN. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 2nd floor wiling $435,000 Tel *****74 NCWTON HEIGHTS TANJONO KATONO.
      1,238 words
    • 1381 25 IV pVcconrnodatiM A Propertws *£fe DOUBLE STOREY SEMMKTACH- 1 pen Paymtnl on progressive Vscant/Wantwd basis Kir further details, tel *****29 Mr Teo i^_ CHOtCf NSW FLATTEO factory at Shavi R.iad IMacPhersonl 2410 sq fl $220 pst L.J Realty *****2 64 Residential »»m Proprt*. Wanted «i~ «E» SS~* f£ tlon can
      1,381 words
    • 807 25 li i A n Accommodation 4 ProfMrtMs 111 1 I. 1 TEXTILE CENTRE 900 sq ft Facing sea $800 psf T-l *****29 Aflrl lpm mmriiate occ ipation Vacant possession $860 p s 1 Total area 630 sq It Contact *****07 8 WOH HUP COMPLEX office space about 340 tq
      807 words
    • 682 25 C.A.T.S 184-4411 1 Classified Advertising Works. 68 Shop Space For Sale A CORNER PRE-WAR Residential shophouse. vacant possession j Opposite Textile Centre Plaza Thealre Shopping Centres Previously used as shop/ office. very low accessmenL Owner moving to HDB rial Selling cheap $195,000 negotiable RirM- ard Low Housing *****81 A FABULOUS
      682 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 756 26 WAjm^^^l^^l^ &mr^mmmmmmr+^* am\mV^am\ Ml m ft ShopSp.ce a) rmramJf PBOrrTAeXE MVESTHEMT AT The Arrade groundflnor prune locs von unit Area 517 sqfl Call ■lieu 4 ■ÜBV SHOPPING COMPLEX 2 wuu center shop, groundrtour BZaaft selling Mpi! nafoUabie No broken Contact Mrs t'kew Z3M6IS .1000 an- 580 Oreynd floor 350 sqrt
      756 words
    • 524 26 WATTBN ajaS SHOP lor saie. IJBO M) ft Price 8390.880 Tel *****83 i after spm i Mdm Lai WON HU*> COMPLEX UI floor shop 758 aqfl Good location Suitable for showroom office. *****80 PAA 734J875 6 4 STOREY BNOPHOUBES Apprux 11.5*0 >q ft built up ares al BalesUer Road and
      524 words
    • 780 26 UNIVERSITY ENTRY IN ENGLAND Goring Hall School, England. Fully Registered and Inspected by tha Department of Education and Science, England. 1 The Tutors are graduates of British Universities. 2) OCE O' level and 'A' level courses In English. Geography. History. Economics, Commerce. Mathematics i Pure Applied Physics. Chemistry and Biology
      780 words
    • 451 26 MTENSIVC/MOMIAL COVMSCS FO« SCHOOL LEAVERS 4 OTHCRS SHORTHAND THEORY MONMAL CLASSES 1) Mon S3O-7pm 23/2 2) Tues 7 00-8 30pm 24/2 3) Wed 7-830pm 2S 2 4) Triur 530- 7pm 28-2 5) Kn 5 30- 7pm TI/2 m 700-830pm 27/2 6) Sat 200-330pm 28/2 7) Sun 00- 10 30am 1/3
      451 words
    • 491 26 VI Educjtron A Instruction NEW CLASSES BOOKKEEPING BEGINNERS Sal 4 30 -8 pm t'ommpnoing 7 March SHORTHAND SPEED CLASSES 40-70 WPM Tues/Thurs 730 830 pm Sunday 10 am 12 noon 7S-SSWPM Sunday 10.30 1230 pm 88-1 M WPM Tues-Thurs. 6.30 7 30 pm T YPEWRITMG MORNING/ AFTERNOON/EVEMNG I 9 am
      491 words
    • 701 26 AMY OMTMCT. YOU*, home Primary to Pre-U Corrective luition Student's progress monitored Counselling *****13 ATTENTION PARENTSI EXPEHI EMCEO tutor offers home tuition Reasonable (res *****24 Miss (iuh Mr (anytime) BM.BKMML EXPEPJCMCED Tf ACM EHB Specialised home tuition All levels/ subjects/ districts Reasonable charges *****61/ *****8*7 *****83 CAREFULLY SCLECTEO/OUALI FltD
      701 words
    • 581 26 VI Travel A Tours i- MAS TRAVEL CHARTER Centre i- Economy Airfares Worldwide i- Call 33TT2M ***** 1t Rm 544. Tanglln Shopping Centre bel_ side Ming Court Hotel TA 175 I RELIABLE ANO ECONOMICAL air- I s fares to Jakarta Denpasar Australia Europe and all other > I. worldwide destinations
      581 words
      353 words
    • 865 26 VH Traval Tour >i< 1 A USA. AMMMOTNf WONIO 26 DAYS ii 880 EAST I Wf ST AOKMCA HtXCO CABAOA MOOCKOOK 24 DAYS 54 880 WtST ASK MCA HAWM «K XICO CABAOA HOBCK DUG 18 DAYS S3 590 D€P 3/3 24 3 1 4 12 5 19/5 6/6 9/6 7
      865 words

    • Obituary, Illustration
      22 27 to «n» IX tUI Cir<i t i mmm —t* *>. n*-C. T«Mi *-> Mil«i«il Oil* (MM* Ow) < to Cfc». Cko CHitftoJ Cwiiiii
      22 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      73 27 puNd a»aj peacefully on I6itl lea nnf behind Lee AhFon« Lee Yoke roo CeeShlaLan Le» Ah Tali Lk Yoke Hu»> Lee Yoke Kial t«eYorkPmnc Lre Yoke ioon TitiKihOnj I— Lam Tow Tone Wee Yoke Uanf LaiSer Yui Kwok JeePenc Leete Au Lee Sw- Wei Um Shee Shen( UnShtfHm UiKuWitl Kwok
      73 words
    • 23 27 Ttm tom*T <X M* mom r*r ucwngoh Ib a wt,ml»mo C*— Cl»— CQlll|»ll lor their kind MHllioitt •t«»m« *fid irMKMca mtmWm
      23 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      19 27 TIM kMB% •> tat* TAT TCNG PIAMC M* M ■>«* a« Ifrll IM linlun »!■«■»<■ null and ■atLaa«?'wawlM. IT > M tar mm
      19 words
    • 33 27 Mftfc LMTtOCMMG HEf TAT FEE CHOO DXMrtKt or t'l'ti ■task ■>• aim «f M. A«d™w« C ««<l Mo»r TraMjr aMfch. i in •>« Maadi ior ih..r fttm%. ki«d umlMri coiido-
      33 words
    • 41 27 M CMEMSHCD MEMOMY Of MiKHTUI CALLED TO NEST ON WTH FES Wi Looking back with tFndtrnesi Alone thr path you trod. We Meat the yean wr had with you Andleaw It* ret to God Uw*t Hid loild on»i
      41 words
    • 18 27 IN LOVING MEMORY OF MR LOW «.O«C UN DwrtMtllTI fcin< by mt>. Lim* in and grand ill Mini.
      18 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      37 27 M. SAOAVMMTHAN Dapartod S-2-«1 Mm* an* b* haM Mw dwrak o< 1, C«MMMMMl Dm»« Qwwi MM <Wp« J»-J-»i and prainn ml to MM al our Dmi*me» Mk M 17I-F Tatak Wimih Dmiirpia iMsrtsri by FattMf CrtMappan Hit-
      37 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 189 27 EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENT (East Malaysia) Applications are invited trom suitably qualified candidates to fill the abovenamed position m our Branch Office The canaidates would be above 30 years of age preferably residents of East Malaysia *rtri sound technical education Previous wortung experience wrtft macfiine or heavy machinery and ability to rtandte
      189 words
    • 562 27 GLOBAL ENGINEERING (M) SDN. BHD. GLOBAL ENGINEERING are international consulting engineers providing worldwide services to the petro chemical industry. Due to an expansion of our activities in S.E. Asia we urgently require applications for the tolowmg positions m West Malaysia, Sarawak and Singapore. 1. FABRICATION SUPERVISORS MECHAMCAL Experience necessary in
      562 words
    • 851 27 [or> Arab -Malaysian Finance Berhad I A Su6sklmry o/ Arab Malays™ Dmtiopmant Bank Berhad) tovrtec application* from Malaysian citizens (preferably Bumipun-as) (or the following positions:— RELIEF OFFICERS Candidates should be 23-28 years oi age. poaseas at least a Diploma in Banking, Accountancy or Business Studies and have a minimum of
      851 words
    • 578 27 SEC CAREER OPPORTUNITY Due to further expansion. NEC Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.. a leading International Semiconductor Company invites application from Malaysian Citizens to fill in the following positions:1. ENGINEERING ASSISTANT OR ASSISTANT ENGINKKK Suitable persons should be; Age above 23 years old; Diploma holder in either Mechanical or Electrical field from
      578 words

    • 263 28 Ipswich go two points in front LONDON, Wed. Scottish international Alan Brazil boosted Ipswich's hopes of winning the English First Division soccer title when he scored his 14th goal of the season against Middlesbrough yesterday. Brazil s 42nd-minute header the only goal of the match gave Ipswich a two-point lead
      263 words
    • 29 28 CALCUTTA, Wed. The second Asian youth gymnastics championships will be held here In November, it was announced today The last championship was held in Tokyo in 1971 Heuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 189 28 HONGKONG, Wed. Uruguay headed for home today after a "friendly" soccer match with a Hongkong team erupted into a pitched battle with iron bars and flag sticks. The Uruguay national team had been invited to play two friendly matches with South China, a leading
      UPI  -  189 words
    • 172 28 MOSCOW, Wed. The troubled times of former English soccer idol Tommy Lawton have hit the headlines in the Soviet Union. Quoting from a Daily Telegraph article, the newspaper Russie Sovietique reported at length that the 61-year-old former striker, capped 23 times, was on the
      AFP  -  172 words
    • 178 28 P W D L F A Pt Ip«wich a 17 10 2 55 24 44 AMon Villa 2} It 6 5 50 25 42 Liverpool X 12 13 5 30 35 37 Brom 29 14 9 C 3» 2t 37 Southampton S 14 7 8 58 41 35 Annul
      178 words
    • 521 28 Holland name Rijvers as national coach ZEIST. Wed. The Dutch Soccer Association (KNVB) yesterday appointed Kees Riivers. former trainer of PSV Eindhoven and Twente Enschede. as coach of the troubled national team. Rijvers, now manager of Belgian side Beringen. replaces Jan Zwartkruis. who resigned last month following a run of
      Agencies  -  521 words
    • 114 28 MARADONA TRANSFER IN THE BALANCE Bl ENOS AIRKS, We 4. The I Ssll mlllUn (s».Bm) trmasfrr af asjeper star Meg* MaraaV nm Iran Argeatlaas Juniors to Bacs JaaJan hone vi limb* yesterday with the lacal Press gpecaiatlag that the deal might be railed off. "The transfer may have catered a
      UPI  -  114 words
    • 186 28 O'Keefe sends the Saints marching out LONDON, Wed. Everton took another step towards Wembley when they beat fellow First Division side Southampton 1-0 after extra time in an English Football Association Cup fifth-round replay yesterday. Everton earned a home I quarter-final tie with i Manchester City after a dreadful match
      AFP  -  186 words
    • 115 28 Injured toe keeps Real star out MADRID. Wed. English international Laurie Cunningham will not return to play in the Spanish League for Real Madrid this month, club sources indicated yesterday. The sources said Cunningham, who has been troubled by an injured toe for the past three months, had been ordered
      UPI  -  115 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 616 28 Jy GExVI 'LW IU KILU» I (Incorporated in Malaysia) I NOTICE OF MEETING I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of GENTING BERHAD will be held at the Theatrette, Ground Floor of Bangunan MIDF. }95A. Jalan Pekeiilmg. Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, March 1 1 1981 at 10
      616 words
    • 625 28 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Department of Extrmiral Studies I LIVING h LEARNING The Department of Extramural Studies will be conducting the following courses in the month of March 1981 Days risisinrsn TU* (ss» MANAGEMENT A ACCOUNTANCY Aa Introduction to Corporate Planssag Tue Tbu 3.3 7 00-8 30 Auditing FH ».3
      625 words

    • 543 29  -  EPSOM JEEP By PENANG. Wed "Condition Red" is on and unless the Malayan Racing Association act and act quickly the local turf will soon be swamped by Class 4 horses According to the latest MRA classification list, there are now 333 Class 4 horses,
      543 words
    • 740 29 India crash to third defeat in a row STOKE. Wed India crashed to their third consecutive defeat here last night in their five-match badminton series against E^fi»»'t India, beaten S-2 at Crawley in the openinc match and 6-1 in the second in Plymouth last week, lost t-1 this tint
      Agencies  -  740 words
    • 1188 29 IPOH, Wed A loUi of 341 horaet has been entered (or the Perak Turf Club February-March meeting here on Feb. 28. March 1, 7 and 8 The horses are for Classes 3. 4. 5 and 6 There will be eight races on the first day, and nine each
      1,188 words
    • 120 29 IVnd>|>rM«k: First •»>, t»fi*i.y, Pek. S: Cla*s J, Wvs a, aad 1 l.lMm straight; (Taas S, Wvs I aWT- \,-mm, Wvs 4, i MSI II i_- l^WaW, Smmm 4*> (MmMftvy* M*r. 1: CUas J, Wvs I aaa t l.ltfen straight mm* \jmm, Wvs S aj>d 4 l.lMsa strsight;
      120 words
    • 502 29  - Sovereign Escort II ready for the Trophy FAIRWAY By PENANG, Wed. Train- 1 er Lee Seng Hup enjoyed his best season last year when he captured three big races the Lion City Cup with Sovereign Es- 1 cort 11. the Tunku Gold Cup with Sure Am and the King's Gold
      502 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 366 29 A ONE-DAY SEMINAR NOT TO BE MISSED COMPUTER MEDORA TONG CHOW laVl bsbssbH bbsbV Th 'S is a unique seminar designed ASSOCIATES WITH TOUCIiE I WW% I to prepare computer management ROSS INTERNATIONALw.iI for one of the "growthpresent a one day seminar in Singapore industries of the 1980s. Remember on
      366 words

    • 197 30 MANILA, Wed. This year's Asian golf circuit opens here tomorrow with Singapore's Lim Kian Tiong, Lim Swee Wah and William Fung joining a field of 150 including at least 16 Japanese and 14 Americans in the Philippine Open. Kian Tiong, who finished sixth in
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 277 30 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Hassan Ali's ambition to be a serious competitor on the Asian golf circuit will soon be realised, thanks to New Straits Times sponsorship. The 30-year-old resident professional at Kuala Lumpur's Sentul Golf Club leaves for Hongkong on Saturday and after this
      NST  -  277 words
    • 178 30 AUCKLAND, Wed. The Indian bowling attack toiled hard all day without much success on the second day of their three-day match with Central Districts at McLean Park. Napier, today. The local side made 277 for seven declared in reply to the touring cricketers' first innings
      AP; AFP  -  178 words
    • 231 30  - Bahrain and Saudi for Lion City Cup JOE DOR AI By REIGNING champions Bahrain and runners-up Saudi Arabia yesterday confirmed their participation in the under-16 Lion City Cup soccer tournament, from Aug. 30-Sept. 12. Brunei have also confirmed that they will be coming, bringing to four the total number of
      231 words
    • 200 30 FAS pick under-23s for Medan tourney SINGAPORE will send their intermediate squad comprising players undar23 for the Mara Halim soccer tournament in Medan from April 24-Mav 10. reports JOE DOR Al Singapore are one of eight countries invited by the Medan Football Association to compete in this annual tournament. The
      200 words
    • 51 30 THE first round of the Castro) Alpine Autotest championship for up to 50 cars will be held at the National Stadium runway on Sunday (9 a.m.) Organised by the Singapore Motor Sports Club, cash awards worth $3,950. car stereos and pewter trophies are being offered to
      51 words
    • 291 30 PORT OF SPAIN, Wed. Rain and the dogged application of Geoff Boycott and David Gower kept alive the English cricketers' hopes of saving the First Test against the West Indies here yesterday. England go into the final day today still needing 183 to save
      291 words
    • 136 30 WINWES lit Uu> OH fee. ENGLAND lit uuh (•veraigkt IS*-?) UMek b Roberts 41 B*yr*tl c Richards b Croft 31 Roe c Haynes b Garner It) Gawer Ibw Croft 48 Miller c Murray b Croft 3 B*Uuun Ibw Croft 0 WUley Ibw Gamer 13 DmtM b Gomes 1 Kmbarry
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 91 30 NEW DELHI, Wed. An angry crowd screamed and hurled stones yesterday in the northern Indian j town of Jammu after play in a women's cricket match between India and England was abandoned because of a wet pitch. The Press Trust of India said one policeman was injured
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 40 30 I FAISAI.ABAD. Wed TBe touring under-19 Australian I cricket team lost their opening match to the Pakistan Board of Cricket Control Youth XI by 54 runs here yesterday Scores: Pakistan BCCP 247 I 7. Australian u-19 193 AFP
      AFP  -  40 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 353 30 For over 15 years now we have been specialising in .^a^flflli^^lliW hair replacement and have helped many hundreds of clients to a natural looking full head of hair again. Our mk professionally trained team of experts could easily do M the same thing for YOU! m The SVENSON SYSTEM is
      353 words

    • 374 31  -  JOE DOR AI Japanese victory does not surprise Jita By LIM TANG BOON. Singapore's regular midfielder and Footballer of the Year, is out of Saturday's Malaysia Cup-tie against Malaysian Armed Forces at the Merdeka Stadium (8 p.m.) Lim is being dropped from the
      374 words
    • 70 31 SrtMCor Joken M Sabah MAF trunur Pint Malacca Broan IMah F Territory Praut Slr»wak P W D L F A Pi 1141 U 7 M 7 4 1 1 14 1» 5 I 1 il I 7 5111 S 7 (112 5 4 7 7 1 1 2 1(
      70 words
    • 121 31 Oberoi score fourth success OBEROI IMPERIAL hotel scored their fourth straight win in the Singapore p^^iti^M Houses Football League Division One Group B when the j edged out Heli Orient 1-0 i at the Jalan Besar Sudium yesterday. Oberoi. last year's I SBHFL knockout champions, will meet Rollei in their
      121 words
    • 68 31 A SELECTION of New Zealand's top international rugby games will be shown at Shangri-La Hotel's Golden Peacock lounge every evening until March 8. The Video Parade, in con junction with the Hotel's New Zealand Food Festival, will feature matches between New Zealand and the British Isles Scotland.
      68 words
    • 39 31 ST. PATRICK'S trounced Swiss Cottage Secondary W> in a national schools Under- 16 tennis match yesterday. In other matches, St. Gabriel's beat St. Joseph's Institution 4-1. and Upper Serangnon Technical beat Thomson Secondary M
      39 words
    • 179 31  -  HAKIKATRAI By HITACHI DOCKYARD and Rheem Hume drew 11 in a Singapore Business Houses Football League Division Two match at the Toa Payoh Stadium 1 yesterday. Rheem drew first blood when Salim Samion j scored in the 27th minute after Pannirselvam, the Hitachi goalkeeper, collided with
      179 words
    • 322 31  - Singapore women shine in opening round WILFRED YEO By THE first groups of foreign bowlers arrived yesterday for the Cycle and Carriage Queen's tournament at Jackie's System 460. but most of them not taking part until today. Singapore women dominated the proceedings And showing the way was 21-year-old Narisa Praleep.
      322 words
    • 27 31 WHAMPOA edffed out Aaaoa 32 la tfcdr BMcr-coaaUtueary I Seaaen Estate lan aafbt Otter 1 1 anil I Paya Irtmi bt TeJak ~--ia-- M. Taaajaaa*
      27 words
    • 236 31  -  R MANORAJ By SELETAR Sports Club had to put up with robust play by Bedok Constituen cy before beating them 3-1 in a Barker Trophy under 30 hockey match at Balestier Road yesterday The skilful Seletar side went into the land in the third minute through
      236 words
    • 64 31 THE AngioOiinear School's annual Put versus Present gaiws festival will be >ld on Saturday and Sunday at the Anglo-Chinese Junior Canty in Dover Close East. The games will feature badminton, chess, tennis, basketball, netball and soccer on Saturday. Table tennis. squash, hockey, volleyball and rugby will be
      64 words
    • 304 31  - Sevens team chosen for training KEN J ALLEH Jr. By EIGHTEEN players have been selected to keep up with their training for the Cathay Pacific Airways Hongkong International seven-a-side rugby championships on March 28-29. They are Andrew /Chin, Frank Kwok, Song Koon Poh, Teo Han Chua, Derek Rodrigues, Ong Poh
      304 words
    • 164 31 AMIS SAKIMAN, *ac af BU«ap»re yMth ssaaaVs laspreaMve strikers, wUI mrnke his aaUiaal team 4ehat whea the Rtpabttr taee Jaaa* at the Nattaaal ntisfaai tsatfht (t»). Asala JshW the aattsaal iiqaad trahshsg last week aaaer the apprentice seaetae ialtUUMi ay maaa«eresachjata Statrh U JeveUp taleatesi Strikers
      164 words
    • 105 31 ■OWUNC Omo'i Imt- iiiwl: (Jackie 4tO. 9 30) ■OCKEY Wwslii: Singapore national junior aaaafl v SIA Group iTanglin. 5). IA v PARC (Baieatier Road. s) MCCOI laagiaw Baat—m Ink I nag— Uv. I SBS v SLA Croup I JaJaa Baaar Stadium. 4 30 1 Hacaaar* (iavrnuaeal Mer>»ea» Laicae:
      105 words
    • 126 31 Umpires' course by mail likely A CORRESPONDENCE course for hockey umpires was suggested by Singapore Hockey Association president Mansor Haji Sukhaimi at a recent seminar, reports HAKIkAT RAJ. Mansor made the suggestion following poor refto a hockey umcourse conducted by the Singapore Council and the The course would enable the
      126 words
    • 296 31 Good day for rugby as SCC win SCC 13 SAFRA 10 PIT two teams whose rivalry is so intense that every legitimate knock is fraught with suspicion and you have two sides whose lust for victory is so powerful that only good rugby flows for the full match. Such was
      296 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 717 31 BLOCK OFFER 3787/ PER ANNUM including 24.84% tax-free capital growth with The Savings Fund Units! This is what investors who purchased units of The Savings Fund at $1.00 per unit as a long-term investment during the initial period in Jury 1965 have obtained for themselves. The Managers, Singapore Unit Trusts
      717 words

  • 247 32 Brezhnev's speech to be shorter than usual MOSCOW Wed Soviet officials yesterday indicated that President Leonid Brezhnev 74. would open nert week's Communist Party congress with a much shorter than usual speech an apparent i !■> fimi to the party secretary's failing health By recent tradition, the Kremlin leader's keynote
    UPI  -  247 words
  • 32 32 NEW YORK. Wed The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial issues roar 3.07 to 942 75 in the first half-hour of trading on the New York Slork Exchange today AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 176 32 A l»-YEAsVOU> KUIpJ M statart t «f a rrwwd toward Pwte J«ha Pml D yesterday, parking SMBBeatary lean «f a* imariiiflirt nttript Ua Cahataf., a tearlav year ktlMJrail rartami la* itadest at theTaJvwally af the rhlllashiiia. naiad toward the ftpe aa he flalshed iHrndM raaiaaada af
    AP  -  176 words
  • 447 32  - SBS urged to reconsider cheaper fares EDMUND TEO, By Transport reporter THE Communications Ministry has asked the Singapore Bus Service to reconsider its decision not to give concession fares to old folk during off-peak hours. According to the Communications Minister, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, SBS has yet to reply to
    447 words
  • 38 32 JOHANNESBURG. Wed The government today launched > major crackdown on nonwhites living in "Whites Only areas in Johannesburg and has set up special courts to deal with blacks who enter white areas without a valid permit UPI.
    UPI  -  38 words
  • 29 32 ISLAMABAD. Wed Afghan President Babrak Karmal new to the Soviet Union today, Radi^ Kabul, monitored here, reported The radio gave no explanation (or the unexpected visit. -AFP
    AFP  -  29 words
  • 488 32 SOME 10,000 Thai troops and police have launched operations in Southern Thailand to uproot communist guerillas entrenched there for several years, senior security officials said today. Thai Police Department secretary, Major-General Prachak Bunnag, said in the Southern Thai city of Nakhon Si
    Reuter  -  488 words
  • 73 32 JOHORE BARU. Wed. Malaysian lorry dr-ver Low Kee Nam's daily trips into Singapore on worn-out tyres seemed innocent enough. It was the return jo irney on new ones that brought him before the court here on charges of avoiding payment of import duties. Malaysian customs found that
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 225 32 r EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES COMMENCING MARCH 1981 PROGRAMME I BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME II PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Module 1 General Management Module 1 Manpower Planning Personnel Module 2 Personnel Management Selection Module 3 Management Accounting Finance Module 2 Local Labour Laws Module 4 Production Management Module 3 Wage Salary Administration Module 5
      225 words
    • 415 32 THOMSON'S OVERSEAS Mortgages at 9 p.c. Thomsons Overseas, an independent company. can otter a vanet> of facilities through leading international banks M suit your individual requirements. One leading bank offers the following items: Gross interest rale 3 per cent over months Swiss Inierbank Rate currently 6 per cent A minimum
      415 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 199 32 UP TO 1 p.m. TODAY: Mainly fair TEMP. (I) up to C ».m. tomorrow: 32 max., 24 mln. SUNSET today: «.51 p.m.; SUNRISE tomorrow: C47 a.m GLOBAL weather Anartrrtea 2 5C Cloudy Lai Aacctoa 17 29C Clear A«a*aa 5 8C Rain Ma«rM -1 9C Clear Bahrala 17 :C Cloudy Maoila
      199 words

    • 2 1 SECTION TWO
      2 words
    • Bilingual page
      • 613 1 By BILINGUAL PAGE STAFF THE West has Charlie Chaplin. The East has its •wn version in LEONG SENG POH, a jolly lat man who had given us lets *f laughs and songs in the STs. This veteran Cantonese actor died last Thursday. The Straits Times Bilingual
        613 words
      • Article, Illustration
        56 1 mumm±& Jl^tt^AtJft^ **£^tt K tT»HcfHa-«Jt« ft) *R#tf*96tt ft***f«»»e= a.'ftsrw** «k* ft* ft-» »ftHl*ffi X«l:rVfK«tt^ff T^ft-tA S*^* w«? -a»*.»- ft ftls*ttAtt«sfc ffii Hit/-* £*efi^ii« it* U.«lilj«*«MlgißW atate** iHA-Wtt^ftaSß^ X fftASJ«ttW h <a»U4t*» WIHF- ttSU "flll *%mwsi£i3 tts«ep A aa h* 1 •»tfl4'H ««A ft «ttWA»«ii» o aitzaitwifrt *ttW A° aftitft*A&m ft*
        56 words
      • 404 1  - Chinese surnames The rise to prominence GRACE WONG By HUANG is an important surname in South China as there are many people in this clan. The Huang clan ranks fourth among the five main Chinese clans, the others being Chen, Li, Zhang and He. But this must be a rather
        404 words
      • 86 1 *Att¥£*nfiW 4Usfi3=*e 4*3£ &s&fi am%?& ttXtti*fr «fttt*m an** TCJiJ* A BtX&»i«J »«rfl*A »Xft ttg*; i*EttWA ttXfc£ttlil° *£&<*>»**• ScXfctt «X#W«#); Bit ffiHfeis£*» &X& *X**«« ik^iAfn**^* &LiW.«» <■*;*&&#. «AB«'*«lf *g±-it#iuA- m& m& o 4UDM F" tfj #*rJl*tt*fl2A£* ~2ot rf*fc»* *A WWttfc «LttfS! *»M*^ fft g> <fe]*gj* &A> *iS6 (AH? «:-£«> <H«i-}e it>
        86 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 359 1 jj||||jjjl|j|j||jjj|flj|||^^^^^^ ssjsss^ssssjs^ssss^ssj n ti |H I V li^^^MMM llliniO^^^l I Kif!aMff!»^ 105 2009 18 B li- ooa33 J^J ■Hll|lTti|npTlllft ■■K^A^gg|^^^^^x^^^^^^^^^^^|^^^^^g^H BsssssSSSSSSSSSS^l^^^^^^M m,(umiw, »SSS^, y^ I SSj I I^BBB^^b tvo^rtZli*-f o—^ J3 Uloll IC-OO y The Five Star Travellers Cheque H TS/ r o^isstiiiiiillllilllMMP*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Available in dollars and stcrling-and welcomed world-wide
        359 words
      • 90 1 Simple cartooning If y*o have tke ability v captare tke esseoce «f a sttaadMii a tlmy eapsulr «f laaghler, tan to Pag* 5 Tarot tourney D* ym thißk y«« have tke makiags af Siagapwe's Tar*t champiwir If you d«, y»u w«at wait to miss what Jalut De Smu has to
        90 words
    • 558 2  -  MARLENE KITTS Battf* Bfond Th« Stars Now showina at Caoilol I'VE done more fight ing than I've seen ok! movies and that's saying something.' says Cowboy (George Peppard). a mercenary fighter in Hollywood's latest galactic adventure. Battle Beyond The Stars. The film in fad is full
      558 words
    • 884 2 PICK of the DAY V_ 8oC 5 THE Tfcantoy Pnlnt Special (Ch 5, 10.15 p.m.) film is called Crime Club, starring Lloyd Bridges, Barbara Rush. Victor Buono and Paul Burke. A private detective, investigating the fatal car crash of an old friend's son. suspects murder or But his efforts to
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 76 2 «3 rm*s* mm, Bu.< I r«ats> aMt ■*•< FUfCksrtßMri ."T I tkssStsss HONG SENG STATIONERY ft SPORTS INDUSTRIES Nos 76/76A, SERANGOON GARDEN WAY. SINGAPORE 1955 TEL. *****34, *****5. To all Video Recorder owners Open House Cefemony Today Itr Trrelo.3oam-9.30pm \\fe Open/ Today, v 1 Come see us for further details
        76 words
      • 216 2 Shortageof computer personnel H|HB|^BMH|M^fl nart dl fc _>« j ,\»m r&iutt aw .am b* to tk* i»M" -BE A COMPUTER PROFESSIONAL Computers nowadays play essential roles in the management systems of commerce, industry and the government. This means an ever growing demand for a special breed of trained and qualified
        216 words
      • 24 2 Musk on the move f Compact Portable Radio Cassette Recorder rrv 5135^:::!^ ■If I J VT^ Rack JQ|lf^^^Sa^ 1 Sin Heng Radio Electric Traders
        24 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 194 2 TALK (Mandarin) on Family Planning For Newlyweds, by Mr Chan Chong Meng, at Main Lecture Theatre, 1st Floor, Dept of Social Medicine and Public Health, NUS. Outram Hill, 7.30 p.m. EXHIBITION, of French Medallions and Contemporary Posters, at National Museum Art Gallery, daily 9 a.m. 5.30 p.m. until March 1.
        194 words
      • 226 2 Straits Times Crossword ACWMB 5 Twtaaaj to the ri«tit num1 Hold up null In the capital' ber is up (T) <s'7'5 7 6 100 mph by train or an old car 8 Anti-European perhaps ruins (7) H!!j? irOp^ <7 1 ordered ror a 9 Opening night In gaud> trim .jowbch
        226 words
      • 1166 2 TV and Radio SBC 5 3.M PM Ope*! foftmed by The Youni And The Restless 6 35 The °f Superman All 3.25 The Re** Swordsman (r > 7O OC.^£ 4.05 The Slor, Of EhcM* The jj £55) Greeks to Franklin 7 M y^ ince,** Hu* Behind The 4.20 Diary of
        1,166 words
      • 1217 3 AMUStCAL gmuu i MOMENTS For many people, music appreciation lessons in their youth were dry and dull. Nobody ever showed them that music could be colourful, exciting even funny. Was it because the teachers were as bored as they were boring? The SSO's series of six
        1,217 words
      • 786 3 TAROT TOURNAMENT At ttw Allianc* Francais*. F«b 28, 7 p.m Register before F«b 27 at Alliance Counter 7, Free Prevtaw d by JOHN DE SO U Z A SAY Tirol, and most people would imagine ancient, wrinkled fortune-tellers squinting at old
        786 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 348 3 MINOLTA XD-7 The first multi-mode SLR Three exposure variants in This alone makes the XD-7 a one camera remarkable engineering feat 2525 E *P° SU 'f KS, information with Aperture Priority. v .ewf.n<ter with LED Display and Automatic Exposure our newly developed super-bright with Shutter Speed acute matte focussing screen
        348 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 543 4 l<^!»^*jC^B^^^Bia^W^^^^^^^""~^t /V ~^r^^^^^^^^^aaß^B**lßß^^!.^B»aatAw^ It 1 iaf' aJ Bp^T^J^^ J^ B^aflßßßk. bßt^^bT >4t^^ v _4<^ N Law w hmwf 4H V S T 'P^r iff "A a L B^BBBT V *aV"*i^*l^H aft^Bßßi ■^bb B bTbßbl Ua^w^aT ■«_< i flr B 9 J < 4^ INO COVER CHARGE \M g ,ft r
        543 words
      • 535 4 jSa^TWEJffRK ITB iiiiiiniiiciiiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiniiii PALACE ZENITH and QUEENSTOWN MOW SHOWING' PALACE LAST DA Y at 1.10. IX. 7 15. lOpm Q IJO 3 M. 7 IS. JOpw Z: 1 JO. 3 10 7 15 »1Sp«l ALMKjHTy mf/SffaSl r t mUßfjus rnm«' Com P O^ENS TOMOMPJOWI SUM>AH»C.BI{IIAHaAtH" KALLAHG Z2£» OPENS TOOAYI 1
        535 words
      • 312 4 3 (2S32SM) 5 SHOWS at 11am. 130. 4630 a 9 00pm < A MANHUNT of Indescribable 5 terror A screaming suspense! ji.! STEVE 3 mcqueen m^. j HUXTER <1 jp"; REX: LAST FEW DAYS! (*****42) 5 SHOWS at: 1 1am. 1 .30. 4. 6.30 9. 15 on> of the ai-Hme
        312 words
      • 489 4 OHC»WISATI»W ■a;»^»i3.»-4.rc^! d m 1 B MY YOUMG AUNTIE m LOVERS *LAOE Ktf.i aimiwm>a-->i.-vi I I BATTLE WVONO THE ST S I MY YOUMG AUNTIE B] "Hl:))l;ll*gl|.m.^l lln«.« ST 4rx V 6V 6 45 9i 5 ■B| MY YOUNG AUNTIE g life Op«» Tomo>- "LOVERS BLADt b>l Ji l fTTPT
        489 words
      • 623 5 Have you always envied the ability of Lat? Do you have a secret longing to put pen to paper and produce a few laughs? ANITA EVANS talks to a cartoonist who's starting a course to teach beginners the first steps to his art. IF A cartoonist were to
        623 words
      • 817 5 If a female plumber came to fix your leaking tap, would you be surprised? In America, more and more women are beginning to make in-roads into male-dominated areas of trade. MICHAEL DECOURCY HINDS reports. NEW YORK: Five years ago. when Jane Kelley needed minor
        NYT  -  817 words
      • 496 5  -  ALJEAN HARMETZ E LUNCH in Hollywood as in any cat pot ate maze means a multitude of thugs. What you eat is the least of them Actually, one studio executive says. "If we're getting close to the deal, close to saying: 'Let's have the lawyers in. I'll lerve
        NYT  -  496 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 239 5 GOODNEWS! Newstpcksof LIVING PROOF' lavearrived! Yxi'll be able to get your complete IJVINGPRLXF*adncare j System at all Max Factor MLC Living Proof counters now X^thankyou for your 1 j§j^. r t^ Not promises. LIVING PROOR^^fcT' WSkincare System by m/jxROOR S*As«: iAIMH ASSOCIATED IMPORTERS (S) PTE LTD. bOnafl (A—tgcJtWJUlor—Gro^orfr^, ■in) CONTROLE
        239 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 1326 6 i^^^^^^ii^^k^ Kodoh C&m&nt Sdn.Dhd* Perutusan dari: _«aH^^ Y.A.B. Dato 1 Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, I Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Perdagangan dan Perusahaan. Saya terlebih dahulu mengucapkan langkah-langkah yang positif akan diambil tempatan. lanya merupakan projek pertama I setinggi tahniah kepada Kedah Cement Sdn. untuk mendirikan sebuah kilang untuk dilancarkan
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 771 7 Today, we are proud to announce the Inauguration of our joint-venture cement manufacturing project to be established on Pulau Langkawi Kedah. Kedah Cement SdnJßhd List of Directors: Executive Board of Directors: We IOOk forward to Sharing a YAB DATUK SERI SYED NAHAR BIN TIJN SYED SHEH YAB DATUK SERI SYED
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    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 250 8 Kedah Cement Sdn.Dhd. on the occasion of the Signing Ceremony of a joint-venture agreement in Kuala Lumpur today from <]|f> Kawasho Corporation Office: Main Office: Room 702. 7th Floor. Sun Complex. Tokyo Jalgn Bukit Bmtang, World Trade Centre Bldg Kuala Lumpur 06-20 4-1. Hamamatsu-cho 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tel *****0 *****0 Tokyo.
        250 words
      • 201 8 Kedoh Cement Sdn.Dhd. on the occasion of the Signing Ceremony of a joint-venture agreement in Kuala Lumpur today from TAISHO MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. Registered Head Office: 2nd Floor. Straits Trading Building. 4. Leboh Pasar Besar. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kedah Cement SdnJMid on the occasion of the
        201 words
    • 1117 9 Strange religion* and rituals and that annoying custom called tipping these and more can make a Japanese' tour painful. Sanpei Sato comes to the rescue with helpful hints in his book, Shin: Sumahto-na Ninon jin (New Edition: The Well-mannered Japanese Tourist). NOBUKO HASHIMOTO, writing
      1,117 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 15 9 For fI<MMcH-*dwf» Mt K*MA I oong a^Bavawsß)*; V\ i Hi** I Bfl aa^^Wt^P^MlMl 'sr ■a|^^^^^^^^uv
        15 words
      • 174 9 PKNK wish to express their sincere gratitude to YAB Dato Seri DrMahathir Mohamad SSDK(lfeclah).SPMS(SelaTgof).SSAP(Pahang) SPMJ(Johore).DKSaavrak) Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry, Malaysia and YBM TengkuTanSri Razaleigh Hamzah SPSMK(lfelantan) i PSM DK(Kelantan) Minister of Finance for their indispensable support and encouragement which made possible the successful inauguration of
        174 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 909 10 VO/PW PRIVATE LTD VO8P€R PWVATt LIMITED is on mternotonal company engoged m the design, construction and repo* of sophtsticoted mAtory shqjs We nvite oppfccattons from turtabty qualified/ experienced candidates to M the totowmg voconoes m our stvpyard A) HULL/OUTFIT DRAUGHTSMEN The Hud Outfit Draughtsmen ore required to prepare detailed structural
        909 words
      • 595 10 fSOHI^ Career opportunities back home The rapKiexpanswn of Sc*i» Petroleum Houston and Dates. The company seeks Company, the exploration and production highry qualified professionate. who have company of Standard Oil Company (Oho). promotion potential, with a rrwumum of lour has created a number of career years experience opportunities n San
        595 words
      • 839 10 An established Johore-based company with diversified manufacturing and marketing operations invites applications from Malaysian citizens for the following positions:Personal Assistant To The Chief Executive (Ref: AIMS 01-1) The successful candidate will be a self-starter capable of working independently and will be required to provide efficient support to the Chief Executive.
        839 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 562 11 ff [tß]emetron P (Private) Limited. j Our Scfaoelkr Division. manufacturer of ruth grade Printed Circuit Boards now in a ■ew phase of its recruitment programme. We invite applications from highly -motivated and dynamic individuals to fil the following wmor positions: QC ENGINEER Age 28 years and above. Possess a Physic
        562 words
      • 546 11 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN CONSTRUCTION An established building contractor invites applications few the following positions ■ITE ENGINEER Ptonnmg, supervision ond control of the piling works undertaken by the Compony and the subsequent supervision of the building structural works Qualification A Degree m Civil Of Structural Engineering with ot least two yeors
        546 words
      • 876 11 Our client, a member of a progressive group of International companies engaged In the manufacture Of electrical ft plastic products, wishes fo appoint a: GENERAL MANAGER EXPATRIATE (Ret: ROO3/81) The successful candidate, who will report direct to the principal either in the United Kingdom or Australia will be wholly responsible
        876 words
      • 564 11 I ITEM CAPACITY I Punch Press 120 tons, 60 tons. 35 tons. 45 tons, 8 tons (3 units) I Spot Welding 50 KW (2 units) I Machine I Straightener 10 MM x 200 MM (2 units) I I Cradle 1200 KG (3 units) I Pneumatic feed (22") 3MM x 130
        564 words
    • 1460 12 Every Tuesday morning, 20 businessmen gather in the New York Stock Exchange dining room for a Bible study and prayer session. Elsewhere in the city, more than 30 other groups meet separately each week to confront the pressures of the corporate world with and
      NYT  -  1,460 words
    • 636 12  -  SEIICHI KANISE By TOKYO: Hyper-tense animals unable to cope with the hustle and bustle of city life in Tokyo are joining their masters for yoga classes. Cats, dogs, goats, raccoons, chimps, even a bird or two, are being brought by their loving owners for regular lessons in
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 633 12 W 4 VXt t f^iaSaMaar^^JaaaaaaaMr fl aav^- j -< |4^ r trf~^B jtftOt I «y^^W^aaaT>^aaaaaaaaaaal Sc atV M j^ v |^j^- ~'"^r"^*"'^l a^/*"^^T^^^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»air' J^fliT^»^J .jßßßßk"^^^^^a^^^ L2>%^*'9bb^^^bbbbbbbl|bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^bbbbbl PHYSOM. f# I EDWARD ARNOLD: Studies in English Literature ENGLISH LITERATURE X)' LEVEL M Shakespeare Hamlet $8 65 SLaflfeaM aMaßaft^arHaffelßlP Tempest $3.25 COLES NOTES
        633 words